#they’re literally the biggest assholes on the planet
failuretofire · 1 year
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galacticspaceguy · 2 months
Ezra’s backstory/childhood because I haven’t drawn him in a while:
Ok so Ezra grew up on Drion- which was a very barren, desert planet. There are mining caves but the main resource the planet had to offer the Empire was melting down metals and hoarding scraps.
Drion was essentially a scrap yard. It’s where the navy, and/or merchants and sailors leave their busted up old damaged ships to be broken down and then the parts would be sent back to be rebuilt into new ships.
Some ships just kinda get left there sometimes- either in the desert or in the old warehouses. Very accessible to the public- kinda- I mean, technically they’re not allowed in their, but they go anywhere because it’s their house and they are allowed to break into their own house/j
Drion was a very far away planet from the Capital of the Empire, very deserted, not much of a population, just dust and sand.
Course that doesn’t stop pirates from raiding the planet (sometimes even Flint), or the navy from sweeping through very couple of months.
Pirate raids and trading with pirates was very common, but not well received. Because every-time a pirate visit, so does the navy. The navy does an entire sweep of the planet, then leaves the planet in the dust again.
This led to the navy placing a few police officers stationed on the planet- Many of the locals did not like this, and many didn’t even treat them like police (cause they were losers)- especially Ezra- but that’s for later.
Selena (Ezra’s dad) helped get pirates onto the planet unnoticed by these officers, and sure it was kinda easy- course we all know he gets caught one day.
Then Selena “dies” obv- and Ezra (9) is left to take care of his baby sister Ayah (2). They aren’t alone though, cause Selena had two friends named Ronan and Dyrak, who house Ezra and Ayah. Ezra becomes a big contributor to the house income cause Ronan and Dyrak can’t just magically feed two more mouths in this economy.
So as long as Ezra can feed him and his sister, they can have a room.
Ezra manages to have to friends- Ruckus and Glem. Ruckus lost his parents in a pirate raid, and Glem was actually abandoned by their two super rich asshole parents but that’s a story for another time.
They make their money off of stealing and raiding abandoned ships either in the warehouse or desert. This is actually a very popular thing to do, but people would rather have a bunch of kids steal for them and trade them stuff later than actually doing it themselves.
Course there was competition for Ezra, Ruckus, and Glem- there’s this group (I’m currently calling them the dust devils) and they kinda dominate the game here.
There were also “underbosses” which were kinda like crime lords under the planet.
There has been two major raids in Ezra’s life, once when he was a very small baby, and one when he was 12- the second one officiating his hatred for pirates.
After this second raid, the navy sends out The Scylla- the biggest baddest pirate hunters in the Hunters Guild, led by Irene Maddox.
And we all know where this goes- Ezra joins Maddox.
Ezra signs a contract- and since Ezra doesn’t have any parents- his dad “dead”, and his mom completely gone. So this contract technically makes Maddox Ezra’s legal guardian.
The Scylla was a very harsh environment, but there were people who were kinda to Ezra; being Husk, who was outwardly kind to Ezra from the getgo.
Ezra was the cabin boy, but he was also Viktor Hyde’s (the doctor) assistant; as in Viktor sees Ezra as his messed up prodigy- and then everyone wanted to be on Ezra’s good side because Viktor is literally crazy and no one wants to die during their next operation.
Ezra also became the eyes and ears for Maddox. Sure, you’d expect someone higher up on the Scylla hierarchy to be Maddox’s spy, but a cabin boy? What’s supposed to bet eh lowest position on the ship? Maddox used this and Ezra was easily willing to spy on the crew in case of coups or mutiny’s- which led to some hard moments and decisions.
Half the reason Ezra joined Maddox was for the pay. This was held over Ezra’s head a lot, and Maddox did use his ties to higher ups to really hold everything Ezra loved in place- like Ayah.
Maddox was quick to make work of Ezra’s leftover family, because hearing the boy beg to visits his home planet was getting infuriating- so Maddox, using Ezra as a front, put Ayah in a boarding school, and Glem followed.
This way, Ezra could put his full focus on his job.
Ezra was tied to the Scylla until he was in his final teens years (18-19), due to a… unfortunate event that killed Maddox.
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 206
In which I relentlessly mock Sophia for being nosy, while also addressing some of the questions @baelpenrose, @quantumizedinsanity, and @writing-with-olive brought up when the last chapter featuring Noah was being written. And some other questions that came up in my own mind while I tried to go to sleep several nights in a row, because hyperfocusing on the plot is what I do to combat insomnia.
Reader shoutout this week is for @nicestpamkale.
Extra shoutout for everyone who has been suffering through my drawing skills while I tackle Inktober 2022.  To the three very nice people who alerted me that someone is stealing my posts.... GOSH I wish. Unfortunately, I’m posting the art both here and on my main blog, @areasontobreathe.
Help request: I got xkit for Firefox, but can’t find the plug in to build my tag clusters so I don’t have to type out all the tags. If you know where I can get it, please PM me!
After leaving Arthur’s office, I felt compelled to meddle.  Asshole could have just told me, I sulked while fervently hoping that Simon figured out that Nixe was somewhat interested in him.  Adding to my pout was the fact that Arthur had been spot on - Teeth was already adopted, and the only thing I could do was ask Charly or Nixe if either knew exactly why their goblin had been hanging upside down so much. After that, it was in their capable hands.
To burn off some energy, I decided to walk the ship.  I had several hours of spare time, and this could be counted as cardio. After all, the Ark was huge, Tyche and Charly were both at work, and it was my off shift.  A couple hours of meandering were very much overdue.
I made it a whopping four decks before realizing there was a massive presence rather close to me. “Geezus, Noah.” Jumping, a hand landed on my sternum as I tried to calm down. “Warn a girl next time.”
“I was not aware your proximity alert was disabled.”
Waving vaguely at my head, I explained. “I’m walking through the ship during a busy time of day.  My options are mute it and assume that bystanders will see anything crazy, or let it keep going off for hours on end.”
Four blunt appendages flew up in an approximation of a human surrender. “Administrator Costa has demonstrated the auditory equivalent of the alert. I believe I understand why you would temporarily disable it.”
My hand swept flat in a pretty standard there ya go. “Can I help you?”
“I would like to hear your thoughts regarding the recent proposal.”
“Well then, walk with me.” The smile plastered on my face was less forced than I had expected it to be. “I actually did have some questions, so your timing is perfect.”
“The previous discussion was quite brief, as I understand it in human terms, so inquiries are welcome if they will assist in decision making.”
“Awesome,” I exhaled. “I thought about it a lot, and really my biggest concern is… we’re talking about a life form that has lived solely on a starship for hundreds if not thousands of years.  Teeth only lived on one for about twelve, and they’re having a hard enough time adapting.  But on the other side, the comparisons I have available range from subsisting on plant collagen all the way to actually eating radioactivity and even high risk pollutants.  I can’t tell if the environment suggested will be too extreme or not extreme enough.”
“Tens of thousands of years would likely be most accurate, which further validates your concern.” A vomu gestured elegantly around us. “However, testing has shown they are able to survive and adapt quite quickly to the environment on the Ark, so estimates indicate that they will be fine on Von.”
“Even with the temperature extremes?” I pointed out. “Regardless of how flexibly the Ark is designed - and I mean, this ship is pretty awesome - humans have an incredibly broad range of tolerable temperatures.  It won’t be comfortable for us, but we can take it.  It’s the whole reason this planet was selected for our relocation - literally no one else could survive the damned thing, so it was free for colonization.”
That bought me about two decks of silence before one spidery hand started rubbing their eyespots. “I will admit, extensive testing has been done in the BioLabs to ensure the temperature range could be tolerated.”
I stopped abruptly. “How extensive?”
“Extensive enough to know that the aquaponics lab is tolerable and yet entirely unpleasant.”
“Steamy hot cow farts will do that…” I bopped my head for a moment in consideration. “That’s good, but there’s another issue: the hive mind sentience threshold.  As new bodies develop, will it be fast enough to replace the ones that are being worn out by any unexpected changes in environment?  Or will they at some point, however brief, lose sentience?  You pointed that out, yourself, when we realized that Else was allowing themself to die to keep from killing us.”
“There may or may not be several fully mature bodies already on the Ark from the environmental and temperature extremes testing.”
I groaned before continuing my walk. “Is there a percentage I should be asking about?”
“Working with our most recent information on the planet, enough. Given the age of the data?” They paused. Noah never paused, and my stomach sank. “Hopefully enough? Is that the term?”
Anxiety sped my steps up even further. “Shouldn’t you already know this? There has to be data somewhere. Or ancestral knowledge, or… I dunno, something. There’s no way y - this being could have existed for so long, and have no definite idea of what the exact threshold is.”
“In broad strokes, the information exists.  But in fine detail, less so.  It is apparently profoundly rare for one to go below the sentience threshold before reaching one which can absorb them to avoid the loss of knowledge. And in the cases where the loss has occurred - “
I waved off the rest of the sentence. “Yeah, I get it… can’t exactly report how many there were when you lost sentience if you’re not sentient anymore.”  I let the conversation lull for a bit, until we get to a less crowded area. “But why come to me? You and I weren’t even on speaking terms.”
“We spoke.”
“We were on speaking terms at the same level that I am on speaking terms with a food console.” The comparison was blunt, but accurate.  “You still have somewhat cordial relationship with several people. Hell, on the Council alone, you are on semi-social terms with Xiomara, Huynh, and Charly.”
“All of whom, as well as most others you could suggest, currently need to focus all of their spare energy on the tasks surrounding settlement on a new world.”
“In addition to this,” Noah continued, “Due to the exact incident to which you are alluding, you feel a strong need to make amends, in addition to being the last person I would be expected to ask such a favor of.”
“Wooooooooowwwwwwww,” I drew out, half laughing. “You know how to make a girl feel special.”
Randomly picking an Else-chick off the wall, they stroked it gently before setting it on a limb. “Odvub is also interested in you, and I find that intriguing.”
“Odvub is fascinated by humans,” I corrected.
“Indeed. But you were the first human to inquire about even the potential of such a being, much less being able to identify a signal you were never expected, intended, or even conceivably believed capable of identifying. All by a pattern.  Odvub is fascinated by clever beings, I have found.”
Both of my hands raised over my head, and I twirled without stopping my forward progression. “Look around you, dude. The Ark has what might be the highest concentration of clever humans to ever exist. Sure, we’re assholes, bastards, and broken in mind, body, and soul, but we are very clever.”  My hands dropped, and I choked out in a whisper. “When you can’t escape, you don’t survive the end of your world without being clever.”
Thankfully, they let that statement pass without response. We walked for nearly half an hour before I spoke again.  “So, you told me because, of all the clever-ass people on the Ark, I’m the one who wasn’t busy.”
“It is an overly simplistic answer, but essentially correct.”
“Damn, Noah. I thought we were friends.”
“We were what humans would call ‘friends’. I would like to believe we still are.  However, I also consider other people on the Ark my ‘friend’, but I do not trust them to keep a secret. As I said previously, others, such as Charly, cannot be distracted.”
My pout was back. “I want to be really, really mad, but it’s really hard to be angry at being second-place to Charly.”
“She is incredibly likeable, unfortunately.  It’s terrifying.”
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sunasrintarhoe · 2 years
Finding Reason pt 3
Pairing: eddie munson x reader
warnings: swearing, spoilers, angst
a/n: this is more of a filler chapter than anything... i should have part 4 out in the next couple days!!
word count: 3,445
Part 2 | Part 3 | discontinued
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i don't own this gif
“I’m never staying the night with you again, Harrington.”
You didn’t even get a chance to go home. Steve refused to let you go because ‘if you fucking snap like a toothpick over there, no one’s gonna know’, his words not yours.
Instead, he called your parents and explained that you had been at his house and his parents didn’t feel comfortable letting you leave so late.
In the morning, you went back to Reefer Rick’s to bring food to Eddie.
“You spent the night at Steve’s house?” Robin pointed to you then Steve. “Um yeah…” You sounded confused. She hummed. “Where did you sleep?” You blushed and Steve jumped into the conversation. “At my house, Robin. She just answered that.” He stammered.
Robin nodded, “You’re avoiding the question.” She threw her hands up. “That’s okay, we’ll just think what we want to think.”
“Yeah, that she slept with Steve because she’s a sl-“ “Sleeper! A heavy sleeper.” Robin cut Eddie off and glared at him.
You sighed, “You keep saying these things, but you’re forgetting that you’re running from the police and I know where you’re staying. I’d be careful if I were you, Munson.” You winked at him.
Dustin shushed you and you paused. What the fuck? Why were there sirens? You could hear the sound of police getting closer and louder and everyone in the cabin freaked out. “The tarp! The tarp! Get under the tarp!” Robin yelled at Eddie, pointing at the blue tarp in the boat he was sitting in.
Looking out the window, you saw that they weren’t stopping, but instead sped off. One after the other.
“They’re not stopping…” You turned around and looked at the others.
“This fucking sucks…” You groaned and leaned back to lay down. Steve didn’t allow you to go with them, just in case they had to split up.
That had been hours ago.
“Harrington’s just worried about you, be grateful at least someone cares.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Like you don’t have a group of people that’s trying to prove your innocence. ’Be grateful at least someone cares’ my ass.” Eddie sighed. “Why do you feel the need to argue with me so much?”
You turned to him. “You’re an asshole. Most of the shit you say is asshole-ish and I think that’s enough of a reason to argue with you.” “That’s not fair.” He defended.
“Are you kidding me? You wanna talk about fair? What wasn’t fair, was you leaving me when I needed you most. What wasn’t fair was you telling me that you’d always be there for me then letting me go through my first break up alone because and I quote, ‘I don’t have time to deal with your dramatics, kid!’ That isn’t fair, Edward.”
Eddie flinched. He hadn’t been called Edward since his dad left. He nodded at your words. “Well, I didn’t then and I still don’t, so get your fucking act together.” You sat up straighter. “Oh like you’re fucking special. Maybe if you didn’t play fantasy games with little kids, you wouldn’t have to worry about being accused of murder! Ever thought about that?!” You raised your voice towards the end.
“You make it sound like I’m some kind of pervert! It’s not like that!” Eddie stood up, which caused you to stand up as well. “I wasn’t even thinking about it like that, but I guess you just exposed yourself! You’re not only a freak, but you’re a pervert too!”
Eddie wanted to hurt you, he could feel the poisonous words creeping up his throat.
He knew exactly what to say that would make you cry. “You can think whatever you want, but at least my real-“ “Shut up!”
You were screaming at him. “Shut up, you fucking asshole! I came here to help you and you’ve been nothing, but a dick to me! I’m literally waiting to die and you’re being the biggest asshole on planet earth!”
Eddie got quiet, he wanted to comfort you, but he didn’t have that right anymore. Feeling defeated, you started crying. “Fuck… I know they didn’t want me… Maybe if they did I wouldn’t be trying to chase the memory of Billy.” You cried into your hands. “Everyone leaves me, Eds…”
“That’s not true-“ “You were the only person that promised they wouldn’t leave me and you did too.”
Eddie frowned, he did, didn’t he? “I don’t remember promising you that…” You scoffed.
“Really, Eddie? You don’t remember my eleventh birthday at the pool… The day you-“ “Threw up in the pool and made everyone have to evacuate. Yeah, I do remember that.” You both laughed a little. You missed the memories you had of Eddie. Your Eddie.
After calming down, you spoke again. “You told me that I was the only person in the world that mattered to you and you would never leave me…” You muttered into the quiet air. Eddie sucked in a breath.
“I did tell you that, didn’t I?” Nodding, you sighed. “If we were still friends, you would’ve almost kept your promise…”
“…Why do you say that?”
You looked at him with an intense gaze, seemingly memorizing his face. Memorizing his lips, the slight stubble on his chin, his smile lines, long eyelashes. Everything. Your gaze softened and you turned your gaze to the floor. “You said so yourself, I’m doing the same thing Chrissy did before she-…” You swallowed, ”She died. The clock’s ticking, Eddie.”
The rest of the day was spent quietly. You stared out into the water, ignoring every attempt Eddie made to talk to you. He left you alone for the most part but every hour or so, he made some attempt to get you to talk.
“You just spilled your guts to me and now you won’t even acknowledge my presence… Real mature.” He mocked you. You just sighed and laid down on the floor of the boat cabin.
You didn’t have the energy to argue, so you slipped your eyes closed.
It was so easy to slip into the warm embrace of sleep, that was until Steve busted in. You quickly sat up and glared at him. “We gotta go. It’s getting late and we need to have a team meeting at Nancy’s.” “ Nancy?” You questioned.
“Yeah, she was talking to the police when pulled up behind the ambulance.” You nodded and Eddie sighed.
“So you’re going off without me again?“ His tone was bored and bordered on exhaustion. Steve nodded. “We can’t risk you getting caught… Sorry, dude.” Eddie waved him off and laid down in the boat.
You shook your head at this and got up. “Let’s get going, I’m tired.” Steve opened the door and motioned for you to go first.
Steve was driving, music quietly playing in the background. You sat in an uncomfortable silence until Steve spoke up.
“So we found out that both Chrissy and Fred were seeing Ms. Kelly and-“ “Wait what happened to Fred?”
Steve paused. “No one told you?” You shook your head. Steve sighed before continuing, “Nancy said that her and Fred went to the trailer park to get some answers and she got caught up talking to Eddie’s uncle. When she turned around, Fred was gone. The police found his body this morning. She described it the same way Eddie described Chrissy…”
You couldn’t respond, so Steve took your silence as a sign to continue.
“We ended up breaking into Ms. Kelly’s office and saw that both Chrissy and Fred had been seeing her. We pulled yours and Max’s as well and it showed that all four of you have the same symptoms.” Head explained as calmly as possible. ”The headaches, nosebleeds, trouble sleeping, night terrors, hallucinations… With the data from Chrissy’s file, we realized that in less than twenty four hours after the initial hallucination, the victim was killed…” Steve got quiet and you felt your chest tighten up. “But, I’ve already had two hallucinations, Steve…” You looked at him, “ And it’s been way over twenty four hours.” Steve stopped the car.
“What?! I thought you just had the one!” He looked at you with panicked eyes. “No, I had one last friday like right after school.” “If had that one then, then you were supposed to die in my car?!” You flinched and Steve calmed down.
“Shit… Sorry.” He apologized and looked at the steering wheel. “What happened?”
You swallowed, “One minute I was in the car with you, arguing, the next I’m in Billy’s car with his hand on my thigh.” You rubbed your eyes. “He pulled up to the mall and kept telling me to look at him, begging me, then he started screaming at me and I closed my eyes. I heard music, so I looked to the right and I saw like a portal and in it was a scene you trying to get my attention. I ran through it and I could hear a creepy voice telling me that my time was almost up…”
Steve slammed back into his seat and sighed. “Max had a vision today…” Your breath hitched. “Fuck… Fuck! I couldn’t protect Billy and now I can’t even keep my promise and protect Max.” You cried. Your heart hurt and it was just getting worse.
Everything was getting worse.
You arrived at Nancy’s house to see Nancy waiting for you on the porch steps. More like waiting on Steve.
You and Nancy didn’t have the best relationship. She disliked you for whatever reason and you couldn’t be bothered to find out. The Wheelers were assholes.
Steve got out of the car first. “We kinda have a problem.” He spoke as you got out of the car. Nancy’s eyes moved from Steve to you. “Howdy, Wheeler!” You gave her an overly sweet smile. She scoffed, “What is she doing here, Steve?”
You rolled your eyes, “Well, sweetheart, I’m on the verge of dying here, so I would hurry up and get inside so we can talk about it.” You pushed past her and walked towards her basement.
She watched you walk away then turned back to Steve. “What did she mean by that?” “She has the curse too, Nance…” Nancy nodded and moved to let Steve in.
“Robin, my love!” You called out as you walked down the steps to the basement , hoping to get her attention, so she could distract you. You reached the bottom and your eyes immediately met Lucas’s.
“Lucas!” You ran toward him and pulled him into a hug. “You scared the shit out of me, fucker.” You squeezed him tightly and he squeezed you back. You felt like crying. “I’m sorry, Sis. I just couldn’t leave Jason’s group… They’re looking for Eddie.” He pulled away to look at you. “Look… They say they’re not gonna hurt him, but they have bats and stuff and they beat up his band members.”
You nodded and hugged him tightly once more before letting go. You turned to look at the rest of the group.
“Okay… I guess I should start this….” You took a deep breath. “I had a hallucination on Friday and again on Saturday in Steve’s car…” Max got up from her seat.
“Then how are you still alive?” She questioned, walking towards you. “I have no idea. I guess he didn’t need me?… But I think it’s fair to assume that he’s going to come back for me.”
“Why would he come for you? Nothing happened to you. It doesn’t make sense.” Nancy commented, she couldn’t think of anything that would’ve made you a target.
“Well from the way it looks, he’s going after people with unresolved trauma…” Max spoke up, she also couldn’t think of a reason Vecna would go after you.
“I’m the reason Billy’s dead…” The room got eerily quiet. Max looked at you in shock and Lucas bagan shaking his head.
“No, you’re not. You had no control over his actions.” You looked at Lucas with tears in your eyes, “He did it to protect me. If I hadn’t jumped in front of it, he wouldn’t’ve either.” Max shook her head this time and hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and let the tears flow.
“Are you serious right now? People are dying and you’re being dramatic!” Everyone’s head turned to Nancy, “It’s obvious no one blames you for his death, so shut up and get over it.”
You sniffled, “Yeah well your brother doesn’t share that same sentiment, Wheeler.” You spit out and she rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows Mike just talks out of his ass. I don’t get why you’re holding onto his words. Just. Get. Over. It.” She punctuated each word with a step closer to you. The lights began flickering.
Everyone began freaking out, “What the fuck!” “Is he here?!” “Y/N! Talk to me!”
But you didn’t respond. You stared at Nancy with the most poisonous glare you could muster and the lights began surging.
“I don’t want to die!” Max squeezed you tightly and the flickering stopped. She was crying really hard at this point and you looked down at her.
You leaned your cheek onto her head and shushed her. “I promised Billy I would protect you. You’re not going anywhere.”
You couldn’t sleep. Steve was lying beside you, asleep on a blow up mattress that Nancy offered to him. He initially refused but after some coaxing he eventually accepted. He made you lay down beside him and kept a soft grasp on your arm. His hand periodically tightened, as if he was afraid you’d disappear.
The rest of the meeting had been good. You discussed theories and came to the conclusion that there were more questions than answers. Which brought you to now.
You stare at the ceiling of the basement, trying to sort out your thoughts. Your mind kept going back to Eddie. What was he doing? Was he okay? Is he sleeping right now?
You sighed and tried to get comfortable, opting to look at Steve instead of the ceiling. He looked so peaceful sleeping. “Stop staring, you’ll give me a rash.” He muttered out and you jumped.
“How long have you been awake?” You whisper shouted. “Since you sighed…”
He turned to you and smiled. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” He questioned with tired eyes, the exhaustion of the past few days was finally catching up to him.
You blushed and looked back at the ceiling. “Just… Thinking about Eddie… I feel bad for him.” Steve hummed and scooted closer to you. “I do too… But I also feel bad for you…” You looked at him again, “Why?”
Steve yawned, “I think It's worse to be in a constant state of ‘am I gonna die’ than it is to be in ‘am I going to jail’, y’know?” His eyes fluttered close as he waited for your response, but he didn’t get one. He opened his eyes again to see you snoring softly.
His tired brain wanted to be closer to you, so he pulled your body closer to him and relished in the way you snuggled into his warmth.
When you woke up the next morning, everyone was already awake and doing something. You tiredly got up and sat on the loveseat. Steve walked back into the basement and saw you up.
“Oh good. You’re awake! Robin and Nance are leaving to go to Pennhurst, so we’re gonna drop you off to watch Eddie. We don’t want you and Max together, just in case Vecna tries to take you both out at once.” You nodded and leaned your head on Lucas’s shoulder.
Max walked up to the four of you and handed each of you a brown envelope.
“Here… I want you guys to have these, just in case, y’know.” Dustin and Steve moved to open theirs and Max stopped them.
“Not now, you idiots. Just in case things go south.” You looked at Lucas and saw his expression switch between panic and heartbreak.
Oh you hoped you could be stronger for your brother.
Everyone was silent on the ride to Reefer Rick’s. You were lost in thought, which frankly, Steve hated.
“Max, Y/N, I need you two to keep talking so I don’t freak out over here.” He requested. You hummed in response while Max scoffed.
“We’re not the only ones in the car, you guys are allowed to talk to us.” She responded, you could almost hear the pout in her voice. You chuckled and looked at Steve.
“What do you want to talk about then, Harrington?” Steve paused for a moment. “I… What happened last night?” He struggled to ask. Your smile dropped.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You turned back to the front and Steve flinched.
“Sis…” Lucas touched your arm and you waved him off. “The lights were surging like crazy… We just want to know if you have any idea what could have happened.”
You sighed. “I don’t know, maybe someone was trying to contact us from the other side…” You tried to drop the subject, but none of them were having it.
“That doesn’t make sense, as far as we know, all of the gates closed when the explosion at the lab happened.”
“Exactly ‘as far as you know’. There’s no guarantee that you’re right.”
“Why are you getting so defensive about this?” Max questioned. “Because it feels like you’re interrogating me!” Steve sighed.
“No one’s interrogating anyone. It’s just suspicious because we watched you and Nancy fight and all of a sudden the lights start flickering. You had this intense look on your face and the flickering stopped when your attention went to Max.” He explained, they were definitely interrogating you.
“I don’t know what you want me to say! The lights just happened to start flickering at the same time as I was looking at Nancy! That doesn’t mean anything!”
“That means there’s something you’re not telling us or something you don’t know.” Lucas spoke up and you turned to look at him.
“You’re adopted…” You flinched, “Mom said that the house they lived in was brand new , but when they brought you home, the power would surge. Everytime you would cry, the lights would flicker until eventually they got tired of replacing light bulbs and moved when you were two. After they moved, the power surge stopped and everything went back to normal...”
Everyone was quiet. “Why… Why would mom lie to you like that? She’s never told me any of this.” Lucas’s face grew hard. “Mom would never lie to me- to any of us and you know that.” You turned back around.
“Yeah, well, Lucas, there’s a lot of things mom didn’t tell you about…” You ended the conversation.
Lucas frowned, you were going to talk about this later. Whether you wanted to or not.
“We’ll be back, stay quiet and don’t get in trouble.” “Yeah yeah.” You waved them off and walked into the boat cabin, where Eddie was watching the water.
“That’s how I know you’re going crazy.” Eddie’s head snapped to you. “How?” You walked further into the cabin and sat beside him. “You’re quiet.”
“Well, I can’t exactly be loud while hiding from the police.” He explained and you smiled.
“You would normally be fidgeting with something. Could never stay still.” You wiped your hands on your thighs.
“People change, I guess…”
It was quiet for a few moments. “I missed you… A lot…” You said quietly, staring at the gently moving lake.
You tried to focus on the ripples, the way the fish moved, just under the surface.
“I missed you too… I-“ He hummed, frustrated. “I’m… Sorry for being an asshole to you and leaving you in the dust like that. There are just things that I'm not ready to admit yet…” You nodded. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
“They forgot me.” “No, they didn’t. I’m sure they’re just caught up in something.” Eddie tried to reason. He didn’t even believe himself.
“No, they definitely forgot me.” You corrected and Eddie just sighed. “Yeah, they probably did… But is it so bad? I mean- I’ve been on my own since Friday night basically, it’s nice to have some company.”
You looked at him. “I guess we’re in the same boat…” Eddie deadpanned and you giggled. “C’mon, that was a good one! You have to admit it.” Eddie chuckled at your outburst.
“It was. It was.” He admitted. You leaned your head on his shoulder and breathed. “I’m scared…“ Eddie leaned his head on top of yours, “I know.”
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deadmandairyland · 11 months
Came up with another concept for a possible Super Daryl Deluxe fic in the future if I can come up with more specific details for it:
A somewhat more mundane AU with no world-ending or teenager-murdering plots (man, this seems to crop up a little too often in media I like). It’d have some on-the-nose title, like “The Surprisingly Mundane Adventures of Daryl Whitelaw” or something, but it would still be a bit crazy, kinda like BakaTest (but without the summoned beasts) or maybe even Nichijou if I’m feeling ambitious.
Here are some basic ideas floating around my head:
Daryl has an overactive imagination but almost never speaks (which is pretty much canon already). Basically in this universe, even if it turned out that Daryl actually does believe the events of the game happened, it’s all in his head (which I think could actually be a funny concept, and it’s even touched upon somewhat in the game before eventually blindsiding you with a “Holy shit, this stuff is actually happening” epiphany).
Daryl can speak but is super awkward and doesn’t really know how to speak to people. On the rare occasions that Daryl does speak, he of course sounds like Napoleon Dynamite.
Instead of being an isolated girl living in the vents, Princess is something of a queen bee at the school (with Daryl being completely convinced that she’s literally royalty and an ice queen that’s waiting for a dashing prince to thaw her or whatever). She’d be kind of a Pacifica Northwest kind of character, and her name would literally just be Princess Bavarius because why not.
Eli Bavarius is not an eons-old doomsday supervillain, but something like... idk, a superintendent or some kind of government official? Someone that still has a lot of power over the school and is a bit of a dick. He can still have a skull for a face though, I think that would still fit the story. Maybe a result of the escalator incident? Will the escalator get a Historical Villain Upgrade in this? These are the real questions.
In the same vein of Eli still having the skull for a face, Vice Principal Robatto can still be a robot, again because why not.
Potential Love Interests (TM): So if Daryl is both our Archie and basically our hilariously clueless harem anime protagonist, Princess would obviously be our Veronica. Beyond that, I think Abby and Skill Sorceress (OOF, that’s going to be the hard part, coming up with names for the DnD characters. I don’t want to be calling Skill Sorceress, well, “Skill Sorceress” the entire time, and I don’t want to confuse everyone by calling her “the Homestuck” the whole time either) would make for good Bettys. Plenty of comedic potential there. As for the gay option I’m thinking... Saving Instructor (who I also need to come up with a name for because “Saving Instructor” doesn’t even make sense outside of a video game and I’m not calling him “the Weeb” the whole time either). We never see what’s under the Goku mask either, maybe he removes it at some point and he turns out to be a bishonen all along, complete with sparkles.
No, Paul and Alan will not be love interests for Daryl. I can’t do that to poor Daryl. I can do a lot of things to poor Daryl, but not that.
Possible Side Ships (TM): So right now all I’m thinking is that if I don’t end up pairing Abby with Daryl I’m probably going to pair her with either Monica or Claire, and if I don’t pair her with Claire then I'm probably going to pair Claire with Steve (insert haha funny Resident Evil joke here), but that’s pretty much all I can think of at the moment.
Non-Romantic Character Dynamic of Note (TM): I want Time Knight and his sister to be major characters. I just love their whole dynamic of the sister being like “My brother is the coolest, he’s the best brother ever and roleplaying with him is so much fun!” and meanwhile Time Knight is just the biggest delusional asshole on the planet. I don’t think we ever see them on screen together in the game so just imagining scenarios where they’re interacting is fun.
Anyway, that’s all I got for now. I mean it’s a lot to go off of, but actually coming up with a coherent plot out of this is the hard part. Only time will tell if we will see anything come out of either this or my “Super Abby Advance” idea.
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indeedaesies · 1 year
Cultures in any working industries is stupid & ridiculous.
Everyone rushes & competes who can carry the boss’s balls the highest. Boss takes advantage of his position and literally behaves like the biggest asshole on this planet.
I just got FUCKED by the worst boss I’ve ever worked for and his work bitch, aka The Manager. They’re quite well known in the company as Clown 1 & Clown 2. All for an MC that I had received from a certified doctor as I was diagnosed with Influenza B, a contagious disease and somehow almost everyone in my timeline is getting it in Singapore now. New covid? I was still not well yet I wore my mask and dragged myself to work as I did not want my colleague to be on shift alone, KNOWING how that felt like. Only to be fucked as early as 0830 on a Sunday morning.
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Could not wait till work ended? Oh that’s right - coming from “the boss” who works everyday where he comes in at 0800 and fuck any nurse who arrives later than him, has time for exercises in between consults, goes for a two hour break unbothered, goes of as early as 3 or sometimes earlier, complains and bitches when he has to do a procedure for the patients, find faults with nurses, beats the patients up, does surgery without sterilised gloves contaminating everything, sides with his entitled clients who lies to his nurses but comes up with bullshit stories for him and when nurses try to clarify and explain themselves, he takes it as talking back and will make your life hell.
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Oh, & lets not forget the work bitch - comes in the latest among all the nurses, dont even bother helping anyone with any treatments in the morning, sits at the front every single shift and claim “as the manager I need eyes everywhere so being at the reception is where I need to be to know everything”, has no idea everyone at work hates her, make so much promises but delivers nothing, turn the nurses and doctors against one another, telling me “as the new manager you should not join in the bitching” but bitches the most, act like someone you can trust behind the boss’s back but immediately give a whole new charade in front of him, acts nothing like a leader, purely lazy, throws the phone to other nurses who are having their breaks when clearly she is supposed to be the one mending the phone as per a receptionist does, will literally talk shit non stop, extremely bias, bitched about a nurse and claiming she wants to terminate her just because this nurse’s mom is a kidney dialysis patient and needs to be sent for treatments, hits patients too, really not around as she is busy chain smoking her lungs out, also leaving work as soon as the boss goes home.
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I swear to god, this company’s a J O K E. These two clowns tell clients their pets are safe with us. THEY ARENT, especially not with these two mother fuckers who really, I do not understand why the fuck are they in this industry. Patients are being left ALONE overnight but these two clowns will tell clients “there will always be a nurse to take care of your pet overnight”. NO, there IS NOT! Coming to 5 months, I have seen 4 patients DIE overnight as there was NO NURSE OR VET to take care of them. My heart breaks every single fucking day. I vowed never to work for a company that does this shit and fuck me I was just desperate and an idiot to think I could change this place for the better. These two mother fuckers are inhumane. I saw once the boss CHOKE a motherfucking corgi with the leash because he was fierce. I had it handled, I was already restraining the corgi and this piece of shit grabbed his leash and held him in the air. I had to yell to tell him to stop. That corgi was so afraid. I have seen this monster castrate a cat when the cat was not even down yet all because he was in a “hurry”. I cried and I prayed for the cat because I was useless, I was a nobody and that was all I could do, help the cat recover from such a traumatic experience.
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I try my best every single day, to do what I do best and that is to save animal lives. Help them. Be their voice. Make them comfortable. Everything that happens in this clinic goes against everything I believed in.
On that unfateful morning, while getting yelled at by the two clowns, all that went through my head was what would happen if I were to snap? My boss told me “i paid you your full salary to do your job” and tell me clearly what the fuck have i been doing all these months then? Come in to work and open my fucking legs and sit on my ass all day? He told me “I cannot work with you anymore, you took more medical leave than I did through my career. Go find a company that will tolerate this and do not tell me I am unfair” That’s rich coming from someone who is so full of it? Like I wouldnt come to work every single day if I get to not work, pass my surgeries and procedures to my nurses and other vets, go for undisturbed breaks and leave before 4 everyday? And Ive been slogging for them and this was my very first long medical leave BECAUSE OF A VIRUS MIND YOU.
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Then coming from the work bitch “You can kiss your manager post goodbye, there is no way I can handover this position to you, this is unacceptable” - well funny how this is coming from someone who is not even FIT to lead a team. Also, I have already mentally checked out the managerial post as I have bigger plans coming my way and that is to get the fuck out of this company ASAP.
All for a medical leave. They know it is illegal to terminate me as MOM will not allow it, so here they are making it unbearable for me.
Dont get me wrong, the other doctors and nurses are amazing. I am really close to them as I bothered to get to know them. I took the time to hear them. I try my best to be there for them or help them. I understood what they go through. No matter what happens outside work, I still come to work every time with a smile on my face and make it worthwhile for everyone. But these two pieces of shit - in it for other reasons. And I do not know, for the first time in my life, what to do next.
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All I know is, they can try their very best to get me to quit on my own accord but too bad, I am a survivor. I have been through shits after shits to be who I am today. They want me gone, they’ll have to give me a payout. Funny how this bitch is telling me all these bullshits to put on a good show for him when she’s the one that confirmed me as a permanent staff on my second month and even increased my salary. All because of a medical leave that I was entitled too. Amazing right?
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ghostlyplacetobe · 1 year
Shut the actual fuck up cassandra literally everytime you see your wife she divorces you. And yes Cyril baby I think you have the biggest kindest heart on the planet. You love to help and care for those around you even when they’re complete assholes to you. You babygirl -Darnell
/////// -Cyclops
Simp -pico
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
I spent the whole day watching animal fact videos so...here’s what I learned:
1. Dolphins are assholes. As in straight up. They’re the dicks of the sea, especially orcas or killer whales.
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There’s a reason Sonic run from these guys. Dolphins are known to bully other animals like sharks, seals, and even sting rays. Sometimes they don’t even pick on them to eat. They do it just for the fun of it. While it is possible to befriend one, keep in mind they are highly intelligent and while they probably won’t eat you, they can mess with you. It’s even possible they might find you attractive and...
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yeah. Keep in mind, unlike other animals, dolphins mate for pleasure, not just for reproducing.
2. Speaking of weird mating habits, Adelie penguins would fuck just about anything during mating season, and I mean anything. Even the ground.
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They’re Panty Anarchy’s spirit animal. “Standards” is not a word in their dictionary. One time scientists tested a penguin by making putting it against some rock with a weird head on it to see whether or not it will try to mate with it. Not only did the penguin go for it, it did so to completion.
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Don’t let this song fool ya. In fact narwhals are probably having a worse day than you. Narwhals are shy creatures and very prone to panic attacks, which can lower their heart rate. While they are gentle towards humans, you need to proceed with caution because stressing it out in anyway might send these poor fellas to an early grave.
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Meaning that this scene right here got a bit more traumatizing.
4. Kangaroos fucking hate dogs. This is a result of being hunted down for many years and being fed up with their shit. Sometimes a kangaroo would try to convince an unsuspecting dog to follow it into water only to drown the poor fucker. They do this to humans too, but it is possible for humans to befriend a kangaroo only after it warmed up to us and see that we’re not too bad, but if you have a dog, you might as well throw that idea out the window.
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Meaning that sadly a Kangaroo Jack/Clifford crossover is probably never gonna happen. Even if it did it would more than likely result in a traumatizing event that someone as sweet as Emily Elizabeth should never have to go through, even though Clifford would most likely live in the end.
5.Echidna and Platypuses are in the same family.
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Makes sense to me.
6. Gorillas are afraid of chameleons. I’m not making that up, along with centipedes, gorillas are honestly terrified of certain lizards for whatever reason, and among their biggest fears are chameleons.
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So literally all Mario had to do in his very first game
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was to hire Espio to show up for like a few seconds.
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Spongebob might be a hermaphrodite. If he’s not, he’s an extremely rare case as most sea sponges are hermaphrodites meaning that they carry both male and female reproductive organs.
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As he has shown here, they can reproduce by budding, although this is mainly because sea sponges don’t move, but since Spongebob can this might not be his only option.
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I would now like to take this opportunity to remind you that not only was the original idea for Sandy was to be Spongebob’s girlfriend, not just friends, but because of that one episode, they’re technically married. Yeah it was a play, but guy who played the priest was an official one and had no idea it was a play, so... And before anyone says anything sea sponges share DNA with pretty much every other animal on the planet, making them the Mews of the sea. What I’m trying to say is...
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Sandy’s going to enjoy the best of both worlds in bed. You’re welcome for that image.
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This movie actually gets down a lot of accurate details about animals. Obviously not the penguins because they would die of heat stroke the moment they landed on the island but there are difference species of lemurs on the island of madagascar, including
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rat lemurs, which are not only the smallest land mammals on the planet, but they also have some of the smallest brains, making them as smart as a toddler even in adulthood, which would explain Mort’s personality even though he’s like 50,
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aye aye lemurs, which fun fact are known for having really long middle fingers so Julien will definitely know when Maurice is 100% sick of his shit
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and of course ring tail lemurs. Some of you may know another rather famous ring tailed lemur who sadly lost his life a few years ago.
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I’m of course talking about Zoboomafoo, the star of the classic kids nature show with the same name. R I P to a real one. But here’s a detail that Madagascar actually got wrong about ring tailed lemurs.
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To put it simply, King Julien...should’ve been a woman. Lemurs, including ring tails operate on a female dominate society. I don’t know what’s scarier, the thought of this guy having tits or the fact that this actually one of the few details the movie gets wrong.
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Yeah even the fossa they got right. They are real animals on they island, hunt lemurs, and are on the top of the food chain, meaning that if someone were to drop off a lion there, they would be in serious trouble. Keep in mind that in the first movie, Alex gave into is natural instincts for a while, which is especially bad news for fossa. Why?
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Fossa are related to hyenas and lions naturally hate hyenas more than anything. Literally their only hope was if Gloria managed to knock him out.
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Speaking of Madagascar, you remember Marlene from the TV show, right? Yeah consider her lucky. When it comes to mating, sea otters are among one of the most aggressive creatures on the planet. The males not only completely wreck the females...in a bad way, but females usually get gangbanged against their will. Be glad she doesn’t have any roommates...except for that one episode, but that wasn’t an otter.
9. If anyone tells you homosexuality isn’t natural, just point them to a koala bear.
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These fuckers are quite notorious when it comes to woman on woman action. This is because, like with sea otters, the males are pretty aggressive when it comes to mating, so instead of dealing with that, the koala would just reject the male and do it with females.
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Koalas would even have lesbian orgies with each other. Despite this, they have to reproduce, so every so often a guy does get lucky, but after that, it’s back to the women. Oh and koalas aren’t the only ones.
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Some male lions would have sex with other males because the females are much more aggressive in bed. After all, lionesses can demand sex with their partners up to 40 times a day and if the male doesn’t compensate, the female would start biting the balls.
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Someone better warn Killia before he decides to seal the deal with Lieze.
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It’d be like getting it on with Haru. It may seem nice and sweet, but once you go under the bedsheets, you’d better be ready for a world of pain.
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You remember this scene in the Jungle Book, right? Mowgli befriending Hathi’s son? A little cute moment for the audience, right? Welp, prepare to cry.
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Elephants are among the most intelligent animals known to man alongside crows and dolphins. They’re capable of tricking rhinos to stop their charge by throwing objects in their way in order to confuse them and even understand the concept of having a reflection, which is something even dogs and cats have trouble with.
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They’re also emotional creatures, capable of forming actual bonds with other animals, including humans and are aware of the concept of death, meaning that once a friend pass away, they’ll mourn their loss and even hold funerals.
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There’s one case where elephants befriended a man named Lawrence Anthony after he protected them from poachers. Lawrence sadly passed away back in early March of 2012. Somehow, despite not being around for it, the elephants managed to find out about his passing and they marched their way to his home much to the surprise of his family. They all gathered there to hold a funeral to their fallen friend. Not only that but since then, every year on the same exact day that he died, the elephants would come back, sometimes in even greater numbers in order to have a memorial service. As touching as that is, why am I pointing this out? Well the average life span of an African rainforest elephant is 70 years.
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Meaning that there’s a chance this guy right here would not only outlive Mowgli if life did him dirty, but he would also be among the first to find out about it and show up for the funeral.
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And you think the fact that Shere Kahn dies like Mufasa in the original story was dark.))
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bones-sprouts · 3 years
Make up an AU or infodump about one you already have. GO
okay so i had an idea for a run 3 au a while back (yes the cool math games run 3 they actually have really good characters trust me im normal im normal)) nd like i need to rework it SO.
tubbo is the runner mkay. he was a famous cartographer on his home planet but he got sick of the pressure and ran off into these seemingly endless tunnels to document them n make maps.
he meets a skater named tommy who's been traveling the tunnels for months just for the thrill of it all, and the two decide to team up since they're Lonely .
they meet a few more travelers, like a man named foolish who believes in a crazy totem god cult while somehow also being the most sane person in the room, and a boy named fundy who's trying his best to convince his father that the tunnels aren't a dangerous force that needs to be destroyed. most notably though, they meet
ranboo !! he's got angel wings and is literally the Biggest Asshole Alive. like find the angel (the character im basing runboo off of) introduction scene and you will understand. fucking pompous asshole (affectionate)
then they decide to head back to the planet, only to realize that the planet is Fucking Gone, and they have no idea where it went or how to get back. they start arguing and splitting off into teams, with everyone not really sure what to do. some want to find a way home, some want to leave it all behind to explore, and some give up hope entirely.
theres also more shit with like space ships and wilbur fundy dynamic and capitalism and governments but we don't have time to unpack all that
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wh33zy · 3 years
My Read On Hiroki and Why He Gets On My Last Good Goddamn Nerve
First thing I want to make clear: I am not biased here. Although my favorite Egoist fanfiction on the planet is “Turning Back Time” By Lucicelo, this read on him is solely based off of my observations, interpretations, and is backed up with proof in the manga. I actually used to like Hiroki in the past, even made a fanfic and everything many moons ago (I was 16-17 shhhhh).  
Christ, where do I even begin with this fool? Strap in for this one, folks!
Welp, I guess we should start off by saying he’s a narcissist. This isn’t an insult, Hiroki is a textbook narc, he suffers from this. Why we’re starting here is because this is the baseline for his mindset and explains the drive behind most, if not all of his actions. This also explains the whole issue behind his ‘pride’ and avoiding things that are ‘embarrassing’. This also is a huge factor as to why the Egoist relationship just doesn’t fucking work and why if a relationship with Akihiko happened, Akihiko wouldn’t have been the likeable character he is now.
Hiroki is probably the most self centered character Nakamura has created next to Taka-no-means-no. In chapters told from his points of view, you never see him even consider anyone else or how they would feel. It’s all about how everything is impacting him and assuming that he’s always in the right or that he’s the victim in all this. During the stupid America thing, his head is so far up his asshole that he didn’t remember Nowaki being interested in studying a science nor their conversation about going to America because he thought it was appropriate to work on papers for school during a time he’s supposed to hang with Nowaki. 
Not to mention, most of his actions are completely self-serving. One of the majorly terrible things he did was sleeping with Akihiko. Instead of helping his friend through being devastated about unrequited love, he just took advantage of his emotionally vulnerable crush instead of the friend Akihiko needed. I think THIS is why Akihiko was so pissed off afterwards. Not just at himself but at Hiroki using his grief as an opportunity to make Akihiko fall in love with him. 
One that sticks out particular in terms of being self-serving is when he does nice things for others. But, almost all of those nice things are motivated by wanting to quell guilt or he’s fucking hammered. That was the main reason why he took care of Nowaki when he was sick which makes me confident that Hiroki wouldn’t have done anything at all if he wasn’t motivated by guilt. Why did he celebrate Valentine’s Day with Nowaki? Guilt! Why did he decide to take a bath with him? Guilt! Why did he even bother sending those bride photos back to his parents with that letter? GUILT! It’s hardly ever because it’s just a nice thing to fucking do or even the right thing. The only other time he told Nowaki he loved him? He was drunk! 
Narcissistic Rage: He’s not just a hothead, I think it goes deeper. While him being the Kamijou the Devil is funny at all, it’s literally just him in bouts of narc rage. That’s because students not listening to the lecture makes Hiroki feel like he lost control of his class and the fact that he’s being ignored in a threat to his self esteem. This also explains the many times he gets extremely angry when there’s an inkling that he is wrong and him lashing out by trying to hurt the person threatening/challenging him. So, not only do students get things thrown at them but it also explains why Nowaki does as well. HIs stubborness also stems from this, because he believes he’s right at all costs. 
Narcissistic Selective Memory: I bet there are a lot of problematic things about Hiroki that people forgot because only Nowaki’s faults are brought up anymore. While everyone loves to dogpile on Nowaki about him being a stalker, so was Hiroki! Hiroki was just as bad IF NOT WORSE! He not only wore disguises but he also would time his stalking to such a precise degree so that he and Nowaki would bump into each other so they could walk home together. He made a pattern to do this every seven or so times that he’d stalk Nowaki so that Nowaki wouldn’t catch on (but he DID because our boy is perceptive as hell). In a more recent chapter, Hiroki criticizes Nowaki for being a scary stalker.
Superiority Complex: So high and mighty, this guy. But, this is mainly evident by the way he treats Nowaki. For almost the entire relationship, Hiroki has treated Nowaki like a child. He would poo-poo Nowaki’s rightful concerns and accomplishments. He’d constantly talk down to him. Like, if this guy wasn’t making fun of Nowaki he was putting him down. This is what lead to Nowaki finally blowing up at him which brings us to our next thing- 
He didn’t just take advantage of Akihiko, oh no, he fully takes advantage of Nowaki’s kindness/selflessness. Hiroki is aware of what he can get away with, evident by the way he assumes that Nowaki will just stay quiet and agree. Also by the way he will automatically just reject whatever Nowaki has said to him because he knows Nowaki is too nice to fight back. If Nowaki is openly upset, this is where Hiroki’s guilt starts. 
Hiroki is Junjou Romantica’s BIGGEST HYPOCRITE: Not just from him only pointing out and criticizing bad things Nowaki did even though he did them himself, but the fact that he can’t take criticism himself. I think it’s very weird for someone to constantly be so judgmental of everyone around them but then not be able to take what they’re dishing out. This is evident why the way he acts when Nowaki was “sick” and was telling him that he ran off with the idea before he fully listened. You think Hiroki accepted that and changed? Haha, NO. 
Which also ties into his emotional immaturity. Listen, Hiroki, fuckface...can I call you fuckface? I’m gonna call you fuckface: you can’t tell someone that you don’t care what they do while also not wanting to act like you want to be in a relationship and then get mad if it seems like they’re taking your advice. You also shouldn’t hop into a relationship when you’re still in love with someone else. THAT’S RIGHT! You guys think Hiroki has gotten over Akihiko at all? Absolutely fucking NOT. He even said that he’d always love Akihiko but that he loves Nowaki ‘a different way’, but I’m not sure what that different way is? I mean, the first thing Hiroki thought about in terms of Nowaki was not his kindness or concern for his well-being, but that his hands were similar to Akihiko’s. Also, the whole thing about Nowaki not being allowed to call him by his first name but Akihiko being able to that is just another red flag to me. He’s also immature in the way that he barely faces his problems. He has run away figuratively and literally many many many many many times. Lastly, he barely takes any initiative in the relationship and has Nowaki constantly carrying their relationship. 
Which brings me to the part that boils my fucking blood: Hiroki treats Akihiko better than Nowaki and is a lot softer with him. With the way he speaks to Akihiko vs Nowaki, who gets to refer to him by his first name, the way he’d drop everything to read a manuscript- it is so fucking obvious that Hiroki would treat Akihiko so much better if they were together. I sometimes get the inkling that it frustrates Hiroki that Nowaki isn’t Akihiko. 
Does that mean Minimum is better than Egoist? Yeah, no. Akihiko would not have blossomed into the beautiful flower that he is now with Hiroki because there would be no motivation for him to change. Hiroki would enable his bad qualities since he’s accepting of a lot of Akihiko’s faults and the strained relationship with his family by both of their lack of empathy. Evident by the way Hiroki did fuck all to encourage Akihiko to move on in a healthy way and the way he kind of idolizes him. The other side of the clash is Akihiko not putting up with Hiroki’s narcissism, immaturity, and quirks as a whole. Akihiko does not take any of Hiroki’s bullshit, even now.
So, what even is Egoist then? Well, kind of quoting Bojack Horseman here, Hiroki sunk his claws into the one person on the planet who will put up with his bullshit and make him the center of the universe. Nowaki is wearing rose colored glasses, so all the red flags just look like flags. 
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hey-there-love · 3 years
Summary: Being the new kid is hard right? Try moving across the world to attend the elite hero course at U.A. Unfortunately following the path of straight and narrow is difficult when you find a blonde ball of death throwing twists in it. Nobody said it was easy. New experiences, new friends, new interests...what could go wrong?
Chapter 2: Oh You’re Feisty
Content Warnings: Adult Language, Cringy Situations
Word Count: 2.2K
Once you gathered yourself, you opened the door and peaked around, searching for any sign of life. Grateful you were by yourself, you began to search for towels. After they were located, you washed the grime from the long flight away.
Quickly you got dressed, brushed your hair, and began to apply a light coat of mascara. You began to sing to yourself to calm your nerves about meeting your new class mates.
“Are you singing Ariana Grande? I love her!” Someone squealed, rushing into the bathroom. You jumped at the voice and managed to hit your lid with the whole mascara wand. You clutched your chest and whipped your head around.
“Hey look! Twins!” The pink girl cracked a joke. You embarrassingly horse laughed because she wasn’t wrong. She had sweet deep eyes that were black and brown.
“I swear I think I’ll have a heart attack before I even start my classes here.” You shook your head and inspected the damage to your makeup. You ran your finger under the faucet and began to scrub your eyelid making the simple error into a huge smudge. You groaned and glanced back to her with pleading eyes.
“Here,” she began digging into a drawer, pulling out a pack of makeup wipes. “Uraraka usually keeps these in here.”
“I’m assuming you’re Mina, my new neighbor right?” You questioned, thankful as you wiped the makeup off.
“You’d be correct! It’s good to meet you Y/N. I can already tell we’re going to be fast friends. Cute jeans by the way.”
“Thanks! I got these from H&M. I literally bought every color , so if you ever wanna borrow a pair let me know.”
“I’ll definitely take you up on that offer! Are you ready? Dinner is almost done and I figured I’d come check on you.” She responded, taking a seat on the counter top next to you.
“I am. Just let me drop my stuff off in my room.” You said opting to give up on the mascara after your incident. You finished primping and picked your things up.
As you walked back to your room she began to question your previous statement. “Who else gave you a heart attack? You’ve only been here for an hour!”
“Oh, actually I was heading into the bathroom and I guess I wasn’t paying attention and I crashed right into a guy. I felt so bad.” You said, unlocking your room and setting your things down on the desk.
“It was probably Kirishima! He came back downstairs whenever I got up. ” She giggled and leaned against your door frame.
“Well he definitely laughed at me after he pulled my underwear off of my shoulder!” You said slapping yourself in the forehead.
“Oh my gosh!” Mina squealed. “He never said anything so I guess your secret it safe. I hope they were old lady underwear for his sake. He definitely gets flustered easily.”
“He didn’t blush in the least and it was a thong! I don’t even think I could look him in the eye! Wait what does he look like?” You asked examining yourself for a final time and spraying a little bit of body spray.
“Spiked red hair, sharp teeth, the cutest boy wonder smile ever.” She gushed. That definitely wasn’t who you encountered.
“No it wasn’t him then, he had a permanent look of disgust. ” Her eyes grew wide and your face dropped. “What?”
“KATSUKI FREAKING BAKUGO TOUCHED YOUR PANTIES?” She hollered, making your ears ring. You shushed her not wanting to relive the experience.
“Not so loud! I don’t need everyone to know about my underwear!” You cried out , cheeks heating up.
“That’s hilarious. King of Murder and Destruction Bakugo. Laid hands. On. Your. Thong.” You swore she was about fall over laughing.
“Do you think he said anything?” You covered your face, completely and utterly mortified.
“Maybe just Kirishima because they’re best bros, but he despises everyone else so you have nothing to worry about!”
You groaned. “Can we please forget that ever happened and go?” Pleading as you pushed her out the door.
“Sure thing bestie my lips are sealed.” Mina replied, mimicking a zip and locking her mouth. She then looped her arm through yours and made you skip to the elevator.
“Can you give me a quick run down of what I’m about to walk into?” You questioned as she pressed the button on the elevator.
“Well, the girls are the most awesome people you’ll ever meet. You’ve met Momo, but there’s Jiro, who has a great taste in tunes but kinda moody. Uraraka, the biggest ray of sunshine on the planet. Hakegure, who has the best personality ever. Tsu, is a little different, but is hilarious, and of course the greatest person you’ll ever meet...me!” She laughed, squeezing your arm.
“And the guys...well they’re guys of course. Kirishima, a total sweetheart and a feminist might I add. Midoryia, nice kid but villain magnet. Ayoma, he’s from France and I think he’s on the DL if you catch my drift. Absolutely at all costs stay away from Mineta. The little grape asshole with give you permanent taste of vomit in your mouth.” You crinkled your nose at the last comment. She continued, “Todoroki, which is the number one pro her Endeavor’s son and a total hottie.” She wagged her eyebrows making you laugh. “Shinso, who is the strong quiet type. Tokoyami, very respectful, the type you’d take home for Sunday dinner.”
“There’s Sero, he gives great advice he’s almost like the class therapist. Koda is a modern day Snow White and has the cutest bunny ever. Sato bakes like it’s nobody’s business and will literally make you gain 10 pounds. Then finally there’s the angry Pomeranian Bakugo.” Mina finished finally. You were pretty sure she just ran out of breath after trying to explain to you quickly before the elevator doors opened.
Mina guides you through the threshold where a bright banner read ‘Welcome to Class 3-A Y/N!’ “That’s so nice!” You said excitedly and pulled out your phone to snap a picture. Low music flowed through the large room as people mingled. No one seemed to notice that you two had joined the group. “Hello? The guest of honor is here!” Mina called out. Soon there were eyes centered on you. You waved slightly to the crowd.
You were met with bright grins and greetings. “Well hello gorgeous.” Someone spoke, you began to search for the voice. “Hey, I’m right here!” You looked slightly down and discovered a...vertically challenged boy staring at you. Well he was actually trying to stare at your boobs through your baggy sweatshirt.
“Um...hey? My eyes are up here dude.” You grimaced. Mina rolled her eyes.
“Oh I know this view is much sexier. I’m Minuro Mineta, class 3-A stud. What’s your name babe?” He wiggled his eye brows and blew you a kiss.
Ugh gross. You thought.
“This is Y/N. Back away now maggot or I’ll crush you like a bug.” Mina hissed.
“Ooooh. I’ve never been stepped on before, but if you’re doing it Mina I’d love to try.” He smirked back licking his lips. A blonde quickly rushed over and pushed Mineta back before Mina lunged at him.
“Whoa dude chill. Let her acclimate before you start being gross. I’m Denki Kaminari by the way.” He said sticking out his fist. You extended yours and fist bumped him.
“Hey, I’m Y/N nice to meet you.” You replied.
“Weren’t you interning with Hopewing back in the States? She totally rocks, I actually got her autograph whenever we went to the I-Expo a few years back.” Kaminari seemed pretty interested in the Pro Hero so you indulged him a little.
“Sure did, she taught me a whole lot about quirk control and management. Hopewing was a great influence on me, she’s kinda like my All Might I guess.” You laughed and scratched the back of your head.
“Super cool,” Kaminari replied, “Come meet the guys we were all actually interested in your quirk. Maybe you could show it off?” He grabbed your hand and lead you over to the couch where a few people sat talking. You looked over your shoulder at Mina who gave you a thumbs up.
“Guys, this is Y/N! She’s pretty cool!” Kaminari said eagerly. A chorus of greetings rang in your ears. “Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, and Bakubro.” He pointed to each one of them and sat down on the arm of the couch, leaving you awkwardly standing infront of the group. You met Bakugo’s eyes for a split second before gaining a glare and quickly averted your eyes.
“So where are you from?” Kirishma questioned.
Before you could answer Bakugo spoke up, “The states dumbass where else?” He crossed his arms across his chest. His friend glanced at him and stuck his tongue out.
“Ignore him, he hasn’t eaten since this afternoon. He gets a little cranky when he doesn’t fed around the clock.” He reached across and pinched Bakugos cheek lightly.
“Remove your hand Shitty hair before I blast your ass.” Bakugo scowled.
“Shitty hair...” He warned and his hand began to heat up emitting a small cloud of smoke. The group rolled their eyes.
“Anyways, I’m from Chicago, Illinois.” You answered before Bakugo could make his threat a reality. You weren’t really scared, but slightly intimidated by the man.
“Is that kinda like New York City?” Sero questioned thoughtfully.
“Kinda. Chicago isn’t nearly as big.”
“You must be tired from the flight over.” Todoroki spoke up noticing you were getting standing uncomfortablely. He stood up from the love seat he sat on, offering you his spot.
“It’s no biggie. I’m just over this jet lag.” You said, ushering him to sit back down.
“Well at least sit with me then? I’m respectful.” He continued before you took him up on his offer and sat down on the arm of the chair.
“Of course you are Icy-Hot.” Bakugo mocked. The comment being brushed off.
The hell was this dudes problem?
“The jet lag is kinda awful, but it’ll be nothing compared to this time change. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep much tonight, I might just finish unpacking everything.” You said leaning back and closing your eyes for a second.
“Well if you need some help I’d be more than happy to assist my floor neighbor.” Kirishma offered.
“I’d actually really like that I have a book shelf that needs to be put together and I have no handiness what so ever.” You smiled. You felt eyes on you and peaked at Bakugo from your peripheral.
“So, like I saying earlier...this quirk?” Kaminari spoke up breaking the encounter with Kirishma.
“Kaminari why do I feel like you only friended me for my quirk?” You joked sarcastically.
“I did not! I’m just saying I think you owe me a demonstration since I practically saved you from Mineta humping your leg.” Sero fake gagged.
“Fine fine. Todoroki, I’d scoot over just a little bit I don’t want to ruin your vision like mine.” You said. His eyes grew wide and squeezed himself into the opposite arm of the chair. You closed your eyes and began to relax your body then staring at your finger tip. Your finger began to glow.
“That’s it?” Bakugo said, unimpressed. All of a sudden your hand began to glow blue before plasma rose through your skin. You began to use your other hand to shape it into a sphere. You tossed it slightly in the air and caught it before absorbing it back into your hand. You smiled
“Whoa...” the group responded. “What’s that called?” Sero questioned.
Just as you were about to share a guy came running over. “You have Ultra Violence?” He yelled and planted himself sitting across from you on the edge of the coffee table.
“You know my quirk?” You asked propping your elbows on your knees.
“Of course! I can’t believe I didn’t put it together before you got here! You’re the daughter of Stage Four! The plasma hero! His whole body can change into plasma! Can you do that too?” He said as he pulled a notebook out of seemingly thin air.
“Damn Deku. I thought I burned that thing?” Bakugo said, nostrils flaring.
“Oh you did Kachan...multiple times.” The guy said showing off the burn edges. He nervously smiled.
“Put that weird shit away before I finish it.”
“I think it’s cool. I’d like to see it sometime.” You said motioning to his prized possession.
“Just cause you’re new doesn’t mean you have to kiss everyone’s ass, you know.” Bakugo retorted.
“Are you just jealous because I’m not kissing yours?” You countered, a sly smile spreading across your lips.
He paused, thinking of a response. Obviously flustered, “Tch, screw you newbie.”
“Jeez Bakugo, if you suck your teeth anymore they’ll go straight down your throat.”
It looks could kill, you’d be 6 feet under. A small amount of smoke began to rise from him until he huffed and stormed away.
“Well shit, I think she just might make it around here. She defused the bomb!” Kaminari clapped and grinned ear to ear. You sat back down feeling completely flushed.
“Dinner is served!” Iida called from the kitchen.
“Midoryia right?” You asked. The green haired boy nodded his head quickly. “We’ll talk later and I can answer all your questions.” You smiled kindly and placed a hand of his arm, squeezing lightly
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parkertech · 4 years
:0 new request again! What about a oneshot about where y/n is just completely upset lately with a bunch of personal issues going on, and Peter notices how she’s often late, wearing long-sleeves in hot weather and such, and so while Peter is on patrol as Spider-Man, he sees y/n standing on the edge of a tall tower like Empire State Building, contemplating to jump off. So he goes over and tries to talk her out of it and she eventually does, but she slips, falling off and he catches her?? 😍 😭
the request ALONE made my heart drop to my ass-
That’s it. You couldn’t fucking take it anymore.
There was too much on your plate. It was like an endless black hole that tortured you to its heart’s content.
The second you saw your boyfriend...well, now ex, with a girl straddling his lap, you broke. You didn’t even give him a chance to explain. As if there was a good enough explanation. From that day on, you always had one question lingering in your mind.
What was wrong with me?
You compared yourself to the girl, how much sharper her jawline was, how much skinnier she was, how she was more curvy, how perfect she was. No wonder he cheated on you.
Normally you would feel sad for a few weeks and get over it, but things piled on. Your relationship ending hit you harder than you thought, and you started slipping in school. A’s turned to low C’s, some were seven F’s. Your parents yelled at you, telling you this isn’t their daughter they knew. That didn’t hurt you though, what did hurt you was when they said you kept disappointing them.
That’s what you were now, apparently. A disappointment.
Every time you looked in the mirror, you hated it. You couldn’t be anyone else? You had to be this person who met everyone down, who couldn’t even keep a boyfriend. Your usual jeans were replaced with dark sweatpants, your tight t-shirts turned into slightly oversized sweatshirts, and doing your hair turned into putting it into a low ponytail. You didn’t try anymore. You knew it would get you nowhere.
Besides, no one brought it up. Betty thought you were trying a new style, MJ thought you didn’t have the time since it was highschool, and she was the most observant person you knew. So you thought everyone didn’t notice.
Keyword: thought.
Peter noticed immediately. He noticed how your eyes were much more darker and red, and from personal experience he knew it was from a lack of sleep. He also noticed how much quieter you got, when you were with the gang. You never hanged out with him anymore, and always had some sort of excuse. This all happened during the summer, too. Who wears a thick ass Champion sweatshirt when it’s literally almost 100 degrees?
He always asked you if everything was okay, and it was always a firm nod, with a slight smile. But he could tell it was somewhat fake. There were so many red flags, and you tried to cover them up.
He knew he had to say something, and he was going to do it tonight. Right after patrol.
It took a few criminals, a robbery or two, until he decided to pack it up. Thank god he didn’t, or else his life could’ve done a quick 360.
“Peter, I’m getting reports of a woman standing over the Empire State Building close to the edge.” Peter stopped in his tracks and looked around a few times, until his eyes landed on the one building that no one could miss. He saw police cars and random bystanders behind police barriers, and didn’t hesitate to turn around and parkour his way on buildings to the top of the building.
Despite the bright lights of the rooms in Empire State, he couldn’t see exactly where the woman was. “E.D.I.T.H., activate thermal vision!” His visors in his suit showed random blobs of red, yellow, and red, and he looked a little up to see what the outline of a person. The crowd below cheered when they saw the blur of black and red jump off an apartment complex and start running up the side of Empire State.
After a few seconds of running, he used a web to swing himself sideways and into the platform where the woman was. He panted for a second, before holding his hands out slightly and taking a few cautious steps forward. Now that he was closer, he noticed the person had a hood on, and their hands were in a nervous fist. He had to be careful careful.
“Ma’am, I need you to step away from the edge, please.” The person gasped and turned around, and Peter felt his heart sink as his eyes met yours. The air got suddenly chilly, and he froze in place. “Y-Y/N...?”
“Peter, this isnt any of your business!” You yelled through hot tears. Peter swallowed hard, before cautiously pulling his mask up so it rested over his eyebrows. You noticed how his eyes were like yours—watery and panicked. His cheeks were red, and his messy hair was gently moving in the New York air. He took a step forward and you took a half step back.
“T-This does have to do with me! You’re my bestfriend, I can’t let this happen for a hundred reasons!” Peter protests. You didn’t believe him. You didn’t believe him even though you wanted to. You shook your head, and Peter’s soul crushed into two. “Why are you even doing this?!”
“Because I’m tired, Peter! I’m tired of not being good enough, I’m tired of doing everything wrong, I’m tired of letting everyone down!”
“You don’t let me down, Y/N! Think about this, you know how much I’ve lost!” His voice cracked at the last word, as a tear slipped down his cheek. “My parents, Uncle Ben, T-Tony! I cant lose you too!” You were speechless, stating into his broken eyes, and your mind began to race. You remember the flashbacks of hugging Peter when he cried for all of their deaths, and you remembered how broken he was. The fact that you could do that to him too, made your heart shatter into even more pieces. “You’re one of the few things I still have, Y/N! I’m not just gonna idly let it go! You’re too important for me to do that?”
“How important, Peter?” You asked with a trembling voice. Peter scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.
“Does all the years of our friendship not say anything? You’re the one person I let my guard down with! You’re the only person that could go 17 straight hours watching Star Wars with me! You’re the only person who can make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe for almost 30 minutes.” He took a deep breath before continuing, noticing how your face softened slightly at his words. “You’re the only person that makes everything in my life worth it. You’re one of the only reasons I’m still here. You’re the one person I want to spend my entire life with...” If it was going to save your life, he might as well blurt out everything. He swallows the lump in his throat, closing his eyes, before continuing. This was long overdue anyways...
“You’re the only person I love, Y/N...” You gasped at his reaction, the tears in your eyes coming back. But these weren’t the sad, angry tears. These were happy tears. But someone said that to you before.
“D-Do you really?” Peter didn’t waste a second to nod. “W-Why?”
“Because everything about you is perfect to me. I love how you smile at me, I love how you laugh at almost everything, even if it isn’t even that funny. I love how compassionate you are to other people, even if they’re the biggest assholes on the planet and don’t deserve it. Y/N, I always made it a goal to make sure you’re happy, to make sure you don’t feel anything negative towards yourself, or to make sure you’re not in a bad mood. I know I failed at it this time, but I won’t let it happen again. I want to be more than friends, but we can’t be that if you jump...” He holds his arm out, and you look down at his hand, taking in all his words, before looking back up at his hands. They’re desperate and pleading, while yours are thinking and contemplating.
“Please...” Peter begs though tears. You swallow hard, before taking a step forward and reaching for his hand. But the second your foot moved, the concrete underneath broke, sending you flying down the side of the building with a scream. “Y/N!”
It was the more ear ripping, bone chilling scream Peter ever heard. He got this far, he was not giving up. He ran off the side of the building, pulling down his mask and aiming his web shooters towards you. The web shot a direct beeline to your palm, and his other hand attatched a web to the side of Empire State. It made it just in time, yanking you and Peter to the wall. Peter yanked you up with one hand, and your hands instinctively wrapped his around his neck, and your legs around his hips.
He heard your panicked breathing, and titled your chin up, resting his forehead on yours. “Y/N, calm down, I got you, you’re okay!” He spoke frantically. Staring into the white eyes of his suit, your body seemed to relax. The moment was filled with heavy, panicked breathing, and one of your hands gently tugged up his mask. Peter didn’t flinch, just continued staring at you in pure protectiveness.
You stopped pulling his mask off when it reached his nose. You stared at his lips, then back up, looking for any sign of hesitation. But none of it was there. You leaned in slowly, before softly and gently pressing your lips against his soft ones. He closed his eyes and hummed against the kiss, intensifying the moment. He kissed back a little harder, and you felt all your stress flow off your body. He pulled away, resting his forehead on yours again.
“Please never leave me...” He begged breathlessly. You nodded and held him tighter, making a silent promise to Peter forever.
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miistymemorii · 3 years
How compatible are Pedro Pascal character’s and I?
No one, and I mean NO ONE asked for this. But here we are :) 
warning: literal proof of how lonely i am ahead
Javier Pena
- I think he would find me very annoying
I can’t, like, sit still??? so I do the “jiggling of leg thing” 24/7 and I feel like he would hate that
- but i feel like all we’d do is have *seggs* so i guess points for that
- also i am very clingy and I don’t see him as the type to want to cuddle 
- i am literally so annoying in public because i don’t know how to act and i’m sure i’d annoying him like if we ever went in public
- i love criminology and jobs that deal with crime so i’d be a nosy bitch and ask him wayyyy to many questions about his job
- rating: 4/10
Maxwell Lord
- istg
- not to be a simp on main, but i would be Max’s biggest suporter, like full hype girl
- ^^ i mean, not during the events of 1984, because that was some bs, but like before, when he’s a struggling man who just wants to be a good father
- i hate wearing dresses with a burning passion, but i’d wear a dress like everyday if it made him happy
- yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning
- i feel lie Max needs a woman in his life, or at least someone to give him guidance. I’m the gal for the job.
- i feel like he would cry sometimes like in the middle of the night and i’d be there to comfort him
- but also he’d comfort me when i have panic attacks or depressive episodes
- like i know this man is soft when he’s not doing his “life is good but it could be better” persona
- my dad would hate him tho 0-0 so a loss of points there
- rating: 7/10
- cheese and sprinkles okay
- this man
- i feel like we’d be good together
- in most fics Ezra is headcanonned as being very interested in the arts, so i can see us like going to museums and reading to each other
- idk why i just wanna hold his hand
- i feel like he’d let me be the big spoon which makes my heart go boom boom
- he is so fine istg imma cry
- also i feel like my dad would like him and that’s kinda important to me bwahwajdsd
- rating: 8/10
- okay, to me there are basically 2 tiers of Mando: before Grogu, after Grogu
- if i met him before Grogu, he would hate me. 
- i would ask him loads of questions about the ship and eventually he’d be like “this isn’t gonna work” and drop me off on a planet then leave bwahwahah
- it’d be very “it’s not me, it’s you” :,)
- but if i met him during/ after Grogu
- *sighs*
- i feel like he’d be more willing to a relationship because he kinda learns that not every person is a threat
- i think he’d let me touch his face in the dark, even if he has shows his face to other people, because he’s still wary
- but when he finally lets me see his face in the light, i swear to god i would just spend hours staring at his face
- he’s baby there’s not alot more i can say
-my dad would adore him because irl he LOVES the Mandalorian and my dad loves cowboys and Mando is the best space cowboy in the galaxy
- 7/10
Frankie “catfish” Morales
- okay ya’ll
- i’ve only ever dated, like, assholes so It’d be so nice to date someone who is a nice person
- i KNOW he’s treat me right
- I feel like I would be super intimidated by him, because I get super intimidated by nice people (trust issues gang gang), so I wouldn’t be like my annoying self
- like he’d bring out the shy in me
- but also this man would never judge me and that makes me :)
- i’m not the most outdoorsy person, but i feel like i’d love going camping or hiking with him
- hell i’d let this man take me fishing (though he’d have to teach me because idk how to fish)
- also i feel like we’d do domestic things like go grocery shopping together, dance together in our livingroom, and cook diner together
- rating: 9/10
Pero Tovar
- this mf
- sorry, that was aggressive
- this man
- he would hate me
- like he would HATE me
- i can’t quite place it, it’s more of an instinct that i have? first of all, i would die at like, age 8 if i was alive during the time the movie takes place
- but like i think he’d be like “this bitch” everytime i walked into a room
- i am an annoying mf and he seems like he has 0 patience for idiocracy.
- i have literally nothing else to say bwahaha... it just wouldn’t happen
- rating: 0/10
Agent Whiskey
- okay, im from texas, but the city im from is small and all the boys here have  southern accents, but they’re all so fucking annoying so for a long time i’ve been turned off by those accents
- but dear god when i watched this film for the first time i was like AOOGA
- if i dated him, i would literally ask him questions or make him like read to me just to hear his voice
- is voice kink a thing 0-0 
- i wouldn’t ask him super personal questions about his job, but i’ve always wondered the kind of missions the Statesmen (and Kingsmen) go on, so i’d ask him about that
- i feel like my family would be charmed by him, so points for that
- i am a shitty dancer and i feel like he’d want to teach me to properly slow dance or do that southern dance? (dosie do? my family rejects southern culture because we hate living here lmao)
- he looks like he can cook which makes me :)))))) because i’m not a good cook
- i feel like he’s super adventurous in bed and tbh i am... inexperienced so i think that would be 0-0 awkward at first
- rating: 8/10
Oberyn Martell
- as much as i love this man, i have been in a poly relationship before and it was a living hell, so his lil orgies would make me 0-0 uncomfy 0-0
- i feel like he’s super poetic sometimes, like he likes art and literature
- tbh i skipped through the entirety of GoT and only watched Pedro’s episodes, so i know nothing about that world or time period lmao
- i’m a jealous bitch sometimes so i KNOW i’d be jealous of Ellaria
- omfg the way he LOOKS at people, I’d be a meek bitch
- my dad would hate this mf istg i cannot really describe it he just would i know it
- my dad just kinda hates all politicians/royalty/rich people teehee
- he’s definitely a good kisser tho 0-0 
- i feel like behind closed doors he’s surprisingly soft? like he would just ant to cuddle sometimes and talk about anything and everything
- he’s also a charmer so i feel like he’d try to convince me that i’m beautiful and just be overall kind to me when i’m feeling insecure
-rating: 6/10
Marcus Moreno
- bye ya’ll im deceased
- he was literally in the film for like 5 mins total and yet i have *fallen in love*
- pedro in glasses makes me positively feral grr bark bark
- dashklfhsdlfj PLEASE don’t come for me but like... i feel like he’d be super into making out like for prolonged periods of time
- ANWAYS he seems like the closest in personality to Pedro? So like goofy, soft, BIG hands (jk they all have big hands and they all make me :))))))))))))
- he’d be really good at dates and want to do kinda silly stuff? like carnivals, movies, ice cream shop, the park, etc :)
- i think he would find out that i have a big phat crush on Lavagirl and would let me meet her I would simple cease to exist
- i would be so nervous to meet Missy because even though i love kids, i’m so awkward around them
- he seems like the type to give kisses in places other than my lips. Like he’d love to kiss my hands, my forehead and my cheek
- my stepmom would ADORE him
- also i feel like Marcus’ taste in music is very close to Pedro’s, and Pedro has *immaculate* taste, so my Dad would get on with Marcus because my dad lves music
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Stormlight Archive and the unequal conflict
(i’m on a reread, mid-WoR now, so my memories of Ob and my perspective on RoW are a bit...stale)
ok so the hypocrisy and unequal values got to me yesterday again. branderson makes his antagonists into “this is Chancellor Hellfire, in his society all are treated equal but he eats infants for breakfast so he needs to be stopped” and that is why we our morality must always be skewed towards the protagonists
in sla he does get around to calling himself out, mostly by kaladin arguing with syl whether killing the listeners is o.k. but killing amaram or elhokar is bad but like, it gets nowhere? there are like...3 or 4 points where this inequal morality pops up and all of them piss me off so much lmao:
- the elhokar, moash, dalinar point: imo elhokar sucks and moash was justified in killing him. branderson has a hard-on for royalty (as seen in mistborn era one which is a burning landfill in that regard i hate it so much) but elhokar proves off- and onscreen that he’s not a good ruler. yeah, by the end of OB he was about to become a radiant and moash killed that potential but...Your Actions Have Consequences and i can’t fault moash for killing him! i just! can’t! perhaps his future better actions would’ve eventually balanced the ledger but it’s not that awful that he died the circumstances and moash’s further blackening in RoW of course, again, make us less sympathetic for moash. “this man has good points about an incompetent, mediocre, unsuited for his position person but he’s allied with evil incarnate so all his arguments are automatically invalid”. way to make a nuanced argument and dalinar. where to begin? walks all over elhokar, calls the shots, and blatant amounts of hypocrisy - though he does call himself out. oh and i am still pissed about him forcefully bonding the stormfather haha
- lirin idk he just annoys me at this point, possibly because he just refuses to see another person’s perspective? ...wait, i know who he reminds me of, he just has less of a spine lmao i’m not saying who though or i’d get torn to shreds
- pre-RoW i would’ve made a point about szeth here but honestly, at this point he’s just spinning the wheel of his soul and doing whatever the arrow lands on. godspeed, idiot
- nale. complete dick by abiding to the law, also allied with odium, also a bad look even though his argument of “this is the singer’s planet” is a decent one
- taravangian. god do i understand his perspective so much, yet this is also invalidated by him bleeding people out what the fuck not to mention starting wars
- singers, listeners and all the jam: this is the last point because it’s also the biggest point and where the crux of the issue lies all the spren allying with humans and not with singers is a fucking betrayal. there. i don’t think this si very fleshed out yet? what set off the conflict? likely odium had its hand in there. but the humans fucked up their planet, right, and migrated to roshar, the planet of the singers, who then allied with odium to, likely, stop the humans from fucking up everything and taking their land because let’s be honest, that is what we always do and by allying with a force called Literally Evil, the fused’s arguments are invalid and they are evil and they must be stopped. several thousand years are several thousand years and the rosharan humans have a right to live. yet the fused were alive at that point when it all started and that would make for a more interesting conflict yet it’s good vs bad, Honour & Cultivation vs Hatred the argument isn’t helped in that the fused we see are a) the pursuer, a fucking asshole b) raboniel, a ruthless scientist absolutely down with genocide yet made sympathetic through her willingness to cooperate with a human and c) leshwi, a honourable warrior who is also sympathetic to humans. raboniel, leshwi and venli end up breaking from odium in various ways, which denotes them as the “good” listeners/fused and, like, the humans lobotomized most of the singers and then enslaved their entire race? also not a good look. are the un-lobotomized parshmen entitled to payback? they’re the descendants of descendants against the descendants of descendants, where do you draw the line and even odium’s rhythms are named along bad lines i just. this is so heavy handed
i think my point here is that honour (humans) vs cultivation (singers) would make for a better, more nuanced conflict. you can have odium exaggerating it and fanning the flames by manipulating fringe groups on both sides and end up with the humans and singers allying against a common foe, an equally transspecies army led by odium. but right now the fused are Bad and the radiants are Good and that makes the entire conflict a bit...too clean-cut
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jngles · 3 years
Thoughts You Definitely All Asked For on ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Finale!!
These are in chronological order for the show.
One of my biggest fears about them reintroducing Boba Fett was that by removing some of his mystery, they would make him less cool. Thank god that has not been the case. He’s still an aloof and nasty piece of work but with dimensions added.
We all know the Empire is most often a metaphor for America right? At least when it’s not being Nazi Germany? The Imperial pilot talking about destroying an entire planet (of peaceful weaponless civilians no less) to stop terrorism hits a little too close to home of the nuclear bombs the US has dropped and the endless destruction of the Middle East in the “war against terror.” And of course we frame all our wars in similar language like “our troops died to keep our country safe,” which hasn’t really been true since WWII.
I do think it’s worth noting that this is the first time SW has had someone acknowledge the human losses of the Death Star blasts. Usually it’s framed as a loss in construction time, strategical advantage, and power. The Empire proved time and time again that the lives of its soldiers were utterly expendable, which always made me question why people remained loyal outside of fear. Through this pilot’s phrasing, you can see the propaganda Imperial superiors used to twist the truth to their followers, always blaming those deaths on Rebel aggression instead of prideful Imperial neglect (I.e. not abandoning ship when there was still time) or even direct Imperial aggression like Operation Cinder where they fired on thousands of their own (discussed in S2E7.)
You can’t tell me Din wasn’t into it when Cara shot that asshole pilot. That cold faced revenge shot? 100% Mandalorian style, and also very very hot.
I appreciate that it was a pretty equal match between Boba and Koska Reeves. So much of Boba’s advantage comes from his suit, but since she also has one, it’s a battle of wits on how to use it, and they even out. This both maintains his legendary badassery and also that of highly trained Mandalorian warriors, and hopefully avoids asshole chauvinist SW fans on the internet complaining abujt “pandering to feminism” (fuck off @ all of them, especially since Mercedes Vernado who plays Reeves is a WWE champ and could kick all of your asses.)
Din point blank asked how many Death Troopers there are and Dr. Pershing never answered, and that annoys me.
Why is no one suspicious why Dr. Pershing is being so helpful and revealing so much information? He totally did not have to tell them about the Dark Troopers or any of the specifics of locations on the ship. He’s still with the empire post-fall, implying he’s a loyalist, so... wtf on his part (since no tricks come of it), and “be smarter” on the part of everyone else. Unless he’s been captive as a clone engineer all this time. But couldn’t he have made his escape back in Season 1 when Din killed everyone at that lab to get the kid back?
Bo Katan really could’ve just told them how the retrieval of the dark saber needs to work in the flight before the mission instead of being vague about “he belongs to me.”
Boba Fett’s usage of “Princess” and “don’t worry about me” are a good throwback to Han Solo and the culture they both grew up in. You can never quite tell if it’s based in misogyny or resentment for upper classes, but both of them seem to use it as a shield for begrudging respect they hold for a woman they think is brave but following a fool’s errand (the Rebellion and retaking Mandalore).
The Comms Officer (Katy O’Brian) assisting Moff Gideon will forever and always look like Ilana Glazer to me, and then I get swept up imagining what would happen if the Broad City cast accidentally got transported to Star Wars.
The launch tube sequence has some amazing cinematography.
The second I saw Boba was cut off from the pack, I really thought they were going to kill him again and make his return bittersweet. Glad they didn’t.
God this team of Bo Katan, Koska Reeves, Fennec Shand, and Cara Dune is SO BADASS. I’m just obsessed with all these characters and their various motivations to get shit done. I honestly didn’t even think about the fact it’s all women until my re-watch, showing that the writers made it feel natural, the way women deserve to have their representation done. You can bet I am SO EXCITED for my future daughter and the wealth of possibilities she’s going to have of characters to play pretend as, action figures she can relate to, Halloween costumes to wear, etc. It’s so validating that we’ve gone from only Princess Leia as a female main character to all these women + Rey, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka, etc. etc.
Can’t wait for the trap remix of the Dark Trooper activation noises. (And the transition from that to the minimalist flute theme is perfect.)
The spy movie version of the main theme music is sick.
The Dark Trooper droid faces have a lot of similarity to Darth Vader’s mask. That callback is especially apparent when the one is literally lit from the inside with fire. He was already a martyr/legend to the Imperial remnants, Kylo Ren didn’t start the trend of ignoring his redemption.
Cara’s “excuse me” right before shooting up Stormtroopers is hilarious. Literally “can’t talk rn, doing hot girl shit and murdering space Nazis.”
Finally an Imperial ship got some frickin security cameras. Truly- the amount of times people just wander down hallways they’re not supposed to be in with no one being able to find them throughout the course of Star Wars is ridiculous when you think about the degree of surveillance our real life society carries out. I also love that this means The Mandalorian characters have also seen The Mandalorian.
The storytelling does such a service to Pedro Pascal and his already heroic efforts to portray emotion through a helmet. For example: Din easily could’ve killed the one stormtrooper outside Grogu’s cell much more efficiently, but instead, to show his absolute rage, they wrote in Din choking him out with a spear.
Moff Gideon would have been the BIGGEST pain in the ass in philosophy class. “Assume I know everything” my ass. I want to hear about his backstory (he would’ve been “coming of age” at the time of the Clone Wars) mostly just to hear about him getting bullied at school.
Smart move honestly, to try to tempt Din with the Mandalorian throne, given the Mandalorian power struggles of the past. Proud of our boy for keeping his priorities straight.
So has the blood from Grogu been transferred out of the ship and back to the remnant empire already, or do they have to find a new “donor” to help with building Snoke and Palpatine’s clones? Will they continue to go after him with Luke?
Lmao Din being so annoyed by Bo Katan being stringent about the tradition of winning the Dark Saber through combat is HILARIOUS, coming from a man who up until like a day ago hadn’t shown his face to a living being in decades.
The dark troopers can punch in blast doors but NOT Din’s helmet?? That’s a wild testament to beskar. Somehow that’s the comparison that sticks out to me, more even than its resistance to lightsabers.
This show works because of the cynicism of so many characters adding contrast to the moments of heart. Cara Dune is not a “fan” the way Rey was (for the record I love Rey, don’t come at her, it’s just different). Cara doesn’t see an X-Wing and go OMG THE REBELLION I LOVE THEM. She’s been through too much to believe in the magic saviourism of the “good guys,” and is instead thinking strategically when she, the one Rebel present, brushes off the usefulness of “one X-Wing.” The only positive things she seems to feel in battle situations are moments of relief and brief satisfaction in hurting the empire, with a dark knowledge that it will never make up for the hurt they did to her.
How do you keep a cloak hood on while fighting? Both from a technical standpoint (my hats fall off without me even having to move- is he expending force energy just to keep it on and look cool lol?) and also because idk, maybe it’s just me, but peripheral vision is helpful when surrounded by killer robots on a thin bridge above oblivion. I know his first lesson was to “see” through the force, but every resource helps, right?
Now that she has the ship, I wonder if Bo Katan can reprogram any salvageable Dark Troopers to help with retaking Mandalore?
There is nothing like seeing Luke’s fighting style, with its efficient choppiness and twinge of darkness. I always wonder how much is natural and how much is influenced by his first fights with Vader (that Skywalker diva flair). I love how they’ve advanced his technique but also kept him extremely “grey” here- like to straight up COMBUST a Dark Trooper takes some violent energy lol.
How tf is Moff Gideon alive after threatening Grogu’s life twice directly? That’s a wild testament to Din’s regard for Cara.
I love how seeing Luke slice through a bunch of murder droids like butter probably was a huge point in his favor for Din actually letting Grogu go with him. Like he will only send his child to boarding preschool if he knows the teacher will be a certified killing machine.
Oh my god they finally brought in some OG Star Wars theme music for Luke to take his hood off to 😭 It felt weird seeing him fight to different music, so the emotional payoff is huge when his themes come back for the face reveal.
Whoever added the digital young Mark Hamill face NAILED those classic shining Luke eyes and the earnest eyebrow lift.
Whoever shines the glass of Baby Yoda’s lil puppet eyeballs each day deserves a raise. The light caught in those babies is devastating.
Din is shaking as he takes off his helmet. This is the most enormous show of love he could give him, and possibly the last he’ll be able to for a long time. He only just got Grogu back and is desperate for a moment of real connection before letting him go once again.
This is the first time anyone has touched Din’s face since... likely his parents as a child.
Whoever wrote this scene clearly actually has kids. Anyone who’s ever had to leave a young child even just to go out for a bit or to drop them off somewhere knows that heartbreak of seeing them look in your eyes and hold on to your leg, trying to keep you with them. Especially when they can sense your mutual separation anxiety. The one thing that starts to make them feel better is something fun like a new toy or friend who can be their guide in the new environment, and R2’s friendly introduction is exactly that (since digital Luke isn’t being particularly emotive or child friendly... I hope that’s just because he’s reaching into Grogu’s mind while also keeping an eye on the multiple people with guns trained on him, not because he’s going to be totally unfeeling raising this kid.)
I love that Grogu and R2 are immediately buddies in contrast to Episode 5 when R2 was like “fuck this guy” @ Yoda stealing food and hitting him with a walking stick lol. I would imagine Luke must be reminded of that first introduction too and entertained by this display of playfulness in a *positive* light between R2 and mini-Yoda.
I need to know if Luke and Ahsoka have met- it is KILLING ME.
Does this mean Grogu will get killed by Kylo Ren when he fucks up Luke’s academy??? I will reincarnate Ben just to kill him again if that’s the case.
How does Luke not even fully SMILE at Grogu?? An adorable little baby version of his beloved master Yoda, and you’re telling me he doesn’t have the same heart stopping gasp we all did when we first saw him?? Maybe he did when they first connected through the force. He has a bit of bemusement on his face, and also wonder in his eyes, but I want a grin of recognition and welcome, dammit.
I really wish Luke had somehow acknowledged Cara Dune. Everyone else seems to see the tear drop Rebel sign and know it means Alderaan. He could’ve been like yo I have a badass warrior sister from your planet that you should meet. Or just “thank you for your service.” (I know this actually wouldn’t have been cinematically good but my heart wants it.)
Luke didn’t tell Din his name?? Or ask for any details about the kid and his care?? I could literally never let my kid go with someone, regardless of how worthy, and not be like, “Excuse me sir who are you and where tf are you taking my tiny beloved green goblin in case I need to find him? Here is my contact info. He likes to eat frogs and eggs, and he can have macarons as a treat. He’s 50 years old and his favorite toy is still a ball. Bedtime is 8pm and he’s allergic to dairy.”
Another reason I wish Luke had identified himself would be to see the mishmash of reactions that would ensue. Cara would be like DAMN IT’S THAT GUY WHO BLEW UP THE DEATH STAR AND KILLED THE EMPEROR, ACT COOL (and she would indeed act cool). Fennec would be like ugh it’s that guy who helped kill my best paying client Jabba the Hutt and then fucked over my boss Boba, I helped save the kid for THIS? And I would LOVE to know how Bo Katan feels about him, assuming she’s heard of him, and especially if she knows he’s Anakin Skywalker’s son. That confusion is probably the reason WHY the writers didn’t have him reveal himself- they didn’t want to break the emotion of the scene.
Let‘s all be real I’m just being needy about wanting things from Luke because of what he meant to me as a kid and my resulting innate need to have more canon of him, whatever it is, whenever I can get it. Especially in this form that’s so similar to ROTJ, a movie I watched on endless repeat. Even getting this was incredible though. Who else could we trust this lil heart-stealing green bean with so fully? Yet who would be so arrogant as to try to train a baby yodling (see: Ahsoka’s wise refusal)?
R2 is reckless as hell lmao. Not that we don’t already know that, but for him to just head on in, effectively abandoning Luke’s ship (how can they know if there are more troopers or not who might blow it up?) and also putting himself in the path of the ridiculously deadly Dark Troopers is NUTS. I’m usually on his side but he absolutely deserves a scolding by C3PO for this one.
I wonder if Grogu has any memories of R2 or vice versa since they did occupy the Jedi Temple at the same time. Can Grogu understand droids? They could swap stories about mutual acquaintances.
Does Din pretty much have to go with Bo Katan now since a) he’s shown his face and may not be able to go back to the Watch, and b) because he has the darksaber and has to figure out how to get it back to her without dying?
How in the hell did Bib Fortuna (whose chins age was not kind to) go from being butler to being boss? Were all the henchmen just like, “Fuck yeah, no Hutt parents no rules, let’s do what we want!!” And then they’ve spent the last ten years living off of whatever money they could salvage from Jabba’s non-banked wealth? Why has no one challenged them for that prime real estate and loot? I would love to hear that story.
Fennec Shand says “respect sex workers” so you better fuckin’ do it.
Idk dude Bib Fortuna really was a good butler, and he seemed pretty willing to comply with whoever’s in power. Did he screw Boba over in his attempt to return from the dead and earn that killing shot somehow? Or was this to make sure there was no one left who would have a claim to loyalty? Or maybe Boba just really wanted to sit in that chair.
Does “The Book of Boba Fett” mean we’re not on Din Djarin’s story anymore? Or is it a new show? I would much prefer the latter. I want to see Din help retake Mandalore or at least get a hug.
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ealeczander · 4 years
A list of Hufflepuffs my Slytherin heart will die for
In order of number of brain cells
#1 Jason Mendoza
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Do I need to say more? He is the sweetest kindest person. I don’t even know why he was in the bad place. He was a best friend to everybody, ha actually gave good advice regarding friends and relationships, he didn’t hold grudges or hated people, he didn’t have a bad bone in his body, he was just really dumb, which makes me love him even more!
#2 Thor Odinson (Marvel)
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Don’t you even say he’s not a Hufflepuff, I will fight you! Him still teaming up with Loki after being betrayed like a million times is the only proof you need. He doesn’t want to be king, he just wants to save his people. He is a 220 pound puppy and I love him!
#3 Emmet Cullen (Twilight)
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Him and Thor both have dumb-jock energy that is typical for Gryffindor but they’re both too good to be there. They’re literally walking and talking hugs. Emmet is such a lovable puppy. He fights bears for fun, for God sake. He accepted Bella before even Edward did. He has zero beef with anybody. The only reason he has more brain cells than Thor is because he somehow managed to snatch a serious Bad Bitch™ like Rosalie. But as we all know Slytherins are weak for Hufflepuffs.
#4 Beast Boy (Titans)
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A lonely boy with a heart of gold that can also turn himself on into any fluffy anymal on the planet? Sign me the fuck UP! He was the only one Rachel’s father didn’t try to corrupt because of course he couldn’t. He was the only one that didn’t turn against Jason when Deathstroke was playing tricks on them. He was the only one that didn’t abandon Dick when he confessed his secret. He is loyal to everybody because he sees the good in them, not their demons. Seriously, I can’t express with words how in love with him I am! My heart can’t take it!
#5 Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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His character may have started as an asshole Gryffindor or even a Slytherin but by the end of season 1 and onward Mom Steve has been the best thing this show has to offer! He cares about his friends, he has a giant heart, he never runs from a fight and he will protect everybody. A true hero and an adorable cutie!
#6 Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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Honestly the cutest, most amazing, supportive brother any of the others can ask for, especially Klaus. He is quiet and doesn’t want to get involved in fights but he will do it for the greater good. He is constantly supporting Klaus and encouraging him to fight his addiction when he could’ve left years ago. He was basically the best friend of all the siblings. He loves fun and at the same time is extremely grounded and smart. I just love him!
#7 Peter Parker (Marvel)
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This boy will kill me with his cuteness. He just wants to help people and that’s the most adorable excuse to be a superhero. I’ve put him before as a Gryffindor but Tom Holland’s Spiderman is just too sweet not to be a Hufflepuff. Him wanting to save the world while trying to be a good person and a good friend just warms my heart!
#8 Newt Scamander 
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I had to put a real Hufflepuff in the list somewhere. Like, who wouldn’t die for this precious wizard. He is so innocent, he just wants to take care of his animals. He characteristically has a Slytherin ex that still loves him because that’s what us Slytherins do. He is just so perfect! I love him!
#9 Park Sae Ro Yi (Itaewon Class)
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If you’re new to kdramas and consider them to be soap operas, STOP everything you’re doing and go watch Itaewon Class NOW (it’s on Netflix). It’s a revenge story of a Hufflepuff! Which is never seen, ever, Hufflepuffs usually don’t do that. it’s so unique in it’s perspective of power, friendship, respect and pride all because of Sae Ro Yi, the main character, being a Hufflepuff. He is good and extremely kind and has a strong moral code. His squad consists of a Slytherin that is in love with him (of course), a trans woman that he supports with all his heart, an ex convict that he inspired to change his life, a black guy that wants to find his family, the son of the bad guy that he treats like family and his long time crush that now works for the bad guy but he doesn’t resent her or hate her, he just wants to help her. Sawe Ro Yi is just the best!
#10 Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)
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Who isn’t in love with this coffee addict? He has to investigate the most gruesome crimes and he is still cheerful and positive. He searches for the good things in life and in people. He makes friends easily and everybody likes him, especially the Slytherin rich high school girl. He will sacrifice himself to stop evil from spreading. He is the biggest sweetheart!
The list is ongoing and open to suggestions... My love for Hufflepuffs will never end...
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