#supremely gay
yournextmove · 3 months
hey i know it's been a while since you started posting these guys but what fandom is all over your blog? i can't tell if its a show or a comic or a novel or what. i'm curious bc the content looks intriguing but i haven't a single solitary clue what it is.
MXTX books! They've been adapted a lot of times in different formats, so I understand the confusion
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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imnotpoppunk · 2 months
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I get emotional thinking about how much it must have meant to Xie Lian to have one of the most influential people in his life confirm that he accepts him even though he's in love with another man (the fact that he's a supreme ghost king is a lil weird but who cares!!)
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hallowclave · 2 months
Small but knowing wxs
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codthefishgod · 3 months
"Love is what makes you human"
Oh thank fuck so I can't categorise myself with you bigoted losers-- oh wait was I supposed to be upset about that?
What ACTUALLY makes me human is the deal I made with Apollo to take a roughly you shaped form in order to interact with the cool bugs of the world and make snakes out of cardboard tubes. In exchange I have to drive the sun chariot every Saturday and Tuesday.
I will say that you humans are a bit of a drawback though. Whatever, back to drawing stars and rocket ships 🚀⚡
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thesleepysystem · 2 months
if you dont know, the supreme court just allowed Idaho to ban gender affirming care for trans youth !! please send love to any transgender youth you know, especially anyone in Idaho.
this is absolutely terrifying, as a trans youth myself living in a state absolutely filled with right wing individuals, i am scared for me and my fellow trans youth living in ANY state, but especially red states like mine.
i'll reblog this post with anything i can find on how to help stop this, and you should too. please boost this, this affects all trans people, but especially trans youth, who already lack so many rights just for being youth.
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infinite-orangepeel · 11 months
steve & eddie fucking in the back of eddie’s van while the fireworks go off around them
eddie making it near impossible for steve to stay focused on the task at hand bc he keeps saying things like:
“baby, you’re MY firework”
“when i look into your eyes, sparks fly”
“damn, sweetheart, i wanna make fireworks every day of the year with you”
“you really make my heart go boom, stevie”
“this night’s certainly going out with a BANG, isn’t it babe?”
steve has to clamp a hand over eddie’s mouth in order to cum but damn—his boy really does look beautiful under all those pretty lights.
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queerism1969 · 11 months
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aq2003 · 7 months
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biblically accurate tennant
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it is. so weird to me that I'm having to say this again after a real-life cartoon supervillian already once ran for president on a platform of hatred & fascism and won, but.
it's November, please fucking vote
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caterjunes · 2 years
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[image ID - bart simpson: "this is the worst supreme court decision of my life." homer simpson: "this is the worst supreme court decision of your life, so far." end ID]
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takeme-totheworld · 6 months
So I was just thinking about how we almost never see other angels or demons on Earth besides Aziraphale and Crowley, but we know that by modern times there are angels and demons stationed all over the planet. There have to be. Shax calls herself "Hell's ambassador plenipotentiary to this corner of the planet," not Hell's ambassador to Earth in general. So it seems likely to me that at the beginning it was only Aziraphale and Crowley but as the human population got bigger and bigger both sides needed to send more and more agents to Earth. Makes sense, right?
But we never see them. In part, I'm sure, because each angel and demon is mostly sticking to their own corner of the world, doing angel/demon stuff locally and not really traveling around much. But also, our ineffable duo have probably been avoiding interactions with fellow celestials stationed on Earth as much as possible, because they don't want their arrangement to be discovered.
So what if Aziraphale, in his new capacity as Supreme Archangel, starts looking into what the other angels stationed on Earth have been up to and discovers that all of them (or at least a whole lot of them) have gone native and secretly befriended or hooked up with their demonic counterparts? But nobody had ever discovered how common this is, because they'd all been avoiding each other and convinced they were the only ones?
The possibilities for taking this love story even further into "extended queer metaphor" territory are ENDLESS.
(Why were Aziraphale and Crowley the ones to stop Armageddon, then? Because they were the ones stationed in that area, so they were the ones who ended up being involved. Or maybe their sides stationed them in that part of the world on purpose, as their most experienced field agents, knowing that the Antichrist was going to be delivered there eventually. Although I think it would be hilarious if they were the angel/demon duo who ended up stopping Armageddon because they just happened to be in the neighborhood.)
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azvhaalk · 2 months
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☀︎ sun and moon ☾
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sangre · 8 months
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judai sketchpage with obligatory haou. and shrimps
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newblvotg · 3 months
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shrikejays · 11 months
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seventh grade me is reeling
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