#so don't take this seriously
h0bg0blin-meat · 11 months
"What did I ever do to you?"
*TW: Mild self-harming tendencies*
*After the return of Dionysus from the East*
Dionysus: *storming into Hera's chambers, leading the doors to fly open* WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?
Hera: *braiding her hair, looking at the mirror, barely acknowledging her nephew's presence* What do you mean?
Hera: *tying a ribbon to make the braid stay in place* Nothing. Why do you ask?
Dionysus: *scoffs* It's because of my mother isn't it?
Hera: *pretends to keep knotting the ribbon*
Dionysus: As if any of that was my fault anyway!
Hera: *her calm demeanor begins to fade*
Hera: *stands up and faces him with a stern tone* But you are her child!
Hera: You were born from an illicit affair. You are an illegitimate child. A-
Dionysus: -mistake. *nods with teary eyes* Is that what you were gonna say?
Hera: No. I-
Dionysus: Save it. *sniffles* I just didn't know the fault of an illegitimate affair even lied in the hands of an unborn child.
Dionysus: But you know what?
Dionysus: I can never bring myself to hate you. *a teardrop rolls down his left eye* Because I always adored you. You were the the last person I expected to plot against me.
Dionysus: I knew you were always aloof with me, distant, and I kept thinking why that is. What I ever did to you to deserve such treatment. But I thought, well, everyone has their least favorite person, and maybe that was me. And that one day, you will grow out of this and love me. Someday. And I was willing to wait and bet my life on it.
Hera: *her sternness now begins to fade, and her face grows soft. Her lips start shaking*
Dionysus: *sniffles and another teardrop falls from his right eye* But I never thought THIS was how much you hated me. That you'd go this far to have me killed.
*Hera barely realizes that her eyes are getting teary as well now. She wants to speak but something is holding her back*
Dionysus: I'm sorry.
Dionysus: A hundred times, I'm sorry for what my mother did. I'm sorry for what Father- sorry... I mean Zeus did I...... *breaks down on the floor* I'm sorry.
*Hera looks down to see his nephew, now knelt on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Now it is her turn to shed a teardrop from her eye. She wants to go near him, but isn't sure to do what, exactly. Does she want to hug him and tell him it wasn't his fault? Or does she want to reassure him that he is as much guilty as Semele? She isn't sure. So she just stands where she is, watching as Dionysus stands back up, rubs his face with his hands, sniffles a bit, and tries to come back to his calm composure.*
Dionysus: *sighs heavily* Sometimes I just wished I never came back. Wished Styx would just....... drown me or something.
Dionysus: Would've been enough to cheer you up, no?
Hera: *lets out a constrained sigh and looks away from Dionysus*
Dionysus: *nods* Thought so. *bows down to her and leaves, closing the chamber doors behind him, while Hera watches him do so.*
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yoshidatommy · 5 months
Why Jason is Jotaro Kujo from JJBA Part 3:
1)same initials (J.K.)
2)both always wear caps
3)both are "jerk with a heart of gold" type
4)in both cases they fight with and then befriend (🌞🌞🌞) a nicer guy in green
5)also both deal with vampires
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beheamothscreamoth · 2 years
YTTD X Reader Excerpt ((Y/n) Meets Keiji)
I'm still in the process of writing everything, so this excerpt may be a bit different when I publish the fanfiction! But I had to share this, asdfghj- It's an extract when (Y/n) meets Keiji!
(Y/n) examined the blonde man. He was tall and wore a grey button-up shirt that revealed a bit of his collarbone. Over his shirt, he wore a simple dark vest. The man’s face had prominent bags under his grey eyes, making (Y/n) press her lips together in sympathy. Poor guy wasn’t getting enough sleep - if he did, then that would make him a bit more handsome. Aside from his eyebags, the other thing that stood out to (Y/n) was his muscular arms. She was a fan of those arms.
“I like your arms,” (Y/n) said.
“Thank you,” the man replied.
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roninkairi · 1 year
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You can only reblog this today.*
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menlove · 3 months
the problem w modern sci fi is there's no camp. would you ever see a man dressed like this in 2024 star trek? no
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a woman dressed like this?
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what about these guys?
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what about this crime?
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meanwhile modern trek just looks like this
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WHERE is the cunt! the camp! the garish colors!
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liauditore · 13 days
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do you guys ever think about that time she said her backstory was that she was only partially zombiefied and was fully conscious mentally while she ate and killed her family. and that she was a princess. i do alot.
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silver-horse · 2 months
nooo beloved mutual don't be a swiftie you are so sexy haha
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theabigailthorn · 16 days
British producers be like: THEM: "We love this! Let us put our heads together and get back to you early next week!" SIX MONTHS LATER UNPAID INTERN FOR THAT COMPANY: "Everyone you spoke to has been sacked, we hate you fuck off."
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American producers be like:
THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON YOU'VE EVER MET: Hey kiddo do you wanna meet The Rock? Do you wanna meet Margot Robbie? Do you want to fuck my wife? I can't give you a job but gosh darn it you've got moxxy, let me put you in touch with Doug Bigcheese, the biggest producer in Hollywood! DOUG BIGCHEESE, EMAILING YOU BACK WITHIN 20 MINUTES: Hey kiddo, that guy said you're awesome! Lemme ask round town and in the meantime you can live in my house borrow my car and by the way have you met my wife?!
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aro-in-danyl · 1 month
During an Overlord Meeting
Random Overlord: So how'd you bag the King of Hell?
Alastor: Well I-
Lucifer: The first time we met he told me to go fuck myself and dropped a piano on my head
Other Overlords: ...
Lucifer: I've been charmed by his audacity ever since
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wewrutuwertrer · 2 months
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black holes are 'some kind of superstars' too
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copypastus · 2 months
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What if acotar antagonists got the same level of justification as our 'heroes' from the Night Court did?
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fraudefiscal · 2 months
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i'm killing myself what's up with these fags (affectionate)
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tempo-takoyaki · 27 days
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It's maid day! *maid-fication beam*
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asbestos-11 · 5 months
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they're so sick and disgusting, i need to shoot them on sight (said lovingly)
reblogs highly encouraged *cocks gun*
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hychlorions · 1 year
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quick goodbyes
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museaway · 2 years
I wish I could write anything as quickly as tumblr collectively invented an entire film
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