#they look scary but their brains are still teeny
pomegranatebat · 1 year
Bird-dragon warmup!
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ruewrote · 1 year
𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑑.
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PAIRING: jj maybank x fem!reader WARNINGS: ... GENRE: fluff to angst SONG INSPIRATION: crybaby by the neighbourhood WORD COUNT: 1.1k
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you never thought you would find yourself in this position. sat impatiently, leg bouncing as you waited to tutor jj maybank at your local library.
eyes flickering from the books that lay splayed across the table and your phone screen every so often, he was an hour late. biting on the edge of your freshly manicured nails, somewhere deep down you knew you shouldn't have agreed to help him. not because of him specifically, but it's not like he was exactly known for being on time.
you finally decided that you'd waited long enough, starting to pack away your things when a loud bang rang throughout the room, looking over and of course, there stood jj.
his hair disheveled, vest on backward, his cheeks red as he bent over trying to catch his breath, "i'm sorry, i'm...late ugh!" the blonde exclaimed as he threw himself in the chair beside you, getting a loud shh! from the librarian.
he winced, quietly apologizing to her, still slightly out of breath as he faced you. you pushed your unopened bottle of water toward him, offering a kind smile.
"so what exactly are you needing help with?" you asked whilst flicking through your notebook trying to find a clear page, stopping when you heard his response.
he was behind on all of his work but it was mostly science and history he was struggling with most. that sunday evening the two of you went through the ins and out of what you were gonna do and when you were gonna help him with them.
you both agreed that you'd mostly do the work on weekdays and very occasionally on saturdays, scribbling down the rough draft of the timetable on a piece of paper so you could rewrite it for him later. not missing how his eyes would sneakily trail from your eyes to your lips.
you didn't mention it, but felt your face heat up as you continued to write.
"wouldn't it just be easier if i gave you my number and you could send it to me?" he questioned with a lopsided smile, sort of reminding you of a golden retriever.
snapping out of your thoughts, eagerly nodding saying something like why didn't i think of that sooner? jj reached into his back pocket, sliding out his phone before leaning closer, and handing it to you.
your nails tapped lightly against his cracked android screen as you wrote your information in, then handed it back.
half an hour later you both decided a day to meet up at your house for your first official study session, zipping up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder following jj out of the library.
he pushed the door open for himself then held it open for you with his fingertips so you could walk out after him.
you both said your goodbyes and went your separate ways, you glanced behind you, thinking that he was nothing like how your friends described him to be. besides being late, he was pretty laid back but still took what you were saying seriously.
people judge too much.
people were right.
now on one of your many late-night study sessions with jj dramatically laid on your lap, trying to get you to take a break.
"c'mon all i'm asking is a teeny tiny break, please? my brain hurts." he sat up straight and pouted at you whilst rubbing small circles into his temples.
rolling your eyes giving in, you nodded and he stood up to cheer a little too fast and wobbly sat back down on the bed holding his head in his hands.
pushing yourself off of your mattress, holding your hand out for him to take, "i think this calls for a movie and pizza hm?" a sweet smile plastered on your face, he almost instantly grasps your hand in his, letting you pull him in the direction of the stairs.
thirty minutes go by, the pizza had arrived and the movie was set up. it was his turn to pick what to watch, you were expecting a horror movie. you weren't really a huge fan of scary stuff, but he had been working really hard recently and had done so well on his exams so how could you say no?
you both got settled on the couch, covered by a blanket. jj hit play on the remote, that's when the big bold letters pretty woman displayed on the tv.
you stopped midchew, looking over to the boy who was struggling to get the end of the pizza into his mouth, achieving his goal he smiled happily to himself freezing when he turned to you and saw you were already looking at him.
"what? it's a classic!" he grinned mouth full of pizza and you playfully grimaced at him. you turned your attention back onto the tv, not noticing how he was silently admiring you.
that night you forgot all about studying and having a movie marathon instead, you both needed it. well, that was until j got an urgent call and had to rush home.
it had been a couple of days went by and there was no sign of jj. not one call, not one text. it worried you, the little time you spent together had admittedly impacted you a lot.
so when you sat down at your desk in history and his seat a couple of rows in front of yours was empty again, it made that pit of anxiety in your stomach worsen.
after the bell rang indicating it was the end of the day, you biked straight to his house, using the information he had sent you in a message in the early stages of knowing you.
you slowly came to a stop as you had gotten to your destination, the yellow house run down, vines growing up the side, and the sound of metal clanging alerted you.
leaning your bike up against the wall, straightening the hem of your skirt out, eyes drifting from the overgrown grass to the front door you stood at. a wave of nausea hits you, an eery silence hung over the building.
your knuckles tap a small rhythm into the wood, "get the door!" hearing loud almost angry footsteps on the other side getting closer until it's swung open and you met with a bruised jj.
"i got it..." he shouts back, but cuts himself short when he realizes it's you, quickly looking back into the house before stepping outside with you, closing it carefully.
"what are you doing here?" his words came out panicked. his eyes frantically scanning the area, but yours were focused on the bruises that littered his face, lifting your shaking hand up to his cheek.
"who did this to you?" ignoring his question, trying to figure out who could do something like this to him. he leaned into your touch, but quickly snapped out of it going back to freaking out again.
"uh- i'm okay, seriously! you need to go. i promise ill see you on monday." before you could object, he stepped back into the house shutting the door behind him, leaving you on your own.
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© ruewrote.
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Hi there my bbg (big black guy 🥰🥰)‼️‼️‼️ I have a teeny weeny request to make. How about f!child reader x Hantengu(s)?
Here's plot:
So, basically, Hantengu is getting chased by slayers, right, and it's also bright out. So, he runs and runs, but bumps into a child who somehow catches the speedy lil fuck and takes him home, thinking he's cute and y'know "you're my friend now :D" type shit. But then, here's the thing, child reader is an orphan and the brothers and sisters and the caretaker aren't very nice to the lil baby ): (Hantengu is gone btw). So, she runs away and goes into the forest Hantengu came out of when boom bam, she's attacked by demons and faints out of literal fear. The next thing she knows, little friend is on top of her with four big scary men (and soon two more friends) who then vow to take care of her as a thanks for saving Hantengu (let's be realistic here tho she's gonna get turned into a demon if that's the case)
That's is all 😊😊😊😊
Here you go. This was very fun to write. I love writing Zoha as someone who is soft with children
Readers POV:
Yet again I had been shut out the house and left to fend for myself so I had taken to wandering the forest in hopes of finding something to keep me occupied. Off in the distance I hear the screeching of metal and thunderous footsteps which put little old me on edge as I back up into a tree in fear, my little ears picking up the tiny patter of fast little feet on the forest floor and out of instinct my hands shoot out and catch whatever was rushing at me and hiding behind the tree as many a armed men rush past us angrily shouting. I wait until they are long gone before opening my hands to be met with the sight of the smallest person I think i’ve ever seen, he trembles in my hands begging over and over again to not hurt him but the only thought running through my mind is ‘TINY FRIEND!!!’
I bring him up to my face and nuzzle my cheek against him gently which stops his crying, albeit probably out of confusion more then anything else, as I ramble on and on about how small he is and how i’ll protect him from the horrors of this world. When both of our heads swivel around at the sound of the angry men coming back our way, my hands feel a tab bit lighter as I look back down to see the little friend is gone and the angry men turn the tree to find me standing there. “Hey hey little one it’s alright, can you tell us if you’ve seen a demon around here?” One of the men crouch down to my level, asking if i’ve seen a…. demon? what the hell is a demon? I shake my head, not wanting to speak to the men that were running around screaming their heads off and slowly inching away from them and running off back ‘home’ as the sun peaks over the horizon.
I open the sliding doors to the house and am greeted to screaming from my adopted mother as she drags me to the stove to help her cook as I am still too small to cook properly (much to her chagrin). She shoves a knife in my hands and instructs me to start cutting the fruit and for 20 minutes, that’s all we do in silence. The silence is broken by a pair of running feet as my adopted family’s actual children round the corner, pushing and shoving each other playfully. My ‘mother’ turning around with a smile on her face, a smile that would never be aimed at me, and gently scolded them for roughhousing before turning back to me and demanding that I serve her children breakfast. I do as i’m told before scurrying off to my ‘room’ (the closet) so that i’m not yelled at for being seen.
I think back to the tiny friend I made the previous night, how cruel it seemed to be chasing him and if he was doing alright. I sat in that room until nightfall where the house fell into silence which is when I decided to run away. These people didn’t care for me and I could probably do better in the wild then here, at least that’s what my eight year old brain was telling me. So I packed my little bag and ran out the house into the forest to try and find my tiny friend. It had been about 20 minutes and no sign of my tiny friend but growls in the distance had me on edge for the second time in this forest, suddenly a creature of disproportionate size lunges out of the bushes at me and I scream as it lands its claws into my chest. Not enough to kill me but enough to hurt and the next thing I know, I faint out of a mix of fear and pain.
I groan in pain and manage to open my eyes to see…. tiny friend?! Whimpering and crying as he covers me with his body, from the peaks of his kimono I can see four other people beating the daylights out of the creature that attacked me. Looking up at my tiny friend as his tears drip down on my face, I reach up and with the sleeve of my tattered kimono I wipe his tears away and he stops his hysterical sobbing, quietening down to hiccups. “Don’t cry tiny friend i’m alright see?” I point to my chest, only now realising that the wound was gone, not even a scar remained as I gasp and pat at the area. “oh hey, where’d it go?” My intrigue turned back to tiny friend as if he knew. “I-I-I couldn’t help ittt, not my fault. I made you swallow some of my blood.” His explanation isn’t the best, especially when I don’t know what demon blood did to humans. Nevertheless, I cheer and throw my arms around tiny friend thanking him for saving me. By this time, the four men hand finished and were gathered around us, tiny friend shrunk to be picked up as the one wearing a kimono matching his, picks him up, eyeing me carefully. The winged one has no concerns, picking me up playfully, being careful of his claws as he lifts me up to his face and examines me. “This the one Hantengu?” He asks tiny friend who I now know the name of, Hantengu nodding his head and the four of them started walking further into the forest.
After a while, we come across a run down shack an we enter, it smells of blood and dust. A larger version of Hantengu turns the corner and takes tiny friend out of the red mans hands, eyeing me carefully. We all move into the living room (I don’t know if they had these but they do now) where I see yet another person, this one looked younger, although not as young as he. his brows furrowed as he sets an intense glare upon me. “Is this the one that protected Hantengu?” I am shocked, his voice sounds so much deeper then I would have expected it to sound. The one holding me nodded, throwing me up and catching me a couple of times. “Don’t do that, you’ll drop her and that’ll be upsetting” The blue man with a sad frown spoke up yet made no move to take me out the winged mans hands. The green one with no shirt on laughs out loud at this statement. “Oh Aizetsu you do say the funniest things! Urogi won’t drop her she means too much to the old man” I had learnt two more names as the largest one snatched me out of Urogi’s arms and settling me in his lap with Hantengu, who pinned himself to my side as the red one growled at the antics of the others. “God you lot are insufferable!” He snaps to which the youngest one nods in agreement, the furrow in his brow becoming deeper as he finally takes his intense gaze off me.
“Awwwah Sekido! You always ruin all the fun, you as well Urami” The green one whines although he doesn’t look too upset at the yelling like Aizetsu does. Yet another two names are learnt, the red man is Sekido and the one holding me and tiny friend is called Urami. The only two nameless men left are the green one and younger one. Sekido growls again. “Karaku…” His voice is threatening as I now learn the green mans name. “Enough both of you!” Urami growls from above me and Hantengu grips my kimono in his little hands which I awe at, he’s so small which I find cute. What I haven’t realised yet is the small horns and purple discolouring that decorated my face like the men in the room. Karaku keeps his giggling, poking fun at Sekido and Urami as Urogi joins in, Aizetsu having left the room, sensing the incoming shit storm. Urami’s grip on his arms tightens as he stands up and shoves me and Hantengu into the younger mans arms, storming up to Karaku and Urogi, grabbing them both and draggin them outside with Sekido following.
All three pairs of eyes follow them as they leave, a moment of silence passes over us as the younger one keeps a tight grasp on us and I risk looking up at him only to be met by an intense stare. “You saved Hantengu from those villians and for that you have our gratitude small one.” He raises a finger to prod my forehead and horns, which I now realise I have. “To show our thanks, we have made you just like us and we will take care of you from now on. Oh where are my manners, My name is Zohakuten” My head nods in acknowledgement as my hands reach up to touch my horns, they are short, stubby and very firm. I look back down at tiny friend and point to my horns. “Look! Now i’m just like you tiny friend.” I am ecstatic, not realising what demon life would mean for me. Hantengu nods about as cheerfully as he could. I yawn, regeneration having taken a toll on my weak demon body as I snuggle into Zohakuten, holding Hantengu in my arms. Drifting off into a dreamless sleep, I swear I felt a small kiss being placed on the top of my head.
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goldkirk · 2 years
Updates updates
- drove home, saw family, had pizza for ONE EVENING, almost all of us got the plague
- plague sucks but definitely not as bad as if I didn’t have the booster, holy shit I can tell it would’ve been a lot worse. my body keeps trying to get going and then doesn’t need to and I’m like. wow. is this what it’s like to not be in excruciating full body joint pain and a 103 fever and raging coughs that pull muscles. incredible
- had shockingly good first in person interaction with family after moving, then got blindsided with p devastating family news two days later
- on the upside, it made me snap out of stuck-in-the-past-and-not-doing-anything-for-my-own-life mode so I now plan to focus all energy as soon as I get back to WA on building as much of a stable and financially stable life as possible in a giant speed run for a few years so I can give the kids a safe place to land literally asap that will be healthy for ALL of us not just flying in crisis mode at Mach 5
- just started a new job in my company with more data and data reporting work, like a split between client interaction, back end work, UX design, data interpretation, content editing, and presentation creation. Scary but exciting
- I am finally actually okay on money. I am finally actually okay on money. I cannot believe I’m not scared about money every single day right now. I have never felt this ever and I’m still crying occasionally over how grateful I am to those of you who helped me out in the past, you have no idea how much of a difference you made. I wish I could do something to give back but I promise for sure I’ll at least pay it forward however I can
- I haven’t injured anything in weeks and am not even subluxing most joints I used to now, this is incredible and I’m so happy. I’m in less pain daily than I think I’ve been in since 2013
- I had two major moments recently where I was able to go newer routes instead of having no highway in my brain besides old damaging ones and let me tell you kids, apparently when push comes to shove, all your teeny little million-bad-day-moments of exhausted rewiring do actually add up. So when you’re frustrated that you can only sit and think about how you could do better or what you’d do if you had the ability but you’re stuck in depression or panic or w/e, please be informed that apparently that’s still actually wiring up pathways in your brain. Action isn’t the only thing that builds the highways—just thinking through them does too. So. You’re doing good work still, even when you don’t think you are.
- turns out my hair just hates WA soft water. The second I washed it in MO it had more curl without any conditioner or gel than it has had WITH gel in it in WA for MONTHS. Unbelievable. Is there a reverse hard water filter that puts minerals IN your shower water?
- Aoife. Is a Very Good Girl.
- turns out I haven’t needed antihistamines for full body itchy stress hives since I actually met my family and got it over with. What a stupid amount of stress I built up over that in the past month. I can’t wait to never again get questions about why it looks like I’ve rolled my whole head and torso in plant venom at random five days of the week
- Aoife is so so so so so so so so so so SO good with all the little kids even the babies. Even when she got overwhelmed and totally pooped out she was unfailingly gentle with them. She’ll parkour off of any adult since people reinforced that unfortunately, but she is an absolute angle with tiny humans and even lets the tiny 1-2 year olds boss her around. Hilarious
- I didn’t realize I was depressed but I think I’m finally un-depressed enough to realize “oh shit I was depressed huh. I’m still depressed huh. Better keep working on that”
- on that note. i finally don’t feel like there is no hope or point to ever writing Hymn again. So hopefully soon I’ll have enough not depressed brain to actually imagine non-depressing scenarios for it. Jesus all I could think of was trauma and depression city for that fic. And that’s not what anyone needs—I can write great grim dark but the point of Shutterbug is comfort and found family and HANDLING symptoms not chapter after chapter of more bad news or symptom incidents. Jeez. Anyway I have an inspo folder again so I’m trying guys, I’m trying. I don’t know what I’m the world will be next, or who I’ll finally find a voice through again, but I’m trying. Maybe it’ll be damian! We haven’t had damian in a bit. Or cass. I want cass so bad but she’s just too not depressed for me to get in her head right now. We’ll see!!
- Highly recommend a new fun strategy called “if you don’t like your own personality, an army of RPG OCs can help you try out and build a new one just fine”
- when I get back to WA I’m going to try paddle boarding and build up to going regularly enough i can buy my own board and rent a spot for it at a marina. I have to wait longer to start doing aerial training bc I keep injuring my back but paddle boarding will give me sweet sweet sunshine and core stability and solve most of my “I hate exercising for the sake of exercising” problems. Pls pester me for photos if I haven’t posted any within a month
- if we’re plague free by next week, I’m going to see a rock concert for the first time! And not be afraid of sinning while I do it! no one can make fun of me because there’s nothing to make fun of and no one can shame me because there’s nothing I’m doing wrong.
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
spin cycle 7 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut
summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.
rating: 18+ for eventual smut
word count: 500 exactlyyyyy
warnings: Jungkook being a simp for sweater paws. Both reader and Jungkook being socially awkward. A teeny Namjoon.
notes: Special thanks to @thatlongspringnight and @illneverrecover for helping me out with some language at the beginning, I really appreciate it! Also, a reminder that the tag list is open for this series! Message me or send an ask if you want to be added. Enjoy!
note 2: I know I said that I post, generally, on Mondays, but I’m getting my fourth covid vaccine dose tomorrow (it’s my booster! I’m immunosuppressed) and will likely be in bed chugging water and cuddling husbeard’s pillow for most of the day. So, with that in mind, have a drabble! Happy Sunday and see you soon :)
series masterlist | read on ao3
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Jungkook isn’t expecting you to look that cute in his sweatshirt. At all.
He’s not sure what came over him. He’s going to get cold without it, but, then again, he’s got two identical black hoodies (oversized, as he prefers) in the wash right now. He’s happy to lend it, he decides, because you look so fucking cute. It fits you perfectly, though the sleeves are a bit long. It gives you sweater paws. He’s never going to complain about a girl having sweater paws while wearing his hoodie.
“I’m Jungkook, by the way,” he says awkwardly.
“I’m Y/N,” you reply quietly. Your voice is soft, but not weak. Strong, but not louder than necessary.
“Sooo—” Jungkook feels his social anxiety creeping up his spine, “—Two AM laundry, right?” Nice, Kook, real smooth.
“Yeah, never thought someone else would do laundry at the same time as me. Ever.”
Are you annoyed? You sound annoyed. Jungkook’s brain is running about as fast as it can to find a subject to switch to.
“Yeah, I just moved at the beginning of the school year because my roommate started teaching at the university so new place, new laundromat, I guess.”
“Seems like an awfully novel time for laundry,” you press. You seem less annoyed, maybe? Maybe its just wishful thinking. Your brow is still furrowed—wow, you have nice eyebrows—but your jaw is no longer doing that weird, tense thing. Namjoon’s does it too actually. It’s scary.
“I’m in freelance and I’ve got a few clients who have weird schedules. This time just works for me as a wrap up to my day.” Okay, that was pretty good actually. Jungkook’s making the work he’s doing for Jin’s passion project sound way cooler than it actually is.
The look on your face is blank, as if you’re trying to decide what to say.
Jungkook scratches his neck. “So, um, what are you doing here so late?”
Your gaze flickers up to his, meeting it for a fleeting moment before falling back to the ground. “I’m a night owl.”
That’s it. That’s all you give him.
“Cool, same honestly.” At least it’s the truth. God, he’s so garbage at talking to you. He can almost picture Namjoon rolling his eyes at how awkward this conversation feels. Too bad he’s not here to do all the talking.
“Cool,” you repeat back quietly. “I’ve got work I need to get done. I can wash this next week and give it back to you, if that’s okay?”
“Oh.” Right, the hoodie. Do you smell good? Jungkook wonders if you smell good, and if there’s a way to find out before next week. Maybe he can keep you from washing it so that it stays smelling like you.
Is that weird?
Somewhere in his mind, there’s a tiny Namjoon haunting his neurons. At this question, the tiny Namjoon shouts “YES” and then laughs at the way it echos against his skull.
“Yeah, that’s totally fine. No rush.”
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Thank you for reading! Drop me an ask and tell me what you think. Find me in various places at my carrd :)
©miscelunaaa 2021-2022. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work. Thank you.
posted: 1.30.2022. updated: 4.2.2022 with front matter fixes.
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womensblood · 2 years
First Meetings/Relationship Headcanons!
GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUNS! Reader IS trans (specifically transmasc, but can be interpreted as transman even tho there are no he pronouns), it’s not brought up much, but it is there. You may interpret your gender however you like.
S3XUAL CONTENT!!!!!!!!! AHEAD!!!!!!!!
High s3x!!!!!
unhealthy relationships, tr4nsphobia (mentioned), implied/referenced pr0stituti0n
Imma be honest, this is a little teeny eensy bit self indulgent. Because you’re a stoner lol.
Old Man Myers
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You’d have to be very special to capture Michael Myers’s attention and not be killed.
So. Guess what. Guess what. You. Are a stoner. Because I said so, and because it just makes things funnier.
But, upon meeting him for the first time, ya know… it’s Michael fucking Myers, so yeah, it’s a little scary.
You got kicked out of your house 4 years ago, right when you came out to your parents, and you’ve been staying at the old Myers residence for just as long. And no one ever goes near here because of the legends. It’s been practically untouched since… well… you know.
You have your own room, which is Laurie’s old room (not that you knew that), and you made it into your own the best you could.
Sometimes, before you eat, you like to smoke, just because it tastes better while high. You got a little extra cash too, so you were able to order a large pizza AND a drink.
Eating something nice is a rare treat, and when you get the chance, you take it. You had it sent to right across the street and requested Ellie, an old friend of yours who knows what situation you’re in, and brings pizza to the house in secret. She gave you an extra pizza too, which was also a large, and you almost cried.
You’re eating for about 3 minutes, practically fucking moaning while you’re eating cause it’s warm, fresh pizza and you haven’t had that in a long fucking time. You hear a floorboard creak, but you don’t think anything of it. The house is old and in Haddonsfield, for some reason, Halloween is the coldest holiday of the year, and the windiest. So, you don’t care.
You practically skip to the kitchen, and hum as you look for some cups, and wash it out in the sink. But when you turn back and you see Michael Myers standing right behind where you were just sitting you almost started crying literally.
But, while high, sometimes your brain doesn’t make the smartest decisions.
“Uh… hey… man.”
“You… want some pizza?”
Surprisingly enough, you don’t sound scared, nor did you look scared because again, you were kind of blazed out of your mind.
He doesn’t do anything. He just watches you.
“I mean, uh… if you’re real, you must have come from that… old hospital, right? So, you’ve gotta be at least a little bit hungry. Oh-oh! Are you thirsty?”
Honest to god he doesn’t really know what to do. He’s never had this kind of… reaction.
He was going to kill you definitely. But he wanted you to see his face before he did it.
But now, you’re fixing him a glass of Mountain Dew in a freshly washed cup and you stumble over to him, and fearlessly hand out the glass. He doesn’t take it. Obviously. He’s not going to take his mask off in front of you.
So you just… set it down. And stare at him.
“Oh! Uhh, you want me to turn around? Cause—like, you, uh… you don’t like people seein’ your face, right?”
Took you long enough. But, still, he’s genuinely surprised you knew that. But he’s also like, dumbfounded by how stupid you are because you rush over to the kitchen with your back turned and cover your eyes with your hands.
If he wanted, he could walk up right behind you and slaughter you. And he should have.
But, instead, he quickly lifted up his mask just enough to where his mouth was shown and chugged that shit as if he hadn’t had water in years.
It was disgusting. But, it was satisfying. He ate a couple of slices, then stopped.
You didn’t look back once, and you still had your eyes covered and your back turned.
With that, he left the kitchen and went upstairs.
And you kind of forgot that he was here so you were just hunched over the counter with your eyes covered for like 10 minutes and then you remembered and turned around. He wasn’t there.
You closed your pizza box and went upstairs to go to your room, and you found him in it.
“Jeezus! Christ! What is wrong with you????”
A lot of people wouldn’t dare to speak to Michael Myers like that because he might kill them. And usually, he would have. But instead, he gave you a warning.
He slams you against the wall by your neck and holds you there, staring you directly in your eyes.
You could barely see into his mask, and the only light in this room came from the window, and the couple of candles you lit, and it was just enough to see those horrible, empty eyes staring you down.
You couldn’t scream. You could barely make any noise.
And he presses harder.
And harder.
You can’t breathe anymore.
You can’t see any emotion in his eyes and you know you’re going to die.
He squeezes your throat, and just like that, he drops you. You’re not dead. You didn’t die.
But the message was crystal clear.
You’re terrified. But, you still remember your manners.
He lives with you now. Even though you rarely see him. But when you do, surprisingly enough, you don’t really try to avoid him. Unless he’s in a bad mood, or, in the rare occasion (surprisingly) when he’s covered in blood. Then you go up to your room, and leave him be.
You leave out food for him and put his name on it, and also leave out a drink. Sometimes.
He does notice that you try to be respectful, and in his youth, he wouldn’t have cared. But as an older man who spent the entirety of his life in a psych ward with virtually no privacy, he appreciates it. Just a little.
The first time you wrote his name on a piece of paper in front of his food, he snorted. They used to do that at the hospital, but at least their handwriting was nice and even.
He doesn’t actively engage in “conversation” or even try to approach you, so you’d have to do that.
And you do. After a month of living together, you do.
Do you know how much it took you to convince yourself to do it? A lot. And you forced yourself to do it sober.
You find him on the couch, just staring at the empty fireplace and you managed to get your hands on Chinese food after persuading a manager from some dingy Chinese food place.
But hey, it actually tastes pretty good.
You stepped in front of him, and he looked up at you, and you couldn’t see his eyes.
“I got some Chinese… I have, uh… sweet and sour chicken with noodles, Mongolian beef and… xiao long bao?”
But then you remember he doesn’t like eating with his mask off in front of you, and now you feel stupid.
He takes the beef, and you hand him a fork, then sit down with your back facing him.
“Uh… I hope you don’t mind me sitting here.”
He doesn’t answer. As usual. And it’s just quiet.
“I don’t… I don’t like eating alone. And since we’re… like, roommates technically, I thought I’d eat with my roomie.”
And that was enough. He didn’t care. As long as you didn’t look.
And then it became some sort of ritual. You two eating together. You have your back turned and he eats.
You guys eat every couple of days. And Michael, he doesn’t eat much at all. But, he knows he has to eat.
After a few weeks, you don’t feel as uncomfortable as you used to.
In fact, you kind of enjoy his company.
And he doesn’t mind yours.
“Hey… you don’t have to but, uh… could I… sit next to you when we eat?”
You thought you’d push too far. And he just stares at you in silence, for a long time, and you feel… ashamed. Embarrassed.
“Sorry… uh—could I still sit, or do you want to eat alone?”
Again, he doesn’t answer, but, he also doesn’t move. So you sit down, and dig in. And when you hear him start to eat too, you’ve never been more relieved.
You guys don’t have many other interactions besides when you guys have dinner together. Sometimes you salute him in the hallway when you’re going to take a leak, or nod your head at him if you two are in the same place at the same time. He responds by acknowledging you. Just looking at you.
And after 3 months of living together, you find yourself watching him more. How dirty his jumpsuit is. With old bloodstains and dirt and god knows what else. His hands. All the scars and how rough his fingers are.
And then you realize what’s happening and
No. No. No.
‘He’s a fucking serial killer’, ‘He’d kill you if he gets bored, you know that’, ‘He HAS tried to kill you! You psycho!’ Is what you told yourself in hopes of snapping out of it.
You didn’t. Sorry bro, you’re stuck with this.
And you just… suck it up. You’re like, ‘hey, I can deal with this. I’m gonna be fine. He’s just a friend, I think. And he’s an old man! I mean, it’s not like we’re gonna actually fuck lol
You don’t realize it yourself, but you’re different when you’re around him. And he notices.
He doesn’t put it together right away either. He just thinks you’re being weird or some shit. He’s used to you being weird by now.
But now, it’s getting annoying. He doesn’t know what’s up with you, and usually, he wouldn’t give a shit about anyone or anything, but he’s annoyed that he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
He starts watching you when you think you’re alone. Whenever you think he’s out killing or doing god knows what, sometimes, he watches you from a distance, or inside the walls.
He listens to you. And he watches you. And for some reason, he had no idea that you smoked weed. But when he did, he almost chuckled.
This man doesn’t care about invading someone else’s privacy. So, when you’re out or somewhere else in the house, he goes through your stuff.
And you have some notes in your journal.
Michael can’t read much, but he could make out his name. And a couple of other things. Then he got to ‘Jesus Christ I want to fuck Michael Myers’, and his mind is blown.
Just for a second. Then it hits him. You want to fuck him. A much younger and more attractive person wants to fuck him. Huh.
Michael Myers is old. And he’s got a lot of pent up sexual frustration.
The only action he ever got was when he was younger, and the young hibristophiliac nurses wanted him to fuck their brains out, which he did happily. He ended killing a few of them after he was done, but he let some live, just because he knew they’d come back.
But you… you’re unlike anyone he’s ever met. But, then again, he hasn’t met many people.
You’re attractive to him in an odd way. Not romantically. Not at all. But he does find you interesting. And somewhat amusing. Kind of annoying. But, you respect him. And it doesn’t take a genius to see that you genuinely enjoy being around him, and feel comfortable round him. And with anyone else, he wouldn’t have tolerated that for a second. He’d kill them. But he finds himself not wanting to kill you.
It gives him mixed emotions. He doesn’t care about you. Does he?
It doesn’t exactly make him sad at the thought of you dying, but he would be… disappointed. He might even find himself thinking about you.
He wouldn’t someone else kill you. Or anything else kill you for that matter. You were going to die by his hand when it was time.
He isn’t exactly subtle about wanting to fuck you. He’s a straightforwards man.
I’m actually going to make the s3x stuff into a story but I’m too lazy to change the info on top<3 my bad guys
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fbfh · 3 years
light up the dark [VI] - leo x reader
genre: mid adventure domestic fluff overture, romance, smutty lemony bit towards the end
word count: 3k
pairing: Leo x gothy!child of eros!fem reader
requested: very much so, yes
warnings: magic manipulation powers, feelings are hard and weird and scary, some innuendos, the phrase hot gusher out of context, the word dirty talk, trying to "proposition [someone] in front of two for one cookie crisp", brief credit card theft, jason thinks ketchup is spicy and gets clowned on for it, one use of the word lube in reference to mechanical lubricant, shirtless leo remember that one piece of shirtless leo viria art?????? remember the caption?????, your facade is beginning to crack, deadpan joke about being dead in space, making out, whole lotta sexual tension, brief mention of a boner, teeny tiny bit of grinding, getting interrupted, c*lypso
summary: after an extensive shopping trip, you, Leo, and Jason settle into your airbnb and wait for the others to arrive. Jason takes a nap, and Leo helps you dye your hair. You return the favor by helping him make dinner which leads to two things; a well timed boner, and a poorly timed visitor.
listen to: power and control - marina, 100 bad days - ajr, all I ask - adele
a/n: let's play spot the zack and cody reference within the first paragraph
also surprise the series isn't dead!! a shock to all but mostly me!!
as with all smexy smutty nsfw content, all characters are aged up to 18+
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Standing in front of a wall of hair dye taller than you are should have been exciting. It would have been, except for the fact that all the colors were various shades of honey mist auburn. You really don’t want to have to make a separate trip to a beauty store for hair dye. Your eyes land on a firetruck red box, and gratefully, you realize you won’t have to.
“Perfect,” you muse, throwing it into your cart, along with the other stuff on the list you’d divided between you. You grab a few other things from the beauty section while you’re there; some makeup, eyeliner, a glass nail file, and a tiny pair of oil slick cuticle scissors.
Nearby is a guy a little older than you in a varsity hoodie and sweatpants squinting at a two in one shampoo label.
Perfect, you think, beginning to approach. You work your magic - literally - and within a few minutes you have his credit card. It takes way less time than it used to. You also didn’t have to smile and flirt nearly as much as you used to. You’re relieved that you don’t have to fake enthusiasm around rich douchebags the way you used to, and a new inky drop of fear begins to stain the corners of your mind. You can’t even bear to admit it to yourself, but you’re kind of scared. Before you can begin to question if you know what love is and if you’re capable of experiencing it without the influence of your divine heritage, you shove it all away. Not the place, not the time. You speed up a little, passing an endcap of candy, and knock a box into your cart.
On the other side of the store, Jason checks off items from their half of the list as Leo tosses items in the cart, talking along the way. Of course, you came up in conversation rather quickly.
“She’s… a real piece of work.” Jason says, treading lightly.
“You said it, man,” Leo agrees, sliding a pack of coke onto the bottom of the cart. Jason thinks for a moment before continuing.
“She seems to,” he tries to figure out how to phrase their dynamic, “not hate you as much as everyone else.” Leo laughs at the accuracy of the statement. He can tell Jason has something else to say, so he’s quiet while putting paper plates and napkins into the cart.
“Hey, Leo?”
“Just… don’t let her hurt you, okay?”
He stops for a second. He’s so lucky to have a friend like Jason, one that will genuinely look out for him, but sometimes people caring for him still catches him off guard. Really off guard. With no idea how to begin to verbalize that complicated mess, he takes a split second to collect himself.
“Thanks, man.”
His smile is sincere.
Don’t let her hurt you. Can he just do that? Not let someone hurt him? Especially someone like you. He’s only had a few long term crushes before, all just out of reach and only getting further away. Only one had amounted to something - not that he could call what he had with Calypso ‘something’. She certainly wouldn’t. He looks around, trying to shake off the sting. He starts to get that unsettled, itchy feeling when he focuses on stuff like that for too long.
‘At least I got some good stories out of it,’ he thinks, messing with the back of his hair and fixing his hoodie strings.
He turns around, coming face to face with you, holding out a box very close to him.
“Hot gusher.” You say softly. What? His cheeks heat up, pulse speeding up suddenly. He glances at Jason, who’s at the other end of the aisle asking an employee something. Are you implying something? Are you trying to proposition him in front of two for one cookie crisp? He’s unable to look away from your gaze, intense and striking. You couldn’t possibly mean what he thinks you mean. Your fingers brush and he’s struggling to find an elegant way to say ‘hey, maybe the grocery store isn’t an ideal place for dirty talk’.
“W- uh, sorry, what?” he says, laughing in an equally hushed tone, needing to make sure you meant what he thought you did. You glance down, then back up.
“They’re spicy gushers. I thought you’d like them.” the feeling is gone in a split second, the same time it took to arrive, and is replaced with relief. He looks down at the box, realizing he’d taken it from you at some point. He laughs at the ridiculousness of his previous panic.
“Thanks,” he says, a reflective smile on his face.
You realize how comforted you are to see him smile, really smile, when you catch yourself having to keep a neutral face. One of the first times your resting bitch face has been intentional. Before you can say you’re welcome, Jason comes back over. You hand him the card.
“Pin number’s 0401.”
They both stare at you, skimming the label of a granola bar, completely unperturbed.
“Credit card theft.”
The logical part of Leo’s brain starts to speak up, telling him to raise his guard, that his stomach should be twisting. If you can just take someone’s credit card without a hint of remorse, who knows what the hell kind of damage you could do to him if he got closer to you? And he really wants to get closer to you.
“Oh,” you pull a small pop top tube out of your cart and hand it to Leo, “this is for you too. You know, since you don’t like coffee,” you trail off as he reads the label. Caffeine and electrolyte drink tablets, red berry rampage flavor. He looks up at you, feeling warm and… something else, something ineffable, at the gesture.
You stare at each other, eyes locked, surprised at the strangely intimate feeling stirring in both of you.
“What are those?” Jason asks, snapping you out of whatever that was.
“Spicy gushers,” Leo says, smiling again, “I didn’t even know they made those.”
“Hot mango,” Jason reads from the side of the box, “that actually sounds pretty good.”
“No way dude, you can’t handle spicy food.” He starts to protest, and Leo continues, “You think ketchup is spicy!” He looks shocked.
“Okay, that was one time! It was a weird brand and there was way too much pepper in it!”
You bite back a giggle at their bickering, taking note of how much better Leo seems to be doing and finding surprising comfort in their banter.
It doesn’t take long to get to the airbnb and get set up. You all dump your bags in your rooms, bring in the groceries, and shove everything into the cabinets in a reasonably organized manner.
Jason heads upstairs to unpack and call Piper, announcing a few minutes later that they should be here in less than two hours.
“Perfect,” you pull out your hair dye from the last bag. It’s not exactly the manic panic wildfire red you’d initially wanted, but it’s definitely better than nothing. You stare at the box for a second, then up at Leo who’s trying to get one more bag of chips to fit in with the others.
“Hey,” you say, just loud enough to get his attention, “do you… can you get the back of my head?” He looks at you, questioning, and you hold up the box dye. He smiles, once again noting your softened edges around him.
“Yeah,” he agrees, and minutes later you’re in the bathroom, adorned in a big tee shirt covered in all your previous hair colors. He’s staring at your shirt, eyes dancing over the swirls and splatters of color. It reminds him of a painting he’d seen once, unable to remember the name.
You shake the bottle, skimming the instructions again, then start speaking to him, eyes still on the box.
“Take a section of hair, about this much,” you demonstrate, holding out a section of hair, “rub in the dye like this…”
You hand him the second bottle of red dye, and he starts on the back. His fingertips start separating out a section of your hair, and you still, a shiver running up your spine. He hesitates for a moment, then continues, and you hope he hadn’t noticed. His breath fans your ear, and you can feel the heat radiating off his chest. Your lungs are shallow suddenly, squeezed tight like a bouquet clutched in a shaking hand. You find it almost impossible to focus on dying the front half of your hair.
You don’t want it to stop, you realize. His fingertips dancing along your hair, the glimpses of his incredibly focused face in the bathroom mirror, the way he’ll gently turn your head to make sure he didn’t miss a spot.
“Shit,” he leans back, hunching forward. You look behind you, eyes landing immediately on the spot of red dye on his shirt.
“Shit,” you echo. He looks back at you, waiting to see how he’ll react.
“Oh, it’s all good - no worries. I already have a ton of motor oil and lube - lubricant… machine grade, petroleum based engine lubricant-” he laughs, “stains on this shirt anyway. Don’t sweat it.”
You almost laugh. A giggle bubbles up from your chest and stomach, but catches in your throat. Before it can come out, he slips off his dye stained gloves, and tugs off his dye stained shirt from the back. It seems to happen in slow motion. In a mere moment, your eyes engraving every detail, every line and curve and freckle to memory.
There’s really no delicate way to put it; he’s fucking jacked. Deceptively so. You’re frozen in place, cheeks flushed. You suddenly wonder what it would be like to be wrapped up in his arms, held so close to him.
You snap yourself out of the thought, all of that occurring in just a few seconds. He leans past you, setting the dye stained shirt carefully on the counter, glancing at you intensely.
“Are you checking me out?”
You make yourself roll your eyes and turn away, replying, “I’m sure you’d love that.”
Angled away from him, you momentarily reprimand yourself, squeezing your eyes shut and mouthing oh my god. You turn back to him, not recalling the last time you had to deliberately keep up your aloof front around someone like this.
“So, are we finishing my hair or just gonna leave it like this?” you ask rhetorically, motioning to your half done hair.
He watches you do this, confirming his suspicion that you’re really not as cold as you let on. A smile blooms on his face, and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything as… cute as that.
“Yeah,” he replies, slipping his gloves back on. The things you do around him seem to mean more now. He notices the way your eyes flutter closed for a moment when he plays with your hair, working in the dye, or the way you still for a split second when he gets a little too close to the side of your face, checking that he didn’t miss a spot.
He doesn’t want this to end either. But eventually, your hair is fully saturated with dye, the timer on your phone counting down slowly. There’s still some dye left. He sits on the closed toilet.
“Your turn. Do me.”
“What?” you laugh.
“Yeah, a little streak - up here.” He leans forward, sectioning off a part of his hair.
“Seriously?” you ask.
“Yeah. Unless you don’t want to match…” he muses. Your eyes get this dreamy look for the briefest second, then you’re turning back to shake the bottle some more.
“I guess… I mean there’s too much dye to throw out, we might as well do something with it.”
It’s his turn, now, to feel the warmth from your body, your hands running through his hair. His eyes want to close, and bask in the feeling, but he refuses to miss out on the view of you so soft, so close to him. It doesn’t last nearly long enough for either of you, and much too soon you’re pulling away and throwing away the gloves and empty bottles.
By the time you finish cleaning up and throw out the garbage, it’s time to rinse your hair. Hanging your head over the tub, you let the water flow over your head until Leo tells you it’s running clear. He does the same, and you point out too late that he only had to rinse the dyed part, not his whole head.
You both laugh as you wrap a towel around your hair, teaching him how to do the same.
“Sweet, I’ve always wondered how to do the spa snail towel thing.”
“The spa snail towel thing?” You try in vain to fight another laugh.
“Yeah, you know… cause it looks like a snail, and they do it at spas…”
“Oh… my gods…” you laugh, exiting the bathroom and heading down the hall, “I”m going to get changed.” you call.
“Am I wrong?” he asks after you, and you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. He heads to his room to do the same.
A few minutes later, you’re carefully pulling on your top, when he calls through your door.
“Hey, I’m gonna be in the kitchen, come down when you’re ready.”
“...Okay,” you agree.
You check your outfit in the mirror. You can still feel his fingers brushing your neck. Your head tilts at the memory. Snapshots of him pulling off his shirt in slow motion flash in your memory.
You realize how much of an affect the last hour has had on you. Your stomach drops.
You can’t possibly be falling in love. No way. Not a snowball’s chance in hell.
You’re not the falling in love type. At most, you’d hook up with someone a couple times on the rare occasion you thought they were hot, too.
Oh, you decide, that must be what’s happening. I just think he’s hot. I mean, duh. Of course he’s hot. Did you see him in there?
That’s all you have to do; hook up with him once, maybe twice, then you’ll get over it. It’ll make his ex jealous, and they’ll get back together. It will go just like it always has. Then you can move on to whatever the next crisis is.
You take a breath, resolving to follow the plan, exit your room. You throw yours and Leo’s old clothes and towels in the hamper, and head down stairs. He greets you, and pulls you into the kitchen.
“I have something to ask you.” Your brow furrows.
He takes your hand in his, the other behind his back.
“Will you…” he looks at you, gaze piercing, “...be my sous-chef.” he finishes, holding out an apron, matching his.
You study him, a hopeful, surprisingly confident look on his face. His hair is still damp. You’re sure yours is, too. You wait a beat, before replying slowly.
“Yes. But I’m not wearing that.”
“That’s fair,” he says, setting the apron on the counter, “I will have to dock your pay for being out of uniform, though.” You let out a puff of air from your nose, biting back a laugh. He pulls out a skillet, bowl, and oil, and begins preheating the pan. You watch him pull out more ingredients, and begin to set things up.
“Right now we’re waiting on that,” he says nodding at the stove. You nod, inspecting a bottle of seasoning he’d pulled out, and settle into a comfortable silence.
He thinks back to the last time you had time like this - playing twenty questions at your apartment. A pit forms in his stomach as he remembers the conversation veering to Calypso, as it always seemed to. He shoves it away. Not this time. He steadies his nerves. “So, you want to play twenty questions?”
You agree, coming closer to him.
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?”
Your eyes flick over to the clock. You have a solid hour, hour and a half before the others are supposed to get here. You stare at him, brushing hair out of his face.
“I’d be dead in the endless void of deep space.”
He cracks a smile at how on brand that response was. Your fingertips trail down to his neck, rethen shoulder. The smile doesn’t leave his face, not completely. Your heart beats loudly in anticipation.
“My turn. Do you want to make out?”
His head snaps up, eyes locked with yours, trying to tell if you’re serious or if this is another example of your distinct sense of humor. But he can tell it’s not - there’s something a little too close to the surface in your eyes.
“Yeah. Yes, totally-”
You grab his collar, pulling him in for a kiss, and leaning back against the empty counter.
His lips are soft and warm, moving gracefully with yours. You barely register that the first kiss ends before you dive back in. You angle your head, deepening the kiss. He plants one hand on the counter, the other making its way to the small of your back. You flick your tongue past his lips, and his grip on your waist tightens. You clutch his collar tighter, other hand moving through his hair, still damp at the ends.
You can tell he’s enjoying what you do by the way his mouth quirks up ever so slightly at the corners, and by the way he starts to harden beneath you. You roll your hips into his, and he falters, sighing, breath fanning your lips. Not quite a moan, but you’re getting there.
The front door opens before you can.
Leo pulls away reluctantly, very reluctantly, and turns off the stove.
“That was fast,” he says, panting slightly and still very flushed. They’re not supposed to be here for a while, still.
A tall girl enters the kitchen, dark strawberry blonde hair pulled over her shoulder. She looks between you and Leo with a sour expression on her face.
“Calypso,” Leo says.
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strayinvelvet · 3 years
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There’s a long list of stupid things one could do when in love and that includes hiding the stupid emotion even after five years.
↳ pairing: han jisung x reader
↳ genre: mostly fluff with teeny tiny sprinkle of angst
↳ wc: 3.1k
↳ warning: swearing
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“Making it to the president’s list really does have its perks, huh? I mean come on, it’s only our first day of but the professor already knows you.”
You could only laugh at your friend’s remarks. Your friend, Hyunjin, continued rambling on how the university favors that damn list so much and how you should share its perks – all while walking and not looking at a single thing in the hallway. 
“You should probably look at where you are walking, Hyunjin,” you said without looking at him. 
Your eyes lit up upon the sight of the vending machine in the corner of the hallway just before the stairs. You took it as a sign for you to take your daily coffee. You stopped in front of it, with Hyunjin following you, and fed it coins then pressed the button for your favorite can of coffee. “Coffee again? We don’t even have that much work yet?” You claimed your coffee, opening it before turning to Hyunjin. “You know I can’t function without it.” You said before smelling the strong scent of coffee, feeling like it was the perfect blend of coffee beans to wake up your sleepy soul. You took a sip and instantly, you were more alert than before. 
“Whatever you say.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes at your actions. Truly, he has never seen anyone act like that once they get their hands on coffee. The two of you continued walking through the hallway with Hyunjin greeting some people on the way. Social butterfly, that is what he is. You snorted at him once he was done waving to the latest. “Are you running for a seat or something?” you asked him as you took the last sip of your coffee. “That’s called being friendly, y/n. Try it sometimes, you know. Without that scary looking face.” You almost threw the empty can to his face but you just rolled your eyes and nudged his arm with your elbow which he quickly dodged. He has memorized your actions throughout the two years he has known you. 
The both of you were out of the building when Hyunjin suddenly remembered his new schedule. “Oh I have another class in a bit,” grunting at the fact that his classes are basically one after another this semester. “I don’t. Bye.” You stuck your tongue out at him then ran off to the opposite side of where his building is. Hyunjin only laughed at your back before turning around and walking to his building. 
You have been walking for a long time when you realized that you don’t know where you are going. You stopped on your tracks and looked around. When you spotted a bench across where you are standing, you decided to approach it and sat down. You dropped your bag beside you and took a good look at your surroundings. 
The day was good. Too good for your liking. The sun is shining perfectly, it was neither too bright nor too dull, yet it was blinding your eye. The leaves were colored auburn with streaks of yellow and faint accents of green. They were dancing to the slow yet smooth rhythms of the wind. It was so smooth that it almost demanded to be felt. You tightened your coat, rejecting the wind’s request of touch. It was when an orange leaf fell on your lap did you release a sad smile.
It was autumn. The season you hated the most. The season which makes your heart melancholic like it was being brought back to the time you wanted so hard to burn in your memories. You touched the leaf, feeling its rough surface. You didn’t want to but as the leaf made crisp sounds as a response to your touch, you suddenly found yourself reminiscing the memory of a man you wish to forget. 
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“Han Jisung!”
Your rowdy classmate shouted across the room, trying to gain the boy’s attention. His eyes, however, are busy staring at your figure. That same classmate ran out of patience, approached Jisung and slapped his hand on Jisung’s desk. “Come on, man. We’re going to play some games.” Jisung looked up in annoyance and shoved the man away, “Go by yourselves Felix. I’m busy.” He tried to return his gaze to you but it wasn’t too long when Felix interrupted him again.
“Busy what? Daydreaming about y/n?” Series of teasing cheers can soon be heard all over the room and Jisung couldn’t help but smile shyly. “Am I that obvious?” Jisung asked curiously. “Obvious my ass. Everyone practically knows,” Felix slapped the other boy’s shoulder. The moment his gaze landed back to your seat, you were gone. Jisung hurriedly packed his stuff and went towards the door, trying to catch up with you.
Han Jisung was a transferee in ninth grade but he was able to make friends almost immediately. He was this aloof, outgoing guy who always makes jokes and gets along with everyone. Heck, he was able to befriend the whole classroom two days after his transfer, and the whole batch a month in his stay. So you really didn’t know why, out of all people he managed to be friends with, it is you who he decided to annoy every single day. 
It was lunch time, a week after his transfer, when he approached you the first time. He waved and did not say anything at all. You thought he was weird but you ended up smiling slightly before exiting the room for lunch. It was that same lunch time when he approached your table then asked you and your friends if he can sit beside you. You were questioning his whole personality at that point. 
What is wrong with this guy? You didn’t want to say yes but that would surely make you look rude. But then again, you didn’t care. Before you were able to say no, he was pulled by your other classmate Felix. Your eyes followed their backs but Jisung’s eyes were still looking your way. You decided to just shrug it off, thinking the weird interaction would end there. Boy, you were wrong.
Jisung wasn’t sitting beside you in class but one morning, you found him sitting at the seat to your right. You took your seat and placed your bag under your desk when he spoke, “Hi y/n.” you looked at him and he was smiling so widely. His head was propped on his palms. You furrowed your brows, confused as to why this new guy is trying to make a conversation with you. “Uhm... hi? You ate something weird this morning?” 
You thought Jisung’s smile couldn’t go any wider but it just did. “No. No, I didn’t. Uhm… Did you… Do you… How do you like your eggs cooked?” All you could do was mentally say hah? with your mouth opened as if you said it vocally. 
Meanwhile, Jisung mentally slapped himself for coming up with a stupid question. That was all he could get from his brain which went rambles just because you asked him if he had eaten anything for breakfast. Maybe that is not the exact question but it’s getting there. He was about to clear himself up from the embarrassment when the teacher entered the room. “Talk to you later.” He stood up and went to his original seat, motioning for the guy who was originally seated to your right to go back. All you could think of was please don’t.
The next morning, you found the same scene. Jisung seating at the seat to your right. Then, he will flood you questions of how was your sleep, did you eat breakfast yet, and many more.
The next morning, it was still like that.
And the next.
And the next.
Soon, you found yourself being greeted every morning with a smiley Jisung. Your replies were never long enough for a long conversation but he somehow managed to find topics to ask you more questions. Often times you were subtly hinting that you want to brush him off but he doesn’t seem to notice. The attempts to push him off always dissolve in thin air so finally, you just let him be. Maybe it was his way of making friends. 
You didn’t notice yourself expecting a Han Jisung by your seat until one morning, he wasn’t there. You scanned the room and saw him writing furiously in his seat, frequently looking at Felix’s paper who was also writing before copying what he saw onto his paper. 
“Felix I can’t understand your handwriting.”
“You’re not in the position to complain.”
“Just move your tiny hands.”
Ah, he was doing his homework that the three forgot to do the night before. Jisung was trying his best to finish his damn homework as fast as possible. He still has something important to do. Good thing it was just five items. Five minutes before the first class, he was finally done. He shoved his paper to Felix and Seungmin who still weren’t, slammed his pen on the table then rushed to your seat. You looked up from your phone and saw him grinning, breathing slightly faster than normal. “I’m done with my homework. How was your sleep?” 
That’s it. The moment he was waiting for. He had managed to make you crack a smile while saying, “Stupid.” His smile only growing wider in response.
Annoying you in the mornings apparently wasn’t enough for him. You decided to kill time after class in the library before you go home because you are 100% sure you’ll accept your bed’s tempting invitation. Your book was sprawled in front of you. Your headphones separating you from the rest of the world. Your feet was resting on top of the seat across you. You were focused on your assignment when the seat across you were pulled making you curse out loud. You removed your earphones and said sorry multiple times to the people around you. You looked hardly at Jisung: the boy behind the act. He was grinning, as always. “Sorry.” He said holding up a peace sign. He sat down and asked you “Why are you still here?” to which you only replied, “What do you want?”
He only blinked at you. You blinked back. “You’re not going home?”
“Later,” you replied shortly before going back to your work.
“Later? It’s eight?” You shot your head up at him. He was showing his phone which says it’s almost eight in the evening. You looked outside and realized it has already gotten dark. You immediately fixed your stuff and muttered a soft thank you before bolting through the door. Jisung quickly got up from his seat and caught up to you. “What’s wrong?” the both of you were walking-running out of the school grounds. “My next bus is at eight.” You said while huffing. You felt your hands being covered in warmth and then suddenly, you were running with Jisung leading you. 
Both of you were panting when you reached the bus stop. Unfortunately, it was fifteen minutes past eight. Jisung sat down while huffing, you following him not soon after. Once you have regained your breath, you faced Jisung. “Sorry for making you run for nothing.” Jisung looked at you, smiled, before sitting up straight. “When’s the next one?” 
“Oh. That’s only about 30 minutes,” he said after looking at his phone.
“You’re going to wait?”
“Yes.” He said giddily.
“Do you ride the same bus?”
“When’s your bus?”
You silently said oh, realizing you assumed wrongly. 
Silence fell soon as the both of you were too tired to talk until a question popped up in your head. “What were you doing in school at this hour?” He looked at you. “I was… uhm… I fell asleep.” He grinned widely. “Are you trying to befriend me?” You asked the question you were meaning to ask him for a while now. Jisung only looked at you for a while before answering, “can I?” It was now your turn to stare at him. “Who asks people for friendship permission these days?” You mumbled before looking away. However, Jisung heard it and laughed lightly. 
The whole course of waiting, you realized Jisung is the type of man who never runs out of something to say. His brain must be working fast, you concluded. He would tell a story. You would laugh and then tell your own version. You didn’t notice the time fly so when your bus arrived, you were partly sad now that you will be alone again in silence. You stood up and only waved him a goodbye before running up to your bus. Jisung watched you with a smile on his face, watching as the bus drove out of his sight before he waited for a couple of minutes for his bus.
Days passed and you found yourself spending more time with Jisung or more like Jisung annoying the heck out of you. Apart from the morning talks and library rendezvous, Jisung started walking you to the bus stop. Sometimes he would say he saw on the way or he forgot to return something but most of the time, he just “hi” his way to walking you. He had also started joining you at lunch whenever your other friends were busy due to your schedule difference. Sometimes he would take something from your food then stuck his tongue out before devouring it. Sometimes you just want the soil to devour his whole existence. Most of the time you just want to slap him. When he failed to get your attention, he would throw a piece of paper at you. And you, in return, would throw him a much bigger piece of paper and he would end up laughing and getting his ass beaten by the teacher. It was your turn to stick your tongue at him. 
It wasn’t really annoying if you think about it. It is just that you are easily annoyed and Jisung knew that better. So he continued annoying you in every little things until he was able to finally make you lose your cool.
It was the last day of ninth grade. Some were goofing around while some were decorating the room including Jisung, celebrating the end of the year. You were just in the corner waiting for your diploma, watching at how stupid your classmates look like. Boredom got into you so you decided to visit Luna, your other friend, in the other classroom. You stood up, about to exit the door when a snap of a scissor made you stop. You turned around and saw Jisung holding one with Felix and Seungmin at his back, the three of them frozen. You followed jisung’s gaze and noticed one side of your hair was shorter than the rest. He had accidentally cut a part of your hair to shoulder length.
You didn’t know if you were going to be furious or mad. It froze you as well, of course. Felix expected you to scream. Seungmin expected you to storm out. While Jisung -
“What the fuck?” 
- expected you to say just that. The only thing he could mutter was “So-sorry.” You did storm out, Jisung following you after. You were walking fast when he grabbed your arm and made you face him. “Look, I am really really sorry. We were playing around and I saw you coming and I was about to use you as my shield from them but then…” He touched the hair he accidentally cut but you slapped his hand away. “I can accompany you to the salon.” He tried to offer as an act of apology. “I don’t want to be with you, though,” you turned around and continued walking to your friend’s classroom.
The day ended and you were walking to your bus stop alone this time. Your hair was tied behind your back by Luna who lend you her hairtie. Your head was hung low the whole time until you reached the bus stop and heard a familiar voice. 
“Y/N I am really sorry.” Jisung said the moment he saw your figure.
“Stop it now.” You said without looking at him, sitting at the far end of the bench under the stop. 
“I really have time today and I hope you do as well so I can accompany you to the salon. I’ll even pay-”
“Can I just ask why do you like bothering me so much?” you finally looked at him and cut him off his words. “It’s not just about the hair. You are literally sticking to my side ever since you moved here. You aren’t even like this to Felix or Seungmin. You appear everywhere I go like a mushroom. Seriously? Is it because of my so-called reputation?”
Taken aback, he looked at you with softness in his eyes. You couldn’t read what he was thinking and you were thankful that you couldn’t because the next words he said stunned you.
“I just.. I just like you.”
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A leaf which fell exactly a centimeter away from your face snapped you out of your thoughts. How funny. You managed to memorize every single detail even if it was years ago. Years. All those years that passed since you left, you thought you have moved on. You thought wrong. You have tried different ways for your mind to not drift off to that man. But you couldn’t deny the butterflies it gave you whenever his annoying ass would appear in your thoughts. You could only laugh at how pathetic your situation looks like. You thought you were desperate to forget about him but maybe you weren’t desperate enough to burn the effects he had on you. 
Out of nowhere, you felt the same butterfly that made you nervous. You stopped in your tracks when you realized what made them fly again. A laugh. You can hear steps approaching you accompanied by a laugh that was too familiar. A laugh that sounded so melodic and made you smile even if there was nothing to smile at. A laugh that you weren’t sure if you were ready to hear yet. 
Fear and panic enveloped your body. You immediately dropped the leaf you were holding and grabbed your bag ready to leave until a familiar face was directly in front of you. 
The butterflies intensified; your heart skipped a few beats.
 The wind brushed past the both of you, sending you shivers.
But the only thing you felt was warmth.
The warmth that was Han Jisung.
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Finally done with this chapter and this arc. Can’t believe I have an entire post that’s just about Tsukauchi Naomasa. The discord server is so happy. There’s a lot of Naomasa love in there, and I mean, can you blame them? Dude is the straight man in a world of shounen bullshit. Gotta respect his ability to take everything happening in stride.
[No. 21 - In Each of Our Hearts]
We have brief passage of time wherein the police arrive at the USJ. We see Tsukauchi doing a headcount of the students while Sansa is directing the other police in containing and leading the villains out of the building. Naomasa is able to determine that, aside from the one with the messed up legs (Izuku), all of the students are unharmed. As if to confirm this, we get some wide shots of the class in two panels, showing everyone to be perhaps roughed up, but not really injured.
Hagakure puts her hand on Ojiro’s shoulder, commenting on how he’d ended up in the fire zone, and on his own at that, with a small congratulations. Ojiro admits he’d thought everyone was alone, and that he’d only survived with hit-and-run tactics. He then asks Hagakure where she was, and she points out Todoroki before stating she’d been in the landslide area, and that Todoroki’s crazy strong. We see Todoroki and his worry that he could have frozen her, while Ojiro in the background just says that he’s glad she’s okay.
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Aoyama, of course, then tries to take center stage. Aoyama seems like he’s about to reveal where he’d been, but then turns to the other students to ask them if they have any ideas. 
He first tries the group consisting of Tokoyami, Koda, Kirishima, and Kaminari, but all of them are busy with a conversation. Tokoyami makes a comment on how he guesses ‘those lowlifes’ were spread out, waiting for them. Kirishima slams a fist into the palm of his other hand and complains about how the villains had been looking down on them because they were kids.
Then he turns to Tsuyu, asking her where she thinks he was. She plays along for a bit, asking him where, only for Aoyama to dramatically turn away and pose while stating that it’s a secret. Tsuyu turns her attention back to Tsukauchi, completely uninterested in his shenanigans. 
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Tsukauchi states that they (likely meaning the police and pro heroes) are going to get the students back to the classroom for now, and that this is no time to take their statements. Tsuyu asks after Aizawa, and Naomasa gives her the details - both arms smashed to splinters, face is fractured. Thankfully, there’s no brain damage, but his eye sockets have been pulverized, so there’s a chance he may suffer long-term loss of vision - or so he hears. He seems to be on a call with the hospital at the time, or perhaps the station where all of this cleanup and investigation are being processed.
This is not exactly the welcome news Tsuyu or Mineta were looking for, both of them looking pretty torn up over it.
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Tsukauchi continues down the list of injuries - Thirteen has terrible lacerations across her back and upper arms, but her life isn’t in danger. All Might’s injuries aren’t life threatening either; it’s likely that Recovery Girl’s healing will be enough for him, so he’s gone off to the nurse’s office instead. 
Ochako and Tenya, basically in unison, ask after Izuku, worry etched across their faces. Naomasa takes a second to place the name, but confirms that Izuku also made it to the nurse’s office in time. He then states that he happens to have business there himself, so he’ll leave the rest of the cleanup to Sansa. Sansa gives a salute and confirmation. 
(Meanwhile, Ochako and Ashido are both puzzled because Sansa’s not a dog. Don’t be rude, girls.)
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Nedzu notes that UA will need to completely revamp their security systems. Midnight adds on how teleportation quirks are rare enough, and that it’s a shame one of them had to go and turn villain. 
Another officer shows up to report to Tsukauchi, stating that they’ve apprehended what seems to be a villain in a thicket about 400 meters from the USJ. Tsukauchi asks what condition the villain is in, and the officer states that the villain seems unharmed, and that he didn’t resist arrest. He also adds that, oddly enough, the villain isn’t responding in any way, and appears to be mute.
Tsukauchi turns to Nedzu, asking for the opportunity to go over the school with a fine tooth comb. Nedzu gives him the go-ahead, saying that some won’t be happy, but the police certainly have jurisdiction. He notes that investigations are Tsukauchi’s field of expertise, so he can do what he feels is necessary.
We transition to the nurse’s office, with Izuku and Toshinori both stuck in bedrest. And honestly, I just cannot get over how tall Toshinori is, like.
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Look at that. If he picked up Izuku for a hug, Izuku’s feet would maybe reach his knees. 
Anyways. Plot. Yes. Recovery Girl tells the two of them that, the situation being what it was, she can’t really scold them this time. Toshinori says that he thinks he’s probably shortened his time limit again, and that he’ll be lucky if he can still get an hour a day. Izuku’s worried about him, but Toshinori shoves himself up into a sitting position with a groan, shrugging it off with a ‘what can you do? Bad things happen.’
The nurse’s office door opened, Tsukauchi letting himself in with an apology for the intrusion/interruption. He greets Toshinori as an old friend, while Toshinori’s surprised Tsukauchi is here. Izuku shoots up into a seated position, worried about if it’s okay for Toshinori to be seen while he’s not buffed up. Toshinori says it’s fine, then gets a bit silly about his introduction of Tsukauchi to Izuku.
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Tsukauchi calling him out on the weird intro though. Like I said, this man really puts up with so much shounen-world bullshit as the straight man. 
Tsukauchi then bring up his reason for stopping by - not to rush Toshinori or anything, but he’d like to ask about the villains. Toshinori interrupts him to ask if the students are alright, as well as Aizawa and Thirteen. Tsukauchi’s quiet for a moment, before huffing a laugh. He says that besides Izuku, the students have nothing more than a few bumps and bruises. The two teachers are also out of danger for now. If the three hadn’t put their lives on the line, the students wouldn’t have made it out unscathed.
Toshinori acknowledges the report, but tells Tsukauchi he’s got one thing wrong, which draws a surprised frown from him. Toshinori goes on to explain how in that fight, the students put their lives on the line too. To be thrown into a real battle so young and survive - now these first years know how scary the wider world can be. Has he ever heard of such a class? The villains picked the wrong fight, because the members of class 1a are going to be might heroes indeed - and he’s going to make sure of it.
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All Might really does have completely faith in this class, it’s incredible. 
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As an aside, I know it’s probably a small editing mistake, but Izuku lying back down in one panel just to be back up in a seated position the next one is just. Fucking hilarious.
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As a last weird bit. Tsukauchi just. Tapping his ear here? Either that’s a teeny foreshadowing of the quirk the fandom believes he has, or it’s just. A really weird gesture. 
(I want to clarify, for people who aren’t aware of it, but Horikoshi has never actually confirmed that Tsukauchi has a truth-sensing quirk. His sister’s quirk, which is touch-based lie detection, is confirmed in the Vigilantes side manga, but not his!)
We get some narration as time passes - classes were cancelled the next day (Thursday), but the class couldn’t rest easy. After that (presumably the day after, which would be Friday), we come back to all of the class waiting for morning homeroom to start. Tenya is vibrating as he directs the class, stating that morning homeroom’s about to begin, so everyone to their seats. Sero points out that everyone else is sitting, and that he’s the only one up. 
The classroom door opens to reveal a heavily bandaged Aizawa, who gives them a brief greeting as he wobbles his way in. The class is shocked that he’s back already, calling him an undeniable pro. Tenya, who finally is in his seat, snaps his hand up as he states he’s glad to see him doing well, which Ochako mutters about whether you can really call that ‘doing well.’
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Aizawa shakes his head, stating that his welfare isn’t important, because their fight is far from over. The class is confused at that statement, with Katsuki, Izuku, and Mineta all questioning his statement. Aizawa clarifies himself - UA’s sports festival is fast approaching.
The class gasps, clamoring about how that’s so totally ordinary.
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And with that, we’ve wrapped up the chapter and the USJ arc. I’ll probably do a few side posts before moving on to said arc, since the sports festival is 23 chapters long (ch 22-44) - longer than everything that’s happened up to this point in the manga!
If you have any questions / thoughts / observations you want to share, feel free to! I like hearing what y’all think about this early stuff, especially those of you who were anime-only and so seeing some of this stuff for the first time or used differently by the show.
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introloves · 4 years
What about bokuto with a dad bod
sometimes u guys r real scary, it’s like u can read my mind
his tummy is soft (has a nice, real defined v line still) his arms look thicker, stretch marks curved over his biceps.
AND HIS THIGHS, they were once hard and sculpted, but now all of that muscle is replaced by fat, you can see it when he sits down, his pants stretch out real good over them.
sometimes he gets a teeny bit sad that his body isn’t the powerhouse it used to be, but when he folds you in half and you feel all that weight pressing down on you, you just have to wheeze fucked out- brain dead compliments because it’s so delicious— all those thoughts leave him, he thinks it’s all a good thing, makes pinning you down so easy.
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
Drops of Gold and Silver
A Tangled Fanfic
Prompts 16-30
16. Departure
In the end, she thinks bitterly, it’s something she should have expected. Neither Rapunzel nor Eugene were going to do the right thing, which was to have her imprisoned and then executed. But then again, after everything, Death is the easy way out.
Even before she goes to find Owl, Cassandra knows she’ll have to make her own punishments.
17. Canvas
A blank page, a wall, any number of white boards in front of an easel...they all sang to Rapunzel of possibilities.
18. Clock
“You ever want to go back?” asks Varian, hesitantly. “Undo all the things you did wrong, make sure it goes right this time around?”
Catalina stares across the city of Corona for a while. Then she shrugs, and smiles at her friend. “If you did that, wouldn’t you be missing out on all the stuff you can do right now?”
Four chimes mark the hour.
19. Sail
“Isn’t there a way off this thing?” groans Frederic, trying not to look at the waves.
“Too late for that,” cackles Willow. “Besides, you want to impress Arianna, right?”
“Don’t I have to still be alive to do that?”
20. Protective
“You really should have thought twice about coming back,” says the scary-looking girl riding the equally scary giant wolf monster. “We’re the only people around here who get to mess with V.”
Andrew gulps.
21. Thirsty
“Do you have any lemonade?”
It’s amazing. Even when he’d actually physically attacked her parents and stolen the Sundrop, Varian’s pretty sure the look of utter betrayal on Rapunzel’s face wasn’t ever hot enough to fry bacon.
22. Husband
“Should we be worried, Your Majesty?” asks Quirin, watching his wife explain to the Queen about an alchemical reaction that would let a person breathe underwater while Arianna listens to Ulla with utmost fascination.
“Officially, of course not,” says Frederic. “Unofficially...I’ll make sure the ships around the port know to look out for them.”
But it does his wife good to smile, all the same.
23. Interrogation
“I’m sensing a teeny tiny bit of hypocrisy here,” says Varian from his chair.
“Sorry about this,” whispers Catalina. “She’s just really excited to try out the techniques.”
“Alright, you low-lying maggot,” snarls Angry, waving a stick three inches from his face, “we can do this the easy way or the hard way. What did you do with my comb?”
Eugene, thinks Varian miserably, you’d better be next in line for this.
24. Makeup
“Um, no,” says Catalina firmly, “this is war paint, thank you.”
25. Movement
Eugene and Rapunzel can dance the night away. Lance and Catalina can wow any crowd. Varian and Angry, the spares paired for everyone else’s safety, both have an unofficial tally of who steps on whose toes more often.
26. Distinct
“You got married?” says Eugene in disbelief.
“You got married?” squeals Rapunzel.
Brock blushes. Stalyan smirks.
“What can I say? I’ve got a type.”
27. Warrant
Eugene and Quaid have been arguing for hours about what counts as the precise intercity boundary and at what point local authorities should be informed of criminal activity, and it’s turning her brain to curds.
“Right,” groans Angry, pushing her way out of the Sheriff’s office. “That’s it. This is punishment for something, right? But what did I actually do—you know, recently?”
“I think this calls for a break,” agrees the local Deputy—Vex, right? “Wanna go fight some thugs?”
“And here I thought Vardaros was going to be boring.”
28. Routine
Quirin likes predictability, Ulla likes accuracy. Neither are particularly good at doing the same thing every day.
(Luckily, or maybe unluckily, Varian isn’t either.)
29. Address
“Presenting His Royal Highness Prince Horace of the Dark Kingdom!” calls out one of the guards as he stamps into the throne room.
“Don’t think I won’t hurt you,” growls Eugene at Nigel, who just smirks.
30. Horizon
If she’s lucky, thinks Cassandra to herself with a smile, the world will just keep going on forever.
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
oh here! i’ll come ask you for book recs lol. do you have any spooky and/or autumn-y book recs? or just your fave books :)
First of all, I'm sorry this took me SO long to answer. I want to say I've been busy but it's just been general [waves hand vaguely] life.
ANYWAY thank you for asking! I actually don't read scary stuff a lot b/c I'm a wimp, but I have a few spooky/autumnal books up my sleeves! Let's see what we've got!!
1) The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
Let me just start by saying that Sarah Waters is one of my absolute favorite authors ever! All her novels are suspenseful, twisty historical novels with great female and queer characters. Although, fair warning, actually The Little Stranger is like her one novel that isn't queer, but it is VERY good. If you read The Little Stranger and like it, please read Fingersmith and/or The Paying Guests.
The Little Stranger is set in the countryside of post-WWII England and follows a mild-mannered doctor as he becomes increasingly involved in the lives of the family living in the local, increasingly decrepit, possibly haunted mansion. Think Downton Abbey but creepy. Strange things keep happening inside the house, from dog bites to mysterious sounds to creepy black spots. Literally just typing that gave me goosebumps. It seems like someone may be out to get the family, but who...or what? Is it simply the ghosts of their own painful memories, or is something more? Sarah Waters is excellent at lush, intricate historical detail, and she leans into that here to create an atmosphere of slowly building dread and horror and mystery.
That being said, as a person who isn't normally a fan of horror, I don't think this book is too scary. It's more of an atmospheric, psychological horror than a jump-scare, bloody horror. It's not a book that will give you nightmares (probably), but you might lie awake thinking about it.
Also. Pro-tip. As a haunted(?) house story, the house is obviously fairly central to the story. Dear fellow Americans, keep in mind that the British refer to the floors of a building differently than us. For Americans, the ground-level floor is called the first floor, the floor above that the second floor, etc. For the British, the ground-level floor is the ground floor, and the floor above that is the first floor, etc. There's all sorts of creepy references to characters hearing noises above them on the first floor, but I was just like, Why are they always in the basement?
2) Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia
This and the above are two very different books, and yet they are both set in the mid-1900s and both are about weird, creepy, maybe-haunted houses. What can I say, I like gothic fiction.
After our heroine, Noemi, receives a bizarre, borderline incoherent letter from her beloved cousin, she sets out to visit her in the literally decaying mansion she resides in with her husband and his new family deep in the countryside of Mexico. All Noemi wants to do is persuade her cousin to come back home with her, but her cousin's new in-laws are very determined not to let that happen...or to let Noemi leave either. Secrets abound in the bizarre house and even creepier nearby cemetery, and soon Noemi finds that she too is suffering from bizarre dreams and visions...although, are they just dreams?
This book is so weird, but in such a good way? I read it for a book club and every week we had increasingly bizarre theories about what was going on, we were googling alchemy and fungi and St George, and some of our theories were even right. Although definitely not all. Another very twisty one that keeps you guessing.
In terms of scariness, interestingly I think there's more overtly creepy and horrifying moments in this novel than The Little Stranger, but I found TLS more overall scary? But that may be because I read it quickly, which I think is the ideal setting for suspenseful stuff, and I read Mexican Gothic over a longer amount of time since it was for a book club. This one does have some more typical horror elements to it, but I don't think it's more creepy than terrifying.
3) The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey
I listened to this one as an audiobook and the audiobook is excellent so would recommend that, but have no doubt it would also be great to physically read.
Oh my god this book...it's more thriller than horror, but I think it fits the brief. There were multiple moments listening to this book that I literally gasped or said "OH MY GOD!" out loud, and there are moments which are very creepy and horrifying. There's a particular scene in the backyard... Again, incredibly suspenseful and twisty. And the character development and character psychology is just! really really good! There's also really interesting and knotty feminist stuff which is a lot more complicated and nasty than some of the "girlboss" stuff which is popular right now.
Super minimal summary: All you really need to know is that it is a sci fi novel about a scientific researcher trying to pick up her life after her marriage has imploded, only for everything to go BATSHIT WRONG. Trust me, that's all you need to know, it's better to go into this not knowing what's going to happen or what to expect. I had no clue what this novel was about when I started it, and holy shit. Very good book, absolutely recommend this if you want some super suspenseful, creepy sci fi that will make you say "oh my GOD" repeatedly.
Okay, shifting gears a little now b/c autumn isn't just spooky, it's also cozy and restful and daydreamy!
4) The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker
This isn't maybe a cozy book per se, but it's a great book to cuddle down with on a dreary day and lose yourself in. If you've ever asked yourself, "What would it be like if you crossed Pride and Prejudice with Howl's Moving Castle except the wizard was way worse but somehow still sexy" - then you should read this book! I actually came across this book b/c I was like, I wanna read a book that's a portal fantasy but for adults, and this book was like OH here's everything you wanted.
It's about a grad student, Nora, who has totally stalled out on her dissertation and is at a shitty wedding when she accidentally wanders through a portal into a beautiful, fantastical fairy world. At first, everything is amazing and literally perfect...but surprise surprise, not all as is it seems, and soon everything goes to, how should I put it, shit. Nora escapes, but rather than returning home, she finds herself trapped in a far more dreary realm. But not one without it's own charms and it's own magic, and Nora finds herself the student-slash-sorta-captive of the crochety, sexy, maybe-killed-his-wife magician Aruendiel* and she begins to learn magic herself.
Unlike the above books, this is not a fast-paced, twisty book, and I think if you go into this expecting high fantasy along the lines of Game of Thrones, you may be disappointed. It's not really a typical high-fantasy novel, it's more of a cross of an 18th/19th century realist novel, a fairy tale, and a fantasy novel. But if you want that, then it's REALLY good! I loved this book! And the magic in it is so cool, something about the way its described feels so visceral and real and like you could really do it if you just tried hard enough. There is a romance and it's totally, intentionally hashtag problematic, but it's very laid back, very slow burn, so I think even if you aren't a person who digs romance you can still enjoy this. If you're looking for a feminist-leaning fantasy novel that you can just sink into and lose yourself in, this is the perfect book. You will long to magically fix broken plates.
5) The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner
Honestly I can't even justify why I think this one is an autumn book. It simply is. It's autumn colored in my head. It is the coziest book I have ever read about necromancy and crime. Also I just want to recommend it. This is another one that I listened to as an audiobook and it's also a good audiobook, for those who are interested. But it also means I will not be able to spell absolutely any of the character's names.
This novel follows Delly, an enterprising young scoundrel of a fire witch with a teeny tiny gin habit as she attempts to support herself and her hot-mess of a mom in the roughest neighborhoods of Fantasy-City-That-I-Can't-Remember-The-Name-Of. Lice...gate? When Delly comes across an advertisement for a bodyguarding job for young women for a hefty fee, it seems like the answer to definitely not all but at least some of her problems. She accepts, along with an interesting assortment of other sorcerous young ladies, including a wonderfully bitchy Absentia (my love), a young woman who can turn into a boar, boar girl's necromancer mother, and the very sexy part-troll Winn, who in my imagination looks like Gwendoline Christie and talks like Miranda Hart. Which. Perfect woman. Winn being a fine, wealthy young lady, Delly can't help but think to herself that it wouldn't be such a bad thing if Winn happened to fall in love with her and carried her off to be rich and spoiled the rest of her life.
Of course, things quickly don't go to plan, and soon Delly and her companions find herself caught up in wicked schemes of murder, drugs, and an undead mouse named Buttons who says BONG. I love Buttons SO MUCH.
This book is just a silly romp of a novel which worms into your heart and your brain. It's fun and cute and gay, and also it made me cry. I haven't stopped thinking, "Not quite regulation hammerball" since I listened to it like half a year ago.
Also, while I'm here, this novel is set in the same world as and features a few of the same characters as Unnatural Magic. Which is also a hell of a book. Literally the best bisexual relationship I have ever fuckin read. It's a winter book tho, so I simply can't go into it here.
Aaaaand...that it's! Happy autumnal reading :)
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literaphobe · 4 years
season one of she-ra rated by catradora content
the sword part 1: right off the bat we find out just what adora’s all about. she’s a so called goody two shoes but she’ll lie to authority to protect catra.... ok lesbian lmao. but then we meet catra and she’s like “hey adora ;) how’s it hanging?” and we get it. we completely get it. oh my god. everything from the way catra talks to the way she laughs. adora never stood a chance :( we get a classic locker room flirting scene where catra teases adora and adora pretends she’s above all that only to be like hey cat gf is that a MOUSE which is very rude :( don’t scare ur cat gf or she will become evil :( oh wait. anyway.... their flirting gets cut short because homophobia walks in and separates them :/ before that tho she praises adora. adora who loves her gf so much ignores shadow weaver’s praise and says “catra did so good tho <3” and puts her arm around catra which pisses off the only homophobe in etheria. adora doesn’t really want to follow shadow weaver because she just wants to be with catra, and she even argues with shadow weaver about bringing catra onto the field with her. but she loses the argument because shadow weaver fucking sucks and has no idea how to be chill :/ catra finds adora after that and greets adora the way all gals greet their pals. by... pouncing on her waist. ok lol. catra is so proud of her gf getting promoted and says baby i love you <3 baby when are we leaving <3 except adora says catra’s not allowed to come :( so cat gf gets sad and runs to the roof. in response, adora gets a literal Grappling Hook to chase after her. adora doesn’t want her gf to be sad so she steals a skiff and they go on a date <3 but they’re so obsessed with control and play fighting with each other that adora falls off the skiff and finds out she’s like. god with a sword. i mean she-ra. uh, so adora fake wakes up in a dream and is like catra? :( because catra is the only thing she ever looks for when she wakes up (yes i am clowning. of course i know catra was the only person she was with but shhhh), and then she wakes up for real and catra is straddling her waist, which... ok. catra worries about her gf maybe being brain damaged so they cut their date short and go back to the fright zone. they go to sleep, and have their nightly sleepover, which means they sleep in the same bed :) even tho catra’s own bed is already on top of adora’s :) superb :) anyway adora dreams about her lesbian sword and wakes up scared. she smiles when she sees catra sleeping soundly in her bed however because uwu cat gf go zzzzz. adora gets out of bed which catra IMMEDIATELY senses because she opens her eyes right after and follows adora. because uh.... their friendship is just that lit and strong. catra is worried and wants to follow her gf to find this cool lesbian sword she keeps talking about, but adora makes perhaps one of the worst calls ever and tells catra to stay behind because she doesn’t want to get catra in trouble :( which is like, she has good intentions and all, but you should always bring your gymnast cat gf along when u look for sick ass gay swords. adora would know that if she wasn’t raised by the literal embodiment of gay oppression. oh well. guess they’re gonna have to fight each other for five seasons to figure it out. 9.5/10 because we got so much content all literally in the first ep. it’s like hey look they’re in love and they’re girlfriends who touch each other way too much. and we’re like noelle that’s really cool! will we get more gf content? and noelle said yes but also you’ve got a big storm coming! and it’s going to kill you!
the sword part 2: against adora’s wishes, catra gets in trouble for adora’s departure, and this makes catra sad bc where did her gf go? :( shadow weaver accuses catra of knowing where adora is because despite her raging homophobia she still knows that adora wouldn’t go anywhere without telling catra. and she’s right but just because she’s right doesn’t mean i have to like her. anyway... catra gets sent to bring adora back to the fright zone, and even tho shadow weaver threatens her in scary horrid ways catra is only happy to see adora again and once again pins her to the ground with her knees on adora’s.... yea........ and she’s happy bc she has a tank :) good for u catra we all love and cherish you <3333 anyway catra makes fun of adora because she thought adora got captured which... technically true but also not but also! catra sees a flower in adora’s hair which she takes to mean that adora cheated on her :( wtf :( and adora says no baby :( no i didn’t cheat on u :( and catra is like. ok fine. let’s go back to the horde. and adora says baby we can’t go back to the horde :( did u know that they were evil? im woke now. come be woke with me. and catra is like. wait. u just realized the horde sucks? did you not see shadow weaver electrocute me. did you think she did that for gay rights? and adora is like catra baby i didn’t mean it like that :( but it’s too late. it’s all very upsetting and i don’t wanna get into it. essentially catra thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse by fighting the horde from within but adora thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse and the horde’s evil by literally escaping the horde. u can see where both of them are coming from and that’s why it’s so sad :( it’s so fucking sad y’all :( they do their whole. come with me vs stay with me thing,,, and it doesn’t work out. duh it’s like ep 2 why would it work out. catra finds out that adora can use her lesbian sword to turn into a taller lesbian and instead of giving into her gayness and marrying adora right away her internalized homophobia makes her run away :( she thought adora doesn’t care about her anymore because she has new friends and can turn into a giant sword lady :( and it’s all very sad :( 8.5/10
razz: adora’s having trouble turning into she-ra. no one asked, but based on this whole show, it’s because she just broke up with catra and that hit hard :( it’s pretty hard to turn into ur superhero alter ego when you’re yearning. back at the horde, catra is also yearning. she is bitter because everyone is raving about how lit she-ra is and catra is like yeah she-ra is sexy but can we have a discussion about how she-ra breaks your heart. how she-ra makes you cry. how she-ra abandons you for new friends and doesn’t want to be your gf anymore? have we considered that? and everyone is confused because why does catra seem like she knows she-ra so well. didn’t you just meet her catra? and even tho catra is a bitter ex who’s angry and wants revenge she’s still like. in love with adora and wants to protect her. so she acts cool and doesn’t tell anyone that adora is she-ra. even tho lonnie tells catra not to be so feral because “adora’s not here to protect you anymore” catra still wants to protect adora. okay. yes the thought of that does make me wanna cry. what about it. catra goes and lies on their shared adora’s bed. and she sees the teeny drawing of catra and adora on the bed frame. it reminds catra of the break up and she scratches adora’s picture. she regrets it like instantly and starts destroying the bed. and she cries. she like cries real tears what the FUCK. and then SHADOW WEAVER WALKS IN?? rude much?? can’t a girl get some privacy as she mourns a break up with a girl she’s been in love with her whole life but technically never dated for real? 9/10
flowers for she-ra: adora realizes that it’s a pretty bad idea to break up with your girlfriend when you spent your whole life sleeping in the same room/same bed as her and she comes to the Very Shocking realization that she gasp! cannot sleep without catra! wow who would have thought! so she immediately goes on a search for a sleeping partner rebound... who is glimmer (sorry glimmer it’s her first time not having her gf) and she even sleeps at glimmer’s feet the way we saw catra sleep at adora’s feet. really makes you wonder if catra and adora take turns doing that? sleeping at each other’s feet because their internalized homophobia (thanks a lot shadow bitch) prevented them from going a step further and sleeping in each other’s arms... oh well. meanwhile, catra is gloating about being force captain, but she’s also Still protecting adora’s identity as she-ra. and apparently, drawing pictures of she-ra? that she hid from shadow weaver? is that what happened? i can’t tell if she drew that picture or not but the way it looks from the scene she Definitely drew that picture! hello????? anyway, catra’s still crying to anyone that has ears about how her gf dumped her, when really it was kind of a mutual break up that was entirely shadow weaver’s fault even tho she wasn’t there. sigh. i’m bringing this up to a 7/10 because of “it’s just a phase! she’s confused, i’ll bring her back, i swear :(“
the sea gate: “i’ve got something more important to do” and here we see the start of catra literally abandoning all other duties because she would rather go flirt with her enemy gf... she literally hopped onto she-ra’s sword.... she insult her gf....... she brag to her gf about achievement.... but she also want her gf back :( adora refuses to go back to the land of oppression tho so they get into a. really suggestive fight. and catra always makes adora leaving the horde out to be adora leaving her.... she’s like babe i am literally so sexy. why would you dump me :( i’m hot :( and she’s right but i hate them. can y’all just like. not be so gay? :/ it’s starting to make me a lil bit homophobic tbh! and catra whispers into adora’s ear but it’s kind of like an insult so she gets water slapped and is forced to stop flirting :( boooo 8.5/10
system failure: hm. catra wasn’t in this ep? damn :( it’s a great ep but it’s pretty hard to find any catradora if adora is delirious the whole time and catra isn’t there. but! drunk/high adora existing gives us an idea of what she would be like around catra. 1/10 for the potential
in the shadows of mystacor: catra’s face when she sees adora in shadow weaver’s spy cam thing... interesting. she also acts like she’s So Sick of the adora missions which is true but also she is lying. kind of annoying that shadow weaver would be like. homophobic. but when she’s messing with adora’s head in mystacor she uses catra’s voice and laugh to achieve maximum effect :/ which like. thanks? but catra wasn’t actually there so shadow weaver really full on gaybaited adora huh :/ adora eventually defeats shadow weaver and we finally see catra again uwu she ends up plotting to kidnap bow and glimmer but the line “if you want to take down adora, you have to go for the heart” is so interesting because we eventually find out just how much of adora’s heart is filled with catra... 4/10 on its own 6/10 if you let the heart comment ruin your life!
princess prom: ARE Y’ALL READY TO PARTY oh my god,,, this is it you guys. this is THE ep. so funny of adora to be like. i have so many plans for every single thing that might happen. i am GOING to spend the party getting princess frosta to join the rebellion. and then catra shows up and adora is like nvm. what if i followed catra wherever she went instead. which is very interesting! adora, sweet baby, why do you always assign yourself to fight/follow/chase catra? when according to her in future eps is actually a bad decision which we can infer from her saying stuff like catra knows my every move she will be able to take me down,, ok then stop hogging her all the time?? anyway. let’s get into things chronologically. “how dare those princesses pretend they’re better than you? just because you’re different? how dare they abandon people just because they don’t fit in with their perfect little lives? how DARE they take best friends and turn them into giant sword ladies who run off with people clearly inferior to you?!” catra.... u got sth to say there buddy? :/ u got something u wanna get off your chest? :/ u had us in the beginning but then you started to get really specific :/ what’s that about sweetie :/ catra’s coping mechanism for this is to put on a really hot suit and going to princess prom to seduce the shit outta adora? fucking genius. yes she also kidnapped two people but let’s focus on the ingenuity of catra’s plan to make adora hot and heavy and also somehow jealous the entire time. incredible. so, catra shows up at the prom with scorpia and adora immediately starts bickering with her about rules. she fails to get catra kicked out so she resolves to stalk her instead! and catra... oh catra... she puts on a whole show..... performing everything from popping a tiny cake into her mouth to circling around a pillar seductively and dropping a note into a bin that says hi adora >:3 with a drawing of catra’s face that she worked hard on!! and adora looks like a crazy stalker ex gf and everyone is like damn.... u ok? :/ but adora doesn’t have time to care too much aside from a little “haha i swear i’m not a weirdo!” look because her mind is just screaming CATRA CATRA CATRA and she finds catra creeping up to entrapta. but ofc catra’s not trying to push entrapta off the ledge! no! she’s using entrapta to make adora jealous :3 catra pulls entrapta close and says “she stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her. is this what love feels like?” and it WORKS and adora has to pull entrapta aside and be all hey i know we’re not super close yet but the bro code kinda states that u don’t date ur friend’s ex :/ so could you please back off? and entrapta is like say what now? ur gf just ditched btw so adora goes running after catra again and surprise surprise! it’s time to dance! and there are romantic lights and music! and uh oh! everyone else has a partner except for catra! guess this means adora’s gotta dance with her ohhhhh noooooooo :/ “i don’t know about you.... but i am having a blast” i really don’t think catra was lying!! i am on the verge of passing out!! adora moving away from catra after saying “whatever it is you’re planning, it won’t work!” and catra, many dance partners later, slamming back into adora’s body to continue their conversation with “maybe my plan won’t work, but then again...” THE DIP!!!!!!! “maybe it already has...” oh my god you guys. what the fuck. like they get into an angry shove fight after this but the tension! the tension! and then adora LIFTS catra up in the air? real close? they get ice blocked by frosta after this, more specifically she traps adora because she shoved catra first djfjdjdjdjd,,, after telling glimmer to find bow catra grazes adora’s chin with her tail to remind her that she’s still here!! don’t neglect!! and catra says the iconic “it was fun distracting you though ;)” line that adora was clearly affected by because she memorizes it and says it back to catra..... years later. i CANNOT make any of this shit up. what the fuck y’all. the fact that these evaluations are so long bother me but i HAVE to call these hoes out!! moving on, adora runs after catra in a very dramatic chase/fight scene, and adora is very amped up on uh, hormones. she catches catra at a “dead end” and goes “hah! trapped >:)” which is such a stupid thing to say to ur cat gf who can jump very high, so catra says “you wish ;)” and it is just. everything they are saying sounds very suggestive okay why are they LIKE THIS anyway catra jumps up some floating ice and adora follows her up the floating ice because she’s gay and she will jump however much is required of her to chase her gf down ok!! and so adora and catra are now on some ice cliff where adora keeps lunging and they’re also kind of like dancing? and catra is being very ~smooth~ dodging all of adora’s strikes and hitting her in one move. that’s kind of cool but also don’t bully your gf :( come on catra :( not cool :( but adora doesn’t give up and they continue fighting, until one missed move from catra nearly sends her off the cliff. but adora thinks she’s hot and she’s in love with her so she’s like nooo catra don’t fall off this cliff ur so sexy aha and catches her by. the waist. not the hand! but by the waist. any normal person would’ve gone for the hand. factually speaking, catra’s hand is easier to reach than her waist. but adora’s a hoe. so, she grabs catra by the waist and pulls her in closer by grabbing! oh you guessed it! her chest! like she grabs her shirt but it’s the part of the shirt that was at the chest. what the fuck. they both get this look in their eye that makes it seem like they want to kiss each other???? hello????????? and like. very upsettingly we now know that they’ve always wanted to kiss each other so. that knowledge makes watching this scene even worse. they shouldn’t have become enemies if they were going to be this horny. they’re so distracted by each other’s lips that they forget they’re standing at the edge of a cliff and guess what! they fall off the cliff! what a twist! but adora is like i’m NOT going to die because i was distracted by catra’s lips, so she grabs her hair stick thing and stabs it into the ice cliff. she grabs catra by the hand to save her, not the waist this time, because holding catra’s hand is also gay so she might as well do it. too bad catra lets go of her hand and ditches her tho :( i would minus points for that except it wouldn’t make much of a difference. catra says “see you later, princess ;)” because she’s already expecting to see adora again.... good lord 4828473737373/10 thanks noelle! i died
no princess left behind: but i’m a buddhist so i’m back. we open with catra laughing so prettily looking at her gf’s lesbian sword. very cute. later on, when shadow weaver betrays catra and tells her to go pack her things because she’s not needed anymore... adora gives her this look? :( she looks like she feels bad because catra’s clearly still suffering under shadow weaver’s thumb. but let’s zero in on the most important part! catra dragging the sword and pointing it at adora, before turning it around and giving it to her. “this is NOT because i like you” ok catra i didn’t think that before but now i Absolutely believe that you did this because you like adora. and u can tell adora kind of is like. ready to start her whole “you can come with me! we can be together! :(“ thing but things are complicated and catra told her to Just Go so... it is a lot and we know things are deeper than just catra liking adora but we will get emo over that later. 9/10 that was a good fucking scene
the beacon: “she left me behind too, like i was nothing :(“ some people say this is catra manipulating entrapta, and they are correct, but also she’s like.. “oh adora left you too? mad kin :(“ she was deadass about to start a support group with entrapta and technically she kind of did! good for them <3 catra goes to look for first ones tech and adora goes to look for the beacon to learn how to heal and guess what happens! they’re looking for the same place! catra’s “on second thought... hey adora >;)” at the end pushes this up to an 8/10, but that’s just like the last five seconds of the ep so objectively the rest of the ep was like. 4/10 idk lmaoooo
promise: finally some good fucking food. catra follows adora into the beacon and has a little fun spying on her and enjoying her epic fails at getting information on she-ra. she also finds the first one tech she needs, because she’s a multitasker and she can spy on her gf while doing important missions <3 but also she gets caught and adora nearly kills her fksjdjd “hey watch it! >:(“ is so funny because catra??? u are trespassing???? but also uwu baby yeah don’t accidentally kill ur gf adora :( adora’s reaction is also very funny “catra? what are you doing here? :O” as if catra hasn’t shown up at 70% of the places adora has been, but the way she asks it’s like. adora is happy to see catra? pleasantly surprised? man she is whipped. anyway, adora tries to pull the Tough Girlfriend move and like, mildly scold catra for trespassing into a building where only one person (she-ra) is allowed to be in. but she still grabs catra’s hand and guides her to an escape path :’) she lifts up a giant door thing and waits until catra runs in to let go and run after her <3 chivalry isn’t dead after all <3 they get into a lover’s tiff as they run for their lives and essentially it’s like “babe wtf WHY are giant mutant spiders trying to kill us isn’t this ur house” “they’re trying to kill YOU this is why you ring the doorbell instead of running in secretly after i open the door!” “oh and how was i supposed to know that! why can’t you just tell your teenage mutant ninja spiders to chill out??” “they’re not house-trained babe :( i moved in two minutes ago they came with the apartment” anyway the angry spider monsters catch up to them so catra goes “adora? :(“ and that’s enough for adora to take Direct Action so she slashes the walls and ceiling of the room they’re in before grabbing catra to shield them both. she is NOT getting her deposit back but uwu anything to keep gf safe <3 adora transforms back to her usual body and she once again reminds catra that she’s Not Supposed To Be Here and she’s like “god now i have to like Protect You and it’s gonna put my life in danger :/ haha what are you gonna do for me in return tho ;)” and catra is like. “well good thing i didn’t ASK you to protect me” so adora is like :( —> >:( wait u know what??? ok u know what????? why are u here >:( how’d u find me?? >:( and do u mean any of this in a gay way?? >:( say it’s in a gay way right now >:( and catra is like. ur gay castle sent a gay beam of light into the sky. i saw it immediately bc im gay but i do NOT mean this in a gay way. and adora is like oh :( ok :’( and then asks about shadow weaver bc she saw what went down in the horde and she like. i think she can tell shadow weaver still exerts some form of control that catra hasn’t broken free from? :( and then catra is like haha shadow weaver is a LOSER and adora starts giving her Gay Looks and it makes catra scared because her gf now thinks she has a crush on her!!!!!!! how Embarrassing!! “ugh, i knew you’d be weird about me letting you escape” ok so why did you say that thing about not liking her? “i told you it’s not because i like you!” there it is! that’s EXACTLY what i thought you’d say you lesbian! and the way she says it??? she definitely likes adora???? she is so bad at lying?????? and adora is so smug about it like her Face plus her crossed arms and the whole “i mean, i didn’t ;) i didn’t say anything ;)” her eyes.... your honor she’s gay...... she’s like what if we were in my secret castle..... standing amongst the rubble because i destroyed the infrastructure to protect you..... and we were both girls....... adora was Ready to turn her sword into a Bed right then and there ok!!! it’s not me it’s Her Eyes,,, anyway catra starts being salty again and brings up bow and glimmer and is like hey where’s those idiots u dumped me for :/ thought you looooooved hanging out with them and doing everything with them :/ like we used to :/ are they not as fun to hang out with adora is that why you’re standing in this spider infested building with me instead :/ and adora suddenly remembers that she can’t just be horny and that she has to hold catra accountable for her actions so she’s like oh my friends? the ones who u kidnapped and held for ransom???? >:( and catra is like ya what other friends would i be talking about :/ like god i know she’s evil but she’s so funny take her back adora :( jk ik ur gonna start begging her to Come With You in like minutes u absolute simp. but before that happened catra was like fuck u lets Split Up >:( we already broke up why would we run away from spiders together huh? unless u still like me? but clearly there’s only one way for them to walk so they can’t split up just yet and adora gives catra this >:( look so catra is like FINE one last date and they walk away together. they go into this... dark room and catra wants to leave the dark room because she’s scared of ghosts :( jk but the door disappears and something scans catra and adora and light hope is like cool! time to show them memories that are specifically picked to make catra resent adora! which :( not cool light hope :( i get that ur a bot who’s programmed to serve the homophobic agenda but damn u were gay once too :( anyway they’re sent to a memory in the fright zone and adora gets Angry bc she thinks catra tricked her and catra is like i wouldn’t play u like that :( and she finds out it’s all fake so she’s like adora :D u don’t have to be scared or mad at me anymore! :D she goes to look for adora but adora’s watching a memory of them when they were six and being really cute. back when adora had the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair and only really cared about making catra happy and having her back. catra blinded octavia and insulted her and adora was still like: ur not bleeding ur bones aren’t broken and u picked a pointless fight with someone who did not provoke you in any way. where is she i will insult her some more. i love u. like damn adora really do be a ride or die girl huh!! she’s still like this but they both have too many issues to realize it :( anyway catra and adora slip into the catra and adora of their memories and begin running off together holding hands............ and then they Realize they’re running off together Holding Hands....... and catra pulls away because of her internalized homophobia :( devastating. they get into a tiny little fight over magic and kidnapping again and then adora’s face softens and she’s like catra :( why Did you let me escape :( i know i made fun of u for it before but i legit do not know if u meant it in a gay way. pls confirm? :( u could have gotten caught catra :( why did u risk it :( is it because you secretly want to run away with me and join the rebellion? :( and be my gf? :( she’s so caught up in her questions that she nearly falls off a cliff AGAIN and catra catches her by the hand because these girls are obsessed with almost falling off cliffs to their deaths and saving each other. don’t judge them their Intricate Rituals are THAT deep. and catra is like. did you really think. i would let shadow weaver erase your memory like that? and risk you forgetting our relationship? even towards the end when we were broken up and fighting each other it was kinda lit and i want u to remember it. and adora is an idiot so she’s like idk lmao probably aren’t u like evil now and catra is like well you have a point but also fuck u for thinking i don’t care about u,,, u never did have too much faith in me :( and adora is like can u blame me :( and catra is like ur hot so.... no. i will let my tail linger on your hand as a hint that i still love you. and then catra is like.... adora i know u said fuck horde rights but does that include our relationship :( u had good memories right :( of me? :( and adora is like um duh??? i miss you so goddamn much too oh my god and catra is like hey how dare you imply that i missed you even tho it’s true!!! get over urself! and adora is like not until you admit you like me ;) and they play fight again because the rituals are so intricate..... and catra lies and says she doesn’t like adora ok lmao... they enter the next memory and it’s catra and adora sparring and they’re competitive but it’s also flirty? catra pretends to be hurt to get adora to let her guard down but lonnie interferes and this causes adora to beat catra. which. yeah :( and after adora wins she does the good gf thing where she asks catra if she’s okay and catra’s not ok but she lies and hides away to cry :( and we get it babe we do!! it’s hard being in love with someone who you’re also resentful of because you’re raised in a competitive environment and always treated like you’re worthless in comparison :( but the simulation stops and catra is caught by one of the spiders and adora doesn’t manage to save her in time, grabbing her hand only to fail and have catra slip through her fingers :( they scream for each other but catra manages to get the upper hand on the spider monster, except adora charges in at the last second and delivers the final blow, further driving home the false point that light hope is trying to make :( adora just wants to protect catra but because of their upbringing catra sees it as adora always wanting to be the best and adora thinking she’s better than catra hence her telling catra what to do “all the time” which isn’t totally true but it’s what catra has been led to believe :( and also adora’s upbringing plays into it too because she thinks she has to save everyone and take responsibility for everything and it’s all just really sad bros :( what the fuck :( adora apologizes for leaving again and tries to convince catra she never meant to leave her and that she wants catra to come with her because she knows catra isn’t a bad person :( and you can see!! catra considering it!! but then precisely BECAUSE catra is considering it the memory simulation thing kicks in again and... hoo boy. we see catra and adora sneak into the black garnet chamber, after being cute and competitive and running around the horde swinging from wire to wire.... they get caught by shadow weaver and she specifically punishes only catra. and it’s so fucked because it puts adora in this position of guilt where she always feels like she has to protect adora whilst slowly brainwashing her over the years into believing that catra does do disobedient things and that adora can only escape that if she’s always perfect and taking charge of everything. and for catra.... it takes the mutually loving relationship they have and poisons it because shadow weaver makes it very clear that to her, catra’s only redeeming quality is that adora favors her? and if not for that she would be disposed of? and so it’s very hard for catra to find individuality and a healthy connection to adora which created unresolved resentment and issues and just... :( and the whole confrontation they have after the simulation ends... adora could never protect catra in the way she needed to be protected because adora was also a child, and receiving a different form of abuse, and it’s just. harder for catra to leave? especially because she didn’t receive a sudden destiny the way adora did and her issues with the horde were never limited to morality. and so catra is just. she has way too much to work through and she can’t see past her resentment for adora because the machine is making her remember all of it. and so she tells a half truth and half lie to adora about giving her the sword because she didn’t want adora to come back :( catra runs away from adora and is attacked by flashes of memory. and then she faces one last memory alone. and it’s the promise adora made to catra when they were kids, about always looking out for each other, and catra looks at kid!catra and thinks adora has broken that promise, still stinging from the hurt of adora leaving her behind after finding the sword and becoming she-ra. it was never meant to be like this but catra is hurting so she focuses only on her side of things and how she saw these events play out and she :( decides to kind of betray adora? it hurts So Much because adora looks so hopeful when she sees catra while hanging on for dear life, and she thinks catra will save her again but catra talks about how the sword won’t work for her because she’s never been the Special One like adora was always heralded to be in the horde. and having adora literally be she-ra just drives that point home for catra and she hates adora for it because this means all the other stuff she believes is true too. adora made her feel weak on purpose, adora made catra think she needed her on purpose. “every hero needs a sidekick, right?” and adora’s “catra, no, that’s not how it was!” hits even harder now because we know that adora just. loved catra. she was in love with her but adora was also like catra in that she’s a product of her circumstances and upbringing. she was the way she is as a means of survival. but the one thing there that was pure and true was that they loved each other.... upsettingly neither of them can see that. catra goes down even further into the path of evil and thinks that. being free of adora. is the thing that will liberate her and bring her happiness. which. she is wrong about. but she can’t exactly see all that clearly right now :( and adora begging catra not to “do this” which... means she’s begging her not to leave? “bye adora! i really am going to miss you” and adora’s desperation skyrockets but it’s too late :( catra doesn’t come back for her and adora cries.... and it’s just so insane that literally everyone who wants to control adora focuses on poisoning her bond with catra because that’s the relationship that... matters most to her in the world. when you’ve loved someone your whole life it hurts when they betray you and it hurts to betray them too, as we can see from catra when she arrives back at the horde. she essentially looks Wrecked and freezes up when scorpia calls her “the best friend ever!” but i want to make one quick note of her “personal space” talk with scorpia? like fjdjdjdjd you have never had personal space with adora not once in your life ok that’s reserved for the gf only i see. 10/10 i am so wrecked emotionally this is way too much but also because it makes me so emo i will give it a perfect score but nothing else. no bonus points because i do not want to reward putting me in pain!
light hope: light hope showing adora the memories that make her feel guilty and it’s the first scene where catra sees her as she-ra and walks away.... adora’s been feeling guilty over catra since the moment she failed at getting catra to leave the horde :( 3/10
the battle of bright moon: “catra will be leading the horde when they attack. i have to face her.” it’s so interesting how there’s so many pressing things at hand? the weather is screwy, the alliance is broken, no one’s coming to save them, the rebellion could be crushed, but the thing that is really bothering adora, the thing that she brings up first, is catra. “i saw catra in there. i thought i could get through to her, but all i did was push her farther to the side of evil” she sounds... so heartbroken about it all :( catra and adora meet on the battlefield and the first thing catra says is,,, u guessed it,,,, “hey adora.” and adora’s like “catra. surprised to see me?” and like damn they’re really so good at being enemies. the talent. the tension. impeccable. and then catra says nah i didn’t think u died and im glad u made it out alive. and adora, bless her soul, is like oh.... u mean in a gay way..... u didn’t want me to die..... for homosexual reasons?? and catra is like no! haha! i uh, i just wanted to kill u in a cooler much sexier way. and adora is like oh :( oh >:( oh >:’( and they get into a very heated sexy fight like catra wanted. and they taunt each other like. “i thOUgHt yOU weRe suPposED tO bE stRoNG” “aND i tHouGHt yOu wERe sUpPOsEd tO bE fAst” you know. very cool well crafted taunts. and like. they fight a lot which is kind of sad but also kind of sexy because their styles are like? similar and different? which is the dumbest way to compare any two things ever but like :( y’all get what i mean right :( we get one more Hanging Off A Cliff scene and this time adora grabs catra by the chest and shoves her against the wall, and catra is like cool! but u did this,, for what? and then adora realizes catra was just distracting her Again and bright moon is very badly under attack :( catra bids her adieu so adora can run back and fight. but she like. gets caught :( and catra walks up to her and gently caresses her cheek before adora passes out and it’s evil but it’s also tender? but it’s also evil i know i know :( all of the princesses come to help adora so she sends a beam of magic gay light and heals everything and then all the princesses send a gay tsunami washing over catra. the horde loses, and catra retreats in a skiff, but adora and catra exchange one more Look as she leaves... hm. 9/10
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hiya! do you have any quentin/elliot fic recs for people whose only exposure to the magicians so far has been through tumblr? i'm still on the fence about watching the show but their dynamic is my JAM! thank you!!
ok so disclaimer that i am very poorly read in this fandom bc (1) i am a slow fic reader generally especially (2) during pandemic times and especially ESPECIALLY (3) when i am using a lot of brainpower on writing fic, like, i have not read much in general and nothing at all now since idk like november? maybe longer it’s been a WHILE. also i have deeply idiosyncratic taste and highly specific personal dealbreakers that are not always to do with, like, “quality” lmao. so probably others would be better able to answer this and are MORE THAN WELCOME TO CHIME IN ON THIS POST! that said here’s some things that come to mind from what i have read:
pretty good year, hth/ @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier - this is i think the only total AU i’ve read? and while it is extremely specifically rewarding to magicians fans i also think it totally stands on its own as simply a beautiful and aching and sweet novel about falling in love and growing up. the tags call it a romantic comedy about depression, which immediately piqued my interest; you could also say it’s a story about love and pain. it’s funny and sexy and wise and raw and radiates love from every single sentence, i wanted to live in it forever.
moving into some season 1 AUs where all you need to know about the show is really Magic School, But It Fucks, be kind by longnationalnightmare is one of the few definitive Fandom Classics out there, and that’s because it is both insanely hot and exquisitely well-characterized, a fic about sex that’s secretly, if you’re paying attention, a fic about doing things right
i feel it in my body, i know it in my mind, @ameliajessica - this is a very sweet first date story that really sparkles with chemistry & care
beautiful something, @portraitofemmy - this is a really special story to me, i think because its mission is so in keeping with the key queliot concept of The Beauty Of All Life. it’s a story about what happens when the worst thing that’s ever happened to you and the best thing that’s ever happened to you are happening at the exact same time, and it’s about deciding to be brave enough to keep your hard open when it’s scary and when it hurts.
my lonely heart calls, @hmgfanfic - so i am obseeeeeeeeessed with this fic. like. OBSESSED. i love it so much it causes me physical pain. unbelievably clever conceit + astonishingly delightful dialogue + agonizingly good character work for both eliot and quentin, like, they’re just so well understood and conveyed and loved by this fic, and just so.... them. they’re just so them!!! also it’s screamingly funny and like the most thrillingly romantic thing i’ve read in my life.
ok and now some post-s4 stuff that i feel like you can just Vibe with! my crown is called content, cartographies/ @honeybabydichotomy - this is another fic that’s like, yeah all that “happens” in it is “people have sex,” but it’s so well-characterized and chock-full of teeny little bombs of delights that it’s a really rich and vibrant story. also the sex is great and incredibly romantic, so. also recommend living room, ny, in which quentin and eliot have emotional conversations, which we all know is what true romance is
bury the iron in the backroads, @propinquitous​ - this is a love story that is also about hating your dad, and, therefore, the most perfect work of fiction of all time. a beautiful tale of love and trauma that also has a dialogue exchange in a sex scene that will haunt me forever until i die. also extremely recommend the us sorry animals series, which is a gorgeous set of musings on what happens when you are in love but also your brain is still a nuclear accident zone, because of the trauma
unwish, waveleafcloud - ok so this one is like probably the most canon-dependent of the ones i’ve listed.... but it’s also cleverly plotted in its own right in a way that feels like it stands on its own, and also insaaaaanely romantic, so i am putting it here anyway. actually you might also wanna read their story reconnect, which is like an 18k series retell from q’s perspective + queliot happy ending, and so therefore might like, catch you up on the most important bits as you continue your adventures
everyone everywhere should read the stories hetrez wrote for this fandom, which are all completely perfect. from a quentin/eliot perspective, yes and yes and maybe yes and get loud are two stories about sex that are also stories about finding ways to come back together after life has torn you so thoroughly apart, and are sweet and smart and sexy; get loud in particular is also hilarious. the author’s note for get loud says “It's also kind of a sex farce and kind of a serious look at the way PTSD manifests in the body? I don't know, The Magicians has broken me.” which i think about every single day because nothing else has so succinctly yet completely captured what the magicians has done to me. the dreamers is established-relationship future fic in which quentin and eliot have a fight that is SOOOO PERFECTLY ARTICULATED i’m mad someone came up with it who wasn’t me. a partial age of miracles is like plottier and broader in scope than just A Queliot Story (although it is, also, UNBELIEVABLY ROMANTIC), and another one that is more canon-dependent than others on this list, but you should read it anyway because it is the best story in the world. you’re smart you can use context clues. your reward is getting to read things like this:
Alice said, "I shouldn't be thinking like this. I should," she rolled over onto her stomach, somehow keeping the vodka bottle upright, and muttered into the comforter. "It should be this beautiful pink-tinged softcore baby deer lovemaking, like in a Swedish porno or something."
Eliot turned his head and stared at her. "Excuse me?"
She tilted her head up at what looked like an excruciating angle, and frowned at him. "Because he's dead," she said. Then her expression crumpled, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Eliot felt a jolt of sadness, and pressed against his wound until he gasped. "I should be talking about the good things. What I loved about him. Not thinking that I wish he'd been, you know. Rougher. In bed."
Eliot took a second to gather his thoughts. Then he said, "You don't need to talk about the good things."
Alice rolled onto her back again, and she gave this horrible angry laugh that he felt under his ribs. "Don't tell me you're going to complain about, I don't know, that sound he used to make right before he — every time. He made it every time."
"I loved that sound," Eliot said.
"Every time!" Alice said. "See? You're doing the good grieving widow thing and I'm over here like a bitch saying he should have been better at fucking."
And Eliot — felt like he'd been ripped open. He hadn't been expecting it, and the surprise of it hurt almost more than the grief. "I'm not a widow," he said, and tried to sit up.
"He was good at fucking!" Alice said. "Mostly. And yes you are."
ok that’s what i’ve got. further tips for a queliot-curious anon welcome in the notes!!!!!
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Kind Stranger| GBD
Word Count: 2.8k (teeny tiny) Trigger Warning: quarantine talk A/N: This is my first fic post ever! Please let me know what you think about this little teaser. Please please give me feedback about if I should keep going or if I can improve at all!!
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The saltwater hit his tongue sharply. His body fell alongside his board in the water. While his feet met the ground again, he quickly scooped up the wayward board before it floated too far away. Arriving back on the shore, he dug the bottom of the board into the heavy, wet sand. He sat next to it, the tide kissing his feet and bare legs as it danced along the shore. He took a deep breath. He was at peace.
Grayson Dolan didn’t feel peace often: at least, not lately. The past two years had been one chaotic haze after another. Moving into a house in LA. Being on Fear Factor. Having his first stalker. Being there to watch his father pass. Starting a fragrance company. Erupting into a workaholic pattern of self-destruction to avoid dealing with the emotions of his father’s death. Announcing to his over 10million fans that he and Ethan had reached their last emotional string and needed to pursue a life that was happiest for them, including projects that pushed them as creators.
The creative projects were as scary and dizzying as they were exciting. He and Ethan traveled across the country in a custom van. They explored the Australian wilderness. They started a podcast with their friend, Ryan, to introduce the real, mature versions of themselves to the internet. Grayson had a small black notebook in his bottom left desk drawer with project ideas and timelines for the year.
But that notebook became pointless when the pandemic hit. He and Ethan were in the process of finding a new house after an incident with an unhealthily obsessed fan when the shelter in place orders hit. The first month was unstable; no one should have to move to a new house in the middle of a pandemic. But the craziness subsided eventually, Grayson and Ethan found a home to call their own for the first time in their lives. After living in close quarters during construction left them at each other’s throats, they found a rental in Malibu to live out the rest of their quarantine days. Periodically, the visited their mother in New Jersey.
Visiting New Jersey did not exactly follow the CDC guidelines. Grayson quelled the risk in his heart with the importance of his mother. If she wasn’t working and he and Ethan only ever saw each other, how dangerous could it really be? Besides, his mother needed him. After the death of his father, his mother was left alone in their house in rural New Jersey. She had nothing but the memories of buying the home, bringing home two twin baby boys, teaching her daughter how to ride a bike, and having tough conversations about her sons’ dreams… Yeah, she needed him. Grayson decided. Grayson still held guilt from not spending enough time with his mother after his father passed. He loved her more than anything, and in a deep place, a place so deep that he didn’t dare think on often, he would never forgive himself for not being there for her in the weeks following his father’s passing.
He thought of her often: like on this beach in Malibu. He thought of how she’d love to pull up a beach chair and enjoy a Mojito while soaking up the sun. The image almost made him chuckle. For a short second, he pictured Ethan and Cameron there with her. Cameron would pull up a beach chair next to their mother, blasting her latest musical obsession from a stereo. Ethan would try to surf, but eventually his more whimsical tendencies would give out and he’d try building the biggest sandcastle a 20-year-old man child could muster.
Grayson chuckled to himself, he buried his hands in the sand at his sides. He played with it in his palms, feeling the fine granules pass over his coarse skin. A thousand little diamonds slowly withering away at a firm and precise exterior. He was also reminded of his mother constantly telling him to exfoliate his callouses from building.
This was Grayson mid-pandemic. The mess of finding a house passed. The initial marvel of staying busy inside the house passed. Hell, even the wonder of cutting his home-grown mullet had passed. Now, he and Ethan traded turns being the more bored twin. Ethan had re-watched Stranger Things about 10 times by now. Grayson spent his days working out, following his regimented daily routine to soon reach a Planche Hold. Occasionally, one of them would reach a deeper state of boredom and go to bother the other twin. They would go to bed and rehearse the routine again the next day.
Unfortunately for Grayson, Ethan slept like the dead. His twin brother usually slept until 11:00 AM; the pandemic had pushed that to a firm 1:00PM. His brother’s sleeping beauty impression left Grayson with nearly half a day to himself. Grayson made a ritual out of going surfing. The beach was secluded enough to not require the precautionary thinking of masks and hygiene in a pandemic. It was just Grayson, his board, and the ocean. He spent his alone time thinking of the important people in his life. In some ways, this pandemic was almost a good thing for him. He spent last year moving too fast among emotions he was too immature to process on his own. This year the world forced him to move too slow in an attempt to let his mind and heart catch up to the rest of his life. His introspective moments on the sand and sea were his own to experience and process alone. Except today.
She looked down at him and smiled, “Good Morning”
His lips turned up softly, “Morning”
He watched as she walked away: a long, dark ponytail fluttering in the wind over a flowy, white sundress sundress with a small, leather purse hanging at her hip. Grayson leaned back on his palms when he noticed something. Her footprints weren’t even. In the sand, one foot was about two inches deeper than the other. He furrowed his brow, pondering it for a second before shaking his head. He dipped his hands in the water and wet his newly cropped haircut. He was seeing things, probably swallowing too much salt. He grabbed his board and headed up shore to his van.
He wouldn’t have recognized her without the hair. The next day, he was paddling back to shore on his board when she walked by. He could make out her long, dark hair against the pale, sandy background. He squinted: not being able to tell if she was looking back at him. He smiled brightly and outwardly, just in case she could see him. His smile faded in a few seconds. what am I doing? He thought before padding back to shore to make his usually introspective campsite.
The third day, he was firmly in deep thought about his next tattoo when she walked by. They made eye contact as they flashed each other warm, but polite, smiles. “Good Morning” “Good Morning”.
This secluded little beach not his own anymore. He shared it with a kind stranger. She was a silent reminder that the world continued to turn outside of his fast-paced, modern, social media based lifestyle. Okay he thought maybe I’m being a bit deep …but it’s nice to have someone else around I guess.  
Their routine played for two weeks. She would walk by Grayson, either as he was coming to land again or paddling his way back to shore. They exchanged greetings and smiles as they passed. By the time she turned around and walked back to her car again, Grayson was gone.  Sometimes she saw the imprint of him in the sand when he was gone and thought about him when he wasn’t there. For a few minutes, she would muse to herself about his name. Sterling? No too Disney. Lance? No too King Arthur. William? No too Royal Family.
Occasionally, Grayson would think back to her outside of his beach visits. Maybe he passed a girl with long, dark hair in the grocery store, or maybe he saw someone about her size on the other side of a parking lot, he would catch his breath quickly before realizing it wasn’t her. What would I even say? Are we friends? She probably doesn’t remember what I look like. Why do I care? That last one got him.
Why did he care? Sure, he thought, she was pretty. She seemed nice, well okay her Good Mornings sound nice…nicest he’d heard in a while considering the only other person who wished him a good morning was Ethan. Maybe that was just it, he was spending too much time by himself or with Ethan. Ethan and Grayson had been quarantined together for almost four months now. The only other people he had seen was his mother, sister, and friend Ryan. When you only speak to 4 other people face to face for four months, the girl on the beach was a contender for one of his closest friends. The thought settled well in his brain, rationalizing his anxieties about seeing her in public.
About two weeks later, on a Tuesday morning, the sky was grey as the sun hid behind the clouds; the ocean water was unusually murky with dense foam. Grayson’s head must have been in the grey clouds because his usual surfing excursion left him tumbling around in the water more than usual. He started back for the shore earlier than usual, sensing that today was simply not his day. When the water reached his chest, Grayson started to walk upright in the water while dragging his board behind him. Not a few seconds later, he felt a sharp pain stab the outer edge of his left foot. “FUCK”, he swore out loud and gasped. The saltwater heightened the pain as he continued to trudge through the water.
He arrived on shore and noticed a jagged, long cut along the side of his right foot. The saltwater washed away the blood seeping through the wound: all that was left was a deep, slender slice taken out of the side of his foot. He tossed his board down, not bothering to dig it into the sand. He sat on the waters edge, trying to wash the sand out of the wound but wincing when the salt returned with its pointed sting. He groaned softly to himself.
I can’t walk back to the car like this, he thought to himself.
He threw his head back, frustrated with the situation. Frustrated with how he might have scratched his board on a rock from tossing it down. Frustrated from the deep wound spewing blood from his foot. Frustrated with his loneliness. Frustrated with the pandemic. Frustrated with his career. It all lead him here: sitting on a beach, more than half naked, with a bloody foot and a bruised ego. He sighed out loud and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Are you okay?”
Grayson nearly jumped, not because she was mean or aggressive but because he was having his internal meltdown under the impression that he was alone. He forgot about his little beach friend. Her brow furrowed softly, oh shit I should say something. 
“Yeah, I uhh I just got cut up is all” Grayson waived his injured foot softly from where it lay.
She hesitated for a second, neither of them was wearing a mask. Surely Dr. Fauci would approve of her helping a lone stranger who was in pain. She ignored the premonition, figuring that she wouldn’t be seeing anyone else soon anyway but remembering to put a mask in her purse for any future first aid incidents.
“Do you need a hand?” Her eyes were kind and caring, a deep brown that looked nearly gold in the grey light of that Tuesday morning. Grayson found himself looking at her, really looking at her for the first time since they started sharing the beach. She did not notice Grayson’s awkward gawk getting the best of him. She bent her head down, her eyes leaving Grayson’s gaze to search her purse for something. Grayson realized how small she was, probably only 5 feet tall and slender framed underneath her T-shirt and shorts. She unearthed a small, white package from within her purse. “Bandaid?” she offered, holding it out to him.
“Yeah that’d be great,” Grayson nodded softly and took the package from her. He looked from the white box to his cut and his muscles tensed up, unsure of where to start. He looked up at her, his brown eyes wide with uncertainty. She smiled softly at him, reassuring that frustrated place in his heart slightly. “Want some help?”, she was already kneeling down before he could start nodding.
Grayson slipped the white bandage box into her small palm as she started wiping away the larger pieces of sand around the cut. “You think it could get infected?” he asked, “By something in the water?”
She laid a piece of gauze over his cut as she shook her head. “No, the salt in the water would act as an electrolyte to dehydrate the phospholipid bilayer of any aquatic bacteria before it even got in.” He felt his eyebrows raise. She wrapped his foot in a larger bandage before adding, “uh I mean… it’s salt water, so you’ll be fine…..how did you do this anyway?”
“I must’ve stepped on a rock coming out of the water,” Grayson coolly forgot to mention his earlier debacle of looking like a Saint Bernard on a surfboard.
“If a big guy like you can get taken down by a rock, I have no chance in this world,” she remarked while standing up and putting the box back in her purse.  Grayson laughed out loud with a wide smile. Her joke wasn’t even that funny, but it had been so long since he heard someone make a joke besides Ethan.
She smiled down at him, “I like the band” she gestured toward the solid black tattoo on his right ankle. “I think I would go with an anklet though,” she added with a soft confidence.”
Grayson tried to stand on the freshly bandage foot, “True but this way I’ll never lose it in the ocean.”
It was her turn to laugh, she flashed a bright smile at him and let out a happy sound. Her laugh died down as Grayson stood up tall: a tanned, muscular Adonis standing before her. “Well um..I’m glad to see you’re doing okay,” she started to step away from him, “See you later.” She smiled before turning away.
“See you later,” Grayson waved goodbye as she turned her back and continued her walk. He stopped himself, why was a grown man waving goodbye in public like a kindergartener at school? He let his hand fall to his side before picking up his board and walking back to his van. He looked down at his foot, I guess Ethan is taking out the trash tonight..and making me dinner. 
On the other side of the beach, she drew in a breath and cursed to herself, shit..I didn’t get his name..
Grayson returned to the beach the next morning without his board. He decided that getting his bandaged (freshly done and kissed with love by Ethan) foot was too much of a risk. Also, he feared cutting up his good foot with a matching gash. He couldn’t depend on pretty girls with nice eyes to always be there with bandaids.  Instead, he sat down on the sand, letting the water run over his right foot and leg. He held his injured leg in his bicep, folding his knee up to meet his chest. With his free arm, he tried to skip stones in the water from his position on the ground.
He tried his best to enjoy his introspective morning with the ocean, even though he wasn’t in the water.
“I almost didn’t recognize you without your board” she looked down at him from under the visor of a black baseball hat.
He chucked, “Boards don’t pair well with bandaged feet.” He smiled up at her, “Thank you, by the way, for yesterday. I really appreciate it… You didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem….just being a kind stranger,” outwardly, she smiled gently but inwardly she cringed at the awkwardness of her own words. Grayson smiled gently back at her, she can’t have been too awkward if he’s still looking at her right?
“My names Kate”
“I’m Grayson”   A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! This is the first thing I am ever posting and would really appreciate any feedback you have about whether or not I should keep going. <3 
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Beach Day
CHARACTERS: Virgil Sanders, Thomas Sanders
WARNING: Nothing this is just pure plotless fluff
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @glassferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1
“Virgil, you know I love you, right?”
Virgil lifted a hand, creating shade over his eyes to keep the glaring sun from blinding him as he turned to squint suspiciously at his boyfriend.
The couple was sat together on the beach, huddled together on one towel, watching the waves and watching their friends as they splashed around and played in the sea. There were no clouds in the sky, nothing to block the brightness of the sun except Virgil’s hand over his own face.
Beaches weren’t really Virgil’s thing. He preferred being inside, and, in his opinion, storms and rain were much better than the hot, humid heat of the Summer.
“I get the feeling I’m going to regret saying yes,” he told Thomas flatly.
Thomas made a sound that was halfway between exaggerated offense – a habit he seemed to have picked up from his older brother, Roman, which always gave Virgil a feeling of equal exasperation and fondness – and entertained laughter. He leant closer, gently bumping his elbow against Virgil’s side and shifting even closer to him, pressing up against Virgil’s side.
“Come on,” Thomas laughed. “Would I ever do anything to hurt you?”
Virgil continued to squint suspiciously at him. “Hurt? No. But annoy? Yes.”
“Aww, would I do that?”
“Yes,” Virgil said bluntly.
Thomas laughed again, a little louder this time. “Come on, Virge. You know I love you, right?”
There was a beat, where Virgil continued to stare suspiciously at his boyfriend. Thomas reacted by doing his best innocent expression, which, of course, only made Virgil’s suspicion of him grow. But, after only a moment, Virgil sighed.
“Okay, fine,” he said, gesturing vaguely with the hand not shielding him from the sun. “Yeah, yeah, you love me. I love you. What is it?”
“Aww, you love me?”
Virgil gave Thomas a flat look, and didn’t say anything in response to that.
Thomas laughed again. “Okay, okay. The point is that... well, you know I love you, and therefore you know that when I say this, I only mean the best.”
Virgil’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t like where this is going.”
Thomas shrugged, and gave Virgil a slightly sheepish, apologetic smile.
“Why are you wearing your hoodie at the beach?”
“Oh,” Virgil said.
He looked down at himself, at his hoodie, which he was wearing over a purple t-shirt and black swimming trunks. He blinked, looking a little startled, though Thomas wasn’t sure whether that was because he hadn’t expected Thomas to point that out, or if he’d just completely forgotten that he was wearing it.
Thomas leant forward, taking Virgil’s free hand in one of his own, and using the other to slowly run his thumb over Virgil’s knuckles.
“It’s, like, a bazillion degrees out, and I feel like I’m going to boil in just this,” Thomas said, looking down at his own outfit – just swimming trunks and flipflops. “I have no idea how you’re still alive in all those clothes, and I’m just a teeny tiny bit concerned you are going to die.”
Virgil huffed. “I’m not going to die.”
“Fine, fine, you’re going to pass out.”
“I’m not going to pass out, either.”
Thomas gave Virgil a flat look of disbelief. “Do you remember what happened the last time you told me that? About, I don’t know, a month ago?”
“No,” Virgil lied immediately.
Thomas’s look of disbelief only strengthened, and he didn’t even need to say anything – just stare at Virgil – for his boyfriend to sigh and give in.
“Fine, I... I passed out.”
“You passed out,” Thomas nodded. “So, forgive me for worrying about you when you already look like you’re overheating and about three seconds from melting on the spot.”
“But I like my hoodie.”
“I like it, too,” Thomas agreed, before grinning. “And I admire your commitment to the aesthetic but please, I’d rather keep my boyfriend un-melted, thank you very much.”
Virgil snorted. “I don’t think that’s a word.”
Thomas laughed again. “Who are you, Logan?” He teased.
“I wish. I’d get so much more done with a brain like his.”
Thomas nodded, humming in agreement. “You’re right, you’re right. It’s a shame he couldn’t make it, but at least Pat stayed behind with him.”
“He’s not exactly the beach type, either,” Virgil added. “I think he’d just sit here and read, and then complain about getting sand everywhere and talk about how he just could have stayed and read at home.”
Thomas chuckled. “Oh, exactly and- hold on, are you trying to distract me?”
This time, it was Virgil’s turn with the shrug and the sheepish expression.
“Come on,” Thomas said. “If you take off your hoodie, I’ll give you kisses.”
“You’d kiss me either way.”
“Well, yes, but if you take off the hoodie, you get kisses and life. And if you keep it on, you’d get kisses and death. And I don’t really want to kiss a corpse.”
Virgil’s nose wrinkled. “I’d hope not.”
Thomas squeezed Virgil’s hand. “Hey, I’m pretty sure Logan would agree with me. Want me to call him and ask?”
Virgil huffed. “No, no, I get it.”
He let go of Thomas’s hand for just a moment, shrugging off his hoodie and then holding it carefully in his lap as he returned his hand to Thomas’s without a second thought. He squinted again, glaring at the sun as best he could without blinding himself, as he now didn’t have a hand to protect his eyes from it: one was in Thomas’s, and the other was holding his hoodie.
The beach was loud, which usually Virgil wouldn’t be a fan of, but he had hardly noticed it most of the time since their arrival. He was too distracted by Thomas talking to him or kissing him or holding his hand – or even just existing in his natural oh-so handsome state – and the things that usually would have stressed him out seemed seemed almost smaller in comparison to Thomas.
And, well, Thomas had been right. It had gotten rather hot and stuffy in his hoodie, and now that he’d taken it off, he felt significantly cooler and more comfortable.
He turned back to Thomas, who was smiling at him cheerfully, but with just the hint of teasing in his expression.
“Feel better?” Thomas asked, and it was impossible not to hear the slight smugness in his voice.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide the upwards twitching of the corners of his lips, or the fondness that seemed to always creep into his expression when he looked at Thomas.
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said, squeezing Thomas’s hand. “No need to be smug Mr. Right-About-Everything.”
Thomas laughed. “Ha-ha, you said it, not me.”
“Aww, you two are adorable.”
Both Thomas and Virgil looked up in unison, their eyes immediately landing on their friend, Emile, who had somehow walked up to them without either of them noticing. He was smiling down at them, stood up whilst the couple were both sitting down, which was the only time he’d ever seemed taller than them, since he was by far the shortest of the friend group.
Virgil could feel his face warm slightly, though it was a little difficult to tell since he was already warm and red from the summer heat.
Thomas laughed. “Thanks. We try.”
Emile smiled, before slowly and carefully sitting down in the sand at Thomas’s other side.
“You two can go swim now, if you want,” Emile said. “I’ll watch our things.”
“Oh, nice!” Thomas said.
He dropped Virgil’s hand, jumping up and then immediately held out his hand for his boyfriend to take again. Virgil hesitated for a moment, before he glanced at Emile.
“Can you take my hoodie?” He asked.
“Yup!” Emile held out his hands, and took Virgil’s hoodie, placing it in his lap. “I’ll take good care of it.”
Virgil was never a fan of leaving his hoodie alone with someone else – it was his favourite possession, after all: the patches having been made by hand – and it meant a lot to him. But, he supposed, Emile was the one friend he trusted most with it, other than Thomas and Patton and Logan. The latter two weren’t there, though, and Thomas was coming with Virgil.
“Thank you,” Virgil nodded.
He then turned back to Thomas, who was still holding his hand out for Virgil to take. Virgil took it without hesitation, and let Thomas help him stand up.
Virgil stood too fast, wobbling and almost tipping over, but Thomas caught him by the waist before he could fall over.
“My hero,” Virgil said flatly.
Thomas laughed. “Don’t let the others hear you calling me that,” he joked. “I don’t think they’ll ever let it go. It took three months for them to forget about the time you accidentally called me ‘baby’ in front of them.”
Virgil’s nose wrinkled. “God, that sucked.”
“My lips are sealed,” Emile piped up, prompting the couple to turn to look at them. He mimed zipping his lips shut, locking it, and then throwing away the key with the hand not holding Virgil’s hoodie in his lap. “But you two are absolutely adorable! A real Ruby and Sapphire.”
“Aww,” Thomas practically cooed, before turning back to Virgil. “I bet if we were gems, we’d have the coolest fusion.”
Virgil snorted. “Or maybe it would just amplify both of our anxieties.”
“Oh, right. You know, I’d almost forgotten about that,” Thomas then nodded his head in the direction of the waves. “So, swimming?”
“Okay, just as long as we don’t go too deep,” Virgil said. “I don’t want you to drown.”
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