#thohh fanfic
musicallisto · 7 months
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨'𝐬 𝟏.𝟓𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 :: 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆
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♡ : · • now playing... how you get the girl by taylor swift
hola guapas <3 no, your eyes are not deceiving you... clara's back in town with a follower celebration!! so much has happened since i left—i hit 1500 followers (which is an insane number, thank you guys so much!!), and i & this blog turned 21 and 6, respectively🩵 and how else can we celebrate this than by doing what I do best: throwing a party? sooo yeah, put on your cutest swimsuit, get your piña coladas ready, because we are pregaming on the beach <3
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from nov 1st to nov 8th...
ੈ♡˳ reblog this post when you send one of these in¹!! so more people can join the party<3
ships!!! send me 🐚 + a description of you (gender preference, hobbies, personality, turn ons and offs, and any relevant info you want to include! the more detailed the better) + a fandom² = i will tell you who i ship you with & write a few headcanons about your relationship :)
playlists!!! send me 🌅 + a character + a scenario or relationship trope and I will make a little playlist and moodboard associated with it :)
playlists x2!!! send me 🥥 off anon and I will make a little playlist and moodboard based on how I see you or your blog :)
battle royale!!! send me 🦈 + a fandom and I'll spin a wheel to randomly select three characters and I'll tell you who I think would survive the longest in a death match. if you send no fandom i'll randomize my mutuals instead
((mutuals only)) simselves!!! this one's so self-indulgent but if you know me at all you know a core characteristic of my summers is spending 9 hours/day on the sims send me 🍍 + your ethnicity (just so i don't accidentally whitewash you or anything sob) and i'll create you in the sims!! or at least how i imagine you look based on your vibes lmao
go crazy and send as many as you want (in separate asks though, please)!
¹ it's really important you rb this post so more people can participate and i don't feel like a human flop pls & love you
² fandoms i will write for: formula one, stray kids, grishaverse, bridgerton, game of thrones, stranger things, the haunting (hh & bm), the hunger games, top gun, red dead redemption
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tagging the girlies (gender neutral) because i love them @tsuncda @permanentreverie @eclliipsed @mishelin @cosmic-railwayxo @hotgirlsrk @catsbooksandmusic @starkeyslut @mgcldydrms @its-me-satine @margofiore @atlabeth @faerieroyal @softeninglooks @amirahiddleston @ughgclden @magpiencrow @heliads, @destourtereaux, @daydreaming-optimist
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skylermoyer · 1 year
WHY IS THERE SO FEW OF STEVEN CRAIN FANFICS?! Or am I looking wrong?? Like good stories or a fanfic book?
Where can I find please???
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scatorcciosrifle · 2 months
ro’s fandoms ! requests open 
read below for more info !
★ = favorite / priority . .
— yellowjackets ★
— the haunting of bly manor ★
— tlou (games)
— scott pilgrim (all media)
— fnaf (movie)
— barbie (2023 movie)
— unicorn store ★
— captain marvel / the marvels
— twilight (books & movies)
— you (show)
— the haunting of hill house
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characters that i love !!
— misty (yellowjackets)
— nat (yellowjackets)
— dani (thobm)
— jamie (thobm)
— ellie (tlou)
— dina (tlou)
— envy (scott pilgrim)
— ramona (scott pilgrim)
— kim (scott pilgrim)
— vanessa (fnaf)
— barbie (barbie)
— kit (unicorn store)
— captain marvel (marvel)
— alice (twilight)
— beck (you)
— love (you)
— nellie (thohh)
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things i can do !!
— paci icons
— stimboards
— mood boards
— outfit boards
— fanfics (pref faves list)
so on !! reposts appreciated
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camcorderrevival · 2 years
i still havent watched any of the mike flanagan movies but ive heard a lot of stuff about how hes doing a bad job at adapting classics... as someone who isnt familiar with the source material, what do u think is the biggest issue with his adaptations?
I've only watched his adaptation of THoHH so it's a sort of limited viewpoint.
But my big issue with that production, and others big issue from what I've seen, is that it's so far removed from the source material that there's no point in calling it an adaptation. It essentially just takes a few character names and the name of the house and then proceeds to tell a completely different story. I wouldn't even call it fanfic-adjacent because he doesn't appear to like the book enough to do it justice.
Everything that makes Hill House horror, everything that makes it a brilliant novel is stripped back and thrown away. The novel sort of hinges on the unanswered, some of the closing lines are: "In the unending, crashing second before the car hurled into the tree she thought clearly, Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this? Why don’t they stop me?" And that's where I find the horror comes from, there's no closure for the characters, Nell dies and that's it, they go home with no mention of what they saw.
The supernatural in Jackson's novel also goes unanswered. Most events are just suggested, with no clear explanation being given to them. Whether what happens is due to ghosts or something else is largely up for debate. Flanagan's adaptation just stamps in some ghosts and calls it a day. There's little to no engagement with the novel's use of the unknown.
Flanagan's adaptation shies away from so many of the novel's key aspects, so alongside ditching most of plot, he also disregards everything impactful about Jackson's writing.
Jackson's novel asks the question: what's wrong with Nell?, and then proceeds to leave it up in the air, no one knows whats wrong with Nell, whether she's a victim of torment or possession or whether she's just ill, why she's doing this, the characters don't find out. Flanagan essentially answers: ghosts. And then proceeds to give a family (that doesn't exist in the book) closure that, for me, detracts from the horror of the events they go through.
Also, on that note about the family, the weird change in dynamic does him no favours in my eyes, the book centres around a group of strangers, they build their relationships over the story's course, pushed together by the happenings within the house. Nell and Theodora particularly suffer in the sense that their relationship in the book can be read as one of mutual attraction. Again from the closing scenes of the book "I thought you weren’t going to say good-by to me,” she said. “Oh, Nellie, my Nell—be happy; please be happy. Don’t really forget me; someday things really will be all right again, and you’ll write me letters and I’ll answer and we’ll visit each other and we’ll have fun talking over the crazy things we did and saw and heard in Hill House—oh, Nellie! I thought you weren’t going to say good-by to me.”
This is a kind of messy explanation but what I'm saying is that they're not really adaptations, and framing them as such is almost insulting to the source materials. I've seen other peoples critiques that centre more on technical aspects but I don't study film so I'm sort of limited in that aspect.
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sarka-stically · 5 years
The Kids Will Be Alright
Follows up after my fic How To Save a Life and kinda plays a little bit more with an idea of Nellie making it out alive. Cause Crains deserve a happy ending. Also available on AO3 HERE.
Excuse my horrible grammar, i am not native speaker without beta and i literally wrote it on the way from-to school.
“I need a drink. “ Was the first thing Shirley heard, when she opened her porch door. She was just in middle of making the lunch and haggard looking Theo and placid Nellie weren't exactly the thing she expected to see.
Theo stormed though the kitchen and came back few seconds later, aggressively shoving her hands into gloves while holding a full bottle of whiskey in her underarm. She looked at Nellie, still standing in the door, as if checking she was still there. Only then she turned to Shirley:
„Do you know what I did today Shirl?“ Theo asked while simultaneously opening the bottle. She didn't wait for answer. „I drove three fucking hours to the god damned Hill house.“
„Why the hell would you do that?“
„Oh great question.“ Theo said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, and took a swing from the bottle. „But really you should ask Nellie that.”
Shirley turned to her youngest sister, who was still standing in the doorway, glossy eyes trailed on the ground. Instead of asking her anything (since Nellie showed no sign of perceiving what was happening around her), Shirley took Nellie by a forearm and gently walked her to a sofa. Nellie obediently sat down. Meanwhile Theo seemed livid.
“She went there Shirl!” Theo snapped “She went there to visit mum, cause the fucking house was ‘calling her'"
Shirley sucked in a deep breath. And then another. It was not making any sense to her. This shouldn't be happening. This wasn't happening. The house couldn’t hurt them, it never could. They left the past behind them, buried it along with mum.
But Theo was not done, only taking a short break to take another swing from the bottle.  
“And you know what is most fucking interesting about all this bullshit?” Theo didn't wait for an answer, her voice intensifying with each syllable “Nellie called you. Both you and Steve. And neither of you bothered to pick up the phone.”
“We didn't know what it was about! I would have picked up if I knew it was important.” Shirley defended, her voice shaking.
“She is our sister! It is always important!” Theo shouted. And then her strong little sister was brushing away tears of anger and shock. When Shirley tried to approach her Theo snapped.
“Don't you fuckin touch me Shirley!” Theo swats away her sister’s hand, walking backwards until her back hit the kitchen bar.
“…Luke.” slurred Nellie weakly.
“What was it, sweetie?” said Shirley, her whole posture suddenly changing, crouching in front of her baby sister as if she was one of her children.
“I need Luke.” Nellie pleaded softly.
Steve tapped on the steering anxiously, repeatably looking at the road and at the phone lying on the passenger seat.
What the hell was that call about? He had never heard Shirley sound so panicked. When in trouble Shirley always chose anger over fear. Not this time. What she said made no sense to Steve. How could Nellie be endangered by the house? It was just a building, it could not hurt anyone, Steve reasoned.
Logically, his sister’s fears were ridiculous. Then why was he shaking so bad? And why did he call the rehab to see if Luke was alright? And why was he now roaming the streets, looking for his brother?
He knew some of usual places Luke ended up in whenever he ran. Steve had a little faith in his brother when it came to his sobriety, but that didn't mean he didn’t come running whenever the Luke called in the middle of the night, crying and begging for Steven to get him because “he couldn't do this anymore" and “he would get better this time".
Steve felt like an actor in a very bad play nobody was watching. ‘Steven Crain in a role of man who is just riding through the streets, in middle of the night, way over speed limit, because he knows his sisters are wrong and there is NOTHING STRANGE GOING ON’. He would get no awards for that role since he was doing a horrible job pretending that he was alright. By the time he drove to the third place he felt like ripping out his hair. At the fifth he called the rehab again. At the seventh he screamed at some hobo who vaguely reminded him of his brother.
In the end, he found Luke merely by a coincidence. Steve was just approaching location number nine, when he drove around an old abandoned playground, where he glimpsed a hunched form on a bench. There was not much visible, other than shabby clothes and a mop of dirty light hair, but Steve knew it was his brother. It took every ounce of his self-restraint to side park and not leave the car in the middle of the road (like he wanted).
From the car Steve ran to his brother, only to stop few feet from him, suddenly unsure.
“Luke?” Steve asked uncertainly, slowly approaching. It took him few more tries until his brother's head slowly lifted, his gaze meeting with Steve’s. Only positive thing Steve could say about the way Luke looked in that moment was that he was obviously not high. Other than that, Luke looked horribly. He was dirty and obviously beaten, with a swollen lip and torn eyebrow, bit of blood still streaming into his left eye. Steve didn't even want to imagine how much of the damage he couldn't see.
However, what horrified Steve the most was the look of utter devastation in Luke's eyes. It seemed like in his mind he was far away, and it was not a nice place. Steve wasn’t even sure his brother was aware he was there. When Steve crouched in front of him, Luke slowly whispered one single word: “Nellie?”
His children were the most important constant in Hugh’s life. Even when he hasn’t seen them in years. Even when they despised him. Even then he woke up every morning hoping wherever they were, they were happy.
Hugh wished nothing more than to see all his children again, at least for one last time. But never like this. When Shirley calls him, it is as if all his worst nightmares suddenly came true. He doesn’t even wait for Shirley to finish. He just hangs up and runs. Hugh still feels like it is not enough. Like he would be late again.
When he bursts through Shirley’s porch door Hugh is met with a very strange picture. His three older children are sitting on the ground, under Shirley’s bar, wine glasses in their hands and several empty bottles around them, all obviously drunk. Steve tries to take a sip of the red wine but instead spits in the glass, cracking up at something, excitedly gesticulating Theo said. Shirley hides her face in a sleeve of her sweater, trying to mask her embarrassment. Behind them, on the couch way too small for two people, twins are asleep, in a semihug, Nell’s head resting on Luke’s shoulder. In position like this, they can never be comfortable, but Hugh have not seen either of them happier or more peaceful in years.
In that moment, no matter what comes next, Hugh knows that his kids will be alright.
Reblogs, likes and comments keep me breathing.
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thecrains-hillhouse · 6 years
The Haunting of Hill House - Fanfiction Luke/OC
Anna Spencer was no stranger to the horrors of Hill House and now it was calling her home.  
[Chapter One - Current] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three - Coming Soon]
Chapter One
“Nellies in the red room.”
03:02 am.
Pain. Red hot searing pain shoots through my body and every nerve tingles. I draw my breaths desperately as through they are being torn from me and my hands find themselves wrapped tightly around my neck. I can feel the erratic beating of my heart against my ribcage and the coolness of the beaded sweat gathering on my brow. 
A night terror. 
It wasn’t unusual. In fact, I wasn’t sure I could remember a time where my sleep wasn’t plagued and diseased with the essence of bad dreams. They would come quickly and disappear just as fast leaving their scars across the surface of my life in the forms of broken relationships and non-existent friendships. 
Count to seven. I tell myself as I take some well thought breaths, trying to take back some control of my racing heart. As I reach seven, I gather myself and turn to the bedside lamp next to a half empty kingsize bed. It clicks on and the room is flooded with it’s artificial light.
“Fuck,” I whisper to myself as a figure dressed in white stood like an out of place angel in the darkness, the tears that framed her familiar face gleamed in the moonlight. 
“Anna?” A voice calls out to me.
“Nell?” I ask confused, peering a the clock. It’s angry red numbers flashing at me half shouting you’re still dreaming, go back to bed… Only something about this night terror is different. It’s real. “Nell, it’s three in the morning, what’s going on?”
“You have to take care of him.” She begs, nodding at me in a silent prayer hoping I understand.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, confused once more. This time she shakes her head in frustration. More tears falling across her porcelain cheeks. What the hell? “Nell?” I reach out for her to come towards me. She looks at my hand hesitantly and as I go to call her again, she takes a step. 
“He’ll need you now, more then ever.” She tells me as she reaches her hand towards mine. Nell is centimetres away and I can feel the coldness of her skin against mine. Blackness spreads from her fingertips and I watch it, as if in slow motion, creep up her forearm like thousands of tiny spiders. I can feel my eyes widen and I freeze in horror. I draw my hand away quickly and peer up at my childhood friend. Nells mouth opens as if she’s going to scream except she doesn’t, and her eyes just run white like melting marshmallows. 
“Nell-“ A loud crack echoes around the bedroom as Eleanor Crains neck snaps out of place. A pained scream escapes my lips as she falls to the ground. I try to reach her, to catch her as she falls, but the bedsheets wrap around my body like a suffocating snake ready for the kill and it holds me firmly in place. 
And then she appears. 
The lady with fire coloured hair... And my heart almost stops. I can feel the bile rise in my throat and the fear creep up my back. The hairs across my body standing on end. It had been years. Years. Since this shadow had darkened my life.
She smiles as she always does. 
“No.” I tell her, just as I had done when I was a child with the same faltering courage. “You’re not real.” The redhead lets out a tsk and shakes her head at me. She laughs in her sweet high pitched voice as I try to scramble away from her, my back coming flush with the headboard with a sickening thump. 
“Darlin’ I thought we covered this.” She tells me, walking closer as she does. I watch as her skin comes into contact with the moonlight filtering through the curtains and her true form takes its shape. The beautiful young lady with fire red hair becomes the sour old witch you read about in fairytales when you’re children. Her eyes are dark, her skin wrinkled and see-through and her teeth rotting. I can feel the life being drained from the room with the poison her presence spreads. The lady with the fire hair reaches for me with her pointed fingers, her nails leaving starches on my skin as she does.
I’m paralysed with fear as I call out to Nell for help, but the words get lost in my throat and it becomes hard to breathe once more. 
“It’s time to come home.” She tells me before the world and everything within it turns black.
Should I continue? Feedback is appreciated x
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miss-bronte · 6 years
You know that people are in pressing need of „The Haunting of Hill House“ fan fic when they start reading your little text WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATOR BECAUSE IT‘S IN GERMAN 😭 You‘re too good and too pure for this world. Thank you so much! I‘m literally crying.
I‘m doing my best to continue the story and deliver some new angsty stuff with the Crains (especially Luke, his little Niece Nell, Steven and Theo).
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lesbianlotties · 5 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: The Haunting of Hill House (TV 2018) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Theodora "Theo" Crain/Trish Park Characters: Theodora "Theo" Crain, Trish Park, Eleanor "Nell" Crain, Olivia Crain, Shirley Crain, Hugh Crain, Luke Crain, Steven Crain Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Fluff, It's cute trust me Summary:
Coffee Shop AU where the entire Crain family survived Hill House and now they own a coffee shop and Theo is about to meet the love of her life.
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mlmxreader · 3 years
Worth | Luke Crain x Male!Reader
request; Hey, could you write something with Luke Crain, using the prompt, “I know what I’m fucking worth”? Idk how, but I’d like to see Luke standing up for himself. Something angsty, I guess. - anon
summary; Luke finally stands up for himself.
warnings; swearing, smoking
author’s note; gender of the reader wasn't stated, so I went w male, which I hope is all good
Quarantine wasn't exactly the best at the best of times, constantly worrying about everything and anything, from the little things to the big ones, it was hard to know what was going on most of the time, it was hard to keep track of things when they blurred together in endless anxiety; you and Luke were struggling, neither of you could handle quarantine - nightmares and night terrors and insomnia became common. The urge to delve into old and destructive habits became common.
But then one of his sisters had an idea: once a week, the Crain family would get together for a video call, just to make sure that they were all doing just fine and that they weren't struggling alone. You usually kept out of the day during them, always thinking that you had to be Luke's dirty little secret - but when you admitted such a thing to him, he told you to join, he told you to join and introduce yourself.
His sisters loved you, they thought you were great.
His father seemed to like you well enough, he always made it a point to say something nice to you.
Steve never joined on time to meet you before you left Luke to speak to his family. Steve only heard what the other Crains had said.
Sat in the living room, you stayed glued to Luke's side as he joined the video call with his family; Nellie was there early, as was usual, soon after, Theo and Shirley came to join, and as was the normal, Steve was the last to join.
"So, this is the boyfriend," Steve said, not seeming amused. "What, you another jun-"
"Don't," Luke said quietly, shaking his head. "Please, Steve."
Steve huffed, and despite the protest from the other Crain siblings, decided to rant about what a terrible person Luke was because of his past, what an awful brother he had been and how nobody was good enough for him because they all acted the same as what he had done before; but as you were about to open your mouth and to interrupt Steve, Luke decided that he would stand up for himself.
"I know what I'm fucking worth, and to you, it might not be shit," he spat. "But at least I don't sell out my own fucking family for a book."
He slammed the laptop shut, huffing and shaking his head as he bolted to the kitchen; the click of a lighter and a deep sigh sounded shortly after, and once you had gathered yourself, you dared to approach.
You took the cigarette from between his fingers, and smiled as you took a drag. "Y'know, watching you stand up to your douchebag brother... makes me kinda proud."
Luke looked at you with a glare, daring to take another drag from the cigarette before he sighed, a cloud of pale grey smoke coming from his nose. "Why?"
"Because you told me ages ago that you were scared to do it," you shrugged, sitting up on the counter and nodding. "And... I dunno, call me a softie or whatever, but it's almost like it proves how far you've come."
He couldn't help but to smile a little at that, nodding as he swallowed thickly and dared to move slightly closer, leaning against your knee a little but not daring to go further or to even touch you with his hands. "Thanks..."
"Hey," you nudged him gently, flashing a grin. "Y'know what we should do?"
"What we did at the clinic," you said. "Y'know, blankets held up by chairs, a little screen between us, some snacks."
Luke grinned back, nodding a little as he finished his cigarette. He still felt like shit, he was glad he had stood up for himself, but he felt guilty for some reason. He knew Steve wouldn't speak to him for the coming weeks, usually until Shirley yanked his tail and got the brothers to speak again. "I get to pick this time, though."
"As long as it's not some cannibal film again, sure."
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floreleine · 3 years
hi, ive been thinking about floreleine and haunting quotes. especially “To truly love another person is to accept that the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them” from bly manor and “When we die we turn into stories. And every time someone tells one of those stories, it's like we're still here for them. We're all stories in the end” from hill house. I don’t know if this is much of a prompt, but i would love (and absolutely hate) something angsty, but bittersweet from florence about madeleine, well, after.
although it could work well as a kind of conversation after she almost dies. like, florence and madeleine having a moment in which they discuss the close call. florence is absolutely not okay with almost losing her and madeleine has to have a Real Talk with her about the nature of their lives and their love.
anywaaay, thank you for reading my ramble.
Oh, these are lovely quotes, and you're right it would work really well for Floreleine! I don't really write angst, especially no MCD, but perhaps someone else wants to pick up this prompt?
Thanks for the ask :)
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lewis-winters · 3 years
i just want a gentle Winnix ghost story set in the haunted Nixon mansion ok
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THOHH oneshot - Sick
Summary: Theo gets sick, Trish has to deal with her bullshit, Shirley gets suspicious and worried. Theo x Trish with a dash of Shirley/Theo sibling moment at the end. A bit of fluff, a bit of angst, mix it altogether...
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27099037
Before marriage, Sunday mornings were spent with early morning coffee, then helping her mother with her floral shop, studying for her PhD in sociology and finally voluntary work. Trish believed in the importance of following a strict routine as a way to keep herself grounded – if she simply wandered aimlessly through the day with no purpose, eventually she might find herself too lazy to do anything at all. She was determined that way, and it had been like that since she was in college, no matter how busy her college life was, she would find something to keep herself occupied.
After marriage, however, was a different matter entirely.
While the morning coffee and voluntary work still occasionally happened on a lazy Sunday in the middle of a hot, humid summer, Trish found herself contented to just lounge in bed the moment she first woke in the arms of the woman she was deeply attracted to. Theo was addictive that way, whether it was the sex, or their dates or their conversations about work, family, Theo’s patients or Trish’s cases in general. Trish had a taste (figuratively and metaphorically) of her on that night they first met at the nightclub, and ever since Trish found it hard to resist her. She knew she should be smart enough to back off when this woman unceremoniously kicked her out of her house (her sister’s house, technically) immediately after their tumble in the bed, but every time Theo called her back Trish couldn’t help but answer. Like a moth to a flame hoping for a different outcome each time.
And miraculously, Theo called after the funeral. When she sounded different, Trish had hoped. Against all odds, Theo started letting her in. And the rest was history.
That Sunday was no different. Knowing eventually she would have to get up and get the day going, Trish blinked her tiredness away. She turned to her side, saw her wife’s serene, peaceful face and her bare hands connected to Trish’s back, and Trish felt the need to stop for a moment and just stare in wonder. She could feel the hot, stuffy summer weather in their bedroom, but Trish simply ignored it and kicked the blanket away from herself. It was rare to see Theodora Crain sleeping peacefully without her brows furrowed in a frown, as though she was constantly pissed at whoever or whatever she was facing in her dreams. She had been worried that Theo might not be able to sleep well these few nights. Trish had noticed that something must bother her recently, considering how Theo had been picking at her food these few days, and sometimes seemed distant and moody. While she was worried Trish knew how much Theo needed her own space sometimes, and so Trish chose to be patient. If Theo was ready to tell her, she would.
Soon, the temperature was getting unbearable, and Trish felt her own discomfort growing despite her wishes to remain in bed. She frowned as she noticed beads of sweat on Theo’s bare skin, so she placed a gentle hand on Theo’s cheek out of worry, and frowned at how warm her wife’s skin was.
“Theo,” Trish called, shaking Theo’s shoulder gently. Her wife grunted and the smallest creases formed on her brows. “Theo, wake up,”
“Whuh – ” her wife croaked, but her eyes were still closed and she merely buried her face in the pillow. “It’s a Sunday, Trish,”
“Babe, you’re hot,”
A sly smile formed on Theo’s face, though her eyes still did not open. “I know,” she merely said, then ignored Trish completely. Trish waited a full minute, and rolled her eyes when she heard Theo’s soft snores.
“Theo, get up. I need to get you in the shower –” she tugged on Theo’s arm, but her stubborn, sleepy wife groaned and chose to stay in bed.
“It’s too early, Trish. Seduce me later,”
“You’re burning up,” Trish tapped her wife’s cheek this time. “Theodora,”
Theo’s eyes opened, and blue-grey orbs met Trish’s dark brown ones. Trish knew that was one way to get her wife’s attention, and she only ever used it when she needed to get Theo to at least pay attention to what she had to say. And though it always worked, Trish knew not to abuse that privilege. She knew when was the right time to push Theo’s buttons, and when not to do so. This was one of those moments.
Trish sighed and her gaze was full of concern. “How do you feel? You were fine yesterday,”
“Really tired,” Theo groaned, her half-lidded eyes staring at the wall behind Trish. “I probably ate something wrong few days ago, I don’t feel so hot,”
“You were barely eating since a few days ago,” Trish frowned. “I’ll make you some tea, okay? Pancakes sound good?”
“Actually, I don’t wanna eat anything. I don’t wanna move at all,” Theo mumbled, and shrank further into their bed. That worried Trish even more because she had seen Theo sick before. Whether it was a cold or a headache or a mild case of stomach flu, Theo would just shrug it off and carry on with the day. On the contrary, usually it was Trish who would be whining and begging for help if she were to be sick, not stubborn, bull-headed Theo.
“You wanna see a doctor, babe?”
Theo narrowed her eyes at the thought. “Maybe I’ll just pop a pill and sleep it off,”
“Theo, a couple of times you got sick and you still carried on like nothing happened. Whatever this is, I think we should be worried,”
“You’re overthinking, Trish,” Theo pouted like a child whose toy had just been taken away.
“Maybe. But if it gets worse I’m dragging you off to see a doctor,” Trish got up from the bed, ready to head into the kitchen to make Theo something warm to get some food in her belly. She made a mental note to heat up some leftover soup from last night, maybe that ought to trigger her appetite.
Theo pulled the blanket over her head. “Try me,”
“Don’t make me call Shirley,” Trish chided. “I’m making you some tea and pancakes, okay? Then I’ll get you into the shower, maybe that’ll bring the fever down,”
Her sick, lazy wife only moaned in response, and Trish left the room to head into the kitchen.
Trish was about to bring Theo the breakfast she prepared when her phone rang unexpectedly. Putting down the tea, pancakes and the paracetamol for Theo’s fever, she picked up her phone from the kitchen counter, and was puzzled to see her sister-in-law calling her this early in the morning.
“Shirley? Is everything okay?”
“Hi. Hi, Trish, how are you? I’m just calling because Theo isn’t picking up…”
Trish furrowed her brow. She could tell Shirley was deeply disturbed by something. “I’m good. Just surprised that you called on a Sunday morning. Theo’s just a bit under the weather today, are you looking for her?”
The other end of the call was silent for too long. And this only made Trish frown even more. The Crains had always been a little odd, but Trish had gotten used to it somehow. Otherwise she would not be married to one. So she called out. “Shirley?”
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Is Theo okay?”
Trish sighed. “I don’t know, actually. She has a fever right now, and she just wants to stay in bed for the whole day,” she licked her lips in frustration, then asked. “She usually isn’t this mopey when she was sick. Or at least she isn’t the last few times she had a cold or a headache. Is she usually like this when she’s sick?”
“Theo never had a problem with sickness when we were kids. I remember she had to take care of me when I came down with a fever once,” Shirley chuckled, but it was short-lived and when she next spoke, her tone was serious. “I think you ought to take her to the doctor’s, at least make sure it’s nothing serious?”
“I thought so, but Theo is stubborn. I’ll see if she gets better after taking the medicine,”
“Great,” Shirley said. A brief pause. “Call me if you need anything, alright?”
“Sure,” Trish was ready to hang up, and then she wondered why Shirley even called in the first place. “Wait, do you need to talk to Theo – ”
“It’s fine, actually,” Shirley said quickly. “Just tell her Allie misses her. And tell her to pick up her phone next time,”
They exchanged goodbyes, then hung up. Their conversation only confused Trish even further, but Trish knew she had bigger problems to worry about – a sick wife. Holding up the tray of steaming pancakes and warm, fragrant tea in one hand, Trish headed to their bedroom hastily, only to arch her eyebrows at the sight of the crumpled blanket at the foot of their empty, unkempt bed.
She was hopeful, thinking maybe Theo just caught a simple cold after all. Until she heard a loud retch from the bathroom followed by a wheezing cough. The feeling of dread returned once more, this time its weight added even more with the realization that something was awfully wrong.
“Theo?” Trish called out, hurriedly placing the tray of food on top of a drawer. Reaching the bathroom, she was greeted with the sight of Theo kneeling over the toilet, her knuckles white while she gripped the edge of the toilet seat tightly and the horrible sound of her retching sent Trish panicking. Dropping to her knees next to Theo, Trish could only hold her hair as she continued puking while rubbing her back.
It seemed to go on forever, until Theo gasped and gave one last spluttering cough before leaning her head against the wall. Trish waited, her concern only growing even worse than before.
“It’s okay, babe, please don’t be scared,” Theo rasped. Trish did not even realize her hand had been holding Theo’s, their bare skin touching each other. It still unnerved her sometimes – the knowledge that Theo could know what she was thinking with just a touch, and how it was impossible to keep a secret from her. But Trish knew there should never be secrets in a relationship, so she fought her instincts to pull back her hand, and instead squeezed Theo’s in reassurance.
“We should get you to the hospital,” Trish stated. It wasn’t a question.
Theo only hummed, then grimaced as her hand went to her stomach. Her right side. “I don’t know if I can walk… It’s been hurting earlier this week, but this morning it just got worse,”
“You’ve been having a stomach ache for the whole week and you didn’t bother telling me?” Trish yelled incredulously, which she regretted when her wife winced.
“I thought I ate something wrong, please don’t yell at me,” her head hung low, like a child that had been reprimanded for stealing something. She was not sure if it was because of the fever or Theo actually felt guilty, but her wife seemed genuinely abashed, and it made her guilty for yelling.
“It’s okay. Lean onto me,” she said gently, taking Theo’s arm and hanging it over her shoulder. With the proximity she could feel how hot her skin was, and noticed her face was covered with a thin sheen of sweat. “I think you have a ruptured appendicitis. I had it once when I was a teenager, and we only noticed when I started burning up with a fever. Thought it was a stomach bug, too,”
“You smell wonderful,” Theo drawled, clearly not listening to what she said.
“At least you’re still capable of joking,” Trish chuckled. They slowly made it to Trish’s car, halfway Theo’s knees buckled as she hissed in pain and her grip almost slipped.
“I hope you’re not going to tell Shirley,” Theo mumbled. “Oh, she’s going to be so annoying about it,”
“That’s funny, because your sister did call me this morning,”
Theo made a face. “She did? What for?”
“She was actually asking if you were alright?” Trish shrugged. “And she said Allie misses you and told you to pick up your phone next time. It’s odd. It’s like she knows something happened to you,”
Her wife did not answer after that, and Trish did not know what to make of it.
She would be lying if she said she did not panic when she received a phone call from Trish. And it only took ‘Your sister is in surgery’ for her to excuse herself from a meeting with her clients and immediately rush to the hospital, giving Kevin a pleading look which he understood instantly. Ever since the funeral the Crains had made it mandatory to answer any of the siblings’ phone calls at all time, no matter how inopportune the moment could be.
I knew it, the words repeated itself in her mind, and she had to resist the urge to run down every red light on the way. I knew something was wrong, I should have known.
Though when Shirley entered the ward where Theo resided after her appendicitis surgery, she was not expecting Theo to be high as fuck.
Trish had greeted her outside the ward with a hug. And Shirley always thought about how her sister was right – Trish does give the best, warmest hugs. When she arrived, the doctors were still checking up on Theo, to make sure the ruptured appendicitis did not give her any more complications. Then the doctor came out of the ward and warned them that the patient could be a little out of it, effects of the anaesthetic, he said, and she did not really know what to make of it.
Until both of them entered the ward.
“Oh maaaaaan, has anyone ever told you how sexy you are?” Theo’s voice stretched out in a drawl, her eyes looking dreamy as she stared at Trish, who started giggling while Shirley could only roll her eyes. “Damn, Shirl, look at her,”
“Theo, you’re high,” the older sister simply stated, and noticed the mischievous, albeit slightly drunk, glint in her eyes. “If you’re going to make a joke about our heights I will get the nurse to knock you out immediately,”
Her younger sister pulled a face. “Geez, someone’s cranky,” Theo said, then turned to Trish and gave her a shameless wink. “You, on the other hand,”
Trish was trying her hardest not to burst into laughter. “Honey, you need to rest. We’ll talk more once you’re better, okay?”
Theo pouted, and Shirley swore that she had never seen her this way – not even when she was drunk. Theo had always been an angry drunk, but right now seeing her so giddy and silly while drugged made her thank her lucky stars that Theo did not have a drug addiction issue.
“But will you be here in the morning?” she whined. Trish only sighed.
“Always,” Trish reached out to squeeze Theo’s hand, and curiously Shirley watched Theo’s face for a reaction. Nope. Still that same stupid grin on her face. “And when you’re better maybe we can go out for a date. So rest, okay?”
Then something shifted on Theo’s face. That silly, drugged up grin on her face was gone, replaced by a frown and sombre eyes that stared off in the distance as though something was bothering her. Her wife noticed it, and Shirley could see the worry etched on her face.
“I can’t,” Theo said sadly. “I’m married,”
Oh my God, Shirley covered her mouth with her palm to stifle her laugh. Trish seemed to have lost it this time, and burst into a fit of giggles. “Well, I’m sure your wife is the luckiest person in the world,”
“Noooooooo. I am the luckiest person in the world to be married to that most wonderful, loving human being. So lucky…” her voice drifted off this time, and Theo’s eyes were slowly closing. Trish was definitely not expecting that from her, her eyes glowing with love and sadness for Theo. Suddenly Shirley felt like she was the intruder in that moment. “How do you even know I’m gay…” Theo asked, but her voice was a whisper, and she finally fell back to sleep.
“That’s a first,” Shirley laughed. Trish joined in, her hand still joined with her wife’s. “Thank you for calling me, Trish. And I’m sorry you have to deal with my sister’s stubborn ass,”
“It’s okay, actually. I just wish she had told me she hasn’t been feeling well for the whole week,” Trish said, her eyes downcast for a brief moment before meeting Shirley’s again. “I thought you had a meeting with client today?”
“Kevin’s got it handled, so don’t worry. You have been here for the whole day, why don’t you go home and rest for a few hours? I can stay here for a while,”
“I could really use a shower right now. If that’s okay with you? I’ll be back at night,”
Shirley nodded, then reached over to hug her sister-in-law again. At that moment she felt fortunate to have Trish as part of their family, thankful that Theo had finally found someone she could commit to. “Thank you for taking care of her, Trish. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her,”
Trish only held her tighter. When she pulled back Trish was ready to leave, not before pressing her lips to Theo’s bare knuckles. Before she opened the door, she turned to Shirley again.
“Shirley, about the phone call this morning, it wasn’t random, was it?”
Shirley arched an eyebrow in question.
“I just don’t think it is a coincidence that you would call and ask about Theo’s wellbeing all of a sudden. I know enough about Theo and her gloves, and I don’t mean to pry into your family but…”
“It’s okay, Trish. You’re family too,” Shirley remembered that one time she had snapped at Leigh telling her to stay out of her family’s business during her dispute with Steve and his book, but that seemed so long ago now. In the end, all they have is each other, and Shirley was tired of all the quarrelling and uneasiness among themselves anyway. “Maybe one day when you and Theo come over for dinner we could have a glass of wine and talk about it all. Oddness runs in the Crain family, I hope it doesn’t make you scared of her,” she looked at her younger sister, asleep in that white bed with the most serene expression on her face. Back when they were kids and they shared a room, Theo had that look. Until they moved into Hill House.
“I’m not scared of her,” Trish smiled, but it was melancholic. “For her, maybe. But I’ll never be scared of her,”
Shirley nodded. The door closed. Silence.
And Shirley waited.
It was 4 hours later when Theo woke. She tried to rub the grogginess away from her eyes, and slightly disoriented by the effects of the drugs, she took a moment to take in her surroundings,
Then found her sister staring at her with the most nonchalant expression.
“Good morning to you,” Shirley helped Theo sit up. “Trish is resting at home. Do you want me to call her now?”
Theo was tempted to. It felt like she had been sleeping for a long while and now that she was awake she found herself missing her company. She remembered throwing up in the bathroom, then Trish half-carrying her and taking her to the hospital. After that she was in too much pain to even register the noises around her, then she was put to sleep.
Knowing that her wife deserved rest after the trouble she put her through, Theo shook her head. “How long was I asleep?”
“Just a few hours. Do you remember what happened after the surgery?”
“I don't remember being awake after surgery,”
Shirley arched an eyebrow. “You really don't remember?”
It started to get on her nerves. “What did I do?”
Shirley avoided her gaze, but Theo swore she was trying to stifle a laugh. “Nothing. Just I’m glad it wasn't you with a drug addiction problem,”
“Okay, fine,” she threw her hands up in surrender. “You flirted with your wife without even recognizing she’s your wife,”
The look on Theo’s face must have been horrendous, for that was the moment when Shirley lost it, threw back her head and laughed. She would have reached over and wrung her sister’s pretty neck, if she wasn’t fresh off the operating theatre.
“Why the fuck wouldn’t I remember that?!”
“You were drugged up pretty bad. But honestly I have to say, it was priceless. I am so gonna tell Luke and Steve about this,”
“You are the worst,”
“Says the one who didn’t answer any of my calls,” Shirley’s tone became serious, the laughter gone from her face. “Seriously, Theo, we talked about this before. I called you three times and you didn’t even pick up,”
Theo’s mood quickly turned sour. “I was running a fever, Shirl, which was how I ended up in the hospital in the first place,”
“Which apparently you never told your wife you were feeling ill for most of the week,”
“I didn’t think it was something serious.” before she knew it, she started raising her voice. “Cut me some slack, okay? You’re not our mom anymore, plus I’m not the only one who’s keeping secrets from their own spouses,”
The moment she uttered those words, she wished she could take it back. But those words had hit their mark, and Theo had to watch in dismay at how her sister’s face fell. Shirley glared at Theo, but at the same time she looked crestfallen, and for Theo nothing hurt worse than knowing she had unintentionally offended her own sister.
She briefly remembered how her last conversation with Nell was a heated argument, and she winced.
“I’m sorry, Shirl. Fuck,” she bit her lip, ashamed. “I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone, but I was really sick,”
“I actually had a dream last night,” Shirley said, and this caught her attention. Since they were kids, Theo knew her sister had a tendency to sleepwalk, but mostly she would mumble something in her sleep. Sometimes it would make no sense at all, sometimes it would be something ominous which Theo found out to be true in a few days, though she hadn’t a single idea whether it had been purely coincidence or some supernatural force at work. Ever since Hill House, they never shared a room anyway, but Kevin had made a comment sometimes about how Shirley would suddenly wake up from sleep and mumble something about the family.
Especially that night when Nell died.
And so Theo watched her sister, listened.
“I can’t remember much about it really. But I remember I was vomiting, and this uneasy feeling in my stomach. I felt like I was on fire, then I woke. I didn’t know what I said, either, but Kevin said I called out your name,” her voice became flat, emotionally drained. “I couldn’t sleep after that. I was worried something happened to you,”
Then the pieces clicked together in Theo’s mind. “Is that why you called me, and then Trish?”
Shirley nodded. And that only made Theo feel like shit for lashing out at her.
“Fuck, Shirl, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to go through that,”
Her sister shrugged. “Hey, that means I get to warn you guys if something bad is happening, right?”
“You don’t deserve to live like that,”
“Neither do you,” Shirley grimaced. “But you used it to help other kids who were like us, so they don’t have to go through the same shit. What’s a bit of a nightmare compared to the trauma you have to experience with those kids?”
Theo said nothing. So they sat there quietly, contemplating their own words and just enjoying each other’s company. She had missed this. Back then when she still lived in her sister’s guesthouse, some nights she would sit together with her sister at the front porch and just watched the night go by – no words exchanged, just pure silence, a bottle of beer and each other’s. It was a sibling connection that Theo only shared with her elder sister, a silent conversation that was pure and intimate and impossible to be emulated with anyone else.
“I said this before, but I’ll say it again,” Shirley broke the silence, looking at her with a grateful smile. “I’m happy you found someone, Theo. Someone you’re willing to love and commit to. What you have with Trish is very rare, and she was really worried this morning,”
“And I’m going to make it up to her after this,” Theo gestured at herself in general. “Well, I just hope I didn’t embarrass myself even further when I was high,”
Shirley did not answer, but Theo caught the smirk that she tried to hide. She frowned, and the look on her face was starting to irk her. “What?” she snapped.
“You kinda professed your love in front of Trish and me. And you asked how she knew you were gay,”
Theo felt her face burning, and she could only bury her face in her palms in shame while trying to drown out the sound of her sister’s cackles.
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missmarreynolds · 4 years
My day be so fine then boom
poeple shipping the siblings in hill house
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marwritesgood · 5 years
Home | L. Crain
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Pairing : Luke x Reader
Timeframe : Season One
Summary : I am home. I am home. Now to climb.
“There’s someone at the door,” Nellie whispered to me, prompting me to excuse myself from the dinner table and open my front door. 
“Hey baby.”
It was Luke. Dressed in nothing but a pair of baggy jeans and a stained oversized hoodie. Before my blood could reach its boiling point, I take a step outside and close the door behind me.
If looks could kill, my boyfriend would be out cold.
“Are you fucking high right now?” I whispered angrily, not wanting to cause suspicion amongst the guests inside. 
It was my birthday, and I had invited all of my family members, as well as the Crain siblings to my house for a celebration. The dinner was set to begin at 7, but it was 9:30 and my boyfriend, Luke, had only just arrived, with bloodshot eyes and slurred speech.
“Y/n, I’m sorry,” he cried, trying to grasp my hands, making me move away from him. “I’m so sorry I just... It’s just so hard, and I was-”
“One night, Luke.” It hurt me so much to be angry at him, but I couldn’t keep enabling his addiction. “I needed you to show up for just this one night, Luke, and you decided to go and get fucking high?!”
“I’m so sorry, baby-”
“It’s my fucking birthday,” I state exasperatedly. “This was supposed to be a good day for me, yet I have had to sit in that room, for more than two hours, and defend you in front of my family. I was worried to death about you, Luke. And the worst part is, is that this isn’t the first time.”
“Babe, I’m so sorry,” Luke weeped, closing the gap between us. “I promise you I will make it up to you. Y/n, look at me, I promise I’ll-”
“No,” I cried, shaking my head. “I’m tired, Luke. I’m just... really really tired of doing this, and I- I don’t wanna keep doing this anymore. I think we should break up.”
His eyes grew twice in size, and I could have sworn he sobered up in just a matter of seconds. It was finally beginning to hit him that I was deadly serious.
“W-What?” Luke stammered. “No... No, c’mon, Y/n, don’t do this. I’m gonna get help. Baby, I promise you I will get help.”
I wanted to believe him. I really really did. But I had gone through this cycle with Luke enough times to know that this wasn’t gonna be any different. That if I stayed with him, it would only be a matter of time before he relapses again.
“No, I’m done,” I whispered shakily. Even I couldn’t believe what I was saying, but I knew better than to stop now. “Whenever you need me, I’m always there, Luke. Always. So, I’m done... with being in a relationship where I give so much of myself, but always end up empty handed at the end of the day I-”
My voice breaks, and I let out a sob. Luke reaches out to comfort me, but I back away an shake my head. Looking at him one last time, I muster up enough courage to speak once more.
“Go home, Luke.”
I needed to stand my ground
“But,” he began, staring at his feet sheepishly. “But, you’re my home.”
I needed to stand my ground.
As I make my way back inside, I turn to close the door. He remains standing where he was, hands in his pocket, eyes yearning for my attention.
Not this time.
“Goodbye, Luke.”
When Steven called me to tell me that Nellie had committed suicide, all memory I had of Luke and I falling out disappeared. Regardless of where I stood with her twin brother, Nellie was nothing if not everything I wanted and needed in a friend. 
It broke my heart to know that she was gone. And that I never got to say goodbye.
“Y/n,” Steven greeted me, hugging me briefly after I entered the funeral home. “Thank you for coming. I’m really glad you could make it.”
“Of course,” I murmured, before looking down the aisle where Nellie’s casket was placed, and where her body was rested. “I can’t believe she’s really gone.”
And I really couldn’t.
It felt like 
“I can’t either.”
My train of though is disrupted by the sound of a familiar voice. One I hadn’t heard in long while. It was Luke.
“I’ll give you guys some space,” Steven says, before leaving Luke and I alone to assist Shirley with handing out the funeral programs.
It felt strange to be standing in front of Luke, after so long, with so much to say but no strength to say it. I couldn’t even look him in the eye until he finally broke the silence.
“Can we sit?” He pointed to two empty seats across the room but kept his eyes fixated on mine. “And talk... about everything?”
I nod, and the two of us sit in silence. This time, I am the first to speak.
“How are you doing, Luke?”
I knew that often times, in the midst of all the conflicts that took place between him and his siblings, Luke was often disregarded. Losing someone important to you was hard to say the very least, but losing a twin was an unimaginable type of torture. 
“Better... now that you’re here.” He smiled at me, which made my heart skip a beat. Even in the most tragic of situations, he still knew how to make me weak. “I’ve been clean for 90 days now, you know?”
“Yeah?” I smiled. “That’s great, Luke. I’m really happy for you.”
“I’m also really sorry... about what happened at your birthday.”
“... I know you are.”
“And I wanna make things right between us,” he explained, taking hold of my hands. This time, I don’t move away but instead shift closer. “Because losing Nellie made me realise how much I’ve been hurting the people who... who’ve done nothing but love and support me when I needed them to.”
I was with Luke for over three years, and watched him go through and endless cycle over and over again. The way he spoke to me, and the warmth in his hands reassured me that this time was different. That he really did get better.
“Do you remember what I said to you that night?”
I think about it for a moment, but shake my head.
“You’re my home, Y/n.” He states it like it is a fact. An unchanging, concrete fact. “And I’ve missed you so much.”
“You’re my home too,” I murmur, shifting closer Luke.
“Does that mean...?”
I nod, and return a smile. 
Luke leans closer and kisses me softly on the lips. I missed him more than I initially thought. I missed us. As I pull away, I look him in the eye with a semi-serious expression.
“But... you can’t do what you did before,” I said, placing my hands back on top of his. I didn't want to ruin the moment, but I needed reassurance before I could let him back into my life. “I love you, Luke, but I’m not gonna stay with you if you go back to your old ways. I can’t do that anymore.”
“I know,” Luke nodded understandingly. “And I won’t.”
He stares intently into my eyes, and I know that he is telling the truth. So I smile, and rest my head on his shoulder, the same way I would before.
I am home. I am home. Now to climb.
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mcsstydia · 5 years
Broken- Luke Crain
Request: ‘ hello! could I please request a Luke Crain fic where the reader (someone close to Luke) accompanies Steven the night Nellie dies to pick him up? she starts bawling the moment she sees the boy she loves covered in bruises, broken and looking so utterly lost. thank you. x ‘ by anon
prompt: pretty much the request
warnings: sadness/anxiety
pairing: luke crain x reader
A/N: back with another Luke Crain imagine, although the last one flopped lmao. Hopefully back to writing, give me some ideas x
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Lights passing. Houses and people flying past in a blurr. Your knee nervously bounced up and down at a fast pace. Your fingers fiddled just as nervously. 
Steve, you and someone from rehab were driving through the city to pick up Luke. You didn’t quite remember the name of the rehab lady and you felt bad about it, but your mind was in such a hazy and anxious state that you could only think about Luke.
It was only a few hours ago that Steven had called you to tell you that your best friend had died.
The familiar sound of your ringtone rang through your apartment. You were in the middle of going to the kitchen to get something to eat, but you turned around at the sound of your phone ringing. 
“Hey Stevie,”, you greeted your friend as soon as you had found your phone and recognised the person calling you. “what’s up?”, you asked innocently, not knowing what was to come.
“Y/N?”, you heard your friend ask. It sounded like a sniff that followed, but you knew that wasn’t possible. Steven wasn’t one to cry. Unless-
“Y/N?”, he asked again, because you hadn’t answered. “Yes?”, you asked. “Y/N, something terrible happened....I-..”, he sniffed again. Your heart began racing and your breathing increased.
“Steven?”, you asked frantically. “Steven, what is it? Tell me, Steven. Is it somehting with Luke?”, you asked. “No, no.”, he breathed out, but although hearing that nothing happened to the love of your life, you were still frightened. 
“It’s- It’s Nell.”, he brought out. Your heart stopped for a single second, before Steven continued speaking. “She’s dead.”, he said. 
Silence. No thoughts, no feelings. For a second, void filled you. Then it came all flooding back. Your heart dropped into your stomach and did weird turns of aching. Tears stinged your eyes, but you wouldn’t just yet let them fall. It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. Your best friend wasn’t dead. 
“Nell’s dead.”, he stated again before you heard him let out a sob. Your knees suddenly became all wobbly just before they gave away and you sat on the floor. You didn’t even notice, but a scream must have come out of your throat. 
Your hand flew to your mouth to prevent any further screams from escaping your mouth. Tears ran down your cheeks as you started crying uncontrollably.
That’s how you reacted to your best friend’s death. You couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to be told your twin sister was dead. So that is why, besides the fact that you were his girlfriend, you and Steven drove to Luke’s rehab center together. 
As you found out Luke wasn’t there, your anxiety increased even more, if that was even possible. You were worried something had happened to him as well.
So now you were on the way to get Luke at the adress he had given you. The rehab lady, whose name was Paige, you somehow now remembered, slowed the car at the sidewalk. Before the car stopped rolling, you had already thrown the car door open to get to Luke. You left the door open as you stepped towards the boy you fell in love with. 
He was neither wearing shoes nor anything warmer than a shirt, although he was famous for his oversized sweatshirts. He rubbed his left arm out of coldness and saw as your jaw dropped as you scanned his face. He was beaten up.
His handsome face was covered in bruises and he looked lost. You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your face. You lunged towards him to bury your face in his chest so that he couldn’t hear you sobbing. He already had had his arms opened for you to fall into.
He kissed the top of your head and brushed his hand over your hair. “I’m okay, darling. I’m okay.”, he whispered into your hair. But besides the fact that you knew he had yet to find out his sister was dead, you felt him shiver. 
You pulled away from him as you heard Steven step towards the both of you. “Luke,”, he began and you clapsed one of Luke’s hands into yours. “Something happened,”, he continued. 
“Wha- What is it?”, Luke asked anxiously and your heart broke solely from the breaking of his voice. Silence fell between the three of you as Steven breathed in. 
“Nell-”, he shook his head. “Nellie’s dead, Luke.”, he told him. You clenched your hand around his and closed your eyes. 
The boy you loved was already beaten up and broken, he didn’t deserve to hear that his twin sister died. Nobody deserved that, but surely not the boy standing next to you, who would never hurt another human being. 
“Wha- How?”, he asked, now gripping your hand as well. “Suicide.”, Steven sniffed. “No, it wasn’t.”, Luke stated without  doubt in his mind. 
You pulled at your hand and pulled your boyfriend into your arms. Only when he felt your arms around him, heard your soothing voice, was when he started crying. He sobbed into your shoulder and cried on the whole way to the airport and you cried with him. 
And you wished, more than anything, to be able to take his pain away and have your best friend back.
take a look at my other luke crain imagine x
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delicrieux · 5 years
Hi! I was curious if you could write a story for me. Maybe one where Nell tells reader, her crush, about the bent-neck lady? I just want Nell fluff please
On the road again. Apologies for the formatting. Happy new year 🎆✨♥️
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“There’s something I need to tell you.”
The sounds of the city leak into the small coffee shop right across the shopping centre when the door opens with a chime of a bell. Nelly’s voice betrays worry, or is it fear? Possibly a mixture of both, and it is enough to drag you away from a daze. Your eyes meet hers and she smiles faintly, shyly glancing down into her cup, “...you’ll think I’m crazy.”
You lean in, “What?” The question escapes you with a breath that tastes like coffee, “Nelly, is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right? Is it Luke again, or...?”
“No! No it’s nothing like that, just...” Her fingers play patterns of the table, drawing shapes with soft pats. It is an absentminded action. She is distant and strange, “Just... please listen to me. Okay?” She offers you a hand, like an invitation. You take it and feel it tremble in your grasp. Her face nearly cracks from unreleased tears. She gulps and looks out the window, eyes lost in a storm.
Her confession is horrifying. You can only imagine how much strength she needs to continue living a normal life, let alone to share the burden with someone else. The Bent-Neck Lady. When the name fell from her lips, in a heated, terrified whisper, it sent a cold shiver down your spine and raked your back with fear. And as Nell kept talking, her grip on your hand tightened, as if you were her only grasp on reality. You didn’t quite know what to say after she finished. No words of shock are good enough to express you. So instead you rounded the table and pulled her into a tight embrace, catching a sniffle as she buried her head in the crook of your neck.
“Thank you...for telling me.” You say after a while, your fingers gliding through her pretty hair. When you pull apart she manages to smile, if barely, and with embarrassment burning her pale cheeks she quickly wipes away a few stray tears with the back of her sleeve.
“No, thank you... for listening. And understanding. I wanted you to know, (Name). I-...” She fumbles and halts, “Well, maybe another time. I think... I think I shared enough, for now.”
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