#tw: dislocated shoulder
So in a fic I’m working on I had this idea that at some point my oc and Sam are possibly making out (you could just make it a Sam Winchester x oc) when they realize her shoulder is dislocated. She’s got a higher pain tolerance so she didn’t think much of it until later and she keeps wincing and Sam catches on.
'What was that? You winced.'
Sorry it took so long. Mental health was a bit off with packing to move. Enjoy!
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Sam Winchester X female!Reader
Rated: Teen and up (kissing, implied reference without actually stating, injury)
Summary: After a hunt, the adrenaline gets to them and they start enjoying themselves back at the bunker only to find out Y/N got hurt.
“Hey,” yelled Dean happily from the map room as Sam and Y/N walked down the stairs. “How’d it go?”
“Ok,” said Sam.
“Got thrown around,” replied Y/N from behind Sam and shrugged, flinching at a pain in her arm. Rubbing it, she walked across the floor to the table and set her bag down. “How’s your vacation going?” She smirked at Dean.
Dean rolled his eyes, closed his book, and got up.
Y/N smiled, teasingly and opened her arms for a hug.
Dean came up, bent over some, and wrapped his arms around her with a grin, “Glad y’all came home in one piece.”
“Me too,” she agreed with a small squeeze and hiss.
Dean pulled back with concern in his eyes, “You ok?”
“Yeah, just sore,” she explained.
He looked over to Sam with a smile and moved to him with a hug as well. Stepping back, he inquired, “Need anything?”
Y/N and Sam shook their heads.
“A’ight. I’m gonna head to my room and let the love birds relax,” he teased and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a beer, then headed towards his room.
Sam and Y/N rolled their eyes at him. She giggled and Sam huffed with an upturn of his lips.
Y/N picked up her duffel bag from the floor with a small grunt and rubbed her arm leaving her hand on her shoulder, the pressure feeling good. Sam tugged on her duffle causing her to naturally let go. “Be right back,” he bent and planted a kiss on her cheek then headed to the hall to their room.
“I’ll grab some beers,” she called out, letting her arms swing as she strode into the kitchen.
Once back at the map table, she opened her beer and grimaced as she set Sam’s bottle down. She rubbed her shoulder again thinking it must be a knot but it didn’t help. Shrugging, she took a long sip of beer and set it down.
Hearing footfalls, she turned in her seat with a small smile and a quirk of her brow. She pursed her lips slightly causing the smile to widen.
Sam quirked a brow and grinned. He slid into the chair next to her and patted his lap.
She sat across his lap, her legs over the armrest with a smile only for him, then leaned over, slotting her lips against his. Her body relaxed against his frame, her hurt shoulder leaned against his chest drawing a hiss from her.
“What was that? You winced,” Sam noticed.
“Nothing,” she informed. “Just a knot or something that’s bugging me.” She tried leaning back down to continue kissing Sam but he held her in place with a raised brow.
“You’ve been hurt before without realizing how serious it was, Y/N.”
With a sigh, she got up out of his lap and sat back in her chair facing him.
He started examining her shoulder quickly causing her to flinch with a painful grunt. He chuckled warily and shook his head, “Only you could have a dislocated shoulder and not notice.”
“You like me with my high pain tolerance, so shut it, Winchester,” she teased.
Sam leaned over and kissed her lips, chastely, “I do but right now let’s go to the infirmary to see if we can find you an arm splint.
She grumbled, wrinkling her nose, and reluctantly followed him.
Tag: @myloversgone @riley-phoenix
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marvelous-writer · 2 years
A Hawk and a Spider
Summary: An Avengers mission goes wrong when Peter and Kate wind up getting stuck under a collapsed building. 
Whumptober Day 12: Cave In, Day 13: Dislocation, Day 14: Failed Escape, Day 15: Breathing Through the Pain, & Day 16: “No one’s coming.”
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
Rating: G
Word Count: 6,275
Genre: whump, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff
Link to read on AO3:
“Those cowards,” Clint’s voice comes over the comms. “Guys, we have to get the hell out of here. They have a timed explosion that’s going to go off in a minute.”
Peter’s eyes widen beneath his mask as he looks at Tony.
“Shit. Can you disarm it?” Tony curses as he glances around the dark warehouse space.
“Already tried. Whoever rigged it is a knows what they’re doing.”
“So this whole thing was just a trap to lure us here.” Tony says with a sigh.
“Afraid so, Stark but on the bright side, we were able to find a list of locations they’ve been transporting these weapons to. We’ll scope them out later but for now let’s get the hell out of here!”
The team was called on a mission by SHIELD to take down a new organization group that has been stealing alien weapons from Damage Control, and they’re guessing it’s an inside job. The location to the warehouse they’re in somewhere in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York popped up on SHIELD’s radar, so the team was sent out to look for any evidence and take down any of the goons that worked here. They must have tripped off some kind of alarm when they got here.
“Let’s get the hell out of here, Pete.” Tony tells him as his helmet closes over his head.
Peter nods as he follows Tony out of the room they had been searching in and shoots a web off to Tony’s back as he takes off into the now open space, heading towards one of the skylights.
When they’re outside, Peter can see the team running back towards the Quinjet, a safe distance away from the warehouse before it explodes. Tony shoots off in that direction and Peter tightens his grip on his web line before they reach the team. Tony slows down and starts to descend back the ground and Peter jumps down when they’re close enough.
“We made sure the area was evacuated on our way out. I’m guessing there was some kind of silent alarm we tripped when we went in.” Steve says, looking over at Tony as he retracts his helmet, the nanotech crawling back into his suit.
Tony nods as he walks over to Steve, the two discussing something.
“Hold up. Where’s Kate?” Clint suddenly asks.
“I thought she was with you.” Steve says with a frown.
Peter looks around them and off into the distance where the Quinjet is parked, but the ramp is still up so she couldn’t have gotten on board. Peter looks back at Clint, seeing the worry on the archer’s face.
The archer raises his hand and presses on the comm link in his ear. “Kate? Are you still in the warehouse?”
A few tense seconds pass by before a crackling sound fills the comms.
“Yeah! I found this secret room in one of the offices behind a bookshelf and it’s full of evidence that ties them to—”
“Kate, listen to me carefully. You have to get out of there right now. The building is going to explode in less than a minute!”
“Shit—what?” She exclaims on the other end, followed by rapid movement. “Oh no… this is bad. Uh, Clint… we have a problem.”
“What?” Clint asks with dread in his voice.
“The door wont open.. It must have locked when it closed on me.”
Clint’s eyes widen in horror as he wips around to face the warehouse. Peter’s eyes widen as well under his mask. Kate has become one of his closest friends since they met last year around Christmas and there’s no way he’s going to sit here and let her get hurt—or worse—killed.
Without hesitating, Peter lunges away from the group, heading back to the warehouse.
“Peter! Stop!” Tony calls to him in a panicked voice, hearing the sound of his suit firing up.
“Tony, no! He’s faster than any of us. He’ll be in and out of there.” Peter heard someone say, stopping Tony from following him.
Peter pushes himself to run faster as he looks up at all of the warehouse windows as he presses the comm in his ear. “Kate, I'm coming to get you. What floor are you on?”
“The third floor!”
Peter reaches a hand out and shoots a web off to the roof before he jumps up, yanking the web back, propelling himself up in the air. When he’s close enough to the large third floor windows, he shoots two webs at the building before he yanks himself feet first through the window, glass shattering around him.
He lands inside on the carpeted floor and rolls a few times, ignoring the sharp sting of pain from the pieces of glass stabbing him as he springs back up to his feet. His eyes dart around him as he searches the space around him. He’s surrounded by what looks to be endless rows of cubicles with quite a few glass offices on the surrounding walls. Peter starts to jog up the aisle of cubicles, looking around himself for any sign of Kate.
“Mr. Stark is calling.” Karen tells him as Tony’s contact photo pops up on his HUD.
“Don’t answer it.” Peter says.
But of course, she does the exact opposite, probably all thanks to Tony updating her coding recently without him knowing it.
“Connecting call.”
“No, Karen—“
“Peter, so help me, you get back here right now.” Tony’s voice comes from the other line of the call.
Peter resists the urge to roll his eyes. This is a matter of life and death and Tony is still babying him. He had to almost beg to join the team on this mission. He just so happened to be at the Compound with Tony at the time while he was helping Bruce in the lab with a project when the call to assemble came. It was a rushed decision on Tony’s part to let him tag along, which Peter is sure he’s regretting now.  
“I’ll be in and out, Tony. I’m not leaving Kate in here.” Peter tells him.
“Then I’m coming in—“
Frustration and anger rush through Peter all at once. After everything, Tony still doesn’t think he has what it takes—what it takes to be an Avenger.
“No! I’ve got this, Tony!”
“Peter. You listen to me right now—“
“We don’t have time for this, Tony! I’m not going to stop and let you talk down to me like I’m a kid. You’re not my dad!” He yells before he ends the call. Shoving away his anger for the time being, he presses the comm in his ear. “Kate, do you know what office you’re in?”
“The second one on the right next to the stairwell door!” Kate grunts out and Peter can tell she’s slamming herself into something, probably the locked door.
Peter’s eyes scan around him until his eyes land on a door across the large space from him with a sign on the door with the word ‘stairs’ painted on it.
“Peter you have fifty-two seconds before the explosion will detonate.” Karen warns him.
Peter grits his teeth in determination as he runs past the rows of cubicles towards the office next to the stairwell entrance. When he reaches it, he throws the door open and rushes inside, only to reveal that the office is empty, except for a desk and bookshelf.
“Did you find her yet, Pete?” Clint’s worried voice comes over the comms.
“Not yet. I’m…” He pauses, straining his ears for a second, hearing the faint sound of something slamming behind the bookshelf in the office.
Peter rushes forward to the bookshelf, his eyes scanning over the empty shelves. “How did you open the bookshelf, Kate? Was there a lever? A button?”
“I-I don’t really know. I was feeling along the left side of it and I heard something click and it just opened.”
“Peter, there appears to be a button on the left side of the shelf, right by the top shelf.” Karen tells him.
Peter skims his hand along the left side of the bookshelf until his finger brushes up against the small button. “I got it!” He exclaims, pressing it.
Something clicks somewhere within the bookshelf before it starts to slowly slide open, revealing a door behind it. Peter wastes no time in shoving it the rest of the way to the side, causing something to snap, probably the gears. He grabs the handle to the secret door, finding it locked as well.
There’s only one thing to do.
Peter raises a hand to the comm as he takes a few steps back from the door. “Get away from the door, Kate!”
“Okay but why?”
Without answering, Peter lunges at the door and smashes into it with his shoulder, causing the door to break off the hinges, wood pieces flying in the air as it falls to the floor. Peter catches himself on his hands before he faceplates on the broken door.
“Oh, shit!”
Peter turns around and finds Kate standing in the corner by the door with wide eyes and her mouth agape.
“That was awesome!” She says with a grin.
Peter smiles under his mask as he stands up, raising a hand to his comm again. “Clint, I got her we—“
“Good, now you both need to get the hell out of there and fast! We were trying to shut the detonator off but there must have been a failsafe or something because the timer just changed! There’s only fifteen seconds before that explosion goes off!” Clint yells to him over the comms.
Peter and Kate’s wide eyes meet for a fraction of a second before they both run out of the secret room and the office.
“Peter, eight seconds.” Karen tells him.
“Which way?” Kate calls to him, running at his side.
“East window!”
Peter and Kate run down the rows of cubicles before they take a sharp right, the window Peter entered in from coming into their sighs a couple hundred feet away from them. Peter can see the hole he made from here.
Almost there.
“Five seconds!”
Peter grits his teeth in determination as his spider-sense harshly vibrates at the back of his head.
“Peter, Kate—get out of there!” Clint yells on the comms.
Peter’s eyes widen as he turns his head and sees that Kate has fallen behind him, unable to keep up with him.
“Hang on, Kate!” He yells as he slows down just enough to quickly wrap an arm around her, picking her up in an awkward side-carry as he throws his free hand out and shoots a web off to the window and pulls his arm back with all his might, propelling them forward.
Almost there!
“One second!”
His spider-sense blares at the back of his head but it’s too late to warn him in time as a loud, booming sound echoes throughout the building, followed by a shockwave that radiates through the air. The force of it sends Peter flying and his eyes widen under his mask.
At that moment, everything goes into slow motion.
His gaze turns to Kate’s face, seeing her eye slowly squeeze shut before he turns to the window across from them, throwing his arm up and shooting a web off. The web flows through the dusty air, glimmering in the sunlight leaking in through the hole in the window.
He doesn’t get o see if it connects to the window as the back of his shoulder clips the corner of a wall, hearing more than feeling something snap in his shoulder.
The window tilts out of his view as he and Kate fly in the opposite direction of it and he wraps his arms around to cover her before his back slams into the carpeted ground.
The last thing he’s aware of is the floor caving in beneath them and Kate’s terrified screams filling his ears before something slams into the side of his head, knocking him out cold.
The first thing Peter becomes aware of is a sharp ringing in his ears and pain.
Horrible, excruciating pain, radiating throughout his entire body, almost as if his skin is on fire.
He just wants it to stop.
Peter manages to crack his eyes open, only to find himself looking through one lens of his mask and the other one is missing, a few pieces still remaining around the rim. It’s dark, wherever he is, except for a weird, white, moving light… a flashlight? Everything is so blurry it’s hard to tell.
The light sends a sharp pain through his eyes, shooting all the way up to his head. Peter closes his eyes again with a raspy, pained groan from the back of his throat.
“Peter? Oh my God!” A voice suddenly fills his ears against the ringing.
Peter feels his brows pull together as he manages to weakly roll his head to the side, opening his eyes, finding someone kneeling over him. He sluggishly blinks a few times and with each blink, his vision clears, just enough for him to be able to see that it’s Kate.
He sees that the light is coming from the small flashlight in Kate’s hand, allowing him to also see that she’s covered in white dust with what looks to be pebbles of debris in her hair, a few bloody scratches and scrapes her face, along with a bloody split lip.
“Are you with me, Pete?” She asks as she leans in closer to him, her watery eyes filled with concern and fear.
Peter manages to nod, wincing against the pain it brings. “Y-Yeah…” He hoarsely says, blinking a few more times. “W-What happened?”
Her brows pull together. “You don’t remember?”
Peter frowns, wracking his foggy and jumbled brain for any memory but he can’t remember anything.
Kate lets out a shaky sigh as she sits back on her legs. “We’re on an Avengers mission and I got stuck in a secret room behind a bookshelf. You came in and got me out… but then the building blew up and now… we’re stuck underneath all of this debris.” She says, holding her arms out in emphasis.
Peter’s eyes widen as the memories come back to him of running inside the warehouse looking for her and then the explosion that came when they failed to escape in time.
“Ugh,” Peter groans out, closing his eyes. “I remember now,” He says, opening his eyes back up after a moment. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m okay for the most part but what about you? You’ve been unconscious for awhile. I don’t even know how long I was out for.” She says with a worried frown.
“Not the first time I’ve been knocked out,” Peter says in an attempted joke as he tries to sit up, only to let out a sharp hiss in pain when his right arm and head protest against the movement. But… it’s a weird pain coming from his arm. A sharp, tingling sensation runs up and down it as pain radiates from somewhere deep in his shoulder. He tries to wiggle his fingers to stop the tingling… only to find that he can’t. “Oh crap… that’s not good…”
“What’s wrong?” Kate quickly asks, panic in her voice as she helps him stay sitting up in the position he’s in.
Peter frowns as he squints to see in the semi-darkness to look down at his arm but he can’t see anything. “Can you bring the flashlight closer to my right arm, please?”
She moves closer to him and points her flashlight at his arm and he looks down at himself, only to see a word bulge under his suit in between his shoulder and chest.
Oh shit.
Peter is a science geek. He aced biology in school and he knows the parts of the human body and how they function, especially bones. He’s also a crime-fighting vigilante who has plenty of experience getting injured on the job.
He knows a dislocated shoulder when he sees and feels one.
Kate must see it too because her breathing picks up ever so slightly. “Y-Your shoulder-“
“It’s okay,” Peter tells her in the calmest tone can muster at the moment with the amount of pain he’s in. “I think it’s dislocated. It’s okay though. I’ve been though it before.”
“Yeah, same here. I had one when I was fifteen in gymnastics when I fell off the beams. What should we do?” She asks.
Peter bites his lip under his mask. He’s gotten a few dislocated shoulders over the years and Dr. Banner or Dr. Cho have been the ones to pop his shoulder back in. But they’re both trained medical professionals and they’ve probably set thousands of shoulders before.
He has no idea how to do that on his own.
“Peter?” Kate’s concerned voice takes him out of his thoughts.
He looks up at her, blinking, meeting her wide eyes.
“Are you okay?” She asks him.
“Y-Yeah,” he says, nodding as he becomes aware of the cold sensation washing over him, feeling goosebumps raise on his skin, followed by a sudden lightheadedness.
He's going into shock.
Kate’s eyes widen even further as she gently steadies him. “Maybe you should lie down?” She suggests.
“Y-Yeah… good idea.” Peter says as he slowly nods, starting to lie back down with Kate’s help.
Lying down doesn’t help much with all the pain he’s in but he feels less dizzy at least.
He closes his eyes for a moment. “Are the comms working?”
“Not since the last time I checked, maybe fifteen minutes ago?” Kate says with a disappointed sigh. “Let me try again,” she says, bringing her hand up to her ear, pressing on the comm. “Clint can you hear me? Clint?” She asks, pausing for a few beats of silence, listening. “Can anyone hear me?” She asks, only to be met with silence before she drops her hand with a sigh.
“Karen are you there?” Peter tries.
He’s met by silence as well. His suit must have been damaged enough to the pint that Karen is offline.
So they’re trapped under a collapsed building that could cave in at any moment, without medical supplies, food, water, or anyway to communicate with the team for help.
Things aren’t looking good for them.
A heavy silence falls over them for a few long minutes as they sit there, straining their ears to listen fort any signs that help is coming for them.
Kate breaks the silence by letting out a sigh. “I’m sorry I got us into this mess, Peter. I shouldn’t have gone into that room… I should have just listened to Clint. My first Avenger’s mission and I blew it—literally.”
Peter rolls his head slightly to the side to look up at her. “No you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. If I hadn’t gotten locked in that stupid room, none of this would have happened and you…” She pauses as she looks down at him, tears pooling in her eyes. “You got hurt because of me, Pete.”
“I didn’t. None of this is your fault, Kate. It was an accident,” He tells her. “How were you supposed to know you would get locked in there?”
Kate remains silent as she looks down at the ground, silence settling over them once again.
“I’ve been trapped under a building before.” Peter says, swallowing hard.
Kate looks at him with a surprised expression on her tear-streaked face. “Really?”
Peter nods. “Yeah… it happened a few years ago when I was kind of new to being Spider-Man. I…” He stops as the memories of Homecoming night and being trapped under that building flash in his mind. “I was trying to stop a bad guy and the warehouse we were fighting in collapsed. He got away but I didn’t. I got out after a while but…” he goes to shrug, forgetting his injured shoulder, causing him to grit his teeth against the pain he’s met with from moving it.
“How did you get out?”
“I just… lifted it off myself?”
Kate raises an eyebrow. “You lifted a warehouse off yourself?”
“Pretty much.”
“Wow,” She says, blinking as her brows pull together. “I’m sorry you had to go through that but… that’s really cool though.”
Peter weakly smiles, only for it to drop. He was able to get himself out back then but now… he’s too injured and weak to even stand up.
He can’t get them out of this.
If the team doesn’t find them soon and if the building shifts just the slightest… they’re dead.
“Hey,” Kate says as she gently places a hand on his shoulder, seeming to sense his inner turmoil. “We’re going to be okay. The team will figure something out. They know we’re in here and they’ll get us out. I just know it.” She says, offering him a small, reassuring smile.
Peter hopes she’s right.
Time drags by slowly, but Peter guesses it’s been close to two hours now since he regained consciousness. During these hours, the pain in his shoulder has grown, so much to the point it’s almost unbearable for him.
Peter’s eyes are squeezed shut, his fist on his uninjured hand tightly clenched at his side as he tries to take deep, steady breaths, breathing through the pain. He took his mask off a while ago, with his suit being offline and it was getting annoying looking through one lens. He had kept it on, hoping Karen would suddenly come back online… but it’s clear that she won’t be, not with how ripped and damaged his suit is.
“Clint? Can you hear me? Clint… please answer me.” Kate repeats for probably the hundredth time by now, her voice breaking at the end.
In the unknown amount of time that has passed, communications have still been out, as well as Karen. Kate has been trying to contact the team the whole time, only to still receive silence in response. She’s even tried looking around for any way out of here, unfortunately finding none.
Peter has always been one to remain hopeful when things are looking bad but now… things aren’t looking good and their odds are… slim.
If they’re not able to get out of here and soon, the debris on top of them could collapse if the team is trying to dig them out or if they move anything wrong, or the tiny space they’re trapped in will run out of oxygen since there are no airways.
So it’s a little hard for him to be hopeful right now.
Plus the pain he’s in is making it difficult to have any kind of positivity.
Peter grits his teeth and closes his eyes as he slowly starts to sit up, heavily leaning on his good arm for support. Kate turns around and sees him getting up and rushes to his side.
“Here, Pete let me help.” She says as she helps him lean against a chunk of debris on the ground that’s not leaning against anything.
“T-Thanks.” Peter grits out, offering her a shaky smile.
She sits down next to him and lets out a sigh, resting her head against the debris, mirroring him. They remain silent for a few moments and with each that pass by, Peter’s pain seems to increase, if that’s even possible. He lets out a pained groan as he shifts against the debris, his injured arm limply laying in his lap.
Kate looks over at him with worried eyes, her brows pulled together in a frown. “Does it hurt?” She asks in a sympathetic, quiet voice.
Peter bites his lip, nodding. “Y-Yeah… a lot.” He admits.
Kate’s brows pull closer together as she looks down at his arm. “Is there anything we can do?”
Peter hesitates for a second. He knows what needs to be done but he doesn’t know how to do it and there’s a great chance that it could just end with him in even more pain and internal damage.
“I… I think we have to pop my shoulder back in.”
Kate’s eyes widen. “Have you ever done that before? Do you even know how to do that?”
Peter shakes his head. “No… but I’ve seen it done before. How hard can it be?”
“I know, I’m really sorry I’m asking you to help me with this but… my healing is super fast and it could heal wrong if we don’t set it. No one’s coming… at least not anytime soon, so it’s now or never.”
Kate looks at him uncertainly, before her gaze shifts to his injured arm. She lets out a sigh. “Are you sure? I don’t want to make it worse.”
Honestly… he’s not sure.
But he doesn’t have a choice.
“I’m sure.”
After getting into position with Peter lying back down with Kate next to him, gently pulling his injured arm towards herself, Peter’s not so sure this is a good idea anymore.
The pain is excruciating.
Peter’s eyes are squeezed shut as he lets out a sharp hiss though his clenched teeth.
“Sorry,” Kate apologizes with a wince. “I really don’t know what I’m doing, Pete.” She tells him nervously.
“Y-You’re doing great,” Peter grits out. “J-Just keep pulling my arm towards you t-to create traction. T-The head of the humerus bone should slide under the shoulder blade a-and slip back in the socket.”
Kate shakily nods as she pulls his arm more, only sending more shockwaves of white, hot pain up and down it.
“Ugghhh…” Peter groans out, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” Kate apologizes again with a sympathetic look as she continues to pull.
He can feel the bones shifting in his shoulder and he feels a little like he’s about to throw up. It’s only a few moments later of Kate pulling his arm when they both hear a weird popping sound fill the air from Peter’s shoulder. Peter’s vision goes black for a few seconds when it happens as he lays there, trying to keep his breaths even as the pain dissipates, only a little bit. It still hurts like nothing he’s ever experienced before, but at least it’s less than before.
“Oh my God, Peter? Are you okay?”
Peter comes back slowly, as does his vision as he blinks a few, sluggish times. He sees that Kate is siting above him, with a panicked expression on his face.
He manages to lift the corner of his mouth into a tired smile. “I think it worked… it feels better.”
Kate closes her eyes and lets out a relieved breath. “Thank God,” She says before looking at him again. “What do we do now? Should we put your arm in a sling of some kind?”
Peter hums at the back of his throat, too exhausted to nod. “Probably a good idea.”
Kate picks up the flashlight she had put down next to them before she stands up, shining it around as she looks for something to make a sling out of. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything.  
“What about your webs? Could you make a sling or something?” She suddenly asks.
“Good idea. I can try,” He says as he lifts his good arm up and squints, looking at his web shooter in the semi-darkness. “I’ve never done something like that before though.”
Kate walks back over and kneels down beside him, pointing the flashlight at his web shooter.
“Do you think you can help me change the setting?” He asks her, holding his arm out to her.
“Yeah,” She says with a nod, putting the flashlight on the ground for the moment. “Just tell me what to do.”
“So right at the nozzle, there’s an adjustment ring with a few different settings. I think its the third one.” Peter tells her.
“Third one, got it.” Kate says as she puts her finger on the nozzle ring and starts to change the web setting.
When it’s set, she leans back as Peter gently presses his middle and ring finger on the trigger and a thick spray of webbing comes out, almost resembling cotton candy. He specifically designed it for webbing up any cuts or anything for medical situations such as the one they’re in now and it won’t evaporate like his other webs do. He presses a little harder and more comes out and he stops when he has a good amount of it.
Kate helps him slowly sit up and helps him position his injured arm in the makeshift web sling before bringing the webbing up around his neck, tying it in place to keep it steady. He feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulder now that it’s set and in the sling. Peter lets to a relieved breath as Kate helps him sit up against the debris from before once again.
“Thanks, Kate. Really… I don’t know what I would’ve done on my own. I’m sorry you’re stuck down here.”
“Hey, better that we’re together than one of us being alone, right?”
“I guess,” Peter says sadly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get us out in time.”
Kate’s brows pull together as she sits down next to him, shoulder to shoulder. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine, remember? I’m the one who got stuck in the secret room.”
“No. You’re not taking the blame for this. It is my fault.” She snaps at him in an angry tone.
Silence falls over them for a few minutes. Peter doesn’t blame her for lashing out at him. This is a very stressful and scary situation they’re in and she has every right to be upset, so he doesn’t take it personally at all.
Kate lets out a sigh. “Sorry… I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. I get it.” He tells her, turning his head and offering her a small smile.
A small smile pulls at the corner of Kate’s mouth as she looks at him for a moment before looking in front of them again, her face dropping. She lets out another sigh.
“I hate to say this but… do you think they’re even looking for us? We’ve been down here for so long…”
“I know they are. Trust me. The team would turnover every piece of rubble here to find us. They probably called in experts to help them sort through all of this so they don’t risk it caving in on us.”
Kate nods. “Maybe.” She says, sounding a little unsure.
“I know that Clint wouldn’t rest until he found you. And Tony… he’s as stubborn as anything. The two of them wouldn’t give up on us, nor would the rest of the team.”
“But what if they don’t reach us in time? We’re going to eventually run out of oxygen down here. We probably are now. And not to mention, like you said, the risk of this place caving in on us.”
Peter’s brows pull together in a frown. He’s been thinking about that the whole time. He closes his eyes and rests his head back against the debris behind them.
Does he think that the team will reach them in time?
He hopes they do… but their chances of surviving before they find them are looking pretty slim, all things considered.
And to think, the last thing he said to Tony was that he wasn’t his dad. Peter’s stomach sinks as guilt flows through him at the sudden realization. If he dies, Tony is going to repeat that in his head forever and blame himself for this. All thanks to Peter.
Peter blinks open his eyes and stares up at the debris above them, swallowing around the growing lump in his throat as tears start to pool in his eyes. He feels a few warm tears escape and slide down his face.
He’s never going to be able to tell Tony how sorry he is.
Tony is just the one who taught him how to shave, how to drive, how to tie a tie, how to fix problems with a car, what it takes and means to be a hero, and a whole bunch of other things.
But more importantly, Tony’s always been there for him.
He’s been there for him when he wakes up from nightmares, during panic and anxiety attacks, through hard times, when Peter has wanted to give up being Spider-Man—especially after the whole situation with the multiverse villains and the Goblin trying to kill May.
Through all of it, Tony has been the number one person there for him in his life, always lending his help and a shoulder to cry on.
That sounds a lot like a dad.
Tears freely flow down Peter’s cheeks as he deeply regrets what he said to Tony. He wishes more than anything that he could call him, one last time and tell him how truly sorry he is.
A sudden shift in the rubble causes Peter’s eyes to snap open as Kate lets out a gasp.
“What was that?” She asks in a fearful voice.
Peter frowns but before he can say anything, another shift comes. Kate moves closer to Peter, bumping his good shoulder as they both look up at the debris piled above them with wide, fearful eyes. Kate wraps her arm through his good one, the two huddled up together.
This is it.
They really are going to die down here.
“K-Kate… I’m so sorry this happened. B-But I want you to know, that you’ve become one of my closest friends this past year and I s-seriously can’t thank you enough for being there for me.” Peter says, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
“S-Same here. I-I don’t have many friends but when I met you, I felt like I’ve always known you and yes I know how cheesy that sounds! Just—thank you for being there for me too.” Kate tells him.
The large chunk of rubble above them shifts and they squeeze close to each other.
But… the debris doesn’t fall and crush them.
It goes… up?
Peter opens his eyes and looks up, only for a bright beam of light to meet his eyes, causing him to close them again. Behind his closed lids, he can see more light breaking through the dark space they’ve been trapped in for all of these countless hours.
“Over here! We found them!” A voice suddenly yells from above.
Peter squints his eyes open and sees none other than Steve Rogers standing above them before the soldier drops down into the crater-like hole they’re in.
“Oh my God,” Kate says as she lifts her head from Peter’s shoulder. “Are we dead or is this actually happening?”
Peter breathes out a laugh through his nose as he drops his head back against the debris behind them, his mouth turning up into a weak smile. “It’s really happening.”
“Are you guys hurt?” Steve asks as he kneels down in front of them, his blue, concerned eyes scanning them.
“Yeah. Peter’s shoulder was dislocated. We set it—at least I hope we did.”
“Dr. Banner is waiting to check the both of you out on the Quintet. Let’s-“
Peter looks up, only to see Tony standing above the hole, lout of his suit, ooking down with wide, fearful eyes, looking like absolute crap. He has dirt all over his face, like he’s been digging though all of this debris, which he most likely has been. He climbs down into the hole and rushes over before he falls to his knees at Peter’s side, his hands hovering over him as he takes in what Peter guesses to be his body appearance. He probably looks worse than Tony does right now.
All at once, Peter’s throat tightens again and tears spring back to his eyes. “Tony-“ he says, his voice cracking.
Tony immediately leans down and carefully wraps his arms around him in a hug. Peter lets out a shaky exhale as he buries his face in Tony’s neck.
“It’s alright, Pete. I’ve got you. You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” Tony tells him, holding the back of Peter’s head.
“Kate!” Peter hears Cline’s voice from somewhere, but he’s too focused on the fact that he and Kate are alive and saved, and now he’s wrapped up in Tony’s arms.
“T-Tony, I-I’m so s-sorry for what I said.” Peter wetly says.
“Don’t worry about it, Pete-“
“N-No,” Peter says as he shakes his head, pulling away from Tony’s chest. “I-I was thinking about it the whole time being down here. I-I thought…” He stops and closes his eyes for a moment, swallowing hard. “I thought I wouldn’t ever see you again. A-And what I said to you… was horrible. I-I’m so sorry. I love you so much and you’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a dad. A-And I… I do look at you like you are. I’m just so sorry.” Peter says as tears stream down his face.
Tony’s face falls as he smiles, pulling Peter back to his chest. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Pete. It’s okay. I wasn’t being fair. I should have just trusted you to go in on your own without help. I’m sorry. But let me tell you, we are going to have a serious conversation about you running into buildings that are about to explode, young man." He says in a fake, stern voice.
Peter manages to wetly laugh at that. “Deal.”
That’s one lecture that he’ll be glad to hear because he’s thankfully alive to hear it.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k12 Rasey]  “It looks worse than it is. I’m sure it’ll be gone in a couple of days…”
Raphael looked at his cell once again, eyeing the last text sent between him and Casey. Weather wasn't gonna be the best for them to go and paint the town red tonight but seemed like everyone was looking to sort of make it a night in together at the lair. April offered to bring snacks, Mikey had pizza ready to order up, Don and Leo went about selecting their movie choices. Might be lame, could get stuck watching lame nerd shit. Was how the turtle with the most attitude phased his text to his boyfriend, but ya know might be nice to spend time with the others he had also tossed in because despite what he said or acted like it was clear it did like spending time with his brothers and April. So it might be nice to do so with his boyfriend as well. Raphael asking without asking if they could maybe join in even if they might hate the movies they get stuck with? Because he would never outright say he simply likes his families company. Besides they could make fun whatever stupid thing they get stuck with so they could be fun.
Casey seemed fine with that idea, or maybe he was just aware of what Raph was asking, chances ere he just might. Saying he'd be there so Raph made sure he saved the best spot for him and Casey, the corner of the couch so they could lean against each other and rag on the movie, enough to be heard to annoy if they wanted. Well slightly being just out of the way if they got snug enough against each other so if they really got bored they could as Casey once told him do what you're actually meant to do at the movies. And make out.
As everyone else got in with what they were bringing along though and Raph turned to look back for maybe the tenth time hoping when Aprils voice called out Casey would be strolling on in with her. Only for his heart to sink a little when he didn't see that bright and wide, toothless grin he came to adore so much. He slumped in his place as looked at his phone. Casey did say he was coming right? Yeah he did. He didn't miss any calls from them, Don made their phones so signal wasn't an issue? If something came up Casey would have texted to let him know. Quirking his beak a little he sent another text simply asking where they were. Well everyone settled in, Raph hadn't even paid attention to what was on face to his phone he settle for even that little read to at least say he looked at it and was maybe on his way. But his mind started to wonder and worry the more the minutes went by near half way through the movie and he's wondering if he should just cut his losses and call them. That's when he finally hears the turnstiles move, the familiar clicking sound the bars made when they passed through them.
It had to be Casey clearly, as he turned to look over face was already fixed into a scrawl. Drawing up a leg to rest his knee on to the couch, a hand plants on the ground already working to push himself up from his spot. "Jeez ya coulda least said you were runnin'-"
Words had got caught in his throat his sentence left unfinished once eyes settled on to Casey. He'd seen Casey look pretty banged up many times sure, after hockey games or practice, or even the nights they got a little bit of bad luck on that landed someone just a bit more hurt. But it was all something you could walk off in the end. Raph was no stranger to the bruises Casey often carried, hell some where even from Raphael himself. These were fresh though they were still redden no where near cooling down into shades of blue or purple.
Raph's eyes hadn't once left Casey, when they walked in further, he wasn't the first one to turn and notice them when they made their way through the turnstiles Mikey moved ahead and was the first to gasp and gawk at Casey's state in that moment. Casey went on to talk to Mikey seeming to act as if it was all nothing to worry about, Raphael however was too busy looking at every movement Casey made. He saw how they favored one leg of the other how they were hold on to a arm that was hanging far too loose. How his shoulder was hunched in an odd way, his breathing seems wrong, like breathing hurt him alone. There dried blood around his nose and a split in his lip. He's all scuffed on top of it all covered in dirt and grime. His clothes are wet but some spots are soaked. Like he had landed into puddles, there's scraps on the bits of skin not covered and a tear on one of his sleeves. Eyes look back towards Casey's legs he can see something seeping in against the black of his jeans, not quite like the water. There's something about how Casey is holding himself in the moment he clearly didn't win said fight but even when Casey got his ass handed to him he found it in him to still boast.
Finally he moved and near stormed over to Casey and Mikey, still not a single word given as he brushed past his baby brother getting. No hellos exchanged or a word of worry given to Casey.
"You're comin' with me." Is all he tells them before setting a hand on their back and pushing them away from everyone else. Raphael didn't need pay a single word to anyone else in the lair, they all got the message loud and clear from the lack of shouting on Raphael's end. Slowly they all returned to movie, as Raphael brought Casey to their well sort of medical area. It was the best they could make so with, bed to rest in if anyone got sick and some medical supplies they got lucky to find. Can't exactly go about a doctor to fix them up when any of them got hurt. Ignoring anything Casey tried to say as Raph pushed him into the room. Door shut behind them. "Sit." is all he overs as he walks over them over to the bed, least Casey was willing to listen.
Raph took a moment to look them over better, eyes mostly focused towards Casey's arm fingers gently feel over the shoulder, he knows a dislocated shoulder when he sees it. Looking back over Casey's face, he moves to cup their cheek in his hand, not the usual hold he gives them. He's looking close at them eye the scraps, and bruises they don't seem too bad though. You think that would settle him but it just made something else come over him instead. "you look 'ike shit." Normally a remark like that would have bite to it or a teasing undertone. There was neither in his voice.
“It looks worse than it is. I’m sure it’ll be gone in a couple of days…”
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Raphael wasn't sure if that was meant to ease his worry, or piss him off. Normally he be yelling at Casey, scolding them even like he always dose but he hasn't really said much of anything. He gestures his head to Casey's shoulder a moment. "Pretty sure 'hat won't fix itself in a few days." His tone lacked a lot of his usual snark even when he spoke as he felt over the area again, deeply rubbing in against the muscle, surely working a whine out of Casey from the pressure he places there. It been like that a bit too long you could feel Casey's muscle had started to lock up, explained the breathing and why Casey was holding it as he was. Gently rubbing small circles with his thumb he could feel how tight it had gotten, he could easy imagine how painful the spasming muscles had to be. There nothing but a low growl working under his breath as every point of his fingers seems to cause hitches in Casey's breath. Itching for answers but he was trying to focus on one thing at time here.
"try and relax" Raph simply says a word of warning "it'll be easier if you stay limp." he adds in as he moves to set his hand against Casey's arm still gently rubbing circles to their muscle to sooth it over and help Casey stay relaxed as they were, he didn't want them to brace themself.
It's a little different than doing it to another turtle, their muscles are a bit thicker least compare to Casey's own. HE shouldn't need much force. Once it seems like Casey is ready he waste no time giving them a second to try and expect it would just make Casey tighten up. One hand set to the front of their shoulder as Raph got Casey's to lift his arm. Fast and forceful he snaps his movements quick to slot the joints back into place. All that follows is the sicking sound of bones and flesh shifting and popping into place. Followed by the pained grunt Casey lets out. Letting Casey arm settle as he gently returns to rubbing soft circles over their shoulders. Soon he reaches over and pulls their head in to rest against his plastron while they ride out the pain, softly allowing fingers to pet over the back of their hair.. Something to help ease them and focus on a different sensation as Raphael just idly stroked over Casey's hair. Tangling his fingers in-between the dark deep black color of them. He can feel gravel trapped in all of Casey's hair slightly combing it for them as he worked tangles free. Just holding Casey close to himself as they breath through the pain. Raph isn't always the best when it comes to mapping out his emotions, he can't always put words to his thoughts, but he understood when he was angry. Seeing Casey like this just kindle it in his vines.
Casey breaths out as they speak again seemed through the worse of it, they were going to need to ice his shoulder Raph thought before he moved back from Casey. Foot hooking the near by chair so he could drag it over to sit in. Fingers drag across their arm but stayed to rest there as he looked at them. Moving his gaze down to Casey's knee now he drops his arms and lifts there leg, working to roll the denim up so he can get a better look at their knee.Raph didn't ask, nor care to tell Casey what he was doing he was simply rolling it up till he work it over their bloody knee. Another growl works from the turtle as he eyes it. It wasn't too bad, but still. Fingers glide down towards their ankle slightly taking hold to try and twist it a little and gauge the reaction Casey gave. Nothing seem broken that's good.
Reaching over he snags bandages, and some rubbing alcohol they had to help clean it up. He's trying his best not to lose it just yet, working quietly as he starts to warp the bandages around Casey's leg. Not the first time he's fixed Casey up either now is it? He's done this before when Casey went to far trying to prove some point taking on too much stress and made stupid choices. Only to get hurt like this in the end. He can hear Casey voice drop low when they call his name. Looking up at Casey again. His eyes are soft and sad, his mouth curved in a frown, mouth moving to speech.
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"i'm not mad at you." Raph cuts them off with. "I don' care ya late, I don' car ya didn' text me or call me or whatever the fuck! I fuckin' pissed off at how bad ya are Case!" Less Casey got attacked and was lucky to make it out only banged up. He huffs out a puff of air at that thought. "Ya go silent on me and then when you show up ya look 'ike 'his! an' wanna act 'ike is no big deal well guess what dumbass it is a big deal! A major big deal!" He doesn't care if anyone else can hear them right now as he shouts."To them! to me!" he fixes a look at Casey "I get it ya mister tough guy gotta stroll around like ya fuckin' arm wasn' in place!" Now all his anger is coming out, flaring as he's known to do. Then reigns in his anger or tries to at least.
Letting eyes fall back down to their knee, he knows Casey can handle himself. His anger isn't aimed Casey's way in the slightest here, he dosen't know what happened he just know Casey is hurt and he ain't okay with that. Leg all taken care of Raph doesn't bother with rolling back down Casey's pant leg as he moves to stand up now, hand lifting to take hold of their chin so he can tilt their head back and look at them. Thumb strokes over their cheek as he sets a hand down beside them and slightly leans leans in on Casey. Nothing about the look in his eyes is clam though, his touch on Casey's cheek is more observing whoever hurt them did. Sure Raph is aggressive and he's just clearly upset that Casey got hurt. Casey's fine they are going to be fine. Casey's faced worse he knows that all too. Hates it but still. He just lets his star settle over brown, brown eyes he loves. He drawn in his breath clearly trying to keep his cool.
"Are you okay?" he asks for once since pushing them into their little medical bay area. He sees how Casey looks at him, a slightly smile as they try to tell him he's fine. Raph just hums clearly that answer wasn't enough for him. Honestly? he wanted to hunt down who ever hurt Casey, hell he felt like he could take one anyone when mad enough. And right now? Eyes blinked slowly when he opened them again he saw nothing but white, hot seething rage. Ready to demand who did it make Casey tell him and head out and do twice as worse to them. One of Casey's hand set on him though and he blinked again.
Shifting green eyes back to really look at Casey, it was enough to cool the hot head down a notch or two as he just growled again. Sometimes annoyed how easily Casey was able to do that. He wanted to got bat shit crazy on whoever hurt them, chances were if he did learn who did it? Well Raph would do just that but have time to not outright beat them to an inch of their life. Letting his forehead rest to Casey's own.
"You own me answers Jones, an' I am beatin' up whoever did this got it?" slightly pulling back now just enough to change the angle of his head as he pressed a light kiss to their split lip. "We should still ice your shoulder. Think ya foot can take weight?" he asks soon smirking a bit as he decided not to give them a chance to answer though. "I know your the prince between us but ya hurt so" scooping his arms under Casey's legs he easily pulled them into his hold, Casey weighed nearly little to Raph. from how often he threw them around. Smirking bright as he he started to head to the door, to go to the kitchen meaning everyone would get to see. "But I think ya still should get the princess treatment too."
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Wrong Bat
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Winter Whumperland: Day 10. Abducted
Fandom: DC, Batman, Jason Todd, Red Hood, gn!reader
Summary: Someone discovers your boyfriend is part of the Batfamily so you are abducted and tortured for their identities. Too bad they didn't realize which Bat you were dating.
Word Count: 1229
TW: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Capture, Rescue, Slight Blood, Slight Beating, Shoulder Dislocation, Tied by Wrists to Ceiling, Mentions of Guns
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Your head snapped to the side as yet another blow slammed into your battered body, this time your face. You tasted blood as your lip split open, just another injury to add to your growing list. The chains that were suspending your arms above your head rattled as your momentum caused you to sway slightly with your bare toes dragging across the floor. Your shoulders were screaming out in pain but you refused to give your captures the satisfaction of crying or groaning. You just had to hold out a little longer….
The lead man, the one who introduced himself as Fisher, grinned as you lifted your head and he saw the blood running down your chin. “You had enough yet? Or do I have to mess that pretty face up even more?”
“Go to hell,” you growled.
Fisher muttered something to his men in a language you didn’t understand, but whatever it was made them all laugh. Turning back to you, he said, “Just one name and we will free you. It doesn’t have to be your bat boyfriend, any one of them will do. Tell us a single one of their true identities and I won’t have to keep hurting you.” 
Glaring daggers at the man before you, you hissed, “You idiots think you’re so smart using me as bait. But just wait until he comes for me. When he’s done, you’ll be lucky if you can even wipe your asses by yourself.”
Fisher pulled a long knife from his belt and twirled it playfully. “Oh yeah? And what’s he gonna do? Bust in here and hit us with his little sticks?”
The other men started to laugh again but the sound died down as they all saw the wide, bloody smile spreading across your lips. Spitting out a large glob of red-tinted saliva, you said, “Wrong bat, asshole. My boyfriend’s the one who uses guns.”
As if on cue, the glass ceiling above you shattered, and a large figure dropped heavily to the floor. Slowly rising up to his full height amongst the dust and debris caused by his entrance, Jason looked like your own personal demon rising from the depths of hell to rescue you. In some ways, it wasn’t a completely inaccurate description. 
“Hey, baby,” you said as he turned towards you. “Welcome to the party.”
Though Jason was wearing his helmet, you could feel his eyes scouring your body, cataloging each and every cut or bruise they had given you. You gave him a small nod to let him know you were okay but the rage emanating off of him was so intense it was almost a visible wave of fury. Giving you his own nod in return, he turned towards the men as he drew his guns.
You couldn’t see a lot of what was going on from your position, but you heard the screaming and gunfire. Cursing silently under your breath, you just hoped that Jason could restrain himself somewhat in his current rage-fueled rampage. The last thing either one of you needed was to deal with Bruce’s outrage over the death of one of these assholes. 
After a few minutes, the sounds began to dwindle until the room was mostly silent save for the occasional low moan of pain. Then you heard the familiar sound of heavy combat boots stalking in your direction and Jason’s helmet suddenly appeared before you. Slipping it off to reveal the small red domino mask underneath, he cupped your battered face in his hand.
“Are you okay?” Jason asked as he gently ran his thumb over the bruise on your cheek.
Leaning into his touch, you murmured, “I am now. Thanks for coming to get me.”
“Every time,” he said, pressing his lips to your forehead. “But let’s not make this a habit, alright?”
You chuckled. “Aww, but I love seeing you in action.”
“Then watch the bodycam footage from the Batcave.” He dropped his hand and turned to examine the bodies strewn around the room. “Which one’s got the keys?”
You nodded your head towards Fisher. “Inside jacket pocket.” 
As Jason bent down and began digging through his pockets, Fisher started to raise his head with a groan. However, a quick punch to the face made him unconscious once more.
“You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do that,” you said as Jason returned to your side with the keys.
He didn’t respond as he unlocked your cuffs and you collapsed into his arms. Your legs felt numb after hanging for so long and Jason wrapped his arms around your waist while you regained your footing. Once you were able to take a few steps on your own, he slowly released you.
You tried rolling your shoulders but between the stiffness and pain, you quickly gave up that idea. However, Jason must have seen your expression because he reached out and ran his hand lightly over your shoulder. “Where’s it hurt?”
“Just all over. My shoulders are stiff from hanging like that for so long and I think the left one might be dislocated. Also, my ribs are pretty bruised, but I don’t think they’re broken.” You ran your fingers gently across your midsection and groaned 
Jason stepped closer and brushed his lips against the edge of your ear, “How about I take you home and give you one of my deep tissue massages? I’ll even use that expensive lotion that you like.”
You closed your eyes and hummed, “Mmm, don’t threaten me with a good time, mister. You know what your massages do to me.”
“That’s what I’m hoping for.” He nuzzled his nose deeper into your hair. “A deep massage, followed by a long bath together, and then we’ll see where the night takes us.”
“That sounds like Heave– AH!” you cried out as Jason suddenly grabbed your arm and shoved your shoulder back into place. However, the blinding pain only lasted a few seconds before fading to a dull ache, which was a huge improvement from moments before. “Thanks.”
Jason nodded. Reaching out, he swiped his thumb across your chin and when he removed it, you saw it was covered in blood. Jason stared down at it as he growled, “You have nothing to thank me for. I’m the reason you’re here in the first place.”
Grabbing his chin between your finger and thumb, you forced his head up so he was looking at you. “Hey, this wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I got sloppy and let someone see us together while you were in the suit. Then I wasn’t paying attention and let them grab me. I should’ve been more careful. But I’ll be fine, babe. Because you saved me. Okay?” He nodded softly and you released his face. “Good. Now take me home. I seem to remember you mentioning a back rub? And afterward, maybe I’ll think of some way of repaying you for saving me.”
Jason grinned. “God, I love you.”
“I love you too, babe.” Despite the split in your lip, you pressed your mouth against his. 
As he kissed you back, Jason pulled out his grappling gun with one hand and wrapped his other arm around your waist. Holding you tightly, he fired the gun and the two of you were lifted up out of the warehouse and into the night.
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Taglist: @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @lolzghost, @thefictionalcharacterssimp, @venomsvl, @sugarysweetsandpainfulteeth, @your-friendly-neighborhood-al, @hellfire-fan-club, @blue-aconite
401 notes · View notes
Wrong Bat
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Winter Whumperland: Day 10. Abducted
Fandom: DC, Batman, Jason Todd, Red Hood, gn!reader
Summary: Someone discovers your boyfriend is part of the Batfamily so you are abducted and tortured for their identities. Too bad they didn't realize which Bat you were dating.
Word Count: 1229
TW: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Capture, Rescue, Slight Blood, Slight Beating, Shoulder Dislocation, Tied by Wrists to Ceiling, Mentions of Guns
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Your head snapped to the side as yet another blow slammed into your battered body, this time your face. You tasted blood as your lip split open, just another injury to add to your growing list. The chains that were suspending your arms above your head rattled as your momentum caused you to sway slightly with your bare toes dragging across the floor. Your shoulders were screaming out in pain but you refused to give your captures the satisfaction of crying or groaning. You just had to hold out a little longer….
The lead man, the one who introduced himself as Fisher, grinned as you lifted your head and he saw the blood running down your chin. “You had enough yet? Or do I have to mess that pretty face up even more?”
“Go to hell,” you growled.
Fisher muttered something to his men in a language you didn’t understand, but whatever it was made them all laugh. Turning back to you, he said, “Just one name and we will free you. It doesn’t have to be your bat boyfriend, any one of them will do. Tell us a single one of their true identities and I won’t have to keep hurting you.” 
Glaring daggers at the man before you, you hissed, “You idiots think you’re so smart using me as bait. But just wait until he comes for me. When he’s done, you’ll be lucky if you can even wipe your asses by yourself.”
Fisher pulled a long knife from his belt and twirled it playfully. “Oh yeah? And what’s he gonna do? Bust in here and hit us with his little sticks?”
The other men started to laugh again but the sound died down as they all saw the wide, bloody smile spreading across your lips. Spitting out a large glob of red-tinted saliva, you said, “Wrong bat, asshole. My boyfriend’s the one who uses guns.”
As if on cue, the glass ceiling above you shattered, and a large figure dropped heavily to the floor. Slowly rising up to his full height amongst the dust and debris caused by his entrance, Jason looked like your own personal demon rising from the depths of hell to rescue you. In some ways, it wasn’t a completely inaccurate description. 
“Hey, baby,” you said as he turned towards you. “Welcome to the party.”
Though Jason was wearing his helmet, you could feel his eyes scouring your body, cataloging each and every cut or bruise they had given you. You gave him a small nod to let him know you were okay but the rage emanating off of him was so intense it was almost a visible wave of fury. Giving you his own nod in return, he turned towards the men as he drew his guns.
You couldn’t see a lot of what was going on from your position, but you heard the screaming and gunfire. Cursing silently under your breath, you just hoped that Jason could restrain himself somewhat in his current rage-fueled rampage. The last thing either one of you needed was to deal with Bruce’s outrage over the death of one of these assholes. 
After a few minutes, the sounds began to dwindle until the room was mostly silent save for the occasional low moan of pain. Then you heard the familiar sound of heavy combat boots stalking in your direction and Jason’s helmet suddenly appeared before you. Slipping it off to reveal the small red domino mask underneath, he cupped your battered face in his hand.
“Are you okay?” Jason asked as he gently ran his thumb over the bruise on your cheek.
Leaning into his touch, you murmured, “I am now. Thanks for coming to get me.”
“Every time,” he said, pressing his lips to your forehead. “But let’s not make this a habit, alright?”
You chuckled. “Aww, but I love seeing you in action.”
“Then watch the bodycam footage from the Batcave.” He dropped his hand and turned to examine the bodies strewn around the room. “Which one’s got the keys?”
You nodded your head towards Fisher. “Inside jacket pocket.” 
As Jason bent down and began digging through his pockets, Fisher started to raise his head with a groan. However, a quick punch to the face made him unconscious once more.
“You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do that,” you said as Jason returned to your side with the keys.
He didn’t respond as he unlocked your cuffs and you collapsed into his arms. Your legs felt numb after hanging for so long and Jason wrapped his arms around your waist while you regained your footing. Once you were able to take a few steps on your own, he slowly released you.
You tried rolling your shoulders but between the stiffness and pain, you quickly gave up that idea. However, Jason must have seen your expression because he reached out and ran his hand lightly over your shoulder. “Where’s it hurt?”
“Just all over. My shoulders are stiff from hanging like that for so long and I think the left one might be dislocated. Also, my ribs are pretty bruised, but I don’t think they’re broken.” You ran your fingers gently across your midsection and groaned 
Jason stepped closer and brushed his lips against the edge of your ear, “How about I take you home and give you one of my deep tissue massages? I’ll even use that expensive lotion that you like.”
You closed your eyes and hummed, “Mmm, don’t threaten me with a good time, mister. You know what your massages do to me.”
“That’s what I’m hoping for.” He nuzzled his nose deeper into your hair. “A deep massage, followed by a long bath together, and then we’ll see where the night takes us.”
“That sounds like Heave– AH!” you cried out as Jason suddenly grabbed your arm and shoved your shoulder back into place. However, the blinding pain only lasted a few seconds before fading to a dull ache, which was a huge improvement from moments before. “Thanks.”
Jason nodded. Reaching out, he swiped his thumb across your chin and when he removed it, you saw it was covered in blood. Jason stared down at it as he growled, “You have nothing to thank me for. I’m the reason you’re here in the first place.”
Grabbing his chin between your finger and thumb, you forced his head up so he was looking at you. “Hey, this wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I got sloppy and let someone see us together while you were in the suit. Then I wasn’t paying attention and let them grab me. I should’ve been more careful. But I’ll be fine, babe. Because you saved me. Okay?” He nodded softly and you released his face. “Good. Now take me home. I seem to remember you mentioning a back rub? And afterward, maybe I’ll think of some way of repaying you for saving me.”
Jason grinned. “God, I love you.”
“I love you too, babe.” Despite the split in your lip, you pressed your mouth against his. 
As he kissed you back, Jason pulled out his grappling gun with one hand and wrapped his other arm around your waist. Holding you tightly, he fired the gun and the two of you were lifted up out of the warehouse and into the night.
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @11thstreetvigilante, @merlehs,@mayhem24-7forever, @sunshineflowerchild789, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @schaarfyx, @happinessricardotapia
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paradoxesofgalaxies · 8 months
I thought I might finally be able to do some embroidery today, but last night my right collarbone (which doesn't typically act up) popped out while closing a sliding door. Husband was able to reset it right away and it hadn't been hurting today so I thought it was fine but it's back out again and now my neck is acting up too ;;;-;;;
I want to embroider!! I want to paint!! I want my shoulders and collarbones to just stay where they're supposed to!!!
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kevyeen · 4 months
did i tell you guys about that time i thought i'm a parkour god (i'm not) and jumped over a fence only to fall on my elbow and a) bust it open and b) dislocate my shoulder and c) laugh hysterically because our distraught principle was running towards me and her coat was bellowing after her dramatically while i was trying to not pass out as i lay on the floor?
it was on a school trip and the other side of the fence was two metres below of where i was jumping from and i didnt know.
i was 'parkouring' because i wanted to get on a swing in the playground. i was 16.
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Chapter 7 ~ Trust
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Hidden Depths AU
Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next
Genre: Fantasy whump
CWs: captivity, lady whump, nudity, dead bodies, shoulder dislocation, setting of said shoulder... painfully, blood, threats of harm and death, knife to throat, panic attack(s), mildly scrambled memories causing confusion and distress, very brief recounting of noncon (piecing memories together, non explicit)
WC: 2800
Taglist: @kixngiggles
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Seriously, I can't take any more of this chapter 😅 Can't say I'm entirely happy with it, but it's passable. I want to move on. I'm ready to move on. And the longer I have this thing, the more I'll change it and... no. I refuse. I KICKETH THEE TO THE CURB. Enjoy my insanity :D
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It felt like waking from a dream. 
A really fucking awful dream. 
Her ears were no longer ringing, and her vision wasn’t fractured. She hurt, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as she remembered. 
Or thought she remembered. Carr blinked up at the white limestone ceiling. 
A pained cry split through the fuzzy feeling of unreality surrounding her, and she jerked up, only to bite her lip against the shock of injuries that turned out to be all too real. Her muscles felt like jelly, quivering with the strain of holding herself upright.
Propping herself on her elbow it would be, then. Had killing Marcus been a figment of her imagination? Had he finished with her and gone after Resh now? 
She scanned the room, heart thumping hard in her aching chest. Not Resh, she couldn’t… her eyes fell on the back of a man who should not be in this chamber. He was wearing dark brown breeches with a black jacket, and his not blond, not brown braid fell over his shoulder.  
He also had Resh pinned to the wall with a blade digging into his throat. Carr saw his arm tense, and a spike of terror turned her blood to ice. 
“Nykim, no!”  
A tremor passed through her when he paused. Oh gods, he’d almost slit Resh’s throat. What was he… why wasn’t he moving away? 
“Please, don’t kill him,” she whispered. 
Resh’s eyes flicked over to meet hers for a moment as Nykim slowly lowered his dagger. When he turned around, she thought she saw relief in his blue-gray eyes. Which confused her even more.  
“Did you just say please?” Nykim asked incredulously. 
Carr flushed. Surely she’d said please at least once before… 
“Why are you here?” she blurted. Like that was the most important question. Fuck, her brain felt scrambled. 
Nykim raised his eyebrows, and it was at that moment Carr remembered she was naked. She glanced down at herself. Yup, the coating of blood did nothing to disguise her breasts or the fact that she had nothing between her legs. Her next breath stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t quite meet Nykim’s eyes when she looked back up.   
“I…” Nothing would come out of her mouth. What could she say? I can explain? I’m sorry I deceived you for the last ten years? Please don’t kill me? She pressed her lips together instead. Her other arm crossed over her chest. Oh gods. 
Something like irritation crossed Nykim’s features, and she flinched when he moved. 
“For fuck’s sake, Carr,”–Nykim only shrugged out of his jacket–“Did you think I would leave you here indefinitely? I gave you time to get out yourself. I was tired of waiting.” He approached her, and she couldn’t stop herself. 
She flinched again. 
The corners of his mouth turned down, but all he did was drape the jacket over her. Carr clutched it to her chest.
“You should lay back down, Carr. You have a lot of injuries. I’ll get you out of here in a moment.” 
She did, and they hurt, but they didn’t seem quite right. Nothing seemed quite right. Where was Marcus? Why was Nykim saying nothing about her being a girl?  
I’ll get you out. His phrasing slammed into her, knocking any other worries to the wayside. She looked over Nykim’s shoulder at Resh, who was pressing a hand to his bleeding neck. His brows were pinched with pain, but the way he looked at her… it took her breath away. 
“Carr.” He cut her off with a warning look. “The boy’s a liability. Are you seriously suggesting we leave him alive?” 
We? There was no way he was asking her opinion as a beta after finding out–feeling a bit woozy, she decided to lie down. Her vision swam, and when she blinked, tears fell free, trickling down her temples. She quickly wiped them away. 
A scuffle broke out. Carr turned her head to find Resh had tried to come to her, and Nykim too, based on how close they were. But Nykim was holding Resh back with an arm across his chest… and a dagger right over his heart. 
“Stay away from her,” Nykim said, his voice low and rough. “She doesn’t like people hovering.” 
“You think… I don’t know… that?” Resh forced out. He was obviously hurting. It was also obvious he didn’t care as he tried to shove past Nykim anyway. “Ah! Carr, you okay?” 
Her eyes stayed trained on that dagger. “Nykim, please! Don’t hurt him.” 
“The fuck is going on here, Carr?” Nykim grunted, shoving Resh back. 
It was too much. Her head swam with unanswered questions and fears she couldn’t assuage because of them. Nykim showing up here was undoubtedly good, but he was trying to kill Resh, which was bad. So, so bad. She couldn’t allow it but didn’t know if she held any sway over Nykim now. She certainly didn’t have the strength to stop him if she didn’t.
Carr covered her mouth to stifle her sob, but it didn’t completely mask the sound. Both men went still as statues. Oh gods. She threw her arm over her eyes, just in case any more tears decided to break free. 
“Did you miss something?” Resh asked, his tone accusatory. 
“She’s still going to be in some pain,” Nykim said, sounding confused. 
He probably was. She’d never once cried in front of him. 
There was the whisper of fabric over stone, and then Carr felt a presence at her side. She tensed and lowered her arm to see who had come to gawk at her. 
It was Resh. 
She couldn’t look away from him to check on where Nykim was. Resh kneeled just out of reach, the fingers of his left hand digging into his thigh. The positioning had to be painful after the way he’d been chained. His right arm hung uselessly at his side, the deformity of his shoulder obvious without his shirt. Both his wrists had deep grooves cut into them, and blood painted his forearms. 
“Get off your knees,” Carr mumbled. Her chest felt tight; gods, he’d tried so hard to get to her. 
He huffed a laugh while he shifted his weight, sitting beside her head. She finally summoned the nerve to meet his eyes. They were the same deep brown pools she’d allowed herself to drown in while… her brow wrinkled. 
She was pretty sure that had happened, that Marcus had been on top of her… that she had waited, held by Resh’s eyes until the… she shuddered. Until the right moment before wrenching the dagger from her shoulder and slitting Marcus’ throat. Not too deep. No, she’d needed a little time to… fuck. Had she really–had that actually happened? 
“Is he dead?” she whispered, tears clogging her throat. Her fingers dug into the leather of Nykim’s jacket. “Did he… did I… was that real?” 
Resh bowed his head, releasing her from his thrall. “Yeah, it was all real. I’m… I couldn’t… fuck.” His left hand clenched into a fist. 
It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t, and yet he had never stopped trying. Carr remembered that much. He had begged and pleaded and offered himself up in her place, all while tearing himself apart–she looked at his arm–literally, in an attempt to help. He shouldn’t blame himself; it wasn’t his fault. She didn’t know how to say any of that, though. 
Instead, she steeled herself and said, “I need to see. Will you help me?” 
The shock on Resh’s face was painful to witness. His gaze drifted to the side before coming back to her. “Are you sure? Maybe it’d be better if Nykim helped you?”
She stared at him, trying to figure out if he didn’t want to touch her out of guilt or because of what had happened. More fucking tears pricked her eyes at the latter thought; fucking pits, none of her defenses were in place. They’d all been stripped away. 
Nykim cleared his throat, and they both looked over at him. “If she asked for your help, boy, she means it.” He wiped his bloody hands on his pants. “I’ve got some bodies to take care of. You can have a few minutes, then we need to get out of here.” 
“‘We’ includes Resh, Nykim,” Carr said harshly. Her heart beat wildly though, unsure if he would listen, uncertain if what she wanted still mattered–
He sighed heavily. “For now, yes. Further discussion can be held at the lair.” 
Nykim stood and took a few steps toward the door before he pivoted, changing course. He crouched at Resh’s side, his eyes taking on a stormy gray hue. “You do anything to hurt her, and I’ll strip the flesh from your bones. Then I’ll mount them in my office.” 
His hand shot forward, and a bolt of fear shot through her, stopping her heart, but he only grabbed Resh’s right arm and yanked. All color fled from Resh’s face. The pop of his shoulder sliding back into the socket was audible even over his scream.
“What the fuck, Nykim!” Carr shouted, struggling to push herself up. 
“Couldn’t have him tensing up, now could I?” Mischief danced in his eyes. 
He was up and out of reach before Carr could knock him on his ass as he so richly deserved. She was angry enough that she could’ve done it. Maybe.
To Resh, he said, “Hold that arm close to your body, and don’t fucking use it.” Then he swept out of the room. 
“Shit,” Resh gasped, clutching his arm to his chest. Perspiration dotted his forehead. “He’s… intense.” 
Carr glared at the door. “Yeah.” 
“So, uh, how would you like me to help you?” He looked nervous when Carr transferred her gaze back to him. “I… I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, is all.” 
Her skin prickled, and she suppressed a shudder at the thought of anyone touching her right now. But she was so weak, it couldn’t be helped. Besides, she trusted Resh... 
The thought rocked her to her core. When the fuck had that happened?
“Just help me sit up, and we can go from there,” she said, pushing that revelation away. 
He did as she asked, as best he could with only one arm. The warmth of his palm met the chilled, bare flesh of her shoulder, and Carr was shocked to find she didn’t mind the contact. Which had her thinking that maybe, from him, a hug would feel even better. 
For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine how it might feel to be held, comforted. Resh’s warmth would soak into her, and she could listen to his heart beat, like she had when the tunnel collapsed. The steady rhythm would soothe the ache in her chest, that ever-present need she had to be seen, accepted.  
Anger–at herself–rose swiftly before plummeting just as fast into a hole of dark despair. Her breathing quickened as she mentally castigated herself; she fucking knew better. Gods, she could feel herself unraveling, thread by carefully woven thread. She bit her lip, forcing back that longing. 
Focus on the task at hand. That’s what she needed to do. Focus.     
With Resh’s support, she put Nykim’s jacket on properly, fastening it over makeshift bandages she only now noticed. Her chest warmed, and not from the nasty gash between her breasts. 
“Did you bandage me?” She caught Resh’s nod in her peripheral vision while she fastened the last button. 
Whatever else she intended to say vanished from her mind when she lifted her eyes and caught sight of the body lying not six feet away from them. 
He was very fucking dead. 
Relief, along with a savage sense of satisfaction, filled her, and she clenched her fists while the holes in her memory filled in. He’d fucking deserved every moment of suffering. She wished it could’ve lasted longer. 
She had killed him and–
The heir to the godsdamned throne was dead. 
“Shit, this is bad,” Carr muttered. Gods, all those guards had seen her and Resh in here with the prince. And Resh–what was he thinking? He’d seen her kill Creve, but this… this was on another level. 
Stiffening, she jerked away from where she leaned against his chest. Shit, she had been leaning on him, had felt like he was… safe. A pit formed in her stomach. 
Safety was an illusion.
It was. She’d always known that, had never known any different. The only safety she’d ever known had been the safety she created, and even that wasn’t foolproof. 
The carnage blurring in front of her eyes proved that.
She pressed a hand to her chest and winced when her wound cracked open. Fresh blood slicked her palm while she tried to remember how to breathe.  
Distantly, she recognized she was falling apart. It didn’t matter; she couldn’t seem to stop it. After everything, the thing that broke her was feeling safe? She would’ve laughed if she could get any air in her lungs. 
Behind her sat the one person who had ever evoked that feeling in her. Gods, how she wanted to give in to it. But she didn’t know how. And there was–
There was blood all over her; Marcus had been all over her. Her skin crawled, and she tried to scramble away. 
He had seen it all. He couldn’t… she couldn’t…
Resh caught her before she could fall on her face. “Hey, what’s going on–” 
“Don’t touch me,” she shrieked, but he didn’t let go. 
He didn’t let go, he didn’t let go, he, he, he moved. In front of her. Her hand shot out on reflex, and Resh winced when her palm hit his chest. 
“You don’t want to touch me,” she sobbed, dropping her arm, but he pulled her closer. She didn’t fight it, didn’t want to fight it. 
Resh was warm, and she was so, so cold. She shivered against his chest, holding her breath in an attempt to stifle her crying. Hiccuping sobs rewarded her efforts. 
He wrapped his arm around her in a loose hold. Even as weak as she was, she could’ve pulled away if she wanted to. 
“Breathe, Carr,” Resh said softly, stroking her hair. 
She tried. 
“If you think I’ll judge you for what happened, you’re wrong. I’m glad you did what you did. I don’t care about any of that. But I understand if you truly don’t want to be touched.” He pulled his hand away from her head, loosened his hold even more. “I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself. Tell me what you want me to do. How can I help?” 
She whimpered, pressing herself closer to him. “Don’t stop.” 
His breath caught, and she melted into him when he resumed petting her hair. Just a few moments, she told herself. Then she had to pull herself together. 
“Mother fuck,” Nykim said. “What the fuck did you do?”
She hadn’t even heard him come in. Unacceptable. The tangled, swirling mess of her emotions stilled, and she stiffened at his tone. 
“He d…didn’t do.” Hiccup. “Didn’t do anything,” Carr mumbled. Godsdamned hiccups. Deep measured breaths. She knew how this worked. 
Resh’s arms tightened protectively around her. 
Disbelief colored Nykim’s voice as he muttered a few more choice curses. 
All Carr could think about was how Resh shouldn’t be using his right arm to hold her like that. She squirmed, then thought better of it when he flinched. Instead, she tilted her head to look at Nykim, gauging how much trouble she was in.  
Nykim caught her eye and cocked his head, studying her silently. She could only imagine what she must look like. If being female hadn’t doomed her yet for some reason, Carr knew her behavior wasn’t exactly fitting for one of Nykim’s betas. Carr didn’t even breathe while she waited on his judgment. 
“Okay.” Nykim sighed, and she drew in a ragged breath. That was a sigh of resigned acceptance if she’d ever heard one, thank fuck. 
“I can’t wait to hear this story. But for now, let’s get the fuck out of here. You’re with me, Carr.” 
She nodded and pushed away from Resh. He wouldn’t be able to help her, not with how fucked up his shoulders must be. If she couldn’t get her legs to support her, Nykim would likely end up carrying her. Wonderful.
At least her hiccups were gone. Suppressing a groan, she reached out to take Nykim’s hand. 
Nykim may have questions, but she had some of her own now. Like why he kept shooting Resh those ‘keep your mouth shut’ glances she was so familiar with. 
She wondered if it had anything to do with how she was still alive. 
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Image Description
[ID: The banner is a sepia-colored version of the original blue-green background, with tree branches arching over a set of blue-green eyes, forming an approximation of a face. The words Hidden Depths AU are written in white above the eyes. end ID]
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
i think this perfectly encapsulates this trio in my redemption durge playthrough
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divineprank · 1 year
Hello everyone! ♥ 
Sorry for the lack of activity from me on this side of my blog! I just wanted to give you a small update and let you know what’s going on. Allow me to warn you that the following will contain descriptive mentions of chronic pain, advanced arthritis, skeletal injury, spinal injury, paralysis, shoulder dislocation, surgery, and shoulder replacement surgery. I am a caregiver for my physically disabled mother who normally struggles quite a bit with her usual physical limitations. Twenty years ago, she was in a horrible accident that left her partially paralyzed from an incomplete spinal cord break. She can walk and talk and feed herself, but she’s quite limited in her daily life and she is often in a lot of pain as a result. 
Unfortunately, as she’s grown older, she has developed arthritis in her left shoulder, like many of us do. Sadly, it’s progressed to a point that her arm has literally dislocated itself. You see, she has stage IV arthritis -- this is the worst “grade” your arthritis can be rated. Having stage IV arthritis means that the cartilage has completely worn down and now the bone has been grinding against bone. What this means for her is her shoulder bones have ground against each other so much that it is no longer physically possible for her arm to remain locked in her shoulder joint where it belongs naturally. Because of how bad her arthritis is, reducing the shoulder dislocation--that is, to set the arm back into place--is impossible. There is literally nothing for her skeleton to lock together, the shape of her shoulder anatomy has been permanently altered due to the progression of her arthritis. Since they can’t pop her arm back into place, she is facing a total shoulder replacement. Right now she is in an immense amount of pain and her usual limitations have been amplified ten-fold. So, I’ve been really busy with helping my already-limited mother maneuver life around basically having only one arm, as well as trying to manage her terrible pain until we can get this surgery taken care of. We’re almost there, she just needs a medical clearance from her lung doctor because she just got over COVID. 
To those of you who are waiting on the asks you sent me, and to those who are expecting some older threads I have drafted: I am still here, I am still present and I definitely want to write with you guys. Ganondorf’s muse is on fire and I want to be a pyromaniac! But things will be a bit slow from my end for a little while. I’ve just got a lot going on at home right now, haha.  Please don’t let that discourage you from reaching out, though! Even though it sounds like I’ve got a lot going on, writing is one of my favorite ways to decompress, so I’m still VERY open to receiving asks, getting tagged and talking through IMs (or Discord with mutuals!) right now! Plus, I’ll definitely still be chipping away at what I owe you guys! I’m hoping to get a bunch done by this weekend! But yeah! All this craziness aside, I am normally kind of a slow RPer, but with the situation at hand, I know I’m going to be even slower, so I’m writing this because I’m a little paranoid that I’m coming across as aloof. I want to be open and honest with you guys in case it seemed like I was procrastinating or ignoring anyone! Thanks for reading; I appreciate your understanding and I hope you all have a great night! :) 
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Stand By Your Man
Whumptober 2022: 13. Dislocation, 31. Comfort Fandom: Outer Range, Rhett Abbott Word Count: 1919 TW: Shoulder Dislocation, Pain, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Vomiting Note: Based on the scene in Episode 8 of Outer Range.
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You knew Rhett Abbott better than almost anyone else alive. The two of you had been best friends since elementary school, began dating junior year of high school, and had been engaged for the past year. Plus, you had been his head chute assistant since his very first bull ride. You knew when he was on top of the world, and when something was wrong. And from the second he was thrown from his bull and slammed into the ground, you knew something was very wrong.
You saw the way his eyes bulged as all the muscles in his jaw and neck clenched and tightened. How his fingers frantically clawed into the dirt as he tried to grasp onto something, anything. The way he struggled to rise to his feet even as the bull bucked and kicked inches from his prone, shaking body. You flew from your spot at the other end of the arena and rushed toward him.
By the time you cleared the distance, one of the barrelmen had managed to grab Rhett and haul him into the safety of one of the chutes. As you approached, he was staring woefully up at the scoreboard, and you glanced up just in time to see the results from his last ride drop his name to last place.
While equally as disappointed, at that moment all you cared about was the safety and well-being of your fiancé. Peering through the bars of the chute, you called out, “Rhett!”
Turning towards the sound of your voice, he stumbled to you, his right arm grasping his left so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. The second he was out of the arena, your hands were all over him, roaming over his body as you tried to assess his injuries. “What is it? What happened?”
“Shoulder.” The single word dripped with pain as he thrust it through gritted teeth. When your fingers lightly brushed across the damaged spot, his face screwed up in agony.
Looking around quickly to make sure no one else had noticed his injury, you led him over to a secluded area behind the bleachers. However, your blood soon ran cold as you examined his injuries. You bit your lip in an attempt to hide your concern as you glanced up at him. “Baby…. This looks really bad. Your shoulder is dislocated at least. Probably worse. You can’t ride like this.”
“Just one more round. 8 seconds. That’s all I need.” His words were curt and choppy as he tried to spit them out through his clenched jaw.
“Rhett! It’s 8 seconds on top of a 2-thousand-pound bull with nothing to hold you on but your injured arm. If something goes wrong…. You could be killed.”
“If I don’t, I’ll be disqualified.” When he looked at you, his eyes were silently pleading with you through the pain. “If I move on, this’ll be our best chance ta get outta here. Once an’ for all. I can still win, I just…. I need your help.”
“Baby, I…. There are more important things than winning. I just…. it’s too dangerous. I can’t…” You tried to express exactly what you were feeling, yet the words wouldn’t come.
His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared as he glared at you. “Fine. You don’t have ta help. Just don’t stand in my way.” He swerved passed you, careful to avoid bumping his injured shoulder as he headed back towards the arena.
You stared after him, debating your next move. You could walk away, just head up into the stands and watch what happened during his ride or even walk out of the stadium, but you knew your nerves could never handle either of those scenarios. You could also go report him. One word to anyone on the medical team and they would pull him immediately. However, that would also be the end of your relationship. Rhett would never forgive you for getting him disqualified, especially against his explicit wishes. So, that left you with one option.
With a heavy sigh, you followed after your fiancé. He was leaning heavily against the side of the gate, watching the next rider as he tumbled to the ground. Another poor run, which meant Rhett had an even better chance of advancing. But only if he rode again.
You stood next to him silently for a moment as they cleared the arena for the next bout. Then, you muttered, “If nothing else, I’m gonna have to pop your arm back into place. You won’t even be able to grip the rope like this.”
His eyes darted to yours as a silent “thanks” passed between you. However, as he opened his mouth to say something, you quickly grabbed his arm and pulled. Rhett doubled over and he let out a strangled grunt, but you felt his arm slide back into its socket. Gently letting go of it, you leaned over and placed a long kiss on the top of his head. “I’m sorry, baby. I thought it would be easier that way. At least the worst of it is over.”
Rhett slowly straightened, panting slightly as he said, “Thanks. Feels a little better.” Yet you watched as he tried to flex his fingers and another wave of pain shot across his face. Keeling over once more, he vomited weakly into the dust.
You squeezed your eyes together as you bit your lip, trying not to let the tears that were welling up in your eyes fall. Seeing Rhett in this much pain caused a physical ache in your chest and you knew whatever agony he was showing you was only a fraction of what he was really feeling. But there was nothing more you could do, so you just lay your hand on his hunched shoulders and rubbed soothing circles up and down his back.
After a few minutes, he looked up at you. “Can you go get me a beer?” he asked hoarsely as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
Giving his right shoulder a soft squeeze, you cooed, “Yeah, baby. Of course. I’ll be right back.”
When you returned a few moments later with a cold beer in your hand, Rhett was crouched down with his arm held tightly against his chest. You offered him the can and he gratefully took it from you. After taking a long swig, he swirled the liquid around in his mouth and spat it into the dirt. Then he downed the rest of the beer in one long chug.
When he nodded softly at you, you gently wrapped your hands around his uninjured arm and helped haul him to his feet. He still flinched, yet the pain didn’t seem to be as bad as before. Sighing, he began to walk back over to the chute but you stopped him.
Grasping his face between your hands, you forced him to look at you. “Rhett. If you can’t do this, it’ll be okay. Don’t throw away your entire career by going out there and hurting yourself worse. There’ll be other competitions, other rides. I’ll stand behind you, whatever you decide, just don’t let your pride destroy you.”
Rhett stared into your eyes from underneath his hat. “I can do this. I know I can.”
You nodded slowly. “Okay. Then you get out there and show them what you got.”
For the first time since climbing onto the bull back in the chute, a hint of a smile fluttered across Rhett’s face. He tilted your chin back so he could place a firm kiss on your lips before pulling back and resting the brim of his hat against your forehead. Stroking your cheek, he whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmured back. “Now we have to go before you’re disqualified.”
You helped Rhett back over to the chute just as his bull was being loaded up. A few of the other guys shot you a questioning glance as they saw how Rhett was holding his arm, but you flashed them an icy glare and they instantly backed down. You had been working with most of these guys long enough for them to know if you said Rhett was good to go, he was good to go. You just hoped this time you weren’t lying.
Over the loud snorts and bellows of the bull, you could just make out Rhett’s groans of pain as Tom and Kyle helped lower him onto the beast. You just hoped you were the only one who noticed. 
Rhett’s eyes flickered to yours for a moment before glancing down at the bull rope next to his hand. Immediately, you understood. While his shoulder was no longer dislocated, he was still too weak and in too much pain to secure the rope as tightly as it needed to be. Without a word, you leaned over and coiled the rope around his hand before closing his fingers around it. You gave his fist a reassuring squeeze. He gave you a soft nod of thanks. 
As everyone began retreating from the chute, you saw Rhett glance up into the stands and you watched as his face fell. You knew exactly who he was looking for, and it somehow didn’t surprise you when you looked to the spot his family always sat and found only an empty hole. Not a single one of them had stayed to watch Rhett’s last ride. 
Swallowing your anger and disgust, you gently grabbed Rhett’s chin and turned his face so he had to drag his gaze away from the stands. Once his eyes met yours, you smiled and whispered, “Hey… you got this, baby. Now, give ‘em hell.”
A small smile tugged at his lips as he dipped his head. “Yes, ma’am.”
You grinned and leaned over to kiss his cheek one last time before you jumped off the side of the chute and ran over to the edge of the arena to watch his ride. Just before they opened the gate, you took a deep breath and held it. 
Seconds later, Rhett’s bull exploded from the chute with Rhett clinging on tightly with one hand, the other held high in the air. He didn’t quite have his usual grace and agility, but all things considered, he was doing a lot better than you thought he would. 
Come on, baby. Just eight seconds. You can do it. Just hold on.
The timer illuminated on the scoreboard had never moved so slowly before. Each second seemed to drag on for an hour or more. But finally, it reached the blessed 8 and the siren sounded but you barely heard it over the sound of your cheers. 
Rhett tumbled off the side of the bull and scurried to his feet to avoid being trampled. He managed to get to the chute safely but you still couldn’t relax yet. As soon as you saw he was safe, your eyes shot to the scoreboard. Once again, time seemed to stop as you waited for his scores to fill the board. appear………………
"Yes!" you screamed as the scores began scrolling across the board. It was an amazing total, more than enough to make up for his first ride and secure him a spot in the championship. "That's my man!" 
Rhett must have heard you because he turned towards the sound of your voice, his face beaming under the arena lights. When he spotted you, he exaggeratedly mouthed I love you. You grinned and replied I love you too. 
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Taglist:@luckyladycreator2, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @shirley2996
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purru · 2 years
Sleep First, Apologize Later
▷ Summary; It was a typical day for an adventuring party; ambush, guard duty, and hoping your allies would leave you alone
⚠️ content advisory: dislocated shoulder
Fandom: Original Characters (DnD)
Note #1: fill for day 4 of Whumptober - Hidden Injury
“You coming with us, snake guy?”
“Yeah, come with us, Almond!” the halfling chimed in, ever so cheerful.
Inside the tent, Almond stopped petting his snake familiar. He looked at them, “I’ll pass.” The cleric and bard made disappointed noises. After wiping his sweat, Almond resumed petting Cotton. It hissed softly.
“But we’re celebrating with the others too! Thought you liked salted sturgeon,” the bard went on. He tried his best not to groan as he attempted to stand up, “That I do”. The bespectacled cleric interjected before he gave an explanation, “Aeros is already there, waiting. C'mon man.”
It was utterly tempting. The warlock did enjoy a post victory celebration, how it reminded him of his active duty for the Axe of Mirabar; a sense of camaraderie, impromptu games, and dramatic retelling of battle stories. Ignoring the throbbing pain on his right shoulder, he finally responded, “I’ll watch over our camp. You don’t want us getting ambushed again.”
His argument sounded convincing. They had just survived a deadly ambush while they were cruising the river that evening. With all of them running out of stamina to cast meaningful spells and Aeros injured when he stood in the front line, it was a miracle how the tide turned.
The bard was convinced, “Ah, okay then. Thank you, Almond. We’ll bring some leftovers.” The cleric not so much, but she didn’t say anything in which Almond was grateful for. He just wished them to leave him as soon as possible for the painful swelling on his left shoulder just pulsated harder the longer he heard them speak. “Let’s go Kana, don’t let Aeros wait for too long. He’ll brood,” the cleric smirked as she ushered the bard.
Almond appreciated it when they finally left him alone to regroup with Aeros. The warlock gritted his teeth as he slowly laid on the ground, using his bag for neck support. He didn’t even need to check on his wound under his multilayered robes; from his experience he could tell it was just a dislocated shoulder from getting thrown across the deck. The warlock was just regretting the fact that he’s planning to sleep as opposed to watching the camp as he had promised them. He would just cook up an excuse the morning after.
Cotton slithered next to his right palm and the warlock thanked the small comfort it offered. The familiar nuzzled up against his wrist before Almond closed his eyes, hoping slumber would carry him away soon.
All he needed was one night of undisturbed sleep.
Note #2: yes, I'm making fun of dnd's logic where you regain all hit points once you've taken a long rest
Note #3: Kana (and Aeros) belong to @reinarandraw 
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Stand By Your Man
Whumptober 2022: 13. Dislocation, 31. Comfort Fandom: Outer Range, Rhett Abbott Word Count: 1919 TW: Shoulder Dislocation, Pain, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Vomiting Note: Based on the scene in Episode 8 of Outer Range.
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You knew Rhett Abbott better than almost anyone else alive. The two of you had been best friends since elementary school, began dating junior year of high school, and had been engaged for the past year. Plus, you had been his head chute assistant since his very first bull ride. You knew when he was on top of the world, and when something was wrong. And from the second he was thrown from his bull and slammed into the ground, you knew something was very wrong.
You saw the way his eyes bulged as all the muscles in his jaw and neck clenched and tightened. How his fingers frantically clawed into the dirt as he tried to grasp onto something, anything. The way he struggled to rise to his feet even as the bull bucked and kicked inches from his prone, shaking body. You flew from your spot at the other end of the arena and rushed toward him.
By the time you cleared the distance, one of the barrelmen had managed to grab Rhett and haul him into the safety of one of the chutes. As you approached, he was staring woefully up at the scoreboard, and you glanced up just in time to see the results from his last ride drop his name to last place.
While equally as disappointed, at that moment all you cared about was the safety and well-being of your fiancé. Peering through the bars of the chute, you called out, “Rhett!”
Turning towards the sound of your voice, he stumbled to you, his right arm grasping his left so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. The second he was out of the arena, your hands were all over him, roaming over his body as you tried to assess his injuries. “What is it? What happened?”
“Shoulder.” The single word dripped with pain as he thrust it through gritted teeth. When your fingers lightly brushed across the damaged spot, his face screwed up in agony.
Looking around quickly to make sure no one else had noticed his injury, you led him over to a secluded area behind the bleachers. However, your blood soon ran cold as you examined his injuries. You bit your lip in an attempt to hide your concern as you glanced up at him. “Baby…. This looks really bad. Your shoulder is dislocated at least. Probably worse. You can’t ride like this.”
“Just one more round. 8 seconds. That’s all I need.” His words were curt and choppy as he tried to spit them out through his clenched jaw.
“Rhett! It’s 8 seconds on top of a 2-thousand-pound bull with nothing to hold you on but your injured arm. If something goes wrong…. You could be killed.”
“If I don’t, I’ll be disqualified.” When he looked at you, his eyes were silently pleading with you through the pain. “If I move on, this’ll be our best chance ta get outta here. Once an’ for all. I can still win, I just…. I need your help.”
“Baby, I…. There are more important things than winning. I just…. it’s too dangerous. I can’t…” You tried to express exactly what you were feeling, yet the words wouldn’t come.
His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared as he glared at you. “Fine. You don’t have ta help. Just don’t stand in my way.” He swerved passed you, careful to avoid bumping his injured shoulder as he headed back towards the arena.
You stared after him, debating your next move. You could walk away, just head up into the stands and watch what happened during his ride or even walk out of the stadium, but you knew your nerves could never handle either of those scenarios. You could also go report him. One word to anyone on the medical team and they would pull him immediately. However, that would also be the end of your relationship. Rhett would never forgive you for getting him disqualified, especially against his explicit wishes. So, that left you with one option.
With a heavy sigh, you followed after your fiancé. He was leaning heavily against the side of the gate, watching the next rider as he tumbled to the ground. Another poor run, which meant Rhett had an even better chance of advancing. But only if he rode again.
You stood next to him silently for a moment as they cleared the arena for the next bout. Then, you muttered, “If nothing else, I’m gonna have to pop your arm back into place. You won’t even be able to grip the rope like this.”
His eyes darted to yours as a silent “thanks” passed between you. However, as he opened his mouth to say something, you quickly grabbed his arm and pulled. Rhett doubled over and he let out a strangled grunt, but you felt his arm slide back into its socket. Gently letting go of it, you leaned over and placed a long kiss on the top of his head. “I’m sorry, baby. I thought it would be easier that way. At least the worst of it is over.”
Rhett slowly straightened, panting slightly as he said, “Thanks. Feels a little better.” Yet you watched as he tried to flex his fingers and another wave of pain shot across his face. Keeling over once more, he vomited weakly into the dust.
You squeezed your eyes together as you bit your lip, trying not to let the tears that were welling up in your eyes fall. Seeing Rhett in this much pain caused a physical ache in your chest and you knew whatever agony he was showing you was only a fraction of what he was really feeling. But there was nothing more you could do, so you just lay your hand on his hunched shoulders and rubbed soothing circles up and down his back.
After a few minutes, he looked up at you. “Can you go get me a beer?” he asked hoarsely as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
Giving his right shoulder a soft squeeze, you cooed, “Yeah, baby. Of course. I’ll be right back.”
When you returned a few moments later with a cold beer in your hand, Rhett was crouched down with his arm held tightly against his chest. You offered him the can and he gratefully took it from you. After taking a long swig, he swirled the liquid around in his mouth and spat it into the dirt. Then he downed the rest of the beer in one long chug.
When he nodded softly at you, you gently wrapped your hands around his uninjured arm and helped haul him to his feet. He still flinched, yet the pain didn’t seem to be as bad as before. Sighing, he began to walk back over to the chute but you stopped him.
Grasping his face between your hands, you forced him to look at you. “Rhett. If you can’t do this, it’ll be okay. Don’t throw away your entire career by going out there and hurting yourself worse. There’ll be other competitions, other rides. I’ll stand behind you, whatever you decide, just don’t let your pride destroy you.”
Rhett stared into your eyes from underneath his hat. “I can do this. I know I can.”
You nodded slowly. “Okay. Then you get out there and show them what you got.”
For the first time since climbing onto the bull back in the chute, a hint of a smile fluttered across Rhett’s face. He tilted your chin back so he could place a firm kiss on your lips before pulling back and resting the brim of his hat against your forehead. Stroking your cheek, he whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmured back. “Now we have to go before you’re disqualified.”
You helped Rhett back over to the chute just as his bull was being loaded up. A few of the other guys shot you a questioning glance as they saw how Rhett was holding his arm, but you flashed them an icy glare and they instantly backed down. You had been working with most of these guys long enough for them to know if you said Rhett was good to go, he was good to go. You just hoped this time you weren’t lying.
Over the loud snorts and bellows of the bull, you could just make out Rhett’s groans of pain as Tom and Kyle helped lower him onto the beast. You just hoped you were the only one who noticed. 
Rhett’s eyes flickered to yours for a moment before glancing down at the bull rope next to his hand. Immediately, you understood. While his shoulder was no longer dislocated, he was still too weak and in too much pain to secure the rope as tightly as it needed to be. Without a word, you leaned over and coiled the rope around his hand before closing his fingers around it. You gave his fist a reassuring squeeze. He gave you a soft nod of thanks. 
As everyone began retreating from the chute, you saw Rhett glance up into the stands and you watched as his face fell. You knew exactly who he was looking for, and it somehow didn’t surprise you when you looked to the spot his family always sat and found only an empty hole. Not a single one of them had stayed to watch Rhett’s last ride. 
Swallowing your anger and disgust, you gently grabbed Rhett’s chin and turned his face so he had to drag his gaze away from the stands. Once his eyes met yours, you smiled and whispered, “Hey… you got this, baby. Now, give ‘em hell.”
A small smile tugged at his lips as he dipped his head. “Yes, ma’am.”
You grinned and leaned over to kiss his cheek one last time before you jumped off the side of the chute and ran over to the edge of the arena to watch his ride. Just before they opened the gate, you took a deep breath and held it. 
Seconds later, Rhett’s bull exploded from the chute with Rhett clinging on tightly with one hand, the other held high in the air. He didn’t quite have his usual grace and agility, but all things considered, he was doing a lot better than you thought he would. 
Come on, baby. Just eight seconds. You can do it. Just hold on.
The timer illuminated on the scoreboard had never moved so slowly before. Each second seemed to drag on for an hour or more. But finally, it reached the blessed 8 and the siren sounded but you barely heard it over the sound of your cheers. 
Rhett tumbled off the side of the bull and scurried to his feet to avoid being trampled. He managed to get to the chute safely but you still couldn’t relax yet. As soon as you saw he was safe, your eyes shot to the scoreboard. Once again, time seemed to stop as you waited for his scores to fill the board. appear………………
"Yes!" you screamed as the scores began scrolling across the board. It was an amazing total, more than enough to make up for his first ride and secure him a spot in the championship. "That's my man!" 
Rhett must have heard you because he turned towards the sound of your voice, his face beaming under the arena lights. When he spotted you, he exaggeratedly mouthed I love you. You grinned and replied I love you too. 
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @mayhem24-7forever, @hederasgarden, @wildbornsiren, @merlehs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @11thstreetvigilante, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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paradoxesofgalaxies · 9 months
I got woken up by trigeminal pain this morning hours after less than four hours of sleep 🫠
After meds, heat, and ice, the pain is under control but I'm exhausted and defeated
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punk-pandame · 1 year
note to self: do not tear rotator cuff during holidays
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 2 months
Hello, this is 🦈 anon ◉⁠‿⁠◉. Um.. if you still open request, please can i have TF 141 together x F! Reader who has high (possibly extreme) pain tolerance that whenever reader's injured, she almost doesn't react or show she's in pain. When TF 141 found this new information, they couldn't be not worried because what do you mean you don't feel anything while bleeding heavily, sweetheart?
TLDR: "Ayo yer bleeding?!", "Uh, um..yeah, should I scream?"
hello 🦈 anon!!! nice to see you again :D ty for the request!! I hope u would like this one since I think it was sweet :) have a nice day/night!
word count: 2.3k
ship: TF141*F!Reader
tw: pet names (love etc.)
The first time they found out was on a mission.
The explosion made you fly and hit hard on the wall, you could hear Soap yelling at you.
“Yer okay, lassie?!” You brushed away the dust, Soap running over and checking on you, blue eyes full of concern.
“Yeah, alright.” Standing up from the wreckage, you simply responded to him. Though Soap doubted if you were truly fine under that big impact, but your face didn’t express thoughts other than focusing on the mission, so he just nodded and signaled to keep going.
The rest of the mission succeeded without any incidents. Price, Ghost, and Gaz are already waiting at the exfil place. Through the smoke and deafening sound of the helo, they saw you and Soap walking towards them.
“Y’all okay?” Hadn’t gotten close to the helicopter, Gaz already run towards you two, relief was obvious on his face when he didn’t see any injuries by a quick scan, but then Ghost came over too.
“Wait, your shoulder.” He pointed at your shoulder, leading everyone’s gaze to land on it, including yourself.
“oh... looks like it’s dislocated.” You evaluated.
“What do you mean ‘oh’?! don’t you feel any pain?!” Soap yelled at your words. His hands try to inspect your shoulder, but afraid to trigger the pain.
“I don’t think it’s a big deal, just...”
You put your hand on the shoulder, and with a loud CRACK, which made Gaz jump and Soap gaped, even Ghost’s eyes widened at your sudden motion.
“I think it’s fixed now.” You looked around at your teammates, confusion clouded your mind “Ummm... is there any problem?”
“You...” Ghost stuttered, but he regained his composure fast. “doesn’t that hurt?”
“Well, I don’t know what you mean, LT.” You shrugged, “But actually, I feel a little bit dizzy...”
Just at the moment you finished your sentence, the dizziness became more severe, and your vision started growing blurry...
“Oi! Call the medic!” Catching your slumped body, Ghost yelled at the sergeants, but the last thing you hear is Soap reassuring you and Gaz calling for help.
So quiet... Where am I?
You thought as you slowly opened your eyes, what came in your eyes first was the stainless white ceiling, and a low voice coming from aside.
“you awake, sergeant?”
Turning your head, your eyes met with the man’s ocean-like ones, who sitting on the chair beside and holding some papers.
“Captain.” The whisper slipped out when you recognized him
“I guess you don’t know you were seriously injured, love.”
“What happened?”
“The explosion.” Price leaned closer to the bed now “The impact caused your bone fractured and slowly internal bleeding. We have no idea how you were able to walk to the exfil and looked like nothing happened.”
“I didn’t feel any pain, so I assumed I was okay.” you avoided his attention when Price raised his eyebrows. You knew he was worried and it kind of made you guilty.
“since I was young I rarely feel pain, so...” staring at the catheter of your IV drip, you mumbled quietly.
Price didn’t reply, he just stared at the paper written with your injuries and health state.
The room fell into silence for a while, before you open your mouth again.
“Sorry, Captain...” You murmured, still don’t dare to look at him.
The man let out a long sigh, you snapped your head up when you felt your hands were covered by Price’s.
It’s warm, soothing, calming down your still hazy but full of thoughts mind.
“You should be sorry, dear.” He rubbed your hand in a repeated rhythm. “You make us worried. Me, and the boys...” he pointed his chin at the bedside desk, and you finally notice the flowers and your favorite snacks are placed on it.
“We’ll keep an eye on you every time the mission is complete, since you can’t feel pain, this is not a request, it’ s a command, got it, soldier?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.” The composed grin eventually appeared on his face, and you smiled too when he ruffled your hair.
“Sleepy?” His comforting voice rings against your ears when you let out a big yawn.
“Then sleep, Gaz will be here when you wake up.”
Price watched your eyelids struggle to stay open but failed, little snores leaving you when you fell drifted into dreams again.
What you didn’t know is he brushed off the hair on your face and placed a tender kiss on your serene face.
Weeks after, to your happiness, you could go back to your own quarter and start hitting the training room for some simple practice.
Except there was someone who insisted on following you every time when you went to the training room, even if you tried to sneak into the room, he was always there as if he knew your plan.
“Soap.” You sighed at the man sitting on the bench spotting you.
“Aye, lassie?”
“I’m okay, really.”
“I don’t trust ye anymore. I should check it mahself.”
You understood why he was acting like this. Price told you Soap had been blaming himself for not finding that you were injured in that mission until your body gave up due to blood loss.
“I’m just doing some easy weightlifting now, I won’t pass out just because of this okay?”
You concentrated on his figure as he strode to your side. You chuckled when he still looked at you with doubtful eyes.
“How ‘bout you spar with me? Go easy on me though, the doctor said I still haven’t recovered fully.”
“You sure yer okay?”
“You’re like my mother now, Soapy.”
“Aye, 'cause we got a naughty kid in our team.” He laughed. “If I think you should stop, then ye stop, aye?”
“Yes, mama.”
You both burst into laughter and stepped on the training mat. Soap really went easy with his attack, unlike the usual training with the tension as if you two were about to devour each other.
“Oh!” When Soap swung out a punch, you abruptly lowered your body, and with a swipe of your leg, Soap fell onto the mat, followed by you sitting on him and securing his hands.
“Checkmate...? Soap.” You smirk at the man lying under you.
“Won’t complain if I was lost to you, but.” he huffed out a laugh, but your world spun the next second, and you met your gaze with the man now on top of you, his eyes glinting with mischievous.
“It’s a tie now, bonnie.” He flashed out a dazzling smile at you.
“Okay okay, it’s a tie now.”
A lazy grin spread along your lips when you poke at his chest.
“How about we go get some lunch together, handsome?
“Aye, ma'am.”
“The bones and the wound have healed very well, can say you are the most well-behaved patient in your team.”
The doctor smiled at you, and you turned to shoot a glimpse at Gaz, only to find his face written with embarrassment.
“What did he do last time you treat him, doctor?”
“oh, I forbid him to go training, but he still went and tore his knuckles, so he came back and stitched them again, making me call Captain Price to scold him.”
“Sorry, he’s a dumbass.”
“All of you guys are stubborn, sometimes I really want to tie you to the bed.” The doctor grinned “Well, since you’re fully recovered, you can go back to train and go on missions. Remember to be careful next time, don’t come back too soon, okay?”
“I will, Thank you, doc.”
Returning the smile, you and Gaz stepped out of the infirmary.
“I can’t wait to have you back next mission, need ya to bear Soap’s nonsense and Lt.’s bad jokes with me.” Walking beside you, Gaz sounded excited, and it’s hard not to be affected by his warmth.
“Need a helper to deal with those troublemakers?”
“That’s one reason.” He chuckled “Actually...”
“We all missed you.”
You halted to a stop when his words flowed into your ears with a bit of sadness.
Now face to face with him, you were able to see the concern on his face.
“You didn’t know when you just passed out without any warning, I felt like my heart almost shattered.”
It was close to midnight, so no one was nearby, and his words were gentle yet distinct, echoing softly in your mind.
“Not just, me, Ghost, Soap, Captain... we all are scared, you know?”
“We thought we lost you.”
You opened your mouth, mind still processing, managing to find a word, but nothing came out except an apology.
“Sorry, Kyle...”
The dusk light showered you two in an awkward peace, but it didn’t affect the sentiment Gaz conveyed to you.
“Just be careful, okay? You should tell us that you can barely feel pain, so we can help you check out, alright?”
Giving your hands a little squeeze, Gaz accompanied you back to your quarter.
“We’re more than a team, more than family, we’ll always watch your back, just like you always do.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Tilting your head, your lips curled mildly. “Goodnight, Gaz.”
The honey-like smile inched towards you until you felt his soft lips pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Goodnight, lovie.”
Your first mission after months ended smoothly. You were glad that you didn’t become rusty after the long rest, seemed like the practice and training with Soap and Gaz were worth it.
Soap and Gaz were chatting loudly, while Price sat in front and was checking details regarding the mission. You listened to the boys bantering, sometimes quipped back when their target turned to you, but you could feel someone observing you, and you tried to ignore the chill sending through your spine.
Because you knew it was Ghost, sitting just across you and scanning you like a robot.
You silently wished to arrive at the base faster, so you could ask him what was wrong or if you had done something incorrectly.
Under his scrutinizing gaze, you let out a sigh of relief when you jump off the helo. Got rid of the gear and placing them back in their place, you straightly head back to your quarter, craving some hot shower to wash off the soreness and dirt.
On your way back to the quarter, you could hear footsteps following you, almost imperceptibly, but you noticed and immediately went to a stop.
Your LT. loomed just right behind you, seeming not surprised that you were aware of him, or maybe that was just what he was planning.
He hummed at your recognition but didn’t stop his steps, until he was side by side with you.
“I’m just about to ask you, did I do something wrong? You kept staring at me when we were heading back.”
“You did it pretty well.”
“Then why did you...?”
“You’ll know when you get into your room.”
He placed his right hand on the small of your back, ushering you to your room, and you just obliged, letting him lead you.
Closing the door behind you and Ghost, you turned around to face the man now with his balaclava on.
“So what’s the issue?”
“Clothes, off.” The command came out from him unexpectedly.
“I said clothes, off.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, what the fuck does he want? you thought while kicking off your cargo pants and tossing your shirt on the chair, leaving only the sports bra and underwear with you.
“What now?”
Ghost didn’t form a word as his eyes traveled from your head, slowly through every inch of your body, under his meticulous search, you felt heat rising to your cheeks.
“turn around.” You did as he told, and now you were unable to see him, anxiety crawling to your mind until he finally stood up.
His calloused hands touched your shoulder, circling you to face him.
“Can you tell me what you’re doing now?” You asked when he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“If I’m injured?”
“Oh god” You poke his pec with a frown “you all are overreacting. I’m okay, really. Don’t you guys trust me?”
“We trust your ability, but not your ability to tolerate pain.”
“I’m fi—“
“We can’t lose you.”
Your eyes widened at his words. Ghost was looking into your eyes. He might be good at concealing his emotions, but they said, a person’s eyes can’t lie.
and all you see is sorrow, love, consideration.
All the retorts were swallowed back when his eyes conveyed how important you were to him — to them. You studied the man towering over you, tracing his scars and wrinkles in your mind.
“Thank you, Ghost.” You pulled him into a hug, which he didn’t back off, instead melting in your arms, head burying in the crook of your neck. “I will be careful, okay? I will tell you if I got hit and not sure if I was injured.”
He nodded while staying in your embrace, and you just patted his head.
“Now, I need to shower” Pulling back, a smile bloomed on your face “See you tomorrow, LT.”
“Don’t oversleep again, sergeant.” He scoffed, but petted you before letting you go to shower.
When you came out, with relaxed muscles and fresh clothes, you jumped onto your bed, but something on your desk caught your attention.
Picking it up, you shook your head in disbelief.
“Fuck you, Ghost, I already brushed my teeth.”
grumbling to yourself, you still opened the snack—your favorite one— and gave it a huge bite, while snickering at the paper placed under the snack.
‘Goodnight, luv. (remember to brush your bloody teeth again.)’ — Ghost
next chapter
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