#that makes your quick healthy meal anytime.
byzerodigital · 7 months
Mudakathan Pickle (Thokku). Pickle or Rice mix made with Balloon Vine, good source of calcium.
Vayalfoods, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality and authentic Indian delicacies of pickles. Try our Mudakathan Pickle, made from fresh ingredients and a blend of spices, for a unique and flavorful addition to your meals.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you're apart
Author’s Note: is my Sanemi favoritism showing? 🤍 Spoiler Alert: yes. 😂 Don’t mind my psychology major brain showing ~a bit too. 🤓
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when you’re apart
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,300
CW: anxiety disorder, explicit language, mild sexual content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I was wondering if you could do how the men hashira react to a female reader with separation anxiety
I have a fear of being alone which makes me very clingy. My longtime boyfriend recently broke up with me due to me being “to much to deal with.”
Being clingy is such a bother I know I just hate being alone
When you’re apart…
… Gyomei doesn’t mind receiving calls from you throughout the day. He’s endlessly patient, always willing to listen, and warns you in advance if he can’t talk for long. His strategy for setting and respecting boundaries? Planning ahead and communicating his availability to make sure you feel prioritized and included in his decision making, while still fulfilling his own wants and needs.
… Obanai dislikes it as much as you do, but is ~somewhat more subtle about it. He, at least, has Kaburamura to keep him company, but kissing you is decidedly more pleasant. He’s mindful about maintaining healthy boundaries and expectations—he knows codependency shouldn’t be romanticized—but he’s also so wholly in love with you, that sometimes he gives up and surprises you anyway. “Obanai? You’re two hours early?? Are you okay???” He nods sheepishly, already pulling you into a hug, “I’m fine. Missed you.” “Is Sanemi going to complain to me the next time I see him?” you sigh, scrunched grin revealing your contentment despite the exasperation in your tone. “Probably, I don’t care. I left him enough to cover more than my share of the tab.”
… Mitsuri totally understands your anxiety, and is lovingly firm about ensuring you don’t slip into unhealthy habits. “You can text me anytime, but only call if there’s an emergency, okay?” she murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your earlobe. You nod slightly, resisting the urge to pout. “I’ll be home before you know it.” Even though it stings, you know it’s never personal. Her willingness to draw straightforward boundaries, as well as her willingness to cross them if you’re truly upset, are just another reason to cherish her.
… Shinobu checks in every couple of hours. Sometimes it’s just a single sentence text, other times a quick call, but she knows how important feeling connected is to you. It’s important to her too, of course, but she’s apt to lose track of time when she’s at the hospital or her lab—she enjoys her work—so she puts in conscious effort to be proactive about your anxiety. When she anticipates a busier or longer day, she’ll ask, “Is it okay if I only check in during meals today?” Generally, you’ll reassure her that, “Absolutely, I’m so proud of you,” and if you’re having a low day, then she always figures out a compromise with you before she leaves.
… Kyojuro unknowingly reassures you, because—apparently—everything reminds him of you. Whether it’s a photo of a flower shortly after he arrives at work Pretty flower, but you’re prettier 🌻, a photo of the sky during his lunch break The cloud formations remind me of you, so soft and mesmerizing ☁️, or a blurry selfie as he finally heads home for the day Cannot wait to see you! 😁, you’re kept in the loop. The one time his phone fell into a puddle (he was trying to photograph a reflection of willow branches Elegant and dreamy, like you 🌿), he immediately visited the nearest shop to borrow their landline Hi, yes, how are you today? Would it be possible for me to make a call? I am happy to purchase something. I would just like to tell my partner that I will be unavailable for the day.
… Sanemi often forgets to explicitly text, call, or otherwise contact you. He doesn’t mean to aggravate your anxiety: he just doesn’t quite ~get it, and assumes it stems from insecurity or jealousy — which also confuses him. “You have nothing to worry about. How could I fall in love with someone else when I’m already in love with you?” he snorts, lightly tapping your nose. “That’s not…” you bite at your lip, unsure how to explain yourself. “I’m not big on texting, you know that. It’s not that I specifically dislike texting you.” You smile despite yourself, eyes rolling fondly, “I know it’s not specific to me.” “So then what’s the issue?” he’s determined to understand. “I’m afraid of being alone,” you shrug, gesturing vaguely, “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.” Arms crossing, he leans in, forehead bumping yours, voice warm and low on your skin as you gulp, “It’s okay to be afraid of things, and being afraid isn’t nothing.” Arms uncrossing, he settles his hands on your hips, kneading gently as he pulls back slightly, fixing an even gaze on your flushed expression, “I can’t be with you all the time, but I can promise that I love you and think about you.” “All the time?” you ask quietly. It’s his turn to blush, eyes closing as he dips his face into your neck, muttering softly, “All the damn time.”
… Muichiro is a bit absentminded, and rarely thinks to check his phone, but he sets reminders—around noon, and later in the afternoon—to make up for it. If he’s occupied and misses his usual look-at-his-phone time(s), then he’s never bothered by a call from you coming through (besides your number, his phone’s always on Do Not Disturb). In the bathroom? He’ll pick up. About to bite into his lunch? He’ll put it aside. Presenting during a meeting? He’ll literally answer his phone mid sentence, and leave the room (creative liberty: thank gosh he’s the boss hah). He’s aware of his head-in-the-clouds tendencies, just as he’s aware of your anxiety, and feels that having a specific routine is perfectly fair: if he forgets to uphold his end of your expectations, then you’ve every right to remind him. Conversely, if he’s feeling overwhelmed, he’s more than capable of reasserting his own needs — an infinite practice of mutual respect and taking necessary space.
… Giyuu feels uneasy too, but his discomfort stems primarily from how most people tend to socially drain him — you’re one of few that he can feel both stimulated and rested around. Therefore, if it’s a spend-time-with-you versus spend-time-around-others situation, then he’d prefer to be with you. Spend-time-with-you versus spend-time-by-himself situations are more complicated. It takes a lot of discussion, some heavy evenings apart, and tense evenings together, but you gradually nurture a shared understanding and acceptance of your varying needs. He’s always happy to reassure you that I’m not upset with you, nor am I tired of you; I’m just tired, while you’re slowly learning to trust him and his commitment to loving you.
… Tengen could care less about how clingy you are. Super duper clingy? He loves it. Not clingy at all? He’s cool and confident — he knows you adore him as much as he adores you. His easygoingness, however, isn’t the most productive in terms of processing and reducing your overall anxiety. In fact, you eventually have to tell him that he shouldn’t answer your texts or calls immediately, every single time, without a hint of irritation, because it reinforces your self soothing behaviors. “But I’m happy to?!” he grins, kissing the top of your head. “I know, and I appreciate you,” you chuckle, tucked snugly into his side, “But I don’t want to feel afraid of being alone-” “Sooo don’t be alone!” he interrupts enthusiastically, “Again, I’m happy to keep you company!” Inhaling deeply, you gently grip his jaw, a silent request for him to focus, “And again, I appreciate you, but sometimes I have to feel afraid to stop feeling afraid. If I’m never alone, then I can’t ever feel afraid,” hesitating, voice softer now, “And I know you’ll promise to never leave me, but shit happens. Y’know?” He’s silent, maroon eyes steady and tender as he holds your gaze. Before you can nervously murmur Tengen?, he touches his nose to your forehead, still smiling. “I love you. I’ll do my best to help, even from a distance.” “Well don’t go too far away,” you quip. “Of course not,” he laughs, “I’ll just go wherever you tell me to,” declared earnest and true.
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onskepa · 4 months
Hey I wanted to send a request in for a type 1 diabetic reader with Neteyam and sullys I never see diabetes anyway, so I think it's be interesting for them to see her just inject something into her arm anytime she's eats something and at first their kinda like 😨 "what was that?" Before she has to explain. If you don't want to do thats okay ❤️ and have a good day !!
Hellooooooooooo darling! So I will say this up front. This request hits a bit personal for me, since my mother is type 1 diabetic too. So hopefully you enjoy this one along with everyone else!
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“I think we should have our lunch break now, doing chores all day really worked up and appetite” lo’ak says while wiping off the sweat from his forehead. Him and his siblings along with spider and tsan’ul all sat down together under a shade from the trees. 
“Finally” tuk sighs tiredly. Kiri and neteyam happily unwrapped the packaged meal their mother prepared in the morning. Handing everyone their portions. It was one of their favorites. Wrapped in steamed leaves, there was meat mixed with roasted fungi sprinkled with puffleaves for that yummy salted taste. Fortunately its the type of food spider and tsan’lu can eat without feeling sick.
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Everyone ate their fill, they all relaxed and gathered their energy before continuing on. Spider however nudged at tsan’lu, “hey dont forget your insulin” he reminded her. Tsan’lu makes a popping sound and grabs her pouch. Everyone looks at what she is doing and takes out a long yet thin vile. 
“What is that…?” tuk asks in a bit of a whisper. Everyone silently observes tsan’ul as she takes out the blue cap of a needle. Lifting her sleeve up to the shoulder, a white patch is revealed. Removing the cover, tsan’ul injects the needle to where the white patch was. It only lasted a few seconds when she removed the needle to cover the spot of the injection. Rolling down her arm, she sighs in relief. 
“What?” she asks. 
The sully kids were staring at her wide eyes. 
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Tsan’ul was giving a little lesson to the sully kids as they all gathered to know what they just saw. 
“Sooooo….there are two types?” Kiri asks, tsan’ul nods. 
“And you have type 1?” lo’ak asks soon after. Again, tsan’ul nods.
“So this whole…diabetes sickness. How does it affect you? Were you born with it? '' Neteyam asks, still feeling a bit confused. “And how come just now are we seeing this?” kiri adds. Tsan’ul felt a bit shy as they pointed it out. But if they are curious, why not share? 
“Well for me, I wasn't exactly born with it. But it does affect me in a slow manner. Right now I can be as healthy as I can be, but when I grow older things will change” tsan’ul explained. “How so?” tuk asks. “
Smiling a bit sad she replies, “because I have diabetes, my health may decline later on. My vision won't be the same, some organ failure or worse, my heart can weaken or other health problems. Since  my body no longer produces enough insulin. And insulin is very important for our human bodies. It helps control blood sugar. So, for example, since we just ate our lunch, I have to take this pen”. Tsan’ul takes out an unopened insulin pen to show to the kids. 
“Of course there are other ways to take this. But insulin pen injection is better for me, I can easily carry and already has the right dose for me to take” the human girl goes on. 
Lo’ak was close to touching it but tsan’ul pulls the pen away before he could. “Nuh uh, no touchie. This is only for me” tsan’ul gently warns as she puts away the other pen back in her bag. 
“You said you weren't born with it. So how did you get it?” Kiri asks another question. 
“That kiri, is a story for another time. Come on, we wasted enough time already, gotta finish our chores before the eclipse” tsan’ul tells. Everyone agreed their break was already long enough. Packing their things they head their way back to where they were. 
However, as everyone was quick to change the subject of the topic, neteyam wasn't fooled. When kiri asked her question, neteyam didn't miss the strange look in tsan’ul’s eyes. Clearly kiri touched something she didn't know and tsan’ul was not so keen on answering it. 
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After everyone had their fill at the communal dinner, neteyam was chatting with his siblings when he noticed tsan’ul leaving with her bag. Spider is still here, perhaps to take her insulin medicine again. Deciding not to leave the girl alone, neteyam gets up and silently follows her to keep her company. 
So neteyam follows her to a little area both were familiar with. Not too far from the village. Tsan’ul sits comfortably on the ground, taking out her insulin pen. “Mind if I keep you company?” Neteyam says out of nowhere, it made tsan’ul jump startled. “Phew, neteyam you nearly scared me to death!” she says with a huff but a friendly smile. Neteyam returns that smile with his own as he sits next to her. 
“Are you going to take your…medicine again?” neteyam asks. Tsan’ul nods and starts to prep her pen. Removing the cap, it reveals a needle. Looks slightly different from the other needles neteyam has seen before. Tsan’ul removes the white patch from her arm and gives her skin a bit of a pinch and inserts the needle to the area. 
Neteyam stays silent, letting her concentrate on what the human girl has to do. And like before, after a few seconds, she removes the needle and covers the spot with the white patch. “There, all done” tsan’ul concludes. Putting away the empty covered pen back in the bag, she leans down to lay on her back, staring up at the starry night sky. “Thanks for keeping me company neteyam, you didn't have to” she thanks. . 
Neteyam gives her a little grin, laying down beside her, “didn't want you to be alone” he says. 
And they stayed in a comfortable silence together, enjoying the beautiful view. However, neteyam had to ask, he knew he would be touching a sensitive topic. “When kiri asked you…how you got the disease…you didn't answer her '' he says slowly. His large hand slowly reached her smaller hand. 
“We were wasting time and had a lot of stuff to get done, so of course I couldn't tell her” Tsan’ul answers a bit too quickly. “Couldn't? Or wouldnt” neteyam says, almost challenging her. There was a long pause between them. “We have nothing else to do right now. Maybe you can tell me? I promise I won't tell kiri or anyone else for that matter” he swears. 
Tsan’ul released a long deep exhale. And a slow blink. 
“My mom” 
Neteyam’s ears perked a bit to hear her correctly. 
“Your mother?” he repeats. 
Tsan’ul nods.
“My mom is also diabetic. For the majority of her life. She believes it's her fault that I got the sickness. A curse she would say. Always feeling guilty that I won't be as healthy or as strong as a normal human. I do my best to tell her it's not her fault, nobody, not her, not me would have guessed I would get it. Yet she can't help but feel guilty for a crime she never commited…” 
Neteyam listened very carefully. Tsan’ul’s voice carried sadness and a sort of guilt of her own. 
“Does it run in your family?” he asks. 
Tsan’ul shrugs, “I am not sure. But, I wouldn't be surprised. From what norm told me, being a healthy human is a luxury and a privilege back on earth. So I would assume it is normal…” 
“Hey, its not her fault. It is also not your fault either. How you got it doesnt matter, what matters now is that you are here and alive and thriving. So what if this diabetes has you, you can overcome it. You are strong tsan’ul. And I know you won't let this set you back. I have seen how you can be. So the only thing you can do is continue to be who you are and get better every day, "Neteyam encourages. Tsan’ul smiles, intertwining her hand with his. 
“Thanks neteyam, I needed to hear that ''
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I may have used some real life stuff for it. Also I had to ask my mom so many questions for this. She did wonder why the need to know, I had to make an excuse. But I am happy how it turned out. So I hope you all enjoyed this one! Until next time! see ya!
Tsan'ul = Improve, get better
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Forget You | N.H.
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note: part four of the forget series!
summary: nico finds out who your ex is
warning: slight angst
wc: 1.9K
Breaking your lease is a lot easier than you thought it would be. Your best friend Abby helps you pack up your things as you close a chapter on your life. “I can’t believe we’re not going to be neighbors anymore. What am I going to do without you?” She pouts as she tapes a box shut for you. 
“You’re my best friend, Abby.” You remind her. “You’re still going to see me.” 
“But you’re not right down the hall anymore.” She flops onto your bare mattress. “Who am I supposed to call with boy problems?” 
“You can still call me.” You tell her as you pack the last of your items into a box. “And I thought you and Anthony were good?” Her and Anthony have been on and off again since they met. The same night you met Mat. 
“We are, right now. But lately…” She trails off as she looks at you, deciding if she should tell you something. Before she gets a chance to, Nico walks through the front door slightly out of breath. 
“Please tell me this is the last of it.” He says as he takes his hat off his head to fix his hair underneath. 
“Regret asking me to move in yet, Ni?” You grin as you walk over to hug his sweaty body as he places his hat back on his head. 
“I regret not hiring movers.” He says after placing a kiss on your forehead. “Never you.” 
“Well no one asked me if I approved of this move.” Abby says as she stands up. “You’re taking her all the way to New Jersey! I want custody, Nico.” 
Nico laughs at your best friend. “You are more than welcome anytime.” 
“Um, call ahead and make sure we have clothes on, please.” You interject. 
“Noted.” Abby smiles before pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. “I love you guys so much.” As she pulls away from you, she glares at Nico. “If you hurt her, I'll hurt you.” 
Nico smirks at the small blonde and opens his arms for a hug from her. “I'll never hurt her, I promise.” He winks at you as Abby gives him a quick hug. “She’s my girl.”
You didn’t give your apartment a second glance as you and Nico left it for the final time that day. The memories of you and Mat were now behind you. Nico was your future and you couldn’t wait to make new memories with him. 
It takes the two of you less than a week to fall into a comfortable rhythm with each other. After practically living together all summer, you already knew most of each other’s quirks. On Tuesday nights Abby would come over and have dinner with the two of you. Every other Friday you would go into the city and have a girls night with her. 
Pre-season began and you learned that not everything between you and Nico could be perfect all the time. Your schedules were different now that he was at the rink more and you were eating many meals alone. An argument arose one night when you got home from a long day of editing only to find that the leftovers you were thinking about all day weren’t in the fridge.
“Nico!” You cried out in frustration. 
“Yes?” He joined you in the kitchen quickly with shaving cream still on his face, recognizing the stress in your voice. 
“I had pasta in the fridge.” You cross your arms over your chest. “Where is it?” 
He frowns at you. “I ate it when I got home.” He sheepishly admits. “I was hungry.”
“Well now I'm hungry!” Hot tears of frustration line your eyes and you quickly wipe them away. “What am I supposed to eat? All you have is healthy shit!”
“You live here too, y/n!” He raises his voice slightly, making you flinch. “It’s not just my shit.” 
You roll your eyes, too frustrated to say anything. Nico shakes his head before walking back into the bathroom. Frustration tears continue to fall as you cut up a pomegranate and place it into a bowl, walking over to the couch to eat it. 
Ten minutes later, Nico walks out of your bedroom fully dressed and heads to the door. “I’ll be back.” Is all he says as he reaches for his keys. 
“Wait!” You practically fall off the couch in your effort to get to him. “Please don’t leave!” Nico freezes with his hand on the doorknob as you stand before him and cry. “I’m so sorry. I was just frustrated. I-please don’t leave me.” Your lower lip wobbles and he pulls you flush to his chest. 
“Baby, I was just going to get you food since I ate your dinner.” He explains as he smooths your hair down your back. “I’m going to come back.” 
“I-I thought…” You pause to gather yourself. Mat would leave at the first sign of trouble, always. Sometimes he’d ignore you and not come back for days. He’d claim he didn’t want to argue with you but it made you very wary of showing any sort of emotion around him. “...you were mad at me.” 
“Hey, it’s okay y/n.” Nico places his hand underneath your chin and tilts your head up so he can look at you. “Couples argue, it’s normal. I’m not going to leave just because we raised our voices a little.” 
You nod, too afraid to say anything else. Nico isn’t Mat. You know that. But sometimes it’s hard to override that trauma response. Nico bends his head down to kiss you. “Why don’t you go take a bath and I'll get you dinner?” 
“I don’t deserve you.” You tell him honestly as you pull away from him.
He chases your mouth with his before giving you a quick peck. ““Ich liebe dich.” 
“I love you too.” 
Things are so good between you and Nico that you don’t give a second thought to the fact that the Devils are playing the Islanders tonight at home. Abby is attending the game since her and Tito are on-again and she texts you all day sending you outfit options. You get to the prudential center before Nico to do some editing and you don’t see him again until warm-ups. 
Nico skates over to you, placing one gloved hand against the glass as soon as he sees you by the bench. You smile at him, bringing your own hand up to the other side. He mouths ‘I love you’ in German and you mouth it back before he skates off. 
During the national anthem you stand between the benches with Erika, trying to take some pictures of the guys. Feeling eyes on you, you look up to see Mat Barzal staring at you. He smiles when you finally look at him but you turn your attention away from him, not wanting to give him the time of day. As the game starts and you blow a kiss to Nico, you realize that you should’ve told him who Mat was to you. 
During the first intermission, you unblock Mat and draft out a text to him. You hesitate over the send button before Abby comes up beside you. “It’s going well!” She says happily. 
You delete the text and put your phone back in your pocket. “It’s tied 1-1.” 
“Yeah, but our men are doing great!” She smiles at you. “It’s weird to have men on different teams, huh?” 
“Abby, Nico doesn’t know.” You admit. 
“Doesn’t know what?” She furrows her brows at your nervous expression. “About you and Mat?”
You nod. “He knows I have a bad ex but I never told him who it was…” 
She bites her lip. “Everything’s been fine so far…maybe it will be okay.”
You knew it wasn’t going to be okay the moment you saw Nico and Mat headed out for the face off during the second period. Nico wins the draw but Mat quickly pins him on the wall. You watch in shock as their gloves go flying and Mat swings on Nico. Thankfully it gets broken up quickly and both of them are sent to the box. 
During the next intermission, you get a text from Nico. 
From: Lover ♥️
Would’ve been nice to know about Barzal
To: Lover ♥️
I didn’t think it would matter now
From: Lover ♥️
That I was playing against your piece of shit ex? He said shit about you y/n. 
To: Lover ♥️
I’m sorry. Just ignore him.
From: Lover ♥️
I’m not going to let him disrespect you but we need to talk
You’re a ball of pure anxiety as you watch the clock in the third period wind down. Nico and Mat haven’t been on the ice for longer than a few seconds since the incident but you can see Mat chirping Nico any chance he gets. After the game, you say goodbye to Abby before heading home alone. You’ve convinced yourself that Nico is going to break up with you by the time he gets home. 
‘Why didn’t you wait for me?” He asks as he walks into the bedroom to find you packing a bag. “Where do you think you’re going?” He begins unpacking your things as he waits for you to answer him. 
“I didn’t think you’d want to see me.” You sniffle as you pick up your clothes he threw out of your bag. 
“Baby, come here.” He reaches for your wrist and tugs you down to the bed so you’re sitting side by side. “I love you. Am I a little upset with you? Yes, but I'm not leaving and neither are you. We’re going to get through this together.” He holds both of your hands as he looks at you.
You bite your lip to keep it from wobbling as you look at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Mat was my ex. I was just trying to forget about him and I didn’t think it would matter now anyways.” 
“He didn’t forget you.” Nico mutters. “It just would’ve been nice having a warning going into that faceoff.”
“I’m sorry.” You say again, not sure of what he wants to hear. 
“No more secrets, okay? We tell each other everything.” He presses his forehead to yours. “Deal?” 
You kiss him. “Deal.” 
Nico gets up to use the bathroom and you had just begun putting your clothes away when your phone starts ringing. You know who it is without having to look. 
“Why are you calling me?” You answer.
“I’m sorry.” Mat blurts out. 
“For hitting my boyfriend or for treating me like shit?” You roll your eyes. It’s been months. Why does he care now?
The word boyfriend doesn’t go unnoticed. “So it’s serious?” 
“It’s not a secret, yeah.” You sigh. “Why do you care?”
“I miss you and I'm sorry. If you’d give me another chance I’d do it right.” You know it’s bullshit.
“I love him, Mat.” You hope the words hurt him.
“Does he remind you of me?” He asks. “You traded one thirteen for another.”
“He’s nothing like you, thank god. I’ll never allow another man to treat me the way you did.” Your voice waivers for a moment as the emotions you feel for Nico overwhelm you. “Don’t call me again.” You hang up as Nico walks back in. 
“Who was that?” He asks you. 
“No one.” You respond. “Let’s go to bed.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 11 months
Brit I absolutely love love love the detail you put into the food & cooking in your fics! I was wondering if Baby Girl and Bird have favorite dishes to cook, and/or if Andy and Ari have favorites as well? xx
Hi friend! It makes me so happy to know that you enjoy those little details. Both Baby Girl and Bird have a passion for cooking and baking, just like I do. And I often research different recipes when writing about the meals they create to help people visualize. So thank you for that lovely compliment!
And as for your question about their favorite dishes, here you go:
Baby Girl: Favorite Dessert: This girl will happily whip up a glazed lemon pound cake from scratch any day of the week. It's her specialty. The secret is adding fresh squeezed lemon juice as well as a package of instant lemon pudding to the batter. And if she's feeling frisky, she might even throw together a blueberry compote to go with it.
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Favorite Meal: Smothered pork chops, with garlic red skin mashed potatoes and southern style green beans. Now this is a Barber Family Favorite that actually takes a bit of time to prepare. Which means that this is more of a Sunday dinner type of occasion.
She typically puts the beans on simmer around noon. In case people are curious, Baby Girl prefers using smoked turkey over ham hocks, simply because that's how she grew up.
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Bird: Favorite Dessert: As many of you know, our sweet Bird does not play when it comes to baking. Ari almost got hurt when he insulted her legendary Peach Cobbler. That splash of bourbon really takes the recipe to the next level. She also loves making her award-winning Brambleberry Pie. Lately she's been busy perfecting her Brown Butter Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies. And her Beast is more than happy to be her guinea pig anytime.
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Favorite Meal: Bird is not quite as accomplished a cook as BG, but she is pretty darn good when she sets her mind to it. Her favorite thing to make for both herself and Ari is probably a slow simmered Pot Roast, complete with potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms. Our girl also likes to add a healthy glass of red wine to the mix as well. Which truly makes for a delicious meal.
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As for Andy and Ari, they will happily devour anything their girls set in front of them. They always appreciate the effort, even if things don't quite turn out like they hoped. Neither man likes seeing their lady upset when a dish doesn't work out.
So in the event that occurs, they're quick to order takeout of some sort and then go straight for the snuggles. Because those men are usually pretty attention-starved on a good day. It works for both couples and that's all that matters.
Thanks for the ask!
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 2 years
List of headcanons I have for Father Paul Hill and being in a relationship with him. Some of these are discarded stories, oops. If anything doesn't make sense and/or the grammar's wonky, I'm sorry, I started writing it last night after I came home from a friend's house, where I was served, uh, spicy beverages.
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gif by @hamish-linklater-btc​
✞  Paul is touch starved - while his parents loved him deeply, they never really showed it through hugs or other physical affection other than an embrace on his birthday or when he came home after being gone for some time. Therefore physical contact really gets to him. His friends in seminary used to tease him about it a little every time he got overwhelmed just because they all hugged him shortly each time they saw each other. Always in a good fun though.
His mood though still improves considerably every time someone touches him in a fond kind of manner. Wade's soft slap upon his shoulder, Annie petting his arm in a motherly kind of way, Ed's firm handshake every time they meet and Riley sometimes nudging him with his elbow - it all just brings a wide smile to his face, because he feels loved and accepted.
Most of all though, it's the touches he receives from you - when you put your warm hands on his cheeks to get him to look up at you after he's had a bad day, when you card your fingers through his hair to calm him down, when you hold his hand enthusiastically to lead him somewhere, or nearly shyly, when it's you who requires his comfort. And then later, when you touch him everywhere you can, depending on the situation and company you're in. The comfort of your arms when you hold him close, his head upon your chest, stomach or lap, is overwhelming, even after weeks or months. The first time you held his head close to your own heart, enfolding him in your heavenly presence just to comfort him nearly brought tears to his eyes and he still feels so utterly at peace when you hold him like that.
✞ He's not a total newbie when it comes to cooking. Mind you, he's not winning some telly competition anytime soon, but he can cook some basic meals and is brilliant at following orders. His pancakes and his sandwiches are absolutely to die for.
He likes cooking with you, as it always means flirty banter and a lot of teasing. He gets very playful and as much as you try to chase him off with a spatula because you 'really need to stir the bechamel sauce' , he still always comes back to tease you again. One time you actually managed to nearly ruin a very simple meal and, while still good, you knew you could have done better. "I hope you're happy," you said to him, no hard feelings in your tone. He had the audacity to wink at you, grin and shovel a very big bite into his mouth. "Worth it," he said.
✞ Father Paul could get very mischievous and cheeky, and that was always a lot of fun, but he got very shy too. Everything sexual was a big unknown to him, so you had to guide him quite a bit at first. He had a very healthy appetite, good stamina and was a quick learner but even after a few weeks of the two of you regularly engaging in sexual acts, he still didn't quite know how to go about it when he got in the mood. And did he get in the mood. It really was a little awkward at first, especially when he'd grind his hips into your own and then just sort of stand there with red cheeks and his eyes turned down, as if waiting for his verdict. But then, gradually, it got better.
After some time, he'd get way more daring, making his intention known through sweet talk right against your ear, and really, how could you ever say no? Because once the two of you set your boundaries for things you are willing to try and things you absolutely wouldn't, he was getting better and better each time in bringing you pleasure and making you feel adored. Worshipped even. One does not simply pass up on that.
✞ Ever since he came to Crockett Island, Paul acquired many friends, among his parishioners and outside of them. He's able to share a part of himself with everyone on the island, but it's only you with whom he shares his complete self. Little by little, he'd uncover his life story to you and you'd do the same, keeping no secrets. You'd tell him about your previous boyfriends and why you were no longer with them. And while he was utterly without bodily experience before you came into his life, he never once judged you. The only thing he, selfishly, wished for was that he was your last lover. The final one. That despite all of the circumstances going against you two, you'd be able to spend your lives together. He'd never openly say so, though.
✞ Paul's scalp is sensitive. You'd find out accidentally. Carding your fingers through his soft hair was nothing new to you, but one time you accidentally tugged, as you were in heaps of pleasure. You wouldn't ever forget that; the way his head fell back, even though you only pulled at his hair a little bit. His high pitched moan was forever written in your memory.
✞ Paul adores your voice. It can make him feel all sorts of emotions. When you know he needs comfort and gentleness above everything else, you read to him. Anything really. Be it Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride or even The Bible itself, as long as you read it to him gently and quietly, he will fall into restful sleep. When a song you know and like starts playing on the radio (or record player), you sing. And he wants to dance. And he sings too. He doesn't really dance that well, and sometimes his tones are vastly different from the music, but you still love to hear him sing and dance with him. And he utterly adores hearing you sing - even if your tones are sometimes even more different than his own. And when you talk about your interests and your knowledge on them, he just listens, awed with the entirety of you. His idea of heaven now is with his head in your lap, your fingers combing through his hair, while you talk to him softly, burning love accompanying your every word.
✞ He’s got a bit of a problem with the secrecy of your relationship. While he's perfectly aware that he's risking his entire career by being 'too close' to you, he simply cannot help himself. During the summer and, more importantly, the "Great Crockpot Barbecue Party" he was absolutely seen holding your hand more often than not. He wouldn't openly tell anyone, but sometimes he simply cannot pretend you're just one of his parishioners.
However, later in the evening, when everyone's had a few drinks and they're no longer "reliable witnesses", he'd dance with you. In front of everyone still there. Then he's able to whisper into your ear and kiss you soundly without anyone else left really noticing him doing so. You'd always remember your first slow dance; Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby, by Cigarettes After Sex
Back then, the two of you were attending Erin's party, only a few short weeks before she was to give birth to her daughter. The window was open and you could hear her conversation with Riley Flynn.
"So you found them? What are they doing?... Wait, I don't actually wanna know."
"They're just slow dancing," Erin replied. "Kissing a little bit maybe…. They're doing out there what everyone else does here." If Erin said anything else after that was unknown to you, as you were way too preoccupied by engaging the priest's tongue in a battle for dominance outside.
✞ He's got a taste for hot cider on cold, stormy nights. Combine that, lots and lots of candles and a good book and you've got a happy priest. Best enjoyed in a pillow fort you built in your living room, just for the fun of it.
✞ Paul has the opposite of a green thumb. He cannot keep a plant alive, not even the 'unkillable' plants. He'd either water it too little, or too much, or he'd forget about it and then attempt to fix the damage by pouring an entire pitcher of water into the pot. Everytime he actually bought a house plant with the intention to 'do it right this time', he ended up bitterly throwing the yellowed remains with rotten roots into the trash.
✞ He's not that much of a morning person. Of course, his day starts early as he's got mass to serve, but on the rare occasions he's got a free day there's no getting him out of bed before 11. And now that he's got a deliciously warm soft body next to him in bed, it's even harder to leave.
✞ The priest is ticklish, particularly on his sides and feet. You noticed once that he shied away from you when you stroked down the sides of his torso with just your fingers. When you asked him if he was ticklish, and he (naively) not only said that he was and even told you where, you gained a new hobby - tickling the poor man until he was tearing up from laughter. The best things in life really are free.
Hi, i hope that wasn’t too terrible. If you wanna, you can check this thing and the entire series out on AO3 I live and breathe and write for reviews <333
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scribblyshipping · 2 days
hmmm i think i will make you do all of the quetions on that ask meme you just rbd
WOW pretty stoked to do this actually. Theres another ask game I wanna do too SO EXCITEDD LETS GO
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🍒 ;  what's you and your f/o's go-to meal to cook and/or order for dinner?
They tend to stay within Scribbly’s safe foods, so stuff like macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, noodle soup- but sometimes if they’re feeling crazy they’ll get Chinese takeout.
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🍉 ;  if you and your f/o could go to another world or universe, where would you want to go?
MLP :] Quick doodlie of potential designs.
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Ik I have a ponysona but I wanted the designs to match better. Also I came up with both names on the spot, I think they work? I’m also not a fan of Pim’s mane but whateverr
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🍵 ;  on a lazy Sunday, what is your favorite activity to do with your f/o?
Depends on the weather, really. If it’s not too nice out, they’re cuddling in bed all day watching the telly. If it’s nice, Pim drags takes Scribbly to the park or Daveland. She’s okay with it, she just struggles with going out sometimes.
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☕ ;  what kind of drink would best resemble your f/o?
This is hard!!! I don’t really drink a varied amount of things. I’m just gonna say a strawberry milkshake with a healthy helping of whipped cream :] Sweet and pink just like Pim!!!
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💐 ;  what’s your favorite season versus your f/o? 
Scribbly’s favorite leans more towards summer whilst Pim leans more towards spring.
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🌸 ;  what's your f/o's favorite type of flower?
BOUQUET BLAST He likes multiple, and their meanings!:
Pink Hydrangea (love and sincere emotions)
Purple Roses (storybook or love-at-first-sight romance)
Pink Tulips (affection, caring, good wishes, and love)
Purple Anemones (protection from evil… he’s still a little on-edge from last year’s Halloween)
Pink Roses (admiration, happiness, and love)
Purple Chrysanthemums (thoughtfulness and care)
Pink Carnations (gratitude and the concept of never forgetting someone)
Purple Campanula (gratitude, humility and everlasting love)
I even put all of them together!!
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🧸 ;  what is a song that reminds you of your f/o anytime you hear it? 
Just one? No, take a whole (work in progress) playlist.
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🎀 ;  what's your f/o's go to style?
Generally business casual, even outside of work, though every now and then he’ll just wear something he finds comfortable…. Like one of Scribbly’s sweaters.
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👑 ;  what book genre would best describe your f/o?
Whimsical fiction that all ages would enjoy :] 
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💎 ;  what is your f/o’s preferred love language?
Words!!! He declares his love every day, all the time! He also likes to give gifts if he has the money saved.
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Original Ask Game
Since I answered everything on that one… keep an eye out for my next ask game rb! I already have another I want to do ^^
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ketogenicbliss · 1 month
Dive into the Delicious World of Keto Egg Recipes: 10 Tasty Ideas to Spice Up Your Low-Carb Meals
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Hey there, fellow keto enthusiast! Are you ready to jazz up your meal routine with some egg-citing dishes? Well, you're in for a treat! Eggs are like little miracle workers in the keto world – they're packed with protein, low in carbs, and oh-so-versatile. Get ready to crack a few eggs and whip up some mouthwatering keto creations that'll leave you feeling satisfied and energized.
Let's Get Cracking: Understanding Keto and Eggs
Before we dive into the recipes, let's chat about why eggs are the MVPs of the keto game. The keto diet is all about low carbs and high fats, and eggs fit the bill perfectly. They're like little powerhouses of nutrition, with protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling full and focused. Plus, they're super versatile, so you can enjoy them in a ton of different ways.
Why Eggs Are Keto Superstars
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They're low in carbs, so they won't kick you out of ketosis.
Eggs are packed with protein, which helps keep you feeling full and satisfied.
They're loaded with healthy fats, like omega-3s, which are great for your brain and overall health.
You can use eggs in so many recipes – from breakfast to dinner and even dessert!
Now, let's crack on with our 10 delicious keto egg recipes!
Recipe 1: Classic Keto Scrambled Eggs
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4 eggs
2 tbsp heavy cream
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp butter
Whisk together the eggs, cream, salt, and pepper.
Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat.
Pour in the egg mixture and scramble until cooked to your liking.
Serve hot and enjoy fluffy, flavorful scrambled eggs!
Add some cheese or veggies for extra flavor and nutrition.
Recipe 2: Cheesy Keto Egg Muffins
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6 eggs
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup diced bell peppers
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat your oven and grease a muffin tin.
Whisk together the eggs, cream, salt, and pepper.
Stir in the cheese and bell peppers.
Pour the mixture into the muffin cups and bake until set.
Enjoy these portable, cheesy egg muffins anytime!
Mix in your favorite keto-friendly ingredients, like bacon or spinach.
Recipe 3: Keto-Friendly Egg Salad
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6 hard-boiled eggs
1/4 cup mayo
1 tbsp mustard
2 tbsp chopped chives
Salt and pepper to taste
Chop the eggs and mix them with mayo, mustard, chives, salt, and pepper.
Taste and adjust the seasoning.
Serve on lettuce wraps or with keto crackers for a tasty snack.
Serving Suggestions:
Spread on toast for a quick and easy breakfast or lunch option.
Recipe 4: Savory Keto Egg Casserole
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8 eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup diced ham or bacon
1/4 cup diced bell peppers
Salt and pepper to taste
Whisk together the eggs, cream, salt, and pepper.
Stir in the cheese, ham or bacon, and bell peppers.
Pour into a greased baking dish and bake until set.
Slice and serve this hearty egg casserole for a satisfying meal.
Meal Prep Tip:
Make ahead and reheat for a quick breakfast or lunch during the week.
Recipe 5: Zesty Keto Deviled Eggs
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6 hard-boiled eggs
1/4 cup mayo
1 tbsp mustard
1 tsp hot sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Paprika for garnish
Slice the eggs in half and remove the yolks.
Mash the yolks with mayo, mustard, hot sauce, salt, and pepper.
Spoon the mixture back into the egg whites.
Sprinkle with paprika and serve these zesty deviled eggs as a snack or appetizer.
Flavor Variations:
Get creative with toppings like bacon bits or avocado slices.
Recipe 6: Crispy Keto Eggplant Parmesan
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1 large eggplant
2 eggs
Almond flour or crushed pork rinds
Grated Parmesan cheese
Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste
Marinara sauce
Shredded mozzarella cheese
Slice the eggplant and dip in beaten eggs.
Coat in a mixture of almond flour, Parmesan, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper.
Bake until crispy, then top with marinara and mozzarella.
Bake until bubbly and golden brown for a delicious keto-friendly twist on a classic dish.
Keto-Friendly Tip:
Serve with a side of zucchini noodles for a complete low-carb meal.
Recipe 7: Spicy Keto Shakshuka
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Olive oil
Onion, garlic, red bell pepper
Diced tomatoes
Smoked paprika, cumin, cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper
Fresh parsley or cilantro
Sauté onion, garlic, and bell pepper in olive oil.
Add tomatoes and spices, then simmer until thickened.
Make wells in the sauce and crack eggs into them.
Cover and cook until eggs are set.
Garnish with herbs and serve this spicy shakshuka for breakfast or dinner.
Cooking Tip:
Adjust the spice level to your taste by adding more or less cayenne pepper.
Recipe 8: Creamy Keto Egg Drop Soup
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Chicken or vegetable broth
Coconut aminos or soy sauce
Sesame oil
Ground ginger
Salt and pepper
Green onions for garnish
Simmer broth and seasonings.
Slowly pour in beaten eggs to create ribbons.
Cook until eggs are set, then garnish with green onions.
Warm up with a bowl of this creamy egg drop soup on chilly days.
Ingredient Substitution:
Use tamari or liquid aminos if you don't have coconut aminos or soy sauce.
Recipe 9: Flavorful Keto Egg Roll in a Bowl
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Ground pork or chicken
Onion, garlic, ginger
Coconut aminos or soy sauce
Rice vinegar, sesame oil, Sriracha
Shredded cabbage or coleslaw mix
Salt and pepper
Green onions for garnish
Sauté onion, garlic, and ginger, then add meat and cook until browned.
Stir in sauces and cabbage, then cook until wilted.
Season with salt and pepper, then garnish with green onions.
Dig into this deconstructed egg roll for a satisfying and flavorful meal.
Recipe Variation:
Make it vegetarian by swapping the meat for tofu or tempeh.
Recipe 10: Decadent Keto Chocolate Avocado Mousse
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Ripe avocados
Unsweetened cocoa powder
Powdered erythritol or monk fruit sweetener
Coconut cream or heavy cream
Vanilla extract
Sugar-free chocolate chips for garnish
Blend avocados with cocoa powder, sweetener, cream, vanilla, and salt.
Adjust sweetness to taste, then chill until set.
Top with chocolate chips for an indulgent and guilt-free dessert.
Make-Ahead Tip:
Whip up a batch and store in the fridge for a quick and satisfying treat anytime.
Time to Get Cooking!
There you have it – 10 egg-cellent keto recipes to fuel your low-carb journey. Whether you're craving something savory or sweet, these dishes have got you covered. So grab your apron, fire up the stove, and let's get cooking! Don't forget to share your creations with us and spread the keto love. Happy cooking! 🍳
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literally-noone83 · 10 months
Learn to Take a Break
Justin Russo × Fem!reader
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About: Justin is know for his intelligence and ceaseless academic success. As his girlfriend you have become mindful of when his "effortless efforts" become a little too much. You just hadn't realised he'd do the same for you...
Word Count: Short and sweet (in my opinion).
Warnings: None.
Author's Note: It's been too long. I have just finished exams and currently still working on outside projects. I already take a long time to write and with extra things on top, leisurely writing has been little to none. This Justin fic is an old one I wrote. I was going to do more with it but the scenario was small and I thought where it ended was fine; concise and sweet. So, why not post it. I have other fics lined up and started, hopefully I'll be able to finish a few of them over the weekends.
OK enjoy!
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Justin always seemed to excell in everything with ease.
Wizarding homework? Done.
High school assignment? All good.
Extracurricular activities? All planned.
Secondary wizardry studies? On the job.
Yes, there were mornings—most mornings—he'd announce the immense importance of an upcoming task; exam, project, paper, competition and of its integral part I plays for him a student, a wizard, a student body president and most significantly, as himself. His parents would nod thoughtfully or sigh at their son's dramatisation though nevertheless glad. Max would be clueless, until Alex makes her groan or snide comment diminishing the entire fiasco and then he'd agreeing.
You knew this was the routine. It was just how things worked. But when lucky enough to be present, bored enough to have shown up just a little bit earlier just to see him and walk with him, you'd ask what's it about. Whether he told you with lit eyes or stressed creased over his complexion, you'd grab his hand discretely in front of his family—always a little shy from public affection—gliding your thumb over his knuckles before assuring him it'll be great...
Becoming his girlfriend, you've been allowed to see different sides to the perfect Russo member.
Despite the prestine and perfect image he's built himself, and despite true to his confident and at time self righteousness, to get there was built of stress and the crippling fear of failure.
The hours he'd spend quizzing himself had worried you the moment you found his asleep at his desk, palm cards stuck to his face. At most times, you'd notice he'd get so caught up in a particular project fixation he'd forget to eat in spite of his advocacy for healthy balances. One day building a diorama of a play and you visited to hang out, a casual question of what he had to lunch revealed he hadn't even eaten a proper meal all day—frighteningly casual and perpetually distracted. There were times you'd have to spend a large amount of time at the edge of his bed reminding him—face down on his pillow, wallowing after a day of outrage and devastation—that a B is still great!
Justin wasn't a child, he could mane his own decisions and his drive and ambition is admirable. But it grew as a habit; anytime you'd notice he was a little too focus on a task, meaning hasn't moved in hours kinda focus—his eyes narrowed, brows forever wrinkled tightly, lips thin or a tongue poked out in concentration—you found a small peck on the cheek brought him back. Soft and quick, the small action made him sit back or hum to let you know he's still conscious. Gently asking him how's he going, to remind him of the present. Not to push so hard or be so constraint on himself.
Almost second nature. When you'd rant to him about something that happened that day, the weird interaction with some stranger, or the banter with his siblings, or some frivolous topic or hobby you wanted to vent about your fascination with it—when you realised he'd gone silent. Without even meaning to, he'd drift off on something bugging him or weighing on his mind, you'd approach him casually before pecking him, "What are you thinking about?" you'd whisper. He'd always blink a few times before answering. Quick to apologise and explain. Other times you'd walk in on him studying or what not and you'd duck down to him and plant one on him. "Have you taken a break yet?" and he'd lie before giving in from the innate guilt then promising he would in about 10 minutes.
His vacant, distant eyes, he always appeared to be in a different world. So vastly out of reach from you, at some point you believed he hadn't even noticed you were doing this. You thought he couldn't even feel your lips. He probably didn't even notice.
Late afternoon, the sun hung low. The rays if sunset, it's warmth slowly seeped out from the windows. Drawing away from your never moving figure on the couch. The loss of light prompted the dawning of loss fall over your mind and stomach. The day was coming to a close and it churned your insides painfully.
You had an assignment you had to finish. You were never as pedantic or forward as Justin, so today was the day you spent majority of sun light working on it. It always took longer than it ever needs to be, and it didn't help that time was clearly escaping you.
Hasty steps to the light switch to grant sight, hasty steps back amidst all the papers and text books laid over the coffee table and floor.
Suddenly the door clicked open. It was Theresa and Jerry, Mrs Russo bantering this time about the very questionable hygiene of her husband after witnessing him eat a chip from the ground. Of course, realising your presence they chimed a polite 'Oh hey Y/n' before resuming in the kitchen. Max walked in joyed to see you, glad informing you of some new strange encounter he had with some stranger—made a bet with some guy in a fast food mascot suit and now he's his 'mortal enemies' he plans to show up with his own hot dog costume. Alex and Harper wondered it, only for Alex to groan at your studious state, 'ugh not you too', accompanied by the red head's unrelenting chipper greeting, before following her friend to grab a snack.
Last was Justin. You heard his voice you missed too much to say—he was eager to see you, going about how in their wizard lesson he had progressed another level, his joyous one upping on Alex and so on. You could only hum as you did with the others, eyes still strained on your paper, your hand still cramped from continuously running the led along the page. He stopped, noticing your distance.
"Y/n, have you... been doing this all day?"
Sat on the couch, he stared at the back of your head, just catching your answering hum.
"Babe," he said seriously, leaning forward to see your face, "have you even taken a break?"
Your small pause before making another noise, he already knew that meant you hadn't.
He stood up to walk around you, "You need to have periodic increments of rest, or you'll exhaust yourself." He said mindfully, picking up a strayed textbook.
You scoffed at him, and he looked at you. Eyes still gliding over the blocks of texts, chaste and frantic cross-checking as you wrote. "So hypocritical." You said loud enough for him to hear and Justin rolled his eyes admittedly.
He closed the book and placed it down. He carefully shuffled some books out of the way, conscious in making sure you still can see the pages you left open. Then moved to sit beside you on the floor, criss crossed, his knee nudges yours softly. Justin waits. He looks back at his family too absorbed in their own conversations before resting on your concentrating self. Brows furrowed, thined lips and darting distant eyes. You're stressed, you're tired. He could see it, he could feel it.
He leans in close, and his breath fans your face and his lips are pressed against your cheek softly. His ever so fleetingly gentle his lips is sudden against your skin and your pulled from your work. He moves away just enough to see your face, "You're right, I am." He's smug, smiling as he finally greets your gaze. "But someone told me it's not good to push yourself so hard."
You wiped your cheeks and let out a breathy laugh to cover up your redness. The method was much more effective than you thought. "They sound smart."
"She is, very smart. But she's also tired and stressed."
As his voice grew serious you finally faced him. He was centimetres apart, and each of you let your eyes dance around your complexions, soaking in your presence.
"Didn't realise how effective that..."
"It's very effective."
The chatter in the background, the aroma of the beginning of dinner. It felt like a blanket was over the two and you couldn't help but indulge in just being there with him. A long awaited break—the hole in your chest seemed to relent, dissipating as you drank in his warmth. So this is how it felt. You didn't realise how much you needed it till that moment with him.
"I missed you."
The peaks of his lips tugged, smiling at you as his eyes landed briefly on your lips.
"Me too." He said before connecting his small smile to yours.
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Got another request for ya :D
May I please request headcanons for Naoto, Rise, and Kanji having a female S/O who's a Type 1 diabetic and has to deal with ignorance from others especially when she takes her insulin in public?
Hi there, welcome back! I'll do my best, hope you enjoy! Once again i did my own research and used personal experiences for writing this but please tell me if anything is inaccurate.
Naoto, Rise, & Kanji with a Fem! S/O with type 1 diabetes
Warnings: Possible ooc, mentions of needles and medication, mentions of food and diets, mentions of drugs.
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane, Rise Kujikawa.
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Before telling her she was aware something strange was up with your health, she often saw you using insulin pens or needles full of the medicine but never pried into your personal life. Only when you told her was she made aware it was diabetes.
Naoto has complete respect for you and your health, never mocking or acting rude towards you whenever you have to use your insulin before or after meals. Anytime anyone gives you a glare or acts ignorant towards you she either talks them away with the amount of hidden sass she has, or gives them a slight glare back which happens less often then the other option.
Out of the three she's the one that reminds you to take your insulin the most along with blood sugar, and blood pressure if needed. Sometimes acting like a worry heart over making sure you stay healthy with this condition.
If you were to ever pass out due to forgetting to take your medication Naoto would be panicking but trying her best to hide it. She seems completely calm and normal until she's alone with a awake you. In which she'll slightly lecture you but end up hugging you saying she's glad you're okay.
If you were to experience a migraine at any time Naoto would quickly find a space for you to lay down and go get you some water. She'll usually sit by your bedside and lower the light in the room down so it wouldn't cause you more pain. If you were in a more open place such as a plaza she'd most likely try to find a nearby place where she could help you sit down and relax even with the large amount of crowds around. Trying to find the best way to help you in this time of pain.
If you wanted to diet to help your condition Naoto would be more then happy to help you research what would be best for you mentally and for your physical health. However Naoto would be perfectly fine if you didn't wanna go for that form of treatment either, she's just happy you're with her.
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Rise noticed you taking medication but didn't take much mind to it but did ask you out of complete curiosity, after all if you two were to be a couple you shouldn't be keeping secrets from one another. Rise doesn't ask in a way that seems condescending or rude though, mostly just asking what the medicine is and why you take it.
Whenever you have to take your insulin out in public she always distracts you from the people glaring at you or acting ignorant in conversation towards you, always ending the conversation quick and continuing to try and distract you from rude people. Which is mostly just her flirting and trying to fluster you.
Out of the three she's the one that reminds you to take your insulin the the least along with blood sugar, and blood pressure if needed. Though like the others she heavily cares for your health she also knows your responsible for your own health and medicines and have probably been taking care of yourself long before you two met.
If you were to ever pass out due to forgetting to take your medication Rise would also be panicking but unlike Naoto not hiding it at all. She's practically on the edge of crying waiting for you to wake up, worrying that this may have some horrible affect on your health. Once you wake up it's all hugs and 0 lecturing, just pure worry.
If you were to experience a migraine at any time Rise really wouldn't know what to do other then get you away from loud noises and crowds. You'd have to teach her about light sensitivity and all the other factors that go into helping with migraines. Once she learns though she's very quick to act and get you into a more relaxed location, and if you're at home she wastes 0 time and quickly gets you into bed. Often kissing your forehead and holding you in her arms as moral support through the pain.
If you wanted to diet to help your condition Rise would happily support you in searching for a good diet. Being a idol means Rise most likely has some experience with diets even if it's minimal, so after learning the things you body needs Rise would be a great research partner. Rise would also be perfectly fine if you didn't wanna go for that form of treatment either, she's happy with you no matter your health state or what you look like.
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Kanji is another one of the three that just straightforwardly asked you about it, honestly at first he panicked and thought you were pumping yourself up with drugs before you panickily explained it was your Insulin and explained that you had diabetes.
Kanji is like the perfect glare avoidance machine, just having him be around you usually scares off people who are gonna be ignorant about you taking your insulin in public even though Kanji is a absolute sweetheart at his core.
Out of the three he's like the bridge inbetween Rise and Naotos levels of reminding you. Every now and then he reminds you but it's nowhere as much as Naoto's and isn't as uncommon as Rise's. He knows you can take care of yourself but every now and then he feels like he should remind you.
If you were to ever pass out due to forgetting to take your medication Kanji would be panicked for awhile but would eventually more of calm down to anxiety about when you would wake up. Similar to Rise, worrying that this may have some horrible affect on your health. Once you wake up he also lectures you but it's incredibly short, wayyy shorter then Naoto's and then he'll hold your hand, he'll hug you if you want him too.
If you were to experience a migraine at any time similarly to Rise, Kanji really wouldn't know what to do other then get you away from loud noises and crowds. The exception being that he knows slightly more then Rise and that you can be more sensitive to light in this state. There's still a bit more to teach him but once he learns you legitimately can't hide it from him at all and he's even quicker then the other two to act and get you into a more relaxed location. If you're at home he instantly covers you in the blankets he crocheted himself and gets you some water, making sure to turn the lights down low or turn them off completely based on your sensitivity.
If you wanted to diet to help your condition Kanji would be extremely happy to help, due to his love of cooking he could help cook up foods that would be yummy but also keep you on your diet. He'll sit down for hours checking the internet and researching things to help you out if you wanna go the diet route. Kanji would also be perfectly fine if you didn't wanna go for that form of treatment either, as long as his girlfriends healthy and safe he has 0 objections.
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byzerodigital · 7 months
Nellikai Pickle (Thokku). Pickle or Rice mix made with Gooseberry
At Vayalfoods, we offer a unique and authentic Nellikai pickle made from fresh Indian gooseberries and a blend of spices. Enjoy the tangy and spicy flavors of this classic Indian condiment that is perfect for any meal
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allfoodsrecipe · 1 year
Vegan Lembas Bread Recipe: A Delicious and Nutritious Treat
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Are you looking for a healthy and delicious snack that you can munch on anytime, anywhere? Look no further than vegan Lembas bread! This ancient and traditional snack is perfect for those who want to eat healthy, stay fit, and enjoy the taste of a flavorful snack. In this article, we will teach you how to make vegan Lembas bread, so you can enjoy it with your family and friends.
Steps for Making Vegan Lembas Bread
And there you have it - delicious Vegan Lembas Bread that's both healthy and easy to make. This recipe is great for busy people like us because it requires minimal prep time and can be made in advance for a quick snack or breakfast on the go. Plus, the ingredients are all nutritionally beneficial, including the almond flour which is high in protein and healthy fats, and the coconut flour which is high in fiber.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and please feel free to reach out if you need any more suggestions for healthy and easy meals!
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kitcheneggcooker · 2 years
microwave hard boiled egg cooker instructions
Are you tired of spending too much time preparing scrambled eggs? Do you wish you had an easier way to cook eggs? Well, here's one solution – the Microwave Hard Boiled Egg Cooker!
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It makes cooking the most nutritious and delicious meal ever quick and easy with no mess or hassle. There are several types of microwave ovens available on the market. If you don't know which one to purchase, don't worry! We will help you find the right dishwasher-safe model that will fit perfectly in your kitchen.
So without further ado, let us quickly show you how to prepare the best-microwaved eggs recipe using our Microwave Hard Boiling Egg Cooker.
How to Make Microwave Hard Boil Eggs Recipe: Step 1: Place two eggs in each cup of water. Step 2: Fill half of each cup with cold tap water.
Step 3: Seal the lid tightly. Turn off the power source. Heat the microwave for 30 seconds. Open the lid carefully. Step 4: Remove the eggs from the water. Immediately peel the shell off. Leave the shell on the cold water cup until the next step is complete.
step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining cups.
This simple method works perfectly. No chemicals are used, and every part of the egg remains edible after cooking. These microwave hard-boiled eggs are extremely delicious, tender, and juicy.
Enjoy these fluffy yolks and soft whites made from whole eggs. You won't believe how tasty they are without any additives or preservatives. Don't forget to add salt and pepper to enhance its flavor.
Our microwave hard-boiled eggs recipe is perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, snacks, and anytime. This healthy eating plan is suitable whether you're vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, raw foodist, paleo, low carb diet, or ketogenic.
Now you can whip up a hearty breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert at the drop of a hat and enjoy it guilt-free. And unlike regular eggs, you don't have to scramble them first. Instead, they cook up fast and come out crunchy and moist.
It would be best if you had a microwave oven to boil the eggs, and you're set to go. So enjoy this deliciously healthy recipe.
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chillbruuh · 2 days
Welcome to Chillbruuh: Your Guide to Health Anytime, Anywhere
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often feel like an impossible challenge. With busy schedules, constant travel, and a myriad of distractions, it’s easy to neglect our well-being. That’s where Chillbruuh comes in. We are dedicated to providing practical, accessible, and engaging content to help you stay healthy no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
Our Mission
At Chillbruuh, our mission is simple: to empower individuals to take control of their health anytime, anywhere. We believe that a healthy lifestyle is not confined to a gym, a kitchen, or a specific routine. Instead, it’s about making smart, sustainable choices in every aspect of your life. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, we provide the resources you need to make those choices effortlessly.
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What We Offer
Comprehensive Articles:
Nutrition: Discover how to eat well no matter your circumstances. From quick, healthy recipes to tips on eating out wisely, our articles cover it all. Learn about the latest in nutrition science and how to apply it to your daily life.
Fitness: Stay active wherever you are with our fitness guides. We offer everything from short, effective workouts you can do in a hotel room to stretches and exercises that fit into your workday. No equipment? No problem. Our bodyweight routines are designed for maximum flexibility.
Mental Health: Being healthy isn’t just about the physical. We explore techniques for managing stress, improving sleep, and maintaining a positive mindset. Our mindfulness and meditation tips are perfect for finding balance amidst the chaos.
Practical Tips and Hacks:
Life is unpredictable, but your health doesn’t have to be. Our articles are filled with practical tips and hacks for integrating healthy habits into your everyday routine. From meal prepping on the go to quick stress-relief techniques, we’ve got you covered.
Why Choose Chillbruuh?
Accessibility: Health advice should be accessible to everyone. Our content is designed to be easily understood and applicable to various lifestyles and circumstances.
Practicality: We focus on real-world solutions that you can implement immediately. No complicated regimes or expensive equipment—just straightforward advice that works.
Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are also on a journey towards better health. Share your experiences, seek advice, and find support in our vibrant, supportive community.
Get Started Today
Your journey to better health starts now. Explore our extensive library of articles and discover new ways to stay healthy no matter where life takes you. At Chillbruuh, we believe that every step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is a step worth celebrating.
Join us at Chillbruuh and learn how to be in good health anytime, anywhere. Because your health is our priority, and together, we can make well-being a natural part of your everyday life.
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catchy-court-app · 17 days
Buy Vezlay Foods Products From Catchy Court App
In today’s world, more people are shifting to plant-based diets for health and environmental reasons. One company making waves in this space is Vezlay Foods, known for its delicious and nutritious vegan products. And now, buying these amazing products has never been easier, thanks to the Catchy Court App.
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What is Vezlay Foods?
Vezlay Foods is a pioneer in the plant-based food industry. Their mission is to provide healthy, tasty, and sustainable food options that can replace traditional meat products. They offer a wide range of products, including vegan meat substitutes, snacks, and frozen foods.
Why Choose Vezlay Foods?
Choosing Vezlay Foods Products means choosing health and sustainability. Their products are packed with nutrients, making them a great alternative to meat. They are also environmentally friendly and ethically produced, ensuring you enjoy your meals guilt-free. Plus, the quality and taste of Vezlay Foods products are second to none.
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Exploring Vezlay Foods Products
Vegan Meat Substitutes
Veg Chicken: Perfect for those who miss the taste of chicken but want a plant-based option.
Veg Mutton: A flavorful substitute for mutton lovers looking to go vegan.
Vegan Snacks
Veg Kebab: Delicious and healthy kebabs made from plant-based ingredients.
Veg Nuggets: A great snack option for kids and adults alike.
Frozen Foods
Veg Shammi Kebab: Ready-to-eat frozen kebabs that are perfect for quick meals.
Veg Seekh Kebab: Another tasty frozen option, ideal for a hassle-free dining experience.
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What is the Catchy Court App?
The Catchy Court App is your one-stop solution for buying Vezlay Foods products. It offers a seamless shopping experience with features that make browsing and purchasing easy and convenient. From exclusive discounts to a user-friendly interface, the app has it all.
How to Buy Vezlay Foods Products on Catchy Court App
Buying Vezlay Foods products on the Catchy Court App is simple:
Download the App: Available on both Android and iOS platforms.
Create an Account: Sign up with your email or social media accounts.
Browse Products: Navigate through the extensive range of Vezlay Foods products.
Add to Cart: Select your desired products and add them to your cart.
Checkout: Complete your purchase with various payment options available.
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Benefits of Using Catchy Court App
The Catchy Court App offers numerous benefits, including:
Convenience: Shop anytime, anywhere from your mobile device.
Exclusive Discounts: Avail special offers and discounts available only on the app.
Easy Navigation: The app’s interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Customers love Vezlay Foods Products for its taste and health benefits. Many have shared how the products have positively impacted their lifestyle. The Catchy Court App also receives high praise for its ease of use and efficiency.
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subikshafoods · 22 days
The Busy Professional’s Secret: Delicious Idli & Dosa Maavu Anytime
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Introduction of idli and dosa flour In the fast-paced life of a busy professional, finding time for a nutritious and satisfying meal can be challenging. Readymade Idly Dosa Mavu near me madurai, a versatile South Indian flour mix, offers a tasty and convenient solution. Hello everyone, I am glad to welcome you all to this blog. Let’s explore how this culinary secret can transform your busy schedule into a delicious journey.
Nutritional value Idli and dosa batter are not only delicious but also rich in essential nutrients. It provides a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates and essential vitamins, making it an excellent choice for a healthy diet. This flour is suitable for a variety of dietary preferences, including vegetarian and gluten-free diets.
Versatility in use One of the main advantages of idli and dosa batter is its versatility. With this batter mix, you can cook traditional breakfast dishes like idli and dosa in minutes. Plus, you can get creative and explore innovative food ideas like stuffed dosas, Italian sandwiches or fusion dishes with international flavours.
Ease of preparation Busy professionals appreciate using idli and dosa batter. The dough requires minimal effort to prepare and can be stored for days, allowing you to enjoy fresh and delicious meals at your convenience. Forget long cooking processes — this flour smoothes out your food without compromise.
Health benefits Besides being convenient, idli and dosa flour offer significant health benefits. The fermentation process improves digestion and improves gut health. Also, idlis and dosas are low in fat and cholesterol, while providing a good source of protein and carbohydrates, keeping you fueled throughout the day.
Cultural significance Idli and dosa flour have deep cultural significance in South Indian cuisine. It refers to traditional cooking methods that have been passed down from generation to generation. Different regions boast unique variations and serving styles reflecting the rich diversity of Indian cuisine.
Comparative advantage Compared to packaged breakfast options, idli and dosa flour shine in terms of freshness and nutritional value. It’s a cost-effective alternative to dining out and offers great quality that you can control. Embrace homemade goodness in every bite.
Homemade idli and dosa batter To make idli and dosa dough at home, you will need ingredients like rice, dal (dal) and fenugreek seeds. Soak, grind and ferment the dough overnight for optimal texture and flavor. Use the batter to make soft idlis or crispy dosas — the choice is yours!
Idli & Dosa Flour You can find ingredients for idli and dosa dough at local Indian grocery stores or conveniently order online. Look for quality products to ensure authentic taste and best results.
Questions about idli and dosa batter How to store flour? Store dough in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.
Can the dough be frozen? Yes, dough can be frozen for longer storage. Thaw it in the refrigerator before using.
Is it gluten free? Idli and dosa batters can be made gluten-free by using gluten-free substitutes for grains.
Any tips for making crispy dosas? Make sure the grill is hot enough and spread the batter thinly for crispy dosas.
How to do variations like Uttapam or Paadu? For puffiness, add chopped vegetables to the batter before cooking. The dough can be cooked in a special pan and made into silk.
Conclusion Adding Readymade Idly Dosa Mavu near me madurai to your busy work life brings a delightful combination of taste and convenience. Enhance your mornings with quick and nutritious breakfast options that will satisfy both your palate and your schedule.
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