#this gif should be on tempo with the song
determunition · 2 years
The way you’ve characterized Lonely Wizard in your retyrement au fic (esp in that drawing you shared of the students and their interests outside of the painting interest that Magnificus kind of forces onto them) reminds me of the song “Remedy” by Little Boots. It’s a song all about how music and dancing can be liberating and freeing from a toxic mindset, and that really seems to fit their character.
not only are you right, you've enlightened me to a true banger; wiz would definitely jam to this kind of music ngl
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the only thing i'd dispute is that technically (in this AU anyway) the students are kinda trying to force the painting interest on themselves; they each have other forms of art that they're much better at and more passionate about but due to mag's reputation and level of prestige have convinced themselves that painting is the only true "high art"; that being said magnificus and his ego certainly won't miss an opportunity to feed into this misconception lol
but generally the song's lyrics fit into that reading too i think! also, not to spoil my own story, but the "dance with the enemy" bit of the chorus will become quite a bit relevant to wiz's character later...
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loveswrites · 1 year
Something with the Volturi, literally can be anything.
Poly Volturi x Reader
Time it took me: 2 hours and 2 minutes
Word count: 1839 words
To anon~ Hello lovely! I hope you liked it, I did! I was excited seeing your request for something with the volturi. I just couldn't wait to write it. Let me know if you want more like this! <3
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The arms around you wrapped onto you tightly. The music in your headphones was blasting a little too loud but you didn’t mind. You're basically in heaven right now. You felt the energy around you change and the tempo of Caius leg bouncing change. This let you know immediately that something was wrong. Taking off your headphones while opening your eyes that were previously closed, you were faced with Caius red eyes staring straight ahead with a deadly glare. Different from the one that was always on his face. You had taken your headphones off just in time to hear the end of the growls that were coming from your other mates.
You were currently sitting on Caius’s lap who was sitting in his throne. You were the only one who was allowed up here like this of course. It’s not like you hadn’t fought for this spot. All of your mates and all of the kings were considered for your safety as “We have a lot of enemies.” But you assured them that you would always be safe with them all in the room. So you were then granted permission to sit with the kings in the throne room during trails. Which didn’t matter cause you knew you were going to be in there anyways. You 're the future queen for heaven's sake.  
“You keep your mouth shut about things that have nothing to do with you.” Caius growled out. Sending waves of vibrations through his body making you shiver. You always liked the way he would growl when he was mad. It made you feel some type of way if you know what I mean. 
“I-Her music is very distracting! I can’t concentrate on the words coming out of my mouth!” The scared vampire kneeling stuttered out making you tear your eyes away from caius. You could stare at him all day if you could.  
The vampire looked terrified. He was shaking, his clothes were wet. You wondered if Felix and Demetri had to chase him through a lake or something as they were also wet. The two were holding him down to kneel in front of the kings as he tried to run away once already. You knew he was guilty of his crimes. You could smell it. And so could everyone else. 
“You wouldn’t have to think about anything if you weren't lying.” You stated, making all eyes turn to you. The kings had always preferred you to be silent so no unnecessary attention was drawn to you. You never listened. I don’t think they ever expected you to either. You’d always randomly laugh during trails. Or sing random words from songs that were stuck in your head. Or throw out random compliments to your mates or the other kings.
“I-I’m not lying I’m telling the truth!” He said, stuttering.
 Swinging your feet you stared at the vampire tilting your head you simply said. “Was that also a lie? You know after all these years of living or dying, Whatever you call it. I’d think you would’ve mastered the art of lying.”
Your comment brung a evil smile to Caius' face. His eyes were full of adoration 24/7 whenever he looked at you. 
“The level of the future queen's music should be of no concern to you.” Aro said, turning his head back to the Vampire. They always took pride in calling you their queen. Seeing that you were still human kinda shocked you but I guess there's an exception for mates.
“Mia cara, put your contraption back on and relax please.” Marcus said softly. You knowing exactly what was about to happen. You put your headphones back on. Turning the volume back up you closed your eyes and relaxed in Caius' grip. You felt Caius drawing patterns on your leg and his bouncing went back to normal. Kinda putting you in a rocking motion. You were very relaxed. You felt safer than ever. Somehow you fell asleep because when you woke up next you weren't in the throne room. Confusion ran across your face until realization came across you and you remembered that this was Jane’s room.
“Finally you're awake. You slept for hours.” Jane said, making you roll over to face her. Her face sparkled a little as some sun was coming through her balcony. You always loved watching her sparkle. You always teased her about being the bright star on earth. She’d always tell you to stop but you swear if she could she’d blush and be as red as a tomato all the time.
“You missed me?” You smiled up at her.
“Of course not you were right here this whole time. How could I possibly miss you?” Jane said with a straight face but couldn’t help herself with stroking the side of your waist. All of your mates had a favorite spot on your body they just looked to touch. It’s like you were just a stress ball for them. Made for them to grip, rub, bite etc. You loved it.
“But you stayed and watched me sleep? That sounds like fan behavior to me.” You stated softly dragging your fingers against her cheek. She leaned into your hand telling you she loved it. 
Jane was the hardest out of all your mates when it came to physical touch. You thought Caius would be the hardest to get to seeing as his awful hate to humans. But you're convinced that Jane’s is 10x worse. Rightfully so as her past with Humans wasn’t so good.
“I couldn’t just leave you alone.” She softly said with her eyes closed. She relaxed in your touch bringing a bigger smile to your face.
“Why not? Scared someone would come in here and snatch me away?” You giggled. Making her snap her eyes open bringing you to a halt with everything you were doing. Including breathing. 
“If someone dared to lay a hand on you I’d kill them all. Everyone, no hesitation.” Jane said sternly. Her piercing red eyes would scare any normal person, but with her words and lovely eyes you knew damn well you weren’t normal. Because with all of those things combined you felt Loved.  
“I know you would but I’m okay so you can relax, pretty girl.” 
“I am relaxed.” She said, You shook your head and brought her in for a kiss. Just a soft reassuring kiss. 
Jane responded to the kiss by pulling you closer to her by your hair deepening the kiss. It was a little aggressive but you knew that she was being gentle. She and Caius had a hard time being gentle but you loved them nonetheless. A few minutes into a kiss that was supposed to last only for a few seconds a knock was heard on the door.
You pulled away getting off her lap which was where she pulled you to a minute after the kiss got deepened. Making Jane huff in protest. 
“Brother, go away!” She only but slightly raised her voice knowing he could hear her.
“Sister it is now my turn, You said when she awakened I could spend time with her. She’s awake, I hear her.” Alec’s voice mumbled through the door.
Kissing Jane on her nose you smiled at her getting up from the bed.
 “I’ll be back later.” 
 “You're the one who told him he could spend time with me after I had awakened, I didn’t agree to that. I’m only keeping your word, My pretty girl.” You smiled seeing her face which you knew she was flustered but also annoyed. The moment you opened the door you were snatched up by multiple hands making you squeal out in surprise. Wind rushed through your hair and hit your face. The world was blurry around you. It made you sick. You closed your eyes tightly in attempts to help with the splitting headache that you knew was on the express train to your head.
Finally you were put down on your two feet so suddenly making you stumble and hold your head. You already knew what was happening. You were being ambushed by Alec, Felix and Demitri. Your other mates. They liked to just grab you and run away no matter how many times you told them that their speed made you feel sick. They would always get cocky with themselves after you said it, so you stopped.
“What the hell again?!” You yelled out the moment you could hold yourself up without swaying side to side. All you got in response was chuckles and laughs from your lovers.
“I swear you guys may be older than the sun but you fucking act like you where born yesterday! How many times do I have to tell you that that shit makes me feel sick! My human shit can’t handle that! One of these days I’m gonna throw up on all of you and I’m not going to feel bad!” You ranted on holding your head as you felt the headache you were talking about earlier come on. 
“I’m sorry La mia bella ragazza.” Demitri said softly, coming up to you to wrap you around in his arms. He kissed your forehead in an attempt to make you feel better. You mumbled a few cuss words into his chest making him laugh softly.
“I know I know, we just wanted to try and spend some time with you before Caius came back from feeding.” Demitri said.
“We didn’t think you would sleep the whole day away in Jane’s room. It’s almost like you like her more than us or something.” Felix said. Even with your face hidden you knew that that 6 '7 teddy bear was pouting about you sleeping too long with someone else that wasn’t him. 
“Cauis said he wanted to capture you in your true beauty when he was done feeding. So with that information we knew you’d be gone for the rest of the day tucked away with the king.” Alec said coming up to you behind your back. Your face was still in Demetris' chest as Alec wrapped his arms around you from behind so he could kiss your neck softly. You let out a soft moan in response. 
Felix seeing this he came up to the on space that was available. With both sides of your neck now being kissed you had no choice but to keep your eyes closed and let out small whimpers. You were surrounded by three pieces of your heart. You felt nothing but happiness and joy right now. You can’t even remember what your life was like without them. Your lovers. You always felt safe. You never had to question if you were loved. They would always show it without you even asking. What more could you ask for?
“Mia cara! Where are you? I had that horrible excuse of a receptionist gather more paint for us now, come!” You heard Caius yell out.
Except more time.
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happy74827 · 6 months
Happy Accidents
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[Todd Ingram x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You might've broken your leg due to Todd, but that didn't mean you couldn't still have quality time together.
WC: 2672
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
This was such a random plot I came up with, but I’m actually in love with it. I feel that this little one-shot is 100% Todd accurate (I say little but it’s literally 2k words lol).
Also, please don’t send the vegan police after me for my inaccuracies (lmao). Google was my only option 😭😭
Spending time at the hospital wasn’t the plan you had in mind for your Friday night. You expected it with you curled up on your couch watching whatever crappy reality show that was airing with Todd by your side.
He was always the perfect person to binge with; his reactions were an endless source of sarcastic commentary. It actually made it funnier.
But you couldn't be too upset. You still had Todd, and you had… some television. Sure, it wasn’t 90 Day Fiancé, but it was better than nothing.
Usually, when it came to broken legs, you were at the hospital for two hours. Two. Hours. Not you, of course. Your boyfriend had to be a vegan and have those whacked-out powers. It was a given that there’d be an accident.
Who knew a flying amp could be so hard to catch?
At least you didn't have a concussion. The only injury was your leg, but your leg was completely messed up. Three different fractures in your femur and a torn ligament. It was the most you had ever been injured in your life, including all those times you fell off your bike or when you broke your arm in third grade.
The doctors at the hospital said that they couldn't let you leave until Monday. Surgery was also still on the table and could happen as early as tomorrow, which you definitely weren’t paying for
So, you were stuck in the hospital, eating the terrible hospital food and watching stupid television.
And the worst part about all of this was that it was slowly taking your mind off of Todd.
It was only the last couple months when the two of you started dating. Neither of you were exactly serious or anything, but you had feelings.
He was a big guy and a real sweetheart, not to mention a badass with those powers of his. It was obvious that he had a good heart, and he didn't take shit from anybody. That included you.
You had to admit that it was cute when he got jealous. He never had to worry, though. You were never interested in guys like him. You had your eye on Todd, and now you were stuck in a hospital bed because of him.
Now that it was just a memory, the moment you broke your leg was pretty comical. Envy needed a rehearsal before their band went out on tour the following week, and since you and Todd planned the night out together, you attended their quick practice.
As usual, they were awesome. You were like a little fangirl when Envy started singing. You kept your cool, though, sitting on the couch while they ran tempo and entrances. You weren't paying too much attention either, until you heard a voice and turned your head.
Lynette, the drummer, apparently had a very salty day and decided to pick fights with Envy’s ideas. She even suggested that she should learn how to write songs. That was a big no-no when it came to Envy, and it was made very clear that it would be her last comment for the day.
It was a blur, really. Envy and Lynette were throwing insults at each other, and Todd was caught in the middle of it. He was pretty bad at confrontation when it didn’t technically involve him and so he usually let it slide, but something about Lynette had pissed him off this time.
You could still remember the words he said.
"You know what I hate about you? Your hair."
You giggled, and that was your mistake. Lynette absolutely loved her hair. That haircut was her pride and joy. Todd could never understand what it was about it, but it was Lynette's favorite feature.
So, when he insulted her favorite thing in the world, she immediately started attacking your boyfriend, causing you to go over and try to stop this before it escalated.
Well, it escalated. Todd subconsciously went into “vegan mode” when he was mad. It was a defense mechanism or something like that. In any case, an accidental movement of his hand had an expensive amplifier aimed right at your leg.
Envy saw it coming and screamed his name to get his attention, but he couldn’t hear her over Lynette, and you couldn't move out of the way fast enough.
And then, everything stopped. All you felt was the excruciating pain that was apparently your broken bone, multiple places, as you later found out. Your mind went blank for a moment as all the horrified expressions of each band member turned towards you.
Todd threw the amplifier aside with his powers, profusely apologizing to you. His hair settled back down to normal as he took you in his arms.
"Oh, god, am I an idiot." He said. "I didn't mean to… oh, man, you’re okay, right?"
You were on the verge of tears when you nodded your head. The adrenaline of the moment had taken over your pain as you wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed him tight.
Envy most definitely cursed him out on your behalf. Lynette was still pissed as she stood off to the side, crossing her arms with a huff. She didn’t really know you, so she didn’t really care that you got hurt.
But Todd knew you, and he cared a whole hell of a lot about you. He was going to be making up to you for a while. You were going to get the apology of a lifetime and probably an entire chocolate cake with strawberries. You loved strawberries.
You did not care about your injury at that moment, though. The scene of Todd apologizing to you, Envy yelling derogatory words at him that were obviously unknown to him, and Lynette's head turning in the other direction was probably one of the best sights you had ever witnessed in your life.
“How’re you feeling?” Todd’s voice snapped you out of your memory. He was in the chair beside you with a hospital pillow on his lap. He had a bag of Doritos in his hand, which he was munching on.
You turned your head over to him and couldn't help but smile. It was a smile full of love and adoration, one that made Todd raise an eyebrow.
"I'm alright," you replied, reaching for the water that was by your bedside. You failed miserably, but Todd noticed it and hovered it over to your hands.
He took the opportunity to grab another chip and take a bite before looking back at you.
"You sure you're okay? I mean, you got hurt 'cause of me.”
"That's what I get for dating a badass, I guess." You laughed, shaking your head.
Todd scoffed, "That's not funny."
"It kinda is."
"Whatever." He crossed his arms and pouted a little bit. "I'll have to watch my back more now. I could have killed you."
“It’s okay. Envy would’ve reunited us if you had. She would’ve torn you a new one. I'd say you dodged a bullet there.”
As Todd munched on his Doritos, nodding along to your words, you knew there was nothing in his brain that connected what you’d just said. He was most definitely agreeing, just to agree.
And just because of that, you couldn't help but admire him. He was sitting there with his messy hair and those brown eyes of his. His clothes were wrinkled, and you could see the tiredness in his eyes, but none of it mattered to you because he was still so beautiful.
Todd being a vegan was also a blessing because it gave him such an amazing physique. He was lean but toned, his abs always visible even under his baggy shirts. Not that you cared if they were showing or not.
"Can I have a chip?” You asked him.
He turned towards you with a look of horror on his face. "You don’t like these. You like the non-vegan Doritos.”
“Aren’t they all… not vegan?”
Todd let out a sigh, his eyes rolling back.
"Not these. Spicy Sweet Chili. I got these from the vending machine. They're for me."
He sounded like a little child, which you couldn't help but laugh at. He always was so serious about these things, even though they were snacks that were meant to be shared with people.
"That's not what I asked." You said.
"Yeah, but-"
You made grabby hands at him. You were starting to feel that pain again as your muscles were getting tired. You needed those chips.
"Todd, please."
He let out a sigh, trying to hold back a smile. He was always such a big softie for you.
He handed over a bag of chips, and you wasted no time in taking one. Immediate regret as you took a bite out of the spicy snack, choking as you did so. You managed to swallow it down before taking in a drink of water to wash it all down.
"Told you that you wouldn't like them." He said with a grin.
"I… like them. I just don't like how I feel after I eat them."
You glared at him, narrowing your eyes. "Stop being smug."
"I can't help it if I'm so cool." He winked.
He wasn't wrong, though. Todd had a very good self-esteem about himself and was never shy to tell you so. But it was the way he said it, that smug look of his and his stupid wink, that made you want to punch him and kiss him.
It was those little things.
"You know," you said as you crossed your arms, "this isn't how I planned on spending my Friday night."
"I know, babe. I know."
"I mean, I thought we were going to have some quality time. The two of us and the TV, I really wanted to catch up on that old Ed and Rose storyline.”
"I know, I know.”
"And instead, I'm here with and because of you." You glared at him as you finished your sentence.
He was ready for your attack, crossing his arms to match yours. You two were in the middle of a staring contest when Todd opened his mouth to say something, but the nurse came in at the worst possible moment to interrupt him.
"Ah, you're awake. How're you feeling?”
Unfortunately, this made Todd win the battle as you were forced to look at the nurse. She had a smile on her face, one that made you feel relaxed. Todd turned to look at her as well.
"I'm feeling better now." You said. "Thank you for asking."
The nurse nodded her head, writing down your words before turning to Todd with a smile. "Since your friend—”
“Girlfriend.” He corrected her, pointing a finger at you.
You couldn't help but laugh, turning your head to the side as you did so. Your laughter got the nurse to smile.
"I apologize. Since your girlfriend is doing better, you’re welcome to visit back in the morning. Visitation hours are from eight to twelve and one to three. After that, only family will be allowed in.”
Todd turned to look at you, and you could see that he wanted to say something, but with a simple nod from you, he leaned back in the chair with his arms crossed, giving the nurse his attention.
She gave him another smile as she looked back at you. "I’ll come back in about an hour for a checkup. Press the button if you need anything in the meantime."
"Thank you." You replied.
She left the room smiling, leaving the two of you to look at each other.
You let out a sigh as you leaned your head back on the bed, closing your eyes. Todd's eyes never left you, staring at you as you did so.
“Should've said we were married. I would've been able to stay the night here." He said.
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to sleep because of your snoring. You know, that's why I get up so early in the mornings. I have no choice but to leave the bed when you're snoozing away."
Todd had the audacity to smile at that, shaking his head.
"Whatever, I don't snore. Besides, you love the way my arms feel around you."
You opened one eye, staring at him. "Are you trying to make me feel bad?"
"No. I'm just stating the facts. I have great arms if you hadn't noticed."
You scoffed at him and his bragging. You closed your eyes again.
"I hate you so much."
"I know." He said with a smirk on his face. “Can I have my chips back now? You ate almost all of them."
You handed the bag back to him without another word, sighing deeply. You could feel Todd's stare at you as he opened up the bag again.
You heard him take another chip into his mouth as he stared at you, but he was too quiet, so you knew he had something else to say.
"What?" You asked, already knowing the answer.
"You know that I meant it when I said sorry, right?"
"Of course I know, Todd. You always apologize."
He swallowed down his chips. "Yeah, but this time I really meant it. I was so scared when you got hurt. I didn’t mean to; I just got pissed at Lynette, and that all happened."
"Todd, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it. You would never hurt me."
"You're sure?" He asked.
You opened up your eyes again, looking at him. He was staring down at his lap as he said those words, biting his lip. You could tell that he was genuinely worried about this, so you reached over and made grabby hands again, but instead of the chips, you were looking for him.
Todd looked up at you and raised an eyebrow. He placed the bag of chips aside and got out of his chair, going over to the side of the bed to look at you. You placed both of your hands on either side of his neck, smiling at him.
"I'm positive. I know how much I mean to you, Todd. You don't need to worry. I'm not mad at you."
He was looking right into your eyes as you said that and nodded his head, moving closer toward you as he placed his hands on the side of the bed. You didn't want him to be too far away from you, so you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I'm just glad you're okay. I didn't mean for this to happen. I swear."
"I know." You replied. "It's not your fault."
You stared at each other for a few more moments before he leaned down and kissed you. He placed both of his hands on either side of the bed as he deepened the kiss. He didn't do this often, but when he did, he knew exactly what he was doing.
He was also extremely careful now that you had broken your leg, making sure that he wasn't putting any pressure on your side. He placed one hand on your face to hold you in place as he kissed you while his other hand supported his body.
It felt like a few minutes had passed before he broke the kiss. He leaned down and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."
It wasn't the first time he said it, and it definitely wasn't the first time you had said it to him, but it was the first time you heard those words without any fear in his voice. There was no worry, no hesitation, only love.
He opened his eyes, looking at you with a smile on his face. His brown eyes always captivated you, especially when he smiled.
You felt your own smile spread as you looked into those beautiful eyes of his, kissing him on the cheek before snuggling up to him.
You felt his hands wrap around your body and sighed contently. Eventually, he’d have to leave, but until then, you were going to enjoy this.
And if it came with spicy chips, then even better.
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thefandomdirtymind · 7 months
Stand by Me
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OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Soundtrack : Stand by me - Ben E. King
Hymne a l'amour - French Version by Josh Groban
Hymn to love - Edith Piaf
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon 
A/N : I had this idea stuck in my head for a while. Big shoutout to @alienstardustwrites for heard me complain about my cringe ideas and vocabulary struggle when helping me with my romantic vision.
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
It was a really calm night on the Merry Going. 
Most of the crew was already asleep, even Usopp who’s, in the nest, was on vigilance duty. In the kitchen, you were lazily washing the dishes as Sanji was doing his prep for the next day. He had ,of course, insisted that doing both wasn’t bothered him and that you should go rest like the others, but you had assured him that you weren’t tired and preferred helping him than counting sheeps or worse fixing the ceiling. 
It was then in a comfortable silence that you both focused on your work, enjoying each other's presence. 
The calm atmosphere, only broken by the repetitive chopping sound and often clicking of plates against each other was in fact so peaceful that you at first thought you were mistaken. But, as you passed behind Sanji, you heard it again, faint but still melodious. 
The blond cook was singing under his breath. You recognized, by the few words you could hear, the ballad the musician was playing at your last, well deserved, night of fun.
The place was crowded, either by drunk sailors or couples, as much intoxicated as the previous, slowly dancing to the music. You remembered Sanji being particularly flirty that night, except for when that song had come. Multiple times, you had seen him reach for you before retreating himself or just brushing your question away. 
“ It’s nothing, love “ 
Had been the only answer you had for his momentary strange behavior. 
But here, in the tranquility of his own kitchen, you couldn’t help yourself to be amused by the tall man.         
Slowly, drying the plate in your hand, you softly join your voice with him, trying to not lose the tempo as you see the tips of his ears turn an interesting shade of red.
“ I’m sorry, I didn’t know you could hear me “ Sanji apologies. 
“Why are you sorry ? That’s okay Sanj, you can enjoy a song you know. And you were singing it pretty well. It’s the song the musician played last time right ? ”  
“ Thank you darling, yes it is. I have it stuck in my head for a while now…” He said, putting aside his vegetable prep and salted meat. “ In fact, that night, I was...I was trying to invite you to dance but I didn’t...I didn’t want to share that moment with the others.” He softly confessed. 
You could perfectly understand. As much as you love Luffy and the others, being with them all the time has only left you really few moments of privacy. And you knew that , even if Sanji and you didn’t really hide your attraction for each other, flirting as much as you can without crossing a certain line, you knew that you would have heard jokes and other childish reactions for weeks.  
Putting down your dishcloth, resolute, you slowly crossed the distance between you and the best cook of the east blue. 
“  Sanji,the night is calm, everyone is asleep, can I invite you to dance ? “ You gently asked. 
“ We don’t have any music “ He softly smiled. 
“ Then sing for me “ You replied,as your hands slowly slid up on his chest before locking themselves behind his neck. 
His smile could have illuminated the sky if the moon wasn’t so jealousy guarding his spot. Placing one of his strong hands on your waist before enveloping one of your hands in his, he slowly closed the gap between your two bodies.  
“ As you wish, Coeur en sucre“ Sanji answered. * Heart of sugar/Sweetheart
Softly starting to hum the instrumental part, adjusting his head above yours. He gradually drives you in a slow movement, keeping you firmly against him, his warm chest solid under your cheek.  
As you were both swaying in the night and he was singing in your ears how he wanted you to stay by his side, making you often gently twirl, before welcoming you back in your warm bubble. Sanji reaches the end of the song, but never stops the move, letting your two heartbeats become the tempo, wishing to keep you for him a little longer, even if it is just for a moment. 
Your flirtation with Sanji has always been fun, light and cautious. But, as you lifted your head off his shoulder, your lips brushing against each other, starting their own long dance of waiting and hesitation, you knew it was inevitable as your gaze got lost on each other.
Lightly his soft lips took possession of yours,making it seem  like time itself stopped, letting you enjoy in peace the sweetness of his kiss. Returning for more,his hand cupping the side of your face, passion diffusing itself little by little like a good liquor, kiss by kiss, you softly smile against his mouth. 
“ I think we have definitely crossed the line “ You joked, before stealing another kiss.
“ I think I had crossed that line the first day I saw you, “ Sanji confessed, his thumb caressing your cheek. “ You’re so perfect, I knew in a minute I had to make you mine “ 
“ Then, thank you for waiting for me.” You replied, leaving a long kiss on his lips before putting your head back at his place on his shoulder. “ Sanji, can you sing for me again please ? I don’t want the moment to end” 
“ Me neither mon ange” He answered, his arms tighten around your waist. 
As he intoned the debut of a french song about a hymn to love, your bodies moving in harmony, you knew you would have given everything to stay like this forever.
Song : (French ) ( English )
TAG LIST : @alienstardust @phantasmagoricalzenith @downforsanji @faefanatic @strongindependenttrash @hi3431 @sunnanse @neko-loogi @theluckyplaces @simbaaas-stuff @ofherscarlettwitchyways
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If You Can't Dance 1
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, other possible triggers. Proceed with caution.
Note: this is what you get when you encourage me. Please leave any and all feedback! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Part of The Club AU
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“It's so nice to finally meet you in person!” Melinda beams as she holds out a bright drink. The layers of blue and purple make you wonder about its contents.
“Yeah, so awesome,” Faye hollers as she sips from a yellow cocktail. “Must be lonely working from home.”
“Oh, uh, not really,” you sway, trying to avoid the bodies around you. Your throat scrapes as you have to yell over the pumping bass. “It's…quiet.”
“Quiet!? Carly giggles, “then It's good you got out! This merger is going to be lit.”
“Lit?” Melinda, the eldest of the trio rolls her eyes, “you young ones.”
You wade with them through the crowd, the heat of the clubgoers catching beneath the wool of your sweater. You feel out of place in your dowdy pullover and long peasant skirt, especially as sequins and bright prints refract in the rainbow of lights. Even your coworkers belong, blouse sleeves rolled up and blazers handed over to the coatroom.
“Hopefully they're still down for work drinks!” Faye trills.
“Bigger and better. Work mandated cocktails should just be a thing,” Carly guffaws.
“Mmm, and what about work mandated flings?” Faye ogles past you.
You crane to follow her eyeline. You see several men, striding through the crowd with ease. Tall and not bad looking by common standards. You see nothing especially alluring but you understand what people look for; good posture, nice eyes, broad shoulders.
“Erm,” you look back and taste your drink, giving a face. “Is there alcohol in this?” You call over.
“Duh!” Carly laughs again, “oh my god, you're so adorable! Oh, you know what, you should start coming into office. We do lattes on Friday.”
“I er… don't mind….”
You don't finish your protest as the tempo shifts and Faye squeals, “oh this is my song, girls!”
They throw an arm up each, balancing their drinks in their other hands. You sniff the glass and try another gulp. You cough and hide it behind your hand. They barely notice you. No one really does, you're tiny and dressed like wallpaper.
As they shimmy and swing to the music, you don't know what to do. You wiggle awkwardly, but you don't dance and have no rhythm. You find yourself downing the drink out of anxiety.
You feel an odd sensation in your eyelids and a ripple in your brain as you get to the bottom of the drink. You copy Carly and leave your empty glass on a table. Another song and the heat beads on the nape of your neck.
The flashing lights and wall of sound makes you dizzy. You shouldn't have finished the drink. You don't feel right. You look at the others and how they giggle and joke. You don't fit in. Just like always. You know your coding and you know how to be alone.
You sidle close to Melinda, she seems like a mother, well, she kept mentioning her kids. “Is there a bathroom here?”
She laughs, amused by your obvious question, “over there.”
She points through the crowd. You see the top of a sign but not enough to read it. You smile and wave to the other girls, fleeing as they barely notice.
You get caught between a couple as you try to squeeze by. You squeal and get knocked around by a large guy on the other side of them. You're caught in a tidal wave of people as you peer desperately at the neon blue sign.
You can't get there but you need to get out of here. Your skin is on fire, your vision is streaming, and you can't breathe. The air is hot and humid and putrid.
You claw before you, forcing past the crush around you, stumbling towards the entryway. You trip out the door and heave in, gulping down cold air, trying to get your head straight. Your chest hurts and you're shaking. You need help!
You look around for anything. Anyone. The bouncers are distracted with those seeking entry and those in line don't seem to see you. You lean on the corner of the building and put your hand on your sweater.
You clutch the wool and shake your head. It's been a while since you felt this. The world spirals around you as you struggle to steady yourself. You keep your other hand on the wall and murmur. You're going to pass out.
You shouldn't have come here. You knew this would happen. But they didn't give you a choice. The email said mandatory. You need this job. What are you going to do? Everything is falling to pieces.
“Pardon me, are you alright?” A lilting voice startles you. You part from the wall, nearly falling against it as you teeter on your feet, “oh, woah, watch yourself.”
The man catches your arm, keeping you from tipping over. His touch surges in you but you know you can't stand on your own. You gulp and gurgle, fanning yourself.
“S-s-sorry,” you pants, “I just… I can't breathe.”
He leans in as you can barely speak. His blue eyes are intent on you as he keeps you upright, firm but gentle. He nods as he listens to your staggered words.
“I… too hot… inside…”
“Oh, dear, yes, I agree,” he smiles kindly, “here, why don't you…. lean here, yes,” he eases you against the brickfront, “catch your breath,” his accent is soothing, “and…” he looks around, gesturing to the bouncer, “Pardon, yes, would you fetch some water for the lady?”
The man grumbles but glances inside the club. He must know the stranger before you, “you have some water and it'll be just fine. Hmm? Will you count with me?”
You give him a bewildered look but he's already counting, “one, two, three…”
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itsgrimeytime · 10 months
Maneater (Epilogue) || Rick Grimes (TWD)
Part One, Two, Three, and epilogue
Taglist: @fuseburner @beltzboys2015-blog @gabrielleisalanastan @starkstiless @strnqer
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Summary: You and Rick Grimes had a backstory, one no one knew except you and him. It's one you refused to share, you never really wanted to get into it. All anyone needed to know was you hated the man. When you're in a rough spot, and you could use the shelter the question is... does he hate you?
TWS: swearing, and all things typical of TWD.
[[A/N: This gif is so cute, actually sobbing over little Judith. Domestic vibes only girlies. Alexandria is a paradise, etc, etc. Just listened to Billie Eilish's new song for the Barbie movie, and I can't stop crying. So take some comfort. Thanks for reading!!! ]]
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You woke up that morning to something odd, sunlight seeping from your window -a warm feeling fully enveloping you whole, happy, content. It was weird for a moment, as you lay under your duvet -head still in that distant morning fuzz.
Just until your brain kicked into gear.
"Shit," you cursed, trying to see just where the sun was in the sky -you were so late.
Scrambling for a second, you pulled on a sweater for the chill of the morning and only took mere seconds to smooth your hair into something more manageable. Trying so desperately to go quick and not trip over yourself, you made your way out of your house.
It hadn't been very long since this started, the thing between you and Rick. Could you call it dating? If you counted supply runs as dates, sure, you mindlessly remarked.
You'd only made one thing clear, all hesitant and carefully worded like he hadn't known exactly why you felt so unsure of connections. The last time you'd felt happy enough to have something, it hadn't ended well -it never did. Rick didn't even flinch.
'Slow,' he'd said, that sort of grin that always seemed like listening to you was all he'd ever want to do, '-I can do slow.'
Sighing, you tumbled out your door -still a little clumsy from waking up, and distantly you heard Maggie's laughter. You spun around, matching eyes with her and Glenn -they seemed to be hanging up some of their laundry. Smiling way too bright for this early in the morning-
"You going somewhere?" Glenn teased, his grin just as bright as Maggie's.
Rolling your eyes, you flipped them off -earning only more laughter, and turned back to the street. Instinctively following your own feet, you made your way up the porch and didn't even hesitate to walk right in. Rick would've given you a key if he could, knocking was unnecessary.
You opened your mouth, ready to call out to him -the rather empty entryway was dead silent. Briefly made you wonder if you were late before you heard it.
The tiniest little giggle, loud and bright, and something in your heart stalled. Even just for an extra second, maybe you could stand here -catch your breath. You were nervous, unbelievably so and it didn't help that she was... that she was theirs.
That's not her fault, you reasoned with yourself -brushing your fingers along the wall, she's not them.
"Hello?" his voice echoed out -more grumbly in the morning, you'd too often just got lost in it this early, "-Anyone there?"
You tried to respond, you really did. But it was like your brain had built a wall there, your head a little off tempo -you briefly wondered if you should sink to the floor, ground yourself. It was only a thought that flew across your mind, stilled against the wall.
There was some shuffling, a tone you recognized as Carl quiet enough that you couldn't hear. An agreement, maybe. And then with a mere few footsteps echoing against your skull, Rick peeked around the door frame.
All harsh lines, and hand hovering over his gun, he softened upon matching your face -a smile slipping onto his lips like you were all he wanted to see. Before he darted down to your hands, fingers tellingly rubbing against the wall -consistent and eyes anywhere but his.
"Hey," he whispered, approaching you with slow steps -only reaching out to touch you when you leaned toward him, "-hey, everythin' okay?"
You inhaled a big breath, "Just... nervous."
"Sweetheart," he hummed, moving his hands up from your arms to cup your cheek -guiding your eyes to meet his, "-we don't 'ave to do this today. Not if you don't think you're ready."
"I know, I know-" you started, biting back some shakiness in your tone, "-I want to, today. I can. I just, I need a minute."
"'Kay," he mumbled, eyes flitting across your face and thumb skimming across your cheekbone, "-need anythin' from me?"
"Just..." you exhaled, blinking away some of your clouded gazes, "-just stay."
Rick frowned slightly, only for a moment -before his fingertips danced back down your arms, pulling you to his chest with the gentlest of touches, "'Course."
Nosing into your hair, he pressed a languid kiss to your forehead -the buzzing warmth pleasant to your brain running so fast. Slow, you repeated in your head, leaning into the touch and wrapping your own arms around his middle, slow. Pressing further into him, like the comfort he gave you could completely surround you -envelope you in safety.
"You're doin' so good," Rick muttered against your hair, voice calm and soft, "-even if ya don't see Judith today. I'm proud of you."
It was almost too much for you then, surrounded by everything so Rick and to hear those words. When you were working so hard, he saw it, he acknowledged it. The words were out before you could even think about it -muffled by his shirt and stuffy from the cloud of tears.
"I love you."
And before you could even feel a shred of worry or doubt, you felt him grin against your skin. With a bright smile, he spoke -as if on instinct, almost giddy, "I love you too, 'course I do."
Your heart fluttered in your chest, as you let out a watery laugh and moved your hands to begin wiping at your face-
"Let me," he hummed, pulling back slightly to pull his hands up to your face -cupping your cheek and rubbing at the tears. Gentle and whispers of comfort in every swipe, he didn't tell you to stop -only wished to soothe you for as long as you would let him.
And once he saw the smile slip across your face, he leaned forward -pressing his lips to the tear trails. Then across your cheeks, and down your nose, along your eyebrows, at the corner of your lips -he kissed every inch of skin he could.
"Rick," you laughed -making no moves to be anywhere else.
He only grinned in response, muttering in disbelief -like he couldn't believe it, "I love you."
You laughed - a bright twinkling sort of sound, "Rick-"
"What?" he spoke, eyes shining in the kinda way that you hadn't gotten used to yet but you recognized -pulled back from your face.
"We can't do this all day-"
He raised his eyebrows, testing you, "I could-"
"Rick," you smiled, only a sniffle from your nose left from the moments before, "-I've got someone to meet, remember?"
"Yeah?" he spoke, looking over you carefully -taking at your word but always sure to know when to step in.
"Yeah," you echoed, something settling in the air then, -clearing your throat, "-but if she hates me, I told you so."
He rolled his eyes, playfully, and took your hand -sliding up to your side and pulling you into the living room. It was a familiar sight, if not just a little more messy. Toys were strewn across the rug, Carl off on the couch -eagerly making some sort of stuffed animal bounce around.
And in the center of it, all was Judith. Her smile was painted so beautifully across her chubby little face, nose scrunching, and brown eyes intent on the stuffed animal. Your heart squeezed somewhere deep in your chest, she looked just like Lori.
She'd hardly been bothered by the presence of you and Rick entering the room until he'd spoken up -gingerly pulling you to the rug, "Hey, Jude, Daddy's got someone for ya to meet."
Her big brown eyes darted to his face, before fluttering over to you -curious and bright. Something in you shifted, as you let go of Rick's hand and crouched forward -eyes intent on the little girl.
"Hi, Judith," you smiled, something catching in your throat for an entirely different reason, and you waved -small but exaggerated for her to see, "-I'm Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you."
Her little eyes darted across your face, seeming to take you in for a moment -you'd give her all the time in the world if she wanted. Until she reached out her hand -tiny fingers out to yours and grabbed you. Pulling down, trying to tell you to stay-
There were tears in your eyes then, but a different kind.
And as you scooted close to her, babbling and showing you each of her toys one by one... you thought it might just all be okay.
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exist4me · 1 year
Night Out
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cw: fluff, suggestive dancing, cute Aaron.
word count: 954
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The BAU family finally got a weekend off, especially after such a difficult case. The gang wanted to let go for the night. They were all trying to convince Hotch to go out for one night and party with them.
“Come on, Hotch it's just tonight.” Derek persuaded.
“We might not get this time off for a long time. Let’s enjoy it together.” Emily backed Derek up. The group all agreed in their own ways.
“Even the boy genius believes some fun is good for your health. You don’t have to stay long just have two drinks and leave if you want unless you’re enjoying yourself.” Rossi reasoned with him.
“I don’t know guys, I'll think about it,” Aaron said. 
“Well….. if you decide to come we'll be at the club, Watering Hole at 10,” Penelope said. Hotch nodded, saying goodbye to his teammates. The decision to go to the club was on his mind the entire journey home. Bright lights and loud noise isn’t what he would call relaxation but by the time he reached home, he decided that a few hours wouldn’t hurt. 
The group met up at the Watering Hole after a few hours. They all cheered and celebrated after seeing Hotch walk in. He smiled walking up to their seating area.
“You made it!” Penelope yelled over the upbeat music.
“Yea but I'm here only for 2 hours, so let’s have some fun,” Hotch said, chuckling at the group's drunken cheers.
You and your best friend were sitting and partying across the room when you made brief eye contact with a handsome middle age man. Your first thought was he has such a serious face but one of his friends, a bald black man, said something to him. You noticed his smile, it was so beautiful. You were fixated on him. The crinkle of his sparkly and lively eyes as the corners of his mouth turned upwards baring his white teeth. He has dimples. You smiled looking at him, his own smile contagious and beautiful. You saw him get up and head towards the bar.
“I’ll be right back,” you said to your friend. You rose from your seat, fixing your short dress to show more cleavage. Taking your small mirror out of your purse you ensured that your makeup, edges, and hair were perfect before leaving to approach the man.
Approaching this mystery man at the bar you noticed how tall he is with a lean build.
“Hi,” you said, sparking a conversation. He turns to face you looking down slightly.
“Hello,” he said in a deep vibrating voice.
“I'm guessing this isn’t your usual scene.”
He chuckled,” no, it's not actually. I’m here with friends.” 
“Same here. I’m y/n. What should I call you handsome.” you smiled
“Aaron,” he replied, putting his hand out. You shake it. His hand felt strong, firm, and rough. You started fantasizing about his hands all over your body. You guys made small talk until you heard the club play one of your favorite songs. It’s a slow tempo with a sensual feel. 
“This is my favorite song! Do you wanna dance with me?” you asked excitedly.
“Uh… I have to carry these drinks to my friends, I'm sure I'm taking too long.” you follow his eyesight to see his group of friends looking at us. They quickly turn away. You giggled.
“I'll be back quickly.” Aaron rushed across the room to his friends. You bought a shot and threw it back instantly waiting for his return.
“We see you, lover boy.” Derek teased. Aaron dropped the drinks onto the table rolling his eyes. 
“Go get ‘em Hotch.” Rossi urged. They yelled words of encouragement as he walked back to you.
“You're back.” you smiled
“Of course I am,” he said confidently.
You slowly take his hand leading him to the dark side of the club. You can feel Aaron's heated eyes on your body. Is he looking at my ass?
Your back is facing him as you press your ass as close as humanly possible to Arron’s front. You can hear him breathe in sharply. You took his hands and placed them around your waist. Peeking behind you, Aaron is looking down at you nervously, you smile reassuringly at him. 
You intertwine your hands with him at your waist, slowly grinding on him, moving your waist to the rhythm of the slow, breathy music. You can feel his warm breath on your neck as you sway. Aaron is stiffly dancing along with you, giggling to yourself. You plan to quickly loosen him up and entrance him.
You bend your knees, leaning forward to display your ass more to him, gyrating slowly and sultry. You can feel a firm tent pressing on your ass. He stiffen, and unfortunately, your plan backfired. Straightening up, you look back at him to see his face red and stunned.  
You asked him what was wrong.
He looks flustered," Isn't this dance a bit suggestive for the public."
You laughed at how cute he sounded.
"It's the club. This is how you dance. It's captivating and sexy." You smiled mischievously at him. "if it's too much for you we can take it slow."
He smiled, nodding at you. "I'm a gentleman. Maybe next time let me buy you dinner before you dance on me like that." He laughed.
"Definitely." you grinned, your face mirroring his.
The song changes into a more upbeat melody. You and Aaron continued to dance together for the rest of the night. You left the club that night with your friend but not without Aaron's number and a date next week. He was happy he made the decision to go out with the team tonight.
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trumpkinhotboy · 11 months
"Would you like to dance?"
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader
Type: Not requested/blurb
Genre: Good vibess, no angst in sight
Rating: pg
Warnings: None!
Word count: Approx. 1700
Requests: Open!! (For Narnia and Twilight Wolfpack and maybe Ron Weasley/Harry Potter stuff ;o)
A/n: I know it's literally been a thousand years since I posted anything, but uhhhh what can I say? I watched the series and inspiration struck me 🤷‍♀️ Hope you enjoyyy
**Not my gif!!
**also can you imagine him looking at you like that??? ooompfff
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Summary: A few bumps in the road seem to darken the reader's night at a Hogwarts ball. Luckily, there's always a Weasley boy hanging around to lighten up the night and make everything feel right again.
This night was going the opposite way you thought it would. Even though you were in love with your dress and marveled at the music and decor in the Great Hall, there was one thing that put quite a dent in this enchanting night. You would have never expected your date to ditch you for another girl in the middle of a dance, except he did, right when the dancefloor started to get packed with people.
You could understand though, she was a beautiful girl and, since you also were in a few classes with her, you knew she was a really smart witch. It was quite embarrassing to be left for someone else, but if you were honest your date had never been your first choice. Considering that fact, you felt a bit less enraged than you should have been. In truth, you had hoped to ask a certain red-haired, clumsy Weasley, but hadn't been able to muster up the courage when the time had come. Thinking about it, this was the real thing that had put a dent in your night.
So there you sat, alone at an empty table, except for the few glasses left there; abandoned by their owners, who clearly had something better to do than sitting down. You stared at the crowd of students on the floor, feeling a mix of envy, anger, and a bit of shame. If it had just been about dancing to some upbeat song, you would have joined the crowd, confident you would find some friends in there, but no. With your luck, it had to be some romantic slow-tempo songs. The kind of song where you slow dance with someone, love, and magic in the air, as delicate snowflakes fall from the ceiling. The atmosphere was incredibly enchanting and romantic. Which was not helping your case. The sweet melody ended softly, and you straightened up, hoping it would switch to something a bit more upbeat. You were very disappointed to hear one of your favorite classical pieces slowly start to diffuse in the room. You ungracefully lowered, more like smacked, your head on the table, feeling cursed and wondering what you had done to deserve such a thing. You let out a sigh and defeated, decided to cut out the humiliation and go back to your room to cuddle up with a good book and a blanket.
That was your plan until you heard: “Ahem, would you like to dance?”
You nearly jumped out of your chair at the sound of the familiar voice. Someone you had been looking for all night, even though he seemed nowhere to be found. Your gaze met up with Ron’s and you couldn’t help a smile from illuminating your face.
“If I’d like to dance?” You repeated, feeling both delighted and incredibly surprised. The words immediately made his pale cheeks redden. You knew this wasn’t his thing, balls, dancing, and dressing up, but for him to offer this to you anyway made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
“Don’t make me ask again.” He pleaded, and for a second, he seemed unsure whether or not you would accept his offer. Which was funny, since you were the one sitting alone while everyone was dancing. Especially if you considered that he had been the one you wanted to dance with all night.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You answered as you got up, finally taking ahold of his outreached hand. He seemed to let out a small sigh of relief before a satisfied smile spread out on his pink lips.
He conducted you to the middle of the dancefloor while you stared at him with disbelief. Ronald Weasley was a lot of things, but being the kind of guy to bring a girl to the middle of a dancefloor at a ball, was not something you would have put on the list. He slowly brought you in, one hand holding yours, the other around your waist. As he made contact with you, you noticed that his hand was incredibly warm and… big? His thumb sat on your stomach as the rest of his palm laid out and reached the middle of your back.
Were his hands really this big? How had you never noticed?
“Y/n?” “Mh?” “Somethin' wrong?” “What?”
As you lifted your head, you realized you had been blatantly staring at his hand like it was a strange foreign object. You felt a blush creeping up your neck, suddenly making you feel incredibly hot and clammy.
"Is something the matter with my hand?" "What? Oh, no. I just noticed how hot it is in here. Don't you think? Isn't it hot in here?” You whispered while looking around, very much so like a crazy woman. “Uhm, no? Not really?” He looked up at the ceiling before adding with a chuckle. “I mean, snowflakes are coming down from the ceiling so.”
Oh right. You looked up, feeling like you might explode from embarrassment. You weren't generally this self-conscious (or dumb) around him, but tonight seemed to unveil all kinds of new surprises for you.
“Lord Y/n, quit blushing so much. Did you eat one of Fred and George’s nasty dessert pranks? The ones in the Skiving Snackboxes?”
You shook your head with an embarrassed smile. If he was actually comparing you to one of Fred and George's victims, you must have looked really terrible. You rested your forehead on his shoulder and before you could even think about what you were saying added, “It’s not the Snackboxes, but if you could stop making me feel so nervous I’d probably come back to a normal color. "
You felt his breath stop, and by the movement of his body, could guess that he was now staring at you. Immediate dread invaded your whole body. If an enraged thestral could come into the room right now and whisk you away, you would really love it. But no, you were stuck here with your big mouth, resting your sweaty forehead on Ronald Weasley's shoulder.
"I- uhm, I make you nervous?" An actual question, not a confident tone as if he knew the effect he had on you, no. He was actually asking you a question. Was that boy blind for God's sake!
"Can we just, dance?" You took a deep breath before you lifted your head to face him. "Please?"
He looked at your pleading eyes, an enormous question mark still written on his face. You felt his thumb timidly stroke the back of your waist before he added in a whisper.
"Sure, but you gotta know I’m a pretty shitty dancer."
You let out a loud laugh, relieved he didn't push the subject. "Oh you don't have to worry about that Weasley, I do know."
In fact, everybody knew how bad of a dancer Ron was. Another laugh escaped you as you remembered how uncomfortable he had looked when he'd danced with McGonagall before the Yule Ball.
"If you are such a bad dancer, why offer me a dance?" you asked with a teasing look.
"Well, I know how much you like to dance, and you look bloody amazing tonight. I could not leave you alone sitting at that table."
You started dancing again, both facing the opposite side of each other. Your chin right above his shoulder, you stared straight ahead. Now it was your turn to feel your breath catch in your throat.
Lots of people liked to joke about Ron's clumsiness and the fact that he used to get scared easily. Oh, and also that he was kind of a lunatic sometimes. But really, no one ever noticed how he was one of the most thoughtful, loyal, and protective people you could ever meet. That was a privilege you earned as you got to know him better.
You held him a bit tighter, feeling so grateful for his presence in your life. "Well, thank you," you mumbled, chin resting on his shoulder.
"No worries. Anyway, after dealing with your bum of a date, I had all the time in the world to come and badly dance with you."
"After you what!?" you took a step back to face him. He had the biggest smirk on his face, looking mischievous as ever. At that moment, the resemblance between him and his older twin brothers was uncanny.
"Ron!? What did you do?" You tried keeping a straight face, but in the end, couldn’t keep in your smile. There was the loyalty and protectiveness you loved so much. "You can see for yourself. I think about now, the desserts should have taken effect." he nodded to your right, and that’s when you saw him (or it) in the corner of the room. You gasped, hand flying to your mouth to hide the loud noise. You were regaled with the sight of your ex-date trying to make a big move towards his new companion. But as he leaned in, making that weird face guy sometimes make before they kiss you, his face started to distort into big bumps and lumps. He was not a feast for the eyes, and as he leaned in, one of the lumps made contact with his poor date's nose. She opened her eyes and screamed, horrified. She ran away, creating a big commotion around the lovely couple.
Ron and you hid in each other's shoulders trying to keep in your laughter. You both failed miserably, but still deserved an A for effort because that was quite a scene. When you lifted your head again, it was to meet your friend’s sparkling eyes. Snowflakes adorned his red hair, and the light of the candles floating everywhere reflected in his blue eyes. Once again, you were struck by how handsome he was.
"I wish I could scold you, but honestly, it feels pretty good to see he got what he deserves." (Okay, maybe it is a bit hypocritical to say that, but still. Even though he wasn't your first choice, you never would have abandoned him to go with someone else, as if he'd have never existed.) You smiled, sure a glimpse of adoration was creeping into your gaze. "Thank you, again. It's the second time you save me tonight Weasley. If you keep this going, I'm gonna have to start paying you back."
He let out a small chuckle, his hands now on your hips as yours rested on his broad shoulders.
"In fact…" you brought your lips to his cheek to lay down a small kiss. "First payment."
Now it was his turn to go red as a tomato, the sparkle shining even brighter in his blue eyes.
"Careful Y/l/n. You might encourage me to keep saving you if that’s how you repay me."
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emperor-palpaminty · 1 year
More Hunter x Reader with the scenario "we’ve been on a few dates and my child just asked us when we are getting married"
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Hunter sat back at the table, sighing as the waiters began closing the curtains of the club. It was getting closer to the evening now, with heavy gold rays of the sun intruding the usually dark ambience of Hunter's club. He ran his thumb over his glass, humming in thought.
The short glass across the table swirled in small hands. His child- his "Omega", the boys called her, as she was essentially a miniature Hunter, examined her milk with a raised brow.
"I like the way the club is turning out, I think." She said. He could feel the table shaking slightly as she swung her legs, her feet tapping the table. Hunter only smiles, raising a brow at the girl.
"So," He raised his glass to her. "It has your approval?"
Omega nodded in affirmation and raised her glass, tapping it to his own. "It does."
"Good." Hunter smiled at her, watching as she took a sip of the milk in her surprisingly grown-up looking glass. They were heavy, crystal glass, durable and sturdy, some of his favorite that he ensured were stocked at the club for all patrons. His eyes darted to the stage. Band members started to arrive, and had been setting up and tuning their instruments.
The microphone had been removed from stage. It was a day of vocal rest for the singer- he ensured she had at least a few. He couldn't wear out his main attraction.
"I liked the band yesterday." Omega decided aloud. Her large brown eyes had been following the band, bouncing between the saxophonist and pianist. "I thought there was a singer with them. Tech said that."
"Yeah. Normally. She's taking a break tonight."
Omega hummed nonchalantly, eyes drawing from the caucophounous sounds of the band warmup. Notes scrambled over each other in different tempos and songs, some rushing to leave the instruments and others lazily lollygagging in the air. She traced a finger on the rim of her glass, her brows furrowed slightly in thought.
Hunter let the whiskey in his mouth settle before he swallowed it. "I'll bite. Whatcha thinking?"
"Are you going to marry her?"
He was greatful he didn't have a mouth full of liquid. If Hunter hadn't swallowed his drink previously, he would have choked. "What?"
"You like her. When a grown up likes someone, they get married." She shrugged.
"Omega." Hunter blinked, before laughing softly. "It's not really that simple."
"Tech says it is."
"Tech isn't married."
"I mean-" She rolled the now empty cup between her palms, eyes darting to him mischievously. "Neither are you."
Hunter started to open his mouth to protest, but his eyes darted past the kid towards the stage. She was there, chatting with the band. There was no fancy dress or complicated hair pieces, just the singer in normal clothes."Yeah, well, we both know nothing, then."
Omega's head turned- he caught her blonde hair turning in the light. She gasped softly, then looked back towards Hunter. "Is that her?"
He smiled, glancing over at her. "Yeah."
"She's pretty!"
Hunter grinned. "You should see her in one of her fancy dresses." He raised a hand and waved it, and the singer caught it with her eyes as she surveyed the room. A smile pressed to her cheeks and she waved back, eyes dancing in the lowering light of the club.
Next to him, Omega giggled. "Ooooh, you do want to marry her."
Hunter chuckled, raising his glass again, still watching the singer chat with the band she wouldn't be singing with that night. "Sure, kid." He grinned behind the whiskey. "Sure."
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
I was reminded that I should get my ass up and work on some more bardic songs. For once, so I can properly continue working on Thick as Thieves, but also because my bard Tav very much needs his own songs, too. And for that matter my current campaign's tabaxi bard could use some songs, too.
It is getting easier now that I have a bit more understanding of the DnD lore.
I still gotta say: Drinking songs and Sea Shanties are so much easier to write due to their quick tempo. Also, it turns out, it is fairly easy to just write about the amazing drinks you can have in a Faerûnian tavern.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 6 months
A Ballad To No One
Book: The Royal Romance Character: Hana Lee Rating: G Word count: 670 Reading time: ~1min Summary: Hana carries a secret she isn't willing to share with just anyone. Based on the prompt: @choicesnovchallenge: Music/Musicians Day
Author’s notes:
Hana Lee belongs to Pixelberry Studios;
I was supposed to post this during @hanaleeappreciationweek, but my muse wasn't cooperating at the time;
I'm picturing Hana in this oneshot as a child/pre-teen, before the ball she rebelled against her parents playing a song out of key on purpose.
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Hands glided on the piano keys as Hana once again tried to follow the fast paced notes of Chopin's Étude Op. 10 No. 4. At this point, she didn't even know how many times she had repeated that tricky bar in which she missed the tempo. Or how long she had been practicing that same piece since her classes ended. Her mother would host a party in two days and for some reason she couldn't fathom, her mother insisted Hana should play Étude Op. 10 No. 4. Of all Chopin's etudes, why did she choose the hardest one?
As her ring finger slipped, hitting the wrong key, she frowned. Taking a deep breath, she looked back at the sheet music, hummed the bar one more time at a slower pace, then began to play again. As she got it right, she tried again, but faster. Then a little faster. Faster! Faster! Faster! Before she could avoid it, the wrong note echoed in the room, making a strange, dissonant sound.
Huffing in frustration, Hana placed both hands on her legs and took a deep breath. If it was up to her, she could tear that stupid sheet music and never play that piece again. She didn't even like that piece. But she couldn't say no and walk out of the room. Whenever her parents told her to do something, there was no time for questions, scowls or long faces. She did as she was told and that was it. But just because she didn't protest it didn't mean she was happy to obey.
Why so many etiquette lessons? Why did she have to take such strange classes completely unrelated to one another? 'It'll prepare you for courtly life', her mother used to say. But what was the use of preparing herself to live somewhere she didn't even know, for a life she didn't choose?
Hana shook her head, as if to shake away those thoughts and looked back at the sheet music again. Tapping her right foot on the floor, Hana studied the tempo once more and played it slower again. 
"Such a dull piece..." She thought to herself. It didn't have a nice melody. it wasn't fun to play... Did anyone ever feel anyone except anxiety while playing this? Did anyone who play it had any other intention to play it except show off how skilled they were at the piano? 
Playing the piano shouldn't make her feel like this... Is music a form of art? Isn't it a form of expression for the author of the piece? Shouldn't the performer feel something about it?
Hana then stopped playing and closed Chopin's songbook. There was no point in playing it. Looking down at the piano keys, the young girl tried to remember the last time she felt something while playing the piano. It wasn't during any of the parties hosted by her parents. Nor during recitals. She always felt uncomfortable while playing for an audience.
As her fingers ambled on the piano keys again, following the chromatic scale, memories of her first piano classes flooded her mind. How exciting it felt to play for the first time, the warm ups, learning music theory, the first piece she ever played, the first song she wrote... 
Once she played the key she failed so many times, it sparkled something within her. She then played a chord that sounded nice with the note, creating an harmonic sound. Hana continued to play without any sheet music, occasionally writing the sequence of notes and chords in her notebook. 
Before her, an original piece came to life. Quite a surprise, given how rare inspiration struck. As Hana played the song once again, she pictured someone dancing, gracefully following the rhythm. She couldn't see their face, but something told her they were smiling. 
As the song came to an end, a sense of yearning spread in her chest. Composing this piece was quite fulfilling, yet she couldn't help but wish she could've seen that someone's face. Perhaps they would like to dance while she played. Carrying her notebook, Hana closed the piano lid and stood up to leave the music room. For now, no one would know about it. But hopefully, someday she would meet someone who would dance to her song.
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lady-phasma · 2 years
Hey question could u do a fic or short drabble about the reader finding out that aemond is ticklish like devastatingly ticklish and she uses it against him ?
I felt like writing something shorter and this request was kismet! Thank you for requesting it. I hope I did it justice (not at all my normal writing style but I love Aemond so I’ll try almost anything, please be kind).
1.1k words, general audience
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Aemond was reluctant to dance with anyone but he had enjoyed the levity of the evening and took your hand when you offered it. He walked with you from the corner of the hall where he had been observing the courtiers, mouth in a straight line, appearing unapproachable to everyone but you.
This music was much slower than the previous songs and you had hoped that would encourage him. He looked at you with that piercing violet eye as a smile turned up the corner of his mouth. As the two of you moved toward the center and fell in sync with the steps you were more surprised than you thought you would be. He knew the steps, his lithe limbs moving gracefully. He must have memorized them long ago because he never took his eye off you. You shifted your gaze away from him, blushing. 
You had not expected him to make you feel so off balance. Every aspect of Aemond was princely. His swordmanship, his dragon riding, his diplomacy, and his intelligence were qualities that every prince should have and it made your heart ache that he was born a second son and he would never feel himself to be worthy. 
As the tempo slowed and your bodies became closer you put your hands on his sides following every choreographed movement of the dance. As you gazed up at him, a curious expression passed across his face. Your fingers gripped his sides as you both turned in a step and you noticed it again. 
When the song ended and he bowed to you, the thought occurred to you that he might retreat to his corner. Before he could walk away you slipped you hands around his right elbow. He looked down at you in surprise. 
“Would you escort me to the library, my Prince? I have had more of the crowd here than I should like.” Your voice was gentle, giving him the opportunity to decline. 
“Mmmm,” he responded as he pulled his elbow, and your hands, close to his side.
* * * 
He walked with you to the library. It was blissfully empty with most of the courtiers still at the supper. You released his arm once you were in the room and gracefully moved through the room looking at the spines of books, curiosities on tables, plants in windowsills, always aware of him in the room. You hoped he would follow you, had hoped against hope that a book or object would instigate a conversation. 
Instead he sat on a sofa and flipped through the pages of an open book. You walked slowly to him and sat down. You left only a few inches between you. You leaned forward to see the book. The pages were filled from edge to edge with a beautiful illuminated script. Dragons danced in the margins, necks and tails twisting around the text. With the pretext of wanting to look more closely, you pressed your hand on Aemond’s knee and slid closer to him until your legs touched.
“This book is magnificent. It must be incredibly old.” Your hand accidentally grazed his as you reached to touch a page. 
He stiffened slightly. You looked at him as you sat back, placing your hands in your lap. He didn’t turn to look at you. Your eyes traveled down the strap of his eyepatch, the silky hair laying down his back, his strong arms propped on his thighs. You took a liberty that surprised even yourself. The touch of your thighs against his had given you courage.
You gently slid your hand over his shoulder and back. He didn’t move away from your touch. You took that to be a good sign. You let your hand continue down to the small of his back. It was almost against his waist and you saw him flinch away. It was a tiny movement but it changed his entire posture. You smiled to yourself. 
You moved your hand around his waist and he drew in a sharp breath. His head turned to look at you. His eye was narrowed and that curious expression was on it again. You raked your fingers against his ribs and one of his dimples appeared. You couldn’t control your devilish grin. You turned toward him a little more and his arm clamped down, pinning your hand between his arm and ribs.
You were undeterred. You reached around with your free hand and gently stroked his other side. He growled just a little. Before he could stop you, you moved to straddle his lap. It was an awkward, chaotic movement. Hiking skirts, moving arms, balancing on the sofa, and it was enough to disarm him. His eye widened when he realized he had released your hand and you had caged him. 
You smiled and wiggled your fingers against his sides. One hand viscously played with his ribs while the other rose under his arm. He stifled a throaty sound and his face screwed up tightly. Gods this was delicious! He bit his lower lip but that only encouraged you, his dimples enticing you. 
Aemond's hands gripped your thighs and his fingers dug into your flesh. You made up your mind then. You would hear him laugh. He fought it instinctively. You leaned in, getting better leverage as he tried to block you with his arms. Your hand near his arm pit was pinned but that feint had allowed you to dig into his ribs with your other hand. His eye narrowed at you as his jaws clenched. 
Then he gasped for air. He had been holding his breath to avoid giving in. His face was flushed. Those beautiful lips parted and the most delightful sound flew past them. Low and unaffected, he laughed. His torso pulled away from your hand and he tried to lift you off his lap. You clamped your thighs on his. You wiggled the fingers caught in his armpit. 
He was overwhelmed and groaned between laughs. You giggled and kissed his cheek. That tiny movement allowed him to gain some leverage and he grabbed your waist. He lifted you off him and sat you down next to him. In the same movement he had turned toward you. Surprised, your hands paused momentarily. As he pinned you to the back of the sofa you took advantage and caught both sides of his ribs at the same time. 
Aemond chortled. Actually laughed, hard. His brow knitted together in mock pain and smiled at you. His face was flush. He stifled the next laugh with your mouth. 
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putschki1969 · 11 months
I am afraid that my question could be a little negative one.
I want to ask your opinion about Wakana’s high note.
Listening to her performances of “Yakusoku no Yoake” on “Wakana Calassic 2022” and “Wakana Winter Special live 2019”, I hear her high note in the beginning of the song “まだ暗い空から( mada kurai sora kara)~” really grating though it is so sorry.
Not only it sounds grating or too shrill but I feel that her high note has something wrong, and it is disappointing that the problem seems not to be temporary thing.
I know some people says her high note is grating or shrill from when she started her solo career.
I guess this is due to her Kalafina era where she had been burdened with successive use of high note and it had worn out her throat. If it was correct, I could not say how disappointing this is.
How do you feel when listening to the part?
Thank you for reading this, and I would be happy if you tell me your opinion about the issue.
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Hello there!
Don't worry, you phrased your question in a perfectly respectful manner, nothing bad about that at all. I apologise though for taking so long to reply. I wanted to do this justice.
Melody/composition-wise, "Yakusoku no Yoake" is actually one of my favourite tracks from Wakana's debut album (the Celtic vibes are just so gorgeous) but I agree that it is a very demanding song that is unfortunately not very flattering for her voice. There are certain parts that are either too high or too fast-paced for her so she often sounds out of breath or strained during these sections. Her breathing is pretty loud and noticeable so people who are not into that should give this song a pass. While you could argue that her non-existent breathing technique is almost part of her charm and trademark style, it's one of those times where it bothers me quite a bit. It truly baffles me that none of her mentors, producers, teachers or instructors have ever pointed out those issues (and possible solutions) to Wakana during the 20+ years of her singing activities.
I find it very interesting that you chose the very first part of the song as the one that sounds most grating to your ears => “まだ暗い空から (mada kurai sora kara)~”
In my opinion, the intro is one of the better parts with Wakana managing to have moderate control of her voice. Not always of course but I think she sounds decent during most live performances. Ultra high of course but not unpleasant to my ears yet. The chorus is where she struggles most if you ask me (probably due to the higher tempo). The "hikatta" for example in the first line of the chorus, "あの向こ���で光った", is a little too shrill for me. And then it just builds up for the remainder of the chorus, I really struggle listening to the following section: [...] 行ければいい | [...] ikereba ii 明日へ進む道に | Ashita e susumu michi ni 飛び込んで [...]| Tobikonde yukou [...]
I thought I'd include her three officially released live performances in this post to give everyone an idea what we are talking about. It's the first time I am inserting audio with the new Tumblr format so we'll see how it goes. Please note that I have no music education to speak of so everything you read below is based on my personal feelings regarding the individual performances.
Wakana Live Tour 2019 ~VOICE~
During her early stages of performing this song live, she seemed a bit rushed? I guess she was trying to emulate the original sound of the studio version but I prefer it when she takes her time (especially during the intro). I am glad they slowed down the tempo for some of the later performances. However, I thought the performance was actually quite good. Yes, she doesn't sound 100% comfortable in the higher registers but I can honestly still enjoy it. It's not damaging my eardrums or anything. And for the most part her singing comes across as more or less effortless, not too flimsy or strained, yes, it's unnecessarily breathy but it sounds relatively stable to me
Wakana Winter Special Live 2019 ~瞬き~
This is probably my favourite live version of "Yakusoku no Yoake". The reduced tempo seems to allow her to polish a couple of those super high notes. It's still far from being perfect but it feels like she is not constantly in need of catching her breath.
Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~
Maybe the weakest performance. Her voice is pretty shaky and thin, I'm sure some of that can be chalked up to nervousness but a lot of it might be due to a bad technique.
As I've mentioned in my review post for "Sono Saki e", Wakana keeps talking about all the vocal lessons she's taking but they don't seem to be doing her any good, if anything I would say they are actually making things worse for her. I have never been one of the people who have complained about Wakana's voice essentially deteriorating ever since 2012, I acknowledge of course that certain changes have taken place but overall, she has continued to sound good to me, sometimes more so than other times. There are more than enough occasions where she can access facets of her voice that are reminiscent of the "old-Wakana", with her singing sounding strong, rich and emotional. This indicates to me that the potential is still there, buried somewhere deep inside her but for whatever reason, Wakana doesn't always rely on those skills. It could be a conscious choice to spare her voice or maybe she just doesn't receive enough professional guidance...? There's no doubt in my mind that Kalafina's brutal schedule has taken a major toll on her throughout the years but unlike many other fans, I don't think she is a lost cause with irreversibly damaged vocals...
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
I Will Follow You into the Dark
Written By: Benjamin Gibbard
Artist: Death Cab for Cutie
Released: 2006
Even on a concept album whose main theme is death, “I’ll Follow You Into The Dark” is a standout moving song about the transcendental power of love, even when that boundary is death. This song was recorded unexpectedly while the band was having technical difficulties in studio. Chris Walla, Death Cab for Cutie’s lead guitarist and producer, said the following. “We were going to track the vocal for another song and there was something screwy happening with the headphone mix. We were having problems, so I said, “Ben, this is gonna be a few minutes. Take a break.” Ben’s version of taking a break while we addressed the headphone problem was to pick up this Stella guitar that he loves and start playing this song we were planning on recording sometime later during the sessions. He was still coming through the vocal mic as he was playing this, and it was sounding really cool to me, so I went up and said, “Let’s track this real quick,” and we did and that’s what’s on the record. It was a mono recording with no effects. Nothing. I added a little compression and de-essed it a bit. It’s really weird. It’s totally there and it’s happening.”
[Verse 1] Love of mine, someday you will die But I'll be close behind, I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark [Chorus] If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Verse 2] In Catholic school, as vicious as Roman rule I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black And I held my tongue as she told me, "Son Fear is the heart of love," so I never went back [Chorus] If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Verse 3] You and me have seen everything to see From Bangkok to Calgary and the soles of your shoes Are all worn down, the time for sleep is now But it's nothing to cry about 'cause we'll hold each other soon In the blackest of rooms [Chorus] And if Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied And illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Outro] Then I'll follow you into the dark
I Say a Little Prayer
Written By: Hal David & Burt Bacharach
Artist: Aretha Franklin
Released: 1968
Originally recorded by: Dionne Warwick, 1967
Cover included: Dianna Agron for Glee, 2009
Originally written for Dionne Warwick by Burt Bacharach and Hal David in 1966, Aretha and her ‘Sweet Inspirations’ were fooling around before a show and warming up by singing “Say A Little Prayer” when it became obvious that they should make their own version. A second chance for Bacharach who wasn’t happy with his original version and told the L.A Times: “I thought I blew it. The tempo seemed too fast. I never wanted the record to come out. So what happens? They put out the record and it was a huge hit. I was wrong.” Although Aretha’s never quite reached the fame of Warwick’s version, it did reach 10 on the Hot 100 chart and 3 on the R&B chart. Even Bacharach finds Aretha’s version more pleasing: “Aretha just made a far better record.”
[Intro] (I say a little prayer for you) [Verse 1] The moment I wake up Before I put on my makeup (Makeup) I say a little (Prayer for you) And while I'm combing my hair now And wondering what dress to wear now (Wear now) I say a little (Prayer for you) [Chorus] Forever (Forever), and ever (Yeah) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Ooh-hoo) [Verse 2] I run for the bus, dear But while riding I think of us, dear (Us, dear) I say a little (Prayer for you) And at work I just take time And all through my coffee break time (Break time) I say a little (Prayer for you) [Chorus] Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Nobody but me) Forever (Ever), and ever (Ever) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Ooh, ooh-hoo) [Bridge] My darling, believe me (Believe me) For me, there is no one but you Please love me true I'm in love with you (Answer my prayer) Answer my prayer, baby (Answer my prayer) Say you'll love me true (Answer my prayer) Answer my prayer, baby (Answer my prayer) [Chorus] (Ey) Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever, ever) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Oh, nobody but me) [Bridge] My darling, believe me (Believe me) For me, there is no one but you Please love me true [Outro] This is my prayer (Answer my prayer, baby) Answer my prayer now, baby (Answer my prayer, baby) This is my prayer (Answer my prayer, baby) Answer it right now, baby (Answer my prayer, baby) Say you'll love me true (Answer my prayer, baby) This is my prayer, baby (Answer my prayer, baby) I'm in love with you (Answer my prayer)
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Yandere Seph vibes
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Content Warnings: Emotional Manipulation/Gaslighting, Implied Physical Abuse. 
Spit In My Face by ThxSoMch, I don’t care too much for most of the lyrics (absolutely love the vocals, instrumentals and tempo though) but I think the chorus/pre-chorus really nails how a Yan Seph feels about his darling betraying him and how his darling feels about the monster Sephiroth has become. Related to an ask I answered. 
You crush my heart and say it's nothing You broke me down, I kept on cutting I bleed for you and now I'm gushing I bleed for you, but you never cared
For Sephiroth, this is definitely his initial feelings about his darling betraying him. Sephiroth tries to cope with that his darling has somehow left him and that she is daring to work with his trusted enemies to stop him. He doesn't understand why he still loves her, when he should despise her more than any other human parasite.  
For the darling, it feels Sephiroth is only in love with an idealized version of her, created from his deluded mind. He’s not the man she fell in love with. The pain she has suffered due to him seems so insignificant in his eyes. He would often do things like continuing his deluded rambles even as she cries or wipe her tears away as he forcibly induced twisted happiness within her, through their connection via Jenova cells. The poor darling was close to breaking until the stars aligned and she found an escape in joining Cloud’s party. 
Spit in my face, my love, it won't phase me Spit in my face, my love, it won't change me Spit in my face, my love, I've gone crazy Spit in my face, my love, I've gone mad
Sephiroth's emotions swirled like a hurricane, raging and sorrowful, as he begrudgingly accepted the treason his darling committed. She had caused him immense hurt, yet his unyielding resolve enabled him to accept his ongoing love for her. He just hates what his darling has DONE, and he will punish her for it. After her correction, she will come to love him and his twisted ways. 
This could also apply to a broken darling. Sephiroth had infiltrated the darling's mind and emotions, finally achieving the control he had been seeking. At this point, all she wants is just his love and affection. His darling revels in the darkness, content to be surrounded by the monster lurking within. Oh, the rush she feels when Sephiroth cradles her against his blood-splatters form after he finishes eliminating the last of the human parasites that defied him...
Please share some Seph song vibes...
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wyrm-wolf · 2 years
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Just a little something I wanted to write about the first episode that I really loved was the fact that Will has his own kind of personal note in the soundtrack. In this scene we get a glimpse at who Will Graham is outside of work, outside of criminals minds. It’s the most purest, untainted view we get of Will before the nightmares and murder begins to overtake his life. And I think the sound score Brian Reitzell did for this scene is masterful.
It’s almost mournful in a way, like we are getting a foreboding message that this is the end for a new begin as Will unknowingly mourns the last of his past self. I am in no way am expert on music, but I love LOVE the piane in this scene as well, beautiful and melancholic almost like a distant memory as each note fades away until the new one comes in. The echoing of notes I think is also a beautiful touch the way it just bounces off each other in a beautiful harmony that likens itself to a kind of sadness you get on a beautiful day when no one should be sad.
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We hear this same tune pick up again when Will is walking into the hospital to find Abigail’s room, where Hannibal is already there. And I feel like this is the scene where the song truly mourns the loss of Will before Hannibal as the piana picks up. It doesn’t wait for the notes to fade away anymore as they all increase in sound and tempo like we are waiting for something to appear outside of the room. The songs knows already what is about to happen to Will and is trying to decipher this for the audience in a way that is so beautiful to the ear.
Anyways rants over, love this show so much and I love the soundtrack even more.
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