#BUT YES OMGGGG PLEASEEEEE DO TAG ME IN THE FIC WHEN YOU DO POST IT !!!! i will gladly eat it up i love jeff mason smmm
hystixia · 4 months
heyy dont get your hopes up because im extremely shit at this, but i may be writing a jeff mason x reader fanfic lmaoooo but heres the catch (totally fine if you dont want to do this) i always chicken out and overthink the characterization of jeff- i need some tips from THE jeff mason writer jgdgdfkjgnd like how u write him is so perfect *swoons*
I FUCKING LOVE HOW I HAVE SO MANY TITLES AND THIS IS A NEW ONE OMG OAODKADKEO “THE jeff mason writer” you’re so sweet omgomg im kissing you sm right now AKDOWOFOGKW
honestly though i just imagine what his mannerisms are like if that makes sense ?? i watched his case file so many times i could literally picture different ways he’d act in certain scenarios in a fic if i ever wrote one ( which i eventually did MAODOWODEO ) writing dialogue might just be the hardest part abt him though. cuz his dialogue ( at listen visually looking at it on a screen ) is written differently compared to how i’d normally write for “jeff the killer” ( this is just my own take and personal preference on writing his dialogue btw. you do not have to try what i do. it’s just to give a little more detail to him and it itches that one part of my brain when i read my own fics.) if that makes sense. whenever i’m writing for him, i make sure i can picture him actually saying/doing whatever im writing in my head ( kinda like watching a scene of a movie play out in your mind ) or else i try to rewrite it to sound more like jeff mason. im really bad at explaining shit because all i can really say is watch his case file and really focus on what he says and how he behaves to get a grasp of his character. and then mess around with dialogue until you think or know it sounds like something he’d say !!
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