#yandere historical characters
aphroditelovesu · 2 days
The Lost Queen - XIII
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 3,325.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 13
Time turned into an indistinct blur, while your breath seemed to freeze in the air. Before you, the man emanated an intimidating aura, his presence filling the small space of the tent with palpable tension. Every detail of his face, sculpted by shadow and dancing light, seemed like a macabre work of art, a mixture of mystery and imminent danger. His dark eyes, deep and penetrating, held yours as if they had the power to probe your soul. And you, paralyzed in front of this spectrum of strength and mystery, could barely utter a single word.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled, watching you with interest shining in his dark eyes. Those words, tinged with a touch of humor, echoed in your ears like a distant echo of a distorted reality. Was he mocking you?
"It's because I'm seeing one." You scoffed, your tone laced with disdain as you stared at him firmly, barely able to contain the fear from spreading through your body. He clicked his tongue in disgust at your tone.
The man looked inside the tent, his interest piqued by the surrounding environment. "You look good." He commented, his voice carrying a casual tone, but his expression still enigmatic and impenetrable.
"Why did you bring me here?" You finally asked, your fists clenching as you stared at the man with disgust and a slight fear shining in your gaze.
"All in good time, my dear." He hummed in response, his relaxed tone contrasting with the tension that hovered between you. He approached you, his imposing presence filling the space between you as you struggled to maintain your composure in the face of the uncertainty of what would come next.
"Do not play with me." You spat, your voice filled with suspicion and a hint of suppressed anger.
He arched an eyebrow, a subtle smile dancing on his lips.
"I'm not." He replied seriously, his dark eyes boring into yours with piercing intensity, "I'm not messing with you, sweet girl. Everything I've done has a purpose." His voice echoed in the tent, filled with a conviction you struggled to understand, as the mystery around you seemed to deepen even further.
You felt even more suspicious and uncomfortable with the man's words.
Who was he? Or rather, what was he?
"Who are you?" You finally asked, your jaw clenched in a mix of nervousness and defiance.
"I have several names." He purred in response, a chilling sensation running down your spine as he circled around you like a wary predator, "But you can call me Aslan for now."
Aslan? For now? The name echoed in your mind, loaded with a meaning that you could barely begin to understand.
"What do you want with me?" You frowned, your voice thick with tension and distrust.
“What I want doesn't matter, but what you want does.” He replied calmly, his eyes fixed on yours with an intensity that made you uncomfortable.
What do you want?
"Are you mocking me?" You rolled your eyes, frustrated with his evasive answers, "I'm not in the mood for jokes, Aslan." Your words were spoken firmly, a mixture of irritation and determination evident in your voice. You were going to get answers one way or another.
He laughed darkly, and involuntarily, a chill ran down your spine at the laugh that escaped the man's lips.
"Be patient, my dear. I'll explain everything to you, but for now..." He stopped talking when he heard a commotion outside your tent.
''Finish speaking.'' You ordered, your voice firm and determined, demanding answers in the face of the growing intrigue and urgency of the situation.
He smiled, a mysterious gleam dancing in his eyes, "You're learning to act like a Queen."
You looked him straight into his dark eyes, ''I am one.'' Your statement was delivered with unwavering confidence, your identity and position clearly defined, even amidst the confusion and uncertainty that surrounded you.
You were a Queen. You were the Queen of Macedonia, and as strange as that title still sounded in your ears, it felt right when it left your lips.
Aslan smiled widely, his features softening with the confidence of your words, ''You are.'' He confirmed, his voice filled with respect and recognition, as he slowly headed towards the flap of the tent.
''Where are you going? We're not done talking!'' Your words came out in a rush, your gaze narrowing with each step he took towards the exit.
''Duty calls me.'' He sang, his voice filled with mystery and promise, ''But I'll be back soon. We have plenty of time to talk, (Y/N).'' Aslan bowed slightly and left before you could utter another word.
''Aslan...'' You uttered his name, or one of his names in this case, and was strangely pleased with the sweet way it fell from your lips. Why did he look so familiar? Your fingers gripped the hem of your traditional Persian dress, your nails digging into the soft fabric.
You would have the answers soon, you were sure of that. But for now, there was something more pressing to deal with. You needed to meet Darius in person, a meeting that promised to be crucial to your future.
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Darius's tent was exactly as you expected it to be: extravagant. Even in the middle of a war camp, the Persian King did not give up his luxuries and comforts.
As you observed the opulence around him, you couldn't help but reflect on how that very extravagance may have been one of the reasons for Darius' downfall. His excessive indulgence and disconnection from the reality of the challenges he faced as a leader may have weakened his rule and undermined his authority among his people and his armies. Vanity and ostentation can be double-edged weapons, especially in times of conflict and political instability.
As you carefully observed Darius and a man who resembled him, your eyes wandered to the king, whose luxurious attire made it clear that he was Darius. You took in every feature of his features: his dark skin glowing in the golden light of the fire, his long black beard that complemented his face firmly. A faint smile curved his lips as you bowed respectfully before him, and his dark eyes softened slightly.
The similarity between Darius' imposing presence and Alexander's was remarkable, and you couldn't help but find it intriguing. Both possessed an enviable charisma, capable of attracting loyal followers and soldiers, even in the face of defeat and adversity. It was as if an aura of authority and leadership surrounded them, inspiring admiration and respect wherever they went. They were similar in that way.
Perhaps it was this magnetic charisma that allowed Darius to maintain a large number of loyal followers and soldiers, even after suffering defeats in battle. His commanding presence and ability to inspire confidence may have been crucial factors in maintaining his power and influence despite the challenges he faced. That was something admirable, and even though he was technically your enemy, you couldn't help but admire those traits.
''It's a pleasure to meet you in person.'' Darius's deep, calming voice sounded in your ears and you nodded slowly, hiding any possible nervousness. He seemed to know how to speak greek and that made you calmer.
"I say the same," You replied calmly, following Darius' lead and settling into a chair reserved for you, "Though it was unpleasant circumstances we found ourselves in." You couldn't help but poke him lightly, after all, he had kidnapped you. The tension between you was palpable, but you were determined to maintain diplomatic composure. You needed to ensure your safety above all else, especially now that you were pregnant.
Instinctively, your hand found its way to your belly, as if trying to protect the baby growing inside you. Darius's gaze followed the movement and rested on your belly, understanding the source of your apprehension.
"Nothing will happen to you or your child." He assured you calmly, his words filled with sincerity and empathy. A feeling of relief spread through you at his assurance, even though tension still permeated the air around you.
The presence of the man who resembled Darius, with malice shining in his eyes, further heightened your sense of unease. As Darius cleared his throat and called a name in Persian that you vaguely recognized as Bagoas, you knew you were looking at an intriguing historical character.
You knew Bagoas's name from contemporary records, which described him as a eunuch who had been the lover of both Darius and Alexander after the conquest of Persia. Your frown at this information was inevitable, and you stared at him as he entered the tent, carrying a jug of wine. Your eyes followed his every movement as he poured the liquid into three cups, and you couldn't help but notice the subtle glance he threw your way before disappearing with silent steps.
Darius took a sip of his wine and the other man did the same. Meanwhile, the wine in front of you remained untouched, as you knew that drinking alcohol during pregnancy was not recommended at all.
The other man finally decided to speak, his rough voice echoing in the tent. The greek that came from his lips was a little difficult to understand, but his words were clear, "We brought you here to negotiate."
Darius stared at the man disapprovingly and sighed, ''That's Bessus.''
Bessus. Uh-huh. This was bad. You knew this man and didn't trust him at all and it seemed like even Darius didn't trust him.
''To negotiate what?'' You raised your eyebrows.
''In exchange for your safety and life, Alexander must abandon the war and return home.'' Bessus replied, drinking his wine with great enthusiasm. You looked at him with disdain evident in your eyes. Did they really think Alexander would give up so easily? They will be fools then.
The idea that Alexander would give up so easily was absurd, and those who believed it were mistaken. Alexander was a formidable leader, determined to pursue his goals with fierce determination, and you knew he would never abandon the war without fighting until his last breath. He would rather die fighting than return as a coward.
"Alexander won't give up." You replied firmly, your voice thick with conviction, "He never will."
Bessus's expression was disdainful as he arched his eyebrow, "Not even for his beloved pregnant wife?"
You fought the urge to punch Bessus at his taunts and replied dryly, "Alexander will destroy the world for me, and you made a huge mistake by bringing me here."
There was a certain arrogance in your voice, but it was the truth. You knew the destructive power Alexander was capable of inflicting when provoked, and those who dared to defy him were playing with fire.
You remembered the stories about what he did to his enemies, to those who dared to cross his path or take what was his. His revenge was swift and merciless, sending a clear message to all those who dared defy him: there was no mercy for traitors and invaders. Darius and Bessus were in hot water when they decided to kidnap you.
''Let's talk, shall we?'' Darius interrupted the conversation between you and Bessus, sensing the animosity between you.
You nodded, even though you knew this conversation wouldn't get you anywhere. Their situation was complicated, and it seemed like they were about to face the consequences of their actions.
Every action has a reaction, right?
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"My wife is not here?" Alexander's voice was low, but his fury resonated clearly in every word, his clenched fists denoting his intense emotion.
The generals present, Hephaestion and Ptolemy, seemed worried and fearful of the king's wrath. Finally, Hephaestion decided to take the lead, his expression carefully controlled to avoid further provoking Alexander's explosive reaction.
"She is not here." He said with the greatest caution he could have at that moment, his words chosen precisely to convey the truth without triggering an even more violent reaction from the King. The tension in the air was palpable, as everyone awaited Alexander's next response and the consequences that could follow.
"She's not here.'' Alexander repeated, his voice sounding louder, reverberating through the room. Ptolemy swallowed hard, feeling the weight of responsibility in deciding to speak,
"(Y/N)'s guards said they didn't find her in her tent when they woke up.'' He stated, holding Alexander's menacing gaze as long as he could, his expression showing both concern and determination.
Finally, the King snapped. His fists hit the poor makeshift table hard, causing it to fall with a deafening crash. Hephaestion fought the urge to shudder at Alexander's display of fury.
"So where is she?" Alexander asked, his voice filled with anger and despair, staring intensely at his two friends, "WHERE IS SHE?" The last question was shouted, echoing off the walls of the room and reverberating in the minds of everyone present. The tension reached its peak, as everyone awaited the answer with a mixture of apprehension and fear for what could happen next.
"W-We don't know!" Ptolemy was quick to say, fearing for his life, his words flowing in a torrent of fear. "We've done a thorough search of the entire camp and surrounding area, but there's no trace of her. It's as if she's disappeared."
"People don't disappear out of thin air." Alexander sneered, his penetrating and suspicious gaze scanning every detail of his generals' faces. His blue eye narrowed, emanating an intensity that made it clear he would not accept evasive answers or excuses.
Hephaestion decided to speak to try to help calm his friend, aware of the urgency of providing any information that could help or worsen the situation.
"According to the guards stationed at her tent, they were knocked out and the Queen was gone." He reported, his voice firm but filled with concern.
Alexander looked his friend in the eyes, his expression a mixture of anger and grim determination, "Who took her?" His question was uttered with increasing urgency, indicating that he would not rest until he found answers and brought his wife back safely.
Ptolemy and Hephaestion exchanged a heavy look of mutual significance. They knew Alexander wouldn't take this information very well. Betrayal was never something he dealt with easily, especially when it came from such a dear friend.
Taking a deep breath and mentally preparing himself for the coming storm, Hephaestion took the lead once again.
"Perdiccas." He said, his voice heavy with the weight of revelation as he faced Alexander's furious gaze. The words hung in the air, loaded with inevitable consequences, while everyone awaited the King's explosive reaction to the betrayal of one of his closest confidants.
"Perdiccas.'' Alexander repeated the name carefully, feeling a bitter taste of betrayal in his mouth.
His childhood friend, his trusted general, now revealed himself as the traitor who had kidnapped his wife. The reality of the situation hit Alexander with devastating force, a mixture of disbelief and fury boiling inside him. How could someone he trusted so deeply betray like this?
The feeling of betrayal pierced his heart like a sharp blade, leaving him furious and determined to carry out the worst punishment, torture known to man.
The fury building inside Alexander was like an uncontrolled hurricane, a primal force that threatened to devour everything in its path. His vision turned red, his mind flooded with images of violence and revenge. All he could see was a pool of blood and a cruelly mutilated body in the middle of it. Perdiccas' body.
He wanted revenge, revenge as brutal and painful as the betrayal he had experienced. The pain of being betrayed like that tore him apart, consuming him with an overwhelming rage that threatened to swallow him whole.
The idea of killing Perdiccas slowly and painfully took root in his mind like an obsession. He imagined every macabre detail, every torment he would inflict on the traitor, fueled by the relentless thirst to recover what belonged to him and the unbearable pain of betrayal.
With a herculean effort to contain his burning fury, Alexander finally managed to muster the strength to ask, "Where did he take her?"
"We don't know yet." Ptolemy replied, his eyes fixed on Alexander as he carefully assessed the King's reaction.
The answer seemed to echo in the room, filled with tension and uncertainty. Alexander was strangely restrained, his expression too controlled for the tastes of those present. This was worrying. Ptolemy and Hephaestion exchanged a quick glance, sharing their silent apprehension at what might come next. The approaching storm was invisible, but the tension in the air was palpable, foreshadowing a series of events that could change the course of history.
With palpable determination, Alexander finally made a decision. He stared at the broken table, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and resolve.
"Send all available men to search for any possible information." He ordered firmly, "Spread the news and whoever brings me information about my wife's whereabouts will receive a generous reward."
Ptolemy nodded in understanding and hurriedly left the tent, leaving Hephaestion and Alexander alone in the silent wreckage. The tension in the air was almost palpable, but beneath this layer of anger and worry, there was an unwavering determination that guided Alexander's every action. He was determined to find his wife, no matter the cost.
Hephaestion carefully approached Alexander, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Alexander did not react immediately, his mind still absorbed in turbulent and bloody thoughts.
"Alexander?" Hephaestion's voice sounded gentle and calming, seeking to draw his friend's attention to the present.
"Hephaestion," Alexander replied carefully, his voice filled with determination and a focused intensity, "I want Perdiccas to be brought to me alive."
Hephaestion nodded silently, even though he knew Alexander wasn't looking directly at him. He perfectly understood the implicit meaning behind the order to bring Perdiccas alive.
Even without being asked, Alexander continued, his voice filled with determination and a calculated coldness, "I want to interrogate him personally, ask him why he betrayed me and stole my wife. And then, personally, I will torture him and kill him." The words were delivered with icy calm, but there was no doubt that each one carried a deadly weight.
Alexander's determination was unwavering, his mind focused on just one goal: getting his wife back, no matter the cost. He was willing to throw all of his power and destructive force against any obstacle that he dared to stand in his way.
Cities would fall, armies would be torn to pieces, and populations would be subjugated. Men would be killed, while women and children would be taken into slavery, all in the name of desperately searching for his beloved Queen. Alexander did not care about the human or moral cost of his actions; his fiery fury eclipsed any consideration of compassion or mercy.
The entire world would tremble at Alexander's wrath, for he was determined to leave a trail of destruction in his wake towards those who dared to defy him and take away what was most precious to him. His journey would be marked by blood, pain and suffering, but he would not rest until his wife was safe in his arms again, no matter what the cost.
He would recover his Lost Queen.
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— lady l: And things get more and more complicated for the Persians, don't they? Poor things, they thought it was a good idea to steal a yandere's wife. There wasn't one to warn you, right?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I changed my writing style a little and I hope this pleases you. Feel free to send your feedback and I'll see you in the next chapter! Love you all!! ❤️
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floatyflowers · 7 months
Dark Husband! Alexander The Great x Reader
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You were favored concubine of Darius, and held a high position in Egypt for such a title.
All it took for you, is to seduce him with your youthful looks and body.
Adding to that your high intelligence which attracted him to you.
It was going smoothly, as you planned to cause a revolt against him and take over.
But that all went to waste, When Alexander the Great conquered Egypt.
You quickly switched sides to save yourself, but never expected that Alexander would fall for your witty attitude.
And also your connection with the high priests whom you convinced to make the people trust Alexander and believe that he was sent by Amun to save Egypt from Persia.
When he proposed for you to marry him, you were surprised, but accepted.
Which was a huge mistake.
You expected that he would leave you in Egypt and continue his conquests but instead he took you with him.
"I'm your husband, so you are obligated to accompany me and attend to me whenever needed"
Also, your influential connections were cut off as Alexander refused that you speak or send letters to anyone.
Anyone who was against the marriage, Alexander would execute them.
He made sure to execute your relatives, so you will have no one but him.
Even though, Alexander has two other wives, and a harem, but it's you who he always spends most of his nights with.
Most of those nights, you would try to persuade him to sleep with others.
With the excuse that they will give him a better experience.
But he argues that he only wants you, and wants to get you pregnant as soon as possible.
Fortunately, Alexander gets ill, and you stay by his side until he passes.
Your happiness of freedom doesn't last, because Ptolemy I Soter decides to rule Egypt and take you as his wife.
So, you become the ancestor of Cleopatra VII
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gulnarsultan · 5 months
Yandere the borgias family with innocent reader
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Yandere Borgia family and innocent reader.
The reader's financial situation and status do not matter to the Borgia family. It doesn't matter how you met them. What matters is that you are now a part of their family. So there is no way back now.
》 Protective/ possessive/ jealous/ manipulative/ violent/ 《
◇Pope Alexander vi /Rodrigo Borgia.
Head of the Borgia family. He is ruthless, ambitious and extremely devoted to his family. Bringing power, influence and wealth to the Borgia family are the most important principles for Rodrigo. Shortly after meeting you, Rodrigo sees you as his second daughter. So now for Rodrigo you are his sweet and innocent Princess. Rodrigo has a say in all decisions about your life. He wants the best for you. He is protective of you because of your innocent nature. He believes that an innocent like you cannot survive in such a world. Rodrigo will ensure that you live a life worthy of a Princess.
◇Vanozza dei Catannei.
For Vanozza, you are now her child and second daughter. She is very determined to be your confidant and advisor. She tries to help you in everything. She is protective and possessive about your innocence. She will not allow anyone to defile you. It will allow you to have the most expensive jewelry and dresses. Mother and daughter moments with you are very precious to Vanozza.
◇Cesare Borgia.
To Cesare, you are his innocent little sister. There is no limit to the abominations and cruelties he will do to you. It is very severe against the smallest mistakes made against you. Cesare will do anything for his family. So there is nothing that you cannot do. Even if he is a brash and arrogant man, this changes when he is with you. He maintains his image as the perfect man and the great older brother when he is with you.
◇ Lucrezia Borgia.
Lucrezia has always dreamed of having a sister. You are now her little sister. She is possessive and protective of your innocent nature. To Lucrezia, you are pure sunshine. Chatting with you, trying on new dresses and jewelry, and walking around together are her favorite activities. Lucrezia supports you in everything. She shares all her secrets and fears with you.
◇Juan Borgia.
Juan is not exactly close with his other siblings. But the only exception is you. Juan is improving his skills in combat so he can protect you better. He rarely visits taverns and brothels anymore. He doesn't want to spoil his image and innocence in your eyes. He fights a lot about you, especially with his brother. There will be a great rivalry between him and his brother.
◇ Giulia Farnese.
Giulia sees you as the daughter she never had. She's always fighting with Vanozza to mother you. In Giulia's eyes, you are an innocent girl. That's why the instinct to protect you is so strong. She never gets tired of buying you lots of gifts. The competitive battle with Vanozza never ends. However, both of them do not hesitate to work together for your good.
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heavenlayt · 10 months
┎━ ✨ ━ ✦。* ━ ✨ ━ ✦。* ━┒
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🪶Twisted Wonderland;
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🪶Historical character's;
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🪶Greek mythology;
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Yandere Artemis with a sweet and naive reader
🪶Egyptian mythology;
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© heavenlayt | Don't repost, plagiarize or translate without permission.
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yandere-writer-momo · 13 days
Yandere Short Stories:
Hell Fire
Yandere Priest x Herbalist Fem Reader
TW: abuse of power, yandere behavior, manipulation, and forced relationship
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Pale hands affectionately cupped the soft cheeks of the sleeping maiden that rested on the bed in the dungeon. A bright smile on the young priest’s face as his fingers traced over her soft lips.
“You are finally here…” Aurel voice was as soft as a breeze. His blue eyes gentle and his lips pursed in thought. “You’re finally within my grasp.”
Aurel glanced around to make sure there were no other eyes watching before he crawled into the small bed beside (your name). His lanky arms wrapped around her vulnerable form in a vice like grip. Aurel buried his nose into her hair and deeply inhaled her sweet scent, a moan escaped his lips from how delectable (your name) smelled.
“I wonder if you’ll be happy to see me once you wake up.” Aurel thought aloud as his hands wandered her sleeping form. “We used to be so close when we were kids… we can get married just like we always wanted.”
Aurel brushed a few of his silver strands away from his blue eyes. His cheeks heated up at how beautiful (your name) had grown to be. “I’ve crawled my way to become a Cardinal, but I’m willing to bend the rules for you… so you just have to accept me.”
Aurel buried his face into her shoulders while he clutched her closer to his chest. His tongue clicked when he felt his she thinned out a bit. These heathens haven’t been feeding (your name) properly, have they? He’d punish them once he married her…
Aurel pressed a few stray kisses to her shoulders before he smiled to himself. He had destroyed her reputation as an herbalist by spreading rumors of her being a witch. It was a desperate and cowardly method, but she refused to be with him. What other choice did Aurel have? (Your name) had forced his hand for the last time and now she had the biggest choice to make.
Become his wife or burn at the pyre.
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lindoesntwin · 20 days
A woman transmigrated into the fiancee of the side character who eventually turns evil due to his unfulfilled love towards the female lead however, the side character turns out to fall in love with her instead.
Other titles: I'm the Wife of the Yandere Second Male Lead; The Blackened Second Male Lead's Wife
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the-cult-of-rhaenyra · 5 months
♕ ✦ —• 𝗠𝗬𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗬/ 𝗛𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 • — ♡+*
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Long Fics
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NSFW Alphabets
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Yandere Profile
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Love Letters
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NSFW Alphabets
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Yandere Profile
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Love Letters
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© The posts published on this account/blog are the property of the-cult-of-rhaenyra. Do not reproduce or translate my work without permission. The use of my edits is permitted, however, I request appropriate credits.
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waaanderingluna · 7 months
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🥀 𝕴'𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖚𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝖂𝖎𝖋𝖊
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allfearstofallto · 2 months
Okay okay last one, I swear!! I just have so many ideas! But three more for the yandere historical au and I'm finished, pinky promise!!
[Part 1] [Part 2]
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Master Duelist! Xiao who has never lost a fight. Always challenged, but never the one to initiate, he was one of the reasons your family has such high honor. Even though many lords of higher status have offered to buy him for a pretty penny, he stays loyal to your family. Specifically to you. His opponents who see you in the crowd during their duel, know to just give up, he fights harder when you're watching. Every favor, embroidered handkerchiefs, that you'd given him, hang like trophies in his room. But upon learning that you're to be wed soon, he stands and challenges your fiance to a duel for your hand, one that he knows he'll win.
Butler! Thoma who has been in your family for years. Taken in by your parents and raised to be your right hand, the two of you grew up to be close friends, rather than typical master and servant. Despite this, he still finds ways to scold you, while also telling you how much of a gracious lady you've grown into. Maybe your closeness with him is why you decide to tell him of a rendezvous you're planning to have with a commoner boy that you've grown to like. Only, suddenly your home is more guarded than usual and your parents seem even more strict with you than before, almost like they know something you never told them.
Former King! Zhongli who steps down from his post shortly after his son becomes of age. While he no longer has his title, he's still heavily respected and praised by all. He saw you at a ball and formally invited you to the royal palalce. Your family excitedly rushes you into a carriage, thinking the invite is for meeting with the newly crowned King instead. Only, when you get there, Zhongli is truly the only one waiting for you. He sits you down next to him and compliments you almost incessantly, ending the conversation by asking you if you think he's too old to be considering a second marriage.
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Forgive me if these are bad!! This is my first time writing for any of these characters and I wanted to try!!
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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— THE CONCUBINE GAME !! ♡. Synposis ; After many months of persuading, the emperor, Y/N L/N had finally agreed to take in a select few concubines and consorts—not an official partner.. but concubines. This caused an uproar in court; however the emperor promised to choose an official partner; amongst the crowd of concubines and consorts.. Who will the emperor choose?
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— Themes ; Harem / historical au , Twisted wonderland , multiple characters x reader , royalty au , includes rsa + yuuka/yuuken. ♡ . • . will contain suggestive themes.
ꕟ Notes ; I'll try to research for this but I really just want to experiment around with this, I have an idea in mind for the plot and this may go on for quite a few parts, so prepare for a long read. This isn't a smau, since phones didn't exist back then.
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ꔁ Profiles ; Harem entries ; Accepted reports ; To be confirmed ; ♡
♡. chapter one
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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circeyoru · 2 months
{Unwanted Soul} Masterlist
(it got too long in my Masterlist, so I had to open a new one...)
Pairing: [Yandere!Alastor x Owner of his Soul!Reader]
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Main Story:
Part 1 — The Beginning of It All
Part 2 — Welcome Back
Part 2.5 (ask) — Knowing about the contract & Your scenes in Hazbin
Part 3 — Time Away From Home
Part 4 — Realizing & Accepting
Part 5 — Confession From The Heart
Part 6 — The Giver's Perspective
Part 7 — Reveal the Storm
Part 8 — Technological Dealings
Part 9 — The Cat Makes Its Appearance
Part 10 — Clean Up & Reveals
Trivia Asks:
— Songs vibing with the story
— What if Alastor's soul is returned?
— Hotel crew's reaction to finding out about the relationship + What if more yanderes?
— What if you gave Alastor your soul? Alastor's perception of it
— Short!Alastor imagine
— What if you die? Alastor's reaction
— Short!Alastor imagine II
— What if you were redeemed for saving Alastor from Adam?
— Dating Lucifer and Alastor?? (very very short)
— Alastor's reaction to you being flirted/harassed
— Musical Hell and Music lover you
— Reader's romantic view on Alastor? & Toying with feelings?
— Kisses in public for Alastor!??!!
— Declaration of love from you
— Slow to warm you & Alastor's reaction
— A date with Alastor
— Hotel members questioning your and Alastor's relationship
— Small rivalry with Cursed Cat Alastor
— Hotel members & Mimzy's reaction to you dating Alastor
— Continuation of redeemed you back in Hell
— Lucifer tells Alastor you're more powerful than you look + Demon design
— Redeemed Alastor after saving you from Adam
— You and a little visitor named KeeKee
— Angel snatching you away from Alasto
— You saved Cursed Cat Alastor, now you have two!
— Additional outfit inspiration for your demon design
— Cursed Cat Alastor VS Alastor: "Cat or me?!"
— Appreciate Alastor please
— Lore before your quill + Redeemed!Alastor Part 2
— Costume dress-up suggestions / theme
— What if you're physically clingy to Alastor?
— Accidentally hurting you while throwing Angel
— No cuddles while you binge-watch anime?
— Your interest in Black Butler | Alastor VS Sebastian??
— Alastor acts the way your favourite characters do
— Your past and career? + Powers & abilities lore
— Do you remember? Redeemed Alastor
— You and Alastor dancing
— You get hurt by some demon
— No angst for redeemed you & battling Adam
— Bambi shows favouritism to only you
— Anniversary with you and Alastor
— "Pokemon Alastor, I choose you!"
— Birthday celebrations?
— Someone broke Alastor's precious radio gift from you
— What if redeemed you got Alastor out of that insane phase?
— You dress up like a princess or evening gown
— Your interest in historical anime/manga
— Are you, by chance, a songwriter as well when alive? + Weakness
— Summoning Cursed Cat Alastor?! + Limitation to power
— How did the hotel crew learn not to disturb your dates?
— You and learning French to one-up Alastor
— What if redeemed you forgave Alastor
1: Alastor's battle with Adam (ended)
2: Next Storyline of the Story (ended)
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aphroditelovesu · 3 months
Yan!Husband Henry VIII Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ 👑 — lady l: This has been in my draft for a while but I decided to finish it now lol. Hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes. ❤️🧡
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, toxic relationship, mention of death perhaps.
❝👑pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader.
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You had already dreamed of marrying a King, of becoming his Queen and giving birth to his heirs, a romantic fantasy that you and many other young women have dreamed of. They were mere fantasies of romance that you made up, but never really thought it would happen or become the obsession of one of the most infamous Kings in the history of England.
Your dreams remained as they were, dreams of a young lady. The King of the country where you lived was already married, so there wasn't much chance of you marrying him. Your family was of noble enough origin and had considerable wealth, but nothing too extravagant.
Until your older sister's marriage to a powerful man, close to the King. With that, your family immediately moved to the English Court, excited about their new status. Your father was particularly eager to marry you off to a powerful man as well.
Henry was dissatisfied with his wife, Anne, she had failed to conceive the much-desired male heir he so desperately wanted. His wandering eyes began to wander to the young women of the Court and when he laid eyes on you, he knew you would be the one to give him what he wanted.
Henry's captivating gazes seemed to follow you wherever you went and it began to unnerve you. A hint of excitement perhaps, but you knew it was a dangerous game to get involved with the King, especially when he was married.
Your parents were immensely happy with the King's interest in you. If you became his mistress, it would bring benefits and riches to your family. And when Henry got tired of you, you could perhaps marry a man with a noble title. Maybe a Duke or a Marquis.
But you didn't want to be his mistress or anyone's mistress. You wanted a husband and not a mere toy that he could always discard later. Your resistance angered your parents but attracted Henry even more. Your rejecting him has stirred him up, and bewitched him even more. Whenever you were in a room, Henry's eyes would be on you.
All of Henry’s attention was on you and you would be lying if you said you didn’t like it. He didn't even try to hide his affection for you, he sent you gifts and letters constantly. You reciprocated, sending him letters in return, but always remaining firm in your convictions.
Before long, Henry was deeply in love with you and quickly got rid off his current wife, Anne. When he asked you to marry him, shortly after his separation from Anne, you hesitated but accepted. You would finally become his and his alone.
Once you were married, Henry became more possessive than ever. He already didn't like the looks other gentlemen gave you, but now that you were officially his, it would be considered a crime of treason. And we know how he deals with betrayal.
You were his perfect Queen, so sweet and so, well, perfect. Henry makes a point of reminding you of that every day, about how perfect you were for him. He really was in love, so he kept on your side the whole time. His eyes remained only on you.
Henry truly values ​​you and your opinion. It is not a custom, but he would be willing to listen to your wishes and political opinions (if you have any) on matters of state. You are his Queen, after all. If it was your wish, if you were Catholic, Henry could even try to restore Catholicism in England.
He really loved you, maybe not in the conventional way, but he did. Henry would listen to your wishes, fulfill them and all he wants in return is his love. He will not tolerate people speaking ill of you and will condemn anyone who does so for treason.
Henry would be loyal to you, he would take care of you until your death. He wants to have children with you, a family, a male heir, but he also wants to be with you. He could be himself and not the King of England.
And when you finally gave him his long-awaited male heir, Henry knew he would never let you go or let anything happen to you. After all, you are his wife and his Queen. And Henry doesn't handle treason very well.
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floatyflowers · 5 months
Dark! Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader
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You are Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI's daughter who was sent away before getting captured or beheaded like your family.
Honestly, you wanted to forget about everything that happened, and move on.
However, that unfortunately was impossible especially when Napoleon Bonaparte became the emperor of France.
Napoleon invited you to come back to court, assuring that you will be safe under his protection.
You hesitantly agree, praying that it's not a trap.
And surprisingly, it wasn't, Napoleon received you in his court with a smile and open arms, not caring about the opinions of others about that matter.
The reason for Napoleon's passion towards you is because he saw a painting of you and immediately became obsessed.
When you found out that the French emperor plans on making you his mistress.
You planned to escape, not wanting to be put in a scandalous position.
However, during your escape in the middle of the night, trying to leave the palace with your servants.
You didn't expect to see Napoleon waiting for you at the exit with his soldiers.
He only smiles at you upon seeing your frightened expression.
"I do not remember giving you permission to leave, my dear"
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gulnarsultan · 8 months
I realized you wrote for Rise of empires ottoman
Do you accept obscene articles for Yandere Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan??
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I hope you like it. Yandere Fatih Sultan Mehmet
~ After Mehmet sees you, your fate is sealed forever. You can either be a Princess, a nobleman or an ordinary citizen of another empire.
~ He doesn't care how long it takes or how hard it is to get you. He will make his plans and get you.
~ After bringing you to the Palace, he is determined to make you fall in love with him and love him.
~ When you look at Mehmet's face, it instills in people the feelings of respect and fear towards him. He only smiles when it's just the two of you.
~ He never ceases to surprise you with his many talents. The fact that he is knowledgeable on many subjects and knows seven foreign languages ​​makes you admire him.
~ He is protective of you. He will not allow anyone to disrespect or harm you.
~ He orders a lot of gifts from different parts of the country and from other countries. So, among his wives, you are the richest and the only one with the greatest treasure.
~ He tries not to discriminate between his children. However, when you look very carefully, it is possible to understand that you are more fond of children born to you.
~I must say there is no escape from this man. No matter how far you run, Mehmet will find you and take you back. Because of Mehmet, most likely no one will help you escape.
~ He will write poems for you. The peaceful moments you two experience when you are together are very valuable to Mehmet.
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pennyellee · 10 months
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, smut, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, yandere, threatening, kidnapping, partial religious behaviour, graphic violence, graphic depictions of torture, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, implied non-con, minor character death, spanking, blood, gaslighting (more to be added)
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m.list: chapter I - absquatulate 2,11K chapter II - sponsalia 6,7K chapter III - ambience 6,9K filler - Game of Go 1,5K chapter IV - ustulation 5,6K chapter V - paraprosexia 7K chapter VI - súton 11,1K chapter VII - mágoa 12K chapter VIII - chapter IX - chapter X -
cross-posted on ao3
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disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
©pennyellee. please do not repost
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pinkcottonlatte · 1 year
YOONGIᵳᵢ𝓬 ᵣₑ𝓬ₛ
[part 1]
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⦾ Series
⁃ Turqbuni by @solastia (complete, featuring Jimin, Angst, explicit smut, threesome)
⁃ feels so right by @solastia (on going, Emotional manipulation, domestic violence, Infidelity, Eventual smut)
⁃ she’s too clingy by @tvntae (on going, Angst, mentions of sex, cursing, cheating)
⁃ void by @btssavedmylifeblr (on going, ot5, smut, explicit sexual content, masturbation, discussions of pornography, voyeurism, and excessive sexual tension)
⁃ silver spoon by @blameblamebts (ongoing, Angst/ Romance)
⁃ what if by @blameblamebts (complete, Angst/Romance/Violence)
⁃ la douleur exquise by @cinnaminsvga (on going, fluff, angst, humor, eventual smut)
⁃ pretend by @gimmesumsuga (ongoing, on hiatus, explicit smut, angst, infidelity)
⁃ her by @solelybts (angst)
⁃ silent black keys by @dtownsuga (on going, deaf composer! yoongi x librarian! y/n, angst, fluff)
⁃ white gown by @dtownsuga (ongoing, doctor! yoongi x doctor! y/n, fluff, angst, eventual smut)
⁃ grey area by @blushoseoks (ongoing, slowburn, soulmate au, angst, language, eventual smut)
⁃ leave me by @itsamejin (complete, angst, cheating, toxic relationship)
⁃ goodbye by @itsamejin (complete, cursing, fighting, angst)
⁃ droplets by @bts-timestories (ongoing, historical au, arranged marriage, angst, violence and yandere themes)
⁃ ink nemesis by @scriptaed (complete, Angst/Fluff || paparazzi!au; fake dating!au;)
⁃ all the room in the world by @inkofyoonkoo (complete, Fluff/angst | Childhood friends!AU ∘ Friends to lovers!AU)
⁃ poetica by @inkofyoonkoo (ongoing, sci fi au, smut, angst, fluff)
⁃ you among the others by @inkofyoonkoo (ongoing, enemies to lovers, smut, angst, fluff, college au)
⁃ Dating advice by @taleasnewastime (complete, fluff, angst, smut)
⁃ look down on me like that by @here2bbtstrash (ongoing, slow burn, enemies to lovers, coworkers au, smut, angst)
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⦾ Oneshots
⁃ my woman by @solastia (smut & fluff)
⁃ a new beginning by @tvntae (fluff & angst)
⁃ gwanghae flow by @btssavedmylifeblr (explicit sexual activity,dub-con, unhealthy relationship dynamics, slut shaming, adultery, impreg kink, knife/sword play, historical inaccuracy)
⁃ inspiration by @blameblamebts (fluff, angst)
⁃ be quiet by @gimmesumsuga (smut, oral)
⁃ wraith by @gimmesumsuga (angst, Cursing, mentions of domestic abuse, rough, unprotected sex, violence, blood, character deaths)
⁃ your favourite game by @gimmesumsuga (smut, fluff)
⁃ seesaw by @dtownsuga (angst, toxic behaviour)
⁃ this love by @itsamejin (angst, fluff, idol!yoongi, artist!yn, cursing, sexual content)
⁃ all oneshots and drabbles of @scriptaed
⁃ all fics of @blu-joons
⁃ litost by @ethertae (humiliation, dirty talk, degradation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, angst, smut)
⁃ all eyes on me by @here2bbtstrash (smut, college au, masturbation, accidental and then purposeful voyeurism, a smidge of dirty talk)
⁃ me and my husband by @here2bbtstrash (smut, dom husband yoongi, minor dirty talk/teasing/ass grabbing, suggested infidelity as teasing, semi-public indecency, spanking as punishment, thigh riding, a smidge of crying, squirting)
⁃ watermelon sugar by @here2bbtstrash (spit kink, erotic watermelon eating , friends to lovers, tiny bit of praise kink)
⁃ drip by @here2bbtstrash (friends to lovers, smut)
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