#spiritual red flag
creature-wizard · 4 months
Is the spiritual person a conspiracy theorist? A list of red flags
They talk about a shadowy group of people supposedly manipulating everything behind the scenes. They might refer to them by terms such as globalists, bankers, international bankers, secret rulers of the world, the elite, the cabal, Kabbalists, Talmudists, satanists, satanic pedophiles, pedophiles, generational satanists, satanic bloodlines, the Illuminati, the Babylonian Brotherhood, lizard people, Reptilians, Orions, regressives, regressive entities, Khazarians, Marxists, cultural Marxists, or leftists. Sometimes, very rarely, they'll just come right out and say "Jews."
They claim that the conspiracy has been working to conceal historical and spiritual truths from humanity.
They claim that the conspiracy uses stuff like food, entertainment, and medicine to control the masses. For example, "additives in food suppress our psychic abilities" or "Hollywood films contain subliminal messages" or "COVID vaccines were actually created to alter your DNA to make you more docile."
Also, claims that the conspiracy controls people via spiritual or technological implants, 5G, or alter programming, with or without explicit mention of Project Monarch (a conspiracy theory promoted by far right cranks such as Mark Philips and Fritz Springmeier, who used hypnosis to respectively convince Cathy O'Brien and Cisco Wheeler that they'd been put under mind control by a global satanic conspiracy).
They claim that this conspiracy is controlling the media, has fingers in every institution they disagree with, and is generally behind everything they disagree with. (EG, the conspiracy created the Catholic Church; that other New Ager they disagree with is actually controlled opposition, etc.)
They claim that the conspiracy is trying to keep people in fear.
They claim that the conspiracy harvests something from people. Blood and adrenochrome are common ones. Loosh is somewhat less common. Expect to see something else pop up eventually.
They claim that the conspiracy practices genetic engineering; EG, creating animal/human hybrids, using vaccines to genetically sever people's connection to God, etc.
They claim that true spiritual wisdom can be traced back to places like Atlantis, Lemuria, or Mu.
They claim that world governments have secretly been in contact with extraterrestrials for years.
They appeal to known frauds and cranks, including but not limited to Erich Von Daniken, Zechariah Sitchin, David Icke, David Wilcock, Graham Hancock, Jaime Maussan, Bob Lazar, Steven Greer, Richard C. Hoagland, Fritz Springmeier, and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Appeals to forged documents, including but not limited to the alleged diary of Admiral Richard Byrd, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, and The Urantia Book.
Appeals to channeled information, such as that provided by Edgar Cayce, Carla Rueckert, or George Van Tassel.
"But all of this has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?"
Oh, it all comes from somewhere, all right, but the where isn't what most people imagine.
A lot of the stuff above is just a modern spin on the content of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a Russian hoax created to justify violence against Russian Jews. The Protocols itself was plagiarized from a political satire and incorporated a lot of the post-French Revolution conspiracy theories about Freemasons and Jews being behind the French Revolution. I wrote a summary of the conspiracy tropes found in The Protocols over here.
The stuff about Satanic sacrifices and the consumption of blood, adrenochrome, loosh, or whatever are simply just variations on blood libel, an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims Jews practice ritual cannibalism. Blood libel can be traced back to ancient Greece. (With the Greek version, I really can't help but notice the similarity to modern urban legends of gangsters kidnapping random people for initiation rituals.)
Many of these tropes can also be linked back to the early modern witch hunts. It was believed that witches sacrificed babies to Satan, practiced cannibalism, and put people under mind control by way of diabolical magic. It was also believed that some witches didn't even know they were witches; they'd go off to attend the Devil's Sabbath at night and come back in the morning without remembering a thing. In the late 20th century, this witch hunter's canard would be reinvented as the alter programming conspiracy theory when media such as the 1973 book Sibyl and its 1976 television adaptation put DID (note: the woman who inspired Sibyl did not have DID) into the public consciousness. For a more complete list of witch panic and blood libel tropes, I wrote a list over here.
Lemuria was a hypothetical landmass proposed to explain the presence of lemur fossils in Madagascar and India while being absent in continental Africa and the rest of Asia, because if lemurs evolved naturally, they wouldn't be in two separate places with no connection to each other. The discovery that India and Madagascar were once connected not only made the hypothesis obsolete, it precludes the existence of Lemuria.
The whole notion of Mu began with a horrendous mistranslation of the Troano manuscript. A man named Augustus Le Plongeon would link the mistranslation with the story of Atlantis, and use it to claim that Atlantis actually existed in the Americas. (For Plongeon, Mu and Atlantis were one and the same.) And then other people (like James Churchward) got their hands on the whole Mu thing, and put their own spins on it, and the rest is history.
Le Plongeon's ideas influence modern Atlantis mythology today; EG, the idea that it was in the Americas. Another guy who helped shape the modern Atlantis myth was Ignatius L. Donnelly, an American politician. Dude claimed that Atlanteans spread their oh-so-superior culture far and wide. He also claimed that Atlantis was the home of the Aryan people, because of course he did.
The idea that all of the world's wisdom can be traced back to Thoth/Hermes goes back to Hermeticism, a product of Greco-Egyptian syncretism. Hermeticism produced a fascinating body of mythology and an interesting way to consider the divine and its role in shaping human history, but that doesn't mean it was right. And the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean is a modern text that has fuck-all to do with ancient Hermeticism and more to do with HP Lovecraft.
This idea that the conspiracy uses pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines for evil also has roots in Nazi Germany. The Nazi government, wanting to reserve real medicine for their soldiers, told the general populace that said medicine was the product of evil Jewish science and prescribed alternative healing modalities instead. (Said alternative healing modalities did not particularly work.) It also echoes the old conspiracy theories about Jews spreading the Black Death by poisoning wells.
The idea that the conspiracy uses genetic manipulation to create subhuman beings or sever humanity from the divine is a permutation of the Nazi conspiracy theory that Jews are trying to destroy the white race through race mixing. The idea of evil reptilian DNA goes back to the ancient serpent seed doctrine, which is indeed old, but no less pure hateful nonsense for it.
"But there's got to be somebody up to something rotten out there!"
Oh sure. But these people aren't skulking around in the shadows. They're acting pretty openly.
The Heritage Foundation has been working to push this country into Christofascism since the early 1970's. They're the ones responsible for the rise of the Moral Majority and the election of Ronald Reagan. They're also the ones behind Project 2025, which intends to bring us deeper into Christofascism. (Among many other horrible things, they intend to outlaw trans people as "pornographic.")
The Seven Mountains Mandate is another movement pushing for Christofascism. They intend to seize the "seven spheres" of society, which include education, religion, family, business, government/military, arts/entertainment, and media.
There's also the ghoulish American Evangelicals who support Israel because they think that current events are going to bring about the Second Coming of Jesus and cement the formation of a global Christofascist empire. Don't let their apparent support of Jews fool you - they believe that the good Jews will become Christians and the bad ones will go to hell.
All of these people are working toward monstrously horrific goals, but none of them are part of an ancient megaconspiracy. In fact, these are the kinds of people pushing the myth of the ancient megaconspiracy. From the witch hunts to Nazi Germany to the American Evangelical movement, if history has taught us anything, the people pushing the conspiracy theories are always the bad guys.
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Spiritual Red Flags I've Noticed
***NOTE: This is all UPG type of stuff and is not meant to be a firm statement as to what is right or wrong. You would know what's best for yourself, so if something feels wrong to you, trust yourself. Feel free to use this as a guide, though, if you'd like!***
Here are some things I've encountered in spiritual spaces that, more often than not, are red flags. Once again, I do not know better than anyone else, nor am I claiming to; this is all just based on my personal experience.
Lots of spiritual drama
Lots of drama with gods
Comparing oneself to gods often
Believing they're the reincarnation of a god or demi-god (includes angels and demons)
Claiming to have fought gods and won (roughhousing excluded)
Shit-talking gods, especially those of closed practices
Delving into closed practices without proper permission (if they're not part of it, obviously)
Talk of shifting dimensions or realities (this is not a healthy or safe practice; here is an article that talks a bit about it)
Claiming to have immense magical powers, such as changing the weather or telekinesis
Claiming to have power over free will
Claiming to be a "vessel" for the gods (this is different from channeling)
Being culturally and/or racially insensitive
Constantly misgendering others, especially behind their backs
Constant talk of "imposter spirits"
Interpreting everything as a major sign or omen
Consistently harming others with their practices, such as lying, manipulating, or appropriating
Getting caught in a spiritual lie (in my experience, this includes even small lies)
Proposing a coven that emphasizes hierarchy and/or blind devotion
Taking advantage of those in vulnerable positions, especially those grieving a loss
Every opinion that isn't theirs is wrong
Every practice that isn't like theirs is wrong
Constantly trying to exert power over others
Trying to accomplish drastic magical feats, such as hexing the moon or "killing" a god
Refusing to do individual research
Refusing to accept criticism for their opinions, especially if it's constructive
Claiming to know information that requires research and having no sources
Having very narrow-minded views on gender
Enforcing that they know better than your intuition or know what's best for you and your practice
They give you bad vibes (always listen to yourself and your body)
A link to watching out for cult behavior can be found here. Here's also another good post about spiritual abuse red flags. @pondering-the-kaiju also has another good post about general red flags here.
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arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
PART 2/Warning: It can be harsh.
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Things hurt us when we feel exposed as well. So when people call you arrogant, maybe you are...when people call you stupid, maybe you are...when people call you immature, maybe you are... when people call you a whore, maybe you are... when people call you a misogynist, maybe you are... when people call you “for the streets”, maybe you are...when people call you weak, maybe you are... People are not stupid, people can sense you since we are just energy. 
So stop crying about it and using the “victim state” to be a tyrannic person and just get away with your shit... IT’S TIME TO GROW!
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It’s so stupid when a hurt person is telling the truth and exposing everyone and the only answer he/she receives from others is: “Oh he/she must be so hurt” That answer only shows how immature and stupid you are, you’re only trying to defend yourself from truth/reality, stop being a fucking baby, everyone is hurt but some people get away with it and that is only because we are allowing it.
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Yes it’s alright to know what you want, it’s part of the process of healing but we are social creatures and if you are only demanding, demanding and demanding then you are not contributing to anything, you’re just being extreme self-centered and you end up repelling people then you are crying why things don’t go your way... Why would a person would want to be with someone like that? What do you have to offer anyway? Your body? Your beauty? Your ego? Probably you don’t even know... Get down of your pedestal/ego a bit and try thinking “What men/woman really want/need in a relationship?” and if your answer is only: “Pussy”/”dick” uffff man you have so much left to grow and probably you don’t even know what a man/woman want/need in a relationship and you don’t work for it either... So stop crying and playing the victim waiting that someday that “Soulmate/perfect partner” will show up if you’re not even ready for what it takes to be in a relationship in the first place. So the question is: ARE YOU RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL? Probably not... and probably no one that is on hookup culture is.
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I’ve seen many people who are proud of having cheated their ex partners, Like it was something funny? and those people also expect that others will love them just because they think they are “10/10″ That is delusional and you are moving towards becoming a psychopath... If you have a history of cheating / lying / manipulation / deceiving / excesses / abuses or any of that then you are a walking RED FLAG. Because to change those patterns of behaviors it takes hard work and massive life change, you will need to learn about psychology and/or going to therapy. Unless you do this, you will not change because when we are under stress or when things don't go our way there is a high probability to go back to our old selves. So if those people are not really working at it... Leave them, it is a waste of time and your life.
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the-clumsywitch · 1 year
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ebonyseuphoriatarot · 6 months
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tarotbylibby · 1 year
🚩🚩🚩🚩NO THANK YOU. Lots of people want to be spiritual influencers and leaders. Lots of them are full of shit.
🚩 MLMs. Are they shilling for an MLM? Wellness, health, and essential oil MLMs are running rampant in this community. Are they trying to recruit you to manifest your best life with this fantastic opportunity? Major red flag.
🚩Cultural appropriation. Are they casually picking and choosing spiritual practices from cultures they are not a part of, without any serious understanding of what they’re messing with? If they are criticized, do they accept it thoughtfully, or do they double down? If so, that’s a nope.
🚩toxic positivity. “Good vibes only. Don’t complain, you’ll lower the vibration and attract more negativity. Your problems are due to your mindset. Stop talking about your trauma.” BYEEEEE BITCH
🚩conspiracy shit. Almost all modern conspiracy theories can trace their roots to anti-semitism and white supremacy. If they’re talking about being in a special class of people who will be taken to paradise while the commoners are left behind, please put on your running shoes.
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knightofhylia · 6 months
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Hey anyone want to go free bleed with a bunch of random 40 year old womben for Wombsgiving?😭😭😭
local coven giving off mad TERF vibes. also way to like,,, make a mourning day for the indigenous lands stewards (that were previously mentioned in the post) all about you!!!
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chemicalpink · 9 months
hi! i’ve seen that you also work with tarot cards so i wanted to ask this question mostly for curiosity and also to understand more tarots!
is it possible to misread the cards because of bias we have? like we really believe in something or we have a strong opinion on someone and then when we do a reading about them or that topic we just read what we wanted to see, i mean we are still human so i think it’s pretty hard to be as unbiased as possible, right? eventually, is there a method that we audience can use to understand when someone is biased or not?
honestly i think no 😅 maybe the only way we can have is observing and making our conclusion lol.
anyway sorry for the long and different asks i’ve made 🙏🏻 hope you are good and thank you in advance for your answer <3
I'm always so glad to gather around for some curiosity asks. And this is right up my alley So !!! even better.
And it is something I try to always to about on here!!! It comes hand in hand with a lot of other different topics, especially when it comes to the generalisation of social media and content creation/consumption.
Listen, I get it. Tarot and astrology are fun. They're quirky, they're great, they have a somewhat stable foundation. They're a pseudoscience and when done right, it can be scarily accurate and thus, lures you in. So I get the popularity, the need to consume. To know more.
Now, I wish it were more about becoming more knowledgeable on the spiritual practices themselves rather than it being just about having to know the tea. There are a lot of ifs, buts and ands when it comes to tarot (more so than with astrology, which isn't that much interpretative).
Truth is, wanting the tea to be spilt, comes with a lot of attention and a point blank period opportunity to get attention on social media. It isn't that hard to just- you know, order a deck on Amazon, use its booklet for interpretations, ask a question and just- pull a set of cards from it, write something up, post it online and stir some things. Right?
Whereas CREATING CONTENT RESPONSIBLY should be a MUST, I truly believe that the way to fill the gaps and not create a hostile environment within the spiritual community online is RESPONSIBLE CONTENT CONSUMPTION.
I actually tackle all of this in one of my intro to tarot courses (which have yet to come back) and I'll probably create one that isn't that much about reading tarot but consuming its content. YES, readers 100% have a bias when reading!!!
But also, YES, it is our job to get rid of it. Now, not many people do it, because it takes time, patience and most important, willingness to admit that you might make mistakes. I'll try to give a quick rundown on how exactly it goes on before we move on to how YOU as a tarot content consumer can better approach these situations.
As intricate as the art of tarot is, it can easily be summarised as us (readers) using a spiritual tool (the deck) to access a universal answer (the answer to a question being asked) and we do this by *threading* personal energies (of those around the matter at hand) under a specific current context (especially time) and by doing this, we get to pick and choose which of the outcomes seems best suited for what we are looking for.
If you've seen Doctor Strange/Avengers Endgame... you can picture it similarly to the scenes where Dr Strange gets to see a million possible scenarios and finally settles on a specific one being 'the most viable'
The reader's bias comes into play when we are truly wishing for a specific outcome/ our mind is settled before the reading (which is why, it is extremely important to prepare beforehand/set the mood/meditate) since the 'strongest energy thread' AKA what we usually take as the most vibrant/accurate one will be the one most influenced by our own energy and it may not necessarily be the most accurate one.
As all divination methods, tarot isn't 100% accurate because they're just archetypes that are subjected to change due to a million things. But having a biased reader will most likely downgrade the accuracy to around a 20-40% in accuracy.
Now, even expert readers may be biased. Not that much, and most definitely not all the time. The difference with someone who is pretty much biased and set in remaining that way is that practised readers are able to tell when they're being biased even in the middle of a reading (eg. they'll see a card that doesn't fit and know it is out of place)
It's a pretty wide topic... and it doesn't necessarily mean to instil in you a fear of content consumption, nor does it mean that YOU have to become knowledgeable in tarot if you want to have fun reading silly little things online.
My best advice is: Don't be afraid to question things!!!
More often times than not, biased/unethical readers absolutely despise being cross-referenced (but do so politely, please)
There's this weird idea of content creators, especially spiritual ones being all dark and mysterious, vague in explanations and unapproachable, creating this sort of gap that sort of makes them seem like they're in a position of power. When!!! that's!!! not!!! the!!! case!!!.
Tarot/astrology/divination methods are spiritual choices that we make in our lives in our human search of becoming better people/nurturing more sides of our multidimensional being. And while doing so with respect and proper guidance, there isn't a reason why it should be treated as something that is only accessible to some and kept out of hands reach for the rest.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
The main reason it's important to be at least somewhat literate in historical paganism and folk magic isn't so you can make your own practice exactly like it; it's to be able to recognize when someone is making historically inaccurate claims, because "asserting made-up shit about history as real fact" is a sign you're possibly looking at a cult and/or scam.
For the same reason, it's a good idea to be somewhat literate in pop culture media. Because being able to look at something a person is trying to pass off as Genuine Ancient Tradition or something and recognize that it's nothing like anything people actually believed or did back in Ye Olden Times but it sure as heck resembles something from a popular TV show or TTRPG is a valuable discernment skill.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 2 months
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thedarkmaidenn · 10 months
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My top deal breakers
We learn a lot through toxic relationships and dynamics. Most importantly, we learn what toxicity we will never put up with again.
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accidentalslayer · 6 months
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beautiful-3nigma · 2 years
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The way I hollered when I saw this 🤣
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void-thegod · 7 months
what happened broke me in a way that time won't heal.
love will heal it. self love is something i've always had. that's only because i can look at my darkness and light and accept them
but not just accept. to grow. to discover more.
and i will never be the same. i don't feel the same about anything. about women or people or love or relationships.
i know for a fact that right now i'm not interested in anyone in any way except for my soulmate.
say what you will. i think there is more than one woman who would compliment me. be a peer and partner and lover.
i also believe in magic. in destiny AND free will.
i would never expect someone to be healed or unbroken before i loved them.
because the love i'm looking for and looking to share doesn't depend on that. not like that
i understand being hurt and hurting others or yourself. i understand anxiety and depression. i understand being the victim AND the wrong doer (simultaneously)
i understand sometimes everyone is wrong and can also be right at the same time.
i understand nuance. on a spiritual and mental level.
so. i need someone who gets it too. someone who has also done enough spiritual cultivation to really understand what is what. what is good or bad. too much or not enough.
someone willing to communicate and to stay and to work on it. just like they would with themselves.
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welleducatedinfant · 10 months
I’m having another jd salinger phase
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spiderweb-bf · 2 years
maybe i should ask myself why a 41 year old "straight" man wants to take me on a camping trip (ya know... in the woods) . but I'd rather not question it .
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