#the card counter hc
ninebluehearts · 2 years
Hey !! i hope you are well ? i wanted to know if you can write an alphabet sfw with william tell ? Ps: I love your work 💕
Hi!! I'm pretty good! I hope you're doing well too! Thank you so much! You don't know how happy it makes me when people actually like my writing 😭💕 thank you for this ask! It's my first alphabet list, so bear with me 😂💕
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?):
I think that William wouldn't be very affectionate at first. He's been through a lot and just doesn't seem like the type of person to really crave another's touch. But once he realized how much being physical meant to you, he'd slowly get better at doing it. His favorite way to show you affection is to hug you from behind while you're cooking.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?):
He would be that one bff that reply's quickly at first, then suddenly disappears for two days.
The friendship started in a casino. After watching him win seven rounds of poker in one sitting, you had asked him to show you his ways. After that, you spent the night talking about a million other things and exchanged phone numbers.
C = Cuddle (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?):
Again, he's not a very touchy-feely kinda guy, so cuddling is another thing he struggles with. He likes to have his routine: wrap sheets around everything, play a quick round of cards, then lay on his back with his hands folded over and chest to fall asleep. But now that he's trying with you, he's okay with you curling up against his side with his arm around you. He would never admit it, but he also likes to be the little spoon sometimes.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they with cooking and cleaning?):
I don't think he'd be apposed to marriage. He may think that it's kind of basic and unnecessary, but when you talk about it with him, he doesn't mind the idea of it. He said that kids might be a bit much, but that he would keep an open mind.
He's a very clean guy, we all know that. So he's great with cleaning. Cooking is eh to him, he doesn't mind doing it, but he prefers if you do it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?):
Not gonna lie, I think he'd do it in the middle of a fight. You guys would be arguing for the millionth time this week and he would throw and his hands up and say "you know what? I'm done." Then pack up his things and go. He'd even block your number.
F = Fiancé (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?):
Again, he's not apposed to marrying you, but he wanted to wait until the right time to propose. Like when you're both financially stable and you both feel like your relationship is secure enough.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
I think you're the only person in the world he's gentle with. He likes to gently rub your back from time to time, or even just holding your hips and guiding you in another direction when you're in his way. Emotionally though.. he tries his best to communicate in a way that doesn't make him sound like a jackass, but sometimes he'll word things wrong and ends up making you cry. He always apologizes and tries to fix it, but it's another thing he's working on.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
After awhile, he's great with hugs. He let's you initiate them 99% of the time though. I think his hugs would be very comforting; he wraps his arms around your waist and presses you against him, using just the right amount of pressure to where you're not gonna suffocate, but you feel secure.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L word?):
Well, you said it eight months into the relationship and he disappeared for a week- It's not that he doesn't love you, it's just that he's scared because you love him. He's probably start saying it back around the two year mark of your relationship.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?):
Omfg does this man get jealous- whew, he gets pissed when he's jealous. He gets very quiet for awhile turning the situation around over and over again in his head. You had been talking to a coworker that was getting a little too flirty and boy, he didn't like that. I think he would firmly wrap his arm around your waist and walk you back to your table, barely talking for the rest of the night.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?):
His kisses would be soft, but they toe the line of being too firm. He loves to kiss you along the length of your arm; kinda like Gomez does to Mortisha in Addams Family. Omg he loves it when you kiss him on his forehead.
L = Little ones (How are they with kids?):
He's pretty okay with kids. He couldn't babysit them by himself, but he doesn't mind them. He only hates it if they start scream-crying.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?):
Eh, they're okay. He's super eager to get up and start the day, so he only let's you guys stay in bed and cuddle for five minutes each morning.
N = Night (What are nights like with them?):
Nights are better than mornings. He's traded out that quick card game to watch a movie/show with you. He likes to sit on the couch and watch whatever you put on while drinking a beer and having you cuddled up on him under the blankets. It's his favorite way to relax now.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they reveal everything all at once or do they wait awhile to reveal things slowly?):
Honestly? He would be pretty open immediately. Not about the deep stuff, like his childhood, but he would often times go into detail about the things he'd seen in prison.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?):
He gets angered kind of easily, but he has a good pokerface, so you usually don't know that he's angry until he either explodes or gets really quiet.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you remember in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?):
He remembers everything. You're actually shocked that he doesn't have some book about you somewhere. A year ago you told him that you didn't like vanilla ice cream and to this day he never buys you ice cream that has anything to do with vanilla.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment from your relationship?):
Your first kiss. Sure, it's kind of basic, but it's his favorite because it was the moment both of you really connected and started falling for each other. He never told you, but the minute your lips pressed against his, he knew he loved you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?):
He's very protective. He's not annoying about it, but he does watch you a lot. You'll be sitting at a bar playing on your phone while he plays a game of poker, and he somehow manages to keep track of the game and look back at you every three minutes. He doesn't want you to protect him, he says that it's his job to take care of both of you. But when he wakes up in the middle of the night to you holding him as close as you can, he can't help but feel safe, like you're somehow protecting him in your sleep. He just loves it.
T = Try (How much effort do they put into gifts, holidays, anniversary's etc?):
He puts a good bit of effort into getting you a present he knows you'll love. It's almost always jewelry, but it's all the stuff you like: small and simple. He also like to get you a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?):
Ugh, the gambling. Sure, he wins most of the time, but when he told you he lost over 500 dollars, you thought you were gonna kill him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?):
He likes to look good: neat and precise. He shaves as often as he needs to and makes sure his shirt matches his pants. Nothing too extreme.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?):
Yes. If you weren't there, he'd be a bit clueless and lonely. Really, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd probably spend more time at the casinos.
X = Xtra (A random hc for them):
His favorite show is Rick and Morty. If he is in a bad mood and needs a good laugh, he'll put it on while he practices with his cards.
Y = Yuck (What are somethings they wouldn't like, in general or in a partner?):
In general, he hates it when people dip their eggs in ketchup. He thinks it's absolutely disgusting. In a partner, he wouldn't date anyone who is unhygienic or unorganized. He couldn't deal with it honestly.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?):
This motherfucker snores so bad. You've had to wake him up and roll him over quite a few times because you just can't sleep.
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
i need vox to lowkey think being a housewife is kinda sexy like... the guy was probably raised with strict gender role expectations (that's probably why he's also a workaholic) and reversing the roles kinda turns him on a lil bit yknow? Just plays into him being submissive and wanting to be taken care of imo
Housewife Vox with a Dom Reader [smut hcs]
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a/n — the first part is right here, you should all read that before this so I don’t seem batshit fucking crazy [and probably like and reboot just to be safe]!
warnings — dom reader, sub vox, headcanons, gender neutral reader, read the first thing so I don’t sound dumb please because this is for a specific au
summary — After the fall of the vees, Vox ends up washed-up and crashing at the readers place, making him a sort of ‘housewife type.’ Basically just the first part but in the form of smut headcanons!
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So i’ll start off with what you were saying. Growing up in his given time period, the gender roles were absolutely heavily enforced. Men work and make money, that’s just what they have to do. 
Vox strives to be as ‘modern’ as possible, so all of the sexism and misogyny has pretty much worn off, but the internalized gender roles have stuck. So given his current… situation, he’s confused, to say the least. 
His stuck at home, practically obligated to take care of the house, do your laundry, and wash your dishes. He’s never had to be that person in the relationship, and it’s infuriating.
But also weirdly turns him on. He’s a business man by nature, and now he’s in slippers and an apron. Shouldn’t he be embarrassed of such a submissive, stereotypically womanly job? 
Or maybe, even absolutely humiliated. And he was, don’t get him wrong, but that’s what he found so hot about the whole thing. 
Yes, he was angry at his new downgrade in society, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want you to bend him over the kitchen counter and fuck him in his little pink apron.
And yes, he absolutely plays into it. He’s never been the type to play into attention in a sexual kind of way, but in the light of loosing the other Vees, he plays a few cards he’s seen before.
He’s leaning over to do the dishes and talking to you at the same time, and he’s arching his back drastically more than he has too, and his talking increasingly smoothly. 
Maybe he even drops something in front of you and bends down very obviously to pick it up. And of course, he curses himself for acting out so shamelessly for attention. 
Like, has it really come to this? But then again, that makes it ten times hotter to him. 
His praise kink is absolutely terrible during this time in his life too. Because quite literally, he’s lost everything that’s made him even slightly impressive. 
And this makes him very insecure, because while his ego has always been fragile, he’s always had something going for him to fuel his self entitlement.
So any praise from you will get him going, and make him instantly needy for more. He’s such a slut for you being nice to him in this situation. 
“Oh, by the way, good job on remembering to do the laundry, babe!” He’s hard instantly. 
It would be so easy to make him cry in bed, from degradation obviously, but also from your nice words. 
I think this is because for the first time in his existence, his self esteem is actively low. And he thought so incredibly high of himself before, the whiplash would leave him so exhausted.
Like he’d be normal, just moaning and whining under your touch. And, as per usual, you whip out the line “Your such a good boy for me.”
That’s when you feel his whole body shudder, and stop squirming. He just looks up at you, and he bursts out into fucking tears.
You’d stop what you were doing at first because you’ve never elicited a reaction that strong, “Uh… Vox, are you okay—“
“More—mzz—more please!” Is all he’d manage to buffer out before continuing his desperate sobs for approval. 
And you’d give him what he wants and treat him gently and kindly, all while complimenting him about how amazing he is, and what a good housewife he is for you, and how useful he is. 
He’d be squirming, arching up into you, buffering up into you, and whining desperately as tears pour out into his screen. 
Now degradation would be a whole other thing. Because he definitely wouldn’t be able to take as much as he would have before this whole situation.
But as discussed previously, his humiliation kink would still be very present. So light teasing would definitely get him going. 
Like messing with him and degrading him about how he’s just your little housewife now, and embarrassing him on the subject.
You know, he’d probably start crying even if you weren’t going specifically hard on him. 
Now, if you’re not familiar with my boycunt Vox idea, this is going to sound like gibberish. 
But I imagine even after the fall of his empire, he those supplies. So boycunt Vox, and housewife Vox??? 
Imagine sliding a little vibrator in his cunt while he works around the house, and every time he doesn’t do a task efficiently, you up the level.
By the end of the time, he’s on his knees begging to be fucked by you, saying he’s done everything you asked, and it wouldn’t be fucking fair to just leave him like this!
Because yes, he’s still a fucking brat at rock bottom because he just sucks that much. In fact, he’d definitely try to provoke you sometimes.
Especially when you piss him off. He’s not above ‘accidentally’ shattering your fine china dishes or spilling your favorite dish all over the floor, or worse, onto your lap. 
However, his desperation for approval shows when you fuck the brat out of him. 
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a/n — this au is my everything, gang. MY EVERYTHING. also I hope this is coherent, I know it won’t be to anyone who didn’t read the fic that prompted this but like… it’s linked at the top so.
Anyways I want to do more with this au, so I tried to not get too specific with the smut headcanons because hopefully there will be fics. SEND REQUESTS.
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daysofyellowroses · 4 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 1.1k
prompt was: Carmy getting all sassy and dom like bc his girl spent money on herself instead of using his card/calling him and telling him that you wanted something and to pick it up off hold on his way home!! That is such a HC for me I feel Carmy would be super pouty if his girl bought something expensive or ‘necessary for him’ like your makeup, hair stuff, clothes, shoes, etc. ESP food he like gets so upset when she will pick herself up McDonald’s or smth and is like “baby why didn’t you tell me you were craving a burger and fries” - as requested by @thecapricunt1616 thank you so much, i hope you enjoy 🌼
Sometimes you think you know everything about your boyfriend. If someone quizzed you, you would ace it. It's only been just under a year since you started dating Carmy but in that time you had learned everything about him, or so you thought.
There were things that you didn't know every detail about, like his family, particularly his mom, but you knew that he would talk about those things in time, when he was ready.
What you didn't expect was that he would have a certain..kink, one you wouldn't have expected him to have but was a very pleasant surprise. 
It had happened incrementally, you first noticed when you came home after work one day with a pair of new sneakers. When you showed them to Carm he seemed a little..off. It wasn't exactly something to celebrate but you found it a little odd that he didn't seem to care when usually he was so attentive and loving.
You put it down to a long day at work and forgot about it. 
Until it happened again, when you came home after a splurge on makeup and skincare products. He found you putting them away in the bathroom and just walked away, leaving you deeply confused. 
When you asked him if everything was okay he said it was, and you decided not to push it. You noticed that he was a little more attentive than usual, keeping you in his lap while you relaxed on the couch, insisted on getting you whatever you wanted, carried you to bed when you started falling asleep. It wasn't that he never did those things usually, you just felt like he was doing more somehow.
Deciding to test out the beginnings of a theory, you waited a week or so before deciding to really treat yourself, splashing out on a pair of expensive heels that you had wanted for so long. As you were the first one home, you put the shoes away and waited for Carmy to get home.
He was his usual sweet self, and you were a little excited to test out your theory. You waited until Carm was making dinner, and you were sitting on the counter watching him.
“Oh my god, I have to show you something,” You smiled, getting down from the counter. “I'll be right back.”
You went to your bedroom, opening the closet and reaching into the back to take out the bag with your new shoes before carrying it to the kitchen behind your back. 
“Look what I got,” You grinned, holding out the bag. “I may have gone a little overboard but I really wanted these.”
You set the bag down on the ground and took the box out, feeling Carmy's eyes on you. 
“How beautiful are these?” You opened the box and took out one of the shoes. “They were almost three hundred but I figure I'll keep them forever so..”
“Three hundred?” Carm raised a brow, his hand on his hip. “You spent three hundred?”
“Yes, I did,” You smiled, feeling like your theory was about to be proved. You looked at the shoe in your hand, turning it slowly. “But work is going well and I really wanted them so..”
“You shouldn't have bought them,” Carm sighed, reaching for the dish towel that was draped over his shoulder and wiping his hands. “That's too much.”
“I'll buy what I want,” You frowned, putting the shoe back in the box. “It's my money I'm spending, not yours.”
“But it should be.” Carmy muttered, meeting your eyes.
“What do you mean?” You asked, stepping closer to him and setting the box in your hands down on the counter. “I don't expect you to drop that kind of money on me.”
“I want to,” Carmy insisted, his arm moving around your waist. “I know that you can afford all those things you want, but..I want to treat you, I want you to tell me what you want and let me get if for you, or take my card and go get it.”
“Please don't feel like you have to do that,” You smiled, touching Carmy's cheek. “I don't care if you buy me things or I buy them myself, just being with you is all I want.”
Carm was quiet for a moment, gently stroking your waist before leaning in to kiss you, your arms moving around his neck.
“It's more than that,” Carm murmured softly against your lips, pulling back to meet your eyes. “I know you don't expect me to, and I know I don't have to but..the thought of seeing you in clothes that I bought you, knowing you're out treating yourself to things and using my money to do it..I want that.”
You take in his words, your hands lightly touching the back of Carm's neck. “Does it..does the thought of that do it for you?”
“Big time,” Carm nodded, and you felt your heart race. “I keep thinking about you coming home, showing off all the things you bought on my card, giving me a little show..”
“I think I know what I should buy first then.” You grinned, leaning in to kiss Carm. 
Dinner is delayed, and you don't quite make it to the bedroom, but you feel like you've never been happier. 
As it turned out, Carm wasn't lying about wanting you to spend his money. You didn't go crazy, you weren't going to buy something just for the sake of it. But when you came home with a bag full of new lingerie and handed his card back to him, Carm had you screaming like you never had before. 
So, once a week or so you treat yourself to a little something, just to bring out a more possessive, dominant side of your boyfriend, loving how he can go from adorable and soft to calling you a spoiled brat and having you begging for more.
And apparently, his fondness for you spending his money wasn't limited to clothes, shoes and underwear, but there was one exception. 
You had come home from work with a McDonald's, knowing Carmy would be home late and that you weren't in the mood to cook. You were just sitting down to eat it, scrolling through your phone when the front door opened.
“Hey,” You smiled, picking Carmy's card up from the table and taking a sip of your milkshake as you handed it to him.
“What's this?” Carm frowned, pointing to the food on the table.
“This?” You grinned, pointing to the McDonald's bag. “Just a little restaurant, you've probably never heard of it, it's only got like a billion locations.”
“Very funny,” Carm sighed, pushing his hand through his hair.
“Are you..pouting?” You grinned. “Over a burger?”
“I could have made you a better burger,” Camy shrugged. “That's all.”
“I know,” You nodded, swishing your shake with a grin. “But only your money can get this.”
“You think I can't make you a milkshake?” Carmy raised a brow.
“Not like this,” You teased. “You don't know the secret ingredients.”
“I'm making you a damn shake. And a burger."
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powerfultenderness · 11 months
lord powerfultenderness, I don't know how to fully picture it but can we have neighbor könig doing grocery shopping with y/n? Please!~
I swear I saw a post somewhere that said König probably makes bank. And Sugar Daddy König hc born/accepted. This man will spoil you if you give him the chance (and then idk wreck you later?)
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Either you were oblivious to the looks strangers gave you, to the way women quickly turned around and went down different aisles, or you didn’t care. It was, in fact, the latter. This big menacing looking guy beside you practically cleared a path wherever you wanted. Busy aisles you’d normally have to do trick maneuvers with your cart? Cleared out when he looked at other shoppers. It was amazing, really.
You stopped and looked up at the shelf, the item you wanted on the very top and if you stretched out…you still couldn’t reach it. Even before you could pout and try again, König reached over and plucked the box of snacks off the shelf and dropped in the basket. 
Maybe it was the way his eyes crinkled a bit, but you could tell he was smiling at you. “Those are car snacks.” 
“Car snacks?”
You nodded and continued to push the cart down the aisle. You’d deviated from your shopping list so much that you were now just going up and down aisles to see if there was anything you needed.
“You know, snacks you keep in the car for emergencies. Like, getting stuck in traffic, or on the side of the road while waiting for a tow truck…or lost…” 
“How often do you get lost?” He laughed, shoulders shaking as he tried to keep his laugh at a reasonable indoor level.
“It was just the one time! My GPS wasn’t working!” It wasn’t your fault downtown was an impossible maze!
“What did you do?” 
“I had a snack and figured it out.” You gave up and went home, but he didn’t need to know that. 
Though he could probably guess with the way he was side eyeing you. You knocked your hip into his side (and he didn’t budge at all!) “What do you say to pasta for dinner?” 
He titled his head, “you’re making dinner for me?”
“Yea, I want to do something nice for you for helping me out.” 
König beamed at you, though you couldn’t see behind his mask and you were currently looking at one of the shelves. “I will eat whatever you cook.”
You laughed, it sounded so weird when he said it like that. “Alright, pasta it is.” 
On the way to the checkout, you happened upon a display of clothing, mostly blouses and tee shirts, but some printed leggings as well. “Ooh, that’s cute.” You stopped and picked up a strappy sundress printed with your favorite flowers. “And my size!” You cheered to yourself as you looked at the tag. You flipped it over to check the price tag then set the dress back on the rack. “Pssh, not that cute.” 
You looked at him just as he turned away from the dress you liked. “Hey, can you wait in line while I run and get my prescription?” 
He nodded and took over pushing the cart as you handed him your debit card, “just in case it takes too long.” 
It was a good thing you handed him your card too! There was a bit of wait while your prescription was transferred to the new in store pharmacy. You half debated whether or not you should just leave to pick it up another day, but you already missed a day and didn’t want to throw off the effects. 
By the time you had your medication, König was waiting for you out front. “Sorry about that!” 
He shook his head, “no problem.” And handed you the receipt and your card back. 
You giggled as he loaded the bags in almost one scoop into the back of his truck. Your car was currently in the shop and he very quickly offered to help you out in the meantime. 
“Thank you so much!” You smiled at him once all of the groceries were sitting on your counter. 
“Anytime.” He answered simply.
 “Still up for dinner tonight?” 
He nodded, “of course.” 
The little short answers, no hearty laugh included, were weird. But maybe he just had enough company for a few hours. “Alright, I’ll pop over later then?” 
“Goodbye.” He nodded again and quickly left you alone.
Whatever. Maybe he’ll feel better once he…oh! 
You pulled out one of the very dresses you thought was cute, but too expensive, from one of the bags. König’s doing? You checked the receipt and it wasn’t listed. He…bought it himself? And hid it from you? Suddenly the way he was acting nervous before he left made sense. 
König’s stomach flipped and his face burned when he opened the door later that night. You were standing in front of him wearing the dress he bought. “You look like an angel.” 
You smiled and spun around, the dress flaring cutely as you did so. “I can’t believe you bought this! Thank you so much! But, let me repay you?” 
“No. Have dinner with me?” 
You giggled, you were already having dinner with him! “You sneaky man! Come on, let’s go!” You then grabbed one of his hands and started to pull him out and towards your flat.
“Wait. Let me lock up.” He fished his keys out of his pocket and locked the door with one hand, refusing to pull out of your touch. 
“Oh. right!” 
“You didn’t lock up, did you?” 
“What! It’s just right there!”   
König was laughing again as he followed you to your home, a dopey smile you couldn’t see lighting his eyes 
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[More neighbor König]
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darlingofsatoru · 6 months
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⊹ synopsis: Various hcs of Jjk characters at Christmas.
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-This man is ecstatic, Christmas is his version of heaven.
-Christmas dates are necessary, he’s gonna go out with you in fuzzy coats, gloves, earmuffs, scarfs and hats with pom-poms on them, even if it’s not snowing.
-Hot drinks are also a necessary (he pays every time, pulls his credit card out quickly just as you’re getting yours out, no amount of convincing or bribing can stop him from doing this every time he can.)
-PRESENTS. This mf is so extra with them, type of man to get you tons of expensive jewellery then giggle and blush like a school girl at a teddy-bear and his favourite chocolate.
-Stops using his infinity just so the snow can fall on him (and ofc so he can throw snowballs at you & vice versa!!)
-VERY over the top with Christmas decorations, that one house that has lights all over their yard, driveway, roof & any place in sight (he floated up to the roof because he nearly fell off a ladder one time and doesn’t want to make you do it for him).
-His sweet tooth is in full swing, that man will be buying any sweets he sees that are even remotely festive, he probably even justifies buying things that barely have any relation by trying to make up a tradition.
-Snowmen will be made if there’s snow, he’s running outside with you even if ur wearing nothing but pajamas, you cannot escape making a snowman with him.
-Overall, he’s Santa but 10x more energetic (and 10x less old !!)
-Very traditional with Christmas (he isn’t allergic to fun dw!)
-Likes to walk with you around your neighbourhood just to check out Christmas lights whilst holding your hand tightly.
-Speaking of Christmas lights, he’ll have a few up but if you want more he’ll help (don’t go too mad with them though, he’ll sigh pretty loudly.)
-Gentlemen as always, makes sure you’re warm in cold weather.
-Thinks it’s the thought that counts but will put in effort to get a present he believes you’ll like.
-Best believe he’s taking a week or two off to celebrate with you, Jujutsu Tech can’t say shit to stop him.
-Prefers a Christmas where there’s a warm fireplace whilst you cuddle on a sofa with many blankets, probably watching something on tv.
-Overall, boyfriend behaviour to the max, your Christmas is gonna be the best ever.
-This man doesn’t care for Christmas, let’s be honest.
-The only reason he makes any effort at all is because you want him to but that’s not gonna be tons, he’ll simply acknowledge winter and maybe a tiny thing about Christmas, if you’re lucky.
-Somehow convince him to go ice-skating with you, it’ll be an experience you certainly won’t ever forget.
-Gets into a fight if you make him queue for literally anything to do with Christmas spirit.. That guy just stepped on your foot, what did he expect with the king of curses right there? That he’d ignore it? Of course he wouldn’t, that guy surely wouldn’t mind loosing both of his feet, yeah? Well, Sukuna doesn’t have if he does, now he can’t step on your feet ever again.
-Refuses to watch any Christmas love movies so when you manage to convince him, you either hear disapproving grunts or outright complaints about the protagonist or love interest.
-He’s definitely not one for Christmas at all but a present for his partner is a present that needs to be perfect. He’ll get you whatever you want, might even humour you with wearing a Santa hat for a minute or so in private with you.
-He’s pretty grumpy but he’ll sit around on the counter and occasionally help with cooking Christmas cookies, if he feels like it.
-Throws snowballs with frozen ice inside at random kids and casually walks away.
-Overall, the grinch but one who’d steal all the presents and give them to his partner instead whilst killing those with stupid gifts..
-Megumi isn’t very excited but he does enjoy it, the break of this holiday admittedly being his favourite part.
-Not one to put lights up but he’s not gonna deny putting up some decorations inside if you’d like.
-Don’t bring him to a Christmas family gathering please..
-Would willingly ice-skate with you but he’s keeping close to the edge, he doesn’t want you or him falling.
-I can see him liking snow but he does remind you to keep warm every once in a while, sighing as he shrugs off the scarf Gojo had forced onto Megumi and instead placing it around your neck.
“It should still be warm, remember to bring one next time.”
-Keeps his eyes on yours discreetly as you past stores, looking for any interest shown on certain pieces in the window.
-Another one who holds your hand in the cold, it’s just something he’d deem as common sense at this point.
-Brings you to have dinner with his sister and him & it’s super sweet, Tsumiki loves you almost immediately due to the fact you’re his partner and that he’s not alone <3
-Overall, a sweetheart with lightly less effort than some but still sweet anyway.
-Yuji loves any holiday but Christmas definitely ignites something happy in him even more!
-Probably loves it half for the happiness he/others experience form it and also half because he gets presents..
-What can he say? It’s super cool to unwrap and then see this super cool thing he’d forgotten he realllyyy wanted like a month ago!!
-Down for anything to be honest, you name it and he wants to do it too.
-Making snow-angels is something he NEEDS to do any time it snows.
-Likes to decorate a nice tree inside and leave some lights outside & inside, though they’re actually pretty tame!
-Still does Christmas stockings, you can’t stop him from doing this ever.
-Not even confidently as he pulls the other side of a cracker and it pulls apart immediately.. he gets accused of cheating
-Used to be a massive fan of Christmas dinners at school so he’s definitely attempting and failing to make you one.
-Prefers to sit down and watch a movie together, preferably hugging and warm!!
-Overall, a Christmas not even Sukuna could steal (probably, anyway..)
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@darlingofsatoru on Tumblr only, no reposts <3
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starzshopoflove · 9 months
Simon "ghost" Riley x Reader
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Notes: fem reader! i hc ghost doesn't wear a mask when he's off duty, this is just whatever rot my mouse brain creates, age gap but not to crazy, sfw mostly ,size kink if you squint, literally just me projecting onto reader sorry
no thoughts just ghost meeting cute little civvie reader in a shop when he's just trying to get his shopping done after coming back from a mission just wanting to fill his fridge with enough beer and groceries that vaguely resemble food
Simon watching you struggle to reach the flour from a set high shelf in the aisle, grumbling to yourself about "who fucking needs flour anyway" still trying to reach it and he just pluck it off the shelf and drops it in your cart before making his way to another aisle and your just left looking stupid watching this giant trudge away with a little blue tesco basket in tow
Simon who notices you at the same book shop he frequents, but your perched behind the counter doing god knows what ( vaguely resembles inventory but hey do what you will) calculator in hand as he peeks from behind a bookshelf trying to remember where he's seen you before.
Civvie reader who passes her days working quietly in a book shop and living in a simple one room flat indulging her romantic needs in fiction too nervous to actually talk to men, fictional ones satisfying her needs better. That is until you see some books on the counter sliding over to scan them.
"Your total's 23.55" you mumble looking at the screen "Cash or Card?" you add before lifting your head to meet the brick wall of a muscle man. Oh OH, no thoughts as you just stare at his pecs in your line of sight thanking whatever god you believe in for the sight before you, better then anything your little brain could muster up even with the detailed descriptions authors would spit out onto the pages you read
You violently peel your eyes away from the most beautiful pair of man tits you've ever seen to see what man was the owner, and by god do you wish you werent so bad around men. I mean the wind practically got knocked out of your lungs as you let out a barely audible squeak watching this man fish in his pockets for his wallet
Messy blonde hair that was in that weird phase of curly but not really, a nose that looks like its seen a good fight, deep set brown eyes, and a few healed scars settled on the skin. Aged but like wine, a really really fine wine
"Right, cash" His hands fiddling through the wallet to pull out the bank notes, while you prayed you didnt look like a hunger dog staring at his hands as they placed the cash on the counter.
Simon who watches the little bookshop employee look like she just got punched in the gut and was trying not groan as she quickly rang him up, Do i smell? he thinks to himself
Simon who watches your smaller hands shuffle the cash into the register, noting how they're free of calluses, nailed neat and slightly grown, soft.
Simon who leaves the bookstore thinking of a excuse to go again tomorrow, not to see the bookshop girl or anything, he has his reasons!! he just hasn't thought of it yet!!
You start looking up from your notes for your class when the shop bell jingles hoping to see the mystery man whos built exactly like your favorite webcomic character but with the gruff and mature aura of that mc from the game your friend made you play that you cant quite remember. Only disappointed when its just another customer , until later in the day the man returns again.
But its much later in the day and you've switched on the shops warm lights, turning off the ac letting the place warm up as you hear the door jingle again, mystery man making his way to the counter your eyes following his every step, meaty thighs
You who perks up when his forearms settle at the counter suddenly eyes locking onto yours and suddenly very glad you tidied up a bit today, tinted chapstick, perfume, cleaner turtle neck, lashes, lipgloss, earrings ahm
"Tesco" he grumbles out unmoving
"what" well thats not what you were expecting to hear
"You were the girl , couldnt reach the flour yeah?" oh that was him
"Oh, that was you? thank you?" oh what the fuck were you supposed to say?? oh thank you freakishly tall man who watched me struggle?? let me take your whole cock in my mouth while you call me a good pet feeding your meaty length down my throat??
"Yeah" Simon didnt think to much on what to do now, gaze getting awkward now that hes got his confirmation
"Did you need anything" you finally broke the silence, god its fuckin tense in here and hes so close, you wanna just get a sniff but thats hardly workplace behavior doesn't matter if its your dads shop or not.
"Mhm, ye got any cook books?"
"yeah, section 12, shelf 9" whos he cooking for? his wife? i dont see a ring? maybe a long time girlfriend?? who wouldnt snatch up this actual beefcake
"Thanks, tryna cook something new for myself. Flats been quiet" He mumbled like speaking too much would give him a headache
SImon purchased his books same stare at the girls hand like last time as she took his money. God do something you look like a creep staring at this poor girls hands.
"Got a notepad luv?" again that same punched face returned, is she alright? he thought to himself
Oh he just called me luv oh fuck dont wheeze dont wheeze just hand him the pen and paper like a good employee, come on. Oh god dont stare at his arms, are those tattoos oh my god
Sliding back the notepad simon made pace of grabbing his cook book a slipping out the shop just as quick as he went in
You who looked at the notepad almost slipping back out of your chair
"Simon 44 xxx xxx xxx"
Children were singing, the angels sang their songs, the trees regrew in that parking lot down the street, healthcare in america was just made free, and you just got the phone number of a man built like a double door fridge that you have every intention of climbing
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
Listen. Only do this if you feel like it❤️
But can you do a hc or short ff (Anything is cool) with a reader that tells Ghost, price, Alejandro and Rudy that they see them as a father figure and that they feel save and protected around them?
Something wholesome because I thing we all could use some 🧎‍♂️❤️
✎ this is so adorable i love this idea omg
✎ tags: alejandro and rudy use feminine spanish nicknames for you but otherwise i think i kept it gender neutral reader?, military reader, pure fluff <3, not proofread im too cool for that
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☆ simon "ghost" riley
♡ you're both in the kitchen of the compound's living area at the same time, you perched on a counter while you and simon are waiting for coffee to brew. your conversation had turned to the last mission you had all went on.
♡ your arm had been grazed by a bullet during a firefight, and as much as simon will deny it, he went kind of ballistic. the enemies were neutralized within minutes after that and through your protests of "it was my arm, dumbass, i can walk!" he still picked you up and took you to safety and stitched you up.
♡ the whole time he had lectured you about staying behind cover and checking all your surroundings and all the other things you knew how to do, but you knew he wasn't angry with you because his hands were more gentle than you thought they could be.
♡ so when you're both waiting for coffee to brew and you tell him that he made you feel safe and that he was protective of you in a good dad way, he short-circuits.
♡ you see him as a father figure? he can't really figure it out himself why you do, even when he gives you a weird look and you try to explain further. he watches you with the same weird look through his balaclava (his eyebrows do plenty of talking for him) until the coffee is done and he pours you both cups and walks off.
♡ you just shrug and go about your day, but simon thinks about it for weeks. he doesn't forget how you trust him and he makes a point of keeping an eye out for you from now on, even if he was already doing it subconsiously.
☆ john price
♡ it's you and the other four guys, price, soap, ghost, and gaz, all sitting at a table playing cards and drinking. you're all joking around and gaz brings up how price is like an old grandpa sometimes with the stories he tells, and you chime in with "yeah, he's totally like our dad!"
♡ gaz, soap, and ghost all just nod their agreement with laughs but price stops, looking at you questioningly. he asks you if you really think of him like a dad, and you smile and nod.
♡ you tell him about how he's always so on top of everything and he makes sure the team stays together and solid, and how he just has "dad energy", which he doesn't understand but he'll ask gaz about later. it makes him feel a little warm inside but he just looks away so you can't see the obvious smile threatening to push through onto his face.
♡ he thinks about it for awhile afterwards. he covers up the mushy feelings he gets with dad jokes and sarcastic comments, but he makes sure to encourage and look out for you from then on.
♡ you can be damn well sure that if this man sees you flirting with anyone, he'll march on over and just start grilling them. it chases the person away 100% of the time because come on, this is captain john price of the 141 task force, and it kind of pisses you off, but he definitely finds it hilarious.
☆ alejandro vargas
♡ alejandro and you are holed up in a safehouse for a few hours during a mission and need to kill time, so as per usual he's sitting calmly, cleaning his weapons, and you're bouncing off the walls. he loses count of how many times he tells you to just sit about 45 minutes in.
♡ "changuita, you need to sit, preserve your energy," he says, about one million and two times. you just throw him an annoyed look and a quick "i'm not a monkey!", to which he just watches you once again climb a piece of furniture out of pure boredom.
♡ you almost (definitely intentionally) fall off of the couch when you go to jump onto it next to him and he bursts out laughing, warning you not to break something. you're response to this is, "whatever dad, you're the old one here!"
♡ he's just like, did i hear that right? and quirks an eyebrow at you. you give him a look back, confused, and he asks you if you think of him as your father.
♡ "well, not like, my dad, but, like... my dad, ya' know?" is followed by, "no, chiquita, i don't know." he's chuckling though, and he just shakes his head and goes back to cleaning his gun.
(changuita = little monkey , chiquita = little one , i googled this pls lmk if it's wrong lol)
☆ rodolfo parra
♡ rudy is bent under the hood of your car, inspecting the different compartments and liquids, explaining them to you when you accidentally call him "dad". you had called him over because a light on your dashboard had lit up and didn't really know what to do about it, and he had said before that if you ever need help to call him.
♡ he figures out what's wrong pretty quick and let's you know, saying he can have it easily fixed within the hour, and you beam up at him excitedly with a "thanks, dad!" you scurry inside to get something to drink for you both without realizing, and he's left to stand in the driveway, dumbfounded.
♡ when you come back out, you ask him why he looks weird and he asks, "hermana, do you really see me as a father figure?" and you think about it for a bit before you nod with a smile. "yeah, you always help me out when i need it and, ya know, i feel safe with you!"
♡ his heart melts and he vows then and there to always make sure that never changes with you. he starts actually treating you like his child, making sure you know you can call him for help whenever, going out of his way to get you whatever you need when he goes shopping for anything, making sure you're hanging around good people, etc. etc.
♡ rudy won't admit it but he really does start seeing you as his own child, and he always does his absolute best to keep an eye out for you.
(hermana = sister , again i just googled platonic spanish nicknames)
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whiskersz · 3 months
Can I request Husk with someone who doesn't drink alcohol but loves going to the bar just to talk with him? Maybe even try to learn card tricks since the poor one can't even shuffle cards. Pretty please
Of course! You didn't specify what you wanted, so I hope HCs are fine :3
dividers : horangipilled
Husk x Reader Headcanons
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✦ Husk doesn’t really think that it’s a problem if you don’t drink alcohol; in fact, he might even be proud of you for it, as he wants you to be as healthy as possible. As he himself said, you won’t find the solution to a problem at the bottom of a bottle, so the last thing he wants is for you to get addicted to drinking like he unfortunately is.
✦ With that being said, he’ll happily mix up non-alcoholic drinks for you; from a fresh Mojito to a tasty Virgin Bloody Mary, he can make any cocktail of your liking without adding the alcohol. This way, you’ll fully be able to savor the flavour of the drink.
✦ If you’re not looking for a drink however, and you’d rather just sit down at the counter and talk to him, he’ll be pretty surprised at first. He’s so used to seeing all the other residents of the Hotel drunk and overly emotional that he barely considered the possibility that you might be there just for him.
✦ He really appreciates it though, and won’t deny you of any kind of conversation with him. He doesn’t usually reveal much about himself, but during your conversations the topic of your past lives will probably come up and he’ll tell you a bit about what his was like. Travelling, playing the saxophone at lounge bars and magic, this was what his life was really about, and as he recounts events that happened to him with a distant nostalgia in his eyes, you do nothing but listen, somewhat wishing you could have been able to meet when you were alive.
✦ He asks about yourself too, of course, and he’s a pretty good listener too. He leans on the counter slightly, ears perked up, genuinely interested in what you have to say. He asks questions and chuckles at your jokes and at your funny stories, his laugh spontaneous and gusty.
✦ One day he casually mentions card tricks, and when you ask him to show you some and how to perform them he’s eager to teach you. it’s not really because he wants to show off or because he likes being in the centre of attention, it’s mostly because it’s you who’s asking and he could never deny you of something as he’s grown fond of you. And also because yes, maybe he enjoys showing off a bit to you too...
✦ He shows you the simplest things first, like how to shuffle cards properly. Then comes the more difficult stuff: the mind reading card trick, the four Aces card trick, eights end up together...you find everything quite fun, and his explanations are easy to follow.
✦ Eventually, you learn how to perform these, even though with a bit of a struggle at first, and you ask him to watch you as you show your friends what you’ve learned. He observes proudly, shaking his head and chuckling endearingly when you perform the first card trick wrong, overcome with emotion. He nudges you with his tail, and reminds you to take a deep breath and stay concentrated next time you try this – you eventually succeed, and he flashes you the first smile showing his sharp teeth.
✦ You two end up playing cards together, since he knows many ways of playing too. He’s eager to show you those as well if you don’t really know how to play, and the best part is that he’s pretty patient and doesn’t really judge you for not knowing every rule.
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rrking · 4 months
Some General BG HCs
Me and my wifey often discuss Astarion things in real life, and there are a few that I thought I would share.
Spoiler warning⚠
Random knowledge bank. Meeting your parents for the first time and your dad wants to talk about history? Ask Astarion, if he doesn't just know, he remembers.
Enjoys going to the library. Does not enjoy the rabble who also enjoy the library. You have to explain to him over and over about library cards and infrared scanners so he doesn't just nope out and steal the book. Also gets annoyed when books from his time are revised.
Don't want to touch the raw meat packaging? No worries, Astarion will lick it up for you. Imagine him leant against the kitchen counter sucking up the blood from that piece of paper at the bottom of the mince. (A wifey thought)
On the subject of blood, if you cut your finger in the house he will be licking that up for you with a leering grin. Dragging it out so he can watch how you roll your eyes at him.
Comes in late, as usual, but this time after taking out every fucking goose or pigeon in the local area. The council are unhappy. Astarion is ecstatic. Word of a bird plague is sweeping through the borough. You are not happy with Astarion. Astarion doesn't care about the council until they put your council tax up.
Glares out of the window at kids playing but won't admit they're kind of cute. Especially glarey when kids come to the door trick or treating. Bonus points if they're dressed as vampires... Maybe he'll compliment them. "Darlings, look at your adorable little capes! Does your mother know you lot are prancing around dressed like monsters?" Will absolutely deny any niceties when you look at him knowingly, a smirk appearing on your lips as you notice the bucket of sweets he's holding, still excited after giving the children far more than they needed. or asked for.
Moans and groans when you watch vampire films. "Darling, turn that nonsense off, would you? Were you curious about vampires, you have one right here."
Groans even more when you watch law and order style programs, particularly court ones. Bad memories. "And why did he not get the death sentence?!"
Serial social media meme stealer.
Always creeps up behind you when you are looking in the mirror, ready to scare you. Or shag you, you be the judge.
Want chippy but don't want to get up or wait for an order? Blink. Gale will blink there and back. What's faster than Uber Eats? Going via the Astral Plane.
100000% will make you a brew if you ask :) He turns up with your favourite mug and your drink exactly the way you like it.
The type of man to run you a hot bath ready when you get in from work or if you've had a hard day just because.
Definitely discovers Nivea for Men.
Remembers things like birthdays and anniversaries.
Sees shiny things and wonders if they're infused with the weave. Gazing through the jewellery shop window.
Suffers through Harry Potter at Christmas wondering where all the elegant wizards are.
Started a thing where you leave post it notes for one another with sweet nothings on. Today as you're walking past the calendar pinned to the kitchen wall, you spot a new post it note. This one is pink and bares Gale's graceful handwriting. It reads: "My most special one, everyday I wake up next to you I feel luckier than the last. Have a great day x" Such devoted notes leave you feeling warm inside.
Prefers to buy 'living herbs' than ground jar ones because NATURE.
Is that person who goes past an adult shop and says loudly "let's go inside!"
Definitely gets stuck in garden chairs and the like due to being so massive. Don't get this man in a smart car.
Stands up at barbecues if the chair is too small. It probably is.
Literally has to be told to avoid the bear story to others because they will not understand but tells it anyway if he gets too drunk.
Actually finds it quite difficult to adapt to modern society almost more than Lae'zel.
If you live in the countryside, Halsin definitely finds it a little easier, but if you live in the city he is constantly asking questions. The thing that catches his eye today is a statue above the bank door - a lion with a key in his mouth. "Does that petrified displacer beast not wish to return to the wilderness?" "Halsin, that is a statue of a lion with a key in it's mouth." "...Oh. Why does it guard a key?" You look at him curiously, unsure of how to answer such an innocent question. "It's just HSBC's thing... I don't actually know."
Struggles to find clothes that actually fit.
Will share you a meme you tagged him in and never truly understand the new technology.
Totally enjoys long walks and feeding ducks. Eats all of the bread.
Tries to speak to the animals at the zoo. (Wifey)
Incosolably weeps at nature programs. Very confused when you try to explain that nature has to take it's course for them to film.
First thought upon seeing CGI animals dancing and talking : "IT'S A DRUID!"
Votes Green Party.
Lae'zel struggles the most to integrate into modern society.
She takes up some form of fighting WWE and does not understand why the fighters don't actually hurt each other.
She complains about this after making absolute bank of course. "Ch'k! These istik talk about fighting for glory - Yet they simply roughhouse for pitiful coin." "Yeah, but look at how famous you are, Lae'zel..." Rollin', rollin', all my bitches rollin'.
Hates ood in Doctor Who for obvious reasons. "Tsk'va, ghaik!"
Wifey came up with 'Bae'zel'.
Believes stupid spam emails you have to send onto others. (Wifey thought of this)
Shares that post of the missing dog on the other side of the world who was found 3 years ago.
Discovers TikTok, only shares animal videos and smashes TikTok dances.
Discovers aircon. 🥺
Discovers hot wing challenges... Excels at said hot wing challenges. and collects all the t shirts for winning food challenges.
Posts things on Facebook like 'Shar/Selune keeps me in check. Like, share and comment 'Praise be to Shar/Selune' if she keeps you in check." Definitely gets flamed by the others.
Ends up with cute hobbies like paper quilling and crafts. Makes things for you. "You've really improved your crochet, Shadowheart! What is this one called?" Gives him a simple name like Bob or Clyde and puts him with the rest, cramming the mantle with them.
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salitok · 11 months
I’ll take care of you- hcs
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Paring: Doctor Ellie Williams x reader
🩺 Every time you hang out with your friends this comment was inevitable. You would have those reunions with your friends at your shared house with Ellie, everyone talking and laughing when suddenly Ellie comes from work, she opened the door, and greeted you, the light blue uniform contrasting with her auburn hair. “Hey baby” she would say, your friend looked at your gf, up and down. After Ellie got upstairs all of ur friend would scream “OMG UR GF IS SO HOTTTT!!!”
🩺 Every day you woked at the same time that Ellie, and while she is showering you would go downstairs to the kitchen and make her lunch for her to eat at work. You bought a cute bento box for her, and you would make her cute lunches every day, and in a bottle you would put lemonade for her to hidrate herself. You would put the bento box and the bottle inside a small lunch box. Ellie left really early in the morning, you would give her a good bye kiss and hand her her lunch box, “thanks babe your the best” kiss kiss
🩺 The two of you would be watching a doctor movie, or a tv show like grace anatomy, and she would be screaming at the screen “ NO NO don’t do that”, you would die of laughter, like “babe its just a show”, Ellie would cover her face “i know but like this is so wrong” and then she would start explaining why the show was wrong and that they had to do this procedure instead of the other and blah blah blah.
🩺 You would always say that your gf was the most intelligent person you know. Ellie was really good at math and problem solving, and she’s also really good at drawing and crafts. There is only one this ellie was not good at, and you love to tease her about it. Her handwriting…
🩺 Ellie had really good income, every time she took you out on a date, she would be like “ babe you don’t have to pay for anything “ you would look at her and say “really ?” She would smirk say “i got you sweetheart” taking her gold credit card out. She love to spoil you .
🩺 When your sick your gf is the go 2. She would call the hospital trying to stay at home to take care of you. She would lay you in bed and take your temperature, she would then ask you to open your mouth and stick your touch out, you would bush, she would laugh and check your throat. “Honey you probably have the flu” she buys the medication for you and control when you have to take it. Ellie looks at her watch and say “princess is 5o’clock is time for the Advil”.
🩺 When you had fever she would prepare you a warm bath and bath you, or prepare a wet towel and put it over your forehead.
💉Even tho you didn’t want to admit it, Ellie looks super hot in that uniform. It became a kink of yours. Seeing her get home sweating and tired from work made you wet every time. You would cook for her and she would hug you from behind, her hands on your waist and lower stomach; you turned around and she would lift you up into the kitchen counter and fuck you right there with her finger. The uniform always on.
💉Ellie would come from behind when your doing anything and grab your tits. You would moan softly, and asked her what was she doing, her response always was the same: “just checking babe, I need to now if they are healthy and ok”
💉When she eated you out and finger you, she would describe what she was doing in a “medical” way, she knew you loved that, it make you wetter. She touched your wet cunt and said “your already lubed up.. let’s check that pretty pussy”, she toched you: “mm this is your clit” Ellie rubs in slowly in circular motions with her thumb, “let’s see if you taste good”, Ellie gives a gentle lick to your pussy, you moaned and hold her head. She inserted a finger inside of you “ your so tight baby, thats really good”…
💉 When you need your check up, you go to Ellie’s office. When you sat on her exam table with that rope on, no panties, she would get closer to you. she would check everything , your lungs, your reflexes, your heart and your throat.. “stick out your tongue for me” you bush and follow her orders, Ellie puts the wooden stick in your mouth making you gag.. “mmm already gagging huh.?” Your mind was going crazy and so was your body. She had to check one more thing, it wasn’t her area but she wanted to take a look, “open your legs for me baby”, you opened a little shyly. “don’t get all shy with me princess, open” and she separated your legs. Ellie got on her knees and looked at your now wet pussy.. “ I prepared something for you” you looked at her surprised, she took her pants off showing her strap. Ellie putted the strap inside pounding you hard and fast as you moan, “baby keep quiet, we don’t want everyone outside of my office to hear you”, the tip of the strap hitting that sweet spot inside of you, Ellie could feel you get tighter around her dick “cum for me baby, cum all over my cock” and you came… the session was over and it was time for her next patient… “take care.” As you came out of her office.
💉Sometimes while you fucked and you breath was really heavy and you moan very loudly she would say “should I slow down? . I don’t want you to have a heart attack”
💉While you fuck she puts her hand round your neck, you always thought she was choking you until you realized that she did it because she wanted to feel your heart get faster while she pounded you with her light blue strap
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Hello! I love your writing a lot and was wondering if at some point you’d consider writing a Frank Zhang x mortal!gf headcanon set? I loved the ones you did for Percy and Jason and just really love the concept. And Frank’s my favorite silly little crush. 💘 Thank you if you do and if you don’t thank you for reading this!! And thank you for everything you write!!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ frank zhang x mortal! reader hcs
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content: frank zhang x mortal! reader hcs warning: not any that i can think of??? very mushy gushy author's note: MORE MORTAL READER HCS???? WHO AM I???? i need to make my precious boy leo some and then he and frank can be a matching pair like jason and percy...which means leo gets the angst one first bc frank got the happy ending lmao- someone request it before saturday so i don't have to delete it pls pls love ya
"w-what do you mean, my cards been declined?" you managed to warble out, tears rapidly filling your eyes as you squeezed your hands around the counter of the little cafe
you see, you were supposed to be getting a little sweet treat because you've had a rough day, and goddamn it, you deserve it!!
you stumbled into the cafe, getting of the streets of san francisco with a beaming smile
but now, all that joy was rapidly crumbling and all the troubles of the day seemed to come back again at full force and you were sure you were about to crumple into a puddle of tears on the ground until they gave you a free coffee because you were just so pathetic-
"im sorry, miss, but there's not much more i can do for you. we've got other customers, so if you could..." the poor guy replied, subtly gesturing towards the door.
"but- but-" you tried, the words getting stuck in your throat, " i really need this...please."
"miss, don't make me ask again. please, leave-"
"i got it," a voice cut in from behind you, awkwardly clearing his throat.
you turned to him, eyes wide and teary
and frank was all that much more confident in his decision to help the pretty girl in front of him
"really?" you asked, your voice cracking just the slightest
frank offered you a soft and sweet smile, nodding his head before turning to the cashier
"just a plain black coffee for me. you want anything from here?" frank asked, tapping his finger against the glass that separated you from the baked goods of the cafe
while your eyes caught on some of the macaroons, you shook your head at the cute guy buying your drink, feeling like you were overstepping
"some of those, please," stated frank, pointing towards the macaroons and you began to wonder if he had the ability to read your mind.
the cashier slide over the pastries as frank paid and you took the plate into your hands, looking up at frank as though he just saved your life
"thank you, truly. from the bottom of my heart," you mused before clearing your throat lightly, "are- are you waiting for friends or- or could i sit with you?? i feel like i owe it to you to get to know you."
"yeah- yeah, no, i'd like that," frank beamed, taking a seat across from you
and when you weren't looking, he was typing a text under the table to percy and jason telling them NOT to come to the cafe if they loved him bc he met the love of his life and did not need those two idiots ruining it for him
and, so, naturally, those two showed up anyways but took up seats in the corner, pretending to not spy on frank even though they were totally spying on frank
you talked to frank about random stuff, what brought you to the city, family gossip, your favorite color and what not
and frank listened, basically staring at you with heart eyes.
"what about you, what brings a guy like you to a city like this?" you joked, looking up at him through your lashes with a tiny smirk
"oh! ummmmm camp- uh, military camp!" he lied, quickly swallowing down his shame at doing so.
"oh, really? didn't peg you as the military type," you frowned, quickly shaking it off as to not offend him.
"well, it's my dad's thing and im...uh, just keeping up tradition," frank added and you nodded in understanding, taking a sip from your drink
but of course, good things were never built to last for demigods
hey, what do you get when you put a son of poseidon, jupiter, and mars in a cafe??
a fury-ious cafe owner, obvi
(pls laugh or ill cry)
bc they are about to wreck the place
i mean not a single chair or table is upright when they are done
and you were so confused, now covered in water and your hair is all knotted from jason's wind and you were prettyyyyyyy sure at some point frank's arm was a bears arm
which is crazy
oh, and the guy that you thought was just a big softie and that you thought was cute and that bought you coffee?? yeah he stabbed somebody- something????
you weren't entirely sure what he stabbed, but stabbing definitely happened
"hey, are they alright?" percy asked, nodding his head towards you, who was still standing in one spot in shock
"y/n...let's go talk, yeah? i've got some explaining to do," frank whispered, gently, leading you through the mess of chairs and tables and out in the cold air of san francisco
and so the two of you walked aimlessly and now it was frank's turn to talk and your turn to listen
you asked strange questions, that always managed to catch frank off guard and lighten the whole situation
"so...half your dna is like...not real??"
"realistically, no one should be dating anyone in those camps. yall are related, that's disgusting."
"frank...you do understand that it's not normal to train your whole life just in case, maybe, a war comes?? dude, im going to be honest with you, i could not survive ten minutes if a war started, which is normal."
he couldn't help but admire how easily you were to accept this, how quick you were to comfort him about his life
it felt like he'd known you years instead of hours
months instead of minutes
lifetimes instead of seconds
and when you smiled up at him and asked another stupidly strange question, he couldn't help but think that maybe he had known you for lifetimes
that your souls kept playing a fun game of hide and seek
and that he finally found you in this one, his heart thudding and soul giggling as it pulled you from your hiding spot and held you tight in its arms
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
Hi !! It’s me again ! I wanted TO know if you can write the perfect date headcanon with William Tell or the way he like spend time with his s/o ?
(don’t answer if you are not confortable)
take care !
Goodness, I love this idea 🥺💕
William's idea of a perfect date is something you'd both enjoy. Like wine tasting at your favorite winery. He loves getting dressed up from time to time. Something simple, yet nice, like well fitting black jeans with a white button up, paired with a matching black jacket.
And of course, he loves to coordinate his outfits with you, so he bought you a well fitting black dress. One that only slightly dragged on the floor and had two slits up to the front of your thighs.
He'd have you on his arm the entire night, just walking around to take in the view while sipping your new favorite wine. He likes to take you around eight - eight thirty so you can enjoy the sunset together.
At the end of the night, he'd take you home and help you make a small stack of pancakes to enjoy together, still all dressed up in your nice clothes.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 8 months
Kisaki x vampire reader headcannons + scenarios
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Pairings: Tetta Kisaki x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, vampire!reader, sub/bottom!Kisaki, consuming blood, period sex, a whole trans Kisaki section
Genre/Format: Smut; Headcannons & scenarios
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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I HC Kisaki as being super sensitive in general, so having a vampire lover who sinks their fangs into his sensitive neck regularly? Their hands roaming his body all the while?
Yeah that's going to result in a lot of moaning and flusteredness on Tetta's part sfgdfjfdjhsg
A human's blood acts as somewhat of an aphrodisiac to vampires. But a vampire can also inject the human with their own sort of aphrodisiac from their bite
Thus resulting in feeding sessions becoming intimate very quickly
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Hoisting the human up onto the counter, his legs instinctually parted to allow room for your body as it leaned into his warmth. His dress shirt is unbuttoned halfway, exposing his neck to your lustful gaze. Your hands rest on his waist while your lips meet Kisaki's shoulder, leaving gentle kisses and creeping towards his pulse point
The scent of warm blood rushing through his veins could be described as intoxicating, and the knowledge that you could pierce his delicate skin at any second and drink the very liquid that kept him alive excited both of you greatly, hearts racing in tandem while you hovered not even an inch above Kisaki's skin
The moment sharp fangs punctured Kisaki's neck he released a drawn out moan, his hands grasping your biceps tightly while your fangs secrete a hormone akin to a rapidly working aphrodisiac that seeps into his bloodstream. Within moments of you sucking his delicious blood out through his neck, Kisaki will arch his back. Desperately craving your everything as his nails dig into your skin and leave marks. One of your hands will snake up to his lower back, pulling him towards you impossibly close, while the other will tangle in his hair
Soon after Kisaki will be desperately humping you as best as he can in this configuration, grinding his needy cock/pussy against you while you groan into his neck. Thick, crimson blood filling your mouth and sliding down your throat the entire time
Perhaps you fit the ‘Gentlemanly vampire’ stereotype a tad bit. Seeing as you always thank him for the meal once you've had your fill
Carding your fingers through his hair and kissing him with bloody lips wherever you can reach. Sort of like lipstick kiss marks, just with blood instead
After a feeding session, humans tend to be woozy and fall asleep easily. So of course you swiftly clean Kisaki up, putting a bandaid on the puncture wounds so that they won't leak blood all over everything...
If he still has the energy to do so, you'll run a lovely bath for the two of you. Using his favorite scents to help him relax and lighting a single candle
Doing most of the work as you wash him and then wrap him in a towel after you get out. Usually dressing him in comfy clothes too since he'll be too tired to do much on his own
Vampires have impressive stamina...inhuman amounts, one might say
And your darling human lover enjoys the nights when you just keep fucking him. Railing his holes until he's stupid and brainless
“O-ohhh fuuuuucckk~ M-more...harder– ” Tetta moans, his body partially limp from the past few hours of his holes being abused over and over again. One leg was weakly wrapped around you, the other one resting by your side as your cock wrecked your lover's insides, per his request
Another round of warm cum shooting inside of him and adding to the mess already accumulating within his guts. Blood dripped from several bite marks scattered across his body, unable to bite gently due to your sharp fangs so you simply claimed Tetta as yours by leaving your marks all over
Trans Kisaki section~ 🏳️‍⚧️💛
Period sex. So much period sex
Tetta takes advantage of how much you love period sex sometimes, making you beg to eat out his lil pussy
And you will happily comply, of course~
“Again. You can do better than that, can't you?” Your darling teases as you kneel before him. One foot pushes your chest lightly, just enough pressure to keep you in place so that you can't reach the delectable prize just in front of you
Your mouth waters at the thought of tasting Kisaki in his current state, so you try again, “Fuck... please, my love? My angel, my everything? Please allow me to eat you out– ” A low whine escaped through your lips as you begged, digging your nails into the fabric of your pants as you continued, “You can control my every movement, just...please...I need you to fill my mouth ”
It seemed as though your begging had finally paid off. Kisaki smirked down at you, enjoying how desperate and pathetic someone as powerful as yourself could become. Reduced to just your underwear, on your knees below him, begging so sweetly for a taste of his cunt. Of course he always planned on saying yes eventually, he simply wanted to see how far you'd fall for him
Trans Tetta gets so so wet whenever you feed from him. Squirming helplessly while your bite drives him even crazier for your touch
Begging you to fuck him while you suck him
Again, how could you ever deny your darling the simplest of pleasures? Of course you'll pound his soaked pussy ruthlessly while you devour him, anything for your lover 💛
Fluffy section ✨
If you just so happen to dress in Victorian era clothing, or anything gothic really, Tetta will tease you about being so stereotypical
But really, he loves that you're so unafraid of dressing how you want to even though some people make fun of you in public
Especially enjoys when you dress him up in your wardrobe 👉👈
You're a bit larger than him, so your attire is a little loose or too long sometimes, but he still enjoys trying on your things
And of course you stand him in front of a full-length mirror and compliment the hell out of him 💞
I also HC Kisaki as being really insecure and self-loathing in general, so he needs a partner that will drown him in reassurance and affection frequently
What better way to do so than letting him try on a style that he's interested in and making him understand how amazing he looks in it?
Vampires aren't ice cold to the touch, but when they need to feed again they do run slightly colder than a human does
Tetta already loves cuddling, but he fucking adores it during the few days after a feeding session. Your body is abnormally warm from his blood filling you up. Just radiating heat wherever you go
And Kisaki will make any excuse to nuzzle close to you, craving your warmth and maybe feeling a little possessive...after all, it is his blood that makes you so warm. It is his life essence that keeps you alive just the same
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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hisokakissmeplz · 1 month
Can I please request a hisoka hc where they are having an argument and he's being petty. Smut and lime after please .
bet make up sex (this has been in my drafts far too long)
"What the fuck Hisoka?"
He doesn't even look up at you. Hisoka instead continues building his card house on the coffee table.
"why throw your clothes on the floor when the hampers right there?"
He does this all the time, dumb things just to piss you off. Like throw his laundry next to the hamper instead of in it.
"you're being dramatic."
God he knew how to push your buttons.
"no I'm not, it's not that hard to just put them in the basket instead of making me pick them up off the floor."
He rolled his eyes as he put the top two cards on his card house and ignored you.
You were tired of it.
You walked over to him, on the opposite side of the coffee table. With the slight nudge of your leg against the coffee table, his card house tumbled in front of him.
He leaned back on the couch, looking up at you annoyed. God he was so handsome, you couldn't let that distract you.
"We're being petty now?"
His eyes flickering up to yours from under long eyelashes.
"we already were."
You retorted fast, not moving from your spot as you glared down at him.
He stood up, his eyes now flickering down to remain eye contact. Crossing his arms, he sighed.
"Why put my clothes away when I have you?"
That pissed you off even more.
"I'm not your maid."
"Your words, not mine."
He walked out of the room and into the kitchen, leaning on the counter. He watched as you followed him in there.
"I'm tired of this, why do you always pick fights with me?"
He smirked at you, his golden eyes still glued to you.
"it tickles me."
He never took anything seriously, always trying to play the high card. He always had to be on top, always the better one.
"Shut up." You scoffed. "You asked a question." He retorts.
"It was rehtorical." You sighed, resting your hands on your hips. "I'm serious, why are you even with me if all you wanna do is fight?"
Something changed in his face at that, quickly recovering though.
"that's not all we do."
You look at him, waiting for him to make his argument.
"we fuck too."
That was it. You stormed out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.
You sat on the bed, feeling the anger boil up in you and trying to calm yourself down when you heard his footsteps through the hallway.
"Don't 'baby' me."
You hated how your voice sounded, you could hear how upset you were, your voice almost cracking.
"just open the door."
You almost did, deciding against so you could be alone.
"Baby, open the door." You didn't answer. "I'm serious, open the door."
His voice has soften the longer you were silent. You stood up, stretching your legs and taking a deep breath.
"baby let me in, please." You could hear him sigh against the door, you almost rolled your eyes until you hear him whisper. "I'm sorry."
It wasn't definite and you weren't sure he had actually said it. You decided anyways to unlock the door.
He opens it fast and grabs onto you, pulling you by the hips against him.
You keep your arms crossed, scoffing at his action.
He smirks again, leaning down to kiss you. You turn your head as his lips meet your cheek instead.
He frowns, his face scrunching a little as he looks down at you.
You pull away from him and head into the bathroom, wiping your cheek as you walk.
That pisses him off and you know it.
He follows you in there, wrapping his arms around you again from behind. He rest his chin on your shoulder looking at you in the mirror.
The silence is killing you.
"you can't just hug up on me and think everything is fine."
"let me make it up to you then"
You scoff at his implication.
"and not be able to sit down tomorrow, why bother."
He sighs against your shoulder, pressing kisses back up to your neck.
"Why are you being so difficult?" He purrs in that deep husky voice that makes your knees weak. "Let me apologize my way, hm?"
His hands come up to your chest, he's being gentle though. You can feel his dick already straining against his pants as it presses against your back.
You sigh, he had a way with you, the arousal begining to pool at you core. His hands working deftly to pull you out of your top.
"Let me show you why I'm with you, why you keep coming back to me."
Hisoka spins you around, lowering his head to presses kisses to your chest as he hands undo your bra. Without hesitation he takes your nipple into his mouth, one hand tracing around to pinch and squeeze the other.
You try to muffle the moan you feel but it's useless when sucks extra hard on the nipple to force it out of you.
He picks you up, taking you out of the bathroom and laying you on the bed.
He pulls down your pants, his lips peppering kisses all up your thighs.
"Still mad?" He asks, his tone lustful and raspy.
You nod, annoyed with his attitude but not wanting to stop the inevitable. His hands pull your hips over the edge of the bed, his warm breath hitting your core through your now soaked panties.
"She doesn't look very mad, bunny."
He's teasing you, testing your patience because he knows you won't stop him, not when his mouth is so dangerously close to your sopping pussy.
He licks a long stripe over the wet fabric.
"Come on now, don't be so quiet."
He slides his finger over your clit, rubbing slow circles through your panties.
You bite your lip, trying to hold back any sounds but he's just too good, a soft broken whine leaving your lips, encouraging him to speed up his ministrations.
He stops, standing up over you as his hands pull off your panties, probably pocketing them for later.
He leans up to kiss you, his mouth wet from your cunt, but before he can press into you you stop him with a hand on his chest.
"I don't think you deserve it."
You say with newfound strength and confidence.
"there she is, missed my mean girl."
He smirks but the serious look in your eye stops him.
"what, you want me to beg?"
He purrs into your ear, and as tempting as the offer sounds you decline.
"just the tip, that's all you get."
"aw, don't be so unfair, I promise I'll be good."
"just the tip, or nothing."
He huffs, but relents. Slowly, he slides just his pretty pink tip into you.
He groans into your shoulder, wanting desperately to take you fully.
He smirks up at you, and as you look up at him puzzled, you feel the aura tighten around your wrist and pull your hands up to the head board.
"yes?" He purrs innocently as he slides the rest of his dick into you, kissing your cervix. You can't help the moan that leaves your mouth, glaring at him.
"don't be like that, let me take care of you bunny."
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walmart-icarus · 4 months
late night snack run
im sad right now so here's another fic LMAo
what would happen if they went to a gas station at an ungodly hour?
they didn't even know what time it was
2-3 am?
it was a slow night
they did the things they wanted to
Paul saw hot dog stand girl
Marko got to see the new comic that came out
(without the Frog brothers noticing ofc)
Dwayne got a walkman with Laddie
David got to pick out a movie for movie night
Star went to her occult witch store
for new tarot cards + crystals
Michael set a new high score on one of the arcade machines
it was calm
but of course, many things were closed at the time
and David ran out of cigarettes to smoke
and they didn't really feel like doing anything crazy
"I'm craving a slushie from 7/11"
Michael usually didn't like slushies but now he craved one
and they were all on board
As soon as they walked in
the poor minimum wage worker almost went into cardiac arrest
dammit they always trash the place they thought
and right on cue
Dancing Queen came on the broken speakers
Star and Marko started singing along
and dancing in the drink isle
Marko spinning her around while laughing
young and sweet
Dwayne was getting the essentials while Paul sits in the shopping cart (?? do they have shopping carts at 7/11??)
and David was sitting on the counter
next to an indecisive Michael, struggling to choose a flavor
"There's only three flavors Mike"
"SHUT UP I'm concentrating"
and Laddie was looking at different chocolate bars
eventually, they left to the beach
because they like the beach
if anyone wants I can also do hcs for that
but they tipped the cashier
it was a slow and calm night
but it was one of the best ones
writing this for my comfort and I hope I comforts you guys too :)
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hey..... hi..... could I request mlm harvey (sdv) :)?
you can decide if you want nsfw or fluff but I prefer no angst yes
cuddles... cuddles, m!reader gives the bestest cuddles because I said so!! + He's taller than harvey (you can put your own hc, but for me personally he's 6'1 ehe), !!!! He gets so flustered whenever m/n towers over him on accident!!, m/n's always apologetic about it too....
and, the fact that m/n smells like oranges and tangerines, doesn't help... He's always so good smelling to harvey he just wants to cuddle all the time... And who's m/n to refuse!!!!!
I love harvey an unconditional amount, also, I may send in another ask soon for elliot aha, I love him too
(+, could I be 🫚anon?)
Stardew valley
// BOTTOM!Harvey X Tall TOP!Male!farmer who smells like oranges and tangerines and cuddles//
CW//TW; fluff, before NSFW is at the end, suggestive mentions before the NSFW part, mentions of edging, begging, praising, then aftercare and mentions of Harvey not having a relationship with his family and having no contact I finished this close to 12 AM.
Apologies I will finish sebby request very soon but I did this BC it had no story but now it does and sighs, I also added Fluff/cuddles, NSFW/redid all that shit if you haven't seen my last post before this, aftercare/m/n taking care of Harvey omg,, no one told me I fucked up a word what the fuck let me go redo that
Harvey is just absolutely adorable.
-the moment he met you he was.. intimated by you, you were taller than him! Like sure.. There's other men in town who're(HAHAHAHSHSHS WHORE sorry) taller than him but he is also one of those men.. it leaves him absolutely stunned seeing you who is taller than everyone at this point! He was very nervous about being around you, even just by standing beside you he was nervous and scared for who knows what, but he did somewhat get a small whiff of your.. citrus like scent? he wasn't sure if smelling like oranges and tangerines were a normal thing… he was going to research diseases or sicknesses just to make sure that you were perfectly fine, yet he isn't sure why he's feeling so anxious and nervous around a person, you're just a tall person.. it's not like.. you'll someday carry him around as if he's a book, because that would be rude! You two just met! But.. it was weird,
-the moment you walked into his clinic while he was trying to write you a letter for a check-up, he didn't hear you walk into his clinic, considering he was mumbling to himself on how to write a letter to you, he felt nervous and uncomfortable the moment he felt like he was being watched.. he then turned around and oh boy, you scared the living yoba out of him! You were just standing behind him, staring. ..causing him to literally scream bloody murder since he WAS alone for such a long time doing his own thing and next thing he knows is that there's a tall man standing behind him and his life flashed before his eyes. While you were actually wondering how you were gonna approach the doctor who seemed busy, but now, you got a doctor who is on the floor, unconscious, now here you are absolutely panicking. You had to put HIM on the clinic's bed this time instead of him putting others on the bed, you're just waiting for him to wake up now, while having a bottle of water in hand and some medicine in the other.
-it was awkward being around you, he apologized to you but you then apologized to him, and it was mutual, next day he finds a basket filled with fruit and there's wine in it, with an apology card on the counter, Maru was sitting at the front desk, she then looked over at Harvey and told him that the farmer came by to give him this as an apology for supposedly scaring the yoba out of him? She was confused of course and asked Harvey what happened, Harvey, shook his head and brushed it off, his face sweating as he felt blood rush to his face, he was actually really embarrassed and didn't really wanna tell Maru what had happened that day, But Maru; thought Harvey had a crush on the farmer, so she didn't press for more, she was just thinking, *’oh Harvey is just embarrassed for having a crush, they seem like a cute pair’* And she shook her head and chuckled to herself as she continued with her day at work, Harvey took the basket and card happily but still embarrassed and red, going to his office to check the basket and card out, he read it, and smiled softly, his face getting warmer when he kept reading it, as he didn't even realize it even was warmer than before.
-aaannd.. that's how his days always went, he also had a proper check-up with you.. somewhat of a proper check-up, he didn't understand why your heart was racing at an unusual speed.. (much faster then how it did in his heart scene in the game..), he thought you were having a heart attack(you probably are) so he started gathering things and had rushed you to the clinic's bed, not letting you get off the bed at all, he was rambling on about how he needed to make sure you're alright and said you could possibly be suffering an unsuspecting heart attack, he kept you with him after closing, because you came in super late nearing closing, and he sent Maru home already, and he was going to make sure you were alright, he was doing his best to make sure you're healthy, asking you questions and medical questions, asking if you were allergic to anything or something, he just needed to know what was up with you, and the moment he knew you were fine, he let out a sigh of relief, thank yoba you're fine!, he also had more of a whiff of your tangerine scent, it smelled.. sweet and comforting, he didn't know why it did though because it felt odd as well and more odd for even thinking of that or feeling that way, but he calmed down to that, while you were just sitting there just absolutely unsure what to even say to doctor Harvey, it was like.. too late to already get home, you'd end up passing out just at 2 in the morning if you stepped out of the clinic, weird how you always do only pass out directly at 2 in the morning, it's always before.
-.....Harvey felt bad and ended up having you stay over, you guys.. are.. somewhat friends, friends yeah, just a bit awkward in the moment because of everything and him being anxious around you and you just being scared and nervous about being in a doctors clinic but also just nervous about accidentally scaring poor old Harvey, but still you two are friends, so you are having a sleepover for one night, it was.. something honestly, you were trying to figure out how to sleep on the couch, Harvey was reading a book, and you were just.. staring at the ceiling, Harvey made small glances towards you from his book, he felt bad but also was not really sure on what to do as he watched you, while you were just turning and tossing on the couch, but found a position where it was comfortable, and honestly, you were like dead asleep after a few seconds like right after Harvey then tried to suggest something else for you but just then realized that you were just already asleep, which caused him to be absolutely lost, confused, and he's like thinking to himself, you already fell asleep?? You were just moving and turning, how are you asleep after a second? Anyways you're a heavy sleeper, Harvey soon put his book away back on his shelf (the book was about fruits, and he was trying to find out if tangerines and oranges scent a whole person if they eat a lot of them but he found nothing and soon gave up) and then Harvey got in bed, staring at the ceiling as he took his glasses off and placed them beside him on his bedside table, soon he went to bed, while also trying to get over the fact that you were here, spending the night, in his apartment.
-harvey soon woke up in the morning and you were just sitting in the middle of the room for some reason, just making patterns with your finger on the floor with absolutely nothing to do, and Harvey felt bad seeing this because he then remembered how you were always up very early in the morning and that you were probably up for hours while he slept, he didn't know what you were doing while he was sleeping but he seen nothing was a mess and he was happy it was clean and nothing was a mess or broken, he soon gotten up out of bed, greeting you sheepishly as he put on his glasses again, what do you mean you made breakfast? How- why did you make breakfast? Oh, well thank you farmer. Harvey happily ate the breakfast you made him(a breakfast only HE would eat. BECAUSE THIS MOTHER FUCKER DOESN'T LIKE PANCAKES. Sorry It appears I'm still upset about him not liking the pancakes I made for him in bed, I ended up giving him eggs and a coffee, and then left without speaking to him or giving him a kiss that entire day but then I showered him in kisses and loves the next day, I was just very upset over that one day.) and he soon put his sweater on again, after the two of you finished breakfast though, he felt very warm and light when you did that action when you didn't need to for him, he hasn't had a good cooked meal in a long time and he really liked your cooking, he did praise you for the cooking and you were happy, so you plan to cook him meals and give them to him since you rarely cook food and you mostly just.. do whatever you do during the day(you don't want to tell him that you are just absolutely feral and will eat anything that can be eaten.)
-As days went by, and the both of you having gotten rather closer than before, it was all going absolutely wonderful, Harvey was very pleased about you gifting him home cooked meals, and now, he was saving a lot more money and not buying frozen meals from Pierre's every time considering he couldn't cook because he was always busy, he was very happy about it either way, and you were very happy because you always made a little plate for yourself and tested it out to see if it was good, which it always was(the only time you messed up was when you forgot to turn off the stove and then you had to recook it all), Harvey soon enough went to Pierre's again and then bought a flower bouquet for you, he was very nervous about what you'd say and how you'd react, but after buying the flowers, he was already in a nice change pair of clothing that made him look really nice, he wanted to be presentable to you during this moment, so he requested you to meet him at the water fountain, when the sun was setting in a letter for you, which when the time had came you went over to the water fountain to see Harvey, hiding something behind his back as well, and when you walked over towards him you looked at him with a soft gaze, causing him to get more red and nervous as he started to stutter his words when he was trying to confess his feelings for you, he was already nervous because of how tall you were but he was more nervous of this, soon enough he did so and you were giggling throughout some parts because you thought he looked so adorable with how red and nervous he was, you really liked seeing him in such a nice outfit but you mostly had your attention on him the entire time, when he handed you the flower bouquet and asked if you wanted to be his partner, you were surprised but not that surprised, he was started to second guess everything until you took the flower bouquet and hugged him, he was surprised but then melted into your arms, holding you back as well as the sun set made it more pretty and he got your full scent of tangerines and oranges which made it even better for him, he felt like he was in the clouds.
-the two of you started dating, and it was wonderful, Harvey was absolutely happy, he was just a whole being of joy whenever he was around you, sure he's still nervous about being around you considering you're still tall but he's more calm and collected about it, often he's leaning into your arms whenever you hold him and he's just blushing like crazy and he's just so happy about it all, he's never felt this happy ever since he left home, he's never had contact with his own family and they simply didn't bother to try and talk to him, Harvey never minded it but he was sometimes sad about it as well, but he's not sad about it anymore now that he has you with him.
-he's never felt like this the moment he had gotten married to you, first he asked you to be with him, and now you asked him to marry you, everything felt so perfect, he couldn't have asked for anything else in the world, no matter what it may be, even a relationship with his family, hell no, he will never trade you for anything else, he vows to be loyal and by your side every single day when the two of you are alive and together, his heart felt like it was going to explode, but of happiness, he didn't bother sharing the news with anyone back in the city, he didn't care, he couldn't, how could he when he finally had you, and you actually care about him and make him happy! He felt so secure and safe being with you, now living with you as he sometimes would go over back to his apartment to just be there for a few hours just chilling there, before coming home since he would now start to feel a bit off whenever he was away from you for too long, and he just felt more comfortable in the home you both share together, he loved smelling the citrus scent you have whenever the two of you would lay together or just be close together.
-Harvey felt so embarrassed whenever you'd pick him up, he didn't fight back though but it sure was a shocker to him, he enjoyed being held and cuddled by you, he loved your hands as well, he just loved having your hands on him, Harvey absolutely loves having your hands on or in him in places, and just loves having your hands in his own, it makes him feel happy.
-Harvey is always leaning or resting against you as well, he loves smelling you, he loves your scent, he just loves touching you in any way shape or form, he needs it, he's needy, he absolutely is needy and wants your attention because he's afraid of losing it, but you always have your attention on him 24/7, because you're HIS Husband, you're HIS handsome man, you both are HUSBANDS, you're HIS.
-harvey get so weak in the knees and gets so red seeing you shirtless, he gets so hot and you're his husband, he sees you shirtless in your own home, but he still gets absolutely flustered and red, he cannot help it! He just loves you too much and feels so shy about it, even when you flirt with him shirtless like! M/n don't do that! (Do it)
Yeaaahhh let's get into the cuddling
Harvey was laying on top of your chest under the covers, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he just softly inhaled the fruitful scent you have, while you were laying in the middle of your comfortable bed, reading a book as you would kiss the top of Harvey's head once in a while, every few 3 to 5 pages you'd turn, while the blanket was covering the both of you as well keeping you two warm, even though you both were warm as it was, you were humming a soft lullaby as you read, your arms were around Harvey as you held the book but you were also keeping your doctor husband close to you as possible, Harvey loved listening to you hum softly as he laid with you, well on top of you but you wanted him to either way to be closer, “mmmph,, my love, do you really think I should stay-” Harvey mumbled against your skin as he tried asking you again if he should stay like this, but you simply stopped humming and cut him off of his words, “Yes, I'm fine Harvey, just relax, it'll be fine, you're fine staying like this” you reassured him that it was perfectly fine for Harvey to stay laying on top of your chest, you loved how it felt because it felt absolutely comforting like this and you loved having Harvey just all relaxed and soft against you, Harvey just made a soft humming sound before nuzzling up against your neck again, his eyes were closed as he shortly soon fell asleep on you, you were turning the page of your book before planting a kiss on his head as you whispered in a soft tone to him, “I love you” before putting a bookmark on your page, and closing it up, it was dark and you knew you should get rest as well, so you put the book on the stand beside you, turning off the lamp as you got comfortable and wrapped your arms around Harvey, holding him closely and making sure he seemed comfy in his own state of sleep, closing your eyes as you yawned and soon, all that was heard in the dark yet cooled room, was the soft breathing of the both of you sleeping peacefully as you cuddled up against each other in the bed you both share, the house the two of you now share is filled with the peaceful quietness, then when the morning had came, Harvey seemed to content on staying in his position as he was too comfortable to move and he didn't want you leaving the bed so soon, while you woke up early and tried getting out of bed to go run places and run to the mines, yet Harvey seems to not want to let you go to the mines, so he kept in his place, mumbling tiredly as he kept mumbling his tired and weak protests of “nooo..” to you trying to get him off of you and to lay on the other side so you could go to the mines, but you soon gave up as you got back into the warmth and comfortable spot you were in originally, and then you closed your eyes once more after giving him a kiss, he had tiredly gave you a kiss back and rested his head against your chest again, since he wanted to stay in longer, and you couldn't deny your husband that any longer because he was so adorable like this, and he loves your scent and your warmth, how could you deny your husband warmth and comfort? You'd just let him get cold and alone in bed? No, you have to stay here and go back to bed, he seemed so happy even in his sleep again as the two of you fell back asleep peacefully,
Okay refucking writing it all are you absolutely fucking kidding me like what the fucking hell I should've fucking written it here like what the fuck
Harvey's soft cries and desperate pleas echo throughout the bedroom the two husbands share, the sound of their soft skin meeting filling the room with a soft Melody of passion. The bed, though it was In Fact silent, stayed silent, Harvey clutched the sheets tightly, his face flushed with desire and sweet moans tumbling from his lips. His legs spread apart, his body writhes in absolute pure raw ecstasy as his husband, m/n, thrusts into him with such primal need, gripping Harvey's thighs absolutely possessively as he thrusted into him, m/n's rigid length slides in and out of Harvey that sends shivers down Harvey's spine, his cock finding that sweet, soft spot inside of his husband Harvey, causing him to squirm in pleasure. Tears of raw ecstasy had streamed down Harvey's face as he begged for his husband m/n to let him finish, after hours of being absolutely lost in the intoxication of their love-making, M/n could only chuckled in response to Harvey, his hips grinding against Harvey's hips, sending waves of pleasure through both their bodies. With a gentle soft sweet touch, m/n's hand moved from Harvey's thigh to his throbbing cock, Each stroke m/n’s hand made had only brought Harvey closer to the edge, Harvey's need growing with each passing moment this kept going on. M/n smeared the pre-cum over the head of Harvey's cock, his thumb pressing down on the sensitive tip, sending shivers of pleasure through Harvey's body, yet the sensation of m/n's thumb pressing against the head of his cock sends Harvey into a absolutely frenzy, his hips bucking in absolute desperation, as m/n presses Harvey back onto the bed, then pulls out of him only to thrust back in deeper than before, Harvey's cries had reach a fever pitch. He can feel himself being so close on the edge of release, but his husband denies him, prolonging the torture with each thrust, m/n worships Harvey with soft whispers of love and adoration to his husband, his movements slow and deliberate now, drawing out Harvey's torment. His hand strokes Harvey's cock with skill, his lips trailing tender lovingly kisses along Harvey's skin, their bodies move in absolute perfect synchrony, slowly driving Harvey to the brink of madness as he begged and pleaded for release, the overwhelming desire courses through Harvey's veins is matched only by the intensity of m/n's thrusting, Harvey's pitched cries and whines echoes through the room loudly, M/n finally letting Harvey reach his release as he started thrusting faster and deeper, his cock pressed deep against the sweet spot spot inside of Harvey, causing Harvey to hold tightly onto the bed as he moaned loudly, cum now being on his abdomen as M/n kept pumping his husband's pulsing cock, completely fucking Harvey out of his Ecstasy state, Harvey's soft moans kept slipping from his lips as he soon fell exhausted, while M/n took care of Harvey right after releasing inside of his husband.
Aftercare omg
Shortly after Harvey and his husband M/n completed their intimate time together, M/n lovingly tended to his husband's every need. He carefully cleaned Harvey up, ensuring he was comfortable as he guided him to the bathroom, assisted him in drinking water, and then drew a warm bath for them both with deep love and tender care, M/n washed his husband, showering him with kisses and sweet words of admiration and love, as he lovingly attended to Harvey making sure he was comfortable, M/n neglected his own needs just for his husband's, soon, drying himself off hastily as he focused on ensuring Harvey's comfort right after he lovingly was drying Harvey off with care and time, after the bath, M/n gently carried Harvey to the bedroom once again, dressing them both in cozy clothes before settling Harvey on the sofa for a moment, M/n then changed the bedding, preparing a fresh, welcoming space for them to rest. With new pillows, sheets, and blankets, the bed became a haven of softness and comfort for them now while tenderly lifting his weary husband into the soft comforting bed, M/n turned off the lamp and nestled beside him, As Harvey drifted off to sleep, safe and loved in his husband's arms, M/n whispered sweet words of love and adoration, holding him close as they both drifted off to the peaceful sleep
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