#they also both starred in a Marvel animated movie together
azurecanary · 2 years
If I told you that in two separate TV shows there's the main character who's a person of colour, but this is something the fandom ignores 80% of the time;
Is blamed for being tricked by a master manipulator;
Is blamed for having human emotional reactions;
Is blamed for things happening out of their control;
Had their consent and body violated by a white male character who the fandom adores;
Whom the actor ships with multiple other characters of the same sex;
Whose actors voiced their vehement dislike for popular and toxic ships and were harassed for it;
Who had a romance in the final season of their show that left fans divided on if it was properly developed or not;
Who is secretly the best acted character in the show but is shoved to the side in favour of other white male actors.
Who am I talking about? Daisy Johnson or Scott McCall?
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sophiewith7es · 1 year
some of my six of crows modern headcanons xx
nina and inej are taylor swift and phoebe bridgers best friends
inej is vegan and i will not be explaining myself
matthias’ snapchat username is matthiashelvqr but jesper’s is animal_loverjes123 because he made it when he was nine
wylan is scared of planes but not helicopters
jesper is scared of helicopters but not planes
nina and inej listened to midnights together when it was first released
jesper got matthias into star wars
jesper loves the prequels and clone wars, matthias prefers the original trilogy and rogue one
both nina and jespers first bi panic was watching pirates of the caribbean
kaz has a secret fear of escalators so he always takes the stairs even though it actively causes him more pain
kaz and wylan watch criminal minds together in silence, but they both say the line about tracy lambert together
matthias falls asleep to animal documentaries narrated by david attenborough
inej jesper and nina are big greys anatomy fans
wylan’s first crush was teenage simba
matthias plays rugby
they have a book club (audiobook for wylan)
they read the acotar series and all had vastly different opinions
nina was an avid zoella watcher
kaz doesnt pay for any streaming services but has all of them anyway, jesper also doesn’t pay but uses everyone elses
matthias pays for the netflix account though
him and nina share one profile and everyone else has their own profile
nina cried when they took new girl off netflix
kaz says he prefers dc over marvel just to cause conflict
jesper read percy jackson growing up and still has the same battered copies he read as a kid in his room no matter where he lives
nina was a harry potter reading child and also still has her original copies of the books
wylan is a secret marauders stan
nina jesper inej and wylan are all marauders era fans but wylan is soooo much worse
wesper = wolfstar
jesper’s favourite movie is the breakfast club
kaz says his favourite movie is fight club but it’s actually fantastic mr fox
kaz follows six people on instagram: inej and all the members of one direction
he does that to piss the others off
jesper went viral on tik tok one time
matthias loves oasis (both the band and the drink)
nina fought for eras tour tickets and managed to get them all tickets
kaz is going as reputation (his usual attire) jesper as lover, wylan as evermore, inej as speak now (she got the speak now dress), matthias as debut (they got him a cowboy hat) and nina as red.
matthias secretly cried over the how to train your dragon ending
matthias and inej read a lot of classics and share their collection, they both annotate the books as well and enjoy seeing what the other has written
kaz has a do not disturb sign on his bedroom door like in a hotel and puts it on the door handle even when he’s not in there
kaz is weirdly good with technology
jesper collects mugs
kaz and inej steal pint glasses from pubs
when inej and nina listened nothing new on red(tv) they lost their minds
kaz loves boygenius
matthias and wylan love modern family, wylan’s favourite character is gloria and matthias’ is jay
jesper loves formula 1 and its the only sport he’ll watch
nina and matthias play animal crossing together
kaz terrors jesper on terraria
when they play minecraft functionally, inej is the builder, jesper is the farmer, matthias and wylan mine, kaz has netherite armour in like half an hour and nina collects flowers and tames animals
when they play minecraft disfunctionally they just blow shit up
kaz plays the guitar
inej DEVOURED the cruel prince series
zoya and genya are nina’s foster/adoptive sisters
wylan is scared of clowns and is like that one episode of new girl when nick has to go into the haunted house
whenever jesper does something stupid or doesnt do something or whatever he says ‘#yolo’ and moves on and it drives kaz insane
jesper has muggies of everyone
inej takes 0.5 pictures of everyone when theyre sleeping without them knowing
matthias loves the hunger games series
kaz regularly predicts major global events
wylan loves breaking bad
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cartoonyfangirl · 8 months
Okay! After watching Once Upon A Studio the 100th time, I'm just gonna say it!
Like you have all of these characters both 3D and 2D, and I know darn well that you guys know that this short is a huge success, jump on that train!
You know what! I'm just gonna put down how this show would be, and my exceptions and nots
(Exception 1 - The only other characters that would appear outside of WDAS would be characters from DisneyToon Studios, so like characters from the sequels, A Goofy Movie, Ducktales! Treasure of the lost lamp, and the Tinkerbell characters. I still would not include Pixar, Marvel, Muppets, Star Wars, and etc, that would be more if Disney wants to do a full on House Of Mouse sequel, but if it's a spiritual successor, then this would be at the studio
(Exception 2 - However, some characters from those said IP's can be mentioned as like a cameo or name mention, just because they don't appear, doesn't mean they can't be mentioned)
Okay, now for how the show/short series plays out
(The show/short series would take place at the Walt Disney Animation Studio in Burbank, since I think that's where the short took place.)
(When everyone leaves, that's when the characters come out, and thus, whatever plot takes place, that's when the episode/short begins)
(Characters can appear on the sidelines, making sure that it adds character and life into this, rather it be them just talking and walking, grabbing some food, or just causing mischief)
Now for some ideas for episodes
(A New Rabbit - Oswald notices that he is the odd one out in the huge group, so with the help of Mickey and his pals, they try to give the Lucky Rabbit a makeover only both Walt and the fans would love. This would be the Epic Mickey design that we all love, and Frank Welker would return to voice the rabbit once more!)
(A Royal Night Out - Tiana plans a huge night for all of the Disney Princesses and Princes, and Asha feels worried that she might stick out in the group, since she is the newest princess in the studio lot. But over the course of the short/episode, we not only see her get comfortable around the princesses and princes (They would be such gentlemen to her), but also stuff that maybe the voice performers can ad-lib in, to make them feel more natural!)
(Father/Son Meeting - Goofy realizes how many Disney parents and children have either a father/son and or father/daughter dynamics, and so he plans out a huge evening where the pairs would get to know each other, and discuss the situations they were put through, Max would make his first appearance in nearly 20 years in this, helping his father, and also getting to know the rest of the other kids that also go through what Max dealt with in his films)
(These ideas are from @shellyswirlz I was given permission to share and give some disney touches to these!
(Puppy-Sitting) - Kristoff, Ryder, and Honeymaren are asked upon by Roger and Anita if they could take care of the puppies while they take Pongo and Perdita on their evening walk, to which the three say yes to (Because I feel like Kristoff would be a dog person for sure!) Cruella sees this as her opportunity to try and get the dogs again, but this time from different people. Over the course of the episode/short, the puppies get into some trouble, from either running around the animation building, to hiding in some of the shelves. This causes problems for both Kristoff, Ryder, Honeymaren, and even Cruella, who misses her chance every time. In the end, it's Anna, Elsa, and even Olaf who would help wrangle the puppies back together again, and just in time before Roger and Anita get back. Cruella would be upset that she didn't manage to snag any of the puppies, but her anger would instantly disappear when she sees the other animals, and soon begins hatching plans for that
(Tinkering About) - Some of the Disney kids are drawing some of their favorite characters from their favorite shows and films, and Tinker Bell watches from afar, thinking of a fun, yet mischievous plan. Once the children leave to play outside, Tinker Bell uses her magic to make the drawings come to life, and soon, they begin to cause mischief around the building and even the studio. For the doodles, this would be the only time characters outside of WDAS would make their cameo appearances (Such as Sulley, Kermit and Gonzo, Grogu, and etc). Mickey and Oswald notice the weird drawing creations, and soon begin to place them back into the paper they came from. They soon figure out that Tinker Bell is behind the tinkering, and soon, Peter Pan manages to stop her before she could make anything else pop out. She realizes her mistakes, and apologizes, Peter Pan, being the only one that can understand her, accepts it, but he tells her not to do it again, or else she wouldn't be allowed to be with him.
(A Caballero Reunion!) - Donald is overjoyed once more to see his pals Jose and Panchito again! Jose comes up with the idea of performing for the whole group, like they did back in the beginning when they first performed. Donald and Panchito agree, and soon throughout the episode, we see them getting ready, reminiscing on the days they first interacted, and even recalling some of their favorite moments from their film. Towards the end, they would have a huge performance, but soon realize that some of their instruments have become worn out from years of not being used. But soon some of the other Disney characters would join in to help, and soon, the Three Caballeros would sing their iconic song, alongside the rest of the Disney crew!
Those are what I have so far, but please, if anyone has any ideas/scenarios/and HC's for this, either tag this post, repost and add your share, and or comment down below!
(Cricket In A Lamp) - Jiminy Cricket rushes to Pinocchio's side, once again after accidentally oversleeping once more, but just as he's about to get to his side, he falls into Genie's lamp. Pinocchio is beside Aladdin, learning about what he, Jasmine, and the others went through in their film, and tells him that he's lucky to have The Genie by his side. The Genie soon appears, and decides to get some rest, but when he tries to get into his lamp, he isn't able to. Aladdin thinks this is a joke, but soon, they hear Jiminy's voice coming from the lamp! The three soon try to figure out how to get him out, considering it's a magic lamp, and messing with it can cause trouble. After a few different tactics and even some characters making their honorary cameos, it seems like it's hopeless, until some of the smaller characters decide to help out, and ask if they can be lowered in, so they can grab Jiminy out (I'm thinking it might be Bernard, Bianca, and the rest of the other small Disney characters). After some time, they managed to get Jiminy out, and of course Pinocchio was overjoyed to see him safe and sound. Genie apologizes for the lamp trouble, to which Jiminy cuts in, saying he fell in on accident, and that he should be more careful in where he's running to.
(I'm Late! I'm Late! For A Very Important Dinner Party!) - Mickey and Minnie decide to plan a big dinner party for the newcomer Asha, and soon get the help from some of the Disney Characters to deliver the invitations to the party. Once night falls, everyone arrives on time, except for one! The White Rabbit! He notices that the time on his watch is all wrong, and he quickly hurries to the dinner party. This episode would mostly be shenanigans and even ad-libbed stuff from characters old and new, and of course The White Rabbit dealing with his troubles as well! In the end, he makes it towards the end of the party, and enjoys the last few minutes with those that care about him
(This Is Dedicated To The Toon I Love!) - For the first time in nearly 25 years, Sylvia makes her return appearance in this episode/short. Goofy and Horace write love letters to Sylvia and Clarabelle. But when Horace accidentally leaves his name out of his letter, Clarabelle thinks that it's from Horace, wanting to see if they can rekindle their relationship. At first she is ecstatic, but then realizes that he couldn't possibly be in love with someone like her, and soon, she dismisses the first idea, and thinks who would have a crush on her. Shenanigans would pursue, with her going around the studio lot, basically seeing who is catching her eye. After hours on end, Clarabelle breaks down, seeing that there wasn't any signs that someone loved her on the lot, and she would never find out who wrote her the letter, Horace, Goofy, and Sylvia find her, and Horace bashfully admits that he wrote the letter to her, but he forgot to place his name down. Clarabelle becomes overjoyed, and the two share a kiss. Goofy is happy to see his long-time friends get together once more, and decides to have a double date with him and Sylvia, and Clarabelle and Horace!
@rikareena @silliesbillies @imaginationinstitutes
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kpopnstarwars · 8 months
Boyfriend Headcanons: Han Jisung x Reader
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• Han will definitely write songs about you, and when he shows them to the boys before you're officially dating, they all tease him, trying to guess who the special person is
• Once you catch him staring at your lips while you talk, it's over - you'll be all over each other, and from then on, the two of you can't keep your hands to yourselves, to the point where if the boys are around while you're hanging out, they'll cover their eyes and scream whenever they see you, even if he's just showing you something on his phone and has got his arm wrapped around you or if you're tangled together on the sofa, stealing quick kisses from the other
• Chan picked up on it, and when you came over he'd make sure to tactically place you next to Jisung or leave you alone together, smiling to himself as the two of you gravitate toward each other with blushing smiles
• When I tell you that as Han Jisung's boyfriend, you are going to watch so much Studio Ghibli, I mean you will end up learning all of the movies off by heart
• It starts of as a one time thing, but it develops into the best kind of habit - whenever you and Han don't want to socially interact or go out, it often ends up with the two of you curled up in a blanket fort like two hibernating quokkas (I know they probably don't hibernate but hey now), a delicious spread of snacks spread out in front of you and some sort of movie on
• Most often, the movies are Studio Ghibli or anime, but they can also be Marvel or Star Wars ones
• Felix often ends up finding out when you're going to have a movie night, because you'll sneak into his kitchen and either force him to make brownies or steal brownies he's left out to cool down from the oven
• If you get caught, you'll both stuff as many brownies as you can into your mouths and grab a few extras before making your get away - Han looks like an adorable little hamster, and you can't help but squish his cheeks
• 'Awww, Ji, you're so cute!'
• 'Stop trying to steal my brownies, jagi - '
• As we know, Jisung is an introvert, so he's happy staying at home, and to be honest, that doesn't bother you one bit; one of his favourite things about you is that he doesn't use up his social battery around you - when he first introduced you to the boys, you were surprised that he was so loud with them, but now he's as comfortable with you as he is with them, and it makes your heart burst to think he's content to spend time with you
• Sometimes, you'll have joint movie nights with the boys, and you two will be so chaotic, stealing snacks, starting pillow fights, screaming loudly (even if there are no jump scares)
• No one cares, though, because you two are also hilarious, so they indulge the two of you in your antics - you often end up dragging Changbin and Minho into them too, although it takes a lot more bribery to persuade Minho to help steal Chan's laptop than it takes for Changbin, who readily volunteers
• Once you get home from the joint movie night, though, you'll hop into the shower together, cuddling as you wash each other's hair, then curl up in bed; sometimes you spoon him, sometimes he spoons you, sometimes you just rest your head on his chest (one time, when you were drunk, you boasted to Changbin that you'd used the Jiddies™ as pillows) 
• Jisung's anxiety is always calmed when you're near him - when he's feeling especially jittery, he'll find you and wrap his arms around you, whether you're cooking at the stove or working at your desk, and he'll feel grounded by your touch
• If you're in crowded spaces, sometimes he'll just grab your hand, snaring your fingers in his, and you become so atuned to it that you begin to reach out first, brushing your thumb over his knuckles
• If he's on tour or you haven't moved in with him, you'll facetime deep into the late hours of the night, sometimes falling asleep - one of you will wake up to find the slumbering, smiling face of the other, or drooping eyes and huge yawns
• 'Why haven't you gone to sleep yet?'
• 'I want to stare at you forever. You're beautiful.'
• The two of you will go to the gym together, sometimes with Changbin third wheeling, and you'll be that annoyingly cute couple who spot each other and kiss each other and share waterbottles in between sets, laughing at jokes only you understand
• Often, when you cuddle together in bed, Jisung will share his latest song lyrics with you, telling you about how that lyric references that picnic you went on last year and how this one is about your first date
• When he wants attention, he's annoying in the cutest, most distracting way, and will give you the kicked puppy look if you ignore him
• He loves the days he can lie in with you, holding you in his arms as the sun streams in, your breathing steady as you nestle in his arms, occasionally mumbling intelligible things in your sleep 
• All in all, he loves you with his whole heart, and you love him with all of yours
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braveclementine · 7 days
D.S. x E.M. x K.M. x Reader pt. 6
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, Mentions of torture, fluff, angst, mentions of rape, happy 'ending'
Copyright: I do not own any TVD/TO/Legacies characters, nor any places in New Orleans or Mystic Falls that may be mentioned.
Your P.O.V.
I was curled up in Damon's bedroom on the bed with Elijah watching Hamilton on the TV, the musical/play turned up to drown out the sounds of my father- sorry step-dad or whatever- screaming in the basement.
After I'd killed him- his blood had tasted amazing- he'd come back into transition. Klaus pretty much forced blood down his throat. After that, Marcel, Enzo, Kol, Klaus, and Damon had taken turns torturing him for hurting me.
What my dad had done to me had spread throughout the others. Freya, Bonnie, Caroline, Davina Rebekah, Vincent, and even Alaric had taken their own shots at him.
I hadn't expected Bonnie because she was sweet, but she was furious. And I hadn't expected Alaric, but I think he was thinking about his own daughters when he was punched dad in the face.
Freya had a little to much fun torturing dad with magic.
I hid upstairs with only Elijah for company as I wanted nothing to do with dad who wasn't really my dad and also because now I had mixed feelings. Every time I tried hating him, I remembered him flying me over his head at the beach in Florida and all the sweet things we had done before I turned fourteen.
Elijah was one of the only people who cared about me that didn't hurt Dad. Mostly, I think, because he understood I didn't really like it. So he indulged me in watching Hamilton and Harry Potter and Star Wars and whatever else I wanted to watch. We binge watched all the Marvel movies in three days.
"I have an idea." Elijah murmured as the play came to an end- I was crying of course because Alexander was dead.
"Hmm?" I asked, burrowing my head into his T-shirt. Over the few days, he had reluctantly been wearing T-shirts and sweatpants because I wanted him in comfortable clothes instead of fancy. It was definitely a strange sight to see.
I looked up at him when he didn't answer and smiled, tugging at his hair which he was growing out a little.
"I'm going to take you to Orlando." Elijah said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "We can go to Universal studios and your Harry Potter world. And we can visit animal kingdom and magic kingdom and I'll spoil you silly."
I was hesitant, even though it did sound immensely fun. "But all those humans. . . I don't know if I can control myself."
"I'll help you, I promise." Elijah murmured. "But you need to get out of the house."
I nodded because I knew he was right. "Let's bring Caroline and Ric so they can bring their kids too." I murmured. "Ric needs to get out of this house too."
Elijah nodded, "Okay."
We both stared at each other and I asked rather hesitantly, "And. . . Klaus and Damon?"
"We can't force them to come." Elijah murmured.
I fiddled with my daylight ring. The sapphire, emerald, and diamond fused together along with the colours of the bands along with some starlight so keep me from burning during the day. "Why are they still torturing him? It's been a week? Hasn't he felt enough pain?"
Elijah took my face in his hands. His chocolate eyes were so warm and his brown hair that was slowly becoming floppy again made me flush. How did I get gifted with my handsome men? "Personally, I won't touch him because I know you're unhappy with it. But if I could, I would torture him day and night for centuries for hurting you."
Why was my brain arguing with him? Elijah was speaking the truth: he had hurt me. But at the same time. . .
I burst into tears. "I don't understand! Why do I feel the need to defend him? I don't understand! Am I messed up? Elijah please help me!"
Elijah's face twisted in pain, gathering me in his arms, laying back to hold me to him. "He's your father. You loved him once and that's the part that wants to defend you. But Y/N, you know he's hurt you and he's hurt you in a way that you should never have been hurt. You aren't messed up, you're just confused."
"He's not even my father!" I said, pounding on Elijah's chest weakly.
"You believed he was for nineteen years. That's not something you forget overnight."
"Might take a hundred years, yeah?" I asked, smiling weakly, attempting a joke.
Elijah laughed softly, reaching up and cupping my face in his hands, "Yeah."
"When do you want to leave?" I asked, still a little nervous about being in large crowds.
"Well, I was thinking almost no one will be there in January, in a few weeks, cause everyone will be back in school. It would be relatively uncrowded."
I nodded, "That sounds nice. Do you want Hayley and Hope to come too?"
"No." Elijah said with zero hesitation. "But if you want to invite Freya, Vincent, Bonnie, and Enzo you can. They might like the magic of Disney and romance."
I grinned, "That sounds nice. I'll drop suggestions to Klaus and Damon. I would hate for them to think I left them out."
Elijah nodded kissing my temple.
Damon and Niklaus came upstairs as I was putting the next movies series on. I wrinkled my nose, hiding my face in Elijah's shirt at the smell of dad's vampire blood. Elijah put an arm around me.
They stripped their clothes and Damon laughed, "Twilight Y/N? Sparkling fairy vampires."
I scowled into Elijah's shirt.
"Damon leave it." Elijah said curtly.
"Is something wrong?" Klaus' voice was filled with anxiety and worry for me. I smiled a little, looking over at him.
"'Lijah and I were talking about all of us going to Disney as a family." I murmured. "Well at first, just us. But I thought maybe Ric would like to take the kids with Care. And of course, Bonnie and Enzo and Freya and Vincent might like to go as couples."
"Disney?" Damon cocked an eyebrow.
"And Universal studios." Elijah said behind me. "She's been wanting to go to Harry Potter world forever."
I smiled, nodding my head excitedly. "And 'Lijah promised he'd make sure I didn't feed on anyone."
"Well I'm all for it!" Nik said excitedly, clasping his hands together before reaching into the closet for a fresh T-shirt.
"Damon?" I asked hesitantly.
He looked so angry, not at me, but probably at dad. His eyes were distant and his head snapped towards me. "What?"
Elijah's arms tightened around me and I asked, "Do you- do you want to come?"
"I'm going to stay here." He extracted a stake from the top drawer and made his way out of the room again.
I felt sad, leaning against Elijah's arms and Nik read my face, "What's wrong? You know it doesn't mean he doesn't love you just because he's not going."
"That's not it." I mumbled, shutting the TV off and snuggling into Elijah to fall asleep. Nik said nothing more until they thought I was asleep.
"What is it Elijah?"
"She feels conflicted about how you're treating Y/F/N. She thinks he's been hurt enough." Elijah murmured softly.
Nik scoffed, "He hasn't felt enough pain for what he's done to her."
"Nik, if you and Damon don't just kill Y/F/N and get this over with, Damon is going to end up losing her. You might too."
Nik was silent and then said in a very angry voice, "He deserves to feel pain Elijah. He literally had his dick inside of her! He had hands tied behind her back! He had her gagged! And he had a knife beside him! If we hadn't gotten there when we had he might've killed her! He doesn't even feel guilty for it! It's disgusting!"
I peeked my eyes open to see his eyes were now yellow, boring into Elijah's chocolate ones. I quickly closed them again.
"Niklaus, you have to respect what she wants. You're angry that someone hurt her, fine. I am too. But it's also the man she grew up thinking was her father and I think it should ultimately be her decision of what wants to happen. Just rip his heart out and be done with it."
Nik was silent again until he finally muttered, "Fine. The sun's still out anyways."
"Meaning?" Elijah asked with a sigh.
"We'll have a bonfire. I'll invite everyone to come." Nik sounded delighted.
"Very well. I'll be staying here with Y/N." Elijah muttered, running a hand through my H/C hair.
"You don't want to see him burn alive?" Nik asked curiously.
"I do. But I don't want her to wake up alone either." Elijah muttered.
Nik sighed, sounding disappointed. "And here I was thinking you could be the one to light him on fire as you haven't had the pleasure of torturing him yet."
Elijah ignored him. Or at least, I thought he had ignored until he said, "Fine. Let me grab a suit. Maybe Davina will stay with her until I get back."
"I think Davina will like to watch." Nik said. "But maybe."
Nik walked out of the room and Elijah slid from the bed, tucking me under the covers. He kissed my forehead and murmured, "I'll be back soon princess."
And then even he was gone.
I sighed, grabbing a pillow and holding it like a stuffed animal. So they were going to burn dad? Elijah was going to set dad on fire.
No. Not dad.
I thought about what Klaus had said. How he'd been raping me, had tied me up, had possibly wanted to kill me. I sat up quickly. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
Elijah P.O.V.
I fixed my tie in the mirror, green this time as Y/N had expressed a liking to me wearing green ties. Strange how I had taken into account all her opinions when doing things.
At the moment, Y/F/N was wearing a daylight ring, being held by Marcel and Niklaus. Davina had said she didn't want to miss out on this and so Y/N was left upstairs by herself. It worried me slightly, but Hayley, Elena, and Stefan were in the living room with Hope, Josie, and Lizzy so if she woke up, they'd tell her where we were.
Elena thought we were being absolutely barbaric and was angry with Damon, Caroline, and Bonnie. She blamed Klaus and Enzo for Caroline and Bonnie's eagerness for Y/F/N's execution. Truth was, Y/N was just their friend and they wanted to see her attacker suffer.
Freya and Bonnie bound Y/F/N to the wooden stake that was placed upright by Alaric and Vincent earlier that day.
"Let's get this over with." Rebekah huffed, eyeing Y/F/N with dislike. Alaric was leaning against the tree next to Damon, both of them had bourbons in their hands. They clinked them together.
I sighed, rolling my eyes at the theatrics. This was weird, it felt wrong, but as I looked into Y/F/N's eyes, I saw he had zero regrets there. I touched his hand, going to pull off the ring and saw into his mind. He didn't regret anything, his mind not even focusing on his death, but of all the times that he had fucked Y/N. Her pain, the way that she screamed and begged him to let her go. All because she looked like her mother.
That did it for me. I yanked the daylight ring off his hand, tossing it to Enzo who caught it in one hand, tucking it into his pocket.
Y/F/N started to burn and he started to scream and none of us watched in pity.
"STOP! END IT!" Y/F/N shouted.
Out of nowhere, there was a whistling sound, and a carved stake out of the same wood used to make Y/N's bed back at her own house pierced his heart.
The burning died down as his veins started to shrivel, blood draining as his heart was pierced, and turn gray.
We all spun to see Y/N standing there: blue jeans, purple T-shirt, red jacket, and white shoes. Her hair pulled back in a H/L ponytail. [sorry if you have short hair]. She had flung the stake at him. We all stared in a bit of shock.
"So." She asked with a bit of a smirk, "Can we got to Disney now?"
I relaxed, smiling, "Anything my princess wants."
~Two Years later~
"Y/S/N, get back here right now!" Y/N yelled at our son as he ran towards the road.
Damon swooped in front of him, picking him up under the arms, carrying him back to the house. Klaus, Y/N, and I all sighed in relief.
"You would think we could keep a better eye on him." Y/N grumbled.
The surgery that she had undergone gave her the ability to conceive, also making any children we had either Niklaus'- if we had sex on or around a full moon- or Damon's as he had also undergone the surgery.
Y/N had feared I would feel left out, but I didn't mind truly. In a way, they were still my children too.
She was pregnant again, one of the reasons that she couldn't move as fast as Damon. We found that as she was pregnant, it seemed to make her more human and her vampire senses were cut in half, though she still needed blood and could still move a littler faster than humans and also was still able to compel humans.
Y/S/N yawned in Damon's arms, closing his blue eyes- which he'd gotten from Damon- and fell fast asleep.
"Finally." Y/N muttered, leaning into Klaus' embrace. "I thought I'd have to stay awake for another few hours."
She thought it was her responsibility to take care of the boy 24-7, even when Niklaus, Damon, and I had all told her we would share in the responsibility of raising him.
"Come on love." Niklaus said, kissing the side of her head, "Let's go upstairs shall we."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Damon asked with a grin.
"You two are insatiable." I mumbled, taking Y/S/N out of Damon's arms.
"They're not the only ones." Y/N grinned, strutting towards me and throwing her arms around my neck, kissing my lips. "Come on Elijah." She tugged on my tie a little.
"Caroline!" I shouted and Caroline appeared from the girls' bedroom.
"Elijah?" Caroline asked, raising her eyebrow, flinging her blond hair over her shoulder in annoyance.
"I thought you should be forewarned that we're heading into the bedroom and we also need someone to watch Y/S/N." I explained.
Caroline smirked, rolling her eyes, jumping over the banister and landing in front of me. "Insatiable bastards."
"Unnecessary comments." I muttered.
"Ric! We're going out!" Caroline shouted, dashing back up to the room.
"Let's go." I said, kissing the side of Y/N's head.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Into the Spider-Verse: Spider-Ham (Marvel Tails #1 and Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham #15) (Comissioned by WeirdKev15)
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Hello all you happy webheads and welcome back to Into the Spider-Verse, my look at the origins of every webslinger from the landmark film in the build up to Across the Spider-Verse. And it's bittersweet to be this close to the end of the web here: i'm proud of myself for this project and kev for having cooked it up as it allowed me to really dig into my love of spider-man, and comics in general, with new ideas and even possible new retrospectives wholesale coming out of this.
But before we can end this ride, we still have one Spidey to cover, who after our previous spider-persons adventures with crackers and milk, their predecesors literal oppisite sex clone, mob goons without fear, rock n roll pop art halluciongens in your giant spider mecha, and giant spiders stripping you naked, one man comes along to say..
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Yes it's time for the debut of Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham a
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And i'm sure many of you, both those familiar with the comics and those who just watched the movie, are asking the same question: why. The answer is simple. Way way back in the 1980's, Marvel had a new animated arm, Marvel Productions, which was a massive deal, producing both GI Joe and Transformers, which both started as comics first to promote the upcoming toylines, as well as Dungeons and Dragons, My LIttle Pony Tales, Muppet Babies, Jem and the Holograms, Kid N Play and the Biker Mice From Mars. There were also of course marvel cartoons like Spider-Man(the 80s one), Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, The Incredible Hulk, the more popular Incredible Hulk and the infamous and destined to be covered Pryde of the X-Men Pilot.
So naturally Marvel wanted more ips to feed into the almighty merchandising machine, because shockingly, companies have ALWAYS wanted every dollar they can get out of making more and more adaptations as long s they can afford it. So two writers set to work to spitball this: They were Tom DeFalco, a longtime spider-man editor who would go on to write the guidebook I had as a kid that really got me into the comics and taught me a lot about his rogues gallery and more importantly would write the book himself briefly, being the one to crystalize Mary Jane's tragic Backstory and her knowing Peter Parker is spider-man all along. WIth him was the wonderful Larry Hama, at the time writing GI JOe for marvel.. and at the time of this writing STILL writing his continuation of that continuity for IDW as he should. Hama deserves all the credit for setting the foundations of the GI Joe universe most adaptations follows and for writing one hell of a comic in the process, and not one to rest on his laurels would later have the defining run on Wolverine's solo book.
So as you can imagine when these two legends get together.. they created a simple but enduringly weird joke that has lasted decades. It's a concept that just works: Spider-Man.. but he's a funny animal. Weirdly though Marvel Animation passed on it, not wanting anything to do with it despite the fact that in a time when Garfield was at the peak of his powers and they'd be making muppet babies, funny animals were a VERY easy sell. Seriously why Marvel Animation was so stupid is a riddle for the ages but Marvel liked printing money, so they put Porker in a one shot, Marvel Tails, parodying the marvel reprint mag marvel Tales. That said DeFalco didn't expect much from it and was suprised months later when the higher ups asked for another issue. He explained it was a one shot.. and then they asked when the next issue was and he got the memo. While DeFalco wrote the one shot that launched the character he freely admits he's not the one who made him a star. That honor goes to Steve Skeates. Skeates had been a mainstay in the industry, paticuarlly having a run on Aquaman i've been trying to read for some time that really launched the character to new heights before Superfriends would shove him back to the depths for a while. He was burnt out on the industry and freely admits he wouldn't of done the book for Larry Hama if it was any other book, but felt the format allowed him to do a throwback to the kinds of books he liked writing while still throwing in plenty of comedy to keep it fresh. The result was pretty great, with Skeates wisely having Porker's various foes not be the obvious joke of being the animals they resemble, for instance the Vulture being a possum in a buzzard suit instead of a vulture.
And we'll be seeing that contrast between Porker's humble one shot joke beginings and evolved more nuanced parody as unlike most of the characters featured... Porker didn't get his origin story for a while. While most of the spider-persons got there's in their very first appearance or arc, Porker's origin didn't come about till late in his solo books run. So today we'll be looking at both his first appearance in Marvel Tails, and his origin story in Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham #15 under the cut!
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Spider-Ham begins his career in a typical spider-man setting: stopping a typical gang of thugs with ease and some quips. But it's not long before we get into one of the weird things about this story, something that just dosen't really work with it: Captain Americat. Cap is pictured here as Peter's steadfast partner and a reporter at his paper and none of this works. Now this is an AU, it COULD work and the idea of steve and peter being closer partners and steve mentoring him is great, just as the idea of Tony mentoring him was a brilliant one the movies captalized on. But here it's just treated as a normal thing without really being used for a joke that this is so unusual. A large part of this is something that's easy to forget as it hasn't been true about the character since the early 2000's. Spidey.. used to be a bit of a loner when it came to the rest of the Marvel Universe. Granted he was the kind of loaner who had an entire ongoing dedicated to him teaming up with other heroes and a tv show where he had two super college roomies he'd fight crime with, but when it came to consistant teamups his only real super friends were the fantastic four and in a few years Daredevil. Spider-Woman existed, but Jessica was largely her own thing by design, with only the name in common and wouldn't really become an ally or even friend of peter's till they were in the avengers together. Peter would have team ups but he really wasn't super close with the rest of the marvel universe. This changed in the early 2000's as his joining the new avengers gave him a lot of new allies in the marvel universe: He'd be on the new avengers until Brian Micheal Bendis left the book, he joined HIckman's avengers for the first arc, with Doc Ock taking his place, and joined the Mighty Avengers and Mark Waid's avengers afterwords, only in the last few years taking a break from the group entirely, ironically as his MCU counterpart became heavily associated with them himself. Not only that the dawn of the spider-verse and miles migrating to become the 616's second spider-man, meant peter soon had a spider-family.
Even now in his current tirefire of a solo i've been purposfully avoiding but suspect i'l lhave to confront some day, he has Ms Marvel, soon to be thrown in the fridge, Norman Osborn, long story, and his current girlfriend the black cat. Peter's no longer the solo operator he once was.. but back then it's very weird fo ra parody of the character to just.. casually hang out with Captain America regularly and this angle was wisely dropped.
This isn't the only weird thing in this issue either. For some reason rather than pulling from peter's many rogues, the issue has him face the Masked Marauder, some punk ripping off a super high tech arcade. It comes off more like a Scooby Doo Mystery complete with various red herings and the actual culprit showing up early on. He's not even the main threat as the everlovin hulk is also shoved into this issue. His origin is a little neat, with Bruce Bunny being an arcade game maker who gets shoved into a cabinet.
The result though just isn't that funny. Ther'es a good joke about steve stashing his shield in his coat
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But otherwise i'ts just kinda.. there and didn't leave the best first impression back when I first read it. It's nicely drawn, but dosen't have much actually to say or any really satire of the character. It's clear they had the name but no idea what to do with it. THe backup is pretty funny though, the weird Goose Rider, take a while guess, who just.. spends it riding around, thinking about grabbing a burger, and dealing iwth shouty civlians and some random doofus called chainsaw. This satire.. actually works as from what I can tell Ghost Rider's early rogues gallery before his reinvention in the 90's wasn't all that impressive with few exceptions. It's more what I wanted. Thankfully when Peter got his title shot, things perked up and by the time we get to his origin... we get something delightful.
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As you can tell both by the cover used for this review and from the title, this one's a parody of spider-man no more. Even if you haven't read the story (I've only read the iconic issue iwth the cover), you've doubtlessly seen it's cover, and the various homages to both that and the shot of peter throwing his costume in the trash and walking away, both by spider-heroes and the rest of the marvel. It helps that Sam Rami choose it as the backbone of Spider-Man 2 and ended up making an even BETTER version of the story in the process. Even Miles had his own version of it after his mom died and he blamed himself for it since the second ultimate venom was the reason she died. If you've read more recent comics and seen Rio alive and well that's because Miles befriended the Molocule Man, a very shy man with the power to control molocules... which shockingly for comics has been treated every bit as horrifyingly powerful as it should since his introduction, with MM's only real wekaness being his crippling neurosis. So when the universe died and was put back, Molocule brought her back as a thank you present. I had a point here.. ah yes.. I love the Molocule Man and feel he's a highly underated character. Oh that with the severe stress and sacrifice of being a spider-man, it's not a huge leap to have that moment of doubt. And it's an even shorter leap to take that moment and parody it and Peter's angst for all it's worth. We open with J Jonah Jackal hooking himself up to an idea machine while his three young wards, the junior newsboys watch. They are Jermiah Jackal, JJJ's snooty nephew, Bunson Bunny, our resident nerd who talks in big snetences and Upton Adam Stray, a combination of a black sterotype and
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If your getting some deja vu from a rich magnate having three young sidekicks who both acompany him and try to steer away his worse instincts, one of whom is jonah's literal nephew.. GOOD. It means you have good taste and also get the bit. Spider-Ham has a bit of the old Scrooge McDuck stories in it's dna, simply adding spider-man and his rogues to the mix, and really JJJ is such a perfect fit for scrooge and Peter for Donald, that I can't blame both writers for dipping into this formula when it fits spider-man shockingly well now he's a pig.
This issue is written by steven Mellor, who took over the title later in his run, but like Skeates does a really fun job with it.
With Jonah having peter come to the clubhouse to view an idea he came up with that involves the kids
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Peter deals with typical spider-man things. That is trying to get a date with his ex Betty Bat. It goes about usual for peter
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Also as you might have noticed, hilariously, Peter Porker looks a LOT like John Mulaney, despite having been created only one year after John was born. I mean he's also a talking pig but the hair is distractingly like his future voice actors and I love it.
Baby P decides to handle this like a mature, rational young swine
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Before bemoaning that he's still single.. what I like is that Mellor both really gets how Peter Parker Mopey Rants work, and milks it with everyone starring not sure what to do as peter ineternally rants and the janitor eventually asking him to leave as he's getting his tears on the floor. Peter then reflects back to his origin, the reason we're here. And even for a talking pig.. peter's origin is hilaroiusly bizzare. It's my kind of weird shenanigans. Okay so in this version Peter.. was a spider, which is clever enough.. but May was a mad scientest who befriended peter and showed him her new invention: a fission powered hairdryer. It made her radoactive, it wasn't good.. and well... I can't say what happens next and have most of you belivie it actually happened so here's photographic evdience.
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This.. this is comedy gold, and clever as all hell. Just deciding to have may be radioactive nad bite peter. It's as nuts as it is brilliant and I love it. So we get the standard origin moments of Peter testing out his powers.. and we also get a nice gag out of him bending a pipe in the original amazing fantasy #15
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Peter returns to find may basically the dodering old lady sterotype she was in earlier spider-man comics, and decides to look after her and not tell her the truth, as well as put his powers to use. Peter's genius in this version is also from the bite and thus Spider-Ham is born
After running into flash thompsons counterpart, who sadly isn't named flash beagle, we get jonah's meeting where he's dressed himself and the boys up in superhero outfits and ...
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To become Black Beagle and his beagle brigadeers. Peter is dragged along for this and this.. is easily the weakest part of the issue. While the idea of Jonah becoming a hero himself is great and has been used well, here it's just kinda there and is mostly a setup for them to befriend "Andy Warthog" and see a bunch of celebrity pastiches. It's a boring page or two
Thankfully it picks up with a delightful parody of one of my faviorite spider-man rogue as the Hobgobbler crashes the party! God bless this pun. He kidnaps one of the celebrties and we get a ncie character moment. Despite how silly this character and his origin are... it's still neat to see the core of spider-man.. is still present.
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No matter the universe, no matter who wears the mask... they can't turn down responsiblity. Try as he might.. Peter just can't let someone else get hurt if he can help it and that's what makes spider-man the hero we love so much: that drive to help people no matter what it takes. It's what makes a spider-person what they are wethere they be man, woman, ham or nb.
So Peter naturally wins, in a nicely drawn fight, cooks the turkey and drive sJonah home. He WANTS to just get some deserved sleep but Aunt May has other plans.. thankfully said plans give our hero his much deserved happy ending. Action is already his reward.
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As you can probably figure, this issue is a massive improvment and it's clear even with two diffrent writers, the full ongoing got the concept better and more importantly had more fun with it. The result.. is fucking great. Also the puns. Dear lord the puns. And that's not getting into the backup which has the scavengers fight kangaroo the conquerer. Who damn well better be among the council of kangs. At any rate this issue was greatr and even with the brief slowdown, is a great issue, not only getting me reintrested in this run, but also showing off just what you can do with a parody: have it be both heartfelt and clearly get what it's making fun of while still being great.
Next Time: The web ends as we look at the movie itself. Anyone can wear the mask but is one Miles Morales up to the task? Can he fill peter's shoes? Well yeah, I mean there's even a sequel, but it's still one hell of a ride.
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pod-together · 10 months
Pod-Together Day 2 Reveals 2023
Fashion is the Armor [text, audio] (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by kbirb Summary: It’s not that Fox would have reconsidered things with Bail and Breha if he had known about…this. It’s just that if someone had told him he needed to go shopping for a “proper prince consort wardrobe” and that said shopping trip would make him long for the days of babysitting Senators…well. He’d have figured out some way to avoid this part.
Through Thin Walls (9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020)) written by noxsoulmate, performed by Juulna Summary:“Hey, so please don’t freak out–”
In the next moment, Carlos could hear a thud, followed by a curse, and he was pretty sure the guy had just hit his head somehow. Carlos winced in sympathy.
“Sorry! Sorry, it’s just your neighbor here.”
“Dude,” came the reply, the voice sounding rough, probably from all the crying. “Way to give a person a heart attack. Also, creepy much?”
“My apologies. The walls here are basically paper with some paint slapped on. So uhm… noises are somewhat muffled but… not really, I guess.” ~*~ 3 times Carlos only heard his neighbor’s voice, 2 times TK lusted over a certain officer, +1 time it all melted together.
Captain Jack Books (Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017)) written by TrebleMaker07 and Shakespeare_stole_my_url, performed by Shakespeare_stole_my_url Summary: Jack Kelly is the proud owner of Captain Jack Books; however, business is down and the Delancey brothers have expanded. How will he keep Captain Jack Books relevant? And who is the cute guy that keeps coming around?
Fashionable Lectures, composed and delivered with Tact and Titillation (Lilywhite Boys Series - K. J. Charles) written by vinia, performed by jennisaisquoi Summary: The Marchioness of Cirencester seeks advice from her best friend, the Countess of Moreton.
Sk8 Infinity: Winter Break (SK8 the Infinity (Anime)) created by Syr, Opalsong, and Cantarina Summary: EM: It’s another episode of Ambiguous Robot and Earnest Hero Watching Anime, the podcast all about anime, fandom, and what shows are worth spending your short hours on this earth watching, and the drama they create along the way. I: Today we’re talking about Sk8 Infinity: Winter Break, the prequel series to SK8 The Infinity. And no, don’t ask us why it’s called that. This is just the anime nonsense that we are here for.
Old Words, New Mission (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)) written by poppetawoppet, performed by GhostCwtch Summary: In which 'Til the end of the line' resets all the other code words.
Nearly Enough (Hornblower - C. S. Forester) written by Sanguinity, performed by Luzula_podfic Summary: Over the course of two wild days and two wild nights in Kingston, Hornblower must choose which he wants more: command of the Retribution, or Lieutenant William Bush.
admiring flowers (Hannibal (TV)) written by Koschei_B, performed by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid Summary: Will's not a goddess, but he gets kidnapped by the Reaper all the same.
At the End of All Things [text, audio] (Transformers: Prime) written by autobotscoutriella, performed by Gilraina Summary: At the end of the war, Optimus goes in search of something still missing.
when all the roads you took came back to me (บทกวีของปีแสง | Be My Favorite (TV)) written by Kiranokira, performed by pieces0fstars Summary: In a timeline where Kawi and Pisaeng are both famous and secretly dating, a jetlagged Kawi sits on Pisaeng's lap during a livestream and accidentally outs them to the public.
It’s in the last fifteen seconds of the live while Pisaeng is promoting an upcoming appearance at a local music festival that a sleepy weight drops into his lap, changing the entire direction of not only his life but Kawi’s, too. Sweetly and adoringly, Kawi winds both arms around Pisaeng’s neck, puts his face on Pisaeng’s shoulder, and whines, “Pisaaaeeeng, you weren’t there when I woke up.”
Once More Into the Void (Teen Wolf (TV)) written by melly_diamond, performed by thilia Summary: Derek Hale has moved on with his life; he has a wife and child now, has rebuilt the Hale house, and is living contentedly in Beacon Hills. For a while. Until a long-buried evil rears its ugly head and chooses a new target to torment; Lorelei Hale, the nine year old daughter of Derek and Sasha Hale. And when no one, anywhere, can seem to rid the little girl of her interloper, a plea goes out into the supernatural world for their final option, a mysterious being - shaman, exorcist, magic-wielder - known only as M. to save her. Who is M.? And is he the answer to all their prayers or a whole other problem in itself?
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Well this came as kind of a surprise to me. The live-action/CG hybrid picture IF - from writer-director-star John Krasinski - scored $35m (estimate) on its opening weekend...
For context, this is an original family film not based on any pre-existing source material... And a largely live-action one at that...
This beats out the post-outbreak likes of... ENCANTO ($27m) and ELEMENTAL ($29m), in addition to non-sequel PG pictures that also happen to be based on something, such as THE BAD GUYS ($23m) and MUTANT MAYHEM ($28m). That's also just great for a live-action family film... Those have been kinda rare over the last 10 or so years. You have your occasional LYLE LYLE CROCODILES, but it's not like the '90s and '00s where they were seemingly everywhere as much as the animated ones were.
What went right here? I couldn't tell ya, I wasn't sure how this thing was going to do. It must've just hit right for audiences at the right time, especially after blah pre-sales. While it has a bit of a hurdle to leap (its $110m+ budget), this indicates - along with an A CinemaScore - that this one's gonna be leggy. Despite GARFIELD, despite INSIDE OUT 2, etc. Maybe families were just starved for some something to see together for a while, as KUNG FU PANDA 4 came out in early March... Tie that to the premise and the celebrity cast, yeah... Uhhhh... Possible breakout here?
I've long been writing on here about how animated family films play a much different game at the box office, post-outbreak. Families tight on money are choosier, and for a more original picture or something adapted from untried source material, the odds of opening big just aren't that high anymore. They have to leg it out. ELEMENTAL had to do it, so did MIGRATION, THE BAD GUYS, etc.
IF must've had some kind of pull. I mean what do I know? I'm not the general public, I thought the picture just looked kinda there. A typical live-action kids' movie with cute CG creatures in it. That somehow out-opened "funny duck movie from the Minions/Mario studio", "Pixar's people-as-the-elements movie", and so many other not-sequel animated movies released in the recent years. I wonder if being a live-action movie?
I'd love to see those kinds of animated movies open a little bigger again, like they did during the '10s. When a new DreamWorks or Blue Sky could feasibly hit $40-45m with ease. A massive budget film like ELIO would sure need it.
Anyways, I wonder how it fares next weekend against THE GARFIELD MOVIE. My cinema held a special advance screening of it earlier today, and the auditorium was JAM-PACKED. Right down to the front row. I had predicted this one would open pretty well, but who knows... It might really break out. After all, it *is* Garfield. It may just win next weekend, even if FURIOSA is thought to be the one. Reminds me of when BIG HERO 6 opened the same weekend as INTERSTELLAR in fall 2014... Who would win? Nolan with a space epic and fresh off of his blockbuster DARK KNIGHT trilogy? Or the Disney animated Marvel movie with the marshmallow robot? BIG HERO 6 won by a few millions, won domestically, while Nolan soared worldwide.
Maybe that repeats for THE GARFIELD MOVIE and FURIOSA? After all, the latter is an adult sci-fi/action movie. MAD MAX: FURY ROAD opened - unadjusted - with $45m back in 2015. I reckon this equals that, at least. We've been starved for a movie set in the wasteland, so a 9 year wait could really help that open pretty big. I won't call this the next Barbenheimer, the Garfuriosa, as it's not uncommon to open these kinds of pictures next to each other. Like how DreamWorks opened TROLLS on the same day as DOCTOR STRANGE, both did pretty well. Or FERDINAND opening the same day as STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. Barbenheimer was its own unique situation for sure, given the subject matter of both films, given that OPPENHEIMER was a three-hour biopic... We're talking about a 5th movie in a decades-old sci-fi/post-apocalyptic franchise vs. a comic strip movie.
Anyways, summer movie season is probably here. Ready to watch how GARFIELD, INSIDE OUT 2, DESPICABLE ME 4, and the like all do.
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Got some more :D
1: what apps do they like to use? I can see them using twitter & maybe TikTok; probably do silly videos on there.
2: did Nightwing & starfire, plus mar’i tried to hide their superhero identity from Jake? (Probably did the same before mar’i got her powers too.)
3: how would a starburst duo movie start?
4: besides spider-man, do they like other spider-man stuff like the venom movie?
5: do they play battle royale games? I can see them both playing Fortnite (& doing the dances both in & out of costumes) but Chris likes COD Warzone & Jake like apex legends.
6: silly question, since they are pre-teens almost & have girlfriends, what do they prefer: butts or boobs? or personality XD
Sorry for the wait @gothicghost2000 But Here we are XD
1. They have three primary social apps: YouTube (the first one respectively), Twitter and Tumblr. All three apps have specific tools The Duo can use for their particular hobbies and interests, Tumblr for example being the blog space where they can give their predicts and hypotheses about their favorite ongoing shows and where it can go from there.
YouTube is their video library place, for all sorts including live streams, recaps of favorite shows/games, and yes thank to the Shorts function, TikTok style videos. Chris and Jake thankfully have both Jake’s tech expertise and even Oracle on some occasions to help them make sure they don’t get busted for copyright by the algorithms.
2. Not entirely actually. Even as a toddler, Jake was a relatively smart cookie and everyone knew it so before he was able to piece it altogether by the time he was 3 to 4 in his own way, Dick and Kory came clean to him about everything and even Mar’i pitched in about her training to one day be a great superhero like Momma and Daddy are since she has powers while Jake’s are still not kicking in.
I can just imagine little Jakey looking at his family, taking it all in and then finally breaking the silence saying “Does that mean I blast lasers from my eyes too later?” Akin to when Marky found out his powers at the end did the original Invincible comic
3. Basically I’d have first a colorful and detailed title sequence that through simple comic panels and even some motion comic elements, details the basics of how the Duo were born, Chris’ arrival on Earth and adoption by the Kents, the two first meeting as little kids who look up to their parents as their heroes, Jake’s power first kicking in when fending off a bully at school, the Duo training on their powers together and gaining renown slow but steadily, then once the title scene ends, we open with a bang as we are catching up with the Duo in the middle of a massive superhero battle in Metropolis against all sorts of baddies and villains, something akin to the opening shots of Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
4. They have a good laugh and thrill at the first and second Venom movies respectively. They also are big time fans of the Spiderverse films; there actually is a strongly passionate debate between Chris and Jake over which Spidey films are better. Chris vouches for the Raimi trilogy while Jake sides firmly with Spiderverse. Other than all that though, both also watch every single Spidey animated series, good or bad, collect what their friends online consider the best runs in both Marvel Prime and the Ultimate Universe (the latter Jake is really into thanks to his Uncle Tim(my) loving Ultimate Spidey) and regularly playing co op on the Playstation games
5. Only once a month really and it’s mainly Fortnite. I can’t really see them playing COD or Apex not just because those two are more FPS centric which even if fictional in universe doesn’t sit that well with them for various reasons, but also for COD especially there egregious money practices from all that miscellaneous DLC, Lootboxes when they are a thing, battle passes, etc. it just doesn’t sit right even if technically Jake can be considered a millionaire’s kid at best
6. Personality. Full stop. Even if they’re aware of the more scandalous and fanservice side of true love, they have the content of a female’s character above physical appearance of any kind. Chris and Jake respect girls and women, plain and simple.
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tinywitchgoblin · 2 months
Hi I would like a ship request for tbb please :) I'm a 22 year old girl I have shoulder length dark brown hair with red highlights. How I dress is either kind of a basic androgynous look like T-shirt/sweatshirt and jeans or kinda sexually charged feminine look, when I'm in the mood to put in an effort with my outfit I typically like to feel sexy. Lots of really tight tank tops and crop tops. Most of my wardrobe is black, I'm a tiny goth at heart but I wouldn't say it reflects so much on my outer appearance as it once did.
I love watching movies + TV shows, it's probably my favorite pastime I rewatch stuff a lot (like I got paid for rewatching Grey's Anatomy or any marvel movie with Bucky Barnes and I could've probably bought a house by now). Hugely into all the nerdy franchises, super heroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who. I love to bake and paint in my free time. I like to read but don't get to as often as I would like because I need utter silence to concentrate or my ears like to hyper focus on literally anything else that is around me 🙃. I'm very soft spoken in group settings, I find it difficult to get in my piece, I get cutoff most times so I tend to just listen to conversations. I do like to be a person that others think they come too if they need to rant about anything but I also get wildly uncomfortable when people cry around me, unless we are like super super close. I do have a bit of maternal instinct and like babies and younger children but do not mistake that for me wanting my own kids. Not gonna happen. Animals only please lol. I like to be helpful were I can but please also be hyper specific with your needs because I will stress about if what I am doing is right or even at all helpful. I love to give gifts. Giving someone something special or thoughtful and seeing them light up brings me the most joy in life. Even if it's as small as like a cupcake if they get any kind of joy out of it I feel that joy too and it makes my heart happy. I can be very snippy and sarcastic especially if you are acting the same way with me. I'll end that here, thank you for your time. ❤️
Of course ❤️
I ship you with...
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As I'm sure we've all figured out by now, Tech is a Nerd(tm), so being able to learn about your interests fascinates him. He never got to watch movies or TV shows on Kamino; if he wanted to hear a story, he either had to hear someone else tell it or he had to make it up himself. However, now that he's with you, there are so many things for him to watch!! And to make it better, watching new things allows him to spend time with you? Win-win! Just be aware, he will multitask while watching; he just needs to do something with his hands at all times.
Baking with Tech is something you both enjoy as well. Tech much prefers baking over cooking because it's much more exact, and the directions tend to be a lot more specific- something he does well with. He researches new recipes that he wants to make with you, looking up multiple versions to see what techniques work the best, which ingredients to use, etc. so that the final product is the best it can be. Sometimes Tech takes baking a little too seriously, so you might have to reign him in a little bit and remind him that this is a relaxing activity.
When in social situations, you and he tend to stay close together. Depending on the topic, Tech most likely won't have a ton to offer up, so you and he end up sitting and listening to others talk, sitting there and enjoying the company. Sometimes Crosshair will join you, but other times, he needs space to be grumpy. However, whenever you eant to say something and can't seem to get a word in, Tech will make the others stop so that you can talk. It was a little embarrassing at first, but it soon became a habit, because if anything, Tech wants to make sure his loved one is able to express themself fully.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - NUMBER ONE
Welcome to the final installment of “The Price May Be Right!” I’ve been counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown has covered movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media…and now, it’s time for the finale. My All-Time Favorite Vincent Price Performance! NUMBER ONE IS…Tim Burton’s “Vincent.”
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If you haven’t seen this short stop-motion film, you should. It’s interesting and important for a LOT of reasons. This short film was the official cinematic debut of Tim Burton; at the time, Burton was working as a concept artist and in-betweener for the Disney studios. While his work was never really used, some people on the administrative staff felt there was potential in the young animator, and decided to throw him a bone, so to speak, and see what he could do. This led to the production of a simple six-minute animated piece entitled “Vincent,” based on a poem Burton had written. “Vincent” is a strange piece, in that it is both very simple and very ambiguous. The poem tells the story of a young lad named Vincent Malloy: “for a boy his age, he’s considerate and nice…but he wants to be just like Vincent Price.” The youth imagines himself as a mad scientist, going on dark adventures inspired by multiple Vincent Price movies, including “House of Usher,” “Pit and the Pendulum,” and “House of Wax.” It seems to be a humorously Gothic piece…up until the ending. I won’t give away what the ending is, but it’s a very odd and unusual way for the story to end, as you can’t really tell what’s going on. But that’s also part of what makes it so impactful: it leaves things open to interpretation, and any answer you come up with is interesting. Burton was – and still is – a lifelong fan of Vincent Price. The poem, and the short, were a tribute to the actor and his career. It was fitting, therefore, that Price himself be asked to perform the reading of the poem, as narrator for the short. Price said that the short was one of the greatest tributes he ever received as a performer, and that the experience was “gratifying” beyond compare: “It was immortality – better than a star on Hollywood Boulevard!” (It should be noted that Price had no less than TWO stars on Hollywood Boulevard, so that is saying a lot.) It might seem odd that I’d place something like this at number one, but for me, “Vincent” is just something so rare and beautiful: it’s a tribute to a great actor being performed BY that same actor, and it’s something that feels deeply personal to all parties involved as a result. Tim Burton made no secret of the fact that the character of Vincent Malloy was sort of meant to be a stand-in for himself, to the point where the character is actually meant to resemble both Burton and Vincent Price put together. However, I’m tempted to say Vincent must have seen something of himself as a child in the character. Even if he did not, you can feel the honesty in his performance of the narration, as his own sense of sardonic with and dark elegance permeates every frame. And the fact it was something so intrinsically connected to his life and his work only adds to the power of the result. Like the short itself, the overall result is both humble and grandiose at the same time; something so simple and yet so complex to describe. Bottom line…for me, “Vincent” is SYNONYMOUS with Vincent Price: when I think of one, I think of the other. That is all the reason I need to name this short subject as My Favorite Vincent Price Performance. Thank you all for joining me! And Happy Birthday once again to the great Mr. Price! I hope that you, Peter Cushing, and Christopher Lee are having a blast putting on that marvelous mystery movie in the sky.
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namikiheights · 1 year
Aria of a Starless Night and Gay Coding
I just rewatched the first Progressive movie with some friends and I realized some things so I am going to share those thoughts here.
I truly, genuinely believe that Aria is 100% a yuri story and that certain scenes are metaphors for romantic milestones in Mito and Asuna’s romantic relationship. Prepare for some farfetched BS, lol. I really had fun writing this, though, so I just had to post!
TW: Mentions of suicide attempts, suicide as a literary and religious trope.
Their meeting.
Theway Asuna and Mito meet is very reminiscent of yuri manga, the trope here is how Asuna finds a secret side of Mito outside of school and they bond over that. In accordance to the yuri trope, they also keep their relationship secret (because, obviously, they are both girls).
There is also a kabedon, Mito’s pinning of Asuna against the (bus stop) wall, which is almost always seen as romantic.
The hug (when Mito does so after Asuna yells at her to leave her alone).
A little before the movie released in Japan, they ran a joint trailer of Progressive with… Marvel’s Eternals. By joint trailer I mean that clips of each movie were played side by side. Now, Eternals got some heat because it showed a sex scene between the two main characters. And what scene did they choose to put next to the Mito and Asuna hug? The scene that leads to the controversial one.
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I joked about this a lot when I found out, but now I think it really was supposed to represent something more intimate than a hug (…maybe just a kiss). This is especially because what comes after is…
The handshake where Mito and Asuna say yoroshiku. Yoroshiku can mean a bazillion things BUT it is also used when people get married—as in, “I am in your care from now on [because we are family].” They have affirmed their love even in their darkest moments and now they are married, which brings us to…
The honeymoon daze.
There is a lot of happiness, gift giving, and touching (not just physical, but their blades cross the same way Kirito and Asuna’s do to show their romance in the very first anime opening!) going on here. The fun and domestic montage makes it seem like they've already forgotten about death, that’s just how lost in love they are. Obviously, the movie reminds them because this is still an SAO movie, but it’s very obvious that Mito training Asuna is like her being the breadwinner. This culminates in her caveman husband gets sword for her wife moment
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which leads to…
Mito choosing the way out that she did when she saw Asuna dying. Her running away showed that she wasn't ready for the commitment of being family after all; when the going got tough, she went and ran…
NOT (really)!
In Memorable Song, the side story written by Reki for this movie, it is revealed that Mito wasn’t running away to save herself but rather running away to kill herself. She assumes the monsters will catch up to and kill her, and that once she is dead she will reunite with Asuna in the afterlife. Mito already assumes the worst, but her first attempt fails so she tries two more times and still fails to die. (Remember this faltering.)
Now let me refresh everyone on shinjuu. (Oh brother, Red, not this again!) Shinjuu is a Buddhist practice but more often Buddhist theatrical trope that is often translated to as lover’s suicide. When two star crossed lovers just cannot be, they choose to die together and/or kill each other (which guarantees them a spot in Heaven) and have their love story in the after life instead.
Shinjuu is portrayed in many different ways depending on the context of the play and the giri (perceived responsibilities) and ninjou (emotionally-charged desires) of the characters. In Shinjuu Tenno Amijima, shinjuu is, in fact, viewed as wrong and cowardly and a HORRIBLE IDEA (what most people think of Mito’s decision)… when family is in the mix. (A reminder that Mito and Asuna are now family because of their marriage.) This is because of the responsibility one has toward their family (Mito getting the sword for her wife) coming at odds with the insanity the throes of love may cause (Mito not wanting to see her wife die). I’m thinking that this is the shinjuumono (love suicide story) execution they went with for this movie, the subsequent bonus novel, and this yuri relationship overall. Mito isn't quite ready for the harder parts of the relationship, so she hastily chooses shinjuu without really taking Asuna’s feelings (that she might feel abandoned or not want Mito to do this) into account (like the protagonist of Shinjuu Tenno Amijima except Mito isn’t a misogynist, she’s just a bit tunnel visioned as shown in her backstory and her marriage proposal). She thinks she can absolve herself if she just reunites with Asuna in Heaven (again, shinjuu is a free ticket there). But the way she tries and fails three times is just like how the lovers in Shinjuu Tenno Amijima waver whether or not to actually commit shinjuu a bazillion times. Anyway, even though both of them are hurt, obviously Asuna is just a smidgen more hurt because she's confused about what just happened. And then Mito’s response is to mope about it over and over, just like the protagonist.
Obviously, in the end, shinjuu never happens and Aria isn’t a perfect one to one with Amijima. But the idea is still there and, because it is, it cements Aria as an actual yuri story since shinjuu is mostly a romantic trope. Rather than bait, Aria is coding since it’s still sort of difficult to show queer stories on a big platform. But Mito and Asuna really were in a romantic relationship. I am sure of this.
EXTRA: One of many things that annoy me about Aria (although I still enjoy the movie as a whole) is that Alice’s motif is present in HALF the songs of the movie! I don’t really fault the composer for this because it’s most definitely just because she has composed so much music (a part of a song from one of the Kara no Kyoukai movies became Yuuna’s motif, hilariously) but it does ruin the immersion for me because Alice is not in Aincrad. However, she does have one similarity with Mito—not consulting the other party when considering shinjuu (Hisui has opened that can of worms before, so I won’t say much more than that it wouldn’t work between Alice and Kirito)! I like to think her motif is present in Aria because of this, lol.
Anyway, thank you for reading my crazy thoughts! Hope you all enjoyed(?) or at least learned something! Peace!
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mccraecook99 · 8 months
Happy 100th Anniversary,Disney! 🏰 💫 ✨
Yesterday,100 years ago,Walt Disney and his brother,Roy launched a animation studio on October 16th,1923,after experimenting with a few projects,Walt had a dream that eventually all started with a mouse named Mickey,who became a cultural phenomenon thanks to Steamboat Willie when it was released on 1928 and was followed by other Disney cartoon icons such as Donald Duck and Goofy,then later would go on to create the world’s first fully animated feature,Snow White and The Seven Dwarves in 1937,which it’s success kickstarted Walt Disney Animation Studio as the true forefather of animated features and Walt and later,his studio after his death in 1966, would go on create so many timeless animated feature films all the way to this day with memorable classics like Pinocchio,Fantasia,Dumbo,Bambi,Cinderella,Alice In Wonderland,Peter Pan,101 Dalmations,The Jungle Book,The Little Mermaid,Beauty and The Beast,Aladdin,The Lion King,Mulan,Tarzan,Lilo and Stitch and modern ones like The Princess and The Frog,Tangled,Wreck-It-Ralph,Frozen,Big Hero 6,Zootopia,Moana,and Encanto,Disney would also experiment with movies combining both live-action and animation like the controversial Song of The South(1946) and Mary Poppins(1964) and even he begin to make the jump to live-action films started with Treasure Island(1950),which the company had also continued to this day. 
After Walt’s death in 1966,his company would grow to become not one of the biggest film companies in Hollywood,but the best in media with theme parks(such as Disneyland,the happiest place of earth that Walt opened in 1955 and Walt Disney World,which opened in theme parks),having several subsidiaries like Pixar(the studio that godfathered computer-animation thanks to Toy Story and created so many memorable computer-animated flicks like Monster’s Inc,Finding Nemo,The Incredibles,Cars,Ratatouille,Wall-E,Up,Inside Out,Coco,Soul,Luca,and Turning Red) and Marvel Studios(home of the Marvel Cinematic Universe),streaming services(Disney+ and Hulu),and television(ABC and Disney Channel). 
Despite Disney having been it’s up’s and downs in the entertainment industry recently(mostly due to it’s hit-or-miss trend of live-action remakes of their beloved animated films that was started by their live-action department thanks to Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland and Bob Chapek nearly bringing the company down to the ground during his short tenure as CEO from 2020-2022),they are still a beloved entertainment company who gives us magical storytelling(both animated and live-action),iconic and beloved characters(such as Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,Goofy,Snow White,Buzz Lightyear,Jack Sparrow,Mary Poppins,Stitch,Elsa,Rapunzel,Cinderella,Ariel,Maleficent,Wreck-It-Ralph,and Moana),amazing theme parks and live stage shows,and great quality content(including Walt Disney Animation Studios,Pixar,Marvel Studios,Star Wars stuff,and Disney’s television animation unit,famous for giving us animated shows on the Disney Channel,Disney+,and Disney Junior). 
The new recent Walt Disney Animation Studios,Once Upon A Studio I’ve watched yesterday on ABC was truely a love-letter to the magical legacy that Walt Disney started 100 years ago and very happy seeing all of the Disney animated characters I’ve grown up with over the years getting together for a huge group photo really warms my heart and I really loved the emotional scene where Mickey thanks his old buddy,Walt for starting this 100-year old legacy that the studio continued to this day. 
Happy 100 Years of Wonder,Disney! Thank you for continuing Walt Disney’s magical legacy he brought to the studio that started out with a mouse 100 years ago and still continuing to make people’s dreams come true to this day and still keep moving forward to explore new ideas and try new things. ✨💫🏰
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distort-opia · 1 year
Can you list out any enemies to lovers ships you’re invested in? It’s great to see we have the same taste. I also love Batjokes, Cherik, LLight, and Hannigram. I’d love to discover more.
All great ships to love! Ah man, my taste in other enemies-to-lovers ships runs from Ye Olde 2012 Tumblr days to Kdramas/Cdramas I would recommend with my dying breath, so I'll just... take you on a journey. Trying to limit myself to ships that lasted a while and for which I read fics for, and almost wrote fics for myself, yet somehow this still got super long (sorry).
But to start with the bigger ones... when it comes to other enemies-to-lovers ships that are well-known and quite big, I am also partial to Obikin (Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker), Silverflint (James Flint and John Silver), Wangxian (Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian), JWDS (Joowon and Dongsik), Thorki (Loki and Thor) and Harrymort (Harry Potter and Voldemort).
Obikin has more of the Cherik & Megop set-up; they had a very close relationship before one of them became the "enemy", ending up on opposite sides of a conflict. Don't know how familiar you are with Star Wars, but the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi show is just... so incredibly shippy. And angsty, and well-written. I fully recommend it. When it comes to Silverflint, it's a bit more complicated. They're not classical nemeses or part of fantastical worlds. It's more like Hannigram, in the sense that they're more grounded, darker. Flint and Silver don't get along, and then they do, and then they don't. It's such a complex, fascinating dynamic, and I recommend watching Black so so much. And man, I also recommend getting into The Untamed or any of its corollaries; the novel Mo Dao Zu Shi is the original, but if you prefer anime, there's also that. Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian (Wangxian) are... complicated, in the sense they're not quite enemies-to-lovers (they never truly hated each other), but they also are, since they definitely were on opposite sides of a conflict and fought each other. The thing about Wangxian and The Untamed is that it's a tragedy at its core, but one that gets a second chance. It's rather unique in that, and heart-wrenching. Then there's JWDS from the Korean show Beyond Evil; it's the ship between Joowon and Dongsik, the main characters. You've got Joowon who literally starts out suspecting his police partner of murder, and Dongsik who's... well. A wreck of a man for multiple reasons, but a manipulative one. Their enemies-to-lovers arc pretty much happens in the show, and it's brain-rot inducing, ugh. Fully recommend it. (If you watch Beyond Evil and like it, tack on The Devil Judge and Strangers from Hell on the list as well. Very Hannigram-like dynamics in these, with Strangers from Hell being... speedrun Hannigram on steroids that's somehow darker.)
Now to get into the last two rather "problematic" ships :)) When it comes to Thorki, I guess it depends on what squicks you. Back in my youth (read: a decade ago) the ship was thriving, and while there were some pearl-clutching voices here and there, they weren't the majority. Now you're likely to get people going "oh my god?? incest??" even though Thor and Loki are not even the same alien race, nevermind of the same blood. You can only call it pseudoincest, since they did grow up together. But hell, even if they were real brothers, it's a fictional pairing that's harming no one; and enough said on this front, before I get annoyed. I loved both characters and their dynamic a lot... up to Thor: Ragnarok and everything since then. No idea how familiar you are with Marvel stuff, but basically the first Thor movie, Thor: The Dark World, and The Avengers (2012) are peak Thorki-- to me. And lastly, to get to Harrymort... [sigh]. Mentioning it because I definitely ship it, but my enjoyment of anything Harry Potter has been poisoned by JKR and recent events. I don't engage much with material anymore, but dammit, the fandom has some incredible novel-length fics that do these characters and their potential more justice than the author ever did. The quality of fic for these two is unbelievable, and I'm basically... a fan of fanon Harrymort, because I could write a whole-ass essay and then two books on top about how JKR completely failed with this dynamic in the books-- and I don't mean in any way romantically, but just as nemeses or parallels supposed to teach a lesson or send a message.
Anyway! My main enemies-to-lovers and most enduring ships are definitely Batjokes, Lawlight, Hannigram and Cherik (in this chronological order of emergence, hah). Out the other ships I mentioned, I most heartily recommend watching Black Sails, Beyond Evil and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Also, maybe you'd enjoy Interview with the Vampire and Loustat, which is very... Hannigram-coded and incredible to watch. And Killing Eve, which hinges on the Villanelle ship? I liked these two shows a lot, although they did not quite activate Hyperfixation Mode in my brain. Perhaps they will for you. If you get into any of these, hope you enjoy <3
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
I know I’m a bit late, but I just watched the 1st 3 eps of Star Wars Andor
So spoilers (for Andor and Rogue One)…
I hadn’t really seen Andor on my Tumblr dash so honestly, I wasn’t sure what to think. I watched OWK (Obi-Wan Kenobi) and honestly, I thought it could’ve been better. I’ll do another post on my thoughts on OWK but I really wanted to talk about Andor (because I haven’t really seen anyone talk about it??). So because I was slightly disappointed with OWK, I was skeptical about Andor (despite the trailer). Because we know that pretty much everyone dies in Rogue One, I thought Andor was a bit…out of order? Idk if that’s the right term. I thought Andor was similar to Marvel’s Black Widow movie tbh. It was good but because we already know that Cassian dies, events preceding Rogue One seem a little…unimportant? Again, I’m not sure if that’s the right word to use.
After watching the 1st 3 eps, despite the story going all over the place (there are so many characters they introduce), I actually kind of liked that? It reminded me of Game of Thrones. Mixing in the flashbacks of Cassian’s backstory (he’s like a tribal kid or something) also reminded me of TBoBF (The Book of Boba Fett) with the Tusken Raiders flashbacks. I liked BoBF tbh and I know a lot of people have mixed reviews about it, but I really enjoyed it, more so than OWK (honestly I like both shows, but I’m more knit-picky about OWK).
I think the only thing I’d change so far in Andor would be the addition of subtitles. I’d like to know what everyone’s saying in the tribal flashbacks. I know it’s supposed to be one of those things about understanding what’s happening just from setting/context/whatever, but I’d prefer subtitles because I, personally, have a hard time reading people’s emotions/expressions so when the kids all decided to check out the crashed ship and Cassian’s little sis had to stay behind, I was a bit confused as to what was happening/why they were going. I had to rewatch the flashback tribal scenes a couple times to really understand what was going on. Strange thing is, I really enjoy Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron, a movie where there is little dialog and the animals do not talk. I think maybe Andor could’ve done a little narration over the flashbacks if they were persistent about not using subtitles, similar to Spirit.
Also I really enjoyed the music and even if I couldn’t understand at some points what was going on, the music really helped set the tone for each scene. I think SW has always been pretty consistent having great music. People used to shit on the prequels but one thing no one ever said was the music was trash. Like Duel of the Fates and Battle of Heroes is amazing (TPM and RoTS respectively). Even in the Clone Wars series, I thought the music was great. It had such a mid-2000s vibe to it that I can’t really describe other than ‘mid-2000s’ lol. So I’m not surprised Andor would continue with the good music.
I know the first few episodes are supposed to be more world-building and exposition to explain what’s going on so I’m sure the episodes will seem more…put together, if that makes sense, as the season goes on. Also, I heard S2 was confirmed??? Lemme know if that’s true or not cuz I’m sure having an extra season also allows the writers/people involved to go as slow/detailed as they want with the world-building, but rn Andor just kinda seems all over the place.
I like that the Empire hasn’t really shown up yet either. I’m sure that’ll change as the season goes on as well, but I like that there’s more than one ‘evil’ presence. I’ll be real here and say that I’m not too sure who the guys in the blue uniforms are. They’re like the policing force on whatever planet Cassian was on (after the flashbacks and Cassian ends up killing 2 of the guys). If anyone knows who they are and if we’ve seen them before, please lemme know. But I like that they weren’t Empire (and if they are, sorry I didn’t pick up on that), though it seemed like they reported to the Empire?? Again, idk.
I don’t think I have any expectations going forward really, but one thing I do hope they show is how K2 and Cassian met and Cassian reprogramming him (like how Nick Nolte’s character on Mando reprogrammed that IG11 droid). But other than that, I don’t really have anything else I wanna see other than a good story lol. It doesn’t matter how pretty the settings are, how good the music is if the story sucks.
So I think that’s all of my main thoughts on Andor so far, which I’m sure will change once more episodes come out. In short, the story is just starting but because of how many new characters there are, the story seems a bit all over the place. I’d also like subtitles for any of the flashback tribal scenes (though with Maarva taking him at the end of ep3, I’m sure there won’t be so many long talking scenes w/o subtitles and she will teach him English/Basic? Idk if it’s Basic or Common). The music was good and the scenery/effects looked nice. I think maybe this show would’ve done better had it been released before Rogue One (because watching it all I could think about was how similar it was to Black Widow, not in the story but b/c the main characters die in movies released before). Overall, not bad and I think Andor’s better than OWK by ep3. I’m a bit surprised I haven’t really seen any posts on Tumblr about it.
I’d love to talk to anyone and hear your thoughts on the show because I haven’t really seen anyone talk about it. Thanks Readers!
PS—I’ll do a more in-depth review once the series is over as well
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disneytva · 2 years
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The Great North Creators And Marvel Studios Deadpool 3 Writters Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux Ink Overall Development Deal With 20th Television Animation.
Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin have inked a new overall deal with 20th Television Animation, extending their releationship with a multi-year agreement that will see the sisters continue as executive showrunners on their show The Great North and as writers/exec producers on Bob’s Burgers, both on FOX.
The duo will also be developing and producing new animated projects including new adult animated series,films and specials for ABC Network,FX,FXX,Freeform,Hulu and Star+. 
The Molyneuxs honed their animation skills as staff writers on Bob’s Burgers, earning Emmy and Annie Awards for their work on the ongoing show over the years. Together with Minty Lewis, They created The Great North and launched the series in early 2021..
They have also worked in live-action feature films, adapting The People We Hate at the Wedding (out Nov. 18) as well as working on Marvel Studios Deadpool 3 starring Ryan Reynolds on animation the worked on an pitch for a animated film adaptation of Hot Stuff the Little Devil for Dreamworks Animation as well being Executive Producers for The Bob's Burgers Movie.
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