#that is to say thank you anon it means the fucking WORLD my stuff resonates
swifty-fox · 2 months
okay so I’m not going to go into any details here but I just finished “what comes after” and oh. my. god. you captured the feelings of the person on the other end perfectly.
for me it wasn’t anyone as close as a husband, and I wasn’t there to see it, but they texted me one evening and I swear I just knew. and I knew they were in a pretty bad place, but I don’t think anyone had realized just how bad, and I have so many mixed feelings about all of it? And you somehow managed to write that and make it so tragic and so beautiful and. I don’t even know what I’m trying to say here. I guess I just wanted to say thank you? Thank you for treating the subject so delicately and so fairly and thank you for adding the part about Curt and how he’s there to help and I know it’s “just” fanfiction, but I need you to know how much of an impact it had on me.
so. yeah. thank you. and I’m sorry to spring this on you just like this (if it makes you uncomfortable I’m so sorry! please don’t feel like you have to respond!), I swear I’m not saying any of this to make you feel bad for me or anything. my friend is in a much better place and everything is okay. call this the incoherent ramblings of a person who should’ve gone to bed hours ago now. thank you. thank you thank you thank you thank you <3
theres three experiences in my life I pulled from for this fic
my little brother has been to a psych ward three times in my life, two in the last two years. The second time (March 2023) he called me the day before in great spirits and laughing about a childhood memory. Next day I receive a call that He's going to the hospital, drugs were involved but nobody knew anything more because he's an adult. We heard no news, couldn't contact him for Three Days. We had no idea what happened or how bad things were.
In the aftermath my baby sister and I had to drive into the city to pick his car up and bring it to my parents. She's a freshman in college and was too young to really remember my brothers first time in (I was twenty and she was twelve) and so I had to be the older sibling and tell her to rely on me. To brace herself that this probably would not be the end of the storyline with his mental health issues and she had to make peace with it and to protect herself how she could while still being there for him. I had to put my shit aside for my her and my mom and my dad. Had to be Gale.
At the same time I was fresh off a devastating breakup. I reached out that night to the ex because I thought we were still friends and got brushed off. While driving to get that damn car all i wanted was what my brain thought was my ride or die support system to be there helping me through this. All i wanted was a Curt and I didn't have one. So i gave Gale what i needed via Curt. Someone to pick up the pieces.
My grandmother passed away due to complications from colon cancer in 2020. She came down with an infection that ate away her intestines to nothing in the span of a weekend. I sat on the phone with her six states away as she lay dying on her bathroom floor. My Grandma who was my best friend my namesake wordlessly crying in my ear from pain. And I just remember thinking nobody fucking gave me the instruction manual for this. I went to bed once the ambulance came, thinking she would be okay. And by the time I woke up she was gone. And I've worked my feelings of that out through a previous fic but I definitely reached back into that experience to remember that headspace
I've been on both ends. I almost ended my life several times last year and I'm really fuckin glad I didn't cause I am having so much fun with you guys
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Your stuff got me thinking: how would boutaro fare if he actually got the huge family that he wanted? Because wanting a ton of kids and having a ton of kids are two very different things. I personally think he’d do fine
Hey anon, thanks for your ask! I love the fact that my Boutarou HCs are centered on him being a person outside of the gold hunt and I’m living for it! Honestly this ask made me think of more content than I had originally planned, so thanks anon 🥺💖 I personally love it when people give me the space to churn my brain for Golden Kamuy, so please expect more content (in line with February I guess hehe….) 
Like before, since Boutarou hasn’t come out (👀 /j) in the anime as per this ask, I’ll be putting my thoughts under the cut! (I had too much fun with this ask and there’s a lot under the cut, I’m so sorry). I hope you enjoy, anon! <3 
Boutarou the Pirate as a Parent Headcanons
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Generally, I think he’d be a good dad! I totally resonate with your idea: it is different to want something than already having it in the palm of your hands. But for Boutarou, I think he’d be a relatively good father because of how long he’s yearned for it and how long he’s planned for it. Again, this is something he’s yearned since his entire family died. He’s had lots of time to really…think about it. He’s passionate about the things he desires, but he’s also…a man that’s grounded with reality. What I mean is, part of his big life goal (maybe even his life purpose at this point) is to have a family: I absolutely see him being logical about things and plan this specific dream out. If he’s willing to do a lot of things for it (aka do crime to achieve this goal), then I’m sure that he’s utterly committed to the idea of having the best family in the entire fucking world. 
Based on his personality, he seems to be a devoted type of man to his dreams; if his dream includes a family, then that means he’s devoted to growing and nurturing that. When Sugimoto and company interacts with him, one can see his passion for life and his dreams, but it’s also veiled behind a calmer visage. I feel like he’d lose the calm exterior and be full on passionate with his trusted partner and his family. He’s absolutely the type to get emotional and even shed a few tears when his partner says that their pregnant/are ready to adopt a new child. 
I feel like he’s a sentimental type underneath that cool exterior. The type of person who would name his children by meaningful names. He’d absolutely name the kids after his lost family (with consent to his partner, of course); it’s his way of connecting his past, present, and future. If his children start to exceed the number of his lost family members, he’d probably ask his partner for name suggestions. He’d be fond of naming them after things that remind him of his partner, his partner’s own family, and himself. 
Very protective, attentive, and responsible of his children! I can see him to be a parent that promotes free thinking and exploration. He’d allow his children to explore and find their way in the world (especially on their island paradise) but with adult supervision. I also see him trying to connect with each child — all of his children are precious to him, of course he’d dedicate time out of his busy schedule as ruler for his family. I feel like his kids would playfully fight for their time with their dad! 
Jumping from the previous point, I think that Boutarou’s the type to still want parental responsibility, on top of being the ruler of their island kingdom. Hence, I can see him making certain daily tasks to be important for family bonding: dinnertime and bedtime for the kids. Boutarou would be home by dinnertime, everyday, no questions asked. He’s happy when he sees his family greet him home and welcome him back: he’s content with washing up for dinner and watching his partner and their brood prepare the meal. Until his kids reach teenage years, he will absolutely tell them stories as a bedtime ritual. They’ll be in one family room where he tells tales of his past (though he changes the name of the “hero”), including the gold hunt. Once story time is over, he’ll kiss each of his children’s foreheads and greet them goodnight as they return to their respective rooms. Boutarou will then shower his beloved partner with love and attention (can’t forget about the wife /gender neutral). 
The kids absolutely love him, and they absolutely hate it when he’s mad at them. Boutarou doesn’t seem to be the type to have a short fuse — he strikes me as someone with a lot of patience. It would take a lot for him to get angry. But his anger doesn’t manifest in shouting or hurtful words, his anger is quiet but somber. Imagine knowing that someone’s angry at you, but they’re not showing it; you just feel the vibe is different, and it makes you absolutely shit yourselves. Yeah, that’s Boutarou. I feel like it really comes out when one of his kids was in danger of seriously harming themselves. He’s still calm and collected when he expresses his anger, but knowing you’ve angered (and disappointed) him makes his family (yes, including his partner) immediately guilty. 
One of the things that makes him angriest is lying. He doesn’t tolerate it with anyone of his subjects, his partner, no less from his kids. He also hates it when his children point fingers at each other when it comes to blaming for an accident or mistake (they learn early on not to do it). I think Boutarou’s scary aura when he’s mad goes full-blown when it comes to lying and pointing the blame. Aside from that, he’s a good parent and he tries modeling good and morally upright behavior to his children — his days of being a convict and a “bad man” are long over. Each day spent with his family and island washes away the years of loneliness and bloodshed. Yes, he’s absolutely committed to protecting his dream with his life. 
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mayalaen · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @hullosweetpea for tagging me!
First, my AO3
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
2,072,229 words (don't ask the count for fics NOT posted 😱)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supernatural, Stranger Things, Fargo, Stargate 'verse, Hannibal, The Blacklist, Dickensian, Angel+Buffyverse and more
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Alpha House 'Verse, Resonance, Best Brother Ever, CONventional Psychopathy Part 1: Primary Deviance, and Try on for Size - all SPN fics
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, but I get into weird moods where it's hard to do it, so I'll go for a while without responding and then do a bunch to catch up.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Inside (SPN). It's short but gory and really not a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I tend to leave things on a good feeling but I think the one that has the most whiplash type of oh shit this is bad to oh wow we're all good is Rewritten in the Stars.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
In comments and in anon messages sent on Tumblr, but I delete immediately because I refuse to feed trolls. For the most part readers are SUPER awesome and I really appreciate them!
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Open Sesame Street Walker is by far the wackiest one. It's a choose your own adventure but every choice leads to insanity 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yup. I wouldn't have minded any other fic being stolen because it's all fanfic, but this person managed to grab the ONE fic I'm also writing as original fic and it's a world that's been living in my head since I was like 9 years old. It means a lot to me, so to have someone take it and make money off it with the possibility of fucking up a future book deal sucks. Every time I get it taken down, she puts it back up a few weeks later.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think there's at least one, possibly two fics translated.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I wrote one crackfic, but I'd love to write more with somebody. I think it would be fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can't say I have a favorite. I'm too much of a multishipper to pin down one in any fandom. The closest I can get is the OT3 of Leverage, Eliot/Hardison/Parker.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I really think I'm gonna finish all my WIPs. Might be delusional, but oh well.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog. It's harder for me to put in a lot of description on surroundings because I always think it's going to be boring to the reader, which is silly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping it short and to the point. The only short fics I've written were crackfic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
The closest I came to this is Castiel's noises in Resonance 'Verse. It's just animal noises. I don't think I'll ever attempt to actually write in another language. The most I would do is italics so it tells the reader it's spoken in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG1
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It changes depending on mood, but right now it's Caging the Mongoose. It's not popular at all, but it's a Blacklist/SPN crossover and it's got all the things I love plus Dean is schizophrenic in it.
tagging (with no pressure or obligation): @actualalligator @unforth @ltleflrt @whataboutthefish @wheels-of-despair @peachonified @kallisto-k @lochnesswriter and anybody else who wants to play! Please tag me so I can see your stuff 💜
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datshitrandom · 10 months
Fuhuhuuuuuck that anon omg
They should be happy that this fandom even still has creators after so many years. How fucking dare they have criticism. I bet they can’t even change the contrast in a photo let alone make edits only half as pretty as yours. In a world where ai is taking over we really should support artists that put time and effort into creating unique and beautiful works. Fanwork doesn’t fucking need criticism. Its free fucking content. They should be grateful.
I fucking LOVE the edits you make! Especially the one where you exaggerate their features a bit. It give the images a dreamlike vibe and that shit resonates with me.
Keep op the beautiful work you make. I love your stuff. I know its hard to ignore hurtful messages, but just know that they are only one stupid person and that the rest of us are happy that you are in this fandom and creating these beautiful edits.
Anne I just wanted to let you to know that your words made me smile when I truly needed it, words cannot express how grateful I am, thank you so much for your support ... I LOVE YOUR WORK TOO !! YOU ARE A FANTASTIC ARTIST !! ONE OF THE BEST THAT THESE TWO EYES HAVE EVER SEEN !! YOUR ART KILLS ME AND BRINGS ME TO LIFE EVERY. SINGLE. TIME !! (๑ꈍᗜꈍ๑) ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚  !!!
And to everyone else who sent me kind messages your support means the world to me. I feel really lucky to be able to count with people like you in this old fandom, it makes me feel warm inside and fills my heart with joy, it reminds me why I keep creating stuff. Thank you for being so lovely and caring — I appreciate y'all more than words can say, y'all are awesome!
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sixteen-juniper · 6 months
hii!! i've read & caught up with rose & rot in 2 days. i'm loving it so far it's made me insane: i want a pet crow now and i want to go off the grid and the slowburn is killing me and augh fics always do this to me BUT anyway. robinhood & mordred just hit me like a fucking truck. shido is arthur, mordred is akechi, robinhood & his merry band of thieves is akiren & the phantom thieves. i love to think about if the personas could have human forms or shape shift (especially for ones that were in reality at some point or are canonical shapeshifters, like william kidd/captain kidd and loki) so like.. robinhood as goro on tv while goro recovers from momentos. goemon painting with yusuke. etc. but i've been thinking of mordred & tamino's human & persona forms because i can't quite imagine them at all, besides a sword and a flute. i've been thinking of my human-robin design and a blank faced mordred laying in the forests surrounding tokyo, reminiscing for some reason.. idk they're so shuake to me. definitely gay in some way. but i also love the idea of the personaians reading their persona's myths, learning their persona's native languages, because it makes me so happy. akiren eventually becoming fluent in french, goro splitting out words in norweigan (and now german, in r&r thanks to tamino), etc etc etc, so thank you for showcasing that SOSOSOSOSO much it makes me so happy. i love your use of munin & hugin, the relation of their myths makes me so so sos so so happy.. the connection of persona's myths & the persona users always make me happy: canon stuff as loki being chained down and trapped until the ragnarok, and goro most likely being buried under rubble & in water during shido's palace until he somehow gets out & goro being the one who was supposed to cause his world's own ragnarok. i like to call him the catalyst of chaos. but thank you so much. i had more to say but my phone died the first time i tried typing this all out so i can't even remember
Hi anon! Thank you so much for reading, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the fic so far. This ask made my day! I love this story a lot so it means much that it’s resonating with you. <3 I also sometimes really want to go off the grid and live on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere.
I never even thought of that parallel between Loki and Goro, but it’s so good and true! I have a few scenes of Goro watching Die Zauberflaute and some soon where he’s reading Le Morte d'Arthur.
As for the crows, I’m glad you brought them up! - Hugin who in norse myth represents thought/knowledge is usually with Goro when he’s doing quests, trying to help him. Munin watches because he is the one who is gathering memories and using the forest magic / abilities to create the statues Goro finds in chapter 13. So he’s literally carrying the memories of the ghosts and creating a way for them to be remembered in the forest. Also, Goro has two bird companions which is similar to how Tamino in Flute goes through the forest with Papageno the bird catcher.
I’m terrible at designing Personas! But, I always picture Tamino as having a Japanese influence in his design with flowing robes while holding a flute. So kind of like this. Also if you’ve seen the Julie Taymor holiday version of Flute (I have! it’s ok?) I have some elements of that in my head. In my head the flowing robes are really beautiful, especially when he sends the spirits away. And Morded is more medieval english in his design, a lot darker. I love them both.
I really hope you enjoy the things I have planned for this fic! Currently at almost 200k, I never thought it would be so big.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
I dunno if this makes a difference to u but your blog on here gives me,like,so much hope on a regular basis. My life is shit, my mind is a disaster but you helped me realize not just that I have worth as a person but also to stop letting people treat me like trash and that I can be angry at people. Like I was so fucked I'd convinced myself I was evil any time I felt vaguely mad at someone! But your blog has just helped me so much, in so many different ways and I can't explain it well, sorry, but you've helped keep me alive and convinced me I want to be alive. So thank you. I'm a trans teen and you've helped convince me I want to be a trans elder one day too. Thank you. Seriously.
💜💜💜😭😭😭 anon this message means a lot to me--more than I can even say. i mostly started talking about like, mental health and intersex and trans and antipsychiatry stuff because i was so miserable and having such a hard time and i was posting a lot of this stuff for myself, and i never really imagined how many other people it would resonate with. and i still consider myself like, just some random person with a blog but this space and all of you here on tumblr have become really special to me! and seriously, i learn just as much from all of you and get really inspired and hopeful from the community on here.
i'm so, so happy that you're alive anon. i'm so glad that we're both out here alive, sharing the world at the same time and i'm proud of you for still being here because I know how fucking hard it is when everything in your life feels awful and shitty and it's really hard to imagine what a future might look like and decide whether it's worth to keep fighting. i hated hearing shit like "it gets better" when i was a younger trans kid because i remember how frustrating that was when nothing was getting better and no one was stepping in to help make it better, but just know that you're not fighting through all these difficult things alone and that there are people, even if we're a million miles away, who care and who want to work to make a world that's a little easier for all of us to survive in.
sending SO much love your way, anon. i bet you're going to be the coolest trans elder many years in the future 💜💜💜
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elytrafemme · 1 year
this is anonymous because im too embarrassed to say it but but !! i just wanted to. thank you? i suppose? Cough Syrup (especially ranboo and tubbo) has made me realize many things about my mental health that I could never have started healing from otherwise. I cannot stress enough how much that fanfic has changed my life for the better, even if I still have plenty of struggles I can't fix without professional help. I also want to thank you for (and please ignore this bit if you find it uncomfortable) talking about your own mental health so openly. Your posts make me feel very human, sort of like I'm not the only person whos brain works like this and thats okay!! you know? idk, youve just helped me a lot :] - ☄
hi hi! this is so so sweet thank you so much :(( the love towards cough syrup means the world to me especially since its on a (temporary!!!) hiatus and everything; it's just. it's really really kind when people say that they still like it 2 me and it's also so so lovely to hear it's helped out? bc that's one of the main reasons i started writing it, which then became the main reason: i wanted to comfort people, i wanted to help them through things, i was sick of reading about media with psychotic characters where happy endings didnt exist. i wanted to show the quadruple edged sword that is addiction & that you can heal . & that healing is complicated and messy. and a lot of other stuff. i'm seriously so so happy it could help you make realizations bc it helped me realize a ton of stuff too, like i think about some people's comments on the fic still bc those comments made me introspect and realize oh shit me too. you know?
i'm glad on the second half, too :') i think every person has to walk the line of transparency advocacy and privacy, where you want to be trasparent and honest to those you love, u want to use ur experiences to advocate for the better, and you want to hide the vulnerable parts of urself. thats how i feel talking about my mental health. if i could i wouldn't talk about it as much, but this space is for my own healing and i know that some stuff does resonate with people.
it's good to hear that it helps, though, especially coming from a CS reader, because i worry all the fucking time about hopeful readers coming here expecting an update and just ending up with some 17 year old having a meltdown.
i think part of why i do talk about it though, on the days where it's more intentional rather than just an expulsion of all this ugly shit buried in my chest, is because i'm getting through it. i'm going through it but i'm getting through it. i want to post about the days where i look and see the sun and feel this deep sense of happiness over myself, i want to talk about how the person im in love with makes me feel like im a person again. i also talk about the days where i feel trapped by my own trauma and how my emotions are rapidly in flux to the point its difficult to even know who i am. bc that loops back to the first point, too. with every horrible horrible day there's a really really good one and good days, fuck dude. good days are so worth living for.
this ask means a lot to me and im sorry for rambling so much haha. im really really happy CS + my posts can help . and i'm glad they both make u human bc i dont feel human a lot of the time. but if my lack of humanity can make another person feel human then well, i guess i'm human.
it's really not that awful of a thing to be, either :')
much love anon <3
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ahdraftingco · 2 years
I can't explain how much I LOVE your work!!! I never really text others or even talk on Tumblr... but wow. You are so amazing and every time you post something new, I always enjoy it. You are definitely my favorite Tumblr profile to look at. The way you write Din Djarin's personality??? Literally always has me shocked, it's like I can truly imagine being in your story, It's just so well written. You are such an amazing writer and I find myself often thinking about your stories while doing everyday tasks. This might be an overstatement but your writing genuinely has changed my perspective on life itself, and that's not something that happens often to me. I haven't seen anybody write Din Djarin THIS GOOD in awhile. I can't wait to read more from you❤️
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I legit have been staring at this message for so long trying to come up with how to respond but I legit will never find the right words to say like I cannot explain how much this means to me I'm sobbing real tears of pure joy over this bc I was having such a bad day today but then I got your sweet anon message and now I feel so much better and it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and the world is right again and I can make it through today and that everything's going to be okay 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!
thank you for taking the time to tell me this, I'm seriously so fucking honored that I could write something that resonates with you enough for you to want to tell me these absolutely beautiful words that I will cherish forever, I hope I can continue writing stuff that you look forward to reading fr fr 🥺
now if you'll excuse me, I need to process how wonderful this message was bc I cannot function anymore LMAOOOO IM DECEASED I LITERALLY AM DEAD THIS MESSAGE JUST MURDERED ME WITH LOVE AND IM JUST-
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
what’s your giant wishlist for the nico solo book? like plots, backstories, tropes stuff like that
Anon I was literally writing the Nico solo series myself I just gave up after... 6 years (give or take a bit) due to personal struggles with the quality, and a lack of fandom interest with the piece once I finally took to uploading.
Chaptered fics don't get much interaction anymore in the PJO fandom (with a few exceptions), and especially ones that don't include Solangelo or Percabeth right off the bat... And although interaction isn't the only important aspect of uploading a fic, it's definitely helpful to at least know it's resonating with some people.
I have TTC entirely drafted from Nico's perspective and I have his full childhood in Italy drafted out, as well as most of Maria and Hades relationship. There's honestly too much information I have stored in my head to go through it all, I had the entire storyline from TTC through BoO drafted (in my head) before ToA was even released... Everything I do have is on pen on paper though so I can't copy paste it
Right now I have the works on hiatus because I was working through some mental health stuff at the time, but I've also been considering changing aspects of Nico's childhood that I'm writing and publishing that work eventually... It would be entirely original and the Greek mythology aspect would be removed from it, and it would focus more heavily on an OC I created as from Nico's perspective than on Nico himself.
I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with that idea though, I don't want my Ao3 account attached to me if I ever do become a published author (I wouldn't mind saying I wrote fics but directing people to your specific account is more extreme lol). This means that I would have to modify many aspects of Nico's past or remove it from the story, which is impossible since Nico's story exist solely because of his past.
The big issue I had with quality was getting the characters to be more 3D and avoid mischaracterization... Although I felt I was doing okay with this aspect on Nico, I especially struggled here with Bianca for a multitude of reasons...
However, I was taking this project much more seriously than most when I first began it, I even had my first beta-reader during the original uploads! But as fore mentioned for many reasons both personal and otherwise the project fell short and came to a stop.
I would possibly consider restarting the project if I had help, because I know now how much work it is... I have mixed feelings on receiving this help though as well, and although I'm interested in help if it's available I'm in no current position to begin work right now on the piece because I would have to draft out more stuff to make the plot coherent to someone not in my brain
Anyhow anon, here's a link to the series I had started work on, maybe you'll find some enjoyment there! I originally had more uploaded but I took it down because I was unhappy with the quality, but there's some there to hopefully appease you and anyone else interested!
I know the story also says it's discontinued, this isn't necessarily true, but I would rather say discontinued than get someone's hopes up with the idea of it being a simple hiatus. I also know this probably wasn't what you were looking for as an answer and I do apologize for that, but the way I had been working on this was much bigger than something I could ever fit in a single post.
Although here's a photo of a chart I was making to understand my thoughts better if you're interested:
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You'll notice the names of the stories, and the basic arc outline of them... I did realize after making this (over a year ago I made this now) that the "yellow arc" would likely be something that happens around when Percy is dipped in the Styx, although I didn't add that. The weird off shooting lines were to be short stories, detailing Nico's time in Tartarus, his rescue of Hazel, a fic dealing with memory, and a shorter fic (may be 3-5 chapters or so) going through other adventures between the end of Pjo and the time we didn't see him in HoO (excluding Hazel and Tartarus which were to be seperate fics).
I have some aspects of things I was planning to write in the story that can be seen in my quick draft of Will's "origin story" here. Although this does mostly revolve around Will there's some discussion of their meeting, and how they met and grew to know one another. Will was also (in my story) to be an allegory of someone else from Nico's past.
I had also planned out a short one shot of an epilogue as well for Nico's story...
This is all to say though, despite how I may have sounded within this, I am still very much interested in a Nico series, and I think if Rick writes a solo book it should be the story of Nico's childhood- but I do think Rick would fuck it up irreparably, so in an ideal world I would write Nico's story... I would also trust @glassamphibians with the story, and I would trust them with characterization much more than myself too!
This was a lot and not exactly what you asked for so I'm going to stop now 😅
I'd also like to apologize for putting this in the tags without a "read more" although the length of some of the stuff I've seen in the Nico tag lately... I don't feel too bad, although I would like to thank anyone who has read this all!
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vaguely-concerned · 3 years
I've been reading through your very very good mando meta (A+ stuff) and I got to the post about how the sensory experience of the show is so tactile and weighty and real and it's such a great point - and it hit me that that's also part of why luke felt so wrong to me. The cg luke is so... detached from the world of the show bc otherwise so much care was put in to make things feel so real and he just didn't feel real at all? It's like a videogame cutscene was spliced into the footage
Yeah that’s a really good call, anon! luke’s arrival fucks with the narrative in so many ways for me, and that is definitely one of them; he just visually looks like this stiff strange weightless thing apart from everything else and grogu’s meant to go from the sensory grounded, real, loving presence of din that’s been established and developed for two seasons to THAT and I’m supposed to think that’s a good thing because hey look it’s the mirage of luke skywalker aren’t you feeling nostalgic??? (hilariously that uncanny valley effect is often deliberately used in horror media, which is definitely more what it evoked for me lol. POV Bad Wrong Digital Fae Mark Hamill turns up and fuckn takes your baby, and thus one half of the main emotional through line of this entire goddamn show, away to potentially be in the middle of a second jedi youngling massacre unless you’ll get him back in time, and the narrative sincerely expects you to thank him. if they at least had the balls to intentionally present luke as a threatening figure because that’s what he is in this story, to this character, I might still buy that they had some interesting metanarrative stuff going on with this and give it some benefit of the doubt, but I Do Not) 
and it’s so odd b/c if I still believed they knew what they were doing with pacing and act structure and character arcs I’d say this is meant to be din’s Darkest Moment point, ala what ESB did for the original trilogy. no baby (also established as his link to love and healing and hope :) ), no ship and thus no way to even go back to how he used to live, no real community, no agency, just this fucking sword he doesn’t want shoving him into a Destiny that doesn’t matter to him or to the audience. y’know what luke represents to din, within the logic of the show itself and not the larger star wars canon? a threat. a harbinger of separation and emotional annihilation, a complete breakdown of self. and that is precisely what he felt like to me, being introduced mainly as committing stunning, almost otherworldly violence, and then taking away not only everything that is important and soft and resonant on this show, but taking the visual language of din’s past, trauma and love away from him with the way the baby looking back over his shoulder is shot. I’d say this is more of an insult to luke as a character than tlj could ever be, straight up coming in to separate a child from a father, and without even a promise they could still see each other sometimes. why are luke and din basically enacting their own traumas on this baby and it’s like. at worst neutrally coded??? (sidenote: have we gotten any, really ANY actually new biographical information about din in this entire season lol? it feels so weird to have to be like ‘actually I’m... I’m sort of invested in your main character, may I please have some proper time with him?’ for a whole season) 
and if -- IF -- I still believed they would honor the basic fucking tenets of storytelling and the storyteller/audience contract of trust, I’d sort of be exited for that, because there can -- there should! -- be a darkest moment, as long as you can trust that the writer knows why it’s the darkest moment and what’s needed to get you out of that dark tunnel and back to the light shining stronger and wiser than before on the other side. like okay maybe it’s good the separation happens at the end of a season, that means we can have a time skip and get to the reunion quicker instead of suffering through the loneliness in real time! that might mean just sending the baby off to someone else is not actually the end thematic goal here, and we’ve gotten that failed option out of the way relatively early! what’s been broken can heal. but the amount of trust you have to reestablish with me as a viewer when you relegate one of the most important emotional beats of your entire story to a hurried 5 minute thing that’s completely overshadowed by an uncanny CGI CAMEO that turns your main character into a side thing people barely mention after the episode, with no conflict, the baby seemingly doesn’t even want to stay that much, it’s solved within minutes? immense. near impossible. it’s basically admitting that the writer was less invested in din, in the very soul the show, than I was as an audience, it’s such a lazy thoughtless breach of trust. if you want access to break my heart again you better do it a  h e l l  of a lot more skillfully than that, mr favreau, I don’t let amateur narrative heart surgeons in there to just fumble around as they please lol   
(also star wars is so obsessed with this theme of selflessness vs. selfishness and that being the only way to conceive of morality that it presents din having to let his self be completely destroyed as a noble selfless thing to do  l m a o  I just want to reiterate once more: asking a parent to completely give up their TODDLER CHILD for good when that really shouldn’t be necessary isn’t about selflessness, it’s just cruel. if I dare hope for anything truly good in this show anymore it’s future seasons examining why in the goddamn world anyone thought this was the only possible way to do things when the galaxy is so endlessly huge and diverse and unexpected, but with how they’ve been shrinking the world more and more this season... yeah I’m not holding my breath.) 
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chateautae · 3 years
elphie anon 🐘
I read MID ch7 instantly when you posted it and had to take a couple of days to just to comprehend... uhm, some... feelings. So forgive me, since I've bottled this up and will result in a long message ... but the work is just so good I can't resist showering you with praise.
You live in my mind rent free.
I can't describe how cute and domestic everything was in the early parts then hOt, then just ditty dotty destroyed me in the later scenes.
The smut was... *clears throat, wipes forehead daintily*... it made me feel stuff that I should otherwise be used to in esp in this site, but when mid Tae told YN to behave I think it took my brain minutes to comprehend that I'm just reading a wonderfully crafted piece. And that no, I should not feel my knees to weaken and toes curl, but they did anyway. Gotta say, the mind is a powerful thing.
But as it turns out, SAMMY IS SO MUCH POWERFUL.
The whole trip with Jimin really solidified what was coming in the end of this chaoter, it tastefully and comprehensively vocalised the conversation about this whole feelings ordeal first with YN, and paved way for that earth shattering ending. I can't help but remember thay quote from The Perks of Being a Wallflower when I was reading: "we accept the love we think we deserve."
Damn, really. While it hurts to see and more on resonate with how hard it is to accept love from others after certain unfortunate relationships (yn), I really commend you on choosing to write this realistically. I think her mindset towards this type of stuff, while not really the best, is well-built enough to show how hard and conflicting it is to see yourself have worth for love. And it isn't easy to change in a matter of moments, but it is worth changing this perception just as it is worth seeing and admitting when you love someone.
For me, it's also worth seeing that sometimes the love others give us are dependent on how much they treasure us, and that's theirs alone. It's not something that we get to decide no matter how much we think we shouldn't hsve it, but something that, at least here, is something they spend just as much thought and effort to ensure and choose.
Tae felt it in every chapter, intensely too, with his friends as witnesses. Of course deceit can always happen, but sincerity too. You can't punish yourselves for the deciet that others do. it's their lie, faulting the victim (hate u kiseok) won't do anything, and carefulness doesn't always mean you're always right about others' intentions. I cried so much for both of them, but I guess that we can't always understand love from each's point of view as clearly as they can; we just have to learn to accept it. And trust that maybe, or surely, that they do love us, and us them.
Your talent and hardwork speaks so genuinely to my mind when I read your work; I can't say enough to thank you for letting the world see this.
cuz if u don't, then i shall join forces with jimin and hana.
sorry for such a long mssg huhu, and for the bad interpretation chahahzhJJJjssjjakwks
“You live in my mind rent free” Showering me with praise??? I’M- I’m crying?? I don’t even know what to say omg 😭 ASLDJLDKJ please dom!tae has that power, and it’s really only a sneak peek of what happens when you disobey him because let’s be real, Y/N will do it again sksksk. Oh God, you’re so correct, I think it summarizes perfectly what’s going on between these two. In a sense, they’re both rejecting each other on the premise either of them is not deserving of the other’s love. “We accept the love we think we deserve”, such a beautiful quote that can explain two broken people trying to find a way to love each other 🥺
You’re correct again, the human mind is a wonderfully intricate system, and oddly takes a few seconds to destroy yet years to rebuild. Y/N’s mindset comes from not only years under the emotional (and sometimes physical we’ve seen) abuse she’s endured from her mother which can largely impact any child, but also from someone she was in love with for a long time only have that love taken advantage of and abused as well. It’s crippling to anyone’s mentality and skews the idea of love for them almost eternally. 
Taehyung is different because he’s never been in love before, it’s new and shiny and bright and so he fell hard and fast, he has no qualms about admitting he’s in love either because he doesn’t know the painful experience of falling in love and desires to finally be in love (only until this argument ofc) while Y/N denies it because she knows love is painful and doesn’t want to go through it again. 
Though you’re correct yet again, it will present itself in future chapters but ultimately, love as pure as theirs is unconditional and cannot be changed nor forgotten. It won’t matter what the other thinks, because the other will love them unconditionally, or love them until they believe them, because love is ours to give and cannot be defined nor appraised by any price. But alas, we can never truly know how someone else feels about us, so another great point, love is scary because we must trust in the depths of our hearts somebody loves us the same, and we must see how these two decide to trust each other on that.
You’re so kind for even taking the time to write such a long message elphie anon omg, it took me days to reply to you because I didn’t even know how to begin, but I had the stupidest grin reading your lovely message 🥺💕 thank you so much, truly, for always being so sweet and interactive. 
ALSO WAITTT “SO TAE CAN FUCK YOU INTO THE DEEP DIMENSIONS OF HIS LOVE AND CARE FOR U” WHY AM I CACKLING AT THIS I FELT THIS IN MY SOULLL OMG but yes I’m currently writing the smut scene and all I have to say is there’s a LOT going on, YES it shall be categorized as rough and nasty yet soft and passionate makeup sex because I'm a desperate whore😌
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bisluthq · 3 years
whew i am glad that last anon said something bc i have been feeling uncomfy for MONTHS about how you address karlie's presentation/sexuality. first things first def not a kaylor secondly i think you do generally do a deccent job of being fair/kind/objective and thirdly karlie isn't really my jam either as an object of sexual attraction. but DAMN the way you talk about kar is SO invalidating to queer womxn who are very femme. "obnoxiously hetty" ?? she's not talking about men at ALL (1/?)
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I’m missing 5 and you seem to be done so like let me try reply.
Firstly thank you for sharing this and sure I’ll think more about this. You’ve brought up a number of valid points.
On the topic of the Makeout Fakeout I hard disagree because... I just wouldn’t do that with a straight friend (or any friend ever). I hear that teenagers might but this was a whole adult woman, running her own TV show, thinking of fun activities and that’s what she came up with. Like even if she were Kinsey 6 lesbian that’s... kind of offensive my dude. She literally goes “it’ll be fun for you” vibes to the audience. It’s done EXPRESSLY as a joke for attention presumably from men. It was inappropriate and shouldn’t have happened. Like idc what her sexuality or Ash’s sexuality is. The video is truly mindnumbingly IDIOTIC - like Dumb and Dumber vibes - at best and offensive af at worst.
This was a public platform featuring influential adults. Not a bunch of high school girls experimenting at a party.
She could've and should've just said no - it was her show.
If Ellen pulled that we'd still drag her.
However while I hard disagree on that video I hear some of your other points.
I think the biggest problem with Karlie for me isn't Karlie: it's fanfic Karlie. Like tbh I knew just a touch more about real world Karlie - maybe not even like probs about the same amount but I could easily recognize her - than I did about Joe when I made the blog but I'd been following Kaydom for years.
And I had this mental image of Karlie based on out of context snippets and like headcanons and made up shit. I heard she was a Gold Star lesbian (which I didn't believe really coz she was married to a man but like I figured maybe she heavily leans that way like Cara D), with dyke energy ("boyfriend Karlie"), and that she had a reputation for being a casanova type when she was young, and that she’s unbelievably sexual and sultry and like... raw unharnessed sexual energy.
NONE of that is true.
So I think like that actively annoys me.
Because I watch content of this woman who - sure - could be anywhere from Kinsey 1 to Kinsey 5 (and I have no issue speculating). And what I CANNOT imagine like even for a second is any of the shit Kays spout/spouted about her except maybe sunshine angel.
And I think I knee jerk to that. Because I’m like “are you blind do you have eyeballs how is this fucking boring ass bland vanilla cheerleader who can’t string two sentences together called Klossanova?” Which is wrong and mean of me. I know her awkwardness and STEM brain is relatable to many nerdy girls. I believe she has a strong net positive on the world. I know girls who are shy or awkward about sexuality love her content and it resonates because she’s so unlike anyone else in that industry. But then let’s talk to that?
Not “boyfriend Karlie” or to quote Voldemort “Taylor shouldn’t let her out of her sight” - anyone can let her out of her sight she is a golden retriever she will always come back for love and attention from her partner tbh (so Josh).
At the end of the day a lot of this discussion will always be rooted in stereotypes - we’re speculating about people’s personal lives and have no idea what is in their heads - but like... sure Karlie may be queer. She has never said or implied it tho tbh. She has regularly talked about Josh and boys in general. She has very much claimed a lane of allyship. And she has done so unambiguously not like Tay’s “our pride” and whatnot. She VERY MUCH presents straight - unlike say someone like Dua who probably is but who actively presents fluid or questioning - and has done fucked up shit like the video with Ashley Graham which isn’t phenomenal allyship but okay.
If someone actively presents straight by being hyper femme even in really sporty videos, talks about her boyfriend and boys in general all the time, and makes something like Makeout Fakeout I think it’s fair to seriously question the validity of that person’s gay rumors.
Because some people are straight.
Are some hyper femme people queer?
Is it offensive to - based on stereotypes - not assume that about them? To like... not pick them up on Gaydar because of how fucking incredibly straight they seem? Yeah I think so.
If they come out, that’s incredible and we need to ensure they’re not erased.
But like misreading them as straight isn’t a crime.
For me the Karlie stuff isn’t just that she’s girly. She just... has a straight energy much like Emma Watson and Blake Lively do. I can see Kaylor happening when I see them together but sometimes I think it’s because Taylor would flirt with a fucking tree tbh and it’d ping sexual.
I also think it’s possible Karlie is queer and on the ace spectrum and that’s what I’m picking up.
But like.
The point is Kays have lied about her and yes I overreact to that sometimes and I’m sorry.
I’ll try be better about this.
But I also think calling someone who - by all accounts - identifies as straight and is married to a man and has never ever ever ever and will never confirm her only set of queer rumors straight isn’t erasing femme queers.
It’s literally just saying this woman is probably straight (or at best mostly straight).
I’ll think about this more tho thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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asks (28)
GIG 👍🏼
@justyoungice said: Ever consider writing a multi-chapter fic? Your writing is so good! Been a fan ever since I ventured into this fandom =) 🎈
It happens once in a blue moon, but it’s not my preference. I like my one shots. I did, however, find an unfinished chapter fic a few nights ago that I could be persuaded to post as it is (meaning I probably won’t finish it)
Anonymous said: Am I allowed to say you're really pretty??? 😱😍
Oh thank you friend you are most definitely allowed and in fact encouraged 
Anonymous said: You cute 😚really cute
I am in hearteyes with you anon
Anonymous said: I am LOVING these batfam snippets so much!!!
2017 Amy was very funny wasn’t she?
Anonymous said: Ok but do you remember the time in no man’s land where two-face held a trial in which he was the prosecuting lawyer against himself?
Two-Face be like “I am here to conduct an entirely improper court proceeding”
@wingedskyes said: Okay.. Side q. Did neeb mean Tim as a cup of coffee in space or Tim made of coffee while floating in space? 🤔
When I asked she said only that I would know her intent in my heart 
@cafeamericano10cm said: Congratulations on finishing your exam/class!!
Thank you!!! I’m so relieved to be done
@betterbekind said: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Im so happy for you and hope you treat yourself to something nice for surviving!!! You absolutely rock!
:) :) :D
@nightwing1536 said: Have you ever worked with an artist to make a comic? I’ve seen people do fan art and a page or so of a comic with your stories as the message. But I’m wondering if you ever worked side by side with an artist to make a comic?
nightwing1536 said: Not necessarilyDC but anything
I have! My friend @neebluarts and I did a collaboration project where she produced the most beautiful art in the world to go with a lil comic I wrote. She’s amazing. Here’s the finished project. 
I also did a smaller piece with @kurawastaken where we wrote a fic together, and she drew some pictures for it. You can find that one here. 
@kurawastaken said: Im love ya
K the muse in my soul bears your face
Anonymous said: On that time travel anon's behalf, your "mobile links" link is broken and any pages other than posts/ask/submit are just plain non-existent on the app. Do you have a "for mobile" tag on posts that contain all that info or anything like that? Whatever the link in your description is, it tried to open up my web browser, so I'm guessing it's not internal to Tumblr?
Hmmm the mobile links work for me if I press down for a few seconds, but I think that’s about the best I can do? I’ll do some research and figure it out.
Anonymous said: Thoughts on young justice? If you’ve watched it what did you think about the third season? Is Wally really dead because I’m deep in denial
I love YJ but no, I haven’t watched the 3rd season. I don’t think I have access to it, but I might try to find it now that the hard part of school is done.
Anonymous said: Omgggggg amesss you're gonna be a lawyer (a badass one i bet). Cheers dude!!!!!
That’ll be oh-mother-of-darkness, esquire 
Anonymous said: Congratulations!!!!
I’m over the moon :)
Anonymous said: Hope you’ve been taking time to Relax
I had a pretty chill week, yeah! Been sleeping mostly, and hanging with my online folks
Anonymous said: ⊂ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ⊃ This is Hug Bear. He heard you were having a bad day and had come to offer comfort.
Why thank u hug bear
Anonymous said: hey dude I've been there I cried in my moms arms for an hour the other night because of job hunting difficulties which is hard to face at 25. things will get better for us both so hang in there buddy our time is coming 💕
Ah anon I feel that so hard. Good luck my love
Anonymous said: We're here for you if you need to vent ames
lil kissy face emoji
Anonymous said: I hope you feel better and you’re not getting ship asks again. You’re one of my favorite people on tumblr.
You would think after all this time I could rest but ALAS
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say this last fic with Tim getting angry and venting some of his feelings really hit close to home in a good way and I really love it and thank you!
It seems like that one resonated with a lot of folks, and I’m glad. We all need to scream vicariously sometimes
@chiefqueenenthusiast said: I love your work so much. You let Tim go OFF and I live for it
Thank youuuuu I’m glad you liked it 
Anonymous said: Your Damian and your Tim just seem to *get* each other on a very specific level. It’s something that I love from your writing. It’s probably why they fight so much but it’s also a connection they only have with each other. Tim asking if he was allowed to be mad and Damian immediately saying yes just reminded me of it ❤️
Oh anon I’m getting emotional thank you so much 
@eatthepoison said: I'm not sure if your fics remind me of something musical yet, I need to sit and think about that, BUT your url reminds me of the song Dread in My Heart by Mother Mother. I think maybe because the song has "oh" a lot in it and because of the alliteration of "darkness" and "dread". So like, everytime I see oh mother of darkness my brain always follows up with oh dread in my heart. Idk my head makes leaps sometimes.
eatthepoison said: Also, I'm sorry your feeling frustrated :( if you ever want to talk I always open to listening. I'm not a content creator yet, at least not one big or well known, but I get that it can be overwhelming at times. If its worth anything, i think you're one of the most talented persons in the batfam community. Of all the stuff I've read, your one of the authors I think "damn they fucking NAIL the characterization of the fam every single time like holy shit".
Y’all got me sitting at work thinkin bout all the good things in my life rn. And I know that song! I like it very much
Anonymous said: Such a good little kitty. So cute too!!
She is my darling girl and I love her so much 
Anonymous said: My DC oc , Is a waitress named Jess. Her and Jason met during his brief time in foster care. She's not a superhero or anything , she owns a diner where Jason is welcome anytime, no questions asked and always willing to listen. Banged up or bloody ,doesn't matter. She's good with guns cause how else is she gonna protect herself/business in gotham. She was a teen mom and brings her kid to work with her. She's asian/hispanic, curly hair. That's about it
Hey this is a reminded that I probably will write a few paragraphs for your OC but you do have to DM me about it
Also hella cool OC you got there
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
honestly? I’m so grateful for your mdzs fic, a few nights ago i couldn’t sleep from anxiety and I was scrolling through tumblr just as you updated and I found it incredibly therapeutic to just read and re-read the story. This might be a bit weird but lately fandom stuff has been the only thing keeping me going through college; there’s so much in your fic that I resonate with—so thank you so much for writing and working on it!!
hey anon? this is such a kind thing to say to me thank you so so much. it means the world.
there’s nothing weird about seeking comfort in dark and anxious times
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dilfsdotnet · 5 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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mooncaps · 6 years
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Okay, so shout-outs to the anon (or maybe multiple anons) who told me to read Marcy’s Super Secret Scrapbook. I freaking loved it! I’m also glad I read it at this point and didn’t wait until after the whole series. It makes such a good companion piece to the Stakes mini-series.
The Enchiridion was...not quite as exciting, but still had a couple of neat tidbits. Simon’s notes are nice. The Wizard section was fairly interesting. Some nice lore and world-building. I kind of wish the Bestiarum Vocabulum section had a bit more to it. And I must admit I was slightly disappointed that the Enchiridion did not, in fact, explicitly state that you should not strike a foe who’s raised their bottom to the sky. The Scrapbook is so in line with the mini-series; it would’ve been nice if the Enchiridion could’ve incorporated that as a little nod. They cover their bases with the explanation that there are multiple editions and even strongly imply that Finn’s was an earlier edition, but it still would’ve been neat.
A far more glaring omission is the Empress. Hierophant and the Vampire King are both mentioned in the Scrapbook, but the Empress isn’t. She knew both Marceline and Simon. Marcy had her power of invisibility so she must have staked and absorbed her at some point. My best guess is that the Empress enthralled Simon at a point when Simon was still writing the notes and it was on one of the pages he pulled out before he left. Or maybe Marceline just didn’t write it down for some reason. Or the writers just dropped the ball and didn’t catch this little continuity hiccup.
Those are my general thoughts. I’m also doing the whole images of my some of my favorite stuff interspersed with my reactions and commentary thing, but since this is gonna be an extra-extra long post, I’ve decided to actually use a read more cut this time.
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Marcy and Bonnie talking about Simon in the margins. Give me some of that in the show.
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This is the kind of lore development I like to learn about.
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Does that mean the writers have thoughts about more Shoko development in future episodes and didn’t want to burn up their ideas in the side material?
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International crisis. I mean that was more-or-less implied by the irradiated world, but I like learning more info. Also, he’s already talking about going North. It fits that they paired this with the Scrapbook. The notes follow through for tracking Simon’s progression into madness.
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Sure. Again, kind of vaguely implied already by the series, but nice to know.
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Now all I can think of is “long ago the four nations lived together in harmony...” Thanks to whoever sent that ask.
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I may wanna get these on buttons or patches for my coat to go with the Avatar symbols.
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Not sure what to make of this. I feel like it’s some kind of lore for the show. Maybe something to do with Prismo?
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Hoo boy. Here we go. The feels train is pulling into the station.
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This relationship is just so moving. I’m a sucker for found families.
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More world building. Bring it on.
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Even if Simon’s story hadn’t been tied to Marcy’s, it would still be one of the most interesting parts of the show. And that first paragraph feels like something that should’ve come up in the show by now. They really haven’t explained quite enough about Betty for my liking. Learning that she has a history of studying these kinds of things helps clarify why she’s so willing and able to take the approach she’s been taking.
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After Bonnie and Neddy, I can only assume that this is the Mother Gum in its early days.
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Mmhm. Sure. Matter’s more pliable. I can dig it.
The vibrational talk reminded of that bag of miniature people that Magic Man planted on Finn that one time. And he had to shake them to speak to them on their vibrational plane or whatever. I wonder if that’s ever gonna come back with some kind of added significance.
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Reminds me of when Life kissed Death.
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Wonder if that was a deliberate nod or not.
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This. Relationship.
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Again, I’m glad I read this now. The thing I couldn’t quite puzzle out after Stakes was where Hunson Abadeer fit into things. This is filling in some of the blanks quite nicely.
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You know, after seven seasons of Grob Gob Glob Grod, it was a little jarring to actually see the word “God” here. I’ve got a pretty good recall for character voices, so I could basically hear Tom Kenny saying it as I read it. Of course it makes sense that Simon would have God in his vernacular. Somehow, after the phrase being conspicuously absent for so long, it seems to punch up the impact.
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She celebrates her birthday around the time Simon found her! This precious child!
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Oh, I can hear it in her voice. My heart!
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“I don’t think I’ll ever see him again. Ever.”
There’s no mention of her encountering him again in the scrapbook. I’ve already mentioned the Empress, conspicuous in her absence. And she alludes to other meet-ups in the episode “I Remember You.” I can only assume those meetings take place after the last page of the scrapbook.
I’d love to know more though. I’d love to see her first discovering that Simon’s still alive, but completely insane now. And I’d love to know how we get from this:
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To this:
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There’s so much of the story that’s still untold.
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That moment in Bad Little Boy where Ice King was like “Gob, I’m sorry I doubted your power” kind of takes on a new dimension when you think about how Simon’s from a different time.
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“I hope these bring you comfort now that I’m gone, and remind you that you are loved.”
Just fuck me up, why don’t you?
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“I want to feel her holding me in her arms and hugging me again like that.”
Again, this ties in so well with the Stakes mini-series. This was exactly the right time to read this for maximum emotional resonance.
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Oh, Marcy, you poor, sweet, confused, little angel.
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Well, I wanted to know where Hunson fit into things. Should’ve known it would be bad times.
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Yeah, I can kind of relate to not having a great father but still wondering how much of who you are is from him.
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Deep. Especially at her age. Simon did say she was smart. And of course she had to grow up fast, given that world was a wreck.
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“He didn’t deserve what happened to him.”
I concur.
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I can also kind of relate to giving your not-so-great dad another chance and getting burned again. I suppose it’s not really a shock that I gravitate toward characters who have poor relationships with their fathers.
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I never really gave any thought to how difficult it would’ve been to even find fries at that time. And the fact that it was the first time he stole something specifically from her also gives it a little more weight. Like I’ve said before, it’s hard to tell when something’s just a throwaway gag and when something’s gonna come back later with added perspective and significance. I have to wonder how much they thought about in advance and how much is just them looking back and saying “we can expand on that.”
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There must be at least some of it that they knew they wanted to develop even from the very early stages.
It’s interesting to figure out where Hunson comes into the picture, but I still don’t fully understand all of it. Primarily: How could a human woman see enough merit in Hunson Abadeer that she would want to sleep with him? What stopped him from immediately sucking out her soul? Why was he even on Earth shortly before or during the Great Mushroom War? There’s still a lot of room to grow on here.
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Oh, honey, you’re the most interesting person in this universe.
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“I still hope for a living friend.”
I was kind of hoping I might get the story of how she met Bonnibel, but I guess they’re saving that for the show. Must be after the events in the scrapbook.
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Gimme all the lore. And Marcy wandering through an abandoned sunken mall full of skeletons shouting for Simon is an absolutely heartbreaking thought.
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This angel child deserves nothing but happiness.
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She found a puppy! Ahhh! They’re so precious!
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Yas, Queen!
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This poor girl can just never catch a break.
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This backstory is fantastic.
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RIP, my dude.
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Rise, Marcy the Vampire Slayer.
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Let’s go!
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Oh no, what’s wrong with Schwabl?
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Marcy defending the last of the life on Earth against the scourge of the vampires. I’d seriously watch a whole series of this.
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“Staking vampires, protecting the last remaining humans. It felt like I was protecting you. It was the only thing that brought me happiness during those years.”
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It’s rough watching a character who’s so good go through so much pain.
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No, not the puppy!
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Save the puppy!
Also, that time she almost went feral on Jake was probably really terrible for her because it would have stirred up these memories.
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Another good reason to pair the Enchiridion - and particularly Simon’s notes - with this. Who would’ve thought that Marcy owned it for a time?
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Thank goodness something turned out okay in all of this.
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Wild. So is this Simon and the Crown, or some other force causing it? Does it affect the whole planet, or just the continent Marcy’s on? What about all the humans who were leaving on the boat? Can they survive an ice age? Is it a full “400 really boring years” like in Finn’s wish world? Longer? Shorter? This side material raises at least as many questions as it answers.
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So Simon found the Enchiridion and took notes on it for a while before finally sending it to a museum in Scandinavia just was the international crisis that would become known as the Great Mushroom War was ramping up. Then some wizards found it. Then Marcy found the wizards and took it from them. Now the Enchiridion is with Marcy in hibernation. Then somehow it ends up with a minotaur later and Bubblegum is the one who tells Finn where to get it. There’s another chapter in between there and I feel like it involves both Marceline and Bubblegum. Marcy’s life after the ice age could probably fill another book or two.
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Precious angel child.
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Oh snap, it’s actually written by the people who play Marceline and Hunson.
That was a trip and a half to read. I love the backstory and world building so much. Even in the early episodes I suspected that there must be some kind of substance to this universe for the show to go on for as long as it did. Based on the early stuff though I had lowered my expectations and never imagined that this universe would gain so much depth, complexity, and (above all else) tragedy.
Marceline seems so carefree, but she’s been through SO. MUCH. Most of it while she was still a small child. The people of Ooo are absolutely blessed to have someone like Marceline in their world. And they’re also quite fortunate that her trauma didn’t push her to the full-on dark side. Even after a thousand years of so much confusion and loss, however chaotic she may get, she still has such a good heart.
And wow does reading this ever reinforce my desire for them to figure out a way to save Simon. “He didn’t deserve what happened to him” is so right. Although if it hadn’t happened to him, he never would’ve been able to protect Marcy. He probably would’ve died in the Great Mushroom War like almost everyone else, and Betty would’ve died too. Maybe you could chalk it up to Marcy’s mother’s last prayer being answered or the universe working in mysterious ways or possibly even retrocausality that Simon was able to survive and care for Marcy. Even so, I’m about four seasons beyond ready for the heroes and protagonists to help this poor old man get back the sanity that was stolen from him.
I feel like Finn’s the key somehow. The Crown seems to be possessed by a ghost or spirit. Gunther’s unfinished ghostly business was Evergreen and Evergreen’s unfinished ghostly business was the Catalyst Comet and Finn’s the reincarnation of the Catalyst Comet and all of that’s tied up with the Ice Crown. It seems like there’s some kind of puzzle taking shape there. Betty’s studying psychometric energy, magic, and Glob’s freaking helmet...Glob who was last seen facing off against, once again, the Catalyst Comet.
And just from the Doylist perspective, the writers have been spinning out this tragic tale of Simon Petrikov for a long time and it would be emotionally unsatisfying if they never save this poor man’s mind. I’m worried they might make me wait until the end of the show to fully resolve it though. I was worried for a while that getting his mind back would kill him, but after the events of the episode “Betty” I don’t expect them to take that route.
Simon and Marcy are such tragic characters and I feel for them both. I love learning more about them, even when most of what I learn breaks my heart. The two of them embody so much of what gives this universe its heart and brings it to life.
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