#whumper adopted whumpee
jordanstrophe · 1 year
The Only Survivor
[A continuation here]
Whumpee’s the only one who survived whumper’s invasion. Instead of killing them off, Whumper decides it would be fun to keep the sole survivor as a trophy. 
But what they think is just some fun show-off prize, they quickly realize whumpee requires a lot of attention. They’re wounded and traumatized; they wake screaming from pain and nightmares, keeping the whole place from getting sleep. 
Whumper soon finds themselves being their caregiver, soothing them back to sleep and cooling their fever down...
This was not in the job description.
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bloodybloody · 3 months
When whumpee gets mad at the caretaker, they snap using the same speech pattern as whumper used against whumpee.
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Content warning: nightmares, blood, and scars (not from s/h). Please ask if you need any added.
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There was red. So much red. His red suit, skintight and made for maximum mobility, but serving to make him feel restrained and exposed. Red blood, drying on his knuckles and dripping from his nose. It wasn’t his, the red on his knuckles. He’d rather it had been. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, he didn't!
Jack jolted awake to sheets soaked with sweat, breathing heavily. It took a minute for him to realize where he was, and even longer for him to realize what had woken him up.
Xander was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching him. “It’s alright, darling. You’re safe now. Can you name one thing that you’re touching?”
“The-the blanket?” Jack asked rather than said, still disoriented.
“Good. Can you tell me what color it is?”
“... Blue.” Blue, not red. Blue is good.
“Yes, and it’s soft too, isn’t it?”
“Mhm.” After a few seconds, when he felt more grounded, Jack asked, “Why are you here?”
“You were shouting in your sleep. I came to wake you up.”
“Oh… sorry.”
“What for, little one?”
Jack shrugged. “Being loud. Forcing you to help me.”
Xander let out a breath through his nose. “Are you okay with touch right now?” At Jack’s hesitant nod, he scooted back so he could lean comfortably against the headboard, and pulled him against his chest.
After a moment of silence, Xander spoke again. “First of all, the government has me classified as an A-tier villain with a risk level of 8. Honey, you couldn’t force me to do anything if you tried. I’m here comforting you because I want to be.”
Jack hid his face in Xander's shoulder. Xander could feel the warmth of his blush through his shirt.
“Secondly, you don’t belong to The Agency anymore. You don’t have to abide by their absurd rules. You are allowed to be scared, and you are allowed to show it.”
“Okay,” Jack mumbled. His wandering fingers found a scar he’d left on Xander during one of their initial altercations. “Does it still hurt?”
“Not anymore. I’ve given it time and taken good care of it, and now it’s healed.”
“But it’s not the same anymore. It left a scar,” Jack said, with the air of a child listening to a bedtime story.
“I like it better this way,” Xander laughed softly. “It’s kind of…" he tilted his head, "badass.”
Jack giggled and immediately yawned.
“Do you think you can go back to sleep? It is quite early, after all.” Xander asked.
“I will if you stay,” Jack bargained, with a confidence he would never have had were he not half asleep.
“Then stay I shall.”
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livelaughwhump · 2 years
Whump Fic: Part 2
Part 1 here
. . .
Several hours passed since caretaker left whumpee's door, and whumpee had yet to leave their room. Thinking they must be starving, caretaker prepared whumpee's favorite meal and brought it to their door.
Caretaker gave a gentle knock. "Whumpee?" There was no response. Caretaker sighed. "Whumpee, I know you're mad at me, and that's okay, but I brought you something to eat." Whumpee still didn't respond. "It's your favorite!" Silence. Curious, caretaker tried the doorknob, only to find it unlocked. Looking up, caretaker pushed the door open and entered whumpee's room.
Atop the bed in the center of the room, whumpee lay curled up in a fetal position. Caretaker almost thought they were asleep, until they noticed whumpee's muscles tense. Caretaker frowned. "Hey," they tried. Whumpee didn't move. "I brought a peace offering." They held up the plate in their hands, but whumpee didn't look over.
"Do you regret adopting me?" Whumpee's small voice said.
Caretaker's eyes widened and they hurriedly sat beside whumpee on the bed. "No, of course not."
"Do you regret saving me?" Whumpee's voice shivered this time.
Caretaker's eyes burned and their breath hitched. They laid a hand on whumpee's leg. "Whumpee, the only thing I regret is not protecting you enough. I don't know what whumper did to you, but-"
Whumpee tensed again and caretaker's words died in their throat.
Whumpee sniffled and finally looked up at caretaker. Whumpee's eyes were red and puffy, as if they hadn't stopped crying the entire time they were alone.
"Why didn't you just tell me you didn't want me anymore?" Whumpee asked. Caretaker opened their mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Whumpee sat up and faced caretaker. "If I had known you were so unhappy, I would've tried to be better. I would've tried to be someone you could be proud to call your family."
"You don't think I'm proud of you?" Caretaker asked. "Whumpee, you are still so young, but you've gone through more than anyone should ever have to in their entire life, and you're still you. You didn't break, you didn't lose yourself. You are so strong, and I couldn't be more proud."
Whumpee's gaze wavered. "Just not proud enough to want to keep me?" they whispered.
Caretaker's heart dropped. "Oh, whumpee..." They gathered whumpee in their arms, guiding their head to rest on their shoulder. They rocked whumpee back and forth, rubbing soothing circles into their scarred back. Whumpee whimpered pathetically against caretaker's chest, gripping their shirt with a vice-like hold. "I am so sorry for all of those horrible things I said. I don't want you to think you're a burden, because you're not. You're still recovering, and you're making so much progress, and I'm so proud of you."
By now, whumpee was crying, their tears soaking through caretaker's t-shirt. "You don't have to lie," they sobbed. "I know I'm a screw-up, but I can be better, I promise. I can be useful, just please don't throw me away. I have nowhere else to go. Please."
Caretaker's heart broke upon hearing whumpee's desperate, broken pleas. Guilt swelled in their stomach. "Whumpee..."
"I can be good, I promise. I'll do whatever you say, I'll be whatever you want me to be. I know, you don’t want me, but please give me another chance. I swear, I can be good."
By now, caretaker's eyes were overflowing with tears as well. "Whumpee, there is absolutely nothing in this world that could make me even consider throwing you away. I love you, and I would never ask you to be anyone but yourself."
Whumpee sniffled and pulled themself out of caretaker's embrace. "Then-Then, what was all that on the phone? Why were you talking about sending me away?"
"I wasn't. I was talking about getting you a therapist." Whumpee's gaze wavered. "I know you won't talk to me, but I figured you might want to talk to a professional. Someone you can be sure won't judge you or make you feel unwanted. I think it would benefit both of us."
Whumpee turned their face away, their cheeks flushing red. "I feel so stupid," they whispered.
"You're not stupid, whumpee. It was just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry I said all of those things. I should never have made you feel unwanted. Adopting you was the best decision I ever made."
Tears welled in whumpee's eyes again, and they once again buried their face in caretaker's chest. "Thank you," whumpee sobbed. Caretaker raised a confused brow. "Thank you for wanting me, and taking care of me. Thank you for being so kind to me."
Caretaker smiled sadly and kissed the top of whumpee's head. "Of course. You deserve every good thing in life, and I will make sure you believe that someday. I will do everything in my power to make sure you love yourself the way I do."
Whumpee sniffled. "I love you, caretaker."
"I love you too, darling. I never want you to forget that."
Whumpee didn't even mind that their food had gone cold.
. . .
Sorry this is so long. I didn't mean to make this two parts, but I have a tendency to overwrite
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
June of Doom day 12
“it’s no use” (explosion, fainting, trembling) 
Content warning: death mention (not in detail)
As Whumper made their way through the rubble of Leader's base, they were surprised with just how well everything had gone. Leader and everything they'd work to build was gone, reduced to a pile of rubble and broken bodies. They'd finally won.
But, it seemed, there were a few loose ends that needed to be tied.
Whumper watched as Youngest limped through the broken landscape. They were a disheveled mess, with blood dripping from their head and staining their hair. Their left arm hung limp at their side and they were clearly avoiding putting pressure on their left leg. They looked ready to drop in a dead faint. And yet, when Whumper looked into Youngest’s eyes, all they saw was rage. Youngest stared at Whumper without a hint of fear.
"So I missed one. How nice of you to come to me," Whumper addressed Youngest, casually taking a step towards their approaching form. Youngest did not waiver.
"You. This was you, it’s always–” Youngest gave a shaky breath, shivering. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
Amused, Whumper smirked. “Really? You’re going to kill me?” They laughed, not even bothering to keep an eye on their approaching foe. “Go on then, I’m in a good mood. Try,”
That was all the encouragement Youngest needed. With a scream of rage, they ran at Whumper. Their movement lacked any of the grace or deadly precision of their now dead teacher. Youngest was sloppy and predictably, movements slowed either by their injuries or simply inexperience. Whumper easily sidestepped their attacks, waiting for the right moment to hook a foot around Youngest’s injured ankle. With a choked scream, Youngest fell to the ground.
Youngest practically growled, reaching out towards Whumper’s leg. Whumper kicked them away, pressing their heel hard into their injured shoulder. Even as Youngest screamed in pain, tears forming in their eyes, the look of utter hatred didn’t lave their face.
“You are quite the spirited thing, aren’t you?” Something close to affection bubbled up in Whumper’s chest. Youngest was pathetic. They had to be stupid, because anyone with half a brain would know how utterly hopeless their situation was. The fact that they had the audacity to fight Whumper, when playing dead would have been so much better for them, was almost enduring. Like a chihuahua attempting to fight a bull dog.
They could see Youngest’s face rapidly going pale, their injuries beginning to take their toil. Still, they struggled. “I’ll kill you! I swear to god I’ll kill you for what you did!” They continued to growl, words beginning to slur together as their eyes grew hazy.
It was like watching an exhausted toddler insist they weren’t tired. “You are adorable, do you know that?” They lifted their foot, only to slam it into Youngest’s stomach, earning them a breathless yelp. “You know, you’re lucky I’m in such a great mood. Otherwise, I would probably have just killed you...”
They could see Youngest loosing the battle to maintain consciousness. With a groan, they clutched Whumper’s foot, fingers weakly tugging. Their head was flopped weakly onto the ground, mouth open as they gasped for air.
“You know what?” Whumper smiled down at Youngest. “I think you’d make a great prize. I think I’ll keep you.”
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🎃➷ 13 Scary Prompts for Friday the 13th ☾ 𓆩☻𓆪ੈ✩
1. whumpee is trapped in a dark forest with caretaker or whumper (your choice). doesn’t matter if they’re friends or enemies, they both have to work together to find a way out before midnight, because that’s when it awakes and begins to hunt.
2. two characters who are enemies are trapped in an abandoned asylum. they soon learn they aren’t alone in the building; or, patients who are locked up here — when the staff suddenly fled one day — are in fact murderous cannibals.
3. characters throw a Friday the 13th party, everything goes well until someone — an old friend — shows up, an old friend who’s been dead for years.
4. there’s a myth that goes “something bad will happen within 7 days if you kiss someone under the moon on Friday the 13th”. character A and B think it’s bullshit and do exactly that. they’re about to find out the hard way that the myth — the curse — is real.
5. whumpee gets killed on Friday the 13th and wakes up amongst the dead, all of them have also been murdered on Friday the 13th.
6. whumpee is kidnapped. in order to save their life, caretaker has to kill 13 people before midnight of Friday the 13th.
7. on the night of Friday the 13th, caretaker finds a black stray cat at their front porch and decides to adopt the cat. it must be a coincidence that people in the neighborhood start disappearing after this mysterious cat shows up.
8. every Friday the 13th, character A is visited by a ghost who claims to be their lover from the past life. the ghost can only communicate with them when it’s Friday the 13th.
9. character A is immortal… unless they died on Friday the 13th. their enemies know this. so all character A has to do is stay alive until midnight, easier said than done. it doesn’t help that they happen to have a lot of enemies.
10. character A is cursed, so every Friday the 13th, they will be possessed by a demonic entity whose goals are death and destruction of innocent people. to try to prevent this, character A has to chain themself up and lock themself inside their house. but the devil is smart.
11. the purge. I don’t need to say more, but every Friday the 13th, murder and all type of crimes are legal in this town.
12. a group of tourists visit a small village located deep in the woods. it’s a lovely, peaceful village with nice villagers. only that they all turn into bloodthirsty murderers every Friday the 13th at nighttime. too bad our tourists don’t know about this, they’ll find out soon enough though.
13. Character A summons a demon on a dare. they don’t expect it to work, but it does. only character A can see the demon, turns out it just lonely and wants a friend.
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
A few years ago, I read a wonderful pet whump on Wattpad. Unfortunately, it was deleted, but gave me a great whumper idea.
- Whumper would use the clicking of their tongue for commands for whumpee. It would alert whumpee to stand up straight to their master.
- Whumper would show off their pet to guests, like they were a rare breed of dog they just adopted.
- Whumpee would be severely punished when making a sound—any sound—without being told to. If whumpee needs to sneeze or cough, they need to hold it in.
- When rescued, whumpee is conditioned, and it might take years for them to let it go partly.
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chiharuuu22 · 3 months
Whumpee, who was raised as a killing machine by Whumper and managed to become a "human" thanks to Caretaker, makes a special impression.
What if Whumpee was Caretaker's son?
There is a scenario that has occurred to me. If Caretaker A and B are husband and wife who join an organization to eradicate Whumper and his minions. Years ago, they lost their child to kidnapping and finally thought their child was dead.
One time, they broke into Whumper's headquarters and rescued the children there. Most of them are used as objects of research, and the rest, which are considered the most powerful, are used as tools to kill for personal gain. Most of these children had no identity, so they ended up being treated at a rehabilitation center belonging to the Whumper eradication organization.
Whumpee is a child who is finally under the supervision of Caretaker A and B. Initially, they had difficulty bonding with Whumpee. Whumpee's attitude, which was formed by Whumper, is very difficult to fix. Whumpee doesn't understand what is right and what is wrong.
Slowly, Caretaker A and B brought Whumpee to become "human" and the teenager he was supposed to be. Whumpee learns little by little about life and everyday skills. Whumpee understands what is right and what is wrong. Whumpee learns to understand "sorry," "please," and "thank you."
Of course, Whumpee ended up becoming very close to Caretaker A and B. Caretaker A and B even secretly wanted to adopt Whumpee.
No one realizes that Whumpee's appearance is actually similar to a combination of Caretaker A and B. Even if there is, they think that because Whumpee was raised by Caretaker A and B, Whumpee adopted their expression habits without realizing it.
One day, suddenly, Whumper attacked the organization's headquarters, causing chaos. Whumpee was asked to run as far as possible to be safe. Initially, Whumpee obeyed the order but finally changed his mind and returned to save Caretaker A and B. Even though he had not held a weapon for a long time, Whumpee's body still remembered to fight.
Whumpee became an aid to the organization and succeeded in eliminating some of the Whumper members. Together with their friends who had been saved, they thought that what they were doing was a form of gratitude.
Whumpee looked for Caretaker A and B, until finally they met when Caretaker A and B were fighting Whumper. Whumpee managed to win. However, when he was careless, Whumper still tried to attack his Caretaker. Of course, Whumpee's body moved spontaneously and eventually became a victim.
In the next classic scene, Whumpee finally has to receive treatment for the wounds he received. Whumpee got a donor from Caretaker who happened to have the same blood type.
Even though he didn't expect anything, Caretaker A did a little testing on Whumpee. After carrying out the first test, Caretaker A was surprised by the results. Then, he carried out various tests repeatedly and for days, and he even asked his friends for help to confirm the results.
And yes, Whumpee is their child who was thought to have died.
Caretaker A, who was still a mess, rushed to see Caretaker B, who was taking care of Whumpee. They talked to each other heart-to-heart. Caretaker A gave all the test results, and they cried happily together.
Caretaker A and B met Whumpee, who had gone through a critical period. They explain slowly that Whumpee is their son. At first, Whumpee thought Caretaker was joking because Whumpee didn't remember anything about his past. Until finally, Whumpee understands that he is the caretaker's son. Whumpee had parents all along. Of course, Whumpee felt very happy and grateful. He felt very lucky. Whumpee then learns to call Caretaker A and B "mom" and "dad.".
Maybe because Whumpee was happy, his healing progressed quickly, and Whumpee was able to return home.
Everything continues as usual. Except Whumpee finally has a birth certificate with his family name on the back.
(Anything you want to add?)
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abhainnwhump · 5 months
Birthday Cake Whump
It's my birthday today, so why not.
(Content warning: Food poisoning, burning, suffocation, pet whump, conditioned whumpee, force feeding)
Whumper bakes/buys Whumpee a special birthday cake and just as they blow the candles out, Whumper shoves their face in and holds it there. Whumpee can't breathe.
Whumper purposely puts the wrong candle on Whumpee's cake to make think more time has passed (if Whumpee was 22, Whumper would put 24 or 25 instead).
Whumpee has an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients.
Pet Whumpee getting a dog-friendly cake made from oats and carrots.
Some pet owners (like my dog) don't know when their pet's birthday is, so they make it the day they adopted them. Whumper chooses Whumpee's kidnapping day as their birthday. Whumpee doesn't remember their birthday, so they don't argue.
Whumpee doesn't trust Whumper's cake not to be poisoned. Whumper straps them down, calls them an ungrateful brat, and shoves it into their mouth.
On the other hand, Whumpee loves that Whumper brought them a cake. But not long after eating, they feel sick and/or tired. They pass out with the fork still in their hand.
No poison, no sedatives, it's homemade, but the catch is Whumpee needs to hold their hand over the candle's flame and let it burn until Whumper says they can stop.
Whumpee gets kidnapped on their birthday. When they wake up, the first thing they see is a cake with the words "Happy Birthday, love" while Whumper stares adoringly at them.
Starved Whumpee gets tooth and stomach damage since Whumper only feeds them cake and sweets. Whumpee begs for something else that isn't sugar and artificial vanilla.
Caretaker wants to do something nice for Whumpee, but they're still conditioned and jumpy. They bake them their favorite flavor of cupcake and don't put a candle on it, worried they would burn themself. They hand it to Whumpee and softly sing for them.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 7 months
Content: Captivity, multiple whumpees, fear of death, [implied] mentions of murder.
"Why don't we just... pretend like everything is fine?" Caretaker quietly suggested, curling up a little tighter as Whumpee pressed themselves against their side. The cell they were in was damp and cold, no light or signs of the outside world able to be seen. "I don't want my last few days with you to be sad."
Whumpee sniffled, subconsciously clinging onto Caretaker's shirt. "How do we do that?"
"Let's just imagine all the things we never got to do." Their voice got increasingly softer with every word. "Like... adopting the puppy we always wanted, or proposing to each other. I had a ring and everything for that, you know."
"Really?" Whumpee tilted their head up just enough to look their cellmate in the eye, tears welling in their own almost immediately. The sight just about broke Caretaker's heart and they were quick to wipe them away with their thumb.
They then nodded. "Yeah. I was gonna invite you over for a nice dinner and a movie. I had a cheesy speech about how much I loved you and... how I wanted to grow old with you."
With a small sob, Whumpee adjusted themselves enough to bring Caretaker into a hug. Their grip was tight, shoulders quaking with every sound that left their lips. Neither of them cared that there were security cameras watching them. Neither of them cared that Whumper was most likely mocking them from the other room.
"I don't have a ring anymore, or home cooked meals or anything else I had planned, but... would you marry me anyway? Or... would you do me the honor of spending our last few days as my fiance?"
Whumpee nodded against their shoulder, voice slightly muffled against the fabric of their torn shirt. "Yes."
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snakebites-and-ink · 8 months
CW: Pet whump, referenced kidnapping, captivity, conditioned whumpee
Whumper stretched and glanced at their clock. It was probably time to check on their freshly-caught pet. They headed to the room their new pet, Whumpee, was in, and opened the door only to be greeted with furious yelling and the jingling of chains. Clearly Whumpee was not happy with their new arrangement.
Whumper walked into the room and shut the door behind them. “Hello there.”
With a small growl, Whumpee lunged towards Whumper and swept their leg out in a kick that very nearly landed.
“What do you want?” they demanded angrily as Whumper stepped just out of their reach.
Whumper smirked. They retracted Whumpee’s chain so that it was too short to stand with, and Whumpee was forced to their knees. “Nothing too extreme. I just want you to behave and obey me.”
Whumpee struggled against the chain uselessly. Whumper walked closer, feeling fairly safe from attack now. “What—? What are you going to do with me? Why am I even here?”
Whumper smiled. Someone was asking all the right questions. “I’m going to keep you for myself, dear. You’re here because this is your new home. You are my pet.”
Whumpee paused. Their eyes went wide. “You mean you’ve adopted me?” they asked.
“That’s right,” Whumper confirmed.
“Oh, thank you, sir, thank you! I won’t disappoint you,” Whumpee said, nuzzling Whumper’s leg affectionately.
Whumper hesitated, dumbfounded. They gently tipped Whumpee’s face up to look at their own. “Are you…already trained?”
“Yes sir, I know my place,” Whumpee said intently.
“Oh?” Whumper responded. “Then why were you acting so feral just a minute ago?”
“I didn’t know you were adopting me! I thought I’d been kidnapped, and I had to fight my captors like a person to have a chance at getting out. I can be good, sir, I promise!” They looked up at Whumper with pleading eyes.
“And why were you going about the world without an owner when I found you? Living your life like you thought you were a person?”
Whumpee averted their gaze, not looking like they’d been caught faking, but like they actually were sad. “After I was taken from my first owner, no one wanted to have me as their pet. They all said I was a human. No one else took care of me, so I had to take care of myself.”
Whumper lowered themself to Whumpee’s level. They cupped Whumpee’s cheek gently, and noticed that they automatically tilted their head slightly into Whumper’s hand. 
“Oh, I bet that was hard, wasn’t it?” They kept their tone soft and sympathetic, but inwardly Whumper was ecstatic. Whumpee didn’t even want to be free.
Whumpee nodded, face rubbing against Whumper’s hand as they did so.
“Don’t worry. Now that you’re mine, I’ll take care of everything for you. You won’t have to work another day in your life to have nourishing food and a roof over your head, so long as you don’t do anything too foolish like running away.”
Whumpee dove towards Whumper and hugged them fiercely. “Thank you thank you sir, thank you, you’re so nice I need it—”
Whumper was delighted. Whumpee was so so grateful, practically loved Whumper already for taking them. And here Whumper had been expecting to be hated and resisted for a couple weeks at least. They pulled Whumpee back enough to see their face. Were those tears? Aw, they were! Whumper forced their instinctive grin to emerge as something warm and soft instead. If Whumpee thought they were nice and caring for doing this, Whumper wasn’t planning to disabuse them of that notion as long as their behavior stayed good enough. “Shh, it’s alright, dear pet, relax. You’ll never have to worry about anything again.”
Whumper hugged back, holding Whumpee close. They felt so small and sweet in Whumper’s arms. Whumpee obediently quieted their rambling and let go of a portion of the desperate tension in their body. With Whumpee’s face tucked safely out of view against Whumper’s chest, Whumper allowed their wide grin to finally appear. This was going to work out wonderfully.
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whumpy-writings · 6 months
I present to you a whump scenario that I can't get out of my head:
Pet whumpee who wasn't allowed inside the house by whumper. Caretaker adopts/rescues them, but whumpee is too afraid to cross the threshold into the house. What does caretaker do?
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bilightningwhumper · 19 days
Working on what I'm going to do after Mangst 2024 finishes up, mostly because as I do these, I'm developing the world for The New Eden Institution more. Poll first, context underneath.
(Okay to reblog to increase voting pool)
Basically, I'm trying to figure out more male whumpees for the New Eden Institution series. Most fairy tales have female MCs, at least the well-known ones. I considered adding Snow White to this list, but I have a mild plan with a female whumpee there, so I'll keep it that way.
While looking at these, I found others that I may keep male or change to female, but curious on this for now.
Current potentials for these:
Goldilocks- orphan who ends up turned in by one of the families they break into the home of; they're just going after homes where the families are supposed to be on vacation to have a decent place to sleep for the night; turned into the Institution
Bluebeard- buyer of omegas who's abusive and kills them when he's bored of them; MC ends up contacted by the investigation shutting down the New Eden system (they were also bought from the Institution)
Maid Maleen- similar to the Swan Lake and Rapunzel stories I have, though their 100%* isolation is because their parent is trying to protect them and their sibling (adopted, step, half, or full); ends up failing and Maleen character in Institution while sibling is bought (ends up being a mix-up; soulmate thought sibling was Maleen because it was a soulmark purchase; whumper thought Maleen was sibling and kept them on purpose)
Thousandfurs- whumpee nearly abused by father; runs away and ends up kidnapped from the streets and put into the Institution; one of Robin's escapees maybe
Sleeping Beauty- whumpee has Sleeping Beauty syndrome and their whumper takes advantage of that
Again, just potentials. But I'm curious what people think, mostly to gain more ideas if nothing comes of these at all.
A lot of what I'm coming up with for the whumpees that are bought or just plain kidnapped is very much influenced by BBU stories I've read in the whump community.
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written-by-jayy · 5 months
Prompt #2 (since the first one did so well :] )
(If you use this, please tag me! I’d love to see what can be done with it)
Recovering (former) pet whumpee lives with their caretaker. (Or maybe in whumpee’s eyes, their new master/whumper)
Everything is going semi smoothly, considering the circumstances. Or maybe not. Doesn’t really matter.
Caretaker, not thinking anything of it, adopts a rescue (I’m thinking cat or dog. But maybe a bird or rat or smth could work as well)
The rescue has an amazing new life and is happier than ever. But whumpee. Uh oh.
They get triggered by the way the rescue is spoken to and treated. It’s not treated or spoken to badly. It’s just the small things.
The collar, the names, the tone of voice, the commands (sit, good boy/girl/pup, stay, etc.), maybe the rescue has a kennel for night or for when one’s home, maybe caretaker gets frustrated during training and slightly snaps, etc.
How would whumpee react?
Do they hurt caretaker? Do they hurt themself? Do they start acting how they used to with their old master, listening to commands meant for the animal? Etc.
How long does it take for whumpee to react?
Do they react immediately when they first see/hear how caretaker talks to the rescue? Is it something that slowly happens without either realizing? Etc.
Same questions for caretaker.
How long until caretaker notices something is up? What makes them notice? How do they react?
Do they have to get rid of the rescue?
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ok so how about a magic whumper who's already had their fun with whumpee, and is getting bored of them, but doesn't want to outright kill them. Instead, they place a curse on whumpee that transforms them into an animal (like a dog or a cat) and throws them out onto the street.
Then caretaker comes along and adopts whumpee, thinking that they're just taking in some skittish, abused stray, and nurses them back to health. whumpee gets used to being treated like a pet and begins to enjoy it, but then, the curse wears off.
Now caretaker's got to deal with the fact that they've accidentally conditioned whumpee into acting like a pet (and now there is a wholeass human they've got to take care of), and whumpee has to figure out how to be a person again, not really sure if they even want to.
this was meant to be a few lines at most lmao, the idea got out of hand a bit, but it would be cool to see what you could do with it if you have the time!
ohhhh my gosh! first of all, sorry for not answering this for a thousand years, life has been kicking my ass. but sndfsjhsdkhsdjkf i love this idea so much!! i'm sure caretaker is very conflicted; on one hand, they feel terrible about what has happened to whumpee and how they've unknowingly contributed to it. but on the other...whumpee just makes such a sweet little pet, even as a human.
cw pet whump, conditioned whumpee, magic whumper, accidental caretaker, dehumanization 
Caretaker couldn’t believe they hadn’t realized sooner. But then, how could they have? The charm was done extremely well—undetectable even to someone who had studied magic, like Caretaker. And other than its initial skittishness, the little white cat had done nothing to indicate there was something wrong. It had warmed up to Caretaker quickly and become quite the obedient, affectionate pet. It cuddled with them, purred contentedly and nuzzled into Caretaker’s pets, and slept curled up at the foot of their bed. Caretaker rewarded them with treats and scratches behind the ears, thinking nothing of it. Until the day the curse wore off. 
They realized instantly what was happening, though they were in complete disbelief. Light shimmered around the cat as it transformed back into a human, with Caretaker watching, frozen in shock. Their pet—no, that wasn’t right, was it?—sat trembling on the ground and staring up at Caretaker with wide, confused eyes. 
“What the hell...” Caretaker muttered, shaking their head. They thought of the night they had found Whumpee, cold and abandoned on the side of the road, and couldn’t imagine what had happened to them that led to this. 
Whumpee looked themself over, staring at their now human fingers and wiggling them. Then they glanced back up, anxious eyes meeting Caretaker’s. “I—I’m sorry,” they whispered, voice scratchy from disuse. “I don’t know what happened, Master.” 
Caretaker crouched down next to them, feeling a pang of guilt when Whumpee lowered their head. “No, no, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just...very shocked.” 
Out of habit, they began to pet Whumpee’s hair. They leaned into Caretaker’s hand, eager for the familiar comfort. “I promise I’ll still be good for you, Master.” 
“You don’t have to call me that,” Caretaker said gently. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea you...if I’d known, I... I never would have treated you like a pet.” 
Whumpee looked up quickly with a horrified expression. “No! Please...I can keep being a good pet for you. Don’t send me away.” 
“I’m not going to send you away. But you’re not a pet,” Caretaker said, still stroking Whumpee’s hair. 
“I am.” Whumpee’s eyes glistened with tears, one hand pawing at Caretaker’s thigh just like they used to do as a cat to get their attention. “I’m a good, obedient pet.” 
Caretaker sighed, not sure what to do. They had no idea what Whumpee had been through before they had found them, but clearly whatever it was, combined with spending the last few months being treated as Caretaker’s pet, had greatly affected Whumpee’s self-perception. Caretaker didn’t know what they were going to do, but they couldn’t just give up on Whumpee. “It’s okay,” Caretaker reassured them. “We’re going to figure this out.” 
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whumper who pretends to be a kind and gentle caretaker vs. a bunch of orphan whumpees who have no idea they’re in fact livestocks and the day they get “adopted” is in fact the day they’re taken to the slaughterhouse.
*this is the plot of the Promised Neverland aka the only anime I’ve watched since adulthood. I’ve only seen the first season but it’s actually so good, and also… the whump!!!!
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