#the angst is impeccable because it's what would naturally flow from it
naffeclipse · 1 year
Ok, ok, so about that what if the boys did just decide to make y/n leave their hunt! (Uh, fair warning, these are quite angsty thoughts and definitely a bad end scenario)
God, it's just all the factors to take into account right? Because for once "I'd never forgive" is a very serious statement. It holds no weight if you said it to a stranger. Like if Lambert had attempted to attack the boys and y/n told it to him, it wouldn't matter all that much to him.
But thinking about it, saying it as a warning to someone close to you, like family or a best friend you have spent years with, it's downright chilling. It's not something you say lightly, because in itself it's something that cuts so deep. It's used to make it clear that whatever decision is about to be taken, if the listener goes through with it, they would know something was clearly stated as unacceptable, the person issuing the warning knows they know, and they still did it anyways. To the one saying it, they chose to clearly betray that trust and that strong bond that has taken so much time and effort to grow into what it is.
More so when it's something like this. Sure, the boys are physically capable of carrying them away, but doing so against their will in what would no doubt qualify as a sort of brief kidnapping would indeed change it all. That strength used before to help and impress and tease suddenly is not comforting at all because it has been used against them. And if they would be willing to do something like this, no matter that their intentions are good, how could the hunter ever trust them to not just declare themselves as the ones that know better, ultimately dismissing their autonomy as an adult human being.
(sorry the preamble got long jkfdghs)
SO like, depending on how they would go about it, everything would absolutely go awful. Say they try it and the hunter trying to resist wakes Lambert up. Lambert was already suspicious of the boys, and now this happens? I can see him saying screw it this thing is possessed and attacking their partner for the mission. That could go... very badly. Maybe a reveal or the boys doing something as the vessel that would even further change the hunter's opinion of them.
But let's say they sneak out without waking Lambert (who then is left vulnerable to lizard demon attacks while he sleeps), and the whole trip back y/n is struggling and trying to reason with them, because surely, they are very scared and worried about them dying (worsening the "they don't trust me" issue) but they still can see reason right? But then that doesn't happen. They really are just taking them away to the airstream. They are not listening. Not budging. Y/n starts to get not just furious, but also worried about Lambert's fate and that of any other person in that park. Maybe they would try to appeal to them that way, confessing that the demon killed children, a last desperate attempt to get through them. (Don't know if that would trigger the rulebreaker instinct though, so lets say they don't use that argument for the next part XD)
So like, then what right? Boys return to the airstream with a seething (and perhaps deadly quiet) hunter, proving themselves serious about not letting them fight that demon and having committed a betrayal that y/n is not willing to forgive. Not this. The one-sided trust was one thing, but now they feel like they can't trust them either. If they thought they had been receiving the cold shoulder this would be on a whole other level. Maybe y/n would insist on going back immediately, but the boys could threaten on bringing them back if they tried. So they are essentially at an impasse.
I'll be honest, I have no idea how that would progress from there, but what if enough time passed in which it's almost certain that Lambert is dead and they can't fight the demon anymore, and maybe they are just waiting to get in trouble with FEI because of this? I kept imagining the aftermath and wondering just what y/n would do. 
Maybe they at one point realize it's futile to go back now and quietly (the kind of quiet that is louder than any yelling could hope to be) they announce it's time to go. They can no longer stay there doing nothing and now there's a new problem to deal with. It might hurt like tearing a part of themselves off, but this is what has to happen now (at least I don't see how this scenario can have any kind of good resolution oof)
So the boys are relieved that their heart will live still. But they know what they have done. They can see it in their eyes every time y/n looks at them. Hurt, furious, accusing. Only the bare minimun words exchanged as the hunter drives them out. No attempts to take care of the hunter even acknowledged. They lost all meaning now.
But y/n is still kind. Even when they know this is not something that can ever happen again. That they can't allow to happen again. Lives are in the line after all, but all those months together can't be erased and even after something like this, it would be impossible to stop caring about them. So I thought maybe y/n would still try to do something to make sure they are ok. Look up a good mechanic. Someone that surely the boys would actually trust to provide what they won't tell y/n about. Maybe talk with the person in question to make sure they will be allowed to be around and take care of kids. A local daycare in a nearby town perhaps.
All this without saying a word to the boys about it. They will not allow them close. They will not let them look at what they are doing. They can't risk them suddenly deciding to stop that too. It has to be done. The boys definitely can tell something is coming. They were warned.
So I imagine they arrive at the place and for the first time in a while y/n talks to them at length. They get out of the vehicle and tell them to follow. And there at the front of the building, they explain to them what is happening. Maybe pour their heart out about how much it meant to them to have them along. Sharing what they love, what they know, and having someone to listen and know them like this. And how much it hurt for them to have betrayed all of it like that. And that they no longer have the trust that made y/n open up to them to such an extent. That they cannot have it again.
So this is where they go their separate ways.
Y/n explains (failing not to tear up) that they will be taken care of, of course. They don't need to be afraid, and they hope this will be enough for them, where y/n could not be (not said bitterly for once, but devastatingly sincere).
I honestly don't know how the boys would react, but what occured to me was them trying to at least correct them. Try to tell them that wasn't true, but thinking they're trying to change their mind, y/n quickly interrupts them.
They ask if Sun and Moon remember when they asked the hunter if they wanted them to leave. The answer then was no. And then through tears, and swallowing every wish that the next sentence wasn't true...
Y/n says the answer this time is yes. They must leave. They are no longer welcome in their home.
Any future hunts will be done alone.
And I have a feeling the first one would be at a certain national park.
(And that's it! Sorry for the angst and the bad ending hfdkljghsgkjñh If you think you can somehow spin it to have a good end do tell me because I made myself sad writing this XD)
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Chaotik, my heart is in two torn pieces on the floor, ahhhh!!! You gave me exactly what I asked for ;-;
You have it exactly right. The unspoken, piercing breach of trust cannot be restored again. Y/N does the best thing considering the circumstances in their own kindhearted way. They leave with a tearful goodbye because they warned the boys and they didn't listen, and no matter how lonely and desperate Y/N is for their presence, they cannot allow what the boys did to ever happen again.
I think that's the saddest, most bleak ending, and I say that in marvel of its natural consequences and how secrets can shove loved ones apart.
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itsevanffs · 3 years
Hihi!! I've been hyperfixating on tommary lately and I absolutely loved (In the dark!)! I wanted to see if u have any tommary/harrymort fics that u recommend.. preferably ones that feature a possessive Tom ^^ ty in advance
I guess this would be the right time to publicly declare my bookmarks as open? Everything on there is a hard rec, and I vigorously quality-check those... for my liking and my liking only. (Sorry, not sorry. They're there for me, after all.)
That being said, hmm. I've got a few you might like.
Below the cut: more (additionally to my bookmarks) Tomarrymort (Tomarry or Harrymort) recommendations with possessive/obsessive Tom in alphabetical order; NOT order of how much I enjoy them. I'd argue I enjoy them all equally, just in different ways.
Ps: thank you! I'm incredibly flattered you liked my work :D
and don't let the police know anything by littlecupkate https://archiveofourown.org/works/24920947
Ted Dirlod is dangerous, Harry Potter knows this for a fact, but the man was still his only hope at escaping a doomed fate. It is never wise to blackmail a crime lord. It is even more unwise(?) when said crime lord is obsessed with you. An expanded version of "praying to whatever's in heaven, please send me a felon"
Genuinely lovely? Ticks all my boxes, at least, and minimal angst, which is always a plus. That being said, you should probably read the work mentioned in the summary as well for context. But hey. Two cakes by one person ;) Can never go wrong, can it?
As Certain Dark Things Are to be Loved by Strange_Soulmates https://archiveofourown.org/works/6015619
Tom was Harry's best friend growing up and his first love. At eight, Harry gave Tom his first kiss before moving away. As a freshman in college, the name of the RA on the door across the hall is terribly familiar.
Also absolutely deliciously indulgent. Tom is a possessive terror and Harry loves him for it. Need I say more?
Harry Potter and the Search for Ancient Magic (series) by Snickerdoodlepop https://archiveofourown.org/series/1133141
Once Voldemort realizes that Harry Potter is his horcrux, his plans change drastically. So does Draco Malfoy's assignment for the school year. Harry's sixth year starts going very differently. Snape is on a mission. Harry needs to learn pureblood politics. Draco Malfoy is trying to convince Harry to forgive him. Voldemort finds himself visiting Harry Potter in his dreams. Everyone is realizing that no one is quite what they thought. And through it all, there's a mystery. What is Ancient Magic? Can Harry use it to save himself or will it pull him toward the dark side?
Honestly, genuinely, hands down the best fucking tomarrymort series I've ever read. Hard, hard rec from here. The first work is completed and the second is in progress, so it's a nice pile of words to chew through!
can't commit to anything but a crime by caelesti https://archiveofourown.org/works/27286483
Excitement is the word he does not dare utter, even in the privacy of his own mind. It’s wrong, he knows. These women are people, in their own right; people with fears and aspirations, with friends and families and dreams, and to have anything cut those lives short is nothing but tragic. To have anyone cut those lives short is nothing but condemnable. He doesn’t have James Potter’s laugh lines, but he does have his father’s innate flair for danger. He doesn’t have Lily Potter’s enthusiasm, but he does have her insatiable curiosity. (In every world, Harry will excel at finding the biggest spot of trouble available and sticking his nose in it.)
Hot serial killer serial killer hot. That's it, those are the thoughts. Please read.
Dripping Fingers by May_May_0_0 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25440826
When Harry finds Tom Riddle's diary he does not write 'Hello.' He does not write anything at all. He draws. Tom Riddle falls in love with the artwork. _________________ Sketch by sketch, drawing by drawing, the ink Harry pours into the diary manifests as creations in Tom's monochrome world.
Okay so if I'm the reincarnation of Shakespeare, May_May_0_0 is fucking... Ted Hughes. Which doesn't say much to your average viewer but that man wrote my favourite poem ever (the one I based my war fic off) and I hold him in very high regard. This story? It is poetry in its rawest form. Pure, condensed beauty. If you decide to read only one of the fics in this list, please choose this one.
Either must die at the hand of the other by Metalomagnetic https://archiveofourown.org/works/29356095
Voldemort survives the Battle of Hogwarts because Harry Potter had not been the one to kill him, as the prophecy demands.
When is Metalomagnetic not a master of words? When will I cease becoming breathless at every paragraph, at every cleverly twisted word that comes back and reveals itself so beautifully later?
Fine Line by galaxiesundone https://archiveofourown.org/works/26949952
Magic always leaves traces. The lingering darkness of Sectumsempra, combined with Harry’s nature as a horcrux, awakens the soul piece contained within Ravenclaw’s diadem. At twenty years old, Tom Riddle walks a fine line between man and monster, the devil and the light-bringer in one. His influence forces Harry to face an ancient enemy unlike anything he has faced before: temptation.
Long story short: Tom Riddle is Hot and Good At Being Hot and Harry truly doesn't stand a chance and I am here for it. Lord help me I love this fic to pieces.
Good Intentions by Strange_Soulmates https://archiveofourown.org/works/7035334
Five year old Harry Potter meets and befriends a seventeen year old Tom Riddle while hanging out at his dad’s station. James Potter decides to take Tom under his wing, using Tom’s connection with Harry to try and keep the teen grounded, even as he begins to investigate the Death Eaters, a dangerous organized crime group and their mysterious leader only known as Lord Voldemort.
The sheer potential of this fic. The horrible, terrible dread of future events that have yet to be revealed. I will cry.
Honey, Smoke, Shiver by machiavelli https://archiveofourown.org/works/16068062
Harry - Omega, only son of Lord Potter - is nothing more than a useful playing card in a political game of power and money, one that is bought by the famed Tom Riddle: powerful, dangerous, pureblood Alpha. Unsurprisingly, Harry loves being underestimated.
Machiavelli is always a rec from me. Sorry lads but that's the way it is. Never a moment where I won't recommend their stuff.
Sickly-Sweet Obsession by maquira https://archiveofourown.org/works/18259103
Quiet, studious Tom Riddle spends his first year thirsting after an older student—Gryffindor’s Quidditch Captain, Harry Potter. His crush is common knowledge, and even Harry finds it cute… at first. Possessiveness spawns monstrosities. Tom does all within his power to mess with Harry’s dating life. And one seemingly harmless crush spirals into something darker, begetting deadly consequences.
Again; the potential. Delicious. This will bloom into something beautifully twisted, I'm sure of it.
Stars, Hide Your Fires by Audair https://archiveofourown.org/works/27745546
Riddle’s undivided attention snapped to him with the swiftness of shattering glass. His turbulent magic receded from where it had besieged the shop. "You,” he breathed. Coiling in leisurely motions, the eager tendrils of his magic reached for Harry, swathing about his limbs and neck and chest with a liquid, flowing fascination. "I’ve been looking for you,” Riddle continued, tilting his head to the side and sweeping his gaze over Harry. It was an appraisal that felt simultaneously like the raking of iron nails and the tender drapery of silk. It was so familiar, and yet… so foreign. In the winding streets of Knockturn Alley, an intricate dance of mutual obsession unravels between twenty-three-year-old Tom Riddle and a time-travelling Harry Potter.
This work has recently been undergoing a rewrite, and I can tell you with certainty it's only gotten better for it. It's beautiful; the setting, the atmosphere, the vibes... Perfection. Captures Knockturn Alley's mood impeccably and does not disappoint a single moment.
the pleasure, the privilege by asterisms https://archiveofourown.org/works/21227528
It begins with Vernon Dursley's body, dead across the table. In which Voldemort is dosed with amortentia, and nothing is better for it.
Completed, terrifying... and gorgeous.
The Shrike (to your sharp and glorious thorn) by PaperWorlds https://archiveofourown.org/works/22380079
Shrike: A songbird with a sharply hooked bill, known for their habit of catching insects and small vertebrates and impaling their bodies on thorns, the spikes on barbed-wire fences, or any available sharp point. A young Harry Potter survives an attack by notorious serial killer Voldemort. Over a decade later, they meet again.
Lads I'm so desperate for an update from this fic that I might cry if I think about it for too long. I keep saying it and I'll say it again; this is one of those fics with amazing potential that are sure to never disappoint no matter what path they take. An incredibly hard rec.
To Raise a Servant by bluegrass https://archiveofourown.org/works/19780816
Tom had found the boy amidst pouring rain. He figured he'd always wanted a pet snake.
Surprisingly not quite as dark as the summary makes it seem? I certainly enjoyed it, though, and that's why it's on this list.
What He Grows To Be by Severus_divides_into_H https://archiveofourown.org/works/19042240
Tom Riddle is a frightening coil of darkness, cruelty, and greatness, and changing him is Harry’s only hope for saving people he loves. Going back in time, he takes Tom from the orphanage, but his optimism shatters with every year they spend together. Tom still longs for darkness. Tom stifles him in his possessiveness. Tom is fixated on him to the point of destroying the world just to keep him. But Harry loves him. And the future changes.
Beautiful. And absolutely terrifying. I've started crying mid-scene at least three times for this fic, and it honestly seems unfathomable if you haven't read it if you're on my profile, since I think this is one of the fics that have shaped my style and ambitions. It is what I aspire to be.
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micasaessakusa · 4 years
My world
Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x Reader Genre: Angst Word Count: 2.472 words Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy
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Crippling despair.
That is the only way to describe it, you guess; the only way to describe the feeling of having to watch the love of your life throw everything away for you.
But even that is still too soft a word to convey the emotions brewing inside you, twisting your heart with a barbed vice grip and stewing within your mind whispers of contempt you know you do not deserve but are nonetheless true.
Shinsuke was your world -- is you world and forever will be, and you know that in the same way, you are his. Maybe even more. But what a cruel world you are to him if just to be in your arms, he has to pay the price of… well, everything else.
It boils down to you or everything, no in between.
A mere touch of his never fails to warm you, but his hands that rest on the now apparent swell of your stomach singes you.
Looking at him, you tear up upon seeing Kita, your Shinsuke, his hair matted to his forehead because of sweat and his eyes tired but still bright despite what was sure to have been a gruelling day. Glancing down, you spot his soft, gentle hands littered with dark marks from fixing cars at the local mechanic.
You know it’s not easy for him, not even a little bit, but every time he comes home to you, he never fails to show you nothing but pure love and adoration on his face. And you’re touched, but also so utterly confused at how he could look at you as if you hadn’t just ruined his life.
He gives you a soft smile before his slightly chapped lips plant a full kiss on yours. No matter the circumstances, his kisses never fail to serve as a reminder that there will always be one person in the world who will never leave your side, no questions asked. But this affects you differently for rather than serving as a form of comfort, it instead brews some darker thoughts in your mind, tracing back to the strained conversation you had with his family before everything fell to ruin.
Backing a little from you, his lips pull to another tender upward tilt before he excuses himself to wash up, making sure to peck your stomach one last time.
Your eyes trace his movements towards the bathroom and as soon as the door shuts, you’re once again left alone to stew in your own mind-numbing thoughts.
“Are you sure it’s yours, Shinsuke?”
Kita’s usually warm coffee brown eyes narrow imperceptibly, cold emanating from him at the blatant insinuation thrown at you.
“Yes, mother,” he answers evenly despite the tightening of his hold on your hand. Meanwhile, you keep your stare trained on the floor, not having the courage to look at the scrutinizing gaze of Shinsuke’s parents.
He warned you about their predisposition and prejudice, but you hadn’t anticipated just how much distaste they would actually be hiding behind a curtain of impeccable manners.
Sensing your discomfort, your boyfriend of only a year wraps an arm around you, rubbing soothing patterns on your back.
For the first time that night, his father speaks, but he doesn’t even look at you when he does.
“Get rid of it,” he says with total indifference while still commanding finality. “This kind of inconvenience will only serve to bring dishonor to our name.”
He spits venom at the ‘inconvenience’ that is your child and it takes all of your willpower to not break down right there and then. His family speaks of everything as if it’s nothing. As if you are nothing. As if your relationship with their son is nothing. As if the child inside you, despite not being planned, was not made from the love you shared with Shinsuke.
But you guess maybe it is like that. Maybe to them, you really are nothing.
After all, what’s a nobody like you even doing with the sole heir of the Kita family, renowned business tycoons in the continent, whom anyone who’s a somebody covet to form even just an acquaintance with?
Who are you to sully the name of a bloodline that has been thriving since long before your great grandparents were even born?
Nobody. That’s what you are.
You are so lost in your all-consuming thoughts that you fail to notice at first how Shinsuke is already in front of you, standing tall and facing his parents. It’s only then that you become aware of the tears streaming down your face, dropping to your hands that are pulled into tight fists.
“Mother and Father, [Y/N] and I have not been together for long, but we have known each other for years now,” he starts, voice remaining calm and collected despite how tense his whole body is. “This will not please you, but I have already made my decision the moment she informed me she’s pregnant with my child.”
His words echo repeatedly in your mind and your heart beats so rapidly from the overwhelming adoration flowing through your body… ‘my child.’ Your Shinsuke said ‘my child,’ and you could not have been happier just by hearing those words.
Chancing a look at his parents, you see them still stoic, face completely devoid of emotion nor even a sliver of shock. Perhaps, they’ve accepted his decision? But even you know that that would be wishful thinking. What you do know now, however, is that you would not be alone in this journey.
Shinsuke’s words flood you with relief from the anxiety of having to go through the pregnancy alone. Even though you never doubted him, hearing him actually say he’ll be by your side sends you an unparalleled level of comfort and reassurance.
Not waiting for his family to speak, he takes your hand and helps you to stand, aware of how shaky you currently are. He bows low to his parents to signal the end of the conversation, his torso almost parallel to the ground, and when he rises back up he gives you what might have been the most tender look you’ve seen on his face the entire time you’ve known each other.
In a low voice, he speaks, “We shall be going now,” then guides you to the exit.
Just as you’re about to pass the threshold, his father says a single sentence that would forever make you question just how much you’ve taken from the man you claim to love.
“Once you leave this house, you will be stripped of everything that has to do with the family and name you so easily turn your back on.”
Instantly, you freeze on your tracks, but Shinsuke just steers you forward with a gentle hand on your back, the words of his father not making his steps falter for even a bit.
Under his breath, he whispers his own answer, steady and with full conviction.
“Then so be it.”
It’s been a couple of months since then but not a day has gone by with you not thinking about it.
Kita Shinsuke is a humble man, down-to-earth and genuine. He’s never one to indulge in materialistic things but anyone with eyes can see that he’s struggling to live a less privileged life. After all, he grew up so used to having both needs and wants always there, always available most especially because of his name. He’s a hard worker, yes, but up until a few months ago, he’s never had to actually work to live.
He tries his best, you know he does just like he always has, maybe even more so now that he has other people to take care of. He never complains… and that makes it all the worse for you.
Each day that passes, you become increasingly aware of the darkening circles under his eyes, his thinning frame, and everything about him now just glaringly shouts how this is not the life fit for a man like him.
You claim to love him, but by him reciprocating what does he get? Misery. 
The sound of the bathroom door opening snaps you from your stupor and in the next second, your boyfriend steps out, freshly showered and with a towel hanging from his neck. He has a small smile on his lips but it falls as soon as he sees you.
A frown appears on his face as he rushes towards you, worry etched onto his features.
“Is something wrong, love?” he says when he takes both your hands into his larger ones. He gazes at you, warm brown orbs focused solely on your face as he searches you for any pain.
“Does it hurt somewhere?”
It’s only when he brings a hand up to wipe the tears off your face do you realize you’re crying. Sniffling, you quickly wipe away all traces of your breakdown, glancing instead on the floor out of embarrassment.
“It’s nothing, Shin,” you say so quietly that he almost misses it. 
He chooses not to probe, guiding you instead to sit on the worn out couch. Your tears gradually come to a slow stop with the aid of the soothing circles he rubs on your back, and once again, your heart clenches at how just naturally nurturing he is.
A few moments pass with him trying to calm you down and when you get your breathing back to normal, he speaks.
“Something has been bothering you for a while now, don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Your eyes snap wide as you look at him, guilt clear on your face. Have you unintentionally been worrying him by being transparent? Or is he so in tune with your emotions that he’s able to read you so easily?
Kita’s a perceptive person and it doesn’t really surprise you that he has caught on to your distress, but how you wish that this one time, he doesn’t, for it would only pile on top of his already long list of worries.
He caresses your hands and the warmth emanating from his palms brings you a sense of ease.
“Please talk to me, love. Whatever it is, we can work on it togeth--”
“Let’s break up.”
Shock paints his face the instant you blurt the words out and that’s all it takes for hurt and confusion to fill his usually unreadable eyes. 
You stare at him, surprise also clear on your face from what you said, but you don’t take it back. You love him and you’ll give him this one chance to back out. You’ll set him free if that’s what it costs to allow him to live a life of comfort once more.
He deserves all the comfort this harsh world can give him, and if he can’t have that when he’s with you then you’ll choose to let him go… even if that would break you.
Silence fills the small space of your apartment, neither of you having the courage to break the silence first.
His hold on your hand tightens, but you still don’t speak in fear of taking your words back. But if only he knew just how much you want to.
You’re scared, so scared that he would agree to break up. And you know you would fall apart without him, but you have to do this. Kita’s been selfless all this time, now’s your turn to prove to him how far you’d go if it’s for him. You’d give him his freedom if that would mean he gets to live a happier and more comfortable life.
What you didn’t expect, however, is for tears to fill his eyes and roll down his pale cheeks in thick rivulets as he looks at you in utter brokenness.
He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again. Biting his lip, he whispers words that slash through your heart.
“Is it something wrong with me?”
In an instant, you scramble to pull him in a tight embrace, your sobs breaking free along with your pleas for forgiveness.
“I’m so sorry, Shin,” you cry as you hug him even tighter, his own arms also wrapping around you in his shaky effort to hold you snug against his body. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! Fuck-- I didn’t mean it, I don’t want to break up! I didn’t mean it, I’m so sorry, Shin, I’m so sorry, I don’t want to break up, not now, not ever, I’m so sorry--,” strings of apology spill profusely from your mouth and the moment Kita plants his lips against yours, you kiss him back with fervor, trying to convey just how much you don’t want to be away from him.
With one last peck, he closes his eyes as he rests his forehead against yours, his breath still coming a bit short from his remaining tears.
“Please don’t scare me like that again. I love you, my [Y/N]. I don’t plan on leaving you and our child ever,” he says with tearful sincerity, it compels you to kiss him again followed by a firm declaration of how much you feel the same way.
Hugging him close to you, you resolve to tell him everything. You let it all out; how you thought- still think he chose to be miserable when he chose you, how you just know that you ruined his life, how you feel like you’re being selfish for taking him away from his family, from his gran, how you thought you’d give him his freedom so he could live a better life, how scared you were that he would agree when you told him you’d break up. 
With each word passing through your lips, his embrace gets a little tighter as he whispers assurances to your ears, rubbing soothing circles on your back all the while.
“You didn’t ruin my life, you made it better.”
“You’re my family now.”
“I am free when I am with you. I chose you and I’ll do it over and over again.”
Amidst the tearful confessions you both lay on each other, you grip his shirt tight in a fist as you finally tell him the thing you’ve felt most frightened about when he chose you.
“I feel like I’ve taken you away from your world, Shinsuke. I feel like I hurt you.”
He stops his ministrations when he moves to hold both your shoulders in a gentle but firm grip, looking you straight in the eyes as he speaks to life the words that will forever remain in your heart and soul.
“You didn’t take me away from my world, because you are my world, always have been and always will be.”
And at that very moment, you just know deep within your heart that Kita Shinsuke has been, still is, and will always be your world.
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 19
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson &/x fem!gifted!reader Content: Frigga <3 Some angsting and feels and pining. A/N: So apparently visits by relatives to patients are going to be unrestricted from now on (government’s decision) which means one of the most important ways to control the risk of Corona within the health care system is gonna be flushed down the drain. If a second wave is gonna hit in my country, it’ll start now...and I’m still wiped out after the last 6 months of strain/stress/etc.
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19. Strange Same Dogma
...  Loki   ...
He’s at [Y/N]’s side when she approaches the gates to Valhalla the next day. Disguised as her servant, Loki’s role is mute whenever others are nearby (unless addressed directly) though he is prepared to whisper advice discreetly if the guards prove difficult.
Two golden-armoured einherjar are in their usual spots, blocking the way, but neither are given a chance to speak before the Midgardian embraces her role. “My name is [Y/N] and I have come to seek audience with queen Frigga. I know you must confer with her majesty, however my travels have led me far since I left Alfheim and the gracious hospitality of the High Priestess.” With the Älfir garb and the impeccable posture, she looks the part. “I presume temporary accommodations can be arranged.”
The last bit carries the tiniest hint of a question’s intonation, precisely enough to prevent coming over as either rude or begging, and as one einherjar ensures the message of the visitor is relayed the other calls for a servant to arrange (and escort the duo to) a waiting chamber.
It takes a moment before Loki is alone with the mortal again and he knows the peace will be short lived.
“I’m impressed, my pet.” He adores the way [Y/N] beams with pride. “Anyone would assume you are of royal heritage.”
Any other words dry up in his throat and the former prince allows himself to fall silent, eyes seemingly studying the familiar stones beneath his feet while in reality gazing unseeingly.
He’s home. Frigga’s lullabies ghost these halls at the edge of hearing, calling for the lost child to retrace the paths from years ago even now as time and fate have warped him into the grown man he is today. How long has it been? Surely, not long enough that he cannot find the way around the palace blindfolded if need be. And, oh, to revisits the favourite nooks and best reading spots or to climb the spires only to greet the first stars even before they have dared look above the horizon. Loki’s heart clenches at the madman’s hope of strolling through his mother’s garden which smells of herbs and safety.
...  Reader  ...
The place is much grander than your wildest imaginations had prepared you for. Gold, rich stones and woods, precious stones, all coming together in sharp lines reaching high above you. The place does not hold the natural flow of Alfheim’s temple – there, Art Nouveau from Earth had been the closest resemblance – rather favouring something akin to Art Deco. Still, neither style truly encompasses what you see or have seen and if given the freedom, you’d easily spend hours studying the palace.
But, sitting in silence, all the decadence of the room loses the welcoming glamour as a chill saturates the air. You instinctively move to sit next to Loki on the pillow-covered bench. He doesn’t blink. Doesn’t seem to notice your closeness. Leaning in slightly, you don’t see tears in those emerald eyes of his but are met with a pained emptiness. It’s haunting.
What can I do? Nervous of potential violent reactions, you don’t exactly feel like shaking him out of the stupor – whatever you decide to do must be subtle. Your gaze falls to where he has drawn his lips into a thin line and of course you wonder how it would feel if to have his mouth respond if you were to kiss him. Don’t be an idiot! No, the man might have taken a liking to teasing you but while it’d doesn’t make sense why, you know it can’t be from wanting you.
So, you do the only thing you can think of and slip your fingers in between his, squeezing the cool hand gently in the same rhythm of your breathing.
Time pass. The wintry bite in the air softens. Loki’s breathing slowly adapts to match the speed indicated with each careful nudge of your fingers. Eventually, his hand curls to return the gesture, and now the lack of words is peaceful, a sacred promise of a haven for all that remains unspoken.
One final squeeze, then Loki disentangles from the hold to shrug. “We must uphold the charade of Lady and servant, my dear.”
You know he’s right...but it your heart still objects to the distance when you return to the previous seat. You’re glad when, just as expected, it doesn’t take long before a guard arrives with an update.
“Queen Frigga has accepted the request for an audience.” Both of you get up. “Only you, lady [Y/N].”
This isn’t part of the plan and you can’t help glancing to Loki who nods imperceptibly as he sits back down. There’s a calm in his eyes that soothes you. The man might have gotten you wrapped up in his messy life, but you have no doubt anymore: he’ll see you through it too.
Turning to face the guard, you straighten up. “Of course.”
The queen of Asgard is not alone when you’re shown into the grand room. A host of other women, presumably a mix of servants and nobles, are gathered around her like a space posse with snacks, drinks, and gossip which continues uninterrupted as you enter. Stopping just past the door, forlorn at the sight of the gorgeousness of it all, the guard pushes you gently towards a woman at the centre.
Frigga is sitting on a couch, deeply engrossed in conversation with a couple of the other ladies. Her blond hair is done up elaborately with the exception of a few long ringlets and the dress is the most heavenly sky-blue, flowy thing – the kind you’ve only seen in fantasy books or medieval images.
“Your highness,” your escort announces, “lady [Y/N] of...” his voice trails off, unsure how to finish as you never told him where you’re from.
Managing an awkward bow, nothing has prepared you for Loki’s mother swooping over to grasp both your hands.
“Lady [Y/N]! I’m delighted to meet you!” The wholehearted smile dazzles you as some of her son is evident in the gleam of her eye. “Rumour of your prowess precedes you. Come, sit with me.”
Frigga doesn’t have to say anything for the two conversational ex-partners to get up with delicate nods. Even with the purple, Älfir dress you’re wearing, you feel out of place – a commoner pretending to be royal. That’s exactly what I’m doing. And you’re glad to have your hands back as your palms start to get sweaty.
“Forgive the informal welcome, we were not aware of your arrival.”
Frowning slightly, you can’t detect the sarcasm Loki has introduced to your daily life. “My travels have held several surprises even for me.” Please don’t dig in it.
The smirk familiar despite the shimmer of something unidentifiable. “I know the Älfir were saddened when you took your leave. How did you find your stay there?”
“Oh, the planet is breathtaking and they are very kind and generous!” At least this isn’t a lie.
“The first is indisputable, though I dare say not many will agree on the latter...however,” the queen reconsiders, “I suppose you are special to them as you have saved their High Priestess.”
They’re not friendly normally? “I...I guess...” A nagging in the back of your mind has been activated and you know it won’t stop until you’ve asked Loki about a couple of things.
“No need for modesty, lady [Y/N].” Again, Frigga looks genuinely delighted. “A mortal, but with the magic of old Alfheim running through the veins...it is no wonder they welcomed you as they did.” Oh? “Please indulge me: how has this come to be? Who has trained you in the arts of magic?”
And there it is: the gaping hole surrounding the ability you’ve grown up with.
For years, you felt like a freak. No one were like you or could tell you why songs with strange words would well out of your mouth. It had isolated you more often than not, forcing you to start over when people who didn’t understand started to fear you instead. I did no harm. But that had never mattered. It was enough to simply be different.
Pushing the memories aside, you look down at your hands that are wringing the sleeves. “I don’t know.” Ugh, don’t sound so pathetic! “It has always just been me, trying to figure out these things on my own, your highness.”
“Hm.” Frigga’s palms are soft when she plies your fingers from the stretched hem. “I see why he brought you here, then.”
“Who?” With all that has happened, you should be used to fear clawing inside your chest like now.
Rather than answer you, the queen merely announces the room at large, “Leave us. All of you.” The last bit is addressed to the guard that you only now notice has stayed by the door. “And see to it that the chambers have been prepared.”
They must know the drill, these fancy women, because no one complains or looks surprised as they file out. Even if you had felt out of place with all of them around, the sense of foreboding and displacement doesn’t lessen, and you try to avoid meeting the piercing gaze of the queen in the hopes of keeping up the charade – a near impossible endeavour as she studies you in silence until the door clicks shut.
“Let us abandon pretense, me dear,” Frigga sighs before urgency takes over. “How is my son? How is Loki?”
Fuck. She can’t...can she? Like mother like son? Oh, crap. “I don’t know wha-”
“Tish-tosh. It is hard for me – and Heimdal – to track him. My boy has always been intelligent and...well, sneaky. But a mother knows her child, and when we learned someone with such a gift had been abducted from Midgard? Well, I had my suspicions as to his plans.” It’s impossible to tell if the proud smirk is due to her own success in figuring out what was going on or Loki’s accomplishments. “He learned nigh everything he knows from me, and despite the turmoil in his heart there is reason behind his madness.”
“Don’t call him mad!” It pops out of your mouth before you can think and your heart almost follows, getting stuck in the throat on the way and blocking any intake of air.
Frigga’s hands are warm, unlike the man in question’s. Tenderly, they cup your cheeks, rubbing circles on the skin until the rhythm echoes in your body and breathing becomes possible once more.
“Do not fret,” the queen and mother instructs. “I shall not ask where he is or if they two of you are colluding. All I wish is that he is...is...” Wetness wells in her eyes, briefly but long enough for you to recognize it. “He has been struggling and so I hope he has found a gentler path to tread on the way to redemption. Any proper mother would feel assured knowing that their son does not walk alone.”
This is his home. Sure, Asgard itself has been where Loki grew up, the place he still belongs to despite what he has said about Jotunheim and Odin’s rejection. But you begin to suspect that the real reason for the strong attachment is sitting right before you. So much of Frigga’s small mannerisms have been passed on to her adoptive son though her pride has been tempered by a wisdom your companion hasn’t gained yet.
“Worry not, dear,” the queen interrupts you thought, “all will fall into place in time and until then, I may be able to teach you more about your gift and how to hone it. You shall be my guest in Valhalla. Welcome to Asgard.”
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
Come Back... Be here.
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Pairings: Tooru Oikawa x Fem!Reader 
Genre: Angst 
Word Court: 1.6k. 
𝅘𝅥𝅮  This is falling in love in the cruelest way. This is falling for you and you are worlds away.  New York, be here. But you're in London and I break down cause it's not fair that you're not around.  𝅘𝅥𝅮
It was a lonely life, one you were forced to become accustomed to. Your fiancé of three years was constantly travelling due to work, and right now he was in Brazil. You tried to maintain high spirits, filling your free time with volunteering and work. But recently every morning, you dreaded waking up. The emptiness that was usually dormant had become active once more, nibbling away at your will to continue your mundane life. Your first thought was to partake in something spontaneous. An activity that would revitalize your very being.
“I’m going to buy a ticket to Brazil!” It was the first idea to pop into your head, Tooru would never see it coming!
“You don’t have the money for that, y/n.” Your best friend, Akaashi was studying diligently when he heard your outburst. It was only natural for him to poke a hole in the plan you assumed was impeccable.
“That’s.... true. I’ll have to pick up more shifts. I can do it.” A determined smile had fixed upon your glossed lips. It would be a surprise.
For the next month every second you had was dedicated to earning money. During one facetime call Oikawa had inquired why the bags under your eyes have gotten worse. He suggested that you buy a new skin care kit, oblivious of the real reason your skin no longer had a healthy glow.
But because of your new and hectic schedule, the two of you barely spoke to one another. At first you did not notice, your whole goal was to surprise him after all. He was the one thing on your mind. It was Akaashi who commented on the lack of communication.
“You and Oikawa haven’t been talking as much.” It was a mere observation from a concerned friend.
“Well, you know I’ve been busy!” You waved a hand dismissively.
“But... he hasn’t called you either?”
You stopped stirring the pot, realization starting to hit. It was weird. Tooru didn’t seem to be phased by the sudden lack of communication. He simply went with it, as if nothing had changed.
If your absence doesn’t matter, then your presence never did.
You knew that all too well. When you were a child you slowly drifted from your friends, and while the others were indifferent, you cried your heart out. It was your older sister who told you that quote.
Now, you had accidentally drifted from your boyfriend by trying to get closer to him. Your chest constricted, anxiety beginning to course through your veins.
“Keiji, can you finish cooking this for me?” Your voice was barely released in a whisper, and your best friend was immediately at your side.
“Go.” He lightly pressed against your back, shoving you out of the kitchen.
The second you reach your bedroom, you placed the phone against your ear, listening intently to the dial tone. He would pick up, right?
“Hello, y/n?”
You instantly feel the stream begin, tears flowing freely as you clutch the phone as if it were Tooru himself.
“Hi.” Was all you were able to utter back.
“... are you crying?” His tone was dripping with concern, which only made you cry even more. You had missed him so much, and you were terrified about losing him. What if he found someone in Brazil? Someone whose face wasn’t colourless and drained? Someone who was able to cheer for him at every game. Someone who wasn’t you.
“Come back. I need you to be here!” The plead was completely unintentional, as you were overwhelmed by the emptiness you had tried so hard to combat. It had been months since you kissed his lips. Months since you were able to caress his face... Months since you felt loved.
Your words are met with silence. He wonders what possessed you to make such an ridiculous request.
“Y/n, I can’t do that.” There was no menace in his voice, rather he sounded defeated. His volleyball career had always strained his romantic relationships. It was nothing new.
“You can’t or you won’t? Other players at least visit their significant others or call them whenever they have a chance!” You were unable to control yourself, for three years you were the perfect girlfriend and then fiancé. It was your goal to be the last person Oikawa Tooru loved. You wanted to be understanding, that was why you never voiced your pain. But now there was no holding back.
“Did something happen? Why are you acting like this suddenly?” If he was being honest, he would have admitted that he did slack as a partner, but only because you never seemed to mind. There were plenty of occasions where his team members would request time off to spend with their loved one, but not him. Volleyball always came first.
“Nothing happened. I keep waiting for you to put me first... but it’ll never happen.” Pinching your eyelids shut, you stumble back a few steps, forcing your back to meet the wall for support.
“Y/n, please. Let’s talk tomorrow when you’re calmer.” His voice used to sound better than your favourite song, and right now he sounded like a complete stranger.
“Okay.” It was suddenly hard to breathe, your lungs were refusing to continue accepting the air, as if it were poison.
“Goodnight. I love you.”
You don’t say it back, which hurts him. But in your head you think he deserves it.
How could you build a family with someone who never viewed you as a priority?
He didn’t call the next day, and neither did you.
You had received your final pay-check in the mail the next day and still found yourself at the airport, buying a seat on a last minute flight to Brazil. But your reasons for going had changed. On the flight you fiddled with the ring on your finger, occasionally removing it to read the engraving inside. ‘Yours forever’
A bitter laugh crawled up your throat as you choked back tears. Forever never lasted as long as one expected.
When you arrived it was morning, you knew he had a game scheduled in the evening, and decided to spend the day exploring. It wasn’t a cheap flight, you may as well make the best out of the situation. After buying Akaashi a souvenir, you visited a few popular tourist attractions. It was oddly refreshing being on your own in a new city. It also reminded you that you survived without him before and could do it again.
You managed to purchase some close tickets for the game at a fair price, another benefit for being a single person. Most people bought tickets in pairs, you used to do it too. But not anymore.
When Oikawa entered the court, there were various screams throughout the stands. You even saw some signs that were decorated for him. He seemed to be the most loved player on the team, not that it was surprising.
In the first two sets he failed to notice you. But when he was prepping to serve in the final set, his eyes landed on yours as he began his journey back to the ground. The second his feet connected to the laminated flooring, he stumbled back clumsily. He had not expected to see her. Her presence had thrown Oikawa off his usual rhythm, which almost cost them the final set. Fortunately, his team mates were able to adjust and stole a narrow win. 
At the end of the game, Oikawa had ran off the court, eager to find you. Within minutes he found you at the empty stands. A hand was resting on his chest as he attempted to catch his breath.
“Y/n? What are doing here?”
“I was saving up to see you. That’s why I didn’t call as much recently. That’s why there were bags under my eyes.” A sad smile tugged at the ends of your lips as realization fell upon the man you loved.
“I didn’t know. But I’m glad you’re here. Let me introduce you to the team.” Extending out an arm, he attempted to grab your hand but you quickly stepped away from his touch.
“No, Tooru. I don’t think that’s necessary. I have come only to return this.” As your hands began to tug at the symbol of your love, fear flashed in his caramel irises. Instinctively he grabbed your hands, stopping you from completing the movement.
“Please, y/n. I know.. I haven’t been the best fiancé. But I refuse to let you end it like this.”
“You aren’t the only person in this relationship, Tooru.” Your voice cracked as tears began to cloud your vision.
“I will be better, give me the chance and I'll prove it." To your surprise, there were tears blossoming in his eyes. This was the first time you had seen him cry since high-school. "I love you, please don't do this." Lifting your hands to his mouth, he dropped gentle kisses to your knuckles, only furthering your confusion. How could you turn him down when he looked so vulnerable? A sight so rare that you had to wonder if you were dreaming the entire event. 
Stepping closer to him, your forehead dropped against his chest in defeat. Swiftly his arms snaked around your waist, drawing your small frame against his. It had been so long since you were able to feel his warm embrace. 
"I love you, y/n." He pressed his lips against the crown of your head, and at that moment you were roped in once again. All you could do was hope this time would be different.
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
“No One Mourns the Wicked Part Three: No Good Deed” Low Honor!Arthur Morgan x Low Honor!Reader
The thrilling conclusion to No One Mourns the Wicked! This part is based off my favorite song, No Good Deed. 
Fluff and Angst
The months after Arthur recovers are rough as the gang’s luck seems to have dried up. 
Part 1
Part 2
In total, it only took around a month before Arthur was back on his feet and the only reminder of his injury was a bright pink scar on his calf. Arthur began working jobs again, but he insisted you join for each one. Dutch had no arguments, this is what he had been trying to accomplish for damn near twenty years now.
Today was different, today Arthur went alone. As he walked back into camp towards his tent he was welcomed with a chorus of praise and well wishes from the other members of the gang, happy to see him up and on his feet again. He would respond halfheartedly; his mind was somewhere else and he was trying to shake the nervous feeling in his gut. When he opened the flaps to the tent, you were laid on their shared bed.
Together the two of you rearranged the tent after your night of intimacy; your two cots were now pushed together in the center of the tent with a big fitted sheet over them, making them one double bed. Your respective nightstands were on each side of the bed, and the tent was evenly divided by your sides. You smiled and stood to greet him as he entered the tent.
“Welcome back,” your voice was soft and soothing as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He took in your scent as he looped his big arms around your waist. Neither of you were accustomed to much physical affection, so these small intimate moments made both of you feel light.
He gave you a quick kiss and took your hand, he sat on the edge of the bed and beckoned you to sit beside him. For the first time you looked at his face and he looked nervous. He cleared his throat. “I been needin’ to tell you somethin’ for awhile now.” He shifted uncomfortably, and his gaze was on the floor. “I been stuck in bed for so long I wanted to repay ya for takin’ care of me.”
You gave his shoulder a light shove, “Arthur, you know you don’t have to repay me for that, I’d take care of ya as long as ya needed me to.” You were trying to relieve his nerves, you could tell he had something on his mind.
He gave you a nervous smile and wrapped his big hands around yours. “I know, and I thank ya for that.” He sighed shakily and gave your hand a squeeze. “I think…no I know.” He finally looked up at you with an intensity you had never seen. “I love you. I’ve loved you for years now, I guess I just…I didn’t want to admit it to myself. I feel like a fool, not knowin’ what it was, and I feel crazy sayin’ it now.” He looked frustrated, frustrated with this newfound vulnerability. “I know we only been…like this for a coupla weeks now so I understand if you don’t feel the same. Just had to get it off ma chest.”
You put your spare hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. “I feel the same. I guess I never had anyone love me before, not like this anyways. I always heard of it, I seen it in others, but I never knew how it felt or what it was myself. Even my ma and pa left me when I was so young I couldn’t remember what love felt like.” You brought his hands to your lips and kissed them softly. “Now I do, and I want to be better. I never cared what others thought a me, nor did I care how my actions affected others. Now, with you, I want to feel like I deserve this. I want to protect this, and I want to keep this as long as I can.” You felt like the words were pouring out faster than you could process, but it was all truth. The truth of this vulnerable, tender feeling you now knew was love.
Arthur smiled and nodded. He released your hand and turned towards his satchel. “I saw these the other day while we were in town, but I wanted them to be a surprise.” When he turned to face you, he was holding a small tin box. “I wanted you to have these, as a thank you for savin’ my life and bein’ there for me.”
He opened the box to reveal a stunning set of throwing knives. Your eyes gleamed like starlight as you examined them carefully. “Oh, Arthur,” you whispered. “They’re beautiful.”
He smiled, he knew you would love them. He may have been the best gun in camp, but you could show him up any day with your skill and deadly precision with blades and throwing knives. You gingerly picked one up as you examined it thoroughly. They were a beautiful silver with dark engravings flowing over them. They were perfectly balanced and fit your small hands like they were custom made just for you.
Arthur’s hand found the small of your back and he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “Want to go try them out?”
You jumped up immediately, and drug him out of tent, pulling him behind you eagerly. He smiled, he didn’t have a doubt in his mind that you were made for him.
Later that night, the two of you laid wrapped up in each other deep in conversation. Arthur was still in the process of trying to convince himself all of this was real and happening. Your nude bodies were wrapped around each other, your fingers were entwined in his hair, gently looping and playing with the thick mop on his head. Your chin was resting on his bare chest, and your eyes were looking into his with an admiration he had never seen in any woman’s eyes. Your voice was soft as silk as you spoke, and Arthur found it hard not to just get lost in you. He had to focus on your words as they came from your mouth, so he didn’t get lost in the way your lips curled around each syllable and your hands moved almost feverishly as you spoke.
You sighed, and a solemn look fell over your face. “Do you think we’ll ever get out of this?” One of your hands moved and you began tracing small circles on his bicep. “Get outta this life I mean. The runnin’ and the killin’.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You want to get outta killin’? That’s new, are you sure you’re really Y/N?”
You giggled, “I’m sure I’m me. It’s just,” You sighed again. “The older I get, the more a normal life with a family doesn’t seem so ridiculous, ya know?”
“I know.” He breathed.
“For years, I thought killin’ and runnin’ and cheatin’ and robbin’ was all my life would ever be but now I have you, I have this. Is it wrong for me to want us to have something different, something better?”
Arthur looked at you and saw the concern in your eye. He felt his chest grow heavy and he cupped your face with his big palm. “Not at all. I been wantin’ a family for a long time now, just never thought I’d find anyone who would have me.” He sighed. “I also never wanted to bring a kid into this life.”
You nodded. “So, you think when we finally get our money, we finally get done runnin’, we could have a normal life together, maybe start a family?”
The thought made Arthur feel warm. He kissed your forehead. “I can’t think of anything I’d wanna do more.”
You smiled. “We’ll head back out west, get a little cabin and start a family.”
“With a dog.”
You giggled, “With a dog. Maybe a kid or two, we could do the ranch life ya know.” You joked.
This got a laugh out of him. “You gotta be jokin’ me. That’s the silliest thing I ever heard. Bein’ a farmer Joe.” He laughed again, and you joined him. “I think I’d rather take my chances with the law.”
“Okay, no ranch life. Just you, me, the kids, and a dog.” You nuzzled your face in his chest. He was warm, and his skin was soft.
He placed a kiss on top of your head and wrapped his arms around you. “Sounds like a plan.”
The two of you drifted off to sleep together.
Months passed, and the luck of the gang seemed to be slipping. It seemed your numbers were dwindling with each day. Those who hadn’t been killed were beginning to realize they would be soon joining the dead if they stuck around. Pearson, Mary-Beth, Karen, and now as you scanned camp, you realized the Reverend had packed up and left too. You weren’t sure when, Dutch had been keeping you busy and to your distaste, away from Arthur. He had begun sending you on jobs by yourself, jobs far away and suspiciously dull. You would spend days sometimes weeks away from camp, and it was wearing on your nerves. There seemed to be an unfamiliar glint in Dutch’s eyes, a wild spark and it seemed to have the sheen of insanity. You tried to reason with him, you tried to make a lick of sense of his plans. As you entered camp, you couldn’t help but notice Micah in Dutch’s tent, the two sitting close and deep in quiet conversation. Micah made your stomach crawl, and even you couldn’t convince Dutch of his conniving nature. It seemed clear as day to everyone else except Dutch. Or maybe Dutch knew that, and accepted it.
You shook the thought from your head as you pulled back the flap of your tent to reveal a sleeping Arthur on your cot. The only good thing to come of being away for so long was the feeling of seeing Arthur again. The old saying time makes the heart fonder was true, because your reunions were what made every sleepless night out in the cold worth it. You took no time in removing your dirty boots and wet coat and pants as you slid under the covers. You wrapped your arms around him and he stirred. His eyes only opened slightly, and he smiled as he closed them again. He gave you a long kiss as he wrapped himself around you.
He let out a shaky breath as he nuzzled his face into your hair. He needed this terribly, your timing was impeccable. You had been gone for six days this time, and the moment your horse was out of sight, Dutch turned right back into his dark conniving self. Arthur began noticing in Guarma that a darker leaf had turned within Dutch and it was scary. Dutch knew you wouldn’t approve, and he had been sending you off in an attempt to keep you from the truth. He never sent Arthur, either because he needed Arthur or because he didn’t want Arthur discussing his recent change in attitude with you. Arthur wasn’t sure which it was, but it was transparent to him that Dutch was trying to keep you from knowing the truth. Arthur wanted to tell you, he wanted to discuss Dutch’s newfound admiration for Micah and his sickening actions. But he wanted to treasure these small moments with you, because he knew as soon as Dutch saw your horse he would find a new excuse to send you away again. No, he thought. Not today. Today is the day you need to know what’s been going on while you’ve been gone.
He shifted beside you, and you gave him a sleepy groan. You were already half asleep. He felt bed, he knew you probably hadn’t had a proper night’s sleep since you had left, but this was important. He shook you gently. You groaned again, “Arthur please, I’m so sleepy.”
Your voice made his heart ache. It was easy to forget he wasn’t the only one being worn ragged by Dutch’s insane plans. You sounded so sad and so exhausted, you needed to rest. He sighed, “Alright darlin’. Get some rest now, we can talk in the morning.”
He caught your sleepy smile as you nuzzled back into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you but couldn’t bring himself to fall back to sleep. It was completely dark outside, so the chances of Dutch swooping in to take you from him were slim, but the morning would be different. Arthur prayed he could sneak you out of camp in time to get you far away from here, he wondered if he could pack your things for you overnight, could he get you up and ready to go before dawn breaks? And if he did, could the two of you really make it out and get far enough away before anyone came looking for you? You were fast asleep in his arms now, you looked so small. He wanted more than anything to have the future you discussed all that time ago. It doesn’t feel like it was just a few months ago since the two of you were up together late every night, holding each other and discussing your plans for the future. It seemed like a whole life time ago now. Now he lived for the stolen moments between jobs, the only thing that mattered to him now was the precious time with you before Dutch sent you back out to God knows where to do God knows what. There was a small rasp at the tent flaps, and Arthur felt his rage wash over him as Dutch called from outside. “Y/N? Y/N you awake in there?”
You began to stir, but Arthur pushed you back against the bed as he sat up. “You stay right here and rest.” He whispered. He pulled on a shirt and his boots quickly. He gave you a kiss on the forehead before stepping out of the tent to face Dutch. Dutch turned to him, surprised. “Arthur, is Y/N in there? I saw her horse at the hitching post. I got somethin’ real important- “
Arthur cut him off, his anger boiling over. “I know what yer doin’ Dutch, and it’s really startin’ to piss me off. Let the girl rest for god’s sake! Can’t she get one night’s sleep in a bed before you send her out again just to keep her from seein’ your true colors?”
Dutch’s eyes glared coldly. “I know what she can and can’t handle. I raised that girl.”
“Then act like you care for once!” Arthur snapped.
“Oh, I care,” Dutch said coldly. “I care for that girl more than you ever will, just because you’re sharin’ a bed don’t mean you’re the only one who cares.”
“She’s gonna know the truth, Dutch. Just you wait and see, and I don’t think she’ll be too happy with the man you’ve become.” Arthur turned back to enter the tent, his head turned over his shoulder. “If you care, you’re gonna let her have a full night’s sleep and a meal before you send away. And if you still have a sliver of compassion for me, you’ll let me enjoy what little time I got left with her before you send her back out.”
Dutch grunted and left. Arthur felt so angry he could throw something. He had to fight the urge to tear the tent apart, send things flying and scream into the night. His nostrils flared wildly as he paced in front of the bed. He didn’t even hear you stir, he jumped when your small hand grabbed his. He turned and you were sitting at the edge of the bed, eyeing him worriedly. “What’s wrong?” You asked.
Arthur sighed in frustration and sat beside you. “You know what he’s doin’ don’t you? He’s just sendin’ ya off so he doesn’t have to hide his intentions from ya. He’s changed, Y/N. Dutch isn’t the same man who raised us.” Arthur took your hands in his, his eyes were wild with desperation, “We need to go, now. We need to run, and never look back.”
You sighed, “Arthur, don’t have the money we need. If we left right now, the law would find us. We wouldn’t have the gang to help us, we wouldn’t have a safe place to return. We would die. And Dutch… Dutch ain’t gonna turn on us, he’s actin’ crazy right now I know but…” you trailed off. The reality of the situation was you couldn’t bring yourself to terms with what Dutch was doing. You knew he was sending you away for nothing, but you couldn’t disobey the man who saved you, the man who gave you everything you had today. “Lets just… go to sleep. We’ll discuss this more in the morning.” You kissed his cheek and retreated back to the warmth under the covers.
Arthur sighted heavily. If anyone had more loyalty than him, it was you and he knew that. He was scared and he didn’t know how much longer this would last, but it was late and both of you needed your rest. He pulled off his shirt and boots and wrapped himself around you. You fell back asleep quickly, but Arthur was left with his thoughts and a gnawing inside him. He wanted to wake you, he wanted to pack your things and take you away right now. He knew Dutch would find you first thing in the morning and send you off again. He knew Dutch would put on a front until you left and drop the façade as soon as you were out of sight. Arthur did not rest well that night.
The morning was cold and damp, you shivered and huddled close to Arthur for warmth. You studied his face as he snored softly. You wondered how long you would be allowed to stay in camp before being sent back out for scouting. Dutch’s instructions made little sense before he would send you out, but out of the confusing mess, some good was found. You had met many strangers during your travels, and with your newfound love for Arthur, came an inspiration to help those who needed you when you came across them. Something about doing good by a stranger made you feel a little closer to your goal of normalcy. You felt silly for all those years that had passed when you only rode for yourself, blowing by strangers in need on the roads as you sped towards your destination. It made you feel a little humbler, and a little worthier of love every time you helped someone in need. As you studied Arthur’s face, you felt a twist in your chest. He had been so worried the night before. What had he seen while you were away that made him so wary of Dutch? You knew Arthur, it couldn’t be anything small to rise such worry from him, but you also knew Dutch. You knew the man who raised you and brought you into this life. What could he be doing while you were away to cause such distress? And it wasn’t just Arthur who felt the stress. It seemed like every time you returned there were less and less bodies moving around camp.
You shifted carefully away from Arthur. He was in a heavy sleep and didn’t even budge when you moved off the bed. You quietly changed clothes and headed out of the tent. The clouds were blocking the morning sun, making it impossible to tell if it was early or late morning. You found Dutch puffing a cigar outside his tent. When his eye caught you, he stood quickly and smiled. “Ah, Y/N. So nice to see you.” Something in his tone seemed forced, and the expression painted on his face looked more like a mask. He seemed very fake in that moment. “How did you rest?”
“Good, it’s nice to be back in a bed for once.” You cleared your throat. “It would be nice to have a few days to rest before you send me back out again.” Your tone was bold and you tried to sound as demanding as possible.
Dutch patted your head and it made you feel childish. “My dear, you deserve your rest and I see you’re tired but we’re almost there. I just have one more stake out for you, and then you’ll be done.” His voice was soft, genuine.
You looked up at him in surprise. “This is it? You promise? No more spendin’ days away from camp? This one trip and I’m done?”
He smiled and nodded. “You’re a good kid, you work hard, and you deserve a break. Once this is all said and done, you’ll be able to come and go as you please.”
You threw your arms around him, you knew he wasn’t as hard and terrible as Arthur was believing him to be. But your relationship with Dutch was special, you were special. “Can I bring Arthur this time?”
“No.” He responded harshly. You couldn’t help but flinch at the sharpness to his tone. He cleared his throat. “No, I need Arthur. He’s been workin’ hard same as you. I know you miss him, he misses you too when you’re gone but I need my best men out there and sometimes I can’t afford to have ya both in the same place. Now go on and git, the sooner you go the sooner you’ll be back.”
You nodded and headed back in the direction of your tent. When you entered, Arthur was sitting on the edge of the bed pulling on his boots. He smiled up at you, “Good mornin’.”
You kissed him quickly, “Good mornin’ my darling.” You moved around the tent in a rush, packing your things quickly.
You didn’t need to say a word, Arthur knew you were about to leave again. His heart felt heavy and he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of defeat. There was no arguing with you, not unless he wanted to sour the last moments he had with you before you left again. He sighed, “How long are you gonna be gone?”
“Just a few days this time, nothin’ big I don’t think.” You stopped what you were doing at sat beside him. You could tell by his voice he needed your undivided attention right now. Arthur may have had the others fooled, but you knew him better than anyone else around camp. He was just as vulnerable as any man, if anything he was more vulnerable. He tried to avoid wearing his heart on his sleeve, but you could read him like a book. He leaned his head against your shoulder and you kissed the top of his head. “Dutch says this will be the last one. He promised. When I get back, I’ll be all yours. We can go back to how things used to be.”
“Things ain’t never gonna be like they used to be. This gang is done for, we’re splinterin’ off and breakin’ apart.” His voice broke and you stroked his arm.
“Dutch said I’d be free to come and go as I please after this. Maybe…maybe he’ll let me have our share of the money and we can finally have what we always wanted.”
The words were pretty, but Arthur knew that Dutch knew exactly what you wanted to hear and gave you just that. He sighed and pressed his forehead against yours. He wanted to treasure this moment, something told him he needed to hold you as long as he could. “Don’t go.”
“I gotta.”
“I know.”
You stood. “I’ll be home soon, when I get back we’ll talk to Dutch.”
Arthur tried to force a smile for you, but deep down he knew it was all a pipe dream. When you returned, he would tell you everything. He would steal you away before Dutch had chance to see you and tell you everything you needed to know. Then the two of you would decide where to go from there. Arthur walked you to your horse and helped you load everything up. You kissed him deeply before mounting, and you were off. Something felt deeply wrong as Arthur watched you speed off. He had an overwhelming feeling to mount his horse and follow. He wanted you to stay, but he didn’t want you to stay here. He found himself wishing for that small cabin you had imagined, somewhere hidden in the plateaus of the west. He wished he had a safe place he could take you, somewhere far from here, and far from Dutch.
It took a day and a half to ride north, and you only stayed two days. The snow was falling too hard, and you weren’t about to freeze to death. You had just turned up the trail to head towards Murfee Brood’s Cave when you spotted something up ahead. A small child was huddled against a tree, shivering like a leaf. You sighed, you were exhausted, and you just wanted to return home. You looked up the trail, if you kept moving you would be in camp before nightfall. But it was rainy and cold, this small child wouldn’t last the night and you knew that. Something deep within you kept nagging, stop. You need to help this child. Don’t go up there just yet. You need to help.
Your gut overpowered your exhaustion and you approached the child slowly. “Hey kiddo,” you cooed softly. “You lost?” The child looked up at you, scared. “S’ Okay. I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” You sat beside the child slowly. “What are you doin’ all the way out here?”
The child sniffled. “I ran away.”
“Now why’d ya go and do that for?”
“Got a new baby brother.” The child wiped the snot from her nose. “Now they don’t care bout me.”
You wrapped an arm around the small girl’s shoulders. “Now, we both know that ain’t true. Babies need special care, I know they’re probably real busy with that baby, but that don’t mean they don’t love you no more. I bet they’re worried sick about ya.” You stood and extended your hand down. “Let’s get you back, and if they ain’t worried for ya, you can come live with me.”
The little girl looked at you wide eyed, then took your hand. “That’s a girl.” You scooped her up in your arms. It felt so natural, and you felt something yearn deep in your heart. You held the girl in one arm as you effortlessly mounted your horse. When you got settled, you gently placed the girl in front of you and looped your arms around her tight. “Where ya from?”
The girl pointed in the direction of Annesburg, and you headed off. She quietly pointed the way with her tiny fingers. Her house was much farther than you expected, it was far north of Annesburg and you didn’t arrive at her home until the dead of night. The girl was fighting sleep when you arrived, she wasn’t shaking now. You helped her off your big horse and held her hand tightly as you approached the door. You knocked and looked down to meet her gaze. She looked scared, and you worried for what sort of family you had returned her to. The door swung open to reveal a beautiful woman holding a newborn. When her eyes landed on the child, her eyes welled up and she cried. “Darling? Oh, darling she’s back!” The mother collapsed in front of the little girl and took her in her arms. A man around your age appeared in the threshold, and tears spilled out of his cheeks as well. His arms wrapped around his wife and daughter in rejoice. You felt awkward as you watched the family reunion and felt a pang of sadness. This was what you wanted. You wanted a family who loved you and treasured you, you also wanted a husband and a child to come home to and worry over. As you turned away from the family, the father spoke. “Wait, how can we thank you for bringing her home?”
You turned. “Love your family and hold them tight. Remind them you care, because there are people out there who want what you have so badly they’d kill for it.”
You mounted your horse and strode off into the night. It would be a long ride back to Murfee’s Brood, and you were ready to fall into your bed with Arthur. He was all you thought about as you rode down the winding trails, you imagined yourself holding a child. You imagined a cabin overlooking the winding valleys of the west where you would grow old with Arthur, and you felt so close yet so far from your goal. Upon return, you would insist on yours and Arthur’s share of the money. You would ask for his blessing to allow you and Arthur to leave. So many others had been allowed to leave, so what made the two of you so different? You nodded to yourself and dug into your horse.
You were so lost in thought, you almost blew right by Tilly. “Y/N?”
You turned your horse to face her, “Tilly, what are you doin’ out so late?”
She dismounted her horse and ran to you. You dismounted quickly and caught her as she stumbled into your arms. She was sobbing and it set a large pit in your stomach. “Oh Y/N, it’s terrible! Susan is dead, everyone turned on us! Arthur came into camp earlier, told us Micah was the rat. He shot Ms. Grimshaw right then and there, Micah shot her!” Tilly was gasping for air. “Then the Pinkertons came and started shootin’ like crazy!”
You grabbed her by the shoulders. “What about Arthur, Tilly? Where is Arthur?”
She sniffled, “He sent me off, he’s probably still up there fightin’.”
You mounted your horse quickly, and Tilly clung to you, her tears streaming down her cheeks. “Please don’t go!”
You pulled her clawed hands from you. “I gotta go get Arthur. Get outta here, Tilly. Don’t let nobody find ya. You were better than the lot of us.”  You tugged your reigns quickly, and your horse shot off like a bullet. Your heart was pounding as you dug your spurs into your horse. You had to quickly. The camp was littered with bodies when you arrived, mostly Pinkertons. You surveyed the camp quickly and unmounted your horse to follow John and Arthur’s tracks through the caves. It wasn’t very deep, the cave had another exit around the back, and when you found your way out you whistled for your horse. You began running in the direction they were headed, and their footprints changed to hoof prints. As your horse approached, you didn’t even give it a chance to come to a full stop before you threw yourself up. You followed the tracks and felt a pang of fear when you saw Arthur’s horse, cold and dead on the ground. “God no,” you whispered. There footprints led up a mountain. You could hear gunshots now, and with every shot you felt a new wave of terror fall over you. As you ascended the mountain, Pinkertons began to appear and sent fire down upon you. You drew and sent shots out wildly. You found yourself praying as you tore through them, please let him be okay. Let him survive untouched. Let his blood not be spilled. Let him pull through with no bruises or pain.
Your thoughts felt more like a spell, desperately hoping your thoughts were enough to keep him shielded. You ascended higher and higher up the mountain, tearing down the remaining Pinkertons as you went. All was quiet except for the pounding of your horse’s hooves against the soft ground. You were close to the top now, and a single shot rang out, very close now. Please for the love of god let him be okay. Let him live. Let him never die. You dug in your spurs again, fear taking over. Your thoughts were in a constant spiral. He’s fine. He has to be fine. He can’t be dead. It’s Arthur, he couldn’t be.
You brought your horse to a sudden stop as you came towards the edge of a cliff, the body of a man laid on the ground bloody. Your blood went ice cold in your veins as you approached. “Oh God no.” Your breathing hitched as you looked down at Arthur’s face, a bullet hole right between his eyes, blood covering his face. Your knees buckled under you and the sobs rose from your chest. “No no no no no no no no no. Goddamn it Arthur, No!” You screeched as you dropped beside of him. You couldn’t hold back your cries of anguish. All you could do was scream and cry into the night. You threw yourself down onto him. His chest was already the same temperature as the wind even through his clothes. You buried your face deep into his shirt, trying desperately to catch his scent without the stench of death and blood. Your hands clenched at his sides tightly, desperately trying to pull him into an embrace. All you wanted was to feel those big strong arms loop around you and tell you everything was okay. His lips were already pale and cold, never again would they be rosy pink and shower you in kisses in the privacy of your tent. You screamed into his chest, this pain was overwhelming, and you were certain you would be driven mad by your own screams. “Oh, Arthur.” You repeated through choked sobs. All you could do was say his name. As your hands grasped at him, you felt something small in his pocket. You reached inside and choked back a rippling sob as you pulled out a ring box. When you opened the box, a gorgeous ring was sitting inside, he must’ve just bought it. You clutched it tight and looked up at the night sky through hot tears. “Who did this?!” You screeched into the night. “Who?!” You stood and sniffled, desperately trying to pull yourself together. You kicked rocks and screamed into the night. “This is what I get?! I help people, I do good deeds, and this is my payment?!” You screeched. “Damn you! Damn you, you fickle shit headed motherfucker of a God! This is what I get for doing something good? Never fucking again!” You spit on the ground. You gave yourself a minute to breath, trying to calm yourself. “Never again.” You said quietly. With that, you felt a cold calmness wash over you, you felt horribly numb.
You sat beside Arthur, and on the ground his satchel spilled open. You saw the edge of his journal poking out and grabbed it. His pencil was sticking out of the journal, stuck on the last page:
It’s been hell on earth without her here. Dutch is gone mad and Micah seems to be fueling the flames. I gotta get us outta here and quickly. I been holdin’ on to this ring for some time now, I just can’t seem to find the right time to ask between Dutch sendin’ her to and fro like this. When she returns, I’ll take her down the mountain before Dutch can find out she’s back. I’m gonna take her to this nice spot I found, gorgeous meadow out in the middle of the woods. I find my old ghosts returning to haunt me, making me paranoid and anxious. What if she says no? What if she thinks I’m a fool for asking? What if? I have to remind myself she loves me, as horrid as I am. I have to remind myself she won’t deny me coldly like Mary did. I just have to man up. She should be home tomorrow, I’ll be waiting for her just outside of camp so Dutch won’t see her. Just gotta work up the nerve. She’s everything I ever wanted.
You closed the journal as new tears fell down your cheeks. Tears mourning the life you could’ve had, had you not stopped. Had you told Dutch no. It was too late for that now, and you slipped the ring on your finger. Your thoughts came cold and concise. You needed to find who was responsible. You searched wildly, until you came across a pistol, just sticking out of a bush. You picked it up and had to resist the urge to throw it as it the metal burned you. “Micah.” You spat.
You wiped the tears from your cheeks and felt your sorrow harden and turn to hatred. A seething terrible hatred, one of the likes you had never seen. Had you had something to live for, this hatred would have terrified you, but your reason for living had died, his corpse already turning cold. This cold hatred would drive you, be your push until all who had stolen happiness from you got what they deserved. Micah would get his, but so would the rest. So would the others, who had turned their backs on Arthur and in turn left him to die.
You felt nothing but emptiness as you loaded Arthur’s corpse onto your horse. You would make them all pay, but first you had to lay him to rest. Arthur deserved that at least. He deserved to rest someplace peaceful. And you decided, you would bury your peace with him.
Dutch turned as he heard your agonized screech. He was already almost at the foot of the mountain, but he could still hear your screams. He found himself thinking they should’ve cut through him like a knife, they should have made him feel remorse, regret, sorrow. They should have made him feel something. He returned his gaze forward and kept moving. He felt nothing.
It took you five years to hunt down and kill the remaining members of the Van Der Linde Gang. Your journey took you all over the country, and even down to Mexico. Javier was the last one you were able to track down. You felt no remorse as you shot him, stared him deep in the eyes and felt nothing as you placed a bullet in his head. You were now in the saloon in Strawberry, the last piece of the puzzle was most satisfying. Micah was a slippery bastard, he somehow found a way to elude you all these years. You tortured that sad sop Cleet just for the hell of it. He gave you all the information you needed in a grand total of five minutes, but that just didn’t seem fair. You made him suffer for two and a half hours before he finally passed. It was practice, for what you planned on doing to Micah.
With a final knockback of a shot, you stood. Micah’s new gang was holed up on Mount Hagen, and you were ready to unleash Hell’s fury upon them.
And unleash Hell’s fury is exactly what you did. You reduced their numbers to ashes, and you dragged the last man screaming up to the old building at the edge of a steep cliff. The man screamed and turned under your grip. “Micah!” You shouted. You lifted your pistol in the air and let out a shot. “Micah you bastard, I know you’re here. Come out, you sorry shit stain!”
“Please, let me go!” The man pleaded under your grip.
You quickly withdrew a large blade and decapitated the man. His body slumped into the snow and you gripped the hair of the detached head. You let out another shot. “I know you’re here, you slimy bastard. All yer men are dead. You got no where to run.”
A sickening laugh came from behind the building, and Micah appeared. He aged poorly, and you threw the crony’s head at his feet. He kicked it off the cliff. You drew your pistols as pointed them at him, he responded quickly by mirroring your actions. He just stared at you, eyes cold and taunting.
“You took everything from me!” You finally shouted. “You took my happiness, you took my future, and now I’m going to take everything from you.”
He sneered, “Aw, you still upset bout me killin’ Ol Morgan? Don’t worry, I’ll be sendin’ you to join him soon.”
“You were always a coward, Micah. Did you ever tell Dutch what you did to Arthur? I bet you lied, told him Arthur went with John and his family, twisted the story and made Arthur out to be the rat.”
Micah laughed. “Dutch? Dutch saw the whole thing, let me kill Arthur right there. He didn’t give a damn.”
This stirred the first emotion you felt since the day Arthur died. Confusion, denial. “No, Dutch wouldn’t do that. Dutch would never- “
“But he did, cowpolk. He let me shoot Arthur dead between the eyes, even thanked me for it when we got down the mountain.”
“You liar!” You screamed as you unloaded your bullets into him. His face was unrecognizable by the time he hits the ground. His head was nothing more than a bloody stump. “You liar.” You whispered.
You approached his corpse and spit on his bloody face. “Dutch would never- “
A bullet fired and caught you right between the shoulder blades. You cried out in pain and fell to the ground. You looked up and felt ice in your veins. Dutch stood over you, his hair salt and peppered with age. Your vision began to blur.
“Oh, but I would my dear.” He crouched down beside you and plucked the broach from your chest. “You’ve been an awfully bad child the last few years.”
You sputtered, trying to find the words that were caught in your throat. “Dutch.” Was all you could choke out.
He stood over you, his eyes empty and cold. “You’ve been a real nuisance, killin’ everyone over what? One dead man? That’s awfully wicked of you, you awful child.” His words cut you deeper than knives. Tears spilled over your cheeks. “But that’s the thing about history, history seems to forget men like Arthur and women like you. No one mourns the wicked.” He lifted his pistol, and placed a bullet in your forehead. Everything went dark.  
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elvendara · 5 years
Mysme-Fictober Day 14
October 14th 2019
Masquerade *TW death, angst*
I walked through the large room. The music wasn’t loud enough to make casual conversation difficult. The masked figures laughed and enjoyed the party. Money, it was everywhere, dripping from diamonds and luxurious fabrics. It wouldn’t save them. I wasn’t something that could be bought.
If I felt at all, I would feel saddened I couldn’t bypass certain people. The tall elegant man with the dark hair. His grey eyes intense through his somber mask. His heart was pure even if his exterior seemed aloof. I briefly considered not touching him, but it was too late anyway. My presence alone was enough, I need not do anything else. All were doomed as soon as I had passed the threshold. Too bad, he was regal and just. His loss would be a loss to all he would have touched.
The woman by his side wore a delicate crown of silver flowers adorning her brown hair, her black mask painted on because of her glasses, none of which hid the brightness of her coffee brown eyes. Sharp and astute, her form hugged with a ball gown that swept the floor. Her last few breaths would at least be pleasant.
I lingered next to a sweet blonde with large amethyst eyes which were only accentuated by the dark feathered mask that covered half his face. How soon would they become cold and unseeing? His innocent smile almost touched something inside of me, he deserved none of this, his entire life ahead of him but quite possibly it would end this night. He blinked in confusion and made me wonder if there had been a shiver down his back. Too bad, he should enjoy the time he had left without knowledge of what was to come.
The man he spoke to, his face free of any mask, noticed nothing out of place. His white hair flowed over his shoulder, brighter than the moon itself. While he was dressed impeccably, his beauty outshone everything else. Soon that beauty would be nothing but a memory, the crimson eyes lifeless and dull. That smile would fade, and the world would be darker without it. I caressed his cheek and almost wished for lips to kiss his alabaster skin.
I made my way through the crowd and found the only one who would welcome my touch. His amber eyes watched those around him, already lifeless. His heart already broken beyond repair. His other half would never be in his grasp and life held little meaning for him. What was it? This feeling? Did I feel? Was I feeling? I wrapped myself around him and he tensed before giving himself to my embrace. His mask was grasped in his hand at his side, a slight tremble barely visible. He ran a hand through the thick red curls, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips.
“What took you so long?” he whispered, closing his eyes.
I had on occasion been a welcome relief and never did it matter. I was what I was, and I did what was in my nature. The music died with a stringent high-pitched screech and the atmosphere spiraled into terrifying depths. Glasses held dropped to the floor and shattered with finality. Some still stood, attempting to help those on the floor, blood oozing from open eyes. There was nothing to be done now but to watch the end.
The tall elegant man fell to the floor. He ripped the mask from his face and cast it aside. There it was again. If I had a heart, I would say it was breaking. The man I held made little noise as he too fell. There was no fear in his eyes, only acceptance. He deserved so much more, they all did, but they were gone now. Their voices silenced, and I moved on because that is what is in my nature.
*Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death*
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steeledstark-blog · 5 years
disclaimer: will be publishing this in groups of 5 not to spam the dash too much, more are still coming 
okok look I hear Jon in your posts, your writing is beautiful. You capture his soul and morality, you capture the loyalty to his family. You breathe life not only into Jon, but the set-up and settings, the descriptors. It all brings a vibe & I love it. You feel the wolf in his blood, the honor, just everything so attunely and humanly portrayed. And as a person you’ve been sweet and enthusiastic and I am terrible with follow-through sometimes ( literally iming you as I type this bc I love and want it in my life ) but I adore what we plotted and I am sooo excited to do more with you !!
SO ALREADY RUINED FROM OUR PLOT, but okok your writing ?? fucking fantastic. It flows, shifts so well from dialogue to action, and it hits,  hard. I love Robb, and I get fucking emotional seeing him written with all the passion deserved. Like, you fucking love Robb so much and it’s so clear in everything, in your writing and the emotions poured into it and out upon others. like are you not Robb Stark reincarnated ??? just excited to see you bring my boy the joy and recognition he deserves , keep slaying them rp battles king in the north !!
LOOK i absolutely adore Connor and your characterization is impeccable. Honestly we have yet to write but I will make a DBH verse soon ( I’ve been saying this for weeks lmao ) anyways, look you capture the whole balance between android & well, becoming human so well.  You can feel the sincerity from him, the genuine confusion on some matters and the humanity. just your Connor is freaking precious, and you seem sweet & funny ( like even your crack, on point !! ) , just thank you for blessing my dash with this precious android.
Chy, I hear so many people speak so freaking highly of you, the best of you. You seem so sweet and would love to get the chance to write and speak more !! You are a blog I admire a ton from afar,  but you capture Gendry so well, and every time I read something of yours it brings a smile to my face ! It all is so naturally Gendry and I love how you capture his voice in your posts, like literally scrolled back to find said posts and the freaking aTTENTION TO DETAIL AND ACCENTS WOW i love !! just so soft, so g o o d !!
jEEZ we should do things because wowowow !! characterization a+, your writing is fantastic, like looking through your posts, the dialogue in them, i get chills.  you seem very kind and just man the emotions I just got going through your pages, I fear the angst you may bring to my life but I welcome it ! I just appreciate seeing you on my dash and we should definitely do stuff with your GoT characters, or even crossovers because hill house but also natasha romanoff.  Overall keep on keeping on and bringing these characters what they deserve, which is better than what they got !!!
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Edgar x OC (Eleanor): Masquerade (Pt.4/5)
Eleagar returns!!! And they have a ship name because people were asking about that so here ya go yaaaaay~!
This one is more fluff than angst because I felt bad torturing them so much last time. I tried I really did to fit what I wanted to say into this chapter...but it’s already 2k words so IT’S A PENTALOGY BABY! Next part will happen...eventually. Gotta write request fics too >:P
What happened afterwards can only be described as organised chaos. In the span of two days, Eleanor packs the few valuable items that she gives sentimental value to and abandons her home, leaving no trace of her existence behind. Through the entire affair, Edgar was always there. He helped in destroying any evidence of her life, running any information networks he could dry. He couldn’t delve too deeply of course, lest his uncle caught wind of what he was doing; he always said never to let his pawns too close, but Eleanor wasn’t a pawn, she was...well, he couldn’t say for certain what she was, only what he wanted for her.
(I want her to be safe. To keep her stained hands concealed so she won’t be subject to judgement.)  
All the while, her gaze would always wander unknowingly back to the man keeping his eye out for her. At first, she resisted, saying that his help wasn’t necessary in erasing her name, but he insisted and was very persuasive. She knew she could have resisted him, but she found herself caught in his pull, like a magnetic attraction and one she couldn’t lightly brush off as she had done so many times to others in her life. His eyes shone when he expressed his desire to help, herself doubting the clarity in his irises, unsure if he was telling the truth despite the evidence staring directly at her.
(You really want to help me? Is it because I’m like you? Because I’m pathetic and shroud myself in sin and lies? Or...do I dare say it’s for an entirely different reason?)
She ventures no further into that train of thought, not willing to present her heart to the light just to have it blocked out and denied from her. They both learned young to never hope for anything, to simply exist as what they need to be, to let their strings be pulled accordingly by those who know much better than they do - so they’re both blind to the small flickers of light flaring in their souls, reaching towards each other like a beacon. Neither has ever truly opened their heart...because neither knows how.
Shoes crack softly against cobblestone as the two sinners walk side by side through Red Territory. Edgar had informed the Red Army of a “special friend” who needed accommodating, which King Lancelot gracefully agreed to. With most of her belongings already having been sent ahead by carriage, Eleanor carries a single handbag and she clutches it tightly, the fabric of her thin, white lace gloves constricting tighter to her flesh from the tension. Edgar lets his eyes fall from the top of her head to her feet, admiring her natural makeup and her elegant loose side braid cascading down her right shoulder. Her white blouse is tucked into her lilac skirt flowing down to her ankles, the tips of her boots only emerging when she kicks her feet forward to walk. Despite the welcome distraction of her impeccable presentation, his jade pools always return to her contrasting lavender depths, the tightness in her gaze as she keeps her head forward telling.
“You seem nervous.”
All that earns him is a twitch of her eyebrow, “That’s because I am nervous, you arsehole.”
“You’re using swearing as a defence mechanism again. That’s a horrible habit to have.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Edgar smiles, humming out a chuckle through closed lips, causing Eleanor to huff an annoyed sigh at his apparent enjoyment of her foreign feeling of nervousness. The walk remains devoid of other conversation, both knowing that idle chatter will relieve neither of them from their inner thoughts. Edgar’s eyes skim over the landscape, the scenery the same as usual. Until a small bushel of daisies catches his eye, the small white petals dancing softly, bobbing back and forth with the wind in a joyful dance. After a moment of thought, Edgar’s feet detour towards the flowers, Eleanor stopping in confusion and watching him. He reaches down and plucks a few daisies free from the earth, ensuring their stems remain long and unsnapped when he removes them from the soil. He returns to stand before Eleanor, only needing to crane his head down a little to meet her eyes, the top of her head level with Edgar’s eyes.
“And what do you think you’re doing?”
The edge in her words doesn’t match her eyes as she appraises him, her gaze softening at the genuinely caring glint in his eyes. Without a word, his hand reaches up to softly take her braid into his hold, letting his thumb trace over the bumps of her braid.
Her confused voice has his smile widening. With gentle hands, he grabs a daisy and begins to expertly weave the delicate stem into her hair following the flow of the braid, only stopping when the flower is all that is seen. Eleanor’s mouth gapes open but she doesn’t protest, silently watching Edgar as he weaves each daisy into her hair like it’s the most natural thing in the world. She can feel the beginnings of blush on her cheeks, completely captivated by his instant expertise and unbearably tender care with each caress.
Once he’s done, he nods with satisfaction at his work, Eleanor’s braid resembling a chestnut brown vine growing small yet beautiful white flowers. She reaches up hesitantly to brush her gloved finger over one daisy, its fragile petals accepting of her touch.
“...Thanks, Edgar.”
“My pleasure.”
Two sets of eyes - both brimming with affection - scream their emotions to each other, but neither has any idea of the weight behind the swirling emotions in their chests, or just how deep these feelings clutch their hearts and course through their veins. With the weight of apprehension within her lifted with Edgar’s help, the two continue towards the Red Army barracks.
Getting Eleanor settled into her own room was easy enough, yet Edgar could still feel the nerves radiating off of her as she mechanically put everything in its proper place. Just as she finished, he slinks up behind her and grabs hold of her shoulders. She doesn’t jump, almost like she was expecting his touch.
“I can still read your emotions, you know.”
Despite the teasing implication behind his words, they’re spoken soothingly, his fingers kneading her shoulders softly, the subtle rustling of her blouse rubbing against her skin distracting her thoughts.
“...I can’t exactly stay calm right now.”
His smile falls at her hopeless words, but he just as quickly brightens back up again, “Not with that attitude. You don’t need to do anything else except relax. You’re safe here. I’m with you.”
She tilts her chin down to hide the smile shaping her face at his words. With a soft couple of pats to her now loosened shoulders, Edgar removes his hands and wraps one hand around to pull gently on her arm.
“Come on. I’ll have to introduce you to the others or I’ll never hear the end of their complaints.”
A short laugh puffs out of her lips, letting herself be pulled by the Jack of Hearts through the door and out into the hallway. Stealing glances at him every chance she can, Eleanor mutters under her breath, unconcerned if Edgar did happen to pick up on what she says,
“Why do I want to believe you so badly? And...why do I feel safe when you’re with me?”
She shrugs the thoughts off quickly as Edgar opens the doors to the dining hall, the Red Army officers waiting at the table. Edgar gently squeezes her arm and Eleanor takes a deep breath before they step fully into the room.
“Well, they were nicer than I thought they’d be about a neutral standing commoner staying in their barracks.”
“The situation called for it, so of course they’d agree to it. I was not expecting how quickly you would fit in, however. I’ve never seen Kyle so excited to talk to anyone.”
They had retired from the dining hall after dinner and introductions to Eleanor’s room, Edgar having offered to help unpack her things. They now sit on the bed recounting the evening.
“He asked me how I felt about alcohol. When I told him that my liver has been waving a white flag since I was legal enough to drink but still do it, the questions kept coming, from my favourite drinks to offers to join him at the pub. I think he needs to see someone about that.”
Edgar chuckles, “Ah, so that’s why he whispered “she’s a keeper” to me in the middle of dinner.”
The two share a conserved laugh at that, the sound fading as the words sink in. Eleanor fidgets awkwardly, attempting to get the words she wants to say out into the open.
“Do they, um...think we’re a couple?”
Edgar shrugs non-committedly, but the subtle twitch in his fingertips is not lost to Eleanor’s keen eyes, “I believe they do.”
Silence again. More shuffling of limbs unsure of where to stay put increasing the awkward atmosphere. After an unbearable eternity, Eleanor sighs exasperatedly and turns to face Edgar.
“Okay, seriously. What are we? We’re not a couple, but we certainly spend a lot of time together and I always feel weird when I’m with you, but--argh! I don’t know!”
After blinking in shock, Edgar grins, Eleanor’s eyebrows furrowing as he puts on his emotionless mask.
“You certainly surprise me sometimes with the things going on in that little head of yours, Eleanor. There’s no point--”
“Yes. There is.” She cuts him off swiftly, shuffling across the bed so their legs are touching. Edgar baulks and tries to create space between them, but Eleanor grabs his arm, holding him captive.
“Answer me Edgar, and answer me honestly; do you not feel...different right now?” When he doesn’t respond, she continues, “Like there’s someone strangling your heart, but it feels strangely good yet you want it to stop at the same time? Or that you feel like your blood is about to burst from your veins? Or, or…”
She bites her tongue, gripping Edgar’s arm tighter. Casting her purple eyes to the floor, a shadow falls over her fair face, causing Edgar’s heart to clench like what she just described. Then, as if nothing had happened, she forges a smile, one that would be convincing if it wasn’t directed at Edgar.
“I’m sorry, forget I said anything. It must be my nerves getting the better of me and--”
“I do. All of those things...I feel them all.”
Her breath catches, her gaze shooting up to lock with his. With a trembling hand, he reaches out and brushes a lock of her bangs behind her ear.
“I feel comforted by you, because you understand me and what my life entails. I can never show my face to the light, and neither can you. Maybe we just gravitated towards each other because we know the other understands us.”
With a frown and an equally trembling hand, Eleanor lets the back of her finger trace Edgar’s cheekbone.
“Mm-” He halts, that uneasy yet welcome feeling bubbling inside of him, her finger leaving a streak of fire across his skin.
“You really think it’s just that?” Her finger continues its path, moving to trace along the line of his jaw towards his chin, “We’re just relying on each other because we know darkness better than any other?”
“I--” Edgar pauses, the soft pressure of Eleanor’s finger against his skin drawing complicated emotions he has never felt to his attention, disrupting his thoughts. His hand traces the curve of her ear, eliciting the softest shiver across her skin and pricking her cheeks with heat.
The two remain locked in this cycle, unmoving aside from their touches to the other’s skin, watching with fascination at the responses they yield. Each shiver, each blush, each small noise drawn out of them - what does it mean? Neither is entirely certain, but the rushing of their bloodstreams and the torrent of emotions wringing their hearts like a wet cloth tell them the only thing they need to know: the person before them is one they wish to treasure, black heart and all.
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jacepens · 3 years
Oops! I almost forgot to post today’s prompt to tumblr! Today we have something much sweeter and fluffier than yesterday:) with some angst of course but trust me. (For reference: it’s all rated T!)
Prerogative: an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege
Their marriage was born out of necessity for protecting Washington’s kingdom. Already on unsteady ground, an argument strains their relationship, and leaves them both unsure if they will find a way to make it work after all.
They were married on a cold day in January. The ceremony was short, unfeeling, and obligatory. Not even a kiss was exchanged. That night, they fell asleep in their respective beds in their respective rooms, hardly feeling any different than before the day began.
But Washington could hardly sleep that night. The marriage was a necessity, his final option if he wanted his people to prosper, their war to end, and their land secured. He had to marry the wealthiest king in the continent.
Lafayette made it very clear that he was no more willing to marry Washington than he was to marry him. He said that his land offered resources his people could use, mountains that could be used as a natural defense. Washington did not bother to correct him and explain that the mountains still did not protect his people from harm.
He did what he had to do, and he married the most displeasing king in the continent.
Washington tried his best to find happiness in his newfound life. He  tried  to find some common ground, some way that they could find a friendship together. They were married for God’s sake, was it so much to ask for a little familiarity between them? 
They shared their meals together in a large, overwhelming dining room at a table so long Washington could hardly even talk to his new husband. Soon, he did not wish to talk to him at all.
It started with little things. Lafayette complaining about the sourness of grapes, or a stitch just a little too tight. But often, these little things would turn into big affairs with Lafayette shouting and pouting and demanding his servants do better than tomorrow. Washington may not have been known for his kindness, but surely, Lafayette’s tantrums were too much.
Soon though, Lafayette’s discerning eye turned to him.
He looked him over and fixed him with a frown. “I really need to get you a different jacket. Green does not suit you, I don’t know who convinced you it did.” Washington looked up from his meal, fixed his husband with a cold glare. He had never been pushed so by Lafayette before, he feared the consequences of snapping back. He might have been a King but Lafayette was still the one whose help he needed the most. God forbid he turn sour enough to nullify their marriage.
But Lafayette was an interesting man, nonetheless. He had become a King at far too young an age. He may have had advisors, but he knew for a fact the young boy had to defend his life many times before from people determined to get their hands on his throne. It was too much for a young boy, Washington often thought to himself. Perhaps it explained why he was so childish and entitled now. Never having a boyhood could do that to a man.
The next morning after Lafayette’s remark there was a blue suit hanging in his room for him to wear, the tailoring impeccable. He sighed, and instructed the servants that this would be the jacket he wore today.
When it was thrown over his shoulders, he frowned at his reflection in the mirror. Surely Lafayette was wrong. Blue was not his color, but Lafayette’s.
At breakfast Lafayette smiled at him seeing he chose to wear the blue. He giggled to himself and remarked, “I was right about the blue.”
In that moment Lafayette never reminded him so much of a blushing maiden, head turning towards his plate to hide his giggles and smiles. Washington made sure to order more things in blue. For Lafayette’s sake, to keep him happy of course. It had nothing to do with wanting to see that reaction once more.
He did not see much else of Lafayette that day, only occasionally heard his shouting voice floating down the hallways. Something else amiss it seemed.
He often wondered to himself what might happen if he were to begin acting like that one day. Lafayette would surely scoff at him, he would lose what little respect the people had for him, and a litany of other bad things. Yes, Lafayette’s tantrums were reserved for him and him alone. He might have been King alongside him, but that did not mean they were equals.
It did mean, however, that when bad news came it was relayed to the both of them at same time.
A terrible flood, in one of Washington’s old western territories. He knew the area well, and had tried very hard to work with the people to build channels, walls alongside that damned river, always so keen on flooding at the most inopportune time.
But this was the worst they’d ever seen yet. If they did not take fast action and make a decision quickly, hundreds of lives might be lost, but the wrong decision, and hundreds more could be lost.
“No!” Lafayette’s voice echoed loudly, different than his tempers, but demanding all the same. “George, I am telling you if you are to send more men there to rescue, only a hundred more will die. The rescuers will become the victims and we will only have a hundred more deaths on our hands.”
“Yes, but your proposal is that we sit and do nothing!” He slammed his hand on the table, shaking at the exertion of holding back his temper, every bit of him burning hot. His chest tight, his heart pounding, words spurred by anger flowing quicker than he could stop. “That land is mine, I know it better than you, the rains have stopped, there can be no more casualties!”
“You damned fool, you are not listening to me!” He had never been locked in such a heated argument with Lafayette before. Had never found his temper, his bratty insistence that he was always right to be more infuriating than it was now. “Look at this map here-”
“You have shown me a dozen time I know what my land looks like-”
“You will listen to me!” He roared.
“I am not listening to a brat like yourself, this is my land and I shall help my people the way I see fit.”
“The Tarney River!” Lafayette cried, refusing to give up his argument, “Tarney will flood over any day now if it hasn’t already, you said it yourself the region has never been overwhelmed like this. Tarney is downstream and next. Everything will be gone! If you send men to help the people who didn’t escape you will be sending them to their deaths!”
“Tarney?” He did not believe Lafayette.
“It is what I have been saying this whole time! You are the most stubborn man I have ever had the displeasure of knowing!” Lafayette chewed on his lower lip in a moment of thought, then began rolling up the map of his land. “My rule overpowers yours and I am making the decision with or without you.” Lafayette said quietly, already turning to walk out the door.
“You will do no such thing!”
“I shall do whatever I please because I am not the one who destroyed my kingdom and had to marry a brat just to save it.” He spat, storming out of the room, heels clicking on the polished wood.
They did not eat together that night, nor any of the days that followed. Washington could hardly stand to see Lafayette’s face, it only reminded him of the way he looked at him, brow pinched with fury as he told him he was wrong.
But then, Lafayette’s decision proved to be the right one. Tarney flooded over and caused mass destruction, but his orders of evacuation of the area caused less lives to be lost. He was amazed when the news and reports came in. Bitter that it was Lafayette’s decision that was right and not his own, but relieved that the right one had been made.
He still did not see Lafayette after he heard the great news, and after hours of grueling over the thought, he sought him out. It seemed he still wished for there to be some friendliness between them, and, well he missed sharing his meals with the man. He was remorseful about the way he acted, that much he knew. It would be easy to apologize but sympathizing with the man might become a task far too difficult. No matter, he still wished to smooth out the wrinkle in their already fragile relationship.
Lafayette did not spare him a glance when he asked to speak with him. “I am far too busy for such conversations.”
He tried to soothe the anger that bubbled, trying to appeal to Lafayette’s fancies. The closest intimacy they shared only once after Lafayette had gotten so consumed in his work he hadn’t bathed himself in days and Washington was still trying to reach out. He accepted the offer heartily then, it was worth a try now.
“Perhaps if we bathed together. You might enjoy it and we could talk then?”
“Fine.” He huffed. Not quite an excited agreement, but not a refusal either.
The tub was large enough to hold three, maybe even four men at once. Filled with wonderfully warm water that melted away tension and sweet smelling flowers and perfumes that reminded him of the countryside.
The tub took up a considerable amount of space which was all well as Lafayette still did not seem content to be anywhere near Washington. His mood did not lift even as he stepped inside, not even as the pleasant aroma filled his nose.
They kept their distance from each other, they had last time as well being so unacquainted with the other, but somehow it never felt terribly uncomfortable to Washington. For all his complaints he had of Lafayette, he still found that he could find pleasure in his quiet company.
Today was still different though. He was tense and stiff, awkward even, like here was the last place he wished to be. Surrounded by attendants, Washington wondered if they left, would Lafayette finally talk to him? He dismissed them all and Lafayette’s mood still did not change.
Washington had to make the first reach out. “Your decision proved to be most beneficial.” He looked up at him, but still did not speak. Washington cleared his throat. “I should not have acted the way I had Lafayette. I should have listened to what you said and taken it into consideration. I will admit that my pride was wounded at the thought that you might know more about my territory than I do.”
“You say my territory as if we are separated.” Lafayette remarked. Washington hadn’t quite noticed those were the words he’d chosen, but could Lafayette blame him? They were hardly connected, still barely more than acquaintances.
“I did not mean to offend, Lafayette-”
“And you always call me Lafayette. I said you could call me Gilbert, did I not? And you George. So I do, but you don’t.” Again, Washington was baffled. Why did Lafayette expect intimacy, familiarity?
“We are married and yet it hardly feels as such.” Lafayette sighed, sinking a little further into the tub.
“Laf- um, Gilbert, I do not understand.”
“I- I have always carried such a high opinion of you and when you,” he paused to swallow, eyes looking off to the side. “When you came to me for help I could hardly believe it. We worked tirelessly for months and I thought- well never mind what I thought, I was wrong.”
Washington was taken aback by the confession. Even half-finished he understood well enough. He thought they worked well together, had a chance together, perhaps even some feelings for each other.
In truth, Washington spent those months in a full panic so much that he hardly remembered how he or Lafayette acted in them. Had he truly changed so much at the relief of being saved?
Lafayette spoke up again when the silence dragged on. “But I suppose you did not get to see my true colors then. It makes sense, all things considered. You did not know me at my worst. I would explain to you why I act the way I do. Demanding, bratty, insufferable some say, but I fear the excuse has long ago faded into habit and will do me no good now.”
“Gilbert…” he had not known Lafayette harbored these thoughts, knew even less of why he was spilling his heart to him now of all times.
Lafayette looked at him again, eyes big and watery. It broke Washington’s heart in a way it hadn’t before to see Lafayette on the verge of tears. “I do not need nor ask for your pity now. I know I will not get it nor do I deserve it, but-” he paused to take a shaky breath. “I wanted...to walk with you.” A tear slipped down his cheek and Washington surged forward to brush it away on his thumb.
He had never been this close to Lafayette before. Not even on their wedding day. But now, this close to him he could make out just how upset the man was. The bags under his eyes told him of the sleep he’d been skipping, the wrinkles told him of the stresses he has had to bear since boyhood, but his eyes. His eyes shined with the glow and passion unique to youth, beautiful and wide like he had never observed them to be.
Soft, warm lips pressed forward in a hesitant kiss. Even in this action, Washington could feel his hesitation, his stress, his anxieties. Just how much had Lafayette been hiding from him?
His hand slipped to cup his cheek, and guide him closer, silently telling him he could let go. He kissed him again and pulled away, features softened and bright.
Maybe, just maybe they could make things work after all.
Admittedly, I plan on editing this fic a bit more. It will be the same, but the most recent version will be here on AO3! Also, leave a comment and kudos! It’s really nice:)
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angelguk · 7 years
i could teach you - taeyong scenario - part four
Lee Taeyong - NCT
words - 1.9k
genre - angst / heartbreaker!au
soundtrack - jaymes young, habits of my heart
parts: one / two / three / four
Tumblr media
The silence was crushing. It hung hefty between the two of you, only punctuated by the occasional drumming of his fingertips against the timber table. You didn’t raise your eyes to meet the gaze that you could feel crawling over your skin. Every ounce of you attention was focused on the albicant piece of paper he’d placed before you. It’s jagged at the edges, probably torn from some note book and the black scrawl before you reveals his passably neat handwriting. However all that was a moot point when your brain began to read what he’d written.
I, Lee Taeyong, am in no way responsible of any harm whether it may be physical or emotional damage to the recipient of this contract. The recipient takes full responsibility for all his/hers actions and cannot place any blame on myself, Lee Taeyong. The recipient is also aware that may they want to withdraw from this journey they have all rights to do so and I cannot prevent them from doing so. However I have every right to call upon the recipient at any time in order to complete the list of missions I have set out. The recipient cannot refuse my requests and must compile to all orders. If the recipient has read and understood the terms listed they can proceed to sign the contract.
Recipient’s Signature __________________
Below that is a huge elaborate scrawl of black. It was his signature. You could make out a wide T placed within a star and then a scribbled YONG beside it. It looked ludicrous and charming at the same time.
“Are you going to sign it or not?”
You glanced up, gaze meeting an irked Taeyong. His white hair was shoved back into a claret beanie but you could still make out the strands of onyx black hair now bleeding from his scalp. His broad dark eyebrows were furrowed slightly and his eyes held an intrepid look.
“It’s a piece of fucking paper. It’s not even typed out Taeyong.” Your tone was tainted with disdain and you threw him a condescending glare. He raised one perfectly sculpted brow in response.
“I made do with what I could sweetheart. I don’t want you to end up doing some dumb shit and then blaming it on me.” He stopped drumming his fingers and wrapped his porcelain hand around the achromatic coffee mug which now must have cooled considerably. Eyebrows still quirked he regarded scrutinized you, features revealing a haughty look. “Are you going to sign it or not?”
There was a clear challenge in the words that floated out of his mouth. He didn’t expect you to sign the “contract”, especially after the ice-cream scenario. There was still lingering tension between the two of you, evident even in the sparse and infrequent text messages you’d sent each other. When he invited you to coffee today he ended his sentence with a full stop and his punctuation was impeccable. Not something you would expect from a simple bartender. And definitely not something you had expected from someone who had offered to guide you on the path to becoming the ultimate Casanova.
You already knew Taeyong had classified you as the subdued spineless lover who gave up before the fight even began. Just like you had placed him in the category of reckless paramours who dealt with human hearts like used Kleenex. However he was you proving wrong little by little. His nature was meant to make him a charming bastard but he must have some sort of beating heart if he was willing to extend his ‘services’ towards you.
You didn’t want to be predictable either.
“Give me the pen,” You demanded, stretching out you hand to grab the black biro beside his mug. He plucked it out of your reach before you could even clasp your hand around it.
“Woah there sweetie. Are you sure you want to do this? Because there’s no turning back, once you sign it.”
Huffing you shifted to kick his shin swiftly underneath the table. “Don’t speak to me like a child. I understand what I’m signing.”
Firing you a glare he tossed the pen, cursing softly when he reached down to rub his bruised shin.
You gripped the tossed pen, hastily scratching your signature across the assigned space and then slid the paper towards him. Taeyong caught it, glancing down to ensure you’d signed it and then he looked up at you with a glowing grin. The only thing you could place that smile as was feline. Feline and petrifying. All sharp canine teeth that glowed albicant.
His hand was suddenly outstretched before you and you gingerly took it into your own. It’s smooth and radiating heat against you own cold grip. He shook you hand gently, gaze soft but sharp as his eyes lasered into your own.
“Guess we’re in business Ms. Y/LN.” He muttered, slivery voice saturating the air and causing your skin to prickle.
“Oh fuck off Taeyong.”
His rumbling chuckle still rung in your ears even when you left the café.
Being alone in your loft was like breathing in the new sorrow that had swelled and flourished within your chest. The house was silent; no tapping of Jaehyun’s fingertips against his keyboard, no resonance of the kettle boiling because Jaehyun adored chamomile tea and needed it every single waking moment, no sounds of some trivial football match coming out the television amalgamated with Jaehyun’s loud and obnoxious comments. No Jaehyun.
You hated it.
It was like something (rather someone) had come and collected him, sweeping away every trance of his existence but you could still remember, still feel everything even though there was nothing there.
When you’d first moved in together, two years ago, you’d wanted to commemorate your love by literally plastering it against each and every wall. There was pictures of you on nearly every surface. Photographs from the time Jaehyun flew you to Jeju Island for a romantic anniversary holiday. There was one depicting a smiling Jaehyun and you wearing your royal blue graduation gowns and flaunting your new diplomas. Another showed an image of you gazing adoringly in each other’s eyes, not even touching but you could see the spark that flowed from him to you. The spark that had welded you together.
Where had you gone wrong? What had you said wrong? What did you do wrong?
Despite Taeyong’s attempt at comfort, something still kindled in your chest that ached and voices echoed against you skull whispering again and again that may be he just got bored, May be he just stopped loving you. May be you just weren’t good enough.
A thud against your door snatched you from your reverie, your mind suddenly coming back to the present world around you as if you had been doused in freezing cold water.
You pushed yourself up from the couch, presuming that it was Taeyong who was coming over. With the whole ridiculous contract thing he’d insisted you both needed to go over some more rules before he began teaching you any of his Casanova ways. In short he was being an inconveniencing asshat.
You slid over to the door, regretting not putting on a more presentable choice of clothes when you’d woke up this Saturday morning. But why should you care about what Taeyong thought about you anyway; he already perceived you as weak and gullible if he was offering to teach you how to break goddamn hearts.
You opened the door with an agitated swing, a snappy remark already balanced on the tip of your tongue. It withered in your throat instantly.
“Hi.” His voice was neutral, monotone; divulging no emotion. His hair was still the same soft lustrous brown. The colour looked so saturated and illusory, probably because you hadn’t seen him for over two weeks now. A black duffle bag was slung over his broad shoulder but the feature was minuscule to you. Especially because Jung Jaehyun stood right before you.
His features held no smile, no feeling, like he’d willed them into marble before knocking on your door. It seemed like they all obeyed his effort – apart from his eyes. They darted and dashed in all directions, skimming the ceiling and the floor with mild curiosity. They landed everywhere and anywhere, except on you.
“Jaehyun.” You didn’t mean to say it like that. Not to murmur it like an illicit pray.
“Yeah, hey. I just came over because I left some things. I need to get them.” His eyes flew over your head and into the living room behind you.
“Uh, what?”
A sigh slipped from his lips. They had been bitten raw as if he’d been chewing on them ceaselessly. “I came to get my things.”
The coldness started in your chest and gradually worked its way through your body and freezing every vein and artery. It stopped at your heart, pausing as if it wanted to consider its actions and then it engulfed it.
You see frost fall from your lips when you speak next. “Sure. Come in.”
The awkwardness between you lingered in silence that filled the air. You collapsed onto the couch, attempting to ignore his presence by distracting yourself with a stupid reality show on the television. That wasn’t going to work because you had failed to realize that the TV wasn’t even on in the first place. But you didn’t need the sound. A rumbling roaring had erupted in your mind which was only stained by the sounds of him ripping through the closet you’d shared and shedding hangers of his garments.
Your hands had involuntarily curled up into fists, your nails slicing into the palm of your hands. You wanted to scream and shriek at the top of your lungs, pound into his chest and claw as his face for doing this. For ruining what you had.
This is your fault. This is your fault. This is your fucking fault.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You gently unfurled your fists pressing the palms of your hands into your knees. With a saccharine sweet smile that made you choke with its fakeness you replied, “I’m perfectly fine thank you.”
He nodded, slinging his bag over his shoulder, face still a perfect mask of indifference. But his chestnut eyes were still focused on the wall behind you. “Alright then. I’m going.”
The door slammed shut with a sense of finality. You still hadn’t gotten up from the couch but the moment it closed you inhaled loudly. You heart was still drumming ferociously within you spotted the picture. It was taken at a beach in Bali on your second anniversary. Your smile was dazzling and brilliant, eyes gazing at the pristine cerulean skies without a care in the world. Jaehyun though was staring at you, adoration filling his warm chestnut eyes.
You snatched it up before you could process your thoughts rationally. With an ear-splitting scream you hurled it at the door. It landed with a resounding crack before crumpling to the floor like a leaf in the bitter autumn weather.
You fell with it, limbs giving into the overwhelming grief and fury that rushed through your body. You were tempted to smash every single picture of Jaehyun and you but your energy had depleted precipitously. Instead you lay there on the cold floor of you apartment, counting the ticking of the clock in the kitchen and trying to calm you still raging heartbeat.
A ping from your phone disrupted your counting. Cursing you hauled yourself from the ground and picked up your phone.
Sorry I couldn’t make it today. I got held up at work but we should meet at Cipher tonight. Your first lesson begins at 22:00. Wear something sexy.
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liesfromalover · 7 years
Crossed (M)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Word count: 12k
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Present day.
Staring at your reflection in the floor length mirror, you critically took in your features. Eyes perfectly lined and tinted a light purple to match the flowers in the crown that was adorned over your long wavy hair. Your small waist was nicely accented by the drop waist corset dress, the bodice covered in a delicate lace that flowed down onto the skirt of tulle which flowed out in full to your ankles. The entire dress was a milky ivory that seemed to glow against your skin. The day was filled with sounds of happiness and joy, children laughing and playing, people were chatting amongst themselves, congratulating the families of the bride and the groom. Your family. It was your wedding day after all.
You looked at your best friend, Dohee, who seemed to be busying herself with her own less intricate crown. She was your bridesmaid and when your eyes met in the mirror, she sent a small smile. You returned it then looked down at your bag, noticing the long abandoned crossword puzzle. You used to do them every morning, especially after you became friends with a certain chestnut haired boy with warm brown eyes. His bright rectangle smile no longer burned in your memory as the last time you spoke with him continuously replays in your mind, an endless loop of heartache and betrayal.
Dohee walked over and slid your fingerless white lace gloves into your hand, giving it a gently squeezed. “Are you sure you can do this?” Her voice was low and she gave you a wary look.
You took a shaky breath as you pulled the gloves on meticulously. “I have to Doe, we can’t hold it off much longer.” Your hand instinctively went to your stomach and you tried to calm the tears forming in your eyes. You were 7 weeks pregnant and you weren’t sure if the father was your best friend or the man you were going to marry. Dohee placed her hand over yours gently. You eyes met her’s once again and she nodded slowly. You clenched your jaw then fell to your knees, sobbing softly. “What if this is a mistake?”
“Who do you love?”
“Yoongi.” You blinked slowly then shook your head slowly. “I love Taehyung too.”
She took a deep breath and rubbed your back soothingly. “Well, you obviously love Yoongi more, he came out first. Marry him. Taehyung will forgive you eventually.”
“Doe. What if this is his child?”
Her eyes widened and she looked at you then looked down. “Then you would have to tell them both. But for now, you wait until next week to get the blood test to figure it out. If it's not Yoongi then you know it's Tae’s but Yoongi will understand and still love both you and your child.”
You nodded and grabbed the tissue, gently dabbing at your eyes and smiling sadly. “Can you help me fix my makeup?”
“Of course. What are best friends for?”
Two years earlier.
Walking through the serene park you admired the way spring made everything seem so alive after the brutal winter. There were no traces of snow anywhere and everything was in bloom. You picked the most beautiful flowers you could find and sat under a wide oak tree, it's branches protecting you from the blinding rays of the sun as you skillfully wove your flowers together into a crown. Once you were satisfied you placed it on your loose wavy hair, loving the way it fit perfectly.
Across from you was a pond and the ducks were floating along, their little ducklings close behind. You pulled your knees to your chest and stared in wonder at all or nature. The birds singing in the trees, the little turtles that poked their curious heads out of the water only to quickly duck them back under, the deep croaking of a frog somewhere your eyes couldn’t see. You smiled brightly and reached in your shoulder bag, pulling out a book and pencil, deciding now would be a good time to start your crossword of the day.
You never understood why but you liked doing crossword puzzles. You enjoyed learning new things and testing just how much knowledge you truly had. You weren’t the greatest, in fact you often had to look up some answers, writing them down in a little notebook of things you’ve learnt. It gave you the same sort of wonder that nature did. Even the harsh storms and severe winters still amazed you, although you much rather enjoy the warm sunshine and cool breezes of spring, you did go out and play in the snow as long as you could be with your friends.
Completely engrossed in the puzzle as you try to remember how many moons Saturn has, 62, you notice someone sitting down near you. You blink and look at the boy, taking in a sharp breath as you notice his sun-kissed skin and wavy chestnut hair. His facial profile was impeccable and he seemed to be enjoying laying in the shade as if it were the first time in hours. His defined nose seemed to be tinged with the promise of sunburn but his lips were spread in a wide smile. He turned and looked at you, eyes widening in shock then relaxing back into a bright smile.
You blinked slowly and smiled back brightly, noticing how he also had a shoulder bag on you tilted your head towards it. “What’s your poison?” He looked at you confused and you held up your crossword book.
“Ahh, I’m a photographer.” His voice was a sweet baritone and it warmed your heart to listen to it. “Why are you here by yourself?” You looked at the boy with his genuinely curious eyes and scrunched your nose up, giggling.
He raised his eyebrow at you then laughed softly. “I came out here because it's nice. I don’t really have someone to come to just enjoy nature with.” Your voice was soft and happy.
“Well, what if I came with you next time? Whenever you want.” He smiled brightly and rolled over onto his belly, reaching his hand out to you until it was almost touching your bare thigh. “My name is Taehyung.”
You smiled and took his large soft hand into your own, shaking it once. “____. It's nice to meet you.”
His eyes brightened and you saw something swim in them, it was so beautiful that your breath caught in your throat. He held your hand a moment longer then looked down syly, releasing it. “Your name is so beautiful, just like you, ____. You look like a faerie.”
You blushed and smiled, putting your puzzle away and standing up. He looked at you confused and you held your hand out to him. “Come on, I’ll let you take pictures of your first faerie ever.” He grabbed your hand and smiled brightly, his mouth forming a cute rectangle. If only you knew where this adventure was going to lead.
One year earlier
“I don’t understand why you have to go, you’re just 24. I think they’re rushing you.” His deep voice bordering on being annoyed and sad. It was the day of your blind date that your parents set up for you. Taehyung had came over to help you choose an outfit but he mostly just sat on your bed and pouted. “I mean, if you really need to just show them you’re dating then take me. They asked if we were many times already.” His voice sounded hopeful and you turned and frowned at him.
“Tae, I don’t get why you’re so against this. I mean yeah it's not my style but that doesn’t mean anything. It's just a date, you aren’t going to lose your best friend.”
“Don’t you remember Jimin? He went on a blind date and now he hardly ever texts me anymore. It's always Seolhyun this, and Seolhyun that, and ‘isn’t she so cute, Tae? I think I really hit the jackpot.’ I hate it and you might end up the same way”
You walked over and squished his cheeks together, pouting slightly. “I promise you Min Yoongi won’t steal me away as your best friend.” You released his cheeks then grabbed the black and white floral dress, holding it up against your body. “How’s this one?”
His eyes went wide then he smiled, nodding slowly. “It's pretty, go try it on.” You smiled then nodded, going to your bathroom. Taehyung produced a bag from under his jacket and held it on his lap, smiling softly.
When you walked back in the room, you eyed the bag curiously and tilted your head to side. “What’s that?”
He looked up at you then smiled brightly then stood, walking over and pulling your hair out of the bun you forced it into. You frowned as he gently turned you around and pushed you to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet seat. “I’m going to do your hair for you.”
You looked up at him intrigued. “You can do hair?”
“I have a sister that always asks me to braid her hair for her like a faerie.” His smile widened and he ran his hands through your hair gently. “That’s what I’m going to do for you.” You sighed and nodded, trusting your friend to make you look pretty. Closing your eyes you felt him part your hair and then a constant pulling on the left side of your head that you recognized as braiding. “Hold this please.” You heard his voice speak softly, it was full of playful concentration as you opened your hand to hold your hair. He gently closed your hand around it and started on the other side and braided it the same. He grabbed the braid he gave you and trailed it back, bringing the other side with him then he gently turned you to face the side so he could get to back as he braided them into the rest of your hair, hanging it down over your shoulder.
He pulled you up and stood you in front of the mirror, resting his head on your right shoulder. His voice was soft and nervous as he whispered for you to open your eyes. When you did you gasped softly at the intricate braids he put in your hair. There were only three but the way they seemed to meet and meld together towards the end was so beautiful that you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You turned and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Tae. This is truly a faerie hairstyle.” His arms wrapped around your waist and squeezed you gently before he pulled away, leaving the room.
You followed him out curiously as he held up the bag, pushing it towards you gently. “My sister helped me make it this morning. I wanted to give it to you so you would look as pretty as you did the day we met.”
You smiled and took the bag, pulling out a beautiful flower crown made of red roses and baby's breath. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked at the crown then at him. “You made this?”
He blushed and nodded slowly. “Why? Is it that bad?”
“Taehyung, it's perfect. Can you put it on for me?” You held it out to him gingerly. He smiled and nodded eagerly, taking it and delicately placing it on your head. His hands slid down to your cheek and he looked in your eyes admirably.
“You look beautiful. Like a faerie princess.”
You blushed and scrunched up your nose, giggling softly. “Now I’m a faerie princess?”
He blinked slowly, not moving and staring in your eyes. You quieted your laughter and stared in his deep chocolate eyes, feeling your skin tingle with the amount of emotion in his eyes. His thumb storked across your cheek slowly and it sent pleasurable shivers down your spine. His tongue slowly grazed across his lips as he wet them slightly, slowly leaning down to you. You knew you should pull away but something about the way he was staring at you made you freeze, staring and completely out of control of your body.
The loud ringing of your phone broke the spell as he stopped, his lips just a breath away from yours, eyes widening in shock and reeling back as if he were burned. You shook your head and rushed over to your phone, it was a number you didn’t recognize. Taking a shaky breath you answered, eyes glued to Taehyung as he sat on your bed, head in his hands.. “Hey, It's Yoongi. Sorry for calling you like this but your mother seemed to have remembered me from school Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I’m looking forward to our date in an hour. I’ll see you soon.” Silence. “____? Are you there?”
You cleared your throat and spoke softly. “I’m here, sorry my friend’s over and I was trying to see what he was doing.” Taehyung looked up at you nervously and you raised your eyebrow, silently asking what just happened. He simply groaned and laid back on the bed, shaking his head furiously.
“Oh. You have a friend over. Then maybe we should reschedule our date? I don’t want to interrupt you or anything.” His voice was deep and clear but there was shyness that screamed at you, even through the phone. He sounded familiar but you couldn’t place the name.
“No, I’ll meet you in an hour. My friend was leaving soon anyway.” Taehyung sat up and looked at you sadly, silently pleading for you to reconsider.
“Really?” His voice was excited and happy, something about it made you smile. “I’m glad. We’re meeting at the park right?”
“Yes, the park.” You nodded slowly and said your goodbyes. Taehyung stood up and walked until he was inches from you. You shook your head slowly. “No, Tae.”
“I won’t do anything. I just want to meet him.” He stared at you stubbornly. You sighed and tapped his forehead gently.
“It would look bad.”
His eyes narrowed and his voice sounded more hurt than he let on. “Are you planning on it going well?”
“I don’t know.” You sighed and looked at your watch then grabbed his arm, pulling him along with you. “Let’s just get you to work and me to my date.”
He pulled you to a stop and pulled you against him gently. “I don’t work today. Why don’t I stay the night like I used to and we can talk about your date after?”
You immediately relaxed into him, hugging him gently then nodded slowly and pulled away. “Fine, stay here then. I’ll go out on my date and come home and tell you all about it, ok?” He smiled and nodded, his eyes still seemed off but you squeezed his hand gently before running out the house and down the street. The park was only a few blocks away from your house but you wanted to be early. When you got to the park you smiled and took in the relaxed scenery, there were only a few people here as most were in school or work at this time of day, all the butterflies were fluttering about from flower to flower. One came over to you and landed on your nose a moment before flying off. You giggled and went to your favorite oak tree, placing your hand on it massive trunk before slinking down and waiting for your date. Little did you know it was the beautiful blonde staring at you since you ran over.
Taehyung sighed as he fumbled with the laptop, trying to figure out how to ask you out. He stared at your shoulder bag and smiled sweetly. He loved being your friend but the potential for more has weighed heavy on his heart since the day he met you. “Maybe if I used a crossword.” He smiled more as he mumbled to himself, quickly tapping away on the keyboard to make the best crossword puzzle you’ll ever solve.
Eight months earlier
You frowned at the crossword puzzle and sipped at your coffee. Taehyung sat across from you, staring at you through his camera lens and taking pictures whenever he found the right angle. Your frowned deepened as you filled in yet another answer, wondering what the theme of this puzzle was. “Tae, where did you say you got this puzzle again?” You looked up at your friend confused, then heard the shutter of his camera before he put it down, shrugging and looking out the window. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, he hadn’t spoken to you since he handed you the damn puzzle.
Putting it and your pencil down you steepled your hands and rested your chin on them, staring at him. You reached across the table and grabbed his camera, holding it up to your eye and looked at him through it, focusing the lens until it was just right then capturing the picture. You smiled proudly as he looked at you slightly amused. “Did you get a good one?” His voice was soft and slow, as though he were with holding something.
“Tae. I’ve known you for almost a year and a half, why are you keeping things from me?”
He pouted then sighed softly. “Just finish the puzzle, you’ll get your answer then.”
You frowned and looked at the puzzle, you only had a few blanks left and then there was the extra bit where you had to highlight the answers in a specific order. You stared at it, thinking hard. Will. You. Go. A. With. Me. Blinking slowly, you tried to fill in the blanks using those as keywords. There was no way this was his way of asking you out, right?
You glanced up at him nervously then back at the crossword. He head his head on the table, eye level with his camera and looked over at you every so often. You cleared your throat softly and he looked at you shyly, nervously licking his lips. “Taehyung.”
“Yeah, ____.” His voice was so soft it was barely above a whisper.
You took a deep breath and put the puzzle down, refusing to finish it and licked your lips slowly. “I can’t go out with you.”
His heart sank and it was evident on his face but he forced a small smile and nodded slowly. “I understand. You don’t want to ruin our friendship. It's ok.”
You frowned, debating whether or not you should just tell him like this. Looking out the window you watched as the summer was slowly fading into fall, some of the leaves already starting to change their colors. “I’m dating Yoongi, Tae. I can’t date you because I already have a boyfriend.”
Taehyung stared at you for a long time, not saying a word. You felt the tension rise so early in the morning and regretted not telling him sooner. “How long have you been with him?” His voice was tight and throaty, as if he were holding back from yelling or crying. Knowing him, it was more than likely both.
“3 months and 2 weeks.” You spoke softly to the trees across the street, unable to look at Taehyung. It hurt your heart too much to see him hurting.
“Why…” He let out a shaky breath and you saw through your peripheral that he ran his hand over his face. “Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because every time I brought him up you would get upset. I don’t like hurting you Tae. I never have.” You turned to face him and felt your heart breaking at the look of pure anguish on his face. No tears were sed but they were glittering in his eyes, ready to wet his cheeks at any moment.
“Leave him.”
You blinked slowly and felt your eyes furrow. “Why would I do that? I’m happy Tae. You should be happy for me.”
“I can make you happier. We can have mornings like this everyday. We can go out at night and watch the stars, go on road trips to every place you’ve ever wanted. Just leave him and be with me.”
You stared at your best friend carefully, part of you wanted to take him up on his offer but the other part, albeit slightly smaller, but so much more persistent made you shake your head slowly. “I can’t do that Tae.”
“Why not?” He was crying now, no longer caring about the way he may look. Just needing you.
“Because we’re getting married in 8 months.” You said it flatly and watched the shock spread over his face.
“We’re engaged Tae. It wasn’t just a normal blind date, it was a marriage proposal. I accepted it when I made him my boyfriend.”
“But you can’t just marry someone you don’t even know! I’m not asking you to marry me, just be my girlfriend. Let me take care of you and just be with you.” Though his tone was harsh you could see the heartbreak in his eyes, you could feel the sincerity of his words.
“He isn’t someone I just met. We went to school together. He needs me, Taehyung. I can’t abandon him like that.” You reached for is hand, gently squeezing it.
Her pulled away and stood abruptly. “I need you. I’ve always needed you. I love you, ___.” His voice was breaking from the emotion he felt, floating over to you weakly. You stared at him wide eyed and stood, slowly reaching for him again.
“Tae, please don’t do this,” Your voice was weak as you tried to fight back the tears twinkling in your eyes.
He backed away, glaring at you coldly. “I didn’t do anything. You ruined us.” Roughly wiping his eyes, he grabbed his camera and left you crying and alone. You thought it was the last time you would ever see him again. You were greatly mistaken.
You were out with Dohee and Yoongi at a restaurant when you spotted a seemingly familiar chestnut haired male. You blinked and tried to see his face, being painfully obvious while both Dohee and Yoongi looked at you confused. It had been a month since you last saw him and you missed his rectangle smile and wonderful deep laughter. Yoongi held your hand gently, patiently trying to understand why you were so obviously trying to look at another man when Dohee looked towards the man then back to you. “Is that him?”
Yoongi frowned and started to get up, he was upset at how distraught you were over the past month and you were finally getting back to your old self. He was finally getting back to his old self after his own incident. When you walked in his house on that particularly sunny day and found him drunk and heartbreakingly upset you immediately were grateful that you decided to visit him. He was standing on a stool with rope in hand, ready to wrap it around his neck and take his life. When e saw you his eyes widened and he dropped the rope, climbing down and running over to you crying.
That was the day you discovered yoongi was dealing with severe depression that he usually handled with medication. His mistake was getting drunk while already in a negative mood but there was no other choice. He refused to go to you with his problems at first, afraid of scaring you away. Little did he know that you liked him from the moment you met him in the park, nothing could scare you away from him. You blinked and shook your head, trying to focus on the boy again. “I don’t know, I’ll go see.”
Yoongi sat back down and looked at you, concern flooding his features. “Do you want me to go with you?”
You shook your head slowly and smiled sadly. “If it is him, seeing you may not help any.” He nodded and sighed, leaning over and kissing your head gently before letting go of your hand. You stood carefully and fixed your shirt then walked over nervously. When you reached the boy he looked up at you and his bright brown eyes widened in surprise then quickly became guarded. You swallowed hard, trying to rid yourself of the lump that formed in your throat and pointed to the empty seat across from him. “Is anyone sitting here?” He blinked slowly then shook his head, you quickly took the seat and smiled sadly, wanting to hug him with every fiber of your being.
He looked healthy, like he was sleeping well and although his hair grew to be slightly passed his ears the look fit his well defined features. He watched you and you saw the conflict in his eyes, he wanted to hug you just as badly as you wanted to hug him. “How have you been?” His voice was as deep and filling as you remembered it being.
You let out a nervous laugh and looked down, tucking the stray hairs from your face behind your ear. “Terrible. I cried for weeks then was finally able to leave my house about a week ago.”
His eyes softened and he reached over the table, holding out his hand. “I missed you, ___.”
You looked at him and felt the tears forming in your eyes as you took his hand gently, lacing your fingers together seamlessly. “I missed you too, Tae. I missed you so much.” You felt a pit in your stomach form as you realized that if you hadn’t just written off your feelings for him as just friendly, if you had even bothered to let the spark between you develop, you would have been with him and probably loved him just as much, if not more, than you loved Yoongi. “I’m here with him and my friend, do you want to eat with us?” You silently prayed to every divine being that he would say yes.
You watched as his eyes darkened and his hand slipped from yours slowly. “Why would you want me there with him? I’m sure he knows what happened.”
“He still wants to meet you and he doesn’t really feel any anger towards you, just the situation.” You felt your panic rise as the brief warmth of the past started to dissipate into the tense atmosphere.
Taehyung looked back and spotted the blonde staring at you both warily then Yoongi smiled and waved slowly. He waved then turned back to you, eyes narrowed in a glare. “He met me, I’m leaving.” As he stood and walked towards the back you felt your heart break all over again. You looked up to see Yoongi starting to stand but he met your eyes, silently asking if he should follow. You shook your hand and held up a finger. One minute. He nodded and sat back down, relaying everything to Dohee, who looked back and gave you a thumbs up for support.
Smiling sadly you stood and followed after Taehyung, exiting the restaurant and running down the street after him. You called out for him, yelling his name until he stopped and turned, watching you warily. When you reached him you stopped a few inches from him, panting softly and looking in his eyes. “Why can’t you just stay by my side, Tae?”
His jaw clenched and he groaned loudly, hands going up to grab his hair. “Why should I stay by your side as a friend when all I want is to have you to myself? I want you, ____. All of you. Not just what I can get as a friend.” His hands were on your shoulders and he leaned forward to look deeper in your eyes, you saw the conflict dance in his irises as he was obviously holding back.
You licked your lips nervously and looked at him desperately. “I need you, Taehyung. I love you. I just can’t be with you.”
He blinked once then closed the distance between you. His lips were softer against your own than you remembered them being on your forehead. His large hands slid up to cup your face, angling it just right so he could deepen the kiss gently. You have never felt this at peace during a kiss before and it scared you. You had no control of your body as your hands wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you. His tongue licked at your lips and you opened your mouth, welcoming his tongue graciously.
The taste of his mouth was a mixture of heaven and sin. It was so good and you couldn’t get enough. You desperately needed more. More of his mouth, more of his hands which were currently caressing your waist, more of him. The way his tongue felt against yours set your body on fire in ways that Yoongi had never. Yoongi. You pulled away abruptly, panting softly and looking at the boy startled.
He bit his lip gently and let his hands fall limply to his side, eyes showing all the desire he had but he held back. “I’m sorry. I just… I’ve wanted to do that for so long and when you said you loved me. I just acted. Please don’t hate me.” He pleaded softly, his usually husky voice was light and airy.
Releasing a shaky sighs and running your hand through your hair you looked down sadly. “Maybe we can’t be friends. I’m sorry too, Tae. I’m sorry for hurting you over and over. Goodbye.”
His hand grabbed your arm and pulled you against him, eyes dark with lust and something else. “I’ll stay. I’ll stay by your side. Don’t leave me again.”
You felt a shiver run through you as his slightly swollen lips came back to you, so close to your own but just far enough. Too far. “I didn’t leave you. You left me. You left me all alone and I felt like I was dying, Taehyung. It hurt so much.” You swallowed the tears and shook your head, hiding your face in his chest.
He rubbed your back soothingly and kissed your hair gently, leaving his own warm tears spill over. “I won’t leave again.” You should have walked away, telling him to forget it. You couldn’t trust yourself with him anymore now that this fire has started in you. AS much as you loved Yoongi, this was different, more intense. If you had to compare them Yoongi was soothing and calm like the ocean, his love was bountiful and had no limits as far as the eye could see, but TAehyung. TAehyung’s love was like a burning fire, all consuming and filled you with a comfort unlike anything you’ve ever felt but if you ignored it, it would burn out. Or so you thought.
Two months earlier.
You figured out a way to be with Taehyung without having to cheat on Yoongi, never be alone. It was difficult at first but once you both figured out the best places it was back to the old happy days. Yoongi would come along with you guys often, wanting to get to know all your friends and you loved his eagerness to accept im as a part of your life. It was rocky at first until Taehyung brought his camera along after work, then they acknowledged their shared interests.They actually got along really well and had many more interests in common than they thought. It was a happy time, everything was great. Until Yoongi’s business trip.
You pouted when he packed his clothes, holding him close to you. “Do you really have to go? I don’t want you to leave.”
He sighed and kissed your ear gently, your face buried in his neck. “I don’t want to either baby but this is a very important business trip. If I don’t go the merger may not happen and a lot of people will lose their jobs.”
You nodded and sighed, hating that he was the go-to guy at his company. “If they don’t make you at least the vice president one day I’ll have Dohee write an expose on how they used you for years. “
He laughed and squeezed you gently. “You know she’s been digging up dirt on the CEO for months, she’s itching to report on her findings and I’m quite curious as to what she found.”
You looked at him, smiling brightly. “A lot that you can’t know.~ She won’t even tell me.”
He kissed you gently, your eyes fluttered shut and rubbed his chest. “Baby.” His voice was full of lust, making your cheeks flush and look at him shyly. His eyes were dark and hungry but he pulled away slowly. “I wish we had more time. I’ll only be a few days ok? Three at most.” He ran a hand through his blonde hair and sighed, looking at his watch and groaning, zipping his small suitcase. He kissed you again, lingering a moment longer than necessary to make sure you knew how much he was going to miss you.
You smiled against his lips and gripped the firm flesh of his butt gently, making him jump and giggle. “Bye baby. I’ll call you every night and miss you every second you’re gone.”
“Bye.” He started to walk away then paused and turned, smiling lovingly. “I love you.”
You felt your heart pump in your chest as the warm smile spread on your face. “I love you too, Yoongi.”
He left smiling brightly, you waved him off at the door, smiling back. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and took it out, Taehyung was calling. You answered and he started immediately. “I know we aren’t supposed to be alone together but do you want to go to this art exhibit with me? They’re doing a piece on nature and there’s all this photography and paintings and I just thought about you. Please say yes.”
You smiled at the thought of the exhibit and it would be somewhat public, what could go wrong? You hadn’t had any feelings towards him since you moved in with Yoongi a couple months ago so everything should be fine. You took a deep breath and played with your hair, twirling it between your fingers. “What time does it start?”
Deciding that jeans and a t-shirt would be inappropriate for an art exhibit, you changed into a knee length lilac sun dress. It flowed with the breeze and you ended up wearing the flower crown that Yoongi bought you. You normally didn’t wear fake ones, preferring to make them yourself but it was too beautiful to turn away. Several white roses varying in size with little lilacs and hyacinth flowers wrapped around in intervals. it was the first time you wore it and felt a little strange that he wouldn’t be able to see it on you in person. The way the colors looked on you made it seem like it was made specifically for you.
You stood by the entrance, waiting for Taehyung when you spotted him, standing at the other side of the entrance looking around eagerly. He just wore a pair of nice looking jeans and fitted long sleeve shirt. You stared at him for a while, trying to remember the last time you saw him wear shirts that were actually his size.  Smiling you walked over to him, tapping his arm once you were within reach. He turned quickly, startled then smiled brightly and giggled, then finally noticed your outfit and stared at you blankly. You frowned and poked his cheek. “What is it? Do I look bad?”
“No, you just… You look like a faerie princess again.” He smiled at you amazed then shook his head slowly, grabbing your hand. “Come on, let’s go enjoy the pictures.”
With a nod you headed into the building, hand in hand, fingers warmly entwined with his own. He brought one of his cameras with him and took pictures of you while you admiring the paintings of serene landscapes that seemed too vast to have been captured by the stroke of brush. He caught the look of pure awe as you walked into the room which seemed to mimic that of an actual canopy of trees in the forests. His breath caught in his throat and his heart thudded in his chest, gradually picking up speed.
You looked at him and smiled brightly, your own heart racing from the excitement of it all. “I want to see this in person one day. Just explore the forest with the person I love and get lost together.” You grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently then took the camera from him, pulling him close to you to take a picture together. He laughed softly and posed next to you as you captured the moment. Thankfully it was one of his digital cameras so you looked at the image and smiled warmly.
His hand was on your cheek suddenly, fingers tucked under your jaw and lifted your face to look at his gently. You blinked, confused by your cloudy vision and the moisture on now on your face. You were crying. He wiped the tears away gently, kissing your cheeks slowly, his voice low and soft. “It's ok. We’re ok.”
You blinked rapidly and bit your lip gently. You were having a great time, why did you start crying? Why were you like this? “Maybe I should go home.” You spoke in a small voice.
Taehyung looked at you sadly then nodded. “If that’s what you want to do.” He dropped his hands to yours and started walking back to the entrance. Walking past all the art pieces you realized why you were acting this way, why you felt this way. Your wedding was just two mere months away. Eight weeks. Fifty-six days until you had to give up on the idea of Taehyung forever. Although you loved Yoongi, you never got to really give it a chance with Taehyung, you just pushed it aside as a childish crush on a friend.
When you reached your car he stopped, smiling at you sadly. His eyes were filled with emotion but he knew there was no use in expressing it. You avoided looking in them, your own emotions were warring within you. If you looked at him it may tip the very unstable balance you had left. He frowned and lifted your chin, making you face him. You closed your eyes, unable to trust yourself. “Look at me, ____.” You shook your head slowly, silently cursing yourself at the shiver that went through you at the sound of his voice saying your name so softly and full of love. “Please don’t leave like this. If you’re upset with me then tell me so we can talk about it and solve it now. Don’t make me worry about it until the next time I can see you.”
You bit your lip hard, not wanting to give in but he was right, doing this to him wouldn’t be fair. You opened your eyes slowly and met his. The setting sun was reflecting in his sweet brown eyes, making them seem reddish in color but it just looked so beautiful to you. You swallowed down your comment and sighed softly. “I’m not upset with you, Tae. I’m upset with myself.”
He looked at you confused, pouting a little. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to go home alone….” You let your words trail off, unable to say everything on your mind. You looked down and opened the car door. Taehyung watched you for a moment before going to the other side, opening the door and getting in. You froze, watching him then leaned down sticking your head in the car. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going home with you. You don’t want to be alone, neither do I.” He looked ahead and licked his lips slowly. “If you don’t want to go to your house, we can go to mine.”
You stared at him then quickly got in the car, buckling up and starting it. He looked at you confused then put on his seatbelt. Your voice was airy as you struggled to keep your heartrate down. “Where’s your house?”
You pulled up to his apartment building and exited the car, tapping your foot nervously. He came around the car and walked you in, pushing the button for the elevator. You stood there, contemplating whether or not you should really go up to his apartment and if you did, how long you would stay. You snuck a peek at him and saw him standing with his hands in his pockets, looking down at his shoes with a much too serious face on.
The elevator came and you both walked in, standing on opposite sides and looking at the door. Thankfully the building only had 6 floors, unfortunately his seemed to be on the 6th. You sighed softly and you saw him turn to face you through the dark reflection on the metal doors. You smiled shyly and looked at him. He blinked then smiled back, opening his mouth to speak when the elevator stopped, opening the door to let in a couple. They greeted you both politely then pressed 5. You figured they were visiting someone sick since they had a big pot of what smelled like soup.
Taehyung looked at you longingly but stayed where he was, in the corner towards the back while you were in the front. You sighed softly when the couple got off and as soon as the doors were shut, Taehyung came over to you, taking his hand in his gently. You blinked rapidly and swallowed hard, fighting to ignore the feeling of your heart racing. As soon as the door opened he pulled you out and down the hall, stopping at the one all the way at the end and pushed in his pin quickly, unlocking the door and pulling you inside.
Once he closed the door you looked around his minimalistic decor and smiled shyly, enjoying the way it reminded you of the way yours used to look. He watched you shyly and smiled a little. “I don’t decorate much because I’m never really home. “ His voice was soft and you nodded, walking over to the kitchen. He followed you slowly, watching the way you simply took in everything. It was your first time over, after all.
“I like it.” You looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the couch and sat down, pulling you next to him and turning on the t.v. You smiled and watched it silently, eventually you felt his arm drape over your shoulder.
You looked at him shyly and he bit his lip, pulling his arm away. “Sorry.”
Pulling his arm up, you leaned into him slowly, resting your head on his shoulder and letting his arm rest around you. “It's ok.”
He rubbed your arm slowly as you watched some ridiculous melodrama. You were almost certain he wasn’t paying attention to it, just as you weren’t as you were too busy listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat. You slid your hand up to rest over his abs and he shivered slightly. Blinking, you noticed how his heart rate picked up a little and removed your hand. He reached over and grabbed your hand gently, placing it back on his stomach and squeezed your arm gently. “It's ok.”
You heard his voice rumbling softly through his chest and smiled, nodding slowly and closing your eyes.
You must have fallen asleep because when you opened your eyes again you were tucked away in his bedroom. Blinking and running your hand through your hair, you looked around the room frowning. It was dark, the only light being the moon, floating high in the sky. You stumbled out of the bed and walked out of the room carefully, searching for Taehyung. When you found him he was curled up on the couch, a small blanket covering his slender form. You smiled and walked over to him slowly, lifting the blanket and laying on top of him.
He stirred and flattened himself on his back, wrapping his arms around you. His voice was deep and husky with sleep. “What are you doing? Go sleep in the bed, ____.”
You watched his mouth move and smiled, no longer caring about any consequences that you would have to face. “I want to sleep with you.” You whispered softly.
He groaned softly and squeezed you gently. “Don’t tease me. Go back to the bedroom before I change my mind.”
You stayed put, tracing shapes on his neck with your nail slowly. He opened his eyes slowly then sat up, holding you on his lap. “You really want to sleep with me?”
You smiled shyly and nodded slowly, cupping his face gently and brushing your lips against his softly. He bit your lip gently and looked in your eyes. You moaned softly and pulled back a little, looking at him. He watched you nervously, his body trembling with desire. “This is your last chance, ____. If you don’t want to do this, go to the bedroom.”
You looked at him and realized there is no where else you would rather be. You stood up slowly and he sank into the couch, sighing softly and covering his face with his hands. Pouting a little you pulled your dress over your head and exposed your topless figure to him. “Tae.” Your voice made him remove his hands and once he saw you he immediately pulled you back to him. His mouth was on your breast leaving open mouthed kisses until he reached your nipple then he latched on and sucked it gently, massaging it with his tongue while his hands roamed your body.
You moaned softly and tilted your head back in pleasure. His mouth just felt so good as it set your body on fire, his hands spreading the flames like a brushfire blazing after a drought. Your body was craving him, your hands found the hem of his shirt and pulled it up slowly. He pulled away long enough to take it off and throw it across the room before taking your other nipple in his mouth. You started to rotate your hips on his slowly, feeling his hardening length against your core and moaned more.
Taehyung moaned softly and looked up at you, hands settling on your waist. You ran your hand through his hair then gripped it gently, pulling him away from your chest. He moaned sweetly and his eyes fluttered. “Kiss me.”
You smiled and leaned down, gently placing your lips on his. They were slightly damp with saliva but it just made them taste so much better. You moved your hips harder into him, feeling his clothed erection rub against you made the wetness grow between your legs. His kiss was desperate and needy as he tried to taste as much of you as he could, his tongue flicked into your mouth effortlessly and explored the opening, making you moan softly. You released his hair and he whimpered softly in your mouth before he shivered at the feeling of your hands running down his bare chest. He gripped your ass gently and picked you up, turning around and placing you on the couch.
Breaking away from the kiss, his lips trailed down your body, kissing and licking everywhere as his hands tugged slowly at your lace panties. A small smirk played on your lips as you moaned softly into the air. When he reached your wet core your panties were off and he wasted no time, spreading your sticky folds with his tongue and making a shocked gasp escape your mouth. His tongue was excited and sloppy, the strokes were irregular but something about it, the way he stared up at you as you moaned his name over and over and over, made stars blind your vision. your hands tangled in his hair and gently pushed his face deeper into your wetness. You needed to feel more of him. His hands gripped your hips gently, moaning softly as you tugged on his hair and sucked on your clit mercilessly. You felt your walls tighten as they craved him to enter you, you needed to feel more of him.
Taehyung removed one of his hands and slid a finger in you effortlessly, curling it against your most sensitive spot and thrusting it in you slowly. You moaned louder, feeling your high get closer with each thrust. He slid another finger in and you knew this wasn’t just to get you off, it was to get you ready for him. Excitedly you licked your lips and gyrated your hips into his hand, wanting your high to come faster. His tongue flicked against your clit faster and his fingers moved in you harder, your moans coming out airy and high.
The coil in your stomach wound tighter and tighter until it snapped, your legs shaking as you moaned his name loudly, as if it were the only thing you knew. He slid his fingers out slowly as you settled, placing a gentle kiss to your now sensitive bud then licked his fingers, sucking on them seductively as he stared in your eyes. When he was done he leaned up and kissed your neck, your arms immediately wrapping around his torso to hold him gently against you. His whispers caressed your ear and neck, sending pleasurable shivers down your spine. “You taste so good, ____.”
You smiled and blushed, running your nails down his back slowly. “Mmm, can I taste you?”
He blinked then looked at you, biting his lip and nodded slowly. Pulling away slowly and standing up slowly, you pulled him closer to you gently and undid his jeans, pulling them down to release his massive length. Your eyes widened at the width and length, taking it in your hands softly. “You’re so big, Tae.” You looked up at him shyly, meeting his own shy gaze. He simply smiled and shrugged, licking his lips nervously..
Laughing softly, you spit in your hand and stroked him slowly, watching as he moaned softly. “Mmm. Sit down.” You spoke softly, and he hesitated at first then sat down next to you. You turned your body so it was facing him and leaned over, taking the head of him in your mouth. He moaned softly and ran his hands through your hair, pushing it to the other side of your face so he could watch you. He fit as much of him your mouth as you possibly could until he hit the back of your throat. Something about the way he filled your mouth and the sounds he made just made you want him so much more. You moaned softly around his shaft and his groans of pleasure filled your ears. You had hardly moved but every second you stayed there, tightening the pressure in your mouth a little more as you hollowed out your cheeks made him stir in anticipation.
When you finally took him out of your mouth to breathe you gasped softly and stroked him, smiling and breathing heavily. He breathed heavily and caressed your shoulder gently. You put in back in your mouth and bobbed your head slowly, stroking what couldn’t fit in your mouth and moaning softly, letting him know that it's just as pleasurable to you as it is to him. He didn’t try to hide his moans, letting them come out soft and airy as you sucked on his hard member. Your tongue massaged his sensitive and when ever you took him out you licked up the length, looking at him as you did so with a smirk. He blinked and licked his lips, hands going to your breasts to fondle them gently.
Taehyung called your name softly and you looked at him, taking his length out of your mouth and smiled. He cupped your face and gently guided it up to his, pulling you onto his lap as your lips met. Your hand continued to stroke him as you lined it up with your opening, kissing him deeply before breaking it, staring into his eyes. His pupils were fully blown and the lovely brown you loved with all your heart could hardly be seen but the small smile on his lips let you feel all the love in his heart. Licking your lips slowly, you eased down onto him, both of you gasping softly at the feeling. Once you were settled you lifted up a bit the dropped back down, building a rhythm as your soft moans were echoed by his own.
This feeling was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. Your body was screaming for you to go faster but you couldn’t stand the idea of not being able to stare into his eyes like this. He bit your lip gently as his one of his hands fell to your waist, coaxing you to go a little faster but not enough to disrupt your gaze. Your forehead rested on his as you bounced a little harder, moaning louder and kissed his lips gently. He gripped your hip gently and thrusted up in you softly, slowly getting harder. You shivered at the feeling and moaned more, eyes fluttering shut as your mouth left his, going to his neck and biting gently. He moaned softly and squeezed your hip gently, thrusting harder and faster into you as the spell broke.
You sucked on the sensitive, trying to hold back your moans but his thrusting was beginning to become relentless, slamming you down onto him as though he needed to get deeper in you. He slowed and you looked at him confused before he wrapped your arms around his neck and stood slowly, holding you tightly against him. You bit your lip then kissed him deeply as he stepped out of his jeans and boxers.
Taehyung slowly laid you on the couch, kissing you repeatedly and smiling sweetly. He never left your warmth and began thrusting into you once you were both nicely settled. They were hard and deep and you moaned loudly, feeling him fill you more than he had in the previous position. His mouth was on yours instantly as you moaned his name, it was sloppy and eager but it felt so damn good. His thrusts picked up speed as his hand travelled down to your hip, gripping it tightly in a way that was bound to leave bruises but the pain it sent through you was completely overshadowed by the amount of pleasure he caused.
Your body felt like it was on fire, every inch of you on edge that just the slightest touch from him almost made you cum, and he couldn’t stop touching you. As he thrusted into you his lips travelled down your neck to your chest as best as e could, groaning in frustration when he couldn’t kiss your belly and working his way back up to your ear. His breath was shallow and hot as he moaned and whispered your name in your ear, making your walls tighten around him. He gasped softly and smiled, biting your neck gently. You moaned and tilted your head to the side, loving the way his teeth felt against you. He bit into you harder, sucking gently on the skin.
You moved your hips into him and felt your body burning hotter with each thrust by him, your nails gripping his hair tightly. He moaned and whimpered softly, looking in your eyes lovingly as he thrusted harder, just barely pounding your tight core. You moaned louder and arched your back, gripping his hair tighter. His eyes fluttered and he rested his forehead against yours, eyes staring deeply into yours as your high came closer. His thrusts were becoming irregular and you loved the way his eyes looked half dazed.
“I love you.” You spoke the words before you could think, before you could regret them even forming. His lips crashed into yours hard as he pounded into you, making you scream softly in his mouth as you were flooded by pleasure, eyes squeezing shut and your legs shaking against him. He didn’t slow down, just moaned into your mouth as you clenched around him, forcing his own climax to come.
After he finished, he slowed and gently laid on you, resting his head in the crook of your neck. You ran your hand over his back slowly, trying to calm your heart and breathing. His voice was a whisper as he kissed your neck. “I love you too.” A small smile spread on your lips as you squeezed him gently, giving him a small hug.
You stayed like that for a while, laying with him on top of you. There was no need to speak. There was no need for anything other than to just be together. To finally accept that this is where you were meant to be. He finally moved, getting off of you slowly and walking to the kitchen. You sat up and watched him, a small pit of sadness forming in your stomach.
When he returned he brought a carton of ice cream and two spoons, handing them to you then covering your eyes before turning on the light. “Why are you turning on the light? And why ice cream?” You pouted and looked at the flavor, Dulce de Leche.
Taehyung looked at you amused and took a spoon. “Well, I like ice cream. And because I wanted to see you.” You blushed and looked down, holding the spoon in your mouth. He lifted your chin gently and kissed you softly. “Thank you.”
You frowned and opened the ice cream, grabbing a spoonful. “What for?”
He sat next to you and pulled you close to him, putting a pillow under the carton. “For giving me today. For loving me.” He didn’t look at you for a while, eating the ice cream slowly.
You ate slowly, thinking over everything carefully. The ice cream was actually good and refreshing. “I’ve always loved you. It just took a while to realize how much.”
He opened his mouth to speak then closed it, smiling sadly at the ice cream. You frowned and nudged his arm. He sighed and looked at you then rubbed your cheek. “I don’t want to ruin it. This moment.”
Blinking slowly you realized what he was going to say. Rather, what he was going to ask. What about Yoongi. You chewed the inside of your cheek and stared at your hand where the small diamond ring sat. You couldn’t just leave him but something in you desperately needed Taehyung. He grabbed your hand and entwined your fingers slowly. “It's ok.”
You looked at him and blinked slowly. That had become your mantra every time either of you felt something might go wrong between you because of your emotions. You both loved each other too much to just leave but maybe he loved you so much more. You weren’t sure if you could ever stay by his side the way he stayed by yours. Taking a deep breath you pulled your hand away slowly, slipping the ring off and placing it on the end table. He watched you curiously but stayed silently. “For the next few days, there is no Yoongi, just us.”
He stared at you for a few heartbeats before he kissed you deeply, placing the ice cream next to the ring. There were no regrets, no doubts, just love.
The next few days went by too quickly. You made love to Taehyung more times in those three days than you had with Yoongi in the 10 months you had been together. Every morning and night that ended with Taehyung was magical and you hated that you had to go home, back to your old life. No. This was your new life. Your old life had magical moments in them all the time but it wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy this new one. It was filled with comfort and security and joy. Everything you could ever wish for. Yoongi was attentive to your needs, wants and desires. He absolutely adored you and would do anything and everything within his power to make sure you were happy.
When he came home, you had his favorite dinner ready for him, steak. He smiled and just short of ran to you, scooping you up in a tight hug as he twirled you in a circle. Your laughter filled the room as you cupped his face gently and kissed him. There was nothing wrong with the way you felt. You just loved two people at the same time, there was nothing wrong with that. “I missed you so much. It was so cold sleeping without you.”
You smiled sadly and rubbed his cheeks slowly. “It's ok baby. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled brightly and kissed you again, putting you down and running his hand down your back. “Mmm, let’s eat before it gets cold.” He nodded again and went to the table where his plate sat. You couldn’t have hated yourself more than you did in that moment.
After washing the dishes you decided to take a shower. You looked at your naked reflection in the mirror and frowned, eyeing all the bruises that you’ve accumulated over the past few days from Taehyung. Running your finger over them gingerly you shivered in pleasure as the memory of him taking you from behind on the kitchen table came back in your mind. Biting your lip gently, you quickly turned on the shower, making it cooler than usual and stepped in. The cold water made you gasp softly as it washed over you, forcing your body to cool the slow burning that it sparked when you thought of your lover.
Your mind travelled back to when Taehyung made love to you in the shower, the water running cold to calm the burning between you. You shivered and turned up the heat, washing your body slowly, sensuously lingering over your sensitive areas. You couldn’t have Yoongi because of your love marks but you couldn’t go back to Taehyung this time of night. You licked your lips slowly and ran your hand through your hair. When did you become such a terrible person. Yoongi doesn't deserve this, he could do so much better than you.
There was a soft knock on the door then Yoongi poked his blonde head in shyly. You looked at him and smiled, beckoning him into the bathroom. He stepped in and smile shyly, showing his naked body. You blinked slowly and blushed, remembering just how beautiful your fiancee’s body was, all lean muscle and wonderfully smooth skin the color of moonlight. He licked his lips slowly and walked closer. “Can I shower with you?” His voice was soft and deep, lustful. You bit your lip and nodded slowly. He climbed in the shower and kissed you gently.
You ran your hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face and looked at him warmly. His eyes scanned your body slowly, narrowing slightly at your hips then went back to yours. He gently pushed you against the wall and kissed your neck, sucking the soft skin hard. You moans softly and gripped his arms gently. Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up gently, you legs wrapping around his waist on instinct.
He gripped your thighs gently and kissed along your jaw slowly. “Do you want me to fuck you now or later?” You licked your lips and looked at him shyly. His voice was different, harder, rougher, sexier.
“Now.” Your voice was breathy and he thrusted in you immediately making you gasp and moan at the feeling of being filled. You licked your lips and kissed his ear, moaning softly in it. “Fuck me.”
And he did, thrusting rapidly into you as though it was the only thing he could do. His grip was tight as it slid to your ass, his groans were deep and vibrated against your chest as he bit down on your collarbone, sucking roughly. You scratched down his back, leaving claw marks and moaned his name loudly, loving the change in him. It was so intense and exciting.
His hand released your ass and quickly brought it down, slapping the wet skin and squeezing it. You gasped loudly and ground your hips against him slowly, biting your lip and arching your back into him. The water that was once steaming the room now seemed chilled, cooling you both as he let you down gently, turning you so you were pressed against the wall and spread your legs. His lips grazed over your shoulder slowly as he slid back into your warmth. You moaned softly and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his body against yours. He slapped your ass again, harder, and kissed your neck, now covering this side in dark purple bruises that claimed you as his own.
His thrusts in you were merciless as he made you scream, rubbing your clit to edge you further. You felt your orgasm coming over you like a wave and accepted it, knowing that it wouldn’t be your last. He moaned as you tightened around him and slowed to a nice pace, hand moving away from your wetness to rub your sides lovingly. You felt the slight pain of being overstimulated but it only made you eager for his climax. He kissed your ear and smiled against the skin, thrusting hard and deep in you. You moaned loudly and tightened your hands into fists, fighting to hold back the tears forming in your eyes. It was much more than you thought it would be, the amount of pleasure was almost painful but there was no way you would stop. You felt higher than you had in a long while.
Yoongi usually never fucks you like this, only a few times when he had a rough day at work and you welcomed it but even this. It was different. It was dark and primal. He gripped the flesh of your ass gently and pulled you in to meet his thrusts, making you moan loudly. You felt the tight coil forming in you again so soon after the first one. His thrusts were quickly becoming rougher and rougher as he came closer to his high. “Cum for me baby.” His voice was soft and breathy, whispering in your ear. You let go of your hold, giving in to the pleasure as he pounded into you.
You moaned loudly and felt your go weak, the only thing holding you up was Yoongi’s hands and the wall. Your vision was blinded by something, whether it was white light or just darkness, you weren’t sure. All you knew was the wave of pleasure the consumed you sent Yoongi over the edge and he came deep in you, moaning loudly and squeezing you to him tightly.
His lips kissed your neck and he laughed softly, sliding out of you and holding you against him. Once you were sure you could stand on your own, you turned to face him and kissed him gently. “What brought that on?”
He smiled warmly then shrugged and looked away, letting you go and starting to wash himself. “Who knows, maybe I’m just in a bad mood.”
You frowned and watched him while you leaned against the wall. “You don’t look like you’re in a bad mood.”
“I’ve developed these wonderful skills where I can hide my emotions from everyone.” He shrugged again and stood directly under the water, letting it wash over him. You watched him for a while then nodded, hugging him gently then started washing yourself. The rest of the shower carried on in silence.
He looked at you pull the oversized shirt on then took a deep breath, sitting on the bed. “So who is it?”
You froze and looked at him nervously. He pat the spot next to him and raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t do that. I’m pissed, yes. I’m hurt, but at the end of the day you came home and you’re here with me. I won’t do anything, I just want to know who you fucked while I was gone.” He stared at you blankly and although you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him, his tone was cold, detached.
You swallowed softly and sat next to him, looking down at your hands. “I didn’t mean to. I mean I did but I had been fighting it for so long.”
“Taehyung.” You felt the tears form in your eyes, knowing that you would never be able to see him again after this.
Yoongi was still for a long time as your tears slowly left your eyes. He wrapped his arm around you slowly and rubbed your arm. “Don’t cry.” He took a deep breath and lifted your chin to look in your eyes. “Do you love him? Is that why…?”
You looked at him and felt your heart breaking, of course he was crying. You were the only girl he ever really loved after everything he went through. Every person he ever cared about ended leaving him, in one way or another. You couldn’t lie to him though, so you nodded slowly.
He took a shaky breath and wiped your tears slowly. “Then go. I won’t keep you here if you don’t love me.”
You grabbed his hand gently and kissed it. “But I do love you. I love you both.”
“You can’t. You have to choose.” Yoongi’s eyes were shining and silently pleading, praying that you would choose him.
You kisses him gently and nodded, holding onto him gently. You couldn’t leave him, you just felt in your bones that you had to be with Yoongi. “I choose you.” He sighed against your lips and pulled you tightly against him. Telling Taehyung would be painful but he would understand, he had to.
Present day.
You sat in the bridal room, greeting your family and friends, smiling and pretending to be happy. Even Yoongi sent you multiple texts saying it would be prefectlyfine to move the date back, everyone would be fine. After you told Taehyung that you chose Yoongi, that although they three days you spent together was amazing, that was all you could have, he took it fine. Surprisingly so. He said his mantra to you and stuck by your side, sticking to the old rules of not being alone together.
Everything was fine, everyone was happy again, or so you thought. A week ago you found out you were pregnant. Rushing to your gynecologist to figure out how far along you were. You seem to be about 6 weeks pregnant, congratulations. 6 weeks ago you had slept with both Taehyung and Yoongi. Having slept with them both in the same day at that. You cursed yourself for being so stupid but at the same time you were so happy. Yoongi didn’t force you to stop talking to Taehyung and after they talked about everything amongst themselves, Taehyung knew that you would be happy and was satisfied with that. No matter who the father was, they’d both be in your life. That should be good enough for you, right?
You readied yourself at the door, the ceremony was about to begin. The veil over your eyes made everything seem like a white hazy dream as your father squeezed your arm gently. You smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder briefly. Your song started and the doors opened. Taking the first step out into the bright sunlight, walking slowly down the aisle to Yoongi. He looked like a prince with his all white suit, accented by lilac accessories. His hair was perfectly messy with a flower crown that matched your own adorned on his head.
When Dohee and Taehyung reached their spot, they separated, Taehyung taking his place next to Yoongi as the best man. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat as you smiled to your father and he lifted your veil then went to his seat in the front row. You walked a few steps to stand in front of Yoongi, who had tears sparkling in his eyes. “You are so beautiful.” His voice was a whisper and you smiled, taking his hand in yours gently.
The ceremony went smoothly and although neither of you prepared your own vows, it was still beautiful. You kissed him for the first time all day and smiled to the audience as you became Mrs. Min Yoongi.
During pictures you posed and smiled like you were supposed to but you weren’t truly happy. You had to tell the boys but they were both so happy, how could you? Taehyung noticed you weren’t happy and came over, “Are you regretting turning me down? I think we can get an annulment now if you like.” He smiled and rubbed your arm
You frowned and shook your head. “It's not that, I’m happy I married him it's just…”
“That I’m so amazing you can’t believe you’re really mine forever?” Yoongi came up behind you and kissed your cheek, making Taehyung groan.
“She liked me first you know.”
“She married me~”
“Guys enough. We promised not to fight over me, remember?” You sighed and took both of their hands, looking at them concerned. “I have news.”
They looked at each other then at you confused. You took a deep breath then smiled brightly. “I’m pregnant.”
Taehyung’s face was a mixture of hurt and confusion while Yoongi’s was just ecstatic. “I mean, congrats but why did you need to tell me now?”
Yoongi groaned as he hugged you gently. “Because you’re her best friend and she wanted you to be one of the firsts to know.”
“Hmm, yes but also. Tae, it may be your baby.” You spoke softly and Yoongi let you go, looking at you confused then your belly.
Taehyung blinked slowly and shook his head. “How far along are you?”
“7 weeks. That’s exactly how long ago we had our…. Couple of days.”
“Wait, it wasn’t just a one time thing? It was days?” Yoongi stared at you in disbelief but you were watching Taehyung, the light slowly growing in his eyes.
“Maybe. When can you find out?”
“Next week.”
“Then we’ll go with you.” Yoongi frowned at being ignored but nodded, putting his arm on the younger boy’s shoulder and smiling at you reassuringly.
One week later.
“Well as unorthodox as this is it seems they’re both the father.”
“What?” The three of you question the doctor and you held up your hand. “How is that possible.”
She handed you a picture, smiling softly and pointing at the two little dots. “You’re having twins.”
You blinked and stared at the dots, feeling tears forming in your eyes. You covered your mouth and smiled wide. “Twins.” You touched your belly slowly and looked at the two boys you loved the most in the world, both of them hugging each other and happy. “We’re having twins.”
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dawnajaynes32 · 5 years
A Circuitous Path to Haydn's Mass in Time of War
 A Circuitous Path to Haydn’s Mass in Time of War
Matthew Jenkins Jaroszewicz
Dr. Britt Cooper
Canton Symphony Chorus
Soprano Heather Phillips
Mezzo-Soprano Sandra Ross
Tenor Tim Culver
Baritone Michael Roemer
By Tom Wachunas
   It would seem that the timing of the March 23 MasterWorks  concert from the Canton Symphony Orchestra (CSO) – a few weeks into Lent -  was no accident. If the mission of the program was to leave the audience awed enough to ponder and savor heavenly matters, it was ultimately accomplished with glorious panache. But the road to get there was paved with strange intentions.
   The evening began on a decidedly funereal note with the Leopold Stokowski transcription of Henry Purcell’s Dido’s Lament. Purcell’s 1688 chamber opera, Dido and Aeneas, was based on Book IV of Virgil's Aeneid, and tells of Dido, Queen of Carthage, her love for for the Trojan hero Aeneas, and her suicidal despair when he abandons her to return to Italy. Dido’s Lament was named for the story’s final aria, among the most arresting moments in all of opera: “When I am laid in earth, may my wrongs create no trouble in thy breast. Remember me but forget my fate.”
   Stokowski once offered this observation to fellow conductors: “We have to try to understand and give to the listening public what we consider was in the mind of the composer.”  CSO Assistant Conductor Matthew Jenkins Jaroszewicz clearly took that sage advice to heart.  He let Stokowski’s sublime arrangement for lush-sounding strings do all the singing and  directed his attentive ensemble through slowly unfolding, nuanced layers of the bittersweet melody, beautifully augmented by poignant soloing from principal cellist, Brian Klickman. 
     One might reasonably hope that after experiencing the searing emotionality of the lament, the next program selection would offer something less morose, more uplifting, or at least gracefully optimistic. Instead, Igor Stravinsky’s suite of eight pieces from his music for the ballet, Pulcinella, was an oddly frenetic interlude in this context. After drinking so deeply of Dido’s pathos, Pulcinella, even in its most pleasant moments, had all the grace of a hiccup. The fault, if it could be called one, was neither in the orchestra’s adventurous performance nor in the brisk conducting by Jaroszewicz.
   In 1920, Stravinsky was so impassioned by his study of the charming simplicity he encountered in assorted choral and instrumental scores by 18th-century Italian composer Giovanni Pergolesi (and a handful of other forgotten composers) that he re-worked them for his ballet score. If the music sounds like  a somewhat scatterbrained exercise in thematic meandering, it’s only because it reflects the dual nature of Pulcinella himself. He was a comic hero who became a stock character in 17th century Neapolitan commedia dell’arteproductions. Depending on a given scenario, he could be a crass, silly bumpkin, or a proud, witty thief, and often both.
    As it was, the orchestra pranced through all the suite’s spasmodic twists of harmonies, textures, and rhythms in a spirit of giddy abandon. Fortunately, the intermission afforded enough distance from such worldly wanderings so we could more calmly prepare for passage into loftier realms. After all, we were about to be taken to church.
   Responding to a complaint that the ending of one of his Masses was too frolicsome, Franz Joseph Haydn said, “I cannot write them otherwise. When I think of God, my heart is so full of joy that the notes gush forth as from a fountain. Since God has given me a joyful heart, He will forgive me for having served Him joyfully.” Haydn composed Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War) in the autumn of 1796, a notably unjoyful time. France and Austria were at war, and Napolean’s army was advancing toward Vienna.
   Under the commanding baton of Dr. Britt Cooper, Director of the Canton Symphony Chorus, singers and orchestra delivered a reverent, brilliantly paced account of this dramatic work that was wholly magnificent. Cooper’s meticulous sensitivity to the ebb and flow of expressive aural dynamics in the work – when to be loud, when to be soft - was impeccable.  The vocal quartet – featuring the crystalline luster of soprano Heather Phillips, the steady warmth of mezzo-soprano Sandra Ross, the radiance of tenor Tim Culver, and the robust sonority of baritone Michael Roemer - was spellbinding. Additionally, the large chorus was itself an auditory phenomenon of astonishing clarity and power, and always in perfect balance with the orchestra.
   While Haydn effectively implied some of the wartime angst of his day in the final part of this Mass, the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), the stunning music eventually soars above the morbid. Yes, it began with the chorus voicing an urgent, somber plea for mercy amid the encroaching sounds of timpani sounding out an ominous march. But bright trumpet fanfares signal hope, and the chorus begins to voice divine assurance in a dance-like rhythm, repeating dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace. Haydn’s notes, gushing forth as from a fountain. In the end, not only God, but we too, had been served joyfully.
A Circuitous Path to Haydn's Mass in Time of War syndicated post
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