#yes this does relate to the person that I think is super cute-
I have an Anime meet-up at my local library and I’m worried abt what outfit I should pick, any ideas?
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alicedash2 · 1 year
Hello Alice 👋. I've been reading your work's (mainly the whitebeard crew and ace one's) and I have to say , I really love your writing! I see the request is still open, so if you don't mind me... What if whitebeard has a biologically related daughter? How would the crew treat her? ( Also if it's ok with you, can you make it Ace x whitebeard's daughter?). That's all from me... Thank you (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Hello, my dear! Very much thank you! 💗♥️💗♥️💗♥️💗♥️
I hope I did what you wanted, I hope you like it!
Whitebeard x Biological Daughter! ( And Ace x Biological Whitebeard Daughter)
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Ah, to be the biological son of the great Whitebeard, what a privilege!
Firstly, she will be treated like a queen on the ship whether she likes it or not, because she is a person very dear to the crew, and still, there are fights that she is going to marry the great daughter of Whitebeard, but, Whitebeard or it is very well and protests, saying that he will choose who will be the suitor
- as your father, I know who your boyfriend or husband should be-
- you can't always be like this! I will choose myself! -
- you are very rebellious! I didn't raise you like that!-
But! Already super cute father-daughter moments, he doesn't let anyone touch his daughter, as well as the crew members who are always with YN, flirting and playing pickup lines, if that's a teenager to an adult!
If it's a child
It will be pure sweetness, everyone is playing and having fun, Whitebeard spoils his daughter whenever he gets the chance, always telling her that he loves her and that she is the most beautiful girl in the oceans!
Thatch makes her favorite dishes, always to see smile and laugh
Everyone loves Whitebeard's little daughter, as she is more appreciated than the Empress Boa Hancock, not least because, obviously, she is Whitebeard's biological daughter.
The crew doesn't let anyone flirt with YN! Only they can!
And my friend, if YN shows up crying or hurt, they'll turn the planet upside down!
Marco is always taking care of YN's health, the call for exams every week and cried if YN is fine,
Izou likes to groom YN, make her up and dress her in beautiful clothes.
Ace, Thatch are the main flirts, but if they pray they take a cuckoo from Whitebeard when he catches them
Haruta likes to share secrets, talk and play with YN
Vista lets YN wear her hat and play with her mustache
Anyway, she is the princess of the ship, no one touches her, she just admires with her eyes, while her guards protect her! Like that 💗♥️💞
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Ace takes a lot of risks, he flirts when Whitebeard is not around, but, whenever possible, he invites the captain's daughter to go out with Ace, which causes envy and even fights over who will go out with the captain's daughter. captain, so in the end, the captain's daughter ends up staying on the ship or going out alone
Ace thinks Whitebeard doesn't know, but he does know that Ace is head over heels in love with YN, always spoiling her with gifts, sweets and sharing her food!
One day, Whitebeard wanted to talk to Ace alone.
- Yes,Pops?-
- I saw that you are dating my daughter -
- ...forgive me- -
- no. -
- Hm? -
- just, take care of her, I trust her to you, Ace, I don't care if they go out or date, I trust that you can take care of her -
Ace's eyes had never lit up so much, fire seeping from his body with emotion.
Until one day, Ace was rehearsing how to confess his feelings, until he had an idea.
On the island where the boat anchored, as usual, Ace and YN went out, went to bars, restaurants and other places, until when night came and they were returning to the ship, Ace stopped and held YN's hand.
- what it was?-
-YN, I need to tell you something-
YN already suspected, but didn't want to say anything so as not to spoil the friendship
- say it-
- I love you, very much!-
Ace's face turned red, his body waiting for some flames and anxiously waiting for the answer, which, was a peck on the lips, making Ace explode with emotion.
- you're a cutie, Ace! I love you too, Ace! -
Ace his legs shake, YN, seeing Ace's situation, laughs and hugs him
Ace felt YN's gentle hands on his back, sliding up and down smoothly, making Ace's body fall in relief and in love, but in the end, Ace gave lots of kisses and affection and received lots of kisses and affection
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isa-ghost · 5 months
Any specifically avian related qphil headcanons? I love that Phil being a bit more birdy is canon in the qsmp but whenever we get lore about it its angst
/I don't know why I'm asking if you have any, I know you got them /
*cupping my hands together and holding them out*
/give em here/
/pretty pleasee/
Oh fuck yeah man. I have an angel OC based off Phil, I've got PLENTY of avian headcanons >:)
Previous Headcanon Sets (x8)
MORE: Avian Edition
I've stated it in a prev set I think, but if you put this man in water his wings will sometimes involuntarily flap like he's in a birdbath. It's somewhat of a stim, bird brain just goes "you gotta."
I've also stated before that when he's stressed, his wings will flap kinda like the way someone might nervously shake out their hands.
Another restate, sometimes his laughs and startled yelps sound almost like squawks. Also his hiccups. It's very rare, but whenever it happens, he gets teased for it. Especially by Etoiles.
Another restate, sometimes his echolalia is his bird brain mimicking a sound he heard if it scratches an itch.
Yknow what just skim the previous headcanon sets I linked bc I talk so much about his wings & what he does with them & how he communicates using them. All those apply here.
Obligatory mirror and windows struggles mention.
Obligatory molting & preening struggles when stressed mention.
We've all seen the way he perches above everyone. It's probably his most prominent/noticeable avian trait.
Apparently camomile calms birds down. If this fool liked hot drinks, he'd have another way to settle his anxiety.
His obsession with noodles got him accused by Tubbo of enjoying them bc bird brain likes worms. He was NOT pleased. Almost gagged.
As long as you're careful around his wings, he LOVES back rubs. (It's bc the dumbass mf slept in that damn chair too much so now his back riots)
DO NOT THE WINGS. Petting them is one thing, he loves when Tallulah hugs them, he thinks it's cute. But omg do not dig your fingers into his feathers. They're very sensitive. And that could mean tickling OR pain.
However if you gently do it, his wings will spread a little and his feathers poof up, which is kinda funny. It's like how if you touch a cat's foot the right way, their toes will spread out to present The Beans(tm). Blessed.
He likes to gift his shedded feathers to people he trusts. Chayanne, Tallulah & Missa each have one. Although he's extremely close with Etoiles and Fit, he feels too awkward to give one to them yet. Feels a little too intimate.
Gift giving in general is a HUGE part of his love language though. Crow brain must give shiny things to people he loves yesyes.
Bird zoomies!! Wings poof up, he starts hopping all over the place like a big dork. He'd fly all over too, if he could.
Bobs his head to music. Those videos of pet birds dancing? That's Phil babey!!
Another one of his fave bits is pretending to understand and have a full-on conversation with birds. Loves pretending to gossip with them right in front of the person he & the bird(s) are "gossiping" about. However the crows he DOES understand & gossip with.
When he can fly, he's an expert at dive-bombing targets like a bird of prey. It's TERRIFYING. And very attractive depending on who you are (*cough* Missa *cough*)
Tallulah once tried to test if throwing a blanket over his head would make him fall asleep like how if you put a blanket over a bird's cage they'll think it's night time and go to bed. It didn't work. He was very confused.
Birds whenever they're happy to see you will stretch their wings out like "Hello yes!" Phil do happy wing stretches when he see the kids :D
His hearing and eyesight are fucking amazing. The only reason he's able to be snuck up on is bc he hyperfocuses on things or the things that sneak up on him are super fast.
Rare Isa Fluffy Headcanon: He make blanket nests.
When stressed or overwhelmed, he'll wrap his wings around himself or raise them to shield his head. He doesn't do this so much after his wings were clipped & injured. They hurt too much.
100% will spread his wings all the way out (when they aren't hurting a lot) to look more threatening towards enemies. They almost autopilot do it when he's angry, but if they hurt too much they'll stop. He's pissed they don't look as threatening after The Federation clipped his wings
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ecto-gorper · 2 months
it’s me again… guess who i’m requesting….. THATS RIGHT PEST *insert loud correct buzzer sound*
pest with a gn!reader whos very possessive of him
for some elaboration. the reader loves him to death and they get VERY jealous when pest is interacting with someone other than them. and if pest shows even a slight distaste for the conversation reader is strolling on in and cussing that person out and scaring them away but literally two seconds after the reader is the sweetest person in the world to pest
🗨️ a/n: OKAY BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING i am SO SO SO sorry this took so long .. !! THIS WAS REALLY FUN TO WRITE THANK YOU FOR MORE PEST REQUESTS <3 kinddd of projecting here a tad bit because I have bpd and heavily relate to this so umm teehee giggles
🗒️notes: gender neutral reader ofcofc, not really anything else huhhh reader is bpd coded a little me thinks
🪲Pest x A very possessive S/O ⋆.˚
The beetle boy finds your behavior amusing. He likes watching you scare strangers off with a stern stare or a more... ‘bold’ approach (barking 100% teehee). Although Pest can handle anyone bothering them with ease, they like to sit back and watch you work your magic. Not only do they find it cute, but your methods work 99.99% of the time soooo BONUS!!!
Your quickly changing attitude can be a little confusing for them but Pest is a very adaptable person which makes everything a whooooole lot easier. Since you’re quite the unpredictable person, Pest likes to play a little game with themself in their head and guess what you’re going to do next. And fyi he’s usually wrong. NEVER LET THEM KNOW YOUR NEXT MOVE 😎
Pest can be hard to read so it’s a little unclear whether he’s being neutral or actually irritated, so you have a little look you give each other as an okay for you to step in. Though if Pest is obviously bothered by someone you’re going right up to them and doing what you do best without warning
They enjoy your sweet side, too. The way you pamper him and give him your undivided attention makes him feel like the only person in the WORLD. Pest doesn’t show his appreciation through words but more so through actions. Swiping something you wanted but couldn’t afford off a store’s shelf, silently listening to you vent or rant WITHOUT offering unsolicited sarcastic advice, or even burning your favorite music onto a cd. Yes they know how to do that
If you manage to get your hands on any electronics Pest will ALSO gladly pirate games and movies for you too. As long as he can play them ofcofc, that stuff’s hard to come by in the elevator
Pest isn’t much different from you in a way. If the roles are reversed and someone happens to be annoying YOU... if you haven’t already handled it, Pest 100% will. Though they don’t have to put in much effort to be intimidating, it’s all the same. You get really really visibly happy whenever he does it and that’s one definite way you can get the beetle to blush lol
Honestly there’s nothing Pest doesn’t like about your possessiveness. It’s just a big bonus in dating you. Sometimes you can get a little too ahead of yourself and get way too heated, but that’s nothing Pest can’t fix with a little kiss :]
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the-slasher-files · 1 year
I just discovered how much of a little btch König can be and how full of sass he is *sobbing* is it ok if I make another request of domestic life hcs for him? Much love <3
This is so cute and perfect for König, I think about him just being at home and being comfortable a lot lol... Hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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Although it may take him a while to adjust to sharing his domestic life with another person, Konig is more than happy to. He loves the domestic life off base just with you.
In particular, you notice how much he likes his peace and quiet, you expected that his apartment was in the busy city of Vienna, that was until he drove you out a few hours and into a calm, small, idyllic town amongst the rolling hills. Konig did in fact still live in an apartment when you discovered his own world away from work but, it was not flashy nor glamorous, it was cozy and tidy. The neighbours were quiet and it was somewhere he could melt away.
Speaking about his home, when you two have been together for a number of years and move in, Konig wants to find a place for you both, his end goal in life is to have a sweet, humble home in the countryside, backing into the forests and having the Austrian mountains tower above in the background. There is something about being away from the hustle and bustle, away from the loud noises and people that stare at him for his height and intense gaze that he needs. It lowers his anxiety and he feels at home away from it all and it is harder to find triggers that relate to work in the middle of nowhere.
It is no secret that Konig can never stay still, his hands fidget and his leg often bounces as he sits, however, you notice that it happens less out here. He still plays with his sleeves and whatever he holds but it is only if something is touching his hands. Konig will tense up his long legs and then quickly releases as he has comfortable space to stretch them out without being in the way, even his shoulders are dropped softly. You never realized just how tense he was the whole time on base.
Mornings are his favourite with you by far. Seeing the warm sun peak over the trees, shining through the windows and dance across your skin. He takes his time to admire you in all aspects as he hugs you close within strong arms, König's fingers flutter across your skin so gently despite what he does in battle, tucking your hair away from your face and bringing the blanket up to your neck. If he is feeling a little restless, König will let you sleep soundly, heading out to the kitchen and making you both your favourite coffee with his super expensive barista-level coffee machine (yes he's a coffee snob lol) and the big guy often likes to step outside on the back porch watching the sunrise, hearing the birds, seeing a few deer and taking in slow deep breathes.
König won't admit it, but he is pretty clingy when he's home with you, making the most of every day with you and just being obsessed with your entire self. Large hands are always within your reach, usually one resting softly on your hip, a thumb stroking your lower ribs, and he leans down to kiss your crown. Laying on the couch, azure eyes rather watch you than watch whatever movie he put on, slender yet strong fingers massaging you, tangling in your hair. Being in a job where he doesn't know if he will ever return, König makes you his number one priority through and through.
Suddenly when your soldier is home, that regular independence like moving the furniture by yourself, or changing the fitted sheets without help, or even reaching for a cup from the top shelf has vanished. It is not because you cannot do those things by yourself, you know you can and do them often without him, however, having a man that is extremely strong, tall and constantly observing you, looking to help in any way he can, makes that side of you vanish.
He begs to hear his name fall off your tongue like honey "Konnnig, baby, I can't reach the plates" and he is there in an instant.
Although there are those days when Konig needs to just be alone, and his alone doesn't mean actually alone, he just needs to be in the other room or not to talk, getting used to the normalcy that is civilian life again. Going for months on end, surrounded by people and the sounds of war, being a battering ram and trying so desperately to protect the innocent is hard on anyone, mentally and physically, especially when it just stops so suddenly. Most days when Konig needs his space, you keep to yourself, going about everyday normal activities like cleaning the living room and bathrooms, humming softly to the low music but you always notice the gentle gaze upon your body as he follows you like a ghost without a word. He will speak when he is ready and you never push it.
Konig's closet is your closet and he means that way more than you know. Every day he wishes you were draped in one of his shirts, even if it looked like a dress on you, it was his favourite look. The possessive side in the dark corners of his brain grew each time you'd wear something of his, wanting to just pounce on you.
Speaking of clothes, Konig is actually a great dresser when off the field. For him, it feels amazing to get out of the cargo pants and uniform, switching into jeans, cool sneakers and a bomber jacket or long wool coat, even sometimes some cool glasses. The Austrian likes comfortable and casual, something he could still kill someone in.
Also, Konig loves animals more than people. Everything he sees on the job and even does himself has twisted his belief in humanity, animals would never do such things. The only thing in his head that stops him from getting pets is that he is never home, only if his s/o really wanted pets or didn't travel like he did then absolutely. 2 dogs and a cat, maybe a snake too would be ideal. It also makes Konig feel safer when he is away, knowing that the dogs are there to protect and keep you company.
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angxlofvenus · 11 months
hihi could i request something with the obey me characters with a mc that has a cat/their reactions to meeting their cat or just their pets in general?
Hi, Thank you so much for the request! As an owner to two cats myself, This was so much fun for me to write, I hope you have a great rest of your day/night :) Genre: Fluff ! Ship: The brothers/Side characters x reader (platonic Luke!) TW: cussing, Mentions of catnip, Eating catfood (Beel's section),
When You Own A Cat
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Well, this won’t do.
He has a very strict pet policy in the HoL but for you…He may twist his words a little
Will act cordial with your cat just because he doesn’t want to upset you but like
Luci is a dog person through and through so this may be a bit of an inner struggle
Here's the thing though, I don’t think he has ever really been around a cat before
So when he starts to warm up to your furry friend…He kind of relates to the cat 😭
Listen, I think Lucifer acts a lot like a cat, Hard to get close to, Will act better than you, etc, etc
Once he and your cat get close though? They are two peas in a pod- He’ll let the cat snuggle up to him when he isn’t busy. 
Ehhh, He isn’t too crazy either way about it, You got a cat, so what?
If y’all are dating, He’s gonna be a little clingy because he thinks the cat takes up too much of your attention in his opinion! 
Will definitely play with you’re cat though, no matter if he likes the animal or not, He finds your pet running after a laser/string hilarious!
May blame the cat for breaking things so that Lucifer doesn’t hang him from the ceiling…
Once he’s warmed up to your kitty though, They are thick as thieves
He will buy them any toy he thinks they’ll like, Will definitely buy some catnip (If you’re okay with it!) just for shits and giggles
A little skeptical at first,,, Of course you have such a normie pet!
In the beginning, He’s gonna be jealous (shocker, I know)
Can almost feel the envy coming off of him when your cat settles down in your lap
But when your cat starts to do the same things with him? Total 180°
He’s in Love! Will start watching cat-related animes and playing cat-related games
Will try to introduce them to Henry, Just don’t let them get too close…
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un-HOLLLYYY SHHHIITTTT, Y’all, the moment you have been waiting for-
Minds running a mile a minute, Looks just excited on the outside, but on the inside? Oh, He.is.SCREAMING
Will ask every question there is to ask, Name, Age, birthday, breed, personality
He may just kind of…Pick the cat up and leave with them after their first interaction
Your cat will become the most spoiled being in the Devildom, Your cat shall never want anything ever again, Satan will get them everything they want, no matter how hard it is to obtain
Your kitty will kind of get roped into a bond with Satan whether they want to or not, But let’s be honest, Your cat’s gonna love him seeing as he would kill for them
Awwwww, How cute!
As long as your cat doesn’t get into his stuff, They’ll also be instant besties
His camera roll really consists of 4 categories
Your cat
All three of y’all together
Will probably try to put your cat into some dumbass costume
Will buy your cat so many accessories, What do you mean they don’t need a bedazzled collar?! >:0
Snuggle buddies when you aren’t around, Yes, This does look as adorable as it sounds- 
Overall, He will love and pamper your cat all the time
Oh? You have a cat? That’s cool :) 
Loves to see how much joy they bring you, He loves seeing you happy no matter what
He has tried cat food before, both wet and dry and ain’t afraid to try it again…You should probably lock up the cat food just in case.
Will also play with your cat with like just some string, He thinks it’s cute :) 
Is honestly fascinated by your pet lowkey, He never knew how sleek most were! Is bamboozled by the whole, Landing-on-their-feet thing
They become friends pretty quickly I’d say, He makes sure to always be super gentle with them because he knows how much bigger he is than them (I am so mentally ill about him istg)
If your cat becomes interested in something he’s eating, He’ll give them a lil nibble (If it’s safe for that cat to consume ofc)
Buys a lil cat bed for his and Belphie's room, It stays at the foot of his bed 
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A cat? Ew, That sounds like responsibility
Indifferent at first, As long as he doesn’t have to really mess with it, He’s chill
But one day, He awakens abruptly (Unheard of) To your cat making biscuits on his cheek
Kiss your cat goodbye, It’s his now
Cuddle buddies, every day, all-day
Will put on those bird videos to play with your cat
The second brother I’m gonna say acts like a cat, He will literally catch himself mimicking the cat sometimes
They would so judge people together, Lucifer just entered the room their in? Side eye…
How sweet! He has zero qualms about your little friend
Another one that will buy pretty much everything for your cat, Y’all don’t even have to be close for him to do this, He just thinks of your cat as an extension of the exchange program, Therefor he buys them anything he thinks they need
Best of buddies when they get close to each other
Will some just walk around RAD with your kitty, Just showing them things, Will also ask for your cat's thoughts on laws in a kind of joking way, But he 100% will listen seriously if they decide to answer him with a meow
Doesn’t have a very strong opinion of your cat at first, He isn’t exactly a pet type of person seeing as he rarely has time for such things but in my humble opinion, I think most animals flock to this man like Snow White
Listen, This man is the definition altruistic person so I think Smaller creatures would find comfort in his presence, This is also why the Little D’s love him so much
Your cat will always look their best, Barb will trim their nails, take them to the vet, brush their fur and other things without you even having to ask
Once they become more acquainted, I can see him making some cat-safe baked treats for the kitty
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He thinks your cat is precious! Though at first will be worried about the small thing being in a place like the Devildom 
Him being an angel does change a few things, I think animals naturally flock to him as well just because of his angelic background so he and your cat are kind of just automatically BFF's 
He will always be up for loving on your cat, No matter how busy he is- He won’t ever turn down your kitty
Probably the first person you should ask to catsit, a close second being Barbatos
They will be partners in crime even if your cat doesn’t want that
Don’t be surprised if he starts to refer to your cat as his ‘Furry apprentice’ instead of their actual name
Takes photos of your cat, but only when he finds them in a stupid position
Another contender to buy them some catnip and just watch them go crazy
Once they have warmed up to eachother, He is gonna torment this cat 24/7 almost
A cat and a chihuahua, Natural enemies!
Jkjk but not really…
He doesn’t like how stuck up a lot of cats are but he thinks your’s is pretty cute
Will ask Simeon how to pet them correctly and treat them well because he cares!
After the first few weeks he actually really warms up to your kitty
Will always ask how their doing like they are a person, no matter what.
Doesn’t admit it but he really adores your cat :(
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crescentpaws · 6 days
sims updates from yesterday:
- downloaded some more packs & stuff but i haven’t really tried them out yet (rlly want to make a mermaid with island living but idk how to make it kotlc related…. maybe tarina can be a mermaid or something? 💀 idk.)
- i got one of those calls from bronte that was like “oh i think fintan is going to propose what should i do,” but for some reason he called tam???? no idea they were friends but ok. so i made tam tell him he needs to decide for himself because. he is a teenager and i don’t know if he’s the best person to ask here. but then i got THIS message and i started laughing so hard 💀
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- next time i went to play as fintan tho it said that the two of them were engaged so like??? clearly he said yes. also mad that he proposed without me there 😒 bitch
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GO AWAY!!!! can’t even kill a guy without him coming back to haunt me smh.
- fintan does not know how to play piano
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- built a cottage (aka i downloaded one from the gallery and edited it) because i got the cottage living pack & i’m planning on having the gay ass elves move there once they’re married 🤞 because it’s not super close to any other house so i think they’d like the isolation.
- had fintan go there to check it out & i got so excited because i saw wild rabbits and they were so cute ><
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he has a complicated relationship with this one though.
(also the house i downloaded came with chickens and they are evil for some reason??? which i wasn’t expecting but fintan would definitely have evil chickens so.)
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
Many years ago I watched a documentary about interabled couples (meaning that one partner is disabled, the other one isn't).
They interviewed multiple couples and asked how they met, what their friends and family think of the relationship, things like that. I don't remember most of it (I can't even tell you if it was an actual movie-length documentary or just a short piece in the local news) but there was one story that always stuck with me:
An autistic man had a crush on a woman he regularly saw at his doctor's office. So he decided to write her a letter. He wrote down a detailed description (if I recall correctly it was multiple pages long) of how their relationship could look like: date ideas that would be safe and enjoyable for him, situations in which he may require her support or help, possible communication struggles they may face and ideas on how to deal with them etc. The next time he saw her at the doctor's office, he handed her the letter. She read it, smiled and said "This says you can't go dancing with me because loud music overwhelms you. But I really love dancing. Could we dance at home if you are in control of the music volume?". He said "Yes" and she said "Okay, then let's do that"... and they have been a happy couple ever since.
I love that story. Honestly, I wish someone would come up to me and hand me a letter like that!
There are so many unspoken rules in the dating world that (neurotypical) people oftentimes just expect you to know and understand - especially the whole "be mysterious, play hard to get, don't scare people off by being too honest" stuff can be really confusing! His letter feels like an antidote to that. He clearly communicated his individual set of "rules" (boundaries, needs, wants). It may be my autism speaking, but this sounds like the ideal way to start a relationship for me: they were both on the same page from the get-go rather than having to guess what the other one wants.
As someone who has been rejected for being too honest and talking about boundaries too early, it feels comforting to me to know that someone did exactly that and was so successful with it.
I mentioned this old story to a friend a few days ago - and they didn't think it was cute. In fact, they were shocked and disgusted by it. That sounds incredibly toxic, they said. You can't just hand your partner a set of rules at the beginning of the relationship and demand they stick to them forever. Those things need to be an ongoing conversation that both partners get to contribute to. Love isn't a business contract that one person writes and the other just signs off on. Treating it like one is a red flag. And quite frankly, they'd feel super creeped out if a quasi-stranger wrote multiple pages about a relationship they didn't even agree to yet!
And you know what? I absolutely believe that my friend is right - and I also believe that I am right. It could be cute and it could be a red flag.
This goes for all kinds of relationships but it's especially important for those of us who have unique or less common "rules"/needs (which could be because you are neurodivergent, disabled or chronically ill but also be lgbt+-related, e.g because you are ace or aro): Doing things differently is not by default toxic - and not by default wholesome, either.
That letter could be a great starting point for healthy ongoing communication in a relationship... and it could also be toxic if it is used as a binding contract that doesn't allow any further conversation.
Apart from a few obvious exceptions, we can't really make a definite list of things that are always good or always toxic when it comes to dating/relationships - we need to think of things in context. And that goes for the "standard route" as well as for more unique approaches.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
(P.S: For the record, I'm sure that the couple in the documentary does have ongoing, healthy communication!)
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twisted-lover-boys · 1 year
Meant to be a continuation of this series of me learning about my new favorite autistic fictional character who I relate to a little too much—
The original ask
Me finding out
Yes I made the reader autistic because this man can’t not be autistic. As an autistic person myself, he has the ‘tism (and to spite Rowling because fuck her).
Is this needed? No. Is it entirely self indulgent because I very much like Newt now? Absolutely.
With A Newt Scamander Boyfriend
{not proof-read}
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Riddle has been with you for a while and has always known you as an eccentric young man with a bright personality
He adores your interest in history and animals and loves seeing you talk excitedly like there’s no tomorrow
You were always kind towards others and offered your help whenever you’d deemed it necessary but he’s insanely worried about your clumsy nature when you’re helping others
He finds your excited stims super adorable whenever you talk about your interests or your concentrated ones during class or even just your general ones when you’re with him—he just thinks you’re adorable
Riddle always noticed that you always carry a suitcase with you wherever you go. One day he asked about it and was introduced to the whole world that was your suitcase
All of the animals you’re keeping are ones he’s only heard myths of. He never thought that they could be real and is impressed as to how many you have in one small suitcase of yours
When Riddle asked why you had all these animals, your response touched him greatly. He never knew how much you truly cared for animals and their well-being
Riddle absolutely loves you and anyone would be a fool to not notice
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Leona always knew you as a very extroverted man with no filter but that’s exactly why he loves you: you’re true to yourself and others, a strong trait
He’s not a big nerd for the sciences or histories but you are and boy does he love it. Just hearing you talk about your interests in such an excited manner brings him joy
He knows how clumsy you can be and how kind you usually are towards others and that causes him to be especially careful with you. One wrong move and he’s already there’s supporting you in his own special way
Your excited stims, concentrated stims, or general stims are super cute to him. He knows you can’t really control them but he just can’t help it
Leona was never one to pry into anyone’s private affairs, and that included his boyfriend’s but you always held that suitcase on a high pedestal that he just had to ask what made it so special. Teleporting to a mini suitcase pocket world was the last thing on his mind
Sure he knows some of the animals you have…from ancient textbooks! How in the world did you manage to do this?! There’s so many endangered or thought extinct animals here
As to why you have them here surprised him. To keep them safe and help them grow as a species again, he knew you cared about animals but even he wouldn’t have thought of this
To others, it may not seem like he cares for you, but those who know him well know just how smitten he is for you
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Azul knows how upbeat and outgoing you are and that’s exactly why he loves you so, he can’t get over you
He may not have a major interest in history but he always takes time to listen to your interests no matter what he’s doing
As much as he loves when you help around the lounge, he’s afraid that you’ll end up getting hurt on the floor or in the kitchen so he always has someone with eyes on you when he can’t
You both stim together whenever you’re excited over something you’re both interested in. How can he not find his boyfriend incredibly adorable
Azul has always been curious about your suitcase but never pried into it as it was your business. One day, he just ended up asking about it and got transported into a mini world
The animals you had, both land and sea based, had long since been endangered or extinct but here, they were thriving, their populations bigger than ever
When he asked as to why you had all these animals, he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell. You wanted to preserve these animals and restore their numbers so he understood why you always cared for your suitcase
Azul is a master of managing his emotions even in stressful situations but even the most perceptive person can’t miss how he lovingly stares at you
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You and Kalim are one in the same personality-wise so he’s always knows you as a bright and cheerful man
He may not understand a lot about history or even your other interests but he’s a great listener and will remember everything you’ve told him…mostly
Of course he loves your kind nature but he can’t help but worry that you’ll end up hurting yourself so he ends up offering his help to you alongside your original offer
Honestly just watching you stim while talking about something you truly love makes him happy because you love it so much you can’t help but get excited
Kalim is a curious man so of course he had to ask about your suitcase the first time he saw it. He was surprised to see that you were hosting an entirely different place inside it
All of the animals you keep were ones that have long been thought extinct or ones he’s only heard of in fairy tales so he never thought they were real!
He felt his heart combust as he hugged you tightly after you explained why you had such animals. To keep them safe and help them repopulate was your goal and he couldn’t be happier
Kalim is a man of affection but anyone who is able to look close enough can see how Kalim’s affections towards you are different than most
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Vil is accustomed to very loud and eccentric people so his boyfriend honestly never surprised him with such an attitude
Vil loves history, although not in the same aspect as you, but still nonetheless. Just talking about it with you significantly brightens his day
Listen, Vil loves you dearly. You’re his sweet potato, his boyfriend, his lover, but please for the sake of the Great Seven be careful when you offer help to others. He wouldn’t want to see any dreadful marks on you
He enjoys watching you stim over some fixation of yours and he loves to hear you talk on and on about such an interest but please don’t move around too much, he doesn’t want to mess up your perfectly designed skin routine made by yours truly
He’s always been curious about your suitcase as it basically stood out from your appearance but you’ve never put it down. Of course he’d never force you to get rid of it but he naturally asked you about it. A miniature world was something he never expected
He’s only heard of a majority of these animals from fantasy stories or straight up myths so he never truly believed in their existence but now he does!
As to why you were doing such a thing, you wanted to help them grow again and reintroduce them to the world safely with no threat of extinction. He could hear his heart pound in his chest from how in-love he was
Vil isn’t known for being a very outwardly affectionate man but even the most observant of people can see the fleeting touches and feather-light kisses he gives you
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Idia doesn’t know how he got such an energetic and extroverted boyfriend considering he’s, well, a shut-in, but he must’ve done something right?
He doesn’t really care much for history but enjoys seeing you geek out over such a topic. You have to listen to him every time he rants about a game so of course he listens to you whenever he can
Please you’re going to give this man a heart attack! He knows it’s in your nature to help out others but every little fumble sends him into cardiac arrest because he’s afraid you’ll end up hurt
Idia absolutely stims alongside with you for his special interest. Like, just stimming whenever you feel like it and everyone just either chilling or staring which Idia definitely doesn’t want but he’s too deep in now
He never really cared about what was in your suitcase and just thought it was a weird way to carry your stuff. He once made a comment on it and literally thought he got isekai’d because wHAT IS THIS?!!
Every single animal here is stuff from legends or from one of his games so he never thought they actually existed! Where in all of Twisted Wonderland did you get them?!
He swore he could see that basic anime “seeing love” scene in anime when you explained that you kept them to keep them safe and help them reintegrate into the world. That’s so pure!!!
Idia doesn’t like going outside of his dorm, let alone his room, but anyone who’s ever seen him and you together can tell just how much he loves you
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Malleus hasn’t known many eccentric and energetic people in his life due to his reputation and position so he’s very happy for his boyfriend
Please he loves talking history with you!! Specific eras of design, engineering, important moments, people, and whatnot else you can think about!
He loves your kind nature and helping attitude towards others and he’s always there during any missteps. Catching you mid-fall, catching whatever you dropped, helping you with any mess, ect ect
Honestly, Malleus also stims but it’s more subtle than yours. He enjoys both watching you and joining in with you, especially if it’s something you both enjoy
I feel like Malleus knew that there was something off about your suitcase but he never asked because, well, it’s your business but he’d be a liar to say he wasn’t intrigued. So, one day, he asked about it and was then transported to a whole other mini world!
He wasn’t shocked about the magic though, no. What really got him were the animals. Most of them he hasn’t seen since his childhood or only saw in fairytales so as to how you got them baffles him to no end
Your reason for keeping them, however, shocked him down to his beating heart for you. You wanted to preserve them, to help them grow again so that they never have to face extinction. He couldn’t help but smile
You are a very precious man to Malleus that even his retainer can see just how in love he is with you
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starsoftheeye · 12 days
TMagP 17 Reaction
I've discovered that acting disinterested literally makes the episodes show up earlier on my youtube account, so I've gotta play mindgames on this app every thursday to get to see the episodes less than half an hour after they release lol
Ah Celia is back on her bullshit
Wait did she just nearly get ran over???
I feel bad for laughing at her but her only reaction being "Oh for gods sake" is super funny to me how long has she been doing this
oh hi sam
oh god she missed their date :[
something tells me a habit is going to be made of this, especially considering she literally cannot help it
"it really wasn't" yeah no wonder you nearly became roadkill
theyre so cute i love them
ooh shes mad
"catalyst" huh, have we heard that before or is this the first time
pfft not the interviewer getting read to shreds
wild theory before i keep going, based on the title "saved copy" and the "identity crisis", "existential horror", "temporal distortion" and "captivity" tags, im going to assume that this person going to therapys having the details of their life copied somewhere for something to replicate and replace them, and the doctors gonna attempt to get rid of them but obviously it didnt work. either that or the guy outside the office does something
as someone whos never done meditation before this is not encouraging me to start
ah office spaces, the worst of cosmic horror
wait did they get teleported or something
tbf if my taxi driver started driving completely the wrong way i'd assume the worst and start "exchanging words" too
oh my god was i right
wait is this copy based on their therapy, a version of themselves with no problems whatsoever? and is this gonna be a "there can only be one" type scenario?
oh wait no i forgot siblings exist
wait nvm them having the same name is weird
"dates and times" so this is where the temporal distortion comes in ig
i'm sticking with the "rich-darrien is a copy trying to assimilate into og-darriens life" theory for now
yeah because thats not normal darrien, even if youre related no-one looks completely identical apart from glasses, teeth colour and a lack of a beer-gut
do they both think the other is the copy, or does sharron just not know?
oh god what is he hiding
does he beat up a real person every time hes upset
of course it was his father that makes sense
oh my god the sound design
oh my god he's the one who assimilated thats so cool
good for sharron i hope shes doing okay
off-topic but i love the way the voices get more real as the statement goes on then go back to their more robotic tone at the end
as a celia fan i am eating well this week jeez
celia my dear what do you mean by that "not exactly the same though, it is?" girlie what have you done what are you hidinggg
who was playing the music in the background there?
as someones whos computing department in school consists of keyboard with never-before-discovered types of bacteria wedged between the keys thats valid
alice dyer i love you so much
ah the dyhard is dyharding
ah yes the mutual "i'm traumatised and i know you are too but i don't like you enough to give details on mine or ask about yours so we'll just sit and suffer in silence til the ice somehow breaks" dynamic
also colin mention woohoo i love the scottish man
the computer start up noise and power down noise at the beginning and end of every episode kind of makes me think that someone is watching all of this (maybe us, or more likely someone in-universe)
anyway that was fun, i'm doing this late but this was a nice way to spend my first proper off-day since finishing all my exams
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peachiime · 8 months
super good reasons why you should check out antics at akademi
it's made by a non-pedophilic non-ableist (neurodivergent!) actually decent human being (i hope) writer who knows how to handle serious topics like racism and homophobia (i am poc and queer!) unlike yonder devon who implements it as a twagic bwackstowy for a background character
representation of other ethnicities other than just japanese
neurodivergent rep and NON-VILLAINIZED DEPICTIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS!!! done with actual research
disabled rep!!!! done with actual research!!!!
lgbtq+ rep! for the girls and the gays (and its not just gays lesbians and bis. theres people on the aro/ace spectrum, theres trans people, theres NONBINARY PEOPLE and that includes the whole umbrella, inkyu kenko musume and saki r all intersex guys)
it's a slice of life comedy!! it's an ensemble story with every single character as the protagonist!! your fav will get lots of screentime!! and they'll be super silly 24/7!!
cute redesigns!!! :D
family bonding for those who want it. wholesome genuine friendships for those who want it. fleshed out and developed romances with actual chemistry for those who want it.
and yes. the faculty gets screentime too. dont think i left those lovely ladies out (and kocho)
its intentionally silly! this story does not take itself seriously! im not including stupid anime tropes and then doing deep narration voice and expecting you to gasp and cry at it
ayano gets a character arc!!!!!! she gets to be happy!!!!!!! do you want to see mentally ill autistic bisexual girl get happy!??!??!! yes you do check out aaa!!!!
there are actual serious moments though. you get to see these characters be genuinely sad, show actual weakness, you see just how shitty their circumstances really are, and then you get to see them get better. you will see, you will get to witness how it gets better. how it gets better, by working through it and facing it head-on, by having the support of people you love, by believing. it will get better if you just try. you can make it better.
no death only happy!!!! you get to see your favs be happy!!!!
you'll be supporting a queer poc neurodivergent writer oooooooooooo ooooooooo im waving my magic wand at you oooooooooooo
epic rap battles of akademi is a plot device
SO MUCH DEPTH TO EVERY CHARACTERRRRR go on. ask me any question about any person. i'll answer.
i. i've just been working on this for 3 years. an actual audience would be very rewarding and motivating for me. hi.
follow my blog for updates on antics at akademi (and make sure to block the "not aaa related" tag if you're only here for that!)
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9800sblog · 8 months
Hi Jes! Have u done something like "what ateez like better, someone cute or someone on the sexier side?" reading?
if u haven't yet, i hope u could do one : ))
thanks in advance ❤️
ateez tarot reading
sexy or cute partner
answers are based on tarot and energy interpretation, it's a bit confusing to interpret because they don't talk about these things openly, so don't take it too seriously and don't yell at me if you don't believe in it!
these are vibes for the 27 of september of 2023, opinions may and probably will change in the future but I looked into their birth charts as well to confirm and guide my interpretations with more precision.
most of the cards fell reversed + they're on a break after a heavy schedule, most of them spending time with family and friends, they're mostly in a cuter, more innocent vibe these days, wanting someone to bring home and that will take care of them when they're tired. I can see them wishing someone sexier when their schedules are hectic because they have less free time, sex can be quick but relaxing enough for limited alone time, you don't have to think too much (not that any of them seem interested in casual sex, I often ask when questions are related to relationships and what they prefer in a partner and they always say they don't even wanna try that).
temperance reversed, 7 of wands reversed, 5 of cups reversed
definitely cuter in public, with just a hint of sexy. he thinks it's pretty and interesting, but he's the jealous type so don't be provocative but don't be too conservative.
king of cups reversed, high priestess reversed, 7 of cups, the moon reversed
doesn't feel confident to respond, he may not have enough experience with the question and/or thinks it doesn't matter when you're really in love. but he leans towards someone who is open about their obscurities, naturally more provocative.
5 of wands reversed, page of pentacles reversed, knight of cups reversed, the sun reversed
he definitely prefers a sexier type, but he is a very jealous man, he needs someone who is considerate and has self control. someone who is considered a sex icon by many would not work with him (basically any celebrity)
knight of wands, 9 of wands, death reversed, 4 of pentacles
he wants someone super naturally sexy, drop dead gorgeous, but he's also a super possessive man. his answer is conflicting, but I'd lean towards a sexier partner as long as the entire world knows they're his.
6 of wands, the chariot reversed, 3 of pentacles, page of wands reversed
definitely a cuter type but he might like someone that follows his lead, who's able to adapt and do the same things but with a totally different vibe depending on how he feels.
5 of cups, temperance, 7 of wands, 5 of pentacles reversed, 7 of swords reversed
someone with equal amounts of both. but he is (another) very jealous man, so he'd prefer someone with lots of self control, who's more cute and innocent in public in a very deceiving way, like most people couldn't imagine the things they do and think.
3 of pentacles reversed, 6 of wands, king of cups, the chariot
sexier, powerful, influential, someone who is not on the same level as others, that he can show off, subjected to envious eyes, maybe someone like him who works with their image, a sex icon. but also adaptable, wooyoung is a family man afted all and he needs someone that knows when it's appropriate or not (a+ for the confidence! least jealous man in ateez)
10 of cups reversed, 9 of cups reversed, wheel of fortune, the chariot
super sexier, like inappropriately sexy, NOT a family friendly person. he does want intimacy, and someone he can show off to his friends and family, so someone who knows how to adapt depending on the crowd, but yes, very very sexy
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inverted-typo · 6 months
In terms of Christmas HCs for DamiRae:
Raven is not built for cold weather. Like,at all. For a girl who originates from the pits of hell, the transition from constant warmth to the damp frigidity of a Gotham winter is rough.
Damian has personal beef with peppermint as a Christmas flavour, because "why not orange? Why not cinnamon? Why not marzipan? Why not literally anything else?"
He has, however, developed a fondness for spiked hot drinks. Or rather,spiked hot drinks the way Raven does it.Bailey's Irish Cream mixed with hot cocoa........high tier.
Yes,Raven has gotten talked into doing Christmas family potraits(that consists of her,Damian and Titus. No,Titus does not tolerate being dressed up,but she has managed to get a festive little hat on him for pictures).
Now,for the LOA version:
I can't see them celebrating Christmas persay, but Nanda Parbat has its own winter ceremonies and festivals that they partake in.
Raven's favourite winter festival is the winter solstice and she has her own rituals surrounding it. It represents death and rebirth, something very close to her(and Damian's) heart.
She's also quite fond of the winter markets too. Little kitschy trinkets, niche shit that she'll never find anywhere else,the food....good shit.
THIS ONE!! This is gold!
I love the idea of Raven not liking the cold at all. You'd think she'd have some tolerance due to her demon-side but nah they dipped out for that. Damian convinces her to visit Gotham for a holiday and she is MISERABLE IN THE SNOW. She likes it in terms of how pretty it is and can appreciate the beauty--but if she isn't bundled up she is not having a good time.
Pfff i love the idea of Damian hating peppermint. He thinks in another life Raven would have made an excellent high end bartender. Maybe she has quite the tolerance so she has the wiggle room to explore cocktails and ends up being quite fond of them, so she's good at making them. Damian hates to say it, but he prefers Raven's drinks over Alfred's.
I think Raven treats Christmas like a hobby hahaha. She doesn't necessarily understand it in its entirety at this point but she likes the activities and decor and traditions.
GAAHH!! And the LOA TAKE!! Yes I'm so on board with them leaning towards more winter-oriented festivals rather than Christmas-specific. Maybe it's more preparation for a New Year's ceremony? I love how generally speaking there's a lot of winter-related festivities and celebrations world wide. And putting Damian and Raven into that lense is super cute!
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alevolpe · 7 months
Answering your ask about not giving up a ship on Twitter (what is my i will hang on, teeth and claws). And ive really gotten into multi shipping lately. That all the scouts (the age appropriate ones) are in love with each other. The outers and the inners live separately, but only cuz its hard to find a house that big where they are. (But true to my big fat greek wedding style, thier houses are in a row and they can always see each other)🤣🥰
I have nothing against senshi poly-cule, I think it's fun!
It's not my go-to, but I'm not against it. I like to think some senshi having differing levels of friendship, attraction and respect toward each other.
I'll actually give my opinion on each individual ship. If I think they work, why they do or don't work and why I like them if they do. (p.s. Mamo is not included here, but I do tend to default ship UsaMamo, even if it's pretty poorly written most of the time)
Long post ahead! Hope you appreciate this, it took me a ton of time and I suck at writing.
BEFORE YOU READ THIS, THESE ARE MY OPINIONS, BASED ON MY HEADCANONS/CHARACTER INTERPRETATIONS WITH A BIT OF CANON SPRINKLED HERE AND THERE ( I do not want to see you typing " ..but x character is straight.." , I will come to your house and steal al the toilet paper!!!)
Let's start with Usagi:
(I'll mostly focus on the other side of the party, cause I honestly believe Usagi would be happy with anyone, being able to work though personal preferences more than most people)
🌙💧UsagixAmi: I can see it! They are actually a guilty pleasure ship of mine, they are super cute, and I think they would both respect and love each other enough to work through some stability issues in the relationship. Mostly stemming from not being able to spend enough time with each other. I see Usagi as very clingy and needing to interact physically and emotionally with her partner on a regular basis. While Ami would have the patience to deal with the more emotional moments from Usagi, aka immaturity. This ship works for me, though it needs work from both parties to keep a healthy balance.
🌙🔥UsagixRei: I... don't really see it.. srry. Ik people love it and ik it's an amazing friendship, but I just can't see them interacting healthly on a daily basis. Rei is incredibly independent, while Usagi really isn't. Which is totally fine if matched with the right partner, but Rei would just end up being too frustrated and her love for Usagi would just turn into spite. She needs her space and tbh, she really needs someone who could drop her like a hot potato if the case need be. Overall, an AMAZING friendship, wouldn't work in a relationship. Rei as a friend is just too different from Rei as a lover, and that Rei is not made to be with Usagi.
🌙⚡️UsagixMakoto: I can kind of see it, like AmixUsagi. My only real issue would stem from the fact that Ami has a lot more patience than Mako. Mako is a caretaker, she loves and thrives taking care of others, but she does get frustrated by Usagi's occasional lack of emotional control. Leading me to think Mako would prefer someone with more emotional maturity, tho she would never admit it, or even consciously relate to it as a preference she's looking for in a partner. Tho them cuddling, eating and chilling out would actually work really well, cause I do already see them being very affectionate platonically too. Ship's cute, but quite flawed, would need a LOT of work from both parties do last any significant amount of time and pressure.
🌙💛UsagixMinako: this one's complicated. On one side, yes! I can see it working quite well, on another.. it's a complete disaster. Let me explain. If you were to ask me if I think that Mina and Usagi could work as a couple, I would say yes. They are both very fun, loving, care free gals, who are both emotionally intelligent (Usagi is emotionally intelligent, not mature) and who are very aware of each other's feelings. On the other hand you're asking me if Mina, the leader of a superhero team, the one who's hands would be stained with blood if anything were to ever happen to any of her subordinates, if she would be willing to completely set aside her relationship when it comes to a fundamental rift in ideologies between her and her princess. I don't think Mina would be strong enough to put herself through that, to hurt Usagi when she knows it would be the inevitable, over and over. You cannot save everyone and while she can say that has her leader, I think she could not muster to say it as a lover. Overall cute, if extremely dramatic given the senshi angle, but I don't think it would work.
🌙🗡UsagixHaruka: no. Just no. They are both immature emotional wrecks ready to pass by the McDonald's drive through for a happy meal. They are quite similar in a lot of ways and while I see their friendship as something very precious, they would not work as lovers.
🌙🌊UsagixMichiru: I think I said it quite well once, so I'll reuse it in this situation. "If Michiru had met Usagi instead of Haruka back in S, I think Michiru would've walked into traffic by sunset". Ok, all seriousness, no. I personally find it really hard to see Michiru with anyone that isn't Haruka, let alone someone that isn't a butch lesbian. So, nah, sorry.
🌙🕒UsagixSetsuna: my hc Setsuna is very different from canon Setsuna. I don't see her with anyone. She's just Pluto.
💧🔥AmixRei: the only way I can see this ship working is in a first fling type of way. Like 2 inexperienced teens wanting to give love a chance with another pretty girl, while being awkward af mfs. If we're talking about them dating after being friends for a long time, I don't see it being stable. Ami is incredibly intelligent, but more like booksmart, not really people smart, while Rei is the literal incarnation of a jigsaw puzzle covered in spikes. There would be little to no direct and clear communication between the two, Rei would feel frustrated like no other cause her 'signs' are CLEARLY SO OBVIOUS MIZUNO! Meanwhile Ami just can't deal with brain games in a romantic relationship (mostly stemming from my autistic Ami hc), with the person she would share a house with.. uh.. l think not, sorry. In the end, I see it working for a bit as a first relationship that ends in them staying close friends, but not anything long-term.
💧⚡️AmixMakoto: AAAHHh, ok I get a chance to talk about them. I'LL KEEP IT BRIEF! I love them, you know this already. They are very simple, direct and loving partners. They have the most boring, loving, drama free, cuddle and love filled relationship in the universe. It's boring, but idc, it's just pure fluff and I love them. The only argument I could see them getting into, on rare occasions, is Ami being Ami and being way too busy for her own good. Mako is a caretaker, yes, but she also wants to be taken care of and spend quality time with her lover. I can see Mako getting silent angry when Ami picks up one too many shifts, while also feeling a bit guilty about it, cause she knows how much her job means to Ami. They would talk and work through it slowly, day by day. Ok, anyhow, love them, NO NOTES!
💧💛AmixMinako: sorry, I think people who follow me are sick of hearing this, but one more time for the people in the back. I do not see Ami and Minako as being good friends. They eventually come to being able to interact one on one without wanting to blow the other's brains off, but I do not ever think they would come to any mutual attraction. It's a bit of a hot take on my part, but I have no issue seeing Mina as a bit of a bully. She loves attention, she knows Ami is an easy target, she bothers Ami, Ami gets mad. Most often silent mad. She eventually does start to snide back, even quite smartly! But they would rarely have that one to one moment I see almost every single one of the girls coming to throughout their friendship. So.... I don't see it, but it's mostly due to my unique perspective of each character.
💧🗡AmixHaruka: AHAHAHAHAHA. ur funny.
💧🌊AmixMichiru: you can refer to my reasoning on UsagixMichiru, srry Ami, you just ain't her type (not butch enough). Though, I do see them becoming really good friends as adults, once Michiru decided to chill tf out and act like a human being and Ami learns a bit more about 'how-to-human 101'. No, no's the answer. I don't see it.
💧🕒AmixSestuna: refer to UsagixSestuna.
🔥⚡️ReixMakoto: I can see y people like them.. but I can't help but see them driving each other crazy. Rei does not need a caretaker, why would she want a home-made lunch every day, if ramen cups were on sale 10 for 10$, like.. hello!? Ok for real, I can't see it. (Srry Ik I'm breaking so many hearts rn). They are too independent and honestly, they are also two real dumb hardheads when they want to be. Their problems would mostly stem from caretaking and activity coordination, they would fight over everything unless they write down a plan and schedule to stick to it. Also small side note, Rei is really not the cuddly person, while Mako is quite the opposite so that would feel pretty hard to make work without making one feel uncomfortable or the other feel unloved. So, overall, great friendship, but they cannot be living together without a peace maker to ensure they don't eat each other alive.
🔥💛ReixMinako: YES! they got it all! Fluff, check. Drama, check. Interesting and layered dynamics, check. Complex yet comprehensible human to senshi spectrum, check! Funny, CHECK! Even tho Makoami is my personal fav ship, these two (along with Harumichi) are my must ship. Like I NEED to see this, why is no1 making this in canon?! I love how layered their dynamics are, from being the leader and second in command, yet being emotionally mature enough to separate their human counter-parts from their duties, while still truly caring for each other in their own unique way. Getting on each other's nerves, giving off the vibes that they could either be 2 seconds away from kicking each others' asses to taking it to the bedroom (it's impossible to tell the difference). They are just supremely interesting, both alone, but especially together. I could go on and on, but I seriously have no notes, it is just ENDLESS possibilities and endless entertainment.
🔥🗡ReixHaruka: they're two dumb gays. I do not see either of them finding any attractive traits about the other. It's just really that simple and I don't have much to comment on it.
🔥🌊ReixMichiru: again it goes to the attraction factor mostly, though I can see Rei finding Michiru attractive, if a bit psychotic (lol, it's part of the charm). I would love to explore a relationship between the two, and I prob will in the future, but it will just default to platonic. This is really kind of it tho, the major factor for me not shipping a lot of stuff is that I tend to default to friendship instead of romance, cause they both act and feel very differently from each other.
🔥🕒ReixSestuna: r.r.r.r.... refeeeeerrrrr to UsagixSetsuna. Thank you for listening to Meioh102.5 back to you Bill.
⚡️💛MakotoXMinako: I love their friendship!... thas about it tho. My major issue is Makoto not being able to keep up with Mina, she would need someone more mellow and low key. Unlike Mako, Rei is not afraid to tell Minako NO, while Mako easily guilts herself from denying attention or needs from her partner to give herself some space. I usually default them as being best friends basically (childhood friends in hc), but thinking about anything long term for them would just make me feel for Mako. Mina needs constant attention and distraction, which is honestly a bit out of her control also, but still draining for anyone who is not 100% willing to put their foot down or have enough energy to match hers. So, great great great friendship, I love how they play off of each other, but being in a relationship, living in the same house... would turn into chaotic exhaustion and desperation.
⚡️🗡MakotoxHaruka: I don't see it. I'm happy to see Mako having Haruka as possibly her first gay awakening, but I tend to think that's as far as it goes (while I see Mako as BI, I do think she looks for different attributes she finds attractive for each gender, mostly looking for more masculine attributes in guys and more feminine attributes in women). I also tend to imagine they have an almost irrational hate-on for each other for a while, 'til they chill out and become sparring buddies, so I find it hard to factor in a relationship on top of that. Kind of a pass for me.
⚡️🌊MakotoxMichiru: i feel like I'll be repeating myself a lot here, so I'll skip to it. TLDR; you ain't Michiru's type. I can see an underrated friendship that could spur after year of reconciliation, but it would stop at a platonic boundary.
⚡️🕒MakotoxSetsuna: I'm def repeating myself. Though, I'd actually love to see them sewing together, that'd be adorable.
💛🗡MinakoxHaruka: no, I don't see it at all, sorry. They are buddies. Haruka's Mina emotional wreck puppy, she loves her and must protect her at all cost, but would prob hate to have to deal with in a romantic relationship. Haruka can match Mina's energy and spirit, but in a much more charming and almost naïve package. I see the two hanging out on a Friday night enjoying some cheap beer lovingly complaining/gushing about their partner to each other.
💛🌊MinakoxMichiru: ahah, this one's quite funny too. You're lucky if they aren't trying to kill the other. They are just too smart for their own good and they are really the only senshi who refuse to see each other for anything less than Minako as Sailor Venus and Michiru as Sailor Neptune. Like when I say Mina and Ami don't get along, they are still considering each other as basically 4 different individuals (human and senshi), in order to prioritize the mission and in a way as a coping mechanism. But Michiru and Minako, even when they do manage to be in the same room not sniping at each other, they still refer to each other as their senshi selves, even if the name they are calling is their human name. ... srry that was a tangent, yeah, I don't see it at all. Sorry, I don't really have much interesting left to say.
💛🕒MinakoxSetsuna: this one's sort of popular weirdly enough.. I don't really get it, but yeah, refer to UsagixSetsuna.
The Outers
🗡🌊HarukaxMichiru: I mean, what can I even say about this one that hasn't been said already a million times. I consider them the true miracle romance of the show (yes, I like Usamamo, but Harumichi is much better written). I adore how they play off the stereotypical femme and butch roles, while saying yes, but actually no and just doing their own unique thing instead. I find Michiru's fascination with Haruka uniquely intriguing, with Michi being such a complicated character onto herself and Haruka being deceivingly simple-minded. They don't seem like characters that were made just for being with each other; their motivations, experiences and morals are quite different, yet they collide so beautifully and seamlessly. I love everything about them, such a good blend of fluff, drama, tragedy and romance. NO. NOTES.
🌊🗡🕒🎇Outers family (SetsHaruMichi) (with kid Hotaru): ok, extremely hot take incoming, get ready cause I don't think ur gonna like it... I'm not a big fan of the happy outers family. Sorry, I don't hate it (in fact I find it pretty cute), but it's just not what I default to. Let me put aside Setsuna for a second and just explain it plain and simple that I just simply see her as an omniscient being not interested in an corporeal relationship that could interfere with her mission. She's just not human like the others are. Now, let me talk about Hotaru real quick. I've got some problems with her character in general, but that doesn't really matter. I just can't deal with having a character that powerful at a ready for plot convenience, it just kills all the tension and bloats the cast. The only way I'm ok with Michiru and Haruka caring for Hotaru is having them come to the decision themselves. No pushing from the other senshi, no guilt-tripping and no senshi duty related bs. Hotaru is a regular child now with a dead father, the decision is on them to adopt this child or to let her move on to another loving family, otherwise I just can't see it as anything else but 2 almost child murderers redeeming themselves by caring for the child they tried to kill and that just isn't healthy for nobody. Anyhow, not really a ship, but sort of counts, I could like it, but rewrite Hotaru. Give the kid some justice, damn it!
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torchmlp · 5 months
Which of the counselors do you think knew each other already from camp? Were they friends (or enemies) from way back? Who went to camp but somehow didn’t know any of the others and who didn’t attend at all?
I go back and forth on my headcanons for this all the time so I’m super curious what others think!
Okay, so I'll start with the ones I don't think went to camp. Laura and Max (Max especially lol) didn't seem to know a whole lot about the camp, like where it was located, who the camp leader was (looking at you Max), etc. so I don't think they ever attended camp. I also can't see Nick ever attending camp, but I also headcanon that he and his family moved to the states when he was either a preteen or teenager so his chances of attending would have been low.
For those who we know for sure went to camp, that would be only Dylan and Ryan. I don't think angsty teenage Ryan ever really paid attention to Dylan, either because they had different interests and were in different groups or if there's a possibility of them each attending camp on different years. I do think it would be cute though if they attended camp at the same time and Dylan was already crushing on Ryan, who was completely oblivious to it lol.
I think it's a toss-up of whether or not Abi had gone to camp or not. I personally lean more towards the yes she has attended camp option. She seemed to know a lot about the quarry (when she tells Nick about the quartzite and some of the history if you choose the rock path in ch 2). Also, in her sketchbook, she makes sketches of Nick, Emma, Jacob, and Ryan. Nick makes sense because of her crush, Emma because they're good friends ("friends"), and Jacob because she spends a lot of time around Emma and Jacob goes where she goes. But why Ryan? Neither of them were in charge of activities that were remotely related to each other, so they didn't really have a reason to interact a lot while actually working, but they seem to be close enough that Abi wanted to ask Ryan for his playlist. Also, it's Ryan, not Emma or Nick, who can jump to Abi's defense during truth or dare. So I headcanon that Abi and Ryan knew each other from when they were campers, and were possibly even friends.
Kaitlyn is another toss-up. I wish we knew more about her and her backstory (SMG give us lore!!!!), but we know so little it's hard to pin her down. Personally, I believe that if she did go to camp, it was probably when she was a lot younger, young enough that she wouldn't really remember interacting with any of the other counselors if they were also campers back then.
Emma is another one I'm having a hard time pinning down. I think it'd be really sweet if Emma attended camp previously and was friends with Abi (okay, now I'm just imagining an Abi, Emma, and Ryan gossip circle where they do each other's nails; realistically the girls probably couldn't convince Ryan to join, but it's fun to think about lol).
I think it would be objectively hilarious if Jacob had attended camp as a camper previously and did something stupid as a kid to piss Ryan off and that's why the two have so much beef with each other. Bonus points if it's something that Ryan vividly remembers but Jacob has completely forgotten about.
What does everyone else think? I want to know your headcanons!
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ryuichirou · 3 months
More replies about recent stuff, ships, antis, etc etc, business as usual~ there are a couple (literally) of headcanons in this post too!
Anonymous asked:
I’m going to assume that the recent Lilidia comic is before they know that they’re online buddies and that Idia was the one who sent the shirt?
This one is related to a comic we posted on ko-fi today <3
And yes, Anon, you are correct! That was the idea behind the comic hehe. They were meant to meet offline for the first time this evening but they yet need some time to realise they’re looking for each other lol
Alright, now a couple of asks about the RookVil post from yesterday. I am very happy that you liked that one.
Anonymous asked:
“Distracted”…you mean by Niege?
By Vil in her beautiful dress of course  
Anonymous asked:
Sorry for the caps but thank you hahaha it gave me energy
Also I was reading some of the asks and I just wanna say those Ortho/Malleus sounds so good! Shoutout to that guy and sorry for using this ask about it 🤭
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 They bring me joy too, it always feels very self-indulgent when I draw them, especially as girls lol
Yesss this is such a good ship. Shoutout to the OruMal person! I’m glad they’re getting appreciation for their big brains…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Fem Vil is DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN Mummy -sorry mummy- sorry –
Fem Vil is always either mummy or just a mum… well, technically this also applies to regular Vil lol Also, technically, she (and he) is a step-mummy or a step-mum...
I’m glad you liked it! <3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Ortho x Malleus... Hmmm...you know I might get on that train, it's actually pretty cute the more I think about it and I'm just imagining a double date with Idia and Lilia and Ortho and Malleus, maybe even a triple date if we add Sebek and Silver
Ahhh, Ortho/Malleus and Lilia/Idia would be a very fun combo!! Sebek and Silver too… Sebek would get way too distracted by Malleus being with Ortho though, things would probably get a bit messy lol
Anonymous asked:
"Slenderman is scared to see Rook when he turns around" Rook truly is the most horrifying horror monster of all time lol.  The non-human students would survive a horror setting simply because nothing compares to being hunted by Rook.
And sorry if you already answered this, but in your Prison au how do you decide who's a guard and who's a prisoner?
(this one is related to this post)
You’re SO RIGHT ANON LOL If they survived being around Rook for 3 years, they won’t be scared of anything. This is what a little bit of Rook Hunt does to a collective. Influencing people in a good way by being an absolute creep…
And to answer your question, the roles are pretty flexible: Katsu mentioned in this reply that they could be either one (both would work for a lot of them really), but some characters just feel more suitable for one role and not the other I guess? Plus, it implies their relationship with the characters around them. So, whatever option sounds more fun and could lead to a more interesting scenario.
Anonymous asked:
I know you mentioned in a previous reply that you don’t ship Jack/Epel often, but I would still love to hear any few headcannons you might have about them. I have one where Jack goes to Vil for advice on how to approach Epel in a romantic fashion since Jack would have a secret crush on him. Meanwhile Rook is probably giving very detailed advice to Epel (who also has a secret crush on Jack) on how to “properly tame your partner” and Epel just gets super confused and embarrassed
Sorry for the late reply, Anon!
Oh god I can practically hear Vil’s “ara?” when Jack goes to him for advice… What an experience for him, considering how close he is with both Jack and Epel, to suddenly have these two show some interest in each other lol
And it makes sense that Epel would go to Rook for that, and not really because of his hunter thing, but he is absolutely going to end up listening to a lecture about taming and recognising the signs of courtship behaviour… this isn’t even remotely going the way Epel thought it would…
I still don’t have many thoughts about them, unfortunately. But here is a couple of things that come to mind as I’m thinking about these two right now…
When their club activities don’t happen at the same time, they visit each other. Sometimes just to wait until the other one is done, sometimes to cheer a little (just a little though), sometimes just to hang out. But Jack tries not to do that often because Epel gets very distracted when he is around + his senpais tease him a lot.
Epel doesn’t always like how caring and sweet Jack is, sometimes it feels to him like he is being babied by him, but he does know that Jack has a wilder side (Vil hinted on it once because he knew Epel would feel that way), so now Epel tries to poke the wolf bear (that is Jack) from time to time to see if he would react.
Anonymous asked:
Idia, probably: What in the fifty shades of moe is this?
(this one is related to this comic)
Yeah, he had no idea stuff like this could happen to him…
Anonymous asked:
Had an encounter with an anti on a different app; their argument was that shotacons are creepy and how they talk about little boys are creepy.  Good ole' Google tells me shotacon does not apply to TWST so Idk why they brought it up.  And the only little boys are Cheka and Gidel.  If they were genuinely referring to the main cast as little boys, maybe it's just me, but calling high schoolers that is weird.  I didn't handle the encounter well, but thinking back it feels like they had no clue what they were saying.  Their argument was about something completely different and had nothing to do with TWST if they even know what it is.  The logic ain't logic-ing with these folks.
Yeah, technically there are no shotas other than Cheka and Gidel in TWST, but some could also count Ortho or even Lilia (Ace commented on him looking much younger than a 16 y.o., which all those people fucking ignore, as you might’ve noticed, because they’re hypocrites) and Epel, because while they aren’t of the needed age category, they’re rather small. And with Ortho people love to talk about how he is a 5 y.o., which is a lie lol
You are right that they don’t really know what they’re talking about. They never do, because the point of the conversation isn’t to make an argument and have a proper discussion, it’s to make the opponent sound so wrong, so appalling, so sick, that they come out of this thing feeling like the only beacon of moral excellence surrounded by gross perverts with zero self-control. When in fact they’re just uneducated enjoyers of spreading moral panic + emotional vampires lol
The thing is, shota and all the other “dead dove tropes” is a niche within a niche. People in general don’t understand shipping and our way of interacting with fiction, and even fewer people understand problematic tropes. It’s okay, it’s not for everyone. But it sure is a convenient reason to attack people!
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