#the drunk blush with the freckles she was so ahead of her time as always
lilidawnonthemoon · 10 months
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lukesunbornn · 4 years
this is 1.6k of daysten, no nsfw beyond undetailed kissing, this is my first fic so pls be nice to me ❤️
It all starts when Kevin doesn’t feel like going for a haircut. Exy season is busy with games and interviews and appearances and everything else, and he just doesn’t have time to get to a salon. Plus, Kevin has to admit that he kinda likes how it feels when his bangs brush against his cheekbones.
There are some downsides to growing his hair out, though. For one thing, hair in the eyes in the middle of a game is not helpful for winning. He keeps having to pause to brush hair out of his eyes, and it’s getting in the way of his playing. Renee notices him eyeing her neatly pinned hair after a game one day, and the next morning Kevin finds some clips in his game bag.
The clips have some minor setbacks, though. Renee has a certain aesthetic, which her style mirrors. When Kevin walks into practice with sparkly butterflies in his hair, Nicky wolf-whistles and Seth bursts out laughing. Not the reaction Kevin was hoping for, but exactly what he was expecting. He realizes a second too late that he tenses up at their reaction, because for once he is actually happy with his appearance, but Neil, ever the observer, must notice his discomfort. Kevin walks to put down his bag and doesn’t miss the sound of Neil leisurely standing up, and the sudden thud of Seth and Nicky sitting back on the bench. There are no more comments about the state of Kevin’s hair.
All through practice, Kevin notices Neil’s eyes trailing him. Apparently, not even Neil likes his hair, no matter what he did in the locker room. Kevin doesn’t let it bother him, just keeps going through drills with Dan like he always does.
As his hair gets even longer, Kevin starts needing new ways to tie it back. Renee is still loaning him clips, but one morning she knocks on their door and Kevin answers.
“Oh hey Renee! Lemme go grab Andrew, I think he’s still in the shower.”
“Oh, actually, I wasn’t looking for Andrew! Can I braid your hair?”
Kevin feels a bit uneasy, but he follows Renee down the hallway to her room, knocking over some useless umbrella stand as he leaves. She perches on the end of her bed, and directs the much taller Kevin to sit on the floor between her legs. He’s somewhat uncomfortable at first with having his back to her, hands on his head, but he quickly becomes relaxed as she works her fingers through his hair and chatters about her day.
Renee is halfway through detailing a particularly interesting girl in her chemistry class when Neil bursts in, shirtless.
“HEY HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN KEVIN HE’S NOT IN THE DORM AND THERE WAS A LOUD NOISE EARLIER AND HE DIDN’T SAY HE WAS LEAVING AND. oh,” Neil finishes, realizing Kevin’s sitting on the floor. Neil’s toned stomach begins to get slightly red. Not that Kevin was looking at it. “Sorry for bursting in and freaking out! Kevin, I didn’t know you braided your hair that’s so cool I like how you’re growing it out not that I care because you can do what you want with your hair but I admire how long it’s getting and. I’m gonna leave now,” The red has been creeping up Neil’s body throughout his speech until it nearly reaches his ears. Kevin has been watching it with interest this whole time, and is slightly disappointed that it’s going away.
Renee laughs, and turns back to braiding Kevin’s hair. “It’s sweet how much he cares about you,” is all she says on the matter before jumping right back into their previous conversation.
At the end of that day’s practice, Kevin’s been working hard, and his hair is thick with sweat. The braids worked perfectly, but he’s not used to having his hair tied up for so long and is starting to get a headache. He takes the bands out and his hair falls down to his chin, slightly wavy, and he hears a clatter behind him. Neil must be exhausted from the day’s exercises if he can’t even hold his racquet.
The next evening is movie night, and Kevin is in his usual spot on the floor, leaning against the couch and watching a truly awful movie Matt had picked out. Kevin is starting to fall asleep when he feels a body sliding onto the couch behind him and, a moment later, gentle fingers brushing through his hair. He tenses a bit, but the circular motions being massaged into his scalp feel so good that he instantly relaxes again. He assumes it’s just Renee playing, though in his half-drunk fog Kevin notices that these fingers are treating his hair a bit more delicately than they were this morning. Renee must be trying not to wake him up. He naps for a few more minutes, but awakes yet again when he feels the braid being tied off. He tilts his head back to thank Renee, and sees someone else.
Neil’s eyes are crinkling at the corners, but are fully lit up, the way they get when he’s learning a particularly challenging exy play. The corners of his mouth are slightly turned up in a lazy smile, with the tip of his tongue sticking out from the corner. His breath smells like candy and is coming out in little puffs, and Kevin only then realizes that Neil’s face is barely an inch above his own. At this distance, Kevin can see little freckles across Neil’s strong cheekbones, and he wonders what it would be like to trace them with his fingertips. He’s about to do so, when he realizes that would probably be really freaking weird, so he says nothing and continues to stare. But then he realizes he’s been sitting like this for five minutes already and maybe he should say something or at least thank Neil for the braids. He opens his mouth but all that comes out is, “Um. I’m going back to the dorm now,” and he does just that.
The rest of the week passes peacefully, with Kevin chatting with Renee as she braids his hair each morning, and Neil going for a run every time he and Kevin might be alone together, foiling every attempt of Kevin’s to request that Neil braid his hair again.
Luckily, it turns out that Kevin doesn’t even need to ask, because halfway through the next week’s movie night, Neil’s fingers start stroking through his hair again. Kevin glances up.
“Okay?” Neil asks.
“Okay,” and Kevin is rewarded with a small smile before being directed to look straight ahead so the braids don’t come out crooked. 
It slowly becomes a thing, Neil playing with Kevin’s hair. Not only on movie nights either, as Neil has very restless fingers, constantly drumming on every surface imaginable. This has always been annoying to Kevin, until he discovers that removing Neil’s hands from the countertop and placing them on his head results in much less noise and many more hairstyles. Kevin stops going to Renee’s room in the mornings, because Neil lives closer and can braid just as well, if not better. 
Kevin admires the neatness and precision with which Neil braids, how evenly he adds the strands of hair, how the braids stay in despite never pulling. Kevin may not know everything about hair braiding, but he knows that if it were a sport, Neil would be the master. 
A few weeks later, at another of the team’s movie nights, Kevin is feeling peaceful and blissed out while Neil’s nimble fingers create an intricate fishtail braid. The final piece of hair is tied off, and then Kevin feels a kiss being placed on the top of his head. Kevin freezes, and Neil freezes, and the lights are off, and Kevin is weighing the chances of being seen if he looks up and makes Neil do it again on the lips, when suddenly the gentle weight atop his head vanishes and Neil has teleported across the room near Matt. Kevin remembers the blush he saw months ago with Renee, and wonders if it’s gotten to Neil’s ears yet.
Kevin is scared his personal braider is going to stop doing his hair after that, but Neil is back at the end of Kevin’s bed the next morning, elastics in hand. The only difference now is that whenever he ties off a braid, Neil also places a quick kiss to the top of Kevin’s head. Kevin tries to ignore the mushy feeling in his stomach every time.
Months go by, and Kevin doesn’t act on any of the feelings he’s been having, and it’s driving him a little bit crazy. So he can’t really be blamed, per se, when one night after a game, he catches Neil’s hand as he finishes the first of two braids and brings it down to brush his lips across Neil’s knuckles.
Neil lets out a little sound, almost like a whimper, and then instead of kissing Kevin’s head, moves to kiss him on the cheek. Kevin turns his head a bit, and they’re about to kiss for real, when Kevin moves his head back. “Ah, ah, ah! You’ve gotta do the other braid first!”
Neil is not one to half-do things, so of course it takes him fifteen minutes to finish the second braid, and Kevin can barely appreciate the feeling of the other man’s expert hands in his hair because he’s too busy thinking about what comes next. 
When Neil finally finishes, he skips the head kiss, tilting Kevin’s chin up to kiss him flat on the mouth. And wow.
Kevin has to admit, the only thing that feels better than Neil braiding his hair is Neil’s fingers on his head undoing all his hard work.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
Pairing: (F)Reader x Felix
Word count: 2.6k
Genre: Guardian Angel!Felix | Fluff | Romance 
Summary: When Felix accidentally reveals himself to you, he has no other choice but to explain what he was planning. You think through the many years spent together, reliving those moments that he’s been by your side when he suggests taking you up to Heaven to turn you into an angel. 
Warnings: Mentions of a car accident | Mentions of alcohol 
Masterlist || Chan - Maive || Minho - Kira || Changbin - Skye || Hyunjin - Nova || Jisung - Blair || Seungmin - Raisha || Jeongin - Avia
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“I-I can explain,” he stutters. You stare at his wings in complete disbelief. You watch the way they fold behind him ever so shyly when he realises he’s too far deep in to make any excuses. “I’m your guardian angel.” You can feel your heart racing in your chest and before you know it, you’ve collapsed. Felix lets out a panicked squeak before running to catch you. “(Y/n)?” He tries shaking you to wake you up, but when it’s obvious that you’re unconscious, he’s even more panicked. “Oh god, o-okay.” 
Without any other options left, Felix resorts to carrying you to his bedroom and tucking you in before he moves to his living room. He tells himself he’ll just tell you it’s a dream when you wake up.
Oh how Felix manages to mess that up. 
“It was not a dream.” You almost choke when you see your boyfriend standing in the kitchen with a pair of wings extending from his bare back. Felix whips around and almost spits out the orange juice he was drinking when he sees you. 
“Oh my god,” he winces as he realises he was being careless around you again. Felix moves to you slowly. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.” He realises how tense you are. He can sense how scared you are. “I know how weird and freaky this seems, but I would never hurt you.” 
“T-Then, why d-d-do you have w-wings?” Your eyes are still fixated on his wings. 
“I am your guardian angel. The simplest way I can put it is that I was assigned to protect you when you turned 16,” Felix explains, “I’m basically supposed to watch over you until your time comes. I keep you safe from demon stuff and spirits and all the jazz.” 
“You say ‘all that jazz’ like it’s so normal,” you huff. He gives you a sheepish smile. 
“I wasn’t supposed to show you I was a guardian angel—damn it,” he groans. “I’m not usually this careless around my humans.” You watch the way Felix runs a frustrated hand through his hair. He’s fucked up. He’s already getting shit for dating you, now the deities are going to pound on him for revealing himself. 
“So…” you trail off as you let the new information process in your mind, “you’re my guardian angel.” Felix nods.
“Whenever a human turns 16, a guardian angel gets assigned to them. It’s up to the angel how they’d go about the protection,” he explains slowly, worried that you might get confused, “they could stay hidden or show themselves and be a close friend to watch over you. Some angels just float around secretly and others will just add themselves into your lives; like I did.” You stare at him blankly. “(Y/n)? You in there?” He waves a hand in front of your face. 
“Y-Yeah,” you quickly nod. “It’s just a bit much. I didn’t think angels existed.” You continue to just stare at him, taking in the sight of his new form. A few moments pass before you step closer, your hand reaching out towards his wings. “May I?” 
“O-Oh,” he nods. “Go ahead.” Your fingers come into contact with his feathers and you’re surprised at just how soft they are. Felix subconsciously retracts them shyly, a blush coming on his cheeks when he hears your thoughts. He relaxes a tad, letting you admire his wings.
“Your wings are so pretty,” you breathe out softly as you bring your other hand up to brush through his feathers. He turns away from you, hiding his blush the more your fingers gently graze his wings. “Wait.” The realisation strikes you and you pull away to look at Felix. “If you’re my guardian angel, then is this…” you gesture to the both of you, “okay? Shouldn’t there be rules on these kinds of things?” 
“Ahah,” Felix lets out an awkward laugh. “Yeah, they’re not that happy with me on that. They’re giving me a pass because they said you’re good.” You give him a questioning look. “Well, say you’re good enough to be an angel, they’ll make you one. That way, we’ll be angels together.” He has a shy smile on his freckled face. “That is if—you know—you would like to join me in becoming an angel.” Your heart softens. 
You’ve never loved anyone more than you’ve loved Felix; that much you’re sure of. He had been by your side throughout high school and college; even staying with you after you had both graduated and moved to working your own separate jobs. Staying by your side may have been his job, but he made you happy. 
The many times he had run over to your apartment whenever you felt unsafe finally made sense. Felix always came quick. Even when you were both in high school, Felix somehow managed to sneak his way into your family’s hearts as well. Your parents barely bat an eye whenever he slept over for weekly movie nights and they never really questioned it whenever he would show up unannounced on days you were feeling your worst. 
“Are you okay?” he questioned softly when he found you crying in the corner of your bedroom. You shook your head. Felix sat beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring your head to his chest. “I’m here for you. I’ll always be here.” His words stuck to you. Ever since then, the first person you’d reach out to was always Felix. 
Even when you were in that car accident, all you could think about was him. 
The damage was so much that you knew you were slowly starting to lose consciousness. Everything was becoming blurrier and the dark spots in your vision were getting bigger. The moment Felix came to your mind, you swear you heard him calling out to you right before you lost consciousness. When you came to, you were in a hospital with Felix sleeping in the sofa chair beside your bed. You felt terrible. The first thing you heard other than the beeping from the machines that you were attached to was snoring from your friend. You turned and your chapped lips parted when you saw him sleeping, soft snores leaving past his own parted lips. 
You turned to look around the room, wondering just how you ended up in the hospital; the memory of Felix running up to you completely hidden in your mind. “You’re finally awake.” His voice makes you turn to see him looking at you with lazy eyes. 
“What happened?” Your voice came out raspy, causing you to cough. 
“You got into an accident,” he muttered as he sat upright, stretching his arms out above his head. “The doctor told me to get him when you wake up.” Felix stood up, scooching over to your bed. His hand brushed your matted hair gently. “I’ll be right back, okay?” Your hand quickly moved to wrap around his wrist, stopping him from moving away. 
“Don’t leave,” you said softly. Felix’s eyes immediately softened. 
“Just for a moment, (Y/n). I need to get the doctor,” he told you, his hand adjusting to hold yours; thumb gently running over your knuckles. “I promise I’ll be back.” Your grip around his hand loosened as he left your hospital room. You sat in your bed, waiting a few minutes before he returned with a nurse. Felix called your family before moving to stay by your side while the nurse called your doctor. 
Felix was there even when you were coming home drunk from a college party. 
“(Y/n), be careful!” he squeaked when you trip over your heels. “Take those off. You can wear my sneakers.” Felix slips his shoes off and slides them over to you.
“Thaaaaank you, Lixieeeee,” you giggled, slipping your feet into his shoes. “What about you?” You looked down at his socked feet. 
“Don’t worry about me. Let’s just get you home.” He continued to carefully guide you home, holding your hand gently until you reached your dorm. “Drink this,” Felix handed you a glass of water. You take it, gulping down the entire glass. “Careful! You’ll choke,” he scolded. You gave him a look before placing the glass on the counter. 
“I’m fineeeee,” you slurred. Felix shook his head before guiding you to your bedroom. “Just get some sleep, okay?” He handed you a random t-shirt, turning around to let you change before helping you into bed. 
“Don’t leave me,” you whined when he started to leave. Felix let out a soft sigh. 
“Do you want me to stay in your living room?” he questioned. You shook your head, grabbing his wrist and tugging him into bed with you. 
“Stay with me, Lixie,” you muttered against his shoulder. Felix blushed at the close contact, unsure of what he should do with his arms. “You know Lixie,” you started softly, “we’ve been friends for so long, but I think I like you more than that.” He froze at your words. “You’re so cute and you’re so nice to me.” You looked up at him, your hands moving to cup his face. “Your freckles are so pretty. They’re like stars,” your thumb ran over his freckled cheeks. Felix stared at you, unsure of what he should say. He had feelings for you. He just didn’t want to say anything because he was your guardian. 
“Get some sleep, (Y/n),” he finally said. 
“Thank you, Lixie,” you hum as you snuggle into his chest. Felix barely missed the soft ‘I love you’ that slips past your lips. He dismissed it as your drunken haze, not wanting to dwell on anything that would only make his feelings for you grow. Felix closed his eyes, making a mental note to grab some ibuprofen for you when the morning comes. 
He was even there the time you got into a fight with a classmate, resulting in many bruises to your face. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n), calm down,” Felix frantically tried to calm you down. 
“No! This bitch deserves it!” you stubbornly yap as you still tried to reach out to her. 
“She’s not worth it, (Y/n),” he grabbed onto your waist and pulled you away. 
“Pussy!” your classmate spat at you. 
“Come on, (Y/n). Let’s just head home,” he muttered as he started to drag you away from her. You only managed to calm down when Felix dragged you back to his place where he cleaned up the busted lip your classmate gave you. 
“And then she said you were not even that great of a dancer! Do you know how much of an asshole she is?!” you rambled. Felix only nodded, humming every once in a while to let you know he was listening. “She called my dog ugly! My dog! That tiny ball of fluff that’s the same exact breed as hers! She’s pretty much calling her own dog ugly.” 
“Don’t worry about it, (Y/n). She’s not worth your energy,” he hummed when he deemed your face cleaned up. “Now, how about I heat up some leftover pizza and we can watch a movie together? How does that sound?” Felix’s suggestion did little to bring your mood up, but you agree nonetheless. You watched as he moved around the kitchen, putting pizza into the microwave and grabbing a few bottles of soju from the fridge. The years you’ve spent together slowly settle in your mind and you realised just how much time he had spent with you. 
You thought through the years and you realise:
You love him. 
“(Y/n)?” Felix waved his hand in front of your face. “You in there?” You nodded. 
“Yeah, I’m here.” 
Felix only realised he was falling in love with you when you got accepted into the dean’s list together. He thought the smile on your face was the most beautiful he had ever seen. Felix liked seeing you happy. He realised that when you ran up to him with open arms. 
“Felix! We’re in the dean’s list!” you excitedly giggled as you hold up your phone to show him the email.
“Yeah,” he nodded, “we are.” Felix couldn’t hold back his smile at how happy you looked. He thought you were radiating—glowing—and he realised how much shit he was in just by falling in love with you. He tried so hard to keep his feelings at bay, but when he realised he couldn’t anymore, he started thinking of a plan. 
The thought of turning you into an angel only came to Felix’s mind when he found a fallen angel lurking around your apartment. If you joined the angels, you would be safe from their influence. Not only that, Felix would be with you forever. He kept the plan in his mind, only opting to bring it up to his deities when they finally figured out what he was doing. 
It was a normal movie night for the both of you. You had just gotten home from your part time job  and Felix was lurking around your kitchen to see what kind of snacks you had hidden from him. When he heard your door open, he peeked over your fridge door to see him dragging yourself into your home tiredly. 
“How was work?” he questioned as he finally pulled out two bottles of beer from your fridge. 
“Terrible,” you sighed. “I’m just glad I can finally relax and just watch movies with you.” Felix could feel himself lightening up when he hears just how relieved you are to be home. 
“I picked out something fun.” 
“Horror fun or funny fun?” You gave him a weird look. 
“Funny fun.” His clarification makes you feel more relieved. 
“There’s popcorn in the cupboard next to the fridge. I’m gonna go get cleaned up first.” You disappeared into your bedroom, leaving Felix to prepare the living room. When you come out, you’re pleasantly surprised when you see him surrounded by a makeshift pillow fort. “How’d you get this up so quickly?” you asked with a small smile. 
“Speed, and also,” Felix turned around to grab a cushion, “you have a lot of cushions for one person.” The smile on your face didn’t disappear even when you carefully crawled into the fort where he had set up your laptop. “It's a perfect space for cuddles.” He outstretched his arms, making grabby hands to silently ask you to crawl into his embrace. You climbed into his arms, letting Felix hold you tightly against him. 
“Let’s start.” You hit play, letting the movie start while resting your head on your best friend’s chest. Felix didn’t plan it, but when you realised he wasn’t watching the movie, you looked up at him. “You in there?” Your voice was soft, sounding genuinely concerned. He stared at you—blinking a few times—and leaned down to kiss you. You didn’t move; shocked by the sudden gesture, but you kissed him back nonetheless. When he pulled away, your face was completely red. “Felix-”
“I’m in love with you,” he confessed. Felix awaited your response, feeling his confidence slowly fading away the longer you just stared at him. Instead of rejecting him, your hand came up to cup his cheek. 
“I love you, too.” Your thumb brushed over his cheekbone gently. “I’ve been in love with you since we started college.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “you told me that time you were drunk. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to embarrass you.” 
“What?!” you squeak. Your face became even more red if it was possible. 
“What? I saved you the embarrassment,” he cheekily teased. 
“(Y/n)? You in there?” Felix’s voice pulls you out of the memories you were replaying in your mind. You nod, smiling at the phrase he’s used so many times whenever you’d zone out. 
“I’m here.” You take a step closer to him and take his hands in yours. “I’ll be an angel with you.” A smile breaks onto his face. “I want to be with you forever.”
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Love Me Do- Paul McCartney
Pairing: Paul McCartney x Reader
Words: 1023
Plot: There's only one reason why you return back to the Cavern Club
Warning: none
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You were there again with your friends. They were just there for the drinks but you? You weren't much of a drinker but you stayed for the band.
You always stood out to him and he didn't know why. Maybe it was the clothes you wore. They were the same as everyone else's but they just seem to look better on you. Maybe it was how your smile would light up the Cavern even though it was perfectly lit. He just knew that he was in love with you.
The Beatles they were called. A small group of four with a bass player, two guitars, drums, along with the three guitarist singing. You always caught yourself staring at the bass player. You admired how focused he was while playing or how he would sing beautifully with his friends.
That and he was pretty cute.
You sat down at the bar, holding a glass of water when you noticed someone sitting down next to you. He had black hair and he was wearing a dress shirt and vest. You did notice that he had long eyelashes and you connected the dots.
The bass player.
You must've been staring for too long because he looked over at you and smiled with a wink. "Hello."
"Hi," you blushed while looking away.
"Name's Paul," he said holding his hand out for a handshake. You happily returned it, but we're surprised when he kissed your knuckles. "A pleasure to be in the presence of a pretty bird like you."
"Thanks," you said with a smile. "My name is (Y/N)."
"What brings you to a small club like this?" He asked as the bartender sat down a bottle of beer in front of him.
"My friends come here to drink and they drag me along. I'm just here for the ride."
He let out a laugh as he looked at you. He was about to say something but someone with a thick Liverpudlian yelled from across the bar.
"Paul, stop flirting and come on!" You recognized him as one of the guitar players.
"Will you meet me after the show?" Paul asked quickly, trying to dodge his friend from shoving him off the barstool.
"Yeah, I'll be here," you told him as his friend finally got him off the chair and dragged him towards the stage.
"The last song tonight is a new one that John and I wrote a few months back."
"It was more of Paul's idea," John piped up with pulling out his mouth organ.
"Yeah, well, anyway here's Love Me Do."
You stayed on the barstool all night, watching the boys perform. You noticed that Paul was getting more glances at you as the night went on.
The song opened with John playing his mouth organ and the girls went wild.
"Love, love me do. You know I love you, I'll always be true. So please, love me do," Paul sang into the microphone,l while shooting you a wink.
"Someone to love, somebody new, someone to love, someone like you."
Soon the song was over and people started filing out, but most girls stayed, trying to get a look at the boys and maybe try to convince the boys to buy them drinks.
Paul set his bass on his stand and sprinted towards where you were sitting.
"How was it?" He panted with a smile.
"It gets better every night! I loved the new song, it's catchy."
"Would you like to come on a walk with me? It's getting kinda stuffy in here."
"Sure," you laughed while jumping off the barstool. You followed Paul and you both began to walk around the block. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, the orange glow from his match lit up his face. This time you noticed faded freckles across his cheeks and nose.
"Have you got a special boy waiting for you to get home?"
"Yeah, his name's Jack," you smiled. You saw a disappointed look spread across Paul's face and you laughed.
"He's my dog. If you mean a boyfriend then no. However one of my friends tried to make me hook up with one of the guitarists."
"George or John?"
"The one who pushed you off the barstool. George, isn't it?" You asked as Paul gave a nod. "Well, they dared me because they were drunk, but I didn't do it. I do have my eye out on someone though. You got any special birds?"
"No. They always come up to me after shows and they throw themselves at me but I'm just not interested. There's a bench up ahead if you want to sit."
You and Paul jogged over and sat down next to each other. There was a streetlight right next to it, which was nice since you could see him better.
"There is one of them that caught my eye though."
"Who's the lucky lady?"
"Oh, I don't think you'd want to know. You may get jealous of her, she's very pretty."
"Who?" You repeated while laughing. "Come on, don't leave me hanging!"
Paul looked at you and he had this look in his eye. You knew who he was talking about, but you wanted to hear it from him.
"Please, love me do," he sang to you quietly with a smile.
"You cheeky bastard!" You giggled. "Using your own song to get me to say yes."
"Will you?" 
You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "You tell me, lover boy. Now, I hate to run, but it's getting late and my parents are getting worried."
"Let me walk you home then."
"Your friends are probably waiting for you, I don't want to be the reason for holding you up."
"I don't think you will," Paul said while pointing across the street. There were the three other boys, waving and smirking at the two of you. One of them was even carrying Paul's bass.
"Use protection!" John yelled, making you blush.
"Come on, let's get out of here before they decide to follow us to your place."
"Agree," you said quickly while leaving, Paul following behind.
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rreeaahh · 3 years
“I didn’t hear you saying otherways” | Oliver Wood
pairing: oliver x gryffindor! fem! reader
words count: 2,919
requested by: @sillyely - i hope you’ll like it❤ promts: 1. Shut your mouth right now, or I’ll shut it for you.              6. It was only a kiss, don’t start to overthink it.              8. I can’t do this anymore, I need to tell you the truth.
warnings: angst; swearing; alcohol
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“Y/N, he is Oliver Wood, a Quidditch teammate,” smiled Katie while doing the presentation, “And that’s Y/N, my best friend.”
Oliver smiled to you and shake your hand gently, his skin feeling rough but still giving you a warm feeling. Katie talked about him all the time, saying how funny he is and yet so responsible and hard-working, so she took the first occasion to get you two know each other.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you doing?” he asked politely, his voice a little hoarse from all the screaming at his team on the pitch.
“Me too”, you answered and realized what he said just after the words left your mouth. “Sorry, sorry! I thought you said it’s nice to meet me!” you explained, a big desire to disappear taking control over you.
“And yeah, that’s the funniest memory I have”, said Oliver to the people that were playing truth or dare in the Common Room.
It was another year when the Gryffindors won the House Cup, a good reason to celebrate by having a party – a secret party. All the walls, doors, windows and even the floor and the ceiling of the room were charmed to be soundproof so nobody outside would hear the muggle music that was blasting. Everyone was having a good time despite of any trouble faced during the year and that party was a good way to say your goodbyes to the seventh years, Oliver being a part of them.
It’s true that you two met because of Katie, because even you were housemates, you never bumped into each other. He laughed at you a long time after that day but eventually he stopped; you thought he forgot because he never mentioned it after that – until now, in front of a big group of people, some of them a little drunk and easier to be made to laugh.
“Oh, shut up, Oliver,” said Katie from your left, looking at the boy in your right with a crooked smile; you could smell the firewhiskey in her breath but it didn’t bother you – you were in the same state.
Oliver laughed along with the rest, only Percy being serious from his spot on the couch. He didn’t approve with the party, but he couldn’t oppose to the entire house of Gryffindors. He ended up drinking firewhiskey on the couch – at the insistence of the twins – and only watching everything that happened around him.
“Y/N, your turn,” spoke Angelina raising a brow at you, a daring smile on her lips.
“Truth,” you said again, for the third time, gaining a round of exclamations from the players. The music was loud enough to cover your mumbling as you told them to fuck off.
“You’re not fun,” sighed Fred, his twin agreeing with him as Angelina was thinking for something.
“Oh, I know!” she said full of excitement, clapping her hands. “Do you remember, in your third year, when you were writing in that diary of yours about a crush?”
Unfortunately, you did. She and Katie found it under your bed, but luckily, you didn’t write a name – it was about a boy and nothing more.
“Yes,” you said slowly, waiting for her to say the question.
“Who was it all about?”
Suddenly, all the eyes were on you, more focused than when you came out of your bedroom all dressed up: the black skirt was tight around your body, the red shirt was elegant but also sexy, thin and the first three buttons being unbuttoned, your spare neck filled with gold jewelry.
“Remember, Y/N, if you don’t answer, you take another shot,” Angelina reminded you, pointing at the nearly empty firewhiskey bottle in the center. You already were a little dizzy from the beginning of the party, so a little more alcohol couldn’t hurt you.
“You already had enough,” whispered Oliver looking in your eyes as he touched your arm, his hand feeling like it touched directly your skin through the red skirt.
“Percy,” you said out loud, everybody screaming in shook. You turned and watched the red-head who was also as shocked as the others.
“What the fuck?!” shouted Fred and then laughing.
“It was a long ago and I was a child,” you tried to explain, feeling embarrassed.
“I’m flattered,” said Percy with a little smile on his face, like he tried to comfort you.
“I always thought it was Oliver,” said Katie, still trying to process your confession.
The truth is that you fancied Percy from your second year to your third, seeing in him an admirable student, ready to help everyone. He was cute, with his freckles and red hair – the Weasley effect, how everybody in Hogwarts liked to say – but after meeting Oliver and spending more time with him, getting to know him and discovering how many things you had in common, you realized that your feelings for Percy were only feelings of sympathy, that kind of sympathy you have for someone you look up to. Oliver always gave you a feeling of warmth inside every time he spoke to you about Quidditch, with passion in his voice, every time he hugged you or comforted you when having a bad day. He was everything a girl could dream of: athlete, funny, kind, polite, hard-working. He wasn’t flawless, of course, but his imperfections seemed to be so little, nearly nonexistent in your eyes. And those feelings were present even then, when everybody talk about your old crush on Percy.
Oliver looked at Percy, then at you, then at Percy again, his face confused and frowned. “You never told me about it, I thought we shared everything,” he said a little sad, but the alcohol in your body made you laugh.
It was Katie’s turn – who picked dare and was forced to rate every guy she ever kissed. Angelina gave that dare because she wanted to find the answer to an old question she asked a year ago. Katie told everyone that the best kisser she ever met was Adrian Pucey, her answer shocking everyone a lot more than your confession. “But Oliver isn’t bad either,” she continued and your jaw nearly dropped.
She kissed Oliver? Your best friend kissed the boy you had feelings for, even though she knew?
Your heart seemed to stop beating, the air refusing to enter your lungs.
“I knew it! I knew you two kissed that day after practice!” Angelina shouted, only making it worst.
Deep down in your heart you hoped that Oliver shared your feelings – all his sweet talk, the looks, the touches, smiles and compliments – all of this seemed to be flirting, but apparently it wasn’t. You felt your soul breaking but had no reaction outside. Katie grabbed your hand and tried to say something, but you didn’t pay attention to her. It was Fred’s turn to ask for truths or to give dares and the look in his eye only showed how excited he was – and that was scary and exciting at the same time.
The anger grew inside you, burning, and the only solution to cool it off seemed to be the bottle of alcohol. You took a big sip, George encouraging you as the liquid burned your throat. Katie never told you about it – not even mentioned something about Oliver being attractive in her opinion or something, and him, the little bastard, only played with you. They deserved each other.
After you putted the bottle down you could feel Oliver’s gaze on you. “I think you had enough, Y/N,” he said out loud, trying to make himself heard through the music.
“And I think you should mind your own business,” you laughed forced and moved your look away from him, back to Fred, who already dared his brother to take Angelina seven minutes in Heaven, the girl leaving with a blush on her cheeks. His brown eyes were now on Oliver, with a smirk on his face.
“Captain, truth or dare?” asked Fred, his voice a little cracked from the alcohol. They were the ones who brought it here – no one knew who or from where – but somehow, they were the most sober ones. Only them and Oliver barely touched the firewhiskey, the rest of you drinking it like it was water. Angelina, you, Katie and Lee were really drunk and you were feeling proud – if you weren’t drunk right now, you would cry your eyes out because Katie’s words. Oliver isn’t bad either. Your friend knew how his kiss tasted, how soft were his lips, how he could touch a girl to bring her closer – you didn’t.
“Y/N! Earth to Y/N!” shouted Fred and the reality hit you again. “It’s your turn,” he explained seeing your confused face, “Oliver chose to drink because he’s a pussy.”
“Suck me, Weasley,” hummed Oliver gritting his teeth.
He was angry – you didn’t pay attention to him, but he was angry. How could you not tell him about Percy? How could you like Percy? Even if he was his friend, he was jealous just at the thought of you, having feelings for another boy than him. From the very first day you two met he knew you were special; your smile, your eyes, your soft touch, your voice and the way you blushed after thinking he said he was glad to meet you – all of his haunted him and he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He was mad that you didn’t tell him – it’s true that he didn’t mention his kiss with Katie, but that was a mistake. He asked her to kiss him just because he needed to be sure that his feelings for you couldn’t be changed by anything; it was a stupid idea, of course, but when he found his lips against Katie’s and his mind dreaming about the day he could kiss you, he knew. He never had the guts to confess, because he never felt like it was the right moment – and all that lion bravery died because there he was: his last year at Hogwarts just ended and the girl he was in love with had a crush on his friend. Did your feelings for Percy changed? He wasn’t sure about that, because Percy was a great guy: responsible and a bright future ahead, husband material.
“I bet he is,” you said to Fred only to annoy Oliver. “Give me a dare, Freddie, I won’t refuse it,” your words made Fred’s eyes sparkle. Katie laughed and you felt annoyed because of hearing her, but you ignored it.
“I dare you, Y/N,” he started and then bitted his lower lip, searching for something good, “I dare you to kiss Percy.”
Your breath stopped as you tried to process his words.
“Fred, are you insane?” spoke Percy from the couch.
“Oh, c’mon, Perce, it’s only a kiss, a peck,” Fred smiled to his brother.
“He’s not even playing,” scoffed Oliver and his voice set fire to your rationality.
“Yes, I’m not even playing,” agreed Percy immediately.
“It’s only a kiss, Percy,” you said, suddenly looking at him. “I won’t bite you, pinky promise,” you chuckled as you got up and stayed beside him on the couch, your eyes being glassy from the alcohol which started to take effect.
“Only ten seconds,” Fred added.
“Only ten seconds, Percy,” you whispered as you approached.
Percy had no reaction – he didn’t pull away, he didn’t approach – until your lips were on his, softly moving. Then he cupped your face gently, responding to your actions. Fred started to count from one to ten, but at three he stopped, looking at you kind of shocked when you climbed into his brother’s lap, wanting to have a better position. You didn’t feel a sparkle, or a fire in your heart, but it was nice and sweet, his other hand resting on your waist as your fingers where in his hair.
“Ten,” laughed Fred and you stayed there for two more seconds, and then smiled at Percy from his lap.
“You’re a good kisser, Percy,” the alcohol in your veins told him, a blush appearing in his cheeks.
“Ok, let’s move on, should we?” said Oliver and you smirked to yourself, coming back to your place on the floor.
“I think Y/N should move in another room with Percy,” said Fred and winked at his brother, who rolled his eyes and left to his dormitory, your eyes following him without realizing.
“It was only a kiss, don’t start to overthink it,” told Oliver to you, his voice being annoyed as he didn’t even looked at you.
“You know what, Wood?” you said in the same tone, “You can go and fuck yourself,” and with that you got up, leaving the Common Room in a hurry.
You entered your dormitory and slammed the door, running your hand trough your hair. The kiss with Percy meant nothing and that was very clear to you – but the way Oliver spoke to you, his tone, his words, the fact that he kissed Katie… everything was too much and the overwhelming feeling made you cry without realizing it.
“What the fuck, Y/N?!” shouted Oliver as he entered your room like a hurricane, also slamming the door behind him.
“What do you want?! Leave me the fuck alone!”
But he didn’t seem to hear you, walking to you and grabbing your arm. “Why did you kissed him?”
His question made you laugh. Who he thought he is to ask for an explanation for your actions?
“Because I wanted to,” you simply said, a frowned look on your face.
His smelled like oranges and alcohol and his eyes were nearly black, the anger making them darker than usual.
“Why the fuck do you care? Usually you don’t care about me! I don’t care if you kiss someone, or fuck someone so you shouldn’t care either, you’re not my father to ask me about the boys I kiss!”
“I care about you,” he said calmly as he took a deep breath.
“Oh, yeah? Well, you don’t care enough then! You didn’t care about me when you kissed my best friend and then kept it a secret, so fuck off!” You tried to release your hand from his grip, but he only made it tighter.
“I can’t do this anymore, I need to tell you the truth,” he sighed and closed his eyes, but that only made you even more angry, the tears in your eyes flowing on your face.
“The truth? I don’t give a damn about the truth, Oliver!” you laughed. “You don’t need to explain me anything,” you said quietly.
“I’m in love with you,” he said out of the sudden.
The time stopped. He just told you he’s in love with you.
“I am in love with you since the day we met.”
“You fucker!” you screamed and punched his chest. “You can’t just tell me you love me since then on your last day here! You’re selfish and stupid and I hate you!”
Oliver was angry too, he had no idea why, but your words made him mad – not because you injured him, but because you were angry too.
“You’re not serious,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“You’re a coward, you never made a move, only flirted with me and then kissed my friend,” you said hurt. “But it’s ok,” you added with a smile on your lips, “I’m sure there are boys who know how to act towards a girl – Percy, for example,” you smirked, wanting to hurt him even a bit, but his face seemed to be more angry than hurt. “He really is a good kisser, I wonder what else he knows to do with that mouth.”
“A good kisser?” Oliver laughed, this way releasing of part of his emotions which started to boil.
“Yes, he has soft lips and a nice touch,” you continued, “I think I’ll ask him tomorrow to go on a date sometime, and maybe after that he’ll show me what means a true man, because you never did.”
The idea of Percy, his friend, touching you, kissing you, holding you – that drove him crazy.
“Shut your mouth right now, or I’ll shut it for you,” he growled through his teeth, your wrist ached from his grip.
“How, Oliver?” you laughed mocking him, “You weren’t able to confess your feelings and now you think you can shut m-“
But he did. He shut your mouth by pressing his against it, in an aggressive way, his lips moving with hunger. It annoyed you how fast you let your guard down, responding to his kiss and moaning at the feeling of his tongue on your lips, asking for permission to deepen the kiss – permission you gave to him when you felt his hand on your ass.
He was rough yet soft, his kiss soft yet giving you a feeling of burning from the firewhiskey he drank before you kissed Percy. He pulled away and breathed heavily, resting his head against yours and looking in your eyes, his being warmer now.
“I’m sure Percy couldn’t kiss you like that,” he said in a mean tone, but with a proud smile on.
“You’re a dick,” you laughed.
“Me too,” he said softly and made you confused. Oh, sorry, I thought you said that you love me.”
“Now you want to show me that you’re not a coward, Wood?” you raised a brow at him.
“I didn’t hear you saying otherways”, he said cocky and pulled you in for another kiss.
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mcatra · 4 years
Catra works at Burger King pt 4 (final)
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art by https://twitter.com/butterflymotif/status/1265595618686316546
Adora had been chasing Catra as long as she could remember. 
Even back at the orphanage, when she first laid eyes on the girl with the mismatched eyes she was instantly drawn to her. Catra hadn't trusted Adora at first, lashing out and scratching her when she got too close. But after weeks of persistence and giving her food, she had earned the brunette’s adorable smiles, her laughter and her warmth. When she cried Adora would comfort her, when she was scared she would hold her hand. Catra's affection was a precious jewel, and  Adora was proud at the fact being the only one in the world to earn it. 
Adora worked hard to protect that smile. She would defend her from the other kids in the orphanage, as well as the adults who treated her badly. This never changed even when they had gone together to Shadow Weaver's foster home. 
Until they were separated.
When they met again, Catra was older, more tired, prickly and had a permanent scowl on her face. The world had been so cruel to her that being in a constant state of starvation and overwork had become her new normal. Although the other girl didn’t see anything wrong with it, Adora was determined to help, even if Catra called it her  hero complex.  
Food had worked the first time, as well as being a steady presence by her side. If she had kept it up, perhaps they wouldn't have been brutally separated when they were in middle school. 
Adora wanted to smother her with everything she had. 
She wanted to hold her hand again, she wanted to spoil her, she wanted to spend every moment with her. But like she did when they were kids Catra was hostile, only accepting Adora's love with a price.
Whenever she tried to get closer to her she was met with disgust and anger. Catra spurned every single one of her advances, but she refused to give up. 
Two steps forward, one step back.  She visited the Burger King every day, trying to win her over bit by bit. Adora was dumb and in love, spurred on by this second chance. She would eat all the nuggets in the world to get Catra to talk to her again. Even just to look in her direction. If she had confessed straight out, no doubt she'd either be clawed to death or have a restraining order put on her. This was Catra they were talking about, so she just needed to needle her way into her life first. 
Baby steps. 
'How about we be friends again ?' 
 The party she had worked so hard to plan for Catra was a disaster. 
The atmosphere between them was worse than back when they weren't friends. It was suffocating. She used to be able to make Catra smile even if it was just a smirk, but now she couldn’t break through the 
Catra stopped joining them at lunchtime, and like Adora always did, she went looking for her. 
The brunette was sitting by herself in the school courtyard, sleeping softly on a bench behind a tree. Her breaths were slow as she breathed in and out, her eyebags a deep bruising purple. She seemed bonier now, all the progress Adora had made to feed her being undone before her eyes. Catra shivers a bit in her sleep, crinkling her nose at the cold breeze.
 Adora quietly sits next to her, taking over her jacket to drape over the other girl. Catra sniffles awake at this, rubbing her red rimmed eyes. They were always a gorgeous colour, contrasting yellow and blue. 
Catra’s so pretty,  she thinks, not for the first time. Adora diligently kept a collection of candid photos of Catra’s smiles when she wasn’t looking. Pictures of Catra cooking her dinner, of her in her cute apron at Burger King, her furious blush when she teased her too hard, her nervous smile when she tried to get along with her friends. Catra’s constellation of freckles and the softness of her hair never failed to fill her with adoration.
Catra startles when she sees Adora, clutching at the jacket. It looks huge on her tiny frame, like a blanket. She stifles a sigh, an expression that Adora can’t decipher on her face. 
What are you thinking about? Adora wants to ask, but knows Catra won't answer.
‘Did you eat lunch?’ She asks instead, hoping the bag of food she had given her was enough to tide her over for a few weeks at least. 
Catra tenses. ‘I already ate.’ Adora knows she’s lying. 
‘Your skin is pale. I’ll come to your house tonight and we can cook together.’  Catra shakes her head, palm up. ‘Scorpia … asked for some tutoring help. So I can’t tonight.’ 
A pang of jealousy spikes through Adora. She shakes it off, trying again. 
'Then how about tomorrow?' The blonde asks, a tad desperately. 
'Geez.. Just stay at your mansion where you belong okay?' Catra replies, her head in her hands. She sounded tired, a deep set kind of exhaustion that went all the way to her bones. 'You shouldn't be seen hanging out in a place like that. It doesn't suit you.' 
'But I don't mind-'
'-But  I  do okay, just please drop it.' 
The bell rings signalling the end of their lunch break. Catra turns away to stumble to class as Adora chides herself for just making it worse. She sees Scorpia waiting for her friend outside the school building, waving. When Catra sees Scorpia her hunched shoulders relax, just by a bit. That ugly feeling of possessiveness returns as the taller girl returns to her side, like she belongs there. 
Rely on me instead. 
She remembers Catra’s distant laugh from that night when Scorpia spun her around. 
Laugh for me like that. 
It was a mistake to bring Catra to her house. She thought Catra deserved to be spoiled for a day, she wanted to give her the entire world. Clearly all that did was make Catra abhor her and her ridiculous amount of wealth. 
Her eyes were dark with grief and blurred with the effects of alcohol. She had thought Catra had just wanted to make out with someone, anyone, to forget and that Adora was just the closest and most convenient at the time. If she hadn’t pried her off Scorpia, the taller more muscular girl would’ve been the one being pushed into the bed instead. The excessive drinking, the smoking, a one night stand, they were all ways of her trying to self harm. Catra had the eyes of someone who wanted to punish herself, the weight of the world crushing her. It wasn't right to continue when she was self destructing in that state. So why did her heart hurt feel so broken rejecting Catra back then? 
Even though they had kissed, Catra never said anything about liking her. She had even confirmed it that night that she was just upset and drunk, so she refused to jump to conclusions. Hell, it was even a stretch for Catra to think of her as a real friend. She knew Catra regretted kissing her, as when she woke up the morning afterwards she was gone. Adora waited patiently for Catra to say something on her own terms when she was sober, but she never did. 
Catra seemed so stressed from losing her job she didn't want to press her for answers to her feelings. Instead Catra shut her out, and she was on the other side of this metaphoric wall. Nothing Adora said reached her, everything she said just seemed to piss her off. She couldn’t help but feel like she was getting replaced by Scorpia, the only one who really understood her class struggle. Adora loathed her own privilege and social class, what was she supposed to do with this great divide between them? There was no way Catra liked her, she knew the other girl secretly despised her for a whole laundry list of reasons. She clung onto this fabricated friendship, desperate for  any  connection between them even if it was transactional. 
So when graduation arrived, the scholarship became another reason for Catra to hate her. Her fears were confirmed when Catra announced the ending of their friendship. To rub salt into the wound, Catra hadn’t even listed Eternia as a preference even back when they were friends. Catra never planned to be by her side long term. It was just Adora getting ahead of herself, and she never felt more idiotic. If she hadn’t had her birthday at her workplace, maybe Catra wouldn’t have been let go. If she hadn’t brought her to her house that night then Catra wouldn’t be falling apart like this. She could see why Catra resented her guts, but even now was kind enough to let her down gently. 
‘I never saw you as a friend.’ 
So she was right. Even though she had stupidly hoped somewhere along the line Catra liked her even platonically. But Catra had just faked tolerating her this whole time in exchange for groceries. 
Wait, is this about the night of the party?
Did she want payback for what she did? The bruise that had formed on Catra’s face had stayed for days from Adora’s gym rat induced brute strength. She remembers watching Catra nurse her cheek for days afterward, guilt suffocating Adora’s lungs. Anyone would still be mad after being hit by that much force. If Catra wanted a punching bag, she'd do it.  
'If that's what you want I'll give it!' 
It was the least she could do after all the misfortune she had brought on her. Even though she loved her this much…
So when Catra pinned her against a tree, she expected to be at the very least slapped like Adora did to her at the party. It was what she deserved, after all. She braces herself to be hit, hoping it would be over quickly. 
‘Chill out, I’m not that evil to do it to someone so unwilling.’
Adora opens her eyes in confusion, surprised that she hadn’t been pummelled to a pulp.  Do what?  She never does get her answer as Angella drags her off to go celebrate her graduation. 
When Adora drops to her knees in Catra’s vacated garage, her old friend’s words bounce around her head. The bag of groceries lay at her feet, untouched. 
  You were just a meal ticket to me. 
 So Catra had kept up this facade for her? For nothing in return? Adora spent a good half hour there just sobbing over a bag of canned food and wilted produce. She’s not proud to say she cried the whole drive home, too. Adora takes out her phone from her back pocket when she arrives home, and she quickly scrolls through her contacts. 
'Scorpia! Can you tell me where Catra is?!' 
There's a stretch of silence while Adora is trying to level out her heavy breathing in the receiver. 
'...I'm sorry but I can't tell you anything .'
Her breath catches in her throat. 'So you  do  know! I'm begging you-' 
'Please don't call this number again. 
Take care, Adora.'
Scorpia hangs up, and Adora stares at her phone in disbelief. She presses the call button again, but it rings twice before the call drops and goes straight to voicemail. Well of course her rival in love wouldn’t hand out her crush’s number. Adora wasn’t sure what she expected. 
Annoyed, she decides to text Perfuma. 
Hey what's scorpias address???? 
oh hey Adora 
Sorry, Scorpia's asked me not to tell you 
PLEASE I need to talk to catra
I'm sorry :/ 
If catra wants to be left alone you should respect that 
If she wants to see you again she will 
‘What the hell happened to you?’ Glimmer says incredulously, watching her adopted sister sob on the kitchen floor in a pile of rotting fruit and vegetables. 
‘She left.’ Adora replies. Glimmer looks confused, but when she sees the green bag she seems to understand the implication. The pink haired girl drops to her knees to comfort her.
‘What happened?’
Adora fills her in with the details of that night leading up all the way until an hour ago, and her friend’s eyes grow wider with every passing sentence. 
‘Wait, you guys hooked up? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!?’ Glimmer shrieks. ‘So that’s why Catra had that mark on her face!’ 
Before she can say anything, Bow enters the kitchen holding a plate of snacks. 
‘What are you guys yelling about?’ 
‘You guys  what!? Adora!’ Bow gasped, scandalized. 
‘Why am I the one getting yelled at?’ Adora asks, somewhat offended. 
‘You’re killing me.’ Glimmer sobs, banging her fist into the pillow. ‘How are you our honour student while being this stupid?’ 
‘Oi.’ Adora frowns. 
‘She wasn’t going to hit you! It’s obvious she was trying to kiss you! ’ 
Adora freezes, her entire world crashing down at that sentence.  What? 
‘No way. She clearly hates me. I think.’ 
Glimmer groans loudly. ‘She obviously likes you! You guys kissed twice  and you still act like this?! Pay me back for my wingwoman services!’ 
Bow gently places a comforting hand on his girlfriend’s shoulder. ‘Calm down Glimmer. Catra clearly left for other reasons that can’t so easily be fixed. Even if it’s true, it won’t change things now.’ 
Glimmer pouts solemnly, while Adora is still trying to process what they both said. 
‘Even so, I have to try at least.’ The blonde says with conviction.
When Perfuma gets back from her post graduation Euro trip, Adora tells her the entire story. Perfuma listens, and after a lot of convincing she reluctantly hands over Scorpia’s address. But by the time she bangs on Scorpia’s door, she is too late. 
Catra had disappeared, once again. Her confession goes unsaid. 
 Adora hadn't been able to answer her properly, back then when they were in high school. 
She had been so caught up in the euphoria of befriending Catra again, she had been ignorant to how the other girl had been feeling. She had always taken the brunette’s words at face value, instead of reading between the lines. If Glimmer was right, and Catra did like her back she would do anything to never hurt her again. 
Adora was now in her second year at Eternia University, studying politics like she had said she would. The first year passed by uneventfully, even though she did still do a double take every time she saw a mop of wild brunette hair in the crowd. 
She moved out of Angella’s house to room in the dorms later that same year. Although she was grateful for everything her adoptive mother did, she knew she had to make it out on her own instead of piggybacking off her wealth. And perhaps if she ever saw Catra again, she wouldn’t use their class difference as an excuse not to be with her. 
By coincidence, she bumps into Frosta on her way to her lectures. She hadn’t seen the other girl since she had handed her school captain badge to her.
‘Adora! How have you been?’ The shorter girl asks as they move away from the crowd on campus. 
They agree to get coffee together to chat about their majors and catch up. She had an hour to kill before her next lecture so she might as well slot in her social life. They sit by a nice cozy spot near the window, and Frosta orders a cookie and a hot chocolate while Adora gets a caramel macchiato. 
‘Congrats on getting a full ride here by the way.’ Frosta says through bites. ‘Wouldn’t accept any less from our former school captain.’ 
‘No, I don’t deserve that.’ Adora waves her hand dismissively, she never really did like talking about the scholarship. ‘I mean you’re the youngest person to graduate in our school, it’s impressive you skipped that many grades.’ 
Frosta just spins the teaspoon in her hot chocolate bashfully. ‘Oh yeah speaking of, you still talk to anyone from high school?’
‘...Mostly everyone.’ Adora looks sadly into her coffee cup. ‘Everyone... except Catra.’ 
‘Really? Well should’ve expected that, she always was the feisty loner type.’ Frosta replies.  ‘You know I saw her working at Target the other day. Check-out chick and all. She didn’t even say hi to me, so rude.’ 
‘You what?  You saw her?!’  Adora almost spills her coffee slamming the table with both of her hands.  ‘Where!? ’ 
Frosta raises an eyebrow at the violent reaction. ‘Uh, at Target, like I said. The Elberon branch. Should be like 40 minutes from here in the other direction.’ 
‘I’m so sorry Frosta, but I have to go now.’ Adora says frantically, rummaging through her purse and slamming down a $20 note on the table. ‘It’s on me!’ 
Frosta looks at her, bewildered. ‘But you didn’t even finish your coffee-’  
‘I’ll text you!’ She shouts over her shoulder, breaking into a sprint and slamming the shop door open. ‘There’s something I absolutely must do!’ The younger girl just stares after her, watching her run outside the coffee shop. 
Adora races over to her car, looking up directions to Elberon and inputting it into her GPS. 
She hits the gas, screeching out of the campus car park and absolutely flooring it. The blonde is borderline speeding at this point, her heart pounding in her chest.
It’s been a year and a half since she’s seen Catra. 
She hopes things will be different this time. The world didn’t carelessly give out third chances. Adora had already blown it back when she was young and stupid, and perhaps she still was that, but no way was she hurting her again.  
Her heart falls when she doesn’t spot Catra anywhere. Well of course, she probably wasn’t on shift now. Adora waits around awkwardly, panicking. What if she had gotten the wrong store? Was there another Target in Elberon? Did Frosta see someone that just looked like Catra? Adora loiters around the store for another half hour, debating if she should just suck it up and ask a worker without looking creepy. 
She’s in the middle of texting Frosta when she hears the back door of the staff room open. 
‘Hey, where did you want this?’ 
That was Catra’s voice! Adora instinctively hides behind the toy aisle, hands over her mouth. Her heart thuds, hands shaking with nerves. She peers behind the shelf, still hiding cautiously.
Catra had cut her hair. It was cropped into a pixie cut, curled around her neck. Adora’s stomach swoops at the sight, she looked even more gorgeous than she remembered. 
Her old friend bends over to place the cardboard box down and Adora can’t help but oogle
at her butt when she does. She peeks at her from behind the toys, watching Catra in her now red uniform open up the register and count the till. A few shoppers start queueing up with their trolleys full of items, waiting for their purchases to be scanned.
Adora grabs the nearest plushie and holds it over her face, lining up behind a few customers. She didn’t know why she was acting so nervous, anxiously tapping her foot on the floor to the ire of the old lady in front of her. Her heart was racing in her chest, her pulse going a mile a minute.
After what seemed like an eternity, she finally gets to the front. Her palms are sweating. 
Catra hadn’t looked up yet, still scanning the plush doll. Her eyes flicker upwards, and her face drops. She looks like she’s seen a ghost.
‘Hey Catra.’ Adora says sheepishly. 
Her old friend’s face drains of all colour, she’s white as a sheet. Her hands shake around the scanner. 
‘Uh, hey.’ Catra says, and she can’t meet her eye. She swallows. ‘How have you been?’
Adora brightens, thrilled that she was actually having a conversation with the other girl. It had been too long. ‘I’m fine now, that I get to see you again! I didn’t get to answer you properly back then and I’m so sorry-’ 
‘Good, good. So that’ll be $5.99.’ Catra replies back robotically, cutting off her rambling. ‘Card or cash?’ 
‘Um.’ Disappointment sinks to the bottom of her stomach. She fumbles for her wallet, patting down the pockets in her jeans until she realized girls pants don't have pockets and  shoot  she had left it in the car. 
The people behind her frown at her for holding up the line, annoyed that she hadn’t even brought money to buy her children’s toy.
She starts sweating, laughing nervously. ‘Uh, I think I left my wallet in the car...’ 
‘I’m happy to hold on to that item for you at the back for you to collect.’ Catra responds, her customer service smile unwavering. 
Adora shakes her head. ‘Actually, I didn’t come here to buy this. I just needed to talk to you.’ 
Catra’s eyes widen by just a fraction, then narrow.  Don’t make a scene,  her expression says.
‘Uh, that is not necessary, if you aren’t going to make a purchase..’ 
She grabs Catra's wrist, that was now trembling so badly that the brunette couldn't so much as shake her off. If she let go now, she might never get this chance again. 
‘I know I’m a couple years too late but-’
‘To please leave the store-’
‘ CATRA I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU! ’ Adora blurts, loud enough for the people in the next aisles to stop what they were doing to stare at her. The shoppers in line gape at the audacity. 
Catra’s jaw had dropped in shock, her entire face now matching the red of her uniform. The brunette’s furious blush reached all the way to her neck. Hope burned anew in her chest. 
A tan skinned woman with white hair,  Netossa , her name tag reads- appears behind Adora.
‘Dear customer, please refrain from bothering our staff members.’ 
‘Sorry but I really have to talk to her!’ Adora pleads, but Catra’s manager is unrelenting. She starts escorting her out despite her protests. Adora struggles but Netossa’s grip is firm. 
‘CATRA I’LL WAIT FOR YOU UNTIL YOUR SHIFT IS OVER!’ Adora calls over her shoulder. 
The other shoppers side eye each other and decide to head to the self serve checkout. Less drama. Catra’s assistant manager walks over, concerned. ‘Did you need me to call security?’ Spinnerella asks kindly. 
She shakes her head, embarrassed. ‘No, uh. That’s just my stalker, she follows me to every job I have.’
Netossa walks back over in time to hear that comment. ‘Dude, that’s kind of messed up.’
‘I wish my stalkers were that cute.’ Spinnerella grins. Netossa just glares at her. ‘I mean you are, dear.’ 
Netossa sighs. ‘Hey, kitty. If you need to go patch up things with your ex, I’ll let you clock out just this once. But you owe me.’ 
Catra blushes. ‘She’s not my ex. Adora is...she was...’ ‘A sex friend?’
‘No!  Uh, she was kinda-sort of, my enemy slash friend in highschool. It’s very complicated.’ 
‘Oh my gosh, you guys are so pure.’ Spinnerella says, eyes shining. ‘Such passionate young love.’ Catra physically cringes at the insinuation. 
‘Oh, stop teasing her.’ Netossa chides. Her wife just giggles into her palm. ‘You can go to your ‘enemy slash friend’ now. Just tell us the tea afterwards.’ 
‘Thanks.’ Catra blurts out as she snatches the plush toy off the counter. ‘I’ll just be taking this.’  
‘That’s going off your paycheck, young lady!’ Netossa calls out to her receding figure. 
‘Hey Adora.’ Catra says, looking down at the crouched figure outside the Target. Her old ‘friend’ looks up, and her whole face lights up like the sun. It had been so long since that look had been directed at her. Being away from Adora was like the world had lost its colours and sound. No matter what she did, with Adora or without, her heart always hurt. It was time to face her, head on. 
‘You really don’t give up, do you.’ Catra deadpans. 
‘Nope, cause I’m crazy for you.’ Adora replies, grinning. She does a little peace sign.
‘What the fuck.’
Adora just dazedly smiles at her. ‘It’s true. I would’ve waited forever for you.’  
Catra blushes again, bristling. ‘Idiot.’ She says, throwing the stuffed bear at her. ‘Here’s the dumb plushie you wanted.’
Adora catches it in awe. ‘Catra, you didn’t have to-’
She rolls her eyes. ‘Whatever, I can afford it now. Plus employees get a 5% discount.’ 
‘Really?! I’m so glad!’
Catra frowns. ‘It’s only 5%.’
‘Not that, but you’re doing better now, right?’ 
‘Uh yeah. Turns out Shadow Weaver was sitting on a pile of death insurance money that she never gave me.’ Catra’s lip curls, grinning at the memory. ‘As soon as I got to uni and learnt exactly how to take her down, I represented myself as my own lawyer and sued the shit out of her in court. It was a great subject for my dissertation.’ 
‘That’s amazing.’ Adora says in awe. ‘You finally did it.’ 
‘I said what I said.’ 
‘Where did you go, after graduation? I looked for you everywhere.’ 
‘I crashed at Scorpia’s until I moved out.’
Adora bites her lip, jealousy clear on her face.
Catra raises an eyebrow. ‘Don’t look like that. She’s dating Perfuma now, anyway.’ 
‘Oh thank god.’ She sighs in relief. ‘I would’ve really embarrassed myself out there if you weren’t single.’
‘You  did  embarrass yourself.’ 
‘Wait, are you dating someone? Oh I should’ve expected that, since you’re so hot.’ 
‘What? No, you dummy!’ Catra smacks Adora’s forehead. ‘Guess some things never change about you.’ 
‘Hey, let me come over.’ Adora wheedles. ‘I missed my lecture today because I wanted to meet you so bad.’
Catra hesitates, they both know how badly last time turned out. But Catra was different now. She was no longer at the bottom of society, she had her own apartment, she had a job, she no longer had to be ashamed. Maybe it was time to stop running. 
She nods. 
 ‘Wow this place is nice!’ Adora crows, admiring the now clean and minimalistic apartment. It was decorated with new furniture that didn’t look second hand. There was a full kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. ‘I live with 3 roommates now, so it’s definitely not as nice as this apartment!’ 
So she finally moved out of that mansion, huh? Catra thinks to herself. 
‘Thanks, it’s fully paid off. Shadow Weaver had a fat bank account that I liberated her from.’ Catra replies. ‘Abuse charges, court fees, pocketing the foster care welfare checks, taking insurance money, it all really adds up. I used most of it to help out the other foster kids though.’ 
Adora sidles up to her, beaming in admiration. ‘You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, you know that right?’ Suddenly she was close, too close. She can only hear their erratic breathing syncing within the confines of the apartment. 
‘I-um.’ Catra stutters. The blonde pins her to the wall, eyes shining brightly in the lowlights of the apartment. It mirrored the way Catra had done the same to her on that tree during graduation. 
‘I love you.’ Adora says, and she’s sincere. It makes Catra shrivel in embarrassment and her hands curl. ‘I love you. I love-’
‘Jeez, I get it!’ Catra cries out, if Adora whispers it any more into her ear she is going to explode. ‘How many more times are you gonna say it?’
‘Until you believe me.’ Adora grins. ‘I’ve thought it so many times that I just have to let them all out now. How about you?’ 
Dammit.  Even after all this time apart, the feelings came back in full force like they never left. Adora was always engraved into every corner of her scarred heart no matter how many times she tried to scrub her out. The words that she never got to say that night bubble back up to the surface.
‘Of course I love you, idiot.’ Catra says, unbearably shy. ‘I always have.’ 
Adora lights up like a christmas tree, practically giddy from this confession. It makes Catra’s heart feel full. 
‘I loved you longer than that!’ Adora boasts, cockily pointing at her chest. 
‘What? No you didn’t.’ Catra couldn’t believe this. Not with the way Adora rejected her nearly two years ago. 
‘Uh, yes I did! Ever since we met.’ Adora argues. 
‘In high school?’ 
‘No, since we were like, eight! Why the hell do you think I chased you around all these years? I was practically sexting you in our final year!’ Adora protests. 
‘Wha-’ All this information was new to her.  That long?  ‘But, the kiss- you rejected me.’
‘No! I thought you hated me and wanted to hit me. I had no idea you liked me, even a little bit. You never said anything.’
Catra looked at her dumbly, Adora’s words seemed genuine. The blonde never was a mind reader, obviously taking Catra’s tsundere facade as her real feelings. 
‘Guess we’re both stupid then.’ Catra huffs out a laugh. They had both been running around in circles this whole time, each thinking that they were the ones doing the chasing. 
Adora smiles. ‘Let’s redo it then.’
‘We’ve already kissed twice, but let’s do it for real.’ Adora says, her voice low and husky. Catra’s pulse spikes again as the blonde cups her cheek. She places a shivering hand over the blonde’s wrist. 
‘Do it.’ Catra purrs back.
They finally kiss, and this time they were both sober. Catra and Adora both grin stupidly into it, dissolving into giggles before capturing each other's lips again and again.
Adora had finally caught her, and she wasn’t letting go.
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hkshirayuki · 4 years
My Freckled face Dork
Modern Portgas D.Ace x Reader
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Y/n and Ace know each other for years.
As they both grown up together along with Luffy and Sabo. Y/n and Ace always argue and disagree to each other. So it's a huge question to Sabo on how you two end up. From Frenemies to Lovers.
"You two surely need to spill the beans" Sabo said as he was cringing from how lovey dovey you two are.
"spill the what?" Y/n said.
"I'm not spilling any beans, that will be waste of food" Ace said as he still cuddling with you.
Y/n just chuckle at how dork Ace is. Sabo just roll his eyes at the public display of affection.
"Just how did you and Ace end up together? When did it happen" those were the thoughts of Sabo that is thinking of any possible way on How?
Ace and y/n just want it to keep it a secret on how they end up together.
Ace admit that he always argue and tease you, He didn't believe in what Thatch said to him "The more you hate the more you love" it was stupid to love what you hate, he thought to himself but as years pass by, He start to develop a crush on you, The only way for him not to act weird around you is arguing and teasing you till non stop.
He was jealous, when someone start to court you, He remembered that he threatened the guy in secret. And glare at every guy you both encountered without you noticing it.
"Hey Ace, what's up with you glaring every person we encounter" Luffy said as he notice it.
"Huh? It's nothing" Ace replied. "That was weird" Sabo thought but he just shrugged off. Y/n was part of the gang. The Gang called A.S.L.Y the combination of there first letter names.
Ace, Sabo, Luffy and y/n. At first he really do think you as his sister even though you both always disagree on each other. but then you always argue that, you wouldn't like him to be your older brother.
"You as my big bro?" Y/n just cringe at the thought of it. As she thought she will never see a mature Ace or ace like her older brother, he was different and annoying, to her opinion.
"What did you say!?" Ace said as the two argue and argue and it become a bit of a brawl, as you two exchange blows.
"idiot, like hell Someone will like a tomboy like you" Ace said as he stick out of his tongue. Y/n just did the same.
"it's none of your business!" she said. No matter what he insult to y/n, she will always sass him back.
That's one he liked about her, she is different he thought, as he remembered girls he insult just cried.
There one time Someone confess to Ace it was a pretty girl, but it wasn't you. The moment she confess her love to him. Good timing your passing by and he just want to catch up with you. So he just rejected the girl kindly but if it goes out of hand, like still clinging to him, he won't hesitate to slap her with harsh blunt words and they end up running and crying.
"y/n!" Ace shout out as he run to your side. He can clearly see the displeased face you had as soon his beside you.
"what do you want now, Freckled face" Ace could only chuckle at your nickname as you suck at giving names.
"Nothing, so we're your going?" Ace asked as y/n raise an eyebrow at him. But just replied to the library.
"mind if I tag along?" Ace said and y/n just give him a disbelief look.
As she put her hand in her ears "did I just misheard him" she said and put a hand on her forehead "I don't have a fever" as she put a hand on his forehead " Neither do you"
Ace just found it irritating for you to act in this. Fine he doesn't like library since it's boring but he wanted to spend time with you, just the two of you.
"Huh?" Ace replied as y/n is still in a deep thought and thought of calling Sabo for the sudden change of Ace, even Luffy.
"I need to call Sabo about this, Your not acting the usual you, Tag along!? Last time I remember Library is the last place you wanted to go at" y/n said as she dial Sabo's number on the phone.
Ace just groan at your words, Yes, he doesn't like library but if your with him, he can bare with it. Besides it's peaceful there, just plain boring he thought. Ace just grab her wrist where she holding her phone waiting for sabo to answer.
"Damn it, I'm not sick!" Ace said.
"You sure? Or luffy and Sabo will cry"
He just groan at your overreacting reaction. " Yes, I'm sure" As Ace currently kabedon you at the wall.
"Ace... What are you doing?" Y/n said as she find herself cornered by Ace.
"what do you think?" Ace asked. He just wanted to see you flustered around him.
"I see... So cornering people is now your new way of teasing" y/n bluntly said and Ace felt like he was stab by your words. Is that really how you should react? When someone kabedon you.
Y/n just push him.
"Move your huge butt" y/n said as she doesn't look affected that she was just kabedon by Ace. He could only sigh at himself.
He regret that he wasn't nice to you back then, now your misunderstanding his gesture of Flirting to teasing.
Y/n just walk ahead as she was flustered, of what just happened it took time for her to process what did Ace did there. She hate to admit to herself that she had a crush at the Freckled face, since then but only to find his really indeed a peculiar one.
He met Ace with the help of Luffy dragging his brothers to introduce them to you. You always play with Luffy and Luffy want you to join him with his brothers. It was always pleasant to play with him, so you just agree to it.
If Ace spit on Luffy's face, Ace just pull your hair and you whine at first for him to let go. He was being a bully but then you snap and punch him in the gut.
He was only surprised and in pain while sabo said not bad, Luffy just laugh at Ace. Clearly they doesn't like you at first, and thought your a weakling but there got it all wrong as your pretty lively and too active for a girl.
Graduation day of Ace, Sabo and y/n. They only party at night as they celebrate graduating from college.
Both y/n and ace never confronted each other. There might sometime that Ace is being a flirt with you. And y/n giving hints. But the two never seen it as a affection nor flirting, They both thought that it was mocking each other. Until finally Ace encourage himself to confess to you.
It was supposed to be him confessing his feelings when he congratulate you. You only laugh as you congratulate him back, you look enchanting at that time as you were gazing at the starry night and smile, the wind just blow your hair making Ace couldn't stop himself staring at you. It was really a good mood. As you turn and talk to Ace, when he lean and kiss you in the lips.
"Eh?" Y/n said as she was surprised, it was only a peck when Ace finally realized what he did and panic.
"Ah! Sorry! I was just drunk!" He blurted out. Y/n just pout and cross her arms.
"As much as I remember I forbid alcohol to our join party and replace it with Orange juice, so how are you drunk, by the orange juice? " Y/n said as he just nervously chuckle but still didn't met your eyes. Y/n just sigh as she tip toe and peck his lips. It was Ace turn to be surprised.
"You kiss me!" He said.
"I did, I guess I'm drunk too" y/n replied with a hint of mischievous. Ace just returned the grin as he pulled you by the waist.
"I'm not good at words but I take that kiss as I love you too" Ace whisper said and y/n just put her arms around his neck.
"I don't remember you saying I love you too me though" y/n whisper back and Ace shivers as he just give y/n a loving look. " Guess, I have to do something about that" he said and start to lean in and kiss her in the lips as they both feel a thousand butterflies in there stomach. As Ace whisper in between your lips.
"I Love you y/n"
"I love you too, Freckled face dork" she replied and Ace just snort as he just cuddle with you to the rest of the night.
"Yeah, But I am your Freckled face dork" he said as he kiss the top of your head and it's your turn to snort.
And that's how they start to date each other. It was there secret, they doesn't want anyone to know about it.
"Hey y/n! Ace!" Sabo said as the two didn't notice they were remembering one of there moments together.
"huh!?" They both said.
"Geez, just how did you two get together?" Sabo asked as he was curious.
Ace and Y/n just smile at each other as they look at Sabo and both said. "Secret"
"Oh come on!" And they both just laugh at Sabo. Knowing he can't tease his brother with his love life.
Ace just stole a kiss from y/n when Sabo finally walk out giving the two of you sometime alone.
"Ace!" Y/n said as she forbid him kissing infront of his brothers.
"what?" Ace said.
"I remember I forbid you to kiss me infront of your brothers"
"but I don't have any brothers around means I can kiss you all I want" Ace said as he give her a goofy smile and she just roll her eyes at him but snort.
"I still can't believe your such an affectionate dork"
"Only for you, now then, I guess I'm drunk with the orange juice that I might kiss you more" Ace said as he pointed out that he will keep kissing her to no end, Y/n just blush and ready to scold him but Ace only shut her up with his lips on hers. As she only kiss back and hope Luffy won't walk in, to see them kissing, Sabo will surely kill them for tainting there little brother.
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imaginepirates · 5 years
Confusing Relations
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For @ilikebritsandbands, who gave me my first smut request, and I was more than happy to oblige. Basically, the reader is in a relationship with Jack, but you both see other people. What you don't know is that two of your partners have gotten together. Things get...embarrassing. :)
WARNINGS: smut ahead, my friends.
@bonjour-frens @tesserphantom
~3500 words
           You had been in a relationship with Jack for a long time. Nobody knew that, of course, because it was a bit scandalous to have a pirate as a partner. The relationship was an open one. You both saw other people, but you agreed that such things were okay with both of you. 
           You were with one of these other partners now. She was beautiful; freckles covered her body, and there was a playful look in her eye. You could spend hours with her, and not only in the bedroom. She was an interesting girl to talk to. Often, you laid in bed for hours, talking about whatever struck your fancy. Any time with her was time well spent. 
           Perhaps it was a part of who you were, doing scandalous things. Dating a pirate, for example. Fucking the Governor's daughter, for another. 
           Elizabeth wasn't innocent in the act, either. A feisty, adventurous thing such as her needed experimentation. She also needed satisfaction, which you were more than willing to give. 
           Currently, you were working on removing the clothing that hid her form. You'd already taken advantage of the low neckline of her dress, sucking small bruises into the soft skin between her neck and shoulder. She was skilled at covering the marks with powder, leaving you to attend to her however you saw fit. 
          You saw fit to divest her completely of her dress. The lacing on the back was infuriating. It was taking you much too long to untie, though perhaps that was due to the fact that you were rather distracted by her mouth on yours. 
           You hummed when she broke away. "You taste good. What did you eat before this?"
           "Admittedly, a chocolate tart. I hoped you would notice."
           "Ah. Well, you taste delicious. In more places than one, if my past experiences are any indication. But I can't seem to get this damn dress off you."
           "Well." She pushed you out of her lap and rolled onto her stomach. "We must remedy that."
           Quickly as your fingers would let you, you undid the laces of her dress. You helped her wriggle out of it, to your mutual amusement. Unfortunately, her wriggling was making you more needy between the legs. 
           Once the dress was off, you had to deal with the corset. That done, you kissed her back through her shift. She was hardly a sheepish person, and though you loved to have her bare before you, you wanted to take your time. Besides, it was rather fun to tease her. 
           She flipped over underneath you, trying to pull her dress over her head. You grabbed her hands, shoving them over her head. 
           "Don't even think about it. Not yet." You straddled her hips. With one hand, you held hers above her head. You let the other roam her body. You massaged her breasts, and she let out a little contented sigh. 
           "This really isn't fair," she mused. "You're still mostly clothed."
           You wore trousers with a shirt tucked into them for convenience. Not only were they easier to move around in and more comfortable than dresses, but they were easier to take off. 
           "I'm sure you can restrain yourself from touching me for a few more minutes." You winked. In truth, you wanted her hands on you. You had to wait just as much as she did. 
           Slowly, you pushed a hand up her skirt. You traced her skin with your thumb, inching higher. She squirmed underneath you, hips bucking up into yours. This action wasn't helping your self control.  
           Your thumb rubbed circles in her upper thigh, and she whined in frustration. So pretty. You let your fingers dance over wet underclothes. After a moment more of teasing, you rubbed her through the lacy fabric. She moaned in response, only making your own need greater. 
           You decided against wasting any time. You released her hands, and they undid the front of your shirt as you tore the slip over her head and the underclothes from her hips. There was a moment of frantic movement as you struggled to divest yourselves of clothes completely. 
           You disappeared between her legs, biting at the sensitive flesh on her thighs. Her hands flew to your hair, gripping and pulling. You moved to her core, licking over her folds. With one hand, you held down her hips. She tended to squirm under your ministrations. Your other hand was on her thigh. 
           It didn't take long for her to come. Her voice made you want to satisfy her all the more. Her moans were the only choir music you were bound to get. 
           After calming down, she flipped you over, intending to do the same for you. It was your favorite part of sex with her; you loved watching her on top of you. She loved to tease you, too. 
           As if reading your mind, she leaned down to whisper in your ear. "You're so wet." 
           "That's what happens when I get to watch you under me." You weren't ashamed to give her a reason for your need. 
           "I like to think I have such an affect on you." She smirked. 
           "Don't get cocky."
           "Not to worry. I don't have one."
           You both laughed, though it was a bit husky, voice filled with lust. Then, much to your pleasure, she began. 
           It was quite a while later that you slipped out of her room. Her servants hadn't discovered the two of you yet, and you weren't about to give them the chance. You'd stayed a while to cool off and cuddle, that way, you didn't look like an absolute mess. You just looked a bit more disheveled than when you entered. You left through the servant's entrance as not to be seen. Her father didn't know you even existed. What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him.
           You wandered back to Jack's. You stayed with him in a little house you shared. It was by no means a luxury, but it was comfortable. 
           He wasn't home. You guessed he was either seducing women or doing something piratical. He had, for some time, talked of procuring a new ship. His old one had been taken by a mutinous first mate. Sometimes, especially when drunk, he got mopey about it. 
           You sprawled out on the bed. You could use a nap after all the excitement that was Elizabeth Swann. You couldn't sleep with her; you had to keep an ear out for servants. 
           You debated what to do later in the day. You vaguely pondered meeting up with someone else, but you decided against it. Instead, you decided to go shopping. There wasn't much food at home, and you weren't about to go hungry.  
           You pulled yourself out of bed an hour later, throwing on some clothes. You weren't sure if they were yours or Jack's. Then, you headed out, meandering sleepily through the city. 
           People bustled about, taking care of their daily chores. Others were taking strolls, arm in arm with a partner. It gave you mixed feelings. You and Jack would never be able to walk together down the street. Unless he somehow received a pardon, he would remain a known criminal most places you went. 
           The public market was one of your favorite parts of the city. It was always full of people, and it sold wares from around the world. There were exotic spices, strange foods, and tools whose purposes were wholly unknown to you. 
           You made your way to a vegetable stand, intent on buying something fresh. Jack didn't have much money, but you worked odd jobs. There was nothing he could do but lie low. You didn't mind; the two of you didn't need that much money to begin with. 
           You stocked up on fruits, vegetables, breads, and meats. You believed that one of the best things in life was a good meal, and you were always intent on making them. Jack was a better cook than you had imagined; he'd picked up some skill while in different countries. 
           You were just finishing up when you noticed a familiar face a few stalls away. It was the blacksmith's apprentice, an attractive boy around your age. He was the sweetest young man, and in all aspects of life, a gentle person. You would know. 
           You approached him as he eyed a jewelry vendor. You thought it strange, but didn't dwell on it. "Will!" you called. You intercepted him near a food vendor. "How are you?"
           "I'm well, thank you. And you?" 
           "I'm alright. How has work been?"
           "Busy as usual."
           You continued on with some small talk. You hadn't seen each other in weeks. Usually, your meetings were few and far between. He wasn't particularly interested in having sex regularly, but you knew how much he liked having you in his bed every so often. You had to admit, you enjoyed the meetings too. 
           He shifted nervously, running a hand through his hair. "I was wondering if you might like to meet up later tonight? I know my room at the forge is small, but…" he trailed off. 
           "I'd love to," you said. 
           He blushed. "Ah, um, good then. See you later?"
           You winked. It still surprised you how bashful he was outside of the bedroom. Jack and Elizabeth were so unashamed of everything; you weren't used to people being shy about it. Judging by his behavior, nobody would guess that Will had even had sex before. 
           You wondered if twice in one day was too much, but decided it hardly meant a thing. You could allow yourself a little indulgence, right?
           You lay on the grass with Elizabeth, staring up at the clouds. This meeting was purely innocent. Sometimes, it was nice to just talk girl to girl. 
           From the time you first met, the two of you shared things with each other. Now, you were practically her confidante, and she was yours. You loved her secrets, and she loved yours. Life was so much easier when you knew you weren't alone. 
           "Can you believe she had the audacity? Right then? I thought it was amusing, and I admit to giggling, but I have been informed that my timing was 'inappropriate'." Elizabeth continued your earlier conversation about a ball she had just attended. Finishing her story, she rolled over onto her stomach, her head right next to yours. "I have a confession," she whispered. 
           There was a joke between the two of you. When one person needed to tell the other a secret, they'd pretend to be at confessionals in church. It made everything more amusing and less serious. 
           "I'm in a secret relationship."
           You faked a gasp. "You? The pure and innocent Governor's daughter, in a secret relationship? It will be the scandal of our age!"
           She snorted. "As it turns out, I'm not that pure and innocent. You've made sure of that."
           "I suppose I have. Now, tell me, who is this relationship with?" You asked. 
           "Oh, I can't say. Not yet. If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, and I simply must keep it secret for a little while longer."
           "Oh, absolutely." Elizabeth had a very entertaining flair for the dramatics. You secretly loved it. 
           The afternoon continued, and you gossiped well into the early evening. It was one of your favorite times of day, and you could watch Elizabeth outlined in golden light. 
           When you drowsily headed home, you found the bedroom door ajar. Jack was sprawled out across the bed, though he wasn't asleep. He'd been gone for a few days. You were glad to have him back. 
           "You've returned! Miss me?" You teased. 
           He climbed out of bed, steering you backwards towards a wall. "I'm not ashamed to admit that I did, love." His voice had taken on a low tone, and he was close to your ear. 
           You let one hand explore his body, lightly tracing the crotch of his pants. He was deliciously hard. "Have you been touching yourself while I've been gone?" You purred. 
           He hummed into your ear, bucking slightly against your hips. You let him untie the front of your shirt, trailing kisses along your neck. He flicked his tongue over the little marks he left. 
           Soon, his hands were at your thighs, lifting you to pin you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around his back. Your hands were busy trying to take off his shirt, though he made it difficult by refusing to remove his lips from your neck. 
           "Jack, would you please let me undress you." You'd done this too many times, but he still left you breathless. 
           "I bet you'd like that," he growled, hips grinding into yours. The action made you impatient. 
           "I would."
           Suddenly, he turned, supporting you with his hands. He carried you to the bed, tossing you down before straddling your hips. You wasted no time in ridding each other of your clothes. His hot mouth attacked your chest, sucking dark bruises into your breasts. 
           You grasped his hair, tugging at the long locks. He growled into your skin, pushing himself up to capture your lips in a possessive kiss. His cock pressed against your stomach. He had his body flush against yours, and the warmth of it spread through your chest. 
           You reached down, intent on taking things further. Your fingers wrapped around his member, lazily stroking. Jack groaned, burying his face in your neck. He let you go on, moving his hips a little in response to your touch. 
           You positioned him so his cock was between your legs, still fingering him. He pushed himself onto his forearms and stared into your face. 
           "Can't wait any longer, love?" He purred. It sent a small shiver down your spine. 
           He moved one hand down, massaging your upper thigh. He stuck one finger inside of you, then another, scissoring them back and forth. 
           You moaned. You wanted him inside you, and not just his fingers. You bucked up, intent on making him know what you wanted.  
           "You really are impatient." Jack withdrew his fingers, shifting to a better position. 
           You wished you could tell him that he was the one who had needed you so badly in the first place, but words failed you. He thrust into you, not roughly, but quickly enough to make you gasp. 
           He began moving, slowly, as to begin comfortably for the both of you. You could feel your walls stretching to accommodate him. You felt full. 
           He sped up, breath quickening as he went. You felt your own breath speeding up, and it was getting harder to focus on any one thing. You were bound to come undone. 
           With one particularly sharp thrust, your body shuddered with release. Jack's hips still rolled into yours, helping you through your orgasm. Your grip on him slackened. Your body felt boneless, and you knew you weren't going to be moving much any time soon.
           He came quickly after. He rolled onto his back to steady his breathing. As you both cooled down, your hands found each other. You only released him to get a towel and clean you both up. 
           Climbing back into bed, he pulled you onto his chest. You didn't know what to expect; your experiences after having had sex with Jack were wildly different. Mostly, you both fell asleep, but you occasionally held conversations. 
           "Did you know," he began, "that dear William has a girl?" 
           Ah, and here I wanted to sleep, you thought. "Another one? He has me already."
           "Not like that. Like…" Jack struggled for an analogy. "Like us."
           That made you blush. "Like us?" 
           "Someone that you spend most of your time with."
           "Right." You thought back to when he had been looking at jewelry in the market. "Any idea who the girl is?"
           Something at the back of your mind clicked. I'm in a secret relationship. You sat bolt upright in bed. Jack stared at you with wide eyes, but you ignored him in favor of your newest revelation. 
           "The Governor's daughter? The one you've been…" he wiggled his fingers. "Seeing?"
           "That very one," you said. "She told me she was in a secret relationship, but wouldn't say with whom."
           "Interesting," Jack mused.  
           "I'm proud of dear William. Good for him."
           You had to agree. Elizabeth was the dream catch of a thousand men. 
           William and Elizabeth had ties to both you and Jack. Jack and Will were old friends, though Jack had only ever seen Elizabeth in passing. Both of them had been over to your house before. Sometimes, Will came over to speak with Jack. You'd never seen each other at the house; you didn't even think he knew you lived there. Elizabeth just enjoyed the privacy of being in your home without anyone around to see you. 
           There might have been more you and Jack wished to say, but you were both exhausted. You settled back onto his chest. You fell asleep to the feeling of his fingers running gently through your hair. 
           When you woke again, you noticed Jack's prominently hard cock against your thigh. He was already awake, humming some tune. He must've been waiting for you to wake so he could suggest another round. 
           Suggesting another round was exactly what he did. You quickly agreed, letting him position himself atop you. 
           Dutifully distracted, neither of you heard the knock on your front door. 
           It was a true blessing that blankets existed, and that you were under them. Someone entered your room, gently pushing the door open. Light streamed in over the both of you. 
           You were relieved that you and Jack hadn't started fucking quite yet. Two silhouettes were outlined in the door. When their faces came into focus, you realized they were, in fact, Will and Elizabeth. 
           You and Jack stared at them from your positions in bed. The situation was awkward, to say the least.
           "Y/N?" This was Will, whose eyebrows were sitting at the top of his forehead. "Jack?"
           "Well," Elizabeth began, regaining her composure. "This is certainly a surprise."
           You nodded, though you doubted either of them could see it from your position under Jack. As if reading your mind, Jack rolled so that he was beside you, laying down on his side. 
           "I didn't know that the two of you saw each other." Will fidgeted with his sleeve. 
           "William, my dear boy." Jack's voice had a strain of impatience to it. You expected that other parts of him were feeling similarly. "Y/N and I have been in an open relationship for years. What, may I ask, are you doing here?"
           "I knew Y/N lived here," said Elizabeth. "I didn't know you did- actually, I'm not sure I know you."
           "Not exactly the best time for introductions." You tried covering more of yourself with the sheets. 
           "I suppose not." Both Elizabeth and Will stared at the floor. 
           "Can you give us a moment to get changed?"
           "Of course." The pair left the room, shutting the door behind them. 
           You rolled over. "Looks like this is going to have to wait." You gestured between the two of you. Jack did not look pleased. 
           You stepped out of the room, now fully clothed, though looking disheveled. Will and Elizabeth waited for you at your small table. Both of them still looked embarrassed, and so did you. What were you supposed to say?
           "What did you come here for?" You asked. 
           "Well," Elizabeth began, "I wanted to tell you about that relationship of mine. Will wanted to tell one of his friends, too. We didn't know you lived together. Really, there were a lot of things neither of us knew." 
           You didn't know what to say first. "Congratulations to both of you. I think you'll make a lovely couple." You fidgeted with the untucked end of your shirt. "You…you didn't know that I was with both of you, did you?"
           "No," said Will, "we did not."
           Both of them had known you had multiple partners, but there was still an unreasonable fear inside you that they'd be mad with you. 
           "It isn't a bad thing," said Elizabeth quickly. "It's just a surprise. And a rather major coincidence." Her eyes flicked between you and Jack. 
           "I'm happy for both of you." Jack stepped over to both of them. "Will, I'm glad you've found a girl. Elizabeth…I suppose congratulations are in order, even though I don't know you. I'll trust Y/N's opinions of you. All that being said, Y/N and I were in the middle of some business, and I'm eager for it to be attended to, if you catch my meaning. Savvy?"
           Will had the good graces to look mortified. Elizabeth, however, looked amused. They left, shutting the door behind them. 
           Jack stalked over to it, locking it. "I'm never forgetting to do that again."
           "Back to business?" You suggested.  
           "Back to business," he agreed. 
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aziraamane · 5 years
Human AU - Part 2
(Previous) - (Next)
"Shit shit shit shit shit, why me?!" Crowley spat as he ripped off his tie, for the millionth time. He left it hanging round his neck while he reached for his glass of wine, sitting on the vanity, and drained it in two long gulps. In the background, Adam was shouting, presumably throwing a tantrum at having to stay behind. That was Anathema's problem now - the nanny - not his.
"Fucking memorial dinner," he hissed at his reflection, "as if the bastard needs remembering, I swear to - " The door to his room swung open, and he snapped his head around, snarled, "What?!"
It was Anathema, regarding him coolly from behind her huge, round glasses. She was a wiry-looking girl, long-faced and freckled, and always dressed like she was due at a medieval reenactment event in need of a spare witch. In her arms she held a struggling, red-faced Adam. "Your limo's here."
"'S'not my limo." He turned back to the mirror, fingers tangled up in his tie. "Tell ‘em I'll be down in a minute." 
"I told them ten minutes," replied Anathema. "So that - Adam, please can we stop with the temper tantrum?"
"It's not fair, I wanna go, too!" Adam shouted. 
"You know your uncle will be out late, and you, young man, need your sleep, otherwise how will you ever be big and strong enough to rule the world?" That made Adam stop fretting, and he looked up at Anathema with wide eyes. "Tell you what," she carried on, "if we have no more shouting, and you tidy up your toys, I'll read you those stories about the Kraken at bedtime. How does that sound?"
"Awesome!" Adam laughed and shot off back towards the sitting room like a rocket. 
Crowley exhaled a deep breath. "You're a lifesaver, Ana."
"I'm not paid nearly enough for putting up with your crap is what I am." Anathema's tone was deceptively good-natured as she stepped over the various discarded tuxedos and shoes littering the bedroom floor. She gently slapped Crowley's hands away from his throat, took the tie, and began knotting it herself. "Adam's lonely," she said. "I'm sure he'd love to spend more time with you."
"I know," he muttered, guilty. Her dark eyes bore into his, bare as they were without his sunglasses; he looked away on instinct. "It's just…"
"I know," she echoed. "This dinner, it's for his dad, isn't it? I understand, it's best he isn't there. Still...too recent, I suppose. There, how's that?" She smoothed her fingers down the finished tie and tucked it into place.
Crowley glanced in the mirror, nodded. "Thanks."
"Are you okay?" Anathema knelt to pick up the stray clothes from the carpet, folding them before setting them on the bed. 
"I'm fine. 100%. Fucking smashing. Why wouldn't I be?"
Anathema raised one slender eyebrow. "Because you hate practically everyone in your family and turn into a seething mess every time you have to attend an event with them?"
"Ah yeah, that does sound like me, doesn't it." Crowley pulled back his hair into a half-updo and twisted a few strands to hang in front of his ears. 
"And your brother, well. You never got on."
"Can't imagine why," muttered Crowley. 
"Anthony." Anathema picked up the sunglasses lying on the bedside table, handed them to him, and nodded as he slipped them into place. "You don't have to be at their beck and call every time they snap their fingers."
He just shrugged. "'S'all I know how to do." Outside, the limo honked its horn. "Ahh, for fucks' sake. Right, I'm off. You know the drill, I'll call you when I'm on my way back."
Anathema bobbed her head. "See you tonight."
Crowley had just enough time for a quick fist bump with Adam, before clattering off, drunk as he was, down the stairs of the apartment complex. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he hoped the limo would drive off without him, but it never did.
Morning rolled around, and as Warlock, still in his pyjamas, eagerly tucked into his breakfast, Ezra reclined in his chair and read the newspaper. Introvert though he was, he did like to keep up with current world events.
"...held in honour of Lucifer Crowley, who died aged 43 last year in a-"
"That's Adam's uncle's name, isn't it?" Warlock asked, mouth full of cornflakes. 
Ezra blinked over the top of his glasses, then huffed out an irritated breath at having been reading aloud. "Yes, that's right," he said, reaching for his mug of English Breakfast tea. "Well, it's the family name, like ours is Fell." 
Warlock's surname had been Dowling before his adoption, but he was too young to remember any of that, and Ezra hadn't quite plucked up the nerve to talk to him about it yet. When he was older, maybe. "I like Adam," the boy remarked, "and he says funny things, like about a city in the sea, and angels and demons-"
"It sounds as though he has a very active imagination."
"It's all real, he says!"
Ezra chuckled softly. Children had such innocent, yet powerful minds. "Eat up, darling, and then let's get you into your uniform." 
"Okay, dad."
Dad. Ezra would never tire of hearing that. He gave Warlock a fond pat on the head and went back to reading his paper. 
At the school gates, there was no sign of Crowley, or his Bentley, but a young woman in an asymmetric, tie-dye dress was kneeling to chat with Adam as she straightened the collar of his shirt. Warlock ran up to them, open-mouthed. 
"Hey, who are you?" he demanded.
Ezra was by his side in a flash, mortified. "Warlock!" he chastised. "Kindly apologise to the lady!"
To his surprise, she smiled. "It's okay, really. Oh, I'm Adam's nanny - Anathema Device, you can call me Ana if that's easier."
"What's a nanny?" Warlock frowned.
"I look after Adam when his uncle has a lot to do," she explained. "He's not feeling well at the minute, so I've brought Adam to school today."
The boys ran ahead, leaving Ezra and Anathema. He gestured, and they followed, albeit at a slower pace. "I did wonder if he had, ahem, outside help," Ezra admitted. "Still, he's always here, and usually on time, too."
"Yeah, he's always made sure he can get Adam to and from school, but last night was hectic, and I told him to rest." 
"You've worked for him since he adopted Adam?"
"Um, a few months after, I think." 
"And you say he isn't well? Poor boy."
Anathema peered quizzically at Ezra. "You're Mr Fell, aren't you. Anthony's mentioned you before."
"Oh, my." Ezra had the grace to blush. Anthony. It was always “AJ” in the papers. He’d had no idea it was short for anything. "Dare I ask how you knew it was me?"
"Single guy, blonde; walks, talks, and dresses like an old gay man, calls everyone "dear?""
Defeated, he chuckled. "Yes, that does rather sound like me." He held out his hand, which Anathema shook politely. "Call me Ezra."
"Ezra." She appeared to be sampling the name in her mouth, rolling it around on her tongue. "Well, it's nice to meet you -" The bell rang inside and she jumped. "Oh, I should go check where Adam's run off to - um, nice to meet you - again - see you!" She gathered up her skirts and hurried away after Adam. 
What a nice girl.
Warlock came running back down the steps. "Dad! Catch up!"
"O-Oh, yes. Jolly good, darling! Yes, I'm on my way."
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Batboys Scenario 1: secret model girlfriend. 2/2
They get you back!
Warning Jason and Tim’s scenarios contain mature situations so if that makes you uncomfortable in anyway skip them.
Dick Grayson: it had been six weeks since the whole S/n incident and Dick was wreck, he gotten rid of his posters and the magazines because every time he looked at them he'd see Y/n crying would cause him to feel angry and ashamed of himself.
 and if that wasn't enough to add insult to injury he's hearing rumors that Y/n [S/n] had gotten back together with her ex boyfriend.
 A beefcake model named Arden Silva apparently there were pictures of them both together... But Dick never bothered checking to see if it was true, it made his chest hurt thinking that she'd moved on from him so quickly...
While in reality Y/n wasn't dating Arden far from it actually; early in their careers he came out to her, and she pretended to date him to keep his family from finding out he was gay; till he was ready to come out publicly about it. They 'Broke up." after he met his boyfriend Daryl and both were kind enough to let her stay with them, until she could figure out what to do and where to go from here...
The last thing she wanted was to run into Dick he tried contacting her, but she blocked him; every night consisted of her getting drunk crying over him or being dragged to some wishy-washy party by Arden which of course caused rumors of them rekindling their relationship. 
No, doubt Dick had heard about it. the mere thought made Y/n wanted to pick up the phone tell him wasn't true...But it hurt hearing how he really felt about her; it did a real blow on her self-worth made wonder how other friends saw her.
Kori of course told her it didn't matter if she were S/n or not; Y/n was Y/n and she was beautiful and the kindest person the alien was happy to call her friend not matter what! Hell even Damian who was usually cold towards Y/n told her that there's more to her then just a pretty face and Grayson is a fool for not seeing it, She was touched by that she really was but it still stung.
"Hey guys, I'm going for a walk." she called out to Arden and Daryl who were cuddling on the couch looked up at her concerned. "Are sure that's a good Idea?" Daryl asked having born and raised in Gotham he knew that was a very bad life choice especially at this time of night, After some debate Y/n sighed "Yeah, I'll up on the roof..." The blond man nodded and tossed her the key to elevator.
"Be Careful." the H/c nodded and made her way up to the roof for some air the h/c shuddered as she stepped out of the elevator she should've brought a jacket. Y/n hugged herself as she wandered around the pool area staring up at the sky when someone came up behind her "Y/n-" the h/c yelped and fell backwards into the pool.
Y/n couldn't swim so naturally she freaked as she started to sink, till pair of hands grabbed her by the arms and pulled her out. The h/c wheezed and coughed out water whilst trying to breathe, all while who ever was up on the roof with her rubbed shoulders and apologized.
 when she could finally get air into her lungs Y/n looked up to see who the mystery person was, and was befuddled to see Nightwing looking down at her concerned. Her brows furrowed over why Bludhaven's resident hero was doing in Gotham, and what could he possibly want with her? 
It didn't take long for Y/n to find herself under a pile of towels and the glow of a patio heater as Nightwing cut to the chase and said he was a friend of Dick Grayson's, the H/c's mood dropped lower then her current body temperature.
 "Oh, I'm not special enough for him to come find me himself?" She hissed trying keep her voice leveled the hero tense as She said this, his lips formed thin line as he thought his words out carefully.
"It's not like th-"
"No, it's exactly like that! he made it abundantly clear! so, whatever lie or excuse he script you into saying? He can go shove it up his a-"
"He thought you were cheating!" Nightwing cut her off causing to Y/n to flinch then look at him confused. "What?" she spat obviously skeptical about this sudden revelation. As the masked man sighed frustrated he wanted nothing more then take her home and talk about this as Dick Grayson, but beggars can't be choosers.
"The date cancellations, the hush phone calls, the guy he saw kissing you while leaving ou- your apartment, after you told him you were at work? What does that look like to you?"
Nightwing chided as Y/n though this over...that look bad to anyone in Dick's shoes. "That man was Arden's boyfriend." she mumbled Nightwing's head whipped around to looked at her surprised *B-boyfriend? Arden is gay?...s-So she's not with him?!" as happy he was to hear that, they still solve this mess they gotten themselves into.
"And that made it okay to flirt S/n and say those things about me?" 
She croaked as Nightwing shook his head "No it didn't...Truth be told he's a real Dick and crappy detective for not putting it together." The raven haired hero chastised himself for missing how obvious it was. 
Y/n canceled a date because her editor says she has go France; S/n has a show in France! hell S/n even had the same freckles/birthmark on {spot} as Y/n and he was too caught up in the 'She's cheating' scenario to even notice.
as for why Dick said what he did? there was no excuse, he was hurt and just wanted to be mean and let Y/n hurt for betraying his trust. He regretted every goddamn word once Kori told him who he was talking to. 
"Look, just go home...Please? He misses you." Y/n started crying causing Nightwing to pull her into tight hug. "And trust me, he is very sorry for everything..." the hero said pulling away from her Y/n nodded and eventually left the roof, not fifteen minutes later Dick Grayson got a text his heart rattled nervously in his chest as he check his phone.
{Are you awake? I want come home.]
 [I'll be waiting..}
[I love you...}
{First ILY, Milestone and it's over text, way to make a girl blush.]
Dick snorted to himself as he put his Nightwing gear away hopefully one day he'll be able to tell her about his Stage name.  
[Warning attempted sexual assault! Skip is it make you uncomfortable!]
Jason Todd:  If someone ever told Jason Todd that his nerdy ex girlfriend turned out to be the hottest model in Gotham with a fan-base reaching international levels, he would laughed in their face and called them delusional.
 Well too bad the universe decided to make that scenario a reality, And delivered it to Jason via sloppy hay-maker to the nose! At first he didn't understand what had happened one second he's flirting with his idol! the next he's on the ground holding his bloody nose and gawking up at his sobbing girlfriend.
That was the last time he saw Y/n, she didn't come home that night or return any of his calls, She was still in Gotham or rather S/n was still Gotham he'd see articles on her shoots or see and interviews on TV... He tried getting Artemis to tell him where she went, but the Amazon gave him a dirty look and slammed her door in his face.
 leaving Jason to wallow in his anger and guilt, There he was Jason Todd: Red-Hood, former Robin trained by Batman to be a detective and he couldn't even figure out that his own girlfriend was the pin-up model!, he's such damn idiot! the signs were right there staring him in the face.
Cancelled plans, the e-mails,hushed phone calls, her being able to afford such a nice apartment despite being on a Librarian's salary,and the damn diets! Jason would always give Y/n crap for those back in high school because as he said.
"You don't need to go on a diet, you're a still growing teenage girl who's barely [y/weight] soaking wet and perfectly healthy." He chided before pushing a plate of Alfred's cookies towards her.
 then tried to coax her into telling him who said she was too fat/skinny, cause he was gonna see just how much they weighed after he shoves his boot up their ass! 
"T-two months ago, when you left me at the mall? there was this talent-" She was so close to telling him about her being S/n, but they were interrupted by Bruce calling Jason for a mission, Y/n let him go...
Jason smiled bitterly at the memory as he got ready for patrol, Currently Red-hood was staking out a shady modeling firm, that might be front a trafficking ring. Girls would go in... But never come out, he looked through the binoculars at the activity when he caught something out of the corner of his eye... 
A woman with a familiar mop of y/hc being dragged inside, Jason blood went cold it couldn't be Y/n, but he had to be sure! he silently infiltrated the building through an old service entrance, what he found in this building made made Jason sick.
Women and girls in cells they were filthy and hooked up to Iv's being pumped with drugs so they couldn't run and they all had prices tattooed to their arms. he checked around for any signs of the girl he was looking for.
 when he saw something small glittering on the floor. Red hood crouched down and felt his heart drop it was a necklace, Y/n's necklace! the one he gave her in high school before he died, she never takes it off.
Jason heard a door open and a man walked in and noticed the necklace on the floor, he crouched down and to look at it when the click of gun's safety going off caused him to tense, the man stared dead ahead as a modulated spoke up. "I'm not even gonna give ya a choice, where do they keep the new girls?" Red-hood snarled keeping his gun on the guy's head who was shaking.
"the basement, with the boss! if he sees one he likes he-" He didn't get a chance to finish as Jason snapped his neck, and made his way down to the basement. and stopped when he heard two men talking. "See that h/c broad they brought in?" the other nodded "Yeah, if she tweaked her hair and ditch the glasses she'd looked like S/n..." 
The first one hummed agreement." probably why the boss wanted her so god damn badly, she's his dream girl after all.." the Jason let out a low growl so, it was Y/n neither men had noticed the vigilante silently approaching as other man snorted "Well, hell he can keep her, did you see what that bitch to Ernie's hand..."
Instead of his buddy he saw red not that he was angry or anything; Red-Hood just headbutted him knocking him to the floor, before stepping on his neck. "where's the boss?" he hissed the dazed man pointed at the office. "thanks." was all the vigilante said before popping a cap in his skull no doubt altering his boss to his presence.
 Meanwhile Y/n mind was starting to slip into unconsciousness, she kept struggling to push this disgusting man off of her. but she was getting weaker, what ever was in that needle he jabbed in her was starting to take effect, she felt tears welling in her eyes as she tried think of something, anything that would take her away from this situation!
the man had gotten her shirt and bra off when a loud bang caused him to pull away, "I'll be right back sweetheart..." He cooed kissing her cheek if Y/n could gag she would, She watched her kidnapper pull out a gun and cautiously walked towards the door. a shadow appeared under the door, the guy didn't even opened it he just fired at the door.
 there was a thud and a noticeable give against the door's metal surface. he smirked and opened it only for the body of one of his thugs to drop in a heap at his feet. The trafficker gasped in shock and started backing towards Y/n, only for the window shatter in a downpour of shards the trafficker grunted as he was sent to the floor.
Y/n's eyes widened as a large man in a black leather jacket and tactical gear came into view, it took her a moment to realize it was the Red-hood. who slowly stood up and started walking towards her kidnapper. who was begging for his life as the vigilante approached him "no,no,no please!...the girl!" He pointed at Y/n frantically.
 "y-you can have her man, just don't-" He was cut off by Red-hood pointing his gun at his head "that's kind of the point pal." the vigilante said before shooting him in the face splattering blood on his suit, as he turned Y/n and immediately made his way over to the semi conscious girl.
Y/n saw Jason take off his jacket before covering her with it. He lifted her off the desk and carried her out of that hellhole, the last thing she saw was Red-hood looking down at her while calmly telling her. 
"You're alright N/n...I got cha...I got cha..." he soothed holding her close before everything went dark.
 When she woke up Y/n was confused as to where she was and how did she get there, then she remembered being kidnapped and what that guy almost did to her...the Red-hood, Jason saved her?
She looked and saw a familiar helmet on the room's nightstand and noticed the familiar figure in Kevlar sitting next to the bed watching her intently "Jay?" she croaked still trying to understand what she was looking at. 
she couldn't tell if he was a hallucination from what that trafficker injected her with, or if her ex really did come and rescue her? the raven haired man sighed in relief. "Hey...Looks like we've got a lot talk about? he said numbly before reaching into his jacket and gave her necklace back. "I would've never found you without it." 
The two just talked and told each other everything, how she ended up being S/n, while he told her why he was acting like an ass to her the last couple months, was because he saw he out with one of her Co-workers a male model and thought she was two timing and planing to leave.
and his plan was two could play at that game...only to be blindsided when the girl he chose; turned out to be the love of his god damn life and he screwed everything up like always! Y/n immediately berated him for blaming himself!
"This was more my fault then yours! I'm the one should've told you about S/n then this would've been avoided." she said as Jason took his gear off and crawled into bed with her and wrapped his arms around. 
"We're both Idiots..." he mumbled tiredly into her shoulder as one of his hands roamed under her shirt, his thumb made circles on her hips. "That that we are.." she hummed holding his free hand. "I love you." she mumbled Jason kissed her neck "I know, go to sleep." they drifted off...   
[Note: Tim and the reader are like college aged in this: 19-22 years old just to make that clear!]
Tim Drake [light smut]: *How, the hell did this happen?!* a red faced Y/n frantically wondered as her naked body was pressed against Tim's who was trying to hide the h/c from the other men in the locker room, How did this happen? Y/n came to the school to ask Tim for the key to her apartment back, but she didn't know college layout...
and got to asking if anyone knew where Tim Drake was? Well some girls who were fans of Tim pretended to take her to him and "Accidentally" spilled their drinks on her; since Y/n didn't go to this school, they easily tricked her saying it was the women's room. they stole her clothes and the e/c eyed girl was trapped!
After sitting in that shower stall scared and freezing her ass off. The model breath hitched when she saw the stall door opening and realized she hadn't locked it. the h/c immediately tried to grab the handle only to come face to face with Tim Drake who looked very stunned to find her there!
 "Y/n? what are you doing in-" Y/n thanked every deity out there that it was Tim who found her and not some creep, She started crying and threw herself at ignoring the fact that he wasn't exactly dressed, the raven awkwardly hugged back as he was still trying to process what was going on?
Tim although stunned was also very upset to find his Y/n naked and scared in the men's locker room; where anyone could've found her like this! his first thought was someone already had. "What happen, did someone bring you here?..did they-" Y/n shook her head "No, I was looking for and some girls said they'ed take me to you then spilled their drinks on me, and tricked me into going in here." she quietly explained unfortunately for them a group of men started pilling in!
Causing Tim to curse under his breath he climbed inside the stall with Y/n and locked the door. The raven haired man held her close to him, in an attempt to try and keep anyone from seeing her...thank god the shower stalls had tall dark tinted privacy doors instead of curtains, and no space for anyone to crawl under or they would both be screwed!
Y/n gulped when the raven haired boy pressed closer to her, she held her breath as the outline of a man appeared and the door jiggled a little. "It's busy dude..." Tim said hoarsely his voice rumbled against Y/n's ear who let out a tiny whimper hoping they'ed leave, whoever was out there huffed annoyance and tried to look into the stall  through the door "Are you even Showering in there?" the man asked clearly suspicious.
Tim had reached over the y/height girl and turned the water on; to a least look like he's busy so the others wouldn't be curious. "Yeah, these old showers take a while to turn on when they're all in use." another voice explained all while Tim and Y/n were trying their hardest not look at each other or touch anything. whoever was at the door huffed and walked away along with whoever told him about the delay in water pressure.
the couple relaxed, Well Y/n was relaxed until...She felt something poking her inner thigh. 
Tim's jaw set and awkwardly looked down at Y/n who noticed and averted her gaze to the wall, the raven haired boy swallowed hard feeling her boobs pressed against his chest, it had been almost a month since they were this close to each other...Clothed and otherwise. So, can imagine how quickly Tim lost his battle with the beast... 
then Y/n did the mistake of looking up at him again, with that look in her eyes, because next they knew they were making out against the tiled wall any gasps or whimpers Y/n made were drowned out by the men loudly talking or the locker doors slamming. 
The h/c bit her lip trying not to moan as Tim's length slowly entered her needy core. "Don't make a sound..."Tim growled lowly in her ear she whimpered into his shoulder as he began to thrust into her roughly, needless that was possibly the hottest sex they've had in a while!
15 minutes later after all the guys had left...
the two girls who had tricked Y/n were still waiting outside very confused over why they did't hear any hooting and cheering or see a naked girl run out of the locker room, the blond was annoyed glaring at he phone, while the brunette who was holding a bag with Y/n's ruined clothes inside sat nervously next to her. "Um, Shelly y-you don't think the guys did something, do you?" she asked scared that they may have helped someone get assaulted or murdered.
"Shut up Britney." the blonde hissed causing her friend glare at her "I'm not gonna shut-up, and I ain't going to jail for-" They were cut off by Tim Drake walking out of the locker room holding hands with a flustered Y/n who was in his spare gym clothes. He noticed the two girls gawking and held his free hand out whilst giving them a stern look the brunette sheepishly handed him the bag, the couple walked off seemly lost in their own world. 
in the locker room after making sure everyone was gone, Tim helped Y/n dry her hair off get dressed, the two got to talking about everything that happened like how and why Y/n kept her modeling career a secret from him. 
She said she kept all of her S/n stuff at the studio clothes, make-up etc. and reason she hid was because she didn't want to be S/n all the time, nor did she want her fans harassing her and knowing where she lived and try to get with her. "It's happened, they were waiting in my living room."
Tim tense up a bit luckily this was before they dated, but that still didn't make it alright "has anyone tried following you since we-?" He asked handing her his red windbreaker to wear Y/n shook her head, and explained that they usually tried anything security would toss them out.
They usually ignore her because they're looking S/n not some plain coffee gopher. that and if they ever give up on S/n and went after Y/n, those self-defense lessons Tim gave her, told any unwanted guests that maybe they should back right off! After that said and done Tim wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"I'm sorry I was a jerk." 
"I'm sorry for keeping secrets from you."
Tim went quiet for moment before making a very big decision "...Yeah, Do you want spend the night at my place? I need to show you something." Y/n looked up at him curiously. "What is it?" As the two got up from the locker room bench, Tim snorted and grabbed her hand and started walking to the exit.
"It's kind of personal, Just... Don't freak out." the h/c's face turned red she wanted say *we just had sex in a crowded locker room without getting caught! nothing could surprise me at the moment!* But, all that came was a meek "Alright." as Tim led them out the locker room, Hopefully she takes him being Red Robin, better then he took to her being S/n... 
Adult! Damian Wayne: 4 week...4 weeks since he'd last saw Y/n and Damian was goddamn wreck! He was subtle at first almost like he didn't care, he thought Y/n would come back after 2 or 3 days...but when she didn't? the usually cool and collected Wayne was unnerved, clumsy and irrational. 
Often finding himself lashing out at his brothers or being too violent on patrol. He finally opened up to Dick after figuring out his oldest brother knew about her double life and demanded to know why she would tell him, but not her boyfriend! 
However, Dick had very choice words for his brother he was still livid that Damian lied to him. "She was going to, but after the stunt you pulled? Hell, I'm surprised I'm even talking to you." The younger man looked at his brother stunned as Dick continue to scold him.
"You used brag that you weren't like Bruce! You'd never play with a woman's heart, that you were waiting for the right girl to come along, and you had her!" the raven haired man ran his hand through his hair trying hard not to deck Damian in the face.
Don't get him wrong, Dick loves his little brother, but right now, he was too disappointed and angry! "And instead of having a night to show her off? you chose to lie and be shallow about her looks and took some money grubbing bimbo to parade around as your girlfriend!" Damian went to say something, But Dick wasn't finished, he had to go there...
"What if You and Y/n had gotten married? What then, were you going to pay some actress to be her while the real one sat alone in a room? while everyone's congratulating you and whats-her;" The younger man slammed his fist on the metal table denting it "I Fucked up! I get it alright?!" he snarled causing Dick to cock a brow.
He knew full well that Damian was planning to propose."Now, would you please help me find Y/n and fix this?" the green eyed man asked desperately as Dick not entirely sure if he was making this better or worse...
 "She's in L.A., probably staying with Robbie Reyes, the guy you saw leaving with her." The acrobat paused for a moment reading Damian's face the mix of jealousy and confusion was evident; making it clear Y/n never mentioned Robbie before.
"Be careful around him, He's the kind to hold grudge when someones wronged his family." Dick met Robbie once by accident the same night he found out about Y/n's double life. 
Although he seemed like a nice guy, there was something off about the Latino boy, in some ways he reminded Dick of Jason...but that's putting it mildly! whatever Dick had seen in that boy's eyes made Jason look like small potatoes in comparison.... 
"You really didn't have to do this N/n.." Robbie said as he helped carry the groceries Y/n had bought, the h/c just waved her foster brother off. "After all your family done for me it's the least I can do!" She greeted Gabe who looked up from his homework a for brief moment.
"There was call while you were gone!" the teen rolling his wheel chair to the two and taking one of the bags from from and immediately dug in a found a bag of Reese's mini pieces. "Oh, for me or your brother?"
Y/n asked grabbing a package of ramen, The teen had teared the bag open and chowed down on the candy. "For you some dude, named Damian?" The rooms temperature seem to drop a few degrees there was a loud pop caused by Y/n squeezing the ramen packet, as Robbie felt his stomach flop thinking all the hard work he's put into bringing Y/n back on her feet was about to be blown to pieces.
"And what did, he say?"
"That he's sorry for the gala?"
"tsk* anything else?"
"He's staying at his family vacation house, and isn't leaving until you go see him."
Y/n let out a bitter laugh "Well he's gonna be waiting a long time!" She spat as Gabe tilted his head befuddled before Robbie could divert the subject or tell his brother to finish his homework the younger Reyes spoke up. "He lied and did a bad thing but so did Y/n, isn't it only fair that she gives him another chance? or at least hear him out?" the boy asked innocently.
Robbie awkwardly looked between his siblings before grabbing the handles of Gabe's wheelchair and pushed him out of the room, "10 minute break! go play Skyrim or read comics!." The older Reyes brother said frantically as his brother protested, then there were two.
"Y'know Gabe is right, You need closure and to achieve that you need to talk to him." Robbie said as Y/n tossed the ramen packet away. But before she could say anything Gabe' voice came from the living room.
"Awesome! it's Batman!" the h/c tensed up and went out to see what the teen was watching and saw the news, it showed Batman fighting Bane! what was Bane doing in LA?! Y/n flinched as she watched Damian get thrown around she turned towards Robbie, who was watching the screen he slowly looked at her and it was like having mental conversation, before it clicked the Latino silently mouthed out *Your Ex is Batman?!* she winced and nodded and with that Robbie grabbed her hand and to two slipped away.
With Damian.
Damian was getting the tar kicked out of him, each of his brothers offered to come with him, but no! he had to regain his beloved on his own accord. He really was a prideful bastard and he was paying for it! big time! Damian was exhausted black dots were starting to paint his vision.
 He briefly wondered if this is how his father felt moments before Bane broke his back? The news helicopter would've made an efficient getaway, but it fled the second Bane started throwing pieces of train parts at it. The new Batman tried reaching for smoke bomb try to escape while he could still stand.
however Bane got a hold of his arm and lifted him off the ground. "I broke you once, I'll break you a again!" the drug lord roared and got ready to pull Damian's arm off only for the loud thunderous roar of an engine broke through the silence. And in an instance Damian was airborne as something black and on fire crashed into Bane sending the venom charged hulk flying into some cargo containers. 
Damian lifted himself off the ground to see what saved him it was some kind demon car? a 69 charger...that the car Todd's been sobbing over and the car he saw Y/n speed off in...
He wasn't prepared for what happened next he saw Y/n step out of the flaming vehicle dressed in all black and wearing a domino mask she borrowed for Halloween, but never got around to returning.
She ran up to Damian and pulled him off the ground as Robbie got out of the car they heard Bane roar with rage in the distance. "Stay in car...I'll take care of the big guy."  the mechanic hissed as his eyes began to glow, Damian watch in awe as the man's body ignited in flames burning away his flesh and down to his skeleton.
"Aim for the hoses connected to the dispenser on his back, it's how he's injects himself with venom." Y/n explained the skeletal creature nodded at the y/height girl as she helped Damian into the car the vigilante looked between Y/n and whatever the thing was.
 "Wh-what the hell is that?" Damian croaked in pain and concealed fear as Y/n helped him into the backseat. "That's my brother Robbie, He's the spirit of vengeance the ghost rider." The masked girl explained as the two watched Robbie kick Bane's ass, Using his chains to burn through the hoses on the drug lords back.
When the rider was done with the power-house of a villain, the rider tore Bane's mask off. "Look into my eyes...Your soul is tainted with blood of the innocent...feel their pain!" the rider hissed as Bane was subjugated to the horrors he had inflicted on all his victims over the years. causing the drained crime-lord to scream in agony as the ghosts of the many tormented him causing Bane to flee in fear, straight into a metal beam. Knocking himself out.
The rider then turned back to the hell charger and got in the car."Where too?" Robbie inquired as he slowly turned back into his human form. "Normally the hospital, But in this case...how good is Gabe at keeping secrets?" Damian quizzically while the mechanic nodded.
"Pretty good, Just don't make-out or bleed out on my couch!" Y/n snorted at her brother "Trust me making out with guy who ashamed of me is the last thing on my mind?" She huffed looking out the window, as Damian sat himself up in the back seat. "I'm not ashamed of you." he hissed in pain holding his dislocated shoulder Y/n sucked her teeth at him.
"Right, you just went with some whore, because I'm so fucking gorgeous I turn people to stone when they look at me?" Robbie whistled awkwardly and put his headphones in to listen to music as the couple talked, Damian swallowed hard as he looked at Robbie then at Y/n trying to figure out what to say, he tapped into his inner Grayson.
 "Okay, I'll admit I wasn't thinking about you or your feelings, I was thinking about myself and my reputation when I asked that girl to gala and not you, And it was selfish and scummy of me." He winced feeling his bruised ribs constrict, coughed shallowly. "But your no better than I am..." Y/n slowly turned to look at him in disbelief. "Excuse me? I'm not the one who cheated!" She hissed venom dripping on every word.
"1. I didn't cheat, I just paid I a girl to hang off my arm and look pretty."
"You lying-"
"2!..We've been together for five years and never once have you talked to me about meeting your family, You've met mine hell, you lived with us after Grayson accidentally burnt your house down. And as that alter-ego of yours? I told you about my secret because I trust you, I thought same the same of you! but clearly I was wrong." 
Damian chided as Y/n felt rotten realizing that he right, She knows almost everything about Damian's life vigilante and civilian. But never once has she talked about her family as for telling her secret? truth be told.
Y/n honestly thought Damian was playing with her using her as a cover even after five years; she kept expecting him to just drop her out of the blue and never talk to her again. And that stunt he pulled at the Gala pretty confirmed her apparent false assumptions...
"Oh, for the love of-" Robbie suddenly cut in "look! You're both stupid for each other, so either make-up or shut-up! c'os I'm getting real sick of this Donna/Eric bull-shit!" The Latino snapped causing the couple to flinch as he eye were ablaze, Robbie took a deep breath pulled over and got out of the car to take a break.
Both Damian Y/n sheepishly stared at each other. "I was looking for you," He let out a bitter chuckled "Grayson finally told me where you were, after telling me how much I screwed up." the man removed his cowl and his appearance caused the rot to spread as Damian was pale his green eye were sunken and dull it was clear he hadn't been taking care of himself since the break up.
to be fair Y/n wasn't either... She hardly slept and when she did, she could hear Damian bad mouthing her and that girl laughing at her! if she was alone with no one was watching, she would go hide in the bathroom or garage and cry while staring at Damian's number on her phone conflicted she wanted to call but... 
She didn't know if she wanted to scream at him or just cry more. Robbie eventually figured it out and started bugging her to call Damian and talk; if he's not sorry then move on...If he is give him chance.
"Are you really sorry?" She croaked as Damian grabbed her hand squeezed it. "Yes, I am." He said firmly as the h/c eyed him still unsure. "what about that girl?" She mumbled suspiciously as the raven haired winced from shifting his weight causing his ribs to protest.
 "Like I said she’s someone I paid, she meant absolutely nothing to me." He rested his head against her shoulder, like he used to when he came back from a long mission, the h/c bit her lip as she thought this over then swallowed her pride.
"One chance..." Damian looked at her hope visible in his eyes. "One more chance Dam, If you pull any sort of crap like this-" She cut off by Damian kissing her passionately before pulling away. "I won't..." He promised as Y/n smiled at him shyly, as Robbie got back in the car. "Did you resolve your problems?" the couple nodded Damian keeping his hand on Y/n's. 
"Good, now we're going home and you're going introduce me and Gabe to the guy whose banging our sister." the mechanic said seriously while giving Damian a cold look "Can it wait till' Damian's ribs aren't breaking everytime he breathes?"  
Y/n pleaded obviously trying to at least let Damian heal before her brothers try to intimidate him. "No." Robbie huffed as the couple slouched against the seat "Sorry, Damian." He kissed her hand smiled painfully at her."Don't worry beloved, I'll soldier through it just for you.." Y/n smiled gently at her boyfriend as her mind tried to work through how Gabe was gonna react to his sister dating batman, hopefully he takes it better then Robbie is a the moment... 
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goofygomez · 5 years
Hope Ch. 1 - Clouis Story
Description: Clementine has been feeling very under the weather lately. She decides to take a walk outside the school, her mind full of questions. One simple answer could change her life.
Wordcount: 3136
This was my first ever (and last) Clouis series. It is 23 chapters long, and I will try to post one per day this month. Enjoy!
“Calm down Clementine, you don’t know shit yet.”
That was what she kept telling herself, pacing her small room. Early morning sunlight seeped through the cracks in the window and cast odd shadows on her desk decorations. In her five years at Ericson’s, she’s amassed quite the collection of animal skulls now displayed proudly all over her and Louis’s room.
“You’re just late, no biggie,” she told herself firmly, shaking her head.
She looked over to the bucket on the floor beside her bed, fresh vomit sticking to its inner surface and frowned. The bed covers were strewn around and five pillows covered the bed from head to toe. Clem had found out the hard way that Louis was indeed a pillow hog when he’d brought all his stuff to her room four years ago. Half of his ‘stuff’ was his pillows, which he guarded jealously.
Louis himself was not around. He’d woken up early for the morning shift and had let her sleep in. Clem had been rather sick the past few days and he didn’t want to bother her. How considerate, she thought, rolling her eyes. As she tried to move toward the bed, another cramp reached her abdomen and she bent over in pain, clutching her stomach.
“Thirteen years surviving the apocalypse, and I’ll get killed by a fucking stomach bug,” she mused, chuckling at the irony of her statement.
Standing up firmly, she pushed through the pain and walked out of her room. The hallway was empty except for Aasim, who was moving a stack of chairs somewhere. Over the last couple of months, he’d been trying unsuccessfully to grow a beard. It was not suiting him very well, Clementine thought. He looked over up and down and raised an eyebrow.
“Louis said you’d be in bed all day,” he pointed out.
“Do I look like I’m in bed?” she asked irritably, rolling her eyes.
Backing off, Aasim nodded, “Alright, sorry. Good to see you on your feet.”
He waddled as best he could down the hallway. “Wait Aasim, I’m sorry!” she called out to him as he disappeared into the courtyard. Damn these hormones, she thought.
“No, that’s not what’s happening here!” she chastised herself, shaking her head and walking down the path Aasim took.
Outside, she saw Aasim setting the stack of chairs down next to a hunched Violet, who thanked him. AJ was sitting on the steps to the admin building, talking absently with Tenn. Her small boy had grown into a strong ten-year-old, every day taking more and more after his father. He’s Alvin’s son alright, she thought with a smile.
When AJ spotted Clem exiting the dorms he sprinted in her direction, launching himself at her. Doubling over in pain, Clem groaned under his weight and almost collapsed. By now, he was almost the same height as her, and definitely more athletic. He backed away, a concerned expression on his face.
“Shit, sorry Clem,” he blurted, helping her to her feet.
“It’s okay kiddo,” she assured him, ruffling his hair. “I’m just rather tired this morning.”
“There’s the most beautiful woman in the apocalypse.” She heard the sing-song voice coming from her left and turned to see a very giddy looking Louis walking in her direction. ‘Chairles’ was hoisted on his right shoulder, and he had rid himself of his usual trench coat for a much more comfortable leather jacket.
“And there’s the funniest man in the apocalypse,” she responded, on hand on her hip and a smile on her face.
“Wow, you get beautiful and I get funny?” he feigned offense, clutching his heart dramatically. “This relationship feels unbalanced, Your Majesty.”
“Well, you are funny,” AJ stated matter-of-factly. Louis looked at him for a moment and eventually nodded.
“That I am, little dude,” he agreed, pulling Clem to him and planting a soft kiss on her forehead. He always joked that they were a perfect match purely because their heights allowed him to do that often, and she would always flip him off. In reality, she really enjoyed it, but she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction.
Before she had time to respond, another sharp pain caused her to groan in discomfort. Louis looked at her in concern, and eyed her up and down. “You sure you’re okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m just having a stomach ache, that’s all,” she said, giving him the most reassuring smile she could muster.
Not altogether convinced, Louis pursed his lips but nodded at her. “Alright, if you say you’re okay, I believe you.”
“Thank you.”
Gingerly, Louis led Clementine and AJ to the tables, which Aasim and Violet had already vacated. A few years back, through general consensus, both of them became the leaders of their community. They would usually come to Clem about smaller issues that they thought required her survivalist expertise. They had stopped, however, a couple months ago after Clem and Louis announced their impromptu wedding, earning cheers from the whole school, AJ the most vocal among them.
Right now, Clem was mostly thinking about what had come after the actual makeshift wedding, and its dire and worrying implications. She gently clutched her stomach, feeling a warmth she hadn’t felt before. They had been a little reckless, she thought ruefully. And more than a little drunk. She traced the small cracks in the table with her fingers, her eyes following the shapes absently.
Meanwhile, AJ and Louis indulged in light conversation. They were talking about the boy’s eleventh birthday, which was fast approaching. Clementine hadn’t known the exact date, so she and Louis looked at the calendar and decided on a rough estimate. In the end, they’d settled for January 18th. Her head was throbbing in pain, the sounds of their voices becoming blurs as she closed her eyes shut.
“Clem!” she heard at one point, her eyes fluttering open and searching for the source. She saw both Louis and AJ staring at her with raised eyebrows and blushed.
“Yeah, sorry,” she blurted, nodding. “What is it?”
“I was just telling AJ that I have some time for another piano lesson with the little dude here.” Louis ruffled the boy’s hair and AJ laughed. “You okay being out here by yourself for a while?”
“You can come with us and watch me play, too,” AJ suggested, his eyes lighting up at the thought.
Clem smiled at him but gently shook her head. “No, I think I’ll wait out here. You guys go on ahead and practice.”
Nodding, Louis turned to AJ, “Well, it’s just you and me today, buddy,” he said, a grin decorating his freckled features. The boy smiled and stood up, balancing his weight on the balls of his feet. They each gave Clementine a kiss on the cheek, Louis capturing her lips the second time and leaving a sloppy grin on her face.
When they entered the admin building, Clem was left alone in the courtyard. She tried to rub the sleep off her face, only getting a dizzy feeling from it. Instead, she looked around and examined the surroundings. In five years, the place had not really changed much.
The gate was now properly sealed with wood and metal sheets, bound together by the combined forces of duct tape and rope. The kids had not been able to contain themselves, and a couple of graffiti were painted onto the boards. Most of them were vulgar words, a couple alluding to the victory over the Delta five years ago. The light from the rising sun shone on them, giving the impression that they glowed in the dim morning light.
The watchtower was essentially the same, save for a couple minor adjustments they’d deemed necessary over the years. Her eyes skimmed the walls and landed on the big archway that led to the graveyard. She was thankful that it had not gotten any new additions these past years, though they had added a small shrine in honor of each of the deceased. On it were whatever photos they had been able to find of them, and small notes from their loved ones.
Sophie’s grave, although it had already been dug before the war on Delta, had been the hardest to fill. To this day, Minnie regretted not going back for Sophie’s body, but there had been nothing they could do. The herd that consumed the compound had been enough incentive never to go back to that place. Instead, they’d filled the grave with the rest of her belongings, and Minnie had placed a lock of fiery red hair on her shrine.
As a gust of wind made her shiver, she buttoned up her jacket. Her mind was racing a thousand miles an hour, and the uncertainty was not helping. Shaking her head, she sat up and took a piece of paper from her breast pocket. She and Louis had decided that keeping a way of leaving notes for the other on them was important for these exact situations. She used a crayon to write him a small message.
Out for a walk, won’t be long.
Love, Clem.’
Leaving the note pinned to the table with a small rock, she made her way to the gate and opened it. Slowly, she slipped through the gap and closed it behind her. The woods beyond were filled with traps, ranging from boulders hanging from trees to bear traps hidden among the shrubbery. A few birds chirped happily as she passed through the trees, creating a soft melody that clashed with her jumbled thoughts.
As she walked, careful not to set off any traps, she saw the sun begin to rise along the tree line. She let the warmth embrace her, still shivering from every cold breeze that crept from the north. Hugging herself, Clem trudged through a small patch of tall grass and kept her pace. She didn’t know how long she’d been walking, but before she realized, she arrived at a wooden fence.
It wasn’t unlike the fence that had separated her childhood home from the forest in Georgia, though a couple of planks had rotten and been torn down. She squeezed through, dizziness settling in as she stumbled on the other side. Pressing her hand to the side of her face, she pinched the bridge of her nose and opened her eyes slowly. The urge to throw up had thankfully passed, and she was looking at a parking lot of a convenience store they had found last year while scavenging.
Cars that had been picked clean years ago littered the place, most of their tires stripped off or rotten. She looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was already at its highest point, meaning she’d taken almost twice as long getting here as last time. Cursing under her breath, she took out her knife and walked forward.
As she got to the door, a sharp clinging noise came from her right and she jumped, her knife trained in that direction and her left hand covering her stomach protectively. A squirrel jumped from behind a trash can, holding what appeared to be a potato chip bag in its hands. It eyed Clementine curiously, its tiny hands crumbling the top of the bag slowly.
She slashed at the air and scared it away, shaking her head and turning back to the store. Inside, the shelves were mostly ransacked, gathering dust since the apocalypse started. To her right, there was a short line of shopping carts and to her left a rack filled with greeting cards. ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘Merry Christmas’, ‘Happy New Year’ she read absently, flipping through them. A sharp pain in her abdomen reminded her why she came in the first place, and she set out to find the pharmacy inside the store.
Empty boxes and crumpled bags littered the shelves and floor as she walked. The chirping of the birds seemed to have followed her, as more of them perched themselves on the windowsill of a shattered glass pane. The crunching of dirt and litter against her boots announced each step she took. Her eyes scanned the area every few seconds, alert in case anything happened. It would not do to get killed now, she thought ruefully.
She walked into the pharmacy office and searched the back shelves for whatever had been left. There wasn’t much. The office was a smallish room with barely any room for light to pass through. Only a broken half window decorated one of the walls, leading to the back to the convenience store. She dug through the boxes, ridding them of pill bottles that had been emptied long ago.
“No, no, no,” she kept muttering, discarding the items as she went through the office. After a few unsuccessful searches, her hand grazed a much heavier box on top of one of the highest shelves. “Damn, where’s Louis when you need him?” she mused, her hands on her hips.
Standing on tiptoes, she managed to hook her finger around one of the cardboard flaps of the box, pulling it to her. It turned out that wasn’t a great idea, as the contents of the box came pouring down. Now, strewn on the floor were small boxes with names such as ‘Trojan’ and ‘Durex’, which had no real meaning to her. She sorted through them until she found what she had been looking for all along: a pregnancy test.
She read the back of the box, familiarizing herself with the instructions and then taking the short stick out. Eyeing is with curiosity, she pursed her lips. Good thing I didn’t bring Louis then, she thought with a grin. She followed the instructions, however reluctantly, and then sat down on a box while she waited.
During the two minutes that the box advised, she busied herself by scanning the rest of the office. She could see posters for some health care business. They advised people to always have their shots up to date. Didn’t do much good now, did it? she thought. She wondered, after all these years, how many people were actually left.
“Not many, probably,” she reasoned out loud. Before her morbid thoughts could take another turn, a faint beeping escaped the small stick in her hand. How it still had a working battery after over thirteen years, she didn’t have a clue. She decided not to question it and, taking a deep breath, looked at the small screen. It was…
A loud bang from outside the office brought her eyes upwards. Stuffing the stick in her jacket pocket, she drew her knife and prepared for the worst. Soft growls and gurgles came from the front of the store, and she sighed in frustration. “Did you guys learn to sneak around or something?” she said to no one in particular, rolling her eyes.
At least it wasn’t raiders, she thought. She walked outside and inspected the store. About fifteen walkers had wandered inside and were making their way toward her. She tried to keep them spaced out, taking them out swiftly. As she drove her knife in the skull of the tenth walker, a sharp pain in her stomach brought her down with it.
“God damn it,” she swore, clutching her abdomen with one hand and the knife with the other. Before she could bring herself up to her feet again, a walker fell on top of her, its teeth dangerously close to her face. With all the force she could muster, she struck its skull from the side with the knife. The dead weight of the walker weighed her down, making her groan as she tried to escape its clutch.
With barely enough room to spare, she squeezed away from its grip and scrambled to her feet. She was surrounded by at least seven of them, slowly dragging their feet toward her. Broken glass crunched under their dead weight, creating a cacophony of sound combined with their loud growls and the chirping birds.
“Alright, come here!” she yelled, brandishing her knife again. “C’mere fuckers!”
“You’re overreacting, Louis,” AJ assured the man, watching him pace the courtyard. Violet and Aasim were seated on the table beside AJ, eyeing the gate nervously while Willy stood on the watchtower, scanning the tree line.
“What do you mean, little man?” Louis exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. “My wife could be in trouble out there!” The sun was scraping the treetops by now, a crescent moon creeping its way into the sky on the east. Omar was already preparing the fire for dinner, and Ruby was collecting some vegetables from the greenhouse.
“She’s been out longer,” the boy reasoned, shrugging. “Clem can take care of herself out there, don’t worry.”
“He’s right, Lou,” Violet spoke up, her eyes glued to the dark exterior. “Clem will pro–.”
“LOUIS! VIOLET!” came Willy’s booming voice. “She’s back!”
Louis’s head perked up and he rushed to the gate, looking through the bars into the darkness. He spotted Clementine stumbling her way through the trees. She was clutching her stomach and her face was contorted in pain, but what caught his attention was the amount of blood on her jacket.
“Clem!” he exclaimed, opening the gate and running to her. He wrapped her arm over his shoulder and dragged her inside. As soon as they crossed the walls, she collapsed under her weight. “What happened?” he cried, his eyes scanning her face closely.
“I…” she trailed off, too out of breath to talk. It was only then that Louis saw her hand clutching the right side of her abdomen firmly.
“Clem…?” he whispered, his eyes eyeing her hand warily and then finding her own golden eyes. “What do you have there?”
“I’m sorry,” she said simply, closing her eyes. It’s wasn’t her words that threw him off, but the small smile that crept up her face. Frowning, he looked down at her hand. She promptly released her grip on her jacket and revealed a small white and pink stick and a piece of folded paper in her pocket.
Louis took the stick warily in his hands and inspected it. It was thin on one side, and it got progressively thicker. Its tip was moist, and on the thick side was a small screen. On the screen, displayed in bright pink, was a small plus sign. Confused, Louis took the paper and unfolded it. Inside was a picture of a woman holding a baby and a small message below it.
‘Congratulations, you’re gonna be a daddy!’ it read.
His eyes widening in shock, he looked back up at Clementine, whose eyes were open again. Her pain seemed to have diminished enough for her to smile at him. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and took his hand. “It’s positive.”
15 notes · View notes
shealwaysreads · 5 years
A Study In Contrasts
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^ Photo by
Annie Spratt
This fic is absolutely inspired by the wonderful @drarryruinedme7 and her Theo headcanons and love for the Neville x Theo ship (theoville? neveo?) and @bblgumbby was my fantastic beta and cheerleader.
This post provided the impetus for the story, and made me cackle so check it out.
Motivation to write (as in, a fire lit under my arse with the deadline for today) provided by the amazing @growing-neville fest and the drarry discord squad - who all love their rarepairs too!
Also, here are my face-casts for this fic- Neville & Theo 👌
Neville/Theo | Mature | 3659 words | Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Hot!Neville, Bearded Manbun! Neville
Can also be read on Ao3
Neville had been worried at first when Theo Nott had been hired to work with him. Theo didn’t have anything to do with growing the plants, that was very much Neville’s domain, but he took care of harvesting seeds and fruit, or taking cuttings of leaves and preparing them to be sent out to apothecaries and potions masters across Europe. He was apparently fully qualified for the job, but Neville couldn’t help but be protective his plants, and a little scared that he and Theo wouldn’t get on.
It wasn’t as though Neville had never spent time with the man, the War was a long time past, and when Harry had started dating Draco the old Hogwarts Houses had taken to mixing pretty thoroughly - both socially and romatically. On their monthly pub nights at the Three Broomsticks it wasn’t unusual for a whole host of old school alumni to show up - from all four Houses.
Theo had been coming to these informal little events since Draco had moved in with Harry. Neville had witnessed Draco wine drunk and ranting about how he wanted his friends to be a part of things too, and from then on his old Slytherin cronies were a regular part of the evening. It took a little while for everyone to become comfortable with each other, but they had all persevered. Copious rounds of drinks had certainly helped.
Neville wasn’t a shy person, per say, but he preferred a quiet dinner or drinks with his friends rather than big group events. So at first he had bristled at the inclusion of new people, people he wasn’t sure of, people he didn’t know well. But he was a grown up now, and politeness smoothed the way, then alcohol eased it even further. He could happily sing ribald drinking songs with Pansy perched on his knee now, and regularly thrashed Blaise at darts.
Theo had always seemed to keep his distance from Neville though, and at first he thought it might be some kind of hangover from Nott senior’s awful beliefs. But Luna of all people became fast friends with Theo, and reassured Neville that his idea couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Oh Neville, you’re so funny! You’re just like Harry when he used to think Draco was just like his father too, aren’t you?” Luna’s smiling face sobered. “No. Theodore is quite a gentle soul. We were the same age when our mothers died you know. He could see the Thestrals too, though he didn’t visit them like I did.”
A gentle pat on his cheek and she swirled away in a haze of white-blonde hair and tinkling bells stitched along her scarves. Neville had put that thought to bed there and then. Luna was about as good a judge of character as anyone he had ever met, and he trusted her. If she was happy to embrace Theo as a friend, then Neville was at least able to accept him as part of the group.
From that point on, Neville made a point of saying hello to Theo when they all met up, of being friendly and smiling. Neville was acutely aware of the way he looked now even though he still had days where he felt like the bumbling, chubby boy he was at school. But he was tall now, and broad; his long hair and growing beard he got teased by his friends a lot for looking intimidating. He didn’t think Theo was the sort of person who would be impressed by his fame, and he definitely wasn’t holding on to old school house rivalries, so maybe it was just the way Neville looked that put him off. Theo was at least a foot shorter than Neville, maybe he felt crowded around his bulk.
So Neville had worried at first, when he found out Theo would be working with him so closely. His work at the vast greenhouses was more than a job, it was his passion, and he didn’t want that ruined by a chilly relationship with his colleague. But he needn’t have spent so much time being anxious. Theo had smiled and shook his hand warmly on his first day in post, and seemed to be so much more comfortable talking with Neville here than in the social environment of the pub.
They had quickly developed a rapport and Neville was constantly impressed with Theo’s knowledge of the plants they worked with. He hadn’t damaged so much as a single leaf in his daily rounds gathering his harvest for their outgoing orders and he actually asked Neville intriguing questions about the growing specifications for his favourite plants.
He had even singled out Neville’s own Mimbulus Mimbletonia as the most interesting plant in Greenhouse 1, and asked all about how to safely harvest its Stinksap. Neville had been waiting for someone to be interested in that plant since his fifteenth birthday, he didn’t quite know what to do with himself, and found himself flustered for the rest of that day.
All of that left Neville with the dawning realisation that he hadn’t been worried about the right thing at all. Instead of being so preoccupied with maybe not enjoying work now that Theo was there, he should have been thinking about the fact that he might like Theo being there a little too much.
On top of a quietly dry sense of humour which got even Hermione cackling on pub nights, Theo was capable, interesting, and he liked Herbology almost as much as Neville did. He was also totally, absolutely, and devastatingly Neville’s type.
Neville had finished for the day, and as he rushed into the staff room ahead of Theo he couldn’t help but think about the other man. Couldn’t help but indulge in his crush.
Theo had artfully tousled dark hair which just begged to have fingers run through it, and eyes as dark as the loamy soil Neville worked with every day. He was fair, with dark freckles across the bridge of his nose; Neville couldn’t help but think about the contrast between them, his tanned skin against Theo’s milk pale complexion.
Neville’s thoughts quickly slid into territory he knew he shouldn’t indulge in while still at work, not with Theo heading into the tea room for their end of day catch-up. He couldn’t be daydreaming about all the ways he’d like to test and compare those contrasts for himself, couldn’t imagine exactly how it would feel to run his hands over lithe muscles -  not when he still blushed as much as he had when he was a teenager. Even if the beard would cover some of it up.
He distracted himself with washing his hands and arms, scrubbing the days dirt from under his nails as he willed away mental images of pale skin on dark bed covers from his mind's eye. As he mindlessly soaped and rinsed, Theo slipped into the cosy staff room.
“Hey Nev, fancy a cuppa before we go?” Theo nodded at the kettle.
“Yeah that would be lovely Theo, thanks.”
Neville found himself smiling as he turned to watch Theo set up their usual cups for tea. It pleased him on a deep level to see that Theo know exactly how he liked his tea, knew his favourite cup. Maybe he shouldn’t be daydreaming about Theo naked while they were at work, but he could appreciate these moments of domestic camaraderie.
He dropped himself heavily onto the worn out sofa that had been probably been parked in the tea room for longer than Neville was alive, and groaned as he took the weight off his feet.
Hunching over his plants all day brought him a lot of joy, but since he’d shot past six feet tall and into the 'might have to duck to get through that door’ territory he didn’t find much joy in his back at the end of a long day. He stretched, eyes scrunched closed and his hands behind his head as he worked out all of the kinks in his spine, and was lost in the bliss of it until he heard the slosh of tea slopping over the side of a cup.
He opened his eyes to see Theo still bent over the coffee table, a small puddle of tea around each cup where it sat on the surface, and his dark gaze fixed firmly on Neville. Maybe it was just the fact that Neville had been fantasising about him earlier, but he could swear he saw a heat in those dark eyes. It was probably wishful thinking though, people like Theo didn’t go for people like Neville.
Theo sat in the chair opposite him, another ugly but comfortable relic from past staff. He settled back with his tea in one hand, and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. He almost looked nervous.
“Right. Neville. I was going to mention that I’ve just taken some seeds from the Venomous Tentacula and I think you might want to move it a bit further from the Devil’s Snare seedlings - it looks like they might get tangled together if  you don’t do that within the next week or so.”
“Oh thanks, I hadn’t realised those seedlings were coming along so fast - I’ll do that first thing in the morning. Did you get enough seeds for the—”
He trailed off as Theo held up his hand, motioning for his attention.
“Look. Um. This is a bit awkward but Luna said I should just be honest, that’s what you ex-Gryffindors appreciate apparently. But…” Theo was back to rubbing his neck again, and a blush touched his high cheekbones.
Neville wondered what on earth was making the normally unflappable Theo seem so out of his comfort zone. It couldn’t be the plants. What if Theo had noticed the way Neville had been looking at him? What if Pansy had said something? Neville might have given himself away at the last pub night, Theo had been wearing that tight fitting jumper which just made Neville want to wrap his arms around him and never let go.
“Okay I’m just going to come out with it, and you have to promise you won’t hate me. Yes?”
Neville nodded, mute with anxiety.
“First. I recognise I have got no bloody right to be making this kind of demand but I’m just kind of compromised and you have to forgive me.” He leant forward to put his tea down on the coffee table and took a deep breath, seemingly bracing himself for whatever he was about to say. “Neville, I am going to need you to stop growing your beard. Because if you get any more handsome than you already are, I’m going to end up trying to fuck you and I don’t think that is something you would appreciate.”
Having said his piece, Theo threw himself back into his armchair, covering his eyes with one hand.
Neville felt a stunned grin stealing across his own face, and realised he was already unconsciously rubbing his beard - a habit he had picked up as soon as it passed the stubble stage. He couldn’t believe that just five minutes earlier he had been so worried about daydreaming of Theo inappropriately, when apparently Theo had been just as guilty. Maybe people like Theo did go for people like him.
“Theo, I’m not going to shave my beard. I quite like it actually.”
He hauled himself out of the sofa, and moved around the table towards Theo’s chair.
“Neville, Merlin, I’m sorr—”
He cut Theo’s apology off by the simple method of moving his chair, grabbing his hand, and pulling him bodily onto his feet. Neville thrilled at the ease with which Theo followed his physical suggestions, all of the ways this apparently instinctual response could play out were whirling round his mind.
“First off Theo, I promised I wouldn’t hate you, so relax.” Neville reached out and put a hand on Theo’s shoulder, hoping the touch would calm him down. “Secondly, I’m not getting rid of the beard because yeah - I like it. But. Now I also like that you like it.” He felt his confidence ebb slightly, and shrugged bashfully as his cheeks warmed with a blush. “How will I get you to try and fuck me if I can’t lure you in with this thing?”
For one achingly eternal feeling moment, Neville is terrified that he’s gone to far. Theo’s dark eyes are wide and his mouth is open in astonishment. But then one pale hand is reaching out to him, cupping the side of his face, a thumb is rubbing against his beard and fuck it feels good when someone else did that.
Theo steps forward, intention clear in every line of his body, and suddenly Neville wants to be sure that this isn’t just a fleeting infatuation for him. They work together, they have the same friends, he needs to know what this is going to be. And he doesn’t think a simple tumble in the sack will be enough for him. He pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat, so he could take this a step further - couldn’t he?
“I’d like my beard even better if it makes you want to go for dinner with me, as well as fuck me, though?”
“Merlin, you have no idea do you?” Theo breathed as he leaned in, his eyes flicking over Neville's face as though eager to take in each detail. “I thought I was as obvious as a fifth year Hufflepuff. Neville, I’ve even got flyers for an exhibition at the muggle botanic gardens in my bag because I think you’d like their exotics.”
Neville grinned and wrapped his arms around Theo’s slim waist, drawing him against his body and reeling with how good it felt to be pressed together.
“Maybe you’re more subtle than you think, I sort of thought you might be put off by how big I’ve gotten.”
Theo just rolled his eyes and draped his arms around Neville’s neck, bringing their chests together. He was sure his heart was beating hard enough that Theo would feel it thundering against his own, but any thoughts were obliterated when Theo tilted that perfect face up and gently brought their lips together in a kiss. For all their talk of fucking, it was achingly sweet, Theo’s lips petal soft and yielding against his own.
“Nev,” a kiss at the corner of his mouth. “I think we should take this somewhere that isn’t work.” A kitten lick against his bottom lip. “Fuck - I just want to do this lying down with you.”
Neville was reeling from the simultaneous sweetness of Theo’s kisses, and the heat that roared through him at the implication of his desperate whispers. He couldn’t reach his wand fast enough, ensuring his grip on Theo was secure, before Apparating them both into his flat.
As soon as they arrived, Theo’s delicate fingers attacked Neville’s shirt buttons. He made quick work of them between hot kisses and whispered promises, and before Neville knew it his shirt slipped from his shoulders and pooled on the floor. Those pale hands were immediately on him, roaming the plains of his chest and belly, both muscled from hours of manual work.
He had been right, in his fantasies, about the contrast between his tan and Theo’s fair skin. It was delicious.
He reached out and held Theo’s face, his hands cupping that finely cut jaw, and he leant down to kiss him deeply. He licked along his plush bottom lip and like a flower, Theo opened up for him on a gentle gasp. He felt Theo bring his own hands up to grasp his wrists as he cradled his face, and groaned into the kiss.
But Theo had requested lying down, and Neville was going to give it to him. He’d give him the moon if he asked for it. He reluctantly let go of Theo’s beautiful face, and braced himself to pick him up, relieved when Theo immediately wrapped his legs around his waist and buried his face in his neck to deliver dragging sucks and kisses. Neville toed off his shoes, and Theo did the same, the thud of them hitting the floor barely audible over the rushing in his ear
For a brief moment he thought about marching up the stairs with his armful of gorgeous, brave, ex-Slytherin, but decided against it almost immediately. This was going to be fast and desperate, they both deserved to take their time with each other later. He dropped down onto his sofa instead, and thanked his lucky stars for their complementary plans when Theo rearranged himself to be able to straddle his hips and stretch bodily over him as he reclined.
He looked up at Theo, his hands massaging his thighs, and grinned.
“I feel like we’re a little mismatched in the clothing stakes, aren’t we?”
He reached up to drag the hem of Theo’s jumper away from his jeans, catching his t-shirt too, and pulled them up and over his head - leaving that dark hair messy and perfect.
“I don't think we quite compare in the abs department Nev,” Theo murmurs with a wry smile. “But you’re welcome to strip me anytime.”
Neville found his words of reassurance and denial got lodged in his throat when the view actually registered in his mind. The freckles. Theo’s freckles weren’t just across his nose. A faint dusting of freckles and beauty marks dotted his lean chest, and Neville wanted to kiss every single one of them.
“Theo…” he managed to growl out over the roaring lust in his chest. “Theo, look at you.”
He had been aroused ever since Theo uttered his confession in the staff room, and now he’s harder than ever, all of this pale skin laid out before him, Theo’s dark eyes almost eclipsed by pupil in answering heat. He gripped Theo’s thighs tighter, sliding his hands upward until his thumbs grazed the hardness pressing against his zipper.
He kept his eyes locked on Theo’s, the tension between them mounting higher with every heartbeat. Theo must have felt his erection where it pressed insistently against his gorgeous arse. He took a hand away from Theo’s crotch, and raised it, thumbing one pink nipple and gasping at the reaction it pulled from Theo.
His lithe body just rolled down against Neville, a moan breaking free from that plush mouth, and all of a sudden Neville needed him closer. He pushed his hips up against Theo’s uncontrolled grind, and moved his hands to grip at his slim hip and to simultaneously drag him down into another lush, open mouthed kiss.
He groaned as Theo’s hand moved to grip his hair, he could feel his loose bun come undone under those clever hands and the sensation of the slight tug on the strands just heightened every pleasurable current running through him. He wrapped his arms around Theo, resting one in the middle of his back, and grabbing a handful of his arse with the other. He could feel those whipcord muscles working as Theo writhed against him, rubbing their cloth covered erections together like horny teenagers.
It’s hot and dirty and everything Neville had been dreaming of since he first accepted that he fancied Theo. He rolled his hips up into Theo’s grind, bracing his heels against the sofa for leverage, and moaned at the perfect friction they were building between them.
He slipped his hand into the waistband of Theo’s jeans, under his designer pants, and let his middle finger rest just at the cleft of his arse. He didn’t move to go further, just revelled in the hint of what was to come. Heat pooled low in his belly as he thought about flipping their positions, stripping Theo till he was bare, and eating him out until his eyelashes were wet with frustrated tears.
But he could wait. Right now the whimpers and moans in his ear were intensifying, and he couldn’t keep his mouth away from Theo’s if he tried, he felt like he could kiss him for days and not get tired of it.
“Nev…ah…Merlin I’m so close.”
Just hearing Theo say those words was enough to drive Neville to the edge, both of their movements became frantic as they each chased relief. They were hardly kissing any more, just licking and sucking at each others mouths, sharing breath as they panted with exertion.
Neville came first, the telltale tightening in his balls catching him by surprise despite it all, and he held Theo crushed to him as his hips jerked through his orgasm. While the aftershocks still shot through him like lightning, Theo continued to thrust down against him, whining in frustration.
With what little brain cells were still operating, Neville once again reached his finger between Theo’s pert cheeks, and this time didn’t stop until he could stroke his fingertip against his entrance. As soon as the pad of Neville’s middle finger made contact with his hole, Theo’s whole body went tense, and then - with an aching moan -  he shuddered as his orgasm ripped through him. Neville could feel his hole clenching against his fingertip, and his spent cock twitched in interest. But he could save that for later.
For now he wrapped his arms around Theo, satisfaction and warmth filling every cell of his body with relaxed lassitude. Theo relaxed completely on top of him, and rubbed his cheek against Neville’s beard like some kind of overgrown cat. Neville managed to reach his wand where he had dropped it beside the couch and cast a gentle cleansing charm on them both, cleaning their damp underwear, before casting it aside again. He dragged the blanket from the back of his sofa over them both, and once again wrapped his arms around Theo, ready to doze and then wake up and ask him to dinner.
41 notes · View notes
Sugar, You’re Sweet
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inspired by this imagine (x) and @subjectx17
Ship: Lou x Debbie x Reader
Rating: T
It was always the moment they first saw you that made your heart stop. Lou was usually the first to notice you in a room, no matter how crowded or dark; it was as if she had a well-trained compass that activated instantly and had pinpoint accuracy. Debbie would follow Lou’s gaze, like a well trained companion movement. The pair of them turned heads of their own. They always looked like they were ready to take on anything and still look just as fantastic as they were before. Everything from Lou’s devil-may-care leather  aesthetic, to Debbie’s love of high heels and tight dresses screamed luxury . They were head-turners no matter where they went from day one, and they made sure you were too.
Lou always looked like she was undressing you lazily as she took in the beautiful girl wearing just what she had thought would look so well. She always had good judgement when it came to it these days, in her own style and yours. Though you were really happy with anything glittery,  Lou knew just how to make you sparkle.
Debbie always looked intensely adoring, like  you were the sun, and she had been in the dark for so long. Her face might only slightly shift, but her eyes sparkled. Debbie was usually more reserved than you and Lou. She was constantly unshakable, always looking as if she was ten steps ahead of everyone else. More often than not, she was.
“Hey, baby girl,” Lou beamed smugly as she and her brunette partner approached you. “ You look absolutely amazing.”
“Thanks, Lou,” you smiled back, lifting yourself up to place a kiss on Lou’s cheek, soft and steady. Lou’s arm went around your waist instinctively, as well as Debbie’s next to her, “Did you guys like the set?”
“Absolutely! You really are stunning, Kitten,” Debbie agreed, reaching over with her arm and brushing your cheek. You beamed back at the affection.
“You’ll look even more stunning on the Loft Floor when we get home tonight,“ Lou purred in that deep, rough voice that made chills run down your spine.
“Agreed, let’s just hope we can make it through the Night Rush,” Debbie nodded, leaving you blushing pink and giggling happily as Lou’s lips nipped at her ear and released her hold on you.
Between the two women, you were sure you were spoiled absolutely rotten, though this relationship had never been just for the money. Lou and Debbie were everything you could have wanted. The three of you worked together like a precision instrument, complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses to form an unshakable power trio.
Lou and Debbie were exciting, and sexy, and made your heart skip a beat when you got to wake up in the morning nestled between the two gorgeous women who you loved, and who loved you back. Sometimes joined by the little puffball of a dog Debbie had brought home one day with Constance in tow explaining that she was forced into adopting the thing, and his name was Fizzgig.
Your life had changed that day in the club. Of course you hadn’t expected it to, but who really ever expects two goddesses dropping out of the sky and sweeping you into a life better than you had ever dreamed of. In fact it had been just another unenchanting girls night out with some of your old call center buddies. You didn't’ really fit in with them, but your social circle had been miserably small after moving to New York soon after graduation.
The Stardust had been the third club of the night, as it was the only one open all night long. You had been ready to go home after the second bar. The heels had looked cute in the beginning of the night, but now you would probably be sporting blisters. Your co-workers however were enthusiastically hammered and not ready to go. Designated Driver Duty was the worst, at least when you were intoxicated you couldn't feel your toes.
The music in The Stardust wasn’t bad;  in fact it was some of the kind of older music you had sitting in your own sort of outdated playlist at home. You hadn’t seen a DJ, so the music must be the owners, or whoever was on shift.
You ate another pretzel at the bar as your friends took to the dance floor to make a fool of themselves. That’s when you looked towards the person behind the counter, and met the most beautiful  pair of storm blue eyes you had ever seen.
The second thing you noticed was the shaggy, almost bleached, blonde bangs obscuring the piercing eyes from view. Her cheekbones were rounded and angular, almost feline, only adding to air of angelic rebellion that she radiated. She was leaning in front on you against the counter, arms crossed and placed casually on the bar.
Her silver suit-coat sleeves were rolled up to expose her forearms, littered with several bracelets and a very expensive looking watch. She also wore several necklaces, and a tie loosely around her neck, tucked into a few-sizes-too-small black vest. Her lower half was hidden behind the bar, but from how she was bent to rest on the counter, she was anything but short.
“You look like you’re having fun,” She smirked, an accent on the edges of her words, the last fragment of an instinct. Her voice alone was enough to make your knees feel a bit weak, not to mention she looked like an elven queen became a lesbian zaddy with far too much faux leather on for the beautiful creases of laugh lines etched into her skin. But the woman wore it unlike anyone you had ever seen. Everything about her reeked of almost gross confidence.
There was rampant smugness in the way she pushed her tongue ever so slightly into her cheek as she beamed. The way her hair fell so perfectly along her shoulders, “The name’s Lou, in case you can’t ask. Which, by the looks of your face, might be the case.”
She couldn’t be just the Bartender, she looked far too at home for that. This mesmerizing woman had to be a manager, something that matched her commanding energy, and she knew it too. You hadn’t noticed your jaw had dropped until Lou coolly extended a hand and gently pushed it closed, a chuckle coming from her buttery throat, “You look good like that mind you, awestruck.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, and goosebumps erupted up your arms. You tried to summon any sort of intelligence for speech but only found a strange assortments of noise like whoever was writing the dialogue of your mind smashed their hands repeatedly into the keyboard, “alksjdfkldsa I- Y/n,” you blundered out.
‘Way to be a bottom, Y/n,’ you internally cursed, of course you would stuff your foot in your mouth in front of one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen.
Lou laughed then, “I knew the haircut was good, but I didn’t know I had that much power now. You alright there, sheila?”
“Lou, leave the poor girl alone, you don’t need to jump on every face we find pretty,” another voice came from behind you. You turned and you felt your jaw drop this time.
The other woman’s body was wrapped in a pale white, fluffy fur coat, a skin tight full black jumpsuit beneath, only broken by a gold, diamond studded belt around her middle. She was tanned as if she had spent a summer at the beach and it hadn’t quite faded, light freckles dotting the bridge of her nose and forehead, a sun-kissed queen.
She was on the more average side of tall,  her face more squared off than Lou’s. Her hair was deep chocolate brown and it feel past her shoulders in loose glamorous curls, only accented by a light sprinkle of burnt caramel highlights. She had genius written in her features.
A warm smile graced her full lips, softening her otherwise sharper features. Her eyes were deep and comforting like black coffee, almost the Ying to the blonde’s Yang. She carried herself regally, a born leader, but she still glowed with a gentle kindness.
A look was shared between the two before the brunette looked back at you, “I take it Y/n is what I call you, for now?”
You nodded, “Yeah, sorry, it’s been a long night,” At least you could form coherent sentences now, “If I have to hear ‘Shots Bitches’ shouted by Kelly from HR one more time I’m going to lose what is left of my sanity.”  You gestured towards the group of flapping limbs that was your companion quartet.
The brunette laughed and moved to sit next to you at the bar, The blonde pulling out two drinks and placing them in front of you, you couldn’t take your eyes away from her hand as it moved to push her hair to one side, “Babysitting detail, not always the most enjoyable way to spend an evening.” she nodded, “Call me Debbie,” She extended a hand to you, which you took.
“Debbie,” you tried the name out, liking how it made her smile just a bit brighter when you said it, “Are you two-” You tried to find the words, together? Tag teaming?
“Yes,” Lou replied before you could think another option.
You blinked for a moment, you felt like something in you had short circuited and clicked into place all at once. You found yourself laughing along with the three of them, the sounds blending happily.
You had all fit far too well from the get go, getting to know each other like it was an unnecessary step, and before you knew it, it was time to drag your drunk work buddies home. But you found yourself reluctant to leave.
Lou and Debbie had invited you back before you all but herded the small group out the club’s doors as the pair followed behind to lock up. You had exhaustively told them you would love to, but you had plans. Which you did at the time, but those plans had eventually been canceled. You came back to The Stardust the next night.
It was supposed to be a one night stand, that turned into breakfast, which turned into a day out together, which turned into you staying with them for a week. You hadn’t wanted to leave each other and soon, and they asked you to join their couple. You had accepted obviously, who wouldn’t. Lou got you a job working at her club as a singer for the night crowd, and together the three of you found a rhythm.
You loved the two of them more than you had ever thought possible, and they loved you just as much, and you wouldn’t swap that for anything in the world.
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chnat0wn · 5 years
Black Irises
Relationship: Alfie Solomons/Original Female Character
04. The End of Last Night
Eleven years earlier.
  Deborah got out of the car and looked around familiar surroundings. Beloved Birmingham has always welcomed her with open arms - she felt like she had lived here since forever. That's why she accompanied her father every time he had something to do there. Whenever he asked if he wanted to go with him, Deborah made the same decision since she was ten. She had a choice of sitting in the kitchen and learning the secrets of her mother's cooking or she could get out of the house and see something more than the corners of her own town, which in short was a hole.
“Thank you, Polly. I’m grateful that she can stay here.” he said. Robert Rouby had been saying this every time he left Deborah under the care of Polly. He and Polly were good friends. And although Deborah didn't know the details or the beginning of their relation, she was able to say that they were quite close. They had always been connected by a quite strong bond.
“You are doing me a favor, you know that well.” Polly replied and put her arm around Deborah, pressing her to herself in mother's gesture. “I have too many men around. A woman will be useful here.” she glanced at Deborah and winked at her knowingly.
When Robert left, Polly took Deborah inside. Deborah loved being with her aunt - because that's how Polly wanted to be called. She loved the atmosphere that prevailed in Polly's house and the way she treated her. She didn't try to be her mother. She wasn't overprotective, overly caring, but not completely indifferent. It was thanks to Polly that Deborah knew how alcohol tasted, but nevertheless Polly was always careful in connection with her assumed niece.
“Owh, everyone! Take a fookin look! All of ya!” she heard Arthur's loud voice. “Our little Debby girl!”
Arthur ran closer, then embraced Deborah, lifting her a little above the ground. He usually had been reacting in this way. Differently than Thomas or John. John kept his hands in his pockets, smiling as if he knew something that the others didn't. And Tommy was completely quiet, barely noticeably lifting the corners of his mouth. Finn, as part of the welcome, most often wrapped his arms around Deborah's waist and squeezed her tightly. Deborah loved to spend time at Polly's also because of that. A full, loud house was something she secretly dreamed of. She liked that. The feeling of being part of something bigger, a bit more complicated than a family of three. She had no siblings herself.
  “So” Polly began, glancing at Deborah with a smile. Deborah was peeling potatoes. Polly didn't force her anything, and she cooked terribly, so Deborah had always been voluntarily helping her in the kitchen, since she had the skills herself. Deborah's mother taught her cooking and baking. “Who is this boy?”
“What boy?” she frowned. She couldn't bring herself to look at Polly. If she did, Polly would certainly have noticed the change on Deborah's face. Until now she was calm, but when Polly asked, Deborah blushed.
“The one you are seeing with.” she raised her eyebrows. Deborah's cheeks were not just red. They were burning now. She closed her eyes and let out a restless breath. She finally looked at Polly.
“How do you know?”
“Aunt Polly knows everything.” she shrugged and put the cigarette back in her mouth.
“He is...” Deborah hesitated. “...a nice boy from the area. He treats me well.” she added hastily. She knew that this information interested Polly the most. “But his father is a hard case. So we don't plan our future together.”
“Oh?” Polly raised her eyebrow. “So what are you two doing?”
“We enjoy each other as long as we can, I guess.”
  After dinner, everyone would spend time in the garden. Not every time. Sometimes Polly took Deborah, Ada and Finn to the city. Another time, Deborah wandered the local meadows and forests in the company of Arthur, Tommy, John and Ada. Tommy agreed reluctantly, just because Polly asked him for it. However, this time they chose the garden, since the weather allowed.
Finn was running around the lawn looking for insects, in particular butterflies or ladybugs. Arthur watched him, sitting at a wooden table near the back entrance of the house. Polly was in the kitchen, announcing beforehand that she would make tea. Ada and Deborah were sitting on the blanket, and John - not really interested in the rest of the world - was in the company of girls. He was lying, his head on Deborah's thighs. He chewed a toothpick in his mouth.
“I've heard you talkin' with Polly about some nice boy.” he spoke, but did not raise his eyelids. The sun would then reach out to his eyes. “My fingers aren't good enough for you? You need something new?” he smirked mischievously. Deborah rolled her eyes, but could not help smiling.
“It happened once.” she protested. “In addition, last year.”
“Twice.” he corrected, raising his eyebrows. Ada watched these two in disgust. John and Deborah were the same age, so both older than Ada. They were connected by a certain bond that was hardly to understand.
Deborah took a deep breath and shook her head, studying John's freckled face. She ran her finger over the scar on his chin.
“My beautiful, beautiful boy.” she said tenderly, slapping her fingertip against the tip of his nose. When John received enough attention, Deborah glanced at Arthur. “Where's Tommy?” she inquired, realizing that she hadn't had a chance to ask about it before.
“In Blackpool, doorlin’” Arthur replied.
“Blackpool? What for?” she frowned in astonishment.
“With his lass.” John interjected. “What was her name, Arthur?”
“Yeah. Greta.”
  A familiar building emerged from the depths of the evening. Ada's estate wasn't located in the city, but in its outskirts, so there was a lot of greenery around. No slightest noise disturbed the peace and quiet prevailing here. There was not a single car, not counting the one which Deborah left. She took her suitcase, helped drowsy Benjamin to get off and told Jeffrey that they would stay here for a few days, so he should go home. Then she went to the entrance.
“Hello, Benny!” Ada smiled broadly at the boy. “I'll take you to Finn and Karl, alright? And John's boys are also here.”
Benjamin nodded. Ada picked up his suitcase and moved ahead into the house. Deborah took a deep breath, got rid of her coat, and left her luggage in the hallway. Right after that she came across Polly.
“Did you convoke the whole family?” Deborah smiled slightly. Polly embraced her and stroked her back.
“Esme wanted to see you. So John dropped off her and kids.”
Both went to the living room. Esme struggled to get up from the couch and made some hurried steps to reach Deborah. Deborah always thought that John was lucky when he met Esme. She stood out against the other women who were part of the Shelby family. The attracting wildness and desire for freedom was still lurking in her. And despite the apparent tiredness caused by another pregnancy, she looked wonderful.
“You look like a shit.” the first words that came out of Esme's mouth. Deborah laughed softly, returning her long hug. “What are we doing today? Complaining about this fucking Italian again?”
“Oh, no.” Deborah shook her head. “Today we can get drunk without a reason, I think.” she said with a significant smile. Esme didn't mind, and the expression on her face indicated that.
“What are we drinking, ladies?” Polly interjected. She was standing by the stock of alcohols.
  Deborah couldn't remember the reason why she found herself on the carpet. One thing she knew for sure - it was comfortable enough to stay there. Polly occupied the chair, Esme sprawled out on the couch, leaving enough room for Ada to sit there. The evening proceeded according to plan.
“They say it is hard to keep up with a woman.” Earlier, she managed to light another cigarette. Clouds of smoke hovered over their heads. “But has anyone ever tried to understand men? No. And you know why?”
“Cause it's fucking impossible!” Esme shouted with amusement. Polly nodded her head in agreement, as if Esme had just uttered one of the Ten Commandments.
“Just... look at Thomas.” Polly carried on. She inhaled with smoke before she continued. “He is a collection of mechanisms hard to disarm. Even after talking to him, it is not clear what he meant. He has his little world in his head. Something he doesn't show to anybody.”
“He also believes he can get everything done with his cock.” Ada added with distaste.
“But... is he wrong?” Deborah asked, staring at the ceiling. “He solved a lot of problems...”
The room was quiet for a moment. Polly, Ada and Esme looked at each other with the knowledge that there was some truth in it. The silence lasted until Deborah laughed without reason. The rest of the women joined, and none of them had any idea why they were laughing.
“And what about the others?” Esme asked.
“Arthur has always been charming. He still is.” Deborah said when they all managed to cool off.
“Good that Linda couldn't make it today.” Ada noticed. “Otherwise she would... put you down.”
“How?” she frowned. “With a crucifix and holy water?”
Deborah didn't mind Linda. If Arthur found peace at her side and he felt happy with her, Deborah had no right to complain. Still, being in the company of Linda was not her favorite activity. Linda seemed forever tense, she didn't always understand Deborah's sense of humor, so Deborah tried to avoid her. For the sake of Linda and herself.
“We must slow down a bit.” Esme wiped away a tear that ruined her makeup in part. “What can we say about John?”
“We're talking about my brothers, for fuck's sake.” Ada seemed disgusted again. “I don't know why I participate in this at all.”
“Ah, John...” said Deborah. She narrowed her eyes and pouted her lips. “He is perfect, isn't he?” she fluttered her eyelashes, casting Esme a meaningful look.
“And he’s big.” Esme added. Deborah laughed loudly once again. It was only after a longer moment that Ada grimaced with loathing.
“That’s disgusting, Esme.” she stated. Then she laughed, no matter how much she wanted to remain unmoved.
Deborah glanced from one to the other - at Ada, Polly and Esme, and was getting more and more convinced that she would give her life for them. They could make her happy. Even for a short moment.
  Deborah couldn't recall the end of last night. However, she learned that the attempts to reach that far in memory intensified the headache. She did not remember when she had drank so much alcohol lately. She had never felt like this before - and she felt like she fell under the train. The sun irritated her eyes mercilessly, causing even more nausea. Each sound was sharp and painful like a nail. Like a nail hammering in her temples.
Deborah left the temporary bedroom and went downstairs. Polly was busy in the kitchen. She didn't even care if she made irritating sounds, but she managed to move silently. Deborah wondered if this was due to years of practice, or perhaps a completely effortless, acquired caution, which was useful not only in the kitchen.
“Good morning.” Deborah tried to smile, though what appeared on her face was rather a crooked grimace. She sat at the table and propped her cheek in her hand. “Where is everyone?”
“John took Esme and the kids early in the morning. Ada’s still sleeping.” Polly replied. She filled two cups with boiling water, then brought them to the table. She gave Deborah one and put her hands over hers. She lifted the cup to her lips. “I can ask the boys to straighten this thing out a bit.” she raised her eyebrows significantly. Deborah realized after a moment that she probably got rid of the make-up quite accidentally. So Polly saw her bruise in all its glory.
“It's nothing.” Deborah shrugged off. She reached for the cup and took a sip of incredibly strong, bitter tea. She winced, lowering her eyelids. “But this... this is awful.”
“To the bottom. It's for your health.” Polly smiled and took a sip of her tea. “So” she began, pushing the cup away from her lips. “Any nightmares this night?”
Polly knew well about Deborah's recurring ailment. Even as a teenager, she had nightmares that didn't matter much. Still, after each of them something happened, which, in general, was rather natural. Death of a friend, drastic deterioration of weather conditions. And although Deborah was in no way associated with it, her mind seemed to be sending signals for a while before the big occurrence. In addition, she often dreamed about the death of her mother. As if she was unconsciously returning to this event. Probably because it changed her a lot. Her, her father and the whole perception of the surroundings.
“No. Fortunately not. So no one will die, no forest will burn. We are safe. Hurray.” Deborah rolled her eyes.
“What a shame.” Polly shook her head slowly, never taking her eyes off Deborah. “Because there are a few people who could disappear. I was hoping for some bad news from our medium.”
“For God's sake. I'm not-...”
“Don't be using God's name in vain.” Polly interrupted. “Our blood flows in your veins. I can feel it.”
Deborah sighed helplessly. She wondered if Polly had already sobered up. Because she had no reason to believe Polly actually did.
Deborah couldn't be sure how she looked herself, but after seeing Ada she guessed that no one could look worse. There was a tangle of jet-black hair on her head, and there were leftovers of smudged make-up beneath her eyes. Ada moved slowly and carelessly, wrapping herself with the red, stretched sweater.
“How come you can handle all this?” she asked, wincing at the sound of her own voice. “I mean... you're quite old. And you're doing so well. Well? Pff, what I'm talking about. The best of all of us.”
Polly didn't seem offended in any way. She only laughed, shaking her head.
“Maybe I'm old.” she said. “But I'm smarter than you think.”
Ada knew the recipe for Polly's tea well enough to refuse a cup of it. She took a glass and filled it with boiled water, so as to moisten her sore throat. She leaned against the edge of the kitchen counter. Soon, they all heard the door slam from the hallway. Ada frowned - she didn't expect guests, certainly not at this hour.
Arthur looked into the kitchen. Deborah smiled broadly at him. Lately, she didn't have enough time to see him. Not only with him, but Arthur especially devoted himself to other matters than family meetings. Everything was related to Linda, of course.
“I heard that I’ll find ya here!” he said with audible enthusiasm.
“Arthur, please.” Ada snarled. “Four times quieter if you were that kind. Thanks.”
“Oh yes.” he laughed. “I also heard about what happened here. Noice. Very noice.”
He stepped a little closer and looked at Deborah again, smiling warmly. She stood up, and Arthur put his cap on her head. He pulled the cap on Deborah's eyes, and she giggled like a teenager that Arthur knew.
“Ya've grown, haven’t ya.”
“Of course!” Deborah lifted the brim of the cap and looked at him. “We haven't seen each other for a month or more. I can swear that the only thing that has grown is the circumference of my thigh.” she said jokingly, but with conviction.
Arthur laughed once again. Immediately after, he embraced Deborah and unexpectedly picked her up, as was his custom.
  Deborah spent the whole weekend at Ada's place. There was also Polly, who appeared every day. She explained it by the fact that in recent times Deborah has visited Shelby family less and less often. Polly was right, but since Biagio had become more possessive, Deborah had been slipping away from home only during his absence.
When the time came to return home, Deborah reluctantly said goodbye to everyone. Even Esme came to Ada that day to see Deborah for the last time in the nearest future. They were all aware that she wouldn't appear again soon.
Biagio also managed to return. He waited for the arrival of Deborah and Benjamin. And even though she didn't tell him about leaving, he did not look angry. He smiled when she left the car, and also when she walked toward him.
“Welcome home, amore.” he spoke and kissed Deborah's cheek. He took her luggage and brought it inside. Deborah followed him, getting rid of her coat.
“When did you come back?” she asked and glanced at Benjamin. The boy left the suitcase in the hallway and went deep into the house. She returned her gaze to Biagio.
“This morning. I couldn't wait to see you.” he was still accompanied by the same smile that, despite everything, made Deborah sick. “How's the Solomons case?”
Deborah took a deep breath. Just now she felt the need to give herself air. She could say right away that everything went as it should. She got documents, nothing more. She did what Biagio asked her to do. But besides, the mind attacked her with memories of the evening from a few days ago. By the way, it reminded her that her dearest, her Alfie, had become another unintelligible creature. A creature who felt disgusted with Deborah. And this broke her heart again.
“Documents are in your office.” she breathed heavily. “Is that all, my love? I would like to take a bath.”
“One more thing actually.” Biagio smiled. “Solomons will come here tomorrow.” he said. Deborah did her best not to express how she felt about this information. She held her breath, but despite all her efforts, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. These impacts were almost painful when it reached her battered ribs. “I thought he could have dinner with us. Since we run some business together...”
“And he agreed?” she asked hastily, almost interrupting into Biagio's statement. He frowned when Deborah's question seemed very preposterous.
“Of course he did. Why wouldn't he?”
“Exactly.” she said after thinking, putting on a calm smile. “Why wouldn’t he...”
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delible-ink · 5 years
What Fate Might Be
for @claylebweek
Prompts 4 & 5: Heart to Heart, Fate/Destiny Snow blanketed the city in silence. Caduceus could smell the crisp freeze even before he looked up from his pillow to confirm it.
They wouldn’t be leaving the inn today. He found that comforting. Caduceus loved the changing of the  seasons, and the things the trees said in their dreamy winter sleep. The thought of the world coming to a halt was particularly attractive at the moment, with Caleb wrapped around him, snoring softly under a heap of blankets.
It had been going on for a while now, but the excitement didn’t fade for Cad. At the Xhorhaus, as everyone began to turn in, Caleb would wait for Cad at the stairs, and ask if he’d like company. Caduceus always said yes. If Caleb needed to sleep in his own bed, he’d lace his fingers together with Caduceus’, and ask if he would like to stay a little longer, and offer to make breakfast with him in the morning. They’d scarcely spent a night apart in several months. More often than not, they just slept, the mere presence of each other all they needed. And when there was more,well, that was really nice too. Caduceus loved everything about his nights with Caleb, especially now that Caleb seemed to be moving past the need to constantly apologize for them.
It wasn’t until this trip that Caleb had been bold enough about their relationship to ask for a change of sleeping arrangements at an inn. Nott wasn’t surprised in the least, but felt it was her obligation as his best friend to loudly offer him a vial of her “Rhino Sex” potion since he would be rooming with his boyfriend. She waggled her eyebrows and grinned. Caduceus smiled to himself. He’d never seen Caleb blush that fast or that fiercely before.
Now that blush was gone, replaced by a gentle tinge of pink beneath the dusting of freckles across his face, warm in his bed against the winter world outside. Caduceus marveled at the softness that overtook his Caleb when he slept. *My Caleb? Hmm...I wonder when that started.* Caduceus ruminated on the idea. Caleb was his friend, his love, his to protect and his to serve, and he wholeheartedly belonged to Caleb, as much as he belonged to Melora.
*I guess that is what love does, in a way. It makes you belong to each other.*
Caduceus warmed at the thought. Slowly, as carefully as possible, he slipped out of bed. Of course, Caleb still woke up. His hand shot out defensively, as it so often did when something unexpected woke him. Cad hoped eventually he’d learn to feel safe, and let himself rest entirely when he slept. “It’s just me, Cay. Just me.” Cad knelt and smoothed back Caleb’s hair. Caleb’s tension melted and he blinked bleary-eyed at Caduceus. “I was going to bring us some breakfast, and coffee. Go back to sleep.” Caleb mumbled something in Zemnian, the only parts of which Caduceus understood were something about coffee, and “love you.” Caduceus grinned. Caleb was far more verbal in his affections before breakfast, probably because he wasn’t awake enough to be secretive with them. Caduceus was determined to learn Zemnian, if only to understand more of those mutterings.
Caduceus dressed and padded down the stairs, giddy with his half-formed plans for the day. He greeted the inn-keeper warmly, and convinced her to let him make breakfast to take back to his room, offering to help her get an early start on breakfast for the other guests.
An hour or so later, Caduceus was humming to himself carrying a tray full of steaming potatoes, eggs and scallions, a small pot of coffee, and a pot of tea. He’d even brought cream and sugar. Caleb liked cream and sugar in his coffee, but very rarely accepted it, except on special occasions. Caduceus felt this morning was plenty special for it. The sight of Caleb, half-asleep and smiling, melted Caduceus. He set the tray down on the nightstand and removed his shirt. He needed to feel that skin against his own. Sliding under the blankets, he wrapped Caleb snugly in his arms, and covered his head in soft, delighted kisses. “Good morning, sweetness.” he rumbled. “Mmm. Good morning to you. I see you brought presents--are the others awake? I did not think we would have time for our own breakfast.” “We’re not going further today, love. Snowstorm last night. Looks like it’s still going.” Caleb felt a twinge of anxiety in his gut: they had been following a lead in their investigations on the Cerberus Assembly. He feared anything that might slow them down. Caduceus tugged him back from his thoughts “I was hoping...you might spend the day with me? It’s not often we get a break like this.” “I...I should do research. I should do...something.” He sat up, and almost immediately realized how foolish he sounded. He had a room to himself with the dearest man in the world, breakfast beside them, and Caduceus practically begging not to waste the opportunity. But Caleb was torn: the Assembly was his responsibility. His story. What if they lost their chance? What if resting today cost them some crucial piece of information? Cad saw the worry in his brow. “You know, Caleb, maybe today is a gift. Maybe a little rest, a little time just to ourselves is exactly what we need. It could give us the clarity to focus on the task ahead tomorrow.” Caleb looked across the room, watching the snow fall in heaps. He listened to the stillness as Cad continued. “No one is going to do business in that. No library research, no shopping, certainly no travel.” Cad reached a hand out and stroked his thumb over Caleb’s knee. “Maybe Someone, Something, is telling us it is time to wait.” Caleb smirked as he cocked an eyebrow  “You believe Melora is guiding the weather so that you and I can stay in bed together all day? That is the kind of thing gods design for us?” “Honestly, she’s done weirder things than that this week alone. I wouldn’t say it’s beyond the scope of her guidance.” Caleb reached for the bowls of breakfast and handed one to Caduceus. “Your god has a peculiar notion of importance if our romantic endeavors are the fate she is most concerned with.” He took a bite. “Mmm. Cad, this is incredible.” Cad grinned “Divine, even, Mr. Caleb?” “Do not use breakfast against me like that. It is very unkind...but I do believe you had her help with the potatoes.” Caduceus laughed. It was easier these days, to distract Caleb from his worry. Not always, but for the most part, easier.Caleb looked to the tray and saw the coffee waiting for him. He eyed the cream and sugar. “Caduceus, you did not have to...” Cad turned and began adding cream until it was the rich caramel color Caleb liked, and two spoons of sugar. “No, I didn’t have to. But I wanted to.” He leaned forward and kissed Caleb’s cheek as he handed him the mug, and took up his own cup of tea. “Is it going to worry you? Staying here today?” Caleb shrugged, and sipped his coffee. “Ja. I mean...Caduceus, I know what these people can do. The sooner we can stop them, the more lives we save.” Caduceus nodded. “Unless we can’t.” “What do you mean can’t? I don’t see any other way. We have to stop them.” “I agree. I...what they’ve done, what Trent alone has done to you is enough for me to agree on that. But, if now isn’t the time, we could end up dead, the Assembly hides our deaths or smoothes it over. No one ever learns the things they’ve done, and they continue the same as before. Fate has a way of working things out in its own time. I believe we’re working within that design, towards it, where we can. Maybe we are being given today, to love each other, to enjoy each other...but it may have more purpose than that. It might provide an advantage we need in the long run to stop the Cerberus Assembly. We will have to see.” Caleb sighed, and looked out the window. “I do not think Fate is so benevolent a creature with me as it is to you, Caduceus.” “Mmm. Maybe, Mr. Caleb.”
For a little while they sat in silence, soaking up the steam from their mugs, pondering what the other had said. It was Caduceus who spoke first. “Do you remember what you said to me, that first night back in Zedash, Caleb?” Caleb set down his empty mug and looked at Caduceus. “Which part?” “You said ‘Caduceus Clay, we are your destiny.’” Caleb gave a weak smile. “I was drunk.” “Yes. But  you were also right. If you hadn’t come around, I would still be in a graveyard, unable to stop the corruption encroaching on my home, unsure of my direction, of what had become of my family...still believing I had been abandoned by the Wildmother. I would be completely alone.”
Caleb winced. Caduceus rarely spoke of his time tending the Blooming Grove on his own. He had only mentioned his crisis of faith one other time to Caleb, and he knew how much it pained Cad. He knew how much his lover feared the possibility of living in isolation, of being forgotten, unwanted, unloved. He shifted on the bed to hug Caduceus around the middle as Cad propped his head back against the headboard.
“You saved me, and it has meant so many things on a grand scale: the battles we’ve fought, the war we’ve shifted, the answers we’ve started to find, and those things are all very important, world changing even. But what they mean on the smaller scale of my brief existence, I think that matters too. They get tied together.” Cad hugged Caleb and tried to find the words he wanted. It was so much harder to articulate this than to just trust it, to just believe. “You are my destiny, for the big parts and for the small parts. I’m glad I was on the path you chose, and I guess, I just wanted to say that today...could be another one of those paths.”
Caleb turned Caduceus’ words over in his mind. He could see how much he had changed since he met the Mighty Nein, and even more, how much he’d changed since meeting Caduceus, learning to fall in love again, to be loved, in ways he never had. It was not something he would have chosen for himself, and yet here he was. It was a kindness far beyond what he expected or deserved. There was certainly something “other” about that, and fate is a way one could put it.
“I would like to go with your version of today then, Caduceus. I’ll trust you with that fate.”
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softbookboi · 5 years
Lovesick Schoolgirl (a snowbaz fanfic) Chapter 1
Summary: Baz is sitting in class and starts doodling all kinds of Snowbaz stuff in his notebook. When he’s snapped out of his musings and realises he’s doing it, he starts blushing. And then - curse his luck - the teacher calls on him to answer a question. He just starts blubbering and stammering and since Simon is there, its even worse. After class, he’s visited by Simon before he can sneak off to their room to take a nap and Simon insists of Baz telling what he was writing in his notebook because he thinks that Baz is plotting something. Baz refuses but Simon grabs it and before he’s able to open it, Baz lights it up on fire and then watches it burn to ashes. After Baz leaves, Simon becomes hell-bent on figuring out what was in that notebook.
I think I'm dying.
This lesson is so boring that I feel like watching Snow try to cast a simple spell without messing it up would be more interesting. (Of course, that definitely would be more interesting. Snow looks adorable when he’s trying hard to concentrate. He bites his lip, then sticks his tongue out, which looks so perky and dainty and cute, like a small child. I would be delighted to watch him try to cast a spell. Any spell.) (Merlin, could I get any more pathetic?)
I'm currently sitting in Miss Possibelf’s class, trying not to dose off. I normally quite like her class, she’s a good teacher and I get to see Simon try to cast spells, but today, the lesson (that I’ve already learned before), her ridiculous way of teaching it (she’s literally doing it so wrong that it’s going to take our class a week to master this spell) and the fact that I didn’t get enough sleep last night because I was down in the Catacombs draining rats for a long time (I hadn’t drunk in so long, I felt as if I were about to pass out) all combined together are making me hate this lesson.
I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open but I can feel the occasional magic drifting off of Snow which means that he keeps giving me surreptitious-but-not-so-much glances which are basically a siren to pry my eyes open for the rest of the class. I have a free period after this, I could go to my room and nap. But right now, I need to concentrate on staying awake and alert because the slightest little slip-up could send Snow on one of his absurd plans on making me reveal what I'm ‘plotting’ to him. Oh, that poor, beautiful boy.
I'm sure he was awake when I came back last night. I could recognize the pattern of his breathing as the one when he’s awake. He didn't say anything but I know the gears in his head were turning and he must've figured that I would be out drinking.
I can't really seem to believe that properly though. Whenever Snow deduces something related to me or my vampirism, I can't really seem to believe it. He infers that but still can't seem to infer the biggest thing that'll make killing me much easier.
I sometimes think about it. Him finding out about my feelings for him. The thoughts terrify me but he also might find them useful to him. He would know how pathetic I was and use that as a way to weaken me when we're at war with each other. (Of course, he's going to win either way. He’s the hero. I love him. I'd die willingly for him.) (But he doesn't need to know that.)
But I still do like to think about him. It's impossible not to. He's always there. In front of me, beside me, behind me, alive and breathing and carrying on. It's impossible not to act like a lovesick little 3rd Year girl and think about his brown locks or his blue eyes or his cute, scrunched nose when he's trying to open up a box or something. How can I not? These are feelings and I can't push them down no matter how much I want. (I want to. I want to so bad.)
I hate imagining him coming near me with a soft look. Pulling me into a hug. Snogging me until I've forgotten how to function. Holding my hand. Loving me back.
I hate imagining this. So much. It just reminds me of the fact that Snow hates me. He will never love me. He’s not even going to be my friend, I ruined any chance of that when I started being a git to him in 1st Year. I was 11 years old! What was I supposed to know about feelings and that mushy gushy stuff? All I knew was that there was a beautiful boy with bronze locks and blue eyes holding out a hand to me, offering peace and unity between us...and a chance to be his friend. But the butterflies in my stomach and the remembrance of that I was supposed to be this boy’s enemy caused me to make irrational decisions.
Perhaps if I had become his friend I would've known all his abysmal qualities (not that he’d have any) and not liked him because of them. Of course, that would mean that I was a horrible person but still. (I am a horrible person, though. A monster. A vampire.)
The amount of time I spend thinking about what my life could've been like if I were his friend is just ridiculous at his point. It's not like there would be a big change. I would still have to fight him. But at least we would be a bit nice to each other, or at least not fight all the time. That would've been big for me, though. Anything with Snow is big for me.
I wish I had taken his hand. Merlin, I wish I had so fucking much.
All this thinking about Snow just darkens my good even more and I feel him staring at me right now, so I look over and give him my best glare. (Only the best for Snow.)
He gives one back and I imagine him smiling at me instead. Smiling at me with admiration in his eyes. Admiration. Love. I'm feeling lightheaded now and just want to go to my comfortable bed in my room and take a long and comfortable nap.
This is another side-effect of thinking about Snow like this. As cheesy as it sounds, it makes me physically ache because I know it won't ever be true. Ugh, I'm becoming a sap because of him. And I can't think properly.
Snow’s done this to me. Why do I love someone who’s made my all my self-preservation and control go to hell? Aleister Crowley, couldn't I have found some other boy - or girl - to love? Life would be so much easier. Everything would be so much easier. But, of course. Life is never fair.
Sometimes, when I'm feeling too horrible and pitying myself, I think about us. Me and Snow. Us. Dating. Getting married. Adopting children. That makes me feel better, of course, but then I'm feeling even worse later when I'm reminded of how unlikely that is. Correction: how impossible that is. But putting aside my threatening tears because of that, thinking about Snow and I dating really makes me feel better. No matter how unlikely it is, I like thinking about Snow waking me up in the mornings with kisses and calling me darling. Him and I dancing slightly to Elvis Presley and him holding me in his arms like I'm something precious. Him waking up early just to make me food. Him caressing my cheeks and telling me he loves me. Our wedding cards. The invitations. Our first child’s name. The engraved words on his tombstone (“thy freckles that sit upon thy golden skin are beautiful and marvellous”) (That's all I have so far.) (I'm quite shitty at old English.)
But if it were old English, then I guess we'd have to-wait.
”All I have so far”?
What does that mean?
I whip out of my musings of Snow and I and - Merlin - discover that I had been writing in my notebook all along. But not notes.
They're little doodles of what I was thinking about earlier and they're everywhere.
My whole notebook page is filled with them. They're near the corners, on the margins, some of them are even covering my previous notes.
I feel heat rushing to my neck and cheeks when I see a particular doodle of me and Snow kissing, surrounded by hearts of all sizes and “Snowbaz” written at the top.
Snowbaz? What is wrong with me?
My widened eyes explore the expanse of the contents of the page and when I see a tombstone of him, and underneath it, the inscription I was preparing for him, I look at myself from someone else’s point of view and realise that I'm acting like a lovesick person and get freaked out by own myself.
As soon as I see a small drawing of Snow with (once again) hearts surrounding him and a little speech-bubble beside him saying, “I love you, Baz. So fucking much, ” I practically slam the notebook shut and it makes a loud sound. A few kids sitting near me peer at me, curious as to what I just did and why I did it, including Snow.
I specifically ignore Snow’s eyes because I know I'm flushed harder than I've ever been. And I know that it's visible and that the students can see it because some of them are eyeing my cheeks now. I resist a look at Snow cause I don't wanna know what look he's sporting and just state straight ahead, hoping that people will get back to their own business.
But of course, my life has never been that easy.
They all seem to look away, thank God. But then Miss Possibelf eyed me up and down and decided to be the worst teacher ever. She asked me a question.
More specifically, she asked me what was the spell best for what we just learned.
I wasn't listening to what they just learned. I was too busy doodling Snow like a little girl. The thought makes me blush even more and now I'm stammering.
Holy sweet cheese, what has become of me?
I start blubbering too, just like Snow and I feel humiliated.
Basilton Pitch, stuttering and blubbering like an idiot.
I spent so much time creating a cool reputation of complete calmness in all situations. Always calm and collected. Always relaxed. But now all of that is gone and I'm left looking like such an idiot.
I look at the other students in the room and they're all looking at me with incredulous on their faces, obviously noticing my weird change in behaviour. I look at Snow and Crowley, his eyes are blown open and one brow is raised. That's my look. Snow is nailing my look. Oh my God.
He’s noticed my blush too because he's staring right at it. And then he moves his gaze to my eyes. We’re making eye contact and I feel my breath knocked out of my lungs because of those unexceptional eyes that are boring holes into mine, unveiling all of my secrets and deepest desires.
I quickly move my head away and look right to Miss Possibelf. “Uhh, sorry Miss, I-I don’t know the answer.”
She shakes her head and I swear I hear someone gasp a little.
“Alright, sit down then, Baz. And try to pay attention next time in class.”
Even Miss Possibelf looks a bit fazed by my sudden change. I sit down and avoid everyone’s eyes while Miss Possibelf once again drones on and on and on.
Snow doesn't look at me when I sit down. He looks forward and doesn't look my way the great of the lesson. I kind of want him to turn around so that I could see what his expression was and try to read it but I also don't want to because there will be no expression on that face which I want to see directed at me from him.
I still feel a few eyes on me when the bell ring and I practically gallop across the room before anyone else. I force my legs to move faster and take me away before Snow finds me and interrogates me, which I know he will, based on my behavior in the class and how he was looking at me.
But no luck on my part.
I was out in the hall, in front of the students now trailing behind me, trying to get to their next class. (They seemed to lose interest in me now. It was good but I was still terribly humiliated.) I was trying to get out of that place but somehow, Snow ended up in front of me. (I would say he came out of nowhere but that would be logically incorrect.)
He stood in front me, his eyes narrowed in a suspicious way, all trace of the look he was giving me before in class gone. His arms are crossed in front of his chest and he's swaying slightly on his feet, not like he's drunk but like he's trying to figure something out, considering by how he looks me up and down with a frown on his face.
I cross my arms too and glare at him. “What, Snow?”
He snaps out his daze. “What?”
“I said ‘What, Snow?’. I haven’t got all day you know. I have a life.”
He glares at me as well and then I sneer at him. It’s not as sharp as it was before because of the embarrassment but I don’t really care right now.
It seems that Snow does because he looks at me and raises a brow. Just like he did in the classroom. Merlin, how did he learn that? He must’ve practiced in the mirror in the room just to piss me off.
Well, if that's the case, then it worked. Not only am I seething at him for stealing something that was mine, but he has the audacity to smirk about it. That bastard definitely practiced it to piss me off.
He drops the look, unfolds his hands and then stuffs them in his pocket, obviously trying to look all cool and nonchalant and calm as I do. I’m ecstatic to say that this he doesn’t pull off that well. Of course, I love him. I would like him however he was but if anyone else were to see him like this -  anyone who wasn’t in love with him - then they wouldn’t think that he looked cool. I decide not to tell him that and let him wander around school looking like this. I smirk at the thought.
He frowns, catching my smirk, but pulls himself together.
He, then, gets straight to the topic.
“What were you writing in that little notebook of yours?” he asks, voice icy with a hint of something undetectable.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I answer, now trying to be the calm and collected one. I try to walk past him but grabs me by the waist. My breath silently hitches and I pray he didn't hear it.
Lightly, he shoves me back in the position I was in. “You know what I’m talking about, you git.”
“I really don’t, Snow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to my next class.”
Once again, I try to walk away but he pushes me back. I can tell a few people are eavesdropping on our conversation. I glare at them and they resume walking. When I turn back, Snow is looking at something between my fingers.
The notebook. Oh, bloody hell.
I was so eager to get out of the goddamn class that I forgot to put it back in my bag and just carried it. Ah, fuck.
He looks at me again and lowers his voice an octave which sends shivers down my spine. “What were you writing in the notebook, Basilton?”
Shit. He’s hardly ever called me by my full name. (It’s really fucking sexy.) He only does that when he’s desperately on edge. Ugh, did he somehow get triggered from me writing in a notebook in class? Although, if he does call me by my real name “Basilton”, then there’s always something horribly wrong. What’s wrong this time? The last time he used the full name was when he started following me everywhere in 5th Year.
“What do you think, Snow? Notes for class, duh. Didn’t think you were this thick, Snow. Maybe you’re just incredibly stupid, or have too many problems.” It’s a stupid insult and it barely counts as one, I know. But right now, I’m trying not to get a different type of problem in front of him that's caused by his low octave and the stare he’s giving me. A very different kind of problem.
“No, you weren’t. I saw you, Baz. Everyone saw you. You were writing something and then you slammed it shut like it was poison ivy. And then when Miss Possibelf called on you, you started stuttering and blubbering and you weren’t paying attention to her before. And you were blushing, positively way too much for a vampire."
I feel my cheeks redden at his last comment and force them to cool down. “In case you didn’t notice, I’m a human too, you know. I blush too.” It seems like the wrong thing to say, but right now, I don’t really know what to say. “So, for Merlin’s sake, leave me alone. It was nothing but notes, Snow. And I merely dozed off a bit. I thought you, out of all people, would understand that since you have the most experience with it than any other 8th Year. Now, for fuck’s sake, I’m leaving.”
This time, I straighten my posture and force my chin up and bump into him while walking away. But he seems prepared for that, and snatches the notebook as I try to walk away.
I whip around in an instant, heart suddenly speeding up stupendously, and see him standing there with a glint in his eye and says, “I’ll find out what you’re plotting, Baz.”
His dialogue is so utterly ridiculous that it just makes me more angry.
He thinks I’m plotting something? The nasty git. What would I plot where I would have to make a fool out of myself in front of my classmates and blush horrendously too. And why would I actually carry it out? I have too much dignity and too good a reputation to do something like that. I’m not Snow.  
I grit my teeth. “Snow...give it back.”
I lunge at him.
It’s half a fist-fight for the bloody notebook and people are watching us but I don’t care. I’ve dealt with worse before. And I can’t let him read what I wrote/drew. It would be too humiliating for a day. I would be outed.
I press hard on his shoulder to push him down and myself up when he holds the notebook over his head and easily grip its spine. He starts to tickle me, the wanker. I grunt, squirm and try not to giggle but it's hard, and he keeps tickling until I start to squirm a bit too much. And the he pushes me off him and my grip on the spine of the book is lost. He turns away from me, holding it tight in his hands.
Suddenly, I’m hit by a humongous wave of panic and nausea. Is he about to run away with it? Is he going to read it if he does? Merlin, yes, he will. I need to get that back.
I’m desperate to. I’m so desperate to get it back that just as he starts to turn away. I mutter a spell and flick my wand a but from my pocket and the notebook burns. Literally. It actually scorches until it’s just ash. A teeny bit of ash in Snow’s palm. Such a small amount that it’s not even overflowing from his palm. Snow and I both just stand and stare it at as it turns. When it finishes, there’s a heavy smell of smoke in the air that's quite similar to Snow’s magic, so I don’t know if it’s the burning of the notebook, his magic, or both.
I’ve had just about enough for today. Without looking at Snow, I turn around and just walk away without another look back.
Snow doesn’t call after me.
I just stand there and Baz walks away, speechless, looking back and forth from the ash and Baz’s walking figure.
Long after he disappears (to our room, he has a free period and so do I), I come to a final decision.
I gently sit down on the ground and slowly rummage through my bag to find a small bag the size of a hand. It can only fit the teeniest of tiniest things. (Penny gave it to me. Her roommate had given this to her and she said that she doesn’t want anything from Trixie.)
I softly open it, careful not to accidentally drop a bit of the ash in my other hand on the ground. I place all of the ash of the notebook into the bag and then lock it up tight.
I then get up and move to go to the library to study a bit (but I know I’m just gonna end up thinking about that notebook and Baz) and then after this period, it’ll be lunch so I’ll tell her about what happened in class and how I need her help to somehow find out what was written on that notebook.
I know it sounds really pathetic but I swear Baz is up to something. Something bad.
Something like that has never happened before in class. Or ever. And by something, I mean Baz losing literally all of his cool and blubbering and blushing in front of everyone. And that’s not even the whole thing.
Last night, Baz was out late and I’m 100% sure that wanker was down in the catacombs, draining rats. Ugh. He came back really late. After midnight. I waited up for him to see when he’s come back and when he finally returned to the room, I acted like I was sleeping. I think he knew that I wasn’t since my pattern of breathing had gone rapid and off-beat because Baz just kind of suddenly came in when I was starting to think that he was going to spend the night somewhere else. But where would he spend it, of course?
He had surprised me, and since my breathing was the only sound in the room, he must’ve heard it and figured I was awake. I’ve memorised his pattern of breathing when he’s asleep. So I can tell when he’s awake. Roommate thing. Not creepy. I’m pretty sure he’s memorised mine too so that it’ll be easier for him to drain me in my sleep.
When he came in, he just climbed onto his bed and fell asleep. Didn’t change, didn’t take off his shoes, didn’t brush his teeth. Just came in and dropped on his bed. I think he was probably tired from plotting all night while draining rats, the vampire.
This morning, in all the classes we had together and outside of classes too, I noticed he was quite tired. Well, why wouldn’t he be? He stayed out almost all night and barely got 4 hours of sleep. He’s probably insanely tired. He really should take a nap, which is why he went into our room, I suppose.
Anyway, I was paying a lot of attention to him, trying to catch a slip-up on his part. Like dozing off in class, so I could confront him about it and ask him where he was last night. Or not paying attention in class. These are things that Baz would almost never do. If he does do them, then it’s entirely un-Baz-like and that means he was doing something tiring like plotting. And these things are exactly what he did.
I caught him in the first lesson almost dozing off. His eyes were so droopy that you could barely see the wet pavement colour in them. (Baz’s eyes always fascinated me. They’re a mix a different tinges of grey. A little dark grey on the outside of the iris, morphing into a deep blue into the sclera. They’re a light hue of a storm perhaps in the middle of the iris and then descend into this dark black-grayish colour in the pupil. All formed together, it looks like a beautiful painting, something a very famous Normal artist might make. Like Picasso. I really envy his eyes, mine are just blue and that's it. Such a pity that those astonishing eyes got wasted on a berk like Baz. Though he is a handsome git. He has slight abs from playing football and he’s one of those guys who could pull off a manbun. Ugh, blighter.)
And then in the previous class, he started scribbling away in his notebook instead of paying attention to Miss Possibelf. I was already sure he was planning something because he was so engrossed in whatever he was writing that he didn’t even notice me stealing glances at him. And that's odd.
A few minutes after I looked away, I - actually, everyone in the class - heard a big slam. Like a notebook getting smacked shut. And we turned to see who had it and of course, it had been Baz. But that wasn't what surprised me. Baz was flushed. You could actually see the red in his cheeks, even if you were sitting far away from him.
This obviously shocked me because vampires can’t blush, can they? I guess they can a little bit, something that's barely noticeable. But Baz’s was noticeable. Easily noticeable. But then I remembered that he went to the Catacombs last night and since he stayed so late plotting, he must’ve also drunk a lot.
His luck was poor today. Oh, poor Baz. Just as the peers were starting to move on with the lecture, Miss Possibelf called on him to tell her (and the class) about a spell best for what we just learned. And since Baz wasn’t paying attention before, he didn’t know anything at all about what we were just studying. So he started stammering and shit. Like, getting flustered and not being able to form a proper sentence! He started acting like the way I acted, exactly like the kind of behaviour he gave me shit for!
This was good. Now, everyone was looking at Baz with weird looks and I kinda started feeling bad for him. If I were in his situation, it wouldn’t be that bad for me. But Baz had a cool reputation. He was the kid who knew the answers in class and was hot and athletic. Someone who oozing confidence. But then, all that went to hell a bit when he started stuttering. And he was also blushing very hard now. Like, his whole fucking face was red.
You could see his embarrassment from a mile away and I was too entranced in his flustered and blushing state to look away or put on a masked expression. He actually looked quite cute in this state and I could tell that a bunch pf the girls seemed to think the same thing. They were ogling Baz with lovesick looks, no doubt making him uncomfortable.
I was actually a bit more focused on his crimson cheeks, and when I looked up, I figured that I better take advantage of this situation. I practiced Baz’s signature expression in the bathroom last night. The raised brow. I did that to him when he looked at me and his eyes widened. Meanwhile, my eyes travelled over his cheeks once again, and I was left to wondering how...adorable they were. (Holy Mother of God, did I just call Baz adorable?!)
But when I once again looked up at him, I was stunned. And apparently, so was he.
We were staring deep into each other’s eyes and I was pretty sure that I had an awed expression on my face. And it just amazed me that even though this is the first time we’ve locked eyes in this type of way, it strangely felt...comfy. Homey. Familiar. And when I noticed Baz’s face, he looked the same. At least, I think.
And that's not even the worst part.
A few micro-seconds after that, I felt this thing in my stomach. It felt like my stomach was doing somersaults or had creatures in it that were flying around haphazardly, and were causing my breath to speed up like a race car.
Like butterflies.
I’m not stupid. I’ve felt that kind of thing before...with Agatha. I know what it means.
But I can’t admit it. It can’t be true. I can see why I would feel homey looking into Baz’s eyes (actually, I don’t) but this? Nuh uh. Not true.
Although...no! Not true!
But...it does make sense a bit, though. Just a bit.
I quickly looked away when I felt that. And Baz told Miss Possibelf that he didn’t know the answer. After that, I spent the whole lesson pondering over the...possibility. I didn’t dare sneak a glance at Baz, though. Not after the hunch I just had.
The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. How obsessed I’d been with Baz in 5th Year. How I find his smell of cedar and bergamot like home. And his eyes too. How I love the shade of his eyes and am almost always thinking about what shade the middle changed to this time. How I always felt a bit bad after our rows. How I stayed up last night to wait for him to come back!
Oh Merlin, was that just an excuse to wait up for Baz?
This all makes so much sense that it’s scary. I can’t possibly have feelings for Baz. Thats absurd. And he’s my enemy. And arch-nemesis. And we’re going to have to kill each other. (Hmph, I can’t fight him now. After discovering this.)
No. No, I’m wrong. I can’t be right. I’m probably too hung up on Agatha (even though I seemed quite fine the last few weeks) so now I’m just making up crushes. And even if I actually like Baz that way, it’s only a crush. It’ll go away.
(Although, I highly doubt a 7 year long crush is just a crush.)
The bell indicating that lunch has begun startles me out of my Baz-filled musings and I practically run out of the door to our usual table and sit down, waiting for Penny to arrive so I ask her help on what spell would help me read what was inside the notebook. At least what he wrote today.
I look over at Baz’s table.
He’s not there. He’s still asleep upstairs.
I fiddle with my jumper. This could be a Baz plot! To make me have feelings for him and then break my heart! It could be!
I need Penny’s help with this, desperately. I have to find out what was in that book. And I’m pretty sure that I’ve heard Penny say something about these types of spells once. That help you put together broken things. I’m not sure if it’ll work on something burned, but I have to try. I can’t just accept these feelings for Baz and try to hide them.
What if this actually is Baz’s plot? Oh my God. Please let it not be. I’m still not sold on the fact that I have feelings for Baz. That’s not really something you easily believe, especially when its your arch-nemesis who you lov-like!
Who you like. Not love.
As I was saying, I’m still not sure, but every moment that passes, I keep getting more and more convinced of this. And I’m going to have to tell Penny about this and ask her for advice.
Oh Crowley, that’s going be an awkward conversation. I am not at all looking forward to that conversation at all.
Maybe I’ll tell her later. When I’ve discovered what the contents of the notebook are. Yeah, that’ll be the perfect time to tell Penny.
And while I think about Penny, I see her walking over from her class to the our table and wave frantically. She gives me a puzzled look but then starts jogging to the table.
As she sits down, she asks, “What’s up?”
chap 2, chap 3 (last one)
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