#traumatically prudish
shironezuninja · 2 years
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I am THIS close in wanting to put my Old Man’s brain in an intercom like liquid jar! He got me traumatically prudish again, and the destruction of my environment has caused another breakdown offline.
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larkandkatydid · 6 months
The only traumatizing book experience I ever had came from an illustrated history of Hanukkah that I got from church as a six year old. The trauma was that I, an unbelievably prudish and easily embarrassed child, asked my parents what the word “circumcising” meant. The fact that I could not pronounce it correctly and had to show them the book made it more mortifying from my perspective but, surely, made it funnier from an objective, adult perspective. My parents owe me for that one.
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Similarities between being aro/ace and being an atheist:
Huge contingent of people who don’t believe we’re marginalized and don’t belong with the rest of the [queer community/religious minorities]
“But [religion/sex] is what makes us human!”
“It’s so sad that you're missing out on so much :(”
“Oh, is it because you were traumatized?”
“So you’re basically [Christian/cishet] right?”
“Passing privilege” aka "You can’t be readily identified as “other” so you must not face any systemic discrimination and if you do try to talk about discrimination you’ve experienced then you’re just playing Oppression Olympics”
Other [atheists/aspecs] playing respectability politics and throwing the rest of us under the bus (”Oh I’m not one of Those [angry bitter atheists/prudish celibate aces], I love [religion/having sex]”)
Online communities got absolutely destroyed in the 2010s to the point where it’s still hard to find decent ones
Heavily stereotyped based on internet depictions that have little in common with the actual communities
“This is a white person thing”
“This is just a rebellious phase, you’ll grow out of it”
The dawning realization that media didn’t make that up and people actually do [believe/feel] that
Lateral aggression exists from other marginalized groups via [anti-atheist sentiment from religious people/amatonormativity from queer people] but nobody ever wants to address that
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
re: Fizz and Ozzie being more vanilla and prudish The whole thing adds to Viv perpetuating the idea of the 'perfect victim'. In way too many people's minds, if someone loves sex and enjoys being desired on their terms, then they can't *really* be raped or objectified, because they 'asked for it' or 'wanted it'. Which is exactly what she's doing with Blitz in regards to Stolas. Because Blitz secretly enjoys it but is 'just in denial', then it doesn't count as rape. Conversely, there's also the common narrative that someone could only enjoy that much sex and exhibitionism if they're traumatized and hurting, and they need to be 'saved' and shown how to properly heal. Which yes, does absolutely happen, and we need those stories told. But it helps no one when that's the ONLY story we get told. It wouldn't surprise me if we end up with that SWERF-ass narrative with Angel. We've already gotten hints of it, and I don't trust Viv to give us the nuanced depiction of sex work we need. I'm really praying I'm wrong.
I don't think you're wrong, Anon. And I can't tell you enough how much I wish you were too.
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thottybrucewayne · 10 days
I really wanna keep making content, I like sharing it and I've met some really sweet amazing people in kink/bdsm spaces both online and off. Still, it hurts to know that when I express my boundaries, I'm met with condescension and accusations of prudishness when it's more like...I physically cannot be in spaces where people think that roleplaying incest and rape is okay because I was groomed in them. Like, It makes me feel so fucked up as a person that whenever I express how I feel about this people act like I'm buggin'. "Just block." "Just ignore it." "Put it in your dni." Please, respectfully, go to hell. What good is that if people are gonna come into my dms and bring the shit to my door even if I explicitly ask them not to? Once my body is out there, it's like I have zero rights to speak about how fucked up any of this shit is. Esp if I wanna try to make money off this shit. I can't afford boundaries. I can't afford to say no really, I got 12 cents in my bank account, I can't even afford to be traumatized! I gonna have to learn to just grin and bear it and politely decline requests while letting the idea that I'll get less engagement if I express even the tiniest hint of upset or disgust at something that harms me eat away at me inside. There is no "if it triggers you, just don't look," in nsfw content creation. You have no choice in the matter. It's "Won't look? Good luck getting engagement." Even when you state your boundaries as nicely as possible? There's always someone waiting to disrespect them just because they think its ridiculous for you to have any in the first place.
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elithilanor · 1 year
Hi! :) okay, I made a list with some Lorien boi questions!
I know you’ve said before that he’s pretty calm most of the time, but does he have a good sense of humor or is it more of a cold calmness?
Does he ever get get bashful about having to explain BDSM protocol to others or does he see the subject as neutral? 
How does he interact with softer/newer subs? 
What is his biggest pet peeve? 
Is he a good listener?
Does he yearn to travel, or does he prefer his home city?
You can tell me if I’m off, but it sounds to me like he has a lot of energy to spare. Does he like to engage in sports/extracurriculars? if so, what kind? Do his crazy stunts ever get him into trouble?
What is he like when one of his friends/family members have a bad day?
Does he often wrestle/play fight with his brothers? If so, who usually starts it and who finishes it?
He strikes me as someone who is very outdoorsy and would rather sleep by a campfire than inside. Is that true?
Does he have romantic, non-sexual relationships?
Is he a cuddly with those he’s close to?
Okay… I just read you Haldir Returns Home fic and it honestly made my day. I love your OFC in that one. She just seems so sweet and worshipful of him. I know she’s a reader insert, but do you have any details about her/their relationship? Especially the non-sexual kneeling hc. Also, would it be okay if I requested a short drabble with them this October for my birthday?
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I cannot begin to explain how excited and happy I am for this. I love asks, I love specific asks and requests, and I love my blorbos. You and @ sotwk have the best asks. You also get brownie points for asking about the bois that never get love and traction here: Rúmil and Orophin. My babies of the heart.
Now, questions!!!
I know you’ve said before that he’s pretty calm most of the time, but does he have a good sense of humor or is it more of a cold calmness?
He's got a very dry sense of humor, but he's actually fairly easy-going and quick to laugh. His default is kind of resting bitch and tracking your movements face and he's cold calmness out on patrol, but he's actually a really good time when out at a party. He's just not usually leading the conversation. He likes people watching.
Does he ever get get bashful about having to explain BDSM protocol to others or does he see the subject as neutral?
Lol no he does not. He sees BDSM (and sex in general) as a very healthy and natural part of existence and has no shame in it. He may not reveal his personal preferences and past experiences with someone he's not planning on playing with or teaching, but he has no qualms about the subject at all.
He finds it hysterical when Haldir asks him about anything BDSM-related because Haldir is incredibly bashful about it, even if he tries to put on a good face.
I tend to HC that Elvish societies are less prudish about sex overall than Mannish societies and the fact that he was raised Silvan makes it even less so.
How does he interact with softer/newer subs?
Overall, he treats them similarly in that he's a lot gentler with them.
Rúmil's not very verbally expressive during play normally, so he tends to guide softer subs around more with soft touches instead of harsh tugs or slaps. He prefers harder play, so he's likely only to take a soft sub if they're newer, want to try a new type of play, if they've had traumatic experiences and want something safe and controlled, or it's a compatibility test for something more intense.
For newer subs specifically, he makes an effort to be more verbal with them in a way he's typically not in play: asking more clarifying questions, explaining what he's doing before he does it and maybe even expected sensations, checking in more often and requiring verbal confirmation of consent, and even giving a lot of verbal feedback or praise. He starts slow and builds with newer subs and he's really big on sitting down and having almost like a date with them just to get to know them and their goals beforehand.
What is his biggest pet peeve?
That the patrol talans aren't being put back into the order he left them in. It's easier to settle in, keep things clean, and find important tools in an emergency if things are kept to his (or any) standards.
Laundry anywhere it shouldn't be. Like the floor, Orophin!
Is he a good listener?
Yes, absolutely. Laser-focused and very intense, especially if it's about BDSM. Haldir and Orophin both have better memories than he does so he takes the time to write down important dates or sexual preferences and other information so he can refer back to/memorize it. Once he puts it to paper, he's generally pretty good after that.
It's actually why he started painting, to vividly remember landscapes and embed them in his memories.
Does he yearn to travel, or does he prefer his home city?
Mmm. He enjoys traveling, but its not something he craves. He honestly tends to get around a decent amount (visiting Mirkwood for some festivals and important holidays - I HC they were born here and have extended family and friends there; patrolling all over Lothlórien over the centuries; escorting guests and Celebrían; and traveling to Imladris for diplomatic conferences or patrol exchanges; and so forth) and doesn't see the need to do more than he already does. Every once in a while, he'll go for a weekend trip somewhere, but its mostly for a change of scenery and some quite.
Haldir was often stationed in nearby human settlements before he was promoted to Captain and then Chief and so forth and he would visit him, as well.
You can tell me if I’m off, but it sounds to me like he has a lot of energy to spare. Does he like to engage in sports/extracurriculars? if so, what kind?
YES!! Thank you!!! You get it!
And actually, not really! There's a couple I could say, but I also think the basic ability/information for them are common to any Galadhrim, warden elf. Hiking, walking, camping, plant and animal identification. He's quite good at them all and specifically specializes in tracking, but that just kind of comes with the territory. He does really like butterflies, though.
He loves to swim in any body of water he finds and perch high up in the mallorn trees and watch the seasons change.
Do his crazy stunts ever get him into trouble?
All the fucking time. He doesn't get injured as much as he did as an elfling (Tawarwaith - Woodelves/Silvan- elflings fall from trees says one of my favorite Mirkwood world-building authors, SpaceAsmatic, on ao3), but he still ends up in hysterical situations.
To date, he has cartwheeled, somersaulted, and fell out of a patrol talan onto Lord Celeborn. More than once. Celeborn thinks it's hilarious, but no one except Galadriel and Elrond will ever find out. He has to maintain his stern demeanor with his wardens. Elrond finds out because the trees are different in Imladris and he always has to adjust to new tree heights and branch stability. He broke an arm last time he was there.
He and Legolas get on like a house on fire. Everyone gives them a wide berth when they're together and Elrond puts the healing wing on standby.
It mostly gets him out of trouble to be honest, because parkouring across tree-tops is really great for orc evasion.
What is he like when one of his friends/family members have a bad day?
Typically he gets a bit quieter and softer; more reserved. Most of those he's close to have a bad day due to overwork (Haldir) or over stimulation from stress so he kind of follows them around and assists them where he can. He likes to open windows and coerce people onto balconies for some fresh air and sun.
If people are up for it, he'll take them out drinking or partying and he'll take point so they don't have to focus on the details. He'll get you home safely. He'll be drunk as shit, but he'll get you home!
Does he often wrestle/play fight with his brothers? If so, who usually starts it and who finishes it?
I wouldn't say often and when they do it's nothing serious. Just a fun joke and lots of posturing; no one's trying to do any damage.
Haldir or Rúmil usually start it (after Orophin has goaded them) and they usually finish it while Orophin just wheezes laughing.
If Haldir and Rúmil ever are fighting, then something is very, very wrong. Like someone died wrong.
He strikes me as someone who is very outdoorsy and would rather sleep by a campfire than inside. Is that true?
No, but only because after every night he's forced to sleep on the forest floor or on a bare slat during patrols and battles, he refuses to give up the comforts and warmth of his bed at home any more than he has to.
(He likes everything else about the outdoors, though.)
Does he have romantic, non-sexual relationships?
Eh, he kind of has flings sometimes? What he really has is a large, close knit group of friends with kissing and cuddling benefits.
Is he cuddly with those he’s close to?
Incredibly! He's very tactile and often has a hand on someone or is dragging them somewhere. Loves chilling in meadows in a dog pile of his friends.
Okay… I just read you Haldir Returns Home fic and it honestly made my day. I love your OFC in that one. She just seems so sweet and worshipful of him. I know she’s a reader insert, but do you have any details about her/their relationship? Especially the non-sexual kneeling hc.
Thank you!!!! You're so kind! Yeah, I fucking love her and them too. I always try and write other pairings, but in the end I end up having WIPs with them too.
Since the submissive Haldir discussion has been going around, I've actually added three new WIPs for Haldir and my OFC all featuring subby Haldir in various stages of their jouney regarding his submission. One is actually her basically trying to get him to accept compliments and praise through worship so. I think that may have answered part of your question.
I do have a non-sexual kneeling drabble in that list, too. Because them. Sigh.
Hmm Facts about OFC (who is my OFC for my full HC Haldir, whereas the ones created for Sotwk and labeled as such are a mix of my HCs and hers for her requests):
-I haven't yet decided on a profession for her, but I'm leaning seamstress or herbalist. I had been debating archivist, but I think I'm giving that to my fem!Haldir x fem!Reader in the future. Not that it technically matters, but semantics.
-She's good at holding a grudge with everyone in world except Haldir (not that he tends to upset her very often)
-She refuses to have a favorite season; it’s very rude and they all have their benefits and magic
-She loves lemon (hence Haldir's famed Lemon Tarts)
-She tends to get overstimulated by noise easily
-She had too many houseplants. She and Haldir had to come to compromise (she lost; her consolation prize for almost-solely kitchen herb plants in the house now is garden walks with his brothers)
-She’s afraid of heights. It makes living in trees the fucking worst (patrol towers and the Council Hall are the worst offenders because they’re extra high up)
Also, would it be okay if I requested a short drabble with them this October for my birthday?
Yes! :) Thank you for asking (and good call on starting the request early haha). If you want it posted for everyone, go ahead and drop your request in my ask box, but if you'd prefer something just for yourself, please feel free to send me a message!
Also, hello, fellow October birthday babe!! You a Scorpio or a Libra?
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In light of the Air Force member who lit himself on fire to protest genocide, you are going to see a lot of photos and videos of this particular incident. You are also going to see censored and redacted versions of those same photos and videos because the event depicted is gruesome and traumatizing.
I think you should watch the uncensored versions. Even if it ruins your day. Even if it gives you a panic attack. Even if you spend the next four nights unable to sleep because of it. And I think you should allow yourself to feel that trauma and allow it to negatively affect you.
Decades from now people are going to remember this incident and the image of him standing in front of the Israeli embassy burning is going to be in text books. I hope that children get the actual photo and not a censored version of it.
You need to bear witness to important things that are happening. You need to bear witnesses to other people's suffering. This doesn't mean you need to wallow in it to the point it absolutely destroys your ability to function but being an empathetic person who stands in solidarity with others means that you should be willing to look evil in the eye.
Internet censorship culture, created very deliberately by tech corporations trying to render everything we see friendly to advertisers has created this type of entitled prudishness. It has convinced us that all of us have a right to look away, that we all have the right to confine ourselves to little bubbles where we see only things we choose to see and are never forced to feel trauma or fear or nausea if we decide our mental health isn't up to the task.
Sorry but the people who are experiencing these traumas first hand, they don't have the right to stop experiencing it. Why should you have the right to look away? Yes it will damage your mental health if you look, but maybe that is a good thing.
The second hand trauma we get from seeing the real world uncensored has historically been an extreme force for good in the world. The videos coming out of Gaza have changed the tide of public opinion on the Palestine question in ways that would not have been possible pre internet. Just as the televised images of the Vietnam war created a mass anti war movement in the u.s. that would not have been possible before that.
The corporate censorship of these traumatic images isn't really there to create a more healthy and pleasant experience for the Internet user. It is an insidious tactic that the ruling class uses to try desperately to convince us that things really are Not That Bad, to think about what products they want to sell us and not think about our moral duty to change the world.
Obviously, you don't contribute positively to the cause of justice just by experiencing second hand trauma. That second hand trauma needs to be backed up by action. Just doom scrolling and looking at horrors, just choosing to ruminate on pain and suffering and stopping your life to do so is not helpful. But to do the opposite, to insist on the right to currate everything you see and only allow your eyes to be confronted by images that are "good for you" is just as bad.
There is a lot more I want to say about this topic that I don't have time to go into now. There is a long conversation we could have about content warnings, about mental health and compassion fatigue, about TikTok's use of the term "unalive," about how the images of traumatic historical events are extremely important and culturally significant works of art that you need to see in order to be cultured and educated, about much much more. There is a lot of nuance. But for now...
Look at the man who set himself on fire. Watch him burn. Allow yourself to be traumatized and then turn that trauma into motivation for action.
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lutawolf · 1 year
Hi Luta!
Happy Holidays and I hope you get some time off to spend with your family!
I discovered your blog around KP era (I think?) and I just want to say you are amazing and I am so grateful for the deep dives you go into.
I have a question about MAME because I watched a few of her creations and people always mention that they hate her but I’ve never heard the whole story of why. Personally, most of the adaptations I’ve seen really resonate with me as there’s usually a traumatized character who I can see myself in. Latest example is PrapaiSky from LITA (I don’t have the trauma Sky does but I’m as severely traumatized just in a different way) and seeing how Prapai cared for him was super healing (or at the very least comforting in a projecting-myself-onto-characters kind of way). Is that the reason so many people hate her? Or does it have to do with consent? I think PrapaiSky were perfect with that but I’ve heard other stories have issues.
Sorry for my rambling and thank you! -MA
Hey MA!!!
Sorry that I didn't answer this last night. I stayed up writing and then was like, I can't answer this tonight if I wanna answer it properly.
I am off for the next several days, woot! I hope you and your family have an amazing holiday as well. 💜💜💜
Oh. You've been with me for a while then. Thank you!!! I appreciate it!!!
There are several reasons that people give for not liking MAMA.
They talk about the consent because they are completely unfamiliar with and respecting of the fact that not everyone likes vanilla sex. There are different ways of giving consent, but they are stuck in a black and white mentality. They are unwilling to learn about different people and their sexuality because, in their opinion, we are wrong. And that's that.
Too much sex. Which is unrealistic. Life is full of those that have a lot of sex, those who are just sexual, and asexuals. There is a full spectrum, and they should be represented. Take UWMA, Dean can barely get a kiss from Pharm while Win is banging it out with Team on a regular. This is realistic. So for people to be so prudish as to put down those of us who like intimacy. Regardless of what reason they give. It's essentially failing to recognize that people are different, and we should all be represented.
They think Queer media should be held to a higher standard than straight media. Because what if straight people use this to say, blah, blah, blah. That is an injustice to Queers. It's being ignorant of how equality is actually gained. Catering to the ones that have issues with you is not how you gain respect. Besides, it becomes problematic to only show nothing but perfection. Art is meant to make you feel and think. There is a movie called Pleasantville that I feel captures this concept really well.
They think that all things problematic should be canceled rather than seen as art and a discussion point. Cancel culture is the removal of allowing people to think for themselves. Acknowledging that people are culturally and fundamentally different, and we should be trying to find out why others think the way they do, versus canceling them. It's that black and white mindset again. Which anyone with an actual understanding of Psychology will tell you is a very dangerous way of thinking. When we cancel things and remove things that we deem "inappropriate" We remove the ability for critical thinking. And if we don't think for ourselves, who will?
This turned out to be a lot. 🤣🤣🤣 Hopefully you find it helpful.
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iventshitsorrylmao · 11 days
high and low libito aren't a synonym for hyper/hyposexual. furthermore hypersexual and hyposexual are not synonyms for allosexual or asexual. hypersexual is not the oposite of asexual.
hypersexual and hyposexual are both conditions most commonly found in trauma victims, or are due to hormonal issues, and medications. it consists of intrusive thoughts or very separately; urges to not just do/initiate sex but also masturbate as a go to self soothing tool. asexuals can be hypersexual. it is not "asexuals or hypersexuals" when you're talking about fucking libito. get that through your thick fucking skulls please. i beg of you.
not everyone with a low libito is hyposexual, not everyone with a low libito is asexual. not everyone with a high libito is hypersexual. not everyone with a high libito is allosexual. not all asexuals trauma responce is going to be hyposexual. not all people with sex repulsion is an asexual.
not all people who dress scantilly clad have high libitos or are hypersexual. not all people who dress "slutty" or make jokes are hypersexual. not all people who dress "tOo mOdEsTlY aNd PrUdISh" is an ace or hyposexual or traumatized or religious. THEY ARE CLOTHES.
hypersexual and hyposexual is often distressing for the person who has it. regardless of if they're ace or allo. hell. a person can go from being one to the other.
when you are talking about differences in libito effecting relationship capatability for example and you say "hypersexuals and asexuals" when you mean high and low libitos, or hyper v hypo sexual or asexual or allosexual
you are stating a valid sexuality as on par or comparable to a trauma/hormone/medicinal based medical condition that needs intervention. you are ignoring that aces can struggle with hypersexuality-YES EVEN THE SEX REPULSED ONES because it's a fucking CONDITION.
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mayorasmusings · 11 months
So I was randomly surfing tumblr on the persona tag and I’m pleasantly surprised to find someone with Persona 2 on their list. I swear this is rarer than a 4 leaf clover, and the fact you have DDS up there as well. I’m gushing at this rn, truly a rare find.
I also saw your previous post, what would you say were your first impressions on the Cast of IS and what you think about them now? (Anyone really if you only do one but I was super curious)
- ☕️
I'm really happy to read that!
Persona 2 and DDS have a very special place in my heart.
I played DDS before I discovered that there was a game that was banned for homosexuality and Hitler. As an edgy teenager, I burned a copy of P2:IS with the translation patch and played it on my hacked PSone. Those were the times!
But, then I cried buckets, while playing this game, got obsessed with it, discovered how actually queer and traumatized I fucking was - and until this day, I am still in love with it 🥲
But without further ado:
First impression
Maya: bubbly, annoying manic pixie dream girl with a weird outfit making her big tiddies look bigger than they already are, but she has a goddamn pretty face.
Yukino: the butch friend, who shows off her toughness.
Tatsuya: he's too cool for school and is that bad boy every girl is after
Lisa: She's that "I-can-change-him!1"-girl, who goes after a boy who obviously has other things on his mind. She's sweet though.
Eikichi: annoying guy having a rivalry with the bad boy, all the girls are seemingly after.
Jun: he's too sweet for this world. I really feel sorry for him. Especially the way he was manipulated.
Impression now
Maya Amano: I love her very much. She's that fun, loving big sister everyone would want to have. Even if a little insensitive, here and there. Especially when telling that a stuffed animal would laugh at someone expressing their emotions healthily, but I blame it on her dad and the time, this game came out.
Yukino: she has a heart of gold and deserves so much better.
Tatsuya: he's caring, sweet, protective, and like everyone else, has wonderful voice-acting (Takehito Koyasu ❤️). Also, he's quite insecure and vulnerable. I really feel sad for him, having to bear the burden of knowledge in the parallel universe in EP.
Lisa: she's so sweet, caring, smart, and talented. Also, it surprised me, that she uses drugs and prostitutes herself. Her character was an interesting take, on how Westerners view Japanese people and how dehumanizing it can be, to reduce Japanese women to that submissive, demure, and prudish stereotype. Also, interesting to see her dad resembling Steven Seagal in that context.
Eikichi: having a father like this, I don't wonder about anything. He's creative, loving, and has more depth to him than he lets on.
Jun: unchanged. I really love the way he interacts with everyone and how elegant and delicate he is. Though, I do see someone with a barbed tongue, if called for, showing that he also got something from his mom's attitude. Not only from his dad's sweetness. Also, all those TatsuJun-feels 🙈
All in all, it is a very well-written cast I adore and really like to return to. I wish there was an anime or any type of follow-up to where everyone is grown up, but I'm also fine, with being left to my own imagination. Which I will unabashedly share with you.
In my AU, everyone gets to live.
Maya, Shunsuke, and Yukino open up their own little PR agency.
Needless to say that Yukki and Shunsuke are happy together.
Maya starts dating Katsuya at some point and it's quite a chaotic, but loving relationship.
Tatsuya becomes a social worker for homeless young people - being a cop wouldn't really help anyone, he decides. He is a great streetworker, who empathizes with the rather unruly parts of society. At some point, he starts working in a prison, helping the inmates with their problems.
Jun, with the backing of his parents, owns a flower shop. He and Tatsuya are happily married.
Eikichi has a successful band and is still together with Miyabi.
Lisa becomes a cut-throat-businesswoman and works as a boss of a casting-agency for pop-music. Dating hot dudes, she drops, whenever they get too annyoing.
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poppyandzena · 5 months
The one thing that I don't get about poppy's accusation, would it have still been rape if nf waited a week to break up with her?
A month?
A year?
At what point would it have not been used against her? Shouldn't have poppy's first vag sex have been with her fiance? The one she's been with for years? If I changed my genitalia I would want my first time to be with my spouse, not with someone I dated for less than a year..
And as an ace, if my PARTNER flashed me unexpectedly I would be uncomfortable, more so if it was just a friend! If someone started talking about how I could pleasure them after a surgery, i would probably block them! I've had friends do the abuse that zena did to transperian and it nearly led to a mental break!
Maybe I'm thinking in more prudish terms but if I went through just one of two of these with a spouse I would be heavily traumatized
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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I think it’s perfectly normal for any female who’s stuck in an emotional moment and say, “Men are Idiots”. Even Rick and Morty received a disapproving glare from me a lot.
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wolfylady · 1 year
Youkai Academy ~Chapter 2~
The school halls were abuzz with whispers and hushed tones, the students seeming to delight in openly gossiping about the two, and only, transfer students. Most rumors came with a snide or prudish remark about their social class and the possible implications that "commoners would soon overcome the school." Kagome rolled her eyes and paid the comment no mind; after all, she had heard far worse as a miko that had traveled in a skirt during the Edu period- now that was something to be embarrassed about. These children knew nothing of war or the dangers of prejudice by ignorant people; if anything, that is what they encompassed with their wealth. They knew nothing of the world beyond their pampered lives.
Kagome sighed; she doubted the youkai here would even know what to do if she exposed herself as a miko; they'd either panic, run, or fight, though she had only felt a handful of youkai on campus that would pose a challenge. No wonder the Dean of Students had been curious of what her presence may bring.
Looking towards the library, Kagome spotted what at first appearance seemed to be a boy; they were dressed in worn formal pants and shoes along with a weathered sweater. But having already met the other scholarship student, Kagome knew it to be Haruhi. Something must have happened to the girl since the last time they met for her appearance to change so drastically in such a short period of time.
With a warm smile, she approached the frazzled girl. Her short brown hair was mused and messy, with her bangs and shabby haircut falling into her gentle face."Hi Fujioka-san, everything alright?"
The young teen jumped, doe-eyes framed by thick frames, quickly meeting her own. She looked confused for a second, and then, as if having an 'ah-ha' moment, her eyes widened. "Oh Higurashi-san," she bowed lightly in greeting, a cool composer falling over her face with a gentle smile. "I'm just trying to find a quiet place to study."
Her shoulders fell. "Is this one crowded too?" Kagome asked dejectedly. Kagome had already gone to all the libraries on campus and had found each bursting with students that didn't understand the concept of using their "inside voices."
Haruhi nodded in defeat. "Stupid rich kids," she muttered, and Kagome laughed.
Gesturing with her own books toward the quieter halls up ahead. "Want to join me in my search for a quiet place to study?"
The girl nodded with a soft, please.
Kagome chuckled lightly. "What happened to your hair Fujioka-san?"
The girl looked at her owlishly before examining a long bit of her bangs. "Some kid in my neighborhood put gum in my hair."
Kagome briefly grimaced, recalling when her brother had gotten some stuck in her hair. It had been quite a traumatic process getting it out. "I think it suits you," she offered with a smile.
Haruhi beamed, her gentle beauty dazzling even Kagome as she smiled, and heat colored her pale cheeks. "Thank you, Higurashi-san," she paused. "Higurashi-san?"
"Please feel free to call me Kagome."
The teen nodded with a pleased smile. "Kagome, why are you wearing the boy's uniform, if you don't mind me asking."
"Have you seen the girl's uniforms?" She teased, and both girls laughed, both agreeing that the uniforms were loathsome compared to the male uniform and their own previous uniforms they'd had to wear. But Kagome was still surprised that Haruhi had only asked so as not to misgender her, which Kagome found very thoughtful of the other teen.
They continued to talk softly, going over most of the topics they had gone over in class as they turned down a quiet hallway. And then Haruhi noticed a quiet room. Despite the sign saying the room ahead was a music room, unlike any of the libraries, there wasn't a sound to be heard. And although it seemed like the perfect place to study, the aura of six youkai behind the large white doors informed her that this room was very much taken.
"Kagome-chan, let's check out this room. It's so quiet on this side of the building," the teen smiled, grabbing Kagome's hand before she could protest and opened the large double doors.
For the briefest of moments, there was a flash of light, and the soft tinkle of piano filled the once-silent room.
Their youki expanded, rushing forth to surround her, poking and prodding at her concealed aura, searching for any crack in her defenses. The action had her heart racing and breath hitching in her throat, pulling the scent of magic and roses into her lungs. Her reiryoku surged under her skin, wanting to fight back against the sudden and rude youki that prodded about her person. Still, she held back, unsure that she would be safe despite the Chairman's reassurance.
Across from the two women, both dressed as the opposite gender, sat six posed male students. If Kagome didn't know any better, she would have thought they had been waiting in that pose, it sounded ridiculous, yet they looked just as absurd. Five members lounged across one another while surrounding the person sitting within an ornate golden chair with luxurious red cushions: it looked like a throne.
Each male exuded an air of power, backed not only by the wealth that encompassed their lives but in their youki, blanketing the room in warm, almost inviting curls. For a moment, Kagome almost found herself blushing. The warmth and almost intimate way their youki reached out and caressed her made her both embarrassed and irritated, that they had no shame in how they prodded at her concealed aura.
Of the six young youkai, two of them screamed danger. A stoic man, whose lean physique loomed over the group, looked rather stand-offish with a bored expression and somewhat understated masculine presence. But his silver eyes were piercing, matching the underlying tension within his posture; he was ready to fight at a second's notice. Yet, he didn't look as intimating despite the feeling of protectiveness that he exuded, which mostly had to do with the small blonde hanging from his shoulders.
The small blonde was smiling, looking as carefree as a child, even looking like a young pre-teen with large golden-brown eyes and bushy blonde hair. He looked as threatening as a kitten, but Kagome felt as if she were about to face off to the death against one of Sesshomaru's generals. The power that came off him was terrifying, but his aura was rather pleasant and inviting.
Those two had to be the most powerful, but at the moment weren't the ones prying at her masked aura.
No, that one was the one that reminded her of a serpent. He was lean and posed, with a mature air about him, but from the rude prodding of his aura, Kagome could already tell that he didn't care about people's boundaries and coveted information. If she didn't know better, she would wager that the glasses-wearing male was a dragon, mainly because he seemed to be a man of pride and greed, something that most (at least the ones she'd met) dragons almost always possessed.
Then there were the kitsunes. Of course, that was merely an instinctual guess, but they felt so much like her Shippo that Kagome could easily picture the mischievous-looking duo with a foxtail, or two, swishing behind them. They looked to be twins, but their auras were different. One was calmer and light, while the other seemed to shutter and darken anxiously.
Finally was the blue-eyed blonde sitting in the thrown. He beamed happily, his aura shining brightly in welcome and curling around the room as if to hug and coddle everyone in the room. He smiled with a gentle kindness that only made him look more handsome and exotic looking. But Kagome was immediately surprised to feel he wasn't a full-blooded youkai; he wasn't half, but he wasn't full either. He was something else: somewhere in between.
"Welcome!" they greeted in unison before the blonde quickly spoke, grinning at their puzzled faces. "Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's most handsome boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich and beautiful."
Kagome looked at them, dumbfounded. What a stupid club!?
"A host club?" Haruhi questioned dumbly, no doubt just as bewildered by the club as Kagome.
The orange-haired duo then piped up in unison, both looking somewhat surprised. "Oh, wow, it's a boy!"
"Men are valuable patrons too, so stifle it," the blonde corrected.
The dark-haired one with glasses looked them over with a calculated glace before addressing the twins mirthfully. "Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe these young men are in the same class as you, correct?"
"Well, yeah, but they're both rather shy. They haven't acted very sociably, so we don't know much about them." The twins answered boredly as if they could care less about the two of them.
"Hm. Well, that wasn't very polite." He smirked. The look gave Kagome the chills. He looked as if he had just learned something important in that small interaction. That boy definitely rubbed her the wrong way.
"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Haruhi Fujioka and Mr. Kagome Higurashi," The blonde exclaimed excitedly. "You're the two exceptional honor students we've heard about."
"How did you know my name?" Haruhi asked, shocked and noticeably uncomfortable.
"Why, you're both infamous. It's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. Both of you must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student."
"Well, uh, thank you, I guess," Haruhi grumbled irritably while Kagome openly sneered at the group of rude demons.
Kagome growled lowly. "No need for such back-handed comments."
The blonde continued with an ignorant air as if he hadn't been listening as he approached the struggling brunette beside her. "You're welcome. You're true heroes to other poor people. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."
"I said that your back-handed comments weren't appreciated," Kagome snapped, stepping between the blonde and Haruhi. "You're taking this "poor" thing too far."
He continued, again, ignoring Kagome. "Spurned. Neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor men, to our world of beauty."
"I'm outta here." Haruhi glowered, and Kagome nodded. These pompous rich kids were unnecessarily rude, their attitudes making Kagome wonder if their treatment of her and Haruhi was based on their social class or their species. Either way, the males' treatment of them was uncalled for.
The short blonde then came bouncing over, taking Haruhi by the hand, stopping them from what would have been their freedom. "Hey! Come back here, Haru-chan! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!"
Trying her best to shake off the male, irritation entered her tired voice. "I'm not a hero. I'm an honor student. And who are you calling "Haru-chan"!?" She finished with a scream.
"I never would've imagined that the famous scholars would be so openly gay. Are you two dating?" The tall blonde asked cheekily while slipping an arm around Haruhi's shoulders
"Openly, what?!" Haruhi and Kagome cried in unison, red tinting both of their faces.
The blonde looped his other arm around Kagome's shoulders. "So tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong, silent type?-" He motioned over to the tall and muscular dark-haired male. He gave the two a slow nod of his head, silver eyes gentle and even empathic.
"-The boy Lolita?-" the blonde continued, pointing them to the shorter blonde with his warm honey eyes. He was adorable, even a little charming, but he screamed danger to Kagome.
"-How about the mischievous type-" He pointed them toward the twins. They smiled mischievously, violet streaking across their gold eyes. Kagome found them rather enduring, no doubt because she was partial to kitsunes in nature.
"-or the cool type?" This was when Kagome came face to face with the glasses-wearing serpent boy. She glared at him defiantly. This guy screamed jerk. They all did. He just seemed to be the most arrogant of the bunch.
Haruhi stuttered uncomfortably. "Uh... I, uh... It's not like that. I- we- were just looking for a quiet place to study."
The blonde turned Haruhi- Kagome really wished they had more manners. Didn't they know it was also rude to call someone by their name without offering them their name! The blonde intimately pulled the petite girl close, allowing Kagome to slip from his grasp. "Or maybe... You're into a guy like me. What do you say?"
"Uh!" She screamed, leaping from his arms.
It was as if the next scene were playing out in slow motion. Jumping away from the blonde, Haruhi fell back into one of the large vases in the room. Realizing this, she spun around, Kagome even dropping to help her, both reaching for the large ornate vase, and still, it slipped away from them. Clattering to the ground in a loud shattering of glass, the girls slumped in defeat. They looked at each other, fear entering their eyes.
The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru (the only ones whose names she's learned so far) crowded them with an audible "Aww!"
"We were going to feature that Renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction." Hikaru tsked disappointedly.
Kaoru nodded. "Oh, now you've done it, commoner. The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at ¥8,000,000!"
"What? ¥8,000,000!? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million?"
Kagome fell to the ground, defeated. How had it ended up like this? All they wanted to do was find a quiet place to study.
"We're going to have to pay you back, aren't we?" Kagome sighed.
Panicked, Haruhi turned to her. "No, Kagome, I couldn't ask that of you. It was my fault it broke."
Kagome shook her head and smiled gently. "How could I leave you to the wolves?" Then she stood glaring heatedly at the dumb blonde. "If there is anyone to blame, it's that handsy pervert over there."
The group continued as if they hadn't heard her, irritating Kagome to no end.
"Well, what do you think we should do, Tamaki?" So that's what the blonde's name was; now she knew what to call the handsy pervert.
"You may have heard a famous saying, Mr. Fujioka, "When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do." Since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means you two will be the Host Club's dogs starting today."
Kagome growled audibly; she really didn't like this club one bit.
'What the hell have I gotten myself into now?'
wolfYLady: I am happy to see so many people are interested in this story. I did try to follow along with the show, so this chapter is a bit longer simply because there is so much dialogue.
So if you like this story, please review. The more reviews, the quicker I can get the next chapter up.
So until next time.
Please Review~
For Fanfiction.net Version
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funishment-time · 10 months
some dr el jibbity headcanons
i am out of my medication until at least Tomorrow so have this
🏊‍♀️ aoi asahina:
ALWAYS: lesbian.
can't see her with a guy, personally!
SOMETIMES: asexual
her aversion to dirty jokes etcetera seems like more than just Prudishness or Trauma, so sometimes i follow that route
however, sometimes i write her as allosexual, but indeed Traumatized
(Makoto mentions that people online talk about her "proportions" - she's had nasty eyes on her since she was a kid i'm sure, so she probably has Issues poor thing)
she's a good one to explore the Full Experience of these things
SOMETIMES: aromantic
uninterested in dating except for societal expectations
or unless it's Sakura
but who isn't Sakura-romantic really
⚔️ peko pekoyama:
ALWAYS: pansexual
whether or not she realizes it, however...
i ship her with Fuyuhiko a lot, who often takes a different gender depending on the story for me, and she'd love him no matter what
trans sword wife!! trans sword wife!!
unlike Sakura below i sense Peko only figured it out recently
this is why they didn't recognize each other immediately though they went to the same High School
🍪 fuyuhiko kuzuryu:
SOMETIMES: bigender
SOMETIMES: genderqueer or genderfucked
this depends on the Story for me
he's another fun one to play with, gender-wise
as a fellow genderfucked creature, Yes
👓 ultimate imposter:
ALWAYS: intersex (like yours truly!) using either he/him or they/them pronouns
i don't know, he just reads that way to me
my Fellow Intersex Folk can confirm sometimes you just get the vibe from a character
SOMETIMES: asexual
imposter is uninterested in your Lust, fool
🌸 sakura ogami
USUALLY: trans
as a genderweird trans-ish intersex-y person myself, i feel there is a lot to say about Sakura if she's a transgirl
esp as a Transgirl In Sports!
unlike Peko above she's known it from the start, lucky her
USUALLY: bisexual
she thought she was Straight until she met Hina
really didn't have a lot of time to think about it between all the training
maybe more soon dot dot dot?
no offense meant by any of these, and in fact i embrace everyone's different Interpretations. that's what's so beautiful about this fandom (so long as you're not being a Big Old Bigot)
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I can already see it Fi, my softhearted husband Ingo bawling at the dinner table, my sweet baby boy red-faced and slightly traumatized by the idea of sex and reproduction (especially that mommy and daddy had to fuck for him to exist), while I'm chugging along because someone has to give this boy the talk, preferably well before he's old enough to fool around, and it isn't going to be Ingo.
I'll cook Erin his favorite dinner and give him a yummy dessert for being a good boy. Hopefully Taffy will be able to help soothe him. Then I'll have to doctor up my man, because he sure isn't ok. Maybe Chandelure can knock him out for me?
Chandelure knocking Ingo out cold to cope with awkward parenting moment... rip.
Erin gets better when he's older; he's just a fragile child. He manages to not inherit Ingo's prudish nature, but he does get embarrassed.
Somehow Emmet is worse than Ingo despite his comfort with sex. You can't expect him to sit down and explain this to his girls! They're too precious!!! He fails horribly, and they'll either have to go to their other parent or the internet.
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stepsofthepalace · 9 months
Still discovering new things about myself every day…
I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about this and I think I just need to write them down and get them out so I can stop running over them again and again in my head.
YouTube kept recommending me this video about signs that you could be asexual. I kind of dismissed it the first couple times, being like “well I don’t need to watch this, bc I’m not.” I’ve known about asexuality and had ace friends for the better part of a decade, and I’ve been pretty sure I’m demi for much of that time.
But then the video kept popping up in my feed… and I watch a *lot* of YouTube, particularly putting it on in the background while I’m working since I’m generally doing fairly low-mental-effort computer work a lot of the time and I like to watch videos/listen to podcasts/listen to music while I do it
So I finally decided to put it on for curiosity’s sake. And wow… I got slammed in the face with several things in that video that hit a little too close to home. Like, stopped me in my tracks, causing me to rewind and listen to what they said multiple times over kind of close to home
And Loveless by Alice Osman was referenced at one point in the video, and since I was already having a mild panic about what this all meant, I checked it out of the library and read it in less than a day. I full on sobbed at one point reading it
And all this is also happing while I’ve been (somewhat unenthusiastically) planning a date with someone on hinge. I had recently updated my profile to demisexual instead of lesbian after a date where the other person had clearly been interested in sex on the first date if I was open to it (which there’s nothing wrong with that but I was very embarrassed and wanted to make sure I was clear about it from the start now that I was not interested in that).
So this girl I was planning a date with asked me what demisexuality looked like for me (especially since she was more open to casual sex) and I was weirdly thrown by the question - particularly since I think I had just watched the video that day or the day before. I ended up unintentionally leaving her on read for like two days just trying to parse through my feelings about the question
Also also, I watch a lot of JaidenAnimations videos, and she made a video about being AroAce a while back (maybe like a year ago?) and there were a few things she’d said in that video that had hit a little close to home, but I’d more or less written it off. And now because of this new video, and the book, I’m remembering my feelings about her video and it’s causing even more questions and mild spiraling
Anyway, I’m still going on the date this weekend, but it’s hitting at a weird time for me - after the video (or videos) and the book, and trying to do more research in my limited free time right now, I’m starting to think I might be fully ace. And I never thought this was the case until recently, but I think I may be on the Aromatic spectrum too…
Like I don’t think I’m fully Aro, but maybe demiromantic or even grayromantic. Bc I’ve had crushes before, but they’re very few and far between, and honestly I think some of them were just friends that I felt extremely close to and and wanted to hang out with all the time (like I’m not really sure if I ever wanted to date them, or even kiss them, or if I was just misinterpreting my strong platonic feelings??)
The only person I *know* I had romantic feelings for was the one girlfriend I had in sophomore year of college - and I was friends with her doe the better part of a year before those feelings made themselves known. But that ended pretty spectacularly after a very short span of time
For years I thought I was still just traumatized from that experience. I thought it exacerbated my fear of intimacy, that I was being too prudish, that I was picky, that it was just my anxiety getting the better of me, that I was a (very) late bloomer, etc
Ive always made a shit ton of excuses for why I didn’t/don’t date much (“i don’t have time right now,” “I don’t like dating apps/I find them tedious/stressful”, “I plan to move in the near future so what’s the point,” “I’ve gone on a couple dates recently but nothings stuck”) but now I think I understand that there’s more to it than that
I’m half a year away from turning 30. My sister was married with a baby by this point. So many of my current friends or my old friends from college are married or getting married, and so many of those who aren’t are still in long term relationships, moved in with their significant others and gotten a dog together
I don’t know if I really have a final point to this post other than that I think the closest label I’ve got at this point is potentially asexual grayromantic lesbian (boy what a mouthful). It’s nice I guess to understand more about myself, but it also adds to this feeling of dread that I’m never going to have what my friends and siblings have. That I’ll be a forever-third-wheel (or fifth, seventh, etc depending on the size of the group)
It makes me think of an analogy I use a lot for why I think having 2 kids or 4 kids is better than having 3 kids. If you go to an amusement park, it’s easier if you have an even number - because then everyone always has someone to sit with on the rides (I acknowledge that this analogy is very monogamous and it doesn’t really take polyamory into account, but it makes sense to me bc I’m monogamous). But what I’m worried about is that I’ll never have that person to ride with. That I’ll always be the extra person making the group an odd number
Any way that’s all definitely too much information, but I’ve been spiraling a bit as I try to come to terms with this and figure things out more decidedly. I probably should have just written this in a journal or seen a therapist or something (not that I can afford one), but there’s something nice about yelling it into the void and the void potentially saying something back, idk
If you did read this whole thing for some reason, thanks
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