#their ears have small points to them where the fins would be if they were fully formed
skaianettechsupport · 3 months
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i believe that Gamzee would be an inflatable furniture enthusiast
original post!
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hashbrowpn · 1 month
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WANDERER'S your lover. And he's a merman. How cool is that?
NOTES: this won the poll and honestly i dont blame u guys wanderer is so silly as a merman i wanna see him do some tricks like a dolphin in minecraft idk maybe he could do a lil flip in the water
"What's it like?" you ask, kicking yout feet into the crystal clear water that shimmered.
He cocks an eyebrow at you. "What's what like?"
You pause to study him, his eyes that seemed to shine in the low light, his wet raven locks sticking to his face and his nape, his lips that quivered as if he was holding back a few snarky remarks at the way you were looking at him. "To have a tail like that," you finally say, nodding to his tail that was ever so often swishing gently.
He looks at you with an expression that spoke he was either exasperated, irritated, or in thought. Perhaps all of the above.
He watched as you dip yourself further into the water, leaning on your elbows.
He crossed his arms and laid them on the shore, chin resting on his forearm. "You aren't all that bright in the head, has anyone ever told you that?"
"Say, if I were to ask you," he suddenly reached out and grabbed your ankle, squeezing a yelp from you, ""what is it like to have legs?", what would you say?"
You sigh. "Good point, I guess."
he chuckles dryly at your defeat, tilting his head to see you feign annoyance, eventually giving in and huffing out a small laugh. He lets go of your ankle, the mark of his tight grip still visible on your skin.
There's a moment of silence.
"You're breathtaking, you know that, right?" you mumble, sitting up straight.
Wanderer looked caught off guard, and you savour that moment of him staring at you before saying, in a voice way too loud, "If you're trying to flatter me, it isn't working."
"Mhm." you gaze at his face dusted in red.
"I mean it!" he says.
You lean in and cup his face, pressing a kiss on his nose. He grunts a little, his tail fin sending ripples of waves into the water. You snicker and gently stroke his cheek with your thumb.
He's gazing into your eyes so dreamily.
Then he pulls you by your hips into the water.
You shriek with laughter as you join your lover in the water, the stars watching over you in the dark sky. "Wanderer!"
You thread your fingers through his locks of hair as he kisses you, tender and lovingly.
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🍰. BONUS !!
"I am not letting you ride on my back."
"Wanderer, please?"
"..." he eyes you warily. With an exasperated sigh, he leans forward. "Fine, get on. Just this once."
You squeal, wrapping your arms around him, where his human flesh blended into scales, and got on his bare back.
"Hold on," he warned, before diving off into the waters.
You yelped, feeling the wind kiss your face. "Slow down, wait, wait wait, stop, sto-"
And he stopped abruptly, prompty launching you into the water.
He burst out laughing, throwing his head back as you stared at him in embarassment.
"That wasn't funny!" you huff, gently smacking his shoulder. He was grinning from ear to ear as he pressed a kiss on your lips. "I'd do anything just to see that again."
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 4
Damian's face twisted in disgust at the offending object.
Phantom's quirked in confusion. He nudged the massive striped bass towards the smaller siren. "What's wrong?"
"I am a vegetarian." Damian huffed. "And it's raw."
"Oh. Uh, whoops." Phantom shrugged. "I don't know how to break it to you, dude, but, like... There's not much better to eat out there."
Damian glared at him. "I would rather starve."
Perhaps he was being too stubborn. With a buffoon of a companion such as this, the situation was better treated as a survival scenario than a mere mission. Damian was no fool. Vegetarianism was a luxury afforded to those with the food abundance to choose.
That, and it had been a solid sixteen hours since his last meal. His tail felt sore and aching in a way he hadn't felt in years. His stomach growled and groaned, demanding something to fill it.
The last time he felt a hunger like this was when he was still in the League, when they sent him out on weeks long missions where he starved under moonlight and ate birds and rats to survive.
"Come on, Damian, you need to eat something." Phantom cajoled, as if his puppy-eyed look could ever match that of Richard's. "And the seaweed's not gonna sustain you. Believe me I tried."
"Are sirens obligate carnivores?"
"No, but-"
"Then tell me why I cannot sustain myself off of kelp and seaweed?"
"Dude, those things have literally no calories in them."
A valid point, but just because he was right did not mean Damian had to cede the point so easily. "Is the siren species so primitive as to not have cultivated plants in order to sustain their population?"
"I literally don't know how to answer that dude. Do I look like an ambassador or something to you?"
Damian frowned.
"Look, it's getting late and we'll need all the rest we can get. I promise it doesn't taste that bad. We'll try and work something out tomorrow, how's that?"
Damian sighed. "Very well, but only because I very my life, thank you very much."
"Thank god for that..."
Damian unwrapped himself from his tail, and approached the poor fish. "I am terribly sorry, fish. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain." He muttered.
He looked up to find Phantom with a small knife, cutting up the fish into messy fillets, like this was the first time he'd done so. Peculiar. Surely he had lived off fish his entire life, and had deboned many before this moment.
"Just so you don't get poked in the mouth by a bone or two. Those things suck."
Phantom offered a strip of meat. Shutting his eyes, Damian took the food, and shoved it into his mouth, chewing minimally before swallowing.
The taste was... acceptable.
More than acceptable. perhaps.
It would be a shame to let the fish's death go to waste.
Damian sank his teeth into the side of the fish, eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from the taste.
Some time later...
Danny floats back into the cave, a handful of kelp bundled up in his arms. "Hey Damian, look I know this situation sucks for you, like in every way, so I went out and got some greens for you, just so it's not all meat and- Wait, Damian?"
The boy in question slept fastly, his fins gently drifting back in forth in the small currents caused by Danny's entrance. His head was slumped against the bass he'd brought in earlier, little strips of fish still stuck in his teeth.
Now that he wasn't making faces and being angry at Danny, he was honestly pretty cute.
Danny wiped some of the bits of meat off Damian's cheek, careful not to scratch his soft scales with a misplaced claw. Despite being so small, Damian managed to chew through a sizable portion of the fish that was easily half his size or more.
Setting the child's body to the side, and draping a small blanket over him, Danny set to finishing off the rest.
He hoped everyone back home wouldn't worry too much. If the GiW boats didn't clear out by tomorrow, then they were in for a big problem. He and Tucker were working on making waterproof earpieces, but they weren't ready yet, and his waterproof phone had been left in his room when he'd rushed out to get Damian back. That meant no communication with Amity Island whatsoever. No way to get in contact with Bruce Wayne, and no way for his friends to know he and Damian were ok.
He was really in over his head, wasn't he?
The morning came with a very loud wake up call.
Danny jolted awake and bumped his head into the nearest desk overhead. "Who's attacking us?!"
Beside him, Damian jerked himself into a defensive stance (or as close to one as he could manage.)
The curtains of the cave were pushed open, allowing streams of sunlight to stream in and blind the boy with its glare. Peeking into the cave was the head of one Ember McClain, a vicious grin plastering her face.
"You never told me you got a kid!"
Damian chirped indignantly.
Danny sputtered. "Whawhwh Wh Wait a second!"
Ember pulled out of the cave, and squealed. "Yo Kitty! Dipstick's got himself a kid!"
A woosh of water rushed past, and Kitty's neon green and teal scales showed themselves. "Omg! Phantom aren't you like fifteen? What the heck?!"
Danny blushed deeply teal. "He's not mine I swear!"
Ember pushed Kitty out of the way. "Oh my gosh he's so tiny. Who's the lucky woman?? Or man??? Phantom what have you been getting up to without us?!"
Damian hissed at him from behind Danny's shoulder (when did he get there?) "Begone, harpies! And cease your accusations! I would sooner perish than be related in any way to this incompetent fool."
Ember trilled in adoration. "He's so freaking adorable. Where did you get him, Babypop? An orphanage??"
Danny would've done a spittake, if he was above water. "W-what?! Dude, literally where would even find an orphanage around here?"
"Did his parents dump you on him like Johnny was?"
"Uh I'm not even gonna question that."
Ember clasped her hands to her mouth in scandalous shock. "No way, did you finally turn to the dark side and kidnap him?"
Damian piped up again, gripping on Danny's shoulders with his unsheathed claws and rising higher. "Nonsense, I claim no familial relationship with this person, not by blood, law, or emotion. He is as close to me as any stranger would."
"Ouch Damian. I literally saved your life."
Ember and Kitty chortled and shorted. They clutched their bellies and lead against the walls of the cave. "It's just... PFPFTT Phantom you total scoundrel, ahah!"
"Yeah yeah, look I gotta get this kid back to his dad on Amity, and quick. He's probably losing his mind over there."
Kitty gasped. "So you did turn him."
Danny shushed them. "Don't scream it out for the whole ocean to hear!"
He rushed out the entrance of the cave and shooed them in, covering the doorway up as they entered.
"Look I'd really, really rather you guys keep this on the down low. This is kind of a huge deal right now." Danny said.
He turned to Damian, still perched on his shoulder, his little tail brushing against Danny's ghostly white sail. "Is it ok if I tell them?"
"if it will convince them to vacate the premises."
"If you have to know, Damian's the son of some ultra rich guy. Skulker got him for whatever reason, and I was forced to turn him."
"Dude, Skulker went for a literal child?!" Ember clenched her first, likely hiding her extending claws. Right, Skulker was a bit of a touchy subject for her. "Of his own kind, no less?!"
"That's fucking low, girl."
"And now the GiW are going crazy too. Probalby got a huge donation or whatever. We're just waiting untli they go away so I can get Damian back to his dad, without any dissections. That also means none of you guys should be going near the place either."
"Pfft, too late for that."
Danny froze. "Who did they get?"
"Relaaxx, Dipstick. I was just preparing another concert, only for like fifty boats to show up out of fuckin' nowhere. Luckily I heard them before they saw me, but come on! I was miles from Amity at that point!"
"Miles?" Damian whispered.
Danny felt the same way too. They were only increasing their patrols now, shit.
"It's bad enough that the rest of the Pod are freaking migrating. We haven't migrated in years!"
"Yeah, actually, Phantom you wanna join us? I know you have this whole, err, thing, with Amity Island, but we hardly see you. And Johnny's been itching for a rematch."
Danny looked over his shoulder, to where Damian was lost in thought. This might have been the first them he'd seen the kid not glaring.
"Thanks for the offer, but I need to get Damian home. It's my fault he's like this, and he's got a whole family out there waiting for him."
"Don't you too?"
Danny swallowed a thick of water. He did have a family, a family that was probably going crazy. But at least part of that family, and his friends, knew he could take care of himself, knew that he was a siren, knew that the water was his element. Damian's family didn't have that luxury.
"We'll figure it out."
The girls shared a look, and shrugged. "The offer still stands, Babypop. Oh, and i'll be sure to fuckin' dice Skulker next time i see him, lying, cheatin' bastard.
For a moment, the boys watched the two siren teens' trailing tails, before they turned a corner and disappeared.
"What was that?" Danny asked.
"If Amity Island is inaccessible to us, then we have to go to Gotham."
"Isn't Gotham-"
"On the East Coast? Yes, it is. It's our only option."
"That's thousands of miles, and you can't even walk!"
"Would you rather we stay here, waiting for the GiW to approach us and kill us both?"
Danny clenched his jaw. Damian was right, wasn't he.
"The only way to reunite me with Father is to go to Gotham. They will not be expecting us there."
"How can you be so sure?"
Damian dislodged himself from Danny's shoulder and floated in front of him. "Because they are unaware of the sirens' power of transformation, am I correct?"
"Good point, but wait, how did you know that?"
"I did some cursory research before coming here. The prevailing theories put forth by the supposed 'experts' on the matter asserted that sirens eat their human victims, with no mentions of turning. They have no reason to believe I am not dead., and no reason to suspect any siren activity in Gotham."
"And you're ok with that. Thousands of miles of swimming in the endless ocean full of things wanting to eat you?"
"Are you not?"
"Ok ok, calm down." Danny had to chuckle though. Rich as this kid may be, he was definitely not spoilt enough to sit still and wait for his dad to save him.
"And the fastest way to get to Gotham is via the Panama Canal." Damian puffed his chest out in what was probably pride. Danny stared at him, dumbfounded.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Have I ever jested to you before?"
"No seriously. The Panama Canal. You realise that place is monitored up and down, right? Literally the moment we get spotted, the locks are gonna, you know, lock down, and then we'll be stranded and sitting ducks to be chopped up by the GiW."
"That will not be an issue. You possess the power of camouflage, do you not? And again, they will not be expecting us in Panama, so they will have no reason to bring any sonars there."
Danny wanted to bang his head against the wall. This idea sounded so stupid, but not stupid enough that it was unfeasable.
"In addition, you said it yourself. Your negligence resulted in my permanent loss of humanity, so it is your responsibility to do whatever you can do right your wrong."
Shit. Came with being the son of a businessman, didn't it? This kid was guilttripping the hell out of him and Danny could honestly not say he didn't deserve it.
"Fiiiine. We're going to Panama."
"Excellent." Damian grinned. "Let us leave immediately."
Danny could only pray that none of the 50 things that could go wrong, did go wrong, but when was his luck ever that good?
No, instead, Danny strapped in whatever supplies he had laying around in the cave. To Panama we go...
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mac-and-thefox · 9 months
Everyone seems to really be going through it this weekend. Here is an offering of fluff 💙 purely self-indulgent sappy love-struck Phantom crushing and pining over Rain because my brain is in chaos and needs some softness 🙃
Cw: fantasizing, hand jobs
Elixir of Life
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The woods outside the abbey have always been a special place for Phantom.
When he was new from the Pit, before finding his place in the dynamic of the pack, he would take frequent walks in the woods. He would just wander, marveling at the light filtering through the trees and giving the forest floor an ethereal glow. They didn't have light like this in the Pit, and he'd find himself in awe of all of the simple, natural wonders of the surface world.
What amazed him the most was how there was water everywhere. There was so little water in the Infernal ring he had come from. What little there was to be found was putrid, acidic, and stank of sulfur and brimstone. Although dank and toxic, it was still a precious commodity. Ghouls fought tooth and nail with each other for a handful to drink. He would run his fingertips over the scars etched in his face, through his milky eye that no longer had sight, and shudder at the memories of his siblings growling and maiming for the right to a few drops to quench their thirst.
The water here though, it was safe and cool, it was healing. The water here brought life, and that life was something he could hear, smell and taste all around him as he stepped through the trees on this particular day.
There was no path leading to where he wanted to go. At this point he had come to this place so many times that it was imprinted in his heart.
Phantom moved silently through the trees, having left his shoes at the edge of the wood. He padded over the moss on the ground and ducked under fallen trunks and branches until he came to a clearing.
This was his safe place, a haven for him to go and clear his mind; to escape, not that he didn't love his pack fiercely, but to have a moment away from the mentally exhausting process of learning all the things and customs that came with being on the surface.
This clearing, with its aspen trees, it's small meadow of wildflowers, it's clear, pure stream-fed pool, was a place for him to breathe, and reflect, and read his books.
Here, he would also find Rain.
Phantom had been fascinated by Rain the moment he had stepped out of the summoning circle and set eyes on the water ghoul. Water ghouls were basically non-existant in his circle of Hell. The fact that Rain had elemental power over water, could just summon it and influence it at will, was something Phantom marveled at and still struggled to wrap his mind around.
Rain, with his creamy skin, long graceful limbs, dark soft curls, and eyes so strikingly blue it made Phantom's heart ache to look into them.
The young quint had longed to...just touch Rain, to twine their tails together and run his claws through Rain's hair. To run his thumbs over his soft, perfect skin. While Rain was perfectly friendly and had welcomed him with open arms into the pack, Phantom had simply been too shy and nervous to do anything about it.
So here he sat, knees drawn up to his chest in the soft moss and foliage as he hid behind his book in the shade of a golden aspen. Across the clearing, Rain lounged in the pool, floating on the surface of the water as he watched the clouds track slowly across the sky.
Every so often Phantom would peek over the pages of his novel and watch the water ghoul in his element. Occasionally Rain would raise his head to look over to the young quintessence ghoul watching him and smile to himself as Phantom would notice him looking back and hide back behind his book, pointed ears reddening and scent tinging with shyness and embarrassment.
Phantom yearned to just sit and watch Rain twist and glide through the water like the most graceful, perfect creature of the sea. He longed to run his hands along the colorful, delicate beta fins that came with Rain's unglamored form. He wondered what would happen if he could lightly caress Rain's gills with his fingertips. What Rain's perfect, full lips would look like whispering his name. He let his mind wander as he tried to get his heart rate down from getting caught looking.
In his mind, Phantom could be brave. He could put his book down and cross the clearing to the pool. He could reach down into the pool and cup Rain's beautiful face in his hands before softly pressing their lips together, sighing as he felt Rain's plush mouth give and open for him.
In his mind, he could be brave enough to slip into the pool with Rain and draw the water ghoul into him to straddle his lap while caressing the muscled planes of Rain's back and shoulders. He could run his nose along Rain's throat, leaving soft kisses and licks in his wake as he basked in the scent of water lillies and fresh morning dew. He could feel his quintessence dancing across the water ghoul's skin as he reached out with his magic to elevate what they were both feeling.
Phantom could work up the courage to gently grip Rain's hips and slowly start grinding up into the water ghoul. He could practically hear Rain's soft sighs and whimpers as they pressed close together; hands roaming, touching, caressing. He could feel Rain's hands tracing patterns on his chest before coming up to entangle themselves in Phantom's hair. Maybe Rain would start rutting against his stomach, with kisses becoming more insistent, more filthy as Rain pushed his tongue past Phantom's teeth to caress the quint ghoul's tongue with his, claiming Phantoms mouth and lips like they're Rain's to own.
Maybe Phantom could then draw Rain back in his lap just enough to free his cock from his shorts before pulling him back in to grind their cocks together. He could cup Rain's ass in his hands, kneading the firm muscle as he moved Rain's body against his to find the perfect rhythm and pressure that left them both gasping and moaning into each other's mouths.
In his mind they were sharing breath, riding a high off of each others' scents and arousal as they drove each other closer to coming undone in each others' arms. Hands moving to tweak nipples, tug on hair, rest on throats, caress gills, to take both cocks in hand and jack them off together as they rutted against each other.
Phantom could imagine what it would feel like to see Rain's eyes roll back into his head and whisper Phantom's name against his lips before crying out and cumming between them. Phantom would follow shortly with his own release, his head dropping to Rain's shoulder to bite as he moaned out his ecstasy against the water ghoul's dewey, perfect skin.
In his mind they would rest against each other in the water, exchanging soft words, gentle kisses and touches as they drank in each other's presence in this moment. A second lasting an hour as the two willed to stay suspended in this moment for eternity.
Phantom came back into the present and jolted to awareness as he noticed Rain standing over him, a curious and slightly concerned expression on his face. Rain crouched down and cupped Phantom's cheek in his hand.
"Hey Stardust...you back? Where did you float off to?"
Phantom blushed all the way to the tips of his ears as he moved his book to cover the now very obvious boner in his lap.
"Sorry, sorry..it's nothing. I'm fine,"
Rain sat back on his haunches and looked at Phantom for a moment before shrugging and offering his hand.
"Alright, well c'mon then. We should be getting back,"
Phantom took Rain's hand and stood, trying to discreetly adjust his shorts to make the lump in his pants a little less obvious.
They left the clearing and made their way back to the abbey. Phantom trailed slightly behind to watch Rain as he stepped through the trees with the grace and poise of the most elegant deer.
"Yeah," he thought to himself, "maybe one day I'll brave enough."
Water was a special thing indeed.
@jesusbutbetterrr @jimothybarnes @iamthecomet @jazz-bazz @littlemoon-beam @criticaloser @kamonart @sphylor
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cleabellanov · 3 months
Jet-Skiing through Identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 1) 🚤
The story started when you said hello.
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Our first interaction with this character dates back almost three years now, on the 9th of June 2021. That was when the first episode of the Loki series was released.
So it goes: we see Mobius at the guiding side character, someone to follow in this vast new space the main character is suddenly thrown in. He is a calm, steady figure. However, his serious status as an analyst not cancelling a friendly character. The first ever shot in the series introduces Mobius under the sunlight. The following scenes show him speaking French to a little girl, proving a soothing behavior despite the tight situation they were in.
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For someone who works at the TVA, he shows to be quite open minded. He, of course, has a very analytical mind - while still considerating he could think outside the box, whereas other of his colleagues wouldn't accept that a box exists. Even having studied variants, having a focus point is Loki, and knowing the danger it would bring to have to trust one, he still gives this variant a chance. More than that, he takes full responsability for it: when Ravonna says: "If anything goes sideways, it's on you" he responds with a relaxed "Okay".
The first impression Mobius leaves is, therefore, one of a relaxed, almost joyful one.
Although meant to be playful, his response to Loki's threat to "burn this place to the ground" with a flippant "I'll show you my office, you can start there" hints at a potential underlying dissatisfaction with his own situation within the TVA.
But that's not all, and when the easygoing dialogue doesn't work to get under Loki's skin (which couldn't have happened so easily anyway) we get to see where studying variants brought Mobius: to knowing how to manipulate through emotions, using the information at his hands. The only way to get Loki talking was to shatter the illusion he was maintaining, and Mobius knew that. Being able to see this variant for what they truly are proves his smartness, but "lack" of empathy. However, it is more of a block than a lack- for the sake of efficiency- as a consequence of not only working, but living your entire life in the TVA. As a consequence to this, great strenght is also required to keep your true nature instead of just letting it be erased by time and the utter dedication to the time keepers- the only beings allowed to tell right from wrong. Mobius proves that strenght too.
Then, in the second episode of the series, the frame narrows down: from the big scheme to a lower one. Now, a more comfortable theme seems to be growing in the atmosphere between these two characters. We can see Loki sitting with his feet on a desk, magazine in hand, having a small quarrel with Miss Minutes. This is when we find out that Mobius still has more to introduce about himself. There is something that gets him closer to the viewers: having a personal interest with no specific corrrelation with the rest of the story: jet skis.
Going on the first mission of finding the rogue Loki variant (Sylvie, as she is later called) Mobius doesn't let himself be fooled away by Loki's silver tongue, even if in attempt to give him the chance he brought him in for, he almost gets into his play. "You almost had me for a second. My ears are sharp too" Therefore, this character with a first impression of a calm guide and a comic relief isn't to be underestimated. Just because he believes in his cause (collaborating with Loki to fin his variant) it doesn't make him a fool. -> If you have to courage to believe in something impossible, you also have the strength to make it possible.
There is also a soft jelaousy in his character; and seen not only in his attitude towards Loki finding an ally in Sylvie. It's there when talking to Ravonna Renslayer about "other analysts", and the traces left by them in her office.
This might appear as a personal pride, when for Mobius, it is more like a fear: he's afraid of being abandoned or replaced. (Remember the "Who's gonna miss an old analyst with a heart of gold" from season 2?) This internalized feeling therefore translates to the jelaousy we see on screen (or the blocking of emotions once again, but we'll get to that later).
Ravonna's "I know you have a soft spot for broken things" reveales how this character always cared, maybe more than he should have. This desire to help Loki get better (spoiler: he succeeds) is rooted in his own heart, in need of the same care he is giving away. -> Look at you comforting others with the words you wish to hear.
It also grows quickly into something more, that strictly has to do with this variant, a sympathy that is not put into words, but is seen in actions.
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He once again proves to be gentle with Loki, despite the latest mission not going the way he was supposed to. He's stubborn, still wanting to go his way even when there are so many others: safer, and that conform to the TVA. He wants to give Loki his daggers back (LOVE IS A DAGGER WHO?!?), clear proof that he is confident in what he is doing. While the potential consequences outweigh his previous actions , Mobius's determination stays the same.
The one unforeseen factor that disrupts his meticulously ordered plan is Loki's escape through the time door after Sylvie bombed the sacred timeline. For the first time, we see Mobius's cool crack, his frantic calls of "Loki!" echoing in vain.
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cringetownusa · 1 year
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This was meant to be for mermay, but i do NOT have the energy or drive to finish any of the lighting or rendering, so instead there's some MerWarner ideas and a drabble under the cut for you. [commissions]
i was thinking that maybe their eggs got swept by a current and fell into a ditch, so when they hatched they didn't have anyone, so yakko learns what he can by watching fish and mermaid from kinda afar
learns how to like mermaid chirp from watching them, and how to speak by watching humans when he tries to go to the top of the water out of curiosity (he still very small at this point so nobody spots him) but he hatched first, and kinda just. took the other two eggs with him once his arms were big enough to hold them
(TINY eggs, so took him maybe a week)
when wakko hatched yakko worried he was doing something wrong because wakko would respond to things yakko said, but he never actually said anything much.
dot took a long time to hatch. she was the smallest, and she was a frail baby, and she couldn't swim on her own right out the gate so she would hold onto her brother's pinkies and they would try and get her to get enough strength to move her tail up and down enough the gain momentum she also grows a lot slower than her brothers wakko will probably catch up in a couple years dot will always just. be even smaller than another mermaid her age would normally be
--- ok second break
When the other egg took so much longer to hatch, Yakko had begun to worry.
He'd felt like he'd done something wrong, Wakko had hatched just fine as far as he knew, so he assumed the little egg would hatch not too long after; but it hadn't just taken a little longer. A lot longer, so much in fact, that Wakko was now big enough that when Yakko had gifted his little brother his old red cap, it fit comfortably on his head.
But still, nothing from the egg.
They both knew it was safe, the little one was ok, because there had been so many days where the tiny egg shook just ever so slightly, so many days where both brothers would rush to the egg, eager to greet their new sibling into their vast ocean world.
Despite their wishes, more time passed with no new sibling to greet.
They had begun to sleep in shifts to watch the egg. Wakko would curl his small body around the even smaller egg while he watched, and yakko would lay belly on sand of the cave and burble quietly at the creature before him.
It was on one of the nights where Wakko was watching when things finally changed. Just like usual, when the little egg shook, Yakko was awoken instantly by his brother tugging on his ear fins, pointing to the movement.
Just like usual, they both rushed back and watched on as their future sibling struggled at the walls of their home. After a couple minutes, both brothers assumed that nothing would come of it, that this would be another false alarm. But, the egg moved differently. It rolled slightly, like the little one in there was taking up all their energy to press their face against the shell wall.
Both brothers laid close to the ground, watching with rapt attention. The egg bulged ever so slightly, before a tiny split appeared, just a dot of red nose following after. It stilled, then the nose retreated. Yakko and Wakko looked at each other in disappointment after a moment, thinking this would be all they would see of their future kin today. Instead of stopping at that, however, the tiny form inside darted at the crack again, hitting with enough force that the entire soft shell rolled once, before running into the small hand of the eldest brother, finally releasing their new sibling.
Yakko beamed at his new little sister, then to Wakko, who looked at her with the exact same amount of awe.
Barely the size of his pinky, he came up with the name instantly, then helped her onto his pointer finger, leading her up to his eyes.
"Hello Dot."
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
Hello again! It's me the person who requested the hybrid reader! Before I go on I just wanted to say that I absolutely adored what you wrote and loved how you added ninat as the readers mom and I really appreciate your hard work! Since you wrote the reader to be omatikaya can I request a metkayena hybrid? It's the same as before scientists abandoned reader but this time ronal finds reader passed out and takes reader to heal them and see what happened to them, after that she asks reader why they're like this so reader explains everything and ronal adopts reader, after that the sully family arrives and they're really surprised to see a hybrid like that, hopefully I didn't write too much and I want you to take as much time as you need and remember to drink water and rest!!! :D, also Im gonna put this star 𖤐 so whenever I request something you know it's me, hope you have a great day!
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ₐbₐₙdₒₙₑd by ₜₕₑ ₛₑₐ
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐚, 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐮𝐥𝐤𝐮𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞. 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
ᴍᴇᴛᴋᴀʏɪɴᴀ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ x ᴍᴇᴛᴀ-ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ! (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ),ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʟʟʏꜱ x ᴍᴇᴛᴀ-ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: child abandonment, child neglect, mentions of experimenting on a fetus, reader has a bit of PTASD and thalassophobia.
A/N: I'm glad you liked the first fic! I was actually planning on writing another one of these, but a Metkayina hybrid XD did we think of the same thing? Anyway, thanks you for your kinds words and for sending in your other request! I did know how the emoji anon works, but now I do, thank you again.♡
Have a nice day/night and have a good rest, you deserve it :)
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The Tulkun had returned, after the small welcoming ceremony, the Tulkun had gone off to roam around the sea around the Village. Ronal had finished her duties, so she went to go see Roa and catch up with her. Ever since the birth of her children, Ronal has been talking to Roa about both Ao'nung and Tsireya, she really loved her children and she wanted to share that love with Roa.
When she arrived to where her and Roa normally med up, she noticed something laying on Roa's right eye. Ronal thought that she must have been hurt, but when she saw what it was, she was beyond shocked. "I see you sister" Ronal sighed to the Tulkun, who had also greeted her sister. "I found a child on her own out here" she said towards the Tsahik, who was now sitting on her right fin to look at the so called child.
But this child wasn't any ordinary child, she was a particular child. Ronal got a better look at her. She was a human child, or was she? Ronal noticed how her skin was marked with darker lines, similar to her wavy stripes, her little arms and ankles were a bit wider, similar to fins. Then she saw her little pointed ears, along with more dark marking on her face and cheeks, her feline like nose and for sure her eyes must be wider. Her tale was similar as well and she had a little queue coming down from her short hair.
Ronal couldn't tell because she was asleep, she also noticed a white hospital gown on the child and a small band wrapped around her left arm, it had some kind of serial number on it and a small titled 'Project Pandora 001'. "Sister, you must help this child" Roa begged Ronal who was still looking at the unconscious child. Should she really? This child was a human, but also a na'vi of her kind. She stopped to think, but finally came to a decision. "I will" Ronal signed to Roa. In which the Tulkun thanked her sister.
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On the way back to the village, Ronal had you cradled close to her chest. You very small compared to a na'vi child, it would make sense due to being human but you were also a hybrid of a Metkayina. Ronal also noticed how you got closer to her warmth and shivered a bit, it must have been due to you being cold.
When she arrived, she carried you in her big arms, while she made her way back to her marui, she was greeted by some villagers, but they also couldn't help but noticed the small child in her arms. They had grown curious on why the Tsahik had a small human child. She finally made it to the small home, and was greeted by her children and her husband. Just like the other villagers, they were surprised when they saw you in Ronal arms.
Ronal had laid you down in a matt and got to work checking on you. The whole time, Tsireya and Ao'nung watched their mother do her ritual but they were also looking at you, studying your features. Tonowari didn't interrupt his wife's ritual, just like his children, he studied you. Seen how you were a human, but also had Metkayina features, he knew right away that you were the creation of humans.
Finally you were responding, they watched as you slowly opened your eyes, exposing that you had a third eyelid and the color of your eyes were similar to the Metkayina's green and blue. "Doctor?" that was all your tiny voice had manage to say. Then you saw up, and noticed how you weren't in the lab. You noticed the family that was now staring at you, you felt small due to them being bigger, even the kids that looked around your age were bigger.
Tonowari was first one to speak. "Who are you?" he asked, he sounded kind of scary since his voice was loud and a bit demanding. Then Ronal gave him a look, a little warning to show that you were obviously scared and confused. "I'm sorry about him, what is your name?" she asked, almost too sweetly. You shyly looked at the Tsahik, but responded. "I'm Experiment number 001" you said, this make Ao'nung scoff. "What kind of name is that?" Tsireya then gave him a light smack on the back of his head, causing him to glare at her.
"Where are you from?" Ronal asked again. "From the lab" you said, playing with the trim of the hospital gown. "A Human lab?" Tonowari asked, less demanding this time. You nodded. "Where are your parents?" Tsireya asked, looking at you, very tempted to go over where you were. "I don't have parents, I'm with the doctors" you said, making the couple look at each other, with concern. "You don't have a mother or father?" Ronal asked and you shock his head. "No, I was made in the lab."
"How!?" Ao'nung yelled, now very curious on how you were created, but he received a glare from his mother which made him nervous. "I don't know how to explain, but I was told that I made in a tank. A lady placed an egg in the tank and then I grew. I think the egg was me" you explained, this kind of made the couple worry. "How did you end up here?" Tsireya asked again. "I don't know, I was instructed to to swim a mile, just like every day, but when I went back to the ship, it was gone."
This made Ronal and Tonowari's stomach's drop. The same humans that had created you had abandoned you on your own, in the middle of the ocean, one of the most dangerous bodies of water. The couple then look at one another, as if they were having a silent conversation between one another. Tsireya had got closer to you, looking at your markings and other features with curiosity. You showed her your little arms, seeing that you had the same wavy marking on your skin.
After the couple had their silent conversation then turned to you. "How would you like it, if you had a family?" Tonowari asked, this made your ears perk up by the question. "Really, but who'd take me?" You asked, making Ronal respond to your question. "Us, we'll take you in" she said, this made your small tail kind of wag, lightly tapping on the wooden floor. "Promise you won't leave me?" you asked, this almost made Tonowari's heart break. He picked you up and placed you on his lap. "We promise, that we'll never leave you." You wrapped your little arms around his huge torso, hugging him tightly.
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It had been announced that the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk had adopted a child, they village was told that they must treat you the way they treat their children, since you were now their daughter. Just like every na'vi, you received a Songcord and a First Breath Ceremony, this was to show that you were now born again as one of them, and later on in life, you'll be a Metkayina. Sure, you were already late, but it was still done.
Ronal had began to teach you how to properly swim and breath underwater, you did know how to swim and hold your breath, but you'd only last a couple minutes under the water and your swimming looked a bit odd. Since she was teaching her children you were taught the same. You learned how to dive, breathe and how to swim from side to side.
Tsireya was already caring towards you since she first met you, she'd take you everywhere and introduced you to her friends. She was also your second teacher when it came to learning how to weave, ride an ilu and so on. She really loved calling you her sister, spite being a human, she really loved you. At first Ao'nung wasn't sure on how to treat you since you were part human, the stories he had heard of those demons really stuck with him. As time passed, he grew to also care about you, he treated you like his sister. Just like Tsireya, Roxto already liked you, he treated you like one of his many sisters and female cousins.
As much as you loved the ocean, you were also scared of going further the small beaches. You, Ao'nung and Roxto were on the canoe, rowing around the village, but Ao'nung wanted to further then you guys normally did, you weren't sure at first, but Ao'nung convinced you into going. When you were getting further and further away from the village, you began to freak out and begged to head back. But Ao'nung tried to calm you down and tell you that you were okay, but you freaked out even more to the point of crying. Roxto was the one to calm you down while Ao'nung rowed you back.
When you arrived back, Tonowari saw how bad you were crying and asked what happened, while Ao'nung explained what he did, Roxto continued to calm you down and that you were safe. No one got in trouble, Tonowari explained why you reacted the way that you did. Ao'nung felt bad and promised to not do it again.
You had grown attached to one of the ilus, you liked all of them, but their was one that you had been around since she was young. She did let others ride her, but you and her were practically made for one another. She basically knew you very well, she knew how you'd get when you'd get scared if she was heading a bit further from the village, she'd quickly go back so that you don't freak out more.
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Years had passed and you just like the rest of your brothers and sister were already in your teen years. You were all getting prepaired to become adults you, Ao'nung, and Roxto had become good hunters, meanwhile Tsireya was going to begin her Tsahil training, life was going great.
Then something unexpected had happened. A family from the Forest had come to the village, seeking for Uturu, it was the one and only Toruk Makto with his family. He was done with war and wanted to keep his family safe. Your father had allowed him and his family to stay, with the condition that they'll learn to adapt like them. Ao'nung, Tsireya and you were in charged in teaching the children what to do. You could tell how surprised they were when they saw a human hybrid like you living with the Metkayina.
You and your sister where kind enough to show the Sully family around the village and take them to their now home. You also noticed how you'd get glances from them here and their, but you didn't mind since you were used to getting that kind of attention when you first arrived.
When the teaching began, you'd get asked a bunch of questions on how it was possible for you to be with the reef na'vi. Was one of your parents human and the other a Metkayina Na'vi? is their more like you or are you the only one? So on. You answered their questions honestly so that they understood you more. They had seemed to like you like they liked Tsireya.
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autistook · 3 months
DAISIES - pt 2
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader/soft oc
Previous chapter
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Merry drags you and Pippin on an adventure as an apology for the panic attack their dare caused you days before. Halfway there, Pippin decides to turn back, leaving you and Merry alone. After smoking some pipe-weed, the conversation turns a little bit deeper, when you discuss things you have never talked about before, and getting more close to each other.
I want to say something before you start reading the second chapter of this fanfic. I hope you can still feel like you're a part of the story, even thought it is a soft oc. I prefer giving characters some qualities (reader's height, fears and personality traits for example) and backstories when writing, and personally I prefer when I can escape to a story, where I am a little bit different from my usual self.
I also want to point out that this story obviously has and will have some differences to canon events, and I will be mixing up some things from the books and movies, and other stuff from my own head.
That being said, I hope you enjoy this next part of 'daisies'!
For the few days following the incident at the river, you mostly stayed in your own bedroom, every now and then getting something to eat from the kitchen. Frodo showed some concern, but knowing your need for space, he decided to let it slide. You were still shaken up by the panic attack, trying to avoid anything that could trigger one again.
Pippin and Merry did not take long to realize that you had been distancing yourself at home for more than a day. Normally you would already be at least on a walk, where one of them would run into you. They decided to visit Bag End to drag you out of the bed by force.
"No! You're not allowed to stay indoors any longer!" Pippin exclaimed and started to pull you out of bed. Merry was biting his nails. You groaned and made your body limp, so it would be harder to pull you away from under the comfort of your blanket. "You have been indoors for over a day already, and we all know how easily you distance yourself. Get up, Baggins!"
"We promised you some pipe-weed, didn't we?" Merry says, his arms crossed, looking at you. His eyes revealed just how guilty he was feeling about pushing your boundaries at the river. Pippin tended to feel more guilty, but never showed it to anyone but Merry.
"Is there any way you would just let me have some space for one more day?" you asked, already knowing their answer. Merry shook his head and bluntly declined your request. Finally, the two managed to pull you out of bed, and you rushed them out of your bedroom for some privacy. 
You went through your closet for quite some time, trying to decide between a few different dresses, your fingers gently rubbing the different kinds of fabrics to see if any of them would make you feel slightly more comfortable in your skin. You settled on a sage green dress, made of a material so soft and light that you could barely feel it on. You slipped the dress on, and unlike usual, decided to skip a corset, just to make sure no piece of clothing made you feel any more uncomfortable.
You made your way down the hall, where Merry and Pippin had made themselves at home and were chatting up with your brother, laughing about some private joke of their own. You passed the small mirror that was hanging on the wall in the hallway, glancing at it and smiling to yourself. You thought about the small gesture of comfort Merry had provided you by putting your favorite flower sneakily behind your ear. 
You entered the kitchen, fidgeting with the hem of your dress, nervous about leaving the house, while knowing it was the best decision for you. 
"Glad to see you up on your feet again!" Frodo said cheerfully, his smile gentle and wide. Merry put his arm around you, squeezing you firmly.
"We couldn't let her stay in any longer. Who knows how long she would've stayed indoors!" Merry said. "It was the pipe-weed that finally got her out of the bed. I fear our friend has an addiction," he continued teasingly. You gave Merry a soft, playful smack on his shoulder, making him chuckle. 
"We actually got something better for you, as an apology," Pippin said and handed you a small leather pouch. "It's Old Toby. We know you prefer it."
Smiling, you accepted the apology, immediately inhaling some of the sweet smell of the leaves through the leather. Frodo shook his head at this sight, taking a sip of his tea.
"So, do you want to smoke it now?" Merry said, hoping you would share some of it with him and Pippin. You gave him a nod, trying not to act too enthusiastic about getting to taste some of the sweetness of the pipe-weed soon. You then saw Merry's eyes shift slightly to the left from your eyes. One corner of his mouth curled up a little, making you turn around to see what he was grinning at. There seemed to be nothing amusing behind you, so you figured he had to be happy about your agreement to go have a smoke.
It was a cold day in the Shire. You were wrapped up in your long coat, arms crossed, slightly shivering. Merry seemed to be in his element, enjoying the cold spring breeze. Pippin on the other hand, was shaking and whimpering, not wearing enough layers. You were walking on the damp ground, wet grass getting between your toes. Merry was leading the way to a place, that in his words, was 'something very special indeed.'
"How much further?" you asked, wrapping your coat more firmly around your figure. Pippin lifted his head up, lips quivering as he looked at his best friend, hoping for an answer that would be no less than ten minutes.
"An hour," Merry said calmly, looking over his shoulder at the two of you. Pippin stopped in his tracks, shaking his head. 
"No, I will not," Pippin said determined, his voice trembling from the cold. He turned around and lifted his hand up to wave goodbye, without even looking back. "Too far. No. I need to get something warm around me. Maybe ten thousand blankets. Enjoy your trip to whatever he thinks this suffering is worth!" Pippin cried, and as he walked he kept muttering to himself, long after he was no longer in the hearing distance.
"Well, more Old Toby for us," you smirked, slightly shaking from the wind. Merry smiled softly at your comment, turning his face back forward to where you two were walking. "I do feel cold though, Merry."
"Trust me, it's going to be worth it," Merry reassured you, giving you a confident look. Your eyes narrowed slightly, trying to decide whether to believe him or not. Merry took notice of your analyzing look. "I am not lying, and you're going to thank me when we arrive there, I assure you."
It took you and Merry less than an hour of walking, when he suddenly came to a halt. There was a cornfield opening in front of you. The stalks of them were a faint green, their length tall, forcing you to tilt your head all the way back if you wanted to see their highest points. Their growth was dense, making it seem like a too narrow path to pass. You lifted your eyebrow at Merry, your arms crossed as you were trying to wrap the thick coat tighter around you. Your coat covered you almost all the way to your ankles, as you were shorter than an average hobbit.
"Merry, why are we standing in front of a cornfield?" you asked. Merry looked at you, amused at your puzzled expression. His answer was a simple nod towards the cornfield. He started making his way through the first rows of the green stalks, his right side first and arms spread wide. With a loud exhale, you followed him. 
It was so densely grown, you could not move without at least one cornstalk touching your clothes, or messing up your hair. Every now and then Merry would tell you to duck, as there were some badly grown stalks bending downward. You followed his path for five minutes without saying anything out loud. Then Merry stopped walking, and you followed his example, stopping immediately. 
"Just a few rows forward," he said, smiling confidently, clearly trying to act all mysterious. He took one step, before you grabbed his shoulder to stop him from going any further.
"Would you just please explain to me why we are in the middle of a cornfield?" you asked, feeling slightly frustrated from the cold, your feet irritated by the dirt you were standing on. 
"Look, just trust me," Merry said and gestured to you to walk first. "M'lady," he snickered in a teasing tone. You decided to oblige, making your way through the last few thick rows of corn.
The bright daylight hit your face the second you had gone through where Merry guided you, making you squint your eyes. Your eyes had gotten used to the dimness of the field and the sudden exposure startled you. When you got used to the sudden flash of light, you could see that you were standing in a small opening. There was a large rock in the middle. It was rough and firm on the ground, and it was even taller than the corns were at their highest. The grey sky was solid behind it, as you gazed up, trying so hard to see the top of the large stone.
"Now we climb," Merry said as he appeared from behind you. He went up to the rock, placing his grassy feet on some of the rough edges of it. His hands gripped confidently on the solid stone under him, as he turned his gaze to you, questioning why you were not following him yet. "Well, come on!" he rushed. 
"I don't think I can climb, Merry," you responded, still shivering under your coat. "My hands are so cold. I can't feel a thing."
Merry hopped back down on the ground, walking towards you. He took your freezing, pale and delicate hands in his. He placed them firmly between the palms of his hands, rubbing them to provide some warmth. He lifted them to the same level as his face, placing his lips close to your skin, breathing some warm air from his lungs on your hands. Soon the feeling started to return to your hands, but Merry kept going, wanting to make sure they would not freeze back up.
"Is that better, my lady?" Merry said teasingly, still some tenderness in his tone. 
You chuckled softly, giving him a thankful smile. "Yes, thank you."
"Now, are you ready to climb?" he asked, already walking towards the rock. 
You followed his every step, trusting he knew his way up there better than you ever could. You truly did not want to slip down, even though a part of you was even suspicious it might have been a part of a long term prank that Merry had planned. The rock was cold beneath the bottom of your feet, and the air was more chilly the higher you got. 
It was a fast climb, and Merry soon offered his hand to pull you up. You took his hand, and he pulled you up with a firm grip. And the second you got to the top of the rock, you realized why Merry had wanted to come to this spot for a smoke.
The field opened up all around you, seeming like there were endless rows of beautiful greenery growing. The wind was cold, but beautifully it was softly blowing and making the corn, which was in its early stage of growth, dance like waves. It made you forget all about the temperature. The sky was grey, yet despite the seemingly melancholy weather, it looked beautiful. The contrast between the earth and the sky looked stunning from up there, providing a calming atmosphere.
"I've never told anyone about this place," Merry said, taking his wooden pipe from his pocket, preparing to smoke some Old Toby. "Except Frodo. I think he comes down here to read sometimes, and so do I. I believed it was time to show this to Pippin and you. Well, mostly you."
"What do you mean mostly me?" you asked, handing him the small pouch of pipe-weed. Merry filled the bowl of the pipe, pressing the leaf down gently. He lit it up, inhaling the first round of Old Toby.
"I know you like to have some time to yourself," he answered sincerely, taking another puff. He looked somewhere to the distance, admiring the surroundings. "I figured that after what happened at the river, I owed you a proper apology. I thought showing a place where you can cool down your overactive mind would do the trick."
"Well, apology accepted," you smiled, gently taking the pipe from his hands. You took a puff, the pipe lingering on your lips for a moment. It took almost no time at all for the calming effects of it to hit both of you. You passed the pipe to each other for some time in total silence. The wind was calming down, and the sky looked like it could rain soon.
"You seem troubled," you said, looking at Merry, who was deep in his thoughts. His eyes were fixated on the horizon, as he took a deep breath. He passed you the pipe, leaning backwards to lay down on his back, as the top of the rock was wide enough for a Hobbit to rest down almost comfortably. "Merry?"
"I broke it off with Estella," Merry muttered under his breath. He had been dating his friend's sister for several months now. This information was almost jaw dropping to you, but you tried to keep your composure and not pressure your friend too much.
"What happened?" you asked carefully and concerned, extinguishing the remaining pipe-weed. You put the pipe down and placed your palm on his shoulder, trying to make sure he knew that he was in a safe space with you. This was not an area of expertise for you when it came to Merry. The two of you talked about many things, but relationships or their difficulties, were not one of those things. Merry exhaled loudly.
"I don't know. Something about it did not feel right from the start, which I don't completely understand," he said, almost puzzled about his own decision. He placed his palms behind his head, gently resting on them. "If you wrote down her qualities next to mine, it would be perfect. Perfect, but only on paper. Whenever I held her close, or even kissed her... It just felt odd."
You felt compassion towards your best friend, still shocked that he was opening up about the troubles of his romantic life to you. You stayed quiet, still holding his shoulder gently. Merry did not seem to have anything more to say on the matter, but you had plenty of questions and could not keep totally silent.
"When did this happen?" you asked. It had to not have been more than a few days. He had not acted any way differently since the last time you saw him at the river.
"A month ago," Merry answered, your face showing all the possible signs of confusion at once. Nothing had seemed different, yet he was going through a massive change in his life.
"A month! How on earth did I miss that?" you cried, looking at him with pure shock. Merry shifted his eyes on you, a calm expression on his face.
"Well, we don't really talk about this stuff," he responded, softly chuckling at the whole reality of the situation. "Besides, I felt bad."
"I get it," you said. "Whenever a relationship ends, it's just always hard to-"
Merry interrupted you, lifting his other hand in the air. "That's not what I meant," he said, his body twisting a little from feeling uncomfortable. "I felt bad, because I didn't feel bad. She was crying, and all I could do was just stare at her. I felt so relieved. Seeing her cry made me feel like the worst being in all of Middle-Earth. I tried to comfort her, but she just ran off. We haven't said a word to each other since, nor has Fatty talked to me either."
You stared at Merry in confusion. You thought he had been happy, and you had no clue he had stirred the pot in his personal life so roughly. You gave him an understanding smile.
"Look, you tried to comfort her. That's all I'm saying," you responded, trying to cheer Merry up. "It did not feel right and you did the correct thing by ending it, before it escalated."
"I just wish I didn't make her feel so heartbroken, that his brother decided to not talk to me," Merry said quietly. "Fatty and I have always been friends. So have Estella and I. I might have ruined good friendships by trying to force something, when it wasn't there."
"Hey," you said, firmly grabbing his shoulder and giving him a supportive shake. "You did not ruin anything. Yes, sure, she might be mad at you for a while, but I'm positive she will eventually get over it. Both of them will. He's just very protective over his younger sister. You didn't force anything. You gave it a try, and it wasn't a match."
"The thing is," Merry said, sitting up, a slightly sad expression on his face, his eyes glued to his feet. "So far all of my relationships have been like this. At this point, I fear something is wrong with me!"
You shuffled closer, placing your arm around him. He leaned his head on top of yours, as you always had done when providing comfort to each other. 
"Nothing is wrong with you, Merry. You just haven't met the right girl yet," you said, squeezing your arm around him tightly. Merry sighed, appearing to not believe a word from your mouth, as he dwelled deep in his guilt. "I mean it. Someone will come along. You'll be at the Green Dragon, and your eyes meet, and you'll know."
"It's just weird, that's all," Merry sighed. "I've had plenty of crushes, all around Buckland too, but when it came to actually something happening, it came to a halt from my side. There's always this empty feeling. It feels like it's wrong, and I can't quite explain it."
Merry's words made you quiet. As you thought of what he said, you related to it more than you had before realized. Most of the Hobbits you had dated were perfect on paper, but when it came down to actually feeling something real with them - it was never there. 
"I get it," you finally said after some time, Merry snickering at your response. "No, I mean it, Merry. I hadn't really thought about it like that before, but I think I was miserable because of that exact reason in my previous relationships. Even the latest relationship ended with her crying, and me feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders."
Merry looked at you, eyes widening with surprisement.
"My dear friend, you have just made me feel so much better," he smiled, hugging you tightly. His arms around you were always a source of comfort, and in that moment you felt like you really needed it as well. You wrapped your other arm around him too, squeezing him tightly. You were enjoying the calming effect of the hug, as always. His face was nuzzled comfortably in your neck, his smile pressing against your skin.
"I think you are sometimes too hard on yourself," you said to him as you pulled away from the hug. "There are plenty of Hobbits out there for you. You just have to find the right one."
"I am not as sure about it as I used to be, but I am definitely feeling more confident now!" he stated, voice full of sudden happiness. "Maybe it's the pipe-weed, maybe it's you, or maybe it's both."
You giggled at his joke, realizing then just how calm the smoking had made both of you. Talking about all this stuff with your best friend felt new, refreshing and like it should have happened a long time ago. 
You both talked about your past relationships for over an hour, in tears of laughter at the disasters they had all been. Neither of you noticed the passage of time or the cold air anymore, until the effects of Old Toby started to wear off. After that you both agreed that it would be time for both of you to go back for some late luncheon.
On your way back, you were both slightly more quiet and in your thoughts, but relieved as some weight got lifted off your shoulders, knowing you weren't alone with your catastrophic relationship history. 
"Did you know that suits you?" Merry suddenly asked, as the two of you were making your way through the Shire, Bag End slowly approaching in the distance.
"What suits me?" you responded, confused. Merry chuckled and picked up a piece of dirt that had somehow clumped its way to your curls on your journey. He flicked it to the ground with his fingers, looking at you with a mischievous grin. "How long has that been there?" you asked him, slightly annoyed.
"Since we got through the cornfield for the first time," Merry said, smirking. "I noticed it, but I thought it would be funny to not say a thing."
"I had dirt in my hair for hours and you said nothing?" you shouted in a playfully furious tone. "Meriadoc Brandybuck!"
"Calm down!" he chuckled and lifted his hands up, as if to surrender. "I just figured you might have thought it suited your style better than a flower behind your ear, but I suppose I was wrong."
"What, the daisy you snuck in my hair when you were calming me down?" you said, eyes narrowing as you looked at him in his blue eyes, which were glowing with mischief and self-satisfaction.
"Ah, you noticed!" Merry laughed whole-heartedly. "I thought it might frame your face nicely. I did not know it would make you upset. My sincerest apologies," he continued with a sarcastic manner, making you giggle.
"What a nice thought," you smirked, scrunching your nose at him. You crossed your arms, now again shivering from the cold spring wind. "When I have a panic attack again, I'll make sure we are surrounded by daisies."
Merry laughed. "Well, let's hope you don't have another panic attack. What if I don't have a daisy on me? More than that, what if you are so smothered by anxiety that I have to whip up a flower crown for you in a matter of seconds?" he exclaimed dramatically, making your giggles louder. His gaze traveled around your face as he talked, clearly looking for signs that his jokes about the dramatic need of flowers at all times were still funny to you.
"In all seriousness," you started, clearing your throat and changing your tone from playful to a more serious one. "It was a nice gesture. I saw it in the mirror later and it cheered me up."
"I figured it might," Merry said, smiling softly, looking at the ground as you walked through the gate of Bag End. "I know it's your favorite flower."
You gave him a tender smile "I am amazed how well you actually know me," you said, entering through the green front door with him.
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takusan-no-ai · 1 year
Lessons in Love
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PAIRING: Kratos x Female Reader (Familia) (Angst)
SUMMARY: Kratos’ daughter, a powerful goddess, asks him for love advice because she’s insecure.
It was a beautiful sunny day. The sweet and fresh breeze left a light and soft feeling in the air. There wasn’t a day where nature was a pain to be around in Kratos’ protective hold; he kept the home safe, made it comfortable, and helped himself and his family have a peace of mind.
Kratos walked into his cabin, placing down his blades on the table. “Good day, Brother! How was your hunt?” Mimir asked. Kratos grabbed his axe, cleaning it with a wet cloth.
“The hunt went well. The boy is growing,”–Kratos sighed in frustration–“the girl however, (Y/N), is struggling. Her mind seems clouded.” Mimir sighed as well.
“Seems like it’s time for the good old parenting advice, aye brother?” Kratos slowly nodded. He didn’t really know how to go about this.
He left the house, axe now cleaned, in search of (Y/N). Kratos walked down a path and noticed footprints. They belonged to (Y/N). He proceeded to follow them. Leading him towards a frozen over lake. The birds all began to hide in their trees, and the air grew cold. A dark mist seemed to encompass Kratos.
“What is this? (Y/N)! Where are you!” He shouted out, searching frantically for her. It had begun to grow dark, and Kratos felt he’d searched everywhere. He felt a quick tap on his shoulder, grabbing his attention. He stared off into the distance, another hand on his shoulder pointing forward.
Kratos made small steps when he noticed the ice on the ground; it was delicate and would break if he moved too quickly. “(Y/N)? I’m here…please show yourself.” As he tiptoed closer a familiar song filled his ears, but the voice was different. It was Faye’s song, but (Y/N)’s voice; Kratos knew he was getting closer.
The night darkened the forest, every tree seemingly looming over Kratos, as if they’d come to life at any second. His guard was up, paranoia beginning to fill his head with millions of possibilities. What if you were hurt? What if you’d lost control? What if he’d have to fight you?
All those thoughts vanished though. As Kratos got closer, Faye’s song became more strained. Cries between each note and a scratched voice, likely from the constant crying.
He made it and before him was (Y/N). She was kneeling on the ice cold ground, crying her heart out. “(Y/N).” At the sound of his voice she stopped. Kratos slowly walked up to her, hugging (Y/N) in a tight hold. “I’m not sure what you’re feeling right now, but you’re tired. Come, it’s time to sleep.” Kratos picked her up in his arms and carried her back to the cabin, halfway there she was already fast asleep.
The next day, (Y/N) wakes up to Kratos sitting across the room from her. “I sent Atreus and Mimir away, so that we could talk.” She smiled, getting up from the bed to sit down next to her father.
“Father, please don’t tell anyone this, you have to promise.” She looked him in the eyes, to which Kratos agreed. “I’ve fallen in love with a guy–” Kratos grumbled and frowned. (Y/N) giggled at her father’s disgruntled face. “I’m in love but…I don’t think I’m good enough for him.” She wiped away the tears that fell.
Kratos turned towards (Y/N). “I have felt before what you are feeling now. I have felt it for hundreds of years. I’ll never truly overcome that feeling because of who I am…who I used to be. But you, you aren’t me. I know that whatever it is that troubles you now, you will overcome it. Because you are my daughter. And because you haven’t done the things I’ve done.” Kratos hugged her while (Y/N) cried again, this time not holding back.
“Thank you father, I’ll always be grateful to have you in my life.” Kratos gave a small smile to his daughter, giving her one last squeeze before getting up.
“So, (Y/N). Who are you in love with?”
- Fin
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radioactivepeasant · 7 months
Snippets Wednesday Part 2: Blackmail au
(In which Jak is significantly calmer)
The two years since leaving Sandover felt like an eternity to Jak. A lifetime without clean air, blue skies, and an endless, unpolluted sea. For all the anguish and anger of the last 24 hours, Jak could almost find it within himself to be grateful that Krew had figured out what not even Jak knew. If he hadn't blackmailed Damas, Jak might never have known there were places outside Haven that were still free. That the entire world hadn't been ruined.
Jak watched the waves foam against the bottom of the rocky spire, again and again until he thought he could pinpoint where the water was deepest. Casually, he slipped out of his boots, lined them up against the wall of the spire, and used them to weigh down his little bag of rations. Then he backed up a few steps, got a running start, and leaped.
Free fall was as exhilarating as ever, and the chill of the water drove his breath from him. He ignored it and pushed further, deeper, until his fingers touched sand. Pure white sand, just like Sandover, fine-grained and soft. With a kick, Jak righted himself and swam back up. He broke the surface with a gasp and treaded water a moment, soaking in the early morning chill with relish. 
Something brushed against his leg, and with a start, he stuck his head back into the water to find a bemused lizard of some kind. It flapped ear-like fins on the sides of its head at him, then placidly continued on towards the rocks to search for crustaceans. Jak followed it, watching it pluck a crab up with razor sharp teeth, shell and all. It spit out pieces of shell as it went, then nosed around the rocks looking for more. Jak took another break for air, then went back to following the creature, even reaching out to trail a finger along what appeared to be a small sail on the lizard's back. Annoyed, the animal flicked the sail upright and it flashed a bright orange.
Heh. Sorry, little guy, Jak thought, pulling his hands away. But he stayed several more seconds to watch, even prying a crab free of the rock himself as a kind of apology for startling the lizard.
Jak spent the rest of the morning swimming to and from the rocks, marveling at the feeling of open water with neither gun turrets nor angry Lurker Sharks hunting him down. Even if the rest of the place was a desert, Jak decided he could get used to this.
By the time he'd finally come out of the water, the sun was several hours in the sky. It had been some time since Jak had swum simply for the pleasure of swimming, and his muscles had a satisfying burn to them as he climbed back up the footpath, wringing out his scarf. So there was a new hole in it where he'd tried to scrub out some grime against a barnacle covered rock, so what? Nobody would care.
The majority of the Wastelanders had left when Jak stepped back into the temple, and a few of the creepy monks looked annoyed as he brushed past them. He found Damas and Sig speaking in hushed tones with Kleiver, while Daxter periodically stole their rations. 
Of course Daxter immediately noticed the rip.
"Jak!" He clasped a dramatic paw to his chest as though he were about to faint. "You took a bath! Unprompted! I'm so proud of you! Sure, your clothes came out a bit worse for wear, and you're gonna smell like pickled glub, but the point is, you washed!"
Jak flipped him off.
He didn't stink that bad. Usually. 
Jak stepped over the three men, ignoring them as if they were Underground members, and settled back on the ledge of the alcove with the ration bag Damas had given him. It was more comforting than he'd expected, being able to carry his own food and know nobody was going to take it away. He wasn't sure what most of the mix of dried vegetables and meats was, but it tasted alright. A little salty, but then, salt was doubtless in abundance on the coast. 
"You have to take me back to Haven," he said, boldly interrupting the conversation.
Sig puffed out his cheeks and rubbed his brow. "I'll be honest, cherry, I'd feel better if you stayed here."
He held up a hand before Jak could protest.
"I know, I know. You're still hellbent on killin' Praxis with your bare hands. But it might be worth it to play a longer game. Wait until he's exhausted his options."
"He and the Underground are both looking for the Tomb of Mar," Jak cut in. "They want the Precursor Stone. And if I'm not there, they'll try to make my brother get it for them."
Damas stiffened. He raised his head very slowly, and Jak actually drew back an inch, intimidated.
"They want to send children into the Tomb?" he asked in a soft, dangerous, voice.
"Well. Praxis definitely does." Jak took a handful of a dried green bean of some kind from the satchel and popped them into his mouth. "Underground? I dunno for sure, but I wouldn't put it past them."
Jak swallowed hard, and, sensing his unease, Daxter put a paw on his leg for comfort. After everything, the words didn't come easy to him. Harder now when it was a matter of pride. But for Mar's sake, Jak had to swallow his pride -- and his fear.
"Look," he said, a little uneasily, "I don't, um, I still don't know you. I mean, yeah, that's not your fault or whatever, but we're strangers. You don't know what I'm capable of. S- so you're gonna have to just trust that I can handle myself, and I-"
He swallowed again and pushed through his better judgment.
"...I'm gonna trust you, okay? You say you just want to protect Mar, I'm gonna let you prove it. But if you turn on us, you won't live to tell; I'm just sayin'."
Damas looked at him for a long time and said nothing. Then he rose and held out his arm. Jak stared at it for several seconds before realizing it was that wrist-grab thing Sig sometimes did. He reached back and clasped forearms with the Wasteland king: a silent formation of an alliance.
"Very well." Damas frowned and withdrew his hand. "I am as reluctant as Sig, but it cannot be helped. Kleiver and Sig will go with you -- they have business with Krew as it is."
"Krew?!" Daxter sputtered, leaping to his feet, "What do you want with that shark?"
Sig snorted humorlessly. "Jak was worth the ransom, Chili Pepper, but we can't go letting Krew think he can get away with shaking down the king of Spargus."
"He's going for a long walk down a short plank," Kleiver added bluntly. "Well. Unless we can give 'im acute cirrhosis in under ten hours. I’m pretty sure I got ‘im halfway to that point when I was the heavy."
"Dibs on the bar," said Daxter immediately. "And the booze. Don't give a crap about the artifacts, but the cash register's mine, too."
Jak raised his eyebrows. "What do you want with a bar, Dax?"
"Um, to run it? Duh?" The ottsel rolled his eyes. "Think big picture, Jak! Wars don't last forever and last I checked, "heroes" don't get paid! I wanna job I'll actually like!"
"Sold. Bar's yours." Sig raised a flask in Daxter's direction in a joking toast.
"Air train makes landings here every three days -- two, if you're willing to pay through the nose for it -- so that gives us about 48 hours to prep for this mission," Sig said brusquely. He swung himself into the driver's seat of one of the two remaining vehicles and turned over the engine. "Ammo, gun maintenance, anything you need before going back, now's the time to get it."
Damas shouldered his staff and paused to drink from the waterfall a moment before following Jak out of the courtyard.
"I think some armor is in order for them both," he remarked, "And some sturdier clothes."
"What's wrong with my clothes?" Jak asked defensively. 
"Well I know what's wrong with my clothes," Daxter interjected.
"Oh here we go-"
"That's right: I'M NOT WEARING ANY!"
"Indeed. Not ideal at this time of year," Damas smirked.
He ducked into the passenger side of the larger buggy and narrowed his eyes at Sig. "Don't scratch my car."
"Don't scratch your- when have I ever scratched the Dozer?" Sig rolled his eye. "If you wanted to drive, you shoulda walked faster."
"Yes yes, rules of the Pit," Damas grumbled. "But we both know I'm the better driver."
"If by "better" you mean "more destructive", then I agree."
"Destructive to everything but the vehicle and its occupants, which is the whole point."
Sig elbowed him. "Or you could sacrifice a chip of paint and not put the driver in danger to begin with?"
Jak climbed into the back of the buggy they called the Dozer and took a seat on the floor. As he began tying his hair back in a knot, Daxter leaned over and whispered, "You realize this is gonna be us in thirty years."
<Prev Next>
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ceralmillkandstars · 2 years
a beautiful ring (namor x siren!reader)
OH HI. So, I really like mermaids. And I really like Namor. So two plus two equals fish time. This character is written to portray me, a lil redheaded girl- she’s a mermaid, or a siren, somethin, who can turn human again- something magical :) and she loves jewelry. She’s a lil naughty and likes to steal pretty things, a little careless and egotistical at times cuz of all her cool powers. 
I haven’t written in awhile so feedback is always welcome. I hope you all enjoy as much as I did writing this. kith kith. I also dunno how to continue this, so if you have any ideas shoot ya girl a message. 
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You want that ring.
Peaking above the rocky, jagged surface in the early afternoon while the sun hits your freckled face, you decided right then and there while gazing at that enigma of a man, you want his ring.
You cared less about the fierce glint in his eyes as he stalks back into the water. Could care less about the delicate wings embedded in his skin, his pointed ears, maybe a little about the strong, ancient spear in his hand as his midsection descended into the water.
You wanted that ring, and you were going to get it.
With a drive from the rigid shore and a whip of your glimmering tail, you were off.
Staying low to the sandy seafloor, you flowed with the tide, urging yourself to catch up with this man who did not feel like a man.
He is fast, but you are faster. Born with fins powered by the moon’s force, the water bended to your will as you charged with gentle, calculated laps of your tail.
A beautiful, alluring ring. An ancient, crafted metal band with a beastly, jaguar head. It would look beautiful on your vanity. In your underwater or surface world home, you hadn’t decided yet. 
You hadn’t yet decided which home you preferred more.
You hadn’t decided how to trick this man into getting his ring, either.
You giggle and give a soft roll of your eyes while you monologue, surging towards the man moving, too, with the underwater currents.
As if you needed to contemplate. Your craft was as easy as a child collecting shells along the shore. 
The push and pull of water through your gills transformed into a thrum of energy sending out with the current into his peripheral. 
There is no one here, you are on your way. Your energy, your swaying, invisible lullaby stills the god for a millisecond before continuing his descent through the Atlantic.
Where was he going? You do not care. You want that ring.
Bend to my will, keep on your way while I pry this ring from your finger.
You swim closer to him as the energy continues to pulsate from your very essence, the water vibrating with you as you near his form.
What a beautiful creature, thank you for letting me have this ring. Your unyielding, uncompromised energy halts the neurons firing in his brain, rewiring them not to detect any sense of danger, to continue on his journey while your hand reaches to grab his.
Brutal hands, you sense, swimming with him. Brutal yet soft. With manipulating energy comes sensing tenfold. You cannot help but allow yourself to admire his natural, ruthless beauty. The determined, vicious look on his face. Someone must have wronged him while he was on the shores. Or this affinity for hating it as so causes each mistake made by others to fuel the hatred he feels for her surface. Oh- the innocent tendril of information the moon sends your way caresses your exposed, olive stomach, causing small chills to swim up your spine. The beauty of intuition from being born under the full moon. Your digits grab onto the jaguar-head ring, yanking it off in one swift motion. 
The vibrating energy continues to thrum from all around you while you marvel at the piece of old jewelry, twisting it between your thumb and forefinger. It’s too big to fit even on your thumb, but it will look dazzling, bewitching, on your vanity at the surface in your small, Chicago condo. 
You’re taking your time for someone so eager to go home thirty minutes ago. But who can blame you, when someone’s energy nearly matches yours, melding into your skin, dancing with the flames erupting into your stomach as your stare switches between the ring and a god. 
This so-called god would look very beautiful there too, amongst your silk sheets and soft pink pillows.
Your eyes twinkle- he could find you and lay there sometime. 
Cease those thoughts, the moon minds you. For the serpent god is not kind company above shallow waters.
But I’m so young, you argue. So you indulge yourself, ignoring the sense of the lowering sun. Placing the ring in a small, shell-lined satchel, your fingers graze his palms, reading the lines, his future, his past, his qualities, with wide eyes. 
Your fingers, littered with pearls and gold and seashells wrapped in fine silver and gold, travel up his arms, along his bicep, trailing and tracing the gold emblems across his neck. He continues to strive through the water with fervor, determined to get back to his people, his council.  
What a beautiful, powerful god. 
Puffing out a sigh, you let go of his hands and cast your gaze down from his otherworldly ears. You were far out into the Atlantic now, and you were getting tired. The thrumming, the stilling of his- a god’s mind, was working you harder than it has before, especially at this level of the ocean, where the moon’s power barely reaches. Seaweed snacks and new pearl earrings await you at the border, he cannot distract you any longer.
You slowly distance yourself, gaze burning into his while you slow your meticulous manipulation. 
The vibrations come to a halt at your will, slowly dripping like molasses to give yourself enough time to be far enough away to avoid any retribution. 
You begin your ascent towards the surface once a mass of distance was put between the two of you. Though growing exhausted, you glide through the ocean waters as fast as you can, refusing to look back. You have a feeling this being has a tendency to stay as below the surface as possible, only returning to bring karma.
And you always trust your gut instinct.
No more than a small spec in the vast sea, you continue to dream of the glowing skin, the small wings affixed to his ankles, the large jewelry set across his chest and neck that you are sure will be forever burned into your memories. 
By the gods he would look beautiful on your bed covered in moss and sea gossamar sheets in the pacific- back home.
For a moment, you pause and turn to stare back at the spec, your golden-red hair whisking and flowing around you, framing your freckle-ridden face and tickling a jellyfish. 
“Thank you for the ring,” you whisper into the depths of the ocean, allowing the silken vibrancy to flow deep enough into the depths of the ocean to reach his ears. 
You close your eyes heavily for a moment to regain your strength, the gold smeared across your eyelids causing a bright blink into the bound nothingness.
Turning to swim back towards the shores, you fail to watch out for the fascinating mutant turn up towards the twinkle, down toward his ringless finger, and back toward the small, viper-looking creature with fins melting away towards the orange sky. 
You continue to fail to notice the small spec becoming a lurking shadow as you goggle at the ring, daydreaming about the pearls and fluffy pillows awaiting you back home. Humming to yourself, your eyes simmer and your motions slow as you struggle to stay awake, reminding yourself of the shore and your slip dress that awaits you there just after sunset. 
After all, you got that ring.
There is a cheshire smile along your face as the shore approaches you, the sky an ornate red. You have just fooled a god. 
So you think.
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demoderby2099 · 9 months
ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀꜱ
Godzilla||Titanus: Gojira
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Ruby||Titanus: Rubius Cthulhu
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This AU was inspired by @rubydoowhereru RGTK of Monsterverse Ruby Gillman. So, I decided to practise my writing with RGTK that will feature some conruby, Meraken, and just a few short stories.
I wrote a one-shot on how Ruby would appear in Godzilla 2014, which I sent to Rubydoo in the form of an ask.
Now, here's an interesting idea: "What if Ruby met Gojira instead of Grandmamah?"
Ruby should have listened to her Uncle's warning about the peculiar electric blue water current that he advised her to avoid during their journey to visit her grandmother. She had mistakenly assumed that it would propel her to her destination much faster, but that assumption proved false.
Now, Ruby found herself immersed in a pitch black void, barely able to make out the moonlight.
She felt as if she had entered the twilight zone.
Scanning her surroundings, she spotted an ancient temple in ruins. A few skeletal remains of monstrous creatures with sharp dorsal plates caught her attention.
Believing that this must be where her grandmother resided, Ruby swam towards the temple's entrance. Along the way, she caught glimpses of peculiar marine iguana-like sea monsters, standing around 6'5ft, with two large and pointed dorsal plates. Nervously, she waved at them, and in response, some of the creatures emitted a bright flash from their dorsal plates, as if greeting her.
Following a bright orange light, Ruby found herself inside a vast chamber filled with waterfalls and small pools of lava. A grand staircase led up to a large platform, but whatever lay on top remained hidden from view. The only visible aspect was the presence of jagged, sharp dorsal plates, reminiscent of trees or some other unknown entity.
Curiosity piqued, Ruby cautiously emerged from the water and ascended the staircase to gain a better perspective on the mysterious sight before her. However, to her confusion, she discovered that the platform was empty - nothing stood atop it.
"I knew that pulse belonged to you," a gruff voice declared, startling Ruby. She turned around, only to gasp in shock at the immense size of the person who had spoken.
His face possessed a square shape, while his neck appeared broad with gills adorning its sides. His eyes emitted a faint yellow glow, and his mouth housed a staggering total of 60 teeth, though they were not perfectly aligned. Separate nostrils adorned opposite sides of his snout.
His head and neck inclined slightly forward, and in proportion to his body, the head seemed relatively smaller. The creature bore dorsal fins that resembled the shape of maple leaves, albeit straighter and significantly sharper.
White-clawed fingers embellished his slim, muscular arms, while his feet resembled those of an elephant or sauropod, boasting larger curved claws with noticeable space between each toe. His crocodile-like skin was rough and tinged with a shade of blackish color. Although his body shared a slender resemblance to Ruby's giant Kraken frame, he appeared more robust, suggesting a build suitable for both speed and combat. His tail, resembling a baryonx's tail but with a tampered rounded tip.
Oh and cute little pointed ears!
Ruby instinctively raises her hands in fear as the imposing gaze of the larger monster meets her. However, to her surprise, he lets out a chuckle. "You look just like Agatha! Only purple instead of pink," the monster exclaims. Confused, Ruby gazes at him, prompting him to realize his nonsense and attempt to clarify.
Raising a closed, clawed hand and coughing into it, he introduces himself with a broad, toothy smile. "I am Gojira! King of Monsters, Warlord of Balance, Lord of the Sea, and so on! And, of course, you can call me your GRANDPOPPY!" As these words escape his lips, Ruby's eyes widen as everything clicks into place.
Instead of meeting her grandmother, she has encountered her grandfather.
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kookaburra1701 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday: Katabasis
Tagged by the lovely @thana-topsy @gilgamish this week, and in recent weeks past by @saltymaplesyrup and @dirty-bosmer
I'm not tagging anyone because I'm coming up on 2 WEEKS without power or internet after a severe storm, so there's no way to guarantee I'll see anyone's posts since navigating tumblr on my phone is a nightmare. :(
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: T (blood and violence) Category: Gen Genre(s): Action/Adventure Main characters: Khemor gro-Skaven (Male orc LDB), Calder, Gregor
Summary: A series of fics detailing how Khemor went from a senior magus in the College of Whispers to becoming the Last Dragonborn, Thane of Windhelm and the Pale, confidant of Ulfric Stormcloak and traitor to the Empire.
The broad square sail filled with wind as the Sea Hawk turned towards the ocean. When the first wave caused the bow to lift and then drop, Calder quickly sat next to Khemor and stuck his fingers under one of the ropes that secured the canvas-wrapped crate to the bulkhead.
“Up oars! Ice to port!”
At Revna’s shout, the men at the oars pushed down and held, lifting the blades as one from the water, and Torden leaned on the tiller, the rushing of water around the steering-oar increasing in volume as the ship changed heading.
Calder risked a glance over the topstrake. Submerged chunks of ice floated by, milky blue in the dark water. There was a hollow thump and a shudder ran through the hull, but Captain Torden did not seem bothered.
Above them the sky was a cloudless, azure bowl where seabirds wheeled and called. Below, the water was dark. Soon the shore was far enough away that the only indication of how quickly Kyne’s wind was carrying them was the bright white ice floes that passed by as the ship cut through the waves. A large horker bull amidst his harem of cows called out a challenge to them, but was soon left behind.
The men continued rowing, the creaks and groans of the oars in the ports blending with the sound of the water churning in their wake.
“We’re out of the ice-belt!” Revna called from her perch in the bow. A sigh of relief went up from the men at the oars, but they continued their slow, steady strokes, looking to Captain Torden.
“Ship oars!” he called, and the long pine shafts were pulled in, lashed to the strakes more quickly than Calder would have thought possible. There was a flurry of activity, shouting, cursing, and finally with several chants of heave-ho the sail was hoisted to its full height.
A great bird of prey was painted on the sail, its wings seeming to flap as the canvas rippled and billowed. The acceleration was immediately apparent, and the deck suddenly tilted as the Sea Hawk heeled against the wind. The cliffs and rocks of the mouth of the White River were small on the horizon: they were truly underway.
After a while, Calder felt he was less liable to tumble off of his perch with every pitch and roll of the deck and he released his grip on the rope to lean back against the upper strake. When Khemor glanced over, Calder was slightly gratified to note that his thane did not seem to find the motion of the ship any more pleasant than he did.
“Are you warm enough, Thane?” Calder said, leaning close to be heard over the sounds of the sea and the thick fur-lined hood that was pulled up over Khemor’s ears.
“I believe I am as warm as it is possible to be, under the circumstances.”
Behind them, Captain Torden let out a loud laugh. “This is as good a spell of weather as we could hope to have, Thane! Kyne is smiling on us!”
“Let her continue to do so,” Khemor responded.
“And look, Stuhn’s wolves have come to see us off!” Torden stretched out an arm, pointing towards the horizon.
A line of black, triangular fins rose from the ocean, and Calder caught a glimpse of shiny dark forms beneath the surface of the water before they disappeared.
The boat suddenly felt very small.
“Bah, they just think we have a net full of herring,” said Helvyn. The first mate finished securing the line holding the beitass to an iron ring set into the deck before standing and shading his red eyes, looking out towards the dark forms in the waves. “Thieving fetchers.”
The line of fins broke the surface again, closer. Before they had fully sunk beneath the waves a second rank of fins followed them, and this time one of the creatures lifted its blunt head out of the water and a plume of vapor rose into the air. A sharp white oval stood out starkly on the side of its face.
Is that an eye? It’s enormous!
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Capitulo 2
credit @brekitten @bucketorandomness @hermit-scribe-vibe for help and inspiracion :D
Danny clamped his teeth down on his kill, at last a fish big enough that to feed the both of them, and which hadn't escaped. Ear fins fanned out, he kept wary of approaching hums of boat engines.It could've been only a few minutes, but to Danny it was as if hours had passed. He'd already failed Damian once, and for his distraction he earned a new gash or two from his hunt.
Danny startled when he came back. Damian had not awoken just yet, but the transformation was complete. Dark green scales enveloped every inch of skin on his body, soft from youth. Spots of gold scales like freckles gathered around his cheeks, and at the base of each of his fins and transitioned into full golden membrane with the faintest red along the tips.
And of course, Damian had no legs, none at all, replaced by the thick sinew and muscles of a siren's tail. All of this Danny knew would happen, and expected, but he never thought about how tiny Damian looked at the moment.
From head to tailfin, Damian's new height (or length?) only equalled half of his human height. Siren children were small compared to humans, for sure, but even Youngblood was easily a head or two taller than Damian at this moment.
Before he could ruminate further, Damian's eyes shot open. Faster than Danny could blink, the new siren launched himself at Daniel with a piercing shriek of a war cry.
Damian's talons gripped onto Danny's scales, and his jaw snapped down upon his shoulder like a vice. Danny yelped and fell upon his back and bent his sail.
Damian's tiny hands wrapped around the elder boy's neck. His tiny young face twisted into an honestly shocking amount of anger and agression. His hackles rose and his fins stood at full attention.
"Where am I?! What have you done to me?! Return me to my original form or perish!" Damian spat out in hissed clicks and chirps. Despite the situation, Danny finds himself thinking he had to be really upset if he didn't even notice the change in voice.
"Answer me!" Damian hiss and bared his teeth. Danny gulped, which was difficult considering the tiny hands vice-gripping his neck. Suddenly he realised he'd never had to comfort a newly-turned before.
"H-hey hey hey now, there's no need to get all murderous over here!" That was the wrong thing to say, because suddenly there was a katana straight for his neck. "Where did you get that?!"
"From my clothes, you buffon, the clothes that you violently relieved me off. What other untoward things have you done with my body? Speak!"
"Look I didn't do anything untoward to your body I swear! I was trying to save you!"
"You mutilated me! You kidnapped me and drowned me and now you clain innocence with nothing to prove such a notion!" Damian's grip wavered for a moment, and Danny realised something. This kid was probalby scared out of his life, and his shouting wasn't helping anything. The smaller boy's gills flapped open. His breathing laboured, heavily.
"You need water. You're not gonna survive long.
"I can kill you long before that point." Gently, Danny picked the child up by the waist, his arms far outreaching the boy's tiny limbs. "Unhand my you psychotic murdering wretch!"
Horns blared in the distance. Damian's body seized up, his ear fins curling in on themselves in Danny's peripheral vision. "They've caught up to us."
"Good, now it means you can be put to justice and I reunited with my father."
Danny coiled his tail and pulled Damian against his chest, against the boy's protests. "The only thing they're gonna unite you with is a scalpel."
"I said unhand me!"
"No time!" Danny uncoiled like a spring and shot into the water. GiW agents shouted above the surface. Danny held him tight against his body. Motors roared into action and echoed through the water. Sonars rang in his ears. But they could never catch up to even a teenage siren.
Pain rocked up his arm. Danny loosed his grip, and Damian slipped out. After floundering for just a few seconds, Damian righted himself and bolted for the ships. The speed at which he made for the freaking GiW shocked Danny. This kid was a human less than an hour ago!
Shit. "Where the heck are you going?!" Danny shouted. He wasted precious seconds turning around and doubling back. "They're not gonna help you Damian!"
"You cannot fool me with your temptations, siren!" Daman spat out. Then he did the absolute worst thing. He surfaced.
Danny's heart sank again. No, no, not again. He pushed through as fast as he could. Damian shouted something above the water. An agent in cold sunglasses aimed a gun at him.
Damian seemed to realise his mistake. He tried to evade the attack, but his strange body just left him rolling over in place.
Danny's eyes glowed blue. Seawater froze into ice in his hands, and he tossed the spear over water. The spear landed an inch away from where the agent was standing. In his shock, he lowered his gun. Danny shot forward. He grabbed Damian's hand and pulled him away. Harpoons flew into the water. Danny ducked and weaved through all of them and full speed. Soon they were far behind the horizon.
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ishouldgetatumbler · 2 years
There had been 14 ghosts between Amityville and Gotham. Four-fucking-teen. Danny was tired before he started his two hour flight. But he was home. These streets knew him. He tucked into an alley to transform back into Danny Fenton, tucking the fenton thermos away finally.
He walked the streets of his home. He hadn't been gone for long, but somehow he'd missed it anyway.
As he walked, he found himself favoring one foot, his heel bruised and ankle twisted on one leg. He moved through town, watching the night turn to dawn as he moved in through the edge of Amityville. It was quiet, empty and cool as the humidity hung at the edge of fog.
Danny stopped walking, and turned to face the way he had come. He could hear something, something odd. There were the sounds of amityville: humming streetlights and AC units, distant traffic where the interstate buzzed, but this was different. It grew and shaped into a rumble, deep and fast approaching.
A car, loose edges and harsh black tears up the road. It's long and flat like a limosuine, but the back flows into wing shaped fins, cutting the air in its wake. The batmobile speeds out from the pine woods around Amityville and then shrieks to a stop maybe 10 feet from Danny.
Bat-Freaking-Man steps out.
"Danny!" Batman sounds alarmed, "are you okay?"
Batman withdrew a cellphone with two small pointed ears at the top. He pressed a button and put it to the side of his head.
"I found him. He was just trying to go home."
Batman paused, and motioned danny towards him. Danny, limply, walked towards him. Once within range, Batman squatted to be eye level with the boy and shone a small light in one of his eyes.
"I know, it's not your fault. Yes, thank Mr. Wayne for his help on my behalf. Yes I-."
Batman flashed the light, then switched eyes.
"Thank you Mr. Pennyworth, I'll be in touch."
Batman hung up, and then looked back at Danny.
"No concussion, but judging by the limp, you may have sprained something on the hike here."
Danny nodded dumbly.
"Must have."
"Does anything else hurt?"
Danny shook his head.
Danny looked at Batman. His cowl covered the top half of his face, but his eyes shone through the mask. He had a nine o clock shadow, and smelled like new cars. He wasn't smiling, but he wasn't angry.
"Are you hurt?"
"Bruises and scrapes." Danny admitted.
"From the hike." He added quickly.
This seemed to relieve Batman, he slouched slightly.
He straightened up and offered Danny a hand. They shook hands.
"Uhm, how do you know my name?"
Batman cleared his throat and ended the handshake.
"Bruce Wayne informed me you went missing from his estate at least an hour ago."
The word hit him funny. 'Missing.' like there was a hole in reality shaped like him at the manor.
He hadn't seen his mom in almost two weeks. Had she noticed?
"I'm sure he wouldn't be hurt if you'd rather be with your parents once all this is over."
Danny scowled.
"I don't want to go back."
Batman hummed, acknowledging this.
"Would you like to stay with me for the time being?"
Danny froze. What did he want?
His stomach gurgled in wailing distress, a furnace want of fuel.
"Have you tried nasty burger?" He asked Batman.
"Nasty burger?"
Batman's stomach, somewhat sympathetically, warbled for food. He gripped it self conciously.
Batman tutted and peeled back part of his glove, revealing a wrist watch. He grumbled something to himself and covered his wrist again.
"Do they have a drive through?"
Danny leaned around the superhero's cape to look at the batmobile behind them. Mentally he pumped his fist.
"Yes they do."
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I tried redesigning Lagoona Blue from the 2022 Monster High live action movie
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(they couldn’t even make the quirky blurb sound right. “the bestie with a bite” sounds better 🙄)
so. when I first saw the trailer for Monster High: The Movie (2022), I had trouble trying to find Lagoona. then I searched out promos and YouTube reviews, and was horrified to discover her movie design. compared to other characters—where they at least tried to make them look like their original counterparts—she looked so unlike herself I wouldn’t even begin to think it was her if you told me.
a human skin tone instead of greenish blue, barely noticeable fins—a general lack of obvious sea monster features, and the features that are there are immediately toned down by the fact she looks too human, which is completely not the point of being a sea monster. the outfit they chose for her also makes her look like an Instagram influencer? I can tell what they were going for, but they failed because they seemed to be too scared of accessorizing her more fittingly and made her sorta “normie-fied”. they probably thought going all out would be outdated and cringe or something.
I was devastated. so I took matters into my own hands—I decided I wanted to fix Lagoona Blue’s movie design. she’s one of my favorites, if not my top favorite nowadays because I really love sea monsters. there are so many different ways to design sea monsters, and they did this? lackluster, to say the least!
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ta daaaa! before I break it down I feel like I need to pardon myself for being shamefully unaware of many modern fashion trends, but I tried to style her best I could to what’s sorta trendy with da kids these days.
now, if I allowed myself free range, I would’ve designed Lagoona a completely different way. but I decided to challenge myself a little—I wanted to redesign her based on the specific aesthetic the movie wanted, and tried to make it somewhat reasonable enough for a Nickelodeon musical budget.
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(above: mood board of collected references, below: breakdown of how I wanted to portray Lagoona)
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I’ll start with her outfit. instead of the sporty but stylish beach vibe Lagoona usually has, the movie seemed to gear towards a shiny rainbow appearance, still with a bit of sportiness. I think they want her design to evoke whimsical bubbles and pearls, which they almost achieved, but they simply did not have enough to get that across. I’ve seen several people say how she looks like she’d be the daughter of the unicorn, not a sea monster. in my redesign, I stuck to the pearly pastel mermaid aesthetic but added more things that would make the vibe a little clearer: holographic tank top, pearls and pearlescent jewelry, holo platform sandals, holo hair tie, iridescent lip gloss, pearly rhinestones on iridescent makeup, and pastel “mermaid hair”. I probably could’ve eased up on the holo, but you can tell they wanted her to be colorful. these things at least all evoke whimsical pearliness, when all she used to have were a rainbow mesh shirt, drop earrings, silvery scale short tights, metal octopus bracelet, some other kinda chunky bracelet, and see-through iridescent boots. I love a metal octopus bracelet as much as the next guy but it feels like they threw things together.
the next thing to tackle was adding back more sea monster features. I’m not entirely sure why they didn’t want to paint her skin like other characters. even Frankie got to be greenish blue. maybe they were afraid it wouldn’t fit their new aesthetic for Lagoona? they did give her some features, I’ll give them that. she has purple nails made to look like claws, back leg fins, ear fins (though I didn’t actually notice these for the longest time), and at one point in the trailer she got to show off some CGI monster teeth. but the fins are small and blended into her human skin tone, making them hard to see and honestly kind of ill-fitting. of course, I remedied much of the issues here by giving her back her bluish green color and arm fins. I don’t know if she has sea monster teeth for the whole movie or just the CGI scenes, but if she doesn’t I made sure to show off my version. I also gave her webbed fingers, but honestly I’d let those slip—I can imagine giving someone special FX webbed fingers is probably frustrating and limiting, especially on a lower budget. as a final touch, I added little patches of scales. I figure they could maybe pull this off with just makeup like this:
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anyway, I guess that’s it then! I’m no fashion designer nor a costume designer, I just wished they were a little more inspired with Lagoona’s appearance (and everybody really, but I had to do my girl Lagoona a little justice). I understand if some things are unreasonable, things can be mixed and matched—like, if you don’t wanna paint her skin then maybe just the faint scales on certain areas. anything to still show that she is a sea monster, at a monster high school.
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