#time to grab some water and then try to sleep<3 actually gn now<3
onepiexe · 2 years
i was afraid to water but its fine actually :-)
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heiayen · 7 months
HALLOWEEN TRICK OR... TREAT! gn!reader & various (itto, scaramouche, childe, xiao, neuvillette, baizhu, lyney, kaeya.)
summary: you go trick or treating with hopes or scaring someone and getting some delicious candies. many different things happen instead.
tags: CAN BE READ AS PLATONIC, modern/highschool au, it's honestly more on the crack side.
notes: happy (early) halloween i am NOT dead despite what one might think <3
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Your try of scaring Itto into giving you candies was… rather an unsuccessful one. You knocked on his doors, ready to jump from behind a wall and scare him the moment he looks around in search of you but… nothing. He never comes out and in confusion, you peek through the open doors. You only see the dark hallway, but not your friend. On the side is a mirror however and you look at it.
The mirror looks at you back. Fear starts to settle in your chest and you start to wonder if what you did was right. Your voice calls out the name of your friend, the slight tremble not going unnoticed. You push away the fear and walk further into the house, your gaze fixated on the empty, glassy surface. until you finally seem to notice something on it, its stare meeting your own. Before you manage to look behind yourself, a roar and a scream fills your ears and it takes you a second to realize something.
The scream was yours. You scramble out of the house, hand clutching your chest and you can hear the roar evolve into a terribly loud laugh. You look behind yourself, breathing heavily to… see your dearest friend, standing here proudly, satisfaction from scaring you clear on his face. And all you can do is stare at him in disbelief, and when the shock falls away, demand an entire pack of candies for nearly sending you into a heart attack. You have learned your lesson.
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You smile at your friend, Kunikuzushi, with your bag in front of you. You knew scaring him would only backfire, so you opted for being nice and simply asking for candies. That surely wouldn't backfir– wait, no, what does he mean by no? He closed the doors on you. Just like that. Your jaw drops and you stare in confusion at the doors. What on the loving earth does he mean by no?
You knock on the doors again and yell for him to open and not be an asshole. You take your candies very seriously, after all. You would not leave empty-handed, even if it meant fighting for the sweets.
You were ready to fight to blood and bones, till suddenly Kunikuzushi opens the doors again, an entire bag of candies in his hands. He drops them all into your bag and says how he was just messing with you. He picked the wrong person to mess with and you promise, you swear on your heart, that he will be met with revenge.
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There was one thing to be expected from Childe. He would not be the person to easily give up on his candies. But maybe it was his lust for a fight that ultimately brought him down to his own demise… Because the moment he opened the doors and brutally attacked you with a water gun, you knew you couldn't give up without a fight. He wanted a trick, and so he would get one.
You attack him with your bag, swinging violently at his gun. It surprises him, but if anything, it only fuels his lust for bloodshed even more. With a cry you swing again, and this time he loses the grip on his gun. You waste no time grabbing it from the floor and using all the leftover ammunition on him.
In the end, Childe is not only positively soaked in water but also loses half of his candies, taken by no one else but you. You happily leave his house, your bag now heavier. But a voice behind your head is telling you, whispering to your ear to not sleep tonight. You never know when the waves of revenge will come back, after all… and just maybe, it was you who picked the wrong opponent tonight, not him.
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Lyney, poor Lyney… You were prepared for him, actually. He is known for magic tricks, after all, so how could you go unprepared? Surely he will try to trick you, scare you before giving you the candies. But fate had different plans for him, oh, so different from his. The stars were on your side. The moment you opened the doors, you saw no one. For this, you are prepared, even suspecting that maybe his sister, Lynette, is helping him. You call for his name then and look around the doors… but you still don't find him. You come to the conclusion that, maybe, he just stepped up his game. So… you wait patiently. And then you hear some noise coming from… a bush? And some nervous rambling?
You go and look at the bush and see Lyney sitting inside here, his vampire cape stuck in between the branches and leaves, making him unable to leave the bush. You try your hardest to not laugh at him but fail, making him finally look at you and smile nervously in embarrassment. Poor magician-vampire, his terrible plan of scaring you failed… He tries to convince you that yes, this was a part of the plan later, Lynette was the one meant to actually scare you, but she is quick to disprove his claims. Not even his sister is on his side.
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You try to scare Xiao. It fails. His shoulders jump just a little, but other than this (and maybe raised eyebrows), there is nothing. You stare at him, he stares back at you and you quietly ask him for candies, already feeling the warmth of shame creeping on your neck. He gives you candies and before he can even say anything, and you see him opening his mouth, you nod your head in thanks and, to add to your clownery, close his doors yourself.
You walk away and sit on the pavement. This was terrible. You make a mental note for yourself to never try to scare Xiao ever again unless you have a death of embarrassment wish. At least… you got your favorite candies out of it. As you sit here you start to wonder if he maybe bought these candies just for you…
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You knock on Neuvillette's doors. He opens them. You ask for candies. Turns out he forgot to prepare them. There is a moment of silence between you two until he excuses himself for a moment and leaves. You patiently wait here for a good minute, a smile on your lips and laughter threatening to burst at the comedy of this situation.
He comes back then with a bar of chocolate and apologizes for not preparing anything, even though he didn't know you would come. You find it really nice and assure him that it's no problem. After all, an entire bar of chocolate is still better than only a few candies…
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A part of you doesn't really expect Baizhu to prepare any candies, but you are pleasantly surprised upon seeing a bowl of sweets on his shelf after he opens the doors. And to your another surprise, all these candies are… well, more on the healthy side. Fruit candies, you can even spot an actual strawberry somewhere in the bowl, some chocolate-less sweets, even some of them were simply homemade…
You find it really cute. You happily ask for a few of these sweets. Maybe you could make your own Halloween sweets next year… that would save some money on buying overpriced candies. You note this in your head for later. You also note to ask him for the recipe he used for some of the sweets… they simply were amazing.
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The moment Kaeya opens the doors, you jump at him from behind the open doors with a roar and claws (plastic claws) ready to attack him. You see him jump and hit his shoulder on the doors. Yet Kaeya himself tries to make himself appear totally not scared, as if your little trick did nothing.
You hear the hilarious crack in his voice. You see how tightly his hand holds the doorknob. You let him go on with his little act of "not being scared". It would be a terrible thing if other than his shoulder, his poor, poor pride would also get bruised… For today, you decide to be nice.
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sentientgolfball · 8 months
Hello! Sorry to do this on anon 😅 I had a fic request!! I’ve been going through a really really rough time recently and all I’ve been needing is a Mountain/GN!Reader/Rain comfort fic with a reader with chronic pain 🥺 I appreciate you reading and, no matter what, thank you for your time!!
aw I am very sorry to hear that :(( I hope this can make you feel just a lil bit better <3
Enjoy some soft Mountain and Rain
My requests are open !
You crack open your eyes and immediately know what kind of day it’s going to be. You can feel the chill of the room on your face. You can hear the rain pouring down outside. You can feel the deep ache of your joints and you haven’t even moved yet. You thought maybe if you just laid in bed a little bit longer then the pain would go away, that you were just sore from sleeping in a weird position. When the pain persists you completely flipped your thinking, maybe you actually needed to get up and stretch. Yea that was definitely it. You sit up and quickly realize that was a mistake. It feels like there are a million tiny shards of glass trying to worm their way into your brain. 
You clutch your head and groan, screwing your eyes shut at the pain. You lay back down and bury your head under the pillows. You breathe deeply through your nose waiting for the pain to dull down. While you wait you do the only thing you can. You get upset. At everything. You curse the summer for dying away into autumn. You hate the feeling of the cold seeping deep within your body. You hate the rain for deciding to come now that the warm weather is over. You curse your body for reacting this way. You hate that you can’t enjoy the changing of the season because with every change in temperature comes days like these. Days where it’s too hard for you to move, to think, to just be able to function. 
A sharp throb pulses through your whole body and you whine realizing you definitely weren’t going to be able to work today. You blindly reach for your phone, not even bothering to remove your head from the pillows. You look at the screen when you grab it and it hurts. You quickly text the head librarian your situation and throw your phone back on your nightstand not even bothering to wait for a response. The longer you looked at the screen the more sick you felt. 
You laid like that for hours. You didn’t have the energy to even attempt to get up and do anything that might help with the ache. There were a couple times you tried to move when the ache seemed to die down, but doing so only made it flare right back up. So you stayed there with your head buried under pillows barely able to think. And then you heard your phone buzz. You ignored it the first time, but then it kept going off. You were starting to get annoyed at the noise. You reached up and grabbed it with the intent to put it on do not disturb. That was until you saw who was blowing up your phone. It was Rain. 
Did you stay up too late lol you weren’t here to greet me
Decided to skip work? Can’t blame you it’s nice outside
Are you alive?
…No seriously I’m worried are you ok? 
You wanted to reply but just as you tapped on the messages your head exploded in a thumping ache. You cursed and threw your phone day willing to settle just long enough to type a coherent sentence back to the water ghoul. You crack your eyes open when you feel your phone buzz again. 
I’m on my way. 
You slump back down and groan. You hated making him worry. You hated making any of the Siblings or ghouls worry. You wanted so badly to be able to just push all the pain away and get through your day with a smile. But the logical side of you screamed and begged to let them help you, let them worry and care for you. 
That side ended up winning when you heard a soft knock at your door. You mumbled a half hearted ‘come in’ and hissed when the light were turned on. 
“Shit sorry.” You heard Rain say before the lights were flicked off once more. 
You hear him walk over before the mattress dips with his added weight. You feel his hand start to rub firm but soothing circles into your back.
“Bad day?” 
“You have no idea.” 
“Have you eaten?”
You shake your head
You shake your head 
“Moved at all?” 
You shake your head 
He sighs and there's a moment of silence as he pulls out his phone and quickly types something. When he’s done he sits it on the nightstand next to yours before standing. He carefully removes the pillow from your head and peels the blankets off of you. He gently hooks his arms under you and picks you up with ease holding you close to him. He carries you to the bathroom and puts you down on the edge of the tub. He makes sure you're stable enough before pulling away and gently placing a kiss on your forehead. 
He quickly lights a few non-scented candles before gathering various soaps and other care products. He begins to fill the tub adding a few cups of bath salts to the water. You can already feel the heat coming off the water as Rain crouches in front of you. He slowly brings his hands to the bottom of your shirt and waits for your permission. You run a hand through his hair and nod. He smiles affectionately at you as he carefully undresses you and then himself. 
He dips into the tub first, settling back against the tile before gently pulling you in with him. You sigh heavily, feeling the hot water envelop you as you lean against Rain’s chest. You sit heavily against him putting all your weight on him as he begins to slowly massage your shoulders, working his way down your arms. You feel his tail squeeze around one of your legs and the pressure feels amazing. 
After a while of just sitting there, letting the water cradle you as Rain works his hands over every joint, he eventually scoops some water to pour over your hair. He gently runs his claws against your scalp when he’s satisfied before grabbing your favorite shampoo and lathering it into your hair. You hum in gratitude as he works his hands through, being sure to rub some gentle circles against your temples. When he’s finished he once again scoops some water into his hands to rinse the soap out. 
As he’s doing this you hear a knock on the bathroom door. 
“Right on time.” Rain says repositioning you so he can hop out of the bath. 
You watch bleary eyed as he wraps a towel around his waist and cracks open the door. He whispers something you can’t make out and nods his head with a slight smile. When he turns around after closing the door he has some clothes. One bundle is lounge wear you’ve seen the water ghoul wear hundreds of times, but the other is a massive sweatshirt and an extra pair of Rain’s sweatpants. Rain sets them down on the counter before walking over to the bath and hoisting you up. 
“Mountains waiting for us” he whispers and presses a kiss to your cheek “he brought something special for you.” 
You allow Rain to dry you off before you get dressed in the clothes brought for you. Moutain’s sweater and Rain’s sweatpants. When you’re ready he takes your hand and walks with you back to your bedroom. You’re greeted to the sight of Mounatin sitting on your bed smiling softly. There’s a tray on your nightstand with three mugs, steam rolling off of them. You can smell the herbaceous scent from where you stand. You notice there’s an added blanket on your bed and you nearly cry when you realize it’s heated. 
You practically slump against the earth ghoul who carefully pulls you against him as he leans back and against the headboard. He pulls the blanket over you as Rain hands you and Mountain your respective mugs. He takes his own before walking around to the other side of the bed to get under the covers. He slides in right next to Mountain who pulls him closer to you two, wrapping a massive arm around his shoulders. 
You take a sip of the tea and practically moan at the taste. Mountain chuckles and takes a sip from his own mug. 
“Like it? It’s a new blend I’m testing. Rain said it helped him so I thought you’d want some.” 
“It’s perfect Mounty.” You hum taking another long drink. 
When you finish Mountain takes the empty mug from you and lays off to the side. He holds you close to him letting the pressure of his arms wrap around you. The combination of the tea, the heated blanket, and two ghouls happily purring away make your eyes feel heavy. 
“Tired?” Rain says snuggling in closer, giving you a few soft kisses before nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. 
You nod, pulling Mountain’s arm tighter around you, resting your head on his chest. He kisses the top of your head. 
“Go to sleep, wildflower. Rain and I will stay as long as you need us.” 
You and mutter an incoherent form of ‘thank you’ before closing your eyes. The two ghouls laugh and twine their tails together, resting them on top of you. 
“Sleep well.”
“We’ll be right here whenever you need us.” 
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gi4hao · 2 months
wonwoo x gn!reader — warnings: mentions of nausea
just wonwoo being completely whipped for his s/o <3
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if there’s one thing both wonwoo and you are grateful for, it’s your ability to sleep with noise around.
the clock on your right is displaying 1am, and the last time wonwoo got up from his gaming chair was two hours ago, to bring you a glass of water and kiss you goodnight.
it hadn’t been hard to fall asleep, relaxed by the steady clicks of his fingers on the keyboard and the occasional whirring of the hard drive. but a queasiness seemed to have settled in your stomach, making it much harder to stay asleep.
without even looking at him, you know wonwoo has his headphones on. it’s no use trying to call him, and standing up seems a little too risky right now. with a heavy sigh, you turn to your side to at least catch a glimpse of his focused face and occasional nose scrunches.
“is everything ok?” he asks just a few seconds later, snapping a quick glance at you before looking back at his screen.
“i’m- wait, how did you know i’m awake?” you ask, and immediately notice how talking makes your nausea feel worse.
with a frown, you put a hand on your stomach, tracing circles on your skin in hope it might make a difference.
“i know everything,” wonwoo smiles, still focused on his game. “are you okay?”
“i’m not feeling so good” you reply, trying your best to be loud enough for him to hear you.
and he apparently does, since he lets his headphones rest on his shoulders as he slightly spins his chair to face you. with a worried look, wonwoo silently offers you to come sit on his lap like you often do, sometimes for no particular reason.
you’re quick to reply with a slight shake of your head, your face twisted in an uneasy expression. that’s how he knows you really aren’t feeling well, because you usually never decline this kind of offer.
“need some water? a pill? …me?” he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed after turning his computer off.
in lieu of an actual answer, you simply grab his t-shirt to pull him to bed, making him chuckle in surprise. and the sounds you hear next are more than familiar: him taking his glasses off, folding the arms and gently putting them on the nightstand.
your face is now inches apart from his chest, and you let out a content sigh as his reassuring smell envelops you in a tight hug.
“can i?” he whispers, his fingers slowly lifting the cloth of your t-shirt (well, his t-shirt actually).
you nod, and he lets his hand find its way to your stomach, careful as if you were made of glass. his palm covers much more surface than yours, especially when he starts to rub slow circles on your skin.
“this feels nice,” you hum, lulled by the steady lifts of his chest with every breath he takes. “i feel sleepy again.”
“good. try to get some rest baby, i’m not going anywhere,” he whispers again, kissing the crown of your head.
wonwoo had not always been one to openly express physical affection, which was okay with you. but the more nights you spent in his company, the more he offered to cuddle you to sleep. and it was often in the early hours of the morning, when you woke up with your limbs intertwined, that you realized just how much you meant to him.
“but what about your game?” you ask, looking up at him in an attempt to make out his features. “you were close to winning, weren’t you?”
hearing those words, wonwoo lifts his free hand to the side of your face, tracing a gentle line along your cheek. it that moment, it feels as if the room is filled with the warmth of his affection.
“i’m pretty sure i already won,” he replies, kissing the tip of your nose, an evident smile in his voice.
requests are open!
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
I Just Want It To Stop
Pairing: Philza x GN!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: depression, cyberbullying
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You sighed staring at your monitor, your twitch chat going by fast on your other monitor, you could barely catch up with what everyone else was saying. You were playing minecraft with your friends Technoblade and Philza, you were the only one streaming so currently you had almost all of Techno’s and Phil’s viewers on your stream eager to see the boys. 
You had the blanket that was normally draped over your gaming chair wrapped around your shoulders with your knees tucked to your chest as you listened to the two ramble. You guy were just mindlessly strip mining in your shared hardcore world except the risks were even higher that even if only one of you guys died, then the entire game was over. 
Glancing at your basically empty glass of water next to you, you tried to think of an excuse to leave that wouldn’t make Phil worried. Sure you were greatful for Phil and how much he worried about you, he definitely cared more than most people you knew, but you also very almost guilty. The thought of messaging Kristen came to mind to tell her about your problems recently but Phil would definitely find out from her, you weren’t even sure how Techno would be able to answer or help you with your situation. 
Wilbur and Niki definitely did cross your mind but it was pushed aside, the same reason you didn’t want to tell Phil, you didn’t want to feel like a burden. 
You glanced at the time on the wall noticing it was getting pretty late, sure you didn’t exactly want to leave the call since Phil and Techno were being pretty funny and it was bringing a smile to your face but you were struggling to hold back the tears that were wanting to make themselves known. Thank god you didn’t have a facecam on this stream and your camera wasn’t turned on or else Phil, Techno, or even chat would wonder what was up.
“I think I’m gonna end the stream since it’s getting pretty late and I’m kind of tired,” you said quietly into your mic, your voice cracking slightly as you prayed Phil and Techno didn’t get suspicious of how quiet your voice was or your voice crack.
“Oh okay Y/N, take care of yourself, you know streaming is just something to do on the side, put yourself first,” you could sense Phil smiling like usual, Techno giving a casual goodnight as you ended the stream.
When you made sure you were 100 percent off the call and the stream was over, you hugged your knees closer to your chest and your head between your knees. You hiccuped with each sob, the hiccups almost more painful than the emotional pain you were feeling right now. It just didn’t feel like anything was going right, especially with some hate you were getting online was getting to you. 
The hate had started when you first joined the sleepy bois inc group, people getting mad saying you weren’t a guy or that you were splitting up the group. Phil had been the one to get on call with you telling you to not listen to what people were saying online and that a lot of the fans actually loved you but it didn’t help the comments that really got under your skin.
‘I’d rather Niki or Tubbo joined tbh’ ‘But it’s sleepy bois inc, not sleepy bois and Y/N inc’ ‘They aren’t even that funny’
Those were some that hurt the most, you had told Wilbur on call a few times how much you just wanted to quit streaming but Wilbur kept insisting you keep going, that you shouldn’t let the people online dictate how you feel, that you should let the people around you allow you to feel good, not some face behind a screen.
You slid out of your gaming chair uncomfortably and fell face first into your bed, a pile of blankets over your shoulders lighter than the amount of pain you felt as you cried into your pillow. Your body trembling with each tear that ran down your face, hiccuping quietly not wanting to alert your neighbors downstairs and have anyone see you in such a broken state.
You jumped at your phone buzzing beside you, the facetime caller idea lighting up your face inside the dark room as you read ‘Dadza <3′. You sighed knowing you couldn’t just hang up on Phil, that would worry him. You quickly tried to cover up that you had been crying, trying to steady your breathing before answering, Phil’s face appearing on your screen as you pointed your phone up at the ceiling to hide your tear stained face.
“Y/N you okay?” Phil asked on the other line, he seemed to be editing something as he was still sitting at his office, his microphone pushed to the side and his phone perked up so he could see you, only getting met with your ceiling, “I’m sorry, I just notice on call you didn’t sound okay and I got worried.”
You tried to let words slip past your tongue but all that did was a loud sob as you quietly cried trying to hide it but Phil definitely heard.
“Y/N let me see you, please, I’m worried,” you swallowed the large lump in your throat and picked up your phone pointing it towards your face. Phil’s face softened and his heart broken looking at your puffy red eyes from crying and your body shaking slowly as you tried to hide your sobs. “You okay mate? Do you wanna talk about it?” You quietly shook your head watching Phil’s full attention going away from editing and towards his phone where you were, “how about I’ll just talk with you before you go to sleep, I’m pretty sure its late where you are right now and I’d rather you get at least an hour of sleep, you seem overwhelmed-”
“I just want it to stop Phil,” you said, barely above a whisper but Phil heard, his eyes getting glossy just from hearing your broken voice, “everything hurts, I want to quit streaming, its doing more harm than good.”
“How about this,” your head perked up at Phil’s voice, “I’ll talk to Kristen and see about flying over to you to spend maybe a weekend or two, depending how much support you need right now, that’s the best I can do. When it comes to streaming, I know you aren’t gonna like this answer but I agree with you to a degree, maybe not quitting all together but taking a much needed break. If people want to be jerks about you needed a mental break than fuck them.”
You laughed quietly to yourself hearing Phil swear, he always managed to put a smile on your face even in your darkest moments, “I’d like that,” you rested your head on your palm, your tears finally starting to clear up as you curled up in your blankets.
“Until then, do you want me to stay on call with you until you sleep? I can even stay on when you go to sleep in case you wake up and need someone to talk to,” Phil smiled on the other line, the weight on your shoulders feeling like it had been lifted by dadza.
“I’d love that,” you smiled leaning back in your bed, your phone propped up on your beside table, you watched Phil grab his headphones so he could edit while you slept and he wouldn’t wake you up, “wait.”
Phil paused, he put his headphones down quietly, “yeah mate?”
“I love you dadza, thank you for putting up with me.” You smiled warmly.
“Of course kiddo,” and with that, you laid down in your bed, humming to yourself quietly to sleep, Phil still on call like a protective dad although you loved him for it.
Thanks for reading, don’t forget to like and maybe reblog as it really does help me out
Taglist: @sadassflatass @ajesterscrown @sugarsoftie  @aremegay @twist3dtinkerbell @nova-is-a-goodgirl​ @appl3-c1d3r​ @eave3​ @elebeleb @1-800-dreamteam
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S-Tierre Taglist: @writinginnit​ @okschlatt​ @corpse-br1de​ 
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beetsandskzreads · 3 years
silent bright summer night
bang chan x gn!reader, y/n works with skz and became their friend (the ultimate dream haha)
genre: tooth-rotening fluff, slight angst with a happy ending
notes/warnings: nothing intense, this is very fluffy, there's brief mentions of cheating, long distance, y/n's exes, fear of abandonment, slight insecurities, deep talks, reader and chan are slightly wine drunk, y/n and chan are whipped, y/n makes it explicit they want to date someone very warm and caring (aka chan), i don't think that's a warning tho djsjs just saying
scenario: on a balcony, at a beach apartment on a summer night of vacation, y/n opens up to chan about their past and current lovers. what y/n doesn't know is why chan is so interested listening to it.
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It was 1:01 am when chan and I found ourselves in the balcony that overlooked the city and it's bright lights on a summer night. Skz had gone to sleep right after all of us came back from a night out of lots of fun, buying stuff on stores by the beach, having ice cream, seeing the view of the city lights reflecting on the sea water, appreciating street artists...
The two of us had been talking the whole evening, we hung out as a group but mostly just spoke to each other and laughed at the members jokes, both of us having a sparkle in our eye every time we saw the group happy. There was this unspoken pleasantness, a bliss, calmness in the air but with a lot of excitement. Chan was so happy to be around the sea with "the kids" as he refers to them and being at the beach almost 24/7 this week, it was like his natural habitat, his home, a comfort place. It left you feeling even softer for him, and as you shared your love for the sea, your feelings were at a peak. You liked Chan, and you loved this place as much as he did.
The night was so great, everyone was out like a lightweight as soon as we arrived to the vacation apartment we're in. Chan and I were testing the theory that a glass of wine would help us get drowsy and help us fall asleep as well, since we both have trouble falling asleep and felt nothing but a remaining excitement from the night out. It came to me especially because of the enthusiasm of talking to him, we were connecting so well, I didn't want this to ever end.
And so we drank (one glass quickly becoming the whole bottle) and we talked for what felt like hours on end, that neither of us wanted to cease.
- My ex best friend, she never quite knew how to choose guys, she always went for the ones that would never turn her way, the ones who obviously wouldn't care about her, not because of her, but because they were really careless guys, walking red flags. - I told him, I couldn't remember where exactly the conversation started but we were talking about nice people picking shitty people to date.
- What about you? - he asked
- Me? I barely even like guys, I mean I do, but I'm really picky actually, I don't allow myself to fall for cold people, I wouldn't forgive myself if I took interest in someone rude, I try so hard to take care of myself so I either stay alone that way or I find someone who makes me feel better, who knows how to take care of me, after all we chase happiness, I think a caring person could do that, someone gentle who isn't scared of emotions or who at least is open to face that fear with me by their side.
- I get it, it's hard to get by if you don't have emotional support, a partner should be able to provide that support, yeah. Did you ever... find someone like that?
- Yeah, in the past I did and even now I do know someone more than ideal... I guess my ex partners when I was young were going through a soft phase tho... I guess everyone has an emotional limit they were scared to cross... once I found that barrier the relationship stoped evolving, reached a dead end and so there was nothing left for me anymore and I left, plus, you know, cheating, long distance, a bunch of stuff really... it wasn't meant to be and I'm okay with that.
- What about that someone right now?
Silence ruled for about 3 seconds before I knew what to say. That someone right now is him. Ever since I've known him feels like he's the only man ever, but I don't think I'd tell him that, not soon anyways.
- What about 'em?
- What's that person like? What makes you trust they're any different from your exes?
- Sometimes I fear they're not, but I set the bar really high and I reset it constantly, to make sure I'm seeing it right, sometimes they seem so perfect to me that I wonder what good have i done in my past life to deserve to be around such a bright person. Of course they make mistakes too, but even the way they deal with them is so... mature, it's so easy to just solve things communicating, it's insane to me. Then I remember it's probably because they're eventually gonna leave me too, or just not reciprocate my feelings and after they break my heart I'll probably loose all hope in love, be heart broken for two years until I decide I'm gonna focus on myself again... it's a cycle after heartbreak, but with this person I'm really scared, because they mean more. I'm way too deep in before I've even expressed my feelings, it's gonna be devastating. - I'm rambling, the wine made me do it.
- What makes you think they wouldn't like you back tho?
- I'm not sure I just... it would be too good to be true and it's complicated... he's amazing and I'm just not sure if he'd be into me, I mean, I think I'm lovable and I think I'd be a great lover, I just don't know if I'm his type or if he'd consider me. We have a bit of an age gap, I'm not someone who's typically pretty or specially good looking, I have my charms but I have no idea if that's enough for him to be in love. It's complicated with each others work too... - I notice chan's gaze on me, he has his head leaned on his hand on the table and he's looking at me with bright eyes, eyes that look tired and a little drunk but somehow, he manages to look at me in a way that makes me feel adored, I don't know why you have to make me feel so much love, Bang Chan - Why are you looking at me like that?
- You have no idea how other people perceive you, do you? - he ignored your question, probably because of his drunk-ish drowsy state - Everyone I know likes you, see, you're a naturally kind and caring person, you're attentive to people's needs, you make sure everyone feels comfortable around you... that's so appreciated by everyone. I think you're exceptional y/n, you have this charismatic way of existing, a refreshing and comfy presence everyone can feel, but to me... it feels like home. You feel like home y/n. So... I have no idea who that person is but I sure as hell know they'd be more than lucky to have you as a partner and they're definitely dumb if they let you go.
- Are you dumb? - my heart's pounding quicker as I'm about to do something I didn't plan on doing ever.
- Huh? No, why w-
- Because that person is you... I like you, Chan. In a more-than-friends way - I interrupt him quickly before I lose my newly found courage.
Chan could've sworn his heart stopped for a few seconds. Suddenly sobriety hit him like a truck. It was the alcohol that made you say that, he thought, but he wished it was true and you didn't drink enough to be lying about this kind of stuff, you had a full on conversation and you seemed pretty sober.
- Y-y/n are you sober? - he tries to navigate through the situation.
- Oh my... yeah I am, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, it just rolled out of my tongue. I'm sorry... - you said as you panicked and tried to go back inside, regret filling up all your organs.
"I messed up" your brain keeps repeating as desperation starts entering your body, until Chan grabbed your hand, stopping you from leaving.
- Wait! You don't need to apologize, I'm glad you told me... You didn't think I'd say all that about you if I didn't like you as well, did you? - he asks suggestively.
- I don't know - you blush as you realize what he's getting at - You're just so nice to everyone, I didn't make a big deal out of it.
- Well, you should've made it a big deal, the biggest deal actually because I've been trying really hard to show you how I feel these past few days and you were so clueless I thought you were purposefully ignoring the signs because you didn't like me back.
- I'm sorry Channie, I just didn't want to assume stuff and get heartbroken if it wasn't true.
-Well it is true, so you don't need to worry anymore. I really like you too, y/n. And I've wanted to say it for a while too, I was just wondering if it was a good idea since you work with us, but I can't contain my feelings anyways... you always treat me so softly and you look after the kids really well... It just feels like you were made to be by my side, you're the embodiment of the person I've always dreamed to be with, and these past few days with the kids and you... it just felt like we were the perfect family you know? I don't think I could be without you by my side anymore... - he stops, he's been staring at your eyes the whole time and now they're starting to water.
How could you not cry when he's saying the things you thought you'd only ever hear in dreams?
- Why are you crying sweetheart? - he whispered, as he wipes a tear with his thumb, the other hand holding your hand as he stands closer every second.
- It's just... I'm so... happy - you smile through your tears - I'm so happy to hear that, you said it in such a beautiful way too... I feel exactly the same, it's like I've gained a family with you guys but you... I've grown really attached to you, feels like some parts of you are tangled in my heart in ways I couldn't tear apart if I wanted to... I'm drawn to you and when I'm with you it's comfortable, blissful, it's right. You're so good to me, it's unbelievable, but it's true, and it warms my heart. - you say as your foreheads touch and your smile grows, his eyes showing so much adoration for you, you could melt.
Suddenly you share your first kiss together, a soft yet passionate mix of sensations, and it felt like everything you ever felt around Chan but better.
You stare into each other's eyes, smiling like the little lovely goofballs you both were, noses touching, ocasional little pecks filled with giggles because you were whipped for each other.
- So this means we're exclusive lovers now, yeah? - he asks with a blushing face, a very silent giggle and a huge, uncontrollable smile.
- Definitely, yeah - you answer biting your lip until eventually you let out the largest smile you ever had.
Needless to say, you didn't leave that balcony to go to sleep that evening. In fact, you two watched the sunrise kissing and cuddling, talking about the feelings you had for each other, when they started, why you liked each other, covered by a blanket, not wanting to let go of each other now that you were openly romantic.
Han found you both sound asleep, you on chan's lap, head on his neck as his arms wrapped around you gently, on a chair in the middle of the morning. He obviously called all the members to watch you two as they assumed you two finally got together. All of them saw it coming, Chan wouldn't shut up about you and had written what could be an entire album about you.
They were happy at least you'd be around more often to cook your delicious food. And you both blushed really hard once you woke up to lot's of teasing from the kids, it was fine tho, you liked it just like this, it was home.
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Hello! I was hoping to request a headcanon for the brothers with a gn MC who has insomnia/has trouble sleeping ^^
Thank you and i love your page!!
(Thank you for loving my page!!!❤️ Though *sobs softly* I suffer from insomnia agdksgsj :') lemme see what I can do for you!)
He was rubbing his eyes for the third time, trying to get the tiredness out of them when he noticed it was almost 3 in the morning
With a deep sigh, he left the documents on his desk top, promising to finish them in the morning as he stood, stretched, and began heading to his bedroom
He came to a stop outside of MC's room when he heard music playing, and stepped up to knock on the door
MC reluctantly opened it and peaked out, making a small squeak when they saw Lucifer standing there with a frown
"Shouldn't you be asleep?" he mumbled with a furrowed brow; but they gave a small laugh and shrugged, saying, "Um, insomnia?"
He sighed, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose, the trademark sign of exasperation; he'll save the lecture for when he isn't so tired
"Let's make you some tea to help you sleep. Go to bed immediately once you finish it." He motions for them to follow him into the kitchen, which they happily do
Quite the partier, Mammon comes home close to 2am, a little tipsy and ready for a bath, smelling like the club he was hanging out in
He wobbles a bit down the hallway, but comes to a stop when he hears the sound of television set still on
Who is awake right now?? Is it coming from MC's room??
He walks up to their door and knocks, concern written all over his face when they open to door and greet him
"Oi, you're usually asleep at this time? What gives?" he asks, stepping into their room and flopping on their desk chair
They grab him a bottle of water from their stash and hand it to him, sending his drunkenness. "Sometimes I can't sleep. So I just stay up and watch TV til my eyes get super tired."
He takes a deep swig of the water, but his frown deepens as he looks at them. "Ya need your sleep, ya know. It's not good for ya ta stay up so late. Here, let the Great Mammon help you."
He stands and grabs them, dragging them to curl up together in their bed; he tucks their head under his chin and he hums softly for them
They pray he doesn't freak out when he wakes up next to them in the morning lol
Fingers dashing around on his keyboard, Levi's attention is focused solely on the game displayed on his screen
He jumps a bit when there is a knocking at his door, though, and pauses said game to go answer it
MC is standing there, a rueful smile on their face as he greets them; but then he realizes what time it is
"Can't sleep, huh?" he mumbles softly and they nod, asking if they can hang out with him
"S-Sure, I guess. If you want we can, um, play some games or watch a movie until you get sleepy."
"Sounds good. Thanks Levi," they reply, stepping into his room and making themselves at home in his bathtub-bed
He sits with them and puts on a movie he knows they like, both of them curled up in blankets, eventually drifting off into sleep next to each other
He had lost track of time while he was studying in the library, giving a long sigh as he closed his textbook and stood up the stretch
On his way back to his bedroom, he noticed the light on in the kitchen, and went to investigate
He found MC rummaging through the fridge, and cleared his throat to draw their attention, making them jump slightly
"Midnight snack?" he teased, and they laughed nervously, closing the fridgerator door
"I deal with insomnia sometimes, so finding something to eat usually helps me feel better," they explained, taking the small plate of food they had and sticking it in the microwave
He hummed in understanding, walking up to the cabinet where his teas were kept. "I know a tea brew that can help with the insomnia. Usually if you drink it for a few days it helps adjust your sleep schedule. I can make some for you if you like."
They smiled in return and nodded. "Sure, if you don't mind. Anything to help me get some sleep."
He gave his own smile back to them, and went about showing them how to make the tea blend while they are their food
Asmodeus rarely woke up during the early hours of the morning; but he found himself up at 2am
He sighed deeply in annoyance, climbing out of bed to head to kitchen for a glass of water, when he passed by MC's room
He could hear movement behind the door, so he knocked softly, causing said movement to stop
When the door opened, he saw MC peaking out at first, before opening it all the way to greet him
"Are you okay, darling? You look exhausted," he noted, taking in their tired features; they tried to smile, but it didn't quite reach their eyes
"Dealing with insomnia. Some days are better than others," they replied on a dry laugh; but he simply frowned at their words
"Here, come with me to my room. No funny business, I promise!" he assured them after they gave him a funny look. "I have a potion that Solomon made for me that helps me get to sleep when I have bad nights. A little bit and it will have you sleeping like a baby in no time!"
They agreed and followed him to his room; when the potion began to kick in, Asmo let them sleep on his bed as he made himself comfy on his couch, allowing them space to sleep comfortably
Ever the midnight snacker, Beel got up in the middle of the night to head towards the kitchen and retrieve his food
He was surprised to see the light of the fridge already on, and walked in to find MC standing by the fridge, rubbing their eyes sleepily
He walked up and grabbed the door, leaning forward a bit to look at their face
"You okay, MC?" he asked, and they gave him a tired smile. "Yeah, just can't sleep. Looking for something to munch on since I don't have anything else to do."
Beel frowned, placing a hand to his chin in though. "Well, usually when Belphie can't sleep, he warms up some milk to drink, and that usually helps him. I can fix some for you if you like."
They looked at him for a moment, but chuckled softly and nodded. "Sure, that'd be nice."
Once he had the glass of warm milk done for them, he gave them a tight hug and walked them back to their room, hoping that they would actually get some sleep now
Belphie was having a hard time finding a new spot to nap in, and it was getting way too early into the morning for him to be awake
He yawned as he wandered the halls, dragging his pillow behind him, until he stopped at MC's room
Light was seeping out from under their door, so he knocked, figuring they were still awake
They opened the door and greeted him with the most tired face he had ever seen on them
"Having trouble sleeping or what?" he asked, stepping into their room and making himself at home on their bed
"Pretty much," they answered around a yawn, taking up the spot next to him
He pulled them down to lay with him, wrapping his arms around them and placing his head next to theirs. "I'll help you sleep. Just close your eyes, okay?"
They nodded slowly, allowing their eyes to finally close, and he used his sin to help them finally drift into sleep, giving them easy dreams to make sure they slept peacefully
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deerestapologies · 3 years
5 times you called him by a pet name + one time he called you by a pet name
(Diluc + Zhongli x GN!Reader)
1. "Oh, hey hon." You greet mildly.
The candles have begun burning a bit low, the long shadows making his pout even more obvious.
"I apologize, I was held up for longer than anticipated."
He produces a small bouquet from his coat, a cluster of wildflowers, and approaches like he's about to give an offering instead of a gift. He kneels by your chair, face stoic as usual, but you can see the worry and shame in his eyes.
You twirl the stems to absorb their delicate scent, and then carefully drop them in your water glass. You cup his face in your hands, and press a kiss to his brow.
"It's okay." You kiss his brow again, "I am not mad." You kiss his nose. "I am hungry though."
You laugh lightly at his rush to sit across from you. An evening eating cold roast was worth being able to spend it with him.
2. "I understand your frustration, but perhaps we had best move on." You place a hand on his crossed arms.
"Their behavior was unacceptable, especially for those who would call themselves knights."
The stubborn clench of his jaw tells you just how angry he is. The idiots were lucky to have only gotten the verbal bludgeoning earlier instead of the literal one he wanted to dish out.
"Yes, but you've already made them apologize, and they do seem repentant," the fool knights in training nod frantically, "so why not leave this mess for Kaeya, darling?"
He sighs, but loosens his posture to wrap a protective arm around you. The hell the Knights were going to catch for this was still to come, but at least no one lost any limbs. Yet.
3. Tucked into your pile of pillows, book in hand, you waited as you do most nights. Diluc had a late meeting scheduled after dinner, but he promised it was truly to do with the winery and not of the vigilante variety.
So you bide your time, until you hear his heavy boots come up the stairs.
"I'm home." He calls softly.
"Welcome back." You say just as softly.
He goes through the motions of undressing, refreshing himself, and redressing without missing a beat, but his posture seems wilted. You mark your page, and turn over the blanket for him.
"How did it go?"
He heaves a deep sigh, and crawls over to you. Pulling you close, he lays his head on your chest but doesn't say another word.
"Oh, sweetness." You embrace him, one hand holding his face and the other in his hair. "It's okay. I've got you."
4. You lengthen your steps, but the increased pace doesn't seem to deter the boy following you. He isn't dangerous per se, but his persistence is damned annoying.
"But, if you'll just listen," he jogs back up to your side, "I just need your help for a little while!"
"I am neither a Knight nor an Adventurer," you cut him off with a sharp wave of your hand, "And you have nothing I want. Now leave me be."
He sputters, "M-master Diluc said-"
As if he's had his tongue plucked out, he suddenly stops talking.
You turn around only to find Diluc himself, a stifling hand on the kid's shoulder. His face is a stoic mask as always, but his energy is thunderous.
"I agreed to help you out of deference to your mother, but you," You see the boy wince as the hand tightens, "failed to listen to a word I said. Harassing my staff and my partner has only earned you banishment from all of my properties. Now go, before I report you to the Knights as well."
You both stand stock still as the boy sprints from the winery back to Mondstadt proper.
"Your going to report him anyways, right?" You mumble, after he is just a speck on the horizon.
"Of course," He finally relaxes his stance to look at you, "Though I doubt Jean will be happy about it."
Your chuckle, already imagining her face when the letter reaches her desk. Heaving a sigh, just grateful for the problem to have moved on, you grab Diluc's hand.
"Thank you," You pull him into a tight hug, "for protecting me as always, angel."
5. You gently rap on the door frame to his office. He looks up from his work just long enough to give you a soft smile.
"I was wondering," You lean against the frame, avoiding actually entering lest you get sucked in as well, "If my dear husband was going to come to bed tonight?"
The bright lamp on his desk means you see his blush even from across the room. He huffs an embarrassed laugh, but starts shuffling paperwork into orderly piles.
"I hadn't realized the time, my apologies."
You hum, "It is understandable. But I cannot rest if you are not in bed with me."
You watch as he tucks away his tools, pulls his gloves off, and undoes the tie in his hair, all with a much to pleased smirk on his face.
He pulls you into a delicate, lingering kiss with a hand on your neck. The warmth of his skin makes you shiver. You lean into him, letting him wrap you in his arms.
He chuckles, "Well, I would hate to neglect my husbandly duties."
1. The lingering warmth from your bath and the softness of the sheets has you dozing in minutes. You toss a hand onto Diluc's side of the bed, wanting to be present when he comes to bed as well but the ache of a long day is catching up to you.
After several moments you feel a calloused hand grasp your own. You are too tired to properly see, but feel the dip as he climbs into bed.
Still holding your hand in a delicate grip, he presses a kiss to your palm, and then your cheek.
"Sleep, my love, I am here."
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1. Zhongli re-enters the house not even ten minutes after leaving. He is patting down his jacket and looking about the entryway in wonder, and you can't help but chuckle.
"Forget something?"
"Yes," he plants his hands on his hips, "I can't seem to find my wallet. I could have sworn I remembered it this time."
You get up from where you were leisurely awaiting his return, and snag the 'disappearing' wallet from where he left it on the table.
"Not quite, old man." You wave it, teasing.
"Ah, of course."
Tucking it into the pocket of his jacket, you tug him closer to plant a kiss on his flushed cheek.
"My apologies, it seems I was a bit distracted this morning."
He tucks a piece of hair away from your face, gaze so blatantly loving you can't help but crash your lips against his. Damn whatever appointment he may have, he shouldn't be so handsome in your direction.
2. It is not every day you wake up before him, so you try to make the most of it. You prepare his clothes for the day, just so you can pick out your favorite of his shirts. You start a light breakfast, and brew an energizing blend of tea for both of your sake.
You spend some time simply waiting at the table, content to sip your tea and watch the morning birds.
When the soft shuffle of feet brings Zhongli into the kitchen, you stand up. He is mostly dressed, minus his tie and shoes, jacket loose around his shoulders.
You steer him to the table, and press a kiss to his cheek when seated.
He hums contentedly, still a bit sleepy, "Good morning."
You pour him a cup of tea as well, and his smile grows a bit wider. He tilts his head up, "Thank you."
You meet him half way, pressing a firm kiss to his mouth, "Of course dearest. Do you have anything pressing today?"
A hand comes to rest on your hip, preventing you from moving back to your seat.
"No, nothing more important than this."
3. Squished between the mattress and the press of his body, you couldn't imagine being more content. The warmth, the scent, the feel of his breath ghosting across your skin.
You run a reverent hand through his hair, spread loose over his back. It seems impossible for you to be this happy, like you would only read about in unrealistic fantasies.
Amber eyes are already watching you, when you open yours. His gaze is soft, unbearably so, so you look at the ceiling.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He answers it so easily, as if it is among the many universal truths that exist in his head.
"You must understand," You wet your nervous mouth, "I mean it. Truly, I love you."
You feel his head tilt in confusion, but power on, emotions spilling.
"You are my starlight. My life would be unimaginably dark without you. I am scared constantly by the sway you have over me, but I cannot stand the idea of living without you. I want be here with you, forever, no matter the cost."
You squeeze your eyes shut against the flood of tears that threaten to spill, waiting for his polite retreat. His body lifts off yours and you pull a shuddering breath in, unused to laying yourself bare in this way. He could end you now, destroy you by just walking away.
But you feel tremoring hands grasp your face, almost too tightly. He doesn't say a word, can't, but presses his forehead to yours.
4. "Zhongli?" You call into the empty hum of the parlor, hoping it will carry to his office. It's not far, but he gets absorbed in his work easily.
You lean out the door a bit, and try to project your voice more, "Hey, honey?"
The door to his office clicks open, and his head pokes out. "Do you need assistance?"
"Yes, please," you adjust the pile of books in your arms, "Would you mind grabbing this other pile? A client requested reference material from just about every era, and I don't think I have the wing span to carry all of it."
He presses a quick kiss to your head, and scoops up the remaining books with no problem.
"Of course, would you like me to relieve you of those as well?"
"Not a chance, show off, you're gonna have to deal with the doors."
As if to prove your point, he balances the stack in one hand to hold the front door open for you, smile only slightly smug.
5. Given how busy your lives were, and his propensity for letting time fly, you figured he would forget again. It would not be the first anniversary he forgot, and you imagine it wouldn't be the last.
It's not like you could hold it against him, especially not when he was so earnest and loving all year round.
So your surprise was genuine when he led you, dressed in his best, to a private booth at Liuli Pavilion.
The food was made by the head chef, as a show of gratitude for Zhongli's long patronage (you send a quiet thank you to Childe), and the service superb. The evening is relatively quiet, you converse as normal but with the additional soppiness that comes from acknowledging romance.
You are especially glad for the privacy when you cannot help but practically ravish the man over the table, his face being too handsome to bear just looking at.
Shortly after, he looks at you with burning eyes, and finally says, "I am quite full. Perhaps we should head home."
"That sounds perfect."
You continue to stare, sappy and sated, as he blindly pats at his pockets, equally unwilling to look away.
After several moments, it dawns on you, and then immediately on him.
You can't help it. You laugh. Hysterically, because no matter what Zhongli is Zhongli.
He's standing now, flustered like you've never seen, pacing the room as if his wallet would be anywhere but the table at home.
"This was not my intent." He huffs, "I had planned the evening meticulously."
"And it was lovely," You choke back another laugh, "But, sugar, you are not living this down for the rest of our lives!"
You are laughing as you pull out your own wallet, giggling uncontrollably as you hand over all the money on your person, and can barely walk you're so light headed when he leads you out the door.
He doesn't once let you go, from the pavilion's steps to your front door. Indulgent to the end, your man.
1. It is always a pleasant surprise when your errands overlap. Working nearly in conjunction makes it happen quite often, but still, it makes your day brighter.
You have just finishing bartering your lunch into existence when you spot Zhongli headed your way. Quickly, you slip the chef a few more mora to add another dish.
He is at your side in an instant, bringing your hand to his lips in that coquettish way he has.
"There you are," he lowers your hand but does not drop it, "I've been looking for you, treasure."
You twine your fingers together, relishing the warmth. You snug up to his side, taking the liberty of placing his hand on your hip just to see him blush.
"Have you now?"
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Hello Ramza my beloved! \ (⌒▽⌒)/ Could i request a fic where reader is ranboo's younger sibling? Y'know endermen kiddos doing cute lil' endermen things; i thought that'd be a cute idea! :]
BigBrother!Ranboo and Reader - Useless Enchantment
Pairings: none
Characters included: Ranboo
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request by my beloved anon <3
Summary: Y/N ran away after Ranboo insulted their enchantment they have worked on, calling it useless. They just wanted to help out!
Words count: 1548
Authors Note: I apologize for this short one and I turned this around a bit into a different direction. I hope it’s fine! I do like the idea of Big Brother Ranboo though and would love to write more for him but at the moment this was the only thing that came into my mind! Still, thank you for the good prompt! :]
A young child was carefully stalking through the dark forest. The gaze from his red and green eyes always attentively roaming between the trees and fauna. One of his hands resting on the hilt of his worn out iron sword. Glistening with a simple sharpness enchantment that the boy managed to put on there with the help of an old book.
It was currently the dead of night and therefore being outside was dangerous. Mobs were now prowling around attacking everything on sight only to later retreat or burn to ashes once the sun come back around again.
Now, it wasn’t Ranboo’s choice that he was outside during the night but he had to look for someone. His younger sibling Y/N.
After a particular heated argument Y/N stormed outside of the old broken hut that the two have reappropriated as their own home. Of course Ranboo immediately tried to follow them but he wanted to make sure to at least grab the sword before following them in case anything happened. Unfortunately this also gave Y/N the time to get out of his vision
“Y/N! Please come home!” he yelled out for the what felt like the hundredth time.
Truth be told he didn’t full remember already what they were arguing about. Either it was just that stupid or his faulty memory was acting up again.
During his life his memory had been a huge problem of his and something he didn’t feel too comfortable relying on. The only definite thing he could and will unequivocally rely on was his trust in his sibling.
They were always there for him to either help him through his confusion or they would cheer him up, no matter the situation.
“Come on! Y/N! It’s dangerous!”
“Go away!” The voice came from above him. Sniffling and stifled sobs accompanying it.
Confused Ranboo looked up at the treetops only to see Y/N sitting on a particular thick branch. They were hugging their own legs and viciously rubbing their eyes, trying to make sure that none of their tears would hit their skin but Ranboo could see a few bright red lines and splotches on their cheeks.
His eyes widened “Come down and let’s go home! What if a skeleton sees you! Or a spider!”
But Y/N just tightly shut their mismatched colored eyes and shook their head “Nuh uh! Just so you can make fun of my enchanting again? I was trying to help!”
Oh, that was what happened. The house had an enchanting table, which was one of the deciding factors for why they moved in there for the time being and Y/N tried to enchant a piece of armor to help their brother out but accidentally managed to put on a what Ranboo described as a “useless” enchantment.
Ranboo looked around himself, making sure that no mobs have caught on to them yet “I’m, uh, sure we can find a use for an aqua affinity helmet. How about we go home and talk about it!”
Y/N slowly opened their eyes again, they were still busy trying to dry their tears. Wincing whenever their tears still managed to escape and making an uncomfortable sizzling sounds as it touched their skin.
“You think so?”
He nodded, getting more and more nervous just standing around in the forest like this “Yes, of course I’m sure. Why would I lie to you? You have to come down the tree though.”
Y/N hesitantly let go off their legs and let them dangle off the tree. Taking a deep breath in they just jumped off the branch.
This Ranboo didn’t expect. Scared for their well being he ran over to them trying to catch them somehow. It might have not been a huge drop but it was still long enough to definitely end up in some sort of injury if Y/N didn’t land correctly.
Ranboo opened up his arms but Y/N still just crashed into him. Falling off the tree only to disappear and reappear right on top of him in a cloud of purple particles. Knocking all the air out of his lungs as he fell over with his younger sibling in his arms.
While he could pick things up without destroying them, Y/N inherited the ability to teleport even if the range at the moment is only a few feet at best.
On one hand he was happy Y/N was finally down the tree but on the other hand he was now busy coughing as he tried to fill his lungs with much needed air again. It also didn’t help that Y/N didn’t immediately jump off of him and instead took a second regaining their own bearings.
Once they did jump off him though, they helped him back up. Y/N then immediately wrapped their arms around his body. Pushing their wet face into his chest. A few painful and muffled whimpers escaped them as they essentially pushed their wounded face into Ranboo’s shirt.
Still coughing Ranboo softly put his hand on Y/N’s head. Trying to calm them down even more as he carefully caressed their head in between their two white and black horns. The least he could do right now is try to stop their tears so they wouldn’t be in pain on the walk home.
It seemed to work somewhat. When Y/N looked back up into their brother’s face their eyes were still looking glassy but it didn’t look like more tears were rolling down their face.
Happy with this Ranboo took Y/N’s hand in his and together the two begun walking home. Y/N’s gaze always directed on the ground, only occasionally jumping towards noises around them. All the while Ranboo took the lead, his sword in is other hand.
Y/N’s hand sometimes flew up to their face. Tracing along old tear scars and the new once. Grimacing every time their fingers got too close.
Ranboo too was sensitive and got hurt by water as well but for the longest time now he suspected that Y/N showed a more stronger reaction to it than he ever did.
Guilt swept in as he realized that if he never made fun of their enchanting they wouldn’t be in pain right now. His grip on Y/N’s hand strengthened. He wanted to say something but when he opened his mouth his words left him. So he just concentrated on the walk home for now.
It didn’t take long for the two to reach their home. As soon as Ranboo opened the door the light of the fire places greeted them. It was just a run down little hut. Most rooms were almost unusable. Either too broken down over the years or filled with debris. So the two spent most of their time only in the living room. Even made makeshift beds around the fire place so they could keep warm while sleeping.
“Y/N, sit down on the chair over there.” Ranboo pointed at one of the chairs next to dinner table that stood close by.
Y/N didn’t wait and immediately moved towards the chair to do as Ranboo told them. While they did so Ranboo put his sword away and got out a rag and a spare potion they managed to scrounge up out of a chest.
He then moved another chair in front of his little sibling so he could sit in front of them. Putting some of the potion on the rag. Moving it close to their face only to see them preemptively wince.
“I’m sorry Y/N. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have made fun of you. You did good!”
It surprised them when Y/N smiled at him “It’s alright. You didn’t mean to. Also you promised to find a good way to use for the enchantment anyhow.”
They looked smug when they said the last part. As if them running away was all a plan to make him promise that.
A pout appeared on his face and he sighed “Are you sure you are my sibling and not just annoying endermites in a trench coat?”
They stuck out their tongue “I don’t see any other Hybrid around here that is half Enderman and whatever our other half is.”
They were right. Both of them showed the same markings of their Hybrid sides. Including having the same eye colors of green and red. Ranboo may not have all of his memories and both didn’t know where they came from but he knew that Y/N was his sibling. He just knew it.
All of his memories had them in there as well. They were always there with him., survived together.
“Anyway I will clean up the wounds a bit so the scars won’t be too noticeable, alright? The rest you gotta drink.”
Y/N nodded. Closing their eyes waiting for Ranboo to touch up the wounds. It’s not the first time they did this after all. They knew how this would go.
Ranboo softly touched their face with the wet cloth. As soon as he did so he could already see Y/N’s skin repairing itself a little bit. The bright red lines getting darker and in the case of the face side with the enderman skin it turned into white lines.
Wincing at every touch but they managed to stay still.
He then pushed the bottle into Y/N’s hands who happily downed the liquid since it also helped to suppress the pain.
Relived Y/N let out a few happy chirps similar to the sounds that of actual endermen.
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“Can you teach me how to enchant things properly? You are way better at it this than me.” They sounded a bit sheepish.
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
A Heart’s a Heavy Burden
Abby Anderson x GN! Reader
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After arriving on Catalina Island, Abby is afraid to let her guard down. She lives with this constant crushing weight on her chest that she fears will never leave her. It’s not until she meets the reader that things begin to change.
Warnings: Copious amounts of fluff, swearing, basically just a lot of cute shit lol
Anon requested one where the reader goes on a hike with Abby and Lev, I hope you guys enjoy (especially if you requested it) <3 it’s been really nice getting back into writing and this request was so adorable aaaa.
A/N: I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted and for that I apologize. In the meantime, I hope this will suffice. Also peep the Howl’s Moving Castle quote I used for the title lol
After the death of her father and that night in the theatre, Abby has come to the realization that pain and suffering is nothing if not inevitable. There has never been a point in time in which an instance of joy or peace is not soon followed by the truest forms of human depravity. When Abby and Lev arrived in Santa Barbara she thought things would be different. She was filled with this brand new feeling of optimism that she thought was long forgotten, and for the first time in forever she had hope.
Then—almost as if some higher being was mocking her for finally letting her guard down—the Rattlers happened, and it all came crashing down. As easily as a sandcastle is destroyed by the tide, that newfound happiness was gone in an instant and that feeling of despair returned once again. She had almost become accustomed to the suffering and heartache that accompanied those short increments of happiness. 
So when Abby and Lev arrived on Catalina Island, naturally Abby was incredibly grateful, but she was also fucking terrified. The moment that she stepped onto the shore, Abby vowed to never let her guard down again. She never wanted to see Lev hurt again, especially after everything he’d already been through.
It’s easy to imagine how difficult life can be when every happy moment is squandered by the fear of something inevitably terrible happening. It’s been months on Catalina Island and that normalcy Abby has missed so much was beginning to return, yet she is still afraid. A large part of Abby knows that being captured by the Rattlers isn’t her fault, but nevertheless she still feels this tremendous weight on her chest. Bearing down on her, compressing her into something small. 
There is something different about Catalina Island though. Something that makes Abby feel as though—despite everything that has already happened—things will be different here. It’s you.
You were one of the first faces Abby saw when her and Lev arrived on the shore. She had sustained multiple injuries and was suffering from severe starvation and dehydration, Lev the same. You however were in the infirmary for a fractured ankle, and due to the shortage of space she was placed in the bed next to yours. 
There was something you noticed about Abby the moment she sat down next to you. You couldn’t quite place it at the time but thinking back, it was definitely her eyes. There was so much pain behind them. You didn’t know why or how you knew, but it was there. Maybe it was because you had seen that same pain in the mirror that sits idle in the darkness of your room, the one covered by a tattered white sheet. It didn’t matter though, because all you knew was that the pain was there, and you wanted nothing more than to show her that life can be okay.
You woke up early today, laying in bed and trying to shake the sleep from your body, you counted the dust particles that floated in the small beam of sunlight that peeked through your window. While you lay basking in the warmth and stillness of your bedroom, you heard a quiet knock on your door. A small voice followed, it was Lev.
“Y/N? Are you awake?” 
“Yeah, just give me a sec.” You carefully rolled out of bed before slipping on a hoodie and answering the door. 
When you opened the door Lev had a huge smile on his face. “Hi Y/N!” 
That was something you really admired about him. Even after everything him and Abby had been through, he was just full of this giddy optimism that continued to wonder you every day. 
“Hey Lev, what’s up?” 
“I was wondering if you wanted to come on a hike with Abby and I? Apparently there’s something she wants to show you.” 
“Of course, I’d love to! Just let me get ready and I’ll head down in a bit.” Just as the words slipped out Lev embraced you tightly. You giggled as he leapt into your arms. 
“Awesome! I’ll go let Abby know.” Lev released you from his grip before hurriedly running downstairs.
When you found the two waiting outside your room, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Abby and her adorable freckles. She looked so much happier now, having grown her hair out a bit and built up some of the muscle mass she had lost. 
“You ready to go?” Abby had her hands hooked in the straps of her backpack as she took a small step closer to you. 
“You bet your ass I am.” 
As Abby led you and Lev along the shoreline you noticed how her skin was almost glowing. You figured it was most likely a product of all the time she spent helping out in the California sun. 
Rather than resting like any normal person would’ve, as soon as Abby was back on her feet, she was desperate to help out as much as she could. Whether it was patrolling the beaches or running the farms, she didn’t care. She just wanted to help. 
It seemed like it was a way for her to somehow compensate for being rescued off of the coast, and you wished you could tell her that she didn’t owe anyone anything—that after everything she went through to get here, there was nothing to repay. Of course though, it’s difficult to console someone when they haven’t exactly told you what was troubling them.
The shoreline bordered between an abundance of rocky cliffs and the tide, and the area was littered with lush greenery. Lev walked ahead of the two of you, jumping from rock to rock with surprising ease.
“Be careful Lev! There are sharks in that water you know.” Abby yelled at Lev to no avail. It was sweet how protective she was over him, even though she knew he wouldn’t fall.
You lightly nudged Abby’s shoulder with yours, the warmth of her skin against yours was comforting. You gave her a small reassuring smile. “He’ll be fine Abs, you know he can handle himself.” 
Abby sighed, looking down for a brief moment before continuing. “You’re right… I just worry you know.” 
“Yeah, I get it. You know, you’re actually pretty cute when you get all protective.” You said it teasingly, but you’d be lying if there wasn’t a small ounce of truth to the words.
Abby smiled, blushing at the comment, but it was difficult to tell in the sunlight. She was grateful the sun had already made her cheeks a light shade of pink. “Shut up.” 
It was nice with Abby and Lev. You spent the day burying Abby in the sand on the beach and chasing the crabs that hid under the rocks with Lev. Abby had packed a whole bunch of food in her bag, and the three of you quickly devoured it all. 
While Lev was building a shark out of sand, you and Abby laid side by side as you basked in the warm sun. After a bit you felt a shift next to you as Abby rolled on her side, leaning on her arm while she looked down towards you. 
“Hey.” Her voice was quiet, soft, similar to Lev’s when he woke you up this morning.
You opened your eyes and nearly melted at the sight before you. Abby was completely shielding the sun from your face which created a halo effect that outlined her entire head. The small strands of hair that stuck out of her ponytail glowed like threads of gold, and you could see clearly now the freckles that danced across her face all the way down to her arms. 
You replied with a soft smile on your face as you laid there admiring all the little details of her face. “Hey.”
“Can I show you something?” 
You gave her a small nod. “Do you want me to get Lev?” As you began sitting up Abby put her hand on your arm to stop you.
“Actually, I was kind of hoping it could just be us. Is that okay?” There was a small hint of nervousness in her voice and you weren’t sure if it was due to the thought of leaving Lev alone, or if it was from something else. 
“I would love that.” The corner of Abby’s mouth curled into a small smile at your answer. 
The both of you stood up from the sand, brushing the excess off of your pants. Abby jogged over to Lev and whispered something quietly before quickly returning to you. 
When you and Abby began walking away from the beach you heard Lev’s voice in the distance. “Have Y/N back by ten o’clock young man, I have a hunting rifle and I know how to use it!” 
Abby rolled her eyes as she yelled back in response. “Yeah, yeah.”
You looked at Abby with a confused face. “He has a hunting rifle?” 
“Nah, I think he got it from a movie. I need to stop showing him those old rom-coms.” Abby chuckled as she responded and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as well. It’s almost annoying how infectious her laughter was.
Eventually, the two of you reached a long stream of rushing water. It wasn’t too deep, but if you were to fall in, the current was definitely strong enough to swiftly sweep you away.
There was a tiny path of rocks that travelled in a crooked line across the stream, and it was obvious it hadn’t been used in a long time. “Please tell me we aren’t going this way.”
“Come on Y/N, I got you. You trust me right?” Abby didn’t wait for a response as she grabbed your hand and led you across the mossy rocks. 
As you reached the last rock, you let out a breath of relief. All you had to do was prop yourself over the log in front of you and you were home free. Carefully, as you reached your arms up to grip onto the ridges of the bark with your fingertips, you somehow lost your footing and slipped. You yelped and nearly fell face first into the jagged rocks below you, but luckily before you could, you felt a strong arm grab your waist. Abby almost on instinct quickly hoisted you up and onto the log just before you fell to your death. 
While you laid your body down on the dirty log in an attempt to calm the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins. Abby nonchalantly stood up next to you with a huge grin, acting as if you didn't just see your life flash before your eyes two seconds ago. “See? I got you. Now let’s go.” 
You groaned. “Can I get a second? I nearly just died back there.” 
“Don’t be so dramatic Y/N, you know I’d never let anything happen to you.” Abby grabbed your hand and dragged you over the log. “Come on, we’re almost there.”
She wasn’t wrong about it not being far (and for that you were extremely grateful). It only took a couple more minutes until you finally reached your destination, and the moment you saw it, you were speechless. 
Before you was a small clearing that had a view of the entire island. There were two large trees with ripe oranges hanging from it’s branches, and an abundance of wildflowers that danced in the wind like small fairies. The sunlight that shone through the leaves on the trees reminded you of the small beam of light that you were admiring this morning, except this was a thousand times more beautiful.
“Holy shit Abs.” It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen, and to get to see it with Abby was seriously a dream come true.
“You know, if you don’t like it we can always head back.” Abby teased.
“Oh shut up.” You plopped down onto the soft grass beneath you, breathing in the warm air and letting the blades encompass your body. You noticed Abby was still standing and quickly patted the grass beside you “Lay down with me, you gotta experience it from here.” 
Abby lowered herself tentatively beside you, and although she tried to hide it, you could tell out of the corner of your eye that her gaze was fixed on you. 
Things between you and Abby have always been pretty platonic; sure you guys flirted every once in a while but it never extended beyond that. And as much as you’d like for the two of you to be more, you never wanted to overstep your bounds. You didn’t want to burden Abby with your feelings especially if she didn’t share them, and you definitely didn’t want to ruin your friendship. It was hard sometimes trying to ignore the longing in your heart—trying to ignore the urge to jump into her arms and kiss her whenever she gave you that adorable freckled smile, but you knew it was for the best.
However, with her gaze fixed upon you, and your fingers just inches away, something in you couldn’t help but move your pinkie just slightly in search of hers. It was a small touch. So small it could almost be accidental, but something in both of you knew it wasn’t.
You heard Abby’s breath hitch quietly and nearly pulled your hand back, but then you felt hers move towards yours. Slowly, Abby’s fingertips traced lines against your hand before lacing them together with yours. The gesture was so sweet you nearly melted.
When you turned your head to face her, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes squinted closed like she was waiting for a bomb to go off. It was in that moment that you realized she felt the same longing that you did—that she knew of the ache that occupied your heart, and everything just clicked. 
You tightened your grip on her hand as you brought her fist to your lips, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles. The act softened her expression and she opened her eyes to look at you with that damned smile on her face. 
Abby propped herself up the same way she had at the beach, looking down at you with those beautiful blue eyes. The wind blew loose strands of hair across her face, and you reached up to brush them behind her ear. But instead of retracting your hand, you rested your palm lightly against her cheek, tracing small circles with your thumb. 
Leaning closer, Abby finally broke the silence. “Hey Y/N?”
Your voice was quiet and raspy as you responded with a small. “Yeah?”
She was closer now, her nose against yours and her warm breath fanning across your face. “Can I kiss you?” 
You didn’t respond. Instead you closed the small gap with your lips, kissing Abby tenderly. It was the kind of kiss you couldn’t ever explain to anyone, like a dream you couldn’t quite recall but knew was good. It was perfect.
You could feel her smiling against your mouth as she ran her fingers through your hair and down to your chin.
When Abby pulled away she had this stupid grin on her face, and it was easily the cutest thing you had ever seen. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” Abby laid back down next to you as she let out a sigh of relief.
As you rolled over to rest your head on her chest, Abby’s arm moved to hold you closer. “You’re kidding, right?” She looked at you, urging you to continue. “Abby, I’ve been waiting to do that ever since you gave me that seashell in the infirmary.”
Your heart swelled as you recalled how nervous she was—how she didn’t say a word to you the entire time there, until that day when she shakily introduced herself. It was one of the sweetest gestures anyone had ever done for you, and you’ve adored her ever since.
Abby blushed when you brought up the seashell. She remembers that day clearly; you were leaving the infirmary because your ankle had finally healed, and she saw her opportunity to meet you begin to narrow. Abby initially wasn’t going to go up to you because she was way too afraid, but Lev had seen the way Abby looked at you and forced her to go over and introduce herself. 
He is pretty much the entire reason you and Abby were here in the first place, having given Abby that small purple seashell so she could give it to you.
As you lay there listening to the sound of Abby’s heartbeat you heard a rustle in the bushes nearby and nearly jumped out of your skin. Abby quickly stood up, the both of you backing away from the noise. Reaching for the closest thing to you, you grabbed a stick and pointed it towards the source of the rustling. “Who’s there?”
Relief flooded through you as Lev jumped out with his hands up, screaming sarcastically. “Oh no! Please don’t murder me with that tiny stick.” 
While Lev giggled hysterically, both you and Abby groaned. 
“So did you guys finally kiss or did all my work go to waste?” 
Abby rolled her eyes as she reached out to nudge Lev. “You’re such a goober.” 
Lev looked at the two of you suspiciously as he crossed his arms. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
Abby gave him an amused face as she reached for you without warning, picking you up bridal style. And you couldn’t help but giggle as she leaned in and planted a short kiss on your lips. Abby then pulled away and placed you back on your feet, looking at Lev as she spoke “Did that answer your question?” 
Lev excitedly embraced the both of you with a gigantic smile of his face. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” 
You and Abby looked at each other happily as you answered in unison. “Trust me, we know.”
The three of you spent the rest of the evening in that small clearing. Abby held Lev on her shoulders as he picked ripe oranges from the trees, and when the sun began to set you lay in Abby’s arms as you watched the cascading pinks and oranges in the clouds paint the sky.
While you lay in Abby’s arms she looked at you with a sense of contentment that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Time had healed the wounds that decorated Abby’s arms, and though the emotional baggage still weighed heavy on her heart, life was brighter here with the Fireflies—with Y/N.
She knew in that moment that it didn’t matter if things came crashing down as it almost always did. The pain and suffering of life was worth enduring because Abby no longer feared the inevitable. She had found something to fight for here and as long as she had you and she had Lev, Abby would continue to fight regardless of the obstacles that stood in her way.
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briswriting · 4 years
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『 a soft morning with kenma before leaving for class 』
pairing: kenma kozume x gn!reader genre: fluff wc: 1663
a/n: a little self indulgent fic i whipped up for kenma’s birthday because he deserves the world and i love him very much !!! also sorry this is not proof read and the banner is kinda lame cause i have to start getting ready for work LOL
Mornings with Kenma in your shared apartment were never routine. Every day started differently.
Some days you woke up to him by your side, a lean arm draped over your waist, legs entangled with yours, the sight of his sleeping face partly covered by strewn hair the first thing your bleary eyes see when they open to the sound of your school alarm.
Other days you woke up to the spot beside you in bed cold and untouched throughout the night, the faint sound of clicking and quiet mumbles coming from where he had his desk set up in the small spare room on the other side of the thin apartment wall.
Today you had woken up to yet another empty side of the bed, but this time the covers beside you were still somewhat warm; the lingering scent of your shampoo remain settled on his pillow, informing you that he had at least come to bed after all.
A slight smile coming to your face at one of the earliest memories you shared with him when you first moved in together.
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“Kenma, have you been using my shampoo?” You ask, peeping your head into the small office.
“Hmmm?” His cat like eyes flittering across the editing software on his monitor, paying no attention to you or the question you asked him.
“Have you been using my shampoo?” You repeat, walking into the room and placing yourself behind his gaming chair. Arms reaching out to wrap around his shoulders as you lean in to watch the screen with him, his tense form immediately relaxing into your embrace.
“You’re lying.”
“You washed your hair last night. I can smell it.”
“Okay, fine, I do. We live together anyway, might as well just share, so we aren’t spending money on two different bottles.”
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. I’ll start buying the bigger bottle then so we don’t run out as fast.” Your brain mentally making a note to remember for your next run to the store.
“It smells like you too. That’s why I use it,” he admits, eyes still not leaving the monitor in front of him as he softly talks to you. A soft smile growing on his face as you hide your own into the crook of his neck because of his words.
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Your mind is immediately brought back to reality when the blaring of your alarm goes off, indicating that it was time for you to start getting ready for your classes. Letting out a groan as you stretch out your tired limbs, you feel around the bed for your phone, remembering that you had fallen asleep scrolling through your social media apps while waiting for Kenma to come to bed.
Sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you notice that your phone is placed on your bedside table, the small cat cable bite of your charger plugged into the end of your phone. Another smile growing on your face as you realize that Kenma must have walked in on you sleeping with your phone in hand, plugging it in for you before going to sleep himself.
Turning off the alarm and finally slipping out of bed, feet softly padding across the cold wooden floor beneath it, letting out a loud yawn as you walk to the bathroom across the hall.
Opening the door, you’re unprepared to be greeted by the harsh yellow shine of the bathroom lights, eyes quickly closing in distress as you let out a groan, face twisting in discomfort.
You’re about to open your mouth to shout out to wherever Kenma was in the small apartment that he, again, left the lights on, a habit you had noticed ever since moving in with him.
But as your eyes open, you realize that Kenma is, in fact, in the bathroom, clad in his pajamas, hair still a mess from the hours of sleep, toothbrush moving back and forth in his mouth as he stands in front of the sink.
“Oh. Good morning,” you mumble out, pressing a quick kiss to his puffed out cheek before grabbing your own toothbrush and the tube of toothpaste.
Spitting out the toothpaste in his mouth and quickly rinsing out the remains, Kenma quirks an eyebrow at you as you start brushing your teeth. “You were going to yell at me for the lights again, weren’t you?”
“Cam’t repie, I’m bwushing my teef,” you tease out, toothbrush still in your mouth, a playful smile on your face.
He just smiles back before leaning in to press his own kiss against your puffed out cheeks.
“I made breakfast. Come eat before you have to leave.” Slender fingers reaching up to softly flick your nose, his delicate laughter filling the small bathroom as your face scrunches up at him before he turns around to head towards the living room.
Your mind quickly forgetting the small flick as you think of the breakfast waiting for you. Stomach grumbling loudly at the thought of eating an actual meal before class and not a quick granola bar or bagel on your way out.
Eyes widening at the loud noise your empty stomach made, wondering if Kenma had heard it on his way out. More laughter fills your ears as you reach out to turn the water faucet on, indicating that, yes, he had heard the monstrous noise your body had made at the thought of the meal waiting for you.
Hastily you finish getting ready in the bathroom, walking back into the bedroom to change out of your pajamas quickly. Grabbing one of the sweaters thrown over the foot of the bed to wear in the icy lecture halls, you had your classes in, paying no mind to which sweater it was as you shove it into your bag.
Dropping your bag by the front door with a light thump, you finally place yourself next to Kenma on the couch, your breakfast waiting on the coffee table. Your mouth watering at the sight of a plate full of pancakes and fresh fruits set out for you to eat.
Kenma laughs at you again for the third time that morning as his golden eyes watch you shovel the food into your mouth. “Slow down, you’re gonna choke.”
“Mmmm tastes so good,” you groan out, mouth full of the sweet and fluffy cake.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence as the both of you eat the meal Kenma prepared, the TV in front of the two of you quietly playing a random show that Kenma had turned on earlier that morning while making breakfast.
“What are we watching?” Your question breaking the silence between the two of you.
“No clue.” His answer quickly causing the two of you to look at each other before breaking out into laughter. The giddy aura that surrounds the two of you quickly cut off by another alarm blaring from your phone, indicating that it was finally time for you to leave for today’s classes.
As you get up to go quickly wash your dishes in the kitchen, Kenma reaches out to grab them from your hands.
“I’ll clean up in a bit. You better start heading to class before you’re late and can’t find a good seat again,” he points out, stacking your empty plate on top of his and placing the dishes in the sink.
Letting out a small sigh at the thought of having to go to class, you head over to the front door, leaning down to put on your shoes and to pick up your school bag. You’re about to reach for the handle of the door when you feel a presence behind you.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” You hear Kenma ask quietly.
Turning around, you give him a questioning look, head slightly tilted to the side as you try to remember what you could have forgotten. Kenma silently watching you as your eyes quickly widening in remembrance.
Leaning in, you press a delicate kiss to his soft lips. A smile on your face as you pull away. Your eyes blinking confusingly as you come to notice that Kenma’s eyes are blown wide, a reddening blush rising to his face.
“I meant this, but thanks,” he mumbles out, thrusting his right hand out to you to reveal your keys that you had forgotten to grab from the key holder on the wall.
“So, you didn’t want a goodbye kiss?” You teasingly ask as you grab the keys from his fingers, making sure to safely put it in one of the pockets of your bag.
“Goodbye kisses are nice too,” he grumbles out. “But I don’t want you getting locked out while I’m in class. Now hurry up and leave before you’re late.” His hands placing themselves on your shoulders as he turns you around and lightly pushes you towards the door.
“Okay okay, I’m going,” you laugh out as you exit the comfort of your apartment and enter the hallway of the complex. “See you tonight!” You call out as he slowly shuts the door behind you.
A couple of moments later, you receive a text message from him. See you tonight <3
Your eyes scan the short yet sweet message as a smile forms on your face, thoughts occupied by memories of your boyfriend as you walk to class.
As a slight breeze flutters through the air, goosebumps growing on your exposed arms. Reaching into your bag, you carefully put on the hoodie you had thrown in earlier that morning. Only to realize that it wasn’t your sweater, but Kenma’s prototype merch sweater that he had received from the merchandise company.
Another smile grew on your face as the warmth of his hoodie enveloped you; the sweet smell of your shared shampoo filled your nose as you happily walked to class, looking forward to the end of the day where you can be embraced by him once again.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
reki kyan x gn!reader
a/n: definitely not me wanting a relationship like this and therefore writing this slightly catered to myself even tho i have a request hahaaaaa
warnings: none <3
word count: 937
For as long as you can remember, love felt distant. You weren’t interested in relationships all your life, sure, but once the interest grew, the loneliness did as well. As things felt more lonely, as you’d ponder whether or not you’d ever fall in love- whether or not you could even fall in love- a certain red-headed boy came into your life.
It happened rather quickly- a bored Sunday spent messing around with a new interest. You rolled around the skate park, getting a feel for the board finally feeling somewhat natural underneath your feet. Your eyes were glued to your feet, but, the moment you looked up, you realized you were heading straight towards someone’s back. You stopped yourself, sighing as the stranger had turned around.
“Oh- sorry, am I in your way?”
A coincidence. That’s all your meeting had been. It was a one-in-a-million chance, but it still happened. Everything lined up perfectly for that moment. From that moment, the two of you were friends- and, after several months of growing closer and closer, the two of you finally became a couple. From the moment you had exchanged numbers, the world was a bit less lonely. He was like sunshine in your life- and, once you began to date, your life only became more exciting.
You grumbled, slowly waking up to several noises. Opening your eyes as your senses began to return, you noticed that it was still dark outside. The ringing of your phone and several knocks at your window also alerted you. It would have been much more unnerving if you didn’t have a clue as to who it could be.
Grabbing your phone, you laughed to yourself. You answered the call and held your phone to your ear, telling Reki, your boyfriend of nearly a year, to tell you what he was doing at this hour.
“Visiting you, duh. Why are you sleeping so early on a Friday?”
“It’s like… midnight. It was meant to be a nap, actually-”
“Well, wakey wakey! Wanna go to the gas station?”
You sighed, already slipping on your shoes, “you know it.”
After getting somewhat presentable, you opened your window, and smiled at Reki. “You know my parents are away right now, right? You could have come to the front door.”
“Yeah, but it’s more fun this way! Something’s really adventurous about sneaking out the window late at night, right?”
You nodded, noting the skateboard in his hand, then holding up yours for him to look at. “Glad we have the same thought process,” He said, walking with you towards the sidewalk. “Except for the fact that we both have a difficult thought process.”
You both placed your skateboards on the ground at the same time, skating towards the gas station down the road, trying to go faster than the other. “How was the nap?” Reki asked you, speeding up a bit. You sped up as well, “not bad. I’m actually pretty refreshed- enough to not let you beat me.”
As the two of you arrived at the gas station, neither bothering to argue over who won, since the other wouldn’t give in, you both picked up your boards and walked in. “What’s the menu tonight?” You asked, following Reki towards the refrigerators. “First, energy drinks. You’re probably gonna get tired soon, and I like how they taste,” He replied, opening the fridge and allowing you to pick first. “And then?”
“Good question. I dunno, we should probably get some candy and chips. We’ll probably get hungry.”
“Ah, yes, the healthiest option. Let’s at least get water,” You grabbed several water bottles, laughing as Reki rolled his eyes. “Gosh, (Y/N), stop trying to keep my kidneys from failing.”
“Please, it’s my job to keep you alive, I’d be bored without you.”
“Awwwh, you love me,” Reki grinned, grabbing a bag of chips and tossing one to you. “Just ‘cos it’s boring without you, and I really enjoy being in your presence, and I get kinda lonely when you’re gone for extended periods of time, and I think about you a lot, and get butterflies around you doesn’t mean I love you.”
Reki laughed, knowing good and well that you were joking, as he handed you a pack of candy. “Alright, alright, I get you. We aren’t in love, we’re just really good friends that like each other a lot and kiss and cuddle every now and then. That’s just how you’ve gotta treat your friends though, it’s not weird,” He said, placing everything on the counter. You followed suit, feeling a bit bad for the cashier caught in the middle of a cheesy conversation. “Exactly, you know what’s up,” You told Reki, as the items were being rung.
As the two of you left the gas station, now both laughing at how confused the poor cashier must have been, you placed your skateboards back down. “Where to now? Also, like… what’s the plan?”
Reki thought for a moment, opening his energy drink and taking a long sip. “Dunno. Wanna go to the skate park? We don’t have to necessarily practice anything in particular, but it’d be fun to just mess around until we either get bored or realize how late it is and get freaked out. Then we can decide from there!”
Normally, anyone would have been unnerved by the thought of being outside in a readily accessible place so late at night- rightfully so- but the sight of the grinning boy holding a thumbs up made you forget any concern so quickly. So, you nodded, placing your foot on your board. “Then, let’s go!”
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jadedpen · 3 years
Welcomed with open arms part 2
Sibling!Half phantom!GN!Reader x Sbi family (+ Tubbo)
Summary: basically just a short wholesome chapter with you spending quality time with the fam :D
For context: Wilbur and Techno are twins, the reader is the youngest of the family with Tubbo being 1 year older than Tommy, and Tommy is 2-3 years older than the reader. The first part of the chapter takes place the day after the last chapter.
TW: none
Ao3 version:
Waking up, you find yourself sleeping on a nice soft couch in the living room. You lay on top of Wilbur, him holding you closely as he peacefully slept. Hearing someone cooking in the kitchen, you look around the room and see right next to the couch there is a small table with an unlit candle and a kid’s bedtime book next to it.
When falling asleep, you remember Phil, your new dad, reading you that same book, and remember him blowing out the candle light and going out of the living room and up the stairs.
Throughout the night, you also remember seeing various phantoms at the windowsill, checking in throughout the night to see if you are okay. Luckily, you knew that the sunlight didn’t hurt you like normal phantoms, though your eyes get really foggy if you stay in the sun too long. Phil had already tested to see if you were impervious to the sun at dawn while you were sleeping, happy to see that you were alright.
You clutched the warm blankets that cover you, the warmth comforting you from the cold from last night. You can’t really believe it. Just when you thought your life was over, someone came to save you and brought a family along with him. You smiled at the thought of finally having a family that you’ll remember, hopefully.
As you look at the floor, you hear moving from behind the couch. You then see Techno looking over the cushions saying, “Heya y/n.”, and then picking you up and holding you, carefully so as to not wake his twin, bringing you over to the kitchen.
Once you and your brother get there, you see Phil cooking eggs and pancakes in the kitchen. Techno sat you up on a high chair, patting your head and then going over to a cabinet. “Hey dad, since y/n is half phantom, do you think they can eat normal human food?” As he asked that, Phil looked up, contemplating.
“Well, we’ll see. Try some small food and if they don’t like any, I’ll go to the library today and see what Phantoms eat. If there’s one on human-Phantom hybrids, then great. I’ll also go there and find info on Phantom wings and such so that we can properly take care of them.”
Techno did as told and got out some yogurt. Opening one of the small tubs, he got out a small spoon and scooped up a little bit of it. He put the spoon to your lips, waiting for you to open your mouth. You sniff the concoction, it smelling actually not as bad as you thought.
Eating it, you get yogurt everywhere. Techno has just now remembered what a bib is, so he spent a lot of the morning cleaning everything as you play with his glasses and ears.
Rubbing his eyes, a yawning Tubbo walks in. He sits at the table, taking a seat next to your high chair, giggling as Techno is on baby duty. Techno gets fed up and picks you up from your chair, making Tubbo hold you. Luckily, you weren’t as dirty as the high chair or Technoblade, so Tubbo had no problem.
Tubbo kept playing with you, with you trying to grab at his small horns and his lamb ears. While you two were playing, Phil had started to set the table with breakfast.
“Techno, could you go wake up Will? I’ll go get Tommy.” Both of them did as so, with Techno going to the couch and Phil going upstairs.
Soon enough, you could hear Tommy running down the stairs, and then almost falling as he got to the bottom step. Wilbur was already at the table, helping Techno and Phil put the food on it. Tommy ran to his seat opposite of Tubbo, ready to eat his favorite breakfast.
“Hello big man, you ready to eat?” You let out a series of babbles at him, not understanding what he said, but assumed that it was positive. “I hope to gods they won’t pick up on your “big man” phrase. It’s so annoying.” Wilbur claimed, condescending as he sat at one end of the table closest to you. “I think it’d be quite funny, though.” Tubbo retorted. Tubbo and Tommy then started to try and teach you to make your first word “big man”. Techno sat in the seat opposite of you at the table, annoyed, “Gods, none of you know how to take care of a child. Tubbo, you’re holding them wrong.”
“Damnit. And here comes big man party pooper Technoblade.” The duo groaned as Techno took hold of you and put you back in your high chair. “Aw but can’t they sit on one of our laps?” “No. Unless you want food all over you. They’re a messy eater.” Tubbo sat in a pout, but tilted his head towards you as to let you play with his floppy ears and his horns.
Phil finally sat at the head of the table opposite to Wilbur, with everything ready. This seemed to be a signal to the boys, leading them to get their food. In the middle of it, Tommy almost started a food fight with Techno. He slingshot a piece of the scrambled eggs with it landing on Techno’s glasses. Sadly, he had to stop his chaos for Phil used his signature dad stare, and he pouts in his seat while Technoblade wiped his glasses, giving Tommy a death stare.
(This is how they sat:
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[ID: A digital illustration of an empty rectangle. On the short right side is a white box with a written “Phil” in green text inside it. On the top long side, there are two white boxes. The left box has a written “y/n” in white text in it and the left has a written “Tubbo” in green text. On the opposite side, there are also two white boxes. The left one has a written “Techno” in pink text inside it and the right has a written “Tommy” in red text. The short left side of the rectangle also has a white box but with a written “Wilbur” in beige text. /End ID.]
Wilbur and Tubbo sat snickering while you were playing with Wil’s glasses which you stole but Wilbur didn’t seem to care. Luckily, you weren’t too rough with them, else they would break and Wilbur would be sad.
You were so happy with your new family. Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and now you. It was great, and you never wanted it to change. You hoped that you wouldn’t eat your words in the future.
After breakfast, Wilbur carried you up to his room. Phil thought it’d be a good idea if you spent quality time with your new brothers for the day to get to know them better and first up was Wilbur.
Wilbur ranted to you about various songs that he’s been writing, along with showing you how to play the guitar even though he knows you can’t really understand. He played you a few songs, almost lulling you to sleep. He even let you try and make a song with him, which actually didn’t turn out half bad.
After you spent time with Wilbur, you spent time with Tubbo. Tubbo and you spent time outside of the house and in the garden. He showed you his love for bees, along with him telling you a bunch of insect facts and insects that scurried or flew to the flowers or the trees.
After Tubbo came Tommy. Tommy went out with you into the woods surrounding the house, of course with supervision from Phil’s crows, though they did nothing but egg him on into doing dangerous stunts and parkour. Tommy and you ran across the various creeks and dipped your feet in the water. Tommy almost got bit by a snake, but you both luckily got away with you on his shoulders. Of course, Tommy got lectured by Phil afterwards for trying to square up with a literal bear.
And after Tommy was Techno. Techno and you spent time in his room, him braiding your hair and reading you Greek mythology books. His calm, soothing voice put you in a state of extreme calmness, especially with you sitting in his arms. He also told you about the various techniques in sword fighting, along with showing you his handheld weapon and potion collections that he kept in his surprisingly large closet, secret from Phil.
By sunset, you had spent all your time with the bros, but now you get to spend time with your father. Time with him was breathtaking, literally. He flew with you above the sky, and taught you a little on how to fly with your phantom wings. You both flew down a little while after the sun set below the horizon and the stars arrived, you and Phil exhausted from the flight.
You and your family then did a story night. You sat in Techno’s lap, with him reading a few Greek stories, lulling you and the others to sleep, and eventually himself.
Tag List (just comment or DM me if you want to be added :D
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ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing: Ethan Torchio x GN! Reader
Summary: Everyone at the Oakes Academy is aware of the rivalry that exists between two of the school’s best students, Ethan Torchio and Y/N L/N. What nobody knows is what a brilliant team they are when they’re at risk of their reputations being damaged and a killer’s on the loose.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and murder, mentions of blood, mentions of death and descriptions of it, mention of suicide (pls read with caution, ily <3).
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
A/N: Again, I apologize for the delay, life has been a lil bit crazy this past week. I also wanted to apologize for any possible typos because I’m working on a project but decided to take a break to finish this for you guys! I promise I’ll proofread this as soon as I get some time. Also, in the part where they’re texting, I recommend you check the texts on the Google Drive for context. Otherwise you might get a bit lost.
Taglist (strike means it won’t let me tag you):  @oro-e-diamanti @gretavanfleetlove @victoriadeangeliswifey @cheese-toastie-11 @selenophiliaxx @superchrystaldrug @petit-poussin @bidet-and-legolas @fallingforyou123 @ethaneskin @soft-boy-ethan @teenyweenynightghost @reputationdamiano @cantaraiilmionome @tabi-toast @queen-of-brokenhearts @geklutst-ei @juststalking @cruz-ata @ohtorchio @ethan-torchio-angelo @unitermoonshine @everythingisdefinitelynotfine @marriedwithmarktuan @its-afucking-mess @juststalking @goldenpeaxh​
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LAST CHAPTER’S WINNING DECISION: They believe it is all real and go search for the body the finger might belong to. (The impact of this decision will be reflected next chapter).
Let the games begin. 
You had to read the last part once more, so consumed by the shock that barely any words had registered into your brain. Your hands were shaking as you held it closer to yourself. Maybe it was all part of the disbelief because you found yourself scanning the words over and over again until you had the first paragraph memorized. 
But then… then Ethan started laughing. 
Short, breathy laughs escaped past his lips, immediately followed by sharp inhales, as if he were desperate to get more air to reach his lungs. You brushed it off and went right back to reading the last few phrases that were on the very back, even said them under your breath to try and make them become real because everything seemed like nothing but a dream, no, a nightmare.
Then it slowly dawned on you after you finished reading the letter. All worry subsided and you had no doubt in your mind you would’ve started laughing too if you weren’t seeing red. Consumed by the sudden rage, you turned to Ethan and didn’t hesitate to tackle him into the ground.
In any normal instance, you wouldn’t have been able to do it, but you’d caught him off-guard, which was confirmed by the surprised yelp he let out as his back collided with the muddy floor and dry leaves crunched underneath his weight. You moved to straddle him the second you felt him shift beneath you, as if he wanted to get up. 
You looked at him for a split second. His face was illuminated by the soft glow of the red light. His distress was apparent. He was thrashing around to try and get you off him when you started hitting his chest over and over again. Your hits weren’t hard nor were they intended to cause any damage to him. In fact, he could have easily pushed you off him effortlessly if he wanted to, but Ethan didn’t even try. Instead, he let you continue hitting his chest.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You’re… a… fucking… psycho!” Each word was accompanied by another frustrated hit to his chest as tears slowly fell down your face and sobs rattled your body, “You were the only one who knew that. The only person in this goddamn school I ever—ever was stupid enough to tell it to. And you use it for one of your sick and twisted pranks? Fuck you. Fuck you!” 
Your head fell and rested on his chest as you kept on crying. However, your words seemed to pull him back to reality. Only after a few seconds of you speaking, Ethan had already rolled the two of you around until he was on top of you. 
You firmly held his stare as you tried to get him off you. For some strange reason, it sent shivers down your spine to see his eyes so full of fear. Ethan was always centered and glued firmly to the Earth. No matter the issue, he was always capable of keeping his cool, but now was far from being the case. His voice trembled as he tried to speak up, “Shut up Y/N! You’ve got no right to blame me for something that is clearly your doing. I have no fucking clue what your stupid letter said but mine said something that has me convinced it was you!”
His accusation was followed by him shoving his crumpled up letter into your face. You had to squint in order to see it better with only the aid of the red light. When you read the words placed at the very bottom, your eyes went wide and immediately looked for his in a desperate attempt to convince him it wasn’t you, but he had his head turned away. You firmly grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie so he’d look into your eyes, “I-I didn’t. Ethan I don’t like you one bit but I’d never. Not this.”
Ethan scoffed and shook his head. He got off you and turned around so his back was facing you, “You know what? I don’t give a shit what you did or didn’t do. I’m going to wash this disgusting stuff off me and report this in the morning.”
“What the hell? Are you crazy? Ethan, we're in the middle of a crime scene. We cannot leave it like this. I mean, look at you! You’re covered in blood because, let me refresh your mind, you fell into a fucking puddle of blood and found a finger!” You flailed your arms around furiously at his stupidity and started followed him the moment he started walking away, “What if this is real?”
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at you, “What is real? A threat that looks like it was written by a thirteen-year-old who just finished reading The Analyst? And the blood… it belongs to an animal for all I care,” He didn’t seem an ounce convinced by the way he took a second to come up with an excuse, and he couldn’t even look you in the eyes, “Besides, what do you want us to say, huh? Oh yeah, sorry. We’re out past curfew because of reasons we can’t tell you and we casually found a disembodied finger lying in a pool of blood. Ah! And I almost forgot the most important detail. We’re being threatened with things that are not only good enough to get us expelled but also get us thrown in jail. But everything is fantastic.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, do whatever the hell you please.”
Ethan nodded nonchalantly and walked away from you. A long and deep sigh escaped your lips at his stubbornness. You wanted to scream out in frustration at how stupid he was being, but decided it was pointless to stay behind, just in case someone arrived and found you standing there, with your clothes filled with blood. 
——— ☆ • ♧ • • ♧ • ☆ ———
When you arrived back at the dorms, the first thing you did was take a hot shower as you tried to assimilate everything that had happened. Despite the water being so hot it almost burnt your skin, you still spent the whole time shivering and hugging your arms to your body. 
You had washed the blood off the hoodie in one of the sinks and still threw it in the washing machine afterwards. You didn’t know what was going on and part of you was convinced you didn’t want to know. Either way, you weren’t going to risk being roped into a crime investigation as a suspect.
Afterwards, you collapsed into bed. Your whole body was aching and, if it weren’t for the fact that your phone had exploded with notifications after you connected it, you would’ve fallen asleep. You lazily felt around the small bedside table for your phone and picked it up. Most notifications were just memes Will kept sending to the group chat you had. However, you’d also received a message from Ethan.
Upon reading the first few words, you already felt the urge to throw the phone out the window. He was being annoying, not like that was a new thing at all. You responded to the text nonetheless and left the phone back on the bedside table. You turned around in your bed to try and find a spot that was comfortable and cuddled deeper into the sheets. Then, just when you were about to close your eyes, the phone vibrated again. You groaned and picked it up once more. After reading those texts, you were unable to sleep all night.
You spent the great majority of the night crying and shivering despite being covered by layers and layers of warm blankets. Those few hours before your alarm sounded extended into what seemed like an eternity and you didn’t want to leave the room, afraid you’d find something like what you’d just seen at the oak tree. 
You only managed to sleep for about half an hour before your alarm went off at exactly six AM. Any other day, you would’ve snuggled back into bed for a little longer, but on that particular day, you’d jumped out of bed and hadn’t wasted a second before getting ready. You’d run out of the building to meet your friends at the dining hall, where you were currently at.
Damiano, Rory, Vic, and Will were already sitting at your usual table in front of the large window when you arrived. The curly-haired boy was practicing for a presentation while your three friends listened and made a few comments here and there on things they thought he should change. 
“Good morning everyone,” You murmured, then took a seat in between Damiano and Will, who turned to look at you and frowned, “Are you feeling okay, Y/N?” You nodded and put on the best smile you could manage. Then you stole one of the berries from his plate even though you weren’t hungry at all. 
You turned to look at Rory and Damiano, “Hey Ro, has the new phone you ordered arrived yet?” You questioned. After your conversation with Ethan the previous night, you needed to make sure it wasn’t them who had sent the text. Just the thought alone made you shudder in disgust and fear, but you just took a deep breath in and kept a soft smile on your face as your best friend shook their head.
“Funny that you ask that because yesterday I got an email from the store saying the delivery was going to take longer than expected because of the weather issues, so I gotta survive with this piece of crap for a few more days,” They sighed and placed the cracked phone on the table. You wanted to stop holding back the tears right then and there. Rory’s words were the confirmation that someone else had sent the text and you doubted it was Emilia. As much as you didn’t want to, with each passing second you started to believe the threat was true and that someone had died or was terribly hurt somewhere, and you needed to find them before it was too late to save them. 
Then you remembered another one of Ethan’s texts and had to resist the urge to get up and go search for him because you needed to talk to him as soon as possible. Instead, you distracted yourself by listening to Will’s presentation practice.
You were close to nodding off at some point as he kept on speaking, “Back in earlier civilizations, it was believed that any type of illness was caused by demons and—Hey, Y/N!” You hummed softly as Will called your name. He poked you on the rib and you swatted his hand away, “Are you sure you’re alright? You look terrible.”
“Thank you,” You mumbled sarcastically, “I’m doing fine. I just stayed up working on a project and barely got a wink of sleep,” You let your head rest on Damiano’s shoulder and yawned.
“I wish I were that productive,” Victoria said as she played around with her food. Everyone had insisted on her eating at least a few bites even if she was still sick, “I never do shit.”
Thomas piped into the conversation, catching everyone by surprise as he took a seat next to Victoria, “To be fair, Y/N always complains about feeling half-dead from lack of sleep. I’ll never be crazy enough to sacrifice my sleep for a stupid assignment.”
“Yeah, and that’s why you’re one project away from failing Year 12,” Victoria laughed and Thomas rolled his eyes, “The other day I put him in charge of finishing this essay thing for philosophy and by the time I went back to check on him, he was already asleep. I honestly still wonder how we’re at this school. I would’ve thrown us out a long time ago.”
“Look who’s decided to join us today!” Damiano exclaimed with a large smile on his face as Emilia and Ethan took a seat right in front of you. It was an unusual occurrence for him to eat with you because, well, you were there and he couldn’t shut his mouth for half an hour while you ate, which usually ended in an argument that made the whole table annoyed. 
You frowned at his appearance. He was struggling to keep his dark eyes open and his hand wouldn’t stop shaking. It was very apparent that he hadn’t slept much either from the bags under his eyes and his slow steps. Ethan was almost like a zombie. 
He shook his head the moment his eyes met yours and your shoulders slumped. It hadn’t been Emilia either. You got up from your seat abruptly and walked away from the table without an explanation. You desperately needed a breath of fresh air before you went insane. So with quick steps, you moved down the hall until you reached one of the open windows next to a couch. You let yourself fall onto the couch and tightly shut your eyes as you breathed the fresh air in.
“You seriously need to calm down. Otherwise everyone will start to notice just how suspicious you’re acting,” You sighed at the sound of Ethan’s irritating voice and up straight on the couch. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands and looked up at him with an annoyed expression.
“You cannot ask me to calm down after what we saw last night. When will it get into your thick skull that whatever this shit is, it’s real. Those threats were real and if we don’t do something we’re both going to end up in jail, or worse, people are going to die. We don’t know who this psycho is nor what they’re capable of doing. We need to do something now before it’s too late,” The words rushed out of your mouth desperately. The urgency in your tone and your voice quivering as you spoke made his face fall. It wasn’t often that he took you seriously, but by the look in his eyes, you could tell he was just as scared as you were and that was enough to make him shut up and listen to all you had to say.
“Shit Y/N, can you lower your voice? We have no clue at all who could ev—” Before he could even finish the whole sentence, the Head Professor cleared her throat. But your heads snapped in her direction and you gulped in fear at the thought of her overhearing the conversation.
Your heart fell to your stomach the moment she spoke, “Just the two I was looking for. I need you in my office right now.”
Your eyes went wide as you turned to look at Ethan, who already had his head turned in your direction. He nudged his head in the professor’s direction and you both followed her as she walked to her office but stayed a few steps behind.
“This is it, we’re going to jail,” You mumbled loud enough so only Ethan could hear. He hushed you and pulled you along when you stopped walking. People were looking at you as you passed by and that only made you feel worse. You loosened the tie around your neck and gulped.
“We are not going to jail unless you don’t pull it together. Now breathe and keep on walking. I’m not your fucking babysitter,” He whisper-yelled and quickened his pace. You sighed and did the same thing. It surely couldn’t be that bad, could it? You were probably just overreacting and the events of the night before had nothing to do with this impromptu meeting. 
You kept those thoughts in mind as the professor opened the door to the small office and you took a seat on one of the two squeaky chairs. The room smelled clean in a comforting way and you let your shoulders relax as you played with your fingers nervously and looked around the place. 
Her office had always been your favorite out of all the professors’. The place was always warm and during the mornings, you could hear coffee brewing in her old coffee machine in the corner of the room. There were books scattered everywhere and piled in a way that didn’t look messy but inviting. During your first weeks at the academy, when you still hadn’t made any friends, you’d go into her office and read while you sat curled up on the couch and enjoyed the warm and calm atmosphere of the place.
Things used to be so much easier back then and you had no clue how things could’ve changed so fast. Back then your relationship with Ethan was decent and you had no trouble with anyone or anything, now you were being threatened into being framed for murder and being sent to jail.
“You totally forgot about our meeting today, didn’t you?” She asked calmly as she poured coffee into one of her cups, filling the room with the delicious and strong scent. The professor pushed her long dark hair out of her face and straightened out her uniform before sitting down opposite to you, “You looked quite shocked. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important.”
Ethan sat there, speechless, just like you. But then realization hit you and you realized you were just being paranoid and stupid. She’d told you about this meeting weeks in advance. It was supposed to have something to do with your chance to get the sought-after 100% scholarship to study your career at The Oakes. 
“Nothing important whatsoever,” You replied quickly and sat up straight as you placed both hands on your lap. Ethan copied your actions and tied up his long hair with the black elastic that had been on his wrist.
Your eyes followed the professor as she dumped a small spoonful of sugar and mixed it around with the dark liquid. You couldn’t help but notice her hand shaking as she poured the milk and even spilled a bit of it down the side of the cup. 
She cursed under her breath and apologized as she got up to search for a napkin. With furrowed eyebrows, you shared a look with Ethan, who shrugged. 
“I apologize. I’m afraid I’m quite distracted today, but let’s continue. Shall we?” She smiled sweetly and opened up one of the folders on her desk as she sat back down. She grabbed two papers from inside and placed one in front of each of you. 
You picked it up and examined its content. It seemed to be some sort of permission slip, “So, as I’m sure you both know, our academy offers a program for all our brightest students that gives them the opportunity to continue their college studies with everything paid. You two are the people with the highest grades amongst the whole generation. The semester is—.”
Her words were interrupted by a few quick knocks on the door before a professor pushed it wide open. He couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hands and playing around with his tie as he spoke, “The council wants to have a meeting, professor.”
“I cannot do it right now, I’m—”
“They want to have it now.” 
The professor turned to the two of you nervously and laughed awkwardly. She stood up from the chair after quickly pushing it back, “I’ll see you another day, okay? Meanwhile, please send a scan of that permission slip to your parents and have them sign it, as soon as possible.” 
Once both professors were out of sight and had closed the door, leaving the two of you alone, Ethan spoke, “Something’s wrong.”
“No shit. Neither one could stop shaking. I say we go and try to listen to what the council members are saying,” You suggested and stood up, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you to sit back down.
“We need to go back to the oak tree first. Y/N, if this is all real and there’s something going on, we need to find that body before they do,” He said firmly. Both his tone and stare were serious and you could tell that there was no way in hell he’d take no for an answer. Instead of arguing, you agreed and walked out of the office right behind him, but then you paused as his words registered into your brain, “Why do we have to find it before them?”
He didn’t stop walking to respond, so with a groan you started to walk faster until you were right next to him, “You weren’t even attending the school when it happened,” Ethan began to talk under his breath, so quietly you could barely make out the words he was trying to say, “It was years ago so I cannot remember exactly how the story went. You can ask Thomas though, he has better memory than I do,”
“Either way, there was this boy who’d just gotten into college and during the secret society’s initiation, he was told to climb the highest tower at that campus but he slipped and fell like ten stories. Like I said, it was a secret society that neither the public nor the parents knew about. If the story of what had really happened got out it’d ruin the school and some of the most important students would’ve been sent to jail, so they twisted it to look like a suicide and got away with it. The only reason we know about it is because one of Will’s cousins, the duke, was involved in it all and Will told us all about it.”
“I refuse to believe that’s true. C’mon, it’s Will,” You laughed, “The same guy who convinced everyone in class that your family secretly ran part of the Italian mafia.”
Ethan only shrugged and stopped walking to knock on the door of the greenhouse. You’d left yours at your dorm that morning from how distracted you were, so you had to wait for Mr. Murphy to open up and let you through.
When he finally opened the door, his eyebrows shot up in surprise as he looked at the two of you in confusion, “What in God’s name has happened to get you two in the same place without fighting?” He mocked. You rolled your eyes and shook your head as a smile appeared on your face.
“I assure you, we can both be perfectly civil. Besides, it’s for a homework we need to do. And believe me it’s the last thing I want to be doing,” You lied and walked into the greenhouse with Ethan following behind, “Anyways, we’re gonna go to the lake to get some water and—”
“I’m afraid you cannot go out there,” He interrupted. You frowned at his words and tilted your head to the side.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing you should care about, kids. Just go to class, yeah? There’s someone coming and if you want to stay out of trouble you better leave before they arrive.”
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txdoroki · 3 years
hey this is kinda just a silly thing i had an idea i liked for :P hope y’all like it!! <3
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words: 3k
pairing: bakugou x reader
gn reader
desc: you work at a quaint book shop, and one morning meet an explosive college student. once again it’s so much better than how it sounds T-T i swear it’s so good bYE
no quirks
ik this seems a lot like the overused “meet your lover at a coffee shop” trope but i swear it isn’t like that I SWEAr
A/N: this was so fun to write but it is annoyingly slow </3 also in this bakugou is rich as fuck and for wHAT. he’s loaded as crap
i might make a part 2 but i’m not sure yet considering this was rlly tiring,, would y’all like that or would it be a waste? :/
HERE IT ISSSS @babymilkawa​ 
you groaned as your alarm went off way too early, the sun that shone through your curtains getting into your eyes. you rubbed at your eyes, trying to shake off the sleep that dazed your mind.
the weekend went by too fast, and you wished you could sleep for just another five minutes. you struggled to keep your eyes open, the comfort of your bed willing you to sleep. to skip work for the day.
 you were totally exhausted, having spent the weekend helping your co-worker, eijirou, unpack boxes at his apartment, on top of working on your classes. i mean, you loved to help people, but man, was it tiring.
after a few minutes of checking things on your phone, you sleepily walked to your bathroom and ran water over your face, hoping it’d help you wake up. you loved your job, you really did, but the hours? absolute hell. who the crap goes to a book shop at 7 in the morning? no clue.
you pulled one of your friend’s old sweatshirts over your head, taking a moment to fix your bedhead as well. you slipped on some sweatpants, and shrugged at yourself in your full-length mirror. you felt like crap, your entire body heavy and your blinks slow. it’s like your body was trying to put itself to sleep, even while standing.  
once you were happy with your appearance for the day, you texted eijirou to let him know you were ready. he usually picked you up drove you both to work, since you had the same shifts.
a few minutes later he knocked on your apartment door, and when you swung it open, he had his signature wide grin on his face. he was holding two coffees, and you couldn’t help but smile as well, your bad mood from lack of sleep disappearing. 
“hey eiji,” you smiled, taking one of the coffees from his hands and holding it close to your face, taking a deep breath of the homey scent. the smell made your stomach growl, and you both laughed at the sound.  
“hungry, eh? well, i mean i have a granola bar,” kirishima shuffled around in his bag, eventually pulling out two granola bars.
“of course you do,” you smiled, happily chomping the snack. he was the definition of the mom friend, and such a sweetheart.
after you talked with him for a few minutes, you both walked to his car and drove to the shop that was a mile or two away. 
you looked out of the window while he drove, and you both were sitting pretty much silently. you appreciated how you could just chill and appreciate each other’s company without communicating a bunch.
when you got there, there was a blonde guy standing in front of the doors.
“hey, bakubro, what’re you doing here?” kirishima and you walked up to him. when he turned to face you, you were confused as to why he looked so pissed off. he looked like he didn’t know how to smile.
“tch, i was going to look for a shitty book to buy, but no one was fucking here,”
“you know that we open at 7:15 right?” you smiled, 
“and it’s 7:16 right now, dumbass,” ‘bakubro’ glared at you, “you’re late,”
“by a min-” you started saying, but were interrupted by kirishima.
“you’re right, well you can come look inside now,” he took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door with it, stepping inside of the shop with you and the blonde following.
you took your place behind the counter as kirishima tidied up the shop. he straightened the books and fixed anything that was out of place, while you just stood behind the counter and watched the blonde.
it was like he was entrancing, his spiky blonde hair and his piercing red eyes glaring at the books in front of him.
“sir, do you need help finding what you’re looking for?” you smiled at him when you noticed he was in the shop for nearly half an hour already, staring at the lines and lines of books.
“tch no, i can find it myself,” he grumbled, not even looking your way.
you rolled your eyes and turned to eijirou when you overheard him chuckle. he was standing near gardening books section, flipping through one of the books.
“what is it?” you raised an eyebrow, tapping a made-up rhythm lightly in the wooden counter you were standing behind.
“bakugou, isn’t this the kind of cactus you tried to raise,” he turned the book towards the blonde.
“shut up, shitty hair. quit bringing that up,”
eijirou just smiled and shook his head, turning back towards the shelf and sliding it back to its place. 
you yawned, boredom filling the air as bakugou looked through the books and kirishima tended to the shelves.
you wished someone would come in soon, maybe one of your regulars or someone new. you weren’t a fan of there only being one customer in the store in the first place, but him being a bitch wasn’t much of a help either.
“have you seen that really nice green haired regular recently? i feel like he hasn’t came by in a while,” you yelled to kirishima.
“uhh, haha, no, i heard he um... moved?”
“why does it matter what happened to him, deku is a nerd anyways,” bakugou growled as he flipped through one of the many books he had in his arms.
you shrugged in his direction and walked to the back, hoping there’d be something to do that was helpful for the store. you felt like you were wasting time, but didn’t know what you should do. there were no customers, no spills, nothing out of order.
you decided to fix some of the directions, and chose to start on the paintings and vines that covered the wall. the store really was homey, you loved it. you could spend all day there, either as a customer or a worker.
it felt safe and sound, unlike most of the city that surrounded you. 
“hey, dingbat, come here,” bakugou was now standing next to the register, and you glared at him, the heaviness of anger starting to gather in your chest.
dingbat? the fuck???
“be nice to y/n, they’re chill,” kirishima swatted at the air, shaking his head.
“nope, anyways, i need to check out, so fucking come here,” 
“no, sir, you can choose to be nice and then talk to me,” you smiled at him and turned back to the decorations you were working on. sure you were a worker, but you weren’t going to help out a shithead.
“it’s your fucking job, come here,”
“y/n, i’m sorry, but do you mind checking him out? he’s got class soon,” kirishima smiled at you weakly, his stare basically a plead on its own.
you huffed and walked to the register, silently glaring as you handed bakugou the receipt and the two books he bought.
“took you long enough, damn,” 
“what is your damn problem?” you scowled, “i haven’t done shit to you and you’re being an asshole,”
“y/n, don’t-” kirishima held his hand out.
“quit being in the fucking way then, see you later, kirishima,” he grabbed the stuff from your hands and walked out of the store onto the sidewalk, the door slamming behind him.
your decorations that you were putting up fell down, and you sighed. you took a step back and pouted when you realized you’d have to start over.
“i’m sorry, y/n, i know he is really stres-”
“he doesn’t need your excuses, it’s fine, eiji,” you smiled and nodded at him. 
the rest of the day was spent with both of you cracking jokes at each other and tending to the customers. every now and then you’d rate their outfits once they left, and it was sort of entertaining to say the least. it was fun to see the little additions people would add to their outfits, not meant for others to specifically notice. like a chain on their pants, or a feather on their hat. 
all other people had entire backstories, ones you would never get the pleasure of knowing. this didn’t usually bother you, and it never really has before, but you couldn’t deny the curiosity that seemed to tear at you about bakugou’s.
his couldn’t seem to leave your mind. what was his childhood like? was he always like this? what set the way for his personality? what were his parents like? was he single..?
“i wonder if he’s single,” you muttered to yourself as you swept. your actions stopped for a moment, and you wanted to throw up. did you actually just say that out loud?
“what was that, y/n?” kirishima looked up from his phone, a confused smile on his face. you hoped he didn’t hear you. although he did
“oh nothing, sorry!” you smiled back at him, and went back to sweeping. you turned away from him, hoping the heat that covered your cheeks wasn’t visible.
the rest of your day went by quickly, and by the time you got home, you were exhausted. you snuggled with one of your fluffiest pillows on your couch once you’d changed into your pjs, and you smiled. the smooth fabric of your couch felt calming to your sore joints, and it only added to your comfort. 
before you knew it, you had fell asleep, but a knock on your door shook you from your slumber.
“hey, y/n, do you mind if i come in real quick?” you heard the familiar voice of your coworker from outside of your door, and you yelled a sleepy ‘go ahead’ before closing your eyes again. 
you slowly opened your eyes when you heard a second pair of footsteps enter your apartment, and you were confused to see the blonde from earlier standing in your doorway.
“are you alright? it’s only six o’clock, and you were asleep?” eijirou walked over to you and sat next to you on your couch for a moment.
“yeah, sorry, i was just... just um sleepy,” you sat up and leaned into one of the arms of your couch for support, rubbing your eyes. you turned back towards the figure in your doorway, “what’s he doing here?”
“am i not allowed to tag along with my fucking friend?” bakugou growled, but neither one of you acknowledged him. 
“sorry, was just coming to get some sugar! i ran out, and we are gonna be making cookies! see ya later, y/n!” 
you waved as they both left your apartment, and easily went back to sleep. your dreams were nothing but blackness, and none were memorable when you woke up a few hours later.
over the next few weeks, you began to see bakugou more and more. he would come by the show every morning, dropping by to say hello to kirishima before he’d walk out of the door. you weren’t exactly sure why he’d come by every. single. day., sometimes he didn’t even buy something, only caring to say hi to eijirou.
you’d love to say that he went to see you, but you really doubted that was the case. i mean, he rarely ever said hello back whenever you’d greet him back, so it was implied he only cared for seeing kiri.
no matter what he’d say to you or rather what he didn’t say, he still occupied your mind constantly. you wondered about him a lot, not in a creepy way. you just really found him interesting... okay?????
after around three weeks after your first encounter with him, he greeted you back for the first time. 
“oh, hey, y/n, right?” he turned to you with a blank face, not very common since he seemed to always be scowling at whoever he was speaking with.
“yep, what do you want?” you nodded towards where bakugou was standing near you next to the baking books, and kirishima raised an eyebrow. 
“are you any good at cooking? i need to make cupcakes but kirishima here makes shit ones,” 
kirishima chuckled, “he isn’t wrong, go ahead, y/n,”
“um, yeah i like to bake, when are you free?” you tried to hide the blush that covered your face.
“a bit obsessed with me, are ya?” he smirked as you began shouting.
“huh?? am not, you’re the one who-”
“oi shut it, dingbat, i’ll come pick you up from this shit job how’s that work?”
kirishima just stood where he had been, staring at you both with wide eyes. he’d never seen bakugou offer to pick anyone up whatsoever before. especially not to spend time with them.
once he left, it was like time chose to go by slower than ever. you checked the clock that hung above the doorway ever so often, and would quietly groan at how much longer it’d be until you got to make those damned cupcakes.
you decided to keep yourself busy with cleaning up in the back of the store, restocking the shelves and tidying up the stacked up books that sat collecting dust.
“y/n,” kirishima called for you, his voice somewhat muffled by the shut door that separated you both.
you walked to him, and smiled at the man who was standing in the doorway. 
“quit staring and c’mon, we don’t have much time, dumbass,” he frowned and beckoned for you to come over, you hurried to grab your purse. 
“aren’t we driving kirishima too.?” you cocked your head when he began to take off out of the shop. he paused and rolled his eyes, shaking his head and continuing to walk across the street once more.
the drive to his apartment was filled with you talking about whatever and him finding various ways to insult it, although his gaze wasn’t filled with the same amount of sharpness as usual.
you decided not to say anything about it, not wanting it to cease. you were honestly enjoying yourself, even though he was being sort of a dick. it wasn’t exactly unlike him to be one, though.
after around ten minutes of the conversation flowing like water, he parked in front of a bougie looking tall apartment complex. just from looking outside, you could see the wall-length windows and the impressive chandeliers that hung inside the building. you felt small, your apartment certainly not comparable to this. 
he scoffed when he saw your wowed expression, and silently took your hand. this would’ve been romantic if he wasn’t using it to drag you inside. the pace he was leading you both at left you panting by the time you got to his door, and your arm was sore from how harshly he was pulling and swerving you around the hallways. 
when you took your first step into his apartment, your entire body began to feel light. his apartment didn’t match his firey personality whatsoever, and it was absolutely stunning. astonishing countertops and a double oven added to his impressively sized kitchen. sparkling crystal animals covered one of the shelves nearby the tv. just by looking at the entry way, you loved his apartment.
his apartment was flawless, and it didn’t even seem like an apartment. it had a generous amount of space, and you wondered how he could afford this as a college student. you decided to let the curiosity drop, it’d be rude to ask about his wealth anyways..
“y/n, quit staring at my shit and hurry the fuck over here,” bakugou grumbled, stirring you from your thoughts.
you nodded and walked over to him, smiling at the ingredients that littered his kitchen island. these were gonna be some good cupcakes.
“what fla-”
“funfetti, duh,” 
you chuckled, and examined the extra sprinkles that he had bought. they looked amazing. and expensive.
you both chatted as you started the cupcakes, since he was bossy and so were you, you decided that it’d be better to do separate jobs. he was in charge of making the cupcakes while you were “doing the shitty icing, better not fuck it up” in bakugou’s words.
you worked on the icing and tried to hold back your giggles at bakugou’s cursing when he realized he forgot to add the sugar.
“god fucking damnit now i have to redo these fucking cupcakes,” he groaned, pulling the now scrapped cupcake tray out of the oven with absolutely no care, shooting you a frown when you commented on how he was gonna burn himself if he kept being that reckless.
“shoulda paid attention,” you stuck your tongue out, a wide smile brightening up your face.
“fucking shut it, dingbat,”
“WHY WON’T YOU STOP CALLING ME DINGBAT,” you shouted, although still being careful to stir the icing at the correct pace. you weren’t about to mess up an easy job, hell no!
after a few hours of you both baking in harmony, you flopped down on his leather couch, resting one of your arms over your forehead as you stared up at the ceiling. 
“i have a baking night every week with kiri, if you wanna come,” bakugou came up next to you and muttered, and you weren’t sure if he even wanted you to. i mean, you barely could hear him. 
he handed you a rag to wipe your hands on, and sat down next to you.
“can i?” you widely smiled at him, hoping he still wanted you to. 
“why the fuck would i tell you about it if not,” he scoffed, and you giggled.
you shrugged, and around half an hour later he drove you home for the night. 
you had a tupperware of cupcakes resting on the counter next to your fridge when you went to bed that night, although the memories that came with them were seated next to your mind. the small chuckles you would manage to pull from him replaying in your mind as you stared happily at your ceiling. 
you sure were looking forward to the next weekend.
taglist: @todoroki-shoto-is-life @frxggie​ 
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rosecoloredwriting · 4 years
Best Friend Tings~
A/N: This idea came to me and then boom! This might be a whole series of headcanons i got so many ideas bro!!!! 
Summary: Sometimes in life having a best friend is better than getting a s/o 
Pairings: Izuku Midorya x GN!Reader(Platonic), Katsuki Bakugou x GN!Reader(Platonic), Shoto Todoroki x GN!Reader(Platonic), Hitoshi Shinso x GN!Reader(Platonic)
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Izuku Midoriya
We can see from the show he didn’t have any friends before u.a(katsuki doesn’t really count)
So boy must have been lonely before ua like todoroki
He nerded out by himself, no one else to talk to other than mama inko
So meeting you made his life better
he’s up to date on meme culture too
You slide in one vine reference during a convo ONCE when you met and he responds back subconsciously with his own
Instant connection
Like lightning strikes and you both just do the spiderman pointing at each other meme
Vine might be dead but that won’t stop you
Both of you start turning into beams of light
He gets sparkle eyes when you both don’t stop with the vine references
Numbers exchanged and you both find out to be major nerds for certain shows
Late nights are spent sending each other memes/videos and the next day you both are holding in fits of giggles
When the dorms are put in place pure chaos
Yall are inseparable 
There’s a lot of sneaking around because guess what you’re doing instead of sleeping 
Or watching those Russian car crash videos
You go into a youtube deep dive at 3 am together
One brain cell is shared between you two ok
Deku squad are the vibes ok
Ilida can’t believe how 2 of some of the smartest people he knows can turn the exact opposite
“Ilida can you do us a favor? Would you be willing to run while holding us like balloons?”
“What are you talking about!?”
“Ilida me and (Y/N) thought of having Uraraka join us by making us float and have a rope tied around us with you running around!”
“As your class president I will not allow you to do such a thing-!” Cutting him off you turn to Izuku
“I told he wasn’t gonna say yes.” Sighing in disappoint.
“Should we try Kacchan?” 
“I’ll do the talking got it!” You leave behind a dumbfounded Ilida wondering why his friends can be so smart yet do such stupid actions.
Do not be fooled though
You call out izuku when necessary, you both may be chaotic with one another but like hell!!!! you’ll let him slip up because you’re besties and actually have brain cells(sometimes)
From the glare you’re sending him he feels like a disappointment because he caused his bestie trouble and worry
In conclusion: Yall are ride or die
Were talking the strength of the pillars of those temples in Greece
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Katsuki Bakugo
It kinda just happened before the classes eyes
Like no one gets how bakugo manages not to blast your eardrums everyday
He just somehow sees you’re genuinely trying to be friends with him and get to know him
At first, he thought you were some extra following him like the rest of Baku squad at first and somehow saw that you don’t see him godly or anything you just really enjoyed being around him
Slowly you both understand one another
He’s kinda scared cause I don’t think bakugo has ever been like close close with someone before
So it’s slow like his friendship with Kiri
Speaking of Kiri cause this is a package deal if your friends with bakugo
You both will just watch him when someone pisses him off 
“Someone tried to test him right,” you said while passing Kirishima a water bottle. Coming back from the vending machine.
“Yeah he did” he replies deadpanning at Bakugou’s antics
You may be mostly a duo but its also a trio sometimes
So when he gets captured there’s a 50/50 chance that he will come to you
you managed to get knocked out during the attack so seeing one another safe really just lifts the blanket of fear off
So when the dorms come in he will barge into your room and start up your console and play
This distraction won’t last long cause at some point he just sits there stuck in his head
He holds back tears but you just help him through
Really just strengthens your bond
From then on he comes to you and he’s very vague on details but you just comfort him
somehow you both from this experience learn how to read what the other is feeling
If you have something going on the perceptive as ever bakugo will see and somehow do the thing that just gives you a boost, he’s not either an intimate or verbal guy
He’s trying his best alright
The same goes for you in bakugo accept your just a tad slower and use your words instead 
Best friend soulmate ✨✨tings✨✨
One of your past times is either playing fighting games or just relaxing in his room
Like you both will lay on the ground, speaker blasting, taking turns putting on songs
Feeling the vibrations 
Its how the aggressive boy cools down/relaxes
Being angry all the time is tiring
One time you were in a room with someone as they insulted bakugou
Right in your face not only did you defend your best friend but you also whooped some ass that day
Conclusion: the best friends that just get each other 
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Shoto Todoroki
(If you’re an endeavor stan I don’t know what to tell you for this one)
Now hear me out on this
You find Endeavor hilarious
He is just the funniest person to you
Like just looking at him makes you cackle
So when todoroki fights midoriya and he used his fireside everyone was shocked because no one has seen him use it yet!!
But when you see endeavor on the other side of the stadium scream “SHOTOOOOO!” you burst out full-on laughing!!! WHEEZING IF YOU MAY!! Like do you not see his face
When he came back to the stands you just turned to him holding in a laugh
“Hey, Todoroki how are you so serious all the time with your dad looking like that all the time?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Don’t get me wrong he was pissed because like baby just had a mental breakdown but this type of comment is new to him
“Don’t you see how ridiculous he looks with those flames of him like damn. Of all the places! Why his fckin calves!!!!! Like what kind of egotistical man does that”
Todoroki hates his dad so you bashing him really opens up doors for you
Now to me, I think todoroki throws insults at everyone without even knowing himself
Like under his breath he will say a comment you will catch it and hold in a laugh
So you bashing his father made you an a+ in his book
And so the duo begins
Since todoroki does insult people without knowing you are there to be his audience
You will stifle and hold in giggles and laughs as you stand right next or behind him
Once he realized this he subtly increases the amount he says on the daily(These arent basic insults either but they aren’t harmful, plain fun ok)
One time your laughing got to the point Aizawa threatened to separate you two
But still, you helped cracked the boy’s frozen heart
Lots of hugs though cause the boy needs it
Once you’re close enough in the friendship you jump and hug the boy in surprise
Gets a little startled but loves the gesture cause guess what yall are besties
Opening his door, Todoroki meets the sight of you holding a pile of food. Ready for movie night. Quickly placing it down on the coffee table you jump and give him a hug. He stumbles a moment before he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Why are you hugging me? We saw each other all day.”
“Just thought you needed it.” Mumbling a thank you you go to the coffee table. The surface spilling with bags of snacks.
“I have my soba and more if you want any. I even got those candies you like.”
“Really! Thanks Sho-kun! I also got those chips you really enjoyed the last time. So you ready?” With a hum you both sit down opening the food you'll be eating for the rest of the night. Grabbing the remote Shoto hits play, the screen lights up to show the Disney logo.
Many movie marathons and binge-watching nights because you need to show him so much
When these hangouts happen you have hardcore munches together
You both will have a buffet of food because boy does he love his soba and you love to do to bring an entire pile and bag full of food
Just appreciates you and all you do for him
Will definitely sneak in really expensive gifts to you
Loves to watch Disney movies with you 
Conclusion: you are the best friend he needs, he wouldn’t have you any other way
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Hitoshi Shinso 
Both of you met in gen studies class
At this point, everyone in the class knew one another names and stuff and when word got to you of his quirk oh boy
He was minding his business sitting in his desk
Slightly wishing he was dead or wanting to vibe at home
But here you come strutting on over and say hi to him
He was kinda nervous cause everyone knew his quirk and just got all those villain comments
You just talk and say how cool his quirk is and he’s like ‘aw shit here we go again’
Instead, you just ask why he isn’t in the hero course
Like his quirk amazing for that shit
He’s shocked alright
So you both just stick together
You are his wild friend taking him on adventures as he complains saying he would rather watch a movie or do something
Low key in on your plans 
He trusts you with his life so don’t take advantage of that
Teases you on a regular basis
Is the type of friend where if he makes fun of or teases you 
You’re his friend
at the sports festival, you treat him to lunch because he deserves it!!!!
He made it to the last round
And fought MIDORIYA!!!
“You don’t have to do this you know.” Dragging Hitoshi around the food stands he tries his best to stop you from doing this. Even if it’s your treat he rather pay himself.
“Hitoshi I swear if you don’t just pick what you want for lunch I’m fighting you.”
“I’m being serious you don’t have too. I didn’t even win against him.” You come to a halt both hands on his shoulders. Looking him in the eye you reassure him.
“You may not have won but you made it to the 3rd round. Do you know how amazing that is! A general studies student made it that far! You did that! You showed everyone we might as well be just as good as the hero course students! As your best friend to, I must treat you for this accomplishment.” This time he grabs your wrist. Pulling you around until he sees a food stand that peaks his interest. A soft smile on his face happy to call you his friend and to have someone care for him like you do.
He is the reason why you're an insomniac now
When you blame him for your sleeping schedule he just says in the deepest and seductive voice “it was part of the plan”
Makes you want to punch that handsome face of his(but you wouldn’t you love the boy too much)
Sometimes you guys sneak cats in like your dorms just somehow manage to have cats in them
The fur is everywhere but their you fur babies
You both spend your time playing board games and sometimes inviting the deku squad cause Hitoshi has a pretty chill relationship with Izuku(plus their too social for their own good)
So things become waaaaaaaay more lively
Both of your social batteries though are completely empty
There is late-night cuddling though as weird as it sounds
when you take turns slipping in one another’s dorm you both manage to hug like it’s super platonic and just find it comforting waking up to one another
the bond so strong that you protect one another even when you sleep
Conclusion: the besties that mess around one another but are like this🤞
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