#we could’ve had more sibling moments
im-not-buying-it-ether · 10 months
I love the deleted or Alt scenes for the first Shazam movie
Like they had…
Sivana crashing a Christmas party instead of a board meeting and killing the guys there HIMSELF. Not the sins munching on people off screen, he straight up murdered a bunch of people and turned them to dust. The sins just talk to him through a reflection in that version of the scene
Deleted scene of Darla being devious and getting Billy to have a tea party with her since she’s keeping his superpower secret. ITS CUTE ! Give me that back
Alt fight scene at the carnival that, had it been fully finished, I prefer over the one that was in the movie. It was more contained at the winter carnival and had more mini sibling interactions. Sivana ends up stuck under something unable to help himself w/o the sins and Billy has the great line of “you got exactly what you wanted, you vs the world. Unfortunately for you, I fight for the world.” Before taking the eye away. It was cool and a solid superhero line but it got booted out in favor of “let’s round up the rest of your friends”
Billy’s attempt to break out of the Vasquezes house the first night (they have a home alarm system he tries to hack and seems to have experience doing from previous homes) and is talked out of it by Mary studying downstairs with another hint at her attempts to run away before and a sibling bonding moment
A prelude scene with the wizard locking away the sins and speaking with them before sending out the initial seeking spell, it would’ve come before we met mini Sivana
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yawneon · 3 months
percy will a s/o that’s always sleeping🫶
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a/n : this is so bad 😭😭😭
pairing : in love!percy jackson x hermes kid!reader
summary : in which percy jackson has his best birthday yet.
!!! : praying for more reqs, this one is so cute, i try my best 😞, maybe the plot was the friends we made along the way, unspecified demigod reader, book percy, ooc camp, i wanted it to be rainy in camp so ITS GOINF TO RAIN 🤬, the curse of never being able to write alot returns, THIS IS SO BAD
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
people at camp could’ve sworn there had been a mix up in olympus.
you. an hermes child? what a laugh.
you had to be a kid of hypnos. you slept so much, how couldn’t you? genuinely you couldn’t peel yourself off your bed like ever. everyone in camp knew, you were the person in cabin 11 that won’t get out bed if not needed. alcoholics had alcohol, gamblers had casinos but you… you had something far more worse.
you had the (in your humble opinion) the most comfortable bed in all of camp. sure, it wasn’t a 5 star hotel quality but shit was it good.
and more importantly it was the beds fault that you were oh so tired all the time and you just needed to sleep more than half the day.
everyone else couldn’t care less.. your siblings would just give you a small glance before ignoring you because honestly it was more surprising to see you awake! and trust me when you started dating percy.. did this get worse.
whatever you thought about having the best bed in camp was trampled on and thrown over a cliff edge the moment you laid in percy’s bed.
not only was his bed adorned with comfortable sheets and pillows his cabin was quiet.
percy didn’t understand however.
how on earth could you sleep when you have the most handsome and amazing boyfriend in all of the whole universe??
he has whined and frowned at you multiple times but you’ve slickly avoided his dramatics by lathering him up with sweet and sappy comments like “im dreaming of you~” that make annabeth and grover cringe at when he goes and boasts to them.
but today,
today you couldn’t avoid the dread of getting out of bed.
you stood at the foot of his bed holding a plate of waffles, blue ones. it was far too early for you, (it was 8am) but it was percy’s birthday. you weren’t going to neglect your boyfriend because gods you would never hear the end of it. so you decided to go against your force of nature and got up to whip up a batch of waffles for him.
despite it being the midst of summer rain pelted down against the hard exterior of cabin 3. it didn’t rain usually in camp, the rain would usually just pass right by but maybe the gods were arguing again and the storm was especially hard this day.
sluggishly you drag your feet to stand beside the bed in which percy sleeping.
you wished that was you.
the plate adorning the blue waffles are set down on his bedside table and you place a gentle hand on his shoulder shaking him. despite your (sucky) efforts he doesn’t stir awake.
you grab his arm now with both hands and you shake him harder than before and finally does he grumble awake.
he looks up at you, confused.
“happy birthday, idiot” you pick up and hold the plate of waffles up so he could see them a tired but sweet look on your face. he sits up on his elbows and a dopey smile appears on his face, a very common smile he shines when he looks at you.
“this all for me?” percy sits up fully now taking the plate from you and he smiles bigger now gaining his full conscious. he pats the empty side of the bed next to him and you basically throw yourself into the white sheets.
despite the innate need to sink further in and take ahold of the sleep thats so desperately trying to drag you down you sit up and watch him. “you’re up, today.” percy teases, his shoulder nudging yours.
“just shut up and eat your breakfast.” you laugh softly amused by his jokes.
he begins gobbling the waffles down, scoffing down the cream on top and cleaning the plate of any remains of food. it was actually very impressive how well he ate all of it.
percy’s eyes trail to the window of his cabin his eyes watching as the raindrops pelt down at the glass and the sound of the rain hitting the walls and roof echo loudly.
percy places the plate back onto the bedside and looks out the window. “say aye if your in to stay home all day?” he peeks at you, another dopey smile that you just couldn’t resist is painted on his face.
you didn’t even reply to him, your arm snakes around his collarbone and you basically slump him into bed. you both lay on your back and then percy starts talking.
he always did this. percy would talk and talk and talk while you laid next to him, even if you were asleep he would keep going. just the feeling of having you next to him was comfortable so he would talk about all different kinds of things and today wasn’t any different.
you however wanted to listen to him today but oh geez was it hard.
again it wasn’t your fault that his voice was smooth and calming to listen to even of he was talking about how he fell one time and scraped his knee when he was 7. it was like ypur white noise. you already slept a fuck-ton and having a boyfriend with the most sweetest voice was not helping you.
he held your hand as he laid next to you, his eyes tracing every detail of the ceiling as his fingers dance along your palm. he starts telling you all about how his first quest went. a story you’ve heard over.. and over and over again.
“when i started my quest..” blah blah blah.
your eyes shut and all you could focus on was his voice and the noise of water hitting the window panes. his hand was warm in yours and with his free hand percy pulls the covers over the both of you so only your heads were poking out. he slips his arm under your head and his other hand grabs yours again as he keeps rambling on.
before you could fully drift off you turn into him, you could feel his eyes on you as he watches you shift and his words pause for a moment.
“i love you.” he whispers, hoping that you were asleep. you smile into his skin, a clear sign you were still all there.
“i love you too, happy birthday percy.” you half open your eyes you pull his face down by grabbing his cheeks and you kiss under his eye before moving back down.
percy flashes his signature smile before his story changes from his quest to tell you about how on his 9th birthday his mom baked him a blue cake and how it was awesome. you make a mental note to yourself before drifitng off.
you dreamt of percy that night.
let me rephrase that.
you dream of percy.
you dream of him even though he is yours.
his pretty green eyes, his black hair, his sandy skin on the beach. but more often than not you dream of him like how you are now.
cuddled up beside you, warm under the covers as he tells you about all kinds of things like how he thinks the universe was made.
you dream about him dreaming of you which you know he does (since he tells you).
you dream about the way he wants you despite your sleeping routines, you dream about the way he calls you his sleeping beauty.
yet all those dreams are the reality you live. maybe missing a few hours off of slumber isn’t all that bad when your spending it with the boy you see when you close your eyes.
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kittykattysstuff · 20 days
Warning: Incest.
Gojo satoru x fem!reader
“Let’s get married”.
Satoru declared as soon as you both were left alone. And those three words changed your world completely.
Being the sister of ‘The Strongest’ was far more difficult than people would have thought. It was not glamorous, as all your friends used to think. Yes, Satoru-nii was the best big brother you could’ve ever asked for, and you had no complaints whatsoever about him. However, the rest of the Gojo clan wasn’t as perfect as they liked to show to the outside. No. Far from it. In reality, they were a bunch of conceited, hypocrite and misogynistic senile people, whose only concern was to ensure Gojo eventually had an heir to keep the family legacy.
Your brother, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about getting married and giving the Gojo clan the heir they oh so desired. No, he was more concerned with pissing them off and, on the rare occasion he actually bothered to visit the family estate, dote on you.
You see, you were nothing compared to your big brother, who had inherited the most powerful family techniques in centuries. Despite having cursed energy, your abilities were average, nothing special. Therefore, your parents deemed you of no use, and didn’t let you attend Jujutsu High. You were a porcelain doll, collecting dust in the corner and just waiting to be married off to the best suitor your parents could find. To your utmost dismay.
They already had had the perfect heir. You were just an unplanned nuisance. Satoru was the real deal. And you were absolutely fine with that. Really. You saw the pressure your big brother had been subjected to from the moment he was born and opened his eyes.
The expectations the higher ups had on him, the way they wanted him to be a perfect little robot and follow their orders blindly. Satoru’s rebellion, however, was the last thing they expected. And that was your favorite thing about your brother. He never listened to anyone, only ever doing as he pleased. He knew no one would oppose to him. He was the strongest, after all. What could they really do?
As you two grew up, you were always joining Satoru-nii’s mischievous plans of ways to piss your parents off. You were his greatest ally in your household, and he was yours. Satoru-nii was the only thing that made life in the Gojo estate bearable. You were each other’s best friends.
The day he left to attend Jujutsu High, you were a wreck. You remember clinging to him for as long as you could, refusing to leave his arms, and when he got settled into his dorm and it was finally time to say goodbye, you were a sobbing mess. He was just as bad. The last thing he wanted was to leave you behind with your shitty parents, but he had no choice. And, with a heavy heart, tears rolling down his cheeks in a rare moment of vulnerability, he promised he would come back to you and when the day came, you would never be parted again. He pressed a tender, chaste kiss on your forehead to seal his promise. Which leads you to your current predicament.
“I’m sorry, what?”
You asked as you tried in vain to process his words.
“Let’s get married”.
Gojo simply shrugged, a smile on his face as he looked at you through his dark shades.
“How can you say that so nonchalantly? And what are you thinking about? For fuck’s sake, we’re siblings Toru-nii!”
“Oooh, swearing now, are we? You really became a big girl while I was away, huh”. He hummed, shaking his head amusedly.
“Focus, Toru-nii. Where’d you get this crazy idea from?”
You tried to make your big brother come to his senses. You were on the verge of having an aneurysm from the way he seemed so at ease with the whole thing. That wasn’t the worst thing, though. You were more worried with the fact you did not find the idea so bad. What was wrong with you? Maybe all those years living with your family had made you go insane. You shook your head, trying to get rid of such unholy thoughts.
“The higher ups are pressuring me to get married and have an offspring”.
Satoru said seriously, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat on your bed. You followed suit, sensing the shift in the atmosphere as you sat across from him, hugging your pillow close to your chest in an effort to create a wider gap between your bodies.
“They always have, nii-chan”.
You said softly, sympathizing with his displeasure.
“They’ve been trying since you became of age, and you always managed to avoid it in the end”.
Gojo groaned, taking off his sunglasses and rolling his eyes. If the situation wasn’t so serious, you’d be laughing from his childish antics.
“Ugh, I know. But this is not like those stupid dates they used to settle. They actually gave me an ultimatum”.
You tried to placate his anger, before he cut you off.
“I know, right? Like, how dare they threaten the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in recent history?! The audacity of the old farts!”
He started to complain nonstop. This was your time to roll your eyes.
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to get out of this situation, Toru-nii. You always do”.
You smiled encouragingly. Your big brother was just blowing it out of proportion, exaggerating and making the details seem worse than they actually were.
“Except that this time I can’t, little sis. They said that if I don’t find a wife in one month, they will find me one themselves”.
Satoru looked you straight in the eyes, and damn, those baby blue eyes of his still made you weak in the knees. Ever since you were kids, he would always talk to you without a blindfold or sunglasses when he wanted you to do something for him. And you caved. Every. Single. Time. Of course, the bastard knew it all too well. Still, you kept your resolve.
“I don’t see what’s the matter. They’ve threatened you many times, and it never worked. Why’s it so different now?”.
“Mom and dad found you a suitor”. He declared, straight to the point.
You gaped at him. How did he know? It was partially true. Although your parents had already decided on the perfect husband for you, it had not been made official yet. And, until the announcement was formally made, you would hold onto every last shred of hope you had.
“It’s not official”. You replied, stubbornly.
“Come on, they already scheduled a date to make the announcement public”.
He said it with such certainty, you knew Satoru couldn’t be lying about this. Fear settled deeply in your heart. They had really scheduled a date? If your nii-chan wasn’t lying to you, and you knew he wasn’t, he never once did, then you were helpless.
“I-I’m sure that if I talk to them…”
“What, they’ll listen to you? They’ve been dictating your whole life since you learned how to walk, sweetheart”.
Unfortunately, Satoru was right. Trying to talk to them would be absolutely useless. You were stupid for even entertaining the idea.
“I know it is not ideal, sweetheart, but this is the best solution for both of us. Do you really want to marry the pervert Zenin Naoya?”.
You grimaced. That was totally repulsive. You could never marry him. The men from the Zenin clan were even worse than your own family.
“But, Toru-nii, this is wrong. We’re siblings!”.
You still tried to reason with him, but the words didn’t seem so firm coming out of your mouth. At this point, you knew you were trying to reason with yourself more than your brother. Oh God, you were just as sick. Picturing yourself getting married to your very own brother shouldn’t feel so good.
“Darling, I thought we had already crossed that line a long time ago”.
Satoru smirked, getting closer to you, your knees touching as he took the pillow from your hands and threw it over his shoulder in the bed. You gasped, eyes huge and mouth open like a fish out of water. You two swore you would never speak of this again.
You admonished him, refusing to face his bewitching blue orbs, instead focusing on the sage green wall in front of you.
“Oh yeah, I still remember when you came to my room in the middle of the night, wide eyed and with the cutest pout on your pretty little lips, begging me to teach you how to kiss-“
You put both hands on his mouth, silencing him.
“I was just fifteen!”.
“Well, you came to the right person. I’ve always been a great teacher, if you know what I mean”.
Satoru winked.
“Ugh, stop being so cocky”.
A beat of silence passed before Satoru cleared his throat.
“So, what do you say, sweet sis? It’s either you live the rest of your life in a loveless marriage, or you become the wife of your mature, amazing, sexy Toru-nii…”.
“Okay, okay, I get it!”. You stopped him before he got carried away.
“Say, if I agreed to this”. You eyed him carefully.
“Mhmmm”. Gojo encouraged you to continue.
“How would you make it work? I mean, last time I checked, marrying your sibling was illegal”.
Your nii-chan smiled widely, already knowing he had won the discussion.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ve got it all covered!”. He clapped, pleased with himself.
“You arranged it all before knowing whether or not I would agree?”.
“Is that a yes?”.
Satoru leaned even closer, playing with a strand of your hair while watching your face intently all the while. You immediately felt your cheeks grow warm. Being close to Toru-nii always made you nervous. He looked like a predator analyzing its prey, a hungry expression on his handsome face. You gulped.
“Toru-nii, stop teasing me”. You pleaded.
“You need to say the words, sweetheart”.
He whispered, face mere inches from yours. His hand was now caressing your cheek.
“Yes, nii-chan. I will marry you”.
“Good girl. Now, how about we put the lessons I gave you back then to use? I don’t want my future wife to feel neglected”.
Those were the last words he said before he pressed your lips together.
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lightwing-s · 5 months
hi, I was wondering if you’re still taking requests from your list of prompts?
If so, could you write something with the prompt 62 (along the lines of have we met before?)? Where the reader gets saved by the Red Hood for a minor crime or is a witness and quickly interacts with him. Being fan fiction, either Jay or the reader is smitten. Then when she meets Jason, his siblings notice that they know each other and poke fun at the situation? Like a public setting?
If you want to of course! Have a nice day/evening!
“Did we meet before?” you asked Jason, after what felt like an eternity waiting together in line for drinks at the skimpy bar Barb had dragged him to. You need to socialize, she had told him. Bullshit.
Or maybe not.
You two had been talking since the moment you approached him to wait for your drinks, joking about the waiting time, joking about the people dancing at the bar. He was having fun with you, enjoying the sound of your laugh like he had done earlier that week.
The fact is, you two had met before. But you didn’t know.
After rescuing you and other hostages from a robbery at the jewelry shop you worked at, Jason, or the Red Hood, paid a lot more attention to you, making sure you were okay, that you weren’t hurt. You, on the other hand, made sure you were alright and lightened his night with your bright personality and unforgettable charisma.
Jason was hooked. He had thought about you all week, how you reached for his arms to assure him you were alright, how you thanked him with a tight embrace, a few tears falling on his jacket, after he saved you from nearly being shot. 
You surprised him with how fast you recovered, or at least how you seemed to, throwing jokes and sweet smiles at him, but deep down he could see your hurt, your fright. So he had to ask again, he had to make sure, and then you broke into his arms, cried for a while, and when you pushed yourself away, you still gave him your brave smile.
“No, I don’t think so.” he replied to you, turning to face the other side of the bar, avoiding your eyes and the lie that hid in his own. Finding the table him and his friends were sitting at, he received eyebrow jiggles and annoying smirks in return, as he recognized the girl by his side.
“Weird, I could’ve sworn I recognized your voice from somewhere. You look really familiar.”
“Really?” he questioned, he was wearing a helmet all night.
“I mean, I think I would recognize those large… s-shoulders if I saw them.” you replied, awkwardly changing your sentence in the middle, the words falling off your mouth without you really paying attention before you could take a hold of yourself and reply with something that wouldn’t leave him weirded out.
He chuckled, amused by the growing pink on your face.
“Next.” he heard coming from the bar, announcing his turn to order his drink. 
“And for the lady…?” he looked back at you after ordering his drink, eyebrows high waiting for you to answer.
“You don’t have to.” you tried to argue, but Jason’s voice was adamant.
“Bullshit.” he said, rolling his eyes in a way that had your tummy spinning. “What are you ordering?”
Biting on the nail of your thumb, you shyly reply. “A negroni.”
“And for the lady, a negroni.” he repeated to the bartender. As he walked away to prepare your drinks, Jason turned to you, one elbow rested on the bar.
“You didn’t have to.” you tried again, shaking your head and holding a smile.“Yes, I did.” His reply was sharp. “How else would I get more time to talk to you and find out about this guy that has shoulders as nice as mine?”
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iceandpeaches · 2 months
different dreams
pairings: clarrisse larue x areskid! reader (platonic), luke castellan x areskid! reader (romantic)
warning: stereotypical ares kid again.. i'm really on a role with these.. wtf
a/n: the meg march kinnie in me is screaming rn. inspired by the line, "just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant." written a while back so it might not be the best...
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in a world full of combat and demigods, you enjoyed socialising more than anything. your siblings found it odd, with the nature of your parentage especially. a daughter of ares should love to fight and push people around, but you were the opposite. you enjoyed all things an ares daughter wasn’t expected to. you could’ve been mistaken for anyone else’s daughter, usually apollo for your musical ambitions or aphrodite for your beauty. it was fascinating how much love and kindness was in your heart, it was no wonder camp loved you. it was no wonder you were made one of the counsellors to your cabin. 
you were sat in on a kitchen counter, helping out one of the counsellors of the demeter cabin with preparing for a birthday party for the head counsellor of the hermes cabin; whom you had an undying crush on. you hum, arms occupied with a bowl of cake batter folding in some flour. speak of the devil, the boy walked in; looking for you. he sat on the counter, swiping some batter and licking it off his finger. a smile filled his features, glancing over at you.
“this is impressive, who’s this for?”
you frown, nudging him while you mixed your batter.
“it’s a surprise, castellan. now please, stop eating the batter thank you? we won’t have enough if you do.”
you giggle, enough for luke to forget that your father was ares. 
“get back to work y/n! this cake won’t make itself.”
you nod, walking over to the other side of the kitchen to grab a cake pan. in that moment, your half sister clarisse came to visit; more to find you. you were hiding away from sword fighting training, and clarisse was going frantic to find you.
“y/n! there you are. i looked all over for you. could you come back for training please? two cabins worth of campers dropped by and they’re this close to fighting each other.”
your brown crease into a gentle frown, not wanting to leave the kitchen or ruining your surprise party for luke. you glance over at him, luke already nodding without you asking. you smile, patting his shoulder watching him get off the counter. 
“big brother luke can come. but i wanna try some of that cake when it’s done.”
you giggle, nodding while you poured the batter into the pan. the demeter counsellor shooed luke out of the kitchen, hands shot into the air. you put the cakes into the oven, cleaning up the mess you had made. 
after what felt like forever, the cakes were done and clarisse had come back asking for you again. you finally got out of the kitchen, sat just outside to keep watch of the demeter counsellor. clarisse seemed annoyed at you, since you weren’t doing your due diligence in performing your duties and instead hiding away to do other things. it wasn’t very ares kid of you.
“risse, i’m truly sorry. i understand i mean.. being counsellor alongside you and everything. it’s just… i don’t feel very ares kid, you know?”
“you’re an ares kid, y/n. you’re just not thinking straight.”
“risse, just because my dreams are different from yours.. doesn’t mean they’re unimportant. i’m not like you, i’m not strong or cunning like you. i wish i was more like you, truly.”
clarisse rubbed your arm, unaware of your true feelings. she pulled you into her embrace, squeezing you tight. she wanted to understand you better, just didn’t know how to. she didn’t know how such a kind hearted soul could be a daughter of the god of war.
“y/n! come here, i need you to try this.”
you pulled away from your sister, a smile mirrored back to you as you got up back to the kitchen. you tried the treat, giving your friend your review, giggles filling the room. for the next hour or so, you got the dining pavilion ready alongside the other campers for luke’s surprise. 
after everything was ready, you knocked at his cabin door. your lips formed a dizzy smile, arm interlinked with his. 
“so.. about the cake.”
“you’ll have plenty of it later, trust me.”
you giggled, grabbing your pink sleeping mask from your pocket and put it over his eyes. you led him over to the pavilion, pulling the blindfold off to reveal the brightly decorated pavilion.
“happy birthday, luke.”
you grin, gently rubbing his back. you watched as luke blew out the big 1 and 9 you had placed on the cake, more giggles leaving your lips; engulfing you in a tight hug. clarisse’s gaze was fixed on you and luke as the rest of the campers chattered, understanding that you’d never be like her comforted her soul. she’d have a sister to lean on in bad times and in good. she ran up to you both, hugging you both. 
celebrations went on, luke impressed by all the set up, which led you to receive a (in his words) well deserved kiss to thank you.
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authorluvgxbby · 2 years
Mystery Girl
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A/N: hello my luvs! I am happy to say that I am finally back. I had decided to take a break from writing due to school being a bit overwhelming, but overtime I have come up with a lot of new stuff to share with you all! And for now, I'll continue to deliver current and future requests sitting in my mail cause i love doing those for ya'll so, by all means, enjoy!
Genre: Fluff, slight crack
Rindou x Reader
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Everyone could agree that Tenjiku, along with its four heavenly kings, were made of the strongest and, quite literally, the most brutal gangsters of the S-62 generation. However, within the gang, everyone could only see each other as nothing more than a bunch of idiotic misfits. 
For example, in the eyes of their fellow gang members, the Haitani brothers may be the supreme rulers of roppongi, but deep down they were just two siblings who got on each other's nerves and made it everyone else’s problem.
It was no secret that the older Haitani was a menace to his little brother and took every opportunity he had to tease Rindou. At first, it was annoying, but over time, it was like daily entertainment for Tenjiku to watch the two brothers bicker. 
Today was no different. 
Rindou was peacefully slouching along one of the beat up couches of their dingy warehouse hideout, eyes glued to his phone, while Ran stared holes into the back of his brother’s blonde and blue locks. The silent question bubbling in his mind: what is he doing so long on his phone? 
This matter particularly disturbed the Haitani, since his brother was less of a socialite, especially when it came to social media. Yet, here he was, messages open, while texting an unknown individual that HE didn’t know about? This was indeed quite odd. 
“Rindou,” he calls. 
No answer, just the sound of his thumbs tapping against the device’s screen.
Huffing, he calls once more, “Rindouuu.” Still nothing.
“What could he be so fixated on?” Kakucho voices next to the older Haitani.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like how this person is getting all this attention from my little brother.” 
That’s when the lightbulb goes off, sparking an idea from the older brother’s mind, his signature mischievous smile spreading on his lips. Sighing in pity, all Kakucho could do was watch as Ran carried out his usual wicked deeds towards his little brother.
One swipe was all it took to snatch Rindou’s phone from his hands, which he quickly responds with an empty grasp of air.
“What the fuck Ran?!”
Ran ignores his sibling as he takes a closer look at his current messages to the unknown stranger. He gasps, and there’s a temporary silence that swells in the air.
“Who is it from?” Izana questions, turning everyone’s curiosity to the brothers.
“R-ran, give it back dammit!” Rindou growls, trying to land a hit on his brother but failing miserably.
Squinting at the bright screen, he takes a moment to register the conversation. His eyes widened,“It’s…”
Izana raises a brow “It’s?”
Ran clears his throat, “….it’s from…a girl?”
The gang was silent, mildly in shock, as they turned to the currently blushing dual-colored younger brother.
“Wait Rindou…,” Mochi voices, breaking the intense silence, “since when do you talk to girls?” he questions.
“Damn straight!” Ran says. “And more importantly, why didn’t you tell your dear big bro?” he whines, throwing a puppy look in his direction.
“Cause’ it's none of your damn business!” Rindou groans, snatching his phone back from his menacing brother’s clutches.
“I always thought the dude was more on the other side of the fence…if you catch my drift,” Shion says in wonder, while Mucho nods in agreement as he glances at Sanzu.
 “I AM NOT GAY!” Rindou shouts, heat growing to his cheeks. “And even if I was, I would rather take the information to my grave than tell any of you idiots.” 
“That’s rather offensive Rindou.” Kakucho frowns, folding his arms and shooting him a pointed look. “We may have our differences, but we’re a gang. Comrades, actually. You could’ve at least said something.” 
“What he said,” Ran interjects, throwing a thumb over to Kakucho beside him.
“So who is it you are talking to that has your undivided attention,” questioned Izana.
Ah, the big question.
Everyone stares, waiting for an answer from Rindou.
He sighs dejectedly as his shoulders slump.
“You know what…you guys already know too much anyway so I might as well…” pinching the bridge of his nose, he breathes in deeply. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Safe to say everyone was completely dumbfounded by the news. 
Especially Ran.
“OH THE HORROR,” he cries dramatically, hand clutching his over his heart as he raises a hand over his head.
“Well…that was…unexpected.” Mutters Kakucho.
“Didn’t think he had it in him.” Mochi shrugs.
Just as fast as the comments swirled, so did the questions as well.
“So…what’s she like?” Shion asks.
Now everyone had huddled around the couch where Rindou had seated himself back on, as he continued to text you. 
“An angel from heaven,” he quickly slaps a hand on his mouth. 
“Gross.” Shion sticks out his tongue. 
“You really are smitten huh?” Ran quips, grinning like a fool. 
“Please, shut up.” 
y/n: you mind if I drop by? I wanna see you before I go home.
Rindou smiles.
Rindou: Sure babe, I’m at the hideout. I’d like to introduce you to the gang if that’s all right?
y/n: sure! On my way  <333
“She’ll be here soon, so stop asking me about her already. You guys are annoying,” Rindou shoots glares at everyone before going back to staring at his phone. 
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“Rin rin? Are you here?” you called out sweetly, voice reverberating throughout the rusty walls of the warehouse. 
Everyone pipes up at the new voice, with Rindou being the first to greet you with open arms and softness in his smile. You run towards him, crashing against him as your arms immediately encircle around his waist, burying your face into the warmth of his tenjiku uniform. 
“Rin! I’ve missed you!” 
“I’ve missed you too bubs,” he mumbles in your hair, planting a kiss on your crown. 
“ ‘Bubs’?! Rindou what the fuck type of lovey dovey shit are you on dude?!” Shion cackles from behind.  
However, it isn’t long before he is face-to-face with you, slack jawed at your beautiful appearance.
Before he could even hit you with one of his newest pick up lines, he immediately hits the ground, face smooshed into the harsh, dirt floor with an imprint of fist on his exposed cheek.
Meanwhile, you stood above him, your once soft gaze now darkened with a menacing aura surrounding you. 
“Don’t you dare talk shit about my boyfriend you prick. You got something to say, you say it to my fuckin’ face.”
The sudden change in attitude was one thing, but having the ability to knock out Shion was different. Especially a girl.
“Did she just…knock out Shion?” 
“Way to state the obvious Kakucho.” Izana mocks, grinning at the misfortune of an unconscious Shion.
Ran gasps, pointing an accusing finger at his little brother. “She’s beautiful AND can fight?”
“At least she isn’t like his previous relationships where he ends up getting used or dumped.”
The blatant statement wasn’t too far off either. Ever since Mucho had joined Tenjiku, he had taken notice to Rindou’s frequent change in women overtime in the gang.
Shrugging, he ignores the whole scene while continuing his game of shogi with Sanzu.
“Alright, enough you guys!” Rindou sighs, walking over to you and embracing you from behind. 
“Sweetheart, please don’t worry about them, this is normal. No need to get upset,” he whispers, kissing the shell of your ear. You pout, turning to face your boyfriend. “Rindou, if I were you, I’d beat their asses, but since it’s fine with you then it’s fine with me.”
Nodding, Rindou kisses you on the forehead, smiling sweetly. “Thanks beautiful.”
“You two mind go getting a room, because I can’t stand that new couple shit. Makes me nauseous.” Mochi groans.
“Agreed,” everyone said in unison.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Okay but imagine Battinson driving to Kansa for a Batman case and then he just gets lost. Like yea, he traveled for years for training and all but he was mainly focused on the training aspect, not sightseeing. And to make matters worst (because if something can go wrong, with Bruce it most certainly will) he has a busted tire with no tools in sight to fix it.
“Um, excuse me, sir?” Bruce heard a young boy’s voice call out to him. It was two of them, they looked like carbon copies of each other so they must be siblings. Though to Bruce, they looked more like the time laps of a boy who hit a punk phase in his teen years.
This wasn’t exactly a busy street and in his 2 hours of being stuck here, Bruce had only seen 2 cars pass by. He wondered where these kids came from.
He puts on the “Brucie” mask and grinned, “Hello, is there anything you need fellas?”
He knew that Brucie Wayne was widely known throughout the US. He cannot let down his guard and let his cover blow, even if it’s just children who realistically probably had no interest in socialites from a different state.
The light of recognition and surprised hits the older boy's face and he exclaimed, “Your Bruce Wayne?!”
Knew it.
“Yes, I am. And what are y’all’s names?” He made sure to keep his voice light and his smile friendly and open.
“Um..that’s my brother, Jon, and my name’s Conner.” He stammered out. “We noticed that you weren’t moving and wanted to help.”
That was rather nice of the two boys but incredibly naive and unsafe. This could’ve easily been a ruse to lure in unsuspecting people who are too kind. But maybe that’s just the Gothamite in him speaking, you learn early on not to trust strangers, especially those who are being nice to you.
“Yea!” Jon excitedly confirmed and he looked over at Bruce’s car. “It seems like the front tire is busted. Conner can patch it up, he’s pretty good at this kinda stuff.”
It was Bruce’s turn to be surprised now. The boys were both now beaming at him, eager, and the desire to help written clearly on both of their faces. Even though Conner, did not look at all confident in his skills. But Bruce did need the help so he nodded.
While Conner was busy looking over the tire, Jon stayed behind to ask Bruce some questions. Some were getting pretty weird and into the dating part of his life. The boy would ask, “Are you single, sir?”
And before Bruce had the chance to answer, he’d give him another one and another one. He caught all of them of course and was getting ready to deflect. But then he saw the puppy smile and the little dimples. He wondered if the boy’s parents had this much trouble saying no to him.
He caved and answered yes to all of the questions but honestly, he never considered dating an option. He had many roles to fill and even more, secrets to keep that having a romantic partner seemed too out of reach for him to even entertain things like types or preferences.
“Would you date a divorced person with kids?” Jon asked with slight hope in his blue eyes. That was a rather odd and specific question.
What would Brucie say in this situation? What would Bruce say? Well, he had multiple kids at home so refusing someone else for having their own would be strange of him. “No, I would not mind.”
“That’s great,” came his reply.
“Um, Mr. Wayne, you wouldn’t mind if I called my Pa then? The tire needs to be replaced and he’s better than me when it comes to that part. I would also hate to accidentally mess up your car.” Conner told him and Bruce nodded once again.
A few moments later as Bruce and the boys converse in small talk, he saw a vibrant red pickup pulled up beside them and saw a god walk out. Tall and sun-kissed skin with waves of black hair and cornflower blue eyes. He was beautiful, there was nothing much to it.
“Hello there! My son called, said you needed some help with your car?”
All Bruce could do was nod and move out of the way so the man could work. He was used to feeling tongue-tied, gals he didn’t want to attend, and board meetings that could have easily been an email. But those were situations, not a singular person.
He looked up from his kneeling position-why the sun shine on him like that?- and introduced himself, “By the way, name’s Clark Kent. Let's see what we're working with here.” And then returned to his work.
Bruce nodded once again and the sounds of giggling children could be heard. They were giving their Dad encouragement.
It was much needed too, Clark looked like a fish out of water. Bruce knew how to replace the tire, he just didn't have any tools or a spare tire with him. Which was foolish of him, he knows. But he couldn't really think right now, with Clark in front of him. Plus, he didn't want to overstep Clark, maybe he had a process.
(Yes, a process that included staring at the tire and the spare he brought in his truck.)
After a very long 3 hours, Clark got the tire securely on and with no chance of falling off, as it did the last 3 times before.
Bruce cleared his throat, “Thank you, Mr. Kent.”
He flounders for a “your welcome” and then silence as they both stare at each other. “Would you like to go eat at a diner? It's rather hot so an ac and a cool drink might stop you from catching a heat stroke.”
Bruce thinks this over and nods, “Yes, that would be nice. What about your kids?”
Clark’s eyes made their way to them and before he gave an answer, Conner beat him to it.
“Oh, don't worry about us, Mr. Wayne. I got my driver’s license so I’ll drive us back home in Dad’s pickup. Let’s go, Jon.” The boy flashes his driver’s license for both men to see.
“Okay, get home safe, and re-“
“Yes, yes, we will remember to call you,” Jon says dismissively. He comes closer to give his father a hug (how cute, Bruce thinks) and whispers something.
Bruce couldn't catch what was said with Jon’s quiet voice and his head facing away. But whatever it was turned Clark into a blushing mess.
“Yes, I will. Off you go now.” Clark pushes his son into the direction of the pickup and turns to Bruce. “Shall we?”
“Yes, we shall.” Bruce says getting to the car. “I’ll pay for dinner, as a thank you. This is non-negotiable, Clark.”
He chuckles, “Okay, fine. But I get to drive then. Deal?”
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Tags: @bruciemilf, @adrunkskeletonsduck, @iwantadamusername, @profoundpacmilitaire, @just-a-gal-with-a-boomerang, @mexican-owlgal, @mysteriesgalplusdamianthings, @skylions-den, @dolliesanddahlias, @insanebutteredtoast, @queerly-bel0ved, @seasonsyeetingsstuff, @truck-kunwillbeourlordandsavior, @impossoblepeacehideout, @classybananacoloregg, @iamyouraveragestudent, @home-of-sexual-and-dumb-of-ass, @odd-spooky-rainbows, @thenamessexual-homosexual, @melonfavor
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poisonous-lemonade · 10 months
hii, are you accepting requests right now? (if not, feel free to just ignore this😅)
I love the reactions you wrote for the obey me cast with child!mc!!
so I had this idea that the cast and mc don't have contact with each other after mc goes back to the human world (for whatever reason)
But when mc is like 20 they get teleported again to the devildom, so they see each other for the first time in years and mc is all grown up now, how would the brothers react to that?
A/N: AH- that's so cute 💛 Pt 2 will be out soon!
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All Grown Up
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MC tugged on Diavolo's hand, Barbatos by their side as they walked together to the portal, ready to send the young human back to the human realm. The brother awaits there, Mammon and Asmo on the verge of tears. Satan patting Asmo's back without much interest. Belphie, was more awake than usual when compared to the tall giant that was his twin, Beel, with dark circles under his eyes. Levi stuck next to Lucifer, rubbing his tears away before they get the chance to spill and Lucifer stood tall, his pride and loyalty holding him back from just stopping this entire thing.
"Do I have to go?" Mc asked, it had only been a year but that year spent with Mc was the best of the brothers' life, they got to have a younger sibling again, well, for some it was definitely a new experience.
Mc had spent their 6th birthday there, it was the best one they had ever had, even if the human competition was no match for Devildom celebration or festivities.
"I am deeply sorry, but you do, you may come back when you are older, yes?" Nodded Diavolo, bending down to the small child's height, fixing the small paper crown he had placed on their head. "Remember, we will always be here for you." Mc nodded her head at his kind words, although she did not understand them fully.
They understood that they had their pact marks and the protection of the Seven Brothers and the Royals of Devildom as well as high-ranking angels and an immortal sorcerer but they couldn't quite grasp it all.
"Will, will I see you all again?" Asked the small child, sending the emotional brothers into a crying fit, bawling into their jackets, their sleeves and (in Beel and Belphie's case) each other.
"Of course, you will, my dear, one day, I promise," Lucifer spoke, patting Mammon's back gently. "One day you will be older, and one day, we will see you again. I swear on it."
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Mc was grown, plagued with memories of this place called 'Devildom', some imaginary place she had probably made up when their parent made them watch some biblical film, although they cannot remember it.
Not only were they plagued with memories, but they were also plagued with visions, one's that made almost zero sense until the right moment.
One time they could've sworn they saw a peacock in their room before a big speech, little did they know, but they were fueled with confidence when they were sent in front of the classroom which suddenly seemed so small, so hard to breathe, and yet they did it. They didn't get a high mark on the speech, but even they impressed themselves with that random boost of pride.
A couple weeks before, they saw an odd amount of crows outside their window, they then decided they would feed them like any 8-year-old would, oddly enough, the number was an even 12, even more odd was when 12 seemed to be their lucky number, they found 12 bills, 12 coins, 12 shiny rocks, 12 everything, it was strange to them but they was so grateful, they couldn't help but feel lucky.
But then a couple of months ago Mc had the strange feeling of being watched, like something in the shadows of their closet and the shadow of under the bed, but it felt warm and safe until they learnt it was a snake, then they were really scared, still, as her parents took it outside, she could’ve sworn things were missing from her, what an envious little snake.
Then after the peacock, Mc must've been imagining it because there was no way that there was a unicorn in their room, but their mane felt so real and soft and comforting, it even curled up on their lap like a cat as she read a story aloud, when it left however, just outside their window, it looked like a tornado had gone through it, it must've been a really angry unicorn.
Then almost immediately after, a scorpion was found in their mother's makeup box, its pinchers and stinger trying to put eye shadow on itself, it was almost funny if not terrifying, but MC couldn't just go up to their mother of the night, telling her that they stole her makeup box and that there was a scorpion in it, so they didn't, they just let it do its thing, it was almost loving to MC.
Then the next day a cow and bear appeared in their room, how did they even get in?! The bear was massive! Like it was so big it couldn't even make it through the window big and the cow was a cow! How did a cow get in with a big bear! The bear ate all of their food, they barely got a chance to taste it and the cow just slept on their lap. What a lazy and gluttonous duo.
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A few years later, all those imaginary friends started to fade, the peacock's colour fading, the luck of crow stopping suddenly, and the snake came back, only for a moment, to give back her things, like they were always there. The unicorn rarely showed up but he always did when they were mad, he didn't anymore, and the weird scorpion suddenly disappeared one day, in front of their eyes. The bear and cow, who only slept and ate, stopped, they just sat around, not sleeping, not eating, not anything, before they just never showed up.
This was a great weight off MC's back, still, they couldn't feel like a part of them was suddenly missing, like a part of their life was suddenly gone.
But they were older now, they weren't going to let this get in the way of things. They were grown, an adult, a real adult, finally. They had high hopes for graduating this year, they might've been held back because of their 'disappearance' but this was their year.
Oh, how wrong they were.
Suddenly, like clockwork, they sat at their desk, the feathered pen in their hand, the golden rings on their fingers, and headphones wrapped around their neck, the floor began to cave in on itself, sending a spike of fear in MC before they jumped out of her chair, their heart beating fast, knocking over their skincare, the unicorn statue they kept around shattered, the cow and bear plushie tore apart from each other's arms, as the sinkhole grew, MC was frozen in place, their heart beating so fast that they could barely keep up with it as their room rumbled, they tried to stand up before falling back and into the black abyss.
"Welcome back, MC."
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Pt 2 coming soon!
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altheasmeadow · 5 months
Every Slytherin
wc: 1.2K
warnings: none
pairing: jungwon x reader
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The room was frozen, everyone watching with a bated breath as they took in the scene before them. Tonight was supposed to be the most memorable night of the year, everybody was dressed in their finest gowns and suits, looking their best. Well, except for her… She was clad in the prettiest dress in the whole ball, only it was now covered in butter beer, courtesy of Ni-ki who was now cowering behind Jungwon. It was almost comedic seeing the young giant trying to hide behind the shortest member of his group. Jungwon stood with a grimace as he watched his chances with the girl disappear into thin air, he was hoping to confess his feelings towards her. As she opened her mouth Jungwon was expecting the worst, after all, her dress was ruined and all the witches and wizards had their attention on them. 
This had all started because of Ni-ki, no not the spilling of the drink but the ball. He had spent too long inside the archives one day and sprung the idea of reigniting the balls that Hogwarts used to throw so often. Coming to the group one day at lunch excitedly boasting about his idea and all of the ideas he could throw together. He was convinced that this would be the best night of the year. 
“Guys! Guys!” The 6 seated heard their youngest shouting across the cafeteria, since the war the school had been trying to integrate bonds between all the houses rather than building the school based off of rivalry. 
“Oh Please, Riki, I cannot handle another detention in your place.” Jake said exasperated, looking up at their maknae with tired eyes.
“What no, I didn't do anything this time, do you really think so low of me?’
“Yes.” The 6 answered in unison, before a couple moved to high five each other. 
“Whatever, I found an old yearbook in the library and back then they had these huge balls thrown in the great hall” he exclaimed excitedly, however the others were dumbfounded. 
“So what about it?” Jay didn’t understand why this was of importance right now, all he cared about was his meal that waited to be eaten. 
“We should throw a ball!”
The group of 6 seated froze for a moment,they shared a quick look before bursting out into laughter. “No offense Riki but that has to be the stupidest idea you’ve had in a long time, how could we possibly manage that?” Sunoo cackled, he wasn’t wrong the 7 were in short losers. It wasn’t like they wanted to be popular though, they could’ve easily become the most popular group if they chose to open up to the school but they kept to themselves happily not trusting many. Except one…in Riki’s case at least.
The sound of laughter broke Jungwon from his thoughts, such a beautiful laugh that he couldn’t have been more happy to hear after the tension had appeared. His head snapped to his right, turning to face the ice princess of the school with wide eyes wondering if she had lost her mind all of a sudden, why was she laughing after just being drenched in butter beer publicly? 
“Oh I am so getting you in trouble for ruining the dress mom made me Riki!” She giggled, moving to grab a napkin Sunoo had rushed to grab for her and began patting down the wet patches.
“Wait no please don’t tell mom I’ll do anything!” Niki screeched, jumping from around Jungwon in a panic rushing to grab more napkins and begin trying to fix his mess. 
“Mom?” Sunghoon, Jake, and Jay asked together tilting their heads in confusion at the same time. 
“You never told your friends that we were siblings?” She wondered looking up at her little brother in amusement.
“And have them all try to date you? No thanks.” 
“I will help under the condition that Jungwon is my date.”
“What?!? Jungwon?!?!? Why not Sunghoon or even Heeseung?” Riki asked knowing of both her crush on the boy and his crush on his sister, more like obsession with his fellow prefect. Jungwon, despite being a Hufflepuff, was beyond obsessed with the prefect of Slytherin, reciprocated of course but he didn’t need to know that.
It took a few more negotiations to get Riki to agree to talk to Jungwon for her but finally it was done, and here they were the duo had gotten unbelievably closer throughout the planning process of the ball, having used any chance to partner up and get to know each other better, despite Riki’s protests. Sunoo has been a big help in making sure the two had time alone together by dragging her brother to do other tasks even as he kicked and screeched. 
“So… How’d you manage to make all of this happen so seamlessly?” Jungwon wondered, kicking his shoe tip at a rock as he walked her back to the Slytherin Dungeon.
“Hmm, with your help of course.” She answered coyly, running a hand through her hair to begin pulling out all of the pins that were beginning to cause a headache. 
Noticing the reluctance to answer he instead switched to a different route, “Why me? You could have any guy or girl in the school?” He wondered, twiddling his thumbs to relinquish some of his nerves. He wasn’t wrong, she was top of her class, most beautiful in the school and excelled in a lot of extracurriculars so why did she choose one of the biggest losers in the school to be her date to the biggest night of the year. 
“I like you, is that so hard to believe?”
“Well believe it. I’ve noticed you many times throughout the years, the first year you pranked the professor because he made Sunoo upset in front of the whole class. Second year you cast a spell on Riki to turn him into a mouse because he was too hyper that day, very thankful for that by the way, quietest day ever. Third Year you tripped Yunho after he made me uncomfortable. Yes I knew it was on purpose I saw your cute little smirk. And Fourth year is when I really fell for you, you fiercely protected Riki from his bullies despite them bullying you too. You have heart Jugwon, and I happen to have really liked you for a really long time.” She rambled, not noticing the boy frozen behind her as she continued to walk ahead. When she shivered from the lack of body heat she snapped her head to the side trying to find the boy, and when she turned around she spotted the boy 5 feet away, almost trembling with emotion. He had been seen. He’d been noticed for years and he never knew.
“Won?” She questioned, looking at him worriedly almost flinching when  his head snapped up at the sound of her voice and he made quick pace to meet her, gently grabbing her wrist and bringing it up to his jaw, turning his head to press a kiss at her pulse point before looking up at her with pleading eyes since she is currently wearing heels. 
“If you mean that, Prove it.” He begged, lips pursing into a slight pout as he tried not to let the overwhelming emotions drive him insane.
And as her lips collided with his, he felt like it was his first breath of fresh air after years in a dusty room. 
“Be my Hufflepuff,” She asked after pulling away despite his chasing lips.
“Who am I to deny a Slytherin the perfect Hufflepuff for her.”
beta read by: @adorawritesalot and also written with @explorewithd's help
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smoothielenny · 1 year
Body•Part 3
Ao’nung x Omatikaya!Fem!Reader
Summary: Ao’nung likes to tease you and your siblings and you had enough. Ao’nung teasing you? Why not tease him back with your ‘freaky’ body
Warning: smut, fingering, v licking, Characters are aged up
Tag list: @dani111
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Both of you went back after a your little adventure with Ao’nung’s body. He was quiet before, but now he’s mouth is completely shut, couldn’t process what just happened. He couldn’t believe he let himself be taken by you like that. He couldn’t control himself at that time, begging for you to touch him. It was embarrassing.
“Oh (y/n)! Ao’nung! You’re back,” she waved to us, “what took you so long?” Ao’nung’s body stiffened by that question.
“We just fed some ilus, they were hungry.” You chuckled. She just nodded and walk to the group. You glance at Ao’nung looking ashamed. You walked close to him sudden grabbing him from behind and he jolted from this. He look at you with an angry expression while you just grin.
You whispered at him, “Would you like to play more later?” He gulped. He’s trying to force himself to say no, but the idea of doing more sexual things with (y/n) turns him on.
“W-whatever…” he looked away. You took that as a yes. You surprised him with a peck on a cheek and run from him. His eyes widen and sigh. He can’t believe he just say ‘yes’, somewhat.
While they both walk, Ronal approaches both of them, “Ao’nung, I need you to do something for me.” Her son nodded, “I need you to take the E’tiam flower. (y/n), go with him.” She then left.
“Looks like our play date will be earlier than we thought.” You winked at him. He grunt looking away, feeling annoyed and heat up.
Walking around the forest, you look around for the flower. Before you moved, your grandmother, Mo’at, trained you and your sister Kiri to be a Tsahik. You were more advanced than Kiri always earning a praise from your grandmother.
“It’s here,” Ao’nung said, “but I can’t grab it, it’s under a tree trunk.” He tried fitting his hand under it, but his hand was big and might damage the flower. You walked beside him looking under the tree trunk. Luckily your hand is smaller than his and you could grab it, but you noticed that there is more under the trunk so you crawl inside now half your body is under it.
While busy getting them, Ao’nung, is busy starting at your ass, pointing at him. He could see your pussy barely covered by your loincloth. It is wet, your juice soaking your loincloth, must be from how you were turn on earlier. Ao’nung gulped from the view. He could contain himself, he wanna eat your pussy. He starts massaging your ass as he breathe heavily. You jolted from this action not knowing he would do that, but you intrigued. You moaned as he kept massaging which implies that you would allow him to do what he wants.
He press his thumb on your clit and play with it. You kept moaning and now drooling too. He made circular motion giving you that good sensation. He picked his lips and lick your wet cunt catching your juices. Your legs started trembling uncontrollably feeling his hot wet tongue inside you. You hardly grip on the flower as if you were choking it, biting your lip as it goes. He then slid his finger inside you making you moan more louder. He could hear you moans from under the trunk, he really wanna hear you louder.
He stopped for a moment which made you grumble. Then you felt the trunk being lift up from you. Ao’nung then throw the trunk away from both of you. He can finally see your face, your adorable panting face. Your cheeks were dark purple, your mouth is drooling, your forehead is smearing with sweat. At least you were comfortable laying on a flower bed. To Ao’nung, you look astonishing next to the flowers.
“Hmph…you could’ve done that earlier.” You murmured. He scoffed and smirks.
“But if I did, you wouldn’t have felt my tongue inside you.” Your cheeks heated and look away.
He continued his doing now inserting two fingers. Singing your moans to him, he went faster on your pussy and finally squirted. Your fluid hits him giggling to himself.
“Where were you? Why it took you so long?” Ronal walks to your direction. You both gulp remembering what just happened.
“The flowers were hiding under a log, mother. It took a while to remove.” You rolled your eyes, you know it was a lie and so does he. He effortlessly pushed it to what? Just to see you crumbling under his touch.
“Right, well I’m glad you grabbed some.” She then took the flowers and left the both of you. A few seconds was filled with awkwardness until Ao’nung opened his mouth.
“Do you… wanna continue this tonight?” He scratched his nape feeling a little bit shy. You chuckled and agreed both of you walking together holding hands.
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nattinatalia · 10 months
Urban request: “of course, I always choose you.”
You had woken up with the cramps of hell, which only meant one thing, your period- thank you Mother Nature, for not being pregnant, but my period? Really?? You thought to yourself as you showered.
You were moody, emotional, hungry, basically everything in the girls book. To top it off, your boyfriend has been out all day with your brothers and ignoring all of your texts.
It was finally night time and although you were hungry, you couldn’t decide on what to eat so you decided not to eat at all.
You were laying on the couch in the living room, catching up on Snowfall when your front door was being opened.
“Hi baby.”
You’re definitely surprised to see him in front of you since you literally just saw the Instagram story of your brother playing DJ, so you figured your boyfriend was somewhere near him.
“W-what are you doing here?” You sit up, pushing off the blanket off your legs.
He smiles, and you take notice of the bags he has in his hands. “Well, I know I was out all day. Blame your brother.”
You raise your eyebrows but let him continue talking. “I know you got your period, so I brought all your favorite snacks.”
He hands you the target bag and you indeed see all your favorite snacks, from hot fries, ferrero rocher chocolate, jolly ranchers, sour gummies, Arizona strawberry kiwi flavor, and Dr Pepper. “Babe, you have me stocked up for the weekend.”
He nods “And I know you wouldn’t be able to settle on what to eat, so I brought you options.”
You gasp, “Urb, what did you do?”
He shrugs “What you always crave when you’re on your period. Sushi, Panda and carne asada fríes.”
“You’re the best.” You reach for the bag as he sits next to you.
“Ohh, I’m forgetting the best one.”
“Huh? Babe, you already got me with all my favorites.” You say confused but notice the smirk on his face “What did you get?”
“You’ve been on the lookout for a while now.”
He shrugs, “fine I won’t.”
You jump on his lap, “Show me.”
“No, you said not to tell you.”
You start tickling his sides and pinch his nipples “Baby, tell me.”
He laughs, “okay, okay.”
You straddle his lap, sitting up straight as he places the bag between you both on his chest, his hands going to your hips. “I got two, one for you and one for me. They were the last ones too.”
You quickly open the bag and gasp out in surprise. “Baby, oh my god.”
He squeezes your hips, “So do you like?”
You nod “I love them, but not more than I love you. Thank you baby.” You give him a quick kiss.
“I can’t believe you found them, I go literally everyday and I come up short.” You admire the Halloween Hello Kitty blankets that you’ve been on a hunt ever since they’ve been taking over your timeline on tiktok.
“I know, Jack was saying how you dragged him yesterday and he was annoyed.”
You roll your eyes. “He doesn’t like shopping with me, that’s why.” In that moment your phone pings with a text notification and it’s none other than your brothers.
Demon 1 : I can’t believe my best friend ditched the club for you 🙄
Demon 2 : Urban??? Urban chose our annoying sister over partying? Is the world ending?
You chuckle and show Urban, “I’m also surprised to be honest.” You tug at the ends of his hair playfully. “You chose me over partying with my brother?.”
He raises his eyebrows, “Of course, I always choose you.”
“We can’t have sex, but I can give you head.” You smirk teasingly. “A thanks for being the best.”
He chuckles, “Y/N, your ass will bite my dick off if I don’t feed you right now.”
“Oh you’ll be feeding me alright.”
He rolls his eyes “Actual food.”
In that moment your front door is being slammed opened and you see your brothers walking in.
“Hi fuckers” Jack waves, smirking. “Y/N, get off of him, we’re having a sibling date night.”
Clay shuts the door “He dragged me here.”
“You could’ve dragged him back.” You glare “You two idiots are crashing my night with my man.”
Jack lays on the couch next to you, and grabs the hello kitty blanket “He was mine first.”
Urban groans “Don’t start bro.”
You glare, and snatch the blanket from him “I’m not sharing this with you.”
Clay starts digging through the bags Urban brought. “I’m not sharing my food with any of you, well only with Urb, so order your own.”
“So does that mean no head?” Urban whispers.
You glare at him, “Don’t play with me, that dick is going inside my mouth one way or another, brothers present or not.”
You smirk, “That’s what I thought.”
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metalheads-trash-bin · 3 months
These consist of observations, facts, and headcanons :)
Volcano Rock City
Riff & rock trolls:
Breathy giggle, shy almost
At college for musical theory/art
Immune to lava - see it like hot water
Change in music doesnt change where they were raised w - (Pink heart, but diff style)
Volcano rock city arenas lava is now rainbow to show all genres
High fives show harmony and connection
Daycare in pop village - poppy teaches them the history of the whole world tour situation w barb as a guest
Riff uses air drums w drumsticks to dance w head bobbing when just chill dancing
Hard dancing is ofc what you think it is
Riff has three siblings, hes the favorite sibling since hes the baby. He spends time with his mom. He has two sisters and one brother. The brother is the eldest.
Food item: Fiber energy juice boxes
Barbs full name is Barbara
Creek notes:
Creek being creek “a little positivity would go well with that vest.”
Gets grabbed by chef
Chef forces creek into king gristles mouth
Creek figures out how to prevent himself being killed, calling out and gristle spitting him out. Creek begs for his life.
He strikes up a deal with chef. Through that hes taken out of the amulet for good.
Chef catches the snack pack, putting them back into the cage.
Chef pulls out creek, and they have the whole strangle moment.
Creek tells them he sold out everyone, showing no remorse so they dont try rescuing him. He even says to her theres no other “not him getting eaten” way, and chef agrees.
Instead of poppy focusing on the kingdom she becomes empathetic towards Bridget, turning back after being let go and helping her out. Poppy explains to the bergens that theres other ways to be happy. Then demonstrates that.
The bergens believe her, having a happy ending where they realize they dont need to eat trolls.
Chef gets rocketed out on a grill, creek in her fanny pack. She tries to eat him, the creature below them waking up. They get eaten by said monster.
“If poppy had only listened to you, if she took you seriously..if we all did. This would’ve never happened. If she just focused on the kingdom and not saving me, you all could’ve escaped and ran off. Finding a new haven. I know in the end it was a good plan..and lead to good things. But..she didn’t know that, no one did. You all almost died.”
“I’m sorry I never took you seriously, I’m..so sorry branch.”
Mount Rageous- rage dome
Bruce canonically listens to true crime podcasts
Jds canon in the sad book club
Floyd had a canon solo career
Mount rageous has an adult area called “the bowl” under the clouds
Floyd worked there doing modeling, playboy esque. Alongside singing solos in bdsm clubs
Teens found out eventually as gossip is.
Scarring under JDs gloved hand
Branch cracks under pressure after introducing floyd to creek, spiraling in front of poppy and sobbing to her about his feelings on everything. She panics and tries problem solving, branch snapping and then them walking away. They came back to eachother the next day, talking it out and deciding health wise its best to just be friends. They became platonic soulmates to eachother like riff and barb, the separation and experience of being together bringing them closer anyhow. Being in different levels of life just, cant work long term.
Creek says things like “Mother Destiny” or “Mother” as his connection to the earth.
John Dorys first thing when the gang separated was neverglade trail
Johns killed someone, he followed them on a hike and tried bashing their head with a rock. The person had a self defense pocket knife because of the wild animals. They slashed his left hand, john trying to push them off a cliff (waterfall cliff). Person grips onto his jacket, pleading for their life and how they dont understand what they did to deserve this, hanging off the cliff only not falling because hes gripping onto johns jacket. Johns gripping the ground, reaching for a rock and smashing their eye until they let go. Person falls, not dying because the water wasnt shallow enough. He runs down with a hunting knife, stabbing the guy to death. This was his first kill, only doing it so he could eat as he was struggling.
Doug is the lawyer jd’s acquainted with at the bowl since hes the only lawyer that handles other species disputes.
Jd loves fish, especially fish sandwiches.
Notes on trolls three and poppy:
poppy seems super pushy and non empathetic to branch, literally appearing as if she cant put herself in someone else’s shoes.
2. She consistently tests his comfort and boundaries. Even being manipulative in some instances to get him to do what she wants.
3: it seems like she was more interested in investing in JD and the mission because they’re BroZone, not because she cared about branch or his trauma.
4. Yes at sometimes she comforted him and convinced him to continue with the mission, but that doesn’t make up for her lack of empathy simply because she shows sympathy.
5. I understand being a huge fan of BroZone, but some of her behaviors absolutely cross the comfort of the members. JD kept the funderwears for memorabilia, not because of some scent thing. Yet poppy’s borderline lustful reaction implies she would’ve kept them for that reason.
6. Sometimes she still struggles to listen to him, projecting her familial issues onto him and saying how grateful he should be. She was so fixated on the facf she craves more from her family, that she couldn’t even fathom the fact someone wouldn’t like their family members or have a more complicated relationship.
These are all of course little things, but they can build up and they can cause long term built up issues. It’s saddening to see that even if they sorted out her not listening to him, she still has a lot she needs to fix. And Branch, especially after all of his trauma being forcibly resurfaced, most likely can’t handle all of her flaws she needs to work on.
These all were brought up to her when they separated, she didn’t react the best initially until a few days later when she finally gained some sort of empathy and guilt for her neglect towards my brother.
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hotreadingwitch · 7 months
MADE TO LIE - the mission
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All heroes had flaws, for some, they were fatal. Tony had his arrogance, Steve his loyalty Natasha her guilt…Y/n Y/l/n, was too honest for her own good. She was a valued Avenger, sure, she succeeded on missions, comforted her teammates when they needed it, and always cleaned up after herself in the compound. On principle, however, she refused to lie, not knowing that her righteous honesty might be holding her back more than she realized. 
As she walked down the long windowed halls of the Avengers compound in Upstate New York she wondered why Tony had called to meet with her. She arrived quickly at the meeting room to see him sitting on the edge of the large table instead of in one of the tall-backed leather chairs.
“Hi Tony,” Y/n said with a smile, coming towards the billionaire before engulfing him in a tight hug.
“Hey Y/n” he greeted her warmly, squeezing back.
For a while, the pair chatted Tony occasionally glancing at the clock on the wall as he waited for the third member of their party to arrive. A moment later, Y/n saw Bucky appear on the other side of the room’s glass door. Her eyes widened, Bucky was tall, and Y/n had to admit it, handsome. He had thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, sparkling blue eyes, and cropped brown hair. Though he was usually freshly shaven, Y/n noticed that tonight he had a sprinkling of 5 o’clock shadow that somehow added naturally to the dramatic canyons of his slightly worn face.
She’d technically known Bucky since she’d become an Avenger a couple of years ago but she didn’t know him well at all. All she did know was that he appeared to be brusque and mostly kept to himself, only really warm in manner when talking to Steve, whom he trusted more than anyone else.
“Alright you two, I’m assigning you a mission,” Tony said interrupting Y/n’s thoughts. He looked between Bucky and Y/n with uncharacteristically serious eyes, “I’m sorry for being so mysterious”
“Who are we after this time?” Bucky questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“The Crane siblings” Tony continued, handing them each a file folder full of news clippings, photographs, and documents.
“Why do I know that name?” Y/n said to herself as she flipped through the pages. She remembered them vaguely, perhaps from the news, but she couldn’t recall all the details.
“They’re a pair of ruthless twins who run an underground group of criminals,” Bucky told Y/n before looking at the ground, “I worked with them in my Hydra years” 
A small silence descended upon the large room but Tony cleared his throat and quickly began to further describe the mission, discussing the Cranes and their illicit behaviour. Y/n noted that the wealthy twins mainly worked in ransom cases and money laundering while somehow managing to maintain a spot in New York’s high society. It wasn’t unheard of for the city’s elite to sneakily ignore crime and the police to take bribes but this case seemed worse than usual. 
“Sounds like a cheery group,” Y/n said sarcastically.
“Quite” Bucky added, his lip quirking upward into a small smile.
Their eyes met and Y/n could’ve sworn she saw an unexpected spark of something reflecting back at her. 
“We were hoping to set up a ruse that would pull them right into our net so that the Avengers could arrest them for good” 
He continued, detailing how they’d have to go undercover, to an extent. The idea made Y/n squirm her seat.
“Why pick Bucky and I, Tony?” She queried, “Not that I don’t trust your judgment…” 
“You two are the only single Avengers at the moment” he replied with a small chuckle as if the secret he was clearly sitting on the whole meeting had just tickled him gently in the ass. 
“Why do we need to be single? What is it exactly you want us to do?�� Y/n asked then, her mind starting to race with possibilities.
“Well,” Tony stated, taking a deep breath, “You’d have to pretend to be a couple…”
Tony’s words sucked the air out of the room. He was asking her to lie, exactly what he knew she’d spent the last years of her life trying to avoid doing as best as possible. It wasn’t that she couldn’t lie, in all honesty, she was ironically a great liar due to her past… That didn’t mean that she wanted to. 
“You want us to date each other?” Y/n questioned incredulously, her aversion to the idea showing clearly on her face.
Bucky stayed quiet, as usual. 
“No” she responded stubbornly, “I won’t do it”
“Y/n, please” Tony begged, “No one is better for this mission than you two or else I wouldn’t be asking”
Y/n’s eyes narrowed slightly as she pondered Tony’s proposition. She’d have to go against all her beliefs and lie. But at the same time, she’d be helping to take down an evil group of criminals that were a danger to the world. Her mind spun as she went back in forth between the two thoughts. Could she justify lying if it was to help keep people safe? 
Somehow another thought wormed its way into her mind, one that seemed so raunchy and intense that she had to squeeze her eyes closed. Being in a fake relationship with Bucky, being affectionate, maybe even kissing him…She shook away any notion of potential romance, remembering that this was strictly a mission, one that required her focus, her ‘A’ game. 
“Fine” she affirmed, sighing, “I’ll do it, but Tony, how will we convince them that we’re together so quickly? Won’t it take months of public outings or of social media posts to actually plant the seed in their minds?”
“Well you’re right about the public dates, we’ll put you two out in the field as bait eventually” Tony stated, “…But I’m also suggested you do something else, something more immediate and effective”
“What, Tony?” Bucky countered, his voice seemingly annoyed yet stern, “There’s something you’re not telling us” 
Tony smiled a practically evil grin…“We want you to make a sex tape”
“You’re joking—you—“ Y/n protested, looking frantically between the two men, “You can’t be serious Tony, what could possibly be the point of that?”
“It would leak and convince everyone that we were together instantly as long as we backed it up soon after with another outing” Bucky spelled out quietly.
Y/n looked over at him in disbelief. Was he really okay with this?
“Look” Bucky stated practically as if he’d heard her inner thoughts, “I know what you’re thinking Y/n, but I’ve done much worse in my life…a sex tape is nothing if we don’t make a big deal of it”
But it was a big deal to Y/n, having sex with someone just for the sake of a mission, in addition to lying about their relationship? Was this really necessary?
“You need to think about how essential this mission is. We want to lock those criminals up for good” he added, his eyes swimming with something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. 
“I do too Bucky” Y/n replied gently, meeting his gaze, “I’m just not 100% comfortable with, you know…everything we have to do”.
“Our comfort doesn’t matter” he snarled, “Don’t you get this is bigger than us?”
“Yes, but you have to understand that there’s more to this for me than you know” she replied, this time snapping back, all her softness gone. 
“It doesn’t matter how you feel Y/n…Like I said, it’s bigger than us”
“Well, I guess I know where you stand,” she huffed, angrily. 
“Settle down you two” Tony interrupted, “You’ll need to put your differences aside in order for this mission to work. My mistake, I was under the impression that you were both professionals…” 
His challenging words hung in the air. 
“Fine” Y/n grumbled hesitantly, finally conceding, “For the good of the mission”
“Anyway,” he continued, “At some point soon, we’ll send you two out on a fake date after the tape has leaked with the hopes that they’ll come for you both, our team will have people waiting in the wings, we have a solid plan” 
“And what if they succeed, what if he gets hurt?” Y/n questioned, discomforting bile suddenly clinging to her throat. 
Tony’s eyebrow hitched upward.
“Neither of you will be in real danger” he spelled out slowly, eyeing her suspiciously, “the rest of the team will swoop in and arrest them as soon as they come for you” 
“If you think this is a good idea, Tony,” Y/n said, looking at her feet, “I trust you” 
She then got up and walked out of the room. Though she was clearly offended by the thought of the mission she couldn’t help but also be curious. A heat spread then on her neck. She turned, looking back at the two men, her y/e/c eyes meeting a pair of stormy blue ones. 
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asterefflores · 7 months
So I received another request from @achlys-1974 about Roksoo causing the fight this time instead of Cale,,
It turned out too simple that it hardly is considered a fight cuz this is Roksoo we're talking about xD
This is turning into more of a writing than a drawing account lol
Anyway, enjoy 🌸
“I see you’re back.”
Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked toward the door to see Cale resting elegantly against the wall with his arms crossed. However, the intense stare put everyone on edge.
Rok-Soo blinked blankly, wondering why Cale would be glaring at him viciously like that when he had just returned home. “Is something wrong, dongsaeng?”
Rok-Soo slightly frowned when his brother sighed, looking a bit tired and upset.
Cale fixed his eyes on his hyung again, “So, would you mind telling me where you have disappeared off to all too suddenly?”
Rok-Soo slightly flinched when he noticed the vicious smile from the old man standing with his eyes closed behind Cale.
“Ron did inform me that you left on a quick adventure for a week,” Cale explained, still looking unimpressed, “Did I have to look for you and ask around to know of your departure?”
Rok-Soo stared in silence for a moment. Was Cale's bad mood because he hadn't been told in advance that he, Choi Han and the kids were going on a short mission?
‘Ah…’ He finally realized his mistake, taking a moment to recall Cale’s childhood…
However, if he had informed Cale about the problem, his brother would have been even more busy than he already is with matters regarding the territory.
“You’re right. I should’ve informed you beforehand.” He nodded calmly, “It was something that needed to be taken care of and done with.”
“I know.” Cale sharply said with a slight frown, “I received the letter from the Capital, and I was going to take care of it had not a certain hyung gone out of his way to disappear suddenly and worry the whole family, only to receive wonderful news of a whole mountain mysteriously vanishing before I even could take a step to our gate.”
“We took care of the rats, dongsaeng.” Rok-Soo kept blinking blankly for a moment, “You can relax and rest a bit now, right?” Wasn’t it a good thing? The problem is solved. Isn’t this all that mattered now? With this, they both can take their time to slack off. Though he knows Cale will still be busy as the duke, his dongsaeng can now take his time finishing his work and have some free time to breathe and live comfortably as he always wished. 
“You could’ve consulted me before taking any action.” Cale sighed, seemingly less upset now.
“It can be taken care of quickly instead, dongsaeng.” Rok-Soo picked up the cup of tea to take a sip, “Those bastards were disturbing my slacker life, after all.”
‘Hm?’ Rok-Soo opened his eyes, looking at his brother standing not far before him. Even though he could tell Cale wasn't upset with him anymore, he found Cale's stoic face and lack of expression in response a bit strange. “I’ll remember to talk to you on any matter next time, Cale.”
Cale calmly shook his head, “You're not obligated to do anything I say if you can think of a better way to handle any matter, but please remember to tell me before you leave next time.”
“…I understand.”
He watched Cale nod before silently turning around and leaving.
The kids and Choi Han turned to look at him in awkward silence.
Rok-Soo was glad the issue was solved relatively smoothly; Cale was no longer upset with him after all. But then, why does he feel something’s off?
“Would you care to hear my very honest opinion, Young Master?”
Rok-Soo slightly flinched, ‘Why does Ron look upset now…?’
Ron looked with a benign smile at the older redhead sibling. “I suppose you must talk with the Puppy Young Master soon.” He closed his eyes with his hands clasped behind his back, “This old servant wouldn’t be pleased to see the Kitten and the Puppy fighting again.” He bowed his head in respect, then closed the door, presumably to return to the office to look after Cale.
“…Human, did you make a mistake?”
He had done something, and he wasn't sure what, but he didn't want to wait around to see Cale's behavior change slowly.
“Human, I don’t like to see you and the Gentle Human fighting again!” Raon exclaimed. Ohn and Hong nodded along with Choi Han, remembering the first fight that lasted weeks until Tristan had to step in.
Rok-Soo nodded in response but remained silent for a moment. It wouldn’t be wise to seek Cale now to ask him what he had done wrong.
“Human, are you troubled? Should I call Purple Grandpa?”
“No.” Rok-Soo quickly answered, hearing a fake cough from Choi Han. He frowned as the punk seemed to be silently laughing at him, knowing precisely why he reacts this way every time Tristan is mentioned.
Rok-Soo sighed; it’s not like their dad wouldn’t be able to solve the issue within minutes, but they aren’t kids. Tristan wouldn’t be disappointed in either of them, but Rok-Soo still found the man scary. One look from the Emperor’s sharp eyes was enough to make him drop a sweat. If they dragged him to solve another tiny fight between them, Tristan would probably scold them both and teach them a lesson.
Rok-Soo shivered at the thought and stood up. “I’ll go talk with Cale now. No need to ask Dad for help.” He looked at the kids, especially Raon and Hong, “Don’t call Dad or send him a message, all right?” While the kids’ new habit of calling Tristan randomly using his device or Cale’s is sweet, especially since they know Tristan secretly enjoys it, it’s still a bit troublesome sometimes, like now, for example.
“I understand, Human.”
Rok-Soo glanced at Ohn, pleading with a stoic face to watch her siblings in his absence. The silver cat only nodded, holding back a sigh.
“Is the duke inside?” Rok-Soo asked the guards standing by the door and went to knock after their nod. “Cale, it’s me.”
Instead of receiving an answer, the door opened before him, revealing a vicious assassin.
Rok-Soo ignored the vicious smile from the old butler, “Ron, give us a moment alone.”
Ron looked over to the side at the duke, closing his eyes with a benign smile as he earned a nod. “Yes, Young Masters.”
The door closed behind him, and Rok-Soo walked straight to the desk, admiring how organized the office was as usual for a moment despite the amount of reports and work that never seemed to end.
“What is it, hyung?”
He turned his focus to his brother looking up at him and waiting with the quill in his hand.
“I apologize for leaving a week without saying a word.”
Cale nodded calmly, “I appreciate your apology.”
Rok-Soo nodded as Cale kept staring at him with a bewildered look in his eyes, yet his little brother was still not as responsive as usual, almost even formal with him.
“I trust you, Cale.”
This time, there was a subtle look of surprise visible in Cale's eyes. ‘This is it.’ Rok-Soo was now sure of what mistake he had made this once. "I never doubt your skills and ability in dealing with any matter, whether it be inside or outside the territory."
Cale calmly nodded again. “I understand.”
He slightly frowned at the formal response, “Do you?”
“I really do.” Cale nodded with a small smile this time, “You only took matters into your hands because I was busy enough, right?” He let out a breath like a chuckle as he looked down at the papers again, going back to working on the reports. "However, hyung, I may have to provide you with some guidance. A true slacker would rather relax in his room if he knew someone else would do the work for him."
That only made Rok-Soo frown even more, “Didn’t you announce to everyone that my word is on the same level as yours?”
Cale’s hand stopped writing on the paper. He looked up again and was met with Rok-Soo’s scolding eyes, “Yes, I did. My word is your word, and your word is my word.”
Rok-Soo nodded, “Which means you can ask me to help when you’ve enough work to deal with, right?”
“That really is coming from you— Ow…” Cale looked lost with a slight frown when the other suddenly pinched his cheek.
“I care about my slacker life, but I also know very well you want to live comfortably, yet look at you.”
Cale slightly winced at the harsh pinch on his left cheek, “Ow, okay, I understand—”
“What do you understand?”
“You want me to stop overworking myself?”
“What else?”
“You never do anything on my behalf for the reason that you consider my methods are not good enough to solve the issue?”
“Excellent, make sure to remember that every day.”
Cale rubbed his reddened and slightly swollen cheek with a sigh, “How did I end up the one being scolded now?” He slightly shook his head in disbelief as Rok-Soo casually picked a cookie from the plate on his desk.
“I was already scolded by a certain dongsaeng here, then Ron and Raon. Isn’t that enough?” He went to half lay on one of the couches in front of the desk while munching on the cookie.
"Ah, that's good to hear."
The two brothers looked at each other, laughed, and immediately felt at ease again, talking casually for a while, then falling into a comfortable silence as Rok-Soo took a nap while Cale worked quietly.
Later at night…
“Ah, right! Human! Purple Grandpa called when you left your room today! Why did you leave your device here? Did you forget it?”
Cale’s hand holding the glass of wine paused, and Rok-Soo stopped patting Hong while lying on his bed, “…what did he want?”
“He wanted to check on you two. I told him you’re talking to the Gentle Human to make up because you two fought again!”
Rok-Soo turned to Ohn with a look of betrayal. She looked back at him as if saying, ‘You said not to message or call him, right?’
And both redheads sighed at the same time.
The next day…
-So, what exactly made my kids pout this time?
Tristan laughed through the screen at the two brothers, both sighing in embarrassment before their dad.
-Hey, it’s fine to grow backward and live your childhood—
“Please stop.”
And, as predicted, their dad spent the entire call teasing them for two hours while working in his office at the same time.
At least they know Madelin would scold him for it later, even if all that would come out of it is the usual playful bickering between the married pair.
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
when the hxh boys want cuddles (hc)
warnings: fluff ig if you’re emo
characters: kurapika, hisoka, illumi
authors note: was kinda bored and thought fuck it, why not so here’s how I imagine the hxh boys would ask for cuddles! this is a reach and just for funsies this is literal trash I swear
Requests are open!
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what kurapika wants: snuggles
what he gets: strUGGLES
pls this boy just needs a hug
preferably one that makes him feel like he matters, like someone cares for him
he’s just really stressed out and desperate for some sort of comfort
so when it’s just the two of you alone after a really long and stressful day, boy slowly comes to the realisation that he wants your arms around him, soothing away his worries for a while
he needed to be held
now the key was how was he going to ask you
usually kurapika could be counted on for his calm composure and sound reasoning
when it comes to feelings however? think again because this boy has NO idea how to deal with them
he considers asking but he just can’t get the words out
“hey y/n, are you busy or do you have a moment?”
he has all your moments tbh so you were over to him like a shot
boy couldn’t even finish his sentence
you had always been quite attune to his needs and wants, seemingly knowing kurapika better than himself sometimes so when you saw him sitting on the edge of the couch, twiddling his thumbs and looking for all the world that he needed some comfort, you knew exactly what to do
you swiftly sat next to him and pulled the blonde into your arms, cradling his head against your chest.
you could hear him sigh and melt into your touch, especially when you ran your fingers through his hair
“thanks.” he murmured, nestling against you, already forgetting about his burdens for the time being
“any time.” you kissed the top of his head
you two stayed like that, even when you had moved to the bedroom
kurapika fell asleep in your arms and had one of the most restful nights sleep he had gotten in a long while
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we all know hisoka isn’t a stranger to physical touch
he’s absolutely psychotic but this man knows how to dish out a caress, an embrace and many other things that aren’t so lovely
damn boy what those hands do
i imagine hisoka to be quite a touchy feely lover so i don’t think he would be shy whenever he wanted some physical attention
he would just have to look with those narrowed eyes and sly smile for you to know he wanted something
“i don’t trust that smile.”
“you never do.” he remarked, drawing closer to you
“i’m about to be attacked aren’t I?”
as expected, hisoka pounced and you were engulfed in this man’s long arms
it really wouldn’t matter what you were doing, whether you were busy or not
if hisoka wanted a hug, he was gonna get one
you stood motionless for a moment, trying to process what had happened in the last three seconds and when your brain finally caught up you returned the embrace
“you could’ve asked you know.”
“but where’s the fun in that?”
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does this man even understand the concept of hugging
i don’t think illumi has ever been hugged once in his life
i also don’t think he would know that he wanted one
you were a daring individual, you were dating illumi for crying out loud
unconfirmed by him as he never gave you much to go on, you just knew he had somewhat of a soft spot for you seeing as he never killed you after all of your pestering
so you took that as a good sign
you had never met someone who was more emotionally constipated as the eldest zoldyck sibling
but you knew deep deep deep down, he secretly wanted a hug
he just didn’t know it yet
“do you want a hug?”
this boy has no idea how to comprehend that question, he just stares at you with his trademark blank expression
you repeated yourself and got the same response
not one to be deterred, you slowly approached the stoic assassin as if he were an untamed tiger
you were very close to him now and had stretched out your arms, his gaze never leaving you
“what are you doing?”
“what does it look like? i’m gonna give you a hug.”
“why?” there didn’t appear to be any anger in his tone, only mild confusion mixed with his unenthused way of speaking
“because i want to, and i know you secretly want one.” illumi never bothered to reply to that one
ever so slowly you inched closer until you had successfully managed to wrap your arms around his waist and his arms as he never moved them from his sides
hugging him tightly, you rested your head on his shoulder
“see now isn’t this nice.”
illumi didn’t respond. but he didn’t move out of your embrace either
he would never admit it but you knew he secretly liked it
you stayed like that for a minute before deciding to pull away, not wanting to push your luck any further
“lemme know if you ever want another one!” you winked at him before leaving the room
you didn’t know it and he would never say it, but illumi’s usually frozen heart jumped when you had hugged him 
he would never ask for another but he thought maybe hugs weren’t so bad after all 
and if you ever offered another one he wouldn’t be in a position to decline
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
I saw a twitter thread that was giving reasons for Nancy Wheeler being a lesbian and I gotta say, I agree. At least that Nancy is NOT straight. The way she interacts with Barb….dude, do you know how many of the stairs conversations (from season one before Barb disappears) I’ve had with friends who were secretly seeing me??? The whole “this isn’t you” after Nancy lies about where she’s going and the way she reacts with her facial expressions…..bro, they’ve kissed before. This has been said a million times here and otherwise since season one.
But with the level of grief and guilt she goes through in season two, I’m seeing that right now in myself as someone who just had one of their best friends pass away suddenly who was also an ex. The whole “bullshit” Stancy Halloween fight could be chalked up to grief and liking Jonathan sure, but I think it’s way more than that. I think she’s calling everything bullshit including herself because she lost the one person who saw her, someone she loved more than just platonically.
Then season three is mostly just her fighting with Jonathan if you really think about it, because she wants to be more than just a sandwich girl at Hawkins Post. Someone Barb would be proud of. We only see her really happy with Jonathan in season three when they wake up late and she sneaks out and the soft moment they have at the end when he’s leaving. Other than that they’re either fighting with each other or fighting monsters. Robin calls her a “priss,” but before Steve she was just kind of a…nerd. Like Robin. Maybe they ran in the same circles? We know they don’t know each other in person, at least Nancy doesn’t know HER.
FOLLOW ME HERE: What if Robin knew Barb?? What if Barb confided in her that she had feelings for Nancy, but that Nancy was dating Steve and we know how hard Robin goes for her friends so she just made this assumption that Nancy is a priss????
Then season four of course, we see Nancy not going to California. She’s frustrated that Jonathan wouldn’t be coming and she stayed for the basketball game for her front page news right?? Why didn’t she take another flight hmmm??? And we think she’s jealous of Robin, but what if she was jealous of Steve??? Because we don’t really have indication that Steve and Nancy have spent much time around each other since summer ‘85…but Robin and Nancy go to school together. Robin is in band which means they’re in the same room *hypothetically* for the important games that Nancy needs to document. We don’t know how many games Steve went to besides the one, he could’ve been working on some of those games or on dates. So ipso facto, Robin and Nancy have (probably) been in the same room more than Steve and Nancy….why would she suddenly be jealous of ROBIN???
And you can see her genuinely enjoying being around Robin after her monologue at the psych ward when she was being “annoyed” and “on edge” with her before that. I don’t see that as “oh well she started considering her a friend” I think she had a crush, she was on edge because she had lost Barb and didn’t want to feel that way about another girl. But the monologue relaxes her because she realized Robin is just as unhinged as she is, but in a different way. Because Nancy Wheeler is IMPULSIVE. She’s smarter than hell, but she is so careless with her own safety.
Also every time the Bylers shippers contrast the Wheeler siblings really they’re just giving us Nancy Wheeler is gay proof too. Because look at their similar behaviors. They fight and bicker in a way that says “i know what you are, NO I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE”
Also, while I now understand my attraction to men is because I was a queer trans dude the entire time, I used to think it was comphet. But everything I feel about men is different than the way Nancy feels about men. It feels forced, it feels like she thinks she HAS to have a boyfriend and HAS to force a real connection with them. COMP. MOTHERFUCKIN. HET.
In conclusion, for the love of god, let Nancy Wheeler kiss girls. Natalia wants it, the fans want it. Give us a SMOOCH.
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