#y’all have no idea how much I’ve held back talking about him
frownyalfred · 9 months
Where did you get commander Cody from? I’m asking for, uh, a friend 😅
Amazon! He was 20$ and brings me so much joy. Almost as much joy as my Commander Cody keychain…
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iconicstoner · 3 months
MtF reader who is nervous about bottom surgery, (any depth) and so she starts to wander around the forest to work out the excess energy.
Jasper who's used to them pacing around the forest simply waits for them to go to the same spot they usually do. This time instead of letting them not talk about it he tells them they need to talk about it. Since she's so scared of surgery.
a/n: Okay, so I usually never write for fem readers (bc I’m a guy), but I thought this idea was super sweet. As a queer person myself, I really love the idea of the twilight vampires being accepting of queer people. I hope I did this ask justice, and to any trans people who are worried about hormones or surgery I hope this is comforting to y’all. 
mtf!reader x jasper hale (fluff)
words: 823
summary: you’ve been nervous about your upcoming bottom surgery for a while now, so Jasper, the concerned lover he is, makes sure to comfort you and talk you through every detail.
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Jasper sat atop one of the trees, waiting for any trace of her to alert him. It was no surprise when he smelled her familiar scent before he could even see her. This secluded spot in the forest was where she always went when she was feeling nervous. Jasper looked down to see her, the beautiful girl he’d grown to love so quickly, walking back and forth quickly as she mumbled to herself. Jasper jumped out of the tree, and in an instant, he was next to her.
“You scared me,” she said breathlessly with a red tint covering her face. He could feel her embarrassment, but more than that he could feel her nervousness. 
“You seemed nervous, darlin’,” Jasper replied as he held one of her hands in his. “I wanted to check on you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said, brushing him off. “It’s nothing.”
“Seems like somethin’,” he said playfully, trying to lighten the mood. “You know you can tell me anything,” he said softly. She smiled at him and with shaky hands she brushed some of the hair away from his face. She let her hands fall back down to her sides, working up the courage to tell him what was really going on. Unbeknownst to her, Jasper was using his power in an attempt to make her feel calmer.
“I just need comfort, not advice. We don’t have to talk about it,” she assures him. 
“Sweetheart,” he says softly, his southern accent pouring out, “I can comfort you too, but clearly somethin’ has been botherin’ you for days. We need to talk about it or it won’t get any better,” he tells her as gently as possible, trying not to work her up.
“I’m just worried about my surgery,” she says with a sigh, causing Jasper’s eyes to widen in surprise. Soon, she’d be undergoing bottom surgery, and she was so excited about it, but now it was clearly causing her a lot of stress.
“I thought you wanted the surgery?” Jasper asked, looking into her eyes.
“I do,” she responded hurriedly, “it’s just this is a big operation, and something could go wrong, or I might not be happy with the results, or maybe you won’t be happy with the results and-”
“Darlin’, I will love you no matter what,” Jasper said, cutting her anxious rambling off. “It doesn’t matter if you get the surgery, if you don’t, or how it turns out. Despite how much I love your body,” he says lightheartedly, grabbing a hold of her waist, “that’s not why I stay with you. I stay with you for this,” he says, tapping her temple with his index finger. “You have the most beautiful mind I’ve ever encountered in my 160 years.”
“So things will be the same between us even after my surgery?” She asks hopefully.
“Not exactly,” Jasper says, causing her smile to fade. She gives him a concerned look and he quickly elaborates, “there might be some new things I’d like to try in the bedroom,” he says with a wink, causing her whole face to go red.
“Oh knock it off,” she says, playfully pushing his chest away with her hand, causing him to pretend to be shocked, except he can’t stop smiling at her. “You aren’t worried about me getting hurt?” she asks him. “It’s a serious surgery, what if I die?”
“I know for a fact no one has ever died during bottom surgery,” he comforts, leaning in closer to her. “And even if that somehow did happen, Carlisle and I would rush right over to the hospital and turn you. Even death can’t save you from me,” he tells her jokingly, but they both know that Jasper really would do that for her. “Besides, Carlisle has been a surgeon for like a million years, so that should be comforting,” he informs her. She laughs as she places her head on his chest.
“This is comforting,” she responds. 
“Perfect,” he responds, lightly kissing her on the top of the head after. She stays pressed up against his chest, and he begins to gently stroke her hair as they talk out some of the finer details of the surgery. Not only does he provide statistics about the surgery for logical comfort, but he also provides loving, emotional comfort. It’s clear Jasper won’t let anything bad happen to her. He’ll drive her to the hospital, hold her hand as she gets put under anesthesia, and as soon as the surgery is complete he’ll go back to her room and hold her hand while she wakes up. During the recovery process, he vows not to leave her side the entire time, even when she insists he doesn’t have to do that. She’s his whole world now and this surgery is just a small part of their story. Even if it’s scary, she can rest assured knowing nothing bad will happen to her. 
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Headcanons ab when the Outsiders need to be cuddled? Like when they’re tired or sad or just want to be held?
A/N: This was so much fun to do, I love being able to write the boys as soft and emotional, they’re just kids and sometimes they have rough days too <3 thanks for requesting!
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When it comes to cuddling Darry, it’s sort of a hit-or-miss situation, it’s only going to end up one of two ways
A) Y’all are gonna cuddle or B) no cuddles, just a quick kiss and a soft I love you
If the boys are around, specifically Sodapop or Ponyboy, option B is the only one available, Darry isn’t really up for lots of cuddles in front of the gang and his brothers
But, on the nights when he comes home from a rough day of work, whether it’s from roofing or working over at Buck’s (@sophie-i-guess13 has that lovely idea), Darry loves cuddles
He’s really touch-starved too, so he just melts when you pull him into your arms and keep him close
Run your fingers through his hair, have a few quiet conversations and kiss his head, you’ll have Darry purring like a cat on your chest <3 
So it’s really rare to see an unhappy Sodapop? Usually, he’s pretty happy and upbeat but that means his sad moments hit a little harder-
But! When he’s upset, he absolutely loves to have your attention on him <3 
Cuddle him and coo sweet nothings as you pet his hair and your darling Sodapop’ll be right as rain in no time whatsoever
And when Soda’s tired? This boy gets even more cuddly if that’s even possible for him
You know he’s tired when he kind of just drapes himself over you and wraps his arms around you, mumbling about how he doesn’t want you to go anywhere
I’ve mentioned he’s a cuddler, in the sleeping headcanons and stuff, but when he’s tired, his cuddly-ness increases tenfold   
No cuddles and I mean absolutely no cuddles, in front of the gang because the boys would never let him live it down
Does this mean his brothers haven’t walked in on the two of you cuddling? Absolutely not, it’s happened and they tease him for it <3
He’s like me, I headcanon Ponyboy to have a slight touch-aversity so that means cuddles are sort of an iffy thing
He doesn’t always need physical contact from you, sometimes just laying together and talking through whatever’s going on is enough for him
Pony really does like having his hair played with though!
So just talk and gently toy with his hair while you do it, he’ll feel a lot better, I promise you that!  
Cuddles?? For Dallas Winston?? Are you serious??
If you’re reading this, I assume that you are, in fact, serious about cuddling one of Tulsa’s most infamous greasers-
Dally is going to fight any and all of your attempts to cuddle him, insisting that he’s tough to be cuddled or that he doesn’t need cuddles
But as soon as the two of you are laying down or you’ve got your arms around him, gently tucking his head into the crook of your neck? Dally is melting like a popsicle abandoned on the sidewalk during the hottest day of the year
Pull him close, let him lay on top of you and just hold him there, occasional running your hands up and down his back, letting your fingers drift over his shoulders and the back of his neck
He gets sort of clingy when he’s drunk or tired too, so your best moment to get Dally cuddled is after he’s had a few beers or is exhausted from doing who knows what  
If you’re in a relationship with Johnny and you don’t cuddle him? Boy, are we gonna have to have a talk because you’re really missing out-
All of the cuddles. Give this boy all of the cuddles in the world.
When he’s upset? Cuddle him and kiss his head, brush his bangs out of the way and kiss the spot between his eyes, and bam, he’s back to being happy 
When Johnny’s tired, he loves being cuddled too, it kind of helps him fall asleep faster!
Let him be the little spoon, alright? I just- Johnny’s the little spoon and that just one of the facts of the universe
It’s like gravity, you just don’t question gravity and you don’t question whether or not Johnathan Cade is the little spoon
Like with Sodapop, it’s really rare for Two-Bit to be in a bad mood or be upset over something
He’s got the happy-go-lucky vibe going on, the only things that really make him upset are when people are messing with his people
Cuddles are one of his favorite things though, Two’s a very tactile person with a physical touch love language so I think that kind of speaks for itself
He’s usually the one to instigate the contact in his relationships I guess? Mainly because he can’t sit still and is always moving around
So when you start something, Two-Bit falls even more in love with you, I swear to everything
Personal headcanon of mine, he’s super ticklish, especially in the areas around the bottom of his ribs so just smile and slip your hands under the hem of his shirt and you’ll have a giggling Two in no time
Guess what guys? Steve’s touch-starved too! He’s the product of a distant mother and a volatile father I suppose
Steve’s home life isn’t exactly the greatest (at least in my headcanon of his background) and that leaves him a little touch and attention-starved
Lucky for you, the solution to both of these problems can be as simple as a good cuddle session
If he’s upset, maybe over losing a drag race or after a bad day at work where customers were being difficult, cuddles are the magic cure
Kiss his forehead and he’s melting in your arms, he lives for all of your gentle touches just as much as he does for your rough-housing
This is one of the only instances that Steve willingly lets you mess up the complicated swirls in his hair because yeah, those swirls take a long time to grease, but the feeling of your hands in his hair is so worth it  
Don’t expect Tim to admit that he’s upset over something, he’s too tough for that
He would rather die than tell you that something’s bothering him, so you’re gonna just have to learn how to pick up on the physical cues of his moods
He gets sort of quiet and drawn-in, unfocused and spacy when something’s wrong so it’s not really not too hard to pick up on it
Maybe he’s not feelin’ so hot one night because Curly got hauled in again for something stupid and Tim’s gotta figure out if he can manage to get the bail together or if Curly’s gonna go back to reform again-
Sit down next to him and gently tug at his shirt or his hands to pull him against you, it probably won’t take much convincing
Then just cuddle him, you don’t have to talk, just hold him close and run your hands over his back reassuringly   
Like his older brother, Curly tries his best to pretend like nothing ever upsets him
If you ask him what’s wrong, he’s just gonna play it off and put on that mask of I’m-totally-okay-even-though-I’m-not-we’re-gonna-pretend-like-it-doesn’t-matter
But, Curly is never going to pass up on cuddles from you, especially if he’s upset and tired-
Cuddling with Curly, no matter how upset or tired he is, is most likely going to turn into a soft make-out
That’s just gonna happen, Curly has problems showing his affections through words and relies on physical displays to get his points across (ex. kisses, holding your hand, wrapping an arm around you)
Tired Curly = Cuddly Curly and unlike his older brother who has a bit of a reputation to keep up, Curly has no qualms whatsoever about draping himself over you like an oversized lap dog
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moonlightazriel · 1 year
Son of the Darkness III /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: Mentions of war (?)
Word Count: 1,8K
Notes: Bryaxis baby deserves the world ahahahaha Again, I can only thank for the amazing support! Love y’all
Son of the darkness masterlist
Main Masterlist
Azriel was warned that he should go back to the river house, Rhys would be waiting for him there, and as he and Cassian entered the front door, Y/N was sitting there talking pacifically with Rhys about her court, the two spoke like they were old friends.
“Brothers, glad to see the two.” He greeted, two goblets of wine appearing out of nowhere, the two Illyrians took it, taking a sip as they sat down, still feeling a little uneasy with her presence. “Y/N will be staying with us for a while, I’m sure you may have a lot of questions, but all of them will be answered soon.”
“Maybe you should take a look into that letter!” She motioned for the letter hanging in between Azriel’s fingers, his gloved hands opening the seal, the same one on Y/N’s chest, his hands shaking slightly as he held the paper in front of his eyes.
“Dear grandson,
Eletha was my biggest treasure, my only daughter, the light of my life, her departure caused me great pain, and I didn’t have any more reasons to smile, she was a free spirit, a gentle soul, she was my happiness, she never wanted to be a ruler but it was her fate, even if she tried to run away from it.
I shouldn’t have forced her to it, she wanted to travel, to see the world on her own, maybe if I had allowed her, she would’ve returned home, I would do so many things differently if I could go back in time, but I still can make things right.
If this letter reaches you, know that ever since I learned about your existence, I’ve been searching for you, I wish we had more time together, but I’m not even sure if we will have the chance to meet, my health is deteriorating, I lost my mate and my daughter, I don’t have reasons to live anymore and our court could really use someone with new ideas.
I’m sorry that I have to force this burden upon you as I did with your mother so many centuries ago, but my people, your people, they need you, I know that you will be a great high lord, Y/N will be there to help you with everything you may need, she’s the most loyal person we have in our court, she knows everything about it, I know she’ll serve you greatly just like she did to me.
I know you will make the right choice, come home, this is your land, this crown belongs to you.
        -Loralen Malthalion, High Lord of Shadows.”
Azriel felt his heart twisting in his chest, this couldn’t be true, there wasn’t a court of shadows and he wasn’t the high lord, his eyes felt heavy with tears, the mentions of his mother making him sad, he missed her, so much, she was the only that has ever loved him before he found his brothers, his head snapped up, he looked at Rhysand, his brother, if this was true, he couldn’t leave, what would Rhys do without him?
Azriel needed to think, leaving the letter on the couch, he got up, walking out of the house, he flew, his wings carrying him away, his mind felt dizzy, too many thoughts simultaneously crossed his mind, and he couldn’t focus, feeling too overwhelmed by his feelings, he was panting and the tears were slowly going down his cheeks, he didn’t know what to do, should he go and leave his family behind? How much do the people from the other court suffer without him?
“You have all the time in the world to think about it brother, I know it’s a lot, but we're here for you.” Rhysand spoke in his mind, his voice was the only thing Azriel could focus on, the words repeating again and again, making it easier to breathe again, he knew that Rhysand would support him in whatever he decided to do.
2 days later
Cassian was responsible for showing Y/N around, the two had a lot to discuss, they were in a coffee shop, he had shown her every store in Velaris and she shared stories of Thera, the main city in The Court of Shadows, and her hometown, the city was bigger than Velaris but it wasn’t less impressive as she told stories.
“And then the male grabbed Evanore’s arm, trying to get her to talk to him, so I punched him in the face.” Cassian laughed while he sipped on his coffee, this female was funny, he liked her. “Well, ten times, but he tried to punch me too, that’s why I ended up banned from the Kincardine Club for three years.”
“So Kincardine in Thera is our Rita’s here. I guess Azriel won’t miss our home too much.” She looked at him.
“I’m sure the High lord already spoke to the Seven, they can come up with a faster way to travel than I did.” She squeezed Cassian’s hand, she enjoyed his company and understood his point, they knew each other for years, and of course, he would miss his brother.
“The Seven are the witches you talked about?” He was genuinely interested in the history of her court, and she nodded.
“They are an ancient Coven, Loralen made a deal with them and they helped us hide, they are really powerful and would be a great help in the war, in exchange, my soldiers have to protect the Yrila Forest, their home, no one can hunt there or harm anything. Eva is the youngest and she’s my best friend, they allowed her to come to Thera to learn the common tongue and fighting skills. I hope you can visit Thera.”
“If you can make the fast travel possible, I’m sure we're going to be there all the time, and Mor will definitively want to go to Kincardine, she’ll freak out with the possibility of going to a new club.” He smiled at her. “But I guess it’s time to deal with some serious issues.”
“You know what’s one of the greatest honors in my court?” He shook his head in denial. “To be a part of the nightfall army, we have discipline, strength, power, weapons, the sense of duty, everything a good army needs. My mother was the general and I worked so hard to get in my position, many doubted me, and many still do but I proved every single one of them wrong, we have dealt with inside wars and problems, and we’re ready to march over the battlefield and slaughter Hybern’s army until not a single warrior stands in our way.”
“We will need all the help we can get, the other lords, we don’t know if they are going to help us, Rhys is really stressed, we don’t have much choice, we can’t let them crush us.” Cassian and Y/N were similar in many aspects, especially when it came to war, it would be a pleasure for her joining forces with him and stop Hybern together, he was a smart male and she was excited to see his strategies.
They walked back to the river house, Azriel avoided Y/N at every opportunity he had, she wanted to talk to him, to explain how things work in their court, she wanted to start preparing him for what was yet to come, like she was expected to do, but all she saw was a trace of shadows, she wasn’t able to spot him not even a single time if he wanted to act like a child, she was going to treat him like one.
“I need to talk to Azriel, can you set a meeting for us since he refuses to look in my face?” She asked Rhysand on the fifth day, tired of this little hide-and-seek bullshit, she really tried to be comprehensive with him, and understand how this was a delicated situation but she was in a foreign place, away from her family and having to deal with such responsibility, she loved the night court’s hospitality but she missed her home, she wanted to be back in her court.
“I will see what I can do for you, maybe I can set up a meeting in the library. I can take you there if you want.” She nodded and he got up, grabbing her hand and winnowing to the library, the place was huge, inside a mountain, a couple of females walked around and rearranged the books in place, Rhysand told her that he would send Azriel there, she walked around looking book by book on the shelves, the place was beautiful, she could feel some eyes on her, but they quickly turned away when she spotted who was observing her.
As she walked further down the library, she had this sensation in the pit of her stomach, one that she knew very well, she kept walking down, something felt familiar about the darkness that rested peacefully at the bottom of the library like it was calling her there, she could hear its voice, lulling her downwards, she could only focus on the voice, she was almost there, just a few more steps and she would reach that melodic voice, her mother’s voice.
“What is wrong with you?” Azriel called her, his hand harshly yanking her back, he was fuming as he dragged her back up, she didn’t even realize how dark it was and how much she had walked until she could see him clearly now, his siphons glowing with his anger. “What the hell were you thinking? He could’ve turned into your worst nightmare, Bryaxis could’ve killed you.” That thing, she had heard about it before, or even better, she had encountered something like this before.
“He’s really far from home.” Azriel looked at her, she had reached the limit of the fence that protected her from a deathly fall, her eyes still glued to the beast. “That thing is from The Court of Shadows, we call it The Soul Seeker, I’ve seen it before, that’s why it felt so familiar.”
“I don’t care where it's from, you would be dead if I haven’t saved you, you should be thanking me.” Her brown eyes turned his way, she shook her head.
“He only has the power we give him, you can’t tame your fears, High Lord, but you can learn to live with them.” She looked at the endless void in the bottom of the library again, the beast resting peacefully once more. “He wouldn’t kill me because I don’t fear him.” Azriel didn’t even want to think about what may have been in his new home, waiting for him.
Azriel had thought about his destiny for days, he wanted to do what was right, and if that meant leaving his family and moving to another court, he would do it. His family needed him but an entire court needed him even more, he couldn’t let them down.
“I’m coming with you.” Her head snapped in his direction, she was clearly surprised, she hadn’t expected him to give in so quickly, and she was more than happy to go back to her home. “But only after we can get Feyre back, I can’t leave Rhys to deal with this alone.” She nodded.
“Alright then, I just need to contact someone.”
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yujeong · 2 months
For a fic prompt, I’d love to read something about Pete being sick or hurt and needing care that isn’t related to aftercare post-sex. I’ve found a fair few fics centered on Vegas dealing with being sick and cared for (and Pete basically bullying Vegas into letting him care for Vegas), but haven’t found nearly as many focused on Pete in a non-sexual context. I think that would be interesting and lends itself to your style of writing (at least from what I’ve read of your writing, which is just the VegasPete posted on AO3). I love your work, btw! Thanks for being a fandom author-y’all never get enough credit ❤️
Hello, my dear anon! Thank you so, so much for your kind words and your gorgeous prompt ❤️ Generally, Vegas taking care of Pete is one of my favorite concepts. We got crumbs in the show, crumbs, and I desperately need more of that. Thank you for giving me the incentive to do it myself, though I have dipped my toes into it a little bit before with the things you can(not) change, which had Vegas taking care of Pete emotionally. Btw, I'm very sorry for being late in replying to this, but I had a bit of trouble coming up with an idea for it until I got hit with some very specific feels, and now here I am, with 5 whole ass pages of words that made me decide to turn this concept into a proper fic. Looking forward to posting it in 2025 lmao. Here's a part of it: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pete woke up laying on his bed, with no recollection of how he got there. The last thing he remembered was going to the kitchen for some water and the noise coming out of Macau's room. It was probably because of that new game he bought last week that he wanted to play so much. His whining suggested he wasn't very good at it. Pete didn't know what happened after that. He was feeling disoriented, floaty. His head was throbbing. There was bile stuck at the back of his throat, which he couldn't swallow. His mouth was dry. His body was heavy, restricting his movements. He tried opening his eyes, but he got dizzy by the light coming in from outside. He closed them again. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Fuck. When did Vegas come back? Where was Macau? Pete took in a shallow breath, trying to quiet down his heartbeat. He didn't open his eyes. Vegas sounded angry. He had to calm him down, somehow. "Vegas..." "Macau called me in a panic, because he found you unconscious in the kitchen. He thought you died. I did too, when I saw you."
Vegas was holding back tears, Pete could tell; there was a certain way his voice hitched when he spoke like that, vulnerability leaking from his tongue. He sounded small, too, like when he used to do comparisons that led him nowhere. Pete didn't like it when Vegas was talking like that. The fact that he reverted to that state because of him made it even worse. "I'm sorry." "Don't-" He didn't conclude what he was going to say. Pete could hear sniffing, but nothing else. Not looking at Vegas' face was killing him. He opened his eyes with extreme difficulty and found Vegas staring at him, with red smeared across the edges of his own eyes and sweat gathered on his forehead. He was too far away. He wasn't touching him. "Vegas," Pete said, lifting his arm in Vegas' direction, despite how much he couldn't. Vegas widened his eyes and dropped his gaze. He held back a sob. He didn't take Pete's hand. "You look the same as back then." Pete let his arm fall on the bed, stunned by Vegas' words. How could he be so stupid? He completely forgot. He didn't know why. Maybe because everything that had happened at the safehouse had always seemed like a weird dream to him, one that he never really woke up from. Pete didn't have any words of comfort to give. His stomach started acting funny. He hoped it wouldn't lead to vomiting. He hadn't done that since his adolescent days, which had been filled with boxing and violence. "It's not your fault I'm sick," was all he could offer in the end. "I should have been here, taking care of you-" "You had an important meeting with Porsche," Pete reminded him. "Fuck Porsche." He had thought about it once. How it would feel to have sex with Porsche. Pete imagined it'd be simple. Uncomplicated. Fun, even. Now, it sounded painful, more so than all the things Vegas did to him. Perhaps Vegas was right getting concerned about Pete's health after all. He felt a hand touching his forehead. It was cold and sweaty. Pete wished it could get glued there. "Shit, your fever is high. Have you eaten anything?" "No." He felt Vegas suck in a breath, before he heard it. "I'm cooking you something to eat." He tried to get up, but Pete caught him before he could escape. A low, whining sound scratched his sore throat. "Sleep with me. You look tired." "Pete," Vegas warned. "You're burning up and you need to eat." "Just for a little while. It'll help." Vegas sighed. The sound came out unsteady. His bottom lip quivered, or Pete thought it did. His vision was too blurry to be sure. "Fine, but you're taking something for the fever first." Pete smiled tiredly at him. He didn't thank him. He would hate that.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Hi!!! just wanted to say love your writing & i have an idea for a request.
the reader is attending a stark party and is already a little late due to meetings with phil & they decide to wear a red cocktail dress with a little gold pendant from her childhood not knowing just how upset loki will be seeing you in his brothers colors. starting off 100 % innocent cause the reader isn’t aware that the women of asgard tend to do this for there beloveds. so loki decides to show her just exactly who she belongs to. lmao smut ofc but i was thinking it it ending in a fluffy way where the reader originally thought he was just be possessive to do just that, to stake his claim. but really seeing you in those colors hurt him a little. but loki being loki, y’all won’t actually talk about it until he screws the life out of you. 
if this is a bad idea you can be completely honest, I haven’t suggested it before though i’ve had this for awhile but I do believe with your writing style, because I’ve read a phenomenal amount of your fic’s & loved them! you’ll be able to do it in a way that I’d love
Can I tell you how much I love this? Cause I loooooove this!! One angry, possessive loki with a dash of dom energy coming up!! And thank you for sending this!! I really hope you like it!!! 💚❤💚❤
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: possessive behavior, dom loki, swearing, all the smut, oral (f recieving), knife kink, consensual restraints, unprotected sex (wrap in up guys), breeding kink, mentions of saferword (always discuss things with your partners, be safe.)
Summary: you were running late, your day quickly becoming a crap show of meetings and paperwork. All you wanted was your boyfriend.
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You looked at your watch, seeing it was later then you thought "Phil, I really need to go, I was supposed to meet Loki an hour ago." You said packing up your things. "Fine, but back here first thing tomorrow so we can finish." He said closing a file. "Yes sir." You mock saluted as you grabbed your things, running towards your room.
"Shit, shit shit." You muttered, grabbing your black dress out of the closet, beginning to zip it as it broke. "Dammit." You sighed, pulling it off. "Well, not wearing that one" You said throwing it aside. You went back to your closet, the only dress you had clean was your red wrap around. "Well, red it is." You sighed. Slipping it on you went to your dresser, pulling out you pin, a gold butterfly your mom had given you as a kid. Pinning it to your dress, you released your hair, fluffing it before you headed to the party.
You smoothed your dress, walking in looking for Loki. You definitely needed a hug after today and his were the best. "Hey, have you seen Loki?" You asked wanda "i think he was by the bar." She said as you nodded, heading in that direction. You made it, not seeing your raven haired prince anywhere. You sighed, leaning on the counter "I love your dress y/n." You heard Thor next to you. "Oh, thank you." You said as he eyed you "do you think it wise to wear it with my brother though?" He asked as you furrowed your eyebrows "what do you mean? Is it too tight?" You asked looking down. "No lady y/n, I only mean, the color, on Asgard.." he started as you felt someone press behind you, wrapping an arm around your middle.
"Glad you could join us darling." You heard Loki as he kissed your neck. "Loki, i.." Thor started as you heard Loki...growl? "Did you think you could wear....this....and get away with it pet?" He whispered In your ear making you close your eyes. "I thought you knew who you belonged to, but it seems you need a reminder." He said spinning you around to face him, pulling you to him. He set his drink down "someone needs taught a lesson." He growled as he grabbed your arm, escorting you towards the elevators
"I'm sorry I was late, the meeting with Phil took an eternity and.." you started as Loki pressed you against the wall, shoving his thigh between your legs as you held his arms, his hand gripping your hair "be a good girl and keep that pretty mouth closed until we get upstairs hmm?" He said as you nodded. You heard the elevator ding as he backed up, escorting you inside. You stood in silence, looking up seeing Loki's jaw tense, his eyes locked forward as it dinged again "come darling." He said gently grabbing your arm.
You made it to the room as he slowly closed the door "go stand over there." He said pointing to the middle of the room. You nodded and did as he said, watching him pull his jacket off, tossing it aside as he rolled his sleeves up. "Who do you belong to love?" He asked as he stalked around you "y..you Loki." You whispered "who gives you pleasure you had only dreamed about?" He asked standing in front of you "you...Loki." you whispered again. "Who owns this...tight body of yours?" He asked licking his lips "y...you do, Loki." You whispered as he lifted his hand, a knife appearing. He reached up with the other, pulling on the front of your dress
"but you saw fit to wear.....this." he snarled as he took the knife, sliding it between your breasts carefully "Don't move love." He said as he sliced down the front of the dress. Popping the straps off he pulled it off of you, your eyes wide as it disappeared in his hand "b..but my..." you stared "did I say you could speak?" He asked looking at you as you shook your head. He slowly ran the end of the knife along the skin of your breast, gently as to not penitrate your skin.
He slid the knife under your bra "and who do these perfect breasts belong to?" He asked looking into your eyes "You Loki." You sighed, feeling the cool metal on your skin, gasping as he sliced through your bra, leaving your top bare. "Go lie on the bed." He said, unbuttoning his shirt. You nodded, laying your head on the pillow watching him. "Arms up love." He said, as you reached up for the headboard, feeling silk wrap around them. He came to stand next to you, pulling on the silk "ok?" He asked as you nodded "safeword.." he asked as he undid his belt "emerald." You whispered as he nodded. "Good girl." He said as you blushed.
He walked to the foot of the bed, removing his pants as he kneeled on the mattress, pulling your knees apart, running his hands up your thighs. "Hold still." He said sternly as you felt the cold metal on your skin again, slipping under the hem of your panties, closing your eyes as he cut them off. He spread your legs farther, you felt exposed as his eyes roamed over you "and who does this perfect pussy belong to?" He asked as he lowered himself down, nestling his shoulder under your knees. "Y..you Loki, it belongs to you." You panted as you felt his breath againt you. "That's right, mine." He growled as you felt his lips latch onto you.
You cried out as he nipped and sucked hard on your bundle of nerves, your hips instinctively lifting off the bed as he gripped your thighs, growling as he pressed himself further to you. "Oh god....like that...please..." you moaned as he swirled his tongue around your bud before sucking hard again. You looked down, seeing his head bobbing up and down, his eyes closed. The sight alone almost made you come. "L..loki i....oh God I'm gonna...." you panted as he pulled back, looking at you. "Hmm, delicious darling, but you come when I allow it." He said leaning up on his knees.
You huffed as you felt your orgasm slip away "does someone need a spanking?" He asked leaning over you. "N..no sir, sorry sir." You panted as he looked into your eyes "good girl, take what I give you." He growled as his lips slotted over yours, the taste of yourself on his tongue as he licked into your mouth. He pulled back, latching his lips to your neck as you bucked your hips up to him. "So needy, do you want me to fuck you, hmm?" He asked biting your neck "Yes, please yes!" You cried out as he held your hips down.
He leaned up, sliding his boxers off as he lined himself up "how much do you want it y/n? How bad do you want me to ruin you?" He asked as he leaned over you, rubbing his cock along your folds "Please Loki! Ruin me for everyone else, claim me, please." You cried out as he pressed himself into you "Oh, I intend to?" He smiled as he slammed into you in one hard thrust, making you cry out. You pulled hard on your restraints, wanting to touch him, any part of him.
He leaned up, one hand on your hip, the other on the tip of the headboard, as he looked down at you "please Loki, move. I need you." You whined looking up at him. "Mm I do love when you beg." He said pulling out, thrusting back into you hard, laying your head back seeing his bicep flex as he slammed into you again. "Fuck, Loki...you feel so good." You cried out as he thrust hard again. "Do you want me to come inside you, paint your perfect cunt with my seed." He growled slamming his hips into you. "God yes! I want to feel you!" You yelled out as his pace quickened, hitting your gspot.
"Mm, and what if you got pregnant? You'd like that wouldn't you?" He asked gripping the headboard harder. "Your belly swollen with my child, your supple breasts swelling, that's what you want isn't it?" He growled as he his pace was relentless, feeling your face flush at his words "Yes! God loki yes! Fill me up, please!" You yelled as your orgasm built "Come with me y/n, I want to feel it." He groaned as he hit your soft spot hard triggering your orgasm as you felt him twitch inside you, spilling deep in you, making you cry out his name.
He leaned up, slowly untying your hands "You pulled hard this time, why didn't you say anyrhing?" He asked looking at your wrists "I was fine, it felt good." You smiled as you saw a green light engulph your wrists "I don't want you to get hurt love." He said sternly. You cupped his cheek "I'm fine." You smiled at him. He slowly pulled out of you, kissing your forehead. "I'll go run a bath, stay right here." He said as you smiled "yes my prince." You said as he went to the bathroom, coming back a few minutes later "come on love." He said helping you up. He helped you in the bath before slipping in behind you, pressing your head to his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I was late, I didn't mean to upset you dear." You whispered as you laced your fingers with his. "I wasn't upset darling, I know you get busy sometimes, I trust you." He said kissing your neck. You tilted your head looking up at him "did you hate the dress? Was it too revealing?" You asked playing with his fingers "no love, you looked amazing, it's just.." he started looking down at you with those green eyes "what, what is it?" You asked more intently this time as he sighed. "In Asgard, when two people were courting, you would wear your beloved's colors, as a symbol of your relationship." He said as you nodded.
"So, when you came in tonight, and I saw you wearing that dress.." he started as realization hit you, how Thor was acting, how possessive Loki got. "I...it was Thor's color wasn't it?" You asked as he nodded looking at you "im so sorry, I didn't mean to, my black dress broke, and I was already late, and I had no idea..." you started as Loki softly kissed you. "You didn't know love, I just, I saw you and lost control." He said cupping your cheek. "Umm is the dress gone? I had a pendant on it my mother gave me." You said looking at him as he twitched his hand, the dress appearing in his hand.
He handed it to you, blushing as you remembered him cutting it off you, as you unclipped the pendant, throwing the dress. "I can fix it if you like." He said "no, red never was my color anyway." You smiled up at him as he kissed you. "And don't worry, I used a contraceptive spell, I don't think either of us are ready." He smiled. "Me either, but..I wouldn't be against doing that again." You whispered feeling your cheeks heat up. "Darling, did we discover a new kink?" He asked poking your side "maybe.." you smiled. "I adore you love." He said pressing your head to his chest "and I you my prince." You sighed closing your eyes listening to his heartbeat.
You made a note to buy more green dresses.....and maybe a new red one......
@vbecker10 @high-functioning-lokipath @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lonadane @mcufan72 @daggers-and-mischief @lily-sinclair-2006 @lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @limiworld @mochie85 @sinsandguilt @chickencouncilrep @lulubelle814 @midnights-ramblings @commanding-officer @xorpsbane @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokixryss @froggiecky @intoxicatinginsanity @huntress-artemiss @sekaishell @slpnbty2001 @your-taste-on-my-lips @usagishira @lokis-coffee221 @kats72 @lovebyloki
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blinddreams24 · 28 days
A Mermay Prompt
(Note: this is me talking to my old self. I’m projecting myself into these characters and I’m addressing no one specifically. Take it how you will, I hope you enjoy)
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Embarrassed at the loud noise your stomach just made, you curled into yourself.
Cross glared at you disapprovingly. “Have you eaten anything this morning?”
You could lie. You could lie with such ease. But he would never believe you. Not after that very obvious sound. Your stomach growled again.
Your companion sighed. “You can’t be skipping meals like that. Especially when you’re using up so much energy. What if you got attacked again? Would you even have enough strength to fight back? Defend yourself? Or even call for help?” His voice raised in volume as he got more and more carried away in his rant.
“It won’t happen again.” You grumbled, arms crossed over your knees.
All the righteous anger was suddenly gone and Cross scooted closer to you. “Y/n. I’m not angry at you for not eating. I-…” He glanced back into the water, checking to make sure no one else was listening, before turning pleading eyes back to you. “I’m scared. It’s terrifying. I… I don’t want to lose you, and I know it seems dumb to you. ‘It’s just a few meals, it’s not a big deal. You’re overreacting.’ And yeah, I kinda feel stupid feeling this strongly about it, but,” His hand rested on your knee. “I care about you. I always will. And if something is hurting you, whether now or in the long run, I feel this painfully crushing need to fix it. To heal you, and make you feel better. And if I can’t, I feel like my soul will tear itself in two trying to find a way.” His eyes held pain and truth.
He smiled at you. “Yeah. Sorry. That was a lot.”
You were lost. And slightly upset but that was fading. It wasn’t that big a deal but he seemed so upset by it. Why would he even care?
“Y’know what, I have an idea.” Cross started again. “There are a few food places near the docks, right?” Nod. “I’ve been wanting to try some of y’all’s food and since your stomach is already rebelling, do you think you could grab something for us to share? I won’t be far, and you won’t have to eat it all if you don’t want to. Do you think that’d be fair?” He gave you a hopeful look.
Dang it, he was using those puppy dog eyes again. There were a few good places by the docks that would be open this early.
“Uh. I can do that.” You shrugged. He needed to eat too. Probably a whole lot more than you. “But, what do you want? There are a few options.”
He shrugged back at you. “Whatever you come across first, I guess. I haven’t actually had legger food.”
“People food.” You corrected.
“Am I not a people?” He teased.
“Nah.” You shot back easily. “You’s a fish.”
“Excuse me!?!” His tail splash violently in the water as you laughed. “I am not a fish! Oh my stars! Go! Go get me food, you little urchin!” He shooed you back up the path to your car.
You… did get food from the first open place you saw. It just wasn’t breakfast food. You didn’t know why they were open this early and the cafẽ wasn’t.
“Ooooh! What is it? It smells good!” Cross looks like an excited puppy whose owner just got home. Waves crashed around him with the force of his tail tossing back and forth.
“It’s called pizza. I’m not sure if you should even eat this.” You admitted.
He tilted his head at you. “Do you eat it?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Then I’m sure it’s fine! I mean, my stomach’s pretty strong and I don’t see you living on a diet of fish.”
“Ugh. Fine. But if you eat too much and get a stomach ache, it’s your own fault.”
You opened the box and handed him a slice before taking your own. It had been a while since you’d eaten out. And he was right. It smelled amazing. You bit into your pizza savoring the taste. Correction: it was amazing.
Out of curiosity, you spared a glance at Cross and nearly choked. His duel-colored eyes were blown wide and his mouth hung slightly open in shock, the pizza sitting on his… tongue.(Skeletons had tongues?) His stunned, love-struck expression was topped off with tears in his eyes.
Once you swallowed your food without choking again, you spoke. “Are you crying?”
His wide eyes focused on you. Remembering himself, Cross chewed and swallowed his pizza before answering. “Am I what?”
He looked confused. “What’s that?”
If you had food in your mouth, you would have choked again. “I- You- What??”
“What’s crying?”
“Yeah, I heard you the first time! What do you mean ‘What’s crying?!?’ You’re crying right now!!”
“I am?”
“Uh…” He looked down at his hands and pat himself down as if searching for something. “…What exactly does that mean?”
“Ugh!” You pushed yourself to your feet and strode up to him. Reaching up, you gently wiped a tear off his cheek to show him. “This is a tear. Tears come out of your eyes when you cry. Crying can happen when you’re sad, hurt, or even happy. I assume these are happy tears?”
His looked at the tear and reached up, feeling the other tears on his face. “Oh. Yeah, I think it’s happy. I didn’t know I could do that. I guess those would normally get swept away by the ocean.”
“Oh. That makes sense actually.”
His gaze didn’t leave your hand as he slowly reached down and cupped your hand in his own. “Is that why my eyes would hurt when I…” He locked eyes with you and suddenly pulled away. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have grabbed you.”
You shrugged. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
“You’re so small.” He grinned down at you, proving just how much height he had on you and effectively changing the subject.
You huffed. “I am not small! Oh my stars, Cross! You’re just huge! It’s not a fair comparison!”
He chuckled. “What would be a good comparison?”
Killer. “Someone normal sized. Your butt takes up the entire beach.”
“And yet there’s still room for your tiny butt.” He teased.
“That’s it!!! No more pizza!!! I’m eating the rest and you can’t have any!!!”
“Wait! No! I’m sorry! Y/n! No!”
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels X F!Reader
Rating: PG-13 
Warnings: mentions of loss of a loved one, grief group, mentions of consuming alcohol, use of (Y/N) a lot (sorry it was one of those fics I couldn't not), mentions of a mugging, grief, angst of course, fluff, two Punisher references (I couldn’t control myself)
Word Count: 2.5k
Author’s Notes: Back when Midnights came out I had this idea to do a small series where I wrote fics based on some of the songs from the album. It didn’t quite pan out but I had been holding on to this one and one other in hopes I would pick it back up. Since that has been several months now I decided to go ahead and let y’all have this sweet story. When I first heard this song this idea came rushing in and I knew I had to write it. I hope it made up for the heartbreak of the last fic. More archived fics are coming. If you haven’t read my announcement and want to you can here.  Also if you haven’t heard the song yet you can here. Big, massive thanks to my partner in crime and editor @clint-aww-no-barton​. Y’all wouldn’t get fics from me if it wasn’t for her. I hope you all enjoy.
ao3 link
It only hurts this much right now
Was what I was thinking the whole time Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out
  Your hands trembled, your heart pounded along with your head. That was what you got for drinking yourself to sleep the night before. This was the last place you wanted to be, the last thing you wanted to do. You had been pushed by your family and friends to do it, so to shut them all up and satisfy your people pleasing ways, you agreed. A grief group sounded so pathetic, but there was a small part of you that kept saying it just might help. A room full of people who were going through the same thing, or very similar to you, people who could truly sympathize.
  You stopped at the bottom of the steps and took a deep breath in, you held it for a moment, closing your eyes before you let it out. Your breath came out in a white cloud in front of you and you watched it disappear before you made the step you had been so afraid to take. The warmth of the building hit you and you felt the frigid New York cold melt away. You shrugged your jacket off, placing it with the others. They were all still standing around holding hot coffee and talking.
  “A new face. Something we both hate and love to see coming in. I’m Curtis,” a gentleman walked up to you with a soft smile and caring eyes.
  “(Y/N). It’s nice to meet you Curtis,” you gave him the same fake smile you had been giving everyone for weeks now.
  “The pleasure is mine. Get you some coffee and take a seat we’re about to get started.”
  You gave him a nod and helped yourself to some coffee before sitting down. A man sat across from you, and you watched as he removed a cowboy hat from his head and laid it on his knee. Such an odd thing to see and you found your mind wandering. It did that more often than not. You would find a subject and let you mind run away with it, focusing too much on something meaningless. It was your form of distraction.
  “We have a new member joining us. Everyone welcome Miss. (Y/N).” Curtis gestured at you.
  You gave a shy smile, a wave and a simple “hi” trying not to meet anyone’s eyes. They all welcomed you with gentle voices.
  “Since you’re new here why don’t you go first. Only if you like.”
  Your stomach sank. You were hoping someone else would. You could hear someone else’s sad story before sharing yours. You hadn’t talked about it since it happened, but if you didn’t now would you ever? You took a deep breath in, you held it for a moment closing your eyes before letting it out.
  “I lost the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. His name was Jason. It’s only been, just little under a month. I have no idea how I’ve managed to make it through every single day. Sometimes it doesn’t feel so heavy but some days…some days it feels like I have the entire weight of the world on my back. It hurts so much…” you paused trying to will the tears away. “I didn’t think I could ever feel this much pain. It’s such an impossible feeling.”
  “We all can agree with you. Would you like to share what happened?”
  “It was a mugging. He gave them everything he had on him and they still…they still took his life.”
  You stopped, feeling the anger grow in you like it always did when you thought too much about it.
  “We were suppose to be getting married. We had a month before the wedding. I had…I had to call these people and tell them it was off and send things back. I…” your voice broke. Suddenly a tissue box was being handed to you from the man with the cowboy hat.
  You looked up at him, seeing a blurry version of him as you took it. You couldn’t even speak just nod at him.
  “You don’t have to share anymore (Y/N). Thank you for sharing what you did. It was very brave of you.” Curtis spoke with such gentle words and you nodded. “Jack and yourself have a very similar story. Maybe the two of you can talk outside of the meeting. Who wants to go next?”
You glanced at the man again and he gave you a small smile that didn’t meet his eyes. Was that what you looked like to others? It broke your heart even further. Everyone’s stories through the meeting made another piece of your heart break away. You listened to everyone and took in the process and their advice. Once it was over you stood and discarded your cup, before telling Curtis goodbye and heading for your jacket.
  You slid on your jacket and glanced across the room, meeting brown eyes. Jack was watching you and you didn’t stop the smile you gave him. When he returned it, it was a real smile and it made warmth erupt through you. It made you wonder if you had been honored to get his first real smile. You almost stepped his way to go talk to him but then Curtis was in front of him. With a small sigh you turn and walked out into the brutal cold air.
It only feels this raw right now
Lost in the Labyrinth of my mind
Break up, break free, break through, break down
You would break your back to make me
break a smile 
  The days drug by, some in slow motion others in fast forward. You lost yourself in anything you could. Trying your best to keep the crashing thoughts at bay, but sometimes they got the upper hand. Some days were spent in bed, sleeping and crying, screaming for him to come back to you. He never did. He never would.
  The group was helping, you had to admit that. Everyone was lovely and supportive. Mostly Jack, who had started to speak to you more and more. You couldn’t lie, you looked forward to those talks. The two of you had grown close, always catching each other before and after meetings, to tell each other things about your lives. You finally had something that made you feel more alive again. Then the year anniversary of Jason’s death crept up and took you by surprise.
  You had rolled yourself out of bed, not really realizing the date at first, until you were fixing your usual morning coffee. You looked over at the calendar on the fridge and it was like the date was extra big. Your stomach sunk and you slid down the kitchen cabinets to the floor. The memories of that day came over you, like waves pulling you out to sea with them and drowning you. You sat there crying for, you had no idea how long. When you finally willed yourself to stand and make yourself face the day, you realized what time it was. You were going to be late for the meeting. You contemplated not going in your head for a few moments, until reason won. You had to go. It was the best place to be today.
  You stepped into the warmth of the building just as everyone was taking their seats. You caught Jack’s eyes and concern crossed his features. You knew you looked like a wreck, even with doing what you could to hide it. You slipped into your seat across from him not meeting anyone’s eyes. Curtis started the meeting and you zoned out, your fingers fidgeting with the scarf you had left on.
  “(Y/n). (Y/n)?”
  You jumped at Curtis’ sudden voice and your head went up looking over at him.
  “I’m sorry. Yes?” Your voice gave you completely away.
  “You want to share anything today?”
  It was like they all knew. Everyone had this look on their face like they could already read your mind. You sat there for a moment your eyes going from Curtis to Jack who gave you a simple nod, a push.
  “Today is the year anniversary. I didn’t even realize it was already here until this morning. It…it hit me like a brick, no a whole damn building. I feel like I just back slid so much and…” your voice shattered.
  “No you didn’t back slide. We all have bad days, it’s all part of the process and part of life. Every day won’t be easy and that’s okay. The best thing to do is to just embrace the feelings and let them work their way through. You are doing a perfectly good job.”
  Curtis spoke, and the others around you nodded their heads and spoke their agreements. You gave them all a small smile and wiped at your tears before nodding your head. The meeting moved forward and soon it was done. When you got up, people came to you and hugged you, most didn’t speak at all. And then Jack was in front of you.
  “Hey listen uh, do you want to go with me to this diner right down the road? I know what you’re going through and I…I don’t want you to be alone today.”
  You felt your heart skip a beat and you swore butterflies erupted in your stomach.
  “Jack, I would love that. So much.”
  “Great! You’ll love this place, that is if you ain’t been there before.”
  The man went from slightly nervous to full on swagger in a beat and it made you chuckle. You could tell he was just as nervous as you.
  “I don’t think I ever have, if it’s the same place I’m thinking of.”
  Jack grabbed your jacket and helped you into it, before slipping his own on and the two of you headed out.
  “So I have to ask where are you from?” You asked looking over at him.
  “That obvious huh?”
  “Just a little,” you both laughed and you swore it was the first time you had really laughed in a year.
  “Kentucky. Born and raised. The company I work for was actually started there and then they decided to branch out to the north. I was already climbing the corporate ladder and they decided to put me in charge of the branch up here. I made the move and I won’t lie it was a very dramatic change,” he chuckled.
  “I can imagine but look at you owning a whole branch of a business. That’s a big deal Jack. What company is it?”
  “The liquor? Good stuff. I tend to lean toward well, Jack Daniels,” you laughed as you looked over at him.
  “Well darlin’ funny enough that’s my full name sake.”
  “You’re kidding right?” You stopped, your face heating slightly at the nickname.
  “Not a bit. My parents had a sense of humor.”
  “I’d say,” you both laughed again.
  “This is the first time I’ve laughed since…”
  “Well good. I’m glad I could pull it out of you. It’s a beautiful sound.”
  You blushed again, looking down at your feet and smiling bigger than you should have. A tiny voice in your head kept telling you to slow down, but you just pushed it away.
  “Alright this is it.”
  You looked up seeing the small diner you’d thought he’d been talking about. Sure enough, you had never been here. You had always thought the place was cute with its theme. Jack opened the door for you and you melted at the heat that hit you.
  “Hey Jack you want your usual?!” A cook from the kitchen window yelled.
  “Yeah Frank give me the usual and go ahead and fix her one too.”
  “You got it boss.”
  You chuckled as you slid into a both in the corner on the left.
  “Normally I’m all about a lady making her own choices but you gotta try this. Best burger in New York.” Jack seemed overly excited and you chuckled.
  “I’m perfectly okay with that.”
  “Here go Jack. What can I get you sweetheart?”
  An older lady who was the waitress sat down a coffee in front of Jack along with a water.
  “Uh I’ll have the same as him.”
  “Coming right up.”
  She looked at Jack and you swore she winked, which made Jack blush. When his eyes met yours you raised your eyebrows at him.
  “Deloris is a piece of work,” he shook his head with a chuckle. “Well. Tell me about yourself? Were you born here?”
  “Actually no. I was born in Virginia but we moved here when I was really little so I just consider myself a New Yorker.”
  “Ahhh just a hop, skip and a jump from Kentucky. You have a little bit of southern roots though.”
  “Oh yeah my mom definitely does. Her and my dad are both from Tennessee. They made both moves due to jobs.
  “What do you do for work?”
  “I work in a bookstore. I’m looking to own it pretty soon. Well I pretty much already do. The owners are this cute little couple, and they love to travel, so I figure one of these days they will hand me the keys and tell me it’s mine.”
  “Do you want that?”
  “Yeah I definitely do. I enjoy it a lot. I love to read and, um, write so it’s definitely the best place for me. Plus my apartment is only a block away, so it’s nice to not live far from work.”
“Wait you write?”
  “Uh yeah,” your face heated.
  “Nothing wrong with that. I think it’s cool,” Jack gave you a smile which you returned.
  Before you could speak another word, food was being placed in front of you and the smell made you drool.
  “Go on,” Jack nodded at your plate, excitement like a school boy all over his face.
  You let out a laugh before you picked up the massive burger and took a bite. Your eyes fluttered closed and you let out a moan. You chewed and swallowed.
  “Holy shit that is amazing.”
  “I told you!!”
  You laughed again at Jack’s excitement before both of you fell in to a comfortable silence as you ate. After you finished, you began exchanging facts about your lives and short stories. You had forgotten what it was like to feel content and, dare you say it, happy.
  “You okay?” Jack spoke, bringing you back to the moment.
  “What? Oh yes. I am,” you smiled at him and he returned it.
  “I know I’m charming and all but it’s a little early to be daydreaming there darlin’.”
  He gave you a smirk with a wink and you let out a laugh. It hit you in that moment. You looked at the man across from you. A man who had made you smile. Who had made you laugh. Who had made you forget, and you knew. You were falling in love with him. What a terrifying but thrilling feeling it was.
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
I thought the plane was going down
How'd you turn it right around?
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedro​ @scribbledghost​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @audreyshepbvrn​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @kaqua​ @novemberrain221​ @weasleywinchester​
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miryum · 1 year
The Pawn (Newt x Reader)
This is a fic I’ve been working on for a while... I’ve changed up the ending like, three times 😅 I hope y’all like it
Warnings: Talk of Newt’s limp, mentions of attempted suicide, Newt’s backstory, near-death experience, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, OOC for Gally (a little bit), another only girl in a glade, newsie reference, cheesy ending I’m unsure about
“It’s getting out of hand.” 
“No, we can’t afford to send her up yet.” 
“A5’s depression is off the charts! If we don’t do something soon, things could escalate.”
“A11 is not ready. If we send her to them, we don’t know what could happen!”
“But we need A5 more than we need A11. He’s the glue. We knew there would be casualties and hardships with this. But we were prepared to make those for the greater good. We need A5. If A11 can help him, we should send her up.” 
“I- I don’t want to mess it up this time.”
“Yeah, neither do I. But don’t you remember their connection? It has to be done.”
“Okay then.”
“Send up A11. The Pawn.”
Minho ran out of the maze, carrying something heavy in his arms and yelling like a maniac.
Boys started rushing towards him and too many things happened in a whirlwind of tragedy and confusion. After everything had died down, Alby cornered a tear- streaked Minho in the Med- Hut. 
“What happened?” He demanded.
“Newt-” Minho’s voice broke, “I found him almost dead. I don’t know what happened. I knew he was sad and tired of being here, but I never knew it was that bad. I- I found him on the ground, just laying there and it was horrible. Alby, I thought he was dead.” 
Alby took Minho in his arms, hugging the boy tightly. Minho shook with cries, the after effect of Newt’s near- death experience breaking him down.
Clint and Jeff flew around Newt’s unconscious body, the movement around him becoming too much for Minho and he had to leave. Alby whispered things and concerns to the Med- Jacks, trying to hide his own emotions, before following him.
Exiting the Med- Hut, Alby ran a hand down his face. He’d have no idea what to do with himself if Newt died. Newt was the glue of the Glade. Alby thanked the Creators that Newt didn’t die in the maze right then. Did Newt jump? Why did he jump? How else would he have gotten in the condition he was in?
A loud, hysterical, wailing echoed through the Glade. Alby’s head whipped up at the sound of the Box coming up. What the hell? First Newt, and now the Box coming up way too early, with a potential, confused greenie.
Gally opened the Box and the boys (excluding the Med- Jacks and Newt) huddled around it. Alby and Gally jumped down into it. Inside there was a girl who was starting to wake up.
Immediately, the whispers started. “It’s a girl?” “It’s a girl.” “How the hell?” “Is that even legal?” 
“Everyone!” Alby yelled out, silencing the crowd. “It was bound to happen sometime. I know this is a change, but we’re going to welcome her like any other greenie.” 
“By having Gally pound her to the ground at the bonfire?” Someone from the back yelled out. The boys snickered. 
“Gally, what’s that in her hand?” Alby asked, squatting down beside the girl. 
The girl groaned and started to sit up. “Where am I?” The girl groaned. 
“In the Glade, greenie.” Gally snarked. 
“Gally, help her up.” Both boys helped the girl up. “What’s your name?” 
“Uh, Y/n.” The girl stammered and held her head.
“You’re a girl.” Gally stated bluntly. 
“Uh, yeah.” Y/n looked him up and down, “You’re a boy. What’s the Glade? And why are you surprised I’m a girl? Do you guys know what this note is?” 
“We’d all like to know the answer to the last two.” Alby sighed, overwhelmed by the news of the first girl and Newt’s attempt to end his life.
The boys helped Y/n out of the Box where she took in the Glade, the maze walls, and the large clump of boys staring at her curiously. 
“Everyone, get back to your jobs!” Alby called out, waving a hand to try and get the boys to disperse. With a lot of muttering and conversations, they did. 
“Am I the only girl here?” Y/n asked. 
“Yes,” Alby cleared his throat, “unfortunately, with you coming up in the box, it’s going to mean a lot of changes for us. I’ll get the Builders started right away on a shed for you, and-” 
“Alby.” Gally cut into his nervous rambling. “Go make sure Newt’s okay. Minho and I’ll take care of the greenie.” 
“Oh. Thanks.” Alby sped off. 
Y/n said, “Why can’t I remember anything?” 
“That’s normal, greenbean.” Gally clapped a hand onto Y/n’s shoulder, “No one can remember klunk when they first come up.”
“Klunk? Greenie? What the hell are you talking about?” 
Minho came up behind the two, “It’s glader slang. I invented most of it.” 
“Greenie is what we call new boys- well, I guess people now, who come up in the box.” Gally explained. Minho glanced at him. Usually he was much more impertinent to the greenies. 
“The Glade is this place,” Minho answered some of the most common questions, “It’s where Alby came up first and then all of us came up after him. Alby created what it is today, all of us contributing in our own way. Sorry that you can’t have a normal welcome to the Glade, but we’re all kind of shocked that you’re a girl.” 
“You don’t have to keep stating that fact.” Y/n glanced at him. “And what is that?” She pointed to the large four walls surrounding them. 
“That’s the maze.” Gally interrupted Minho before he could break down again. “It’s what keeps us trapped in here. It completely surrounds us.” 
“Shank, what’s in your hand?” Minho pointed to Y/n clenched fingers that were clutching a crumpled piece of paper. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” Y/n smoothed out the paper which revealed the crude words: 
                                          Get her to A5. Immediately.
“What’s A5? Who’s A5?”
Gally looked at her, “Greenie, who’s A5?” 
“Hell if I know.” Y/n shrugged. 
“Shouldn’t we take her on a tour of the Glade?” Minho asked Gally, “That’s what Alby or Newt would do.” 
“Newt?” Y/n’s interest seemed to perk up. “Who’s Newt?” 
“Uh,” Gally quickly looked at Minho, gauging the boy’s emotions. “Newt’s kind of like the unofficial second- in- command. Though, maybe he’ll become the official one after today. We’ve all just realised how much we need him.” Minho swallowed and Gally continued, “Uh, he’s a Runner and is usually in charge of showing the greenies around because of his… kind and charismatic nature, if you will.”
“Well, what’s wrong? Why isn’t he here?” Y/n asked, oddly concerned for the boy she’d never met. 
“We’re not exactly sure.” Gally said, not looking at the girl. “Minho found him in the maze. He was in bad condition.” 
“He was in the maze?!” Y/n’s voice got louder. “You let people go into the maze?!” 
“Yeah,” Minho got defensive about his role, “we have to find some way out of here!” 
After a moment of hesitation, Y/n asked, “Could I see him?” 
“Um.” Minho and Gally shot each other an odd look. Y/n couldn’t quite understand what they were trying to communicate, but after a moment, Gally said, “I don’t see why not?” It came out as a question. 
Y/n followed Minho, quite fervently, to the Med- Hut. Minho led Y/n and Gally up the stairs to where Newt was currently laying, Clint still puttering around him and Jeff talking to Alby. 
Alby glanced up when the trio came inside, a confused look on his face. “What’s going on?” He asked. 
“Uh, the greenie asked to see Newt. She also came with this note.” Minho said, giving the piece of paper to Alby. 
“She?” Jeff craned his neck around Alby and looked wide- eyed at Y/n. “The greenie’s a girl?” 
“A5?” Alby mumbled, “You don’t think that could be…” He trailed off and his eyes flicked to Newt. 
“How’s Newt?” Minho asked Clint. 
Clint sighed and said, “he’ll live. That’s for certain. Thank the Creators that you found him soon enough. But… his leg’s busted pretty badly, and I think he’ll need crutches for a good while.” 
“Will he ever get better?” 
“I don’t know.” Clint shrugged. Jeff nodded sadly along. “I think it’s a high possibility that he could have a limp the rest of his life.” 
“So no more running, huh?” Minho darkly chuckled, trying to find humour in the bitter news. 
“Unfortunately, probably not.” Jeff confirmed his fears. 
“At least he’s alive,” Gally reminded Minho. Minho nodded, but didn’t say anything. 
“What is she doing here?” Alby said, almost to himself. “She’s oddly calm about this- only focusing on Newt. Y/n,” he said to the girl, “can you remember anything?” 
“No.” Y/n frowned, “It’s very unsettling. But I feel like I’m forgetting something very important. Like, I’m here for a reason. I’m supposed to feel an overwhelming emotion, but I don’t know what.”
“Do you wanna continue the tour?” Gally asked. Usually greenies wanted to know everything all at once and they had so many questions it made him want to run into the maze. 
“Do I have to?” Y/n looked at Alby, who shook his head.
“We can finish tomorrow.” He said, “Do you want to stay here with Newt?” 
“Uh, oddly, yes.” Y/n moved to the corner of the room, out of Jeff and Clint’s way. 
Minho, Gally, and Alby exited, shutting the door quietly. 
“What the hell is going on?” Gally wondered. “Newt tried to kill himself then the box came, completely off schedule may I add, only carrying this girl- who’s the first girl in the Glade! And she immediately connects with Newt. She wants to stay with him, even though she doesn’t have any memories and doesn’t know who the shuck he is!” 
“Thanks for the recap, Gally.” Minho rolled his eyes.
“You’re welcome.” Gally said coldly. Alby could sense tensions rising, so he stepped in between them. 
“Gally, I want you to start building a small hut for Y/n; right away. She’ll have to sleep in a hammock in the meantime. Minho, go tell everyone that the bonfire is still happening and that tomorrow I’m going to call a Glade- wide meeting to discuss the new rules pertaining to the arrival of our greenie.” The Runner nodded and took off. Gally sighed, not looking forward to the extra work, but headed off to corral the Builders.
Newts’ first thought when he came to was, I hope I’m dead. But when he recognized the familiar view of the Med- Hut, Newt almost cried. 
“You’re awake,” An unknown voice commented. “How are you feeling?”
Newt’s blurry vision cleared and for a minute, he was sure he’d gone to heaven for in front of him was an angel. A girl who was foreign to him came into view. She had h/c hair and e/c coloured eyes. But the thing that struck Newt the most was the genuine concern, mixed with a dash of happiness and relief, etched into her face.
“Who are you?” Newt’s voice was hoarse and he tried to sit up on his elbows. 
The girl shook his head and moved to push him back down, but paused. “No, no.” She said, “You need to lay down. I’m Y/n. I’m the ‘greenie.’” She laughed, “Minho’s been trying to teach me all of the slang. It’s a lot to remember and adjust to.”
“Y/n?” Newt didn’t understand. “How long was I out?”
“Two days,” Y/n told him. “Come to think of it, I really should get Clint and Jeff. And Alby and Minho. And everyone. They’re all really worried.” She stood up.
“You’re a girl.” Newt stated obviously. He still couldn’t get over the fact. 
“And yet everyone seems so surprised by that.” Y/n sighed. “I came up right after you… had your accident.” She sat back down. “There was a note in my hand that said ‘Bring her to A5’. I assume that’s you?” Newt shook his head, confused. “I don’t know myself.” Y/n continued, “Apparently, I’m the first girl here, which has given you guys quite the shock. Sorry about that.”
“How’ve you been accommodating?” Newt asked, feeling his protective instinct come over him. 
Y/n laughed. “I think I should be asking you that. But, could you tell me,” she paused and cleared her throat, “what happened in the maze?”
“I…” Newt trailed off, tears starting to come to his eyes.
“You don’t have to talk about it.” Y/n quickly retracted her point. When, if ever, he wanted to talk, she would be there. Until then, she would stay by him. She took a deep breath, in and out, eyes trailing around the room. “So anyway,” she continued, “I’m going to tell your friends that you’re not dead. I’m sure they’ll want to hear that. Good news for everyone.” 
Y/n exited, Newt looking after her. He was confused about who she was but also didn’t want her to go, oddly enough. He wanted her to stay and to tell her all that had happened. He wanted to tell her about what had gone through his mind right before and after he jumped. But mostly, he just wanted her to hold his hand and tell her it would be alright. 
It was a weird feeling, wanting to be comforted by someone you didn’t know and wasn’t even sure they should be here. Newt was still puzzled over the crazy coincidence that right after his incident, the first girl in the Glade came up in the Box. But, he didn’t have much time to puzzle, as for right that second, Minho and Alby came rushing in along with Clint and Jeff. 
Clint and Jeff immediately went to Newt’s bedside, whispering questions to Newt, checking on his leg, and starting all sorts of tests and procedures. Minho breathed a sigh of relief, and Alby nodded slowly and tiredly once he saw Newt upright. Y/n, seeing that everyone was where they were supposed to be, smiled and slipped into the background. 
Newt was slowly adjusting to life back in the Glade. He was up and around again, for only an hour or two a day and under Clint or Jeff’s constant supervision. He heavily relied on crutches and never ever answered questions about what happened that day in the maze. Whenever someone asked him, he would be simply hum and shake his head, muttering something about later. Minho was at his side nonstop, whispering and joking, trying to get his best friend back. 
Y/n had turned to the life of a cook and a Mapmaker. She studied the maps and planned out the routes for the Runners while they ran and helped them map their routes after they came back. When she wasn’t in the map room, she was with Frypan, helping him slug vegetables to the kitchen and slice the fruits for when he needed them. She hardly ever left the kitchen or Frypan’s side, with whom she had become great friends with, the map room, or her small hut that Gally had constructed after a couple days. 
The rest of the Gladers thought of her as an elusive being. They hardly ever saw her, aside from meals, and she didn’t talk to them much, content with being in her own world. Frypan, however, would say differently. Y/n talked and hummed while working, and he learned all about her days in the map room and her thoughts, many of which he asked about and started a conversation about. 
Untrue to her word, Y/n avoided Newt. She had promised herself to stay by him but let herself down. She would see him limping by, conversing with Minho, a far- off, sad look in his eye and want to go talk to him but something always held her back. Frypan continuously hinted that it would be good for his recovery if he had someone else to talk to and maybe he would open up about his depression, but she would just wave him away. 
Like Y/n, Newt wanted to talk to her too. He would be staring off into space, foot tapping absentmindedly, when he would see her. She would be working with Frypan or coming out of the map room and Newt would wonder what it would be like to hug her, or even talk to her. She was a phantom limb that Newt knew he needed, but could never grow back. An ironic situation to be in. If one has ever felt as if they wanted someone so badly or needed them to simply live, then they would know how Newt felt. He would just be happy to sit next to Y/n. They didn’t have to talk- he just wanted to sit by her. 
One day, Y/n had felt enough guilt from seeing Newt hobble around the Glade. She knocked on his Med- Hut door and after hearing a soft, ‘come in’, she entered.
“Newt?” Y/n pressed her lips into a smile. “Hi. Can we talk?” 
“Yeah.” Newt sat up, happy to have a reason to abandon his meal. 
“How are you?”
“I’m fine.” 
“Please, tell me the truth.”
Newt was about to protest, but huffed and frowned. For some reason, he felt obligated to tell her. And not only obligated- he wanted to. “I’m not well. I’m pissed that it didn’t work. I was so… done with everything. And I feel like I still am. Why couldn’t it work? Why am I here? And I’m tired. I’m tired of feeling like this. I just want to be done.”
Y/n sat down at the bottom of his bed. “I’m sure. I know you have a lot of contradicting feelings right now, but know that your friends are very happy you’re alive.” After a brief silence, she said, “Alby thinks I was sent up here to help you.”
“And what do you think?”
“I think that there’s an official greenie day coming up, and it might be fun to go.”
“Uh, I’m not sure.”
“Okay. How about we stay here and play a card game or something. Or we could talk.”
Newt shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your first greenie bonfire.”
“I’m sure I’m not missing anything. Plus, there’ll be another one next month.”
“No, you should go. It’ll be fun.” Newt tried to encourage her. 
“Newt, stop thinking of everyone else for a moment and think of you. Do you think it’ll be fun to hang out with me?” Newt nodded and Y/n smiled. “Great. Then I’m coming over.” Newt started to protest, but the girl shut him down. “Selflessness is an amazing, admirable, and attractive quality to have, but if it puts more stress on you, it’s not worth it. You come first.” Y/n stood, kissed Newt on the forehead, and left. 
Newt let her words sink in, letting them resonate with him. What really got to him though, was that Y/n hadn’t known him for long- just met him in fact, and was already being kind and sweet to him. She was taking care of him- something no one had ever done. Her kiss seemed to burn on his forehead and after all of his thoughts, his last one was: does she think I’m attractive?
Y/n placed down a Queen of Hearts. Newt thought for a moment before placing down an Ace of Hearts. 
“Damn it!” Y/n groaned, throwing down her cards. Newt laughed at her display. “How are you so good at this?! I’m the one that taught you.”
“Guess I’m just lucky.” Newt grinned.
“Yes, you are.” They had been at cards for three hours now, mixed in with chatting and many laughs. Newt had won 13 of them, and Y/n 5. The sounds of the bonfire were muffled behind them and though the noises might’ve been enticing for anyone else, for Y/n and Newt it was simply white noise. They were perfectly content in the company of the other.
Minho and Gally had checked in on them at one point, Gally bringing both of them a brew of his special drink. Y/n had pushed hers away after the first sip and Newt had happily taken it. The liquid had loosened Newt up a bit, him chattering away, talking more than Y/n had ever heard him talk. Newt would slip in comments about his depression and Y/n would take them to heart and make a mental note of them to think about later. 
After a long night, Y/n had announced that she was going to try and get some sleep. Newt nodded and warned her about the sheer amount of hungover boys she would see in the morning. Y/n laughed and said she would take the warning to heart. 
Once she exited Newt’s room, Y/n sighed deeply and rubbed her temples harshly. She slowly made her way to her hut, the sounds and sights of the bonfire only a tiny speck in the distance. After tonight, Y/n was sure of her feelings for Newt. She felt bad for the boy, but she also loved his company and his caring personality. It also didn’t hurt that he was hot. But was it okay to feel for a boy she hadn’t known that long? Were her feelings only of infatuation or something more? 
Ever since she came up in the Box, Y/n had felt a strong attraction to Newt. The note she came up with, labelling her as A11, added to her confusion.
An impulse decision burst through her and Y/n turned on her heel, marching back to Newt’s room. Throwing open the door, Y/n started speaking, ignoring Newt’s confused expression. “What’s going on between us?” Y/n asked. Newt blinked, shocked at her outburst. “I mean,” she continued, “am I imagining things? And I don’t know if the creators are just conducting our strings, but I really hope not because I want these feelings I have for you to be real. I really really like you, Newt and I hope I haven’t messed everything up by telling you.”
After a short second, Newt let out a small laugh. Y/n took a deep breath, having known rejection was on the table. His laugh only confirmed that. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ll leave.”
Newt rapidly shook his head, quickly shouting out, “No! Y/n, bloody hell, I just thought I was another one of the hormonal boys who kid themselves.” His smile said it all, ”You’re a wonderful, kind, and lovely girl, watching over me and all, and I thought it was because I’m pathetic and you felt sorry for me but now I know it was something more. And I’m so glad it was.”
“Really?” Y/n asked softly. Newt’s smile, a full, true, happy smile that hadn’t graced his face for a long time told Y/n all she needed to know. 
Newt struggled to get out of his bed and Y/n rushed to help him. “Shuck, I hate this.” He muttered, both knowing he was talking of his limp. “I- I would’ve never jumped if I knew you were coming.”
“But I’m here because you jumped.” Y/n said, Newt wrapping a hand around her waist for stability. Y/n looped her arms around him and a loose hug.
He grinned down at her and said, “I guess there was something good that came out of it. I still can’t believe you like me too.”
“Course I do.”
“Good, because I’m not sure what I will do without you.”
“We make a pretty good team.”
Newt’s smile never dissolved as he leaned down to kiss her. “We really do.”
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mimbotomy · 11 months
First lines
Tagged by the wonderful @aeide, who included first lines for both their published fics and their unposted WIPs. Y’all would be scrolling for years if I did both bc I have too many fics and WIPs so I’m just going to do the unpublished fics that I’ve worked on the last three months - and you’re still going to be scrolling a lot 😬 I’m sorry!
In the Shadow of Zeus: Kassandra’s years on Kephallonia, as seen from multiple perspectives. This probably won’t end up being the first chapter but the second, but it’s the first chronological snippet I have written.
“Alright, rub a little bit of dirt on your face,” Markos says as their first target comes into sight, “Not too much, just enough to make your tears more obvious. You sure you can cry on command?”
As she has the last two times he’s asked, Kassandra rolls her eyes at him and starts to rub some dust on her cheeks with a surprising lack of complaining for a girl who grew up in relative luxury. Or so he’s assuming, judging from the little he’s been able to figure out about his new ward, as she refuses to talk about anything that led to her washing up on that beach.
But with her Peloponnesian accent and that broken spear that barely leaves her side, he thinks it’s fair to say she’s got Spartan blood in her. Her family had money or power or both too, saying she can read and write better than he can. And for all that she’s only seven, she has some semblance of manners and grace that he’s only seen in the wealthy Achaians he used to serve before he bought his freedom.
If he had to guess, her father was a decently high ranking Spartan officer stationed in Achaia or Elis. Maybe even as far south as Arkadia, depending on how far north that storm managed to take her. And judging from the nightmares Kassandra has had every night for the last ten days, he’s dead, along with her mother and her brother.
Worse, he’s pretty sure Kassandra watched them die.
A Flap of an Eagle’s Wings: my second Odyssey time travel fix it, bc I have a problem, except in this one Kassandra comes back earlier, saves Alexios, and then fucks up the canon timeline with the help of a couple others who came back with her 😳
In the ruins of Atlantis, Kassandra closes her eyes and finally, finally, falls into the long awaited, welcome embrace of Death.
“Earth, mother of all, I greet you.”
There is a crack of thunder that shakes the earth and a strange pressure on her wrist as her body becomes weightless. Thanatos, perhaps, personally escorting her to face the wrath of the King of the Underworld.
She is not afraid though. She had been young and brash and foolish when she last faced Hades and still she had held him at her mercy and stolen his crown as a final insult before Poseidon whisked her away to Atlantis. And she is far more powerful now.
Then there is another rolling crack of thunder, the world goes white behind her closed eyes, and a bond that has been broken for almost two thousand years snaps back into place as she is thrown from Mount Taygetos a second time.
She opens Ikaros’ eyes to see the horror in Nikolaos’, the way he lurches forward as if to try and catch her and the way his face fills with grief when his hand grabs nothing but air. She watches her mother scream her name and nearly throw herself off the mountain after her, only to be stopped by Nikolaos and the other Spartans.
The last thing she sees before Ikaros forces her back to herself is the fury in Myrrine’s eyes as she steals her husband’s sword from his waist and lunges for his throat.
Untitled Alkibiades Time Loop fic: this idea came to me in like a fever dream or something and basically Alkibiades is stuck in a time loop of the day Phoibe and Perikles die trying to save them both. I have about 40/50 at least vaguely planned out and this is loop 7 as of now, the earliest chronologically written.
“Allie,” Kassandra sighs, her brows unfurrowing as she leans back onto the kline. She’s not much older than him to begin with, but she looks even younger as her brows unfurl. Softer. “You know I love you, but I barely have the time to sit right now, let alone - ”
“Phoibe and Perikles will die today.”
Confusion. Grief. Confusion again. Suspicion. He watches Kassandra’s face cycle through a thousand emotions in a second, before she settles on unfathomable rage. Quicker than he can blink, her spear is in her hand and her eyes are full of fire and it’s impossible not to see why so many call her a demigod.
“Start explaining. Now.”
Begin, Muse, When the Two First Broke and Clashed: Deimos’ thoughts, maybe chapter two will be Kassandra’s, at the Battle of Pylos. Aka a small snippet that I just haven’t been able to finish yet for some reason
Sparta has no walls. Sparta has no walls.
According to Pausanias’ foolish boasts, Sparta has no need of walls to protect her people as Athens does. Sparta’s walls are her people, every man from twenty to sixty, born and bred to die defending Lakonia from invaders.
They should build a fucking wall.
Deimos will admit that the Spartans are better trained than the Athenians that fight under his command, but to compare the two is to compare a rat to a mouse. A rat will fight for its life more viciously than a mouse will, a rat will bite harder to try and escape than a mouse will, and a rat will die just as easily as a mouse will.
These Spartans fall to him just as easily as every other man he’s ever faced.
Perhaps his so-called sister will prove to be more of a challenge for him. Otykos trained him the moment he could hold a sword in his hand and she killed him. The Monger had been a monster of a man and she had killed him. Deianeira and her cousin had been deadly for mere mortals and she had killed them. And she tears through his men as easily as he tears through the Spartans. He’d almost find it impressive, but . . . Rats and mice.
Untitled Depressing one shot: inspired by a comment on my HPxOdyssey crossover, this fic is about Barnabas and Herodotos trying to figure out what happened to Kassandra when she doesn’t come back from Atlantis.
They wait three days before they begin to worry.
Kassandra had told them she didn’t know how long her adventure in Atlantis would take when she left them. Aletheia hadn’t been very forthcoming on the details, she had complained, but she had promised them she’d be back soon as she hugged them goodbye. And since soon can mean anything from a few minutes to a few days when Kassandra says she'll be back soon, they had tried not to worry until the third day.
Herodotos finally drags him away when he tries to claw open those cursed doors to Atlantis with his bare hands, tearing his fingers to bloody shreds after he breaks half the swords and javelins on the Adrestia trying to pry those fucking doors open.
Cage the Songbird: a little inspired by the Elton John song of the same name, this is the fic I write when I’m in the middle of a depressive episode, about the last few months before Elpidios’ birth. Featuring a fling gone wrong, one sided Kassandra/Natakas, past Kassandra/Brasidas, Alexios and Kassandra learning how to be siblings without wanting to kill each other, and Barnabas and Herodotos being the best dads.
Natakas wakes up in the bed he made for two, alone, as he has every day for months now. It still hurts.
His father is awake already, sharpening his blade and occasionally stirring a pot of something meaty. He greets him with a warm smile, “Good morning, Natakas. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, father. Is Kassandra up yet?”
Darius’ smile falls a little as he jerks his head up towards the roof. Kassandra has a hammock tucked away in a small corner in their home, but most nights she sleeps on the roof, on a thick mattress her captain brought her a month ago.
Natakas hates that mattress. He hates that it’s only big enough for her, he hates that it’s softer than the bed he made for the both of them to share, and he hates that when Barnabas brought it, the old man once again tried to convince her to go back to Sparta.
Untitled Alternate POVs: Because the Children of Kephallonia is written entirely from Kassandra’s perspective, something I’m not used to doing, I’m also rewriting parts of the fic from other POVs to help me better figure out the plot, characters, relationships, etc. Just for me right now, but I’ll probably post it on AO3 or my hypothetical patreon someday.
Brasidas has been sitting and half watching the Monger’s warehouse for the last hour or so. Just watching, unfortunately, because as much as he would like to rescue the captives held behind smuggled goods, he is only one man.
Hopefully, he’ll have collected enough information on the guards and their daily routines to bring five or so of his men and raid the warehouse within the week. He can’t afford to let the Monger run wild much longer.
He makes a note that the guard at the dock closest to him switches with a guard at the warehouse door and scrapes the last bit of food from his plate. When he looks back up, the guard at the dock is gone.
For a moment, Brasidas wonders if the dock guard just walked a little further down he thought, but then he sees movement at the far end of the dock, a little bit east from where the first guard vanished. Someone comes out of the water and pulls a guard down in the span of seconds, before both disappear entirely.
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus: aka I watched Indiana Jones 5 and have only one braincell and it’s dedicated to loving Kassandra. Also, I wanted to write her killing Nazis 🤷‍♀️
He’s not surprised that’s what the Nazis are after, again. What does surprise him is that they’re not going after something from Judeo-Christian tradition, again. But after their quests for the Ark of the Covenant, the Lance of Longinus, and the Holy Grail all ended with a bunch of dead Nazis and an increasingly enraged fuhrer, perhaps he shouldn’t be so surprised that they’ve decided to look for something even more ancient.
But the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus? Or all the myths to sink their hopes in, they’ve chosen one that the world knows nothing about?
As always, I’m tagging @auroralykos and @aetosavros and anyone else who wants to do this!
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jamiscrazy4krerdly · 1 year
Happy Mermay gamers!! To celebrate I ate a gummy bear and wrote an ENTIRE 60 Chapter mermaid Krerdly fanfic just last night!! Not really but trust me I am tempted, instead here’s something smaller because I found the concept funny. I call this one… “Fishing For Crits”!
Merbird Berdly, posing tentatively against a rock with soggy feathers: I concur, you WOULD make good company for my impending excursions… alas, the only way for us to walk along the same soil is if I beseech THE SEA WITCH *lightning strike x4* to grant me a pair of stick-structured chicken legs and you’d be a PLEBIAN to think I’d go to such lengths for a single travel companion- ACK!
Kris cannonballs into the water, splashing the avi-phibian and further dampening his vaguely water resistant feathers.
Kris, grinning cheekily behind their already kelp-filled hair: Lets go turn me into a merperson.
Kris snatches up Berdly’s wing in their fishnet-styled, fingerless glove covered hands and watches him expectantly.
Berdly, adjusting his glasses (GOGGLES??) as his seafoam irises glimmer: Y-yes! Lets!
-one epic five-minute-swim adventure later-
Kris with their head in an air bubble: *signing at Catti that ghoul should totally give them gills and shit*
Catti with tentacle hair or whatever: k *blasts them with dark magic*
And then Kris swims out the door and shows Berdly (who was required to wait outside) that they are a mer now!!!! YAY!! Then the two of them go off to dress up and travel together and MAYBE fall in love, idk… you can’t really say for sure… its up to interpretation, really… (they eventually make a habit of gazing longingly into each others’ eyes and exchanging ocean facts late into the night as they lock their tails together and lay alongside one another at the bottom of the sea).
The End!!!!
Okie that was fun, I’m just gonna type a bunch of randomly selected but definitely Deltarune related thoughts down now. :P
You won’t even believe which character I’m not done talking excessively about yet- it’s CATTI!! This demigirl just unlocked a new pronoun and by the goddess it is he. WOOHOO! Rockin that She/He/Ghoul swag… I probably won’t actively use it in my w.i.p fics because there’s almost always someone with a he pronoun on screen and I don’t want all that stuff to get jumbled up but it will DEFINITELY be in the fic tags and perhaps actively said by Catti ghoulself. YAYAYA!! Y’all have no idea how long I’ve been itching to post about this, applying the he pronoun to ghoul just makes so much sense to me idk how to describe it but yeah. YEAH!
I’m genuinely terrified of writing a Catti POV fic thing because I love a good side character that makes a lasting impression but I could TOTALLY flesh ghoul out more if I tried… maybe after I get through my current projects I’ll consider it.
SPEAKING OF PROJECTS!! I may or may not have three now. Derp. The new one is smaller and I’ll probably be done with it first to get it out of the way but I don’t plan to post it until the first two projects are done but yeah. Don’t think I’m going to do a Halloween fic afterall ;n; but there’s always next year.
Btw this is random but in my first ever Krerdly fic I had the two attend this thing called Alternative Prom and apparently that doesn’t… HAPPEN in the mainland?? I feel like I made it pretty clear what it was but I’m making a callback to it in my super secret fourth project *GASP* so I mine as well address it: Alternative Prom is a dance held specifically for LGBTQ+ teens, basically. I went once when I was in 8th grade and it was MAGICAL y’all… and then I proceeded to NEVER GET TO GO AGAIN because it got cancelled due to covid hitting during my freshman year and it hadn’t recovered by the time I graduated my senior year (this year) so yeah. I really hope it comes back for the future teens tho!! I MIGHT be romanticizing it a bit but oh my godssss was it such a fun night. I still have the rainbow flower crown and pin as a souvenir. I used to wear my pride shit to school like allll the time, I was a rainbow princex and shit!!! Hell yeah!! I’m a frickin inspiration!!
Ok ok less about me now. I lowkey already outright said so in my Valentines fic but I headcanon that Kris and Catti are exes, right? Well it’s about time that I reveal the dramatic story behind their breakup… Kris wanted to kindate Beastboy and Raven from Teen Titan with ghoul and when ghoul said no it was all over. </3 I hope I didn’t make anyone too emotional with that one. /s
BY THE WAY… a new challenger might have entered the ring that is my infested brain. I’m definitely not gonna tell you guys because it’s my little secret OK FINE it’s M.K!! They are the guy ever and I’m DEFINITELY biased due to their iconic role in Undertale (ty Ask Frisk and Co. ask blog for changing my life for the better). Anyway so yeah they’re awesome and they’re precious and if I’m alone for two seconds I’m going to start shipping them with everybody so. Uhm. Idk if the world is ready for my M.K x Berdly rare pair…
BUT THEY BETTER BE READY FOR CATSEI because it’s been festering in my mind an d oo ooh my g osh… it is so based……………. almost too based, honestly. Like in my headcanon-ing brain the puzzle pieces fit together really well (fashionista x fashion designer) but I don’t. Know... there’s like a mental block that’s not letting me enjoy much past the original idea of their first meeting. If I try to envision their domestic life together I end up with big blurry blanks in the picture where their bodies should be. Which is PRECISELY WHY in my SUPER SECRET FOURTH PROJECT that isn’t super secret anymore they will undertake a magical adventure together through a dark world and tighten their bonds and Jockington will tag along and maybe put them in precarious situations and help them… do something idk it’s just a spontaneously slapped on B-Plot addition to one of my older Krerdly fic ideas but idk maybe something beautiful will bloom out of it!! IN DUE TIME, because it’s gonna take a while. Yea yea yea. Plus I need the excuse to write Ralsei more. His jolly little clap has been one of my dominating stims for a while now.
Also!! Also!!!!! Uhm!! @v@‘ Not super related at all but as I briefly mentioned I finished high school recently and it’s scary (bad thing) and I’m not in contact with anyone I know from there anymore (good thing) and like I’m kind of a bump on a log that’s in dire need of a job (the library thing was a student position) and am definitely nearing a low mentally (very bad thing) BUT I am battling so hard and writing helps so much (it’s like the only active thing in my life right now lol) and yeah… it’s giving going into chat rooms in Amino and telling people I’m depressed (NOT SOMETHING I DID I SWEAR)
As a reward for making it this far here’s two out of four of my outfit boards for my not-so-secret third project that isn’t coming out anytime soon!! Once again featuring my ultra cringe sprite edit of Kris that gets me giggling every time and doesn’t even apply here because both of their eyes will be concealed in this one but yeah!
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It’s so obvious I’m a Nintendo kid it’s not even funny. -v- (HIGHLY EMBARRASSING!!)
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okmilli-sims · 2 years
The Confrontation
The girls have a blowout. Way less explosive than Molly and Issa, but a blowout nonetheless.
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Arthur goes to see Maia for a much needed reunion, she’s been hearing whispers that she hooked up with Beckham the night of the charity benefit party--the whispers coming from Salim who says he saw Beckham go up the stairs with a ginger a few minutes after him and Arthur came back down. There weren’t many gingers at the party, but in the moment Arthur didn’t think much of it. There were a lot of people there that she hadn’t met before, maybe Beck hooked up with one of them, good for him.
But, when she goes to see Maia, she’s especially ecstatic and eager to share something.
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Then, Arthur notices the bump... “I’m pregnant!!” Maia exclaims as she jumps up and down wailing her arms.  “What?” Is the only word that Arthur can manage to get out of her mouth. “Wow, um...congrats, who’s the father?” Please don’t say, Beck.
Maia wasn't seeing anyone and Arthur knew this because Maia would’ve told her--when it comes to sharing information about herself Maia is an open-book.
“Well, Beck and I started talking at your party, and one thing led to another and after a few drinks we ended up woohooing in the closet”, Maia said with a kind of squeamish look on her face, “But, it’s okay because I’ve told him and he’s really happy about it, he’s always wanted to have a kid and now is a great time!”
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“Maia...” Again, Arthur could only manage to get one word out at a time.
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Arthur was enraged, she could never quite hold her anger, but she was good at articulating her feelings and calming down later...way later. Arthur exploded and shouted forbidden words at Maia and slung all kinds of insults. “Did you go and get yourself pregnant all so you could join the dumb Mommy and me group you’re so jealous of??” “Art-” Maia tried to butt in, but she couldn't get a word in. “My ex-boyfriend of all people, Maia, seriously? Is San Myshuno THAT small?” “ARTHUR!
I had no idea you would care so much, you barely speak about Beck so I thought it was way in the past, like WAY in the past. Y’all dated when you were 19 for like three months, that is a kiddy romance, I had no idea it was this big of a deal. YOU moved on and got married and you’re always insisting I find someone, SO I DID. Why should we not be allowed to be together just because you two held hands in college FOUR YEARS AGO.”
Maia took a breathe and silence covered the hallway.
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“Look, I was going to tell you sooner, but you’ve been busy, rightfully so, and there were a lot of other conversations I had to have, doctor’s appointments, etc. I’ve just been dealing with life.”
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“I can’t believe you, Maia.”
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She goes to visit her grandmother and cool down. ---- In Maia’s defense, Arthur and Maia are best friends from high school, so when Arthur went away to school her and Maia didn’t talk much. They were both busy with other things and only saw each other on breaks. Arthur never really spoke much about the boys she was interested in, she always kept that to herself until (or if) it actually developed into something. When she went away to college, it was no different and she only told Maia about Beck twice: once when she started having feelings for him while she was dating Minato and she needed advice (Maia of course said to ditch Minato), and the second time when she said in passing that her and Beck broke up. So, Maia generally didn’t know much about the relationship and thought it was insignificant. She never thought Arthur would be mad about her spending time with an old boyfriend that she’s now friends with, and  Arthur wouldn’t have been mad. She just hates how no one came and told her anything first, she hates how unnecessarily sneaky this whole thing was.
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hertzwritings · 2 years
Working out the kinks
A/N: What can I do, it’s smut-weekend my loves, and that means that my most trusted companion, @staysluttymyfriends97​ and I have been going over ideas – and that’s always good for me and my brain. Hope y’all enjoy it, and thank you, darling, for giving me this idea!
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one-shot or multichapter fic – the sky is the limit for the content!
I love y’all so much and thank you so much for sticking with me. I cannot believe that so many of you read my brainfarts and loves them as much as I do. I really can’t thank you guys enough. Remember, feedback feeds the soul and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me, and I have none.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x female reader
Warnings: language, smut (minors DNI), Dom!Henry, daddy-kink, sir-kink, spitting, use of vibrator, choking, Feral!Henry, overstimulation, p in v, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (m receiving), dirty talk, aftercare, Sub!Reader, Dom/Sub!dynamics, slight dumbification, degradation, rough sex and probably something else, honestly at this point I cannot figure out how many things to warn about
Wordcount: 5.381 (SORRY)
 Working out the kinks
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You glanced at Henry, his teeth worrying the tip of a pen as he read over several pages worth of security-intel; it was Comic-Con-week which meant an awful lot of preparation, a lot of late hours and a lot of papers to be signed.
You stretched, trying your best not to seem bothered by the chair that made your back feel slightly off, and returned your gaze to the five different itineraries for different dates, places and panels. So much work went into all of this, and even though you had worked with celebrities before, the level of things Henry had to do, was overwhelming in comparison.
  You heard his chair scrape against the floor and the low grunt, that sent sparks right to your core, when he stretched, before he moved to the kitchen, Kal trotting after him. You didn’t pay it all that much attention, simply kept pouring over the massive amounts of paperwork stacked unsteadily on your desk.
A bottle of water, held by thick fingers suddenly hovered in front of your face. You frowned and bit your lip subconsciously, seeing the droplets of water gently follow the curve of his fingers; you very much liked looking at those. The thought of what they might be able to do to you, if you ever got bold enough to ask, made you squirm a little. You took the bottle of water with a smile and looked up at him; he was towering over you, wide and imposing, as he looked down at you with a hint of a smile on his lips. “Drink.” You swallowed thickly. “Thank you. I’ve been so deeply in this that I completely…” “Forgot. I know, darling.” “Thank you, Cavill.” “You can call me Henry, we’ve been over this.” He said, crossing his arms. You grinned and unscrewed the cap of the bottle. “And as I’ve gone over several times, I would prefer to call you Sir or Mr. Cavill. That’s why we settled on Cavill, remember?” You said before taking a sip of water. You had indeed forgotten to drink, and if it wasn’t for Henry making sure you ate and drank at the right times, you’d probably be halfway to the grave by now. “You’re truly impossible. We’ve worked together for a long time, and you still don’t think me familiar enough to use my first name?” he asked with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Truthfully, you were more than familiar enough with him to call him Henry – in all honestly, everybody else you’d worked for before had been called by their first name, but something about him just seemed to command respect and a title. Maybe it was the lack of sex, seeping through and letting the submissive you through, maybe he was just that kind of man. At any rate, you weren’t going to call him by first name. “How many times must I ask you to call me Henry?” He asked, as he sat down in his own chair across from yours. “At least once more, sir.” His eyes flashed and you sucked in a sharp breath. “Sorry, Cavill.” “Good girl.” There was no reason for you to react to that. None at all. You shouldn’t react to it. But Goddamnit, your body betrayed you completely and the smallest of whimpers tumbled from the back of your throat, and you had to rub your thighs together.
Maybe you should go back on Tinder because this was insanity. An hour passed before any sounds came to be in the small office; Henry had by accident pushed his pencilholder to the ground, the pens and pencils tumbling to the floor – his eyes found yours and you were on it in a flash. On your knees, you gathered the different pens and pencils, finally collecting them all and pushed them inside of the holder again, before setting it back on the table; you hadn’t really realized how close you were to him, because when you looked up, still on your knees, you found his knees right in front of you, and searching higher, a pair of blue eyes that seemed slightly darker. This was a compromising position, which wasn’t your thing. You scrambled to your feet, smoothing your skirt down and cleared your throat. “Oh, your mother called earlier.” You said in a high voice. “She mentioned something about Suzanne?” You said, sitting back in your own chair. He rolled his eyes. “Every few weeks, she tries this. I mention once that I want children one day, and then she’s a vulture.” He groaned. “You can take a break. Go move your legs, eat…” He looked at you sternly. “And then we’ll get back to it after I have a very pointed conversation with my mother.” “Are you sure? I mean, we still have a lot of work to do, I can wait…” “Y/N. Food, relax. Go.” You smiled. “Alright. Be nice to her, she just wants grandkids.” You said, grinning at him. “And I want kids, but I’m not ready for my mother to start setting me up on dates.” He grimaced. “Who knows, you might find someone that fits you just right through her.” You left the room, but you heard the muttering under his breath – you didn’t catch what he said but paid it no mind. When you were settled on the barstool in his kitchen with a salad on a plate in front of you, you pulled your phone out to several messages from your friend, asking you to call. You were on personal time, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
He picked up after the third ring. “Hey, bitch. Ever coming home?” You rolled your eyes at him. “Here I thought you wanted to hear more of my very interesting life. I had a conversation with a cater today, if you must know.” “Pish-posh. Hey, okay, I saw something, and I need your input.” You grinned. “This is leading to the kink-game, isn’t it?” You heard a loud – and fake – scoff in the other end. “What, me? I would never. I did see something interesting…” “Alright, I’ll bite.” You said, biting down on an olive. “What did you see?” “Okay, so I saw a thing on Tumblr about Chris Evans. Someone, well a few people, apparently, thinks he’s a hard sub.” “…. No, come on. Chris Evans?” “Yup. Agree?” You could hear the smirk. This game had been going on for the better part of your friendship with Grim, discussing the different kinks and pleasures, celebs might have – Grim thought it even more fun now, since you’d worked with and for a few of them. “Alright, fine. No. I think he’s a bratty dom. Oh, and he has a praise-kink, giving or receiving.” Grim laughed. “You think he has a praise-kink?” “Sure, I do. You should have seen him once I accidentally said good boy to Dodger, but he thought I was talking to him.” Grim laughed. “Hmm… Who else?” Grim poured something in a glass. “OH! Sebastian Stan.” “Oh, easy. He has a serious daddy-kink.” You answered with a flick of your wrist. “Oh, and he likes spitting.” “Dude…” “What? You asked!”   “Jesus, you’re dirty. What about Hiddleston? He’s such a proper gentleman, doing Shakespeare and shit.” You laughed. “I think that Tom Hiddleston is a dirty talker. All the way.” “That wouldn’t surprise me. I think Hemsworth is a real’ good Daddy-dom, if I’m being honest.” You chuckled and drank a little of your water.  
“No, Hemsworth is a himbo who likes to have his hair pulled and be praised. He’s either a switch or a full-on sub.” You laughed with Grim, who wholeheartedly agreed. “Okay, right… Cavill?” You rolled your eyes.   “Grim, you know I’m not going to answer that.” “Come ooooon!” He whined. “No, because I’m working for him. Imagine how…” You sighed. “What, is he in the room, and that’s why you can’t talk about it?” “No, he’s very insistent that I’m taking a break.” “Then please, tell me. I want to know what you’re observing, you’ve got an in! And those arms…” Grim made the most obscene sound you’d ever heard. “Fine, okay, alright, as long as you never make that noise at me again.” You grimaced. “Fine, promise! Give me the juice.” Grim said eagerly. “I don’t know, he doesn’t really give off kink-vibes, you know?” “Bitch, you’re such a liar! Have you seen his arms and his angry face? Man’s a Dom, and you know it.” You laughed. “No, no way in hell. He’s too nice to be a dom. Or daddy. Or any iterations thereof.” You mulled it over – yeah, you’d like for him to be one, but he was so… Nice. Too nice.
“I mean it, he’s too nice and proper. You know in the British way. He might have an attitude, that leads you to think that, but...”   “Ah, he’s the wrong nice. Not the secret-badass-who-can-give-you-a-bruise-the-size-of-his-fist-nice.” “Exactly. I think Mr. Cavill is a very nice, proper man, who likes… I don’t know, soft, cuddly sex. Maybe he’ll pull your hair every blue moon.” You said with a shrug. “Honest to God? Really? He just seems so…” Grim trailed off. “No, honestly… I mean, I wish. Do you have any idea how quickly I’d drop to my knees for that man?” “Babes, same. God, he would only have to look at me, honestly.” You laughed. “Yes, exactly. God, he has the biggest hands, and those arms? I’m convinced he’d be able to hold me to a wall, feet dangling, with just one arm.” You quieted a little, finally thinking of something. “You know what, he might have a breeding kink, but I think that’s mainly because he wants a family.” You finally said. “Babe…” “Don’t babe me.” You scoffed. “You’re down bad, aren’t you?” Grim said with a barely concealed laugh. “You want him to just throw you around, spank your ass and call you his good girl.” “He already called me that earlier.” “WHAT?” “He didn’t mean anything by it. It just kind of slipped out, I think.” You sighed and rubbed your neck.
“I literally turned into a Slip’N’Slide when he said it. That’s why I insist on being so formal around him. How good would the other thing look? I can’t exactly be drooling over him while working neck to neck with him, can I?” Grim sighed. “Oh, the eternal struggle of being a horny bitch with willpower.” You laughed and glanced at the clock. You heard a rustle behind you but saw nothing – probably Kal who had tried to see if there were scraps for him. “Listen, I gotta go. Talk later?” You asked, bringing your plate to the sink. “Sure thing, babe.”
You hung up and tried to get yourself together – yes, it was a slip of the tongue, and he didn’t mean anything by it. It was fine. Going back to work was going to be just fine. You said down in your chair and began flicking through papers. “We should consider lodgings as well.” you said and flicked your hair behind your ears. “Ah, what are you thinking, darling?” He asked, folding his sleeves up and curling them around his forearms; you swallowed thickly, your mouth suddenly very dry as you saw the veins bulging out. “Uhm… Well, you need your own space, I’ve never met a man messier…” “Is that so?” His voice had dropped. Your eyes flittered back to his and your chest heaved. He took a sip of coffee, that had long gone cold. “A-and we need to figure out a space for Kal. I need to be with you some of the days to keep track of everything, so I can’t have him all the time.” “And you?” He stood up, his demeanor very different from what you’d previously seen from him, and it definitely had an impact; you felt weirdly charged with energy. “Where are you going to stay? He said it as a challenge almost. “Well, I suppose at another room.” He let the pen in his fingers drop to the ground, your eyes following it and her fingers twitched. “Darling, will you pick that up for me?” He asked her in a slow voice. You hesitated. “You’re…” “Now, dear.” You looked at him with a stuttering breath – the control and command in his voice was insane, and you barely had time to think before you were on your knees and handed it to him; you looked up at him with wide, glossy eyes. He smiled gently to you and ghosted his thumb over your cheekbone. It made you shiver and your core wet again – you were ruining your panties at this rate.   “Thank you. Stand.” He got back behind his desk, sitting down with no other words, and you let out a shaky breath. What the hell was that?
And that went on. For an hour, then two. You constantly had to stop yourself from telling him yes, sir every time he asked something, and the tension was as thick as a brick wall. You very certain your seat under you had grown wet, because he constantly sent you a surveying gaze, almost as if he was sizing you up.
Finally, you decided to speak, putting your pen down. The sun had set behind you. “Uh… Sir, I…” You cleared her throat. “Is something wrong?” You asked in a small voice. He shrugged, stood up and took a step towards you. Oh, no, you wouldn’t be able to handle him leaning over your desk, not again.   It was immediate; you stood up like he had pulled a string at the top of your head, swallowing and breathing superficially with your eyes trained on him. “I don’t know. You tell me, darling, have I let any inclinations towards my kinks out, yet?” He asked, moving another step closer. “Oh, no, you heard that.” You whispered defeatedly. He simply raised his eyebrows and took another step. The room wasn’t that big, and he was one step away from being chest to chest with you. You were pressed against the wall.   “I did.” “I am so sorry. That was entirely unprofessional, I’ll get my things.” You said dejectedly, beginning to move to gather your belongings from the desk. “Why on earth are you doing that?” He asked, bewildered. You frowned as you looked at him, your cheeks burning with shame “Uh, because… You’re going to fire me?” You said slowly. “Why would I fire you?” he asked, now extremely confused. He was still too close, his cologne drowning out whoever controlled the logical part of your brain, letting the submissive gremlin who lived in the back of your mind to truly show.
“Well… Because I talked about your presumed kinks?” You answered, clearly just as confused as him. He stepped closer to you, now with less wide strides – he was close, but not quite touching you yet. The wall was cold against your back. “Oh, darling no. I was trying to tell you how very wrong you were.” He said, finally standing to his full height, his chest against yours. You were breathing superficially and fast, your hands trembling. “Oh?” “Tell me… Are you going to be a good girl for me, love?” he whispered, his face lowering to yours. You nodded once – there was no going back now.   “Yes, sir.” She whispered back before their lips touched.
The reaction was immediate; you mewled, he growled and held you tightly, caged between his body and the wall. His tongue was demanding on yours, the kiss all teeth and tongue, and you were taken aback but just how commanding he was. The energy rolled off his shoulders in waves, and you were trembling against him, trying to keep up. His hand found your hair and tangled in it, before he tugged hard, forcing you to look up at him, small, pitiful whimpers falling from your lips, desperate for more. “Fuck, you’ve wanted this, haven’t you?” he mumbled against your lips. You whimpered again and he grabbed your chin roughly, pinning you in place with his fingers. His eyes locked on yours, searching them for any signs of you not wanting this. When he didn’t find it, he smirked. “You need to use your words, darling, or I won’t touch you. Got it?” You nodded eagerly but caught yourself quickly. “Yes, sir.” “There’s my good girl.” You preened under his praise, and he couldn’t help the smile on his face. He kissed you again, rougher this time, hands moving from the wall to your waist, his fingertips bruising against your heated skin – you mewled and rolled your hips against him, trying to gain leverage and get him to fucking do something. “No, little girl, you’re not in charge here.” He mumbled, fingers hard against your skin. You whimpered a small fuck and he twitched against his trouser clearly enough for you to feel it. “Please, let me touch…” You mumbled, trying to get a hold of him, but he bucked his hips away from you with a deathly grin. “I am in charge, baby girl. You need to behave.” He said slowly, rubbing gentle circles on your scalp, where he had tugged your hair. You were in turmoil – you loved the feeling of his fingers against your scalp, but you just couldn’t help yourself. You opened your eyes and cocked an eyebrow.   “Or what?” You challenged – the lust was clear in your words, and your lower lip jutted out in defiance. It was all it took to make him go absolutely feral.
He growled and hoisted you up, grabbing a tight hold under your ass and threw you over his shoulder. You squealed as he began carrying you to the bedroom, your feet dangling helplessly. “Put me down, I’m too heavy, you’ll dislocate something!” You screamed, terrified of hurting him. He simply chuckled. “I thought you believed I could pin you against the wall, feet dangling, with just one arm?” He flung the door to the bedroom open and didn’t put you down, not even when he sat down on the bed – he held you tightly to his body as he lowered you, placing you on his lap with your knees on either side of you, his eyes focused on how the swell of your chest had been covered in goosebumps. “Now… You want to test me, darling?” he asked. His voice was low, dripping with danger, and you responded to it immediately; you rolled her hips and your eyes closed in anticipation. “You want to play games with me, darling, games you shall have.” He gave you a good-natured slap on your ass, clearly holding back, which caused a series of giggles to cascade from your lips – he grinned as well and slowly inched you off him. You stood in front of him with wide, lustblown eyes. “Strip.” You weren’t one to disobey. You slowly began removing layers of clothing, silently condemning yourself for wearing this many layers - buttons popped open on your shirt, and when the zipper opened on your skirt, you heard the faintest groan from him. You weren’t nervous or even shy, not with him. He had an air of comfort around him, which made it all the easier to stand almost naked in front of him.   “You trust me?” he asked sincerely, giving you a way out, if you needed it. There wasn’t a day in your life, you’d want to back out of this. “Yes, sir.” Your voice didn’t waver, and your eyes were trained on his. “Good. On my lap, darling.” You understood him perfectly, laying down across his lap, ass sticking up. You were dripping wet, but he didn’t comment on it. “You’re going to test me, you’re getting punished. Count them.” You steadied your breathing as he gently let his hand warm up your ass with gentle strokes. “Move once, and I start over. Whine once, and I start over. Beg me once, and I’ll give you double. Understood?” His voice was eerily calm, and your pussy clenched around nothing in anticipation. A thought passed you; you were here, there wasn’t any going back, so you might as well go all out. “Yes, daddy.” The effect was as expected; he growled, you felt him twitch in his pants, and his grip on your ass tightened. “Good, baby.”
Before you had time to brace yourself, his hand smacked against your skin, but it wasn’t as bad as you thought it’d be – he was either going easy on you or didn’t have more to give. Either way, you liked it, although you did want more. “One.” You counted, a little breathless. The next two were just as easy as the first to handle, the sting barely there. “You good, darling?” he asked. You almost wanted to scoff – if he thought you couldn’t handle more than this, he was dead wrong. Which led you to a pretty devious plan; you were sure it was going to get you in trouble, but hey, that’s where you wanted to be.
In trouble.
You turned your head to look at him, widened your eyes innocently and smiled. “You slap like a sub.” You were not expecting the reaction to the words. He roared and pulled you from his lap, throwing you on the bed and his large hand found your chin, holding you down. “Oh, baby, I need to dumb you down, don’t I?” You whined and his eyes flared. “Move a fucking muscle and you won’t be able to move for the foreseeable future, got it?” You nodded. Shit, you thought he was a soft dom, but you had been very, very wrong. He was a hard, strict dom. You didn’t dare move a single muscle as he let your face go, turning to his closet while a hand unbuttoned his shirt, roughly pulling the tie off and letting it fall to the floor. He rustled with something and turned back to you with a devious smile on his face, his hands full of rope and a vibrating wand.
He leaned over you and kissed you deeply, soothing your nerves. “Color?” He asked genuinely. You smiled. “Greenest green.” You answered just as honestly. He grinned and let his face fall back into his dom-look. “Arms up.” You obeyed easily, trusting him completely. He tied your arms above your head and to the headboard and grinned down at you. His fingers hooked on the waistband of your panties. “Attached to these?” He asked. “I mean, they were…” The fabric tightened against your skin before ripping loudly. “Henry!” You gaped at him, but he just raised his eyebrow at you. “I’ll buy you a new pair.” He went to your ankles, tying them to opposite ends of the bed, spreading your legs. You were heaving heavily, watching his fingers with weary eyes; he cracked his knuckles before going to his back pocket and pulled a flogger out – it was leather and looked wildly expensive. “Count. Them.” He spat at you, the drops landing on your stomach, and you whined at the feeling.
Before you had time to do anything, the flogger landed on your bare sex, the loud crack of the ends meeting skin echoing around the room. You mewled and twisted your body, tears welling in your eyes, but the pain wasn’t unbearable – the stinging turned to arousal quickly. “One.” You breathed out. You were trembling under his gaze. The flogger hit your inner-thighs, your dripping pussy, your breasts and your stomach several times, leaving red welts in their wake; your voice was almost gone by the time he finished, your legs shaking – you were wet enough to feel it pooling under you. He hummed appreciatively as he saw your slick and turned the wand on – you were practically drooling at the sight. “You don’t get to cum until I say so.” He warned, putting it gently on your clit. You almost screamed at the stimulation, your entire body buzzing with arousal. He grinned deviously at you. “Now, kitten… Open.” He tapped your lips once with his thick finger and you followed his directions, trying to keep your body still under the buzzing of the wand – it proved impossible, and you tried to twist yourself a little, desperate to press it harder against your clit; he chuckled as he opened his trousers. “No, little one. Stay.” You whimpered and fell back against the bed. He pulled his cock out and your eyes rolled back at the sight, saliva pooling in your mouth. You had an inkling that he was thick and long, but this? Oh, this was almost too much to look at. He was thick and throbbing, his fingers barely meeting around the shaft. He was long as well, the head an angry red and dripping precum. “Open your mouth and let me fuck it until you’re done being such a fucking brat.” You nodded and opened your mouth as wide as you could; the constant buzzing on your clit sent you into overdrive and you bucked your hips. He ran a hand down your face before grabbing you in a chokehold. “Behave.” His voice was dripping with danger. “Yes, daddy.” You moaned as your legs shook with the strain of holding back. He edged his cock inside of your mouth, inch by inch sinking into your throat, until you gagged around him. He hummed and pulled back slightly, his hand in your hair – you moaned and he lost the careful control he had of himself.
He rutted into you, his thick cock filling your throat completely; he was moaning and grunting as he began to fuck your mouth deeply – you gagged around him, tears flooding your cheeks, but he kept going. You felt him twitch and your jaw was tight, as he pushed a little further in. He smirked down at you and his hand caressed your face, making you preen. “Look at you, swallowing my cock so well, darling… Such a good little whore for me, aren’t you?” You found his eyes and whimpered around his cock. “Good, obedient whore for me, darling…” His words paired with the vibrator humming away would have been enough to send you over the edge, but you were desperately trying to hold it off; you wanted to please him, despite your entire body shaking as he fucked your mouth relentlessly. “Good girl, taking me so well…” His hand moved from your cheek to your nose, where he pinched your nostrils, cutting your air of. You choked around his cock, spit drippling from your chin as he fucked your mouth deeply. “You want to cum, darling? Want to cum with my cock in your throat?” You whimpered again and spots appeared in your vision: “Fucking cum.” He let go of your nose and pulled his cock out of your throat as you exploded in pleasure; you were screaming in pleasure and overstimulation as you came, wave after wave of pleasure rippling through your body. You were barely breathing when you came down again, slowly becoming aware that he had undone the restraints during your orgasm. You wanted to jump his motherfucking bones, but he stood at the edge of the bed, now finally naked, and any ideas to do anything died in your head as you saw him naked.
He was a fucking god.
He lunged for you, holding on to you tightly and tugged your ass down to the edge of the bed, letting your legs dangle on either side of him; he locked eyes with you as he lined himself up with your dripping pussy. “I want to fill you, darling.” He whispered darkly before plunging inside of you, stretching you beyond what you thought was possible. You couldn’t make a sound, gasping for air as he bottomed out, the stretch of his thick cock felt like it was about to split in you in half. “Fuck, you’re tight… Look how well you’re taking me love… letting me stretch this little pussy to fit me.” His fingers found your throat and squeezed. “You’re mine, got it?” he mumbled. “Yes, daddy…” You mewled and rolled your hips, waiting for him to fucking move. He didn’t have to be told twice. He drew back before slamming inside of you deeply, fucking you with a vigor, you didn’t think possible for anyone – he was squeezing your throat and fucked you, his thick cock dragging against your walls, and you were utterly powerless against him. You were moaning his name like a broken record. “Who owns you? You fucking whore, you’re my little cum-slut, aren’t you?” “You, daddy, you own me!” you managed to stutter, another orgasm approaching quickly. He lost himself completely in the feeling of you, fucking you deeply. “Can I cum, please, please, please…” You writhed under him, and your nails dug into his chest. He roared and tightened his grip on your throat. “You want to cum on my cock, darling? Yeah, you want to make daddy’s cock wet?” You nodded as much as you could, your eyes locked on his. They were darkened with lust. “Cum on me, baby, fucking soak me.” How were you to disobey? You came with a silent scream, your body shaking as the orgasm hit you like a freight train – it was the most intense feeling, you’d ever had run through your body and you wanted to pass out as he fucked you through it. You didn’t have a chance to breathe, let alone gather your bearings, before he leaned over you and kissed you; the kiss was different, a juxtaposition to the wild and raw sex, the way his cock still pumped in and out of you. It was soft, deep and meaningful and it made you gush even harder around his length, drawing him deeper. “Want me to fill you? Want me to cum deep inside of you, pump you full of me?” he whispered against your lips. “Yes.” The answer was clear – you grabbed his neck and pulled his head towards you, kissing him again as his rhythm stuttered for a brief second. “Fill me, daddy.”
He roared and hips stilled as he shot ropes of hot cum inside of you, painting your walls white; you were both panting, placing sloppy kisses wherever you could, finally letting your lips meet in a breathless, sated kiss.
 It took several minutes to calm down, your hearts slowing down; he pulled out of you gently and went to his bathroom to grab a washcloth. He began to clean you, but you stopped him, pulling his face to yours and kissed him. “No. I’d like to shower… With you.” You asked slowly, almost scared of his answer. he smiled broadly. “How about a bath? Then some food and water?” You realized something when he said that, and as he helped you sit up, you smiled at him. “Wait, the water and the food and the breaks… That was all your dom-side, wasn’t it?” He blushed. Henry fucking Cavill, the man that had fucked you raw with almost violent and feral dominance, blushed. “Yeah… I mean, you have always been bad at eating and drinking. You just always looked at me with those eyes and said thank you in that whispered way, and it just… Turned it on, I suppose.” You smiled and caught his wrist, brining it to your lips and kissed it. “Do you mind that I did it?” He asked sincerely. “Not at all. I guess I just hadn’t put the pieces together, really.” You answered him as he gently pulled you to unsteady feet and held you tightly, slowly removing your bra. “Sorry for ruining your underwear.” He said with a shy grin. You raised an eyebrow. “Did it look like I cared?” You asked with a satisfied grin. “Not at all.” You kissed his shoulder as he rubbed gentle circles on your back, leading you to his giant bathroom.
“I guess we worked out the kinks, then.” You snickered. He chuckled and turned to face you with darkened eyes and a soft kiss to your cheek. “Oh, darling, you’ve only seen half of it.”
You grinned widely.
TAGLIST:  @acaceta​ @a-skov​ @angelmather1​ @cooldreamlandsandwich​ @est1887​ @enchantedbytomandhenry​ @fionnthebandersnacc​ @herroyalbubbliness​ @keiva1000​ @kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler​ @pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw​ @sofiebstar​ @summersong69​ @spookyboogyuniverse​ @stardusted26​ @thereisa8ella​ @timetraveller4​ @thatonechickhere​ @themanfromu​ @thelastpyle​ @yourlocalhoney​ @wheretheriversrunintothesea​       
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luna-jaden-shadow · 2 years
Hopelessly In Love
Request - Hey Luna, I really enjoy your writing and I’m finally sending a request! Could you do a TWD oneshot for Rick Grimes where him & y/n find each other at the very begging of the apocalypse and start falling in love, but Rick pushes it away bc of Lori. When Rick finds out Lori cheated, y/n & him end up getting together. Thank you so much ☺️
Warnings -  Death, Zombies (the usual), Cursing?
Pairing - Rick Grimes X Reader ; Glenn X Reader (Platonic)
[ I love Glenn so I couldn’t not make y’all like best friends. Lemme know if you guys maybe want more parts ]
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“You’re sure you want romance advice from me? I’m hopelessly in love with a man who has a family.” You deadpan at Glenn, who leans against the wall opposite of you in the RV. 
Glenn was the only person in the camp who knew of your little crush on their “leader”. While he was never officially labeled that, pretty much everyone preferred him over Shane Walsh of all people, who was in charge before you and Rick arrived weeks ago. You’d convinced yourself it was a little crush that would pass in no time and yet here you are, avoiding the man who you’d saved at the start of the apocalypse. You were held up with Morgan and his son when you’d met Rick and agreed to help him find his family, and you did. That didn’t stop you from falling hard for the fearless ex-sheriff. 
The two of you were a good team, taking charge whenever it was needed, and bouncing ideas off of each other. You were the person who he trusted without a single doubt, who he talked to about everything and vice versa (along with Glenn for you). It just became harder to hide your crush when Lori was all over Rick, which you didn’t blame her for since it’d been a stressful last couple of days for everyone. You’d made it clear that you were there for him and his family no matter what, that you��d do anything for them. You’d even offered/given blood for Carl when Rick was barely able to stand. 
One day, you and Rick went out searching for Sophia and you’d noticed the way he’d subtly distanced himself from you. You took it as a sign that you were intruding on their marriage when really Rick wasn’t sure what he was feeling for you and was struggling on how to act, or if he should act on it. 
Glenn sighs, running his hand over his face. The poor kid was having crush troubles of his own with Maggie, whose home your people were currently camped outside of. You two had become close friends since he’d saved you and Rick. “I just don’t know women.” 
You snort a laugh, “and you think I do?”
“Probably not, but you know people.” Glenn corrects, “and it was you or Dale and Dale will give old man advice.” 
“I’m gonna tell him you said that.” You joke, turning in the booth to properly face him. It wasn’t a surprise that she was acting wonky around him since he’d found out about there being walkers in the barn (a secret you were going to keep since he’d accidentally vented it to you). “It’s not like I have a manual on ‘what to do when you find your friend with benefits has a barn full of walkers’ on hand Glenn.” You sigh, “You said she kissed you after you got back today?” You try to recall what he told you. 
“Yeah, there was this walker in the pharmacy, she almost got bit.” He goes on, “And then she called me stupid but smart, and then called me walker bait. I’ve never been so confused before.” 
“You and me both Glenn.” You stand up, stretching to crack your back. “Regardless of what you do it’s gonna get mucked up because either you’re going to tell the group or someone like Shane’s gonna wander too close to that barn and all Hell’s gonna break loose.” You insist, glancing out the window of the RV. 
“Hell’s gonna break loose anyway.” He groans, putting his face in his hands. You walk closer to him and pat his shoulder. 
“I know, but it’s gotta be done. After that, just stay persistent, you like her, she probably likes you if she’s sticking around right now. I think it’ll work out for you.”
“And what about you?” Glenn raises an eyebrow at you. 
“What about me?”
“You know what I’m talking about.” He crosses his arms. 
You step back from him. “Nothing’s going to happen because he has a wife and a child. He’s not gonna leave them for me, Hell, I wouldn’t leave them for me.” You point out, getting a sad look from Glenn. “It’s something that’ll pass. As for now, I’ll just have to reel back a bit.”
“You’re really sad, you know that?” Glenn points out, watching you lean on the table of the booth. 
“Yeah, I know.” You give a sad smile, the two of you walking out of the RV. The sun was starting to set slowly, giving the whole farm a golden glow to it. “Anything else you wanna tell me before we go our separate ways?”
Glenn thinks for a moment, looking at you over his shoulder. You can tell there’s something there that he wants to get out. “Lori’s.” He stops, keeping his eyes locked with yours and it’d not too hard to piece together what he was talking about. He and Maggie went on a run to the pharmacy for a second time, per Lori’s request. A rather urgent, sudden request, that had him ditching you for the day. 
“Pregnant?” He nods and your eyes widen a bit, not wanting to be right with your guess. That was going to change everything. “I’ll talk to you later yeah?” 
Glenn nods and heads off, leaving you alone in front of the RV. You bite the inside of your cheek, taking a glance around the camp out of habit. When you’d caught sight of Rick, coming back to camp, you nearly turned to go the opposite way. Far away, by the gate, was Lori. You couldn’t tell what happened but you had a feeling that it wasn’t good. 
“Evening Sheriff.” You greet him when he approaches, now finding that there was no avoiding him when it seemed that he was actually going to talk to you. “Everything alright? You don’t look so good.” You voice your concern, following him into the RV when he beckoned you. 
You watched him pace the RV for a few moments after you closed the RV door. He didn’t look at you right away and you let him collect his thoughts as you found yourself sitting in the booth as you were a few minutes ago with Glenn. 
Suddenly, Rick stops and looks at you, you can’t quite make out the look on his face. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly says, only adding to your confusion and concern. Maybe he was finally losing his mind. “I’ve been pushing you away these last couple of days when all you’ve done is stuck by me. It’s not fair to you.” He goes on. 
“It’s okay Rick, shit happens-”
“No, it’s not.” He cuts you off, running his hand through his hair. “Because I wanted Lori and me to work like nothing was wrong. I wanted to just ignore what I was feeling towards you for her sake, for Carl’s but it was stupid.” He admits to you, looking like a weight had just been yanked off of his shoulders. “She cheated on me, with Shane.” You look at him in shock, watching him turn away to look towards the window. “She’s…”
“Pregnant?” You finish so he doesn’t have to and when he looks at you in confusion you move to the inside of the booth, patting the spot next to you. “It wasn’t hard to figure it out when she started getting sick during breakfast.” You admit, covering for Glenn when clearly he didn’t know that the Korean was involved. 
“I’m sorry.” He says again, sitting down beside you and putting his head in his hands, elbows on the tabletop. 
“It’s okay.” You reach up and gently rub his back. 
“I think I like you.” He admits. 
The two of you are silent for a moment, the two of you sitting there in the aftermath of what he had said. “I’ve liked you for a while.” You tell him, smiling when his head shoots up and he looks at you. “I didn’t want to come between you two and mess things up between us.”
Rick shakes his head. “You could never mess things up between us.” He insists, offering you his hand. You take it and he just runs his thumb over the back of it. “I like you.” He tells you, now certain and confident in his words. He couldn’t explain the way that you alone made him feel like he was back in high school, with some stupid crush. 
“Are you gonna be okay?”
“I am now that I know what I’m feeling.” He leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek. Your face heats up. “I wanna try this.”
“I do too.”
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iridesent-folly · 3 years
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝/ 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 (𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭) 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐏.𝐓.𝟏
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮, 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢, 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨, 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢, 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (all separate)
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘤𝘩, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘍 𝘭 𝘶 𝘧 𝘧 & ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ
𝘖𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸: 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘚/𝘖 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺
+ 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 (𝘪𝘨) 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘯 o𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮
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༻ It’s on sight.
༻ Y’all dead be hyping up Izuku to be exactly what he isn’t.
༻ Admit it, this man and his friends are a bunch of law breaking delinquents with both mommy and daddy issues who have nothing to lose.
༻ Uraraka’s broke asf, that speaks for itself (sis really got nothing to lose).
༻ Todoroki is a rich boy with family issues that literally called the police chief a mutt and was ready to throw hands.
༻ Iida literally attempted homicide to avenge his brother and indirectly succeeded 👀👀
༻ And Izuku, the leader,
༻ Mr. Dequan (I’ll snap someone’s arm in a heartbeat) Johnson,
༻ The same dude who breaks every bone in his body daily,
༻ Has beat mfs who are 10x his body mass and bodied one of the biggest mafia criminals and his little girl scout possie in one punch like tf (?!?!)
༻ But getting back on track-
༻ Let’s be real, you're his first everything.
༻ The first there for him through every minor decision and huge decision.
༻ For example, “Baby, do you think I should wash my hair now or would it take too long?” Or
༻“Baby, should I give one for all away to someone more worthy?”
༻ You’re the first to reassure him that he is more than a remarkable suitor for containing OFA and should have more confidence in his own ability.
༻ The first there to make time for him when he needs to be properly solaced and smothered within your warm cocoa-vanilla scented embrace.
༻ The first to be upfront with him on particular ideas of which you fueled and supported wholeheartedly or told him boldly how perilous one decision would be.
༻ You sincerely are one of the first to actually care for him when everyone else could care less.
༻ It’s a huge understatement to say that he views you as a light illuminating his life.
༻ That he views you as a literal walking angelic being.
༻ An ethereal soul that grants him heaven on earth.
༻ A deity or demigoddess of sorts (no matter how over exaggerated it sounds).
༻ First day you met him you held his hand (after asking for permission of course), told him everything would be fine and led as his guide to 1A after he claimed he was lost.
༻ Tbh you had no clue where 1A was either but you decided that thinking level headedly would give you both a higher chance in making it to class on time.
༻ Moments like that only further prove how much of a kindhearted, humble being you are.
༻ Even though you're not a pushover, you make sure that he knows and understands that he will be cared for when you’re with him.
༻ It shows him an honest view on how he needs someone perceptive to balance out how conceptual he can get in terms of thinking.
༻ But in this moment,
༻ There was no thinking involved.
༻ The moment he heard your name in someone’s mouth, his ears perked up.
༻ If it was someone harmless, it would be different. He could easily tell you “You know ___ and ___ is talking about you right?” Report it, and the conversation would be over.
༻ But the moment he looked over at the commotion and saw some guy bigger than you say some out of pocket shit TO YOUR FACE, it was over.
༻ I’ve never seen someone run faster in their LIFE.
༻ Knowing Izuku, he most likely attempted to de-escalate the situation and get you as far away as possible (cause he’s a logical thinker).
༻ Which all stopped the moment that mf said,
༻“I was just saying what we were all thinking! Little black bitches like her belong only in bed-”
༻ Remember that one punch I mentioned? Yea-
༻ SLUMBER. He put that bish to SLEEP.
༻ If you didn’t think Izuku was territorial before, think again.
༻ That comment pushed all his buttons.
༻ Izuku wouldn’t even be in a hurry to leave the scene after that, mf just standing there🧍🏻
༻ Then he’ll say some shit you’d never expect in that moment like “He’s one to talk, but he’s the only one asleep”🧍🏻
༻ WILLINGLY went to Principal Nezu’s office and told him that the dude was harassing you after admitting to knocking his ass out.
༻ He fears NOTHING in that moment and it’s scary as hell.
༻ Yet as soon as it’s all over, he’s straight back to “I hope I didn’t take too long in the principal’s office. I’m actually really hungry now” like he switched to his old self 😶
༻ He will die for you.
༻ Please don’t underestimate the previous sentence.
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༻ In contrast to the Dekusquad, the Bakusquad is actually pretty chill.
༻ I mean, yes, their leader is a spoiled brat with anger issues who gets upset when he can’t sleep on his schedule (8:30 of course☺️),
༻ But the rest of them high key do crackhead shit on the regular.
༻ To get them upset, you’d have to really be trying to push someone’s buttons.
༻ Denki’s the class clown, Sero’s the chill older brother who has the best methods of helping you with inner peace (not excluding weed), Kirishima is your shoulder support of understanding and respect who defends and protects you whether or not it is or isn’t needed, Mina is the lil sister of the group who’s on board with all the dumb ideas while also being the voice of reason and Katsuki really just brings it all back full circle with his contrasting attitude.
༻ No matter how much chill the group has, Bakugo has none.
༻ Push his buttons? You activated a secret missile trapped within the TV no problem.
༻ And that’s where we dive into this new series of unfortunate events.
༻ As Bakugo does every morning, he either picks you up and walks you to school or decides upon patiently waiting for your arrival in class.
༻ Today was one of the very, very, and I mean minisculely few days where Bakugo makes it a huge decision to remain calm for atleast one hour before raging.
༻ So please, everyone, thank this exact same motherfucker who interrupted that only microscopic source of calm quietness by making it his personal problem to disrupt your’s.
༻ It took Katsuki a minute, but once he noticed that you weren’t on schedule or arrived at 8:12:09am as he expected you to ( because who else but him would have your exact time of arrival to class marked for each day of the week 😃✌️).
༻ But his disbelief stemmed more from his friends unusual absence considering that just because at least two of them (we shall say no names😔) are failing in said class, they are not known for being flunkies or inattentive to their grades.
༻ So doing what any other logical person who is a lonely ass mf that cares for their only 4 friends and girlfriend,
༻ He asks for a hall pass to the bathroom knowing damn well that’s no where he’s heading.
༻ Now, lemme describe Katsuki to you.
༻ Regardless of his either nonchalant and dismissive or indignant and wrathful attitude,
༻ Kat’s has no problem with taking his time to understand and respect his S/O’s views or ideas.
༻ All because this is exactly what you have done for him.
༻ When you guys first met, he absolutely despised your presence before realizing the huge deferential factor on how gentle you were within everyday life when considering the well being of other’s versus your opponents.
༻ A huge factor he looked over before shoving you out of his way, attempting to pick up his dragging baggy ass, Tupac wannabe pants and mosey on to class one day.
༻ Yeaahhh, huge mistake.
༻ When I tell you you placed that mf in a headlock that lasted longer than 3 hours because of the lack of tolerance you held for his disrespectful response.
༻ This also led to a dark bruise ring to form around his neck for the remainder of that week.
༻ The following day, when bakugo decidedly walked past you instead of pushing as done previously, you smiled and asked, and I quote,
༻“ How’s your throat Katsuki?“
༻ At that same moment, he became dedicated to understanding why you reacted in such a premeditated manner as if you were in constant danger or as if you were always in harm's way and needed to restrain him as if he was danger for a small ( actually no, this huge buck nearly knocked your ass to the floor and is obviously menacing when stomping through with those monster chomped stompers but ig he doesn’t see it that way🙄✌️) push.
༻ Regardless of his knowledge on his own aggressive behavior, he sought to begin small minor steps to leave his comfort zone and make it so that you didn’t feel the need to be on edge all the time.
༻ One of his ways of allowing you to rest in your feminine energy and feel safe or comfortably reserved was by doing what he knows best,
༻ Fighting and chewing anyone who comes near you that he doesn’t trust,
༻ Even if they had no intention in harming you,
༻ Into miniature kibble pieces like the chihuahua mut he is😌
༻ So I guarantee and assure you that when he walks towards the classroom door window and views his friends around you with Mina being held back and calmed by Denki, Kiri and Sero arguing with the guilty party and his baby girl feeling intimidated and almost forced to stand up to another classmate twice her size the same way she reacted when threatened by he himself,
༻ There had been this click of acknowledgement and understanding that surged throughout him, giving him a moment to take into consideration the emotions you felt when faced with other menacing characters.
༻ You reacted from fear. You felt unprotected.
༻ Walking out of the door was like him crawling out of whatever hole spit him out,
༻ or a fresh sunflower field if you're viewing from his perspective.
༻ When I say, I’ve have never seen someone with their pants around their ankles scatter towards something so quickly in my life,
༻ I’d say you’re crazy and that’s not a person in saggy jeans, that’s a mole rat running for cover before giving an unsuspecting victim rabies.
༻“Now who is this irrelevant?”
༻“Hmm? Oh, you’re that burnt monkey’s boyfri-”
༻ Oops, did they just get their shit socked? Yeah, they’re out COLDER than the joke that mineta is bi
༻ Like who tf does he look like tryna stress out a useless comment from some background character
༻ Well he didn’t.
༻ If you ever ask him about that day he will deny caring but instead will claim,
༻“ I’m the only person you can choke out. That’s our thing that that yeast inflated bed bug doesn’t get to witness first hand”
༻ He cares about you and would risk his 99.999% gpa and class time if it meant having your back to allow you to stay at peace and glowing with affectionate radiance.
༻ You don’t have to stand alone with him there for you anymore.
༻ Trust in him.
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༻ I have a feeling some of y’all really think I’m not being serious when I say someone need to come get Izuku and his deviant having ass friends.
༻ These non-conformist don’t listen to a DAMN THING and then wonder why they continuously get into situations that will cost them their livelihoods and 25+years in jail.
༻(Non) Surprisingly, Shoto is one of the main instigators in terms of the fuckshit.
༻ I swear, there is no way someone would be that stupid to believe that Mr. Peppermint Patty would not be involved since he literally lives with trouble makers 24/7 in the dorms.
༻ But before the 1A students lived in the dormitories, I’m sure all the shenanigans that Shoto dealt with happened mainly at home.
༻ I have this whole headcanon where Endeavor would be high key racist. In public, he may whisper or subtly hint towards internalized homophobia or even sexist statements on the down low,
༻ But with racism, he will outblantly spew out precalculated statements just to get a reaction out of the person he had been previously speaking to all while hiding behind the excuse that,
༻“It’s just humor get over it”
༻ Or “ I work with black and darker skinned individuals. I even hire them to work for me-”
༻ As if using the same old washed up, my bestie or family or associates are black will excuse him calling Mirko “Rock- loc’s, chocolate Nutella entanglement butter for his Kenyan burnt toast” like (? ? ?)
༻ 1.) where tf did he get that from?
༻ 2.) what makes him think anybody wanted to have romantic or sexual relations to the man married with a Yeti bone from the mountains of caucasus for a wife?
༻ What am I missing Endeavor? What is it?
༻ And still with this knowledge, Shoto completely disregards his father’s outwardly racist behavior and unironically, fetishizingly out of pocket comments no one asked for.
༻ After placing off you meeting his relatives for as long as you’ve been together, he never wanted you to feel excluded from ever feeling as if your relationship never had any source of validity or that you both weren’t something substantial.
༻ Like the amazing boyfriend and best friend he is, he invites you over to those rich, outgoing social networking events established by his grandparents and hosted by his father himself.
༻ Now, ba-BIEee, you were absolutely stunning. And even me stating that is an understatement itself.
༻ If there was a proper way to describe how appealingly charming, irresistibly ravishing, or gorgeously bewitching you had been upon arrival at that event, I would overuse it till it no longer made sense.
༻ The way the dress you wore had tug at your waist and accentuated your hips,
༻ The way the jewelry around your neck had shone, glimmering with its balance of silver and blueish white diamonds,
༻ Jawline complimented by the use of huge stud earrings matching along with your necklace and pendants,
༻ Your click clacking of heels stopping the large crowd from conversing amongst one another as the redirection went towards the beauty in your heartwarming, tender appearance as well as your natural kinky textured hair bouncing with each step as you cling onto Shoto’s arm.
༻ A sight truly worth seeing. One finally explaining the young love you hold with each other as the gaze you hold walking into the establishment becomes one more of admiration and nurture.
༻ Now, if only shoto would’ve been able to understand the sheer embarrassment from the events to follow, it would’ve saved him from seeing you genuinely betrayed by those around you.
༻ It was no secret that the party excluded any given black person who would be qualified to attend, but Shoto had never been on the spectrum of understanding the experience of a black person yet alone a black woman with knowledge of his already pale appearance and complexion.
༻ So, lack of diversity never crossed his mind once. It was familiar to him, so he assumed the same would be for you.
༻ So when the gazes of his relatives and guests laid upon him and his girlfriend, he assumed it was mainly curiousness and the want to bother him about who you were/ who he was with and all the sappy lovey, young couple things old people quiz you about.
༻ That was all until Endeavor broke the silence.
༻“ Welcome, welcome Ma and pa. Welcome family, comrades, and even Shoto and his pet orangutan”
༻ While there were people who strongly disagreed with the distasteful statement, almost everyone began to burst into hysterical laughter as if they themselves aren’t a collective of miserable, ashy pale dust mites struggling with their race against time since they already look beyond 65 years while age 32.
༻ It was also within that moment that you had collected your little hand bag and gently grabbed Shoto’s hand, politely squeezing through.
༻ This poor boy was c o n f u s e d as hell
༻“I didn’t bring any animals tonight. What do they mean I brought an ape? Baby, why are you crying? Were they talking about you?”
༻ A little dense at first but he slowly began to catch on.
༻ Understands already how the comment was targeted towards your race but now was conflicted on whether or not he should make a spectacle of himself and square up to the number TWO (cause that mf can never compare to 1 in my eyes🙄) pro hero to defend his girl or ignore Endeavor completely.
༻ He ignored Endeavor completely.
༻ It’s the only thing he can do best when wanting to avoid the rage of his abusive father and this time,
༻ Silence and distance was his route to go.
༻ It would’ve been easier if this was some random everyday bystander but this was his FATHER and that made it much more effective in harming Shoto as well as any s/o Shoto decides to have.
༻ You both discussed the actions presented to you by a few of his relatives and what he can do to make you feel more comfortable when faced with these situations.
༻ Literally strengthened & deepened the trust in your relationship X2
༻ All was said, done, over with.
༻ Until it became apparent one day that this body built, Arm&Hammer plus ultra strong, second place Almight groupie named Endeavor was still bussy hurt over your exsistence.
༻ 50 missed calls, 190 text messages, 39 voicemails
༻ All exclaiming his distaste, as if he had taste buds to begin with, for Shoto’s choice in a partner
༻“Shoto, you’ve finally answered. Enough shenanigans and listen to my request for all the other beautiful Japanese suitors including I-”
༻ Y’all really thought he was going to listen to bs right now? He has to get to his 6th period class-
༻ He prioritizes you over any foul racist and ignorant statements his father may have about you anyday.
༻ You’re his baby and there’s no way he would let that slide.
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༻ Tamaki will not fight unless he has to.
༻ This man is trying to get his composure together and is STRUGGLING
༻ Anxiety on 100, self esteem on -1
༻ Don’t let that fool you though.
༻ He may be insecure as hell, but not once had he ever let those insecurities affect the ones he cares about the most.
༻ Especially not now.
༻ Mans will not hesitate to beat someone’s ass and then cry about how he wants to go home immediately after.
༻ Throughout the duration of your relationship, this dynamic of him being protective and possessive over you while still outwardly showing his insecurities added on to the layer of how much he was willing to go out of that comfort zone to ensure your own.
༻ This is where your day begins.
༻ Waking up tamaki,
༻ Dragging him to the bathroom to wash up,
༻ Getting him to wear something comfortable as well as finally getting him to put on those new vans he’s held in his closet for over a year instead of those old ass, dogged up converses,
༻ Listing affirmations to him and ensuring that he knows not every day will turn out as bad as he believes.
༻ This is why he would risk it all for you.
༻ Of course you’re not only his alarm clock,
༻ But you are the only one who's been concerned with his well-being, making it known that each high day will never be the highest limit and that each low will never be rock bottom.
༻ Even when he himself isn’t in the best condition, he makes it his own personal ordeal to worship the ground you walk on even if it does seem excessive or unnecessary at the times.
༻ All the love and energy you give, will always be reciprocated back to you because of how warm it makes him feel.
༻ An understatement to say he believes you shine brighter than Mirio.
༻ No, literally.
༻ You both went on a picnic with eachother one day, the sun illuminating it’s pleasantly cozy and mellow rays upon you both.
༻ It was in that moment the glistening of your skin’s natural golden and sparkly hue, reflected and absorbed the light,
༻ only allowing such a gentle glow and smile to invade and show on your facial structure.
༻ Your eyes slowly meeting his as you look up from pouring him his own cup of tea, voice reposefully lifting the air’s aura.
༻“You said you wanted honey, right?”
༻ And honey you were.
༻ Oh, lawd, you trying to put this boy in a casket early aren’t you?
༻ Mf was damn near close to fainting on the spot, which made you worried due to how once he stood up to start the car, he was tripping over goddamn dandelions 🌻🧎🏻🏃🏻🧍🏻🌻
༻ Like zaddy, chill please.
༻ But it was those moments he aimed to protect. It is you that he aims to protect.
༻ So him being overprotective and possessive with your presence is due to never having the luxury to be with someone he truly deeply honors and cherishes romantically and never having those feelings reciprocated.
༻ And that’s where now comes in.
༻ The day went as usual, waking up, washing up, getting dressed, arguing over what shoes he should wear, usual affirmations of affection, and on your way to whatever new destination meets your understanding.
༻ Selected destination: a cafe.
༻ This place was something you thought (key word: thought) would be relaxing and comfortable until you both are seated in a dull booth by one of the female workers who handed you directly the side eye and a male worker coming over to handle your order.
༻ After entering the shop, the energy changed which then changed your view on it completely.
༻ You now genuinely wanted to go home.
༻ So you look over to Tamaki, grasped his hand and mumbled to him how it was time to go.
༻ Yeah, no. Gotta blast hoes 🌏🚀
༻ All was going fine as you exited the shop,
༻ UNTIL the same waiter that had previously began to wait you guys followed you both OUTSIDE the establishment, the girl waiter shouting “SHE JUST STOLE SOMETHING, THEY'RE STEALING!”
༻ H U H (?) tf you mean baby girl? Are you lost? Do you need help finding your last brain cell?
༻ It was then that the second waiter had stepped up to you, grabbing your arm.
༻“You heard her nig-”
༻ Tamaki did not like that.
༻ Like who the hell gave these outta wedlock albino rabbie rats the permission?
༻ No one.
༻ Anyways, you call the police to comment on a hate crime and assault being committed only for both you and Tamaki to be the ones taken to the station instead due to how bad that pale polar bear got his ass whooped.
༻ Aizawa was not pleased to have to pick up two hero students from the station but he is a really good persuader ngl
༻ Ever since Mirio and Nejire heard about what happened, they have not let Tamaki go from the grasps of the ungraspable.
༻ They will forever be proud, hands down.
༻ But this will forever be one of the many plights Tamaki will go the to help you understand how much he genuinely loves you and values your existence.
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@wockeshaa @morosis-haze @lvlydray @royalelusts @hoetachi @ohstunnah
A/N: (You guys finally get to see my own personal fanon version of how I believe bakugo would best go in the both the manga & show that I had written back in March this year 😃🤚 This imagines fic has been suffocating in the base of my drafts since February and I never released it-
I have more but I just never had the liquid courage apart from now to re-brandish and give new life to these that I turned out to love dearly and genuinely in the end)
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hey, i have a jj maybank request! fem!reader, possible angst!
so basically, y/n is a pogue and gets along with the other pogues (john b, pope, sarah, kiara & cleo) except for jj. y/n is always bright, a total sweetheart and bubbly and jj…hates it.
john b recently opens up a surf board shop on that stranded island that they’re on?? and he leaves y/n and jj alone to polish some boards hoping that they’d get along. jj complains about every little thing y/n does and starts calling her names. she gets really upset and storms out the shop to clear her head. she goes by the water for a swim but a dangerous tide picks her up and jj notices and saves her?? hopefully this makes sense!
the deep end ☆
jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: mentions of drowning, jj being an asshole, swearing.
words: 1,674.
summary: jj somehow finds everything you do annoying to the point he criticizes everything you do. john b thinks of a plan that will ensure his two friends will befriend each other. it was working at first, until it wasn’t.
request? yes!
a/n: y’all have such good ideas what the?! thank you for the request! if you enjoyed please like and comment. this is angst with fluff at the end. <3 BTW i am from missouri and have never surfed so i hope i got the polishing of the surfboards correct. :)
my masterlist
john b always had a plan, well usually he did. if two of his friends were fighting, he would always find a way to get them to get along. he knew that stranding kiara and sarah on a boat together in the middle of nowhere would force them to fix their friendship. so, with that knowledge, he knew that he could do the same thing with jj and you.
you were always nice to jj, he just seemed to get annoyed with you all the time. you didn’t know what you had done, if you had even done something. he just always felt the need to critique you. it became harder and harder everyday to ignore him.
since washing up on the abandoned island, john b was ecstatic for his brand new start. unsurprisingly to anyone, his first idea for creating a new civilization would be a surf shack. he started building it right away. you would occasionally help, but he was determined to do it on his own so he would always send you away.
“okay! john b what would you like my help with? i can do anything you need. just let me know.” you smile brightly at john b, while he stared at you. “listen, i love you. but, i don’t need your help at the moment. you should talk to everyone else.” you frown at his words, “fine. but you better get me the minute you need assistance.” he nodded. “will do.” and with that, you left joining the others.
jj was talking to cleo before silencing upon your arrival. “hey everyone!” you smile at the group in front of you. “hey! how’s john b?” kiara asked. “i think he is good, he’s actually pretty much done.” you play with the bracelet on your wrist. kiara nods, “that’s great.” pope smiles, “statistically speaking, we can’t ensure that his shack will be entirely safe as he built it all on his own.” you stare at pope. “true… we’ll let’s hope it doesn’t collapse on him.” pope smiled at you, glad you listened to his random fact.
jj groaned. “awe, how sweet pope!! you found a girl who wasn’t disgusted by your weird and useless knowledge.” you gasp in shock, “jj! shut up you are so rude.” jj laughs, “it’s just a joke, why do you always have to be so offended?” you glare at jj. “jj it’s not funny, you’re just a dick.” pope sighs. “it’s okay, don’t worry.” you frown in popes direction. you quietly pull away from the group. you walk to an area of sand, plopping yourself down. that’s when john b approached you.
“hey, remember when i told you i would come get you when i needed help?” john b smiled at you. “yes! do you need my help?” you tilt your head to the side, waiting. he nods. “i need you to wax up some of the boards i made.” you nod. “okay! sure.” he walked you to his shack, helping you set up. you began waxing the board, paying attention to the direction and the amount of wax you were applying. john b waits a minute watching you, before he decides to leave.
after a minute, you see jj approaching the shack with john b who held a smug smile on his lips. you shake your head, confused. “friends.” he looked between you and jj. jj held an unamused look on his face. “as my close friends, you will wax these boards for me. you can’t stop until you guys fix whatever feud is going on between the two of you.” john b stands his ground. jj scoffs, “we don’t have a feud.” you nod your head in agreement. “jj is right, his hatred is definitely one sided... it is not a feud.” you laugh softly seeing jj send a glare your way. “yeah okay. whatever guys. just fix it, and if you even try and leave, i’ll send cleo after both of you.” your eyebrows lift in shock. you mutter a quick okay, returning your attention to the board.
jj stares at you, watching you apply the wax. he couldn’t help but get upset. everything you did just made him annoyed. he grabbed the wax, working on the board right by yours. silence falls over the two of you. it’s not awkward or weird, it actually feels quite normal. until jj interrupted it so he could judge you.
“youre doing it wrong. i mean come on.” you stare at jj, “jj please just focus on your own board.” you shake your head, continuing to polish the surfboard. he glares at you. “whatever. just keep doing what you are doing, and then john b or i will fix it after you.” his attention turned back to his board. you rolled your eyes. “i will, thank you.” he breathes in, inhaling the waxy scent. “you are so annoying you know that?” you ignore jj’s words, focusing on the board. he continues, “i mean everything you do. everything you say, it pisses me off.” you nod slightly. “you done?”
“no, actually i’m not.” you bite your lip, fixating on the wax that is spreading along the smooth surface. jj stops waxing the surfboard. you look up to see he is already staring at you. “you know, you act like you are better than us, i mean why do you hang out with us anyway?” jj waits but continues when he realizes you won’t reply. “you are fake, you are so upbeat and bubbly that it’s annoying. you are a double sided two faced bitch who says anything to get in good graces.” you inhale, looking up at him.
“listen jj. we are stranded on this fucking island. TOGETHER. so either drop it and move on, or just shut the fuck up and stay away from me.” you place your hands on your hips, breathing slightly staggered from anger. “everyone speaks so highly of you saying how great you are; but the only jj i’ve met is a total douche. if you hate me so much then just stay the fuck away from me. if you continue you’ll just be wasting your breath and energy anyway.” jj holds back a laugh at your sudden outburst.
“you really think if i had the choice, i would want to be here? especially with you?” jj asked, you already knowing the answer. you stay silent. “exactly. no one can deal with you for that long anyway.” you roll your eyes.
“whatever jj. you win.” you toss the wax to the side, frowning. you don’t turn back to him, you just ignore him. you start to walk towards the beaches seashore. it was getting slightly hot, so you decided to take a dip into the water.
you were salvaging the few moments of freedom you had, before you got john b’s and cleo’s wrath from leaving the scene before mending the friendship with jj. it was practically impossible. what did jj have against you? you tip toed into the water, getting deeper and deeper. you floated at the top of the water; the coolness feeling great on top of your hot skin.
jj truly had the biggest nerve, your mind was overwhelmingly clogged. you felt seaweed scratch against the bottom of your foot, this caused you to jump, your adrenaline levels rising since you thought it was a fish. you try to remain afloat, but the high tide caused the waves to crash right over you repeatedly, being faster and higher than ever. you went above water trying to shout for help, but your mouth was filled, causing no sound to come out. you thrash against the water, kicking to stay afloat. your throat was burning, your legs tired from kicking, and your lungs filled with liquid.
a pair of hands wrap around your stomach, dragging you out the water. you were placed on the warm sand. “shit.” jj stared at you. your head felt light. jj’s hand began pumping your chest, curses falling from his mouth. “come on, just breathe. please.” you cough, the salt water exiting your lungs, and dropping onto your neck. you gasp for air, opening your eyes to be met with jj’s face. you breathe heavily for a minute.
“jj… thank you.” you sit up, pulling him into a tight hug. your hands wrap around his neck, one of them grabbing his hair. his arms held tightly around your waist. his chest was heaving heavily, shaking slightly. “i hate to be so cliché j, but you genuinely saved my life.” he frowns at you. “i almost lost you.”
jj’s confession confused you. “what?” you say softly, your hand combed through his hair. “look. the reason i’m so mean to you, is because i knew that if i was nice to you, my already intense feelings for you would only amplify.” you frown at him. “you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” jj nodded. you went to talk, but your friends interrupted the moment.
john b rushed to your side, kiara and pope swiftly behind him. “what happened!! we were watching from over there.” john b pointed in a direction farther away. “one minute you were swimming… the next you we’re gone!?” you wipe your neck, trying to dry it off. “jj saved my life. i almost drowned.” you frown, the group in front of you nodded. “im so glad you are okay.” kiara bent down pulling you into a hug. “i’m glad you are safe now too.” pope joined in on the hug; as well as everyone else.
sarah, kiara, and cleo bend down, reaching for your hands. they help you up, dragging you to your feet. they walk you away from the crowd, bombarding you with questions. “so when you were drowning what did it feel like??” you turn around watching jj, you smile slightly before turning to them. “oh get ready for the amount of details i’m going to give you guys.”
possibly a part two…??? not sure yet :) <3 also!! i’m proofreading this tomorrow since i’m not entirely sure if it has errors or not! ily!!
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