#turning from polite to uncomfortable to like… whatever the end face was
sewercentipede · 1 year
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quin-ns · 1 year
The Bet (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Word count: 4.4K
Summary: butcher leaves you to keep an eye on soldier boy and things become interesting when a deck of cards gets involved
Tags: (18+), enemies to lovers (not exactly but kinda), canon-typical behavior, soldier boy being soldier boy (yes that’s a warning), humor/comedy, strip poker, bets, kissing, fingering, unprotected p in v sex, table sex, surprise ending
A/N: been wanting to write for a jensen character for a while and got inspired rewatching the boys. the character is such an ass but I can’t help but be into him lol
Cross-posted to ao3 • the boys masterlist • writing masterlist
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“We’ll be back in a bit,” Butcher announced, stepping in the direction of the door. He looked between you and Hughie, as if still trying to decide which ‘we’ he wanted. “Come on, lad,” he addressed the latter. Hughie seemed relieved, eyeing Soldier Boy wearily before standing and joining Butcher.
Hughie gave you an apologetic look, while Butcher pointed at you and said, “you—keep an eye on him.” He pointed at the supe, as if it wasn’t obvious.
You scoffed, narrowing your eyes at Butcher. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“No,” Butcher replied casually, ushering Hughie out the door before he himself attempted to step out. You got to your feet and caught the door before he could shut it. Butcher let out a dramatic sound and cocked his head as he looked down at you.
You didn’t find him intimidating, not anymore. You had squared up against the man more than once. Hell, you thought Butcher respected you more for it.
“You have a problem?” he asked, baiting you.
“He’s gonna try and fuck me,” you said bluntly—albeit under your breath.
Butcher scoffed out a laugh, seeming actually amused. He also knew it was true. Ever since Soldier Boy had laid his eyes on you, he’d been gunning for you. Whether it was lewd comments or hungry gazes, it was obvious to everyone. It wasn’t like he was trying to hide it one bit.
“Well, don’t let him then,” Butcher offered in a mocking tone.
Butcher wouldn’t have left you with the man if he thought you’d actually get hurt, you knew that. And it’s not like the supe scared you—at least not for that reason. The only one who seemed outwardly uncomfortable with his behavior was Hughie. You could handle him, but being alone in his company wasn’t an ideal way to spend your afternoon.
“Gee, thanks,” you replied sarcastically.
“Hey lady, I’m a gentleman,” Soldier Boy piped up in a gruff, annoyed voice. He seemed genuinely offended.
“See?” Butcher said in that stupid, I told you so tone. “Like I said, we’ll be back.”
With an annoyed huff, you pulled your hand from the door and allowed the man to pull it shut in your face. You caught his victorious smirk right before. Everything was a showdown with Butcher it seemed, and boy did he love to win.
“So,” Soldier Boy started as you turned back to him. “Are you gonna be a bitch to me this whole time? Just ‘cause I paid you a few compliments?”
You scoffed and shook your head, wondering how he thought saying shit like, “your tits look great in that shirt,” counted as a compliment. Whatever, he wasn’t going to change and you weren’t going to bother yourself with lecturing the stubborn asshole. You and the boys needed him as a weapon, not as a politically correct member of society. You’d burden yourself with whipping him into shape after he took care of Homelander.
“We’re gonna end up with a few hours to kill,” you noted as a change of topic, looking around the room.
You could hear the smirk in his voice when Soldier Boy said, “if you’re looking for suggestions, I have a few ideas.”
You rolled your eyes, but glossed over it. He was attractive and even charismatic—you couldn’t deny that—but he seemed to counter that with the crudeness of his personality. You spotted a deck of cards and grabbed it. “How’s your poker face?” you asked, holding up the cards for him to see.
“Texas hold ‘em?” He actually seemed into the idea.
“Sure, why not,” you decided.
You sat down across from him at the table where he’d been sitting. He pushed aside wrappers and pill bottles to make room. You began to deal and laid out the cards.
“What, you don’t have any chips?” Soldier Boy asked, looking at you expectantly.
“Where would I have chips at?”
“I don’t know, poker was your idea. You can’t play poker without betting.”
“I mean, you can,” you argued half-heartedly. Being alone with him was exhausting already.
“If you’re fucking boring you can,” he shot back. Suddenly, a look you could only describe as devious crossed his face. “We could play strip poker.”
At first, your instinct was to tell him hell no. You should’ve, honestly. Another part of you wondered if it would be fun— it was that impulsive, indelicate side of you that made you work so well with the boys. You must’ve been curious, crazy, or both to agree. But, you did.
He practically beamed, grinning in victory. You were already starting to regret it. “Now it’s a real game. Gotta have something on the line.”
Even as he said that, you had an inkling that the stakes would be a bit higher for you. And as the two of you played and clothing began to disappear from the both of you, you suspected he wanted to be naked in front of you almost as much as he wanted you to be naked in front of him. That became obvious when he took off his shirt and pants after his first two losses. You’d opted to remove a sock after yours.
Still, the two of you carried on a conversation during the game. It was a shock to you when you began to relax around him. It was even more surprising when you laughed at some stupid joke he made at Hughie and Butcher’s expense.
“You seem like most of the brains behind the operation,” Soldier Boy continued, laying the charm on thick. You could spot it clear as day, but even you weren’t totally immune to it as you grew to actually enjoy the game.
“More like their wrangler,” you replied with a small laugh.
“Maybe they’re too busy grabbing at each other's dicks,” Soldier Boy suggested. It pulled another laugh from you despite the offensiveness of it. Being around the boys for so long you’d developed a darker sense of humor.
A smile crossed his face, seeming proud of himself as he watched you react.
“You startin’ to hate me less?” he asked suddenly, like he just had to know right then.
“What?” you replied with a small chuckle, hardly registering the question for a minute. “Does it matter?”
It seemed to pain him when he replied unconvincingly, “no,” with a scoff. “Well, maybe.”
“Wow, that must’ve been hard,” you commented sarcastically. “Does my opinion actually matter to you?”
“What, a guy can’t make conversation?” Soldier Boy was getting defensive.
Over the past however long, his ego had been deeply bruised. You saw it back when he realized the truth about his team. He’d been betrayed and forgotten. You suspected there was a part of him, a still human part, that was desperately seeking approval. Even if he covered it up.
Still, you dropped it. You could’ve told him that you were beginning to think he wasn’t so bad, but you didn’t want to risk boosting his ego. He was still a dick, you tried not to forget that.
After a few more hands, you were missing socks and pants—still keeping your bra, underwear, and shirt—and he was missing everything except a sock and boxers. You were sort of in the lead, but things were pretty tied up.
You gathered the cards up again and began to shuffle. “Why don’t we play gin rummy?” you suggested. You were getting a tad tired of the same game over and over.
“What? Why? We’ll keep playing this. Deal.”
You let out a huff, but gave in. You decided to just go ahead and deal.
“One last round,” you told him.
“Whatever,” he replied in a mutter, collecting his cards.
You two played and carried on a light conversation about random things. You weren’t really focused on playing truthfully, but you should’ve been. You lost the hand, meaning you had to lose something else. Soldier Boy seemed eagerly awaiting your decision, most likely assuming you’d take off your shirt. You’d already lost your socks and pants, so it seemed like a natural progression.
So, of course, you had to screw with him.
You reached under your shirt and unhooked your bra. You removed the straps through your sleeves and pulled it out from the bottom of your shirt.
“Oh, you’re killing me, sweetheart,” Soldier Boy said huskily under his breath.
You let out a small chuckle to yourself at his reaction. You let him suffer for another few seconds before announcing, “Alright, I’m bored.”
“What?” Soldier Boy furrowed his brows. “No, c’mon, keep playing,” he tried to convince you yet again.
“We’ve been playing for an hour and you refuse to learn any other game,” you argued back.
“I know how to play other games. I just prefer poker.” Soldier Boy frowned as you scraped together the card to put them back in the box. “What about a bet? One last game, winner takes all.”
You eyed him curiously, wondering where he was going with this. You’d let him convince you to play strip poker and that was already pushing it. “What kind of bet?”
Soldier Boy couldn’t bite back his grin and you had a feeling where he was going with this. “How about I win, you let me fuck you,” he stated casually. You scoffed. Of course he couldn’t help himself. He fully registered the bored I’m over it expression on your face, yet continued anyway. “And if you win, you let me fuck you and I’ll thank you for the privilege.”
At that, you couldn’t help but laugh in his face. “What kind of deal is that?” Your voice was dripping with amusement. It was actually kinda funny, the level of audacity and shamelessness he had. “No thanks, buddy.”
You moved to stand and heard Soldier Boy curse under his breath. “Fine, fine,” he said loudly, regaining your attention. If you could read people the way you thought, he seemed kinda desperate. It was almost comical. Then, his tone shifted. “I heard you earlier,” he said seriously. It threw you off. “That supe you want dead. Not Homelander, the other one. Personal to you.”
Tek Knight… Why was he bringing up that bastard?
“Heard you trying to slip him onto the list for me to take out,” Soldier Boy continued knowingly. “But your boss won’t let you.”
“Butcher isn’t my boss,” you corrected. It was the wrong thing to focus on, so you did something that was probably going to be very unadvised in hindsight. You heard Soldier Boy out.
“Whatever. Because I like you,”—you raised your brows at that and muttered an uh huh to yourself, because you didn’t really believe him—“you win and I’ll take him out.”
He was groveling, but damn him for figuring out something you wanted. You hated Homelander and pretty much all supes just like the rest of the boys, but also, like they all did, you had a grudge against a certain supe. Tek Knight was the reason Butcher found you. Before he even brought in Hughie, he had found you. Because Tek Knight had killed someone you loved.
Que the tragic backstory, right? You all had one. At one point you had believed the superheroes were heroes. That is, until you saw Tek Knight recklessly kill a bus with civilians in it—one of which was your best friend. Vought covered it up, blamed the criminals he’d been chasing, and praised the supe for his heroism. Needless to say, that changed your preconceptions of superheroes. Not long later, Butcher found you and took you under his wing. You bonded over your desire to kill the so-called heroes that had taken someone from each of you.
Except, Butcher was so determined to kill Homelander after what happened to Becca with Ryan that your need for revenge had been set on that back burner. And now here Soldier Boy was, offering you the only thing you really, really wanted. All you had to do was bet your dignity.
Could be worse, right?
“You in?” Soldier Boy asked, bringing you out of your thoughts and back to the moment. He was already grinning, like he knew your answer.
You returned to where you had been sitting across from him previously and smothered any last doubts you had. “Yeah,” you replied curtly.
That cocky smile of his only grew—it was probably the happiest you’d seen the man. He had a nice smile, but you knew his joy was because of your weakness.
You had to win, even if it was only to watch him lose and wipe that stupidly dazzling smile off his stupidly good looking face.
You didn’t trust him to shuffle, so you did. The stakes were high and you could already see the bulge in his boxers when he stood and scooted his chair closer. He was eager and ready to play—and more. You didn’t want to give him the chance to rig the game. You made an effort to avert your eyes as you dealt the cards out.
The cards in your hand weren’t the best, but they were good enough. Hopefully.
Maybe he wouldn’t be thinking with his upstairs brain, he already seemed incredibly impatient, which could work in your favor. Although, that didn’t seem likely since there was no chance either of you would fold. You pushed all the inner back-and-forth thoughts out of your head and tried to focus on the game. You put on your poker face and just hoped he had a worse hand.
You didn’t say much as you played. Neither did he. You avoided eye contact while he threw you a few looks here and there. There was an intensity to the game that hadn’t been there before. Probably because both of you had a good reason to win. At least, a self perceived good reason on Soldier Boy’s part. You thought yours was much more valid.
The game neared the end and it was time to show.
The moment of truth.
“Two pair,” you said, showing the cards that you had.
Soldier Boy let out a breath, which made you wonder if he had been holding one in. That wasn’t a good sign. He laid down his cards. “Full house,” he revealed.
Well fuck. You lost.
“Damn,” you muttered, but it overlapped with his voice.
“Oh fuck yes.” He sounded a little bit too enthused for your liking. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Take it as a compliment, sweetheart,” he commented smugly. “And don’t be a sore loser.”
“You sure got over Countess quick,” you mentioned in an off-handed tone just to mess with his head a little. “I thought you were still into her.”
He scoffed. “She was a bitch.”
“You called me a bitch earlier,” you pointed out.
“I call everyone a bitch.”
“You’re fucking confusing.”
“And you’re hot. I bet you’re a good fuck,” he countered with lascivious tone.
“You’re gross.” You were somehow still taken aback by his crassness even though you should’ve been used to it by now.
“What, you want me to tell you I’m into you?” He said it like it was offensive. “Like actually? Fine, I am. Big fucking deal,” he dismissed. “Now I won, get your ass over here. I’m not gonna fall for whatever mind games you’re playing.”
You could’ve told him no. You should’ve told him no right away. But damn, you couldn’t help but wonder. You couldn’t deny that Soldier Boy was attractive and from the view you got when he stood, you knew he was… large. Yeah, you should be saying no. What were you thinking?
Well, you were thinking you perhaps you did want to fuck him.
That was the truth even though it shouldn’t have been. You admitted that to yourself.
So, keeping with your end of the deal (because you planned to use the bet to justify all future actions to yourself), you stood from your chair. Soldier Boy was running his hands over his thighs when you moved towards him. He just couldn’t wait to touch you. He could hardly contain his excitement.
He pushed back from the table to make room. When you were within reach, his large, firm hands grabbed at you. Soldier Boy pulled you into his lap with a chuckle.
“Hi there,” you greeted in a sarcastic tone when you came face to face with him.
“Hey, darling,” he replied smoothly. Soldier Boy leaned in to kiss you, but you turned your head slightly. You weren’t sure why, you just did it. He scoffed a little, seemingly disappointed. “What—you’re not gonna let me kiss you?”
You eyed him curiously. “Why is that something you want?”
He shrugged a little. “I’m old fashioned.” He leaned in again and you didn’t turn away. “And it wasn’t a lie when I said I liked you,” he admitted under his breath before capturing your lips.
For a guy that hadn’t been in action for a few decades, Soldier Boy was a surprisingly good kisser. His lips were soft and plump, and moved expertly against yours.
When he pulled away, you were left slightly breathless. That seemed to fuel his ego because when he looked at you, a smirk appeared on his lips.
“Maybe we can both be winners,” Soldier Boy decided smugly. You became aware of his hand creeping along your hip. His fingers grazed your skin and then his hand made its way into the front of your underwear.
A spark of pleasure and even excitement shot through you when his thick fingers found what they were looking for.
Soldier Boy let out a deep, content hum when he brushed against your folds. You were already getting wet for him due to anticipation. He pressed one finger into your entrance and you bit back a gasp. Your body welcomed him, which made him chuckle.
You were waiting for some snarky comment, but at the moment he didn’t have one. Soldier Boy was far too focused on getting you ready for him to think of something. He rocked his hips, grinding his hard cock against your thigh as he pushed another finger into you. He moved them expertly, it should’ve been surprising how much care he was taking to elicit pleasure from you. However, you were far too distracted by the feeling of his thick fingers thrusting and curling inside of you to analyze him.
His thumb found your clit and you moaned, writing in his lap. Soldier Boy watched you, lips slightly parted, breaths heavy. His cock was achingly hard—you could feel it against you.
You felt a familiar knot in your belly form due to his motions.
“That’s it,” he said heatedly, feeling your walls begin to tighten around him. “You feel so fucking good. Can’t wait to be inside of you. Want you to come on my fingers first, though.”
His voice did something to you. You shouldn’t have liked it so much, but it was deep and rich and fuck, it was hot. As your eyes scanned his lust blown face, you saw something else. You couldn’t quite place it.
Your body tensed and as he perfectly moved his thumb and fingers in sync, you knew he was going to get what you wanted.
You fell against him when you started to quiver, the pleasure becoming all-consuming. Soldier Boy welcomed you against his firm body.
“For a girl that hates me you’re squeezing my fingers real fucking tight,” he grunted out against your ear.
Barely another second passed before your orgasm crashed over you in a wave. You pressed your lips together to conceal a dizzy moan, but it broke free.
You rode through the aftershocks on his fingers, catching your breath with your head on his shoulder.
When you finally came to your senses, his words rang in your head. “I don’t hate you,” you clarified in a murmur.
You sat up in his lap, head hazy with pleasure and trying to catch your breath, as he withdrew his hand from your underwear. Soldier Boy stared at you, scanning your face with an odd desperation you finally recognized. You meant it and he realized that.
You were yanked from your pleasured daze when his large hands gripped under your thighs.. In a swift motion, Soldier Boy lifted you. He stood as well and suddenly, you were lying with your back on the table, staring up at his lust blown emerald eyes.
His hands flew across your body, ridding you of your last pieces of clothing. Once you were exposed beneath him, Soldier Boy rid himself of his own clothes.
The two of you were completely naked, eyes scanning over each other's bodies. He pulled you to the end of the table and positioned himself between your legs.
Everything moved in an adrenaline filled blur.
There was very little time to prepare yourself as he planted a hand near your head and used the other to grab his cock. You briefly felt him line himself up to your entrance. Then, he was pushing into you. A gasping moan that surprised you both slipped from your lips as he filled you.
You had gotten a glimpse and knew he was big, but that had done nothing to prepare you for the stretch of his thick cock inside of you. There was a twinge of pain laced with the pleasure and it made you quiver around him.
A deep groan came from above. His eyes had fluttered shut. His hand slapped to grab your waist. His fingers flexed and dug into your skin.
“Fuck,” Soldier Boy cursed under his breath.
His cock throbbed inside of you and you could tell he needed a moment. You had to give him credit for maintaining some level of self control given how long it had been for him.
Except, you were getting impatient. In a bold move, you wrapped your legs around his waist encouragingly. Then, you raised your arms to grasp his face in your hands. You pulled him down into a passionate kiss, which he gladly responded to. He pulled back his hips a little, then thrust forward. You gasped against him and he smiled.
He straightened then, moving both hands to your hips. You braced yourself as he withdrew again, fully this time, then shoved forward.
It took a few experimental thrusts before he set a pace, but when he did you could do nothing but lay there and take everything he gave you.
You weren’t sure what you previously thought fucking him would be like, but damn it was good.
Soldier Boy knew what he was doing. He pounded into you hard and fast, forcing pleasure through your body. He was panting above you, then leaning down to press sloppy kisses to your body. His beard scratched against your skin, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was his cock filling you.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Soldier Boy cursed and muttered the praise. His husky voice cascaded over you. You didn’t reply, but he seemed pleased with the fact that you couldn’t. You were doing everything in your power to not let out embarrassingly loud noises.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, along with panting breaths from you both.
He brought his hand down and pressed his thumb against your clit. Soldier Boy flicked his eyes up to you, watching your face contort in further ecstasy.
He was fervorous, putting everything he had into fucking you. It was going to be quick, he couldn’t hold back much longer,, but he wanted you to come with him.
He kept up his motions, pounding into you, filling you over and over again.
You grasped at his back suddenly, digging your nails in as your body tensed and the knot in your belly exploded. Soldier Boy groaned loudly as your body tensed and shivered around him. You couldn't hold back your moan that time.
That sent him spiraling into his own release.
One, two, three—Soldier Boy slammed into you a final time. You felt his cock twitch. He shuttered above you. Then, he was spilling inside of you. You should’ve stopped him, but you wanted to feel him fill you up.
Soldier Boy let out a heavy exhale and practically collapsed on top of you. He nestled his head into your neck, nose brushing against your ear. The feel of his cock stuffing you full, his come dripping down your thigh, and the weight of his body was all consuming. You couldn’t deny that you loved the feeling.
You ran your hands across his muscular back, listening to his heavy breathing in your ear and his heart pounding from the exertion.
There were no words spoken between you two for several moments as you each caught your breath.
“I’ll take him out,” Soldier Boy muttered into your neck, catching you off guard. It took you a second to register his words, but when you did, you turned your head to look at him. Just in tandem with him to lift himself to hover over you. He planted his hands steady to hold himself up. Your noses were only a few inches apart and you could feel light puffs of breath coming from him against your face.
“What?” you couldn’t help but ask, stunned and wanting to be sure you heard him right.
“That supe you hate,” he clarified. “I’ll kill him for you.” Soldier Boy raised his hand and brushed a few strands of hair back from your face. “If that’s what you want.”
You swallowed. “Yeah,” you told him, nodding slightly. “I want you to.”
“Alright then,” he confirmed with uncharacteristically tranquil demeanor. Seeing a gentle, oddly caring smile instead of a sleazy smirk on his face threw you off.
You thought Soldier Boy was going to lean down to kiss you—he looked like he wanted to—but something caught his attention. He lifted his head towards the door.
That’s when you heard it. The door knob rattled..
A devious grin crossed Soldier Boy’s face. It suited him better than the previous expression.
“Oh shit,” you cursed, knowing what was about to happen and that you couldn’t prevent it.
You turned your head towards the door, just in time to see Butcher and Hughie walking back in.
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lena-after-dark · 2 years
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Pairing: Dark!Namor x Reader
Prompt: "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. No matter where you run, I'll catch you."
Requested By: Anon
Warnings: Stalking, obsessive behavior, obsession at first sight.
You were on vacation the first time you felt him near. Of course then you didn't know what it was that haunted you through the waters.
The warm waves of the Atlantic washed all around you as you swam from the beach. You went as far as you felt safe to go, pausing to enjoy the sunshine and to sneak a peak at the marine life below. You were unsure how long you were in the water before you felt it. You knew there was a presence near you. You felt the pressure shift in the water, closing around you. Upon inspection, you saw nothing that would cause such a disturbance. But each time you stepped into the sea, you had the feeling that something was there - watching you.
That looming feeling of eyes upon you didn't let up, even after you were home. Though it was gone for a while, it came rushing back one rainy evening. It was enough to make you double check the locks on every door and window in your home. You peered outside and saw nothing. Always nothing. Except when the lightning flashed and there was a figure seemingly floating in the air. You only saw it once, and shrugged it off as your imagination.
Always when it was raining. That's when you'd feel it. That's when you'd see things. It was maddening. The figure only appeared when you were home - and when it was dark. Never when you could find proof that something was there.
Until you started receiving gifts, that was. Handcrafted jewelry and ornate shells appeared at your doorstep. And once on your windowsill - inside. That was enough to make you leave your home. And once again, the occurrences halted - for a time. Then you saw it again, not long after you'd moved. The figure floating in air. The shape of a man. You tried to capture an image, but it was gone before you could.
You had to get out of town again. This time to the mountains. The snow was a welcome distraction.
"Beautiful evening, isn't it?"
You were alone on the balcony of the lodge - sipping a hot drink and enjoying the setting sun. Something about him seemed familiar, though you didn't think you'd met him before. The glare of the sun obscured your view slightly.
"Yeah, it is. You're staying here as well?"
"Not exactly." The rich timbre of his voice was soothing. And yet something felt off. "Just visiting. It's very quiet around this lodge. You're the first person I've seen. Forgive my intrusion. I'm... Namor. May I ask your name?"
You told him your name out of compulsory politeness. He turned to face you, repeating your name with a smile. You could see him clearly now. He looked out of place - as if he were uncomfortable in the clothing he was wearing. Nothing in the style of his sweater or hat matched his earrings - and they unnerved you at the sight of them. They looked to be the same craftsmanship of the jewelry you'd been receiving. Or perhaps it was just a coincidence. You complimented them, testing the waters.
"You like them? Perhaps I'll have to get you a pair." You let out a nervous chuckle. It was time to leave. You made up a quick lie about needing to go and stood, noticing that he wasn't wearing any shoes.
"I'll see you again soon," he said as a goodbye. He sounded so charming. But there was something dark in the phrase. It was a promise. You dared a last glance at him and saw that he hadn't taken his eyes off of you. That familiar feeling was back tenfold.
Namor kept his promise. When you returned home, a pair of green earrings was waiting inside. You weren't delusional. This man - or whatever he was - was following you. Could he fly? What was he? There were so many questions, and no answers to any of them. And now that he'd appeared before you, certainly things were going to escalate. You had to leave again. You moved only when it was bright and dry as a bone outside. You were careful - leaving no trace of where you might've gone. You installed a camera, extra locks, everything you could think of.
You thought you were rid of him. Through stormy nights you didn't see or feel anything out of the ordinary. No gifts were left for you to find. No figure floating outside your window.
Apparently he just needed time to find you.
Your face to face meeting had made him bolder. You saw him again - hovering outside your window as the rain fell. This time he didn't disappear. This time he flew to the glass, placing his hand against it as he looked inside at you.
You scrambled away, trying to alert the authorities. It didn't matter if they didn't believe you. You needed to know someone was on the way to you.
Namor was inside before you could give dispatch your address. He was behind you with his hand wrapped around yours, pulling the phone from your ear and ending the call. The other was around your mouth, preventing you from yelling. He shushed you when you yelled into his hand - as if he were attempting to soothe you.
"I have to admit, I am enjoying our game of cat and mouse."
You pulled away from him, and he let you. When you faced him, a grin had spread across his lips.
"Did you like the earrings," he ended his question with something in a language you didn't understand. Most likely a term of endearment.
"Get out. Now. The cops will be here any moment." He chuckled at that, and paid the thin threat no mind.
"I think I'll keep our game going a little longer," he said as he stepped closer. You instinctively stepped back, and he continued forward until you were against a piece of furniture and couldn't retreat any further. He reached his hand out and ran his knuckles against the side of your arm. The touch sent shivers down your spine.
"I'll give you two weeks this time before I look for you again."
No matter what you said, or what questions you asked, he had no interest in elaborating. Whatever his intentions were in the end, he kept them from you. He wouldn't tell you why he was there, what he wanted from you, nothing.
“I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth. No matter where you run, I’ll catch you.” 
He left through the window, flying into the darkness so quickly that he barely looked like a shadow across the sky.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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finalgilmoregirl · 6 months
your newest mike fic has me dead on the floor omg. can you please write something with grumpy mike and his sunshine reader?
a/n : i love this concept it’s such a classic, leans towards fem!reader but no she/her pronouns used, no use of y/n, lots of fluff and a smidge of angst
☆ moments in grumpy!mike x sunshine!readers relationship :
1 ౨ৎ putting on performances with abby. for a child her age, an active imagination is a given. however with the kinds of things she has experienced in her life, the possibilities are truly endless. it's not uncommon for mike to come home and see that the living room has essentially been transformed into a broadway set. and even though he's often coming home from a long shift, exhaustion be damned, you and abby still sometimes manage to wrangle him into the worlds you've created.
if you and abby are the knights of opposing royal courts, he is the jester. if you two are witches, he is the evil henchman. if you're competing fighters, he's the referee. if you two are ballerinas, he is the judge (and he always chooses you as the winner).
but no matter how many times you and abby tell him that he has to do the voices too, he still won't learn. he's essentially just an audience member of your theatrics, sitting on the ground in whatever costume one of you have placed on his shoulders and simply trying to fathom how to two people can have so much energy at the end of the day.
2 ౨ৎ grumpy!mike is your own personal bodyguard. although your sunny aura is extremely welcoming on its own, the constant frown on his face is enough of a signal for a person to turn and walk the other way the moment they notice him next to you.
he's often uncomfortable in public, too aware of his surroundings and overanalyzing everyone's actions. this results in his having a hand on you at all times to calm his nerves, whether that be with your hands clasped together, his hand on your waist or his arm around your shoulder. at first glance the two of you could look like complete strangers that just happen to be in close proximity to each other, but the second mike turns to look at you and his expression softens, it's obvious the two of you are in love.
3 ౨ৎ for the first few weeks of you and mike getting to know each other, he’d never really smiled. sure, he was always kind and polite but the most he would give to express joy was the raise of his eyebrows and the tiniest bit of an amused smirk. so of course when you had been in the middle of recounting a story and mike had laughed, smiling with all of his perfect teeth on display, you were pleasantly shocked.
"so that's what that looks like." you grinned at him, earning a tilt of his head in return.
"what does what look like?" he asked.
"your smile." mike was quick to blush, coughing and looking down for a moment to try and regain his original composure, but before he could feel too embarrassed you continued, "i like it, you should do it more often."
from then on you couldn't get enough of his smile, always trying to make him laugh. which as serious as he is, deep down he lived for it, just basking in your joy and the fact that he was the cause of it.
4 ౨ৎ that being said, mike has a bit of a temper and you know that, taking his waves of bad moods in stride and trying your best to cheer him up, but sometimes he gets so riled up that there’s only so much you can do to help, and mike loses patience.
it’s very rare when he snaps at you and when he does he almost immediately regrets it after seeing how it effects you.
the ever-present smile you hold that has the power to lift everyone’s spirits falls in an instant when one of his outbursts catches you off guard. your eyebrows furrow and you look down to try to keep your own composure. you know he’s not actually mean, at least never to you. you pushed him too hard, you think to yourself and it’s in this moment that mike snaps out of his rage, like a demon that was possessing him had left his body and all he feels is his heart ache.
here you are, the light of his life and he’s the reason you’re not smiling. he rubs his palm over his forehead and reaches out for you, “fuck, i’m sorry” he sighed, “i don’t know why i yelled”
you feel his hand hover over your shoulder and look up, seeing his face full of regret. you reach your hands up and hold his face, which mike immediately melts into, his hands moving to hold your waist. he grabs you tight, desperate even, thinking that if he lets you go you'll leave and he'll lose you for good.
“i know baby. you’ve just had a bad day, i shouldn’t have pushed you.” you sympathize with him, to which he shakes his head.
“yeah but that’s not an excuse, you just wanted to help and—" he pauses and sighs, disappointed with himself, "i’m grateful for that. i love that you care about my problems, no matter how stupid they are.”
you smile gently at his confession, and a weight is lifted off of his chest.
“they’re not stupid. plus, i know you’d do the same for me. you can groan all you want about it but deep down you’re the biggest softie i know.”
mike rolls his eyes playfully, and leans his forehead against yours, “only to you.”
you giggle and connect your lips to his, letting them linger for a few seconds before pulling away and whispering, “yeah, i’d hope so.”
thanks for the request ☆
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Hey! Can I request a Clark x reader where they're dating but reader doesn't know Clark is superman. And then superman interacts with them for whatever reason and is flirty bc that's his person!!! But reader is like ☝️ hey buddy back off. I'm HAPPILY taken
this is such a cute request!!!! Argh!!!!
clark kent/superman x gn!reader. fluff, brief danger but r is okay. superman flirting with you but he's dating you? he's just a goober. i lub him <3 PLEASE feel free to imagine maws!clark. I feel like this is very himcore 🥰
Being a florist in Metropolis is good work. Lots of people still buy flowers, which is great. Many actually buy bouquets for Superman and leave them on display as support. Poppies, yellow tulips, and cornflowers. They're one of your favorite arrangements.
The downside to being a florist in Metropolis, however, is that on occasion, your flower display ends up the target of a killer robot.
You're not sure why that is. Mostly, you wish people would stop building killer robots.
You've gone outside to see what the commotion is about when you're grabbed by a metal claw. It squeezes hard, almost cutting off your air. You squirm in terror as the robot stomps down Main Street, crushing cars and asphalt in its wake.
"Help!" you scream when you catch your breath, and the robot squeezes you harder.
A dizzying blur of red, yellow, and blue zips past you. You think of your flowers.
The blur cuts through the metal like nothing. The robot begins to collapse, twitching and groaning. Its metal creaks, grip loosening on your body.
You hardly fall before Superman is there, cradling you to his chest.
"I've got you," he says, tucking you close.
You look up at him, and he beams at you, like saving you from a killer robot has been the best part of his day.
Come to think of it, Superman came to your aid surprisingly fast, even for him.
And he holds you... intimately. Like you've known him for years. Your heart picks up.
"Uh," he says, cheeks flushed. "Are–are you okay?"
You smile politely, arms around his neck. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Superman."
He nods, flying down the street. "Good. I'll get you back to your shop and clean up the flowers."
You tilt your head. "How do you know I'm a florist?"
Superman looks at you, blue eyes wide.
"Oh! I... uh, I've seen your arrangements all over the city. They're beautiful. I'd never forget that they belong to an equally beautiful face."
Goodness. If Superman is this forward with everyone he rescues, it's no wonder your flower arrangements are in high demand.
"I'm flattered," you begin, and Superman once again aims that grin with the power of a thousand suns at you. "But, respectfully, I'm very happily taken, so I would appreciate it if you'd keep this rescue professional."
Superman raises an eyebrow. To your surprise, he smiles wider.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't realize you were taken. My sincerest apologies. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"No, it's alright. I'm honored, but you couldn't pull me away from my boyfriend even with your super strength."
Superman's cheeks turn pinker. He sets you down in front of your store with the utmost care, not letting go until you have your bearings. He takes a step back, rubbing his neck. The gesture makes your brain itch. You don't know why.
"Well, uh, he must've done something right if he's lucky enough to be with you."
"Luck has nothing to do with it," you say fiercely. You don't know why you're so indignant about defending Clark's reputation to Superman. It's not like Clark will ever hear about it.
"Not at all. He's an incredible person, kind and smart and loving, and if anyone's lucky, it's me."
Superman makes an aborted gesture to take your hand, then redirects and awkwardly pats your arm instead. You squint at him. He quickly moves away.
"Ah. Sorry. Well, I doubt that. I bet you're equally spectacular."
"Oh. Thank you."
You primly take his hand and give it a good shake. Superman bows his head and laughs.
He takes a step back, eyes bright like you've just made his day.
"Well, I wish you the best with your boyfriend. I'm sorry for being so forward. I've seen your Superman bouquets; your reputation precedes you. I make it a point to know reputed people in Metropolis."
"I can't imagine I'm very high on that list," you say.
"Ah, you'd be surprised. Besides, I never forget a face."
Superman darts behind you and moves at neckbreaking speed to clean up your partially maimed flowers. In three seconds, it's returned to its former glory.
"Well, uh, I'll be seeing you," Superman says, hands clasped behind his back. "I mean, I hope not in a circumstance like this! Th-then again, when else would we see each other? Scratch that, I hope there's no reason for us to cross paths because that would mean you're in danger. Uh, but I don't mean that in a bad way! I just—"
You snort and reach over to take a yellow tulip from your display. You give it to Superman, who takes it like you've just handed him a newborn baby.
"I'm still taken," you say. "But you're very sweet, Superman. Take care, alright?"
"Yeah," he says, tucking the tulip into the strap of his cape. "Yes, you too. Goodbye!"
He soars away, the tulip like a star on his cape.
Superman is handsome and kind, no doubt. But he's certainly no Clark Kent.
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ipegchangbin · 1 year
saw u reblog a pervy changbin post 😩 spare some pervy skz thoughts maybe 🤲
— skz and perverted thoughts.
sub ! skz ot8 , dom ! gn ! reader 
🏷️ perversion. somnophilia. voyeurism. blasphemy. invasion of privacy. individual scenarios of 8 pining perverts. sorry anon for the late response!
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— you’re the reason why bang chan never sleeps.
he knows that neither of you are together…yet. you usually sleep over at his place though, a one-bedroom apartment with an uncomfortable couch, so you’re forced to sleep next to him. chan never tells you this but he gets hard every night you sleep over. he refuses to admit—no, he will never admit that he gets hard to the idea of you sleeping soundly next to him, in nothing but your sleepwear. 
chan constantly thinks about waking you up from your sleep after you’ve taken your clothes off. chan knows that you sleep without underwear — he watched you slip into your pants without putting anything under — and he wants your bare skin on his. he hasn’t seen your eyes fluttered shut in slumber since you two face away, but he thinks about how you could dominate him with the mere awakening of your irises. he wants to shock you so that you can shock him back. chan wants to feel your heavy breath on his heavier exhales instead of the gentle sighs he so desperately wants to wake. he wants to grind on your legs, dig his face in your neck, and whine as you take care of him while half-awake. 
but no, he can’t have that, he can never have that, so he fantasizes. stroking his cock, once, twice, thrice, four times, while you count your sheep to slumber at the same pace.
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— minho feasts on whatever eye candy you are.
he can only keep to himself for so long, staring from the chair opposite yours. he’s too dignified; minho hasn’t made his feelings clear with himself, let alone you, so he can’t do much. all he can do is look from a distance. stare. drill his eyes into every single inch of your smooth skin until his pupils dilate. fuck, you’re just his type. oh god, you’re so close yet so far. 
and he wants you to be close. close the physical distance. close in on the friendship and become something more. close, moan “minho, i’m so close.” he wants to have you cum on him, finally let yourself go after ruining him to the point he’s writhing and crying under you. after staring at your hands intertwined with your best friend’s, he realized so badly that he wants your hands on his neck, knocking the wind out of his system. choke him until he wiggles and begs wordlessly for breath—or for more? he can’t tell. he’d be willing to give up the act of being so stuck-up around you and offer a rare sight that only you can see. but no.
the only sight you see of him is a good friend zoning out. minho looks so distant but he’s there, fantasizing, daydreaming about your body, how fucking good you would sound while praising him. you’re so distant, yet you’re right there, like a mere feast for his eyes, but he wants you to eat him alive, feast on him the same way.
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— it’s only you who can distract changbin.
your voice echoes through his head. changbin can’t focus on anything else and his vision tunnels. you’re the light at the end of it.
you told him off numerous times to do his job right. it had been a bad day and he tried to sympathize with you — but getting turned on from being scolded doesn’t count. he can’t help the thought of being told to shut up before being called all sorts of names. he daydreamed about getting pounded on the desk, the chair—maybe the floor, where you can ride and degrade him? he wants your fitted suits discarded alongside his. changbin just wants you to lose it on him, use him to let every drop of anger out, slap him, mark him, spit on him, use him. show your true colors instead of acting polite. break in front of him the way he breaks beneath you.
suddenly, you tapped his shoulder, then his screen, sternly reminding him to “get the fuck back to work, darling.” he’d shift his legs to hide his painful and leaking erection.
the cycle continued. you’d scold him, he’d get too horny to function, making you scold him again until it was only the both of you in left the office working overtime. it’s so wrong, getting off on your emotions that you almost can’t control. but damn it, your voice is too pretty, he wants to hear it scream, tell him off, again and again.
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— you made hyunjin question everything.
the search bar has “friend walked in on me masturbating.” hyunjin can’t believe he typed that. it’s so unlike him to search for things that weren’t substantial, but maybe self-discovery is just as important. you aren’t watching anymore. but the question just…doesn’t quite cut it. 
he types again. “friend walked in on me masturbating but i liked it.” the results are dubious, some suggesting that it’s normal. some are porn videos — he watched as a lean, tall man got pinned down by another person, getting punished by someone peeping on him. he’s deleting the words key per key, tapping backspace until he’s on the last few letters. “i think i like my friend.” no, he already knew that long ago. “i want to fuck my friend.” no, he’d been fantasizing about that for years. you’re the reason why he masturbated in the first place, thinking of how you could ruin him, fuck his mouth with your crotch, drain him of his cum, fucking his own release back into himself. holy shit, hyunjin, that’s so bad, so bad…
“i want my friend to fuck me.” bingo. but not quite — he just can’t remove the image of your shocked, flustered face, the way you went all red, the way you hesitated and panicked. did you like what you saw? because his dick does.
hyunjin types again. “voyeurism kink guide.”
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— jisung shouldn’t get too excited over you.
shock was written all over his face when he found out you liked him back, that you rejected your other best friend all because of him. imagine him riding the highs of the validation, basking in the image of you two being a couple. he loved that you saw nobody else but him.
imagine him riding his pillow to chase his high of release, basking in the image of that plush material being your lower half instead. he loved that you fucked nobody else but him.
maybe he got too pumped over the wrong things. shutting the door behind him and refusing to eavesdrop any longer, he shoved his pants down, frantically freeing his hard cock, and thought of you. you, possessive, in love with him as he was with you. jisung wanted you to own him, make him yours. he wanted to be shoved in between your arms and held up on the wall first before plummeting to the bed, whining and crying nothing but your name. he wants to forget his own. he wants the hands of his longtime crush to crush him and leave his ass bruised and his back arched.
he’s filthy. jisung stared at his hands, coated in cum that won’t stop flowing, wondering if you’re cool dating someone whose first thought about you was sex. sex with feelings, he swears, but he huffs and keeps going, overstimulating himself.
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— it was you and a train ride felix couldn’t stand.
he was trying to read the tale of orpheus and eurydice, standing in the moving train, but he ripped his eyes off his book the minute you stood in front of him. stunning, amazing. curse god for making the train cramped today, his erection kept brushing against your legs.
felix felt fire surge between his legs as he took a whiff of your scent, an alluring aroma making its way down his system. you looked like a dream, like a doll that god herself sculpted out of love. he wanted to get a taste of you. he wondered if this is what couples in public transport felt like, dragging their hands down each other, feeling the other up through and under the layers of clothing. how much could he leak when one of your fingers traces down his v-line? felix wondered about the thrill of getting caught, the thought of whimpering just a little too loud for other people to hear, to shift his legs in the wrong way, hitting the wrong person, alerting everyone of your lewd antics. but why, why did he want you to do this to him?
you stood tall until you didn’t, losing balance on him. you thanked felix for catching you, but you didn’t turn his direction for long. like orpheus, he followed you, his eurydice: he can’t let you face him after everything he imagined. he tried not to drool and stared at the back of your head, hoping to only see your face after the train ride.
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— seungmin’s the sinner you shouldn’t forgive.
was it his fault if you locked eyes with him first? he looked at the altar and scanned the image of the deity before him, questioning his morals, a feeling he hadn’t felt ever since he kept a penny to himself in first grade. 
he heard you chant in the pew beside him. “i offer my body to you.” he heard you say it, over and over, parts of your body folding into prayer position. you were hypnotizing to witness. seungmin couldn’t help but eye down your irresistible features, watched the glow from the lights hit your face and body in just the right way. he wanted to touch you, a living statue, and he wanted to put a show in front of the altar. he wanted you to ruin him, his upper half hunched over the head of the kneeler. or maybe he wanted to kneel in front of you as he took you in his mouth, tasting every bit of you, licking every drop of your essence as if it were holy water.
you were a fallen angel. sent from the clouds down to the earth to test his temptation, and he was giving in. but you weren’t a messenger, you betrayed your god, and you indulged in his sin, never forgiving him, damning him to the flames of lust for an eternity. he’s gross, but you’re an angel, and he’s chanting his prayer:
“corrupt me, corrupt me, corrupt me, i surrender myself, my body and life, all to you…”
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— you should put jeongin where he belongs.
he’s insecure. for the first time in the decade-long relationship, he’s insecure about his place in your commitment. jeongin wasn’t sure if you loved him that much.
that was, until he “accidentally” found your journal entries. he also “stumbled upon” the messages you wrote about him to your friends. he remembered this thrill, similar to the time in the early stages of your relationship where he’d snoop on things such as your plush toys, shirts, underwear…he got a bottle of your perfume just to spritz it on his pants, pretending you were jerking him off from below.
now here he was, surfing through your written words about how much you loved jeongin. you truly loved your boyfriend — but nobody was like him, fucking into his own hand while seeing you gush over him in your friend’s messages. he wanted you to gush all over his cock, his body, his face, only to slap him and scold him, forcing your arms on his cheeks to make him face you in fear. he wanted you to stop him from dealing with your stuff, telling him to mind his own things — exactly the same way you found out he was messing with your underwear before.
jeongin’s thinking please, just please, put me in place, don’t make me go anywhere else, i’ll never doubt you again. i’ll drown in you. 
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crystallinestars · 10 months
Jealousy Headcanons Part 2
These headcanons got too long so I split them into two parts. Part 1 is here.
General headcanons on how the Genshin men react to seeing you being flirted with by a male acquaintance.
Content warnings: Childe's and Zhongli's parts contain some mild nsfw, but nothing explicit.
👁️‍🗨️ Won’t act out on his jealousy if you’re not in a relationship, but if you are, expect him to linger behind you like a guard dog. When your acquaintance flirts with you, Cyno will silently stare at him. His gaze is analytical, expression stoic but unrelenting in his focus on the other man. It would honestly make anyone on the receiving end of Cyno’s piercing red eyes feel uneasy. Cyno doesn’t even have to say much—his fierce gaze alone can send others running.
👁️‍🗨️ If your acquaintance doesn’t stop and continues to flirt with you, then Cyno tells the other man to back off if he sees you looking uncomfortable by the attention. If instead you enjoy the attention, then Cyno will sulk. He might mention your interest in the acquaintance when the two of you have a moment of privacy, wanting to get clarification if you were just being polite or if you found his attention not enough. Cyno will readily trust whatever explanation you give because he trusts you to not lie to him.
👁️‍🗨️ Cyno follows you around like a puppy when he’s jealous. He wants your attention, so he’ll crack some jokes to try and make you laugh, or show you how cool he is by challenging his friends to a round of TCG. He wants to show you his best self in hopes of impressing you with his skills and will act even more over-the-top during the duel. Cyno needs some simple reassurance, a word or two about how cool he is or that you’re so glad to have him as your partner, and he will calm down.
👁️‍🗨️ If you’re not in a relationship then Cyno won’t act out on his jealousy, but the memory of you smiling happily at your flirting acquaintance will linger in his mind. He sulks and feels down, and Tighnari and Collei immediately know that something is wrong with their friend. Cyno shares his troubles with Tighnari and seeks some advice on what to do to get rid of the feeling, and the consensus is that he should confess to you. Best case scenario, you reciprocate his feelings and make Cyno happy. Worst case, you turn him down and Cyno would have an opportunity to try and move on.
🐋 Pretty terrible at controlling and hiding his jealousy. Childe is impulsive by nature and acts out on his feelings. Watching you being flirted with by another man causes an overwhelming feeling of jealousy to swell in his chest, and to do something about it, Childe quickly inserts himself into your conversation with your acquaintance. He wraps an arm around you possessively, a charming smile on his face as he lets slip a few thinly veiled threats in the other man’s direction.
🐋 If the threatening aura around him doesn’t send the offender scampering, then mentioning that he’s the eleventh of the Fatui harbingers ought to do the trick. Childe tries to keep things civil to avoid causing a scene unnecessarily, but if the other man becomes aggressive or doesn’t take the hint, then Childe’s smile will fall from his lips to be replaced with a frighteningly cold glare. There’s no doubt that Childe will fight for you if he must, but he’d much rather you not see his bloodlust if possible.
🐋 After his bouts of jealousy, Childe likes to take your hand and take you out in a date. This is both to ease his mind and to try and prove to you that nobody is better for you than him—not that he needs to prove it, but he’s convinced he must. Childe wants to show you that he can buy you whatever you want, take you out to eat at high class restaurants, as well as show you amazing sights he’s stumbled upon during his leisure time. He wines and dines you, being as charismatic as ever, but he eats up your flirtatious words and displays of affection with a happy smile, feeling his mood instantly brighten.
🐋 He’ll want to end the date with some romantic lovemaking. Actual jealous sex with him is rare because Childe makes sure to scare off any potential suitors and uses the dates to appease himself and you about the strength of your relationship, so there aren’t any jealous feelings by the he gets around to having sex with you. He doesn’t like having such negative emotions bring him down during something that’s meant to show his love and adoration for you because it clouds his enjoyment of the moment. As such, he uses sex as just another way to show you he loves you, and also to prove that nobody can make you feel as much pleasure as he does.
🐋 If you try to make him jealous on purpose though, he’ll want to get back at you once he finds out about your plan, taking it as a challenge from you to prove himself. Expect to have a very passionate and even rough session of lovemaking when the opportunity arises. Childe will ensure your thoughts won’t be filled with anything other than him, so you won’t even think of looking at other men like that again. This will work against him though because it’ll just make you want to do it again for that delicious night of passionate lovemaking.
🦚 His friendly attitude and charming smile hide the poison of jealousy taking root in his heart. Kaeya will never show his jealousy openly, not wanting to make his weaknesses known, and so masks it with a charming, amicable smile, pretending that everything is normal. Though he can fool the people around him, Kaeya can’t fool himself, and the sigh of your acquaintance flirting with you makes him grit his teeth.
🦚 He smoothly inserts himself into your conversation, asking the right questions and manipulating the other man into letting slip his intentions and what kind of person he really is. If Kaeya finds the acquaintance to be a good person and you and him are in a relationship, then he’ll gently tell the acquaintance that you’re taken. He’ll lie and do the same thing if you’re not in a relationship but are clearly uncomfortable with your acquaintance’s flirting. However, if you’re okay with the flirting then Kaeya will let it go. He won’t want to get in your way with his jealousy, thinking that it’s not his place to intervene when you’re not even his to begin with.
🦚 However, if Kaeya discovers the acquaintance is crooked, expect the Cavalry Captain to give backhanded compliments and poke fun of the other man, publicly humiliating him in the process while keeping a protective arm around you to discourage the acquaintance from pursuing you further. Kaeya would never let you come to harm, and if the acquaintance proves to be difficult, then Kaeya will keep an eye on the man and do some investigating in his free time. Don’t be surprised if one day your acquaintance leaves Mondstadt in a hurry with the excuse that he lost his job and is pursuing a better career elsewhere. Kaeya simply made sure that Mondstadt remained a safe place to live in—though he’d never tell you that.
🦚 Kaeya knows his attitude may be childish at times when he’s jealous, but he can’t help but want your attention on himself rather than other men. When the opportunity arises, he will turn on his charm and lightly flirt with you, eager to get a reaction out of you. He’s a bit like a teenage boy that wants his crush’s attention and will try almost anything to get it—even if it’s negative attention. Kaeya won’t go too far and make you uncomfortable though. He makes sure to stay a gentleman and respect your boundaries, but he won’t be able to stop himself from blushing if you call him out on his behaviour. Having someone see right through him so blatantly will catch him off-guard and make his charming demeanor slip slightly. It would be the perfect opportunity to turn the tables and make his heart skip a beat with some flirting of your own, hinting that you’re more interested in him than your acquaintance. Kaeya will be replaying your words for days in his mind, smiling like a fool in secret.
🐕 Despite his friendly and amicable demeanor, Gorou is unexpectedly possessive of you. He has no problems with you spending time with others without him around, but when someone shows romantic interest in you, jealousy flares up in his chest. Gorou is pretty bad at hiding it because his animal features give away how he feels. His ears rotate back and flatten to his head while his tail fluffs out. Gorou has to fight to not bare his fangs at the other man or growl at him. Gorou wouldn’t do anything to actually hurt the other person, but he’ll want to send a message for your acquaintance to back off. He’s territorial over you and hates seeing someone try to make moves on you.
🐕 If you’re not in a relationship with Gorou then the Watatsumi general will feel guilty about his behaviour, but he can’t reign in his instincts or stop himself from feeling jealous. If you call out his behaviour, Gorou will guiltily flatten his ears to his head, his tail drooping as he tries and fails to find a believable excuse for his actions. He won’t have the heart to look you in the eyes, feeling like a scolded dog. If you push him enough, then Gorou will crack and spill his feelings to you, feeling extremely embarrassed and ashamed by the whole thing. His obvious disheartenment can only be rectified by you if you return his feelings. Then, his demeanor will instantly brighten, eyes wide and sparkling with joy, a happy smile on his face as his tail wags back and forth excitedly.
🐕 If you reject him, Gorou will feel crushed, but will respect your feelings. It hurts to know you don’t feel the same way, but as a general he has been through horrifying battles and suffered the losses of his friends and fellow comrades. He’s used to pulling himself through periods of depression, and your rejection is no different. As much as it pains him to have his heart broken, Gorou is mature about it and move on fairly well. He accepts reality for what it is, but even though you don’t like him romantically, he still hopes you’ll let him stay as your friend. He likes the friendship you had and wants to continue look out for you as your friend.
🐕 If you two are in a relationship, then Gorou still feels bad for his possessive behaviour but it won’t be enough to discourage him from glaring at your acquaintance. You’ll have to take Gorou aside to help calm him down with words of assurance and some physical affection. Holding his hands and giving him some kisses and words of love will chase away the jealousy he feels, replacing it with embarrassment but also happiness. Gorou is happy to have your love and know that he’s the only one you love in this way. To him, you’re irreplaceable. He devotes his all into keeping you safe and happy, and to receive that same love backs makes him feel really good.
🔶 It takes a lot to make Zhongli jealous, but it’s possible. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor consultant has no trouble in letting you have your freedom to spend your time with whoever you like. It only becomes an issue when you start spending more time with this new acquaintance of yours rather than him. Watching your happy expression as you talk about your acquaintance, relaying the fun experiences you’ve had and your future plans with said acquaintance, Zhongli can’t help but feel a discontentment in his heart. He feels ignored by you in favor of your acquaintance.
🔶 Zhongli hides his jealousy very well, keeping his calm and gentle demeanor despite how irritated he feels on the inside. He tries to convince you to stay with him instead of paying your acquaintance another visit, trying to subtly manipulate you into staying by saying things like “It’s been so long since you’ve spent time in my company. Why don’t we enjoy a nice meal together?” Or saying he needs your help with something even though he doesn’t. But if you insist on leaving, he won’t stop you despite the ache in his heart at being left alone by you.
🔶 However, once you return, he’ll keep you by his side. He’ll want some alone time with you, but his disappointment at you leaving will make itself known. If you’re in a relationship, Zhongli will punish you via a passionate lovemaking session, marking up your neck and shoulders with love bites in visible places you won’t be able to hide easily. If you complain about them, Zhongli will apologize and say he didn’t realize what he was doing in the moment. However, don’t be fooled, the man knew very well what he was doing, and those love bites were all intentional. It was his way of staking claim on you so nobody will think of taking you away.
🔶 If you’re not in a relationship, then Zhongli will take you out on a date under the guise of wanting to catch up with his friend. He’d tour around Liyue Harbor with you, visiting Xinyue Kiosk, Heyu Tea House, and just strolling around the streets looking at the various goods merchants are selling and admiring the scenery of the ocean. Zhongli wants to spend as much time with you as possible and will try his best to keep your interest by telling you all he knows about various things in Liyue, but also pays rapt attention to anything you have to say. He asks for more outings like these with you, them being his roundabout way of trying to court you and hopefully keep you away from your acquaintance if only for a couple hours longer.
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Dirty little secrets (Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader)
Summary: Ghost finds out you are fuck buddies with Graves, and now he wants a piece of you too.
Note: Mare is the code name of the reader.
Warnings: None, which is surprising considering the amount of smut I wrote lately. Afab!reader.
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Graves pulled you into a big hug when you met again. By then you were a member of the 141, but he always said, "once a Shadow, always a Shadow." You had worked for him for about four years, by the end as the lead interrogator. Shadows had their own rules, being brutal was something Shadow Company usually appreciated. And you could be brutal when needed.
"Are they treating you right? You know you can come back to us anytime," he said with a smirk, his hands moving down to your lower back.
With a polite smile you pried him off of you, stepping back to build some distance. "Everything's great," you replied shortly.
He tilted his head to the side as he examined your face, probably trying to find out why you were so cold all of a sudden. You couldn't blame him, but you couldn't let the others know that back in the day the two of you were fuck buddies. You loved his arrogance and sense of humor, and his boyish charm was the cherry on top.
Soap appeared before Graves could say anything, greeting him like an old friend. The two engaged in a conversation, while behind you Ghost began to move around, his size making it impossible for him to stay undetected in this situation.
"Mare, come on, we have things to do," he told you as he passed by.
You nodded and followed him, out of the corner of your eye noticing how Graves wanted to object when he saw you leave. Once you were out of earshot, you turned to the lieutenant. "What exactly do we have to do?"
He let out a questioning hum, but immediately realized what you were asking him. "Oh, nothing. I just saw how uncomfortable you were when Graves became all touchy during that hug. Thought you might want to be away from him," he explained. "Is he like this with every female employee?"
"No," you replied immediately, maybe sounding a little offended by the idea.
"Just asking. I guess there's a story then." Letting out a long sigh, you nodded. Ghost looked down at you, studying your face with an intrigued expression. "You were together?" You remained silent and his eyes grew a little wider. "You're still together?"
For a moment you wondered how much you should tell him, after all you've been trying to keep it a secret from them. But strangely enough, he made you feel safe, probably because this man seemed to be good at keeping secrets. "We're not. We're just… friends with benefits," you admitted.
"He looks like the type of guy who's into that, but I didn't think you would like it," he noted as you walked into the hangar.
"We're having fun without the commitment of a relationship."
He watched as you hopped on a table, eyes glued to you the whole time. You could tell he was still thinking about the idea of you and Graves occasionally having sex, probably judging you for being this open-minded. But you didn't mind. He could think whatever he wanted.
"And how does it work now that you don't work together?" he suddenly asked, his arms now folded over his chest.
With a smile, you replied, "A few weeks ago he got on his plane and flew over to visit me."
"He took his private jet for a trip to have sex with you?" When you nodded, he whistled. "If I needed it that badly I'd just go to the nearest pub and pick up some bimbo," he said.
"You're into bimbos?"
Ghost shrugged. "They're easier to impress. Much less effort than impressing girls like you."
"Was it a compliment?" you asked with a playful smile.
He was watching you, eyes intense and dark as he thought about something. You knew that while he was silent, his mind was probably insanely loud at the moment. "What?" you spoke up, getting bored of his silence.
"Nothing," he brushed you off.
"Come on, Ghost, I can see the wheels turning in your head."
Taking a deep breath, he clearly considered answering your question. Then he nodded, letting you know he was ready to give you a glimpse into his mind. "Why did you leave Shadow Company if you were having fun with Graves?"
"Price said some things that made me come here."
"Like what?"
You smiled and let out a small laugh. "I know you recommended me," you informed him.
Ghost gulped, but he quickly recovered and soon stepped between your legs, using his knee to push them wider apart so he could fit in there. You nervously looked around to see how many people were staring at you, but there was no one near. He put his hands on your knees, gently stroking your skin through your pants to get your attention.
"Why did you recommend me? Something tells me there was a personal reason," you told him, hoping he would finally say something.
"I think I saw you and Graves once." With a frown, you let out a questioning hum. "We were working together on something and I needed you for an interrogation. Someone told me you went to get something from the plane, and sure enough, you were there," he began before leaning really close to you so his deep voice dropped to a whisper, "being eaten out by someone."
That smug bastard was smiling, you could see that in his eyes. But you couldn't be mad when you were embarrassed, wishing you could crawl into a hole and die. "I don't even want to know what you think about me after that," you said.
But Ghost only tilted his head to the side as he studied your face. Your skin was burning under his gaze so you looked away, but he grabbed your jaw and made you look at him forcefully. "I've been thinking about what it would feel like to be the reason why you make those sounds," he finally told you.
You felt the heat building up in your core, every cell now yearning for more; his touch, his kiss, any kind of physical contact, really. Ever since you had joined the 141, you'd been on good terms with Ghost, the two of you often drinking together at night, and he even told you some personal details. You knew he had nightmares. You knew he had a traumatic childhood. You knew--
"Mare, are you in here?"
Graves. Fuck. You instinctively pushed Ghost away, who only moved because your actions took him by surprise. "Damn it," you muttered as you jumped off the table and gave him an almost worried look. "Nothing happened," you told him before walking away.
You met the commander halfway, flashing a nervous smile at him the moment you stopped in front of him. "Is everything okay?" he asked, putting a hand on your flushed cheek.
No. Nothing was okay. You wanted to find out what Ghost really wanted from you. Was it just sex? Did he get the courage to act on his dirty fantasies because he knew you were fuck buddies with Graves? There were too many questions for your liking.
"I'm good," you managed to say in the end. "Let's talk somewhere else. Do you have booze?" you asked with a laugh.
As you walked away, you turned back for a short moment, not missing the way Ghost stood there with his hands stuffed into his pockets, watching you leave without saying a word.
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thedreadvampy · 3 months
I mean fundamentally the thing about Israel/Palestine that makes people uncomfortable is not that "it's complicated" it's that it's extremely fundamentally morally simple, it's just difficult
there is not a morally acceptable solution that will be accepted by the expansionist Israeli government or its allies in Europe and America
the balance of power has remained basically the same since Balfour handed the country over. Israel has the power to displace and kill Palestinians without accountability because it's backed by the majority of major world powers. there's fundamentally no back and forth of power. Palestine and its people were sold from the control of the British to the control of Israel for the political convenience of a bunch of people on different continents. there's no retribution or wrestle for power. Israel has had power over Palestine for decades and Palestine, despite Palestinians occupying the land for millennia, has never had power over Israel.
the fundamentals of the situation are discomforting because Israel is in many ways the last surviving bastion of the type of turn-of-the-century colonialism which the contemporary economy of Britain, America and much of the West is rooted in.
that's why the media and political classes are so invested in the Israeli party line - not because Israel ~controls the media~ or whatever but because the fundamental existence of Israel is the interests of the British ruling class, for example. It is in the interests of the British ruling class that we accept as a basic precept that there are Civilised and Uncivilised nations, and that it is right and good and natural that the Civilised nations should be able to decide the fates of the Uncivilised nations, for their own profit, without brooking any complaint from the Uncivilised Peoples. The structure of Western capitalism requires, as well, that we accept that any number of deaths and any amount of suffering among the Uncivilised Peoples is an acceptable price to pay for the comfort of Civilised Peoples. That's why the media classes are more interested in pearl clutching that somebody slashed up a hack painting of a famously antisemitic and genocidal British lord than in the loss of swathes of priceless and irreplaceable artworks, historical relics and Human Fucking Lives in Gaza.
it isn't complicated. it's just uncomfortable because fundamentally it lays bare the basic reality of colonial capitalism, and generally we in the UK are sort of trying to pretend we're over that whole thing even though we're obviously not, politicians just try to be a bit less obvious about it. so it's discomforting to people to be faced with the rawness of Israel's open colonialism, and so those who can't or don't want to divest from Britain's own ongoing colonial endeavours end up tying themselves in knots trying to justify why it's Fine Actually.
while obviously Israel is a Zionist project so it can no more be decoupled from Judaism than the British empire is decoupled from Christianity, the conflation of Jewishness and Israel is a mostly irrelevant (and harmful) distraction from the underlying Problem With Israel, which is that it's an incredibly 19th century European style of colony in 21st century Asia, and the nature, consistency and ferocity of its colonial project has been pretty unchanged for like 3-4 generations.
but it's a very successful distraction because
a) a lot of people do actually hate Jews a whole bunch so yeah antisemitism is a genuine and legitimate fear, but it doesn't connect to the core issues of genocide, oppression and colonialism (and conflating Israel with Jewishness does play into existing antisemitic ideas of the Jewish perpetual foreigner and perpetual dual loyalty)
b) people want it to be complicated. They don't want it to be simple in a way that would create discomfort for them. We don't want to acknowledge that to free Palestine we'd have to take a hit to our own economies by not selling arms to Israel. We don't want to acknowledge that what's practiced openly in Israel is the same structure of systemic injustice underpinning almost all British and American foreign affairs, but with more of a veil over it. We don't want to challenge the underlying assumption that there are those who should rule and those who should be ruled over. But with the assertion that Israel=Jewishness, and the rewriting of history to say there's an Endless Cycle of Violence on Both Sides, Who Can Say Where It Started Really, you're off the hook! It's Complicated! Who Can Really Say?
(this Who Can Really Say thing is fascinating in itself. It's not like it's ancient history! it's been slightly over a century since the birth of the Israeli project! you can look it up! we have the news articles! we have the correspondence! this is my grandparents' generation not the distant mists of time!)
but yeah like fuck 'Israel controls the media' bullshit. It does not require a Shadowy Jewish Cabal of Puppetmasters to create mass appeasement from the media and ruling class, and if you think that's the best explanation you're fucking gross. The media and political establishment of Europe and the US are not being Controlled By The Wicked Jews. They are colonial projects. Israel is a colonial project. Their interests are aligned. It's not complicated it's So Fucking Simple. Our ruling classes, whether in Tel Aviv, Washington, Westminster or Berlin, are enthusiastically invested in the project of global apartheid. It makes them money. It maintained them power. It is in their interests to preserve the impunity of the occupying state where it shores up the civilised West vs barbarian East paradigm. It is not "too complicated" it's just huge, implacable and miserable to recognise.
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garoujo · 2 years
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➤ seven minutes in heaven series masterlist.
NEW MESSAGE @WARNINGS : f. reader, college!au, frat party / exhibitonism, aged up, inexperienced!megumi, virginity loss, seven minutes in heaven scenarios that are def longer than seven mins, alcohol mention, unprotected sex, he cums on your pussy, fingering but like no penetration.
(1) ATTACHMENT @WC : est. 4.8k
NEW MESSAGE FROM EMMIE @GAROUJO : hewooo ^^ im back w the second fic for my series so hopefully you guys enjoy this one as much as u did the first!!! also if it wasn’t already obvious they won’t be published in order,, just whoever i get motivation for first <3
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this hadn’t been your first frat party, you were used to buzzing atmosphere, intoxicated college students with red plastic cups in their hands and loud music blasting through the halls of the house.
you were here with your best friend suguru, but you’d broken off from eachother when satoru had met you both at the door like a whirlwind and pulled him away to do something annoying no doubt.
so now you were here, cringing at the first taste of the sickly sweet punch in the kitchen — that’s most definitely been spiked — as you stand around a few of the other students you recognise from your class. you listen politely, not really absorbing the information as you let your eyes wander the room until you notice a strangely familiar, slightly less messy, head of dark hair.
fushiguro megumi? he’s not the type you expected to be here, not that you were all that close—you’d been paired up regularly for a few assignments considering he sat at the desk directly to your right. he wasn’t too talkative, but he was polite and kind and you’d like to think you’d both built a weird sort of friendship with how much time you’d ended up spending together, due to late projects or not.
he’s here with itadori, you’d heard they were close to be fair—complete opposites of eachother but they were together a lot, and as much as you’re sure it works—you want to laugh a little when you watch megumi roll his eyes, most likely at whatever itadori is chattering quickly to him about, but the exasperation goes unnoticed as the pink haired jock waves his hands around, for emphasis you’re sure, laughing loudly.
but somehow, megumi’s irritated eye movements seems to bring his gaze to you, and you almost flinch when his steely, drowsy gaze feels like it shoots electricity into your stomach with how it cuts into you at first.
but then it softens suddenly, his brows arching ever so slightly as his head tilts, but just as quickly as the expression appears it vanishes again, and he’s turning his attention back to itadori with an almost.. awkward look on his face.
you don’t think much of it, maybe he felt uncomfortable, you’d just been staring at the guy? so you just cross your arms across your body before trying to turn your attention back to the conversation, giving it a few more moments before you’re saying your going to the bathroom as an excuse to go try seek out suguru again.
but just as you turn to leave, laughing politely and finally ridding yourself of the drink you’d unfortunately picked up as you slide it along the table, you collide with something harder than you’d expected to—the sudden wall almost knocking the air out of you.
“fushiguro?” you gasp, caught off guard by your lab partners sudden appearance considering he was on the other side of the room a few seconds ago. but you feel the warmth of his palm smooth along your waist to keep you steady before it leaves just as quickly.
you’d always known how pretty he was—truly, but in this sort of setting it was different. his hair was mussed most likely from his hands gliding through it, it falling around his face again after being swept back but it framed his ivory skin and thick lashes perfectly. his oversized shirt falling loose around the neckline where you can just barely make out his chiselled collarbones, without it being too obvious you’re gawking.
“what? thought i’d come say hi.” megumi drawls, as clean cut as ever, you think. but you watch his hand come up to scratch at his neck awkwardly and you still smile because that was just how he was.
he was still a little awkward despite how often you both worked together, he was blunt and straight to the point. but there was a certain sort of charm to how earnest and nervous he was. megumi was content with his smaller circle of friends, he attended class and he worked hard and he was fine with that.
then he got seated next to you and he began to find a certain joy in the things that you enjoyed, and watching him pick up habits and interests of yours felt like a reward after how gruelling it was to get him to open up to you at first. it was like some sort of mysterious switch had flipped and now you’re pretty sure he might even consider you a friend—one he may only occasionally nod politely at in the hallway that is.
he wrote your missed notes for you, even picked up your favourite tv show with the excuse of wanting to know exactly what you were talking about, he brought you caffeine for late night project work and had even started bringing an extra pen with him because he knew you always forgot one.
he still got stuck on words and liked to let the silence linger between you both but it no longer felt uncomfortable or awkward, so you were glad he seemed to trust you enough now, well.. enough to approach you at a frat party.
“you come to parties?” you hum, and you can tell megumi hears the teasing lilt to your words when you watch his brows furrow—lips jutting into a pout as he everts your gaze.
“is that supposed to be a joke? but yeah, itadori dragged me here.” he grunts, seemingly irritated but his voice is still as smooth as it always is when he speaks to you, not that you notice any difference, but his reply still makes you laugh softly.
“well then how come i never see you?” you huff, just as someone who you’re pretty sure sounds like satoru seems to start some boisterous cheer with more of the muscle heads in the frat, which makes megumi roll his eyes for what you figure must be the nth time that night, and he’s suddenly urging you to follow him.
“tsk—‘ts too loud in here, come on.” he snorts, gently pulling on your arm to make sure you don’t get lost in the pool of students rushing around the halls—eventually letting him guide you into the living room as you both find a place on the spare side of one of the couches, not paying too much attention to the other students around you.
“do you come to these a lot?” megumi questions, swallowing thickly when he realises his hand is still resting along your skin before he pulls it back a little too quickly with a mumbled, pink-cheeked apology.
“with suguru, sometimes—mostly due to satoru though, im sure you know what he’s like.” you answer, laughing when even the mention of the white haired male’s name has megumi groaning with a deadpan look on his face.
“yeah, i know.” he smiles quietly, mostly when your laugh pours into the room as his lips curl but he can’t help but feel warm when you sigh after, tilting your head back as megumi finds himself looking over your features through his long lashes.
“you look, uh—“ he begins, snapping his gaze away from yours when you look back at him and you sound out a hum, urging him to continue what he was saying before there’s another boisterous cheer and itadori is almost barrelling towards you both.
“you’re up fushiguro! i knew you’d have fun—see, way to get into the party spirit!” itadori cheers happily, some of his words muffled when megumi’s hand collides with his cheek, trying to push his heavy body off of him.
“what the hell, get off of me!” he growls back and you’re suddenly aware that the whole room seems to be sniggering at the three of you as the two guys argue. “time to go!” itadori laughs good naturedly, grabbing you and megumi before he’s marching you both to some darkened hallway, between the living room and the kitchen and the entryway of a.. closet?
oh, that’s what this was.
“quit it.” megumi hisses again, trying to step away from his pink haired bestfriend— but it almost happens too quickly when he’s laughing, opening the closet door and suddenly pushing you both in, telling you to take good care of fushiguro because he’s ‘new to this stuff.’ and locking the door after.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” megumi murmurs, pausing to stare at you for a moment when you keep the silence—like you’re completely ignoring the fact you both basically just got shoved into a closet at a frat party while everyone acted like it was some ritual.
“huh? you’re not scared?” he asks, suddenly aware of how thick the air feels in the tiny closet, only made tinier by the close proximity of your bodies. “are you? it’s seven minutes in heaven—don’t you know it?” you reply quickly, brow quirking when you watch the dark haired male shuffle uncomfortably, almost like he doesn’t want to admit that he actually has no idea what’s going on right now.
“uh.. no.” he hums, low and lulling despite the growing flush of pink on his cheeks but his dark eyes look over you when you don’t laugh at him like he expects. “this is the game, you get locked in a closet with someone for seven minutes—to.. do whatever you want i guess, atleast now we know why the living room was so lively.”
megumi notices the way your sentence trails off at the end, he hears the whispery, breathy, pouty sound your lips make as you lean against the washing machine nestled in the corner. also noticing that there’s a grin twitching at your lips before it’s hidden once more from him and he feels his heart race.
he gulps, takes a step forward but then hesitates and decides to stare for a moment before finally asking the question he wish he’d just swallowed instead.
“what do people normally do?” he murmurs, but when your eyes raise up to where he’s stood across from you—you have a feeling he already knows with how he’s awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze like he would burst into flames if it met his own.
“you know, kiss or—other stuff, more.. i’m sure you know what that means, fushiguro.” you blink up at him, failing to suppress a little smirk this time. but despite the way he suddenly feels warm under his clothes, megumi takes a deep breath in the quiet dark of the closet before he takes another careful step into your space.
“do you want to do that?” he asks with an earnestness that makes you squirm, and the words are rolling off of his tongue before he’s even got an opportunity—before he can even think about stopping them and he suddenly wants the shadows to swallow him up.
it’s not that he doesn’t want to, in all honesty megumi would be lying if he’d said he hadn’t been dreaming of a moment like this, with you. remembering all those nights he’s spent sinking into his mattress in his dorm, hand wrapped around his pretty cock after a late night studying session with you, as he gets himself off to his pretty lab partner.
your laugh, the way you’d lean into his side—chest pressed against his arm to point out something in his notes or the dreamy drawl your voice would take whenever you got sleepy. he’d committed it all to memory, the thoughts of you swimming around his mind when he’s fucking into his fist and breathing out your name when he cums.
honestly, he hopes you’ll save him the embarrassment of rejection and just laugh, or maybe it’ll go worse and you’ll storm out of the closet and call him a weirdo before you stop talking to him all together, and then it would just be him and his thoughts of you left over..
.. but you don’t.
“with you? do you want to do that?” you ask, the question drawn out and slow, like you’re still processing his words and megumi watches the slight surprise flash across your features before they slacken again, and suddenly he feels too incredibly warm under his clothes.
he mentally trails off with a nervous swallow before he’s pushing his hair back, pink cheeked as he nervously glances you up and down, trying to brush off the pinpricks of arousal with a deep breath.
“i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, fushigu—“
“i want to.” his interruption has you choking on your words as he sucks in a shakey breath with the confession before he continues, quieter this time. “but i don’t know.. how, i’ve never—uh, f-forget it.”
there’s another bout of silence and megumi can feel his heart kicking at his ribs with every beat, feeling the curl of a different type of heat beginning to tickle its way into his belly—although not an unfamiliar kind when it came to you.
“are you sure?” megumi asks, his voice taking a more whispery tone with the question and the sound makes your toes curl from where you’re still seated. “yes.”
the floor creaks when he steps forward, making you blink up at your dark haired lab partner as he chews on his lip—gives you a few moments to step away but you pull him closer. he’s overwhelmed with how good you smell immediately, your body heat, the feeling of your palm on his skin before you’re resting his against your hip and he’s pretty sure his brain scrambles at the touch.
megumi blows out a slow breath as his hand explores the topography of your body, a flush high on his cheeks when you cast him a starry eyed glance and push your chest closer to his—you feel even better than he’d imagined.
“is this okay?” he breathes, voice carefully neutral despite the edge of desperation that makes you burn, and he feels his whole body shiver when your breath fans along his cheek.
“please kiss me, fushiguro.” you sigh, feeling his breath stutter across your cheek with your plea while you feel his skin press against yours—his hand curling into your side to pull you close before he’s blinking at you, gulping down the nervousness building in his throat.
megumi’s hands flex into your skin before his lips are meeting yours clumsily for the first time, a whining sort of hum vibrating through your lips when you part them and he uses the opportunity to dip his tongue past your own, nose pressing against your cheek as he twists softly into you to deepen it, kissing you senseless until you’re pliant and melting into him.
“can i.. touch you?” megumi mumbles against your mouth, it’s filthy, the change in his tone, dreamy and dripping with want and need, a kind that makes your pussy ache and your breath come uneven as you exhale with reverence across his lips.
“please.” he’s never had someone moan for him like you do in this moment, at his words, nodding eagerly and needy at his question and he feels his skin flare hot when his cock throbs with a familiar need, feeling himself being pulled in by the sound.
he feels your hand cover his, trailing it along your body to where you need him to touch you, before your drool worthy thighs spread as much as they can from where you’re sat on the washing machine, giving him a peek at the damp spot that’s almost teasing him from where it’s forming at the front of your panties.
begrudgingly, megumi pulls away from the kiss, leans back to get a better angle as his fingers stroke softly along the damp fabric, exploring your intimate skin and he sucks in a breath when your thighs twitch, his fingers brushing over your puffy clit.
but then he pauses, peers up at you through heavy eyes and he’s hoping you can read his mind.
thankfully, you do, you smile before your fingers are over his once more, your other hand pulling the thin fabric of your panties aside before you’re guiding and trailing his fingers closer. “let me show you.” letting them part your lower lips to discover the warm slick that’s gathering between them.
this was all new territory for megumi, so he lets himself explore the plains of your pussy—his calloused fingers petting through your folds until they’re pressing over your clit, and he feels his cock twitch with an ache in his pants when he watches you twist under his touch, feeling you press his hand down onto the sensitive bud harder.
“there, please.. megumi.” your drawl vibrates through the small, darkened closet—murmuring his name and he feels something burst and heat along his neck and back, feeling him fumble slightly before he’s finding a pace and rubbing at your clit with two fingers.
he didn’t realise this would be so addictive, that you would be. the way your moaning soft pants of his name and grabbing at the fabric of his shirt, twisting it in your fists while you wiggle and twitch with every swipe of his fingers against you, he can’t look away—he doesn’t want to.
you pull him closer, close enough for you to lean your forehead against his chest and whispering needily against his body, begging him not to stop and it only drives him to press down harder, more eagerly as he drinks in your reactions—watches your body melt into him so intoxicatingly that it feels like his ears are ringing.
“does it feel good?” megumi breathes, a trembling undercurrent to his voice that’s driven by the weight of his arousal. the slick between your legs is only intensifying, making it easier for him to keep his pace as he swirls his wrist, feels your clit get firmer—more swollen and puffy, sensitive.
“f-feels so good, don’t stop—please.” you gasp, pulling away to cast him a starry-eyed, needy glance before you pull him back in for another kiss and he feels even more lightheaded now than he did the first time he tasted you.
megumi pushes himself against you, keeping the pressure on your pussy as he drinks in your next languid moan of his name, licking into your mouth with such an intensity that makes you gasp—knuckles white where they dig into his shirt before your thighs are stiffening and snapping closed around his wrist when you finally cum.
your thighs quake around him, breaking apart from the kiss wetly to let your head fall back and his other arm almost instinctively hooks around your waist to keep you from falling over entirely.
he keeps up his movements, letting you ride out your orgasm as you grab at him and your hips twist and jolt with every rub of his fingers along your clit, prolonging your blissful state until you’re pushing him away with a whimper and breathless, soft pants.
megumi feels sticky when he pulls away. he’s flushed to his chest and he’s so incredibly aware of how uncomfortably hard his cock is in his pants, but you look ethereal—hazy and pliant and oh so pretty, still lost in the remnants of your tingling pleasure.
“you’re good at that for someone who’s never done it before.” you laugh breathlessly, but it’s not mocking—it’s warm and comforting and accompanied by a smile that makes his cock jump, especially when it’s followed by your arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him in for another kiss, his hands resting on the dip of your waist almost naturally now.
“do you wanna do more? only if you’re comfortable.” you ask genuinely, against his lips, your fingers twisting in his hair before you nip teasingly at his lower lip when you pull away.
his lust blown pupils meet yours and he nods almost too eagerly, hearing him mutter out a “yes.” after to try and play it cool, but his fingers squeeze at your skin and megumi feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest.
he stares at you, heavy lids and parted lips when your fingers trail down to his pants—lifting up his shirt to watch the way your pretty fingers tug at the fabric, swallowing thick when the damp patch of pre-cum staining his boxers becomes visible and he mutters out a sorry before you’re grinning at him with a smile that says it’s fine.
he’s nervous, ofcourse, but you’re beautiful and soothing and he lets his palm rest against your thigh as he looms over you, let’s your fingertips work at his clothes and he watches you like every move you make is enchanting.
he sighs when you finally pull down the restraints of his boxers, the sting of sudden sexual freedom only emphasising how painfully hard he is when the cool air in the darkened closet fans over his heightened nerves.
“g-god—“ megumi’s voice catches, his abdomen tightening suddenly with a shock of pleasure when your hands wraps around the base of his cock, giving it a few languid pumps as he gasps.
“i don’t have a.. uh—“ he swallows, fingertips smoothing over the skin of your thighs when you hook one of your arms around his shoulders, lifting your hips until you’re perched on the edge of the washing machine.
“you can pull out.” you breathe and megumi only nods, not trusting his words with the sudden dizziness in his mind when he hugs you closer, situating his hips between your spread thighs to kiss you again—groaning while his hands curl into your skin when you swipe the blunt head of his cock through your folds.
it’s embarrassing the effect you have on him already, rubbing your slick all over his cock, and the small whimper that leaves your lips everytime it catches under the hood of your still sensitive clit has his mind blanking.
his cock twitches in your hold when he feels it prod at your flexing hole, until his eyes flutter closed in bliss when he finally begins to sink into you.
megumi breaks the kiss to rest his face in the crook of your neck, cursing softly with a mixture of need and delight as he continues to push into you. your thighs twitch when he grazes past your swollen sweet spot, making him groan when your walls reward the stretch of his cock with another needy squeeze around him.
he’s long, pretty and warm—making your stretched pussy clench hard around him the deeper he goes. “i-it’s, fuck—it’s tight.” he grumbles, smearing messy kisses along your skin as you grab and scratch at his toned shoulders.
he grunts when he finally bottoms out, leaning the weight of his hips against yours as his fingers grope a little too hard at your skin, his eyes clenched shut as he tries not to lose himself in the needy coax of your pussy so soon—he can’t embarrass himself like that.
“are you okay?” the dark haired male breathes, his voice sounding needier than he expected, pulling back to admire how pretty you look beneath him before you kiss him once on the cheek, mumbling something affirming that has him trembling before he’s drawing his hips back.
your pussy flexes again, as if it’s trying to coax back in every inch you lose and megumi grunts, his jaw clenching before a breathier croon of your name falls from his lips. the first real thrust is a little too eager, clumsy and he whimpers before readjusting his feet—beginning a real pace that’s a little steadier, one that has your toes curling when he hugs you closer, listening to him pant and growl softly between your moans.
“you—you look s-so pretty, that’s what i wanted to tell you—shit, in the living room.”
your hips grind up to meet his and you’re surprised at how good he feels, not realising it’s because he’s focusing on your reactions—the furrow of your brows, the way your mouth is dropping open to moan and the way your pussy is clenching around him tighter everytime he rocks forward.
pushing his cock against something sensitive inside of you while his strong grasp keeps you in place—these are good signs, megumi thinks. “you feel so good, fuck—“
his pace only increases, gets faster, needier as he curses roughly until your body is jolting—each quick thrust leaving you breathless and driven by his pure determination to watch how pretty you look cumming around his cock.
each smack of his hips is loud and clapping, the sound echoing around the darkened closet and you almost forget where you both are—not that you care, when he’s forcing his cock deeper into your slick cunt, his pelvis grinding against your clit while you leave pretty red marks under his shirt, along his back with your nails.
“i’m gonna, fuck—you feel too good, let me f-feel you.” megumi gulps, words almost a plea, letting his slender fingers trace between your bodies until he’s rolling your puffy clit in sticky circles, replicating his earlier movements and pairing it with the back and forth stutter of his hips, until your breath is skipping and he feels your pussy throb around him.
“i’m gonna, ‘gumi! fuck!” you squeal and megumi groans low, hips pressing into yours, snug and tight at the first milking compression of your walls and he bites his lip to hold himself back—panting against your neck as he coaxes and fucks you through another mind numbing orgasm.
“s-so pretty.” he rasps and the praise rolls down your spine and makes your eyes roll back, each thrust cutting off your needy, breathless chants of his name as a ring of gooey cream forms around the base of his cock everytime his hips draw back.
your breathing becomes laboured as drowsiness sets in and megumi finally lets himself go. his cock throbs and thickens inside of you as he squeezes at your hips—his brows crumbling while he pants above you and there’s a thin sheen of sweat across his forehead, his darker bangs sticking slightly as he loses himself in the fluttering pull of your body and your cunt.
he groans, scratchy and breathless, when he lets the hot rush of bliss finally consume him and he pulls back, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock and it only takes a few languid twists of his wrists, before he’s thickening against his palm and shooting ropes of his creamy load along your glistening folds.
you watch his body tremble from where he leans over you, the arm that’s hooked around your waist tightening in some attempt to pull you closer.
“o-oh—my god.” megumi drawls, his words taking a pitch that’s a little lower than normal as he smears a few sloppy kisses against your cheek and jawline, watching the last of his cum pebble against your skin and pussy before his cock is softening in his hold.
he lets his forehead rest against your shoulder, the closet now only filled with your shared pants and soft sounds of him leaving a few more kisses along your skin.
“so, how was it?” you hum, followed by a sleepy, breathless laugh in megumi’s ear and he can’t hide the way his lips curl into a softer smile when he pulls back to look at you—his hooded eyes watching you closely from under his messy hair as you both get dressed.
“i think that’s obvious.” he rumbles and you can’t help the way your heart skips a beat at how awkward he still is, scratching at the back of his neck nervously despite everything you just done but he melts into you all the same when you pull him in for a quick kiss.
“yo fushiguro! what’s taking you so lo—are you sweating? it is kinda warm in here, huh? hey i gotta show you something, come on!”
both of you almost jump at the sudden intrusion, bodies separating when itadori smiles at you both good-naturedly but also obliviously, even when the open door makes megumi’s blissful, sleepy expression and flushed face all that more obvious when he turns to you.
“hey, uh—you’re coming, right? you’re not leaving yet“ megumi blurts out, honesty in his tone and the nervous pout on his lips is almost comical when he puffs out his cheeks and avoids your gaze.
but you watch his face soften when laughter bubbles past your lips and spills into the atmosphere in the room, feeling his hand loosely intertwine with yours as he playfully rolls his eyes with a ghost of a grin.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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tkaulitzlvr · 8 months
HEYYY sorry if this is kinda long but ur my fav writer so i trust u w writing this 🤞
Could you write smth where tom used to be a player but he started dating the reader and seemed really loyal, but they go to a party together, their first party as a couple and when the reader leaves to go buy drinks she comes back to find tom sitting down with a bunch of girls, it looks like he’s flirting with them. sooo the reader gets really upset and walks all the way home thinking he’s cheating already even after only dating for like a month. tom follows her home, trying to explain himself and he eventually explains that he wasn’t cheating, he was trying to get away from all the girls politely, but was kinda trapped. the reader forgives him and it ends in smut or fluff or whatever u want.
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synopsis: tom has finally managed to settle down with you, discarding his womanising ways. but, you see something that makes you think otherwise, tom desperate to explain himself to you, certain that you have got the wrong idea.
content: angst + fluff
a/n: love this idea, thank u so much for the request i hope u enjoy !! this is lowk ass tho i’m so sorry😭😭
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“we really don’t have to go schatz, i know you don’t like these sorts of places.” tom repeats, standing in the frame of the bathroom door as i apply my make-up in the mirror. “we can stay here instead, i’ll get some snacks from the store, just me and you?”
he tries to reason with me, knowing that i’ve never been a party person. i hated large groups of people, not understanding the buzz that people got from drinking unsafe amounts of alcohol and fucking some random, the idea literally my worst nightmare. i preferred to stay inside and watch a movie, or bake something, finding comfort in familiarity, never described as an extroverted person.
tom however, was the complete opposite. he was a party animal, ending up at a different club every night, with a different girl between the sheets after he left. that is why our relationship was so unexpected, but it seems that tom had changed. he settled down, spending less and less time out at a random bar, instead spending his nights with me, soon realising that the party scene wasn’t something i enjoyed. at first, i was hesitant to believe that he had changed his ways completely, but, a month into our relationship, he has given me no reason to not trust him, this the reason why i am deciding to finally give in and go to just one party, tom having missed out for so long. but he is clearly confused by my change of heart, trying to remind me that he is more than okay with not going, growing to enjoy quiet nights at home.
“tom i’m fine. you haven’t been to a party in forever.” i start, blinking rhythmically as i apply my mascara, before moving backwards away from the mirror and turning to face him. “besides, i can’t stay locked up here forever. i have to live a little.”
he tilts his head, still uncertain despite my clear lack of hesitation. his lips purse together as he walks towards me, resting his hands on my hips. i can tell that he is questioning it, part of him missing the parties that he used to go to. but the new and sensible part of him, the part that is more prominent now, silently reminds himself of how much he has grown to love spending time with me and only me, coming to the conclusion that parties were never as fun as he had sometimes made them out to be, much preferring my company to getting shitfaced in some random club.
“there’s other ways to have fun besides getting wasted all the time. i like that about you. you don’t have to be drunk to have fun.” he says, kissing my forehead softly.
“i want to go.” i state, looking upwards at him, my eyes wide as i attempt to convince him to calm down a little.
“are you sure baby? i don’t want to force you into doing anything you’re uncomfortable with. you know i’d hate myself if you got there and didn’t like it. i’d much rather we-”
i cut him off by pressing my lips against his, sealing his over dramatic rambling with a short kiss. “i’ll be fine, okay?” i reassure him, my forehead against his.
he lets out a small smile, sighing heaving before speaking. “fine, get ready. but if you don’t like it, we’re leaving straight away. deal?”
i roll my eyes at his protectiveness, my heart melting at how much he cares. though it is a little frustrating, i can’t be mad at him, nodding my head slowly as a chuckle leaves my lips, my body turning back towards the mirror as i finish applying my make-up, my small crop top and tight skirt already on. tom walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, letting his hands rest on my stomach, before resting his head in my neck, planting gentle kisses there as i finish the rest of my makeup, small giggles leaving my mouth when his lips touch a sensitive spot on my neck, or his hands gently squeeze my stomach and his fingers slightly tickle the skin. he smiles behind me, his eyes calm and half-lidded, dreads resting over his shoulders and draping onto mine as he slowly rocks us side to side, continuing to kiss my neck from behind until i am finally finished.
the walk to the club is short, tom’s hand staying clasped in mine as we wander through the darkened streets, few people and the occasional car driving by us. i prefer peaceful nights like this, time to admire the city, rather than being face first in the crowds that daytime brought along with them. tom is speaking about something random, a lazy smile tugging on my lips as i look upwards, not particularly focusing on what he is saying, instead admiring his features - eyes fixed on the way his brown eyes shine, occasional smile gracing his face as he speaks, tongue grazing against his lip piercing. i take in this rare moment, though to some it is simple, to me it is something to be treasured, happy to listen to whatever tom is saying, finding it adorable how he gets so into a conversation when it is about something he cares for.
my cold breath leaves my lips as i exhale, reminding me how bitter the weather is, despite the warmth that the jacket tom had insisted on letting me wear brings me. occasional laughter emits from our mouths, sharing pointless conversation, enjoying the simplicity of each other’s company, our content exchange soon cut off by the sound of overly-loud music, signalling that we have arrived.
the queue to get in is longer than i had expected, tom not phased by this as the bouncer seems to recognise him, flashing him a quick smile and letting the both of us in. it is completely packed, drunken bodies encircling my vision, this enough for me to become easily overwhelmed. tom realises this, bending downwards so that his voice can be heard over the loud music.
“you okay? we can leave if you don’t like it.” he squeezes my hand as he speaks, bringing me into his embrace, his hands now running up and down my arms.
i shake my head, not wanting to leave before i had even given the place a chance. i let out a small ‘i’m fine’ in response, tom nodding his head and leading me through the crowd, looking downwards at me every few seconds, his hand never leaving mine until we emerge, arriving at a smaller section cut off from the rest of the club, being what i assume as the VIP section. the staff there recognise tom like the bouncer had, letting him in as we find a couch and table unoccupied.
he flops onto it, spreading his legs and wrapping his arm around my shoulder as i sit beside him, his other resting on the back of the couch. he scans the area, his lips pursed, head lazily nodding to the beat of the music, fingers tapping against my shoulder.
“you okay?” he shouts over the music, looking over at me and planting a small kiss on my forehead, pulling me closer into his side.
i nod my head, pointing a finger over to the bar. “i think i’m gonna go get a drink. you want one?”
he seems hesitant to let me go, his face falling a little, seemingly surprised at my willingness to walk around alone. the place somehow seems to feel busier, the bar totally packed, scattered with glasses, some empty, some practically full. but i figure that if i want to put myself out there more, i can’t rely on tom to be by my side, wanting to do this small thing alone.
“you sure baby? i can come with you?” he asks, looking upwards and seeing how crowded it has become.
“i’ll be fine. you can see the bar from here anyways, it’s not like anything can happen.” i say, pointing out the direct view our table has to the bar. though it is a little far away, past the small crowd of people forming there, it is in our eye line, tom able to maintain a perfect view of me.
“okay, but i’m watching the whole time. if anything happens i’ll be right over.” he gives in, though i can tell by his tone he is still reluctant. despite this, i stand up, pulling my skirt down a little bit. “and get me a beer please schatz.”
his hand plants a small squeeze on my ass, my body whipping around to scold him, yet my eyes are met with that same infamous smirk, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip as i shake my head, a low chuckle escaping my lips. i walk over to the bar, reaching it successfully after pushing through a few wasted bodies. i turn around, squinting my eyes to try and spot tom, seeing that he is still alone, his own eyes searching to meet mine. he spots me, sending me a small smile and wave, his face visibly calming down once i am within his sight.
i turn back around towards the bar, resting my frame against the hard wood. a tall man comes towards me from the other side, nodding for me to order.
“a beer and a piña colada, thanks.” i say, pulling out a twenty dollar bill from my purse and pressing it flat against the table.
he nods, taking the money and starting to prepare the drinks. i awkwardly tap my fingers against the wood as i wait, the music seeming to get louder, leaving me with a pounding headache. my body is warm, unsure of whether it is the proximity of sweaty figures dancing around me, or the sweltering air, everything in the room feeling ten times closer than it would outside.
he places the drinks against the table, shooting me a small smile as i take them, returning the gesture and turning around. my eyes catch a small glimpse of tom from where i am stood, quickly doing a double take as i realise that he is not alone. from a distance, i can spot at least four girls, two at either side of him. he appears pretty content, a large grin from ear to ear as he engages in conversation, the girls way too close for my liking. they are practically up against him, wearing next to nothing, their bodies covered with dresses so skimpy i wouldn’t have bothered wearing anything at all.
he seems completely comfortable, the only difference in how he was sat before being that his hands had moved from either side of the couch, now resting in his lap. i can see him shake his head, that flirty smile never faltering. however i reach my breaking point when one girl leans closer, about to place her hand on his thigh. that’s when i lose it.
i storm towards the table, tom’s attention quickly turning to me as the eyes of the girls sat beside him all turn to me too, curious to see what has been able to divert his attention so easily. his face softens as he seems somewhat glad to see me, this only angering me more. one second, he is entertaining girls because i leave for a minute, then his eyes light up as i return, as if he hadn’t looked at them with that same grin i have seen way too many times before - all before we started dating. my jaw is clenched, eyes cold and harsh as i slam the drinks down onto the table, part of the liquid splashing out of the tall glass from the force.
“there’s your fucking drink, asshole.” i scoff, shaking my head and turning around, starting to find my way through the large crowd in the centre.
i can hear his voice behind me, constantly calling my name as he forces his way through the crowd, only a few steps behind me. i ignore his pleas, feeling like a complete idiot for believing that he had changed.
“get out of my fucking way!” i shout over the music, pushing the last few people out of my way, my eyes finally meeting the exit, leaving it quickly, tom still following me as he continues to be persistent, my name pouring from his lips every few seconds.
the night is even colder than it was when we had arrived, my entire body shivering once i emerge onto the empty street, the distorted blur of music no longer helping to drown out the sound of tom’s voice as it seems to get closer and closer. i continue to shrug him off, speeding up as my heels click across the pavement. my hands run up and down my arms in an attempt to warm myself up, now without the comfort of tom’s jacket to keep my temperature high, my small and tight outfit providing no warmth at all.
however, my fast steps are no longer enough to keep myself distanced from tom as i feel his hand on my shoulder, the strength of its hold causing me to stop in my tracks.
“jesus christ, baby, what the fuck?” he asks, out of breath, his chest heaving up and down as i face him, his eyes heavy and filled with confusion once he processes the hurt etched upon my face.
“don’t fucking touch me!” i scoff, roughly detaching my shoulder from his head, my eyes becoming glassy, both from the harshness of the wind and the reality that tom hadn’t ever changed his ways as i had thought. “just fuck off, you’ve done enough. and i actually thought you were different, how fucking naive can i be?”
i turn around, starting to walk away again. yet he speeds up, jogging and moving to stand in front of me, completely trapping me.
“baby, please it’s not what it looks like.” he pleads, his own expression now filled with desperation as he begs for me to hear him out, my mind set on what it had seen - no explanation able to change that.
“really? so i didn’t see those girls all over you?” i challenge, shaking my head as a sarcastic chuckle leaves my lips, in disbelief of how stupid he is making me out to be.
“you’re blowing this way out of proportion! you’ve got the complete wrong idea schatz.” he says, his own voice raising a little as he becomes frustrated.
“do you know how unbelievable you are? i should’ve known, i was never good enough to make you want to settle down.” the tears cascade down my cheeks, my teeth sinking into my lips as i quickly move around him, walking away once again.
but, he doesn’t accept my desire to leave, taking my hand and pulling me backwards, his eyes glossy with tears, his sudden display of emotion taking me by surprise.
“liebe, please can you just listen to me for a second?” he sighs, his voice wavering as he speaks. i stay silent, the tears pouring down my face, yet he takes my lack of response as a sign to continue. “they came over to me. i told them straight away that i wasn’t interested.”
i furrow my eyebrows, a mixture of guilt and disbelief taking over. one part of me feels terrible for not letting him explain, this whole thing my fault if he is telling the truth. but, the more infuriated side of me doesn’t believe him for a second, refusing to even consider that he brushed them off, tom never being the type to refuse a girl’s company. and it is this anger within me that acts out, cutting his explanation short.
“fucking bullshit. do you think i’m an idiot-”
he cuts me off, continuing to explain. despite my cold tone, he remains calm, taking my hands in his own, his eyes softly looking into mine as he speaks.
“i told them my girlfriend is here, and i’m not interested. they wouldn’t give in. i didn’t want to be rude, you know i’m not like that. but i didn’t let them do anything. didn’t you see how i was sitting? i’ve never had my arms closer to me in my life!”
he lets out a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood a little. but once he sees that i am in no mood to joke around, he shakes his head, straightening his expression before continuing.
“i was literally about to get up to come and find you, but then you came over. i get that it might’ve looked weird from far away, but i promise you.” he trails off, taking one step closer to me, reluctantly reaching upwards to gently graze his thumb across my cheek, applying a little more pressure once i accept his touch. “i promise you that i shut it down straight away. i want you and only you.”
both of his hands cup my face, his thumbs running comfortingly over the soft skin, his eyes scanning mine as he awaits my response, my mind working at a million miles per minute as i try to find the right words. though i am still angry, now more at the girls than him, it is impossible to ignore the sincerity of his words, guilt rising within my stomach as i feel nothing but regret for not trusting him.
“i’m sorry.” i mutter, removing my eyes from his own as i stare at the ground, salty tears rolling down my face more than they had before.
“hey, hey…” he trails off, lifting my chin with his pointer finger, his face falling once he sees my state. he plants a soft kiss to my lips whilst his fingers wipe away the tears resting on my cheeks. i kiss back, his lips soft and warm, enough to calm me down instantly.
he pulls back, resting his arms on my lower waist as his forehead sits against mine.
“you can always trust me. i’d never, ever, cheat on you. i’m sorry for how i used to be, and if i could change it, i promise you that i would, in a heartbeat. i want to be better, for you. you mean more to me than anyone else in this world, and i want to show it. you just have to let me try. okay?”
his lips stay parted as his slightly ragged breathing fans against my face, his warmth contrasting with the harshness of the climate around us.
“okay.” i say, nodding my head. he brings his lips to mine, smiling into the kiss as i gladly reciprocate, feeling his hands bring me closer into him.
“come on, let’s get you home.” he says, pulling away and holding his hand out for me to take. i smile warmly, intertwining my fingers with his as he pulls me closer, kissing my forehead gently. we begin the short walk home, tom stopping after a few seconds. he pulls his jacket off, tugging it along his frame. he takes a sleeve, gently threading my arm through it, repeating his motion with my other arm, until the material completely submerges me, my body warming up almost instantly.
he smiles downwards at me, kissing my cheek quickly, noticing the way a loud yawn escapes my lips after he does so. he bends down, placing one arm behind my neck, the other scooping me upwards by my legs as he carries me bridal style, a surprised gasp leaving my mouth at his actions, however it soon turns into a loud giggle once he begins planting large kisses across my face. he is grinning from ear to ear, his heart warming at the happiness plastered on my face, his hold on me tightening as he places one last kiss to my nose.
his arms remain securely around me as he walks slowly, the rocking motion of his steps causing my eyes to feel heavy, my eyelids beginning to fall shut, on the verge of falling asleep. my breathing slows, close to slipping into unconsciousness, however tom’s low voice prevents me from doing so. he clearly thinks that i have fallen asleep, yet i hear the phrase pour from his lips as clear as day.
“i love you.”
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requests are open! keep sending them in, there’s a lot in my inbox atm but i’ll get to it as soon as i can!!
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literaila · 1 year
i know you 
tasm!peter x fem!reader 
"i'm peter."
"i wanted to introduce myself."
"i know who you are, peter."
warnings: college party, mentions of biology, peter is a bit of.. a... so-so, um, embarrassment 
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there's a boy leaning against the wall. 
there's music bouncing--blasting--between walls. flashes of light, and ridiculous bursts of laughter happening every couple of seconds. there must be a game going on somewhere. 
this house is old, and trashed, and completely uncomfortable to stand in because it is filled with body heat and the smell of alcohol, and people that will laugh at you but not listen. 
but this boy is the only one leaning against the wall opposite of you. 
his face is blank, except for the smirk that appears to be the resting position of his lips. his feet are crossed, his fingers are tapping against the drywall. he moves only to shake the hair out of his eyes, to raise an eyebrow at whatever someone has shouted from across the room. 
and he's not looking at you. 
he's not even looking toward you, really. instead, he's chatting to anyone that walks by with a glass in their hands, patting people on the back, and smiling a polite smile every time someone tries to go even further with him, trying to get him to move from that wall. 
it's yellow, by the way. there are stains across it that you don't want to think about. 
but this boy seems completely comfortable there. or, at least, his back has been superglued to the wall and he doesn't want to draw any attention to himself. 
and maybe you're paying a bit too much attention to him. 
but, to be fair, you know this boy from more than just that wall across the room. 
you know him from your biology class when you walked in the first day--late because there's no real way to arrive on time when it's eight in the morning--and there were no empty seats in sight. 
you might've blamed the person who scheduled more students in this auditorium than fit, or you could've blamed yourself for deciding to go to college in the first place. to be in that classroom at exactly the wrong moment. 
because lots of people turned to stare, and you had nowhere to run. 
but the boy--the same boy who is not looking at you now--cleared his throat, he motioned, three rows down, to the seat next to him and smiled at you when you sat down. nodded his head when you asked him if he would share his notes--just for the ten minutes you'd missed. 
and you don't know his name, because as soon as that class had ended you'd sprinted out the doors, wanting to go hide in bed and never think about evolution or cells ever again. 
you still sit next to him every tuesday, right at eight. 
you still don't know his name. 
even now, at this party that you had carefully decided to come to. to stand at, because you've always been a bit of a type of person, and you've always had a hard time in crowded rooms, and you hate parties. 
and really, you're just staring at him. 
but what else is there for you to do? 
are you supposed to find someone to run away with? run into the other room and ask to play beer pong with everyone else? hide in the bathroom and ignore the vague smell of vomit that comes from the shower? go home, and find yourself completely alone? 
no, you know. you don't really like any of these options. 
but you do like staring at this boy. 
because, as you're not an idiot, and as this boy is completely oblivious to your burning gaze, he's quite cute. 
attractive in that kind of i-don't-care-but-yes-i-do way. and you already know that he's smart. 
and you also know that he's got brown eyes and a smile reserved only for the warmest of summer nights. 
you just don't know his name. 
it's as you have this thought that his eyes dart towards you. 
brown and far too far away. 
you almost look away--like any sane person might do when they've been caught staring at someone for at least the past three minutes--but there's something about his eyes. even slightly blurry. there's something about the funny look that comes to his face, the slow blink and once-over he does to you. 
you continue staring. 
just, probably, a bit more awkward. 
still, it only takes ten seconds for the boy to smile, leaning off the wall slightly, and give you a wave. 
cause he knows you, and you know him. 
and yet, it takes you one blink and one second to turn your eyes away, getting one more flash of teeth and yellow before you head out of the room, searching for the nearest door. 
peter isn't in the habit of following people.
correction; peter isn't in the habit of following random people he spots at parties. he's also not in the habit of going to parties, but this is college and it was loud enough in his dorm room anyway and it's friday night so... 
here he is. 
here he's been for the past hour, trying to make conversation with people he "knows" and also avoid any and all interaction. 
he's doing this not for himself, mostly, but for his aunt, who gets worried that he is some loner who never leaves his room except for food and class. and for the people that notice when he's gone all of the time. 
he's hoping to be caught by at least one person that might mention him. just a slight comment to their friends. or a clap on the back that will earn him at least another month of anonymity.
either way, he doesn't plan to stay for too long. 
but when he locks onto you across the room, holding a cup in your hands and ducking behind anyone who moves past, peter decides that maybe he wants to do a bit more than stand there. that maybe he wants to take a shot. it's bright enough in here to aim correctly.
and maybe may will stop bothering him about the nice girl he mentioned one time... 
he smiles and waves, laughing a bit at the eyes that widen in response. 
and then he frowns when you disappear, ducking away from his eyes and into another room. 
peter was right, it would seem. he's not going to be staying for much longer. 
"lost?" a voice asks you after you've gone in a circle around this house about four different times. 
you smell like stale breath and the warnings of strangers to watch out. 
and you almost flinch when this voice--both particular and familiar--comes out of nowhere. 
you turn, hand raised in defense, to meet brown eyes, and a boy with his hand across the doorway, leaning, once again, on a wall. 
you make an effort not to frown, scream, or run away. 
"wha--" you clear your throat, swallow, and look around for anyone who might save you. "what?" 
"you've walked past me three times." 
"no, i haven't." 
"are you sure?" the boy ducks, staring right at you. he's smiling. "cause the first time, you tripped. and then the next two times you watched your step and scowled." 
"are you following me?" 
"you're walking in circles." 
you cross your arms, deciding to furrow your brows at this boy and point your nose up. "maybe i'm dizzy." 
"and you want to be dizzier?" 
"maybe if i'm in motion i won't be dizzy anymore." 
the boy leans over, eyes peeled. "yeah. that's water, so unless you have a medical condition you need to alert someone about..." 
"what do you want?" 
he laughs, and resumes his comfortable position on the wall. "i'm peter." 
"i wanted to introduce myself." 
you look around again, maybe for the door. "i know who you are, peter." 
you don't mention that this is the first time you've ever said his name. 
"is that why you were staring at me?" 
you cough. scratch at your neck and look behind yourself. "i don't--" you shake your head, looking back to peter, with his amused brown eyes and a crinkle in his brows. "i don't know what you mean, but i've really got to be going--" 
"need some help finding the door?" 
"nope. i've got it, but thanks." 
you have no idea where the door is. in fact, at the present moment, you're almost sure you must have climbed in here through a window. or this house is a strange labyrinth you'll never escape. 
it doesn't matter, you walk away, present and presently avoiding this boy named peter who you certainly do not know. 
"oh good, i'm heading that way too," peter says, matching your stride and opening a door for both of you to walk through. 
you recognize the test for what it is, just as you recognize his eyes. 
"great," you respond. 
and then pretend that you're not following his movements out of the house. 
 "so," peter says, holding the front door open for you. "are you going to tell me your name?" 
"i don't think that's necessary." 
peter hides a smile and walks with you down the front steps, hands in his pockets. it's a bit dark, a bit cold. 
he tries not to watch you shiver. 
"why not?" 
"i don't plan on seeing you ever again, peter." 
he scoffs, and moves in front of you, raising a brow. "is that because you're embarrassed?" 
you look away, pretending to admire a tree. 
"oh, and," peter adds, "you should plan to see me in class on tuesday. at eight." 
you blow out a quick breath, smiling politely at him. "i'll add it to my calendar." 
and then you move past him, continuing to walk down the sidewalk at a much fast pace. 
luckily, peter is used to running. 
"c'mon," he says, catching up to you again. "it's only fair." 
"are you following me again, or do you live this way?" 
"could be both." 
peter can almost feel you roll your eyes from beside him. 
and, at this point, he's very happy to be away from that party. if only for the smell of fresh air, rather than sweat. 
and maybe the company. but peter is trying not to dwell too much on it. 
"can i guess?" peter asks.
"sure. you've got one try." 
peter sighs, looking at you. "i'm guessing it isn't dorothy..." 
you snort and turn right, walking across the crosswalk. 
peter knows this place well enough to not feel too concerned about where you're going. 
"do you live on campus?" 
you glance over at him, suspiciously. "i think that's too personal of a question, peter." 
"oh, sorry," he holds his hands up in defense. "we can just get started with your family history, if you prefer." 
"i usually tend to go for academic record." 
peter nods, thinking solemnly. "you're right. what was i thinking?" 
"i'm not sure," you say, and when peter looks over, he notices a quirk of your lip. 
he rewards himself with another glance. with one, two, three, four seconds of staring. 
you give him a blank stare. 
you hum. 
"hope?" he tries, slowing his pace and noticing that you do the same. "faith?" 
"are you just listing out personal traits, now?" 
"well, i'm trying to gain your trust. strength?" 
"close," you answer, not laughing at all. "very close." 
"give me a hint." 
"that's definitely cheating." 
peter blows a raspberry, turning to walk backward so he can watch you some more. "i gave you my name without any questions." 
"you seem like a reckless person." 
"that was going to be my next guess." 
you shake your head, looking at anything except for peter. he can't quite discern why. 
"i think you owe me," he says, after a moment of silence. "at least this." 
you laugh. "for what?" 
"well, i saved you in biology that one time--" 
"--saved me?" 
"and for being free eye candy, of course." 
"oh, of course." 
your nose twitches and you sniff. peter stares as you take a deep breath, look around, slowing to a stop, and then finally meet his eyes. 
you almost smile. 
he stares back, waiting and willing to wait.
"y/n," you say, finally, holding your hand out. "i'm y/n." 
peter takes it, throat closing at the feeling. he blinks and internalizes everything so he can replay it later tonight. 
he is slightly victorious. 
he drops your hand. "okay, y/n. are you hungry right now?" 
my masterlist here.
tags:@moonlarking-blog @v1ci0us @preciousbabypeter @alexxavicry @directioner5life @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @localrockstargf  @thestudiouswanderer @take-my-hand-time-boy @thoughtsofagodlovingsunflower @nyomjoon  @moo-b1tch​ @raindropstearsandtea @rqmanoff​ @hollandweather​ @wetcoldnoodle @urlocalavenderhazestan​ @valvlry​ @imthatcoolmom​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​    invisibletrolleyson-jeremy  @sharkswaters  
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usuibu · 9 months
First kiss?
Eren x reader oneshot
You and eren are clooosee friends thats all really
Faint sounds came from both your phones as your mind begins to lose focus and fall into a daze. Curiosity struck you and you assumed that there was no harm in asking as you were both good enough friends.
You switch off your phone, your arm lazily plopping on the bed beneath you as you stretch your neck in attempt to face Eren.
His head turns to face you although his eyes don’t leave the screen in his hand. “Yeah?” he questions, you reply back assuming he’s simply finishing off whatever video he’s watching, “I have a question”
A few short seconds pass as the audio you hear from his phone reach a stop, soon followed by the sound of him switching it off.
His eyes finally reach yours with his full attention being averted to you. “What is it?” He asks in a polite tone.
You lift your head off his lap to face him more directly and to release the uncomfortable strain your neck previously withstood.
“You’ve kissed someone before, right?” You ask in an attempt to make it sound as normal as you could. Eren laughed slightly at the straight forward question while replying, “Yeah I have, why do you ask?” The smile not leaving his face as he maintained a suspicious tone.
You grew hesitant to answer back only chewing your lip, truthfully though whether or not you had kissed some one, Eren knowing would obviously not be the end of the world.
As you mentally fought yourself over an answer, silence filled the room. Only you stammering in his face which eventually answered his question for him without you even saying anything.
His face lights up in a teasing manner once he pieces stuff together as he laughs more this time, “Wait, you haven’t kissed anyone yet?!”
You shot back an annoyed grin as you shoved him away, “Go away, it’s not funny I was only wondering if you had not me, this was not meant to be an opening for you to pick on me, Eren” you say through that same grin with his laughter overlapping your nagging.
“No no I’m not making fun of you… kind of” he raises his hands up as he continues to laugh at you, you jab at him repeatedly as he begins to apologise, “Ah stop that calm down i’m-sorry-i’m-sorry-i’m-sorry” he says although still incapable of containing his laughter.
“If it helps you can kiss me if you want”
Your jabs come to a stop as your eyes widen at Erens broad statement, “What?” is all you’re able to respond with.
“I mean, the choice is yours, just to you know; get your first kiss out the way” he says nonchalantly. You think about it more thoroughly and see his logic and you don’t see any issues with it; in fact it seems like a great idea.
“Well I guess you are right.” You sigh in an acceptance. Eren raises his eyebrows slightly taken aback as he expected more resistance before asking his question. “Alright, c’mere” he says, grabbing you before you get a chance to respond fully.
“Wh—“ his hands grip onto the underside of one of your knees as he uses it to pull your entire leg across and over his lap. “Eren what the fuck are you doing” you ask in slight shock although you make no move to resist what ever he’s doing.
“Its just easier like this, trust me” he reassures you. “You’re weird” you joke at him, still hesitant as you shuffle atop his legs scared to get too close to him.
You both sat there staring at each other blankly waiting for the other to do something, “Well go on then” Eren says impatiently.
“What?” You retaliate toward his bossy tone. “You’re supposed to come onto me, this is your first kiss after all” he says beginning to regain that boyish grin of his, the little reminder at the fact he will be your first. “Fine whatever” you say shutting up his snickers by exaggerating out the ‘er’ sound.
Quietness soon settles back in the room once more as your head leans at a painfully slow speed towards Erens. Thighs tensing up above his. Your eyes remain in deep contact with Erens until you see his flit down to get a glance at your lips then back up to your eyes to which he licks his lips.
After that you abruptly pull back, “Eww eren” you nag once more, bringing your sleeve up to harshly wipe his mouth. “What??— Because I— licked— my lips?!” he groans through your arm muffling him.
“You’re gross”
“You’re unbelievable, if you’re so worried about my spit why are you kissing me in the first place headass”
“..oh yeah” you say with a smile growing back on you’re face, having abused the free pass to irritate him.
Trying again you lean forward, tension building… inching closer as the seconds pass.. until you stop, again.
You start thinking in your head; confusing Eren. “What the fuck are you doing now???” Eren asks impatiently sighing once more. His limbs relaxing making him realise he was somehow anticipating the kiss as much as you were. Your eyebrows furrowed as you thought through how unsettling it would be if you had Eren stare at your face so close again. You come up with a quick solution to not bother Eren further.
“Okay I’m gonna cover your eyes so you don’t see my ‘about to kiss’ face” you say as your hand swiftly moves to his face before you finish speaking.
“You know I could just close my eyes”
“I know, but I don’t trust you enough”
You reply in a snicker, hand shuffling against Erens eyes and nose bridge.
You begin to lean in once again, a large amount of tension being lifted off you since Eren cant see you now.
Once you’re only a sharp movement away from touching Eren’s lips. Your own eyes flit down to see he’s smirking slightly in anticipation of kissing you. He could tell you were close and so an idea crossed his mind.
You find enough courage to finally come into small contact with his lips barely making any impact with the peck you placed on his lips.
Before you could fully pull away to cringe at your sad attempt to kiss him, you feel Eren lunge forward and grip his hands on your waist pulling you close to him again.
You couldn’t even react as he pressed your lips together with his, giving you a much more intense and harsh kiss unlike the nervous peck you gave.
You’re eyes widen as he smiles into the kiss, you were taken aback at how sudden it all happened.
This was surely nothing you were ready for but as soon as you felt his soft lips press against yours, as his tongue rushed into your mouth, slotting into every place he could. It was almost impossible to not melt into it.
You’re eyes closed as you sank into the hold he had on your waist, heavily kissing him back in attempt to match his intensity as your hands sought refuge in his hair pulling him even closer.
You both pull back, chests rising up and down slightly. “What the fuck, Eren” you huff out laughing once more. “Why, did you not like it?” Eren grins brightly already knowing the answer.
Your face begins to feel hot as your rethink over what just happened. “You didn’t say you were gonna do any of that” you nagged him again although unable to suppress the large smile growing on your face.
“Well in the end you kissed me back so” he shrugs, prideful of how flustered he was able to make you.
You soon realise that you’re still squirming on his lap and that his hand still sat on your hips so you immediately get off out of embarrassment. Internally Eren feels slightly disappointed you didn’t remain on his lap for longer but he’s taken out of his short daze as you tug his arm to get him up.
“Okay c’mon we’re going out to eat” he follows you out the room and soon to the car as you both get in, “you do know your paying for the food as karma for surprising me like that u dickhead”
He rolls his eyes in response as he steps on the pedal driving to the nearest (and cheapest) place.
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fairykazu · 4 months
[ 1 ] 𓇼 TWILIGHT ZONE content warnings: strong language, mommy issues word count: 2.8k previous ⋆ masterlist ⋆ next
“Raiden. Raiden Scaramouche, please report to the office.” Scaramouche raised a brow, confused. He knows that he’s a delinquent, but it doesn’t mean he pulled pranks and atrocities all the time. Besides, what’s the point of even calling him to the office? The school year is ending, finals are over, and summer is rolling in.
Childe, or what Scaramouche likes calling him, a parasite, turned to him, “’Mouchie,”
Disgusted, “Don’t you dare call me that! I know where you live.”
Scaramouche’s threats used to be more terrifying but the more you get to know him, you’ll know that they were only used to scare you off; he’s just all bark, no bite. Most people’s faces would fall immediately, running off to pick up the dignity they have left. But Childe isn’t like most people; unfortunate for Scaramouche since Childe is used to his sharp words since middle school, Childe only laughed off the threat, getting used to Scaramouche's empty filled threats. He's all bark, no bite. “So What did you do this time?”
“How the fuck am i supposed to know?” Scaramouche replied, being as confused as him. The indigo haired male rolled his eyes as his friend’s empty ones glanced to the side who was avoiding his gaze,
“Sheesh, my bad.” Childe replied, holding up his hands to defend himself.
“Raiden Scaramouche, please head to the office.'' The speaker spoke again as Childe tugged him in the direction of the office. The fluorescent, bright lights flickering above Scaramouche, he yanked off Childe’s hand off his sleeve, “whatever.”
As the bell rang for the next class, people stared at Scaramouche while he walked to the office. not because he’s the infamous guy who causes trouble just to cackle at the faces of terror, but because he’s beautiful. Scaramouche isn’t being full of himself though; the case being more evident when he saw someone raise their phone at him... with flash. 
Well, some people would think that Scaramouche is full of himself for saying that, but have you seen Twitter, or hell, even, Tiktok? So many unsolicited pictures or videos of him being edited and being posted to Lana Del Rey or Chase Atlantis. The comments on those videos are like the reign of terror. Scaramouche considers those comments more terrifying or scary than whatever Scaramouche and “his” goons do during school.
Arriving at the office, he meets eyes with one of the office hags, Xianyun, who greeted him with a thin lined smile. She didn’t even look him in the eyes, just clacking away at her screen. This is why that old bitch has glasses. “Hello, Mr. Scaramouche.”
He scrunched his nose, leaning back, her words were laced in saccharin, too sweet to be sincere. Scaramouche hated her fake pleasantries especially when they’re both aware of how much they don’t like each other. Small talk and being polite for the sake of being nice annoyed him, pretending to be nice isn’t as polite as people may think. Cutting to the chase, he crossed his arms, “Why was I called? I didn't do shit this time.”
Watching the fine lines wrinkles in her face creased, she looked away from her screen. She made direct eye contact with Scaramouche. It doesn’t matter if her gaze might be too hard to handle, he lives with the CEO of the Raiden Shogun Corporations… 
or known as his mother. 
Now, he got her attention. she sat up straight, pinching her nose bridge. The older woman gritted her teeth, “Mr. Scaramouche, please do not curse in a school setting. as it goes against the rules; it may disturb others with sensitive ears. please go to the principal morax’s office, i’m sure you’ll be more comfortable there.”
Scaramouche smiled a little not because the older woman dissed him, but because there was no longer an uncomfortable barrier between the two, but instead something he was comfortable with, bitter and straight forward. “Whatever.” he quipped back, giving the amount of attitude the office lady gave to him.
As he walked past her desk, she mumbled under her breath, “Fucking brat.” Scaramouche pivoted on his heel, “Oh, Miss Xianyun,”
The office lady turned her chair towards his direction, despite dying her hair, she would definitely grow more gray hairs after this. “Please don’t curse in an educational setting. it may disturb people with sensitive ears.” Watching the woman’s face twist into annoyance as he chuckled quietly to himself. Serves her right!
He walked into Mr. Morax’s office; it looked the same as always. A big, stuffy office with no a/c but the only room without flickering lights and a bunch of old man decorations on the shelves and some pictures of his kids— Scaramouche squinted at the framed pictures, Xiao and Ganyu. Wow, what a great parent unlike some people. With a frown adorning his face, he greeted the principal, “Hey.” Throwing his backpack on the carpeted floors, he pulled out one of the two brown chairs in front of the older male’s desk, slouching in the chair. Mr. Morax didn’t pay any attention to Scaramouche’s attitude, which Scaramouche liked or disliked? The principal treated him like everyone else, but he wasn’t dismissive of the indigo haired male’s distracting actions. “What’s the problem?”
Mr. Morax explained the issue to him, resting his gloved hands on the desk, “Your mother had called and said that she’s pulling you out of school early due to technical issues.”
Scaramouche's face twitched, his mother? What the hell does she want? “What?”
“Yes, she said that she’ll be there in twenty-” Mr. Morax scooted his chair towards his computer which had a yellow sticky note attached to it. He peeled it from the screen, reading the rushed handwriting, he corrected himself. “— I apologize, in ten minutes, your mother will pick you up. please grab your needed essentials and go home.”
Scaramouche wanted to argue back, not wanting to face his mother and the consequences that come with it. but he glanced at Mr. Morax's eyes, knowing that even if he fights back, the old man will have his way and it would be worse than it would have been initially. “Fine.”  He didn’t mean to say it so bitterly, but he did. but the real question is why did he react like that?
Was it because he viewed that man as his “father”? He wanted to laugh at himself. Don’t be stupid. He slung his backpack, his mood becoming grouchier than before. Out of the office, sitting on the golden yellow benches that had been graffitied before being painted back to its boring solid color. Despite wearing sweats, the temperature of the bench seared him as if he was salmon, but instead finding a seat in the cool shadows, he's just as stubborn as his own mother. 
He stayed in the same seat.
A Cadillac honked at Scaramouche just before he got up to curse out the car. it was his mother and most importantly, her girlfriend in the driver seat. the pink haired hag, yae miko who taunted Scaramouche that she would take his mother away from him forever. Well, to be fair, it was a joke and she always meant it jokingly, but Scaramouche was eleven who didn’t know any better. He took that joke too seriously. but of course, there’s other instances where yae pulled that pissed him off. He'd rather not get into that, otherwise, it would be a long day.
“Scaramouche, get in the damn car, we don’t have all day.” the pink haired hag hollered. she could be even louder the way she spoke, waking up the damn archons from their rest.
“Shut up, hag!” is what Scaramouche wanted to reply with. But instead, Scaramouche grumbled whatever, opening the door. He saw his youngest sister, Mikoto, the prized daughter who would get the seat of CEO in the company. If that little shit wasn’t born, he’d be the one being praised and loved. the one above the rest instead being the one among the others.
When Scaramouche sat down, buckled in his seatbelt. He took out his phone, plugging his ears with music. In his peripheral vision, his sister Mikoto whispered to her older brother, “Good afternoon, Big brother.”
Even though he wasn’t paying attention, he knew what she said. the dyed haired male recoiled from the title. He never accepted her as his little sister, why did she think she had the place to call him that? boiling it down to being all his mother and yae’s fault, they must be forcing a bond between the two of them. “Don’t call me that.”
“Ah, I'm sorry, big– Scaramouche.” his little sister flinched back, fiddling with her braids. Even though he did feel a little guilty, Scaramouche shifted to the side, looking through the window.
When Scaramouche arrived at the house, his mother took him into her office whilst yae went somewhere with mikoto. he was seated in the velvet chairs in front of her desk. Unlike the behavior he has at school, he’s more polite. Sitting in the chair, no manspread and he adjusted his collar. His mother was in front of him, writing something down. With the way his mother was talking to him, stern but firm, he thought, Maybe I am getting that CEO spot instead of Mikoto.
“Kunizukushi.” Oh!, she’s using the family name instead of “Scaramouche”, maybe he is getting that position. “As your school year is coming to an end and summer is coming up, I believe that you aren’t ready for the CEO position. Instead,” she placed a sticky post it note in front of the male. “You will go to auntie nahida’s summer house to help her out with her duties in fontaine.”
Whatever remaining pride scaramouche had crumbled before him, he no longer had a reason to keep up a façade, his mother already knows, they already know. “What do you mean I’m no longer fit for the CEO position, mother?”
When he was born, as if he was a puppet, ei shaped her son as someone who would take over the family’s business. but as he grew up, she saw that he wasn’t fit for the position, other than being empathetic towards others but he was too like her sister, who was forced to be in this position. She didn’t want that kind of responsibility on her son’s shoulders.
As Scaramouche's voice got louder, his mother kept staying calm. “Don’t you use that tone with me, Kunizukushi, I say this with all the love in my heart that you are simply too empathic to work as the sole owner.”
The tension between the two only grew worse; as the indigo haired male stood up, making his chair fall behind him. He said through gritted teeth, “I've been working for this my entire life and you’re throwing it all away because I'm too “nice”? you think that’s fucking nice? Have you seen how people perceive me in school? Have you?” if she had seen him as the infamous sixth member of the group he was a part of, the Fatui, they would call it. When were people making eye contact with him? in the hallways, in class, in the locker rooms or hell, even outside of school.Those idiotic people were in fear. in fear of the troubles that Scaramouche would wreak havoc over them. 
“Just because you are seen as terrifying there, it doesn’t mean you aren’t empathetic. you aren’t fit because you are prone to your emotions. You don’t control your feelings, they control you. Kuni, you will be sent to Nahida's summer house by tomorrow, pack up.”
Scaramouche's eyes twitched, “What?” Despite his tone, he was tapping his foot on the carpeted floor. 
Her voice grew more stern, holding her ground. He played with his fingers, nervous of the outcome even though he knew what was coming. “Don’t talk back to me. Return to your room and pack up, you’re leaving tomorrow. Take the note with you.” 
The tension was as thick as the fog on Tsurumi Island. Just before Scaramouche scoffed at his mother, he took the note from the office.
When he left the office, making sure to slam the door behind him. Although his room wasn’t far from the office, it felt like it was dragging on. He trudged through the hallways all the way to his room, ignoring the family portraits that stared daggers into his back. 
The moment he walked into his room; the weight of the tension was lifted off his shoulders. He laid on his bed followed by a sigh of relief.
What a day. What a total waste of a day.
Scaramouche wondered if his sister wasn’t born, would he be in the position? Or would it be doomed in every universe. He rolled to his side, burying his face into the
He burrowed himself into his blankets, not caring to take off his “outside schools”. Years of training to be the exact leader for the company wasted just because of some stupid reason. Scaramouche's dream ever since he was a kid was to take over. But after this talk with his mother… correction, “mother” is not even her name, Ei. 
after that?
 he doesn’t even know if it was really his or her dream.
Someone knocked on the door, “Scaramouche, get out of your room.” 
“Piss off.” He mumbled, mostly out of habit. The person– probably Yae chuckled. 
The sun peeked through his blinds; he groaned as he fought the struggle to slip back into his bed sheets. A pang of realization hit him when he remembered that he didn’t pack at all. God, Ei would be a pain in the ass. He burrowed out of his bed, his head peeking out to find a luggage already set and ready to go and his step-mother was leaning at the door, “Scaramouche, I packed some of your things. Your aunt has some clothes or swim shorts for you at her villa. Don’t be an ass to her and you’re lucky that your mom wanted to play nice with you.”
Yae continued, pulling the comforter off Scaramouche’s body, he shivered, yanking the blanket back and pulled it over his head. “Get up, the jet is ready for you.” She crossed her arms, “If you go, I’ll put a good word for you to Ei.”
Despite knowing it was bait to get him out of bed, Scaramouche kicked the comforter off of him and walked to his bathroom. Yae looked over his shoulder, pointing out, “Your roots look rough. Oh! There’s a white hair.” She plucked a white hair from his head, he tossed a glare at her, she only laughed.  
“Are you leaving?” Scaramouche asked,  on his way to his bathroom. She hummed out a reply but he waited until he heard the door closed. He stared himself in the mirror and shit, Yae was right. he does need to redo his roots, his natural black hair peeking out. There isn’t any time to retouch it, he’d do it later when he comes back from the vacation to his aunt. 
Even though he is ready to go, physically. He isn’t mentally, not getting why his mother is sending him on a getaway trip. He laughed at himself, pulling his luggage into the jet. every other kid would be happy that their mom is sending them off to some place with beaches, Scaramouche just wants to ensure his spot that he was born and meant for. it’s his role. no one else’s. 
Well, that is what he insists on. The jet was comfortable at least. Fluffy blankets draped on the seats, a pillow on each one and a basket of snacks on the table tied with a bow and a card. His mother decked out the private jet with things she thinks her son would like. From miniature snacks to different kinds of gifts to “make up” what she did yesterday, parental guilt. It always gets them somehow. 
Scaramouche picked up a bag from the small basket, opening it as he picked up the notecard from his mother. “Kunizukushi, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. But you will understand why I sent you to your aunt’s when you’re older or hopefully, when you’re more mature.” 
“‘when you’re more mature’? I’m even more mature than you old ass hag.” Scaramouche mumbled before pausing. “Nevermind.” 
He opened the window’s blinds, seeing his sister leaning on Yae’s hand, she waved goodbye to him. He shut the window immediately and cracked it open a little. When Yae wasn’t looking, he waved back, he guessed that older sibling guilt is quite similar to parental ones. Leaning on his hand, he fell back to the much needed sleep. 
Maybe she was right. He needed this.
taglist [ open / bold means i cannot tag you]: @practicoi @saccharine-sucks @veekoko @aruastu @jllyfsh-lvr @scaranthropy
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obviously i don't have any requests yet so i asked a friend for a random scenario to write headcanons about and i was told merc movie night. so :)
- throws a fit about whatever he wants to watch being chosen but it never gets picked because he has terrible taste
- literally guzzles his entire drink within the first five minutes of the movie and then refuses to get up to pee unless the movie is paused
- his attention span is awful so he stops paying attention for half the movie and then bugs someone (probably spy.) to recap him on what happened
- "who's that" "what's his name" "why is he doing that" "wait where are they" "how does it end"
- attention span is worse than scout's. ends up trying to talk through the entire thing, gets shushed violently
- if the movie really bores him he falls asleep like someone's dad and snores in a way that is so devilish. gets throw pillows pressed over his face
- if he manages to get sucked into whatever they're watching he will randomly bring up things from it weeks later and nobody realizes what he's talking about and he doesn't have the capacity to explain
- gets so comfy cozy on the couch but then tosses and turns the whole time because his comfy cozy never lasts
- straight up does not care what they watch, just happy they're hanging out
- gets super into the movie and reacts verbally and physically to what's happening on screen
- asks engineer questions if he gets confused about what happened. he rarely gets confused though because he pays such close attention
- loves slapstick comedy flicks
- falls asleep no matter how much he's interested in what they watch. head thrown back, throat gurgling, demonic snoring emanating from this man. elbowed awake by pyro and scout but it never lasts he goes right back to sleep
- will fuck up some popcorn
- hates when spy's movie gets picked because it's always some foreign arthouse film he does not care to understand. he likes things that make sense and have a good plot
- doesn't bother for a recap on whatever he missed while he was asleep. he goes into movie nights knowing he'll fall asleep so he doesn't get upset about missing anything
- similarly to engineer, he will FUCK UP some popcorn. he is absolutely destroying that shit and every other snack that's provided. he needs to constantly be doing something with his hands and can't sit still for an entire movie so he just shovels popcorn down his throat
- spends half the movie squinting at the tv because he is so confused. it could be spelled out on screen and he still doesn't know what's going on
- gets up to pee one thousand times and trips over someone every single time
- his movie picks are always great
- reacts so strongly to high emotion moments in movies. laughs like a maniac at comedies, cries at tragedies. he isn't afraid to show emotion!
- anytime he isn't reacting though he looks so pissed off. arms crossed, back straight, staring dead at the screen
- only one to have never fallen asleep during a movie night. everyone else has AT LEAST once
- will never turn down a little blankie action. toss a nice blanket over his legs he's a happy man
- does not really enjoy movie nights. he enjoys spending some time with the others but it gets to a point where he really wants to be alone and he doesn't know how to politely escape the situation
- cannot handle the sound of snoring so if engineer or soldier are out he is pressing his ear against heavy's shoulder and his own hand over his other ear. he'll guess what the actors are saying
- appreciates spy's movie choices (is the only one that does)
- sits really uncomfortably for the whole movie and has to pace around stretching out when it's over
- loves a good movie. he really really just enjoys watching a movie he's a simple man. won't complain about whatever gets picked, will just kick his legs up and relax and enjoy it
- expert at rationing his snack and beverage to last the whole time. will not share
- looks like he's asleep but is not he's just very very still and relaxed
- sometimes sits in the floor leaned against the couch rather than on it or on a chair. it's easier for him to get his legs stretched all the way out that way + he tends to give the furniture up for the folks that are going to end up asleep
- as previously mentioned, he always chooses the snobbiest foreignest arthouse films that are no fun to watch and he truthfully doesn't even like that much himself. it's all a facade
- how many cigarettes he goes through during a movie is an indicator of how much he enjoyed it. the more smoked the worse he thought the movie was
- gets really embarrassed if he laughs at something stupid but even spy is not immune to slapstick comedy. he tries to cover it up with a cough but nobody falls for that
- sometimes scout falls asleep on his shoulder and it makes him so mad (he doesn't mind it)
yay first post! to anyone who may see this, consider shooting me a request :3
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 8 months
You’ll never know
Standing by the door Malleus watched you as you packed everything away into your suitcase. It was only for a few days, but he knew it would be like an eternity to him. This wasn’t even your first time going out for a trip either. All you had to do was go down to the Afterglow Savana with Leona to help out with whatever it was you signed up for. Not that Malleus was thrilled. A trip with classmates was fine, but he was still bitter about getting rejected from Leona. He did request to go along with you, if not for a personal trip, then for a political reason.
Still, there was no way Leona would want to bring Malleus along willing. So, your lover was now making his way over to you from the doorway. Throwing his body around you he slugged around you as you very uncomfortably tried to get your packing done. Not that Malleus planned to move away from you anytime soon.
Nudging Malleus off of you was an impossible task as he was too much of an obstacle for you. He really wasn’t planning on giving up on you leaving. Turning to face him, he gave you a bright smile at you, noticing his affection. While this would normally work on you, this only annoyed you more. He knew his way to getting you to forgive his unreasonable actions, yet it wouldn’t work, not this time. In a firm voice you told Malleus to calm down.
“Listen, I appreciate the affection, I really do, but I have to pack or I’m not going to be able to go. I think you’ll do just fine without me, it’s not like we haven’t been separated before. Remember when you went to Nobel Bell College?”
“That was different, I didn’t have to be worrying about you when I was fighting to live.”
“That’s true, but… actually I got nothing.”
“What if I just go along with you. I’ll shrink myself to be even smaller than Lilia and travel with you.”
“Malleus, I’m sure everyone’s going to know you’re gone.”
“How would they know?”
“They’re gonna know, Silver and Sebek aren’t that clueless. Anyway, I’m leaving and that’s the end of the discussion. I’ll bring you souvenirs and photos.”
“If I may, I think I can convince Leona one last time… Wait, don’t use magic to push me out of the room!”
“Sometimes he can be a little too much, but I love that about him too.”
*Malleus from far away* “I love you too!”
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