#very cool and totally normal about friendship
undefbug · 4 months
feeling like you’re missing out on friends is like feeling lonely on a whole other level. i’ve never genuinely considered anyone my best friend. and that scares me. i don’t form close emotional bonds to people because i don’t trust anyone. and i really do want to have at least one person to feel safe around but my entire life has felt like a war zone and it’s every man for himself. idk crazy things are the way they are, wish i wasn’t so cold and closed off but what’re you gonna do lol
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teaboot · 2 months
Thoughts on Lord of the rings??
Do you have any tips on protected sex between two afab
Lord of the Rings kicks ass, we need more deep and meaningful platonic friendships and healthy male characters in media that don't resort to romance or toxic masculinity to emulate affection and strength, the movies were groundbreaking and remain as incredible accomplishments and a love note to innovation and practical effects
2. For sex between parties with vaginas there are a few things:
If using toys, keep in mind that toy material can be affected by the kind of lube you use. Jelly toys are safe with water-based lube and NOTHING ELSE, or they will start dissolving, and they must not be stored touching other jellies or they will melt together. Jellies are also porous and cannot be used for anal, then vaginal penetration unless a condom is used and swapped- washing will never get all bacteria out. Once used anally, a jelly toy should ONLY be used for anal.
Silicone toys can ONLY be used with water-based lube or specialized hybrid lubes- again, silicone or oil lubes will cause them to dissolve and become porous, but they CAN be used interchangeably for anal and vaginal penitration providing you wash them before vaginal use. Silicone cal also be boiled clean and totally sterilized, whereas jelly cannot be boiled.
Glass and metal can be used with absolutely any lube you want, and can also be boiled clean.
For oral sex, keep in mind that oral diseases such as herpes can be passed on back and forth through genital contact- you can get genital herpes from oral herpes and vice-versa. If this is a concern, I recommend using a dental dam, or if that is not available then you can cut the tip off a condom and then cut it lengthwise to make one fast. Both condoms and dental dams come in flavored options, but with all contraceptives, lubes, and barriers you should check that glycerin is not a high ingredient, because that can throw off PH balance in a vagina.
If you experience any itching, burning, or discomfort when using lube, it is likely you have a sensitivity to the lube you use. Durex I know is especially popular for that. I recommend Water Slide or Fuck Water.
And on the topic of water-based lubes, you can add spit or water to rehydrate if it starts to dry out during, so don't worry about dropping a little cash for the good stuff.
And for fingering a partner, go with what's comfortable, but your hand won't cramp up as fast if you use ring finger-middle finger instead of middle-index.
Lastly, you can buy topical stimulants for clitoral or nipple stimulation- I happen to have a tingling peach flavour nipple balm that I use as a chapstick. Though always read the ingredients- cooling products usually use menthol, and warming products like cinnamon, both in very low amounts, but good to know if you have an allergy.
Oh, and lots of massage oils use almond oil as well, so again, allergies.
And it's perfectly normal to have a small vagina- if you choose to, you can purchase dilator sets for not too much cash, just take things slow- but it's not necessary, obviously. All bodies are good bodies and if your partner is a dick about it you deserve better.
Great question, by the way. Hope I could help!
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inbarfink · 8 months
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Honestly, first time noticing the names in Simon's contact list I was just like 'haha cute references' and didn't pay it much mind. But looking at them again, and really thinking about them. The Implications here, like Most Things About Simon's Life Right Now, are pretty tragic....
Like, Abracadaniel and Lady Island and Gunter (and BMO if you take into consideration the comic's continuity) are not Simon Petrikov's friends, they were Ice King's friends.
You know, like, yeah, everyone except Marcy knew Ice King way way before they got to know Simon. But at least with folks like Finn, finding out about Simon is a huge reason why he started being kinder and friendlier to him. And Bubblegum probably is only fond of Simon know in spite of him being Ice King.
But Abracadaniel and Lady Island liked Ice King without having any frame-of-reference or concept of 'Simon Petrikov' in their heads. They were Ice King's friends.
And Simon's phone is pretty distinctly, like, a realistic early 2000's cellphone. A total contrast to all the magical/sci-fi/cobbled-together looking cellphones everyone else in Ooo uses
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And Ice King himself, I'm pretty sure we've only ever seen him use either a normal-looking landline or the Bananaphone
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Not this ordinary Nokia-looking flip-phone, definitely.
So I'm assuming this phone was maybe found buried somewhere in the Past Room, or maybe was unearthed while they were preparing for that '20th Century Man' exhibition and Simon also takes it along for personal use. But either way, Simon had to deliberately put those numbers of Friends of the Ice King in his contact list.
It might be something as simple as having transferred the data from some of Ice King's old communication devices and then just... despite it all Simon just doesn't have the heart to delete these names. The same way you or I might not have it in us to the delete the numbers of friends of ages past or increasingly-distant acquaintances or dead relatives.
Or maybe Simon did try and preserve their friendship at first. Or maybe the friends did. And obviously it didn't work out.
I mean, I can kinda see maybe Simon getting along fine with Lady Island because IK was relatively Grounded interacting with her so maybe the change to Simon won't be that much of a difference to her. ....But that can also create problems if she has a hard time seeing the difference between Simon Petrikov and Ice King, that would really make him uncomfortable.
But there really is zero chance Simon managed to keep things going normal with Abracadaniel. A Wizard who originally bonded with Ice King because he saw him as a cool Wizard. Not to mention Gunter is currently a living incarnation of the very Crown that cursed Simon in the first place and a manifestation of Gunter's love of Ice King
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so... yeah, I think in Simon's current state any interaction he had with those two was unbearably awkward and just another thing that will make him miss being Ice King in a twisted way.
And yet... despite wanting so badly to define himself as distinctive and different from Ice King ("I didn't write those! Ice King wrote those!") and to not be reminded of him.... Simon still keeps all these people in his contact list.
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The appeal of a villain friend in fiction is more often than not the thought that someone out there would choose you over the entire world.
The members of the League of Villains were anyone's priority. They felt replaceable or even worse, they knew they were replaceable. They weren't pretty enough, strong enough, normal enough, cool enough. They were wrong in the head, were too violent, too weird, too creepy.
All the rage? The hurt? They were told to swallow it because it was making people uncomfortable.
Stain was their inspiration, but he wasn't the one to pick them. He wasn't the one who looked at them and told them "you have a place". That was Giran. The manga tells us that Giran was putting together a sort of friendship group for violent outcasts like them. That he formed the League for them to have company, a reason to fight for, to exist.
There's a sort of catharsis that fictional villain friendships give that you can't find somewhere else. A sort of short-lived relief that comes when someone sees you being mistreated and decides retribution is needed. Wouldn't it be wonderful if revenge had no consequences and the damage it caused was at once lasting and non-existent?
That's what fiction is for. You put all your feelings there and create scenarios where you purge those feelings. No one gets harmed and you come out of it cleaned, renewed, with a clear head.
So when Tomura Shigaraki creates the League of Villains, it is an instant click for people who had been wronged and are seeking catharsis of their negative experiences and feelings.
The League of Villains punishes someone with torture and failure for misgendering and hurting their trans friend. A shonen manga does that, a gender where nonconforming people are a joke by tradition. Do you get what that means to some readers out there?
Tomura claims to hate everything and everyone, but when Toga asks him, he admits that they are his exception. He wouldn't destroy something they loved. His prioritizing their wishes and their likings. There was no one else above them for him and no one was as important to him as they were.
Suddenly, they are someone's number one people and not out of manipulation. They recognize in Tomura a man who really cares.
Tomura was shown to live in total neglect. He had poor hygiene, was isolated almost completely from the outside world, talked with maybe three or four people tops, ate whatever, liver whatever. He didn't care about his living conditions. It was only when the League asked for clothing and food and other stuff that he began to care. For them.
He wants them to live, to succeed, he wants to hurt anyone who hurts them, to protect what is precious to them.
And now we got confirmation that they matter more to him than his own past.
Tomura would destroy the world simply because they asked him to, because they promised to. He would destroy himself trying because he must be their hero. Remember how every time a villain would question him about his motivation or his ideals, he would talk about his hatred or his need to destroy. We've gone past it and at his very core we found that the thing that truly fuels him is the desire to be a hero.
For them.
It's really something to see people wondering why a reader would be fond of Tomura Shigaraki or the LOV in general. Is it that hard to understand?
Again, that's the appeal of a fictional villain's friendship to real life victims:
To be important, to be picked, to be prioritized, to be felt, to be seen, to be understood, to belong to and be considered, to be irreplaceable. To be all those things to the point the weight of it shatters the universe.
So much love outplacement in someone's love— to matter so much to someone —that to see you hurt would make them want to destroy the world.
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AITA for entertaining a friendship with a child?
okay so this might be a weird one or even a controversial one i honestly have zero clue how other people will receive this, apologies in advance if i ramble!
to begin, i (23ftm) and this kid (15f) first met about a year ago. one of my best friends (23m) is a pretty big model and tiktoker and she was a fan of his, and she was pretty recognized online for making cool edits and stuff of him and coming to meetups etcetera, so he knew of her from there, and over time with always seeing each other at meet ups and her being in his discord server (where i mod) she kind of became pretty well known to us.
an important thing to note is that she's SUPER neurodivergent and she's had a really tough life. she lost her older brother a few years back and she's (i'm not sure of the correct way to put it, her family is originally from the netherlands and their english is kind of in the works so this is how they put it) developmentally behind a few years - her parents describe this as her being "mentally more 13 than 15" but her behaviour to me is even younger than that. she's very very innocent and trusting, very overemotional and sensitive to criticism etc, loves stuffed animals and pink and cartoons and all of that. she's told me she feels like a little kid sometimes and will talk/act like one so maybe there's an element of trauma-rooted age regression there, i'm not super sure - i'm not gonna get into detail but she's talked to me about her life a lot and she's had some pretty fucked up shit happen to her.
from the beginning she pretty much imprinted on me - she's told me before i remind her of the big brother she lost, and ever since then she's called me her "big brother" and "family" etc. at first i was more just playing along with it to make her happy but over time she really has become something like a little sister to me, i feel super protective of her. i want to become a teacher after college (not to mention eventually a parent with my fiancee) so i think at least part of it is that taking a kid 'under my wing' so to speak is giving me experience with it all. i've always been kinda paternal/protective over kids in general but i was the youngest sibling in my family so i never really had anyone to utilise that on before
she does rely super heavily on me emotionally, especially because after i found out she was being bullied pretty badly at school i started dropping by to keep her company during breaks/lunch and making sure shit was okay (which her still-living brother used to do, but he's a famous?? - unsure How famous, i don't know sports at all - footballer/soccer player who's often in another country and can't see her often anymore), and i've been working with her to curb that. i'm actually currently working with her parents to find her a good therapist and support system. she's no longer in the tiktok friend's discord just because it was getting a little all-consuming for her and we encouraged her to take a break, but she's done a TON of work on herself and maturing since then and she does plan to rejoin at some point soon.
however, i find it really really hard to gauge whether being so close with a child is... like normal? or not. i honestly can't tell if it's kind of the internet caution about adults talking to minors kind of warping my brain and making me overly wary of what people will think or if i'm doing something wrong or if it's genuinely like a weird situation, so i guess i'm looking for outside perspectives.
the things that make me question it is that like i said she's very 'mentally young', she's very sheltered, and there definitely seems to be an element of her kind of replacing the older brother figure she lost with me. on top of that, we met through her being a fan of my friend, and though she's now separate from that i worry there could still be an element of power there because i'm close with the guy she calls her idol. her family knows me and seem totally chill with everything, but they've told me she tells people at her school that i'm literally her brother and basically 100% talks about me as if i'm her biological family, which i find super sweet but at the same time wonder if it's healthy.
she obviously needs therapy and hopefully soon we can get her it, but: AITA for entertaining a sort of found family dynamic / friendship at all with someone very vulnerable and young or is this genuinely helpful for her?
What are these acronyms?
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absolutebl · 2 months
Top 10 Best BLs on Gagaoolala
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My Beautiful Man AKA Utsukushii Kare
Japan 2021
One of the most Japanese BLs to release in the last decade, as weird and as messed up as any 2000s yaoi: emo af and hella warped, entirely true to itself with no attempt made to modify its POV for modern sensibilities or current BL fandom. It used seriously old school problematic and kinky tropes, like whipping boy, for a truly uncompromising piece that also manages to hit up themes of communication, consent, and self acceptance. It’s a wonderful BL but uniquely dirty and harsh, in the best possible way - Japanese cinema, uncompromising.
I lost my ever loving mind over the ending. This show won the Grand Prix “My Best TV Award” at the 16th Galaxy Awards.
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Minato's Laundromat AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
Japan 2022
A classic age gap romance where a high school student pursues the man of his dreams (who runs a laundromat). This BL is so steeped in yaoi nostalgia, not to mention a classic romance arc, that it will overload some, but those of us who love this genre for its DNA will adore it. It made me very happy because it did everything I want a BL to do - there’s not much more I could ask of a show than this. It’s the closest Japan has come to perfect live action yaoi since Seven Days (and I never make that comparison lightly).
Squee watch-along here.
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My Ride
Thai 2022
Thai BL grew up with this pulp (the first ever to make my end of year top 10). It’s a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine (AKA a cinnamon roll couple) plus mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest, and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede, the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple.
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Takara & Amagi AKA Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
Japan 2022 I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this BL. Reserved cool kid who must learn to communicate to keep the tiny disaster nugget he’s madly in love with. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst, thirst, & yearning. Was there plot? Not really. Was it emotionally tense and paced well enough for me not to notice? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the hell out of it? Oh yes.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
Taiwan 2023
The plot is totally ridiculous and slightly unhinged, but that’s normal for Taiwan. It involves all the tropes under a very casual framework of gay mafia gangs + food = love. Absolutely every character is queer. There’s a gum-ball machine of cameos, elder gay rep, great chemistry from all pairs, and a KILLER side couple. As a result Kiseki is a poster child for Taiwanese BL, and I happen to love Taiwanese BL. Bonus? They also managed to END IT WELL, which we cannot expect from Taiwan.
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho
Japan 2023
This style of live action yaoi really only works from Japan. Basically: boys who fell in love in college end up living together but both are so repressed they actually don't realize they're in love. It's higher heat than we usually get from Japan's HEA stuff, and that part is also very well done, but it leaned into the "why don't they just talk for fuck's sake?" trope which is only exacerbated into undiluted frustration by the fact that they're already fucking. It's great, but watching requires more patience than usual, even for Japan.
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Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku
Japan 2023
A lonely salaryman and talented cook gets accidentally adopted by a college kid and his little brother. I was always gonna love this show if they stuck to the manga (which is very dear to my heart). And they did, paralleling it almost exactly. It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. Possibly too slow for some but definitely high up there for me as the best of what Japan can do with softness (like Restart After Come Back Home). It’s only flaw (if I dare say such a thing) is that it is not really “romantic.” Lovely & sweet but the romance beats are being used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy, but that's OK with me. This is a very safe show for anyone to watch.
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Step By Step
Thai 2023
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loved about that show I loved about this one. This office romance between a stern boss and sweet subordinate felt more authentic to cubical work than previous Thai BLs of this ilk. That authenticity added tension to the narrative and its characters development (how novel). I also really enjoyed the charming side characters and the brothers' relationship to each other (although I could have done without that brother's side BL).
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Long Time No See
Korea (Strongberry) 2017
Catfishing assassins on either side of a turf war who fall in love not knowing they are on opposite sides. Or do they? Suspenseful plot, good fight sequences, mature characters, hot sexitimes and even hotter beating the shit out of each other and kissing while covered in blog (this came from KOREA?), plus an HEA. One of the hidden gems of the BL genre.
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About Youth
Taiwan 2022
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth. I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. A weak seme/uke dynamic but tons of BL tropes (both rare in a high school setting but common for Taiwan) makes this one feel both sweet and colored by real world authenticity and grit.
Some of these shows ALSO appeared on Viki or iQIYI, but these BLs will appear only once on these round up posts (here for Gaga), not on the other platforms top 10.
This list updated Spring 2024, not responsible for cool stuff that aired on Gaga (or was taken off the platform) after that date.
This is part of a series more here:
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mutable-manifestation · 4 months
Actual Scientists Jack & Maddie AU Part 4
Part 1 & 2
Part 3
Explaining The Papers (™) to Frostbite takes a While (also ™).
Though with no more imminent threat of “Vlad maybe finding out he’s the ghost king and becoming Insufferable (also also ™) about it” Danny was feeling a lot less stressed - Sam and Tucker, too, if the fact that they were actually drinking their tea now instead of just barely sipping at it was any indication - or they could’ve only just cooled enough to actually drink, the FF did tend to overestimate the level of heat they could tolerate just a tad.
Not to say that he wasn’t still stressed, given the whole “the Justice League is trying to summon ME” thing. But like. They were reaching out hoping for peace, not hoping to skin/dissect/exterminate him. 
Plus they don’t know how to summon him; he figures he has time. Hopefully enough to get Frostbite’s advice.
And mostly to cool his own nerves, because now that he knows they did try to help and are helping the Justice League is Cool again! And they want to meet him! 
Well, they want to meet the ghost king, but they already watched him! They thought he was a capable hero! 
Danny isn’t really used to getting positive feedback, so being called “good hands” by Superman - Superman! The hero! The Alien hero! (well, one of them. Martian Manhunter is also amazing but he hasn’t complimented Danny in person yet so he doesn’t have any expectations for Danny to live up to. Maybe. Hypothetically). 
The JL is so cool and they think he’s cool! Or at least capable! Except now he has to impress them not just as a hero but as a king?
Suffice to say, Danny is now a little nervous.
(And also maybe redirecting his nerves intentionally to be about the JL so he doesn’t have to breathe into a bag about being probably the only thing between the Zone and eventual total dimensional collapse because Frostbite was very ‘this is normal and okay’ about it but it’s eventual total dimensional collapse [ALL OF THEM] and it is Danny’s problem. But no, he’s just nervous about meeting the JL. Totally.)
Reciting pretty much his whole life story - well, the basics of his parents’ work and then pretty much everything from the portal onward - gives him time to untense, and honestly, getting it all out to a mostly uninvolved third party - one he likes and trusts - really is a weight off his shoulders.
He’ll never tell Jazz; the amount of I-told-you-so-energy she’d leech into the air would be unbearable.
Sam and Tucker tag in here and there too, and mostly take over when they get to the part where the GIW bought Fenton Works for a short while to try and destroy the zone. Danny winces at the memory of his behavior back then.
The explanation runs for longer than it could have, given the aside they make when they get to his parents’ theories. 
Frostbite is quick to confirm the combat-as-a-positive-social-behavior thing, and it turns out Sam is right about how to tell the difference.
Of course, Danny thinks they were all trying to kill him the rest of the way, but then that’s not a concern most ghosts have, so Frostbite offers his own perspective.
Skulker wants to hang his pelt on a wall: clearly unfriendly.
Technus is just having fun - enjoying playing with new technology in the living realm and throwing Danny around/being thrown around. He’s a friend. The whole world domination idea isn’t malicious as far as he’s concerned, because damage to the living realm doesn’t mean much to ghosts. What do they care about the living? What is the value of a single world as collateral when weighed against the games of ghosts? 
If Danny wants him to stop that, Frostbite tells him, he can just propose a new game.
Ember genuinely just wanted a powerboost from the Earth that first time, but her returns since are a gesture of friendship.
Spectra definitely hates him though. Which is good. He wouldn’t know how to feel if Frostbite had said that that whole mess was an attempt at friendship.
As for the thing with his parents, Frostbite compares it to winning a tournament only to find out the other participants lost intentionally. You haven’t really won a competition if the competitors were not competing. 
Like going in for a handshake only to get a “too slow” - even more insulting if it’s the first “too slow” you’ve ever gotten - Tucker suggests.
Or like asking a parent to a hug and only getting a wave. Not even a high-five.
They each go through another three cups of tea before the story winds down, Frostbite doing adding little more than the occasional nod or noise of acknowledgement - barring the social combat explanation, of course. 
It’s nice, Danny thinks, to have an adult that actually listens. Even if said adult is a dead yeti.
“You have given me much to think on Great One, Friends Sam and Tucker,” he says after the three of them finally run out of words, giving each of them a nod. “And soon, we shall have much more to discuss. First, however, it seems that I have a meeting to call. And you have living needs that require attending to yet. Eat, rest, and, if you would, return here… let’s say the day after tomorrow? Then we can begin to discuss the…issues. At hand.”
Back in the Specter Speeder, Tucker wonders aloud if “call a meeting” is code for yelling at the Observants.
Then he looks at his PDA and realizes how late it’s gotten - namely, past all of their curfews - and they promptly turn the conversation to getting their story straight (and three backups because they’re all feeling paranoid with how high-stakes everything suddenly became. Not that the occasional ghost looking to wreck earth wasn't already high-stakes, but the whole political aspect made it feel... different).
Danny is thankful it’s summer vacation at the moment, because the next morning is a Monday. 
He doesn’t know how he’d manage school with his mind miles away wondering about things like “how to king” and “how to maintain the fabric of reality” and other totally normal, non-stressful topics. 
Just normal high schooler things.
His parents are gone before he’s even up, leaving a note for him and Jazz on the kitchen table. 
They eat a quiet breakfast together.
The whole house is quiet. It’s unnatural, he thinks, and the small frown on Jazz’ face tells him she feels the same. 
They normally enjoy the brief lulls of quiet that their parents leave behind, but this is perhaps the first time they’ve ever missed breakfast - well, the first time they haven’t been in the house during breakfast at least. A welding torch, clanging metal, clinking glass, minor explosions, and excited shouting is the usual background noise of their morning meal - whether from the basement door or at the table itself.
This time, the silence is disquieting.
Even more so since it means that Danny could, at any time, be teleported somewhere. He really should have asked Frostbite about how that works before they left - they’d already missed curfew anyway.
After they’ve both finished eating, he takes the opportunity to fill Jazz in on the whole… everything.
She is, to put it lightly, Not Impressed.
“-s bad enough they let you fight Pariah Dark in the first place! You should never have been in that position! I know that you’re a capable fighter Danny, but you’re fourteen-”
“I’m almost fifteen,” he grumbles.
“You’re not yet fifteen,” she says, glaring into the distance, expression practically snarling. Danny thinks she might be imagining strangling an Observant, based on the… choice words she’d had for them earlier. “And they want you to be a king!”
Tucker chooses that moment to arrive, walking right into the path of where Jazz is glaring and freezing until Sam shoves him out of her way to close the door and drag him into the kitchen.
“Who spat in your cereal?” she asks, moving to sit and kicking the fourth chair out for Tucker.
“Whoever or whatever is responsible for deciding that a fourteen year old child should be king when there are no doubt numerous thousand-plus year old candidates who don’t have human lives they still need to attend to!” She bellows, throwing her hands up in frustration.
The trio exchange a glance while she takes a few calming breaths.
Danny kind of wants to point out that he isn’t a child, he’s a teenager. And she’s barely older than him.
But he does have some sense of self-preservation, even if there’s only so much self left to preserve. Heh.
Then she gasps.
“Danny! You’re still half alive!”
“Er, yes?”
“Maybe that’s why the Watching Wraiths didn’t say anything! Maybe you can’t be the Ghost King if you’re still partly alive!”
“But Frostbite said-” Tucker starts, only to be cut off by Jazz.
“Frostbite could be wrong.” She sniffs. “And even if he isn’t you there are millenia before it becomes a problem. The Zone can wait for you to graduate high school before it goes demanding things of you. Or longer.”
The words are decisive.
“The Justice League-”
“Can cope. They’ll be a little paranoid about retaliation, but a little paranoia won’t kill them. And maybe letting them stew a bit will teach them to be more active about taking down genocidal organizations before they hurt so many people.”
“That’s a great idea,” Sam says, tone saying the opposite, “except the part where they’re actively working on figuring out how to summon the ghost king - who is Danny - and are probably also going to try and make contact with Phantom at some point - who is also Danny.”
Jazz frowns.
“Well. You don’t have to be a king to talk to the Justice League. Just tell them you’re still too young - which is true - or that the coronation is going to take a long time to plan - which, according to Frostbite, would be a reasonable claim. And also true since you will not be taking the throne until you are at least 18 if the Fenton Peeler and I have anything to say about it.”
“Uh. I don’t know if the Peeler is the best idea. With your…aim.” Tucker cringes, shrinking back in his seat when her unhappy frown snaps to him.
Then she looks thoughtful.
“You know what. I’ll just use a specter deflector. You mentioned before how humans are ghosts in the ghosts zone; see if they still feel like making a child a king when they’ve got an unstrikable target punching their lights out about it.”
“Please don’t antagonize a bunch of ghosts who could try and attack you while you're sleeping,” Danny pleads.
“It’s bad enough that all this has impacted your sleep and grades and attendance records so much; I’m not going to let a bunch of ghost nobles - or whatever they’re called - mess things up for you even more. If they don’t like my proposals they can un-friendly fight me about it, and if you’re worried about retribution I can turn on the house defenses in my room when I sleep. But I am not letting this go.”
She stands.
“Since he didn’t give you a time, we’ll leave to visit Frostbite after breakfast tomorrow-”
“We?” the trio ask hesitantly.
“Of course. But for now, there’s something else we need to do, little brother.”
That said, she turns and heads for the basement.
Danny and Tucker blink at the abrupt departure, while Sam just frowns thoughtfully.
The three exchange one more meaningful glance, before sharing a shrug and moving to follow her.
They arrive in the basement to Fenton Fighting Ring rising out of the floor.
“Uh, Jazz?” Danny tries.
“We’re going to fight!”
In stark contrast to both her words and her furious demeanor upstairs, her tone and expression are bright and eager.
“Um. That’s. Nice, but you know that’s a ghost thing, right?” he offers hesitantly.
“I mean, I still fight with Dora,” Sam adds, the traitor.
“Thank you Sam,” Jazz starts. “But even without that example; you are part ghost, brother mine. That means fighting loved ones is a you thing. I love you, so of course I’m going to fight you.”
“Mom and Dad theorized - and Frostbite confirmed - that the fighting is a social behavior. Many social behaviors are also needs. Members of social species that are not allowed to socialize become stressed and their health worsens. Humans who don’t communicate with other humans for too long experience negative side effects, too little physical contact can lead to depressed mood and so forth,” she monologues as she moves into the ring.
“As you’re still half human, neglecting the social needs of your ghost half could negatively impact your wellbeing. Also. I’m your sister and I love you. If I could never hug you I’d be bummed. This is like the ghost equivalent of that. So. Square up, little brother.”
Danny is kind of touched, actually. 
“...Don’t you at least want an anti-creep stick?” he asks, gesturing at her general lack of ghost gear as he slips intangibly through the ropes around the ring.
“Nope!” She says cheerfully. “For this match we’ll be doing no powers and no weapons - just basic human strength and skill. We can try other kinds of fights later.”
Danny pales.
“No way! You’re a 4th degree black belt!”
“9th!” she corrects, still cheerfully - and she clearly means well, but for Danny that smile is beginning to look like an omen of ill fortune.
“That’s even worse!” he cries. “I’m only a blue belt! Barely!”
“I ~told~ you you should’ve stuck with mom’s training,” she sing-songs teasingly.
He cringes, but takes a stance.
“Now let's see how much you remember.”
That’s the only warning he gets before she’s in his face.
His strength, speed, stamina, endurance, and durability are all completely back to baseline in human form unless he actively uses his flight to compensate, but one thing he notes as the fight draws on is that his reaction speed is still the same.
Even so, it’s painfully obvious just how beyond him she is in terms of skill.
Without any powers to fall back on, Jazz runs circles around him like it’s nothing.
His reaction speed means that he sees everything she’s doing and that he has time to bring his arms up, but he keeps lagging trying to recall forms and getting shoved around for it, the defenses he manages too poor to be of any use. 
Other times he lags because he’s suppressing instinctual power usage.
And multiple times he accidentally, instinctively abandons proper stance all together, habitually falling into the stance of his usual “feral racoon” style of fighting - as Jazz had one called it - which isn’t much of a stance at all in a fight with no powers. Especially given how it's not made for someone fighting on the ground. She takes brutal advantage of every opening.
He’s on the back foot from the first second of the fight, and it’s obvious that it only lasted for longer than one because Jazz allowed it to, testing him.
It’s frustrating that he’s doing so poorly - he knows he’s doing poorly - but despite that, he really is having fun. 
It reminds him of the training spars at the Far Frozen - restrained skill set, fight with defined boundaries and win conditions-
Aaaaand evidently he let his mind wander too much. 
And Jazz noticed. 
And flipped him.
He’s thoroughly pinned in short order and he cannot for the life of him remember how to escape the hold short of cheating with intangibility.
“Uncle,” he calls.
Jazz pulls him to his feet and ruffles his hair.
He squawks indignantly, but she just chuckles.
"Good fight little brother," she calls as she slips between the ropes out of the ring.
"Our hero," Sam drawls as he follows.
Danny just pouts.
"That was just sad, man," Tucker ribs. "And I thought your early ghost fights were bad."
"I'd like to you do better against the 9th degree blackbelt," he grumbles.
"Don't fret, little brother. You'll improve with time," Jazz says as she rejoins them. "Though we'll have to do refreshers of all the previous levels first, given the amount of skill degradation I just saw. But with regular practice you'll back to your previous level and more in no time!"
"Uh. Refreshers?"
"Of course!"
"That seems a bit overkill just for sparring. Couldn't you just...wear a specter deflector or something? Then I can just not use karate."
Jazz, for the first time in a long time, levels him with a very serious look.
"You said that the reason Frostbite can't be the king instead is because he can't beat you in an all out fight. You told me the alternative."
She grabs him by the shoulders and stares into his eyes.
"Danny, Vlad already made a way to shut you away from your ghost powers. Frostbite may be unwilling to end you, and I don't think Vlad would. But you and I both know there are ghosts out there who would destroy you in a heartbeat for that power. And if Vlad has that kind of device, someone else could get one too. Ecto-weapons can give you a leg up if you get sealed away from your ghost powers, but you'll also need the skill to use them successfuly."
She lets go and steps back, tilting her head thoughtfully.
"Even with the ghost powers it's probably a good idea; the crown and ring might power you up but so did the exoskeleton. Clearly they aren’t the only power-ups out there so you can’t rely on strength alone. Skill could be the determining factor one day. And you already said you had fun," she smiles. "Come on little brother, give in to the karate side."
He grimaces.
"Didn't you say you were gonna make the royalty thing a non-issue for like three more years at least," he whines, slumping dramatically.
She raises a brow.
"A blackbelt isn't made in a day."
"Ugh, fine."
He's actually looking forward to it, but Jazz doesn't need to know that. He's duty-bound as a brother to be as annoyingly contrary about sibling bonding as possible, after all.
When Sam asks if they'll teach her and Tucker as well, Jazz is all too happy to include them - best not to have only one sparring partner, avoid forming bad habits and all that.
Both girls dutifully ignore Tucker's protests while they hash out a schedule. Danny pats his shoulder consolingly.
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cyber-clown · 11 months
zubat is one of my favourite pokémon and, because it is one of my favourite pokémon, i've used it in every single generation i've played where it's available. this has led me to notice that you can kind of use zubat to track game freak's evolving design ethos with the pokémon series allll the way from gen 1 through to gen 9.
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so if you don't know, zubat is a funny poison/flying bat pokémon. you can usually get it pretty early on in caves, usually sometime around the first gym. in gen 1 this is mt moon, gen 3 gives you zubats in granite cave right around the (mostly optional btw???) 2nd gym, gen 4 gives you them the moment you get to jubilife city, etc. it evolves into golbat at level 22, which doubles zubat's stats and lets it learn screech. golbat is a funny guy and i like him. don't know why they made him grow eyes though.
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point is, they're common and you get them early, so it's a pokémon that is very easy to slot into your team as a decent flying type with better utility and defenses (being a poison type) than your average earlygame bird shitter. they're also vaguely menacing if you're insane i guess so they're evil team fodder. ok. we know what zubat is now.
GEN 1: in gen 1, zubat's design is insane. early pokémon games are shocking well put together - for the bad rep they sometimes get for having a handful of prominent glitches, it's actually a testiment to the games that they just keep trucking through these insane edge cases rather than crashing. unfortunately, the design itself is... primitive. they had a smash hit but definitely hadn't fully found their footing. let's look at zubat's moveset.
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oh god! so, you would think this is a case of some kind of "first stage evolution syndrome" where zubat has a terrible, limited movepool that gets fixed when it evolves. gen 1 REALLY likes this gimmick: just off the top of my head this is the exact deal of abra and magikarp. unfortunately, no. the only damaging moves zubat learns before it evolves are leech life, a 20 base power (THIS IS LOW) move of a relatively weak offensive type, and bite. bite is fine. bite will hit most types except rock and ghost, and its power is fine. other than that, it just learns supersonic and a slightly less terrible version of supersonic.
then the insane thing: it learns wing attack at level 28. golbat learns it at level 32. it evolves at level 22. this creates an interesting dichotomy where on one hand you REALLY want to evolve zubat to golbat, given that it literally doubles its base stat total when evolving, but on the other that means you'll be waiting a full 10 levels from evolving to learn its only STAB move (in pokémon, pokémon get a 1.5x multipler to a move's damage if its the same type as that pokémon). said move only having 35 power. gen 1 is strange. i think this really shows the design philosophy of gen 1: everything is new, most things are weak, the balance is all over the place, you have to purposefully stop your funny bat from evolving for 6 levels just for it to learn a terrible flying type move that it can use for coverage. every other move it learns is either normal type or has <= 40 power. why.
GEN 2: gen 2 is the generation of "ok that was pretty good but had some pretty major flaws. let's try to fix them." gen 2 is kind of defined by how closely tied it is to gen 1. zubat is a great example of this. first of all the obvious thing: zubat gets a new evolution! if your golbat has high friendship and levels up, it will evolve into crobat. crobat gives the line about a hundred more stats (mostly to speed, with everything else getting a little peppering) and is maybe the funniest of all guys, his design being both cute, silly, and cool is maybe why i like the zubat line so much
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so what changes for zubat and its family in gen 2? three things of note! 1. more TMs to learn, giving it more tools to play with, including the new steel type move steel wing. 2. bite has been changed to a dark type move, giving the noble zubat more type coverage including the ability to hit ghost types and psychic types (who are normally strong against poison types) for double damage. 3. wing attack's power has been increased to 60 (almost doubled!) and it's level to be learnt lowered to... 27. 1 level!
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(from this point forward i'm not going to screenshot the TM learnset. i'll try to keep describing them, though)
also, the level requirement for bite has been moved to level 12, and it learns mean look at... level 36. ok so, yeah, not fixing the pokémon, but definitely some improvements here. you could actually reasonably recommend zubat to a friend or family member now if they particularly like its silly funny design
GEN 3: it's a new generation... literally. pokémon is now in FULL COLOUR and SYNTHESIZED SOUND on the GAMEBOY ADVANCE. pokémon is now fully establishing itself not just as a couple games and spinoffs, but a full on series that will ostensibly stick around between generations of games, generations of consoles, even generations of people.
so, yeah. this ain't your daddy's pokémon, he played pokémon red as a 7 year old but he's a full blown 13 year old now... much too cool to play these baby games. ...oh shit wait, every pokémon has an ability now? damn, nevermind, this rules! that's what i assume game companies think people will think when they do Big Spin Ups for a New Generation. i don't know if it DID convince a generation of millenium tweens that funny animal game is still cool, but the changes are appreciated anyway. steven stone is hot! i don't have anywhere else to say that. anyway, how did zubat change?
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our friend zubat gets lots of changes to keep up with the crowd now. bite has been moved back up to level 16, but zubat now gets astonish - a decent ghost type move that can flinch opponents, air cutter (this used to be TM only) - a slightly weaker and less accurate flying type move than wing attack, but one with an increased critical hit ratio AND it can hit multiple opponents in new-fangled double battles, and poison fang - finally allowing zubat to unlock its poison type STAB... if you either don't let your zubat evolve for 19 levels or, more realistically, teach it to your crobat at level 49... ouch! but, the biggest of them all: your zubat can now learn wing attack before it evolves! ...1 level before it evolves, but before it evolves!
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in addition, zubat's family got a new ability - inner focus: this lets them not get flinched. not that out there, but it's a welcome change! the line also gets a few more TMs unlocked, including coverage options like shadow ball, and the extremely powerful sludge bomb. you can really, finally, genuinely use zubat now! it's actually okay! it being a friendship-evolved pokémon is also ideal for one you pick up early game - you can usually evolve your zubat around the early level 30s, giving it a big stat boost earlier than a lot of other pokémon.
GEN 4: gen 4 is strange. it's a huge shift in the series, but it's also actually pretty similar to gen 3. it stays pretty true to the series roots, but also moves the ball in a way that would keep going and eventually mark what is effectively an entire change in identity for pokémon. steven stone is in heartgold and soul silver (yay!). gen 4 also cements gen 3 as the only generation of pokémon ever (so far) to be the only one on its console.
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we're making good progress here! wing attack can be learned even earlier, at level 17, meaning you should get it just in time for the grass type gym leader, bite has been reverted to being learned at level 13, and air cutter / poison fang have had the time you need to hold a zubat before they can be learned significantly turned down. if you do happen to hold your zubat until level 41, poison fang's spot has been usurped by air slash, a strong special move (gen 4 split all moves into physical and special, where before they were split between the attack / special attack stats by type) that has a 30% chance of flinching an opponent. zubat's physical stats may be better than its special stats, but only by a little bit, so this is a welcome option! zubat also gets a couple more good TMs, like U-Turn, a really strong move that lets zubat deal some damage and then swap with a teammate to hopefully avoid taking retaliation! anyway that's it really, just little steps!
GEN 5: here it is, the big one… the one that changed it all… just joking! infact, zubat didn't get a single move change in Pokémon Black and White, as it wasn't available to catch at all in that game! instead, it was replaced by the spiritual successors woobat and swoobat, cute fluffy psychic / flying types with little heart shaped noses - they even keep the theme of a closed pair of eyes opening up when evolved! i like swoobat's terrible, fleshy heart tail, too!
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anyway, zubat was revived in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, whereupon it did actually receive a moveset update. it's not a very big one, but it's appreciated!
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so, the pre-evolution options of astonish, bite, and wing attack have been moved a little further back, while players who wait a little bit are now able to learn the moves swift (a normal type move that never misses), and acrobatics (a move that has its damage doubled if your pokémon doesn't hold an item). cool stuff! air cutter, poison fang, and air slash have all been moved back a little bit. maybe this could be to disincentivise holding a pokémon that can evolve to learn moves, since this puts it much more in line with crobat:
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who knows? anyway! the other noticeable changes are the additions of a couple more TMs like venoshock (all TMs being infinite use now, so you don't have to worry about wasting a TM anymore!), a poison type move that doubles in damage if the target is poisoned (finally, more love for zubat's poison type!) and the hidden ability of infiltrator.
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what an unhelpful piece of flavour text! infiltrator is an ability that lets zubat ignore the effects of "barrier" type moves, which are moves that provide resistance or immunity to certain effects (such as physical damage, status effects, and debuffs). later on, this will be buffed to let zubats with infiltrator hit through substitutes, and even later will be buffed again to reduce wild encounters!
GEN 6: here's the real big one. gen 5 marked a distinct change in direction for pokémon as a series: a grander story, bold new characters, and a focus more on a journey that felt more like a hero's quest to prove themselves, rather than some random kid's uphill battle to get stronger. gen 6 took the new generation and made some bold decisions: now we have 3D models, and crazy plotlines, and fully arranged streamed music, and... much easier gameplay! well, easy is not the right word. pokemon games have always been kid friendly - but later games definitely try their best to streamline the experience. it feels a lot more like a power fantasy of a rise to glory, where previous games distinctly... did not. is this good or bad? well, it's all just taste! we all have our taste.
zubat received its major changes, again, in the second set of games of this generation: omega ruby and alpha sapphire. a step back to hoenn, including our good friend zubat!
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woah! can you believe this is even the same friend zubat we met all the way back in 1996? i'm so proud of him... well, what major changes are there? here's an easy two: venoshock is now a move zubat learns naturally, and almost every move has been substantially reduced in level up requirement! bite at level 11? wing attack at level 13? it feels like just yesterday we had to fight tooth and nail to keep bite at level 13! poison fang down by 12 levels to level 25, and so on. the big one here is that air cutter is now a move you can learn before even evolving zubat, giving you another flying type option! what could be awaiting us next, in the sunny alola region?
GEN 7: i like gen 7 :) i also don't know what preamble to give here. well, other than: gen 6 began the trend of adding a new "gimmick" every generation. these stick around for one generation, can only be used once per game, and provide some Big Flashy Effect. mega evolution was gen 6's, but that was restricted to a few specific pokémon (mainly fan favourites, no love for great pokémon like crobat... grr...) but gen 7 changed this: now any pokémon can use a Z-Power!!! once per game, a single move can be transformed into a powerful Z-Move, that does huge damage. this means our friend zubat can join the show. will it use a poison Z-Move, or a flying Z-Move, or maybe a random coverage move, like ghost or steel?
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um... what's going on here? zubat's lost leech life! well, look again. the iconic Zubat Move is still in its learnset, but it's now been QUADRUPLED in to 80 power, so it's been moved up and replaced with absorb as zubat's starting move. absorb is still stuck at 20 power. poor absorb. that's probably what it gets for being cousins with mega drain AND giga drain. crobat gets to learn cross poison on evolve now, a powerful poison type move that has an increased critical hit rate AND a chance to poison. other than these, zubat's learnset has not changed in any noticeable way. i guess that's a sign game freak has settled on a moveset to stay for our friend zubat!
GEN 8:
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what on earth happened here? where is zubat's iconic wing attack? leech life at level 55? well, generation 8, you see, represents a big shakeup for the pokémon series. the series has OFFICIALLY jumped from handhelds to the home console, and so naturally that leads to a very different design philosophy - including the removal of lots of moves from the game entirely, and the barring of some pokémon from entry to the region! zubat gets to stay, though, and its reward is an entirely retooled moveset. what can we make of this?
well, first of all, supersonic has been recognised as an Iconic Zubat Move after 20 years of proud service, being officially made a move zubat gets right out of the egg. it still sucks, but that's cool! wing attack and bite have been replaced with poison fang, retooling zubat to put the early focus on its poison typing: to this day zubat and its family are actually the only poison / flying type pokémon! air cutter has been pushed back above the "evolve threshold", where it joins a bunch of other iconic Zubat Moves. bite and leech life now languish, as moves that probably nobody will ever actually hold their zubat to learn, given it's only a couple extra levels for golbat / crobat to learn them. speaking of crobat, it's worth mentioning...
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crobat has a whole lot of tools to work with now! it's very clear they really wanted to play with crobat's unique role as a poison / flying type here by focusing a lot more on its Poisonous Traits - toxic, cross poison, and venoshock are all very fun tools you can play with that crobat gets access to with ease. what a treat! the number of TMs crobat can learn is also huge, with plenty of coverage across a bunch of types. now for gen 9!
GEN 9:
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oh zubat! you should have known that DUI would give you consequences. well, yes. this is zubat's journey so far. but i think that i've proven my point - you can distinctly see a shift from the early game pokémon design philosophy to newer games.
personally, i would describe this as going from the games being an "uphill battle to prove yourself" to a "journey across the land with your favourites". it's clear that, over time, there have been attempts to try and make a lot of pokémon more viable, so that if zubat is your favourite too you can pick it up and have it be useful almost right away, rather than its earlier role as a pokémon that takes a long time to get going but eventually gets tools that make it a lot more usable. i think this shows pokémon's shift to being more about the pokémon themselves rather than the journey, which is a safe decision that's probably made because every pokémon is somebody's favourite.
this has no real point by the way - i personally don't actually mind the newer direction of pokémon games (aside from the EXP share always being on...) and have enjoyed plenty of relatively modern pokémon games a lot - i really rememeber loving pokémon moon when it came out! but i do also enjoy the different "vibe" and experience of older pokémon games, and i think sometimes the best way to actually describe the differences is to just lay out them out, plain to see.
anyway, i hope you enjoyed and, next time you're in a dark cave, consider holding off on the repels. you might just meet your new best friend forever!
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astrronomemes · 11 months
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings to offer muses with romantic attachments an opportunity to discuss their feelings with a third party. ranging from in denial, head over heels, forbidden love, and unrequited feelings. pronouns and gendered terms are randomized. change & alter as needed.
“Oh, man, you’re in love with her?”
“Okay, fine, yeah, maybe I like him a little bit.”
“Of course I’m not going to tell her! She doesn’t like me like that!”
“Nah, we’re just friends. I don’t think about him like that.”
“She’s very beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Oh, come on, I just think they’re cool! That’s a totally normal thing to think about your best friend!”
“No, I’m not staring at her! I was just staring at—at that thing behind her! It’s not my fault she’s in the way!”
“It doesn’t matter how I feel about them, because we can’t be together. We just can’t.”
“Okay, so, we’re not actually dating. I just invited him to the wedding to get my parents off my back. Please don’t tell anyone.”
“I’m not in love with them. I can’t be in love with them.”
“We could love each other for the rest of our lives, but it wouldn’t matter. Our families would never allow it.”
“What part of ‘I can’t stand her’ and ‘she’s so annoying’ and ‘she drives me crazy’ makes you think I’m in love with her?!”
“Look, it’s just a little crush. It’ll go away soon. And I won’t let it interfere with our friendship.”
“I can’t ever tell him how I really feel. I can’t put that kind of thing on him. It’s not his problem.”
“She doesn’t feel the same way. She can’t. I mean, she’s so amazing, and I’m just... me.”
“Boy, you’ve got it bad.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, just make a damn move on them already! You two are so obviously in love with each other that it’s sickening.”
“You don’t need to be so embarrassed. Crushes are perfectly normal. They happen to just about everyone.”
“They’re just so amazing, and incredible, and awesome, and I just... I just really don’t want to screw this up, you know?”
“God, I’m so in love with him.”
“You really are head over heels for this girl, aren’t you?”
“Everyone can see it, dude. You’re not exactly being subtle.”
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 5 thoughts
rip rhea royce, you seemed cool so even though i knew your death was coming i’m a bit sad about it. at least you got to bully daemon before the end.
loved that we got to see larys strong do a bit of scheming and i am quite excited to see where his character will go.
house velaryon and driftmark seem extremely cool, hope we do end up getting a spin-off about them someday.
corlys i am TRYING to stan you but trying to marry off your daughter at 12 and saying your gay son “will grow out of it” is not great behavior.
i do love that rhaenys and corlys are a total power couple who clearly respect and love each other a lot.
i liked the the scene of rhaenyra and laenor walking on the beach and forming their alliance/friendship very much since i’ve always interpreted them as being friends.
i’m glad we got to see some of the relationship between laenor and joffrey before things went south, they seemed really good together and i do wish they had gotten their life of a king consort and his sworn bodyguard.
of the different rumors surrounding rhaenyra and criston cole’s falling-out i have always thought the one where he suggested they run away together and she turned him down made the most sense so i’m glad they went with that one.
i also appreciated that his bitterness towards her is not just “criston’s crush doesn’t like him as much as he likes her” but also his sense of ruined honor.
i Do Not Trust grand maester mellos, something is up with that man. please stop with the leeches i swear to god.
the velaryons entering the wedding was ICONIC, they are legends, they are the moment, i love them.
it was nice seeing seasmoke and meleys but where! is! vhagar!
lyonel strong remains the only person on this show with common sense.
daemon showing up to rhaenyra’s wedding feast despite being in exile was legendary, i expected no less.
also rhaenyra being mean to him when they were dancing and throwing his words back at him was excellent.
alicent entering the feast in her green dress and calling rhaenyra “stepdaughter” was such a power move i literally cannot wait for her villain era.
that wedding was So Fucking Stressful even though i knew going in roughly what was going to happen i was on the edge of my seat.
oh joffrey, if only you were not so good at sussing out who is sleeping together and criston could be normal about his break-up things might have had a much happier ending :(
was hoping we would get more than the few harwin strong crumbs that we did buuuut it seems like he’ll be important in episode 6.
i’m going to miss milly alcock and emily carey but i cannot WAIT to see emma d’arcy and olivia cooke, they are going to absolutely kill it
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
You are killing me with these stories! I swear I'll cool it after this one. Can I request Sev confessing his love for someone and also their first time together (wink wink).
Summary: Sev finds a painting you tried to hide from him, and it changes your relationship forever.
Pairing: Clone Commando Sev x F!Reader
Word Count: 2977
Warnings: Smut. PiV
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Ha! Sev fought me on this every step of the way, but I think its at a place where I'm happy with it. The smut scene feels kind of awkward to me, but I think that's because I spent so long trying to make it make sense.
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Your relationship with Sev has been anything but normal since the moment you met. 
Your friends, former friends at this point, thought it was funny to set you up on a blind date with your ex. The same ex who once kidnapped your tooka and forced you to shave your head because he didn’t like your pink hair. 
He thought, and they thought, that because they dropped you off at the cafe for the lunch date, and then left you, that you would be forced to stay, to work out your differences.
That’s not what happened. What happened is you took one look at him, spun on your heels, and left. You would walk home if you had to.
And that was when you met Sev. You quite literally ran into him while turning a corner, and you spilled his caf on him. You felt so bad about it, that you bought him a new caf…and a new shirt.
After that, you just kept running into him.
Sometimes quite literally, you’ve never been the most observant of people, though you’re not sure what his excuse is. 
Though most of the time, it just seems that you both happen to be at the same place at the same time. 
So, when the holidays rolled around, and you remembered that you had no one to spend them with, you invited him to your place for a movie marathon and some homemade food.
If he thought it was strange, he never said anything about it.
But that had been almost a year ago, and it had been the birth of a beautiful friendship. Sev is very respectful of your time, and he’s patient enough to listen to you ramble about color theory until your face turns blue, and he’s even amazing enough to ask you questions about what the paint on his armor, and his brothers armors, means to you.
So you’re a little enamored with him.
And by a little, you mean you want to climb him like a tree and have his babies.
Which is a totally normal thing to want with your best friend. And it’s definitely not weird or awkward at all.
You stare at the canvas you just finished, and then you sigh and you turn to look at your Tooka, “I think I’m in trouble.” The painting you just finished, the one that you’ve been working on all morning, the one that you just painted without any planning…turned into a painting of Sev.
Well, multiple paintings of Sev. In his armor, in casual clothes, laughing, lounging on the couch, leaning against a speeder-
You scoop your Tooka into your arms, “This is…totally normal. Right?” You ask the cat in your arms. “There’s nothing weird about painting multiple pictures of your best friend from memory…right?”
King meows disdainfully and jumps out of your arms. “Right. Good talk.” You say as he leaves the room, and you flicker your gaze back to the painting, “Right. Right! Sev can never see this. Maybe I should burn it?”
You yelp when the doorbell rings, and you immediately clamp your hand over your mouth, embarrassed that you had been startled so badly, “Uhm…just a minute!” You shout.
You stare at the painting in a blind panic for a moment, and then you rip off your smock and fling it over the painting, “Good enough!” And then you turn and hurry through the house to your door.
You press the button to allow the door to slide open, and you beam at the tall man standing on the other side, “Sev!”
He smiles at you, “Am I early?” He asks as he steps into your home.
“Nope, I just lost track of time.” You say cheerfully.
Sev crouches down to pet King, who meows pathetically at him, and then he flashes a small smile at you, “You were painting, weren’t you?”
You blink at him, and then grin, “Always.”
Sev stands and he lightly taps your cheek, “You’re covered in paint.”
“Wha-” You turn to look at yourself in the hall mirror, and then sigh, “Oh. Let me go get cleaned up. Make yourself at home.” You head down the hall to your room, and then you pause, and you spin and point a finger at Sev, “Do not feed the glutton.”
King meows pathetically at Sev’s feet, and Sev just smirks at you, “Noted.”
You hurry into your bedroom and fish out clothes that don’t have paint stains on them…or, well, clothes that don’t have fresh paint stains on them. And then you step into your fresher, and you realize that you somehow got paint in your hair.
You sigh deeply, and start your shower. Sev won’t mind waiting, you’re sure.
Once you’re clean, and dressed, you head into the living room. Only Sev isn’t there. King is fast asleep in his bed, and a quick glance at the door shows that Sev’s shoes are still neatly sitting by the front door.
“Sev?” You call.
“Back here.” His voice is coming from your studio. The studio with the painting that he definitely isn’t supposed to see.
You hurry into your studio and stop in the doorway when you see Sev looking at the canvas thoughtfully, “Uhm…I can explain…” You say quickly.
“They’re very well done,” Sev says thoughtfully, as he sets your smock on your stool, “But I don’t remember posing for some of these.” He taps a corner of the canvas, where the painting of him leaning against a speeder in his armor was depicted.
“You…didn’t. I sort of used my imagination?” You say hesitantly, “I mean, I know the human body, and I know what you look like, and I know what a speeder looks like, and it looks like something you would do-” You ramble quickly, your hands nervously smoothing through your hair. “And I didn’t think you would mind, and honestly I was going to burn the canvas anyway-”
“Why would you do that?” Sev asks, somehow managing to keep track of your winding ramble.
You blink at him, “Uh…”
He crossed the room, a glimmer of mischief on his handsome face, “Come here, mesh’la.” He guides you over to the painting, and then he settles behind you, his hands on your shoulders, “You are so amazingly talented.” He murmurs in his deep voice.
“Uh, thank you.”
“But I do have a question.” Sev continues as if you hadn’t spoken, “Specifically about this painting of me at the bottom left.”
Your gaze flickers to the painting at the left and you shift nervously, “Oh. That.”
“Yes. That.” You can hear amusement in his tone, which is annoying because you kind of want a hole to open up beneath you to swallow you whole, “It’s a very nice painting of me. You did an excellent job of making sure the tattoo on my chest is accurate.”
Your face flames, but you don’t say anything, so Sev continues, “But you know, that doesn’t look like my bed.” You face grows even hotter, “You know, it looks an awful lot like your bed-”
And you break. You press your hands over your face, “Please stop talking.”
You feel his hand slide to the back of your neck, and he, naturally, ignores you, “It’s a shame that the painting isn’t complete though.”
“What?!” You peek through your fingers at the painting, “No, it is.”
“Mm, no it’s not.” Sev reaches around you and pulls your hands down from your face, “I appear to be alone in your bed. You should be next to me.” He spins you so that you’re facing him, and you kind of wish he would release your hands so you can hide from his probing, expectant, gaze. “So you need to repaint it. And add yourself to all of those scenes.”
“But…I don’t understand why?” You manage to get out through your embarrassment, “I mean, I can’t even understand why you’re not furious about me painting that in the first place-”
“Hm,” He very carefully walks you backwards until your back bumps against the stone wall of your studio, “You can’t think of any reason why I might want you in the paintings with me?”
“I mean, not really?” You say, as you look anywhere but at Sev’s face, “You’re…ridiculously attractive even on a bad day, and the best I can manage is Hot Mess on a good one-”
“You’re beautiful and I’m in love with you.” Sev interrupts.
Sev releases a short laugh and presses his forehead against yours, “You’re welcome.”
You scrunch up your face, and you squeeze your eyes shut as your face burns, “No…That’s…I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay, mesh’la. Take your time.”
“You really shouldn’t be so patient with me.” You grumble.
He laughs again, and his breath is warm against your face, “I’m a sniper, gorgeous. Patience is what I do.” He releases one of your wrists, and brushes his fingers against your cheek, “You once told me that you paint the things that you love,” He murmurs. “You made a joke about not loving anyone enough to paint them, and then you paint me half a dozen times on the same canvas-”
“I…did say that, yes.” You admit.
“So, following that logic, you love me.” Sev’s voice is so warm, so comforting that the tension drains from your body, “But I knew that. You tell me that every time you buy me something new, every time you make me a meal, every time you send me a message while I’m away-”
“I say an awful lot, without actually saying anything.” You mumble.
“You do, or I’m just good at reading you,” You feel his lips, warm and slightly chapped, against the corner of your lips, “You love me, that’s not in question. The question I have is: are you in love with me?”
“There’s a difference I suppose?” You ask.
“Mm. If you’re in love with me then I can kiss you and do every other thing that I have dancing through my mind at every moment in time.” Sev murmurs, “If you’re not, then this is wildly inappropriate and I should stop.”
“Oh,” You whisper.
“So the question, my wonderful beautiful girl,” He lowers his voice a little bit, “Do you want me to stop or not?”
Your breath catches, and you slowly shake your head, “I don’t want you to stop,” You manage to get out.
Sev crashes his lips against yours in a proper kiss, and it’s everything that you’ve ever dreamed of. He kisses you like he wants to replace the oxygen in your lungs with himself, and it works. 
He pulls you away from the wall and walks you, backwards, out of the studio and down the hall to your bedroom. He never once pulls his lips away from yours for longer than a few moments. 
Sev kicks your bedroom door shut behind him, and he walks you backwards until you bump into your bed. And then he scrapes his teeth against your throat as he gently pushes you down until you’re sitting on the edge of the bed.
Your face is flushed, and you press your hand against his cheek, your thumb running along his cheekbone. Sev turns his head to press a kiss against the palm of your hand.
“Beautiful,” Sev murmurs.
You blush, but you’re unable to tear your gaze from his. He lowers his head to press his lips against the inside of your knee, and you’re immediately grateful for the fact that you didn’t have any clean long pants.
“Can I keep going?” Sev asks, his voice low.
You nod, mutely. And he huffs before he presses another kiss a little higher up. And then he surges up and kisses you, pushing you back until you’re laying down.
“My perfect girl,” Sev murmurs, “I need you to use your words. I know you, angel, you won’t indicate if something makes you uncomfortable.” His lips ghost against the pulse point on your neck, “So I need you to talk to me so I can hear where you are. Can you do that for me, angel?”
You nod again, and then you remember his request, “Um…yeah. I can try.”
“I’ll remind you if you forget.” Sev promises, he presses a lingering kiss against your throat, “I’m going to take such good care of you, angel.” You shiver slightly, and you feel him smirk against your skin. “Can you sit up, just a little, so I can get this off you?” He asks as he lightly tugs on your shirt.
You do as he asks, lifting your shoulders and back off the bed just enough that Sev is able to peel your shirt off, and toss it to the side. “You’re doing so good for me, angel,” He mumbles as he absently trails his fingers over the plain material of your bra, “Look at you. So pretty, better than I could ever dream.” His voice is a low purr as the praise falls from his lips.
His hands slide down your body, and settle at the waist of your pants, “Lift your hips, angel. There we go, just like that.” He slides your shorts down your legs, until you’re left nearly naked, with him still fully dressed. 
You lightly grip his shirt, and you tug on it, “Can you take it off for me Sev, please?” You ask, your voice soft and breathy.
He sits back on his heels and immediately pulls his shirt off, tossing it to the side to be dealt with later, and then he climbs off you just long enough to tug his pants and boxers down, until he’s totally naked. But he doesn’t give you time to admire him before he’s back on top of you and grinding his hard length against you. 
A muffled curse falls from his lips, “Want you so bad, angel,” Sev groans out.
Your fingers trail over his chest, tracing his muscles and his tattoos, and you’re not really sure what came over you, but you flash a small smile at him, “Not so patient after all, are you?”
His fingers pause just under the waist of your underwear, and then he presses his forehead against your shoulder as a laugh falls from him, “No, I guess about this one thing, I’m not so much.” Sev trails his fingers over the thin material of your cotton panties, and then pulls them down in one swift motion, “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Will you?”
“Yeah, angel. I will.” Sev doesn’t elaborate, as he slides his fingers through your wet folds, “Mm…you’re already wet for me, sweet girl.”
You blush slightly, even as you squirm under his probing touch. Sev watches you as he drags a single finger through your folds, he considers you for a moment, and then he smirks, “How flexible are you, angel?”
You stare at him, slightly thrown by the strange question, “Reasonably?”
“Hm…let me know if this position becomes uncomfortable.” He adjusts himself so that he’s kneeling between your legs, and then he slowly pushes your knees up to your chest.
“You still good, angel?”
“You sure? It’s okay if you’re not.” He rubs his hand soothingly down your leg and waits for a response.
“I’m good,” You reply, more confidently, “Just…I feel kind of exposed like this.” You admit sheepishly.
Sev hums thoughtfully, and then he reaches to the side and grabs your thin sheet, and drapes it over your chest and stomach, “How’s that, angel? A little better?”
You consider for a moment, “Yeah,”
He presses a kiss against your leg, “Alright. Are you ready to continue?”
You nod, “I am.”
“Remember, we stop whenever you want. No matter what.” Sev says in his deep soothing voice. You melt a little bit, how can any one man be so considerate?
And then you feel the blunt head of his cock against you, and you forget everything that’s not Sev. Slowly he pushes into you, taking his time, to make sure that he can feel every inch of you.
And by the time he bottoms out, you’re squirming and moaning under him. Quiet praise falls from him as he slowly pulls back out, until only the head of his cock is still inside you, and then slowly pushes back in.
He keeps his pace slow and smooth, not rushing either of your pleasure, in spite of the pleas spilling from you, or the way that you’re writhing deliciously under him.
Eventually the pleasure becomes too much for you to handle, and you start fluttering and clenching around him, his name falling from you like a prayer. And that’s when he starts moving faster. 
He releases your legs as you fall apart around him, adjusting them so they’re wrapped snugly around his waist, and he leans in to catch your lips in a deep kiss, while he fucks you through your orgasm.
It doesn’t take him long to spill his own release inside you, and he presses close to you as he thrusts shallowly until he’s completely spent. And only then does he pull back far enough to press feather light kisses across your face. 
“You alright?” He asks, sounding slightly breathless.
“Good.” Sev kisses you, deeply, and then pulls back, “Because that was only round one.”
“Round one?” You ask, still sounding slightly breathless.
“Oh, ner cyare,” Sev kisses you again and again, “You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
You flush, “Slightly, in my experience men can only go once-”
“That may be true, for some men, but, my sweet angel, I’m a clone.” His grin is wicked, “I fully intend to make you fall apart at least twice more. Maybe more, if you’ll allow it.”
Your lips part in surprise, and then a small grin crosses your lips, “Yes, please.”
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indihome-suck · 4 months
Inazuma Eleven. Good anime about soccer. And like anime, its very interesting and cool and it's about the power of friendship! And all of the characters are very queer coded and nd coded and they're literally Team as A Family and Found Family.
The players are all superpowered and insane and i love them all dearly
Season 1 is about the main team getting into the FF, and them nearly dying along the way! The final team they had to face was a bunch of kids who were totally NOT drugged to be crazy strong (i say clenching my fists and griting my teeth) and those kids have a god complex
Season 2? Oh honey, this one is insane. TL;DR, a bunch of "Aliens" came down and started destroying schools, the main team went out on a mission to be the best team to beat these "Aliens"
In this season the following are canon/was implied;
Multiple characters having mental breaks
Child experimentations
Forced amnesia
Emotional manipulation
Suicidal Ideations(??)
Survivals Guilt
Whatever the fuck Kiyama Hiroto has going on.
Season 3 (So far!) has been, pretty normal. Im nowhere near half way through but its been normal. And im scared about that.
Anwyays yeah, welcome to Inazuma Eleven. Its my silly little anime where everyone needs therapy
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sensei-venus · 3 months
Um um um what about one where Jacob and Xolo have actress!reader on their podcast and they are just talking about acting but Jacob stares at her thebwhole time and gushes about her roles she's done before and Xolo teases him for "fanboying" over and having a crush on her?
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(Unedited) (No Tags)
Reader really couldn't believe that out of all people Xolo and Jacob would be asking her to be on their podcast.
She originally met Xolo for a quick moment on a big red carpet event. It was months back and it was only for a split second. She had been seated at a table next to his for the dinner part of the event. They had simply said hi and that evolved into a quick conversation before the show started.
A week later he was sending her a DM though Insta a pretty normal conversation compared to some of the other weird messages she has gotten. He just made small talk and asked some general questions. It wasn't long into their small friendship that he asked the odd question.
“Would you be cool coming into the podcast with me and Jacob? As a guest start?”
She found it a little odd but didn't see a problem with it.
Sitting up in the middle of the night in her bed scrolling along. Her eyes reread the message over again to make sure she was actually seeing it right. Thinking it over the idea did sound kinda fun. She had done interviews before of course but never a podcast. It could be kinda fun and she would also be able to hang out with what she was sure of was a good friend. With the tap of a finger she sent a message agreeing to meet up and appear on the podcast the following month.
“Uh Reader are you in there? You okay?” Xolo’s voice broke her out of the small flashback she was having. Gathering her thoughts she nodded before looking over to the tanned man. He grinned as he started to walk into the small building. She quickly fell beside him as they made their way inside. Xolo’s smooth voice rang out “I'm so excited that you actually agreed to come on the podcast. I was kinda scared you wouldn't want to.” Reader laughed a little “Oh come on I couldn't pass up this fun experience! And plus this gives us a reason to actually meet up again, in person.” at that a switch seemed to flip on his brain.
His eyes widened for a moment as if he finally remembered something important “Oh yeah! I totally forgot that the last time we actually saw each other was when we were at that award event.” Reader nodded.
After walking around a few hallways they finally seemed to find the right door.
Before Xolo opened the door all they way he whispered “Dude Jacob is so excited to actually meet you so don't freak out if he's a little weird at first.” Reader raised a brow at him but before she could say something Xolo was pushing the door open. Walking in they were met with a pretty clean and comfortable room. It wasn't the usual set but it was very similar. The vibe was warm and friendly. A splash of oranges and reds filled the room in different things. Fuzzy red bean bags sat on the floor which had a amazing orange and red run underneath.
A few mics were laid around the room as well. A huge set of high-quality and expensive camera equipment. She could only guess that most of the other stuff behind the camera was their streaming equipment. Besides all of that stuff along with a few detective pieces, that was all the room had inside it.
Except for the person sitting in one of the chairs scrolling on his phone before looking up at them. Jacob grinned and shot up from his chair, throwing his phone back into the seat before walking over to them.
“Yo!! Man, you made it right on time I was just about to text you.” he gave the other guy a small side hug. Xolo laughed at his excitement saying “Yeah it's no big deal, I was just waiting for Reader to get here. I wanted to make sure she was able to find her way here. Didn't want her getting lost or anything, plus it gave up a minute to talk.” Jacob only blinked at him. His grin disappeared and was pulled into more of a small smile with a hint of flatness. The look made Reader want to say something but the words caught in her throat.
She had never meet Jacob before and almost all of what she knew about him was from Xolo. Colo talked about him quiet a bit in their texts to each other. It was pretty normals seeing as the two where such good friends and had been on the same show and set for so long now. Their friendship seemed sweet. She couldn't deny that in some of her free time she had sat down and watched a few interview clips of the two friends together. Their friendship was strong and she loved that for them.
Seeing Jacob in person was a whole new experience for her. She didn't exactly expect to feel what she was now feeling. Her cheeks heated up a little at the new feeling of closeness between them.
Jacob was both cute and hot all at once. He was extremely attractive up close and personal. Maybe it was just different then looking at him in some pictures or in a few videos online. Seeing him up close made her see a lot more. His eyes, his nose, ears and brows. All of those stuck out to her in a good way.
In some way her mind tried to rip those thoughts from her consciousness.
Two sets of eyes were on her and for once she felt a little nervous.
In a weak attempt to get the attention off of her for a moment she interjected into their conversation “So are you guys ready to sit down and record this thing?” both boys grinned at her and nodded.
Reader couldn't stop laughing at the boys and their silly games. The two were constantly cracking jokes throughout the stream. Every weird little comment and joke had her stomach twisting up in laughter. She had to cover her face for a minute as they all busted out laughing at something Jacob said a moment before.
The laughter slowly died down and soon they were all sitting in a nice calm atmosphere.
“So Reader now that we are getting into this, what has been your favorite role so far?” Xolo asked. Reader gave a small hum before thinking back to all of her past film roles. One of her favorites came to mind but before she could say it Jacob was blurting out his own answer.
“Mine had to be your character Missy from Sweet Dreams with Love. Amazing acting on your part and you pulled it off perfectly. I watched it like fine times, it's one of my favorite movies too.” his voice filled with a hint of excitement. Readers fave heated up a little bit. That was such a old movie that she had stared in. It was actually one of the first gigs she ever got.
Xolo leaned over in his chair a little “Oh so you know some of Reader's work then?” he said into the mic.
Jacob snorted saying “Yeah, Sweet Dreams with Love, Voice from Above, Ran Faster, She Sleeps at Dawn. I even watched that one show, Meet me at Freddy's that she was in for a while.” his voice started ti get a little more pitched as he went on “Her character type that she plays is just so good, and she plays them perfectly in my opinion. When I hear she's in something new I always just hope she's playing the same character type because it fits her as an actress so perfectly.” he sat back in his seat.
Readers face felt like it was now on fire with what she had just heard.
She couldn't believe that Jacob was a fan of her work like that. Hearing him talk about her and even the work she had been in made her feel all bubbly inside. She didn't expect him to name so many movies and tv shows. A feeling of warmth sped through her chest at the new information.
Xolo laughed loudly while putting his hands up “Wow okay so apparently our boi Jacob might just be a super fan guys. I'm learning something every day with this guy.”
“Don't make it sound weird man-”
“No no for Reader’s sake I will stop before you start fanboying again. You might start drooling on her or something, or worst try and hunp her leg in the studio. I don't want to see that and I doubt out views do either.” Xolo says pointing at the camera with a smirk. Jacob slumps back with slightly pink cheeks. His eyes rolling as he looks away from them for a split second. He's right back to his regular self only seconds later, cracking a joke not even a minute latter and making them laugh.
The rest of the show is spent talking and joking, having a good conversation about Reader's life and career.
But all that talking doesn't stop Reader from feeling all warm. Her eyes strayed from Xolo and the camera a bit too much. Instead they found their way to Jacob. Watching every slight movement he made. Like her brain was taking notes for something later. She didn't know why but the more she looked at him the more she questioned him.
She wanted to know more about him. What he liked and didn't. What his hobbies where and his favorite places to go.
She wanted to know if he really did like her characters.
Because if he truly did, then he would like her seeing as almost all of her characters were almost always tailored to herself. Every character that she ever tried to audition for was similar to her in some way. Her one flaw in acting was not being able to play characters she couldn't really relate to or channel. It was just one of her quirks.
Reader didn't really remember when the podcast ended but soon enough it was just her and Jacob left in the room.
Colo had already taken off after the stream had ended and he claimed to be going home to work on editing some stuff with it. This left her and Jacob alone. They cleaned up a bit before heading out together. The walk to the parking lot was a bit quiet. It was almost as if both of them were a bit embarrassed by what had just taken place inside. They walked side by side as they reached the main part of the lot. The silent was there and caused Reader to flake a little. Any thoughts of asking him about a thing faded. She realized that this was just a one time thing and the chance that Jacob would try to contact her again was-
“Hey so I hope me…sating all of that stuff on stream didn't creep you out. I guess I just get really passionate sometimes. I really do like your movies.” Jacob said while looking over to her. His face was serious, not like the humorous grin he was wearing almost the whole stream.
“No no! I'm actually happy that you like my work so much! It can be hard to tell sometimes if people like my acting or if they just like the movies I'm in. It's nice to know you liked, well me, in them. It's kinda refreshing I guess.” she couldn't help the small part of her that was insecure about her roles. It was hard for an actress like her to know if people liked her work due to her size sometimes. It was a pretty common topic that came up, she hated it. But it was still something she had to deal with.
Jacob seemed to almost understand where she was coming from.
“Yeah no I love you work! You do such an amazing job with your characters. Your also just a really good actress, and well a good person too I guess.” his voice cut out a little at the end. He was definitely hiding something. Reader raised a brow which had the guy every so slightly panicked.
“Okay so maybe I have watched a few interviews you have done and you were real nice. And you're super cute too so I mean you can't blame me for wanting to go watch some videos with you in them, can you?” his eyes meet hers. For a minute they just stood there looking at each other.
She couldn't help but smile at him “No I can't, that's very sweet of you.” Jacob’s look of panic eases at her words.
“Hey um why don't you take this.” Reader fumbled in her pocket for a minute. Feeling around she found what she was looking for. Pulling out a small piece of paper and shoving it into Jacob’s hand. He looks down at his hand in question. Before he could ask her what the paper was she had already started jogging away.
“Just call me okay? Or text me!?” her voice carried through the parking lot before she was out of sight. Jacob could only watch as she ran off. He looked down at his hand and flipped the piece of paper around only to find a business card with her name and number. He smirked to himself before slapping the light card around on his other palm.
He mumbled to himself “And Xolo told me I was being too much of a fanboy, well fanboy got the girls number so…” he laughed a little, giving the empty parking lot one last look before heading home for the day.
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vesteneris · 3 months
I love your Annie design soo much and the hc that her stylist dyed her hair red to match the capitol fashion more, I was wondering if you have any more Annie hcs? I would love to hear them ^^
ofc i have more hc, and sketches! >my Annie was a confident career >if it comes to her look she was latina with dark curly hair, and freackles all over her body
>from kinda rich family, her father had few fishing boats and she was going to take over the buisness after him, she was working with 16 yo old boy, who was later in the games with her (he was not a career and she didn’t know he would be in the games before volounteering)
>her bodycount in the games was 2 (bloodbath and the last standing opponent) on her own and next 3 when she was working with her District partner, so 5 in totall, and it was Annie's idea to cause an avalanche of rocks that crushed their camp, my girlie was determined to win
>my arena for 70th games is inspired by the Green Canyon in Turkey, mostly bc there is a dam right there
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>when everyone was thinking about her as a confident career she mostly wear bright solid colours
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(Everyday working clothes, Reaping outfit, 2 in-between-the-trainings outfits, and dress for the interview with ceasar)
>shes pretty tall (about 178cm)
>after her victory when everyone thought that she win because of her luck not her skills, her stylist starts to dress her in pastel colours that washed her out, to make her look more pale and innocent
>they also dyied her hair red and straighten it, get rid of most of her freackles, starts to just in general making her more white, just everything to make her look more Capitol
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>when they finally become a couple with finnick i imagine theyre dynamic kinda like this
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Like, c’mon, theyre both teenagers basicly, ofc they’ll be stupid together
>more than 1 year after her games annie could function pretty well (like, for her, not totally at her own, still with nightmares and with screaming crying throwing up, losing in her own thoughts etc) but whenever she would be put in public the capitol would put her on so many calming drugs to make sure she wouldn’t make a scene that she couldn’t even speak and wasn’t mentally present at all
>the whole crown for a Victor from president Snow? Don’t remember a thing. Learn that she was crowned from posters and tv
>thats kinda how her friendship with Johanna started, the new Victor was asked to hang out with previous games winner to make it look like Annie was cool and normal
>theyre trio of besties, Annie, Finnick and Johanna, No one can change my mind
thank you very much for the question anon, I’m just so happy that someone asked me this, I love talking about my version of Annie
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witchthewriter · 7 months
Probably a weird question, but which HP characters do you imagine as LGBTQIA or/and POC? (Because let’s make Joke Rollling/She Who Must Not Be Named… ANGRY!! 😏)
I would LOVE TO! J.K.Rowling is Rita Skeeter to me. Also you should look up 'The Worst Witch,' because it's basically Harry Potter.
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Most definitely black, or what if she came from an Indian family who wanted her to marry and the Wizarding World was her escape? She studies hard because this new world is a second chance for freedom!
I also wish Hermione was bisexual/pansexual. She and Ginny, or even she and Cho would make such a gorgeous couple!
I think it would have been cool if she was an albino (I am so sorry if that's not the right way to say it. I don't want to offend anyone). Her long white hair, pale skin, translucent lashes and brows. With beautiful purple eyes (this is actually how I imagined the Targaryens to look, not just having white hair).
She is definitely demisexual; only feeling attraction after developing a friendship first. I can also see Luna as trans!
I've seen some fancasts and fanart of Harry with his ethnicity being Indian, or Pakistani. Which I'm completely okay with. Maybe even James is half black, and that makes Harry a quarter, so it's still noticeable - and another thing that the Dursley's are horrible to him about.
I think Harry is Bi/Pan - I have this headcanon that he had a crush on Oliver Wood, and Katie Bell when he was in first year.
I honestly just see Ron as a normal hetero male. Honestly, there's nothing queer about him at all. But he is very supportive of his friends and family as well as the LGBTQIA+ community. He would always be at Pride with whoever asked him, and have anyone's back who needed it.
And the Weasley's are known for their red hair, so I think I would keep their heritage/ethnicity the same!
YES, THIS MAN IS A GAY MAN. But I feel as though he's very monogamous; he will love one person, even if they do not love him back, for the rest of his life. Like with Grindelwald, Dumbledore couldn't stop the feelings he had - even though the man was turning into a pretty evil one.
His sexuality always confused him. Because he was in love with Lily, truly in love with her. But sometimes he found James attractive, and he hated himself for it.
Shows himself as straight, but I think he's bisexual or at least bi-curious.
I think for his ethnicity, it can be the same. Pasty white skin, black hair, hooked nose. Maybe his family distantly came from a Mediterranean island?
Oh, I think keeping Draco white ... and maybe all the Death Eaters white would be saying a lot. They're basically Nazi's. So that wouldn't change.
Draco is most definitely bisexual. He was so in love with Harry, feigning it as hate. Knowing everything about him, staring at him from across the room. When he was younger, it was easier to see it as hate. But then when he turned 16, he felt a pang of desire for the Potter boy and the self-loathing began.
Falls in love very easily, but usually with a woman. Not to say he's completely hetero, I think he would be bi-curious, but I think he wants a wife with a big family.
I actually think Fred would be polyamorous. The kind where the girlfriend is allowed another boyfriend, not like Sisterwives. No, no. Fred would be totally cool with having a wife who has a boyfriend, and they all live together. Fred's a little fruity as well. I think he's one of those people that 'don't like to put a label on things.'
Pansexual. Pansexual. Pansexual. Doesn't care if you're trans, he loves a person for who they are, what they believe in, rather than what their bits are. One of the reasons why he ran away from home. He hates tradition.
I think the Black family could be from Sicily, I know that's not necessarily POC, I think with their darker features, they would easily reign from there. And Sicilians are known for always distinguishing themselves from any other Mediterranean culture.
He always thought of himself as straight. But that was until he met Sirius and he developed such a big crush on him. I think Remus would be Biromantic towards women but Bisexual towards men.
WHY THE HELL DID ROWLING CALL AN ASIAN PERSON, "CHO CHANG," PUT THEM IN THE "SMARTEST HOUSE". It's racism. That's how I see it. She does this with many characters, and it's ridiculous.
Anyway, I have no problem with Asian representation. But what if Cho was Native American? (I know Rowling made that whole other school but it was really problematic so to me, it doesn't exist).
Or have Cho as Chinese (maybe give her a proper Chinese name), and we can have another main character...like Hermione, or Katie Bell as Native American. I just think it would be interesting to see an exchange student from another country as well.
Lesbian. Poly lesbian. All those boys she went out with in Hogwarts were actually just beards. And she was having a secret relationship with another girl in her year. However, the polyamory doesn't come out until she's in her 20s.
Polysexual; sexual or romantic attraction to people with varying genders. Polysexual orientations include bisexuality, pansexuality, omnisexuality, and queer, among many others. Basically, he can be attracted to anyone. But Fleur was the one who captured his heart fully and wholely.
Asexual; I know he isn't in the movies (WHY?!) but he spends all his time with Dragons, and I think that will always be his main love and passion.
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thewiz9062 · 2 months
Smiling Critters AU: Familial Relationships & Friendship Status Headcanons
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. That means EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK I'm jumping straight under the cut, these are pretty long so be warned
Bubba's relationship with his parents is pretty good. The only reason I say "pretty" is because he feels like they "undermine his intelligence." In reality, he just wants to help them. In his younger years, he accessed the internet pretty easily and used context clues to figure out that with all the factors of an adult life, they weren't doing so well financially. But he saw a solution: a lot of people who have easy lives have a good education. So, he got to work, teaching himself anything and everything. He even (somewhat legally) got multiple jobs, ranging from tutoring to coding and other similar occupations. He hid these from his parents for a suprise. (This is when he was about 8, but my timeline is weird rn) anyways, he in total made a LOT more money than any child should have. Eventually, he told his parents and told them about his entire plan to help them. They exchanged a few words between each other and turned back to Bubba. They told him that they were very proud of him, but he shouldn't have to worry about things like that at his age. He understood because he knows that a lot of kids his age don't know a quarter of the stuff he does, but he also felt betrayed. As if they think he doesn't really know anything. In reality, they just want him to be able to live a life without their own issues, dragging him down. But they still are a happy family. There are just a few misunderstandings. Moving on, he still kept those jobs to the present day, meaning he's (for lack of a better term) loaded. In terms of the friend group, he is the one to give out life advice and such. He also funds their more expensive outings. If bobby is the "mom friend," Bubba is the "dad friend." Speaking of which, Bobby is his closest friend outside of Kickin. They both care for their friends and family, even though they do in different ways. He's still in good light with everyone else, though.
Kickin has fairly normal parents. They were a bit concerned with his behavior shift, but after meeting Bubba and his family, they were able to see him truly happy again. They care about him, like parents do. In regards to the friend group, Bubba and him are attached at the hip. If you were to invite one, you'd get the other. Package deal. This made and broke a lot of parties or outings with their peers, but with the critters they're both welcome anytime. Outside of Bubba, Hoppy is his closest friend, Dogday coming at a close second.
Hoppy's parents are her biggest inspiration. Athletes, just like she wants to be. They're pretty chill with each other, and they support her dreams. With the friend group, kickin is her best friend, but bobby is cool to her as well.
Crafty's parents are total assholes. I've gone over her parents before, but to give a brief summary, crafty wants to be an artist because she genuinely enjoys it, but her mother wants her to follow in her footsteps and be a model, simply because their rarity as unicorns. Her father knows, but doesn't care what she does either way. He's off defending people in court most of the time, and it was an arranged marriage anyway, just to keep the line going. (Not incredibly proud of this one, but it'll do). Whenever she wants to hang out with the friend group, she usually appears in far too expensive clothes for the activity, but Bobby's usually prepared and brings some clothing that Crafty feels comfortable in. She's closest to Dogday, him being the one to help her make friends in the first place and give her the motivation needed to be proud of her art.
Bobby's parental situation is bittersweet. She's the only critter with siblings, and regularly has to watch them because she has a working father, and her mother divorced him and didn't get custody. She is understanding and is more than happy to help, much to her father's regret, him having wanted her to have a normal childhood. (See why her and Bubba get along?) This led to her being essentially their mother. She wasn't exactly alone in this, as Picky Piggy was a huge help in some departments. Eventually, her father started earning enough to pay for a babysitter, allowing Bobby to be normal. But old habits are hard to shake. In the friend group, she is undeniably the mom friend. Other than picky (which she knew before joining the critters), Bubba is who she's closest to, for sharing the same goals: to help. Dogday makes ideas and plans, but bobby and Bubba make sure they go flawlessly.
Picky is also pretty normal. She has parents that support her culinary arts and had a few friends before joining the critters, including Bobby. Her knowing bobby immediately places her as Picky's closest friend, but she's fairly indiscriminate to everyone.
Another one I've gone over before: Catnap lost his parents at 4 (cause of bye-bye still pending and I honestly need help) and has lived on his own ever since. He's not COMPLETELY parentless, though, even though he'd never admit it. Although he never shows it like ever, he appreciates boxy boo just stopping by to check on him. In terms of friends, he's not actually an official member yet, but Dogday, Bobby, and Picky know him. Bubba and Kickin know of his existence because Dogday muttered his name when planning their sleepover but have yet to meet him. Dogday is his best friend, and wants to help him see that although it's great to be happy, he's still human (ik ik he isnt but yk what I mean) and is allowed to see things in a negative light sometimes.
Dogday was abandoned by his parents shortly after he was born, and was put in an orphanage and has lived there since. Just like catnap, however, he's not totally fatherless. One time, during one of the rare outings when one of their caretakers would take them to the local park dogday and wanted a balloon but didn't have a quarter to pay. Luckily for him, someone came and bought one for him. That someone was Huggy Wuggy. They became acquainted after Dogday thanked him, and anytime dogday visits the park, they sit on a bench and talk about things. (He also learned that Huggy gives the greatest hugs and now he won't leave without one everytime he has to go.) In terms of the friend group, he was the one that brought most of them together and along with being generally likeable he's in great standing with all of them. Though, hides the fact that he lives in an orphanage, thinking that they would treat him differently. When he met Catnap, however, they bonded over their lack of biological parents, and they became best friends. Dogday, even though he barely knows more than Catnap, wants to teach him how to make the best out of situations, even when times are bad.
Edit: tumblr try not to post my drafts challenge go- failed
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