#tad makes me think of these two so much and i'm losing it
ducessaeva · 5 months
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you were a king and his castle, I was every dirty rascal if you asked me for my lighter mate I gave you my fire I'd call as you climbed and I'd catch you every time you fell
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sirfrogsworth · 11 months
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These folks watched a whole ass movie not realizing the main character was transgender and it was a 2 second kiss between men that made them lose their ever-loving minds.
It's amazing to me that if it weren't for those 2 seconds, many of these folks would have given this movie a 4 or 5 star review. But two seconds of the most vanilla, non-sexy, yet genuine and loving kiss somehow ruined every moment of enjoyment the previous 90 minutes brought them.
Imagine if they realized the trans allegory. I wish I had a way to tell them. I wish I had a way to make them realize they related to a trans character. That they rooted for them. That they accidentally empathized with a trans story.
This was a beautiful movie. In every sense. I really hope between this and Spider-Verse, we can have a moratorium on every 3D animated movie using this style of character design.
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It's time to let go of the rubber toy look.
I love Toy Story, but its success kind of doomed 3D animation to never take any risks. I thought maybe it was just a limitation of the medium, and perhaps it was for a time... but after seeing Love Death + Robots and Arcane...
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I realized they can make 3D animation look however the hell they want now.
The rubber people were just risk avoidance.
"That's what people are used to and so we're sticking with it."
But the real beauty of Nimona was the story. I won't spoil it but the plot is pretty much, "If you get to know a trans person, you probably won't hate them anymore."
Not knowing any trans people is one of the biggest factors in anti-trans bigotry. And so this movie uses allegory to let an audience get to know a trans person. And you get to experience someone slowly start to understand what it is to be trans from an outside perspective.
It's sad that will probably be lost on those folks above because all they will remember is the kiss. Seriously, it was such a harmless, mundane, blink-and-you-miss-it kiss. But I'm hoping that others will take the lesson of this movie to heart. That you should get to know people before you judge them.
Part of me does wish we could tell trans stories without allegory. That we could just have overt trans characters. But I think this is the best representation possible right now.
It's crazy that Supergirl was one of the bravest shows as far as modern trans representation. It wasn't an edgy HBO drama trying to push boundaries. It was a family-friendly superhero show and they were just like, "Here is a transgender woman with superpowers and it's fine." And I loved that it was part of the character but it wasn't all the character was. Though I think they just missed the manufactured "moral panic" window where that choice would have been extremely controversial causing boycotts of Warner Bros. and whatnot.
My only complaint about Nimona was a small penis joke. It went by very quickly and many may even miss it. But I was surprised to see it in this movie in particular. Especially since those jokes can have collateral damage toward trans folks. With all of the positive messages, wasting a joke on body shaming was a tad disappointing. I mean, it was a fairly lighthearted "Is it cold in here?" joke. I don't want to make it sound worse than it was. But it still registered on my Richter scale of things that bother me.
Anyway, I wholeheartedly give Nimona a 5 out of 5. It helped me understand my friends on a deeper level and it was warm and funny and entertaining. There was a scene at the end that was so beautiful and heart-wrenching and I was crying my eyes out. The animation and the symbolism and the acting were just so perfect.
It's a shame Disney tried to kill this movie. But I am so glad it was allowed to exist despite that.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
This is more of a problem on Facebook and Twitter, but there are some fellow authors who get a tad... upset when you talk about money and royalty earnings.
Needless to say, my frankness about how royalties work and just how little many of us are earning from our labor has drawn the ire of a few people, even here on Tumblr.hell.
I'm not particularly bothered by this. In my view, they're the same people who won't discuss wages in the workplace because they don't want anyone else to earn what they do. They know the system is unfairly rigged, but they like it that way because they're scared if more people are educated about how things work, they'll lose whatever competitive edge they think they have, thus enforcing the status quo.
Needless to say, I don't care for this view.
I'm very much a "holy shit, two cakes" kind of creator. I also very firmly believe in pulling people up behind me and spreading the wealth of information that was shared freely with me by other like-minded individuals who also believe that the mysteries around publishing are gatekeeping bullshit and everyone deserves the chance to earn money from their creative endeavors, not just the people who can afford to.
Anyway, David Gaughran's 'Let's Get Digital: How To Self-Publish And Why You Should' is an invaluable resource for indie authors and provides great insight into how publishing and distribution work. It is available for free through the retailers listed on his website.
If you don't want to publish exclusively through Amazon, draft2digital.com does global ebook and also paperback distribution. (I've only used it for ebooks, but I'll be trying out their paperback options for my next book.) You can pair it up with a books2read account to create easy-to-post buy links. Draft2Digital also allows for distribution through library lending services like Overdrive. So that's neat. (NB: if you use d2d, you can't use Kindle Unlimited, so be aware of what links you have active and where if you decide to enroll in KU. You can always opt for wide distribution again once your KU time expires.)
D2D also recently partnered with FindawayVoices.com for audiobook distribution. You can find voice actors there, or you can upload your own files if you already have them. You can submit to Audible through them, too, but you'll earn a pittance more if you upload directly through Audible. Findaway also allows for library lending distribution through Libby and several other global equivalents.
If you need ISBNs, you can buy them cheaper in bulk from Bowker at myidentifiers.com
Individual storefront options like Payhip.com and Gumroad.com are also great ways to allow people to buy directly from you, though I soured on Gumroad after the whole NFT thing and their CEO harassing people on Twitter over it. Payhip is now my preferred storefront, and as an added bonus, they calculate VAT in European countries as well, so that's one less thing for me as an indie author to work out. As an added bonus, Payhip can be directly integrated into your author website if you have one. It's a feature I'll be implementing soon.
itch.io also allows for the sale and distribution of ebook files, though I haven't used it yet.
If you don't have the means to hire a cover designer or the means to do it yourself in photoshop, Canva.com has some decent-ish ebook templates. Just make sure the images and fonts you're using have the right licenses for commercial use.
Editing and formatting are also extremely important, though I know not everyone can afford them. If you can, I highly suggest doing so and shelling out extra to have them format your work across mediums. Ebook formatting is different from paperback formatting, and it can look very strange if you just try to format an ebook into a pdf. It is a skill you can teach yourself (plenty of youtube videos) if you really want to, but I prefer to throw money at my editors, who provide formatting as an additional service. Whatever you can afford to do to streamline the process is money well spent.
Also, do not be shy about using affiliate links to sell your work. Authors lose a solid chunk of money to places like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, etc., in distribution fees. Whatever pennies you can scrape back through affiliate links for directing traffic to those sites is hard-earned--and it is literal pennies sometimes. You can also integrate any affiliate links you do have into draft2digital, so they auto-generate, which is handy.
When it comes to paperbacks, BookShop.org offers the best affiliate earnings, and a percentage of the sale goes toward supporting indie bookstores. They do not take that percentage from your earnings, they pay it themselves. Libro.FM is the audiobook equivalent of BookShop.org, and they also give a percentage of sales to supporting indie book stores.
Anyway, I hope that helps someone. Good luck out there.
Also, if you're the person who sent me the irate email about "giving away trade secrets," feel free to die mad about it. 😘
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justatypicalwizard · 7 months
A scrap from your book
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Bakugo x reader, aged up, college! au, quirks don't matter, no warnings, just heartwarming
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Roommate Bakugo who is forced to share a room with you for about three months due to unexpected construction works in the college apartment he occupied. The whole Bakusquad was moved to random rooms. To make it worse they were all shared ones. You agreed to take in a male occupant.
Roommate Bakugo who tries to spend as much time outside of the cramped college room as possible. He feels like he's kinda invading your privacy as well as just finding the whole situation uneasy.
Roommate Bakugo who has to complete a bunch of assignments but the library is packed in the late afternoon hours, the air thick with gossip, stress, sweat and annoyance. Bakugo finally wandered off to the dorm room to find some peace for his work.
Roommate Bakugo who spotts you always turn off your lamp and tune down the brightness on your laptop when he tells you he's going to sleep.
"You don't have to do that." He grunts, already wrapped up in heavy covers.
"I don't mind, you do the same." Because he does.
Roommate Bakugo who walks on you watching a film he loves. At first he just circles the small room mindlessly, more interested in the unwrapping dialogue between his two favourite characters than the laundry he's picking up.
"You wanna watch?" You ask, pausing the movie.
"No. I was going to do my laundry."
"I can wait, I can buy some snacks in the meantime, I was looking for an excuse to do it anyway."
So the two of you ended up finishing the film together, sitting on your bed.
Roommate Bakugo who talks to you more, geting used to the situation faster than he thought he would. You both sit by your desks working on the boring college stuff. He spotted you were trying hard, not slacking around and keeping most of your deadlines. Even if he didn't want to admitt it, he was impressed. Not that he didn't do the same, it's just rare to find a person who actually cares.
Roommate Bakugo who didn't know how to phrase a sentence. He was working on a piece of paper for the last two hours after an intense day of workout and his brain refused to cooperate anymore.
"Can I ask you for a favour?" Your face appeared from behind your laptop screen.
"Depends on what is it."
"I finished a short essay and I wanted to ask if you could read it and tell me if it makes sense."
Might as well take a break to refresh his mind. Bakugo read through the text and came to the conclusion that you were a good writer. A very good writer in fact.
"How would you say that in other words?" He asked after you were happy with your work, your laptop tossed aside as you lay on your bed scrolling through your phone.
You skipped to him, read through the sentence and gave him a paraphrase, one that he wouldn't think of himself.
Roommate Bakugo who was eying you book collection for some time. You had a bunch. When he asked the two of you started talking and in went on and on and on. Finally, you stood up on your bed, the sheets dipping in where you stretched out to reach the highest shelve. Picking out a book you handed it to him.
"My favourite."
So he started to read it.
Roommate Bakugo who got a text from you that you wouldn't be back in the dorms for the night. After a shower he laid down in his bed, shirtless, with your book in hand. It was definitely worth it and he was way past the half already. Suddednly the doors opened only to reveal you, eying him up and down.
"The fuck you doing here?" Suddenly Bakugo felt a tad bit embarassed about his bare chest and lose sweatpants.
"My friend cancelled, sorry, you have someone over?" A small sly grin appeared on yoru lips.
"Jeez no, I'm just half naked."
"I don't mind." You shrugged, throwing your bag on the bed.
And what was that supposed to mean?
Nevermind. Bakugo wanted to get back to the story when he spotted something horrific. His hand gripped a nice chunk of the page, torn out of the book. He must have done it when you startled him with the grand entrance. It was readable as he only torn the cream white but it still looked nasty.
"Shit, I'm sorry." He didn't even look at you, opting on eying the damage, embarassement creaping up his cheeks for destroying someone's else belonging. One of yoru favourite belongings.
You came over, looked at the book and started to laugh.
"What's so fucking funny?" From embarassed Bakugo quickly merged into defensive.
"You look as if you killed my grandma. It's just a book." You saw that it didn't make him feel better, in fact the frown in his brows deepened. "I like my books being used. Lets treat it as a memory of you reading it. Give me the torn piece, please." Your hand reached out and he put the scrap into your open palm.
You skribbled something down on it using a pen fished out of your drawer. When you gave it back to him, the paper read 'Don't stress so much, dummy.'
"You can keep it." A smile brightened your face as you turned around to do other things.
Roommate Bakugo who would never admitt to anyone that he kept that scrap in the back of his phonecase at all times.
Roommate Bakugo who would never admitt to anyone that it took you roughly two months to steal his rock-like heart away.
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fanfiction4sooya · 5 months
Call her now (Karina x Fem!R)
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Just wanted to write something to open my year of writings!! Just had this idea and well... you will know more once you read it. Hope ya'll like it! 💖💖💖
Ps: thanks to each one of you who enjoy my works and engage with it. I really appreciate each one of you babies 🥹💖
cw: fingering, humping, fingering, strapons, a tad bit of voyeurism, yves is here too and she is an asshole, girl on girl action, swearing, aggressiveness, light stalking, possessiveness, nipple play, etc.
You always wondered what exactly what was that girl's job. She came in at the bank you worked for to deposit a lot of cash every week and you just asked for her ID and did the transaction, but those questions ate you alive. It wasn't anything illegal otherwise the bank wouldn't approve her transactions; Stripper? No, the bills are big and strippers usually get smaller ones thrown at them. 'Maybe she works something more expensive...' You thought for the 10th time as she left your work place with a small nod and a charming smile.
You were staring at your computer a week later, a complete wreck since you and your girlfriend broke up and your life turned upside down. She was obsessively trying to talk to you since then, following you everywhere. You were honestly not feeling very safe. but the only way you had was come into work like everyday. You still had to pay your bills after all.
You didn't even realized when Jimin sat down to the other side of your desk, her leather purse full of cash with her as always.
"Good afternoon" Her voice broke you off from your trance, making you slightly jump.
"Oh, jesus" You closed your eyes, startled.
"I didn't mean to scare you" She said. "I've been sitting here for about two minutes and you seemingly didn't see me" Polite and cold as always, but this time she scanned you.
You felt the need to hide from her sharp gaze, run away. You knew you probably looked a mess and you didn't want to appear like that in front of the yoo Jimin.
"Are you okay?" You lowered your eyes, shy as ever and she stared at your buzzing phone. You turned the screen down.
"yes, thank you for asking" You smiled, fixing your glasses on your face and trying your best to keep your composure to 1: not melt at how intensely she was staring at you and 2: not lose it because of the many times your ex has called you since your client was in front of you.
"Bad ending?" Jimin said, once again taking you from your own mind. A simple transaction that supposedly would take less than five minutes was taking way longer.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Your phone buzzed about 6 times already and before you turned your screen down I saw a trash can emoji followed by 'Ex'" She leaned against the chair, her brown overcoat slightly opening and revealing a black leather dress under it. You gulped, looking away. "So I imagine someone is wanting another chance"
"Uh... yeah" You looked at your computer screen again, finishing her transaction. "Apparently she can't take no for an answer" You said, closing your eyes and mentally slapping your forehead. Too much information.
"She?" Jimin smiled, amused. You gave her the deposit receipt and she got up. "Glad to know I have a chance" She smiled, turning away and stopping at your office's door. "Have a good day, Ms" And she left without waiting any response from you.
You spent the rest of your day thinking of what she said. Was it possible? That woman could be described as a doll, an angel, anything but human and well, not that you thought you were ugly but she was another level of pretty. Your phone buzzed again, but this time you picked it up since you were leaving the bank.
"I told you I don't wanna talk to you" You sounded stern but deep down you were scared. Ha Sooyoung could be menacing when she wanted to.
"But I wanna talk to you" You heard her voice loud and clear right behind you. You turned around and of course she was there, leaning against her motorcycle. That fuckboy attitude present as ever.
A few days prior that would be considered attractive, now it just added to how juvenile her mind could be. Looking back she never took you seriously, you were the least on her priorities but you were too enamored with her to realize all that. Only when she broke up with you saying she needed to "get her freedom back" you came back to your senses.
"please baby, why are you being like this?" She stepped forward so fast she caught your hand without you even realizing. "I said I'm sorry, I wasn't in my right mind" Her eyes scanned you, her nostrils slightly moving as she took in your scent. "I miss you in my mouth" She whispered and your legs almost gave up. Sex with her was really good, another reason for you staying with her for so long.
"First of all, take your hands off of me" You gritted your teeth, pulling your hand away from her grip. "Second: I don't care how much you miss me, I am not going back to you because I can't deal with your indecisiveness anymore, so please leave me alone" You tried to turn around but she held you again.
"Are you going to tell me you don't miss me? Me? The one who taught you what pleasure is?" She sounded more like a jerk than ever. "I know your body with the back of my hand baby..." She got really close to you, everyone that passed you two staring a bit. "You can't find anyone better than me" She spat, letting your arm go in a pushing motion.
It hurt your ego more than your arm have her saying that to you, specially because she knew you very young and inexperienced.
"Hello love, I was waiting for you" You heard her voice before seeing her. Out of nowhere jimin had her arm around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. You were on your tippy toes because of the height difference, her lips firm against yours as it lasted a few seconds. She let go of you with a smile and soon you heard the other one clearing her throat. Jimin's eyes darkened a bit, defiant. "Who is this, love?" She continued the act and you knew you were profusely blusehd.
"She is..."
"I am her girlfriend" Yves said, pulling your arm and you pulled it back to make her let go of you.
"Oh, is she the trashy ex we were talking about?" Jimin showed her teeth in an imitation of a smile, 'whispering' to your ear. "Oh yeah, not worth it at all" Loud enough for yves to hear. The woman was so astonished she couldn't even think of a proper reply when the taller woman held your hand and you took off with her, taking you to her car. You knew it was a porsche due to your ex's obsession with those fancy cars.
She opened the door for your surprised self, delicately closing it behind you and going around to enter the vehicle. Turning the engine on she waved goodbye to yves (who still had her jaw dropped) and took off.
You were just so surprised that no sound came out of you for a few minutes as you saw the city in a flash of lights due to her speed. She noticed your surprised face, of course.
"You can breathe now" She said, side eyeing you and your pencil skirt, your glasses on the tip of your nose.
"Oh, yeah..." You finally allowed yourself to move. After a moment of the most awkward silence ever known to men you spoke. "Thank you for that..." You started, looking at her direction for one millisecond before blushing too hard. She was so attractive it was maddening. "You didn't have to lie to cover for me..." Your voice sounded small.
"I didn't lie" She stared at you now, turning her head at your direction with her hand still on the steering wheel.
"What do you mean?" You blurted out.
"I was waiting for you to get off work so I could take you home" She stared ahead. You were silent for a moment, thinking.
"You waited for hours just to take me home?"
"That's insane. Weren't you bored?" You said feeling bad for her waiting for you all that time.
"The thought of you entertained me" She half smiled at you.
"What... You are a natural sweet talker" You said, honestly amazed, trying to sound offended but of course you sounded playful.
"I'm a pro at it, love" She kept staring at the road, her side profile prettier than anything you've ever seen. "My place or yours?"
"W-what?" You gripped the side of your skirt, wetness already seeping through your panties with just that question. Jesus, that woman was hot.
"If you wanna go to your place its understandable, I'll gladly take you there and we can grab dinner another time" Her right hand let go of the steering wheel and she placed it on your thigh, looking intensely in your eyes. "If you come with me to my place we are going to fuck all night and tomorrow I'll drop you off at work if you'd like"
You stared at her for an eternity, a million thoughts going through your mind. You thought of saying no; excuses and excuses flowing through your head. You opened your mouth, her warm hand in your thigh making your panties damp.
"Your place"
The lights turned on as soon as you stepped inside; actually, as soon as she stepped inside because now she had your legs trapped behind her back, her hands holding you by the ass and your clothed core grinding hungrily against her stomach. You moaned against her lips when your back finally met the wall and you could really feel the weight of her body against yours.
Her tongue felt so good against yours it was really insane. How did that woman learn how to kiss like that? You tried to chase her lips again when she moved away from yours, whining when she ghosted them over yours just to teasingly smile. You rolled your eyes, scratching her shoulders under the brown overcoat.
Without much effort she kept her way to her bedroom with you on her lap, still holding tightly on her shoulders. She carefully placed you in her bed, straightening her back to look at you, her head cocked to the side like a curious feline as she measured you up and down. To your beautiful face and swollen lips, a mean smile on her lips.
"Fuck I wanted this so bad, love" She crawled to you, your panties were ruined at this point.
For some reason you didn't feel shy at all; not shy, not nervous... anything. You only felt wanted. No, not wanted. You felt needed.
She swiftly pulled you by the ankles, placing herself between your legs and staring from your face to the wet path on your underwear, a glint of arousal visible on her face too.
"you are so beautiful, fucking hell" You throbbed when she said that, her voice raspy and low as if she was speaking to herself and not entirely to you.
"Says the actual goddess over me" You bit your lip, embarrassingly out of breath.
"yet you never seemed to be interested in me" She pulled you by the nape, kissing you hungrily while unbuttoning your blouse all the way down, her fingertips grazing your tummy and making you whimper. "I usually don't go for anyone but I need to have you" she pushed you again to lay down, her tongue swirling against yours made your pussy throb like crazy.
Her tongue and teeth never stopped their assault on your lips, all you could do was whimper and scratch her arms when she traced her fingers down to your drenched cunt. You gasped when she touched your hard clit over the fabric, biting her lip a little too hard.
"Jimin, oh god" Was all you managed to say when she circled your clit a couple of times, rolling your hips each time they moved.
"yes princess, keep calling my name while I make you feel good" She lowered her assault to your neck, knowingly that would give you at least one hickey, smiling when you held her arm to keep it from going away.
It felt too good, and too much at the same time. You body felt feather like and the way she moaned while her hand kept working on your clit made you start convulsing, not really understanding why the fuck were you already cumming when with your ex you only could do it by penetration and clit stimulation.
"jimin, t-too much" you started saying but she kept rubing your swollen clit, a particularly harsh bite making you tip over the edge, squirting all over your panties and her hand. You kept rolling your hips, coming down from your high. "I've never squirted before..." You knit your eyebrows together, a bit surprised.
"Fuck, that useless asshole never made you squirt?" she devilishly smiled, biting her lower lip. She sat on her heels, pulling her dress over her head, her big breasts fully on display now as she quickly undressed you as well, pulling your dripping panties from you with and audible moan. "fuck now I want you squirting all over me" She kissed your thighs, placing herself between them to kiss your mound.
"No, it's your turn..." Pulling her to kiss you again, you thought how much you wanted that woman to be lost in you. "let me touch you, please. I don't really know how to but I wanna make you feel good" You stared into her brown eyes, her doll like features a bit more prominent from up close. She touched your face with her knuckles and that alone made you melt.
Nine times out of ten you bottomed with your ex, which didn't teach you a lot in the matters of being a top. She understandably nodded, softly smiling at you.
"Of course, love" She kissed you again and now you finally had the chance to do something instead of only let her do them to you. "It's okay, take your time" She patiently cooed and you shivered. That was arousing, oh so fucking hot.
You flipped her to be under you, straddling her hips and moaning against her skin when your boobs touched hers. She rolled her eyes and you quickly realized that was a soft spot for her, so you trailed your way down with your tongue, latching on them.
"oh, fuck" She pulled your hair a bit when your lips connected to her nipple. "Harder princess, no need to be soft with me" Jimin said, giving you directions and you clenched around nothing thinking of how hot that felt one more time.
Just now you understood how patience was something you needed in a partner. That guidance and lack of judgement... It gave you a boost of confidence.
You pulled on her nipple with a soft 'pop' and she whined, her eyebrows knit together as she rolled her eyes.
Her hips rolled on their own against yours and you ended up moaning too, sucking harshly on her right nipple while pinching the other. You started to grind down, her clit and yours perfectly grazing each other on that sinful position. She closed her eyes, tossing her head back and holding your hips to bump her clit on yours better while you kept working on her boobs.
"This feels perfect princess, k-keep going" Jimin managed to say between broken moans, the skin slapping sound loud and clear that somebody was fucking.
You were both so wet you could feel it between your legs every time she pushed your hips up to pull them down again against hers. You felt her tightening her grip. Time went both slow and fast, it was insane how turned on you were even by the lightest of touches coming from her.
"I'm gonna cum in your pussy baby, fuck fuck fuck" She gripped even harder, leaving her hand prints on your hips, deeply breathing with her eyes closed, your shiny eyes looking up at her in the most adorable way ever. You looked down to where you were connected and you could literally see how you both creamed on each other.
Coming down from her high jimin smiled at you, pulling you up for a deep kiss. Your heart was thrumming in your ears, that kiss alone making you feel things you didn't feel for the longest time, maybe never.
"Are you feeling okay?" She kissed your neck with you still straddling her and you hummed in response. "Good" She sat down, kissing your lips even more fervently than before, pushing on hand between your bodies to finally touch your pussy. "You are soaked, love" You rolled your eyes, hugging her shoulders when two of her fingers invaded you in one go. "Let's take care of that, hm?" She touch your spongy spot, pumping her fingers hard in and out of you.
You heard your cellphone buzz inside your purse somewhere but not that it mattered now that the most beautiful woman you've ever laid your eyes on was literally fucking you hard enough to take your breath away.
"Can't she take a hint?" She said through gritted teeth, speeding up her pace.
"She'll stop..."You managed to say between a moan. "Eventually" She rolled her eyes.
"God, her insistence makes me wanna fuck you even more" She bit your lip. "Makes me wanna strap you down just so you can call her while calling my name" She said, knuckles deep inside you.
The temptation was too much, the thought of you doing such dirty thing making you clench viciously on her fingers.
"Oh, you want that" She growled, her fingers going to a full stop as she pulled them out of you, taking both to her lips and sucking it to gather your taste on her tongue. "I won't take long" She kissed you and got up. "Pick up your phone and wait for me with your legs open" She commanded.
"Y-yes, ma'am" She went to her closet and you quickly fished for your phone in your purse. In fact, a few missed calls from Sooyoung.
Jimin came back wearing a harness with a strapon, putting on a condom on the big thing. For safety reasons, you assumed.
"And your phone?" She asked, eyes glued on yours.
"She isn't calling anymore..." You said a bit out of breath when she knelt between your legs pulling you to her and laying on her stomach. Her tongue swirled between your folds and your clit, ripping a gutural moan from you. "Jesus"
"Call her now" She said, slurping on your juices. Her tongue in and out of you while her nose bumped your clit.
You did as she said, gripping on the phone for dear life when she turned you around placing you in all fours for her, holding your hips with one of them to play with your folds with the tip of the strap, slapping your clit a few times to make you jolt. Finally the other side of the line picked up.
"Where the fuck are you?" She practically shouted and finally jimin slipped in taking you by surprise and you did your best to swallow the sinful moan you were about to let out.
"I am not at my ap- fuck" You let out when she gave you a particularly hard thrust, the whole thing slipping inside you.
"You look beautiful like this, baby" She said loud enough for Yves to hear.
"What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck are you? I swear to god-"
Jimin picked up pace pulling you into her, your face completely smashed against the expensive sheets as you babbled some incoherent words. She picked the phone from your hand, never stopping what she was doing.
"Oh, hi" Her voice sounded poisonous, her free hand slapping your ass with force and making you cry out. "She is a bit busy now..."
"Jimin, please" You cried out loudly, completely forgetting anything else, the toy hitting your womb was too much to handle. "Please I'm gonna cum, please don't stop" you bit the back of your fingers, the urge to cry getting stronger by the second every time she pounded you.
"No need to scream, friend" She pulled you by the hair, your body now completely against hers now. "She is mine now, can you hear that?"She lifted the phone while slamming the dick inside your hole to make your moans even more audible for the other woman. "Bye bye" She said to your screaming ex, throwing your phone on the bed and finally hugging you against her. "I knew it was worth the wait..." She licked your ear lobe then your neck, reaching her hand to your clit, thrusting hard as you came screaming, squirting again all over her legs.
She kept the pace, humping the toy up while holding you for a long while. Her embrace felt strong and protective in some way.
Oh you were doomed.
When she finally took it off you fell onto the bed, limp and sweaty and so wet. She took it off, hugging your limp body and pulling you to lay on top of her on her chest and kissing your forehead, then lips taking in your scent.
"Are you feeling okay?" She said after a while.
"I'm feeling light as a feather" You nudged on her neck, feeling somewhat protected. She was warm and passionate and you really liked that. (authors note: Karina is a fire sign after all)
You finally looked around, taking in the luxurious place you were at.
"Can I ask you something?" You said and she hummed. "Don't get me wrong but I've been dying to ask you..." You placed your chin over your hands on her chest, puppy eyes looking up at her. "What do you work with?" You said making her burst out laughing. After a while she finally managed to pull herself together, looking at you.
"I am a professional domme, love" She said and you went 'Oh'. "Does that bother you?" She asked and you quickly shook your head no.
"No that's not it..." You said. "Now I'm just really thinking... are you taking any applications? I could be an intern..." She laughed out loud, caressing your hair.
"Well I am looking for a business partner..." She pulled you in for a kiss. "But you need to take some mandatory classes first" Her tongue swirled against yours and you whimpered. "Are you still interested?" She said, smiling against your lips.
"Oh you can be sure I'll be the best student you've ever had..." You sat again over her pussy, slightly grinding down and you both moaned, searching for that satisfaction one more time.
Your phone buzzed the whole night until it ran out of battery...
807 notes · View notes
jjkeverlast · 2 years
hurts so good | jjk
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-> pairing best friend!jk x reader
-> genre crack and filthy smut
-> summary having jungkook as a best friend had it's cons, for one he complains, a lot. surprisingly he shows up at your door at two in the morning to complain about something incredibly different.
-> word count 4.3k
-> warnings sub!koo, switch!reader, change of perspectives, swearing (a lot of it), handjob, oral (m. receiving), dry humping, grinding, cervix sex, size kink (it’s big dick!jk), reader has a pain kink! no protection (y'all know the drill tho!)
-> authors note! ah... my baby is finally here. i should mention that this will be my last upload while i'm on summer vacation before i return back to school for my last year of studies. so i'll be less active, but fear not! my upcoming projects will arrive sooner or later... just with a longer time gap in between. <3
[btw, i'll edit this later... it's literally 4am so if there's any mistakes i'll take care of it when i wake up!]
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‘’Jungkook? It’s 2 in the morning.’’ You’re shocked to see Jungkook in nothing but a black sweats attire and a pissed off face. 
‘’I need to vent.’’ He reasons. 
‘’At 2 in the fucking morning?’’ Now you’re pissed. The sleepy eyes long forgotten and the 8 hour sleep you were looking forward to all day. You let out a huff, moving aside for Jungkook to enter. He better have a good fucking reason for this shit, you internally think as he comfortably sits on your couch as if it’s his own home. Sure, he carries the best friend title but he really had a thing for being way too comfortable in that department. Which explains him snacking on your unfinished snacks after your movie night — yes, with yourself. 
‘’Hey! Seriously?’’ You snatch the bag of chips, as his mouth is full paired with his doe eyes looking at you in shock. 
‘’I was hungry!’’ It’s muffled, small crumbs of chips flying out of his mouth. Disgusting. 
‘’Just tell me why you’re here so I can go to bed as quickly as possible.’’ You settle the bag of chips beside you as you sit next to him on your living room couch. Jungkook swallows the chips, his annoyed face returning quickly — as if he forgot why he was irritated in the first place. 
‘’Okay, well, Victoria is out of the picture.’’ Victoria as in the woman who’s been involved with Jungkook the last month. They met through one of your friends and quickly they agreed to see each other. You’d heard zero complaints about their relationship, up until now. 
‘’I’m sorry Koo. What happened?’’ Now he’s being really quiet, too quiet for your liking. 
‘’Jeon Jungkook.’’ Your voice is stern and he knows he’s gonna have to speak up now or you’ll kick him out. 
‘’You won’t believe me.’’ 
‘’Try me.’’ His brows raise, noticing you’re quickly losing your patience with him. 
‘’It was because of… of the sex.’’ Sex. A very broad subject in your opinion, having a million reasons why sex can be bad and shakingly good. So for Jungkook to reason sex, your mind immediately thinks that it has something to do with the fact that Victoria didn’t finish while they fucked. Which could be true? You wouldn’t know. Yes, so Jungkook and you were best friends and overshared a tad bit much at times, although sex? Sex was never really on the table of ‘subjects to talk about’. 
‘’Fuck this is gonna sound so wrong.’’ Jungkook grunts, tilting his head back and your thoughts are left on the shelf for now. 
‘’It can’t be that bad.’’ Jungkook makes a noise, stating he’s disagreeing with your comment.You roll your eyes at his childish act. 
‘’Jungkook, if it’s about you not making her finish I will kick you out.’’ You’re serious. If he came to your apartment to complain about not making someone cum at 2 in the morning, he’s gonna join the wolves and god knows whatever lurks in the streets at night. 
‘’It was hurting her. Y/N I fucking hurt her.’’ You’re puzzled, trying to figure out how exactly Jeon Jungkook could be hurting anyone. 
‘’With my fucking dick.’’ It’s silent. The air con noise grows louder in your apartment as you both stare at each other in fright. Did he just say–
‘’Y-your dick?’’ You tilt your head, eyes wide open not having a chance at being closed. He’s nodding slowly and you wheeze — thinking this is some sick joke that he wanted to pull on you. Classic Jeon Jungkook. 
‘’Y/N I’m serious.’’ Your laughter continues on, you almost tearing up as it becomes uncontrollable. As your mind slowly processes the awkward silence from Jungkook's side, you quiet your laughter and listen to what he has to say. 
“It’s because of my- my length.” 
“Length? As in you're big enough to reach her cervix?” You joke playfully, hitting him on the arm as you’d guessed he’d laugh at it but instead?
“Yeah.” You’re speechless.
Your laugh being completely swallowed, taken back by the agreement to your joke. Was he serious? He couldn’t possibly, then that would mean he probably has a big di–
‘’You don’t believe me.’’ You really don’t. 
‘’It’s just hard to believe… that’s all.’’ Jungkook couldn’t possibly. It’s weird for you to even think about. 
“How can I make you believe me? Cause I am seriously struggling with women and this isn’t helping.” He gives you a stern look with a glimpse of urge for help. He’s desperate. 
“Prove it to me.” There’s no words to describe the expression that is currently resting on Jungkook's face. A mix of every expression a person can carry.
“I’m not showing you my dick.” He gives you the obvious tone of ‘you can’t be serious right now’ and crosses his arms as you’re no help to his little situation.
“Then I’m not believing you.” 
“Fine.” You’re both staring into the black TV screen, arms crossed as the silence returns. It’s awkward for once. You were obviously joking about Jungkook showing you his dick — not yourself wanting to see what’s behind his black sweats. As if the thought ever occurred to you of what it looks like…
Okay, so maybe you have. Once. It wasn’t your fault when Victoria had been drunkenly babbling over how big Jungkook was. You didn’t think of it as much, seeing she was in a drunken state. But when Jungkook admits it, you immediately try to shut down the idea that he might be telling the truth. You didn’t want to even begin to imagine how Jungkook is in bed. Is he needy and whiny? Or controlling and grunting? No, seriously Y/N stop. You grunt in annoyance and that catches Jungkook’s attention, watching you bite your lip. He would never admit that you, leaning your head back, your lip tucked in between your teeth is hot. Like really fucking hot. No. You’re his best friend, for seven years to be exact. He can’t possibly find that hot. 
Maybe it was because of the fact that he sought your help after Victoria threw a tantrum at him for having a big dick. It has never occured him to be attracted to you, you had been friends for so long that sex or just anything regarding a sexual situation between you never crossed his mind. When he looks over once again, your eyes now closed, swallowing the silence that's filling the room between you as the tension grows. Maybe it’s only from Jungkook’s side, or maybe yours as well, although he can’t tell what you’re thinking. 
‘’Let’s just forget this okay?’’ You finally speak, with a regretful tone which Jungkook catches too quickly for his liking. He should’ve never found you hot for a split second. It’s wrong. So fucking wrong of him. 
‘’Yeah, okay. I’ll leave.’’ Jungkook rubs his palms against his sweats, trying to calm himself from the ungodly thoughts of you crossing his mind slowly. 
‘’Or–’’ You start off, catching his attention as he turns to meet your eyes, you look tired. ‘’You could– you could stay.’’ He never expected for you to invite him to stay. Sleepovers between the two of you were never involved in your seven year long friendship. Jungkook wanted to stay, and because you proposed made him hopeful. Hopeful in a sense that maybe, just maybe you’ve thought of it too. 
‘’Sure, okay, I’ll stay.’’ He’s hesitant. Are you both going to share a bed? 
‘’You can just sleep on the couch. I’ll get you a duvet.’’ You smile awkwardly, leaving the living room and entering your bedroom while Jungkook feels incredibly stupid. Of course you don’t want him, you’ve never wanted him. He wants to slap his face for letting himself be attracted to you. 
‘’Here.’’ You’re already back, holding the duvet close to you, as you place it on the couch you wish him goodnight and return back to your room. 
As your door closes, Jungkook sighs loudly, falling back against the couch. He’s fucked. It’s fine, he just has to sleep his attraction towards you away. He discards his sweats attire, leaving him in his black Calvin Clein boxers, a personal favorite of his. 
When he finally settles in, covered in your duvet, he catches the smell of you enveloping the fabric. It doesn't help his mind which already has you covering most of it. He tries to shake out of it, turning and at last closing his eyes. 
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After what feels like an hour of tossing and turning, Jungkook comes to the conclusion that he can’t sleep. He wants you, more than he thought he would. He’ll probably hurt you, which is one of the few reasons holding him back from knocking on your door. Also the fact that you are very clear on the best friend scale. 
There’s a lot of risks that would be taken if he stood up and walked towards you, admitting how much he wants you, how desperate he is to let you touch him. All thoughts vanish from him when he comes to conclusion that he’s saying fuck it. He’ll just leave if you don’t feel the same way and burrow himself deep in his bed and never leave until his attraction disappears completely. 
He gets up, throwing the duvet off himself and being met with your white wooden door. His heartbeat is increasing as he urges himself to pull his arm up and form his hand to a knuckle to leave a knock. 
As he’s about to knock, the door flies open and you’re standing in front of him, in nothing but a loose transparent white tee. Your nipples are on display for his eyes and he’s gulping over seeing more of you than he expected. Wait– why are you awake? 
‘’I– I couldn’t sleep.’’ You’re looking down, stealing a quick glance at his bulge which he notices. Do you, do you want him? God the buildup is absolutely killing him. But he tries to control himself, holding himself back from asking you if he can kiss you. 
He clears his throat, ‘’why?’’ You were probably thirsty or maybe the thought of him being here caused you to sleep badly. He felt bad. 
‘’I can’t stop thinking about it.’’ Your posture changes, a dominant demeanor overlapping itself on your shoulders. You’re stern, firm and just plainly honest. Could you be any hotter? 
‘’Thinking about what?’’ You’re smiling, your gaze landing on his silver chain hanging around his neck. With a swift movement you’re hooking a finger around it and pulling him to your lips. Jungkook freezes, his lips feeling warm as they’re covered by yours. He can’t process the fact that you’re kissing him. It feels so right, your chest pressed firmly against his, as he’s able to feel your hardened nipples through the fabric. 
Before your fingers can grab onto his hair, he stops. ‘’Are you sure?’’ You’ve crossed the friendship line, the kiss breaking the scale completely. 
‘’Yes. Let me feel you Koo.’’ Your pleading eyes, and the firm grip your finger has on his chain leaves him dizzy. He lets you, lets you take full control of him. 
‘’Touch me.’’ He catches your smile at his request before you pull him further in the bedroom and guide him to lay down. His heartbeat is going crazy fast, his mind barely being able to comprehend that you’re about to straddle his lap. 
As you position yourself on top of him, a low grunt leaves his lips as the contact between your core and his visible bulge closes. He’s already so hard and you’ve barely touched him. 
Your fingers grab his hair, tenderly running your fingers through the undercut. ‘’I love your hair like this.’’ You compliment as you go back to kiss him, missing the warmth of his mouth already. 
Jungkook is careful with you, wanting to touch you everywhere, run his hand down your spine and feel the warmth of your skin under his palm but he holds himself back. His mind is back to thinking of you hurting, and feeling hurt because of his length. This is a bad idea.
‘’Wait.’’ He holds your shoulders, your hands laid flatly on his chest with a worried expression. 
‘’What’s wrong?’’ You look like someone who’s scared you’ve gone too far and Jungkook feels a tinge of guilt. 
‘’I don’t want to hurt you.’’ He whispers, being careful with his choice of words. 
‘’What if I want it to hurt?’’ You trace your fingers on his chest, drawing them in small circles as his eyes move to your half hidden smirk. 
‘’Just, trust me.’’ Your head falls down on his chest, leaving kisses on his chest and letting your tongue run freely on his exposed skin as he whimpers beneath you. Your tongue feels amazing on him and he gives in, letting you control the situation. 
‘’Okay.’’ Jungkook softly says, your head moving lower towards his abdomen, peppering his skin with kisses and biting gently down to give him a small taste of what awaits him. 
He can sense that you’re being patient, savoring up the moment of having him like this. His body is a canvas for you, to mark, bite and let your mouth run freely on. He wants you to take control, to show him how well you’ll be able to please him as he later on will give you his cock to fill you up. 
‘’This– this feels really good.’’ He mumbles, barely forming a full sentence, too captivated by the feeling of you above him. 
You hum against his skin, seeming more than pleased in hearing his compliment regarding your mouth. You’ve moved longer down, your legs now settled between his as your breath lands hot on his clear hard on. 
Jungkook looks up to see you gawking at him and he grows embarrassed. 
‘’Y/N, stop looking.’’ 
‘’Sorry, you just weren’t kidding.’’ Somehow the answer resolves in you and Jungkook laughing like idiots and him throwing a ‘I told you so’ into the middle of your shared laugh. The laughter soon dies down and the irresistible tension returns to the dark bedroom, the only light coming from the outside lights covering the streets. It’s the only light which helps the both of you in seeing a glimpse of one another. 
‘’Can I?’’ You ask, holding one hand firmly on his hip as your thumb traces on the top of Jungkook’s Calvin Clein boxers. He gulps, nodding as he allows you to take things further. 
You take your time in taking his boxers off, Jungkook can’t help but have his hips shake – reasons being he’s nervous yet thrilled for this to happen. Having his cock on full display for your eyes is nerve wracking, he’d never see this day coming. 
‘’Hey, I’ll be gentle.’’ With that you use your thumb, smearing his leaking pre-cum as he bucks his hips wanting more. Jungkook is infatuated by your touch, becoming more needy for you.
‘’Fuck– your hand feels so soft.’’ He throws in a compliment and surprisingly you go at a faster pace, a sudden moan escaping his lips. Fuck, how are you so good at this? The sensational feeling from your hand has Jungkook closing his eyes, also because he’s nervous to look at you while your hand is wrapped firmly around him. He’s too confused and captivated by you and the pleasure you’re giving him that he still really hasn’t processed what is happening right at this moment. It feels surreal. 
Your thumb traces itself on his tip once again, Jungkook running his hand through his hair as his breathing speeds up, a familiar feeling of release washing over him. Fuck, you haven’t even touched him for long and he’s already thinking of cumming. You, his best friend since he had his awful hair fazes that just never really complimented his features. His best friend since high school, as you both lamely made fun of the PDA couples, who never knew what the word ‘privacy’ meant. He’s too deep in thought, until you suddenly stop. Jungkook hesitantly opens his eyes, using his elbows for support as he now looks at you.
‘’Can I taste you?’’ Jungkook almost chokes at your question. His already fucked out of it state isn’t even hesitant. Fuck he’d love your lips wrapped around him. Your lips look even softer than your hand. The outline of your lips visible for his eyes as the moonlight discreetly shines over them. God, you make him so weak. 
Truth be told, Jungkook doesn’t remember the last time he’s ever been this willing, this open to just anything. But if it includes you? He’s all for it. 
‘’Y-yeah.’’ Fuck, he just stuttered. You probably think he’s being hesitant and–
You gently lick his tip, swirling it around to allow the taste of him to linger itself in your mouth, your hand starts to move again and Jungkook’s mouth falls apart, his eyes watching you. If only you could see how pretty you were as you open wider, inviting more of him. Your mouth feels so warm, so welcoming. He wonders if it’s possible to get addicted to a certain body part, because he’ll for sure mention your mouth if asked. 
‘’God, your mouth.’’ He wants to caress your cheeks softly, as his thumb can feel how well he’s filling your mouth up. Maybe it’s too much… too sentimental. Seeing you’re literally stuffing your face with his cock, your hand stroking what you aren’t able to take. 
Although, he forms a sort of courage and asks you gently, ‘’can I touch you?’’ You let go of his cock with a pop, brows furrowed as if you’re uncertain of where exactly he wants to touch you. 
‘’Okay.’’ Jungkook leans closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as his thumb grazes the top of it. You lean in his touch before you go back down, taking him in your mouth once again. He won’t survive this. No. He won’t survive you. 
He’s almost about to break when his palm feels the bump caused by his cock in your mouth as you bop your head faster, all while Jungkook whines freely — not knowing he’s making you extremely wet by moaning so carelessly. 
It’s not until you use your hand, focusing solely on sucking his tip that he’s almost about to finish. You retrieve before he’s able to, a string of saliva connecting you to his tip as you smile so innocently. Yeah, he’s definitely not surviving you. 
“What are you doing to me?” It isn’t a question, rather a statement towards everything he feels for you in this instant moment. 
You guide yourself back up, lips molding against his. He can taste himself on your tongue and it drives him crazy. He’s almost willing himself to take control — he’s never done or wanted that before, but there’s just something about you which drives him in a completely different direction. 
Should he touch you? Touch you in ways he’s always found appealing but never for him? He’s willing, for you he is. Slowly but surely, he tenderly peppers your neck with kisses, slipping his tongue to run along. He’s startled when you moan so effortlessly. He wants to hear more of you and those heavenly sounds you’re so willing to offer him. 
You begin to move, grinding your clothed core over his bare cock and a rush is sent through him. It’s almost as if he’s gotten you needy now, so needy you couldn’t contain yourself from grinding on top of him — still fully clothed. It feels new, although Jungkook loves it, cause fuck he can feel how wet you are. Did you get this wet by only touching him? 
‘’You’re already so wet.’’ A grunt leaves his lips when you only hum in response, continuing your grinding, almost as if you’re losing yourself completely at the touch of him. 
‘’Fuck, fill me up. I can’t wait anymore.’’ You push him down, hurrying yourself to take your shirt off. Since when did you go from being patient to impatient so fast? He can’t help but feel extremely proud of himself, patting himself mentally on the back. 
But then he’s in tact of what’s happening, you’re about to sit yourself down on his cock and he’s afraid — even though you made it clear you want it to hurt — he just… cares too much about you and the thought of you being in pain because of him doesn’t sit well with him.  
‘’Hey, are you sure? I really don’t want to hurt you.’’ You’re just about to position yourself, freezing in your movement. You’ve probably caught on how afraid he is. 
‘’Koo, I want this. It’s okay.’’ You peck his lips softly, his hold on you loosening to inform you that he trusts you. 
His tip is barely inside of you and a whimper lets itself out of him. Scratch that about your mouth being his favorite body part of yours, your pussy definitely steps on the podium for number one. 
You continue, Jungkook catching the sight of his cock disappearing within you and his breathing starts to quicken. He probably won’t last long, not when you wrap yourself so nicely around him the further you go down. 
‘’Shit—’’ You let out, fully sunk down on him. There’s a tinge of discomfort covering your face but Jungkook forces himself not to worry, you want this, you want him. It’s soon replaced by a smile, as you start bucking your hips, letting yourself settle on him. 
He really takes the time to notice how beautiful your breasts are, looking so delicate. God, he wants to touch them, touch every inch of you. 
He’s reminding himself of the sounds you let out as he placed his lips on your neck, would you react the same way if he latched his lips on your exposed breasts as well? There’s really only one way to find out. Yet he wants to be good for you, letting you use him to make yourself finish. 
You surprise him once again, guiding his hands towards your breasts — as if you knew he was having a tantrum with himself over if he should touch them or not — he was right, they’re incredibly soft. Your nipples perked and good enough to suck but then again, he holds himself back. 
‘’You feel so good.’’ Your words are mostly slurred, too focused on the pleasure — your eyes closed as you run your fingers through Jungkook’s hair — his hair that you like. 
He makes you feel good, you keep reminding him when you mutter it once more as your hips buck at a faster pace. Shit, you really know how to ride him well. 
It’s as if something clicks for Jungkook when you go down to bite his earlobe followed by an angelic whimper. He loses all control of himself. ‘’Fuck–’’ He’s taking control, flipping you around so you’re beneath him, hair sprawled on your pillow and eyes about to pop out of their socket. 
‘’What are you–’’ Jungkook latches his mouth on your hardened nipples, nibbling his tongue softly on them and it was so worth it. They feel so soft against his tongue. Although not as soft as your pussy wrapping itself perfectly around him.
Jungkook feels dizzy, drowning in the feeling of how he’s swallowed by your warmth. Fuck he’d keep himself burried in you forever if he could. 
He starts thrusting, profanities break out from you when the pace quickens. He’s reckless at this point, showing you how much you affect him. 
As the time passes, skin grows hotter, small beads of sweat covering Jungkook’s forehead. You’re both close. He can sense it as you convulse around him which almost leaves him breathless. 
‘’Fuck— it hurts, it hurts so good.’’ With that your body loses its composure beneath him as you come undone. 
It’s something about you making him good about himself, not only him as a person but him in whole. You’ve always been so accepting of whatever bullshit he’s brought upon you. He feels safe around you, your arms wrapped around his form as you run your fingers through his hair. You feel like home. You are his home. 
With a low muttered fuck, Jungkook feels his cock twitch as his hips stutter for one last thrust, filling you up with everything he has. 
His hair covers most of his sight, both of you panting in sync as you try to calm yourselves. When his cock begins to soften, he takes it as a sign to let himself plop down next to you. 
‘’I’ve– I’ve never…’’ Jungkook doesn’t know where to begin. He can’t recognize the person he was right before. 
‘’Taken control?’’ You steal his unspoken words and he turns to see you smiling softly. The moonlight has turned to a chrome yellow, indicating that a sunrise was indeed nearing. Your features have become more prominent for Jungkook’s eyes and your beauty captivates him by an invisible hook. 
‘’Yeah, taken control.’’ 
‘’You should do it more often.’’ It’s an encouragement and it seems to work because the idea of being in control doesn’t faze Jungkook. He loved it. 
It’s been around an hour after Jungkook surprisingly fucked you. You’re both situated in your kitchen. The sunrise covering most of the apartment with it’s golden rays that strike inside the windows from the living room.  
‘’What are you thinking?’’ Jungkook caught onto your frown, indicating you’re thinking about something. 
‘’I’m thinking that… I liked this, what just happened, I really liked it. It felt–’’
‘’Right?’’ He answers for you and you nod. 
‘’I don't want this to be the last time.’’ 
‘’It won’t be.’’ Carefully, Jungkook cups your face, his nose brushing against yours. He really wants to kiss you again. 
‘’Kiss me.’’ You seem impatient, and Jungkook gladly does as you request. 
Maybe, maybe this was always supposed to happen between you. 
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perma taglist;
@gimmethatagustd @sugarwithtea @lvoekook @yoongukie-ff @sxtaep @allorareverz @haliiimede @kookstempo @highly-functioning-mitochondria @here4btsfics @btsarmyakasammy @here4btsfics @pjiminbloomx @shimisushi @jeonqkooks @saweetspoiled @llashn @whoaajo @chaoticabstractism @ruinsofangels @pamzn @hollyweird0 <3
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© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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4K notes · View notes
ashwhowrites · 9 months
Friends to lovers with Eddie and Reader, Reader loves to watch romcom movies, and she always wonders when is she gonna fall in love, and Eddie has been in love with her for the past two years, but he's afraid that she wouldn't feel the same, so he tells Steve and Steve and Robin (and the gang) try to help Eddie in finding out if Reader likes Eddie too, but she's a bit clueless, so that makes it more difficult, until one night at a party at Steve she confess Eddie that she loves him (she started to fall in love some time ago, but she didn't realized that it was love what she felt for Eddie), and he's surprised and doesn't know what to say, and Reader thinks he doesn't loves her and she goes to her house crying, but Eddie goes to her house and he starts to throw rocks in her window and he tells her that he loves her 🩷
Hi! I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it :) thank you for requesting and your patience! 🩷
Just like in the movies
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Eddie wasn't sure what falling in love would feel like, or if he was capable of it. He didn't know much about love or romance at all. Well, until he met his best friend, Y/N. The girl was obsessed with romance movies. And Eddie was forced to watch them with her. He slept through half of the movies, but the ones he stayed awake for he remembered well. He found himself understanding the movie, and he realized he felt everything for the girl next to him.
He fell in love and he had no idea what to do next.
Two years later, he was still trying to figure it out. He had no idea how to say it or how to tell her. He couldn't tell if she felt the same. She never talked about boys, but to be fair he never talked about girls. He wanted to tell her, but he didn't want to lose the one person who always stayed with him.
He did one thing he never thought he'd do in his life....he asked Steve for help.
Steve and Robin's job was to find out how Y/N felt about Eddie and if any feelings were stronger than friendship.
And it turned out to be a lot harder than they thought. She didn't quite understand what they were trying to figure out, just a tad clueless.
"Do you like Eddie?" Steve asked, Robin stood next to him.
"Of course I do, he's my friend." Robin rolled her eyes as Y/N replied. Quick to follow with another question. "Okay, but like more than a friend?"
"Duh! He's my best friend." Y/N said, not understanding what they were asking.
"Okay! But let's say, would you want to date Eddie? Like being in a relationship?" Steve tried but still fell flat.
"I don't think I've ever heard Eddie going on a date or being in a relationship. How would I know if I wanted that if I only knew him as a friend?"
Eddie didn't get any answers that helped him figure her out.
But turns out he didn't need to. And it turns out she was faster than he was at admitting how she felt.
A few weeks later, Steve threw a birthday party for Robin. All their friends lingered in the living room when Y/N pulled Eddie outside.
Eddie had no idea where any of it was going. She stuttered and rambled. He tried to understand where she was taking the conversation but he was getting lost in the wild action of her hands.
Then right at the very end, she muttered out the words that made Eddie's world stop.
"So all of that made me realize I'm in love with you."
Eddie stared at her and she stared right back. Eddie wasn't sure if his brain tricked her words into saying what he wanted to hear or if she truly confessed. He sat there trying to figure it out, not knowing with each minute he was silent, the more she was prepared to run.
"I..." but before he could continue his thought, she raced to her car. Eddie panicked and ran after her but she was faster than him. Eddie cursed himself in the head for never doing sports. She took off before he reached her car.
He quickly raced inside the house to grab his keys, wishing Robin a happy birthday as he went out the door.
He started his van and drove to her house, praying she wasn't going to hide somewhere where he couldn't find her. When he pulled up and saw her car, he was relieved. He quickly got out of his van and knocked on her door. He knocked for what felt like forever, but nothing.
He huffed and went into her yard, searching for which room was hers through the window. Once he found it, he looked around the yard for rocks. Collecting a few pebbles one by one threw them at her window.
Y/N was confused when she heard small cracks against her window. She sat up and followed the sound.
Eddie Munson was throwing rocks at her window, horribly. Half the rocks hit the window and half smacked the house.
"HEY! STOP!" she screamed, a smile on her face as he jumped.
"YOU WOULDN'T OPEN THE DOOR!" he yelled back. Neither cared that they were screaming in the middle of the night.
Eddie shook his head with an apologetic smile and a shrug of his shoulders. "THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY DO IN THE MOVIES."
She rolled her eyes and called him back up to her room, this time going downstairs to open the door.
They settled in her room, and a little bit of silence passed between them before she spoke up.
"So, what are you doing here?" It was a dumb question, she knew why he was here but more silence was killing her.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted back there. I was just so shocked that you felt the same way as me. I've been trying for two years to say how I felt. I wasn't expecting you to beat me to it, or for you to love me back. But I do love you! I love you so much and I'm sorry I've been too chicken to say anything." He confessed, he loved the way it felt like a weight was off of his shoulders. He loved that he wasn't carrying around a big secret anymore.
"You love me too? For two years?" She was surprised. She was shocked he loved her too, but even more shocked that he's been in love with her for the past two years.
"Yeah....I had no idea how to confess it to you. I was really worried I'd scare you off or you wouldn't want to be friends anymore."
"You'd never scare me away, Eddie." She smiled, grabbing his hand as he held it in her lap.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, already leaning in as she moved closer to him.
"I'm happy it didn't take you an additional two years to ask." She joked, smiling as he flicked her nose.
"Whatever." He chuckled, cupping her jaw as he softly placed his lips on hers.
If someone was narrating this part for them, they'd describe how Eddie's body felt like it was on fire and that they both felt electricity as their lips touched.
But this wasn't a movie, it was reality and Eddie was damn grateful for that.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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mellowwillowy · 7 months
HELLO! I’ve been reading life project and I love love love LOVE Yulian! I read the HC and wanted to ask if you could do a small one shot with Yulian x reader in an official party!
Thannk you!!! 🪼🌕
Heyowww 🪼nonnie! Here, have this lil drabble!
—𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 - 𝑳𝑰𝒇𝑬 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 , Yulian
The party was not as extravagant as people pictured it would be. Simple, classy, and laced with poison from all the higher-ups that attended it. Say something wrong and your reputation was doomed to crumble which is why you were only capable of nothing but letting your husband handle all these wolves.
"Dear, I'll be talking with them first. How about you wait here with this?"
Yulian handed you a plate of dessert, your favorite dessert.
"Can't I just tag along?" You questioned him, feeling uneasy at the thought of someone initiating another conversation with you. Yulian could only smile as he patted your back, "Sorry dear, they are a bit tad too old-fashioned, won't be pleased seeing me bragging my delicate lily-of-the-valley to them."
Another talk that you would not even understand and yet he was insistent on making you stay out of it. You nodded and let him leave, focusing yourself on nibbling the dessert instead.
"Hey, you are that infamous lawyer's spouse right?" A man approached you, he appeared to be a bit tipsy.
"I assume you are talking about Yulian? If so then yes."
The man hummed to himself, staring into the distance before asking you again, "Then I assume you've known about the rumors yeah?"
"The rumors! Didn't you know how much money he busted just to keep your little head safe?" The man poked your forehead with his index finger before laughing, "Or perhaps that little head of yours is incapable of even thinking? Too dense to understand anything?"
You swatted the man's hand away in a reserved manner, dismissing his provocations. "I'm afraid rumors are to be distinct as the truth. Why should I believe in such flimsy rumors?"
For the eyes of newcomers, it was nothing but a small dispute. And that was what that man thought of as well. The veterans merely cackled at the sight of you two while second-guessing what would happen to that man. The lightest consequence would be him losing everything he had built.
And yet they waged for the man's forehead to be shot open.
"Dear," a pair of hands put you still, stopping your face from fuming red in anger. "Why bother reasoning with a lowlife? Better yet, why bother talking to him at all? Come, let's get you another refreshment."
You didn't realize. You didn't realize the plate that was originally in your hand had been shattered by your own grip. Since when were you not capable of keeping your emotions in check?
Yulian ushered you away from the man before giving the man a last glance. The crowd dispersed and whispered about the possibilities of that man's fate.
Those who wage for his death won the bet.
The man's body was found with a shot wound by the forehead, his fingers broken and it lost its index finger.
You turned off the TV and slouched down onto the couch.
You shut your eyelids.
Was that the voice in your head speaking again?
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mangogobibiboo · 7 months
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Warnings: children, lost children, screaming, kinda angst not really, very fluff. Let me know if there are more!
MSBY x FEM!reader
leave a comment or a reblog, they are always very appreciated 💕
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Haruto: Age 5
Hinata is a tad absentminded. Don't get me wrong, he is a hawk on and off the court, but he can get a bit distracted at times. 
He gets so excited when focusing on something he loses sight of his surroundings. 
Today had been a great day to go to the park. It was sunny but not too hot and a bit breezy too. 
Hinata had gotten out of practice a little earlier because the gym was going through some repairs.
After picking up Haruto from his babysitter, he decided that it would be a great idea to play some soccer at the park.
They played for about half an hour before taking a water break. Hinata had gotten distracted by a text in the MSBY group chat.
 In the short amount of time, Haruto had managed to wander away.
Now Hinata has a little sister, and I'm sure he must have lost her at some point, so he has some experience.
He is the calmest of all of them because he knows what to do. It's the same thing he used to do with Natsu.
Go to the top of the jungle gym and look for a bit of family face and a mop of fluffy orange hair.
And low and behold, little Haruto was standing in front of an ice cream cart looking around for him.
He hurried down to him and bought three ice creams. 1 for Papa. 1 for Haruto, And one more for Haruto so he doesn't tell Mommy.
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Nanami: Age 8
I love Bo, but don't get me wrong, but thinking about this makes my blood pressure spike.
Like so much yelling, precious eardrums were lost that day.
Bokuto had the day off, so what better way to spend it than to take his little princess on a toy run to the mall.
The plan was to get her some stuff she wanted, get some nerf blasters for a scheduled battle at sunset, and hit the food court before leaving.
The trip goes as planned. They ended up buying a whole kitchen set and a small car to be delivered later. He likes to spoil his little girl. Bokuto walked out of the store carrying a bag with two Nerf guns and another bag with random toys she picked out. 
He swears he only looked away for a second to look at the menu, but by the time she turned to ask Nanami what she wanted, he was gone.
This man panics, asking every person he sees if they've seen "the cutest little girl ever."
He ends up back at the front of the toy store, visibly sweating and beyond stressed.
Then a voice comes on the intercom, "Bokuto Koutaro. Please report to the security office." You see, unlike your husband, your daughter had a calm and collected mind. When she couldn't find her Dad, she remembered what you said and went to ask someone to make an announcement on the intercom.
Manz runs as fast as he can. I mean, that's his little girl. It has to be
After almost suffocating Nanami in hugs and kisses, they finally get food and go home.
By the time you got back, the living was a mess with Nerf darts, pillows, and sofa cushions everywhere.
In your daughter's excitement to tell you how responsible she was today, she didn't see that glare you shot her Dad.
Bo looked like a kicked puppy. 
Yeah, he slept on the couch that night, but not alone. Nanami felt terrible for getting her Dad in trouble, so she cuddled up with him and fell asleep.
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Hideki: Age 6
Mei: Age 11 months
Atsumu is extra at the best of times, and I can't imagine what he would be like his he lost a whole ass person.
Today was a beach day; the season had finally ended, and what better to celebrate than to rent a beach house for a week?
You had decided to stay back because it was too hot that day, and you didn't want to let the baby outside.
Atsumu was actually really happy about this because he hadn't spent much time with his son with practice, and the baby took up most of his time and attention.
This was going to be the best Father-son ever!
They were going to play volleyball for a bit, build a sandcastle, and stop by the store to get some meat for a barbeque before going to the house.
As expected, Hideki had inherited his father's volleyball skills, and those lessons he had been going to were definitely not going to waste.
Atsumu teared up at the thought of his son wearing his jersey one day.
Going on to the sandcastles, Atsumu had left for just a second to fill a bucket up with water, but when he got back, Hideki was gone. 
There weren't many people on the beach, and he was still nowhere to be seen.
When I say this man screamed, I mean her screamed bloody murder; you heard it from the house.
He was thinking frantically about where he might have gone. He ended up running half of the beach and had called the police to report him missing.
Now, just like Nanami, Hideki had a much cooler head than his father, but he could be a little absent-minded.
He had wandered off because he saw something shiny near the cove where they were building their sandcastle. 
After catching breath, Atsumu tried looking around the tide pool again. 
Before, when he yelled, Hideki was too engrossed in a small shark he found in one of the tidepools to notice. By this time, the shark had gone away.
And there was his baby boy squatting down, hugging his knees on a rock while looking into the water.
When Tsumu screamed his name, he almost fell in LOL.
Anyway, queue all the kisses and hugs, the man almost suffocated him.
Then Hideki held up a handful of shiny shells that he picked up to show you and Mei so you wouldn't feel sad because you couldn't come.
Afterward, they picked up some meat and ingredients for side dishes at the store and went home.
But your time together was interrupted by a police officer dropping by to follow up on a missing child report.
Tsumu slept on the couch that night after profusely apologizing to the officer.
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Eichi: Age 4
Ayumi: Age 7
Unfortunately, you were called into work at the last minute and had no way of getting a babysitter in time, which meant the kids would have to spend the day with their Dad at practice.
Eichi and Ayumi took after their Dad in the aspect that they were really good at sticking to a routine. They finished the morning rituals and headed out the door at 10:00 a.m. sharp.
Even with two kids, he is a little clueless about being a dad. Don't get me wrong; he loves them tho.
Anyway, when they get to the gym, he sits them down on the bench near the couches; every water break, he checks in to see if they are okay, makes sure that they eat their snacks and lunches, and makes sure that they stay hydrated.
It was halfway through practice, and there were fewer breaks; the kiddos started to get bored, as kiddos do. They wandered outside for a bit to see if they could find anything to play with.
Ayumi ended up finding some rocks and sticks and convinced her brother to play make-believe as witches. 
And somehow, nobody noticed two little children wander off.
When Sakusa looked over to see that they were gone, everyone was wrapping up to go home, and he freaked out.
Everyone was kind of taken aback by him suddenly screaming their names, but the rest of the team noticed they were gone, too. 
Atsumu and Hinata managed to calm him down and offered to look for them.
After about 20 minutes of unsuccessfully looking around the gym and calling their names, sakusa couldn't have been more stressed.
He stood at the gym entrance, ready to cry, until he remembered hearing Eichi and Ayumi yell about rocks.
He remembered that there was a little garden with a bunch of pretty rocks; he rushes there and finds his two precious babies sleeping under one of the trees, cuddled up under his MSBY jacket.
He carried Eichi while Bokuto helped bring Ayumi. They didn't wake up until you got home, and they just excitedly told you how much fun they had at practice with their Dad and if they could go again.
The kids never even realized they were lost, and Sakusa never mentioned it to you. It could be his little secret. 
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a/N: Lot of my stuff has been fem reader. I will try to be more g/n in my h/c's; please bare with me.
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ktaerssoi · 2 months
same team, different goal
Playing with Iowa definitely has its ups, but also has its downs. Putting aside the fact that you're constantly being compared to your teammates for "encouragement" you're also faced with the fact that the teammate you're being compared to is a women's basketball legend at this point.
Caitlin Clark.
The name never stops bringing some form of hatred when you hear it. Yes, you may be on the same team and be forced into getting along but it's not like it always works well.
"Dude, what are you doing?" You turn to find Caitlin looking at you with an exasperated look, seeming to be a tad annoyed that you were in the gym at the same time as her. "working out Clark, you should try it sometime." You quickly stand up, grabbing your water bottle as you head to a different machine. You hadn't finished your set but at that point, you would rather face that than having to be too close to Caitlin.
Against your attempts to get away from her, she appears to be heading to the treadmill next to you. "what is your problem? I mean, seriously, ever since you got here you've given me no respect." You shrug, turning to look at her as you up the speed of the treadmill to exceed hers. "Well, what have you done that deserves respect?"
She scoffs at that, raising her speed to pass mine. This goes on for a while before we're both sweaty and gross from trying to outdo the other. "Clark just admit I'm better and we can stop this." You let out heavy breaths as you try to keep your pace of almost 17 MPH, your lungs aching from the strain.
"I'm not a liar, I couldn't do that," Caitlin says agitated, as if you were the one who started this (you were). You watch as she leans against the railings, you also witness her footing slip as she gets pulled back by the treadmill and landing on her butt on the cold floor. She doesn't seem to find too much and she sinks into the coolness.
"Gosh Clark, have some class." You let out a sigh of relief as you step off the treadmill, making your way over to where she was on the floor. Kneeling next to her you try to hide the fact that your quads were shaking a little from the weight of standing mixed with the strain you had just put on them, yet you offer Caitlin your hand up anyway. "Says the one who couldn't lose because that would mean diminishing her ginormous ego," Caitlin muttered, yet you were still able to make out the words as you were mere inches away.
You drop her hand suddenly, taking away your support she falters a little before getting a solid stance again. "I don't know why you of all people are talking." You walk away, muttering insults under your breath, fed up with her and her narcissism.
okay chat, i kind of like them idk, should i make a part two where like, they play in a game together?? also please dm me requests for paige 😭 shes so fine but i couldn't think of anything to write okay anyway -kate
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thedo0zyslider · 2 months
Kisses And Holes - 2K Words
Oli has some work to do in Pix's hole, and it goes a little differently then expected.
A03 Link
Oli has a job to do in Pixlriff’s hole.
Not in that way though, that would be a weird thing to start off with. He has a job to do in an actual hole, the bloody big one Pixl is digging out for his project. That hole. Anyone else who thought otherwise needed to get their head out of the gutter, really!
The blonde hummed as he made his way over to his friends base, pickaxe being twirled in his hands idly. He had a vague idea of what he was being asked to do —which was dig—but other than that Oli hadn’t been given many directions. All Pixl had told him was to show up, preferably around noon, and then he would be put to work. It was the wink that had gotten Oli a little curious and excited about this whole ordeal. And just a little nervous as well. For all he knew, Pix had tricked him into mining twenty thousand blocks. Or something else that’s absolutely insane like that.
He gets there quicker than expected. And also without dying or taking much damage, something also unexpected. Oli didn’t have a track record for avoiding either, a few deaths under his belt and the man constantly finding some way to lose hearts. But it seems like today is his lucky day in that regard. The blonde reaches the hole totally unscathed, and circles the area a few times until he sees a familiar spot of blue standing somewhere inside the giant thing.
“Pixlriffs!” He calls out jovially, spotting the man a little ways off, standing in the shallower part of the pit. “My sweet boy!” The man turns his head back in surprise, and a big smile stretches across Oli’s face when their eyes meet; and Pix’s light up upon seeing him.
“Oli! Hello!” He calls back just as happily, watching as the bard makes his way to him; having to parkour on a few things to do so. The hole is a bit of a mess, a bunch of makeshift exists and uneven spaces being dug out, so traversing it is a bit of a hazard. But still, Oli manages to do it, and is standing in front of his friend just as quick as he’d arrived.
“I’m here as requested!” Oli says with a smile, twirling his pickaxe in the air a bit. He would throw it, but he’s not too sure he could catch it. And Oli would like to not die anymore, since Pix using a fate coin on him is what landed him this job in the first place. And he doesn’t want more hours of labor, even if Pix is good company. He has logs to sell and hogs to keep safe! Also, dying by pickaxe would be embarrassing, and he doesn’t even want to know what that chat message would look like.
“Ah, you’re here to pay me back? Like I requested?” Pix almost purrs the sentence out, and, surprisingly, reaches out to tilt the blonde's chin up just a tad. The blonde feels the way his breath hitches, and then Pix’s hand is gone before he can fully process it was there. Or before he can lean into, like he kinda wants to do. Only kinda though, not a lot. He totally doesn’t want to lean into it that much…
“Yep! That's what I'm here for!” Oli says, giving a quick salute. He briefly feels his cheeks heat up, and ignores it. There’s no time for blushing, not when he has work to do! Hours and hours of very important work to do! No time for all of that indeed…
“Good, good!” Pix says, his joyful tone from earlier returning, and the sultry one disappearing into nowhere just as quickly as it had appeared from nowhere. (Oli doesn't think he’s ever heard Pix sound like that before, and he can’t say he’s really against it…it’s quite nice on the ears, and makes him feel all fluttery inside, just a bit…) “I just want you to dig out a chunk, the one over there preferably.” The brunette hums, pointing at little ways off, at a part of the hole that had yet to be touched by many human hands. Expect Pix’s, when he’d needed to chop off the first handful of layers of course.
“I can do that in like, two hours tops!” Oli nods, looking at the area. A chunk sounds like a lot of space to dig out, and certainly looks like it too, but it can’t be too hard! Not with Oli and his master digging skills on the case, it can’t be that hard indeed.
Pix raises an eyebrow, and gives a rather disbelieving huff. Which is bloody rude of him, that is. “All the way to bedrock?” He asks, playfully nudging Oli in the side. The blonde promptly ignores the way his skin seems to burn at the contact.
“Of course!” He says, the confidence very loud in his voice and also very false. He’s pretty sure he can’t get all that done in two hours, maybe a half of it if he’s lucky. And also fast enough. But he’d said he could, he’d committed. And Oli was nothing if not committed to all his bits. And he means all of them.
“Okay then, whatever you say.” Pix sounds greatly amused at his enthusiasm, and maybe even laughs a little bit. “I'll check up on you in an hour or so?” He asks, giving Oli an encouraging clap on the back. And a strong clap too, bloody hell.
“That sounds alright!” Oli confirms with a nod, and Pix gives him another string clap on the back. Once again, he ignores how he blushes and becomes pink at even the slightest contact. The two of them exchange a few words of goodbyes, and then Oli is descending into his friend’s hole, pickaxe in hand and ready to pay Pix back sufficiently; however long that may take. He did have quite a bit to dig, after all.
An hour later, Pix goes to check on Oli. Maybe remove him from his hole while he’s at it, depending on how much of the chunk he’d mined out. Maybe make him stay a bit longer, if Pix feels like he hasn’t been properly paid back. Not that’d he really do that, more so joke about it to see what his friend’s reaction would be. Other than whine and complain. The whining and complaining was guaranteed, It was, rather endearingly, the blonde’s favorite thing to do.
When he gets there, the chunk is not halfway done. Like it should be if Oli could truly do this in two hours, since half of that time is up. Instead only about a third of it is gone, and there’s still clearly a long way down to go. Pix shakes his head at that, a smile gracing his lips despite himself, and he goes to find wherever this fool is digging.
His friend isn’t in eyesight, but there is a small hole leading down. And by small he means like, two by two blocks small. He assumes this must be Oli’s method of digging, whatever it is, and that his friend is maybe hopefully down there. So he cups his hands over his mouth, and hopes his poor miner boy hasn’t gone missing by the time he yells down.
“Oli?” Pix calls down, able to hear his voice echo off the cave’s walls. It takes a moment for his friend to answer back, but his voice is loud and booming once he does.
“Pix! Has it been an hour already!” The blonde calls back up, his voice similarly echoing off the walls. He sounds just as cheery as when he started, if not significantly more worn out. Which serves him right, for all that misplaced confidence earlier, Pix thinks playfully.
“It has!” Pix responds, glad he was right, and that the blonde hadn’t vanished into the vortex that was his base. He didn’t want to add another, more human grave, to his tool graveyard. “You can come up now! You’ve paid me back enough!” He decides the poor guy has done enough digging already, especially under the midday sun, and that this is enough to let him go. Even if it’s so much less than he claimed he could dig.
“Great!” Oli calls back, a speck of his blonde hair now coming within eyesight. Good, he’s not too far down then. “Can I have some help getting outta here!?” That sounds like a bit of whining, something Pixl was fully expecting, and he prepared himself for some silly rant about how horrible his hole was or whatever when the blonde made it back into the open air.
“Of course! I’ll make a staircase!” The brunette calls back, giggling at the whoop of triumph that comes up from the mine. Though, rather comically, as soon as he starts digging the temporary staircase down, his shoe slips on some loose pebble or something. And Pix is sent plummeting straight down into his own hole; landing straight on his rear. There’s a shrill, startled scream, no doubt from the other person stuck down here, and Pix soon finds himself standing up rather disordented, and surrounded but nothing by walls of gray and the occasionally splash of color that is the man in front of him.
Oli makes a startled yelp when he stands, their chests now pressed firmly against each other. Pix is pretty startled as well, and also decently bruised from the fall. But it comes out as a small noise in the back of his throat, the other half of his brain focused on how…close he and Oli now are. How their bodies are flushed right against each other….how close their faces have ended up. It’s an effort to draw his thoughts away from that, to not stare, and refocus himself. Which he does, after probably a few awkward seconds of nothing, most likely. Oli blinks back up at him, all wide eyed like a little owl, and he just can’t help but poke a bit of fun at him in the moment.
“Pretty close there, aren’t we?” Pix says, teasingly. He’s still flustered, sure, but there’s a laugh bubbling up in his chest. Of course they would get stuck in this position, by some number of mistakes and coincidences. Only the two of them could, really.
“It’s a two by two space.” Oli mutters, all the usual spunk gone from his voice. It’s been replaced by something softer, something more embarrassed. One might even call him… flustered by their proximity. Pix feels himself go a little wide-eyed at the realization, and quickly tries to focus on something else; as a distraction. So at least one of them is composed enough to dig them out of here.
He fumbles with his hands for a moment, unsure of what to do with them. Naturally, there’s not a lot of wiggle room down here, leaving them in an uncomfortable position and not a lot of better options. Though, after a few seconds, he ended up placing them gently on Oli’s hips, not seeing a much better option than that. Even if it made their position a lot more…… intimate than it had already been before.
“Really? My hips?” Oli snorts, amused. And also blushing more, pretty noticeably too. Pix tries his hardest not to think about how cute that is, as he has been doing all day.
“It’s either that or I pin you to the wall.” Pix says, a small smirk forming on his face as he speaks. This is an awful predicament to tease the blonde in, but he really can’t help himself today. “Unless you're into that-”
Oli cuts him off with a shriek, one loud enough for anybody above ground to hear. “PIX!” His face looks like a tomato, that’s how red it is. The man is blushing so hard he’s gone and turned into a fruit. A pretty cute fruit, if you ask Pixl anyways.
The brunette can’t help the small laughing fit that hits him, all set off by the smallest of giggles bubbling past his lips. He laughs, again and again, until he’s giggling so hard he has to lean down and press their foreheads together. Oli stares up at him the whole time, seemingly mesmerized, all the way until Pix stops giggling. And when the brunette opens his eyes again, he’s met with starstruck hazel eyes and flushed cheeks, a sight that makes him feel starstruck right in return.
“You’re quite pretty, you know that?” Oli mutters, moving their faces a bit closer despite his embarrassment. His gaze is also not so discreetly flicking downwards, at a certain man’s lips. It’s getting very distracting, that's for sure, and putting a lot of thoughts in that certain someone’s head. Thoughts that you probably shouldn’t be thinking when stuck in a hole with your close friend who you’re maybe also a little into.
Pix feels himself go a little breathless at that, and a red flush starts to coat his own cheeks. “Thanks.” He mumbles, quiet, not needing to be any louder. They were now far too close for that, after all. There’s some sort of delicate peace settling over the two men as well, something warm and familiar, and he doesn’t particularly want to shatter it.
Oli presses bumps their noses together, hazel eyes meeting blue ones in quite the romantic moment, if Pix says so himself. “Are we about to kiss?” The blonde mutters, sounding a little cheeky when he does. A little proud of himself too. Pix wants to wipe that slightly smug look off his face, and can think of many ways to do it at the moment, in the position they're currently stuck in.
“If you want too..” He says, feeling a fond smile dance across his lips. Pix knows he wants to kiss Oli, has for some time now. And yet, despite all his friend’s blushing, is not sure if the feeling is mutual. Though he’s in luck today it seems, because Oli smiles back something warm, and the brunette thinks his heart melts instantly upon the sight of it, right then and there in the terrible two by two hole they're stuck in.
“Mm, good, because I do.” Oli mumbles, and then he’s hesitantly leaning forward the rest of the way. Pix decides to meet him in the middle best he can. Their lips crash together rather eagerly, and he tightens his grip on the blonde’s waist. In some attempt to move him closer, if that’s even possible anymore, of it every part of them that can be touching already is.
Pix hums into the kiss he's given, Oli’s hand cupping his cheek gently. It’s a pretty nice kiss by all standards, and especially by his own. The kiss tastes pleasantly sweet, like strawberries and sugary sakura. It’s what Pix imagines the color pink itself would taste like, if colors could be tasted. Which is fitting, since the man he’s kissing is dressed from head to toe in a light shade of the color, and built everything with it too.
When they pull away, the both of them are a little breathless. Oli looks up at him, incredibly fond as he catches his breath. A fond smile is undoubtedly stretched across his face, and he softly thumbs the brunette’s cheek. Pixl feels himself flush, and knows the look on his face is reflecting the same amount of fondness.
“So, how are we gonna get out of here?” He asks, leaning into the other’s hand. He barely resists the urge to twist his head, and place a delicate kiss on Oli’s palm. But he resists, mostly because he likes being held this way. Though he figures after today, there will be plenty of time to do that.
“I dunno…” Oli hums, feigning thoughtfulness for only a few seconds. He gets straight to what he wants pretty quickly, not being shy about it anymore. Though he’s still blushing like he is, and looking all cute while doing it. “….Do you wanna do that, or kiss me again?”
Pix also fakes thoughtfulness for a second, and hums as if considering his options. Even though he’d have to be insane to turn down that offer, and he’s pretty sure the blonde knows that as well. “I think I’ll be taking the second kiss.”
“Good choice.” Oli puffs, then goes to kiss him again. Pix smiles into it once more, no longer caring that they’re cramped in his hole together. Not when the man in front of him is this wonderful and pretty, and when the kisses he gives taste so sweet. The sweetest he thinks he’s ever had.
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Cheshire's Chase
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《Catlad/Stray x Reader! HEADCANONS》
More Catlad Tim! HEADCANONS! Mini fic at end! Slight Robin Au too!
Tim is obsessed with the Batfamily (Regardless if you are Robin/Vigilante! Reader)
Tim often writes in a small journal about the crime-fighting family!
He looks up to Dick since he met him before at Haley's circus before his parents had became a bit detached.
Jason never met Tim as Robin, but did look up to him! Finding this Robin a tad bit cooler than when the first Robin was taking crooks down.
Nightwing on the other hand babies Catlad when Tim is first starting out! The two would even sneak out from their parents- *ahem* "parental guardians", to get some air and just talk. [Tim just straight-up fanboying and trying to play it cool. He asks questions about Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and etc.
Sighing stupidly at your phone, you felt your cheeks, warm as an oven and your heart all mushy. A small squeal leaves your lips as you twirl about on your way to Wayne manor. A skip in your step without a care in the world as you ring the doorbell.
Instead of Alfred greeting you, Bruce Wayne meets you at the front door. 
"Ah, (Y/N), thank you for arriving in such short notice."
"Of course Mr. Wayne!" You yell, a bit too much excitement in your voice.
The play-boy billionaire eyes you with a questioning look. "Alright.. Well, I must head off now. Alfred and Dick will be back to the manor in a few hours. You know the rules, so I'll be off. Take care of Damien, have a good one!" The CEO waves goodbye as he heads to his garage.
You do a small wave back, soon heading inside the lustrous manor.
Your feet tapping against the cold floor as you wander around the manor for the "baby" you were supposed to be "sitting".
"(L/N)." Damien calls out to you from the stairs to the upstairs bedrooms. Ace and Titus sitting beside him with straightened postures.
You smile at the tiny kid, waving at him to come down. He does so, with a eye-roll and a click of his tongue. The two dogs following behind him like soldiers.
"You seem in good spirits (L/N), more so than usual." The boy said, the two of you outside in the ginormous backyard as you pick up a toy ball for the dogs. 
"Ooohh... Yeah, I-I guess something good did happen today...!" You state, your voice becoming higher pitched and faster. Ignoring Damien's cold stare as you throw the toy ball, Ace runs after it, while Titus looks at his Master for confirmation. Damien nods, smirking a bit at his animal companion as he runs off toward Ace. 
"Well what is it?"
""Scuse me?"
"What made you this "happy" today?" The young Wayne reiterates, petting Ace and Titus once they brought back the ball and another ball?
Where did they find the other one??
"IT-S Uhnnn, teenage stuff, it'll make you SO BOreeed, don't worry about it, kay?!" You grab one of the balls and chuck it so fast and far it flew outside the gardens.
"Damn.. I mean! DANG!" You try to censor yourself, forgetting there was a child present. 
"(L/N), I know what cursing is, your just like Grayson whenever he loses his balance." Damien scoffs, and you chuckle at the oh-so "perfect Garyson" falling on his face whenever he tries to black-flip to impress you and Damien.
"I know, but your still a ity-bity tike! I don't wanna ruin your child like innocence!" You whine dramatically, attempting to go in for a hug as Damien expertly avoids your hug attack.
"Augh, your worse than Garyson!" He hisses, this time changing his route to inside the manor.
"Come on, we need to get that ball back!"
"Fine..!" You groan out, pouting. "But I think it's an accomplishment that I'm worse than him!"
Wandering around the Crest Hill neighborhood, you stare in awe at the pristine houses and ginormous manors and mansions of rich households.
Damien nudged your leg when he noticed the stupid expression on your face.
"You've seen Wayne Manor before, these buildings aren't as amazing. That one over there isn't even old, it's rather plain too."
You eye the one Damien pointed out curiously, "who's home is it?"
Damien shoots you a look, which you could only offer a timid smile.
The boy sighs and names all the residents on the street, explaining to you the reasons he even knew were due to his father's connections with the higher upper-class citizens of Gotham. Most of them attended the charities they frequented.
"The newer building is Drake Manor-"
Damien becomes quiet as he turns around, you following his position.
A familiar teen walks up to the two of you...
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"
Your body trembles in place as you turn around, Damien who notices your frightened stance. Glares at the newcomer that decided to approach the two of you.
"TIM- I-I mean! Hi-! Drake, Tim Drake??" You babble, wanting to find the nearest rock and crush it on your skull.
"Uhm, yeah, that's me.. Why are you in Crest Hill? I thought you... Wait, do you live here?" Tim coughed, realizing his slip up.
"OH-ya see.. I had.. A baby-sitting gig, so that's why I'm here. BU-Ut... No, I don't live here, in this area, or neighborhood."
Tim's eyes don't meet your own, he rubs the back of his neck and apologized for the assumption.
"No! It's fine, really!" You honestly were just more focused on the fact Tim even knew you existed. The two of you didn't really talk with each other, except on the occasional "hi" or nod in greeting when seeing each other. (Which would always light up your day!)
"And the one that does live here is standing beside me." You gestured to Damien, who squares up in front of Tim. 
Not frightened or shy by the lanky looking male in front of him.
"It was nice seeing you, Drake. But we have to keep looking for our ball, excuse us." 
Damien, grabs your hand, trying to tug you away, but you stay rooted on the sidewalk.
"W-well I guess will see each other later?"
" Definitely," Tim said. His slips form into a grin as he walks back to his destination.
"Yeah.." You giggle stupidly. 
Once Tim was out of sight and hearing, you stumble forward as Damien pulls you along.
"Wait! Damien! Calm down! My legs are asleep right now!" You cry out, he ignored you as the two of you find the ball and head back to the manor.
Mini Catlad And Other Batbrats HEADCANONS
Nightwing babies Catlad when first meeting them. Red Hood shoots at him, Robin tried to kill him.
Robin in this Au has a fun rivalry with Catlad, the two often bickering instead of fighting, or both at the same time.
I would like to think Catlad has intentionally flirted with you while babysitting Robin or Damien just to piss off the kid. But I can see that the two respect each other. But won't admit it unless they were both about to die.
"What's wrong?" Catlad smiles evilly at the two of you, or rather, mostly towards Robin. Who seemed fed up with the thief's antics. While you and Damien had decided to go to the museum to check out a new exhibit. (Dick had begged you to take Damien in his steed because of reasons.)
But, the two cat burglars had decided to make an entrance...
Batman was off running after Catwoman, while Robin stood protectively in front of you. Glaring at the cat-themed villain, while you smile at Catlad. Remembering the two of you rendezvous on apartment roof-tops a few days back.
You started to pray for his safety when Robin threw out a flash bomb at your friend.
[Hope you guys enjoyed it! I need to start thinking about making a bat-brats as villain series. Also, hint for the next one, it's gonna be a hoot! Get it?]
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poisonedfate · 3 months
for that prompt list, 71 for merwaine please 😭
i cannot tell you how excited i was to write this!!!! promised myself i would take it slow, but this just seemed so fun that i had to. so. here we are. hope you like it!
71. “Kiss me, quick!”
send me prompts!
They were leaning against a wall, escaping the too-bright sun, Gwaine telling some obnoxious story about how he once had stolen something from a mean-looking yet unbelievably drunk man, just to see how far he would run after him. All Merlin could do was roll his eyes in between laughs, not even bothering to ask for further explanations - he knew the knight would just shrug it off, call it nagging curiosity. Though Merlin was kind of tempted to poke at him, asking just how bored one had to be for such ideas, Gwaine had stopped talking, something changing in his features, eyes turning a little more serious. "Merls, how much do you trust me?" he asked, words quick-paced, gaze wandering, making Merlin just a tad suspicious.
"Uh, how are measuring this, because-," he began to look around himself, struggling to keep his attention on the question. "Would you do what I asked of you?" Merlin looked back at Gwaine, wary, a smile now back on the other's lips. "I, yeah? I- It depends, what-," Gwaine leaned in closer, close enough that Merlin could probably count his eyelashes if he wanted to - not that he was thinking about it, or had thought about it before. The knight was still smiling, but it wasn't reaching his eyes quite like earlier, so Merlin made another attempt at looking around, before: "Merlin," the knight began, quickly glancing to the side, making the warlock shift his focus, and-, "kiss me, quick!" Merlin had just about enough time to give him a look of confusion before Gwaine leaned in even closer, noses touching. "Actually, we can just stay like this, if you don't mind, you don't have to, you know," he was breathing a little heavier, it was barely noticeable, but Merlin was a little desperate to focus on something, anything, so he caught it. Clearly, it did not help him the way he had intended, however, because suddenly he was kissing Gwaine, one hand grabbing at his shirt between them, the other on his cheek. It did not take the other long to respond, melting closer - if that's even possible - before spinning them around so Merlin's back was now to the wall. All the threats in the world couldn't help him remember how long they stayed like that - the rush of Gwaine's words bleeding into the kiss, his arms on Merlin's waist, pulling, the same way Merlin was still pulling at his shirt. Eventually, though, they did part, staring at each other for a moment, still close. By all accounts, Merlin was sure his eyes were more questioning than Gwaine's, even if he had been the one to make the first move. "The man, something, uh, green around his belt, rough looking, scar above his eyebrow, is he still there?" the knight asked, quietly, glancing back at his lips somewhere in the middle of the sentence, almost making Merlin lose his train of thought. He peeked around Gwaine, looking for the man, scanning the people walking by. "Nope, I think you're good," he replied, giving a weak laugh, as he let his head fall back against the wall behind him. "Ah, well, that's good then," Gwaine smiled, teeth and all, before leaning back in and planting another kiss - much shorter this time - on his lips, "thanks." Once the other had moved away, his own back pressed against the wall now too, Merlin turned his head to look at him, clearing his throat: "Do you want to tell me what that was about?" "Just a man that may or may not hold a grudge against me." "A grudge?" he gasped, "Against you? That's just-" Gwaine cut him off by bumping Merlin's shoulder with his own, the two of them laughing. "Don't tell me you were afraid, Gwaine," Merlin pressed. "Oh, Merls, you know I'm a lover, not a fighter," he beamed. Merlin just looked at him, unamused. "Besides, my ribs are kind of sore from training this morning," Gwaine placed a hand on his left side for effect, eyes squinting. "I'm not kissing you next time you want to skip a fight," Merlin replied, without even looking at him, smiling. "That's alright, next time you can kiss me because I've won the fight."
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whitevelvet-ly · 2 years
part 2 or alternative of the trust fall fic,, angst pls pelase e😔🙏
"trust fall...?"
even people who write titles have off days okay HAHA
PAIRING: scaramouche x reader
HEADS UP: gn!reader, angst with comfort because I'm too soft and scared HAHAHAA, can be platonic or romantic, mentions minor injuries and blood, scenario, a tad bit long I can't write short scenarios 👊
A/N: ANOON I'M SORRYE as much as I tried to think I couldn't write for anyone but my boy scara 😭😭😭😭 I didn't start writing angst until recently as well so I'm really hoping that it's to your liking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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you yell, grinning behind him.
"what do you want?"
"trust faaaallll!!— ow!"
...aaand of course he wouldn't catch you. why would he?
scaramouche looks at you with a smirk growing on his face. "trust fall? what's that supposed to be?"
"you know... self-explanatory!" you say, groaning from the impact of the fall.
he sighs, crossing his arms. "it's a boring concept. why would you indul—"
suddenly, a sharp pain throbbed through the side of your knees.
"ow! ouch ow ow—"
"what? what, what happened?"
each wave of pain made you wince. why do smaller wounds always feel so much more painful than bigger ones?
he groans. "see? I told you it was a bad idea." the pain was unbearable for a second, and you had to stay in place for a while.
"the heck..." you mutter, checking on your knee.
archons, it's bleeding, alright...
"...let me see that." he says. it sounded like more of a demand than concern.
"hey, hey!— ow!" you swat his hand away, protecting your knee. "that hurts."
"why are you humans so pathetic?"
somehow, that amplified the pain even more. scaramouche's facade flickered a little, and so he stayed silent, inspecting your wound without touching it.
suddenly, he took your hand and helped forced you up. "hey! seriously... injured 'pathetic human' here!" you mimick, making kunikuzushi shoot you a glare.
"be quiet. just deal with the pain."
he hooks his arm under your arm, attempting to support you to walk.
"what are we doing? where are we going?"
"stop asking. keep walking."
you sigh, yet comply either way.
"...so, does that mean I can't trust you?" you joke.
"I mean... you didn't catch me, after all."
he groans, muttering something abut your stupidity under his breath. "why? you lose faith in me just because I didn't catch you? how disloyal."
"no," you say, starting to worry. "I was just kidding, kuni—"
"fine. I'll catch you, if it means that you'll trust me."
scaramouche was never one to use talking as a solution. if anything, you find it quite hard to figure out his emotions. talking to him is difficult, which often makes you wonder how you two stayed together for such a long time in the first place.
but he still listens to you, and you still deal with his shenanigans.
"we're here." he says, interrupting your thoughts. "oh." you mutter, looking at the small shelter. that was quick...
"what?" he hisses, becoming more irritated than usual.
"what's this?"
"I said: stop asking." you rolled your eyes, and you both walk inside.
when you saw the interior, you gasped rather dramatically. "ooohh!" you say. we're at a doctor's. you grin at scaramouche. he turns away with a scowl on his face in response.
"maybe I shouldn't have brought you here."
"nonsense," you laugh, ruffling his hair to tease him further. "come on, let's go."
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snakeningel · 2 years
Heard you wanted Dracula prompts? how about: Seward suitor squad sandwich. That's it, that's what I've got. Feel free to run with it if you're so inspired.
Arthur Holmwood's Diary, Written in by Quincey P. Morris, October 14th
The sun isn't up yet, so I'll take this time to write. Journalling ain't usually my thing, but some good's gotta come outta this whole vampire mess, and I'm certainly not gonna lose this memory to time or whatever meets us in Varna. Art — if you're reading this, I hope you don't mind I nicked that journal of yours. I don't have one of my own, and I know you well enough that I'm sure you'd want a record of last night too.
The three of us have been through a lot. Probably more adventures than those folks who call themselves blood brothers. We know everything about each other. Art, I know you like to gussy up your animals when you're too worried to think straight, and I've heard that I cling to people when I'm dead asleep. So I don't know why Jack thought we didn't notice him shivering up a storm in that bunk of his. He's always the first one to feel the chill, but Lord forbid the man actually open his mouth to say something about it. Art told me it was something about medical school and blood pressure that got Jack to seal his lips? Some theory about womenfolk being more susceptible to the chill, I think. Now the man would rather let his skin go blue than admit that he needs some warm bodies by his side. But it's not like anyone in this group of ours is inclined to judge anything, and at the very least, Art and I already knew about what the doctor didn't want people to suspect. Mina was even snuggled up, happy as a clam with that husband of hers. The two of them made for such a pretty picture, and I can't think why Jack was so against being like them, all warm and comfortable-like. It's not like he would ever get mad at me though, so I went and cozied up with our darling doctor. That wasn't entirely altruistic on my part. A warm body can help stave off the cold, but the presence of a true, dear friend is more than needed to fight off that darkness that we see ahead. I told Jack as much. The man won't take handouts, but he'd do anything to help his own. He's got a heart as pure as gold beneath all that gloom; besides the professor of his, I can think of no better shepherd of the sick. He held himself stiffly for the first few moments, but soon enough he was melted to my chest like a frozen cold kitten scooped up off of the ground. Art, of course, was not one to be left out, and he was bright enough to see our doctor begin to flush and think of propriety. With the smarts of the hunter he is, he strolled over and laid himself down across our laps, all cat that got the canary like. Jack certainly wasn't going to stand up and cause our lordling to topple to the floor, so the poor lad was trapped between our affections. The darling thinks himself subtle, but both Art and I are sharp enough to notice the relieved smile that curled at the edges of his pretty lips. Even without the threat of someone standing up, Art's position was far too precarious for my liking. So I tugged the two of them back with me, arranging us all on the bed more comfortably than how we had been perching on the edge. It's sweet how Jack flushes whenever I haul him around, but I wasn't inclined to embarrass him further, so I didn't say much to that effect. The three of us have bunked in worse places than a traincar that's just a tad too cold, so we settled quickly enough into a position that's comfortable for all of us. Just as I like to cling with my dear ones in my arms, Jack likes to feel the weight of something solid on both sides of him; spending too long in the realm of the mind probably leaves him needing a reminder of what is solid and real. Art, of course, managed to take up more space than we thought possible, stretching across the two of us like he was making his claim. There was a moment of silent peace, all of us understanding each other without a word shared. But our doctor couldn't stop his buzzing brain, and soon enough he opened his mouth to speak.
"What if-"
It doesn't take the brightest mind to figure out that he was going to let himself discuss only the worst possibilities, so with all the grace that I could never muster, Art rumbled out the sweetest, laziest whine into Jack's chest. That was enough to stop that train of thought in its tracks. The claim that Art holds over our Jack's heartstrings is nothing short of impressive, but they've had decades to grow fond of each other, I suppose. Still, such an efficient shutdown of Jack's overthinking ways did tickle me, so I suppose a chuckle escaped my mouth. Again, our doctor goes red, though I suppose the rumble of my chest against his face sparked some other, better thoughts in his head. I wish he knew that he need only ask, and both Art and I would be happy to do whatever he wished to him. But this isn't time to push; perhaps after we come back from this latest adventure of ours, we'll sit our boy down to run another gauntlet of proposals.
But I'm not keen thinking too far into an uncertain future. There's no point until the evil we're hunting is cold and scattered on the wind. At some point, the warmth and comfort lulled us to sleep; I couldn't tell who went first into that land of rest, but as with all things, those of us left behind wasted no time to follow. That's where Art and Jack still are now, finally getting the rest and comfort we've all been neglecting of late. The train is still rolling along to our destination, and no matter what we face in Varna, I am happy to know that this moment will not slip into the oft-forgotten past. The two of them don't look like they will be stirring anytime soon, so I suppose I will return and join them for as long as they will have me.
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ashes-writing-corner · 8 months
Hey yall I'm back with the most recent update of Ghosts that We Knew! I have a feeling yall are really gonna like this one, but I won't spoil anything!
Trigger warnings for: death mention, near death experience, surgery mention, talk of organ transplant, and general angst from Simon!
Taglist: @stargatenovus
Ghosts that We Knew
Part 6- Nightmares, Jokes, and Revelations
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These things and more haunted your dreams at times. For the last almost two years, your transplant and the news of your partner's death haunted you. Life had really given you a bad hand that year. Your partner was killed in action, and only a few months later you needed a transplant. 
You woke in a cold, heavy panic. The heart inside you beat hard, making your chest ache. You sat up, pushing the blankets down, which made you look at the top of the gnarled scar on your chest. It served as a reminder: someone had to die in order for you to live. 
You closed your eyes tightly and got up, swinging your legs over the edge of your bed with a deep sigh. You tried to calm it, the heart, but nothing seemed to work. You took a breath, held it, then slowly let it out as you started a list. 
"Aquarius…" you started, taking another breath. 
"Aries…" you repeated the process, "cancer…Capricorn…Gemini…"
A few more breaths. "Leo…libra…taurus…"
Ghost watched you from the doorway, curious as to what you were doing. He was in full body mode at this point, sensing something was wrong. He figured out you were, attempting at least, to list the horoscopes in alphabetical order between deep breaths. 
"You forgot Sagittarius, love" his voice sounded so clear that you jumped up, turning to face him. 
This was only the second time you had seen him like this, the second time you had heard his voice. The heart inside you leapt at the sight and sound, but you didn't feel afraid. You knew Ghost would never hurt you, never ever. But still…
That odd Familiar feeling hit the back of your mind. You tried to shrug it off, thinking "yes I know him, he's the ghost that haunts my apartment". 
You stood and just looked in the large mirror on your dresser. You watched him come in from the doorway. You closed your eyes tightly as you heard the lamp on your nightstand click and turn on. 
"I forgot Pisces too…fuck…". 
"Hey, it's alright. You're okay-". 
"No I'm not" you cut him off, hardly caring in the moment if it was rude or not. 
Behind his mask, Ghost frowned. He grew worried, a part of him knowing the root of the problem, but he suppressed it. 
"Talk to me" he told you, sitting on the end of your bed.
You stayed quiet, hesitant to let anything out. Sure there were times when talking to him felt better than therapy but at the same time…there were things you wanted to say, but couldn't. 
"Love…I can't fix it if I don't-"
"This isn't something you can fix. No one can fix this" you sounded so damn defeated, much like he did in his last days. 
His frown deepened. "I can still try. Please talk to me, sweetheart". 
You hesitated still. For someone so imposing and intimidating, his voice was surprisingly soft and tender. It was a tad gruff, but also echoed in your ears not too unpleasantly. It reminded you just a little of your partner, whose picture was now in a new ebony frame on your dresser. 
"People have been telling me that I should be thankful to feel alive" you started, not looking at him, "but they don't get it. To lose your heart, even to something not your fault, like a disease or sickness like I had, it feels like I've lost what made me who I am…". 
You had talked about it in therapy before but saying it to Ghost felt different. It felt even more raw, more real. Your grip on your dresser tightened, your knuckles hurting. You ignored it. Behind you, Ghost stood from the bed to his full height, coming to the left side of your back. 
"I lost what made me special. I lost what my partner loved most about me…and everyone acts like it's nothing" you couldn't bring yourself to look at him, even if it was just in the mirror. 
"That's not true" Ghost told you, a cold hand hovering over yours, "may i?" He asked. 
You just nodded, and he took your hand as best he could. It felt like ice, yet…like a mist on your skin. He continued. 
"You still have it, love. What your partner loved about you, I mean. Believe me, there's a lot to love. You '' he hesitated a moment, hoping he wasn't crossing any lines, "you're a wonderful mother, a good friend, and an excellent baker. You're kind, generous, you care about people and you bring out the best in them. You see beauty and worth where a lot of folks don't. And even if it's not, you make it that way. And that's such a rare thing, love. Everything you want, from your own place to your little Cafe bakery thing…it should be yours. And if I could…I'd have given it all to you". 
"I wouldn't take it. I need to earn that" you retorted. 
"Love, you survived a debilitating illness that would've killed you without a donor, kept strong when you lost your partner, and survived moving to this hellhole. You deserve the world".
You went quiet for a moment. "It just doesn't…always feel like me. Sometimes, Ghost, I just…I don't want to be around anymore". 
You felt a tightening in your hand. 
"I never wanna hear you say that again" he replied with a growl in his tone. 
"But it's true! And most of the time I feel fine! I feel okay! But sometimes…it's just hard, you know?". 
He was quiet again, only slightly loosening his grip on you. 
"Sweetheart…look at me" he told you. 
You shook your head. You didn't want to face him. You didn't want him to see you like this. You weren't weak for feeling like this, you knew but…you had to hold everything together for so long. You couldn't break down, not like this. 
His cold hands went up both your arms, stopping at your shoulders. Your brain went foggy a little as you released the dresser and let him move you so you could face him. His gaze was intense, with a hint of sadness. He understood. Ghost took your hands and gently guided you back to bed, not even having to say anything. 
In that moment, he wasn't the ghost haunting your house. In his eyes, he wasn't Ghost. He was Simon, a man who once, a couple years ago, felt the same way as you did. Those feelings had consumed him and…
Simon shuddered internally. 
He has been a fool. A damn fool for doing what he had done…
Gently, he rested you against him, as best he could. His cold was an odd comfort as he stroked your hair from your face, laying your head on a pillow as he held you.
"A heart's a heavy burden, love. And it's hard enough when it's your own. It's even harder I imagine with someone else's". 
"Someone had to die in order for me to live…". 
"Don't think about it like that". 
"But it's true" you protested. 
"True as it may be, they didn't die because of you. They died FOR you. There's a difference, sweetheart. This…this wasn't your fault. You didn't choose this. And something tells me they didn't either. Did you ever…" Simon hesitated, "did you ever find out about your donor?". 
"No" you answered, "and I don't think I want to. It'll just make it feel worse for me. Like…make it feel even less like mine, if that makes sense". 
"Understandable. But maybe it could bring you some closure. Because lovely, organ donors volunteer to donate their stuff-". 
"I know but…I feel like they just threw mine away and…Ghost…I don't know what they replaced it with, but half the time it feels like…like a beating chunk of lead in my chest. The only reason I'm still here is that little girl asleep across the hall" you admitted sadly, "that's why I fought so hard. I knew that if I died, Ellie would be all alone in this world again. I couldn't do that to her…I have to keep going for her" your voice cracked, "she's all I've got, Ghost".
"And that's a great thing, darling. Whatever reason you have to hold on, that's the best one. You have a reason, and that's the best damn thing. It's okay to be upset, it's okay to feel like everything is different-". 
"My mom, my sister…they all wanted me to just go back to being normal when it was all said and done but I was never normal-"  
"Shhhh don't talk like that, lovey" Ghost whispered in your ear softly, "wanna know what I used to say about normal?". 
"You used to make corny jokes about it?". 
"I would if I knew how. But no, I used to tell those who'd bitch about normalcy to look at it in the dictionary. The dictionary defines normal as anything that isn't abnormal. And it's the other way around for abnormal. Y/N, darling, there's no such thing as normal. It's a stupid, senseless word. Being special or what the fuck ever is overrated in my opinion". 
"That's easy for you to say, you're a ghost" you replied with a slight laugh, "hearing you swear is pretty funny though". 
"I may be a ghost now but…I was a person once. Not too long ago actually. About two years ago". 
You blinked. "Wait, two years ago-"
"Shhhh…don't overthink it, love. Just listen. I was a person once, just like you. And I don't know why but people fail to realize that being a human being is just hard as hell. I always wondered why in the world we always have to be something. What's wrong with not knowing who or what you are or being spontaneous? I heard once that it doesn't matter how you were made or where you came from, but it's what you do with your life that determines who you are". 
You burst out laughing. "You just quoted mewtwo from pokemon".
He was happy you caught on to that. "I did". 
"Didn't take you for a pokemon fan". 
"I wasn't but that was a damn good quote" . 
Your laugh died down a little to a soft giggle. "Might have to change that. We love pokemon in this household". 
He snorted. "Good luck". 
For a dead man, he had never felt so alive as he did in this moment. Laying here with you, only the lamp on while you both laughed about ridiculous things. 
"Hey…I heard your impression of an owl sucks" you said randomly. 
"What?" The statement threw Simon for a loop. 
"Oh my God it really is terrible" you grinned and then laughed a bit. 
It took him a minute. "Fuck…you got me with one". 
"Oh c'mon that was funny". 
Behind the mask, he raised a brow. "I suppose it was". 
"Cmon, tell me a joke". 
"Only if you bake me more muffins in the morning". 
"Blueberry?" You asked. 
"Chocolate actually". 
"Hm…I think that can be arranged. Now c'mon tell me a joke". 
"Okay…why are ghosts terrible liars?". 
"Because everyone can see right through them". 
You laughed like it was the funniest damn thing. Honestly it was a wonder for him to see and hear. 
"It's so lame but I love it…I'm just easily amused, I'm sorry". 
"Nothing wrong with that. Now it's time for you to get some sleep" he pulled the covers carefully over you. 
"Do I have to?" You asked, almost like a little kid. 
"You have a big day tomorrow, looking to finally get your Cafe and all that. You need all the rest you can get" he moved to sit next to you in bed. 
"We're just gonna be looking at the place. What if…what if I miss you?" You asked, looking the ghost in the eyes. 
"I'll stay til you're asleep, love. But this took a lot out of me. I need a bucket load of energy to be able to do this". 
"And if I have another nightmare?". 
He put his hand over yours again. "Then I'll be there to chase it away. Get some rest, sweetheart". 
His touch was cold and yet soothing in an odd way. It was a literal cold comfort. Slowly you closed your eyes and started to fall asleep. When Simon was sure you were asleep, he carefully moved the blanket down to peer at your chest. Not in a dirty way, but he needed confirmation about something. 
There was no way. You were already living in his home, the one he died in. There was no way…no chance in hell…
But he had to know. 
Silent as a shadow, he pulled your shirt down a little to look at the dark massive scar on your chest. Carefully, he set his own hand over it, determined yet nervous to feel the heart beating inside. 
Simon knew this was wrong. He shouldn't have been touching you like this without your knowledge or consent. But he needed to know the truth. 
And in a few beats, he had his answer. 
"Fucking hell…Simon Vincent Riley what the actual fuck have you done to this poor girl?". 
He knew his own heartbeat when he felt it. 
He was your donor. The one you refused to know about. Simon didn't really think of where his parts would end up going, but there was something surreal about this. He always thought his parts would go to some poor saps who needed it. Saps he'd never know. 
But You…you were living in HIS apartment with HIS heart in your chest. It was HIS fault you felt like you lost what was most special about you. Sure being special was overrated but…no one deserved to feel like he did. You didn't deserve to feel like that. 
Simon thought he had done the right thing by being an organ donor. But his manner of death, the feelings that had taken him over in his last moments, that was a burden you now carried.
 A heart, his heart, was a heavy burden that had destroyed him.
And he knew that he'd throw himself into the darkest, deepest depths of hell before he let it do the same to you and Ellie…
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