#there are 3 braincells in the tribe
webslingerofthegalaxy · 8 months
Okay, unpopular opinion that no one asked for but I have nowhere else to vent it so you're stuck with it time. I HATE the animated trolls shows, The Beat Goes On and Trollstopia. With a burning passion. I will admit, TBGO wasn't as bad as Trollstopia imo, but it was still bad. Why, you may ask?
Allow me to explain.
First off, let's start with TBGO. Now, since this comes after the first movie and we don't have a lot of context beyond it, I let a lot slide. But the main transgression I have is that this show brought Creek back. CREEK. Of all the MISERABLE LOUSY PATHETIC COWARDS to resurrect, they picked CREEK. WHY. Why was this necessary???? He adds nothing to the story beyond an annoying presence that makes me want to hurl my device like Captain America's shield. AND THEN, they make Branch the bad guy for not trusting him immediately. OF COURSE HE DIDN'T TRUST CREEK, THE SLIMY POS SOLD EVERYONE OUT TO SAVE HIS OWN SKIN. DID EVERYONE FORGET THAT!?!?! And then this leads to Branch having to APOLOGIZE to Creek and then eventually to them sort of becoming friends. THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Every episode he was in I could feel myself losing braincells.
If you thought that was alot, stick around for my rant on Trollstopia because holy shit, where do I begin?
Now, the idea behind Trollstopia is actually a good one. Like hey, everyone is so spread out, how about a group from every tribe comes to live in the middle which happens to be Pop Village? Genius! And I will admit, in the beginning it seemed promising! And then, they fucked it up.
How, you may ask?
Simple. My point can be simplified to 2 main subjects:
They put WAAAYYYY too much effort into Poppy's relationships with literally EVERYONE ELSE and nowhere near enough into her relationship with Branch, HER BOYFRIEND.
They absolutely, totally, 110,000% DESTROYED Branch's character.
I shall now explain my stance. First off, we have point #1. Now, don't get me wrong. Poppy should absolutely have relationships with other trolls! She's the queen, for hair's sake! And I really did enjoy the fact that she made new friends and got really close with them. As someone who has eternally struggled with making and maintaining friendships, I loved seeing her do what I usually cannot. HOWEVER, this is no excuse to neglect her relationship with her actual fucking BOYFRIEND. Trollstopia takes place after TWT, after Branch and Poppy confessed and entered a relationship (if you wanna argue with me, look at the official Trolls Wiki, it'll back me up). But if you watch the show, you can barely tell they LIKE each other, let alone that they're dating. The show ran for 7 seasons and, out of those seasons, can anyone tell me a single episode where they were the focus? I won't even ask about them as a couple, just them interacting together being the focus! Poppy and her friends repeatedly bulldozed over Branch, his feelings, and his boundaries, constantly mocked him, and shit on anything he wanted to do. I swear at times it was like watching Trolls 1 Branch and Poppy interact.
Finally, my second point: Branch's character. They absolutely fucking took all of Branch's hard earned character development from 2 movies and a holiday special and went:
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Wanna know how I know? What does Branch actually DO in Trollstopia? About every 10th episode, he shows up to offer a crappy sarcastic remark that pales in comparison to his usual ones and does one of 3 things:
Gets hurt
Gets made fun of
Acts like a total moron, and not in a cute way.
He's basically turned into Jay from the later seasons of Ninjago (my apologies Jay, I love you but you know it's true). I mean, in one episode he got his ass absolutely HANDED to him when he tried the rodeo! COME ON. The dude who caught a stick fired at him without looking and jumped in front of a death bolt to save Poppy got served by a fucking bull thing? Bullshit (no pun intended). To add onto this, when he's not being trampled and beaten for no fucking reason, he's being used for the most CRINGEWORTHY comedic relief. I mean really, there was a whole episode about how he wanted to be called a "cool nickname" by Lownote. Really? We really think that's in character? And to top it off, he gets stuck with "Skippy Two-Shoes". WHAT. THE. FUCK??? I almost had an aneurysm when I heard that. And everyone was fine with it!!!! Which leads into my last point, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIM DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE SAVED POPPY AND IS HER FUCKING BOYFRIEND. There was a whole fucking episode about him getting all pissed off at the Techno Trolls for taking over his lagoon in his bunker (which I have to say I'm jealous he has) to have "raves" at like 4am. WHO WOULDN'T BE PISSED OFF??? My upstairs neighbors bang around at all fucking hours of the day and it drives me insane so I get why Branch is mad! BUT WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE? Why is it when he complains he gets told that he's being "unfair" and has to "share"? Fuck that, he was there first! It's not like Trollstopia isn't huge, they can find somewhere else to infest at 4am!
In conclusion, I hate the animated shows because they destroy the relationship between Branch and Poppy and demolish all of Branch's character development, reducing him to the annoying sidekick that always gets cheered at when they get hurt or die tragically.
End of rant. Thank you for sticking with me, I needed to get that off my shoulders. Branch is my favorite character and it infuriates me that he gets the short end of the stick all the time. Enjoy this as a reward:
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I think these 3 should hold hands together, maybe even kiss, but most importantly: Leave Yubel with most of the braincells, even when they’re being collectively dumb.
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m0thcl0wn · 6 months
zou ramble post
whyd Wanda lick Luffy
also Pedro <3
OH Robin and the dragon, shes adorable shes really grown to be one of my favourites over all (i dont think i could list like 1-10 my favourite straw hats, theyre all my favourites)
Luffy getting washed away after being told to hang on. love him. idiot.
"then its true they must be-" "A Cannibal Tribe." "NOOOOO"
i love Shachi's voice
i like the new eye catchers theyre fun
the chumby gatormobile (Wany)
Zoro letting Usopp puppet him. like he just goes along with it
Nami sleeping on the sheep (shes so pretty in the purple/blue? dress)
theyre all happy to see luffy the most they love their captain
Sanji :(
Zoro noticing Nami get upset at the mention of Sanji
(god WCI is going to fucking HURT)
((like im already crying, Sanji has been one of my favourites since the beginning, i know some what what happens in it but GOD its nothing like the real thing yknow? the same with when Ace died, i knee it was coming but it hurt like hell))
they keep apologising for Sanji, my chest hurts
Brook with his hand on Luffys shoulder, hes a dad
the dog minks going after Brook cos hes bones LEAVE HIM ALONE and the straw hats just letting it happen
(side note sanji with his shirt/jacket over his shoulders hes SO HOT)
i love getting to watch Brook actually fight, hes so cool
them using Ceaser to carry the canon balls wheeze
"shippy" (sadly)
god Sanji
Law holding up Bepo (his lil smile) hes so happy seeing his crew again
Luffy making the bridge jump usopp telling him to read the room
"Luffy dont talk about the samurai" "wheres the ninja our SAMURAI FRIEND KINEMON wanted to see" youre such an idiot Luffy i love you
Shishilian <3
Dogstorm big and him falling asleep mid convo about Shanks
Pekoms crying over his family and changing his hatred for the straw hats to Nack and beast pirates wheeze
Ceaser is v cute, i like him a lot (i like his cunty leotard and eyeliner)
i wonder if Sanji *knew* that this ends up the way it does (ep 762, idk if its confirmed after this, thats where i am while writing it), the looks he keeps giving makes me think he does, does he know that this will lead back to Germa 66 and his family?
"Sanji gets a startling invitation" aAA
do you ever think about the dudes in Bege and like, do you wonder what they thought the first time around getting inside this dude?
"i can kick your lumpy ass anytime"
Ceaser is a girlfailure
"i imagine youd have to slice through his abandon" thank you robin
do they never show us haow to get in the castle castle fruit, thats what i wanna know, thats freaky as hell
oh Sanji has gotta know right hes so angry
oh god this is really gonna hurt
he looks so disgusted at the invitation poor dude
Brook knows about the Vinsmokes?
they all love their captain so much
poor Sanji
(he is so handsome though)
two smokers staring each other down across a long table
sanji my poor self sacrificing boy
this is going to hurt so much
Zoro stop being a little bitch
(hes not really but like cmon yknow, you can just be honest that youre worried)
Luffys lil tongue licking his sting
i love whenever Brook gets to sing it always slaps and i just love him
master cat viper(tm) the song slaps idc what anyone says
the raindeer/deer mink chopper falls in love with for like 30 seconds
"youre worried about Sanji too, huh?" Luffy knows his crew like the back of his hands
the heart pirates posing for Luffy
"not cool not cool not cool" you tell him
"we're not friends we're strategic allies" oh law youre already in too deep
cat viper is garfield?
Brook, Franky and Robin trying to guess what the drawing was
Kin'emon and Kanjuro share one braincell
FUCKING SHISHILIAN WHEEZE whyd he scream!! cmon man!!!
dogstorm and cat viper (enemies to friends to lovers 80k words)
the minks letting their city fall for their friends sobbing
the soft soft music
lord momonosuke wild
"nin nin NINJA"
theyre so sad its not the ninja they wanted
(more and more talk of wano, so fucking close)
Luffys frowny face
theyre menacing Raizo poor man
"so, no shadow clowns?" sobs Law i love you hes so fucking excited when Raizo does it
theyre all so happy about it
"shes SUPEERRR" frobin stans rise
feral for Rayleigh that man is SO hot i shouldnt be allowed near him (also Roger. actually worse with Roger, tumblr would delete me if i said anything)
hes gonna say no
overtaken getting louder in the background god i love the music of op
"straw hat you shouldve run this be me first" "but its cool right?" "well yeah but"
they fist pump for the alliance
"do we need the ninja part?" "OH COURSE WE DO"
"us being allies means we're best friends"
Zoro is so jealous of his captain praising Sanji
the beast pirates planning on killing Zunesha makes me think, what is zous plan when Zunesha died?
Luffy being like who the fuck is marco? "he looks like a pineapple" OH THAT GUY
"dinner time dinner time dinner time dinner time"
"captain could you bring back a poneglyph rubbing pretty please" "THAT WAS SO CUTE" youre right usopp it was
love Luffy being a special little guy
Pedros tail LONG
Zoro getting lost and Law making fun of him
new clima tact lets gO
starting to see some,,, odd art choices
and just like that no more Zou
0 notes
tailorvizsla · 4 years
A Proper Mandalorian Courtship: Chapter 7
Title: Calm Before the Storm Pairing: Paz x f!Reader (finally), mentions of Paz & various characters Word Count: ~10.1k Rating: PG-13 Warnings: References to illness, as well as the fear that someone might hurt themselves (but that’s as heavy as it gets), feelings, Paz With Children
📚 My Master List 📚
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10
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❤️❤️❤️ This beautiful moodboard is by the amazing @huliabitch! Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Tags: @hdlynn @ffiiggyy50 @princessbatears @ben-is-a-hoe @oloreaa @andromedanerds @phoenixhalliwell @mandhoelorian @dornish-queen @corrupt-fvcker​ @kazzilla​
Slouching in his chair, Paz stares out at the blue lights zipping by across the windows as they navigate the hyperspace lane. Exhaustion fills him down to the bone, yet he cannot find rest. When they come into range of the communication buoy, he sends a short message ahead to Doctor Shen and asks her to clear the hangar out. She does not ask questions.
In the half hour it takes to get home, Paz gets Zephyr’s things together – he grabs a spare set of clothes and does a quick spot-clean of his armor to get the worst of the filth off. After that, Paz returns to the cockpit and guides the ship into the hangar. The doors are shut and one of the people break off to leave, leaving behind Doctor Shen’s familiar white armor.
He opens the ramp from the cockpit and goes to check on Zephyr. His heart sinks as he steps into the room. The young man is sitting up, arms wrapped loosely around his knees, his glazed-over eyes staring blankly at the far wall. Paz kneels next to the bed, reaching out with a tentative hand. He places it gently onto his shoulder.
“Hey,” Paz says softly. “We’re back.”
Zephyr’s only response is a short nod.
“Doctor Shen is here,” he continues. “I want you to go sit with her for a bit while I deal with all this, alright?”
Another nod. Paz hands him the pile of clothes and sets the armor down next to him. Then he exits, turning the light on and shutting the door to give him privacy. At the bottom of the ladder, he finds Doctor Shen waiting.
“What happened?” Doctor Shen asks urgently.
“Something extremely traumatizing,” Paz says. “I need you to talk to him, just…I need to deal with this. I’m going to set up a cot for him in my room.”
Doctor Shen’s response is cut off by the sound of Zephyr’s feet hitting the top rung of the ladder.
“Hey, vod,” she says. “Let’s head to medical, and we can talk, alright?”
Zephyr turns to look at him. Paz nods encouragingly. Once Zephyr and Doctor Shen have disappeared, he turns his attention to the boxes and promptly decides it can be dealt with later. Right now, he needs to use his hands, to move and to not think. In the main hall, he finds Armorer waiting for him.
“What happened?” she asks as she falls into stride next to him.
“Can we talk somewhere more private?” he asks quietly.
“Yes, of course,” she says.
At his door, Paz types in the code, and lets Armorer in.
“What happened?” Armorer asks.
For the first time in his life, Paz is speechless. He turns to face her and leans his weight against the wall. He had tried to come up with a way to bring it up with Armorer, but now, he has forgotten everything he had wanted to say. He decides to just blurt it out. Well, there is no way to put this delicately, regardless.
“Liam didn’t die on Nevarro. He survived.”
The silence stretches on.
“You don’t seem surprised,” Paz says, his voice just above a whisper.
She understands the unspoken question.
“We never found his body,” Armorer says slowly. “Zeli looked for hours. When she brought back his helmet, I suspected he might have abandoned the Tribe. I did not want Zephyr to try and return to find his buir.”
He lets his head fall back against the wall with a dull thunk. One breath in, hold, and let it out slowly. His armor suddenly feels hot and itchy, suffocating him with its weight. His gut twists as he clears the emotion from his throat. Zephyr would have clawed his way back off the ship if he thought there was a chance his buir survived.
“Liam…Liam told us a grenade knocked him out. He said he woke up to a group of bounty hunters taking his helmet off,” Paz says. “He killed them just as Zeli came looking for him.”
“Do you believe he spoke the truth?”
He does not need to consider the veracity of Liam’s claim - deep down, he knows Liam had spoken the truth.
“He did not abandon the Tribe,” Armorer says. “However, he knew what would happen if he returned. Did he know Zeli would likely be exiled alongside him?”
Paz nods once. He can still see Liam lying on that narrow cot, sick and barely clinging to life. Regret at not having said goodbye to his wife. Self-loathing. Fear. Yet as soon as Zephyr had pressed their foreheads together, it had all dissipated, like a wisp of smoke in a breeze.
“It would not have been just your decision to exile him,” Paz says.
Armorer nods once in confirmation. Like before, it would have been a Tribe vote. Given how high tensions had risen, they would have exiled the two of them on the spot without even thinking it through. Without thinking of the possible ramifications of their decision. Armorer folds her arms under her chest plate, watching him intently. Paz can feel his hands shaking, the adrenaline starting to wear off with the lack of movement.
“Where is Liam now?” she asks, but her tone indicates she knows the answer to that question.
“He was dying when we found him,” Paz says, unable to keep the sorrow from his voice. “He had growths that spread to his vital organs. Beyond what he could afford to pay.”
Armorer nods once more.
“What can I do to help?” she asks.
“Liam hunted until he could not continue,” Paz responds. “We brought his final offering back. I would really appreciate your help in going through it.”
“Of course,” Armorer says. “What about Zephyr?”
“I am getting him set up in the spare room,” Paz says. “I just need to clear it out.”
“I will go get him a cot,” Armorer says. “Do you know his door code?”
“No,” Paz says. “But I can get it from him later.”
Armorer nods and disappears. He starts moving again, losing himself to the repetition of lifting boxes and carrying them into his bedroom, trying to stop himself from thinking. From feeling. When it is completely empty, he takes a moment to breathe. Center himself. Collect his thoughts. Plan the next step.
Be strong for Zephyr, he thinks to himself. Be strong for Tribe. Be strong for those who cannot be.
Paz exits the spare room and glances out at the living space, which doubles as a workspace when he wants to be alone or needs to take his helmet off. Now, as he takes stock of the situation, the cold, harsh reality of the situation seems to sink in. Zephyr has always been such a gentle boy, always feeling deeply, always hurting when others hurt. He is still rash and impulsive, immature in some ways.
He also never had the best coping mechanisms growing up, even with Liam and Zeli’s guidance. He does not think that Zephyr might do something drastic, but Paz refuses to risk it. He unfolds another plastic crate. Balancing it on his hip, he goes from table to table, packing the various blasters and knives away. For the weapons that are still being rebuilt or cleaned, he removes the battery packs. He hides the firing mechanisms in a box and stuffs it behind linens in a cabinet.
In the kitchen, he starts pulling the narrow drawers open, tossing anything sharper than a spoon into the box. From there, he moves to the cabinets over the tiny heating unit. He has a modest collection of alcohol stored away. For a few seconds, he debates on whether to keep it, but then he remembers the bottles littering the clearing near Liam’s home. How many of those were used to self-medicate? To numb himself to the pain? Shaking his head, Paz reaches up and starts emptying the bottles into the sink, even the ones he has never cracked open before.
A tap at the door interrupts him.
“Come in,” he calls out.
Armorer comes in with a bag of linens in her arms. She is followed by Din and Terys. They roll the cot into the spare room and leave without a word. Paz checks the bathroom medkit, but he does not have any painkillers aside from a small packet of aspirin. Paz sends the door code to Zephyr and Doctor Shen, telling them to let themselves in if he is not back by the time they are finished. Once the bedroom door is locked, Armorer accompanies him back to the hangar. They stand in silence for several moments, looking at the boxes filling the cargo bay.
He reaches for the first battered crate and pries the lid off.
“Metal ingots,” Paz says automatically, lifting a bar of crude iron out of the box. “Looks like mostly iron and copper.”
He wheels it out to the main floor. From there, the two of them work quickly, going through the biggest crates first, sorting it into piles for easy moving and storage later. Liam had found several crates worth of raw metal for the Foundry. It was enough to keep their munitions cache stocked for nearly a year. In another crate, they find hard-to-get electrical components. The knives, blasters, ammunition, and explosives are moved off toward the end of the line. He can deal with it later. Much, much later.
They keep the chatter to a minimum as they sort through the smaller crates. It almost seems disrespectful to speak when dealing with a hunter’s final offering to the Tribe. The next few crates are filled with a variety of goods, ranging from rolls of leather to vacuum-sealed bags of spices and dried herbs. They are finally left with two wooden crates, both battered and worn. Paz grabs the crowbar and pries one open. The tool slips out of his fingers and clatters to the floor when he sees the armor within.
The cuirass is badly damaged, the paint worn away in some places and scorched in others. Near the karta bes’kar, the metal has been torn open to reveal the innermost electronic components. The cuisses and bracers are in worse condition. They look like they had been repaired with temporary patches, the silvery marks crisscrossing every surface. He’d been in many fights, all without an armorer to repair his beskar’gam. How had he survived so long?
Underneath the mismatched set of shoulder pieces, he finds Liam’s original right pauldron. It looks nearly pristine, save for the violent gouges where Liam had pried off the clan signet. Finally, at the bottom of the box, Paz finds the clan signet. He reaches for the mangled piece of metal.
“Leave it,” Armorer says, her sharp tone stopping him.
“Armorer?” Paz asks, watching as she reaches into the box. She picks up the signet and runs her thumb along the edge. Then she pockets it with a quiet sigh.
“Liam severed himself from his clan,” Armorer says.
Paz has heard of clans disowning or exiling members, but never the reverse. His gut twists when he considers how desperate Liam must have been to avoid including anyone else in his shame.
“And the rest of his armor?” he dares to ask.
“I will store it with the utmost respect until Zephyr is ready to decide what will be done with it,” Armorer says.
The last box is much smaller, and in even worse condition. Paz almost dreads what he is going to find inside. He lifts the lid and inhales sharply. Row after row of bes’kar ingots glitter up at him in the dull light. He picks one up. No Imp stamp, meaning it came from another source. Third-hand dealer? Battlefield scavengers? Armorer picks up a piece and turns it over in her hands. Then she raps it sharply against her bracer, causing the ingot to sing a familiar, sweet note.
“Pure bes’kar,” she confirms.
Paz picks up one of the heavier bags and opens it. Imperial credits. The next bag contains Calamari Flan. He goes through the satchels, pure ice filling his stomach at the small fortune Liam had sent back. For this kind of money, he had been taking some dangerous bounties, if not outright dealing with spice.
“He could have bought a bacta tank with all this,” Paz says, shaking his head in denial. “Hell, he could have bought ten…”
He trails off Armorer returns the ingot to the crate.
“I think that, in his sorrow, Liam truly believed that his death would redeem him in our eyes,” Armorer says softly. “That this – “ she gestures at the crates neatly organized out in the hangar “ – would make him worthy of our respect. Perhaps, even our forgiveness.”
Paz sits there for a moment, digesting her words. Even when they were young, Liam had always worried about the Tribe. He had always wondered if his offerings were enough to feed them and clothe them. He had always just worried, more than what any sixteen-year-old should have worried in a lifetime.
“I will store the money with Liam’s armor,” she says. “I know Liam said that this is a Tribe offering, but I would like to give Zephyr the opportunity to decide if he will keep a portion for himself.”
As Liam’s only surviving child, Zephyr has the right to keep it all to himself. Paz doubted the young man would want any of the money. He likely would only want his father’s armor, perhaps a bit of the bes’kar to put aside for his own children one day.
With this amount of money coming into the Tribe coffers, Paz knows he should be grateful. They will not need to worry about food or medical supplies for several years at least. Yet, he feels that pang in his chest worsen. Welcoming a Mandalorian warrior back into their ranks would have been a fortune to which no amount of money or bes’kar could ever compare.
If only there had been time, Paz thinks to himself desperately, time for tempers to cool. If only there had been more time.
Looking at the wealth surrounding them, Paz decides he would trade it all away in a heartbeat if it meant Zephyr could spend a few more hours with his buir.
He looks up as Armorer starts to leave.
She stops and looks to him.
“Is he…” Paz trails off. She watches. “Would Liam be considered…dar’manda?”
After a few moments, she speaks.
“Even with our strict interpretation of our oaths, we still show leniency to our members,” Armorer says. “Losing ones’ helmet does not make someone dar’manda. It is the willful abandonment of our heritage, our culture, and the Resol’nare that renders one unfit to join in the Manda when we pass on.”
She looks at the crates littering the hangar.
“He gave up everything he knew and loved to ensure his child had a future with us. He hunted to provide for his Tribe to the very end, even when there was no guarantee his offerings would be accepted.”
She lets the silence linger.
“If you are asking my opinion, Paz, then I would not have considered him dar’manda. He helped raise a warrior. He fought like one from the time he donned the helmet until he left us to go march,” Armorer says quietly. “He still had his soul, however much he had disappointed and shamed this Tribe. Would he have been welcomed back here with songs of glory? Certainly not. But with time, I think he could have restored his honor and earned our respect once more.”
Paz nods as an unexpected wave of relief fills him.
“Like many of us, he struggled to adhere to his path. He made terrible mistakes and he tried to rectify them in the only way he knew how – give all he had until the day he had nothing left to give. In the end, Liam was the only person who could decide if he was still a Mandalorian.”
Armorer tilts her head at him. Then she pushes the cart down the ramp. He watches as the little wheels clatter over the uneven seams in the concrete until she disappears. Paz sinks down onto the floor, one knee drawn up toward his chest, the other leg stretched out in front of him. He stares at the floor of the cargo bay, idly cataloguing all the little scraps of detritus that had fallen out of the boxes.
He should be grateful for Liam’s dedication to the hunt. He should be comforted that Liam and Zeli have reunited in the Manda. He should be happy that Zephyr had the opportunity to say goodbye to both his buire. Right now, all he feels is tired and empty, like someone has wrung his entire body out like a wet cloth. Paz lets his head fall back.
No matter how hard he tries to find his inner peace, he cannot stop his thoughts from racing. Is Zephyr okay? Would the kid let him talk to Doctor Shen? Hell, does Zephyr even want to stay with him? Shit. He probably should have asked first. Paz stares at the wall, trying to work up the will to move his body, but the heaviness in his soul weighs him down, threatening to pull him into his despair.
Peering into the hanger, you see that Paz is still sitting on the floor, his bulky blue armor barely visible from here. You don’t know what’s going on, but you know for a fact that the crates he has brought back are not the food and the medical supplies the Tribe is in need of. The others are bunched up behind you, clearly worried for him, so you turn to face them.
“I’ll go talk to him,” you say, volunteering yourself.
“He needs a stiff drink,” someone says. “I got a stash.”
“You di’kut,” you snap at him. “You know he doesn’t drink to cope. Maker, he needs someone with at least half-a-braincell.”
“Hey, it was just a suggestion, Shu’shika.”
“You all go make yourselves useful somewhere else. I hear that Hannah needs help with the kids.”
Predictably, the rest of the Tribe scatters like cockroaches, all hoping to avoid being voluntold into childcare duties. Shaking your head, you turn back to Paz. You gather your wits about yourself and edge into the hangar. Though you know he will not miss your approach, you make sure he can hear you coming. It isn’t until you kneel on the ground next to him that he looks up at you.
“Hey,” he says.
“What do you need?” you ask quietly.
His head falls back against the wall. In that moment, he looks like he has been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Surreptitiously, you glance over his armor and kute. Both are pristine. So Zephyr’s sorrow is not due to seeing combat on his first hunt. Something else had caused the two men this tremendous pain.
“Zephyr’s in medical,” Paz says tiredly.
“There is no force in this galaxy that could get between Doctor Shen and Zephyr,” you say gently. “I’m asking what you need, Paz. How can I help you?”
He looks up.
“Me?” he asks, almost sounding confused.
“Yes, you,” you repeat. “How can I help you bear the burden you carry right now?”
“I…” He trails off. “I don’t know.”
A wry smile crosses your lips, though he cannot see it.
“People don’t ask you that often, do they, hunter?” you whisper to him, your heart breaking cleanly in half for the warrior in front of you.
You wonder if anyone has ever shown him their appreciation for the difficult job he does. Does he view hunting as something he should not be thanked for? That it is something that he is expected to do, without consideration of his needs? How long has it been since anyone last helped him bear his burdens? Your throat tightens. You have been complicit in this – you have not shown him your kindness, nor your appreciation for what he does to care for the Tribe. Your heart burns with regret and sorrow.
You have called this man family, yet you have not taken the time to take care of him.
“No,” Paz says, at long last. “They don’t.” After several long moments, he continues, his voice heavy as lead in your ears. “It isn’t my place…to tell you what happened.”
You make a solemn vow to make sure no one else in this Tribe will ever be so woefully unappreciated again.
“Then tell me this, Paz. How do you feel right now?”
He lets out a mirthless huff of amusement.
“I haven’t failed this miserably at a hunt in almost twenty years.”
You tilt your helmet and frown.
“Was it a failure?”
“I set out for food and medical supplies,” Paz says tiredly. “I came back with none of it. I failed to provide for my Tribe.”
Ah, you think to yourself, that’s what is bothering him. Well, one of the things that are bothering him, at least. You gather your courage. You might have only known him for a few months now, but you have always secretly admired him. His strength. His dedication.
“Paz, do you really think that bringing back the wrong items means you have somehow failed us?” you ask quietly. Before he can answer, you dare to slip your own small hands around his, sandwiching his massive palm between yours. “You are so much more than just a hunter to us.”
He looks down at your hands. For a brief moment, you think he might tell you to let go, but he does not. Instead, his fingers tighten around yours. You have seen how strong those hands are, how easily he handles that massive cannon of his, yet he squeezes you with a gentility that makes your cheeks heat up.
“I know we’ve been Tribe for only a few months now, but in that time, you’ve made yourself our family,” you continue. “From day one, you looked after our children the same way you look after your own. You saw one child shiver in the cold classroom, and that was all it took for you to start waking up early enough to go turn environmental controls on.”
Paz tilts his helmet down, almost…shyly?
“Caring for the children is my job,” he says, his voice a bit gruff.
“By day four, you had every single one of our kids following at your heels,” you say in a faintly teasing tone. When his head tilted down further, you dared to continue, relishing in the warrior’s sweet embarrassment. “Gazing up at you in wide-eyed wonder, begging you to play with them.”
“They’ll do anything for sweets,” Paz muttered. “I didn’t do anything special.”
“Do you think so?” you ask. “You sat your shebs on the floor, let them all pile in around you, and taught them how to tie knots. In all those cables you spent hours organizing.”
“Learning is how a Tribe grows strong,” he counters stubbornly. “It’s my job.”
“On your next hunt, you went and picked out a small toy for each one,” you remind. “It took you so long to pick them out that you missed your return deadline by six hours. Is that part of your job?”
He sighs grumpily. A puff of laughter escapes you in response. He knows he has been caught. You forge on bravely, hoping that he will not think poorly of you for sitting here and spilling your innermost thoughts out to him. But he needs to hear it, you think.
His Tribe came from such dire straits. You do not know much of what they had gone through. Paz had not been forthcoming. All Dezha would say was that the rest of his Tribe was gone, with no presumed survivors. It was no wonder that Paz felt like he had to be responsible for every little thing. In a way, he kind of had been. He had been his peoples’ source of stability and strength, putting aside his own needs and wants to ensure the most precious members of his Tribe could thrive.
“No matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, you are a respected and trusted figure of authority here. You are a leader, Paz. A teacher and caretaker.” You swallow. “You are dedicated to providing for each and every last person here, but you never ask for anything in return. We basically have to harass you until you tell us what you need. What you want.” He does not look up, nor does he refute your statement. He knows it is true. “We all do our part to ensure we remain strong, but you go above and beyond what is asked of you every single time. No matter what we ask of you, you give us everything you have. And I don’t think you have gotten the same back from us.
He stays quiet as he looks down at your entwined hands.
“That isn’t fair to you,” you whisper.
Then his strong fingers curl a little tighter around yours, sending heat shooting into your cheeks and making your breath hitch a little. Maker, you truly hope he did not hear that. How could holding someone’s hand make you so nervous?
“S-so please don’t ever think you are not doing enough for us, Paz,” you continue, stammering slightly. “Even if…even if we aren’t the best at showing you our gratitude…you are a trusted and cherished member of this Tribe. We care deeply for you.”
“You don’t need to show me your gratitude,” he says a bit gruffly. “This is my job, Shu’shika. Do yours the best you can. And that’ll be enough for me. For all of us.”
He still hasn’t let go of you.
“You do not need to bear this burden alone,” you say. “Let us help you. Let us take care of you, the same way you take care of us. I will – we will always be here to support you, Paz. That is what we do as a Tribe and as a family.”
“Once I can get this taken care of,” he says, gesturing at the piles of crates, “I just…I just need some sleep.”
“I can handle getting everything where it needs to go,” you say, volunteering yourself immediately.
“Can you handle those idiots?” Paz asks, tilting his head toward the doorway. “On a good day, I have to threaten to shoot them a few times before they will listen.”
“They probably enjoy threats of violence,” you say. “I have something more creative in mind.”
Paz lets out a huff of amusement, a low, rich noise that makes you grateful for the helmet on your head, hiding the way you are biting your lip and blushing cherry red.
“Alright,” he says. “Let’s go.”
Regrettably, you let go of his hand and climb to your feet. You lead the way out and make your way to the group of hunters loitering in the hangar. When you draw abreast of the group, you take a few moments to decide which hunter is best suited for which job.
“Terys, I need you to take the munitions to the Armory, please,” you say calmly, watching as his head turns down in your direction. For a brief moment, you wonder if he is going to give you sass, but in the end, he nods.
“Aye, Shu’shika,” he says, going toward the boxes at the end.
“Revala, would you please move the raw ores to the Foundry?” you ask.
“Aye,” she says. She goes off for the cart in the corner.
Your good luck ends there, unfortunately, and some of the others start to file out, clearly ready to ignore your requests.
“Neten, Lyras, I think that the two of you can handle the supplies going to the kitchen,” you say. “Hannah will need some help getting the heavier items moved onto the shelves.”
Lyras comes forward, but Neten turns away.
“Neten, come on,” Lyras says. “We have a job to do.”
“She doesn’t tell me what to do,” Neten scoffs.
All heads turn in your direction at the challenge issued by the much larger hunter.
“Neten, you do not have to do what I ask you to do,” you say calmly. “But let me remind you that I schedule childcare duties around here. If you choose to not help here, your ample amounts of free time will be spent in the nursery for the foreseeable future.”
Neten stares at you, clearly in shock at your threats. You really are not in the mood to fight right now, so you keep your posture as nonconfrontational as possible. Not only that, you’ve managed to leave your knife in your room again, so you have no weapons on your person. Neten then looks at Paz.
“She can’t do that,” Neten says to Paz. “Right? She can’t just decide – “
In that instant, Paz growls and his posture changes, making him look twice as big as he stalks forward. Even though Paz is only a few centimeters taller than Neten, he seems to loom over him, advancing with slow menacing steps until Neten shrinks back into the wall.
“Imagine the hell your life will become if Alor and Armorer find out you are refusing to do your assigned duties,” Paz growls quietly.
Neten decides to try his luck.
“But she has no authority over me,” Neten says, squaring his shoulders and giving you what you assume is a glare. “She can’t tell me what to do – “
Paz lifts his hand and places it on the wall right next to Neten’s audial, leaning in closer. Neten shrinks back against the wall.
“Well, guess what, Neten. I have decided that Shu’shika oversees you from now on. If she tells you to jump, you will do so, and then you will thank her for the privilege,” Paz says, in a soft, silky voice that makes your knees tremble. When Neten splutters indignantly, Paz jabs one finger into his chest plate, silencing his retorts. He continues in a heavy growl, “Do not test me again.”
Wisely, Neten turns his head down in a clear show of his submission. Paz lingers for another second to ensure Neten knows his place. Then Paz backs up a step, and the tension in the room dissipates entirely. In theory, you have always known that Paz’s position as Alor’ad means that he must have ironclad control over the hunters to keep them in line. Up until now, he has never had to prove that he has the biggest brass set in the room, so to speak.
Paz stares at Neten expectantly.
“I will do as I am told,” Neten says grumpily.
“You will do as Shu’shika tells you to do,” Paz corrects.
“I will do as Shu’shika tells me to do,” he repeats, though it sounds positively painful for him to repeat.
“Thank you,” you say politely.
“If any of these idiots so much as breathe in a way that offends you, let me know,” Paz says to you, ensuring everyone can hear him. He stares the crowd down for another moment, “I will come deal with the problem.”
No one dares to move. After a few seconds, Paz stomps off, clearly annoyed. As you watch after him, you realize the hunters are waiting for their orders, so you quickly finish assigning everything as fairly as you can.
For your duties, you grab some cleaning supplies and head into the Desert Lark to begin tidying up. It is not necessary, but you really would like to make things a little easier for Paz. You have a strong suspicion that Paz is going to go back out on a hunt. Given how strongly he believes his worth to the Tribe is tied to his offerings, you are surprised he is not already trying to refuel. Well, the least you can do for him is make it a little easier for him.
After a little subtle snooping, you find that Paz has been held up in medical for some reason or another. You know it has something to do with Zephyr. Your buir always said that every Mandalorian needs to take some time to themselves after enduring something stressful. Some go shooting. Others spar. Others yet meditate. You are not sure which of those would most likely appeal to Paz, but you do know he will neglect his needs to look after Zephyr. Veering off course, you go straight to the kitchen. It is closed for the night, but you figure Hannah won’t mind terribly if you reopen for Zephyr.
You put together a small but nourishing meal for him – a clear broth, hot and lightly spiced, with buttered bread and some pickled vegetables. You make sure to add some cookies from your secret stash of snacks so he can have something sweet to nibble on. For Paz, you grab some standard rations. As much as you would like to make something special for him, you get the feeling he would prefer as much normalcy in his routine as possible so he could focus on Zephyr.
Zephyr had that listless, almost catatonic quality to him, as if Doctor Shen’s hand at his elbow was the only thing keeping him upright. He has always been such a sweet and gentle young man, someone who has always hesitated to bring harm to another, even during sparring. Even though he tries to avoid babysitting duties as much as he can, he does make up for it by doing other chores around the place. Something has hurt him very deeply, and your heart aches for him. When everything is packed away, you send Paz a brief message asking if you can bring some food for the two of them. He agrees and meets you at the door. You hand the bag over to him.
“Thanks,” he says.
“If you or Zeph need anything else, we are here,” you say quietly. “Please don’t hesitate to reach out, vod.”
He glances back over his shoulder.
“Thanks,” he says, looking back at you. “I will keep that in mind.”
You nod once and turn back down the hallway, your thoughts slipping away from you. The next morning, you find a small box at your workstation. Frowning to yourself, you pick it up and open it. Inside, nestled in a ragged piece of burlap, you find a tiny carved loth-cat, barely bigger than a strawberry.
There is no note included, but you know it is from Paz. He is the only person who would ever go out of their way to find something so small and beautiful for someone he barely knows. Smiling to yourself, you put the tiny cat back into the protective box. You didn’t even know Paz had been paying attention while you were talking about how much you wanted a pet loth-cat.
Then you nestle the box into your pocket, a strange feeling taking root in you.
[End Flashback]
Once your work for the day is complete, you check the time and find you have several hours before dinner. Normally, you would go see what other chores are available to you, but today, you consider doing something else instead. Something self-indulgent. Gnawing on your lower lip, you nervously put your tools away, sorting them into the right boxes and trays. Could you really skip helping the others, just so you can go see Paz? As you close the lid to your toolbox, you happen to look up. You jump a little when you see Armorer standing there.
“Armorer,” you say. “How can I help you?”
“I noticed you had marked your work for the day complete,” Armorer says. “I wanted to ask what plans you had for this evening.”
Ah, she needs help with something. Oh well, you think to yourself. It was a silly thing to think that you could skip for the day to go sneak in a few minutes with Paz. It had been a selfish thing to consider. Though, you do wonder how she had gotten here so quickly.
“I did not plan for anything tonight,” you respond. “Do you need something specific?” You are already reaching for your toolbox, but she cuts you off.
“Dezha was supposed to be helping Paz with the children,” Armorer says in a casual tone. “However, I need his help elsewhere. The children have been unusually unruly this week, and with Paz’s injury…” She trails off deliberately. “Would you be willing to help him?”
“Of course,” you say, the words slipping out of your mouth without hesitation. “I would be happy to help. Are we doing language lessons today?”
“No, no specific lessons today,” Armorer says. “We just need the children kept out of the way while the rest of us clean up the hangar.”
“The hangar?” you ask in confusion. “What happened - ?”
“Do not concern yourself with that,” Armorer says in a soothing tone. “Will you please help Paz?”
“Yes, absolutely,” you say, nodding. “I’ll head to the nursery now.”
“Excellent,” Armorer purrs. “I will walk you there.”
The walk to the nursery is a short one. It is past the normal work hours, yet you see no one else lingering in the hallways. Home is strangely empty. It almost unsettles you. Armorer keeps you moving at a brisk pace before she finally directs you into the nursery, physically blocking the doorway behind you. Paz is not wearing his armor – only his suit and padding – while he carries a child under each arm. It looks like he is in the middle of reenacting some science fiction scene in the middle of the toys, one foot poised over a pile of toppled blocks.
“Hey,” Paz says, as he sets the two children down. “What can I help you two with?”
“I need Dezha’s assistance with something,” Armorer says. “I brought Shu’shika as your backup.”
“Shushi!” Ola shrieks, throwing down a wad of wrinkled paper.
The little girl comes barreling over and throws herself at your legs. Immediately, you scoop her up onto your hip and tweak her nose. She has a rainbow of marker ink smears all over her face and arms. As you look at the other children, you see they are in a similar state, and you find yourself hoping that Paz had given them the water soluble markers to draw with.
“Ba’vodu!” Ellyn whines from the floor, “I want to play hunter and prey, please!”
“Sure,” Paz says.
“But your knee, Paz,” you say, coming forward a step.
“That little burn could barely be called an injury,” Paz scoffs. “Bacta took care of it in a few hours.”
Before you can think further on Armorer’s reference to his injury, Ellyn covers her eyes and starts to count. The other children scatter like leaves on the wind, scampering into their hiding spots. Paz looks around. Then at you. He comes to stand behind you. You give him an incredulous look over your shoulder. Tem comes skittering over and climbs up Paz’s leg. He scoops the child up against his chest and holds one finger up in front of his modulator as he sort of crouches behind you.
You sigh quietly and stand there while Ellyn finishes counting. You are pretty sure there’s more of Paz hanging out from behind you than you actually cover up, considering how much larger he is.
Ellyn gets up and sprints to the other side of the room. She hits the timer and starts to race around the room, ripping the cushions off the couch and turning boxes over. The blood drains from your face as the already messy room becomes an actual disaster. From behind you, you can hear Tem and Paz snickering to themselves. You watch in fascinated horror as Ellyn finds all the children except for Tem and Paz. At this point, you think Paz has cemented himself as an oversized child.
“Tem!” Ellyn shouts. “Ba’vodu Paz! Where are you?”
At that moment, the timer goes off, and Ellyn lets out a noise of frustration. She kicks a stuffed animal out of her way. Paz steps out from behind you. When Ellyn sees them, her big brown eyes go wide with surprise. Then she lets out a scream of frustration.
That’s enough to set Paz and Tem off in a fit of hysterics.
“CHEATER!” Ellyn screams.
“We did not cheat,” Paz counters through his guffaws. “We hid behind Shu’shika.”
“But you can’t do that!” Ellyn wails.
Her lower lip wobbles and she goes off to sulk. Paz sets Tem down and he goes off to the pile of stuffed animals in the corner. You gingerly step through the piles of toys, still incredulous that the child had not noticed Paz hiding behind you. Well, she had probably focused on everything at eye level. And Paz…well, he is well above eye-level for most people in the Tribe.
As you are trying in vain to put some of the toys back where they belong, one of the toddlers comes forward on unsteady legs, holding a book up at you. Taking it, you find that it’s covered in something wet and sticky. When he wipes his nose with the back of his hand, you realize your fingers are covered in snot. A shudder of revulsion creeps up your spine.
“How about a story?” Paz asks the room at large, coming to your rescue.
“Let’s clean up,” you say, “Then we can all sit on the floor together.”
You quickly hand Paz the book and wipe the snot off your hand onto your pants.
“Clean up! Clean up!” Ellyn chants, rolling onto her knees. “Let’s clean up, everybody!”
The other children join in on the chant, organizing the piles of toys into their proper storage containers. You only have to corral the toddlers toward the right boxes a few times, while Paz gathers the drawings into a neat stack. From there, you settle into the chaos quickly. At times, it feels like the children are making a bigger mess than the one they are trying to clean up.
Surreptitiously, you watch Paz. You cannot help but to notice how good he is with the children. His voice is always gentle and patient. When they tackle him for a Paz Pile, he indulges them, playing for a few moments before redirecting them to the monumental task of cleaning up the playroom. The same snot-covered toddler picks up a toy ship and pats Paz on the leg. He crouches and wraps both hands around the boy’s waist.
“Alright, vod’ika,” Paz says gently. “Let’s jump up really high and put the toy away, alright?”
“Ba’vodu!” the boy squeals.
Paz lifts and the boy shrieks in delight. As soon as the others see what Ba’vodu Paz is up to, they go running over with their own toys, clamoring for their turn. Ola is halfway up Paz’s leg by the time you go to offer backup. Slowly, but surely, the room is tidied up and readied for tomorrow. Then Paz takes the book back to the seat. Ola scrambles out of his way before he sinks down.
Paz starts to read, his voice low and soothing. The story is about a beggar and a merchant. You don’t recall the exact plot points, but you do know the moral of the story is to always be kind to those in need. While Paz keeps the children entertained, you go gather up the last few toys and put them away.
Then you grab the broom and start sweeping up the crumpled tissues and candy wrappers. You purse your lips at the amount of candy he had fed them. Ah, well. If strille could be trained with positive reinforcement, so could children. As Paz gets further into the story, the littlest ones start to drift off, and you carefully nestle them onto the sleeping mats.
Ola’s buire are the first to come back for her. She presses her forehead against Paz’s shoulder as she yawns into her fist. Then she pats you on the knee as she stumbles to her parents. She is quickly scooped up and carried away. One by one, or sometimes in twos, the children go home with their parents, until you and Paz are standing alone in the empty nursery. Paz marks his place with a bookmark and puts it away. Then he gets up and stretches out a bit.
“Looks like we’re done with our assigned childcare for tonight,” Paz says. “Thank the Maker.”
“Yes,” you say, almost stammering. “Uh. Childcare.”
He tilts his helmet inquisitively, clearly having picked up on your anxiety. Before you can stop yourself, you speak up.
“Paz, what are you doing tonight?” you ask.
“I don’t have plans,” he says. “Why do you ask?”
“Want to ditch evening chores?”
“You want to ditch evening duties?” he asks, tilting his head the other way. “Shu’shika, people will accuse me of corrupting you.”
You laugh in response.
“I’ve done my fair share of double duties for at least ten years,” you respond. “How about it, Paz? Want to be irresponsible with me?”
“Yes,” he says. “Let’s go before anyone gets any ideas.”
The two of you go to the door. You peer down both ends of the hallway. Near the hangar, you can see people streaming loitering. One of them looks up and immediately turns around, grabbing a box. Weird.
“Okay,” you say to Paz, “Looks like they’re still working in the hangar.”
His hand settles at your waist as he peers down the hallway over your head. When the last person enters the hangar, you grab his hand and pull, leading him away from the others.
“Come on, let’s go,” you whisper to him.
You lead him away from the rest of the Tribe, muffling your laughter, sneaking from shadow to shadow like an oversized pair of misbehaving teenagers. At the main entrance, you find your plans to go pick berries thwarted by an incoming thunderstorm. You let out a noise of disappointment. Paz joins you outside as the wind picks up, the trees dancing and swaying as the pit-pat of rain grows louder. When you shiver, Paz’s hand settles at your waist, and he pulls you closer to him.
“Well, looks like we’re stuck inside,” you sigh to Paz, curling your face toward his shoulder, his torso blocking the worst of the cold.
“We can watch from here,” Paz says.
The first crack of lightning makes you jump, and as if the skies had been waiting for that exact moment, the rain begins to pour down in sheets. You can feel Paz tilt his head down to look at you. Rather than tease you, he runs his fingers against your back comfortingly. That is all it takes for you to melt against your warrior, eyes drifting shut as you dare to wrap your arm around his muscular waist.
When his other arm wraps itself around you, enclosing you in his tender embrace, you surrender immediately, offering no resistance to him. You can no longer deny what your heart has been screaming at you. You love Paz Vizsla. You’ve been in love with him for Maker-only-knows-how-long. As you listen to the steady thumping of his heart, you feel giddy and lightheaded, almost as if you are drunk on his touch alone. Then, his hand rises from your waist, his fingers settling at your jaw, making your breath hitch in your throat. Paz tilts your face up toward his gently. You rise onto your tip-toes to close gap, anticipation making your stomach flutter.
When only a handspan separates you from Paz, you think there could not have been a more perfect moment for this to happen, for you to finally kiss your warrior –
Then, suddenly, the door slams open, bathing the two of you in harsh, bright light. You and Paz freeze in place as the speaker starts to come outside.
“ – figure out how to make it look like there was actually a spill,” Din says, as he steps through the doorway.
When Din notices the intimate embrace you and Paz are sharing, he freezes, one foot in the air, and lets out a noise of pure despair. Dezha peers out after him and he inhales audibly. He grabs Din by the backplate and yanks him back, shutting the door behind them, but the damage has been done.
The warm pleasure that had once filled you is now gone, replaced with the mortification at having been caught in such a compromising position. Your buir would be so disappointed that you were sneaking off with someone and then being stupid enough to get caught trying to rub helmets with him. Your stomach drops straight through your feet. What if that had been Armorer?
“Shu’shika,” Paz says, in that low rumble of his, his hand falling to your waist once more, his intentions clear as day to you.
“What if that had been one of the children?” you ask softly. “What sort of example would we be setting for them?”
He tilts his head in confusion. Keldabe kisses are one of the few ways Mandalorians can show love and affection for each other.
“Paz, I can’t,” you say in a rush, “Not until we’re marr – I mean, not unless – “
You fall silent and exhale in frustration. You take a full step back, regretfully leaving that warm, wonderful place against him that smelled like leather and something woodsy.
“Paz, for my family…it’s not,” you stammer out.
“I will respect the boundaries you set for our relationship,” he says gently. “You do not have to explain anything to me.”
Our relationship? His words make your knees wobble dangerously. You take a deep, calming breath.
“I know I don’t have to, but I would like for you to know,” you say softly. “My family is conservative, Paz. Helmets only come off after the vows are exchanged. Touching each other the way we were…it is…generally discouraged.”
You swallow. Your refusal to engage in a lot of physical acts has made it difficult to find a partner. You hope Paz is willing to wait, but you do not blame him if he wants to move on.
“I know we are both adults, but I…I truly feel something for you, Paz. And I do not want you to be in a position where I might give you the wrong idea,” you stutter out, face flaming with heat. “For my tribe of origin, it’s…considered inappropriate. Not without stating my intentions.”
“…and what are your intentions toward me?” he whispers.
“Paz, I…I cannot give you my body without also giving you my heart,” you whisper, so softly you wonder if he can hear you. “I-I…I would want something permanent between us. Before any of that happens.”
He thinks for a moment.
“Would…Would it be alright if I called you cyar’ika?”
“Y-yes,” you whisper, hardly daring to believe that Paz wants to call you his cyar’ika after what you just told him.
“There’s something I would like to tell you,” he says. “Something I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now.”
You nod to encourage him, and he clears his throat, looking away nervously.
“I’m not good with words. I’ve already forgotten half of what I wanted to tell you.”
You laugh a bit breathlessly.
“Don’t worry,” you whisper back. “Speak from your heart, Paz, and you will tell me what I need to hear.”
“I…I ah…feel something for you too,” he says. “For months now, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, all the effort you put into supporting the Tribe.” He clears his throat again, looking away shyly. “I can’t stop thinking about all the tiny things you do for me. The number of times you have stayed up to wait for me to return from a hunt. In case I need help. So, I won’t be alone another night. I have never had the privilege of having someone like you covering my shebs…and for so long, I did not see your devotion to me, the way you show me your affection each and every day.”
He swallows and reaches up with trembling fingers. A wave of tears escapes you as you tilt your face into his touch. Maker, you are falling apart at the seams. If he keeps going like this, you are not going to last long enough for him to get to what he is trying to tell you. His thumb brushes against the curve of your cheek plate, brushing away the tears he seems to know are coursing hot tracks down your cheeks.
“For years now, I’ve been holding off, waiting for the right time, waiting for the right person,” Paz says quietly. “Someone who will make me strong where I am weak. Someone who will allow me to be their strength where they are weak. Someone who will be my equal, here at home and when we hunt. Someone who will help me raise our future warriors.”
Your heart starts to pound so hard you fear Paz will be able to hear it hammering up against your ribs. Then your throat tightens up and you cannot hold the cascade of tears back any longer. They fall freely now. You just barely manage to turn off your modulator in time to hide your choked whimpers, equal measures of fear and hope filling you. Fear that he will turn you down, reject you for your decision to abstain from a physical relationship. Hope that he has come to see you for who you are. Hope that he understands. Hope that he will still want to share his life with you.
“May I hold your hand?” Paz whispers.
You place your shaking hand in his without hesitation, a choked sob escaping you, one that you know he registers. He looks down, staring at your tiny hand in his. His fingers enclose yours firmly, gently. Reverently. He clears his throat.
“When we are together, you fill me with such overwhelming joy and peace. For the first time in my life, I finally feel whole, like you’ve filled a void in my heart that I never even knew was there,” he whispers. “I can’t stop thinking about the loss that consumes me when we are apart. There are times when I am on a hunt and I cannot even sleep because I miss you so much. Every second we are parted, I long to return to your side.”
You nod vigorously, still trying to stifle the stubborn tears coursing down your face. He continues, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other.
“You have always been the beacon of light that guides me home through the storm, cyar’ika,” he says. He places the flat of your palm against the karta bes’kar embedded in his armor. “One day, I would like to be the same to you.”
With those words, you promptly lose whatever tenuous control you had over your emotional state. You start to sob as you place your free hand over his, and draw closer, pressing your forehead against his chest plate. He draws you into a tentative hug, resting his chin atop your head. As you nestle into that safe place in his arms, you come to a realization that steals the breath from your lungs.
This is where you feel respected, cherished, and loved.
This is where you will raise your future warriors together, as equals.
Here, in his arms, you have finally found your home.
“Cyar’ika, I have always intended for this to be a permanent relationship,” Paz says. “I’ve been talking to Armorer about asking you to accept me in courtship, so I can do this the right way for you. So, I can give you a relationship that honors the paths we have both sworn to walk.”
You sniffle and nod, struggling to stifle your tears long enough to speak. At this point, you don’t care if he knows you are crying – there’s no way you can hide the shaking of your shoulders. Maker, who knew that Paz had such a way with words? You’ve known him for years now, yet you have only now just glimpsed the passion he’s kept locked up so deeply inside himself, hidden from everyone but you. And Maker, you want to feel every bit of the passion he has for you.
There had been just one other before Paz, someone you had loved with all your heart and soul. They had promised themselves to you, promised to wait until it was time to marry, and you had accepted their promise. Within weeks, they were pressuring you for more and more, attempting to convince you to turn away from the promise you made to yourself when you were sixteen. You have always wanted to find love with someone who loved you for your adherence to your faith, for your skills, and for who you are. Someone who would respect your desire to limit physical touch to only kissing, out of respect for your tribe of origin. They had promised you all of that, but it was a lie.
When they had pulled you in for a kiss, you resisted, yet they had forced it on you, their hands falling to grope you. You had ended the relationship on the spot. That unwanted touch had been a blatant violation of your trust in them and their promise to you. It had hurt to lose them, but they had made the choice to violate your boundaries and make you feel unsafe and unloved.
You truly love Paz, in that way that makes you feel dizzy and lightheaded. You are older now, more capable of seeing those warning flags that you had not recognized as a young girl. Paz has only ever been respectful and considerate, not a single inappropriate word or gesture escaping him. He has only ever treated you like an equal. Your heart swells with your love for this man, to the point where you feel you are going to burst with joy.
Now, you find yourself aching and wanting for this man so intensely that it frightens you. And that is why you know you have to hold back – right now, you aren’t sure you have the willpower to stop yourself from giving your kind, gentle warrior anything he might ask you for.
Hearing the way he speaks to you, the gentle tone, the way he asks for your permission to hold your hand and to call you his cyar’ika…you know he will respect you. That he will not ask you for what you cannot give him right now. That he will wait as long as you need.
“Cyar’ika,” he says softly.
You turn your modulator back on.
“Yes, Paz?” you whisper hoarsely.
“Would you…would you be willing…to talk to the Elders?”
“Paz, my answer is yes,” you say. “I will accept courtship with you.”
“You have made me a very happy man, cyar’ika,” he says. “May I give you something?”
Nodding, you take a half step back and sniffle back the tears that spring to your eyes once more. You watch as Paz reaches into his pocket and withdraws something flat and small, pressing it into your hands. As you unwrap it, he speaks, and your face drains when you recognize what he is giving you – his clan signet – and not the one any regular member of the clan would wear. This one is intricately detailed, hand-carved by a master craftsman.
“I know this isn’t a blade, but I just can’t wait any longer, I want to give you something special to me,” he says shyly. “If you are willing, I would like you to become lady of Clan Vizsla. You don’t have to answer right now. Please just think about it, I just…I just want you to have that.”
As you stare down at the signet in your hands, it suddenly feels heavier, and you realize the responsibilities you will have to shoulder if you accept his request. You will be more than his riduur – you will act in his stead when he is away. You will guide the newlyweds in their journeys together. You will be there for the birth of each child to tend to the new buire. You will teach, you will negotiate, and if need be, you will wage war on his behalf. As you look, he shifts nervously again, clearly waiting for you to say something. Swallowing, you square your shoulders and take a deep breath. Looking up at your beloved, you do your best to keep your voice steady. With Paz by your side, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. You will succeed, so long as you have him with you.
“It would be my greatest honor to one day join your clan,” you stutter out, your voice shaking. “As both your wife and lady of the house, I will serve our family with pride and humility.”
Paz exhales shakily, as if he had been holding his breath. You lean in and give him a gentle hug. Paz returns it. The two of you linger for a few minutes before finally parting. You wrap the signet in the cloth and tuck it into the pouch where you keep your tools. Squeezing his hand, you look up at him, giddiness filling you at the thought of standing by his side.
[Bonus Scene]
Din sinks against the wall, pressing his hands into his bucket.
“We worked so hard to get this to happen,” Din groans, “We worked so kriffing hard for this and I fucked it up – “
“Calm down,” Dezha responds. “They haven’t come back inside yet, so that means they’re still talking. There is still hope – “
“What if he was proposing?” Din hisses at Dezha. “What if I fucked up my only brother’s proposal – “
“You said he wants a proper courtship, did you not?” Din snaps.
“Well, yeah,” Din says.
“So, he has to ask if she’s willing to accept courtship before he can ask her to marry him,” Dezha retorts. “You didn’t ruin anything. Calm down. He was probably just kissing her.”
“He said he wouldn’t do anything against the rules,” Din retorts.
“Oh, right,” Dezha says. “Let’s get going before someone comes to investigate. We do not want to spread gossip – “
“Ooh, is Paz kissing Shu’shika?” Jalyn asks in a sing-song tone from the hallway. Then mischievously, “Or is Shu’shika the one kissing Paz, hmm?”
“Jalyn, I will break every bone in your body if you spread lies,” Dezha hisses at him.
“So, no kisses yet?” Jalyn asks. “How much longer are they going to make us wait?”
“Make us wait?” Din asks incredulously.
“I have been getting my offering for the wedding feast ready for a year now,” Jalyn says, turning his nose up haughtily, “My gift will be one they cherish for decades to come.”
“Oh fuck,” Din says, “I need to get a gift – “
“Calm down,” Dezha says. “We are not going to scare either of them from – “
“Ooh, are we talking gifts?” Revala asks from the doorway. “I bought the most beautiful set of baby onesies a few months ago – “
“They aren’t even married yet,” Dezha says incredulously, “They may only wish to bring foundlings into their family – “
“Please,” Revala scoffs, “Have you seen how broody Paz gets around the babies? If that man could carry an infant, I have no doubts we’d be up to our armpits in Vizsla brats.”
“Okay, let’s have this discussion elsewhere,” Dezha says. “If they come back in and find us here, they’ll know we set them up.”
“Paz already suspects we’re trying to help things along,” Din says. “We need to tone it back before he gets mad at us.”
“Listen, we have been dying for a proper wedding,” Jalyn chimes in. “If he proposes tonight, I think Hannah could have the feast ready by tomorrow morning.”
“GET OUT,” Dezha roars, finally losing his patience. “Give them privacy, for kriff’s sake!”
“I wonder if Shu’shika will finally let him have a kiss,” Jalyn muses, as he heads toward the door.
“Jalyn, I will make your life miserable if you tease her,” Dezha warns.
“A little teasing – “ Jalyn begins.
Dezha advances, pressing one finger into the karta bes’kar on Jalyn’s breast plate.
“Do you know what an accordion is, Jalyn?”
“The…the fuck does that have to do with anything?” Jalyn asks, voice tiny with terror.
“Do you?” Dezha hisses.
“Yes,” Jalyn says. “It is a musical instrument from the Far Reaches – “
“Alright,” Dezha says. “If you do anything to make Shu’shika uncomfortable, I will cram one fist down your throat, the other up your arse, and play you like a fucking accordion. Are we clear, shabuir?”
Jalyn’s mouth moves, but no sound comes out. He eventually gathers his senses and nods. Dezha points down the hallway and they move away.
- Di’kut - idiot Buir(e) - parent(s) Resol’nare - 6 tenets of Mandalorian tradition Dar’manda - a state of being soulless, something that traditional Mandalorians fear greatly Riduur - spouse Bes’kar - Mandalorian steel Beskar’gam - Armor Shabuir - jerk, but really strong, not a nice word Shebs - rear Cyar’ika - darling, sweetheart Karta bes’kar - the indentation in the chest plate, lit. iron heart
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mrsmiroir · 3 years
kanna is so so interesting, I really wish we could’ve seen more of her and her backstory. she’s incredibly strong and brave... she crossed the world during a war to escape a forced marriage! that’s incredible! she has also experienced so much loss in her life: she left her old life behind, her family and her friends, everything, without much of a goodbye. kanna saw war, was caught up in it (at such a young age!) and still continued on. she built a new life for herself in the southern water tribe only to have the fire nation decimate that. she lost her friend (and maybe more) hama and probably never quite recovered from the raids. yet she still continued on with life. kanna was probably close to kya before kya was involved with her son, and I think that it was kanna who gave her the necklace (a symbol of her fight, a symbol of her strength, her bravery, and her resilience). she had two grandchildren, one of them was the last southern waterbender. kanna probably tried to be happy, tried to have hope like everyone else, but deep down she was consumed by the fear that the fire nation would take katara away like they had taken the others so many years ago (like they had taken hama). and then her worst fear comes true. the fire nation is back. she loses kya, and her family is a wreck. they try to keep it together, she tries her best to support them. hakoda goes off to war, along with all of the men in the tribe, and every day she wonders whether her son is alive or dead. and yet she continues on. the avatar is found, but soon after, the fire nation takes him away too (and in a way, they take her grandchildren along with them). she has no idea if they’re alive, if her family is still alive. kanna is a character who has had people she loved torn away from her, who has had hope torn away from her, and yet she still remained strong and managed to hold onto love.
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ixchel-sketch · 2 years
So I wanted to join the bandwagon and list my favorite Ice Planet Barbarians books since I used my KU trial to read like...most of them tbh lol And Ive noticed my faves are different than the popular choices
A disabled character who isn't magically fixed by the khui? Sign me tf up. Because of this she notices things about the local wildlife that ends up saving their asses and also fuck Hassen for being Big Dumb and thinking she cries too much. I would cry for days if someone kidnapped me from my sibling on an alien planet too. Rokan's "knowing" sense is super fun too. Also that none of the humans seems to believe it's a thing (until later). You're gonna tell me that the khui can give someone healing powers but not a little foresight? Lol okay then. But yeah I loved these two so much.
I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did. But dealing with anxiety and panic attacks on an alien planet would definitely suck ass. And everyone seems to judge her for dealing with trauma with crying and being emotional. Except Zolaya, who can tell that she's upset even when she pretends to be ok and is determined to help her cope. Like. I love him, best guy. He even distracts the others when she has a panic attack so they won't notice. Their story is super cute, I didn't even mind it was told in flashback style.
OMG hit me with that angst. I love it, I want it. And nothing gets those feels going quite like a second chance romance after a lost child. Neither of them had time to learn to communicate with each other (except maybe like those two years while Asha was pregnant? I guess they were happy?) so their relationship fell apart in the mourning process. But bonding over a lil metlak baby? So cute. This story had just enough feels that it stuck out as one of my top 3, which also surprised me.
I have some qualms with how Rukh and Harlow met, like any occasionally sane modern woman. The caveman bonk & drag is not sexy, the whole point of the euphemism is that it's not an okay way to act. But damn did I love this book. I didn't know taming a wild man was THAT high on my list of fantasies but damn did Ruby Dixon lock onto my problematic tarzan dreams and target this story at me. I wasn't a HUGE fan of the time skip in the book but I get it, especially when they were alone together for over a season as opposed to the few weeks that the others had spent alone. In any setting other than not hoth or like, 10,000 BCE I would say nopppe, but in this series Harlow & Rukh are one of my faves.
Give me the angst!
Pashov survives a terrible injury but can't remember his mate and baby? Sign.me.up. I also like that his memory issue isn't magically healed completely by the end of the book. There's no big rush of complete memories that fixes everything. They have to emotionally recover from those lost years and find a new way to move forward which kills me in the best way. Also I kinda love how Stacy is happy cooking for the tribe and fell into sa-khui mated life kinda easily, which makes it just that much more sad when their life gets turned upside down. Last place on the list because their baby's name is Pacey. Like. C'mon Ruby. Apparently the Not-Hoth couples have the shared braincell of Stephanie Myers when it comes to naming the next generation but whatever. We all have faults.
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wildshadowtamer · 3 years
Firelord Ursa AU Idea
okay so this is a really rough idea, but what if:
(Zuko would be 10-ish, Azula would be 8, pre-lu ten’s death, if only by a few months. the siege of ba sing se was probably delayed for one reason or another)
Ozai did something awful, as usual, and Ursa finally snaps, sick and tired of putting up with this trash man and watching people suffer by his hand. She first asks Azula (who she has kept close and safe from ozai’s control) and Zuko if their okay with her ‘dealing with’ their father, to which both are alright with, and she promises them they’ll have a step-dad in no time.
So, she poisons Ozai’s drink and has tea with iroh, lu ten, and the kids, and tells them to act upset when the messenger arrives with the news of his death. She completely gets away with it, and fake-mourns him for a while while she makes her plan to kill Azulon, too.
A month after Ozai’s death, Lu Ten and Iroh prepare to head to Ba Sing Se and begin the siege, but Ursa pleads with them not to, and they stay, saving Lu Ten’s life in the process.
(the rest under the cut bc Long)
After a convincing amount of time, Ursa gets the help of her children to create the traceless poison that she kills Azulon with in the night, the creation of it was a nice bonding moment for the family, and zuko quickly got over his ‘feeling bad for being an accomplice to murder’ after Azula mentioned some bad stuff Azulon likely did.
They once again fake shock, sadness, and mourning, and sit through his funeral. However, when the sages say it is Iroh who will be crowned, he rejects it and insists on Ursa to take the throne instead, and Ursa gets crowned firelord.
The first thing she does is stop the war, then lifts the ban of same-sex marriage, and slowly starts to heal the fire nation like 6 years early.
She gets with Ikem and goes to the SWT for a peace meeting, on one of the less intimidating ships, with her family (without Ikem bc he insisted on staying at the palace in case anything went wrong) 
 After all the formal meeting stuff is out of the way, Hakoda offers to let them stay for a bit, stating he understands the curiosity of young minds, and thinks it would be good for the children to learn about the other nations, so they dont end up like their father, Ursa agrees.  Ursa, Kya, and Hakoda hit it off right away, Iroh and Kanna do too, likely telling embarassing stories about their children, Lu Ten falls head over heels for some water tribe boy his age (hes a hopeless gay), and the children meet Sokka and Katara, who they latch onto and make an inseparable bond with. 
 Sokka and Zuko go penguin sledding, Katara and Azula plan pranks like little sisters do, Lu Ten is trying and failing to ask this dude out bc his braincells left the moment he fell in love, and Ursa has successfully made steps towards peace with the southern water tribe.
They stay for a bit longer, and eventually have to leave, which none of the three kids want to, but they do go home after like an hour of “get on the boat, sweetie” “no”
Years pass, and the fire nation and water tribe children continue visiting  eachother, and Lu ten does manage to ask the guy out after 3 years of silent pining.
But then, assassination attempts start popping up left and right while Hakoda and his family were visiting, when Zuko was about 13, and he asks the guards about whats going on, to which the guards dont answer, and Zuko decides to take it into his own hands.
He creates The Blue Spirit to avoid suspicion. 
Zuko, along with Azula (the red spirit), investigate and eventually find themselves in the lair of Ozai’s Angels, a group badly named by Zhao, who was and still is fiercely loyal to Ozai (somewhat bc he was sleeping with him to get promotions), and has worse naming abilities than Sokka. A Fight happens, and Zhao ends up burning half of zuko’s face after his mask gets ripped off.
They nearly die, but Sokka, Lu Ten, and Katara burst in, and help them escape, breaking Sokka’s leg in the process. Sokka had figured out what Zuko was going to do, and had followed them to the lair entrance.
When they got back to the castle, they got both sokka and zuko medical help, and the others got told off for doing something so dangerous, and Lu Ten got in trouble for letting it happen
After Zuko woke up, he got mad, very mad. Mad at OA (Ozai’s Angels) in particular, and swore revenge on Zhao, who was quickly building up his underground society into something bigger and more dangerous. Zhao also got ahold of a dragon, somehow.
Zuko realised he had to find someone strong enough to help take down such a big, dangerous society, which now had the Dai Li on their side after Lu Ten helped Kuei realise how bad Ba Sing Se was getting under the Dai Li’s control.
and so, Zuko began on his quest to find the avatar. The others helped, going on their own adventures in their respective nations to find him. Zuko went to the northern and southern air temples with Iroh, Lu Ten and his boyfriend went to the earth kingdom, Katara searched the lands of the SWT, Sokka and Bato (hakoda was needed in the village) went to the northern water tribe, where he met Yue, and Azula (+ mai and ty lee) stayed and explored the fire nation. Between the lot of them, they had most ground covered.
After 2 years of searching and growth, it was Katara who found Aang in the ice berg, and quickly sent word to everyone else that the avatar was found.
After that, Aang and the regular group explored the world for masters to teach them, and quickly found out that Zhao was on the hunt, he had stolen a fire nation ship and was going across the world with the strongest of his soceity to find the heirs and the avatar. Zhao had visited Kyoshi Island and burnt it down, which the Gaang helped patch back up.
Zhao eventually headed for the northern water tribe, where the Gaang were to get Katara and Aang a waterbending master. Zhao’s soceity had grown significantly in the 2 years he was left unsupervised, big enough to make a dangerous fleet of firebenders.
Canon happens to an extent, Sokka falls hard for Yue, Yue dies, and Zuko carries Aang through a blizzard to make sure Zhao cant capture or kill him while hes in the spirit world. Aang goes into the avatar state, destroys the fleet, and Zhao very narrowly manages to avoid getting eaten by the ocean spirit, but gets a lot of scars for killing the moon. 
The Gaang get seperated, however, and Appa gets injured, so Aang cant fly around to locate everyone else. After 3 weeks, they end up at the earth kingdom, and find a swamp, and they know who to search for next.
Gonna put the rest in a part 2 cuz this is getting long and thats a good place to end off on.
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sanjuno · 4 years
So a thing happened
Hey, so who remembers me saying that “Wildfire Hearts” was a one shot and I wasn’t gonna create an entire crew of OCs for a one shot?
... I’m weak and think too much so here have a crew list.
SHIP: Days of Reckoning
CREW: The Anarchy Pirates
Captain: Portgas D Riot | “Wildfire” Riot
Technically South Blue by way of his mother and birthplace, East Blue by way of his father and part of his childhood
Has eaten the Legendary Logia - Mera Mera no Mi, Model: Ghostfire (because “Hotarubi” reminds me of bog lights.)
Will never admit to anyone what happened in the canon timeline
Wants to bang Marco the Phoenix like a screen door in a hurricane
Completely out of fucks to give
Has died once already and fears nothing
First Mate: Ranger Dustin
Literally a cowboy
From East Blue
If Jesse McCree was a pirate this is the pirate he’d be
Has a Seahorse, likes to rope Seakings when he’s bored
Has roped and tied his crewmates and Captain to stop them from doing a Dumb more than once
Main weapons are his lassos and his ability to suplex a rowdy Seaking, but he’s also got a decent quickdraw – he shoots from the hip!
Hat-tip to Dusty – we loved you before you had a real name, white cowboy hat pirate man
Quartermaster: Occhio D Vittoria
Clairvoyant Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid
A “first generation” D – the D means “Drowned”
Technically an Author-SI but shh that’s a secret so she says she’s from Fishman Island
She’s basically a waterbender but only with seawater
Old enough to have legs and that’s all you need to know
Probably a witch actually
Spends a significant amount of time yelling at the Sea – please don’t freak out when the Sea starts arguing back if it happens just roll with it
Navigator: Kele of Shandora
Shandorian from a tribe that migrated away from the main Sky Island to an arpeggio to get some distance from the fighting
Has eyes tattooed on his eyelids for the lols
Black hair and black eyes, swarthy skin, many tattoos
He swol but built rangy like an alley cat
Has a magic compass
Fell off the Shandora arpeggio when trying to catch a seaturtle as a birthday present for his mother
Has pearl beads in his hair
HC that people from the Sky Islands have hollow bones, so Kele looks scary but is actually comparatively fragile.
Pirate married to Hilda and Tern
Cannoneer: Svan Hilda
Former North Blue noble
Platinum blonde with red eyes, very pale skin
Jacked like whoa – this woman can bench-press both her husbands and the main cannon at the same time
Also very tol
Really likes it when her “little surprises” make a bigger boom than the other guy’s
Frequently kidnapped by other pirate crews; proceeds to take them over through brute force and broken arms before absconding with their loot before they regain consciousness
Pirate Married to Kele and Tern
Bladesmith: Heel Tern
Why are there so many knives?
East Blue native and exactly as stubborn as you think that means
Light brown hair and dark brown eyes, tanned
Basically immune to fire because of Armament before Riot drags him out of East Blue because he started playing with burning coals before he was old enough to know better
Pirate married to Kele and Hilda
Doctor: Angelo Merci
Always smiling. Always.
Lost her medical license when she “accidently” slipped with her scalpel during surgery on a World Noble who was “fond of children”
Originally from West Blue
Technically was supposed to get killed for that but shanked the Marine escort and bolted before the order was given
Pink curly hair and green eyes, dark brown skin
Swordsman: Iago Montoya
Is basically what happens when a flamenco dancer and a swashbuckler have a baby
Very Dramatic Person
From South Blue
Dark purple hair and bright purple eyes, dark tan skin
Is BFFs forever with the Badu Brothers
Likes to accuse his opponents of killing his father to “set the proper mood!” even though Mr. Iago Sr. is running a popular theatre back in his hometown
Shipwrights: Ghal Friday and Mahn Gull
They are both from Water 7 but moved to East Blue as children
Friday looks like a dairy maid pin-up and has a grip that can crush cinderblocks barehanded
Has orange hair and blue eyes, tanned with freckles
Gull is really fond of secret passages and trapdoors
Has dark grey hair and overly large orange eyes, pasty from spending as much time as possible inside the ship
Friday and Gull are either married or co-dependant. We dunno for sure and we’re too scared to ask
They will finish each other’s sentences… and sandwiches.
They share only one braincell and it’s usually occupied with ship maintenance
Bard | Chronicler: Tarone Deff
A Lobster Fishman
From Fishman Island, obvs
His swimmerets have pseudo-hands that he uses to play instruments that need digits
Mostly a singer and percussion player tho
Has perfect pitch and can imitate voices really well
Musician: Dandy Leon
Has a massive embarrassing crush on Badur Mofu
Fails hard at flirting when he likes someone but gets like six different denden codes when he’s schmoozing for clothing discounts
Believes that every fight should have a musical score
Plays instruments beautifully, sounds like a dying cat when he tries to sing
Tucks his shirt into his pants but then leaves it unbuttoned so he can show off his “assets”
Fights with a giant fucking axe wtf you twee little bastard where were you keeping that?
Sniper: Mark Tagger
Has a telescope that is the same size as his rifle, and carries them both on his back in a harness, and that has caused some interesting incidents when he mixes them up by grabbing the wrong one
Best artist of the crew, so he helps Kele make the maps
Rainbow dreadlocks and black skin
Never seen without his visor on
Wears massively oversized shirts – I have no idea if he’s got pants on your guess is as good as mine
Cooks: Badur Mofu and Badur Asif
Twins – have recent Artic Wolf Mink Ancestry that makes them look feral, but far enough removed from it that they’re mostly human
White hair, gold eyes, claws, fangs, and slightly off proportions
Badur Asif talks, Badur Mofu doesn’t talk
Enhanced senses mean they are super strict about seasonings
Lookout | Spymaster: Long Conner
Extremely farsighted – can see an approaching ship 3 days away, cannot see own shoelaces
Learned hypnosis and grifting from his granny
Has a very trustworthy face
He is a lying liar who lies
Apprentice Captains:
Portgas D Ace
Born Gol, took mother’s family name instead
Ate the Mera Mera no Mi because he was shipwrecked and forgot to pay attention to what he was eating
Portgas D Sabo
A “First Generation” D
Formerly Outlook, forgot this due to brain trauma
Joined the crew at 13 when the Anarchy Pirates stole him from the Revolutionary Army
Ate the Yami Yami no Mi because Luffy did a Dumb Thing
Portgas D Luffy
Formerly Monkey
Ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi because he thought it was a desert
Gonna be the next King of Pirates
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secret-engima · 3 years
Reading Worlds Unseen. Some thoughts? I'm trying to get into the HZD side of things, but am also ? cos have no knowledge. What's a Focus? Who are the Old Mothers (was that what they were called, the uhhh 3 ladies)? Is Sylen Aloy and Bast's Braincell? FFXV-wise, is Titus redeemed in this version? Or do events play out like canon? Tredd saved Bast so I mean, doesn't really seem like will turn traitor on own Glaive but this was before treaty news so. Did Bast get Crowe's OG mission? Does Crowe die?
I will absolutely answer some questions if I can because yay someone is paying attention to this AU:
A Focus is a device left over from the time of the Old Ones/Metal World/pick term depending on culture and it’s this little triangle thing that attaches to a human ear and then acts as a little mini computer/scanner thing. It can scan just about anything to identify it, it can translate written text from almost any language, read and play audio logs and holograms, and also (very helpful in game) track the programed routes of the various machines living in the HZD world. Of course since the Old Ones are long gone, most people chalk up what Aloy can do with it to Magic.
The three ladies are the High Matriarchs! The Nora Tribe is a matriarchal society governed by matriarchs. There are normal Matriarchs who are grandmothers that have both living children and living grandchildren and then there are the High Matriarchs who have living children, grandchildren, and GREAT grandchildren which ... proves their wisdom as moms I guess. They run the Tribe, dictate the laws, determine punishments, and consult with All-Mother (the goddess of the Nora religion) for wisdom. They also do blessings and rites for the Tribe such as the naming of children.
Sylens is definitely not the Braincell. Bast is the Braincell when he can be bothered to do so. Sylens is- in canon Sylens is very cold and calculating and hyperfocused on history. I personally HC that he’s some form of autistic? But that’s never confirmed in canon he’s just- the really smart guy who is obsessed with history and technology and starts chatting with Aloy because she’s the first person he’s ever met who can actually keep up with him in that department.
Titus and all things concerning him are currently under Spoilers. Sorry. (Tho I think there’s a snip somewhere on my tumblr that is very spoiler-heavy in regards to his fate? don’t remember)
Bast did in fact get Crowe’s OG mission so no she does not die. :)
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Hey darling, can I get 6, 13, 25, 38, and 40 for the obscure asks? 😁💜
Oh, hi darling <3 This will likely be a bit longer, but i don´t think you´ll mind xD
6. what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?
Rock. There´s enough flavors to keep me busy for a long long while :D
13. talk about an au or story you came up with
OHOHHOOHOHOOOOOOO darling, you surely had big fun when seeing there´s this question. For everyone else who doesn´t know, picture this. Star wars AU, Prequel times, but Padme is a force-sensitive late-bloomer, Yoda took Anakin as his padawan instead of Obiwan, who was knighted some time later as a result and now is handling Padme´s training in secret for obvious reasons. Also Obiwan is a woman here, because there is not enough space lesbians, and especially not in star wars (also that one lesbian kiss frame in sequels doesn´t count) Padme and Obiwan also fall in love in place of Padme and Anakin, Obiwan falls off a cliff, contracts amnesia and is promptly whisked away and turned dark by crusty old man. Believing her wife is dead, Padme is found by Dooku, who decided to grow some braincells and decided that giving Palpatine plans for a planet destroying weapon was not a great idea and basically went rogue, taking Padme under his wing, so she´s dark but not really Sith.
both Obiwan and Padme mutually save each other by the POWER OF LOVE in the end, obviously
25. what country’s history do you find the most interesting?
well, since it´s one i know most about, I suppose my own country´s history is my fave - Slovakia
I mean, first a bunch of tribes, the there´s this merchant that comes to be a king for a while, then there´s bunch of other kings but different, there´s a family that rules over but is technically not locals, then there´s a 1000 year long occupation by a different country, then the fight for autonomy which as a side effect helps put together a language that the whole country eventually uses, then there´s world wars which were mostly spent being Germany´s piece of ass (because other powerful players decided that sacrificing a whole country to Hitler wasa GREAT idea), but then we were "freed" by Russia, which the soldiers kinda stayed around and then the commies took over and made everything bad, although not that much worse than previous regimes, then Czechoslovak officialls decided to get a divorce and now we´re here
I could go on and on about it, but this is pretty good summary i think
38. are you left brained or right brained?
I think I have both halves ? I HOPE I have both halves xD
40. do you like light blankets or heavy blankets?
as long as i´m not sweaty all over and have something to snuggle under i don´t mind either :D
As always, I enjoy asks, so anyone stopping by is welcome :)
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dragomer · 3 years
It's crack au anon back with more bad dadzhao aus)) basically I was thinking about Zuko and Zhao stranded in the Earth Kingdom together after the siege but then I thought what if Yue was there too so now I just got chaotic siblings Zuko and Yue and I was thinking about parallels so now I'm sold on Zuko and Yue having the same birthday and pretending to be twins in the EK and that Zhao is their fake dad except Zuko sucks for him because he might actually be his dad 1/
2/ So it's just complete chaos and Yue learns how to stab a bitch, a bitch may be named Zhao all Zuko wants to do is find his uncle who he lost not long after escaping into the EK and finds out earlier then the normal crack au that he's maybe Zhao spawn while Zhao doesn't remember agreeing to full custody from Ozai and why tf is the NWT princess here?!!? Simple answer Zuko accidentally kidnapped her so these three rich mf are stranded and have to survive for the first time with nothing
3/3 And it's just pure chaos Zuko and Zhao are trying to strangle eachother in the background while Yue's just glad to be here and included. And the whole pretending to be twins thing is pulled off by Yue dyeing her hair brown/black so she's not recognized and them saying their mom had some close water tribe ancestry and that Yue takes after their made up mom while Zuko looks like dad which might actually be true rip Zuko and Yue lives because Zhao has a single braincell and didn't kill the fish
You’re always welcome here with your crack, Anon XD.
I had the same reaction as Zhao when I saw Yue TBH.
Once again, there’s so much, I have trouble deciding where to begin to respond. It’s great.
Thanks for the ask and the crack AU ^^
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flerkenkiddingme · 3 years
Okayyy i promised @sen-raq another oc post (thank you for being the kind soul who asked, ily), so here comes Team Avatar OCs 2: Electric Boogaloo.
This time, we’re actually getting into the friends in the squads, since I covered the avatars’ siblings in my last one. Each one will get 6 headcanons, just like last time. And the first one for tonight is the underappreciated yet iconic Ta Min. (get it? cuz she’s my blog icon? i might have a problem lmao)
1. She’s the nonbender daughter of two fire sages. Based off what we know from LOK and Shadow of Kyoshi, they have a deep connection to the spirits. Her parents believed having a nonbender daughter meant that their spiritual connection was diminishing, so to prove she wasn’t totally useless, she studied everything fire sages could do that didn’t require firebending. She memorized every astral calendar, learned the names of all kinds of spirits, and even made attempts to enter the spirit world, but they never batted an eye.
2. One day when she was almost 13, she was heading home from her job at the palace and walked into a sword fighting practice session by accident. Instead of sending her away, the instructor invited her to try. She ended up joining for good, and became extremely skilled with two daos, much like a certain descendant of hers. This was how she met Kami and her best friend Asha.
3. She got along great with Gyatso, since he was fascinated by the fire sages’ techniques, and with each other’s help, they entered the spirit world for the first time. They also bonded over her being demisexual and Gyatso being aro-ace.
4. The way she and Roku met was her almost running him through with one of her daos on her way to her sword lesson, hastily apologizing, and disappearing down the corridor with an internal monologue that can be summed up as “shit shit shit shit shit that’s the prince’s best friend oh fuck did he see my face? he saw my face, i’m so fucked, i’m busted, my parents are going to pull me out of here and then things are going to suck again, mother fucking shit.” That didn’t happen, as the only thought in Roku’s head then was “oh crap she’s cute.”
5. Picture a group mostly comprised of reckless dumbasses, and imagine Ta Min as their one brain cell. Now throw that idea out the window. She's what I call the Trick Braincell, aka the one you think would be the functional one until a situation arises and you realize she’s just as bad as the others. 
This group’s braincell happens to belong to my next oc, Asha, the best friend and eventual girlfriend of Kami.
1. She is half Water Tribe on her mother’s side and happened to be born a waterbender. To cover this up, her blue eyes were turned brown and she wasn’t to do any bending outside of her home. This was effective for 15 years of her life.
2. She’s mad good at pai sho, and showed her strategies to Gyatso, who used to fail horribly at it. The White Lotus tried to invite her, but she told them unless changes were made to the misogynistic bending rules, it wasn’t happening.
3. Once, in a moment of blind panic, she reached for the water in the body of someone who attacked her and, with a sort of bloodbending move, made them hurt themselves instead. Asha never figured out how it happened, as she didn’t want to try it on any of her friends to find out.
4. Her bending specialty is plant-bending, like how the Foggy Swamp benders did. She likes it because no one expects anyone to bend vines and branches, and it really catches people off-guard.
5. She’s the reason no one else in the crew has died yet. She learned to heal in secret as a kid, and until Roku and Kami figured out heat-bending, was the one helping patch up the others when something went wrong. 
Now I’m changing gears and giving you something on one of Yangchen’s closest friends, Rianak.
1. She’s the daughter of Yangchen’s waterbending master from the Southern Water Tribe. They were a bit more chill with women waterbenders learning to fight, but she struggled a lot with it initially.
2. She has a long scar under one eye from getting too close to a baby walrus moose and facing it’s mother’s wrath.
3. She was pansexual and kissed Yangchen once in the middle of sparring. Whether Rianak and Yangchen will be a couple, I’m not totally sure yet, but just know they had this little moment.
4. She loves to dance, and often does when home alone, humming songs played at Water Tribe festivals and holidays.
5. She can tell when someone is lying. Not in the way Toph can, but she can sense their blood rushing in their body and how fast or slow it goes. About seven times out of ten, she’s right.
That’s all for tonight, and if anyone wants more deets, all you have to do is ask. The ideas build up like a dam waiting for an escape.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender, s1 eps.10-14 (2005)
Date watched: 09/September/2020
Previous episodes: 01-05, 06-09
The liveblog:
Jet is a teenager's idea of "cool". The asshole walks around with a twig in his mouth and of course the 12yo and the teenage girl think he's awesome
Sokka keeps showing he has braincells and being kicked by the plot for it
I look forward to Jet's terrifying future in politics
Aang: *tells the story that fixes everything in "The Great Divide"*
Me: "There's no fucking way that's true."
Me, a minute later: 😎
Zuko is Trying very fucking hard and he's really emo but I appreciate him and I'm sad I can't kick Ozai's ass
Also: baby Azula wtf
Iroh is a good man and he's also Trying very fucking hard
Iroh's trying very hard to keep the crew from mutinying
Aang: *gets captured*
Random person in a mask: *shows up to rescue him*
Me, deadpan: "Ah yes, I wonder who this could be.
Random person in a mask: *is Zuko*
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The fight scenes in "blue spirit" had me going, "I know it has to be Zuko, but I also don't remember if we ever saw him being this cool" 
Zuko's arms have made me feel very guilty for not working out since March. I should try yoga again
“Blue spirit” feels like the payoff to the previous episode
Because ep. 12 gives us the flashbacks and works with them in the episode, but you don't get any actual in-story, not-just-thematic connection between Aang and Zuko. And then comes ep.13
I think the fortune teller episode could be considered as kataang foreshadowing, but it only makes me feel like there's too much "weight of prophecy" thrown on top of the relationship now
Anything: *happens*
Katara: "Aang's the Avatar! He can solve this!"
Me: "He's twelve."
[Friend A.: i love all the moments where moody teenager zuko's like. really caring? he's never considerate? but he Cares A Lotand it shows from the very start]
Yes! He got into this mess for caring, really
[Friend A.: exactly!!!! and that's why anyone who writes zuko as this ruthless and/or cruel character has no rights]
...people do that? This guy who was all "I'm leaving without you if you aren't back in time" *proceeds to go on a solo rescue mission for his uncle*
[Friend A.: people take that one pirate scene and extrapolate zuko's whole character from there]
Which one?
[Friend A.: the one where he ties katara to the tree]
Where he was all "I need to restore my honor! Please don't be mad at me!"? That scene? Because that's the vibe I got from the scene
"I swear I'm not bad! I just have to restore my honor! It's important! Don't hate me, please!"
[Friend A.: exactly]
[Friend A.: Zuko's Dumb Boy Who Cares. that and he's trying to play a character he's so not suited for]
[Friend A.: "lookit me i'm all suave and cool and sinister"]
[Friend A.: but you can hear the clown music in the background]
He tried to be Ruthless and 20 seconds later he was all "My honor! Don't get angry!"
Yeah. It was kinda embarrassing
Points for effort, but he blew it by trying to make excuses
We can't even say that he committed to the role
He probably has a sad entry in his diary about how this water tribe girl thinks he's mean because she doesn't understand his motives
[Friend A.: jfklgjfkgkjg]
[Friend A.: he most definitely writes abt himself as if he's a hero in a play]
He probably mentally narrates what he does
Like... before going to sleep, he does a mental recap of the day
It's not remembering things, it's literally narrating in his mind
[Friend A.: god. the blue spirit adventure was him having the time of his life]
[Friend A.: he gets to be mysterious!!! sneaking around in a mask!!!]
That bit at the end of the episode where he was lying in bed brooding? He was definitely putting together the mental recap
Zuko, internally: "He lied there, wondering why the Avatar boy with the arrow on his forehead had waited for him to wake up before leaving."
He's sixteen, he definitely uses epithets
[Friend A.: don't drag him like that!!!]
I love him, I'm allowed to drag him 
He's a sad loser that Tries. That automatically gives him an advantage over the others in my heart
I didn't expect to care about Sokka. So far, that's been the biggest surprise for me
Okay, I was actually a bit surprised by how much Zuko already cares? Everyone makes it look like he suddenly became likable when he stopped having this terrible hairstyle, but like... everything he needs to be likable is already here
Like... you know they want you to care about him because the story wastes no time to start ridiculing him on the first three episodes
"This is your antagonist. He's a fucking loser." - Episodes 1 and 2
"Hi, this is an actually mean bad guy. The fucking loser you've been seeing so far? He's gotta fight him." - Episode 3
Episodes 1 and 2 try very hard to show how extremely pathetic Zuko is so we'll root for him when he fights Zhao on ep.3. Not so we won't care who wins, but so we'll actively root for him to win
And like... to top it off, you get him deciding not to hurt Zhao and allowing Iroh to lead him away instead of trying to fight Zhao when he tries to attack him from the back
Like... even Iroh's role in the first two episodes is to make it clear how fucking sad Zuko's position is He has to deal with this old uncle that doesn't seem to care much what happens, even though Zuko treats his quest like it's Serious Business
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unliikelylovers · 4 years
ahh yay u reblogged that ask thing i was hoping u would. ok so. yue/yueki (whichever ud prefer!), azula, bakoda :)
omfg leo <33 this makes me happy ok buckle up for a massive post
how I feel about this character
when i first watched avatar i didn’t rly get her,, like i couldn’t get invested,,
but the more i think about her the more i love her
she is so kind,, so good,, deserves the world,,,,
all the people I ship romantically with this character:
sokka (not to be heterosexual but they were rlly cute onscreen okay)
suki (the vibes!!!!)
katara (moon <3 and <3 ocean <3 gfs <3)
my non-romantic OTP for this character:
yue x a long, happy life leading the northern water tribe and smashing the patriarchy
my unpopular opinion about this character
i can’t think of anything because nobody ever talks about her!! she’s so slept on :(
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
it would’ve been cool if she joined the gaang,, i just love that idea sm. she would’ve brought one more braincell too and they Need That
my OTP
probably yuetara bc i just love that thing where u ship two characters who are foils to each other... very good, usually gay...
but honestly i’m only just opening my eyes to the wonderful world of atla wlw ships so my opinion is yet to be solidified
my cross over ship i don’t do crossover ships lol i find it hard enough gauging whether two characters have chemistry onscreen u cannot expect me to extrapolate it across media
a headcanon fact
i think yue probably hated pakku and she was goddamn right
how I feel about this character
listen i skipped this q bc i couldn’t unpack it enough and honestly later on in the post i wrote two entire essays of how i feel about azula so just read that
all the people I ship romantically with this character
nobody, she needs to heal
my non-romantic OTP for this character
azula x therapy
my unpopular opinion about this character
idk if this is unpopular exactly and it’s gonna take some explaining
basically i went into the show (bc i only watched it for the first time a few weeks ago lol) expecting that she would be a Bad Bitch™ bc everyone’s like,,, simping for her
that’s not what she is?? like at all???
and at first i did not like her and i was like why does anyone like her even a little bit she’s literally just an agent of fascism and imperialism
and while watching the finale i finally was like Oh.
she’s an abused child. and all she ever learned how to do was manipulate and fight and make war
and she literally never recieved love from anyone
i just don’t understand how you can look at her character and think “yass queen” OR “she’s a crazy bitch”
i am fervently on team Uncomfy When People Idolize Canon Azula But I Desperately Want Her To Heal
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
realistically, her redemption/healing arc would be messy and complicated and not at all linear and hard to make into a compelling tv storyline
and any “redemption arc” that would be compelling children’s television would not be Good Enough For Me
and unpopular opinion i don’t think it would serve the story to add an addendum of book 4
so no i don’t want the atla writers to concoct an Azula Redemption Arc
but i want the characters in canon to save a little space in their heart for her 
for someone she has not directly hurt to see her circa sozin’s comet and say, “this is not the warmaking machine ozai tried his best to make, this is a deeply hurt child”
someone like iroh
scratch that “someone” shit i want iroh. i want iroh to hold space in his heart for his niece, to see that she is not a lost cause. please. you did it for zuko please do it for her
my OTP:
azula x therapy
my cross over ship
a headcanon fact
bakoda (which is honestly at this point my actual otp i am fully subsumed)
when I started shipping it if I did
honestly idk? i think i got it from a tumblr post lol i was like “oh? we ship these two? excellent” and just Ran With It
my thoughts
the Old Gays vibes are immaculate. the yearning. the fighting beside one another. the raising children. perfect in every way
what makes me happy about them
that they can grow old together, happily, in their home, in a world at peace...... God
what makes me sad about them
the idea of bato just... pining... for years... the Angst
if we’re talking canonverse then i love mining bato’s injury for angst just consider the possibilities: bato feeling abandoned at the abbey... bato thinking hakoda will never love him if he’s left less mobile... bato not properly taking care of himself
i just have so many emotions about bato someone stop me
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
just straight up ignoring kya or even worse, kya slander, like,, she and hakoda were also in love 
((i may or may not have literally done that in one of my fics and still have weird feelings abt it but it was 600 words of fluff so))
things I look for in fanfic
literally ANYTHING i will read any fanfic that has bakoda as a tag, bakoda nation is all about the crumbs
but for real. the yearning. all of the pining. they need to spend years in love with each other without saying a goddamn word
also if it wasn’t clear from my fics,,, whenever a bakoda fic includes kya i Love that shit. makes me go all heart eyes emoji. i love her. i love her so much i need more kya content
bato/hakoda/kya ot3 content is so blessed,, i see bato as gay probably but i can vibe with bisexual or it can be a v configuration
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
hakoda with kya, obviously
my happily ever after for them
growing old together.......... just being old queer dads in love...... please i love them so much this is giving me Emotions
who is the big spoon/little spoon
bato is the big spoon he’s like a foot taller than hakoda and hakoda just wants to be Held
what is their favorite non-sexual activity
there’s a bakoda fic on ao3 where the tags “burn scar care” and “mutual pining” are adjacent and uh yeah. That.
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Can you tell us more about Domoria and Damus? I was just looking at your old art of them, and they're adorable--I'd love to know more!
Oh my goodness, this is the first time anyone has asked me something like this! Of course ^-^
(btw, Damus doesn’t belong to me, he’s actually @your-missing-period‘s oc)
I created Domoria in late September 2019, and she was one of the first ocs created in a discord I’m in. 
Domoria is probably the most hyperactive, optimistic queen in the junkyard, to a point where she can be a tad exhausting if you aren’t used to her. She can be a lot to handle, is mistake prone, and definitely isn't the brightest bulb in the box. However, she’s harmless. She always means well, and believes that everyone is her friend! And if they aren't her friend, they are just a friend she hasn't made yet.
3 personality traits I use to describe her are
Social Butterfly
Domoria absolutely hates negative emotions more than anything else. She would much rather fake a smile until it’s real if she ever has a negative emotion. Therefore, she ends up bottling stuff up frequently. But everyone knows her as just the most flighty, chatty, naïve, and most importantly, positive queen in the tribe.
Domoria has a human home that’s full of children of all ages. She’s very used to being covered in glitter or paint, being picked up, and being dressed up (as seen by her signature pink bow). Her childish manner likely comes from being surrounded by children so often.
Her dance style of choice is ballet, but since she’s not a very slow or methodical person, her ballet has a lot of energy and flair to it. “Ballet, but make it jazz”. She also loves to swing dance. She’s not very good at acrobatics or tap (it confuses her, but she likes the sound the shoes make).
She’s actually pretty similar to Etcetera, who I wasn’t too familiar with when I created her. However, they are not one in the same. An example being that Domoria may be lively, but she’s definitely not as loud, and doesn’t just hang our with a specific group or squad. Domoria is also not a kitten, but a young adult.
Domoria has a twin brother named Ruzzilo. Their backstory is rather lengthy, so I’ll make a separate post about that at another time. Ruzzilo and Domoria are currently unaware that the other exists, because they were separated at a young age. While Domoria is now with the tribe, Ruzzilo is a henchman for Macavity.
She also has a rather complicated relationship with a tom named Vitsaro ( @fandomsandmore394‘s oc). They are both major crushing on each other, but since Vitsaro was getting over a crush on Palette ( @jelliclegifs ) when they first began curhsing, Domoria was hesitant to really make it official. But honestly, it’s only a matter of time.
Her best friend is Tolstoy ( @voltsdolt ), and he just about keeps her sane. Seriously, if Domoria only has one braincell, Tolstoy holds on to for safe keeping it so she doesn’t lose it. 
Her closest canon cats friends include Jennyanydots, who’s like a mother figure to her. She’s also extremely close with the crime twins, who treat her like a younger sister and teach her all their pranks.
Damus is another one of Domoria’s very close friends. They have known each other for ages, way back when Damus was extremely shy. Domoria thought he was just so funny, what with never wanting to talk to people (especially queens), so she would hang around him to encourage him to break out of his shell. Over time, her efforts proved worthwhile as Damus became more popular and confident. However, he still hasn’t forgotten about Domoria with his newfound popularity. They both love to swing dance as well. 
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That’s basically the rundown on my main oc Domoria! I love her to death and will definitely post about her more in the future! I also have three more ocs (Ruzzilo, Beatrice, and Theophilus). If you or anyone else has any more questions, do not hesitate to ask. And let me know if anyone has any ocs they’d like to befriend her!
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your-localghost · 4 years
so um who wants to read a 50 page essay of me and my mom's journey through the IT movies?
too bad you're reading it
so like i saw this goddamm clown, and i, also being a clown, said to my mom, also a clown, "lets watch this clown movie lol" and she said yes. and in the like first five minutes we are already awwing and stuff because??? omg georgie and bill are so cu- oh. oh my god. oh this us not what we thought at all-
so enter Losers. instant RELATE i am also a LOSER hellO?? hAh look at these 2 idiots theyre bickering like an old couple an- oh my fucking GOD of course there are bullies. one of them looks like draco malfoy??? guYs did draco malfoy play in this movie we see him like 2 times-
oh my god oh no poor bill he is trying to find his brother :( but alsO BEV IS SO PRETTY??? IM SO GAY???? and yeah i really feel the New Kid On The Block like same man i didnt even get to meet a pretty girl and a buncho losers who will go jump into lakes with me
OH and the lake scene? it bites me in the ass later. i fucking passed it off as a "theyre bonding" moment and then it transforms into a feelings plane and crashes into my house
me: they just keep leaving their bikes
mom: well It takes kids, not bikes
fastforward and??? the fight secene?? the fuckijgn fi Ght SCE ne??? o H M Y GO D
bill was so desperate to find georgie?? richie was so scared he would die??? beN BEING SCARED HIS FRIENDS ARE GONE?
and oh?? bev's dad??? hate the vibe this dude gives to me. like this dude def did more than mentally abuse her and im so glad she beat him up
bill's speech on georgie, like, dude just fucking stab me it will hurt way less
fastforward more, the oath??? how scared stan was??? like i ddint really feel any connection with stan other than his actor played my fav character, stan, in ianowt, but uHm? i still love him??? so mUCH???
oOOOH i just realied i didnt talk about mikey
so between the 2 movies we realized it wasnt on netflix and went on various websites to watch the 2nd movie, got progressively angrier until i got my laptop and just watched it blindly because we are both blind
okay heres the tea yall
they completely erased bev's character in the 2nd movie. in the first it was emphesized SO MUCH just how brave she was compared to the others. she took the first step, she wasnt afraid to go into the house she fought her abusive dad and in the 2nd movie it was all gone. i really liked the fact that bev wqsnt a damsel in distress until in the 2nd movie she was. while in the 1st movue you forgot that gender roles existed in the 2nd it really seemed like they wrote bev as a "woman" rather than "bev" you dig me??? okay rant over. basically fuck the 2nd movie bev and im not just saying this because her 1st movie actor made me realize i was a lesbian. on to the movie
oh mY GOD HOMOSEXUALS??? WILL THEY HAVE A PART IN THIS STORY OH MY IM SO EX- oh. right. oh hey theres mikey :D
me: who's this??
mom: its bill look, its his surname
me: you remember bill's surname but not richie or ben's names?
oh theyre all grown up!! oh bevs fighting an abusive man again and uh
mom: i have a feeling stans gonna kill himself
me: hah can you imagi
STANLEY??? BABEY BOY OH NO???? and also are we gonna let the spider with the baby head thing pass?
"this is like a virus its been eating us for 27 years!" YEA MIKEY ITS CALLED PTSD YOU FOUGHT A FUCKING DEMON AND DIDNT SEE A THERAPIST????
also the whole tribe thing seemed really out of story and like it didnt belong there at all? idk maybe its just me but i dont wanna believe that bill's 3rd eye opened after he got drugged by his friend idk
so like hightlights because ive got many rants about the 2nd movie
what the fuck do you mean bev got out of jer specilized hell after ben recited 1 fucking poem are you kidding me are yOU FUCKING KIDDING ARE WE REALLY DOING THE SAVED BY LOVE BULLSHIT AGAIN OH OKAY
well uh now that we got my love for richie on papet um
the lake scene
i cried and i had to watch heteros kiss underwater while wiping my tears. its only cool when percabeth does it guys
the lake scene aside i full on BAWLED LIKE A BABY at the ending because i felt so bad that stan died already and i felt bad that not only was richie facing years if bullying and homophobia anf the loss of his friends it finally is confirmed that richie had a crush on eddie and i
i just cried man? it hurt me so much as it weighed on me how many jokes richie made, how scared he was when he saw the missing paper of himself, his flashbacks to people calling him names, his speech to eddie and that he had to get dragged out because this fucker obviously couldnt let go of his feelings. and between all of that and stan's letter my brain blocks out everything and focuses on one
R + E
oh my god
NOW i dont really like watching movies. as a writer myself im really critical of everything involving the world building, the characters, the plot and all that jazz and usually the acting is so bad that i dont feel for the characters but THIS ONE. T H I S O N E
my mom turned to me and was SO SHOCKED to see my flat out CRYING because i just dont do that man, and she just asked my what made me cry and i just made a noise like "hhhnnnn" and she nodded and went "richie's love story" and i, still crying, went "hhhnnnn" but in a higher pitch
and im just so mad? that eddie didnt get to live?? we didnt get an "i love you" or even a "im gay" from richie??? we didnt get to see them holding hands and letting go of their trauma together and being gay and happy yet
yet the fucking bad-writer-white-boy and boo-hoo-i-had-no-friends and not-bev get happy endings??? mike can get a happy ending because he is a well thought out character
bill had to change his endings which really makes me angry because ima writer yada yada
bill has been bullied his uh what whole life? he got told his opinion didnt matter and from what i remember even his parents shut down his ideas and i feel like he should have made the endings how he wanted instead of changing to what the public wanted. thats what he defended as a kid, thats why he was in the losers club unwilling to change, because they were losers. yet he changed.
ben should have stayed fat or at least have abnornal weight because that also defeats his story with bev. it makes it seem that suddenly and magically when ben is hot bev can BEGIN to consider that she loves him.
i already ranted about bev.
mike is decent i guess? i like that he didnt stay with whoever the fuck that was in the first movie because he seemed very aggreasive to me. im glad the chose to research into pennywise because others were too stupid not to (RICH AND EDDIE GET A PASS AGAIN BECAUSE THEY SHARE HALF A BRAINCELL AND I LOVE THEM)
well stan is just tragic
me: who the fuck is afraid of spiders why do they keep showing up
mom: its stan?
mom: he brought the hair things and all
me, about to cry: oh m y god
so TL;DR: we really liked the first film! the acting, the plot, the creepiness is overall better and you get to relate to a bunch of Losers who get abused by their parents
the 2nd film doesnt exist. i refuse to acknowledge it exist EXCEPT for the ending where stan writes a letter about how he would like to meet hks friends again while BREATHING and richie and eddie carve their initials on a piece of wood and get to be gay.
if your name starts with B your opinion is invalid in the 2nd movie
also can anybody give me fanfics where the fortnite dancing clown doesnt exist and richie goes to therapy to heal from the bullying and once he gets over his homophobia he gays with eddie??? specific i know but im willing to write it if it doesnt exist
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