#tumblr PLEASE let me tag people jesus CHRIST
spatio-rift · 2 years
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He’s only a first year, but his cheerful and easygoing personality has made him the team's mood-maker!
takaos character bible entry as requested by @vespersposts :] Below the cut is the transcription as usual. hope you enjoy it!💞
Takao Kazunari: The all-seeing Hawk Eye!
His friendly disposition allows him to get along with anyone, even eccentrics like Midorima! As Shuutoku's playmaker, he uses his Hawk Eye to see the entire court during matches.
PROFILE Height: 176cm Weight: 65kg Birthday: November 21 Zodiac sign: Scorpio Blood type: O Motto: People who enjoy life are winners Favorite food: Kimchi Hobby: (Collecting or playing?) Trading cards Special skill: Doing back handsprings (the wiki calls it doing backflips but the word used is バク転 and that one has the hands touch the ground. a backflip with a full rotation in the air would be バク宙) Special ability: Hawk eye
*Reminder that this predates kurofes so his stats here are outdated
Author’s note: He's a nice guy and fun to draw, but I personally don't like this type of characters. Don’t get me wrong though, I don't dislike him at all.
PLAY STYLE: His plays make the most of his Hawk Eye!! Like Izuki's Eagle Eye, his Hawk Eye allows him to see the court from another perspective, only with a much wider range. His playing style revolves around precise passes using his awareness of every player on the court. 🡆Because he can see the entire court, he’s always one step ahead of the defense. 🡆He sees Kuroko as a rival since they both specialize in passing.
KEY POINT: Even Kuroko cannot escape the Hawk Eye!! Kuroko's misdirection doesn't work against Takao, who can see him with his Hawk Eye. But even Takao is helpless before Kuroko's Vanishing Drive!
PERSONALITY: Shuutoku’s easygoing mood-maker! He's only a first year, but his cheerful and easygoing personality has made him the team's mood-maker! He gets along with just about anyone, and even Midorima's eccentricities are no match for his social skills. He often finds himself mediating and lightening the mood when Midorima gets into arguments with their seniors. 🡆 Takao calls Midorima "Shin-chan", and delights in seeing him in trouble.
KEY POINT: Midorima's servant!? Takao pulls the rear cart that Midorima always rides in. They actually decide who pulls it beforehand by playing rock-paper-scissors, but Takao never wins…
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mitchellpete · 1 year
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summary: You’re bad at playing hard to get, and you don’t want to let the opportunity slip. Maverick gives you your first motorcycle ride.
pairing: pete “maverick” mitchell x gn!reader
tags/warnings: maverick being flirty, shy!reader but also not really?, some drinking mentioned, overall fluff
word count: 1.4k
A/N: i feel terrible that i keep making excuses not to post so i'll let you guys have this one. i don't know who's still on top gun tumblr but i hope you guys are still around. and that you guys like this! it was supposed to be a drabble but..?? ANDDD one more thing: my request page has updated also!
“Wait, you’ve never been on a bike before?”
“I’ve been on a bike. I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”
Maverick scoffs and then cocks a brow, a smirk tugging at his lips in his frail attempt at reading you, or at least pretending he knew you.
Except he doesn’t, because out of the many outings at the bar, tonight had been the first time he’d spotted you. You were ashamed to admit that it was kind of flattering having him follow you around for a good half an hour, even after you locked eyes with mustache Hawaiian shirt blonde guy across the room. Ah, it was all a game. But God, was Maverick pretty. And charming. You couldn’t decide whether you were bad at playing hard to get or if you simply didn’t mind being the game.
(It was definitely the former.)
Panic filled you later that night when you watched him slip his jacket on on the opposite side of the room. He was still distractedly rambling with his friend, however, and you took the opportunity to push past at least 5 people and make it out of the door before he did. 
What to say or do the moment he stepped out? Your head was empty. But hey, he’d see you out there, make another flirtatious comment, make you blush and then it’d go on from there, right? God, please. 
This had to have been like the fourth time you’d seen him. He was most certainly the prettiest out of all the aviators that confidently waltzed into the bar every time you and your friend met for drinks. 
Miramar. A lovely place, truly. 
Beautiful, too. The sunset is beginning to form, and you step towards the wooden fence separating the sand from the small parking lot in front of the building. A packed bar, only a few vehicles. You wonder if any of them belong to Maverick. You pray that he walks this way at all.
The beach in front of you is littered with people, families, couples. There is chatter everywhere, drowning out the sound of the bell on the door behind you, or the sound of his voice if he happens to be walking out, talking to his friend.
That’s why when you eventually zone out maybe a good ten minutes later, you don’t notice that he’s already walked past you, striding towards the vehicle closest to you. The motorcycle. Red, black, adorned with decals that match the patches on his pretty jacket. You wish you’d noticed. 
He’d certainly noticed you, watching you avoid his gaze as he swung a leg over and took a seat. “Going for a swim?”
Tongue in your cheek, you meet his eyes. “No. I.. needed some air. Where’s your friend?”
“Where’s yours?” A cheeky smile spread on his face as he reached for the handles. 
Oh, he’s sooooooo—
“Inside. I’m uh, actually waiting for another friend right now. She’s picking me up soon, I think.” Lies, lies, lies.
“In a car?” 
“On a motorcycle, actually. How fast does yours go?” Jesus Christ. You know nothing about motorcycles, by the way.
He leans slightly forward, intrigued by your response. “Faster.”
“Hm.” You glance out at the shoreline again, at the sun turning bright orange. You feel the warmth on your cheeks. Stupid. You’re playing hard to get again, for fuck’s sake. He’s too pretty, it makes you nervous. 
Lucky for you, he breaks the tense feeling in your stomach with a laugh. “Actually?” 
He sticks the key into the ignition, filling you with the slight panic from before that he’s slipping away.
You fake a snicker, although it comes out dry and humorless. “I’m kidding. I don’t know a thing about motorcycles.”
The sudden rev of the engine startles you, and he smiles. “Some people are just meant to look pretty on the back of ‘em, I think.”
There was already a warmth to your cheeks, but now it’s heat. “Well.. that sounds like fun.”
Furrowed brows. “Wait, you’ve never been on a bike before?”
You snicker again, this time for real. “I’ve been on a bike. I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”
Maverick scoffs and then cocks a brow, a smirk tugging at his lips in his frail attempt at reading you, or at least pretending he knew you. Playfully rolling his eyes, he revs the engine again and waves you over with his hand. “Come on.”
Your face falls. A different kind of panic. “Huh?”
“Just a quick ride. Before your friend gets here.”
“A-are you sure?” 
“You’re scared?” He grins.
“I—No. I just..” You hesitantly make your way over, your legs suddenly weak. “I drank a little, so I don’t—”
“Can you relax?” He laughs again, his laughter as pretty as he is. “It’s not scary, I promise. Here, step on that part. Just hold onto me and hop on.” He points down below and then sticks his arm out for you to grab.
“I’m not scared,” you mumble as you manage to perch yourself on the space behind him, careful not to grip his arm too tight. “I think you’re a little strange, is all.”
 “How so? You gotta hold onto me, sweetheart.” Another engine rev. What is his deal?
You lean forward as much as you can, pressing yourself to him and wrapping your arms around his middle. The seat behind his is slightly raised, and your face absentmindedly presses into the back crook of his neck. It’s too late to pull back when you realize, and the heat in your cheeks starts to burn. Nevertheless, you go through with your accusations.
“Well,” you begin, conscious of your voice as to not be loud in his ear. “You follow me around the bar for some stupid bet, and.. now you’ve forced me onto your bike.”
Ha. As if you hadn’t planned all of this. Sort of.
Another pretty laugh. “It’s a motorcycle,” he mocks you. 
That gets a laugh out of you, squeezing your arms around him a bit as he starts to move. 
“Although, I do have to say—” He halts, a foot firm on the ground, and turns to look you over his shoulder. “Out of anybody I’ve followed around the bar, you’re the only one I’d give a ride to.”
God. You think you’re already in love with him. “That so?”
He presses his lips together and nods, fake serious. 
Pressing your forehead to the back of his jacket, you chuckle. “I guess that means I owe you something.”
“I’ll start driving on one condition,” he offers, his tone playful.
“Give me a kiss.”
Oh boy. It’s easy by now; you’re already melting into him. Glancing up, your surroundings become a blur and all the outside chatter, the bell on the door and the sound of the other cars go completely silent as you lean your neck to reach. It’s a peck, but it’s complete; all of your lips feel the soft skin of his cheek, plump from a smile under your kiss. And then your chin goes to rest on his shoulder, and next thing you know, you’re off. 
There’s suddenly wind; you weren’t prepared for your hair to flow, as he took off from the parking lot and immediately down the road.
You’re clinging onto him with all your might, maybe a little scared for a moment, but then it starts to feel nice. You don’t even recall the moment he’d slipped his aviators on; perhaps the little kiss you gave him left you in awe instead of vice-versa, or maybe it was the drinks you’d had earlier? Maverick says something but you barely hear it, your stomach fluttering in excitement as he swerves between cars to get out of their way, to fly by beyond them on the road and to make the moment about just the two of you. Nobody else on the road. 
He turns onto a different road, this one longer and less crowded, and you squeal as he starts going faster. A euphoric feeling overtakes you, and even in the wind, through the sound of the engine and Maverick’s muffled voice, you’re convinced you can’t let him slip away after this one either. 
Wind, wind, wind. The engine.
Tapping a hand on his side instead, you catch his attention. He slows down just a bit, momentarily glancing over his shoulder again before looking back at the road. 
“You wanna stop?” he yells.
“No!” you shout back. “I just wanted you to know something!”
“What is it?!”
You lean closer to his ear, face in the crook of his neck again. “I was lying! There is no friend!”
He grins. “I know!”
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spacedustpan · 1 month
I almost tagged the original before deciding that I do, in fact, like my peace and realizing that the people that make posts like this and the people supporting this viewpoint are the people that would start Internet Beef over my tags so I'll do this on my own post with screenshots of the tags.
Here is the post I'm referencing:
Here are the tags I considered adding but ultimately decided not to:
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I'm so tired of popular blogs trying to shame the general tumblr populace into not tagging their blorbos because they don't like the borbos that are tagged.
Whats funny is a lot of the popular blogs will then turn around and agree with the general tumblr gripe these days that it sucks that no one reblogs anything anymore.
But like
I've seen other similar posts, this is just the one that finally annoyed me enough to give my 2 cents.
Like Jesus I wouldn't be following were-ralph if they didn't derail a post with their Werewolf Boyfriend!!! And my tumblr experience would be worse for it! They're hilarious and have great taste in music!
Blorbo tags on relatable posts sometimes lead you to a piece of media or genre of media that you might enjoy.
Like I get that you don't like Blorbeau and Glup Shittaux and find them annoying and that's valid.
But like let people use the website without shame over liking fictional characters. 🙏 please.
ALSO ALSO that made me remember!
I never would have read this post :
If someone didn't blorbo tag!!!
This is a post that somone liked and came up in my feed. I wasn't even following the tags for it but because the tags were made they inspired someone else who delighted someone else enough to create writing and technically art of this silly text post.
And I'm considering watching the prequels along with whatever Commander Cody is in just to get the context for these blorbos because I LAUGHED MYSELF TO TEARS reading this!!!
It was wonderful! And despite my general lifelong passionate disinterest for Space Wizards and their Lazer Swords I absolutely have to see what the fuck is going on with these two!
Sharing what's cool and fun and funny about your special interests in the hopes that other people will see how cool and fun and funny it is and join you!
That's what this website is built for!!!
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quirkthieves · 3 months
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NAME: viverra ! but ive also been called vixen, dogma, gabe, etc. any works
PRONOUNS : he/him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : big big fan of discord. tumblr ims are hard for me to read </3
NAME OF MUSE(s) : monoma neito, ibara shiozaki, chitose kizuki/curious, kaina tsutsumi/lady nagant, setsuna tokage, ryo inui/hound dog, natsuo todoroki, kendou itsuka, hinata haruka, nobimaru, inari yoko, marik ishtar, ishizu ishtar, rishid ishtar, atem, and lacramioara strigoi.
jesus christ who let me do this
BEST EXPERIENCE : ummm gee okay i cant just name one it turns out life is actually about the accumulation of small joys and not just a few big ones but every time i get in the car and listen to my music and go OH! THIS REMINDS ME OF THIS PERSONS MUSE AND OUR DYNAMIC! or when talking to people inspires me to draw little comics (esp while im at work let me live) it really just makes me so so happy
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : im pretty chill for the most part i think like ive definitely mellowed out a lot over the past few years but. i gotta say it:
formatting. the over-formatting of everything is killing me. i cant read most peoples carrds. i dont even know how they read it, because of how insanely tiny the text is. eye strain colors, hard to see icons, weird fonts... i dont mind a little bit of formatting, naturally, like go girl give us everything, but its getting to the point of being genuinely frustrating that almost every new blog i encounter has me fighting for my life just trying to learn the important info. i have visual and neurological issues please lord im only seven
MUSE PREFERENCES: seconding cam on if the "when someones pulled a muse apart like the spaghettification of a star and then put them back together". its fascinating. i think the fun part about rp is that i get just as invested in my partners character and what they get out of each thread as much as i do mine, so when people sit there and talk about their ideas and meta and really dig into that thing like . WHOOO NOW WE'RE COOKING
PLOTS OR MEMES : I like both! I think memes are good to kick things off regardless, and I dont mind building off of it. I like to plot a lot ooc but more in a loosey-goosey kind of way; i really like to get to know other muns and their characters and also talking is just sort of how i think through things so its very helpful to me. i also just get a lot of ideas because these things live rent free in my head but to me a natural progression is more important than like, sticking to a script.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write insanely long replies because i have things wrong with me. theres NEVER any pressure to length match-- a lot of the time im just doing it to establish exposition or setting so the other person finds it easier to work with. just give me something i can work with and we are a ok :D
BEST TIME TO WRITE : it really depends... i typically end up writing in the evening/afternoon because of my schedule. i think the biggest thing is that i work on weekends, so you may only hear from me ooc on those days. im also really trying to fix my sleep schedule.........to varying levels of success. sometimes the thread is too good
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : just talking about monoma here... i've also got a pretty snappy mouth and natural love of finding loopholes, but i just went into paralegal instead of making it class A's problem. i also love to laugh, but id like to think im a lot less meanspirited about it
tagged: @dynmghts
tagging: @veroxins @cloistress @killerhubby @enignoema @eclipsemuses @yeonban @starshinc @ofluminance @paracide @ohcruel
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banannabethchase · 6 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by the lovely @aidaronan
Gonna put all this under a cut as it is a doozy. Me? Rambling? It's just as likely as you'd think from the everything about me.
Words and Fics
497,498 words published on ao3 (Jesus fucking Christ - that doesn't even count my ficlets)
101 fics published on AO3
Enough tumblr ficlets that I don't have the spoons to go back and count them all
3 in-progress fics that may or may not be in the yeeted into purgatory sometime soon
3 new fics in permanent purgatory
1 new fic that I killed within 500 words
9 series created/added to
Top 3 by kudos
Hungry Heart - HangMox, AEW
[tie between] Intrigue - HangMoxMatt, AEW and A Convenient Cancellation - HangMox, AEW
I Can't Promise Forever (But I'm Working On It) - HangMox, AEW
(Realizing now that holy cow do my HangMox fics do better than I thought. Also all of those were published before I put my account on lockdown, I think, so that contributes as well.)
Fandom Events in 2023
Threecount Exchange! I mean, it kicked in this year. Everything gets published and finished next year, but still, it counts!
Upcoming Projects
Threecount Exchange fic (no you will not get details mwahaha)
The final installment of the House of Black Magic series, which is also my final square on my Bingo Board
Days 10-31 of the December Prompt Challenge I for some reason made for myself, which includes the finale of a series (I shan't disclose which)
At least 4 more installments in the Matt Experiments universe
The teacher's AU I've been putting off for about a year
Writing reflection
What a frickin' year. I haven't been in a fandom like this since Scorpion which, for those who know, ended poorly for both the whole fandom and me as a person. I was unable to watch the season 4 premiere due to my Dad's death, and then it got cancelled before I could catch up. Jumping back into a fandom head first, after how miserable my last one ended, was scary but incredible.
I beat NaNoWriMo 3 times in one year for the first time since 2016. I wrote two novella length fics and a novel length fic from December 2022 until now. I've made friends with incredible people, learned how to use tumblr in a way that keeps me safe, and learned that I've grown past the person I was when I let other people drive me out of a fandom for writing fic in a way I enjoyed and being autistic. I feel safe in this fandom, not for the lack of drama (lord knows there's plenty of it), but because I've created for myself a space where I know I can trust the people I follow.
I am excited to vault headfirst into 2024. I have no predictions. I have no expectations. I just have hope, and I think that's enough.
But I really do hope I can keep writing, even if it's at a different pace from 2023.
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums.
Tagging [please view the rules! I think they are great rules!!! Except the glass thing, don't chew glass. If you don't want to do this, please feel free to ignore completely]: @sarahcakes613, @booboo-eyedbambi, @scissormedaddyass, @rosabellebelieve, @anairbri. As always, if you see this and want to try it, I tagged you :) (And if you don't want to do this, pretend I didn't tag you.)
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the73rdpostscript · 2 years
I'm ignoring directions and looking at dontlookatme
LOL and I'm so glad you are!
That's my Priest!Nicky/Professor!Joe fic and I'm so excited about it. It's long, and it takes a lot of research to write so I'm not even 1/4 done with it yet. But I like what I have so far and the two people who are giving me feedback right now keep telling me they're excited for the rest.
There SHOULD be another snippet posted on my tumblr under the tppf tag. I would link to it here, but I've had some trouble with links in posts recently so instead I'm just gonna give you another snippet from the rough draft and let you all click the tag down there at the bottom if you want more <3
(This little snippet was the first thing I ever wrote for this fic and I think it works without context. I might come back later and post the two scenes that happen directly afterwards, but it's very hard to figure out what to share when a fic is so far from being ready. Please feel free to message me with advice if you've solved the problem of this balance.)
Nicky hasn’t felt himself tremble like this in a long time. The last time his body shook this hard he was holding in the fury of arguing with Bishop Atle about Thomas Fucking Aquinas of all people. And that adrenaline rush hadn't come with this complicated rush of emotions.
Nicky’s hand is on Joe's mouth and some part of him distantly worries about the optics. The way that he as a priest is physically holding a Muslim man silent in a cathedral is at the heart of everything they've been arguing about. But the footsteps that were coming nearer have paused, and if he lets go of Joe now, he’s terrified someone is going to ask why they were standing so close, or why Nicolo di Genova was yelling in his place of worship at a guest.
And then they might see the way Joe is looking at him now - eyes gone from wide and shocked to dark and unreadable as he scans Nicky's face.
Some distant part of Nicky's logical mind is screaming at him, but he's disconnected. The only things he's aware of are the pounding of his heart and the feeling of Joe's warm chest rising and falling against his arms. If he stays like this, maybe he can figure out why he’s still shaking.
Somewhere below him is the soft sound of material rustling. Joe is shifting a bit, presumably getting more comfortable, and Nicky wants to press in more - follow the easy dance of their bodies. He wants to give Joe the same rush he's feeling - light him up like the live-wire Nicky’s become.
Instead, Joe gently pulls his head away from Nicky's hands, looking a little relieved when Nicky releases him without fussing.
"I'm sorry," Nicky says suddenly. The distance between them is giving him space to process how horrifying his actions have been.
"Whoever it was, they left," Joe says. Mother Mary, Joe's voice is rough and low and Nicky takes two large steps back to distance himself.
"I’m sorry," he says again, and Jesus Christ is that his voice?
Joe nods, opens his mouth and then closes it, and walks away. Still stuck in the hall, Nicky looks up at St. [Whocares] and forces himself to breathe.
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vypridae · 8 months
ogh sorry but i neeeeeed to rant and get this out of my system this is very lazily thrown together and probably is gonna sound like im a jackass but its just irritating me so bad tonight
(all ships / names / etc censored to keep out of main tags cuz i think thats a thing tumblr does but honestly idk anymore)
i HATE b s d twitter. ill go on there to try to find s*glai content cuz tumblr and ao3 dont have much most of the time, and i'll only find hate or transfem s*gma. and like! that's such a real and valid hc. but for the love of fuck i see people forcing it onto people and i'd rather die (not die as in never hc that i love trans hcs but as a high sigma kin and also who has been feeling EXTREMELY dysphoric as of late i would rather not be forced to see so much she/her s*gma cuz it makes ME feel INSANELY dysphoric [for some dumb reason]).
but also like 90% of twt users Bully others for not using she/her for s*gma. like. guys. stop FORCING HEADCANONS its so stupid let people hc what they want!!!!!! i love ur hcs but jesus fucking christ!!!!!!! stop fORCING IT ON ME like ive never liked forcing hcs on people if u dont think the same about my blorbo thats fine!!!!! we have different genres of our blorbo!!!!! BUT STOP TRYING TO FORCE YOUR VERSION OF MY BLORBO ON ME!!!!! PLEASE
i also just generally hate how many people are like "s*glai is ass lmao" like dont post hate pls. esp when they're a fy*lai shipper like hello u ship the most BASIC bsd ship ever (no hate on fy*lai) BUT LIKE... UGRH it makes me so upset for no reason like abehbehbehbehbr
tl;dr i fucking hate looking for s*glai or s*gma content on twitter
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dcoolettes · 1 year
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I posted 2,701 times in 2022
That's 2,383 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (1%)
2,668 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
#ask to tag - 16 posts
#tis my ramblings - 15 posts
#ensemble stars - 4 posts
#enstars - 4 posts
#me - 4 posts
#dragonlance - 3 posts
#supernatural - 3 posts
#what - 2 posts
#holy shit ohhhhhhh my god oh my god - 2 posts
#hiiro amagi - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#jesus christ please let your kids go to the park. play in the backyard. throw plastic blocks
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ohhhhh my god I’m genuinely so sick of people saying “the eng translations are so bad!!!!!” Yes theres issues but you can still. Fucking read the unofficial translations. The games more accessible now and Thats a win since not everyone can download Qooapp or whatever it’s called or change their Apple ID! You can. Still enjoy the game.
Bonus I fucking love the jokes and updated shit this is great. #Hornton for the win it’s so stupid
9 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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13 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
those screenshots were fake you can check Misha's twitter for proof
Anon this is by far the best message I’ve gotten in my inbox. Thank you.
So looking on Twitter it just seems that someone donated an NFT in his name instead of like, him creating them himself. It’s out of his control, but also oh my god.
15 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
hi!!!! i've almost never talked to someone on tumblr but i saw your raistlin post and i think its cool because im in the dragonlance fandom and i've never seen anyone else in it
Hello Anon!! I’ve legit been into dragonlance since ~2019 I just haven’t posted actively in a hot minute. Once the new module drops I will be so annoying.
21 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Love these guys so much. Turrets always make me smile I will love these guys eternally.
103 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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marvel-leviathan · 2 years
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I posted 20,803 times in 2022
36 posts created (0%)
20,767 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,639 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 281 posts
#fanart - 217 posts
#dragon age - 194 posts
#gif - 177 posts
#critrole - 160 posts
#star wars - 128 posts
#cr spoilers - 78 posts
#cr3 - 67 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 63 posts
#art - 60 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#last night right before bed i made myself cry because i imagined that in 30 years i will need a knee replacement and no one will take care
My Top Posts in 2022:
lmfao it’s 3 AM and there’s still an hour left on this campaign. 
will i be calling out of work tomorrow, since i start at 11? possibly.
am i a clown for critical role? definitely. 
4 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Here’s some rain + thunder from today’s earlier storm ☔️
5 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
I love Aona with my whole heart omfg
I love reformed assassins being thrown into slice of life moments and not knowing what the fuck to do with themselves
5 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Free Taldorei Reborn PDF’s!
If anyone would like a free PDF version of Taldorei Reborn, please let me know! I just bought it and have 2 downloads left, which I won’t be needing. 
8 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Watching shows like Bridgerton makes it extremely clear that I’m definitely ace/aro, because wtf are up with these people 😅
I get it’s a romantic show, but Jesus Christ
18 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ephemereacidity · 2 years
Teenagers on tumblr will accuse you of discourse from shit you don’t even interact with and have never heard of and tell you to kill yourself in one fell swoop for *checks notes* daring to give your opinion in the tags of a post that came across your dash from a mutual at one am and still insist they are the picture of moral righteousness and how you should act and think. Keep up the good work hellsite!
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caroldantops · 3 years
hey! im quite new here and i have seen a lot of talk about readers interactions and i was wondering what is the best way to support my favorite writers (like you) because i think i have been doing this wrong and i really want to support writers who do this<3 ps. sorry if that was confusing, english isnt my first language
not confusing at all babes! you're 100% clear.
also can i just say, i very much appreciate you asking this. i would much rather more people speak up and be like "hey, we dont know the best way to support our favorite writers so how can we?" other than just. Not Knowing and Not Doing Anything.
so, im going to speak from my own personal experience but also what ive seen many of my mutuals/writers i follow talk about. this might get a little long but i wanna answer as thoroughly as i can because people should know!
im putting it under a read more because it got hella long, but please i encourage everyone who reads fics but don't interact to read and consider these things.
fellow writers i encourage you to reblog and add any other commentary you think is helpful!
before anything else (this is absolutely not directed at you, anon, you're perfect), i just want to get this out of the way. never come to a writer's blog and get angry with them for complaining about lack of engagement. like jesus christ. writers are putting hours of work on tumblr for you for free. the least we ask is for comments and reblogs. that's it. if you go and act shitty towards writers who ask for more engagement, yet still follow and wait for the next fic, like what are you even doing bro. just stop.
anyway. now let's get to the actual question!
basically all writers on tumblr will agree, reblogs are vital. and i feel like that gets said a lot but maybe people dont actually understand how impactful it is so lemme give an example.
so let's say hypothetically i have 100 followers. that is 100 potential people who see a fic that i post (i say potential because timezones exist so you might not see it as it's posted)
and let's say one of my followers (Person A) reblogs it, and they have 50 followers. that's 50 more people that can read the fic.
and let's say Person B followers Person A and they also reblog it to their 50 followers.
with only two people reblogging a fic, that's already doubling the number of people who have read the fic.
now imagine Person C followers Person A and reblogs the fic, and Person C has like, 1,000 followers. that's so much more exposure for the writer.
and that's only from two followers of the writer. so imagine if all 100 that read the fic reblogged it? the numbers skyrocket at an exponential rate.
plus, more people reading means that the writer could get more people follow them. so they get a more consistent audience.
likes, on the other hand, do not guarantee this exposure. i would say that most people don't have their likes public on tumblr. and also, even if they do, i know that I'm not about to scroll through people's likes rather than scrolling thru their blogs. likes up the notes, and that's about it. of course i understand liking a fic so you can come back to it later, i do that all the time. but if I've liked a fic, i always reblog it once I've read it.
now, say you're reading hardcore smut that you might not want on your main blog for whatever reason, so that's why you don't reblog a fic. look, i get it. sometimes irl people follow your blog, or sometimes you just don't want people to know what you're getting up to. but that's why i made a sideblog specifically for fics.
this entire blog BEGAN as a way for me to reblog fics i liked. and then it grew and grew and grew into all this. not saying that you have to start writing if you do that of course, but i guarantee, i'd rather see a small sideblog blog with like 3 followers reblog my fic than a blog just like the fic and leave. because that's still 3 more people who will see my fic and possibly read it and reblog it. 3 is better than none.
comments. reblogs are important, but comments are really what keep writers writing. they inspire us with new ideas, help figure out what it is that people enjoy from us, help us improve our writing, and most importantly, they make us feel good. and like writing and posting is worth it.
now, i know that sometimes it can feel awkward reblogging with a comment directly on the post. i even usually don't do that unless it's with a friend. but here are some alternatives/tips!
send an ask or DM! if you're really intimidated, sending an anonymous message is by far the easiest way to bypass that awkwardness.
write in the tags!! i cannot express this enough. comment in the tags. ramble about the fic. just put three tags worth of screaming. literally ANY comments in the tags are my favorite thing. i promise you that writers will scroll thru like basically every tag.
also, if they post it on both tumblr and ao3, don't feel weird about giving a little comment on both! i do that all the time. you can even be like 'hey i read this on tumblr first but wanted to say again how much i enjoyed it' and that is like, heart burstingly nice to hear.
also, if you're having trouble coming up with something to say, my like top commenting tip as both a writer and a reader is point out something specific that you like about the fic. when i comment on a fic (this is moreso when i comment on ao3 bc my comments are always longer there) i try to point out a particular line i like. literally if you just copy and paste it and go 'wow i really really like this line especially' that is the number one way to a writer's heart. seriously. it's the simplest thing, but it makes SUCH an impact.
however, if your comments are only asking for more fics, then that's not a comment, that's a request (which not all writers take).
saying something like 'hey i loved this fic a lot! if you have more in store for this in the future, i'd be really excited to read it!' is a million times better than 'will you do a part 2'. i know they don't sound that different, but i promise you that the tone makes a big difference.
(i honestly have more thoughts about good ways to get over commenting fear/know what exactly to comment that doesn't feel generic, so if people would like me to make another post about it i'd do it.)
and last but not least, if the writer has a way to donate, like a ko-fi, that always is so appreciated. of course, take care of yourself first, but if you have a few bucks and wanna show some support to your faves, that's a great way to help :)
oh! also, if the writer ever reblogs those little ask game things, just send them something! engagement outside of writing is also so much appreciated.
i think that's about everything i can think of! i hope this is helpful and that my explanations weren't confusing (if i need to clarify anything let me know). and again, thank you so much for asking! even doing that shows that you're a reader who cares, and that means the world ❤
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
No i In Team
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Summary: Having been dumped, you find yourself standing in the mud and rain as a bootcamp instructor yells at you. Finally you snap, telling him your mind before storming off. Later when he appears at your room to see if you are ok, he makes sure you are fully over your ex, proving that some men are a lot better than others.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader (no race or body type mentioned) Fandom; Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex, Rough sex, vaginal sex, doggy style, cowgirl, inappropriate use of a mini sombrero. 
I do not operate a tag list, however please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You will then get an alert every time i post something.
My masterlist got too large for tumblr, so now you can check out my AO3 on THIS LINK to find my previous stories.
No I In Team
This was it. This was the worst decision you had ever made. In fact, the worst collection of the worst decisions. Ever. In the history of decision making. 
The rain continued to pour. Any sane person would not be standing in the middle of an assault course in this weather. They certainly wouldn’t be joining in on a ‘team building get-away’ when you had in fact already quit the company and it just finished your notice period. And they really wouldn’t have come when their ex was parading his new girlfriend around and they were on the same team as you. 
Okay, so the last bit wasn’t in your control; your ex had in fact dumped you - via text - whilst you were in the cab there. Which honestly was a bit of a surprise seeing as you were meant to be sharing a room, and you had splashed out on one of the luxury rooms in the hotel where the corporate events were held at. He was a little surprised - which proved how much of a dumbass he really was - when you refused to let him and his new girlfriend take your room, and you stay in the smaller and cheaper one she had paid for. It was simple, you had paid, they could fuck off.
The other girlfriend, now that was a surprise. You didn’t want to hate her, she seemed very sweet but there were definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic going on with her. Your weasel of an ex had cited a number of reasons for the break up, all laying blame on you, but really you had known it was coming and were quite relieved in a way… he was now someone else's problem.
However, because of being blindsided by the break up, you had continued on autopilot and now found yourself soaked to your skin, and the enormous brute that ran the bootcamp was doing his best to yell at every single person to ‘encourage’ them. Jesus christ you weren’t built for climbing up ropes and flinging yourself over 10ft walls, and with each passing obstacle you were falling further and further behind.
Rolling your eyes you let out a huff and slid-ran through the three inch deep mud, starting to climb the net that led up to a rope ladder you were expected to climb across as it was suspended over a pool of muddy water. You looked into the distance, your ‘team mates’ having well and truly left you behind, and as you reached the bottom of the net you looked up at it, taking in how muddy and slippery it was where 11 other people had already climbed up it;
The ‘Captain’ yelled at you from six feet away. Jesus you were fed up with him. The guy looked like he lived, breathed, and slept military. At the start of the course he had introduced himself as Captain Syverson, but everyone was to refer to him as Captain. His fatigues and t-shirt were plastered to his skin, his beard soggy as puffs of steam came from his mouth as he continued to yell at you. 
You turned to him, watching as he took a single stride and was just a foot from you, taking a deep breath to yell again before you pushed your hand up and pressed a single finger to his mouth;
He stopped, unable to hide his surprise as his eyebrows shot up before you pulled your finger away.
“Get your ass up that net, NOW!”
Crossing your arms you repeated yourself;
“No. I will not”
“No. There isn’t. But there is an i in Vibrator”
“Vibrator. Dildo too. And i quit”
“You can’t quit”
“Unless you are going to throw me over your shoulder and carry me across that net and ladder, i quit. I am going to go back to my expensive hotel room, stopping at the bar to buy a bottle of the hardest liquor they have, have a hot bath, and give myself something a man has never been able to”
“What’s that?”
“An orgasm”
You turned on your heel and started towards the hotel building in the distance, leaving the Captain speechless in the rain. When you were halfway across the lawns you could hear him yelling at the rest of the team, but you couldn’t give a fuck, you’d had enough.
The bath was amazing. You’d spent a good hour if not two in it letting the spa jets send streams of bubbles over your body, and had in fact given yourself the first of many orgasms you had planned for your evening. You had been disappointed when you’d discovered that the bar wouldn’t sell bottles of alcohol, but the bartender had quietly told you that if you ordered the corporate entertainment tray over room service they were obliged to send up a selection of miniatures with mixers and nibbles.
You were still standing in your towel when you heard a knock at the door, puzzled to be interrupted as you had the Do Not Disturb sign hanging on the handle. Approaching the peephole you looked through, surprised to see who was on the other side. Opening the door a few inches you looked out, and saw him leaning casually against the doorframe, now wearing dry clothes that accentuated how he was 101% muscle, from the kingfisher blue sweater that made his eyes even brighter, to the dark denim that clung to his muscled thighs, a smirk played across his face when he saw what you were wearing;
He shifted and held out a bottle of Tequila;
“The bar doesn’t sell liquor by the bottle”
He motioned for you to take it, and as you did so you swung the door open a little more, seeing him look you up and down, his eyes growing a little darker as he licked his lips;
“I thought about what you said…”
“Which part”
“About what words the letter i are in” you didn’t realise but he had shifted a little closer, his toes now over the threshold of the room; “Cos’ i thought of another word that has the letter i in”
You cocked your head to the side, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth, already gauging the reason his thickly muscled man was at your hotel room door with a smile and alcohol;
“Dick has got an i in”
“You’re absolutely right” you pulled the cork from the bottle of Tequila, taking a sip and grinning at the captain as you fiddled with the little hat that hung from the neck of the bottle, taking a step back as he slowly crept further into the room. A flash of lightning from the bad weather outside illuminated the room, and yet the air between your bodies almost sparked from the energy you were giving off.
“But my favourite letter is U”
“Ok… i’m waiting for the punchline…”
“Because that’s in the word Tongue, and i would very much like my tongue to be in u”
Closing the gap between you, you pressed two fingertips to his chest, the soft blue sweater he now wore warm to the touch;
“That…” you paused, walking your fingers up his chest with each word: “Was the best pick up line i’ve ever heard, Captain”
Pushing the door shut behind him, his slid his hand into the split of your towel, his warm palm resting on your hip before pulling you flush with his chest;
“You can call me Sy”
He had lifted you into his arms, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, the towel trapped between your bodies but now unraveled as it dragged along the floor, your naked back and ass cooling in the air of the room, but soon warmed by two large hands as they roamed over your skin. His kiss was rough, his tongue licking into your mouth as his beard tickled your face. 
You hadn’t even realised he’d gotten to the bed until he had pulled away and sat down, pulling you down with him so you were straddling his waist;
“Ride my face, let me give you what you need” he growled, his hands on your ass pushing you up his body.
You’d quickly scrambled to set the bottle onto the nightstand before straddling his face, his eyes sparkling with mischief as his massive hands cupped your ass. He pulled you down until you were literally seated on his face, his thick beard brushing against your thighs and ass, his tongue burying itself between your slick folds, teasing you open. 
Winding one hand through his short brown hair, the soft chocolate curls caressed your fingers as your other hand rested against the headboard of the bed to steady yourself, his eagerness already rapidly pushing you towards an orgasm, your body still buzzing from the one you’d given yourself in the bath. 
“Oh fuck… Sy, Jesus Christ your tongue…”
You’d never met a man with a tongue so wide and juicy, the thick muscle pulsing within your cunt as his nose teased your clit, and soon you were shaking above him, attempting to push up on your legs from the intensity of it, only for his strong grip to tighten on your ass and pull you back down onto his face.
“Ride my tongue Darlin’” you heard his muffled voice, and as you looked down you saw his face was flushed but his eyes held nothing but mischief.
Tossing your head back you let yourself go, calling out his name as you unashamedly rode his tongue to an intense orgasm, flooding his face with your juices. 
Limp and pliable, you felt him lifting you before setting you down on the bed, his lips finding your neck and shoulders as he pressed kisses to your skin. The storm raged outside the window, rain lashing against the glass and making you feel even more enclosed in as Sy’s body covered your own. Finally enough of your senses returned that you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a fierce kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. When he finally broke away from your lips he started to kiss down your body, only for you to tug at his soft blue sweater, wanting the knitwear gone;
“Okay ok Darlin’...”
“Want to see you… feel you…” you were lust drunk now, a fire in the pit of your belly where you wanted nothing more than this beast of a man to split you open and fuck you raw.
He let out a low belly laugh, pushing off you and standing, a grin on his face as he saw you watching him as he stripped for you.
With his sweater tossed aside, he toed his boots off as his hands made quick work of his jeans, revealing a pair of tight black boxer briefs that were obscenely bulging at the front. Clenching your thighs together did little to satisfy the arousal, and as he tucked his thumbs under the elastic of his underwear you bit your lip as he teased you, pulling the elastic down to reveal the thick bush of hair and a tantalizing peek at the thick root of his shaft. Inch by inch he lowered his underwear until they dropped to the floor, and your mouth was agape as you took his size in all his glory;
“Wow, you really do have the equipment for the BDE you give off...” He paused and looked at you, cocking an eyebrow as you started to explain; “It means big…”
“I know what it means” he smirked, hooking his finger at you and watching as you crawled over the bed until your face was level with his rapidly hardening dick; “Why don’t you show me how good that mouth of yours is?”
Wrapping your hands around his hot flesh you could feel him growing harder and thicker under your touch, leaning your head forwards until you could take him into your mouth, tasting him on your tongue as he grunted above you;
“That’s it Darlin’, get me nice and wet, gonna have this buried in you sooner or later, the harder you get me the more dick you get inside you”
He rested his hand on the back of your head, guiding you to take him deeper but without being pushy about it. When his tip nudged at the back of your throat you fought back the feeling, looking up with watery eyes as his own bored into your soul as his dick tried to do the same to the back of your skull.
Holding you deep he finally with a gasp pulled himself out of your mouth with a string of curses, stroking your hair as you coughed and sucked in precious oxygen;
“Fuck, that mouth of yours is a thing of wonder Darlin’... but i want to get into that sweet cunt of yours… how do you need it?”
“N-need it?”
He gently pushed you onto your back, crawling over you until he was poised and ready to go;
“Yeah, need it. You’ve just broken up with some limp dick, how do you need me to fuck you?”
“W-what are the options?”
“You want slow and gentle, or you want me to fuck you like a beast and toss you around like a rag-doll”
“Beast mode please”
With a low growl he grinned as he surged forward and caught your lips with his own, his tongue pushing its way into your mouth as he took complete control. You felt him gripping his dick as he swiped it through your soaked folds, dousing himself with your wetness before he pulled away and grasped you by the hips as he knelt on the bed, pulling you up his thighs before thrusting his fat girth into you with one swift movement.
“That’s it Darlin, take my dick all the way. I’m gonna fuck you so good you’ll forget about anyone else that has ever disappointed you”
Gritting his teeth he moved your body like you were a rag-doll, pulling you onto his hardness as you could do little but to go limp and let your mind get flooded by the pleasure he was giving your body thanks to the best sex you’d ever had. Gripping at the sheets you felt an orgasm start to building within you;
“Sy… keep doing that… i’m gonna cum…”
With a smile and a grunt he did exactly as you asked, keeping his pace fast and steady as you lost control around him, your back arching as your legs shook and you came hard. You were trembling from the force of the aftershocks as he slowed down and finally stilled, letting you relax onto the duvet as he covered your body with his, pressing openmouthed kisses to your chest, murmuring against the soft flesh;
“These titties are spectacular”
He moved a little and you felt that he was still hard, a smirk back on his face;
“Oh i’m not done yet Darlin’, that was just an intermission”
He pulled out of you and you found yourself being flipped over, your ass pulled up as he filled you from behind this time, his thickness splitting your walls open and his massive hands found their way to your breasts, pinching your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as he pile drove into you from behind;
“Feel so fucking good Darlin, love the way your cunt feels around my dick, wanna feel you cum again before i shoot my load in ya’, then you can have a breather before round two”
Your eyes went wide; this was still only round one? Fuck, Sy was an utter beast and as he tilted his hips and his dick hit just the right spot, your eyes rolled back in their sockets and your jaw hung open, the pleasure running through your veins turning your brain to jelly and all you could comprehend was Sy fucking the living daylights out of you. 
Starting to tremble, your sighs became squeaks which became screams of his name as you started to cum and it kept going, your body squeezing him tighter than a vice before he finally came with a beastly roar, shooting ropes of his creamy seed and coating velvet walls. 
The pair of you slumped down onto the bed, your bodies still joined as he pressed kisses to the back of your neck. Finally he pulled out and you whimpered at the loss of his warmth and weight on top of you, instinctively rolling and curling up against his side as you rested your head on his chest, the song of his heartbeat strong and steady beneath your ear;
“Fuck… that was amazing”
He gently stroked one hand over your back;
“You can say that again Darlin’. Your pussy is like heaven… never had a cunt grip me so tight and be able to take me balls deep before...”
You smiled and let your eyes rest for a moment, before you felt him shift and the sound of a cork being pulled from a bottle disturbed your post orgasmic bliss. Looking up you saw him oof the cork out of his mouth before bringing the bottle of tequila to his lips and taking a large mouthful. Holding the bottle to you he grinned as you sat up and took it, following suit and still wincing at the burn as the expensive liquid slid down your throat. 
Just at that moment there was a massive crack of thunder outside and an immediate flash of light, before the electricity fizzled out, plunging you into darkness. You weren’t afraid of the dark but the suddenness of it made you squeal, Sy pulling you close;
“Shhh its ok Darlin’, this place gets its power knocked out all the time cos’ its up on the hill here. That’s why there’s candles in every room”
He deftly slid out of your grasp and you heard him fumbling around on the floor before he illuminated the room with his phone, and you watched as his silhouette made its way across the room and you heard the click of a lighter. Moments later the room had a pale glow from the candles that had sat on the side table, and as he carried one back to bed you saw that he was still hard;
“How are you…”
“Still up? Oh Darlin’ i can go eight or nine rounds before i droop”
“Eight or… nine…”
He flopped down onto the bed beside where you sat, his hands behind his head and a wide smile on his face;
“So, what do ya’ wanna do next?”
You laughed softly  before taking another sip of tequila, toying with the little hat that was attached to it before a sudden urge overtook your senses. With a look of amusement on his face Sy watched as you took the hat from the bottle and softly tied it to his dick, the hat standing proud on his tip;
“A perfect fit” he remarked, but before either of you could say anything else a knock at the door interrupted you.
“Babe?” a quiet voice came from the other side of the door; “You in there?”
Your heart sank;
“Its my ex… I’m gonna go tell him to fuck off…”
Sy caught your arm gently, a grin on his face;
“Let me”
What happened next was something you could only have dreamt of, and as you pulled a pillow in front of you to hide your nakedness, Sy basked in his own naked glory as he strode to the door and pulled it open;
Your ex stood in the hallway outside your room, his bags at his feet;
“What are you…?”
“I’m busy keeping my girl happy. What’re you doing here?”
“I got dumped…”
“Well champ, that sounds like a you problem…”
Without another word Sy stepped back and shut the door, making sure to flip the security lock extra hard so that your ex could hear it from the hallway. Striding back to the bed you couldn’t help but to laugh;
“I can’t believe you answered the door completely naked, hard, and with a mini sombrero on your dick!”
Climbing onto the bed he lay on his back, his hands behind his head as he grinned at you, wriggling his hips so his hard dick swayed to and fro with the hat still attached;
“Oh i think it made the moment all that more memorable Darlin’”
“He’ll certainly remember it, that’s for sure”
You carefully took the little adornment off of Sy, tossing it aside as you straddled his hips and grasped his hot shaft, helping to find your waiting entrance before sinking down onto him. 
The feeling of taking him inch by inch was almost overwhelming; thick and gnarled, his fat dick stretched you in every direction, and you were thankful for the added lubrication of his cum already dripping out of you.
As you started to ride him you could feel your body already deceiving you and climbing towards a rapid orgasm, and you found yourself cupping your breasts and twisting your nipples to distract yourself and let it last just a little longer. However when Sy’s massive hands rested on your hips and he started to thrust up into you, it was the beginning of the end. The final straw was when he slid one hand to your front, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing quick circles firmly against the engorged bud did it send you over the edge and you were coming again, back arched and head thrown back as your bodies moved as one in the candlelight.
Sy fucked you until the storm cleared and the candles fizzled out, just the moonlight illuminating your room when you both crawled under the duvet and fell asleep, sweaty bodies cooling in the night, sated from your energetic lovemaking.
Come morning and you were woken up by a series of featherlight kisses to your naked back and shoulders. For the briefest moment panic set in, but then you remembered your bed companion from the night before;
“Mmm Mornin’ Darlin’” he drawled, his voice low and coarse from sleep.
Turning you smiled at him before his lips caught yours for a gentle kiss. What followed was the best oral you’d ever received, followed by a steamy session of shower sex where for the first time in your life you’d felt confident that your partner was strong enough to not let you slip and injure yourself. 
The following room service breakfast had been thoroughly enjoyable where the two of you had talked and laughed, swapped numbers and both made it clear you’d like to see the other again. Sy had even driven you back to the train station, where you’d attracted the odd few stares as he’d kissed you with tongues and teeth before giving your ass a squeeze. 
Two weeks later.
Sy fiddled with the zippered pocket on his fatigues as he waited nervously outside the meeting room at the corporate offices. After what had seemed like an amazing night with you, he’d arrived at work on Monday to discover one of his boot camp cadets had made a formal complaint about his ‘lewd behaviour’. He knew it wasn’t you, but it had distracted him from the string of text’s you’d shared in the following days. He was thankful that you’d told him not to apologise, having started your new job and that was full on from the word go.
The door to the meeting room opened and his name was called, standing he smoothed his shirt down and nodded before entering the room. This was probably the most nervous he’d been since leaving the army; at least there if you fucked up you got a court marshall, now he was a civilian if he lost his job it meant he couldn’t pay his bills.
You were attempting to get a file out of the huge stack that sat on your desk without knocking your coffee over when your office door opened and a friendly face peered around the corner;
“Hey, you ready for the disciplinary hearing?”
“The what?... Oh, right… let me find the file…”
“Did you read it?”
Shaking your head you grinned at the manager of offsite contractors;
“Don’t worry, i’ve skimmed it. You guys brought me in to sort through this mess my predecessor left behind, I just wasn’t expecting it to be this much of a mess…”
Grabbing your coffee and the file with that day's date on, you followed your colleague through the building, attempting to scan over the complaint, frowning when you saw that the printer been running out of toner and had omitted the two parties names. Nevermind, you could always write those in.
Chewing on your pen as you shut the meeting room door, you quickly took a seat at the end of the table, looking up and only then your eyes going wide. On one side sat your ex, and someone that looked like a low rate lawyer judging by the cheap suit and even cheaper briefcase. On the other side sat Sy - Captain Syverson - whose eyes were as big as saucers and you saw the slightest hint of a smile start to tug at the corner of his mouth before he restored his poker face.
The manager introduced himself and then you;
“This is our new Human Resources manager, she’ll be overseeing this meeting”
Taking one last look at your report you took a sip of your drink before standing, keeping your face neutral;
“So, your client alleges that our employee acted in a lewd manner whilst on a team building exercise two weeks ago?”
“That is right Miss, you see…”
“And that your client wishes to pursue a lawsuit based on ‘emotional distress’ and that our employee caused the breakdown of his relationship”
“Yes Miss, Its like this you see…”
Cutting the lawyer off again, you looked pointedly at your ex;
“So, did you or did you not actually end the relationship with your partner, before even meeting Captain Syverson? Actually there’s no need to answer, i have a transcript of the text messages here…” you looked down at your your file, although you knew the texts by heart; “And i quote “I’ve found someone new, someone prettier than you, she’s better in bed too”
You looked up at your ex who was now sinking down into his chair;
“And by lewd behaviour, did you or did you not approach your ex’s bedroom at the hotel in the middle of the night, and continue to knock on her bedroom door whilst there was a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door?”
The lawyer attempted to talk, but yet again you cut him off;
“So therefore, you had no emotional or romantic relationship with the person whose room it was, and therefore as fully consenting adults, our employee and your ex, were perfectly within their rights to start a romantic relationship, were they not?” you took a deep breath; “And, as you have a history of making civil lawsuits against companies that you have deemed you ‘wrong’, this frivolous attempt at extortion has now been recorded, and will be submitted to the authorities”
You lifted your phone before setting it back down onto the table. You hadn’t been recording, but it was enough for your ex’s lawyer to stand and leave the room quickly, your ex scurrying close behind. Leaning to the manager you cleared your throat;
“You might want to make sure security escorts them completely offsite”
“Absolutely. Can i leave you debrief Syverson?”
“Leave it with me”
You shut the door behind him as he left, and felt the warmth of Sy’s body behind you;
“This is a very unexpected, but oh so pleasant surprise”
Turning in his arms you were thankful that there were no internal windows to this meeting room, kissing him deeply before the giant bear of a man pulled away and smiled softly at you;
“I need to buy you dinner for what you did… you’re fucking badass”
“How did you not know what the meeting was about?���
“They just told me it was ‘lewd behaviour’. I’d been wracking my mind for the last week to figure out what i may have said or done… yeah i yell at people for a living, but i’m never lewd…”
Placing your palm on his cheek you smiled at him;
“Dinner sounds good by the way”
“Come over to my place tonight, i’ll cook you dinner”
“Will there be dessert?”
Sy licked his lips, his gaze travelling down your body and back up again;
“There definitely will be for me… i’m sure i’ve got some cookies you can have too Darlin”
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
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#you know that love is not about possessing the other person but about letting them be their own person even if it means you won’t be a part
My Top Posts in 2021
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that’s it. that’s the ship.
186 notes • Posted 2021-04-06 00:06:44 GMT
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there is something wrong with this family
194 notes • Posted 2021-10-13 14:31:43 GMT
I often see the (very legit) gripe that Chad got cheated out of power-ups/good fights at the end of the series, but even moreso, I feel like Chad got cheated out of backstory. Who were his parents, and how did they die? Was one or both of them attacked by a Hollow, as the Fullbringer Arc would suggest? (I’m re-watching that arc right now, but as far as I can tell, there’s no actual proof that Chad and Orihime are Fullbringers... just that they are similar to Fullbringers) Why did he come to Karakura after the death of his grandfather, since he was born in Okinawa? Does he have an inheritance or any relatives that support him? More than anything else, though, I really want a visit to Chad’s inner world (do not tell me he doesn’t have one, of course he has one). There was a possible glimpse into it during the Zanpakutou Spirits arc, but it just looked like the town in Mexico where he grew up. That’s... a good start, I guess, but I want more. Is there a spirit representation of his powers? Latin American folklore is chock full of ghost and monster stories. It’s been said numerous times that Chad’s powers are Hollow-esque in nature, and I think it would be interesting for him to have a somewhat sinister guiding spirit. I don’t have any good ideas, but I just really want some dedicated Chad-stan with an ao3 account to blow onto the scene and write me 200k words of Chad world-building, please and thank you.
236 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 23:45:16 GMT
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not to be an ichihime stan but oh my fucking god. oh my god. jesus fucking christ. oh my god. fucking shit jesus fuck oh my fucking jesus fucking christ. god in heaven. holy fucki ng shit
276 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 16:19:39 GMT
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“quit posing”
391 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 16:40:36 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Behind the Screen - (Part 1)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 5,412
Warnings: smut 18+
Author’s Note: First chapter guys, i had a lot of fun writing this, and i hope you all enjoy this first chapter. Smut is also not my forte, but i like to try new things so i hope i did it justice lol. If y’all would like to be added to the tag-list for future chapters, or taken off please send me a message! Feedback is always appreciated in anyway, so let me know what you think, let me know your thoughts what your expecting! Thank you for reading!
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“Hey Wilson, you seen y/n?” Bucky questioned from his spot on the couch.
Sam shook his head, “Yeah earlier, she said she had something to do real quick before she was going to join us, shouldn’t be long.”
“Wasn’t that like 30 minutes ago?” Steve spoke up.
Sam shrugged his shoulder his eyes not leaving the TV screen, “I don’t know man, if y’all are so worried why don’t you send Tin Man to go find her.”
Bucky mulled it over before he was pushing up from the lounger, “where you going Buck?” Steve called out over his shoulder as Bucky retreated from the room.
Bucky didn’t bother with a reply, they all knew he was going to get you.
You were perched on your bed laptop in hand, your fingers working over your latest post the white glare from the computer illuminating your features. You couldn’t wait to get this new post out; your newest work had your readers begging for more, there just wasn’t enough time in your day to crunch out the words that bounced around in your mind. Recently your readers had begun to get antsy with you especially behind “anon”, there was many coming after you for not writing Bucky to the best of your ability. How did they expect you to give them your best work when you didn’t know how the man was in bed? It’s not like you could confront your teammate and ask him to help you write fanfiction about him and how he pleases women in bed.
I mean imagine the conversation,
“Hey Buck so you might not know this about me, but I write fanfiction,” awkward pause, “about you, and well do you think you could maybe guide me through it?”
You scoffed rolling your eyes at your inner dialogue, you stared at the blank white screen the cursor blinking at you, waiting. Your fingers hovered over the board, but your mind was drawing blanks, the words were there not even a minute ago, how did you lose them so quickly. You groaned pushing the laptop to the side, maybe it was time to go join the others, it had been a little over thirty minutes since you had told them you would return. Deciding you needed the break from the screen you pushed yourself from the bed making your way to your bathroom to freshen up.
Bucky walked the quiet hallways passing the other team's quarters before he finally came across yours. Bucky never bothered knocking, if he reached for the door handle and it wasn’t locked, he would just let himself in. Entering your room, he saw no sign of you except for your lone laptop that he had recently seen you glued to. He wasn’t sure what had you so entranced to the screen, but at the same time he understood it could possibly be a hobby that you were working on, especially during down time from missions or training. He looked around your quarters and noticed the sliver of light peeking from the bottom of your bathroom. Deciding to wait for you, he walked over to your bed plopping himself on the cushioned comforter. He reached for you laptop to see if he could get a peek at what had you glued to the device, and a peek he got. His cheeks were flamed rosy, his pants suddenly feeling a little tighter, while he wasn’t sure what to think, he was tickled pink at the words he read. So, this is what you did on your past time. He looked over the browser, his brows scrunched in confusion, what was Tumblr?
“Barnes what are you doing with my laptop?!”
Bucky looked up from the screen eyes blown wide matching yours, “Uh, I could ask you the same.” he murmured turning your screen to you.
Your heart dropped into the depths of your stomach, face going deathly pale, oh god, oh god, he knew, gathering your bearings you lurched forward lunging for the laptop in his hands. Bucky ducked out of your way falling back into your pillows laptop still clutched in his grip. You crawled half on top of him, “Goddamnit Barnes, give me my laptop back!” you growled.
He continued to dodge your attempts at grabbing your possession, “not until you explain what this is.” he grunted, his metal appendage pushing at your head.
“There is nothing to explain,” you hissed, “now give me the damn thing!”
You continued to claw your way up his body, though for every inch you climbed you were quickly scooted down by the cool metal pushing at your head.
“Nothing to explain?” he questioned, “I think there’s a lot to explain, like what the hell is Tumblr, and why are there people writing about me and some person named “y/n” he grunted “did you just bite my finger?” he questioned eyes glaring at you.
Your movements stalled, “Oh I'm sorry, I didn’t realize your vibranium hand had any feeling.” you deadpanned.
Your eyes caught the moment Bucky’s form began to fall, being a trained assassin had come in handy, taking your chance you lunged forward getting a grip on the laptop. Bucky grunted at the awkward position, “Jesus Christ,” he grunted, “what the fuck, ow!” he growled, “fucking hell y/n!” Bucky being stronger than you pulled the laptop from your measly grip flinging It to the side as he pushed you onto your bed, his frame covering yours, “would you stop fucking squirming, if it was nothing why are you putting up such a fight,” he grunted catching your swinging hands in his, pushing them down into the bed.
“I'm putting up a fight because you were going through my personal things, ever heard of the word privacy nosey ass” you hissed glaring at him.
Bucky rolled his eyes at you continuing to push your frame down into the bed, maybe you could use this as a future reference.
“Now that you’ve stopped squirming maybe we could actually have a conversation.” he murmured looking down at you.
Dread filled you again, “There’s nothing to talk about Bucky, at least nothing I want to talk about with you,” you groaned, “will you please just leave it alone.”
“I won’t leave it alone, I think I deserve an explanation,” he voiced, “you either tell me what I want to know or we can be like this all night.” he grunted applying more weight onto yours. Jesus, you could really use this as a reference but you weren't sure how to describe “Dead weight” would that even be considered sexy, you weren’t sure it would have your readers on the edge of their seats thighs clenched, cheeks rosy, giggling behind their phones, as they read your latest post.
“y/n, doll!” he muttered snapping his fingers in front of your dazed face.
You knew there was no getting out of this, there was definitely no denying what he had seen, possibly read. God what had you even written, how much had he seen. You knew this wasn’t going to end good, “what do you want to know?” you murmured, eyes not meeting his.
“what’s Tumblr?”
You sighed, you were really going to do this, you’re already in the rabbit hole, might as well keeping digging yourself further. “Tumblr is a blog site, users can post different types of media on it, they post videos, pictures, written posts - ”
“is that what you do?” he questioned cutting you off.
You groaned cheeks turning pink in embarrassment, “Yes buck, can you please get off me, please,” you murmured.
“who’s x reader, also who’s y/n, do I know them, because I don’t recall doing any of what i read with them.”
Your eyes slipped shut, oh god you couldn’t breathe, you prayed that a hole would open up beneath you and swallow you whole, “Barnes please get off me, I don’t want to do this!” you grunted trying to buck the man off you, you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“No, not until you explain it to me, then I'll get off,” he grunted applying more of his weight down onto you. This man was a damn wall of muscle, it was useless, there was no getting out of this, a growl left your lips, “Fuck okay, I’m not sure what you saw, but you more than likely saw my blog, and I write on my blog as I answered earlier,” you groaned, you didn’t want to say it, “I also,” a pause, another moan of embarrassment, “I also,” deep breath, “ I also write fanfiction about you,” oh god you cringed, this sounds much worse coming out of your mouth than it did when the words had been in your head. “the reader is anyone who also like me sits behind the screen of a computer reading the posts, and y/n is the reader, its abbreviated for your name, and no you didn’t do any of those things but it’s what writers like myself imagine you would do.” a sigh left your lips, eyes clenched undeniably tight, god you wanted this nightmare to be over, “can you please get off now.” you whispered feeling utterly ashamed.
You felt his hands leave yours, the weight and heat of his body a distant memory as he shifted off of you. Your eyes remained screwed shut, god you had really done it now, you should have never started the blog, what were you expecting. He was probably getting ready to go tell the others what you were up to, tell them everything he had seen, tell them about you embarrassing past time.
“Can you show me some more?”
Your eyes shot open, head turning to the side to see Bucky staring at you intently, your mouth parted slightly, “excuse me?” you choked out, he couldn’t be serious. “You can’t be serious,” you murmured.
“oh, I’m serious,” he murmured grabbing a hold of your laptop and pushing it towards you, “here.”
You glanced from him to the laptop, then back, “you’re actually serious?” you questioned brow raised.
“wouldn’t still be here if I wasn’t,” he murmured sliding closer to you, “now come on, show me, I'm curious.”
You cautiously flipped onto your stomach, you weren’t sure he was ready for what exactly was out there, but he had asked, and if it kept the attention off of you, anything would be better.
Bucky was glued to the screen, his eyes roaming the vast words and posts written about him, your eyes stayed trained on him looking, watching, waiting for a reaction, there was none. He was stiff as stone.
“this is all wrong” he muttered turning to you, “i wouldn’t do this.”
You raised a brow at him, “its fanfiction Bucky, it’s not supposed to be real,” you explained, “the writers are doing just that, they’re writing they’re perspective of you, some of them are really talented.” You added.
“Well yeah I can see that, but still I wouldn’t do it like this, they didn’t capture me right I wouldn’t get straight into it like this.”
A laugh slipped past your lips, “Bucky the writers on the other side of the screen can only imagine these things about you, they won’t always get you down to a T, they can only imagine how you’d be, how they would want you to be.”
“so, then you do it,” he voiced perking up, “write me and this y/n character, there's no one that knows me better than you, well aside from Steve, I could guide you through it.”
Your eyes went wide slightly, “buck I don’t think that’s a good idea, I never wanted you to find out about this and now your offering to help me write, you can’t be serious.” you murmured.
“it could be fun,” he exclaimed, “who better to help write about me, than me.” he deadpanned.
You groaned your hands coming up to cover your face, “bucky you honestly don’t know what you’re saying, you shouldn’t even be this calm about all of this, for fucks sake you just found out I write about you and now you want me to let you help me write,” you paused, “about you, you sure your arm didn’t short circuit and mess with your head?”
Bucky chuckled deeply his hands reaching up to pull yours away from your face, “Look I'm not saying that I'm not freaked out by all of this, but if I can be honest its kind of flattering to know so many people write about me like this, not that I can understand why” he murmured, “but I wouldn’t mind seeing a more accurate description, and who better to give that to the readers than someone that can be guided by me?” he questioned.
“bucky,” you groaned.
“come on doll, indulge an old man,” he teased, “help me, to help you.”
You couldn’t really be thinking this would be a good idea, but then maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Bucky could guide you through some parts of your stories that just wouldn’t flow through your finger’s right, maybe the grouchy anons would back off, you bit your lip in thought.
Your groaned your body flailing a bit as you really mulled it over, “fine,” you muttered, “but the second you get all weird I’m kicking you out, understood?” you questioned.? t.”
He grinned at you his hands rubbing together, “deal.” You really were beginning to think his arm had short circuited.
“One more thing, you can’t tell the team about this at all, it’s weird enough you knowing, I don’t need the others knowing what I do.” You voiced.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Bucky was speaking up, “do they write about the others?”
“Bucky would you stop squirming, you’re not letting me think,” you muttered turning your head away from the screen to glare at him.
He stopped moving eyes going from yours back to the white screen, you sighed rubbing your temples, you were really beginning to regret ever agreeing to this. It had been about thirty minutes since Bucky had taken a look at your most recent post you were working on, you were currently trying to rub out a steamy oral scene between Bucky and the reader and let’s just say it wasn’t happening. If it wasn’t happening before the whole ordeal with Bucky, it surely wasn’t coming to you now. You had tried time and time again for the past thirty minutes to find the right words but between the squirming super solider next to you, and your mind replaying the events of this evening it just wasn’t going to happen.
“alright that’s it, I can’t do this,” you sighed reaching to shut the laptop.
Bucky reached out for your hand stopping your movements before you could shut it completely, your head turned towards his, brow raised, “you're not capturing the scene right doll, you’re not capturing the moment right.”
Your head tilted back slightly in disbelief, “well excuse me,” you muttered pulling your hand from his, “if you know so much, why don’t you write It?” you questioned sarcastically shoving the laptop in his direction.
He sighed, “I'm not the one that has a way with words doll, that’s you,” he pointed out, “besides I'm better with actions.” he added eyes twinkling.
“so, what are you implying buck, are you going to show me how you please a woman orally?” you questioned jokingly.
He perked up, “I could do that,” he agreed, “that way you could really get into the right mindset, you could really be in the moment.”
You choked on your saliva looking at Bucky in disbelief, “Barnes I was joking!” you coughed, “I wasn’t being serious.”
“oh come on now sweetheart,” he grinned, “you would be knocking out two birds with one stone.”
“look at you learning,” you deadpanned, “and the answer is no Buck, now stop before I make you leave.” you muttered.
He turned on his side facing you, sliding closer laptop forgotten, “I’m being serious y/n,” he started, “you could get real life inspiration for the next part of your post, and also get some pleasure from it, it’ll be a win win .”
“okay that’s it,” you muttered sitting up, “out buck, I don’t have time for these games.”
He sat up with you, “who said I'm playing games?” he questioned.
You looked up at your ceiling a sigh leaving your lips before you were meeting Bucky’s gaze again, “Bucky, seriously, stop, this isn’t funny.” you murmured shaking your head.
Bucky’s hand reached out taking yours In his, “who said this is a game?” he questioned staring at you in earnest.
“You can’t actually want to do this Buck, I get that you discovered my secret, what I do on my down time, but you don’t need to help me with this, we’re best friends Buck, this could make things weirder than it probably already is.” you muttered pulling your hand from his, eyes looking away.
“Us being best friends should make this that much easier, you can tell me when you’re feeling uncomfortable and I'll stop, this wouldn’t make things weird between us, besides you’d be helping me too, we’d be helping each other.” he said his hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers hooked under your chin, coaxing you to look up at him, stormy grey eyes staring back at you intently.
“Buck,” you sighed, your resolve was really failing you, you couldn’t lie to yourself by saying you didn’t want this, hell you had fantasized a moment like this for god knows how long, there’s only so much writers can offer you, but now that you were being given the opportunity to experience the real thing, were you really about to let this slip you by?
“this really isn’t a good idea Buck, it just doesn’t feel right,” you sighed body slouching.
He chuckled lowly, his body leaning in towards yours, breath fanning across your face, “it sounds like a great idea,” he murmured, “we’d both be getting something out of it, and that way, next time you write me giving our reader oral, you’ll know exactly what it feels like.”
You sucked in a breath at his words, your voice caught in your throat as he leaned even closer, his forehead pressing against yours, “come on doll, what do you say?” he questioned softly lips brushing against yours.
You nodded your head shakily, “okay,” you breathed.
Bucky surged forward his lips pressing against yours, your eyes slipping shut at the sensation of his lips gliding against your own. His flesh hand trailed its way up your body, around your neck where it tangled through your hair, his metal one finding its way onto your hip, squeezing.
Bucky nipped at your bottom lip, a breathy gasp falling from your lips. He seizes this opportunity to push his tongue in, he licks at you coaxing your tongue to dance with his. Your lungs burn from the intensity of the kiss, you pull away gasping for air, eyes dazed as you stare at Bucky his lips swollen and glistening in the dim light of your room.
Your hands reach out to touch him, fingers sliding up his torso, only to gravitate back down, his hands reach for yours stopping your movements before you can reach for the button of his jeans. He shakes his head a soft smile on his lips, “this isn’t about me sweetheart,” he murmurs leaning forward to nip at your lip, “this is about you,” he breaths.
The air around you is tense, your body thrumming with want. You don’t move though as Bucky’s eyes watch you, you wait with baited breath as Bucky’s hand untangles from your hair reaching down to get a grip on the hem of your shirt. He lifts up slowly, pulling the shirt off of you before tossing it off to the side. His eyes darken as he watches your ample breasts rise and fall. Your breath catches in your throat, you had never had a man look at you like this. The anticipation for what was to come next was building.
Unsuspecting, Bucky has you on your back in seconds, his frame hovering over yours, he leans down, his nose brushing against your chin, lips lowering till they’re meeting the skin of your neck. He kisses along the expanse of your neck drawing out breathy moans from your lips, a soft gasp follows when his teeth nip at your collarbone. You feel the coolness of his left hand trail up your stomach your body arching with it, it stops along the swell of your breast. His thumb reaches out sliding into the fabric of your bra, gliding over a now hardened nipple, the heat pools between your legs. A breathy moan falls from your lips at the sensation, Bucky chuckles lowly, warmth breath fanning across your dampened skin.
You whine as he pulls his hand from your breast, his hand trailing lower, you suck in a breath as his hand hovers over the top of your jeans, metal fingers popping open the button. His hand flattens against your body dipping into your jeans, fingers cupping you through your dampened underwear, a moan falls from your lips as he presses a single digit into your folds, wetting the fabric of your panties more.
“Mmm Buck,” you moan.
Bucky grins against your neck, his lips gliding up till they’re right by your ear, “I’m a giving person sweetheart,” he whispers, “i don’t just get right into the action, I like to play a little,” he husks, “i want to have you begging, I want to have you a moaning mess under me.” he breathes teeth nipping at your ear.
“Fuck,” you groan back arching off of the bed, Bucky presses his hand down harder against you stilling your hips. He pulls his face away from your neck his eyes holding yours, “keep your eyes on me.” He whispers, you swallow. You suck in a breath as his fingers push your panties to the side, his index finger finding it’s way into your dampened folds. The sensation alone has a breathy “Bucky” falling from your lips followed by a broken moan as his finger grazes your clit.
His fingers work over your clit your body writhing under his hand, broken desperate moans falling from your lips. A whine leaves your lips as Bucky tears his hand from your underwear, “Bucky please,” you moan.
He chuckles “patience sweetheart, let me make you feel good.” He whispers ducking down to press his lips to yours. Your lips chase his as they find their way back to your neck. He licks, sucks, and nips at your skin as he trails down your body. From your neck, down the valley of your breast till he’s reaching the top of your jeans. You watch him pull away from you leaning back on his feet as his hands reach down pulling on your jeans till your able to kick them off the rest of the way for him.
He’s slipping from the bed, his hands pulling on your thighs as he drags you down the edge of the bed. He sinks to his knee his head lowering, his warm breath fans across your mound, a shiver rolling through you. He doesn’t move, you begin to worry, maybe he had changed his mind, “Buck, we don’t have to- ” a loud moan breaks through your words, his mouth presses harshly against your cotton covered pussy, tongue pressing into you, the fabric rubbing against your aching clit.
“Jesus Buck,” you gasp body arching off of the bed.
He laughs lowly, tongue still running over your covered mound, he gazes up at you from between your legs, “ I told you sweetheart, patience.” You would definitely be adding this to your story you thought as another moan ripped through you Bucky’s head having moved from your aching core to nip at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
Your hands reach down to tangle in his hair as he continues his assault on your sensitive thighs. His thumb presses into you, rubbing against your aching clit, the fabric of your panties dragging deliciously against it. Your feet dig into his back, your body writhing on the bed. He glances up at you from where he’s perched between your legs, his eyes darkening, “ you think you could cum like this, you think you could cum for me.” He questions his breath ghosting over you.
A breathy “yes” falls from your lips, your body is buzzing with the need for release the teasing too much. Bucky continues to nip and suck at your sensitive skin, thumb working faster against your clit. “Fuck,” you gasp , “please Bucky,” you plead, “please,” you beg. Your desperate for him, for the need of release. His thumb pushes into you harder, working over you faster, his lips latching onto you skin sucking. A chant of his name falls from your lips as your orgasm takes you by surprise, your head pushing back into the sheets your back arching off the bed, your fingers tightening in his hair.
Bucky barley gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s moving, his hands gripping the middle of your panties, ripping them down the middle.
“Bucky did you just -”
Your words fall short as he’s pressing against you again, his face presses in close, his tongue peeking out to press against your folds. His tongue dips in dragging across your entrance till he’s flicking up against your clit, the tip of his tongue circling it. Your chest heaves as breathy moans fall from your lips, your thighs clenching around his head from the pleasure surging through you.  Bucky grips your thighs pushing them open, spreading you out for him, your back arches, breast pushing into the cooled air as his tongue flicks teasingly in and out of your soaked folds.
Your fingers grasp the sheets beneath you, twisting them in your hold. His mouth works over you, taking you higher, he’s alternating between your clit and your dripping entrance. His tongue will drag over your clit before it’s dipping down to bury into your entrance his tongue fucking into you till your screaming his name.
“Bucky fuck,” you moan, “please,” you whine.
He continues to work you over, moans of pleasure falling from his lips, the vibrations leaving you quaking in his hold. Your fingers find their way into his hair, your eyes glancing down at him the sight alone leaving you a breathless mess. He glances up his ocean grey eyes connecting with yours, you weren’t sure it was possible but they seemingly darkened more as he pushed you closer to release. His arms wrap around your spread thighs pulling you into him more, his lips work faster, tongue gliding quicker as he works you over. A loud moan falls from your lips as he quickens the pace, his name falling from your lips in a silent prayer as your grind  up against his mouth. A moan catches in your throat, his lips finding your clit as he sucks harshly, his tongue working over it with quick strokes. Your pussy clenches, body heaving as the intense pleasure washes over you. Bucky doesn’t stop as he works you through your orgasm his tongue continuously flicking over you, dipping into you to suck up your juices. Your vision goes white as you clench around him fingers pulling at his hair.
“Holy fuck,” you choke out thighs trembling as you wind down, Bucky chuckles as he moves up your body kissing up your sweat slicked skin. He looms over you eyes hooded with lust, a small smile on his glistening lips. Your hands come up wrapping themselves around the back of his neck pulling him down to you. Your lips press against his, a groan falling from your lips as you taste yourself on his sinful tongue. You lean up slightly your arms moving from Bucky’s neck to his shoulders as you move him around till he’s flat on his back on your bed. You straddle him, his hands finding a spot on your waist as he squeezes you,
“I thought this was about you doll,” he husks grinning up at you.
You roll your hips over his slightly, leaning your body over his, “it was, but I’d like to return the favor,” you whispered lips ghosting over his, your tongue peeking out to run over his plush lips. Sliding yourself down his firm body you stop once your seated on his thick thighs. Running your hands down his torso, your fingers work at popping the buttons of his jeans open, helping him shimmy them off, your tongue running over your lips as his cock springs free. You scoot down the bed settling yourself between his spread legs, leaning down as you run the tip of your tongue along the underside of his cock. A low grunt falls from his lips as you take the base of his cock into your hands, your tongue swirling around the tip. You continue to work your mouth over him indulging in the sinful noises that drip from his lips. “Fuck y/n,” he grunts, “fuck you gotta stop if you want me to finish this the right way.”
You grin up at him, you lips spit slicked, “fuck doll, come here.” He whispers gripping your arms as he hauls you up. He kisses your roughly, his tongue running over yours before he’s flipping the two of you, your back meeting the cool sheets.
Pushing your thighs apart he settles between them, gripping his cock in hand he runs it through your folds teasingly before he’s pressing in, a slow delicious burn that’s rolls a shiver through your spine. Bucky leans down his forehead pressing down onto yours, breathing each other in as he rolls his hips into you. His cock drags in and out of you, at a slow toe curling pace. Your body writhes against him, your heels digging into his ass to press him to you closer, you need to feel him, you want to feel him.
Bucky changes the angle; unwrapping your legs,  he hauls one over his shoulder the other gripped tightly in his hand as he spreads you out, the angle driving him impossibly deeper, a gasp catches on your throat, “fuck,” you moan, “fuck right there,” you gasp.
“Come on sweetheart, let me feel you, cum for me.” He grunts his thrust jarring you.
A few more hard thrusts and his thumb sweeping over your clit has you shouting out his name in a breathy moan. Your back arches, thighs trembling as the waves of pleasure wash over you. Bucky continues to push into you, dragging out your orgasm as his takes over, your name tumbling from his lips as he crashes into you.
Bucky slumps forward his face falling into your neck as he takes in a shuddering breath. “Fuck,” he grunts, “that’s going to be a hell of a fic,” he murmurs pressing his lips to your skin.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, right the fic, you think, that’s why this had happened, Bucky was helping you out, and help he did. Bucky rolls off to his side propping himself up on his elbow as he smiles down at you, your body lax against the sheets.
“When are you going to finish writing it?” He grins
“Not right now, m’ too tired, hopefully sometime in the morning” you murmured.
“So In these fics do like me and the reader cuddle?” He questions a teasing twinkle in his eye.
“I don’t know Barnes, it depends,” you reply, “are you a post sex cuddler?”
“for the right girl,” he grins opening his arms, “c’mere doll,” He murmurs wrapping you in his arms a sloppy wet kiss placed to your heated cheeks.
Your readers are in for a hell of a surprise,” he murmurs into your hair.
“That they are,” you whisper, “that they are.”
Part 2
Behind The Scenes Tag-list: @ladifreakingda @georgialeighc13 @racewife2004​ @multy-fandom-lover​ @otvlanga​ @sailorstupidsblog​
812 notes · View notes
namixart · 3 years
So. Sorry for vagueposting but rant under read more because I'm livid.
So. You may have seen my awesome new tattoo. It's great, I love it and it makes me super happy. If you haven't seen it, it's a tattoo of Cloud's Buster Sword covered in Aerith's flowers. The reasoning behind it, as I mentioned in my original post, is that 2020 wasn't really a fun year for anyone. Me? I got through it relatively unscathed, and a lot of it I credit to FFVIIR coming out and working on Wildflowers. I genuinely love it and I'm always excited to share more and more with you guys! I also spent most of the year gushing about the game and the characters to anyone who'd listen, and I don't feel like it's a stretch to say that if not for FFVIIR and Wildflowers I'd be in a much worse place right now, mental health wise. More specifically than just FFVII, it's been thanks to Cloud and Aerith. They're my favourite characters in the game (together AND separately) and honestly probably my favourite characters ever. Period. They're both absolutely comfort characters for me and I break out in a huge smile whenever they're so much as brought up. So, I decided to get a tattoo representing them. Because I wouldn't be doing as well as I am now if not for them. Again, both together and separately. As I mentioned in the caption of the photo I posted of my tattoo.
Now, tonight I got a notification: "[username] reblogged your post!" So, obviously, I went to check it out! Everyone has been absolutely lovely on that post--a lot of compliments and excitement RE: the tattoo--and I wanted to see if there was more of that. There was not. No, what I found in the reblog was [username] very smugly asking me what I would tell people "when C/T end up together again in remake" and I look like an idiot for getting a C/A tattoo. Would I tell them the remake retconned canon? Or would I lie and say it's a Z/A tattoo?
So, they obviously got blocked faster than the speed of light and they deserve none of my or anyone else's attention, but I just kinda need to rant, because hey, none of this is okay! First of all, there was nothing in that post or the tags talking about C/T or just T (don't want this showing up in their tags, I'm not an animal). The tattoo has nothing to do with C/T (or Z/A for that matter), and I did not feel the need to be snippy or talk about the LTD at all. For that matter, even if I did tag it as C/A, it's not really even just a shipping tattoo. First and foremost, it's about Cloud and Aerith in their capacity as my favourite FFVII characters, my comfort characters and the fact that they helped me get through 2020 and the first half of 2021. Do I ship C/A? Yes, obviously. But I'm not yet so deranged that that would be enough to get a tattoo. No, this was about the game and the characters. At any rate, the fact that I didn't tag it as C/T and that they still found the post means that they went snooping through the C/A tag to find it, presumably to get mad and be mean at strangers on the internet just trying to exist in peace. Which is bad enough. [username], if you're out there (and you're not, because blocked), please do all of us a favour and get a life.
Secondly, and most importantly, [username] missed something that's very obvious to somebody with basic reading comprehension skills (I know this is Tumblr but come on). The mental health thing. Now, I don't know where I would be if FFVIIR and Wildflowers hadn't happened at the time that they did, but I'd be in much worse shape. This story and these characters were consistently a huge comfort and escape for me for over a year and a half, and that's the reason I got a tattoo. So, [username] looked at a post of me being happy about my tattoo because it brings me joy and represents characters who bring me joy and got me through a goddamn global pandemic and went "That's nice," and proceeded to spit out whatever verbal garbage came to mind. This is the part that infuriates me. I'm not hurt, I'm not heartbroken, I don't care. But this sort of behaviour is disgusting. I'd be equally livid if I saw it happen to somebody else. Guess what you don't get to do? Shit on people's happiness and intrude like this. For all they know, I could've been in a much worse state than I was--did they ever think about that? That's the part that gets me. Like, who are you to come onto my post, take it way too seriously and be mean about something that represents my coping mechanism? Disgusting. I hope they know that every single character they mentioned, especially their beloved T, would be disgusted with them.
And even if none of this was the case, even if I did go off the deep end and get a tattoo because ooohh cute ship, even if I didn't have any mental health issues associated with it--even if all of that. They still thought it was appropriate to take a post of someone just trying to share a tattoo that they loved and be rude and mean-spirited and smug on it. While specifically looking through the C/A tags too, let's not forget that sad cherry on this pathetic sundae. What kind of person do you have to be, to act like this and think you're in the right? This is the most sincere "Get a life" I've ever said, Jesus Christ. Guess what? Shipping isn't that big of a deal! I know, radical. You know what is a big deal? Assholes like this trying to make everyone else's lives worse for... reasons? Kicks? I genuinely can't fathom the thought process you'd have to go through to end up at "I'll be mean to this person I've never met who's just having fun and being happy. Serves them right." I just... I'm upset. Not for myself (I truly do not care about one internet troll), but just in general that this kind of people exist. Vile. Get a life, and I'll go show my tattoo to people whose opinion I actually care about.
And, for the record, if FFVIIR does end with canon C/T (which, honestly, I really don't think it will resolve the LTD at all), I'd just still tell people that the tattoo was never meant to be, like, some deranged "I SUPPORT THIS SHIP AND I WANT IT CANON OR I'LL LIGHT MYSELF ON FIRE" thing. It is, and always was, meant to represent two of my favourite characters who helped me through a really rough spot. Simple as that.
Also they got an ask from someone congratulating them on "putting toxic C/As in their places" I'm gonna fucking piss myself. Go eat a bag of dicks, fuckhead, and leave me alone.
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the1918 · 4 years
i had a great ask from @fangtasyflan​​ (that i accidentally answered privately), but they had some excellent points in reference to the Allegory of the Dumpster, fandom on social media, and what constitutes harassment of celebrities (vs. normal, creepy fandom fun).
I don't understand why anyone would think that this dumpster of a website is frequented by celebrities; I loved your post comparing dumpsters to social media & all I gotta say is, have we ever heard anything from the news outlets about Tumblr? It's always Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. BuzzFeed is the closest we ever get to publicity. No one ever loses their shit over Tumblr. And the only reason Mr. Stan knows about Tumblr is because a fan mentioned it to him during an interview. Also, people lose their shit when they see RPF but boy, do they indulge in blatant self-insert "your name" fics by the dozens. Now, they'll argue that it's fictional, but isn't RPF as well? It's not like the fics are sent directly to their social media; we don't say, "marry your coworker!" the way people go "marry ME!" But you know, that's none of my business. -drinks tea-
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Alright, y’all.
Things that constitute harassment of celebrities:
Thirsting @ them on their social media:
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this “#evanstan” instagram manip TAGGING both actors:
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Sending them your nudes, or sexually explicit anything, including fanart
Threatening them or their family/friends
Other things that honestly tweeters and ig users have probably yet to come up with
Things that are NOT harassment of celebrities:
“here is a gifset of chris evans flexing, please like and reblog”
“masterlist of pictures with chris and sebastian looking longingly at each other!!”
thirsty jokes and comments @ your followers that do nothing to attack anyone or degrade someone’s reputation
“like this post if you support bottom!steve rogers rights”
while i’m not personally a fan of celebrity x reader fics, i don’t challenge their right to exist in an isolated environment on this website-- so long as no one is DMing them to celebrities on other platforms. better here than on twitter or IG i mean JESUS FUCKING CHRIST:
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I want to share this comment from a reddit thread about what makes tumblr dot com different from other social media platforms:
“On tumblr, you eventually build a community... you can make anything from shitposts to earnest personal confessions knowing that the people reading it already get your sense of humor and understand where you're coming from. That's why sometimes posts from tumblr shared on reddit seem cringey or TMI to people unfamiliar with the platform. They weren't written for the internet at large, but just for that person's group of followers. The context matters. And there really isn't anything quite like it elsewhere.” [x]
In summary:
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...can you spot the difference?
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you’re doing great! let’s do one more practice problem:
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be cool, kids. be cool.
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