#tactical oc sunshine
turtle-babe83 · 1 year
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This fabulous piece was created by @knightish-knight who we absolutely adore to bits!!!
Babes, sniper and all around badass on the left. Sunshine (Sunny), safety inspector/laundry bitch and a badass in her own right on the right.
Babes belongs to me and Sunshine belongs to @thelaundrybitch ☀️
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
J and Sunshine
Artwork by @sharpwindow
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Look. At. This.
I'm crying over this picture.
J just hanging out in the laundry room, watching Sunshine as she does her weekly stain removal.
Sharp this is amazing. I can't even tell you how much I appreciate you and your incredible talent 💛☀️
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The last of the modern Tactical Vest Clone Force 99 boys! Featuring Toaster Strudel Echo!
Like OC Timon Chapelle, I went donkey bonkers on the details, because I was stuck on the world’s longest flight and drawing cartoons on my iPad upset Karens 1 + 2 next to me*.
Also, of all of the squad, Echo seems like the type to carry a good chunk of the extra gear. He's the most seasoned and experienced of the bunch.
One of my colleagues at Northwestern University is a biomechanical engineer and sent me a mock-up of what a bionic hand would look like. Easier to draw then a scomp, believe it or not!
Wanna check out the others? They are right here:
Tech with tattoos
Timon Chapelle
Gotta throw the tags: @eyecandyeoz @sued134 @rocicrew @techs-stitches @ilikemymendarkandfictional @anxiouspineapple99 @amalthiaph @freesia-writes @littlefeatherr @vivaislenska @vimse @blitzink @marymunchkiin @merkitty49 @megmca @isthereanechoinhere96 @sunkissedclones @amorfista @moosethren @nika6q @commander-sunshine @shadestepping @wrenkenstein @eclec-tech @eelfuneral @thecoffeelorian
* = Never forget Lisa-from-Omaha and her troll friend Carol on United Airlines. Yeah, I remember you hoes and how mean you guys were to me, my two well behaved daughters, and my husband who just wanted to read Tom Clancy while the girls napped.
“Why are you drawing cartoons?” I don’t know, Carol, why won’t your son give you a grandchild? Is it because you’re too busy hiding under a bridge and yelling at the Billie Goats Gruff? Fuck off.
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beefromanoff · 8 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 2
summary: they arrive at the compound, where some are eager to meet the new girl and others...not so much.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: this got so much more traction than I was expecting with the prologue and chapter one, I tried to get this one up quicker to keep it going! thank you so much for reading, xoxo
chapter list
It turns out that flying on a jet was a hell of a lot faster, and smoother, than flying commercial. Or as a stowaway on a cargo plan. Neither of which Charlotte enjoyed, but sometimes you just have to make do. It was around 7:30am when the jet touched down on a long airstrip in the middle of a vast forest. 
Both women had dozed off during the flight, the pancakes and alcohol lulling them to sleep with the hum of the engine making it nearly impossible to resist. They taxied through down the runway under the cover of the woods before entering a clearing. There was a massive hangar open before them, several different types of aircraft visible through the open garage door. This seemed to be the most corporate of the fleet, with the rest ranging from tactical to full blown heavy artillery. 
Charlotte sat up in her seat, peering out the window. The nerves were hitting her for the first time. She saw a handful of uniformed men and women working in the hangar, performing maintenance on the aircrafts. 
“Good morning sunshine,” Natasha smiled, still tucked under a blanket. 
“Welcome home.” 
When the ramp opened, an eager uniformed man scampered into the cabin. “Agent Romanoff.” He saluted, waiting for her to nod before he continued. “How was the flight? Can I take your bags?” 
“Don’t know, I slept through most of it.” She gestured to the duffel bag and small suitcase Charlotte had retrieved from the hotel before they left. “You can help Ms. Rossi with her bags.” 
Giving a tight-lipped smile, Charlotte followed Natasha down the steps. Unabashedly holding her heels by the straps, Nat strode across the concrete floor to a set of sleek looking doors. Doing her best to ignore the questioning glances, Charlotte kept her eyes straight ahead and followed the one person she knew into unfamiliar territory. 
The doors led to a hallway with elevators to their right. The noise coming from the end let her know the hallway opened up to a larger room, one that sounded like it was already bustling with activity. To her relief, Natasha hit a button on the elevator instead of continuing towards the noise. 
“I’ll show you to your room first. I figured you’d want to get settled in, get cleaned up.” 
“Thanks,” Charlotte nodded. “I think I have glitter in more places than I even knew existed. And I smell like tequila.” 
“There are worse things to smell like.” Natasha grinned as they stepped out into another lobby area. “This is the training side of the compound. The hangars, weapons manufacturing, shooting range, training facilities, it’s all over here. This is where the SHIELD agents work. It’s the more…populated side.” She gestured out the window at a dozen trainees jogging. “They don’t live here. The only ones that do are the ones on the team.” 
“You mean The Avengers?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow. 
“You could say that,” She gave a wry smile. “I prefer to say roommates.” 
They stepped out into the fresh air and Nat pointed out a black ATV. The breeze felt nice on her cheeks as they drove down a paved path across the grounds. The entire thing seemed to be completely secluded, as if it were dropped in the middle of the woods. Charlotte couldn’t even see the entrance to the place. They passed a few smaller buildings, which Natasha dubbed storage and “room to grow”; as well as a beautiful lake off to the left. Marveling at the fog spread across the water, she didn’t realize they’d made it to their destination. 
The building in front of them had a similar exterior to the last one they’d come from. It was gray, very modern looking, though smaller than the training side. This one seemed to be only three or four stories tall, but it extended out over the water with balconies jutting from the higher levels. 
“This is the residential building. Most of us stay here full time, but some of us have rooms at the Tower in New York City, too. You can come next time I go up there, if you want. It’s more peaceful here, though. Personal preference, I guess.” She opened the door for Charlotte to walk through. “First floor is a private training facility, second is storage and a theater room, third and fourth floors are rooms, and the fifth floor is a common area, kitchen, and a meeting room.”
They stepped into another elevator where Natasha punched the button for the fourth floor. “I put you on my floor. Just so you’d have a friendly face.” She paused. “Although, sometimes the team can be a little too friendly in their own right. I don’t see an issue with them warming up to you.” 
The doors slid open and they entered a small common area with doors on every side. Natasha led her to a door on the far wall and gestured for her to enter. “We can set up your keypad in a minute, everything here is print based. Some people had trouble keeping track of their keys.” She rolled her eyes, but Charlotte was too enamored with the room to notice. 
It was plain, just the bare bones of a room, but it was perfect. A big, king-sized bed bathed in sunlight from the window behind it. Large closet and an even bigger bathroom. She dropped her duffel bag on the floor and looked around. 
“You’re welcome to decorate or do whatever you want, it’s all yours.” Natasha smiled as she watched her take everything in. “Here, let’s set up your keypad so I can give you some space. I’ll leave my number, just let me know when you get bored or hungry or feel like socializing.” 
She closed the door behind her, leaving Charlotte to settle in. 
I think this will do. She thought as she sank into the plush bedding. 
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.” Bucky grunted as he slammed his fist into the punching bag. 
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“I did tell you,” Steve protested before being interrupted. 
“No, you told me we found someone with potential HYDRA affiliation. You said the team was working on tracking her down and making contact.” Bucky stopped hitting the bag to snarl his words out. “What you didn’t say was ‘Hey buddy, there’s a chance we found someone kept in the same hellish lab as you and we’re trying to get her to come shack up with us. Oh, and she may or may not have been bred to kill you.’” 
Sighing, Steve sat on the bench next to the sparring ring. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I just didn’t know how to say it.” 
“You mean you didn’t know how I’d take it.” Fists slammed into the bag.
“Well,” He raised an eyebrow. “Is that such a stretch?”
“I think I’m handling it pretty well.” Bucky gave a forced smile as he stepped away from the punching bag, beginning to unwrap his right hand. 
“It was my idea to keep the details under wraps,” Nat’s voice echoed from across the training room as she walked toward them, wet hair darkening the collar of her sweatshirt. “I didn’t mean for it to seem like we were keeping things from you. There’s just so much we don’t know.” 
Bucky frowned. “Seems like there’s quite a bit you do know.” 
“I’ll tell you anything you want.” She smiled, always able to walk the line between cold sarcasm and genuine warmth. 
Natasha took a seat on the bench next to Steve, both of them watching Bucky as he threw the sweaty tape away. He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking. 
“What’s her name?” 
“Charlotte. Charlotte Rossi.” 
“Where’d you find her?”
“Most recently, the high stakes room at the Wynn.” Nat smirked. “Prior to that, I saw some patterns that caught my interest and dug a little further.” 
“I read the file.” Bucky’s face was stoic.
“Do you have any memory of her? Any recollection?” 
His brows knit together, thinking. “No. I don’t remember much from that…from those years. Fragments, maybe. If I saw her face it might, I don’t know, might bring something back.”
Steve watched his friend carefully, looking for any sign of distress. Bucky seemed calm, controlled, albeit a little strained.
“Where is she?”
Bucky nodded slowly. “She’s here…for good?” 
“To be determined. My offer wasn’t exactly for a week’s vacation.” Natasha stood, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t up front with you on this. I promise not to go around you again.” 
“I get it.” He looked at Steve. “I know I don’t have the best track record for handling questionable information.” 
Grinning, Steve stood to join them. “What? You think throwing Sam out of a moving Quinjet because he told you he’d be leading point on the mission was an overreaction?” 
Bucky ran his tongue over his teeth, suppressing a smile. 
“No, totally reasonable.” Nat elbowed him. “Just like when he ripped the arm off of Tony’s last suit because he said Bucky’s arm was a ‘war relic’,”
“Alright, point made,” Bucky groaned, shrugging her hand off and walking towards the door.
Charlotte: is it too late for breakfast? 
Natasha: I know I said there are no stupid questions…..but ;)
Charlotte: music to my ears
Natasha: meet me outside the first floor elevators in 5. 
Charlotte slipped her phone back in her pocket, grinning. Thank God superheroes have a sense of humor. Well, at least one does. She made a mental note to ask if FedEx delivered to the compound, as she was in dire need of an online shopping spree. The majority of her clothes were tailored to Vegas, where she’d taken up residence the past few weeks. With the way she drifted from place to place, it wasn’t uncommon for her to leave an entire wardrobe’s worth of clothes in a hotel closet when she left town. For this trip in particular, she’d brought a few of her absolute favorite dresses, three sets of heels, and two designer bags she’d treated herself to after a particularly lucrative poker win.
Unfortunately, not much of her attire lent itself to casual daytime wear. She had a pair of jeans and trusty white sneakers, and luckily a plain white tank top shoved deep into her suitcase. Unless there was some kind of Avengers’ gift shop on the premises, she’d be repeating this look pretty much daily. 
She made her way to the elevator and when the doors slid open on the first floor, Natasha stood waiting for her. A tall, clean cut blonde man stood next to her, who Charlotte recognized instantly. 
“Hi…” She stepped out cautiously as the duo grinned. 
“Charlotte, you remember Steve.” Nat seemed to be the most amused of all three of them. The man nodded, holding his hand out for her to shake. 
“We were never officially acquainted.” His handshake was firm but his eyes were kind. “Steve Rogers.” 
“Sorry about that,” She pursed her lips. “I thought you were coming after me for my lack of patriotism.” 
Steve chuckled. “From what I’ve heard, you tried to represent our country too. Maybe we’re not so different.” The sharp look Natasha shot him as he referenced her Team USA mishap didn’t go unnoticed. Charlotte didn’t seem to take offense, simply raising an eyebrow as she carefully considered her response. 
“I think I can stick a landing a little better than you.” Her face was blank, but her eyes crinkled at the corners ever so slightly, an almost-smile. 
“I don’t doubt it.” Steve smiled. “Welcome to the compound.” 
“Thanks.” Charlotte kept her eyes on him as he led the trio through the doors. 
Natasha fell into step beside her, showing her unspoken camaraderie. Years of undercover work had honed her ability to read body language and pick up on cues undetectable to anyone else. As she watched Charlotte over the past twenty-four hours, she noticed several things. She was calculated, but not cold. Her humor was dry and she kept a poker face throughout most of her interactions, hints of a smile showing through as she warmed up to someone. She was quick-witted, but seemed to think through her replies thoroughly as she decided if someone was trustworthy or not. A familiar tactic for someone who wasn’t sure who they could rely on. Her persona was confident, relaxed, assured. Her body told another story. 
When she stood, her posture was erect. Her weight was slightly shifted forward on her toes, like someone prepared to cut and run at any moment. She could stand still, facing the person in front of her, but her eyes would flick around to every detail happening around her. She presented herself like a predator, but her behavior was that of prey. 
It made sense. She was taken, put through horrors beyond comprehension at the hands of HYDRA. Prey. She was altered, trained, brainwashed to be an elite fighter, an assassin. Predator. But now? She was somewhere in between. Not quite a predator, not quite prey. 
As Natasha strode down the path towards the main building, she couldn’t help but feel like even Charlotte didn’t know which category she fell into. 
“This is the cafe,” Steve gestured when they walked into the largest building. Charlotte recognized it as another entrance to the same place they’d left earlier that morning. This was where all the noise was coming from. It was a large room, flooded with natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows. There were two dozen circular tables in the middle of the room, most of them empty. A few had small clusters of people in navy blue windbreakers or jackets, all emblazoned with the trademark “A” of the Avengers. There was a kitchen area to the right, a long countertop spanning part of the wall. “They serve three meals here every day, it’s all up for grabs. This is where all the agents and recruits eat while they’re here. We have a kitchen back in our building, but unless one of us feels like cooking, there’s not much more than dry cereal there.” 
They walked towards the kitchen, a few agents pausing as they walked through the room, looking at Charlotte over their clipboards and conversation. Natasha pulled open the door to a commercial sized refrigerator, revealing a massive selection of food. Everything from fresh fruit to Smucker’s PB&J sandwiches. Eyes wide, Charlotte glanced at Natasha. 
“Have at it,” She nodded, grabbing an apple and biting in. 
When they’d sufficiently raided the kitchen, Steve led them out another set of doors to a patio area. To the right, they could see the edge of the lake peeking around the treeline. To the left, there was an open field, the targets on the far end indicating a shooting range. Charlotte lowered her arms and let the barrage of snacks tumble onto the table. 
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“I didn’t think superheroes ate junk food,” She raised an eyebrow, pulling open a bag of mini-donuts. 
“Superheroes don’t, Avengers do.” Nat winked and stole one from the packaging. “Plus, not all of the agents here are combat focused. There are plenty who work in the control room or in tech and engineering and don’t have to give a shit about being mobile.” 
“Well here’s to not being mobile.” She held her chocolate milk in the air and the three of them toasted, just in time for a dozen agents to jog by on the path out in front of them. 
Bucky stood on the path around the lake, hidden under the cover of long morning shadows. He watched as Steve raised his plastic chocolate milk into the air, appearing to cheers with the two women at the table. One was Natasha, the other he assumed was the new girl. Charlotte. 
She was around Natasha’s size, a little more overtly muscular. He could see her toned arms clearly thanks to the tank top she was wearing. They seemed relaxed, talking and laughing. He took a deep breath and looked down at his phone. 
Five Minutes Ago
Steve: Come meet us on the patio by the range. You can meet Charlotte. We’re showing her around. 
Sighing, Bucky shot back a reply before shoving his phone into his pocket. 
Bucky: Sorry - told Sam I’d help him with something. Next time. 
He turned and resumed his run around the lake, going the opposite direction of the compound. Steve glanced up from his phone, brow furrowed, just in time to see black hair disappearing around the treeline.
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
New TLG OC cuz apparently I don’t know when to quit
Makuu’s girlfriend/mate, Ucheshi (charm, humor)
She’s a sweet silly ray of sunshine whose sparring techniques are a bit…different from the other crocs, but they surprisingly work. She’s outgoing, extremely talkative (to the point where she doesn’t shut up easily), and prone to excitement. She’s also very affectionate with her loved ones and loves making others laugh. She prefers to settle things peacefully, but she won’t hesitate to get into a fight if it backfires.
You would think she wouldn’t be Makuu’s type and honestly, Makuu didn’t either. That was until she made him laugh. Then he started noticing how supportive and patient she was and found her…kinda cute. From then on, Makuu developed a soft spot for her and they formed a really wholesome relationship. It’s basically that of Roger and Jessica with the genders swapped cuz we need more silly ladies with absolute catches for a man lmao
-Her battle tactic is looking weak and acting like a damsel in distress, then defeating her opponent when their guard is down. She’s perfectly capable of defending herself
-She also just so happens to be Kiburi’s little sister so that’s fun
Could you imagine his reaction when he learns that Ucheshi and Makuu are dating?
“Course I’m gonna have a problem when MY RIVAL IS DATING MY LITTLE SISTER-”
-Speaking of which, Kiburi’s actions during “Let Sleeping Crocs Lie” hurt her immensely and caused a rift between them. He wasn’t the same big brother she knew and loved. He was completely different. Last time she ever saw him in the Pridelands was when he was heading to the Outlands with the others. They locked eyes for a moment, she turned away in shame, and that was that. They talked once during Season 2 in an effort to get Kiburi to change his ways, but he unfortunately was too far gone. This led to a fight (the argument kind) where they each said things they regret and haven’t spoken since.
-Having said that, Kiburi is still her brother and she loves him. He may want to hurt Makuu and take over the Pridelands, but she knows damn well he would never hurt her. While he does find her annoying, he’ll protect her with his life. They eventually start talking again and while it takes some time (and a little journey to Udugu), they decide to leave the past in the past and she forgives him
-Unlike Makuu and Kiburi, she has no problem with Hukumu and her float. In fact, they become pretty good friends! They’ll usually have a chat or take a little walk while the boys keep fighting lmao
-She’s a mentor figure to Chama, Mzaha, and Furaha. And by that, I mean a mentor of fun. She’s the kind of person (animal) who’s like “Are you doing that ridiculous dust joke….without me???”. They have so much respect for her hfhfgf
-She was the only croc willing to let Hodari into the float cuz she found him outright adorable. While the other females just rolled their eyes, Ucheshi was like 😃😃😃😃😃. When Hodari’s song was finished, she actually started thumping her tail (but stopped once she realized everyone else was laughing). Now that he’s an honorary croc, she treats him like her son. Loves the little guy to bits
And here’s a bonus quote since I couldn’t resist:
Makuu: I want my potential mate to be a brave, strong, intelligent, independent warrior
Ucheshi: *having a fun splashing match with Mzaha, Furaha, and Chama, laughing*
Makuu: ….That one. I want that one.
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beelzebuddy-catan · 7 months
The Not Entirely Human-Human Exchange Student pt. 14
Summary: The brothers finally learn about Nephilim and Diavolo's next idea for peace between the three realms. The more Cass learns about the history between Demons and Nephilim, however, the harder that peace seems. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of other Spoilers: Up through Lesson 17 Characters: Cass (OC), Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos, and various OCs. Previous Part • Next Part
“Holy shit,” Psi breathed, standing a bit straighter upon seeing Levi. “Is that Grand Admiral Leviathan?”  
Cass glanced between Levi’s retreating form and Psi, confused by the reaction. “Um, yeah? Do you know him?”  
“Not personally. Huge fan though,” Psi answered, eyes not leaving Levi. Hera watched for a minute before faking a cough and mumbling nerd. “Are you kidding? He’s the highest-ranking officer in Hell’s Navy. His tactical knowledge and strategizing ability are unparalleled.”  
Cass and Hera shared a look of disbelief. Hera’s face was more mocking her longtime friend sudden enthusiasm whereas Cass was still trying to picture the Levi she’d come to know being someone’s idol.  
“Do you want me to introduce you?” Psi’s eyes lit up at her question and he nodded ecstatically. “Okay, but forewarning, he’s kind of an introvert and self-conscious, so dial back.”  
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Both Belphie and Cass were returning to classes on the same day. Apart from Lucifer not being at the table scolding them over his cup of coffee, it was a surprisingly regular morning. Mammon and Asmo were talking about an upcoming event at the Fall while Satan scolded Levi on staying up too late. Beel kept sneaking food off Levi’s plate when no one was looking.  
Anything normal about the morning came to an abrupt halt when a yawning Belphie stumbled into the dining room. He unceremoniously dropped into the chair next to Beel slowly blinking as he picked up a piece of toast. Everyone silently watched his actions.  
“Morning, sunshine,” Cass said, trying to break the tension.  
Belphie hummed in response, taking a bite of toast. He moved, extending his arm away from Beel to prevent him from eating the rest. Belphie rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, either ignoring the silence or not noticing it.  
“Did ya have trouble sleepin’ or something?” Mammon asked cautiously.  
“No?” Belphie answered, mouth full.  
“You’re up early.”  
“No, he isn’t,” Beel corrected Satan. “He barely has time to eat breakfast before our meeting.”  
“Oh, right!” Levi said, jumping out of his seat. “I totally forgot we have a council meeting this morning. I’m going to get going so I’m not late.”  
“I’ll go with you,” Asmo nodded as he stood.  
Mammon and Satan quickly followed suit. Even Beel cast a cautious glance at Belphie then said he’d join the others. Before leaving the room, Levi turned back to look at Cass. The other brothers’ gaze landed on her, as if they expected her to get up to.  
“You all go ahead. I’ll hang back and walk with Belphie.” Not one of the brothers moved when she said that. “What’s he going to do, kill me?”  
The five middle brothers stared at her in horror. Belphie snorted into his cup, quickly trying to cover the laugh with a cough. Cass beamed, finally glad one of the brothers found the joke funny, especially since these seven were the only ones who had attempted to kill her so far.  
“Sorry,” Belphie muttered when all of them glared at him in response.  
“Don’t be, it was a funny joke. They’re just a bunch of lame asses,” Cass answered, taking a sip of her coffee. 
“The joke ain’t funny when he actually tried.”  
Cass glared at Mammon before taking a deep breath and giving the appropriate brother a pointed look. “Ten cents.” Mammon’s mouth slammed shut. “A trivia game.” Levi grimaced. “A dessert.” Beel pouted, his hand going to his stomach. “An insult when you were harassing me.” Asmo looked heartbroken but didn’t look away like the others. “Autonomy.” Satan’s eyes narrowed before he turned his head in frustration. “Am I not allowed to hang out with anyone in this house?”  
Only after Cass pointed at the door and yelled go, did they leave her and Belphie alone. The youngest looked mildly impressed but quickly masked it. He finished his food in silence while Cass continued scrolling on her phone.  
Finally, unable to take the silence, he spoke, “you should hate me.”  
“I know.”  
“Why don’t you?”  
“Who said I didn’t?” Cass set her phone down to appraise him before sighing. “Honestly, I wish I did, but feelings aren’t exactly something you choose. I mean, you hated humans. Look where that got us.”  
“Are you always like this? I mean, how are you so fucking blasé about everything that’s happened? Even if you don’t hate me. Most people would at least be afraid of me, especially after what I did.”  
“It’d be a bit hypocritical to hate you when all of your brothers have been seconds away from killing me over much worse reasons.” Belphie gave her a look. “Yes, including Beel, except it was more of an accident with him and Mammon.”��
“Still, everyone’s being so guarded or distanced or whatever. Which, I’m not surprised with what happened, but it sucks, and I want things to go back to how they were.”  
“I don’t, that was a living nightmare. Unless things took a dark turn from between when you were locked up and I got here. I don’t know if I can survive another seven assassination attempts.” 
Cass stood, brushing her uniform off in case any crumbs had fallen. She nodded towards the clock to remind Belphie they had to get going soon. While she had plenty of time, he was still technically a council member and being late on his first day back would probably not go over well with Lucifer.  
“You want to know the strangest part of this?” Cass asked, nudging Belphie as he stood up from the table. “I actually get why you did what you did. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pissed, and you owe me, but I get it. I was the physical representation of everything you’d spent centuries resenting. It’d probably be stranger if you didn’t try and hurt me.”  
Belphie gave her an incredulous look. “I’m starting to see why Lilith liked you.” Cass smiled at the thought. “She was just as bad at judging someone’s character.”  
“Well, she loved you, so that says more about you than me.”  
“Damn,” Belphie muttered, shaking his head. “I kind of wish you weren’t human.”  
“Don’t worry, I’ll win you over.” Belphie wrinkled his nose at the thought. “Careful, that’s exactly how Lucifer acts.”  
Cass and Belphie both jumped at Lucifer’s entrance. Whoever said saying a demon’s name was enough to summon them must have met him. Somedays it felt like he would just hide, waiting for someone to talk about him.  
“Diavolo would like you to join us for the student council meeting this morning. Apparently, they’ve made a discovery about your past.”  
“Oh,” Cass said, feigning surprise. She had meant to tell them, but with everything that had happened, it must have slipped her mind. Belphie looked between the two. “Right, you probably don’t know this. When Barbatos brought me here, I lost all my memories. They’ve been trying to figure out who I am.”  
The walk to RAD hadn’t been as uncomfortable as Cass expected. Apart from being scolded by Lucifer for cursing out a demon that tried to threaten her before realizing she was with him and Belphie, it didn’t even feel odd walking with Belphie.  
She was waiting outside the council room while they were handling some other business. She hadn’t considered it before, but what if they didn’t let her stay? Solomon did mention that the relationship between Nephilim and the Devildom wasn’t good. Would they make her leave even without her memories?  
“This is wild, I can’t believe how much has changed since I was last here.”  
Cass looked up to see Hera and Psi rounding the corner. Well, there was no denying the discovery Diavolo made was about Nephilim. Hera lit up when she saw Cass, rushing to give her a hug. Psi gave her a brief head nod in acknowledgement but didn’t say anything. 
“Kore! No lie, I thought you were going to disappear for another thousand years.”  
“Sorry about that, some things came up. What are you two doing here?”  
“Lord Diavolo,” Psi corrected her.  
With an eye roll, Hera continued, “Lord Diavolo asked us to come. Apparently, he wanted representation of the Nephs for some plan he has. I don’t really know, but Zeus hates it here, so I came instead.”  
“And since Hades is missing, I came in his stead.”  
Cass jumped, swinging her arm towards the voice coming from behind her. Epi side–stepped her punch with a shit eating grin. Cass lifted her hand to her heart, trying to calm her breathing. Hera rolled her eyes at Epi.  
“Still don’t have your memories back?” Psi asked. Cass shook her head. “Zeus, Hades, and I represent the three categories of Nephs when needed for the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. We’re kind of sorted based on how strong our connection to our internal demon spirit is. We call Nephs who are closer to demons the underworlds, represented by Hades.”  
Epi leaned against the wall across from the chambers. He didn’t open his eyes while he spoke. “Or Styx or Cate, but they’re all missing. So, I got stuck doing it.”  
“You didn’t get stuck doing it,” Hera said. “Supposedly Cate’s going to be here, you’re just a nosy bitch.” 
Epi shrugged, not bothering to dispute Hera’s claim. Even though she didn’t remember the Nephs from before, it was nice having them act normal around her. They fell into an easy, natural rhythm that made Cass feel oddly comfortable.   
“Hermes or I represent the Terras, or Nephs who are more balanced. Which leaves the Nephs who try and suppress their demon side which we call the Olympians. Usually, they’re represented by Zeus or Asclepius, but Asclepius had a fully day of surgery and Zeus refused to come.”  
“Wait, so is that why humans view you as the big three?” Psi confirmed her question with a gesture as if to say, ‘what can you do?’. “Where do I fall in the three categories?”  
The three Nephs started laughing. Apparently, the answer was so obvious Cass should have known even without any memories. Granted, she suspected she’d fall into the underworld category given her understanding of Persephone.  
“Sweetie,” Hera finally said, still laughing. “Humans literally call you queen of the underworld. You were raised by Hecate and your best friend is Styx.”  
Before Cass could think about it too much, or get annoyed about the reaction, the council doors opened. Mammon was the first one out the door, practically running to the nearest bathroom. Levi followed, grumbling about missing something in his game, not bothering to look up as he passed.  
“Holy shit,” Psi breathed, standing a bit straighter upon seeing Levi. “Is that Grand Admiral Leviathan?”  
Cass glanced between Levi’s retreating form and Psi, confused by the reaction. “Um, yeah? Do you know him?”  
“Not personally. Huge fan though,” Psi answered, eyes not leaving Levi. Hera watched for a minute before faking a cough and mumbling nerd. “Are you kidding? He’s the highest-ranking officer in Hell’s Navy. His tactical knowledge and strategizing ability are unparalleled.”  
Cass and Hera shared a look of disbelief. Hera’s face was more mocking her longtime friend’s sudden enthusiasm whereas Cass was still trying to picture the Levi she’d come to know being someone’s idol.  
“Do you want me to introduce you?” Psi’s eyes lit up at her question and he nodded ecstatically. “Okay, but forewarning, he’s kind of an introvert and self-conscious, so dial back.”  
Someone’s arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her into a hug. Asmo’s perfume hit her nose before he even had time to speak. He rested his head on her shoulder. She glanced at him, watching his eyes trace over Hera and Psi’s forms.  
“Cass, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends? Or are you keeping them all to yourself? While I can’t say I blame you, sharing is caring you know.”  
Both Psi and Hera watched Asmo with wide eyes. Even though he hadn’t even used his powers, they looked like they were in a trance. “I know Dion was drunk when he said it, but he really could be Narcy.” 
Asmo pouted at the comparison, obviously not happy. The idea that he was being compared to Narcissus and not the other way, not sitting right. Cass saw his eyes narrow, but he didn’t voice the concerns. Levi snuck back past the group, once again, not realizing there were others.  
“Kore, Kore.” Psi looked past Asmo towards Levi. “Can I meet him now?”  
“Wait, LEVI is who you were so excited to meet?” Asmo snapped. “I’m standing right here!”  
Hera and Psi exchanged a look, as if that should matter. “And?” Psi asked.  
Asmo made the most dramatic scoffing noise Cass could imagine. He stepped back, making the noise a few more times as he walked away from the group. Psi and Hera’s confusion only grew at the reaction.  
“The fuck’s his problem?” 
Diavolo and Barbatos exited the chambers before Cass had time to answer. Maybe it was seeing them stand directly next to demons that were closer to an average height than Asmo, but Hera and Psi looked taller than she remembered.  
“That’s weird. I thought you were shorter,” she murmured.  
“Yeah, that’s just a demon and angel thing.” Cass raised an eyebrow at the comment. “When we’re in the human world we tend to appear shorter, almost like an optical illusion. Angels and Demons do it too. It’s a spell that’s cast when you cross the thresholds between worlds. Makes it easier to go unrecognized.”  
Cass nodded. It wasn’t the most logical thing she’d heard but given everything she’d come across in her time in the Devildom, it really wasn’t that peculiar. Though, it did make her realize how tall Solomon must actually be if his height remained the same between the realms.  
“Hera, Poseidon.” Diavolo approached them. “It’s been a long time since you’ve been down, hasn’t it? Although, I am surprised, I expected to see Zeus with you.”  
“Well, he’s become crankier over the last few centuries.”  
“I suppose I can’t blame him for that,” Diavolo chuckled, though Cass suspected it had more to do with the tension that had grown with his arrival than the words themselves. “Regardless, it’s nice to have you here. Truly, I’m grateful you accepted the invitation.”  
“...ABOUT LEVIATHAN!” Asmo’s voice drifted into the hall. “THE AUDACITY! I WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE. ME!”  
Lucifer, who had been standing at the door listening to their conversation, sighed and approached them. “I have a feeling that this break may be longer than you anticipated.”  
“WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME?” Levi yelled back, clearly upset. “I didn’t even see them out there!”  
“Perhaps,” Epi once again appeared out of nowhere, “I could be of assistance? I’ve found people can become quite calm after experiencing their worst nightmares.”  
There was unsettling about the way he said it, something more sinister lying beneath the offer. It was then Cass realized that Epi must be Epiales, the demon from mythology in charge of nightmares. What his power actual was though, had to be something else entirely.  
“If they wake up, that is.”  
“It is not my fault that some lack mental fortitude to escape their fears. Besides, they technically are awake, and I don’t have to make the experience go on for that long.” Cass had the feeling that Epi chose to make whatever experience he was referring to last much longer than necessary.  
“Thank you for the offer, but I don’t think we’ll be needing your assistance,” Diavolo waved them off. “Cass, perhaps you could speak with Asmo?”  
Cass nodded and excused herself. Eventually, she was able to calm Asmo and Levi down so their council meeting could continue. By the looks of it, this meeting was going to go into classes. Lucifer had already told them they’d have to make them up, which Mammon hadn’t stopped complaining about.  
Once all of the brothers were sitting in their seats, Cass was able to drop into one of the extra seats in the back of the room next to the Nephs. The three of them all seemed highly entertained by her struggles. Psi going so far to ask if now was a good time to meet Levi.  
“There’s our Kore,” Hera laughed at the glare Cass sent Psi as a response. “For the first time I wondered if it really was you or not. You never would have gotten through that without threatening someone before.” 
“Not that we ever blamed you,” Epi smirked. “Your dad was one of the most famous demons born from the faction of wrath.” 
That certainly explained her short fuse. “Wait, you know my dad?”  
“When he was alive.”  
Cass hummed but wasn’t able to ask more questions. Diavolo and Barbatos had come back into the chamber. Barbatos took his seat off to the side. His eyes seemed to linger on the Nephs and Cass a few seconds too long.  
Diavolo proceeded to introduce the brothers before introducing the three Nephs. The brothers stilled, clearly recognizing the names. The looks of confusion, however, showed that they were as unaware of the truth behind the myths as Cass had been. 
“As in, Epilaes, Hera, and Poseidon from Greek mythology?” Satan asked. 
“Yes, the very ones. I must say, I was just as surprised to discover their existence recently.” Wait, Diavolo didn’t know they existed? That didn’t make sense, he’d acted as if they’d met before. “Until Cass’s true identity was revealed, I was under the impression they were simply demons. Demons I had been told passed long ago.” Diavolo said the last sentence with a glance at Barbatos. 
“Can’t you tell if someone’s lying?” Cass asked, still unsure how they’d managed to conceal their identity. 
“I mean, technically we aren’t human.” Hera answered. “And we are part demon. You just have to get a little clever with the wording and you’ve got the passable truth.” 
“Wait, what?” Mammon yelled. “What do ya mean part demon?” 
“You can’t mean Nephilim?” Satan asked. 
“Aren’t those just made-up stories from humans?” 
“Yeah, if a human’s pregnant with a demon, they die.” 
“Ew, who’d want to have a baby with a human.”  
“Cass, we’d have the cutest babies, if you ever consider it.” 
“If anyone’s havin’ a baby with Cass, it’s me. I’m her first, got it?”  
“Mammon you idiot, nobody would have a baby with you. You’d probably sell it the first chance you got.”  
“Shuddup, no I wouldn’t! Cass, I wouldn’t sell our baby.” 
“Enough,” Lucifer yelled, and the remaining six brothers fell silent.  
Hera turned to whisper to Cass as Lucifer scolded the others. “You’ve got them wrapped around your finger, don’t you?” 
Cass shot her a dirty look. Hera laughed, looking forward again as Diavolo started talking. As much as she loved them, the brothers could be a handful. Not to mention, having the Nephs there made her remember that she apparently had a fiancé somewhere. The idea only made her feel guiltier.  
“It seems, that Nephilim are not just stories. Due to my father’s intervention, there were numerous actions taken to conceal their existence to prevent them from being harmed. Cass, as it turns out, is a Nephilim, an undocumented one at that, which is why it was so hard to find any information on her history. 
“As you know, I intend to achieve peace between the three realms. The existence of Nephilim makes that infinitely more complex. However, I truly believe that peace is only achievable with their help. Which is why I’ve asked them here today.” 
Cass glanced at the Nephs at Diavolo’s explanation. Epi, who had looked more disinterested than Belphie, rolled his eyes. Hera looked both annoyed at the idea and in disbelief that Diavolo would ask. Psi, however, seemed to be considering it. It made more sense why he would represent the Nephs over the other two. 
“Seriously?” Hera finally asked. “You’re asking for our help?”  
“Hera-” Psi started. 
“No,” she snapped, standing to address Diavolo. “We weren’t just harmed. We were fucking hunted. We were tracked down and brutally murdered by your people. And what did we get? Erased from history and tossed from the place we called home.”  
“Multiple times,” Epi said.  
“Why do we even care what these half demons even think?" Mammon muttered, not speaking as quietly as he thought. "'Sides, if Cass is one of 'em, she's on our side." 
Cass looked between them as the tension rose in the room. Epi smirked from his seat, horns slowly twisting out of his head. The dark color of his irises and his pupils shifted to a faint grey, barely distinguishable from the whites of his eyes. The marks on his skin started glowing. He tapped his nails, which were now long, black claws, on the table three times.  
Mammon paled, looking ready to faint by the time Epi’s final claw hit the table. His eyes slowly regained focus as he searched Cass out. Even from across the room, she could see him violently shaking. What the hell had Epi done?   
“Anyone else curious about what these half demons think?” Epi asked, already back to his human form.  
“Part demon or not, we’ve been demons longer than you have,” Poseidon said. “Some of us have been alive longer too. Nonetheless, I apologize for Epi and Hera’s behavior. Obviously, you’re aware some animosity may remain, but I think trying for peace, or even a resolution, is preferred to the alternative.” 
“I understand this is asking a lot,” Diavolo continued. “Even you coming here means more than I could articulate. For relations between the Devildom and the Human World, including Nephilim, to ever strengthen, those bridges will need to be mended or even rebuilt completely.” 
The doors to the student council chamber slammed open. The sound of the woman’s heels echoed as everyone waited with bated breath. Her black hair was so dark, even midnight in the devildom seemed light. Her dark grey eyes seemed devoid of any emotion, despite the rage in her tone. There was something reptilian about her pupils. Across her face was one long scar.  
“Hello, Cate! It’s good to see you,” Diavolo smiled, but Cass didn’t miss the waver in his voice.  
The woman stopped in front of the bench before crossing her arms. Despite the height of the bench imposing over her, the woman commanded all attention. The entrance couldn’t have been more perfect.  
“Are you completely incompetent?” Diavolo went to answer, but she didn’t give him a chance to speak. If only she’d been here when the meeting started.  “I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not that ignorant of your own realm’s relation to others. Yet, you neglected to tell me when a Nephilim appeared before you.” 
Despite being the leader of the Devildom, Diavolo didn’t stop her from speaking. The longer she spoke, the less diplomatic it seemed, not that it had been to begin with. In fact, it almost felt like Cate was scolding Diavolo, the way a parent would. 
A black smoke started to materialize beside Cate. From that, emerged a demon. When the smoke disappeared, Cass realized she’d seen the demon before. It was the woman from the portrait, the Demon King’s former advisor, Aeshma.   
Unlike the demon from the portrait, there was no fondness in her expression. Cass understood why she had been referred to as the Demon of Wrath. Why was that anger directed at Diavolo though? Hadn’t he said he’d spent time with her growing up? From their previous conversation, Cass would have thought they had a good relationship. 
Wait, hadn’t Diavolo also said the demon had been forfeited? While Cass had never learned what that actually meant, she’d been under the impression the demon was dead or, at the very least, not able to materialize before them now. Cass glanced at the others in the room, but their expressions only mirrored her confusion. 
“Aeshma?” Diavolo asked, his surprise evident. “How are you here?” 
“A better question is how you thought harboring a Nephilim would be the best option for strengthening relations between the Devildom and the Human Realm. Is your goal to undo the work of your father?”   
Cate and Aeshma continued speaking at Diavolo, still reminding her of a parent. Was it possible that they had taken over some of those responsibilities while Diavolo grew up since his mother had passed? She could tell by the way they talked to him, there was still love behind the message. Cass stopped herself from smiling at the image of them paralleling two aunts chastising their nephew.   
“Are you aware,” Lucifer finally interrupted, standing from his chair, “that Diavolo is the current ruler of the Devildom and the way you and your cohort have been speaking to him is unacceptable.”   
Aeshma’s eyes narrowed. Cass thought she’d never see a stare as icy as Lucifer’s, but even from here she wanted to wither under Aeshma’s. Surprisingly, Satan seemed equally unnerved by the sheer hatred and anger exuding from the demon. 
“Are you aware, that were it not for me, you’d be lying at the bottom of the Styx? Do you need a reminder of who I am, or can you quell your warped sense of entitlement that led you to believe you can advise me on what constitutes unacceptable behaviors.”   
Wait, what? Lucifer didn’t break eye contact. Apart from him, only Barbatos, Diavolo, and the Nephilim seemed to understand what she meant. Clearly this wasn’t the first time Lucifer had met the demon, but it looked like it may be the first time the other brothers had, at least since falling. What happened to the appreciation he had when looking at her portrait? 
“Aeshma.” Diavolo stood, placing a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. Lucifer nodded before sitting back down. Diavolo continued, his voice regaining the stately quality he used when attending to royal duties. “I understand there are many things to be discussed. First and foremost, however, is that despite having been forfeited, you are here and have broken the law. I cannot dismiss that simply because you were on my father’s council. 
“Both you and Cate are the ones guilty of harboring an undocumented Nephilim. While Cate is not a denizen of the Devildom and therefore cannot be charged, you can. Perhaps we should all take a pause and reconvene. I would hate for this tension and any lingering emotions to have any impact on your impending trial.” 
“Fuck!” Mammon screeched as his chair tipped over and he fell. 
Everyone turned to see what could be so important for him to interrupt what was going on in front of them. Sitting on the table in front of his chair, was a woman holding an iced coffee who had not been there before. The appearance of the three women made her want to start working on her entrances and learn teleportation magic. 
Wait, she’d seen this woman before too. On the day she’d run away from the retreat and in the diner with Solomon. The witch wore the same large black hat and large round glasses. She looked almost the exact same, down to her hair falling out, the greyish color of her skin, and vacant stare.   
“As much as I’d love to see a trial where Aeshma is the defense and Lucifer assisting with judgement, that won’t be happening. You’re right, as a denizen of the Devildom, Aeshma would be guilty. That’s not Aeshma, though. Not really.” 
A hint of a smirk flashed across Aeshma’s face before reverting back to the icy stare. Did she know the witch would appear? Or was she just happy to prove Lucifer wrong? The longer this meeting went on, the more questions Cass had.  
“As you know, Aeshma was forfeited, and your father preserved her spirit in the river Styx. Luckily enough for Lucifer, might I add.” The witch gave him a pointed look and the ice coffee vanished. “Not long after that, I was summoned to reanimate the demon. The problem with a forfeited demon is there isn’t enough of their spirit to reconstruct.” 
Cass glanced around the chambers, trying to figure out who was following Nadia. Hera and Epi looked thrilled over the events. Apparently, both of them had already moved on from their grievances. Hera even had her phone positioned in a subtle way where she could record it without being noticed. 
“Hermes is going to be pissed he missed this,” Hera whispered when she noticed Cass watching her.   
“So, being the talented necromancer that I am, I stitched the fragment pieces with willing human souls who had passed. What does that mean?” The witch jumped down to pace in front of the bench, acting like a lawyer presenting their case. “Well, according to subsection 14B of the same law that protects Cate, the demon formerly known as Aeshma, is not a denizen of the Devildom.”   
The witch manifested a projection of the three realms to aid her argument. “Subsection 14B establishes that unless a being has a complete demon spirit, they cannot be denizens of the Devildom. Because Aeshma has a human soul. Well, part of a human soul, she would be classified as a Nephilim.”  
The projection vanished as the witch clasped her hands in front of her. “And Nephilim are not punishable for crimes related to the aftermath of the Titian Project.”   
“It’s also worth nothing, I haven’t gone by Aeshma since forfeiting,” the demon added. “Seemed wrong to use that name. In honor of your father and his kindness, I’ve gone by Styx since being brought back by Nadia.” 
“How are they so cool?” Levi muttered. “They could be the protagonists in an anime.”   
“Does anyone else have no idea what’s going on?” Cass asked. All of the brothers except Lucifer raised their hands. 
“Is anyone else turned on?” Asmo added. Everyone’s hands fell except his own. 
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st311ar · 8 months
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Picrew by: @SonnieMed on (im pretty sure) twitter
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗Scarlet - AKA - Red panda queen˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
My current oc, Of course.
Anyways, lets cut to the chase and start with the legand.
Long before stone monkey's, there were many more races, such as Panda's, Red panda's, Tigers, and snow leopards, to name a few. One day, The panda queen got made at the Red panda's for using their name, and decided they were going to be called: "Lesser panda's" instead.
This offended the red panda queen, and so she started a war against the panda's, which she sadly lost, due to her lack of allies.
The celestial gods were enraged by the Panda queen's actions, and if she didn't use the blessed redwood she was given to carve a new Red panda queen, her immortality would be stripped away, therefore casting out her leadership role.
Panda queen refused, and refuse she did...Until her people revolted against her after figuring out she wasn't immortal anymore. Before she died, she hastily carved Scarlet, dropping her off the side of the mountain as she died.
Scarlet managed to fend for herself, though, Due to being immortal at birth. She made a living with her new friend Ming Yue, who is a snow leopard. And she now trains with her mentor crush, Macaque.
Ming is jealous of this, though.
Scarlet's abilities:
9 tails - an intimidation tactic, representing the eight generals of the red panda kingdom and its queen Night vision Shadow manipulation Spirit fire (pink) Speedy (on all fours) Her own shadow staff (Gifted to her by the spirits of the panda army) Soul bonding Kiss of healing Red panda (animal) shadow clones
Scarlet's personality?
She's very childish because she wasn't exactally..."raised" per say. Also, very sassy and moody most of the time. Other than that, she's very...Eclipse-y. But selectivley. One moment she's a ball of sunshine and energy who is bouncing off the walls and fangirling at the same time, and the next she's as calm as the cold cup of tea with ice swishing around in it as an asmr. And before you ask, Yes, she has both of my mental dissabilities (ADHD and ASD or Autisim Spectrum dissorder).
If you have any questions about her feel free to ask in comments. I dont really do Q&A in the traditional sense yet because i dont exacally know how to work tumblr yet, so bare with me <3
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meadowmines · 2 months
RGG Tactics Who's Who
"Beefgnaw, who the fuck are all these Yakuza OCs you keep posting about"
Here you go. List will be updated as the story gets hashed out.
Hiroshi Aoyagi (aka Sojiro Amano): the protagonist of RGG Tactics. A Majima Family man with a knack for turning restaurants into licenses to print money. General manager of Kiwami Cafe in Kamurocho and later Neko-Kai Cafe in Sotenbori. A little guy with a big mouth. Loyal to a fault and stubborn as shit. Nishida's oath brother. Later forced to be Majima Construction's chief of safety and compliance and he hates every second of it.
Eiji Yamaoka: A Nishikiyama Family hitman who presents himself as a protective big brother to Aoyagi, but neither Aoyagi nor the audience are fooled by his bullshit. Clean and methodical on the clock, charming and outgoing on his own time, rarely seen without at least one pretty girl on his arm.
Yusuke Kuroshi/Homare Nishitani II: Current patriarch of the Kijin Clan, retainer to the Omi Alliance chairman, chairman of the Sotenbori Civic Association's Board of Directors, and legendary info broker. By all appearances, the exact opposite of his predecessor. Cold, calculating, refined, sometimes cruel, always in control. Or... almost always. If you've read "It's All About the Bit" you've met him.
Keiichi Sugihara (Kei-chan): Nishitani II's better half, Civic Association member, owner of a video game store with a slightly illegal console chop shop in the back room, tech hobbyist who believes in better ass-kicking through technology.
Nobuaki Chiba: Kijin Clan lieutenant. Very intimidating if you don't know him. Kind of intimidating if you do know him, but for the most part he's Just A Guy who likes beer and fried shit and sportsball and throwing some good old fashioned hands in the street. Aoyagi's first friend in Sotenbori.
Shigeo "Doc" Nakamura: A doctor working for the Sotenbori Civic Association. Nobody's a hundred percent sure he actually has a license to practice but he does good work and he doesn't ask uncomfortable questions.
Shiori Hanada: A hostess at Club Sunshine who personally puts the fear of God into some asshole who's been snapping covert hostess foot pics under the tables and selling them on the street. She later goes to work at Cabaret Grand after Sunshine's current owner becomes too shitty a boss to stand.
Daikichi "b0ngl0rd69" Tomita: A friend(?) of Sugihara's who makes him look downright normal about games by comparison. Walks around Sotenbori with an honest to God gunblade. Is absolutely aware that the number in his handle has some... connotations in English.
Akemi "Crystal Star Sapphire" Sakurai: A hostess at Jewel in Kamurocho who moonlights at a magical girl-themed cosplay bar. She is an engineering major at Touto University who combines her technical knowhow with her prop-building skill to create ice-based weapons that are as dangerous (and possibly illegal) as they are pretty.
Minoru "Unlucky" Uchida: A string of poor life choices starting on the morning of his 42nd birthday have rendered him the unluckiest yakuza alive. Every single time his turn comes up, he will get hit by a random environmental hazard--and usually one with splash damage. His only real use in battle is to be sent into the middle of enemy formations like a laser-guided misfortune missile.
Torahiko Kogawa: Cat cafe mogul and terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad person. The antagonist of the Cat Cafe Grand Prix sideplot.
Yashiro Noguchi: CEO of Millennium Holdings in Sendai, currently being blackmailed by someone connected to his former boss.
Miyuki: Mysteriously dumped at the animal shelter in the dead of night and subsequently entrusted to Aoyagi's care as his first cafe cat. Pure white with the prettiest deep blue eyes. Magnificently fluffy, amazingly sociable, and stone deaf.
Ryo Amon: Personal chef to the Amon Clan, challenges Aoyagi and his crew to a cooking battle at the end of the Chef League sideplot.
Gen Amon: Leader of a breakaway sect of the Amon Clan, takes issue with certain rules of engagement the Amon Clan adheres to. He and his team are the requisite RGG Secret Boss Battle. Yes, Aoyagi gets not one but TWO rounds of Amon Clan Bullshit to deal with in this game.
Nyamon: A huge stocky black cat with God tier stats, who mysteriously shows up at the cat cafe shortly after you beat Gen Amon's team. While most of the cafe cats will let you put cute accessories on them, Nyamon will hiss at you if you attempt to swap his aviator shades out for something else.
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Toxik's realation with the other 3.
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Transcription and more explaination to this(also ignore the existense of my hand),kinda more based on the others view on him but eh.
The realation with sai could be translated as a silent and not very problematic kind,tho sai is judmental over him,afther all he knows the most part of his crimes.
But don't bother to ask how he does,not even mis himself knows afther all he never told him anything,maybe if becuse of him being able to detect chemicals,drugs or blood on him at a single toungue blep.
He is the embodiment of this image taking that in count.
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Still sai says nothing but is more than worried over his younger brother being around him,anoys him usually when entering or going out of the quarantine stacion but nothing more.
At his eyes he's a very dangerous and a very bad influence to Take,still he wouldn't take him seriously so he straight up dosen't bother.
Meanwhile kira...oh kira,where do i beggin with you?
Well first of all two big things to keep in count,kira is both an mantis and a cannibal,and together to that kira is part of the medical department.
With that clarified well it kinda resumes why kira will try to at least bite toxik without hesitation nor fear,especially if alone and unsupervised.
Afther all belive me when i say that in terms of strenght and speed toxik will lose,not for nothing kira is an more than skilled and oportunistic hunter with a lot of tactics under his sleeves,and an almost 95% success ratio.
Still why? Well thats becuse for toxik bad fortune the smell of the drugs and toxins on him make kira's hunger and hunt instincs go bonker's,even if its not visible unless you chose to take a very close look to his body language.
Still they wouldn't kill him they will at least try a good pice of meat,afther all toxik is both his youngest and oldest (in some way) brothers friend and even with Mis not caring as much as Take probably will,they wont kill him becuse of his brother's friendship with Toxik.
Leaving this as the only card saving Toxik of being devoured alive by the diva natured mantis.
While Eco is a whole diferent history afther all at first eco donsen't detect him as bad she does detect the drugs,toxins and chemicals al over Toxik's body all becuse of the sensors on her antenae.
She's usually really nice towards him being a total ray of sunshine like always,tho she's truly worried for him specually his health afther all she reconizes the gas mask fabric,and with him always wearing it something probably isn't right.
Also due to the closenes of him with his bros (despite kira just wanting to eat him)and the recurrent frecuense in wich she feels him she started taking him as a kind of far family member.
She detects him kinda like a cousin that dosen't shows ofthen but that comes every now and then to pay an obligated visit the rest of the family.
Still that dosen't mean she does not feel a bad aura coming from him and a kinda stabbing feeling of danger and dread that come from him,and a hunch on her heart over him being a posibly bad influence for take.
Tho she tries to ignore it it a bit hard when hers perceptions dont include her visions and is more based on fellings and accidentaly hearing some conversations in betwen the eldest of the 4 and toxik.
Anyway this was created on my especulations over posible relationship dinamics or more like the view of the other 3 brothers on FFPO over Toxik an important character on DF in general
Toxik and Take both are @stingerking's oc's
Anyhow ill soon be uplouding kira's oficial and more extended info and full desing.
Have a nice day,evening or night remember to go out,see the sun,hug a tree or touch some grass,remember to also drink water and to try to be happy.
Crow out
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
J and Buttercup
Artwork by @sharpwindow
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I'm so soft over this.
Somebody needs to come and scrape me off the floor because I'm a big puddle of yuck now.
Look at the way he's looking at her 🫠
And the way she's just sweetly blushing 🥰
I think I'm in love 💖🫶🏼
Oh lord, my heart. Sharp, you're killing me over here.
I love this so much I can't even 💛☀️
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Tactical vest meets OC Sunday!
I’m almost done with Echo, but in the meantime, enjoy Timon Chapelle—Belter, firefighter, dad, husband, and clone friend—again.
This time, I imagined what a vest would look like if a Belter got their Arachnodactyly hands on one. Of COURSE there’s an OPA symbol on there, plus a knife, and a massive pocket that I’m sure is filled with packets of lighter fluid.
Normally Timon has a relaxed, happy look to him, but I gave him the look of a working parent who just survived a massive Thanksgiving with their large family. Cough cough.
Dealing with a weapons-grade Karen on my 4 hour flight (!!) yesterday meant I had an excuse to go ham on the vest’s details here.*
Tagging folks: @anxiouspineapple99 @amorfista @amalthiaph @wrenkenstein @eyecandyeoz @eclec-tech @rocicrew @techs-stitches @thecoffeelorian @ilikemymendarkandfictional @sued134 @sunkissedclones @littlefeatherr @commander-sunshine @vivaislenska @vimse @nika6q @moosethren @merkitty49 @moosethren @eelfuneral
I promise I have a few Doug gems coming up soon…hang tight!
*= “Why are you drawing while your children are napping?!”
“I could always be reading Plowed by the Pumpkin King instead, m’am.”
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demonangelsworld · 1 year
Saved by an Alpha
✨Pairing: Alpha!Ari Levinson x Omega!OC (Secret Agent A/B/O AU)
✨Summary: If you look up the definition of a workaholic, you will find Ari Levinson's picture right next to it. Ari is on a mission to save all the omegas and alphas kidnapped by the Red Room. An organization that takes young alphas to train them into the perfect soldiers and young omegas to be drilled into the epitome of what their biology has deemed them to be. Ari has saved thousands over the years, but he still doesn't consider that enough. Some say he's running from a dark past; others say he has a savior complex.
Eloise can't remember a life outside the complex known to its residents as the 'care center.' She's always been in these concrete walls, servicing alphas when called upon, taking heavy heat suppressants, and acting as a caretaker for the new little girls. Her life may not be entirely happy, but it's all she's ever known. Plus, she cares deeply for each of the girls who come into her care, no matter the length of time. They give her glimpses of sunshine in her dark world. Soon her world will be turned upside down when a stranger that smells like tobacco and the ocean comes to 'save' them.
✨Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, feral behavior, violence, injury, crying, self-harm in the form of battling a door, self-loathing, mentions of child trafficking, death of a side character, and drugs
✨W/C: 6.9k 
✨A/N: Hey, guys! So yeah…it’s been a minute, life has been crazy, and this chapter has literally been rewritten four times. But I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know if I missed any warning tags or if you want more! 
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Chapter Two: Self-Control
When Sammy injects Eloise with the tranquilizers, Ari goes feral. He snaps and growls at the poor beta man, scaring all the children. The young girls all cry and shriek in fear, trying to further hide behind the cot barrier Eloise helped them make. The eldest three hold their place in the front, May puts Julia behind her, who screams for Eloise. 
Ari ignores the crying girls. He lifts Eloise and holds her close to his chest, using his big arms to shield her from anyone who dares to get near them. Ari pushes the hair back from her face and gently prods near her eyes, trying to get her to open them again. As he focuses on the omega in his arms, he completely forgets about the open wound on his leg, which is currently bleeding through his tactical gear. 
Sammy darts his eyes between the screaming children and the suddenly feral alpha in front of him. He’s never seen Ari like this before. Ari’s eyes are dilated to the point that his iris nearly swallows the whites. His gaze is stormy and focused on the woman he’s holding. Confused whines and grunts leave Ari’s lips as he tries to get Eloise to wake back up. Like that of a confused wild animal. Sammy has never seen an alpha snap into a feral state so quickly; if an alpha goes feral, it’s usually from a slow descent to madness or a severely traumatizing experience. Nothing like what’s happening right now. He tries to wrack his brain for a possible explanation but soon realizes the lack of time to do so. Ari turns to leave with the girl in his arms, and Sammy jumps in front of the door to stop him. 
Ari snarls, and the girls scream again. Sammy quickly lifts his hands, palms up and out, to try and show he’s not a threat to him. He speaks softly and slowly, knowing that Ari is closer to a beast than a man. Sammy just hopes the conscious part of him is still lingering in the background. 
“Ari, listen to me. You’re not yourself right now. You can’t go running off with her; the building is in code red and unsafe. You’re bleeding and need medical attention, and all these girls need to get to the jets, her included.” Sammy nods to the unconscious omega in his arms, which Ari holds slightly tighter in response. 
“Move. I will protect her.” Ari steps closer, but Sammy stays firm in his stance. He knows letting them go will risk the omega he’s holding. If Ari gets alone with her and bonds with her, Sammy knows Ari will hate himself for the rest of his life. 
“No. Ari, you’re hurt, and we have a mission to complete. I’m not moving till you come back to your senses.” 
As Sammy stands there resolutely, he spots the growing aggression in the face of the alpha. A vein popped on his neck, and his eyes narrowed at him. Sammy cringes, knowing whatever is about to happen next won’t be pretty. He keeps his hands up but remembers the taser resting on a holster on his thigh. 
Ari glares darkly at the beta as he weighs his options. At first, the beta seemed like no threat, given his size and stature. Now, he stands in his way from taking his precious new omega to safety, something he can’t allow. She needs to be safe so she can become properly his. She is his precious girl that he found. Not the betas. He has half a mind to mark her now just to show the other man just that. But he knows time is short and danger’s approaching the building. 
“Well? Are we going to finish our mission?” Sammy asks calmly, his eyes wary as he glances at the children who watch them both carefully. 
In that brief moment, Ari makes his move. “Fuck the mission!” He barks, with one arm, he keeps Eloise close, and with the other, he elbows Sammy hard into the doorway. The beta man grunts as his head connects with the metal frame. He slumps to the floor as Ari runs off with Eloise. 
Sammy takes a couple steadying breaths as his vision swims for a moment. He checks the side of his head where it is connected with the metal and finds his fingers covered in crimson. Sammy curses and wipes his hand clean. He braces himself and carefully stands, only to hear a crunch. Looking under his boot, he spots the remnants of his comm, the only way he could have given his teammates a warning that Ari had turned feral and his heading right for them. 
Sammy sighs deeply; he hopes they can recognize the crazed look in Ari’s eye when he reaches them, and they’ll be able to detain him. Maybe, if he works fast enough with the girls, he’ll be able to get there in time to help. 
“Alright, kids, we have to go. I promise none of you are going to get hurt. My friend there was just, uh…grumpy…yeah, grumpy. Your caretaker will be fine. You can trust me.” Sammy offers them a tentative smile, hoping they’ll listen to his directions. 
The eldest girls look between themselves warily while the others watch them, waiting to follow in their lead. 
“What do we do, Nora?” Kairi whispers. 
“We listen to him. Eloise said we have to remember?” Nora looks back at the other girls, “we gotta remember what Eloise told us. We’ll be okay.” She gives them her best smile while May picks up Julia again.  They follow Sammy out of the building and into the quinjet waiting for them. 
“Is that all of them?” An agent asks Sammy as he gets the 13 girls settled into seats and strapped down with help from Max. 
“I think so. Have you seen Ari?” Sammy looks around, not seeing him or the omega anywhere. All he spots are children, their omegas, and other agents checking on them. He had a feeling Ari wouldn’t choose this location anyhow. It’s too crowded. 
“No, wasn’t he with you? Where is the children’s omega? Also, what happened to your head?” Max frowns as he finishes strapping in the little three-year-old. 
“He was with me, but he went feral. We have to find him, Max, before he hurts someone. He took the girl's omega somewhere.” Sammy quietly mutters to him. Not wanting to send the entire jet into a panic if they hear an unmated alpha has gone feral while so many unmated omegas are near. 
“What? Why didn’t you com that in?” Max demands as they both begin quickly walking to the hatch of the jet. 
“I couldn’t! He knocked it out of my ear when he slammed my head into a door to get me out of the way, then I stepped on it like an idiot. I had to focus on getting the girls out. Max, he’s completely dangerous right now. He won’t let anything or anyone get between him and the girl.” 
“You don’t think he’s going to try and bond her do you?” Max murmurs with wide eyes. 
“I don’t know.”  Sammy solemnly shakes his head, “which is why we have to hurry; com this to the rest of the team.” As they pick up the pace, they hear the jets beginning to hum. “Shit!” 
The jet starts to lift off, and the back hatch closes. “Put the jet back down! Open the hatch!” Max commands a nearby agent. The agent radios the request to the pilot and shakes his head. “Sorry, sir, the avengers are here. It’ll be too dangerous for us to land.” 
“Fuck!” Sammy huffs, running his hands through his hair, “radio the others, now. We have to know what plane he’s on!” 
“Right.” Max presses his com, “Jake, Rachel, have either of you seen Ari?” 
“No, I’m on the other jet with the girls. Wasn’t he with Sammy?” Jake comms back. 
“I just saw him a few minutes ago. He’s on our team’s plane. He had an unconscious omega in his arms, which was weird, but I figured the other jets were full.” Rachel hums as she answers Jake. She sets their team's jet to autopilot back to a shield safehouse, where they take the women and children. 
“We found him.” Max looks to Sammy, who grabs the comm out of Max’s ear. 
He puts it in his ear and distances himself from the other agent. “Rachel, it's Sammy. Listen, Ari’s gone feral-” he says as quietly as he can. 
“What?!” Rachel and Jake demand. Sam hisses for them both to be quiet. “When did that happen?” Rachel questions, already heading back to the bunkers where Ari took the girl. 
“Twenty minutes ago, I couldn’t say anything because my com broke. Listen, you must separate him from that omega before he does something both of them will regret.” Sammy urges, beginning to pace, thinking of everything that could have happened. 
“Already on it.” Rachel assures, “I’ll update you when the situation is taken care of.” 
“Be careful, Rach. Feral alphas are dangerous. He may not recognize you. Hell, even if he does, he still might hurt you.” Sammy warns. 
“I know. Don’t worry, I got this.” Her line goes silent, and Sammy lets out a breath. 
“Do you think she’ll be able to do it, Sam?” Jake asks. 
“I have no idea.” Sammy’s mouth sets in a grim line, hoping it’s not too late.
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In the sleeping quarters, Ari has her lying on the bed he tried claiming for himself the night before. Her little stature fits perfectly into the small bunk; he crouches next to her watching her rest. His eyes drink her in now that he has her alone. They follow the curve of her face seeing a little button nose and full lips. His brows furrow as he reaches out and uses a finger to trace along one of her cheeks, finding them far too thin for his liking. He pictures them fuller and filled with color, her fuller, full of him. His eyes land on her flat stomach, and a growl slowly builds from his chest. 
He goes to reach out for her again, this time aiming for her shirt, when he’s interrupted by frantic knocking. A snarl rips through his throat, and he jumps up, shielding his omega’s body with his own. 
The knocking pauses, then a female voice calls out, “Ari, it’s Rachel. Open the door and let the girl go. You’re in a feral state, but I know you can pull yourself out of this!” 
Ari marches up to the door but doesn’t open it, his mind barely registering that it’s his teammate outside, but what he does know is that she’s armed. He can smell the gunpowder from the weapon she’s holding.
“Leave us!” 
The alpha command bellows strongly from him, so powerful that it causes the omega to whimper and whine out in her sleep. Ari holds back from rushing back to her side to soothe her, knowing that taking care of the immediate threat is more important. 
Rachel stiffens but doesn’t move. Alpha commands have no effect on betas. She’s surprised that Ari even tried doing so. She narrows her eyes and sighs. She didn’t want to have to say this. The topic is so forbidden in the team, but she can’t think of any other way to bring him out of this state.  
“Ari, do you think Sarah would want you to move on this way?” Rachel demands, keeping her voice harsh and tone firm to show he had no effect on her with his command. “Sarah always wished for your happiness, but not like this. Not by stealing some poor girl who has no idea who you even are!” 
The mention of Sarah causes a pause in Ari, Sarah…the name brings back the image of his dead omega. Her dark-haired curls, bright brown eyes, and beautiful smile. Flashes and images of the life he once lived with her force their way through the feral haze clouding his judgment. Meeting her for the first time after she was rescued from their first-ever red room operation, getting to know her after her recovery, gaining the courage to ask her out, bonding, marrying, her death… 
Ari nearly stumbles to the floor as his consciousness comes rushing back. His inner alpha snaps and growls at him as he puts the fucker back in its chains, using his Sarah as the anchor. He looks back at Eloise with wide eyes, disgust and shame flooding him. 
He’s never lost control like that, not even when he and Sarah bonded. He brings his fingers up, brushing against the faded scar on his neck. What was he about to do to that woman? He knows the danger of letting his alpha genes take over his mind. He saw it happen all too often with his father and the various omegas the man took throughout Ari’s life. 
People get hurt when an alpha allows his genes or instinct to take over. Anyone who is in the way of what a feral alpha desires often end up hospitalized or, worse, dead. Tranquilizers can even be considered useless to an alpha his size when feral. He’s  shocked Sammy even tried standing in his way. He could have killed him. 
Ari goes to take a deep breath to calm himself but quickly realizes his mistake as her honeyed scent overpowers him again. 
“Fuck.” Ari hisses. He scrambles to the hand scanner and quickly unlocks the door. 
As soon as it flies open, Rachel has her gun pointed straight at his head. “Don’t come closer. I will not hesitate to put you on the ground. Let me pass, Ari.”  
Ari puts his shaking hands in the air, his breaths leaving him in heavy bursts. His alpha snarls and claws at his mind. Defend Omega! Threat! Eliminate the threat! 
“It’s me, Rach. You brought me back for now.” Ari winces, and his teeth gnash at her.
Rachel’s eyes widen, and she keeps her gun up. She can see his struggle, but she can’t chance to give him sympathy when he could kill her at this moment. “Get away from the omega Ari, before someone gets hurt.” 
“I plan on it. Rachel, I need you to lock me in our cell bay. I can’t trust myself not to go feral again while we’re stuck on the plane with her.” Ari demands those cells can keep alphas twice his size locked away without a problem, but they can’t be locked from the inside. 
“Done.” Keeping the gun pointed at him, they walk to the holding cells in the back of the jet. Once Ari is inside the small space, Rachel locks the door and opens the small window that allows them to talk. Only then does she relax her stance and holster her gun. 
“Ari, what happened in there?” Rachel asks, seeing him slump onto the chair. Ari holds his head in his hands and rubs the mark on his neck. 
“I’m not sure.” He admits. “All I remember is getting to our last room of kids, and when I opened the door, that omega stabbed me-” 
“Stabbed you?!” Rachel’s eyes widen, and she peers inside more, finally seeing the blood running down his injured leg. “Shit, Ari! I’ll get you medical supplies.” 
“Thanks,” Ari mutters, not thinking he really deserves them, but also knows he’s no use to the team if he loses a leg from infection. “Anyway, I could already feel my control slipping when she got too close, then when Sammy tranqued her, I just lost it.” Ari shakes his head, all of it sounding nonsensical. 
“Was anyone hurt?” Rachel passes him a small trauma kit through the hole, which he grabs. 
“Sammy might be. I tossed him out of my way when he tried to stop me. Did you hear from him? Is he okay?” Ari’s brows furrow in concern when he realizes he has no idea if Sam even made it out before the Avengers showed up. 
“I heard from him. He sounded fine, just concerned about you. Are you okay?” Rachel sighs, watching Ari start to tend to his wound. 
“I’ll be fine, Rach. Just need some time to myself til we get back. Could you check on her for me? I didn’t…We’re not…” The word gets caught in Ari’s throat and stings far worse than the anti-bacterial spray. 
“I’ll check on her. You know Fury is going to have your ass for this, right? You might be suspended from the team or kicked out of the agency.” Rachel frowns. She doesn’t think Ari deserves either of those for what’s happened; it was clearly out of his control. 
“I’ll deal with Fury. And Rach…thanks for snapping me out of it.” 
“Of course.” Rachel gives him a small smile before walking off to do as asked. 
Ari sighs deeply as he finishes bandaging himself up. Despite the wound being closed, he can’t remember the last time he felt so raw and wide open. He has no idea why the girl caused him to react like he did, but he knows he’s staying the hell away from her. He can breathe easier now that he’s in the cell, her scent long gone. With his head clear, he tries to think through everything that happened repeatedly, but it never makes sense. Ari hopes that once they get back to the safe house, he’ll hear Fury’s judgment, and deal with the punishment, then everything can move on. He doesn’t want anything to change. Ari doesn’t need a new omega. He doesn’t need anyone or anything but his team and his job. 
If he has those, he’ll be alright. 
He doesn’t need her. 
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Eloise slowly returns to consciousness, her mind hazy. She carefully opens her eyes, trying to adjust to the room’s brightness. She squints and licks her dry lips, her throat lightly aching. Eloise shifts and pauses. She’s not on her cot in her room. What she’s lying on is far too comfortable. Her breathing quickens, and all the events from before she blacked out come rushing back. 
Eloise sits up in a rush and immediately regrets it as her head swims. She pauses to place her head in her hands and takes slow, steadying breaths. The feelings are familiar. Whoever was with that alpha must have drugged her, something the Red Room has done to her many times over the years whenever she had to move buildings. Once she catches her bearings, she looks around her unfamiliar surroundings. The walls surrounding her are a beige color. There’s also a hardwood floor like an actual bedroom, not a concrete room. A real bed, something she hadn’t slept on since before she was 5, a time she barely remembers. Under better circumstances, she would have savored lying on the cotton and springs. Still, she’s in unfamiliar territory, the enemy's territory. 
Taking her time, Eloise carefully stands. Her legs feel weak, and she wonders how much time has passed since her kidnapping. She spots a pitcher of water with a glass resting nearby but decides not to drink, no matter how thirsty she is. Who knows what drugs or other things could be lacing the water? She’d rather not risk it. Not when she has to figure out where she is, where her children are, and how she will save them. 
Worry immediately begins bubbling in her chest when she thinks of her poor girls. Eloise hopes they’re safe and that whatever plans these people have for them are not malicious. Once she finds them, she will run far away from the Red Room and these people. Eloise has no idea how she’ll get the funds and space to care for 13 children, but she’ll figure it out. 
Eloise glances around again when she spots two doors and a window. She goes to walk over to the window when she suddenly stops and hisses in pain, feeling a tug at her calf. Looking down, she spots gauze wrapped around her leg. 
“What the hell?” She quietly murmurs to herself in fear of someone listening. She has no doubt they are monitoring her despite spotting no cameras around. Eloise reaches down and carefully runs her hand up the gauze. She hisses, feeling four stitches underneath the bandage. She doesn’t remember getting hurt during the kidnapping unless it happened while unconscious. 
She huffs a tad in annoyance, that will slow her down, and she doesn’t have time to wait for it to heal. Shaking her head, Eloise sits up and limps to the window. She’ll have to be careful with her leg until it’s time for the big escape. Any damage she does to it during or after, she’ll have to deal with later. 
Looking outside, she gasps, seeing she’s at least six stories up in the air. Below her are trees around whatever building she’s in, and in the distance is a lake. Just like in the care center, she’s utterly secluded from civilization, meaning escape just got ten times harder. “Damn it.” She mutters and glances at the window pane, which is also pretty thick. She tries lifting the window to no avail either, so escape out of the window is no option at all. 
Eloise hates how leaving is looking bleaker at the moment. Now her only option is to find some vehicle and hope she can learn to use it in whatever time she has before these people find her. 
Eloise hobbles over to the other door in the room and finds a small bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink. A pair of clean clothes, a towel, and some toiletries rest next to the shower. She scoffs at them; yeah, right, like she’ll risk being vulnerable and bathing at a time like this. These people are crazy for thinking she would be. She decides to rinse some water over her face and drink from the tap, the cool water soothing her aching throat. Drugging tap water is more challenging unless they want to drug their entire building. 
Being in the Red Room didn’t teach her much about the ‘outside’ world. Eloise couldn’t tell you anything about how taxes, politics, or even major cultural norms. Other than the ones that taught her about an omega's place in society, of course, under an alpha. However, by listening to the alphas that guard her and the men she would service, Eloise, learned valuable skills in observing, learning, adapting, and surviving.
After another couple of mouthfuls of water, Eloise sits on the toilet and contemplates her next moves. She glances at the door leading out of her room and sees that it’s made of metal, assuming it’s locked. Maybe if she can catch a guard's attention, she can at least get some information. Ask about her children, where she is, and what they plan to do with her. If they don’t answer, then she can always wait for when they transport her, IF they do. For all Eloise knows, this place is no different from the Red Room, except now she doesn’t get her little lights. 
The thought makes Eloise cringe, and she shakes them off. She has to hope that’s not the case. The door doesn’t have a slot, so the guard has to open it to deliver her food unless they plan for her to starve. Food…her stomach growls, reminding her that she still hasn’t eaten. Maybe she should…no better not. They could slip something in the food too. Better to wait to see what these people want with her first. 
With her next course of action decided, Eloise gets up and hobbles over to the metal door. She knocks on it a few times, ensuring it’s hard enough for anyone nearby to hear her. 
“Hello?! I have some questions! Can I please speak to somebody?! Hello?!”
“Yes, Ms. Briggs?” A man a few inches taller than herself answers the door. He smiles down at her, which reaches his brown eyes. He runs a hand through his thinning brown hair and tugs at the jacket of the black suit he’s wearing. She spots an embroidery with an eagle emblem over the letters S.H.I.E.L.D. 
“Who?” Eloise looks at him in confusion. She’s never heard that last name in her entire life. 
“Ah, right. Sorry, you still haven’t had your debriefing. What can I help you with, Eloise?” 
That only confuses Eloise even more; debriefing? Like, someone is going to take off her clothes? Her eyes widen, and she steps back, ready to defend herself. The man looks at her in surprise and takes a step back, giving her a tentative smile. 
“Where am I? What’s going on? Who are you, and where are my kids?” Eloise demands, her fists tightening at her sides. 
“My name is Agent Coulson. You’re in an S.H.I.EL.D safe house to recuperate and learn your next steps to becoming a functioning member of society. There are just a few more people ahead of you before Agent Sitwell discusses your case with you.” 
“You didn’t answer my question about my kids.” Eloise’s eyes narrow at him. She’s never heard of Shield and has no idea what he means about rejoining society. However, her focus isn’t on those things; it’s her children and ensuring they’re safe. 
“The children you were overseeing are no longer your responsibility. They’re being taken care of.” Agent Coulson grabs the door as if to close it. 
Eloise quickly holds the door before he can, “what do you mean being taken care of?! Let me see them. I need to make sure they’re okay.” 
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I cannot do that. You no longer have to worry about them. That’s all I can tell you.” Coulson tries to reason with her, but Eloise gets more agitated the more she’s denied. 
She tries to pull the door open more, but the Agent is stronger than he looks and keeps the door barely open. 
“Let me out! Let me see my children right now! Damn it!” Eloise growls and pulls with all her might, her leg throbbing from her muscles tightening up. 
“Someone will be in to see you shortly. Please try and calm yourself before then. I understand you may have gained an emotional attachment, but it is for the better that you don’t see the children again.” Agent Coulson shuts the door, and Eloise hears the click of the lock. 
“NO! No damn it!” Bringing her fists back, Eloise pounds on the door with all her might. Tears prick her eyes, and her breathing becomes shallow as his words sink in. They won’t let her see them ever again! “No! No! I don’t accept this! Let me out! Let me see my children!” She sobs as she pounds on the metal, bruising her hands. 
She backs up, aiming her shoulder at the door she charges, putting all her strength into it. Eloise cries out in pain as her shoulder and injured leg hit the metal. She falls to the floor cradling her injuries for a moment. 
Agent Coulson sighs, hearing the distressed omega on the other side of the door. He will admit they’ve never had one have such a bad reaction to learning that the children in their care are no longer their worry. Most of them celebrate their freedom. The omega bangs on the door again, pleading to be let out and to see the children she watched over. He knows giving her another dose of the tranquilizer wouldn’t be a good idea, but he also doesn’t want her to beat herself to hell while they wait for Agent Sitwell. 
An idea comes to mind on how to calm her, and he figures he may as well give it a shot. Fury isn’t going to be happy with his decision, though. He taps his comm, “can someone please send Agent Levinson to room 626, please?” 
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Ari’s breaths come in short pants. His muscles flex underneath the tight gray shirt he’s wearing as he does push-ups on the floor of the room designated to him in the Sheild safe house. 
With each breath he takes and every force of his muscles, he tries to push further back the one omega that entrapped him with her scent. The overly sweet mixture of peony flowers and honey. The mix made him feral and dangerous. She keeps resurfacing despite trying to shove her in the back of his mind. Like a song that keeps replaying in your head no matter how much other music you listen to. Ari pushes himself harder, trying to think of other people, places, and anything else. 
The beach. My beach house. Sammy. The mission. Finding her. Peonies and honey. Wait- 
“Fuck,” Ari growls as his cock swells in his shorts. It’s like he’s a horny teenager thinking about a crush. It’s annoying as hell. He sits back on his haunches, wiping the sweat from his brow. The omega hasn’t left his mind since he saved her, and it’s scaring the shit out of him. 
Ari shouldn’t be reacting to her like he is. He stands and grabs his water bottle, downing the contents. Ari remembers the last time an entrapped omega him as she did, which didn’t end well. He’s not planning for a repeat of last time. He has to stay away from her and hope the effects of her scent wear off on him. 
Ari sits on his bed and runs his fingers through his neck-length hair. So far, he’s been able to work his body through most of the cravings. Once they landed at the safe house, S.H.I.E.L.D’s medical staff grabbed her to remove her tracker and do a general health check-up. Ari was led off the jet in cuffs and a muzzle. All of his team yelled at Sitwell about how unnecessary it was, but Ari knew they were treating him like any rouge alpha. 
Only after a full psychological exam that took two hours was Ari deemed back in control, even though he already knew he was. Then they questioned him about what happened, what caused the snap, if it would happen again, and everything else Ari didn’t know the answer to. After hearing the story, Fury decided that Ari would be suspended for two months. Once this set of girls is off to the rehabilitation facility, Ari has to go to his house and stay there for leave. 
Ari agrees with the punishment. It’s fair enough. Gives him some time to think over everything, and hopefully, by the end of the two weeks, she won’t be playing in his head like a broken record. A record that repeats the memory of her saccharine sent, the feel of her soft skin under his rough fingertips. He groans, rubbing his head, a slight headache building. He’s unsure if it’s from his many workouts to control himself from running to find her or fighting his inner alpha about her. 
His alpha howls at him to search, to make sure she’s okay, and to soothe her when she wakes up somewhere unfamiliar. It’s making his body yearn for her. He can’t remember the last time he’s popped so many erections in three hours since he’s been back to his room. He won’t give in to the cravings, though. She should go through processing, leave the building, and never be around him again. His alpha may demand her as his new omega, but he refuses to do that to her. 
She’s finally free, and he’s too fucked in the head to take a new omega. 
Ari’s brooding is interrupted by a knock at the door. He doesn’t move from his spot on the floor and instead shouts out. 
“Ari, it’s Sam. Let me in.” Sammy calls back and rattles his locked doorknob. 
Ari curses and stands, unlocking the door before heading to his bathroom. He can sense the confusion and concern coming in waves off Sammy. He already knows the questions coming his way and the apologies he has to make. Sammy follows Ari as he goes into the bathroom to run water over his face and neck. 
“What the hell is going on with you, man? You really scared me back at that facility. I thought you were going to hurt someone. Are you okay?” Ari spots Sammy watching his reflection in the mirror with a frown on his face. He spots the bandage on Sammy’s head. He does his best to keep his demeanor calm and his mouth in a grim line. 
“The real question is if you’re okay.” Ari turns to him and looks him in the eyes, “I’m really sorry about what happened back there, Sam. I couldn’t control myself. Did I do that?” He points to the bandage. 
Sammy lightly runs his fingers over the gauze, “yeah, you did. But I’m fine, and so is the girl, if you’re wondering. I can see you regret what happened. We all can. Going feral was out of your control, though, Ari.” 
“I know that. It doesn’t make me feel any better. I don’t know what it was about that omega’s scent that’s causing—caused me to go feral. Not even Sarah did that to me.” Ari shakes his head and leans back against the porcelain sink. 
“I think I know.” Sammy says carefully, gauging Ari’s reaction, “she’s your singer.” 
“What? You mean, like my soulmate?” An incredulous laugh leaves Ari’s lips at the thought. There’s no way in hell she’s his soulmate. 
“Yeah, I mean, it all adds up.” Sammy begins pacing a bit like he always does when thinking hard about something. “When an alpha meets their singer omega, it causes an intense flood of pheromones and hormones to flood both parties. Which, in turn, causes a feral-like reaction from the alpha to claim their mate, and if the omega wasn’t unconscious, she might have had a breakthrough heat. However, the tranquilizers allowed her to bypass that part of the process. It explains your behavior and intense reaction, but your self-control must be extraordinary to not have claimed her.” 
“Wait, slow down.” Ari places a hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving, “Sammy, this sounds ridiculous. She’s not my singer, I’ve heard of those, and they’re extremely rare.” 
“It’s the only explanation, Ari. She’s your chance to move on-” 
“No!” The word immediately leaves Ari’s lips in a snarl, and he lets go of Sammy. He felt this was coming. Sammy was always trying to get him to leave Sarah behind. Using their team’s connections to try and set him up on dates. It always pissed him off. The thought of Sammy using this girl, the one who caused him to lose control completely, nearly makes him see red. 
“She’s not my singer or omega, and I am not her alpha! I had my omega, and you know I refuse to take another!” Ari barks. 
Sammy meets Ari head-on despite the anger and anguish rippling off the alpha. His gray-blue meeting Ari’s baby blue in a challenging stare. More often than not, Sammy isn’t afraid to challenge Ari and stand up to him, knocking him down a peg when his Alpha genes take over. It’s something Ari has always admired about him, but right now, it’s setting him on edge. 
“Ari, Sarah is dead-” 
“She’s not coming back, and you’ve been punishing yourself too long.” Sam’s jaw sets, and the tension in the room skyrockets even further. Ari clenches his fists to keep from hauling off and punching the man in front of him. He doesn’t care how right he is; all he knows is that Sammy needs to shut the fuck up. 
“I’m not done with the mission,” Ari says, trying his best to keep the growl out of his voice. His inner alpha howls at him to put Sammy in his place and remind him of their designations, but he won’t do that to a concerned friend. 
“That’s the same excuse you’ve told me for six years. Ari, if she is your singer-” 
“Damn it, Sammy! She’s not!” Ari snaps again, his chest puffing out as he tries to make himself bigger. He steps closer in an attempt to intimidate him again. Sammy has none of it, keeping his stare and his fists tightening. 
“IF she is. Don’t push her away. Give this a chance is all I’m saying. You’ve beaten yourself for six years, trying to blame yourself for Sarah’s death. It wasn’t your fault, and if this girl could help you move on. Then it’s worth a shot, isn’t it?” 
“No,” Ari says, his voice unwavering as he shoulders Sammy out of his way and returns to his room. He throws open his window in an attempt to get some fresh air. Hoping that it’ll cool his head and the heat of anger swirling in him. 
“Why the hell not?!” Sammy scoffs, still following after him. 
“Maybe because she just got her fucking life back!” Ari snaps at him, “she just got saved from being controlled all her life by alphas. I’m sure she’ll love hearing that another is ready to step up and suffocate her again!” 
“That’s when you take it slow. Help her get through the program, let her have and understand her freedom. Get to know her and tell her about the tension between you two because I’m positive she will have no idea. Then let her decide. It’s not that hard, Ari. I’m not telling you to claim her. I’m telling you to keep her close and get to know her.” 
Ari goes silent at that. He knows what Sammy tells him isn’t a horrible idea. But he can’t trust himself. Ari can’t hurt her like he hurt Sarah. He shakes his head and lets out a deep sigh. 
“Sammy, I can’t go near her again. What if I go feral again, huh? I could bond with her and I doubt either of us want that. Or I could end up hurting someone like I hurt you.” 
“You won’t. The initial finding process has passed. You should be able to control yourself with no problem. Her scent may just be stronger, and make you a bit…ah…sexually frustrated since you haven’t claimed her.” 
“I’m not seeing her again. And that’s final.” Ari states. 
“Well, that’s too damn bad because they’re requesting your presence in her room.” 
“What? Why?” Ari’s head snaps up at that. Why the hell would they need him? He thought for sure Fury would want to keep his ass far away from her after what happened.
“I don’t know the specifics, just that she’s completely freaking out and banging against her door. They’re worried she’ll hurt herself. They can’t give her more tranquilizers because she still has the anesthesia from her tracking implant removal in her system.” 
“If they need an alpha to calm her, why not send one of the other agents?” Ari demands despite the immediate disapproval of another alpha laying a hand on her, ringing through his head. 
“Everyone knows what happened during the mission, and more than a few people have come to the same conclusion I did. Everyone knows she’s your singer.” Sammy sighs. 
“Well, it’s none of their fucking business,” Ari grumbles. For a secret agent facility, no one keeps any personal secrets around here. “Wait, does that mean Steve-?” 
“Yeah, your brother knows too. He wanted to come here before I did, but Fury pulled him away for debriefing.” 
“Shit,” Ari huffs. Steve is the last person he wants to talk with about all this. The last thing he needs is his brother lecturing him about becoming their father. In fact, if Steve even mentions their father, he’ll sock the fucker in the jaw. “What does her possibly being my singer have to do with me going up there?” 
“You’ll have the most immediate calming effect on her since she is your singer. Ari, if you are convinced she’s not, then prove it to yourself. If your presence doesn’t calm her, then she’ll have the same distress levels.” 
“If that’s true, how come she panicked when we saved her?” Ari questions him with narrowed eyes; he’s confident that proves she’s not it. 
“She hurt you. An omega hurting an alpha already triggers a fear response in them. An omega hurting their singer? It makes the response ten times worse. It also seemed she focused intensely on protecting the little ones in her charge, which would alter her response to you. Upstairs it will be just you and her. You’ll get your best answer there.” Sammy smirks, knowing he has Ari beat. The man has two doctorates, one in medicine and the other in designation studies; he knows his shit. 
Ari grunts and takes a moment to think. He knows Sammy’s right. He just hates that he is. She can’t be his singer. It would fuck up too much. It just has to be some weird reaction he had to her scent. He can feel his alpha tugging again as if in agreement with Sammy. He knows he can keep that fucker in his chains now. He’s going to be more prepared this time. 
“Fine.” Ari relents, and Sammy gives him a big victorious grin. “Wipe that look off your face before I do it for ya’ Sammy. I’m just doing it 'cause I hate the thought of the poor girl hurting herself in a panic.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now get moving.” Sammy claps Ari on the back, pushing him towards the door. 
Ari huffs and goes straight to the stairs. Despite his reluctance, his feet begin moving quickly up the six flights. Hoping he gets there before she hurts herself too severely.
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squirrelno2 · 1 year
My Star Wars OCs: a comedic primer
if you’ve wandered here from ao3 you’ve probably encountered at least one of these people, but if you’ve found me through the vagaries of tumblr that is less likely so! Here is a list of my major ocs for your convenience for the next time I start going off about nothing whatsoever, organised by the story/universe they were introduced in:
Sometimes a Family Is verse
Ven/Shiny: she/her, Nautolan, Dogma’s adopted daughter. half-forgotten childhood trauma papered over with borrowed trauma from her family who spends most of her time clinging to anything clone-related that she can
Nalyan: he/him, human, totally not Dogma’s adopted son (he is they just don’t ever admit it). A poorly rested limp noodle of a person who is too busy doing bootleg medical research in the back of a beat up ship to go outside.
Clone Rebellion verse
Sneak: he/him, clone, formerly served under Krell [Sneak darling I’m so sorry]. puts up a very good front of being a cool collected criminal mastermind when on a con but also will jump off a bridge if you dare him to. as one does.
Nali: she/her, Twi’lek, smuggler/con artist. her soft spot for slaves and clones is a parsec wide, but also she’s usually the one daring Sneak to jump off a bridge
Nine: he/him, clone, still serving under Krell. baby Nine is a bundle of joy and every version of him after the first chapter is deeply deeply fucked, but that won’t stop him from also daring Sneak to jump off a bridge. while doing a flip.
Drum: he/him, clone, pilot in 327th. he likes music and singing and making way too astute observations about people, and is probably the only person on this list who doesn’t think people should be dared to jump off bridges. in general he's under the impression he's the smartest person in the room, and on rare occasions he's almost right.
Dead Brothers Rescue Coalition verse
Nel: she/he/they, clone, lieutenant in the Coruscant Guard. by circumstance they are a pencil-pusher and by passion they are a detective, but mostly they're just really bad at friendship. they make up for it with stubbornness.
Jesse Lives verse
Jale: he/him, theelin, scavenger freelance salvage worker. brightly coloured dipshit who loves his mother and has never effectively used a weapon in his life. preferred survival tactics are Talking Too Much and Being Useful, but also the first one tends to get him into trouble more than anything.
Time Slip verse
Arson: he/him, clone, maintenance on Kamino. absolutely full of little shit energy and voted most likely to commit the crime he’s named for. likes droids more than people, which considering the people he knows is absolutely fair.
Murder: he/they, clone, washed-up medic in training turned Kaminoan maintenance. would never ever hurt a fly but also spends most of their time making excuses for their more violent loved ones because ??? cognitive dissonance I guess.
Jaywalking: she/her, clone, maintenance on Kamino. knows all your secrets and is just trying to decide if she wants to blackmail you or kill you over them. the thing keeping her from doing the latter is usually the fact that Murder and Arson would be sad about it.
Nobody: he/him, clone, ARC trooper who works almost exclusively with 212th. he is exactly as fucked up as his name implies, and also more so because his best friend used to be Slick. make of that what you will.
Pip: he/him, clone, 501st. a beautiful ray of sunshine who will see the worst person in the room, ask "is anyone gonna befriend them?" and not wait for an answer.
Roadkill: he/him, clone, 501st. the worst person in the room. really tired of Pip's shit.
Zeel: she/her, Rodian, doctor with a very very lapsed license. abrasive at the best of times, but also winner of the "Most Cameos in My Fics" award because she can't stop helping people. mostly clones. she's very annoyed about that fact, too.
Tayonissa "Tayo" Miran: she/her, Mirialan, Jedi. it's a good thing she doesn't exist because if she knew I was the one piling all this grief and trauma on her she would become very violent very fast. as it is she's just trying to pretend she's not super gay for her second-in-command.
Errol Dasa: he/him, Cathar, bounty hunter. he's got a sister and a space cat and a fundamental belief in the goodness of the universe, which leads most people to wonder why the hell he assaults, kidnaps, and kills people for a living. he doesn't see why it's weird.
More OCs can be found @shagpaboloutpost (clones) and @relevant-url-incoming (SWTOR)
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creativebrainrot · 9 months
💪🔥💐 for pyrs and gwyn!!
PYRS (he/him)
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
Oooh I think his broad figure. He's quite muscular with a broad figure and healthy layer of fat on him.
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
honestly just complimenting him in general always surprises and flusters him. Louis has a certain tone of voice he uses on Pyrs to fluster the hell out of him. Flirtatious touches during a conversation really get him too.
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Pyrs tries to "do everything right," he tries to "follow the rulebook" so to speak. He courted Louis by nervously asking him out a few times, after the, "right amount of dates," he and Louis kissed for the first time. (Mandatory mention that Louis thought he was so fucking adorable the entire time he acted like this.)
He didnt keep that attitude up for too long. He settled into the natural patterns he found with Louis after only a few months but the first 4 were like that. Pyrs nervously following The Correct Dating Protocol.
MAELGWYN (he/any)
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
hi im going to gesture at all of him because hes my babygirl, my sunshine, my cinnamon apple
no- okay, joking aside, DEFINITELY his figure. Mans has that good ole' "Dorito Shape" to his torso. Broad shoulders, a grabbable waist, an eight-pack. (and oh so many battle-related scars.)
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Literally ANY genuine and unique compliment. If you notice a little thing he does, that no one ever notices, and you compliment him on it. He will System_Error. He WILL 404_Maelgwyn_Not_Found. Maelgwyn.EXE has stopped responding. etc, etc.
It just surprises him so much and it aims DIRECTLY for his heart and soul, you will kill him if you do this.
As for a more sexual way to fluster him, turn the tables. Take control or be dominant with him and he will become submissive so fast and get SO flustered. (IF youre already in a relationship with him or he trusts you. Hook-Ups cannot usually use this tactic on him.)
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
He invites people out to bars or his VIP room in a local drug smoking den outside of amnoon. He basically treats most relationships the same as he treats his hook-ups. He ends up in relationships by accident, IF, you can get past his feral cat "emotions are scary" phase.
He's more tender and kind with people he wants to have a relationship with. He gets them gifts he thinks they would genuinely like.
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
Summer Fun!
Elden Ring fic
Fluffy dabble
Morgott/female tarnished/child ocs
Warnings: strong language, very mild combat violence, use of training weapons
Summary: The Royal family takes a day to be together and enjoy the summer.
Feedback appreciated
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Morgott carried three watermelons out into the garden, his children trailing behind excitedly. The Lady Tarnished followed, accompanied by Boc and Petra. The family had planned a whole day together, taking the opportunity to get the children a healthy dose of summer sunshine.
They went to a large grassy area surrounded by hedgerows and metal fencing. Morgott placed the watermelons in the water of a nearby fountain, Magnus standing on his tiptoes to look over the lip at them.
The small boy reached out with little grabby hands.
“We must wait, my love.” The Lady soothed, petting through his dark curls.
Magnus made a little sound, “But I like them.”
“They will cool in the water while you play.” The GodLord smiled, “Go work up an appetite.”
Magnus reluctantly conceded, padding away to join his siblings.
The adults sat around a heavy stone table, Boc breaking away to scamper over to the children. Maddox was only seven but rivaled the seamster in size. He wiggled his butt for a moment before pouncing on the demihuman, causing them to topple to the ground together. Maddox giggled like mad, tail flicking.
“M-Master help!” Boc cried out from beneath the child.
“Maddox be kind to Boc.” The tarnished warned, “He can’t rough house with you.”
Maddox rolled off the other, Boc standing. The seamster straightened his clothes, brushing away dirt.
“Uncle Boc, did someone eat your tail?” Maddox asked, eyeing the others much shorter tail.
“Goodness no!” He exclaimed.
“Then why’s it so small?” Maddox quirked a brow.
“Not everyone can have bountiful, flowing tails like you young Lords.” Boc smiled, gesturing to Maddox and Magnus.
“I don’t!” Matilda chirped.
The children played together, chasing Boc in a game of tag, while the others chatted peacefully. That is until a little tug came to Morgott’s robes. He shifted to look down, seeing Magnus pulling on him.
“Hm?” He inquired.
“Papa.” Magnus’s orange eyes were big, “Can you fight Mama?”
“Thee wish to see us duel?” He reiterated.
Magnus nodded, clinging onto the other’s robes.
“If thy mother will humor me…” Morgott’s attention shifted up to the Tarnished, “We have been requested a sparring match.”
“Have we?” The Lady tilted her head.
“Only if it is agreeable.”
“It has been a long while since we had a good duel.” The Tarnished mused, “Still have some fight in you, old man?” There was a giggle to her teasing.
Morgott scoffed, “Old man?” He stood, brandishing his cane.
“So a duel then?” She smiled, adding, “I’ll have to change my dress and fetch a training blade.”
“Go, my Beloved.” Morgott waved her away, Magnus jumping excitedly beside him.
The GodLord and Morgott faced off in the center of the grassy area. The tarnished wearing a much lighter and tactical outfit, brandishing a blunted blade. Morgott removed his heavier overrobes, his trusty cane in hand.
The children sat off to the side, anticipation glittering in their eyes as Petra kept them at a safe distance.
“No magic.” The tarnished warned.
Morgott nodded, “Aye.”
He readied himself, taking on a defense stance, waiting for her first move. The tarnished was most used to using a staff, but was not unfamiliar with a blade. Sparring matches with her husband were used as training and a way to synergize, even if it might of tapered off in recent years.
The Lady bowed, Morgott echoing the gesture.
She jumped forward, starting the duel.
The Lady Tarnished moved gracefully, aiming well placed strikes and dodging away nimbly. The pair was quite evenly matched, Morgott’s blows were much slower but he could more easily tank through her hits and deliver much stronger counter attacks.
They were determined, an almost calmness overtaking them. It was always a sight to behold, their discipline on the field. Even though they were the royal couple, covered in finery and surrounded by castle walls, it was all won from a long journey of battle.
Morgott’s fair wife was as deadly as she was beautiful, and he never forgot that fact.
He may of allowed her to soften his heart, however. Made painfully clear when her blunted blade found its mark over his chest.
Pushing it a bit to emphasize her point she smiled brightly, “I suppose I win then.”
“It does seem so.” He grunted. Unable to hold a grudge over a well fought duel, he flashed her a toothy smile.
“Yea, mama wins!” Maddox hopped, raising his hands in the air.
“Thank you, for thy belief in mine skills.” Morgott grimaced.
“I wanted you to win!” Magnus hollered before getting pushed down into the grass. The boys wrestled away.
“I think it’s time for some watermelon.” The GodLord announced, attempting to change the subject. It worked well, the boys forgetting their squabble, jumping to their feet.
“Yea!” Magnus almost vibrated with excitement.
The boys were ravenous, clawing and biting at the melons like caged tigers. The parents learned that the children enjoyed the experience much more if they were allowed to tear apart a full melon. Being able to sink their teeth and claws into the thick rind was almost cathartic to their more beastial nature. Magnus especially loved the whole experience.
By the time the boys had chewed into the melons, eating the sweet red flesh in messy mouthfuls, Matilda had hardly breached into the white layer of rind. She made a sad little whimper, falling back on her butt. Matilda was much smaller than her brothers, claws more blunted.
Seeing his daughter struggle, Morgott made his way to her side. He picked up the watermelon, straightening up to full height. Matilda stepped back, clinging to his cloak. Morgott dropped the watermelon, it busting into multiple pieces against the ground. Hearing this, Matilda excitedly toddled forward. She picked up a chunk, taking a big bite.
Morgott smiled, seeing his wee one begin to purr happily. Matilda turned a bit towards him, offering up a hunk of watermelon. Morgott took it gently, murmuring, “Mine thanks.”
The children gorged themselves until they could eat no more. Quite exhausted, the three flopped down in the grass for a nap. Their fur was sticky with juice, little fuzzy faces a mess but content. The Lady Tarnished giggled at them, knowing the bathes later would also be a spectacle. Morgott and the Lady sat on a bench together; watching as the sun began to dip on the horizon, casting the glow of the Erdtree more orange-gold. She leaned against him, feeling his arm wrap around her. He sighed, days like these meaning more to him than any wealth or riches.
Things were better…good even.
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stainedmystery · 2 years
Who Am I?
Howdy! I go by Midnight, she/her. DM / Asks will likely always be open, so feel free to message me :D! I love chatting, whether it be about my characters, yours, or ride lore! I also enjoy RPing, especially coming up with grand, dramatic, interactive stories. 
This blog is dedicated to mostly my Alton Towers ocs, though there will probably be at least cameos from some other park characters. I’ve been world building and character designing for so long I finally decided it’s time to write some stories and get my work out there.
I am not an artist. Every piece of art you see on this blog is likely going to be a commission/drawn by a friend, so please always keep an eye out for the tags! These artists are EXCEPTIONAL. I recommend all of them to you if you’re ever looking for a commission artist! They’re also cool people to follow too... 
I am an author, however. I’m currently working on a daily october challenge! 
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These are my main Alton characters, drawn by the marvelously talented horror artist Xan. 
From left to right, we have:
Addie: Addie is my GalacticAir, she’s a never-ending ray of sunshine who always keeps positive, no matter how far off course the situation has gotten. She’s a whiz with technology and the heart of the group. 
Will: Will is my Wicker Man. Beora, the head goddess of the Beoren, realised their tactic of ‘murderous fire cult’ wasn’t popular with attracting new cult members, and decided to take a 180 with this marketing stunt. What if the next head of the Beoren was once the town’s most beloved golden boy? He... has very little idea on what’s going on but that won’t stop him from trying his best to live up to his newfound cult leader job. 
Teresa: Teresa is my Thirteen, and I also love to describe her as my Scooby Doo Villain. A blind young girl who lives in the woods, she uses her telepathic relationship with the plants to navigate. She also uses every cheap haunted house trick in the book to scare off townsfolk who attempt to get too close to her ‘crypt’. 
Nicole: Nicole is my Nemesis, a trained super solider for the Phalanx. She is easily one of their strongest and swiftest operatives, able to take on intense threats no one else can tackle. As political tensions rise, Nicole has stayed loyal to the townsfolk, determined to keep everyone safe... Even as propaganda from certain bitter exes attempts to paint her out to be a monster. 
Oliver: All Oblivion OCs are named Oliver, and I am no exception. Oliver is that one, sane, straight-man to this chaotic friends. Spending most of his time in the local bookshop keeping records of everything that occurs, he is consistently visited by just about everyone to solve their issues. He’s always around to help Addie with her latest invention, lend an ear to Nicole as she complains about what nightmarish thing Joy has done of recent, and be a reality check anytime Sadie tries to scheme. 
Sadie: Sadie is my Smiler, and is the most chaotic of the group. The wild card, no one can ever seem to predict what she is about to say or do... Much to Nicole’s frustration. She’s just here to have a good time guys, she just wants to have fun in the moment and live life to its fullest... And never have to consider the consequences of her actions. 
Joy: (not in the photo) Joy is a Sanctuary OC, leading the Ministry of Joy. Dr Kelman is such a revered and exceptional character that I’m unsure if I’d be able to write for him, so Joy is his son and currently leads the Ministry of Joy in his absence. Joy is as evil as they come, spending most of his time on unholy experiments within the basement of the Sanctuary. Never trust a deal made with him, there will always be an unforeseen consequence that’ll leave him laughing, and you 6ft under. 
(As I go on and post whole character introductions, I’ll come back and edit this so there’s hyperlinks on their names). 
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