#as lame as the 60s cartoon
shironezuninja · 2 years
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I am THIS close in wanting to put my Old Man’s brain in an intercom like liquid jar! He got me traumatically prudish again, and the destruction of my environment has caused another breakdown offline.
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On Katara and feminism in NATLA
I grew up with ATLA. I was exactly Katara’s age when ATLA started to air in my country, and this cartoon has taught me more about life than I’d like to admit. Among them, was feminism.
I was absolutely obsessed with Katara as a kid: back then strong female characters - who were BOTH girlish and strong! – were still quite rare in mainstream media. I absolutely loved to see this girl who was raised in a patriarchal society similar to mine, who was both girly and an absolute badass even in days she didn’t know how to properly waterbend.
Back in those days, they were airing the episodes in order and I was super excited to see her FINALLY learn how to properly waterbend once they reach the North Pole. So when Paku refused to teach her for BEING A GIRL, as a preteen girl myself, I was ENRAGED.
Then Katara did something crazy. She freaking defied a waterbending master, knowing that she had no chance of winning whatsoever. And guys, I swear that fight became a core memory for me. On our crusty Windows XP’s desktop, there was a gif downloaded over several minutes of that exact fight. And I would watch it. On loop. When Katara defied Paku, I felt empowered, and that feeling never left.
Now that I am done with my lame ass backstory, back to NATLA.
You can imagine how EXCITED I was to finally see that fight in 4K. At that point, I was already pissed that they removed Sokka’s sexist flaws and subverted his dynamics with him, rather than Katara being ��the parent” of the group (which was outrageous, if you ask me. One of the main character traits of Katara was her being a mother figure at an early age, which explained why she always felt like she HAD to be the responsible one, and why she had so much repressed rage).
But Katara’s struggle with the Northern Tribe over her right to learn how to use waterbending for fighting? That, in my opinion, was epic! Why?
Katara’s fight with Paku was a premediated act
In the original series, Paku says that girls can’t learn how to waterbend, and in a moment of rage, Katara whips him in the neck. I agree that it was a totally badass move, and it made especially sense given her drive to learn waterbending for fighting.
But I also really liked how NATLA approached that: in NATLA, when Katara learns that she cannot waterbend to fight, she doesn’t immediately attack Paku. No, she takes the time to think about it, talk about it with Aang, with Sokka. Then, she decides to defy Paku.
In a way, her action is a protest: she isn’t angry at Paku personally, she is angry at the sexist rules he perpetuates. In a way, this calculated way of deciding to fight shows a certain emotional maturity and dedication to the cause of feminism.
I really liked it.
The resolution of the fight
One thing that really disturbed me in the cartoon was how that fight scene was resolved. My preteen brain couldn’t make sense of why Paku suddenly decided to teach Katara how to fight after realising that her grandma was his ex-fiancé. Like, where is the connection??
My adult brain understands that Gran Gran had fled the Northern Water Tribe because of their sexist rules and hence Paku understood that him abiding to those sexist rules was wrong. But still, it feels so odd. Tell me which 60-70 year old boomer would suddenly change their mind about basically 90% of their world view because their ex happened to have fled from them because that world view? You tell me that Paku didn’t have enough time to rationalise in his wicked brain why Gran Gran left with a more nefarious motivation, or hell, just because she didn’t like him enough to get married?
Whereas in NATLA, we see that Paku’s approval doesn’t come all so easy: he does acknowledge Katara’s waterbending talents (a feat that also happens in the cartoon), but he still refuses to teach her. Because it isn’t about talent. It is about principle. And he is a dinosaur with sexist principles.
On the other hand, who is more open-minded to new ideas and social change? Who circles Katara following her defeat and admire her for her fight with Paku? It’s the youth! Social change is usually driven by the youth, and here we see that while the old rulers of the Northern Water Tribe are still sexist af, the young people are the ones who are ready to embrace a more equalitarian society.
Women in war
So then, when does Paku change his mind on letting women fight? During the attack on the Northern Water Tribe. They are outnumbered and they need more benders: lo and behold, Katara has the brilliant idea of bringing in the women. Now, I don’t say that that was actually a brilliant idea: strategically speaking, it is kinda stupid sending your HEALERS to the FRONTLINES to die while they could be much more useful saving the wounded. Nevertheless, I like the inclusion of the women into the battle in a symbolic level: in history, we see that most women’s rights were obtained during and in the aftermath of big conflicts. When men are fighting and there is a shortage of manpower, you employ women to work at the factories, or in the direst cases, you let women fight. This was a cool nod to that phenomenon happening. Also, if literally every man was already wounded or perished, it kinda makes sense that women take up the arms, so the “healers fighting isn’t strategically sound” argument doesn’t hold perfectly either.
Women of patriarchy
Lastly, one thing I really liked about NATLA is how not only Paku, but also the female healing master was sternly against women learning how to fight with waterbending. The healing master in the cartoon was softer, gentler, whereas here, she was even more vocal than Paku in grilling Katara for wanting to fight. This is such a great display of internalised sexism, but also how women in power in patriarchy may be vehement defenders of the status quo because it helps them to keep whatever power they have.
Oh, and in a final note, Katara’s reply to Zuko’s “you have found a waterbending master!” was absolutely horrendous. I may have liked how most of that arc was treated, but GOD, somebody give that girl a proper master to learn how to waterbend, because I don’t believe one second that a child with only ONE waterbending scroll can become a MASTER with self-study. The way Katara was managing to become a waterbending master in the span of weeks in the original series was already weird (and for those who weren’t fans before, it did attract quite some criticism in the fandom spheres back when it aired), but NATLA just took it and made it worse.
Nonetheless, I think that NATLA tried their best. And I appreciate that they tried to give ATLA a new twist, even though it didn’t land perfectly.
Everyone seems to be focusing on the bad of the show, so I felt compelled to share my two cents.
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Is there a piece of media you thought you would hate and instead it had the complete opposite effect
The Lego Movie was one. Everybody told me "oh it's so good! It's so good!" to the point it got completely obnoxious to me. I was so tired of hearing how good the Lego Movie was I was ready do be overly critical of it just out of spite because people wouldn't shut up about it.
Then I saw it and had to admit defeat.
The other was around the same time with Sherman and Mr. Peabody. I never saw the original 60s cartoon and saw it as a lame remake of an ancient cartoon as a desperate ploy to use an IP to get people to watch a mediocre CG animated movie.
And then it ended up being one of my favourite movies of the last 10 years.....
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I love this movie to fucking death jfc!!! WHY DID THEY MAKE IT SO GOOD???
I'm going to cry gdi
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fanfic-corner · 11 months
Marvel Humour Pt2
Hello everyone!! We're back for round two of Marvel humor fics to brighten up your day.
You can find part one here.
Battle Plans by prettybirdy979 (1.8k)
They say never piss off the nurses because they're the ones who actually run the hospital. They can make your life a misery if you do.
Shirley Benson has never had to instruct her nurses to use this power en-mass before but to protect the identity of Daredevil, protector of the innocent and destroyer of the wicked? She'll happily make the police regret ever setting foot in her hospital.
Leap Before You Look by 94BottlesOfSnapple (2.1k)
Or, 5 times Matt Murdock jumped out a window to avoid his feelings (including horrible embarrassment), and 1 time he couldn't.
Double Blind by smilebackwards (2.3k)
Matt comes to, flat on his back, with Iron Man and Hawkeye hovering over him. “Oh fuck,” Stark says, less than comfortingly.
Double-D in Your A-P-P by 94BottlesOfSnapple (2.4k)
Foggy is legally obligated by the laws of friendship to download any and all mobile games starring Daredevil.
Unfortunately, that means eventually he has to explain to Matt why he's got a superhero dating sim app on his phone.
Say You Don't Know Me (or Recognize My Face) by ShowMeAHero (2.9k)
Daredevil is kind of dark and broody. He doesn't want anyone to know his real name, he never smiles, and he has kind of a loner attitude.
Matt Murdock, on the other hand, is completely unrecognizable to Jessica the first time she really sees him.
Repeat After Me by battybatzgirl (3.8k)
Tony’s face hardens as he says, “What kid.”
“I don’t know, some twelve year old—”
Below him, the kid coughs out, “Fifteen.”
“—Fifteen year old—”
Tony scrubs a hand across his face. “Don’t tell me he’s wearing a dorky shirt with a chemistry pun on it.”
Rhodey frowns. That was oddly specific. Glancing down, he looks at what little he can see of the kid’s shirt—which isn't much since there’s so much blood now, but what could be once called a cartoon joke is printed on it. “Um, yeah?”
“Son of a bitch.”
Hieroglyphics (or you are under arrest for being attractive & ruining my life) by The_Readers_Muse (4.4k)
As far as randomly acquired superhero powers go, he is going to admit right now that his are kind of lame. Okay, lots lame. Sort of. But considering Matt is a complete and utter dingus with about the same self-preservation instincts as a mosquito flying full tilt into a bug zapper, he figures an extra edge - as fucking weird and annoying as it is – is probably worth the headache.
in an empty moral space by blueh (5.4k)
“Bring Spider-Man to us, Mr. Stark,” High-heels says and rattles off an address. “If that bug isn’t here in the next twenty four hours, then your intern gets it. We are not going to ask a second time.”
There’s a pause.
Then, “You want Spider-Man?”
“In exchange for your intern,” High-heels affirms.
“Spider-Man,” Mr. Stark repeats. He sounds more amused than worried for Peter’s apparent safety.
also known as: Peter Parker is held hostage…in order to get to Spider-Man. Throw in some Accords reconciliation and, well, Peter’s life just got a whole lot weirder.
This is the worst timeline by Hittinmiss (6.6k)
Chair Dude: I have some good news and some bad news
Chair Dude: good news is you didn't miss any training for decathlon
Chair Dude: bad news is that they decided the field trip without you ://
Man of Spiders: why is it bad news??
Chair Dude: because Flash decided to pick the compound and no one said no so…
Man of Spiders: Dude why didn't you say no???
Chair Dude: I would have been out voted Dude!
Chair Dude: I also wanna see the compound as well so yeet
Peter Parker's Super Secret Snack Stash by coconutknightshade (7k)
"It's D, Peter. We talked about this."
“No it’s not, Ned. Because if it were D then I would be wrong and that would put me at a 65% already on this practice exam and we haven’t even gotten through it all. I can’t fail another history exam, Ned! This last one is worth 60% of our grade! If I fail this final then I’ll fail the class and if I fail the class then I’ll be kicked out of school-”
“You’re top of our year, Peter.” You can almost hear Ned’s eye roll as he talks over Peter.
“- and if I’m kicked out of school then I’ll be forced to live on the streets exchanging sexual favors for money and I can’t do that, Ned! I wouldn’t even know what to charge- I mean, what’s the street value of a blow job, Ned? Do you know? Because I sure as shit don’t.” At this point Ned is outright giggling over Peter’s theatrics.
Five times the Avengers don't find out about Daredevil and one time they do by Nautika (7.2k)
“And then I had to help Daredevil climb out of that dumpster, freaking Daredevil, can you believe it?” Clint waved his arms around, nearly sweeping his cup off the table in Matt’s apartment.
Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep by blondsak (16k)
...and the one time he actually was.
Or: sometimes, faking sleep can work to your advantage. When it comes to trying to fool a certain genius, overprotective, superhero mentor, Peter finds this to be doubly true.
from your perspective, the world is flat by blueh (18k)
Peter successfully goes on a field trip, accidentally catches the school bleachers, survives a bus explosion, and reveals his identity as Spider-Man.
…not necessarily in that order, much to the confusion of his entire decathlon team.
also known as: Peter Parker and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
What I Really Need is You by happyaspie (18k)
or: Five Things Peter Needs From Tony and One Thing He Wants.
i see myself (in you) by parkrstark (28k)
“Hey, c’mon, before long we’ll be back to normal and we’ll look back at this and laugh.”
Peter just looked up at him with a slight glare as he scratched at his chin again. The itch of the facial hair was driving him crazy and Tony found it highly amusing. “You’re in the body of a 15-year-old boy. Why are you smiling?”
“You’re in the body of Tony Stark. Why aren’t you smiling?” Tony asked with a smirk.
turn back the clock (and I'll try again in the morning) by madasthesea (35k)
Peter gets stuck in a time loop. In it, he lives through some of his worst nightmares, only to wake up that morning and have no one remember. He needs Tony to help him get through.
And if that isn't bad enough, his identity is revealed over and over, every day.
Avocados and Avengers by whitchry9 (51k)
Matt meets Avengers. Avengers don't know he's blind. Things happen. Hilarity ensues. Matt gains new friends and Foggy is totally jealous.
Child's Play by SPICYJARVIS (59k)
Spiderman has been missing for one year, two months and five days.
Clint Barton happens across a homeless kid named Peter Parker.
It's a Secret to Everybody by Snapdragon_in_the_Snow (97k)
Peter gets to spend all summer living in Avengers Tower with Tony. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tony's secret son.
Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all.
And there we have it! If you have any other recommendations to share or fic recs you'd like me to find, please send me an ask or a message. And as usual, thank you to the fantastic writers for sharing their fics with us!!
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
damn..... at least i was smart enough to copy it
talia hating you with passion just to slowly warm up to you cus you make her son happy (smth which was considered nearly impossible).... yummy...... 🤤
sadly, i don't can't fully get into comics right now since I'm kinda busy with uni and paperwork but the stuff I've read so far was fun
my only question is WHy there are so many of them?!?? good for the fans ig but how am i supposed to read it without a guide??
I remember picking up some Batman and Robin volume where Batman turned out to be Dick. "is Bruce dead or something?" i thought jokingly.... 😔
Yes. Yes, he was dead, as i quickly found out..... At least now i put more thoughts into what i pick up to read
about btd - if your only problem is the artstyle you may check out The Price of Flesh. it was created by one of btd artists (the one who drew the fox guy) and it's relatively new, so the visuals are way better
no like getting into comics is genuinely so ridiculous and dumb lmao .... like the only way to read them is to go by like... character i guess?
if u wanna read damian, read batman and robin by tomasi and all its related runs, robin 2021 ... to read tim, read a lonely place for dying, robin '91, a lot of 90s batman also has tim as robin but not all-- UGH ITS SO FRUSTRATING.... kinda why i was a cartoons-and-video-games-only girlie back in 2017-2020 like i just need less options/more streamlined progression 😭😭😭😭
and hmmmmm !?!? ill check out tpof :3
something that makes me laugh is how bruce really should be like fucking 60-70 but so he can keep being batman, he's just eternally 40s-very early 50s. i think canonically the timeline from dick > jason > jason DYING > tim > jason COMING BACK > steph's small robin stint > damian > duke/cass is like. 10 years. which is kind of insane considering the decades of content. they would have to undergo these arcs EVERY DAMN DAY FOR THIS TO MAKE SENSE 😭
if dc was brave they'd retire batman and have cass take over while damian does more growing to inherit (altho he shouldn't . imo.) and what the fuck is tim doing
ppl are kinda fine with it but i feel him going robin > red robin > drake > robin is such a lame regression. he should have his own identity. red robin was already too much like robin, but now hes just ROBIN while damian is also robin. which is fine without context, im okay with multiple robins but come on can tim be his own hero now.
so yeah in general i just pick and choose what arcs i wanna read... i was huge into injustice back in the day which was an alternate universe games/comics canon. its rlly simpler living that way 🚬
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lovelyprincessn64 · 6 months
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🎄Jingle Bells Jingle Bells all I want for Christmas is you. 🎁 it is the special time of the year December a month of Christmas joy and happiness and this year I'm giving it to everyone special for everyone to enjoy🎁
Don't be shy and have a happy holidays of a lifetime:
1. 12 days of Christmas
2. Jingle the reindeer
3. Toy day
4. Hot cocoa hot tub
5. Christmas from Japan
6. Sexy Santa fan service
7. Too much eggnog
8. Any type of Christmas theme
9. Hot cocoa nights
10. Secret Santa
11. some cheese with that whine
12. Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
13. Horrific Xmas Tales
14. Icy nights
15. Snowball at Met Gala
16. Your ocs (Christmas theme)
17. Under the mistletoe
18. Home Alone
19. Christmas with Disney
20. Kiss at the fireplace
21. Mean one Grinch
22. Christmas with Disney
23. Jingle Bells
24. Eating at grillby's
25. Don't tell on me
26. Ice Zone
27. Mythical wishes
28. Sugar plum Clefairy
29. Handsome nutcrackers
30. Dark times in Midwinter
31. Ugly sweaters
32. Drunk like crazy
33. Minty fresh
34. Shopping like crazy
35. Troublesome toys
36. Psycho Happy Fella
37. White elephant gift Exchange
38. Grumpy bah humbug
39. Candle of Hope
40. Hanukkah
41. Zombie Santa (he's from Eddsworld zanta)
42. KFC rather than turkey
43. All I Want For Christmas
44. Naughty or nice
45. Winter vacation
46. Ice skating
47. Sugar coma
48. Bayonetta's birthday
49. Delicious cake rather than fruit cake
50. Christmas prompts
51. Time of the 90s
52. Isabel's birthday
53. Retro from the past
53. Holiday High Jinks
54. Pizza dinner
55. Kiss me at midnight
56. Time for a new year
57. South Park like crazy
58. Russia's too cold for me
59. Tea party at France
60. Joyful spirit
61. Wishing for a snow day
62. Fruit cakes
63. Ready for the new year
64. Yandere surprises
65. Overwatch winter event
66. Nightmare Before Christmas
67. Gothic styles
68. Christmas with NiGHTS
69. National cookie day
70. Beauty of a snow angel
71. Just a dream
72. Special Starbucks month
73. Dangerous frostbites
74. Nintendo prizes
75. Cabin Fever
76. Cutest gingerbread
77. Happy gift big smile
78. Jolly Sora
79. Christmas with Charlie Brown
80. Horror tales Christmas
81. Winter Legends
82. Milk and cookies
83. Whipping up with cream
84. Sonic Channel arts
85. Ben 10 anniversary
86. Snowball fights
87. Lovely Vintages
88. Winter Aesthetics or Christmas Aesthetics
89. Ed Edd and Eddy
90. Once Upon a December
91. Miracles in a best way
92. Baby don't go outside
93. Christmas wedding days
94. Baking cookies
95. Redraws gifts
96. Colors of Poinsettias
97. Frosty the Snowman
98. McDonald's special
99. Aurora lights
100. Made with love
101. Wishing on a shooting star
102. Together stargazing
103. Satire of gifts
104. Ice cream dreams
105. Run Over by a Reindeer
106. Licorice taste
107. Hanging by a candy cane
108. You don't seem marry
109. Frostbite heart attack
110. Smashmas
112. My lips turn blue when I'm with you
113. Holidays with Eddsworld
114. He enjoys the feast
115. A hole in my heart a rip in the face
116. You better watch out
117. Sing along
118. Desires of a heart
119. Stealing crayons
200. Evil Candy Bar
201. Dashing through the snow
203. If I was your vampire
204. Golden hours
205. Sneaking through the fridge
206. Choices of flavors
207. Chandelier woman
208. Present from Mario
209. Playing with Game Boy
210. Decoration fun time
211. Toy store Mayhem
212. Countdown to end
213. Exotic joys
214. Dead on silver platter
215. Bacon for breakfast
216. Frozen
217. Served cold
218. Lilith and snowy
219. Coca-Cola season
220. Ornament creations
221. Animal Crossing
222. DIY times
223. Cartoon times
224. Thinking fruity
225. Wine and dine
226. Horror mix
227. Cheap chills
228. Party at Club Penguin
229. December birthdays
230. Nostalgia from the past
230. Gaming through the 90s
231. Time with coffee house
232. Makeup for a lame Christmas
233. Last Christmas
234. This year I'm giving it someone special
235. Daily activities
236. Holidays with Pokémon
237. True love gave to me
238. Making Reindeer nip
239. Got bloody
240. Dead by Christmas
241. Christmas or Halloween
242. Drink of ice coffee
243. Cookies on the Run
244. Mickey's Christmas Carol
245. Sing me a story
246. kurisumasu ni wa kentakkii
247. Woman you are a lump of coal
248. Boy to the world
249. Building gingerbreads
250. Waking within morning
251. Wonders of life
252. Fruit cakes
253. Lollipop crazy
254. Don't hike in snow
255. Frostbites
256. Sing of carols
257. Isabel's birthday
258. Holiday Bashs
259. Revenge of the snow plow
300. Colors of snow cones
301. Coffee & Mints
302. SpongeBob Christmas specials
303. Nezuko's birthday
304. For my Nezuko
303. Villain Hawks
304. Hawks's birthday
305. My favorite food is chicken
306. Hawks wearing US military uniform
Note: please read the rules before requesting also if you prefer Halloween or Thanksgiving feel free to go these events also have a merry Christmas
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 36: New love interest! They get together, yet she never shows up again 
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! Well, my last two looks at love interests in these comics were pretty cringey, let’s see how much worse things can get, shall we?
Episode 36: New love interest! They get together, yet she never shows up again 
For this one we need to turn to what is arguably the worst three-issue arc in the Knuckles the Echidna comics, The First Date, which ran from issues 26 - 28.
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This story began with the Chaotix - or what was left of them, at least - discussing the recent departure of Charmy from the team. Long story, I’ll get more into that one later. But I will just say that I thought it was lame that Penders cut him from the team, probably because he had no idea what to do with him. Anyway, Espio revealed that he’d gotten a letter from Charmy announcing his betrothal. Vector was absolutely gobsmacked and appalled at this news, clearly not a fan of being tied down to a single partner.
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Getting tired of listening to him brag about how great he is at attracting the ladies, Espio triple-dog dared him to successfully ask out anyone he could find.
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Vector accepted the challenge but struggled to find anyone willing to overlook what an annoying and badly written character he was. :P He was sulking alone in a cafe when the waitress came over to ask him if he wanted anything, and… well, this happened…
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But apparently he failed to ask this unnamed character out too, because in the following issue Mighty and Espio pointed out that he’d failed the challenge, and he brushed it off as nothing more than a temporary setback. 
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Jesus Christ, what a repulsive attitude to have. But there must have been something about Vector that the unnamed swan lady found appealing, because at the end of the story in Knuckles #28, Vector brought her to Knuckles’ surprise birthday as his date!
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…how?! What?! How?!
Now look, I’m an apologist for the ArchieSonic series’ early years, as I grew up reading them and thought a lot of this stuff was epic at the time. Heck, I even kind of like the first 21 or so issues of the Knuckles series - the political arc introducing Lien-Da and cyborg Dimitri are when I feel it took a turn for the worst. But I think these three issues are the worst of the Knuckles comics. The story is bad, the art is awful, and Vector is an extremely problematic character as written by Ken Penders. This interpretation of the character clashes violently with the Vector that we know today, although I can’t entirely fault Penders for that because in the ‘90s his only non-comic appearance had been in the Knuckles’ Chaotix game. So I get the need to come up with a personality for him, but I don’t get why this is what was decided on. It’s just plain creepy. The only redeeming factor of those three issues is the backup story where Mighty is reunited with Ray the Flying Squirrel.
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While Vector’s unnamed date is the only case I can think of where a character actually hooked up with a new love interest who was never seen again, I’ll give an honourable mention to Li Moon.
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Sonic and Tails first met her in Sonic #60, when they saved her village from the Iron King and Queen. The Iron Queen had set the nearby Mount Stormtop ablaze and let the fires rage for 100 days, causing a terrible drought for the people of Stormtop Village. Sonic and Tails took it upon themselves to save the day, putting out the fire and sending the Iron King and Queen packing with the help of Monkey Khan. Problem solved, right? For awhile, sure.
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The two villains would later return after Eggman’s defeat in Sonic #200, taking control of his forces and renaming the Eggman Empire the Iron Dominion. After New Mobotropolis was captured by the Iron Queen, Sonic, Tails, Sally, and Monkey Khan fled back to Khan’s homeland in an attempt to break off the ties she had with the four clans making up her army. While they were there they stayed with Li Moon and her grandfather, and Tails seemed to develop a bit of a crush on Li Moon.
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Sheesh, ninjas really know how to kill the mood.
Tail's crush never really went anywhere, and I don’t believe Li Moon was seen again in the comics after that arc.
Are there any other new love interests who appeared and then were never seen again that I missed? Let me know in the comments! My next blog post is probably going to be a beefy one, as the category is “Sidekick is kidnapped.” There’s plenty of material for that one in the comics!
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wiihtigo · 2 years
youre doing gods work w the boostle list i stg. once that drops its OVER for me. eithet that or ill just hyperfix rlly hard for a week then forget ab it. well see. is there any other dc shit youd rec or whatever while were at it.
MARTY my friend marty is doing gods work theyre helping me a lot rn remembering which specific issues of other comics they show up in before we get to the big big stuff like countdown
as for other dc stuff id rec....Well i recently finishing reading the 80s (and 60s) doom patrol comic and enjoyed it very much! im also watching the tv show and its good but the episodes are like an hour long so its like a Task to sit down and focus on. Im only like a handful of episodes in
I did not fucking care for like the first 20 issues of doom patrol 1987 and almost dropped it until i reached the grant morrison run and it was instantly so good i couldnt stop reading. Ive said this to my friends before but i would say its comparable to the works of stephen king in both the good and the bad ways. It was a good comic in the same way "It" was a good book
The 60s one is fine and i enjoyed it (it has rita! but so does the tv show so if you want to see her but dont want to read a 60s comic you can watch her there) but if youre in it for the surreal really weird storylines you mightve heard rumors of from dp the 80s run is where it all begins. honest to god id say just skip the issues until grant morrison takes over theyre so BORINGGGGG. IN MY OPINION
hm what else have i been reading OH. YOUNG JUSTICE 1998! i recently finished this one as well i dont know why it took me so long it was only 55 issues but it was SOOOOOO GOOD. i do not fucking like the young justice cartoon this comic is the superior yj media i mean just compare yj 98s kon (cool leather jacket. gay earring. undercut. tiny shades. TWO belts) to the tv shows kon (just a t shirt and jeans. ugly haircut. lame. stupid. ugly. die. Straight)
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cant rec this comic enough mostly out of spite for the fact that when most people think of young justice they think of the swagless cartoon and not this beautiful team of teens. For one, the kids actually act like teens in the comic and not young adults having stupid relationship drama. Theyre sweet and stupid and care about eachother and the storylines are really thoughtful and opinionated. a lot of what im saying is regurgitated from things my much more eloquent friend monty has said about yj but since reading it for myself and now knowing firsthand i cant agree more. There was a really awesome story involving arrowette (cissie king jones) about a school shooting and gun violence. a lot of modern comics take the (pussy) centrist route when dealing with big controversies like this but they literally look to the camera and say GUN CONTROL **PLEASE!!!!!!!!**. in an ealier issue theres this funny moment where bart (impulse) zips away to stop some hunters from killing a deer and kon (superboy) is like did you really violate their AMERICAN right to shoot guns? AWESOME!!!!!!!!
also its just earnestly really really really funny. it has that sam and max style of humor which is why i think i loved it so much.
cant sing enough praises for this comic. Also in the yj show they had dick grayson as the robin for the first season? and wally? why do you hate tim drake and bart allen that much. tim kon and bart are a package deal dont separate them you bitch!
umm well that was only 2 comics i ended up recomending but i talked a lot about yj sooooo. there you go
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I love your writing but I don't read any batman comics or watch any batman shows or seen a single batman movie except like, two and a half episodes of teen titans go. I mean I do know some basics from internet osmosis but that only covers Wayne family adventures pretty much. So ummm who were all those people with dick lol
Oh yes! I like writing stuff that's really widely accessible because I like beating out my own tunes, but I've been on a big comic kick again and sometimes I will write stuff that's less accessible. The new stupid long story will also not be as accessible, sorry! I try to explain stuff for people unfamiliar with the canon plotline.
Without going into a ton of spoilers for the main plotline of the fic, but covering what I stated in the fic:
Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing is the leader of the Teen Titans, a superhero team that (in this universe) he joined when he was 18. In actual canon he was a founder with Wally and Donna (and Garth but who cares). Out of universe, the Teen Titans were invented in the 1960s. The Teen Titans listed are from the slightly later stages of the 1980s comic. The team is formed out of:
Three members from the original 1960s team: the Flash's sidekick Wally West (Kid Flash), Wonder Woman's sidekick Donna Troy (Wonder Girl, later Troia), and Dick Grayson (Robin, later Nightwing). They've all always been friends since the 60s and Donna and Dick especially are best friends, something I think people should mention more! Guy/Girl BFFs, cowards!!!
In the 1980s they were joined by the other, arguably most famous members of the cast. They're most famous because they were the cast members from the 2005 Teen Titans show, which was the cast from the Teen Titans Go show you saw. They would be Victor Stone (Cyborg, who has a serious personality in the comics), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy, jokey and fun in any incarnation), Koriand'r (Starfire, warrior alien princess), and Raven (Raven, hellspawn and #gothgirl).
More obscure dudes also listed (AKA not major characters in the TV show or around since the 60s) would be Joey Wilson (Jericho, who is Slade's son and mute, so he uses ASL). He's not that obscure. More obscure is Panthera (panther lady?) and Danny Chase (deeply fucking annoying). I admit I only know Panthera and Danny Chase from osmosis, I've only read a few comics from this run. There were other guys too but they looked boring.
All that you really needed to know is that they're his friends, Kori is his girlfriend, Dick leads the team, that they're a #ragtagbunchofmisfits, that Joey is Slade's son, and that Dick has a guilt complex. Kind of.
Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke is like Dick's Arch Nemesis and was the first real antagonist for the series, as well as the antagonist for the most famous arc The Judas Contract (whereupon Slade planted Terra in the team as a #spy). He's probably most famous for being the main bad guy in the cartoon, and who uh kinda fucked as a bad guy. He's always canonically the "COME JOIN ME" bad guy and is always after Dick as an apprentice. There's an arc in both the comics and the show where he kidnaps Dick and forces him to work for him, which causes some pretty lasting trauma in him in both incarnations. He's also a terrible dad and a failhusband. I don't read him too much in the comics so I can't say for sure how interesting the comics get with him, but his relationship with Dick is always very fraught and complex and has a lot of history. He has a lot of respect for Dick and he takes him seriously as an adversary no matter his age but he thinks Batman is lame and that Dick should kill people and stuff and JOIN HIMMMM.
In this AU, basically because Dick's life before Nightwing was kept under absolute wraps, and Slade was so obsessed with the apprentice stuff, I think Slade thought it was funny/satisfying to make up this whole shared backstory between them that Dick just couldn't disagree with jkalsdjf. Because Dick is much more of a spy than in canon he also has a lot of juicy blackmail (from his ex-wife, I think lol) on him. So they have bother a closer relationship and a more M.A.D. one than in canon. I think Slade finds it delightful that Dick isn't as good of a person as he pretends, and I think Dick lost most of his family at once, including his very drill sergeant and hard-edged father and must have, even unwillingly, reacted to somebody who was actually trying to parent him. Well. "Parent".
Wow, that was long and I didn't even digress. I'm always stunned by how y'all will read something no matter the fandom if it's by me, thank you so much! It makes me very happy to give you guys stuff like the Steph thing, where I love the idea of it being an introduction to Batman. Unfortunately internet Batman and comics Batman have. uhhhhh. drifted. apart. and. harder to click into if you aren't as into the comics, but thank you brave soldiers!
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GODZILLA MOVIE MARATHON: Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)
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We are now in the back half of the 60s Godzilla movies, a string of films that are very... Well they're known for... It's kind like...
Yeah they're just bad.
Budgets were on the floor, pandering to children was the explicit goal, and titans like Ishiro Honda and Eiji Tsuburaya would start packing up to leave the franchise.
It doesn't help that this isn't even really a Godzilla movie, it was written as a King Kong movie with the two Kaiju being swapped because the creators of the King Kong cartoon of the time didn't like the story. Why Toho cared about what they thought is beyond me, but they liked the script enough to keep it mostly intact with Godzilla stapled into all of Kong's scenes instead.
The colorful, summer, island aesthetic and music straight out of Baywatch absolutely does feel more like Kong than Godzilla, but in a weird way letting Godzilla have a smaller story like this is kind of refreshing after the last two movies focused on world ending threats.
The story is remarkably simple, focusing on some shipwreck survivors stuck on an island full of terrorists making atom bombs and enslaving the locals from the nearby Infant island. There's some Scooby Doo shenanigans for an hour with an admittedly funny character who's a thief that physically cannot stop himself from breaking into locks, and then, I cannot stress this enough, the story just ends. They wake up Godzilla and he goes on a rampage, smashing the terrorist base and killing all the bad guys, chasing off Ebirah, and causing them to blow up the island. It's honestly hilarious, he literally hijacks the movie, it's like he himself recognizes that the human story wasn't cutting it so he decides to just prematurely end everything by stepping on it.
On the subject of Ebirah, what a joke. It's honestly a really cool suit, but really? The name is the Japanese word "Ebi" for Shrimp and "Ra" which is a character used for big monsters. So if you wanted to translate it accurately, it's literally just called "Shrimpzilla." I can't help but think it's intentionally meant to be a little lame, especially off the coat tails of Ghidorah.
I did think the fight was kind of fun though, with parts being underwater and Godzilla ripping its claws off, but again it does feel more like a Kong villain. Godzilla literally blasts it into the air with atomic breath, something that Anguirus and Rodan casually shook off, just to show you the power scaling here.
I really wish it stayed a Kong movie, not only does everything fit better with Kong, but if nothing else it'd be cool to see Kong and Mothra tussle for a second. That's my favorite moment in the movie, Mothra just slapping Godzilla to the ground because she's on a schedule and does not have time for him.
There's a lot wrong with this movie, and there's a lot to enjoy. I like the colorful beach aesthetic, the characters are one dimensional but can be fun to watch the antics of, and there's at least some enjoyment in laughing at how terrible the Godzilla suit looks. I'd give it a 5/10, I don't like it but that doesn't necessarily mean I dislike it. It's the movie equivalent of seeing something funny enough to let out a nose exhale but not enough to make you laugh.
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Steamed Hams but it's Diesel and my OC Wesley
So @theflyingkipper and I have discussed peeps Diesel humanization and his Diesel interp in general and thinking about Diesel and Wesley interacting got me with… this in my mind. So without further ado, under the cut is Steamed Hams but it’s a Cartoon Villain Evil Type of Motherfucker Who Cooks Horrible 60s Housewife Meals and Enjoys Them Who Could Honestly Use Some Attention And Approval Despite Being A Total Bastard and A Very Confused Old Dude Who Gave The First Guy A Chance Despite Warnings And Things Have Gone… Weirdly Okay? (quick shoutout to my pal Sammy, whom of which doesn’t have a tumblr but she DID suggest the diesel equivalent of “cinders and ashes” to me, “grease and oil.”)
Pro tip: Follow along with your favorite copy of the original Steamed Hams so you can imagine what’s going on properly! Here's mine!
And finally, credit where credit is due, the Simpsons Wiki is where I got the transcript I edited from.
[Scene opens with Wesley ringing Diesel’s doorbell. When we get to the next shot, Diesel is wearing his DEVIOUS apron for EVIL cooking over his typical clothing.]
Wesley: Well, Diesel, I made it, despite your… directions.
Diesel (less saccharine-suck-up cheery and more… Devious. and OILY, in comparison to Skinner. still wants to impress though, seemingly, and still seems to be in a good mood): Ah, Wesley, welcome. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!
Wesley (he seems genuinely pleased to be here, if a bit nervous because he’s not the most fond of Diesel’s cooking, unlike Chalmers in the original, who seems so done with this already): Yeah.
[Diesel runs to the kitchen, only to find his baked stuffed salmon is burnt and gasps in horror. As he speaks, there’s some noticeable knocks in the background.]
Diesel: Grease and oil! My baked salmon is ruined! But what if I were to purchase some food from the chippy and disguise it as my own cooking? [chuckles] Delightfully devious, Diesel.
[He begins to climb through the window after taking off the DEVIOUS apron and setting it aside, but Wesley enters the kitchen, looking confused. The theme song to an imaginary show then plays:
Diesel with his crazy explanations
Wesley here is gonna need his medication!
When he hears Diesel’s lame exaggerations
There'll be trouble in town tonight!]
Wesley (concerned): Diesel?
Diesel: Wesley! I was just...uh---just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! Care to join me?
Wesley: ...Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Diesel?
Diesel: Uh... ooh! That isn't smoke, it's… [visibly wincing at the thought of it] steam! Steam from the steamed clams we're having. Mmmm, steamed clams!
[Once Wesley leaves the kitchen (after having performed mental gymnastics, probably), Diesel breathes a sigh of relief, climbs out the window, and runs across the street to some fish-and-chips place, where he buys, you guessed it, fish and chips to replace his ruined baked stuffed salmon. He enters the dining room with the food on a silver tray.]
Diesel: Wesley, I hope you're ready for some mouthwatering fish and chips!
Wesley: I thought we were having steamed clams?
Diesel: Oh no, I said 'steamed sams'. That's what I call fish and chips!
Wesley: You call fish and chips 'steamed sams'?
Diesel: Yes! It's a regional dialect.
Wesley: Oh, I see. What region?
Diesel: Uh… Cheshire.
Wesley: Really? I’ve been to Crewe plenty of times and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed sams'.
Diesel: Oh, not in Crewe, no. It's a Chester expression.
Wesley: I see.
[Wesley takes a bite out of some fish and chews it a little, while Diesel sips his drink.]
Wesley: You know, this fish is quite similar to the stuff they have at the chippy.
Diesel: Hohoho, no! Patented Diesel Fish and Chips. Old family recipe!
Wesley: For steamed sams?
Diesel: Yes.
Wesley: Yes, and you call them steamed sams, despite the fact they are obviously fried, and that they’re also obviously… cod, I think, not salmon? Did you have to substitute something?
Diesel: Y- Uh.. you know, the... One thing I should... excuse me for one second.
Wesley: Of course.
[Diesel enters and leaves the kitchen swiftly upon seeing it is now on fire.]
Diesel: [yawns] Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped.
Wesley: Yes, I should be--good lord, what is happening in there?!
Diesel: Aurora Borealis?
Wesley (again, more confused than angered): Ah- Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year, at this time of day, on this part of the island, localized entirely within your kitchen?!
Diesel: Yes.
Wesley: ...May I see it?
Diesel: ...No.
[They exit the house as the kitchen fire grows larger. The shot is panned so we can see Duck just sort of watching shit go down.]
Duck: Diesel, your house is on fire.
Diesel: No, Duck, it's just the Northern Lights.
Wesley: Well, Diesel, you are an odd fellow, but I must say... you steam a good sam!
[As Wesley begins heading home, he looks back for a moment toward the house. Diesel gives him a thumbs up and a fake smile, causing him to keep walking away. Duck is still just watching all of this. Once Wesley is out of sight, Diesel rushes back into the house to deal with the fire.]
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight- The Banana Splits Adventure Hour
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I’m trying something a little different here and talking about a show at large, rather than just one episode, but if you stayed up late or woke up early enough for CN or Boomerang (or if you’re of a certain age), you may remember these fur-suit rock stars.
I remember being entranced by these funny animals and enjoyed the odd chance I could see their bits, although the serialized segments that they introduce were less impressive. But hey, if you want to see the cute and funny animals crack jokes, there are worse payments than sitting through mediocre Hanna-Barbera action cartoons, or their mega budget Danger Island shorts.
Watching the show now, I can see why my young self was interested in their bits, but the wraparound segments are pretty lame. Still, these are cute costumes, and I like hearing Paul Winchell try out his Tigger voice right before the character was introduced to the world. Also appealing is their musical segments, which sounds like near-perfect 60′s bubblegum folk rock. The cartoons and live-action shorts are forgettable, but they were probably favorites to children back in the late 60′s.
These are worth checking out for curiosity’s sake, but hardly the best use of Hanna-Barbera, or Sid & Marty Kroft’s talents.
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namorian · 1 year
wednesday 2022 but pugsley acts like the og pugsley from the new yorker cartoons:
he was originally the older child but now she is in the show. instead make it totally unknown to everyone which is older -- even gomez and mortica -- but still have them look noticeably different in age to make it even more confusing. none of this takes twins or separate pregnancies off the table. just make it a running bit no one knows who’s older or anything like that.
make pugsley just as smart as wednesday again. dude build a disintegration ray in the 60s sitcom. He was generally a wily little shit in the og cartoons and just generally a nefarious little menace. 90s and wednesday 2022 pugsley WISH.
give him his backbone back. he’s more than just a stooge or a wimp for wednesday to save. how about instead of what we’ve got in the show we have it that wednesday got her edge “playing” with pugsley (read: trying to kill each other) growing up and now they’re neck and neck for who’s mommy’s biggest terror. he can still be bullied at school-- i think both addams kids would likely have a lot of issues with that regardless of their personalities-- but now he’s not wholly reliant on wednesday to defend him. they team up. he aided and abetted the piranha stunt that got her expelled. in fact he should ALSO be expelled.
--like i cannot stress this enough there’s literally a cartoon where he’s poisoned her and another where he’s bricking her into a wall cask of amontillado style. PLEASE LET PUGSLEY BE A BRAT AND A STINKER. LET HIM BE 😈
frankly pugsley should already be at nevermore or be sent there when she is. pugsley is feral and malicious how they kept him in normie schools until high school is a mystery.
both in the cartoon and the 60s sitcom he flirts with being the family sicko and joining the boy scouts. between the two siblings he’s the most likely to actively seek out and engage with normies and normal stuff. this can both be his Secret Shame/Guilty Pleasure and also a means of like, character growth/conflict. Like he could be the one to befriend tyler instead of wednesday and then later lucas when enid and bianca do. could also be as invested in the gossip stuff as enid.
generally you could really have a nice sibling antagonism with pugsley being a outcast high school version of a jerk jock (read: a psychopath out for blood and also beers) with wednesday being the ~artsy sibling~ who thinks that all that stuff is LAME and STUPID. but when the science fair rolls around they both try to kill each other to eliminate their biggest competition. alternatively they team up for their science project and attempt to kill the other children entering.
i want him to just be the WORST and then there’s a whole subplot where HE’S BEEN KEEP A FLUFFY LITTLE PUPPY IN HIS DORM ROOM SECRETLY!!!!! THE HORROR!!!! THE SCANDAL!!!!
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the reason im not terrified of the live action atla show being bad the only sideeye i have is towards the sokka actor but i aint touching that with a ten foot pole im a basic white bitch i dont know shit if people are upset i do thin it makes sesnse he should have been played by a darker skin dude
but anyway the reason im lookng forward to the live action atla (AANG/KATARA/IROH look perfect for one)
Andis t no one is talking down to fans of the cartoon /or the show/ no one is calling the characters weak/lame/ insulting the female characters of the show
No one in charge is talking about how they want to do it better say the ppg 2016 (you got rid of keens boobs? Why??? people have boobs boobs aint sexual/ but everyone loves twerking 5 year olds
no one is talking shit about the female characters like the directors for the live action disney movies with people going ooh those original moves adult fans love are for KIDS adults cant enjoy em while insulting our lovely princesses
newest example we got the velma show insisting daphne was always just the hot one (bro i watched the first ep of the 60s show she was good at finding clues she was just.. very unlucky.. tho im not sure whats wrong with being pretty either.. im a fat girl i got no jealousy towards skinny hot chicks (helga/thorn/demona are all my ooh yes im bi awakenings) this constant talk down of pretty animated girls is just super weird insecurties
but anyway the directors haven't talked down to fans
insulted the femlae characters
(LIKE FANDOM DOES TO MAI she aint zuzos abuser people and Katara (she was never aangs damsel people come on im tired of yall momhaters) (seriously i feel shipping fandom insults the show as bad as the people who complain about how they could do it better prob cause thats exactly what the shippers have said )
the directors/ cast involved have had so much positive stuff to say about the original show/
so maybe it wont be amazing but im sure it will be 8/10
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stevi0e · 2 years
I posted 2,233 times in 2022
That's 2,233 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (3%)
2,165 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 100 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 21 posts
#the owl house - 13 posts
#toh - 13 posts
#live laugh lame - 6 posts
#i’m gonna lose my shit - 6 posts
#luz noceda - 5 posts
#bernard the elf - 5 posts
#the santa clause - 4 posts
#dana terrace - 4 posts
#artists on tumblr - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#it sits somewhere nice in the middle but i also love the song the moss by cosmo sheldrake which i think is a good middle ground for
My Top Posts in 2022:
okok so after he died, there was a portrait put up of Newt Scamander in one of the hallways, yeah? And then after the war and all that and all the new first years come in, one girl finds his portrait at the end of a dusty corridor and starts talking to him. She tells him that she’s autistic, and gets teased for it a lot in class, etc, due to her not being like her classmates. And at first Newt is sceptical cause he’s like ‘a person, oh no’ but slowly he starts to warm up to this little girl who gets bullied and teased for being different, even if it’s light hearted, and in her he sees himself as a child. He watches that little girl grow up and make better friends, and gives her advice for the bad ones because he never wants anyone to go through what he did. And the girl tells him of her home life, and how her parents try their best to be supportive and help her but they just don’t understand and Newt GETS that, and all of a sudden he realised that he, too, probably has autism, or something of the like. So they start to bond over shared experiences despite them being decades apart. When the day the girl graduates comes, she visits his portrait one last time, and promises to visit, and thanks him. And he thanks her in turn, for letting him know he was never alone
14 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
i am fucking DISTRAUGHT
how DARE dana terrace make me SOB with such VIGOUR over a CARTOON for the THIRD TIME
17 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
no bc i need someone to make a newt scamander x reader one shot where the reader is like a rock guitarist idec if that’s not historically correct or wtv i just think the idea of the reader going absolute crazy on the guitar and newt watching like ‘owo pretty’ that’s fucking adorable
i am
mentally ill
edit: the song would be When The Sun Goes Down by Arctic Monkeys bc the guitar in that is just 🥰🥰🥰✨🥰✨✨✨✨
20 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Headcannon that one time Luz accidentally called Camila ‘Eda’ while talking about an adventure she had and immediately breaks down in tears apologising saying how she’s just so stressed and worried about Eda which turn into Camila also crying bc she’s so happy that Luz has found another adult she feels she can trust and they just sit
31 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
what do i have to do, what do i have to like to get my entire dashboard to be full of bernard the elf content.
who do i need to talk to to make that happen.
60 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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passivenovember · 4 years
@coffeeandchemicals (aka the sweetest angel bb) asked:  For the drabbles, 55 or 60 or 72 with harringrove! Please and thank you!! 💙
55. “Our first date is a picnic. On a beach..under the stars? Have you swallowed a romance novel? Do I need to call a doctor?
Paper Angels.
The things is. Steve’s always had a sixth sense when it comes to falling in love. Can smell that shit from a mile away, the reeking infatuation that turns his already liquified brain into something like sludge. Mashed potatoes with too much milk, or something. 
And it used to be that Robin would point it out in that usual way of hers, before Steve became a pro at monitoring his own downfall. Pick your tongue up off the floor, dingus. 
And it used to be that Steve would take it like. A basketball to the back of the head, the realization that he was bleeding out in an open field for fucking whoever. Nancy Wheeler or Mark Lewinski or Brittani Clark. Robin could always sense it when Steve’s feelings started leaking out of his ears, but.
Billy Hargrove was something else entirely.
Neither of them saw it coming. The pushes and snarky comments that morphed into butterflies and concealed smiles under the light of the full moon, it was like.
Crossing a deserted road only to be fuckin’. T-boned by a cyclist who doesn’t have their lights on, or something. 
One day they were enemies. Avoiding each other like the plague--Billy actually gagged when Steve passed by him at parties. Called him Steve “Sloppy Seconds” Harrington, and. Yeah. The feeling was fuckin’ mutual, alright?
Because Hargrove always wore too much cologne and Steve had the sneaking suspicion, after that night at the Byers’ when contact sports took on a whole new meaning with the sound of ceramic against his skull, that Billy perfumed his dick.
Sometimes guys did that, he’d heard. And if Steve had to bet, like, cold hard cash on it, Billy Hargrove was definitely one of those guys. And not that Steve really. Thought about it much or anything but kissing Billy was probably like licking the inside of an ash tray. 
Just the thought of made him gag.
So, yeah. The feeling was mutual. The queasiness in Steve’s tummy was, like, disgust or something. Every time he saw that curly top above a sea of drunk high schoolers, he would start sweating a shit.
Bullets. Like he was going to face the electric chair, and. Steve had never thought for even a second that that feeling was mutual. 
That Billy would be anxious to see him. Would escape the moment he heard Steve rounding the corner into whatever lame party was on the ducat this week, so. When they eventually became friends. Best Friends, close as a couple of girls, it felt like Steve had solved the most difficult puzzle in the universe. 
They were shitfaced. Drunk enough to forget ceramic plates and nervous feelings, and Billy had tried to high-five him. Steve, on his way out for a smoke. Passed by with a little, well if it isn’t the leftover turkey, and. It would’ve been cool, but. They missed. 
By a lot. Two guys who never sat on the bench during a game, they. Fuckin’ couldn’t land a high five from less than a foot away and that was it. Billy’s walls crumbled around them like so much graham cracker dust, and. 
His eyes were pretty. Had they always been that pretty? Steve couldn’t remember but then Billy was leaning in, cheeks pink from laughter and whispering, You ain’t half bad, Harrington, into the shell of Steve’s ear. 
Like it was a secret only the two of them could remedy, and. Billy pulled away. Winked, waggled his stupid, ridiculous tongue, and. When he passed by he smelled like summer rain. Black pepper and grapefruit.
Steve closed his eyes and felt the love leaking from his ears.
After that it was like surviving a forest fire. Billy would show up at Steve’s just before midnight with a six pack of Budweiser and a half smoked joint. On bad day’s he acted like coming to Steve’s house was a chore, like. Steve was holding him at gunpoint, preaching about commitments like Steve had even asked for his company in the first place, and.
On those nights it almost wasn’t worth it. The feeling of being close to Billy, it was. Hard to talk to him. 
And it wasn’t like falling slowly. Through syrup or stacks of blankets, like his usual style, it was like. 
Getting in the car and driving way, into the night, with no map and no funds and no clue of what the end would look like. Steve fell hard and fast and slammed into the ground until he was one with the molten earth, on the good nights, too. When Billy grinned and cracked jokes and fuckin’. Winked. 
So. The good outweighed the bad. For months, for millennia, it seemed. Until Steve couldn’t remember a time when midnight didn’t signal the arrival of love. And he would take it, anything, everything, for just a peak at the person he knew was hidden under all that hairspray and chiseled skin, so.
When Billy showed up one night with his car packed full of shit, Steve grabbed his coat without a word.
What are you doin’, Harrington.
I’m coming with you.
No you aren’t, that’s not. Look. I just came to say goodbye, so.
Not that easy to get rid of. 
Billy tried to fight him, tried to. Hold him off, or something. Like any force in the fucking universe would be strong enough to keep them apart. 
Steve made a face.
And Billy knew what that face meant so he cleaned out the passenger side of the Camaro. Stupid shit like lamps and folded quilts, shuffling it all to the back seat where there was clearly enough space. 
It was almost like. He had known what Steve would do. 
It was like he’d been preparing to say no, baby. I don’t have enough room, see? I’m saddled with more than I can take already, and I just--
Almost like he was hoping Steve would insist, anyway, and.
“Go pack a bag, pretty boy.”
Steve would follow him anywhere.
Billy came alive in California. The bad nights stopped existing out in the open air, they hid instead. Under the blanket of nightfall, under the sling of Steve’s arm. They paid extra for a two bedroom apartment on the beach, because.
I’m not expecting you to. Sleep in my bed, Steve.
Right. They were still pretending. 
The second bedroom sat collecting dust. Steve emptied his trash bag of essentials into the dresser in Billy’s room, because. The love was constantly ruining his shirts, these days. 
Steve bled blue and gold. Blatantly. Because he never felt it before, this. Feeling. Like the sand is being washed from his skin. Like he’s curling up in bed after a long day of hard work.
Billy makes him feel that way, so.
Steve can’t hide it. And he doesn’t try to. Not when they watch cartoons together on the couch, not when Billy sucks a hole into his neck under their blanket in their bed and asks, we goin’ steady? Like it’s even a fucking question, or something, but.
Steve realizes they went backwards. Won the game before actually learning the rules. 
Do you wanna go on a date with me? He asks one morning. It’s raining, so Billy isn’t surfing and Steve isn’t sketching out on the porch, and. 
It seems as good a time as any.
Billy has milk running down his chin when he looks up, eyes so blue and wide like he never expected it to fucking happen. Isn’t this a date?
Right now, Billy says through a mouthful of Lucky Charms. We’re eating. Alone. Making eyes at each other over our meal--
Steve snorts. This isn’t a date.
And Billy’s face, fucking. Falls. He rinses his plate in the sink and kinda, doesn’t turn back around. Steve doesn’t know how he fucked it up already. 
What’s a date look like then? And that. Makes Steve laugh. 
You’ve been on, like. So many dates, baby. 
Not with you. Billy says flatly. When he turns around again his cheeks are pink. Not from laughter, but. From something else. I never went on any dates with you, so. How would I identify one in a crowd.
And Steve knows. Instantly, knows he’s not going to get out of this one. 
Perfect first date shit, alright, I can. I can do that.  He leans back in the hideous avocado green chair Billy picked out and. Sucks on his bottom lip. We have the day free. Because, um. It’s the off season. Right after labor day and, uh. The shop’s getting ready to shift into winter. 
Billy grins. So in your perfect scenario we’re broke?
Listen, asshole wouldja just--
Alright, baby. Billy sits in the chair across from him and looks, fucking. So pretty in Avocado Green. I’m listening. 
So Steve tells him. Their perfect date begins and ends with ease, it’s as simple as breathing. The way it’s always been for them. Natural. Steve packs a basket with a goddamn. Charcuterie board and like, fresh fruit and shit. The sun sets and Steve gets down on one knee and--
Our first date is a picnic. On a beach..under the stars? Billy doesn’t look even a little bit like laughing, not. Not when his nose goes all bunchy. Have you swallowed a romance novel? Do I need to call a doctor?
Steve isn’t really in the mood for jokes. 
He covers his face with his hands, because. They went backwards. Never even put labels on it, or second guessed anything because Steve won the lottery. That night when the high fives went up in smoke, he. 
Got everything he ever wanted.
Billy tugs at his wrists. Yanks and soothes and rearranges Steve’s skin until they’re chest to chest against avocado green. His eyes are teary. Fuck.
I didn’t mean to make you cry, baby. Steve says. ‘S a bad idea anyhow, too much pressure. You mean a lot and I fuckin’. Made you cry. Tears were never a part of the deal.
Billy lets Steve wipe his cheeks and then he’s smiling. 
Not grinning or smirking or teasing, but. Happy. We could make this a date.
Steve shrugs. Yeah, I guess we could.
Pack some sandwiches, sit on the patio. Billy winks. Just like all those nights when neither boy could give their emotions a name. Take away some of the pressure. 
I kinda dig the pressure, though.
Were you really gonna get down on one knee? Billy whispers. At the end of our first date? You know the statistics on divorce are--
Against his will, Steve’s chucking. 
And on the first date? Billy tuts, cheeks pink again. You know I don’t put out for any ol’ pair of brown eyes, Harrington. I wait until at least the fourth date.
It’s been five years. 
So marry me. Billy says. On Tuesday or something, we can. Go to the beach or whatever. Elope. 
Just like that night. With the Camaro stuffed to the brim, and Billy gripping his fingers like a lifeline in a storm, Steve has no choice. He never did, because. Yeah.
He kisses Billy, each cheek, both eyelids, before carrying him to their bedroom and wonders. If they’ll ever start at the beginning.
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