#still not certain on how to tag this sorta thing
whilomm · 17 days
note: pollmaker is thinking of the USAmerican lottery system (powerball, mega millions, state lottos, scratchoffs, etc), but poll applies to other countries lotteries systems so long as its still the same concept of "big ol state sponsered gambling shit", but not like casino style gambling. u know what i mean, Lottos.
questions for the tags: how regularly, what stuff you play, if you have limits for yourself, if you feel like its a Problem for you, and for funsies the usual 'first thing youd do if you won the lottery' shit
reblog to have absolutely zero effect on your luck either way. just like, absolutely no change in luck whether you reblog this or scroll past. this is the luck neutral post reblog in the next 30 seconds or dont who give a shit
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badchoicesworld · 11 months
hello there! i just found your blog and i love your writing for hobie, so i’d like to request another thing for him.
would you mind doing something about a transmasc vigilante reader who tags along with hobie on patrols and late night hangouts? hobie and the reader could diy their own costumes together :) maybe reader is black cat, another spiderperson, or whatever you want to come up with. thanks in advance, and i’ll probably request again soon!
hobie brown with a transgender, vigilante reader (ftm)
RAAHH thank you so much :]
i chose for the reader to be another spidersona, probably anarchist and super cool, hope this is okay! let me know if not
warnings: unsafe binding (there’s a warning ahead)
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader
requests: open ! PLEASE
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for you and hobie to get along so well and hang out outside of missions n such, i imagine you’re a spider-man who rejected miguel’s “invitation” to spider society. this is what might have led to you becoming a vigilante who’s occasionally recruited by spider society after some begging- or you’ve just been a vigilante from day one in your dimension.
but ! who’s likely to notice such a person? hobie, obviously. you two become menaces and no one looks forward to being in a room with you. hobie destroys their faith in the constitution while you’re reinforcing everything
during missions, you make a hell of a team ! there’s somehow this real nonchalant feeling to the atmosphere even if you’re punching down baddies
banter, plenty of it back and forth while swinging about and fighting for ur life
probably makes fun of your form or something playfully, makes a comment or two about a punch you’ve thrown “you call tha’ a punch?” “Naaah, nahnahnahnahnah. watch this,” probably does worse let’s be honest, throws the dirties punch known to man but it does the trick
you’re more stealth while hobie’s way more out there, style n all that
hobie dropping in on some operation to take down the big baddies while shredding away at his electric guitar, meanwhile he’s able to see you picking off people from vantage points
whenever you’ve gotta wait about for some patrols or just observe for a night, you two will find some sorta rooftop to perch on top of and patrol from there. but the view kills
you two probably have a sort of routine: completing missions together for the spider society, hobie then tags along for some vigilante work, then you both kick back at his place once the days come to an end
chill night consists of hobie subconsciously strumming at a note occasionally on his guitar while you talk about whatever together
a lot of complaining about the institution, probably how much miguel fucking sucks
depending on ur current situation with transitioning, given that hobie knows, mans is probably the most supportive person you’ll meet
hobie lives in a society that he actively chooses to protect despite being apart of the margin of people that are still severely oppressed to terrible degrees, be it for his race or how he chooses to express himself (in my head, hobie’s also a boy kisser). so i think that he has a certain passion for protecting those minority groups. you, as a trans man, sometimes get the hobie brown special treatment.
let’s you crash at his place whenever you need it, let’s you borrow his clothes n shit if they help you feel more masculine, will give you tips n tricks that either he uses or has heard work great for presenting masculine
does your makeup if you want it, like making your face look more chisel, fake facial hair or brows more blocky- that kinda shit.
if you’re yet to go through the execution process (top surgery), hobie’s ur guy (a terrible terrible influence)
if you have a binder, good for you- hobie is going to find it and customise it for you because he’s hilarious
probably does some like web stitching into it, lil embroidered parts that match his pins or something like “hobie was here” in his clapped handwriting
this isn’t anything new, you two have this little game going on where you just steal and tag each others things for shits and giggles. his best work? punk-ifying your binders with those like spikes he has on his jackets shoulder pads
firm believer in trans men being shirtless in a binder is normalising something that should’ve been from the beginning- probably also marched a free the titties campaign for all body types and identities cause they aren’t inherently sexual and shouldn’t be (if cis men can, why can’t cis women, y’know?)
if he accidentally damages your shit he’ll either fix or replace it, maybe even make something to compensate
or it becomes part of the fit
these lil things have helped personalise your things greatly- there’s nice little details all over that make you both crack smiles
makes sure that throughout missions you’re good if you’re binding, which he honestly just doesn’t dictate. won’t be the type to tell you off for wearing it too long or during missions, it’s not your fault that you’re just doing what makes you feel more like yourself
instead just makes sure that you’re well rested after the missions over and does things for you so you don’t strain
if by some unfortunate twist of fate you don’t have a binder, hobie will probably diy you one. argues that they can be mass produced by corporations, why can’t he make one by hand? just one more win for the anarchists
diy binders are dangerous, especially if they’re not made right. i’d like to think hobie would try his best, but i imagine he doesn’t have access to the right materials
in this case, he probably rips apart his shit trying to find the right elastic cloths for your safety
that, or he makes a makeshift binders just a bit looser than it should be to reduce the risk of hurting you.
absolute worst case scenario ? could honestly fashion something out of webs (i have a spidersona that does this) mans a genius, he’ll figure something out
positive ? binder looks sick since he makes it
(ok ur safe, continue)
if you’ve got top surgery, good for u, hobie will have ur head if you don’t take the appropriate recovery time
if you are involved with spider society, he either takes your missions for you or absolutely terrorises miguel into not giving you any
you think it’s just a subconscious, casual thing that hobie does but he always manages to slip a “lad” “boy” “man” into his sentences whenever speaking to or about you. gender affirmations innit
that being said, hobie views you as a man wholeheartedly
hobie’s into physical touch so probably got an arm slung around your shoulder, tons of playfully nudges whenever he sees fit (often)
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i also wanna stress rq that the way i portray hobie; he’s so incredibly supportive, hype man, but he’s not this sunshine and rainbows thing i’ve seen some people portray him as
he’s laid back, nonchalant but can get excited (like w the whole “miles my guy” scene where he’s so hype)
thinks/knows he’s hot shit but it doesn’t make him arrogant. man just knows what he’s capable of and gets to be laid back thanks to it
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momo-ceros · 1 year
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the convenience store at the corner || ken ryuguji/reader
summary; there is a small konbini on the way to musashi shrine that belongs to your grandmother. forced to help out, at least there are cute boys to look at. one in particular
tags; sfw, reader is a year older than draken, draken is a simp, teenage boys being teenage boys
author’s note; momo writing something in the holy year of 2023? impossible. i wanna start writing more i think so feel free to send in requests.
You were working at a small shop owned by your grandmother after school, which just so happened to lay on the path between his and Mikey‘s school and Musashi Shrine. Despite their rowdy reputation, you always greeted them with a kind smile but also did not shy away from using a sterner tone, particularly when Mikey made grabby hands at the Takoyaki behind the counter.
His crush on you made him feel ridiculous. He was the fearsome vice president of the Tokyo Manji Gang yet uttering more than a ‚hello‘ and ‚thank you‘ towards you seemed like an impossible task. He rather take on entire gangs all himself before you knew.
How unfortunate that you did. Whatever made teenage boys think they were slick about their crushes, you didn‘t know but you wish you had that kind of self confidence in other matters. You weren‘t blind, of course you saw the way the tip of his ears flushed in a deep red when he came to the counter. Honestly, it was kind of endearing.
You didn‘t know a whole lot about him, not more than what was told on the streets. You were a year older than him, he was some high ranking member in the teenage toddler group that were delinquent gangs and certainly seemed to be the most mature. Certainly more than his little friend who seemed to love drawing dick on the review notepad meant for customers. You were certain that Draken was 99% of his impulse control.
‚Draken‘ you had heard his friends call him on numerous occasions. That and ‚Ken-chin‘, but he did not seem to appreciate that nickname too much, judging my his reaction.
‘He was sorta cute’, you concluded as you sat behind the counter, your eyes following him, as him and his friends made their way through the store, laughing and joking around.
“They are still 150¥”, you chastised in a monotone voice, looking up from your magazine as Mikey flinched and moved his hand back from the pastries in front of the store.
“But we are regulars!”, he complained loudly pouting.
“No. He is a regular”, you said, pointing at Draken, who immediately flushed faintly, trying to keep his posture, “he is a regular. You have never payed for a single thing in your life here.”
Mikey grumbled, unable to deny the fact that Draken brought everything here anyway while he just picked what he wanted to have.
“Fine. Since I am unwanted here I am going to leave”, he said, leaving Draken alone to pay for their snacks with you.
“Sorry about him”, Draken apologised, rubbing his neck nervously as he placed the items on the counter.
You started to scan the items, taking your sweet time.
“Its fine. I’ve gotten used to it. Must be annoying for you to always be on baby sitting duty.”
“He can be annoying. Real annoying. But imma still follow him”, Draken said earnestly.
“How unfortunate”, you hummed, a glint of humour in eyes as you grabbed a milk bun.
“I didn’t-“
“Free of charge. For being a loyal costumer”, you said, winking at him.
Draken gulped and dropped the sweaty yen coins onto the table.
“Thank you. I am sure he will appreciate it.”
You mulled over the thought that just came for you before shrugging. Might as well go for it.
“One more thing”, you said as you rang up his change and scribbled something on a piece of paper before handing both to him.
Draken stared in confusion at the string of random numbers.
“Uh… thanks?”
You leaned forward, resting your head on your hands.
“Thats my number, dragon boy. Free of charge. Give me a ring sometime”, you teased with a wink.
A deep, scarlet blush spread across his cheeks as Draken stuttered out a thank you before speedwalking out of the store, pushing instead of pulling the door, quickly rejoining his friends. How fun.
You watched him stumble, rejoining the group of his friends who, upon hearing the recent development, cheered for him. Boys. It was kind of adorable actually.
You stretched, staring at the clock. 2 more hours. Maybe you would close your shift and the shop to a message.
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so I can find this later)
AITA for how I handle this certain friendship?
my friend (lets call them A), we used to text them all the time, almost every day, we are good friends and we helped each other many ways.
After a few months, A needed space due to handling a few personal things which included severe depression on top, so it was understandable A was slow to reply, so I'd wait until A is free again or until they text me back. So sometimes this can vary from days to weeks.
I tell A every time no rush and they can reply whenever they can, so I don't make them feel bad or anything and I don't mind waiting for them to reply.
Sometimes, if there is something that happened in between I text A again, just to let them know something I thought they'd like to know.
I thought I was doing the right, but then, I sorta just stopped texting A again and again, I thought they needed their own headspace and I didn't want to annoy them. The last time I had texted A was last year, they never never replied so I simply waited, but now the thing is, it's been almost 5 to 6 months now.
Now, I simply didn't text A these months thinking they needed space and seeing they were active on tumblr, I didn't worry too much but I was also inactive dealing with my problems, I went on unexcepted hiatus every so often. But I did check in, to make sure all my friends including A was ok.
A still hadn't responded to me, even though they were active online posting, I chose to be understanding, they probably didn't want to personally talk and just speak in general to everyone at once.
I won't lie, I did feel suddenly distant in these occurrences, especially seeing A was ok with tagging others or responding to others publicly after A was tagged by someone else, I felt as if I was left a little forgotten, but still I tried to be understanding, even if it hurt.
But now suddenly I see they left on a completely unexpected and indefinite hiatus after subtly stating about broken and failed friendships, part of me feels like A is referring to me and now I'm too afraid to reach out to them again, I really don't want to hurt them. I thought I was giving them the time and headspace but now it seems like I made it all go downhill because I let it drag into months.
I almost feel as if they hate me now, because we did promise to tell each other if ever made the other feel anything negatively we would say so, I didn't say I felt distant because I didn't want to add on top of A's already ongoing problems.
so AITA for how I handle this certain friendship?
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silverstar-yeet · 1 year
"Be Happy, it Drives People Crazy"
Hello~ This is my first actual published writing for people to view so please take it easy on me. I might make this into a series heck I may make a yandere version if you guys enjoy this. For now, I am only going to do three characters. These are also gonna be short- Tags: GN!Reader; bit suggestive; fluff Description: You were sitting at lunch goofing off with some of the first years. Your smile makes them feel a certain sorta way. What they think whenever they see you smile.
For you it had been another every other day, you were sitting at lunch with those who were close enough to call friends. Ace and Deuce going back and forth over a stupid argument, but the argument they were having was just making you feel tickled. You tried to hold on to your laugh so as to not be dragged into the argument, but you truly did try. Unable to hold back the bubbling laughter in your chest you burst. Your laugh rang through the cafeteria like a bell, and your eyes began to water from how hard you were laughing. Undenounced to you as you laughed those near you went silent (the cafeteria was still rambunctious as ever in the background), you hadn't noticed until after you wiped your tears away with a joyous smile. Some looked away from you with their own smiles or smirks while some continued their conversations.
Trey Clover
He was sitting at the table next to you with Cater, Vil, and Rook. Discussing class assignments that were coming up. The conversation went silent when your laugh rang out. Looking in your direction, he froze momentarily. The smile on your face... the way your voice carried through the lunch room so joyously. He was mesmerized. He loved to see you smile, it was his main motivation for taking the time to make you special treats. Though he would play it off as him making extra from the unbirthday party. Those smiles were nothing compared to what he was witnessing right now though. With the combination of your beautiful smile and your wonderful laughter, he may have fallen in love all over again. As he felt a growing warmth crawl up his neck and onto his face ever so slightly. He places a hand on his chin as he stares at you until your laughter dies down. As he watches he thinks of new recipes to feed you, hopefully, something a little messy so he could see a more flustered side of you later. A smirk forms on his face as he turns back to Cater and the others at his table, to continue the conversation as if nothing happened. Floyd Leech He was sitting at the table behind you, of course, our lovely octatrio was sitting together with our Scarabia duo (though Jamil would be annoyed if you ever said that nickname aloud). Floyd was constantly leaning into your table and listening or butting into your conversations. Whether or not it was to get your attention or to make some of your friends back off no one could really tell except probably of course Jade or Azul. He was actually leaning over toward your table when you began to laugh. Taken aback by your sudden laughter he froze a bit and fell to the ground before stumbling to sit up to where he could stare at you laughing with that smile of yours. He doesn't exactly know why or how it could make him feel as if he just bought a brand new pair of shoes- or shot the winning basket at a game. Though that could never truly describe how he was feeling for this feeling felt better than when those things happened. He wanted to straight up just squeeze you right then and there, hide your smile away from everyone else. He wanted to be the only one to make you smile. Before he could get you to grab you- his brother grabbed his arm to pull him back in his chair. Sending an annoyed scowl to his brother he sits back down before staring at you again. To see if you'll smile like that again.
Sebek Zigvolt
Our thunder-voiced companion was sitting at the table with you- more or less looking at the aduece with a disappointed scowl. Thinking how many imbeciles must go to the same school as waka-sama, poor waka-sama must feel so exhausted from being so superior to everyone else. He was about to intervene in the argument but was silenced when your laughter reached his ears. Immediately looking at you with wide eyes. One of the few times he would ever go silent, this would be one of them. The sound of your laughter made butterflies fill his chest and made his neck feel like it was burning. Doing his best to hide the growing color in his cheeks, all the color seemed to go to his ears, turning them red. His infatuation with you is something he doesn't understand, cause you are human. Humans are inferior to fae, so why does he feel like you are a magnet that is constantly pulling him in? He knows it can't be magic, you have none to speak of. All he can do is stare, that is until you glance at him- that has him doing a 180. He immediately turns the other way as if to hide any embarrassing look he may have on his face. If you asked him what was wrong, he would just say, "I THOUGHT I SAW SOMETHING OUTSIDE THE WINDOW!" It doesn't matter if he is facing the window or not. . . . . Thank ya for reading! ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ I want to thank the lovely people who have inspired me to publish my writing. It was thanks to their own hard work and dedication to their own writing I decided to do this. So please go check them out if you haven't already. @dotster001 @twst-trash @twst-drabbles
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ask-the-bone-boys · 6 months
ATBB's Future
Hiiii y'all, its uh. been a minute huh
Now that it's been a bit over a year since I put this blog on hiatus, a loootta stuff has happened and changed and i've been doing a loootttta thinking!
Looking back on it, like really really looking, my biggest reason for the hiatus was that at some point the blog just kinda became more of a chore than something I wanted to work on for fun. Ask blogs are a lot of work, even when you're just using talking portraits rather than drawing out every individual answer, and with how much ask culture on tumblr has died out over the years there just wasn't really enough payoff to make it feel worthwhile to keep burning myself out.
I think it's a really good thing I stopped it when I did, because having to deal with all that in my senior year of high school would have been a nightmare. I've actually just finished up my first semester of college now, and there's no way in hell I would've been able to keep up at any rate! With all of this in mind, I've gained a newer perspective about how to approach things going forward.
I'm still really attached to this story. With how much time I've spent thinking about it and developing it in my head, I can't let it go, even if the blog isn't really working out anymore. I keep thinking of different ways I could fix the decisions I made early on, as well as the super cool directions I could take it in in the future, and I just. I GOTTA.
So, I've decided to reboot it entirely as a fic series!
This means that, unfortunately, there won't be nearly as much artwork to accompany it, but it's far more likely for the story to actually progress! Writing is way less draining for me and once I get going I can do it much quicker than art anyway, even though I do still sorta wish I had the spoons to just turn it into a full-blown webcomic instead haha
This DOES mean that updates won't be nearly as linear as they were here, seeing as right now I've mostly been working on backstory fics that took place before the blog's main story, but that can at least give you guys more context for how the characters interact with each other! I'll also state that while I do write faster than I draw, I still do it a hell of a lot less, so updates will still probably be pretty infrequent. But at least they'll happen at all, right?
As for the state of this blog itself, obviously I'm going to leave it up! I still love looking back on the old interactions you guys had with my characters and your reactions to certain plot points (your reactions to Fluff tagging along with the rest of the group were my favorite by far) and I think it would actually kill me to erase them. I'll be posting the fic updates here too, just like I did for Self Hatred!
And even if it's not going to be an ask blog anymore, because of how much I still miss that kind of interaction with you guys, I think I want to do a sort of "last hurrah" event, to finally send off the asking format with some good vibes.
You see, there's a character I made up around this time of year two years ago. He's a pretty cool guy, but he doesn't actually show up until a specific turning point later in the story. I've been excited for you guys to talk to him since the day I made him, but a little bummed lately that you may not ever get the chance. I still need to get a lot of stuff prepared, so I'm not quite ready to announce or start anything just yet, but there's a reason I waited until my winter break to start thinking about this seriously.
I think you guys would really like to meet him.
But anyway, that's about all I wanted to say for now! This is a very long post already so it's time I start wrapping it up. As always, thank you all so much for sticking with me, even though I really haven't been consistent through the years. I hope this change doesn't come as too much of a disappointment, and that you'll keep sticking around for the reboot!
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astarionfreak · 3 months
I'm not sure if you are taking prompts 👉👈 But i had an idea and i haven't seen any fics of it yet.
What if after escaping the nautiloid, tav found Astarion first, and they are all alone when she finds him. Then he does his little thing with his dagger, demanding answers, but then tav is sorta touch starved. Maybe she is kinky, or something like that, so tav ends up moaning and/or breathing heavy under his blade, and astarion realizes what is happening and is very excited to give tav what she needs?????? >.<
I know I am not good at writing, but your fics are so good, i find myself thinking about them throughout my day, and it's distracting 😭
Feel free to change whatever if my idea is kinda dumb or unrefined
Anyways, whether or not you take this prompt is up to you, and i hope you have a great day <3
ANON. Anon! Anon! Listen. Listen. I love this idea. So -- yes. Okay. YES. Thank you!!
As with most things I write, this fic spiraled out of control. It turned into completely self indulgent filth. I hope you enjoy my take on the prompt <3
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That darling neck of yours
// Astarion x Fem!Reader (Tav)
When Astarion pulled you down to the ground and held that blade to your throat, it awakened your desire. He noticed -- and he's going to hold it against you (again).
18+ • NSFW • 4.2K words | Teaser below (Read on AO3)
Tags/Warnings: POV second person, Present tense, Knife play (if you squint, Tav does get a small cut on her neck but it's an accident), Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in vagina sex, Vampire bites, Blood kink, Light choking/breath play, Submissive Tav, Dominant Astarion.
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You sit on your bedroll, staring deep into the campfire. Sometimes, if you sit still enough, you can feel the tadpole wriggling around in your brain. You wonder if you should have pressed on, but the sun set quickly after the pale elf joined your side. So you set up camp.
Astarion. He’s an interesting find. Maybe you’re a fool for letting him travel with you. He did hold a dagger to your throat.
Although . . .
A shiver rolls up your spine. Your skin prickles. You’re immediately aroused by the mere memory of him threatening you — the thought of him claiming you as his own.
You glance over your shoulder and watch Astarion for a moment as he struggles to set up his tent. You’d offer to help, but, well, no. You won’t offer to help. You turn back to the fire and let your mind wander.
Time seemed to slow when the sharp edge of his blade pressed against your throat. His body was so close to yours as you went tumbling backwards and crashing into the dirt. All you could think about was how the back of your head didn’t hit the ground — and how he held you. How he threatened you: his willing captive.
You tug at the collar of your shirt, suddenly finding the warmth of the fire practically unbearable. But your thoughts, they begin to drift again . . .
“What the hells are you doing?” you choked out. Your mouth went dry. You were certain that your face and chest were flushed red from anxiety — or, maybe, it was arousal. You swallowed thickly and tried to plan your escape. When was the last time someone held you or even touched you at all?
“Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours,” he purred. The low timbre of his voice went straight to your cunt. You locked eyes with his. Crimson, dark, deep. A soft moan clawed its way up your throat and slipped past your lips. He didn’t say anything, but he heard it, you watched as his eyes darkened. Part of you hoped that he’d defile you right there — in the dirt where you met.
Heat pools between your legs. If only you could find some relief. There’s one thing that would help. You check behind you again. Astarion is still busy with his tent. Surely he wouldn’t notice if you . . .
You slip your hand beneath the hem of your pants. Your fingers travel lower, lower, lower. Only pausing when you’ve brushed over your clit. You bite your lip and shiver. Then you continue down until your fingers are low enough to dip between your lips.
You find exactly what you expected. You’re drenched. Just from a thought, just the idea of him — this stranger — pulling you to the ground, holding a dagger to your throat, and taking control of your body.
You sink two fingers into your cunt, down to the second knuckle. It’s almost agonizing, clenching around your own fingers while thinking about his. The dexterous hands of a rogue. He’d know exactly how to pleasure you — when to take and when to give.
You struggle to push your fingers in deeper without making too much of a scene. You grind the palm of your hand against your clit. Ugh. It’s not enough.
You bite back a whimper as you withdraw your fingers. You drag them back up through your slick folds until you find your clit again. Just once, you lie to yourself. Just one, tiny, stroke. You check over your shoulder. Astarion hasn’t noticed you pleasuring yourself yet — he’s busy. He doesn’t ever need to know.
Read on AO3.
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
Lost Fic #151
1. I read a fic once where post canon (? I think?) Aziraphale was kidnapped/captured by demons as revenge and Crowley just invaded Hell as a giant snake and used his imagination to warp reality so that basically he was a basilisk and the demons were rats in the maze with him. And he just cronched his way to saving Aziraphale. I’m looking for this fic again if you know anything that sounds right? - @mousesizedragon-blog
2. Hello A-L Team, I'm looking for a fic where after the not-apocalypse, Aziraphale is still hesitating in admitting how he feels about Crowley. Crowley becomes upset and says something along the lines of "come find me when you're ready, you know where I'll be." Only Aziraphale doesn't. (He's particularly clueless in this one.) So A stays on earth for another several thousand years, gradually forgetting what C sounds like or looks like, until humans make earth uninhabitable and set course for, where else, Alpha Centauri, where Crowley has built a house on the shore and has been living all this time. I have tried every tag I could think of on AO3 and have come up blank. Any insight? Thank you so much! - anon
3. Hello!!! I’ve been looking for a certain fic for a while now, I read it on ao3 a while ago but can’t seem to find it again for the life of me! It started with the classic night at Crowley’s flat with them confessing and doing the body swap, however when they did the body swap their true forms sort of… burned??? when in close proximity but in a way that they could make it work yk. It was definitely explicit and it ended with them in a hotel room at the Ritz. Thank you for all that you do on this account btw it’s so helpful!!! - @gloriouspurpose69
4. Hello! Thank you so much for your bog it's amazing! your all fabulous people! I've been looking everywhere for this fic where Crowley is trapped in Hell and Aziraphale has to walk him out sorta Eurydice's style. And I swear I found it through this blog but the only one i can find similar on here is "A Mighty Flame Followeth A Tiny Spark" and it's not that one! All i remember is at the end Aziraphale has lost a part of himself and I think there is a follow up fic where Crowley has to take him to heaven to get it back??Please help if you can! Thank you so much! - @tyrograph
5. I lost a fic where Crowley keeps his hair pulled back and eyes covered, and hides other things, because Aziraphale makes a face or acts stiffly - which Crowley interprets as disgust at his demonic appearance and capricious fashion choices. When Crowley gets a headache from a tight hairstyle, he offers to go home so Aziraphale isn't inflicted with his disheveled self. Aziraphale tells him it's actually repressed attraction, and things progress from there 😁 likely E or M rating. - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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allbluedepths · 4 months
This was originally part of the ship bingo post, but it spiraled out of control and became a very large pile of thoughts. So instead, the Wings of the Emperor AU is getting its own ship dynamics post for Shanks, Mihawk, and Benn because it's sorta its own thing, and I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to even tag for it because none of their relationships fit in neat boxes very well.
(Wings of the Emperor AU is my early Red Hair Pirates era AU where Mihawk chooses to not become a Warlord and ends up not joining, but semi-sailing with the Red Hair Pirates. It mostly focuses on Mihawk's early dueling years with Shanks, his interactions with the Red Hair Pirates, and eventually getting swept up into their sailing shenanigans. TL;DR: I had the thought of "who would Mihawk be if forced to answer the question of 'who am I beyond just being a swordsman'" and it all spiraled from there.
For the record, some of the earlier posts aren’t 100% accurate anymore — big one being that I traded the “Mihawk was almost Shanks’ first mate” bit for something else — but this is an indulgent ship post, not me correcting my own lore post LOL.)
So, here’s a pile of thoughts to get my brain in gear to actually write more of the fic itself, haha. : )
This AU is… complicated? I'd say it's endgame Mihawk/Shanks/Benn triad in a very non-traditional relationships way. For example, by the time Mihawk semi-joins them and turns down the Warlord position, even Shanks and Mihawk don't have a concrete romantic relationship, and theirs is still the closest to that, haha. I guess it's best classified as:
Shanks and Mihawk: close relationship bordering on romantic; there's mutual interest, but their definitions of romantic also don't match "standard" definitions of romance, so it doesn't always read as that to others. Rivals/partners with a romantic flair?? Since Mihawk turning down the Warlord position and choosing to join them comes with a good chunk of other upheaval, there's a conscious decision to not really label anything, but they're on the same page of being mutually interested.
Shanks and Benn: hellooooo complex intertwined captain-first mate relationships. The fun duality of being both incredibly simple and incredibly complex. I'm team "many working captain-first mate relationships basically become life partnerships", and they're probably the prime example of that. Inconveniently for tagging purposes, it's smack dab in the middle of "&" and "/" relationships for AO3, so… eh, the vibes are vague. The details past the fact that they're basically each other's most trusted person stop mattering at a certain point.
Benn and Mihawk: Complicated, haha. By far the side of the triad with the most development to be had; right now, it's more like they're separate sides of a V polycule, rather than a triad, but the foundation's there. An odd, unexpected friendship turned an even more unexpected camaraderie as the years go by and Mihawk's around more and more. Absolutely no one outside of them (and occasionally Shanks) can really parse out what's going on here. Again, just over the line of what I'd tag as "&", and develops veeeeeery slowly over the years in its own undefined way.
…That ended up as a whole ass wall of words, haha. Shorter summary if you're looking for general relationship shifts:
Mihawk sails with the Red Hair Pirates (~6 years after the RHP start): only Shanks/Mihawk are semi/almost-romantic
Sailing time until Dawn Island: Shanks/Mihawk slowly get their shit together; Shanks/Benn inch toward maybe another realization or two, Benn/Mihawk "two introvert cats" bond starts really kicking in
Post-Dawn Island: Shanks/Benn get their shit together (thank you, realizations about mortality)
The decade-ish between Dawn Island and current canon: It's a polycule between an Emperor, an Emperor's first mate, and the World's Greatest Swordsman. Who cares if it makes sense to anyone else; it works for them, lol.
If you read this far, thank you, and I hope you enjoyed an unexpectedly long analysis drop for an AU I haven't posted for in a while and mostly exists in my brain right now, haha!
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qwuilty · 1 year
Clockwork - A Postal 1 Dude x Reader fic
Guess who finally got inspiration to actually write one motherfuckers
This is pre-Postal 1, kinda sorta a coffee shop au if you squint your eyes hard enough? More so just a food service setting because he just works there.
Reader is given no gendered pronouns or titles, second person POV, apologies for any awkwardness cause i haven written one of these in a hot minute and thanks to a friend to beta reading when my power went out, gotta love summer </3
It was almost like clockwork.
Work was always long and tedious, it left you heading out in the dead of night and hungry with hardly anywhere open at this hour. It was understandable, hardly anyone was up at this time of day, but you didn’t want to drive home on an empty stomach regardless. 
So you tended to pull into the closest place that’d take you in, a pretty small doughnut shop in a truck stop just a bit down the road that was always there, even if it was pretty stuffy. There weren't that many people who worked so late at night so you usually only saw one guy there when you ordered, he was pretty tall, even when he hunched down so much he was still a bit taller than you were. You didn’t know his name, you asked if the uniforms were supposed to have a name tag or something, but he sheepishly admitted he didn’t like wearing one and especially didn’t like people knowing it, so you didn’t want to press any further than that. 
He had long ginger hair, just about resting on his shoulders around where his goatee was, as well as a fairly strong brow-line and an air of discomfort at almost all times. A pair of sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose, maybe to hide his lack of eye contact, though sometimes you could spot his hazel eyes darting around behind them. 
You figured he took these hours because less people showed up, in fact, around this time you never really saw anyone else ordering besides maybe law enforcement stopping by to get something to eat before quickly heading back out. Whenever they came in he seemed worried, almost avoidant and looking over his shoulder more to see if they were going to do something until they finally left.
Still, despite his odd tendencies, you’d started to grow fond of his presence in a way. He didn’t talk too much, thankfully not asking why you always showed up so damn late or why you always got the same thing each time. At first it was a bit uncomfortable to stand there in silence, but you found he didn’t mind you just talking to him while he worked, so you eventually just talked about just whatever was on your mind if he was willing to listen. Shitty customers, some coworker gossip, general issues with management, almost losing track of time until he reminded you your order was finished. 
Sometimes he even spoke up as well, mentioning little bits and pieces of his life, just enough to give you a small peek at himself that you wondered if any others got to see. At a certain point he even memorized your order down to the specifics, it felt embarrassing to realize just how much you pulled into here, but in a way, it was nice to be remembered. 
So, when you showed up one night and saw someone else at the register, it threw you off your rhythm. 
If it wasn’t for them asking what you wanted, you’d stay frozen in thought for a while. They seemed impersonal, just going through your order until you spoke up and asked where the last guy went. For a moment they stopped and then just shrugged. “Hell if I know. Guess he decided to not come in tonight.”
At first you thought maybe he had gotten sick, but after the fourth absence, your mind began to wonder. Had he quit? Moved town? Died? It felt irrational to worry so much about someone you barely knew, but you couldn't just let that thread of your life fall off like that. 
You tried asking his coworkers, but they seemed just as confused as you were. Even the manager said he just kind of left and no one really knew how to contact him, nor were they willing to give out his personal information to a stranger. 
The only other leads you had were shaky at best, one said they thought they might have seen him at a gun shop nearby, the person at the counter there saying he walked towards the outskirts, another recounting him going out to the downtown area a while back, and with work you didn't have much time to pursue it. Should you have been pursuing it at all? He was just a stranger, people quit talking all the time. But with no one really knowing what happened to him, you couldn't help but worry, no matter how much you tried you just couldn't drop it. 
Even on the day off that week, your mind hovered around the memory of him, how soft spoken he was, his mannerisms, how he had long ginger hair just like that guy taking a drag of a cigarette as you passed by.
You turned around quickly, damn near giving yourself whiplash to get another look. He had the same long, disheveled hair, huddled in on himself in his own little world. You'd never seen him out of his uniform, but a black trenchcoat felt natural on him. When he looked back down at you, it seemed it clicked for him as well. Your tone was a little rash when you asked where the hell he's been, but he'd worried you half to death. How he just left all of a sudden, leaving you scared for his well being.
He seemed confused, both at your sudden loudness and your concern at all. "I.. I just didn't like working there anymore? I was going to tell you but I figured you'd probably find out anyways-"  Judging by his explanation, maybe he was just used to picking up and leaving jobs without anyone actually caring when he left. At least not to the extent you got yourself worked up to. "I mean like, I'm sorry just- I didn't think you'd like… Care this much?"
You let out a loud exhale, stopping him from talking any further as you dug into your pockets. Thankfully you still had a shitty little pen and a receipt in there, tearing off a bit of it and writing on it before pushing it out towards his hands. "There, now you can call me back and I can actually know where you are if you jump off the side of the world again like that…"
He looked down towards your number, almost mesmerized by it. "Please just… Just keep me updated, okay man? Sorry to yell at you, I was just- I was really worried, okay? I've got some other stuff to do so I can't stay here, but promise me you're gonna call, okay?" You asked, walking out a bit as he looked up. 
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the-final-sif · 5 months
Hi Sif! I saw you addition to my post and I wanted to follow up and say that I did a more complete analysis looking at every character on the Dream SMP. I definitely didn't think my original post was going to spread as far as it did, since it was me just gushing my surface level thoughts. Part of the reason I followed up with a more thorough look was that I didn't want to let misinformation spread without actually looking at the full data.
I agree with some of your points but I would like to push a little and say that I do think that there is still a gender bias. While Hannah's situation might be more related to her later addition to the server and lack of prominent romantic relationships (beyond Tinarose, which still counts as a rarepair by numbers), the numbers for Niki are a significant outlier considering her early presence and involvement in numerous character/story arcs, especially compared to some characters that fared better than her.
I obviously can't control for every variable and every reason the numbers may show what they do. And there are many, many reasons people can and should use tags the way they do. But I think it is not too far-fetched to say that the Dream SMP fandom does have a problem with overusing tags that don't actually portray what happens in their fic AND with under-valuing characters with marginalized identities, which are partially reflected in the way relationship tags and character tags work together as they do today.
Here's the thing, I actually don't think that Niki's story count is weird at all, I think you may just be underestimating how popular certain pairings/platonic relationships are.
Let's take a comparison that I think is more than fair, c!Punz. Punz has a pretty comparable if not larger impact on the story than c!Niki. particularly towards the finales he plays different roles in them. But outside of c!Dream he doesn't have a lot of other major relationships that are popular in fanon, outside of him and c!Purpled. Despite this, c!Punz is often important to the plot, and he joined a full month before Niki did. Hell, he joined before Tubbo and just after Tommy.
But look at his top 10,
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He does have 2/10 of his top relationships, but it's platonic/romantic drunz, so just different flavors of the same relationship. Outside of that, you see all the same super popular ships that you saw on ever other characters. It's just what happens in fandom.
As it turns out, some dynamics are just incredibly popular. DNF alone has nearly 25k fics written just for it. So honestly, with that many raw fics, it's hardly surprising that about 5% of them happen to feature Punz. Which ends up being more fics than the rest of his relationship category.
It's not that Punz is being incorrectly tagged in these fics, it's just that DNF is incredibly incredibly popular, and by virtue of that you end up here.
SBI similarly has about 21k fics, and Wilbur & Tommy have about 22k.
Niki's numbers aren't particularly weird, it's just that these particular dynamics are extremely popular. If you filter out just those three insanely popular dynamics, you get this,
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Niki ends up in 4/10 (sorta 4/9 since one of these is just "no romantic relationships" which people use as a relationship tag for some reason rather than just putting that in additional tags).
I'm not saying that there aren't gender biases in how certain characters are treated. To some extent people often feel less comfortable shipping female creators because people in the past were being creeps about it and forcing it onto female creators in their chats (lots of creators had to address this with their chats, Techno included). Which will lead to a specific decline in the amount they get tagged in the ship section.
What I am saying is that I don't actually think there's a gender bias in how characters are tagged, and I don't think ship stats are a good way to prove that. Characters can be important to a story and not be tagged in the ship section. Also, frankly, a lot of times authors force in or tag a "popular" ship just to get more attention for their story, even if that ship isn't a huge part of the story.
I'm also not rely sure what exactly you want to see happen with a post like that. Like, should people not tag female characters that are relevant to their story if they're also tagging a really popular ship? I don't think that's a good idea. It is just kinda being the fandom police if that really is your take on it, if you come at it from the perspective that you get to decide how other people should tag. I know you said you weren't trying to be that, but like, that's how it comes off.
Some people will tag based on relevancy, some people tag as warnings. Both are valid methods of tagging, and you don't have a right to control how other people use their tags. That's something I believe very strongly in.
I've also never really been fond of turning enjoyment of characters into a moral thing either. People will enjoy what characters they connect to for any number of reasons, and shaming them for not enjoying particular female characters has never done anyone any good. I've seen it a thousand times before in every fandom I've been in and all it does is make people feel guilty. What actually does a lot more good is instead being excited about the female characters you like, and creating interesting fandom content for them that helps get other people interested.
If you want more people to be passionate about something, start from a point of passion, not a point of shame.
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Request for Mod Betty! Can I ask for headcanons for dating Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, and Diavolo please?
Sorry this took so long I've been busy and lowkey unmotivated
Fandom:Obey Me
Character: Solomon,Simeon,Barbatos,Diavolo
Author: Mod Betty
Warning/tags: fluff, reader is the MC,I haven't played obey me in forever so I apologize if these are slightly OOC,Slight hurt/comfort on Solomon's part, not proofreaded
Reader is gender neutral
Word count :1,431 words
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-A cheeky motherfucker that's also secretly clingy
-When dating he's usually the one to playfully tease you,the way your face contorts into embarrassment is just too cute! But don't worry he's not the type to make you feel humiliated it's all light hearted
-Despite his mysterious and shady aura he's actually a huge dork
-Whenever he's experimenting with potions he likes to have you nearby, though he'll make sure that you're 100% safe and after each experiment that went wrong will immediately ask you if you're alright
-Also likes to take you on walks where he usually collects ingredients for potions and he'll talk about random things that come to mind
-If you're struggling on a certain task he'll offer to help which is often and he usually says "What are you going to do without me ____" in a jokingly way before continuing with his tutoring session
-When you haven't learnt how to use magic yet , he'll be extra protective of you and always be nearby( not in a weird way)
-He knows how cruel demons are and to them you look like a scrumptious lunch that's just begging to be devoured
-In public he doesn't mind affection,he'll hold your hand or plant a kiss on your cheek
-Devildom is usually cold so he offers you his jacket, it's not like he wears it properly anyway
-In private he lets his walls crumble slowly as he hold you closely
-Some nights he just holds you tightly as he stays wide awake,simply thinking about how events you'll have to depart from this world,a world without you? No he can't have that! He can't lose you! His grip on your body tightened which caused you to wake up
-He really appreciates when you comfort him,it makes him feel less lonely but most importantly it makes him feel loved
-His kisses are usually desperate and needy
-He needs to feel your presence, that you're still there,in his arms.He needs to know you'll never leave him and that you'll always be by his side.
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-The sweetest man you've ever met
-He's always gentle with you and makes sure he doesn't overwhelm you I mean you're in a completely different realm where hungry demons live
-He often comes to the House of Lamentation to invite you to Purgatory Hall because he doesn't want you walking alone and possibly getting hurt( the brothers will have his head if he let their precious human get hurt)
-Offers you tea and sweet treats for you and is always glad to hear your thoughts on them
-Also dating Simeon means you also have a child to take care of
-Luke is a ball of sunshine and also has taken a liking to you
-You were like his other parental figure and would always come to you if Simeon was busy or if they got into a small fight
-Luke sometimes helps Simeon with his little tea party dates with you cuz Solomon is uh not a great help
-Likes cooking with you ,even if you're terrible at it he'll help out! I mean your cooking can't be as bad as Solomon's right? RIGHT!?
-Simeon also doesn't mind PDA and often indulges in small touches like interlocking hands or putting his hands on your face before drawing your face closer to his and eventually your lips connect.. " Alright lovebirds we should get going save your romance for when we get back" Solomon said which caused the 2 of you to quickly pull away from the kiss,Simeon's cheeks now being a slight shade of red " R-right"
-He's sorta your guardian angel and magically everything that goes wrong doesn't end terribly. Accidentally tripped? Don't worry he's there to catch you! Feeling overwhelmed when you can't understand assignments? His relaxing aura and soft gestures always manage to calm you down
-His kisses are soft but full of love,he enjoys the texture of your lips on his,doesn't matter if they're smooth or chapped.Everytime he kisses you on the lips,it's usually followed by a " I love you " or " you mean the world to me" and those aren't just sugar coated words, he's ready to sacrifice his status as an angel if it means being able to love you and feel your love for him.
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-He's such a gentleman and always tends to your needs
-Don't worry about feeling like a burden about him doing everything! He's a butler and it's his duty to serve,besides he enjoys doing things for you
-Since he's the butler of the future Demon King ,he's usually busy so his way of showing affection is by acts of service so please let him serve you
-He doesn't usually invite you to the castle but Diavolo can sense when Barbatos starts missing you so he invites you to the castle and quietly leaves the room to leave the 2 of you some alone time
-He probably has a 6th sense when it comes to you,like if you're in need of comfort or are in danger or just simply miss him he'll be right at your doorstep
-When he makes treats for Diavolo, he purposely makes more than needed just to give them to you
-He's not much into PDA honestly,maybe hand holding here and there but he usually keeps affection in private
-He's more willing to show his emotions in the privacy of his room
-After a tiring day of butler duties he only thinks about going to bed with you next to him
-Cuddles are usually exclusively to nighttime unless Diavolo gives him a break day
-He likes to be the big spoon,your back pressed against his chest as he holds you protectively
-It's almost an instinct for him to protect you
-His kisses are always sweet that leaves you wanting more
-He always kisses your hand as a greeting and as a goodbye but everytime he kisses your lips,it assures you that you're loved by him and you'll always be safe with him.
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-Oh he's just so happy and giddy when you started dating
-He's so used to people fearing him for his status and only being nice to him mainly because he's a future king so when you showed genuine kindness to him he bursted into a happy mess
-He always spoils you rotten and will not take no for an answer
-Please let him spoil you cuz he wants to show how much he loves you and how much he cares for you
-Material gifts aren't his only way he expresses his love for you
-He also loves praising you and getting praise from the Devildom's Prince is a tough thing to get
-If you did well on a test he'd say that he's really proud of you and always makes sure you feel good about yourself
-The whole Devildom already knows about the fact you two are dating so he doesn't see the point of hiding his affections in public but only if you're comfortable ,however he saves the more passionate gestures and words in private
-You two would be cuddling on his bed, his hand on your cheek as he looks in your eyes,oh how captivating they are " Do you know you look absolutely stunning" he asks,a smile on his face " Yeah I mean you mention it at least 3 times a day" you giggle,reaching for his face to mimic his gesture " And you are quite beautiful yourself" you said as you close the gap between the two of you.After your lips parted,Diavolo smiles " And those beautiful eyes of your,more beautiful than any rare gem" he kisses your temple "And such pretty lips and forms a smile that never fails to make me feel warm and fuzzy " he says,kissing the corners of your mouth, another compliment and another kiss
-When cuddling, he has his arms wrapped around your body,pulling you in a snug embrace but not too tightly to hurt you since he is award of his strength
-But he also loves being held! Likes it when you play with his hair and kiss his forehead, it's like you've casted a sleeping spell on his and he knows that everytime you kiss his forehead,he will have good dreams
-Kisses are abundant but full of love and passion.He pours his entire love for you in every kiss,each kiss being treated as the last one. He knows that the world can be cruel sometimes so he wants to have every possible happy moment with you.
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ectonurites · 9 months
thoughts on convergence batgirl?
ah yes i did mention i have problems with it in a tag last night which i imagine prompted you asking this.
on the one hand, in 2015 it was a 'made me cry out of joy to see Steph back in the Batgirl suit at all' sort of thing, so i'll always have a certain fondness for it. i do think it has some good moments (like the one in that above linked post) plus Steph & Cass as roommates my beloved.
BUT the major problem I have is that I think the premise is inherently flawed—I think it's way too out of character for Steph to quit being Batgirl/a vigilante the way she is shown to have done once the dome appeared. And that sorta bleeds into the whole story, it's a driving force behind how Steph & co are dealing with the Convergence situation.
Steph’s resilience and unwillingness to ever give up anything—no matter what the world threw at her—had pretty much always been a defining characteristic for her. The only times prior she’d ever ‘given it [being a hero] up’ were temporarily while she was pregnant (because. obviously) and when it was entirely not her choice post-War Games (because Leslie faked her death and brought her to Africa, but basically the second she got back to Gotham she was being Spoiler again).
Being a hero is something she had to work so hard for. It's something that she was told to stop doing over and over again—by Bruce, by Tim, by fucking everyone—but it's the thing she wanted to do and it's the way she wanted to help, so by god she was gonna do it!
And once she became Batgirl, that determination to be a hero only intensified:
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(Bruce Wayne: The Road Home — Batgirl #1)
Like... this is her last page before the reboot:
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(Batgirl (2009) #24)
Literally saying 'it's only the end if you want it to be' in rebuttal to Babs mentioning an end, and following it up with 'Here we go' as she swings off into the early morning to keep Batgirl-ing—in her last appearance before continuity is about to reboot and make her disappear entirely for a few years. This page is like the clearest example of showing how Stephanie Brown is a character that will carry on being a hero—doing what she loves and thinks is right—even if things are ending all around her.
So I just can't comprehend looking at that and saying 'yeah, when an emergency hits, she's gonna give all this up ASAP'. It just feels like it contradicts the very nature of Steph's attitude on being a hero and will always rub me the wrong way.
Then, a smaller thing that also bugged me on the reread of Convergence Batgirl I just did is how Tim/Steph was handled.
Because they were apparently together as Red Robin and Batgirl pre-dome which then led to the 'Tim ghosting Steph because she quit being Batgirl' breakup... but them being together was not the case nor really the trajectory things were headed towards last we saw the post-crisis versions of them. They had never gotten officially back together after Steph's death in War Games—like there were a few kisses and obvious feelings that were still present when she was revealed to be alive right around Batman RIP, but after the shit that went wrong at the end of Robin '93 they were very much so NOT together anymore. And when they had the chance to get back together during the Red Robin/Batgirl crossover they very specifically didn't.
So it just feels like... IDK, randomly added in drama for the sake of drama, that felt like it didn't add anything meaningful to the story besides... connecting an action to the already-seeming-ooc 'Steph Quit' plot point. But like, I think there easily could have been a story of rekindling their actual old relationship—without adding in this off-panel getting back together and breaking up thing—that would have made them getting back together again at the end feel way more satisfying.
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grimalkinmessor · 7 months
OKAY OKAY FINE (its ecto smiley face)
Maybe Garden Care horror/smut Tea OR
L/Light fluff sweets bc im a sucker for that
@ectoplasmicsoda YEESSS *rubs my grubby lil paws together*
Decided to go with Garden Care because I've never written them before 👀 HISTORICAL AU ✨ SORTA ✨ Warnings in the tags!
Garden Care/Horror-Smut/Tea
There's a leaf in Morgana's tea.
Normally, they wouldn't find this particularly odd, given that tea is generally made of leaves, but this is not a tea leaf. It's a whole leaf, bright red with lingering bits of green along the veins, and it's big enough that it nearly covers the entire surface of their tea cup.
Again, Morgana would not usually find this strange; they have tracked in many a stray leaf throughout their life, attached to their sweaters or stuck to the bottom of their boots. It's hard not to find leaves and petals in odd places when Morgana shares their mother's love for plants and keeps a few in almost every room of the house.
But they find this one—this particular leaf—odd for a couple of reasons. The first being that this is not the first time, or even the third time that a leaf like this has ended up in their tea cup. Whenever Morgana makes tea, they always make sure the cup is clean first, and yet somehow for the past few months they've always found a stray leaf (bright red with lacey green veins) floating in their cup a few sips in. The second thing is that, despite how much Morgana wishes it was, it is not autumn. A clearly autumnal leaf in their tea when all the trees around them are lush and green is yet another oddity.
The third thing—and the most damning of all—is that this leaf is not from any plant that Morgana recognizes.
Morgana knows plants. They know the name of every flower under the sun, and even some that thrive in shadow. The fact that they don't recognize what tree this leaf is from bothers them. Their mother loves botany—they live in the damn woods. They have books upon books upon books on every plant known to man, and—due to Sam Manson's hidden witchcraft tomes—even some that aren't.
They are more irked by the fact that these leaves are unidentifiable to them than the fact that the leaves are appearing at all. Which, Morgana supposes, is a rather backwards list of priorities. But still! They can't stand not knowing.
Morgana asks their mom first, but she also has no idea what it could be either. And when Morgana takes it to their neighbor, Desiree (who is like a second mother to them, considering how often she's over at the Manson house and how close she and Morgana's mom are), she stares at it for a long, long moment before smiling and telling Morgana that she has absolutely no idea where it could've come from.
It's an obvious lie, and Morgana is all the more suspicious for it—as well as hurt, too. Desiree treats Morgana as her own child; she's never lied to them before.
The only option left is for Morgana to figure it out on their own.
Sneaking out one of their mom's spellbooks from beneath the floorboards of their home, Morgana grabs the leaf that had appeared in their tea cup this morning (crimson as blood, split with green) and ventures out of the house and further into the woods. Only when they're out of sight of both their own home and Desiree's do they settle down at the base of a tree. Morgana flips through the spellbook, searching for a certain page, and smiles when they find the one they're looking for.
A tracking spell.
Closing their eyes, Morgana cups their hands around the leaf and whispers out the spell. Their voice is soft, but the wind picks up around them, swirling through their oddly colored hair and whistling between the trees surrounding them. Morgana feels magic spark in their palms, a small flush of energy leaving them, and they open their eyes again to see a thin, wispy trail of blue light spiraling off into the woods.
Shock jolts through Morgana—some part of them was still convinced they were simply being paranoid—and then a bolt of excitement mixed with fear. Because this means they were right. Something is putting mysterious leaves in their tea on purpose.
Scrambling to their feet, Morgana takes off after the trail before it fades. They follow the blue mist through the forest at a run, easily leaping over stray tree roots and rocks; Morgana knows these woods well. But even then, their mother only ever let them stray so far. Soon, the amount of trees they recognize trickles down...and runs out.
Morgana knows they're not headed in the direction of the village proper—they're headed further from it, if anything. The trees begin to clump closer together the farther they go, trunks thickening and foliage beginning to blot out the mottled sunlight. The smell of wet peat and soil, moss and herbs, grows stronger with every step. Morgana runs, but the ist of their spell is starting to fade. With a curdle of dread in their stomach, they realize that they won't be able to follow it back home. Morgana shakes their head, sucking in a sharp, painful breath as their lungs burn and their legs ache. They have to keep going. Their curiosity will drive them mad if they don't.
Then, just before the mist fades completely, Morgana finds its end.
The trees are so close together now that Morgana has to go slower in order not to run into them. It's quiet here. Near silent. They stumble into a small gap in the trees, and blink.
There, amongst the gritty tree bark and thick brown coat of dead leaves, a small table sits in the center of the trees, which—now that Morgana is looking, they're uneasy to find form a perfect circle around it. It's a nice table, ornate, white marble and silver, but it's weathered and dulled, bits of moss scattered all across it. There's a single matching velvet chair in a similar state, pulled slightly back from the table, like someone stood up in a hurry and left. But the dirt and leaves around it are void of footprints, and the grime covering both pieces of furniture is untouched. No one has been here in a very long time.
The worst part, however, is the innocuous little tea cup sitting in the center of the table.
The saucer and the cup are deep blue china with gold glimmering on the rims, pristine and shining in a way that contrasts the furniture around it. Morgana swallows and takes a step forward to see that the tea cup isn't empty. A pale pink liquid sits inside, like rose tea with too much milk. As Morgana stares down at it, the familiar smell of their favorite tea floats to their nose, beckoning them forward.
'There is something...wrong here,' Morgana thinks as they take another, slow step forward. 'Very wrong...'
Sam has told them stories before, of children getting stolen away by fairies and crones and many other hungry creatures—but Morgana isn't a child anymore. They should be wary, yes, but it's...so hard to think of those stories when the sight, the smell, the mystery before them...is so enrapturing.
Then, from above, a deep crimson leaf drifts down from the canopy and lands neatly—suspiciously precisely—in the tea cup. The warm, decadent smell grows stronger.
In a trance, Morgana takes that last step forward and reaches for the tea, curling their hands around it and lifting it to their mouth. They know, vaguely, to be alarmed. They should put it down. Morgana has never finished their tea once they discovered the leaf inside. This is an unknown. This is dangerous.
Morgana blinks, hesitates—and yet still drinks.
Their eyes flutter shut, sweet ambrosia washing over their tongue that sets their every nerve alight, a sensation like wind and static racing through them. Morgana moans appreciatively into the gold rim, tipping their head back further. It feels, simultaneously, like drinking ice cold water on a summer's day and sipping from a mug of spiced chocolate as they watch the snow fall. It feels like running their hands along the softest flower petals, like basking under the sun, like admiring the stars. It feels like bathing outside in the spring, every flower turned to face Morgana as they run their palms over their skin, slick and warm with the sun.
Morgana empties the cup and whines when the sensation stops. The pretty leaf butts up against their lips, and the draw it in, desperate for more. It dissolves like lacewing in their mouth, cinnamon on their tongue.
Heat bolts through Morgana in a sudden wave. It's so strong that it makes their knees weak, and they nearly collapse where they stand, one hand shooting out to balance themself on the mossy marble table.
Around them, the forest darkens.
Morgana heaves in a breath, vision swimming, as the sunlight blots out completely. They gasp as the ground beneath them begins to shake, like the roots of the trees surrounding them are writhing underneath the dirt. The beautiful tea cup gets jostled from their hand and is promptly swallowed by the jittering mass of leaves and dirt beneath Morgana's feet.
With a sound like cracking thunder, a thick green vine shoots up out of the ground, whipping towards Morgana at such speeds that they don't have time to dodge. Several more follow, ripping up out of the forest floor to lash around Morgana's arms, legs, waist, lifting them abruptly into the air. They yelp, stomach twisting, but their struggles are weak. Their head is... They're so dizzy...
And, Morgana realizes with mounting horror as the vines around them grow thorns, tearing through their clothes until they're nothing but tatters—so wet.
Morgana is ungodly, inconceivably aroused.
A hand strikes up through the dirt, followed by a shoulder and the massive torso of something fibrous and herbal, thorned flowers growing down what looks to be thick vines of hair. Glowing sea green eyes fix on Morgana, and a long, green tongue slithers out of a grinning, fanged mouth. Morgana's head falls back, eyes wide and jaw dropped, as that tongue slicks up their bared thigh and licks right up their core, dragging up their stomach and chest and ending at their throat.
A soft, unearthly rumble of pleasure vibrates through the air. "My lovely Morning Glory, you've returned to me."
"Wh—wh-at...?" Morgana shudders out, pupils blown. Their glasses are askew on their face, more naked than not, terrified and trembling and so wet it's dripping down their leg. "What are—who—?"
They're cut off by the hulking monster slicking its tongue up against them again, this time focusing solely on the space between their legs. Morgana bites their lip so hard it bleeds, cheeks bleeding red as they muffle their moan into a deep grunt.
"Oh, you've grown into yourself so beautifully, darling," the thing purrs as it pulls back. Morgana shakes, hands fisting and toes curling as a separate vine slithers up their leg and begins to rub at them in place of the monster's tongue. Morgana gasps as the tapered tip pushes in, wriggling its way into their cunt and coating itself in their slick. It burns, it almost hurts, but its also the best thing Morgana's ever felt. They rock their hips into the intrusion, unable to help themself as their head tips back, wild eyes hazily glimpsing the reddened, black canopy above. Above Morgana, the monster purrs. "Look at you, taking it so well. I knew you would be perfect—I knew you would be mine."
Morgana can't—they can't think beyond the pleasure coursing through their body right now, every little twitch and shift making a new part of them light up with ecstasy. The creature's words are nothing but nonsense to their ears, the buzzing feeling of those glowing eyes hungrily roving over their body only serving to send Morgana that much closer to the edge.
Deep green vines slide over bronze skin, touching and stroking and thrusting, all while Morgana moans and pants into the humid air between them. They can feel the pressure—the pleasure—building in their gut, a tingly sensation sparking up in their feet and the backs of their thighs as it mounts higher and higher. Through the heavy fog, Morgana feels trepidation. There's the vague, alarmed thought that this feels too big, that this will kill them, that this will swallow them whole—
And then it crashes over them, striking lightning through their veins and making their whole body seize in place, a strangled shriek ripping out of their mouth as involuntary tears bead at the corner of their eyes. Morgana's vision goes white, the nirvana of this one, singular feeling razing through their bones and buzzing in their teeth. And through it all, the vines' movements don't cease, stringing Morgana along through the strongest orgasm they've ever had in their life.
A heavy clawed hand pushes through their hair, petting them gently as they whine and twitch with aftershocks. "Easy, darling. Wasn't that a warm welcome?"
Morgana can't see, their vision still dotted with spots of white. But their head....their head is clearing. Morgana lifts their head with a great amount of effort, managing to stammer out a weak, "W-who...are you?"
'What are you?' Morgana wants to ask, but they bite their tongue.
The monster smirks, rising up to its full height and taking Morgana with it (him...?). The flowers blooming from its draping locs wither and twist before blossoming into lavender roses and rainflowers.
"I am Undergrowth, little Morning Glory, Fae King of the Woods," it—he, responds. He presses a hand over his chest, bowing until his face hovers just above Morgana, sealing them in a curtain of vines. "And you are mine."
The vines around Morgana tighten then, possessive and warning. Morgana swallows hard, too weak right then to even struggle.
They were foolish. They should've listened when Desiree told them to leave it alone. Because now?
Now they don't have a choice.
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palettepainter · 8 months
Begging for headcannons on phoebe Fraggle I love trope of anxiety ball with ball of energy too plz I need more!!!!!!
Since I haven’t posted anything with this OC yet here’s an update to anyone who doesn’t know who Phoebe is: Phoebe is my Fraggle OC, she’s Boober’s little sister and is basically his mirror opposite
This ask is actually great cuz it gives me a chance to flesh out her character a bit more! 
-So like I mentioned in an older post where I first brought up Phoebe, I picture her as a kid. I’m still deciding an age but I picture her no younger as 6 and no older then 10. I personally like to hc Boober as autistic, and Phoebe is the same. Phoebe is intensely interested in plants and insects, which often limits her ability to make friends with other Fraggles her age. She hops about and shakes her arms when especially excited and (like Boober) has strong reactions to certain odors. Despite her and Boober squabbling a lot thanks to their differing personalities they understand each other’s needs very well
-Phoebe doesn’t have many Fraggle friends her age, so she tries to tag along with Boober and his friends when they go on big adventures. She’s often told to stay home because she’s too little to be doing all the stuff they do - so often she’s left to her own devices to entertain herself. Sometimes this can lead to her unintentionally wondering off without realising, until a panicked Boober starts yelling for her 
-She hasn’t been to the Gorgs garden, she’s banned from going anywhere near there since she’s still a kid, so she loves to listen to Mister Matt’s stories of outer space, or Gobo’s tales from the Gorg’s garden. Though she thinks Mister Matt is cool, she gets annoyed when he too underestimates her because she’s little 
-She eventually does go to ‘outer space’ and meet Lottie, where the two then become best friends. Phoebe continues to visit Lottie as often as she can which sometimes means lying to her brother so she can slip away when he’s not looking. I’ve got a good story idea in mind for how they first meet (Boober and his friends didn’t believe Phoebe when she said she met a ‘silly creature’ - aka a person. And the band thought Lottie’s Fraggle friend was an imaginary friend), and I have been thinking about the idea of Phoebe eventually leaving Fraggle Rock when she’s older to join Lottie on an expedition around the world 
-Phoebe loves swimming! It’s my own personal Headcannon that when Fraggles are babies they float like otters do, until they’re big enough to swim and dive under the water. Phoebe has a tendency to float on water if she stays still, and sometimes she’ll just…float away, as in she’ll go wherever the water takes her. Red is currently teaching her how to swim 
-Out of all of Boober’s friends she’s closest with Red and Wembley the most. Wembley is often hanging around with Boober so Phoebe has gotten used to him popping over to Boober’s cave. She likes Wembley’s funny shirts and giggles when the others have to spin Wembley upside down to stop his wembling. She’ll actively ask to be held upside too. 
And she likes Red because she’s basically like a cool older sister to her, also because Red is teaching her how to swim properly. Red is daring and adventurous, she may also like all the free adoration Phoebe gives her so she lets Phoebe hang out with her when Boober’s busy 
-She likes it when she finds small places to hide, especially if it’s a small tunnel that’ll lead her to another cave. She likes finding secret nooks and crannies that no other Fraggle can reach 
-She’s superstitious. She considers the bow in her hair to be lucky, and will get very distressed if she can’t find it (she also can’t see well if her hair isn’t tied back)
-She prefers cold weather to hot weather 
-She likes to hang by her tail. I think it’d be cool if Fraggles could use their tails to hang/steady themselves on things, sorta like how some animals do. Sometimes when Boober returns home he will be greeted by Phoebe hanging from the top of the cave. She also uses her tail to help with climbing since she’ll wrap it around vines or parts of rock 
-Doesn’t like sour foods
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mthollowell-writes · 10 months
Writer Q&A Tag Game
Thanks again to @digital-chance for the tag! You can find their original post here!
1)What motivates you to write?
My own ego (I kid...sorta).
I love creating worlds and giving life to the various voices inside my head. I love teasing out ideas and constructing (too) intricate plots and scenarios. Writing is my escape from the daily grind (for good and bad) and my main outlet for expression. I honestly wouldn't be me without my writing.
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
I'll share something from a short story currently on ice until I get around to editing it. It's tentatively called "Cosmic Self-Serve"
Unfathomable eldritch horrors weren’t on my Tuesday night bingo card but it takes all types to keep a gas station in the black. I took another pack of gum from the rack and popped a stick in my mouth, praying for brain freeze. Cool mint took over my senses and I felt like a person again. Gary won’t be happy with my lack of respect for “stock integrity” but that’s why our corporate gods gave us shrink. Also Gary’s an asshole so screw Gary.
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I'm going to have to give this to September from my Festival Project WIP. He's such a mess of a character despite his best efforts to keep it together. He has a pretty lengthy backstory for "reasons that drift a smidge into spoiler territory." On the surface, he's calm and collected and can weather any storm with clear head, but that comes from a long history of battling demons (both real and internal). He currently puts these talents towards being the Editor in Chief at his newspaper office.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The initial brainstorming and outlining stage. I love plotting out stories free from the expectation of making the words sound pretty. I do still enjoy making the words pretty but sometimes I stall getting too caught up in that.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
The dialogue, though I will be the first to admit that I can get carried away with it. I also credit myself as a very meticulous plotter, in the actual plot and with character backstories. I've been told that my shorter stories tend to subvert expectation and go in unexpected places (but this too has its pitfalls as my earlier writing has been labelled as confusing by certain peers in writing workshops).
Even when I'm trying to stroke my ego, I keep offering caveats.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Honestly, how supportive everyone is! We're always trying to build each other up and the discussions I see on my feed where people excitedly talk about their stories and OCs remind me why writing is so much fun. And the games, of course. My god, these games! I love them!
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I recently took the plunge and bought Scrivener and I'm liking it so far. It's a bit of a learning curve with all the features you can play with, but I love how you can organize stories and bookmark things within each text section for referencing. Best of all, (and as far as I'm aware) you only have to pay once for it (unlike some other subscription based programs). With that being said, I do love Microsoft Word for smaller projects and its backup feature.
I also use a timer on my computer (I have Windows so there's a clock app that you can adjust). On days that I'm really struggling to motivate myself, dividing my time into smaller increments can get me through the slog.
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Egad, what a broad question! I have to think about that for a second...
There's a unique Protestant-inspired church branch within Hollow Grove that's known as the Edelhaus Coalition Church. It's also uniquely American, whose foundation is the old Puritan work ethic that emphasizes hard work as a core tenet that guarantees a path to heaven.
Where it diverges is its belief in The Founder and the concept of The Faithful. The Faithful are the true believers that have gained immense favor with God through their hard work and aptitude. As evidence of his favor, he gives The Faithful powers over nature. The Founder (who many believe was the original historical founder of the town, Goodwin Hollow) was the first Faithful and every Festival of Shadows, the evidence of his will is seen in the resurrection of the recently deceased every festival year. This holiday is celebrated by all in the Edelhaus Coalition church for this reason. It's also why many acolytes within the church opt for natural burial for a chance to walk the earth again.
There's more to it but in the spirit of brevity, that's all I'll say for now.
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
I'll say it again, write what you love. There's no point in writing something you don't.
I also want to emphasize the importance of breaks. Sometimes if the words aren't flowing (or there's just so much going in your life), never feel ashamed of putting the pen down and coming back to a story later. The time away can offer fresh perspective. It can divert your attention to something else that you're equally passionate about. I sometimes like to procrastinate on one story with another. If I can't write at all, sometimes reading or watching something can inspire you.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
I'm truly inspired by reading the snippets of stories from @digital-chance (that's two mentions now!) @rmgrey-author @palebdot @tabswrites @writingbyricochet and @fatexweaver. I appreciate the support and interactions I've had with @vintagecivet @macabremoons @friendlyshaped @aestatismors @leisoree @words-after-midnight @axl-ul @nai-nty-8 and @nonsenseramble. Seriously, you all rock and I appreciate all of you!
I'm going to go ahead and gently tag all these beautiful folks listed above as well as some newer mutuals who I hope to get to know more @girlfromthecrypt @elhuei @isherwoodj @poemsbymo @robin-writes-a-lot and anyone who would like to participate!
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