#to which I was flabbergasted like excuse me
mother-harrington · 1 year
I’m such an awkward WEIRDO oh my god
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lilyhyperfixates · 4 months
I think he knows - B.B
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Wordcount: 0.7K
Warnings: Age gap (10 years, Benedict is 28, Reader is 18.) No Y/N used.
Authors note: Who was gonna tell me our boy Ben is 28 in S2??? I was flabbergasted when i googled it for this fic😭
The ball was absolutely boring to you. You were silently observing the people there and the conversations being held around you. The dance card that dangled from your wrist painfully empty, the small glass lemonade in your hand turning lukewarm from being held so long. Your eyes fall on Benedict Bridgerton, one of the most eligible bachelors of the season.
This social season was only your first, having been presented to Queen Charlotte only two weeks prior. You held no hopes of marrying this season. The gentlemen of the ton had not paid a lot of attention to you thus far, apart from the few dances you’d had.
Despite mr. Bridgerton being 10 years your senior, you felt yourself oddly enamored by him. You had just turned eighteen, only just allowed to be out in society. Regardless of your age you had gentlemen far into their forties approaching you for dances. The thought of mr. Bridgerton wanting to dance with you did not repulse you like it had with other gentlemen. Thinking about it even made your stomach flutter a little, not that you would ever admit that.
Benedict had been getting pestered by debutantes and marriage minded mama’s all evening. Since the ball was hosted by the dowager Viscountess, his mother, it was to be expected he would be approached all night, but in all honesty you pitied him a bit. He had been getting more and more attention each social season that he remained unmarried.
You had heard of Benedict Bridgerton before your debut, as he was an acquaintance of your father’s. Now at the ball you saw him in a completely different light though, not an acquaintance of your father, but a man you found quite attractive. You had always thought him an attractive man, but in the lighting of the sun setting and the stained glass windows from the ballroom he looked simply angelic.
Benedict and your father often painted together and you always found small excuses to be in the room, harboring a small crush on Benedict.
Suddenly you were pulled out of your thoughts when Lord Beswick approached you. Lord Beswick was a man in his late thirties with little to no hair on his head. He had seemed particularly eager to have you dance with him on earlier occasions, which was hard to refuse without seeming impudent. As the man approached you, you prepared yourself to have to dance with him again.
Then you feel a touch on the small of your back. Your head snaps around to find the source of the touch and your eyes meet those of Benedict Bridgerton. Lord Beswick then finally reaches you and asks you for your next dance.
"Unfortunately for you, the lady has already promised her next dance to me, Lord Beswick.” Benedict tells the man in a smooth and charismatic voice. You silently thank him with a look and allow him to write his name on your dance card. He quickly leads you to the dancefloor and gets ready to dance with you.
As the music starts playing Benedict begins dancing with you gracefully, he had obviously had dance lessons as a child. “Thank you for saving me from Lord Beswick.” You thank him, speaking softly, almost as if you were frightened to talk to him. Truthfully you were slightly scared to be talking to him, he was a bit intimidating to you.
“No need to thank me, I could not let a lady such as yourself dance with such a man.” Benedict states. His voice enhances your attraction towards him, it being crisp and confident. You had noticed before he always carried himself with confidence and grace. “I shall thank you for it regardless, I do not believe I would have survived another dance with him.” You utter out, still nervous to be in such close proximity to him.
You feel like he has got your heart skipping down sixteenth avenue, it almost beating out of your chest. He gives you a small smirk, looking down at you as you dance. “I have noticed you looking at me, Tonight and whenever your father and I paint at your estate. Is there any particular reason for that, my lady?” He asks, the smirk still lingering on his face.
I think he knows…
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brnesblogposts · 3 months
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bucky barnes x reader
a/n miscommunication & close proximity trope is all i’m gonna say, it’s very fluffy once well- read it and find out reblogs appreciated!!!
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“You’ve gotta be shitting me” Bucky speaks under his breath, frustration evident in his body language and tone. A feedback sound started on the speakers on the ferris wheel.
“Ladies and gentlemen there seems to be some technical issues with the ferris wheel, remain calm and stay seated and we should have it back up and running soon”
You heard a heavy sigh escape from Bucky as his head hung back in defeat.
“They said it’ll be fixed soon, won’t have to be stuck with me for long Buck” Trying to cut the tension that sat between him and yourself only earned a side glance from the man beside you.
You looked down to the car just beneath you “STEVE, NAT!! ARE YOU GUYS OKAY??!” Their heads whipping towards you as you spoke at a far too loud volume.
“WE’RE OKAY! YOU?” Natasha replied back and you gave her a thumbs up, her and Steve getting back to bickering and giggling about whatever they were talking about. Meanwhile you were sat next to Mr Grumpy-
“Can you stop moving,” he spat out without looking at you. Bold of you to assume you were getting somewhere with him, even on the brink of considering him a ‘friend’ but that idea was shot down quickly.
“I’m not moving, it’s probably the wind or maybe it’s you and you don’t realise” Tapping your fingers on the barrier that held you in place, he turned to you and gave you a bitter look which only made the situation more awkward and tense.
“How’d i get dragged onto the ferris wheel anyway” He huffs.
“Because, Steve and Nat are your best friends and also Nat is really scary and saying yes was easier than saying no” You looked down at the two as you spoke, their flirting ever so obvious even from your height.
A few minutes passed where nobody said anything, you both avoided eye contact and it gave you time to reflect on what you could’ve done to make Bucky so impassive to you, you’d barely talked to him because if you tried he disregarded you or made an excuse to leave as soon as possible. You really wanted to be his friend too. It’s awkward when the four of you go out and Steve and Nat obviously want to do things together as a couple making you stuck with Bucky and him with you. At least being civil is all you want, for Bucky to be able to hold a conversation with you longer than a few seconds.
“Are you cold?” His voice broke you from your thoughts, you were shivering and you hadn’t realised as you were so deep in your head. You looked at the goosebumps on your arms and turned to him,
“I guess I am, yeah.” you laughed at your ignorance for not noticing your body temperature drop. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bucky starting to take his jumper off.
“What are you doing?” You furrowed your brows at his action, there’s no way he was about to give that to you, he doesn’t even like you, you don’t think so anyway based on every interaction you’ve had with him ever.
“I’m giving you my sweater?” Now he was confused, it was quite obvious to him what he was doing, why else would he take off the jumper and sacrifice himself so you could be warm? He’s a gentleman first if anything. He got it over is head and handed it you, you took a second to take it as you were flabbergasted at his sudden kindness towards you.
“Oh.” You broke your gaze from him down to the jumper “Thank you,” you smiled gratefully and put the jumper on. The sleeves swallowed your hands, which helped because they were freezing before. Then you looked back at Bucky who now sat next to you in nothing but a black t-shirt “Are you not cold?” Once again furrowing your brows in his direction.
“Not as cold as you” He was looking straight ahead at the city view from your spot at the top of the ferris wheel. Reading his expression was impossible and you were really trying to—
“Okay well uh— thanks again.” You repeated your thanks as you snuggled into the jumper that now enveloped you, “So.. kinda awkward, huh?” You tried cracking a joke laughing a little as you did so which made Bucky turn to face you, analysing his features which you didn’t notice softened as he saw you smiling.
Bucky coughed awkwardly “Uh-“ He let out a small laugh too “Looks like Steve and Nat aren’t bothered by this disruption at all” His tone was lighter.
“Those two wouldn’t notice the world ending while they’re gazing at each other like that” You laughed again, Bucky liked that sound.
“So in love, it’s sickening” He retorted with a shake of his head and a smile which earned a glance from you, just a brief one before you looked back down at your sweater paws as they rested on the barrier, Bucky has noticed and he found it endearing, he felt warm whenever he saw you smile or heard you laugh and every time your thigh accidentally touched his due to your close proximity he swears a bolt of electricity travelled through him making his heart beat faster.
“I think it’s cute” You had a small pout on your face as you spoke, still looking down towards your two friends “imagine being stuck on a ferris wheel with someone you love, not the worst thing in the world in my opinion, it’s kind of like an impromptu date where you have no choice but to talk because the other option is incredibly awkward silence” You fiddled with the sleeves of the jumper.
“I guess, but what if you were trapped on a ferris wheel with someone you liked who you knew didn’t feel the same, that’s awkward all on its own” He was playing with a thread on his jeans as he spoke, you noticed.
“How would they know if the other person didn’t feel the same? Had they asked?” You inquired as the tension between you grew once again because the situation was too close to home.
“Isn’t asking embarrassing though?” Bucky asked breathily, like he was nervous.
“I don’t think so.”
“You don’t?” He looked at you.
“I mean the worst that can happen is they say no and you’re sad for a bit but you’d move on eventually” You smiled but you weren’t looking at him.
“Right, yeah” He coughed awkwardly again and the silence resumed until he broke it about a minute later “Uhm” clearing his throat again Bucky decided it was now or never “Are you doing anything Friday night?” He closed his eyes for a brief second because there was no going back now.
“No, why?” You looked at him and smiled, maybe he’d finally be your friend, that was progress and you could work with that.
“Would you uh- like to get dinner with me? Like a date..?” He avoided your gaze as he asked.
“What” It caught you off guard and you responded without thinking.
“Fuck” He swore to himself “sorry forget I said anything, I don’t know what was going through my-“ He began to ramble.
“Bucky no I mean, I thought you didn’t like me” His head turned to face you as he thought about your words.
“What? No I do like you” He furrowed his brows thinking back on the interactions you’d had where he hadn’t realised he’d been so nervous it came off as rude. “Shit i’m sorry, i’ve been an ass to you now that I think about it, I wasn’t trying to though, I thought I was uh- I thought i was disguising my attraction to you well because i didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I guess it came off dickish” He internally slapped himself at his mistake
“Oh, OH” The realisation and his admission hit you “Awe, Bucky,” you laughed at how silly it all was, if you’d have just talked to each other sooner this could’ve been avoided “Bucky I would love to go to dinner with you” You smiled at the man.
The ferris wheel suddenly began again and you were on your way down, both smiling like idiots and laughing whenever you’d glance at each other, two idiots that had liked each other this whole time who didn’t know it. You both stepped off the car and down the stairs smiling and giggling still and approached Natasha and Steve,
“What the hell happened up there?” Natasha laughed because she had never seen the two of you so cosy before, Steve raised a brow but you two only burst out laughing again and started walking ahead of them and snickering as they both stared in confusion and disbelief.
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doremimosasol · 3 months
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 ☆
warnings: suggestive, home situation
word count: 2 k
summary: looking for some peace and quiet but interrupted by a thief
@thatdammchickennugget ‘s Hogmarch challenge prompt 2
a/n: thank you thank you so so much @slytherinslut0 and @pizzaapeteer for proofreading this and taking the time to make suggestions!
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The Black Lake was a place you often visited after school hours. Most days it was a quiet place, which always confused you — not enough people took advantage of the peace it brought. The majority of them just stayed in the castle. Not you though. It was the great opportunity for some change in scenery, the never ending hallways tiring your brain at certain times.
You loved the lake, all year round. During winter it was a magical place where you could use your skates to dance on the ice, when it transformed into a tapestry of thick glass. It calmed your mind, the scratching sounds of your blades gliding along, making you feel as if you were floating...
The clanking of firewhisky bottles rang out into the night, as they continued to clash together from within the bag you were carrying. Admittedly, this was something that you did often: using an invisibility potion and sneaking into the Three Broomsticks. It wasn't stealing, you always left some money behind for the things you took. It was just a smart way of getting your hands on some alcohol around here.
It was a hot summer day, leaving the evening a light, breezy temperature, the sky painted in beautiful shades of blues, oranges, and purples. You decided to seat yourself on a rock close to where the waters hit the edge, and took off your shoes and socks, dipping your feet into the water. The sensation of the slightly cold water cooling your mind and body.
You emptied the contents of your bag: some cake, 6 bottles of firewhisky, and 2 muffins. like you could possibly devour everything but there was no harm in bringing spare. Who knew... You always hoped some prince charming would appear out of nowhere and decided to join you in your drunken activities. Your hopeless romantic state of mind couldn't help but wander through the possibilities.
"Thank you for that." The sudden voice startled you as someone sat down beside you and opened a bottle of your firewhisky. Of course, it was Mattheo Riddle, that boy had no shame. You couldn't even say something, you just sat there sort of flabbergasted that he even dared to pick up one of the things you 'bought' with your own money.
His eyes never left yours as he chugged down almost half the bottle, trying to hide the clear stinging in his throat. You rolled your eyes at his tough boy facade.
However, it wasn't working on you as you snatched the bottle from his grasp immediately. "Excuse me? What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" You sent him a glare while chugging down almost all of the remaining liquor.
"Mhmm, you know we just indirectly kissed, right?" He had a smug look on his face, of course, he had to act this way. "Ah come on, y/n, don't be such a party-pooper. Isn't this better than drinking alone? It almost looked pathetic."
Pathetic? He was the one who called you pathetic? The guy who had a bloodied face almost every single day of the week? "Who exactly are you calling pathetic here? Because all I see is a dirty thief."
He raised his brow and just laughed. Pardon? The fucking audacity. "You should drink all of these bottles, maybe that'll get rid of that stick up your ass." He snatched the bottle back and downed everything left in one go. "What else have you brought? Cake?" He took a look at it, it was just a plain vanilla cake with some icing on top. "I'll ask it nicely this time since you seem to care so much about that. So, please dear y/n, can I have a piece of that cake? ...and another bottle?"
You couldn't believe this guy, he suddenly came here to join you and acted like all this was his to eat and drink? But who else were you even going to share it with... Maybe you should just give it to him, maybe he'd surprise you for once. "Fine. But 3 bottles each, okay?"
"3 bottles each, deal."
As it seems, Mattheo turned out to not be that bad after all. As more drinks were consumed you watched his demeanor loosen up and his guard drop. To the point he got looser and started to tell you about himself: his friends, his studies, and even his father. You don't know if it was the alcohol or if he just felt comfortable enough to share those things with you.
You found yourself telling him about your own family too, the situation at home, and that most of the time you just stayed at school during the holidays. It sort of felt good, letting it out. Though your situation would never compare to his, it was nice for someone to understand you. Someone who went through the same shit as you.
Even though, you just now kind of started to get to know each other, you promised each other something. A promise to stay at school every holiday, to make it epic as if it were at home. To be each other's home while that home didn't exist for either of you. It would be nice to do something other than reading during those days, but to actually have someone to talk to maybe.
"Did you know it's possible to lead a cow upstairs... but not downstairs?" It just came up to you and you started even laughing before you finished your sentence.
It was obvious that you confused the guy because he just straight-up looked at you with a judgy and confused face. "What?"
"I mean I'm just stating facts here. You can't lead a cow downstairs, you know, like a cow. Moo." It all sounded really slurred, it'd be a wonder if Mattheo even understood one word you were saying.
"Are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk?" He squinted his eyes slightly to even make out your whole form, he was obviously struggling. Both of you were extremely intoxicated.
"What?" You looked at him, maybe you were speaking parseltongue. Could it be? Wait, did he speak parseltongue? "Do you speak it yourself?"
"Ah yes, of course, heir of Slytherin kind of things, you know." He suddenly started sissing and hissing and you weren't even sure if he was being for real or just making some shit up. You just nodded, agreeing with whatever he was saying, hoping he wouldn't wake up any snakes in the bushes behind the two of you.
You averted your gaze to the lake in front of you and got the most ridiculous idea all of a sudden. You didn't even announce your stupid idea but just started undressing until you were left standing in only your underwear.
"Are you stripping for me now? Alright, continue." He leaned his body back on his arms to get a better look, a disgustingly attractive smirk covering his face. Sucks to be him because before he knew it, he got a large splash of water thrown all over him when you hit the surface of the water.
"Are you crazy?!" It was quite the sight, his face was fuming. It almost looked murderous, didn't he like water or something? He couldn't be that much of a pussy, right?
"Come on get in! It's actually still quite warm!" The past warm days warmed up the lake quite a bit and it was a surprisingly comfortable temperature. You were even surprised yourself.
"Absolutely not! You're insane, y/n. I won't save you when you start drowning, you'll just have to die right in front of my eyes then." He looked extremely agitated. He was wet already so what would be the difference in getting in?
"Oh, come on... Please? It's not even that deep, I can still touch the ground with my feet. Don't be a wuss!" His eyes squinted and he got to his feet after all. He took off his clothes and you couldn't deny that you quite liked the sight. The hours of quidditch practice were visible hidden underneath that shirt.
"You're staring, princess." He jumped in after and you almost drowned by the water that splashed right into your face when he hit the surface. The water didn't taste all too pleasant, it could just be the alcohol but it wasn't nice.
"Well if you like staring so much, maybe you should touch it? Touch is better than seeing after all." Before you knew it he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. He took your hand and guided it to his chest, running it downwards. Good thing you were drunk because there's no way you would've ever done this sober.
"Don't be so shy, you weren't shy when you were almost fucking me with your eyes." He pulled you deeper into the water which made you unable to still touch the ground. He was doing this on purpose, he could easily still stand on the ground in the deeper waters. He almost forced you to wrap your legs around him. Silly you, it was his plan all along.
"Kiss me." Excuse me? He did not just ask you that? "Come on, y/n, give me a little kiss." Only one small move and your lips would be touching, he was extremely close to your mouth. He blew on them on purpose just to lure you into his trap. "Kiss me..."
And that's what you did, he wanted a little kiss but he most definitely got more. The whole night had been tense and this was your way of showing him your true desires. It was obvious you weren't alone in those feelings tonight. Because of the way he kissed you back, it was almost magical, like he sent you to another dimension.
He moved his hands lower and squeezed your bottom slightly which made you gasp into the kiss. He took this opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth, exploring it like it was his last meal. It was like both of you were completely in sync, your bodies moving in a rhythm that made your heart almost jump out of your chest.
Just when you were about to lose it, he pulled back to take a deep breath. The both of you were exchanging breaths like it was the oxygen you needed. "Damn, y/n, I didn't know you could kiss like that. Let's try again, shall we?" Those stupid eyes of his, just made you melt into his touch. You shouldn't have folded this fast for him, but you couldn't help it. Everyone would do the same when the Mattheo Riddle would look at them with those chocolate-brown eyes.
Only the moon and the stars could retell the events that went down that night, both your bodies intertwined with the moonlight reflecting on your wet skin. The skin that was meant to be each other canvas, painted by the passion but faded over time.
Mattheo thought about it every night in bed, getting chills when he thought about the kisses and imagining it happening again. His fingers traced the places on his skin that were touched by you, trying to replicate the feeling your fingers gave him.
During normal school weeks, both of you wouldn’t even talk to each other, just the occasional glance. But those looks spoke more than words.
Both of you waiting for the holidays to come to share the same passion like that night once again. Hoping that the other kept their end of the promise to spend them together.
And yes… after the fair sharing of gifts for Christmas, the best gift you could’ve got that night was to be touched by him like that again.
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iiiiiiis-things · 1 year
Period HC's with the Spiderverse
paring: (separate) earth42!miles morales, earth1610!miles morales, gwen stacy, pavitr parbhakar, miguel o'hara x femblack!reader
cw: period/vagina
blurb: what they're like when you're on your period
a/n: y'all i'm going through it rn. also this is what i used to translate my spanish
earth 42 miles morales
now despite his cold demeanor he would literally be so god damn sweet while on your cycle
well- as sweet as he can be
you didn't even tell him, he found out bc you was getting out of line with him
"Aye Mami me pasa mi bolso" his face contorts in confusion as you suck yo teeth "damn i gotta do everything for you ? what's next you want me to change your fucking diaper?"
immediately notices
"you on yo period?"
you flabbergasted mouth gaped wide open
he already knows about everything cs yk his mom.. since his dad... nvm
does anything you want
tells uncle aaron that any plans for the following days of the week had to be canceled
literally with you 24/7
he doesn't even goes to the store to go get snacks
mf uses go puff
"miles you need to go home" you speak laying on his chest as you were slowly but surely drifting off to sleep "Ya le envié un mensaje de texto a mi mamá que no voy a ninguna parte"
wake up the next day to breakfast in bed
y'all bfrl we kno damn well he can't cook 💀
he ordered dennys while you was still sleep and js fixed it up on a plate to make it LOOK like he did 😭
whenever you lash out at him and get to throwing shi he js let's you
"i swear to god you got me fucked up!" you throw the remote at him as he moves to the right dodge it.
overall is js a big cuddle bug and servant for you to use <3
miles morales 1610
is literally clueless
you've been acting weird and being bipolar asf the past three days
breaking point was when you got extra mat at him for accidentally knocking over a vase (that he caught so it didn't break) when he snuck in your room window
"is everything ok? ¿Tuviste un mal día?"
boy wants to cry when you tell him to leave
"bro, just leave me alone i'm not in the mood right now" freezes at the word bro
"ok i'll swing by tomorrow?" he looks back at you out trying to see if you'll change your mind "mhm yeah later"
is so sad bc you didn't even say you love him ☹️
when he walks in the front door of his house mama rio IMMEDIATELY senses something is wrong with her son
stops whatever tf she was doing main concern being miles
"miles baby what's wrong ?" he lets out a sigh "i think y/n is mad at me" then proceeds to explain the situation
rio then explains wdf is happening
miles feels SO bad for not knowing 😭
is at your house the next day with a shit load of chocolate, a pack or two of gatorade, and some extra strength tylenol
he then tells you what his mom recommended (like what to drink and which medication works the best)
gets scared and lowkey flinches when you get cramps 💀
(you see him do it but he tries to plays it off)
is cuddling with you all the time
you play a prank on him while sending him into the drugstore to go ask for a period product that doesn't exist-
jeff being concerned on why their child hasn't been home for the past 4 days (dw rio explains)
gwen stacy
at first doesn't really get why your attitude is bigger than normal
but after the second day immediately understands
"it's your t.o.m (time of month) huh ?" you look slightly embarrassed "yeah..."
WILL go to the store to get you whatever you need
y'all share heat pads no one can change my mind 🙄✋🏾
y'all have talks over which pads and tampons are the best
y'all debate over pads the only agreement being that wings are better
but the both of y'all agree that tampax is on top 💪🏾
she would always be over at your house because she uses you as an excuse to get away from her dad :(
if y'all ever got it around the same time all HELL would break loose 😭
both of yall would be just straight up mad with eachother
"what do you want to eat?" she looks over at you as y'all walking to the mall food court "oh anything's fine"
walks over towards the chic-fil-a section "oh wait i don't want chicken, how about taco bell?"
mf groans and roll her eyes "i want chic-fil-a, u said anything was fine!"
"well maybe i changed my mind! if you wanted something specific why would you ask me?!" people start to stare as the heat of the argument rises
yall eventually settle for smoothies from jamba juice
she's more cuddly than usual which is completely fine
you make jokes about being blood sisters 💀
she does not find them funny.
pavitr parabhakar
you avoid him like the plague
why? because you do not want to lash out at your sweet, sweet , baby boy for no reason 😭
pav is like so confused
thinks he did something wrong ☹️
"hi y/n!" your walking to class as you hear someone calling you from down the hall obviously recognizing the voice of your boyfriend you walk faster so he couldn't catch up to you in the crowded hallway
"y/n??" stands there like 🧍🏽‍♂️
he thinks you didn't hear him and is probably just trying to get to class early to turn in late homework or something
but later when you two are supposed to meet up for chai after school (like always) and you don't show up he knows your avoiding him
baby is SO SADDD 😭
the next day he finally catches up with you as you walk into the school building and asks you straight up "are you avoiding me?"
you began to feel like the absolute worst gf ever as you see the worry in his eyes "no baby, i just- i mean-" he slightly bends his back leaning to get eye level with you "is there someone else?"
your heart sinks to your ass 😭
"what no pavi swear!" "then why are you avoiding me?" you sigh, giving in and explain what's been going on
"oh" he then stands up straight you began to feel he's about to be disgusted about you bleeding from your literal vagina until he wraps his arm around your shoulder and drags you into the school building
"babe i'm gonna be honest with you, i really don't care you could've just told me"
walks you to class as if nothing's happened
i feel like his spider sense would kind help him see your ina bad mood idk
pepper kisses on your face
but once he sees you cramping it's over with
he's gonna cuddle you and not let you go (you have to force him off of you when you have to use the restroom)
asks auntie maya about it and she tell him everything you need, how you might react, and how he needs to watch everything he does to not make you upset
doesn't hesitate to buy pads if you need em
is constantly by your side
whenever you get angry or upset he immediately apologizes and blames himself bc he thinks that if ur upset than he obviously did something wrong.
he def runs you hot baths with epson salt
ends up getting a period tracker app on his phone to keep up-
y'all were watching moana and he was trying his hardest not to laugh. 😭
why? because you started crying when maui left moana all on her own 🙍🏾‍♀️
and cried harder when he came back-
y'all i feel like i went a lil overboard wit this one 😭
hobie brown
this mf here
he will literally be the worst person to be around
idk how bt he knew it was coming before YOU knew it was coming
like y'all could be chilling on his couch and out of nowhere he goes
"you're getting a visit from aunt flow (i googled this) tomorrow you know that right?"
you being confused bc "who da fuck is aunt flo.... wait-"
hobie will never tell how he knows when it's coming but hey at least he reminds you 🤷🏾‍♀️
literally loves to piss you off
he likes seeing you all riled up
it's just something about the way you scream and throw shit at him for leaving the tv on all night
kinda like miles(42)- instead when you throw shit he catches it
smug the entire time.
the amount of teasing is crazy
"do you think you'll get pregnant if we-" "no" 🙎🏾‍♀️
he isn't a complete asshole
eventually throughout all of the teasing he does whatever you want him to do
when your cramping he helps by rubbing his hand on your lower tummy in circles
he does buy steal you candy from the store
if your craving anything he will most def go get it for you and if you wanna cuddle he would
he'll obviously kno that you want to but makes you asks bc he like that 🤷🏾‍♀️
"you alright?" hobie asks leaning in the door way of his bedroom as he watches you hug your stomach on his bed "could you help?"
"sure luv what do you need?" like bitch-
if you need him to go get you more this mf WILL ask you what size your vagina is 😭 (weirdo)
he stands in the drugstore on the isle with the women necessities (after getting your size) while a middle age woman sides eye him as she slowly reaches for her preferred option
(the lady is confused on why there's a tall ass, guitar playing, punk, holding a box of literal diva cups in his hand 💀)
he eventually gives up and asks the lady if the ones in her hand are any good
let's just say he walks out the store with 4 months supply of period products
overall he's an asshole.. but he's your asshole 😫🤞🏾
miguel o'hara
now he's a little older so he isn't dumb
but he isn't the smartest either
a lot of people say miguel is sweet... no he's not
like bffr we see how SASSY this mf is in the movie 👏🏾😭
i feel like this mf would argue you down whenever your in a bad mood
"get the fuck out my way!" you scream at one of the peters as they bump into you knocking your food out your hand "damn what crawled up your ass and died"
you turn around to see nun other than your boyfriend
"you apparently, do you ever take a day off" his eyebrow raises a little "and leave you idiots running this place?" you roll your eyes as you walk over to grab a duplicate of what you just dropped
miguel notices how your more snappy at him, in fact you've been snappy the past couple days
"hey what's up with you?" he asks, yeah you guys bicker but it's usually playful flirting
"i don't kno, how would you feel if you were bleeding from your vagina?"
he finally gets it
later at home he walks in with a walmart bag of candy, a new fluffy blanket, and a gift card that has "im sorry" written on the front
he would stop picking with you knowing your attitude can go from 0-100 rq
like i mention with hobie and miles(42) i feel like he would just listen as you yell and throw shit at him
but because of his huge size he just sits there unfazed as you throw a literal flashlight at him (where you found it? no one knows.)
he would only cuddle with you at night saying "it's the only way i can sleep" when you know he just wants you to feel better
yes i got impatient with hobie and miguel.
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shuenkio · 12 days
Accidentally - ❤️‍🔥
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Paring: Hyung line x male!reader
Genre: nsfw 18+ (don't like don't press)
Cw: mentioned of sex [d] toys a lot, no sex.
Summary: Your delivery sent you the wrong package.
Non proof read :') lmk if something is wrong.
Crd to all pics&dividers
Below cut !
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Lhs: you were still in a deep sleep when he went to open the door for your delivery package. The moment you woke up, rubbing your eyes to start your day, Heeseung was sitting at the end side of your bed, glaring at you in disbelief. You asked him what was wrong. And he throw you a package that he received for you. You open the unwrapped package when you see a giant dildo inside, and also a transparent one. Your eyes went wide like you just have seen a ghost. Wtf a dildo!
"What. The. Hell. Is. This Hyung!" You almost stutter, having a feeling that he probably misunderstood you for ordering this thing.
"I should be the one to ask you. A dildo? Is my dick not big enough to rail you up? Tsk such a waste" he scoffed, irritated with you as he huffed the hot air unbelievable.
"Excuse me!! I did not order such a thing, why should I order this massive toy when in fact I order a fucking skincare package" You fire back, your blood rushing to your cheeks in a heat emotion. You observe the name tag on the little note and show it to him, tapping your fingertip on it aggressively.
"Put your eyes here and SEE" Heeseung takes a glance at the name tag before realizing it's not your name on it and he signed the confirmation wrong without thinking. Which left him stunned in the place, unable to speak. As the guilt started to wash all over his body, embarrassing.
"I- uhh haha just a misunderstood... My bad mn I should've looked more carefully, please — forgive me" He kneeled, begging on the floor, as he had made a really big mistake, his hands were rubbing against each other, asking for your forgiveness.
You leave your bed, with burning cheeks as you stomp your feet furiously to the bathroom. Heeseung keeps on pleading for your mercy, even if you don't give af about him.
"Please mn~ speak to me i swear I'll do anything hm? Any dare just anything whatever you say! Do you want my body? I can be naked the whole day to please you baby uhh y- you want your skincare I'll go get it real quick for y-"
Sigh, you let him go as your toothbrush still pulsing inside your mouth. Shaking your head in annoyance seeing that he would do anything just to please you, giving you a warm feeling inside, as your madness for him faded away.
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Pjs: You accidentally sent the wrong location for your delivery, which will arrive by the next day. However as the next day comes, you've called your boyfriend Jay to pick up your package for you and explain how your clumsy self, sent your delivery wrong location. He brushes it off, thinking you probably ordered useless things again, so on the way to your apartment, he takes a peek what's inside before discovering two 25 inches dildos, his mind goes blank, and flabbergasted makes his not-innocent eyes even dirtier.
When he arrived, he greeted you with a tight hug as usual. But oddly, he gives you a small gift instead of your wrong package.
You furrowed your eyebrow skeptically, as you opened it to see what was inside.
"Love... Why are there so many condom boxes?" You asked boldly, straightforward question him why, as your face turned even more red when a grin started to spread across his face.
"I just checked your little box, honey, ~ you should've just told me if you want my cock so bad for pleasure, don't be such a coward for that" he leans down at your level, as his eyes darken, full of lust and desire, explained that he's eager for bedtime.
"Wdym love I don't understand -" you respond, still not ringing the bell. You want to ask him with full force from your chest why but you choose to assure him kindly.
"Haha I've seen two dildos inside your box honey, and it's longer than a human's size could reach. I can't believe you're so wild in this field" Jay chuckled softly under his breath as he mentioned what he saw, drawing you more to the edge to see it with your own eyes.
"W-what? I don't order those kinda toys though. I ordered a new book that was just published yesterday, Jay! You're sure you're not wrong?" You reply, telling the truth with your heart pounding inside your chest.
Jay tilts his head, checking your package once again carefully word by word, as his eyes lay on the name that's written with someone else name.
"W—wow um... Sorry, God, I am super sorry, I can't believe this" The truth was revealed, when he dropped the box down, and covered his flashed face with his palm, ashamed at what he just brought to you. Boxes of condoms.
You wheezing on the spot, laughing your ass out like there's no tomorrow, Humiliated him even more. You pause your snort for a sec before steadying yourself once again.
"Don't be embarrassed love, I know what's in store for us tonight with your little gift mwah"
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Sjy: today was your date, it's happened that he came to pick you up so early, giving you no time to react, quickly grab your clothes and towel, rushing in to shower in the bathroom. He takes a sit on the chair inside your bedroom. As his eyes began to explore the decorations, he saw something on the bed sheet.
He didn't want to touch your pieces of stuff without your consent however, the urge to feel it getting out of hand, made him want to open it up, ripped to shreds to see what was inside. Eventually, he did but he didn't tear it into pieces. He unties the wrap on the box, as he learns that, inside the box has a horse dildo, a fucking horse dildo. His expectations went wild, he thought you would order some nice stuff, daily life items or something but a sex toy. Instead of shocked, he's amazed.
After you finished dressing up, you saw him sitting on your bed, giggling all alone, back facing you. You tap his shoulder for his attention, he turns toward you with an enduring horse dildo.
As a result, a gasp left your mouth, catching you off guard. He encounters the wrong package on your bed, where you forget to hide it.
"Jake it's not what it looks like, the delivery man sent me the wrong box you've to trust me" you reassure him nervously because you know that once he's turned on, nothing can stop his beast.
He stood on his feet, slowly closing the gap between you two, as he wrapped his hand around your waist tight.
"Idc what your reason is, you're responsible for my hard cock underneath, now bend over for your bf~"
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Psh: The same goes for Heeseung. When you're busy cleaning the house upstairs, he went to pick your package up as soon as he heard there was a delivery. He signed without a glance, and didn't even bother to care about what was inside.
After the intense activity of cleaning the whole room upstairs, you take a break together with Sunghoon. At the same time, you settled for lunch times, scooping all the food, and enjoying your time after all the sweat.
Once you're finished eating, Sunghoon gives the box to you on the table while he's still eating. You let out an excited noise, overjoyed that your order had arrived faster than you thought.
Your hand started to unveil to unbox the lovely new earphones that you've always wanted, however, instead of the headphones, a fat massive inhumane dildo exposed on the table with its brown color, detailed veins and even hair pattern on the dildos.
As soon as Sunghoon caught sight of it, he choked on his food. Almost spit out all the foods he had just eaten.
"Fuck me you almost killed me with your damn dildo," He said, half surprised and half choked, gulping down a glass of water to pour the food that stuck in his throat.
"Hell nah, they sent the wrong one but— who tf ordered such a wide-length toy omg" The dildo is not only big but also massive at its length too, catching you taken aback by your discovery. Sunghoon then pressed his finger to feel it before letting out a rich laugh.
"I wouldn't be so surprised though if you order a real sex toy but you can always just use me right?"
"You talk nonsense again stop—" He cut you as he snatched your hand to feel his cock that's semi-hard inside the fabric right now. As he pressed your hand rubbing harder, begging for your touch without a word.
"Use my cock like a dildo mn~ I'm more than happy to offer myself for you, raw and even more tasty"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ lack of perfect words ;-;
Ps: This is the wildest shzt I ever write 😗🤌
Anyway thanks again pookie for supporting this writer 🥰🫶.
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livelaughlovesubs · 2 months
NINIII!! I have a tiny little incy wincy request :3 … ermmm how abt making dazai wear a maid dress and then fucking him afterwards ?? (。>\\\<。)
And a little over stimming wouldn’t hurt.. ( ´ཀ` )
Again, sorry if I’m bothering u!! Don’t gotta do this request if u ain’t feeling like it! Have a great day nini, love uuuu!! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
- 🎀
Heyyy 🎀 anon! Good to see you again, I haven’t heard a lot from you lately though :< anyway, thanks for the support and the idea, excuse me for a second. JAKOAKSKA DAZAI IN UGHH MAID DRESSES AHHH, SO CUTE OH GODDDD
Dom!reader x sub!character - reader is gender neutral
Warning: teasing, hair pulling, lingerie, role play (master/ servant), touching inappropriately, clothed sex? (A tiny bit)
Edit: this ended up being sexual tension without actually getting to the fucking part - ig it’s cuz I write dick in dick out too often so I like writing the foreplay aspect more :’)
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“What’s this?” You asked, curiosity peeked when you saw dazai hiding behind a locked room. He’s been staying there for at least 15 minutes now with the door shut tight, leaving you clueless. “It’s a surprise~!” Whenever you’d ask questions related to whatever he was doing, he’d give the same reply. Did he really need to make this so mysterious? Today wasn’t even a special day, so why was he being silly again?
Defeated, you sighed and simply went to the kitchen to grab something. Then you made your way over to the couch, deciding to wait until he’s ready. There wasn’t much you could do other than this. Another minute passed, and you finally heard the sound of locks getting unlocked. Your eye went immediately to the door, staring with anticipation. To your surprise, it was actually him. It took you a moment to properly grasp the situation.
There he was, standing in the door frame all confident like always. This wouldn’t have been surprising if it weren’t for the nice looking outfit he wore, which was a maid costume? A black top with long sleeves paired with an ankle long skirt in the same colour, as well as a white, pretty extravagant or frilly apron. The apron hung from his shoulders and has been tied around his waist, creating a ribbon behind him. He also had a headband on his head, along with some gloves. The outfit would have looked professional if it weren’t for the many excessive ribbons decorating the dress, like the ones on his sleeves or headband, as well as his heels.
It’d be an understatement to say your jaw dropped and you were flabbergasted. Sure, you had some ideas what he could have being doing in that room, and this idea has come across your mind before. Even so seeing it in person was still shocking to say the least. With his usual confidence he carried himself over to you, which was impressive even if the heels weren’t that tall. He stopped in front of the couch and did a few twirls. The dress fluttered around in an elegant fashion, captivating your attention.
“It looks great..” you whispered, eyeing him up and down. The outfit was really pretty and refined, it gave off high class vibes. “Of course it is, I picked it out for you,” dazai said with a smug look on his face, before kneeling down and resting his head in your lap. Despite the reality, you had troubles believing dazai really brought this. Knowing him, he would have gotten something more erotic instead of settling down for elegance.
For a while, none of you moved. He kept nuzzling against you while you stroke his hair gently. Until you grabbed his wrist and slipped your index finger inside his gloves. “There must be more to why you wore this, no?” The brunette didn’t have an ounce of surprise on his features, he has been expecting such a reaction from you. “There is no deeper meaning to this, did you wish there were some?” At the same time your hand kept advancing, though he let you do so without any resistance. Now you were slowly slipping the glove off of him. Those were latex gloves, how mischievous of him, or should you rather say thoughtful?
You shook the glove in your hand a little, getting rid of the folds. He watched you do so, revealing a moment of vulnerability to you. Making use of that small frame, you suddenly tugged at his hair, making him throw his head back. “Err..?” A small yelp left him, this position made him arch his back too. The headband fell off and his eyes were now glued to your hand holding his glove. Since when was it so close to your lips? It was your dominant hand too.
Slowly, without rushing it, you put on the glove, all while tugging at his hair with your other hand. Then you bit the end of the fabric and pulled it down, wearing it. Your gaze didn’t leave his for a moment. Noticing how he had a slightly dumbfounded expression. “What’s wrong, dazai?” You cooed, though it almost seemed like you were mocking him. Before he could say anything in opposition, you continued, “oh dear, stand up, or the outfit might get dirty.” What a roundabout way of giving him orders.
The male obeyed, standing up slowly and leaving the headband on the floor. With each moment spend here in your presence, the tension seemed to increase. He grabbed the end of his apron, waiting for your instructions, smiling excitingly. “You know you can just order me around, master.” Dazai teased, wanting to push your buttons. This game of tug was balanced, none of you wanted to fold first. “I’m just your maid after all.” He added, now holding the skirt and raising it, giving you a small glimpse of his legs while he bowed. Stockings. You saw stockings. Was he perhaps wearing lingerie underneath it..? It’d make sense, considering how long he took in that damned room.
“Haha..” you chuckled a little, he seems to have caught onto your little challenge. The hint you dropped was too obvious huh? If that’s the case, time to speed things up. Once again you surprised him, this time by grabbing his waist and changing your positions. Pushing him down to sit on the couch while you were hovering above him, pressing a knee against his clothed crotch. “Hmm~! Hey now.. that’s not fair.” He gasped, breathing heavily. “I’m your master, not a fair player.” That answer seems to have shut him up. His hands grabbed your leg, you weren’t sure what he was trying to do. Moving your knee away or pressing it down?
Nevertheless you had to move it out of the way for your next move, so you did that. A disappointment whine followed from the male. “No need to get all needy already, I’m just getting started.” You smirked and your weaker hand held his dress up, revealing the real surprise he had been hiding. “Ops~ I guess you exposed me~?” He grinned, as if he didn’t plan this from the very start. Your prediction was right, he did wore some nice looking undergarments for you. Black lace covered his smooth legs, up until his thighs. From there on it was attached to his panties by a string, all of it black and laced.
“The fabric is pretty uncomfortable you know?” Dazai voice his thoughts, pulling a pitiful facade. Of course you knew what he was implying, which is why you deliberately ignored it. He just loved this power struggle between you two. Even though he knew exactly where his place was, he just wanted to rile you up. Without answering his previous statement, you moved your hand to his back. At least you tried, the apron was preventing you from doing so. That’s why you settled for his sacrum, caressing that part gently before moving lower and groping his butt.
A squeak filled with anticipation escaped him, feeling the latex rub against his skin. Soon the cheeky smile turned into a seductive one, melting with pleasure all due to your touch. His entrance clenching while his dick slowly got hard, rubbing against the cute panties. How he wished to just beg you to fuck him senseless, but that would spoil the fun, no? Yet all this foreplay was making him impatient~ what should he do? In the end, he settled on whispering with a pleading tone, “oh, master, please make this servant dirty.”
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Part two!
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To Catch A Falling Star (Idia Shroud x Reader)
Inspired by a scene from Criminal Minds
Reader is intended to be female
If Idia had to describe you in one word it was unexpected.
He still remembers the day he met the magicless prefect who appeared out of nowhere in a fiery blaze of glory like some leveled up shounen protagonist about to fight the final boss, how Ortho had directed you into his room before he could stop him. And instead of being repulsed by the many, many posters, figurines and merch he had scattered around his room, you were in fact…elated?
“You’re an otaku as well?” you beamed at him, your starry-eyed gaze of awe rendering him speechless before he flinches as you yell, pumping your fists in the air, “Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!”
Yeah, he does not have the energy to unpack that.
Anyway, he never expected you to appear in his world, and he never expected to find himself comfortable with you, his new gaming buddy and fellow animanga enthusiast. You never judge him for his tastes or his behaviour or less than ideal personality. You were someone he could genuinely call a friend andabsolutelynothingmoreOrthoIloveyoubutpleasebequiet.
And having you around a lot, both because of you just barging into his room or by Ortho’s multitude of invites, just felt natural, your chatter being something that he could call soothing. Which is how he found himself absolutely dominating his current multiplayer playthrough with you doing your own thing by his side.
After his team had won the game, he turned to you, ready to receive your subsequent praise, only to find that your attention was diverted towards a wooden toy thing, your face scrunched up in concentration as your fingers fiddled with its many vertices.
“What are you doing?” he asked and you paused your twiddling, looking up at him. 
“Oh I got this star puzzle in Sam’s shop earlier. It reminded me a lot of this thing we have back in my world so I thought that I’d try it out,” you look back down and resume playing with it, “it’s practically impossible to figure out. You’ve got to put all of these pieces together to form a perfect star. It’s a bit of a headache really but it’s got a really sweet backstory.”
“So that thing’s got lore?” Idia raised his eyebrows and held out his hand. You gently toss it into his open palm.
“Well, you see it’s this romantic story where a young prince wanted to win the heart of the fairest maiden in the land, so he climbed up to the top of the tallest tower in the kingdom and caught a falling star for her. But, since he was so excited to give it to her, he dropped it and it smashed into all of these small pieces. So he frantically put it back together again to prove his undying love to her and he succeeded and they lived happily ever after.”
“What a load of normie nonsense,” Idia scoffed.
“Excuse me?!”
“You can’t catch a falling star,” he deadpanned, “it would burn up in the atmosphere.”
“Really?” you ask, unimpressed, “you live in a world that has flying broomsticks and magic mirrors and plants that can yell loud enough to kill someone - I really don’t think you can argue about the concept of reality when there are children here who are capable of breaking the laws of physics on the regular.”
“But still, it’s stupid,” he grumbles, “why does catching a star make you a shoujo manga male lead.”
“It’s romantic,” you argue, “he loves her so much that he would do the impossible for her. Besides, the point is that it’s impossible to do because you have to take all of these pieces and fit them exactly into the shape of a -”
You trail off, dumbfounded, when Idia smugly presents to you the completed puzzle, a small brown star sitting idly in his hand. 
“You were saying,” he smirked at your flabbergasted expression, preening slightly when it shifted to annoyed, “it doesn’t seem all that hard to me.”
“Why do you have to be like this,” you lamented, pouting as you grumbled about ‘high and mighty otakus who think they’re so cool just because they’ve beaten you in every one-v-one you’ve played’.
“Just take the L,” he said, not without a hint of condescension, as he turned back to his screen. Thankfully you were too busy wallowing to notice the magenta glowing along the edges of his hair. Why do you have to be so cute? You’re dangerous, you know.
Yeah, you’re a pretty unpredictable person. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t pull any epic gamer moves of his own.
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kalims · 1 year
Can i request a fluff with Octa trio(separately) on a date but being disturbed by the first year by questioning “why are you dating with this shady guy mom— you could’ve get better step father for us.” ace said…
that time where you became a parent | octavinelle
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premise. there's a lot of firsts in relationships and getting your date crashed by your partner's self-proclaimed kids for the first time is apparently one as well.
cw. mention of getting tortured once (brief), someone disappears, mention of mafia as a comparison to the octa trio, not proofread
includes. gender neutral reader, fluff
note. hi yes, after ten years /j I've decided to test my flexibility with requests since I plan to take up commisions 😚
also ik that cw is really concerning but it's nothing bad in the writing i swear!! also you sent this ask a few hours ago (4) but I'm already done?? wow
hey also im so sorry I just realized you used a feminine term 'mom' and i only realized after I finished writing 💀 you didn't specify the reader and I didn't notice so I thought it's like gender neutral my bad!
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azul ashengrotto | all of the above
"azul you've been frozen for a minute,, are you okay?"
"I'm,,, fine?" he thinks?
ace snorts. "dude you call that fine? you look like you just saw one of ursula's tentacles get cut off,"
shocked? flabbergasted? speechless? azul is just one huge combination of those three even though they're pretty much the same thing. he's just suprised, albeit a little disturbed that your... five grown men friends—‎also your apparent 'children' have now kidnapped you as their parent and is planning to make him a step-father without his consent!
he looks at you with a blink as if to as 'what in the great seven are they talking about' meanwhile you just shrug and take a bite out of the lunch azul had just bought you, thoroughly enjoying it because come on. who wouldn’t enjoy free food? it's your right as his partner to experience getting spoiled but that doesn't mean you don't get to not like it.
judging by the casual, indifferent demeanor you display and even your unbothered face? azul can tell that this happens lots of times and at some point you had accepted it.
also the ursula comment.. he got offended on her behalf, no way the great ursula would even let that happen to her. she's the epitome of greatness! plus... he'll have your bratty child know that octopuses can regrow a limb!
wait a minute.
azul sputtered and frowned defensively. "excuse me? shady?" he'll have them know that he is a perfectly—perfect father for your children! there is no 'better' because he simply is the best.
oh azul... who's gonna tell him that he's obviously showing off whenever your grown 'kids' are around in hopes of getting their approval? no one apparently cause ace thinks it's too funny for it to be stopped and he needs seriously good entertainment that matches up to this level.
god lord if anyone sees him snooping around the library on topics that typically interest teens.. or jade leaking out the fact that he sent the tweels to collect information about the five.. that makes for good blackmail according to them and he's starting to get concerned with how many material they had gotten from him.
jade leech | more amused than suprised
"I believe that I am capable of reaching the standards of your 'children'," a chuckle.
epel quips over from the side casually, toning his pitch up a notch to showcase the knowing voice. "hows your criminal record? clean?"
the chuckling ceases.
okay maybe he can reach their expectations in ways that doesn't involve a clean record. in his defense that person had crossed a line so jade had to... remind them which line to stay behind. it's not like epel knows that the speeding ticket was just a cover up for the more concerning one and as much as jade liked to tell the tale, he supposes he'd get much more disagreement if he told the other story, so he resorted to talking about the less... severe crime.
jack in particular voices his disagreement, more so when jade had commented on craving meat while eyeing jack in a way that the buff man immediately got offended and snitched to you.
safe to say that as much as you love your concerning, tall, red flag boyfreind he's definitely gonna feel the heat from your glare. that day jade learned not to mess with jack cause despite how ironically strong the man is? apparently he's a pretty big snitch cause he always goes to you and tries to 'convince' you that even kalim makes a better lover.
jade did not like that at all. why like the excruciatingly boring sunshine of scarabia? I mean come on, over kalim and jade? who's less boring? he questions you with a particularly coy smile.
for your sake, he supposes. the five troublesome first years had gotten less treatment for him nowadays and he's made it perfectly clear that he has the capability to mess with them once again, be it in a battle of mentality, or strength. but just cause he let them off doesn't mean their off the hook yet! which is great because with the subtly implications he had made meant that jack with the quick mouth wouldn't be so quick to snitch on him.
for a guy who tortur—I mean, gave a perfectly justified punishment to a sinner jade is pretty childish and competitive to prove that he's a pretty damn good boyfriend that no one,,, absolutely no one (not even your kids lol) can mess with.
floyd leech | thinks it's really funny and wants to be the dad
"awww.. shrimpy you didn't tell me you got a whole troupe of baby shrimpies," floyd giggles.
"I mean they didn't tell me that I was their parent too so,"
"hmph! calling the prefect my parent would be disrespecting master lilia!" sebek bemoaned—loudly despite accepting a parental scold about volume from you.
most of the sentence that ace commented about him being... shady? just went in one ear and out the other. I mean yeah, he isn't gonna blow the 'cover' but they're mafia type shit shady and he can't exactly deny what they see. and apparently what ace sees is that you need a better 'husband' and they need a better 'step-father' to which floyd replied a; "there's no one else. you're stuck with me baby shrimpies,"
floyd's grin was very ominous but when was it not? though his specific harder emphasis on 'no one' concerns you a little and you even had a moment of realization because besides that one guy who miraculously disappeared after he flirted witn you quite literally disappeared from thin air... who else approached you after that?
but just like any other MC you shrug it off :) (for the sake of the plot)
for some reason floyd believes the family thing wholly and had now squeezed himself into it—to the dismay and endless complaints from sebek. besides the obvious dislike the angry teen had out for him, floyd seems to think the opposite and even finds sebek amusing! (to the further suffering of sebek floyd had requested for him to call him dad)
sebek refused of course and explained he already had a father and simply could not!
floyd took it the wrong way and asked you if you were seeing another person 😭 I mean there's only one person 'lilia' in the school and from sebek's 'master-lilia' from their conversation it's clear that the boy was referring to whoever lilia is as his father so he tried to get jade up in it (who loved the idea of storming diasomnia but hell, even jade was wary of the nobody floyd never heard of in his life!)
^ coughs that was his jealousy speaking. in the end jade outright talked him out of it and told him that he could always spread some.. things since it always works.
out of jealousy floyd had told you that lilia sounds like a 5 year old name and is lame. jealousy may come in fire but floyd's come in grude. you just feel kinda bad for lilia lol
──  ko-fi
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princesssmars · 9 months
another one of my dreams that i have to write out because it flabbergasted me and two of my friends. but this time about hazel from bottoms.
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ok, reader is the new girl at school. in my dream i was kind of a loser (accurate) but because i can write what i want (and i've read @ptolemaeacles cheerleader headcanons ten times) im changing it.
so reader is trying out to be cheerleader! it helps you make a few friends, isabel being the best one because she’s amazing, beautiful, and a little weird in a really endearing way. she finds you interesting, given your natural talent for dancing and how despite doing vulgar dance moves on the football field, off of it you can be a shy and sweet person!
because of this isabel, brittany and you are pretty much always together. and since they're popular and seen everywhere, that means you are seen everywhere!
which means hazel cant take a fucking break.
walking to sit with pj and josie during lunch and means almost having a heart attack when she sees you handing out flyers for the next school event, looking so ethereal in your cheer uniform she nearly trips over herself.
or when every morning she sits two rows over from you in math class, not so sneakily staring at you for minutes at a time while doing her worksheets.
despite being close to a genius, she thinks there's no way in hell you have ever noticed her. never seen the way your eyes will drift to her when she's sitting in the bleachers while, you're practicing, how you're heart will race when the teacher is calling names for project partners with the chance that the brunette could be in your group.
so sure you had a crush that was going nowhere, but you had a nice bunch of new friends, so people we're starting to like you!
all except one.
mrs. fucking barnes.
for whatever reason, your second period english teacher had decided on your first day to make your senior year a living fucking hell.
put a good amount of effort into an essay? you get a d minus!
want to share a comment you had about the book the class is reading? shut up silly, jeff is going to popcorn read and stutter over a basic sentence!
but one friday, you decided to skip class and the next week she went ballistic.
now, since moving to town, you had noticed that the people here were a little odd, regularly seeing a normal interaction or conversation go to the extreme in seconds.
so, when you're hovering over the toilet in the girls bathroom, a small thought in your brain that loves to say what if's asks: what if somebody bursted in here right now?
when you finish and stand up to pull your jeans up, only to be interrupted when the stall doors bust open with a loud bang! you think for split second that god can literally hear your thoughts and is making you pay for whatever sins you've committed.
those sins must have been fucking murder to make up for how mortified you felt standing in a cramped girls bathroom stall, your pants down with three people staring at you/
the first, mrs. barnes, wearing a look thats a mix between anger and regret.
the second is nettie brown, a girl you recognized from your art class who you remember complimented your heels and you did the same for her coat.'
and then, standing in front the sinks with eyes that look as big as fucking saucers, hazel callahan herself.
your brain catches up to your body and you manage to splutter out a string of curses and yells, forcing the door back closed as the teachers splutters out an excuse about someone telling her you had started doing weed in the bathrooms.
you hear her and some more shoes shuffling out of the bathroom, taking a minute to gather your bearings before you leave the bathroom. when you open the door again you rest your hands on the counter, your eyes closed as you take a breath. when you look up to your reflection, in your peripheral you see a figure standing awkwardly at the back of the bathroom, blue eyes avoiding looking at you.
"hazel?" you ask under your breath, turning around to look at her dead on. she flinches to attention like a child called to attention.
"uh...i just wanted to make sure that you were alright, what she did was really fucked up."
"oh," you mouth, grateful that after something so embarrassing this girl who you barely knew was waiting in a crappy bathroom to make sure you were alright. if it was possible your crush on her just grows. "thank you. that means a lot to me."
her face lights up so brightly you think it could light up a city.
"no problem! i mean, really who cares that much about weed, anyway? i've never cared about bush anyway-"
the room gets silent.
as she quickly rushes out an apology and leaves, all you can think about is how its weird you've been shocked like this twice in a span of ten minutes, and that you have got to ask hazel callahan on a date.
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i made this a lot cuter than it was in my dream. i was in the bathroom, looking at these really nice coats on the counter ?? when the door opened, hazel just said "y'know ive never minded bush" and the sheer confusion made wake up.
i put my senior year english teacher in here because. i still hate that bitch.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Fearless buddy being sent to the tfp universe at first made me want the tfp team prime to see mtmte Megs interact with buddy and have a crisis over the fact that Megs became a dad, to a human no less.
and then I realized, no. no I dont want team prime to just react to mtmte megs, I want these fuckers to get yeeted into the portal one by one and suffer through the general chaos of the lost light.
Arcee - What was that?
Swerve - oh thats just Skids, you can tell cause when Buddys' in the vents it sounds more like a pitter patter.
Drifts gets double to Ratchets to simp for
Optimus curls into a ball and cries when he sees Megatron with an autobot badge and being a decent person
Tailgate fanboys and asked for an autograph, yes he knows that its not their Optimus Prime but he's cool none the less
Miko quickly finds Buddy and Whirl and Rodimus quickly grabs Bumblebee and Smokescreen. Ultra Magnus has his back turned for for ten minutes and suddenly the Lost light has been turned into a race track with Swerve handling the betting's and a small world has declared war on the lost light, stating the instigators was a human and two mechs, one of which kinda sounds like the Apex armor.
Brainstorm finds Raf and gets into a custody battle for him with Ratchet.
Optimus and Megatron both have a conversation and get some kinda closure from it.
Ultra Magnus nearly cries over Jack being responsible and polite. he loves buddy but why did they get the well mannered human
plus the rest of the autobots being fucking flabbergasted at how Megatron is with his tiny organic child
In short: C H A O S !
There simply would have been way too much to cover with just this request alone. So, I've tried to condense everything down to 4 key highlights of events that defiantly happened during the trip. This would also be assuming that this is also the same universe as Old Predacon Buddy.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy gets a visit from TFP Bots
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
4 Conversations and confrontations that have defiantly happened during the visit
Meeting the Co- captains
The bots had just arrived at the Lost Light via portal and met Buddy once again.
Buddy wanted to bring them to the med bay just to make sure everything was okay with their systems.
Optimus was the one to have Buddy on his servo as they pointed the way to get to the med bay.
How did they not come across any other crewmember?
That is beyond them.
But just before the team made it to the med bay a streak of black came in front of the bots.
“Who are you and what are you doing on board?”--Ravage
Buddy waving from Prime’s servo.
“Hi Ravage!”--Buddy
Ravage takes notice of Buddy and pins his audials back.
“Let them go now!”--Ravage
Ravage tries swiping at the Prime, but Arcee fires a warning shot.
“Don’t even think about it.”--Arcee
“Wait can’t we all calm down—"--Buddy
Multiple heavy pede steps are heard.
“And now he’s coming…”--Buddy
Megatron and Rodimus come running from the corner and stop behind Ravage.
Megatron has his fusion cannon ready and Rodimus is powering up.
Everyone is tense.
“All right Fake Optimus, put Buddy down and no one gets hurt too badly.”--Rodimus
“Fake Prime? This is Optimus Prime.”--Smokescreen
“Yeah, and Megatron isn’t Buddy’s dad. That’s not Optimus.”--Rodimus
“Excuse did you say that bucket head there was Buddy’s dad?!”--Miko
Buddy nods and pats Prime’s digits.
“Just pass me to Rodimus while I explain everything.”--Buddy
Optimus hesitates a minute before handing Buddy to Rodimus.
Buddy Jumps from Rodimus’s servo start onto Megatron’s arm, which freaks everyone out for a minute as the ex war lord does catch them.
“Buddy we’ve talked about this.”--Megatron
Buddy stick’s out their tongue.
“Can someone please explain what in Primus’s name is going on?!”--Magnus
“In a bit Magnus.”--Buddy
“Wait, wait wait, this is Magnus?”--Rodimus
Rodimus looks at him amused.
“Just wait til Minimus finds out.”--Rodimus
“Who’s Minimus?”--Wheeljack
“In a minute, now to the med bay. Ratchet should take a look at them before anything else.”--Buddy
“Ratchet?”—Team Prime
Rodimus and Buddy turn to each other with a mischievous smile.
Megatron just sighs tiredly.
This was going to be a long day… or week even…
2. Ratchet confrontation and some honorable mentions
Both Ratchet’s nearly have a stroke when they see each other.
The team gets checked out by every medic available.
Buddy manages to catch everyone up overall on the ‘alternative universe’ fiasco. Everyone manages to understand for the most part.
Megatron watches Buddy like a hawk while also sending a message to Minimus on the situation.
He could practically hear the stroke happening from here.
MTMTE Ratchet taking a double look at everyone’s energon levels.
“How are any of you even functioning?! Your energon levels are so low you shouldn’t even be standing up right?!”—MTMTE Ratchet
TFP Ratchet huffs.
“Unlike this universe, energon is not a common thing to run by. Naturally the levels are going to be low.”—TFP Ratchet
“I’m not saying that it is, but what I am is astounded on how any of you are still even talking. And you especially.”
Optimus looks curious.
“What are you referring to?”--Optimus
MTMTE Ratchet takes a deep vent and lets it out.
“Your Ratchet has the lowest energon levels out of your entire team combined! Miracle that he is even with us.”--ratchet
Bee buzzes angrily.
All MTMTE bots look at him worriedly.
First Aid comes over to him.
“What happened to your voice?”—First Aid
MTMTE Ratchet, Ambulon and Velocity join in crowding Bee.
“His voice box was damaged in the war on Cybertron. Our Megatron damaged it.”—Raf
Bumblebee looks down a bit.
The medics are all looking at one another.
“We can see what we can do here, if you’d like Bumblebee.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Bee buzzes happily as Raf hugs his digit.
Drift enters the med bay.
“Hey Ratchet, I heard you yelling in here, is everything—”--Drift
Drift looks at the scene in front of him stopping dead in his tracks.
His optics land on TFP Ratchet.
Buddy looks at him mouthing ‘No!’
“Who’s this guy?”--Smokescreen
“I finally made it to the Afterspark.”--Drift
“What?”—TFP Ratchet
“That’s just Drift just ignore him.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Ratchet I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”--Buddy
Drift pulls them both into a hug.
TFP Ratchet is struggling to get out of his grip while MTMTE Ratchet just goes along with it.
“Buddy, who’s that?”--Wheeljack
“And why is he hugging Ratchet?”--Bulkhead
“That’s Drift, he’s Ratchet’s Conjunx.”--Buddy
All TFP Bots nearly have whiplash at how fast they move their helms.
“HIS CONJUNX?!”—Team Prime
“MY WHAT?!”—TFP Ratchet
“Not yours.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Aww Ratty! You do care.”--Drift
“RATTY?!”—Team Prime
Several members of Team Prime laughing on the med slab so hard the medics are on standby.
3. Kids custody
Tfp team goes to the bar.
Kids stay with Buddy in the human safe portion of the bar to get some food.
Everyone is staring at them.
But to be fair they did have way different frame types than everyone else in this dimension.
Buddy yells at them for being rude.
That they help them in their time of need.
Suddenly everyone is in a much better mood.
Swerve serving Team Prime some engex.
“Any friend of Buddy is a friend of ours. Drink up fellow bots!”--Swerve
“Thank you Swerve.”--Optimus
Prime feels something poking his side
He looks at a white minibot poking his side holding a data pad.
“Hi! I know your not this universes Optimus, but can I still have your autography!”--Tailgate
Prime looks a bit surprised but he gives in.
“Thank you!”--Tailgate
“And what may be your name?”--Optimus
“I’m Tailgate!”--Tailgate
Arcee spits out her engex, Bulkhead calms her down.
“Is she okay? I didn’t upset her right?”--Tailgate
Arcee walks up to Tailgate, who is roughly around her size.
Cyclonus walks up behind Tailgate as if daring her to do something dumb.
She eventually holds her servo out.
“I’m Arcee.”--Arcee
Tailgate hugs Arcee instead.
“Thank you and your team for taking care of Buddy while they were away!”--Tailgate
Arcee is holding back tears as she gives into the hug.
“SHE’S ARCEE!”--Rodimus
Many bots look over with curiosity and some with fear.
Bulkhead looked over at the human table to find it empty.
“Hey where are the kids?”--Bulkhead
“Oh! Whirl took them around the bar when you weren’t looking.”--Swerve
“Whirl? Who’s Whirl?”--Magnus
Swerve points to the helicopter bot with his cockpit open.
“That one who’s trying to fight with Getaway.”--Swerve
Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus navigate their way to Whirl.
He turns to show Buddy and Miko laughing in the pit.
“So, you’re this little monsters guardians?”--Whirl
“Well, TOO BAD!”--Whirl
Whirl places a protective claw over both of the giggling humans.
“They are not your Amica—”--Magnus
“Actually I’m his.”--Buddy
“And that’s something we’re going to talk about later. Miko—”--Wheeljack
“Miko no!”--Bulkhead
“MIKO YES!”--Miko
Meanwhile with Arcee…
Arcee stares at MTMTE Magnus, Cyclonus, Tailgate and Pipes.
Pipes and Tailgate are asking him all sorts of questions.
“Ultra Magnus. Cyclonus.”--Arcee
“Arcee.”—Magnus and Cyclonus
All three of them look over at the other three who are happily laughing at a joke.
All three mentally promise to destroy anyone who harms Jack.
Meanwhile with Ratchet…
Brainstorm holding Raf high above his helm.
“I HAVE FOUND MY CHILD!”--Brainstorm
“HE IS NOT YOUR CHILD!”--Perceptor
“Fine! Percy and Nautica we need to schedule visiting time—”--Brainstorm
MTMTE Ratchet taking Raf out of his servo.
“Leave the poor boy alone.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift looks over at MTMTE Ratchet and Raf and smiles teasingly.
“AAAAWWWW Ratty!”--Drift
Ratchet suddenly getting the hint.
“No…”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift no.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Drift yes?”--Drift
“…”--MTMTE Ratchet
Ratchet hands Raf back to his counterpart.
“I think its best to keep him in check.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Will do—HEY!”—TFP Ratchet
Brainstorm once again nabbing Raf from him.
“Mine child! Now Rafael. Would you like to see my lab? It has all sorts of inventions in it.”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm starts heading to the exit faster before Skids tackles him down letting Raf to get thrown up in the air.
He gets caught by Swerve, who just puts him down next to him.
“…Do you like Bill Nye?”--Swerve
Meanwhile with Rodimus…
Has Smokescreen and Bumblebee both thrown over his shoulder looking at Megatron and Magnus.
“Too bad.”--Rodimus
Confused car noises intensify.
Later on, Optimus and Megatron are found in one of the booth having some whispered conversation.
No one knows what they talked about, but both came back from it looking tired yet somewhat happy.
4. Promise to meet each other one day in the future
A couple days pass, the portal comes back.
Tfp team says their goodbyes.
Buddy wishes them good luck and to say hi to their alternative.
Portal closes.
“Wait you said, ‘other Buddy’, there was another Buddy?”--Megatron
“Oh yeah, but they’re an old Predacon.”--Buddy
“AN OLD WHAT?!”--Whirl
Meanwhile back in TFP…
The team comes out of the portal groaning at the semi harsh landing.
June and Agent Fowler came running in.
June nearly tackles the kids asking so many questions their heads are spinning.
The team explains what happened.
“Would have guessed that after Buddy’s explanation.”—Agent Fowler
“Heh, hey where is Buddy anyways?”--Bulkhead
“Bet their taking a nap.”--Miko
“Nope. After four hours of you guys ‘disappearing to the other dimension’ they’ve been trying to keep everything under control. They’ve been increasing patrols and energon digs.”—Agent Fowler
“They should be coming in soon.”--June
Heavy wing flaps are heard from the main entrance.
“June! I think another rocks stuck in my—”--Buddy
Buddy stops to take a good look at the team before going in for a group hug, spreading their wings as much as possible.
“Thank the Primes your all safe.”--Buddy
“Woah! Buddy, your…umm…”--Smokescreen
Buddy looking down at their dented and dusty self.
“Someone had to pick up on the patrols. The Decepticon’s couldn’t know that you were gone.”--Buddy
Optimus places his servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
“Rest old friend. We can take it from here.”--Optimus
Buddy just yawns and moves to their spot near the human area and slumps down hard and falls asleep.
The kids go over to Buddy to see if they are still awake.
They were out.
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goldencherryhazz · 10 months
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I can’t deal with this today- 🥹 wrote the tiniest drabble for you, I couldn’t help myself!
Like you’d accidentally walk on the outside and he’d be like ‘erm excuse me!’
And you’d be like ‘what? What did I do?’
And then he’d literally grab you by the shoulders to stop you and then rotate the two of you so that he is on the outside, meanwhile a couple of bystanders are now watching the two of you.
‘That’s better’ he says continuing to walk, satisfied that he was now on the outside.
‘Why does it matter who’s walking on which side?’ You chuckle.
He turns around flabbergasted that you were even questioning his motives ‘it is literally the number 1 rule as a boyfriend’
‘What protect me at all costs?’
‘Yes of course, what if a car came hurtling towards us?
‘Then we’d both probably get horrific injuries or get squashed’
‘No wrong! I would protect you with my body so you wouldn’t get hurt’ he throws his hands as if he wasn’t the one thinking illogically.
‘Baby you’re soo fucking cute’ you pout.
‘And guess what so are you, too cute to get squished’ he reaches his hand to clasp with yours to carry on your venture into London, on the correct sides of the path.
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
If you still accept titles for the made-up fic title thingy:
"I wanna be that somebody for you."
This is very long! My imagination got away from me and I would LOVE to continue this story if you and others are interested!
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Also couldn’t help myself and made a lil moodboard.
You own a small flower shop inherited by your grandfather and you curated the floral arrangements for Penny and Maverick’s wedding. You were busy perfecting the bouquets and that’s when Jake saw you wearing a very pretty sundress with pink flowers on it. You even had a headband of flowers in your hair and he pictured you in a cottage with little woodland creatures surrounding you.
He admired your work ethic and the need for things to be exactly perfect with the arrangements.
“Excuse me,” he said approaching you, “could you help me with my boutonniere?”
You looked him over in his dress whites then glanced at the others behind him.
“Um, you don’t get them with your uniform.”
“Oh. I know,” he grinned, green eyes dancing.
“Then why would you ask–”
“I’m in another wedding. I’ll be wearing a regular civvy suit.”
“I see,” you nod gathering up the fallen stems and leaves from your work. “Shouldn’t the bride and groom be asking for those?”
“I’m the best man, they’ve entrusted me with it.”
“I see.”
He liked how curt you were with your responses.
“Well, I’d love to help but not while I’m in the middle of another wedding, sir.”
His eyebrows raised at the formality of ‘sir’ and only made his Cheshire grin widen.
“Wonderful, I’ll stop by tomorrow. When do you open?”
“Eight,” you sigh.
“I’ll see you at eight. And it’s Lieutenant, darlin’,” he winks then left you flabbergasted.
He’s already waiting outside the shop door by eight o’clock on the dot when you go to unlock them. He’s in his service khakis and you run through some options from most expensive to least. Then by category of flower and what season would be best for which flower. It wasn't until you pulled out a box of ribbon that he placed his hand over yours, you felt an electric current course through you.
He admits it was all a ploy.
“What? Why?” You ask then realization and anger clouds over your eyes. “So you can joke about it with your naval buddies? Get out of my store–”
“No, no, no, you misunderstand,” he holds up his hands in defense. “I have a proposition for you.”
“A proposition?”
“An arrangement,” he flashes a smile. “Come to dinner with me tonight and I’ll explain.”
“Like an arrangement of flowers?”
“No, sweetheart,” he shakes his head then slides his hands in his pockets. “I’ll have a car pick you up at seven. Wear something nice.”
He winks again then left.
Throughout the day you were thinking of the whole altercation. The smart, rational part of you knows you shouldn’t have dinner with him. But the curious part of you is intrigued by his cryptic meaning of ‘proposition’ and ‘arrangement’ and you wanted to know what it was.
It isn’t until your friend and coworker has come over with an armful of dresses for you to borrow that she jokingly suggests it might be a sex arrangement. You laugh along but the pit in your stomach and the warmth spreading in your ears signifies she might be right. You pick out a pretty black dress and the car arrives promptly at seven o’clock.
The Navy is prone to being good with time, you guessed.
A man named Reynolds opens the very sleek black SUV and asks what kind of music you’d like to listen to for the drive. Forty minutes later you’re in the Valley pulling up to the top five star restaurant in the state. A valet opens the door and gestures to you inside where a hostess greets you by name and leads you to the main room.
The Lieutenant is sitting at a white clothed table in a very nice suit. As soon as he saw you he stood up, eyes taking you and your dress in with a faint smile.
“Wow, as I live and breathe,” he drawls then pulls out your chair. He offers his hand for you to take as you sit down and he pushes you in a little bit. You murmur a thank you and take in the restaurant.
Men and women are wearing high-end clothes, luxury watches wink at you and diamonds sparkle amongst the candlelight. There’s a massive fireplace and chandeliers everywhere. When you look back at him, he’s already looking at you. You feel your cheeks warm.
“You look beautiful,” he compliments.
“Thank you. This is very…extravagant.”
He notices the nervous way you touch your hair and bite your lip. You take in how handsome he looks, his suit is crisp, his hair perfectly styled with a little bit of the bangs hanging over his forehead. There’s a start to a five o’clock shadow on his cheeks and chin but it looks anything but rough to the touch.
“Y/N?” he asks and you notice a waiter is next to you.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Red or white, madam?” the waiter asks.
“For what?” your brain is a little behind because of the circumstance.
“Wine,” the Lieutenant smiles patiently.
“Oh. Right. Um…white.”
“A bottle of your best white wine and I’ll also have a whisky. Neat.”
When the waiter is gone you lean in closer to the table.
“What is all this?”
“Dinner and drinks.”
“No. I mean…your proposition?”
“It’s not time to talk about that yet,” he shakes his head then hands you a menu.
The drinks arrive and you take a hearty sip to ease your nerves. You nearly choke on probably the best wine you’ve ever had when you notice the prices. Some of them are in the hundred dollar range.
“Please, call me Jake.”
“Jake. these are very pricey–”
“Don’t worry about the cost, y/n,” he shakes his head. “Anything that looks good, please order it. And don’t go for the cheapest one.”
You glance over the top of your menu to see him giving you a knowing look because that’s what you were honestly planning to do.
After you finally order and drink some more wine, he starts to ask many questions. Your birthday, where you grew up, schooling, your favorite classes, friends, family, siblings. So many questions about you. When dessert is finished you’re holding the mug of coffee between your palms.
“Why do you want to know all this?” you ask.
“Penny told me how caring and open-hearted you are, how much you do for others. And how you help your grandmother. She said no one has really taken care of you.”
His green eyes are smoldering in the candlelight.
“Okay…” that didn’t really answer your question.
“I wanna be that somebody for you.”
“Be what?”
“I want to take care of you. Anything you need. Pay off your house, expand your flower shop,a new car. Whatever you need.”
You stare at him blankly trying to absorb his words then it hits you.
“You want to be a sugar daddy?” You hiss and nearly spill your cup of coffee. “I’m very capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much. I get by. I don’t even have a house! And what, you’d want to pay for things in exchange for sex? I’m not a hooker and that’s illegal!”
“Shh!” he hushes placing his hand over yours. His eyes are wild as he looks at the other occupants but they were none the wiser of your accusations. “No. Of course not.”
“I won’t send you feet pics either–”
“Y/N, Y/N, stop,” he’s earnest. “This is not what that is, I promise.”
“Then explain yourself better.”
“What I’m suggesting is that, I help you with some financial things and in return–” he gives you a look when you gasp–”in return, I ask that you be a companion. A date to Navy balls, family gatherings. We can have dinner as frequently as you’d like, or coffee, or nothing at all unless it’s for a function where I need you.”
“So not a sugar daddy–you aren’t even that much older than me, by the way!”
“I’m aware,” he nods patiently while you visibly flip out on him.
“So, what then? A piece of arm candy? I’m not the greatest–”
“You are. From what I’ve heard you are exactly right for me.”
“How? Why do you need a companion? You can have any person you’d want.”
“I can’t disclose that with you right now unless you agree. I’ll have paperwork set up–”
“Paperwork! Wait,” you lower your voice, peeking at your neighbors to make sure they’re not listening when you ask, “is this like a…a Fifty Shades of Grey thing? Are you like a Christian Grey?”
“Of course not,” he snorts, “I’m not into that, I’m not going to ‘own’ you. You picture me as Christian Grey?”
“No! You’re way hotter than he–” you clap your hand over your mouth but he smiles. “So, no whips and chains or a play room?”
“No. Unless you’d want one,” he shrugs. “This is why I’m calling it an arrangement. You’re a good person who deserves to be taken care of.”
“You hardly know me, Jake. Or am I some kind of charity case? A means to a redemption arc you’re looking for? Have you murdered someone?”
“My, my, my, you certainly are entertaining,” he chuckles. “And quite the imagination.”
“I watch a lot of movies,” you sniff.
“You don’t have to make a decision right now, of course. But think about it. I have more than enough money and I give a good portion of it to charities I’m keen on. We can be as exclusive as you’d like or you can shoot a text and I’ll send money over for whatever it is you need.”
“And all you want back is for me to be a companion to you?”
“Like a fake relationship?”
“I suppose that’s one way to look at it.”
You side eye him dubiously.
“Are you sure this isn’t some sort of sex thing? Is this a new kink I’ve never heard of?”
“Oh y/n, if it was I would have already pleasured you at your shop.”
“What?!” you squeak but he just smirks.
“That’s a discussion for another time, sweetheart. If you choose. I want you to know the ball is entirely in your court. I’ll have Reynolds drive you home but leave you with my card…” he pulls out his wallet and slides a business type looking card with his name on it and a number underneath.
Your mind is racing, your palms are sweaty and you feel warm all over because you never in a million years would have expected this type of predicament.
“It’s late, I know you need to be up early tomorrow,” he pulls away from the table and you stand automatically following him out the restaurant in a daze.
Reynolds opens the door but Jake grabs your elbow and turns you around to face him. He’s wearing a very fresh smelling cologne, it clears your nose and makes your head swim because it gives off the aura of sophistication and wealth. Your head doesn’t even come up to his chin so you really have to move your head up to look at him.
“Think it over. I’ll send over the papers so you can examine it. Call or text or email if you have any questions. I want to be that somebody you can rely on and call on whenever you need it. Okay?”
“Okay,” you gulp.
“Good. Have a good night, Y/N,” he bends down to kiss your cheek then helps you climb into the car. “Reynolds will also be your driver. He knows where to bring you to me when and if you’re ready.”
He closes the door and your head is still swimming going in a million different directions. Your cheek is tingling from the softness of his lips, the insides of your thighs are burning because you’re thinking of what he said earlier. How he could have pleasured you in your flower shop. The curious part of you was very curious about that.
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
I saw your new post and I was like 'hmm, interesting' can you write about the bad sans a few more of your choice reacting to their Fem S/O who was Overly blessed?, Like She was literally God's favorite in most things
And every time someone is going to hurt her lightning strikes them or something else happens and she just shrugged like she's used to that, bonus if she's absolutely beautiful and she's being flirt with regularly resulting in half of these people being fried or Almost killed by the God's
I love this request lmao.
Thank you anon! Hope you enjoy! :D
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Error)
Oh, he will absolutely HATE YOU. (Not for long though. 😉)
You tried flirting with him the first time y'all met, and that was basically the kick-starter for him to hate you. He tried to kill you after your flirting attempt, but got immediately striked with lightning.💀
He literally can't stand you. From your breathtaking beauty, your smoothness all the way to your flirtiness!! (<- his words, not mine 🤷‍♀️)
The gods hate him too. So SO much. It's actually wild.
He literally can't believe the amount of bullshit you've gotten away from. Like, what do you mean you've 'accidentaly' killed someone?! And- excuse me- but did you just say that you ROBBED A STORE ONCE?! Bro is flabbergasted.
Doesn't want anything to do with you. You're just a stupid pest only in his way!! So why's he itching to be in your presence now?
He's so frustrated that it's actually really weird... That's the king of DARKNESS, negativity, and here he is, craving after a little touch from this mortal.
You're actually not part of the Bad Sanses. But you are part of the Star Sanses, which should make Nightmare feel good. He knows he should feel better! But he feels so much fucking worse...
After many fights between the Star Sanses, (which now includes you too), he finds himself subconsciously chasing after you.
Normally, he goes after Dream in fights, but now... His target changed. And he's not slick either. Everybody fucking noticed! And you know who noticed it right away? Yes, that's right, Dream.
I swear, your fights just includes you two flirting with each other while tussling. The Gods don't even notice how flirty you guys are, when you're saying stuff like: "I wish you'd wipe that stupid smirk off of your face, it's annoying." "You want me so bad.." "SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Nightmare doesn't know it yet, but he's slowly falling for you the more y'all are away from each other. Maybe you return his feelings back?
"Mamma Mia... that's one hell of a woman...." I swear, Killer's in love with you from the first time he saw you. And it wasn't because of your looks nor your flirtiness! The first time he saw you, you literally killed someone on the spot because he tried to take your food. (The God's are back at it again 💀)
Listen, Killer's NOT the shy type. That's for sure. But right now, he felt more shier than ever before. You were just so ethereal to him..
He went up to you and greeted you. Safe to say that y'all clicked together right away! Maybe.. you also fell for him from the first sight? (THE ZING FROM HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA CONFIRMED??!)
The Gods for sure striked him at least 3 times. Until you had something to say about it. The Gods stopped attacking Killer so much after they saw that you genuinely loved him back.
You two have a little flirting competition every now and then. (You always win)
He's at awe when you tell him all the crimes you've gotten away from. Cause, like, since when??!
He doesn't like it that you're a part of the Star Sanses.. "your love is not meant to be" (He's just being dramatic. As always.)
He can't help but sneak off with you when there's a fight between the Bad and Star Sanses. He just wants to be with you. And I don't mean that as only spend time with you. Nah...he WANTS you!
He actually confesses to you, he says that he loves you and that he can't help but yearn for you. Now comes the question...will you accept his confession?
Oh baby, oh BROTHER. He's so annoyed with you. He doesn't like it much when people are as outgoing as you..
Listen, the Gods don't have much an opinion on him.. but they WILL fry him at least 5 times until getting used to seeing him around you.
While Dust doesn't like you much, you in turn LOVE him. You're flirting with him almost all the time. Which rewards you with a very blushy Dust that quickly teleports away. (Not before giving you a side eye. 💀)
Don't worry, he will also start to slowly fall for you the more y'all are conversing. (You fell first but he fell harder >>>>)
Wants for you to prove to him you did those things that you're saying you got away with. Just to fuck with you 💀
His mouth literally dropped open when he finds out you, in fact, was telling the truth. I mean, you did just get out of a store with a shitload of money in your hands.
He was about to ask you how you did it so quickly, but he was interrupted with loud sirens. Welp, looks like you're busted. He smirks at you, as if saying that he was right with you not getting away with it- until you did the most shocking thing ever. You flirted your way out of the prison by flirting with the police officers.
And this right here, was the exact moment when Dust found out he loves you. He gave the officers the hardest glare. He was FUMING. At last, he couldn't take it as his Gaster Blasters appeared and killed the humans. 💀
Becomes miserable when you join the Star Sanses. Damn..and right after he found his feelings for you :(
You both still sneak off from your respective groups to see each other.
Dust keeps comparing your situation to Romeo and Juliet, except no one's dying. He has the biggest genuine smile on his face as he says this.. he's so cute istg..
He just tilts his head whenever he sees you "kill off" people you flirt with. (The Gods are at fault here yet again.)
He approaches you, without a word, looking at you in silence. You both just stare into each other's eyes. It's...kinda awkward from another point of view.
Oh.my.god. THE GODS (and you) FIND HIM SO SWEET WHEN THE FIRST THING HE DOES IS GIVE YOU FLOWERS 😭😭 (some of them are ripped, but that's fine. //Bro ate them//)
He immediately becomes ok in The God's eyes. (The amount of times the Gods strikes him/fried him: 0)
The best part of it all, is that it was all done subconsciously. He just saw these flowers, thought they were pretty, so he tried to eat them, but then he saw you and thought that they'd fit better with a pretty woman like you.
You try flirting with him, but he either doesn't get your flirting, or he doesn't acknowledge it.
He likes listening to your crime list. He always lays down on your lap whenever you tell him these stories.
He doesn't want you to be a part of the Star Sanses, he wants you with him!! So he'll just kidnap you in the middle of the night. 🤷‍♀️ (And he does that so casually too 😭)
He always compliments you, whenever he can. You're just so pretty in his eyes. 😭
Horror tends to avoid talking much, as it takes him a little longer, but he'll try to talk to you more than the others :) (My HC)
This dofus is so amazed. He knows that you're probably the Gods favorite right away.
He's interested...I guess.
He tries to be sneaky as he creeps up behind you, and greets you. (He's just shy.. I mean- a beautiful girl like YOU? And in his territory?? He doesn't bring much people there 💀)
The God's immediately striked him btw.
Fortunately, you find him quite fun to be around. But the Gods don't like him much.
It becomes kinda difficult talking with him, when the Gods just fry him right away.
You quickly become frustrated, and try to let them somehow know that you LIKE him and want to be around him. So...you become the MOST FLIRTIEST MF THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.
Error just becomes a blushing mess at your ministrations. "*Some flirty line*" "O-Oh- Uhm..thanks?" He doesn't even know how to respond to them.
But after awhile, it was a success and he doesn't get fried anymore! (The Gods probably became too tired of him to care, or they finally took a hint.)
Error doesn't mind the flirting much, (because he loves you) but please- for the LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY- Don't touch him. You'll immediately lose his trust if you touch him. (His Haphephobia)
Actually kinda thrives in the fact that you're a member of the Star Sanses. He's just a sucker for "prohibited love".
It also doesn't bother him much, because he's not actually an official member of the Bad Sanses. He rejected Nightmare's invite, but sometimes comes to their side if he's needed or he's just bored 🤷‍♀️
He makes sure that you're safe during battles. Even if you're on the other team.
Wants to hear EVERY bad thing you've done. (It...gets him kinda- going? I guess. He just finds that attractive.)
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hiii can you make an Undertaker one? It’s okay if you don’t :D
It's the Undertaker! I had to do something for him! Hope you Enjoy!
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When Ciel arrived at the Undetaker's funeral palor for information regarding to his current case, he wasn't expecting company. Well...live company that is. When he entered the palor he wasn't expecting to see Undertaker interacting with someone that was actually living and breathing.
When the bell rang over the entry door. The conversing duo stopped and looked at the door. Noticing the Young Earl and his faithful butler. "Oh! Sorry. I didn't know you'd be expecting guests". A male with (hair color) hair spoke standing. His eyes were a dark purple. Which immediately Sebastian noticed.
He gave a small smirk. "Hello (Name)." The male now introduced as (Name). Looked confused. Ciel was equally confused on how his butler knew the male and not him. Unless...."He isn't human?" (Name) looked surprised. "How...." (Name) took a good look at the butler and noticed Sebastian's eyes and nodded. "Demons."
Ciel looked between the two extremely confused. "How the bloody hell?" (Name) gave the Young Earl a smile and bowed. "You must be Earl Phantomhive. I've heard so much about you!" Ciel looked at the Undertaker Furious. "Why the bloody hell would you tell other supernatural creatures about me!" The Undertaker laughed loudly. That's when Sebastian cut in. "He didn't Young Master. (Name) is a Fairy. He lives in the forest surrounding the Manor."
Ciel stared at the young male. "A Fairy? Like in the fairy tales?" (Name) gave a small huff. "I hate those fucking stories." The Undertaker laughed harder hanging on the young male. "Interestly Fairys are almost completely different from those children stories. So my little (Name) here is nothing like the stories you were told." The Undertaker hugged the male close to him.
"Your little (Name)?" The sliver haired male nodded excitedly. "After so many centuries he's finally accepted my marriage proposal!" Ciel looked flabbergasted at the "Young" male. "Centuries?! Just how blood old are you?!" (Name) laughed at his reaction. "I'm only 1,900 years old. I'm actually still quiet young." ONLY 1,900!? Sebastian looked surprised."Why you are still quite young then aren't you."
Ciel turned to Sebastian Furious. "You knew about them?!" "Well of course Young Master. How do you think I was able to rebuild the Manor so many times. (Name)'s tribe is quite helpful when it comes to issues like that." Ciel whipped to the other male. "Wait! You were the one to build my Manor?" (Name) nodded with a smile. Undertaker smiled brightly. "My little Fairy is quite the worker isn't he?"
The fairy blushed and pushed the Undertaker off him and brushed the "dirt" from his clothes. "Well since you're here that must mean you need help with a case. I shall see you later Taker." (Name) gave the male a short but passionate kiss. He turned and looked at Sebastian with a raised brow. "My elders are wondering when you'll come again. Apparently you missed the last meeting."
Sebastian gave a small bow smirking as he did. "Yes, unfortunately we were caught up in a case. I shall visit as soon as my master excuses me later." (Name) nodded and gave a deep bow to the Earl. "It was nice to finally meet you Young Master. I'll see you again soon." Then (Name) was surrounded by a pale green light and disappeared. Leaving a small (Flower) in his place.
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the-broken-pen · 29 days
Hello! Heard you were open for writing request? Had this idea in mind about a villain who's Russian and a hero who's falling for villain's accent? Maybe a bit of flirty banter as they fight 👀 your choice tho! Have a fun spring break ☀
The hero was pretty sure the villain was actually trying to kill them this time.
“Hey, don’t aim for the face, okay? It’s the money maker.”
The villain raised one eyebrow–and aimed for the hero’s face.
“Oh come on,” the hero groaned. “That’s just uncalled for.”
“Really? Is it now?”
If the hero had better judgment, they would have said something snarky back, or attempted to get the upper hand. Instead, in a move uncoordinated and wrought with embarrassment, they tripped over their own feet and blushed.
The hero was used to pretty. They were used to gorgeous.
But they had never expected to be attracted to someone’s accent of all things, and it was driving them mad.
“Yep, pretty sure it is,” they managed. They had to dodge halfway up the wall to avoid the villain’s next blow.
“You’re awfully chatty today,” the villain said, and the hero was going to lose their mind–
“Is this affection?” The hero blurted, and contemplated throwing themself off the building to spare both of them. “Because it feels like affection.”
“I don’t know,” the villain shrugged. Their mouth tipped up slightly, gone in a flash between one second and the next. “Do you want it to be?”
The hero froze. “You–I–” and found themself blinking up at the sky, the villain’s hand around their wrist. “Did you just judo flip me?” They wheezed, and the villain grinned.
“You’re blushing.”
“Yeah, because you just knocked the wind out of me. Excuse me for going red with oxygen loss–” the hero cut themself off with a cough, lungs protesting every word, and tugged the villain down to crash into the pavement beside them.
“Let me rephrase; You’ve been blushing this entire time.”
“It’s cold.”
“It’s July.”
“A very cold July.”
“If you’re going to lie,” the villain said, and truly, the hero was lucky they hadn’t had a knife pulled on them yet, “Do it well.”
The hero buckled the villain’s knees. Petty? Yes.
Satisfying? A good reprieve to try and get the blush that flared every time the villain spoke to subside? Also yes.
“Real smooth,” the villain rolled their eyes, pushing themself to their feet. “So, what is it.”
“Was that a question, or–”
“My winning personality?”
The villain was studying them with far too much care.
“Aren’t you supposed to be robbing a bank or something?” They said half-desperately.
“Smile? Laugh?” The villain paused for a moment, catching the hero’s punch as if it was nothing more than a mosquito–which was insulting, to say the least–before their face cleared of any confusion.
“Ah,” the villain said, and oh the hero was so screwed, because they knew that look. That look appeared regularly in their dreams. It was the villain’s signature ‘I figured something out and I’m going to use it to do nefarious things’ look. Their ‘I’m smarter than you and I’m about to prove it in an effortlessly ruthless maneuver’ look.
The hero saw it far too often.
“‘Ah’ what.”
The villain, damn them, grinned, releasing the hero’s hand.
Any air that the hero had managed to regain after the judo flip escaped from them like they were a sinking ship.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“No,” the hero said, cursing every single moment of their life that had led up to this one. Maybe they really should have become a lawyer– “I’m just flabbergasted by how dumb that sentence was.”
Flabbergasted. Flabbergasted. Who the hell says flabbergasted?!
“This is cute,” the villain remarked as they drew a knife. They gestured with it towards the hero’s undoubtedly fire engine red face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this flustered.”
“I’m not flustered, I’m–”
“Flabbergasted?” The villain suggested wryly, and truly, the fact that this situation was funny in a hopeless and pathetic way was not helping. The accent absolutely was not helping either.
The hero truly had nothing to say to that, staring at the villain, the two of them impromptu statues.
“You like me,” the villain teased. “And my accent.”
The hero was not proud of what they did next.
Considering their life, it wasn’t the worst thing they had ever done out of embarrassment.
A close second, though.
The villain smirked, and in a move far more elegant than they had ever thought themself possible, the hero slid under the villain’s arm, snagging the knife from the villain’s hand as they went—and planted it into the villain’s side.
The villain blinked, hand going to their side. The hero blushed—
Finally, in the single coherent thought they had managed in seemingly their entire life, they did something not embarrassingly pathetic.
The hero bolted away, into side streets and alleys, to the sound of the villain’s pained and endlessly amused laughter.
“Real smooth,” the villain called after them, voice echoing between the buildings. “You’re handling this quite well.”
The villain was never going to let them live this down.
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