#so can someone just PLEASE come celebrate halloween with me so i can make and serve them for you 😭
theflyingfeeling · 7 months
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kujousgf · 9 months
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WEST COAST. mdni. 18+.
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pairings: older!natasha romanoff + f!maximoff!reader
summary: in which natasha agrees to help with a bake sale and you both stumble into admitting your feelings
warnings: legal age gap (natasha is 43 and reader is 22), pining lesbians, top!natasha, bottom!reader, finger sucking, light dom/sub dynamics, fingering, brief daddy kink
wc: 5.7k
a/n: thank you very much for this request, it gave me brain worms, also this is not proof read so :]
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“Come on, Tash, please? Mom said you’d go with me because she’ll be busy with B and T’s school fair.” You practically beg the older woman, holding your cell phone carefully between your cheek and shoulder as you finish mixing up the ingredients for the cupcakes you were baking; it wouldn’t be the first time you dropped it in some cake batter if you weren’t careful. Half of them were for Billy and Tommy’s school fair and the other half were for the bake sale you were helping out with at your university. You had taken it upon yourself to do the baking this year because you knew your mother, Wanda, would be busy with work and getting your younger brothers ready for the fair. They were always very hyper and excitable, it took a lot to round them up. You didn’t really mind though, you did have some extra free time and you always got restless when you truly had nothing to do.
Natasha chuckles on the other end of the phone, “Your mom can say anything she wants, sweetheart. That doesn’t make it true, that just makes her Wanda.” She can practically hear you rolling your eyes as you groan at her response. She’s typing lazily with one hand as the other holds her cellphone, not paying nearly as much attention to her work as she should, especially with the deadlines coming up for this quarter. She can’t help it, though, you rarely call her like this, and when you do she wants to give you as much attention as she possibly can. “Besides, I thought this was something you could handle on your own. You’re a big girl, aren’t you? A little bake sale shouldn’t scare you.”
“Ugh, I’m not scared, you jerk. I just think it would be a little easier if I had someone to help me! And, I want to check out everything else too. I heard the haunted house this year is gonna be amazing! Peter’s working on it with MJ, I just have to go,” you put the phone down on the counter and put it on speaker, not wanting to risk dropping it while you pour the batter into the cupcake tray; that wouldn’t be the first time either. “It won’t be as much fun if I’m by myself, and Kate will be busy trying to make people want to join the archery club. Please? It’ll be so fun, I’ll even give you a cupcake for free.” You try to bargain with her, knowing that she’s always been a fan of your baking since she’s so terrible at it herself.
The bake sale was a part of your university’s fall celebration. Every October, they held a bake sale, a club fair, a haunted house, games and some other things in the week leading up to Halloween. This was your fourth one, and usually, you’d force your friend Kate to help you, but this year she’d agreed to help out with the archery club before you could ask. Not that you minded, because when you brought it up, your mother had absentmindedly suggested that maybe Natasha could help you since she couldn’t, and you would never say no to spending time with the redhead. You don’t know when exactly your schoolgirl crush on your mother’s friend turned into the very real thing it was now. You wouldn’t even say it was a crush because at this point you were certain you were damn near in love with the older woman, but you knew it was something you could never have. So, even as you and Natasha grew closer as you grew older, becoming something akin to friends now that you’ve reached your early twenties, all you could do was cherish the time you got together. 
You can hear Natasha sigh before she responds, “Fine, but you better make it two or I’m leaving before you get to that haunted house.” You’re about to thank her profusely before she speaks again, effectively cutting you off before you even started, “Now, listen, I’d love to stay on the phone with you, but if I’m gonna take the day off tomorrow, I’ve got some work to finish. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” 
You both bid each other goodbye and once you hang up the phone, you smile giddily. Natasha was going to take the day off tomorrow for you. Natasha, who was always busy with work, was going to take the day off so she could help you with your silly fall bake sale. “Oh my God
 Oh my God!” You feel like a teenage girl with a crush again, getting so excited over something so simple, but you just can’t help it because you know if anyone else had asked, Natasha would have said no. You check the time to make sure none of your family members would be home soon before you call Kate. You just have to tell her about this. You have to get out all your nervous excitement and giddiness before you see Natasha tomorrow, you’ve always been afraid she could see right through you and your feelings. You didn’t need to be more obvious than usual tomorrow. 
And, yeah, you do make two cupcakes specially for Natasha with red icing because you know it’s her favorite color even though the rest of the icing is orange and black. 
Tomorrow comes quicker than both you and Natasha would like. You, because you still don’t know what to wear, and honestly, you’re a little worried Kate might come by and say something stupid. She’s always telling you to just put it out there and let Natasha know how you feel, but you can name at least a thousand reasons why that is the worst idea she’s ever had. Not including when she broke the church’s bell tower by accident when she was a freshman. First and foremost being that Natasha is your mother’s best friend, Natasha is twice your age, and ruining the little platonic relationship that you have with Natasha would hurt you more than when Karolina Dean moved away in the seventh grade when the two of you had what you would now call some sort of situationship. 
And Natasha, because she doesn’t really know why she agreed to do this at all. She really does have work she needs to get done and there’s truly no reason she couldn’t have told you to ask one of your university friends to help you, she knows Kate isn’t your only friend, far from it. Well, the first part of that is a lie– she does know why. She knows exactly why she agreed to help you, she agreed because you asked. What she doesn’t know is what she’s going to do around you today with no one as buffer. No Wanda, no Billy, no Tommy, not even her sister Yelena, it’s just you and her. Sure, there would be other students on campus and coming up to the bake sale table, but in her mind, it’s still just you and her. She doesn’t like when it’s just you and her, because when it is everything feels too real. Suddenly, when it’s just the two of you, there’s no reason for her to hold back. And she knows she needs to hold back, she has to because there’s no world in which you would ever be allowed to be hers. 
You’re holding up different sweaters in the mirror, trying to figure out which looks better with the particular shade of denim you’re wearing, when you hear a knock on your door and your mother walks in. “What’s up?” You turn your head to look at her before turning back to the mirror, still trying to decide. “The one with the brown in it,” she hums, walking over to sit on your bed. She’d always been able to tell just what you were thinking even if you didn’t ask. “You’re overthinking this sweater a lot. Are you sure it’s just Natasha that’s going to be with you today?” You weren’t prepared for her question and your eyes widen just the slightest and you hope she doesn’t notice. “Yeah, just Natasha. Kate’s doing her archery thing, and I think America is helping MJ and Peter with the haunted house.”
 Well, if there was someone, you know it’s okay for you to tell me, right?”
“Mom!” You groan, she seriously cannot be doing this right now. You’re a grown woman, for god’s sake
 but you do appreciate how much she cares for you, you just can’t tell her. Ever.
“Alright, alright! I just wanted you to know. The boys and I are going to be leaving in a few minutes. You should come say goodbye to them, I think they’re going to stay at your father’s tonight...”
You make a noise of agreement, nodding. You know there was a ‘but’ that she wanted to say, but you both knew what it was without her saying it out loud. They were supposed to stay with Vision last weekend too, but that never happened. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.” 
Wanda squeezes your shoulder as she walks past you, and you wait until she’s shut the door before you let your head fall back slightly, staring up at the ceiling. You can’t help but think she’s known for a while, and you feel slightly nauseous at the fact. If she knows, maybe Natasha does too, and that just can’t happen. 
Natasha arrives a few minutes after Wanda and the boys leave, opting to pull into the driveway when she sees the lack of her friend’s minivan in it. She told you she’d pick you up because it made no sense to take two cars and she had to pass your house to get to the university anyway. She takes two seconds before she turns the car off and gets out. She’s too old to be acting like an insecure teenager, she can do this. She’s dressed for the occasion, wanting to fit into the fall theme, wearing a nice knit sweater and a casual pair of pants. 
Her heart squeezes when you open the door and you’re wearing your own knit sweater, she forgot how cute you looked during the fall. “Tasha! I’ll just be a few minutes, I have to get everything packed up and put my shoes on, but then we can go. Come in!” You’re out of her sight as quick as you stepped into it, wanting to get everything done as quickly as possible. You didn’t want to make her wait. 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t make me stand out here the whole time.” Natasha steps inside, wiping any dirt off of the bottom of her boots on the doormat. She’d take them off, but there’s no point if you’ll just be leaving in a few minutes, anyway. Sue her. “Where are those cupcakes I was promised?”
“They’re on the counter, the red ones.” You call out from the kitchen, you weren’t expecting her so early or maybe you’d lost track of time after you said your goodbyes to everyone earlier. It’s a comfortable silence as you move around the room, packing everything up while Natasha eats her cupcakes, offering to help you every few minutes, but you just wave her off. She wouldn’t usually let you do that, but she was enjoying the food, so she’d settle for not letting you bring anything out to the car, she’d do that herself. 
“Okay, done!” You say, proud of how quickly you’d gotten everything done, and turn to look at Natasha only to find her already looking at you. You feel heat rush to your cheeks and you avert your gaze quickly. “I can see that. You put your shoes on and I’ll bring everything out to the car.” She doesn’t phrase it as a question, but you open your mouth to object anyway, only to be interrupted before you can speak, “It’ll be faster this way, won’t it? Go put your shoes on, cupcake.”
The name leaves you grumbling as you huff and walk out of the kitchen, knowing she’s right. Natasha only chuckles before she starts bringing everything out to her car, making sure that nothing is going to accidentally get squished or have their containers tipped over. Once everything is settled, she grabs the latte from the cupholder in the front seat and meets you at your front door as you’re locking it, “This is for you because I know you spent way too long in the kitchen last night.” 
“Of course.”
“Then thank you.” You take the cup from her, your breath hitching when your fingers brush and bring it up to your lips to take a drink. “Oh my God, this is good.”
“I figured you’d like it. Now, come on, weren’t you the one who said we needed to get there early?”
The car ride passes comfortably, with the occasional small talk, but mostly the radio playing quietly in the background while you sip on your latte and Natasha taps against the steering wheel in time with the song. You find that you don’t need to talk to enjoy your time with her, just being with her is enough. Feeling her presence around you is enough for you to feel relaxed and get that warm feeling that only Natasha can give you. When you arrive and Natasha finds somewhere to park, you take a quick scan of the quad. Thankfully, she was able to find close parking, which is a miracle, really. Your eyes light up when you spot Professor Potts standing near an empty table which you can now only assume is for the bake sale. 
“I’ll be right back, I just have to go talk to Professor Potts for a second.” You point behind you with your thumb and then turn to leave. You only take two steps before you’re turning your head to look at Natasha again, “But, actually, since I know you won’t let me help, you can start bringing everything over to the table. I’ll be right next to it.”
Natasha laughs a little under her breath at how quickly you went from ‘you’re not carrying everything yourself, Tasha’ in the car to ‘actually, you do everything’ now that you were actually here. “Yes, Ma’am.” She teases, and you roll your eyes at her before starting to walk over. 
It doesn’t actually take long for Natasha to bring everything over to the table, and by the time she’s done, you’re wrapping up your conversation with Professor Potts– Pepper, as you usually call her. You were just double checking the details of the bake sale and what the prices were supposed to be before you properly set everything up, but you didn’t think Natasha would be particularly interested in that conversation, so you figured she’d be happy enough to bring everything over while you talked. “Oh! Pepper, this is Natasha. Natasha, this is Pepper. She’s one of the professors who helps run the student societies!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Natasha. I didn’t realize Y/N was bringing her partner today.” Pepper smiles and holds her hand out for Natasha to shake. 
“Oh, she’s n–”
“It’s nice to meet you as well. It was a bit of a last minute thing, something about Kate and archery, but I’m sure it’ll be fun.” Natasha shakes Pepper’s hand, mirroring the other woman’s smile. 
“Speaking of Kate and archery, I’m sure you two can manage this just fine on your own, because I have to go find her and make sure that her ‘advertising’ of the archery club doesn’t include any actual arrows this time.” Pepper sighs, and Natasha just laughs like she knows exactly what it’s like to deal with Kate’s antics, before Pepper walks off.
You stare at Natasha wordlessly for a couple of seconds, thinking maybe she’s going to say something about the fact that she just implied the two of you are together, but instead she just raises an eyebrow at you. “Are you going to tell me how you want this table set up or am I just supposed to guess?”
“Oh– no, yeah, I’ll help.” Your cheeks heat up as you start telling her where you want everything placed and start to write the prices on the little chalkboard easel Pepper had put on the table. You quickly forget all about the incident as you start setting things up and your friends stop by the table to talk before going to tend to their own responsibilities. You don’t really pick up on the way they all point out Natasha’s presence, meaning to tease you, but you just tell them happily that she’d agreed to help because Kate couldn’t. 
The rest of the bake sale goes on like this until you run out of things to sell, some people making comments about how good of a pair you and Natasha made or saying something about how they didn’t realize you’d have someone with you here today. You seemed to ignore it, not saying anything about it or giving any indication that it made you uncomfortable, but Natasha was quick to pick up on what the implications were. It didn’t help, she realized, that the color palettes the two of you chose to wear complimented each other so well that it looked a little like your outfits were matching. 
The way in which you acted as if these comments were normal and that you might have expected them or even welcomed them makes Natasha’s brain go haywire. She can’t help but think of all the things this could possibly mean, but the final thought her brain lands on is that she can’t help but wonder if it would be wrong of her to bask in this for just a little bit. She had already not corrected Pepper when she implied you were together– though, that was more so because she didn’t want to embarrass either of you. So would it be so wrong for her to lean into that? To let everyone think you were a couple? To treat you like you were her’s for just a little bit? She doesn’t think so. 
You’re in almost a daze as the rest of the day goes by. Natasha takes you to the haunted house like you wanted and holds your hand the whole time so you don’t get too scared. If you had known Yelena was helping inside the house, you might not have wanted to go so bad. She’s still holding your hand when you exit the haunted house, and she continues to hold it when you talk to Peter and MJ when you spot them outside. She lets go when she gets a phone call and gives you an apologetic smile and excuses herself, but not before giving your hand a little squeeze, and you feel your heart leap in your chest. All of this feels too natural, being with Natasha like this. Holding her hand, laughing with her, walking with her. It’s now when you realize just how close you and Natasha have been all day and you stumble in the middle of your sentence while talking to MJ. 
“You okay there?”
“Yeah!” It comes out too loud and too quickly, “yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired, you know. Long day and late night last night baking.” 
 Nothing to do with your woman over there?” MJ points not so subtly over at where Natasha is currently talking on the phone.
Your eyes go wide, “She’s not– she’s not my woman, MJ!”
“You’ve been holding hands this whole time and she’s
 here instead of at work,” she gives you a look like she doesn’t believe you at all, “seems like your woman to me.”
“Yeah! Mr. Stark only ever takes time away from work if Ms. Potts asks him to and you know how they are, Y/N.” Peter chimes in.
You feel your face go red hot and you groan, “can we please stop talking about this right now?”
“Stop talking about what?” You jump when Natasha suddenly appears beside you and wraps her arm around your waist. 
“Oh, we were just talking about how scared Y/N got in the haunted house.” MJ lies smoothly before giving you a look. 
“Yes, but now we’re done talking about that and we should get back to our table to clean up properly.” You change the subject, trying not to focus on Natasha’s arm wrapped around you, but it’s lighting your body on fire and it’s very hard to focus on anything else. She squeezes your side softly and nods, “sure. It was nice talking to you, MJ, Peter. Good job on the haunted house.”
You barely let Peter get out a “Thanks, Ms. Romanoff!” before you’re slipping out of Natasha’s hold to grab her hand and practically dragging her away from them. She heard the conversation starting from you stuttering over the implication that you’re together, but for you, she can pretend she didn’t hear a thing. So, instead of bringing it up, she gives your hand a soft squeeze. “It’s okay that you were scared, you know? You don’t need to be embarrassed, Yelena can be pretty terrifying when you actually get a look at her.”
“Tasha!” You scold, swatting at her shoulder, “don’t be mean to your sister,” but you can’t help but giggle just a little bit. She only chuckles, and despite the way you’re both struggling to decide whether to bring your feelings up or not, you settle into the comfortable existence you share with each other. 
Before you know it, you’re in Natasha’s car again and on your way to her house. She said she just had a couple of things to do in her home office before she would take you home again, but she would try to be as quick as possible. Technically speaking, your mother should be done with Billy and Tommy’s school fair and you could just ask her to come pick you up, but you don’t tell Natasha that. You would much rather get to spend some extra time with the older woman (and you love the way her house smells) than go home and inevitably spiral as you think about the day and everything that’s happened with her before calling Kate and spilling everything. 
When you get there, she tells you to make yourself comfortable and help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you want to before she disappears into her office at the end of the hall. You settle down on her couch and scroll through your phone for a few minutes before you start to get bored. You consider the fact that Natasha is working on her day off and think that maybe she’d appreciate a coffee, especially if she didn’t have to make it herself, so you stand up and wander into the kitchen. It’s nice and modern, but it has a few personal touches that make it distinctly Natasha. You notice that the coffee maker is right on top of the counter and you look in the cupboard for a mug before you get started on making her coffee. 
You’re pretty sure that the only thing Natasha likes in her coffee is a little bit of sugar, so you take a little look around the pantry until you find some, and when the coffee is ready, you pour it into the mug before adding a little sugar. You hum to yourself and make sure you haven’t spilled anything on the counter, picking up the mug and then starting the path to Natasha’s office. This all feels so natural, that the usual nervousness of doing something like this for the older woman doesn’t even creep in until you actually see her. 
You knock on the door, waiting a second before opening it with your free hand. “Tasha?” You push the door open and Natasha looks up from the paperwork on her desk to greet you with a smile. “You get bored out there, sweetheart?” She puts her glasses up on the top of her head and turns to look at you properly. 
“I. um, made you coffee. I figured you might want some since you weren’t expecting to have to work today.” You walk towards her desk and when you’re close enough, she takes the mug from you and leans up to press a soft kiss to your lips as a sign of her gratitude, “thank you, sweetheart.”
Your brain short circuits.
She almost drops the mug onto the floor. 
You just look at her, frozen, for a few seconds as you watch the wheels turning in her head. She puts the mug down on the desk carefully as she tries to figure out what exactly she’s going to say now. She hadn’t even really thought about it before it happened, it just felt so natural and like something she’s supposed to and allowed to do. But in reality, kissing you has never been any of those things. She’s never done that before even that one time you got so drunk, you practically begged her to. She’s been very careful with her actions and with restraining herself, but now? What does she do now?
“Natasha...” Your voice comes out almost like a whisper and for some reason, you’re a little afraid that she’ll tell you to leave. That she had just been caught in the moment and she would never knowingly kiss you under any other circumstance. 
Natasha opens her mouth to speak, but then she gets a proper look at you standing nervously in front of her and she mutters a ‘fuck it’ under her breath. “Come here, baby.” She pushes her desk chair out slightly and guides you into her lap without any kind of resistance from you. You fidget in her lap, not used to this kind of proximity with the older woman. “I’m gonna kiss you again, alright?”
With those words, it’s like a switch flips and you surge forward to crash your lips against hers. She lets out a little surprised noise before she kisses you back properly, moving her lips against yours and resting her hands on your hips. She lets you lead for a bit until you get a bit too bold for her liking and she grips your hips harder as a warning. She was in charge, not you, and she was going to make that very clear. 
Almost immediately she’s dominating the kiss, and you tangle your fingers in her hair. Her glasses fall off somewhere behind her, but neither of you really care enough to check where. You only pull away because you need to breathe, and when you do, your chest is heaving and you’re a little dazed. Natasha coos and reaches up to cup your cheek, rubbing her thumb against your soft skin. “Do you need a little break, sweetheart, hm? You look a bit flustered.” She teases before swiping her thumb across your bottom lip, and you grumble slightly, “I’m not–” 
Natasha pushes her thumb into your mouth and presses down on your tongue before you can finish, “ah, ah, don’t talk back to me, Y/N,” she scolds, and you whine quietly. You want to bite down on her thumb in retaliation for the use of your actual name, but you know that will only make things worse for you. Not that things are particularly bad right now, you’d probably take anything Natasha gave you, but you’d prefer her cooing over you and doting on you at the moment. 
Instead, you suck softly on her thumb and you know it’s the right decision when she hums in approval. It was almost too easy for the two of you to fall into this rhythm, like you were meant for each other. You both knew exactly what the other wanted and you’d do anything to please her while she’d do anything to keep you happy. Her other hand squeezes softly at your hip before it begins playing with the waistband of your jeans. “We’ve had a long day, huh? You did so well at the bake sale, you deserve a reward, don’t you?”
You nod, looking at her pleadingly and whining softly. Your clothes feel too warm and you want her to touch you, and she’s wearing too many clothes, and you want to touch her, but her thumb is in your mouth and you can’t just push her away. So, you opt for looking like a kicked puppy until she understands what you want. 
“What is it, hm?” Natasha pulls her thumb out of your mouth and you chase after it slightly until you realize that maybe she wants you to actually tell her and you open your mouth to speak. Your breath catches in your throat, though, when her other hand trails down and cups your clothed cunt. “Do you want me to touch you, is that it?”
“Tasha, please.” You whimper. You can barely feel anything through your jeans and it’s already driving you crazy. You just hope she’s not the type to tease. 
“Alright, alright, arms up.” Natasha chuckles and waits for you to follow her instruction before slipping your sweater off over your head. Her eyes darken as she takes in your bra clad chest and she greedily gropes at your breasts for a moment. “So pretty,” she mumbles, leaning in to kiss softly at your neck.
You moan softly and you clutch at her sweater. Natasha’s hands on you feel better than you ever could have imagined, and you’ve spent more time than you care to admit imagining this. She’s not too rough, but she’s not too soft either. She touches you with the perfect amount of force and it makes your head spin. 
Her hands trail down your chest and then your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake, before her fingertips dance across the waistband of your jeans. “You looked so cute today in your little fall outfit. Do you know how hard it was for me to keep my hands to myself?” Natasha pulls back, her skilled fingers now moving to unbutton your jeans. “You make things so hard for me, sweetheart. It’s like you’re trying to torture me.”
“I just like to look nice for you, Tasha. Is that wrong?”
“Up.” She taps your thigh, and you stand so that she can tug your jeans down for you to step out of. Normally, you’d be a lot more shy about undressing like this for the first time, but right now you just can’t seem to care. 
Natasha pulls you back down into her lap and then pulls you in for a kiss. Her hands find purchase on your hips and her tongue finds its way into your mouth, easily gaining dominance over you. You moan into her mouth as your fingers tangle in her hair again, trying to pull her impossibly closer. 
And then finally, after what seems like forever, she slips one hand inside your panties. The gasp you let out when her middle finger ghosts over your slit is like music to her ears, and she pulls away from the kiss so she can see your reactions properly. 
“No teasing, Tasha, please.” You whine, your hands dropping to her shoulders. “Shh, I’ll give you what you want, sweetheart.” She slowly begins rubbing circles against your clit and you’re all whimpers and whines as she does. 
She takes her time, using her other hand to tug the cups of your bra under your breasts so she can play with your nipples, pinching them and rolling them between her fingers all while keeping the same steady pace in slow circles around your clit. She basks in the noises she’s able to pull from you even with the lightest of touches. She considers taking you to her bedroom so she can fuck you properly, but she think she wants ot save that for another day. This will have to do for now. 
“Inside, please, Tasha.” You whimper pathetically, hands bunched up in her sweater as you try to be good like she wants you to. She takes pity on you when she pushes two fingers into your drooling hole. She curses under her breath, “God, you’re so wet, sweetheart. Is this all for me, huh?”
You nod, desperately wanting her to move her fingers. “All for you, Tasha.” You attempt to bounce up and down on her fingers, but her free hand moves down and holds you still. “Please, I can’t– mph!” You interrupt your own begging when Natasha begins thrusting her fingers in and out, the angle forcing the heel of her palm to press against your clit. You bite down on your bottom lip to stifle your moans, embarrassed about how loud you’re being already. 
“That’s it, baby.” Natasha breathes, taking in the sight in front of her with eager eyes, “You take my fingers so well, sweetheart.” She praises, curling her fingers inside of you. You reward her with a particularly high pitched moan and you just barely notice the pink tint of her cheeks. It seems she's enjoying this just as much as you are. Something about having you like this drives Natasha wild. Being able to hear your moans and see the expression on your face makes her almost lightheaded with desire. 
“Oh God, Natasha.” You moan loudly when she grinds the heel of her palm against your clit and presses against the sensitive spot inside you at the same time. Natasha coos, and it doesn’t take long with her fucking you like that for you to get close to the edge. “Tash– I’m gonna– Please–” You beg, pleading for something you’re not even sure of. 
“Shh, I’ve got you, sweetheart. Be a good girl for Daddy.”
Natasha’s words tip you over the edge with the help of her skilled fingers and she guides you through your orgasm, letting you ride it out before pulling out her fingers and bringing them up to her mouth. 
“Fuck, I don’t know if I’m done with you just yet. I might have to take you to bed instead of taking you to dinner.”
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maxislvt · 8 months
Halloween Town
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pairing(s): milf!wanda maximoff x reader
summary: your relationship with Wanda was starting to get serious. that meant your relationship with her boys had to get equally serious. what brings a family together better than good ol fashioned trick-or-treating?
warnings: non-sexual pet play, milf typical flirtiness
a/n: um someone have my babies please and thank you
Event Masterlist
Your role in the Maximoff family was getting bigger every day. Billy and Tommy had started to accept you as their guardian. 
Well, less of accepting you and more of dragging you by your ankles into that role. Wanda was happy to see you three getting along but often had to remind them to slow down just a little bit. You didn't have much experience with children and Wanda was afraid the boys would overwhelm you. So she spent hours meticulously planning every outing to make sure you were comfortable but also got to explore things with the twins. She found it easier for the three of you to bond over new things. Even if it meant having three of the people she loved most get in the car and spend fifteen minutes telling her that kayaking during peak mosquito season was a bad idea.  
Fortunately, mosquito season was long gone and fall had begun. 
Fall activities were Wanda's specialty. Whether it was putting up the decorations or finding the perfect costumes for the year. Billy and Tommy always had an amazing Halloween. The only way to make it truly amazing this year was to weave you into their celebration. 
"Can you call off work next week?" She asked suddenly. You were such a busy person that Wanda often had to coerce you into taking time off. Wanda would get you all small and cozy and use that voice you couldn't say no. If you were hesitant, a couple of kisses would always do the trick. "I was thinking you could come trick or treating with me and the boys. They're really into Halloween and I know you're into scary stuff too."
In a more aware state of mind, you'd argue about how there's nothing inherently scary about your music taste but you were much too comfortable to even raise your head. "That sounds fun," You mumbled with your face still buried in Wanda's chest. She had you wrapped around her fingers when you were conscious, there was no telling what you'd agree to in that state. "I'll call off
Wanda smiled down at you. "Why don't you just let me do it for you right now?" She didn't bother waiting for you to respond and simply took your phone. Your phone already recognized her face so making the call was easy. Your boss had already started to recognize her voice so scheduling your day off was even easier. That budding friendship between her and Steve would easily be the death of your stress, you just didn't know it yet. 
can I get my costume?" 
Wanda hummed for a second. She already had a couple of ideas for what to dress you up as, but you already had an idea she wasn't going to stomp on it. "If you want to." Her hand rubbed down your back when you became too antsy. "Shush, you can be whatever you want to be, baby. What matters is that you're there." She placed a kiss on your forehead. 
She could buy a backup just in case. 
🕾 â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ©đŸ•ž
The downside to your sleepy agreements is that you would forget them unless Wanda reminded you. Considering her ulterior motives, she chose not to. 
You went weeks without properly thinking about it. There was a nagging feeling that something was missing but you didn't know what. None of your assignments were missing, you remembered to clock in, and you brought all your props for the photoshoot you were booked for. When you tried to think about it harder, you only felt guilty. 
A heavy sigh fell from your lips as you pulled into the driveway. Guilt was so heavy in your stomach you considered sleeping in your house for the first time in weeks. The thought of washing your sheets before bed was enough to deter you from avoiding your beloved girlfriend. 
"Babe, I-"
Halloween costume. You needed to buy a Halloween costume. 
Billy and Tommy sprinted downstairs the second they heard your voice.
 "Look," Billy shouted, "Mom made us the costumes from that movie we watched!" He stood back and turned around to show off the details of his outfit. 
"Mine has my soccer number on it!" Tommy said excitedly while posing for you. 
You were initially appreciative of the costumes, but immediately became nervous when you realized that Wanda had found out you let them watch that movie. Warriors wasn't the most violent film, but Wanda had explicitly told you not to let the boys watch it. Of course, you were easily swayed by the cuteness of them and had let them watch it with you one night past their bedtime. You made them promise not to tell, but it appears the excitement of Halloween overpowers sworn secrecy. 
You quickly glanced up at Wanda and immediately noticed the mischievous glint in her eye. Your eyes didn't go any lower because you didn't trust yourself not to stare. "These look great," You crouched down to their level as if you were about to tell them some top-secret information. "You didn't hear this from me but Tony is only giving out full-sized ones this year.  Why don't you two run down the street and get some of those before he runs out of the foodstuff?"  You patted the boys on their back and sent them off on their merry way. "I swear I didn't mean-"
"Upstairs now, unless my puppy wants a third punishment tonight." Normally, she'd be kind enough to give you a warning or at least ease you into subspace, but she was on a mission today. She didn't wait long before following you up the stairs. The longer she left you unattended, the more time you had to pout your way out of trouble. "And here I thought puppies had good hearing."
You were actively fighting against slipping into subspace and trying to avoid arousal. Being a good puppy was your number one goal, but the threat of punishment made your body tingle. You were even more turned on by Wanda's costume made you feral. As beautiful as the nod to her culture was, your hands were just itching to rip it off.  "Sokovian fortune teller," You said while rubbing your hand against the fabric. It was like a succubus had invaded your mind. "You look pretty." The admiration in your eyes was nothing but genuine.
Wanda revealed in the compliments you gave her. It was nice to see you weren't scared to touch her anymore. "You can't wiggle your way out of this one." She squeezed your hand affectionately before dropping it in your lap. You had to be punished, no amount of puppy dog eyes could change that. "You're lucky I have a costume for you just in case, but I don't want to hear any complaints." 
Your eyes followed Wanda as walked to her dresser and pulled out your costume. "I'm sorry I forgot. I know they like Halloween, I just
I don't know what happened but I promise to do better." Your apologetic mood quickly turned into unease when Wanda turned around with your costume. "You want me to wear my collar in public?" 
"It's not your collar, just a collar." Wanda didn't bother arguing with you and wrapped the collar around your neck. She showed you the set of ears she bought for you. "But these you will be wearing later," She said with a smirk. The ears fit snugly on your head. "Oh, I bought you some teeth too!" 
You thought you were going to die from embarrassment.  Even though you were convinced no one would think anything of it, you still felt ashamed. "...are the fangs at least cool?" You mumbled. 
Wanda opened the box. She tripped the extra latex off the top so they'd fit in your mouth comfortably before handing them to you. "You're going to be the cutest werewolf in the whole neighborhood." She kissed your cheek only for you to fake a scowl and rub off her kiss. Wanda scoffed and gave you another kiss. "Those boys are starting to rub off on you in all the wrong ways."
You kissed Wanda back but still shrugged. "You said you wanted me to be more adventurous
they're bringing me out of my shell a bit."  Your tongue corrected the positioning of the fake teeth in your mouth before you stood up. "Well, we better go get those little rascals before they sweet talk Tony out of a whole bag of candy."
🕾 â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ©đŸ•ž
The rest of the night went on pretty well. 
Wanda was too late to stop Tommy and Billy from robbing Tony blind, but she didn't exactly have time to reprimand them for being greedy. You were snatched up and dragged around the neighborhood for most of the night. She couldn't keep up with the balls of energy she was grateful to call her sons. It worried her at first. The last thing she wanted was for you to get overstimulated or push yourself too hard, but you seemed to have everything under control. 
You were the one to slow down and check in on her this time. 
You walked back to Wanda with a sack of candy. "Are you okay?  I can get them to take a break if you want." The concern on your face was so genuine that Wanda couldn't help but laugh. 
Wanda giggled. "I'm fine dear, but thank you for asking. Just go back and have fun." She leaned to the side and examined the sack of candy you had on your back. "Is this your version of a dad tax?" 
You shook your head. "Nope, I have been pressured into abetting a robbery of all the people in the town." You held up the bag to show how full it was. The sack was already halfway full and the boys had only been out for about half an hour. "I guess between all the dads liking the costumes and the seemingly empty candy buckets they're racking up a nice stash." The boys had been dumping their collections into your bag to collect more candy and you didn't mind. Especially since they promised you 15% of their candy from the end of the night. "Your kids are scarily good at business." 
Wanda let out an amused sigh. "That's all Vision," She said. Her hand held yours as you two trailed behind the twins on their candy-collecting adventures. "...Are you doing okay?"  She turned to look at your face, searching for any signs of sleepiness or stress. "We can head home if you want." 
"Baby, I promise you I'm fine. Just let Billy and Tommy run themselves tired so we'll have an easy bedtime." 
Considering the rather complex system the boys had in place, it didn't take long for them to tire out. After two hours of trick or treating, you were carrying two very sleepy baseball-playing gangsters back home. 
Just as you predicted, putting the boys down for bed was as easy as pie. They didn't even throw a fit about having to take their face paint off, but you did promise to do a proper photoshoot with them in their costumes another time. 
Once the twins were adequately tucked in, you headed upstairs to start your nightly routine. You were going to only bother with some of the fancy creams and tools Wanda had bought you since it was so late. Just a simple face wash and a shower would do just fine. Or so you thought.
"Oh puppy, don't tell me you thought mommy forgot about your other punishment."
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cameronspecial · 2 months
A New Kind Of Normal (Part 4)
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Being Arrested
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.1K
Summary: Stella is now four years old and Rafe gets to celebrate that first milestone with her.
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Four years old. His little girl is four years old and Rafe finally gets to be there for one of Stella’s special days. He was quick to say yes when Y/N asked him to help plan the birthday party. She can swear he is more excited about the celebration than Stella as he pitches big and wild ideas. By the time May 17th comes around, she is able to talk him down from hiring someone to bring in safari animals to a Halloween-themed party with family members and daycare friends. With his excitement, the party also brings in the nerves of meeting Y/N’s family. He knows she told them the truth about him, but she said she explained how much he has changed for Stella. So he is a little on edge about what they are going to think about him and vows to himself to be on his best behaviour. 
Rafe finds himself setting up cauldrons filled with candies on a fold-out table in a black cat costume. Witch Y/N comes out to the backyard with a black cat-shaped piñata and a wooden broom. “If I was really being a bad boy, then you could’ve just told me. You don’t need to beat it out of me,” he jokes. Y/N giggles, heading over to the tree, “I don’t think any amount of spanking could turn you good.” His cheeks redden and he walks over to help her tie the piñata string around the tree branch when he notices her struggle. 
His breath falls on the back of his neck and his chest is flushed against her back. It takes everything in her not to take a peek at his abs that are on display thanks to his shirt lifting up. She looks up to watch him dangle the cardboard cat. He finishes up and looks down at her. They smile once their eyes meet. The moment is interrupted by Benedict coming outside with Stella in his arms. Her older brother notices their body language, “I hope we aren’t interrupting anything.”  “Mommy, Uncle Benny said he and me can throw paint at his walls tomorrow. Can I go, please?” Stella begs, not noticing the position her parents are in. Y/N and Rafe pull apart. Rafe holds his hand out to shake, “I’m Rafe, Stella’s dad. It’s nice to meet you.” Benedict shifts Stella to one arm and takes Rafe’s hand. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Y/N’s older brother, Benedict.” Rafe isn’t too sure what to say next, but luckily Y/N is able to break the silence. “Benny, can you help Rafe finish setting up? I have to get Stells changed into her costume,” she directs, leaving Rafe and Benedict alone with Stella’s pleas to go over to her uncle’s house tomorrow fading in the distance.
Unlucky for him, she says exactly what he doesn’t want her to, but he nods anyway. Rafe and Benedict keep working on the decorations. A few minutes later, a man, a woman and a teenager come out back; they all look like Y/N in various ways. The woman exclaims, “I can’t believe my grandbaby is already four.” The trio notices Rafe and freezes. Benedict is the one to rescue him, “Mom, Dad, Josh. This is Rafe, Stella’s dad.” Her mother and father give an unpleased look at him and he feels his heart deflate. He paints a smile on his face and holds out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N, Mr. Y/L/N, and Joshua,” he introduces, shaking all their hands. When her parents don’t say he can call them by their first names, he feels he didn’t make a good impression on them. 
Joshua gives him a smile that helps give him some hope, “It’s good to meet you. Stella has told me some great things about you.” At least, Y/N’s brothers seem to be okay with him. Y/N returns before the conversation can continue and everyone finishes putting up the decorations. 
The party is just beginning. Stella is running around the backyard with her friends while the adults talk to each other. None of the parents want to talk to Rafe because all they know is he was Stella’s absentee father up until recently and none of them are keen to learn more about him. Benedict is busy playing with the kids and Josh is talking to some of the parents. “Hi, sorry we are a little late. The ferry wasn’t on time,” Rose apologizes, placing a gift on the presents table. Wheezie and Sarah follow her actions and they all go looking for Stella. She spots the three Camerons arriving, running toward them. “Grammie, Auntie Wheezie, Auntie Sarah,” she screams. The little girl throws herself into the Cameron women's arms, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. 
Ever since Stella met her grandmother and aunts, she has been hooked on being exactly like them. She wants to be as determined as Rose, as kind to the environment as Sarah and as funny as Wheezie. While watching the scene, Y/N heads over to her parents. “You guys need to start talking to Rafe. I can see you guys are making him nervous,” she demands, giving them the disapproving mother look she mastered thanks to Stella. Her father gives her a questioning look, “How can we let him into our lives when we don’t know if he is here to stay? When we don’t know if he is going to break your and Stella’s hearts?” She understands her parents' fear. They were so supportive of her pregnancy and continuing school. They knew how much she struggled with the decision not to tell Rafe because of the rumours of who he was and with being a single mother in general. And it’s understandable that they don’t want to go through that all over again. However, Y/N has seen the effort Rafe has put into changing and her parents need to give him a chance to prove that to them. “Yes, he may have needed to get sober before he met Stella. But he worked hard to do so and I’m proud of him. Watch how great he is with Stella. It will show you how great of a father he is,” she promises. 
They take their daughter’s word into consideration and watch as Rafe approaches his step-mom, sisters and daughter. Stella jumps into her father’s arms, “Daddy, can I open my present from you, please? It looks so pretty.” Rafe hates to tell her no, but he knows what Y/N would want him to say. “Little witch, if it was just me and you today, then of course you can,” he begins to explain. “But we are at your birthday party and it would be rude to open just one gift at the beginning. Before we played the games, had dinner and cut the cake. I promise when Mommy says it is time to open presents, you can open my gift first.” The little girl takes a second to consider what her dad said. She nods her head and runs off to play with her friends. 
Y/N’s parents are impressed by how Rafe handled the situation. They can’t deny he was great with their granddaughter and decide they should apologize for how they were treating him. They approach him with a timid smile. “Mrs. and Mr. Y/L/N, is there anything I can help you with?” he asks, looking excited because he may or may not have overheard their conversation with Y/N. Mallory gives an apologetic look, “Please, call us Mallory and Winston. We are here to say sorry for how we’ve been treating you. We couldn’t see that you changed before. You really are amazing with Stella.” “You are and we’d like to get to know you more in a more suitable environment. How about you come over for dinner tomorrow?” Winston offers. Rafe is overjoyed with their sudden change, “I would love that. If it is not too much trouble for you guys, then I would love to make your family dinner at my place in the Outer Banks.” “Winston and I would love that.” 
Stella sits with her presents surrounding her. Her excitement to open them all warms everyone’s hearts. “Which one do you want to open first, Baby?” Y/N inquiries, looking at all the bigger boxes Stella will probably want to open. Stella picks a more medium-sized box, “This one is Daddy’s. He said I can open it first.” She looks at her mother to confirm she is allowed to open the gift and immediately rips the dark purple paper apart when she gets the confirmation. The paper beneath shows a lavender cardboard box closed with packing tape. She struggles with pulling the flaps of the box open and looks up at her dad with pleading eyes. “Please, Daddy, help me open it.” Rafe jogs over to his little witch and pulls it open for her. 
He wraps his arms around her waist to lift her up, so she can see into the box. She pulls the tissue paper out of the box and pulls out the fluffy black stuffed cat. Her squeal is deafening, but her eyes widen at the pretty Taurus constellation necklace the cat is wearing as a collar. Each star is a small diamond. Y/N’s eyes bulge at the sight as well, knowing the necklace is expensive. She wants to demand that he takes it back, but she doesn’t want to ruin this bonding moment between the father and daughter. “Daddy, can you put it on for me, please?” she questions, holding it up to him. He gives her a kiss on the temple, “Of course. I want you to remember how much I love you every time you wear it. And know that whenever I look up to the stars, I’m thinking about you, little witch.” 
“Thank you so much for watching her. Benny got into a little trouble and uhh
 he definitely isn’t in a place that I should take Stells. And my parents can’t get him because they are doing some college tours with Joshua,” Y/N thanks, getting ready to leave. She looks over her shoulder to see Rafe holding Stella in his arms, “Are you guys going to be okay? I know that this is the first time you are going to be watching her.” “We are going to be great! I promise I got this and if I need you, then I got your number,” Rafe guarantees, looking at Stella for backup. She gives him a grin, “Yeah. Now, go help Uncle Benny so I can spend time with Daddy.” Y/N shakes her head at her daughter chasing her out of her own house. “Okay, I’m going. Bye, I love you,” Y/N says, running out of the door. Rafe stops himself from returning her words when Stella cries out, “I love you too, Mommy.” He remembers that Y/N doesn’t love him, she loves her daughter. 
Once Y/N is out of sight, he closes the door and looks at his daughter. “So what do you want to do, little witch?” She gives it a thought before answering, “Let’s make popcorn and then watch a movie!” Rafe laughs at her excitement and brings them to the kitchen. He places her on the counter, so he can go looking for the popcorn. Y/N doesn’t have microwave popcorn, instead, she has just the kernels in a glass jar. He looks around for a popcorn machine, but it goes unfound. “Where does Mommy keep the popcorn machine?” he inquires, opening up a different cabinet to check. Stella gives him an inquisitive look, “Popcorn machine? Mommy makes it on the stove.” This makes Rafe pause because he has never made popcorn on the stove. “Do we really need popcorn? We can have chips instead,” he suggests. She shakes her tiny head, “We always have popcorn when we watch a movie.” “Okay, but you are going to have to help Daddy,” he gives in, taking the kernel jar and bringing her closer to the stove. He gets a pot, holding it up to his daughter, “Is this big enough?” 
“Yes, that’s the one Mommy uses. She uses the oil in that bottle and uses the blue spoon to put some oil in the pan.” Under her guidance, Rafe gets the olive oil and finds the blue spoon, which is a tablespoon measuring cup. He has to sneak a look at a recipe on his phone to check how many tablespoons of oils he needs, so Stella doesn’t think she is doing a bad job at explaining to him. She continues to instruct him on how to make it and when it starts popping he jumps a little. Stella giggles at her father’s fear, “Daddy, you got scared!” He exaggerates his surprise to keep her laughing. “I did. Can you cuddle Daddy to make him less scared?” he begs, moving closer so she can wrap her arms around his neck.
The popcorn finishes popping and he lets her put as much white cheddar topping as she wants. Rafe goes to examine their DVD collection and an unmarked box catches his attention. He pulls it off of the shelf, opening it up to reveal: The Love I Used To Have, starring Y/N Y/L/N. His mouth turns into a grin and he holds the box up to his daughter. “Do you want to watch this? Your mommy is in it,” he suggests to the toddler. Her excitement shines through and she jumps up and down while clapping. “Yes, yes. I want to see Mommy in a movie.” They get settled on the couch with her nestled under his arm. Stella pops some of the popcorn into his mouth and he has to stop himself from cringing at the amount of white cheddar in his mouth. “Hmm, this is really good, little witch. Good job,” he praises, giving her a smile. She grins at his words and eats some herself. He turns on the movie and they begin to watch.
The title of the short film fades onto the screen, disappearing to reveal the close-up of an eye crying. Rafe instantly recognizes it. How could he not when the image of those eyes rolling while he goes down on her is what haunts his dreams? Y/N’s eyes blink and the shot changes to a wide shot of her at a cemetery. “That’s Mommy,” Stella identifies with her finger pointed toward the screen. He kisses her head, “It is.” 
As the short film progresses, Rafe is blown away by Y/N’s acting talents. She is able to evoke the feeling of loss from him so easily and he truly feels like he is experiencing falling in love with her co-star and then losing her. He may not have lost Y/N in the same way as her character, but the emotion she displays makes it easy for him to match his loss with hers. It makes him want to ask her if she did have someone she loves die and if that is the feeling she is tapping into for this project. The movie comes to an end and he brushes his tears away to hide them from Stella. “Mommy is good at acting,” she whispers, looking up at her father, who can only nod in agreement. 
The rest of the afternoon turned into a Halloweentown marathon and halfway through movie number three, they had to pause for a second to wait for the food they ordered. Stella is held in his arms, playing with the gold chain around her father’s neck. “Daddy,” she catches his attention. He hums to show that he is listening. “Do you love me?” Rafe’s eyes stop looking out the open door to look at her, “Of course I love you.”
“Little witch, I love you forever and always.”
The elation in her eyes makes him happy and she rests her head on his chest with a sigh, “I love you forever and always too.” 
Y/N comes home to find Stella asleep in Rafe’s hold while his focus is completely on the TV. He is so invested in Return to Halloweentown that he doesn’t notice Y/N walk in. “How is Marnie going to get herself out of this pickle?” he whispers to himself. Y/N joins him on the couch, “Don’t worry, she will.” Rafe, for the second time today, jumps out of his seat, but a little softer with Stella in his arms. “I did not see you come in. Is Benedict okay?” he leans in to ask so as to not wake up the sleeping girl. 
“Yeah, he got off with a warning this time. The police just wanted someone to pick him up so he wouldn't do it again. The paperwork was a nightmare though.”
“That’s bureaucracy, Buttercup. Let me just help you get her to bed and I’ll head out.”
Rafe lifts himself off the couch and at the movement, Stella wakes up. “Mommy, you’re home,” she mutters in a tired voice. Y/N smoothes the girl’s muddy hair down, “I am, Baby. Why don’t we go to bed and say goodbye to Daddy?” Stella hasn’t forgotten her plan to help her father out with her mother and decides this is the perfect time to put it into motion. “But I want Daddy to sleep over. Mommy, it’s so late,” she draws out the last vowel. Y/N gives her a tight-lipped shake of the head, “I know, but Daddy has to go home, Stells.”
 “NO! I want Daddy to stay.”
“Stella Rachel Y/L/N. I said Daddy can’t. Now, go get ready for bed.”
Stella disobeys her mother and continues to cry her head off. Y/N starts biting her nails, trying to think of how to handle this situation. Rafe can see how tired Y/N is and wants to help. “I can sleep over if you want. I don’t mind taking the couch,” he offers. At her father’s words, Stella’s cries continued, “No, I want Daddy to sleep with me in Mommy’s room with Mommy.” He doesn’t know how to help Y/N with that. Y/N is too tired to argue at this point and gives in to her daughter’s wants, “Okay, he can stay with us.” Stella’s screams immediately stop. She gets off of the couch and goes to get ready for bed. “Did I just get tricked by my four-year-old?” Y/N ponders, turning toward Rafe. He gives her a shrug, “If it makes you feel better, I thought she was having a real tantrum.”
Y/N and Rafe stare at each other awkwardly from over Stella’s head. She had insisted that she sleep sandwiched between the pair and that they hugged each other while they slept. Rafe never thought he would be in Y/N’s bed; he doesn’t really know what to make of it, but he isn’t complaining. “I’m sorry she threw a tantrum and now you have to sleep here,” Y/N murmurs, smoothing down Stella’s hair. He gives her a smile, “It’s okay. I have nowhere to be tomorrow. Plus, I like being here for our daughter.” “That’s great. I know she loves it when you are here,” she confesses. His eyes find the ones that were on the TV screen a few hours ago, “How come you never tried to get your big break at acting? I know you couldn’t move out to LA or New York because of the diner, but you could’ve still sent out self-tapes.” “It wouldn’t have been practical with Stella. I needed a steady income and acting couldn’t provide me with the stability I needed for her,” she explains, fidgeting with her nails under the blanket. 
“But you are such a good actress. It is your dream.”
“It was my dream, Rafe. But I was going to have a baby and she became my priority.”
Rafe wishes that he could’ve been there when Stella was born, then maybe Y/N wouldn’t have had to leave her dream behind. He promises to himself that he will help bring stability to his little family so that Y/N can chase after what she genuinely wants in life. He goes to express that feeling but finds Y/N’s eyes closed. Her soft snores are an indication he isn’t going to get an answer. “I love you both. Forever and always,” he vows, kissing them both on the cheek. 
The next morning, Rafe is the first to wake up and he decides to make breakfast for his girls. He wants to help alleviate some of Y/N’s stress because that’s what one does for the people one loves. It may be a little early to say he loves her, but just being with her makes him happy and he has never felt his way before. He should ask her out on a date. Stella and Y/N find Rafe cooking waffles for everyone. Their little girl goes running to him and wraps herself in his legs. “Good morning, Daddy! Can I have some waffles too, please?” He moves away from the waffle maker, kneeling to return her hug, “Of course, little witch. I’m making food for everyone. Why don’t you go sit at the table? There is some bacon already there. This is the last waffle that I need to make.” “Okay. Thank you, Daddy! Forever and always,” she yells. She runs back to the table and Y/N gives him a confused look. “Forever and always? What does she mean by that?” she probes, coming closer to him. He looks over at her with a smile, “She asked me yesterday if I loved her. And I said forever and always. I guess that’s how she is saying I love you now.”
“Oh, that’s cute. You didn’t have to make breakfast, Button. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Buttercup. This may not be my house, but Stella is my responsibility too. Making sure she is fed is a part of my duties.”
The family eats breakfast in harmony with each other like they have always been together since Stella was born. She would do adorable things that would warm her parents’ hearts and they would do piney things that would give her hope. Y/N is washing the dishes while Rafe and Stella hang out at the table. “Daddy, you should ask Mommy out on a date,” Stella advises in a hushed tone. His eyebrow darts at his daughter’s words, “And what do you know about dates, little witch?” 
“Mommy and I watch lots of Hallmark movies. You look at each other like they do in the movies.”
“We do?”
“Yeah, and you smile whenever you see her. And try to touch her hand.” 
“Okay, I’ll think about it.”
Little does she know that her dad has already thought about it and is planning on doing it once her hearing ears are out of the room. 
Stella is in the bathroom, pooping as she announced to her parents. This leaves Y/N and Rafe alone in the living room waiting to see if she is going to need any help. Rafe finds the chain of his watch, playing with the link of the golden band, “I was thinking
 maybe we could go mini golfing sometime and then we could go to dinner.” “Oh, that’d be great. Stella loves mini golfing. She says it’s like a tiny world perfect for kids,” she informs, giving him a smile.
“Actually, I was thinking it could be a date.” 
Her smile falls and Rafe feels as though his world stopped turning. “Rafe, I like you. I really do, but I don’t think we should date,” she breaks his heart with those words. “Some people suggest that you shouldn’t date when you are just getting sober. It’s not that I don’t believe you will stay sober. It’s that I think it would be better to focus on your sobriety and Stella.” He quickly nods his head, wanting to move past this awkward moment, “Right, I understand.” “Yeah, you are such a great dad to Stella and I really appreciate the effort you put into being with her. I hope you know that.” Their daughter’s call for help with wiping her butt causes Y/N to leave him alone in the room. He knows what she said makes sense and he probably shouldn’t jump head-first into another new commitment. But it still doesn’t stop the sinking feeling in his stomach at her no. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @drewstarkeyswifehoe @kisstaya @magicalyoura @mp-littlebit @loverfu55ii @dark1paradise @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @alyisdead @emeloyy @js-a-writer @kisstaya
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the-travelling-witch · 10 months
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summary: after a quick stop by mostro lounge, you decide you can't leave octavinelle's students to their dreadful costume fate
pairing: jade leech x fashion savvy! reader
warnings: fluff/crack, a little suggestive at the end; just a small drabble to celebrate me getting jade's halloween ssr that appeared in my drafts before i knew what's going on
twisted wonderland masterlist
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“And now, pray tell, what is this supposed to be?”
“We’re mummies,” Floyd eagerly grinned back at you when you entered Mostro Lounge. “Pretty neat, ain’t it, shrimpy?”
“I guessed as much from the form you submitted to the Halloween management committee.” You surveyed the warzone of torn white fabric the lounge had become and then zeroed in on the octotrio’s ‘costumes’, wondering in which world a mummy looked like a plucked chicken. “My actual question was, why do you look like toddlers who rolled around in a bunch of toilet paper?”
“Come again?” Azul tried to hide his shocked expression behind his hand as he adjusted his wired glasses.
“You’re well aware that mummies have a body shape too, right?” Walking up to Jade, you started inspecting the damage and what part of this fiasco was still savable, bunching fabric between your fingers and pulling at white clothing shreds. “Under different circumstances I’d be rather impressed that you managed to erase someone’s figure altogether but, with the festival in mind, I can’t let this pass. I can’t believe you put my boyfriend in this, Azul.”
“It’s truly tragic, pearl, isn’t it?” Jade played along, sighing tiredly as he raised one hand to cup your cheek. When your face was pressed into his chest, his palm cradling the back of your head, he threw a wicked grin Azul’s way. “To think that after all these years of knowing and supporting each other, you’d make us wear this when we’re expecting visitors from far and wide
 I don’t want to linger on the thought.”
“Oh please, would you both quit being so dramatic?” Octavinelle’s housewarden rolled his eyes and massaged his temple before his shoulders sacked. “Alright fine, maybe the costumes weren’t our best work yet. Let’s hear your proposal then, Prefect.”
You hummed in contemplation as you studied the outfits again. “We can keep the striped shirts and the pants but we need decidedly more belts, a whole lot of them. And, if you know what’s good for you, then you'd better have untangled yourselves from the toilet paper looking crap by the time I’m back.”
“Wait, where are you going?” Azul asked as you were already halfway out of the dorm.
“I’m going to save Mostro Lounge!”
Upon your return, you were delighted to see the guys had followed your advice/ command and were waiting for you in only the long shirts and black trousers. When Jade saw you coming in, carrying a bunch of boxes filled with clothes and accessories, he quickly took them from you and set them down on the table next to them. 
“Thank you,” you smiled up at him, to which your boyfriend pressed a quick kiss to your temple. His brother did not hide the gagging noise he made. “Okay, let’s get to work. Halloween’s already drawing close and we’ll still have to make adjustments to the costumes for sure. 
“Here,” you said, digging through the cardboard boxes until you found the black shirts you’d been searching for. “Put these on. They should be roughly the right size.”
Turning around to let them change, you searched for the accessories you’d deemed the show-stealers. Brushing over leather, you hooked your fingers into the metal ring of a harness to hold it up. You really owed Pomefiore for this one.
“Oya, shrimpy, watcha have there?” Floyd’s amused lilt told you that he was pretty aware of what exactly it was. “You wanna catch yourself a fish? Or an eel, hmm?”
“I have to say, it is a pretty daring approach to a Halloween school costume,” Jade chimed in, one hand resting on his chin in contemplation but nonetheless smiling. “Not that I am opposed to it, of course.”
“Prefect, is this really necessary?” Azul shifted his weight from one foot to the other, looking at you but not quite into your eyes. “I mean I understand refining our apparel but this
“Azul, I’m making you marketable right now,” you said earnestly and with that, his azure eyes finally snapped to you. “Do you know how much potential profit is tied to this one little accessory? C’mon, try it on. You can still decide not to wear it afterwards. For now, just go with the flow.”
One by one, you helped them secure the straps around their torso, having Jade hold Floyd still enough to get it on him. You could see Azul fidgeting from the corner of your eye as you put the finishing touches on Jade’s harness, slipping two fingers underneath the straps to make sure it wasn’t too tight.
“Okay, let’s get the shirts back on, add some more belts, cut up the fabric and get this show on the road. I can basically see people banging down your doors already. I hope you can seat that many guests.” The last sentences were more so directed at Azul, in an effort for him to just let you do your thing. “I don’t have any sort of hat prepared because I frankly didn’t expect to save a dorm’s costume today but I’ll see what I can do.”
“My my, that does pose the question of where we’d be without you,” Jade chuckled affectionately. 
“Out of business on Halloween, apparently,” you sighed theatrically. “Well then, chop chop guys, I want to see the entire thing.”
After they all pulled their striped shirts back on, you added more belts around their hips and waist to give the outfit more shape but didn’t tug the shirts in to mimic a mummy’s peeled off bandages. All in all, it wasn’t the most elaborate costume but it did the trick and if you could put some finishing touches on it throughout the week, you were confident the lounge would attract a fair share of customers. 
“Alright, that’s it. You can go around and do some work or whatever just to get a feel for the clothes. Remember, you’ll have to wear them for the entirety of the festival, so I want to remove anything that might be uncomfortable beforehand. And Floyd, don’t drag those white sleeves through the dirt, got it? They should stay the colour they are now.” You sent the eel a warning glare and he held his hand up in defence, although the grin he didn’t bother to hide before he vanished to the Seven know where wasn’t reassuring. 
Azul had apparently already slinked back into his office, leaving you standing alone in the lounge with your boyfriend, giving you ample time to admire your work again. Seeing Jade in something like this was certainly something you’d been very curious about, with good right as you learnt now; the black shirt highlighting his muscle and the leather holding your attention were leading your thoughts down a very different direction. Something he must have caught on to somehow.
“Do you like what you see, pearl?” He teased, his grin showing off his sharp teeth as he studied you with mischievous interest. Maybe it was your imagination but in the dimly lit lounge, his left eye seemed to glow. “I cannot help but wonder why you’d extend your gracious assistance to us without wanting anything in return, not that I am not grateful of course. 
“Perhaps you merely wanted to seize your chance to put me into something like this?” He gestured towards the harness secured around his chest, his attentive gaze not flitting from your face for even a second. “You know you need only ask if you have any more
 fantasies of this nature.”
“I— It’s nothing like that! You make me sound like some pervert,” you protested, although, to your embarrassment, he wasn’t completely wrong. But, seriously, who would pass up a situation like this? “Anyway, don’t you have anything to do? You’re usually busy around the clock.”
“Oh, I have something very important to do,” he grinned down at you, taking a step closer to you, to the point you had to take one back, until he could crowd you against the bar. Now that he had you right where he wanted you, his hands smoothed down the sides of your body until he could place his hands on the back of your thighs to effortlessly lift you onto the counter. It happened so fast, you let out a surprised yelp and braced yourself against his chest, to which he merely chuckled. 
“And what would that work entail?” You questioned as you ran your fingers along the straps of the harness spanning his broad chest. Looking up you saw his attention already on you.
“Under normal circumstances it would require me to get out of these clothes. But, per your request, that is currently not possible.” Leaning into your personal space, his lips brushed over the delicate skin of your pulse point, his breath fanning over the base of your neck as he lowered his voice to a whispered husk. “I am fairly certain though, the same restrictions do not apply for your clothes, my precious pearl. I can definitely work with that.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
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imagining-in-the-margins · 7 months
CM Office Party Challenge 🎉
The following are prompts including an Office Party! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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🎊 Prompts 🎊
It’s a BAU kid’s birthday!
The BAU throws a ridiculously large/lavish bridal/baby shower.
It’s rare that the BAU gets to celebrate the return of an old team member.
The team hardly believes it when Character A agrees to dance with B.
After sharing sad prom stories (or lack thereof), Penelope throws a BAU prom.
It’s characters first Missed Holiday Meal (MHM). It’s also the first time a holiday meal actually felt like home.
The team discusses holiday traditions. Characters decide to try a few out.
The FBI is throwing a family picnic. The playful competitions get a little
It’s the anniversary of the BAU. The team throws a party to celebrate the greats.
Penelope planned a Murder Mystery party
 with a bunch of criminal profilers. Great. (Bonus if a non-profiler wins)
The BAU has been dealing with a lot of stress. Penelope plans a day at a pottery shop so everyone can make something. It causes even more stress.
The team pairs up to play the newlywed game. Someone starts to notice that, despite not being partners, A knows the answers to every question about B

Rossi is finally (actually) retiring. The party brings together friends that haven’t seen each other in years.
An anniversary/award brings back old team members. There used to be a time when they couldn’t fathom a week away from one another, but they haven’t spoken in years.
More Prompts Below + Create your own! 🎉
Each team member has to find an obscure holiday to celebrate (pi day, random acts of kindness day, unicorn day, etc.). Character goes above and beyond.
Character has very surprising responses to Never Have I Ever. They have even more shocking admissions.
There is nothing that a bonfire can't fix.
Characters are stuck at a party, but they can't stop thinking about each other (based on "Dinner & Diatribes" by Hozier).
Characters always find each other. Even at a masquerade, when their faces are almost entirely covered.
A party is the perfect place to see a new side to your coworker.
🎄 Holiday Specific Prompts 🩃
Halloween prompts / Winter Holiday prompts
It’s time for Penelope’s Halloween Party! Someone comes in an
 unexpected costume.
The single members of the team decide to host a lonely hearts club dinner on Valentine’s Day. Two people leave together.
Characters end up beneath very suspiciously placed mistletoe at the holiday party.
Character accidentally started an ugly Christmas sweater tradition which somehow turned into a contest.
After an awful case, the team comes back on Christmas Eve to find that Penelope has gathered their loved ones and quickly decorated the BAU as a surprise.
Character only wanted to reveal that they are someone's Secret Santa at the BAU Christmas Party but they end up confessing a lot more than that.
🎂 Dialogue Prompts 🍰
"... Surprise?"
"What are adults supposed to do at a kid's birthday party. Does anyone actually know?"
"Whatever you do, be sure to avoid the food. I don't know who made it, but it's awful." "Oh, it uh... it was me."
"If you help me win, I'll owe you one great big giant favor."
"I just never saw you as a... party type of person."
"I think you're bluffing." "Am I?"
"You are the last person I expected to have attended clown school. I figured your clownish nature was inherent in who you are."
"So, if you had to guess, who do you think is going to drunkenly confess their love for someone else at this party?"
"The year is over. Did you accomplish everything you hoped for?"
"I fucking hate balloons."
"What's the point of a fridge on the jet if not for a celebratory drink?"
"If we're stuck here all night, we might as well have fun."
"I love you. I do. But you are a terrible Santa."
"Next time, I'm in charge of the karaoke mic."
🎈Rules 🎁
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
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loveswrites · 8 months
Pumpkins Please Billy Loomis x Stu Marcher x reader
Pumpkins Please Billy x Reader x Stu
Word count: 1397
Time it Took me: 1 hours 30 mins
To my loves: It was so obvious that stu and billy would win for our celebration of 300 followers! I wrote it that same night so I've had it in my drafts for 6 days now. I was thinking if I should wait till the poll ended but we reached over 300 followers before it even did, So here you go loves! Enjoy! Thank you for the support. It makes me so happy you guys enjoy my writing as it is all I want to do in life.
Love <3
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“I wanna carve a pumpkin.” You pouted.
“Why don’t we just crave someone up instead.” Billy smirked playing with the tip of his knife. 
“I already have the pumpkins at my house. You wanna carve em here or there?” Stu said dropping himself on the bed making you and Billy shake with the bed. 
“You didn’t tell me you bought pumpkins.” Billy said, narrowing his eyes at Stu.
“Do I have to tell you everything?” Stu laughed out.
“Yes.” You and Billy said in unison. 
Stu started to laugh but slowly stopped when he realized you and Billy were not joking. 
“I just thought I should have them at the house since you know it is halloween. You know our favorite holiday.” Stu said, looking in between you and Billy.
“It’s not my favorite holiday mine is-”
“Christmas.” The two boys groaned, making you smile.
“The moment September 1st came along you were running around here yelling out ‘It’s christmas!’” Billy mocked you but you could see the slight smile in his cheeks as he recalled the memory. 
“It’s a lovely holiday, what can I say?” You smiled rubbing your socks together. 
Billy stroked the sides of your waist with his knife sending a shiver down your spine. He did this often. To both you and Stu. Still would often get cut most of the time cause he'd always laugh or move too much. But you trusted Billy to never leave a mark on you and he never did. Never has. 
Billy had three favorite things. His knives. His girl. And his best friend.
“Do we have to go to school tomorrow?” You questioned as Stu rubbed your legs while he stared up at the ceiling.
“You wanna skip again? Something on your mind, pretty girl?” Stu questioned. 
“Is someone bothering you? I can handle that, you know.” Billy said with stern eyes as he watched you respond.
“No no none of that I’m fine and no ones bothering me. I just don’t want to go and talk to people you know?” You said, stressed by the thought of even being in that building. 
“When do your parents get back in town?” Billy asked, putting his knife on your nightstand after taking one last long drag against your skin that sent tingles throughout your body.
Your parents had left for a business trip so you invited your two boyfriends to keep you company because why not? They weren’t doing anything before you called anyways.
“Sometime next week. It might get extended depending on some things. They told me I could go with them as always but I wanted to stay.” You said snuggling into Billy’s side.
“I would’ve left. No school and a free trip as a replacement sounds fun right about now.” Stu said, making you smile knowing that he wouldn’t just leave. He’d make sure that you and Billy were able to come as well. No matter if he wanted to admit it or not Stu couldn’t live without Billy nor you. 
Looking up at Billy who had his eyes closed you know he couldn’t live without you or Stu also. He wouldn’t admit it but he shows his love in crazy ways. Rather that’s spray painting the sides of buildings to pulling pranks on literally anybody to actual crimes. Billy has killed for you and Stu. If someone hurt one of you two you either never saw them again or saw them in the news the next day. Same if it was reversed with Stu but Stu doesn’t really clean his tracks very well so it’s mostly just Billy. 
You wondered if loving them made you a bad person. You wondered if keeping their victims a secret made you a murder. You wondered if not feeling a drop of remorse made it seem like you have the knife in your hand. 
But at the end of the day you didn’t really care because at the end of these dark sad thoughts all you saw was Billy and Stu. The two crazy boys who were in love with you. The two boys who showed you the world and would kill anyone who got in the way of your happy fairytale. You just prayed that they wouldn’t be the one to ruin your love story. 
You woke up the next morning feeling relaxed and refreshed. This made you just up and check the time. 1:24 pm. Shit you thought I missed damn near all of school. Rubbing your eyes you noticed that your bed was empty. Where did they go? Getting out of your bed you walked downstairs. Hearing voices, you followed them to the kitchen.
“Dumbass! the butter goes first, did you not read the box?” Billy snapped hitting Stu in the back of his head with said box. 
“You didn’t say that!” Stu said, trying to defend himself as he wiped his cheek leaving some flour in its place making you smile. 
“Maybe if you looked at the box I wouldn’t have to say it!” Billy fussed back. Stu opened his mouth to say something but that's when you decided to make yourself known.
“So are you two gonna bicker all day or tell me what you're doing?” You questioned walking fully into the kitchen.
“Baking you some cookies. Again..” Stu said, making you frown your eyebrows.
“Again?” You questioned.
“Stu burned the first batch.” Billy said, rolling his eyes.
“I did not! They just cooked a little bit longer than the rest.” Stu finished.
“Burnt.” You and Billy said in unison. That was happening a lot more often than usual. 
“We just wanted to do something nice for you before you woke up.” Stu said sneezing all over the batter when he rubbed flour on his face.
“What the fuck Stu!” Billy yelled while you just turned your nose up at the fact that he just sneezed on the batter.
“It’s fine. I’m not hungry. Like at all. I just wanna carve pumpkins okay? That’s it.” You said shifting your eyes between Billy and Stu.
“I’ll go get the pumpkins then.” Stu said starting to move, making you and Billy scream out ‘No!’.
“No! I’ll do it,  just stay here.” Billy said, shaking his head as he walked past you but not before giving you your ‘morning kiss’.
“You keep touching me I’m gonna throw pumpkin guts all over you.” You yelled out. Stu’s elbow kept touching yours as he attempted to show you how to carve your pumpkin.
“I’m trying to help you! You're doing it all wrong, trust me I do pumpkins.” Stu stated as if he was some kind of Pumpkin master.
“You do pumpkins?” You laughed out, tightening the grip on the knife in your hand.
“Shut up if I did you’d be jealous of the pumpkin.” Stu said, rolling his eyes. 
“As if, Who wants to sleep with you?” You questioned going back to cutting your pumpkin.
“You!” Stu said laughing as if that was the funniest thing in the world.
“Only on holidays.. Billy gets Monday through friday.” You said poking your tongue out at Stu to which he leaned in and bit your tongue making you jump back squealing in surprise. 
“Good thing Halloween is coming up.” Stu grinned. 
“Billy, he bit me!” You pointed at Stu with the knife in your hand. Billy pointed down to your pumpkin that was hanging on for dear life. 
“You need help, you keep cutting it like that there's not gonna be any pumpkin left.” Billy said, smirking, making Stu laugh.
“Shut up, it's perfectly fine.” You said going back to cutting pieces of the pumpkin.
“As if.” Stu snickered, earning a handful of pumpkin guts to the face.
“Hey!” Stu yelled out. 
“That’s what you get your lucky I didn’t throw the whole pumpkin!” You yelled.
“What pumpkin?!” Stu yelled back making you gasp.
“Billy!” You yelled.
“God.” Billy said, holding his head in his hands still with the knife in his hand. All he could hear was you two fighting with each other
He was in for a long bumpy ride if he wanted to be with you two forever. But watching the two of the most important people in his life bicker made him realize that he would kill any bump in that road to make them happy.  
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ozzgin · 7 months
Prehistoric! Reader going trick or treating with Baki and the twins or something ion know or prehistoric reader and pickle seeing someone dress up in that blow up dinosaur costume please tell me you know what I’m talking about 🌚 anyway love ya stuff
I was wondering how to make everything Halloween themed, and then I thought this would actually be a nice opportunity to bring Pickle home instead. Everything would be decorated as if it came straight out of the Cretaceous. Everyone shows up as a particular dinosaur. As the idea hit me I became very nostalgic and remembered my favorite Disney movie, Dinosaur. So I made it a Dinosaur Halloween. :’)
Baki Headcanons: Prehistoric! Reader goes Trick or Treating
Special Halloween Edition 🎃 featuring the Baki characters and our recurring prehistoric reader! Also the kids.
[More Prehistoric! Reader]
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It’s Spooky Season and Baki wants to introduce the prehistoric family to the ghoulish fall holiday. Truth be told, however, he’s not quite sure anymore just how much of the effort is for the twins and how much is for his own enjoyment. He feels like a little child once more, giddy with excitement as he plans costumes and activities.
Honestly, it’s rather impressive how involved the fighters are. Then again, how often might one have the chance to witness ancient humans reacting to modern celebrations? You’re not entirely sure what all the agitation and shuffling is about, but the men have reassured you the kids will enjoy it. Pickle himself is also terribly curious.
Baki has gone as far as to convince multiple people to actively participate, so when the time comes most of the men are costumed themselves. He guides you and Pickle by the hand and the twins are running around you in circles. (Professor Payne has, by the way, exhausted all praise regarding their fast motor development) What better place to improvise a haunted house, if not the beloved Underground Arena? Doppo Orochi is waiting at the entrance in a T.Rex costume, holding the head under his arm. He found the idea terribly funny, attempting to recreate his first encounter with Pickle back at the enclosure. You immediately recognize the suit and chuckle at the memories. As the twins surround the older man in awe, it dawns on you that they never had the chance to see an actual dinosaur. The smile you had earlier is now tainted with a pang of melancholy.
Following Doppo’s train of thought, Jack has attempted to reminisce his sneaky trespass with an aquatic theme. You won’t catch him dead in an actual suit - where would he even find something for his massive size? - but nonetheless he’s improvised a t shirt with a Mosasaurus print. The children’s attention is now drawn to him. He exchanges a glance with his younger Hanma sibling and reveals a bag containing mysterious garments. Jack excuses himself briefly, retreating with the twins, and brings them back shortly afterwards. Except this time they seem to be wearing some squeaky appendage filled with air. Both you and Pickle observe with raw fascination. It looks like they’re riding a small dinosaur, but their actual legs are underneath the strange costume. Pickle claps his hands, impressed.
Inside the Arena, Retsu and Katsumi are putting together the final details. There are tables overflowing with food, sweets, drinks and carved pumpkins. There’s an eerie atmosphere coming from the decorations, yet the overarching theme is not of the horror realm. You stop in your tracks and your mouth hangs open in surprise. There are artificial trees and ferns scattered all over, making the arena look like an actual jungle. Among the greenery you can discern the outline of a massive Argentinosaurus, its long neck reaching just below the ceiling. A small pack of feathered Velociraptor cutouts is placed further ahead. It looks like they’re chasing something. As your eyes follow the scene, you spot an injured Pterosaur, dragging its large wings behind. Everything is static, a snapshot frozen in time, yet you can almost hear the wailing croaks and the shuffle of the claws hitting against the ground. You can suddenly smell the moss, and feel the humidity on your skin. For a mere second, for a fleeting moment, you’re home.
Something jolts you back to reality and you notice Pickle’s hand on your shoulder. He has a worried look on his face and you realize you’ve been tearing up. It’s nothing. You shake your head to reassure him and his eyes narrow in a smile, similar to yours. He’s been thinking the same thing. Your ears are abruptly pierced by a shriek and both of you turn back in a panic. The kids are screaming in excitement, running away from Baki that seems to be imitating a Triceratops. Katsumi comes to their defense, squatting low in his costume resembling an Ankylosaurus. A fitting choice that allows him to showcase his powerful whip, using the clubbed tail of this sturdy, armored warrior.
“Pretty decent work, huh?” Old man Tokugawa approaches you and Pickle with a wide grin. “We can’t let the kids miss out, can we? I had a whole team prepare everything under the guidance of Professor Payne.” He hands you a small, empty bucket. You’re confused. “We might not have any real dinosaurs for you to hunt, but I’ll show you something similar. It’s called trick or treating. Let’s see what we can find in this fake jungle.”
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leafofkudzu · 7 months
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Happy Halloween, everyone! The first Saturday of November is next week, which means it's time for another art party hosted by my guild, [VS] Verdant Shield! And, since that's also the last Saturday of GW2's Halloween celebrations, let's combine the two into our first official themed party!
The theme for November's [VS] Art Party will be Halloween! Bring your spooky best, be that a costume for a 'normal' character, or an existing character who already fits the theme!
For those who aren't familiar with art parties, they're a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Grab your character of choice and head to the location, find someone who catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
I'm putting this above the cut this time for emphasis: please note that due to EU rolling their clocks back a week before NA does, this month's party will NOT have the usual 1hr space in between, and for those in NA who will be attending the EU party, it will be one hour LATER than usual because of this. Otherwise, if you're only attending one party, things should happen at the same time that you're already accustomed to! Thanks for your understanding!
Now, as always, details and /squadjoin info below the cut!
Location Details:
I had to fight myself to not put it in Lion's Arch, but since I do still want to have it in a Halloweeny setting, we'll be using the small Halloween display in Queensdale as our staging area! Simply head to the Village of Shaemoor Waypoint, mosey a smidge southwest, and you're there!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we usually do, we'll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones. However, as was mentioned before the cut, since EU will be rolling their time back a week before NA, we'll be forgoing the hour-long break in between to ensure that both parties happen at their usual respective times. This may lead to some awkward transitions from one to the other, but even if I'm not at the NA party yet, feel free to start setting up shop without me and I'll join you as soon as I can!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 4pm Eastern Daylight Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Runa Gravemourn for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (aka 12am Central European Time or 1 hour before in-game reset). This one I’ll be hosting on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Shrouded Horror for an invite.
Closing Words:
Going forward, should an art party overlap with an in-game festival, it'll probably be safe to assume that another themed party will pop up, just to shake things up a bit. This means we might see a Wintersday themed one in the next few months, hmmm....
But anyway! To anyone who has or will come out to these events, thank you so much for making them so special and fun! These events are all about you guys, and even though I don't chatter much during them I'm always glad to be around to help organize the chaos. Here's to another memorable party - I'll see you gets next week! ♄
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moon-alight · 9 months
Hi can I request a K (&team) headcanon when you guys move into youre own appartment and how Would Living with him be like thank you So much ♀♥
Hey! I'll only do the Hyung Line for this one since I cannot imagine the maknae line moving in with someone lol
&Team Hyung-Line moving in with their s/o
Warnings: one mention of sexual intercourse (only slightly), fluff
Word Count: 706
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-Moving in meant some organizing and he did not count on that many clothes coming from you
-Honestly, he was prepared to give you half his closet space but it was clear you needed more so he bought a new closet to store your stuff in
-He often comes home from work at unholy hours like 3 AM or 4 AM and if he sees you on the couch, he both melts as well as gets incredibly annoyed at you
-When you wake up he would say things like "You know the couch isn't comfortable enough to sleep on" or "don't stay up for me, it is not good for you."
-Cares about you a lot but this also means you argue sometimes about the stupidest things
-He just wants you to be safe and happy and you're fed up because he always tries to tell you how you should do things
-You work it out quickly though
-He likes to order food to the house whenever he is not home just so you know he thinks about you
-Will die whenever you cook for him (this man already bought a ring lol)
-Enjoys being able to hold you every night and tell you about his day even though you're already asleep because he came home at 5 AM
-On one hand he is very happy about you moving in with him, on the other hand he is afraid that he's rushing things (so assure him a lot)
-I am a sole believer Fuma is the cleanest from all the &Team members which is why he has organized e-very-thing!
-He even made space on the bed for your stuffed animals (which he finds oh so adorable) and even gave you a welcome home present
-Loves shopping with you for small things to add to your home like plants or plates that are pretty or maybe even a random duck which you put on the fireplace
-He is the one that constantly back-hugs you everywhere around the house.
-Also the one to have fucked you on every surface in the damn house
-Enjoys cleaning days because you're both just annoying one another with bubbles (which is also why he loves doing the dishes together)
-Definetely has one of those doormats outside which says 'home sweet home'
-If ya'll had a dog it would say 'bone sweet bone'
-Just the cutest lol
-The menace of the &Team hyung line members
-Would love to watch horror movies together now that you live in the same house and purposely make you scared so you cuddle up to him more.
-Loves it when he wakes up in your shared bed knowing he can wake up like that forever.
-He was also the one to suggest you two live together in the first place.
-Whenever something breaks and need fixing he tells you not to call the plumber/mechanic/electrician but he can do it himself instead
-Cue to him getting electrocuted and you calling the electrician anyway
-He's very sulky after that but just ignore him
-He would also suggest drinking nights or game nights which involve drinking just so you can spend the next day together hungover
-It is never boring with him but please prevent him from doing shit himself because he will get hurt
-So, so, so excited to finally be able to live with you together
-Takes you to IKEA to buy new furniture and makes you choose whatever you want because he trusts your taste in interior design
-You build the furniture together and absolutely get into countless arguments because of it
-You always make up though and whenever the furniture is done and completely put together, you celebrate with your favorite food.
-Also has a doormat but his one says 'Enter the Upside Down'
-Loves to decorate for halloween or christmas and definitely scares children when it's trick or treat
-He is the second cleanest on my list so expect him to always make sure the sheets on the bed, the dishes and the floor are clean
-Enjoys buying small things for the house with you and has an entire fridge filled with magnets from places he has visited on tour
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Halloween party đŸŽƒđŸ‘» (part Colby x y/n)
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AUTHORS NOTE 📝 : so you guys voted for me to write this one I’m here it is. It’s a bit longer than the others I write but I’m still pretty proud of it. Let me know your ideas please. I’m kinda running out of ideas 💡. Anyways I worked hard so please like. 👍
CONTENTS: fluff, party, drinking, creepy guys (they don’t do anything though) smut (but not a lot bc I cut away)
To celebrate Halloween and the end of a successful hellweek. Sam and Colby are a having a Halloween party. Of course I came I use any excuse I have to hang out with my boyfriend Colby. And I absolutely love Halloween. Just because I didn’t have a costume doesn’t mean that I couldn’t dress festive.
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When I get there it’s crazy packed. I see Sam and Colby in the crowd however and meet him.
“y/n I’m glad you came. Happy Halloween” Sam says
“you look really hot” Colby tells me after sam walks away to talk to someone
“you do too” I smirk as we join the party. We mingled and dance for a bit. I kept thinking about how Colby looks so hot in his shirt. They had some sort of alcoholic punch. The party was getting really wild. People we’re making out in the hallway and getting very drunk. I heard a breaking of glass from another corner of the house where a fight broke out. People we pushing each other into the pool. And outside there was a keg stand. There were so many people there it was massive. The punch was really good but I have no idea what was in it. “Colbs can you please get me another drink?”
A few minutes after Colby left two men came up to me. Neither were very attractive and one of them was clearly drunk.
“hey baby” one of them said “how you doing?”
“fine” I answered flatly
“come on, come upstairs with us” the other man said slurring his words a bit.
“I have a boyfriend!” I angrily replied
he grabbed my hand “well I don’t see him” I started to pull my hand away but he held on tighter.
“He right here” Colby said in a low angry tone. he was seething.
“woah there pal, we haven’t done anything”
“Colby, let’s go” I say pulling him away to his room where we can talk quietly. He sat on his bed and I sat next to him.
“Are you mad at me? You know I don’t like him. I told him I had a boyfriend.
“No it’s just.” He sighes “I love you y/n and it’s hard for me to see people look at you like your an object”
my heart swelled with love “oh colbs” I wrapped my hands around his neck. And I kissed him. He responded my deepening the kiss and running his fingers through my hair. I grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him roughly. He then started to attack my neck with hickeys. They felt so good. It was amazing. I get on get lap and take off his shirt. I run my fingers down his chest. He eagerly takes my shirt off and rips my bra not able to wait another moment. He then crashes his lips into mine in a very heated kiss.
(listen to this when you read the chapter idk how to get it so it’s not just a preview but listen to it from beginning)
When I wake up my legs are so incredibly sore. I get up and steal some of Colby’s pjs. His flannel pants and t-shirt. I inhale the smell of the t-shirt. It smells like him. It was comforting. He got out of the shower
“Oh your awake. How do you feel?”
“after last night? Incredibly sore. I can barely walk”
He laughed ”should we go assess the damage?
There was absolute carnage. Majority of the poeple made it home safely. But there was still a lot of drunk people passed out in the hallways. There was glitter everywhere, and don’t ask me why I don’t even know. The beer cans and bottles were scattered everywhere.
“all right all right everyone out!” I said as I woke them up from their trance. I had to bust some people out of closets where they had hooked up. As everyone was waking up I went and looked in the mirror.
“aw fuck” I whispered as I looked at the massive amount of hickeys Colby had given me. But I still don’t regret it. Once everyone was Finally out we and Colby wiggled up to each other to watch a movie. It was a scary movie to celebrate Halloween. But I didn’t feel scared at all. Not with Colby’s arms around me. With him I feel safe and protected. He kisses me warm and tender. It’s sweet and I don’t want this moment to end. And for a very long time it doesn’t. For the rest of the day we sit together watching movies. Content in each other’s company.
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nycbaby21 · 9 months
happy one year
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Prompt: you and Alex celebrate your one year by going public
word count: 2,731
“Baby, are you here,” Alex yells into the apartment. I was snuggled up under a blanket on the couch watching some Halloween baking show. “Living room,” I yell back pausing the show. My eyes flick upwards and I spot him walking towards me with a huge smile on his face. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss and I hear gagging from behind us. “Hello to you too Trevor,” I laugh at the taller boy. “Oh didn’t even know if you guys knew I was here or not,” he says dramatically flopping down in the middle of the couch. 
“I just walked in with you dumbass,” Alex groans walking into the kitchen to grab plates for dinner. “You really make him happy ya know,” Trev says reaching over and taking the remote hitting play. Then he takes half of my blanket. “Sure make yourself comfortable,” I joke rolling my eyes at him. “He makes me really happy too ya know,” I say looking at my boyfriend of almost one year walking back into the room.
He passes out the food and slips into the space behind me, pushing Trevor down some. “Missed you today,” he smiles giving my forehead a small peck. “I missed you too,” I smile up at him. “You guys know when you act all lovey and coupley it makes me regret introducing you,” Trevor says leaning up so I can see him. “Whatever. You love us you dork,” I say while throwing a fry at him. He may pick around with us, but Trevor was one of the biggest supporters of our relationship. So many times he believed in us more than we did.
Almost a year ago today I was walking out of the Honda Center heading home for the day. “Y/n. Wait up,” I hear someone yell from behind me. I see Trevor coming towards me and Jamie walking slowly behind him. “Hey, guys. What’s up,” I ask leaning against my car after I put my camera bag in there. “Well, I’m glad you asked. We are throwing a little Halloween party this year. And we couldn’t invite our favorite media girl,” the taller boy says leaning against my car. I look between the two,” I don’t know guys. It’s sweet for the invite but I’m just not a big party person.”
“That’s okay. Jimmy here isn’t either. You two can be little antisocial butterflies in the corner together,” Trevor says throwing an arm around Jamie who ducks making him stumble. I laugh at the pair of friends. “You don’t have to. But we would really like it if you came,” Jamie smiles over at me. I look back over at Trevor who has puppy dog eyes and a pout. “Okay I guess I could stop by for a little,” I say and am pulled into a hug by the older boy. “Z let the girl breathe,” Jamie says whacking the back of his head. “Okay, I’ll send you everything. And wear a costume,” he says running off to his car.
I pulled the skirt down for the third time tonight as I walked up the driveway to the guys’ house. “Would you stop messing with it? You look hot,” Harper, my best friend and roommate says slapping my hand. “Harp half of my ass is almost hanging out,” I whine walking up the steps to see the door already open. “Exactly Y/n. It’s Halloween for once please dress your age,” she says pulling me through the crowded house trying to find the guys. I was too indecisive to pick something to wear so she did it for me. We were both wearing red mini skirts and an Incredibles crop top. 
“Y/n. Harper. Just the people I was looking for,” I hear Trevor say from behind me. I turn around and see him dressed up like a doctor. “Kind of simple don’t ya think Z,” I tease him. “I’ll have you know I’m McSteamy from Grey’s Anatomy. And Jimmy here is McDreamy,” he says throwing an arm around his roommate. “I had no choice in the matter,” the latter sighed pushing Trevor off. “Well, I didn’t either,” I say fiddling with the skirt again. Harper slapped my hand again. “You guys look great. Oh sorry where are my manners,” Trevor starts and I laugh at him and he rolls his eyes at me,” This is Alex. A buddy of mine from back in our Team USA days. Sorry, Jimmy.” We all laugh at his constant running joke of beating him before they were teammates. “Nice to meet you, Alex,” I smile shaking his hand.
He was really cute and I was almost glad I let Harper dress me tonight. He wore a very simple Top Gun costume and sunglasses on top of his head. “Yeah you too,” he smiled and Trevor hit him in the side signaling Harper holding her hand out too. He blushed and quickly turned to greet her as well. I look up and Trevor is wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes at him and Jamie looks between us and hits him for me. “Thank you, Jame,” I laugh. “Ouch! What was that for,” he said rubbing the spot. “You know what that was for,” I said pointing my finger at him. He leans forward and bites my finger.
“Trevor,” I yell pulling my finger back. “Oh please that didn’t hurt,” he smiled at me. I held up my finger and looked at it and then him. “You are so weird Trev,” I say shaking my head. “Dude you left teeth marks,” Jamie says reaching forward and looking at my hand. I raised my eyebrows and hit because there weren’t any marks. He gave me a wink and I didn’t say anything seeing what he would do. “Y/n. I am so sorry I didn’t know. I swear I was just playing,” he says rushing forward. “Here bite me back,” he says pushing his finger near my mouth. “What? No, Trevor, I don’t want your hand in my mouth. Stop you, weirdo,” I say trying to push him away from me. Alex bursts out laughing and Trevor stops and grabs my hand. “That was mean,” he says going after Jamie.
The two boys weave in and out of the crowd and the three of us laugh. “I don’t know how you have been friends with him so long,” Harper says looking at Alex. “You know I ask myself that sometimes,” he laughs shaking his head. “Oh my gosh! Y/n! It’s Drew,” she said hitting my arm. “Where? I thought he left for tour with his band,” I say with a sarcastic tone. She leaned over and tried to hit my arm but I ducked behind Alex putting him in the middle of us. His eyes shifted between us and he laughed. “You are just jealous. Drew is in a band and he is really good,” she says explaining him to Alex. “Ask her the name of his band,” I say taking a sip of my drink. Alex looked towards her and raised an eyebrow.
“It’s a Good Band Name,” she responds not making eye contact. I laugh behind my cup and Alex looks confused. “Okay what is the good name,” he says and she lets out a huge sigh. “That’s is. The name is literally a Good Band Name,” I say smiling over at her. “Okay yeah. It’s not the best but they can really play,” she says trying to justify her latest hookup's profession. “No yeah I am sure they are really good,” Alex says smiling down at her. “Thank you, Alex,” she says and I bust out laughing and he joins. Harper finally gets the joke,” I hate the both of you.”
“Harper I thought that was you,” Drew says coming up and pulling her into a deep kiss.  I roll my eyes at him and Alex looks over at me. I just nod my head. He pulls away from her and looks over at me. “Oh hey Harper’s roommate,” he said nodding over at me. I smiled at him and finished my drink. “Well, it’s so good to see you Drew. I hate to leave good company but I need another drink,” I say sending her a smile grabbing Alex’s hand and pulling him into the kitchen. “Harper has an interesting taste,” he says handing me my drink and fixing his own. “Oh, you have no idea,” I laugh and thank him for the drink.
“So how did you and Z meet,” he asks leaning against the cabinet next to me. I step a little closer to hear him better over the loud music. “I’m an intern at the Honda Center. I am a photography major and getting hours and work experience with the Ducks. And Trevor likes the camera so we made quick friends,” I laugh. “That does sound like Z,” he says looking down at me. I smile at him and his ears turn pink. “Are you any good,” he asks finishing his drink and throwing it away. “I mean I hope so, since I wanna make it my career,” I laugh throwing mine in the sink.
“Well how about you show me some of it and I’ll tell you if you are good or not,” he says trying to keep a straight face. I laugh and roll my eyes. “Deal. But I get to see you play hockey to see if you are any good or not,” I stick my hand out for him to shake. He steps forward and takes my hand shaking it gently. “It’s a date.”
“Baby. Baby. Are you okay,” Alex’s voice snaps me out of the memory. I look over at him and hum in acknowledgment. “Yeah sorry. I was just thinking about when we met,” I smile over at him. “You are so cute,” he says leaning down and kissing my forehead. “Oh my gosh. I need a girlfriend,” Trevor says getting up and walking to the door. “Bye Trev,” I yell as he yells back,” I’ll see you guys tomorrow night at the party.” I smile thinking about our first Halloween as a couple.  “He may be annoying but I owe him everything,” Alex says putting our plates on the table. “Yeah why is that,” I tease cuddling into his side. “Because he gave me my everything,” he whispers before connecting our lips. I can’t help but smile at the kiss.
“I love you, Lex,” I say pulling back and putting my hands on his face.  “I love you too Y/n/n,” he smiles putting his hands over my wrist. “You are still waiting for tomorrow to find out our costumes,” he laughs and I groan and throw my head back. “Just a little hint,” I ask poking out my bottom lip trying. “No maa’am. You said I get to pick them because you lost the bet,” he smiles pulling me back into his embrace. “It’s not my fault Cole is weirdly good at Twister,” I groan and lay my head on his chest. 
“Lex, are you almost done? I still have to get dressed and I have no idea what I am wearing,” I yell and hear him shuffling around in the bedroom before finally walking over to unlock the door. He was wearing a plain white dress shirt and black dress pants. He looked hot not that I was complaining, but I was very confused. “What are you supposed to be,” I asked walking into the room and sitting on the bed. “Oh sorry, silly me I forgot the most important part,” he says and ducks into the bathroom returning with bunny ears and a puffy white tail on. I laugh at him so hard when he turns around and shows me the tail.
“I’m a playboy bunny,” he smiles proudly at me. I stand up walking over to him. I smooth down his shirt and stand on my tiptoes. “You are a very hot playboy bunny,” I say kissing him. His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me in deeper. “So if you are a bunny, what does that make me,” I asked pulling away from him. “Well, I wouldn’t be a bunny without my Hugh Hefner would I,” he says pulling out a silky red robe on a hanger with a black bodysuit, fishnets, and a captain’s hat on a hanger. I laugh at him and take the hanger. 
I stood in front of the mirror adjusting the hat on my head when Alex walked in. “Holy shit you look hot,” he says as his eyes rake down my body. “Hand me the robe please,” I say turning to face him. “I mean do you really need it,” he asks pulling me into his chest. “You want me to wear only this in public and in front of Z,” I counter raising an eyebrow at him. “Robe it is,” he smiles giving my nose a small peck before wrapping me in the robe. I throw on some solid black heels and walk towards the living room.
“So I was thinking,” he starts when I cut him off,” uh oh.” He pinches my sides coming up behind me and putting his head on my shoulder. “Anyway before I was so rudely interrupted, I was thinking about posting us for our one year today,” he says while kissing my neck. I quickly turn around and stumble a little due to the heels. “Really,” I ask throwing my arms around his neck. “Yeah. I know we wanted to keep to just ourselves and close family and friends. But I wanna show off my girl,” he smiles his adorable little smile. “I love that idea,” I say moving away from him and setting down my phone.
“Okay I set the timer for ten seconds,” I smile running back over to him and tucking myself into his side. We take a normal one both smiling and then another one of me kissing his cheek. “I’m so excited,” I gush pulling up Instagram and picking one of us smiling holding each other, and posting it. “Okay done,” I smile up at him. “Me too,” he says locking his phone and wrapping me in his arms. “Okay if we don’t leave now we may never leave so let’s go,” he says pulling me toward the car. He opens my door for me and I give him a kiss,” Happy one year Al.” He looks down at me with nothing but love in his eyes,” Happy one-year pretty girl.”
Yourusername and _alexturcotte  
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liked by: _alexturcotte, colecaufield, ellenhughes, and others
Yourusername one year w/ my favorite playboy bunny
load more comments
colecaufield: looking good bunny boy 
_alexturcotte: đŸ«Ą
Yourusername: sure does
_alexturcotte: happy one year baby ❀ i love you
Yourusername: i love you lex 
jamie.drysdale: favorites 🧡
Yourusername: jame! ur my fav too
Trevorzegras: excuse me
Jamie,drysdale: she said what she said
trevorzegras: omg cute couple! wonder who set it up 
_alexturcotte: idk some random drunk guy at a party
Yourusername: love you z
Trevorzegras: this is why I like her more
Jackhughes: cannot believe you talked him into this
Yourusername: nope all him
_alexturcotte: don’t give her my credit
Jackhughes: i have so many questions
Lhughes_06: go best friend đŸ„±đŸ„”(respectfully)
Yourusername: baby hughesy! I love you the most (don’t tell al)

Trevorzegras: it’s okay you still have me
_alexturcotte: yay 😐
Trevorzegras: rude 
Jackhughes: i still love you Z 😘
Harperusername: hmu when you are ready to leave him 😉 
_alexturcotte: sorry not gonna happen
Harperusername: she was mine first
Yourusername: don’t fight over me i love you both
Lhughes_06: not more than me though
Liked by yourusername
Fan1: okay but why are they so cute!!!
Fan3: right like I wanna be her so bad! She’s gorg
Liked by yourusername 
Fan2: uhm forget wanting to be her I wanna be himđŸ”„
Liked by yourusername 
hater1: ew she isn’t even pretty wtf
Fan1: are you blind?
fan3: a year! they look so happy 
Liked by yourusername 
hater 2: she should’ve been a puck bunny
Hater1: right like she is literally all over luke and jamie
Lhughes_06: you never had friends before?
Liked by yourusername, jackhughes, colecaufield, trevorzegras,_alexturcotte, jamiedrysdale, quinn hughes, and harperusername
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6rookie-writer0110 · 8 months
Too Close
America Chavez x GN Reader
Request - Could you write America Chavez x GN Reader?
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America decided to stay on Earth-199999 and she will be trained by Dr. Strange. You became friends with her and you spent more time with her almost every day. But she started to develop feelings for you, but she hasn't told you. She does smile more when you are around her and she tries to flirt with you but doesn't go well.
“So, Halloween doesn't exist on your Earth?” You asked.
“No. So why do people celebrate Halloween?” America asked.
“Just to have fun. Some people like to wear costumes and go to parties and everyone gets free candies also people just like the treats” You said.
“That doesn't sound boring. Why do people ask for candies?” America said.
“It just became a tradition to ask for candies. Oh, you should celebrate Halloween! We can wear costumes” You said.
She starts to think about it.
“Okay!” America smiled.
“Awesome” You smiled back at her.
While walking to the store, she starts to talk about her training. She is getting stronger but has a lot to learn, you can see that she has a strong bond with Dr. Strange. While in the store, you two start to look around and you help decide what to wear. You got your costume but she hasn't decided what to wear. It took a while for her to pick a costume but she finally did it. Later, you and America went to get something to eat. She starts to ask what makes you attracted to someone and you start to tell her. But you didn't notice that she is into you.
✫ ✯ ✫ ✯
It's Halloween, and you are dressed as Sully from Monster Inc. America is dressed as Luigi and you take a selfie with her. You went to a party with her and Peter is happy to see you and America.
“Who are you dressed as?” America asked.
“I’m dressed as Han Solo from Star Wars” Peter smiled.
“What is a Han Solo?” America asked.
“Y/n, please tell me that she is joking,” Peter said.
“On her earth, Star Wars doesn't exist,” You said.
“Well, that explains it. Okay, Star Wars is about-”
Peter started to ramble on about what is Star Wars. But America got confused she didn't understand who are the characters or what is a jedi.
“Peter! Next time, we will show her the movies. Breathe and let's take a break from talking about Star Wars” You said.
“Okay. There are drinks and food in the kitchen” Peter smiled.
“Okay,” You and America said.
You and America are starting to have fun. Wanda and her kids are at the party, Wanda isn't after America or Dr. Strange anymore. Wanda just said hi to you and America then walked away.
“So no more fighting?” You asked.
“No. We worked it out and she doesn't hate me” America said.
You don't dance but America tries to convince you to dance.
“Come on, Y/n it will be fun,” America said.
“I don't know how to dance,” You said.
“It will be fun, Y/n,” America said.
“Okay, fine” You smiled.
She tells you to let loose and just have fun. You are starting to hesitate and she gently grabbed your hands. You start to dance and you are feeling very nervous about it, but she encourages you to keep dancing. You and America keep smiling at each other while dancing.
Later, you and America went to get something to eat in the kitchen.
“I’m really liking Halloween,” America said.
“That’s good to know,” You said.
You and America are standing very close to each other. She leans in and kissed you on the lips, she gently put her hand on your cheek and kept kissing you. She pulled away and you are speechless, it felt like your heart was beating much louder than the music.
“Y/n, I really like you a lot. I wanted to kiss you for so long” America said.
“Wow... America I-I”
“I get it, you don't feel the same way,” America said.
She started to walk away fast, she is leaving the party. You start to chase after her, then start to use her magic to leave but you grabbed her arm and pulled her towards you.
“America, I have feelings for you too. When you kissed me... I was caught off guard but I liked the kiss” You said.
“You mean it?” America asked.
“Yeah, I mean it. I wouldn't lie to you about my feelings and I want to kiss you again” You smiled.
“Me too, I want to kiss you again” America smiled.
She wrapped her arms around you and you start to kiss her.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” America asked.
“Yeah, I would go on a date with you. Wait, does this mean you are my girlfriend?” You said.
“Yeah, I will be your girlfriend,” America said.
You kissed her again and she starts to smile then she kissed you back. But, you leave the party with her and went to get pizza. While walking to get pizza, she would hold your hand. You and America can't stop smiling about what just happened.
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xsezzie · 8 months
TickleTober Day 11 : Pumpkin
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Characters: Solomon & Simeon (or romantic if you want to see it that way)
Warnings: Nah
Pairing key: & = platonic, x = romantic!
Solomon can't cook for shit but his cooking always has magical powers for some reason...? At least that's what I remember when I played this game LOL
“Oh, come on Simeon, trust me! This will be the best pumpkin pie you have ever tasted!”
Solomon grinned happily, stirring the
 “food” he was trying to make. Simeon could only look on in horror as it began to turn a dark purple colour.
 why don’t we let Luke do the Halloween baking? You know he would uh
 love the opportunity to improve!”
The angel was nervous. Why did Diavolo allow Solomon to join the cooking team for the upcoming Halloween celebration!? Simeon needed to come up with some sort of way to save everyone.
"Hmph... I can help too you know!"
Ah, everyone was doomed.
Later that evening, Solomon and Simeon had finished up their duties. After completing his pumpkin pie, the human had left to go set up all the tables, thankfully not cooking anything else. Simeon felt bad, he could see Solomon was proud of it, but there was no way he could let anyone, not even Beel, eat it.
But maybe it was okay? What if the pie was not toxic despite its looks? Maybe he could sneak a taste

And sneak a taste he did, Simeon gently took a piece of the whipped cream, or at least that’s what he thought it was, and licked it off his finger.”
 this is quite nice
 wait what!?”
Did he just think it tasted nice? No no this has to be some trick.
Simeon tried another little bit of the cream, and it did in fact taste nice.
“Ah Simeon! What are you doing!?” Solomon caught the angel red handed.
Simeon turned his head around and stared wide eyed - oh. He can feel it now. There was something wrong with the pie after all, and it was not the taste. It was the weird powers Solomon’s food always came with.
” The brunette couldn’t fight it now.
“What? What has gotten into you? First you start eating my pie and now you are looking at me funny
” He pouted.
The urge was overwhelming despite only having a small piece - “I am going to tickle you.”
“Huh-HEY!” Solomon cried out as Simeon punched on him, wrestling to pin his arms up.
“I’m sorry
 it must be done
 I must tickle you
“Wait wait what why!? Aaah!!! S-Simeohohon!”
Simeon successfully managed to pin the white haired boy's arms up with one hand and used the other to poke his exposed armpits to see if he was ticklish.
“Oho? What do we have here?”
“Ahahah! What are you doooihihihing! Stahahaap!”
“I cannot, I just
 have this awful urge to tickle you
 I blame whatever weird things you put into that pie or yours!”
“I-I didn’t do anythihihihiiing I sweahahahahahar! Aaack!! Simeon!!”
The brunette had let go of his arms now and dove both hands into his armpits, causing Solomon to throw his head back with even more laughter.
 heh, seeing you like this is quite amusing my friend~ You’re always so sly, maybe this will knock you down a peg.”
Simeon smiled, almost maniacally, as the white haired boy continued to squirm under him.
“D-Don’t make me call Asmo hahahahaha!!!”
“I think Asmo would love to join me~”
“What’s this about me~?”
Simeon stopped tickling as soon as the familiar voice of Asmodaeus was heard behind him.
“Are you playing tickles without me~ How could you!” Asmo pouted.
 hey Asmo
” Solomon gulped nervously.
 please try some of Solomon’s pumpkin pie
 and tell me what you think
 I just tried some right now and I need someone else to test this
Simeon noticed as the fifth born looked terrified at the idea of eating Solomon’s cooking, but the fact that someone else had already tried it and was living in front of him to tell the tale made him curious.
He approached and also swiped a bit of whipped cream from the pie, licking his finger in curiosity. “Huh
 why is this good
 I don’t see what the big deal is- oh.”
Asmo stared at Solomon and Simeon on the ground, the human looking up in fear. “Ohh~ Hehe
 I see now Simeon
 I too have this strong desire to just tickle my dear Solomon
 perhaps we should continue together~?”
 please Asmo NOHOHOHOOO!!!!”
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ppnuggie · 8 months
Apologies for the previous asks
For the Rung ask And the slap a note ask, will you still be able to do them with human reader please? And the bots in both use a holoform, so they are the same size as the human
I'm sorry once again
      RUNG x gn reader
    『 rung ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> picnic date w/ rung <3
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, lil crack ,, bro experiences sour lemonade
  — its alr :D but please keep it in mind if you request in the future :3 i only did the rung one because i didnt rlly understand the other request . made it a oneshot ,, feel free to reblog or give any comments / feedback ! <3 i enjoy reading them and seeing my work spread !
        it wasnt quite like earth ,, but it was still nice . being here with rung and introducing him to some customs from your world . and it had been a minute since you'd last gone on a picnic . air warm with a chill breeze rustling against the organic plants covering the ground . almost like grass ,, yet less itchy and more soft . not to mention the vibrant purple color . the sky was green ,, a contrast to the rest of the planets warm colored flora . almost reminding you of halloween in a way ,, with its greens ,, purples ,, and oranges . when was the last time you had celebrated halloween ? or been to a halloween party ? you couldnt even recall how long youve been aboard the lost light ,, with how much things have happened .
" (y/n) ? are you feeling alright ?" his hand settled on your shoulder ,, voice smooth and soothing to your ears . it was nice ,, having someone to care and check up on you for once . being aboard the lost light ,, the most you would get for that would be from the medics making sure you didnt break a bone doing something silly and unthought of . " yeah ,, just taking in the sights ." you smiled to the man ,, rung ,, your hand coming to meet his on your shoulder . the psychiatrist nodded with a smile ,, picnic blanket by his side as you both started to walk up the hillside . it wasnt too steep ,, yet it did pose a bit of a challenge .
his hand slid off your shoulder ,, yours following in pursuit and entangling with his . slim fingers tucked in between your own ,, his hand more warm than yours . how such a little gesture made your heart pick up ,, feeling your face heat as you treasured the feeling . it had been too long since you had felt the touch of another ,, let alone a human . even if he wasnt really human ,, it did heal your lonely and touch starved heart . the need and want of another starting to fill slowly the longer youre with rung . its almost as if all your worries fly away ,, out the window to never bother you again .
" this seems like a good spot ,," you muttered ,, setting the picnic basket and taking the blanket from rung . " can you hold the other end ?" you asked ,, waiting for him to grab the corners . you walked backwards and started to lie the blanket on the soft grass ,, placing the basket over in the middle of it . " i've never been on a picnic before . i must thank you for inviting me ,, (y/n) ." rung hummed ,, opening the basket and pulling out the goods from inside . there wasnt much ,, just some sandwiches packed with some fruits that had been previously cut . a couple of plates and two glasses ,, a pitcher of lemonade to go with . " its nothing really ,, im just glad you even came along ." you replied ,, setting the plates out and grabbing a sandwich for yourself . rung picked one up curiously ,, interested in it . " what might this be ?"
" its a sandwich . the outside is bread and inside is peanut butter and jelly . theres other kinds if you dont like that one ." you shrugged it off ,, biting into your own sandwich . rung examined it ,, lifting the top bread up a bit before putting it back down . he took a bite ,, letting out a hum at the taste . he's only had energon his whole life ,, or other versions of energon . there wasnt much of a flavor to it ,, but experiencing this was quite intriguing for him . it made him wonder what the other things youve brought along would taste like . would it taste sweet ,, like the sandwich he was eating ?
        you poured a cup of lemonade for him ,, holding it out so he can grab it . rung didnt waste a second ,, taking a small sip and taking in the different flavors . it made his 'tongue' tingle in a bizarre way ,, his eyes scrunching up . though the tang left and he was left with a sweet aftertaste . " too sour ?" you asked with a giggle ,, forgetting that sometimes lemonade doesnt suit everyone . " is that the word for it ? then yes ,, i suppose so ." rung set the drink down and continued to munch on his sandwich . you had already finished yours ,, munching on a couple of grapes that had been packed .
        " what are those ?" rung asked as he swallowed his bite ,, pointing towards the grapes in your fingers . " theyre grapes ,, a type of fruit . try one ,," you said and placed a plump grape into his open hand . " theyre not as sour as the lemonade ,, i promise ." he nodded ,, putting it in his mouth and chewing . it wasnt sour but its wasn't exactly sweet . the crunchiness soon turn into a mushy mess ,, swallowing the supposed grape . he soon finished his sandwich ,, and looked to where you laid on the blanket . " what are you doing now ?" he asked ,, setting down beside you . your hands found each other ,, entangling once more with each other . his hand warmed yours ,, a pleasant feeling with the breeze cooling your skin .
        " looking at the clouds and seeing what they look like ." you hummed ,, raising your free hand to point at one . " that one kinda looks like magnus's grumpy face ,," you snicker to yourself . rung nodded ,, smile placed lightly upon his lips . " that one sort of looks like those ,, what are they called ? ofu ?" he raised a brow in question . " its ufo ,, and yeah it does . what if it is ?" you looked over at him in surprise before laughing to yourself . " what if they're here to abduct you ?" rung widened his eyes a bit before shaking his head . " i hope not ,," he unlaced his hand from yours and cupped your cheek . " i couldnt bare to be apart from you ,," he whispered before placing a kiss on your lips .
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delopsia · 6 months
del 💓 you said “rhett wants to jump straight to putting up the christmas tree and related decor, and bobby has to fight for his life to keep it at bay” and it got me wondering if this is how things go in the floytt household? 😂 do robby and reader kind of bend to rhett’s will and desires a lot of the time? does he pout for things and butter them up with kisses and hugs and soft-drawled pleas, or has he just taken to independent freedom and happiness so hard that he just starts doing things and neither reader nor robby have the heart to stop him—except where winter holiday decorations are concerned? 
omg and not to encourage rhett 😂 but what does the floytt family christmas tree look like? 
first of all, real or fake? i have a feeling that someone is allergic and thankfully knows it so decorating and subsequent celebrating goes off without a hitch...
is it rhett-sized or much shorter? the thought of any of them being taller than their tree is a little hilarious to me...
is it pine green or white / vintage colorful? can christmas-loving rhett appreciate wacking aesthetics from the 60s or is he a red and green traditionalist?
colorful lights or white lights? random collection of ornaments or matching cohesive store bought? i know what i think, but i wanna hear what you think 😌 
are they tinsel garland people? or popcorn string people?
do they make it a whole affair, putting it up and decorating? are they playing music while they eat seasonal snacks and sweets from the grocery store? omg do they bake cookies? i think christmas is the only time of year that rhett will eat non-fruit sweets and desserts, but robby says it hardly counts because everything still has a tendency to be fruity or vanilla, not to mention most of it is candy cane flavored! 
rhett ends up eating all those (i don’t know if you know what i’m talking about because they might be regional or generational [omg] but i hope you do) vanilla snowmen stick-less ice cream bars on him in retaliation *cue tackling in 3, 2, 1* 
and please don’t stress too hard about the void au đŸ„șâ˜ïžđŸ’•đŸ’
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aaaa! omg hello 💐💕
It...it is...
A majority of the time, Robby is just fighting for his life in this household. He has his set dates for when every holiday celebration should begin, how early is too early, and what the best day is to take down the decor...and Rhett is simply fueled by the sheer power of vibes. It drives Bob mad. There's no order! If Rhett could have his way, Halloween decor would be out in August, Christmas would be up November 1st, and it would stay up past Valentine's Day.
But his excitement is so damn contagious. How is anyone supposed to say no when Rhett's got a Santa hat held between his teeth as he digs through a box in search of their matching candy cane keychains? Bob tries for all of half a second, but then Rhett's looking up at him with those big, confused puppy eyes, and the effort flies out the window.
Usually, it ends in a compromise of baking Christmas cookies the day after Halloween and getting out the small things. But the tree stays put away until the day after Thanksgiving. It is not coming out any earlier than that. But there was that one year when he was away on deployment, and Rhett convinced the Reader to get it out in early November.
Bob's still (jokingly) annoyed about that, by the way.
I could have sworn that somewhere around here, I mentioned Bob having a pine allergy...but I cannot find it to save my life. A part of me likes to think that Rhett grew up having a real tree every year, and now he's just perpetually confused about the whole fake tree thing. Why does it feel like that?
dfkjgh the concept of using Rhett as a unit of measurement is so funny to me 😭 there are two trees. The first one came about the first year in the house. With the chaos of getting settled in and work getting in the way, Christmas took a weird place on the back burner, where it was high on the list of things to do but kept getting pushed off. Rhett's knee was hurting him, Bob and Reader went off and got sick twice, and all of a sudden, it was December 3rd and they had no damn tree. So Bob, mid-sickness, bought one online.
You can imagine his and Reader's surprise when they came home to find Rhett in the living room, staring down at the frailest tree they'd ever seen. Fully set up, fluffed, and leaning over because the tree topper was too damn big. It didn't even have lights!
The joys of no-return policies and not reading the fine print.
Twas a true Charlie Brown Christmas. That poor tree had to sit in the corner because it would just...fall over. Reader looked at it funny one afternoon, and the damn thing dropped dead.
But the second tree is a completely different story. The high ceilings in the living room allow them to get away with virtually any sized tree, and one way or another, they wound up with a ten-foot-tall tree (Which is the only thing stopping Rhett from getting it out by himself). They had their choice between a regular green and a flocked tree; the Reader was the deciding factor on which they got. It's got the fancy color-changing mode because nobody could decide on colorful or light.
Bob usually sets it on white, and then Rhett passes by and sets it to the blinking rainbow setting. It's a quiet war every year.
The ornaments start out cohesive, but the next year, the Reader finds their decor that went missing during the move, and things slowly start to randomize. Some fall and break. The trio finds adorable new sets of ornaments that weren't out the year prior, and the aesthetic falls into adorable disarray.
The only consistent decor is the topper. An adorable animated biplane that Nat gifted them. Always happily spinning at the top of the tree and will only ever be replaced if they inexplicably discover a version with an F/A-18...
I don't know if this counts as a Christmas tree, but there's a two-foot-tall rainbow tree in the kitchen that Rhett inexplicably came home with one day. A gift from a well-meaning boss who doesn't quite get the whole "just because I'm married to two people doesn't mean I'll only accept Pride-themed gifts" thing. It serves as home to all the weird ornaments that get collected over the year.
A chicken wing ornament simply does not belong on the main tree...
With three people, the tree gets busy a little...fast...so the tinsel garland makes an adorable appearance on the staircase banister. Usually matching the wreath on the front door.
It's an entire weekend venture! Saturdays are reserved for the tree-related fussings (getting a ten-foot tree out of the attic is a hell of a venture), and Sundays are for the general decor. Wreaths, knick-knacks, stockings over the fireplace, various figurines, and the stuff in the front yard. The three deer are the first to go out there, because, one way or another, each member of the household is represented by one of the deer. One might or might not have an old pair of glasses hot-glued to its face...
Festive music is a must! Rhett's still got some CDs that he used to play in his truck, and once those have been played out, it switches to whatever playlist someone has made. Sometimes, they'll take a break and head to the grocery store for some seasonal snacks out of the bakery section, but a lot of the time, someone has already brought some home. There's an adorable bakery on the route home, and it's so hard to not stop at.
Baking cookies, omg. Bobby's momma gifted them a 12 Days of Christmas Cookies recipe book, and every year they go through it. They try to bake one set every few days, but every once in a while, something happens, and like four types get baked in a day. Rhett's partial to KoƂaczki (Polish filled cookies), and Cowboy Cookies. Who could have guessed. Bob is a simple man who would commit a crime for Danish Butter Cookies. Please don't ask how many blue tins he owns. He's lost count.
But nothing can come between these two and their mints. Buttermints, candy canes, those soft peppermint puffs that are sold by more brands than I can count but always seem to taste the same. They're insufferably minty until they run out of mints after the New Year. If it's mint, they're eating it.
I swear I have seen these vanilla snowman bars somewhere! I know I've never had them, but they looked so damn familiar when I looked them up. They absolutely get rationed out because otherwise, Rhett will eat them all in the span of two days.
But then there was also that year when Bob brought home a couple boxes of them, and Rhett moved them out to the garage freezer because they kept falling every time he opened the door. Except, he didn't tell Bob, so that coming Friday, Bob came home with more.
Rinse and repeat until he cracks and asks how Rhett and Reader have eaten so damn many so fast, and Rhett realizes what happened. That may have been the longest wrestling match they've ever had.
In better news, they had enough snowmen to last till Spring.
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