#v x iu
ratherbefangirling · 4 months
Love wins all: perfect imperfect
An AU because I can't get it out my head but also I can't think enough to write a fic 🤧 unedited as usual. Or is it fic 🤔
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Warning ⚠️: alludes to abuse, bullying, insensitive words for disability. And I clearly don't know anything about disabilities so please I'm sorry if I made a mess of it.
Genre: angst
Taehyung's life sucked. It truly did. It was like a downward spiral. Going round and round until he was worse off thereon from where he started.
Nobody knows they are different until somebody points it out. Taehyung grew up with his halmeoni, his grandmother who he adored. Loosing his parents had not been a tradegy when he never knew them to begin with.
He hadn't paid much attention to his eyes. He was half blind and really he could still see. He just tripped a lot more. When he'd be a little older the doctor would explain about all the medical jargon. But when he was little his grandma told that the heavens made him so beautiful that michievious devil's in their envy stole his other eye and if he were good one day the angels would bless him.
Then his grandmother died. And all the fairytale with her. His uncle adopted him. They had a deal. He fed and clothed Taehyung. Taehyung kept the house clean and stayed out of trouble. Sometimes his uncle felt nice enough to buy him strawberries. Sometimes he felt bad enough to turn his skin into strawberries.
And so Taehyung trembled as if winter had seated into his bones... despite that Taehyung didn't hate his uncle. At least his uncle didn't abandon him like his mother who'd found a new rich lover and dropped her infant and disappeared. An imperfection in her perfect world.
Then his uncle died and Taehyung figured it was his destiny to be abandoned.
As he bowed quite listless infront of every one who came to the funeral.
Poor thing.
Cursed child.
Devils spawn
Pitiful boy
Have you seen his eyes? They gave me such a scare
He's heard it all before. Everyday at school it's fascinating how kids can't get tired of pointing out the obvious. Pathetic people who thrive of the misery of others.
Suddenly a hush fell over the funeral hall. A man in an expensive black suit, surrounded by bodyguards came to pay respect.
"Im sorry for your loss mister?"
"Kim Taehyung."
"Yes, I'm the owner of the factory your uncle worked at as an apology I would like to provide compensation."
Taehyung nodded. The rest of it was a blur. He remembers drinking some of his uncle's liquor. Eating expired ramen. Laughing so hard and crying till he fell asleep. He remember meeting the lawyers and signing things he didn't understand and then he finds himself new uniform, new books in hand in front of a building so magnificent he felt cheap.
Soul Highschool for children with special needs.
He thinks his old classmates will have quite a laugh he's in a school with his kind. In a school of freaks they'd lovingly call it.
And maybe the universe finally felt bad for him because there he meet Jieun. His Jieun.
He sees her and thinks oh he's so grateful he's alive. She's beautiful. Like a blossom in the winter. Like spring. Like an angel.
When the teacher assigns Jieun to show him around. He follows her a little dazed. Almost falling like he always does and she gives him her hand like it's the most natural thing in the world, like being kind to him is so easy and its worth scraping his knees sometimes to see her smile at his dorkiness and so he can stare at her as she carefully bandages his knee blowing over it softly and the pain almost disappears.
You should be careful
She writes on her notepad and he nods.
I can't see in 3d like others.
He writes back.
If you speak slowly I can read your lips. . I mean you don't have to write to respond
He nods in understanding and she smiles at him. And he smiles back. And it's a first smile in a long while, a small smile that lasts a long while.
So everyday little by little she guides him where the slopes are where the flowers are (because in this school they had textured walls and scented herbs and flowers so that the kids have easier time figuring out their class rooms on the basis of scents and touch)
One day they are sitting together eating when he sees her talking in sign language.
Teach me
She nods. And then everyday little by little he learns to speak to her. By touch, by taps, and maybe he's taking advantage of the situation and you know he shamelessly is. Calling it their secret language. He holds her hands.
One squeeze for yes. Two for no. And three for I love you.
And the fourth for I love you too.
He thinks she can tell. When they're out at the mall and he holds her hands claiming he can't see properly and he needs her to guide him.
He's allowed to have this advantage atleast.
So she takes him and he follows. Because really for her he'd go wherever. As long as they were together.
He can't tell who confesses first. He can't remember who kisses first just the tang of strawberry lip tint makes him smile cause really. How can someone be so perfect.
And then he becomes greedy all the time ceaselessly touching tapping pinching... till she playfully shoves him away pretending to be angry.
They come to take photos in the photo film booth to mark their year of togetherness(the happiest year of his life(sorry grandma he apologises to his grandma promising to put extra strawberries in her memorial this year)).
He pulls her closer. And she melts into him. And really he couldn't be happier. He pulls out a ring asking her to marry him. And he's glad he chose the moment because now her surprised face sits on their side table. And she's tried getting rid of it. But he won't let it happen. He wants all of her the bad the good the ugly the beautiful the stubborn the sweet the soft the sour everything until the very end .
I look ugly
Is it possible for the most beautiful girl to look ugly?
He signs and kisses her.
Dearest darling my universe.
And Taehyung believes he's cursed. He has to be because there is no other way to explain what happens next.
He's never paid much attention to news. He never has had time for it. It's nonsense most of it he thinks. Until the government declared to save the planet they'll eliminate the defects.
Defects. . .
Their cozy home was destroyed. It felt now like a dream he had conjured to keep himself safe, if not for the sound of Jieun breathing and her head on his lap as she rested.
She's so beautiful.
Even with the scars and dirty clothes and her bones that become prominent as there keeps being lesser food to scavenge.
She reaches out to him. He smiles at her as she wakes. He can't see her clearly but she is all He can ever see.
He know there situation has made her more frustrated. She wants to call out his name but instead she digs her nails into him. That's her way of screaming.
He still remembers the day their old safe house was discovered in the mayhem he'd lost sight of her and the crowd pushed her away.
I lost you I almost lost you.
And with the fear thudding in his heart he didn't know how to comfort her.
He knows not many people are left. It really doesn't matter. What matters is they can have one more moment together. Stay together a just a little longer. Cause he's not quite ready to loose her. He never will be.
They still have hope that their old safe house is safe, praying once the cubes are done with their work they'll move on to a different target because surely they won't search the same place again.
It's a flimsy hope. But hope all the same.
Their safe house is the same mall they had their first dates on.
But nothing was the same, infact it was entirely different.
They both were tired. He could tell. Their conversation had dissipated to save energy for survival.
Until they found the camcorder. It was an old model. And somehow the charging remained. It had a soft filter mode. And through its lens everything looked more dreamy. Perhaps all this was a bad dream. And they'd wake up and everything will be alright again.
Kim Taehyung-ssi would you like to say anything to the camera
"I would. Actually I'm on My way to propose my beautiful girlfriend and we're going on a date tonight. So wish me luck."
She smiled. He took the camcorder from her.
"Let's go. We'll be late for our reservation."
So off they went to play pretend in the finest restaurant of the mall.
Taehyung pulled out a ring he'd stolen earlier when she wasn't looking. At least he hoped she wasn't. (But she was... Always looking at him. Her eyes couldn't settle elsewhere and when he smoothly (or so he thought) pocketed the ring she suppressed a giggle pretending not to notice)
Will you marry me?
She squeezes his hand.
He laughs lifting her spinning her around.
I saw a dress shop on third floor.
He tells her excited. And she takes his hand and off they go. Through the shadows and the flickering lights. They reach the fancy wedding boutique. Trying on different dresses and suits.
Taehyung remembers asking her, back when things were different. In another cozy afternoon on their soft bed as he played with her hair.
How would you like our wedding to be?
I would want to invite everyone and have fun. To dance and sing and be merry.
To sing?
He asks curious.
My friend told me you had a lovely voice. I'm jealous I can't hear it.
So Taehyung had gone and recorded his voice and turned it into beats so she could enjoy it.
And maybe it wasn't a wedding she dreamed of but it was a wedding. Because what more did a wedding need than a groom and a bride who loved each other.
Laughing, playing around, slow dancing in each others arms as if they had all the time in the world. Looking in the mirror like it's a portrait as the camcorder captures the dreamy glow in their faces.
Should we go see our photobooth?
Taehyung only smiles in return.
So they go through the debris as her dress trails through the dirt. And like a miracle it's still there up and running.
So they both sit, squeezing into the booth. As the lights flashes. He squeezes her hand thrice and she squeezes it four times in response.
Jieun gets out excited to see how the photos have turned out and Taehyung watches his lovely bride. She turns to show him the photos and that's when she sees it. The cube.
The sentinel being that has ruined their live. Their future, their hopes and dreams all shattered.
She drags him away and he follows. She thinks she's escaped it when she sees another. It dawns on her that the only way to escape is to go through the center of the mall. Through the grave of clothes.
She runs and runs but it's too late. It has seen them.
And it's in front of them.
Instinctively she picks up a pipe from the ground easy to fight to defend.
Taehyung sees her and takes it from her ready to defend to protect. Pouring all his rage and frustration into hitting it.
But the cube remains unscathed.
All Taehyung can think of is that it can't end like this. He's not ready to let her go. But when rage is gone despair remains. He feels her hold him. He's wrapped in her arms trembling like he's a child again. She covers his eyes in her last attempt to protect it and he can swear he heard her say I love you
And then nothing.
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Tumblr deleted the last part I wrote earlier TT from the proposal part if its weird that's why I'm sorry I tried.. but I hope it turned out ok. Ugh its so irritating.
Permanent Masterlist: @mintsugarmy : @cryingpages : @exfolitae
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meroutro · 4 months
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love wins all
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millswaffle · 4 months
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝑨𝒍𝒍
You begin to stir in your sleep, the sounds around you being ever so sweet in the morning. The birds chirp away their melodious morning song, the wind softly howling through the open window, the breeze dancing along your skin, the soft comfort the sun gives as it lays across the bed, and the warm inviting hug from the sheet above you. You look around in the cabin you call home. Until your eyes land on the person sleeping softly on you. Brown soft locks sprawled out on your chest. A toned body holding yours. Little snores escape his pink lips, and his eyes closed sleeping happily with you. You smile to yourself.
You and Eren escaped from Pardis and decided to create a new life together. Here in the small cabin away from all the fighting and wars. This is the life yall wanted. A life without running, without living on death's time. A life where you could enjoy the man you loved. Happy and in peace.
Eren begins to feel the soft pads of your fingers on his scalp. Carefully messaging and tangling his hair. He stirs a bit, lightly placing a kiss on top of your breast. His hand rubs soft circles on your slightly exposed waist. "Morning Ren~," you say softly, moving your hand down to caress his cheek. " Morning baby," his husky voice rings through your ears, erupting butterflies in your stomach. His voice in the morning always managed to make you melt into putty. "What should we do today?" you ask. He stays quiet for a bit, before holding you closer, inhaling your scent to have it burned in his memory. "Let's just stay in bed," he looks up at you, his green-teal eyes looking lovingly into yours. You smile and place a light kiss on his nose. "Ok," you say in a whisper before you stay quiet. None of you speak, just embracing each other. Bodies touching and breathing the same breath as you two inhale and exhale quietly.
He hums softly.
"You know what my favorite thing to call you is?"
"A suicidal bastard?" he chuckles softly.
You lightly smack his arm, "No dummy. You're my dearest, darling, my universe."
Eren smiles widely, knowing that's your way of telling him you love him dearly. He lightly kisses on top of your breast again before lightly trailing up to your lips. He stops before kissing your lips, to only admire your beautiful face. "I love you," he says before placing a long kiss on your lips. You sigh into the kiss, letting him lead you deeper and deeper into his warmth.
"I love you too" Those were the last words you said to him.
Living without Eren, was the hardest years you ever lived. Crying almost every day. Missing his touch, his voice, his cocky attitude, his smile, his smile. You never stopped loving him, not even after your last breath.
You opened your eyes, to only meet those green-teal eyes. You saw him. Eren. Your Eren. You hugged him tightly, kissing all over his face. Knowing that you will be able to spend eternity with him.
Your love has never been easy. They're where many bumps on the road. Yet, at the end of the day, your love wins all.
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onigiri-dorkk · 5 months
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A k-artist I love, IU, is coming out with a new song! Plus a music video featuring V of BTS. But the teaser image looks SO. MUCH. LIKE. LEVI AND MIKASA. I screamed!!!!
IU’s hairstyle and bangs. The scar on her cheek!
V’s hairstyle!! And his straight cat-like eyes!!
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marblemoonstones · 4 months
gone astray ❤️‍🩹
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main masterlist
summary: you and taehyung are scared, but at least you’re together.
warnings: f reader, deaf!reader, blind!taehyung (in one eye), angst !!, not edited much
word count: ~3.1k
a/n: please go watch the music video of love wins all by iu, as this is based on the video! (it’s also just a masterpiece) i included some song lyrics in it, but it’s not officially a song fic. 
i hope the multiple povs make sense. i tried my best to label them so you could tell them apart!
also, i did my best to show a deaf reader accurately, but i know that it’s not completely accurate, so please excuse me if i portrayed something inaccurately. the same thing with taehyung being blind in his right eye!
♪ run away from the world, run on
go to the end with me, my lover
will it be a bad ending for us two, gone astray? ♪
~ her point of view ~
The leaves crunch underneath my feet as Taehyung and I run through the abandoned forest. Even though I’m tired, the small shadow above my head reminds me that we’re running for a reason. They can’t find Taehyung and I. We both promised each other that we’ll be together until the end. And we’ll keep it.
They fly past a rundown building, giving us a moment of relief. Signing to him, I say, “Let’s go this way.” 
As quiet as we can, we sneak into an abandoned building. Passing a giant crater filled with water, we stop, staring at our reflections. 
Mud and dirt cakes my cheeks, and dried blood sits on my face as a reminder of what consequences our friends faced. I look like a mess, while Taehyung, even with the same marks, looks as handsome as ever. 
“I look like a mess,” I sign to Taehyung, trying to finger comb my hair.
He just grabs my hand, making me pause and look into his brown eye. A small smile appears on his face as he brushes a stray hair aside. 
I know this is his way of saying that I look beautiful. He presses a short kiss to my cheek, and that’s when I realize we’ve been standing out here too long. 
I gently tug his hand and lead him into the building. 
♪ dearest, darling, my universe
would you take me along? ♪
The steel walls lead us to an open room with high glass ceilings that has a giant pile of clothes in the middle. There’s no bodies, just clothes.
“Is this what happened to our friends?” I sign to Taehyung, gesturing to the heap. 
He just shrugs, wrapping his arm around me, his brown eye sad. I stare at his blue eye, the misty look in it familiar. 
Two people with differences. This is what makes them come after us. Our friends already got the punishment. It’s up to Taehyung and I to survive. 
All of a sudden there’s a shadow above the glass ceiling, and I drag Taehyung behind a turned over piece of furniture. 
In each other’s arms, I feel secure, if only for a fleeting second.
♪  far away in the universe from earth to mars
will you please go with me?  ♪
After they pass, we decide to keep moving. We find side street with empty shops that’s just outside the building. It’s littered with debris and dust, but it’s hidden away from them, so we pause. 
There’s an old mannequin in one window that’s surrounded by TVs, and on top of one of them there’s a grey camcorder. 
Taehyung grabs it as I look around.
-his point of view-
Holding the camcorder up to my left eye, I peer through it, curious. To my surprise I see her. But not in the present. 
She’s healed and it’s as if it’s before they came. It hurts my heart to see her like this as I think of what our life was before them. I have to pull the camcorder away before my tears threaten to fall. 
~ her point of view ~
Taehyung pulls the camcorder away and I swear that I see a glimmer of tears in his eyes. I give him a questioning look and he just hands me the camcorder, urging me to look through it.
I do as he says, and my world is now back to before. My Taehyung is back to before. 
Walking slowly over to him, I reach my left hand up to touch the side of his face, all while still holding the mysterious camcorder.
I feel his soft skin beneath my fingers, somehow forgetting about the cuts and scratches. 
He’s back. 
My love, before they came, is back, with both of his umber orbs that crinkle at the corners when he smiles. 
I smile through the tears as I slowly pull the camcorder down.
The grey world comes flashing back, and there’s my love now. Still as beautiful as before, just with one cloudy gaze. 
♪  crush me in your arms
give me a lovelier kiss, lover ♪
I grab Taehyung’s hand and decide that we need to leave this area, having stayed in one spot for too long.
“Let’s go,” I sign, sighing as I look around. This was a nice respite but we really should keep moving. 
I turn to go but Taehyung stops me by tugging gently on my hand. Looking at him, I see his finger pointed. Following it, I see the dirty street sign that says ‘Magnolia Street.’
I know why Taehyung’s pointing to it, and I know he wants to visit it, to see if it’s still intact. Of course, I also want to visit our old home, but I’m not sure if I can with all the memories it holds. 
Then I look at Taehyung’s face. His eyes are pleading and I can already feel my resolve crumbling. 
I nod.
♪ love is all, love is all
love, lovе, love, love ♪
Taehyung and I had bought the house when we were first married, excited to fix up the two-story. We painted the walls together and chose the furniture, two young lovers with no idea of the future. Those were some of my happiest days. Being able to be with Taehyung all the time made my heart almost burst with joy. 
Now, the cheerful yellow paint is peeling and as I open the creaky front door I gasp at the state of the inside.
There is a thick coat of dirt and dust everywhere, and many holes in the carpet. The walls are peeling and I can barely stand to look at the furniture because of its condition.
I feel Taehyung’s hand rub mine, and I try to relax, even as my heart is clenching. 
Walking through the living room to the dining room, I look at the table, still set up with cutlery. The dead flowers in the middle add to the dreariness and I inhale a cloud of dust as I sit down. 
Taehyung sits across from me and pulls out the camcorder, once again peering through it. 
I smile slightly as I pick the fork up and bring it to my mouth, biting into a fake piece of food.
-his point of view-
The colorful world is back again as she takes a bite of the delicious looking pastry. Her eyes shine as she chews it, and flowers are blooming on the table, highlighting her beauty. I feel myself smile.
~ her point of view ~
Taehyung smiles and I blink wistfully. 
“I can almost taste it,” I sign, imagining eating a fluffy piece of strawberry cake, not unlike the one we had at our wedding. It was so rich and Taehyung and I fed each other a piece, eyes glowing at the sugary goodness.
I reach for the camcorder, taking it and signing to Taehyung, “Your turn.” 
As he mimes a bite, I look through. He’s now eating a piece of strawberry cake, getting crumbs all over his mouth. Smiling fondly at him, I get up to wipe the crumbs off his mouth. 
♪ in the еnd,
how is it us?
for us? ♪
< camcorder point of view >
She gets up and lovingly brushes the crumbs off his mouth as he gazes into her eyes. The feel of his soft skin makes her smile as they are transported into a world of their own.
The couple is now in a fancy restaurant, one like their first date. The candles on the table are slightly fuzzy, as if it’s a dream. But the couple doesn’t care. 
Standing up to dance, he leads her in a slow waltz as the room starts to fill with shadows. They swerve dangerously close to the couple, some even reaching out in an angry manner.
The couple just laughs, ignoring them.
Eventually she holds his hand, and the couple makes a mad dash for the restaurant exit. They reach their claw hands out too close, and the couple barely misses them. 
~ her point of view ~
I run upstairs to the attic with Taehyung in tow. Is it still there? 
Stopping abruptly in the doorway, Taehyung all but crashes into me.
“Sorry,” I sign, distracted by the sight in front of me.
It is still there. While the tarp over it is ripped, my wedding dress still stands.
I had a designer friend of mine make me my wedding dress, and, sticking to the old tradition, Taehyung couldn’t see me in it before the wedding.
“I trust your judgement, baby,” he signed to me, and then kissed me on the cheek and left. 
The sleek silhouette is tasteful, with long and airy sleeves that have the smallest puff in the top to make it look more regal. The nipped in waist with a thin pearl belt accentuates my figure and the smooth fabric drapes elegantly down the skirt, folding in layers at the end. The simple veil added to the classic elegance aesthetic that I was going for.
I felt truly beautiful in that dress. 
When I walked down the aisle, I carried a bouquet of hydrangeas and baby’s breath with a pearl necklace and matching pearl drop earrings. 
I smiled shyly as I snuck a glance at Taehyung. His face was the happiest I had ever seen him and he looked like a lovable golden retriever. My golden retriever.
Our first kiss as a married couple was those like from the movies. Sweet and soft, a perfect fairytale moment.
Now, the sight of the dress makes me tear up for the millionth time. Why was it that I had to leave behind everything? All those happy memories and moments are tainted by the thought of them. 
Taehyung hugs me from behind, kissing me softly on the cheek. I don’t have to sign anything to know that he sees my tears. I also know that he probably has his own glistening in his eyes.
I lean more into his embrace, and we stand there together for a minute, a whirlpool of thoughts in our heads. 
Then I get a striking thought. What if I tried it on? 
“Baby, I know this is crazy, but what if I tried it on?” I sign to Taehyung, pleading silently with my eyes. 
“If it makes you happy, do it. I think we’re safe enough here for now,” he signs back. 
I slip it on over my clothes, surprised that it still fits (albeit a bit tight). Thinking about it, I remember the photobooth pictures we took after our wedding.
< camcorder point of view >
The couple stumbles into the cheap photobooth, drunk on their happiness. They have a limited amount of time before their wedding reception, but they want to spend a moment with just the two of them.
With their wedding attire still on, she fixes her veil before they both sit on the bench. Although they’re crammed together, the couple enjoys it, smiling giddily at each other. Then it’s time to take the photos.
First they try to be serious, barely holding in their grins at the camera flashes. Then, he gently hoists her onto his lap, poking her sides playfully, chuckling as she jumps. She laughs loudly, covering her face with her hand as the flash goes off again.
For the next pose they try a cuter angle. She throws her left arm around him and squishes his bread cheeks with her right hand. He pouts, still looking as handsome as ever for the picture.
After, she fixes his hair, trying to get ready for a (hopefully) nice photo. He just makes faces into the camera and the flash goes off before she can adjust herself. 
Oh, well, who needs a nice picture in a photobooth anyway? 
The photos come out and the couple looks at them together, overjoyed with the results.
~ her point of view ~ 
“Remember the photobooth snapshots we took?” I signed to Taehyung, still clad in my wedding dress. 
He nods, reaching out his arms. 
I look as him quizzically, until he gestures for me to come to him.
As I do, he carefully places his hands in mine and starts to slowly sway. 
I rest my head on his shoulder, breathing him in. Feeling his warmth, I close my eyes as we sway to our own unknown rhythm. 
< camcorder point of view >
The now married couple walks into the reception to congratulations. As a special surprise for their guests, they’re going to sing a song together. 
She starts in with the inspiring melody, and he joins in with a smooth harmony. Confetti starts falling down but the couple doesn’t notice, lost in each other.
At the climax of the song, he brings a small red flower from his pocket and places it behind her ear. He already has a matching one behind his.
Her face is soft and full of love as she sings the climax, hitting the high note effortlessly as he dips her back. 
They come back up to thundering applause. The couple sweetly kiss, feeling each other’s smiles on their lips. 
Bathed in golden light and dusted in confetti, it’s clear they are meant for each other.
~ her point of view ~ 
After our short dance (if you can even call it that), we go to our bedroom. The wallpaper is faded and the furniture has cobwebs, but the four poster bed still stands. It was a gift from my mother for our wedding and has beautiful carvings on the wood. 
Feeling a rush of silliness, I climb onto the bed and start jumping. The bed creaks but doesn’t break, and I take it as a sign to keep bouncing. 
Taehyung joins me and we hold hands like we’re in our lovesick teenager years. 
I grab a pillow, intending to hit Taehyung with it. As I grab the pillow it rips open, feathers spilling out of it. 
Laughing, I whack Taehyung with the case, getting feathers in his hair. He grins cheekily and also grabs a pillow, rips it open, and lets the feathers fly. It’s a snow of feathers in the room now, with them settling on our hair and clothes.
Taehyung and I flop back onto the bed, breathless with joy. Beaming, I turn on my side and brush a stray hair out of Taehyung’s face. 
♪ I slowly film you with my eyes
please make a serene smile once again ♪
I still. Even after all this time, he makes my heart flutter with just his glance. 
He smirks at me, then presses a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth, then the other corner. My nose is next, followed by my lips and soon he’s peppering them all over my cheeks. 
Giggling, I try to push him away but fail. I lay there in his embrace, warm and cozy.
♪ as we hovered slowly
in the night of that day
will you courageously set with me? ♪
A shadow suddenly passes by the window, and I get a glimpse of them flying by. I sit up and bolt out of bed, signing to Taehyung, “We need to leave, now.” 
We go downstairs and out the door, glancing at the sky. They are nowhere in sight, and Taehyung and I run. 
We’re not entirely sure where we’re going, but somehow we end up making a full circle and end up back at the abandoned office building. 
Just as we’re about to go back inside, I get a sudden feeling of dread, and I turn around and there theyare. 
“Run.” I sign, grabbing Taehyung’s hand and sprinting inside. We start to make random twists and turns in the winding hallways, hoping to throw them off. 
But they are too fast.
Stopping in our tracks we realize we’ve made it back to the room with the huge pile of clothes. There’s nowhere else to go, as they are blocking the one and only exit. 
Turning around, I quickly scan the room for something to use as a weapon. Spotting a metal pipe I pick it up and bring my arms up to hit them. 
Before I can blink Taehyung snatches the pipe out of my hands and uses it to hit them. 
Three times he strikes them with the pipe. I can see that he uses his full strength, but it’s not enough.
They just glow brighter.
The power of his blows knocks him back and he falls to the ground. I immediately go to him, wrapping my arms around him and holding him close. 
Taehyung find my hand and grasps onto it. His palm is warm, and I clench it tightly. 
If we’re going down, we’re in it together. 
Just like we promised.
They turn red, and I feel my heart break. 
This is it.
♪ destroy me slowly and chilly, ruiner
I want to get sad with you, my lover ♪
I don’t want Taehyung to see this. I gently lower my other hand over his left eye as I take a shaky breath. 
I feel a single tear fall as a cold feeling washes over my body. It seeps into my bones and takes over me.
♪ run away from necessity, run on
go to the end with me, my lover ♪
~ his point of view ~ 
My heart is breaking as my love covers my eye, putting me into darkness. I feel her shudder, and I know that it’s happening. I’m just grateful that she is here. All I want is to be with her.
A bucket of ice is dousing me and I feel it in my soul. The slight feeling of drowning overtakes me. 
♪ two of us, side by side, gone astray on purpose
crush me in your arms
give me a lovelier kiss, lover ♪
< camcorder point of view > 
The couple slowly lifts into the air and then there is a bright flash of light. 
A wedding dress with a veil and a torn shirt and pants float down in a whisper onto the pile. 
♪ our love wins all, love wins all
love, love, love, love ♪
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jkjmbtsarmy · 3 months
240302 Taehyung updates
‘Love Wins All’ Alt. Ending from IU’s world tour concert
For SimVest
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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i give you my heart - jungkook x reader ♡
"darling! oof slow down-"
you jump and wrap your limbs around him, snuggling for his warmth. he curls an arm around you, closing the door shut and locking it for the night. "did you have fun?" jungkook asks softly, trying to get a glimpse of you. you nod vigorously, hands wrapping themselves tightly around his neck. he chokes out a laugh, manhandling you and setting you down on your favourite mattress in the middle of the living room.
"you sit tight, i'm gonna get you some water okay?" quickly rushing to the kitchen, you're left to your own devices. looking around, the fluffy comforter put aside haphazardly catches your eye, grabbing it immediately and wrapping yourself like a last minute wrapped birthday present. when jungkook comes back, the only thing visible is a tuft of your hair, which you're trying to blow away from your face. he sets the ice cold glass down and tucks your hair inside, smiling in amusement. your zoned out eyes are quick to catch on the water, squealing in delight.
"ice water!" you abandon your self-made burrito, hands now gripping the chill glass. "just the one, okay? i don't want a repeat of what happened last month," he says sternly. you had downed one too many cold cans of coca cola, followed by heaps of blueberry ice-cream. your throat went for a toss, much to the dismay of your boyfriend. he put back every bungeoppang you tossed into the basket during your weekly grocery runs, restricting anything cold for a few weeks. you whined and groaned and even cried for abit, knowing he was doing it for your own good.
"jungkook? can i tell you something?"
he whips his head to you, almost getting whiplash. a thousand thoughts are rushing in his head, heart beating faster at the sound of his full name. "y-yeah? go ahead baby," he says, heartbeat going unbelievably faster. "i love you," you say solemnly, "so, so much." jungkook lets out a sigh of relief and pulls the now empty glass out of your hand, pulling you into him. "i love you more," he murmurs into your soft hair, pulling you impossibly closer. the smell of melon soju enters his sensitive nose, scrunching in reaction. "how does a bath sound?" the sparkly eyes looking up at him says its a yes.
"and then we hit the karaoke and i sang 15 songs! isn't that amazing, kookoo?" he chuckles at his new nickname and massages your head with his favourite camellia shampoo, its pleasant smell filling the bathroom. "it is, darling," he agrees, covering your eyes so none of the shampoo gets in and hinders your vision while he's washing your hair. you cover his hand with yours, slipping it down so you could kiss the purple heart embedded in his skin. he smiles at your affection, pulling you out of the bathtub and wrapping you in your sage green bathrobe, tying the knot loosely. you face plant into his chest, letting him dry your hair with your designated hair towel. you were very particular about this step in your routine, never letting yourself sleep with wet or damp hair, no matter how sleepy you may feel.
"koo, can you style my hair and do my eye makeup before i head to work on monday? i promise i'll wake up early!" your starry eyes are looking directly into his, the drunken haze slowly fading away. he fondly smiles and nods, you know he'd do anything he says. you squeal out a "yay!" before heading to his closet, picking out your favourite oversized tshirt and wearing it. "shall we sleep here tonight?" jungkook asks because he knows its been awhile, knowing deep down you'll always love sleeping on a proper bed with a proper bedframe. "there's no sleepy vibes, i wanna go there and be with bamie," you say quietly and zoom out. he's shocked for a second but a smile breaks out on his face, following you out with a "wait for me!"
"he's asleep, darling, you can play tug of war tomorrow," jungkook promises, forcefully yet gently putting your head on his chest, patting your back to rest.
again? why do you keep doing this to his fragile heart? it cannot take so much- "i wanted to say- hey why is your heart beating so fast?" your head is up and now looking at him. plan to finally put you to bed? failed successfully. "what is it that you wanted to say?" he shifts the topic easily, not knowing what to say when it comes to his easily reactive heart. "oh yeah! thank you for this," you say, pointing to the platinum promise ring on your finger, smiling proudly. you sit up on his lap, holding his hands. he smiles with his eyes first and his lips curve into the happiest smile you've given him. he nods, "anytime darling," he says playfully. "i'm so glad we met in that convenience store," you say gleefully, recalling the events with the loveliest smile jungkook has ever seen. "we met," you lift up an elegant index finger, "we chose each other," another finger joins, "and we love each other! doesn't that sound like the best love story ever??" jungkook laughs in happiness and holds the three fingers wiggling in delight, pulling you close and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
"i'm sorry i don't have much to give you," before he could say anything, you follow up with, "so i give you my heart, koo."
koo feels his heart stutter, looking up at you with tender doe eyes, cupping your face. "darling, i'm-" "i hope i can stay by your side, through the bad and the good days and that these memories aren't something i'll be crying over while listening to all too well, the ten minute version, the short film." you say seriously. jungkook all but giggles, pulling your face to his, so he could give the biggest "mwah!" ever. you giggle with him, finally settling down and yawning against his chest. your beloved pulls the covers over the both of you, rubbing your back in the warmest form of comfort the both of you know.
jungkook hopes and prays the same as you, that the memories he lives out and stores in his head isn't just mere memories, but something he can say when he's old and weary to his grandchildren, like the fairytales they'll always love. he cradles your head, like how he would with your heart, holding it close, with the intention of never letting go.
pt time: @lvoekook ; @joondiary ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki
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lizziexmeow · 3 months
[ Taehyung Story 🌟 IG ]
240323 - 13:42 KST - @/thv
> Mv Reaction 3
@/jinuk0916 @/txt_bighit @/dlwlrma
@/tws_pledis @/eanakim @/newjeans_official
Salute 🫡
> Mv Reaction 2
@/dntlrdl @/phs1116 @/bn_sj2013
salute 🫡
> Mv Reaction 1
@/from_jjlee @/le_sserafim @/nano_hol.ic
sung dongil uncle 💙
yum jeongah noonim 💙
salute! 🫡
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ella-felicityqueen · 4 months
I hope to always be with you.
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ungiisshadow · 1 year
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Please give full support to YOONGI, stream and do everything you can for him!!!
ARMY pls keep streaming across all Platforms.
#AgustD #D_DAY #BTS
#AgustDxIU #People_Pt2
#사람_Pt2 #SUGA #슈가
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voxyldy · 2 years
[Part.1] From @charlieputh to @psy_oppa to @halsey, here are some of the biggest stars that @BTS_twt has collaborated with. Who's gonna be the next? 💜 #BTS #ARMY
Source: Kpop Herald
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angelyuji · 9 months
professor miguel o'hara headcanons :)
miguel o'hara x gender neutral reader
+ yandere headcanons!!!!
professor miguel o’hara would be so OFUAN:EOAFIDNWFBOWE”NJP sorry im just feral for him
professor o’hara would actually be the worst professor to get tbh like he’s a strict grader, he’s super anal about late turn-ins, all that jazz. like he’s got a shit ratemyprofessor rating… he’s the worst. he’s not the type to insult you or make you feel like shit for getting questions wrong or failing an exam HOWEVER he does say that if you fail an exam, just drop out cuz you’re not passing yeahhh he sucks lol
also he has a p.h.d in genetics and genomic sciences (totally didn’t just search up what the major is called and pasted it on here… definitely not) so he’s a huge stickler on being called doctor o’hara
however, when you mess up and say professor, he doesn’t seem to mind it all that much
professor o’hara who obviously has favorites (based on who participates more/does the best on exams)
Miguel would send students that come to him for help to students that do really well in the class (he does not care to reteach or help with essays) “you should’ve paid attention when i was explaining. im sure one of your classmates like (y/n) can help.”
motorcycle professor, office hours are always open for questions or concerns, he’s honestly chill just super strict and mean-looking
however no matter what, every single bitch has a crush on him… have you SEEEEEN him. yall know that scene in criminal minds when spencer reid is teaching a class and basically the entire class was auditing the class becuz he’s hot… yeah that except miguel o’hara is a lot meaner about chasing those people out.
yandere :0
lemme set the scene, ur one of the smartest of your class, you’re his favorite student like ur pretty, smart, and kind to your classmate and honestly…. he was downright obsessed like mf knows ur entire class schedule, he knows ur address ur number ur email. e v e r y t h i n g
ur kindness to your classmates is gonna be ur downfall, someone (who is known to be a cheater) is gonna go to him asking for help on a project. miguel is gonna be like “lol im not helping u but yk who will? (y/n).” miguel knows that your classmate is gonna cheat, but that’s a part of the plan
they go up to you, ask to see ur project and when ur not looking, take pictures of ur research and everything. you won’t know a thing becuz ur a nice friend :)
you’ll just turn in ur stuff and chill. the next class after the due date, professor o’hara asks you to stay after class.
“(y/n), it looks like you and another classmate have almost exact project.” miguel turns his screen towards you, showing your project and your classmates
“what? dr. o’hara, i don’t know what’s going on, but i promise you, i didn’t cheat off of anyone.” you beg.
“i’m sure that we can get to the bottom of this, (y/n)…” miguel pretends to think for a second. “how about this, come to my office around 6. i think i’ll be done with classes for the day. we’ll have a chat.” he stands, rearranging his papers.
“of course. i’ll be there!” you thank him and rush out to meet your friends, holding back tears.
i mean, of course you’ll go to see your professor. you’ve been accused of plagiarism and that shit can get you expelled.
you knock on the door. “dr. o’hara?”
“come in.” you walk in, anxious to get the situation resolved. you see your professor sitting at his desk, but you don’t see your classmate.
“i thought the other person would here too…” you feel a weird sense of dread fill in your stomach.
“ms. (l/n), i don’t think we need them here for this discussion.” he motions for you to sit down at the chair. “plagiarism is a very serious offence.”
“professor, you can’t seriously believe that i copied off of them!” you’ve got the best grades in the class, you feel flabbergasted.
“ms. (l/n)!” he frowns.
you lower your head, ashamed, “i’m sorry, it’s just. they came up to me, asking for help…”
“i understand, (y/n), but do you have any physical proof of that?” you stay silent. “i can… find a way to help you, but… you’re gonna have to do something for me, (y/n).” miguel leans in and you feel that dread in your stomach worsen, but you have no other choice.
“of course, professor! anything!”
he’s gonna take advantage of your situation. at first, it’ll be like secret dates, small (expensive) gifts at your door, then it moves up.
soon, he’s making you come to his home, making you stay overnight….
it was raining when you had went over and the rain was getting worse. his house was in the middle of a neighborhood in the woods, everything about this situation was grossing you out. “dr. o’hara, i don’t-” you, hesitantly, walk through the doors into his home.
“miguel. i’ve told you, (y/n). you should call me miguel when we’re alone.” he smiles at you and locks the door behind you.
“right… miguel, i don’t think that this is appropriate.” you look around his home. it was quaint, clean… almost like it wasn’t even lived in. you would’ve thought it was a random rental if it wasn’t for his diplomas framed on the wall.
“(y/n), do i need to remind you of our deal?” he looks at you, and for the first time since this situation started, you felt afraid. miguel disappears into the kitchen and you decide to step back closer to the front door, itching to run. “(y/n),” he pops his head out and smiles, “take a seat at the dining table.” you see fangs in his mouth and your fear grows.
dinner goes by uneventfully, but you feel uneasy as miguel chats it up with you. he had been too… nonchalant about the arrangement, but this was a new development. he wouldn’t ask you questions about yourself, but he somehow knew everything about you. it creeped you out. “if dinner is over, i should go home.” you stand, pushing back your chair.
he grabs your hand, “there’s no need to rush, (y/n)… unless,” he lets go and leans back in his chair, thinking. you freeze. “if you want to leave, i can always go to the board and tell them about your essay.” miguel shrugs and gets up.
“no! no… i’m sorry, doctor- sorry, miguel, i’m not leaving.” you sit back down.
miguel laughs, straightening, “you’re so cute, sweetheart. i’ll go get dessert.” he steps back into the kitchen. you grab your phone and text your roommate asking for help, but they don’t respond. miguel walks out with two plates of cheesecake. he continues to talk to you, asking about your classes for next semester. you gingerly answer his questions and eat, eager to finish and go home. you look behind miguel’s head and notice that the rain had gotten worse. if you didn’t leave now, you’d get stuck here.
“i should get going then.” you carefully place the fork down. “the rain is getting pretty bad.” miguel turns to look and you check your phone. still no response. miguel hums as the rain pelts the ground. he looks back at you.
“any minute now.” he doesn’t say anything else.
“ha, yeah. it’ll get worse any minute now.” you repeat and stand up. all of a sudden, your head spins. you stumble and grab your chair. immediately miguel is at your side, helping you steady. your head won’t stop spinning and you hear your words slurring, “fuck, i don’t feel good.” miguel picks you up with ease, holding you bridal-style. “put me down, please, miguel. i need to go home.” you feel yourself lose consciousness and lay your head against miguel’s chest, too tired and dizzy to fight.
“everything is okay, (y/n). all you need is me.”  the last thing you feel as miguel whispers in your ear, is a kiss against your forehead.
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melancholy-of-nadia · 4 months
love u lately (m) #7 | myg/knj/pjm
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title: love u lately​ chapter title: #7 - People (Pt. 2)​ pairing: yoongi x f. reader, namjoon x f. reader, jimin x f. reader (yoonminjoon x f. reader) rating/genre: m (18+) ; smut ; college/university au , pseudo frat! bts; best friends! yoonminjoon friends to lovers; summary: a camping trip in the middle of January does not prove to be ideal at all. for many reasons. and you'll blame taehyung for suggesting this! with high tensions and emotions simmering beneath the surface as you, the beta tau sigma boys, and your girly besties go on a weekend getaway, someone unexpected decides to confess to you, leaving you to wonder what your heart even wants? warnings:  camping, reader being obviously jealous, AND STRESSED, smut, deep talks, shower sex, consensual groping, v in p penetration, unprotected sex (well she's on BC), swearing, kissing...A LOT, fingering, yoongi smoking cigarettes, hwasa the drama pot stirrer, ANGST, INJURY, eventual CONFESSION, yoonminjoon on high tension, jungkook carrying reader = jealousy, ft. Hwasa, IU, Adora, and Soyoon note: as always thank you to @daegudrama for editing this chapter and giving me smut ideas!!! total word count: 12.6k drop date: February 9th, 2024 3:00PM PST cross posted on AO3 here ← #6 | Series Masterlist | #8 →
January 19 [Saturday]
The rhythmic hum of the engine and the soft purr of the tires on the pavement accompany your focus as you sit shotgun in Yoongi's car, en route to the campgrounds. Winter break ended earlier that month, and reality is setting in as you find yourself juggling the remnants of relaxation with the impending demands of university life.
Yoongi decided to bring his car to campus this semester, knowing that he would need it for the camping trip to be able to fit everyone. Each car housed a portion of your close-knit group:
Jin's car: Hoseok, Hwasa, Soohyun Jimin's car: Namjoon, Soyoon, Jungkook Yoongi's car: You, Taehyung, Jieun
Seated beside Yoongi, you diligently work on a writing assignment, your laptop open on your lap. Yoongi cast a sidelong glance, noting your dedication despite his concern for your motion sickness.
"Are you seriously working on your homework in the car? You get bad motion sickness, Honey." He sighs, worry lacing his words as he continues looking at the road.
You finally lift your gaze, meeting his eyes after a focused 25 minutes. "I took a dramamine before this, so it’s not too bad. I just need to get this assignment done before Tuesday. I know I’m going to fuck around and not work on it much this whole trip, so I’m doing all I can to get it done within the next 3 hours."
Yoongi hums, understanding the struggle. "Damn, that business comm class has you hustling hard this semester, huh?"
You groan in agreement, "Yes! I was so close to dropping it because the professor is so stingy, but I need to take it now so I can graduate on time." This spring semester is going to be a lot harder so you have to stay focused. Though, this camping trip offers a temporary escape with your friends before you start calling the library your new home for the rest of the school year.
As the car rolls along the highway, your mind wanders back to a few weeks before the semester started. The course load is much more formidable than Fall, now taking some upper division courses like psychology, business communication, international economics, and market analysis. That business comm class is going to kill you though. You sigh at yet another twist of fate of Jaebeom's presence in a class, which somehow leaves you feeling uneasy.
He struck up a conversation after the first class, asking for your phone number to discuss homework and projects. While you agreed, sensing something off, Yoongi appeared behind you as if summoned from thin air. His dark expression and the firm grip on your wrist conveyed a silent warning to Jaebeom.
Before leaving, Jaebeom couldn't resist a sudden sarcastic remark, "Wasting time? You better finish that mixtape if you want to get signed before me, Agust."
At the time, you didn't fully grasp the implications. However, his words linger, and you wonder if Yoongi has recently been struggling with his music and if that somehow was connected to you. The mixtape project, once a seamless process for him, now seemed to be hitting roadblocks.
You decide to try to pry into Yoongi’s mind and see if your suspicions are correct by continuing the conversation. "What about you, Yoongi? I know you’re taking that Recording Production Process class this semester to release a mixtape by the end of it."
"Yeah, yeah, it's going well,” Yoongi nods shyly, offering a few affirmations.
"Right, hyung is working on an album!" Taehyung chimes in from the back seat where he sits with Jieun, your upperclassman friend you'd invited on the trip.
"Oh really? That’s really cool, Yoongi!" Jieun compliments, her eyes sparkling at the mention of Yoongi producing music.
"And if you need a vocalist feature, you should ask Jieun. She’s in the university’s acapella group." you suggest, thinking it could add a unique dynamic to Yoongi's music. Yoongi has asked you to sing a couple parts in the past for his songs, though you always try to gently refuse. You don’t think you’re much of a singer and don’t want to ruin his works. However, Yoongi always thinks differently.
"Really? Jieun, if you don’t mind helping me out with some of my projects, I would greatly appreciate it." Yoongi proposed.
"Sure! I sing as a hobby, so I don’t know how great I would be, but I’ll do my best." Jieun responds, her willingness evident in her tone.
You met Jieun last year when she was a 2nd year TA in your Psych Statistics Analysis class. After several office hour sessions of trying to understand how Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference worked (which you don’t want to explain how it works), you ended up befriending her and becoming good friends. You found out she’s an amazing singer outside of her pursuing a psychology degree and even a theater major. You think Yoongi would get along really well with her (cue Yoongi’s obscure interest in broadway musicals).
The car continues its journey through picturesque landscapes, and after two hours, you finally arrive at the campsite. Nestled in the embrace of nature, the site sprawls out with a serene lake nearby, and scattered cabin lodgings surround the area. You note the promise of a hot spring spa somewhere around here, creating a mental checklist for exploration later on.
As you step out of the car, the crisp January air hit you, carrying remnants of moisture from the previous days' rain. It is undeniably cold, and you question the wisdom of camping in the middle of winter. Everyone starts unloading the supplies from the cars for the next 2-3 days. Jin, Yoongi, Soyoon, and Jungkook take charge of building the tents, their collective efforts combating the chilly breeze.
After everyone settles down, you all decide to have a group meeting to discuss what you guys are going to eat for lunch.
Taehyung, who is always down for something random, proposes a cooking challenge that divides everyone into two teams: Team Red and Team Blue. The plan involves creatively preparing lunch and dinner using the BBQ grills and sinks at the picnic area, as well as utilizing the supplies Jin and Namjoon bought the night before. Everyone will decide on the best meal after dinner.
Team Red, consisting of Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Soyoon, Soohyun, and Jimin, strategize their approach.
Jin, surveying the available ingredients, rubs his hands together, ready for the challenge. "Alright, team! We have premade dough, broth, veggies, meat, fruit, side dishes, bread…ideas, anyone?"
Hoseok, ever the enthusiast, suggests, "I’m tempted to say we should make the barbecue feast for lunch. I’m craving BBQ so bad. Please, Jin."
“No! We’re doing that tomorrow night!” Jin lightly argues, earning a groan from Hoseok which makes everyone else laugh.
Namjoon, exchanging glances with Soyoon, feels a spark of inspiration. "What if we do something a bit different? Pizza. We can make pizza outdoors. It's a bit unconventional, but we do have the premade dough. I think the result will be worth it."
Soyoon giggles and nods in agreement, adding, "Yeah, I actually brought the dough because I thought we could use it to make something cool out here. Pizza would actually be fucking cool." Namjoon smile widdens knowing she understands him so well.
"I'm down for pizza!" Jimin, excited by the idea, chimes in.
"Let's make a giant combo pizza. That way, we can feed everyone." Soohyun, examining the ingredients, suggests.
Jin, impressed with his team brainstorming thoughts, declares, "Fantastic! Let's get to work. Hoseok, start the fire. Namjoon, you and Soyoon work on rolling the dough. Soohyun, you and Jimin can handle cutting the ingredients for the toppings. We've got this!"
The team disperses to their designated tasks, banter and laughter fills the air as they toss around more ideas. Amidst the cheerful chaos, your attention involuntarily drifts to Soyoon and Namjoon.
You steal glances at them, observing how they playfully engage with each other while improvising rolling pins from random cylindrical objects. The rhythmic motion of rolling dough becomes a backdrop to their shared laughter, and you can't help but feel somewhat uncomfortable.
It's different. In the past, Namjoon would get close with girls you didn’t even know, like Jihyo. This time, it hits a bit closer to home—Soyoon is your friend, and Namjoon is your childhood best friend. You remember the first time they met is when Namjoon came by to pick you up after a late night library shift during finals season last year. But you’re not even sure when they started talking to each other more without you knowing. Could it have been through one of their art history classes?
Lost in your thoughts, you're snapped back to reality when Yoongi playfully flicks your forehead, jolting you back to reality.
“Get your head in the game, Y/N.” He grumbles and you wince slightly in pain. Jerk.
“I am!” You retort as you go back to facing him and looking at the ingredients in front of you. “I was just trying to see what they were plotting for lunch.”
Yoongi can’t help but shoot you a questioning expression. You wonder if he knows that you were looking at them. It wouldn’t be the first time he catches you staring at Namjoon being with another girl. Whether he knows or not, he doesn’t decide to pry and instead looks back at the ingredients on your table.
“You can do that later, we need to start making something so we can have more time to not do shit later.”
“Just make some of your good old kimchi jjigae and have some rice on the side. It’ll keep us feeling warmed up for the night.” You see some packaged pork belly and hand it to Yoongi, “Add a little protein too.”
You’ve helped Yoongi cook in the past, so you have a sense of his cooking process when he decides to make stuff, specifically stew. This won’t take too long to prepare.
“I hate that this is such a good idea.” He groans, grabbing the meat as you smirk right back at him cheekily. “Everyone else on board? I just need the onion and green onions cut, then the pork belly stir fried before I put it all in the big pot for the stew.”
Everyone nods, followed by a “Yes Chef!” from Taehyung. As you get straight to chopping onions, you notice Yoongi looking at you with admiration. You want to know the thoughts that blossom behind his cat-like eyes, but you decide not to ponder it right now.
Taehyung takes a suspicious glance at you two, seemingly wondering about something. Though he remains silent, and instead goes to assist Jungkook and Jieun in preparing ingredients.
The sky paints hues of orange and pink as the sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow over the campsite. You, Jimin, and Hoseok venture towards a pile of firewood behind the shower houses to build a cozy campfire for the night.
Jimin, ever perceptive, notices the contemplative look on your face. "Hey, Y/N, everything okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You hesitate for a moment before replying. Did he notice you looking at Namjoon and Soyoon earlier? Shit, this is embarrassing. He must be thinking about how ridiculous I’m being.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just stuff on my mind, you know?"
Jimin shoots you a curious glance, silently questioning if you were ready to share what was bothering you.
Before he could delve deeper into your thoughts, Hoseok, his eyes darting around nervously, chimes in, "Guys, let's pick up the pace. It's getting dark, and I'm not really a fan of the dark in the woods. Gives me the creeps!"
You take this interruption as a chance to avoid answering him and focus on the task on hand. Jimin doesn’t push you to continue and you all walk back to the campsite.
The campfire casts dancing shadows on the faces of your friends as laughter and chatter fills the night. The aroma of the delicious kimchi jjigae lingers in the air. Yoongi and Jungkook busied themselves with slicing fruits and getting out the ingredients to make some s'mores.
Jimin goes to his trunk to take out several boxes of soju bottles, sparking a cheer among the group. The soft strains of music emanate from Hoseok's compact speaker, adding a melodic backdrop to the festivities. Crackling fire, music and the clinking of soju bottles set the perfect ambiance for the end of the B.T.S. member trip day one.
"Alright, why don’t we share some confessions around the campfire to bond with one another. Jin, you wanna kick it off?" Hwasa settles down on the picnic blanket around the fire and grins.
Jin nods, a mischievous glint in his eye, "Huh?! Me? Why don’t you start it off since you want to do this.”
“Give me like three minutes to think of something. So please go for it, Seokjin?”
“Agh, fine. Just don't judge me too hard,” Jin looks around and clears his throat before he continues. “Back in middle school, I tried to impress my crush with a card trick. It didn't go as planned, and I ended up looking like a dumbass magician. Needless to say, she wasn't impressed."
“That was kinda a lame confession.” Hwasa tells him and you try to stifle your laughter next to her.
“I said don’t judge me!” A bit of laughter ripples through the group. “You also didn’t add any rules!”
"If Hwasa wants to hear about embarrassing shit, let me share.” Hoseok eagerly volunteers, “I accidentally liked my crush's old Instagram photo while stalking their profile. It was from two years ago, and there was no way to undo it. I hoped they wouldn't notice, but they did."
“Oh see! That’s what I want to hear!” Your girl bestie yells in excitement.
Soyoon follows after, "Something to confess…I have this quirky habit of talking in my sleep. One time, my roommate caught me in the act and recorded. I talked about kissing girls for a good five minutes."
Namjoon chuckles a little too hard at that. "Funny you mention sleep-talking. I've been told I do the same thing. Apparently, I give motivational speeches about pursuing dreams in my sleep."
“No, you just ramble about shit that sounds like it makes sense when it doesn’t!” Jimin opposes. Namjoon tsks, narrowing his eyes at the younger man.
The round table of confessions continues with Jieun, "Alright, brace yourselves. I had a massive crush on my neighbor when I was in high school. Turns out, he's now a famous actor in every Netflix show imaginable. I had no idea back then."
“Wait who?!” Everyone exclaims.
“I can’t kiss and tell.” She pretends to seal her lips, leaving everyone sighing and groaning.
The stories lighten the mood, but as Hwasa shifts the rules to be only dating confessions, a tension hangs in the air. You decide to tread carefully as your turn, "Well, I had this experience just once… you know, with someone. It was interesting, but things didn't exactly pan out."
“Come on, give us more juicy details! I haven’t heard you talk about this much.” Hwasa presses.
The gazes of Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon linger a bit longer, as you navigate through your words, leaving certain details in the shadows.
“Me and that guy were basically academic rivals. Always trying to one-up each other. I beat him and got the Salutatorian honor when I graduated. Jimin was Valedictorian. We never thought we’d date until I asked him to be my fake date to a wedding–”
A collective gasp and “oohs” escapes the group, and Hwasa clasps her hands together, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“It was my brother’s wedding.” Jin adds matter of factly.
“Yes, your brother’s wedding. Then one thing led to another and we dated for about 3 months until we broke up right when I moved for college.”
And now there was suddenly a bit of silence. Did I make the mood awkward? Oh god, maybe I should’ve made something up. You look around and see a bit of disappointment after a short rom-com summary of your first dating experience.
“Why did you need a fake date?” Namjoon was the first of your three best friends to speak up and ask. This catches you off guard.
Your hesitant response left an air of curiosity hanging around them. Namjoon's question touches on a chapter of your life you haven’t shared with anyone at all, and now, with the flickering firelight revealing the subtle expressions on everyone's faces, you feel a mix of vulnerability and uncertainty.
Why were you insistent to get a fake date back then? Even thinking about it now, it seems so silly of an idea. What were you trying to prove by having arms linked with a man, who you didn’t originally like, in front of your male best friends?
"It was to spite us. She didn't want to show up alone and have us think she couldn't find a date." Jimin interjects. He must’ve sensed you struggling to answer.
"Spiting us at a wedding? We could’ve just all gone as friends like we did for prom." Namjoon teases, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
Was it really spite? Aimed at Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi for taking other girls instead just going with you? What does that really say about you? Why do you feel unhappy when they don’t have you at the center of their attention? This isn’t a good time to spiral into this.
"Yeah, well, it wasn't the best idea." you chuckle nervously, glancing quickly at Yoongi and Jimin. Their expressions are unreadable, and the silence that follows your story lingers a bit too long.
Hwasa, not one to let awkward moments fester, leans in with a playful smile, "Okay, spill. Was he a good kisser?"
"I…uh, I think this is getting a bit too personal, isn't it?"
The group erupts into laughter, dispersing the tension that momentarily settled. As the night continues, the stories shift to lighter topics, the crackling fire providing a comforting backdrop.
The campfire's warmth lingers on your skin as you gather your things from your shared tent, preparing to head to the shower building. The night is settling in, and the laughter of your friends still echoes in the cold air. As you pass by the dwindling group still gathered around the fire, you catch Jimin's eyes for what feels like a minute. There is a depth in his gaze that leaves you wondering if he, too, is navigating through a maze of emotions from earlier today.
It’s been two months, when will you finally make up your mind instead of leaving them hanging?
Your attention is momentarily diverted by a scene that tugs at your heart. Namjoon and Soyoon are sat close, giggling animatedly about an unknown topic in the glow of the firelight. The sight of Namjoon's deepened dimples and the warmth in his smile captivates you, the flames casting shadows on them.
And there it is again. A twinge of an unknown, yet familiar feeling sparks within you. It is a feeling you couldn't entirely shake off, even though you tried to bury it beneath layers of rationality. A mix of emotions swirls as you continue on your way to the shower building.
The path to the shower building is dimly lit along the way, and the sound of laughter at the campsite slowly fades behind you.
Upon reaching the shower building, you notice Yoongi sitting by a picnic table, a dim glow from his cigarette and phone lighting up the darkness around him. It is a sight you haven’t seen in a long time, and concern creeps into your mind. You thought he stopped smoking a while back. Without hesitation, you call out to him and take a seat.
"Hey Yoongs," you begin, studying his expression, "Are you good?"
Yoongi looks up at you, caught off guard by the sudden question. He hesitates to speak, opting instead to take a drag from his cigarette. The smoke curls into the night air, carrying with it a sweet yet bitter scent, reminiscent of cherries.
“Why do you say that?” He finally responds, with a question, however.
“I haven’t seen you smoke since that time.” You refer to the month right before college when Yoongi got word that his father had fallen ill and was admitted to the hospital. Yoongi doesn’t smoke unless he feels like he needs something to keep him afloat while his mind is conflicted in chaos.
“Just felt like I needed it right now.” He explains shortly.
You sense his reluctance to provide context. While you normally don’t like to pry too much when it comes to him, you feel like you should right now. Aside from whatever transparency or honesty rules you have as fuck buddies, you are his best friend at the end of the day.
You sigh softly, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Yoongi. But, you know, I'm here to listen to any of your worries. Anything. That's what best friends are for."
Yoongi's eyes widen a little from your reassuring words. It takes him a moment to collect his thoughts, the ember of his cigarette glowing in the darkness as he begins to speak. "You truly are an angel that comforts me when the world has gone to shit."
You feel your cheeks heating up a bit before following it up with another question, “What’s been troubling you this bad?”
Yoongi scratches his temple anxiously before putting his phone down. “It's just…the mixtape project is weighing on me more than I thought.”
"But you always come up with something amazing when it comes to music. We literally call you the hands of Midas."
He exhales a sigh, the smoke dispersing in the air. "Yeah, but this time it's different. Professor Kang is pushing us hard, and he's been emphasizing how crucial this project is if we want him to recommend us to work for Mr. Bang."
The gravity of his words sinks in. "The Mr. Bang from that one major record label in LA you told me about?"
Yoongi nods, and you can see the anxiety in his eyes. "Exactly. But he’s only recommending two mixtapes out of our 10-person class.” He takes a minute to assemble his next thoughts, finding it hard to speak out the potential outcomes. “This could be a game-changer for my career, but it feels like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff. One wrong move, and everything could just crumble."
You remain silent, absorbing the weight of his concerns. Yoongi told you awhile back that Professor Kang is actually another big producer named Pdogg. The man is incredibly close with Mr. Shihyuk Bang, who is a part of a major record label that Yoongi has been dreaming of joining since high school. You know Yoongi doesn’t want to disappoint anyone, and that carries even more magnitude and pressure to his creative process.
"I've been working day and night, trying to create something that stands out. But with every passing day, doubt creeps in. What if it's not good enough? What if I disappoint everyone who believes in me?" Yoongi admits, his vulnerability laid bare. “Jaebeom really hit a nerve when I saw him a few weeks ago. He’s been working on good stuff too, especially with the help of some upperclassmen. I have Yijeong and Sammy giving me some feedback from time to time, but this is all done by me.”
He extinguishes the cigarette with a firm stomp, the embers scattering in the night air. Discarding the remains into the trashcan next to the table, he releases a heavy sigh, the weight of his thoughts etched on his features.
You recognize the heavy burden he carries. The expectations, the fear of failure, and the desire to prove himself in an industry that can be unforgiving – it's a lot for anyone to handle.
"I get it, Yoongi," you begin, your voice adopting a soothing cadence that seems to meld with the ambient night sounds of the forest around you. "It's a big opportunity, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed. The music industry can be relentless, and there is a lot on the line for your future.”
Yoongi narrows his eyes at you, “Thanks for confirming my fears.” He chuckles.
“Wait! But here's the thing—you're not alone in this. We're all here for you, supporting you every step of the way."
You pause, letting the words linger in the crisp night air. Yoongi looks at you, his gaze a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
"You've got an incredible talent, Yoongi," you continue, your expression earnest. "I've seen you pour your heart and soul into your music since we were in high school. Your dedication is inspiring, and it's about time the world recognizes it. The journey you’ll take will be tough, but remember, you're not just carrying your dreams. You're carrying the dreams of everyone who believes in you, and that's a powerful force."
Yoongi takes in your words, a subtle nod acknowledging the truth in them. The flickering light from the light post dances in his eyes, reflecting a renewed sense of determination.
"And, hey," you add with a soft smile, "even in the face of challenges, don't forget to savor the process. This journey is as much about the growth and experiences along the way as it is about the destination. Embrace it, and you'll find strength even in the toughest moments." You hold Yoongi’s large hand against your face, comforting him. He always likes his hands being held.
He exhales slowly, as if releasing a burden he didn't realize he was carrying. "Thanks, Y/N," he says, his voice genuine. "I needed to hear that."
Yoongi looks at you, gratitude and a touch of relief in his eyes.
As the heaviness of Yoongi's concerns lifts with your words of support, a more casual conversation takes its place. Yoongi turns to you, his gaze softening, and asks, "What have you been dreaming of lately, Y/N?
You ponder the question. As a second year in college, you haven’t spent much time thinking about it. "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure yet. Maybe a corporate job somewhere nice, stable. I don’t really have much of a dream.” Yoongi looks at you, wanting to dive deeper on that, but you chose to divert the question. “But, no matter what, I hope to be close to you and everyone else until the end of time!"
His eyes widen, filled with admiration and awe at your sincerity. It's a sentiment that seems to touch him, and you feel a sense of warmth between you two. Emotions linger in the air, as if inching closer to understanding something profound.
Suddenly, as if propelled by an internal decision, Yoongi gets up. He extends his hand towards you, his touch gentle as he grabs your wrist. He looks at you with a hint of anticipation and eagerness in his eyes.
You don’t know what he has in mind, but if you’re with Yoongi, you have nothing to fear.
Intrigued, you follow him to the shower building which was empty at this hour in the night. Without a word, he pulls you into one of the shower stalls, closing the curtain behind you both. He starts kissing you, making you gasp into his mouth. As you close your eyes, you feel yourself slipping away, and in the process, accidentally turning on the shower. The water begins to flow, causing your clothes to get wet. In response, Yoongi starts undressing you, peeling off your clothes and tossing them to the side to keep them from getting too soaked. You didn’t mind though. You were going to shower anyway.
The soft sound of running water creates a soothing ambiance. The air fills with a mix of steam and electricity as your lips keep meeting each other again and again, while the world outside the shower stall fades away.
The sounds of water droplets hitting the tiled floor mixes with the soft hum of your shared breaths. There's a delicate dance between you and Yoongi, a silent exchange of emotions that words can never capture.
As the kiss deepens, you find a certain comfort in the connection, a reassurance that goes beyond the worries and pressures of daily life. Yoongi's hands, tender and deliberate, trace a soothing path across the expanse of your back.
He pulls back slightly, his dark eyes fixed on yours. "Y/N," he breathes, his voice a soft murmur that's almost lost in the sound of running water. "Do you want me to keep going?"
All thoughts in your brain are clouded by the horny brain rot brought about by Min Yoongi. This man is probably the most dangerous out of your three best friends.
This is the cue Yoongi needs to suddenly unchain his desires. His hands continue to explore, tracing patterns on your skin, and the heightened awareness of where you are adds a layer of excitement. The sound of the shower and the muffled noises from outside create a cloak of privacy, but at any moment, an impending intrusion could get you both caught. You don’t want to know what consequences await that.
The pure thrill of the situation and the delicate touch of Yoongi’s hands gets you wet with little effort. He breaks away from the kiss, leaning down to swirl his tongue around one of your nipples before turning you around. He kneads your ass in his hands then slips one hand between your thighs. Without warning he pushes one finger inside you with ease.
“So wet for me already?” He whispers into your ear sending a shiver down your spine. He uses his other hand to cup your soft breast.
The sound you choke out is not intelligible which brings a low chuckle to Yoongi’s throat. He slides the finger in and out of you slowly like he’s trying to drive you insane.
When he adds another finger you can’t help the sound that espaces your lips. He moves more quickly building the pleasure inside of you. Yoongi rests his head against your shoulder putting his hands on your waist.
“I don’t have a condom with me.” He groans, mentally beating himself. You turn around to see a pout gracing his lips.
“It’s okay, I’m on birth control now.” You pause looking into his eyes.
“Really?” He says excitement lighting up his face before you can continue.
"Yup," you confirm with a playful wink. "I had been thinking about going on it when we made the deal to include Jimin, and I finally did it over winter break."
Yoongi chuckles, reaching to hold your chin gently with his fingertips, ensuring your eyes stay locked on his. "Such a little minx. You planning to do something scandalous with that?"
You eye him mischievously. "Maybe… but no risks tonight. Let's take it steady for now."
He turns you back around and gently guides your shoulder until you are bent over. He unzips his pants, revealing his hardened cock and holds it in his hand. With no resistance, he glides inside you and groans at the feeling.
You’ve never done this before. Not with Wonwoo. Not with Yeonjun. Yoongi is the first to go raw in you, and it feels so damn good. Every vein and curve of his dick is felt in your pussy, molding itself as the perfect fit. You don’t know if you could ever go back to the feeling of a condom-covered dick, but you’d have to. Though you’d hope that you’d get to be safely creampied at least once before going back to double coverage of condom and BC protection. That’s one of your ultimate goals, though you won’t let them know.
Yoongi traces his fingers up your side as he thrusts into you with long slow strokes. He is enjoying the thrill of being this close to you in such a risky environment and savoring every moment.
You find yourself lost in the intense pleasure he brings, each thrust a wave of delicious sensation that floods your entire body. You arch your back, allowing him deeper access. The slight pain from his movements intertwines with the pleasure, making this experience all the more unforgettable.
Yoongi's gaze never leaves your face, his eyes locked on you as he pushes deeper into your warmth. Your own eyes are wide with passion, the fear of getting caught replaced by the thrill of the moment. His fingers dig into your hip, his expression a mix of raw lust and pure adoration.
"Look at you," he growls, "You're so wet, and so tight just milking me.” He whispers against your ear, driving you slow to become viscerally animalistic. You’re so close.
Suddenly, as if the world wanted to manifest your worst fears, the door swings open. The voices of Hwasa and Soohyun echo through the shower building. Panic sets in, and you tense, trying to stifle any telltale sounds of your current sexcapade. Yoongi, ever the master of composure, holds back a laugh at your panic without halting his movements. How is he not worried?!
"Steam? Oh, someone’s already in here? Is it you, Honey?" Hwasa's voice calls out.
You struggle to respond, caught between pleasure and the risk of exposure. Yoongi's movements pause briefly, awaiting your cue. "Y-Yes," you manage to stutter out despite feeling how good his dick feels stuck inside of you.
Hwasa, seemingly oblivious, starts a conversation with you about the night as the two girls do their nightly skincare at the sinks behind your showers. She begins touching on the earlier confessions and how it was a fun activity. You struggle to act like you're paying attention, but all you can muster in response are muffled "Mhms." Each of them start to sound like moans, which scares you even more. Yoongi looks like he wants to laugh so bad. This won’t end well. Can the girls tell something is off?
The proximity to getting caught adds a thrilling layer to the encounter. Yoongi decides to continue several strokes mid conversation, “A-Ah..”
Hwasa's concern grows. "Are you okay, Honey?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," you manage through gritted teeth, looking back at Yoongi looking smug. You desperately hope they won't linger. Another noise escapes, and you quickly try to cover it up, pretending it was you dropping your shampoo bottle on your toe.
The girls, unsuspecting, leave not too long after, and you release a breath you didn't realize you were holding. The tension lifts, and a soft, shared laugh between you and Yoongi echoes in the confined space.
Without warning, this is Yoongi’s cue to go faster. He grips your hips tightly holding you into place as he thrusts into you harder and faster leaving you.
"Y-Yoongi!" He grips your hips tightly holding you into place as he thrusts into you harder and faster leaving you.
Your eyes flutter, a lustful grin pulling at your lips lost in ecstasy. Gripping the shower wall for support, you meet Yoongi's thrusts with equal intensity, your hips bucking back against him in perfect rhythm. The pleasure is overwhelming, the tension and fear of being caught only adding fuel to the fire.
His name from your lips was music to his ears, and that was all he needed. He moves deeper, relishing the tightness of your body around his member. You feel the pleasure coursing through your own body, your orgasm nearing.
Yoongi's eyes never leave your face, his expression showing that he's drinking in each detail of this moment.
"Come for me, baby," he growls, his tone changing from a mix of lust and adoration to something more possessive. "Let me feel you come around my dick."
His words are the spark that lights the fire, and you feel your body reacting to his touch. The waves of pleasure crash over you, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave. Your nails hold onto dear life, and you cry out his name, your voice echoing in the shower stall.
“F-Fuck.” Yoongi soon falls to his own pleasure, pulling out quickling and cumming on your ass. Drops of his cream drip down your thighs and soon washed away by the shower downpouring on you two.
You both try to control your breathing as Yoongi holds you close in an embrace.
“T-That was…oh my God.” You can’t find the words to explain the whole experience, added with the adrenaline rush of getting caught.
“Good to know my cock feels better without the condom.” He smiles in a goofy way, still high on the orgasm. You smack him in the hip with your hand.
When your orgasms subsides, you send Yoongi to go retrieve your toiletries, towel, and pajamas that you left outside by the picnic table you two sat. You two bid goodbye to each for the night, and he leaves. You don’t know how he’s going to explain why he’s soaked from head to toe, but you pray he’s slick enough to avoid any eyes.
As Yoongi walks back from the shower house, water droplets cling to his tousled hair and drip down onto his damp clothes. His steps are sluggish as he wearily tries to wring out the water. In this moment, Namjoon suddenly strides up, his curiosity piqued, eyes narrowing at the unusual sight.
"Yoongi, why the hell are you all wet?" Namjoon questions, checking out the shorter man up and down.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just checking out the shower building, man. One of them was broken and here I am." He cheekily points to his wet attire. He feels a euphoric confidence after his rendezvous with you. So much so that if anyone tries to challenge him right now, he will not back down.
Namjoon narrows his eyes, finding it a little hard to believe. "Really? I thought I saw you go smoke alone back at the picnic area."
Oddly, this observation pisses him off.
"Didn’t know you liked stalking my whereabouts too." Yoongi is quick to rebuttal, bitterness lacing in his voice. Namjoon is taken aback by his best friend’s response.
"What are you even talking about? Aren’t you the one hiding—" Just as Namjoon is about to press further, Jimin appears, interrupting the conversation.
“What are you guys up to?” Jimin puts his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders, which makes him relax slightly. He knows Jimin can manage to get Namjoon off his ass. He might even say that Jimin is his second angel tonight.
Namjoon glances between both of them, the tension palpable in the air. Yoongi's demeanor seems a tad defensive, and Namjoon feels there might be more to the story than he thought before.
“Just trying to figure out why Yoongi here looks like he went for a swim."
Yoongi rolls his eyes, dismissing Namjoon's inquiry. "Shower issues, Jimin. Nothing to worry about."
"Come on Joon, let's not make a big deal out of this. It's cold, and we're out in the middle of nowhere. Let’s just get him a towel and help him get a change of clothes." Jimin says casually, diverting Namjoon's attention away from Yoongi.
As Yoongi gives Jimin a subtle nod of gratitude, Namjoon reluctantly lets the matter go, deciding to drop the interrogation for now to help. Jimin seems to have an idea about Yoongi's whereabouts in the last 30 minutes, and he's not spilling the beans to Namjoon.
“If you think I haven’t caught on to you guys getting closer to Y/N in the last few months, you’re wrong.” The taller man says, warning heeding his voice.
The shorter men glance at him, not saying anything and enter Yoongi’s tent. They do share one thought at that moment though. You have to give them an answer once they come back to campus.
January 20 [Sunday]
The second day of the camping trip unfolds, and the group embarks on a hike through the scenic surroundings early in the morning after breakfast. The weather, though chilly, is pleasant, and the crisp air invigorates everyone. Conversations ebb and flow as the trail winds its way through the tree-filled landscape.
Jieun, a few steps ahead, animatedly shares memories of visiting this place during her childhood. "I remember catching fireflies by the lake in the summer." she reminisces, her eyes reflecting the nostalgia. Seokjin, walking beside her, chimes in with a grin, "I used to come here a lot too when I was a boy scout.”
Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook snicker in response to this.
“You guys can laugh all you want, but these boy scout skills come in handy."
"I don't know about them, but for sure Jungkook can fight a bear barehanded." Yoongi playfully remarks, the group erupting into even more laughter. Jungkook, sporting a lighthearted grin, flexes his muscles jokingly.
As you walk, you notice Namjoon and Soyoon strolling together. Soyoon, despite the chilly weather, wears a form-fitting pine green turtleneck that lacks the expected thermal warmth. Namjoon, ever the gentleman, notices her discomfort from the cold and offers his jacket. She initially refuses, probably mindful of the potential interpretations of their exchange. But after Namjoon continues insisting, he finally accepts with a gracious smile.
Behind Namjoon, you see Hoseok also catches the scene and shoots him a disapproving look.
Further back, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin seize the opportunity to tease Namjoon about his chivalrous gesture. "Look at Mr. Romantic over there." Jimin smirks, nudging Taehyung and Jungkook.
"I bet he practices that move in front of a mirror." Taehyung chuckles with them.
Namjoon, momentarily caught off guard by their reactions, glances at them and then immediately at you. He seems to be searching for a reaction. You know you struggle at being fake. It’s not in your nature to hide your feelings. Though, you feel like he does sense a subtle frustration from you. He wonders if you have been feeling like this for some time. Why is he starting to see it only now?
Before he even has the chance to go over to you and question it, the sky suddenly transforms, heavy raindrops plummet from the clouds and onto the earth. Great. It's as if the weather gods have decided to test you and see what you would do. However, panic sets in when you realize you left your laptop in the tent, vulnerable to the impending downpour.
“Holy fuck! My laptop!”
“Wait, Y/N!”
Hastily, you dash back down the path toward the campgrounds, your footsteps echoing in the mud leaving behind a voice that calls out to you.
You worked on your assignment last night in the tent before going to sleep. Once you finished for the night, you left your laptop next to you and that was where you last saw it this morning before you left on the hike as well. There are no signs it was going to rain this weekend. Yeah, the soil seems moist from rainy days from the prior week, but everyone should’ve been safe now. How could the weather change so suddenly like this?
You recklessly sprint, fueled by worries of your irreplaceable laptop and paper, amongst other things. Like reality. And the irritation you feel seeing Namjoon keep giving his attention to— Your thought process cuts as you notice the uneven terrain beneath your feet become treacherous. The realization of the potential catastrophe awaiting you propels you forward, a surge of adrenaline pushing you beyond reason.
In your haste, disaster strikes. A misstep, a slippery surface, and you find yourself sprawled on the ground.
No sound from you, but pain radiating from your scraped knee and throbbing ankle. The once jubilant group following behind is now consumed by concern seeing you on the ground, injured and covered in mud.
Jungkook and Jieun are the first to reach you, genuine worry etched across their faces. "Are you okay?" Jungkook's voice carries a note of genuine concern. Wincing in pain, you shake your head, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "I left my laptop in the tent, and I can't let anything happen to it, so I rushed off." you explain, your words rushed and pained. You feel yourself about to sob as you try to get yourself to stand and your legs are not cooperating.
“Hey, hey, be careful.” The younger man advises. However, the pain makes walking nearly impossible. Before anyone can offer help, Jungkook immediately leans down and decides,“You know what, just get on. I’ll take you somewhere safe.” Jungkook offers, gesturing you to get on his back.
The unexpected gesture catches you off guard.
“O-Okay…thank you Jungkook.”
“I’ll help retrieve your laptop as well. You’ll be okay” Jieun says, and you thank her.
However, as Jungkook carries you through the rain-soaked trail, glances are exchanged among the group. Jimin and Yoongi share a look laden with unsaid sentiments, a subtle pang of jealousy lingering in the air. It should’ve been them to help you, they think to themselves. They are the ones that like you after all. Though for some reason, they froze in that moment.
Namjoon, still grappling with the aftermath of his earlier actions, feels a tinge of disappointment in his own inability to respond swiftly too.
You, Jungkook, and Jieun are the first to make it back to witness the mess. The campsite now lies in disarray. Flooded and muddy soil squelches beneath Jungkook’s feet, and the aftermath of strong winds has left tents in tatters. Items that were once neatly arranged outside the tents now scatter across the ground, casualties of nature's sudden fury.
Amidst the chaos, Jieun takes charge, her quick eyes scanning the wreckage. Miraculously, your laptop emerges unscathed, protected by the cocoon of your sleeping bag. With a relieved smile, she carefully places it in its bag next to it and hands it to Jungkook, who holds it securely.
"We can't stay out here like this," Jin remarks, his practicality cutting through the disappointment that hangs in the air. "It could rain again and we could also get sick."
A collective sigh ripples through the group. The abrupt turn of events forces them to confront the reality of their situation. Plans of an idyllic hike and spending a weekend outdoors have been derailed by the unpredictability of nature.
"I can go check the cabin lodging next to the campsite to see if they have any available," Soyoon suggests, her willingness to take charge evident. Namjoon quickly volunteers to accompany her, the two of them lightly jog toward the lodging office.
In the meantime, everyone takes shelter under the picnic area until the downpour turns into light showers. Once it does, everyone starts packing up and cleaning the campsite in the meantime.
Luckily, Soyoon and Namjoon manage to book a large cabin by the lakefront.
“It was the only largest one available that could fit all of us. It’s also a little expensive…” Namjoon stated earlier. Seokjin shrugs, saying he’ll cover majority of the cost as long as everyone is able to chip in a little. We all agree. You thank god that Seokjin is the rich friend in the friend group during times like this.
The cabin charms with its cozy allure. A fully stocked kitchen was just what everyone needed right now. The gas BBQ included will definitely be useful to the meats that survived the storm. The upstairs living room invites relaxation with comfy seating and a Smart TV. Everyone immediately takes advantage of this and sits around.
Outdoors, the upper deck beckons with stunning views. Downstairs, the master bedroom offers luxury, a California King bed, and a sliding door to the lower deck overlooking the lake.
Four rooms in total provide ample sleeping space, including a bunk room with two sets of twin bunk beds. Practicality meets convenience with a fully equipped laundry room and an upstairs half bath.
Jungkook carries you into the master bedroom and lays you down on the bed, elevating your head with the pillows. Seokjin grabs a first aid kit he found in the kitchen and takes out bandages, disinfectant and other supplies to tend to your scraped knee and sprained ankle.
“See, told you my boy scout skills will come in handy!” You giggle at Jin’s attempt to cheer you up. As he works, Namjoon hovers nearby, his concern evident.
"You should’ve been careful." Namjoon murmurs, a gentle scolding in his tone.
You manage a sheepish smile, acknowledging his warning. Seokjin finishes the impromptu first aid session, making sure you're comfortable before stepping back.
"Thank you, Jin," you express your gratitude, relieved that the injuries aren't as severe as they could have been.
Seokjin waves it off, "No problem. Just take it easy for a while."
Jin and Jungkook disperse to join the others upstairs. Jimin and Yoongi, lingering at the doorway, exchange a glance.
Jimin steps forward, concern etched on his face. "How are you feeling, Honey?” he asks, sincerity in his eyes.
You nod, offering a reassuring smile. "Alright now, thanks to Jinnie. Thanks for worrying, Jimin."
Yoongi, standing a bit more reserved, adds, "Do you need anything? I can whip up some food."
"That would sound really good right about now."
"Give me about 20 minutes, and I'll come back with some sweet rice porridge. Sounds good?"
Namjoon remains standing there watching your interaction with them. He feels somehow intimidated by how they're so much closer to you despite you all having the same title of "best friends".
He glances at your laptop on the nearby table trying to find a reason to remain here. While part of him wants to join the others upstairs, he lingers. Maybe he needs to let you know about his feelings soon before his relationship with you strains any further.
He sighs loudly, making you all look at him, “I’ll come back to talk to you later.” He excuses himself and follows Yoongi upstairs, leaving Jimin alone with you.
Aside from the fact that he’s upset that you got hurt, you’re not sure what else could be fueling an unknown frustration behind his eyes. You guess you’ll find out later.
Jimin has some thoughts about Namjoon’s behavior, but decides not to voice them right now and gives his attention back to you.
��You need to get out of these clothes, love. They’re really muddy and gross.” He comments, looking at you with a disgusted expression, making you laugh.
“I would try, but I literally can’t move much.”
“I’ll help you.”
Huh? Did Jimin just say he’ll help you undress yourself? You find yourself feeling very flustered suddenly. What if someone walks in? Locking the door seems suspicious but what else can you do?
“I-It’s fine! I’ll just try removing my clothes slowly one piece at a time!” You wave your hands frantically, creating a makeshift barricade against Jimin's helpful hands.
“Why are you being so shy right now? I’ve seen you naked at least 15 times by now.” he remarks, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
“H-Hey! Shut up! What if someone hears you?”
“Everyone’s upstairs, probably playing board games in the living room. Yoongi won’t be back for another 10 minutes or so. Plus he’s seen you naked too.” He checks his phone. “And he just texted the Sanctuary chat to say that he’ll come in whenever I’m done.” He flashes the text messages Yoongi sent.
You can’t continue arguing with a concerned Jimin, so you decide to surrender.
“Fine, just be quick.”
Jimin's eyes turn into crescents, satisfied he won this battle. He carefully removes your lilac puffer jacket, followed by your black converse sneakers and then your medium washed jeans covered in mostly dried mud and blood from your knee scrape. When he finishes gently unbuttoning your cropped long-sleeve polo shirt and removing it, he starts giggling. Perplexed, you shoot him a puzzled look, unsure what’s so funny to him. I mean, sitting here half naked is humiliating, so maybe you deserve it. You’ve been acting reckless.
“You’re just so pretty, Y/N. Never thought I’d be in a situation to even see you like this before the deal we made.”
Heat fills your face and you can’t even find words to rebuttal his claims. Why have those two men been saying things that make you feel like you’re going insane?
Jimin knows you feel embarrassment, but pays no mind as he unclasps your black bra, removing it and leaving your breasts bare. He decides to tease you a bit more and softly grasps your breasts, squishing them with his hands. Your eyes widen, suddenly feeling a surge of heat radiating elsewhere due to your chests’ sensitivity.
“I really never realized how beautiful you look naked before.” he admits with a playful tone. He continues with his massage until you finally fight back the horny demon that he awakens in you. Not today, Satan.
You playfully smack his arm, urging him to stop. “O-Okay, Jimin! I get it! Just give me that oversized t-shirt from my duffle and leave before I go crazy.”
He chuckles, relinquishing his playful antics and retrieving the desired t-shirt from your bag. “Glad I was able to cheer you up a bit, darling. We’ll have fun another time.”
Once he ensures you're comfortably tucked in, he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before exiting the room.
Oddly, that felt a lot more intimate than all the sex you two had before. It feels like you two are inching closer to a new territory beyond whatever fuck buddy and best friend relationship you have. You feel a little scared, but somewhat excited.
Before you can dwell on it further, you feel your body become heavier and you gradually drift into a peaceful slumber. You make just a small mental note to apologize to Yoongi for falling asleep before he can feed you some of his porridge.
Several hours have passed and it is 2:30PM by the time you wake up from your nap. You were hoping to sleep for the rest of the day to avoid whatever confrontation Namjoon wants to have. You are still feeling tingles from the interaction you had with Jimin, but it proved too difficult with your sprained ankle getting in the way. There is also a group of your friends upstairs that will get suspicious at his sudden disappearance if that did happen.
Hwasa has sent you text updates regarding what everyone else is doing upstairs.
Hyejinnie [12:00PM]: I’m going to send you updates so you don’t feel FOMO Hyejinnie [12:01PM]: Wait you might.. I’m sorry bestie. ;( Welp, we are playing board games and eating snacks! Hyejinnie [1:22PM]: I’m helping ur boyfie make lunch with jieun eonnie. Oh and we’re all going to eat kbbq for dinner. Don’t miss out Hyejinnie [1:25PM]: wait not your boyfie i forget he’s just your fwb right now oops. pls ignore. Hyejinnie [2:07PM]: also you need to catch me up on whatever is going on with you and your.. friends. Don’t think i haven’t caught on ;p Hyejinnie [2:14PM]: I think we’re going to watch a movie now. Jieun said she’s going to show us a movie her old crush was in and we have to guess who it is lol Hyejinnie [2:25PM]: idk if you’re up from your nap, but let me know if you need anything. I’ll be in the living room watching the movie with everyone else. Some of the guys are on their phones though haha
You appreciate her consistent updates while you remain MIA from the trip festivities. Maybe you should take this quiet time as a chance to get back to working on your paper. You just need a few more paragraphs and a final revision before submitting it on Canvas.
Just as you plop your laptop on your lap, a strong knock is heard at the door. You yell to whoever is on the other side of the door that it's okay to enter. It turns out to be Namjoon.
You don’t feel mentally ready to talk to him yet. You’re honestly not sure if you can come up with any cohesive thoughts as you remember that you haven’t eaten since this morning. You glance around and see the bowl of porridge Yoongi must’ve left on the bedside table while you slept.
“I wanted to come in sooner, but Yoongi told me you fell asleep.”
You nod. “I felt really exhausted after that hike, the run and injury, so I knocked out once I felt safe enough to do so.”
“So is now a good time to talk?”
You feel hesitant to say yes, knowing another lecture from your tall, beefy best friend awaits you. You’re so over this trip. Despite all these feelings, you decide just to do it and get it out the way so you can eat.
You nod. “Okay, what did you want to ask me?”
“Why have you been acting really weird lately?”
He doesn’t hesitate to get straight to the point, which doesn’t surprise you much. Okay, so you’ve been caught. But what about you has been weird to him though? Does that mean the others have caught on to your behavior too?
You feign ignorance. “Can you elaborate by what you mean, Namjoon?” Your voice sounds deadpan, with a hint of coldness.
“Can you stop acting like you don’t know what you’re doing when you’ve been staring at me and Soyoon throughout this whole trip?”
You shrug. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He ignores your remark and continues, “I already told you before. There is nothing going on between me and her, so you can just stop feeling jealous or whatever.”
Jealous? What?! How dare he make that accusation. You’re not jealous. You’re just worried for the sake of your friendship. There’s no other feelings tied to that…is there? Memories from the party in October where you saw Namjoon and Jihyo flash in your mind.
“No the fuck I’m not!” you immediately deny, a little too quick at that.
“Yes, you fucking are.” he smiles, knowing how right he is based on your defensive response.
“You’re sorely mistaken, Joon.”
“No, I’m not, Y/N. I noticed this even when I was seeing Jihyo and the girl before that. For some reason, you’re always acting off when another girl is involved with me.” He explains further.
Fuck. He really caught on to that a little too well. You know what, maybe he is right. Maybe you’re not jealous out of concern that these girls that keep showing up in Namjoon’s life will take him away from you. It’s really because you wish you were in their place. Being so intimately closer to him than you have ever been. Another flying thought of Yoongi’s questions that caused you to spiral comes to mind.
“You literally do that to me! I couldn’t even go somewhere without you acting weird and accusing me of hanging out with other men who do not live in our house.”
“That’s different.” He rubs the crease between his brows, you press your lips even tighter in frustration. “Plus, I don’t even think I trust some of the ones that do live in our house.”
Namjoon’s comment has you puzzled. What is he trying to imply?
“Why do you think that?”
“I’ve just had a feeling that something weird is going on, and everyone seems to know except for me.”
Shit, everyone? You’ve been cautious this whole time except when you first slept with Yoongi, leading Jungkook to find out. But Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung? Have they somehow realized and have been quiet about it. There’s no way to address something you don’t even know. You have to redirect the conversation.
“You say that, but you’re the one being so vague about why you've been so buddy buddy with Soyoon lately.” You mutter with an attitude, crossing your arms. “You don’t have to hide it and lie to me if you’re interested in her. Just go date her already.”
Namjoon scoffs. He walks closer to you, outstretching his arms on both of your sides, caging you. He’s so close, smelling like the fresh wood sage cologne he sprays on after a shower. For some reason, this smell is more intoxicating right now than ever before. Your heartbeat feels like it’s increasing from the close proximity. This isn’t even the first time you’ve been this close to him, but there’s some kind of energy making you feel anxious than before.
“Because I don’t fucking want to.”
“Then what’s stopping you?”
“You.” Namjoon mouths out, words so quiet feeling like only you two are meant to hear.
“Huh? Me?” You scrunch your eyebrows while whispering at him. “Is my jealousy really getting in the way of you being happy?”
“You’re one of the smartest people I know and you still want me to spell it out for you?” He chuckles bitterly, seemingly feeling like he’s going to regret the next sentence that’s going to come out of his mouth.
You nod, “Yes, because I’m still confused about your actions and I’m tired of the constant misunderstandings and fights— ”
“Because I’m in love with you.”
The world suddenly goes silent for what feels like a thousand minutes.
Your mouth is left agape, unable to find any reason to continue speaking. Whatever thought bubbles filled your head with anger and anxiety are now gone. You find it hard to gather the next words you say from looking right into Namjoon’s dragon eyes, mesmerizing you.
“Y-You’re in l-love with me.” The realization escapes your lips, rather shaky, The words hanging in the air, charged with an unexpected gravity.
Namjoon takes a deep breath, his eyes holding a mix of determination and vulnerability. "Yes, I've been in love with you for a long time. Soyoon was in the process of helping me confess to you on Valentine's Day, but with you acting jealous and making up scenarios in your head, I couldn't keep it a secret any longer."
Your mind races, processing his confession. Namjoon, your best friend, has just declared his love for you. The first one out of your friends… but is he? You vaguely remember Yoongi saying something similar during that one party, but you brushed it off. There’s also Hwasa’s observations… Jimin’s kiss on his birthday…
Oh no.
The gravity of the situation sinks in, and your internal conflict intensifies. You're entangled in a complicated fuck buddies deal with Yoongi and Jimin, who potentially may be in love with you too. And now a lot of these things are starting to make sense,
Then there’s Namjoon's words adding a new layer of concern. How will this confession affect your shit with Yoongi and Jimin? You like all of them but do you love them? You also do not live in a perfect universe to be dating all of them. Would they even want that?
Namjoon must sense your anxiety skyrocketing, because he leans in and kisses your forehead. And for just a bit, you go back to feeling floaty. You want to feel like this all the time, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon. You have things to resolve.
“You probably have a lot on your mind. I do too.” He cups your cheeks, sincerely staring into your eyes. “You don’t have to answer me right now. I just wanted to ease your mind before anything else happens.”
You nod back slowly, waiting for him to continue.
“I might be gone for the fall semester.” He starts, moving over to sit on your bed.
“I applied for a study abroad law program in New Zealand and Korea. I’ll be in my last year and my parents told me over winter break that they want me to go abroad and gain some new experience. I see Yoongi working so hard and I feel like I haven’t been doing much at all.”
This new information comes as a shock to you, and you feel excited for him, yet sad for several reasons
Namjoon had fought with his parents last summer about wanting to pursue a career as an archivist or art conservator. They said it wasn’t ideal and that he should focus on being a civil servant and then become a politician. He came over to your house once and stayed the night in your room, shedding tears about how his parents didn’t understand him.
The second reason is more selfish: You’ve never been apart from Namjoon for a long time since you first met him. Sure, since you guys have a one year age difference, there were times that you weren’t at the same school together. Though, it’s not like you never saw each other at least some point in the week. You’re neighbors after all. This would be different. Maybe there will be an occasional facetime call or texts sent during different time zones from him retelling his adventures. Though it won’t be the same as having him with you. You’re not going to admit that right now though.
“So you’re not going to pursue art and become an archivist or art conservator anymore?”
“I…I am. I’ll find a way to prove to my parents that I can do this and be successful. I’ll network, find a way to get into that space more. Studying abroad would be a great way to do that.” He explains softly.
You remember the question Yoongi had asked yesterday about your dreams. You still feel like you don’t have a concrete answer, but seeing the way your older best friends try so hard makes you think you should start focusing on that as well. You wonder if Jimin has any thoughts of his own regarding the future too.
Namjoon continues to converse with you about his future plans and why he had to confess to you now, as he didn’t want it to be “too late” and regret it later on. While you don’t ask him what he meant by that, you kind of had an idea.
Once Namjoon leaves your room to rejoin everyone upstairs, the floaty and relaxed feeling inside you fades away and you immediately start to feel like shit.
The truth begins to bear down on you: Yoongi and Jimin's friends-with-benefits arrangement might not be just a casual fling. They probably like you too — well, more than a best friend. The deal was probably to act as a trial period, a way for them to express their feelings without the complexity of a formal confession and for you to realize some repressed feelings. Although now, with Namjoon's direct and sincere confession, you just simply don’t know what to do anymore.
Things were easier when you didn’t have to think about this much originally with Yoongi. Just have sex from time to time and still remain best friends. When Jimin managed to seduce you, awakening something within you, and get added as fuck buddy #2, you had stepped into a dangerous zone. Now the thought of Namjoon getting added to that…
No! He’d never do it. He’s not as open-minded and insane to become your third fuck buddy. If he found out, you don’t think he’d be happy. He’d probably murder Yoongi and Jimin for hiding and doing such an insane thing. Then you’d be next. And even if you’d add Namjoon to this fuck buddies trial deal, you don’t think anyone would be happy in the end.
You love them all. No favoritism for one over the others. They all have something that makes you feel butterflies, whether you realized it before or not.
Is this the perfect time to talk to Hwasa about your dilemma? You don’t even think you’ve told her about you and Jimin, but she’s perceptive. She probably saw some signs, but hadn’t commented on them.
You [4:03PM]: Hey Hwasa, we need to have a girl talk time. Hyejinnie [4:04PM]: Say no more! I’m telling Jungkook to come carry you up so we can talk in my room.
And just when you received that message, Jungkook shows up at the door and bows to you.
“I have been requested to bring up the Honey Princess to Hwasa’s room.”
You laugh. He’s adorable, you think. “Yes? Please take me up, Sir Jungkook.”
Jungkook carries you on his back once again, up the stairs. You take a glance of Yoongi, Jieun, Jin and Namjoon in the kitchen, preparing dinner before you are in Hwasa and Soohyun’s shared room at the end of the hall. Jungkook comments that he’s getting you ice to make your ankle’s swelling go down, leaving the room. You faintly hear him scolding your guy besties for not doing that earlier, making you guys laugh. He comes back with a bag of ice and then exits the room, closing the door in the process.
Hwasa greets you with a warm smile as you settle onto the bed, propping yourself up against the pillows. This bedroom is adorned with fairy lights, creating a cozy atmosphere that contrasts the turmoil in your mind. Hwasa, perceptive as always, senses that something serious is on your mind.
"So spill, what's going on?" she asks, her eyes filled with concern.
You take a deep breath, contemplating where to begin. "Remember my thing with Yoongi…” You whisper, hoping no one outside could hear. The TV is pretty loud playing someone’s Spotify playlist though.
“Yes, of course! Are y’all still…”
“We are.” Hwasa nods in response. “I’ve been keeping things lowkey so I haven’t told you much advancements, but I also started doing that with Jimin."
Her eyes widen, not in surprise, but more in confirmation of her past observations. “I figured that might’ve been the case when I kept seeing you be a little more touchier than usual in class last semester."
Your face reddens as you remark. “Nothing really passes by you, does it?” Hwasa can’t help but laugh at your reaction.
“You’re literally living the dream!” She holds both of your hands, intrigued at your ‘love life’. “They’re two of the finest frat boys on this campus. I don’t see how there can be a problem.”
"Except there is…" you admit, unraveling your overall deal with Jimin and Yoongi, your thoughts about them probably liking you and the argument you had with Namjoon earlier. As you share the details, Hwasa listens attentively, offering occasional nods and empathetic expressions.
"Wow, that's…a lot," she remarks when you finish. "And now Namjoon dropped the bomb? He’s equally as hot too."
You nod, feeling the weight of the situation. "Exactly. I never expected him to confess. I didn’t think he felt that way about me. Now, I'm stuck in this mess, and I don't know what to do!" You fall back onto the pillows, looking at the ceiling in frustration.
Hwasa places a comforting hand on yours. "First things first, take a deep breath.” You do. “It's a lot to process, but you'll figure it out. Now, tell me how you feel about each of them. Let’s start with Jimin"
“Jimin is someone who I feel comfortable with to try new things. He’s always managed to get me out of my shell and without him, I don’t think I’d be the person I am today. He’s also really kinky in bed so…Soft dom vibes?”
“Okay, spicy, I see! And Yoongi?”
“Yoongi feels like my soulmate…even Jimin pointed it out. We’re so in tune with one another that I don’t feel so on edge around him. I feel more relaxed. But I’m so emotionally driven and sometimes he doesn’t get that. Though he does try. Always does.”
Hwasa coughs repeatedly, “How’s the sex?”
“I… It’s really fucking good. Getting fingered by a man who plays the guitar is another worldly experience. Ten out of ten.” Hwasa squeals hearing this, but quickly covers her mouth to avoid anyone coming in concerned.
“Well holy shit. I guess that leaves Namjoon?”
“Namjoon, right.” You haven’t thought about it much before, but it was mainly because you’ve tried not to see him like that. He was obviously attractive with his muscles and tall height. His brains are another thing. “Aside from how obviously hot he’s always been, his mind is just so eloquent. He’s such a big brother at times and while I get annoyed at his lecturing, he makes me feel grounded and keeps challenging me to work harder. I don’t know what else to say?”
You find that articulating your emotions brings a sense of clarity. Hwasa provides thoughtful insights and asks probing questions, guiding you through the maze of your own emotions.
Once you've laid out your feelings, Hwasa leans back, pondering. "Alright, here's what I think. You need to have an honest conversation with all of them. Start off with Yoongi and Jimin, then somehow get Namjoon in that conversation. Lay your cards on the table, and let them know where you stand. It's the only way to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings."
You sigh, realizing the truth in her words. "But what if I can't choose between them? What if I ruin everything?"
Hwasa smirks, "Then, my dear, you need to consider a different kind of arrangement—one that works for all parties involved. But that's a discussion for another day. For now, focus on being open and honest with them. You owe it to yourself and to them."
“You’re right. Thank you Hwasa for hearing me out on my crazy dramatic life. I appreciate you so much.” You gesture her to get closer so you can give her a hug, and she does.
After your heart-to-heart with Hwasa, Jungkook comes in to let you know that dinner is ready and that he’ll be taking you over there. You appreciate his kindness.
The delicious aroma of the meat wafts through the air as you enter the kitchen, where the group is gathered around the table, engaged in lively conversation.
Jin, always the culinary maestro, tells everyone to take their seats. As you settle in, you can't help but glance at your three best friends at different points during the meal.
Yoongi is focused on grilling meat, his brows furrowed in concentration. The subtle scent of his cooking skills fills the air, momentarily distracting you from your internal conflict. You catch his eye, and there's a silent understanding between you two.
Jimin, sitting across from you, steals occasional glances your way. His gaze is warm and comforting, reassuring you that no matter the complications, he's there for you. A small smile passes between you that speaks volumes.
Namjoon, busy discussing something with Hoseok, occasionally looks in your direction. There's a mix of emotions in his eyes—longing, and perhaps a touch of hope.
The dinner is filled with laughter and camaraderie as the trip ends tonight. You try to savor the meal and the company, but the weight of the unspoken hangs in the air.
As the night progresses, you find yourself more restless. The uncertainty of your situation gnaws at you. Once dinner concludes, you and the other girls go to the living room to watch some youtube videos on the smart TV. As they busy themselves talking about stuff, you grab your phone and open the group chat with Yoongi and Jimin.
You [8:45PM]: Valentine’s Day. I’ll give you my decision.
Sending the message, you brace yourself for the conversations that lie ahead. Whatever happens, you face it headstrong.
tbc :O a/n: uh-oh we're getting to the conflicting part hehehehe !!! i apologize for the delay getting this chapter out. i am currently working on some big things and doing some interviews so the fic had been neglected for a month or so, but i am back for a bit and already working on CH 8 as well! Anyone have any thoughts or theories on what Y/N will decide to say? i'd love to hear about them so lmk hehehe thank you all for reading!
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btssoul7 · 4 months
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V x IU x Love Wins All mv 💜
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emblazons · 9 months
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ok but it is giving v much Mike Wheeler IU class of ‘93 (x)
cc: @magentamee & her future!Mike headcanon LMAO
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