#that’s more specific. when it’s kinda open like this it’s hard to explain properly how i write him cuz as you can tell my brain is a fuckin
hystixia · 4 months
heyy dont get your hopes up because im extremely shit at this, but i may be writing a jeff mason x reader fanfic lmaoooo but heres the catch (totally fine if you dont want to do this) i always chicken out and overthink the characterization of jeff- i need some tips from THE jeff mason writer jgdgdfkjgnd like how u write him is so perfect *swoons*
I FUCKING LOVE HOW I HAVE SO MANY TITLES AND THIS IS A NEW ONE OMG OAODKADKEO “THE jeff mason writer” you’re so sweet omgomg im kissing you sm right now AKDOWOFOGKW
honestly though i just imagine what his mannerisms are like if that makes sense ?? i watched his case file so many times i could literally picture different ways he’d act in certain scenarios in a fic if i ever wrote one ( which i eventually did MAODOWODEO ) writing dialogue might just be the hardest part abt him though. cuz his dialogue ( at listen visually looking at it on a screen ) is written differently compared to how i’d normally write for “jeff the killer” ( this is just my own take and personal preference on writing his dialogue btw. you do not have to try what i do. it’s just to give a little more detail to him and it itches that one part of my brain when i read my own fics.) if that makes sense. whenever i’m writing for him, i make sure i can picture him actually saying/doing whatever im writing in my head ( kinda like watching a scene of a movie play out in your mind ) or else i try to rewrite it to sound more like jeff mason. im really bad at explaining shit because all i can really say is watch his case file and really focus on what he says and how he behaves to get a grasp of his character. and then mess around with dialogue until you think or know it sounds like something he’d say !!
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If you’re still doing the 100 follower HC request, would love Zoro and prompt about How they are when you take care of them when they’re hurt! 🫶🏽
it’s still open! Thank you for the ask 💚
I’ve been wanting to try my hand at Zoro, so I’m hoping this is in character!
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Zoro Headcanons: How he is when you’re taking care of him when he’s hurt
We have seen Chopper’s struggles with handling an injured Zoro.
The man has a dream to make into a reality so you best believe he doesn’t have time for this resting thing
He’ll just sleep it off, no problem
So he sleeps
You were assigned to watch over him and make sure he doesn’t do anything to undo Doctor Chopper’s hard work
Nami and Robin tipped off the cute little doctor that you had a way of convincing the future world’s greatest swordsman of things
When he wakes up, he is raring to go
“Chopper said you were confined to bed rest until…uh…well, for three days”
“Hah? Like hell I am, I feel fine!”
“Dear Zoro, you must understand that rest is a part of training.”
He does not appreciate your tone
He also does not believe you
You have to dumb things down a little bit and finesse them to even convince him to listen to you explain how the body works on a basic level
Chopper is nodding along with his arms folded across his fluffy little reindeer chest the precious doctor
He came in to check on Zoro and stayed for your lecture
“Alright! Alright! I get it already so just be quiet.”
“So you’re going to rest then?”
He isn’t the most cooperative, but he does relent
Especially when you reiterate things in a much firmer tone and explain how if he doesn’t rest, he can risk never getting to hold a sword ever again
You stress how resting can make him stronger, again
He actually listens this time, kinda
He really is just attempting to sleep it off and try again when he wakes up
He is not happy when you still won’t let him have his way
Initially he isn’t the happiest camper that you’re taking care of him
He’s kind of embarrassed annoyed that you’re stuck looking after him
It’s annoying he even got himself into this kind of state
If he were stronger you wouldn’t need to bother with any of this to begin with
Quickly becomes annoyed with your hovering
Becomes annoyed with how you don’t let him do anything for himself initially
He was confined to bed rest by Chopper and you followed the doctor’s orders diligently
So diligently that you set up camp in his sleeping quarters to make absolutely sure he behaves himself
He’s convinced your Observation Haki is specifically honed to him
Whether you have Haki or not, he feels you must have Observation Haki with how he can’t sneak past you at all.
He does appreciate you though
He overhears you negotiating walks for him early on, and while he does try to push his limits, he’s a touch more cooperative
It’s still annoying that you’re blocking his training area, but it’s even more annoying when it’s someone else blocking him off
He starts wondering where you’ve gone when he wakes up and you’re not there
(He still can’t get any training done)
(You hid his stuff and have all sorts blockades to his training zone)
He kind of got used to taking your meals together, so when he’s well enough to wander around, he will summon you for lunch time
He is grumpy with you forcing him to pace himself with his training when he is allowed to resume it
you did have to hide his weights
You also fought Luffy a bit for revealing your hiding place and had to hide them somewhere else
Borderline threatened you (he employed heavy intimidation) if you wouldn’t give his stuff back
Was impressed with how you stood your ground and didn’t cave
Becomes a touch more cooperative after that
The crew has some fun reactions to watching Zoro suffer through recovery
Chopper is overjoyed with how Zoro is actually properly resting for a change
Robin is deeply amused by how the self-proclaimed wild beast has been tamed
She enjoys helping you with your attempts to force him to go through recovery properly
Sanji is not pleased with all the attention Zoro is getting from you
Luffy tried debating you to let Zoro do whatever once, did not dare to try again
Nami is smirking and enjoying watching Zoro slowly lose his mind
She attempts to extort him and it doesn’t work (he doesn’t understand how you have a sixth sense for him ignoring Chopper’s Doctor’s Orders but at least you saved him some berries)
Usopp keeps trying to reason with Zoro in your favor. His results are…well he tried at least.
Brook tries to lighten the mood with music. It doesn’t go very well.
Franky is mostly indifferent and mentions that if Zoro had a SUPER body like his then he wouldn’t need nearly as much recovery time.
Zoro considered it for a moment if just to get you off his back
Immediately disregards it when you liken being a cyborg to cheating his way to being the greatest swordsman.
While he didn’t like being hovered over, he does feel like something is missing when you don’t watch over him anymore
He’s allowed to go full power after a while of being forced to lower sets
Shocks himself with new records
Seems you were right about this resting thing
You returned all his weights and things
You’ve also resumed your own stuff and he doesn’t see you nearly as much anymore
So now he naps wherever you are
Complains when you nag him to rest on a bed / soft surface
Is confused at why he kinda enjoys it
Complies anyhow
He’s woken up to you asleep at your workstation/desk and carried you to bed because he’s kind like that
Still makes you take your meals with him
Will seek you out and drag you to the kitchen
Says something about “resting” and “building strength”
It’s touching that he seemed to listen to you…
Or so it seemed until he goes all out again, and now you're stuck babysitting both him and Luffy because you’re weak to Chopper and the cute doctor asked you for help after fawning over how great you are at forcing rehabilitation on the most stubborn of idiots.
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Hi hi! I love how in depth and detailed you are when making/creating characters, or even when talking about other characters.
but I was curious, I wanted to be more inclusive/have more representation of PoC with my art works. But I do not know where to begin, or how to properly do research especially with how to research history and find accurate articles or so on.
Which I was curious on if you have any tips or pointers on how to do this/do my homework correctly?
THANKS!! OOOOhhhh I love research! And for a recent Spidersona, I had to do something like this. So here's the process I use to say things that kinda sorta make sense sometimes
How to Learn Any Topic RIGHT NOW- (kinda)
[A slightly LONG length post where I talk about my biggest resource and my number one tactic for sounding like you know your shit in an hour or less. Plus a list of educational Youtubers]
In High School, I mastered an art. The Art of 'Skyrim Speech 100'. The way to sound like you know what you're talking about, and form a pretty solid foundation of information in one sitting.
I am DEADASS CONVINCED that I have it boiled down to a very specific scientific formula. I got this I okay. I gotchu I swear I'm bout to have you like this im so deadass -
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For me personally, the best resource is YouTube. One Website - Three Videos. And you're GOOD.
I have ADHD so - huge attention issues, so videos are a go to for me.
But I also really appreciate seeing the person explaining things to me. Finding good websites can be HARD, especially nowadays where a lot of websites might not even be written by humans, just clobbered together by AI.
For me, YouTube lets me see the person behind the channel, and it's a lot easier for me to vet the information if it's coming from one person who is open about their identity/certifications.
If their whole channel is dedicated to one thing, you can usually tell when they're very dedicated/educated on a topic, and I feel a lot more comfortable listening to them. Rather than reading random websites with writers I don't know/can't see.
Longform Youtube can be SO GOOD.
I'm gonna list some at the bottom - but you can find channels on everything. From architecture, to historical dress, to subway systems, entire cultures, etc.
In recent years Youtube has made a big push for longform content - so I recommend checking out videos that are 15 minutes OR MORE.
Not only is that enough time to go in depth, but because it's a video - the information is fed to you in a linear fashion. It's a lot more conversational and visual than reading a website.
If you hear something and need to remember, you can always go back. It can be hard to go back to a webpage and find the exact line, but videos are a bit easier.
Try for find Youtubers that focus on ONE topic - or creators who go in depth about a wide array of interesting things (like Tom Scott or Anthony Padilla). Look for Doctors and Professors - A lot of educational professionals have youtube channels now. And they'll usually be upfront about it, searching things like 'History Professor explains X' or 'Doctor explains Y'. TEDTalks are good for this too. Look for people who are, or have the thing you're representing - If you're writing for a disability, it's always good to watch a video about the day in the life of someone with it - mental illnesses too. And there are a lot of great youtubers that easily break down things like cultural practices - or the issues they face because of their identity. Look for news channels. Watch current events. Vice, BBC, Channel 4, and have a lot of good current news, and they're posting videos every day. These videos show real life conditions while explaining it all, and they're really helpful for knowing about current political/cultural topics. DOCUMENTARIES!!!! - There is a documentary on anything. You can quote them in academics, and unlike movies, people post them on YouTube ALL the time, and people make them all the time. If you need to know about something, DOCUMENTARY.
I love using videos for everything, and below is how I use them:
I have a method that usually helps me sound like I'm super knowledgeable - By casting a very wide and very specific net over any topic. By narrowing any topic down to three parts, you can learn about 40% of a topic, but sound like you know 80%.
How to Teach Yourself Any Topic (in an hour and some change)
Three step method.
Watch three longform videos (15+ mins) about the topic. Each video about something slightly different.
The first video is about The History. This teaches us about the background of the topic. The second video is about The Expert Opinion. This teaches us about the reality of the topic. The third video is about a Random Topic inside of the main topic. This is to make us sound smart (in school)/add details or inspiration (while making characters).
Watch a fifteen minute video about each of these things, and in less than an hour, you'll have a pretty solid foundation of what it is, where it came from, and random (but surprisingly useful) details.
And when I say random I MEAN RANDOM. Can be anything - the niche, the better.
I'll give an example below with real search results and videos.
[I also give tips on how to search by topic (culture, religion, time period, etc) - as well as a list of educational BUT FUN Youtubers]
Example: I wanna make a Victorian Era Spider-woman.
The History Video - I watch a video about the general era, or what it was like being a woman in that time. I searched: Women in Victorian Era I found a real video titled: The Daily Life of a Victorian Lady
The Expert Opinion - I wanted to design her outfit accurately, so I looked for a Dress Historian's opinion on 1880's outfits I searched: Victorian Era Fashion I found a real channel: Bernadetta Banner (a channel all about recreating historical dresses - by a Broadway costume designer.)
The Random Topic - I don't know much about the Victorian Era..but I know theres two topics people always relate to the era - Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper. I chose Sherlock. Sooooo, I watched a video about whether BBC sherlock was better than Downy Sherlock. Why? Because in 15 minutes it tells me about the show, the movie, AND the book - ALSO while teaching about the time period. I searched: BBC Sherlock vs Book I found a real video titled: Sherlock vs Sherlock - Which Iteration is Superior.
So after three 15-20 minute videos I know the history, the facts, and some random niche details of a topic.
Do I know everything about it? Not at all! But doing that, usually you can probably get through a conversation without freaking out too much.
By doing all that - I now know enough about the Victorian Era. From those videos I can accurately write an average Victorian woman, design her outfit accurate to the era, and also infuse some Victorian literature influence into her story.
All in an hour.
It works for other people character's too. Watching a video on the 70's, a video on the Punk Movement, and then a video of lets say a video about the band Ramones
Some ideas for different topics:
If you want to show a character from a different time period -
If you're trying to write a character like Hobie, first watch a video about the history of the period - to understand when they were living. Then watch a video on their style/subculture - like the Punk movement. Then pick a specific band/media from the era and watch a video on it.
Sidebar: This is actually how I made Diane! I have little to no idea about the 70's outside of Punk. So searched up the history of 70's Disco, a video by Glamour about 1970's fashion, and I only knew one or two Disco singers (Donna Summer & Diana Ross) - so I chose Diana Ross. Diana is the direct inspiration for Diane's name and big hair. I never reference Diana, but it helps Diane fit the Disco theme, by emulating one of THE disco queens.
If you want to show a character from a different country -
Like India for example, a good place to start is watching a video about the history of India, then watching a vlog from someone in India (in the area you're thinking of), then watch a video about Indian fashion, or indian street food, or indian family traditions - so you can sprinkle those details into the story or conversation. Then you can build from there. Big tip: If they're from the city watch a video about the city's transit/subway system if they have one. It's a VERY fast way to learn the city, and make it sound like they actually live there, even if you're just name dropping stations and town squares.
If you want to show a character with a mental illness, disability or condition -
Start off by searching the background of the condition. Have a doctor break down what it is, how it effects the body, the mind, or both. Then watch a video of an average person with the condition, and their experience day to day. Then try and find a specific advocate, celebrity, or influence who goes into depth about it and how they empower themselves.
If you want to show someone from a different religion -
Watch a video about the beliefs of the religion, then the history of the religion, then a video of someone who practices the religion.
Now disclaimer, this won't make you actually know everything about the topic - but at the very least, you'll probably be using the terms and words right. And you might be able to think up your own thought from there.
I used this ALL THROUGH High School.
If I know next class is about Marie Antoinette - yeah sure lemme go run and learn about her life history, her fashion taste, and the architecture of the Palace of Versailles in an hour.
Now I can talk about her childhood, personality, and where she lived.
The Great Gatsby? Never read it and I never will. The movie? NEVER SEEN IT. I searched up the history/inspiration of the author, watched a video on the book's plot and symbolism, then watched a video on the book vs the movie.
From there I kinda understood what the book was about, why the author might have written it, the symbolic ho-ha, and the extra details as if I watched the movie too.
And from there I could formulate whether I think the symbolism matters to our modern day society and why the director changed small details from the book, and etc, etc.
It was enough for me to bullshit and say words and usually people are like 'yeah you seem to be making sense' lol
HELL throw in ANOTHER video about the lives of women in the 1920's and I could probably bullshit an argument on how the Great Gatsby reflects gender roles in the Flapper Era. Like gun to my head I could probably come up with something im so deadass
Also disclaimer: use this for good don't be walking around like you Know Know Shit cause someone might check you and then i cant help you this is just a way to understand the basis of topics and be able to form thoughts and hold conversations about them or use them in your art and writing.
Plus it's a great way to gather strong resources for your art and writing.
It's a lot easier to show characters in a natural accurate way when you've curated a very rounded understanding of the topic or era - not just in an educational historical sense.
For the purposes of character creation, essays, sounding like you know anything in conversations - this does help. And you do start absorbing stuff. It's just about breaking the topic down, and learning about it in blocks.
If you understand the history, you can understand the now, and if you understand the now, you can understand the nuance. Like that.
I hope this helped! And because tis customary here, take this photo of Hobart Brown and go forth
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And because I cannot send you off into the wild with no place to start here are some of my favorite youtubers that are actually FUN - here's a list.
Youtube Channels
Bernadette Banner - Historical Clothing Expert specializing in Edwardian - Victorian
RMTransit - Videos about subway systems, buses, and public transit across the world. VERY quick way to realistically learn about a city
Anthony Padilla - Has lots of 'I Spent a Day With-' videos, where he sits down with people. Has videos ranging on things from Dipolar Disorder and ADHD to things like Asexuality and Ex-Mormons. Good for getting multiple honest experiences of people.
ReligionForBreakfast - Simple approachable videos about religions, their histories and beliefs. Made by a doctor of Religious Studies
Cognito - VERY good historical, cultural, and geographical videos, all cutely animated
Tasting History with Max Miller - Historically accurate cooking videos with really cool stories and histories to match
Vice News - Very good, very vetted Left-leaning news source. Vice and Vice News are two different things. Vice News is really good for current events videos on things like conflicts in countries.
Johnny Haris - slightly longer explainer videos about countries, geography, history, and weird quirks
Vox - Short detailed explainers about....anything really.
Weird History - .....It's history that's weird
Absolute History - Longer Documentaries about History, mainly the 1900's
CrowsEyeProductions - Really good Historical Fashion videos of 1400-2000's
Morgon Donner - ANOTHER Historical Fashion channel (they're really interesting yall) that focuses more on Medieval era
J.J McCullough - REALLY good videos about culture in general, as well as geography videos full of full interesting facts (did you know Nepal is the only country with a flag not four sided?) He also has some spicy takes on Canadian and Quebec politics that are interesting to me as an American but ????
Kati Moron - A therapist who makes videos about the experiences of mental illnesses and their treatment
Dr. Tracey Marks - A Doctor who makes short videos explaining the symptoms and experiences of neurodivergences and mental illnesses
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cafecourage · 2 years
Dragon Au Part 2
I am saying these here, Thank you @luimagines to help describe Hyrule. My brain was dead on that stream thank you for being my brain cell.
Hc under here:
Sky as a dragon is very lizard like, think Nightfury from Httyd, his scales are typically black but if you shine light on them they sparkle as if stars were encased in them.Sky has a bit of light magic but because of the amount of knight training his lighting magic is the strongest. It gets to the point where he could control the storms itself. Sky is second for fastest flier in the group.
His scent gland is on his back between the wings, this man goes full cat mode sometimes when claiming things as his. It's actually kinda cute in a way.
Since you are human, Sky would go around courting a human as well. Trying to keep things at your pace. See if you like him back or not. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you but just asks straight out.
Like most of the Link’s it happens by accident but Sky did know what he was doing when letting you ‘steal’ his sailcloth.
It was hard to steal things from dragons, mostly because to them its an immediate sign of threat. Traveling around with nine of them has been an eye opener for you, with how they kept things secret from you. It was until the roose was up that they actually told you. Which was fine it didn’t explain anything about their behavor from you. But you assumed your were just apart of their horde or whatever. From what you understood however was that Sky was very relax about giving you his sailcloth. To the point wear you just steal it off of him to wear around or sleep with. The others seem to give you a look when you do wear it willingly. Other then that they let you do what you want with it.
Sky promises to himself that he will explain to you why soon enough. For now he just wants to enjoy his time with you and court you properly as a human.
Stated before Sky wants to follow human traditions with dating and such. It gets to the point where he probably won't tell you about being a dragon to begin with even with their trust.
Frustrations might ride high if another dragon tries to flirt with you even though you’re claimed. But he can keep his head. It’s Sky after all, he is quick to hold on to you.
Now this was talked about. If you somehow. Some way. Mark yourself. By accident. He will instantly turn into a house-husband of sorts. It’s a strange incident.
While having the biggest horde of the group Legend is probably the smallest dragon. His body takes the form of a small rabbit with the horns and wings. While most of his body is fur, his horns, wings and tail have pinky opalescent scales. 
Like Time, Legend is a jack of all trades master of none when it comes to his magic. Legend because the amount of things can use each element in the basic forms. But his element is earth, specifically crystals, each gem he can bring out the magic they hold with in. Ruby houses fire, Sapphire houses water etc etc.
Legend hates the smell of his own claim, making things smell like a rainy day, that he tends to do physical claims. His scent gland is on his elbow. He is still going to elbow someone in the gut.
The chain may or may not have something connecting them back to the Vet. Its definitely not a familial claim. Nope. Not at all. 
The claim set by Legend was almost as soon as you got yeeted into hyrule. He looked at you and went “this one.” Not literally. He more or less recognized you as the person that watched over him and instantly gave you a power ring. He wants you to be safe. It's not a claim claim. At least… it wasn’t supposed to be.
Something changed, or it could have been his dragon instincts told him that the claim should be something more. More it became. Little to your knowledge that small ring you wear was telling the world that you're his and only his. What does the group think about this? They are all cackling behind both of your backs.
Legend will tell you soon enough. Don’t worry. It will probably be when he shows you the horde underneath his house. It’s one of the biggest out of the group. 
Since what is his is yours so to say your aloud to actually use some of his stuff. Just… not the fire rod. You're banned from all fire magic items.
There are going to be many times the chain would catch you cuddling a small bunny dragon during an afternoon nap.
Hyrule is the most fantastical dragon of the group, with stained glass dragonfly wings. The top of his body is covered in green scales while his belly is orange. Hyurle has a man, while it has the appearence of hair, his ancles, wrists, tail and around his neck are lined with feelers. Small thin feather like antenna that used to feel signals and chemicals in the air. They are incredibly sensitive as a result and tend to move and ungelate as if they were underwater. He has three orange horns on his head, one in the middle of his head like a unicorn and two pointed backwards. (Thank Pinky for helping to write that explanation.)
With his ties to the fae Hyrules magic element is nature but is strongly connected to the fae, as he can use the same magic as they could. Examples being, glamor, healing, he can also upgrade weapons and armor for a limited amount of time. There is a way to permanently upgrade the item but for hyrule it has to be small or else he uses too much magic.
His scent glands are on the inner part of his forearm, his scent is a mix of pine, cinnamon and vanilla. 
While he is aware of his body, his tail seems to have a mind of its own and tends to hit into things alot. This mainly happens in two scenarios, one is when he is angry and his tail is swishing to mimic his mood. Second is when he is very happy and content, he will purr as his tail swishes.
There wasn’t much to Hyrules claim as he didn’t want to scent you. Since that was going to be an issue for you when you get to his Era. But at least he tells you about his feelings and explains that a Dragon’s claim is how they court. He wants to make you something physical and that will last for a while. So with Wild’s and Legends help Hyrule crafts and enchants a bracelets. It ends up to being a flower bracelet that he has woven. While he made a design Legend and Wild helped refined it and help gather the materials he needed for the enchantment. Not only will it protect you, only you can take it off. Just so no other dragons try to take away the claim.
Hyrule would be more likely out of all the links to be protective over his hoard. During his adventuer he easly took the hoards of many other dragons. He is self aware enough to know that can happen to him at any time.
He is also touch starved. So while he doesn’t want his scent on you, its more likely your gonna have it on him anyway.
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Hands And Lips
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Summary: Snow Is mad at me for a change.
Carry On Countdown: fluff
Words: 575
Snow is mad at me for a change.
I was on my way to a music room for my violin practice when I felt myself being pulled into an empty corridor. Now, he has me cornered against a wall. His magic spills out of him.
I want to go to rehearsal. I hope this will be quick. I look him straight in the eye and raise an eyebrow.
"I saw what you did yesterday," he says.
"Be more specific. You spend all day following me around."
He lets out a growl. Sounds like a very annoyed cat.
"I saw you with Agatha. You kissed her."
Oh, that. True, but it's not as he thinks.
I ran into her on the playground. She was coming out of Lacrosse and I was coming out of Soccer. We said hello and I noticed she looked kinda sore and was rubbing her hand. I asked her about it; she fell during practice. I offered to fix her up and she accepted.
Since I stopped flirting with her to upset Snow we got along better. The spell I used needed a kiss to work properly. I guess he saw us. After all, he always goes to watch me train.
But I don't have to explain it to him.
"So what if I did? It's not my fault that your girlfriend prefers me over you"
Snow looks angrier.
"She's not my girlfriend anymore!"
That's interesting. I place my violin case down carefully and fold my arms.
"Don't worry, you'll get back together"
It pains me to say it, but it's true. Someday they're going to get married and have beautiful, magical babies.
"Not anymore, she's interested in someone else. Leave her alone."
"If that's so, then I don't understand why you're angry with me."
"Just don't do that again, Baz. It bothers me," he says menacingly.
"Are you jealous, Snow?"
His face changes completely and he turns away from me. I didn't expect that answer. I wonder if I can have fun with him. I use my most flirtatious smile on him and his face turns red.
"Simon, if you want a kiss too, all you have to do is ask."
He opens and closes his mouth, but doesn't manage to say anything. He raises his right hand and brings it closer to me. Is this happening for real?
I take his hand in mine and bring it to my mouth. I press my lips against his skin and stay there for a few seconds. His warmth makes it hard to think. This feels like a dream.
I go for his wrist now. I can feel his pulse beating beneath my lips. I want to bite him, but I know how to control myself. I don't want to injure him. My tongue brushes his skin and he gasps. I glimpse down at him and he looks like he's about to faint.
That's enough for now. I let him go and move away.
"Baz..." He squeezes his hand against his chest, looking shy. It fills me with affection.
"It's late, I have to go," I cut him off. "Shall we talk later in our room?
He nods. I pick up my violin case again. Before I leave, Simon comes over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Good luck at rehearsal," he says and runs off.
I touch my face. Hopefully, I'll finish rehearsal quickly
I wasn't planning on posting anything today, but I was free and this came out <3 it's just fluff without much sense.
Thanks so much for reading!
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Party at Barbie’s (Love Lies, Part 3.)
“Funny how one stranger stepped in. Made up all these changes, for the better.” - Movements, Pham
Description: Carcrash, coma, drug usage, partying, heartbreak… You’ve been there. After 18 months of “corrective” stay at your grandmother’s in Minnesota, it’s time for you to move back to East Highlands. Yet, it was to be expected that while some things change, some stayed the same.
A/N: I was planning on Maddy being the pain in the ass, but then I kinda changed my mind. I actually genuinely think she can be a wonderful friend, when she has a person that can bring out the best of Maddy.  Also, keep in mind that the reader is properly fucked up during this part and Rue is also under the influence. So, don’t worry, we’ll get into the real “conflict” later. 
Word counter: 4.7 K
Tagging: @comedinewithmeyeh​ @jeyramarie​ (tagging for the series is opened, just reply to the part or smth)
Masterlist: H E R E
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Putting pieces of furniture together in your new place was nothing short of fun - Archie plugged his phone into a charger, letting it play song after song while you tried to understand the manual you got along with the furniture; you also managed to squeeze some dancing and eating take out into the meantime.
Jules came to join you every time she wasn’t at school, making sure she’s capturing the entire process on camera. By the end of the building process (mind you - you only had a bad and a small wardrobe), she had her gallery filled with selfies, pictures of Archie kissing you as you read through the manual with a furrow, of her and you holding various pieces of wood in your hands with expressions of absolute Ooga Booga cavemen and much more. As per usual, Jules posted the best pictures on her Instagram.
Yet there still was this one thought on the back of your head the entire time. No matter how hard you tried to avoid it, the party at Barbie’s was coming closer and closer; eventually, you were standing in front of the bathroom mirror and watched your outfit, finishing the last details of your make-up. Sure, you didn’t have to show up, but you could imagine how Maddy herself would repay you such hospitality. And you didn't want to explain the entire history of you, Maddy, and Fezco to Archibald either.
To start at the begging, so Archie could even comprehend what happened in East Highlands two years ago, you’d have to start explaining the very beginning. Who even was Maddy Perez? This was also a question many asked. You'd personally describe her as the devil, that would be your immediate answer; a devil in angel’s disguise. You’ve never seen anyone more innocent-looking than Maddy; as long as she tried to keep her mask on, hiding the real Maddy somewhere under the perfect hair, makeup, nails, and outfit. To your luck, Maddy never seemed to specifically dislike you - you’ve never had the opportunity to see her at her worst. But you’ve heard how the worst looks like.
How did you get to know her?, Archibald would ask. Well, she was a classmate of yours, having a troubled past with your best friends, mainly Jules. The past heavily involved her boyfriend Nathan; maybe it was more suiting to say Maddy's ex-boyfriend? You couldn’t tell, to be honest. All you knew was that Nathan did something nasty and ever since then, he wasn’t much more than Maddy’s chess piece. What kind of information she had on Nathan you didn’t know, honestly, but it must’ve been fucking freaky and personal. It was Maddy herself who saved your ass on the night a man was murdered.
Murdered?, Archie would ask once more, without a clue. Why would you have anything to do with that man's death? Everything, you’d sigh, every fucking thing. You were the reason Mouse ended up with a bullet inside of his brain, bleeding out inside the apartment. Again, the situation you talked about wasn’t simple to navigate through; to understand why Fezco shot that motherfucker, you’d need to explain how you oh so recklessly allowed Mouse to give you a drug. On the other hand, if you hadn’t taken it, you could’ve been ended up dead too. To explain how you even ended up in that place, you’d have to talk about things that were fucking you up. Such as Fran’s on and off addiction story, how she acted when she got high and how horrifying and dangerous it was to stay near Fran in that state.
The night was a bug conclusion of fear, rushed decisions, and love; as Fezco said later. He did it all for love. Which, at the time it all went down, you'd believed. To explain this explanation, you'd have to talk about whatever the fuck you and Fez had... And you didn't have the energy to sit through hours of talking, making sure Archie sees the story from every angle. You'd just rather fucking go on a stupid ass high school party and drink some alcohol than turn it down just because you knew what people you can bump into. That was also when Archie opened the bathroom door, sticking his head in. "Are you sure that you want to go? You don't seem to be too thrilled about it." - The boy wondered, watching as you finished your mascara. You were supposed to pick up Jules on the way to Barbie's in twenty minutes, you had to hurry up a bit.
"Hm, I'm just a bit tired. I can't wait to dance with Jules and Kat and to drink a few shots. The offer still stands?" - With a smile, you put the mascara away and kissed Archie's cheek, giggling when you saw a stain of lipstick sticking onto his face. - "Which one?" "The one where you oh, so kindly offered to be the one sober friend who will drive all of the drunk bastards home." "I think so, yeah. Only if I get a kiss, or no deal for you, missy." - Hearing that, you smiled even more and tiptoed to hug the boy by the back of his neck and kissed him tenderly. - "Fine, the offer stands." "I'll take it, kind sir. Knowing Kat, she'll want to drink the whole fucking bar Barbara has at home."
Not too long after that, you were sitting inside your car with a few bottles of alcohol on your backseat as you watched the city through the window, looking at all the buildings passing you by. Jules was talking about something connected to Rue, but honestly, you weren't listening to a single word. It was 7 pm and as soon as you saw Barbara's house in the distance. Oh, fuck, everything looked like it did when you left the city; a shit ton of cars parked in front of the house, people smoking inside, in front of the and all over the property, drunk girls and boys who were trying to get inside their panties, a lot of laughter and drugs smothered everywhere. Yes, you were positive to identify this as an East Highland party.
As all three of you walked into the house, you were cluelessly looking around, holding Archie's palm and the paper bag in the other hand. Jules was smiling wildly, which couldn't be said about you. If you thought there were a lot of drug users outside the house, you now had the opportunity to see all the lines of coke being all over the place, the house smelled of weed, cigarettes, alcohol, perfume, sweat, and sex. There were, by your estimation, at least two hundred people scattered everywhere. Just a few seconds after entering the house, you could see panties hung on the chandelier, three pairs of boobs, and one hard dick. Holy motherfucking shit... You missed that place. Feeling yourself smiling, you added your bottles to the alcohol collection on the main counter while Jules worked on pouring you double shots.
The music was so loud that you could barely hear what she screamed at you before you both drank your shots, Archie watching you both with amusement. Feeling alcohol, especially hard liquor, inside your mouth after two years made you almost throw; trying to keep it all in, you grinned, bit your bottom lip, and held tight onto the counter in front of you. Both of the idiots patted your shoulder as if you just accomplished something wonderful. Soon, your time perception of time began to crumble under the number of shots Jules encouraged you to drink, the music quickly became louder and more danceable. The last thing you did at least half-sober was that you gave your phone to Archie, kissing him as Jules dragged onto the improvised dancefloor on the back terrace. While you tried to perform various dance creations, some dudes watched porn on their phones and other people decided to grill some midnight burgers. Sliding a bit while Jules laughed, you looked up a bit... And there she was. There she fucking was.
Rue Bennet in all her glory, with her confused and vulnerable gaze. You knew she saw you because she stood still on the stairs, holding the railing inside her palm with her mouth half-opened - and she knew you saw her as well because your smile disappeared in an instant as your expression got more serious. She was looking... It was hard to tell in all the flashing lights, standing between all of the drunk, loud people. You surely remembered days of Rue's past glory; you remembered a wonderful best friend who made you laugh, who hugged you as if her life depended on it, who would give the entirety of heaven if you simply asked for it. That girl you knew such a long time ago knew all of your secrets, everything you were ashamed of, she knew your favorite song and she landed you her hoodies when you asked for them. You also remembered someone who looked healthy, with full cheeks and a nice, tall body.
This version of Rue looked more messy, untidy, and tired, almost spiteful. Her face seemed to be too pale, lifeless and her eyes were empty. Fuck, you realized as your shoulder bumped into Jules' chest, making her stop in her tracks as well. At that moment, Rue jumped off the stairs and disappeared into the crowd; it was Maddy who covered your vision of Rue. "Something told me ya'll be here." - Maddy smiled sweetly as she gave you a cup of something. Whatever it was, it stank like hell; but you knew that all three of you will have to take that shot. - "Nice to see all of my bitches together, looking their best. This is on the house." - With a wicked smile, she gave another cup to Jules. - "I fucking thought you're fucking dead, but you just roll back in here looking like a fucking snack. I bet you'll give that idiot a fucking boner when you walk by. I wanna toast." - The girl giggled. The longer she talked, the less your smile seemed real. Knowing that the idiot she meant wasn't supposed to be Archibald made you put your palm to a fist, digging your nails into your skin. This also assured you that Fezco and Ashtray are somewhere along all of the people. - "To this insane motherfucker for coming back home."
Knowing you have to drink whatever was inside the cup, you just forced yourself to drink all of that in one attempt, immediately gulping it down. Shit. As soon as the liquor touched your tongue, you started to cough, covering your mouth with your elbow. Jules let out a long exhale, looking at Maddy, who didn't seem to be phased by the drink. "What the fuck?" - The blonde asked, laughing as you tried to catch your breath. - "Oh God, yo I forgot you probably don't know how to drink anymore, bitch. You good?" - Maddy took the cup out of your hand, gently patting your shoulder. It took you another minute until you could walk again. Jules and Maddy both watched you struggling to keep your shit together, giggling at the faces you made.
"Thanks for the warm welcome Maddy. I really appreciate it." - With that, you went for a hug to really show her. Sure, from all the situations you remembered, Maddy usually wasn't that much of a physical person with her friends (and you still even weren't her friend, just were just an almost random someone she knew), but given you were both a bit tipsy at that point, she hugged you back. Jules herself knew it could be unusual for Maddy to be so kind, selfless, and nice to someone outside her best friend, but Maddy was about to say something very real - a lot has changed ever since you left the town. "I just wanted to make sure Nathan knows what side you're on." - The girl in your arms confessed as she stepped away from you, giving you another wicked smile. - "A lot has changed when you were gone, princess. I don't know why I feel sorry for you, bitch, but you remind me of myself, I have that connection to you, yannow? You've been through some shit, you saw some shit and your boyfriend was a fucking piece of trash. I just wanna make sure that fuckhead won't even dare to fuck this new start and everything for you, 'cause you're thriving and happy." - And this was exactly what made you stop in your tracks. Maddy gently held your palms in hers, staring into your eyes.
This meant, amongst other things, that Maddy and Nate were not an item anymore. Given the proud smile on Jules' face, she had a role in it as well; this was, honestly, the best fucking news you heard all day. Nathan was a controlling piece of narcissistic shit and with the personality Maddy had, they were like a package of TNT. This news was genuinely the best one you heard so far. In all fairness, it was also easily understood why Jules didn't tell you (simply because it wasn't her place to tell you other people's personal businesses. Drama and personal business were two very different things and that was something people had to learn how to differentiate.
The other meaning this bore was that Maddy liked you to some degree. She didn't view you as her enemy, she didn't view Rue nor Jules that was. Fuck, were they friends now? Did that mean that the girl who would cut your throat if you looked at Nate funnily two years ago was now brand new and changed? It was hard to believe, but if it was the truth, you couldn't even describe how happy you were for her. There wasn't much that could or needed to be said. The only thing you did was that your smile widened a bit, letting her know everything you couldn't say without a word. Perez simply nodded and let your hands go, turning on her heels. "I gotta go, but it's nice knowing you're here. Both of you better stay safe and hit me up some time so we can hang out bitches." - And with that, Maddy was gone again. Sure, most of it could be tipsy ramblings, but there was something hidden and personal in what she had said, something that stuck with you. She wasn't unnecessarily unhappy, but Perez wasn't a happy person either. She was who she was. As she left you standing there, there was something that made you smile.
"Did I get invited here..." - You mumbled as you poured another drink, watching Jules preparing her vodka and sprite. - "Because Maddy Perez thinks that I'm her friend?" "She was right, you know. Just because we're still best friends doesn't mean that the city is in the same state it was when you left it. Nate and Maddy broke up for good, me and Rue stopped seeing eye to eye, I heard there was some shit going down between Cassie, Maddy, Nate and McKay, and even Fez..." - Saying that name, Jules stopped herself to look at you. Hearing his name, you furrowed a bit, but it didn't entirely upset you. Yet knowing he's there, among them when you were drunk, was better than meeting him sober. This way, you could at least put a mask on. Nonetheless, Jules decided not to talk about him anymore. - "Everything is different. Kinda... Kinda ruthless. But she's glad you're back. When we met her at the gas station, she asked me if it's a good idea... You know... To invite you. I told her it's the best idea she had that week." - Hearing that, you put everything down and looked Jules in her eyes. The girl was smiling back at you while sipping on the Sprite; not for long tho. Soon, you were hugging her as you put your head on her shoulder, closing your eyes. Jules really was the best friend anyone could ever have.
The night was going by with an unstable, weird, yet somewhat enjoyable time continuum - sometimes everything just sped past you - just like when you and Maddy (who was into that idea immediately after you sent her a text) played beer pong against Kat and Jules; and sometimes there was this tranquility and peace, making everything stop for a second; just like when you sat on the backyard of the house. All of you were sat on logs positioned around a big fireplace, you were dressed in Aiden's hoodie as the boy himself hugged your shoulder. Everything slowed down as you chatted and watched the flames.
Sometime later, it was hard to tell how much later, while your gaze was still stuck somewhere between the flames, all of your friends decided to go back in for some more booze, leaving you sitting outside all alone with a cigarette in your palm. Time passed by, you sipped on your liquor, and people around you came and left; until one person sat there longer than the others. Which is was also why the person next to you caught your attention. God Help you, you fucking knew who sat there before you even saw them. Lazily, you turned your head to look at her. It was Rue herself with her pitiful, spiteful look. As she sat next to you, both her palms were pushed deep inside the pockets of her hoodie as her leg bounced around. She looked so... Tired. The silence was becoming more and more uncomfortable until Rue finally spoke out loud.
"Didn't know you're back." - The girl mumbled and you could just tell that she's more fucked up than you were. It was the alcohol possibly combined with drugs, you guessed. Not responding, you just furrowed into the flames, nodding. - "Thought I'd deserve to fucking know that." "We haven't spoken in a year and now you're gonna be bitching about me being a cunt for not letting you know after you just disappeared? Nice joke. Got a cig?" - You asked without any emotion on your face. Rue didn't stop at what you said, she just gave you a cigarette. "Why are you even back? To fuck around before you leave again?" - Well, hold the fuck up. That was news for you. As you breathed out the smoke, you looked at the profile of her face. Rue was sitting next to you, high as fuck, but she wasn't only high... She was also vulnerable and sad. The girl was hurt. But you weren't about to give her anything for free. Snickering, you turned your head back to look into the flames. "'Cause my family kinda lives here in case you didn't notice." "Makes sense. You look fucking... I think I haven't seen you happier." - At that, Rue looked at the tip of her shoe. Her leg was widely bouncing up and down as the nervousness got the better out of her. To the surprise of both of you, you just started laughing.
"So, that's why we stopped talking and that’s why you’re high as a fucking kite?" - You sighed. - "'Cause you thought I wasn't happy here and assumed that I’m much happier somewhere else with different people?" "Listen, I don't even know why and if I... I have no clue man, I was just fucked up at that time. I was in a bad place." "So the place you're at now is any better? You fucking better think about the reason, then, cause you're the one who decided that not responding to any of the messages is better than calling me and hearing me tell you how much I love my best friend. And not only that, but you decided that relapsing is a much better idea than talking it through. Get the fuck up, Bennet." - Saying that, you sprung on your feet and threw the rest of the cigarette into the firepit. Rue was suspicious at first, sitting on top of the log as you offered her your palm.
“Are we gonna fight?” - The girl asked with seriousness. Sure, for all the nerve and audacity she got, you’d love to pack her a few punches, but deciding against it was probably much better. What would it bring except you getting rid of some of your anger? “Sure, I’m going to kick your boney ass into a fucking square. Come on.” - Again, you offered her your palm, smiling this time. - “Have you ever seen me packing a punch? Dude, I’d break my wrist.”
Finally, this seemed to break Rue’s suspicions and spite as the girl caught your palm with a nervous grin, letting you lead her onto the dancing crowd. Sure, this peace offering wasn't about to last for too long, which you both knew, but you decided to ignore all of it. Since you were both clueless about what to do, you caught her waist and palm, dancing a simple waltz. It was awkwardly cute. This also seemed to be somewhat assuring for the girl as she laughed, making you spin around. It didn’t take long until you broke all the social rules just like you did back in the day, moving in a lascivious borderline erotic way; your ass was splayed all over her crotch as her hands moved around your head, impersonating shooting guns. For a second, just a for a short stupid fucking second, it felt like you never left; neither of you was scared of dancing (since you were higher than Empire State) and you weren't worried about inappropriately touching each other - Rue holding your ass was usually just the beginning. And now, it felt that way. As the songs switched, Rue put her hands above her head, letting you go as she squealed, starting to rap each word of a 2Pac song with all the passion she got. It was so funny and impressive that you just moved around facing her, clapping in the rhythm. It also caught other people's attention, since neither of them exactly knew that Rue had some degree of obsession with remembering useless pieces of information, such as rap song lyrics.
Whoever was that drug-abusing wench in control of Rue, this assured you that your Rue is still somewhere inside of there, alive and surviving through all the hardships. Sure, she was hidden somewhere deep inside of that vessel, but as long as you managed to lure her out for a moment, there was a chance of saving her. It won’t be an easy task, you knew what; but there was still some chance of succeeding. As the song ended, you clapped cheerfully and laughed once more, being on clouds nine while Rue bowed with all the grand gestures that were oh so typical for her. People clapped for a bit before everyone shifted their attention back to their dance partner. “I gotta figure out something with Ash, wanna come with?” - Rue yelled to your ear so you could hear her over the music after you left the dance floor hand in hand. No hesitation, you nodded and squeezed her hand a bit as she led you through the house.
The lights were blinking in such a rhythm that everything inside appeared in a much better light and angle; people seemed less drunk, they seemed happy and attractive. Each of the erotic dance moves, like girls squeezing their boobs or rubbing their asses on someone’s dick, made you amused and quite frankly, a bit thirsty. It was that time of the night you loved the most; it was when the alcohol finally kicked in, making your body move like caramel and mind foggy as you listened to all the offers of hand jobs, blowjobs and quickies. They made you giggle while you held Rue’s hand, following her deeper into the house. Not too long after you noticed that you were once again approaching the door leading to the firepit. Looking around at all these young fuckable people, you felt someone staring at you. You couldn’t name exactly who was it, but you had that feeling on the back of your head. Turning around, you finally looked the person in their eyes, seeing as they followed both you and Rue through the drunken crowd.
Fuck. That was the only word on your mind. Fuck, you didn’t remember those blue eyes being as deep as they appeared amidst all the flickering lights. He looked good - without a single doubt in your mind, you could objectively say that Fezco looked great. To be honest, one of the photos you hid in archives of your phone wasn’t making him enough justice. As the rime passed by, you managed to forget how gentle the gaze of his eyes is, how his features shift when he smiles and how heartwarming can that gaze be. Without hesitation, you smiled back at the man, feeling an undeniable feeling of warmth wash over your body. You were glad to see him after such a long time. The thing making you worried was your heart thumping heavily for a fragment of a second there; making your cheeks warm and your breathing shallow. Fezco just had his charm, even after all that time when you finally thought you moved on.
Turning your head back at Rue’s back, you were grinning as you both walked out into the coldening night hand in hand.
And a few seconds after, it happened.
Jules was standing close to the table, chatting with Archie and Lexi, laughing at one of his jokes; they h. But then, something she caught by the corner of her, caught her full attention. Within seconds, her heart dropped and her expression reflected worries. What did she see?
Well, it was her best friend holding hands with Rue, following her out of the house as she smiled at her former boyfriend over her shoulder, just like the night they first met. Without hesitation, Jules put her cup down, ready to follow out of you outside; there was a slight chance that Rue might’ve talked you down to something fucking stupid that could be connected to getting high to some degree. If Rue herself was a junkie and Jules’ mother being, all the same, it was incredibly easy to make herself believe this sort of crap. Inside her head, there was nothing easier than getting addicted - and that long path could've easily been started with one night, with a party just like that. “This can't be good.” - Jules mumbled, making both Archibald and Lexi aware of the situation; both of them turned their heads to you as you walked out, Fezco following shortly after. Lexi, just as she saw what was happening, sprung on her feet and started running towards the exit. The blonde girl sighed and grabbed Archie's hand, dragging him along. - "What's going on? Who are these people and why are you both worried?" "Just don't ask anything and come with me, we really need to keep an eye out for Y/N right fucking now."
As the trio got to the door, then it happened. Rue stood there in shock and stared down the hill while you screamed like a hurt animal, loud and with pain. For a second, you kneeled in the wet grass with tears in your eyes, mouth opened, and tensed muscle expression, not being to move for a second as your drunken brain tried to process what happened. For a reason, you looked like you wanted to scream even more because you mourned; just as if you lost your parent or a person that was very close to you. In the next second, you got all your knees and ran down the hill, Fezco following shortly after.
Only Bennet kept on standing there in utter shock, almost falling to the ground when you pulled her hand, looking down at the place where it happened.
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kirislut · 4 years
Hii! Can I pls request for tsukki, akaashi, and kenma’s fem s/o meeting the team for the first time? And like the time doesn’t know that they have an s/o? Headcanons pls! Thanks 😊
a/n: omg a haikyuu request finallyyy thank you anon, ive been wanting to write for my haikyuu boys but had no inspiration. also some feedback would be very appreciated because i’m worried that my portrayal of them might be a little ooc, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!
pairing: tsukishima x fem!reader, akaashi x fem!reader, and kenma x fem!reader
taglist: @katsushimaa @meliorist-midoriya @bbakougo @grow-a-smile-for-a-while @finndaydreams @deephasoceanmagic @nieve-blancas @bunnythepipsqueak
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kei tsukishima
he tries to hide you from the team for as long as possible, not because he’s embarrassed of you
but because he knows that he’s going to get teased and also because he’s embarrassed of his teammates
specifically two teammates
everyone else only found out because you came into the gym, wondering where your boyfriend was since practice was going on for longer than usual
“excuse me do you know when practice is going to be over?” you walked in, just to ask yachi since you didn’t want to disturb everyone else
“i’m not sure sorry, but um who are you?” the poor girl is confused to why you’re asking because she doesn’t know you.
“oh i’m tsukki’s girlfriend, (y/n)! i was just waiting for him, so i’ll be outs—“
hearing the words girlfriend, and tsukki together definitely caught the attention of yachi. well actually it caught the attention of a most everyone in the gym.
the practice match they were playing literally paused, eyes wandering to you then going to the tall blonde. it continued like that for a little bit since EVERYONE was wondering how tsukishima got a girlfriend.
honestly i’m surprised too like what the hell youre so adorable and too good for him
“TSUKISHIMA I CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT TELL US YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!” suga(mama) was the first to break the stunned silence. as he passed by the middle blocker, going to greet you, he made sure to give the poor boy a karate chop on his side as he passed by. suga only did this because he was hurt that tsukishima never mentioned you
tsukishima was literally shocked by that karate chop because he’s never been on the receiving end of one, definitely has more respect for daichi now since he always get chopped
the next to react were none other than tanaka and nishinoya. they rushed over to the middle blocker and started to bombarde him with questions and mostly teasing
“oooo tsukishima you have a girlfriend!”
“tsukishima you can always come to your senpai if you need help with this relationship”
“how did you get such a cute girlfriend anyways?”
“-just be careful when you grab because-“
tsukishima became so annoyed, “can you both shut up, you’ve never even had another girl like you back.”
that, that definitely hurt their feelings. cue the emo music
actually that made them realize that tsukishima for a girlfriend before they did, so now they were going over to kiyoko and asking for her to be their girlfriend. poor kiyoko i swear
suga and daichi (ugh mom and dad are so cute) start to converse with you, daichi apologizing for everyone’s behavior while suga was congratulating you for being able to handle tsukishima
the only person who wasn’t surprised was yamaguchi of course, who do you think tsukishima went to when he realized he had feelings for you?
kageyama really just, didn’t care at all. if anything he was kinda annoyed because this was eating into their practice time. you had nothing to do with volleyball afterall
very rude kageyama
hinata was waiting behind daichi and suga so that he could ask you question, so when those two stepped away to go back to practice. the orange haired boy was practically bouncing in excitement, he was about to open his mouth when a hand came over it
tsukishima had come to your rescue, he noticed you were looking a bit overwhelmed with suddenly being thrust into the spotlight. honestly he didn’t like it either. “come on (y/n), let’s go.”
your tense feeling was immediately eased, you mouthed a small thank you to him then looked back to his team. “it was nice meeting you all, hopefully next time we can talk properly— ah tsukki don’t pull so hard.”
tsukishima was dragging you out of the gym because one, he was tired, and two because he never wanted to experience that again. especially suga’s karate chops
you were probably never going to show up to a practice again because it was a distraction for other, especially tsukishima, but you were always there during the games because you were one of his biggest supporters for volleyball afterall
also tsukishima only wants you to watch the games because he wants you to think he looks cool while playing volleyball, only so he can brag to you about it later or hear you fan girling about his blocks
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keiji akaashi
akaashi really wants you to meet his team, because volleyball is very important to him and so are you. it only seemed fitting
however you were always busy with other things so it took a month after you guys started dating before you could come meet everyone
you arrived just as they were finishing up some drills, just before they finished for the day. akaashi saw you coming into the gym, giving you a small smile right before he set a final ball to bokuto.
akaashi started to head over to you, but bokuto didn’t want him too since he just wanted to hit one more ball. just one more perfect straight.
akaashi explained that he needed to see you, his girlfriend, so do you know that time it is?
it’s bokuto emo mode time
“fine! if you really cared about me and volleyball you’d stay, but go. leave me for all i care.” this adorable dramatic idiot i swear, i still love him though
akaashi spares his best friend a glance then just nods, jogging over to you with no hesitation. also yes bokuto knows about you, he knew if bokuto didn’t know he had a girlfriend he would be devastated for way too long
other teammates notice akaashi heading over to you which makes them confused, they’ve never seen you before.
the setter comes up to you, giving you a hug, like the adorable boyfriend he is. akaashi hit me up
if the boys weren’t confused before they were now, and just to further that confusion he took your hand and walked with you towards his teammates
oh and don’t think that he wasn’t asking you how your day was and such, he’s always going to be considerate of you. he’s really the nicest boyfriend ever
“everyone i want you to meet (y/n), she is my girlfriend.”
it now made sense to who you were, but no one was very surprised. well maybe a little surprised but, akaashi was a good person so they could see him with someone
also they all know he’s pretty so of course girls would be going after him
you politely smile and wave at everyone, “hello, i’m sorry for the intrusion but akaashi wanted me to meet you.”
konoha immediately picked up on the fact that you called akaashi, akaashi and not keiji. “akaashi you still have her call you akaashi?”
the others nodded in agreement, you guys were dating so why the formality
you smiled sheepishly, cutting in before your boyfriend could talk, since he also looked confused. “ah sorry, i just. i wasn’t sure if i should call him keiji, i wanted to be polite.”
that, that was the moment you captured everyone’s heart. you’re little embarrassed expression, just because you wanted to be polite? approval straight away
komi jumped forward, smiling as he put his hands on your shoulders. “(y/n)! you don’t need to be polite, in fact how did akaashi ask you out? or was he too shy and you made the first move?”
komi and konoha proceeded to ask you question about your relationship with akaashi. mostly curious but maybe also because they wanted to tease their setter later if they heard anything silly
when you were finally finished answering questions, you joined akaashi who was talking to bokuto
“bokuto-san please calm down, i’ll set to you more next practice.”
it seemed that akaashi was still trying to lift bokuto’s spirits from earlier, you knew about his infamous emo mode. akaashi sometimes would ask you advice for how to handle him, but it was rare since the male could handle his best friend
“bokuto, i saw your last spike, it was really amazing! if anything you need to rest too, because that’s how your muscles get stronger!”
bokuto blinked twice as he processed your words, his slightly slouched posture and sad demanour straightened up. literally.
“you really think so (y/n)?” his lips were pulled into a pout and eyes were shining like pouting puppy eyes.
“of course bokuto!”
the owl haired boy inhaled deeply as his chest swelled with pride. “you’re right! i will rest and spike even harder tomorrow!”
the ace walked off, full of pride once again, leaving just you and akaashi. he looked at you and offered you a small smile, “thank you (y/n), i’m glad everyone likes you.” he reached over, placing his hand in the top of your head to gently pat and rub your head in appreciation. you smile up at him, nodding. after that he makes sure to walk you home, giving you a sweet goodnight kiss
dang i want head pats too, also catch bokuto also asking for head pats of praise from akaashi during their next practice
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kozume kenma
kenma was wary about letting you meet his team, only because he knew it would be a whole ordeal that he was in a relationship
but a week after you guys started dating, you went to one of kenma’s games wanting to cheer him on.
so there you were on the stands, chanting with everyone else and cheering for the team and kenma as well
at the end of the game, you rushed down to the halls where the team would be after just winning their match.
as soon as you saw kenma, a wide grin spread across your face. “congratulations on winning kozume! that last dump you did was so cool!”
the stoic setter saw you, a small sigh leaving his lips because he knew that everyone would wonder who you were. so to avoid the hassle he quickly walked up to you, gently grabbed your hand and straight up walked away from the rest of his team
and as expected, he was right. everyone else just kinda stood there in shock and very confused because they had no clue who you were. they were just watching the two of you walk away, kenma mumbling to you about how he was grateful for your support, but just wanted his hand held game console back
the whole team just turned to kuroo, since he was the only one grinning during the whole situation. “did you not know? that’s kenma’s girlfriend.”
kuroo of course knew because who else would kenma turn to when he figured out he had feelings towards you? of course it would be his best friend and personal idiot
jaws just on the floor, and man did kuroo think it was funny to see everyone’s expressions
the next practice yamamoto and lev come up to kenma immediately
“KENMAA WHY DID YOU TELL US YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND?” poor kenma because he was just trying to play his game and nearly dropped it, if he did oh yamamoto would probably have been murdered
kenma’s face twisted in a look of annoyance, “i didn’t think it was important that’s all.” he brushed the topic off, not wanting to make a big deal of it because he didn’t see it as one
yamamoto was personally offended by kenma’s words because um, kenma had a girlfriend and he didn’t. “not a big deal? KENMA HOW C-“
“yamamoto, shut up.” kuroo cut in because kenma was just getting more annoyed, and also because he was just being too loud
poor yamamoto, he also wanted to know if you had cute friends. but also knowing him, he would probably run away if he met said cute friends
however it didn’t stop lev from following after kenma, “hey hey kenma, how did you even get a girlfriend?
for once kenma would rather play volleyball then answer these questions about you. it’s not like he doesn’t want to talk about you, it’s just he doesn’t feel the need to share about his relationship
luckily they stopped bugging him, but when you showed up at the end of practice, the attention was brought back to the both of yours relationship
but instead of lev or yamamoto going up to him, they went to you instead.
“hey kenma’s girlfriend, why do you like kenma? don’t you think he’s too quiet?”
“do you have any cute friends by any chance.”
“also you’re short, but maybe taller than yaku..”
lev was then immediately kicked by yaku, you think he would learn by now
you were kinda overwhelmed by the two guys, especially lev because he was well, tall. you laughed sheepishly, taking a step back from them
kenma quickly picked up on your discomfort and speed walks over to you, kuroo has only seem him walk this fast when going to the bame store
the setter stepped in between you and his two teammates, shooting them a glare and small frown. “leave (y/n) alone, she is none of your business.”
after that yaku drags away lev before he could continue pestering or start teasing, while kai leads yamamoto away to console him about wanting to also have a cute girlfriend
that left you and kenma, and wow you were kinda stunned by kenma coming to your rescue. because you know that he isn’t the most expressive or affectionate but this action threw away any possible doubts you had before
kenma made sure to walk you all the way home that day to make up for his annoying teammates. lucky for him the topic of his relationship didn’t come up again. besides he didn’t want to share all the precious moments he has with you anyways, you were all his afterall
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
exploratory birthday
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-Gang Orca xf!reader-
Headcanons and a smut drabble for Kugo’s birthday! And look how his little nose wiggles like a bunny’s! It’s so cute!
As with most things in a relationship, celebrating his birthday with a partner is new to him. Kugo’s celebrated it before, but there’s a different feel when you’re with your friends, relaxing and laughing with one another. And when you’re beside your partner, it’s intimate, softly praising their life, cherishing their mere presence.
He isn’t completely opposed to a birthday party. Keep it small with his closest friends and he’ll enjoy it. If they’re too many people and too many things going on, he’ll get a little overwhelmed.
To really amaze him, book a hotel room someplace far away for an entire week. Kugo works enough that he’s able to get decent chunks of time off. Use it to your advantage and spend that time together, cuddling, caressing, and kissing in a bed overlooking the sun setting into the ocean, drinking wine, and listening to gentle music.
For a nice afternoon together, lounging on the beach is the best option. The water may be too cold for a swim, but Kugo still appreciates the sounds and smells. And he might go swimming despite the freezing water. His body can tolerate it. Don’t worry, he won’t drag you in.
Museums, zoos, and aquariums are also a good option. He enjoys learning, especially if it’s about something you’re interested in. Love rocks and gems? Take him through the geology exhibit at a museum and explain everything. He’ll listen to every single word with a huge, loving smile.
He doesn’t know how to properly answer the question: ‘What do you want?’ He’ll stare and say something like socks, unable to think of anything else. He doesn’t need nor expect you to get him anything. He has plenty of money to buy whatever he wants.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get him a present. Because you should. He deserves plenty of them. 
Clothing is simple and always a good go-to for anyone. Though Kugo does require more specific clothing than those without mutation quirks. There are a few stores he frequents. Contact them and order a new suit, sweatpants, or just a nice T-shirt. His clothes get ruined quickly, so he’s always in need of more.
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Firming your voice and pumping yourself up, you slid the sweater off your shoulders and spoke, “You have another present.”
Kugo answered from the couch as he tidied up, “From whom? I thought I opened them all.”
“Me. I was waiting until we were alone. It’s kinda for the both of us. I hope you like it.” You lingered in the doorway for him to turn.
When he finally did, his eyes opened wide.
“You said you liked lingerie. I figured your birthday was a good time to buy some.” He stared. It agitated shame through your body. “Did I not get a good set?” He just stared, not moving, not speaking. You recovered your body with the sweater. “Sorry if it’s wrong or not what you wanted. I thought- I wanted to try something-”
“You’re remarkable.” The pillow fell from his hands. He walked closer and gently pinched the sweater. “May I move this?’
You nodded. It dropped, allowing him to see and fondle your stomach. Palms shaped around to your sides. Your skin pinched between his fingers. “You’re so beautiful.”
Your feet left the floor, turning your reply into a yip. He carried you to the bed, sat you on the edge, spread your legs, and helped himself to you as he pleased. A wet, thick tongue swept over your panties. Hands felt up the thigh-high socks. 
He hummed against you, “Very soft.” His tongue slid under the material, taking a taste. “You’re so soft, everywhere.”
You moaned the further his tongue wormed in, freely twisting and writhing inside. But it left all too quickly. He asked, “What’s this now?”
“It’s your other surprise. I saw it at the shop and wanted to try it.”
Kugo glided your underwear down your legs, sucking in once he saw the pink jeweled heart. Nails clicked against it. Each one ever so slightly fluttered the plug in your ass. He spread your cheeks to see the complete view. “It looks perfect. It suits you beautifully. What?” He questioned your smile.
“Nothing, honey. You’re just cute.” You petted his forehead. The neverending compliments got repetitive, but his curiosity and service were beyond adorable.
“May I?” He grabbed the heart. 
“It’s for you.”
To start his experiment, he twisted it, watching the jewel intently. The plug fluctuated up and down. Next, he gently pulled it, spreading you around its widest part. Right as it was about to pop out, it pushed back in. He purred handsomely, “You really bought this for me?”
Nodding and moaning, your legs opened more to let him play. It sunk as deep as it could go, twisted, and pulled, and sank again. Then it withdrew entirely, suddenly. You whined at the stretch and pop. 
His warm tongue lapped over you in apology. The tingle made you squirm and giggle. “What?”
“No one's ever licked me there. It’s weird. It tickles a little.”
“I should have done this sooner. You taste wonderful,” he groaned gutturally. His tongue returned, waving around, tenderly loosening the muscles, releasing them enough to nudge inside. 
Your hips jerked. The foreign feeling gradually died. Your body accustomed to the wet intrusion, quite enjoying it, hungry for more. “Kugo, it’s-” A thumb massaging your clit induced a cry, “Deeper.”
Two fingers widened your cheeks. It gave him room to push flush against you, rubbing his nose, delving his tongue as far as it could go, dripping saliva, stretching greedily. The thumb pressed and rolled hard, unlike his usual caring motions. 
The slick stroking pushed up, curving your back with an intense moan and tightening muscles. You gripped the sheets through the fall, humping his face, thanking him repeatedly.
When you slumped, his tongue slowly retreated. It left you oddly hollow. You opened your eyes to his naked body and very eager erection. His gaze locked in between your legs. 
But he was big. It couldn’t fit comfortably in your ass. You mumbled, “Kugo, I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
“Relax, my love. I wasn’t going to. I’m not ready for that either. I’m afraid I’d hurt you.” He rubbed your thighs, kneeling and licking back down to your ass. His tongue only gave a few brushes before the butt plug touched you. It slicked over his spit, tapped your entrance, then playfully poked in, smoothly twirling as it stretched you again.
Once it nestled inside, you reached for his arms and told him, “Lay down.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. It is your birthday after all.” He lounged and you straddled him, immediately kissing along his forehead. His skin cooled your lips the lower you grazed. His tongue was out, waiting to sweep into your mouth. The soaked weight drew a long moan from your throat.
You sat up and went to unhook your bra. But he stopped you. “Don’t. Keep it on.”
“You like it that much?”
“It’s beautiful on you.” His hands stroked over your breasts and the bra’s soft material. Reconnecting the kiss, you positioned him. Hands shot to your ass when you lowered. His words jumbled with his tongue in your mouth, “You’re tighter.”
“So you feel it?”
He hummed, holding your body tight as you swayed your hips, testing the new sensations. Between him and the butt plug, you felt as full as ever. He seemed to enjoy it too because his hands never left your chest. His eyes never left your breasts. His mouth never stopped its praise.
You didn’t get to grind for long though. Kugo lifted your thighs for you to bounce. With hands leaning on his chest, you did, moaning every time his head kissed your front wall, sweeping along it tediously. Arousal leaked onto his skin. It sleeked and stuck to yours.
You didn't get to do that for long either. He stilled your hips. “Wait. I want to try something.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Turn around.” You lifted off of him and turned, bracing yourself on his thighs. He lined himself up and, supporting your back, instructed, “Lower onto me.” You did, slowly, hesitantly, feeling him stretch you differently in the different position. 
When you seated fully, he asked, “Are you all set?”
“Yes,” you breathed.
Hands smoothed up your sides, carefully pulling you back to lay on his chest. You gasped as the change flattened him firmly against your front wall. The pressure was angelic. He guided your hand to your lower stomach, then your pubic mound. The area swelled with him within.
You sighed his name. Kugo didn’t move at your whining. Nor at your digging nails. Nor at your lame attempts to hump on him. Fingers just pawed all over your stomach, kneading, clutching, sneaking under your bra to pinch your nipples. A heavy tongue washed over your neck and shoulder, sparking sensitivity, lust, need.
“Kugo, move,” you weakly fussed.
Hands drifted bottomward, gripped, lifted you till only his head remained inside, then released, letting you plunge all the way, completely stuffing himself in you. Your moan mixed into a yelp. 
He froze. Concern threaded his voice, “Was that too much?”
“No, I- No, Do it again,” you panted, hooking his arm. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I- Again.” He listened and dropped you just as intensely. “More, please… Please…” 
He did it over and over, hitting hard and deep and so fucking wonderfully. Your eyes rolled back. Your spine curved higher each gorging fall. Yet his hands kept you close, leading your joyride. 
“Fuck me- fuck- more.”
He thrust up, meeting you in the middle, rooting himself deeper, richer, nearly too much, but the pinch of pain only added height to your peak. Lewd sounds gushed out. The sheer luxury and gluttony in you didn’t care. It just felt fucking amazing.
His flattery continued through his slapping and sticking. Your words caught in your throat. You could only grip and moan in his control, waiting for the final fall.
And it came, wet and loud. Your legs straightened. Your muscles went taut. Kugo quickly joined. Dense heat drained from him to you. Claws grated into your skin, holding you down so he could fill you full. It melted the ache his thrusting caused. 
The high ebbed with his cuddling hands. His tongue lapped your jaw. You blindly felt backward for his cheek, tipping him for a kiss. “I love you so much… more than you’ll ever know.”
His hands stopped protectively on your lower stomach, right over where he released. He nuzzled your cheek, whispering, "You're better than anything I could have ever asked for."
You kissed him. Both of you nested on the bed, holding each other, feeling him mix and twitch deep within you.
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mieohmy · 3 years
𝖢𝗈𝗇𝖼𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖢𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗌 | 𝖫𝖾𝖾 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗒𝗈𝗇𝗀
PAIRING: schoolnurse! lee taeyong x topstudent! reader
GENRE: fluff, humor, small angst, rivals-to-kinda-lovers!, high school au
WC: 3.9k
NOTES: mentions of injury (concussions um) slight cursing, violence, kinda bullying?
SUMMARY: being one of the top students of your school, you should’ve known getting hit in the head four times would eventually lead to a visit to the school nurse. and maybe you also should’ve known the very nurse was somehow the one person you hated? 
The first time you got hit was an accident. Scratch that- technically all four times you got knocked in the head were an accident, and you were honestly getting worried about the amount of brain cells you were losing.
You will admit that the very first was your fault. You weren’t paying attention in gym, and the volleyball smacks you (rightfully so) in the side of the head. You’re pretty sure you just sadly crumble to the ground in surprise. Well, and a teensy amount of pain. 
Who are you kidding- a lot of pain.
A clamor of voices follow, most of them ‘are you okays?’ and ‘shoot, my bad”. Luckily, you’re able to get out mostly unscathed, and the whole thing becomes a faint memory buried in your brain somewhere. 
Until you get hit a second time. This couldn’t be a coincidence, right? It happened in the gym, again. Except you were fully paying attention. This time you were just being dumb.
You think since you were one of the top students in the school, you wouldn’t be dumb enough to stand right underneath a basketball hoop. Sadly, you were. 
Someone had gotten the ball stuck between the hoop and the board (that one annoying spot), leading to several people attempting to hit the ball out. And you standing underneath the hoop, obtaining and giving other people’s balls back to them and also attempting to get that one stupid basketball unstuck. 
Frowning, you look straight up at the hoop. “Doyoung, a little more to the left-“ And then you saw it (and maybe also heard a watch out!). The unmistakable shape of an orange circle. A firm, striped one that was definitely getting closer and closer to your face. 
You only get the chance to open your mouth before it thuds off your forehead -you’re pretty sure you hear a firm thunk!- and it bounces off into the distance. 
There’s about two seconds of silence before you groan in pain, clutching your head and hearing the oofs and questions. You insist you’re fine, still.(really, though?)
It wasn’t serious enough to get a trip to the nurse, just a sad time-out on the benches.
This time had to be the last. I mean, at least it wasn’t a ball...
But was a metal locker door any better?
It occurred a couple weeks after the last ....incident. Yuta follows you out of the classroom, walking over to where his locker was. 
As he puts his books in, you lean back on the lockers next to his, huffing in annoyance. “-I mean, why does he even care about bonus points? It was just two more, anyways!” 
Yuta looks at you, unamused. “Why do you even care about him caring?” 
“I don’t! It’s just annoying! He’s annoying!” You turn to face him, side now pressing against the locker. And just as you’re about to continue, you hear an angry groan and a locker springing open from behind. 
You never hated top lockers more than at that moment.  
The door flies open, effectively pounding the back of your head. The impact somehow hard enough to leave the locker door shaking. 
The rattling metal echoes through the hall as you grab your head in distraught. Yuta watches you with a shocked expression, and you whip around to see who the culprit was. 
You wouldn’t say you were angry, just..... irked.
And behold, an extremely apologetic looking Jungwoo. He explained, “I was just super frustrated and took it out on my locker. I swear I didn’t see you right there!!”
You blamed getting the second-highest test grade in the class on him. At that point, it really seemed like getting hit in the head was affecting you and your perfect grades. But you still refused to go to the nurse, why?  I mean, you could still function properly, so there was no need... right?
If the locker door wasn’t bad enough, the last straw that caused the whole mess was by an elbow. Specifically Johnny’s elbow, you later found out. 
He was holding something in his hands, elbows pointing out, you weren’t sure what it was exactly. How funny it was that you forgot how tall Johnny really is. So as you snuck up behind him, he quickly turns his upper body around. 
Which meant his sharp elbow came in contact with your head. 
It wasn’t even that hard but apparently hard enough to cause you to blackout. (And perhaps the three previous times didn’t quite help either. )
When you finally come about, you see a crowd hovered over you, concerned and some panicking. And that’s how you figured you probably passed out in the middle of the gym. 
No lie, you felt horrible. Like someone who just woke up from a hangover. Apparently, you were only out for a couple of seconds, but people still assisted you up, insisting you needed help. 
So why were you still surprised to find out you couldn’t name the months of the year in order?
“Y/n-no, October comes after September.” 
Huffing, you allow Johnny to drag you to the nurse's office. “Whatever, what does this have to do with concussions, again??”
“You’re literally one of the top two students in the school, and you can’t name the months of the year in order? Spells it right out for me.”
As he opens the door, you both clumsily shuffle in, looking for the nurse. 
...ha. That’s funny. Nudging Johnny, you whisper not so loudly. “I know I may have a concussion, but does the nurse kinda look like freakin’ taeyong or- ?”
You feel two pairs of eyes on you. Johnny ignores you, setting you down in a chair. “Hey, Taeyong. Got someone special for you.” 
You shoot him an incredulous look. “Lee Taeyong? The school nurse? Pffft. Like he could ever take care of others.” 
A voice cuts in. “Johnny, why did you bring them here?” You turn and immediately squint. Is that really him? 
It’s like he reads your mind, stating, “Yes, it’s me y/n. Not sure why you’re here, but it explains all your issues I guess.” 
Slowly raising a finger to point at him, you narrow your eyes. “I have no issues, thank you very much.” 
Standing up, you’re about to walk out when you stumble, and Taeyong catches you. 
His sharp eyes glare down at you, causing you to scrunch your face up in disgust. “Let go of me.” 
Taeyong rolls his eyes, not so softly placing you onto the chair. “Thanks, Johnny, I’ll take it from here.”
Before he leaves, you plead at him with wide eyes, ones screaming don’t leave me here with this ******. 
He grins and leaves anyway, and so you’re forced to be stuck alone in a room with taeyong.
Lee Taeyong, one of the top students of the school and apparently the school nurse too? Was he even qualified??? The top student next to you, that is. It was always the two of you competing. To be number one. Always comparing grades and test scores.
It was strange, at first. When you met him, you actually liked him. I mean, with his good looks and seeming perfect personality and all. Then people started to notice you and your high grades, comparing it with his. 
You didn’t really care about it, but apparently, Taeyong did. That started the bickers, then the arguments and resentment. 
And it led to what you two were now. Rivals competing for the top spot. 
“-I’m guessing you hit your head??”
You blink. “Eh?” 
“Huh, is it that bad?” he mutters. “Does your head hurt?” 
You shrug. “Well, Johnny said I probably have a concussion but I feel okay?” What a lie.
“Well then why are you here?” he deadpans. 
You roll your eyes. “Can you just like, do your job and not talk back for once? Just make sure I’m okay or whatever..”
He sighs, moving to stand in front of you. You furrow your eyebrows. “What are you doing?” Taeyong doesn’t say anything, instead suddenly grabbing your face with his hands. His hands were surprisingly warm, touch soft.
Panicking, you attempt to remove his hands, but his glare forces you to freeze. “Stop moving.” 
Then he pulls out a black object.  Oh, it’s a.... flashlight? “Don’t look straight into it,” he says quietly. 
The bright light blinds you at first, but after adjusting, your eyes focus on the only thing in your field of vision.  Him.
And for some reason, you take to chance to just... look at taeyong. His eyes are a deep, warm brown, focused on your face and much different from the usual dirty looks he would send your way. 
Of course, he was extremely handsome, but you would never say or admit that. You felt.... warm, the way his face was so close to yours-closer than it had ever been. there were no insults, just you and him. 
The light abruptly turns off with a click. And for some reason, you don’t move. Taeyong doesn’t either. His eyes make contact with yours. It was weird how the first thought that came into your head was that his eyes were really pretty. Too pretty.
He blinks. “I think you should be okay, just get some rest for the next couple of days or whatever. Don’t strain yourself too much. And no gym for the rest of the week either.” 
You slowly nod, making your way out of technically his office. After getting a considerable distance away, you take a moment to just think. It was different. He was different. Different from the usual snarky remarks and gloating. Nurse Taeyong, you almost laugh. 
Immediately straightening up, you squeeze your eyes shut. 
Tch. What were you thinking? You still couldn’t believe taeyong was the actual school nurse. Seriously, an annoying student like him? The school couldn’t even get a real one? And not to mention his fangirls. They probably came to visit him every day, taking over the whole place. 
You felt jealous. The fact that he took care of students every day and still was able to maintain his amazing grades. But even worse, you also felt admiration. Or at least you thought so, a tiny feeling blooming in your stomach. 
The topic of him comes up again one day at lunch. You were sitting at lunch with Ten and Yuta when the thought pops into your head.
“Hey, did you guys know that taeyong was the school nurse?” 
They both nod. You scoff. “Am I the only one who didn’t know?” Ten shoots you a look. “Maybe if you weren’t too busy flirting with him you would know.”
“I do not! He’s the one who likes to constantly compare our grades, and I just can’t let him win.” Yuta joins in. “Seriously y/n, you talk about him a lot. No matter if you say you hate him, it’s like you two are obsessed with each other.”
Shaking your head, you say, “No... I won’t ever like lee taeyong.” You miss the look Yuta and Ten share. 
You got detention. With said person. Maybe it was your fault. Or maybe it was his.
I mean, if you were called up to solve a problem and he kept making dumb remarks while you were writing, was it that unreasonable of you to call him a very school inappropriate name?
He sighs next to you, and you glare at him. “Sigh one more time and the files aren’t the only things that are getting shredded.” He scoffs. “What can you even do? You can’t even solve a simple calculus problem.” 
A wave of something intense, you can’t tell what it is, flows through you, and you angrily grab his collar, face inches from yours.
You’re not sure what it was, maybe hormones, who knows?, that caused you to simply say, “Well, I can do this,” and smash your lips onto his. 
He’s shocked at first, frozen, but surprisingly melts into it.
And just as he brings you closer, you break the kiss. You stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you abruptly turn and walk out, leaving him to do the rest of the work.
The next day, week, he actually doesn’t bring it up. The kiss, or you leaving him behind. You’re not even sure why you did it.
But things definitely changed. The looks he would send you and the comments. You wouldn’t say they got worse, actually the opposite. His comments were less harsh-just as frequent- but there was something else, hidden deeper, whenever you would meet his eyes.
You might’ve jammed your finger on a basketball. But you didn’t want to admit it(more like you were too lazy to do anything about it). Or maybe you were just too stubborn and didn’t want to go to the nurse. But it constantly bothered you throughout the whole day, so you went anyway. For some reason, you were nervous, thinking you were gonna have to face taeyong again. 
As quiet as possible, you twist the door open, creeping inside. Surprisingly, it’s empty. Frowning, you look around. There’s no one here?
You think you feel disappointed? but you laugh, instead just brushing it off. Muttering, you turn around to leave when you notice Taeyong. Standing in the doorway, looking confusedly at you. “Why are you here again?” 
Awkwardly coughing, you mumble, “I jammed my finger or something, I don’t know... C-Can you check it?” 
He sighs, gently taking your hand and leading you over to the bench. You watch as he examines it, making a small noise of pain when he touches it. He looks up, “what did you do?” 
You glance away sheepishly, “...basketball??” “Well, you probably sprained it. I’ll tape it. Does it hurt?” Slowly, you nod. 
As he deftly wraps your finger, you stare at him. His eyes, nose, lips. And after he looks up, an irritating knowing expression on his face, he still holds onto your hand. “Miss smarty pants finally stopped talking, huh?”
You blink. “-what? Uh,, I’m going... Thanks, I guess,” you barely finish your sentence. Slipping your hand away from his grip, he watches as you quickly whisk out from the office. 
It wasn’t even a week later. Your next visit. Except girls were visiting him- you could tell they obviously didn’t have a reason for going. That was a lie, their reason was him. Trying to flirt their way in, you thought with a tsk! Their heads turn to look at you, taeyong included. 
You could easily tell the look on his face- annoyed,  exasperated but still trying to hide it. You suddenly felt bad for him- it was probably tiring to have girls all over you all the time. Clearing your throat, you send a fake smile to them. 
“Are you guys finished?” They share a look before brushing past you. 
You hear a cough, turning towards the sound. Taeyong stands up from the desk, muttering thanks. You almost forgot why you were here. 
Plopping into one of the chairs, you stare up at the ceiling. “I’m missing something.” You can sense his confusion even when you’re not looking. “What?” 
Your head lolls toward him. “Here,” you casually point to your head. “I can’t focus in class today.” 
He frowns. “So what do you want me to do about it?” Humming, you reply, “Nothing. You’re not leaving for class now, right?” 
“No, why?” You sigh. “Let me just stay here. You don’t have to do anything, just don’t make me go back to class.” 
“Y/n. What’s going on? You’re missing your lesson, and I know you would never miss a chance to study more than me.” 
After a pause, you look at him. “Let’s not talk for like five minutes, alright?” He abruptly stands up, walking over to you, legs dangling off the sides of the chair. 
Taking your face in his palms, he examines you. “What’s wrong? Did you eat something bad? How much sleep did you get last night?”
Blushing, you slap his hands away. “Nothing’s wrong !! Can’t I just be here if I want?” 
Taeyong squints. “Four hours?” Rolling your eyes, you get up to leave, but his hand catches your uninjured one. “Stay.” You huff, about to snatch your hand away, but his grip tightens. “I want you to.” 
Normally, taeyong wouldn’t allow anyone to just hang out in the office, but for some reason, he just blurted that out. 
Your eyes widen, stopping your struggle.  “w-why are you suddenly saying that?” He mutters you can barely understand. “It gets lonely in here..” 
You try to fight the smile growing onto your face. He was a lot cuter when he was shy like this.
“ I lied. The real reason I came was for you to take this tape off my finger. I didn’t know how long I was supposed to keep it on, and then I kinda forgot about it.” Letting the grin breakthrough on your face, you continue. “But I didn’t know I would be getting more.”
You notice his flushed face and red ears. But what you don’t notice are the girls watching through the window. 
Cue the jealous confrontation. Frankly, you kinda forgot about the whole ordeal- exams were coming up, and just because Taeyong helped you didn’t mean you were gonna let him win. 
Page 534. That’s the page you were on before rudely being interrupted by a bunch of lowerclassmen. It’s confusing at first, but you stupidly agree to follow them outside to an empty hallway. There were still some lingering effects of that concussion, huh.,,,
You couldn’t tell earlier, but now facing them, their faces seemed annoyed? Angry? 
“Are you dating Taeyong?” you’re guessing the leader of the ‘gang’ demands. You squint in confusion. “What?-no! Why are you asking?” 
The girl scoffs. “Then why are you always flirting with him?” She moves closer, to the point where her face is right in front of yours, causing you to raise an eyebrow. “Just know, he’ll never date someone like you alright? So back off.”
You laugh, eyes glittering in amusement, but the tone in your voice says otherwise. “Who says I have to listen to you? Even if I was flirting with him- which is none of your business- I can do whatever I want.” 
There’s a lot of emotions swirling inside you. Shock, irritation, anger. For someone like taeyong, his fangirls were a lot different. 
“If you’re going to waste my time, I’m leaving.” 
You feel as if someone lit a match within you, but you turn to leave before it gets out of control. 
A hand grabs yours. Hard. Before spinning you around until you feel it. A hard slap leaving tingles on your cheek. And then, of course, a harsh tug on your hair, pulling you closer to that wretched face.
You can’t even think, process anything- it was too shocking. “This is a warning. Stay away from Lee Taeyong. Or next time it’ll be worse.” That’s all it takes for you to move once more. 
You slap her wrist away from your hair, emotions boiling. You enjoy the split second where her face shows fear, but it quickly changes back. She raises her arm again, and you do the same. No way in hell are you letting her touch you again. 
It almost feels like slow motion, both of your arms hovered in the air until a voice cuts through. 
And then everyone freezes. You recognize his voice immediately. Taeyong’s standing at the end of the hallway, eyes wide and body tense. 
Hilarious how fast the whole group changes. Two-faced little- “Taeyong!!! We-we were just trying to get to class, and all of a sudden they- they attacked us! Please-!”
Scoffing, you’re about to just walk away, but Taeyong rushes to you. “Are you alright? Did you get hurt?” His eyes search your whole body, panicked.
Maybe your cheek was stinging pretty bad, but it was nothing compared to the raw satisfaction from those looks on the girls' faces. You don’t even spare a glance back as Taeyong drags you to the nurse's office. 
He sits you down in a chair, wasting no time in grabbing medicine. No words are exchanged. 
“Where did they hit you?” You couldn’t form the words to question how he knew. Swallowing, your hand raises to your cheek. 
You can’t tell if you hate or love the way he looks at you -concerned, tenderly. 
Even the way he speaks so softly. “It’s bruised...” Taeyong takes a glob of some white cream, making you wince when he makes contact with your cheek. His whisper of an apology tickles your face. 
It’s silent as he tends to you. The only thing you can hear is your thudding heartbeat. 
“I-is there more? Did they hit you anywhere else?” “No... thank you though.” As he cleans up, you really don’t have anything to say. 
“Will you at least tell me why they did that? You wouldn’t provoke anyone, I know.” You bite the inside of your cheek, debating. 
He sits in front of you, pleading. “Please?” You’re bewildered as to why he wants to know so bad, but you answer anyway, speaking quietly. “Your fan club-whatever, fangirls. They were jealous of me, apparently. It was stupid of me to follow them, and it was stupid of me to cause a scene.” 
He takes your hand, and you’re surprised at the anger on his face. “No. It wasn’t. They were out of control. It’s my fault since you said they were my-uh fans... I just didn’t know they would do such a thing. Seriously, I’ll tell them to stop completely.” 
“It’s fine,” you sigh, just wanting to go home and sleep. Taeyong’s grip on your hand tightens. 
“It’s not fine!” He objects, voice getting louder. 
You’re startled at his outburst. “Why do you care?”
“Will you stop getting hurt??” 
You frown. “That’s not what I asked. Why are you getting so angry?” You realize how close your faces have gotten, and he must’ve too, considering the sudden red cheeks. A lightbulb goes off in your head. 
Moving in more to bring your face even closer to his, you examine his reaction. Watching as his eyebrows raise before swiftly moving backward. 
A mischievous grin finds its way onto your face. You pretend to tap your chin before asking, eyes glinting, “so? why do you care so much?” 
Taeyong huffs, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “It’s just cause I won’t have anyone to compete with anymore if you’re always hurt. Don’t get any ideas... and stop coming to the nurse’s office!! Just go out with me outside of school,” he grumbles. "-and where no one can hurt you," he adds.
You pout, “I like visiting you.” Both of you falling back into a comfortable silence as you nod decisively. “Alright, since it’s nurse’s orders. But.....”
He glances at you, waiting for you to continue. 
Your face turns serious, and so does his. Facing him, you hold your pinky out in front of you, staring him in the eye. “Promise me.” 
“Promise you what?” 
“That you’ll take care of me. Whenever I’m hurt.” 
And you enjoy the moment when his pinky comes up and wraps around yours.
     A/N: I wrote these situations as a joke, but If you ever get hit in the head and it seems ‘more than harmless’ , please get it checked out ! (I would know from experience ...!)  
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blxetsi · 3 years
Hi there! I love your work!! So I know this sounds a little niche but, could we get headcanons for a reader in a polyamorous relationship with Hange and Miche please? Hope you’re having a really good day!
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hange and mike dating headcanons (canonverse)
zoë hange x gn!reader x mike zacharias
warnings: polyamorous relationship, and titans ??, reader is kinda innocent ?? like just easily wound up
also this is going to be SO fucking long and focused on hange for the first long bit sorry !
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btw this isnt rlly dating headcanons so much as backstory, how you met, and shit leading up to actually getting together i went so fucking overboard and went the complete opposite way of what you asked ill do a part two with ACTUAL dating headcanons if youd like anon just tell me and ill do it
- i think you wouldve worked for garrison originally
- in season one when hange started the experiments on sawney and bean thats when you would've met them
- you had been a big fan of their research studies for a while, so being in front of someone you thought was so cool was a little nerve wracking
- you had just became newly appointed as a captain for a garrison squad, being one of the youngest recruits to get the position, which also meant some people thought you couldnt handle the job
- you were good at telling others what to do, and guiding them when needed, you took over the leader role very quickly, you had to if you wanted to keep the position
- although you thought you were a good leader, others didnt
- specifically older members of garrison who thought because you were so young, youd be naive
- and since you were a garrison captain, you worked closely with hange and moblit during their experiments
- any request they made for supplies or anything, went through you and youd get it for them
- they needed more help ? youre requesting three soldiers to the experimentation zone immediately. anything they needed you helped with, because you liked helping
- hange had quickly grown fond of you, they were so thankful that you were so willingly to have your squad help them. you remember the brunette grabbing your hand and saying "thank you for your dedication to this project and to science !" while bowing multiple times
- as unsanitary and childish as it was,,, you didnt wash that hand for a day
- hange saw how some members of your squad treated you, and it may have irked them a bit
- causing them to rant to moblit while writing down research data
- "hange." "i just dont get it, why dont they say anything ? theyre so nice so why dont people respect them like they should-" "hange !" "what ?!" "youre writing down captain l/n's name on your page !" "so what ?!- wait what" this causes a night of bickering between the two of them 😐🤚
- when sawney and bean died hange was devastated. you had grown to like the section commander as a friend and respected them greatly, so to see their hardwork and research all go down the drain was hard
- you immediately went into leader mode and started ordering your squad around "listen up ! i want this whole perimeter checked and searched for any evidence to help us find out who did this." a couple members groaned, and one man, who was in his early thirties made a comment about it. "theyre just stupid fucking titans. we're supposed to kill them, not keep them alive for some freak to experiment on them."
- yknow,, looking back on it maybe you shouldnt have went off on them the way you did, but you did because not only was the man questioning your authority and orders, he was blatantly disrespecting a section commander. "i am your captain. i am your leader. you will respect me, and you will listen to me. you either do i say or youll be suspended and taken off my squad immediately. and that goes for everyone ! do i make myself clear ?" you shouted. the man who had talked back raised his eyebrows, youd never once yelled or demanded things be done in a manner like this, and it clearly shocked him when you stood up for yourself.
- a bunch of murmurs came from your squad and you dismissed them, but not before stepping in front of your soldier in front of everyone. "between you and me ? you should be discharged for not only your blatant disrespect and defiance to me for months now, but also for your innapropriate and degrading comments about section commander hange. you wanna pull some shit like this in the future, not just to me but to anybody ? you should kiss your position in garrison squad goodbye, since youre too childish to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. now grow the fuck up and go do what ive asked please." the man looked scared as he stared at you, no one had seen you act like this before, his jaw clenched as he nodded and walked off, the rest of your squad dispersing with him
- you didnt notice hange calling your name until you felt their hand on your shoulder. you turned around and saw their sympathetic gaze on you. "thank you for defending me. are you okay ?"
- you rubbed the back of your neck and answered. "honestly ? i feel kind of bad, like i embarassed him or something." the survey corps leader tilted their head back as they laughed. "youre so kind y/n, but im proud of you." the comment, although lighthearted, struck a cord with you
- a couple days later you were requested to meet with not only the section commander but commander smith, as well as your superior, dot pixis
- the meeting only lasted about thirty minutes, but hange had boasted about not only your leadership skills but also your knowledge and ideas on various sciences. erwin decided to offer you a position to work under hange, and dot pixis agreed to have you transferred to the survey corps if you agreed.
- did your decision have to do with your crush on hange ? maybe. would you ever admit it ? no.
- pixis explained to you that youd be honorably disharged from the garrison regiment before being moved to the scouts' headquarters in trost
- you surprisingly got along well with others there. working in hanges squad was fun, and even though you were demoted from a captain back to a cadet you didnt mind
- hange had offered to share as much knowledge as they could with you, which led you to be in their office (as messy as it was) after work hours
- and thats where you met mike
- well, got to know him
- hange introduced you two when you first joined and the first thing the section commander did was NOT shake the hand you held out for him but to lean down and sniff around your hair and neck
- your face felt hot as you stuttered over your words, thrown off by his,,, unique, greeting
- hange and laughed and lightly pushed him away, before explaining to you that thats just what mike did
- back to being in hanges office
- for nights on end youd stay up together in their office, two chairs huddled beside one another while you read through books of research, not just from hange but from published scientists and anthropologists too
- mike had started joining you two only three days after you and hange started
- he would stay quiet, but would sit next to hange making them be sandwiched by the two of you
- after that you started to notice him more often
- down the halls he'd send you a small smile, which you brightly returned
- sometimes he'd be in charge of training that day, and he would wordlessly help you position your arms to properly block or punch when sparring with other members
- then he started bringing tea when he would come and listen to you and hange discuss different theories, articles and information together
- you didnt even know the two were dating until you accidentally walked in on them in hange's office
- they werent doing anything dirty, just giving each other a kiss, but you had walked in on them with a stack of papers captain levi told you to give to hange.
- you kinda,, stood there, slackjawed, while the two pulled apart slowly to look at you. hange had a mischievous grin on their face while mike just gave you a blank stare
- you dropped the papers. the stack of documents levi tasked you to give to hange. you dropped them. How Embarassing.
- your face began to feel hot not just from seeing them but also because youre embarassing yourself by dropping the papers and just standing there like an IDIOT
- "uh,,, i- captain levi said to give you those documents you requested." your voice cracked at the end making you wince
- "you mean the documents that are spread out on my floor now ?" hange asked. you looked between them and the floor, then at mike, then back to the floor than back at hange. "yes." you said, and you could feel that warmth in your face spreading to your ears now too. "im sorry." you exclaimed, your voice sounding strained as you quickly walked backwords and closed the door in front of you
- you started avoiding hange and mike after that, and became hyper aware of everything that they did. they were TAUNTING YOU 🙄 you could feel it
- instead of small smiles in the halls, after you started ducking your head down when you saw mike, he would now give you head pats when you crossed him
- hange would let their hand linger on your shoulder or side as they shuffled past you during meetings or experiments, and would come closer than usual when handing you documents
- mike would give you teasing smiles when you got your ass handed to you during sparring
- and finally you were fed up ! did this count as workplace harassment ? you didnt know but you wanted answers ! so you went to the source, hange's room after dinner
- you didnt bother knocking, you just walked in with your eyes closed
- hange giggled, "what are you doing y/n ?" "making sure im not walking into something i shouldnt be seeing, section commander." "by that do you mean the kiss mike and i shared ?" "yes." "well we're not kissing right now." they said, and you peaked one eye open to be sure they werent lying, and they werent !
mike stood up from his chair and slowly made his way past you, closing the door. you took a deep breath before throwing all of your word vomit on blond and brunette duo. "so i dont know why you guys think teasing me like this is fun, but it isnt. it makes me flustered and nervous and feel weird and im not sure if it counts as abuse of power but i dont like it so it needs to stop." you huffed in a big breath of air after saying all of that, and hange rested their head in their hands.
"y/n do you have a crush on me ?" they asked. their voice was soft but they still had that stupid smile on their face. you could feel your face getting warmer by the second. your mouth opened and closed but no words came out.
" i uh, im gonna leave now." you turned around but hit something hard, and looked up at mike looking down on you, a smirk on his face. he put his hands on your shoulders and turned you back around to hange, walking the two of you over to their desk. he gave you a slight push, causing you to put your hands on the desk and lean on it, while mike kept his hands on you to keep you from running.
hange leaned into you, your noses barely touching. "i only ask because, mike and i have grown very fond of you." they said. you nodded a little bit, the tips of your noses brushing against each other.
"yeah well, id be a little sad if my superiors didnt like me, that would be kind of bad." you replied.
"can i kiss you ?" they asked.
and now is when your brain really stops functioning. thoughts fill your mind of mike and his relationship to hange. are they actually together or is it a friends with benefits kind of thing ?
"i uh, i cant kiss you." you replied, a bit breathlessly caused by both section commanders.
"why not y/n ?"
"well i'm not a cheater, or a homewrecker. i mean i assume that you and mike are together so, im not going to kiss someone in a relationship." you stammered out. this was making you very nervous, butterflies errupting in your stomach. you knew they were just teasing you, goofing around to make you flustered, but a part of you hoped youd be able to kiss hange, and maybe mike for that matter.
they chuckled a bit, before their brown eyes looking behind you to mike's towering form. "honey, can you tell y/n its okay if they kiss me ?" they asked. mike let out a small laugh through his nose before leaning down.
"only if y/n promises to give me a kiss afterwards." he whispered. he pressed a faint kiss to your temple, and you shivered from the contact. he was warm, very warm, and even though it was such a small amount of contact it did so many things to you.
you gulped before bringing your eyes back to hange. you looked to their eyes, and then to their lips, and continued that pattern silently in hopes theyd understand. you didnt want to be teased anymore ! you wanted something to happen.
hange got the hint and smirked, before leaning in again and lightly brushing her lips against yours. theirs were soft compared to mikes chapped ones, and the kiss was so slow, so innocent, it had you leaning in for more. it was a slow, lazy kiss, a kiss to test the waters, it helped calm your nerves, but also made your nerved explode with heat.
finally the researched pulled away, and put their hands on your cheeks, squishing them to pucker your lips, before giving a kiss to your forehead, nose and lips one last time. they let go with a soft smile on their face, and a blush of their own.
you could feel mike press his body down against yours, making your knees buckle slightly. he took his right hand off your shoulder to place it on hange's cheek, thumbing over the red pigmentation. he then turned your head up and to the side, before giving you a kiss of his own. this one was a bit more dominating, hard. his chapped lips scratched against your own but you didnt mind. in a weird way it made you feel at ease, having him take control of it, the same way hange did but his was just more, needy.
he pulled back with a shaky breath and looked at you before looking at hange. "so y/n," hange began. they stood up and made their way around the table, mike pulling himself and you up straight so hange could sit on the edge, pulling you in to stand between their legs. being sandwiched in between mike and hange made you so aware of them, and even though you were very new to something like this you felt weirdly safe and secure. "mike and i genuinely care about you, and we want to be with you the way that we're with each other. would you like that ?"
honestly, how could you say no ?
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thats it again im sorry the anon who requested this you did not get what you asked for 😭😭😭😭 hope u all enjoyed requests r open stay safe
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thomotomo · 3 years
Fuck me step daddy
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TWs: Underage Peter, NSFW, Creampie, Read at you own risks, MINORS DNI, Starker
Words: 2.3k
Also posted it on AO3 if you want
Tony watched as the kid walked for the nth time today in front of him with shockingly small shorts, barely hiding his ass.
Tony tried not to appear attracted to the younger male, he was supposed to be in love with the mother of said kid, not her underaged son. It almost seemed like the kid purposefully swinged his hips more than necessary just to entice him.
Tony tried to ignore the need of bending Peter over the counter as the boy stretched his body to catch a mug that was on one of the highest shelves when there was one that could easily be cleaned in the sink.
Tony could see the boy’s flesh s his t shirt rose, the older male took a sharp breath and tried to ignore as the kid turned and looked at him with a gentle predatory smile, before filling his mug with coffee and left the room.
Tony couldn’t help but sigh in relief, now he could work properly, well until the boy would come back to tease him. Tony tried to do a maximum of work during that period of relief, but he couldn’t help that his brain constantly sent him pictures of the young boy, looking at him with bedroom eyes, pouting at him, his pink lips begging to be kissed.
Fuck he shouldn’t get lost in his fantasies like that when he had been waiting for a peaceful moment to work.
He decided to put on his headphones and listen to music, which worked for a while, he had been able to write at least three pages for his new theory, he was on his way to leave to go to his lab to try and test it when the kid walked in again, coming straight at him with an innocent face.
“Tony could you help me with my homework? I kinda need help with Chemistry.”
Holy fuck. Tony could literally see the burning desire inside Peter’s eyes, he decided to throw all caution through the window, enough was enough and he was going to give the boy what he wanted, without any mercy.
“Sure I’m coming.”
Tony put his computer down and followed Peter back to his room, he knew the kid wasn’t struggling even a little in Chemistry, he was even on the top of his class and he could probably pull a scholarship to some prestigious college with his grades.
Tony walked inside the younger male’s bedroom and sat on a chair next to Peter’s one, though a bit closer than what was necessary, barely holding back a smirk as he felt Peter tensing up a bit then relax.
Peter felt his face flush, he had been hoping for Tony to do him and it seemed he was on the right track.
“I’m struggling with tis part you see?”, Peter brought his notebook between the two of them and went even closer from Tony, he could now feel his breath on his ear, which made him shiver slightly.
Tony leaned over Peter’s shoulder and made sure to put his torso against the younger male’s back and he put his arm around the boy, pointing at a few problems, “explaining” to him how to solve it, even though he was more concentrated on trying to rile up Peter by breathing more strongly than necessary on his neck and subtly caressing his hands and wrist. He noticed a few times Peter readjusting himself awkwardly.
Tony wondered how long the kid was going to resists, he decided he will make a further move by gently kissing the boy right behind his ear, Peter took a sharp intake of breath before turning around and installing himself on Tony’s lap, immediately putting his hands around the older male’s neck.
Peter awkwardly went to kiss Tony who took the lead straight away, pouring passion in the kiss, nearly overwhelming the younger male who closed his eyes and moaned, allowing Tony’s tongue to go past his lips.
Even though the older male couldn’t help but feel guilty to be attracted to his stepson like this and cheat on his wife with the young boy, his guilt was quickly put in the back of his mind as the kid sighed in pleasure, to hell with morality.
Peter couldn’t help but move his hips, trying to find some kind of relief as his pants were getting tighter each second passing. Tony put his hands on the boy’s hips, growling as a bit of warning. The older male broke the kiss, allowing himself to take a look at the boy’s now bright red lips.
“Don’t do that unless you want to go further.”
Peter sent him a cheeky smile and kept moving his hips, making sure to roll them over Tony’s now noticeable hard-on. The inventor’s pupils dilated and he went back to kissing the boy, he started to move his hips too, making the smaller boy whimper.
Tony decided it was now time to move to other things, he broke the kiss and laid the boy on his bed, putting himself above him and went back to kissing him. One of his hands slid under his shirt, caressing the smooth stomach.
Peter’s legs parted open, letting Tony come between them and stick his hard on against him. Peter tugged Tony’s shirt up, he had seen the older man without a shirt a few times but now being able to touch him and mark him as his instead of seeing the mark his mother had left was making him absolutely wild.
Tony took off his shirt and discarded it quickly before going back to kiss the boy, moving to his neck, licking and gently biting it, making the boy mewl in pleasure. Peter sighed every time he felt Tony’s tongue licking him, the feeling sending him absolutely overboard.
Peter opened his eyes and looked at the older man’s chest, he could see a few scars and his hands went to caress his torso, feeling the rough skin under and biting his lips as he did so.
Tony smiled and bit Peter’s neck, leaving a hickey there and making Peter moan loudly, which immediately made his dick twitch. Tony helped Peter to take off his shirt, also throwing it somewhere in the room. He felt his breath hitch as he looked at the boy’s milky and flawless skin. He could see a few moles here and there and the two pink nipples he saw were making his mouth water.
Tony opened his mouth and immediately took one of the buds in his mouth, licking and gently biting it, making the boy moan in pleasure, he used his free hand to play with the other nipple and after a few minutes switched nipples.
Peter’s hand went into Tony’s hair, gripping it and tugging at them every time the older man’s teeth touched his nipple. He was trying to move his hips but one of Tony’s hands were keeping them pinned against the mattress.
Tony sucked each nipple one last time, leaving a mark around them. He slowly made his way down the boy’s body by kissing him, leaving him breathless. Once he reached the young male’s shorts he tugged at it with a smirk.
“You little tease huh, you love it when you go around in those mini shorts like a little slut huh? You love it when your step dad touch you like that?”
“Y-Yes! Pl… Please touch me more!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it~ But you’ve been such a tease lately…”
“I-I’m sorry! I wanted you to… To notice me and to touch me!”
“Oh yeah? Did you have any specific fantasies in mind?”
“Y-yees! Ah… I w-wanted you t-to take me on the kitchen’s counter! I-I want you to take me in mo-mom’s bed so you can always think about me e-e-even when I’m not here!”
“Ooh you dirty boy~ Don’t worry I’ll give you what you want kiddo.”
Tony took off Peter’s pants and threw it away, he licked his lips as he took in the boy's dick that was red, with some precum sliding from the tip. He went down and licked the dick from bottom to top, making the boy cry in pleasure. Tony made kitten licks on Peter’s dick, making it twitch, Peter eyes were filled with tears of pleasure.
Tony suddenly stopped his ministrations and went to leave hickies on the inside of his thighs, grinning afterwards, he had marked his territory, plus now and until they disappeared he wouldn’t be able to go around the house in short shorts, though Tony clearly didn’t doubted the kid wouldn’t be able to find a way to tease him, nonetheless.
Tony presented his fingers in front of the boy’s mouth, smirking at him.
Peter took the fingers in his mouth with no complains and started to suck them straight away, his eyes were clouded by desire and they were half opened now. Peter’s tongue was licking every place on the fingers salivating abundantly and coating them more than necessary. When Tony deemed that he did a good job he took them off Peter’s mouth and observed the spit on his fingers.
“You did great kiddo, now relax and enjoy.”
Peter nodded, unable to say anything. Tony went back between his legs and prodded at the tight rim, gently caressing it to help Peter relax and open up at least a little. He slowly slid a finger inside the boy, making him whimper, whether it was pleasure or not Tony didn’t knew but just in case he stilled and caressed the boy’s hips with his free hand to help him relax.
After a few moments Tony moved his fingers inside the boy, helping him open. He looked at the younger male and once he nodded he slid a second finger inside and stilled once again before starting to scissor him open. Peter was moaning loudly, pleading to get more than just the adult’s fingers and pleading for some kind of release.
Once the inventor deemed Peter relaxed and open enough he took his fingers off the teen’s ass and took off his pants finally getting naked.
Peter saw the older male’s dick and felt himself salivate, maybe next time he’d be able to take it in his mouth, he really wanted to suck him off. He wondered how heavy the male would feel in his mouth and if he would gag if he took it all the way in his mouth.
Tony took his dick in his hand and aligned it with Peter’s opening.
“You ready kid?”
“Y-yes d-daddy!”
Tony felt something primal rise up in his chest when Peter called him this name. He slowly slid his hard penis inside the boy’s hot channel, stilling once it was fully inside.
He felt Peter’s ass twitch around him, making him moan, Tony bended over the younger male, his mouth now near the kid’s ear. He licked his lips and finally started slow movements with his hips which immediately brought a reaction from Peter who flushed and moaned loudly straight into Tony’s ear, which made him speed up, the moan where like music in his ears.
He thrusted deeply and it reached the boy’s prostate, making him cry in pleasure. Tony decided to give it all and pound inside Peter, he could feel the teen’s nails on his back, gripping him and surely leaving marks.
Tony was grunting and panting, sometimes biting Peter’s lobe or neck. He tried to contain himself and not leave any marks on his neck to avoid making his wife suspicious. He kept thrusting and decided to be merciful on the kid and took his dick in his hands, using his thumb to spread the precum that came from the tip all over the top. He used his hand to give a lazy hand job to the teen.
He could see tears of pleasure slide on his young lover’s face and he felt pride swell in him, the kid was a complete mess thanks to him. He kept hitting the special spot inside Peter’s ass and made sure to speed up a little bit the movements of his hand.
Tony felt the dick in his palm twitch as Peter was trying to talk.
“I-I’m… Ah daddy I’m cumming!”
“You’re doing well kiddo. You’d like me to be your daddy huh?”
“Y-yes! Be… Be my daddy!!”
Peter came all over his hand and a little bit landed on both of their torso. Tony felt the ass suddenly tighten around his dick, nearly in a painful way, which threw him over the edge. The inventor came inside Peter’s ass, painting it in white. It made Peter moan again and the younger male looked for Tony’s mouth and kissed it less awkwardly than earlier, taking his tongue out to touch the other male’s tongue. They were making out like horny teenagers (which at least one of them was).
Peter broke the kiss and looked at the adult with half-lidded eyes and panting but with a breaming smile on his lips. Tony was also panting and he grinned as he made a movement with his hips, making the boy gasp and glare at him.
Tony smiled at him cheekily and kissed the boy’s cheek.
“You happy kiddo,”
“Ah… Yes it was so… good. Please don’t move I like being full of you.”
“Sure thing Peter, we’ll have to get cleaned before you mother comes back…”
“Wouldn’t you like her to find us like that?”, Peter looked at him with pouting lips and absolutely cute eyes.
“I don’t think she’d like that and besides, it would be harder for us to do this again if we can’t see each other as often as now. But we could fuck in some risky places if you’d like.”
Peter beamed at him and yawned. Tony went to lie on his side bringing Peter on him, allowing him to slowly fall asleep on his torso.
Don't hesitate to give me your thoughts about it! It's my 1st time entering a Bingo event so hope you'll enjoy it!
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slimesidian · 3 years
I know this is like the third ask you've gotten from me in like the past week, but I'm also a sucker for y'all's art and headcanons.
Got anything for Cubfan?
I have let this sit in my inbox for like at least 2 months and it's because I did not know where to go I'm so sorry lol.
This is gonna be really long because I'm gonna be getting into Vex headcanon territory. It also has my Scar headcanons sprinkled in because it's hard to talk about Cub without talking about Scar.
Most of this is lore since I don't watch Cub nearly enough to form more headcanons for him. That's not to say I don't watch him because I do just, I watch other Hermits more ya know
-Mod Slime
Vex Lore
So to begin. The Vex we see in MC aren't the true Vex. They are more like henchmen, or even true Vex split up into smaller forms. 
The Vex have servants, dubbed "ConVex", and there are a few ways they obtain these servants. Sometimes the ConVex come to the Vex, seeking knowledge and getting nothing in return.
Other times, the Vex will kidnap unsuspecting players and force them into the role. Players who try to escape usually end up killed. Players who are resistant deal with severe memory removal. Other Players can be bought for diamonds and cake as if they're nothing but an object.
ConVex can use Vex magic, but most aren't allowed to. Vex and ConVex can also have a mental bond which leads to sharing magic, among other things(this comes back).
Vex can also have Player disguises(like Scar), which makes luring away and kidnapping unsuspecting Players easier.
Long before Hermitcraft, or even before meeting Scar, Cub was a ConVex with no memories of his life before. He was completely human at the time, and he was in a state where he couldn't really do anything for himself.
Then Scar showed up, offering to serve the same Vex that Cub had served. At the time, Cub thought Scar was a regular Player like himself, and Scar presented himself as such.
The two didn't talk a lot at first, but whenever they did, the conversations were initiated by Scar, who was trying to learn more about Cub.
For the start of this, Cub's answers tended to not be his own, but eventually he did start opening up to Scar and eventually Scar started using healing magic on Cub's wounds(the Vex punished him a lot). 
Now, Cub had never seen a Player with magic, let alone a ConVex. And he could tell it was definitely Vex magic, which confused him because Vex don't teach ConVex about their magic.
Scar claimed that his Vex did teach him, though. They wanted him to be able to defend himself. He shows off some of his magic and Cub is in awe because he never imagined that Players could access this kind of magic.
He asked Scar if he could teach him, and Scar said he would one day, but he couldn't yet. 
The two eventually get into a conversation about Scar's Vex and it leads to him talking about how they let him leave the mansion and that he could come back if he wanted to.
This led to discussing the free will that most ConVex aren't allowed and that's when the Vex intervened, angry that their newer ConVex was ""tainting"" Cub. 
Of course, Cub was actually terrified for what felt like the first time in a while(he just doesn't remember the previous times). Scar ran over and held him close, and accidentally revealed his true form due to the raw emotions that came from seeing his new friend hurt.
This leads to Scar paying for the Vex to leave Cub alone.
At this point, Scar takes Cub to his mansion, and heals him up. 
Cub does remember Scar's true form, and how he saved him despite being a Vex. 
The two pretty much become roommates, living together in the mansion and talking about whatever. Scar teaches Cub how to use magic and it's really sweet.
Eventually, Scar admits that he's struggling with splitting ways with Cub. He doesn't want to force him to stay, he'd be no better than the Vex, but he also doesn't wanna lose his first real friend.
The two come to a mutual decision for Cub to become Scar's ConVex, but unlike how it had been with the last Vex, this relationship was only to be mutually beneficial.
Due to the mental link the two shared doing this, they started slowly becoming more like the others' species. Scar needed to eat and sleep like a Player, and Cub was getting a better hold of magic + a pair of Vex wings.
It was apparent that the two of them were also beginning to share magic. As in, if one of them has more magic, the other has less.
Eventually the two of them decide to leave the mansion and explore, hoping to find a home that actually suits them. 
This leads to Cub having to help Scar adjust to being a Player, and Scar having to help Cub stabilize his magic. This also leads to their duo becoming a trio, as Scar finds and befriends a cat. Yes that cat is Jellie.
Eventually they decide to try and explore a different world, which leads them to realizing they don't have communicators and are going to need some. 
Cue them ending up at a world hub(portal at spawn, no need for comm) and trying to find someone who can help them get new comms.
This results in them meeting one of the soon to be Kingdomcrafters. Aka, this is how the two of them meet Iskall. The two ask Iskall if they know how to make communicators, and they do but they can't make new ones. 
This leads to the duo getting temporary comms until they can get more permanent ones. 
Iskall notices how their outfits are rundown and offers to show them around and take them to a shopping area to get new clothes.
This may or may not lead to them meeting a few of the other soon to be Kingdomcrafters, specifically Ren and Wels. 
(This part is kinda blurry in my mind but the 5 of them end up becoming friends and end up being all part of KC together until they go to HC)
(I have only watched HC7 and have vague knowledge of HC6 n HC5 so we are skipping a lot here, I will only list the notable stuff)
There’s a reason the two of them forgot what they did in S5, and it’s because Scar used his magic to put a curse on the Vex masks. It pretty much locked their memories of what they did in S5 behind said masks, and they only remembered it if they put it on. This was mostly to keep a balance on their magic. 
The two’s power imbalance makes certain magic take a weird toll on their bodies. This explains the reason Cub appeared more Vex like during Demise while Scar didn’t. Scar had less of the shared magic at the time and thus it did not mess with him as negatively.
Despite his Vex trauma, Cub has definitely coped better with it then most would. He finds comfort in being able to use the magic of the very things that tormented him. It's like reclaiming a part of himself that was stolen.
He's definitely the only one of the mayoral trio that had an office that was properly cleaned. 
When Scar needs a break from things, Cub tends to become Jellie's prime caregiver. To be fair she wanders around a lot even when Scar isn't taking a break, but Cub knows he'd freak if Jellie was left unattended.
During the base swap, Cub temporarily grew in goat horns. Sadly they're gone now, but he still has fluffy ears! And they're blue because of his magic so that's even better!!
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n0r14k1-k4ky01n · 4 years
hello! this might be a bit of a weird alsk but can i request headcanons for the crusaders x reader having a vibe session at 2 in the morning? maybe they just had a rough day and decided to listen to loud music at 2am and dye their hair to make them self feel better. the reader is a bit less verbal about their emotions so they just kinda vibe to music? thank you for your time, have a nice day/night/evening!
!!! First ask, woo!!! This is actually so adorable, I love it- I'm gonna say this takes place after the Egypt trip (in an everyone lives AU, of course) so no one is pestering you to sleep for obvious reasons, lol. Also, I wasn't sure if you meant for this to be romantic or not, so I made it kinda ambiguous. You can interpret it how you like tho!!
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Crusaders Having A Vibe Session With The Reader At 2AM!!
Jotaro... Probably doesn't sleep very well anyways.
He hears you up and moving at 2am, gives a quiet yare yare as he realizes he's not gonna get any sleep tonight, takes a few minutes to mentally prepare, and goes to check on you.
He finds you as you're waiting for the dye to set, raising an eyebrow, but not reacting much otherwise.
He's used to nonverbal communication, not to mention observant as hell, so he can tell pretty easily that you're not doing so hot.
"... Bad day?"
You just nod in response. He sighs and sits himself down next to you.
This is a rare opportunity to lean on him without being pushed off. He might even put an arm around your shoulder.
He's gonna help you with the rest of your hair if you ask, but only if you explain how, and let him pick the next few songs. He has a very specific music taste, it's a wonder he's been listening to what you put on with only a few snide comments here and there.
... But he'll still take your music taste into account too. Don't point it out, he'll deny it and get grumpy.
When all is said and done, you're definitely gonna fall asleep first. If he's up, he's up. He won't move you (other than off his shoulder) but he'll shut off the music, and if you left your phone unlocked, there's a good chance he'll shut off any alarms you have. He's sure you need the rest, even if you might get pissy that he did something like that without asking.
As long as you're feeling a bit better, he couldn't care less if you're upset at him.
Either he was already out cold by midnight, or he stayed up playing videogames. Regardless, he's gonna hear the music at some point, and go out to check on you.
He shows up before you've actually dyed your hair, a more confused than he is annoyed.
"Y/N, why on earth are you up this late...?"
"You don't have room to judge, Nori."
He catches on that you're not doing so hot, and sticks around, trying to fall into a comfortable silence with you.
... The key word here is "trying".
He feels really awkward being around people in the first place, especially one-on-one. Add in the fact that there's nothing but the music to keep him from overthinking...
He's piping up every little while with a fun fact about something or another. He doesn't actually know what to say, but he can't stand the silence, so that's his way of trying to fill the void. He doesn't mind if you don't respond with much more than a nod, just acknowledge that he said something and he's fine.
He let's you pick all the music. He likes just about anything, and besides, you're not doing so hot. It's the least he can do.
He'd also absolutely help you dye your hair, and he already knows how. He's definitely looked into dying his own, but is too worried it won't look better than what he already has, or that it won't look good enough to be worth the time/effort/money.
Once again, you'll probably fall asleep first. This man has trained himself well in the art of "I'm doing something, sleep can wait". An Epic Gaymer™ of the highest degree.
He'll probably try to move you to your bed, but unless he can very easily pick you up, he's just gonna leave you there. Maybe shift you so you're lying down. He just really doesn't wanna accidentally wake you up.
I'm gonna start this one off by saying I'm so sorry, I have no idea how to write for Avdol-
Probably still up when he hears you. One of my personal headcanons is that he opens his shop in the evening and shuts it down in the day, since tarot stuff seems to be a lot more popular with the night crowd, so he's on a bit of a weird sleep schedule anyway.
Immediately concerned. He's pretty good at picking up on other people's emotions.
"Y/N, you look down. Is there anything I could do to help...?"
Just ask him to stick around and he will. He might even make you some tea, if you like it. Or like, hot chocolate. But no coffee unless it's decaf, he's not about to let you stay up later than you need to.
He's okay with the silence, actually. Will open his arms up for a cuddle, if you want. He's such a good space heater cuddler.
He doesn't really know how to help you dye your hair, but he'll try if you tell him how! Honestly, just let him know what you need in general, and he'll do it in a heartbeat... So long as it's not gonna backfire in the long run, like caffeine, or starting a big task/project (it's the middle of the night, for Pete's sake).
Might suggest listening to quieter music after you've finished with your hair, in an attempt to help you wind down and maybe fall asleep.
... But it's a 50/50 as to who actually falls asleep first. If he manages to stay up, he'll try and carry you to bed. If he can't, he's gonna wake you up and tell you to go properly lay down. He feels bad about disturbing you, but it's better than letting you sleeping funny and get a sore neck.
See, Polnareff needs his beauty sleep. He's out at a reasonable time, 11 at the very latest, and your music absolutely woke him up.
He's gonna stomp out of his room grumbling and groggy.
"It's 2 in the damn morning, Y/N, what the hell...?"
Not the most observant of the bunch, so for him to clue in, you'll either need to look like death, or straight up tell him you feel like shit.
Any hint of grumpiness or sleepiness is gone in an instant, replaced by a small gasp and so much worry.
This man is absolutely going to help you with your hair. Hell, if you let him, he's going to try and give you a full-blown spa experience. Face mask, nail painting, he might give you a massage!! Please indulge him, it's going to be so nice and he's going to be so happy he could help. But, if not, he's more than happy to just sit with you.
However, unless you specifically ask him to be quiet, he's going to talk your ear off. He won't mind if you don't respond, he's more than happy to just blabber about anything that crosses his mind.
Hell, even if you do ask him to hush, he's gonna struggle with it. He never stops talking, the absolute dork.
He'll suggest songs he thinks you might enjoy, and will sometimes ask if you can skip one or two that he really doesn't like, but for the most part you have free range over the music.
He's going to try so hard to stay awake, but he's used to a full 8 hours or more, so he's falling asleep first. Though, when he wakes up, he's gonna remember what happened last night and apologize profusely for passing out on you. Oh, and compliment how nice your hair looks in the natural light, of course.
Another early sleeper. When he was younger, he'd stay up until the wee hours of the morning with no problems, but nowadays he's pretty consistent about passing out at 10 on the dot. Your music woke him up, which is impressive, because he sleeps like a rock.
Manages to be less grumpy than Polnareff when he comes out, but not by much.
"Geez, Y/N, could you please save all the noise for the daytime?"
However, he's still got his paternal instincts, and as soon as he gets a good look at you, he's gonna know somethings up.
He's gonna insist on helping dye your hair. Hell, if the dye is temporary, there's a good chance he'll ask if he can dye his too! He doesn't see why not, and besides, it might get you to smile.
That's his main goal here, actually. He'll try not to talk too much, but similarly to Kakyoin, he's not great with silence. The difference is that he's gonna fill it with terrible dad jokes and over-the-top stories rather than fun facts. But if you really want him to shush, he'll try his best. He'll get quieter the later it gets anyways. He just wants to make you happy.
Expect him to hum along to any songs he knows, but he won't ask you to play anything specific.
Absolutely going to cuddle you if you let him. He's a very good cuddler/pillow.
Although he's probably really sleepy, absolutely refuses to fall asleep first. As soon as you're out, he'll shut off the music and carry you to your bed, no matter if he struggles with it or not. Tucks you in, pats your head, the whole nine yards.
... And then he goes and passes the hell out too. He's an old man, leave him be.
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ssamie · 3 years
three. how strange
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"so, you should tell me about yourself, y/n-chan" rika hummed "all i know is you're from canada and nothing else" she said
y/n hummed and took a small bite from her sandwich, munching lazily as she stares at rika from across her. "there's not much to say" she said. "oh cmon, there must be something" rika exclaimed
"favourite food?" rika asked "burgers." y/n responded with a look of glee "or fries. or poutines. or japanese bentos" she added
"see? im getting to know so much already!" rika said with a grin. "hm, how about your hobbies?"
"hobbies?" y/n repeated. "i like to skate.." she muttered. "what about you?"
"oh me?" rika hummed excitedly "well i play volleyball! im the girls team captain!" she exclaimed. "volleyball.." y/n mumbled as she recalled the brief conversation she had with cherry. "how do you play that?" she asked
"hm, well you just hit the ball and try to keep it in the air for as long as you can!" rika explained
"oh.. that's a bit boring" y/n said with a huff
rika spluttered and silently sulked "what do you mean?!" she exclaimed "volleyball is so fun! you get to play with your team and win! and go to competitions and-"
"rika-chan?" a girl's voice called out "who're you with?" another asked
y/n looked over her shoulder to see two girls walking towards them, holding what she assumed was a volleyball and their lunch. "oh, this is y/n-chan, she's our new classmate" rika explained. "oh, you're the transferee?" one of the girls asked
y/n nodded and quietly picked at her food, not wanting to look up and interact with the girls.
"not much of a talker huh?" the other girl mused. "well that's fine" she shrugged "mind if we eat with you guys?"
"not at all!" rika exclaimed with a grin. y/n grumbled in slight discomfort as she awkwardly sat along with the three girls.
"oh, sorry. im yuka" the girl beside her said with a wave. "i'm yuri!" the other said
"hasegawa y/n. nice to meet you." y/n replied with a straight face as she waved back at them
"hey, y/n-chan, yuka and yuri are twins and  both third years too! they're my teammates in volleyball" rika exclaimed. "is that so.." she replied "that's cool" she smiled
"man, you are really bland" yuka said with a chuckle as she slung her arm around her shoulders
"what?" y/n mumbled back as she stared up at the girl with a raised brow "a-ah! yuka meant that you're not really that expressive!" rika explained with a nervous grin "yuka-chan is bad at wording things so she comes off as mean"
"oh.." y/n muttered. yuka laughed and patted y/n on the back. "that's right, don't take it too seriously!" she said
"you should be nicer to her" yuki said with a frown as she watched y/n rub her back right at the spot where it got hit. "what do you mean?" yuka playfully scoffed "im nice! i mean why wouldn't i be?"
she then tucked some of her blue locks behind her ears and smirked. "how can i be mean to a cutie like this?" yuka cooed 
rika and yuki face palmed while y/n simply stared back at the girl with a blank smile, blinking cluelessly as the flirty remark seemed to fly over her head. "you're cute too." y/n said with a small smile as she continued munching on her sandwich
rika and yuki averted their eyes to y/n and deadpanned. "is she really that dense?" yuki sweat dropped. "it seems so" rika chuckled 
"i like you, you're cool!" yuka exclaimed as she slung her arm around the girl once more. "you should join the team" 
"team?" y/n mumbled in confusion. "I AGREE!" rika exclaimed as she slammed her hand on the table. "can you even play volleyball, y/n-chan?" yuki, who seemed to be the only sensible one, asked 
"no" y/n replied 
"i'll teach you!" yuka said with a grin "im the ace, this'll be easy!" 
"well, it's all y/n-chan's desicion if she wants to join or not" yuki said with a smile. 
"NOPE IT'S MINE!" rika interjected "im the captain so im scouting you to join!" 
y/n sweat dropped and shook her head. "can i decline?" she asked. "absolutely not." rika replied
"this is.. strange." y/n said as she inspected the ball in her hands. she dribbled it back and forth as she eyed the net. "what's with that net?" she asked them. "are we supposed to jump over it?" she asked
rika paled and immediately shook her head "ofcourse not! no one can jump that high anyways" she said. "were supposed to keep the ball from touching it. it also divides the court, as you can see."
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y/n hummed and nodded in fascination. "oh. so we throw it over?" she asked
rika sighed and shook her head. "nope we hit the ball so it could fly through the air. kinda like this..." she took the ball from y/n's hands and fixed her stance to perform an overhand serve.
y/n's eyes followed her hands, watching as her palm made contact with the ball, and making it real through the air with immense speed and power.
"heh. hows that!" rika grinned. y/n looked at her with sparkling eyes, her expression laced with awe and admiration. "that's so cool!" she exclaimed "can you teach me?"
rika nodded excitedly and grabbed a different ball for her to practice with. "okay, so pretty much just throw the ball with your hand and hit it with the other" she said
"go as hard as you can. we're only practicing anyways” y/n nodded in determination and did as she was told. except, when she did her attempt, it was quite unsuccessful to say the least.
she threw the ball in the air, her aura changing into a more concentrated one, as she readied her other hand to hit.
"ouch!" she yelped as her hand missed the ball, which led to it falling ontop of her head. 
"ah, don't mind" rika chuckled "it's your first try, you'll get it right soon!" 
"right!" y/n replied
wrong. they were wrong. 
y/n couldn't perfect or let alone perform one successful serve or receive. it always ended with her tripping, missing the ball, or accidentally making it bounce onto her face
"i can't do it" she heaved out as she laid on the gym floors . "yes you can, you're just.. different.." rika sweat dropped "learning new things comes differently to others, so maybe with more practice you'll do well" rika said 
"i can't anymore" y/n huffed out as she sat up from the ground "it hurts." she gestured to her arms and face which was covered in bandaids. her arms were as red as they could be from all the impact it had been receiving. and her face was honestly close to being battered. she felt as if it was worse than the injuries she got while learning how to skate with reki. 
"but volleyball seems awesome and fun.." she muttered out in distress "i wanna play it. but i don't think i can" she said, making rika frown. 
"well.. we could always try again?" rika suggested with a smile. "im afraid if i get more bruises i won't be able to skate or move properly anymore" y/n replied with a grunt 
rika hummed in agreement. "well youre not wrong" she said 
"i wanna play volleyball.. but i also don't.." y/n said with a soft laugh "i wanna learn about it.. and be involved" she said  "maybe reki would be proud." she muttered with a smile. "..is that weird?" she asked 
rika looked over at her and shook her head with a smile "not at all!" she said "actually, it might know just what you want" 
"and that is..?" 
"please accept her as manager!" rika exclaimed to the coach as she bowed down in respect. "please!" y/n repeated as she went to stand back up, only for rika to push her head back down. 
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rika sweat dropped and cupped her mouth, whispering to him with a frown "well, she's kinda bad at it so.." coach nobuteru sweat dropped and nodded. "i see." he said. 
coach nobuteru chuckled at the two and urged them to stand. "i don't understand, rika" he said "if she wants to play volleyball, why not let her join your team?" he asked 
"hasegawa y/n, correct?" he mused. y/n nodded in response, way too distracted by the boys' gym that seems to look relatively different from the girls'. "well, our manager spot is indeed open for offers" he said "we still haven't found one that's reliable and fairly compatible with the team." 
"yeah, most of the volunteers just wanna flirt with oikawa" rika explained, causing nobuteru to laugh but agree nonetheless. 
"..." y/n stared at them in confusion and tilted her head to the side, looking absolutely clueless. "who's oikawa?" she asked 
a few murmurs and snickers could be heard from outside the gym entrance, followed by some whines from a boy saying things like 'don't laugh!' or 'she's just playing hard to get!' 
"he's our team captain." nobuteru explained with a smile. "he's arguably one of the best players in the business, im sure he won't disappoint." 
"oh.." y/n muttered. "who are the other players?" she asked, not really wanting to discuss a boy she don't really know 
laughs and murmurs once again echoed through the gym walls, followed by some teasing remarks like 'oh the pretty girl's not interested in you' and the likes 
"well, we have our vice captain iwaizumi" nobuteru said. y/n then perked up at the familiar name and gasped in awe "iwaizumi-san's from our class" she said to rika who only nodded in response
"i see he's got a fan?" coach nobuteru mused. "iwaizumi is a wing spiker and our 'ace' as we may say" he said. "so cool!" y/n exclaimed with sparkling eyes as she invisioned iwaizumi spiking a ball through their opponent's blocks 
"enough!" a loud whine echoed throughout the gym walls, followed by various laughter from boys 
the three of them looked back to see oikawa crossing his arms and huffing in annoyance while some of the boys teased him 
"oh, you finally decided to show yourselves, huh?" coach nobuteru chuckled 
"coach!" the boys greeted with sheepish smiles as they put away their bags 
"well anyways, i'm guessing you've already heard our conversation" nobuteru said. "y/n seems like a nice girl.." he trailed off "she also seems interested in the sport.. and a specific player" nobuteru chuckled as he watched her discreetly look at iwaizumi with sparkling eyes and amazement 
"i'm thinking of giving her a chance." 
y/n's eyes averted towards him and blinked in surprise. "really?" she asked with a smile 
"yep. but it's only like a trial type of thing. we'll see how well you'll do, then we can all decide if you're cut out for it" nobuteru explained. "okay! i'll do it!" she agreed with a determined look in her eyes. 
beside her, rika yelped and bright her down to her height to whisper. "these boys are very rowdy so if you can't handle it, i'll totally kick off our shabby boy manager and take you in instead!" she said 
y/n looked at her in confusion and simply nodded. "okay.. but they can't possibly be that bad.." she whispered back. y/n then turned to inspect the boys, looking them up an down and studying their white and teal uniforms down to their shoes. 
"reki would look good in that" she mumbled to herself ".. the color's kinda like my hair.." she felt her cheeks heat up, causing her to jump and quickly cover them with her hands
"um.. when do i start?" she asked coach nobuteru
"right now." oikawa answered with a smirk. "nice to meet ya, manager-chan~" he winked. she raised a brow and looked him up and down. with a look of dread, she muttered; "you're the boy from class..the noisy one.." 
oikawa's face paled as he watched her bow at him then swiftly move along to greet the others. 
"eh?" he muttered in confusion. the brunette looked at her with furrowed brows and watched as she bombarded iwaizumi with questions. 
"are you really the 'ace'?" she asked him. "ah yeah.. i guess coach told you" iwaizumi replied with a sheepish smile. "are you good at spiking like rika?" she asked with sparkling eyes. "i guess so.." iwaizumi chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck 
"so cool.." she mumbled in amazement "can you teach me?" 
"ah, that's not a good idea" rika quickly interjected "at least let your bruises heal first" she sweat dropped 
"bruises?" matsukawa hummed in confusion "why'd you have bruises, hasegawa-san?" he asked
oikawa simply watched as her expression morphed into one of slight embarrassment and dread. "i.. i tried to play volleyball.. but i suck" she sulked 
the boys sweat dropped and nodded in understanding "i see." matsukawa chuckled 
"well no worries, we'll teach ya if we ever have the time" he said. y/n was seemingly cheered up by that statement alone, seeing as her lips curved into a small smile. "thank you" she said 
"hey, quit staring you pervert" iwaizumi said as he nudged oikawa with his elbow 
oikawa looked over to him and chuckled. "im not staring" he said. iwaizumi rolled his eyes and lightly hit oikawa's head with his fist. "don't even think about flirting with her" he said 
"she seems to hate you enough." iwaizumi snickered "that's what you get for annoying her in class" 
"im not gonna flirt with her—" 
oikawa abruptly paused as his eyes caught hers. she kept eye contact for a while longer  and sent him a faint smile before looking away. 
the brunette blushed as he watched her walk off along with rika and coach nobuteru 
"iwa-chan.. i think im gonna have a problem with that request of yours" oikawa  muttered out as he watched her blue locks sway in the air 
iwaizumi huffed and slapped him on the back. "geez. you got love at first sight or something?" he teased
"yeah.. i think so.." oikawa responded with a hazy smile, watching her figure disappear with a blush sprawled across his cheeks 
"wait what? seriously?" iwaizumi asked in surprise "you can't be serious.. don't mess with me or her like that" he warned him. "im not!" oikawa huffed "im telling the truth, okay!" 
"whatever" iwaizumi rolled his eyes "let's get practice going" 
on the other side of the gym, y/n shuddered, which gained rika's attention. "something wrong?" rika asked her. "oikawa-san was staring at me..." she said with a small whimper ".. creepy.." 
rika sweat dropped and patted her back comfortingly "maybe he likes you" she jokingly said with a laugh. "i mean, it's not a bad thing. he's cute and nice. he's actually pretty fun to be around" 
"reki's like that too.." y/n muttered with a smile, completely disregarding the topic about oikawa. 
"who's reki?" rika asked with a curious hum. "he's my best friend." y/n replied "he's in okinawa right now."
"i wonder what he's up to.." 
"oi, redhead where's SNOW?!"  "SNOW's been gone for a few days, the beefs are getting boring!"  "i miss betting on her"  "we wanna see SNOW!" 
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reki gulped as he watched almost the entirety of S rampage about the absence of their favourite rookie "ah, she's just taking a break for now!" reki exclaimed with a nervous smile 
reki sighed and simply walked back to his friends, groaning in exasperation as he sat on the ground next to miya "its no use, they won't buy it" he said. "well yeah." miya huffed "they love betting on her cus she always wins" 
"yeah right, she didn't even get injured last time"  "he's totally lying!"  "just tell SNOW to come!" 
"why don't we just tell em" shadow shrugged "not like she's coming back any time soon" 
reki frowned and shook his head. "that would stir a lot of commotion" he said "but i guess you're right. y/n can't really come to S anymore if she's not here." reki sighed in distress "AGH, WHY DID SHE HAVE TO LEAVE ANYWAYS?!" 
"SHE COULD'VE STAYED HERE INSTEAD OF MOVING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY!" reki whined "now i don't have my best friend!" 
"no, it can't be.." 
everyone froze as the oh-so-familiar voice rang across the air. they looked back to see ADAM with his jaw slightly agape, and his hands shaking from either anger or disbelief. maybe both. 
"no way, it's ADAM" reki clenched his fists "what the hell is he doing here?" 
cherry frowned and nodded along. "yeah. there are no major beefs of events tonight.." he said 
"my.. my little y/n.." adam whimpered "she left me.." 
reki grimaced at the nickname and glared at the man, looking at him in utter distaste as he stood up warily. 
"NO! I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!" adam exclaimed in anger. he was seething, basically shaking from anger in distress. 
"you." he pointed at reki. "where is SNOW." he asked through gritted teeth 
"im not telling you ADAM." reki said with a glare. "leave her alone." 
adam scoffed and turned on his heels, picking up his board and walking off with tadashi following suit. "tch. i do not care." he said. "i don't need an interposing nuisance like you." adam scoffed 
"it doesn't matter if i have to search the whole country or let alone the world.." adam trailed off 
he placed his hand on top of his pounding chest and grinned. in a menacing tone, he muttered;
can you tell im a fucking wattpad author with how fast the oikawa suddenly liked her 
"i will find you, my eve." 
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Prompt: How do you imagine child Purple reacting the first time they see what Black actually looks like? I just finished Imposter Syndrome and You're Safe Now (I love them!!!) and tiny wholesome Purple is my new favourite person!
I also love me a pure smol 
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: some implied/referenced child abuse but nothing specific and nothing graphic, mild body horror a la canon but it’s just when the impostor’s shifting
Pairings: gen
Word Count: 1978
Black is an Impostor. The ship they've hijacked, the Skeld, comes with an...interesting member. A child, not known by the rest of the human crew, that's now just...here. And yes, children are children and Black will protect them, but they're human. Humans don't like Impostors.
 Black looks up from the console. Purple is in the co-pilot’s chair, fiddling with a ball they must’ve taken off the drive shaft control. They roll their eyes fondly as Purple rubs their thumbs over the grooves in the ball.
 “You said you could shape-shift, right?”
 Black nods. They shake their head a couple of times as they shift into the human face, smiling at how Purple giggles. Apparently, they look like a dog whenever they do that.
 “Can you…” Purple fiddles with the ball. “What do you actually look like?”
 Black blinks. Purple hasn’t been shy about asking questions, that’s true, but they’ve mostly been asking about the ship.
 ‘What does this button do?’
 ‘Can I help with the wires?’
 ‘Why are there levers over here?’
 ‘How do the engines make us go?’
 That sort of thing. But not about Black.
 Black makes sure the ship’s course is correct and turns to face them. They look up, letting the ball drop to rest in their lap.
 “I look…different,” they try, “I don’t have arms and legs like you, I don’t have a face like this.”
 “So you’re…you’re like a…blob?”
 “Yeah, kind of.” Black shakes their head. “It’s not really—I don’t think there’s an animal that looks like me where you come from.”
 “I watched a documentary once,” Purple mumbles, raising the ball to their mouth, “had these weird blob things in it that liked to eat stuff.”
 “Don’t, I don’t think it’ll taste very good.” Black raises their hand to Purple’s, covering it gently. “What did they look like?”
 “They were really weird, kinda grey and twitchy.” Purple furrows their brow, shakes their head. “They were called am—amb—ambas?”
 “Yeah, that’s right, amoebas.”
 Black chuckles. “Well, those are very small. I’m much bigger.”
 “So you’re not an amoeba?”
 Purple squints up at them, raising their chubby little hand to Black’s human cheek. They pat it a couple of times.
 “Yeah. Your—your face is really soft. And pretty. I like it.” Purple’s eyes widen. “Why’s it getting warmer?”
 If this is how I die, I am completely fine with it.
 “I’m blushing,” Black mutters, valiantly ignoring the heat rushing to their face—damned human biology— “that’s it.”
 “Does it hurt?”
 “Does blushing hurt?” They shake their head. “No, I’m alright.”
 “Good. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
 “I don’t think you could if you tried,” Black says as gently as possible, “but thank you, Purple.”
 Purple nods, still running their hand over Black’s face. “But this isn’t your face, it’s your disguise.”
 Black nods. “One of them.”
 “One of them?”
 Black takes their wrist gently and pulls their hand away, letting the helmet reform. “This is another one.”
 Purple’s hand twitches in theirs. “Your voice sounds weird.”
 They start trying to tug their hand away. Black lets them go. They start rubbing the ball again. “Like the others.”
 Something cold rips the helmet off and Black smiles. “Better?”
 Purple nods but they don’t make eye contact. “Don’t like the helmets. They make it hard to breathe.”
 Hard to…breathe?
 “Always had to be quiet.”
 “Are you sure the other crew isn’t coming back?”
 “Yes, Purple,” Black promises, “they’re gone now. It’s just you and me. It’s alright, baby, you’re safe now.”
 Adoration and concern chase each other in circles around Black’s chest as Purple nods to themselves, clutching the ball to their chest. After a moment, they look up and shyly hold their hand out.
 “You wanna come here, baby?” Purple nods and Black opens their arms. “Come here, then, baby, I gotcha.”
 Purple slides off the co-pilot seat and clambers into Black’s lap, still holding the ball to their chest. Black softens the coarse fabric of the suit and wraps an arm around Purple’s waist. Their head comes to rest against Black’s shoulder, their hair rustling against their chin.
 Black’s maw purrs.
 Purple mumbles happily, snuggling closer. “The rumble is back.”
 “The rumble?”
 Purple pats Black’s tummy. “This. Rumble. Means you’re happy, right?”
 “…yes, Purple, it means I’m happy.”
 “What is it? Do you purr? I saw something that says cats purr, are you a cat?” Purple squints up at them, doing a wonderful impression of a scientist examining their hypothesis. “No, if you were a cat it would be higher.”
 Their hands reach up toward Black’s neck and Black leans away, cupping their hand in theirs.
 “Ask, baby,” they remind gently, “you’ll surprise me if I don’t know what’s happening.”
 “Can I feel?”
 “What do you want to feel?”
 “Your neck. If you’re a cat you purr from your neck.”
 “I thought you just said it comes from my tummy.”
 Purple sticks their lip out, thinking. “So you’re not a cat.”
 “No, I’m not a cat.”
 Their fingers curl around Black’s, bringing their hand close and clutching it under their chin like a comfort teddy. Black twists their wrist slightly to stroke their cheek with the pad of their thumb.
 “So what is it?”
 Black sighs. “It’s my maw.”
 “What’s a maw?”
 “It’s like a mouth.”
 “You have a mouth in your tummy?”
 “…this isn’t my real shape, remember,” Black says quietly, “it’s…it’s part of the disguise that doesn’t work completely.”
 “Why not?”
 Black thinks for a moment. How to explain…
 “If you put a mask on,” they decide finally, “or when you put clothes on, your body is still underneath, right?”
 Purple nods. They raise their hand to pat their own tummy. Black covers their hand gently.
 “Looking like this is like I’m wearing something on top of my body. There are going to be parts that aren’t completely hidden.”
 “So your maw is just covered up?”
 “Can you breathe?”
 Black blinks in surprise. “Can I…breathe?”
 Purple nods, suddenly scrambling at the suit over their tummy. “I don’t—if your mouth is covered it’s hard to breathe, can you—“
 “Whoa, whoa, baby,” Black soothes, catching their hands and holding them still, “easy, I can breathe, slow down, baby, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
 “But your mouth is covered!”
 “Shh, shh, take a deep breath, baby, breathe with me.” Black takes a loud, slow breath through their human mouth. “See? I’m breathing, let’s take some breaths.”
 They place Purple’s hands on their tummy so they can feel it expand and contract. The poor thing’s hands are trembling as they take shaky breaths.
 “There you go, baby, just like that.” Black takes another slow breath. “See? I can breathe, it’s okay.”
 “B-but—“ Purple looks up at them and Black lets out a sound of dismay at the tears on their cheeks— “you—it’s covered.”
 “Do you want me to show you that it’s okay? Okay,” Black soothes as Purple nods frantically, “okay, baby, take one more deep breath for me and I’ll show you.”
 Purple takes a breath as Black moves their hands a little further away from the maw. They relax and let the suit slip enough to fall open.
 Purple gasps as the maw opens, rows and rows of teeth and a long tongue that lolls slightly out. Black rumbles contentedly, shifting Purple’s weight in their lap as the maw purrs.
 “That’s it, baby, see? I can breathe, it’s not a problem.” They rub their thumb across Purple’s cheek. “It’s right there, it’s okay.”
 “You have so many teeth,” Purple mumbles, “can I—is it okay?”
 Well, it’s the first time Black’s had someone willingly put their hand in their maw.
 “Be careful, baby, they’re sharp.”
 “You look like a shark! So many!”
 “A shark?”
 “It’s a big fish. Lives in the water, eats a lot of things.” Purple’s hand carefully traces one of Black’s teeth, the maw still purring. “But they don’t purr.”
 Black chuckles. “No, I would guess not.”
 “Is this what you really look like? You have a m-maw?”
 “Maw, that’s right.”
 “A maw and no arms or legs?”
 “…sort of.”
 “Will you show me the rest of it?” Purple stares up at them. “Please?”
 “You don’t have to beg, baby,” Black says, because how can anyone say no to that face, “I’ll show you. I just don’t want to scare you.”
 “Scare me?”
 “I don’t look like a human, baby,” they say softly, “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”
 Purple is quiet for a moment. Then they twist their hands through Black’s and clutch tight.
 “Humans are the scary ones,” they say in a voice that sounds far too old for them, “you’re not.”
 “Okay, then,” Black says, carefully lifting them up and settling them back on the co-pilot’s seat, “just stay there for a moment, baby.”
 Black steps back and rolls their shoulders. Okay. Okay. They’re gonna do this. They’re gonna willingly show their body to a human. They’re gonna show their body to a human and trust them. Fuck, they’re gonna show their body to a human.
 Something burns in their gut. It’s so old that for a moment they don’t recognize it. It reaches into the tips of their fingers and clenches, locking the fake limbs with a vice grip and it tingles. For a moment, the suit feels heavy.
 Then they grit their teeth and shift.
 Their maw unfurls, still rumbling, as their arms come out properly, churning there on the floor of the bridge. They rear their head up and stretch, letting Purple see them. All of them.
 Purple’s mouth drops open. The ball falls to the floor with a clang.
 “You’re an octopus?”
 Black tilts their head. Purple slides off the chair and takes a step closer. Black draws away, wary of one of their arms accidentally snagging the poor thing or the maw getting too excited, only for Purple to walk all the way up to them and reach out.
 “Can I?”
 A…they…they want to touch Black like this?
 They relax slightly, still swirling about on the floor, as Purple reaches out and carefully runs their hand over one of the arms.
 “You feel cold,” Purple mumbles, “are you cold? Here—“
 And Purple wraps their arms around Black’s middle, not caring about the gaping maw rumbling against their body.
 Purple is so warm.
 Almost unconsciously, Black’s arms start to swirl towards them, making a little nest of arms to cradle Purple to them. They keep a path out in case Purple decides to pull away, but for the most part, it seems Purple is more than happy to curl up, right here, in their arms.
 “You’re not scary,” Purple mumbles, “I like you.”
 The maw purrs, nibbling gently at the borrowed fatigue shirt. Purple giggles. Black rumbles and slowly starts to reform their suit. They keep the human head and nuzzle Purple’s head as they hug them back.
 “Why’d you go back?”
 “There’s no need to look so disappointed,” they laugh, “I just can’t talk to you when I’m like that. Don’t have the right muscles to speak your language.”
 “Oh.” Purple gives them a squeeze anyway. “I like your body. I think it’s cool.”
 Black lets out a rush of breath, warming the top of their head. “I’m…glad.”
 “You looked like an octopus!”
 “What’s an octopus?”
 As Purple begins to explain this creature that—wow, maybe they were wrong, that does sound familiar—they saw in a book once, Black lets their mouth and maw curl up into a smile.
 The ball lies forgotten on the floor of the bridge as Black lets one of their arms out for Purple to clutch under their chin. It becomes their favorite thing to hang onto when the Skeld gets cold.
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Because I need to see Arkham Knight Riddler, can I request you do headcanons for him meeting his S/O's very delightful father/parental guardian?
okay, so i kinda turned this into a christmas request because it fit so perfectly
and i decided to go and do kind of a whole family thing tho i did try to focus more on the father figure, hope that's okay
Arkham Knight!Eddie meeting his s/o's family for the first time hcs:
it all started with your shaking hands and thundering heart as you dialed your mom's number - you hadn't kept in touch with her for over a month because of how hectic life in Gotham (and with Edward) has been. and so, when she picked up, first thing you heard was an ungodly screech of "well, at long last! Why the hell weren't you answering your phone?!"
it was so loud even Eddie, who's been sitting by a workbench nearby, turned his suprised gaze to the phone. you decided to just go on with it and put your mom properly on speaker
you two talked for a little while, you explained yourself, feeling like a scolded child at the fact you had your mom worried sick like this. you told her everything - why were you quiet for so long, what was happening in gotham, and - the most important thing - what was going on with your criminal boyfriend, Edward Fucking Nigma, The Goddamned Riddler
Edward's face when your mom, completely overlooking the detail that he was one of the Most Wanted in Gotham, threatened you into coming over for Christmas was priceless
that's how you found yourself with a nerve wrack of a man that was too stubborn to admit that he was scared they wouldn't like him, think him too old for you or find him not suitable because of what he did for a living. he was constantly pacing and getting overworked for the whole week before Christmas and it was up to your to try to ease his worries
key word "try". this time, even you couldn't help.
when you guys finally drove over to where you lived (which was, thankfully, outside Gotham), you thought he was gonna faint once you pulled into the driveway. despite his efforts to make himself look presentable, despite the flowers and a bottle of whiskey for your parents and all those gifts he made with you, his insecurities were still getting the better of him
imagine his surprise when the first thing your mother did, before you even managed to knock on the door, was swing it open and pull you both into a bone crushing hug, chastising you for not visiting or even answering your phone some more before she let you go
it was adorable to watch her pat Edward on the cheek as she accepted the flowers from his slightly shaking hands
you were thankfully let in before it was your father's turn to greet you both. he only hugged you, painfully tight might i add, before he straightened to look at Edward with the well-hidden amusement you knew all too well. you knew your dad was going to torture your poor boyfriend
few words were exchanged and the whiskey was warmly accepted before your grandma hit you over the back of your head and gave you another lecture, very smiliar to your mom's. and you didn't even know your grandma was going to be here!
Edward straight out blushed when she went and did the whole "and who is this handsome young man" thing
soon enough, all introductions were done with siblings and whatnot, a few playful threats thrown in here and there before you were ushered into the kitchen to help your mom (you always knew what spices to add) with the last preparations. first, you dragged Edward with you and made sure your father saw that he was busy because you knew how much he'd tease Eddie and you weren't sure if he could take a joke. your dad had a... specific sense of humour
so, you both ran around the house, laying out the cutlery, putting every dish on the table until there was nothing left to protect Edward from your father
and so, as the dinner started, questions started flying, they inquired about everything and teased you two every chance they got, but not once was there any distaste at Edward expressed. safe to say, it took him by great surprise. he really didn't expect to be welcomed so... warmly. everyone already treated him like he was a part of the family for years, and he found himself genuinely laughing and enjoying the evening
your grandma even forced him into a santa hat and made him hand out the presents from under the tree. and with his theatrics and dramatic ways? safe to say none of your family members could stop laughing
it made Edward feel comfortable. safe. like he could actually be himself and there'll be no one to tell him he must stop or that what he's doing was wrong. he didn't associate the word "family" with anything positive, but that dinner at your parent's house showed him that he actually never knew what a family really was
later into the evening, your father finally got his hands on him while everyone else purposefully distracted you. it was like an accepting ritual into the family. or like a test. and your dad wanted to see if he'd pass
putting it short, Edward was terrified once your father sat him down by the table, two glasses of the whiskey he brought as a gift in front of them both, your dad's expression more serious than he's seen it all evening
it was a real heart-to-heart conversation, a serious one that made him scared shitless of saying anything that'd cross him out in your father's eyes. but it was surprisingly... pleasant. your dad was very accepting. very demanding, too, but in a sense that he never wanted to see you hurt and was simply looking out for you. and when your father said he actually liked him, accepted him into the family despite, well, everything, some old daddy issues really resurfaced hard
it took everything he had to hold himself together as he thanked your father for being so understanding and let himself be pulled into his warm, accepting embrace. when he excused himself to the bathroom, you had to practically run after him to hold him close and help him calm down. at least you were happy he was this shaken because of your father's acceptance instead of refusal
safe to say it was the best christmas Edward ever had
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