#that was something i always headcanoned he did for some reason but i couldn't remember if that was ever mentioned in the game or otherwise
momentomori24 · 15 days
Flowey and Papyrus have been one of my favourite Undertale relationships for years (even tho we never actually see them interact personally in the game don't ask me why) and I'm so fucking happy there's been a surge in art for these two sillies since the newsletter and Q&A. As well as just more official content of them interacting in general, FINALLY. To anyone who's made art for them-- thank you for your cooking services. You've kept a desperate, starving thing fed this month. To anyone who hasn't-- please consider cooking some food, please.
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Sorry to send you another request, but I just got hit with this sudden brainrot:
Could I get short headcanons of how the dorm leaders would do for the orange peel theory?
I was so into writing this, that I accidentally made it with the overblot gang (aka Jamil and not Kalim) and didn’t notice until I was done😭. I hope that’s okay, but if you want a Kalim one (or any others) just send in another request! Also these ended up way longer than i intended... But I hope you all enjoy them nontheless!
Orange peel theory 
Characters: Overblot gang CW: None, just fluff, established relationships, Reader is the prefect
Riddle Rosehearts
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You and Riddle were studying together, or rather, he was studying and you pretended to study as you were looking at the oranges on the desk.
Whenever you studied together Riddle places a bowl of fruits on the table for you two to snack on, they were usually always strawberries and many other berries but today an Orange was included.
You remembered a trend from your world where people would ask their partners to peel an orange for them and it would show if they were willing to do small things for them, you smiled as you realised you finally had someone to test said theory out on.
Taking the orange into your hand you looked at it, and then at Riddle thinking for a moment before holding it out to him.
“Riddle, can you peel this for me please?”
The housewarden had been so focused on his studying that he got surprised when you asked him something, once he realised what you had asked he raised an eyebrow quietly wondering to himself why you couldn't do it yourself.
But he was raised to be a gentleman, and he honestly loved doing small things for you so he nodded and carefully peeled the fruit for you, making you smile.
Once you got the peeled fruit back you were amazed by how careful he peeled it, no white skin was seen anywhere anymore, and the pieces were all nicely separated.
Leona Kingscholar
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Sitting in his room you stared at the Lion beastman laying on his bed, you knew he wasn’t sleeping yet by the way his tail flickered but he certainly was about to.
Ace had dared you to try the orange peel theory on Leona, more specifically try it when he was about to sleep and you agreed for some reason you can’t remember. He had given you an orange before you went to Savanaclaw to spend the night in Leona’s room.
“Hey…Leona?” Your voice was quiet as you asked, looking at your tired boyfriend.
“...mhm?” Well…at least he acknowledged you calling out to him. “...can you peel this orange for me?”
He lazily opened one eye, looking at you. “Can’t you do it yourself Herbivore?” His voice had a teasing tone in it, but he didn’t move a muscle.
You visibly deflated, granted you had expected such an outcome but still, it was kinda disappointing.
Leona sighed once he saw you looking disappointed and sat up. “Hand over the orange.” You perked up as soon you heard it and handed it over with a smile.
He peeled it and then gave you the orange along with the peels back. “Never ask me for anything again.” He said as he laid back down, but you knew he wasn’t serious. “Also come sleep with me once you eat your damn orange.”
His peeling job wasn't the best, and there was a lot of the white skin left on the orange and the pieces weren’t separated,  but you were flattered that he still did it. And of course you cuddled up to him once you ate it.
Azul Ashengrotto
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Sitting in the Mostro Lounge you were eating from a fruit platter Azul had brought you, a blush on his face as he sat it down in front of you.
Just as you were about to take a strawberry from it, Floyd suddenly put an Orange on it. “Heey Shrimpy, I have heard of this trend that couples do involving an orange and I wanna see you try it on Azul!”
You knew what trend he was talking about and were confused why he wanted you to try it on Azul, but he refused to say the reason at least until you actually did it. Knowing Floyd, you knew he would keep pestering you until you did.
Sighing, you grabbed the orange and made your way to Azul’s office as Floyd cheered you on.
Walking into the office you saw him working on some contracts. “Hey, Azul? Floyd gave me an Orange for my fruit platter, but it’s not peeled so could you maybe do it for me?”
Poor Azul did not expect you to suddenly be in his office, he got so scared he choked on his spit for a second, looking at you like you were a ghost.
“Angelfish! You can’t just come in here with no warning and scare me like that!” You did not say anything in return instead you held out the orange to him and looked at him expectedly.
“Expecting me to peel you an orange without me getting anything back? How preposterous” He had a blush on his face as he took the orange out of your hands, peeling it nonetheless. You smiled knowing he didn’t need you to give him anything back for peeling it. He handed you the peeled orange back, and you kissed his cheek as a thanks making the poor octopus blush even harder.
His peeling job was immaculate, with how well it was peeled you could think a robot did it, and of course he separated the pieces for you as well.
Jamil Viper
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Sitting in the Scarabia lounge you were waiting for Jamil to come back from cooking a meal for Kalim, you wanted to join him and help him but he refused saying you should just wait in the lounge. You were scrolling through Magictok to pass the time a bit faster 
As you sit there scrolling you notice the fruit basket sitting there. You remembered Kalim telling you that you can just grab whatever they are there to be eaten after all.
That's when you come across a video talking about the orange peel theory, you see people explain it and also try it out.
Not only does it make you crave an orange, but it also makes you wanna try the theory on Jamil. But you knew he had much on his plate already, having to make every meal for Kalim, so you decided against it. You were pretty sure that Jamil would do it if you asked him anyways. 
You put your phone aside and go to grab an orange from the basket, looking for the best one. (They are all of the highest quality since Kalim brought them). Grabbing a nice big one you want to start peeling it.
That’s when suddenly it gets snatched out your hand, looking up to see who took your orange, ready to lecture them you see its Jamil. Wordlessly he starts peeling it.
You look at him confused, when did he come in and how did you not notice it? He could have said something at least instead of scaring you by snatching your orange. If he wanted one you would have given him one!
Just as you were about to ask him why he took your orange away and began peeling it himself, he held out a perfectly peeled  piece to you, making you even more confused. “What? You wanted an orange right?" He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as you smiled at him and took the piece, as he continued peeling the rest of the orange for you and giving you piece by piece. You didn’t even have to ask him for it, which made you smile, thinking to yourself that you had in fact won the orange peel theory
Vil Schoenheit 
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He had invited you to his room for a self care night between the two of you. Skincare haircare and everything, of course all prepared by him. He can’t have you use the basic drug store products can he?
You sit in front of him, smiling as he carefully applies a cream to your face, his touch lightly tickling you. He scolds you for moving, but you can hear there is a slight smile in his voice.
As he applies the cream you realise it smells like oranges, which reminds you that you and Epel once talked about how Vil would do regarding the orange peel theory. Maybe now was a good time to try it out?
“Viiil…?” You ask in the most innocent voice you can. He doesn’t answer, instead he looks at you and raises one of his perfectly plucked eyebrows. “Do you think…you could peel me an orange?”
“Darling, it is nearly time for bed. I don’t know if an orange now is such a good-” He couldn’t finish his sentence as he saw how you gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
With a sigh he got up and said “Fine, but only if you promise to brush your teeth right after so we can go to bed, I am not sacrificing my 8 hours of sleep just because you want an Orange.” And with that he left for the Pomefiore kitchen.
Giddily you sat on his bed, texting Epel the result of the orange peel theory, poor Epel was so shocked that his housewarden agreed to peel you an orange so short before his sleep time.
Before you could answer anything back to the first year, Vil came back in the room with orange slices on a platter.
The slices were peeled beautifully, and rearranged symmetrical next to each other. Just as you were about to grab the plate, Vil pulled it out of your range and gave you a sly smirk. He picked a slice up and held it to your mouth, obviously alluding that he would feed them to you which made you flustered.
Idia Shroud
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You and him were in his room having a gaming session together. Though you needed a short break so you let Idia play alone for a bit.
Sitting on his bed, you sipped some water just silently watching your boyfriend, thinking about your relationship and smiling at the many small things he does for you.
Well small to everyone else, but you knew how much it scares him to do some things, so those ‘small’ gestures meant the world to you.
As you were thinking about small gestures, you remembered the orange theory and thought why not try it on your boyfriend? It wouldn’t prove anything, whether  he said yes or no, he proved enough that he would do small things for you, but you wanted to do it for fun.
“Hey Idia?” You called out to him, waiting for a sign from him that he had heard you. Still looking at his screen he gave you an affirmative nod and asked “What’s up?” 
“I kinda feel like an orange.” You said, looking at him expectantly to see what he would say next. You could see him stop his movements both in real life and in game which concerned you. “...Idia..?” Pausing the game he slowly turned around and looked at you, a confused look on his face.
“...like…emotionally?” He asked in the most serious and confused tone you could imagine. 
You could tell from his face he was sincere when he asked and wasn’t messing with you. For a second you could not believe what he had asked you, it felt surreal. But then you couldn’t help but laugh out loud. You wanted to say something but your laughter stopped you from doing so, instead you fell backwards on his bed, laughter never dying.
Idia now was even more confused, why were you laughing? That's when he realised what you actually meant, and began blushing furiously, his hair now a shade of pink. He wanted to crawl in a hole and die, but…if you really wanted an orange (and promised not to mention it to anyone ever) he would peel you one…
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus had invited you to a meeting of the Gargoyle Research society (as if those meetings aren’t just him walking alone through the school). And of yours you agreed.
He was holding your hand as he led you along the school grounds, telling you facts about all the different Gargoyles.
You listened intently, smiling at him and asking him questions every now and then to show him you were interested in what he was telling you, which made him happy and tell you more enthusiastically.
Though at one point you began craving some food, which got you to thinking, how would your boyfriend react to the orange peel theory? You couldn’t imagine him denying you an orange, but you also couldn’t see him peel one? Maybe it was because of his royal status..
“Hey Hornton?” You asked him and he looked into your eyes, his gaze gentle. “Yes, my child of man?” “Do you think you could get me and peel me an orange? I am kinda craving one…”
He looked surprised at first and then began quietly laughing “Fufufu..I already knew you were special, yet here you are proving it once again, asking the future king of Briar Valley to prepare you some food.” He closed his eyes and smiled “Just wait here my dear and I will fetch you what you want”
You smiled at him and nodded, and he teleported away, only leaving his firefly like lights behind.
Sitting down on a bench you waited for him to come teleport in front of you again. But when he was gone for nearly 10 minutes you slightly began to worry…did Lilia somehow end up cooking something once he learned you wanted some food and Malleus wanted to save you from it? Or was-
Just as you were about to keep thinking about it, Malleus appeared back in front of you…With a massive bowl full of orange slices in it. You gawked at the sheer amount, how was one human supposed to eat all of that? “Child of man, I did not know how many you wanted, so I told Sebek to fetch me every Orange he could find, and then peeled them all by myself.” He was so proud of himself, that you couldn’t help but smile but still wondered what to do with that many Oranges…maybe some of the other first years would want them?
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yandere Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen w/Rhaenyra's Twin!Sister Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝ — 🐉 lady l: this is weirdly long but I needed to get it out of my head! This is based on a concept they sent me a while ago. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: incest, slight nsfw, obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, mention of pregnancy.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!daemyra x rhaenyra's twin sister!reader.
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You were Rhaenyra's twin, born a few minutes after her, and because of that, she always had a strong instinct to protect you, to take care of you and she always does. All your life, it was you and Rhaenyra against the world. And this arrangement always left you satisfied, you loved your sister and she loved you fervently in return.
Rhaenyra has always been very persuasive and for as long as you can remember she would convince you of anything; breaking rules, running away, stealing cake from the kitchen and getting into trouble. She didn't care, she valued you deeply and wanted to spend all her time with you.
Aemma and Viserys sometimes went crazy with the two of you being so naughty, but in the end, they always joined you. Aemma tried to be a little tougher with you both, but she always gave in eventually. Viserys didn't even try.
Rhaenyra was very possessive too, because you were her twin sister, she always felt entitled and that you belonged to her. After all, you shared the same womb and were born together, you belonged to her, in a way.
She was always quite bold and direct, and was often reprimanded for it. Rhaenyra knew she loved you more than she should have, but you were Targaryens, according to the traditions of your house and family, there was nothing wrong with her being in love with you. It was just the Targaryen way.
The only problem was that you were a woman. Not for her, that would never be a problem, but for others it would. She couldn't marry you and have you officially and it tore her apart inside.
That didn't mean she hid what she felt from you, because once she knew what she felt, Rhaenyra went to your room, which was next to hers, and confessed to you. It was embarrassing and a little awkward, but she was being sincere and it touched you.
You felt the same way about her too and it was eating you alive not being able to tell her, but she took the first step and you felt grateful. You didn't have any kind of experience, but you knew some things. The first kiss was sloppy and a little awkward, but it was understandable given the lack of experience between the two of you, but it was a precious moment,
You just kissed and hugged for a while, not knowing how to proceed. Until Daemon returns to King's Landing after winning the war in the Stepstones. You always liked your uncle, even though he caused a lot of trouble, he entertained you. And the feeling was mutual.
Daemon knew there was something between you and Rhaenyra, he very quickly noticed the looks and subtle touches you exchanged. It wasn't something platonic, he knew that and he wanted to know more.
During the night of Daemon's return, you had gone to Rhaenyra's room, as you always did, and there you found, along with her, some clothes left by your uncle and a note. Although your mind was full of doubts, you changed and followed your sister, who seemed excited for some reason.
Meeting up with Daemon, you explored a bit of King's Landing and before you knew it, you were in a brothel. You observed your surroundings with curiosity and interest, men and women doing intimate things.
When Daemon kissed Rhaenyra, you felt mixed feelings; surprise and jealousy being the biggest one. You would maybe scream at him when he kissed you, his experienced and strong lips yours, leaving you weak. You felt a desire rise within you.
His touches were strong and good, he knew what he was doing and you felt numb as he explored your body with his hands. Rhaenyra watched everything curiously. But something had changed inside him, as Daemon decided to stop touching you and left you and Rhaenyra alone in the brothel. You wanted to kill him here.
You and Rhaenyra returned to the Red Keep, sneaking out so you wouldn't be found and you both knew you wouldn't be able to sleep after witnessing what you saw. So, it was that night that you went further and had sex for the first time.
It wasn't something shy, but rather intimate. You had no experience, but it was good. Rhaenyra touched your body with care and her tongue loved your most sensitive parts, she quickly learned how to pleasure you. You reciprocated the pleasure as best you could, with your face buried between her legs, eliciting sighs and moans from her.
The following days were tortuous. Viserys had found out about your escapade and Daemon had been exiled and Rhaenyra was forced to marry Laenor. You would also have to get married, but your husband had not yet been chosen. Your sister's wedding was a painful time for you and her, the two of you constantly exchanging glances and Daemon had returned to the wedding, widowed and with your father's very reluctant permission, you and Daemon had gotten married.
After the wedding, you were forced to separate from Rhaenyra and you lived in Pentos with Daemon. You had learned to love your husband and he loved you, so it wasn't bad. Your heart ached to be away from your twin sister, but you were happy with your husband.
Daemon wasn't that bad, at least to you. He was loyal and treated you with kindness and respect, loving every part of you and comforting you when you were in pain. His kisses were more demanding and dominant, just like sex. Although very possessive and sometimes annoying, Daemon took care of you the best way he could.
Daemon had a lot of experience and knew how to please you, his fingers dipped between your legs and his mouth on your breasts or when he was buried in your heat he made you scream with pleasure.
You and Rhaenyra exchanged letters and a few years passed and children were born. You had two daughters with Daemon, twins, and Rhaenyra had had three sons. You met again at your cousin Laena's funeral, and a weight was lifted from your shoulders when she pulled you into a hug and held you, not wanting to let you go.
The three of you found yourself in a part away from all the whining and all the longing was broken. Words were exchanged, mainly between Daemon and Rhaenyra and when there was nothing more to be said, the clothes were removed and you made love on the floor, the longing prolonging the reunion.
Unbeknownst to you, while you were sleeping, Rhaenyra and Daemon met and actually talked. They knew they both loved you deeply and wanted you and were willing to cooperate and the best way was for you to get married in a traditional valyrian ceremony. With the plans made, Laenor was "eliminated".
You were shocked and saddened by your cousin's death, but you felt relieved because it now meant that Rhaenyra would be free.
During one afternoon, you, Daemon and Rhaenyra were married in a traditional valyrian ceremony, where you could be officially married. You became Rhaenyra's wife and she became yours and Daemon's. Finally you were complete and when the kiss was given, sealing the union, you knew there was more to this marriage.
The wedding with your uncle and sister would prove to be one of your fondest memories after the tragedy that followed over the next few years.
But for now, you would enjoy your possessive and protective husband and wife as much as you could, because only the gods know it won't be for long.
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runnning-outof-time · 3 months
I’m (Not) Alright with a Slow Burn | Tommy Shelby x Reader headcanons
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader (headcanons)
Summary: How Tommy would go about being stuck in a slow burn with someone he's falling for.
Warnings: mention of death of grandmother, slight season 2 spoilers
Word Count: 2537
A/N: I really enjoyed this request! umm…I’m not sure if these are 100% written like headcanons - I wrote them like I was spewing out ideas lol. Kacey Musgraves’s song Slow Burn was also running through my head while I was writing this, hence the title. Also how the hell do you actually spell headcanons?? Is there 1 ‘n’ or 2?? Lol . Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you want to be tagged!
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• (Y/N) was one of the few Shelby Company Ltd. employees that Tommy didn't hire. She was brought on board while he and the boys were off at one of the races. Polly saw the potential in her and immediately welcomed her into the company.
• when Tommy returned from said races, he was pleasantly surprised to meet her.
• and Polly clocked that immediately. She was able to tell by the lack of a fight - Tommy was always able to find something to pick at when she made decisions within the company, no matter how minuscule. But there was nothing to pick at with (Y/N).
• Polly also wasn't surprised to see (Y/N) completing more and more tasks that came directly from Tommy. They'd be tasks that Polly hadn't even known about...but for some reason Tommy trusted (Y/N) with them.
• (Y/N) didn't think anything different about it. She'd been hired into the company and one of her bosses was asking her to do things. That's what was supposed to happen, right?
• although she did find it odd that it was Tommy asking her to do these things when she'd originally been hired to help Polly with sorting out the books and the like.
• things persisted like that for a few months. (Y/N) would happily and eagerly help him with whatever he needed to have done around the company. He'd look out for her, making sure that she was happy in her position and just in general. And in return, (Y/N) would (try) to keep up the same for him. She'd show that in the smallest of ways and attempts, but he would notice. Over those few months and because of those small acts, Tommy's thoughts and feelings towards (Y/N) evolved.
• he can still remember the day when that switch began - because it haunted him every day after.
• she came into his office like it was any other day for her...but it wasn't any other day for Tommy.
• he'd been working under Campbell for a few weeks at that point, and it'd become apparent that he'd be dead at the end of the arrangement. Tommy wasn't afraid to die, but the thought of getting everything in order and making sure his family could go on without him was now plaguing his mind.
• so when (Y/N) asked him what he had for her to do today, Tommy rattled off his list without as much as looking up at her. He was fully expecting her to turn and exit the second he finished speaking.
• she didn't. Silence reigned for a moment or two before "are you ok, Tommy?" came quietly from her. This made Tommy look up, and when he did, all of the noise in his mind ceased. Sure he looked at her before - he'd looked up like this thousands of times, but he never saw her like he did when he looked up this time. It was this otherworldly experience that he'd only been through twice before. Which meant he knew exactly what was happening.
• even though he brushed her question off and told her that he was fine, he hoped that things wouldn't change between them.
• and thankfully they didn't because hell, Tommy Shelby was certain that he was falling in love.
• he began testing the waters carefully at first. (Y/N) was a good woman and he wasn't about to make her leave the company due to his actions. He couldn't stand to lose her.
• so he started by making sure she was being heard; by actually listening to her whenever she'd share ideas or tell him how things played out with what he'd asked her to do.
• then he emphasized making sure that she was safe - having blinders on her block, sticking around on the days where she and Polly would be in the shop tallying the winnings, and also personally offering to take her wherever she needed to go.
• (Y/N) reacted bashfully to these offers. She felt that the other company employees would think that she was getting special treatment or something — well...she kind of was...but she deeply appreciated Tommy doing these things.
• in regards to feelings, Tommy was putting his out there as best as he could (which, well I'll let you be the one to decide on how well that is) He really tried to make a more personal connection with her; to get to know her as her and not just another employee...and in turn he let her know him.
• (Y/N) stayed professional. He was one of her bosses after all. But she couldn't deny that she enjoyed being in his presence. Her friends found that crazy, too...how can she be happy to be spending time with Tommy Shelby? She swore it off as strictly work related until she couldn't anymore.
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• the evening started like any other...(Y/N) went home after work with the intention of doing what she did every other evening. But something was waiting for her at home. Something that turned her world upside-down. She found out that her grandmother had passed away. The post had come and one of the letters was from a sibling of hers, sharing the news. She didn't know what to do.
• after exhausting all of her options, she found herself at the Garrison. Tommy had invited her there in the past, but she never accepted it due to wanting to stay professional.
• she asked around for him and the second she found out that he was in the snug, she made her way to it and opened the door. He was in there, but so were his brothers. "This was the last place I could think of," she blurted out. "Everyone out," was all Tommy needed to say before it was just the two of them in the room.
• (Y/N) quickly sat and let everything out. Tommy listened intently, something no one had ever done for her in the past. They sat in the snug for hours, (Y/N) talking and Tommy listening. Her ability to share her grandmother's story helped her immensely.
• from that evening, (Y/N) saw Tommy in a different light. The fact that he sat and listened to her as she lamented to him and not once did he even think of leaving meant the world to her. No one had shown her that sort of worthiness or attention.
• all at once it felt like she was head over heels for him. Like all of those little instances he'd shown her before had all culminated into this one, major display of devotion. It had her realizing that maybe it wasn't solely because she was his employee...maybe it was much more than that.
• and so when he went out of his way and made sure to check on her the next morning - she knew this because Polly commented on the fact that he was supposed to be in London by sun-up - and he couldn't get him off of her mind no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't beat around the bush anymore...she'd fallen for Tommy Shelby, hard.
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• but things didn't hit off right from that moment.
• no, it took a rather long time for those feelings to actually come out.
• there was a lot of dancing around the other - the smaller gestures and moments still occurred, but neither one was willing to make that jump over the edge and confront the other about it.
• yes, you read that right...Tommy Shelby was actually keeping his feelings for her close to the chest.
• mostly it was because of the position they were in. He'd offer to take her to dinner and she'd politely decline (even though she really wanted to go) because she was worried the other company employees would suspect something.
• Tommy wasn't exactly into the dancing around it (he hated it at times actually), but he honored her choice.
• but that doesn't mean he wasn't taking every chance he got to spend time around her. To check in on her and see how things were. To walk her home if she stayed later. Anything to show her that he was serious...without actually saying that he was serious.
• he was hooked on her though, there was no doubt about it. All he needed was for her to really show that interest back to him, and then he'd know for sure that he could act on it.
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• and then Polly's birthday came.
• the company/family decided to host a party at the Garrison. Of course (Y/N) was invited.
• a man named Louis was one of the men who worked the shop floor daily. He saw (Y/N) almost every day that she was also on the floor, and he made it a point to seek her out as well.
• much like with Tommy, (Y/N) kept things between her and Louis strictly professional.
• but this party is when Louis decided that he was going to make his move...to try and woo her.
• maybe he should have thought this through...
• (Y/N) was sitting at one of the tables, chatting with some of the other women who worked within the company. It was a surprise that she wasn't with Tommy, considering he sought her out almost immediately after she arrived. But Tommy was still present though.
• Louis had this plan to put everything right on the table. He smoothly walked over to her and, equally as smoothly, slipped into the booth that she was sitting in. (Y/N) was polite, but it was obvious that she wasn't feeding any more into it than a simple, friendly conversation.
• but of course Tommy didn't pick up on that. From where he was standing it looked like Louis was a little too close to her for comfort. So he quickly intervened.
• and he was anything but subtle with it. He was quickly able to make Louis feel uneasy and clear him out.
• (Y/N)'s confused, but happy to have the man she'd hardly talked to gone. She sends Tommy an appreciative smile and that's just about enough to bring Tommy to his knees. But that doesn't happen...instead he gives her one of his signature, lop-sided smiles and nods at the ladies sitting with her before going back to where he previously was.
• this interaction didn't go unnoticed though. Polly and Ada were watching from off to the side. These two know Tommy better than anyone, and they've rarely seen him react this quickly and in this sort of way. So it's glaringly apparent to them that something's going on here.
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• and this becomes increasingly apparent as time goes on.
• also as time goes on, (Y/N) manages to move up in the company. She's basically right underneath Polly in terms of power, becoming her 'right hand man’ in the treasurer position.
• having this position means that she's more involved in the inner circle and is at all of the meetings.
• the entire family swears by the fact that Tommy is softer with her than he is with anyone else.
• you can literally see the change the second she shares her thoughts on a matter or even enters a room. The switch is practically on a dime.
• but these two keep dancing around each other - they've been doing it for close to a year at this point.
• and those who know of it are baffled. They are obviously in love with each other...why hasn't one budged and made things official?
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• the suspicions on this topic all come to a climax on the first year anniversary of (Y/N) joining the company.
• Tommy invites her out to dinner. (Y/N) agrees this time mostly because she knows what day it is...and she knows that the Shelbys like to celebrate such things.
• but she's surprised when she arrives at the upscale restaurant and is escorted to a table for two. Tommy can't help but smile at the face she pulls when she sees that he's sitting there, waiting for her.
• but she gets comfortable very quickly. It's Tommy we're talking about here...she's never been more comfortable with anyone in her life if she was being honest. And the same goes for him too.
• the dinner lasts hours. They talk about everything and anything. Work's off the table, but yet they still manage to not have more than a moment of silence. Both are surprised at how freely the conversation flows.
• eventually Tommy brings up the subject they've been dancing around.
• he lays everything out on the table this time. There's no sense in holding back. He tells her how she makes him feel, how she's made him feel from the moment he first saw her.
• he also mentions the fact that he's felt this way for a while now, and that he can't continue dancing around it any longer. He honored her desire to stay professional for this time, but he wants her too much, loves her too much to keep going like this for even a day longer.
• at first (Y/N)'s shocked. She's not oblivious...she'd been catching the little hints that he'd been leaving all this time, but she was truthfully too hesitant to ever bring the subject up to him.
• but now that he's put it out there, she figures why should she hold back her feelings any longer?
• so she lays it all out for him as well. Tells him how she feels about him, how she's felt about him for some time now.
• Tommy can't contain his happiness as he hears this. He's grinning like a fool.
• so really there's only one last thing for them to do now...make it official.
• Tommy wastes no time in doing that.
• he asks her properly though. That's what she deserves, especially after all this time that's been invested.
• he stops them just down the road from where she lives. He tells her that he really likes her (he won't use the 'l word' just yet - even though the two of them are so clearly in love) and that he can't wait a moment longer to make her his.
• (Y/N) quickly agrees with the sentiment after everything that had been shared during their dinner.
• Tommy can't help but smile at her response, and he just barely nods his head in his Tommy fashion before continuing to walk her home.
• they share their first kiss at the front door, and it's absolutely magical.
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• they then proceed to do a terrible job of hiding it while at work. Tommy's waited this long to be with her, he's not going hide his affection for her any longer.
• their definition of 'in secret' is soooo far from the actual definition. They think that they're being sneaky, only stealing kisses in empty hallways and in Tommy's office, but it takes Polly literally only two days to catch onto it.
• no ones upset with it though. Honestly everyone’s happy that they’re finally together.
• well everyone except Louis…Louis is a little bummed about the whole thing. But Tommy and (Y/N) don’t care about that in the slightest.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @garrison-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @red-riding-wood @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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Soap having an introverted/shy bestfriend headcanons
pairing: Johnny "soap" mactavish x gn!reader
a/n: huge thank you to everyone who took the time to read or reblog my last post I actually nearly cried🫶🏼. also some of these are a bit longer than they should be I don't even know if they still count as headcanons lol.
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It definitely takes you a while to become friends. It literally took you weeks to speak more than a few sentences, so taking months to become close friends was no surprise.
He's so used to talking all the time and you just listening, at some point it was the only way you could have a conversation. When you started talking more around him, he got so quiet and listened so well even if it wasn't something important, he was just happy to listen to you.
Definitely takes notice of all the things you like, he wants to be so close to you, so he tries to learn about all your favorite things. First time he talked about your favorite movie Infront of you and saw how your eyes lighted up he decided he'd do it more. He also always brings you your favorite food/drink.
The first time you hugged him it was on his birthday. He's had a small birthday party, only invited close people (you being included of course), and after everyone left and you finally gave him his present, He hugged you so tight to his chest, arms wrapped around you. He was about to pull way remembering you told him you're not so comfortable with hugs, only to be stopped by you wrapping your arms around his waist. He tried to act cool after you broke the hug but he was screaming inside. His birthday became more special to him.
He was hoping hugs would become a regular thing after, but they didn't. Although, his disappointment is long forgotten when you start giving him little touches. A hand on his shoulder, your knee touching his, sometimes you'd even let him lay his head on your shoulder.
He always invites you to new places and tries to introduce you to his friends. He understands how you feel about social interactions and public places, so he doesn't pressure you. He just wants his bestfriend with him all the time):
So protective of you! the moment someone says something like "do you ever talk?" he's already in their face. No seriously, he won't leave them 'till you get an apology. You try to tell him that it's okay and it's no big deal but he disagrees, annoying his bonnie is in fact a huge deal.
Since you hate public places so much, he starts inviting you to his place to hang out. The more it happened the more used he is to it, and at one point "hanging out" is basically each of you doing their own thing but in the same room together. You're so quiet he forgets you're there, so when you suddenly say something, he lets out a scream. It makes you laugh so hard the first time it happens, so he starts doing it on purpose.
You once decided to go over your drinking limit due to social anxiety reasons. Johnny saw a whole new you that night. He felt a little guilty enjoying you being drunk, you laughed loudly at his jokes and told him so many stories about you he's never heard before, he couldn't help but enjoy it. That night before he dropped you off at your place, you grabbed his face touching it for the first time ever and told him "I wouldn't trade you for the world, johnny". He had to leave you as quickly as possible because he knew he was about to cry, and he did. He was just overwhelmed with all the love he has for you; he couldn't believe you actually felt this way about him.
You two are literally opposites people get shocked seeing you together. You two are surprised as well, neither of you could imagine being bestfriends with someone who is nothing like them, but you're so happy you are. You're besties forever. 🫶🏼
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inbarfink · 9 months
So when I talk about how the Winter King is, on some level, far more removed from original-flavor Simon than Ice King ever was - Betty is the most obvious example. Ice King’s whole obsession with princesses and the kidnapping therefore and general romantic neediness has always been a Mad, Sad and Magical reflection of just how much Simon misses Betty.
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Even when he was too far too gone to recognize Betty when she was standing right in front of his face
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Ice King always carried the hole she left in his heart. Meanwhile, the Winter King has full access to his old memories, he just forgotten her because he doesn’t care anymore. 
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Even while he was forcing Princess Bubblegum to dance along in a recreation of that same romantic grief.
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But still, I feel like what happened Winterworld version of Marceline is an ever more poetic example, even if figuring out what exactly happened includes a lot of inferences and headcanons.
In “I Remember You”, during yet another emotional breakdown, Ice King accidentally shoved Marceline - and he was immediately absolutely overcome with regret and shame
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Because although he didn’t consciously remember what Marceline meant to him, he still retained these feelings of fatherly care and affection. Some sort of core element of Simon’s being that persisted despite the effects of the Magic Crown. Because of that, he couldn't even stand the thought of hurting her, even slightly.
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Ice King was capable of doing some fucked-up things in his desperation and madness - but hurting Marceline was the one line he never ever wanted to cross.
But the Winter King?
We only have hints of what went down between Winterworld Simon and Winterworld Marceline. All we know is: 
The Winter King and Winterworld Marceline had the same Simon and Marcy backstory as in the Mainworld, and the Winter King fully remembers it - since he conjures a vision of them during his song. 
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Since Marceline’s Ax Bass still exists in its familiar form, it’s safe to say this version of Marceline did reach adulthood and probably had a pretty similar life to Mainworld Marceline.
The Winter King did something absolutely morally repugnant to the Candy Kingdom in general and Princess Bubblegum specifically. Although at the time the Winter King came to being, Marcy and Peebs were still reeling from that centuries-old breakup (assuming there are no other major divergences in the timeline) - I have no doubt that Marceline still had enough lingering feelings (and also maybe general human decency) that she would not stand for Simon’s actions.
And yet the real Marceline is 100% unaccounted for, only her Ax-Bass remains, in the Winter King’s possession. 
Or rather, in the possession of Ice Marcy, an icy duplicate of Marceline as a child living in a gilded cage in the Winter King’s palace - presumably just as lacking in Free Will as the Ice Scouts and any other creation of the Winter King.
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The Winter King’s little conversation with Simon about Betty is the best hint we have to Winter King’s motivation for making Ice Marcy. Namely, he suggested making an ‘Ice Betty’ as a way for Simon to get over losing the love of his life. And he’s fully aware that this is unethical - he just doesn’t care.
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I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that Marceline and the Winter King would have some sort of confrontation about what he did to Bubblegum and since the Winter King implicitly compares it to the situation with ‘the dead one’ (Betty)… I honestly think it is not a stretch at all to assume the Winter King killed Marceline. 
And even if he didn’t straight-up kill her, I think most scenarios that fall under Occam’s Razor still involve the Winter King knowingly inflicting a great amount of emotional and potentially physical damage to Marceline. And it definitely involves the Winter King claiming Marceline’s most beloved posession as his own and giving it to a false icy duplicate of her child self he made to replace her. 
I mean, the fact that he even bothered implies that he at least misses her more than Betty. But his discussion with Simon still means he considers replacing her with a nonsapient magic ice construct that copies not the person she was when she was speaking out against him but the child who adored him to be more than a suitable solution. Which is a demonstration that whatever sort of love remained in the Winter King’s heart for Marceline was a very twisted and selfish kind of love. 
Even if you want to argue that the Winter King has nothing to do with Marceline’s disappearance - the fact that this is how he dealt with her being gone shows how much of the love Simon genuinely had for Marcy is now become a hollow and self-centered sort of thing. This is also a form of hurting her.  And again, with the way the Winter King is in general - I think it’s very likely he has a lot to do with what happened to Marceline.
Meanwhile in the Mainverse, the Ice King couldn’t even lightly shove her away in a fit of emotions without being overcome with pain and regret.
So which Ice Wizard really retains more of what made Simon Petrikov who has is? The one who kept his identity and memories but has lost all of the love and care that has once motivated him more than anything? Or the one who can’t remember his name or his old face most days but still retains this ever-persistent echo of his romantic love for Betty and his fatherly love for Marceline even if he doesn’t fully understand where it comes from? 
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mentos-or-mentoes · 3 months
Headcanons! Cult of the lamb
Leshy, Heket, Shamura, Kallamar, Narinder and The lamb.
(this will be in follower form for the bishops)
Dude is definetly not happy upon being indoctrinated into the cult.
Like first he gets killed by the lamb and NOW he has to follow their commands? Yeah to say the least he might be a bit annoyed at first.
When you first introduce yourself, he might be a little skeptical mainly because he was a bishop so what were you gonna do? Make fun of him? Pull a ''prank'' Just because you could?
Surprisingly, no! You were kind, just trying to get to know him better, and trying to get him to know the cult a little better.
He is forever greatful if you help him around the place.
If Leshy smells anything he thinks is something like a flower, then he might try and guide you towards them.
Mainly because it might be difficult picking them, when he cant see where the hell he's going.
9.5 / 10 hugs and you cant convince me otherwise.
He might be a bit moist because of all the stuff growing on him but he definetly smells nice. (or atleast i headcanon it as such).
He can and will be a living scarf if he REALLY craves your attention.
He will just snuggling up to you in the middle of whatever you were doing.
Heket was not the happiest when she awoke in the lambs cult to say the least.
Allthough she was hungry, (cant blame her tbh).
When you approached her and offered her a couple of berries as a little welcome gift you definetly became one of her favorites.
She probably didn't even want to try and care for someone that isn't her siblings, at this point.
She especially appreceates if you basically speak for her, mainly because you can get to the point (and the words) alot faster then her.
Heket will do absolutely anything to avoid you or anyone else finding out anything that embarrases her that isnt known, like her losing to the lamb.
She enjoys all meals with either you or her siblings.
If you pick her up in front of others for no reason you are getting the frog equivilent of a bitch slap.
She does still have a reputation to uphold to prevent the followers from being too cruel even as a member of the cult.
Okay but seriously, Heket is basically your knight in shining armor.
Someones bothering you? just tell Heket, and she will take care of it.
She loves it when you bring her snakcs while waiting for a meal to be done whenever you cook.
Can and will pass you notes of what she wants you to say to someone, if she's really annoyed bcause of something they did.
Might be dissapointed if you rephrase it, to not be as rude as what she wrote.
Them always seeking knowledge was definetly one of the things that allowed you to bond with them quickly.
You telling them about things they might find interesting, and them sharing some of the things they remember.
Shamura likes it when you remind them of small things they might forget.
They also like sharing stories of their past with you, or giving you small gifts.
Not that they cant defend themselves against other cult members who might be looking for payback (they probably can't).
But you talking some sense into the cultists heads definetly does not go unoticed.
Shamura probably does like cuddles, especially when comforting them.
Might forget that you gave them something and try to return it to you.
If you remind them, then well they'll probably feel a bit ashamed that they forgot one of your gifts.
Please comfort Shamura if this happens.
(sorry i couldn't come up with much for them Shamura fans).
Kallamar is a very nervous person so you showing them kindness was definetly unexpected.
you being nice? To him, and this quickly? You must be plotting something, he thought. but when you continuesly kept showing kindness and defended him from any rude cult members, he quickly realized that it wasn't the case.
he likes it alot when you reassure him that everythings gonna be fine. This man isn't much for standing up for himself. So if you do stand up for him, when other cultists come to do whatever they'd wanna do, he'll be very thankful.
If you went through the trouble of learning sign language just to communicate with him easilier his heart basically melts (not literally though).
He loves holding your hand. he likes the comfort of you being around.
expect him to be with you for a majority of the time.
will hug you whenever he feels nervous if he is allowed to (usually he is).
If he's trying to talk to you about something personal he'll usually use sign language with you when alone.
Kallamar spends so much time with you that half of his stuff is probably at your place.
He was not letting anyone even try and converse with him, after his indoctrination.
Not like people were gonna try anyway, considering what he tried to do.
But theres always someone different, and that just so happened to be you.
You kept trying to start a conversation, pestering him untill he finally tried to actually speak with you.
He wasn't very happy when he finally did start talking.
Despite that you just kept coming back.
Soon he actually started trying to engage the conversations, not really having much else to do.
Small conversation became a small friendship.
Soon Narinder found himself actively trying to spend time with you , and you were more then happy to do so.
Atleast the place wasn't as bad now for Narinder.
This dude is for close to anything but PDA (Public displays of affection).
Will purr if you hug him.
Narinder will never admit it but he's a total cuddle bug when in private.
Will do anything to prevent the lamb from finding out because he already knows he's gonna get teased for eternity the second they find out.
May or may not actively seek you out if he's getting really needy for some cuddles.
Will have orange cat level stupid behavior if he somehow gets his hands on catnip.
The lamb / Lambert.
upon first meeting you, for whatever reason you were wandering around the lands of the old faith, they immidietly asked if you wanted to become part of their cult.
Likes your dedication to the crown and the cult
If you're especially dedicated to the cult then they might read your mind (and might find out you're in love but who knows).
Definetly tries to become closer with you.
They might ask if you wanna go on walks to take a break from all the work.
If you have any problems then the lamb will be willing to do just about anything to help (not everything though).
The lamb definetly makes the first move.
They shower you in gifts, kisses and cuddles whenever they're not busy.
Will do a marriage ritiual as soon as you feel comfortable with it.
Will spend lots of time with you in their free time.
You're probably being put in charge of taking care of things whenever they go on crusades, mainly because they trust you the most.
Doesn't have alot of time when they're not working but they spend almost every second that they're not busy beside you
Expect surprise hugs.
Lots and lots of surprise hugs.
Alot of people are probably both jealous and happy for you because of you being with the lamb.
The lamb does not care because they got the most wonderful person in the world as their partner aka you <3.
(Hope you enjoyed my first ever headcannons)
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darylsfavoritegirl · 4 months
HEYYYY IM HONESTLY SO FUCKING EXCITED WHAT DO YOU THINK ABT THESE HEADCANONS bc i wanted to do smth like for a while i just never could come up with anything but its easy in a sense sooo here you gooou
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• I don't think his mommy issues are necessarily sexual, sometimes you would do something that would invoke that "motherly" "safe" or "warm" feeling inside of him. He would never be able to understand what it was or would tell anyone about it. It'd be one of the reasons why he'd care for you as much as he did. You'd make him feel safe by saying something or embracing your arms around him in a certain way which would make him commemorate his mother, though because his mom died when he was young, he wouldn't be able to understand it at all bc he doesn't consciously remember those moments with her. This man fr would think you'd cast a spell on him :D
• I just know this man is a feminist in the core. Growing up, he'd always hear Merle running his mouth about women and how they were like this and they were like that, overall his ignorant, blunt, dumb thoughts about women. He would witness his dad going off on benders with different women each time and how he'd vulgarly talk about them later. And hell maybe he's disrespected women or been really cruel to them but he still regrets it to this time and yeah we all know this man suffers in redemption, always trying to make up for his past mistakes and wrongs. Yet I'm %100 sure he loves seeing women thrive, turning into their best selves or just witness them be real badass and it might even give him some kind of arousal 👀👀. He is into that shit. I said what I said.
• One of his love languages is definitely showing you the places he'd used to spend his time in. Could be a special spot in the woods, could be a small cabin he'd used to get lit with people. Hell it could be random corner in town whenever you'd have to be in downtown for various reasons. He wouldn't even mind if those places brought him bad memories or unpleasant ones. He'd just like being there with you, doing whole ass story times and watch you react them with a wide-eyed expression. He did have a weird and a "crazy" life before the fall that'd make him feel like he was on mushrooms everytime just thinking about it. He'd love letting you know more and more about his past. It would just give him a reassuring feeling deep down. He would feel like it would bound you two together.
• That.man.has.a.sweet.tooth. He loves anything that has sugar. He'd always snack on candies or cookies or chocolates after a hangover. Or when he'd be on drugs. Sugar wakes him the fuck up and he loves the energy boost. He'd carry some candies in his pocket back in the day, eating them throughout the day when he'd feel his blood sugar dropping.
• He is definitely a car-date type of guy. He got more into it after the apocalpyse started and he met you. Sometimes you'd go on runs and you could sit in the car for hours, smoking, eating, talking or yk👀👀 if supplies you found weren't an emergency need. He absolutely savored those moments. You could sit for hours without speaking, in a complete silence. He appreciates quietude.
• I know him having a breeding kink is well known and acknowledged but he's insane about it that it hurts. He loves seeing you all squirmed and whiny underneath him with all his cum inside of you, some of it dripping down your thighs. You couldn't always find the right pills for unplanned pregnancy risk and it WOULD drive him crazy to not be able to it.
• He just loves to see you messy beneath him. Hair all tangled, thighs shaking uncontrollably. Your fingers digging so deep on his shoulders that you'd cause his broad shoulders to bleed sometimes, he loved it. Your eyes are all glossy with pleasure. You both would love to go wild and leave sloppy kisses on eachother's bodies and wouldn't mind them drying on your bodies at all, leaving it all sticky.
• He loves being submissive as much as he loves being dominant. You can't convince me otherwise. If you gained his trust, he will be all yours, all needy beneath you while you ride his soul out of his damn body. Again, he adores a badass woman, a woman to take the lead. You would place your hands on his chest and sometimes hold his strong large biceps and he wouldn't dare to move an inch. He liked being vulnerable like that.
• He is just so patient it physically throws you over the edge. He'd get so close making you cum and he'd stop, teasing you with his tip or fingers or sometimes his tongue. He'd smirk at you and even make fun of you in a taunting way to overstimulate you and don't worry he'd make up for it with better ways. He knows what he is doing. It's just come natural to him.
• It's safe to say you are the one who teases him in the public most of the time, your feet tracing his legs up until it stops on his bulge under the table and he'd give a stern stare, trying to shrug and look indifferent as others would notice his suddenly-changing demenour. However, there'd be boring Alexandria dinners that Deanna would host and if you sat next to eachother, he'd place his large hand on your thigh and even dare to slip a finger on the fabric of your panties, starting to rub his middle finger harshly in circles while having full ass conversations with people and try to hide his subtle smirk bearing his face. He would do it rarely yet he'd be so good at it because no one would suspect a thing, he'd always make it look like he was resting his arm on your lap. You'd squirm under his warm touch and heat waves would wash all over you while trying to look normal as ever. And believe me, after those nights, when you'd confront about him about what he did at a dinner with 20 people, he'd act as if he doesn't understand a thing you're saying or would say "Don' kno' what yer talkin' 'bout." while shrugging his shoulders and turning to his side with a wicked grin.
well this actually took shorter than i thought idk why i believed it would take me couple of days to finish one lmao i deadass wrote this in like an hour max ???? anyway i wish there were more but idc i was so impatient to post one of theseeee :)))
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s1nflower · 1 year
Kenny McCormick dating headcanos
Ofcourse, sorry if it took too long
🧡Kenny☠️ dating headcanons
Age: 16-19 ig
Warning: This is as SFW as it can be with Kenny, death and kinda angst? at the end.
I tried to make reader gn but i don't know how
It's well known that he flirts with every girl he ever saw, so it wasn't a suprise when he started flirting with you as well.
You just kinda brushed it off at first. You did like him but you didn't even assume he likes you back since he flirted with everyone.
He didn't give up tho, and after a while he realized he needs to try a bit harder so he did the most romantic thing he can afford.
He picked some flowers for you. He didn't buy them. He picked them off the ground.
You must admit they were pretty.
He saw you were still skeptical after that tho... "What do you mean you can't tell if i really like you? I got you a flowers! When else did you saw me give a girl flowers?"
So that's how you STARTED dating, here's some real dating headcanons
His love language is touch (sexual, non-sexual, doesn't matter) and gift giving/receiving.
I know he can't afford alot of things, by gifts i mean something like a shiny rock he found and gave to you or something like that, he also doesn't expect you to buy him things, just give him random things you find. (idk i think it's cute)
Your dates are usually just two of you hanging out at your or his place (you do that all the time so you don't know if it really counts as a date anymore) because he can't really pay for 'real' dates and refuses to let you pay.
Whenever you're together at (one of your) houses you just have to cuddle.
He loves to just lay on top of you and burry his head into your boobs (if you have them) while you stroke his hair. (this shouldn't be sexual btw)
He wouldn't let you go for a hours.
You need to go to the bathroom? No you don't.
He would let you go eventually, but would whine untill you come back.
Also, he always have his hands at your ass when you're cuddling.
When you're at his place you hang out with Karen together. (if you're a girl she sees you as her big sister)
For some reason he likes to sneak into your house.
It's not that your parents don't let him stay over... he just thinks it's fun.
He woke you up in the middle of the night quite a few times. (don't sleep with your window open)
When you're out, he always has his arm around your shoulders or your waist.
On your 'real' dates (when he takes you out to eat) few times happened that he didn't have enough money, and didn't want to let you pay so you just run out without paying and never came back to that place again. (lmao)
He's probably dyslexic. (not really a dating hc but here it is)
Lot's of sex jokes. (not all of them are jokes *wink*wink*)
You two flirt all the time, it's kinda competition about who will make the other more flustered. (he usually wins)
But if you really wanna see him blush, just give him a compliment. Not flirting, just a genuine compliment. (poor guy just doesn't know how to take them, he will just die there)
Speaking of dying (this is if you want to remember that he dies all the time) first time you saw him die you were devastated. You just couldn't believe he was gone forever, you cried all night.
Next day when he showed up at your door like nothing happened you freaked out even more.
You thought that you were hallucinating.
He was confused at first, then when you told him that you remember him dying yesterday, he was shocked that you actually remember
Then he had to explain to you how he dies all the time but noone remembers, and how it's normal and nothing to worry about
You didn't really see how it's normal or nothing to worry about, but you'll get used to it.
That's it ig.. I hope you like it, this was my first time writing headcanons and i really hope i didn't fuck it up🥹
I also wanted to write NSFW too but I don't know how so... tell me if you want me to write NSFW alphabet (i think it's easier)
Also... I'm sorry for poor grammar.
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keegansgf · 2 years
“keegan p. russ headcanons”
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pairing : Keegan P. Russ x fem! reader
tags : domestic fluff, headcanons
A/N : Simon Ghost Riley attention is great and all but look at Keegan <33. He needs more recognition on Tumblr and I fold for domestic bliss I also did NOT proofread 😭
I'd imagine him as the type of guy to adopt a big dog and a cat for both of you. Why a big dog? If he's not there, your buddy is protecting you. Keegan is always thinking two steps ahead– especially if it regards your safety. The cat, on the other hand, is just there to be cute with you and your other pet. His heart goes soft seeing you play with them.
He's more of a listener than a talker. You could be complaining about your day and he'll sit and listen giving the occasional input here and there. It's not like he's always quiet though. Whenever his teammates are over, they get surprised at how talkative he is to you.
Keegan isn't easy to read to everyone else, you both know when you need space. You're his soulmate, if something is up with him or vise versa, you both feel it.
He's definitely touchy. Every chance he has to hold you by his side is every chance he'll take. You'll feel his arm snake around your hips or waist when it gets too crowded or if you need to squeeze in-between other shoppers. This goes the same for when you're doing anything (sitting down, reading, etc.) If you're at a desk of some sort, he'll bend to your height to hug you from behind, and place a sweet kiss on your cheeks or temples. When you were a new couple, he wasn't that open to cuddling. He finds it much harder to sleep without you now.
I feel like he collects records in his free time. If you two ever really settle down and have a child, he's the dad who shares his own music taste. He'd be so proud hearing "I got my music taste from my dad!" (If you ever get to that point of fully settling down. I'd say he's a daughter type of guy though.)
Everything you, do he'll try to help you in whatever way, especially cooking. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you as a whole. He hides the fact he's a sucker for being your knight and you're his queen.
Speaking of being his queen and helping you out, I see him doing all the outdoorsy chores just so you don't have to do them. Catch him shoveling snow or raking leaves for you.
When you're shopping for things like clothes, makeup, etc, whatever you touch or show interest in is immediately remembered. In a matter of days, you'll see that perfume you were obsessed with in a brand-new box right at your dresser.
He likes the little things about you or the quiet moments in your shared lives. Noticing the smell of your perfume when you walk past him, seeing you're trying out a new nail color that he likes, having a different dish on the table to share– just everything. Waking up to a new day is something he's already grateful for, for very obvious reasons, but waking up next to the love of his life? Things couldn't be more perfect for him.
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hit me with your best will solace hcs please, i can take it
will solace headcanons or something
gonna be real honest i forgot half of my headcanons and i'll probably remember them the minute i post this but:
healing and hymns: i don't think the healing process in chb is specified beyond "ambrosia and nectar," but i think a combination of powerful voice (stentorian) + correct hymn + natural talent = higher chances of healing success; i don't think will has a voice that's very pleasant to listen to. i think he can carry a tune, sure, but he isn't someone you want to listen to for extended periods of time. the thing i think makes him such a good healer is his strong voice - he's able to keep singing at a steady pace with consistency. he can heal his siblings of small bruises and paper cuts through a single song, but you won't catch him leading a campfire. [i thought way too long about how hymns work in the infirmary for my fic jdsjgfdg]
texan will: i've seen a lot of headcanons revolving around texan will that have always been a little odd to me, seeing as i'm texan and half of these hcs are just blatant stereotypes lmao. i think i even once saw someone say that because he's from the south he can't be a vegetarian, which is pretty absurd (coming as someone who fasts.) honestly the only one for this i can think of is that he uses "ya'll" constantly. also occasionally indulges in fried food, because fried chicken slaps (none of that fried oreo/snickers bs. miss me with that will would NOT go near that stuff.)
assorted appearance headcanons:
he has freckles all over him! apparently he doesn't have them canonically and we all just. collectively decided that he did, and i love that.
likes pockets. anything with pockets. also, flip flops, crocs, basically any open-toed shoes. sometimes he'll just go barefoot, because why not. i also think he wears a lot of bracelets - things made by his younger siblings (some alive, some not.) they're his version of camp beads.
from here i give up on categorizing my hcs:
gets more irritated during winter/fall months
tea person
the type of person to belt out songs when he thinks nobody is watching
is actually rather chill during shadow travel, and doesn't get nauseated because he's done it with nico so often
lets the cocoa puffs hitch a ride on him whenever he's in the infirmary, and always has to explain who they are to new patients.
doesn't curse often but when he does it's a storm
friends with drew because i said so and also because i think he, jake, and drew have "i became a camp counselor too early" solidarity. i think they all became friends post tlo and have maintained a tentative relationship since! those cabins have each other's backs.
big spoon
wants to get more tattoos (maybe a tattoo sleeve?)
doesn't want to become a doctor, but rather a vet, or maybe a teacher. reasoning being that he'll have to relearn everything, but also that he'll have to deal with the loss of his patients again, this time knowing he couldn't heal them magically because he's relying on modern medicine. plus, he would have to spend a long time away from his siblings, and seeing as how he's a year rounder, i don't think that would bode well for him.
really really likes planning events - especially birthday parties
wants to travel the world, but is also afraid to leave everything behind
was once afraid of growing up, and still sort of is. doesn't think much of his birthday, because he used to celebrate it with his mother, and he didn't really get a chance to start celebrating with his siblings before being thrown into war
terrible dancer, even though his boyfriend is really good at it
loves to garden! there's a garden for the infirmary where he gathers ingredients for salves and poultices, but he also just loves the scent of flowers. he likes to care and nurture things, and plants are something he pours a lot of energy into. he and nico also go strawberry picking a lot.
fast fast fast runner
post tsats: persephone will occasionally call him using an angel trumpet flower (this is like. a very specific vision but search up one of those flowers and imagine holding it up to your ear like a telephone:)
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anyway she calls him on one of these bad boys and asks how he's doing. they have long chats about flowers and sometimes him and nico are invited for picnics in the underworld.
him and nico have a travel bucket list
he has possibly the worst handwriting ever. absolutely terrible
is pretty bad at using technology, but still has to pretend like he knows how to use it when he's helping nico navigate the internet.
aand that's all i remember for now!
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creedslove · 8 months
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, embarrassment, sort of abusive relationship, violent (ex) boyfriend, Javi being protective
A/N: this idea stuck with me the whole day after I read this request, I couldn't simply write headcanons on it, it needed to be longer because ugh 🤌 also, I was indecisive between Javi or Joel, but this screams Javi so yeah... also, there's one line that was totally inspired by a dialog between Monica an Chandler from Friends. I don't recall seeing that scene on the show so it might be a deleted scene, but I thought it fit perfectly our Javi P and his cariño!
1.9k words
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Javier blew some smoke as he stood in front of the window, he knew Gabriella would take forever to get ready, and even if it annoyed him, because she always did it on purpose, telling him she wouldn't take more than a few minutes and always getting late to events, he was also glad about it, since he didn't want to go at all.
Usually, he would be up for it on a regular basis, but not when he knows he's gonna see you there. You, his cariño, the woman Javier had loved the most in his life, but also he had lost it for not being enough for you. He remembered every single detail about your relationship together, he always assumed that was a girl thing to do, because he had never bothered memorizing dates or small things that could have happened between him and his partner, but that was it only until he fell in love with you, the hardest he had ever felt towards anyone, and then he realized that yeah, he kept every single small detail in his mind because he cherished it. From the moment you two flirted for the first time, to how you started to hang out, sleep together and all the bliss that followed until you two broke up, he kept it all in his heart. He still remembered how you ended their relationship, you were tired of putting up with his erratic behavior, of expecting from him something he couldn't give you.
"I'm tired of being your tutor in this relationship, if you are too scared of being in a relationship, just don't be in one"
You had told him after one argument and Javier saw you were right, he was a grown man who was afraid of being called your boyfriend, of thinking of proposing to you some day and to be seen holding your hand. He was pathetic and he knew it, he also knew you deserved better than that, so he did what you told him: he took the decision of not being in a relationship with you any longer and set you free, so you could actually meet someone who could take care of you.
He just didn't know it would hurt as bad as it did, that he would miss you as much as he did, but life went on and there was nothing he could do, after watching you getting over him, he just figured maybe he could do the same. And that was how he met Gabriella. She wasn't you, she never could be, but she was pretty and Javier liked that. However, when he heard you had found yourself a new guy, Javi didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to be a decent person and be happy for you, but he couldn't lie to himself and say he was happy for you, because he wasn't. It made his skin crawl to even think of another man touching you, even if he already had a new girlfriend, it was a thought that disturbed him and he didn't like it one bit.
"I see you haven't quit smoking yet, Javier…" you said with a smirk as you saw him standing on the sidewalk, taking another puff while everyone was probably already inside and having their fun. Not Javi, though, he would always stop for a cigarette, and even if you had asked him to quit and he started an experience period with his nicotine gum, all in order to please you, when you two broke up, he had no reason to stop smoking at all, not that you complained about it, but you worried about his health, and that warmed his heart to no end.
"I got no reason to quit cari-" he cleared his throat "and you know you can still call me Javi… there's no need to be formal"
You chuckled and folded your arms, looking at him and bit your lips
"Yeah, but you aren't my Javi… not anymore at least" you shrugged. "Besides, if you don't want to be so formal, why don't you call me cariño anymore?" You asked and raised your eyebrow at him, who just ran his thumb over his bottom lip and remained silent.
You looked at him and wondered if you should properly greet him, perhaps a hug? A kiss on the cheek? A handshake? No, that would be pathetic. You took a step closer just as he threw away his cigarette butt and walked towards you, perhaps he missed your physical touch just as much as you missed his. You couldn't ask him, but as his body language showed he was so eager to wrap his arms around your body, then yes, maybe he did miss you as much.
"Come on, Javi, let's get inside!" Gabriella's squeaky voice interrupted whatever was about to happen between the two of you and Javier had no other option but to follow her inside.
As you all were scattered around the table - Gabriella and Javier, sitting across from you and your boyfriend, along with your other friends in common - you tried to make yourselves at ease, but it was odd. You couldn't stop comparing your boyfriend to Javier and how inferior he was; he couldn't simply be compared to Javi, because Javier Peña was like a walking sin, he was handsome, sweet, funny, and no one would ever touch you the way he did. You were doomed to have the ghost of Javier haunting all your relationships because you simply couldn't break the spell you were under.
Javier on the other hand, just stared at you, like he did when you both were together, he just loved watching you talk to whoever it was, friends, family, people you'd just met… it didn't matter, he just loved observing you with the same intent one would observe a work of art. You were intelligent to the point it was so easy and natural for you to speak about pretty much anything with a lot of confidence. You were polite and sweet, but also assertive when necessary, it just brought a sense of peace and pride to him, he was just proud you were his… or used to be, at least, it was hard for him to get rid of that claim he felt towards you, but in a way it was like you were still his. He frowned softly as he saw your boyfriend opening his mouth to agree with whatever stupidity Gabriella had said that embarrassed him. He saw you rolling your eyes at the subject and he couldn't help but smirk, after all, you were still his girl.
When the food arrived, Javier finally realized how hungry he was, the burgers were pretty good, the fries were exactly the way he liked and of course that wasn't as good as the food you made him, but that would do. He wiped his lips softly with a napkin but something was still missing.
"Can you please pass me the salt, cariño?"
Javi's voice was soft and distracted as he extended his hand to welcome the salt shaker at the same time you absent-mindedly handed it to him
"Of course mi amor"
The silence was deafening and it took you a few seconds until you realized what you'd said. Your eyes were wide as you noticed how big was the shit you got yourself into. The mood was absolutely dead, and you had killed it. Javier looked at you with a shocked expression, he had no idea where that came from, but he liked it, even if Gabriella was digging her nails into his arms and your boyfriend's teeth were about to shatter at how hard he was clenching his jaw. Your other friends just looked at each other and smiled awkwardly, immediately changing the subject but that wasn't enough to lift the spirits, quite the opposite, the tension was thick and you cleared the throat.
"Uh… here it is, the salt I mean… Javier'' you said his name slowly and avoided everyone's stares, looking down at your burger but realizing you weren't hungry anymore. As people slowly went back to chatting, you excused yourself and headed for the restroom, washing your face and sighing as you thought of what the fuck had happened. You didn't know exactly what was up, you were so distracted, Javi had called you by your old nickname at the same time you simply responded by using the nickname you used for him. You used to be his cariño just as he used to be your amor. It was an awkward situation, that could be seen as kind of cute, if it weren't for how angry your boyfriend was the moment you stepped out of the restroom.
He gripped your arm making you wince in pain at how strong it was
"What the fuck was that, huh? Calling Peña that in front of everyone? If you don't have respect for yourself fine, not my problem, I should've known how a woman who sleeps with a man like Peña isn't worth it, but the least you could do is respect me!"
You groaned and tried getting rid of his grip, shocked to see how violent he could turn, of course you had never liked him as much as you did Javi, but you thought he was at least a nice guy. You swallowed, fear taking over you as he didn't seem to be willing to let go of your arm.
"Get off her now" Javier's voice was calm but firm as he stood behind your boyfriend, his blood was boiling to see your scared eyes, but as a good cop, he was very focused and knew he needed to calm down. "Get off her now and leave" Javier repeated his words but the moment he saw your boyfriend wasn't moving, he pushed him against the wall and reached for his gun, knowing the man would run away as soon as he saw Javi holding his pistol, which was a card he hated pulling, but he didn't think twice if it meant that asshole would keep his hands away from you.
Once you and Javier were alone, he gently held your arm, rubbing it softly where your boyfriend, well, surely ex-boyfriend at that very moment, had held you with a strong grip.
"Come on, let me take you home…" and you scoffed
"Yeah, because Gabriella will love to see you giving me a ride"
"She left with the rest of our friends… you really know how to kill the vibe" he winked at you and made you chuckle, a blush spreading through your cheeks as you looked at him
"Listen Javi… I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"
"Cariño, I also didn't mean to, it's okay, it was out of habit, but hey, it was pretty good to see I'm still your Javi, tu amor" he smiled at you and you wanted to kill him for being such a sweet, charming man, who could just make your heart melt and your knees get weak at the slightest words.
"Yeah, well, I didn't hate to know I'm still your cariño… you don't call your girlfriend that, do you?"
He placed his hand on your face, caressing your cheeks gently with his thumb, the distance between the two of you completely closed.
"I could never call anyone that, hermosa… you are my cariño, you and no one else, it had only been you, mi amor" he said sweetly and leaned in, lips resting against yours.
No matter how much you both struggled against your feelings: he was your Javi, tu amor, and you would always be his cariño.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Scaramouche x fem!reader NSFW Comfort headcanons. My usual mix bag that's probably starting to sound the same by now.
a/n: Good evening, everyone. Don't mind this, in fact, it isn't even worth reading. Lately, I have been feeling like nothing I would write would be good enough for any of you to read. like I have zero confidence in my writing right now. I don't feel good and I just wanted to write something little.
Scaramouche could always tell when you were having one of those days.
One of those days he hates seeing you have. You'd been having one of those days for about a week now.
Where you just didn't feel well.
Where you always thought you fell short of whatever expectations anyone had for you.
Where you wanted to snap and cry over stupid things that you couldn't do right the first time.
Like right now, you were standing there ready to cry over making a little bit of a mess on the kitchen counter, having scalded your fingers three times doing something so ordinary like cooking.
"Archons, this sucks. I really can't do anything right the first time. I am always disappointing someone in some way. Especially you. I can't imagine how much a disappoint you on a daily basis."
Scaramouche decided he had enough of your pathetic babbling.
Especially since you said you always disappointed him.
Tears were welling in your eyes and he hated seeing that.
You were making yourself cry over stupid shit. And he knew you knew it was stupid, but you just couldn't help it sometimes.
Scaramouche always knew exactly what to do on these days.
He would spend the entire night fucking you into oblivion.
"You are such a dumb little slut, thinking you are unworthy of my praise when it's the exact opposite."
He would tease and edge you for hours until you begged and cried.
Cried for a different reason than stupid insecurities you had.
Biting and fucking praise into you was what he did best.
Scaramouche would roughly handle you, but with passion you could practically feel.
He would make sure of it.
It would practically hum strongly against every fiber of your body.
Scaramouche would kiss your lips swollen.
An array of bite marks and bruises would litter your body.
"You just lay there and stop thinking, kitten. Let me fuck this lesson into you until you fall asleep. You would be well to remember this lesson, though I wouldn't mind fucking it into you again."
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Headcanons: Taking care of each other when you are hurt (Evan Buckley)
Headcanon Prompts: 'Taking care of them when they are hurt.' + 'Them taking care of you when you are hurt.'
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @spuffyfan394
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, bandages, scars and other related terminology.
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Taking care of him:
Evan gets hurt A LOT. I mean, this guy is the whump king at this point lol.
So, though you hate seeing him hurt and you worry about him a lot, you are used to his habits when you take care of him.
He tends to play down his injuries, insisting he can do things himself or insisting he is "fine".
"Fine? You can't even take three steps on your own, sit down."
But, at the same time, he does enjoy you taking care of him.
It feels very domestic to him, and he enjoys spending the time with you, though he doesn't like feeling helpless.
He has also learned that you get comfort when helping him after he's been hurt.
You worry so much, that helping him, no matter what with, reassures you that he is going to be okay.
When he is hurt, he acts different then when he is sick (meaning he doesn't act like a toddler who needs attention constantly).
Evan appreciates your gentle nature when you help him change any bandages he has, or when you need to apply some sort of cream to a wound.
Though he does not like being hurt, he does enjoy the moments that you are there for him.
Like when you help him wash his hair, or get dressed if he can't quite do it himself. When you massage sore muscles, or talk to him until he can comfortably fall asleep.
He is used to being injured, it comes with the job, but he hates worrying you. He apologizes a lot, though you always reassure him that you are just glad he will be okay.
If his injuries scar you have a tendency to run your fingers over them, tracing them, and remembering what the aftermath was like.
Evan reminds you that they are marks of survival, and that they also remind him of the times you were right by his side when he needed you.
You may chastise him for getting hurt, but it's always in a loving and joking tone. He knows you care deeply for him, and just want him to come home safely.
He always says he would do the same for you any time you are hurt.
"But don't get hurt, please."
Him taking care of you:
When you get hurt, Evan realizes why you act the way you do when he gets hurt.
The worry, and constant nagging feeling that he needed to do more, ate at him.
So, he would hover, usually a bit too much, but you knew the feeling well.
So, you let him help you, even if that meant him carrying you to the bathroom when you can walk perfectly fine.
It's cute, if not overbearing.
You would make fun of him and his "mothering" but he was just happy he could return the favor, though he would also chastise you for getting hurt, the same way you would do to him.
Evan discovered that he really enjoyed some of the more delicately intimate ways he could help you.
Brushing, washing or fixing up your hair if you couldn't reach it. Making you food and bringing it to you in bed.
Though the reason he was doing it came from something bad, he enjoyed the look on your face when he did these things for you.
It helped him to understand just why you insisted on helping him every time he got hurt as well.
If any of the others come by while you are hurt, he doesn't really let them help you in any way, he feels like it has to be him. If he doesn't do it, you wont get better.
He know's it doesn't make sense, but he doesn't it anyways.
You also learn what it's like to have someone worrying over you, and having to comfort their anxieties and remind them you are okay.
You both get to see and experience each side of taking care of your partner whether you want to or not.
You'd rather not have too, but it's a part of the job, and a part of your relationship.
I know they aren't very long but I'm trying to come out of a serious case of writers block, so this is all I could get out. I hope you enjoy them anyways! And if you do please consider reblogging :)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
911 & Evan Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @bellarkeselection, @shiftingwh0r3, @rqmanoff, @fanboysfangirl, @readingbookelf, @luvwanda,
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chronological-knight · 3 months
Day 2 of @mcyt-aro-week was way harder for me for some reason. I decided to do the prompt "loveless" so for context, in this headcanon Gem is a loveless aromantic, however she doesn't actually know it yet. ALSO, i am not actually a loveless aro, I am in fact the opposite, so if I got anything wildly wrong please tell me <3
Gem had never liked romance. Even as a kid, she'd wrinkle her nose at kiss scenes, complain when her parents called each other pet names, and gag whenever anyone asked about “her future boyfriend.” Back then, though, it was less apparent. Easier to ignore. Sure, it was a bit strange, but she'd been a kid, and kids do strange things all the time.
The first time she remembers being aware of this, is also the first time she got in trouble at school. She was eating lunch with a group of kids, when one of them started bragging about how he'd kissed a boy. All the other kids were oohing and aahing, asking him what it was like and acting all together more impressed then she thought was deserving. If she was honest, she had thought it was gross, so when it came her turn to speak she said as much.
The reaction she got for that was surprising, even to her child mind. Up until then she'd been under the impression that romance didn't appeal to her, so why would it appeal to anyone else? The boy had started crying, and someone got a teacher involved, which all led to a very reluctant apology from Gem and a very awkward ride home with her parents.
Even that, though, was quickly forgotten. Sure, it was a bit strange, but strange things happen all the time, and for now Gem could easily go about her day talking to her friends, and drawing, and definitely not thinking about romance.
As a teenager she was well and truly sick of it.
She didn't get it. She'd never gotten it, and if her luck held she never would. She didn't know how, or why for that matter, but even with their exams only a few weeks away all anyone ever talked about was love, love, love. She didn't know where they got the time.
One day, while she was complaining to her parents on the floor of their living room, and working on an architectural sketch for her portfolio, her dad told her something that would stick with her forever, though not for the reason he probably thought.
“Everyone falls in love. It's what makes us human.”
He'd said it with a patronising grin, like he thought her feelings were childish, and her childish to feel them.
She took it as a challenge.
From then on, she stopped referring to her feelings as love all together. It was a subtle change, one you didn't notice until you did, but once you did you couldn't unsee. She adored it. She'd always felt divorced from what others called love, and being able to reclaim that discomfort, that disconnect as her own? It was nothing short of delightful.
“Hey, Gem?” Pearl asked.
Dappled light shimmered though tree leaves, spreading across a stepping-stone path as if someone had splattered the ground with paint. Gem and Pearl walked slowly, enjoying the view and each other's company. A bittersweet atmosphere stuck to them like glitter, since this would be the last time they could talk before Pearl left to her new server, the Empires SMP.
“Mhm?” Gem hummed
“Are you aromantic?”
Gem cocked her head to the side, her red hair flowing over her shoulders. “What's that?”
“It's where you don't fall in love”
Well, that was unexpected. Neat.
“Huh. Guess I am.”
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welivetodream · 6 months
Camilla Macaulay: the twist villain that never was.
(ps: this is just a headcanon and personal opinion, nothing serious!)
Out of all the characters in TSH, Camilla to me seemed the most enigmatic, more than even Henry Winter. There's something about her that I cannot understand. I couldn't trust her when I was reading TSH for the first time, I thought she was going to be the mastermind behind it all.
Why? Isn't Camilla the nicest of all of them? So was Charles, and look at what happened to him. The twins gave me the ick a lot of the times, especially during re-reads where I could see the early hints of the incest reveal and the abuse. It could have been completely believable, if Camilla, behind the scenes was the one causing the drama all along.
1. Richard's rose coloured lens: since the story is told from his point of view, it's understandable if he decided to leave some details, changed the story or was oblivious to some things he didn't want to remember or think about. He had the most bias for Camilla, she was his crush. And we often look at our crushes with rose tinted glasses and often hide their flaws and mistakes. Richard shows bias towards the Greek class even before he was in it and his infatuation with Camilla could be the reason why we don't get any bad details about her throughout the story.
2. Motives: while Bunny did get murdered for blackmailing and trying to betray the Greek class. Only Camilla had other motives to cause distress among the others. Particularly, Charles. We know he was extremely possessive with her and has caused her emotional and physical abuse (there's background info we get at times about the twins having broken objects in the house and other times where Charles is possessive of Camilla). I don't think she truly loves Henry, it's more that being with him gives her the protection and safety she needs. She has shown some kind of liking to Francis, they seem good friends and have kissed two times (I call it gay solidarity). She plays with Richard's heart a lot, kissing him when no one is looking and making him think he has a chance when he clearly doesn't. Camilla is overshadowed by the guys in her friend group; getting the "only girl treatment". Bunny is always trying to get under her nerves and is misogynistic towards her. Charles is controlling and abusive (her own brother). Henry is cold and sociopathic, as well as someone you can't trust ("I call it redistribution of matter"). Richard is a simp. Francis is there.
3. What could have happened: Camilla, tired of the way her life is tied to Charles, Henry and Richard and their feelings towards her forcing her into a corner with no choice of her own. As well as, mentally scared from the murder of the farmer, decides to end all of the misfortunes in her life. Instead of Henry making the plans, it's Camilla in this version of the story that decides to kill Bunny both to get rid of him from her life as well as to hide the first murder. But she does this from the shadows. And the person that discovers her plan is Francis, since they have a relatively good relationship, it's possible he wouldn't spill her plans and stay quiet. She gaslights Henry into believing he ended up killing Bunny (let's say he went through with the poisonous mushrooms but instead Camilla gave Bunny actual posion)
When Charles goes into his villain arc, Camilla uses Henry as a shield to keep him away. And in the final scene, instead of Henry shooting himself, Charles ends up shooting him and Camilla shoots Charles as an act of revenge. She then threatens Richard that if he says a word about this (both Bunny and Charles's murder) then he would die too, she does that to seal her secret; she knows Richard has a big mouth and might betray her and spares Francis, since he already knew and is trustable. Camilla cleans her fingerprints from the gun and puts it in Charles's hand in order to frame it as a murder-suicide. Camilla attends their funerals and gives an alibi in front of the police that her, Richard and Francis were in the country house during the murder-suicide and then testified that Charles and Henry were the ones who were involved in the two murders and were holding them hostage with that information, clearing the three of them from the murders. Then she finally leaves for a better life. (Maybe the epilogue would be about Francis telling Richard about Camilla's behind-the-scenes story, showcasing the aftermath and what they are doing in the present)
4. Character arc: making Camilla crucial to the plot and a twist villain would give so much to her character. Her mysterious nature, absence from the main plot and lack of impact at the start of the story could be explained by her secretly planning their downfalls and her escape. Instead of her being the object of affection for the three guys and being the typical "girl that ruins the friendships between guy friends", she is the hidden mastermind with her own motives, personality and story. She was the only one who didn't change in the second part. But in this version of the story, she is the one who drives it's entire narrative.
Let her be manipulative, a liar, a gaslighter. Let her show the wrath of female rage.
When the twins were introduced in white clothing, looking like angels. Maybe they were wolves in sheep's clothing. Both of the twins. Not just Charles but Camilla too. They were creepy, eerie, and strange. They hid their true personalities behind southern hospitality and beautiful features.
"Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it"
After all, the best characters are the grey ones.
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