#sorry this means thr world to me
tu-es-gegg · 6 months
Literally so happy for like any and all Filipino fans to see rep on qsmp
I know how much it means for them to see their own people and culture be represented in such spaces just GAHH!!!!!
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fridayiminlcve · 1 year
seeing u slowly become a taylor swift hater is the biggest character development in the history of this planet not going to lie to you fam
😭😭😭😭 thank you ig
#asks#anon#not gonna lie to you fam i appreciate you sending this ask but also please do not describe me as a tswift hater#i used to love her at some point. as you probably know but i have deeply moved on from her i feel#like her songs are nice but they are just. not something i would typically enjoy anymore#and also despite having swiftie mutuals even if i enjoyed her music i would strongly detach myself from the fanbase#not on tumblr not really just in general. fans theyre so invasive and give me the ick especially thr hardcore ones#and her music is deep if u read into the lyrics and she does know how to write a song but also. this online thing where people worship her#is um. in bad taste like a while back on pinterest i saw a meme which went “listening to these artists is indie cottagecore lesbian culture#and instead of like clairo who you would expect somehwere in that list. she was there#bitch you mesn the world no.2 singer after the weeknd??? swifties online are insane#i do disagree with her on quite some points also like her political silence and environment and i can admire her as a singer songwriter#but its like how far can you go. you have the influence. she did that equality act petition in 2019 so we can see that#i would not call her overrated as i believe her music is generally fine but its not revolutionary by any means#she didnt bring anything new and unheard of to the pop genre except like wiping your insta page before a release#this was completely unneccesary sorry. but yeah i wouldnt call myself a hater but i dont like her much either#this was completely unwarranted you dont need to read this
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toruro · 1 year
love you twice — j. wonwoo x reader — part one
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pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
description: in which your extremely hot and sexy one night stand turns out to be your son’s teacher. naturally, chaos ensues, but you might just find love as your life continues to take an unexpected turn.
“so, you’re just going to pretend like you aren’t avoiding me?” wonwoo asks with a brow raised, pointing an accusing finger in your direction. heat flourishes at the tip of your ears as you turn away from his gaze. “i’m not avoiding you mr. jeon,” you mutter, suddenly realizing you’ve just been caught in his trap. he takes a step forward and you back up against the wall as he leans in so his lips are ghosting your ear. "really?" wonwoo murmurs, "because i think you're lying." you both stay like that for a few moments before coming to your senses. he steps away with a heavy breath. "i'm sorry. you can get going if you—" you aren't sure what possesses you in that moment but you just can't allow him to finish what he's saying, grabbing him by the collar and slamming your lips on his.
tags/warnings: sexual content (18+), first-grade-teacher!wonwoo, mother!reader, fluff, angst (light), reader is jun's cousin, dirty talk, sexual tension, tension in general lol, unedited
w/c: 6.7k
a/n: this thought came to mind like once and i just *had* to write it because oh my god???? i hope u like reading this as much as i liked writing it! please reblog and like if you enjoyed, it would mean the world to me c:
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“Fuck, yeah,” the pretty man above you grunts into your shoulder as he fucks into you, the drag of his fat cock against your gummy walls having you writhe in pleasure under him. Your fingers reach up and claw at his back, and if the digging of your nails into his skin is hurting, his only response is another deep, guttural groan of pleasure.
“Oh, fuck!” you cry out when his thick tip is hitting that one spot which has your toes curling, throwing your head back into his mattress, weakly bringing your hips up to try and sync with his thrusts, encouraging him to go deeper, harder. “Right there—right—ah! There!”
He continues to batter his length into you after your pleas, muttering out words of praise—“good girl—fuck—holding me so tight, so good,” and the words are going through your ears and straight down to your hot, sopping core because holy hell this man is amazing at dirty talk.
You’re so fucked through that you can’t even remember how you ended up here—all you know is that you were finally left with a free night when your cousin offered to take care of Kei for the night when you expressed the need to have just a little time to yourself. The last thing that comes to your mind at the moment is how you were at a club and somehow managed to end up here, in the bed of an extremely attractive man who seems to know exactly what to do with his mouth, his hands, his dick.
It’s a passing thought that the shame will hit you eventually, but right now all you can think about is how long it’s been since you got laid and how you never, ever remember sex feeling this good. You aren’t sure if it’s just this guy that is amazing or if you’re just really needy and desperate but—oh fuck, he’s slamming into you so hard and there’s that pulse that rumbles deep inside of your core and it has you moaning loud. Okay so, it’s definitely the fact that he might be your best lay pretty much ever, and it has you squirming around as you babble, “‘m gonna cum—I—fuck, I’m cumming!”
The waves of hot, white pleasure hit you hard and it has tears welling up in your eyes as you feel him let out his own moan from the way you’re squeezing him so tight, the feeling of his warm cum filling up the condom as he thrusts into you a few last times. You two stay like that for a moment, his hands on either side of your head holding his body above yours, as you both inhale and exhale deeply trying to catch your spent breath.
After a minute, he’s pushing himself off of you and off the bed, pulling off the condom to throw it out without a word. You take this as your cue to get up and start picking up your clothes, squeaking a little as a dull ache resides in your legs. You catch him looking at you at the sound, and you swear there’s a hint of a smirk on his face, but in the dark of the room you can’t quite tell. As you lean down to slip on your panties, he finally speaks.
“You can use my shower, even if you don’t plan on staying.”
You glance up at him with a chuckle, saying, “You like keeping your one night stands over for breakfast? What a gentleman.” He rolls his, pulling on some pants as he does so.
“Is there something wrong with being hospitable to someone who looks like they can hardly walk?”
“I suppose not,” you hum, ignoring the flush of your cheeks at his sly comment. “I appreciate the offer, but I have to get home—I have someone waiting for me,” you explain, a small smile creeping its way onto your face as you think about Kei. He looks at you for a second, a confused and honestly slightly mortified expression donning his face. Your eyes widen as you realize what that must have sounded like, and you throw up your hands and shake your head. “I don’t mean it like that—I—fuck—I’m not cheating on anyone! I meant something else!”
He gives you a funny look, replying, “I’ll choose to trust you on that, for the sake of my own sanity. I wouldn’t want to know that I’m the cause of a failed marriage or something.”
You grumble as you pull on your shirt, checking your pockets and purse to see if there’s anything missing. “No failed marriages here,” you laugh, tone slightly bitter before you brush it off. “Anyways, you should choose to trust me because I am telling the truth,” you counter as he watches you make your way to the exit. “I guess it doesn’t really matter, since I probably won’t see you again.”
“Too bad,” he grins as you approach his apartment’s door, slipping on your shoes. “That was fun.”
You inwardly bite your cheek at his shamelessness, looking away. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right, I guess,” you huff nonchalantly. “Anyways, thank you for this night. I kind of really needed this,” you admit, and then you’re slipping out of the door before he even has a chance to respond.
When you return to your apartment, you’re greeted by Jun at the door, lips somewhat in a grimace as you find Kei asleep in his arms. “Sorry, he kept saying he wanted to wait for you and he wouldn’t go to sleep so I tried to put on some show for him but then he fell asleep on my lap but I didn’t want to move until you came back,” he explains as he braces Kei under the arms so he can hand him over to you.
“Aw,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to your son's forehead as you look up at Jun. “Thank you so much for this, Jun, it really means a lot.”
He brings a hand up to the back of his neck and chuckles, waving his hand at you. “Don’t worry about it. I know you needed this,” he says, following you to your bedroom to help you set up the bed for Kei. “I got him to brush his teeth and all, so all that stuff is in set. Is there anything else you need help with?” he offers as you finish up tucking Kei into bed, walking out of the room as you shut off the lights.
“No, I think it’s okay,” you tell him honestly, leaning against the kitchen counter to catch up with Jun for a few minutes.
“Okay well, d’you have fun?” Jun asks, and he doesn’t give you the chance to respond before saying, “Seems like you did,” he snickers, pointing to your neck. Your hands fly up to your neck with wide eyes as you remember that your fuck buddy for the night was quite literally all over you.
“Whatever,” you respond with a roll of your eyes, “it’s just one night, and I swear I just needed to let loose a little.” You sigh deeply, and Jun sends you a look of sympathy.
“Everything alright?”
Your shoulders slump as rest your weight on the counter, leaning into Jun has he wraps a shoulder around your arm comfortingly. "It's just—ugh—Kei is starting first grade in two days and I just...I don't know how to feel."
"That makes sense," Jun agrees, "but it's good that he got into that school you'd been trying to get him into, right?"
"Yeah," you sigh again. "Fuck, that was really hard—I had to beg that principal to let him in 'cause they were full and it was a pain in the ass, but it is a really good school so I guess it makes sense." Jun hums in response, encouraging you to go on. "I guess it's just that I'm worried for him? It's only been me and him, you know, so I'm nervous. I know it's a good school, I just hope he's gonna be in good hands."
"Trust me, Kei is an amazing kid, so he'll be able to thrive anywhere. And if the school isn't up to your liking, you always have the option of transferring him out—after all, he's only in first grade so switching schools shouldn't be a problem," Jun explains to you, leaving your side to bring you a glass of water.
"Thank you," you say honestly as you gulp it down. “I think I needed that.”
“No problem. Is there anything else you want to talk about? You know I’m always open ears.”
You throw Jun a smile as you push yourself off the counter. “Yeah, I know, and I appreciate you for that, but honestly, all I need right now is to change into my pajamas and crash into the bed,” you tell him as he slips on his shoes at the doorway, picking up his backpack.
“Alright, alright. Let me know if you need any help or anything. I’m gonna get going now.”
“Thank you again,” you say as you open the door for him. Jun smiles and waves at you, bidding goodnight before he’s walking down the hallway and out of your sight. Once you close the door behind you, you waste no time getting into your bathroom and rinsing your body off, slipping into a much more comfortable set of clothes.
It's around ten minutes later when you're finally done with cleaning yourself and the room up one last time before crawling into the bed next to Kei. As you pull the covers over you both, you feel the exhaustion from the entire day fully engulf you, and before you know it, you're being thrown into a deep slumber.
The next day is Sunday and you spend each minute biting your nails and stressing over anything and everything. Kei’s going to be going to an actual school for the first time ever tomorrow and you can’t help but notice a buzzing instinct that something—just something—unexpected will happen. You can’t quite place your suspicions on something just yet, but the thoughts have you going crazy to the point where you have to call Jun in the night so he can calm you down.
“What if—what if—?” your frantic thoughts are cut off by Jun.
“Okay look I know you’re stressed but maybe you’re making this harder on yourself than it needs to be. You’ve thought of everything and like maybe 0.01% of the scenarios are actually even feasible, so trust me when I say nothing’s going to go wrong.
“But what if—”
“No what if’s!” Jun exclaims exasperatedly, “or else I’m going to come and take Kei to school myself tomorrow because god knows you’re not in the right mind right now.”
“Okay! Okay! I’ll stop!” you surrender in defeat, sighing as Kei comes up to you to show you a drawing he made. “I’m gonna get back to making dinner, Jun,” you say through the phone before squatting down.
“Okay, talk to you later. Try not to lose your mind,” Jun advises, causing you to chuckle as you hang hup, turning your full attention to your son.
“Hey Kei-Kei,” you say sweetly, patting his head as he looks down at the paper in his hands. “What’cha have there?” you ask curiously, scooching closer as he holds up the paper.
“It’s the new school, Mommy,” he explains, holding up a colored drawing of a school and a stick figure of you with an (adorably) abnormally large head holding the hand of a stick figure of him. “An’ there’s you an’ there’s me!”
Your heart swells as you stand up holding the paper, using a magnet to put it up on the fridge. “I love it Kei, you’re such a good artist!” you exclaim, swooping down to pick him up. “You excited for school tomorrow?”
“Your teacher’s name’s gonna be Mr. Jeon okay? That’s what the principal told me,” you tell him carefully, setting him down at his elevated seat at the dinner table. “Be nice to him okay? You need to respect teachers.”
“Yes Mommy,” Kei nods along enthusiastically as he watches you go to the kitchen and bring him some rice and curry.
“You remember the plan? I’ll drop you off but I don’t think I can stay long enough to go with you inside ‘cause I have work, okay?” Kei only half-mindedly nods his head as he dives into the food that you’ve set for him, but you don’t have the heart to blame him—after all, this is probably the fifth time you repeated this to him today. “I’ll be there right after school ends though,” you tell him, reminding yourself of the parent-teacher meeting Kei’s teacher had arranged to introduce himself to the parents.
“Okay,” Kei responds, his mouth stuffed with rice and curry smeared on his chin. He looks up at you innocently and you can’t help but giggle, his smile washing all your worries away.
As you clean up his face, you remind yourself of Jun’s words from earlier. Everything’s going to be okay.
And for the most part, everything is okay. In fact, everything’s going great, from Kei’s smooth drop off at his new school, to when you set foot on campus with five minutes to spare before the teacher meeting. There’s a big fat grin plastered on your face as you realize that maybe your hunch that something was going to go wrong was nothing more than that—just a hunch.
Now this is the part where you think you should have known better.
Once the final school bell rings, there are students rushing out of classrooms as you among a few other parents gather around the room that is 103, waiting to see your children and their teacher. As you all form in a line by the door, there’s a slightly older woman standing next to you wearing a kind smile.
“Are you here to see Mr. Jeon?” she asks you. Her warmth grows on you as you smile and nod.
“Yes! I assume you are too?”
“Mhm,” she nods, “I’ve been so excited! He’s a fairly young teacher, you know?”
“Is that so so,” you murmur, “my son is new to the school and all, so we aren’t really familiar with any of the teachers. Does Mr. Jeon have a good reputation?”
The lady shrugs. “I’ve heard he’s quite good with the kids, but I’d hope he was since he’s a first grade teacher…” she jokes. “I haven’t heard anything bad about him, if that’s what you’re asking. What I have heard though, is that he is quite nice to look at!”
You let out a small chuckle at that, amused by the idea of a man who has the parents of his students gossiping about his looks.
“Oh!” the lady exclaims, straightening her back. “Looks like they’re about to come!”
You peer over the shoulder of the father of another student in front of you, watching as the door opens slowly and a rush of Kei-sized children run out. Your smile brightens as your eyes land on your son, calling out his name so that he can run up to you and into your lifting arms. Picking him up, you have time to observe the obvious grin he has plastered on his face, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Hey Kei-Kei,” you say sweetly. “How was your first day of school?”
“It was so much fun Mommy! Mr. Jeon says he’s gonna talk to all of you,” he said, pointing at all the other adults greeting their kids.
“Yeah, that’s right!” you tell him, setting him down. You’re about to say something else before you hear a deep, familiar voice—it hardly takes you a second to realize who it is, and you freeze in your tracks. Your face grows pale as you brace yourself for what you’re about to see and hear—you’re lucky you’re standing in the back so he can’t see you and the million thoughts that are evidently running through your mind..
“Hello everyone, I’m glad you could make it today. I’m Jeon Wonwoo, and as you know, I’m your child’s teacher. I’m excited to start things off on a high note. You can have your child play on the playground during the meeting, since we still have our supervisors out to watch them."
Mr. Jeon. Jeon Wonwoo. Wonwoo. Him .
You should have known that your mother instincts were too accurate—the universe just had to throw you a curveball. You chew on your tongue for a moment figuring out how to handle this situation as you lean down closer to Kei, nodding to him when he looks over at you for permission to follow his newly-made friends to the playground. Taking a deep breath as you watch Kei skip away, you glance over at him , who luckily hasn’t seemed to notice you.
Straightening your back as all of the young kids happily follow each other outside, the hallway is finally only left with him and the parents. “Okay, you guys can come in, I’ve made room for you all to stand around the back since I doubt any of you will fit into your child’s chair,” Mr. Jeon jokes, and while most others laugh, there’s a pit of anxiety gnawing at your stomach that has you going stiff. He moves aside a little, making way for the parents to enter the classroom and greeting each one individually.
Suddenly your breath is caught in your throat and you glance around you, excusing yourself from the lady next to you so you can shuffle to the back of the line, pretending to look through something in your purse. You aren’t even sure what you’re trying to do, but all you know is that you just need a moment to collect yourself, your thoughts. Luck must not be on your side though, as before you know it, the last person in front of you has entered the classroom leaving you dead in your tracks and staring at Mr. Jeon , who’s eyes haven’t turned fully towards you yet.
Maybe this is your last chance to run , you think quickly, but you remind yourself that embarrassing or not, this is for Kei and you’d be damned to miss this meeting. That and the fact that maybe you’re just a little happy that you’re seeing this attractive man again and— no! You scold yourself, don’t think like that!
You shake yourself of such dirty, such inappropriate thoughts when you finally catch his eyes landing on you. That’s when you see it‚ the way his eyes widen slightly as he takes in your figure. He recognizes you, you’re sure of it. His hand is already reaching out to shake yours but it stops midway as you both take a moment to stare at each other before he’s quickly clearing his throat and looking away for a second.
“H-hi,” he says, pursing his lips together after realizing he fucking stuttered. “Nice to meet you. You must be Kei’s mother?” he asks, avoiding the fat fucking elephant in the room. You shyly reach out and shake his hand, fruitlessly trying to ignore the memory of these very fingers being plunged knuckle deep inside of you less than two nights ago.
“Um, yeah, that’s me,” you reply quieter than you want, suddenly finding it unable to meet his gaze as the pads of his fingers brush against your skin. “Nice to meet you too. Kei’s been, um, excited to start school here,” you say louder as you try to avert your attention away from what you’re both thinking about, “so I hope you can make his time here a good one.” Mr. Jeon presses his lips into a smile and you want to bash your head into the wall at how sincere he looks.
“I’ll do my best,” he says, before raising a brow and pointing toward the room. You follow his direction and stand by the other parents who are lined up at the back of the classroom, Mr. Jeon following in behind you and making his way to the front of the classroom.
From there the meeting begins, and he goes over a small presentation over the daily activities of his class, classroom expectations, and such forth. You pay attention to the best of your ability, you really do, but sometimes you find your eyes drifting away from the projector screen and toward his arms that are on show with his short sleeve shirt, your mind trailing off to a place that it definitely shouldn’t. You catch yourself quickly though, mentally reprimanding yourself and turning your attention back to the presentation.
He finishes up the meeting with a list of his contacts and you quickly bring out your phone, along with others, to list down his email and phone number (only for the reason of Kei’s education, of course). “If you have any questions, you can ask me now. If not, you’re free to go!” There’s a series of “thank you’s” that echo through the room as some approach Mr. Jeon and others, like you, shuffle out of the classroom. You can’t lie, your steps are quick and you’re nearly running out of the room so fast that you don’t catch the way his eyes linger on your back as you exit.
“He said I’m a great artist! We did some coloring and he said my flower looked really nice.”
“Well he didn’t lie,” you tell your son as you pull up to the parking lot for your apartment complex. “You are a great artist, Kei,” you say as you get out of your seat and pull your work bag with you, then help Kei get out too. “Tell you what Kei-Kei—you want to go to a restaurant tonight?”
The way his smile is so bright and infectious when he’s nodding yes has you leaning down and squeezing him into a hug as you both make your way to your apartment. The rest of the evening is spent with you cleaning Kei up and finishing up your own work—now that Kei isn’t going to full day care, you’re going to have to go to work for half the day so you can pick him up, leaving more work for you in the evenings.
Tonight, you’re determined to finish up your work quickly so you can take yourself and Kei out to dinner at some burger joint as a celebration for his first day of school. By the time you’re home, Kei is exhausted and nearly falling asleep in your arms as you carry him up. Setting him down and tucking him into bed is the last thing you do before going to the living room and sinking down into your couch, sighing out of your own fatigue.
You’d think you don’t have enough energy to think about anything else, but once you’ve cleaned up and are trudging to crash onto your bed, those thoughts are creeping up your back.
Jeon Wonwoo.
You roll around under your sheets, pressing your face into the pillow as you mumble incoherent curses. It was only a one night stand, only a casual fuck, so why are you here still thinking about him? For fuck’s sake he’s Kei’s teacher! You just can’t be having such thoughts about him! Right?
So why are you squirming under the sheets thinking about that night—the way he made you feel things you never could even imagine feeling. “Fuck!” you mutter to yourself, slamming a pillow over your head. You huff lowly, rolling over in your bed, pressing your eyes shut as you hope that if you pretend that you’re asleep hard enough, your brain will actually lull your consciousness away. And for a moment, it works—you’re asleep within a few minutes.The only downside? You may or may not be dreaming about Jeon Wonwoo.
The rest of the week is, thankfully, slightly easier on your heart. You only really go to Kei’s school to pick him and thanks to the valet system in place, you often don’t even have to get out of the car, one of the older volunteer students always helping him into your car.
Kei seems to be having the time of his life as well, always coming back home with saying something along the lines of, “Mommy, today Mr. Jeon taught us this really cool thing…” or “Mommy, Rei and I made up this new game at recess…”—least to say, you’re enthralled that he’s having a good time, and you almost forget about how his teacher haunts your thoughts every night.
It’s Friday now and as promised, you stay behind after school today so you can watch Kei play with his friends for some time on the playground. You’re on your phone, scrolling through some work emails to mentally calculate just how much you’ll have to work tonight to ensure a relaxing weekend. You're in the midst of frowning when you see a shadow approach you from the corner of your vision, although you pay it no mind. At least, not until you hear his voice.
“Hey.” It’s deep and calm and has you thrown back into those thoughts that you've been so desperately trying to avoid. You’re hyper aware of his figure next to you, and the way that his shoulders, his arms, feel so large and protective next to you is driving you fucking crazy.
“Oh,” you murmur in surprise, turning to look at him. “Hi Mr. Jeon,” you greet awkwardly, keeping a bit of distance between you two as you slip your phone into your purse, “it’s nice to see you here.”
He nods. “The feeling’s mutual,” he tells you, and although you figure it’s just a formality, the way he says it with that small smile tugging at his lips has your stomach doing tumbles. “You can call me Wonwoo, by the way.”
“O-okay Wonwoo,” you reply nervously as the air between you thickens, as if you’re both egging each other on seeing who’s going to fold first. You clear your throat before speaking again, “How’s Kei doing in your class? Is there anything I can do at home to help him?”
“Not at all. He’s a good student,” Wonwoo—god, his name sounds so nice in your head—replies almost immediately. “He’s really good at drawing, I’ve noticed.” Wonwoo notices how your face lights up at that comment, the tension on your shoulder dropping slightly as you respond.
“Yeah, he loves to draw at home. I’ve been thinking of putting him in an art class or something where he can practice and stuff,” you explain, eyes flickering over at Kei who’s sliding down some slide with another boy.
“That would be nice,” Wonwoo agrees, and once again the silence returns.
“I should get going now,” you say after a few moments, pulling your phone out to pretend like you’re checking the time. “Kei-Kei!” you call out, and it only takes a few seconds before your son is bounding down the playground and up to you as you crouch down. “Hey buddy, it’s time to go,” you tell him.
“But I wanna play Mommy!”
“Kei-Kei, please? I have to work tonight and you’ve played for almost an hour now.”
He’s frowning deeply and you find yourself almost caving in, but before you do, Wonwoo is speaking. “Listen to your mom, Kei, okay?” His voice is stern yet gentle, and the way Kei’s face softens has relief coursing through your veins.
“Okay Mr. Jeon,” Kei agrees, taking your hand as you stand up. You look at Wonwoo with gratitude.
“Thank you for that,” you say quietly, slightly embarrassed. “We’ll get going now.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Wonwoo says casually, pushing his hands into his pocket and stepping back. You’re walking away as you say bye, Kei flashing a grin at Wonwoo as he waves him goodbye. “See you later,” Wonwoo calls out to you. “Hopefully,” he adds and you swear he chuckles when he here’s you choke in shock. You don’t look back out of the humiliation that your cheeks are burning, tugging Kei along as he goes on about the new game he’s made up with his friends.
Jeon Wonwoo might just be the death of you.
The first month of Kei’s school continues to go smoothly. You don’t come across Wonwoo much after that, although that may partly be due to you avoiding him. It’s not as if you dislike him, in fact, it’s quite the opposite—you think you might like him too much.
His face, his glasses, his smile—fuck—the way he’s so kind, so gentle—you can’t seem to find a single thing wrong with him. Everyday Kei comes home babbling a new happy story about Mr. Jeon and what he taught the class, or a new compliment he gave him, and you can’t help but fall for him simply through the words of your son.
It is a little embarrassing, if you’re being honest—having a crush on a man at your big age—but you just can’t help it.
As the month progresses, you find both yourself and Kei get used to things—he seems to enjoy going to school every morning and you enjoy the happy smiles he holds when he returns. Everything seems to fall into a perfect pattern, with nothing seeming to go wrong. Well…that is, at least, until this Friday.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” you exclaim, knuckles white as you grip the steering wheel, glancing at the time on your dashboard. Your last meeting ended up longer than you planned but you couldn’t leave, given it was with executives, and now you’re stuck in traffic as you’re already late to pick up Kei. “Ugh,” you groan out, trying to peer over the cars in front of you only to realize that you might be stuck here for a bit.
You’re slightly frantic trying to figure out what you’re going to do—any other day you would have called Jun and asked him to pick Kei up for you, but he’s on a trip with his friend so that isn’t an option right now. Chewing on your bottom lip, you glance at the unmoving traffic and pull out your phone, scrolling through your contacts. You don’t think twice before hitting the contant labeled Mr. Jeon, letting out a sigh of relief when you hear the other end pick up your call.
“Hello, Mr. Jeon?” you say quickly when you hear some shuffling on the other side. “This is Kei’s mom.”
He says your name softly before asking, “Can I help you?”
“Hi, yes, I’m really sorry, but I think Kei might be waiting for me at the valet but I’m stuck in traffic and I—fuck—” you mutter when you need to slam the breaks hard. “—sorry for my language—I just don’t know how long it’ll take for me to pick him up and I don’t want him to wait for me too long so I was hoping that there was something you could do so he could wait in the office or something—anything really—just so he can wait somewhere safer while I come,” you blabber.
Wonwoo takes a few seconds to reply, and for a moment you think you might have spoken so quickly that he didn’t hear a single thing you said. “He can stay in my room, if that’s okay with you,” he finally says, and you blink a few times.
“I—really? Tha-that’s definitely okay with me, yeah. That would be amazing, thank you so much Mr. Je—Wonwoo. Thank you,” you ramble, shutting up quickly when you hear a soft chuckle from the other side.
“Yes really. Don’t worry about it, I usually stay in the class after school anyways. You said he’s in the valet?”
“Yes, he usually waits by the tree,” you tell him, and a silence can be heard from Wonwoo as he gets up from his seat. “Thank you again, I’ll come as soon as I can.”
“No problem,” he replies, and with that you hang up, leaning back in your seat as you feel you can finally relax now.
It takes you around another 25 minutes before you’re finally pulling up to the school's parking lot, quickly making your way through the familiar route to Kei’s classroom. Knocking on the door, you peer through the small glass window, insides growing warm and fuzzy at the scene of Kei happy drawing on a desk. It takes a few seconds but then there’s a hand on the knob, opening the door for you.
“Thank you so much,” you let out before you can even see all of Wownoo’s figure.
He laughs and holy hell is it one attractive laugh (since when did you start finding laughs attractive?!). “Stop saying thank you, please,” he groans jokingly. “I might just start feeling bad. Seriously, it’s no problem, I’m usually here for a while anyway and Kei is wonderful company.”
You purse your lips, tentatively stepping into the room as Wonwoo moves for you, arm brushing against yours as you approach Kei. “Hey Kei-Kei, you wanna go now?”
Kei turns to look at you, eyebrows slightly furrowed. “But Mr. Jeon said I could play outside if I wanted!” You turn your head to look at Wonwoo, raising a brow.
“Uh, since the supervisors are still out I said he could play in a bit since I didn’t know when you were going to come,” he explains, and your gaze softens, turning back to your son.
“Okay Kei-Kei, but only fifteen minutes, okay?” you tell him, helping him clean up as Kei makes his way out the door and towards the playground. After putting his stuff away, you pick up his bag and head in the same direction as Kei to follow him, pausing when you feel a hand on your wrist.
“You can stay here, you know?” Wonwoo tells you, a smirk playing at his lips. “I don’t bite.”
You plaster a sympathetic smile through your nervousness, hastily replying, “I know, I just—I’ve already bothered you today and I think I should just head off now.”
“You aren’t bothering me.”
“Okay well,” you counter as you make your way to the door, “what if I just really want to watch my son have fun?”
“You’re really good at this, you know?”
“Good at what?”
“So, you’re just going to pretend like you aren’t avoiding me?” Wonwoo asks with a brow raised, pointing an accusing finger in your direction. Heat flourishes at the tip of your ears as you turn away from his gaze.
“I'm not avoiding you Mr. Jeon,” you mutter, suddenly realizing you’ve just been caught in his trap. He takes a step forward and you back up against the wall as he leans in so his lips are ghosting your ear. "Really?" Wonwoo murmurs, "Because I think you're lying." You both stay like that for a few moments before coming to your senses. He steps away with a heavy breath. "I'm sorry. You can get going if you—"
You aren't sure what possesses you in that moment but you just can't allow him to finish what he's saying, grabbing him by the collar and slamming your lips on his. Wonwoo’s arms fly up to your face and cup your cheeks, immediately running his tongue along your lips. The familiar taste of his tongue sliding against yours is something that you thought you wouldn’t experience after that night, but having him with you, right now, like this is enough to have your mind racing—he’s so fucking addicting that you can’t even fathom how you went more than a day without him.
Wonwoo's grasp on your face has you tilting your face, noses brushing past each other as you deepen the kiss, your fingers lacing in his thick locks to hold him close. His lips move so effortlessly against yours you'd even go as far to say you two were dancing, as you stumble back into the wall. Wonwoo presses you against the surface and you let out a gasp as he leans down, kissing you so hard and passionately that it might just suck the air out of you.
And it probably does, considering when you finally pull away from each other you’re gasping for air both from just how long Wonwoo’s lips stayed connected to yours, along with how breathtakingly amazing of a kisser he is. He looks down at you with some sort of sparkling look in his eyes and it has you weak in the knees, gripping onto his hair tighter.
He lets out a low grunt at the action and holy fuck the sound is doing things to you but then you’re both reminded of where you are and what you’re doing and then Wonwoo is stepping back as you let go of him, putting some space between you two. His glasses are slightly foggy and he takes them off to rub the moisture away on his shirt.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” You reach for his hand, cutting him off.
“It’s okay,” you murmur, somewhat bashful of your own actions as you look down, “We both did that so uh…don’t apologize.” Wonwoo looks up at you and then back down at your hand holding his, squeezing it comfortingly.
“Okay,” he says gently, reaching for his phone in his pocket. “Can I, uh, get your number? I only have it saved on the school phone…” he asks hopefully, looking up at you as he uses one hand to smooth his ruffled hair, the other holding up his phone in your direction.
Your lips are pressed into a tight smile as you try to hide your cheeky grin. “Of course,” you say maybe a little too quickly, punching in your digits and handing it back to him. A silence settles between you two, but it isn’t uncomfortable like before, no, it’s rather…warm now.
“I…” Wonwoo starts to admit, “…never thought I’d end up in a situation like this.” You giggle and nod your head in agreement. “But, um, I’d like to see where this goes.”
“I like the sound of that,” you reply with a smile, and it's the truth—your stomach tumbles with a good feeling that things might just go your way.
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a/n: hope u liked it! i'm super duper excited for this story and was literally kicking my feet writing this so you can expect a part 2 quite soon! in the meantime, please like, comment, and reblog! send me an ask or comment if you'd like to be tagged in part 2!
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adventuringblind · 3 months
Medication Mishaps
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Fluff and Crack
Summary: When a mix-up in meds leaves her without any, Lando and Oscar are there to her navigate without them.
Notes: for @norizznorris. Sorry I don't do male readers! Regardless, I hope this is what you wanted! :)
Side Note: This one made me laugh the entire time while writing it. My fiancé is unmedicated and very high on the ADHD spectrum. Every day is an adventure!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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Ah, the joys of being neurodivergent. When somehow the world is to much and simultaneously to little. When the nagging impulsive thoughts and continues need for caffeine aren't enough, then the interests that lay dormant for years come back swinging; upset they've been neglected for so long.
Medication helps. Which - of course it does - it's engineered brain chemicals in the form of a chalky pill designed to help someone function in a world where only one kind of brain is excepted. It's better than it was, the world has come further in recent years.
yet here she is, taking her last pill from the bottle. A little piece in her cries knowing she'll have to go pick up her new meds today. The pharmacy feels like to much and she'd rather lay in bed and give into the executive dysfunction. Then she remembers she's flying with Lando and Oscar to their race tomorrow.
With that thought in mind, she groans and hauls herself out of bed. The boys are doing factory work today and won't be back until later. Plenty of time to come home and waste away the hours in bed and pray her energy comes back.
She lied to herself earlier. Any optimism for the day has just disappeared.
"What do you mean you don't have my meds?"
"There was a mix-up with the orders, but we'll have them in a few days." The pharmacist gives her a sheepish smile.
She just sighs and turns on the balls of her feet. How she's going to tell her boys, she has no idea yet. The insecurity of them not wanting her around the paddock because of in burns in the back of her mind.
She still has today at least. Maybe she'll just ride it out and not tell them.
That plan fails miserably the second they walk into the flat. The sight of her visibly distressed on the couch alerts them that something is wrong.
The sit down on either side of her. The question trying to escape their mouths. She beats them to it. "There was a mix-up with my meds. I won't have them until after we get back."
"And we'll help you manage, yeah? You'd do the same for us."
"Lan... she has done the same for you, like, daily."
Sometimes, she's convinced she lives on a different planet entirely. Like the brain and body she has are simply not meant to be here and there must have been a mistake with the storks.
Lando hands her a Redbull, courtesy of Max since he has to many. "I figured this might help?" Seeing as she nearly just threw hands with whoever was chewing unnecessarily loudly, caffeine might help.
She looks at Lando and Oscar, between the three of them, there are seven drinks. Only one of which is the Aussie's. "Oscar is being boring again."
the man in question huffs. "Water is good for you."
"But it's wretched to taste sometimes."
Lando nods at her in agreement. "See Oscar, boring."
"Nothing is ever boring with you two."
The beginning wasn't bad. Not like it is right now with her brain only wanting to do one specific things, she hasn't remember to eat since early this morning, and the tag on her shirt makes her want to pull her skin off.
Oscar looks at her curled up in his drivers room with a horrendous amount of care and sympathy. He slots in next to her and leans his head against the wall. "Hard day?"
"I need like - five pounds of dino nuggies and a nap."
"Anything I can do to help right now? We'll work on food when Lando is done."
She curls up in Oscar's lap like a cat. The lack of regulated sleep finally catching up to her. She's on the verge of sleep when Lando busts through the door yelling about something.
She throws a pillow at him in annoyance. "You owe me food."
Lando pauses. "That sounds brilliant."
Oscar shakes his head in defeat later that night as Lando gradually sneaks food off her plate and pretends they can't see him. If he's not caught then it didn't happen and Jon can't get mad at him.
She hasn't stopped talking with Lando for the last two hours. What exactly they've been going on about, she has no idea at this point. Their original conversation led to rabbit trails and other distractions that got in the way. The original story now long forgotten as they discuss the possibilities for new shoes.
Her phone dings, an automated message alerting her to her refilled meds. She shows Lando in excitement. The joys of functioning like a human again are nearly in her grasp.
Lando and Oscar both look at her in amusement. The latter has been using their conversation as an excuse to read. He sets his book down, a look she hasn't seen before crossing his features.
"Have you ever thought what it would be like if you didn't have to take meds?"
Lando shoots him a nasty glare. "Oi, she can't help-"
"Not what I meant." The Aussie crashes onto the bed with them, book now tucked away. "I just mean that having a different kind of brain shouldn't be such a difficult thing for the world to cope with. But the second someone is different-" He looks at Lando. "-Like they struggle with reading or processing information." Then he turns to her. "Or they struggle to with focusing and sensory things. They are ready to create some kind of fix to make those brains work like theirs." The genuine concern and sadness from him is almost heartbreaking.
"In a perfect world, yes. For now though, I think me and Lando can both settle for having someone who cares as much as you do."
"Just wish I could do more."
Lando hums and, quite literally, rolls over onto Oscar. "Just like our best is enough, so is yours."
"However, if the world could provide me with free drinks, I wouldn't be complaining."
Oscar chuckles and drags her closer despite Lando's weight on him. "I'll make a note of it for when I become ruler of the world."
"You never said you were planning that!"
"It's been my secret plan this whole time."
"... It's always the quiet ones."
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
19 Asks! :00 Thank you! :DD 🧁
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And now you see my frustration and lack of patience. <XDD
Its the easiest to follow boundary that I can think of. Yet people still wanna fuss about it and send me horrible messages and run me down. Calling me selfish, ungrateful, spoiled.. Its exhausting. :( 💔
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Sorry, I don't take requests. :/
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Do beasts like that exist in the game?? :00 Dang, that's spooky-
Well, I imagine that Seafoam, Octo, Louis and any other tough guy on the ship would go down there and weed it out. Dragging it up onto the deck so that Blue Beauty could snatch it and dispose if it however she needed to <XDD 💀
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I must specify that my cookie run characters are not in "my version" of the world- <:0 as in I didn't create the world they live in and how it works-
These cookie characters are fan OCs for an existing game! And note, its a game that I know next to nothing about! <:( I only researched enough to make characters that might fit into that universe somewhat realistically,, other than that, I've got nothing! :(
So about a pirate community being led by a King or Queen of some other chocolate brands..?.. aaaaaa I have no idea! <:0 Its not my world! Does it fit? I don't know.. Sorry.. :(((
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Thank you <:) but hey, I have high hopes that this trial will end within the next few weeks! :D ..I really hope it will :')
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:DD No problem! While I am spending an unfortunate amount of my time just lounging around trying to feel better.. I at least want to get around to answering asks! Its darn near my favorite part of running this blog after all! <XDD
When it comes to the Commander, he is not meant to have any fancy powers like in the movie or from Kamek. Magic in my universe is meant to be a very complicated practice. Something that would take years of studying and training to perfect. At least to the level where it can be used reliably in combat.. What I mean by this, is I don't think there's any magic related tricks that the Commander could "pick up" or be taught.. Magic also has everything to do with a magikoopa's gem staff thing, soo... <://
Though I suppose that the "superspeed flight" and the "self destruct" aspect could be incorporated into the Blue Parakoopa species somehow.. Perhaps due to the shape of their winds and flying styles, they could be incredibly fast. And Since they are so big and sturdy, perhaps they have been known to rocket towards their enemy and come crashing down onto/into them with all their might. Completely obliterating what ever they happen to hit. Like an explosion! XD Hmm.. I might just adopt that XDD Thanks for the idea!
Also he might make for a decent sparring partner if he was asked to do so! :0 though that's not his primary job..
As for Larry, unfortunately I've thought about him the least amongst the Koopalings. :((( Though I do intend to keep his star mark somehow.. and I didn't know about the music thing! :0 My Larry definitely wouldn't be a DJ, but I could certainly add an interest in music into his character! :0 Sounds like you kind'a built a bit of Larry for me! XD
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Thank you so much!! I'm glad to hear it! :DD And "like spam", XDD there's no such thing on my blog! I consider it a huge compliment! :DD
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:DD Thank you very much!! I'm glad you like what I've made!! :}} ✨💖✨
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Me neither man, me neither. If someone else had set a boundary like that I would just drop it no questions asked. I don't get why its so hard for others to do the same.. and its such a small and simple boundary at that. It just baffles me, it really does. :'((
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I always knew/assumed that's why people harp on me so much about it. "All other artists like it. So why don't you like it? You make no sense."
I understand how everyone else sees it, but even then I wish people would get the message and just leave me alone about it. You know?
When I set a boundary, don't come into my ask box and question me about it. Don't start criticizing me or send me death threats or call me selfish and ungrateful. As has happened before..
Just read the boundary, "please do not make fanart of any kind for me" and then leave it/me alone. Its all I ask. :( I promise I would/will do the same for you, 💖
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Thank you for the kind message and support, it really means a lot <:}
I'm doing by best every day to heal and work on myself as much as I can. I'm hoping to see improvements soon! <:}
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Sorry, I don't take requests. But it sounds like you already have a good idea goin. Why not give it a go yourself? :0
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:DDD Thank you so much!! That means the world!! :}} 💖
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I have not :( I've seen and heard wonderful things about it though! No doubt its an awesome show :}}
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WAAHAHAGG THANK YOU!! :DDD Nothing means more to me than to see people so passionate about my original characters! My ORIGINAL! CHARACTERS!! 😭😭💖💖💖 IM SO HONORED!!
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XDD No no don't worry! You're fine! :}
Now, I do advise that people don't shove headcannons onto my charaters- BUT! I say this because in the past people have shipped my original characters together and have put mental illness and sexuality headcannons on themm.. which is just not ok. It made me super uncomfortable and should be a no brainer. Don't do that with peoples personal characters unless they say they are ok with it-
But this is a bit different, taking what I've already established and just gushing about it/digging into it a little deeper is alright! Honestly its such an honor! :DD It makes me very happi :}}} 💖💖
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:(( I been goin through it ngl. But I'm sure in a few weeks and maybe after I get a couple good rainy days under my belt? I'll be back to my old squiggly self :}
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@beryl-shade (First link/video in question) (Second link/video in question)
I like to look at my cookie crew through more "serious" glasses. I don't think they ever would be involved in a coordinated musical number..
But even if they were, I'm not too sure how they'd react/feel.. :( I know Octo and Spidercrab wouldn't be having a good time though, that's for sure! XDD
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panphilosopher · 3 months
G-d, I hate how thr anime change people perceptive that Ymir's letter to Historia was short. It wasn't short in the manga.
This is Ymir actually letter.
"My dearest Historia,
Reiner is standing to my side. He is catching glimpses as I write this letter of my love for you. What a creep, he is never getting a girlfriend. But he did promise me that he would deliver this letter to you. He says he wants to repay me for saving them that day.
I’m sorry for what happened then. I never imagined I would choose them over you. I’ll be dead not long after these words. But I don’t regret anything.
I didn’t have a name. I didn’t know who my parents were, or where they were from. My earliest memory is of being one beggar among many. But one day, a man showed up and gave me a name.
Ever since then, people called me Ymir.
You may not think it’s much of an unusual name, but all I had to do was take it, and then I was given a fine bed and fed meals. That wasn’t all. Those adults who, until then, acted like I was invisible all got on their knees and revered me. As for the man who named me, he began ti dress more and more extravagantly, and as he did, he grew happier.
I felt good, too. All I had to do to make everyone delighted and happy was play the role that I had been given. That’s what I believed. And that’s why I kept playing the part of Ymir.
People had started to call me devil before I knew it; but I still kept playing the part of Ymir.
The man who had given me a name claimed that I had “tricked him.”
Still, I kept playing the part of Ymir.
I thought if that’s what would save them, it would be fine. But…
There are some people in this world who have rocks thrown at them for nothing more than existing. As their symbol, I was stoned from head to toe.
It seems that in this world, it doesn’t mean anything in particular that a simple chunk of flesh can scream and flail.
It doesn’t mean a thing.
That’s why I think the world is so incredible.
I opened my eyes again, and spread before me was freedom.
From there, I began to walk and I lived the way I wanted. I have no regrets.
Or so I’d like to say. But to be honest, I do have one.
You and I still aren’t married.
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Hey babe ☺️
Can we get more of the moon boys x reader pranks they're sooo cute or if you want to how would it be like if the moon boys did the pranks like calling the reader their name or not saying ILY back?
Hello, love ^^
Ahhhhh I love this one!
・'Make ugly face on count of three' you guys remember that prank trend? I'm gonna go with that :P
・Oscar Issac is sculpted by God™ and our boys are the cutest, gorgeous and handsome, this is just for the sake of this fic, don't throw tomatoes at me guys lol
・Also I'm thinking of doing the boys pranking the reader as a separate fic later :)
・my writing style is slightly different than my usual one. Hint: it's little unhinged ;)
genre: did you order a plate of fluff? Cause it's here ;)
tagging my darlings: @friendlyneighbourhood-parker @devilish-mirage @syrma-sensei @fayes-fics @twwcs
The moment your lips uttered 'for tiktok', Marc refused, but you pleaded him to do this for once.
Reluctantly he agreed.
"One, two.."
He stared into camera like he is going to kill.
"Babe, stop. I didn't say three!"
"It's one, two, three, ugly face" you move your hand in 'cutting the air' motion to emphasize your point.
"Okay" there is the grumpy eagle face again.
"One, two..Stop!"
It dawns on him.
"Oh really?" he stands up, eyes full of disbelief. He glances back at Khonshu like, 'Are you seeing this shit, Khonshu?'
But the God looks amused. Marc swears he looks like... grinning? That is if he had a mouth, yes, definitely grinning.
Khonshu didn't like you at first, not gonna lie. Eventually, there is no way he would admit it but he...tolerates you, yeah tolerate.
You pranked him again? How dare you, Y/n?
He walks out of the bedroom.
You fall off from the bed, laughing hard. "Marc! Marc! Baby, come back, it's was a prank, I'm sorry!" you immediately get off the floor and quickly follow him. "Baby! You are the prettiest man alive!"
He knew you were just messing around, that doesn't mean he can't pretend to be hurt.
You catch up to him, grabbing him by his arm. "I'm sorry, it was a prank"
He gives a teasing smirk. "Say it again"
You pretend like you don't know what he is talking about.
"If you want my forgiveness for your sin-"
You roll your eyes playfully.
"Say it"
"You are the most handsome man in the world"
"And?" he drags it out with a goofy grin.
"You are so sexy" now it's your turn to grin like a dork, "second cutest man"
"Well, 'grumpy eagle' is not a very cute look"
There it is again, you refused to explain it to him the other day.
Now he will not let it go. He traps you between his arms, pressed against the wall.
You laugh freely and finally explain it to him about the muppet, only after he tickled your ribcage mercilessly.
And he did not forget your prank. Girl, you better sleep with one eye open.
He was bit reluctant at first, but when he saw how excited you are for this, how could he say no?
"Okay, babe. I want you to make the ugliest face you can-"
"Ugliest face?"
"Yup. On the count of three, okay?" you pointed at your phone, your finger hovering above 'record button'
He nodded.
"One, two...Babe!" you turn to face him, "I said on the count of three!"
"Love, I didn't- I didn't do anything" he looks so confused.
"Let's try this again, yeah? On the count of three" you stress the 'three'.
"Alright, alright"
"One, t-" you pause, "Babe, I said make ugly face at the count of three, not before that" you sigh in obviously exaggerated way.
"But, I didn't do anything" he gets this look on his cute face. If '🥺' was a person, it's Steven right now.
Y/n, say sorry right now!
"Let's do it again. One, tw-" you stop, looking at his face. "Stop, babe"
"Oh" his eyebrows furrows in confusion, before he bursts out laughing. "You got me, you goof ball"
Of course, you apologise anyway. But he chuckles and assures you it's fine.
"Is this for a picture?"
"That's the game, you have to make your ugliest face on the count of three"
He fixed his gaze at your phone camera.
"One, two...papi, on three, on three!"
"Yes, I heard you, Y/n/n" he doesn't get it. He didn't make any face yet, what do you mean?
The way he said your name laced with his accent would make your knees buckle in any other time, you pull your self together for this prank.
"Let's try this one more time. One, two..Jake!"
"¡Dios mío!" he rolls his eyes in annoyance. "I did not make a face, princesa"
You put one arm around his shoulder, trying to calm him down a bit. "Okay, one more time, ready? One..." you drag the 'one' a second longer, pause to look at his face.
"You didn't say three, querida. Why did you stop?" he flails his hands, sighing.
He is so into this and so serious.
"Because I said 'three', not before" you suck your lower lip to stop yourself from bursting into laughter.
"You are playing with me" he doesn't even question. "Are you calling me 'ugly'?" It's a confirmation now.
"No" you say it with extra couple 'o's, in your most sweetest, innocent tone.
He glares at you like, 'are you serious?'
"I'm not saying that" you stiffle a giggle, reach your hands out to cup his face.
But he doesn't let you, covering his face with his hat.
"Papi," you could not control your laugh anymore. "I'm sorry, it's a prank" you take the hate off his face and put your legs over his lap, sitting and straddling him.
"No, no, no" he keeps turning his face whenever you try to kiss him, feigning hurt.
"Baby" but you don't give up, your cradle his face between your palms and press your lips all over his face, purposely giving him the sloppiest, loud, 'Mwah' kisses.
One day, he is going to get you back. All I can say is watch out, Y/n.
Dios mío - My God
Princesa - Princess
Querida - Darling
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
This one is so long I’m so sorry!!!
But Finnick is just so Hozier (I love a whipped man. Not like gale tho)
Finnick is “Work song” by Hozier it’s not even funny.
“Boys, workin' on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby”
Despite everything that has happened to him he persists because he thinks about his sweet girl. The pain, the hardships, the struggles, he can get through it all if he just thinks about her
“I'm so full of love I could barely eat”
Just his all encompassing love, his love is enough to nourish him, he doesn’t need anything else she just needs his sweet girl
“There's nothing sweeter than my baby”
I mean….he literally calls her “sweet girl”. He thinks the world of her. She’s kind, she’s caring, to him she’s the definition of “sweet”. He thinks the world of her, nothing is better then her.
“'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me”
Again more just thinking the world of his sweet girl. There’s no one better, no one who makes him feel anywhere remotely close to what his sweet girl makes him feel. Just being around her fixes his mood, fixes his day.
And plus to him she literally tastes sweet, like peaches.
“When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her”
So I feel like this is so much about 1) Finnick also having kinda a death wish sometimes but 2) feeling the need to live so he can be with her. He fought in 13 for her, he’d fight tooth and nail for her.
All he needs to know is that she’s gonna be there. He will crawl from the depths of the earth, the depths of display to go back home (aka her arms)
“Boys, when my baby found me
I was three days on a drunken sin”
“And I was burnin' up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear I thought I dreamed her”
Again think about what he was going through when he met her. It’s not like he valued his own life all that much and that year he spent with her felt like a dream, like something that was too good to be true.
“She never asked me once about the wrong I did”
“My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done”
“If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me”
This is getting long so I’ll have these lines together…so like again during the first year of their relationship. Finnick feels very guilty about the death he caused, that he’s a bad person, but his sweet girl never once held it against him, never once blamed him. She never even asked. Despite everything he’s done she’s still with him
“When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamplight I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me”
AGAIN!!! Being with her is what defines his happiness. Those secrete moments between them, the ones in their home, when the Capitol isn’t with them, he was as free as he could be. Heaven and hell meant nothing being he was with her
Anyway I love Finnick and I love Hozier
you're all good pookie 💕
THIS. you're literally so correct with this, and he's the adorable, loving kind of whipped for his sweet girl
when he's in the depths of suffering or hardships he still only thinks about his sweet girl. how he needs to protect her and get back to her no matter what it takes, the games, the rebellion, the war, whatever he's got to do
and she truly is everywhere for him, like when he smells what he thinks might be peaches in his food and is consumed with grief because it makes him think of her. and regardless of how we as an audience might read into her actions as more harsh or impulsive, he sees only the good parts, her flaws are just things he has nothing but sympathy and love for. she does most of what she does out of a place of care of self-hate, and he just loves her endlessly. when he's without her, life is bitter.
yes yes yes, he needs her to stay as something he can come back too, to work for, to give him reason to keep living. he begs her not to go into the quell, he does all he can do she won't be on the squad. he won't let death get him when he knows he can come back to his sweet girl. if she's in the heat of danger and something happens, he doesn't think he'll be able to weather that and knows she wouldn't be able to either, which he could never forgive himself for, even in death.
YES finnick was a young, drunk teenage boy living in peak opulence, having everything at his fingertips, endless parties, and drinks, and fun, but then there's her. she feels so right, it's just too good to be true, to be real, because she's so perfect for him. he understands her and she understands him in a way that no one else can.
he's fresh out of the games really, like a year or so later and of course he's still wrecked with guilt, and always with the nightmares. she's so comforting, she doesn't pry, lets him open up whenever he wants too, and when he does she's nothing but loving. reminding him that he didn't have a choice and all the things he did just brought them together and he's starstruck with how endlessly kind she is. he can't fathom how she puts no blame on him, and he feels the same way when she comes back from her games.
when they can just purely be together, be themselves it's the most free he's ever felt and nothing else he's ever done or felt guilty for matters because it's just the two of them. his sweet girl in his arms, someone he loves more then life itself and he can drown in her very being because of the pure joy it creates
and that's so real of you, he's a Hozier of a man ❤️
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
writing request:
I need to feel something in this dark world
First off, I am truly very sorry this is late. High school and finals are responsible. Also, ty for the request 💙💙, this is right up my alley!
Stars in a Pitch Black Sky
TW: Violence, the agency is toxic, self-depreciation, blood mention
Word count: 1.29 k
Villain kicks Hero’s legs from underneath them, their body slamming into the asphalt. The criminal pins the hero down with their boot, letting it rest on their ribs, earning a soft whimper from them.
They expect resistance, a hand trying to claw at their boot, but they receive nothing. The crime-fighter doesn’t even stir, staying so terribly still to the point that the villain would’ve thought they were dead, had they not heard the exhausted panting.
As though trying to get their attention, Villain slowly increases pressure. Nothing. . .
The hero was normally relentless. Irritatingly so. They never gave their nemesis a chance to recover, their attacks swift, their movements skilled and unpredictable. The villain never wanted to admit that their fighting had the graceful air of a mesmerizing dance. Hero had this fiery passion blazing in their eyes, as though this job was bound to their soul, their legacy inked in with the blood coursing through their veins.
So seeing them like this, letting themselves remain limp under the villain’s foot is definitely unorthodox.
“What is wrong with you?” they ask, strangely frustrated.
“I’m not dead,” the hero replies listlessly.
“Well, you’re as good as like this,” they retort, cocking an eyebrow.
“What if I. . .” they trail off, breathing laboured, “don’t really care?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” the criminal barks. They dig their heel into the crime-fighter’s ribs, resulting in a groan from them. “Fight back!”
At this, the hero finally snaps.
“For what?” they shoot back, forcing the criminal’s shoe off them, finally standing up and slamming their body into the building behind them with so much force that it draws a sharp gasp from the villain.
“To be the agency’s old poster hero? A shiny, little weapon that’s been used so many times, it’s gone dull and rusty?”
“I-but the news is chock full of articles about you. You’re the city’s favourite hero!” they protest.
Their nemesis lets out a sharp, humourless laugh. “The articles – are simply there to sate the public until a brand new hero gets all the spotlight. It’s a performance. The government throws out these ‘heroes’ so that no one questions them.”
Villain’s eyes widened and the hero’s bruising grip on their shoulders softens, as does the diamond-hard gaze.
“I was just some experiment. A coverup. I’m no one’s hero,’ they say softly, their cold fury crumbling to nothing as they worry their bottom lip between their teeth. They let go of the villain, which was sloppy and unprofessional and so unlike the hero.
“You save people. You show up to fight me no matter what,” the villain reasons.
The crime-stopper sucks in a careful, measured breath, as though it was their last. “I only fight you because they tell me to. You’re far from the worst thing out there. The agency just labels anyone with functioning braincells who isn’t their goddamn puppet ‘a threat’. ” Hero snorts inelegantly, but the look in their eyes is anything but amused. Desperate. Broken.
The confession leaves Villain dumbfounded, and their agape jaw quickly snaps shut. They want to say something to soothe their enemy, but they were never one for gentle words and complicated feelings. Because they currently have no one they care about to have any knowledge of. . .basic human emotions, apparently.
Yet here they are, practically itching to find a way to offer their nemesis any comfort they can. “I- the people don’t care about the agency, Hero. Just because they made you feel like your time is over or whatever stupid publicity stunt they’re trying to pull – doesn’t mean it actually applies to you.”
Hero only gives them a wry smile, and it seems to age them decades in matter of instants, even though they’re young, like the villain. Too young. “It was nice feeling like I meant something, even if the affirmations were false. A pretty lie is something to hold on to.”
Villain tilts their chin up, cautiously, as though they are more fragile than glass. “What are you planning on doing now?”
“I,” the hero starts, “I don’t k-know!” And with that, the hand on their jaw started to get wet with the steady flow of tears that they immediately wipe away, their face flushed and their throat burning like acid was forced down it with the shame, the tears tasting like salt on their tongue.
“You can stay with me,” the villain offers, pulling the hero close to them. They flinch violently, letting out a sharp gasp, but they cling onto their greatest enemy like a lifeline.
“Just until you figure things out. My civilian identity arouses no suspicion. I have a legal source of income too.”
“Why?” the hero rasps, pulling away from the embrace, “Why would you help me? Why do you care?” they ask, their form trembling with every step they take.
“Because,” they breathe out carefully, “I care about you,” they realise.
“I have no one to hold on to. No one I know whom I give a damn about. You know me better than people who’ve seen me with my mask off every day.”
And it was true. Because when the hero showed up to all those fights, it almost felt like they were keeping each other company more than anything. Old friends and perfect strangers mixed into one.
Hero takes the risk of believing them. The lesser of two evils, if their intentions prove to be rotten.
Villain’s house is spacious, decorated in a way that was both luxuriant and simple. The place smells like expensive. Like exotic wood and potted plants with their fragrant blossoms, like fancy tea and brand new furniture, like the villain themselves: the crisp pages of a book mixed with the criminal’s musky perfume, though they currently smell more like blood and the day’s activities than anything else. But no matter how striking the difference is between their estate and the hero’s practical and brilliantly staid apartment, they both have one major thing in common.
The air reeks of mind-numbing loneliness in both places.
Reluctantly, the criminal rips off their mask, offering the hero a shy smile. Even though their features are somewhat sharp, maybe a little less harsh then the hero’s, but still defined, they look incredibly soft. It makes the city’s saviour wonder how they ever saw them as a menace. They reciprocate, feeling completely exposed as a scar underneath their eye is revealed. The villain’s smile widens to a grin.
“You’re cute.” They trace the shape of their scar with their fingers, and if the hero was blushing a few moments ago, right now they can pass off as a very convincing beetroot.
Moments later, Villain settles themselves on the couch, much too tired for anything else, patting the spot next to them. Hesitantly, Hero joins them.
“What movies do you like?”
“Thrillers,” the hero answers, without missing a beat.
At that, the villains laughs and raises an eyebrow in amusement. “You felt more like a Disney movie kind of person. But I’m into thrillers too.”
“Don’t patronise me,” they chide jokingly.
Villain smirks and reaches for the remote, picking a film neither of them had seen before. They pull the hero into their lap, even though the crime-fighter was the taller of the two. They’re ridiculously light, they note. They need to eat.
Halfway into the movie, Hero still perched on top of their lap, Villain asks them, “I’m getting takeout. Pizza or Chinese? Or something else?”
“Chinese is my favourite. Go for it!’ they chirp excitedly.
Villain’s heart doesn’t melt. It spontaneously combusts. “Do you know how tempting you are to spoil?” they stage-whisper, stroking the hero’s hair.
Hero just laughs softly in response.
Yes, the world gets dark. Hope is a thin thread to cling to, a precarious journey to make. There is a fine line between trust and utter foolishness and mistakes are inevitable, but to avoid everything in fear of them is to avoid living, to be a living body with a dead soul. Because between every wrong choice, there is always a right one, a chance we'd regret not seizing. Because even in the all-consuming darkness of a pitch black sky, the stars never fail to illuminate the night.
Notes: Thought I'd finally answer one of my asks before going back to radio silence for a while!
Tagging for comfort fics: @roblingoblin285
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thorniest-rose · 10 months
brooke i am so mad!! people are getting upset over how authors characterize steddie!! i wish people still used the whole “dont like dont read” mindset!!!!!! like damn what if i wanna write steve as a pretty boy who loves putting on lip gloss and mascara!!! whats it to them???? i dont know how you do it :( you write some of my favorite steve and eddie’s and i know some people would say that the way u characterize them is unrealistic (hah very funny!! its called fan FICTION. UNREALISTIC IS BASICALLY IN THR DEFINITION!!! ughh!!!!!) how do u deal with the negative comments??? ive been so unmotivated lately by all this hate floating around :((
omg what's happened now?? Or do you mean what's been going on in general over the past few weeks? I know, it's really tough at the moment and the fandom's going through one of those phases where there's a lot of in-fighting and people trying to crack down on content they find "problematic" i.e things they personally don't like, which is a common issue in fandom spaces since the rise of social media and since fandom went mainstream. I'm really sorry that you feel demotivated right now, I've had waves of feeling the same since the whole "don't make Steve soft and feminine" debacle and now the witch hunts taking place on the Twitter side of the fandom. So it definitely gets to me too, I'm not immune by any means.
What really helps, I've found, is finding a small group of friends or people who run accounts that you enjoy, and focusing on them and your own writing, and staying out of the wider fandom. Whenever I've tried to engage with the wider fandom it's just caused me grief, so I stick to my own little corner now, and focus on my writing and what I enjoy, and talk to a small group of friends, and it's really helped. Also I've been through a lot of this before so it's not my first rodeo, but I can see why it would be intimidating and off-putting for someone who's new to the fandom.
Also YES, it's so dumb for anyone to say "this is OC" when I write the characters because all I'm doing is dialling up their core characteristics and as Az says, if everything was "true to canon" all we'd be doing is writing straight people in rooms not talking to each other. Fanfiction is meant to be transgressive, like that's the entire point, we're weaving folklore and creating art from established characters and making them our own. And if we were all writing the same thing it would become SO boring, so let people have fun and find enjoyment where they can because the world is so shitty and cruel as it is, so why are we turning fandom spaces into police states where you're only allowed to write one type of characterisation or you're ridiculed and ostracised. And where you can't write anything "problematic" i.e non-con or underage because it's EVIL and WRONG and you're a BAD PERSON.
Give me a break.
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kenjiro-kun · 1 year
Character: Mikasa Ackerman (AOT)
Theme: Slight Angst
Warning: Typical Violence/Near Death
Words: 698
Reader: Female
POV: Second
Summary: Reader gets injured and almost lets life go, but Mikasa always finds a way.
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Fire. It was all around you, the smoke, the feeling of the flames close, almost touching your skin. You were disoriented, your mind was blank, and your eyes didn't blink. On your back, arms straight out, the deafening ringing in your ears. As if you were finally given a chance to rest, you closed your eyes falling deep in the void no-one could describe. Until the ground shook under your body, the Earth quaking, but then it became faster. The Earth groaned, croaked, and felt as if it may crack into two.
It was a Titan. It was being chased down by troops, but you were too far gone to care about the things around you. You sang in your head, smiling subconsciously.
. . .I'll see you there.
You were awaken into reality by someone pulling you onto your feet, but soon you were on their shoulders. You took noitce of their hair and knew it was the Mikasa Ackermen, your friend from the training days.
"This is no place to die," She said. "I'm not letting you go."
You took notice of her nervous tone, and soon you knew why. All the adrenaline ran out, and the feeling off agonizing pain ran through you. You tighten your grip on the raven haired girl. Your breathing became rapid, and you blacked out.
You woke up.
"Good, you're awake!" Hange said.
You looked at her, forcing a bitter smile. You looked down at yourself and noitced your leg wasn't present. It was severed, and you don't remember how, but that was for the best.
"For something that looked bad," Hange went over to you. "Wasn't too hard to take care of."
You clenched your teeth. "What's the point in saving me when I can't contribute anymore?"
Hange shrugged. "I didn't find you."
You cocked an eyebrow. "Then who?"
"Mikasa did, L/N." Levi entered.
"Levi!" Hange exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
"Nothing that concerns you, four eyes," He turned to you. "I may have good news for you. Since Mikasa did save you from death, you were brought in without a leg, which makes you a liability on the field. Although you aren't useless."
You smiled. "So that means I'm able to do something?"
"Yes." He answered. "You can help on small things around the places we will be traveling to, such as servicing thr citizens and many other work I will instruct you on doing when the time comes."
"Yes, sir."
He walked away.
"Oh, that reminds me!" Hange ran over to her desk. She held out a woodend leg. "I haven't finished yet, but I thought you would like to walk around with using a stick.
"Thanks, Hange." You groaned. "Where is Mikasa?"
"No clue," She frowned with you. "She was very panicked, never seen her like that before."
"I. . .I guess."
It was a week since your injury, and Mikasa never went to see you. You were walking with a slight limp, but it was better than a walking stick. You walked out on the lawn, and saw Mikasa training by herself.
"Hello," You walked over to her. "Mikasa? I finally found you! I wanted to thank you for saving my life--" She stopped, and grabbed the collar of your uniform. "Mikasa?!"
"Why?" She looked right into your eyes. "Why did you just lay there?"
You looked at her surprised. "Huh?"
She clenched her mouth, and shoved you to the ground. "Why did you just give up on yourself?"
You frowned. "I. . .I don't know."
"You don't know?!" She shouted.
She pushed you to the ground, pinning your arms. "Do you know how many of us care for you, Y/N!"
Your eyes widened. "W-what?" You felt tears fall on your face. "Are you crying?"
She shoulders heaved. "You idiot. I care for you, Y/N."
"Mikasa?" She hugged you into her embrace. "I'm here now, Mikasa. Don't cry okay. I'm sorry."
"I love you Y/N."
Your world stop. "You-- love me?"
She kissed you, hard. "Yes."
"I'm . .so happy to hear that."
"Good," She smiled.
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regexkind · 7 months
i was going to put 'when does cum start decomposing' after that question! anyway how much active cum[< 1d old] do you reckon's in the sea? do fishes cum. there'd be a lot of semen in that case. let's assume only human cum, that would be more ..intentional?
According to the Population Reference Bureau something like 3 billion people live within 200km of the coast. I would guess without evidence that most people who are cumming in the ocean are
- closer in than 200km
- not visiting (they're residents)
So the question is how many people live within say 25km of the coast, which I would personally consider to be a more reasonable travel distance, with some caveats:
- I've ever traveled over 1000 miles for sex but that's the exception for me and not the rule
- if I was a Real Analyst or whatever I'd do some sort of integral where the integration region was "the populated world" and the term of integration was a product of "distance by land to the coast, multiplied by a term reflecting how economic means impact your capability for traveling." I could be a Real Analyst or whatever but by god my head is pulsing like a food processor right now. You're getting an abridged analysis.
According to Bill Moyers (ok, really PBS, but it's way funnier to cite him in a sex thing), some 1.1 billion people live within 25km of the coastline. I think it's actually pretty reasonable to assume most of these people live near "warm" water that won't kill you by swimming in it.
So now the question really becomes, what portion of people are the kinds of deviants who would engage in such behavior, and how often is sex in the ocean on the menu for the day? We can assume then that (# of people who had sex today in the ocean) * (jizz volume) * (percentage that stays in the (p|b|thr)ussy) is a reasonable estimate.
One of the biggest issues is that according to Quora (god I'm sorry for this C-grade source lmao) sex in the ocean is fun in theory and miserable in practice. Seems likely that of those who have sex in the ocean, those who do are not likely to repeat the experience. So we can estimate and say that of the coastal kinkster population, (1/lifespan) is the probability that they had sex today. AGAIN it would be so beneficial to do this weighted in a way that reflects how geography and lifespan interact. But I ain't doing that this morning.
So that leaves deciding what proportion of people are open to having sex in the ocean. Now this is just a ballpark estimate and I'm going to pretend that it's reasonable to say somewhere between 1% and 10% of people are so inclined. I have no data and no idea how to acquire it.
According to the Lancet, the life expectancy globally is like. 70 years. So our jizzers of the day can be estimated as
1.1 B * (range of kinky ppl) * (1/(365*70))
Which is between 430 and 4300 jizzers.
The volume of semen according to Medline is somewhere between 1.5 to 5.0 mL. Let us say that half the jizz ends up in the ocean, so 0.75 to 2.5mL.
Then we have 322mL as a floor and 11L as a ceiling.
A Fermi estimate is supposed to have the range of an order of magnitude and this is closer to 2 orders of magnitude. Sorry Mr. Feynman for letting you down.
This analysis also clearly fails to e.g. account for semen that is flushed down the toilet and directly into the ocean. But I'm gonna call it good and pass out for a hot second.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
oooh a fic where morpheus and y/n had just ended their relationship. they’re both summoned by Roderick.
hear me out y/n wakes up starts shouting and cursing but can’t use her magic cause of the binding circle
and Roderick’s ask if she’s death and she just tells him no, and that dream isn’t either
he of course asks for his demands for their release and she just laughs at him smiling.
she could bring his son back if she wanted to but the slew of problems that could occur. the balance of the world would be at stake.
he asks for youth riches and she’s just laughs once again. telling him that he has a funny of asking for such things, “you really think he’s going to give into your demands.”
“trust me he won’t.”
“neither will I”
cue Roderick getting pissed off at her sits their mocking him.
“besides that’s not how I work. for me it’s quite simple.”
“your prized possession, something you hold dear, give that to me, and it’ll become mine. you’ll get what you want.”
“but if Randal means so much to you, I highly doubt you’ve got anything worth while.”
she just grins tilting her head to the side just pissing off roderick even more, “I can tell what you’re thinking.”
“oh, you lay a single finger on me and you’ll wish you were never born.”
but shes pit into a room isn’t the mansion but a binding sigil is put on the door. She can’t leave not even out of the window
they give her food through a slot in the door. one day she finds out she’s pregnant and starts cursing “like fuck you morpheus fuck you and your fucking amazing dick this is all your fault!”
she puts her pregnancy in stasis for the time being, so when jessamy tries to help dream escape y/n gestures towards the siglil binding her to the room.
jessamy brushes it away with her wings and the two of them sneak downstairs to free Dream.
she’s just like quietly, “ello, love sorry it took so long.” grabbing a fire poker barricading the door. hopefully giving them some extra time
she just say the look on his face, “once we get you outta here we need to talk about something.”
as jessamy peckd on the glass tiny cracks appearing, “or maybe I should tell you now.”
“I’m pre-
jessamy’s boddy fell beside hee everything happened so fast she didn’t have a chance to use her powers when
another gunshot
she collapsed onto the ground blood seeping through her clothes.
another gunshot
dream jumped slightly his eyes fixated on the dead body of jessamy and the bleeding body of his ex
she slowly reached towards the binding circle to smudge it. the pain was unbearable and they locked eyes, “Im pregnant.” she mouthed her hand stopping only a few inches away from breaking the sigil.
dream hand pressed against thr glass as he stared at their lifeless body tears rolling down his cheeks
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Emotionless or stoic male reader who's texts like an airhead but only they're s/o can understand them with Tenko, Aoi, Mikan, Maki, Kirumi, angie and Kaede
Now I kinda wanna do another one of these, but with Celeste and Mukuro
Also, we already covered Mikan in the first one, so I did the others
Emotionless Reader Who Texts Like a Crackhead Airhead with Tenko, Aoi, Maki, Kirumi, Angie and Kaede (Part Two)
Tenko Chabashira 
She understands you 100%
After meeting you, she immediately wanted to be your friend
She found you to be interesting and wanted to protect you from the evil of the world
Cough cough males
Her energy balanced out your stoic demeanor perfectly
Or so she thought
You: Heyyyyyy Tenkoooooo
Tenko🥊: (Name)? Did someone steal your phone?! Was it a degenerate male?!
You: Noooo! How I text is just different from how I talk! 🙈🙈🙈
Tenko🥊: Oh! That's good, I was worried for a second!
You: I looooovvveeee yoouuuuuu!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
She loves your crackhead nature
She'll text you for as long as you want, even at 3:00 AM
She's the type of girlfriend who would text you at 3:00 AM to tell you that she loves you, so she has all time in thr world for you
You: YO
Tenko🥊: (Name)? It's 3:00 AM... Is something wrong? Is a degenerate male haunting your dreams?!
You: Tenko.
You: No.
You: I just wanna talk about stuff
Tenko🥊: Oh! Okay, we can talk!
Tenko🥊: What do you wanna talk about? 😁
You: Would Iphone chargers be called apple juice?
Tenko🥊: 😮
No matter how ridiculous the texts are, she will almost always agree with you
And she will stay up for hours talking to you
Because she loves you
Aoi Asahina 
She understands what you say, but she doesn't understand you as a whole
She thought you looked really cool at first
She always found the quiet, stoic types to be really cool
She was in for a great surprise when you texted her
Aoi🍩: (Name)?? Are you good??
You: Yep! This is just the way I text!☺️
Aoi🍩: Oh ok!
You: Can I come over?????
Aoi🍩: I'm at the pool
Aoi🍩: Wanna join??
Sometimes she's awake at 3:00 AM eating donuts and watching TV
The few times you don't join her, you still check in on her with your wonderful texts
And when she's awake to see them, she responds immediately
But she's not always awake at these times
Aoi🍩: (Name)? It's 3:00 AM... Are you ok?
You: Yea I just wanna talk
Aoi🍩: Ok what do you wanna talk about?
You: Soooo I was just thinkin about food and...
Aoi🍩: Yea?
You: Tater tots are short for "potato toddlers"
Aoi🍩: What?!
You: Yep
Aoi🍩: So... Every Friday night, I eat potato children?!
Sometimes she doesn't understand, sometimes she's on the exact same level as you
But either way, she loves you and will always put up with your crackheadednsss
That's a word now
Maki Harukawa 
She's hung out with energetic teenagers before, so she knows exactly what your texts mean
That doesn't mean she enjoyed it though
When she met you, she appreciated your stoic nature
You looked like someone she could get along with
Boy was she in for a whiplash attack when you texted her
Maki🔪: ...Is this actually the way you text?
You: Yep! 
Maki🔪: Well that's annoying.
You: Awwww, don't be like that
You: I luuuuuuvv you!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Maki🔪: *love
You: You gonna say it back or nah???
Maki🔪: Whatever. Love you too, dork.
You: Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
Maki🔪: You give me headaches.
You: Yea but you still luvvvvv me!🥰
Maki🔪: *love
You: SERIOUSLY?!?!!!?!!!!!!!??!
Just because she can decipher your texts doesn't mean she'll put up with your random bullshit
Especially not at 3:00 AM
You: Hey
You: Hey Maki
You: Maki Roll
Maki🔪: What do you want? It's 3:00 in the morning, you dork
You: Do you think Medusa's leg hairs are tiny snakes?
Maki🔪: What.
You: It's totally possible right???
Maki🔪: Go home, you're drunk.
You: Bitch I am home-
She acts like texting you is a huge chore
But she smiles to herself whenever you send her those heavily-emoji'd texts
Unless it's 3:00 AM, then she'll put your contact on silent until it's the time in the day where people actually do things
Kirumi Tojo 
She's seen her fair share of energetic teenagers
So she somehow knew how they talked
What she didn't expect was for it to be from you
You: Kiruuuuumiiiiii😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Kirumi🧹: Hello, love.
Kirumi🧹: Wait, did someone steal your phone? I've never heard you talk this way.
You: Nope! Just a me thing!
Kirumi🧹: Oh, I see.
You: IIIIIIIII loooooovvvveeeee yoooouuuu!!!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍🥰😍😍😍🥰🥰😍😍
Kirumi🧹: I love you too, my dear.💚
You: Can I come over??????
Kirumi🧹: I'm currently working on cleaning requests.
Kirumi🧹: If you like, I can make us tea and we can talk.
She grows used to your texting style very quickly
But she never gets used to your random 3:00 AM texts
Even though she's tired as hell, she'll stay awake and text you for as long as you want
Kirumi🧹: (Name)? It's quite late. Is something wrong?
You: Nope! I just wanna talk to my favorite maid gf!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍
Kirumi🧹: And your only one, I hope... But sure, we can talk.
You: Reading is just staring at a dead piece of wood for hours while hallucinating.
Kirumi🧹: That is... Not incorrect. Well. I've never thought about that.
You: If cookies are cookies, and bacon is bacon... Why do you bake cookies, but cook bacon?
Kirumi🧹: Well, you could prepare bacon in the oven if you wanted to.
You: You're missing my point, Rumi🤦‍♂️
For a while, she just stays awake with you, completely disregarding her own well being
But later into the relationship, she'll act like a mom and tell you to go to sleep
But she still loves you
Angie Yonaga 
She wasn't too surprised about it honestly
When she saw your text, she was basically like, "oh, so that's a thing they do"
Rewind to the past, where she first met you
Your stoic demeanor didn't really stick out too much
She wanted to be friends with everyone
But she developed a special attachment to you and boom! Relationship
Back to the texts... 
Angie🎨: Hello, (Name)!😄
You: I looovveeeee yoooouuuuuu!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰
Angie🎨: Atua loves you, (Name)! ☺️
You: ...Aren't you gonna say it back?
Angie🎨: Of course. I love you too, (Name)! 🤗
You: Hey, can I come over???????
Angie🎨: Of course! We can pay our respects to Atua!
Angie🎨: Or I can show off my recent art pieces?
You: Ok! I'm on my waaaayyy!!
Angie🎨: Okay! See you soon!
So she's not really surprised by anything you do
Not even your 3:00 AM texts
Speaking of, she's not staying up for that shit
She loves you, but she needs her beauty sleep
Angie🎨: Yes, my dear?
You: What if oxygen is a poisonous gas released by the government and it's slowly killing us?🤯 
Angie🎨: Atua says you should go to sleep, (Name).😊
She'll listen to what you have to say at first, but if your text looks like you hit a blunt while you wrote it, then she's shutting it down
But she loves you anyway
Kaede Akamatsu
She found your stoic nature to be kind of intimidating, honestly
But she also thought you were cool, so she decided to get to know you
And she actually really liked you
Fast forward to the future, where you're dating
And she receives her first text from you
Kaede🎹: (Name)??
You: Yeeeeeeesssss?
Kaede🎹: Are you okay?
You: Yep! This is just the way I text!
Kaede🎹: Oh okay!
You: I loooooovvveeee yooooouuuuu!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Kaede🎹: I love you too!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
You: I wanna see yoooouuuu😭😭😭😭😭
Kaede🎹: Come over! I'm just playing piano in my room
You: On my way!
She may understand what your texts are saying, but she doesn't understand them as a whole
Especially at 3:00 AM
You: Heyyyyy Kaedeeeeeee
Kaede🎹: (Name)...? It's 3:00 AM... What's the matter?
You: Do you think fish get thirsty?🤔🤔🤔
Kaede🎹: What?
You: Well, do you?
Kaede🎹: I don't know... Maybe?
You: Hey, did you know that when you're drinking beer, the beer is getting drunk too?
Kaede🎹: Huh?
Kaede🎹: Wait
Kaede🎹: Oh my God🤯
She wants to go to sleep so badly
But every time she tries, you end up swaying her to stay up late with you
One of these days, she's gonna put her foot down
But she still loves you
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An Early Start - Chapter 14 - Danny Phantom
Ao3: Here | Masterpost: Here
Ao3 Description: The accident that turns Danny half-ghost happens when he is four years old and leaves him trapped in the Ghost Zone. Clockwork finds him and takes him in to raise. But what happens when Clockwork sends Danny back to the human-world ten years later when a permanent portal appears?
Chapter 14:
Sometimes, Danny didn’t understand why humans do the things they do. Like Dash for instance. For the life of him, Danny could not figure out why he hurt innocent people. In the Ghost Zone, if a ghost hurt another ghost, they always had some kind of reason for it, even if that reason only made sense to them. But Dash, he was another anomaly of the human world, and he confused Danny to no end. More and more frequently, he would show up right behind Danny to knock books from his hands and shove him in a locker. If Sam and Tucker made the human world easier, then Dash balanced it out with how difficult he made it, and a racing heartbeat was becoming yet another awful feeling Danny was becoming more and more acquainted with.
One day, that awful feeling became too much, and despite telling himself he would follow the human’s stupid stringent rules, after yet another incident with Dash, he'd had enough. Trapped inside his tiny locker with only his racing thoughts, the hallway too crowded to simply faze out of it, he’d reached his limit, and decided to skip class. So, Danny fazed through the ceiling and out of the school, up into the sky high, high away from any closed quarters. Up here, he could breathe. Up here, he was free.
As Danny glided through the air, feeling the wind on his face, and basking in the open sky, he was oblivious to the incident happening down below. But he'd soon find out after school.
The first thing Sam and Tucker said when they saw him again was, “Where were you?!”
Danny stumbled back.
“There was this stupid Box Ghost and you weren’t here to stop him," Sam yelled. "So he completely ruined my speech on alternatives to dissecting live frogs! Which, by the way, you promised to help out with. You were here earlier, where’d you go?”
Right. Danny had completely forgotten about that promise. He'd made it the other day while they hung out at the Nasty Burger, but when he was in his locker, that awful feeling of confinement had been so strong that everything else in his mind fizzled into static. Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders and it added to the remaining feelings of confinement he had. He took another step back and didn’t notice how his hand shook as he raised it to say, “I’m sorry.”
Sam noticed at least, and her anger seemed to drain away. “Hey, are you okay?” She reached forward but Danny took yet another step back. He truly hadn’t meant to, but all he wanted right now was space. He craved it. Sam pulled her hand back. “Hey, I’m sorry for yelling. That wasn’t cool of me.”
It only seemed to make the guilt weigh heavier on Danny and he didn’t know what to do. Of course he’s been upset in his life, and scared, but what he felt now was something completely foreign to him and he didn’t know how to handle it, nor how to stop it. But, he had to let Sam know this wasn’t her fault. So, despite the crawling in his skin, he took two steps forward. “It’s… not you. I don’t…” Danny felt nauseous. “I don’t know what I’m feeling right now?”
Sam and Tucker exchanged concerned glances before looking back at Danny. “I think you’re having a panic attack, man.” Tucker said.
A panic attack? Danny has never heard of that before. What did that mean? Is this another human thing he didn’t know about? He lifted his hood over his head. He wanted to be alone. He missed the sky. He missed the Ghost Zone. He wanted to go home.
“Hey,” Sam said gently. “Let’s go outside. It’s too stuffy in here, anyway.”
So, Danny let his friends lead him outside. Their hands hovered behind his back as they lead him, but they didn’t touch him. The three of them made their way through the football field and to the empty bleachers, and Sam and Tucker sat on either side of Danny as he tried to get ahold of himself. He… really didn’t know how, and he hated that he could feel his heart and lungs. He never had to worry about that before as a ghost. Next to him, Sam spoke up. “Try to take slow, deep breaths, okay Danny?”
Slow, deep breaths? But that only made it worse. Slow, deep breaths meant he could feel every part of his constricting lungs. He pulled his sleeves over his hands and shook his head.
“Sam’s right,” said Tucker. “Slow, deep breaths will help you calm down and make your breathing go back to normal, which will make you feel better.”
It’s been a couple of weeks now since they found out his secret and they still haven’t told anyone, so Danny trusted them implicitly. So, he tried, and began to breathe as instructed. It did not help at first, and in fact made him feel worse, but as he kept going, it turns out they were right, and he began to feel better. Once again Danny felt baffled at human function. After a few minutes of silence, Sam slowly leaned over into his field of vision and asked, “Better?”
Danny nodded.
“You wanna talk about it?” Tucker asked. Danny shrugged. “Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but we’re here if you do.”
Danny took a moment to himself and scanned the big, empty football field. He found himself wanting to lay in the middle of it and stare up at the sky. So, he did. His friends watched him get up from the bleachers, walk across the field, and do exactly that, stretching out his arms at his sides as his back hit the ground. Moments later, they followed suit. They spread their arms out like Danny did, giving him half a foot of space between their hands and cloud gazed, basking in the peaceful silence that followed. It was nice.
Later that night, on the roof of his house, with snacks and homework spread out around them, Danny told them why he disappeared earlier that day, and in return his friends explained what a panic attack was and how they worked. Danny told them that as a ghost he didn’t have a heartbeat and didn’t need to breathe, so that’s probably why he’s never experienced one before, even during rare moments of extreme distress.
“Well, you’re human now,” Sam said gently. “So if you ever start to feel like that again, you come to us.”
“Yeah,” Tucker said. “We’ve got your back.”
Danny smiled softly. “Even though Jazz was always kind to me, I didn’t know other humans could be so nice too."
“Well,” Tucker chirped. “You’re stuck with us, so get used to it.”
The next day Mr. Lancer caught Danny at the entrance of the school. “Mr. Fenton,” he said. “Since you were inexplicably absent yesterday, I was unable to inform you that you have been assigned a new locker.” Mr. Lancer handed Danny a slip of paper with a new locker number and combination. “An isolated incident resulted in the destruction of your old one. I hope to see you in class today.” With that, he walked off. Danny turned to look at his friends, who appeared next to him.
“That’s rough, buddy.” Tucker said. “What’s your new locker?”
Danny looked down at the paper, which read ‘Locker 724’, and showed it to his friends. They both paled.
“No. Way.” Tucker said. “Dude, that locker’s like, totally cursed!”
Danny raised an eyebrow.
“He’s right!” Sam agreed, crossing her arms and nodding. “You’ve never heard the legend, have you?”
When Danny shrugged, Tucker began to explain. “That locker used to belong to a Sidney Poindexter back in the fifties. Poindexter was the victim of more cruel pranks than anyone in the history of Casper High School! Apparently picking on him was a graduation requirement. He got stuffed into his locker so many times, it’s believed his spirit still inhabits it to this very day.” For effect, Tucker ended his explanation with an ominous tone.
Danny looked down at the paper, back at his friends, processed it for a moment, and couldn’t believe his luck! With excitement in his eyes, he strode right in to the school. Sam and Tucker chased after him. “Danny, wait up!”
When they caught up with him, Tucker said, “You heard the part about curse, right?”
“Or the part about haunted?” Sam added.
Danny only smiled and nodded at the both of them as he kept going, and didn’t stop until he found his new locker. When Danny went to put in the combination, Sam grabbed his wrist to stop him and asked, “Danny, are you crazy?”
Danny merely turned his arm intangible to escape and explained, “You don’t understand, Sidney is my friend.” He couldn't help the way he smiled.
“What?!” They both exclaimed.
Danny nodded. “I’ll explain later but it’s been a while since I’ve seen him, so if his spirit really is attached to this locker, it’ll be nice to catch up.”
“You, Danny Fenton, have the craziest life I’ve ever heard.” Tucker said.
Danny could only smile more as he turned and opened the locker. The moment the door swung open, a cold mist of air hit the three of them. The outside of the locker was completely rusted over and the inside turned out to be just the same. Its only contents were cobwebs and a single, old mirror hanging in the back. Before Danny could explore any further though, Dash showed up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “Hey, Eggs Fenedict, looks like you’re my new locker neighbor. Consider this a welcome wagon!” And, once again, Dash stuffed Danny into his locker and slammed the door. Sam was quick to unlock it and let him out.
“Man,” Tucker said. “Imagine if he was the first human you ever met. You’d never leave the Ghost Zone.”
“How does a human know about the Ghost Zone?”
Tucker and Sam startled but Danny smiled. His friends got to hear, for the second time, Danny speak the language he referred to as 'Ghost Speak' as he said, "I told them." Despite hearing it, his friends didn’t have a shadow of a chance at understanding. Sidney though, spoke English, so they understood him.
“Danny, my buddy-o-pal!” Sidney exclaimed. “I heard you left the Ghost Zone! This is where you’ve been all this time?”
Danny nodded. “A permanent portal opened,” he explained. “So Clockwork sent me to protect the humans.” He chewed his lip. “…It’s definitely been an… enlightening experience.”
Sidney nodded solemnly. “But one only a halfa can do.”
The bell rang and Danny turned to his human friends. “Get to class,” Sidney said. “We’ll catch up later.”
Later apparently meant after school because Danny did not see Sidney again the next time he went to his locker. When after school did roll around, Danny told his friends he’d see them later, then flew to the roof of the school where Sidney was already waiting, standing at the edge and watching the students file out. “I watched you guys today,” Sidney said. “Your friends seem nice. I didn’t know humans could be that way.”
Danny glided over to stand next to Sidney and watched the students filing out too. It felt nice, normal, hanging out with Sidney again. Not to mention getting to be Phantom was always a welcome shift. “I kind of knew it,” Danny said. “But I didn’t know strangers could be like that too, which is what they were at first. Sam invited me to lunch with Tucker on my first day and it all blossomed from there. They’re… definitely odd humans.”
Poindexter smirked. “Like you.”
“Not quite like me but… yeah.” Danny agreed.
A companionable silence fell between them as they watched the people below live their lives. It struck Danny that this was the first time since he’s arrived that he’s felt dead again rather than alive. He wondered if it was okay to prefer this. But he couldn't help it, being dead was peaceful. However, he already knew he'd never tell his friends that, and especially not Jazz.
“I saw a lot of bullies today.” Sidney spoke up. “I put a stop to it when I could.”
Danny hummed. “That’s fine, I think. As long as you don’t hurt them.”
“But what if they hurt someone first?” Sidney argued, but he hadn’t raised his voice.
“Then…” Danny mulled that over. “I’ll take care of it, or there are other ways besides hurting someone to show them the consequences of their actions."
“I guess so…” Sidney relented.
Danny glanced down at the pocket watch hanging from his belt, a Christmas gift from Clockwork when he was eight, and thought of his mission. “Just, promise you won’t let it get out of hand. Okay?” Danny could see the conflict in Sidney’s eyes as he struggled to digest this information. “If you don’t know what too far is, I’ll let you know if it happens. Deal?”
Sidney seemed satisfied with that. “Deal.”
“So the school is just going to be haunted by a vengeful ghost now?” Tucker asked later that day at the Nasty Burger.
“He’s not vengeful,” Danny replied. “Not all ghosts are evil.”
“All the ones we’ve met besides you have been,” Tucker grumbled.
Sam softly hit him upside the head. “The actions of a few don’t reflect the intentions of the many. If Danny says he cool, then he’s cool.”
“Fine, fine.” Tucker pushed her away. “What can you tell us about him?”
“A lot actually,” Danny answered. “I’ve told you about the annual Christmas truce, right?” Sam and Tucker shook their heads. “It’s a tradition all ghosts uphold. It’s where I met Sidney a few years ago.” So, Danny explained the Christmas truce to his friends, much to their fascination, then told them the story of how he and Sidney became friends. “It was the first Christmas I’ve ever enjoyed." Danny explained. “I guess you could say it put the H-O-L-L-Y in H-O-L-L-Y J-O-L-L-Y."
Sam snorted at that. “You’re such a dork.”
“Takes one to know one.” Tucker countered.
Danny smiled as he watched them proceed to have friendly yet passionate argument about who's the bigger dork. He sat back and sipped his milkshake.
Ao3 Notes: Sorry for the late chapter! Also sorry that the quality of this chapter isn't up to par. I really tried my best.
I've been pretty burnt out from editing so this will be the last chapter for the weekend and possibly Monday, since I'll be visiting my sister.
Thank you so much for your support and patience, and I hope you have a lovely day/night! <3
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ilovebeingaturtle · 7 months
Hiii I read all youre fics and I love how you write the 1987 turtles! (Actually every version of the turtles you write) They feel so in character! And the way they interact with they're counterparts is great too! Are you going to continue you're storie“You didn’t tell me your extended family was in town!”? I'd love to see more since I wasn't such a big fan of how they represented them in thr turtles forever movie (no rush tough I love every storie about the boys)
Ooo yes!! I absolutely want to continue extended family at some point, Turtles Forever is a flawed movie but it gives you sooooo much story potential to delve into. I’m trying to tackle FFR and the crossover with Ghost in the server at the moment, but as soon as I get the opportunity I really want to start working on that fic again too. I’ve got so much planned for it!!!
And aa!! Thank you sm for your kind words!! I’m glad you enjoyed what I’ve done, I know it’s been a hot second since I’ve updated anything and I’m so sorry about that, support like this means the world ❤️
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