#so while they might share like. EMOTIONS from time to time. whether they’re agreeing on smth in general or like
shalpilot · 24 days
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17 notes · View notes
ladydekarios · 2 months
One 18+
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Fic summary: Bucky struggles with his feelings toward you, which he hides by pretending he doesn’t trust you. You get placed on a mission together where trust is essential.
A/N: sorry if this is all over the place, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything so this might be a jumbled mess. Enjoy though!
Warnings: SMUT 18+, oral (f rec), fingering, language, unprotected p in v, kissing, heavy petting.
Word count: 5.3k
Not proofread and no beta (apologies for any mistakes)
I do NOT consent to my work being copied, translated or posted to any other platform.
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Dividers made by the wonderful @firefly-graphics and thank you to @jijilaufeyson for helping me make a decision.
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“Are you serious?!” You throw your hands up in exasperation, “I’ve been with SHIELD for three years, I can do this mission by myself. I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Yes, you do.” Bucky sneers, you turn your head towards him and glare.
“I hate to agree with Barnes but he’s right, I think you still need someone to keep an eye on you. Your ex was HYDRA after all.” Tony says, as he crosses his arms over his chest.
You throw your head back in frustration, they’re never going to forget about him.
Three years ago, you had come back to the apartment you shared with you boyfriend of two years to find the place swarming with HYDRA agents. He had been assigned to you to eventually recruit you to HYDRA after they had discovered your abilities.
You’d always been able to sense how someone was feeling by just being near them and eventually it had morphed into being able to influence their emotions. You could walk into a party or a meeting and know exactly who to look out for, whether it be because they were vulnerable or someone with ill intention.
It took immense concentration, effort and energy to be able to change someone’s emotions without touching them. Which you always try and avoid, you don’t want to change someone unintentionally, you could ruin things for them. So, you manage to keep your emotions in check most of the time, and don’t accidentally influence anyone.
The moment you realised that Russell was HYDRA, you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, but they weren’t going to let you go without a fight. Luckily, you’d befriended the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, when you’d met her and Wanda Maximoff one night at a local dive bar after Russ had blown you off again. One text to her and they’d both been at your door and helped you get away from the agents and back to the safety of Avengers Tower where you’d been subjected to an intense interrogation from Tony Stark, Cliff Barton and Bucky Barnes.
You’d thought that after all the years spent training and fighting by their sides, they would trust you by now, but obviously they don’t. Or more specifically; Bucky doesn’t. Cliff had decided you were trustworthy the first time he interrogated you and had told them as much, but Bucky wasn’t hearing it. So here you were three whole years later, still deemed untrustworthy by the Winter Soldier of all people.
“You know what…?” You start and Bucky smirks at you, adding more fuel to the fire. “I’m glad you’re doing the recon alone, gives me time to pack.” Bucky raises an eyebrow. “This is my last mission, I’m done. I quit!” You turn on your heel and leave the conference room without another word.
Bucky groans and places both hands on the table in front of him, flesh beside vibranium, and hangs his head.
“Well that went well Barnes.” Tony says as he walks over to the door. “Looks like I have to do damage control.” He points at Bucky. “You find something on that recon and figure out a way to fix this. We can’t lose her.” And leaves the room, the glass door swinging back and forth.
Bucky makes a fist and slams it down on the table in front of him. “Fuck!”
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You stalk down the hallway, heading to your room, walking past everyone and ignoring them all as they try talking to you. Natasha notices and follows you to your room, the doors are automated so you can’t even slam it to let out your frustration. So, you throw your self face down on your bed and scream into the comforter. Natasha just stands by the door, not saying anything and waits for you to finish your screaming.
“Feel better?” She asks as you flip yourself over to lay on your back.
“I can’t believe he still doesn’t trust me! Well, it doesn’t matter anymore, I quit.” You say without looking in her direction.
“You didn’t quit.” Natasha says as she walks over to join you on your bed.
“I did, straight to Bucky and Tony’s faces. Both of them looked shocked but I don’t care anymore. I’m fucking done!” You say as you jump off the bed and begin going through your closet and putting clothes in a suitcase.
The one thing you want, is to have Bucky’s trust…. Okay there’s something you want more than his trust, but you’re never going to get it. If he doesn’t trust you to be member of his team, there’s no way he’s going to trust you in any sort of relationship. So rather than trying anymore, you’ve picked the nuclear option. Serves him right!
“Buck…?” Steve says as he walks into the conference room where Bucky is still hunched over the table. “What’s going on?”
“What is wrong with me Steve? Why can’t I trust people?”
“You mean y/n?” Steve asks. Bucky groans. “Buck, I think it’s obvious to everyone except you and y/n that you like her.” Bucky looks up at Steve. “In a romantic way.”
Bucky stammers, “N... no I don’t.” Steve raises an eyebrow and smirks at Bucky.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since she joined SHEILD, hell you haven’t even on a date in a year. You like her.”
“You’re right Steve, I do. But… She quit.” Bucky says as his head hangs head.
“What did you do? You know what, it doesn’t matter. Fix it!” Steve says and leaves the room.
You and Bucky avoid each other for the next week, but to be fair he was out doing recon for the mission with Sam, who had been ribbing him about his feelings for you and pissing Bucky off. They had however, been able to meet the mark and started integrating themselves into his world. Your role as Bucky’s girl would come later, and you couldn’t help feeling like he was ruining your chances to prove yourself. You could’ve done the getting to know the mark and maybe brought Bucky or Sam or even Steve in as your man later on.
You hated to admit it but their getting to know him first was the better plan as not many women were in that world.
The mark. Carlo Vizzini is the head of an organised crime syndicate, who deals stolen HYDRA and SHIELD weapons and technology to other members of the syndicate. The goal is to find the times and locations of all the shipments being brought into the city, finding a list of buyers would be the icing on the cake but it isn’t a priority.
Bucky’s role is to present himself as someone new to the area who wants to become a member of the syndicate. FRIDAY has come up with an elaborate backstory for the two of you, created entire histories for you both which you’ve spent the last week reviewing and learning. Your backstory isn’t too far away from your real story, so it isn’t hard to memorise. The problem is pretending to be his girl. How can you possibly work together and be convincing if it’s obvious to everyone that he doesn’t trust you. There has to be a reason why Tony suggested Bucky for the mission and not Steve, you don’t know what it is, not that you care because you won’t be around once this mission is completed.
The story. You and Bucky have moved to New York from Michigan, where was a mid level HYDRA agent who oversaw a warehouse that contained new tech. The place had been breached while he was attending a HYDRA event with you, and they had fired him for allowing the breach to happen (An actual event orchestrated by Vizzini).
You had been together for five years at the point you’re at, and Tony had decided to add the fact that you were recently engaged. So, you had to wear an obnoxiously huge diamond on your left ring finger, which really bugged you. You had both been set up in a brownstone in Brooklyn, sleeping in separate rooms but having to appear all lovey dovey in case you were being watched.
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Four weeks later.
Carlo Vizzini has invited Bucky and you to an event hosted at his mansion in the Hamptons, where you will both be introduced to other syndicate members. So, you need a spa day and shopping trip where you can buy a dress for the event and be seen out and about acting like this is a normal occurrence. Tony has also arranged for someone from Tiffany to show up at your house and lend you some jewellery for the event as you’re a simple teeny hoop earring kind of girl.
You find the perfect dress while browsing online so it’s very easy to go and get it without having to actually search in store. Scratch that, Natasha found the dress for you and told you it would be a crime if you didn’t wear it.
The idea is to infiltrate the syndicate event, find the intel and get out without your cover being blown until the weapons and tech have been recovered. If your covers can last beyond that until the entire syndicate has been taken down, that’s even better.
So, you’ve been to the salon and had your hair done and are heading back to the brownstone when you notice the dark SUV you spotted outside the mall had parked across the road and the occupant was crossing over to you. You play it off like you haven’t noticed, a civilian wouldn’t have and that’s who you are for the foreseeable future.
“Excuse me? Y/N” The stranger starts a conversation with you.
“Yes? You answer, turning to face the person who has spoken to you.
“I’m sorry, I work for someone your boyfriend is trying to get into business with and he’s asked me to check that you out.”
You chuckle, “Fiancé.” The stranger looks confused. “He’s my fiancé, not my boyfriend. Does Mr Vizzini think we haven’t done the same the same to him? Can’t be too careful these days, too many con men around, especially in New York.”
The stranger seems a little taken aback by your words, but continues, like his job is at stake. “I have a few questions, if you wouldn’t mind answering.”
You cross your arms over your chest and cock an eyebrow. “Okay?”
He takes a picture out of his jacket and asks. “Who is this man?”
The picture is of Sam Wilson, the Falcon but you answer, “That is Sam, James’s brother, adopted of course. “
“And how long have you been together?”
“Five years, engaged for one. Are we done here? I have to get ready for a party.” You say and turn to the steps of your brownstone, heading up to your front door.
“One more question.” You turn to face him again. “Can I use your bathroom?” You sigh and open the door, directing him the right way and stay in the hallway so he doesn’t sneak anywhere else for a snoop. You hear the cistern flush and the squeak of the faucet, but you also hear the sound of the medicine cabinet being opened. Yep, he’s snooping. A few moments later he steps out of the bathroom and thanks you as he leaves your house.
You head straight into the kitchen and start the coffee machine; you then grab a detector out of the kitchen drawer and head into the bathroom. Using it to detect for a bug, which you find in the cupboard under the sink and leave it there. You have a get out your phone and send a message, one you’ve prearranged with Bucky, telling him about the bug.
‘Can’t wait to see your reaction when you see what I have on under my dress (followed) tonight. You’re not gonna be able to keep your cool or your hands (Suspicious) to yourself’
‘New lingerie?” (Bug?)
‘Maybe (yes), but you’re gonna have to wait and see’
‘Can’t wait’ (Understood)
You’re gonna have to start your charade earlier than anticipated and act like a real couple. I suppose there are worse things in life than pretending to be in a relationship with Bucky. You can’t deny that the dude is hot.
You pretend to use the bathroom by slowly pouring a bottle of water in the toilet, flushing and washing your hands. Then you head back into the kitchen to pour yourself a coffee.
Bucky arrives home a short while later, carrying a bouquet of roses (Sam’s idea) and gives you a kiss. You feel a little twinge in your stomach, feeling his lips on yours. His kiss is light and sweet.
Feeling your lips on his sends a thrill through Bucky, the feelings he’s been trying to hide for years bubbling to the surface and he has to stop himself deepening the kiss.
“There’s fresh coffee in the kitchen babe, I’m going to start getting ready. No peeking!” You say and head upstairs.
Bucky stays downstairs to drink a coffee and makes a few phone calls, all in character of course, before heading upstairs to get into his tux which takes only a few minutes. He’s back in the living room in less than ten minutes, waiting for you join him.
Bucky isn’t downstairs for very long before he hears your heels on the upper landing and stands up to greet you but at seeing you, his breath hitches in his throat.
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(This is the dress you wear)
“You’re fucking stunning!” Bucky breathes out, causing you to grin.
“Not too bad yourself James.” You reply as you walk down the stairs and take his outstretched hand.
You arrive at the house in the Hamptons, impressed with the size of the place, hanging on to Bucky’s arm. The size of it is really impressive and you live in Avengers Tower.
Bucky thinks that he must thank Natasha for picking out that dress. He can’t keep his eyes off of you, that dress hugs your curves in all the right places. Bucky knows he needs to remain professional, but he really wants to get his hands on you and bring you pleasure like you’ve never known. He won’t have any problem pretending to be your lover tonight, because that’s the only thing he wants.
The party is in full swing an hour later, you’ve mingled with everyone, hanging on Bucky’s arm, acting like he’s your entire world. And to him, you are his world. It’s not acting, he’s crazy about you and has been since you met.
Another forty-five minutes go by with the both of you all over each other, giving you a reason to sneak off at some point, to find the intel you’re there to get.
Bucky’s arm is around your waist, holding you close to him as you leave the “ballroom” where the party is. You’re acting the part really well, practically hanging off of him, hands wandering. Walking down the hallway, still all over each other, opening doors looking for a place to have some privacy. Some rooms are all occupied, but the one you’re looking for is empty, Vizzini’s office. As soon as you’re in the room and you part ways, straight back to business, heading for his desk and turning on his computer. Plugging a USB drive you take off of your bracelet into it, and copying the files.
“Heads up Buck, Carlo is on his way and he’s not alone.” Sam says over comms. The last file copies just in time, and you attach the USB back to the bracelet and walk back around the desk.
“Shit!” Bucky says. “We’re gonna get caught!”
Your brain works quickly, “I have an idea, but you have to trust me.” You say as you switch the computer off.
Bucky nods. “Okay.” You pull him over to the wall beside the door and lean against it. You reach up under your dress and remove your underwear, Bucky’s eyes bulge out of his head. You throw your panties in the vicinity of the desk and reach down to undo Bucky’s pants. “What are you doing?!” He asks.
“I told you to trust me, I’ll get us out of this.” You unbutton his slacks and bunch up your skirt a little. “Lift me.” You instruct. Bucky catches on and lifts you, so your legs are wrapped around his waist. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him close. “Go with it okay?” You say. Bucky gulps but nods and your lips meet in a searing kiss that makes you both moan out loud into each others' mouths. His hips begin to move instinctively, playing the part of a man who can’t keep his hands off of his girl. Bucky feels an usual sensation, kind of like a happiness he’s never felt before. As quick as he feels it, it goes away again.
You’re moaning loudly, alternating between passionate kisses and heavy breathing when Vizzini opens the door to his office and “catches” you, entering the room with two burly bodyguards. You gasp and fake panic.
“What the…?” He exclaims, his eyes bogging out of his head before he composes himself and continues. “This is my office, not a motel room!” You giggle. “This is not a laughing matter young lady, this is very inappropriate behaviour!” Bucky lifts you and places your heeled feet back on the floor and helps you rearrange your dress before tucking his shirt back into his slacks.
“We’re sorry Mr Vizzini, but when your girl looks like this, you have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself.” Bucky says as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.
“But this is my office!” Vizzini says, exasperatedly.
“We’re sorry but other rooms were occupied!” You say with a smirk. Vizzini nods and the two bodyguards rush out of the room, they return moments later, both red faced.
Vizzini nods again and turns to you. “We will not mention this again and our meeting Tuesday will go ahead.” Vizzini says. Before sitting at his desk and making a choked sound. “I think these belong to you.” He says, pointing to the black lace panties that had landed on the keyboard of his computer. You giggle and retrieve them from his desk, biting your lip as you do.
“Sorry again!” You giggle as Bucky wraps his arm around you and leads you out of the office. You head back to the party, makes it seem less like obvious that you’re involved in espionage.
You both carry on playing the devoted couple, you’re hanging off of him like someone who can’t get enough of their man. Sneaking kisses here and there, selling the bit. Vizzini reappears a little while later and blushes when you and he make eye contact, you smirk back at him and pull Bucky in for a kiss. It’s after midnight by the time your car has pulled up outside and you’ve said your goodbyes.
You’re still all over each other as you get into the car, smiling and waving to everyone as the car pulls away. You keep the act up until you’re on your way out of the Hamptons and on the free way before you separate, in case you were followed. You stay close to each other just so you can snap back together quickly if you noticed someone watching you or for when you get back to the brownstone that is your “residence” at least until this mission is over.
You can smell Bucky’s cologne and it’s been invading your nostrils since you walked down the stairs before leaving in the early evening. It’s lingering on your skin from how you’ve been all over each other all night. You recognise it as Sauvage, one of your absolute favourites. You can’t remember Bucky ever wearing it before, he’s usually a Hugo Boss guy, which is another of your favourites. You momentarily let your control slip (not for the first time this evening) and imagine what it would be like, to have Bucky’s affections and let happiness bloom inside you, but you stop it as soon as you feel it reaching your face.
Bucky has put so much effort into hiding how he feels, he feels like he’s suffocating right now. He feels something again, like a happiness that he’s never felt before. But it disappeared as quickly as he feels it. The truth is drowning him and he needs to tell you how he feels, the thought actually terrifies him though. What if you reject him? What if you don’t feel the same way?
He needs to talk to Steve, find out how to approach this because he can’t lose you before he’s even had you. The car pulls up to your brownstone and you both get out, his arm around your shoulders as you head up the steps. “I need to go run a quick errand I’ll be back soon, wait up for me?” Bucky asks.
“Of course, baby, I’ll see you when you get back.” You reply with a kiss on the lips, smiling at him as you unlock the door and step inside, closing it behind yourself and leaning against the door with a sigh.
Bucky runs to the bodega on the corner and uses their pay phone, making sure that he’s concealed before dialling.
“Hello…?” Steve answers on the fourth ring, his voice scratchy with sleep.
“How do I tell her? After everything, what do I say?” Bucky’s words are rushed out, not even telling Steve that it’s him.
Steve lets out a sigh. “Buck, just say what you feel. Honestly is the best policy. She needs to know what you feel is real and not because of what you’re both living right now. Open up, I think she will be more open than you expect. I’m going back to sleep now.” Steve hangs up and Bucky is more determined than ever.
He grabs a bottle of wine and some other items so it looks like he had a legit reason to be in the bodega, pays and heads back to your brownstone.
He unlocks the door, you’re not in the living room when he gets back so he quickly takes off the jacket of his tux and goes into the kitchen and puts the items he bought away. Bucky rolls the sleeves of his white shirt up his arms, grabs two glasses and opens the wine then heads upstairs.
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You’re in your bedroom, you’ve taken off your dress and are wearing a short black silk robe. He walks in with the wine and goes to speak but the words die in his throat. He takes a deep breath and closes the door, you raise an eyebrow but take one of the wine glasses off of him as he pours the red wine into it. He pours his own, puts the bottle down and takes a big gulp from his glass.
“We need to talk.” The words rush out with his breath.
“About what?” You reply.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky says, looking straight in your eyes. “I act like I don’t trust you because it’s easier than admitting the truth, but the truth is what you deserve so here goes…” You look at him expectantly. Bucky takes another deep breath before he continues. “I like you and I have since we met, and it scared me because I’ve never caught feelings that quickly before. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever caught feelings like I have for you, with anyone. I think I…” he stops himself.
“You think you what?” You nudge.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”
You look into his eyes and the cerulean blue shows nothing but sincerity. He means it. He loves you. You contemplate telling him how you feel but actions speak louder than words.
You walk to Bucky, standing in front of him. You lick your lips he looks into your eyes, searching for hesitation and finding none. He reaches out for you, his hand grabs the back of your neck and he pulls you closer. His lips brush yours and your breath hitches in your throat. You look into each others eyes and you wrap your arm around his neck, pulling him closer and planting a firm kiss on his lips.
Your lips feel like they were made to kiss his, they slot together perfectly, like two halves of a whole. He sighs contentedly as your lips open to allow his tongue access, your tongues dance together, caressing each other as your bodies get even closer.
Something snaps in Bucky and he pulls you towards him, walking backwards until he’s against the wall. He spins you around and pushes you against the wall, breaking the kiss and leaving you panting for breath.
“I need you to say that you want this, please say you want this. I can’t bear one more moment without touching you.” Bucky says breathlessly.
“I want it, I want you.” You say and reach out for him again. He kisses you sweetly, pulls back and sinks to his knees. He plants a kiss on the inside of your knee which makes you shudder. “Fuck!” You moan out as his mouth kisses up your thigh, getting closer and closer to your centre. Bucky lifts your robe and groans out loud, noticing that you never replaced the underwear you removed in Vizzini’s office. He grabs your knee and lifts your leg, hooking it over his shoulder and moving his mouth to your mound, licking a stripe from your hole to your clit. “Holy shit!!” You moan out and grab Bucky’s head with one hand and scratching at the wall with the other.
Bucky groans at your taste and begins to practically make out with your pussy, his eyes glassed over as your juices drip down his chin. His uses two fingers on his flesh hand and teases your hole, gathering your slick until he can sink them into you, straight to the knuckle. He’s eating you with such fierce ferocity and fucking you with his fingers so passionately that your orgasm builds quickly. “I’m not gonna last much longer.. I’m gonna…” a long moan escapes your lips as your orgasm washes over you. You shudder and shake, struggling to breathe as you ride the waves of your climax, your cunt pulsating around his fingers.
Bucky’s oral ministrations slow as your orgasm dies down, and your breathing returns to normal. He removes his fingers and your leg from his shoulder, stands and unbuttons his shirt before removing it and using it to wipe his face. He stands there in a white vest, his face flushed and looks at you adoringly. Bucky undoes your robe and lets it fall off your shoulders, leaving you in just your bra. You reach out and undo his pants, pushing them down leaving him in just a pair of black boxers. You can see his erection straining the fabric, you want nothing more than to take what you can tell is an impressive member out of his underwear and show him how good your head game is. Bucky however has other ideas.
“Take off the bra, please. I need to see all of you.” He says, his eyes still glassy. You oblige and he groans out loud, he steps forward and pushes you against the wall again. He takes your left breast in his hand and massages gently, causing you to arch into him. He lowers his head and takes your nipple in his mouth, circling the tight bud with his tongue. Bucky stops and plants a searing kiss on your mouth, it’s sloppy, full of teeth and tongues. He pushes his underwear down as you’re kissing, depriving your view.
You still don’t get a glimpse as he grabs your ass and lifts you, your legs automatically going around his waist as you continue your assault on each others' mouths, it’s like you can’t get enough. Bucky breaks off the kiss as he looks into your eyes, the both of you are heavy breathing already. “Ready?” He asks, you nod. “Words baby.”
“Yes please!” You feel the head of his cock against your entrance, gathering as much of your creamy slick as he can. Before notching inside you, your eyes roll back in your head as he slides into your wet cunt, painstakingly slowly. He wants you to feel every inch, every vein, the way he throbs for you. Once he bottoms out in you, you release the breath you didn’t realise you were holding. Your arms are around Bucky’s shoulders, holding onto him for dear life. You’ve never felt so full, so… complete. There’s a slight sting and burn, you can only assume but there’s a very good chance that he’s big and girthy.
Bucky plants a kiss on your lips before he begins to move, sliding out of you, almost completely before sinking into you again. The air is knocked from your lungs, you feel amazing as his cock slides in and out of you at an agonisingly slow pace. You moan out loud at the sensation.
“Faster!” You groan out, frustrated at how slow he’s fucking you.
“All in good time, I need to feel you.” Bucky moans out, but pretty soon he can’t just revel in the feeling. He needs to move faster, chasing his end. His hips snap up quicker and your moaning increases in volume, that heat in your belly building again with each thrust of his hips.
Bucky takes your mouth again, kissing you with all of him as he fucks into you with abandon. Your moans and tongues intertwined, your heavy breathing entering each others' mouths. Your hands carding through Bucky’s hair, tugging gently on the strands at the nape of his neck. Each time you do it makes his hips thrust harder and makes him grunt. But you have to stop after a minute as the heat blooming in your belly expands more until it can go no further.
It snaps and blooms upward and downward, sending heat to your toes and making you see white. Your climax makes your head roll back and you let out a scream of pleasure. There’s a new sensation as your orgasm hits, the feeling of white-hot heat spreading through him. Happiness, love, every positive feeling ever shoots through him and the spasms of your cunt around his cock, prematurely sets off his orgasm. He has wanted to draw another two or three from you before his end but he can’t hold it back.
He roars out, even the way your climax muffled your hearing you heard him. You’ve never heard anything like that, the sound was primal, animalistic. Your breathing slows and you lower your head to look at him, he’s staring back at you, looking completely fucked out, but so do you.
“You okay baby?” Bucky asks, breathing heavily and pulling your face towards him so he can kiss you. You can’t even speak, you just about nod before he lifts you off the wall and carries you over to the bed. He lays you down and pulls his semi-hard cock out of you, which makes you whine. He goes into your en suite and grabs a washcloth to clean you up, before joining you on the bed. He pulls you close and you snuggle into his warm body, your hand rests on his chest, just above his heart.
Happiness blooms in his chest once more, a content feeling. He realises that you’re projecting onto him with your abilities but you’re too out of it to realise. The feeling is one of pureness, a feeling of love. Bucky realises he has had this feeling before, many times, the first time was the day he met you. He really did feel love at first sight, he didn’t think it was possible but it happened. And now you both knew how the other felt, there’s no way he was going to go back to the way it was. And you’re not leaving SHIELD. Not unless he leaves with you, because from now on, you are one.
Posted 23/04/2024
843 notes · View notes
missglaskin · 2 years
All thanks to @the-mechanical-angel for the idea & credit for prompts to @r-evolve-art
Viserys Targaryen + Meeting soulmate in dream every night
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He was always looking forward to his dreams, looking forward to you. Initially, he believed it might have been one of his visions, one that somewhat always involved you. But he came to understand there were more than just visions.
Whether you two were lying in a flower field or strolling along the beach, Viserys loved the conversations and times he shared with you. The moment he opened his eyes in the mornings caused his desire for you to swell with each passing day. In the dreams, he begged you to tell him where you are, willing to sail to the end of the world just to see you. 
The intensity increased when he assumed the throne and realized that you were the only person with whom he felt at peace. The king was allegedly never to be awakened from his sleep by the servants. When there came a day, he looked up across the court and saw you. The lord and ladies all stare in surprise as the king leaves his throne to approach you, cradling your face in his hands, becoming teary-eyed.
Rhaenyra Targaryen + Sharing the same injuries as your soulmate
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Your father brought you along to the coronation ceremony of King Viserys where named his daughter Rhaenyra as his heir. Your father decided to spend a few days at King’s landing, leaving you free to explore the castle. It’s there you could truly meet the princess and befriended her. 
During your many walks together, you trip scraping your knees only to hear the princess wince in pain as she lifts her dress, revealing a scrape on her knee. Could it be. It was expected that your soulmate would be a man.
The princess and you exchange a look before she presses her nail into her knee, making you flinch. This all confirms it. You weren’t sure how she would respond, but you weren’t certainly expecting her to reach for your hand, a smile showing on her eager face. Rhaenyra told your father that you’ll be staying at King’s Landing with her from now on. Her father agrees, happy that his daughter made a new ‘friend’.
Daemon Targaryen + Sharing your soulmate’s emotions 
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You came to the conclusion your soulmate must be quite a violent person, often feeling their strong emotions-their bloodlust and rage, which left you feeling all the more frustrated. Daemon could feel your frustrations and it left him amused. With you, there was much more happiness in the air. Giving him a taste of what inner peace might be like.
Sitting among your family during the tourney. You felt it. The adrenaline, the unbridled excitement of your soulmate. But this time, the feelings were much stronger that it almost made you feel queasy. It's when the rogue prince comes riding on his horse wearing his black armor, do you make eye contact. 
And at that moment, you're sure he knows it's you. Sinking back further into your seat as the rogue prince gives you a smirk. Feeling your chest tighten as his horse got closer to you. His lance is right in front of you and he asks for your favor. And you do it all while he can sense your giddiness. Returning to your seat, you are well aware this isn't the last you'll see of Daemon.
Corlys Velaryon + Soulmate has a constellation that points to where they’re 
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During his nine sea voyages, Corlys was said to return with countless treasures. Silk, jade, spice, ships, gold and so much more. But upon his return from Essos, he was said to have returned with what he told to be far more valuable than any of his treasure. When he returned, he had a princess by his side—who now is his wife.
Corlys knew what he wanted. And he set out to pursue it. He observed the constellations in the night sky and learned that the brightest one pointed in the direction of where he needed to be. Upon his arrival to your kingdom, the sea snake requested your hand in marriage. 
Once he had seen you. It had to be you. Corlys was certain. The sudden beat in his heart. An unseen string tugging him in your direction. And there, he gave you the most extravagant gifts with a ship big enough to carry half of a village, and a dress so plush that it felt sheer. And how could your father refuse upon seeing such devotion.
Rhaenys Targaryen + Touching your soulmate allows you to see glimpses of their future 
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Soulmates. Seemed like a ridiculous notion to Rhaenys. But perhaps that notion was needed. In this world soulmates rarely cross each other's paths. And if they did, it was not as happily as all those tales portrayed over and over again. But what were the chances she’d meet you on this particular day.
After arriving at King's Landing, you spent some time getting to formally know Rhaenys. Many times, having her over for tea. But once, your hands unintentionally brushed against hers. Rhaenys catches a fleeting glimpse. Her hair blown by the wind. Sensing the touch of another. The aroma of salt and seaweed. When the haze clears, a face so eerily similar is seen. 
A cup breaking on the ground rouses her senses. A look of worry on your face. You can't help but ask if she's disappointed. Her expression, however, tells you otherwise.
Laena Velaryon + Sharing the same heart beat 
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At driftmark, you attended the wedding of Laenor and Rhaenyra. The entire ride, your heartbeat has been slightly racing. It continues to bother you, yet you ignore it. As the door opens, it starts pounding rapidly and intensely, almost flopping in your chest.
 As you look at Lady Laena, you feel faint and short of breath. It seems she is also struggling, but her expression remains calm that perhaps you are only imagining things. All eyes are on her when she asks you for a dance. When your hand finally touches her, you feel as though you can breathe again. With each passing second, your body becomes more relaxed and at ease. 
As the two of you danced, you tried to hide your awe in the face of her breathtaking beauty. When the dancing comes to a close, she whispers in your ear how she would love for you to spend a few days at Driftmark. There was no way you could refuse.
Otto Hightower + Meeting your soulmate after the worst event in your life 
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As any with common sense, Otto believed the concept of soulmates was utter nonsense. Believed duty to far more proceeds one’s desires and whims. And taking a wife who wasn't his soulmate-whom he loved deeply further solidified his convictions.
But all good things come to an end. Now left with the news of his wife's death. Days after, he still carried out his daily duties. That's when he finally took notice of you; a friend of Rhaenyra and Alicent. As soon you walk away, Otto notices his eyes start to follow.
Moments are spent where he'd ask you of your house or day, and soon the subject shifted to more personal manners. Right then and there, Otto understood his feelings, his gravitation towards you. You must not have known. Envisioning someone much more spirited and youthful. Surprise trickled through you when Otto announces his impending marriage and at the sight of Alicent's expression of betrayal.
Alicent Hightower + Soulmate marks are only visible after touching
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In her younger years, Alicent found some solace in the prospect of soulmates, but that all changed when she was made to wed the king. Beginning to scoff at the notion, dismissing it as nothing more than a frivolous dream of little girls.
As she awakens in the morning, a new handmaiden greets her. The queen moves to stand as the handmaiden hastily dresses her. There, she felt fingers graze her skin. An intense stinging pain ran over her body, giving her skin a burning sensation. Holding her wrist. She sees it now. The mark.
A gasp is heard. The handmaiden grasping her own wrist. The implications cause the handmaiden's eyes to enlarge and her mouth to hang open. As they lock eyes, a knife-cutting silence permeates the chambers.
Aegon II Targaryen + A timer for when soulmates shall first meet
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As far as Aegon is concerned, he couldn't care less whether he discovered a supposed soulmate—if they even existed in the first place. Looking at his wrist, the timer indicates a decade or possibly longer. And as he grew older, he became more detached to the prospect. Maybe not even his soulmate would have loved the man he came to be. 
A day at the feast, however, Aegon's vacant eyes drifted to his wine cup. Where he saw it. His wrist. His head tilted downward, eyes narrowing when seeing the timer rapidly decrease. Has it been that long since he last looked. His wife speaks, but it is all muddled to him. Eyes glued to his wrist, watching it still go down.
He hears more wine being poured into his cup. And then it happens. 0-Inked on his wrist. Finally, Aegon lifts his head at the servant who had stopped pouring his wine, and the prince is met with a horrified look in return.
Helaena Targaryen + Voices in Your Head is your soulmate’s 
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As with her prophecies, Helaena's claims that she had a voice in her head were ignored. Servants have also claimed the princess is often seen smiling or humming to herself. 
With Helaena as your soulmate, you come to find her mind constantly wanders, whether it be the ramblings of the many bugs she found or the cryptic messages. Although initially overstimulating, you've adapted to it. And she didn’t seem to mind when you did the same. Your voice is soothing. Was her response when you'd apologize for your mental babbling. 
As long as she could still hear your voice in her head, the princess wasn't too concerned about finding you. But all of that changed when first saw you at her court. Her face softened, and her family had never seen her so delighted. And now, you spend most of your time in her chambers when her husband is away. 
Aemond Targaryen + One eye is your natural color, the other is your soulmate’s 
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It was said the day the prince opened his eyes for the first time, only one violet eye was visible. Clearly seen in the other was his soulmate's eye. His eye will return to its natural color once he meets his soulmate, the master assured his mother. In this world, soulmates hardly ever cross paths. Still, young Aemond caught himself daydreaming about finding you-his other half.
Tragedy struck on the day Aemond claimed Vhagar. Gazing into the mirror with only a violet eye staring back at him. Throughout those years, he was persuaded that he no longer yearned for the dreams he once had. But that day when he first saw you. 
There was a momentary expression of surprise. Recognizing the eye he once possessed, the other mirroring his only to return to its natural color. A puzzled look was cast at the one-eyed prince, making him realize you’re oblivious to what had just happened.
Criston Cole + Reflections in the mirrors are the appearances of your soulmate
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As a young boy, Criston had placed a mirror that faced his bed, hoping to catch glimpses of you. You had to be the most beautiful creature he ever laid eyes on-his love, his soulmate, his other half. But his chest tightened when he took in your surroundings and the dress you wore. It told him you were much of a higher status-a lady. But the young idealistic Criston still believed the two of you were meant to be. Destined to be like the knights and their pretty ladies in all the tales he had heard.
Even as he matured into a man, Criston always carried a reflection with him at all times. In his pocket, a mirror was safely tucked away. He pulled it out to look at it, and there, in the palm of his hands, was his soulmate—the center of his universe.
So what a coincidence that he was competing in the tournament where your family must be. There, a knight approaches you with a house sigil you've never seen before; asking for your favor. He was quite handsome, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of giddiness as you gave him a timid smile. When Criston emerged victorious, he requested one final favor. To be your sword shield. And you agreed, unaware of the consequences that would follow.
Harwin Strong + Touching your soulmate causes you to relieve each other’s entire lives 
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At Harrenhal for the visit, you came with your father. Keeping pace with him as they lead you on a tour throughout the castle. There, you first encountered Harwin and Larys Strong, Lyonel Strong's sons. When it was your turn to greet Larys, you greeted him, and when it was Harwin's turn, he took your hand and gave it a courteous kiss.
Then it took place. All sorts of scenes pop in front of your eyes, one of a baby being born, crawling, taking their first steps, and speaking. Watching him grow into a boy, learning to hunt and wield a sword. Everything comes to a close with you facing the man whose entire life you just saw. For everyone else, it lasted only a few seconds, but for you two, it lasted a lifetime.
With his hand still in yours, Harwin now gazes into your eyes. A gaze of longing. When your father asks what's the matter, you pull your hand away from his, reassuring him that it's nothing. Lionel gives you a knowing look. His son certainly won't allow you to leave after this.
Jacaerys Velaryon + Soulmate’s name on each other’s wrist 
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On his wrists, read your name. The prospect excited Jace. The idea of unwavering love, being one's other half. He'd study with the Septon intending to learn of other houses, asking them of their daughters. Perhaps he'd find you among them. Only to be left disappointed when your name was never mentioned.
Still, he remains hopeful. He knew his time was limited and that by now he must be betrothed. It's when his arrival at King's landing, did he hear something that perks up his ear as he walks across the hallways. Your name being uttered. Spoken by one of the servants. The said servants are taken aback when Jace approaches them like a madman, asking of the name. One of the servants steps forward. It's you. 
The other servants are to leave, leaving just you and him. Reaching for your hand, he sees a cloth wrapped around your wrist. Removing it, he exhales heavily upon discovering his name inked on your skin. It's you. At last, he found you. 
Cregan Stark + See color for the first time when you meet
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The wolf of the north never bothered himself with the idea of seeking out a soul mate. More important than love or desire were one's duties. He has long since come to terms with the fact that the world he lived in will always be a shade of gray. When the princess and her brother, Jacaerys Velaryon, arrived on a dragon back.
Cregan’s protracted silence was recognized by everyone in the room. Wide eyes are fixed on the princess and she shares his expression. Colors suddenly flood into their world, and the two are suddenly overcome by the sensations that flooded their minds.
As she and her brother explain their arrival to the situation, the princess's voice is shaking as she still hasn't fully recovered from her recent overstimulation. There’s also a slight waver in Cregan’s voice as he speaks. As he pledged to fight for them, the princess swears she saw his eyes soften for a brief moment.
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starlightwayfinder · 3 months
🍜 and/or ⛓️ for the Wayfinder Trio
(For the friendship ask game)
🍜Food — how do their tastes in food differ? do they have a favorite meal to eat together? do they ever cook for each other, whether it be a nice meal as a gift, or a nasty one as a prank?
I fully agree with the novelization that Terra isn’t particularly into sweets, but Aqua and Ven love them. Terra’s pretty health-conscious anyway, so it’s fine that he doesn’t. Since Ven is from Daybreak, he has slightly different tastes. If/when he remembers, he’d make them some foods from his past...which they would eat to be polite 😆 (the Ephemera special…)
Aqua is the best cook/baker, but Terra and Ven still take turns making food and snacks for everyone after training. They’ll sit outside and have tea together if the weather is nice—though with Ven’s track record he might need coffee to stay awake.
Also: It’s kind of funny the first time they try going to Scrooge’s Bistro. None of them really know what they’re doing since they’re only used to making their own meals… 
⛓️ Chains — how do they respond to learning about each other's trauma, or what holds them back?
(long answer incoming)
First and foremost, everything they deal with—ESPECIALLY for Terra and Aqua—is worsened by the fact that they believe it’s spurred on by the darkness. They’re scared of falling a second time, and the way they view it, a lot of their negative thoughts come from an outside source. (You could argue they’re right in some cases, but there are also plenty of times when people are just… sad. And it’s perfectly normal.) That guilt feeds into whatever they’re dealing with and makes it way harder to reach out for help for fear of being judged. 
Terra feels that his role is to take care of Ven and Aqua, so he can be especially tight-lipped about what’s troubling him. He remembers things from his possession in dreams, and not always having the context for those memories makes them worse. He didn’t fully realize the extent of Xehanort/Xemnas/Ansem’s actions at first, so there’s an added layer of guilt whenever he learns more about that. 
His connection to the light gives him an occasional vision of the future, like in BbS. Terra doesn’t know what to do with those visions though, so they can unfortunately be more upsetting than helpful. Ven and Aqua don’t know about this.
He can be self-isolating at times, and Ven and Aqua have to pry if they want him to open up. Of course, having them around helps immensely, and they always surprise him with how understanding and supportive they are. Terra appreciates physical affection the most, so Ven and Aqua are more than willing to hug and cuddle with him when he’s feeling down. Words of affirmation and praise are a huge deal to him too, (which is part of why he was so willing to listen to Master Xehanort in BbS to begin with.)
Terra and Aqua know something’s up with Ven since he doesn’t get consistent sleep. It’s something he struggled with when he first came to live with them, so it’s not unfamiliar—just sad that it started happening again. 
Terra knows a little more about Ven’s history thanks to what Xehanort told him, plus they were both manipulated by him. Whether he realizes it or not, Terra is a big role model to Ven, so if he can forgive himself for what happened, Ven will have an easier time forgiving himself too. 
Ven is a little hesitant to share anything with Aqua out of fear that it will change how she sees him, but it just builds more trust between them when he does. 
On that note: Ven’s an interesting character to me because while he struggles with a lot of deep fears and complicated emotions, he can turn around and help someone else through the exact same feelings in a heartfelt and mature way. He’s sensitive and empathetic—not in the literal sense, but because he remembers his own experiences and what he needed to hear to heal from them. (He embodies a big theme of the series in that way: that “hurt” ultimately serves to bring people together.)
As for the form of affection that means the most to him, I’m going to go ahead and project with “gifts”. He has his wayfinder from Aqua and wooden Keyblades from Terra, his telescope from Eraqus, photos on his Gummiphone, letters and drawings and postcards in his room... Terra could give him a pebble from the garden and it would go on his windowsill forever. However, it's not the gifts themselves that are precious to him. Like he tells Stitch and Peter, friendship is more than an object—and the real treasure is the love that the items represent. They just serve as a tangible, visual reminder of that when he’s alone. 
(The flip side of this is true too. The others understand if Ven excitedly gives them like… a dandelion or something, in his eyes it’s a special thing and symbolizes a lot.) 
Aqua has a ton of trauma from the Realm of Darkness, and unlike the others, she remembers it all. It’s worsened by their trips there to search for Sora, and eventually Terra and Ven have to force her to take a break from going. She can’t really grasp why even when she’s safe and back home those feelings and memories are still plaguing her, but trying to ignore them doesn’t help. Ven’s the first to catch on to just how bad things are getting for her, and he pulls her outside to sit and talk things over. (In 0.2, she mentions that Ven helps keep her darkness away—I think that’s literally true, considering that he has so much light in his heart.) Terra does his best to help Aqua too, and he can definitely relate to her struggle with the darkness. 
Quality time is what Aqua likes most. It doesn’t matter if they’re cooking or doing chores or training, she just likes their company to make it brighter. It’s also nice for her considering how much time she spent alone.
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laurasbailey · 4 months
original anon here, i'm real grateful to you and everyone else for taking the time to respond and share your input!
i'm usually better at distancing myself from online spaces, i've just kinda "relapsed" lately and went on a self-destructive deep dive ☠️ like..."i've been checking reddit", kind of self-destructive. what a long break does to a mf, i guess
i do agree with what you've all said & I'm aware that it's basic common sense in fandom spaces and beyond - if i've been enjoying c3, there's no reason to let someone else's opinion bother me. i think one of the issues is…if there's stuff that i've been enjoying less on my own, and then i see negativity around that same stuff, my brain tends to take it as confirmation that it's true lmao and i find myself suspecting that i would enjoy a sandbox-y vibe a lot, but that's not happening with the characters and story that i've been invested in since the beginning. am i making up problems in my head? definetly, and i'm actually a bit ashamed to admit that, but hey
all that being said, i absolutely love those same things you've mentioned (the focus on the ladies, this romance, the high stakes and having ashley full-time) and more, even as i have less context for it being unusual since it's my first campaign! and i obviously agree that it's not anyone's game but theirs. i wouldn't wish for them to cater to anyone's desires but their own and i'm 100% sure that what i loved from the beginning is common in every campaign - the joy and fun we get watching them enjoy themselves
truly, the negative thoughts are more related to getting too bogged down thinking of the story itself, in a way, and wishing i could see these specific characters chill a bit and explore…so basically the ticking clock problem haha i generally worry they're never gonna get to talking or resolving interpersonal issues before the campaign's over and they're not the main party anymore
sorry for the lenght of this and for bringing it to you out of the blue haha i've been overthinking on loop and since literally no one i know watches the show and i don't want to be annoying to them, i'm annoying on the internet. again, thank you so so much!!
i think i get where you’re coming from and i think you’ll enjoy c1 and 2 if that’s the case! there’s definitely a lot more meandering, and c2 doesn’t even start tackling what i would consider “the main plot” until like 50+ eps in lmao. meanwhile c1 has the high stakes of c3 but the main plot starts early and stretches for a long time.
i think since i’ve experienced both of those campaigns already, c3’s shortcomings don’t worry or bother me enough to care too much. whether the plot “sucks” or it’s “too fast” is really not that deep to me bc i just love the show in whatever form they’re willing to give it to me. it’s still funny, emotional, well-acted, etc regardless, and that’s the reason i watch to begin with, which could be different for you! also i’ve made my peace with the fact that we probably won’t get a ton of character focus this campaign, and while that is disappointing, i think being realistic helped me be chill about it all.
for other people, it’s the opposite and they expect every campaign to be like the one they like and they throw a tantrum when it’s not. if people are content to do that, that’s on them! c3 might not be for you, or you could have more of an appreciation for it after watching the other campaigns. it seems like you’re going to keep talking yourself into not liking it, whether it’s true or not.
you could always try watching another campaign and take a break from c3 stuff? it might be helpful to engage in something else if you’re stuck in a spiral of searching for the negativity. and if you do end up hating c3, it’s not a big deal either. it’s the people who don’t shut the fuck up about hating it that are annoying as hell lmao
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matan4il · 2 years
You have such great insights about Eddie Diaz and his parents! I was watching another show where a man was telling his young son that he needed to be the man of the house while he was away because his mother was struggling with depression. The shows a couple decades old, and the spirit of this interaction was not intended to be toxic and was portrayed as “sweet.” On the same show, one of the female characters was telling her daughter that if something happened to her, she would have to take care of her father. But no child, male or female, should have that idea put in their head, even if it is meant to be symbolic (because let’s face it, a child’s not going to suddenly learn to drive before their time or start paying bills!). Very few, if any, children under 17 have the emotional intelligence or capacity to shoulder an adult’s burden, no matter how “mature” they might seem. I think Ramon’s behavior is indicative of a pattern of parenting that was just sadly common in the 90s, and still might be in some families. But good on him for trying to correct it. It is Helena’s turn right now, I know we’ve had limited screen time of her, but she epitomizes toxic femininity IMHO
Hi Nonnie! Oh, thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate them SO much! And I’m so happy you like my views on Eddie. They’re just my own, and people like @gatergirl add their own invaluable insights, so I’m really grateful to everyone talking to me about our fave boys! ^u^
I’m wondering whether you wouldn’t mind telling me which show it is? I’m just so curious if I might have come across it. On the one hand, it sounds familiar. On the other hand, you’re right and it was a very common mentality in older TV show, films and books, just this idea that a kid stepping in for an absent parent is a wonderfully mature step. I think the movie Finding Neverland does a decent job at deconstructing that idea and pointing out that the moment a kid actually has to do that, they have something stolen from them for good. A piece of childhood and of innocence that they will never get back, a sense of security, of being protected by their parents, that’s gone forever. And now I’m thinking of little Eddie forced into that position (and in a different way, Buck as well, since without an actual parent, and Maddie only being able to step in to a degree, he also kinda had to become a bit of his own parent) and my heart breaks all over again.
I’ve not heard the term “toxic femininity” before, but I think we can all instinctively get what it means, and I agree with you so much. It would explain so much about Eddie’s mother, for example it would be a part of why she was giving Shannon a hard time, ‘coz Shannon was “failing” her “duties” as a wife and mother in Helena’s eyes. And then without that feminine mother figure there, Helena wouldn’t be able to conceive how her son would be able to raise Christopher on his own, let alone do it well. Which also fits with why in 315, it very much felt like she was the one leading the Diaz parents’ charge on their son and the pressure to hand over Chris. This POV really makes me wanna see some insights and a breakthrough on Helena’s part even more.
Thank you so much for sharing your own thought about Eddie with us, lovely Nonnie! Hope you have a good day! And as always, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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kazubnnys · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re having a good day :) Can I request a starry night matchup please?
preferred name: Dawn
pronouns: she/they
mbti + personality: infp, i’m pretty down to earth, if not a bit emotional. I’m pretty quiet because I’m usually lost in my own head– I still think I’m a pretty good listener when it counts though. I’m usually nervous to do something new but with some encouragement then I’ll go for it.
sexuality: bisexual
love language: quality time or touch
anime/game i’m requesting for: genshin
three fun facts about myself: 
I did ballet for about four years before I decided to stop. I’m still super flexible though, but I never really had the ballerina strength that you’ll see in performances.
I love long car rides, they’re my favorite thing in the world. Just listening to some music while daydreaming and looking out the window– yes.
Art and writing is my calling. I love drawing, even if I’m not an absolute pro at it yet, and I love creative writing and creating fantasy worlds and characters.
favorite song: body and mind by girl in red
favorite color: olive green
physical appearance: I have brown hair that goes to my shoulders and I wear my rectangle glasses when I absolutely have to because I despise wearing them. I’m 5’6 and lean, sometimes I feel like my limbs are just awkwardly hanging there though. I have blue/gray eyes and I get freckles in the summer which I love.
favorite constellation: sagitta
favorite dessert/snack to munch on while on a date: strawberries with some sort of sandwich sounds nice
Thank you! I think your blog looks really pretty btw :)
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  a star falls from the sky and your pair is decided… enjoy your starry night with…
♡ yoimiya!
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- song playing currently!
╰┈➤ ❝ [ meteor shower by : cavetown ] ❞ 
» i don't know why but this pair comforts me a lot. like, i feel as though it'd be the "talks a lot" and "listens" dynamic?? » so much comfort. yoimiya will literally always make sure to spend time with you. she's always taking you from place to place, fawning over you, and making sure that you're having the time of your life. » she'd literally always encourage you, making sure you know just how special you are- and unknowingly you'd probably reassure her too, just through the smallest of your actions! » she just seems like someone who would give a lot of love out to her partner. like, if there's something you enjoy she's making sure she does it with you. no matter whether she herself is a big fan of it, you like it? cool, she likes it now too. buuuut, she will make sure you do things she enjoys as well! (which means more time spent with her :) )
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as for your date scenario. . .
so, you've been in art block for quite some time now and it's not exactly a fun feeling. you're listening to yoimiya tell you about her day, but she realizes that something might be upsetting her precious partner!!
so, she puts it all on pause to make sure you're alright, asking you about what it is that's bothering you...encouraging you to open up to her about what it is that's giving you a problem (which is, your art block)
she hears you out then thinks for a little, eventually grinning like an idiot. you're curious now. she shares the plan she's cooked up which is....
a firework spectacle!
she claims that she's going to put on a firework show just for you since fireworks usually calm her, she thinks perhaps it can work for you too! giving you some inspiration to cure your art block!
you agree, because why not. and it's really cute. she takes a little to prep and you set up your supplies atop a hill, ready to gain some inspo and yeah :)
so essentially, a firework spectacle by yoimiya for you :)
(with lots of hugs and little kisses)
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this makes me feel so warm for no apparent reason...i hope you're having a good day/night and tysm for requesting!!
and tsym, sorry this took so long T^T
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britesparc · 2 years
Weekend Top Ten #561
Top Ten Animal Sidekicks (Non-Talking)
Ah, sidekicks. Where would we be, eh? From Watson to Robin, they serve many a purpose and I’ve written about them before. But whilst it’s always useful to have a second character who can, essentially, talk back to our hero, there’s also a space for the mute sidekick; a sounding board, sure, but also a kind of emotional support vessel, a conduit for our hero’s inner monologue. And what better form could this character take than an animal? Animals can’t talk, after all!
One of the other benefits of having an animal partner to a main character is imbuing them with less animalistic characteristics. This could be some kind of heightened intelligence or more overt anthropomorphism, so they can drive cars or operate heavy machinery. All the while though, they’re a mute, supportive presence. An animal sidekick can be child-like but also worldly-wise; a sage and a savant, aiding the hero and getting them out of danger, but also a weak and naive spirit who might themselves need protecting. Arguably the best animal sidekicks occupy both those roles simultaneously.
Blimey, I’ve wanged on a bit this week.
What I’m trying to say is that by having an animal sidekick you can do all sorts that just isn’t the same with another human, for a bunch of reasons. And of course the king of animal sidekicks is Walk Disney; there’s barely a film that goes by without Our Hero talking to or interacting with an animal as if they were peers. Think of Snow White in the woods, or Geppetto’s cat Figaro (and I want it on record that I remembered the name without Googling), or even Aurora and her Cosplay Owl. Disney protagonists, right from the start, have had animal sidekicks, whether in prominent major roles – your Abus or your Sebastians – or just as cute side characters, like Legend the three-legged dog in this year’s Strange World (underrated, go see it). Aside from the films about talking animals – Jungle Book, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, Oliver and Company, etc – most Disney animal sidekicks actually are mute, and I think – as I’ve said – having a mute companion is quite a good hook (not Hook, he can talk). How many Disney films are there where our hero expresses their heartfelt desires to their mute animal sidekicks, whether through song or monologue? “Someday, Abu…”
So anyway, Disney features prominently, but my desire to make these mute companions does kick out the likes of Sebastian, Archimedes, and Baloo (I think you’d struggle to call him a sidekick anyway). And sadly I’ve not had room for some of the smaller characters, elbowed out of the list as they were by the big dogs (or reindeer); so let’s have a small toast to Maximus the horse and Max the dog, who share more than a name, they share a place in my heart.
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Gromit (A Grand Day Out, 1989): his dexterity and complexity and the fact his name’s in the title (well, the franchise over-title or whatever you want to call it) did make me wonder whether he qualified as “sidekick”, but I’ve stuck him in regardless. He’s definitely subordinate to Wallace, at least in Wallace’s eyes, but a more dependable dog you’ll never find. Fiercely intelligent and more worldly-wise than his “master”, he’s also cultured and more sophisticated (reading The Republic by Pluto, in one of the best sight gags of all time). He’s cute, he’s big-hearted, and he goes above and beyond to serve – and save – Wallace. And his vast well of expression is conveyed only through his eyebrows. He is, in every sense, a Good Boy.
Snowy (Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, 1929): like Gromit, Snowy nearly didn’t make the cut, but in his case it’s because – get this – he used to speak. Or, at least, his thoughts were conveyed on the page. But he never really spoke, not to Tintin at least, and we can all agree he’s mute nowadays right? Anyway, whilst way less anthropomorphic than Gromit, he’s just as dependable a pooch, flying into danger to save his master, every bit as determined and smart. And maybe – just maybe – the cutest dog on the list?
Pikachu (Pokémon, 1997): does Pikachu talk? I mean, clearly he does, we’re just not speaking his language. But again we have a character who’s almost a second soul for our protagonist (I guess I a way a lot of these animals function sort of like the daemons in His Dark Materials). Pikachu is just like Ash: brave, resourceful, and fiercely loyal to his best friend. He’s also disarmingly cute and with a bit of a wild streak, randomly electrocuting people for the lols.
Pascal (Tangled, 2010): pairing an adorable naïve princess in a flowing pink dress with a grumpy, belligerent, and potentially homicidal lizard is a masterstroke of character work. Pascal is a comedy genius, his big eyes conveying massive emotion despite his tiny form. His sharp reptilian mannerisms – including short, rapid movements – help sell a lot of comic beats. And, yes, he’s cute and a good friend. But let’s circle back to homicide: he is alone, I do believe, in the annals of Disney sidekicks, for straight-up murdering someone. Watch the end of the film again: he deliberately trips Mother Gothel so she falls out the window. This lizard’s a badass.
Brain (Inspector Gadget, 1983): almost a precursor to Gromit in the genius dog sidekick category (and it’s alarming to think he only came about six years prior, when my mind separates them by epochs). He’s the dependable cohort to Penny, herself almost a sidekick of sorts to Uncle Gadget. Brain, with his funky collar, is a dab hand at any machinery, and also a master of disguise. He may be one of the more obscure and forgotten characters on this list (for shame!) but to me he casts a very long shadow.
Sven (Frozen, 2013): back to Disney and one of the sub-categories of animal sidekicks: Not a Dog but Behaves Like a Dog. Sven is the giant doggy deer companion of Kristof, less a sidekick than a brother, really; they finish each others’ sandwiches (well, carrots). He’s funny and cute and really dependable, racing to rescue Anna at the climax, and his duet with Kristof is a hoot.
Zero (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993): everyone needs a dog, even lanky skeleton-people, and the floating transparent hanky Zero is just the ticket. A dead dog, he’s always by his master’s side, happy to chase a tossed rib (pulled from Jack’s chest, natch) and help cheer his friend up. He even saves Christmas – well, Jack’s version of it, anyway – by pulling a Rudolph and lighting up his nose. What a good dead boy!
Baxter (Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, 2004): Baxter, get this, once at a whole wheel of cheese. Really the love of Ron Burgundy’s life, he winds up in a glass case of emotion when his furry little gentleman is lost. But Baxter is resourceful, and returns at the end to save Ron’s life, even if he isn’t cool with Veronica moving in with them. This is less a case of dog-as-sounding-board, more hetero-life-partner. And, yes, stretching the rules again, because he sort of talks, in subtitles, but only once or twice.
Your dog (Fable II, 2008): so I specifically piked Pikachu from the Pokémon anime, making this the only gaming animal on the list. Called “revolutionary” in typically hyperbolic Molyneux fashion, doggo here was still your best friend, sniffing out treasure and helping you fight bad guys. Whilst the aim of making you genuinely fall in love with the pooch might not quite have been met, it was still a terrific mix of useful gameplay function and cute widdle doggy.
Kes (Kes, 1969): aw, Kes. Exactly what sad little Billy Casper needed at exactly the right moment, he’s a friend and confident to the poor lad, despite being, well, a bird. But caring for the bird gives Billy’s life meaning, and watching it soar gives him hope. It’s a beautiful metaphor for the things beneath the surface of a downtrodden working class lad with no hopes and the weight of the state against him, and the end of the film – sob! – really underlines just how shit it all is. Er, Merry Christmas.
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bdminternational · 2 years
How can we help teenagers overcome difficult times
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Whether you have a good or a troubled relationship with your teen, it's important to show them that you love and support them and that you can help them through difficult times while taking care of yourself at the same time. Here are a few tips from the best co-ed CBSE school in South Kolkata:
 Find ways to find out what your teen's mood is. Ask how his day was and what he did. You can invite your child to help you with something, for example preparing dinner, so that you can use this time to talk about the past day.
Remind your teen that no matter what happens, you'll be there for them and that you want to know what they're feeling and thinking.
As recognized by good CBSE schools in south Kolkata, it is important to be aware of and understand the emotions a teenager is feeling, even if they make you uncomfortable. For example, after your child shares his thoughts with you, you can tell him, "I understand," "It seems like a difficult situation," or "That makes sense."
It's easy to get attention when a teenager does something you might not like. But try to notice and praise him for what he did well (even if it's something very simple!)
 Agree with the teenager on a new daily schedule and set achievable goals for each day, bearing in mind that circumstances may change depending on the context.
The best Kolkata CBSE schools teachers recognise that adolescence means independence. Allow your teen to have enough time and personal space to be alone. The need for personal space is a natural part of growing up.
At the best co-ed CBSE school in South Kolkata we advise parents to find ways to support and encourage your teen to take breaks (between homework, chores, or other activities they can handle) so that they can do what they like during that time. When your teen is upset for some reason, discuss the situation with him to find ways to resolve the problem. Try not to dominate him or tell him what to do.
 At one of the CBSE schools in south Kolkata, we recommend:
Listen to the teenager's opinion and try to calmly resolve conflicts between you. Remember: you are all in a stressful situation!
Never discuss problems if you are angry. Go away, inhale and exhale deeply, and calm down. You will be able to discuss the matter with the teenager later.
Avoid power struggles. Now that everything is so unpredictable, teenagers might try to control "everything in the world", but their possibilities are limited. As difficult as it may be, be sympathetic to your teen's desire to be in control during such difficult times and don't try to dominate him.
Be honest and sincere with your teen: You can tell them that you too are facing extra stress and share your feelings. Show him how you deal with difficult emotions: This can help him understand that the feelings he's experiencing are completely natural.
When a conflict situation arises, take time to reflect on how you can resolve the situation together. You can share your thoughts with him so that he understands how you find ways to solve problems.
 At Kolkata CBSE schools we are aware that those raising children have many different worries. You too need care and support. Seeing how you take care of yourself; the teenager understands that it is necessary and important to take care of yourself.
Make sure you ask others for help when you feel down. This state in certain situations is normal and natural. Ask a family member or someone you can talk to.
Make time for your own relationships. Set aside time every day to communicate with people who support and understand you. Try to find some people with whom you can share your feelings and experiences.
Throughout the day, find time for those activities that will help you deal with stress and manage it. Regardless of your day-to-day activities, you need to make time for yourself, as it is essential to your health and well-being.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
hellooo! this is the first time i request something from a blog :D could i request headcanons of diluc, scara, kazuha and xiao when their s/o tells them they're pregnant and possibly how they'd get used to having a kid? tyy! dont forget to take breaks and relax!
Literally baby-sized trouble.
summary: you're pregnant! how does he react to the news and how do the get used to your child? includes: diluc (26 bullet points), scaramouche (24 bullet points), kazuha (17 bullet points) and xiao (35 bullet points) warnings: fem!reader, pregnancy, children, non-explicit/non described giving birth, mostly fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort and angst. format: headcanons thank you for your request!! this was so fun to write! >< imagining the characters being soft with children is just so cute :") i specially like these four a lot >< when i wrote this i was in a xiao mood if it wasn't obvious that his turned out longer than everyone else's lol, and it's also the first time i write for kazuha so it was shorter than the others, but i think his is the sweetest ><! i hope you enjoy it! ps. the names and meanings- i got them from google, feel free to correct me if there's anything wrong with them ><
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He's going to stop functioning the moment he hears the news from you.
Literally, he's still as a rock and completely taken by surprise.
He... can't say he'd never wanted children. He's pretty traditional and, since he has this beautiful relationship with you, he assumed it might happen sometime in the future.
But oops guess it will have to happen in the close future, since you're already pregnant.
After staring at you with widened eyes for a while, he speaks up: "...is... is it true?" You hold his hands on yours with a smile on your face, nodding. "Yes, Diluc. We're going to be parents." Hearing your words, he starts to tear up as he hugs you, his touch almost hesitant, as if you were so fragile he could break you if he wasn't careful. "...thank you." He'd whisper between silent tears, hiding his face from your sight.
Very supportive and very protective!
You will have the most comfortable of pregnancies. He will make sure you don't need to move a single muscle to get anything you want.
If the two of you aren't married or engaged yet, he's going to propose to you very soon, keep that in mind ><
He starts reading every book he can find on pregnancies and babies so that he knows what to do to help you when you give birth and how to take care of his child once they're born ><
You have to convince him that yes, you can go and eat in the dining room and you don't need to eat everything in your room or stay in bed all day and yes, you can still do most things and no, he doesn't have to worry so much.
But yeah, in later stages of your pregnancy he gets more overprotective because he doesn't want anything to hurt you or your baby :(
He couldn't be calm enough while you gave birth and had to wait outside of the room, which only made him more nervous </3
But when he finally held your little baby on his arms for the first time, he broke down crying.
You two had a boy! He looked a lot like him, too... with the red hair and eyes... so cute...
He's not sure of what to name him, he'd thought of some names before, but they all disappeared when he saw the little bundle of joy in his arms;;
So you two will have to think about a name again!
In the end, you settle for Felix; name meaning "happy" or "lucky"!
Diluc is a very busy man, but he still does his best to be there for you and his son as much as possible!
He's also not very sure as to how he should interact with him...
But he does know he LOVES playing with him as soon as he starts to understand how to play with his toys.
But... there are not so cute parts about having a kid, after all.
At times, he worries whether or not he'll be able to be there enough for him.
He wonders if he can be a good father, given how awkward he is with his emotions.
What if when Felix grows up he starts hating him for being absent? He wouldn't be able to stand it.
You always reassure him as you both put the baby to sleep on his crib.
All Diluc wants is for his son to have a happy childhood and a loving family, but worries he won't be good enough of a father.
However, when Felix's first word is "'iluc!" as he stretches out his tiny arms towards him, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can do this right.
He thought you were joking, so he laughed.
When you didn't laugh along with him and was met with your blank face, he understood you were serious.
He never even thought he'd be with anyone in a relationship before you came along, let alone have a child with anyone... So he's obviously very shocked and confused as to how to proceed.
After an awkward moment of staring at each other, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms, looking at you with an equally blank face. "So? What do you want me to do about it?" "H-huh?" "In the sense of- what do you want to do? Keep it or not." You huffed, and when he heard your determinated answer, he sighed and gave your head some soft pats. "Alright, alright, whatever you want, I guess."
Okay listen here- it's not like doesn't care but it isn't like he cares so much either...
This man would do anything for you, really, and that's what happens.
He does anything and everything for you, because he's worried about you and not necessarily about the baby you're carrying.
It's not like he hates children- because you can't hate anything you don't perceive as equal or superior to you and a baby ceirtainly isn't either for him-
It's more like he doesn't know what to do with them because he's never been around children enough to understand them.
He's overall very indifferent towards the child ngl.
Then he sees you cradling your baby -a girl- in your arms and his mind just... goes blank. Huh, so that's what a human looks like right after being born.
Your little daughter looks more like him than she looks like you, sorry. But he can clearly see on her face some factions that will look like yours as she grows up.
"Now what?"
He'll help you look after her however he can, since he doesn't want you to be too tired because he never knows when he'll have to leave for weeks or even months without notice.
He's not entirely cold or indifferent towards her, even if sometimes he might resent her a bit for taking away some of your attention.
But like when you were choosing a name for her, he gave a few suggestions and in the end you choose one of the names he thought of!
Her name is Hikari, name meaning "light"!
Due to the nature of his job, he doesn't want to be seen around either of you at the moment in public. It would only put a target on your backs.
And it takes a long, long while for him to warm up to her.
It disheartens you a little, but when you see him looking down at Hikari's sleeping form on the crib, softly poking her cheek with a strangely child-like curiosity on his eyes, you feel at ease.
And he thinks that he can probably handle this parenting thing better than he ever expected. Maybe it's not that bad, after all.
Ceirtainly, he thinks, as he holds her in his arms one day after she spoke her first word to him, this parenting thing is not really that bad.
(Her first word was "papa!")
Be ready, because once he gets attached to your daughter he won't stop spoiling her!
"Are you sure, love?" "Yes, I'm sure. We're having a child!" A smile painted itself on his face as he leaned in to kiss your forehead. "I hope I can be a good father for them."
So the Kaedehara family is getting a new member, huh!
Not that there's much left to his name, especially now that he's a fugitive... but he's excited nonetheless!
Although he's not one to settle down for long, he will make an effort for both you and the child, since it's not good for someone who's pregnant to wander around.
He's very protective, but not in an overbearing way! He simply wants you to take it easy and relax, he can take care of everything else on his own!
That being said, he's not rich like Diluc or Scaramouche, so he's also going to work harder than ever to get everything you or the baby need in advance so that neither of you have to stress out!
He's the one who takes it better out of everyone here, he's not extremely worried or outright indifferent, he's simply worried enough, excited and happy!
He already knew you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so the idea of having a child with you didn't scare him or intimidate him in the slightest!
He's still a bit worried, though.
He is a wanted fugitive in his homeland, after all...
He can only do so much and wish for the situation in Inazuma to change soon, so that he can take both you and his child to see the places he loved to spend his time at when he was a child.
But for now, he's happy enough simply holding his child on his arms, sitting next to you in your small shared home.
You have a girl too! She has Kazuha's hair color and your eye color, she's super adorable ><
He wants you to name her, and you both agree on naming her Izumi, meaning fountain or spring!
"Kaedehara Izumi... it has a nice ring to it." He'd say, smiling down at her.
While Kazuha enjoys travelling more than anything in this world, he's reticent to leave you and your daughter alone or even bring you along with him. So he stays around for as long as you need it.
He will talk a lot to her all the time, so don't be surprised when she picks up very complicated, flowery words from a young age!
He wants her to grow up to be free as the wind and be able to do whatever she wants without fear, so he wants to do his best to be a good father for her!
You can practically see the panic on his face when you tell him the news.
It's the most scared you've ever seen him be, and you've been there to help him through his karmic debt.
So yeah, he takes it the worst out of everyone.
"I'm not mad." He manages to tell you before disappearing to somewhere else in a panicked haze, he needs to sort out his emotions quickly before he can properly talk to you about it. The last thing he saw before he disappeared was your eyes, glinting with sadness. And that only made him feel worse if that was even possible.
It takes him the whole day to come to terms with his feelings on your pregnancy and finally face you again.
He's really, really afraid of hurting you and your child. Not to mention he fears he might've passed some kind of curse from his karma to either of you through the pregnancy :(
Like he said, he isn't mad. He's just scared.
He... he literally never, never thought he would get to be a father.
Family was a foreign concept to him, as were a lot of other things you've slowly helped him understand throughout your time together, so knowing he can have one of his own now... makes him happy, and scared, at the same ime.
He's worse than Diluc when it comes to protecting you and worrying about you.
He won't let you do anything alone, even if he doesn't want to be near you because he doesn't want the karma to harm you or your child in such a vulnerable moment of your lives.
Okay so that aside-
How do people care for babies?
What is he exactly supposed to do?
And- do half-adepti babies need any sort of special treatment in comparison to human babies?
He has no idea on what to do if it doesn't involve a physical fight with a tangible foe, so he goes asking for advice to everyone he knows that could have knowledge on that field.
Verr Goldet and Ganyu are a great help for him. Xiao listens with attention to everything they have to say and asks everything he doesn't understand.
Ganyu tells him about her own experience growing up as half-human so that he can understand what raising a half-human, half-illuminated beast baby might entail.
He also goes to Zhongli for advice and he gets more of the same advice he's already heard, along with many, many reassurances that sound like everything you already tell him every day.
He's very worried, but as the months go by and your child's birth comes closer, he can't help but feel a little excited about it.
Everyone who knows him is happy to see him openly happy for a change on those small moments when he gets excited about his new family with you.
When your child is born, Xiao doesn't want to hold him. It took too much willpower to stay as close as he was right now, standing next to your bed as you held your baby in your arms.
He was so adorable, so small, so fragile, so pure- Xiao was afraid of touching him and breaking or tainting him--
He was already crying, he'd started crying the moment he saw you holding your son for the first time.
He feels so... strange. He's crying, but this isn't a painful, or sad feeling. He feels... happy, but scared, but...
The feeling starts to make some sense to him when he finally convinces himself that it's okay for him to hold the little boy in his arms, when he stares with awe at his face.
The baby looks a lot like the both of you. Arguably, more like him, since he has the same hair and the same bright eyes, but in his face all he can see is you.
And he cries more.
You both named him Liàng, name meaning brilliant!
Xiao does his best to try and get used to parenting, and it gets hard at times.
But he tries, and that's all that matters. He tries to be a good father, and is always there to protect both you and your son from anything trying to harm you.
Even though he was so scared at first, you know he loves the new family you've formed together.
Especially when you catch him trying to hold a conversation with your son, sitting down on the bed next to him as he toys with a soft teddy bear, the two of them surrounded by pillows.
The soft look and smile he wears while he does so tells you that everything is going to be alright.
The three of you are going to be alright, and Xiao wants to make sure of it.
His son will never have to live what he lived or see what he saw. He will make sure of that, no matter what.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Pairing: Atsumu x Reader (Main), Osamu x Reader (Side)
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Rape/Non-Con, Misuse of Duct Tape, Non-Con Bondage, Forced Breeding, Forced Impregnation, Delusional Mindset
Summary: Atsumu is determined to prove that he’s the better twin for you.    
The first time Atsumu meets you he doesn’t remember you so much as he gets stuck on the fact that Osamu is dating someone. Osamu is fucking dating someone and Atsumu is still here single and alone in his late twenties, not a girl anywhere even in sight. It makes him livid as he stares at the identical face gently smiling at you, affectionately holding your hand, looking so damn happy and content. 
What does he have that Atsumu doesn’t? A successful food chain? Cool. But is he a pro-athlete? A medal winning Olympic athlete? One of the best setters in the country? In the world? It’s infuriating to think about and as much as Atsumu loves volleyball, even he dreams of love, marriage, a family of his own late at night when he’s alone on a hotel bed, only Sakusa’s breathing from the other bed in the room keeping him company. 
And those thoughts consume him long after he bids farewell to Osamu and you and suddenly the MSBY Jackals are in an uproar as every team member takes turns being sexiled by their blond setter when they’re off at their away games, as Atsumu nonchalantly strolls into the locker rooms to prep for practice, back littered with scratch marks that Bokuto tries to shield from Hinata’s eyes when the orange haired athlete curiously asks when Atsumu got a cat. 
Girl after girl walks in and out of his bed, his life. Most never lasting more than a night, a few returning for a couple more rounds in the bedsheets, one even manages to interest him enough to grab a cup of coffee with. But it’s the same verdict every time. He’s good enough to fool around with and he’s great in bed, but Miya Atsumu is not husband material, not when he’s already married to volleyball. 
The rejection only fuels his inner turmoil and the green eyed monster inside of him grows and grows, festering and spreading throughout him the more he stops attempting his futile attempts and instead turns his energy to loitering around Osamu and you, inviting himself over for dinners after practice, trying his hand at helping you in the kitchen for brunch on the weekends, crashing in your guest bedroom to the point that Osamu and you gift him a spare key to your shared home. 
Neither of you think much of it, Osamu joking to you privately that this is just Atsumu being the needy emotional brother he really is while you’re just glad to be able to get to know Osamu’s family better. So none of you notice how brown eyes inquisitively trail after the both of you, watching how the two of you seamlessly work out both your hectic lives, never letting the long hours at your job or Osamu’s restaurant get in the way of your relationship, always directing a warm smile or gaze at the other despite how obviously exhausted or far away from a good mood you’re in. 
And Atsumu lets himself believe that this could be his as he hungrily stares at the way you gently caress his brother’s hand, the affection in your gaze as you tenderly kiss him on the lips, the playful wink you give his twin when you tell him you’re getting ready for bed. He lets himself dream that it’s him who you direct those loving gazes to as you cheerfully greet him in the morning, handing him a coffee made just the way he likes it, placing a plate full of delicious piping hot food in front of him. He lets his hand wander down his shorts at night, straining to hear every detail, every decibel of your moans as Osamu and you make love at night, closing his eyes and stroking his cock as he imagines it’s him who’s forcing those beautiful cries from your mouth. 
But it’s not all a picture perfect paradise and Atsumu carefully listens in, alerted by the raising voices he hears through the walls as more and more time passes by. He’d noticed the growing tension in the house, noticed how the two of you were less affectionate, almost awkwardly shuffling around each other when both of you were home from work these past few months. But he couldn’t think of what could have caused both of you to act so strangely, so suddenly, when everything had seemed so swell. 
Curiosity has him placing his ear on the wall and he winces when he hears you shout, anger and hurt in your voice that makes his heart clench painfully, asking when Osamu was going to propose, telling his brother how you’re sick of waiting, how you want to get married and have kids soon. Something shattering inside of him when your voice becomes small and hesitant. 
“I thought that’s what you wanted too, Osamu. Isn’t that why we decided to start living together?”
He expects his brother to leap at the opportunity, to reassure you, yes, absolutely yes, we can get married right away. He knows that if their positions were switched, that’s what he would be doing. But his jaw drops in disbelief, morphing into a scowl when Osamu pleads for you to calm down, to be patient. 
“I do want that. But just not right now.”
“If not now, when? We’re not getting any younger, Osamu.” 
“But my chain is in talks of expanding and there’s so much going on. I just don’t have time-”
There’s a heavy silence as Osamu is quick to snap his mouth shut and Atsumu knows he’s cursing himself for the slip of his tongue, already knows the next words that are going to come out of your mouth, words he himself is all too familiar with from his own past failed relationships. 
“You just don’t have time for us? Me?” 
“That’s not what I meant…”
But it’s too late and Atsumu flinches when he hears loud angry movement, Osamu’s voice imploring you to calm down and stop what you’re doing to no avail as you stomp out of the house, slamming the front door behind you as you make your way to a friend’s house to spend the night apart. 
No one speaks of that night after you return to the house the next day and the three of you continue as normal. Or at least as normal as you can be after an unresolved disagreement that your relationship ultimately hinges around continues ticking like a time bomb in everyone’s minds. And it finally counts down to zero when Osamu packs his bags and plants a cold chaste kiss on your lips before heading to the airport and making his way to seal the deal on the restaurant expansion that’s taken over his entire life. 
Maybe it’s Atsumu’s fault that the two of you are drunk out of your minds, sprawled out on the living room floor. Scratch that. It’s definitely Atsumu’s fault and he drunkenly smiles at how out of it you are, heart warming at the giddy genuine smile spread across your face, happiness in your eyes that he hasn’t seen ever since that argument Osamu and you had. And oh, he didn’t mean to say that out loud and he panics, quickly sobering up when your smile falls at his words, eyes glazed in reminiscence as you think of that night. 
Atsumu isn’t known for his patience, but he waits, not uttering a single word, not moving an inch as you open yourself up to him, telling him your hopes and dreams that so closely match his own of a loving relationship, marriage, family, sharing about the argument Osamu and you had (unknowing of the fact that Atsumu already knows far more than he should). But when you frustratedly laugh at yourself, asking him rhetorically if you’re just being silly and naive, if you’re just a grown woman trying to fulfill a little girl’s childish dream, you’re stunned by the fierce denial from the blonde athlete determinedly staring at you.
“No. You’re not being silly or naive. ‘Samu’s being the idiot. Any man would be lucky and proud to have you as his wife and to create a family with you.”
Those words resonate with you, linger in your mind, further branded into your memory by the sheer sincerity Atsumu drowned them in. And maybe that’s why you find it impossible to play house anymore, find it impossible to live a forced and fake lie when you’re not truly happy anymore. It’s hard, heartbreakingly so, to part ways with the silver haired man when he still holds a part of your heart, but it’s for the best. Why continue when neither of you are on the same page in the long run? Why waste more precious years when you can actively work towards your desired future with someone else who wants the same things as you? 
It’s logical. It makes sense. And yet when you meet up with Atsumu at his apartment for dinner one night to catch up a few months or so after the break up you’re still doubting your decision. 
You had been surprised the blond setter had been so adamant about keeping in touch even after his brother and you separated, but if you’re honest, he’s surprisingly sweet and caring, someone you consider a true friend. So as awkward as it might seem to outsiders, the two of you remain in close contact and you happily agree to his invite when both your busy schedules finally match up. 
But as much as you like Atsumu, the two of you really need to stop drinking so much when you see each other and you let out a cry of frustration when your eyes immediately tear up when Atsumu casually asks how you’re doing as both of you sprawl out on his couch, trying to wave away his worried face as he hovers far too close to you, telling him it’s just the alcohol making you more emotional than usual. 
And you still blame all the drinks he had generously kept refilling for you for the way you sob and cling onto him as he wraps you in a tight hug, telling him how you worry all the time about whether or not you made the right decision to break up with Osamu, whether or not you’re ever going to find someone else, ever going to get married, ever going to have that dream romance you’ve always wanted, ever going to have the happy full family you’ve always yearned for. 
It all comes out of you so easily. But everything with Atsumu has always come easy and you don’t think much of it, finding comfort in his solid presence as he continues to hold you, letting him readjust and find a comfortable position-
You scramble to separate from him when lips tenderly meet yours, limbs flailing as you shove the man away from you, eyes comically wide open as you stare agape at Atsumu. 
“What are you- We can’t- No no no. All of this is wrong. This would KILL Osamu-”
Something inside of Atsumu snaps when he hears his brother’s name from your lips. Even after all this time, you’re still thinking of him? You still care about him? When the better twin is right in front of your fucking face? 
He doesn’t even register he’s shouting those questions in your face, barely registering your terrified eyes as you try to shrink away from him. But your movement of pulling away from him snaps him back to reality and reflexes has his hand twisting in your hair, grabbing you by your roots, fury making him numb to the way you desperately claw at his grip as he drags you to his bedroom. 
You’re too focused on soothing your aching skull when he finally releases you by throwing you onto his bed and pitiful tears stream down your face as you gingerly hold your head, ignorant of how the athlete is rummaging through his closet. In hindsight you’ll wonder why you didn’t try to run while his back was turned, although you already know the answer. This is just Atsumu in one of his moods. He didn’t mean to hurt you. He’ll apologize in just a second. Those are the thoughts fleeting through your mind amidst the sore ache Atsumu has left behind. 
But a warning bell rings relentlessly inside of you as you finally look up when you sense him approaching you, a thick roll of silver duct tape in his hands. 
Had Atsumu always looked so...intimidating?
You try to fight back as you’re suddenly pinned to the bed by a muscular body, flailing and thrashing as calloused hands hold your arms above your hand, tightly wrapping your wrists together, looping extra lengths of the tape around the headboard, securely fastening your arms up and out of the way. But it’s useless, pathetic really, although Atsumu thinks there’s something adorable about how hard you’re trying, only to be easily batted away by his much stronger body as he tears off your clothes and bends your knees, taping your calves to your thighs, one side at a time until both your legs are bound. 
And then there’s silence and stillness other than your wriggling tied form as Atsumu sits back and admires the view of your naked body, reality so much more lucious and gorgeous than he had ever imagined. You struggle against your tight restraints, recoiling as brown eyes leer at you, ravenously devouring the sight of your heaving breasts, raking down your figure before finally landing on your bare pussy on full display as his hands spread your bound legs on either side of you, palms searing your inner thighs with their unwanted warmth as he holds you open. 
One day he won’t need the resilient tape to hold you down and keep you still. One day you’ll let him have you of your own free will. One day you’ll see that he was always the one for you. But he can’t help but feel that there’s something breathtaking about how vulnerable and pretty you are, laid out for him like a wrapped present, something filthily attractive about how striking the silver stripes are against your skin. 
One day he won’t need the resilient tape...but that doesn’t mean he'll stop using it. 
You shudder as he trails his fingers over the duct tape, grinning at you all the while. 
“Can’t have you moving too much if I’m going to breed you. You’ll make all my cum spill out of you.”
He tsks when you frantically struggle at his words, pathetic begs and pleads spilling from your lips as dread fills you from learning exactly what Atsumu has planned for you and suddenly you’re all too aware of just how exposed you are, how tight the front of his pants look as his erection presses against the fabric, how far too close he is to your most intimate part. And you sob as he leans on top of you, pressing his toned body against yours, something hard pressing against your bare pussy as he captures your lips in a kiss to silence you. 
“I thought you would be more thankful considering how you were practically in my arms begging me for kids not even a hour ago. And now I’m here ready to give you what you want and you’re making such a fuss.” 
He rolls his eyes, scoffing as you only sob even harder, body shaking and trembling, sniveling as you stare up at him with teary eyes, begging him to stop. 
“Oh shut up. What? Are you worried about the order of things? Worried I’ll just knock you up and leave you alone? Don’t be stupid. I’ll make sure to put a ring on your finger and marry you after this. Who cares about the order of things when the end result is the same.” 
Your mouth opens and shuts a few times, unsure where to even begin telling him just how wrong his reasoning is, unsure how to even process his words. Ring? Marry? What-
But thoughts fly out of your head when a hungry mouth suddenly descends on your breasts, harshly sucking a nipple between wet lips, fingers roughly twisting and pulling at your other nipple and you wail at the jolt of sudden stimulation, too focused on the tongue lapping at your nipples and lances of arousal swirling inside of you to notice how his free hand is shoving his pants and boxers down and off. 
You hate how quick you are to melt into the delirious pleasure, body craving for the touch of another, to be brought to new heights by another after being left to your own devices for the past few months and you can feel your pussy clench and throb, feeling so exposed and empty, practically begging to be stuffed full as slick begins to form between your legs. And as if Atsumu can hear your body’s silent cry for more, he begins to push the tip of his cock inside of you and your back arches, mouth instinctively opening as he takes his time, pressing past your tight opening, slipping further and further inside of you until he’s finally fully sheathed inside of you, letting your body adjust to him as he continues licking and sucking on your breasts, groaning as he feels your tight walls clamp around him with every move of his mouth. 
Atsumu is not known for his patience, but he tries his damn best to take it as slow as he bearably can for you, dragging his cock back and forth against your gummy walls, constantly adjusting the angle of his hips with every stroke until you’re crying out, and he smirks triumphantly, memorizing the exact position and angle that has you seeing stars as he continuously hits that spongy spot inside of you. And all it takes is for his hand to slide between the two of you and gently circle your clit as he continues his steady assault to have you breaking to pieces underneath him, garbled versions of his name escaping your mouth as your orgasm washes over you in heavy tall waves, his own release joining with yours as your pussy convulses and milks him of his sticky white liquid. 
As post-coital bliss disintegrates, shame and relief flood through you, shame for enjoying it, relief that this ordeal is finally over and you wait. Wait for him to remove the tape. Wait for him to pull out of you. Grimacing as he affectionately nuzzles you and litters your face with kisses. But you panic, pure fear flooding through you when you feel his cock twitching inside of you once more, growing inside of you again. 
“You didn’t think we were done, did you? Need to make sure I fill you with so much cum that your body has no choice but to get pregnant.”
And he stays true to his words, fucking you over and over again, sometimes hard and rough, sometimes passionate and sensual, sometimes soft and gentle, but always finishing inside of you, adding to the splattered pooling mess inside of you. You feel disgusting, the increasingly wet noises as he thrusts in and out of the sticky wet mess inside of you permeating throughout the room, stomach feeling so bloated with cum that you swear you must be pregnant already. 
Quiet, relieved sobs wrack your body when the weight on top of you finally lifts, when he finally pulls out of you and your body slumps down, all the tension leaving it, discomfort taking its place as you feel a torrent of liquid move to rush out of your overfilled cunt, the beginnings of it already starting to trickle out. But despite your aching dry throat, you manage to let out a strangled cry of disbelief when your hips are uncomfortably raised up, upper body almost folded in half as Atsumu keeps your glistening pussy upright, not allowing even a single drop more to escape. 
And in this new position you have no choice but to watch, anxiety coursing through you when he tears off another piece of duct tape, chest hyperventilating as he places it over your gaping hole, effectively sealing you shut and despite the fact that you thought you had no more tears left to shed, new salty teardrops slide down your cheeks at the debauched site of your own pussy being treated as nothing more than an object, a receptacle for his seed, his beaming smug face between your legs only adding to your humiliation as he smiles down at his handiwork. 
All you can do is mindlessly stare when he directs his smile at you, verbally praising himself for how smart he is for finding a way to keep his cum inside of you and making sure all his hard work doesn’t go to waste, mind and body feeling numb and broken as he finally lets your body lay fully back on the bed, slumping down next to you in exhaustion and cuddling your listless and still bound figure. 
“We can go pick out rings together tomorrow, okay? Maybe try a few more times for some runts after. You think the more I cum in you, the better the chance that you’ll have twins?”
You don’t know, but you have a sinking feeling that you’ll soon be finding out.
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tartagilicious · 3 years
genshin impact characters when jealous
→ includes | zhongli, diluc, kaeya, childe, and albedo w/ a fem reader
→ ib | xiaoqwa on tiktok! tysm for letting me use your ideas, they’re so adorable and in character I love them 😩💞 I took out venti just because i felt like the post was already long enough shkfdj
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+ my whole life by alina baraz
- zhongli’s been alive for thousands of years, looking over liyue as the country's archon — if you’d think he’s not easily bothered, you’d normally be right.
- but somehow it’s different with you. the first time he feels jealousy when he’s with you he describes it like a kettle bubbling in his chest, somewhere close to overflowing. you could only laugh at how unfamiliar he was with the emotion.
- since then, he’s grown much more accustomed to the feeling — and how could he not? in his eyes, there’s nothing that isn’t perfect about you. it’s debatable as to whether or not he’d be more upset if you weren’t hit on as often.
- the fact that he’s not jealous easily never really changes — he would place all of his faith in you if ever needed, but some people definitely test his patience. there might be a scenario or two where someone doesn’t know when to give up, and in those moments, he can be quite intimidating!
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“on a typical day, all you will gleam from him is a few pieces of useless trivia, because he particularly enjoys sharing these fun tidbits with you."
zhongli is fond of many things: fragrant bouquets of violetgrass, the fine cuisine of the city he witnessed grow from rubble, as well as the many traditions that surround the summer sunsets of liyue.
it had been those topics he’d stuck to most recently, speaking highly of the customs cultivated in years past.
“every practice is meant to symbolise a kind of rebirth, for not only the crops harvested in the months prior, but also for lovers looking to celebrate time spent together."
a gentle hand finds its way to your waist, and under his touch, you know you’d agree to anything he’d planned.
that’s why you stand on the docks now, rigging the sails that belong to a ship facing guyun stone forest. the salty evening air blows east from the sea and warms your face, slipping between the gaps of your clothes and mimicking a familiar embrace.
zhongli is not far off, the sleeves of his oxford rolled up to his forearms. he makes any final preparations needed before you set sail. it’s hard to keep your eyes off of him as you continue to do your own part, heart settling high in your chest.
“need any help there?"
the markets often bustles well into the later hours of the night, so the foot traffic behind you is of little concern until a careful voice peeks out from it. you pull yourself from your thoughts abruptly, as if caught doing something shameful, to meet the eyes of the stranger who’d made the offer.
“i-i’m sorry?” you ask, letting the ropes in your grip relax slightly.
the man, though young, seems quite embarrassed at your confusion.
“my apologies, I just asked if you needed any help with that,” he gestures to the ropes in your hands before continuing. “i work down at the docks when I have time, so I know how stubborn those sails can be in a pinch."
“that’s alright, I’m an adventurer, so I’ve done this my fair share of times.” you laugh and joke politely. “it’s not so hard after a while, no?"
the man laughs with you. at this point, the conversation has gained zhongli’s attention.
“are you that comfortable on a ship? if you’re interested, I could show you some tricks to make the process easier somet—"
at the same time, you both recognise the presence of a third party; though silent, it is somewhat layered, and very pressuring. you resist a smile as the man’s expression twists in discomfort, realisation settling over his previously relaxed features.
“thank you for the offer,” keeping the joy out of your voice is harder than expected. you hope zhongli is still watching. “but I’m sure I already know all that I need to."
your gaze skirts over your shoulder to meet the one of your lover behind you. his face is set in hard lines, but when seeing you, a soft smile returns.
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+ afraid by the neighbourhood
- though calm and indifferent, the underlying foundation diluc has built up is rocky at best. he prefers to busy himself when he comes upon emotions he can’t handle, and though you’ve changed these parts of him over time, there are some things that are just a bit harder to reach.
- he trusts you. that fact will never change — it’s more himself he doesn’t trust. why are you being flirted with when he’s right there? do these men have no shame, or is he just nothing for them to worry about? it’s something that keeps him up at night.
- diluc hates watching people try to sweep you, someone who despite everything loves him so dearly and so wholly, off your feet at every given opportunity.
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“it started raining almost immediately when I visited jueyun karst today,” you laugh, remembering the scene of you and your party members taking shelter under the overhang of the mountains. “bennett was soaked after the first few minutes, naturally."
diluc’s pointer finger taps the mahogany bar counter rhythmically as he listens to the stories of your daily travels, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. this had more or less become a daily routine of yours. whether joining you for the day or hearing of it over a glass of apple cider vinegar in the evening, seeing you so content with life in teyvat brings him immense joy.
“can we get another round over here?” a patron suddenly calls drunkenly from a table not far away, holding up an empty glass with a gleeful but entirely gone laugh. diluc glances at you apologetically before taking his leave, humourously reminding you to drink slowly in light of bad examples beforehand.
you don’t mind. charles had taken the night off in advance, so the entire floor was diluc’s responsibility for the night. as you watch him converse with the said table, you can’t help but admire how capable he is — he easily shoulders the burden of work that should make up at least two more people, and remains on friendly terms with even the most uncooperative of drunks no matter how many times they’re kicked out.
you raise your glass to your mouth, taking a leisurely sip as someone slips onto the stool next to you. assuming it’s one of the aforementioned drunks, you pay them no mind. but, you’re eventually forced to acknowledge them when they ask you a question.
“what’re you drinking there?
not taking your lips from the glass, your eyes flicker to the person next to you. they don’t seem far in age from you, yet their eyes crinkle with the visage of old stories that suggest otherwise.
“apple cider vinegar.” you answer, putting the cup down on the counter with a polite smile. “i'm not a fan of alcohol, especially not after a long day."
the man nods, jutting out a lip slightly as if considering your views.
“sometimes you need a muddled head, but I appreciate the sentiment. mind if I copy your ways tonight? who knows, you might have just made a changed man."
chuckling, you shrug and tell him to do what he likes.
you’d meant that as a way to end the conversation, yet still, he pushes on further. “so, the only people I’ve heard of being against alcohol in this sense are travellers — am I anywhere close?"
when you nod, he hums, as if happy with himself for guessing something so trivial. “I wonder why that is, can you explain by any chance?"
a petal falls from the flower of patience in your chest, but you attempt to turn a blind eye to it.
meanwhile, diluc works without reason at the other end of the bar, wiping down glasses that had been dealt with mere minutes before. he reasons with himself internally; the glasses are dusty. they have to be, from sitting in the open. he tells himself there is nothing else for him to do, when in reality, he is too hesitant to do what he really needs.
he’s painfully aware of the man you talk to, a dashing regular with a hobby of chatting to anyone that will listen. friendly and open, diluc has witnessed many fall victim to his charm.
“ah, I guess that must be tiring.” the man nods after you explain your reasoning, but as he drones on, all you can focus on is diluc. his back is now turned to you as he wipes down the nozzles connected to the counter. something in you deflates.
“yes, it can be…” you reply, gaze turning down to the depths of your almost empty glass.
“so, what are you doing tonight?"
a wave of disgust runs through you at his obvious implication, and your flower of patience finally withers. you look up at him with furrowed brows and shake your head.
“i’m busy."
the man frowns, eyes playful. “really?"
startling both of you, a new cup full of apple cider vinegar is placed down with force between you. the tension in your shoulders instantly loosens as you meet diluc’s eye, grateful for his intervention.
diluc looks at the customer next to you and speaks without formality nor patience. “if you aren’t going to order, quit making my girlfriend uncomfortable."
the man sputters when his brain at last makes the connection, eyes darting between the two of you as a smile curls at your lips. diluc resolves to fight harder for that smile, for the person he had belonged to far before you had belonged to him.
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+ blackout days by the phantogram
- like his brother, he’s likely a few wrong turns away from toppling over at any given moment, but hey, aren’t we all? though kaeya’s wayward attitude is far from a guise, there are just certain things that manipulate it in ways nothing else can.
- one of those things is you, whether you’re aware of it or not.
- you mean everything to him. you’re his lifeline in every sense, and he would do anything necessary to make you happy, even at the cost of himself. so, when he sees you being flirted with, his first instinct isn’t to take it as a joke — it’s to remind the person of just who you belong to.
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“i can put this at a discount if you’re interested, only the best for my customers!"
you don’t spare the shopkeeper an extra glance as you rummage through the backpack slung over your shoulder, but kaeya watches you from the corner of his eye — his blissfully unaware girlfriend, blind to the flirtation within the conditions the keep has offered you.
“if it’s genuine, that sounds great.” you look up to smile at the woman who nods, finally taking the things you’d placed onto the counter and bagging them. “what’ll it be?"
a reflective smile appears on the woman’s painted lips, but before she can get a word out, kaeya dutifully interrupts. he places the few coins that had been resting in his pocket onto the counter, the clink it makes on the glass amongst the quiet gratifying. the original cost of the goods you’d decided to pick up is already cheap, as were most things you bought offhandedly during your travels.
the details of the situation curl unsatisfactorily under his skin
“it’s alright, dear,” he surmises, smiling at the slightly startled attendant. “I already have what we need, save your mora for the journey ahead."
you shrug, smiling at him as he places a wanton palm over your back.
“are you sure? it doesn’t hurt."
“let me spoil you a bit.” a finger traces light patterns on the small of your back, making you stiffen. “you deserve that and more."
he revels in the steady pink that floods your cheeks, and in the way the shopkeep can do nothing but stand and watch, perhaps wishing it were her in his place.
you mumble, turning your head into his body to hide your embarrassment. “you’d do it even if I said no."
he can’t find it within himself to hide his smirk as he takes the bag from the counter.
I would.
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+ duvet by boa
- this is much more straightforward: childe is complicated character, but it when it comes to you, he’s sure of himself. he would drop anything if it meant being with you, or keeping you safe, or even just to make sure you feel a little more welcome each night.
- but when he’s jealous, it's not that his foundation is rocky, it’s not that he’s a few moments away from toppling, it’s that he feels insecure. it’s simply just in his nature to always assume the worst, no matter how much you may assure him otherwise. so, he just doesn’t take well to people flirting with you.
- thankfully, he’s used to his own emotional spirals, so he knows how to handle them accordingly — even if it may give you a heart attack in the process.
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you wince as the cold wind bites at your cheek, and despite yourself, you find yourself wishing that childe had proposed a slightly warmer place to reunite. it probably wouldn’t have been out of the question to travel back to liyue, though you will admit, his giddiness when proposing this trip had been hard to turn a blind eye to.
apart from the temperatures, snezhnaya really is a beautiful country — lush with mountainous regions that shelter snowy alcoves, and flowers of all kinds that bloom towards the borders of warmer nations. it’s no secret as to why the destination appeals to the typical blind eye.
it’s the things that lie beneath the exterior that make people like you uneasy, but perhaps you’d still do well thinking that no harm would come to you while in the country, due mostly to the infamous harbinger that had called you there. the sword at your hip might help in being an extra deterrent, but luckily you hadn’t needed to prove the theory thus far.
snow crunches beneath your boots as you lean forward to take a peek at the menu board of a food stall, searching for something to warm your hands amongst the dense crowd. as you squint, an arm slings intimately across your shoulder — naturally, you assume it’s childe and find yourself smiling, yet are displeased to turn your head and see an unfamiliar face.
“what’s someone pretty like you doing out here all alone? it gets cold this time of year, you know."
you bite back a blithe response as your teeth chatter, trying to quickly separate yourself from the man with a small laugh.
“i’m waiting for someone, and will be plenty warm as long as i’m not interrupted again."
taking your words as a joke, the man laughs. he’s not much taller than you, yet is considerably older, his hairline fading into a gray to match the unsettling tone of his frozen skin.
he huffs, shaking his head. “well what’s taking them?"
another arm comes to wrap over you, hand resting comfortingly on your shoulder. for a moment, you steel, but the gradual body heat that sinks into yours soothes your nerves. finally, he’s found you.
“only the most important things could keep me from you, angel."
childe says this to you, and you shake your head, ignoring the sudden mix of surprise and fear that goes across the man’s face. childe may be someone of status in this country, but you share more of a personal connection — snezhnaya’s beloved harbinger is but putty in your warm hands, and there’s nothing that could delight you more.
yet, however many times you may reassure him of this fact, there is always room for doubt in his head. as a result, childe had gained a few particular habits, one of which is the practice of using a specific nickname — it is very like him to speak in code, but part of you is slightly surprised that he thinks to be jealous of a man that flirts so uncouthly.
“okay,” you purposefully drag out the word as you reach up to put a hand on childe’s, a silent explanation. you smile at the man who now looks as if he’s seen a ghost. “we’ll be going then,"
before any reaction, you drag childe away. you don’t look, but you’re sure he’s grinning like a fool.
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+ blue by troye sivan
- albedo has never personally understood the concept of jealously. it is something that he can only notice in others, and something that he can only recognise after consideration.
- because of this, it’s more common for albedo to say that rather than experiencing jealousy, he’s experienced something that has made him feel out of place. whether pinning it as a situation he misunderstood you or his own insecurity, it’s likely he’ll never be on the same level of emotional intelligence as a normal human may be.
- but, he has grown to recognise the emotion regardless, even if he may not be able to put a name to it. he still feels is as strongly as anyone would, and with that come his own ways of dealing with it.
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“miss honourary knight!” an unfamiliar voice calls you out of your stupor, hands jolting on the bag you hold as you look up. a young adventurer approaches you with a gleeful smile on their face. a similar bag of supplies is slung over his shoulder, equipped with presumably everything necessary to brave the chilly climate of dragonspine.
attempting to brush off the surprise of being so suddenly called on, you smile back.
“hi! is there something i can do for you?"
a customary greeting, you think with an internal sigh, perhaps it’s now just reflexive to offer help.
however, the adventurer shakes his head. “no, no, nothing like that. i just had a question, that’s all!"
you nod, hoisting your own bag over your back. a small bit of warmth fades onto your cheeks upon seeing how amazed he is even at such a mundane action — the people of mondstadt must really regard you highly.
“anyways,” you cough as you approach, clearing your voice blatantly. “what’s your question? i can try my best to answer."
he nods, brown eyes determined.
“it’s my first time going to dragonspine, you see, so i just wanted to know, how do you stay warm up there? i was told to bring a lot of layers, but.."
the adventurer is silent for a moment, eyes going to your usual attire — surely not something suitable for the cold weather. you might normally agree with him if you weren’t amongst the mountain’s most frequent visitors.
“ah,” you let out a light laugh, shaking your hand. “don’t mind me. but, there are fires along the way, and also mechanisms that can be activated that give off heat every once in a while."
he seems fascinated by your words, nodding with a far off look in his eye. you can’t help a smile.
“pretty cool, huh? the fires were designated by the knights,” your hand gestures to farther down the path, up to where the entrance of the mountain sits. “but the mechanisms are the work of their chief alchemist. they’re made so that they never run out of heat to give, no matter how long you may choose to rest near one."
only albedo could think of such a thing.
he smiles, agreeing.
“though,” he pauses, “are they everywhere like the campfires are? or are they more sparse?"
you think for a moment. “i’d say they’re equal… though, it’s really something that’s more for you to judge for yourself."
the adventurer nods.
“do you want to go up together, then? i need to mark down their locations so i have them if i need them, and you seem like an expert.” he offers.
you shrug, eyes turning towards the mountain.
“sure, i was headed up anyways. company isn’t bad, especially with everything that lurks, you know?"
he suddenly seems reluctant, but you laugh, waving your hand. “but don’t worry, if we run into anything on the way, i’ll take care of it. just mark your fires."
the adventurer nods, standing resolutely. together, you begin to make your way up the mountain. his goal seems to be very time-consuming, and almost aimless given the locations of fires tend to have no pattern to them — your goal, however, had just been to visit the lab in the middle of the mountain and its alchemist, long overdue because of the duties you’d recently picked up in liyue.
so, whether intentionally or not, the direction you lead him in opens to the space you’d been hoping to go. the faint light of the laboratory against the cloudy sky is so pleasant that you notice the young adventurer mark it down as a point of warmth.
you feel at ease when you notice a blond head over the alchemy tools that litter the small alcove, still as the man observes the vermillion liquid that bubbles in the tubes. he seems too entranced to notice your presence.
however, you’re pulled away from making any observations of your own as a hand taps your shoulder. you look to see the confused adventurer next to you, no doubt questioning why you’d stopped so suddenly.
“i’m sorry, did you say something?"
he nods, gesturing to albedo. “i just asked if you knew the person in there."
you hum in understanding, but you can’t help the flushed tone that rises over your ears. you turn to him and try to talk from a point that still protects your pride.
“he’s the alchemist i mentioned before,” you explain. "it was actually him i was coming up the mountain to see."
an innocent glint comes in the adventurer’s eyes as he turns back to albedo. “that’s the guy who created those mechanisms?"
you nod proudly, slinging your bag over your shoulder so that you can dig through it. he watches you as you pull out a small vial, filled with the essence of a warming seelie much like those you’d seen on your trip here.
“this is a warming bottle, all you need to do it break it and it will create a small area of temporary warmth. it’s one of his creations, and i want you to have it.” you hold out the bottle to the excited adventurer who eagerly takes it, gingerly cradling it in his palms.
“can i only use it once, or-?"
“yes, but if you ask me , i would be happy to provide you with more.” you smile at his expression that doesn’t dull. “i make frequent trips here, so the alchemist has made me a fair share of them."
suddenly. as if speaking of the devil, the alchemist’s voice rings out, calling your name. you turn to meet albedo’s eyes as he walks towards you, a strikingly similar vial in his hands.
“albedo!” you smile, not noticing the look that passes over the adventurer’s face upon witnessing the situation.
albedo smiles leisurely as he approaches you, handing you another warming bottle. you almost laugh at the irony, but take it regardless.
“albedo, i was just talking to this adventurer about these. he’s mapping all of the fires up on the mountain for reference, so something like this should prove useful for him."
understanding the implications of your words, he nods, but can’t help but ask, “does that mean you’re short? i don’t want you left without one on your trips."
you shake your head, smiling. “no, no, that’s okay. i still have plenty in my stock for emergencies. but thank you."
“um, miss honourary knight…"
being called on suddenly again, your gaze turns back to the adventurer. he seems disappointed.
“if we can, i’d like to keep going—"
“i’m sorry,” albedo interjects by placing a hand on your hip, and you see a faint spark of annoyance in the adventurer’s eyes. “but now that she’s here, i’ll need her help conducting various experiments. that is what i called her for."
the adventurer may be too young to understand the real meaning behind these words, but you just shake your head and laugh silently. a reunion between lovers is surely nothing to interrupt.
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
he promised
poe dameron x reader
description - Poe always promised he would come back from missions. One time he doesn't. (Ends in fluff i promise i promise)
warnings - depression?, anxiety?, fem pronouns, talk of injury and death, grief, fluff at the end, use of petnames, reader gets carried for a while and sits on a lap, mentions of eating and eating avoidance (not ed)
word count - 3800
A/N - so this was an oops. I wrote this hella fast but i was in the zone and i am pretty happy with the emotionally devastating product. I promise it has a happy ending i just dont want to give too much away. I feel like for maximum emotional damage you need to be a little in the dark. anyway, forgive me
You were stood in the command center with your hands wringing together. No matter how many missions Poe went on, the waiting was always hell. How were you supposed to remain sane when the love of your life was out fighting a battle that he might not come back from. That you might never see him again. He always reassured you that he would always come back to you. That you never had anything to worry about. You tried to believe him, and for the most part you did, but that didn't prevent you from being worried when he was gone.
You listened through the coms, trying to keep track of what was happening during the battle. Leia let you stay in there because she had a soft spot for you, as well as the pilot you were worried about. You were thankful she let you listen in on every mission, it meant that you weren't alone worrying in the room you shared with Poe. The conversation over coms was rushed and loud, they were scared and that made your heart beat faster.
'I have to go through, they're gonna come after us if I don't.' You heard your fiance yell. Worry stuck in the pit of your stomach, he was going to take a risk, you could feel it.
'Poe, it's not worth it. We should get out of here while we still can'. You agreed, wanting him to get out of there as soon as possible. You prayed he would listen and just get out.
'I have to try, I can't go back knowing that they could be following us to base.'
'Poe wait-' You heard someone rush out before comotion ensued again. You could feel your heart in your throat. You could have cried. After a minute of listening to pure chaos, nobody in the control room dared to speak a word. Everyone was waiting for an indication of what to do from the squadron. You found yourself zoning out in your worry. You were only broken out of your trance when you heard your fiance's name.
'Poe is down.' You stopped breathing.
"Down? What do you mean down?" You heard Leia call over comms.
'I'm sorry commander, he got hit. His X-Wing engine got shot and he was heading to crash on the planet right below us, his coms died. There's no way to know if he made it through but I don't know many who could take that crash and live. We have to head out and hope he comes back to base but I wouldn't get my hopes up.'
"Get out of there while you still can. We will have to worry about Poe when we gather our strength." Leia responded and the squadron called their understanding before the process of bringing them home began. You hadn't moved. You weren't sure if you had breathed. Your body was fully numb. You could feel eyes on you as everyone waited for you to respond. To show some emotion of your boyfriend having just gone MIA. You couldn't feel yourself though, your fingertips were numb, and you refused to believe he was dead. He promised. He told you he would come home.
Your brain was split between trying to grieve for the loss of the love of your life and trusting that he would be back. That he had to come back because he promised he would and he never breaks a promise. You felt hands on you and you realized you had fallen to sit in your spot. Leia was above you and was ushering you to your feet. You mindlessly let her push you somewhere and you barely even looked to see where you were going.
Eventually you showed up at your apartment door. You couldn't tell whether it felt like it had been instantaneous or an eternity to get there. Leia unlocked your door and pushed you inside and to the small couch that was stood in the living room-like space. The apartments were all very small, Poe had one a little bigger because he was housing with another person and because of his rank. Still, the extra amenities included a small couch, a smaller kitchen, and a window along the bedroom wall. When Leia sat you on the couch she kneeled in front of you. Her hand went to your cheek and you looked at her for the first time since you'd heard Poe go down. She seemed to almost be in tears but your eyes were dry. You didn't feel anything.
"Y/N, what can I do?" She asked gently. "Do you need anything?" You felt yourself shake your head and open your mouth like you were going to talk but closed it again as you thought.
"He said... He said he was coming back." You stated as if it changed the situation. "He promised." You mumbled.
"I know, Y/N. I am so sorry." She tried to console and your head shook. "We don't know what happened after he went down. You heard the team. He might contact us in the next few days, he is a smart man and he knows how to get a message out. But I don't want it to hurt you more if he never does." She tries to reason and you shook your head.
"No, you don't understand. He promised, " your head was spinning, "he's coming back." You felt tears fall down your face. When had you started crying? "He promised me that he was coming back home." Your voice broke which surprised you. Before you knew it you were crying into Leia's arms and you couldn't stop yourself. That was how you stayed with her for a while after, you weren't sure how long. She shed some tears of her own but eventually you both ran dry. You lost feeling again and you couldn't tell if it was better or worse. You made a decision. You wouldn't grieve over him until you were sure he was not coming back. You wouldn't mourn until you were sure.
The alternative was not, however, to recover. Instead you just stopped doing anything at all. You stopped eating, taking care of yourself, caring. Soon, your friends came in to talk to you. Instead of it being conversation though, they just talked at you. You couldn't bring yourself to respond or really even listen. Or maybe you did but you just couldn't remember. They would periodically come through to help you into a shower in which you just let the water run over you while someone else, you thought maybe Rey but you couldn't even recall, washed your hair. You drank water when they asked and would take a bite of food if they begged but other than that you might as well have been dead to the world. You almost hadn't realized how much of a vital part to your existence Poe was. How little you could bring yourself to do without him. You had thought you were prepared to be separated, you were in the middle of a war after all. Instead it was impossible to do anything without him and you wondered how long you could keep doing it.
This went on for a week. That was how long it took for them to declare him 'killed in action'. They felt that, if he was alive, he would have found a way to contact the base with the help of BB8 and local lifeforms. That was when you allowed yourself to grieve. The numbness turned into pain and it was a million times worse. You would have given anything to go back to numb.
You finally listened to your friends when they talked to you but their consolations did nothing to put you at ease. You still struggled to do anything but you complied with their pleads. You had been convinced, 2 weeks after the KIA announcement, to go to the canteen. To see people and interact. Finn pulled you along with an attempt at a smile on his face. Your face was blank but you tried to soften your eyes. You knew he was trying to help and he was grieving the loss of his best friend as well. When you were pulled into the large cafeteria, all noise ceased. You knew that they were looking at you and you guessed that they pitied you. You had seen yourself in the mirror that morning and you would have pitied you too. You got pulled to a table and Finn went to go get you and himself food.
People periodically came by and said hello or asked how you were as you tried to eat something. You responded with one word answers usually and you hadn't met anyone's eyes. You could feel yourself getting overwhelmed and decided you would head back to your room. You quietly thanked Finn for trying and left to the hallway.
Suddenly, alarms sounded. You were startled into awareness and people began running past you.
You were curious about the alarm but you weren't emergency crew and you knew they didn't need any more bodies there than would already be there. That was until you heard someone as they rushed by as they talked to the medic next to them.
"Yeah I heard it was him but he went missing weeks ago." They sounded confused and continued jogging toward the flight deck. You feet started moving before you could even process it and it was the fastest you'd moved since he had gone missing. Since he had died.
When you got to the flight deck there was already a crowd. You could see over the see a people a beat up X-Wing. You thought you might have heard a droid. You elbowed your way to the front of the crowd, not apologizing when people grumbled their frustrations at you. When you made it to the front you were stood no more than 50 feet from him. He was soot covered and beat up but he was standing as he tried to wiggle out of the grasp of the medics. BB8 beeped and turned, spotting you. He made a loud excited noise and rushed to roll over to you and Poe turned at the sound. When he met your gaze he smiled.
You felt your knees give out and tears start to fall from your eyes. Your arms crossed over your stomach and you started to curl into a ball over your knees. A sob left you and suddenly large warm hands were on your shoulders.
"Y/N? My love, are you okay?" He rushed out, checking over you for injury as the medics still grumbled about needing to see him. His hand came under your chin to move your face so he was making eye contact with you. You let out another sob before grabbing his vest and pulling him into you, he kneeled to the ground as you clung to him and cried into his chest. He moved himself so he was sitting on the ground and he pulled you into his lap. You felt his hands on your back trying to soothe you but you couldn't stop crying. "I'm back. I'm so sorry I was gone but I'm back." He mumbled out as he kissed your head a few times.
"I'm so angry at you." You whispered and he almost laughed, just happy to hear your voice. You finally pulled your head out of his chest and kissed him like your life depended on it, like it was the last time you would ever see him. You pulled away so you were looking into his eyes. "Please don't leave me," you begged almost silently. You weren't even sure if he could hear you. "Please don't leave again."
"I'm not leaving, baby, I promise." He tried to calm you. "I'm right here. I'm okay."
You nodded, trying to convince yourself that he was real and he was here. You kissed him again just to check. You pulled away again, still trying to convince yourself.
"You died." You struggled out and Poe felt tears in his eyes as well. "You were dead, you crashed and you didn't make it and then they said you were gone." You said like that was what happened.
"I didn't die, my love. I'm right here. I'm alive, I'm okay." Poe pleaded and he grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his face so you could feel him. Your hand moved along is jaw which was now covered in stubble and grime. Your head shook like you were disagreeing with him but you were simply in disbelief.
"I love you" You mumbled as your eyes traced the lines of his face and tears fell from your eyes. He let a few tears fall as well before pressing meaningful kisses to every part of your face that he could reach.
You spent the next 2 hours like that. You wouldn't leave his hold and he didn't try to move you. The medics worked around you and everyone greeted him without disturbing you. You stayed, on his lap, curled into his chest. Your breathing had slowed to a normal pace and you were holding onto his vest tightly. Eventually, he had to be debriefed. He petted your hair and cooed at you to catch your attention.
"Y/N, my love," he whispered, "we have to get up now." He felt you nod but you made no move to get up from him. He took a breath before moving you off of his lap as you whined, standing up, and then picking you up so you could wrap yourself around him. You hummed contentedly into his chest and he had a smile on his face as he walked through the base.
"I love you." You whispered again into his chest. You had been doing it periodically every so often in the last 2 hours and every time Poe would repeat it back to you, kiss your head, or say something else. This time he chose to kiss your head.
"Baby, I have to go to the debriefing now and you know you can't come with me." He tried to say gently but he knew this separation might be hard for both of you. "I'm gonna put you down." He warned before encouraging your legs to go to the floor. You listened but didn't release his neck which you were also clung to. His hands fell to your waist and you both stood for a moment with your heads in each others necks and breathing deeply. "I'm gonna hand you off to Rey, okay?" He asked as he flagged down Rey from the hallway.
"Okay." You whispered, still not releasing him.
"Hey, Rey, sorry to bother you but could you keep Y/N company for a few minutes while I talk to Leia and the squadron?"
"Oh of course!" Rey chirped and you took a deep breath before releasing Poe. You let him kiss your cheeks and your nose before he walked the other direction toward the command center. You stared at him until Rey put her hand in yours and clasped it. You turned to look at her and for the first time in weeks, she saw you smile. "I'm so happy for you, Y/N." She assured and you believed her.
"Thank you." You whispered and another tear fell from you, this time of joy and happiness. Not grief.
"What do you say to heading to your room and get cleaned up a bit, yeah?" She tried and you nodded, following where her hand lead with one last glance toward the direction that Poe went.
"-the converter didnt even work until a day ago because the main power source broke down." Poe finished explaining his time on the planet he had crashed on and the rest of the squadron nodded and asked a few more questions. Once he was done, Finn met him outside the command center.
"So-" he paused, "I'm not sure how to say this nicely but most of your stuff went into the redistribution center because you were presumed dead." He rushed out. Poe took a moment to process and nodded.
"Well that's sort of a bummer. Could I borrow some of your stuff?" Poe asked, knowing it would take at least a day for him to get reassigned sets of uniforms.
"Yeah of course, that's why I'm standing here waiting for you. You could get cleaned up in my room too if you want. I know Y/N kept a few of your jackets and shirts but most of it got taken." The boys began to walk toward Finn's living quarters and there was a moment of silence before Poe asked something he wasn't sure he wanted the answer to.
"What happened when I was gone?" His throat felt dry suddenly and his words came out hoarse. "To Y/N I mean. Was she okay?" Poe wasn't sure what answer he wanted. He knew from your recent reaction that you were devastated, as he would have been, but he also knew he had a dangerous job. He might not come back from some other mission in the future and he hoped you would survive without him.
"Do you really want to know?" Finn questioned.
Poe nodded.
"I mean, she was broken." He paused to think. "She didn't talk to anyone for a week. Wouldn't move. Wouldn't cry. Rey had to help her shower and we had to beg her to eat. We almost sent her to the med wing because we thought she was gonna pass out from dehydration, she would barely take a sip of water." Poe's heart was in his throat but he was sure there was more. "Then you were pronounced KIA."
"Oh god."
"Yeah it wasn't pretty. They pulled your stuff out of your guys' room, took your name off the ledger. Leia let her keep some stuff but it was hard to watch. She finally cried, she just wouldn't stop. She was more responsive but she wasn't even moving towards okay. You could tell she was only doing what we were asking because we were begging. That she was doing it out of guilt. Today was actually the first day that I talked her into coming out of her room. She had been to the canteen for about an hour when she felt she needed to leave and then alarms sounded that you were back." Finn finished with a glance to his friend and Poe looked like he might throw up.
"I want her to be okay if I don't make it back one day." Poe tried to explain to his friend.
"She probably would have been functioning in a few months. She wouldn't have recovered but she would function. She's a strong woman, but she also loves you a lot. I mean, how would you react if she was killed on mission?" Poe could tell it was a rhetorical question but he thought about it very carefully. You were an engineer so you weren't called out on mission often, not nearly as often as him. When you were, he was worried sick the whole time. He hadn't really thought about how him being gone affected you before. Now looking back on it he kicked himself for it.
Poe thought about what he would have done if you had died and he thought that your reaction was probably mild. That he would have been unresponsive for weeks or even become violent with anger and grief. He knew that you were the one for him, the most important thing in his life, and without you he didn't know if he would find purpose in his life anymore. He fought in the war as hard as he did for you. To make the galaxy safer for you.
When he went MIA it was because he tried to take out a couple more imperial ships than he could handle. He only did it because he knew they would have followed them back to base if they left. Back to you. So he took the risk and it backfired but he knew he would do it again to try and keep the First Order away from you.
He was knocked out of his train of thought by the arrival at Finn's quarters. Poe tried to get cleaned up and dressed quickly, getting the grime off of himself and shaving his face. He hurried back to your shared quarters and when he entered his room he was greeted with your smiling face as you laughed.
You were sat on the bed, Rey on the other end, as you were talking about something which caught you in a fit of giggles. At the sound of him stepping into the room you looked at him and got up quickly to rush up and hug him tightly.
"Missed you." You mumbled into his chest. As he held you Rey silently nodded at Poe and left the room.
"Was only gone for a minute, honey bun." He reassured and you pulled your face back.
"You know I hate that one."
"Boo bear?" he teased and you shook your head no. "Munchkin?" nope. "honey bear?" no thank you. "Baby love?" You tilted your head a bit.
"I don't loathe that one."
"I like that one."
"That's my favorite" You giggled and kissed him quickly for a moment. He could have cried at the sight of you giggling. He had missed that, you, the sounds you made, so goddamn much. More than he would ever put into words.
"I know it is, pretty girl." He smiled before picking you up and you squealed. He walked you over to the bed before dropping you on it and laying next to you. You climbed close to him, practically laying on his chest. His arm was snug around your waist and he left no room for you to move, not that you would have anyway. "How would you feel about going to bed, princess?" He almost whispered, not wanting to disrupt the fragile quiet in the room.
"Yes please. I love you Poe." You whispered back and closed your eyes a bit, focussing on his breathing.
"I love you, Y/N" he responded.
You both got the first decent sleep you'd had in weeks that night.
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dorimena · 3 years
i’m recently jumped on the subby!bakugou train and i can’t help but imagine this:
when the time came for his first time with you, he thought had that shit it the bag. how hard could it be? well, turns out it ain’t what he expected. everything was going fine until it was time for you to lower on his cock. as soon as you did that, he was done for. you were so unbelievably soft and warm and tight, he lost all drive to be the one in charge. you thought there was something wrong with him for a hot minute because he was just fuckin sitting there, panting and not answering you. “Suki, do you want me to start moving?” “hmMMm” is the one time he did answer, along with him burring his head into your chest and squeezing you tighter. It’s like he was bracing for something. Adorable. Well when you did start moving, boy was he in for it. Instead of grunts and groans like you were initially expecting from such a tough guy, he was letting out moans which you have never, ever heard from him before. While you were setting the pace, you tried getting him to move away from your chest so you could see that cute face of his. Though he wasn’t budging. What you did see of his face however, was a lovely shade of pink across his cheeks, ears and even his shoulders. Poor thing was embarrassed for not being able to take control and feeling so overwhelmed already. Adorable. You just might have to give him a reward for that.
This is- my heart doki-dokied a bit too hard and I was ready to combust (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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You guys have been dating for some time, but you don’t really remember how long, not that it would matter.
He came to you out of the blue, nervous and trying not to make eye contact with you while having a cute blush on his cheeks. But you didn’t point it out or ask him about it, knowing it’ll just scare him off and have him ‘forget’ what he wanted to ask or say.
“I’m ready” is all he said before getting up and going to your shared bedroom.
You remember how your friends made a scandal about you guys living together and sharing a bed but never having sex. Not because they’re religious or anything, but more because they didn’t understand why you guys weren’t getting it on with one of the hottest proheroes in the country, unless he had erectile dysfunction.
Let’s just say the ruckus and mockery was enough to make you begin ignoring them. Maybe they had good intentions, but they’ve done a horrible job actually caring. You’re sure they just wanted the juicy details to get themselves off of.
Meanwhile, Bakugou’s lady friends, Mina and Jirou, were much nicer with the information, trying to not have you be discouraged with how long Bakugou’s taking with having sex with you, even if you later clarified that you’re not bothered by it, but you’re glad they care about your emotional wellbeing (?) Well, only Mina kind of confuses you sometimes, but she went to lengths to make you a cheer-up box. Really was just a box full of nice snacks that you hid from Bakugou before he pouts snarls about how he can make better snacks.
You feel a bit shy, suddenly bare on top of him after being fingered well enough to take his thickness. The blond, on the other hand, is sporting a smirk, one full of impatience yet pride, wanting to hear you moan and whine like you did moments ago. He’ll be the one making you cry tonight, making you beg for him and cry out his name loud enough to alert the neighbors about who is railing you.
Even if you both spoke about dynamics and such, you both also agreed that it didn’t matter how the first time went, as long as you both enjoy yourselves.
But boy oh boy was Bakugou thrown into a horny loop.
The moment you sink down on him, he feels you clench hard around his suddenly hypersensitive dick, he feels his gut being punched quite deeply and his thighs quiver, whether in anticipation, impatience or overstimulation.
But how could he already feel overstimulated?
He doesn’t really, but he can’t put a finger on how or what he’s feeling, not when all you keep doing is clenching and sucking more and more of him deep inside you, small pants leaving your mouth as you adjust being enough to make him realize that he can’t… move.
He’s not frozen in fear or shame, but he suddenly forgot how to move.
As if you’re sucking his knowledge of how to sex out from his dick.
God, why did you feel so good? Not even his not-so-secret fleshlight satisfied him enough like this.
Heck, he’s not even a virgin! But he sure does feel like one again.
Once you are ready, you ask him “You gonna move?” in such a sweet tone, in such a soft tone, Bakugou barely gets to remember how to answer properly.
So a hum of confirmation is the only thing you hear from him before you feel how his hips oddly move, as if simply trying to reach more in you. And if you hear his voice crack a little, you don’t say anything at all.
You wait for a bit but his hips really don’t do anything, but they keep twitching. So you tighten your grip on his shoulders and begin to grind slowly, feeling how he slides out a little and then slides back in perfectly.
Bakugou shudders as you keep doing that, his eyes focused on your chest before leaning in, burying his face in your skin as his arms wrap around your waist now, holding you not too tight but tight enough to somewhat ground him back into reality.
How pathetic! All of his sexual prowess and experience, his dominance, completely gone as you begin bouncing on his lap, pulling gasps of your names and cute moans from the depths of his throat.
You were ready to listen to his groans, his grunts, his growls, the usual sounds he makes whenever you come home early and eavesdrop his fleshlight moment, the way he lowly moans your name and compliments how well you’re riding him always haunting you to sleep, making you wish the day you both have sex come sooner.
And now that that day has come, you’re engraving his airy whines, his rising-in-pitch moans, his gasps of surprise whenever you clench rather tightly around him. And you’ve decided that from now on, it’ll be your lifelong mission to have him make those noises everyday, any way.
Whether you’re sucking his dick underneath the covers or stroking him while he’s playing some co-op game with his friends online.
You call for him in between your own much-lower-pitched moans, trying to pull your chest away to look deep into his eyes but instead being pulled in closer, making you feel the vibrations of his sounds against your heart.
So you look down, trying to figure out how to pull him off. Then you see how pink his shoulders look, making you wonder if that’s because of you or something else. And when you somehow change your angle, you catch the side of his face completely pinkish-red, making you giggle as you go even faster, fucking him hard enough until he’s choking on his calls of your name, lifting his head enough to reveal his eyes as he silently tells you how close he is, how he wants to cum.
You don’t know this, can’t even guess, not when you feel him pulling you down harder, small squeaks interrupting his whines.
How can this man be so adorable? Such a powerful being, one once praised as if a god, suddenly being a mere moaning mess under you while you bring him closer and closer to his euphoria, to his sweet, sweet satisfaction.
You smile once he cums, holding him close as you slow down, milking him as he makes cute noises close to being punched repeatedly in the gut.
You’re definitely taking the reigns from here on out, and if he wants to fuck you, it’ll be by your orders.
“Baby boy~”
And Bakugou silently nods, shivering at the name and peeping out the tiniest moan of “yes”, as if awaiting your next command.
“I didn’t cum yet.”
And you didn’t have to say it twice, not when he’s trying so hard to properly use his hips to fuck up into you, making the bed squeak inconsistently.
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oreoambitions · 3 years
They are an hour outside of National City before Alex becomes aware of the exhausted numbness that has taken root somewhere deep within her bones. Her hands on the steering wheel seem like someone else's hands, and it's someone else's eyes on the dusty excuse for a road over which it feels like someone else is guiding the SUV. The static pouring out of the radio seems to be coming from somewhere very far away, even - or perhaps especially - when Nia reaches over from the passenger's seat to twiddle the dial from static to desperate call for help to static again. The map on the GPS device seems almost dreamlike in a strange, shimmering, distracted sort of way. There is a part of her that can't stop thinking it happened so fast, it happened so fast over and over again, and the rest of her is quiet. Focused and efficient. Execute the next task and the next task and the next task until things get better.
There is a part of her that suspects things are not going to get better. In the rearview mirror she can just see Kara, seatbelted in and slumped over, blissfully unconscious the last two hours or so but beginning to stir now. Lena sits in the backseat beside her, face an impassive mask, one hand fiddling endlessly with the bandage wrapped tight around the other arm. It's a gunshot wound - Alex verified herself - but it will put her at risk if they run into strangers on the road. Everyone is going to be a little overcautious for a little while; for so many reasons, it's better to keep out of sight. Hopefully the others understood the seriousness of the message when Alex told them not to travel in the dark, because headlights right now might as well be a flashing neon sign reading "I'm here! Shoot at me and steal my supplies!"
The numb, quiet part of Alex sort of whishes someone would shoot at them so that she could shoot back, and that's a feeling she shoves deep down where she doesn't have to think about it for a while. Better to think about how only the most charitable of travelers might refer to this particular stretch as a road, and about how these aren't off-roading tires and AAA isn't coming to bail them out if she hits the wrong rock the wrong way.
She's trying not to think about how AAA probably isn't coming to bail anyone out ever again when Kara begins to mumble and then abruptly comes awake with a shout and a thrash that might, on a better day, have threatened to overturn the SUV. Alex and Nia share a glance, and Alex prepares for the onslaught of indignant questions. How dare you, and how could you, and how many people did you leave behind, and why in a thousand variations. Alex has been rehearsing answers in her head as if there are any acceptable answers to rehearse, but Kara doesn't ask. She buries her fingers in her own hair and makes a strangled noise that will probably break Alex's heart later when the numbness has begun to fade. And then she says, "Rao, I- There were so many, I- I'm so sorry."
Alex understands that there were so many will be Kara's it happened so fast and doesn't know what to say. She and Nia exchange another glance. Nia reaches for the radio, hesitates, and withdraws her hand. For a long time the only sound in the car is the static and the crunch of tires over dirt and Kara weeping quietly in the back seat until, with a deep shuddering breath, she pulls herself upright and peers out the window.
"Where are we going?" She asks.
It's almost a relief to have an easy question to answer. Alex passes back a ratty packet of tissues from the center console. "There's an old DEO safehouse in the desert," she says. "More like a bunker, really. Colonel Haley had it built just in case. Food, water, weapons, and shelter for a couple dozen people. Should be a really nice radio there too." She doesn't mention that the facility was built just in case Kara - specifically Kara - decided to turn on the American government, and she doesn't mention the kryptonite she suspects is still buried deep underground there. Those are details relevant to another life and another world.
"The DEO doesn't mind us squatting in their club house?"
Alex's fingers tighten on the steering wheel until her knuckles are white, and she's surprised to find she has to swallow hard before she can speak. "Pretty sure there is no DEO anymore," she says, "But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
Kara swallows too, audibly, and her voice is rough when she says, "National City?"
Lena answers, "Lost."
Kara doesn't ask what Lena means by that, and the absence of the question is almost more difficult than trying to answer it might have been. It happened so fast. But Kara knows that. She knows how fast it happened because she was there at the parade when it all went to hell for National City. She knows because even she, super speed and all, could not keep up. Not that she didn't try and try and try until she solar flared. Not that Alex and Nia didn't try alongside her until it became a choice between Kara's life and a losing battle to save a city already half dead. In the end, that choice was surprisingly easy.
Alex swallows again and tries to relax her hands on the wheel. The parade is something from someone else's life. It’s something that happened to someone else, maybe some other Alex, some poor asshole who is going to carry around some gnarly emotional scars when this is all over. It has to be some other Alex because this Alex has responsibilities, and responsibility #1 is to get Kara to safety. Everything else - next steps, grief, anger, denial, whatever - can wait until they are safely underground. Almost there now. Just a little further.
They have maybe another three hours of daylight. The quiet focused part of Alex is thinking about the other two SUVs behind them, and when they might have left the city, and whether Kara is going to be able to sleep if they're still waiting on people when the sun goes down. She’ll need the rest. There are no sunlamps where they’re going and no one in this car has any idea how long it might take to recover from a solar flare without them. They’re twenty minutes or so from the safehouse now as they turn onto what is more clearly a dirt road and not potentially just a wide trail or perhaps a dry riverbed.
"We got Barry on the phone before the signal cut out," Nia is explaining. "He and Oliver are getting some people together and they're going to meet us here in a couple of days. It's a long, dangerous trip but we all agreed it was worth trying to rendezvous. We don't know how long this is going to last."
"We haven't been able to raise anyone from Gotham."
Alex tries not to see Kara digesting this information in the backseat, tries not to see her putting the pieces together. Somehow so long as Kara is living in the old world, the old world is still alive, and Alex is still going to be okay. They're all going to be okay. They're going to get far, far away from this and wait until it blows over, and it's going to be fine. The dead will stay dead and the living will stay living and they’ll go on with their busy, blissfully insignificant lives. For a moment longer, Alex can still think these things to herself and almost believe them.
And then Kara says, "It's everywhere, isn't it."
Nobody answers that. Lena squeezes Kara's knee and offers her a thin, sad smile. Nia gazes out the window with tired eyes and a distant expression that Alex suspects is a mirror of her own. And Alex watches the road, quiet and focused and numb.
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anashins · 3 years
If You're Willing to Kiss || Taeyong
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“If you’re willing to kiss, then let’s show him what he’s missing out on.”
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During a stupid round of spin the bottle, your crush kisses someone else, but you make sure that he'll regret it very soon.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!” the people in the circle chanted and clapped their hands simultaneously to the rhythm of their voices.
You watched in rigidity as your female best friend and your crush Jaehyun were about to kiss each other.
Reluctantly, they crawled to the middle of the circle as the chants only increased in their volume the closer they approached the spot until they were awkwardly sitting in front of each other, almost not daring to look into the opposite’s eyes, their cheeks visibly flushed.
At the same time, your heart broke into a thousand pieces.
You hadn’t signed up voluntarily to play this stupid game of spin the bottle as you sure had better things to do on a friday night, like reading or sleeping.
But you couldn’t have said no when Jaehyun had tagged you along to this party as all your friends were coming as well.
At first, you had been excited about it, because wherever Jaehyun went, you would willingly join him as you always wanted to spend as much time with your crush as possible.
After years of having hidden your feelings, tonight you had gathered enough courage to finally make a move.
But now he was about to kiss your best friend, and you felt utterly devastated as you watched how they slowly pressed their lips onto each other.
The people before had only shared light pecks without even touching one another at other parts, but Jaehyun and your best friend did not only kiss longer than required, they also started to put their hands on each other’s bodies, not minding the cheering crowd at all as though they had drifted off to their own world.
You felt sick in your stomach, murmured something along the lines of a hurried apology and excused yourself to the bathroom.
Splashing water into your face, you looked into the mirror while your fingers gripped so tightly onto the sink that your knuckles turned white in the process.
No wonder, you had always felt like that your best friend was a hundred times more beautiful and intelligent than you. Every guy wanted to go out with her, then why not Jaehyun as well?
You had seen the way they turned shy, the way they flushed at each other, and then the way they shared a chaste, yet deep first kiss with 20 other people as witnesses. You may be in love, but you weren’t naive.
If one kiss could change everything, then this had been the kiss.
The kiss he had been supposed to share with you. The kiss you had wanted to save up until it was now too late.
And before the first tears started running, you wanted to go home. Nobody would care anyway.
“Y/n, are you in there?” you suddenly heard from the other side of the closed bathroom door.
It was Taeyong, Jaehyun’s close friend, and the only one who knew about your secret crush.
“Yes, I’ll come out soon, no worries!”
You had forgotten that he was also here, but he hadn’t participated in this round of spin the bottle anyway.
Taeyong only knew about your crush because you had once poured out your heart to him when you were drunk, and until this day, you regretted it deeply as he never failed to miss a chance to tease you about this.
But always, he had kept his lips sealed in front of Jaehyun, and for this, you were grateful.
So of course he would now be the only one knowing about your true feelings after having witnessed your best friend and crush kissing each other.
Yet, you tried not to let any of your true emotions slip as you opened the door and faced him with the brightest fake smile you could pull off.
“Sorry, I just wasn’t feeling well. I think I’m going home.”
Taeyong inspected you from head to toe, and then decided that he wasn’t satisfied with this answer.
“You sure about this or are you just affected by the clownery Jaehyun has just pulled off?”
It had been a given that you couldn’t lie to him about this topic. Somehow, he must have gotten wind of what had happened. Perhaps, he had also purposely followed you to the bathroom.
You were just asking yourself why.
“Look, Taeyong, I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”
“Lately,” he started, “he has been talking about her a lot.”
You hesitated and gulped. “About… my best friend…?”
Silently, he nodded, confirming your fears and making your stomach churn. It hurt you more than anything ever before, and you were rendered motionless.
“I want to go home,” you then said in the same robotic manner.
At home, you could pour all your feelings out and finally started crying instead of staying at this place where you had to watch them getting closer and your best friend taking the place at your crush’s side that was supposed to be yours.
“Either that or you could stay,” Taeyong suggested.
You frowned. “Why would I want to stay?”
“Jaehyun is an extremely jealous person. If he sees you with someone else, he might regret it and realize that it’s you that he wants.”
“That’s stupid,” you judged and crossed your arms.
“How long have we been knowing each other, y/n?” Taeyong asked. “Long enough for me to know that if you don’t do something now, you will whine about it for ten years, and - no offence - I don’t have the time and patience to hear about your unrequited love for much longer. Either you do something now or you let go of him.”
“It’s already too late,” you commented dryly and wanted to pass by him, but he grabbed you by your arm, making you stop.
“Are these the words of a young woman who had fought her way through the crowd to the first row to see her favorite band up close, elbowing people to the left and right? They’re not! They’re also not the words of someone who had threatened an online seller with an imaginary consumer advice centre when they didn’t want to return her money! And you want to let him go just like that? If there was anything you have taught me, y/n, then it’s the fact that it’s never too late.”
Turning keen-eared, you asked, “So what do you suggest?”
Shortly after, you found yourself being part of the spin the bottle circle again.
Of course your eyes hadn’t missed out on the longing gazes Jaehyun and your best friend were throwing at each other while more and more people gathered in the middle of the circle to amuse the crowd with their kisses.
You were angry on the inside, but also full of nervousness as the bottle spun again and Taeyong jumped up, paused, and then reached out his hand to make it stop at the right time.
And the bottleneck was pointing directly at you. You inhaled deeply.
“Hey Taeyong, you wanna kiss her so badly or what?” someone shouted.
Another one added with a laughter, “He’s finally shooting his shot.”
“Shut up, the bottle is pointing at her, so that’s the rules.”
No one complained though as he crawled to the middle and you did the same. It was as though the crowd, your fellow students, actually had been wanting to see you two kiss for a long time, and you wondered whether you were right with your suggestion and why they would think that way.
Taeyong… he had always been there by Jaehyun’s side. He was Jaehyun’s friend, not yours.
Even though he always helped you with homework when you forgot yours. Even though he always handed you water at parties to keep you sobered. Even though he always gave you a ride when you missed the bus. Even though he always made you laugh when you were sad about Jaehyun again.
Even though, in a situation like this, he wanted to help you again.
There were many things Lee Taeyong did for you, yet you had never considered him your friend.
You wondered whether he felt the same way when he leaned in to you.
“If you’re willing to kiss, then let's show him what he’s missing out on,” he whispered only for you to hear. “If you’re willing to kiss, then close your eyes.”
But before you did as you had been told, you threw a last gaze at Jaehyun who looked at you with a mouth slightly agape.
Surprised that it might work, you grinned inwardly as Taeyong’s lips brushed over yours.
It had been so long that you last kissed someone, but from the first moment on, he proved to you that he was indeed a very good kisser.
Taeyong’s lips moved with yours in a very chaste way that had even something romantic to it, and it surprised you, to say the least. It was not even the manner in which Taeyong kissed you that gave you this feeling, but the way he made you feel, the emotion he delivered.
So comfortable, so warm, and raw, and you wondered whether this had been his intention all along or whether this was the usual manner in which he kissed.
So you didn’t wonder when you suddenly noticed him leaning in to you and bending your body to the point of you having to wrap your arms around his neck to look for support so as to not fall backwards, yet you didn’t stop.
Before, you had agreed on fake kissing passionately to rub it under Jaehyun’s nose, but truth to be told, the line between faking and reality slowly started to blur as you genuinely began to enjoy kissing Taeyong.
With his hands now holding onto either side of your waist, he parted your lips to deepen the kiss, and you gladly let him do so.
Even when he started using his tongue, you didn’t make him stop like he had asked you to before in case it would get too much, but you didn’t want him to just yet and pulled him even closer.
You only stopped in the moment Jaehyun interfered with an, “Enough now, it’s only a game!”
But when you pulled away and looked into Taeyong’s sparkling eyes that radiated so much fondness, you wondered how you could have missed the affection he had been holding towards you all this time.
You didn’t care much about Jaehyun’s opinion anymore. Or who he was kissing.
Because if one kiss could change everything, then this had been the kiss for you.
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