#he must think I’m so weird/a stalker 😭
mother-harrington · 1 year
I’m such an awkward WEIRDO oh my god
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atopearth · 2 years
BUSTAFELLOWS Part 4 - Helvetica Orsted Route
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I guess there must be many different ways to get the various guys because I feel like my answers to get Helvetica from a walkthrough is quite different from what I answered the first time to get him haha. Anyway, I'm curious if I'll like him, just because Helvetica is the route I would have been on if I followed what I chose. HAHAHA, I love the scenario when the cat is named Teuta. It's so funny seeing the guys take turns calling it Teuta and telling it to come to them🤣 I honestly love Helvetica's teasing and I think I do like his way of trying to get Teuta to open up the letter, I guess I like his practical and logical view?🥲 Oooh, as usual, I'm not really into the pattern on the bikini but I do think a halter neck suits Teuta, it looks good. If we're talking about style of bikini, I think halter neck bikinis seem to suit Teuta the most, but I still think Limbo's one had the best overall look on Teuta when it comes to style, colour and pattern. Actually, my bad, I went back and looked at the frilly Limbo one, I think Helvetica's choice is the best hahahahha. Limbo's swimsuit is second best. As expected of the man that I would have chosen🤣
Helvetica says he's not a nice person, and maybe he isn't, but the fact that he's even "opening the door" to help people who truly want to change themselves for the better and need help in doing that is already more than what alot of people could or would do. Not that it means people are bad, but it's just that people are so busy trying to survive, it's hard to care for others, so when there's people like Helvetica who bother to help in small ways or any way, it's still much better than doing nothing. Not to mention the way he's helping the lady get plastic surgery for free by allowing the magazine feature him in an article is already quite nice, even though it does help promote himself and his clinic. I didn't expect Helvetica's face and body to have been redone by Sauli! That was surprising, now I want to know his past. Lmao at Teuta thinking Helvetica was being kind and trying to get more money for the procedure fees by doing nude photos for the magazine, and he keeps telling her stuff like how it was his idea and he thinks it's the best way to show himself hahaha. I wish we could eat Mozu's realistic Halloween food!! I want to see the realistic eyeballs burst when you bite into them!! I feel like I'll probably be weirded out like Teuta and them but I'm so curious haha! I didn't expect to get a bit more background of Helvetica's past though. It's kinda saddening that he can't really remember his past because he was addicted to drugs and was about to die in a pile of trash until Professor Sauli picked him up and fixed his face (after some sort of fight?) and educated him.
Ooh so everything waist down for Helvetica is natural, and everything above is quite artificial. How interesting. Must have been a big thing if it prompted the need for him to change his upper body. Anyway, LMAO at Scarecrow getting flustered over Helvetica's nudes🤣🤣 Gotta agree with Shu, it's hilarious how everyone is just chatting around about his nudes🤣🤣 Sad to know that Annabelle is dead, kinda wanted to see her perspective on turning over a new leaf and changing her life after plastic surgery. Adam is such a great guy to do whatever he can to help Teuta😭😭 I'm glad Teuta asked Adam to help her and got to publish an article about Annabelle so she won't be "forgotten". It was actually really nice seeing how touched Helvetica was. It's sad to see Helvetica distressed over the fact he can't remember something this stalker keeps trying to get him to remember when he can't. It must be scary. I'm glad Teuta and them saved Helvetica, he could have really died. It was difficult having to watch him go through the drug overdose, but I'm happy he was still able to retain who he is now instead of thinking he's the powerless druggie he once was. I really liked how Helvetica told Teuta to not let others define who Zola was for her, and that no matter what crimes he committed it doesn't change the fact that he was her brother, and that she loved him and that he was precious to her. I always find it so funny when the guys tease Teuta with the cat's name because it's the same as her name🤣 Magda is definitely the weakest villain for me, she's quite boring, and just really wants to drag people down with her so she can feel like it's okay that her life is shit. I won't say that it's not understandable, but it certainly wasn't really engaging story-wise, but she was definitely scary? Hahaha, I mean it was pretty painful watching Helvetica light his face on fire like omggggg. On the other hand, I loved Professor Sauli helping Helvetica believe in who he is now and comforting him, it was very sweet. Helvetica becoming "Nicola" in the bad ending with Teuta unable to recognise him was really sad..
It was sad having to see the Helvetica of the past go through drug rehab, but I'm happy Teuta said she wanted to thank the Helvetica of the past because he is what makes up Helvetica of the present, who she loves right now. Helvetica has always struggled with not knowing his past and now he's struggling to accept his past, and I think it's very heartwarming of Teuta to tell him that she is grateful for the past him because he is what made the current him. Omggg Helvetica licked sauce off another woman's face? Nopeee, I can't deal with that, I'd be so mad if I was Teuta, especially when he held another girl's hand too after she tried to hold his and he deflected it. I don't blame her for misunderstanding whether he really likes her or not even after all they've gone through tbh. Awww Scarecrow is so sweet, I love how honestly he told Helvetica how precious he and Teuta is to him and how he treats everyone as family. He's such a good boy. Oooh broken hearts??! I guess Luka and Adam both really do love Teuta in a romantic sense. I felt it but I wasn't sure with Luka haha, nice to know how much they cherish their friendship and how much they love Teuta and how they really just want her to be happy regardless of who she's with. Aww, I like how Helvetica taught Teuta how to cook a dish because he was jealous Mozu was teaching her lol. I was kinda iffy about his jealousy causing Teuta to be conscious about meeting up with Adam, but I'm glad Helvetica knows it's unreasonable and is reflecting enough that he feels he needs to do something to stop limiting Teuta.
Overall, Helvetica’s route was all right. Not my favourite, but not bad I guess. I liked how Helvetica went through a lot of his emotions and personal feelings as he struggled with discovering what kind of person he once was and how he came to accept his past self as well as recognise he is who he is now. Definitely a memorable bad ending though, it was a good one. As for the relationship with Teuta, I do think I quite liked how they had that sort of nice flirty relationship but at the same time, I’m not sure how much I like them when they’re “normal” because I mostly enjoyed the emotional moments Teuta and Helvetica shared when he was going through emotional difficulties dealing with who he was and stuff. I guess as I said, it was okay hahaha.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
I’m sorry but why is everyone who has met or seen Harry recently been a L*rrie or a 14 year old OT5?? And they all have the same interactions - they see him out walking or at a restaurant, they say hi and ask to take a picture. He politely declines and they end up taking pics anyway!!! I saw the tiktok of the girl who took TWO sneaky pics of him in a restaurant when he was with Tommy and Olivia and it was so cringe. First she says her mom stalks him when they are in cities where he might be?? What??? Then they happen to see him at this restaurant and he gets up and goes to the bathroom at the restaurant so she decides to go to the bathroom too (another red flag!!! Why are you following him to the bathroom?!?) then she “bumps into him” and asks for a pic and he says no. So she takes 2 pics anyways!!! And then she says “oh yeah, he was staring at me through the whole meal! He must really like me!” Ummm maybe he’s GLARING at you because he knows you are a stalker and you are invading his privacy!!!! They always have L*uis as their PFP or very obvious 1D references in their username. And I always think “why can’t normal respectful fans meet him??” but then I realize that when normal people meet him, they don’t take sneaky pics and share their cringy stories or act weird. They respect him and we don’t hear about it and I’m actually so glad for that!
Oh my god…….what in the FUCK????? THATS SO CREEPY HELLOOOOO oh my god I feel so bad for him why does this constantly happen to him 😭😭😭
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
Hey congrats on 100!!! i was wondering if the event was open i would love to get a genshin and twst matchup.
i am a pan or demisexual girl
prefered pronouns: any pronouns
my love languages: physical touch + words of affirmation ( im touch starved😭😭)
personality traits: as per my MBTI i am an ISTJ-T. I am introverted indeed(unless its related to work or studies somehow) I've been told that i am intimidating to people or have a resting bitch face. I can be mean to people I'm close with. I like staying mellow places like libraries, cafes and sometimes arcade. i like getting lost in my own world mostly. I am often very sarcastic. I have anxiety. I only like being around few people, the kinds of people who can be in silence without making it awkward. I tend to say random stuff alot that doesn't really make much sense. I make alot of awkward and dark jokes when im nervous or scared.
I tend to be that silent kid in back of the room at first, who somehow gets roped into some group and goes along with the dumb shit and ends up having fun even at the cost of being annoyed.I love being invested in a good book.I just dont let anyones bullshit involve me ig.
I love just having a single friend who i can vibe with instead of having like 15-20 people around me it gets very overwhelming for me to deal with crowds and loud places. Currently a law student. I dont get up in anyones personal space but im the kind of person who would basically listen to all rants, be it anytime day or night and also would give hugs when someone is feeling down. I can play some instruments. music, painting and reading also gaming is kinda like my hobby.
I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!! Again congrats on 100!!!!! <3
Because Genshin is a hyper fixation, let’s start with that!
I don’t know your age and there is a….intimidating amount of teens in the cast so ima just wing it and pray I didn’t create something pedophilic-
Anyways, based on my thought process, I believe that your perfect match is…..
•Dude loves both quiet spaces to read and starting mischief, so he’s compatible with your love for places like libraries and arcades. A little fun never hurt anyone after all
•When it gets silent he doesn’t mind, it gives him a excuse to read. Saying weird stuff out loud isn’t a problem either with how he talks to himself when immersed in a good book.
•Words of affirmation is within his skill set, to quote Hamilton because I’m a theatre nerd “You built me palaces out of paragraphs.” That sums him up, he’ll basically spout poetry about you on the spot. Might be a Venti kinnie ngl-
•Physical touch is something he’s both comfortable with and capable of. Cuddling while reading is the perfect way to spend time together in his eyes.
•His relationship with Chongyun is proof enough that he can get through to you and rope you into his bs.
•But speaking of Chongyun, he probably helped with Xinqui’s confession. I imagine that it went to sh!t but hey he tried his best
And now for twst…I was thinking among the lines of Rook Hunt
•Minor and mayhaps giant stalker alert-
•I’m positive this dude could spout poetry about something as mundane as a bar of soap, and since you’d obviously be of higher regard to him his words of affirmation skills are 100/10
•Physical touch is a must for this dude (you lucky b!tch Vil literally says he’s been building muscle in his thighs-)
•He’d be fascinated with every hobby you have. Although it’s hard to get proper criticism from him if his judging skills weren’t proof enough
•He enjoys quiet areas with you, even if you’re busy reading or something he’s just happy to be in your presence. His staring might get creepy though-
•I don’t know how good of a gamer he is but any games with snipers that he plays, he instantly becomes a god
•A god that’s only really looking out for you much to your teammates annoyance.
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