#william tell head cannons
ninebluehearts · 2 years
Hey !! i hope you are well ? i wanted to know if you can write an alphabet sfw with william tell ? Ps: I love your work 💕
Hi!! I'm pretty good! I hope you're doing well too! Thank you so much! You don't know how happy it makes me when people actually like my writing 😭💕 thank you for this ask! It's my first alphabet list, so bear with me 😂💕
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?):
I think that William wouldn't be very affectionate at first. He's been through a lot and just doesn't seem like the type of person to really crave another's touch. But once he realized how much being physical meant to you, he'd slowly get better at doing it. His favorite way to show you affection is to hug you from behind while you're cooking.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did the friendship start?):
He would be that one bff that reply's quickly at first, then suddenly disappears for two days.
The friendship started in a casino. After watching him win seven rounds of poker in one sitting, you had asked him to show you his ways. After that, you spent the night talking about a million other things and exchanged phone numbers.
C = Cuddle (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?):
Again, he's not a very touchy-feely kinda guy, so cuddling is another thing he struggles with. He likes to have his routine: wrap sheets around everything, play a quick round of cards, then lay on his back with his hands folded over and chest to fall asleep. But now that he's trying with you, he's okay with you curling up against his side with his arm around you. He would never admit it, but he also likes to be the little spoon sometimes.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they with cooking and cleaning?):
I don't think he'd be apposed to marriage. He may think that it's kind of basic and unnecessary, but when you talk about it with him, he doesn't mind the idea of it. He said that kids might be a bit much, but that he would keep an open mind.
He's a very clean guy, we all know that. So he's great with cleaning. Cooking is eh to him, he doesn't mind doing it, but he prefers if you do it.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?):
Not gonna lie, I think he'd do it in the middle of a fight. You guys would be arguing for the millionth time this week and he would throw and his hands up and say "you know what? I'm done." Then pack up his things and go. He'd even block your number.
F = Fiancé (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?):
Again, he's not apposed to marrying you, but he wanted to wait until the right time to propose. Like when you're both financially stable and you both feel like your relationship is secure enough.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
I think you're the only person in the world he's gentle with. He likes to gently rub your back from time to time, or even just holding your hips and guiding you in another direction when you're in his way. Emotionally though.. he tries his best to communicate in a way that doesn't make him sound like a jackass, but sometimes he'll word things wrong and ends up making you cry. He always apologizes and tries to fix it, but it's another thing he's working on.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
After awhile, he's great with hugs. He let's you initiate them 99% of the time though. I think his hugs would be very comforting; he wraps his arms around your waist and presses you against him, using just the right amount of pressure to where you're not gonna suffocate, but you feel secure.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L word?):
Well, you said it eight months into the relationship and he disappeared for a week- It's not that he doesn't love you, it's just that he's scared because you love him. He's probably start saying it back around the two year mark of your relationship.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?):
Omfg does this man get jealous- whew, he gets pissed when he's jealous. He gets very quiet for awhile turning the situation around over and over again in his head. You had been talking to a coworker that was getting a little too flirty and boy, he didn't like that. I think he would firmly wrap his arm around your waist and walk you back to your table, barely talking for the rest of the night.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?):
His kisses would be soft, but they toe the line of being too firm. He loves to kiss you along the length of your arm; kinda like Gomez does to Mortisha in Addams Family. Omg he loves it when you kiss him on his forehead.
L = Little ones (How are they with kids?):
He's pretty okay with kids. He couldn't babysit them by himself, but he doesn't mind them. He only hates it if they start scream-crying.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?):
Eh, they're okay. He's super eager to get up and start the day, so he only let's you guys stay in bed and cuddle for five minutes each morning.
N = Night (What are nights like with them?):
Nights are better than mornings. He's traded out that quick card game to watch a movie/show with you. He likes to sit on the couch and watch whatever you put on while drinking a beer and having you cuddled up on him under the blankets. It's his favorite way to relax now.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they reveal everything all at once or do they wait awhile to reveal things slowly?):
Honestly? He would be pretty open immediately. Not about the deep stuff, like his childhood, but he would often times go into detail about the things he'd seen in prison.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?):
He gets angered kind of easily, but he has a good pokerface, so you usually don't know that he's angry until he either explodes or gets really quiet.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you remember in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?):
He remembers everything. You're actually shocked that he doesn't have some book about you somewhere. A year ago you told him that you didn't like vanilla ice cream and to this day he never buys you ice cream that has anything to do with vanilla.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment from your relationship?):
Your first kiss. Sure, it's kind of basic, but it's his favorite because it was the moment both of you really connected and started falling for each other. He never told you, but the minute your lips pressed against his, he knew he loved you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?):
He's very protective. He's not annoying about it, but he does watch you a lot. You'll be sitting at a bar playing on your phone while he plays a game of poker, and he somehow manages to keep track of the game and look back at you every three minutes. He doesn't want you to protect him, he says that it's his job to take care of both of you. But when he wakes up in the middle of the night to you holding him as close as you can, he can't help but feel safe, like you're somehow protecting him in your sleep. He just loves it.
T = Try (How much effort do they put into gifts, holidays, anniversary's etc?):
He puts a good bit of effort into getting you a present he knows you'll love. It's almost always jewelry, but it's all the stuff you like: small and simple. He also like to get you a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?):
Ugh, the gambling. Sure, he wins most of the time, but when he told you he lost over 500 dollars, you thought you were gonna kill him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?):
He likes to look good: neat and precise. He shaves as often as he needs to and makes sure his shirt matches his pants. Nothing too extreme.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?):
Yes. If you weren't there, he'd be a bit clueless and lonely. Really, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd probably spend more time at the casinos.
X = Xtra (A random hc for them):
His favorite show is Rick and Morty. If he is in a bad mood and needs a good laugh, he'll put it on while he practices with his cards.
Y = Yuck (What are somethings they wouldn't like, in general or in a partner?):
In general, he hates it when people dip their eggs in ketchup. He thinks it's absolutely disgusting. In a partner, he wouldn't date anyone who is unhygienic or unorganized. He couldn't deal with it honestly.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?):
This motherfucker snores so bad. You've had to wake him up and roll him over quite a few times because you just can't sleep.
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sleep-0-deprived · 8 months
Hey could you write Yandere William Afton x male reader plz and thank u for ur time 🥰🙏
Yandere William afton x male reader head cannons
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Omg I’m soo excited for the new Fnaf movie I’ve been a Fnaf since 2014 but anyway I basically did head cannons and there is a NSFW section also sorry it took me so long and I hope you enjoy ;]
Female aligned dni 18+ only blog
One word describes William “possessive” this man is a murderer and he has and will kill for you if needed
William loves you watch you do things around the house and loves to tease you a lot
William loves it when you lay on his chest, it makes him happy but he will never tell you that
William will legit stalk you for weeks before he makes a move and if it’s a forceful one is up to you
Any past or present partner ends up dead or missing because he won’t let anybody get between you two
When William and you do eventually end up together he is very controlling about who you talk to and where you go while telling you “I’m only helping darling”
William always ends up walking in on you when your changing and claims “it was an accident”
William definitely likes to see you fucked out and under his control even to the point where you are begging him to let you cum
William has a breeding kink and a thing for pet names like baby boy, doll, darling etc. One time during sex you called him daddy and he went feral demanding you do it again
When the two of you fuck William will degrade you like crazy he will fuck you like your life depends on it and will cum inside you over and over again until your stomach is full and bloated
William isn’t always rough with you during sex if he feels like it he can be more slow and sensational with you
Hates quickies because he loves taking his time with you and fucking you for hours
Like I said before William loves walking in on you and he does it when you shower too, it always leads to passionate shower sex
After sex you have so many bruises hickeys and bite marks because of William and you can hardly walk
William defiantly invented a fucking machine and tried it out on you while watching you plea for him to fuck you as the machine brings many over simulated orgasms
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ellielatinagf · 2 months
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Ellie Williams in Covid head cannons
Sooooo this is just a small idea I had because I’ve never seen anyone else do this soooooooo. Our poor girly in yet another epidemic. Love you all!
Warnings: a tiny bit nsfw content, cursing, for the girls only pleaseee, lmk if there’s anything else
Was absolutely thrilled when everyone was advised to stay inside because she’s such an antisocial loser untilllllll she saw how everyone was rapidly spreading the disease. She’s low key a germaphobe.
Totally had a YouTube channel which consisted of her recording herself doing nothing but laying on the couch with you watching tv. Her only subscribers were Jesse, Joel, and Dina and some rando from Tennessee.
She found a new obsession every week and now the garage is filled with boxes of old paintings, crochet chickens, and diy art stuff.
Had ranked every Ramen noodle flavor from best to worst
Absolutely freaked OUT when you got Covid from your job and she ended up sleeping over at Joel’s. She actually refused to come back untill you showed her how you deep cleaned the whole house.
Ellie on FaceTime
Ellie: wait babe lemme see right there on the dresser
You: Ellie I literally wiped it down twice
Ellie: well I didn’t see it
Tried to make cookies one time and thought they were perfect and crispy around the edges. They really tasted like chips and she got mad when you laughed and claimed you never take her seriously.
Okay I’m sorry but she was a horny monster like cmon she was in the house all day with you like how can she not.
Had an obsession with the Big Bang theory and made you watch it with her and explained all the science stuff which she knew for the most part. On the ones she didn’t know she’d yap about it till you looked it up and she’d gaslight you into thinking she was right.
You: “Umm babe google says……”
Ellie: “that’s literally what I was saying”
She was at Joel’s house one time helping him make more guitars. She accidentally cut herself and when you demanded she go to the hospital which she was terrified of because of all the Covid patients getting her sick she went like this
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“Hold on babe i watched greys anatomy”
Fell victim to the meme pages all in her camera roll that were like this
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Hated zoom meetings but she’d be the type to hold her phone on the screen and watch those Roblox Tik toks.
I know i already said she was a fortnite god but that girl watched every single fortnite concert at the time and made sure you were right there with her and she made sure to clip the whole thing even though when watching the clip back her and Jesse were yelling their asses off. She loved season three of fortnite.
Ellie hated when people overstocked at the grocery store meanwhile she did the exact same thing because she was paranoid and it came in hand since you guys wouldn’t need to go grocery shopping for at least a week and a half
Ellie also discovered games with an emotional storyline like Detroit becomes human, red dead redemption, resident evil, ect. And had a phase where she’d be all poetic and shit thinking she was Shakespeare, she got tired of talking like she was from the 1800s.
Ellie: “my love, your eyes, they remind me of a thousand sunsets…”
You: “did you take out the trash?”
She had all her favorite YouTubers and would watch them on the tv and she’d make you play among us with her because that was “the game of century” as she proclaimed.
She actually had a small mini breakdown because our poor girl found out Joel had Covid and remember that in the news it said older people were more at risk. The poor girl though Joel was gonna die and you laid in bed with Ellie who was sniffling and crying in your shirt while you rubbed her back. Those always calm her down. Then when Joel was better again she made you pinky promise not to tell anyone anything. But she did end up calling Joel more frequently.
You guys actually had spent a lot of time together and most couples who spent so much time together broke up and got bored and such and such but you two actually enjoyed you time together. You and Ellie would would go to an open park where no one was around and watch the sunset and talk about what your plans were after everything was back to normal. Ellie asked if you two could get a puppy and who can ever say no to those eyes and freckles cheeks?
Another thing you guys liked to do was spent all day in bed and cuddling. Now a lot of people will assume Ellie would be the big spoon and that can be true sometimes but the girl is a hugeeeeeee softie. She loved being the little spoon because she felt safe by feeling your soft breath ok her back or shoulder. And she’s hold a dinosaur plushie. Like always.
She cried when she watched videos of family’s finally being able to reunite or grandparents watching their families through a class. Who didn’t cry?
She loved playing just dance with you and she’d purposely pick a song where you both had to dance together because she never has the balls to ask you to dance to with her.
She had a little camcorder where she recorded almost everything in your lives at that point. You brushing your teeth, both of you eating cereal, having tickle fights, ect. What Ellie doesn’t know is that now you sometimes go to the camcorder and watch the old videos and she’d a tear here and there because you loved the memories.
Some how she was actually a beast at the toilet paper kick up challenge and got a good 14 kick ups.
You cannot tell me she didn’t buy those apple juices that actually founded like apples when you bit into them.
I lowkey just had an idea of what Ellie would be like at this time sooooo lmk what other hcs you guys might want! Also be sure to let me know if you’d like to be in the Taglists! Don’t forget to talk about Palestine guys! Free Palestine 🇵🇸 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Taglists: @vqxen @bready101 @lilylynne11 @Lively-blues @Yurixxiii @vampyangel @gato-chino @a-little-bit-of-everybody @abbysbraids
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roarriita · 1 year
roommates - ellie williams (7)
fem!reader x elliewilliams!
part six, here
content warning: explicit language, sexual thoughts & acts, reader has parental issues
// initial summary: the day after you officially moved into your new college dorm, you decide to take a look around the school, getting familiar to the clubs that they have to offer as well as the libraries, classes and cafeteria. you come back to your dorm in hopes of taking a shower and sitting in quiet solitude, but your plans are disrupted by your new roommate moving in… ellie williams. //
“10/10.” you practically devoured the deep-friend oreos that were in front of you. “they put their whole heart and soul into these greasy ass cookies.”
ellie chuckled at your ‘greasy ass cookies’ comment. “couldn’t agree more.”
after you were done, you took a couple of sips of your slurpee and stared at the girl across from you. it was dark out now, the only thing lighting up the scenery were the rides, stands and tall post lights. ellie has made today feel like a dream. you guys did in fact go on every ride, even when ellie wanted to coward out, she still went for the sake of watching you glow with excitement.
“thanks for today, el.” you said as she was midway through her oreos. “i needed it.”
she looked at you with a cheeky smile. “no problem. i hated seeing you so down earlier. people like you don’t deserve to feel like that.”
“so don’t people like you.” you reminded her. “if you don’t mind me asking, whatever happened to kat? haven’t heard from her in awhile.”
ellie’s smile dropped. “um, i got a restraining order against her like the week after she showed up at our dorm. my dad suggested it’d be for the best. kat had always been sort of a loose cannon, better to be safe than sorry.”
your tongue cleaned the food stuck in your teeth as you thought about what ellie said. “i’m proud of you. that must’ve been really hard, especially considering the amount of time you and kat were together.”
“yeah, it was…” ellie nodded, the sounds of others excited chatter and rollarcoasters swooshing around filled the empty space of silence between the two of you.
“i- um- earlier, when i was upset,-“ you tried finding the words to be open with her in the way she’s been open with you. “my mom called me a few days ago telling me that my dad was back in town and he wanted to see me. understand that my dad wasn’t really there for me growing up, he left when i was fairly young for some ‘woman’ who was barely legal. and even when he was there, he wasn’t the greatest father.”
ellie’s eyes didn’t leave yours. she wanted to take in all that you had to share as this was the first time you’ve ever really talked about your family. “sure, he would spoil me rotten and shower me with love, but only when he felt like it. when he would get angry, all he would see was red. there’d be times when i’d pretend to be asleep when my parents would fight. they were so loud, so angry and so terrifying to hear as a 5-year-old little girl.” ellie thought about how you reacted when she told you about kat. you were so understanding and so gentle with her. you didn’t push her for answers or lash out on her when she froze up.
“i mean, they still are, 13 years later, at the ripe age of 18.” you corrected yourself as your eyes watered. “that shit still haunts me, and for some reason my mom just wants me to get over it and visit ‘home’ before winter break, or more like visit before my father has to go back to his other family and spend christmas with them.”
ellie got up from her seat and moved to sit beside you. she was never really good with words and decided to bite back her tongue, not wanting to risk saying something stupid. instead, she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. you faintly smiled into her shirt as you hugged her waist.
once she was able to find what she hoped would be the rights words, she spoke. “i’m sorry about your dad.” ellie then placed a kiss on top of your head. “he doesn’t deserve to see who you’ve become.”
your smile grew as you wiped away your tears. you pulled away to look into ellie’s comforting dark green eyes. your eyes trailed over to the mini painting of a tiger on ellie’s cheek. you drew a thumb over it as you cupped her face. “how do you do that?”
“do what?” ellie asked, slightly leaning into your hand.
“how do you make me feel so safe and loved?” you asked. “how do you do that?”
ellie shrugged with a crooked smile. “i’ve been told i'm a lot like my dad, and he's always been really good at making me feel that way. i guess that’s where i get it from.”
you chuckled and pulled your hand away. “yeah, maybe that’s what it is. though, i would have to meet your dad to actually confirm this.”
“oh, my dad would love you.” she said.
“really?” you asked.
“yeah, trust me.” ellie brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear, 'forgetting' to mention the fact that she’s already told joel all about her roommate and that he already loved her. you smiled, feeling very flattered. “but come on, the carnivals about to close and i want to try to win that big ass stuffed rocket ship.”
you grabbed yours and ellie’s trash and threw it in one of the garbage cans on your way to the stand. the game seemed simple enough, you had 10 rings with 5 bottles in front of you. in order to win the big stuffed rocket ship, you’d have to throw a ring around each bottle with the 10 that you received. unfortunately, for ellie, things were not panning out as she hoped. “what the fuck, man? i played volleyball in high school so i know my aim isn’t shit.”
“let me try.” you grabbed the ten rings from her hand and tried remembering a technique an old friend taught you. you took a deep breath in and out as you closed one eye. the key was to throw the rings slowly and slightly off the center of the bottle. you faintly flicked your wrist a few times before carefully and slowly throwing the ring. “yay!” you cheered as it landed.
“one down, four to go.” the host at the stand said. “don’t get too excited.”
ellie gave the man a dirty look for trying to rain down on your parade. “yeah, okay sunshine.” she snarked.
you smiled at her comment before successfully doing it again. the host just rolled his eyes and wished to be eating a corn dog instead of listening to the preppy cheers that escaped your lips.
you got more anxious as you successfully landed it again, ellie usually failed after the two-bottle mark so now the pressure was really on. the fourth try, you missed, making the host smirk. he only had that one life sized rocket ship, which was the main attraction to his stand. no way did he want you winning it. you tried again and to no avail, failed.
ellie, just as excited and nervous as you were, placed her hands on your shoulders. she pushed her lips against the side of your ear and whispered words of encouragement to you. “you got this, (y/n). you’re so close, like it’s literally right there. the rocket is yours, just focus.”
your heartbeat was racing at how close she was and how warm her breath felt against your ear. needing to see those piercing green eyes that filled you with an immense amount of love, you turned your neck to face her. your faces were barely an inch away from each other. your eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips before placing a kiss on her cheek.
were friends allowed to kiss each other on the cheek? if not, i don’t really care. you thought to yourself.
a wave of electricity shot from ellie’s cheek, and a slight smirk overtook her lips when you turned back to the bottles. with the thought of wanting to win the stuffed toy for ellie, you were able to successfully land a ring around the fourth bottle. the game host gulped the lump in his throat, praying to whatever god he believed in that you would, eventually, fail miserably.
ellie happily wrapped her arms around your waist and dug her face in the crock of your neck. “one more, (y/n).” you chuckled at how giddy ellie was. “one more and that rocket ship is yours.”
your next two tries went horrible as you failed. ellie’s arms wrapped around you tighter as she decided to return the kiss you gave her on the cheek by placing one at the bottom of your neck. “just breathe.” she whispered. the kiss she left you and the heat of her breath against your skin was enough to help you relax. you took a long and deep breath in and then out as you focused your aim. with a single slow and careful flick, the ring successfully landed on the last bottle.
you excitedly turned to ellie and wrapped your arms around her neck and just like a cheesy 2000s movie, she lifted you off the ground and spun you in circles. the game host face palmed at the realization of someone beating his game and winning the rocket ship.
“that’s my girl.” ellie smiled as she placed you back down.
my girl the phrase bounced around your head like a racket on the tennis court. when you turned around to look at the game host, you smiled proudly. “one human sized rocket ship please!”
with much to his dismay, the game host detached the stuffed toy from it’s hook and handed it to you. you gave the toy a slight squeeze before turning around to face an equally, but probably even more, excited ellie. “here.” you held out the rocket ship.
“what? for me?” ellie asked.
“duh, for you.” a chuckle left your mouth. “i couldn’t have done this without my cheerleader.”
ellie took the toy and laughed. “isn’t she just the best?” ellie snarkingly asked the game host.
he just rolled his eyes and turned around to set back up his game. ellie wrapped an arm around your neck and pulled you closer as the two of you began walking away. “no, but seriously, you’re like my favorite person in the world right now.”
your arms snaked around her waist as you looked up at her with a toothy smile. “i feel so honored.”
you and ellie were now back in your dorm. you had both already showered and changed into your most comfortable set of pajamas while the big rocket ship sat tall in between you and ellie.
"i love the rocket ship but i need to find a new place for it." you heard ellie say as she got up. "i hate how i can't see your face."
"awh," you teased her. "you love me."
"probably." ellie half-heartedly joked. the auburn-haired girl was able to make space in between her desk and dresser for the stuffed toy.
once she got back in bed and faced you, it still did not feel like enough. she sighed annoyingly, wanting to so desperately feel your arms around her again. "is something wrong?" you asked.
"no." she said in an unconvincing tone.
you furrowed your eyebrows. "ellie..." your dragged out the last 'e' in her name.
"forget about it, (y/n), it's not that big of a deal." ellie shrugged off. "just go to sleep."
it's not that big of a deal, my ass. you thought to yourself. she clearly felt bothered by something and you being you, could not let it go. "ellie." you whispered. her eyes were closed and you wondered weather the girl had already fallen asleep. "ellie." you whispered again
ellie sighed annoyingly as she turned around so her back was facing you. you were making this a lot harder than it had to be for her. "rude." you muttered. you tried going to sleep, but couldn't as your brain nagged you with thoughts of how ellie might be feeling.
without giving it much thought, you got out of bed and laid beside ellie. a smile crept up on the girl's lips when she felt the bed dip and you get under the covers. instinctively, you turned to your side to spoon your roommate. "can't ignore me like this." your cool and minty breath against her neck, sent shivers down her spine. you noticed and bit back a smirk.
she turned around to face you and wrapped her own arm around your waist, pulling you closer to her. she smirked as she did so. realizing this is what she wanted, you chuckled. "this is what you were making a big deal out of?" your faces were just centimeters away; the closeness made your stomach feel as if you were still on a roller-coaster. "you could've just asked me."
ellie's heartbeat quickened as she tried everything in her power to resist closing the small gap that lingered so delicately between the two of you. her hand slid under your shirt. she started drawing small circles on your back with her thumb. "would you have said yes?"
your hand fisted a handful of her shirt as you shimmed a knee in between her legs. this was you’re way of compensating over the fact that you couldn't kiss her as she gently brushed her thumb over your chilled and exposed skin. "good point." your chest felt heavy as you leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose. you then nuzzled your face below her chin. "goodnight, ellie."
"goodnight, (y/n)." she said before grabbing your hip and pulling you closer.
part eight, here
// authors note: how are we feeling about this? be honest. i personally love it, writing the tension was so much fun, especially the cuddling scene. ugh, so cute. i went back and fourth with writing the parental issues since i understand not everyone will be able to relate but i really wanted to give (y/n) more depth so i decided to add that in. if you really don’t like it, i don’t mind you pretending like (y/n) shared something entirely different instead of the parental issues. it’s your imagination, go crazy!! anyway, i hope you guys are having a great day and if not i am sending my best wishes! //
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Navy! I’m so happy that you are still willing to get on here and play with us despite how crazy busy you are/how much you have going on, based on what you’ve shared with us.💖🙌🏾💖
I’m also happy to see that you are listening to your heart and starting to write about/4 other people who interest you – like Raymond, William, Simon Riley, Konig, etc. I had no idea that you were into them too on here😍😍😍😩
Do you have any head cannons regarding the COD guys that you don’t mind sharing with the class– IF you have the time and energy to do so?
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, lovely! And I always enjoy sharing with you lovelies. As far as headcanons? Since we're not talking about specific situations or AU's, maybe some general NSFW.
Banner by the talented @cafekitsune.
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Raymond Smith - Edging
Raymond is a man who knows how to get what he wants and he wants you. It's inevitable that you're at his manor and he'll christen the entire place with you, but you have to behave. He's patient, but he'll snap when pushed. Not in the way you expect.
So when you're feeling bratty, he'll tie you to the bed and fuck you nice and slow with a toy of his choosing. Or he'll pin you underneath him and thrust in deep strokes. But every time you're about to come, he'll stop. Oh, he knows it hurts. Can feel your sloppy cunt trying to suck him back in. You need that release so badly, but he wants you to earn it.
"Stop being a fucking brat, darling, and I'll give you what you want."
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William Miller - Overstimulation
For the man who keeps count of everything, William knows how many orgasms he's given you. That isn't an exaggeration. He can tell you down to the day how many times you've come for him and will even differentiate if it was with his tongue, fingers, or cock.
You've lost count today, of course, practically dumb as your slick pussy tightens around him again. You moan something that sounds like his name when he rubs your swollen clit and groans as you soak his cock again. Is it a plea when you whine? A prayer? Music to his ears either way. And he's not stopping.
"You can give me one more, baby. We're not in double digits yet. Give. Me. One. More."
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Simon "Ghost" Riley - Mirror Sex
Ghost can easily hide under a mask, but he doesn't like it when you hide from him. When there's a chance that he may not it back home to you, he wants to remember every expression, every twitch, every smile. He wants to commit it to memory.
So when you try to look away and hide your face when he fucks you in front of a mirror, he brings a hand around your throat stops you. He wants you to watch as his thick cock glides in and out of you. A wanton moan escapes when you see how wet it is. Can hear it when he thrusts deep. But the sight of his eyes watching you is what makes you gush around him with a cry.
"Beautiful when you break for me, love. Let me see you shatter."
Since he loves to watch you, maybe you can convince him to record you.
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König - Cockwarming
König has mastered the art of patience, thanks in large to being a sniper. Training and missions instilled a lot of discipline in him. He will wait as long as he has to in order to complete his objective.
So when you're stretched around his large cock, your walls fluttering and your arousal seeping around him, don't expect him to move. He'll observe you, take in the sounds of your labored breaths as you try not to move your hips. He sees the pulse frantically beating in your beck. He hears the whine you let out when his fingers brush your nipples before making his way down to your clit, he knows how badly you need him to fill you up. And he will. When he's ready.
"Patience, mein Schatz. You'll know when I'm ready."
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Love and thanks! ❤️
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Portrayal of Betrayal
Author's Note: Y'all gave me Black Templar Brain wars >:|. So I made yet another Space marine oc. Give a shout if y'all wanna use him. Also, tag me so I can read and reblog your stuff if you do. This is a long chapter. over 2k.
Summary: Ramiel has a Bad Time, almost dies, and wakes up. Traitors are to die.
Warnings: Black Templar Shenanigans, major character death, abusive relationship, abuse of power, cannon typical violence, Black Templars TM , let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog,
Tagged Again: @sleepyfan-blog and @whorety-k
Ramiel, like many of his general of Primaris marines is highly honored, and more than a little nervous when he is informed of his assignment, he is to become a member of the Honorable Black Templar Chapter, as a proud son of Dorn, he and his battle brothers ask their Utramarine First Born Cousins what their Chapter brothers are like and listen as they are described as dutiful, loyal, proud, stubborn, and fierce warriors. One of the other Ultramarines also murmurs something about certain unsavory traits about them, and gets a glare from the first Ultramarine that had the other quiet down.
As he and the other Primaris Marines meet and settle in with their First-Born Battle Brothers of the Black Templars, at first, the elder brothers don't seem to know what to make of them, some are hostile, some are curious, and all of them are carefully watched and monitored. Ramiel has great pride that Cedric- a brother who he's been helped by, and worked with before, got chosen as an Apprentice to one of the most Important and Eldest of the Apothecary First Born Battle Brothers of the entire Black Templar legion.
Ramiel hopes that he will gain a mentor, and does his best to do his tasks, whether it is missions, or chores to help maintain their ships and other things. As months go by Ramiel’s hearts are heavily burdened as so many of his fellow Primaris Marines have fallen, in battle, due to missions that were... well, he's not one to argue against a person in authority over him. He's been beaten enough, and remembers the lessons that were given to him by the Mechanicum, and the Black Templar elder brothers are eager to maintain discipline and punish them, justly, for their wrongdoings and sins.
He's glad that he's able to get patched up by one of his fellow Primaris Apothecary brothers, at least some of the time, sometimes they are not allowed to help patch them up after a flogging or other sort of punishment, left to heal with their own regenerative powers, and rations are one of the longer-term methods of punishment they are given. So he's surprised, honored and a little hopeful and honestly, more than a little shocked, and he hopes that the God Emperor will forgive him, afraid, when one of the harsher, and much stricter Black Templar Chaplains has decided to take Ramiel on as an apprentice.
He's worried and nervous, he's not been trained as a Chaplain and he accepts the Mentorship, before nervously telling him that he's just a battle brother. Honorable Veteran Black Templar Chaplain Mephisteil Petras has chosen him in particular. The First-Born Space Marine informs him that as his mentor, he'd be teaching him how to do the tasks and duties of a Chaplain. Ramiel bows his head and accepts the honor and new duties to be assigned to him. Following after Chaplain Mephisteil two steps back and to the left as requested by his new mentor.
It's hard, learning the duties of a Chaplain, and one of the first duties that he's ordered to do is to help with the punishment of several Primaris Black Templars, to go over their sins and help them purge themselves of their shame with use of whip and words. Traitorously his lips tremble, and he's grateful that no one can see it, and he hides his flinch by heading over to grab the punishment whip. The words lodge hot, hard and heavy in his throat, which has become dry and it feels like his eyes are burning.
He has a couple of false starts before Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras snaps at him to "Stand up straight like a real Marine."
He snaps to attention and snaps a salute. "Yes Sir!"
"Now," The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras says, "Recite their sins and punishments abom- boy."
"Yes Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras," Ramiel says, thankful that his voice doesn't crack or croak. He takes in a deep breath and reads the three Primaris brothers the scroll that contained what they had done, and the punishments that they were going to be receiving and after that there is silence.
"Abmon- Boy! Get the whip." The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras demands of him.
He nods to his mentor, the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and grabs the whip, "Have them count out the strokes of the whip."
"Yes sir," Ramiel replies as his throat seems to constrict and it feels like it's become harder and harder to breath.
He snaps the whip a couple of times, the crack and sound of it has them all flinching minutely, but not enough that The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras does not notice and snarls at them for it. Ramiel would also be getting a flogging after this for being so slow to obey his superior officer and mentor. Ramiel mentally apologizes to his fellow Primaris brothers as he starts to whip them, the words he's been taught to tell them as the whistling sound of the whip, the sound of their flesh, and their voices counting the whip marks.
Slowly, yet all at once he as to continue to whips them at the proper pace, to slow and he will get more time added to his flogging, to fast and he will hurt them more than he should, and his punishment for not properly doling out punishment will be worse. Slowly, and all at once he has finished whipping his fellow Primaris Marines. His nerves are screaming at him. He wants to apologize for harming them, yet he locks the words behind his teeth. The punishment he gets for that, and he only did it just the once when he was ordered to Punish Cedric had been... well...
He was blessed with the regenerative powers of a Primaris Marine, which is significantly faster and he's much hardier than a First Born, much to the scowl he got from his mentor The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras. He can't even try to go find them later to apologize, for his mentor The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras has eyes on him at all times, and the punishment he got for trying to apologize after the fact, and trying to do so out of sight and eyes (not that it worked) of their First-Born brothers had also been a test of his body's healing capabilities.
Ramiel hoped that, with time, and showing his dutiful, diligence and obedience, that hopefully The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and the other Chaplains, and other First Born Space Marines of the Black Templar Chapter would slowly start to trust them. He has seen how warm, affectionate and caring they can be towards their fellow first born space marines. But there must be something wrong with him, and his fellow Primaris Marines that they are treated so coldly and harshly. But he holds out hope that someday, somehow, some way, they will be able to have that easy trust and affection, or barring that, be good enough that they were no longer given such harsh, and swift punishments for even the smallest of infractions.
Infractions that usually their First-Born brothers do not get punishments for, or if they do, not as harshly as the Primaris Marines do. Perhaps, it is because they are so much younger and new than their elder brothers? That they want to instill good habits and proper behaviors? Oh, he so dearly hopes that's the case. His mentor The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, among a larger number of First-Born Space Marines have started to get more agitated recently over the years. He's noticed that, and while he's sent a message or two to his fellow Primaris Marines, has no idea how to bring it up or address it with The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, without offending or upsetting the other sooner.
He gets a vox call from The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, "Sir? Apprentice Chaplain Ramiel speaking."
"Abomin- Boy, come to me, I need to speak with you about something," The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras snarls at him.
He flinches, "yes sir, I'm headed to your coordinates."
Ramiel wonders what has put his elder brother and mentor into such a foul mood, and dreads what the potential answer could be. Even as he braces himself for likely more rounds of justified punishment for infractions, he did not know he had done until The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras informs him of them. He sends a message to Cedric, who's awake and on the same ship as him. Just as a warning about the mood that The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras is in.
He is sure and swift in his movements as he heads towards where The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and several the more... irascible and mistrusting of the first-born black Templars are.
"I have arrived, The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras," He says snapping a salute.
"Abomination," The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras and his hearts sink to his chest and his throat feels like its closing, "For the crime of existence I, The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, have decided that you shall cease living."
"Bu- Mentor, H-Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras," He stutters out moving backwards a little, "I-I'm a loyal Black Templar of the Chapter... I'm not an abom-"
Whatever he was going to say next was cut off as he dodge the blow he recieved from The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, who charged him. As a Primaris Marine, they are fast, stronger, and have a higher mental processing speed. He continues to dodge and weave, not attacking back as more of the First-born Space Marines go after him. He knows that they will hit him, and they do, he is only one and they are half a dozen strong.
"Foul Abomination, thy existance will be purged and our chapter restored!" The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras roars at him.
Ramiel continues to dodge and tries to speak with him- with the other First Born Black Templar Battle brothers that are slowly trying to encircle and cut off his mode of retreat. They and The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras are starting to get past his guard and one of the systems pings a warning and sends a distress signal off to the nearest Apothecaries that he was wounded. He was starting to get far more badly wounded.
"What did I do wrong mentor? I have only ever tried to heed your words, Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, and be a good, obedient mentee," He hears a familiar voice cry out and he turns to see Cedric staring at him and the group of First-Born Marines in shock, a medic's kit in hand.
Ramiel notices The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, his mentor swerve to try and strike out at Cedric. With a burst of speed he runs and blocks the blow- unfortunately where it lands, the chainsaw sword strikes him a lethal blow as Cedric desperately grabs him Ramiel manages to murmur something to Cedric as blood spills from his lips.
"I'm sorry, sir, whatever it was that I did to deserve this, please don't take it out on my brothers." He apologizes as blood bubbles from his lips. It feels nice, paradoxically to be in the arms of one his brothers, it’s been so long since he’d been held, even if Cedric is trying to keep him upright.
He closes his eyes, as his vision grows dark, and feels blood flowing rapidly out of his wounds. He wakes up with a pained gasp and blinks. Treacherous tears are blinding his eyes as he blinks rapidly. He is alive. Ramiel, somehow, survived what had felt like a killing blow. He jolts as he tries to get up to find Cedric or The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, and the other First-Born Marines to Attack him, upon his command, of course. He pulls of his helmet and buries his face in his hands as he shakes and allows himself to feel, just for a moment or two before he scrubs is face clean of salted water and puts on his helmet as he gingerly gets up.
He looks around, a frown forming on his face, he doesn't recognize the flora and fauna of this place. As he looks up to the night sky, the stars aren't something he recognizes either with jolt of unease. He has many questions that he has no answers for. And he will need to find a way back to... back to his brothers. He ignores the way that had his body flinching and curling in on himself. Coward. He hisses at himself, he's an apprentice chaplain, honored to have been chosen by The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras.
He needs to find out where he is and how he got here and how to get back to The Sigismund. He finds a stream of fresh water, that is flowing fast enough, and after a cautious test, is clean enough to drink from and he does so gladly. The water is bitingly cold, which helps further ground him in the here and now as he ruthlessly squashes the thoughts and questions that run amok in his mind. He puts his helmet back on and continues to wander the forest, which is lovely, and filled with bird song and the rustling leaves of the trees that sway in the wind.
One of the things that Ramiel doesn't know, is that his death at the hands of the First-Born Black Templars had started the overt schism within the Black Templars, between the ones who viewed the Black Templars as Abominations to be purged, and the first born (who found them to be useful) and the Primarus Marines who didn't want to die and were not abominations against His Imperial Majesty. They had been created upon the orders of Him on Terra, created and raised on Mars for the majority of their training before The Imperial Regent in all his wisdom had decided to have them sent out to reinforce the various chapters of the Space Marine Chapters.
But that is something he doesn't know yet, simply that his mentor, The Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, had thought him something to kill. He notices movement and hides in the shadow of a massive tree when he spots three or four base line human children running around and playing in a camp site, with the adults talking to one another amiably as the kids played nearby. They looked so happy, which both soothed and hurt something inside Ramiel that he couldn't understand for some reason as he watched them, entranced.
Keeping very still and shrinking back further when he noticed some of the adults glancing his way. He doesn't think they saw him, otherwise they likely would call back the children and leave the area. One of the children notices something and shrieks with emotion, and runs towards- oh no. Oh child no! He spots a couple of Chaos Marines and growls softly. The child is not at fault for not realize that wasn't an Angel of the God Emperor, but a Scummy traitor.
He pulls his blade shifts his body and, despite his wounds Charges towards the Chaos Marines with a bellow, getting in-between the child and the Chaos Marines who swear and pull back as he growls at the Chaos marines, “Scum and Filth to be purged. You Heretics shall die by my hand! Child- run back to your parents and leave this place.”
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catwrites9 · 1 year
heyy i hope you're having a good day/night! <3
i wanted to request some general ellie williams relationship hcs? sorry im not the best at making requests ^_^
thank you so much! :))
Sorry if you meant the game Ellie but I write for HBO Ellie so here’s the head cannons
Sorry if this was bad I rushed it in the end because I just need to get this done so I don’t have to worry about this while I’m writing my scream story and yes I keep adding characters so I have to rewrite a bunch
HBO!ellie Williams relationship hc
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Warnings- mentions of the name David but not the events that happens with him. Might be spelling mistakes or sentences that don’t make sense I tried to prof read but I’m half asleep.
Ok I will kinda be pulling from my book for some plots of story here.
How you two got into the relationship
The way you first met was not the best considering the fact you thought her and Joel were fedra so you may have thrown her but it was on a couch so she didn’t get hurt. After that you all went together to Jackson, over time Ellie definitely warmed up to you.
Now after everything with David she would definitely let her emotions run through and take over once you were taken somewhere else.
The moment she sees you she’s speechless and just hugs you and holds your face. She was scared because she though you died. She pulls in and kisses you. The immediate fear on her face after that is because she thinks you don’t love her.
She tries walking away and apologizing but you pull her in for another kiss and tell her you love her.
You make it official later that day when you two are alone and cleaning each other's wounds.
Now for the headcanons
She’s definitely very protective of you even if you can easily protect yourself.
She’ll lecture you if you make a dumb decision and almost get bit, she’s not trying to be mean, she just cares about you too much to see you die.
Words of Affirmation is definitely one of Ellie’s love languages that she loves. She loves when you tell her you love her or that she did a great job at something.
Also she’ll never admit it but she loves when you compliment her.
She’s very protective of you, you have to be in her eye view or have a hand on you at all times.
I feel like she definitely is not a physical touch person except for you and maybe Joel.
She would definitely get jealous not because she thinks you will cheat, it's just that she doesn't think that she’s good enough for you.
You would have to later inform her that the person you talked to was not better than her, she would definitely get embarrassed after but I mean she got the confirmation.
Definitely the type to after a long day just plop down on your chest and fall asleep.
If Ellie sees you sad or if she’s bored at night she would definitely read her pun book to you.
She is definitely a hugger/ heavy cuddler like you would have to tell her something because she is hugging you while your doing something.
I feel like Ellie would both a big spoon and little spoon, some nights she wants to hold you and some nights she needs you to hold her.
Idk why I always think of this but I feel like Ellie would not be a good cook like to the point that she is banned from the stove and because she almost lit the house on fire.
I love Bella Ramsey<3
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october-baby25 · 9 months
Redacted head cannons pt.2
Sweetheart has a lot of siblings.
When Milo goes with them to visit their family he loves it because they spoil him the whole time up until they leave.
Sweetheart has an amazing relationship with milo's mom.
Gabe loved Halloween.
Gabe was a dilf.
Before Ash and baabe met ash would go visit his sister as often as he could.
During the wedding, Ash's Sister was excited to see tank.
After the inversion, FL asked Gavin to let them know when caelum was ready to come back to their world, because they missed him.
FL keeps mini cupcakes and juice in the fridge, for caelum to eat when ever he pleases.
Whenever FL and Gavin spoon, Gavin is the little spoon.
FL called Huxley multipul times during the moon bound soltice to check on Damien.
FL and Damien get worried when Lasko calls because he usually texts them.
FL has tried many times to teach Gavin and Caelum to use the microwave ( failing each time).
Guy tells honey about the big dog he always sees at that house he delivers to way too much.
Guy finally asks baabe about the dog, and they tell him its a farm dog breed just too make fun of ash.
The Shaw pack play a massive game of hide and seek during pack gatherings, when they don't really have anything to discuss.
Even though he had to tell tank what they were doing would effect the pack, David actually missed them.
Asher and Guy have hella crocs.
Honey got Guy the exact same hoodie. But he still ended up wearing theirs.
FL and Damien are extremely over protective of Lasko. So knowing they like Dear is very important to him.
The damn crew sometimes on random days gather at one of their houses to have breakfast and carpool to school.
It took a while for dear to get used to how close they all were and to see how much they all love each other.
Gavin doesn't make his 711 jokes around dear because he knows Lasko really likes them, and he's scared it will mess things up between the two.
Lasko, Damien, and FL have a lack of boundaries in their relationship so they are all used to just walking into each others homes. Gavin and Huxley are so used to it they don't even acknowledge it anymore.
Huxley had everyone come over when his parents visited him so they could meet them. And they got four more children.
Aaron is such a morning person it hurts.
It goes without saying all the wolves would pick sleeping in over getting up early.
Geordi really truly is in love with cutie but he can't take the pain of going through another bad relationship.
I feel like William likes being introduced to his clans mates because he is one of those grandparents that love grandkids.
William and Caelum are my favorite non-romance characters.
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brw · 2 months
soooo any in-depth thoughts/analysis on the recent x-force comic?
Ooooh okay, so I've definitely already ranted far too much to @elvain and @positivelybeastly but yes, I have quite a few, on various levels of complexity. The main thing that really stands out me is this; we have followed Hank for 50 issues of this, and a solid chunk of Percy's Wolverine. We have been in his head at different stages, and observed his thought patterns and his reasoning at different intervals, however weak or out of character those are. Not once did he ever mention or even think about Simon. So it really does stand out that without a moment's hesitation or consideration, he gave his life for Simon. No messing around, no second thoughts... because it was Simon, and Simon specifically. He would have never in a million years done that for anyone on Krakoa. He was willing to permanently ruin his relationship with Jean and with Emma and with so many people he cares about, but not Simon. Simon, he will throw himself in front of time and time again. Even if you're not reading these two as romantic, the literal actual text is clearly that Simon is on a higher tier of emotional importance to Hank, even the worst version of Hank, than anyone else. That stands out. Intentional or not, that is what happens! The only person who could get Hank to stop thinking about Krakoa or about mutantkind's survival above all ethics or morals was Simon Williams.
Now, Percy doesn't write a particularly strong Simon. While Simon is a pacifist, he also kind of fucking hates Logan, and I really don't think even pacifist Simon wouldn't tell Logan to get the fuck out of his face here.
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(also, Simon is like 6'2. What the hell is Logan standing on to make him seem so tall?)
And I know for a fact that Percy hasn't read these issues because it doesn't make any sense to write Hank the way he does if he actually has this much knowledge... BUT. But. It does stand out to me how willing Simon was to put himself in front of that gun/nuke thing, because Simon has done that before, and he has died from it. He dies in issue one of Force Works to protect earth from the Kree Ionic Cannon, which comes across as a reference to the comic event Operation: Galactic Storm, where Simon fails to stop a bomb going off that kills many Kree soldiers and this trauma permanently changes the tone of the 1991 Wonder Man series.
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Simon has become someone very willing to sacrifice himself to protect other people, because the fear of being responsible for so many deaths has outweighed his fear of dying himself. Anyway, after Force Works, we see Simon's funeral in Tales of the Marvels: Wonder Years, and Hank is briefly interviewed and shown at that funeral, and he looks absolutely miserable.
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And it is just... does Beast Prime remember this? Remember how difficult it was to lose his best friend? Hank becomes increasingly reclusive and focused on curing the legacy virus at the expense of his friendships during the 90s; is this part of this? Does this influence just how quick of a decision it was, to put himself and his life in front of Simon once again sacrificing himself for the benefit of others?
As I said, I do not think Ben has read either Force Works or Wonder Years, because why would you read those for this and not any Hank McCoy comic ever, but it does remind me of those moments and there's just. a lot of parallels there I enjoy.
However, I do feel frustrated slightly by the decision made to literally blow up Hank from the 80s–2020s? That's 40 years, and a lot of people have contributed to Hank in that time. Morrison, Whedon, Lobdell, Gillen, Waid, Ewing, Wells, Claremont, and hell, even people who's Hank's I don't like very much, like Bendis or Fraction, they all still had at least something to contribute to the character and it feels wrong that so much of that history is just. gone. Is Percy's writing worth this loss? Has he made any interesting statements about Hank McCoy as a character to justify steamrolling over 40 years of history and established lore and character development? Abigail Brand, gone from Hank's memory. His time travel shenanigans, gone. Dark Beast, a vague comment. Breaking through the door of Avengers mansion to kiss Simon on the floor and give him red roses, also gone. Becoming feline, to the sands of time. It's just depressing that so much has been cut out because writing an actual redemption arc would require having positive thoughts about Hank and we know Percy doesn't have those. I suppose I'm also just generally against the idea that villains have to die to be redeemed, anyway; is it not more interesting and more complex when someone has done so many horrible things as Hank had done under Percy, and he still is capable of change? Why can he only prove that capability in death? It feels like a very lazy way out and I really hope MacKay or someone gives Hank those memories back because so many wonderful and interesting dynamics have been lost because of it and I don't want them just to roll over it as if it hasn't happened.
But it does still really stand out that. Hank was willing to give everything up for Simon, and Simon specifically. Simon was the first person Defenders era Beast could think of that would make things better, that he felt safe talking to, and Simon is the one and only person Beast Prime was willing to die for, to put all the rest of his motivations and impulses on hold for and give up his life because he couldn't bare to lose his friend again.
And now the new Hank is living in Simon's small, one bed flat in L.A.
He's not helping the X-Men fight Orchis or the sentinels, or help X-Force with the Sabertooth problem... no, he's followed Simon to L.A. despite being covered in fur. That's true love if I've ever seen it.
It is also absolutely hysterical how little X-Force did in their own finale. Because did Hank give up his life because he felt regret over what he did for them? Did they successfully inspire change or successfully stop him in any way other than drag a sentinel to bother Simon and Hank? No! They didn't do anything! Logan stabbed Beast Prime but that didn't stop him, Simon being at risk and being in danger did! The combined forces of X-Force and a giant sentinel are not enough to stop Hank McCoy but the actor from Arkon IV is. Not because Simon even spoke to Beast Prime, or because he's thought about Simon once in the past 5 years, but because it was impulsive. Hank loves Simon so deeply that he will give his life for him even at his very worst, even after 5+ years of no contact and no thoughts about him. That's the actual closing statement of X-Force. How much Hank McCoy would do anything for this d list lame actor/underwear model.
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teecupangel · 11 months
Hello. What's the reminder of assassin's fear? What brings back all bad memories to Desmond and his ancestors? Like a word, sound, smell or anything.
And one other thing I wanted to say "Thanks you for being so nice to your followers"
Fire would be one, especially if Desmond could feel the heat bearing down on him and see the flames themselves. His Bleed of Ezio would remember the burning of Cappadocia and the guilt and grief he carried with him till his dying breath. But that would be a kindness compared to when it would remind his Bleed of Ratonhnhaké:ton of the burning of his village and his last moments with his mother. The feeling of desperation and hopelessness clung to Desmond deeper than any fear Ratonhnhaké:ton felt that day. And all Desmond could do ride that maelstrom of emotion… Hoping the hopeless tears wouldn’t fall from his eyes.
Loud noises usually don’t scare Desmond. He lived in New York. He learned how to pretend loud noises were just noise. But there are times… mostly when he wakes up because of some kind of loud noise that his Bleed of Ezio would come into the front. For a few moments, he would be in Monteriggioni, hearing the cannons and the sounds of fighting. For a very few moments, he would be filled with terror as he thought about his family. Where was his mother and sister? Were they safe? Did the cannon strike their rooms? Is Uncle Mario outsi-
One word. 
His name.
And he would be Desmond again, laughing it off as a nightmare. Making up weird ‘dreams’ to make his team shake their heads in fond exasperation instead.
Water usually didn’t frighten Desmond or his Bleeds. But one time, Shaun pushed him into a pool because Desmond had said something that annoyed Shaun or another, Desmond wasn’t sure anymore, and his limbs grew heavy as he sank deeper and deeper. Any thoughts of knowing how to swim flew from his mind. All he could think about was that he was in the docks of Acre, accidentally falling into the waters while playing tag with Adha. He could hear the muffled shouts of ‘Altaïr!’ coming from Adha then… he realized that the shouts weren’t calling Altaïr. They were calling for him… for Desmond. 
When Desmond’s head finally came above water, Shaun and Rebecca assumed he was joking around.
And Desmond just laughs instead of telling the truth.
The smell of blood would sometimes bring back the memories of their first kill regardless of which ancestor it is. Most of the time, Desmond could just ignore it. Killing people had become quite ‘normal’ for him and his ancestors after all. But sometimes, his hands would start to tremble as his Bleed of Haytham would remember the day. The smell of blood coming from his father’s corpse. The blood in his hands as he laid standing next to the first man he ever killed, hands trembling as he held the sword his father gave to him, the blood of his first kill coating both his hands and the blade itself. The scream of his mother that was muffled by the loud ringing of his ears. Whenever Haytham… No. Whenever Desmond remembered that, he always left the room where the scent of blood was coming from, pushing everything away and focusing on the mission at hand.
That was his name.
He was used to being called by that name.
He spent nine years being another person… of bearing another name…
It was easy to return to being Desmond Miles.
It was easy to turn his head to where he heard someone say ‘Desmond’. 
His heart still beats too quickly.
His hands still tremble slightly.
He still fears the strike that would either come or not come.
No matter how much he covers it up with indignation, stubbornness or rage…
No matter how much distance he places between them…
No matter what other conversation they have, burying hatchets because there were more important things to focus on…
He still fears William Miles calling him.
(Thank you! I like to think that being nice comes easy for me in this blog because you’re all such lovely and understanding people :)) 
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
Hi !! It’s me again ! I wanted TO know if you can write the perfect date headcanon with William Tell or the way he like spend time with his s/o ?
(don’t answer if you are not confortable)
take care !
Goodness, I love this idea 🥺💕
William's idea of a perfect date is something you'd both enjoy. Like wine tasting at your favorite winery. He loves getting dressed up from time to time. Something simple, yet nice, like well fitting black jeans with a white button up, paired with a matching black jacket.
And of course, he loves to coordinate his outfits with you, so he bought you a well fitting black dress. One that only slightly dragged on the floor and had two slits up to the front of your thighs.
He'd have you on his arm the entire night, just walking around to take in the view while sipping your new favorite wine. He likes to take you around eight - eight thirty so you can enjoy the sunset together.
At the end of the night, he'd take you home and help you make a small stack of pancakes to enjoy together, still all dressed up in your nice clothes.
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smittywing · 10 months
FicBit 7: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Previous parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
This was not one of Jason's better ideas.
Jason tried. He did. He went to the nightclubs and the bars and he asked guys out on dates and kissed guys on the dance floor. Not one of them was Tim Drake. Sure, some of the kisses were interesting and one guy put a heavy hand on Jason’s lower back and pressed him close in a way that he liked, but when he went home, when he went to bed, there was only one person on his mind.
Maybe, he thought, he was trying too hard. He was in the back of a nightclub nursing a drink and watching the couples and throuples on the dance floor. He had discovered a few things that he liked and didn’t like and he could build on that. But his heart wasn’t in it tonight and he knew it.
At least it wasn’t until a slim, dark-haired guy leaned into the bar to speak to the bartender and Jason knew him. He would know Tim Drake anywhere. Tim got his drink and backed up, his eyes casing the room. There was nowhere to go, so Jason just braced for Tim’s gaze to sweep over him and lifted his glass in acknowledgment. Tim nodded and started filtering his way through the crowd toward Jason.
“Hey,” he said, a few inches below Jason’s ear. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Jason shrugged. “Research,” he said. “Where’s Cannon Fodder?”
“I’m working tonight,” Tim said, sliding up against the wall next to Jason and taking a sip of his drink. “It’s drugs,” he said from behind the glass. “Want to help?”
“Hell yes,” Jason said. 
For the record, Jason would be down with taking out some pushers even if it didn't involve Tim murmuring in his ear for the next ten minutes. 
But it did. 
“It comes in on motorboats small enough to come up to the dock,” Tim explained. “They cut and package it in one of the rooms upstairs - I haven’t gotten in there yet - and then they have the dealers take it to the floor. A little dancing, a little grinding, hey you want to do some powder, and they’re making bank before midnight.”
“So we want to be on the docks,” Jason reasoned. “Pushers aren’t getting us anywhere but the cutting room. If we can get onboard one of those boats - “
“This is just evidence-gathering,” Tim told him. “If we can catch the actual sale, I’ll call Detective Williams and he can - “
“Don’t you want to get the big bad,” Jason asked. “Cut this ring off at the head?”
“Do you have anything that even resembles a plan?” Tim returned. “We don’t have gear. At least I don’t.”
“I came here to get laid, not bust a drug ring.” Jason shrugged. “But I like to think I’m flexible with my plans.”
Tim stared at him a moment, eyebrows furrowed, mouth slightly open, and Jason suddenly realized what he’d said. Well. Who cared, anyway. One of these days he was going to get laid at one of these places. He didn’t have to tell Tim that it wasn’t actually going to be tonight.
‘Come with me,” Tim said suddenly, looping fingers around Jason’s wrist and tugging him around the crowd, up to the bar. Tim left his half-filled glass on a tray and waved down a handsome blond guy at the edge of the room. For a moment, Jason thought Bernard was actually there, but then realized the guy was too broad and too sharp-featured to be Tim’s boyfriend.
“What can I get for you, Mr. Drake-Wayne?” the man greeted them, hardly sparing a glance for Jason. “Or for your friend, perhaps?”
“Listen,” Tim said, sounding impatient and bored for someone who had summoned the guy in the first place. “My friend - “ and at this point, he slid his hand into the back pocket of Jason’s jeans - “is looking for a bump but frankly, I’m a little concerned about the quality of the stuff here. How do I know it's not cut with fentanyl or something else that could cause some…bad press?”
Wow, Jason almost said because he knew Tim had some bastard in him but he delivered that line so coldly, Jason wanted to shiver. 
There were other reasons he wanted to shiver, starting with the hand Tim had firmly tucked in his back pocket. He was starting to regret wearing the tight jeans that night. 
“Understood,” the man said. “If you like, I can show you the process from receipt to delivery. The package comes to us pure and the division of assets takes place upstairs.”
“Please,” Tim said disdainfully. “I do enjoy an efficient operation.”
They followed the man down a back hallway, past the bathrooms and the kitchen, and finally out a set of double doors onto the freshly salted air of the courtyard. 
Under the light of the new moon and the motion-activated security lights on the building, Jason’s pants were definitely too tight. He tried to adjust himself subtly but Tim noticed and a blush spread across the bridge of his nose and over both cheeks. He did not, however, remove his hand.
“Mr. Drake-Wayne,” the man said, nodding to the water. 
Tim looked at his watch. “On the nose,” he said. The speedboat pulled up alongside the dock and the pilot looped heavy rope lines around the pylons of the dock. 
“Pure bricks,” the man said, breaking one in half. White powder puffed upward in the moonlight and Jason threw up a little bit in his mouth. He tapped a finger against the split edge and held it up to Tim’s face - to smell or taste, Jason wasn't sure. “A sample, Mr. Wayne?”
“Drake-Wayne,” Jason said. 
“Excuse me?” the man said, looking vaguely horrified that Jason dared speak. 
“He uses both names,” Jason said. Tim was the only one of them to use the Wayne moniker - mostly because Bruce had suckered him into working for the business - but he made sure to acknowledge his birth family as well, and Jason respected that. 
“Of course,” the man said. The expression he cast at Jason was most definitely in the sneer family. “Any other requests?”
“Well,” Jason said, deciding to go for broke. “I don’t suppose we could have a tour of that ship?”
Tim’s hand spasmed. Yeah, this was definitely one of Jason’s better ideas.
This turned out not to be one of Jason’s better ideas.
Jason hit the water feet-first and sank like a rock. He exhaled some bubbles and followed them to the surface with brute strength strokes. His head broke the surface and he immediately looked around for Tim as he blinked water out of his eyes. For a long moment, he couldn’t see Tim, could barely see anything, and his heart seized up as he reoriented himself, finding the ship behind him and the lights of the marina in the distance. He shook his head and his ears popped and there, finally, Tim’s head broke the surface twenty feet away.
Jason used a powerful crawl to close the space between them. “You okay?” he called, spitting out vile Gotham river water that lapped into his mouth when he opened it.
“Yeah,” Tim called back, spitting out his own mouthful. His hair fell into his eyes and he shoved it back out of the way. “Make for the marina. My boat’s not far.”
‘Not far’ was a relative statement, Jason found, as he followed Tim through the water toward the lights. Tim was a graceful swimmer, cutting through the water swiftly and quietly. Jason had the strength and endurance, but he wasn’t as fast as Tim and trying to keep up was actually a little bit of a workout.
“Here,” Tim finally declared, grabbing the ladder on the outside of one of the boats and hauling himself out of the water. Jason followed closely, feeling the weight of the water fall off him as he pulled himself up the rungs.
“Ugh,” Jason said when he hit the deck. “Gross.” He was drenched through and while he was glad he’d been wearing clubbing clothes instead of his armored suit, he was drenched and the night air was chill.
“We probably need a course of antibiotics now,” Tim said, and Jason coughed out a watery laugh. Then Tim sat straight up. “Oh, shit.”
“Oh shit, what?” Jason asked but he didn’t have to wait for an answer.
Cannon Fodder was on the dock and hopping onto the boat. He was a good-looking kid, Jason had to admit, taller than Tim, lean but fit, with dark blond hair falling over his eyes. 
“Tim?” he called. “Tim’s friend? Are you okay?”
“Hey, hi,” Tim said, scrambling to his feet and reaching for Bernard. “We’re fine, it’s all good.”
“Were you *swimming*?” Cannon Fodder asked in horror and reared back when Tim leaned in to kiss him. Jason couldn’t really blame him. Gotham’s water wasn’t exactly potable on its own and the river caught the worst of it. “In the *river*?”
Tim raked his hair back. “Um. Jason fell in and I jumped in for…solidarity.”
“Solidarity,” Cannon Fodder repeated.
“To help him get back up to the boat,” Tim amended hastily.
“Help,” Cannon Fodder echoed. His eyes narrowed at Jason and Jason immediately felt guilty. This was the guy who made Tim smile like Jason had never seen before, Tim’s *partner* and Jason couldn’t stop himself from wanting to wrap Tim in his arms, kiss him, steal him away for his very own. 
Did Cannon Fodder know he was the guy Tim had kissed? How had he reacted when Tim had explained? How had he *felt*? Was the context enough? Empathy might not be a trait people immediately associated with Jason, but he was having a hard time not putting himself in Cannon Fodder’s shoes right now.
“I fell in,” Jason said. “I was chasing my, um, hat. I had a hat and I thought I could grab it. Guess I was wrong.” He could feel Tim’s eyes on him. Ugh, selflessness was the worst.
“Sorry about your hat,” Cannon Fodder said. “You might want to hold on to it better next time.”
“Yeah,” Jason said, entirely aware there was no wind that night. “Or maybe not wear a hat.”
“Also an option,” Tim agreed. “Um, Bernard, this is my friend Jason. Jason, this is my boyfriend Bernard.” And then he fucking blushed at calling Cannon Fodder his boyfriend. “Look, we should get some dry clothes. Um. Jason, I’ll see if I have anything that will fit you?”
That was unlikely. Jason might be able to squeeze into a t-shirt that was oversized on Tim, but there was no way pants were going to happen.
“Uh, thanks but I think I’m just gonna…Uber?”
“Uber?” Tim repeated.
“Uber,” Cannon Fodder said firmly.
Somehow Jason’s phone survived its bath in the Gotham River, courtesy of the weatherized case Barbara had left in a gear drop. There was awkward silence as Jason waited for his ride.
“Thanks for the save,” Jason said stiffly when his ride was a minute out. “Bernard, good to meet you, man.”
Yeah, Cannon Fodder definitely knew who he was.
Jason collapsed in the back seat of the car and closed his eyes. He’d given an address two blocks from his closest safehouse but chances were he’d have to burn the place anyway. River stench lingered.
He tried not to picture Cannon Fodder taking Tim below decks and stripping him of all those wet clothes, wrapping him in towels, running a hot shower, getting in with him, soaping him up, and - 
Yeah.  Not picturing that at all.
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quordleona03 · 1 year
A Priest in Korea is Moving to the AO3
Many years ago, I was friends with Scarlatti on Livejournal, and I found she had written a whole lot of M*A*S*H fanfiction (twenty stories! That was a whole lot back then!) using the name Iolanthe.
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I read all her stories - mostly Hawkeye/Mulcahy: as far as I know, she was the very first person ever to write Hawkeye/Mulcahy slash stories - and I loved them and I started seeing Hawkcahy in the series and one of her stories gave me the idea for the story that eventually grew into Sins and Virtues.
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She read the final part of S&V only in first draft - I started sending her sections as soon as I had finished them - because Susan had cancer, and she died, four months before she would have turned 40. Her website, A Priest In Korea (William Christopher's description of M*A*S*H was "Oh, it's about a priest in Korea") fell into the Wayback machine, and last year, thinking of her stories again and looking for them, I found a complete snapshot of her website, and I thought "I could transfer this over to AO3 and let everyone read them: I bet they have a process for that".
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They do. Julie was my Virgil as I walked through the Open Doors and now a priest in Korea has moved to AO3: A priest in Korea03. The longest story on site isn't even a Hawkeye/Mulcahy story: it's a Francis Mulcahy & Margaret Houlihan story, Polarity, which uses "a creaky old sci-fi plot device" to put Francis into Margaret's body and Margaret into Francis's -
He grew even more uneasy under the appreciative once-over with which Dickinson now favored him, and a blush warmed his face. When he caught sight of Houlihan's sidelong glare, he wondered how she -- or any other woman, for that matter -- would normally handle that kind of attention.
"Well now, Major, I can see you're a take-charge kind of gal," Dickinson drawled. "Meaning no disrespect. But your C.O. would have my head on a platter if I sent you off without an armed escort. Ain't that how you got into this mess in the first place?"
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And the next-longest is also not precisely Hawkeye/Mulcahy, Playing the Game: The night air was pleasant and warm, and I was enjoying the mind-fuzzing effects of several beers, so my pace was unhurried. I'd almost made it to my tent when a man stepped out of the shadows behind the nurses' tent and latched onto my upper arm. "Hold it right there, Mister Vatican," he hissed.
I knew who it was without needing to see his face. No one but Colonel Sam Flagg, alleged CIA operative and all-around loose cannon, had ever addressed me in that fashion. I froze obediently, though my heart was racing and every instinct was telling me to flee for the hills at the earliest opportunity.
"Got a few questions for you," Flagg went on.
(sadly, now and forever unfinished, but rather in the sense of "there should have been more" than "ends on a cliffhanger")
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She wrote what is still (as far as I can tell) the only Henry Blake/Trapper story, one of the few Radar/Hawkeye stories, and also Trapper/Mulcahy.
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But mostly, she wrote about Francis Mulcahy falling in love with Hawkeye, and Hawkeye's gentle reciprocation.
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Between us, we somehow managed to get the tent door open and cross the threshold. At that point, I expected Mulcahy to say goodnight and go pass out in his bunk, which is what I would've done, but instead he had a surprise for me.
As soon as the door closed behind us, he turned in my grasp until we were face to face. Before I had time to fully register what was going on, he'd looped his arms around my neck and was pulling me forward into a kiss.
It was, I think, the softest, sweetest, most tender kiss I've ever received...and one of the most inexplicably erotic.
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What can I say? I loved her stories. She inspired me to write Hawkcahy long before that shipname was invented. I never got to meet her. I'd like you all to read her stories, and thanks to Open Doors/AO3, there they are.
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They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead, They brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed. I wept, as I remembered, how often you and I Had tired the sun with talking and sent him down the sky. And now that thou art lying, my dear old Carian guest, A handful of grey ashes, long long ago at rest, Still are thy pleasant voices, thy nightingales, awake; For Death, he taketh all away, but them he cannot take.
This is sort of a sad post, but it shouldn't be: Susan was hilarious, and it's been a pleasure and an honour being her archivist.
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Thanks, Susan.
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bingbongsupremacy · 11 months
Hand Holding
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
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Summary: You have a crush on Ellie but you're pretty sure she doesn't like you back. Modern AU (They're Teens)
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
" Jesse stop! " I laugh, attempting to shield my face from the water being splashed my way. " You're gonna get water up my nose! "
" Never! You stole the last drum stick! " He complains, continuing to sends waves of water towards me.
" I'll save you! " Ellie's voice laughs from nearby. I feel a warm hand slip into mine. " Follow me. "
Ellie leads me away from Jesse. Slowly his splashing towards me begins to die down as he's quickly distracted by Dina who cannon balls directly next to him.
I lower my hand and finally look towards Ellie. Her back is facing me. Her light green swim suit nicely compliments her auburn hair which is damply hanging above her shoulders.
Suddenly I remember her hand is holding onto mine. I look down at our loosely intertwined hands.
We've always been close but never close enough to hold hands. The small action sends a wave of heat rushing up my cheeks. I turn my face towards the water, not wanting to stare at our hands any longer.
It's stupid. I have a crush on my friend and I know I shouldn't. We're just friends. Besides, she just broke up with Cat. She's probably not ready for a new relationship right now.
I need to get over this.
When we're finally far away enough from the others, Ellie turns her body towards mine, not letting go of our hands. " Are you alright? You look a little stressed. " She observes.
I glance up at her and send her a small grin. " Yeah yeah. I'm fine. Just thinkin, ya know. "
I let go of her hand, tapping my hand on the word thinking.
It's never going to happen.
Ellie sends me a look that tells me she doesn't totally believe me, but she doesn't push any further. She leans up against the side of the pool wall. She doesn't say anything, instead she points her face up to the sun. She closes her pretty eyes, letting the heat envelop her.
" I've been so stressed with the end of the tri coming up. " I take in a deep breath, trying to let myself calm down. " I'm worried about failing chem. "
Ellie's head lifts up. She looks over at me. A grin plays at the corner of her lips. " I have the perfect thing for you. "
" Really? What. " I ask, watching as she hoists herself out of the pool.
Ellie turns towards me, water dripping down her muscular body. She extends a hand towards me. " You'll see. Come with me. "
I accept her hand, my heart fluttering at the contact.
Ellie helps me out of the pool and we make our way into the house. Her hand stays wrapped around mine.
She leads me through the hallway towards the garage. " I guess we shoulda grabbed our towels. " She chuckles, glancing back towards the small puddles we're leaving behind. " I'll clean it up before Joel gets home. "
Ellie opens up her door.
Small lights twinkle around the room. Posters I helped hang up beam down at me.
I let out a grin as I spot the small stuffed dog I bought her a few months ago at a fair. She still has it.
Ellie lets go of my hand and a disappointment fills my stomach. It's quickly replaced with a shiver from the cold AC running through the room.
Ellie digs through her drawer before finally pulling out a small box. " Found it. " She sets the small box on her desk, pulling out a small joint.
" Whoa, is that fucking weed? " I ask, taking a few steps towards her. I peer over her shoulder at the white rolled item.
" Fuck yeah. " Ellie grins, looking up at me. She pulls out a black lighter. " Wanna smoke some? "
I chew on the side of my cheek, contemplating for a moment. " Fuck it. Let's do it. "
Ellie's smile widens. " Open your mouth. "
I do as she says, my eyes meeting hers as she places the joint in between my lips. She keeps my gaze as she lips the end of the paper, watching my expression as it begins to burn.
I slowly inhale, coughing immediately. " Fuck. "
Ellie lets out a laugh. " First time? "
" First time. " I agree, holding it away from me. I hand it to her expecting hand.
She places the joint in between her slightly chapped lips, demonstrating how to smoke. She slowly guides me through the process, making sure I don't die the next time I take a drag.
Eventually we get to the point where we can pass the joint back and forth. We sit huddled together on her bed, bare legs pressed gently next to each other.
I might not have Ellie as my girlfriend but I have her as my friend. And that's enough. It has to be.
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dpfantasyzine · 2 months
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Socials: Tumblr | Cohost
"I’ve been writing for about twelve years, and writing fan fiction for about six. I’m honored to be included in this zine." - @pennerjones
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To Lose Everything
The fall of the Tyrant Ghost King has largely been lost to time. But know that it was far more complicated than the old legends tell. Pariah Dark's downfall told through the eyes of the one who betrayed him, the one who masterminded his fate, the traitor who loved him with all their being.
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I Got Reincarnated As My Enemy And My Mentor's Infant Son??
First entry for Phic Phight 2023! I used two prompts for this one! Prompt #1: "He had the perfect life. He was a hero, had a beautiful wife, and had successfully mediated peace between the ghost zone and human realm. Unfortunately, even beloved figures can be assassinated. Now Danny has been reincarnated as Pariah Dark's half-human son." by nocturna-starr & Prompt #2: "The Ancients are a long-standing group of halfas that maintain balance between the living world and the Infinite Realms." by catmiint
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No One Was Prepared
Previously called “Mr. Lancer Was Not Prepared”. William Lancer had seen many things in his years of teaching. He’d seen bullying, teen pregnancies, kids kicked out by their parents for their sexuality, ghost attack—heck, he’d even fought off the Box Ghost with a fire extinguisher once! But all this had not prepared him to deal with the situation concerning one Daniel Fenton. A Ghost Prince!Danny AU with identity reveal shenanigans, Danny/the Core (inspired by @floralflowerpower's "A Ticket to the Halfa Life"), disabled!Danny, and many of my other favorite head cannons.
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munchkinmarauder · 5 days
My review of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver #4
I would give it 4/5 stars - lots to like but not without its problems - probably could have used another issue to flesh it out. Spoilers below the cut
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I enjoyed it a lot more on my second reading than my first! However I would say this is one of the weaker of the 4 Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver issues. Stronger than the first one but #2 and #3 were better.
Firstly the art and the colours are killing it. I am going to miss Tammetta's work going into the next series. Williams also does a great job with his bold colours.
The summary of this issue following the announcement of the scarlet witch book did get this on the wrong foot for me because it is all about Wanda which I felt was disrespectful for a co-lead 60th anniversary series for both characters. While the last book itself is a little more Wanda heavy it has a much better balance than issue 1 did and Pietro walks away from this book with his head held high in my opinion (and if the Q&A at the end is to be believed he will have more regular appearances in the Sclaret Witch solo as the Giver is still after him as well - good he brings the missing piece to Orlando's books - a lot of fun and someone Wanda can genuinely emote off of and who matches her beat for beat)
How Orlando would write Pietro was one of my biggest worries going in but I have been really happy with his portrayal so far and wouldn't mind him writing Pietro more. We see a good exploration of his powers and his emotional maturity after his growth in Quicksilver no surrender is on full display! He shrugs off the reveal from Magneto's letter to give his sister the pep talk she needed to control her full power, takes out the frightful 400, lands a solid blow on the Wizard and his confrontation at the end with Magneto was a good one - hes so done with his fathers BS and shrugs it off, tells his sister how much he loves her and leaves. I like that his relationship with Monet St Croix has not been forgotten - Orlando and Tammetta were really like - we're going to have a parent say one of the worst things they can to a child so we're gonna get this man laid (Pietro and Monet messy sex marathons was not something I thought would become cannon but I'm happy it did - I hope the comics keep this couple around for a while and explore them - I hope Monet appears in Wanda's next solo cause I want to see her interact with Wanda).
Cthon Wanda was very very cool. I am excited to see what is coming up with the Giver plot however I do feel this mini could have benefitted from an extra issue, cause having to set up the next Scarlet Witch solo does bog things down a bit. The twins don't actually interact much this series, for something that was advertised as being about their relationship I think it really needed a lot more of that - they spend nearly two issues separated so I think we needed more of a moment between them to resolve their fight. Unfortunately my fear that Magneto would overshadow everything sort of happened with his small appearance at the end immediately making it all about Magneto.
Speaking of Magneto the revelation in the letter is one I liked the more I thought about it. It's not a big reveal but it is Magnetos abusive tactics on display at his finest- a clear setting up of a narcissist parent creating a golden child and Scapegoat dynamic. I know a lot of people are taking what he says as him being right at face value and crying about Magneto being character assassinated or this being an affront to Pietro and I disagree. Yes it's a bit over the top considering what we saw in RoM and Krakoa but it is not out of character. Magneto has always been a dick to his children, Pietro in particular - I could go on for days but this review is long enough - but let's not be surprised that the man that murdered his son and was willing to let his daughter be murdered for mutant kind is a good father in any sense of the world. I think the story itself and Wanda and Pietro saying so to Magneto's face that he is wrong about the twins is very apparent. Tammetta emphasises the physical resemblance between Pietro and Magneto to make it clear that Magneto is projecting onto his son and to a degree wants to seperate the twins. A tactic he also used when the twins were under his "care" in the brotherhood.
Pietro and Magneto were done well in that scene, however, Wanda's response is what is off and I believe that is what does Wanda disservice as a character. She sent the Wizard to a hell dimension for hurting her brother but only gently tells Magneto he is wrong when he tells his only son that he should have stayed dead and calls him poison to Wanda. Orlando's finally calling out Magneto for what he is but the way he won't let Wanda herself go at Magneto or yell at him feels out of character for Wanda. Also the fact she agreed with Magneto initially pissed me off (though maybe this was her self blaming) Is this building up to something more? Will we get and explanation for it? I hope so but until then I am not happy with how Orlando writes Wanda around Magneto. She did overall take a back seat to the men in this series a bit, Magneto infantalise her and she takes it, vision talks down to her and is the kne figuring everything out for Wanda (I'm glad the vibe seems to be they're friendly ex's with no intention of getting back together and it shohld stay that way- though we got a forced cheek kiss - two series now which forces a Wandavision kiss but not Wanda giving her brother a hug when he's emotionally vulnerable - all for a racist MCU show it's very dissapointing) and a lot of the really good moments are taken up by Pietro until she has her main moment at the end - however twins dynamic is even,their partners, Wanda has a solo coming up so I think this last point can be forgiven.
Overall to wrap up this long review I have enjoyed and had fun with this series overall but it has it's flaws - the Wanda/Magneto dynamic being a big one and sometimes Orlando gets a bit too wordy (maybe a bit rich coming from me) which derails the pace a bit and makes my eyes glaze over - but I'm really happy with this series and hope it's success means we get more co-lead series with the twins or more Pietro in comics in general (and Wanda to keep being as prominent as she is)
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