#this man was CANONICALLY stressed about Frozen
hobiebrownismygod · 6 months
VENOM - Part 2
Venom!Hobie x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Having a symbiote is a canon event...which means Hobie must've had one of his own at one point, right?
~2.7k words
TW: Blood, Cannibalism, Cursing
Taglist: @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @puff-hugs @s6onder @@d0ubl-tr0ubl3 @fiepige (concept credits!!)
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(concept art belongs to @levionok!!)
Just one week ago, if you had told Hobie Brown that a random object he'd found in an Osborne facility would fix all of his problems, he would've laughed in your face and called you mad. But now he was starting to realize, not only was it possible, but he could now accomplish what he used to think would be impossible.
"Thanks for the help Spider-Man!"
He waved at the random civilian he'd just finished helping before moving on to the next, his oddly enhanced hearing helping him catch the quietest of cries, the muffled yells, aiding him in being the best Spider-Man he could be. Honestly? It felt like magic.
It was like all the stress had just melted from his body. No more muscle pain from all the heavy lifting, no more headaches from not being able to sleep- in fact, he hadn't slept in days. He simply forgot to. And he was feeling great!
He was stronger than usual, faster than usual, smarter than usual...the list continued. He was doing more in less time and getting closer and closer to his goal- defeating Osborne and completely ridding the city of crime.
But there were a few added cons to his new state of being. His head hurt whenever he played his guitar. Well, he could still play it, but some notes just hurt. Sounds he used to consider beautiful now sounded like nails screeching across a chalkboard. Even high-pitched screams from troubled civilians made his head spin.
There was also the restlessness. Hobie had never been able to sit still, but now...it was twice as bad. Just the thought of going back home revolted him. Sitting down? Taking a nap? God no. It would be a waste of time and a waste of energy. He needed to keep moving.
And then there was the hunger. He. Was. Always. Hungry. No matter what he ate, the hunger pangs never stopped. What had been his favorite foods now disgusted him and he found himself eating the most bizarre items. Mounds and mounds of white chocolate (something he used to despise), loads of fries and worst of all, frozen meat. He couldn't understand his new obsession with frozen meat.
But then he found himself shrugging it off and moving on, a fistful of frozen chicken pieces in his mouth. After all, the pros outweighed the cons, right?
But you...you were fairly put-off by this new development.
"Can you stop eating all my food?" You asked him angrily, telling him off for what must've been the fourth time this week. He shrugged sheepishly as he took a bite out of one of the apples on the counter and spit it out. "Sorry. 'm just hungry" he muttered, wiping his mouth as he opened the fridge back up.
You tossed the apple in the trash behind you, standing across from him with your arms folded over your chest. You bit the inside of your cheek as you watched him, eyebrows furrowing in concern. "You know, Hobes-" You started, trying to keep your tone as soft as possible. "-ever since you came back from that facility, you've been acting...off."
"Off how?" He asked casually, barely paying any attention to you as he grabbed a yogurt. "Well you've been-" you let out a yelp as yogurt splattered all over you and him, his eyes widening in realization. "Whoops." He mumbled.
In an attempt to open the yogurt, he'd accidentally caused it to explode all over the kitchen, having squeezed it too hard. "Forgot m' own strength." He said with a quiet chuckle, tossing the mangled container into the trash before moving to the sink to wash his hands.
You watched him in shock. How was he so...normal about this?
He must've caught your expression because he turned around with an eyebrow raised. "Wha's wrong?"
You scoffed, still in shock. "What's wrong?" You repeated, hands falling to your hips. "What's wrong is that you've been acting absolutely insane these past few days!" you marched up to him, pointing your finger in his face. "Not sleeping, not sitting still, eating like a damn dinosaur-" his eyes widened "-not knowing your own strength-" he looked to the side. He must've heard something again "-acting like you're on top of the world and-and-what the hell are you looking for?" You exclaimed, exasperated as he looked around confusedly.
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
He jumped, head turning around wildly. "That! That voice!"
"I don't hear anything, Hobes." you said tiredly, putting a hand on your head and leaning back against the counter. "I think you need to take a break. Something's going on with you-"
"How can you not hear that?" He whispered desperately, eyes wide.
"Are you sure it's not just the voice in your head?" You asked sarcastically.
"No, no, it's saying something-" he gasped softly, putting his hands on both sides of his head and squeezing his eyes shut. "It's saying it's hungry. It's asking for...food?"
"Oh my god-" You said annoyedly, shaking your head in frustration.
"I'm telling you the truth, love, really-"
"You're insane! That thing did something to you, Hobes-!"
You stopped. He stared at you, chest heaving up and down as he slowly calmed himself, putting his hands on top of his head while he struggled to catch his breath. "Fuck." He mumbled. He looked back at you, realizing he must've scared you. "Hey, don't look at me like tha-"
"Get out."
His eyes widened. "What?" he asked softly. He felt horrible now. He hadn't meant to get so aggressive and he definitely didn't mean to scare you. He just felt so...angry. It was an odd, yet somewhat powerful feeling. Like he could do anything. Like he would do anything.
"You want me to leave?" he asked, dumbstruck. "Seriously? What happened to you being here for me?"
"Just go." You choked out, pointing towards the door.
He opened his mouth, about to say something, when that voice came again.
You Don't Need Her.
For a moment, he wanted to defy that voice, to not let it control him, but alas...it was just so convincing. His expression turned coldly sour. He scoffed, shoving his hands in the pockets of his vest and walking right past you. "You'll regret this." he said quietly, walking out and shutting the door behind him with a slam. You glanced out the window and caught a glimpse of him pulling his mask on and swinging away.
Instead of using his normal, white webs, he was using black ones. You'd never seen them before. What was going on?
Hobie swung away in frustration, muttering nothings under his breath, not paying attention to the world below him. He didn't even realize that he'd run out of his own webs ages ago and was now using different ones. Ones that his body was somehow creating by itself, without web shooters. That wasn't possible...right?
Whatever. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. His best friend had just kicked him out for no reason. Why would anything still matter?
What had he even done wrong? He was just being himself. It's not like he killed someone.
Why did you have to be so dramatic? Why did you have to be so dramatic about the-the-what was it called?
A Symbiote.
Whatever. Symbiote, then. It was helping him, wasn't it? Helping him be a better Spider-man. Helping him do better things? What was your problem with it? You were just jealous.
These were the thoughts running through Hobie's mind as he swung to nowhere, just trying to release the tension from his body. This, along with one other thought.
Of course. He was still hungry after all. The eyes of his mask narrowed as he looked around. Where was he going to find something to eat?
"Hands above your head you filthy scum."
Hobie stopped swinging, sticking onto the glass of a tall building as he looked around, searching for where that voice had come from.
"Please, I didn't do anything. I'm just trying to go home, I have a wife-"
Hobie heard the clicking of a gun. He jumped towards the noise, staying hidden as he approached a darker alleyway, wedged between two boring buildings. Standing in the alleyway was someone with a badge, gun in his hand as he pointed it at a young man holding a bag.
"What's in the bag? Stolen goods? Weapons?" The cop asked, shoving his gun in the man's face threateningly. "I-I needed food." The man said quickly, eyes widening in fear. He opened his bag, revealing nothing more than some groceries. "We're starving, please-"
"Fucking punk." the badged man spat, pressing the gun to his victim's temple. "Actions have consequences." The young man squeezed his eyes shut in fear, the bag falling to the ground.
No. Hobie couldn't let this happen.
He lunged at the cop, almost animalistically, knocking him to the ground. He webbed the gun out of his hand, pulling him up aggressively. As Hobie stood up, he grabbed the cop by the throat, tightly choking him. He wasn't able to stop a small smile from forming on his face under the mask.
And then it was like he was engulfed by darkness.
Like the night had somehow swallowed him whole, but left no stars in sight. No light. Only a hole of black nothingness.
The last thing he remembered was a voice. The same one he'd heard earlier. A deep, guttural, alien hiss.
You Look...Deliciousssss...
And then the rest was a blur.
How could you have just kicked him out like that?
You were pacing your living room, biting your fingernails out of nervousness while you tried to calm yourself down. There was something wrong with Hobie, that much was obvious, but kicking him out was too far.
What if he got hurt?
What if he got someone else hurt?
But it wasn't even about Hobie anymore. It was about whatever that thing that he'd found was.
Us he'd called it. Don't call us thing.
Who was us?
You pulled out your computer, the file already open. Ever since he'd gotten back, you'd been trying to crack the code. Trying to figure out what was inside that flash drive he'd stolen. What this thing was.
You hadn't told Hobie about your efforts of course. You suspected he wouldn't take it well and after seeing his reaction today, you definitely weren't going to be telling him anything.
And you definitely weren't going to be telling him that you sent his superhero friend a message asking her to help you decrypt the code just a few days ago.
Riri Williams was a genius, and although the two of you weren't close, you knew her because of the fact that she and Hobie worked together. Normally, you'd be embarrassed to ask someone to help you decode something, but Riri was very kind about it, not even asking you why you didn't want Hobie to know.
You trusted her to keep it from him. And today, she had finally sent you her finished product.
"Hopefully this works. Lmk if you need help with your spidey problems :P"
She'd attached a note. How sweet.
Smiling at the note, you clicked out of it and copy pasted the decryption code into your computer terminal. The computer flashed, but then the file opened. You stared at it for a moment, confusion settling over your face.
All the file contained was a single, eight minute long video.
Hesitantly, you clicked on it, and a page opened up, a young man's tired face taking over your screen.
"Take 17. This is Otto Octavius, head scientist of Team #6's V.E.N.O.M. symbiote trials." the man gave the camera a half-hearted smile. "The subject volunteer of this video is unnamed."
You sat back slightly, folding your arms over your chest as you made yourself comfortable. "Subject Zero is in captivity. It seems to be showing signs of aggression." The man turned the camera to face a large glass cell, inside of which was what seemed to be...a glob.
Was this what Hobie was talking about?
You flinched back as the glob jumped at the glass. The scientist in the video flinched as well and set the camera down with a distasteful look on his face. "Bring in the volunteer." he called out.
You watched in horror as a half-conscious elderly man was shoved into the glass cell. The man looked around confusedly, before he let out a shriek of fear. You were barely able to make out his fists, banging on the hard glass, as the symbiote climbed up him and melted into his body, sending him to the floor, convulsing ferociously.
The young scientist simply turned the camera away, shaking his head in annoyance. "Test failure." before he could move to turn off the video, another person's voice piped up in the background.
"Mr. Octavius?"
"What exactly are we waiting for the symbiote to accomplish?" the voice was coming from a young woman with a lab coat and a wide-eyed expression on her face.
"The symbiote-" the scientist sighed "-is looking for a host. And once it finds a host, we believe it'll become more powerful than the derived V.E.N.O.M. serum. This power...its unimaginable. But the symbiote is very...picky, for lack of a better word." The man looked back at the screen, and then moved his finger towards it. The video turned off.
You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, your heart racing.
A host?
"No..." you whispered under your breath as realization hit you.
The symbiote had found it's host.
What the-
Hobie looked around groggily, coming back to his senses.
What happened?
He blinked, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the alleyway which he barely remembered. He was still...there? That hungry feeling he'd had before had disappeared. Strange. Clutching his forehead in confusion he looked around.
A bag was on the floor in front of him, half-open with food packets and vegetables flowing out of it onto the dirty pavement. A little ahead of the bag was a badge. As he squinted his eyes slightly, it seemed to look like the same badge the cop from earlier was wearing.
Wait...what happened to the cop from earlier?
Hobie could barely remember...lunging at him. Grabbing him by the throat. A hiss of a voice had flooded his senses and then...
As he moved to reach towards the badge he stopped, breath hitching in his throat. He pulled his hand back towards him, shaky breaths escaping his lips as he fought to process what was in front of him.
His hand was covered in blood.
And so was the rest of him.
He could barely breathe, feeling panic settling in his chest. He stood up straight and stumbled back slightly as he stared at the blood dripping from his black suit- wait...black? Since when did he wear a black suit?
"What in the bloody-"
A glint caught his eye. The glint of a pistol, twisted in half, lying next to a body. A body covered in the same crimson red that was trickling down Hobie's arms and neck and mouth-
Why the hell was there blood on his mouth?
"No...no...no no no no no-" Hobie started to whisper, feeling as though his knees would give out any moment, the dread settling deep in the pits of his stomach and sending shivers of fear and guilt down his spine.
Eaten someone.
Taking a few steps forward, he collapsed in front of the body, looking over it in shock. Missing an arm, a leg, a head.
Memories flooded his brain.
The voice had called the man...delicious.
That voice...
Hobie jumped. He looked around furiously, fists in front of him. "Show yourself!" He called out, anger running through his veins and adding to his tone.
We want more. We need more.
He grabbed at the top of his newly black mask, crying out in frustration. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD." he yelled, punching at the air, raging, fists flying and kicks landing on solid nothing.
He fell to the ground, trembling, failing at trying to pull the black off him. "What do you want from me?" he quietly whispered, a lump forming in the back of his throat.
There is no me. Only...
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The Same Situation | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by @mrsalwayswrite
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Tommy's so worried about Freddie Thorne being with his sister, Ada, that he doesn't even realize that he himself is in just about the same situation with Freddie's sister, (Y/N). What happens when Freddie finds out that the same thing is happening on the flip side of it all?
Warnings: language, death threats, weapons
Word Count: 3504
A/N: I strayed a bit from canon on this one to make it make sense, so I hope that that’s fine. I didn’t expect for it to turn out this good, but I have to say that I’m pretty pleased with it. The italicized dialogue comes right from the show. Enjoy:)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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(Y/N) was working on tidying up the displays at her family's bakery when the shop's main door opened. She didn't even need to look up to know who it was; she recognized the sound of his shoes on the hardwood. "Tommy! Where've you been these past few days?" She asked as she looked up. But Tommy Shelby didn't respond. Instead he kept walking.
(Y/N) scoffed as she set down the cake she had so that she could follow the man into the back area of the bakery. "What's going on, Tommy?" she asked him another question, hoping to gain an answer from him this time. But he still said nothing. Instead he dropped his peaked cap onto the counter, the razor blades sewn into it clanging off of the metallic surface, and fished his pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of the jacket he had on. "You know you can't smoke in here," (Y/N) pointed out, her hands falling onto her hips.
That was the sentence that finally made Tommy look at her. He'd frozen with the cigarette between his lips and an ablaze match just about ready to light it. (Y/N) raised her eyebrows at him, as if she was daring him to go ahead and disregard her statement. They held each other's gaze for a few moments before Tommy hissed from the fire licking his fingertips. He quickly shook out the match and tossed it into the sink before he took the cigarette from between his lips and put it back into its packet with a sigh.
"Care to tell me what's gotten into you?" (Y/N) asked him then, her one eyebrow still quirked.
"It's just one problem after a-fucking-nother," he mumbled, his lips pursing together in a brooding scowl.
"Well that answer told me everything," she pointed out, a slight bit of sarcasm laced into her words.
"Ada's pregnant," he forced out then, running a stressed hand over his face after he spoke.
"She is?" she responded, her eyes wide as shock filled her features, "who...who is...?"
"It's Freddie," Tommy hated the fact that those two words tasted like poison as he said them, "it's fucking Freddie," he added then for dramatic measure, the infuriation now fully present in his voice.
"My brother?" (Y/N) was still only asking questions, her shock still too prevalent for her to get past thinking only the basics. "M...my brother got your sister pregnant?" The words sounded so foreign to say.
"Yes, yes he fucking did," he was still fuming. "And now I'm going to fucking kill him," he added before he grabbed his cap and began walking towards (Y/N), who was standing in the archway that led to the exit.
"Woah, woah...you're going to do what?" (Y/N)'s voice was assertive, but it wasn't enough to get Tommy to stop. What was though, was her placing her hand on his chest and putting pressure against him as he walked up to her. "You're not going anywhere in this state of mind, Thomas Shelby," she told him, her eyes locked onto his, her gaze steely and serious, "and you'd be foolish to think that I'd let you go and kill my brother just because you're unhappy with what he's done. Freddie's not the best of men, but he's..."
"Tell me what he is, (Y/N), because right now I can only see a man who needs to be dealt with," Tommy cut into her statement, tension still evident in his words. He was just a few moments shy from foaming at the mouth here. He needed to get to Freddie and he needed to deal with this now.
(Y/N)'s eyebrows raised as she heard what he had to say, and, once again, surprise was now etched across her face, "It's rich of you to say that about him when you're in the same situation as he is," she said to him.
Now it was Tommy's turn to be confused. "What?" he asked her, his anger fizzling out slightly as he furrowed his brows.
"Are you forgetting about you and I?" she queried, her mouth slightly agape as she waited for his answer. He didn't give one, so she continued, "are you forgetting that we've been seeing each other since you came back from France? Are you forgetting that Freddie knows not one thing about us? You'd be a hypocrite if you were to go and strike him down for being in a situation that is almost exactly identical to the one you're currently in."
(Y/N) held his gaze as she finished her monologue, watching him intently for what he'd give as an answer. He blinked a few times as he thought her words over. His mouth opened and shut then before he let out a sigh and dropped his gaze from hers, clearly defeated now. "It's not that simple when you see it that way, is it?" she remarked, her hand finally dropping from his chest because he'd stopped putting pressure against it.
"I'm still fucking angry at him," he muttered in a disgruntled tone.
"Sure you are...and you have a right to be. That's your sister; you're meant to protect her. But I think I have a little bit of insight into what Ada was thinking, and let me tell you...the move wasn't made only on Freddie's part," she continued to try to reason with him, the slightest smirk forming on her face as she finished her statement. Tommy looked up as she said her final words, and upon seeing the smirk, he shot her the 'don't you even start' look. She held her hands up in surrender as the smile overtook her features. "What are you going to do now?" she asked him after a few moments had passed.
"I'm going to go and find a way to deal with this situation," he responded as he placed his peaked cap atop his head before tugging it down into its proper spot.
"And I trust that that solution will ensure that everyone stays alive?" she checked with him, her eyebrows raising as she spoke.
Tommy pursed his lips at her statement, thinking it over for a moment before he cut the tension by nodding and exhaling a sigh. "It'll take longer for me to figure out, but I'll see it through so that is the case," he told her, his eyes locked onto hers.
"You've given me your word, so now you must stick to it," she reminded him.
"When have I ever broken my word to you?" he questioned her, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Let's not start with that, Tommy Shelby," she said to him, her smile present as he exhaled a breath of a laugh at her statement.
"I'll see you later," he deflected the previous topic as he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.
"I mean it," she stressed as they pulled away, trying to hold a serious look, but her smile was obviously breaking through.
"You have my word," he promised her again, kissing her lips one more time before she finally stepped aside and let him exit the backroom.
She turned to watch him walk out of the bakery, holding in her sigh until the door shut behind him. Men, she thought to herself as she shook her head, it's completely fine when they're in the midst of it, but if someone steps over the line they've already crossed, then there'll be hell to pay.
(Y/N)'s night had been pretty good so far. Nothing drastic came out of Tommy's blow up - besides the fact that Freddie declined his train ticket out of Birmingham and instead proposed to Ada. Of course, that struck a chord within Tommy, (Y/N) got an earful about it after he found out, but everyone was still alive. What she didn't know was that the caliber of her night was going to go down drastically the second she entered the small, dingy apartment that she shared with her brother.
Freddie was standing by the desk that was pushed up against the far wall of the apartment's main room. (Y/N) thought nothing of it, until he turned to face her with what looked to be a stack of papers in his hand. "Would you care to explain what these are to me?" he asked her as he shook the papers slightly for effect.
"What are they?" (Y/N) asked for some details. All she could see was that he was holding a stack of white paper.
"They're letters," he gave her more context.
"Ok...?" she asked for even more details. Everyone writes letters...why was he getting so worked up over these?
"They're letters from Tommy Shelby; from the war," he finally brought the hammer down, his words coming out in a cross manner.
(Y/N) sighed as she heard what her brother had to say. "I'm not allowed to write to someone who we've known since grade school?" she asked him, her eyebrows raising.
"Not in this manner you aren't," he rebuked, his voice raising slightly as his frustration became more pronounced.
"Well what was I to do? No one else was writing to me, Freddie. I tried you multiple times and got nothing! Tommy responded to me. He was my lifeline while you were all away," she raised her voice with his, showing him that she wasn't going to bow out of the argument.
"There's writing to him, and then there's forming a well-pronounced relationship with him, (Y/N). I'm never going to unread some of the things that were written here!" Freddie countered, waving the letters in front of her again.
"You shouldn't have been reading them in the first place!" (Y/N) exclaimed, her eyes wide as she managed to snatch them out of his hands. She did a quick check of them, breathing the slightest sigh of relief when she found that they were all accounted for. These letters meant a great deal to her. They were the only things that made her smile during the dark years of war, and now they served as a reminder of the beginning of the relationship that she now shared with Tommy. "Why were you going through my drawer anyway, Freddie?" she asked him then, a glare present on her face.
"Ada heard talk..." he started.
(Y/N) quickly cut him off. "Oh...Ada," she over-exaggerated the words, rolling her eyes as she heard her brother huff.
"She heard talk that Tommy'd only did what he did for us because of the situation he was in. It got me thinking, and it led me to these letters," he continued with his explanation, motioning to the letters she was holding then.
"That still doesn't give me good reason to understand why you decided to go searching through my drawer of the desk," (Y/N) pointed out. Sure, Tommy being in a 'situation' could have possibly got him thinking; she wasn't going to discredit her brother's brain, but how he pieced it together and figured out she had these letters stashed away just wasn't computing for her.
"That doesn't fucking matter, (Y/N). You've been going around behind my back with him even after you've known that we're at odds with each other. That's uncalled for and it's something I won't fucking have anymore!" he disregarded her statement, instead letting his frustration get the best of him and shine through in his words.
(Y/N) looked at him for a few moments, digesting what he'd just said to her. She tried to decide which way she should go about this situation; bring in reason? Or let him have it? She was so close to choosing the latter. "It's a bit rich of you to be saying this considering you're doing the exact same thing with Ada...well you were trying to, until Tommy found out you got her pregnant," she finally gave her response. If it were any other time, she'd laugh at the fact that she was saying the exact same statement to the other side of the equation just weeks apart. But she kept a straight face now.
There was the slightest change in Freddie's composure after he heard these words. But yet he pushed on. "That doesn't change the fact that he's crossed the fucking line. I ought to put a bullet in his head for even thinking of you in that way!" he let his anger prevail, his voice raised yet again.
"And what good will that do? I told him this when he was thinking the same thing, and I'll have no remorse in telling you the same: dealing with him in this manner will make you an outright hypocrite because you are doing the exact same thing with his sister. In a way, you'd be unjustifying your situation by dealing with mine in such a way."
Silence fell between the two siblings after (Y/N) finished her piece. Both were staring at each other, and tension was building around them to the point that it could be cut with a knife. Freddie made the first move, breaking his gaze as he began walking to the door. (Y/N)'s voice stopped him before he could open it. "You're not going to find him because he's gone for the weekend...figuring out some deal with some fucking Inspector because you don't want to take your stubborn ass out of the picture," she told him, knowing exactly what he was about to go and do.
Her words made Freddie freeze. He didn't say anything, but instead stared at her for a moment longer before finally opening the door and exiting the apartment. (Y/N) couldn't help but exhale a sigh once she was alone. Men, she thought as she shook her head. Now she'd have to figure out a way to make sure that both her brother and her lover would make it out of this situation alive. Thankfully Tommy was out of the city for the weekend, and that Freddie knew about the potential of him getting caught if he went anywhere close to that Inspector at the moment.
"How did I know that the two of you would come here the very first chance you had?" (Y/N) questioned the two men that were currently pointing their revolvers at each other. She confidently walked up to them, seeing only their eyes shift over in the direction she was coming from. Their stances stayed unwavering; it was going to take more than a simple statement.
Tommy spoke first. "What're you doing here, (Y/N)?" he asked her, his eyes still fixed on his target that was lying below him.
"I'm making sure that neither of you do something stupid," she answered him as she stopped a few paces away from where their stand-off was occurring.
"I won't let him fuck up my sister's life for his cause," Tommy said then, his finger toying with the trigger as he spoke. (Y/N) didn't know what to say. The both of them had their weapons fixed on each other, and the tension was almost palpable around them.
Thankfully (Y/N) didn't need to do any negotiating. After a few moments, Freddie dropped his gun to the ground. "My God..." he started, a sigh escaping with his words, "you actually believe that," his next sentence was spoken as a statement, as it was made pretty obvious by Tommy where his thoughts were at the moment, "I love her, Tommy. I loved her since she was nine and I was twelve. And she loves me the same," he said then, the slightest smile creeping onto his lips as he spoke.
Tommy still kept his revolver fixed on its target, his gaze unwavering as he heard what his ex-best friend had to say. (Y/N) watched with her breath held as Freddie then stood from the ground. Tommy didn't lower his arm until Freddie took two steps so that they'd be standing face to face with each other.
"Do you even know the word?" Freddie queried, his eyes locked onto Tommy's, "because I can say the same thing about you with (Y/N); using her for your fucking gain, like she's just some dispensable object," he added then, his words spoken with a harshness.
"Freddie..." (Y/N) cut into their stand off with a warning tone.
"No, (Y/N). He needs to fucking hear this," Freddie brushed his sister off, "he needs to fucking know that this can't be a two way street; that he can't damn me for what he thinks I'm doing and then go and do the exact same," he spoke these next lines to Tommy, as if he was trying to get him to see sense in it all.
"Then you must know that we are in love too," (Y/N) spoke up after a few more tense moments had passed. This made Freddie break his gaze from Tommy to look over at (Y/N). She could tell just by his eyes that he was shocked by the news. "You heard me right," (Y/N) doubled down, moving closer to the two of them before she continued, "we are in love; have been since 1917, when we were writing letters to each other. He professed it to me the moment he found me at the apartment and I said it back all the same. You weren't there when it happened, Freddie, because you'd gone to meet Ada under that bridge you always find yourselves under," (Y/N) spelled it out for her brother, watching as his jaw went slightly slack. (Y/N) fought the smirk that was trying to form on her face. She loved having the upper hand. "That's right, I know about that. Us women, we talk, and Ada told me everything. I'm happy for the two of you, I see your relationship for what it is. I only hope that you both can stop patronizing each other and let it lie," she ended her statement by looking between the both of them.
The two men looked at each other again, the tension arising between them again. Freddie was the one to break the silence. "I don't know where you stand, but I will accept you and (Y/N) being together," he said, being the bigger person and the one to bury the hatchet first. (Y/N) wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but she knew she couldn't yet. Not with the way that Tommy was still staring her brother down. She silently hoped that he'd choose peace as well.
"I will accept you and Ada being together, but if you do anything to hurt her, it will be the end of you," Tommy finally conceded, but not before throwing one last threat into the mix.
Nothing else was said then as the two men continued to stare at each other. (Y/N) knew what this was. Neither wanted to make the first move. So she stepped into their staring contest. "Freddie, why don't you go find Ada. She was telling me earlier about some pain that she was having. She may need you," (Y/N) tried to reason with her brother, pushing on his chest slightly so that he would get the cue that she wanted him to back away from the situation. This did the trick in getting Freddie's gaze off of Tommy, and (Y/N) watched it soften as his eyes found hers. He said nothing, and only nodded before he stepped away and began to leave the old warehouse building.
(Y/N) turned to Tommy once the other man was out of sight. "I'm sure you would have killed one another had I not shown up," she broke their silence, her hand fiddling with the lapel of his jacket as she focused her eyes on his chest.
"He's not worth it," Tommy responded, shaking his head slightly.
"Sure seemed like he was when I got here," (Y/N) replied, her eyes rising to meet his. She was able to see the starting of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"He's not worth it, but you are," he flipped his words around, the second half of his statement succeeding in making (Y/N)'s cheeks heat up.
"You're a sap, Tommy Shelby," she teased him, smacking his chest gently, her words making his smirk appear full on his lips. She smiled back at him as she took hold of his lapels and pulled him closer to her so that she could press her lips to his. "You're a sap, and I love you," she whispered against his lips, feeling him smile against hers at her words. Tommy said nothing in response, but instead pulled her in for another kiss; a kiss that perfectly conveyed how he felt towards her.
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congrats on the followers you deserve it!! 🤍🤍 will you write something soft for soap considering "recent events"
thank you so much 🤍🤍 I briefly considered writing a fix it fic, but. Writing a fix it fic would require me to recognise "recent events" as canon...and I just don't x
So here's something soft for Soap, just because we love him 🤍
(Written for the follower milestone!)
SFW Alphabet - John "Soap" MacTavish
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Soap’s love language is physical touch, and this is primarily how he shows affection.   He’s always touching you in some way—his hand on the nape of your neck, or the base of your spine, or massaging the tension in your shoulders or absent-mindedly running up and down your arm. It’s as much of a comfort to him as it is to you.   
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Supportive.  Whether it's shenanigans or a shoulder to cry on, Johnny is your best friend, your confidant, your number one fan…and eventually, the love of your life. Your friendship started like this:  On your way back from school one way, you notice a distressed John MacTavish, frozen in terror from watching a few dogs run around the park off leash.  But…he has to walk through the park to go home and he can’t.  So you walk up to him, 7 years old, and with just as much power in you as jet fuel, and you grab his hand and you take him home. You’ve never let go since. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Johnny’s a serial cuddler.  He’s one of those who, if you inch away from him in bed, he will find you and wrap himself around you.  His favourite way to cuddle is to spoon you, tangle your legs together, and bury his face in your neck.  But…if you turned around and put your head on his chest?  Well.  He’s not complaining.  
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Absolutely he wants to settle down with you.  He wants the picket fence and the dogs and the cats.  He wants the sick days and the days you skip work to just laze around in bed with him and the days when you’re so busy, you don’t realise he’s at the door of your office, just watching you with a smile on his face. He grew up in a big family, with brothers and sisters who were all taught that cooking and cleaning are life skills.  He’s quite self-sufficient and when he says he’s your partner, he means it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Even with how strong and steady the two of you are, he’s thought about this.   When you were in the middle of moving in with him, stressed and tired from the packing and the unpacking and everything that came with it, his work phone had rung.  You’d both been in the middle of dinner, and your chopsticks had frozen half-way to your mouth.   When he’d had to leave early the next morning, you’d cried so much, he’d wondered if making you go through this was the right thing to do.  Was he being selfish?  Was he causing you pain because of his selfishness?    Ultimately, if he had decided to end things off with you, he’s pretty sure you’d have thrown your pretty vase at him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’ll marry you today, if you asked it of him.  He’ll marry you right now. Johnny’s the kind of man who can’t wait to be married to you for ten years, twenty, fifty.  He can’t wait to be married to you for longer than he wasn’t married to you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Sometimes he worries that the hands he uses to touch you, to show you how he feels about you, are the same hands he uses to kill. He’s not one to dwell on thoughts like these, but they do cross his mind.   It’s why he’s as gentle as he is with you.  He doesn’t treat you like glass (far from it, he knows you can take care of yourself) but in Johnny’s mind, there’s a role for you both—him, doing his best to give you the world the only way he knows how, and you, protected in the safety of his love.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When you’d described Johnny’s hugs as healing, he’d laughed at you, blue eyes melting into yours, happy, shining.  He’d said he didn’t get it. But you get it.  You know that when he wraps his arms around you, one hand on your lower back, the other cradling your head, holding him tight to him, you feel the day’s stress melt away.  He absorbs every worry, every insecurity, every doubt, shields you from the world’s cruelty when he holds you to his broad, strong chest.     
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He didn’t wait long at all.  He’d known you since you were children.  He’s loved you as far long back as he had memories.  When he’d finally confessed, you’d cried, then laughed—pressing one palm to teasingly turn his face away from you, while your other clenched around his collar to pull him closer to you in a kiss that sealed your promise to each other.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Johnny isn’t inherently a jealous person.  He’s secure in the knowledge that he has you, that you have him, that you belong together in a way that no over-eager boy in a pub that flirts with you can even hope to touch.   
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
When Johnny kisses you, it feels like time stops.  He holds your face in his hands, his brows furrowed and shoulders pulled into his chest—he gives it his entire attention.  There’s nothing in that moment except you and him and the feeling of his skin against yours, your shared breath, and the promise of happiness in every moment you’ll spend with him when that ends.  Johnny kisses you like a man starved.    He kisses you everywhere—the man is devoted to  you—and there’s not an inch of your skin that the soft skin of his lips hasn’t worshipped.  He loves any form of affection from you, but his absolute favourite is late at night, when you think he’s fast asleep and you cuddle up closer to him, and kiss the edge of his jaw, his cheek, his forehead.  He’s always left staggered by how loved he feels in those moments.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s lovely with children.  You’ve seen him interact with his little nieces and nephews, and yours.   All the kids love their Uncle Johnny, and the funny voices and faces he makes, how he’s as much of a child with them as they are.  You’d seen him rocking his littlest nephew to sleep, once, humming to him, and his sister had teased you gently about the tears that had spilled over your cheeks at the scene. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Johnny’s a morning person, and so, most mornings, he’s back from the gym and showered and in the kitchen fixing breakfast when you’re waking up. But some mornings, he can’t bear to disentangle himself from you, and so you spend a slow, lazy morning in bed together, talking, making out, cuddling and laughing.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
What he misses most of all when he’s away is the mundaneness of an evening spent together with you—cooking dinner together, watching a show or movie with you that you’ll never get past the first ten minutes of, watching you with an indulgent smile as you talk to him about your day. The more he thinks about nights like these the more a desk job seems attractive to him.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Johnny’s always been an open book to you.  Always worn his heart on his sleeve. Of course, with the nature of his work, there’s only so much of himself he can reveal to strangers.  But even so, one of the things that attracts you to him is his innate desire to connect with people.  He’s always willing to give people a chance, always eager to get to know people, understand them so he can help them.  It requires him to open himself up to them too, make himself a little vulnerable.  He’s never afraid of it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s not easily angered at all.  In fact, he’s one of the most patient men you know.  He believes there’s almost nothing a gentle word or two can’t resolve.   But there are…moments.  Moments where his grip on his rage has been tenuous, at best, the high points of his cheek a distinct red, fists clenched at his sides.  Coiled.  Still.  Ready to strike.  The common thread connecting these moments has been his helplessness.    If he sees a dire situation he can’t change, something outside of his control, something he can’t melt with just his honeyed words, an injustice he can’t correct, it angers him.  You’ve felt maybe a handful of them in the two decades you’ve known each other.  Sometimes you wonder if that’s only the case because he keeps these moments out of your sight, when he’s deployed. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh, you’re convinced he has super-human memory. You shouldn’t be surprised, really, you shouldn’t.  With what he does for a living, of course he’s detail oriented, of course he remembers everything.   But that doesn’t mean you find it jarring every time he brings up something you’d brought up in conversation randomly once, and then he has to remind you of the story you’d told him.  You’re embarrassed every single time.  He finds it adorable. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The one time you’d gotten in a bar fight, and it had coincided with the same evening he’d come back early from his deployment to surprise you.  You’d surprised him by meekly asking him to come bail you out instead.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s not over-protective so much as he’s…a worry wart?  He trusts you, implicitly and absolutely, and he trusts you to take care of yourself.  He’s not naturally a jealous person, but he’s seen enough of the world to worry about you.  Sometimes he’ll hover.  It’s a rare occasion that Johnny gets pushed to the brink, towers behind you, strong and tall and proud, and has to posture, for the sake of ridding you of unwanted attention. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Within the limits of his job, he’d try.  He’d try his very best to arrange for flowers, gifts beforehand, so there’s no birthday or anniversary or special day that goes by without him having given you something to remember him by.  He enlists the help of his sisters, who are more than happy to help, but only after relentlessly teasing him about how whipped he is. The most special thing is that he writes to you.  He leaves you little notes, sometimes, and other times it’s letters he’ll write in his beautiful script.  He’ll even doodle on the margins of the paper, because he knows it makes you smile.   But sometimes, he has to rely on good old fashioned text messages, and that’s when your heart hurts the most.  Often, because of the time difference, you’ll wake up to the most beautiful photo of lush green, or the most amazing sand dunes, and it’ll be accompanied by a heartfelt message, filled with a longing so sincere, it’ll make your heart clench.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Not particularly a bad habit but.  You’re not particularly a fan of the mohawk.  He grows his hair out for you in between deployments.  (Relationships are about compromise, after all.)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not vain, not at all.  He does take care of himself though.  A happy bonus of it all is that he loves the effect he has on you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He doesn’t believe in the concept.  He’s not incomplete without you, just as he’s not complete with you.  You’re both complete individuals, within yourselves, within who you are as people.  What you have together is magic, though.  It’s enchanting and perfect, and though you’re two complete people, there’s an undeniable part of the other in each of you.  
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
His favourite getaway with you was when you’d both rented a little cabin deep in the Inner Hebrides for a week, and all you’d done was exist with each other.  Most days, you hadn’t even left the cabin.  Just spent the time together, talking to each other for hours, laughing and reminiscing, enjoying the outrageously luxurious bathtub.   Ever since then, he insists that you go on similar holidays at least once every year.  Just him and you and the peace that comes with knowing that he’s with the person he loves most in the world. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Cheating would be a non-negotiable deal breaker.  He gives you everything he has, everything he is, unconditionally.  If his trust is broken so fundamentally, there’s no coming back from that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a very light sleeper, easily woken up by anything and everything. This means that, more often than not, he finds himself tracing the lines of your face, the delicate veins on the inside of your wrist.  It’s a luxury he’s only afforded when you’re deep asleep, and he finds that he doesn’t mind the lack of sleep so much.  He’s just happy to be there with you in bed, listen to you breathe deeply, sync his breaths with yours, gradually fall asleep, holding the most important thing in his life in his arms.
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gaypirate420 · 10 months
Curiosity here: {Discussion}
If you could re-write Jasper but keep 2 things about him, what would you keep? Besides appearance and gift! How would you explore this new version of Jasper?
For me, I'd keep his army past and Alice. But I'd explore how he changes over time and comes to realize how bad being on the Confederate side & being racist is. (I think you get it I'm trying to keep this short.)
Such as what makes him change and how he copes with his new understanding, and y'know the whole process of that.
Ofc, she comes into play too, maybe she's the catalyst that gets him to thinkin' about the topic at the surface, but it eventually goes deeper as she overtime explains things to him, and he thinks further on his own. IDK BRO I'm just thinking and wanted to read what you'd do. {Have a discussion.}
I'd change him shacking up w/ the Cullens though...or maybe their relationships with each other. I'd love to explore everything basically around canon while still being divergent to an extent. (Canon Related?)
He'd be the main character, but I think you already knew that if you read or at least skimmed this. But I have a terrible fear of people misunderstanding me. (⊙﹏⊙)
But yeah, I was just curious! I know a lot of people have done all sorts of things with him in Fics regarding his past and such, but I do always enjoy reading your responses to things.
This is just a purely hypothetical discussion. {If this was ever made that would be ambitious as hell cause like mf is like... 150 years old!}
I don't even want to think about all that time, and they never sleep either so like holy hell. So many moments of introspection and guilt and etc. to write I'd have a mental collapse. {But that's me when I write anything but also editing sucks ass.}
But not to mention ofc the huge amounts of research everything would take, and I am a huge perfectionist.
-Sincerely a mutual who tried to ask a few questions then freaked out over my own questions.
I'm making this anon now because I fear this ask now.
I think we have the same idea dear mutual!
(this is so fucking long omg I went off the rails, let me know what y'all think.)
I wouldn't rewrite anything, I'll just play it differently, I'll give it a nice depth.
I've always been on the side that just rewrite or ignore Jasper's confederate past is- not ideal. Yeah it's okay for a silly little comfort fic with your favorite vampire but not when talking about his actual canon characterization.
I would keep him serving for the Confederate army. I know a lot of people don't like that about him, but, I think it's a huge part of his character but there was something lacking there.
And what was missing is guilt.
Jasper, as to how he is written, and how we see the scenes of his past are played on both the book and the movie makes him look like he wasn't ashamed of his racist past or that he was even still prideful for it.
And it's so weird for me, how could this man who spent a century long depression, a self described "monster" a "nightmare" that just floods with self loathing couldn't feel guilty for not only taking someone's life but their freedom?
How could he feel guilty over killing the newborns but not black people? It doesn't make sense and it makes it worse, it makes you think that he, in modern times, it's still a confederate and also because vampires are "mentally frozen." He's not changed that much really then.
(I think Jasper lacking guilt and remorse about these fact about him is because of SM and her own views she not so subtlety spread all over her books though.)
So yes, I am keeping him as an ex-confederate soldier. Jasper was 17 so we are just to assume he was ignorant, and that's okay, we can live with an ignorant white boy for now. I cannot stress enough about how there is no need to make mental flips and splits to justify this choice of thinking in a 17 y/o southern boy from the 1840's. But, he gets to change, he, after the first years of him killing the newborns reflects about this, he might not be completely educated but he has the spirit.
Now let's talk about Alice.
I love her, but, if we are really analysing this then her and therefore the rest of the Cullens (because they welcome her and Jasper on their family) are okay with Jasper serving for the confederacy and I don't like that.
Why did Alice make him feel hope and all this shit and get him to change and learn a new life but didn't make him reflect on that maybe, perhaps, fighting for the enslavement of an entire race wasn't a good thing to do.
She says "you'll never be that again." referring to him being a vampire killing machine, not a racist, may I remind y'all.
So, I think the change would be about Alice teaching him things, Jasper spent so much time with Maria and then he was seriously depressed, I get the idea he wasn't interested on- going outside besides to feed from humans.
I think there are two types of vampires, those who love seeing humanity grow and change and come up with all these little inventions and then the ones who just see humans as prey.
Alice being the first and Jasper the second, but not for long after he meets her.
I think Alice could update him about the modern world that was the 50's, she would educate her that yes, Jasper's gentlemanly ways are charming and make her blush and giggle but there are some comments that aren't okay, just because in "his time" it was "okay", "funny" or "right", to say these things doesn't make them less offensive, dismissive and hurtful.
Alice would ask Jasper what did he felt while serving? And why? Was he even fully aware of what he was fighting for? Did the years of him seeing countless human's fight and go to wars that got bloodier and more destructive made him stop and think about the damage of his own army career?
Make the man reflect. Make him think for days and days about these questions he asked himself but never truly took the time to answer them. I need Jasper to have a slight mental breakdown before he gets to know the more peaceful life with the Cullens and Alice.
Alice asked these questions in her endless curiosity, not in innocence, but rather to know Jasper, really know him and understand him.
I want him to feel disgusted about having to feed from humans now that he realizes how much harm he did, and that's were the Cullens come in, Alice knows about her new family of course and it's more than excited to know her mate wants this life too, not because oh he's so in love with her he'll do anything (he is) but because he wants to change.
Carlisle let's him stay because he knows this, he understands in a way and he can't help but sympathize with him and Alice wanting to change herself and help her partner.
But Jasper can't fully because his body is asking him to kill constantly. He doesn't want to keep harming people, but his body can't forget, not only his body it's scarred as a reminder, but there's this annoying bloodlust that doesn't want to go away just yet.
But he has Alice, holding his hand and make him feel like everything will be alright.
Jasper is struggling but he is changing, he is getting more and more mental peace, finally, after a century and a half. It's slow, it's painful but it's there, self forgiveness and change.
One of the things that I love, a concept, Jasper being into philosophy, history and just literature, him loving to learn.
I love that in Breaking Dawn Jasper wanted to help Bella with her thirst. And of course I love him being hurt when she's way more successful than he is after so many years.
Seeing someone who you share the same experiences is so amazing, it helps you, but seeing them overcome this challenges that you also endure it brings you down on such a horrible way, it hurts you, but it makes you think of who you were before and how much you have accomplished. How much you've changed and that's my take on Jasper Hale.
I am not normal about him.
Also, I think I would change vampires not being able to sleep or cry, I think Jasper deserves both, as a treat :). I love him.
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cuubism · 11 months
Hey I love your work so much, I just have a quick question to pick at that phenomenal brain of yours.
So this is WHUMP!Hob because my heart aches for this little man and I love him but I also want to see him go through the horrors.
Did any of us ever imagine what it’d be like if Hob had been on the Titanic? Not like an AU where Hob and Dream are Jack and Rose, but like canon universe.
What if Hob was on the Titanic when it sank??
I don’t think he’d get on the lifeboat because:
1) He’s Hob,our beautiful, lovable, self-sacrificing pillock that now holds all life over his own. If he can save just one more person, if one more live can be saved if he doesn’t get on that boat.
(He’d probably rag other men off the lifeboats too to make room let’s not gaff.)
2) He knows he’ll survive underneath it all. The stress and fear around him would probably get to him so much that it wouldn’t be the first thing he thought of (I mean that’s my person opinion because the titanic obviously was a mortifying experience)
3) He would leave the lifeboats to go below deck and literally deck the workers locking the lower class people under and to their deaths. He would 10000% break every gate and door he could find to free those trapped.
If he can survive drowning, then he’s going to hold his breath as long as possible to help those he can.
But then imagine him after the boat has gone under. After the lifeboats have abandoned those they couldn’t carry.
He’d be floating there hearing the screams of people around him and long after that, when he’s frozen and stuff, he’s drowned twice and come back, and latched onto an empty life jacket that he doesn’t want to think of why it was empty, and he’s just floating there.
And then he hears a whistle. Rose has been saved and he is found too, and he survives of course.
Imagine Dream finding out about this. It happened roughly 2 decades after their last meeting, where Hob thinks he screwed it all up.
He wanted an escape after it happened and then this cruise ship came along with promise of being unsinkable, and to an immortal man who sees the wonder of life, isn’t that bloody brilliant??
And then it turns into one of his reoccurring nightmares for decades, nay centuries to come.
How would Dream react to that?
I just think you could do more with this than I could, you know?
You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, I understand that some people tend to avoid asks/promos like these and if so, I completely understand! It’s just been in my brain for a while now.
So so sorry this is so long and badly written, I didn’t know how to phrase it.
Again, I LOVE your work, keep it up! Take a break when and if you need and I hope you have an amazing day/night wherever and whenever you read this!
<3 Meema
You have such a more generous interpretation of Hob's personality than I do, because my first impulse was "Hob is the ultimate survivalist and would definitely push somebody off the lifeboat" 😂. Then again, this is also in his post-1889 era which is the first era where it seems like he cared about or was trying to be a better person, so maybe not. Maybe he'd only push assholes off the lifeboat and not just anybody 😂
I could see Hob going on the Titanic though, he was involved in the ship-building business for a while so I can see him hearing about it being 'unsinkable' and being like hmmm bet. Anything for a new experience, etc.
Then it's sinking of course and he's like mmm fuck I can't die but I'm in the middle of the goddamn ocean. He does need to get on some lifeboat or something because even if he can't actually die of drowning he also can't swim hundreds and hundreds of miles to shore, he'll just be trapped out there or stuck in a cycle of dying from hypothermia and reviving for god knows how long. I doubt drowning is something Hob particularly wants to experience again anyway.
I really enjoy your kind Hob who wants to help people, I'm sorry that my mental image of Hob is hitting somebody in the head with an oar instead 😂 or at least, wanting to hit somebody with an oar, thinking back on his stranger saying 'you've changed,' dropping the oar with gritted teeth... XD Being a better person is hard-won and hard-learned for Hob, I think.
thank you for sending me the story 🥰
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bliss-wily · 3 months
Nappa! Nappa! Please head canon! :D
Nappa? Of course! Once again the though, these are just my thoughts; many of them nonsensical but I’m glad you guys are enjoying this so much. I apologise if there is any overlap with anyone else or any other forms of media.
•Based solely on this card…imagine him as a construction worker. Just him turning everything to rubble with giant storm. Starting with the crack head canons already…but yes that would be his earthling job had Vegeta not killed him.
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•A dog lover, I could see him with more than one dog. All sorts of breeds, Nappa doesn’t discriminate, all dogs are valid!
•Whilst loyal to Vegeta, if the Saiyan Prince is out of earshot or just not there, he will treat Raditz better. I think ‘baby Raditz’ is less of an insult coming from Nappa.
•I don’t think Nappa is a mindless brute, I think he’s just quick to temper. (Although, having basically raised Vegeta and probably Raditz too, one could see why…probably at each other’s throats until Vegeta asserted dominance).
•Wrestling! I think he would like it too, maybe it’s something he and Dodoria can agree on.
•John Cena fan…sorry now I’m just really getting into the crack.
•Anyway…Nappa is the talker. The Saiyan can talk for fun, I’m sure he has shared plenty of stories with Raditz and Vegeta.
•Although he would be too proud to admit it, I think he feels a sense of guardianship towards the younger two Saiyans. Vegeta especially.
•I imagine it probably hurt him a lot when Vegeta killed him, Nappa was loyal right to the end.
•And I think it also hurt Nappa when Vegeta didn’t want to revive Raditz. Yet, he wouldn’t talk out against the Saiyan Prince too much if at all.
•Had the two revived Raditz however, I think he would be keeping the man close. I think Nappa would have seen Raditz’s death as a failure more so on his part (again, probably too proud to admit it), and would feel more protective over him.
•Would have definitely became good buddies with Goku I think. Probably act as an uncle towards Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Bulla too. Of course Pan as well down the line.
•Now the moustache. Nappa takes very good care of his moustache, that’s his other pastime besides training.
•Maybe he would have liked farming? He may have been interested in Earth’s agriculture potential. I know that’s a bit far fetched but Saibamen. Plus, he did seem to care about the little creatures.
•Nappa has certainly taken the fall for the failures of Raditz and Vegeta more than once. I don’t think he would have those boys face the wrath of Frieza or Dodoria or Zarbon.
•Has a big heart underneath his warrior exterior. He just seems like had he been given the chance to reform that he would have been friendly with most.
•Well, as soon as he learns that Earthlings have different traditions than Saiyans.
•I imagine Raditz would have probably been killed or ditched by Vegeta had Nappa not been there with the Saiyans.
•Shaved his head whilst drunk. Regrets it later.
•Or naturally lost it due to the stress of: his homeworld being blown up, working under Frieza, raising two Saiyans, aging, etc.
•Becomes incredibly shy and anxious if he develops a crush on anyone. All the confidence he exudes is gone.
•Whilst Raditz has a fight with the microwave, Nappa just quite happily eats the food frozen. I don’t think he would be as bothered. However, he finds a love for ramen.
•Texting Nappa results in him just sending a thumbs up or emoji back.
Right, sorry these aren’t as in depth. But, I hope these are okay. 💛
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softpine · 4 months
do you think that if some day, somewhere in the great elsewhere, you and Asa met again... would he be upset with you?
tbh, as long as he finds finn i don't think he'd have it in his heart to be mad at me. he has a one track mind right now so he's not processing anything that happened, but when his life calms down again and he has time to think it over, i believe he'll come to the conclusion that the decisions he makes are still his own. and if you really think about it...... they ARE. because it's not like i would ever make the same decisions as my characters do. that's why i write!! to explore lives i'll never live, places i'll never visit, people i'll never meet, choices i'll never make. even though i'm technically the one producing these situations whereby asa is forced to make decisions, where do those ideas come from?? it's rare that i ever sit down and THINK about what comes next in the story. it's more like the story has always existed, it just reveals itself in bits and pieces and it's my job to fit them all together coherently. man sometimes i literally flip a coin to decide what happens next fjkjsds so even if i'm playing god in this little frozen pines universe, there's still an element of fate involved. not to mention the things that happen in my real life which affect the story in ways i can't predict. like remember when caroline was supposed to get ARRESTED for drug trafficking but i accidentally triggered myself so bad i decided to retcon it and say it was all a dream? 😭 this story is not even mine, i'm being taken for a ride just as much as asa or any of the characters lmao
sorry that was a wild stream of consciousness, but this is what i mean when i say that asa would find these philosophical discussions interesting rather than stressful. so no, i don't think he would be upset with me. i think he'd just be really curious! sadly he'll never get the answers to any questions he may have, because i've already decided i'm not putting myself in the story again. i just wanted to have some fun and i saw the opportunity to make it canon so i had to go for it :P
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Coming soon via @deancashorrorfest​
Title: On the Cutting Room Floor
Author: callsigntango (tumblr: withclawsandsympathy)
Artist: @spiffyflypie​
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Length: ~24k
Warnings:  Graphic Violence, Blood and Gore, Body Horror, Minor Character Deaths, Memory Loss, Graphic descriptions of rotting and moldy food, Arachnophobia 
Tags: Canon Divergence (with AU elements sprinkled in liberally), POV Dean, Spiders, seriously there are a lot of spiders in this i cannot stress that enough, Feelings of being trapped, Horror, Psychological Horror, Intense descriptions of how much it sucks to work in the tv news industry, hey wait did i mention the spiders
Posting Date: October 13, 2022
Summary: In an Arachne hunt gone wrong, Dean "wakes up" in an AU-style world as what he'd gone undercover as for the hunt: a journalist, with no memory of his actual life. He’s paired with the worst diva he’s ever had the pleasure of enduring, a ruthless, arrogant hotshot by the name of Bela Talbot. But when the pair shows up to cover what should be a routine story on a suspicious death in Kansas, the world around Dean starts to unravel in horrific, painful ways.  The appearance of a man claiming to be an Angel sends Dean into a tailspin -- but just as something about Cas begins to spark very real memories in Dean, Cas seems to be losing his own grip on what's real and what isn't. And as they struggle to free themselves from this distorted web of reality, something sinister is lurking just beyond their reach.
The rest of the world seemed to have fallen still. There was no more rustling of papers in the deputy’s hands, no more breeze shifting through the grass, no more din of conversation from startled, scared rookies around him. Time hung heavy and frozen, and every one of Dean’s breaths felt wrong somehow. As if the very air in his lungs was stolen.
“Deeean,” the whisper came again, more insistent. More desperate. Dean glanced down at his feet.
Glanced down at the corpse lying in the grass. Had it just…
Dean crouched to get a closer look. Surely the whisper couldn’t have come from this thing. He didn’t need to check for a heartbeat to know this half-eviscerated, blood-drained body was dead.
“Dean.” The lipless, lifeless husk of a human fucking spoke, and Dean fell back on his ass in fear.
“What the—” Dean didn’t get a chance to finish the thought. The world flickered and melted around him, the once-frozen scene melting into a frenzy of fangs and limbs and motion. The grass beneath his hands squirmed and scuttled, erupting into a throbbing, thrashing mass of large, pale yellow spiders.
Dean scrambled to his feet in a panic. The palm-sized spiders shivered and shook and skittered across the body, with more legs poking out of the corpse’s wounds and empty eyes and mouth, hauling out more thick, pale spiders from within it. The mass of huntsmen squeezed through eye sockets, burrowed into wounds, and sank their fangs into decaying flesh. Several of the spiders began to sprint up Dean’s legs, and he swatted at them with terrified, wild swipes of his palms.
But just as suddenly as the spiders had appeared, they vanished, leaving a manic, near-hysterical Dean the sudden spectacle at a crime scene. No one else had moved, or seemed to have noticed the spiders. Mary was still looking at him with a cold suspicion. 
No. Not at him. Through him. Behind him.
“Dean?” The voice was more real this time. Spoken aloud rather than a whisper in his thoughts. And it was just as uncertain of this situation as he was.
Dean whipped around. Though the spiders had disappeared into thin air, something else had appeared just as suddenly and inexplicably. No, not something.
A man – a scruffy, disheveled man in a tattered trench coat – was hunched next to the body, staring at Dean in shock. The trench coat was stained with dark, inky blotches. Blood was smeared across his palms and dripped from his mouth, the bright red droplets streaking down his chin. Dark circles hung heavy under the man’s eyes, deep purple marks that stood out against piercing blue irises. He looked half-starved, deprived of sleep and sanity, staring right at Dean with the same intensity as a hungry wolf. “Dean, where are we?”
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rey-jake-therapist · 10 months
Sweetbitter Fanfic update: Lost Souls Chapter 6
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Chapter 5 is here.
Jake and Mina have to deal with the awkward situation they find themselves in. Jake has already enough problems, as he has to deal with the war that now opposes Simone and Tess. As for Mina, she's not a very good bartender.
The following chapters will be told from Jake's point of view :) A bit of trivia: - 'Moni' is the name that Jake gives Simone in the book Sweetbitter. - the first dialogue between Tess and Jake that he remembers is taken from the show, season 2 episode 8. She and Simone had a heated argument about Jake that ended their friendship. - Rosalyn's also a canon character who Jake briefly dates in the show.
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Jake couldn't stand working under stress, but fortunately, it rarely happened. The reason was simple—he never allowed his job to take up enough space in his mind to cause anxiety. 
Take, for instance, his boss, Howard. The man seemed to have a personal grudge against Jake, all because he had hooked up with more women in the five years he'd been at the restaurant than Howard had in his entire life. But Jake didn't let Howard's resentment bother him. Another thing that Howard couldn't fathom was the unique bond that Jake shared with Simone. Most people didn't understand it, and even Tess, whom Jake had hoped would accept it, disappointed him recently when she expressed her disapproval of their special connection. He remembered how she tried to gaslight him, attempting to discredit the profound relationship he had with Simone. Her sudden hostility had left a bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thought about it. Part of him understood why she was confused, but what she had asked him to do - shun Simone out of his life - was unacceptable.
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"Oh, Jesus. You don’t get it. People don’t get it. It was just us! Nobody else. It was our own little world…”, Jake had tried to explain.
“Do you still…” Tess had begun, unable to spell out the one question that had been obsessing her for months, way before they started dating.
“Do I still… What?”
“When you go to the Cape… With Simone, do you still have sex?”
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In different circumstances, Jake would have found her embarrassed face adorable when she blurted out that absurd question, but it only fueled Jake's frustration. He had pleaded with Tess countless times to stop dwelling on the past and focus on the present, but she seemed unable to help herself. The idea that he and Simone might have been romantically involved at some point had become an unhealthy obsession for her. And now, she couldn't just let it go, leave the past behind in the damn Cape, where all their problems seemed to have originated. Tess had confronted Simone, and needless to say, it hadn't ended well. Both women felt betrayed by each other, adding to the chaos.
The situation had left the two people Jake cared about most—Tess and Simone—angry and hurt, entangled in a battle for his heart. He despised this whole ordeal. His relationship with Tess, in particular, had frozen after a promising start, and the feeling that she was hiding something from him only intensified the strain. Jake knew that at some point, Tess or Simone, or both, would ask him to pick a side. While he would choose Simone in a heartbeat, especially if Tess continued acting strangely, the thought didn't excite him in the slightest. Everything had been so wonderful when the three of them were friends, forming an unconventional yet happy family. Why couldn't they just go back to that?
" Do you love her?" Simone had asked Jake, shortly after things had gotten heated between her and Tess.
"Who?" Jake had responded snarkily, well aware of who Simone was referring to. He knew she wasn't asking out of innocent curiosity; she wanted to know if she could tear Tess apart and get away with it, again.
"Don't be ridiculous," his friend had replied with a smile that didn't match her irritated tone. "You know exactly who I'm talking about, Jake. So, do you love her?"
"I don't want to discuss that with you, especially not now," he had deflected.
"So you do care about her… That's what I was afraid of. She'll try to cut me off from your life permanently, you know that?" Simone had then claimed, with a strangely calm voice.
"Now, Moni, who's being absurd? And paranoid. She's just jealous and worried for me. It'll pass," Jake had retorted. Deep down, he knew Simone was probably right, but he didn't want to add more fuel to the fire. He hoped she was wrong, too.
In a way that was typical of Simone, she had abruptly changed the subject, asking, "Why did you walk away from the project you had with Scott?"
Irritated, Jake had shot her a look and muttered through clenched teeth that Scott's project was doomed to fail. He knew it was a weak excuse, and so did Simone, who had raised an eyebrow and replied with a smug grin, "Scott's still mad at you, but you probably did him a favor! Don't take it the wrong way, darling, but you don't have the maturity to commit. It's better to disappoint Scott now than to let him down after both of you invested a lot of money."
"Oh, really? If you say so, Moni, you must be right!" Jake replied sarcastically, but if Simone had noticed the sarcasm in his voice, she hadn't shown it.
The truth was, after Simone had offered to sell the house in Cape Cod so he could fund his dreams, Jake had grown terrified of losing her forever. Despite the place being laden with painful memories, he and Simone had built a life there, and it symbolized their unbreakable bond. He feared that once the house was gone, so too would be Simone, along with the precious connection they shared. He wasn't ready to face that reality yet, so he had walked away from the project. He had lost both an opportunity and Scott's friendship in the process, and didn't need Simone to remind him of that fact; but then, twisting her knife in his wound was her thing. 
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When a week ago, Jake had chosen the Omega Lounge over his usual hangouts, it wasn't with the intention of picking up a girl and taking her home. He had learned from Simone that tension had been brewing all day between her and Tess, and he wanted to avoid getting any more involved in their conflict than he already was. All he had wanted that night was to shut off his phone and drown his worries in alcohol. However, the atmosphere at the Omega Lounge hadn't fitted his mood, so he had found himself smoking outside, contemplating finding another place to spend the night.
It was then that he had noticed her , not just because she was stunning in her green dress and her long auburn hair that cascaded down onto her shoulders, but also because he overheard her arguing with someone over the phone, someone who seemed to be her boyfriend . He wasn't on the hunt for a one-night stand, despite the allure of many women in New York. He was content being faithful to Tess, even though she hadn't explicitly asked him to. But something about this woman's fiery demeanor had intrigued him.
And then, she had yelled this formidable angry sentence over the phone, piquing Jake's curiosity.
"You know what, Johnny? I'm going to follow your advice. I'll pick up the first guy that comes my way, take him to my hotel room and fuck him all night!"
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The woman's angry outburst had made Jake chuckle; it was clear to him that she hadn’t meant what she said and was simply trying to upset the guy on the phone. Jake had then observed with a mix of cringe and amusement a short blond-haired man with a foolish look on his face approaching her, only to be quickly brushed off, confirming Jake's initial suspicion about the woman's true intentions. She wasn't here for a random hookup in a filthy alley; she had come to find a friend.
As he had continued to watch, he had seen her rummage frantically through her handbag, then growl in frustration when the lighter she had found hadn’t worked. Deciding he couldn't leave her in misery any longer, he had offered her his own lighter. That was when he had seen how pretty her face was, despite the sadness overshadowing her big gray eyes. She had flirted with him, wanting to have fun and relax, and had seemed genuinely disappointed when he had mentioned his intention to leave for another bar. In a moment of impulse, he had mentioned the Home Bar without fully understanding why, as he had no intention of going there yet. He had recognized the familiar sensation of being drawn to a beautiful stranger, and it had seemed she felt the same way, but his instinct had told him to walk away. He already had enough problems in his life, didn't he?
Little did he know that a week later, she would be the woman hired by Howard to replace Nicky, the man he usually worked with behind the bar. Not like that would have stopped him. As Jake was now watching Mina and pretending that the situation wasn't awkward at all, he tried to recall what had led him to follow her into the Omega Lounge.
Perhaps it was that elusive quality she possessed, something he couldn't quite put into words. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, persuading him that he couldn't let such a beautiful woman slip away without even trying to get her in bed—or in the conference room, like the one Corinne had shown him during her break once, for that matter.
From the way Mina had avoided his eyes since their shift had begun, Jake could tell she regretted following him to his apartment that memorable night, despite her initial claim that she wouldn't. Jake, however, didn't regret it one bit.  He had a motto never to regret anything, especially when it involved great experiences like theirs. However, he couldn't help but feel cautious about Tess' reaction if she were to find out about what had happened between him and Mina. While he didn't owe Tess faithfulness, he knew she was particularly sensitive these days, and the last thing he wanted was to trigger more drama.
Truth be told, Jake wasn't a one-woman man. There was a time when he deluded himself into thinking he could lead a conventional life and invest in a monogamous relationship, but it had ended so disastrously that he decided it simply wasn't for him. He didn't know the exact details of what Simone had said to Tess, but he was aware that she had warned her about him. He didn't want to hurt Tess, but he also knew he couldn't provide her with what she desired. He was who he was, and as he often said, "take it or leave it." 
Tess had caught a glimpse of what he was like in a relationship during his brief time with Rosalyn, the hostess who greeted the clients—or rather, guests, as Howard insisted on calling them. Rosalyn, like others before her, had had expectations that ended in disappointment and bitterness. Tess knew what she was walking into, and yet here she was, disappointed in him, like Rosalyn and all the others before her.
After all these years, Jake still didn't fully understand women. What did they think would happen when dating a barman who enjoyed late-night parties, waking up at noon, and who was still single at 30, despite being good-looking and reputedly skilled in bed? Did they believe he would change? Simone once told him that women often thought they could fix a damaged man, and this was precisely what Rosalyn had attempted to do, and now it seemed up to Tess to try to do.
" I tried to warn Tess that you were beyond salvation and would never change, but she didn't listen, of course," Simone had added with a knowing smirk on the day Jake confessed he had slept with a woman who wasn't Tess.
Hearing Simone think of him that way hurt Jake more than he cared to admit, but he had simply chuckled in response.
Jake still couldn't believe that out of all the people in New York who could have taken the job of replacing Nicky for a month, it had to be her. When he had seen Mina stepping out of the corner where she had been hiding and standing next to Tess, it had felt as if for a second the wires in his brain had short-circuited. He had recognized Mina instantly, but it didn't make sense that she was there, ready to step into Nicky's shoes. He was certain she had flown back to her husband in Los Angeles a long time ago, full of guilt and determined to ignore all the red flags for the sake of keeping their marriage alive. That's what most women married to a cheating husband, as he knew, often did.
Seeing Mina pretending to not know him, even as her worried eyes betrayed her, reignited the anger and disappointment Jake had felt when he had woken up and found her gone that morning. He couldn't quite explain this feeling; it wasn't the first time a lover had left his place without a note, and he had done the same more than once. But with Mina, he had shared something that wasn't just about sex. It hadn't been planned; it had just happened. They had both been surprised at how easy it was for them to talk about the hardships they had gone through. Perhaps it was because they had both experienced the pain of being abandoned by their mothers, or maybe there was something in the air that day. Against all odds, Jake had felt that he could open up to her, just as she had done with him. And, of course, the sex—also not planned—had been mind-blowing and had haunted him for days, even when he was with Tess.
Jake's mind was in turmoil as he reminisced about the memories of Mina, his eyes fixated on her alluring neck, left vulnerable for his eyes. When he had met her, her hair was flowing wildly upon her shoulders; today it was put in a perfectly tied bun that gave her a serious, even severe, look she didn't have a week ago. Yet he recalled how much he had loved kissing and biting this neck, noticing with a hint of disappointment, as it caught his attention, that the marks he had left had all vanished. As he served a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon and handed it to Heather, he couldn't help but stare at Mina's luscious pink lips while she politely interacted with a client at the bar. His thoughts wandered into dangerous territory, with vivid images of her on her knees, her lips parting to take him in her mouth, flashing before his eyes. He felt the beginning of an unwelcome erection in his pants and struggled to fight against visions of him pulling her hair and engaging in more intimate acts.
Knowing it wasn't the right time or place to indulge in such thoughts, Jake forced himself to look away from his new coworker and concentrate on his work. All he had to do was avoid looking at her perfectly shaped behind and prevent parasitic thoughts from invading his mind. He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to clear his mind. When he opened his eyes again, Mina was gazing at him, her deep gray eyes filled with concern.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
I'll be okay when you let me take you to the basement and bang you against a wall…
"Yeah, just feeling tired, long night," he blurted out, which wasn't entirely untrue. 
He had spent the night with Tess, Ari, and Sasha at the Home Bar until closing time before crashing at Sasha's place. Both he and Tess were high and drunk, leading to an argument about the planned trip to France he and Simone had in mind for next summer. Tess had discovered it on her own, and the stress of the situation had made Jake unsure of how to break the news to her. Their bickering had annoyed Sasha, who had retreated to his bedroom to sleep.
Finally, they had ended their fight with a rough shag in the middle of the living room. Jake had learned early on that there was nothing better than sex to stop a heated conversation; Simone had taught him that - you fight fire with fire. He had apologized, promised to reconsider his trip - another lie; saying no to Simone wasn't even an option!-, cuddled her, and touched her in the ways he knew Tess liked until she forgot she was angry. And just like that, another drama had been avoided, or so Jake had thought.
However, when Tess had murmured in a drunken haze, right before falling asleep in his arms, "I love you, Jake. I'd do anything for you..."
He knew he should have replied with something, but the only answer Tess wanted to hear was the one thing he couldn't bring himself to say. He had said "I love you too" to someone other than Simone only once before, and it had resulted in tears being shed and hearts being broken. Love had never brought anything good to Jake, ever.
Moreover, with Tess in particular, there was another problem: when she had whispered those three little words to him, he had felt nothing but sheer embarrassment and the certainty that it was time to end things with her. Simone was probably right to warn her, he realized with a profound disgust for himself.
You ruin everything you touch, Jake!
He could delude himself with the thought that Tess was too drunk and high to know what she was saying, but he would be dishonest with himself if he pretended he hadn't seen it coming from the start. It had taken him months to sleep with Tess because he actually liked her. She was too young and inexperienced in life to handle someone like him, and he knew he wouldn't give her what she wanted, so he had kept her at arm's length. But one night, she had shown him she had changed and had seemed stronger than before. Besides, Simone loved her, which had drawn him to her even more. 
What had really appealed to him was that Tess genuinely cared for him, even though he dreaded that she probably wouldn't if she knew about the dark places he carefully kept hidden away from her and everyone else. Except for Simone, who knew him better than anyone. Jake didn't love Tess and knew that he would never love her. He sensed it in his bones. He only loved that she loved him. Was that such a terrible thing? 
"Fu... Why is there so much foam?!" Mina groaned near him, pulling Jake out of his reverie.
Jake chuckled as he saw Mina furiously trying to remove the excess foam from a beer she had just served. When she had said she wasn't used to bartending, she hadn't been kidding. She clearly needed some guidance.
"You need to tilt the glass while pouring the beer, otherwise you'll get too much foam," he explained patiently.
"But I tilted the glass, and it still happened!" Mina retorted, shooting a frustrated look at the draught-beer tapping machine. They had been working together for more than two hours now, and she had already asked him several questions about the job and let him show her around the wine cellar. However, Mina hadn't been able to make eye contact with him the entire time. When they were in the cellar, Jake had tried to create a moment of intimacy to check on her, but she had abruptly asked, avoiding his eyes, 
"Can we just pretend nothing happened between us and act like it's the first time we've met? You lied to me about working in another place, I applied for this job because I was sure you didn't work here, I mean… The situation's awkward enough as it is, you know?"
Surprised by her request, he had quietly replied, "Yeah... I guess we can."
From that point on, they hadn't exchanged another word until now when she was struggling with serving a beer. Howard was probably desperate to find a quick replacement for Nicky", Jake thought, trying not to show his annoyance. He took the glass from Mina's hands, tilted it, and poured a perfectly served beer with just the right amount of foam. He handed it back to Mina, looking straight into her eyes. The way she blushed and murmured a weak "thank you" made him smile.
"You know, we can pretend not to know each other but still talk and look at each other, right? If the gossip girls see you purposely avoiding me, they'll find it suspicious," he teased, hoping to make her at least crack a smile. It worked, if only for a moment.
"Why? Because they're used to seeing every new girl swoon over you?" Mina scoffed.
"Precisely!" Jake replied with a grin.
Mina rolled her eyes playfully. 
"Of course they do…" She murmured.
She smiled again, and Jake felt a sense of relief. A smile was always a good start.
Let me introduce you to Mina and Jake here!
Chapter 7 is here :)
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to explain myself under the cut:
p3 would probably cook those horrid tiktok/generally bad (or socially unacceptable) recipes with the expectation that it'll be good. there's like a 50-50 chance the food'll be actually good or it'll be the worst thing your eyes and tastebuds have experienced
oh sir dude on the other hand would literally be like that trope of a child making a heinous concoction of a """meal""" for their parents as a well-meaning surprise. he'd straight up be like "honey i made dinner just for you 😍" and it's borderline poisonous semi-radioactive material schlop
p1 probably already has a decent amount of canned food/mres/frozen pre-prepared food at the ready, as i imagine having extreme paranoia would make you not wanna get take-out often. plus i imagine that while he could cook, he just chooses not to since it can be kinda draining sometimes (take it from me, someone who occassionally likes to cook every once in a while). that and actually intrusive thoughts could get concerning for him. On a good mental health day though, he'd be at 'can cook the basics' tier
i dont think nottem gives that much of a shit enough to put in any amount of effort to ever cook himself anything decent, let alone a basic dish. I feel like MAYBE the one time he would cook something is if uh idk he's on a date?????? but even then thats questionable dsfhhsddsfh
I know corkscrew isnt technically canon but THIS IS MY POST, I MAKE THE RULES HDSFHD but i feel like corkscrew would be too impatient to cook anything decent, or he's like drunk 80% of the time, which would make cooking a little risky. also i imagine him cooking would be like that one meme video of a lady going "now add 2oz of vodka" then proceeds to pour half the bottle in like its nothing dsfhds
P2 and P4 both would only cook those easy to make, simple recipes that dont require much ingredients or preparation but for entirely different reasons. P2 is mainly bc i can see him just being too exhaused and stressed after a day out in paradise, so why add more to that? thats even if hes hungry considering the fact he ate like all the towns pizza and donuts hsdfhdjs. with p4 on the other hand he's just enjoying the simple stress free life, so why be so snooty and pretentious, especially over something he'll inhale anyway?
Recidivist and Widowmaker, based on their loose descriptions, I feel probably wouldn't have much motivation or generally aren't very hoity toity. they just want to make their dinner and so be it if it's simple, life is already difficult to them as it is. heck theyd probably just order take out or some shit. post-nottem's rein of terror, they largely wouldn't really care about cooking anyway so bare minimum it is.
Movie Dude is literally the one postal dude regional varient that actually has some sembalance of his shit together, so i imagine that in an ideal situation, he could probably cook you up a nice homemade meal. it's not gonna be food network-type worthy, but man you WILL like it
Psychocop, esp. pre-nottem's supermassive scp k-class senario, probably seemed like the kind of guy that had his dookie together and enjoyed making himself a nice dinner anytime he could make something. post-nottem's 360 noscope against humanity attempt, i can definately see him making his comrades something thats actually fucking good bc he got tired of seeing them make shitty basic ass food by themselves that wont help them out in the long run during their own rein of terror
Redux would still have the same-ish issues that P1 has, but i feel like redux would try to improve himself and try to overcome them anyway since he just wants to live a happy life just like everyone else. because of that, i imagine he'd like take cooking almost very seriously, wanting to take time (if he can) to make himself a good ass meal as a form of self-care. it would be so much so that if he ever had to be ur roommate, you'll have the bestest fuckin homemade food in ur whole damn life when he does feel like cooking. like literally lifechanging in a way. obviously he wouldnt use stupid boujie ingredients or dumb shit like that but my god you will FEEL boujie just eating it. he'd obviously have his off-days where he'd get take-out or go for pre-made but homemade makes him feel a bit better
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
Hi! I've been reading your snippets of the baby au and, I'm sorry, but I have to ask you: how do you think jalice vampire parents would be different of jalice human parents? Of course it would be a completely different world without all the trouble about raising a fragile little kid being killing machines and all, but I wanted to know your thoughts on it. Also, I've seen you are surprised of how much people are enjoying and asking about babyfic, but you just made Alice and Jasper...Alice and Jasper from Twilight...as parents...It's so cute and unexpected and actually good????
Ooof, that's something I've considered and listen, it's hard to determine without knowing the upbringing and background of Jasper and Alice as humans. If we convert their canon background into contemporary equivalents, it's going to be messy.
Prepare for rambling.
In Hybrid, Alice has a very much 'challenge accepted'/'hold my beer' kind of attitude to life. Whatever happens, she's willing to roll with the punches; she's very straight to the point and determined. She'll be the first one to say that she absolutely wanted an abortion, but that wasn't on the cards so she had her son and loves him. And Jasper has never felt as old or as young as when he's faced with Alice and Ollie; he's done horrific things and now has the one thing that Esme and Rose want more than anything: a child. And for him, it's a gift and a curse. He is terrified of letting Alice and Ollie down, and he has this insane responsibility all of a sudden, but he loves them both so fiercely. Plus they have a great support network - Alice's dads are super supportive and heavily involved, and the Cullens only want good things for Alice and Jasper. And Peter would fucking decimate anyone who tried to mess things up for Jasper.
Maria's more amused than anything else.
As vampire/human, they also have insane resources that would save so much stress and give them the maximum amount of time with their son. They have more money than Bezos; they can have their own home, buy whatever they need, give Ollie the best education and opportunities. Jasper doesn't sleep, so Alice is well-rested. If they need childcare whilst they go to college, or on a date, there are half a dozen family members who are right there - three of them with medical training.
But on the flip side, Jasper is so far removed from humanity because of his age - and the fact he's frozen as a Civil War-era nineteen/twenty year old, there's a significant learning curve for him. Bluey? Pokemon? Fortnite? He's totally out of his depth and has to kind of let his son teach him about being human in modern day. (Alice has a pretty frank discussion with Jasper about their stance if Ollie comes out as LGBTQ+, and is relieved to find out that vampires have significantly less hangups about that then humans, and Ollie can identify and be whomever he wants to be forever.)
And - I can't remember if this already came up - Ollie isn't immortal. He's going to live a normal human lifespan with two immortal-ish parents (listen, Alice isn't going to live forever, either, but that's a whole other thing). So he's going to be 15, 21, 30, 40, 50 etc, with parents that look 19, who can't even 'be' his parents at his graduation or his wedding or the arrival of his children. He's going to be an old man on his deathbed, clutching his mother's hand and she hasn't aged a day; she has to pose as a grandchild or a niece. So I think that Alice and Jasper are intensely aware that they have limited time with Ollie and they need to hold those precious 18 years very close.
So that's the vampire side of the scale. But on the human side, we're working with a traumatized veteran and a young woman estranged from her family, who spent time in a mental health facility and was aggressively stalked. That's a fuck ton of trauma, most likely financial insecurity and a lack of education.
I would even pitch that the pregnancy was incredibly accidental and Alice probably didn't notice until she was three months along. It might have even happened very early in the relationship, to really stack the odds against them. I think this version of Alice would focus on the sunshine and happiness of a baby, and not the reality, and Jasper would never leave her just because she's pregnant. So it's kind of recipe for disaster that turns out that it works.
They would still treasure their child, but they would have so much more stress and uncertainty. There would be a lot more bad days, and I can see them being kind of 'van life' people and telling people it's for the experience, but it's more to prevent anyone from taking Ollie from them when things aren't going well, to make both Alice and Jasper feel safe. So it's a lot more isolated. They have no immediate family support, and their day-to-day life would be so much more uncertain.
It's Jasper losing his temper because of PTSD, and then disappearing for the night because he's so ashamed of himself. It's Alice having a breakdown in their tiny van bathroom, and trying to convince herself she's safe, she's not crazy, and the stalker can't get her anymore. It's half home-schooling Ollie because they move around so much, but it's a lot of beach time and camping and just doing their best.
If we add the Cullens in as found family - whether that's as friends they meet in a community they stop in, as an extended family of one of them, or as former foster parents or something - it gets a little happier, because as much as I like to riff on the toxic possibilities of the Cullens, in Hybrid-verse they are kind and supportive and close. So this version would see a very loving family who are struggling, young people who have been dealt a very harsh lot in life and are trying to raise their son. Alice would trust the Cullens first - though wary of Carlisle (and Rose or Edward, if they were doctors) - and have no issue accepting a little bit of charity from Esme. Jasper would be insanely wary, especially when it came to compulsory reporters and Ollie, but I can see Emmett kind of drawing him out, and the education of the Cullens appealing to Jasper and him beginning to aspire for better for Ollie's future.
When it comes to day-to-day child-raising, I think Jasper would be way, way more hands-on as a parent as a vampire because of the limited time of childhood, and the fact he doesn't need to sleep or eat or work - if Ollie wants to spend a whole day building a fort, there is nothing else Jasper has to worry about. Jasper is intensely invested in making sure Ollie is smart and safe and happy, so he's constantly reading parenting books, child psychology books, any kind of material that will make him a good father. He'd be playing catch with eggs every day for months to make sure he never, ever accidentally bruises Ollie; there would be sweaters and blankets all over the house to make sure Ollie isn't uncomfortable falling asleep against his shoulder, or getting cold when he wants a snuggle. And Ollie sees his dad as a hero, as a protector, as someone who can fix any problem. Going camping, building a treehouse, playing baseball - there is nothing Jasper won't do for Ollie.
Alice would have a special bond with Ollie, having that human experience - especially since Jasper is a hopeless cook. It's Alice making cookies with Ollie and making a huge mess. It's Alice who he gives his bad Halloween candy to. It's Alice who falls asleep with him when he crawls into his parents' bed. It's Alice who wipes up tears and puts on bandaids when he skins his knees.
On the flipside, things are a bit rougher in the potential AH verse. Jasper struggles with PTSD and holds himself back a little - he can read to Ollie, play boardgames and do outdoor things like surfing and camping, but he struggles with depression and PTSD, so he lashes out emotionally and isolates himself a lot.
Alice is erratic and ultimately, frightened of outsiders. She's dreadfully overprotective of Ollie incase CPS or her father tries to take Ollie from her for not being good enough. So there are a lot of nights where Alice sits up awake to make sure Ollie is safe as he sleeps - and she would never disturb Jasper's sleep because he has so few good nights.
Money would be tight, so food wouldn't be fancy - especially since both of them would be hopeless cooks. Jasper's meds, gas, and food would be their priorities and there would be a lot of days when Alice and Jasper went without to make sure Ollie got everything he needed. Things would get significantly better when the Cullens met them and gave them the love and support of a family, but they would never be hugely affluent. I think Ollie would grow up intensely aware of his parents' issues and shortcomings but would have learned from his upbringing to treasure the positives and the happy times rather than resent the hard and ugly parts.
So, tldr, I think that human/vampire parents would actually be a happier kind of version than the all-human version in my head. But honestly, what defines Alice and Jasper as characters is their complete devotion to the other, above all else. That would extend to their child, no matter how accidental that child was; I can just see the realities of human life creating a much harsher story with their backstories.
Was that right? The kind of answer you were looking for?
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Losers Round 5, Match 2: Francisca (Kirby) vs. The Icewarden (Flight Rising)
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Francisca Propaganda:
she’s SUCH a little freak she canonically has a collection of victims she’s frozen with magic. so many ppl characterize her as the nice/normal one but like. she’s a weirdo and i adore her.
Icewarden Propaganda:
sorry but the icewarden is the dragon Ice Diety not totally sure about his lore bc the only diety I bothered to learn the indepth Lore of was Spacedad but the guy lives in the frozenest part of the land has ice in his NAME created two seperate fuzzy dragon breeds (so that they could also live in the frozenest part of sornieth) i cannot stress enough this man is the dragon god of being cold also 90% sure he was created when a cloud of ash blotted out the sun and froze over the southern part of the sea creating the southern icefields and one (1) very cold god
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seishun-emergency · 1 year
ithink natsume harem/polycule/whatever would actually. all go on pet dates. because im like 99% sure natsume has cats and even if he doesnt in canon he should. and koga and souma bringing leon and kamegorou to natsumes house because cats are chill and i think everyone loves cats because mika is friends with naru and he would obviously hang out with her cat because. well. yes. and souma has that one card of him hiding a cat in his jacket. and koga would get dragged along and so would hokuto and. oh man youve already given me thoughts about them.
NATSUME HAREM PET DATES !!!! you're so right you're so right. hokuto doesnt seem like the kinda guy that would like pets initially but u know how when someone Isn't A Pet Person every pet in the vicinity makes it their personal mission to bother them. hokuto somehow has natsume's cats sitting in his lap (natsume voice hokke-kun you must be really speciAL, they normally hate everyone except mE) and kamegorou is in his hands (hokuto is really scared of accidentally dropping kamegorou but souma's like no no you're doing great. hokuto is literally frozen with fear) and leon is running literal circles around him. all the other members of the polycule are taking like a thousand photos (ESPECIALLY mika he loves taking photos of all of them and showing them excitedly to arashi) and hokuto is so simultaneously embarrassed and stressed about accidentally hurting one of the pets
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ghost4ghosts · 10 months
it's always cool revisiting something you liked when you were younger and seeing how your feelings about it have evolved.
like, i watched angels in america when the revival came out and i was finishing high school. i related a lot to harper with her unnamed "emotional problems", fear of abandonment, and codepency on joe. i kinda saw myself in her, someone who failed to meet everyone's expectations. someone who wants so badly to escape antarctica, where emotions are frozen and you can see rip in the ozone layer.
fast forward like 5 years, i rewatched part 1 right before having my first ever surgery. neither were planned. i watched it on a whim and, i guess, a desire to see andrew garfield look like a poor meow meow on stage. this time round, i saw myself in prior. i'm not going into details on the surgery, but i was in the worst pain i ever felt in my entire life. i felt like i was dying. that terrified me. maybe the only lucid thought in my head as i gasped for breath on a hospital bed was prior's monologue in heaven. but still. still! i want more life. bless me. more life.
this year has been especially cruel to me. something happened right after my birthday and i had to mourn. in fact i'm still mourning (the 4 month mark passed right before i went to the ER). i've been consistenly sick since the end of may. needing surgery was the shitty cherry on top. but fuck, man, i think all this stress and tragedy shocked the suicidality out of me.
it takes a tremendous amount of strength and tenacity to want to keep living. like okay yeah i didn't have a deadly, stigmatized disease like prior, but i think the sense of helplessness is the same. not being in control of your body is a scary fucking thing. i wanted to grasp at any chance to live. depsite all the risks and anxieties, fear of operation, having to depend on someone for a month of recovery, i wanted all of that. anything but dying.
so here i am. with more life. i feel humbled. crushed into little pieces then started all over again. i feel like this is a turning point in my life. a Canon Event. i stopped feeling suicidal since that cruel, cruel spring day, and now i'm left with more life. i just hope i keep wanting it.
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koumine · 2 years
Hello~ I’m in the mood for some pathetic Lucifer. Because oh my God, he’s so pathetic in canon🥺👏❤️Love that in a man. Imagine him so stressed and pent up, he can’t do paperwork anymore, yet tries so hard. Mc tried to get him to do sexy times to help him release, but he’s knocked out like a light once his head hits the mattress. He starts snoring and MC‘s is used to it by now. Then he wakes up in middle of the night and he’s restless and still pent-up. He’s too bashful and feels bad waking you up, so he humps the covers. He tries to be quiet, by covering his mouth, but whines escape his mouth and he doesn’t wake up MC because they’re used to his snoring so can withstand even a car honking the middle of the night. He either goes to sleep, dissatisfied or is uncomfortable the entire night . ( I’m sorry for being so mean)Then in the morning, he tries again to have some fun time, but Cerberus bursts in, with his tail wagging for his daily walk. 😭 ( I’m sorry for being so mean)
ok anon, I'm not usually into the calling somebody pathetic thing, but when you frame it like that, yeah, he's very pathetic and I love it actually
This is so very mean of you. >:3 Let's be meaner.
Lucifer trying to get off in the middle the night and ending up dissatisfied is 🤏🤏🤏 hehe. But what if we then semi-combine this with that one prompt about a sub being soft and needy that I reblogged semi-recently:
[tags: masturbation, appreciative humiliation] [rated E] [WIP ZONE]
Lucifer wakes up in the middle of the night all cuddled up to MC, his leg slung over their hip, his cock hard, wanting fiercely. But he can't just rut against MC while they're asleep, so he doesn't. But fuck, he can't make himself move away to deal with it either, so for a long time he just stays completely still, clinging to MC and wishing. And even pathetically whining a little -- he can't help it.
But then MC's subconscious brain is like "waitaminute that's not a snoring sound to ignore, that is a very important Pathetic Lucifer sound, time to wake up". As soon as MC stirs a little, Lucifer throws himself off of them in a panic and, no longer frozen in pathetic limbo, puts his hand on his crotch and just grinds up into it, needing something, anything.
MC wakes up, but lies there in the dark just pretending to be asleep. Just listening to the muffled whining as Lucifer drags handfuls of the duvet between his legs to hump, chasing an orgasm that probably won't even satisfy him, whimpering please and MC's name more pathetically than they've ever heard. And Lucifer knows he's being pathetic, but he can't help it, and fuck, the humiliation of knowing it only makes him hotter and needier.
MC lets him finish. Lets him hump the duvet until he comes in his sleep pants. Waits a little longer, long enough for him to stop whimpering and start wondering whether he has enough energy to get up and clean himself up or if he's just going to let the cum dry in his pants and go back to sleep.
And then MC sits up, presses him down flat to the bed, and takes over. Lucifer is so incredibly pathetic, and MC is going to tell him so. Appreciatively, of course. Crooning it to him as sweetly as praise, as they fuck him hard and finally give him what he needs.
oh my fucking hell I wrote this whole thing before it occurred to me that I was envisioning this happening in Lucifer's room, which means he would be sleeping in his true form, per my headcanon. He's being That Pathetic in his true form. 🤯🤯🤯
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mrsbrookemunson · 3 years
💚Rule The World💚 D.M. (After Hogwarts)
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(I Do Not Own This Gif)
Song: “Rule The World” Take That
Prompt: You’re Snape’s daughter getting married to Draco Malfoy. It is based off my DR which Voldemort doesn’t come back in.
Year: After Hogwarts
House: Any
Warnings: EXTREMELY LONG, but I wanted to have a lot of different aspects. The weirdest ship canons, FLOOF, my terrible humor, and just it’s a lot. But, I squealed so many times writing this.
… Rule the World …
♬ You Light The Skies Up Above Me ♬
Draco releases a shaky breath he’s been holding for the last minute, adjusting his black blazer for the hundredth time. “Hey,” Blaise calls out announcing his presence. “Don’t pass out on us,” he jokes with a reassuring smile. His footsteps echo loudly as he strolls further into the tense air that fills the room.
Draco, however, couldn’t find it in himself to laugh. “What if she regrets it?” he blurts, looking at Blaise through the reflection of the mirror.
“She won’t.” 
He shakes his head. “What if she realizes I’m nothing compared to her?” he stresses. More burdening thoughts building in his mind. 
“You need to stop overthinking it. She said yes, didn’t she?” 
“Well, she might not see it now, but what if in a year she looks at me and… What if her heart rate doesn’t increase when I kiss her? Or she doesn’t push my hair back when it’s in my eyes?” He turns around to face Blaise, and more in this case… His Best Man. “What if I tell her that I love her, and she doesn’t say it back?”
“You don’t think she worries about these same silly possibilities as well. You don’t think at this moment she’s wondering… ‘What if he falls out of love with me?’” 
“Why would she need to worry about that?”
Blaise gives him a pointed look. “See my point?” 
Draco was about to reply when a knock was placed on the door. “Sorry,” a woman’s voice says. Pale, blue eyes find an identical pair from across from her. 
“I’ll leave you two to talk.” Blaise excuses himself. “Mrs. Malfoy.” He bows his head slightly, walking past her.
“Mother,” Draco breathes once alone.
Narcissa breaks into a smile. “You--” she cuts herself off, choking up on her own words. “You look so handsome, my boy.” 
Draco doesn’t reply, but instead marches over and wraps his arms around her. “Am I making the right choice?” 
She pulls him away from her. “Oh, my dear, that’s for you to decide. When she walks down that aisle, and the world fades to darkness, and only she shines brighter than every star in the galaxy combined, then you found the one, Draco.” She grasps his arms, comfortingly. 
“What if she stops loving me?” 
She tilts her head. “If you truly love her… It’s a risk you’ll be willing to take.” 
♬ A Star So Bright You Blind Me ♬
♬ Don’t Close Your Eyes ♬
“Blaise!” Luna exclaims, seeing her boyfriend walk in.
Y/N turns around with a small gasp. 
He shudders a little into a frozen position. “Wow.” He blinks a couple of times. “You look…” 
“I think the word is beautiful,” Luna finishes. 
Blaise laughs. “Yeah…” His chuckle gets louder. “Please tell me your thoughts are more put together than the grooms.” 
Y/n, confused, furrows her eyebrows. “Draco? What’s wrong with him?” 
“Just the traditional post-panic attack one has before a very big moment in their life,” he explains. 
“In that case… He’s not alone,” she admits.
Blaise looks over to Luna, who confirms with a nod. “She’s been asking me what if’s since we put on the dress.” 
He bites his lip to suppress a wide grin. “You two really are soulmates.”
Y/N was about to reply when a knock interrupted them. “I’m sorry to…” The man’s voice fades. 
“Father,” she whispers. 
Blaise eyes Luna still sitting down on the cushioned bench near a window. He clears his throat. “Luna, let’s go… Check on the guests.” 
“But--” His eyes widened, averting between Severus and Y/N. Something clicks. “Oh, yes. Let’s do that. I’ll be back soon.” 
They leave hand-in-hand. 
“You--” Severus cuts himself off with a sigh. “Where did the time go?”
Y/N sniffles, trying to hold back her tears. She shrugs. “To be honest… I don’t know,” she giggles, but it comes out strained. 
“And you are sure this is the boy you want to marry?” he asks, seriously.
“I love him, father… I really do.” She smiles, butterflies filling her stomach due to her own words. Ironic. 
“Love go--” 
“You of all people should know if you truly loved in the first place then that love never goes away.”
He lets out a huff, forming into an approving smile. “I taught you well.” 
“You did, so you should trust me to make the right decisions.” She slowly walks up to him. “You do trust me, don’t you?”
“Always. All I want for you is to be happy, and to wait until you’re ready to--” 
She hugs him tightly, him not hesitating to hug her back after a moment. “I’m ready father…” She lets go, holding her arm out. “Are you?” She raises an amused eyebrow.
“Never.” He links his arm. “But, for you… I will be.” 
♬ Don’t Fade Away Don’t Fade Away♬
♬ Yeah, You And Me We Can Ride On A Star♬
♬ If You Stay With Me Girl We Can Rule The World♬
People flooded the extravagant building. Filled with color, glowing flowers, fireflies, everything illuminated vibrantly, trees were blue, pink water fell from its fountain, and stars could be seen as clear as if you were on the tallest mountain in the night with no such thing as pollution or clouds. It looked as though it came out of an enchanting fairytale.
Laughter erupted, and stories were being shared amongst the crowd. The couple’s friends and family could be seen at every angle. They were there, all there for them, for this moment. Besides one. “Mister Malfoy.” 
Draco jumped violently. “Prof--” Severus raised an eyebrow. “Severus,” he corrected. 
Severus hummed. “Do you remember when you asked for your blessing to marry my daughter?” he asked, walking up to the trembling boy until he stood right in front of him.
“Y-Yes sir,” Draco stuttered. 
“You asked me right when you were both eighteen years old with a ring already in your grasp,” Severus added. “Yet, it took you a year to actually ask her.” He stared at him down, intensely. “You’re a coward.” 
Draco’s expression contorts into a large frown. “I know, sir.”
“But…” Severus begins. “I am no less of a coward than you, but you have to understand why I am afraid to put my world right into your hands.” 
“I understand, sir.” 
“Good.” Severus turns around to leave.
“Why did you approve my blessing?” Draco asks. “At such a young age?” 
Without turning around, Severus simply states, “Because of him.” He leaves.
Draco’s eyes narrow at the door. Memories flooding back of him. The only one that isn’t here on what is supposed to be the happiest day of his life.
“Draco!” His booming voice causes Draco to flinch at the door slamming. “What is this I hear about you getting engaged?” Lucius asks, aggressively pulling the boy’s collar to face him. 
“It’s true, father. I asked Y/N to marry me.” 
Lucius throws Draco to the ground. “Without my permission?” 
Draco glares at him. “I am nineteen, father, I don’t need to run everything by you anymore,” he defends.
“In Merlin’s name you will. You will marry Astor--” 
“Say her name once and see what happens,” Draco warns, standing upright. “I certainly will not marry Greengrass.”
Lucius points a stern finger, taking a sharp inhale through his teeth. “You--”
“Lucius!” His head turns to look at the owner of the voice to see Narcissa. 
Ignoring her he puts his attention on Draco again. “You are a disgrace to me. You are no son of mine.” That was the last he’s heard from his father, nor been in what he used to call home.
♬ Yeah, You And Me We Can Light Up The Sky♬
♬ If You Stay By My Side We Can Rule The World♬
♬ If Walls Break Down I Will Comfort You♬
“To ever think we were gonna get a shot at her,” Fred says towards George who nods in agreement. 
“We even made a schedule.” 
“A well organized one in that matter,” he replies.
“You really want to bring this up today?” Ginny questions, disgusted by the boy's conversation.
“Of all days to talk about you guys shagging her, it’s at her wedding,” Ron chimes in.
“There’s no better day to,” Fred laughs. “We might still get the chance, y’know? She’s not married, yet.” He suggestively winks. 
“Ew.” Ginny looks away from the sight. 
“Good luck with that,” Ron comments. “End up getting Avad--” 
“Ron!” Hermione shouts. “Don’t you dare say what I think you were about to say.” She plops beside him on the friends/young adults side of the seating area. 
“Don’t yell at me, yell at them, they’re the ones talking about getting together with the bride before she says ‘I do’,” Ron rushes, holding his hands up in defense.
“If. If she says ‘I do’,” Tom interferes. 
“Now, Riddle, don’t go scheming against our best friend's wedding.” Mattheo appears beside him (They’re brothers!)
“Now, Riddle, I would never do such a thing.” Tom clicks his tongue with a sly wink towards the group, taking a sip of his drink.
“You’re already getting drunk?” Theo smirks. “Without me.” 
“Bloody Hell, how many Slytherins are there?” Ron scans the room to see if he could spot any more faces that he could recognize from school that wore green robes. 
“We get around places,” Theo replies. 
“There you guys are!” Harry jogs up. “Couldn’t find you.” 
“Scarhead!” Tom (Also Voldemort and Tom are two different people, it’s chaotic I know!)  chuckles with a large smile. “Didn’t think I’d find you here.” His eyes quickly flicker up and down.
Harry stares awkwardly at the guy. “Well, I am,” he responds, sarcastically. He sits next to Ginny. 
Neville comes spinning down the aisle. “Don’t you just love weddings?” 
Ginny gets up. “You’re here.” She glances around. “Finally.” Relief washed over her. She pecked his cheek. 
A pair runs in, rushed. “Sorry, we’re late.” Cedric looks at Cho who is next to him. 
Harry stands up, suddenly. “It’s okay, I mean--I’m guessing it’s okay.” He moves to an open space where he can shake Cedric’s hand. “Good to see you again.” His eyes meet dark brown ones. “Cho.” He nods in acknowledgement. 
She forms a thin line smile. “Harry.”
Tom looks at the ceiling in annoyance. “Kill me now,” he mutters.
♬ If Angels Cry Oh I’ll Be There For You♬
♬ You’ve Saved My Soul♬
“Sirius!” Tonks pulls him into a quick hug. “Great to see you again. Remus is around here somewhere, probably already crying, you know how he was at James and Lily’s wedding.”
Sirius chuckles at the memory. “How could I not remember? He cried everyday when they were gone on their honeymoon.” 
“You boys better not do anything funny, you hear me?” they hear a woman scold. “You pull any prank and you’ll be getting a load from me! Understood?” 
Fred and George glance at each other. “Understood,” they say at the same time.
Sirius and Tonks look towards the noise to see Molly. As Fred and George shuffle past the two the only thing they could make out was-- “Should we tell her about the cheese?” 
“I’m here,” Remus announces. “Just had to use the bathroom.” His giddy excitement over the event being taken place was endearing. It falters. “Severus.” 
The adults all look at the man. 
“How’s the bride?” Molly asks, unfazed. “Oh.” She waves it off. “I’ll just go check.” She pats his shoulder. 
“I’ll come with you.” Tonks follows.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to walk her down the aisle?” Remus asks. 
Severus doesn’t move not until Narcissa can be seen out of the corner of his eye. “It’s almost time,” she informs. 
She was right. Luna was finally getting Ginny and Hermione, while Blaise was grabbing Tom, Mattheo, and Theo. Hagrid was getting ready to officiate this wedding.
Things were becoming too surreal for Severus. He didn’t know if he would be able to go through with all of this. His eyes analyze everyone around, familiar and unfamiliar. “It’s almost time,” he repeats, more to convince himself than anyone else. “I should go,” he whispers before someone asks if he was okay. 
When he arrives at the room Y/N has been in since early this morning, the room they had their talk in. She was surrounded by women, pestering her with compliments and words of encouragement, finishing whatever they started when he wasn’t here. “Is it time?” she asks, her breath getting hitched in her throat. 
He gives a single nod. “It is.” 
Y/N takes a deep breath. “It’s time,” she repeats to herself. 
“It’s never too late to turn back now,” Ginny says, in more of a teasing, unserious tone, but it still earned her a glare from Hermione. “What? Leave the man at the altar for all I care.” Molly puts her hands on her hips, looking at her daughter. “Sorry,” she mumbles.
Y/N can’t hold back her laugh. “Thanks Ginny. But, I think I know what I’m doing.” She looks in the mirror one last time. Her light, baby blue gown that she’s dreamt about since she was a young teenager, her golden crown at the top of her head that blue butterflies flew around with a ray of light trail, and that necklace she’s been wearing for years, the necklace that her father gave her when he first held her in his arms. It was perfect. 
♬ Don’t Leave Me Down Don’t Leave Me Now♬
♬ Yeah, You And Me We Can Ride On A Star♬
♬ If You Stay With Me Girl We Can Rule The World♬
Draco, Blaise, Theo, Mattheo, and Tom all lined up in their designated spots. 
“I hate to say it Freddie, but I think Draco’s beating us in the outfit game. Why didn’t we wear tuxedos like that?” They both look at each other which causes them to burst out laughing, loud enough for Molly to send them a death threatening glare. 
“We best be careful,” Fred says, taking note of her. 
Blaise places a hand on Draco’s shoulder. “Relax,” he whispers. 
Draco doesn’t respond, but instead searches for his mother who he found rather quickly. She gives a small smile, and her eyes read ‘remember what I said’. He took her wise words to heart. His eyes closed to give it his best attempt to slow down his heart rate, but it was useless.
“Dude stop gawking at Potter, will you,” Mattheo orders Tom.
“I’m not,” he argues.
Draco overhears this and looks towards the brothers. “You’re still on that?” he asks.
“Since they first met,” Mattheo states. 
“If I knew any better, I’d say it was love at first sight,” Theo ridicules. 
“Knock off!” Tom growls. 
Music begins to play, signaling everyone to quiet down. 
Draco’s heart sinks to his stomach, looking in front of him. “Just remember… She chose you, you guys wouldn’t be here right now if she didn’t know what she truly wanted. And that’s you, Draco,” Blaise assures.
Draco turns to him, smiling. “This is why you’re my best man.” They hug briefly. 
“Ouch,” Tom mouths, but everyone caught it, causing some chuckles, and laughs. 
First Molly and Tonks come pouring out of the opening in the wall. Some whistles shot towards them. Molly strikes a pose, and Tonks just steps aside to gesture towards the confident lady. They go to sit down. 
Next comes the bridesmaids, Ginny and Hermione walking out together, smiling, as they were applauded by the crowd, going up to line on the opposite side of the boys. The cheering got louder when Luna walked out and gave a little twirl. 
“YEAH!” Blaise exclaims. The boys gave him a weirded out expression ‘causing him to be slightly embarrassed. “What?” He shrugs, straightening his jacket. “That’s my girl.” 
She walks up, blowing a kiss towards Blaise, which he caught, blowing one right back at her. “You may now stand for the bride,” she announces, proudly.
Everything began to slow down, and the lights suddenly turned off, and colorful candles were magically lit around the people. Everyone stood up, and looked down the aisle, poised, and more than ready to see Y/N. Draco’s hands began to feel clammy, looking down at his shoes. Was he ready? Would this end up in what he feared most? A relationship like his parents?
He heard everyone gasp, making him look up. Those worries vanished immediately. 
♬ Yeah, You And Me We Can Light Up The Sky♬
♬ If You Stay By My Side We Can Rule The World♬
♬ All The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight♬
♬ They’re Lighting Up The Sky Tonight For You For You♬
Draco’s eyes found hers, and all the color in the world faded to black and white, only her in the most vibrant shade he’s ever seen. She did shine brighter than every star in the entire galaxy… Scratch that. The universe, and so much more. He felt dizzy as the past caught up to him. It felt like he was meeting her for the first time all over again.
Y/N and Severus walked down the grand staircase of Malfoy Manor, with their arms linked. “Wow,” she breathed. “This is breathtaking.”
They finally reached the end where the Malfoy family stood waiting. “Severus.” Lucius shook his hand as a weird form of greeting. Weird to Y/N at least. 
“Lucius,” he replied. 
“This must be Y/N,” Narcissa says, kindly, looking down at the girl who was too busy taking in her environment. People dancing, laughing, eating, drinking, everything she's ever wanted to witness. She felt like a princess.
Severus nudges the ten year old. “Oh.” She snaps out of her trance. “Yes, hello.” She bows. 
Narcissa looks towards a boy that looked about her age that stood right in front of her. “This is our son--”
“Malfoy,” he cuts his mother off. “Draco Malfoy.” He holds out his hand for her to shake.
“L/N,” she mimics. “Y/N L/N.” She accepts his handshake, boldly.
“L/N?” he questions.
“My mother’s last name,” she explains. “My father said I looked like her tonight.” She spins in her baby blue gown, holding onto her butterfly crown that sat around her head so that it didn’t fall off. “Father always said she liked butterflies,” she adds, seeing his gaze stuck on the ones that stuck out in mid-air.
“You remind me of a butterfly,” he admits, meeting her eyes. Her smile instantly sends an unfamiliar warmth through him, and he almost found himself genuinely smiling back. 
“I’ll take it as a compliment.” She turns to her father only to find him engrossed in what looked to be a serious conversation with the Malfoys. “Would you like to dance?” Before he could answer she already had his hand in hers, dragging him to the dance floor.
Y/N knew what she was doing when she decided on this dress, and the way she did her hair. Her eyes peek down at her shoes, as she tried to suppress her smile, but miserably failed to. It reminded Draco that no matter how many times he saw her dressed up it could never compare to this, it could never not send him into a daze. He was drunk off of her, addicted to her in the best way possible. And all he could see was his future with her, there was no option for her not to be in it. His eyes follow her every movement as she gives the daisy filled bouquet to a young girl. 
Severus and her come to a stop. She places a gentle kiss on her father’s cheek. “I love you, father,” she whispers, as he lets go, her now finding Draco’s soft, cold hand that comforted her.
♬ All The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight♬
♬ They’re Lighting Up The Sky Tonight For You For You♬
♬ Yeah, You And Me We Can Ride On A Star♬
♬ If You Stay With Me Girl We Can Rule The World♬
Y/N and Draco stand facing each other, holding hands.
They silently wait for Hagrid to say something, but when all he does is sniffle they both look at the giant man. “Sorry!” He wipes his tears away. “It’s just… You kids grow up so fast,” he continues, crying harder. 
Y/N giggles, looking at Draco whose patience is starting to thin. “Hagrid!” she playfully yells. “We’ll be dead before you marry us at this rate.” 
Everyone laughs at her joke which causes him to straighten his posture. “Excuse me Y/N.” He sighs, blowing his nose. “I’m ready.” Laughs fill the room yet again. “Everyone may be seated.” They do so. “We are gathered here today to join Y/N L/N and Draco Malfoy in an act of true love--” 
They both drown out Hagrid’s voice when they get lost in each other’s eyes. 
Hagrid clears his throat loudly. “What?!” Draco accidentally shouts.
Y/N erupts into laughter
“Vows,” Hagrid answers, shortly. “You guys wrote your own vows, right?” 
“Y-Yes,” Draco stammers, only letting go of one of Y/N’s hands to fish out a piece of paper in his pocket. People snicker, which causes him to stop. “You know I’m bad at memorising things.” 
“I didn’t say anything,” Y/N comments, cheekily. 
He finally gets it out, having trouble unfolding it with just one hand, but nevertheless gets it done. “Okay…” His voice seemed to tremble, and so did his hands which everyone was able to now see with how the paper shaked profusely. “I never told you this, I never thought I would, but… Here I am about to spill a secret I’ve been keeping for ten years,” he starts. “I was terrified when I met you. You intimidated me, more than my father at the time--” he pauses as Narcissa’s laugh could slightly be heard in the crowd, “--first you come in next to my future professor, looking absolutely breathtaking, I tried to be cool by introducing myself then you had to go ahead and do the same thing with triple the confidence, with a smile that could melt the heart of any ten year old boy, next thing I know I’m waltzing with you like we’ve done it a million times.” Y/N smiles at his words. “And that smile hasn’t changed the effect it has on me. I never told you why you remind me of a butterfly, why I told you that the night we met.” She tilts her head. “First of all… You have the beauty of one.” The crowd lets out an ‘aw’. Draco’s face turns blood red. “You have the wonder of one, I was so scared, I still am that I will end up touching one of your wings and you’ll leave me. You are so free that sometimes I feel like I am the rain that is slowing you down, you’re able to face anyone you want, yet still have that space unless you’re certain you can trust them. You trust me, or you make me believe you do, don’t know why to be honest. Lastly is that I am actually a little afraid of butterflies. But, truly there’s so much I wish I could say right now to you, but that’s why I’m here, to have all the time in the world to tell you everything I want to.” 
♬ Yeah, You And Me We Can Light Up The Sky♬
♬ If You Stay By My Side We Can Rule The World♬
♬ All The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight♬
♬ They’re Lighting Up The Sky Tonight For You For You♬
Y/N was rendered speechless. “You’re good,” she chokes out. “You’re good.” He laughs at her reaction. “I feel a little stupid now, because mine isn’t that good,” she self-deprecates. She clears her throat. “Here we go…” She purses her lips. “I hate you Draco Malfoy.” 
Everyone let out ‘oh’s and ‘oos’, Fred and George could be heard laughing from afar.
Draco freezes before leaning forward. “Do you want to do this in front of everyone right now? We can leave and talk if you--” 
“Oh!” Y/N cracks up, throwing her head back to laugh loudly. “That-that wasn’t it.” She looks back at him. “See? I told you mine wasn’t that good,” she jokes. “Just let me finish, ‘kay?” He nods, anxiously, still tense. She shakes her shoulders in an attempt to let the nerves go. “You’re a liar, you told me you didn’t smell anything with the Amortentia potion, but you did, it was me, you’re overly dramatic with the whole ‘it’s killed meh! it’s killed meh!’--” His eyes widened, embarrassed, “That time in second year when you called Hermione the ‘M’ word,” she whispers at the end. “Oh Merlin, remember that time you turned into a ferret!” She bursts into a hysterical fit of laughter. 
“It wasn’t that funny,” he mumbles.
“It was.” She moves to cup his face. “I hate you Draco Malfoy, I hated you even more with what Blaise told me.” 
Everyone’s attention snaps towards Blaise. “I--” 
“With what Narcissa told me privately.” Now all gazes go to her. “With what I heard and saw from you,” she pauses. “Just like you aren’t good at memorising, I’m not good at sticking to the script…” She smiles. “I hate you Draco Malfoy for ever doubting my love for you. Yes, you made many mistakes, but I saw change, I saw you. Why do you think I have so much wonder? Because you would read to me tales when I couldn’t sleep, or had nightmares. And you’ve already touched my wings a billion times because you were the one to fix them when anything and anyone brought me down. I am free because you made me believe I could touch the sky when we flew on that old, dusty broom you found in a closet, and by the way… I love the rain, you should know that with how many times we’ve danced in it. And Draco,” she begins to cry. “I’m only able to face people when I know you’d be there, because you didn’t pull away when I took your hand the night we met, and I trust you to take my hand if someone didn’t accept me. Damn you for not knowing why I’ve trusted you in all these years.” She lets go of his face. “And damn you for still not seeing how much I fucking love you Draco Malfoy. That’s why I hate you.” 
It goes eerily quiet when she’s finished, the sound of Draco’s first sob breaking it. “I-I--” 
Y/N gasps in horror. “Draco,” she cooed, brushing the hair out of his face that fell into his eyes which caused him to cover his face. “Don’t…” She inhales sharply. “I messed it up already, haven’t I?” 
He shakes his head. “I thought you said yours wasn’t good,” he whines. 
♬ All The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight♬
♬ They’re Lighting Up The Sky Tonight For You For You♬
♬ All The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight♬
♬ They’re Lighting Up The Sky Tonight For You For You♬
After Draco and Y/N took a breather after the strangest vow exchange anyone has ever seen in the room, they held the rings that’d symbolize everything they’ve worked for. “Do you Draco Malfoy take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, and to love in sickness and in wealth, till death do you part?” 
Draco smiles. “I do.” He slides the ring onto her finger. 
“And do you Y/N L/N take Draco Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband, and to love--and to hate--” Y/N rolls her eyes at Hagrid’s comment, ‘--in sickness and in wealth, till death do you part?” 
“I do.” She slides the ring onto his finger.
“By the power vested in me I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, you may now--” Draco not being able to hold himself back anymore, he presses his lips hastily onto Y/N’s, catching her by surprise. “Oh--uh--You may now kiss the bride!” Hagrid finishes quickly.
People stand up cheering loudly for the newlyweds
Y/N pulls away, trying to catch her breath. “I love you,” she whispers. “I really do.” 
“I love you too,” he replies with the same intensity.
As if Y/N suddenly remembers the most important aspect of this day she moves away from him. “The bouquet!” 
Draco looks at her confused. “That’s why you just left my grasp, because you need to throw the bouquet.” 
She rolls her eyes, dramatically. “Well, Draco, we’re the first ones married out of our entire friend group, we need someone to be in the same boat as us so we’re not alone.” 
She takes the bouquet back from the little girl, all the ladies of the crown notice quickly, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny jumping into the group that’s now gathering. “What are you thinking?” Blaise asks Draco who couldn’t take his eyes off his new wife. 
“That I hope this isn’t all just one crazy, realistic dream.”
Blaise shakes his head. “Not dreaming, bud.” 
Y/N turns around, and tosses the bouquet behind her. Wanting to see who caught it, her jaw drops at the victim. “What’s this rubbish?” Harry asks, holding it in his hand. 
“What’s this rubbish he says,” Fred says, popping out of nowhere. 
“This is your future,” George claims, leaning in. “Means you're getting married next.” 
“To who?” Harry asks, with a frown.
“Let’s say the next person you see.” Fred slaps his back, harshly. “Good luck.” They walk away.
Without really thinking Harry looks up to see a silhouette illuminated by a bright light behind them. “Lucky man whoever that one will be,” Tom utters, cooly, Harry getting the full view of him. “Catch you later, Potter.” 
♬ All The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight♬
♬ They’re Lighting Up The Sky Tonight For You For You♬
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