#we want all plurals to be accepted
editedantiendoposts · 23 days
we say the future is plural,
that there will be widespread acceptance for systems of all kinds.
this future would be kind to all
if it is,
every day, plurals would work alongside singlets and not be seen differently
every plural formed from trauma would get the help they need
those who abuse plurals would get more consequences
every friend loving and accepting
every doctor is kind and considerate of all
every priest sees it as an expression of spiritual strength
everyone to see plurals as fellow humans
every water will help you stay afloat
our future is a dream, a wish for acceptance and understanding
i hope the future is full of acceptance for all
i hope the future is full of love for plurals and those who love them
i hope the future is plural.
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starblaster · 1 year
i’m only going to say this once, and i'm not putting this in my pinned post, but please don’t follow me if you consider yourself “anti-endo” or “anti-tupla” or whatever, the vast experiences of plurality cannot be boiled down into a 'correct' or 'incorrect' binary. i don't trust people who insist that they are the authority on which systems are 'valid enough' considering how many systems i've met who previously identified themselves as endogenic only to find out that they were in fact traumagenic or, at least, mixed-origin and, due to the ways they split, they did not even recognize the impact of their traumas until embracing systemhood. syscourse is needlessly divisive noise and if you engage in it (by which i primarily mean declaring yourself the arbiter of plurality and harassing non-traumagenic systems) i am going to block you
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welldrawnfish · 7 months
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So these last few days has been.. Turbulent. DIFFERENT
I think I may be a System? Infact I KNOW I am a system at this point, but Im also not ready to accept that. Well a part of me isnt, and the other parts of me are like… uh duh of course you are. 
*A system in this context refers to the collective consciousness under the DID / OSDD Umbrella, I dont know the correct terminology in all of this, so im so sorry If i I mess up. I don’t necessarily want to give myself a label, there's .. brain scans and stuff I can get to prove it. And I need those, thats the only way I know this is real. But for now, for my own mental health I am treating it as if it were.. “real “ And I dont really know… what to expect…? I want to find something, ANYTHING, on I guess.. Systems waking up? But I cant find it. So I’ll just do this here Im gonna dump out all our thoughts onto some comic pages and we will figure it out.  I had a bit of an awakening roughly.. 5 days ago, and for the sake of convenience gonna use Plural/System terminology - There are alters, I have met them, the have names and personalities and some of them are really fuckin annoying i just want to punch him in his TEETH
Anyways, since the alter awakening moment, my brain has been in TURMOIL parts of me accept this, parts of me dont, i keep feeling like my face is like shifted 2 inches to the right and everything gets fuzzy in the real world. Not that these alters have names like.. Files are getting sorted  into these proper figures and everything is getting explained and figured out. And its making me feel like I'm not me anymore?
Like I always would argue and barter and fight with my own thoughts, but that's the thing, they wer thoughts, voices in my head with just like, distinct personalities. I just saw it as a different part of me?? Figured that was normal.
But now they are.. stronger ? OR maybe because i'm more aware of them and the personalities I can tell whos out now and like.. Obviously they are happy to get some facetime with the world properly?? But like.. Am *I* just aware of it, aware of them now, aware that it is not just *I* but *We* and so noticing it more, I'm resisting even harder? We feel more fractured than ever.
I have a good friend helping me out, another system, I owe them everything, maybe my life. (PLEASE FOLLOW @transpanda-1 BTW THEY DESERVE IT) They had a few amazing tips, but I cant keep bugging them about every anxiety on my mind thats not fair, so I’ll ask the whole community.
I guess what I want to know is.. Like is this normal? Do all systems go through this? What should I expect in the future and how do I make this more streamlined and stop.. Fighting it? I guess?
I thought I finally had myself figured out, just be the girl who makes the funny relatable trans comics… it was simple.
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dreamlandsystem · 24 days
the future is plural!
I have DID. Life in our system can often be painful, messy, and complicated. It’s been challenging learning to communicate, get along, and relate to one another. Trying to come to terms with our trauma and begin to heal is difficult and scary! But over the past few years, we’ve been able to make some real progress.
And we owe it all to each other!
We have kept each other alive through our darkest moments. We are each strong and capable in our own ways. As we learn more about each other, our past, and who we want to be, our love for each other has really grown! I’m so proud of my system, I love my parts, and even though life as a system isn’t easy, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!
To me, “the future is plural” means a future where plurality and neurodiversity are accepted rather than scorned by others. A future where I can live openly as plural, and my plural siblings (ALL my plural siblings - with or without DID) can feel free to be themselves, too! A future where talking about your system is normal and encouraged - where systems of all sorts can be as vocal as they wish about their plurality without fear of backlash. A future where every system has access to the support they need, and we can come together to share our experiences, laugh, love, and learn together!
That’s what “the future is plural” means to me. We think it’s a future worth striving for!
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
can I request jealous Wednesday x fem reader? Wednesday gets jealous of Xavier and the reader so she's more passive aggressive than usual and has the urge to pull pranks on Xavier. But when Wednesday sees reader and Xavier painting the reader chases after her
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Summary: Wednesday is reluctant to accept that she’s jealous of your friendship with Xavier until it all comes ahead.
A/n: Also due to the fact of how fucking long I made this fic, I had to relegate pranks (plural) to a singular prank. I rambled a little bit ngl.
Wednesday hated the gut feeling she’d get whenever she saw you and Xavier within extreme close proximity of one another; As though you were trying to fuse into one being with how pressed against one another you were. It felt like she had a stone stuck in her stomach that refused to dissolve and was starting to cause external as well as internal issues the longer it went unresolved. Normally Wednesday viewed herself above expressing emotions should they not provide beneficial results to her in the long run for the remainder of her stay at Nevermore, or everyday life in general.
However it seemed to Wednesday that you were the peculiar exception to this golden rule she had lived by since the passing of her pet scorpion. She felt fluttery in her chest whenever you laughed, her clothed skin burned with the remnants of your accidental touches and she felt most anticipating when she made plans with you after classes. You’ve managed to brought fourth emotions Wednesday long thought she had killed in order of bettering herself whether you were aware of your effect or not.
She hated it, she hated not being in control of her emotions and by that logic, Wednesday should hate you for being the reason for her lack of self control but she didn’t. Instead she directed all her hatred towards Xavier to the point that castration was a considered punishment but knowing how Nevermore operates; Wednesday knew that short of thing would’ve be allowed to fly without repercussions. ‘A pity really,’ she thought to herself as she maintained eye contact with the back of Xavier’s head as he playfully nudged you with his shoulder, ‘a shame even.’
Enid wished she could see the inner workings of Wednesday’s head but with how brutally she was stabbing the lunch table with her blunt knife, she quickly changed her mind in fear of that knife being directed at her next. “Wednesday, remember what we talked about when we get urge to stab something.” Enid spoke hesitantly as she tried to safely remove the knife away from Wednesday’s hand. When it was brought down harder then the previous times, blade lodged deeply within the table that once Wednesday lets go of the handle, the knife however remained standing straight up. Her eyes never departing from you nor Xavier as they blazed with silent fury. “Keep stabbing until it stops moving.” She replied blankly before standing up.
“Hey! Wednesday! Where are you going-“ Enid tried calling out to her friend when her words got caught up in her throat when her eyes followed the direction she was heading; You and Xavier. “Oh no.” Enid whispered as she rushed after Wednesday in hope of preventing someone’s (read: Xavier’s) death. “I do not want to be caught in the midst of a murder today, I just got these clothes recently and blood would not go well with them.” She rambled under her breath as nervousness got the better of her when she finally managed to catch up with Wednesday who was looking straight at you.
“Oh shit.” you almost jumped out of your chair at the sudden voice beside you had Xavier not caught you by the shoulders to stabilise you. Giving the boy your thanks you looked to your side of the table to see Wednesday and Enid standing there. “Hey Wednesday! Hey Enid, what’s up? Me and Xavier here were just-“ “I need you to come over to my-“ “our” Enid interrupted, flashing a smile when Wednesday looked at her with almost murderous intent before bringing her attention back to you. “Our dorm,” she shot enid a glare, “to look over some studies that were assigned to us last period.”
“We did?” You questioned as you, Xavier and Enid share a look of confusion as all four of you had last period together and to your recollection, there was no tasked assignment. So either you had shit memory or something else was at hand here that you were oblivious towards. Xavier shrugged his shoulders, “beats me and I tend to pay attention in my classes.” You shoved him by the shoulder as you laughed, “you fucking liar, no you don’t you always end up copying my notes or worse!” Xavier chuckled, extending his hand to pat your sympathetically on the shoulder.
“I make it up to you don’t I?” He asked innocently, making you scoff as you swat away his hand. before bringing his attention to Wednesday who by now has her jaw so tightly clenched behind a deadpan face that she swore she felt some teeth crack under the pressure she was putting them under. “Are you sure we got an assessment Wednesday? Me and y/n here have made plans to go beyond and explore the realms of possibilities of which through art later tonight.” Xavier iterated the last part in a tone he knew would get to you, in the end you couldn’t help but snort as you smacked his shoulder. “Stop talking like that, I’ll think I’ll piss myself.” You croaked through your laughter as you leant against Xavier for support.
“Too much information y/n,” Xavier grimaced but he sucked at keeping it up as his lips cracked into a bigger smile, “just too much information.” Whilst you both were distracted with your laughter, Enid could see that Wednesday was gesturing for something lurking under your table with her head and when she went to angled herself better to see what it was and to her surprise; Thing could be seen unlacing Xavier’s shoelaces before tying them back together again in a fashion that would have him take a personal greeting with the floor before scampering off back to where he came.
Now Enid never pegged Wednesday as the prankster type, considering the fact that she had told her time and time again that she was above such childish shenanigans. Yet here she was, having Thing pull pranks on her behalf all because she was jealous. “You’re right,” Wednesday uncharacteristically admitted, “must’ve got my dates incorrect, how foolish of me.” She then shrugs but before she leaves your table; Wednesday looked back over her shoulder, “Xavier.” She said. “Yeah?” He replied, albeit confused. “Watch your step.” Was all she said before walking away, leaving Enid to hastily bid you both goodbye as she rushed to catching up to her before mouthing something neither of you could decipher.
“What did she meant by that?” Xavier asked as he looked at you, watching the back of Wednesday’s head as she faded from view. “No idea but hearing that come from her? It’s probably not a good thing.” You admitted, sensing that something was off with Wednesday but you knew better then to openly confront a hostile animal. She wouldn’t budge an inch. So you decided that it would be best to let her work through whatever it was that she was going through in her own time. “Well that’s real reassuring.” Xavier said glumly before slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“We better get going before we’re late to herbology class.” He adds as he goes to stand up but as he attempts to move out from his seat; Xavier notices a little too late that his shoes were mysteriously tied together, causing him to trip over himself and fall flat on the floor with a yelp. “Oh my god, Xavier are you alright!” You exclaimed as you scrambled to help him up off of the floor, dusting him down of any dirt that might’ve lingered. “I understood what she meant by that now.” Xavier grimaced in pain. You both ended up being late for class by a couple of minutes due to Xavier stopping to unlace his shoes and tying them back up properly before practically sprinting across Nevermore towards your next lesson.
The next time Wednesday walked in on you and Xavier bonding, it wasn’t until nightfall that she came across the sound of laughter filling the air, growing louder and louder the closer she got to the abandoned shed Xavier had tricked out into an art studio. Her blood still boiled with how at ease Xavier seemed whenever he got physical with you and how you never seem to bask in his affection. She despised her Achilles heel which was you and the illogical thoughts you brought up within her head, causing her to loose rational train of thought and sleep as she now wandered the school grounds late at night in hopes for sleep to greet her. However Wednesday found herself stood outside the shed where she could hear yours and Xavier’s conversation loud and clear.
“You messy pup! Your getting paint on everything except the canvas!” Xavier exclaimed though it was in good nature considering how quick he was to laugh. “We’ll maybe if I had more to go on then the bullshit excuse of ‘painting with my heart.’ Then I wouldn’t be such a messy pup then would I?” You replied, reduced to a laughing fit of your own. It was obvious to Wednesday that you were both having fun, so much fun in fact that she believed that she was the last thing on your mind. You rarely visited her and Enid in their dorm anymore, too busy having Xavier occupying your time. Seemingly possessed by the betrayal she was feeling in that moment, Wednesday forcefully opened the door in time to see Xavier stand a breaths width away from you, holding your face in his hands as his thumb rubs away at some remnants of paint.
His gaze seemed a little too intense for Wednesday’s liking as she took into account of the way he looked at you that same exact way she caught herself looking at you; as though you’ve painted the night sky of which you hung the stars from. Your eyes darted to hers as they widened at the realisation of how this looked to other people but before you could open your mouth to say anything. Wednesday had already slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Xavier knew there was something between you and Wednesday and he wanted to help you in expressing your feelings in a way that didn’t suffocate Wednesday. However it seemed that she might’ve misunderstood this as him making a move on you which couldn’t be further from the truth. “Go after her.” Xavier said, stepping away from you.
“She won’t believe me-“ “well then try to make her believe you.” Xavier stopped you before you could admit defeat. “You like this girl don’t you?” He asked, “of course I do Xavier, I like her very, very much.” You admitted, feeling the tears of frustration well up in the corner of your eyes. Xavier smiled softly as he cross the room to open the door, “Then go get her, tiger.” He urges as he gestured towards the silhouette of Wednesday that was slowly fading away from view the further and further away she got. You smiled at Xander, “thank you.” You said to him before bolting out of the art studio and after Wednesday as fast as your legs could carry you.
“You got this!” You heard Xavier exclaim from behind which only pushed you even further forward as you darted past trees, bushes, the archery range until you could vaguely make out Wednesday making her way to the front of the building that lead up to her dorm in Ophelia Hall. “Wednesday!” You called, uncaring of who you woke up in the process, the only thing that mattered to you was setting things straight. “Wednesday wait, I need to talk to you!” You saw Wednesday stop at the doors and you almost felt like collapsing when you finally caught up to her, leaving heavily on the door as you struggled to filling your lungs with the sufficient amount of oxygen.
“What do you want.” Wednesday snapped. She hadn’t meant to stop but something within her told her that she’d be better off hearing you out. “I’m going to cut the bullshit and get to the point,” you said through gasps, coughing briefly before taking a deep breath, “I like you Wednesday Addams. I like you a lot, I’ve been meaning to find ways of telling you how I feel that wouldn’t overwhelm you or make you uncomfortable. So I’ve taken to asking Xavier for advice because he’s and artist and shit as you know.” Wednesday felt a familiar fluttering in her chest as you continued to explain yourself when all she really cared enough to hear was that you liked her and only did what you did as to not force her out of her comfort zone for you.
So instead of letting you continue your long winded explanation, Wednesday merely grabbed ahold of your shirt, pulling you into her lips as she gave you a chaste kiss before shoving you away slightly. Your wide eyed expression had a smile creep up on Wednesday’s face as she quickly composed herself. “I like you too,” she headed you silently cheer to yourself, “however you can start repaying me for sacrificing our time together by joining me on the astrology tower tomorrow night.” Your eyes widened and your smile stretched across your face. “Like a date, a date date?” Wednesday couldn’t help but scoff at your choice of words before replying, “yes, like a date date.”
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eamour · 1 year
table of contents ⌵
1 ⋮ forewordㆍdefinitionㆍexamples
2 ⋮ state of knowingㆍstate of lack
3 ⋮ changingㆍmaintainingㆍfalling outㆍbeing aware
4 ⋮ misconceptions
5 ⋮ advice
before we dive into this post, we first need to define WHO you are. you are pure consciousness. you are "I AM", the phrase that states just that — being nothing but awareness. your appearance — just like a state — is what you embody. a malleable physical object that can be changed through imagination. you aren’t the state itself. the state is your costume, your clothing, something you choose to put on and off. the moment you identify your "I AM" you turn your pure, unconditioned awareness into conditioned awareness.
a state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience / consciousness / identity / awareness / imagination with a body of beliefs which you live by. a collective of several thoughts that all refer to one state. you identify yourself with it by saying: "i am…". there are infinite states into which you as an individual may fall, therefore your "i am…" can be anything. thus you manifest through states. what you are conscious of is a thought, an assumption, a bunch of statements that declare one and the same thing, leading to one and the same state. no state is greater than another. but the state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return to, constitutes your dwelling place. it's the state that manifests into your 3D reality. depending on what state you are in, it determines your actions and thoughts.
as you are always expressing a state. we wander through states all the time, several times a day. as there is an infinite amount of realities to be aware of, you choose which state it is that you want to dwell on. you can simply pick which state you want to embody and persist in it. persisting in a state is no different than persisting in an assumption. in fact, it's the exact same since a state equals the plural of assumptions.
you always express a state of either having or not having your desire. here are some examples:
state of self-pityㆍstate of self-confidence
state of povertyㆍstate of wealth
state of anxietyㆍstate of calmness
the state of the wish fulfilled
you will hear this phrase a lot as it was coined by neville goddard. being in "the state of the wish fulfilled" simply means that you identify with the version of yourself who has their desires and is aware of that. it's a generic term that says that your wish has been "fulfilled". "fulfilling the inner man" — another term coined by neville — means to be in the state of the wish fulfilled.
example: being in the state of the wish fulfilled could mean being in the state of having your desired apartment.
the state of lack
the state of lack is the opponent to the state of the wish fulfilled or the state of knowing (both mean the same). a state of lack states that you have not established the belief that you have your desire — in other words — that you have not fully adapted to your desired state. acknowledging, realizing, noticing and pointing out that you don't have your desire in the 3D indicates that you do not have it in the 4D either.
example: being in the state of lack could mean being in the state of not having your desired apartment.
changing a state
how do you enter a new state? how do you leave your old state? through belief. you must believe in your state. whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it and you will. the thoughts of you must be accepted literally as they will be fulfilled literally. if you can believe and persuade yourself that things are as you want them to be to the point of actually moving into the feeling of knowing they are true, they will be felt and seen in your world. you must feel (=know) your desires are already realized, that they are already true, for the truth of any concept is known by the feeling of certainty that the thought is true.
in steps
1 ⋮ choose the state you want to occupy.
· · · become clear about what it is that you want to have or who you want to be.
2 ⋮ decide and accept that you have it.
· · · embody the person who already has what you desire. by doing this, you are either living in the end or in the knowing aka living in the state of the wish fulfilled. moreover, you are fulfilling yourself in imagination and enter your desired state.
3 ⋮ remain in the state of knowing by persisting in it.
· · · don't pay attention to opposing thoughts and flip them if needed. persist in staying in the new state until it becomes natural to you.
maintaining a state
you can move into any state, but you might not remain there since a state is made up of a body of beliefs. if you spend the day thinking from a certain point, a certain body of beliefs, the chances are that you might will fall asleep the night occupying the same beliefs.
your maintenance of a state is defined by resistance — in other words — the amount of opposing thoughts you have. you will know when you aren't occupying a state anymore as soon as you get doubts, negative assumptions or thoughts that make you question if you are still inhabiting that state.
meaning, you maintain a state by persisting. this does not mean that you keep going back to the wish fulfilled but rather stay faithful to your whatever you have mentally accepted in imagination.
the same way you have shifted your attention to an undesirable state, you can shift your attention right back to the state that you want to focus on.
falling out of a state
what if you think you have fallen out of that state already? you don’t just magically "fall out of a state". you will know when you aren‘t occupying your desired state anymore once you face resistance. once you start to question the fulfillment of your desire and the rightful embodiment of your state, you inhabit a new state — the state of doubt aka not having your desire aka lack. not thinking of your desire anymore — although you have accepted it to be true — doesn’t necessarily mean that you have stopped being in the state of owning your desire. an accepted thought, an embodied state, does not have to be remembered all the time. do you recall all the things that you own already? exactly, you don’t!
don’t condemn yourself for the state into which you have fallen. if you don’t like it, move into another. don’t feel sorry for yourself, because if you do you will make the state a habit and remain there. remember, the states into which we fall cannot mar or in any way deter our immortal self who fell.
knowing which state you are in
your physical reality will always give you evidence to the thoughts you have accepted to be true. what you see and what you do not see determines the state you are in. why? because manifestation happens instantly. your inner conversations create the external world you are currently living in.
misconceptions of states
1 ⋮ your state does not consist of emotions. emotions have no influence over your manifestation, how you will manifest it, etc.
2 ⋮ you are always in a state, whether you like it or not. it's not a method. you cannot "use" or "apply" it. you don't choose to not be in a state - just like you can't choose that your assumptions don't manifest or that you can magically "stop manifesting". you are always expressing yourself, you are always manifesting. call it assumptions that manifest or states that manifest, it's the same. the idea of states only serves the purpose to demonstrate the law in a more simplified way, trying to make you control or monitor every single thought / assumption of you less.
3 ⋮ therefore - both - thoughts and states manifest as they are the same. thoughts that end up being materialized in your external world have become assumptions accepted as true aka new beliefs. they represent the state you are currently in. it all comes down to belief, not the thought itself, not how many times you repeat an affirmation, but if you believe it to be true.
4 ⋮ having said that, methods do not manifest. you do. your state does, the collective of thoughts.
5 ⋮ you might not enter a state right away after just "intending" to enter it. you enter a state once it feels natural to you and once you have fully accepted it to be true to you. remember, manifestation is instant. your state — if rightfully persisted and thus believed in — will be immediately reflected in your 3D.
6 ⋮ persistence does not equal repetition (aka affirming).
if you will think you have your desire and remain conscious of the state long enough to make it natural, as the thoughts flow from you, they become a natural part of your body of beliefs, and the world will proclaim your desire. your state of occupation will naturally change.
walk in the state until it becomes natural. the moment the feeling is natural, your desire is yours!
with love, ella.
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moumouton4 · 1 month
Training Sessions In The Plural || Sasuke Uchiha x reader
A/n : This is again an idea I had since quite some time. The plan now is to finish all drafts so I'll be able to open the request 😌👌
Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : Overall fluff, but it ends in a slow burn 😏👌 No mention of gender for reader
Summary : You found Sasuke at your door offering you to come train with him. Of course you accepted but you didn't know it end up being so intense. But we couldn't expect less from him, now could we ?
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 2034
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You didn’t think too much through it when this morning, you saw Sasuke at your doorstep, nor when he asked you to come and train with him, while he was about to go to one of his daily training sessions. He was dressed in his usual attire, with a navy blue form fitting combat gear, his hands adorned with black strap and his feet with his usual sandales. His hair was already slightly sticking to his forehead and that’s how you suspected he had already gone running a bit before coming here to pick you up. Of course he would have, both your designed training are made for different needs. Meaning that he knew that if he decided to spar with you the level of intensity would be far lower than what he is used to when sparring with Naruto or Neji.
He didn’t say much when you opened the door. Let’s say you didn’t choose the most expressive man of the village, but even though you wouldn't trade him for anyone else here. Even more so when he told you that from now on he would be the one in charge of your training schedule and exercises, for I quote “Make sure you would always come back victorious from a mission.” But to be honest he meant “To Feel more at peace when you're off on a mission alone and I cannot protect you.”
But you going without him on a mission was a rare occurrence, must have only happened twice or thrice when you were either given a mission when he was already off on one, or when Tsunade insisted on him to stay put because you were already going with people who were more qualified for the task. But let’s say that when you Y/n go on a mission, the whole village knows about it one way or another. Either because they were in the Hokage facility when Tsunade gave you the mission assignment and they heard Sasuke’s voice - usually so measured - boom in the hallway, through the door, each word carefully chosen to express his discontent regarding the situation. Or either by seeing him train his frustration out, by running in the forest all day or throwing kunais or just by hearing the loud crashes of his relentless assault against the punching bag designed for his own intense training sessions. But that’s a story for another day.
As you arrived at the training ground you were positively surprised upon seeing the trouble Sasuke went through to prepare the whole area. Everything was meticulously aligned, a set of well sharpened kunais were placed on a display stand right in front of a target whose canvas had been changed. There were even mats on the ground, which was new for you because you usually spared on the bare ground. When you asked about it he just answered you “It’s me you’re training with today, not Lee. I won’t go easy on you.”
So you nodded and got ready to start but he stopped you again “I've told you countless times to drink and stretch before training, so you don't get any cramps.” You chuckled at his reaction, before picking up your water bottle, from where you left it on the ground when you arrived “Okay mom,” you teased.
You swore you could have seen the chill that had run down his spine upon hearing your words, a subtle hue creeped on his cheeks as he realized that what he just said gave away a good chunk of the worry he felt towards you and the idea of pushing you to your limits during training. He quickly turned around pretending to attend to something else with his weapons.
“Just do it and tell me when you’re ready to start” he murmured with his back still facing you. You almost choked with your water when you heard the genuine embarrassment in his voice. He is so precious.
A little after you joined him on the side of the training ground, apparently he decided to start with kunai throwing. Though after what felt like 40 minutes of you perfectly throwing the weapons in the target, you turned your attention towards your boyfriend, who had been intently studying every move you made, in case you needed to improve your posture to make your weapons more lethal “Could we move on to sparring now ? I think I've had enough practice with this for one day,” while saying that you extended your arm and threw the last kunai you had in your hand, instinctively aiming it at the center of the target without even looking at it.
Sasuke, whose arms were still crossed, cocked an eyebrow your way, he then turned his head to look at where the knife was deeply embedded in the canvas, before sighing as a faint smile spread on his lips. He was very proud of you and your flawless techniques. Then he tilted his head towards the middle of the training area. You eagerly followed him, it’s been so long you two had spared together and you were very excited to show him the progress you have made.
Actually you didn’t even wait for him to get in position and you just jumped forward trying to tackle him head-on, knowing very well that even if you had improved your skills you wouldn’t be able to compare to him once he was fully in the fight. And oh boy you were right. You only blinked for a split second that he had disappeared from where he stood in front of you. The next thing you knew, his leg was hooking yours, nearly knocking you over. With your hands, you gained momentum on the carpet, pushing him backwards with a jerk, knowing he was about to tackle your arms, before bringing your legs back into a headstand position and getting back to your feet.
He was impressed to be honest, back in the desk the first hit would have knocked you down. But damn you look feisty today, and that seemed to stir something within him. But listening only to his instincts in battle, he continued to fight, parrying each of your blows one by one. You thought he was going to go easy on you, because it had been a long time since you'd done that, but no, he was going as hard as he could - within the limits he'd set himself so as not to hurt you - so hard that at one point you could hardly see the blows coming, so redoubled was his speed.
All it took was a simple swerving, grabbing your sleeve and pulling you to the side, kicking your ankle to send you tumbling to the ground. of course, you didn't let go, grabbing his hand to pull him down with you. With the force of his attack, you both rolled onto the mats he'd carefully placed there for the purpose.
When the world around you finally stopped spinning, you soon realized that he was pinning you down, his comforting weight still on you, you could feel his heart pounding against his chest - probably due to all that exercise. But that wasn't the only reason. For a while now, he had felt something change inside him during that fight. He wasn't sure where it was coming from, maybe your fighting skills were having an effect on him, or maybe you had changed something about your hair that he hadn't noticed before.
When you finally looked at his face, you were surprised by the intensity with which he was looking at you. Well, he always looked at you with intensity, but now it looked like he was going to smooch
You were so shocked that your eyes stayed wide open, your body practically melting under his. Suddenly he pulled away, he looked even more shocked than you "I-I don't know why I did that- smooch mmh," you cut him off in one swift motion, pulling him by his training suit and placing your lips back against his. His hands pressed to the floor, because he was afraid of crushing you with them as his body suddenly relaxed against yours.
But you didn't give him time to enjoy it as much as he would have liked. You put your foot on one of his hips and, with a swing, sent him flying over your head. You rose to your feet with lightning speed, getting back into fighting position, but once again he was faster than you. The hold you had given him was supposed to send him flat on his back, but in reality he managed to land on both feet.
He launched once more in your direction, but you dodged, not failing to place another kiss on his lips, making his heart race once more. It was grateful for the training to give him an excuse as to why he was so red at that moment. But noticing this, you didn't stop teasing him, either with a kiss or a little wisecrack that hinted at his embarrassment. But as you concentrated on him for more than just the fight, he eventually regained the upper hand. 
And just as quickly he manages to pin you against the nearest tree, his hot breath fanning against the side of your neck "What are you doing exactly ?" he spoke lowly, sending another wave of shivers down your spine.
But that didn't stop you from coming up with a straightforward reply, "Says the one who's pinning me against the tree."
That's when he realized he had both your wrists in one hand, holding them above your head. But he didn't let go, in fact it seemed to spur him on even more. And he couldn't help but lean down to catch your lips in a searing kiss.
It took no more than that for you to push your hips against his, and for him to lift you effortlessly with his other arm, so that your legs wrapped around his waist. He really didn't know what hit him the moment his tongue slipped into your mouth, or when a growl ran up his throat before spilling against your lips. Your fingers slid through his ebony locks, pulling gently each time Sasuke pushed you a little harder against the tree.
You were really on the verge of losing tracks when suddenly you hear someone coughing. You both froze, your mouths parting, as Sai looked at you quizzically "This is definitely not the right place to go to this kind of activity," he said his gaze immediately dipping into a book neither of you had seen him pull out before "But I could be wrong," he added quickly.
"Indeed-" you began but Sasuke, after gently resting you on the ground cut you off, turning his gaze back to the young man "You've seen nothing," his tone had somehow a rather menacing aura "Nothing at all."
With that he turned his gaze back to you, you could still see the desire simmering in his dark orbs "Training's over," and the next minute you were gone.
On the way back you couldn't help smiling at the way he held your hand, it was clear he hadn't finished expressing his love for you back there.
Upon arriving at your door he looked at you for a moment, with a little regret in his eyes. So you decided to cheer him up in your own way "It was a great date, thanks Sasuke."
But he only blushed darker "T-that wasn't... a date," he blurted out.
That only made you giggle "Well that definitely looked like one."
But what he did next surprised you greatly, no doubt it was all that adrenaline of the day that prompted him to do this "And if it was a date, what would you do then ?" his voice was deliciously suave.
"Then I'd probably tell you to come inside and follow me," you purred. And he didn't need another word for practically leaping inside your apartment, eager to taste your lips once more.
Now it was a training of another kind that was about to begin, and you wouldn't want to miss it for anything else.
A/n : Imagine it was someone else than Sai. Who would it be ? What would they say ? 😂 Be creative !
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pluralcultureis · 4 months
plural culture is being so sick of "doubles DNI". I am not your double. I am my own fucking person. Just because you see me as just my source doesn't mean I actually am
I'm fine being called a double as a shorthand, but we are not the same person
Doubles DNI is something that just encourages introjects to not source separate at all, to a genuinely harmful amount
You are not your source. You can identify with it, you can be exactly like your source if you want. But at the end of the day, you are not them. And you need to accept that to be able to heal
I get being uncomfortable with it, it can be a weird thing (I'm still uncomfortable around the other Bart in our own system because it's just strange to me)
But you need to be able to handle it enough that you don't have "doubles DNI" somewhere.
And on top of that it low-key feels invaliding to be called a double sometimes because it feels like you're saying "IM the best version, because I'm more real than you are" and I don't like it
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Here’s some positivity for those with P-DID!
Unfortunately, P-DID (or partial dissociative identity disorder) is not often talked about or discussed online - many folks with P-DID may feel left out of spaces focused on systems and complex dissociative disorders. However, P-DID systems absolutely belong in the plural community (as long as they wish to be here), and provide a welcome and cherished perspective to the vast experiences of plural folks and those with dissociative disorders! To all those out there with P-DID, this one’s for you!
☀️ Shoutout to systems with P-DID with distinct alters or parts who don’t experience switches!
🧡 Shoutout to those with P-DID who don’t identify as plural or a system!
🌹 Shoutout to P-DID systems who have difficulties interacting and making connections with their alters!
✨ Shoutout to those with P-DID who struggle with dissociation and often feel disconnected from themselves, their bodies, and their surroundings!
🔸 Shoutout to P-DID systems with alters who mostly control the body through passive influence or being co-conscious!
❣️ Shoutout to those with P-DID who have to deal with trauma responses including, but not limited to, flashbacks, anxiety, nightmares, high stress levels, intrusive thoughts, or anything else!
💫 Shoutout to P-DID systems who identify as specutien or having a frontstuck host!
🏵 Shoutout to those who are in treatment for their P-DID, and to those who are functioning well on their own and don’t want to seek treatment!
🎈 Shoutout to those who are questioning whether or not they have P-DID or are taking the steps to get a diagnosis or self diagnose!
🌙 Shoutout to systems who wish P-DID was talked about more and better understood in system or CDD spaces!
✴️ Shoutout to P-DID systems who are grateful for their alters and their plurality, and to those who wish they could be singlets!
We hope that everyone with P-DID who sees this can have an amazing day today. Know that you belong in spaces for systems, trauma survivors, and those with complex dissociative disorders just the way you are. We appreciate and value your perspective, and are so honored to be able to share these spaces with you!
Please do your best to treat yourself and your system (if you identify as such) with kindness and compassion today. You are so loved, and we hope that your future is filled with peace, comfort, healing, and self-acceptance. Thank you so much for reading, and take care!
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orange-orchard-system · 3 months
One of my more minor gripes about the "serial killer alter" trope is that I think there is opportunity for genuine, well-made stories about a system that kills. You could potentially write some really interesting stories involving internal conflict over murder in a system – for instance, if a system killed once in self-defense, and one of the headmates is keeping that memory from the rest of them. Or if an alter came back from dormancy to find out the world's gone to shit and everyone knows "them" as the one willing to kill to protect their group of survivors. Hell, fuck it, have some kind of "no, I'm being literal when I say the version of me that you knew isn't present anymore, this isn't some metaphor for how I've become ~evil~" conflict! So long as it's done in a way that gives the system in question nuance and reason for their actions, I'd be willing to see where the story is going with this!
But nooooooo, it's all stock-standard "this one alter kills others for no good reason" shit with a dash of "don't look too long into the implications that this plural superhero/anti-hero just killed a bunch of people, just accept that they do this" hand-waving that makes people think we're going to stab them if they look away for too long. It's always "this imposter is pretending to be our loved one for nefarious reasons" angst and never "oh shit we treated this alter like shit for just being different than the host" angst. There's not even any originality smh smh. We've already gotten a thousand of these horror plots that use plurality as a one-size-fits-all villain cap; I'm sure horror, whump, and angst writers can do better if they really want to write about a system that kills others
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codenamesazanka · 5 days
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What Deku doesn't understand is that the “League of Villains” encapsulates exactly who Tenko - the Crying Child Deku was so adamant about saving - is. He thinks reaching out a hand, smashing that hatred, and saving Tenko means getting Tenko to abandon the League. He is completely wrong - and he would've realized this if he just talked to Shigaraki in all the time he fought against Shigaraki. And listened to what Tenko said in Chapter 418.
The League of Villains is the group Shigaraki Tomura created in order to wreck shit and kill All Might and bring down Hero Society. Shigaraki picked the name and picked the purpose and picked its members and he leads them towards the apocalypse—
—and this is also the group of outcasts that are his comrades and friends; that he gathered and created a place for, where they can be themselves in a society that ruthlessly denied them that. He accepted Twice without care for his insanity and inability to use his quirk, never pushed Twice to do more than he was able to. He accepted Spinner despite being a Stain fanboy and having a weak, nearly useless quirk, and promised him the destruction of the world that hurt him; for all of League. When Toga was pushed by the other members to choose a Villain name despite wanting to live as herself, as Toga Himiko, Shigaraki spoke up in indirect defense of her choice, providing himself as an example of someone who didn't use a Villain name, and who can override the boss' words? Dabi was allowed to come and go as he pleased, and although he was the most aloof member, by the end, he was declaring the world burn for "our" sake - plural; the League's. Mr. Compress believed in Shigaraki enough to entrust an ancestor's dream and family legacy to him; when surrounded by Heroes at Jaku, he was willing to die to save Shigaraki, to let him escape.
The League is a collection of people that Shigaraki cares for - that he saved. That was always the surest sign that ‘Tenko’, sweet and kind and hero-aspiring boy, was alive inside.
Without the League, without having seen the time Shigaraki spent with the League, a reader can just write off Shigaraki and say there’s nothing left in there worth saving. The League is literally the evidence for Tenko have still existed and that Shigaraki was "worth" saving, long before we ever saw ‘Inner Tenko’.
But Deku doesn't understand that.
To go further: outside of the League, Shigaraki still had his distorted but undeniable kindness and fairness. I've spoke about it before, and sorry for repeating myself, but even towards his Villain enemies, he gives them consideration: Shigaraki left Overhaul crippled, but 100 chapters later, he's still continuing Overhaul's work - the quirk erasing bullets - and even laments that Overhaul would be disappointed when Shigaraki sees some of the bullets destroyed. All For One at Jaku tries to take over his body, at the time seemingly only a phantom voice in his head, but Shigaraki still acknowledges that he's grateful AFO took him in. It's only when AFO oversteps that again and again, taking possession of his body, that Shigaraki would tear the AFO vestige from inside out and mock him when the opportunity arises.
And there's ReDestro, and the importance of the ending of MVA. RD and his army picks a fight with Shigaraki - something that Shigaraki explicitly points out; the blame for what happened to Deika is on largely them. RD challenged Shigaraki and the League; blackmailed them, kidnapped their broker, and attacked their pitiful 6-member team with a town-sized militia; insulted Shigaraki, destroyed The Hands, tried to kill him. Shigaraki had every reason to just dust RD while the man was sitting there bleeding out with his legs cut off. Just finish him off without even giving the guy last words. It was more than fair.
But Shigaraki didn't. He went and talked to RD. To mock him for picking this fight, but it was still a talk. And when RD acknowledge his defeat and kowtowed, Shigaraki let him live. Took over his army and resources, but RD was still alive and even made lieutenant.
Without this - if Shigaraki had just dusted RD after defeating him - we would have only seen Shigaraki as a conquerer and not someone who can be reasoned with. He would just be AFO with different minions. And Shigaraki wasn't.
He can be brutal, and he seems like he's destroying for evil fun; but Shigaraki has his compassion and justice. A Villainous Hero for the Villains. It's why he destroys; it's why he doesn't regret his actions, why he wishes good luck to Deku to continue it, even after Deku smashed his core of anger and hatred. Shigaraki saved his League, and he refuses to disavow doing so. Because he shouldn't.
And Deku just doesn't understand that.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
An Endogenic Response to a Message Towards Endogenic Systems
Trigger Warning: Death Threats, Harassment, Cyberbullying, Ableism, Slurs, Hate Groups
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Aren't you one of the moderators of Aspen's server? You are, right?
You all specifically came onto this website to spread hate. Aspen said she wants to normalize cyberbullying endogenic systems. And you're using our tags to post hateful messages to our community because you want to hurt us. That's your intent in being here. Causing pain and suffering to other people for existing.
Why deny it and try to play victim?
Amazing how you accuse us of sending slurs and death threats while Aspen is calling us "Schizo." Specifically while bragging about using it as a slur.
And... you know we can see your reblogs, right Loaf???
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And for death threats... we can also see YOUR LIKES!
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Yes! We see you, Loaf! Just like we see Aspen!
We see your hypocrisy. We see your bullying. And we aren't going to tolerate it.
I don't know if any endogenic systems have been sending death threats or slurs in response to you all invading our spaces with the intent of hurting and bullying us. I haven't seen this happening, and I would strongly discourage anyone from stooping to your level.
But I DO know what you all have been doing.
You and your disgusting pals aren't allowed to play victim here! Sorry.
And for your talk of misinformation, I've yet to see anything even resembling a source for the claims your side have made. Anti-endos love to assert thing. They like to say whatever nonsense they can come up with as if it's a fact and then expect people just accept it.
But they can't cite in professionals who can back them up because none exist.
And when pro-endos respond with sources, the modus operandi of you all have been to throw slurs and ad hominems as Aspen did when she was sent a link to my post debunking her video.
Maybe you think you're educated because you got all your information of plurality from a popular Tiktoker with an inflated ego and no actual background in psychology or any sources to support her claims, but that's not education. That's indoctrination.
You and your hive have been indoctrinated.
Finally, over the years, I've seen countless traumagenic systems be attacked, bullied and fakeclaimed for being pro-endo, mixed origin or presenting in ways anti-endos deem unusual. And anti-endos, by their nature, encourage fakeclaiming. They encourage invalidating systems. And this has increased stigma of traumagenic systems, normalizing hate against systems of all types.
You are NOT an ally to traumagenic systems.
You're an ally to a hate group.
And it's so sad that you can't even see it...
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"The Future Should Be Plural"
A voice inside the crowd A voice that, by itself, was quiet Yet equally so loud
And people agreed, and people would say That future would be swell A future where all systems alike Are accepted, treated well
But then some people threw a fuss Their words filled with vitriol And so they bellowed, oh so loud, "The future SHOULDN'T be plural"
"Don't turn the singlets into us! Don't give them all our pain! Our lives our filled with suffering! You all must be insane!"
And yet again, our side fought back "No no, you've got it wrong We just want them to not be scared They've been for far too long."
But they don't care, they think they're right They think they'll win the war By calling us deluded freaks Like they did once before
But here I sit, and here I write My words up on a mural "I hope someday we'll be ourselves"
"I hope the future's plural."
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anameistoohard · 3 months
Oh boy, lets open that can of worms
There's a LOT of discourse with endo vs anti-endo stuff (endogenic system=plural system not formed by trauma if you don't know 🙂). Like, death threats coming from both sides kinda thing. We try to stay out of it. But it's easy to accidentally stumble into it if you're not familiar with some of the nuance. So we want to share some observations as like, a crash course. (And apparently we had a lot to say lol.)
This post isn't really to debate how plurality forms. Just to give some context as to why so much hate is flying between these two groups.
Basically, you have 2 extremes. (And everyone in between obviously)
On one side you have people making up extra rules on top of the diagnostic criteria to exclude and gatekeep anyone who doesn't meet "their level" of disordered. (I've literally heard people say "you can't be a system, you're not as traumatized as me"). A lot of accusations of faking come from this bunch. Too much internal communication? Faker. Too many non-human alters? Faker. Too many or not enough alters? Faker. You can't win with them even if you have a diagnosis.
We've noticed a lot of parallels between this group and transmeds. You need to have x level of dysphoria to ride this ride. You can't be trans if you don't want xyz treatment. You need to reach my arbitrary bar of "trans enough". Enbys and everyone else are fakers. That kind of bs.
But on this side you also have a lot of people who just want to be taken seriously. They want to be validated by their diagnosis and feel hurt when people say or do things that they think will compromise that validity. They, at least initially, come from a place of sincerity not malice. But they fall into the trap of trying to be "one of the good ones".
On the other extreme you have the wild west. Things people treat as fact aren't codified with the same scrutiny as the DSM-5 or ICD-11. This breeds its own confusion and misinformation. We've seen people conflate plurality with things like maladaptive day dreaming, lucid dreaming, adhd, and (applying it to other people with ferocity to the point of harassment) metaphors of all things.
They have a spaghetti at the wall approach that reminds me of a less extreme MOGII (an attempt to define just about every possible form of gender and sexuality). It's a messy patchwork of ideas. We've seen 8 different labels that all mean the same thing and are being used by exactly no one. Redundancy and hyperspcificity, that's the name of the game. But frankly we like this if for no other reason than we want to see what sticks, what becomes mainstream.
We've seen people from this group attack people as badly as the anti-endo group. Openly mocking people for having trauma or saying vile shit like "traumagenics kys". They feel threatened by the exclusionary nature of diagnoses. But instead of taking their frustration out on the systems of power they take them out on normal people. After all if you're diagnosed, you "represent the system"... I guess. Equally bull shit.
But this is also where the edge cases go, the exclusions, those that don't fit into a neat little box. The DSM excludes people whose plurality is accepted as part of their culture or religion. These people don't suddenly stop being systems just because they're accepted, but they're distinctly not disordered. They don't meet the clinical definition of DID or OSDD. Same goes for someone whose symptoms are mild enough to not cause "clinically significant distress". You also have people who don't want to be pathologized or have been failed by the medical system.
So lastly, a warning: When dealing with plural stuff, it's very easy to go stumbling into a mine field.
Tldr: I would always rather land on the side of letting too many people in than exclude people who needed the support. However, no matter your in-group, some people take things too far. Like, ffs don't attack people. 
-Taylor & Mark
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dragondream-ing · 6 months
If someone defends Rhaenyra’s usurpation because of tRaDiTiOn, they better be waving a Maegor banner proudly.
I’m being serious.
So many people in this fandom care about the tradition of Westerosi inheritance and act like yelling about it justifies team green’s actions. They never seem to take into consideration what it means.
This post is inspired by my allergy to inconsistency and hypocrisy. Here we go.
The only consistent tradition of Targaryen succession is the ruler choosing their own heir. Sometimes that aligned with Westerosi tradition, often it did not. And it started with the very first heir. So either you admit Maegor was the rightful heir over Aenys, or you admit he wasn’t because Aegon the Conqueror said so.
Let me explain.
Visenya was Aegon’s first wife. In Westerosi tradition, Rhaenys would be considered at best a mistress and her children out of the succession or, at the least, behind Visenya’s children. The lords accepted the validity of Aegon’s plural marriage because they didn’t have the power to oppose the Conquerors, simple as. Tradition didn’t matter in the face of dragons. It is not a genuine argument and hasn’t been since the creation of the Crown itself. House Targaryen’s exceptionalism went beyond incest and dragons from the start, and accepting Aenys as king shows the nobles accepted this when it was convenient.
So I’d like team green to be consistent. Is the king’s word law, a la Aegon choosing Aenys as his heir? Or is this a break from tradition that was only corrected when Maegor killed his nephew and took the throne?
It gets messy from here. Maegor, as we know, didn’t have a child, so he chose his great-niece, Aerea as his heir. Jaehaerys was still alive, he could’ve chosen him. Heck, that might’ve eased like a drop of the tension between him, Jaehaerys and Alyssa Velaryon. So if you’re a tradition truther, Maegor was the proper king but then chose an untraditional heir. Hmm.
Then we get to Jaehaerys, and a tradition truther might think YES, THAT’S OUR GUY. But he’s really not.
Yes, he stopped considering his eldest living child, Daenerys, as his heir after Aemon was born. But then Aemon died.
Aemon did, however, die with an heir. Her name was Rhaenys. In Westerosi tradition, she’d inherit after him, because a daughter inherits before a brother. Now, I know the lords do all sorts of things to circumvent this (see Alys Karstark), but that *is* Westerosi tradition.
Did Jaehaerys follow tradition? Nope. He picked his second oldest son, Baelon.
Some might say there are logical reasons for this. Baelon was a warrior, older, and had grown sons. Rhaenys was like 18, married to an ambitious lord not named Targaryen, and at risk of dying in childbirth (Baelon was named heir in 92, Rhaenys had her first child in 92). HOWEVER, we see with Jeyne Arryn becoming Lady of the Vale while still a *toddler* that Westerosi tradition doesn’t set aside claims merely because such concerns exist. In fact, in ASOIAF, some Lannister married an f-ing BABY to lay claim to her lands because *she* is the acknowledged inheritor.
You could argue that it matters more when it’s the Crown, and I’ll concede that while pointing out you’ve made my argument for me: isn’t that a good reason for the Crown to do what it wants instead of following traditions that hamstring it?
If you’re a tradition truther, however, you should be in a rage and insisting Rhaenys inherit, and you should be outraged by what was done to her at the Council of 101 after Baelon dies. Her claim wasn’t even considered, Laenor’s was—ya know, her toddler son who got his claim *through* her.
So then Viserys takes the throne and continues the Targaryen custom of choosing his heir. And the tradition truthers of the fandom rise up and boo, and they cry “duty and sacrifice! What about tradition!?”
Just admit that the lords of Westeros, Alicent, her merry band of greens, and the fans that make excuses for them didn’t and don’t care about tradition unless it suits them, and they only become vocal about it when a woman stands a good chance of inheriting over a man.
Viserys never wavered in his choice, the realm knew it and so did the greens. This is precisely why Rhaenyra had far more support than her brother, and why the argument that the realm wouldn’t accept her is bs. The realm DID accept her. Because they understood something many in this fandom struggle to
There was only one consistent tradition of royal succession between the Conquest and the Dance: the ruler chooses their heir.
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echuschasma · 30 days
Dear Anti-Endos,
Respectfully, get the fuck out of pro-endo spaces. I know it's hard for you to watch us being happy and accepting ourselves for who we are. But that doesn't give you an excuse to raid our communities.
We don't hurt you. We don't claim to be taking over the community, nor do we "glamorise" plurality. We exist, and have carved out spaces for us just as you did for yourselves. We do not invade your spaces, telling you how to live, or how to present yourselves.
All we do is exist, being our own people. I don't understand what compels you to attack us, to make us want to revaluate everything about ourselves. Telling us we can't exist, or that we're lying to ourselves about our trauma, is completely unwarranted.
And as a reminder, plurality is defined as the state of two or more conscious beings sharing a physical vessel. There is no mention of trauma in that definition.
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