#so apologize in advance for grammar errors
silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Whenever she wants (Hyunjin) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Hyunjin x f reader
Summary : A nice dinner with friends ends in a heated night for you and your husband.
Genre/warnings : Fluff plot with some (long ass) context, ends in smut. Unprotected sex (don't do it you fools), some mutual touching, f oral receiving, coming inside (with a purpose ;) but no breeding kink per sé) STRICTLY 18+
Word count : 5.4 k
A/n : This a sequel to my Baby Fever one shot, but it can also be read as a standalone, you decide <3. This one has been requested by a few people, so I hope both you and them enjoy it!
ps: There could be grammar errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
Part 3
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It was a cold evening in the middle of winter season, end of November to be precise. One of Hyunjin's favorite football teams, which also happened to be one your best friend's husband favorite too, was playing tonight. You weren't exactly an expert in the matter, but according to your husband, it was gonna be a big night.
So, in the end, you all decided to go out to have dinner together. You've already been to that pub before, it was a quite small but very nice and cozy place owned by equally nice people.
You friend texted you a couple of hours before, informing you that a few other people would be joining you. She apologized in advance, expressing her slight annoyance, but she also mentioned how these people essentially took her husband's mention of his plans as an invitation.
You were in fact a little annoyed too, but responded quickly not to worry about it and that in any case the men would've been busy freaking out and being loud away from your table. You knew that neither Hyunjin or your friend's husband were gonna be the type to lose their shit for a sports match in public, so you didn't really care.
Around seven pm you and your husband were ready to go. You turned around to pick up your bag and saw him getting out of the room's bathroom, fixing the dark gray wool sweater's cuffs. His black hair were tied in a half up ponytail, shiny and soft looking. His look was completed with black fitting jeans, gray sneakers, and a silver metal watch that matched the buckle of his leather belt.
He must've felt your gaze on him, so he looked up and smiled sweetly while picking up his long coat from the hanger.
"Are you ready?" you ignored his question, jokingly crossing your arms to your chest, barely hiding a smirk.
"Don't you think that you look a little too good?" he huffed out a laugh, finishing to button up the dark coat. He then walked towards you, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
"Not as good as my wife. Shall we go?" he retorted. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the cheesy response, but nonetheless you still smiled.
"Yeah, sure, let's go"
In about fifteen minutes you reached the pub. The parking lot was quite busy, you noticed. Hyunjin rested his hand on your back as you walked towards the entrance, and slid it around your waist to pull you closer when you had to make your way in between the standing people and the tables.
You were looking around, trying to find your friends, until you heard your husband gasp dramatically and remove his hand gently from your back. You turned your head and saw a small baby, followed by his dad, running clumsily into the arms of the man who had now squatted down.
"Woah look who I found! If this isn't my favorite nephew!" you laughed at his funny tone. The boy fell into Hyunjin's arms, only for him to pick him up, walking back to his dad.
You followed suit, the baby smiled at you, babbling your name and reaching his hand out. You scrunched up your nose in a smile, grabbing the little hand gently and saying hi back.
"Thank you for catching this scoundrel. I almost lost him about three times in the span of twenty minutes." you both couldn't help but laugh at his 'tired dad' tone, and gave him a quick hug.
"He's a little runner, this one" you replied, eyeing your friend's slightly zoned out expression. You couldn't help but bite back an amused smile. She really wasn't enjoying whatever conversation the other 'extra' people at the table were having and it was quite obvious, to you at least.
"Heard we're having some extra company." your tone was ironic as you slightly nodded you head towards the table. There must've been around ten people in total, some couples among them too. Your friend's husband huffed, giving you an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry, guys. I happened to mention our plans to one colleague and suddenly everyone and their damn partners decided to tag along for some reason." you put your hand on his arm for a second, reassuring him that you were kidding. You knew he was too polite anyway to even try to say something.
"It's alright. Let's just go- wait where's Hyune?" you both looked around and found him standing near a big aquarium, the almost two year old still in his arms. He was pointing at something, talking to the baby who seemed hypnotized with the bright lights and colors of the fish.
You couldn't help but smile and stare at them, forgetting everyone else for a second.
"Oh thank God, you're here. I swear if I have to listen to one more word about your fuckass boss-" your friend had joined you, making her presence quite clear. You blinked a couple of times, coming back to reality and turning to give her a hug.
"Of course it's the boss talk at an off duty dinner." you replied, ironically. She smiled in amusement, shaking her head. She must've noticed Hyunjin and her son, because her eyes softened and a 'aw' left her mouth.
"He really is perfect, isn't he?" she commented, clearly trying to mess with her husband that instantly pouted.
"What? But what about me? Your own husband?" he was obviously playing along but the interaction wasn't any less funny for that.
"My husband, just had to chase around a eighteen months old for three times in a row." she stressed the words "My husband" just like he did, making you laugh harder.
"But he's lucky both me and him love him very much." she concluded, kissing his cheek. Hyunjin had started to walk back to you, the child suddenly walking on his own legs again, holding his hand for support.
"But maybe he likes his uncle Hyunjin better, uh?" she said again, her voice high pitched and in baby talk mode. She bent down, opening her arms for her little boy that giggled and called out her 'mommy' adorably. Her husband comically sighed at his wife's teasing but quickly smiled, pinching gently his son's cheek.
Hyunjin was also smiling brightly at the sight as he joined your side, wrapping his arm around your waist, kissing your head softly. You resisted the urge to nuzzle his neck and instead patted his chest gently, following with "C'mon, let's go meet these colleagues. Or they'll think that we want to avoid them."
"I wish." Your friend jumped slightly to adjust the baby in her arms, rolling her eyes.
You ended up joining the rest of the people at the table, introducing yourselves to everyone. The dinner proceeded quite smoothly, with you and Hyunjin mostly keeping to yourselves.
Not for any particular reason, but you didn't know them, and besides, your friend wasn't totally wrong when she said that all they were talking about was work and topics related to it. You did get a few questions though, especially nosy ones.
"So, how long have you been together?" one of the women asked politely. She was probably one of the more quieter ones, and you could tell that she just wanted to make some small talk.
"We have known each other for some time, but we've been actually been together for three years, and now just a little less than six months married." you responded, a small smile playing on your lips. You saw Hyunjin look at you lovingly and mirroring the smile with the corner of your eye.
"Oh that's really sweet, you seem like such lovebirds." she chuckled, placing a hand on her own husband's wrist. He was distracted by talking with other people but still quickly acknowledged her with a small smile before going back to his conversation.
Before either of you could add anything, another female voice interjected. This other woman was also older, maybe in her forties or early fifties. She rested her chin on her joined hands, elbows on the table. Her gaze was ambiguous and, you noticed, quite fixed on Hyunjin.
"Aren't you a little young to settle down?" about three or four people, including both of your friends, suddenly seemed to start to pay attention to the conversation.
"I mean, if I were you ...I would've simply waited a little more. What if you suddenly felt attracted to someone else? The 'divorce-at-twenty-or so-year old' doesn't look that good on a resume" you felt Hyunjin slightly shift uncomfortably next to you, his arm currently extended behind you, resting on the chair's edge.
"A resume?" you inquired, tilting your head imperceptibly to the side and raising an eyebrow. She smirked for a second, probably noticing how you purposefully avoided commenting on the first part of the discourse. Your face screamed 'It's none of your fucking business' and everyone probably caught up on it.
Your husband certainly did, because his fingertips started to lightly move on your shoulder, in an effort to calm you down. He wouldn't have gotten involved in such a shitty discussion, but he also knew that you wouldn't turn your cheek so easily.
"A relationship resume. Or past experience pillowtalk after some fun, if you will." she shrugged. Your friend suddendly decided to send her husband to take a walk with their kid, fearing the conversation to become vulgar. Of course her, being her protective and polemic self, she wouldn't miss it.
He caught up quickly and took the boy by the hand, guiding him towards the big screen where some of his other colleagues and people had already gathered to watch the game start.
"That's quite the thought process." you replied, not exactly trying to hide the hint on venom in your tone. "But, regardless, I think that mature people wouldn't care about such details. Especially if they don't want anything to do with you after." the woman finally shifted her gaze to you. You could tell that she was a little taken aback, but didn't react much.
"You know, the fun." you added finally, taking a sip of your soft drink. Hyunjin sighed softly, munching on his lip to hide a smile.
Your friend casually put her hand over her mouth for a second, trying not to react too much. The other people listening also either looked away or cleared their throat awkwardly.
"Yeah, maybe." she gave up, also taking a sip from her alcholic drink. Maybe that's why she chose to embarrass the fuck out of herself, you thought.
"Either way, we are very happy right now, which is what matters at the end of the day. Other people can do whatever they want." your head snapped to look at Hyunjin, which you didn't expect would even respond. But you were glad that he felt the need to remark that, especially since that woman was clearly trying to get a reaction out of you, thinking maybe that he would've cowered out. But he didn't.
And with that, this weired conversation ended and suddenly, almost to break the icy vibe that fell over your table, you heard very loud cheering. You saw that a lot more people were getting up to get more drinks and gather closer to both the big screens at opposite ends of the large room to see the team play.
Hyunjin ended up getting dragged along with your friend's husband and their son, and with the rest of the crowd, so your friend took the chance to ask you to get a breath of fresh air. Which of course was code for 'let's get out of here and rant, please'. You followed her outside, throwing your jacket around your shoulders to shelter yourself from the cold.
"What was that fucking woman thinking? Imagine if it was in fact, a work dinner. I imagine what kind of 'resume' she would have, pft" she immediately blurted out, crossing her arms to tighten her own coat around herself.
You rolled your eyes, sighing deeply. You kind of wanted to tease her about having a dirty mouth as soon as her son wasn't around, but if you had to be honest, you still felt somewhat upset.
"I have no fucking idea. Did you see how shameless she was? Looking Hyunjin up and down like she wanted to fucking devour him." you spat out, looking around to distract yourself. You felt extremely irritated. And maybe a bit jealous, but mostly irritated at the fact that someone would have the audacity to just behave in such a manner with you present.
Like, you were standing beside him, he had his arm around you, and yet she still tried to make you look fucking dumb and being shameless with a married man. Not gonna lie, it's hard to think about someone who wouldn't be attracted to Hyunjin, but damn?
"I know, right?" you friend agreed, "But remember who actually does get to 'fucking devour him'." she added in a teasing tone, quoting your words with her fingers. Your head snapped back at her, a little taken aback from the sudden mood shift. But you wouldn't expect anything less than a whiplash from her, and you loved her for it.
"Yeah, right." you bit the inside of your cheek, miserably trying to hide your smirk. She laughed, nudging your shoulder with hers.
"And he made it pretty clear, too. What a sight it was." she teased you again, "You know what else was a sight? Him being so effortlessly attractive while playing with a kid. I still don't know how you don't have one yet, y/n." she dramatically sighed, making you chuckle.
"It's in our plans. At first we agreed to wait until after the wedding. Then, if you remember, the birth control gave me some issues, so the doctor recommended to take it easy for some time. Of course we both agreed and then just... I don't know, I mean the conversation hasn't come up again in the last four months I guess." she nodded, remembering you mentioning your visits to her.
"But you're okay now, right?" you nodded back, responding with a yes, and that it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed.
"Well then, you better hurry up, or you'll have to have twins to catch up to me." your eyes widened, taking in the phrase for a couple of seconds.
"Shut the fuck up! Are you pregnant again!?" you exclaimed, probably a little too loudly, because a couple of people, that were also outside, gave you a look. Your friend laughed, shushing you. You brought both hands to your mouth, still genuinely shocked at the news.
"Yes, keep it down. I still haven't told him yet." she said, just a little shyly. You pulled her into a hug.
"Congratulations, oh my God? Also, why? You know he's gonna be so happy!" you reassured her, pulling back to look at her.
"And also, how long have you known? You gave birth less than two years ago" she laughed nervously, but still humorously.
"I found out just about a week ago. The test said around three weeks, so I'm not sure. I'll tell him and then book an appointment, I think." her tone was serious at first, but then she shrugged casually, failing to hide a guilty smile.
"Turns out that not even sleepless nights and an unhinged eighteen months baby can't cancel out the horniness." your mouth went agape and you slapped her arm jokingly.
"You rabbits! Oh my God!" you both laughed. Just at that moment, the pub's door opened, showing Hyunjin looking around for you. His eyes quickly found yours and he smiled sweetly, walking towards you.
"Aren't you cold?" he spoke softly, standing behind you and rubbing your arms gently. You turned your head, giving him a peck on the lips.
"It's fine. She keeps me on the edge." you joked. You friend snorted a laugh, clicking her tongue humorously.
"What's the topic?" he asked jokingly. You both shook your heads, laughing a little.
"Just girls talk. Is the game over yet?" she cheked her phone to see the hour. Hyunjin nodded. "Yeah, they were pretty quick, almost half an hour early. We won though, that's the important thing." he smiled proudly. You chuckled, extending your arm above your shoulder to cup his cheek with your hand.
"Of course it is, honey." your friend bit her lip to hide a smile and decided to leave you two be. She sighed and moved past you, towards the entrance.
"Well then, congratulations for the winning night. I'm gonna grab my two fanboys and go to bed, feeling kinda tired after all that shit talk." both you and Hyunjin couldn't help but laugh at that. You bid her goodnight, agreeing that you coming back inside to say bye to those people wasn't all that necessary, and then walked back to your car.
The car ride was pretty quiet, except some small talk about the dinner, but neither of you really mentioned that one wired conversation. You arrived and walked back inside hugging, and after that you each changed clothes and got comfortably in bed.
"You still smell damn good, by the way." you commented, hugging his torso while nuzzling his neck. He was halfway sat straight, his back against the bed frame.
He was holding you close with one arm while absentmindedly scrolling through his phone, something about social media posts of the game. The dim, warm toned light of the bedside lamp making you sleepy.
"Oh yea?" he smirked down at you, "Then that perfume money were well spent." you just hummed in agreement, closing your eyes and relaxing. He waited a couple of seconds before speaking again.
"By the way... I'm sorry for what happened tonight. If I knew that a wired person like that would've stirred up shit, I would've canceled the whole thing." you re-opened your eyes, looking up at him, your hand gently stroking his stomach.
"It's not your fault, Hyune. I actually wanted to thank you for speaking up. You didn't even had to acknowledge her, to be honest. I know how much you hate these situations." you respond, genuinely. He locked the phone, putting it on his bed side table, and turned on his side to look at you directly.
"I'm still sorry. Also, of course I had to. You're my wife, my partner, my love. I wouldn't let anybody have a word on it. Especially thirsty women old enough to be my mother." you hid your face in his shoulder, laughing. He chuckled, happy that he managed to make you smile.
"Can't really blame her, at the end of the day." you said, starting to leave featherlight kisses on his neck. He swallowed, making his adam's apple go up and down.
"What, mmh- what do you mean?" he stuttered, clearing his throat. At the same time, he started to slide his fingertips up and down your back. As a response, your kisses got messier. You gave the skin small kitten licks and light bites.
"Don't play coy, you know you're hot" you laughed faintly, starting to lift his shirt to move your kisses to the skin of his abs, stomach and slowly to his ribs. His breaths started to get deeper, and he even let out a small moan.
"What about it?" he responded, cocky. You smiled against his skin, deciding to descent again with your mouth, teasing him closer to the southern zone where you could feel he was getting hard.
"That it's reasonable to think why someone would want to fuck you into next week" he hummed, so deeply that you could feel the vibrations where your mouth met his body.
He then gently cupped you face, making you lean back so that he could latch his lips to yours in a deep kiss. He interrupted the kiss to talk and you lowkey whined at the loss, making him laugh lightly.
"Maybe. But then again, you know who actually gets to fuck me into next week?" he spoke lowly, making you shiver. He was waiting for a response, but you were already too dizzy on his kisses to notice.
His fingers gripped your face gently, making you look at him. His eyes, shiny and intense, looking into yours.
"Your wife" you whispered, turning your head slightly to take his thumb into your mouth, and started sucking on it. At that point he groaned, removing his hand from your face and switching positions so he was now hovering over you.
"Fucking right you do" he attacked your neck and collarbone, pulling your shirt down to expose more of your skin. You quickly pushed him back slightly, grabbing the hem of his shirt to take it off of him, and he did the same with you, leaving you completely bare since you weren't wearing a bra.
"I'm yours, and yours only" he said breathless but with such intensity that it elicited a moan from you. His mouth started to kiss, nip, suck and lick at one of your tits, while he grabbed the other one with just enough strength to get you even more lightheaded.
"Fuck- Hyunjin" you gasped when he grazed one of your nipples with his teeth, "And I'm yours" you managed to respond, your fingers tangled in between his dark locks, lightly pushing him onto your chest.
He suddenly detached from you, making you whine at the loss, and also at the sudden chilly air hitting the wet spots on your breasts, where his mouth was just seconds before. Hyunjin didn't waste time, removing both your tracksuit pants and underwear in one go, disposing of them on the ground next to the bed.
"Yes, my pretty wife" he kissed your hips and then up your legs messily, "Only mine"
"My beautiful love" he whispered. You could've melted on the spot at his words, if only the fact that he was now licking and biting the inside of your thighs wasn't making you mad with desire.
"Hyun- Hyunjin, please" you couldn't stop the desperate tone in your voice, and it amused him. He chuckled against the skin on your thigh, moving his right hand from your hip to your pussy.
You had closed your eyes in the meantime, so the sudden touch, even though featherlight, made you gasp and look down. His mouth was still leaving kisses on the upper inside part of your thigh, so close yet so far to the zone where you needed him the most.
"I liked how you put that woman in her place" his voice mixed with humor while his fingers had started to spread your wetness around, up and down your slit and then around your clit, which made you buck into him a little.
"What-" you were confused for a second, that awful person completely out of your mind already.
"You're really hot when you get mad, you know?" he kept going, his fingers kept on touching your pussy, until he teased your entrance with just two fingertips. Your hands gripped the sheets, your chest going up and down deeply.
"You have this habit... this cute thing where you go like this-" as he said it, he tilted his head to the side, looking up at you as he took a long lick throught your slit, from your entrance to your clit.
You moaned loudly, that single lick making your body physically twitch. The whole thing was becoming too much and you felt the corner of your eyes get wet with tears.
"Hyunjin, stop it and just get to work already" you blurted out, looking at him with such a serious frown that it made him chuckle again.
"Exactly what I mean" he responded, and after that really got to work. His whole mouth started to alternate open mouthed kisses and licks on your whole slit, but then mainly focused on your clit when two on his fingers easily entered you.
"Ah- yes, so good, Hyune" you mumbled, your mind fogged by the pleasure your husband was giving you. He hummed against you at the praise and started to move his hand faster, wet and lewd sounds proved just how absolutely drenched you were at that point.
After a couple of minutes he really started to suck harder on your clit while moving his fingers inside you in a come hither motion, and that was it for you. You came on his hand and mouth, your head thrown back in pleasure, eyes shut, breath heavy. He took all that you gave him, and then some more.
"Good girl" he mumbled after gently parting his lips from your pussy, still lightly touching you to allow you to come off your high slowly.
"My beautiful girl, so pretty" he positioned himself back up to your side, his clean hand coming up to move the few hairs that got stuck on your slightly sweat covered forehead.
"You did so well for me" he said again, kissing your head, and then completely pulling away from you to bring his still completely wet fingers to his mouth, sucking on them.
You looked at him, his eyes shiny from excitement, his forehead also lightly covered in sweat, his full lips wrapped around his own fingers. The same ones that he had used on you. He looked beautiful, so hot and erotic...a sight to behold. He was also looking down at you warmly, lovingly.
You didn't say anything and just reached out to gently remove his fingers from his mouth, and then kiss him. The kiss was slow, sensual and deep, a lot of tongue and licking, biting lips involved.
Your hand went down to reach for his pants, but he gently took your wrist to stop you.
"I'm okay, my love. You don't have to-" you interrupted him with a kiss, your hand sliding into his pants and then boxers. He moaned lowly in your mouth when you started to palm him and stroke his length.
"Take them off" you mumbled against his lips, and he nodded absentmindedly, using just one hand to get the job done, and just like that he was at your mercy.
You were about to slide down to his hips level to reciprocate the favor, but once again he cupped your cheek.
"If you want me to fuck you, I'm afraid that we'll have to have a raincheck on that, my love." he laughed faintly and a little embarrassed. You smiled at him softly, nodding.
"Aright then, but now it's my turn. Let me ride you, baby" you said sensually, eliciting a moan from him when you switched positions, and now he was laying down beneath you. You left a trail of wet kisses on his body but didn't waste time to reach his cock. It was perfect, in your opinion.
Smooth, on the longer side and just the perfect amount of girth that you could take while also feeling full. It's like it was made for you. He was made for you.
You completed each other in such perfect ways in everything, that you couldn't help to think that maybe this is what those romantic people refer to when they talk about 'soulmates'.
You spit on your hand, for good measure, since you were still more than enough wet and ready for him. You straddled him, your heat hovering barely over his hard cock.
You took him in your hand, slowly pumping a couple of times from base to tip. A couple of drops of pre cum swirled down your fingers and it was at that moment that you took a decision. You eyed him from under your lashes and saw that he was already so worked up that he had to keep his eyes shut and breathe deeply to not cum too fast.
So you didn't waste any more time and just positioned his cock at your entrance, sinking down on it slowly. His hips involuntarily bucked up, making his tip reach your deepest point. That chain of events made you both gasp loudly and then moan.
"Y/n, baby, I'm not gonna last long" he warned, breathless. You shushed him with a finger to his lips. You started to ride him slowly but steadily, making sure to covering his entire length in the process.
Hyunjin moaned softly, mouth agape and eyes half closed but still focused on you. His hands went to either sides of your waist and hips, then ass, to accompany your movements. You started to kiss him deeply while going a little faster, making sure to move your hips around.
It was making him go insane, so he just decided to catch you by surprise and sit up, your body flushed against him, his whole arms wrapped around you as he fucked up into you. Your arms instinctively wrapping around his broad shoulders, your fingertips gripping so hard to leave white dots on his tan skin.
"Fuck- y/n I'm so close baby-" he spoke, his mouth latched to your neck. You nodded, following his movements with your hips to encourage him.
"Wait- y/n, we didn't use a condom" he groaned "I gotta- fuck, I gotta pull out" he sounded desperate, so you reassured him again, making sure to let your intentions clear this time.
"It's okay, baby. I want you to come inside me." he slowed down his movements, looking you in the eyes in shock.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his genuine concern so sweet. You nodded, kissing him deeply again and speeding up you hips movements. Then you leaned to his ear, whispering "I want you to make me a mommy"
That phrase must've triggered something in him, because you suddenly found yourself on your back, again. Hyunjin over you, his cock still painfully hard inside you.
"That what you want, pretty girl? You want to be a mommy?" he teased slowly, in stark comparison to the deep strokes that he was giving you. You gasped, the rhythm leaving you breathless.
"I want to make you a daddy" you responded, your hands going up to cup his face and bring him closer to you to kiss him.
You gasped again, leaving his mouth and looking down. He had pressed one of his hands on the very low part of your belly, causing you such an overwhelming pleasure that you couldn't breathe.
"Then you're gonna be a good girl and take everything that I give you, right my beautiful wife?" his hips sped up, clearly searching for release. But of course he wouldn't come before you did, so his other hand went to work on your clit with fast strokes.
The mixture of his cock inside you, his hand on your clit and the other one pressing down on your lower belly was enough for you, and that's when you came. You saw fucking heaven, if you had to be honest.
"Oh my- fucking God, Hyunjin, oh yes, yes yes" you cried out, holding onto him for dear life. Your moans of pleasure and your pussy clenching so hard around him was his last drop, so not even after a couple of seconds he came too.
He came so hard that he had to lay on you for some time to calm down. You just held his head against your chest, caressing his hair. Both of you sticky and sweaty by now.
You relished in the feeling of his cum inside you, something that you haven't been feeling for months. Hyunjin slowly moved off you, and you both hissed when you lost contact, both still very raw and sensitive. He was panting, sitting back on his calves, admiring the mess that both of you made.
He then gently closed your legs, making you stay on your side, while he positioned himself behind you as the big spoon. He also threw the sheets on the both of you, to stay warm. A few minutes passed before any of you said anything.
"Why is it always like this between us?" he asked, a hint of humor in his voice. Your drowsiness was taking the lead on you, but you fought it off.
"Like what?" You replied, couldn't help but to yawn. He hugged you closer, his hand going to rest on your lower belly.
"Messy. Impulsive. Now that I think about it, our wedding day was the only organized day of our entire relationship." you both chuckle.
"It's okay. We're doing it out of love, so it's okay." you reassured him. He hummed in agreement.
"Look at us, not even parents yet and already setting bad examples for our kids." he continued, making you laugh and hide your face in his arm.
"We're going to do great." you concluded, a sweet smile on your face at the thought of your future with Hyunjin.
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itsbuckytm · 5 months
Jealousy is the Devil's medicine / Farleigh & Oliver
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summary: You and Farleigh were an inseparable pair, always together, forging a special connection that stirred jealousy among everyone at Oxford, particularly Oliver. Farleigh's unmistakable animosity towards Oliver made it evident that he wasn't one to share. However, unbeknownst to him, Oliver's entire plan not only aimed at claiming the mansion at Saltburn for himself but also securing you and Farleigh by his side.
ps: English isn't my first language, so I apologize in advance for any typos or grammar errors. Also, if you come across my work being copied or used without proper credit, please let me know, as it can be taken down or flagged. Enjoy! XOXO
Unlike Oliver, you were invited through Farleigh who assumed you two were together considering the close attachment he had seen at school. Only for him to learn quickly through Venetia that it was only a way to show off, make the students envy and the other girls in school deem themselves toward Farleigh let alone Felix just to have a place within the family. But in Oliver’s mind, he truly believed something more between the two of you. 
It was during your visit that you encountered Oliver, though you hadn't realized it then. Farleigh, suspecting his presence from the outset, was aware of the boy's connection with Felix. Despite any reservations, the prospect of staying in the mansion, witnessing the cousin and aunt's joy, and, most importantly, being content yourself, outweighed everything else. "Be prepared." Farleigh cautioned upon your arrival, hinting at Oliver's imminent appearance. "He may seem peculiar at first, but..." Leaning in closer, he reached for your waist, casting a disdainful glance at Oliver. "You'll get used to it.” He assured, though you could sense his tension as he struggled to maintain composure.
On that very evening, Oliver crossed paths with you. While Felix welcomed you with a grand entrance, Oliver found himself utterly captivated by your beauty. Being in the company of Felix's cousin was a sought-after privilege among those staying at Oxford. The Catton family, known for their beauty, boldness, and attraction to all shiny things, seemed to embody these traits effortlessly. "Oliver, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Oliver." Felix introduced, and your hand graciously extended for a handshake, recalling the peculiar essence Farleigh had incessantly mentioned on your way to Saltburn. However, as Felix chuckled and excused the seemingly puzzled Ollie, you realized that the ease in Felix's demeanor contradicted Farleigh's warnings. "I suppose someone else was just as enchanted by their beauty as one could ever be." Felix remarked. “Don’t take it offense, mate.” Felix playfully alluding to Farleigh, who did not appreciate the jest. "No offense taken." Farleigh replied, making it clear he wasn't bothered, though his annoyance lingered beneath the surface. 
However, it wasn't until that particular night at Saltburn, precisely during the karaoke session, when it became your moment to shine. You took the spotlight to sing your favorite song, 'Evacuate the Dance Floor' by Cascada. With Venetia enthusiastically screaming from the top of her lungs in support. The crowd cheered, signaling to Farleigh that the spotlight was now all his to watch. Not just Oliver’s. After finishing his performance, a pronounced smirk adorned his face. Leaning in, just as you were about the get up, boldly captured your lips in a rough kiss that carried the faint taste of cigarettes. His arm tightly encircled your waist, creating an unmistakable tension that left Oliver, who had been sitting beside you throughout the night, visibly unsettled. In Farleigh's eyes, he reveled in every pleasure derived from the situation. 
"Cheer on, Y/N!" He exclaimed in a tone that had consistently grated on Oliver's nerves throughout his visit. Despite Felix's advice not to let it bother him, Oliver found it hard to avoid being irked by his cousin. "Well..." Farleigh continued as he casually settled onto the couch next to Oliver, who nodded uncomfortably upon realizing he was unexpectedly entangled in Felix's antics. "I happened to notice you spent some intimate time with Venetia last night.” He stated so confidently, prompting Oliver to shift his gaze uncomfortably between him and you. Succumbing to Farleigh’s demand. "No. No. No looking." Accompanied by a mischievous smile that Oliver had grown accustomed to. "She's not available tonight." Farleigh bodly declared, assuming more than Oliver was willing to admit. In truth, during his first week of the stay, Oliver had exchanged a few glances with you while engrossed in a book during breakfast. Fortunately, Farleigh remained oblivious to the situation, adding an element of envy to the desire to connect with you on a deeper level, to experience the passion that seemed to radiate from them. 
Their gazes locked the moment Farleigh attempted, quite unsuccessfully in Oliver's eyes, to assert dominance. The influence of alcohol seemed to have taken a toll on Farleigh, adding an extra layer of playfulness to his demeanor, making it all the more enticing. This was especially true when Farleigh found himself sharing the same space with Oliver. After all, who could resist such irresistible charm?
“Don’t make me change the subject. I did witnessed your encounter with Venetia the night before.” Farleigh confessed, his eyes shifting from Oliver's gaze to his overall demeanor as he sought to scrutinize the young man before him. Oliver, once a stranger, now seemed to be Felix's plaything and, perhaps, something more to Farleigh's satisfaction.
Oliver's retort was a straightforward admission. "And I saw you fucked Y/N." However, as soon as your voice resonated in his mind, his attention shifted entirely to you. He became captivated by the way your hips seemed to dance to the rhythm, your voice carrying a slight hint of tipsiness each time you sang. This melodic scene unfolded amid Felix's and Venetia's continuous cheerfulness. It was at this point that Farleigh also directed his gaze toward you, sensing a demeanor that, if he could, he would have preferred to make vanish. He wished you could be erased from Oliver's thoughts altogether. Overall, Farleigh couldn't escape the pangs of jealousy. His disdain heightened, particularly when others complimented or spoke about what he considered his possessions, especially you. In response to Oliver's revelation, he coldly affirmed. "Yes, I did."
“And she enjoyed every bits of it. Made her barely able to walk the very next day. Which to my surprise you did took notice of it pretty well at brunch. Considering the fact that your focus was merely on Venetia. Poor thing, what will she say when she will learn that you prefer Y/N?” Farleigh, with his sly smile, manipulated the situation knowingly, almost as unsettling as Oliver's overall obsession with the rest of the people in the room. You had just finished your song when Oliver found himself on the defensive. As you caught your breath, Farleigh, with a pleased smile, applauded your performance, his fingers daringly reaching for your skin. He lingered to touch, aiming to make Oliver uncomfortable once again. Oblivious to Farleigh's intentions, you laughed at his affection and smiled at Oliver—a smile he would not easily forget.
"Farleigh and Oliver in the same space? My god, I'd pay for front-row seats just to witness it." You playfully teased, finding amusement in the situation as Farleigh's attention stayed fixated on the crook of your neck, his teeth leaving unmistakable markings on your skin. "Just wanted to make him comfortable.” Farleigh whispered, his breath growing heavier, laden with a desire for attention, hunger, and passion—things he knew Oliver would not receive and that Farleigh relished in denying him.
"How about." Farleigh suggested, turning to face you, diverting his attention from the tempting prospect of ravishing you right then and there. "We go to my room and have a little... fun?" Your quick nod indicated your willingness to succumb to his influence. With the grace of an eagle, Farleigh scooped you into a bridal style, eliciting a few giggles from you. He excused himself to Oliver, citing some business to attend to, leaving Oliver completely disoriented and lifeless.
It wasn't long before Oliver found himself alone, prompting Felix to notice the absence of both his cousin and you. Intrigued, Felix couldn't resist asking about your whereabouts. Uncomfortably, Oliver replied. "She went with Farleigh. Apparently, they had business to attend to." Nervously nibbling on his fingers. Felix smiled and chuckled, not surprised that it involved Farleigh. If there was one constant about you two, besides your presence, it was the likelihood of engaging in intimate activities whenever an opportunity presented itself.
"Well, if you happen to come across them, let Y/N know that Venetia wants to return her coat in the morning. If you get the chance, that is. Alright, mate, see you tomorrow." Felix said, playfully ruffling Oliver's hair and giving him a hug before heading to bed. In reality, with everyone else in various states of inebriation, Oliver had different plans in mind.
Oliver had watched everything. From a far distance of course. How your back would lean backward when Farleigh’s lips where all over your body, from almost close to peck your thighs. How he would grip his fingers to your arse and reaching down to eat you out, hearing your moans and your fingers to grip his hair. An intimacy both of you enjoyed so much, that many couldn’t understand why it was so hard for the two of you to confess your love. Even Oliver didn’t understood that. 
Only a few hours had passed since your encounters, and you had peacefully slept in Farleigh's bedroom when Oliver entered. Farleigh's arms were securely wrapped around you, and as Oliver, shirtless, crawled into bed just as he had seen you with Farleigh, the roles were reversed this time. Oliver was determined to set things straight, willing to gain trust for his calculated plan. Just before Farleigh could turn to face the window, Oliver seized him by the shoulders, rendering him completely helpless. "Wha—" Farleigh attempted to speak, but he was cut off when Oliver, this time, echoed the same words Farleigh had uttered to him earlier that night. "No. No. No... She is mine tonight. Or... I should say, you two are mine."
"You're going to behave, just like she will." Oliver's voice took on an intimate tone, carrying the weight of a truthful confession. Farleigh found himself facing a side of Oliver he couldn't even recognize at this point. The urge to punch Oliver's face surged within him, yet he was rendered powerless. He wished he could warn you to run, but he was ensnared in Oliver's trap. Now, you, too, had become part of his intricate scheme. "Say it." Oliver repeated, demanding compliance.
"I am going to behave." Farleigh uttered, his tone tinged with fear—for you and not just for himself. "And Y/N?" Oliver inquired, a teasing edge to his voice that made Farleigh feel sick to his stomach. Farleigh attempted to speak up in your defense, but Oliver hushed him with a finger, casually glancing at your sleeping form. In result to nod for your sake. “She will to.” He said but…with fear this time. A pleasing change in Oliver. As a desire not only to kiss you tonight but also to kiss Farleigh. Since that night, you belonged not just to Farleigh but also to Oliver, a package deal that was initially confronted behind closed doors, only to have all three of you together by your side. With no way out. After all, Oliver explicitly conveyed the notion that jealousy was indeed the Devil's most potent remedy.
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agroupiewhore · 4 months
Some random headcanons about what it would be like to date Fran. I haven't wrote anything in ages so apologies if this is shite. Please no hate. 💗💖🍓💕❤️🎀
*Disclaimer: This is my own work and my own self-indulgent ideas, none of this is based in reality.
If anyone wants a part 2 please let me know or has any questions or suggestions for improvements then please let me know, I apologise in advance for spelling and grammar errors.
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🎀 This man can cook. He is amazing in the kitchen, will make you whatever you fancy no matter what time it is or whatever you fancy, nothing is too much trouble for him. Cooking you something is his love language.
🎀 He would much rather read then watch something. On the evenings you spend together you're sat on the sofa together reading. He will also read aloud to help you fall asleep.
🎀 No matter what the time is this man will come and pick you up. "But babe, I'm probably gonna be staying out till like 3am" "Ok mi amor, I come get you then" "But aren't you due on set at like 5:30am?" "Yes, and? I come pick you up at 3, I love you."
🎀 Will pay attention to all the little things that you like and remembers them so he can surprise you later on.
🎀 Never ever puts you down or makes fun of you when you're practicing Spanish with him and vice versa for when he is talking with you.
🎀 100% that annoying couple which never seem to argue. Just a walking disney film. The guys all tease him about it. "But you must argue over something, anything!?" "No, nothing" "I bet he leaves the toilet seat up" "No, always puts it down"
🎀 Believes in the art of letter writing and writes you letters in that fancy calligraphy writing. (Something he learned for a part in a theatre production)
Here is a small imagine, no TW etc, a little bit of making out etc, pg/13
A surprise
"My love" Fran said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "I can finish the dishes, it's ok".
"No I got it" you said as you began drying off some of the plates. "Besides you must be tired after yesterday's wrap party".
"It was fun, you need to come to the next one" he said as he brushed your hair aside to kiss your neck softly. "I missed you alot, the others were asking for you".
"I'll be at the next one babe, I promise" you answered setting the plate down and turning to face him. Fran was beautiful and you couldn't believe how lucky you were. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your forehead against his. "I think you need a second helping of that dessert you made. You need it". Fran smirked and kissed your nose.
"I said you don't need to ever worry about me. I promise, I'm going to be ok" he answered.
"Oh I got you something, to celebrate the film being done" you said going to pull away.
"No wait, just one more second, I want to stay like this forever with you" he said enjoying the moment, he felt he could be anywhere in the world but as long as he was with you he was home. You smiled and held onto him a little tighter.
"You did not have to get me something. I already have everything I need, I'm very lucky like that you know. Can carry everything I'll ever need in my hands" he smirked as he picked you up, catching you off guard.
"Fran!" You laughed as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. "O my gosh put me down, I need to go and get your present". You looked down into his beautiful deep eyed and cupped his cheeks and began kissing him. He had the softest lips and skin. He kissed you deeper savouring the taste of your peach flavoured lip balm. Peaches were his favourite fruit. A fact you'd noted quite early on. You remembered the look of surprise and satisfaction on his face the day he'd realised your lip balm was the same flavour as his favourite fruit.
"Fran... I need... to get... your gift" you said between kisses. "Please mi amor". Fran smiled against your neck, there was something extremely hot about you using Spanish pet names for him. He was so in love with you it was unreal.
"Just one more my dear, please" he begged staring up at you. How could you say no to him? You lent down and kissed him, twice though. It was a small little ritual the two of you had. He would always ask for one more kiss whether it was before going off to sleep, before he would leave for set or an audition or before going on stage. You always kissed him twice just to be safe. He gently set you down and stroked your cheek.
"Te amo, mi amor" he smiled.
"I love you more" you answered before squeezing his hand and leaving. He heard you going upstairs and into the second bedroom. He was excited at the prospect of seeing what you'd got him although he was more excited to see your face at his gift for you. He smiled wider as he placed his hand into his trousers pocket and felt the box with an engagement ring inside.
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phantomposting · 1 year
Another sleepy soup brain rant about possible au prompts I hope you guys enjoy and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammar errors.
I think you guys can tell my favorite thing is twin aus. I absolutely live for the found family trope and I love a good reuniting story. Usually these aus are written with Danny and Damian being close as kids and when they reunite it highlights just how inseparable they were, but what if that wasn't rey the case?
Growing up in the league is super competitive and it's kill or be killed. Look at when Damian tried to kill Tim it wasn't a he hated him thing it was more of a "I have to prove myself" thing. They were raised in a way where only the strongest get positive reinforcement.
So it stands to reason these twins constantly has to fight against eachother for Ra's praise and eventually that leads to an all out fight for the right to be the League's heir.
Needless to say Damian and Danyal saw eachother as nothing but obstacles to overcome. They would constantly belittle eachother in an attempt to lower the other's moral and get into fights. The day the duel for heirship happened they were both prepared to take the other's life. It just so happened Damian was the stronger twin and came out on top. He had no regrets and shed no tears for Danyal. He was simply too weak for the league. Damian had always known that fact.
So clockwork interjects since Phantom plays a very important role in keeping the timeline on it's optimal path. He uses the pits to revive Danny and drops him off in Illinois to be adopted by the Fenton's.
With hazy memories and a competitive instincts he at first gets in a lot of fights with Jazz and feels he has to prove himself in order to gain his parents love. He's slow but surely proven wrong tho and unlearns what the league had ingrained in him. Eventually he grows up to be the kind and caring kid we know and love.
Damian gains the same progress he does cannonically. He has a cold exterior but a soft interior. He is warm and kind even with the demon reputation. As he grows and gets in a healthier headspace/environment he grows to regret how he had treated Danyal though he would never tell a soul or admit it he regrets having his twins blood on his hands.
Danny from what he can remember hates how mean he was to his twin and wishes he had a chance to rekindle their relationship and be kinder to him.
Eventually Danny becomes Phantom and that wish gets granted when he's on the run from his parents. He ends up in Gotham and gets into trouble which eventually leads to Damian running into him as Robin.
Damian immediately assumes this is another plan the league has to kill him or his family so he attacks Danny and demands to know if the league sent him. He knows Danyal is very cut throat and cold after all he's not risking it with his evil twin/possible clone of his twin.
Needless to say he's speechless when the terrified Danyal apologizes profusely and has no idea what the heck he's talking about. This kid acts nothing like his brother. Did he make a mistake? Nope this kid admits he vaguely remembers the league and him but has no connection to them now.
He keeps his guard up but everything about this Danyal is throwing him for a loop. The only mean words he says about him are done in a light hearted sarcastic way. He apologizes for how mean he was as a kid. He's meek and anxious absolutely the opposite of the bold and confident Danyal he had known. 
Bruce is insanely surprised to find out he has another son that's supposed to be dead but surprisingly isn't. He opens his home to Danny tho cautiously but still kindly and warmly. It's insanely surprisingly to the family that this kid is a polar opposite of Damian.
Damian is cold towards Danny at first and it takes awhile for him to warm up even then he says some pretty cruel things out of habit. Danny is pretty forgiving and feels he deserves it for how awful he was so he rolls with the punches.
Due to the distrust between the twins it takes a lot of time for Danny to finally open up about being half ghost and running from his previous parents whom want to experiment on him and dissect him molecule by molecule. Damian is the first to learn this after making some big strides in treating Danyal kinder and learning to trust him.
Eventually we get to a level where they are protective of eachother and are very close but it takes a hot minute and the path to this point is very rocky.
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brickmvster · 1 year
Savior [Abby Anderson x Reader]
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Synopsis: You and Abby, best friends, aren't quite sure where you both stand with each other. After you get attacked while out on patrol, you begin to experience feelings of inadequacy; Abby, however, reminds you of just how important you are, and it is during this conversation that both of your true feelings come to the surface.
Tags: minor violence, non-graphic violence, near death experiences, panic attacks, minor injuries, friends to lovers, love confessions, emotional hurt/comfort, nightmares, fluff, a little suggestive toward the end but not explicit
Word Count: 8k+
Author's Note: this is my first time posting a fic of mine to tumblr (also my first time writing for Abby)! I'm nervous and also excited 😭 this has been proofread quite a few times but apologies in advance if any spelling and/or grammarical errors slipped by me, mistakes are all mine! I almost cried writing this bc my god do I want an Abby of my own. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! Feedback is always welcome. This was cross posted on AO3 as well.
For the first time since joining the Washington Liberation Front, you finally felt like you were doing some real work. Fear and inexperience prevented you from going out on patrols, and for several months you stuck with doing laundry and food preparation. But many grueling and difficult weeks of weapon training and learning about basic self defense left you feeling confident – a feeling that, up until now, was wholly unfamiliar to you.
You were currently sitting patiently in your room, bag packed with all of the essentials and necessities for your first patrol trip. You were just waiting for your roommate and patrol partner, Whitney, to knock on the door and announce when it’s time to go. 
You could tell from the way your stomach felt like it was upside down that you were feeling a little nervous. Just months ago, doing anything that meant leaving the stadium absolutely terrified you; it was a safe haven and leaving it meant you were no longer protected from the unforgiving nature of a post-apocalyptic city. You weren’t afraid of the infected – you had encountered plenty of them prior to being recruited, and you couldn’t even begin to count how many you had taken down during your years as a lone survivor. 
No, you were far more scared of your own species . Within the once densely populated city of Seattle, you were completely by yourself with no sense of stability as you packed your stuff and relocated once every few days, paranoia never allowing you to stay in one place for any longer. Of course, there was also the looming threat of being captured by the Seraphites or brutally killed by other survivors. You were a true pacifist, having mastered the art of being light on your feet and narrowly avoiding getting into physical altercations with other people. Trees, tall grass, and anything else nature provided you with helped you in silently escaping without leaving a single trace. You had your fair share of close calls, like anyone would, but what you lacked in weapon knowledge and fighting skills you made up for in quick thinking.
One day, though, your luck had finally decided to run out. 
Your recollection of that day was hazy, but you could vividly remember sleeping on a raggedy couch within an abandoned house, before raiders had forcefully entered your home. You don’t really remember who started shooting first. There was so much screaming, and your ears were ringing from the piercing and relentless sound of gunfire. There had to have been three guys. Maybe four, you weren’t exactly sure. They were clumsy and missed a lot of their shots. Until they didn’t, and suddenly there was a hole in your leg. Although they couldn’t aim well, you weren’t any better. Your shots usually ended up in a wall or going through a window. But you did manage to take them all out. Almost all of them, because one guy had taken you completely by surprise, pinning you against a wall and attempting to inflict a stab wound.
But that was when a mysterious woman with a braid showed up.
There were other people with her but you could only remember seeing her. She took out the guy attacking you swiftly, her aim incredibly precise, the bullet going straight through his head. She aimed it at you, and immediately your arms went up – that was when you locked eyes with her, her gaze sharp and unwavering. Your eyes were blown wide, your heart rate never slowing down and adrenaline still pumping through you. You were pleading to her silently.
You knew you had managed to sway her when she had slowly lowered her pistol. She gazed down at your leg, and you’ll never forget the unexpected softness in her voice when she told you:
“I got you.”
Then, she let you wrap your arm around her shoulders, and she helped you exit the bullet-ridden house. She took you in and taught you how to shoot better; but you refused to help out with patrols, and that was when your fear of leaving the stadium had begun to blossom. You felt powerless in that moment back in the abandoned house. You almost died because of your cluelessness, and your inability to kill, let alone even hurt another human.
After having been rescued, your time spent doing busy work at the stadium is when you found yourself growing closer to the woman, who you had soon found out was named Abby. Despite Whitney being your roommate, she barely ever saw you – you were always spending time with Abby, whether it be eating together in the cafeteria, having in-depth conversations about random books that Abby may have found while on patrol (because that was one major thing the both of you had in common, surprisingly), or just enjoying each other's company and not exchanging any words at all, comforted by the mere feeling of the other person being in the same room. 
You soon realized, though, that you weren’t supposed to be experiencing a spike in heart rate after your hand accidentally brushed hers. You weren’t supposed to feel that stupid fluttery feeling your stomach whenever she laughed at something you said or smiled at you. You weren’t supposed to feel warmth spread throughout your cheeks at the sight of her sweaty and breathing heavily from exertion after working out. You told all of this to Whitney, and she only laughed at your suffering, telling you to your face that you had a crush on your best friend.
But it didn’t feel like a crush. Crushes were fleeting. You wanted Abby. You yearned for her closeness and thought about sleeping in her arms every single night, her lips pressing against your forehead. 
All of this, of course, terrified you. You had never experienced any feeling as strong as this. You always rolled your eyes at some of the cheesy romance novels you read, as the main characters always seemed so overdramatic to you. You never thought the feeling of desire could be so painful. You saw Abby everyday, and yet she felt so far away at the same time. Suddenly those romance novels felt too real.
You suppressed these feelings the best you could, because you weren’t even sure if Abby felt the same way. You had a strong feeling she didn’t, and you weren’t going to severely embarrass yourself by confessing your love to someone who you were sure wasn’t going to reciprocate those feelings.
You weren’t sure how well you’d be able to suppress your feelings for any longer, though, knowing that Abby was actually going to be joining you on patrol. 
Maybe that was the true reason for your nervousness.
Three knocks on your door pulled you out of the recesses of your mind. Whitney’s muffled voice could be heard on the other side.
“You ready?” She asked. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You replied with a sigh. You stood up from the bed and grabbed your backpack, slinging the straps securely over your shoulders. Whitney had opened the door, meeting your eyes with a smile. You returned the warm expression, exiting your room, and locking the door behind you. The two of you made your way down the hall.
“How’re you feeling? Excited? Nervous?” Whitney questioned. You shrugged.
“Honestly? I’m feeling all sorts of things. I just hope everything goes well.” You replied. Whitney playfully nudged you with her shoulder.
“Hey, don’t worry too much. Most of the time, patrol runs go pretty smoothly. You’re bound to have some mishaps here and there, but usually everyone comes back safely. We’ll be alright, I know it.”
You felt reassured by Whitney’s words, grinning at her as a silent thanks for soothing your nerves. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you for another few minutes, but it wasn’t long until Whitney was speaking again, deciding to discuss another topic.
“So… about you and Abby.” She began.
You groaned in annoyance,feeling warmth immediately spread to your cheeks at the mere mention of the woman’s name. Whitney only chuckled at your obvious suffering. “I was wondering… did you two fight?”
You turned your head to look at Whitney quizzically. “No? What makes you think we fought?”
Whitney looked at you like you just asked her what two plus two was. “The both of you haven’t talked to each other in like… 10 years. I can’t help but think something happened.”
“We still talk to each other, Whitney.”
“Does only saying ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ count as talking?” She asked.
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t deny the truth in Whitney’s words. You hadn’t actually held a conversation with Abby in days . She would always make an effort to spend time with you but you always had some kind of excuse at the ready. They were often lousy ones, and you could tell that Abby could see right through them but decided against saying anything about it.
“I admit, things are… awkward between us, but-”
“She feels the same way.”
You paused in the middle of your sentence, sighing exasperatedly. “Whitney… how can you be so sure?”
“Because I see it. Just take my word for it, okay?” She replied, giving you a teasing smile. You didn’t even have time to respond, since the two of you had already reached your destination.
Eventually, you made it to where Abby and Alice were waiting near the vehicles. You saw Abby kneeling on the ground, gently petting Alice and showering the canine in all of the praise and affection in the world. While grabbing your weapons and extra ammunition, you stole a few glances at her, feeling a smile creep up on your lips as you watched Alice lick her face happily, to which Abby tried to move away, the sound of laughter cutting through all the chatter and extra noise that you heard around you. 
You’d never be able to get over the way Abby’s smile lit up her entire face, or the way her cheeks gradually took on a redder tint the longer the laughing continued. Abby would react the same way whenever you told her a stupid joke, or whenever you told about a funny line of dialogue in a book you took turns reading–
“When you’re done making googly eyes at your crush, come get in the truck, please.” Whitney’s voice, once again, pulled you out of your pleasant trance.
You cleared your throat, looking away shyly. “Right. My bad.”
You made sure your pistol was snug in your holster before slinging your rifle over your shoulder and making your way toward Abby. She stood up from her kneeling position on the floor, a certain something in her eyes that you just couldn’t decipher. She smiled at you a little awkwardly, brushing a loose strand of hair that fell in front of her face behind her ear.
“Heya.” She spoke. You grinned, ignoring the slight jump in your heart rate just from standing in front of her.
“Hi.” You replied, butterflies viciously attacking your stomach against your will. 
“First patrol. You got everything you need?”
“Believe so.”
“Alright, then. Let’s get moving.” She said, to which you nodded curtly.
Whitney opened the door to the passenger’s side, allowing Alice to jump in. As Abby was already climbing into the back of the truck, you threw a glare in Whitney’s direction, to which Whitney only smiled deviously. 
“What? Alice loves riding shotgun!” She said innocently before getting into the driver’s seat and giggling to herself like a plotting supervillain in a movie.
You shook your head, reluctantly getting into the back of the truck with Abby. When everyone was all settled, Whitney took off, eventually exiting the stadium. All that could be heard for several minutes was the sound of the tires on the dirt road and the songs from the birds that flew overhead. Abby seemed to be looking everywhere but at you, and Whitney’s eyes were focused on the road ahead, so you took this time to let your eyes take in the view directly in front of you.
Abby had settled for her usual loose tank top and cargo pants, and her hair was in her usual braid. There were always strands of hair that managed to fall in front of her face anyway, and you found it absolutely adorable how she would occasionally blow the strands out of her face in annoyance. You let yourself relax in your seat a little, admiring the constellations of freckles on her arms. Briefly, you were taken back to your last training session with her, remembering the way those same arms wrapped around you to “help you adjust your fighting stance.” You could easily recall her proximity during the session and the look of genuine proudness on her face when you successfully demonstrated a specific move she had taught you. Of course, you’ll never forget the moment you had her totally stunned, using a newly learned takedown move to pin her to the ground. A flame had been ignited in both of her eyes as she looked at you with something other than pride. It was an expression that you couldn't quite pinpoint, but you knew that if you had kept her pinned for any longer that you would've ended up doing something you'd regret; so, you were off of her quickly, laughing the obvious tension away and completely burying Abby's heated gaze in your mind and storing it for later.
When your eyes moved up from Abby's biceps and to face, you found she was already looking at you. She offered you a small smile, to which returned, feeling heat creep up your neck in embarrassment at being caught ogling. Either Abby didn't notice or chose not to comment, and whatever the case was, you were thankful.
She rested both of her elbows on her knees, spreading her legs as she leaned forward. Abby man-spreading was another sight to behold.
"So. How have you been doing?" She asked. 
Miserable. Because I miss you and I'm sorry for pushing you away but I'm in love with you and can't find the words. 
You opted for a simpler response. "I've been good. Honestly, this is the only exciting part of my week."
Abby chuckled. "Yeah, I hear you. How are you feeling about this, by the way?" 
There was some silence as you carefully picked out your next words. "A little anxious. But I'm proud of myself for being able to get this far away from the stadium."
"You should be proud. Overcoming your fears like this isn't easy," she said. "And just for the record, I always feel a little bit of anxiety before patrol. I think it's a good thing; it makes me more focused, and I feel like my senses are heightened." 
You nodded, clinging on to her words. "That's a nice way of looking at it. It's kind of comforting to know that Isaac's top Scar killer still gets a little nervous, too." You replied. 
Abby laughed at the statement, and there was that familiar warmth that spread through you. 
"Of course I do. I'm not fearless, you know. Aside from heights, there are plenty of other things that make me nervous." 
"Like what?" You inquired. 
Abby shifted in her seat. She looked away from you, turning her head to look at the scenery surrounding her. Immediately, your mouth soured, and you began mentally chastising yourself for making her feel uncomfortable. You were about to apologize and forget about the question all together until Abby spoke again. 
"Losing the people that I care about." She said softly. The tone of the conversation shifted from casual to something much more serious, and you looked at Abby pitifully at her confession. With the way Abby's eyes were downcast, you could tell that she was reminded of something – or someone. 
You wanted to reach out and place a comforting hand on her knee or squeeze her hand. Instead, you stayed put, opting to console her only verbally. 
"I'm sorry, Abby." Was all you could muster.
"Don't be." She replied, finally looking at you again with a barely noticeable grin on her face. 
There was a silence that settled between the both of you as the two of you continued to gaze at the scenery as Whitney drove. At some point, Whitney had called from the passenger's seat that they were almost there. 
The sound of Abby's throat clearing brought your attention back to her. 
"Hey, so… I wanted to talk to you about something." She started. 
You stiffened in your seat but you hoped that it didn't look obvious. "Shoot." You said in response. 
"It's about us." 
"Us?" You swallowed.
"Yeah. I mean, things have been weird, right?" 
Your eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. "How so?" You asked.
"Has something been on your mind lately? You know you can tell me anything, right?" 
Not this time.
“Don’t worry about me, Abs.” You chuckled nervously. You threw her a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes to ease her worrying.
Abby sighed. "But you’ve been so quiet these past few days. I really miss-”
"We have arrived!" Whitney yelled from the driver's seat after finding a place to park. Abby was immediately getting off of the truck, and you honestly wanted to forget all about patrol and continue the conversation you were having with her. But you knew what was the priority right now, and so you brushed off Abby's words, focusing on the task at hand.
The four of you exited the truck and began making your way toward a gas station. 
"Alright. Let's check for supplies." Whitney said, leading the way toward the entrance of the small store. She opened the door, her weapon at the ready, looking in all sorts of directions to make sure it was clear. She stepped aside to make room for you and Abby when she deemed it was safe. 
While Alice kept watch like the good girl she was, the three of you silently put whatever you could fit in your bags in terms of food and any other items that might be deemed useful. You managed to scavenge some good items, and you were amazed at just how many worthwhile supplies had been left behind. 
Everything was awfully quiet, almost too quiet. But you weren’t complaining.
You took a small break from scavenging when your eyes landed on a display of sunglasses. There were only a few on the rack, and many of them had broken lenses, but then you saw a pair of pink cat-eye glasses that looked practically untouched. You giggled in amusement, taking the glasses and trying them on just for the hell of it. 
There was a small mirror next to the rack, and when you stole a glance at your reflection, your quiet snickering turned into a louder, sharper laugh that you couldn't contain. Abby, upon hearing the sound, stopped browsing the aisle she was roaming in and went to go find you, only to smile at you fondly when she finally saw what you were up to.
For several minutes, you were pulling silly faces in the mirror, and even with something as small as a pair of funny looking glasses, you found yourself completely entertained.
You heard Abby walking up to you, so you whipped your head around to look at her. 
"How do I look?" You asked her, striking an absolutely ridiculous pose. You may have been hearing things, but you thought that you even heard Whitney chuckling from wherever she was in the store. 
Abby could only shake her head at your antics, but she did give you an answer. 
"Those really suit you." She replied. 
"Why, thank you. I think the hot pink goes really well with the tan of my cargo pants." You said, jokingly. 
Satisfied with your little fashion show, you put the glasses back where you found them. Abby was still standing next to you, her amused smile never leaving her face. Her expression was something you'd never seen her sport. Her gaze was soft as she looked upon you with eyes full of complete admiration, and you found yourself being locked in place, as if in a trance, returning the eye contact. 
You cleared your throat. "Did… did you want to try them on?" You asked. Abby shook her head, laughing to herself quietly. 
"I know these aren't really your style but… I don't know, I think you could rock them. Please?" You pleaded, drawing out the "e" in the word.
"You just want to laugh at me." Abby responded through a fit of giggles. 
"Nope, I swear I won't laugh." You said, shaking your head vehemently. But the smile tugging at the corners of your lips revealed your true intentions. 
Abby reluctantly agreed.
"Will you put them on for me?" She asked. Nodding excitedly, you picked up the glasses again and gestured for her to come closer to you. 
"Come here." You said. Abby did just that, standing directly in front of you. You swore you could feel her breath fanning across your face from the proximity.
Just as you were about to place the glasses on Abby's face, you heard a short and sharp whistle pierce the air. 
You and Abby froze, and you immediately dropped the glasses, removing your pistol from its holster. Abby did the same thing, recognizing that sound instantly. 
"I'm not the only one who heard that, right?" Whitney asked as she rounded the corner from one the aisles. 
"Definitely not the only one. We've got Scars in the area." Abby confirmed. You felt every hair on your body stand on edge. You saw Abby, Whitney, and Alice take cover, so you followed suit, hiding behind the counter where the now useless cash register sat. 
You closed your eyes, trying to recall all the hours of gun and defense training that you learned in this very moment, but it was all hazy. You were starting to feel the effects of fear now, your palms sweaty, causing you to constantly re-adjust your grip of the gun. You found that what Abby had mentioned earlier was definitely proving to be true – although you were terrified, you felt hyper aware of every noise and small movement in the corner of your eye. 
You heard another short whistle again, but this time, you could definitely hear the barely there footsteps of a group of Seraphites walking toward the store. 
From the counter, you slowly raised your head, trying to see how many there were. You counted three from where you were crouched. 
While you were making a mental note of how many Seraphites there were, you failed to notice Abby sneaking up next to you. You felt her touch your arm, and you flinched, but Abby was quick to cover your mouth before any sounds of surprise escaped. 
"Sorry. It's just me." She whispered, removing her hand. "There's six in total. Three inside and three outside. We're gonna try to take them out quietly." Abby spoke. You nodded, trying to cling onto her words but all you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears, beating wildly.
Abby could sense the anxiety coursing through you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "This is what you're good at, right? All those moves we practiced, now you finally get to use them. You can do this." 
You shook your head. Your eyes began to sting, serving as a telltale sign that tears would soon follow. You wanted the ground to swallow you up in this moment, feelings of inadequacy bubbling within you. Abby saw the faraway look in your eyes and immediately tried to quell any negative feelings you were experiencing.
"You can do this. Repeat it." 
"Say it." She urged, but there was no harshness in her tone. 
"I… I can do this." You said, and maybe you were beginning to give into false hope, but even just saying those words out loud seemed to put you in a different mindset. Abby grinned, and with that, she scurried off, probably to go get her first kill. You could hear the sound of quiet struggling from elsewhere in the store, followed by dead silence, and you made the assumption that Whitney probably already took care of one, leaving five still standing. 
You heard another go down, this time hearing the soft thud of the body hitting the floor. You couldn't let them do all the work, no matter how badly you wanted to.
With one final exhale, you were set in motion. 
There was one checking out the storage room in the back of the store, making sure the coast was clear, you followed behind the unassuming Seraphite, who carried a pistol. 
You replaced your gun with a handy combat knife that you carried around, closing the distance between you and the Seraphite slowly but surely. It looked like it was going to be a perfect kill. 
Until you stepped on a discarded bag of chips, the sound loudly making your presence known. 
The Seraphite froze, and slowly turned around. When her eyes landed on you, she gasped, her eyes wide. 
"There's a Wolf in here!" She yelled, and in a split second, the pistol was fired, but you managed to dodge out of the way in time. The Seraphite didn't waste a second in trying to shoot again, but you were quicker than her. 
The Seraphite's alert quickly caused chaos around you; you heard gunshots in the store, and you briefly thought about Abby and Whitney and hoped that they were holding up okay. But that thought was fleeting, and instead you focused on your own safety. 
With your knife, you went straight for her stomach, the gun in her hands dropping to the ground almost immediately. You pushed her up against a wall, and her hands were trying to grip anything that she could reach. She tugged at your arms and even tried to claw at your face, but you pushed the knife in deeper, and soon enough her body began to relax. You were looking directly at her, and it was during this moment that you finally understood what it meant to truly watch the life leave someone's eyes. 
Despite the fact that this woman had tried to kill you mere seconds ago, it was a sorrowful sight, watching the realization hit her like crashing waves against the shore that she was going to die. When she completely stopped moving, and fell to the ground, blankly staring into space, it was only then that you realized the entire store had fallen silent. 
You wiped your knife clean on your cargo pants, the vibrant color of the woman's blood staining the fabric.
You calmly walked out of the storage room, letting your feet guide the way as you currently felt like you were outside of your body. You thought you heard Abby and Whitney saying something to you, but their voices fell on deaf ears. All you could think about was how you couldn’t breathe in this damn store and needed to get out.
You slammed open the doors, your knees immediately falling onto the ground below. You felt like you were suffocating, your chest tight and your stomach feeling as if it had been flipped upside down. 
There was an incessant ringing in your ears, a ringing sound so loud that it was all you could focus on. You didn’t even notice the Seraphite that was barreling toward you until it was too late.
It felt like the wind had gotten knocked out of you as the man straddled you. Whatever had possessed you to take out the Seraphite woman in the storage room was not returning. There were sirens going off in your mind, and you knew you had to do something, anything to get this man off of you otherwise you would die . You knew this, and yet, when the man had his hands around your throat, you couldn’t lift even a finger. His face, scrunched up in pure anger and hatred, was getting blurrier and blurrier, the trees around the both of you becoming large blobs of green. The man was practically crushing you with his weight, and it was then you realized the futility in fighting back.
You were lying there for what felt like an eternity, wondering which breath would be your last, until the man was suddenly thrown off of you. 
You sat up immediately, air rushing back into your lungs all at once as you you coughing uncontrollably. When you regained your vision, you saw Abby beside you, now on top of the man, beating the ever living shit out of him.
The sound that was produced when Abby’s fists met with the man’s face made you physically cringe, and it was even harder to watch, so instead, you opted for closing your eyes, relishing in the fact that you were still alive to feel the sunlight hitting your skin. 
“Abby! Abby, stop!” You heard Whitney say, and the sound of Abby’s punches eventually ceased. 
When your eyes opened again, you took in the state Abby was in. Her eyes were blown wide, her chest rising and falling in quick breaths. Both of her knuckles had been painted red, and you knew that she was probably going to wake up with pretty black and blue bruises the next morning with how forceful her punches were. 
There was a silence that fell over the three of you as you all waited for the adrenaline to leave your systems. You knew that just sitting here out in the open may not have been a good idea, but in the haze of your fatigue, you were more than grateful for those few seconds of tranquility. 
"We should go." Whitney said, grabbing Alice and heading toward the truck. You and Abby had waited for a few more moments. 
"Are you hurt?" Abby asked. 
You shook your head wordlessly, emptily staring at the ground below you.
"You're sure?" 
You nodded your head this time to confirm. You didn't trust your voice enough to speak. 
Abby nodded, standing up and offering out her hand to you. You took it, and when she pulled you up, you made the mistake of looking at her face. 
The expression on her face could not all be compared to the one she had in the store when she watched you put on those stupid glasses. No, this one was much more hardened, her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. 
She's upset at you. For being so careless. 
No, worse. She's disappointed. 
Abby always knew when you were drifting, and she placed a hand on your shoulder to pull you out whatever thoughts were brewing up in your mind. You felt your eyes stinging again. 
"Are you with me?" She asked, and it was then you realized that the two of you were standing right in front of the truck bed. You didn't realize your thoughts had halted you in your tracks. Looking away apologetically, you just nodded again, knowing that if you opened your mouth it would all come crashing down. 
Abby helped you onto the back of the truck, and when everyone was seated, Whitney drove off. The entire ride was unsettling. You could feel Abby's eyes on you the entire ride, but you couldn't return the eye contact.
When you returned to the stadium, you wasted no time in getting off of the truck and heading back toward your room. Whitney was quick to stop you, gently touching your shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” She asked. You shrugged.
“Don’t worry about me, Whitney. I just need to be alone for a few minutes.” You replied. 
“I understand. Abby and I were gonna grab a bite to eat. You want me to get you something?” She asked. At the mention of Abby, you glanced over Whitney’s shoulder, and you saw the woman in question leaning against the truck, her worried eyes already staring you down. 
“No thanks.” You muttered quickly, tearing your eyes off of Abby, her concerned expression burned into your mind. You ran off to your room, and before Whitney could ask if you were sure, you were already long gone. 
You had taken a quick shower before heading to your room, staying in there for longer than necessary as you relentlessly tried to scrub away the build up of dirt and crime from today’s patrol. When your skin had practically been scrubbed raw, you changed into your typical loungewear, an old, slightly oversized shirt and sweatpants.
When you made it to your room, you closed and locked the door behind you, walking with hurried steps to your bed. As you relaxed atop the firmness of your mattress, it was then you realized just how exhausted you were. Patrol had drained every bit of energy from your body, and the soft cotton of your clothing as well as calming effects of a hot shower was only adding to your tiredness. You didn’t even try to fight it when you felt your eyelids getting heavy…
But once your eyes closed, you didn’t see darkness. Instead, you saw the Seraphite woman’s face. You saw her eyes and the way they slowly took on that cold, blank stare. You saw the man that had attempted to strangle you and the pure, murderous intent in his eyes as he tried to take your life.
You shook your head as if that would dispel the images that came to your mind, eyebrows furrowing as your body began reacting on its own. You could feel the intensity of your rapidly beating heart, perspiration coating your skin, as if you were back at the convenience store and not in the comfort of your own room. 
Your brain was replaying the events at the convenience store today, except it was slightly different. The man was on top of you, strangling you, but this time, Abby wasn’t there. Nor Whitney. Not even Alice. You were all alone as the man on top of you kept you pinned to the ground. The world around you was hazy as your vision began to weaken. The ringing in your ears was back and stronger than ever before; it was deafening.
Right before your consciousness left you, you saw another person standing above the man. It was the woman you had stabbed. The knife was still plunged in her stomach, but she was clearly alive and standing. She wore a smile that was far too wide and had far too many teeth on display. 
You shot up in bed, letting out a loud shriek.
You heard pounding on your door.
“___? What’s going on? Please, open the door!”
You could recognize that voice anywhere.
You stood up, slowly and on shaky legs to open the door. Abby was standing on the other side, clutching a burrito in her hands, her eyes wide. Her hair was down, dressed in another one of her tattered tanks and sweatpants.
“Please tell me you're okay.” She said urgently.
Just from Abby’s presence alone, you felt like you could relax. Like you were truly safe.
“Yeah… I’m fine,” I’m fine now that you’re here . “It was just a bad dream.” You replied, and neither one of you could deny the clear shakiness in your voice. Abby’s gaze softened immediately, and she wasted no time in wrapping her arms around you, holding you close against her rigid body. Your arms, almost instinctively, snaked around her back, and you buried your face in one of her broad shoulders. You could tell she had just washed up as well, the scent of pine completely engulfing you. She was still standing in the doorway, and you had no doubt that some people were walking by and watching all of this go down, but in the moment you couldn’t care less. 
You were clinging to Abby for a bit longer than what would be considered normal, and once you felt the heat rush to your cheeks in embarrassment, you pulled away. Abby’s hands lingered around your waist for a fraction of a second but to you, it felt like they were there for an eternity, and when she removed them you swore you could feel the ghost of her touch.
Abby awkwardly glanced at the burrito in her hands, oblivious to your panicking. “I, um… brought you this, because it’s been a couple of hours and you haven’t eaten anything yet, so…” She said, holding it out to you.
A faint smile tugged at your lips. “Thank you.” You said, accepting it, even though you weren’t terribly hungry at the moment; but you were appreciative nonetheless.
“No problem.” Abby responded. “Can I… come in?”
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, of course.” You said, stepping aside. Abby returned the smile, doing just that, and you shut the door again once she was inside. 
She sat comfortably atop your bed, and you joined her, sitting close next to her, your leg brushing against hers. You set the still wrapped up burrito on your bedside table where you knew it would grow cold. 
“I, um,” Abby began. “I wanted to check on you, too. I couldn’t stop thinking about you today.” 
You froze, not sure how to react to the fact that Abby just admitted to you she was thinking about you. You knew you had to say something, though, or else Abby would start getting worried.
“Oh… really?” You asked, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so out of it. 
“Yeah. I saw you storm off earlier when talking to Whitney. I wanted to follow you but I knew you probably wanted space. The whole time I was eating, though, I was just… really hoping you were alright.”
Your heart warmed at Abby’s words. “I’m sorry for worrying you.” You said. Abby shook her head fervently.
“No, it’s okay, I was just in my own head. How are you feeling right now, anyway?”
You paused to deeply consider your response. You could’ve easily just told her that you were doing fine, to rid Abby of any concern over you; but she was always truthful with you, so it would only be right to be truthful with her. She always knew the best ways to comfort you, anyway, and you knew she would never judge you for anything. In the relatively short time that you’ve gotten to know her, that was one thing she made clear to you from the beginning.
“I’m still a little… shaken by what happened today. That’s what my dream was about, actually.” You started, speaking softly. 
“Oh.” Abby said quietly. “I totally understand. Patrol today was scary for everyone involved.” 
You shook your head. “Yeah, but… I can’t help but think it’s all my fault…”
Abby looked at you quizzically. “What’s all your fault?”
“I stepped on a fucking bag of chips,” you laughed, but it was completely humorless. “And then after I killed that woman, I just ran out. It was stupid of me. I’m sure I scared the shit out of you and Whitney.” 
Abby remained silent.
“And of course, you had to save me. You literally trained me, taught me everything I needed to know and I still got myself in that situation. I just feel like I don’t belong here. What good am I to anybody if I can’t… If I can’t…” 
The tremor in your voice returned, and Abby was quick to get off the bed and kneel in front of you, cradling your face with her large hands.
“Hey. Look at me. Please.” She said softly.
It took you several long seconds, but eventually you met her eyes. 
“You do belong here. I don’t want you thinking otherwise for so much as a second. Every WLF in this stadium brings something to table and you are no different.”
“But Abby, I–”
“Please, listen to me.” Abby interjected. You didn’t say anything else and let her continue.
“It was your very first patrol. People make mistakes. You were frozen in fear, and that’s okay . That’s why we go in groups in the first place, so when another person gets themselves into trouble, someone else is there to help. You are alive and breathing and that is what’s most important, right?”
You nodded.
Abby removed her hands from your face, opting to hold your hands instead. “You are stronger than you know. You conquered your biggest fear of leaving the stadium, and you did well for your first patrol. You should be proud of yourself. I am definitely proud of you.”
You looked at Abby with surprise all over your face. “So you’re not… disappointed?”
Abby released an incredulous laugh. “Oh my god, no. Never.” 
You smiled. It was a wide smile, one that stretched from ear to ear. Abby felt herself instantly mimicking the expression. 
“I’m so glad I have you around,” you said. Abby chuckled.
“I got you. Always.”
As the two of you stared at each other, there was a blanket of silence that fell over the both of you. Both of your faces were mere inches apart, and suddenly the eye contact was making you feel shy. 
Now is your chance. 
You might not get another opportunity like this.
You ignored the voices in your head.
“Well, um… It’s getting late. I’m sure you have stuff to do tomorrow morning.” You said, your heart beating so fast you thought it would pop straight out of your chest. Abby stood up, and you could’ve sworn you saw her frown for half a second. But your mind was probably playing tricks on you. Right?
“Yeah… No doubt Isaac will have something for me to do.” Abby said. She began walking toward the door. You already missed her and she hadn’t even left yet.
She stood in front of the door, hand resting on the doorknob. She turned to you. 
“Well… goodnight.” She said.
“Yeah. Goodnight.” You replied stiffly.
Abby opened the door. But before she could even put one foot outside, you stopped her in her tracks.
“Actually, wait.” You said, standing up abruptly.
Abby didn’t say anything, waiting for you to continue.
You sighed. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears now and your palms felt clammy.
“I… shit. I didn’t prepare for this.” You said, laughing out loud. Abby found herself grinning but she was still visibly confused.
“We haven’t known each other for that long. But honestly it feels like I’ve known you my entire life.” You began. Slowly, Abby closed the door, leaning against it as she listened to you.
“I don’t even know what I would do without you. I’m just… so grateful for you, and… fuck…”
You went back and forth in your mind, contemplating your next words carefully. Months of friendship was on the line, and what you wanted to say next had the potential of throwing it all down the drain. But it was a risk you were willing to take.
“I love you.” You confessed. “And not in the– the platonic way. I… shit… I’m sorry if that was too forward but–”
Abby said your name softly, stopping your rambling. You stood there, nervously waiting for rejection.
But rejection isn’t what you got.
“I love you, too. So much.”
You could’ve fainted. “Really? Abby Anderson, are you messing with me?” You said, a smile lighting up your face.
“I am dead serious. I am so fucking glad you said something or else I was going to go crazy.” Abby laughed.
You found yourself laughing too, completely dumbfounded. “My god… we both felt this way for so long and neither of us had a clue. What the hell.” There were tears in your eyes now, but not the sad kind.
When you had calmed down, wiping the wetness from your face, you spoke again. “So, what now?” You asked.
With a smirk on her face, Abby walked over to you, placing her hands on your waist. You were starting to feel like they belonged there.
“There’s something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Can I show you?”
You already knew what Abby was asking, nodding fervently. “Holy shit. Yes. Please.” You replied.
Abby closed the small distance between the two of you, her lips connecting with yours gently. The both of you stayed like that for several moments, Abby being the first one to pull away. She rested her forehead against yours.
Kissing her is exactly what you thought it would be. It almost felt magical – it was like her lips had put a spell on you, a spell that made you want to continue kissing her forever. It was as if you were floating, electricity running through your veins.
“Do it again.” You whispered softly. 
Abby didn’t need you to repeat yourself, capturing your lips in yet another passionate kiss. The second one was much more intense, your hands tangled in Abby’s hair as the both of you slowly waddled over to the bed.
Abby laid down first, allowing you to settle on top of her, your lips never staying apart for more than a couple of seconds. You could barely breathe but you couldn’t get enough. In a frenzy of lips, tongue, and hands everywhere, neither of you heard the sound of the door opening until it was too late.
“Hey, how’re you– oh shit!”
The sound of Whitney’s voice had the two of you breaking apart immediately. You scrambled off of Abby, straightening out your clothes and wiping away the wetness that coated your lips. Abby sat up, but instead of being mortified, she kept that smirk on her face, clearly amused by the situation.
“Whitney– Jesus Christ, have you ever heard of knocking?” You exclaimed. Whitney doubled over in laughter, clearly finding joy in your suffering.
“I’m so sorry! I was distracted!” She said, holding up her PS Vita that you just now noticed she was holding.
“You and those goddamn games,” You muttered under your breath.
“Well, I see you two finally came around. God, I can’t wait to rub this in Nora’s face.”
“What?” You said, visibly confused.
“Oh, me and Nora had a bet going. Now she has to do my dishes for a week straight.” Whitney said. Your jaw dropped.
“A bet? Whitney, I can’t believe you.” You said through a fit of chuckles, not being able to suppress your own laughter either.
“I’m not even surprised.” Abby chimed in.
Whitney crossed her arms, leaning against the door. “Okay, so. Tell me everything. Who confessed first? Who kissed who first?” She asked. You rolled your eyes.
“I can give you the details later.” You said.
Whitney sighed, but she didn’t bother trying to pull the information out of you. 
“Fine.” She said, walking over to her bed and plopping down atop the sheets, her eyes returning to the PS Vita screen. 
You and Abby stood there awkwardly. Whitney glanced at the two of you, and then gasped.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I should give you guys privacy, huh? Do you want me to go?”
You immediately shook your head. “What? Whitney, no. I’m not kicking you out of our room-”
“You can stay in mine.” Abby interrupted. You whipped your head around to look at her.
“Yeah. Manny is hanging out with some woman tonight, so it’s just me.” 
“Okay, then.” You said, smiling happily. Abby looked back at you with pure adoration in her gaze, leaning in to kiss you again. And again. And again.
“Okay. Ew. Leave.”
You chuckled at Whitney’s disgust. “Goodnight, Whitney.” You said, grabbing Abby’s hand and going toward the door.
Whitney decided to say one last thing before the both of you left.
“Remember. We have thin walls around here. So don’t be too loud-”
“Oh my god, shut up.” You cut her off before she could even finish her sentence, leaving the room. You could just faintly hear Whitney’s breathy laugh as you closed the door.
“She’s so annoying.” You muttered, but there was nothing but fondness in your tone.
“I just can’t believe that she knew we were into each other before either of us realized it.” Abby said. The two of you began walking down the hall to her room, hands clasped together and arms swinging slightly as you both walked.
Abby’s words had reminded you of an earlier conversation with Whitney. “Holy shit. She literally told me.”
“Told you what?” She asked.
“Before we went out on patrol, she… she told me you felt the same way. I thought she was crazy so I asked her how she knew, and she just said ‘I see things’ or something like that. You know, all cryptic and shit. But I guess she really does see things.”
Abby shook her head, chuckling at Whitney’s antics. “Wow. Again, I really can’t say I’m surprised.”
Eventually, you two made it to Abby’s room, and you both wasted no time in getting in bed together, holding each other close. It was a small bed, just like yours, definitely not made for two people, but you made it work. You were practically on top of Abby in order to fit, but it was clear she didn’t mind it one bit.
You had one leg over her midsection while one of Abby’s hands stroked your back calmly and gently. You could die happy in this position. 
The stadium wasn’t your home. Abby was.
— epilouge —
“Hey, Bri,” You greeted, getting ready to help her wash some clothes for today. As you began scrubbing the clothes over the washboard, you started humming a random tune, a light smile decorating your face.
“You’re in a good mood.” Bri noted. 
“Aren’t I usually in a good mood?” You asked, chuckling at nothing in particular.
“I mean, I guess, but… you just seem extra lively today.”
From where you were in the bleachers, you looked out and saw Abby walking down the stairs, heading out to do patrol. She knew you were washing clothes today, and she turned her head to look at you, a killer smirk resting on her face. She winked.
“Yeah… I guess I am.” You replied, the fondness in your eyes clear as day.
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froggydoodles · 11 months
My thoughts about the Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken movie and the Chelsea controversy
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I have to remind you all before i start that my writing skills are very limited due to my weak English so in advance i apologize for any grammar errors in my sentence. I tried to explain things as much as i can while keeping my sentences simple. Also i had to use some major spoilers to make a clear explanation of some parts so if you haven't seen the movie yet don't read it.
Okay, first i start with the movie in general. The voice acting was perfect, everyone did their job flawlessly and bring these characters to life along with the beautiful animation. Its music choices were really good and fit the scenes, i liked them a lot. I really liked how simple yet cute the character designs in most of the characters, especially Ruby's design was so adorable. I liked the character interactions too, especially Ruby and Chelsea's parts were so fun to watch. I liked both the disguised and full Kraken looks of the characters. Chelsea's design was so beautiful, Dreamworks really made one of the best looking villains ever. The colors and animation were so beautiful, i'm honestly surprised how they pull something like this with such a small budget compared to other animated movies. I like how they left things open at the end to imply there are still more stories to tell such as facing other threats and expanding Ruby and Chelsea's complicated relationship. I can sincerely say that crew who worked on this film did their best. The movie story was quite simple but still fun to watch. Now for the things i'm gonna critique.
The writing of the film can get a bit generic and cliche at some times but it still makes up with its likable characters, animation, and voice acting. The movie felt a bit too fast at the beginning like things were happening too fast back to back without giving enough space to process but it eventually back to a normal speed and became more enjoyable. I wish we could get a bit more lore about past enemies of Krakens but i understand that it was an introduction for any possible sequel or series. I'd like to see at least more than one mermaid and how Chelsea would interact with them as their queen but it's okay. I can't really find anything else to critique, overall it was a pretty nice movie. Not over the top, simple yet fun.
My heart gives this movie 10/10
My logic gives this movie 8/10
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Now it's time to talk about the Ruby and Chelsea situation to clear things up cause i already see people talking and spreading misinformation about it. So, after watching the movie people thought there is a huge age gap between Ruby and Chelsea and the answer to that is technically yes but actually no, let me explain. First of all some people who watch the movie say Chelsea is at least old as Ruby's mom which is a piece of wrong information, they never revealed Chelsea's actual age in the movie. The second piece of wrong information is some people think Chelsea is a full shapeshifter like she could choose to look as young or old as she likes which is not true. During the movie we saw only two forms of her ( i say two forms because her small mermaid and human forms are almost the same except mermaid tail part), one small mermaid/human and one giant mermaid. Even after defeat, she went back to her old small mermaid form instead of a different one. After defeat everyone already knew who she is so there was no need to look like a teenager anymore but she still went back to her teenager look which shows that she can't change her looks randomly. She takes the look she originally has inside. The last piece of wrong information is thinking of Chelsea as an adult because she fought in a war with Ruby's mom. This is the tricky part that almost everyone misinterprets and i totally understand you all for it. I couldn't get it in my first watch and i was as confused as most of you all but after watching it two more times i gathered all the little details and understood everything. The biggest reason people mistake Chelsea for an adult is they think her age is like a human. She said herself that mermaid does not age well. She is almost like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. Mavis was 118 years old canonically in first movie but her mental and physical age was 18. Same case here for Chelsea. No matter how old she is in numbers during the movie she was still mentally and physically a teenager. That also explains why Agatha and Grandmama couldn't defeat her now cause Agata and Grandmama got older in years while Chelsea remained to have her youth. Even after defeat and revealing who she really is and there was no need of acting anymore, Chelsea was still acting like a teenager further proving that it wasn't just an act and she is in fact a teenager in her mermaid years. Oh there is one more thing want to point out but this one is about Krakens. They do seem age similar to humans at some point but they most likely live a lot longer than humans does as Grandmama seem to be in all the past wars for ruling the ocean but still doesn't look extremely old. Also during the movie Uncle Brill once asked for permission to stay with Gillmans for 100 years which proves that Krakens does live a lot longer than humans since 100 years doesn't seem so much for them. Also in that logic, Ruby inevitably gonna outlive Connor so eventually, he'll look a lot older than Ruby. 
That's all i wanted to say, if you are still not convinced and still feel uncomfortable about seeing Ruby and Chelsea ship content i totally respect your decision but i need to ask you to block me so you don't have to see my future posts about them cause i'll be still drawing ship doodles of them. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, if you liked what you read please spread the word so more people can see it.
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l00na24 · 10 months
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I Got Your Six (Series) Masterlist
Pairing: F!Reader x Benny Miller/ F!Reader x TF Boys
Rating: 18+, NSFW
General Warnings: violence, blood, language, angst, etc.
This story contains mature content. If you continue reading, you agree that you're old enough to handle it!
A/N: Hello 😊 This is my first fic/ series I'm posting here and the first time writing for the TF boys too, so please don't judge :) English is not my first language but I try my best, so apologies in advance for possible grammar or spelling errors.
The perspective of the reader is written in first-person, the view of the guys/ the narrator will be in third-person.
This whole thing was an idea of mine for quite a bit now, thanks to being obsessed with Benny Miller and the rest of the boys since first watching Triple Frontier a few months ago and reading a lot of masterpieces of them here. I was debating on trying and posting it but in the end I wanted to take the leap and give it a go. I really hope you enjoy reading it 💕
They were not prepared for the moment they lost their most precious thing…
They didn’t know what happened to their little, sweet and innocent butterfly that got ravaged by the raging monster inside that finally clawed its way out of its dark cage…
How do you tame a monster that surrounds itself with its own darkness and kills everything that even dares to come close?
That destroys everything in its path?
That you don’t recognize anymore?
Is it worth saving?
Maybe, and just maybe, four ex-special forces guys actually could accomplish the impossible…
But for sure it ain’t gonna be easy…
Will they make it? Gonna have to see that.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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ceramsapagsulat · 1 year
note: i apologize in advance if there are any grammar mistakes, spelling errors, unclear sentences, typos, and other mistakes in writing
"One day I'm going to marry you,” a child says as his cheeks is painted with light red appearing on his face, which makes him more adorable than before
The young teen with dark blue hair covers his mouth in order to hide his smile and laughter from the little child he was babysitting. “Oh Rin, that is so sweet of you bu-”
”NO BUTS!” Rin said louder with small tears forming in his eyes. which causes Isagi to grab tissues from his pocket and wipes the tears away. “I want to marry you and you’re going to be my bride and I will make that happen!”
People will never take little children’s promises seriously since all of them are innocent from the beginning — they would tease them when are an adult thus making them cringe at what they have said when they were little. However, with Itoshi Rin; he really meant to Isagi Yoichi
He meant those words that Isagi will be his bride and will do anything to have him by his side. Let it be from destroying Isagi’s relationships and even killing them with no regret and guilt — all he wants is Isagi Yoichi to become his bride and be by his side forever.
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haohaohuihui · 10 months
╰┈i missed you┈➤
seungcheol × fem!oc/reader smut au
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Summary: Reese(Reader) agreed to live under one roof with Jude(Cheol), a famous model who only goes home every weekend, even though they don't really have any kind of relationship, aside from sleeping together without strings attached.
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Pairings: Model!Seungcheol as Jude and Reader as Reese
Genre: softcore smut and fluff(maybe? if you read between the lines?😭) Minors DNI ‼️
Warnings/Tags: softcore, penetration(f receiving), protected seggs(always practice safe sex), pet names, fingering, dom and sub kink-ish?, begging, praise kink
English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance if there would be typos and grammar errors 🙏🏼
I give svt members different names to remind me not to be excessively(?) delulu 😭
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Sipping on your third glass of red wine, you relax your back on the white couch in the middle of the living room. 
It's already Wednesday, but you feel like your week is just starting. Work is getting tough at this time of the school year and you're just glad that you're already home at this hour.
After dimming the lights using a master remote control, you open the TV and play the series that you've been watching since last week. You don't have the patience to watch a TV series, but boredom got the best of you.
But you're amazed that the show is actually interesting and now you unexpectedly get why everyone likes it.
Hugging the fluffy gray throw pillow on your side, your nose suddenly catches a familiar scent.
And automatically, your thoughts bring you to the last time he was there on the very spot you're sitting on right now. Your cheek burns when you remember how many times Jude took you that night on that white couch.
The way he settles his large hand around your neck... The way he bites your shoulder as he spoons and enters you from behi—
"Ugh. Stop it, Reese!" You reprimand yourself as you sip on your glass again.
Biting your lower lip, you press your thighs together as you try to resist the ache that's starting to pound in between your legs. You shake your head disapprovingly. It's baffling how by just the whiff of his scent that he left on the pillows, your body is already reacting like this.
The truth is… As much as you don't want to admit it, what you feel for him is already more than the physical and it's driving you crazy because you can't tell that to him. You're afraid that all of these will end in a flash if you decide to confess what you really feel for him.
You even miss him so badly right now. It's been three weeks since the last time you saw him, and you think you're ridiculous for feeling this way for someone who just thinks of you as his fuck buddy.
You sigh as you focus your eyes on what you are watching, but you already can't deny the nagging sensation that you're feeling down there to even make sense of what's happening on the show.
Then suddenly the main characters on the show start making out. Their moans fill the spaces of your living room and that causes you to lose the war going in between your legs.
Sliding your hands to one of your thighs, you are about to touch yourself when you hear a very familiar voice, causing you to jerk from your seat.
"Let me."
"What the f—How...You're here…" Are the only words that you can make up when you see Jude standing on the side of the couch just wearing a white shirt and gray sweatpants.
And even with dimmed lights, you can see his biceps flex as he crosses his arms.
You gulp.
Why is he here? It's not yet his rest day?
Still confused, you stand from the couch and walk towards the glass window, and pretend to look at the city lights outside.
"Why are you here?" You must look and sound like an idiot, but what the heck? Did he see what you were about to do?
And what does he mean by "Let me"?
Of course, you're not dumb. You know what he meant, but you're just too embarrassed to even admit that to yourself and your flushed cheeks are the evidence of that.
On the side of your eye, you watch him stand beside you. He starts to watch you intently as a small smile makes its way to his lips.
"My shoot was canceled," he replies as if that alone can answer your question why he's here.
Well, he owns this place, but it's just strange to see him on a weekday.
He suddenly reaches for your hair that's almost covering your glasses and tucks it behind your ear. "That's better "
You can feel your heart beating erratically inside your chest when he starts to stroke the top of your head, stopping to hold the start of your little ponytail, then gently letting his hand down to the end of your hair.
He does it again, making sure his fingertips touch your nape, causing you to feel a subtle shiver down your spine.
You bite your lower lip and grab on your robe as you stifle a moan. Stopping his actions, he smirks as he puts his hand back inside his pocket.
He knows it turns you on when he does that.
You glare at him, but he mirrors it with his full smile, knowing fully well that it's the smile that takes you on one hell of a ride every damn time.
He then licks his lips as he looks at you from head to toe and you can't help but curse yourself because his effect on you is not like this before.
He then tries to catch your gaze, and when he finally locks eyes with you, he swiftly lays his hands on your shoulder before gently pushing you against the glass window.
Swallowing the lump that's forming inside your throat, you look up at him as he places one of his hands on the glass just beside your head before leaning down near your ear.
"I missed you."
You gulp again.
Fuck. Why is he saying things like that? I might get the wrong idea!
He then proceeds to lick your earlobe before leaving butterfly kisses on your cheeks, making your already hazy brain drunker because of his kisses.
You close your eyes tightly.
Gosh. I missed him too.
"Hmmm…" you whimper as you grasp both sides of his shirt.
Hearing you let out a soft moan, he breathes raggedly as he takes your lips in yearning, urgent kisses as his hands slide from your shoulders down to your waist.
You can't count how many times you did this with him anymore, but tonight it feels...different. The way he touches your skin is different. Even his kisses are different…
You just don't know if it's a good thing or not...
Pushing those thoughts away, you wrap your arms around his neck as you pull him down to deepen the kiss. You then feel one of his hands travel down your thighs, underneath the skirt of your nightie.
You gasp when his hand starts digging into your panties and desperately reaching your wetness.
"Baby… You're already wet," he whispers against your mouth as he parts your thighs more so he can brush his long, sturdy fingers on your heat properly.
"F-Fuck," you curse as you dig your nails into his shoulders, causing him to groan loudly.
He nibbles on your lower lip as he dips his two digits inside your core, forcing shocked moans out of you.
Quickening the pace of his fingers, he leaves your lips and starts biting your jawline gently as you moan his name over and over again.
Without even wasting any time, he wraps one arm around you before lifting you, prompting you to hold onto his shoulders for dear life as he takes wide steps forward and spreads you across the bar counter just near the living room as if you're his favorite meal ready to be devoured.
"What the hell, Jude?" you blurt out, but it's as if he can't hear you anymore.
He pauses to gaze at you, his eyes darkening with desire—and something else that you can't put a name to—before he takes off his shirt, making you stare at his lean and delicious abs with your mouth agape.
Smirking because of your reaction, he gets a foil pack from his pocket before pulling down his sweatpants to let out his throbbing, hard length.
You watch Jude take his shaft and stroke it before he quickly rips the foil pack using his teeth to match your quickening breath.  
He then hovers over you as you plant your both hands on the quartz stone countertop. With hasty but gentle hands, he undoes the knot of your robe and quickly gets rid of everything that's covering you.
He then closes the distance between your lips and begins to kiss you passionately like he did last time as he gently caresses both of your breasts with your heart racing inside your chest.
His kisses slowly go down from your lips to the column of your neck until it reaches the valley of your breasts. Leaving small love bites, he finds your left nipple and sucks on it.
"Jude… M-More—" you moan out as you throw your head back.
He smiles against your skin as he continues to lick and suck on your buds.
"Please...P-Please…" You beg him, grabbing onto his hair, desperately needing to feel all of him. 
Jude stops his movements but stays in his position. "Please, what? Tell me exactly what you want, Baby."
His thumb then starts to rub on your clit as he waits for your answer.
"Uhhhmm… I… I need… I-I want you inside me," you say in between moans and whimpers.
"Is that really what you want?" he asks again, not stopping his movements in your heat.
You nod vigorously as you feel your first release. "Y-yes... W-wait! Ahhh...I'm coming!"
You almost protest when he suddenly stops his work on your clit, but it's automatically replaced with a high-pitched moan when he suddenly AND aggressively strokes his shaft against your womanhood, making your legs shake as you ride your first climax.
Jude smiles down at you before he leans down to kiss your forehead. "Good girl."
You are trying to steady your breathing when you notice him adjusting himself to prepare to enter you as he parts your legs wider, putting your right leg on one of his shoulders. 
He then places both of his hands on the countertop to steady himself before he gently pushes his length inside of you.
You both moan out as you feel him stretching you from the inside. 
"Fuck, Resse…" Jude grunts as he slides in and out of you with such ease when you get used to his massive length. 
"Harder… Faster…" you plead as you clasp the edge of the countertop because of how intense his thrusts are.
You just need more of him, even if it's just like this. Even if it's just "sex" for him…
Following your plea, he puts down your leg on his shoulder and places both of your legs around his waist before pulling you near him.
He looks at you longingly as he removes the hair that's covering your face, urging you to wrap your arms around his neck.
He then suddenly jerks his hips forward and pumps his shaft just the way you asked for it—harder and faster. 
He then rests his face on the nook of your neck as you both feel your oncoming climax, both of your bodies passionately pounding against each other in the heat of the moment.
"Cum with me, Baby," he commands as he rocks his hips faster, making your legs quake in anticipation.
Sounds of wild moaning and slaps of skin fill the living room as both of you refuse to dive on the edge without the other. 
Jude releases himself in the rubber while still deep inside of you while you scream his name along with other profanities as you climax along with him.
He collapses on top of you, but his strong arms are still trying to balance both of your bodies as you also try hard to catch your breath.
Jude then kisses your temple, longer than usual.
Damn. He hasn't even done that before.
"I'll be gone to Europe in two weeks. I don't think I can handle not seeing you that long…Can you please come with me?"
I'd really appreciate it if you leave short feebacks or just re-blog this post 🥰💕 Thanks for reading!
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pomplalamoose · 4 months
i love your works so much 😭 is it ok if I request some hc’s of your dilf!luke being jealous 🫶🫶
A thousand times yes, anon! It's more than absolutely okay, I actually giggled when I saw your request bejfjjedige thank you so much for your ask and your kind, supportive words😭🫶🏻
(I apologize in advance for any spelling errors or grammar mistakes I might've made! I'm posting this in a hurry but will be going over all of it again later <3)
• because of Dilf!Luke's authoritative streak and the tendency to be quiet possessive, I definitely see him as as someone who gets jealous easily
• he's not proud of it though, maybe even ashamed, and thus tries to keep it hidden as one of the aspects he doesn't like about himself
• furthermore he's aware his behavior led to more than just a few arguments with his former lovers, so, when he first decided he wanted a relationship with you, he knew he needed to better himself
• much easier said than done though
• naturally he can't change over night, can't abruptly stop what so easily rises to the surface
• since modern day Dilf!Luke was never subjected to Obi-Wan's and Yoda's teachings, he kept some mannerisms and ways that would've otherwise changed and while he's still, above all things, a kind-hearted, caring and gentle man, his impatience and quick-temper often tend to get the better of him
• not as well balanced he's impulsive and stubborn, either acting and speaking on his feelings before thinking about the consequences, or not at all
• especially because everything you are, everything about you, has him struggling to keep his emotions under proper control
• he can't believe it himself, how hard he fell for you, never would've expected to be swept off his feet like that and is now absolutely overwhelmed with all of what is going on inside of him
• still you deserve a trusting and loving partner and he's set on being that for you no matter how difficult it is for him to keep his temper in check
• athough it definitely took him a while to arrive at this conclusion, he now understands that it's mostly his own insecurities he gets upset about when he sees you with someone else
• I really believe he learned from the mistakes he made in the past and, going forward, does his best to deal with his jealousy on his own
• while I don't think he'd go as far as to actually open up about his feelings fully, he'd put a lot of effort into looking up the topic to better understand himself
• only if it gets especially bad he might gather all of his courage to initiate a conversation about it but rarely/never in a way that's accusing you of anything
• he knows better than that
• possibly you won't even notice he's being jealous with how elegantly he handles certain situations anyways
• though you can be sure none of those coming face to face with him have anything to laugh about
• while most of the time he successfully manages to keep himself under control, respectfully letting you decide how to handle an admirer yourself, he can't always help it
• staying very much true to the motto "what my partner doesn't know, won't upset them", Luke never fails to remain ostensibly polite while absolutely dishing out behind your back if he sees fit
• he knows how intimidating he can be and makes good use of it too
• not that he needs to fall back on any of his harsher methods often, most of the time just a single look of his is enough to make the person in question retreat
• this usually happens when you're out and about and, most importantly, without your knowledge
• why upset you unnecessarily?
• maybe you're going for a nice walk or out on a date, maybe you're visiting a museum or a pretty café
• or maybe it's during grocery shopping that someone catches Luke's attention because of the way they're eyeing you from afar
• (unknown to you this happens pretty often and he doesn't really mind someone taking a quick glance)
• (you're beautiful and he can't fault anyone for noticing)
• (plus it makes him super proud he's the one you chose to be with)
• (nevertheless he won't tolerate people leering at you openly, it drives him crazy, HE'S the only one allowed to look at you like that)
• no matter the circumstances and how much is blood is boiling, he will make sure you're properly distracted before taking care of it though
• "will you go ahead and order for us, sweetheart?"
• "oh what's that? did your favorite author publish a new book? I haven't seen this one yet"
• "what would you like for dinner tomorrow? Do you think those tomatoes look good enough?"
• "try that on for me, please, I'm sure you'll look stunning"
• then, as soon as your focus is elsewhere he'll abruptly turn around, sternly glaring at whoever is lingering about, a silent challenge in his eyes like he's daring them to make a move
• most falter immediately
• those who don't are quick to leave as soon as he addresses them head on
• "can I help you?"
• "is there anything you need my assistance for?"
• no one ever fails to hear the gentle warning behind his words
• rarely the both of you find yourself in a situation where Luke actually sees it fit to include you in his endeavors since he thinks it's not a very gentleman-like thing to do
• so when he does resort to it it's always in a subtle way that doesn't immediately make you question his behavior
• a hand on your back, his arm around your waist, whispering in your ear
• it's easy, really, to send an obvious signal to bystanders and to some extend he even finds himself enjoying it
• the only thing that really makes him feel as if he's about to burst is if someone starts talking to you with intent, deliberately making an effort to ignore his presence
• he trusts you to handle it well, you do so better than he ever could
• but the blatant disrespect from the person in front of you has him fuming
• if looks could kill, there'd be dead body right in front of you rather quickly
• it takes him quite a while to cool off after too, during which he goes very silent, possibly not even speaking to you
• though he'll apologize to you for his behavior later once he's trusting himself to think straight again
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occulthours · 6 months
Can you rate some bonnie ships
Sure! This is just based on my personal preference, combining what we got in canon and the potential Bonnie stans explore in fanon.
This is pretty long so I'll put a text breaker (or whatever that's called) here. If you wanted me to go in-depth for a certain ship, feel free to ask! I apologize in advance for any misspells, grammar mistakes or errors.
1. Stefonnie and Bonkai
I have a few posts dedicated to my love of Stefonnie, but I’ll say it again, out of all of Bonnie’s ships, they had some of the best foundations based on canon alone. Same with Bonkai. There easily could’ve been a smooth transition into a relationship for both ships.
Season 5 was the perfect time to set Stefonnie up instead we got the blandness that is Ste.roline due to how similar their arcs were up to that point and how the main conflict of that season affected them two the most out of the main cast.
Anyone with eyes could see that Bonkai had a similar setup to TVDUS “dark romance” ships like DE and KC. The whole “bad boy x good girl” trope combined with the “evil guy is willing to change to earn the heart of the morally rich girl” trope was very on brand for Julie and Bonkai did it in a way that, again in my opinion, subverted from the norm. Bonnie held Kai accountable in a way that Elena and Caroline simply didn’t when it came to their highly questionable boyfriends. On top of that, I loved how Kai brought out the more vengeful side of Bonnie that had been somewhat watered down in seasons 3-5. Bonkai had one thing that was missing from all of Bonnie’s canon ships; passion. Out of all of Bonnie’s ships, canon or otherwise, Bonkai had the most electric chemistry. You can feel the emotions from Kat and Chris through the screen and they played off each other so well.
2. Klonnie
Bonnies ship with the most wasted potential. Klaus and Bonnie had everything in place to be a well-done ship. Not only did Kat and Joseph have great chemistry, but they were the biggest captains of this ship when Klaus was just getting started in TVD. They individually had the most interesting lore of all the TVDU characters and given how intertwined the Mikaelsons and the Bennetts were, should’ve interacted far more times in canon. Klaus was said to always have a witch by his side but wouldn't want to seduce Bonnie into joining his team after nearly reaching the damn near impossible feat of killing him? As a "novice" witch at that!
Additionally, Bonnie would've THRIVED in The Originals. TO was a very witch-centric show with a lot of characters I would've loved seeing Bonnie interact with. No offense to Hayley, but there's no denying that Bonnie being Hope's mother would have made more sense than what canon gave us.
3. Bonora
If Julie and Co didn’t want Bonnie to date one of their precious fan-favorite white men, fine. Bonora was there and would’ve been such a nice ship for Bonnie. Kat had been advocating for Bonnie to be bisexual for a long time to no avail instead we got Fr.eelin which, no shade, is basically shein Bonora despite Kat having great chemistry with women as well as men. If you had put Nora in Enzo's place in the later 2 seasons of the show very little would’ve changed. In fact, Bonnie’s arc would’ve significantly improved.
4. Kennett
Kennett has somewhat slipped down my ranking due to how disgusting the actor who plays Kol is, but for the ship's sake let’s just imagine Daniel Sherman was the one to start off playing Kol, okay? Okay <3
Kol was said to have a love of witches very early on in the show. The most consistent thing about his character was how he stayed connected to magic despite no longer being able to practice it himself. Bonnie was undisputedly the most powerful witch he had ever come across. Why wasn’t he more interested in her? Bonnie was the one solving everyone’s magical issues as a 17-year-old self-trained witch. Kol would’ve loved to dissect her mind, watch her do spells, and even share his own 1000 years' worth of knowledge about magic with her.
5. Tonnie
I honestly don’t have much to say about Tonnie, but I do think they could’ve been fun in the later seasons. Julie said that her shitty alternative ending for Bonnie was her ending up with Matt and having children with him, which sucks ASS by the way, and while I had the idea of Bonnie getting an even more half-baked romance than she got with Jeremy and Enzo, I would've sucked it up if it were with Tyler. Bonnie and Tyler were childhood friends and should've gotten even closer when Elena and Matt started dating considering they were their best friends. I can definitely imagine Elena trying to force Bonnie on a double date with her, Matt, and Tyler.
While Forwood is one of my favorite canon TVDU ships, Tyler and Bonnie bonding early on over their supernatural heritage would've made a lot more sense given that witches and werewolves traditionally get along significantly better than either species do with vampires.
6. Bamon
If you had asked me this in 2020/21, Bamon would've topped my list. I don't by any means hate them, but I'm admittedly not as fond of them anymore. I feel like Bamon is most serious Bonnie stans first, and/or most beloved ship. And it makes sense! Bonnie and Damon had excellent chemistry, a large amount of focus on their relationship in season 6 and onward, and a lot of romantically coded scenes despite the writers' hopes of dissuading the fans. My biggest gripe with Bamon is that, like most dynamics including Damon, Damon benefits from having Bonnie in his life significantly more than Bonnie benefits from having Damon in her life. Additionally, given how they wrote Steroline in regards to Stelena, how Bamon would play out in canon in regards to Delena sounds like a nightmare to me.
7. Bonenzo
Bonenzo is Bonnie's best canon ship but lord knows that's not saying a lot. The ship felt as if the writers took bits and pieces from Bamon and Kennett/Kolvina and said "Here, damn!" in hopes to shut Bonnie fans up. I honestly wouldn't dislike them nearly as much if they were actually endgame. Enzo's presence was merely to give Bonnie a romance, and he didn't even fulfill the means that justified his existence.
8. Beremy
He cheated on her with a ghost. Enough said.
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itsbuckytm · 7 months
Together. / Mike Schimdt
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Authors Note : So I just happened to watch the FNAF movie and my god it was so good, with a hint of good Lore in it. Also the cast was perfect and ever since watching it, I had a thought of writing a quick one shot for Mike and Y/N. Where Y/N suffers from hallucination and has the same symptoms but a different kind of illness than Abby's. Suggesting that they see also the kids but also the man who's being everything, not only controlling them and their life styles, resulting in a lack of sleep pattern and tons of trauma.
Ps : Pls don't repost or copy and paste my works. Everything is written by me, and also note that English isn't my first mother language, so I apologize in advance if there is any grammar errors. I tried my very best.
From one call to another, Mike encountered an unending stream of repetitive "nos" and polite rejections for the position he sought. It dawned on him that he might be the source of the issue, especially after the peculiar "incident" that may have left a stranger somewhat shaken. A few days post-dismissal, someone finally directed him to visit the office of Steve Raglan, a man he had never met before. Today presented the perfect opportunity. Mr. Raglan fit the mold of a man from a bygone era, with his distinctive round glasses and traditional attire. Michael's growing apprehension made him wonder if venturing into this place had been a poor decision all along.
A hushed pause enveloped the room as Mr. Raglan perused Mike's professional background with casual interest. "Well, Mike..." He paused in the midst of his sentence, stealing a quick, appraising glance in his direction. Mike responded nonchalantly. "Yes?" His voice, however, lacked the self-assuredness he longed to convey.
"Care for some coffee?" Steve's inquiry was succinct yet brimming with anticipation as he strolled toward his coffee machine. Mike hesitated, then replied, "Um... No, thank you. I'd rather get this done quick." Deep down, Mike yearned for a stable job, one that would enable him to look after his sister, Abby, and perhaps even sway their aunt to grant them custody.
Steve sensed the growing impatience in his client, who was eager to learn what the future had in store. "You know," Steve remarked, returning to his chair, his voice now tinged with excitement – a side effect, Mike presumed, of his coffee intake. "I recognize this place. It's a place where someone like you would give anything for the job..." A spark of curiosity ignited within Mike as he leaned closer to Mr. Reglan, raising an intrigued brow. "And," Mike inquired. "what makes this place so special?" Steve paused briefly, carefully choosing his words. "Well, you see..."
Mike found himself utterly perplexed by the revelation before him. The location had not only been abandoned since the '80s but also, the job requirements were far from aligning with his original intentions. The compensation was dismal, and he couldn't help but suspect that perhaps none of the previous security guards had been paid properly either. Or not paid at all. It involved a shift he had no expertise in and had no intention of pursuing, particularly after having to bail on his babysitter to bring Abby with him. It was an unequivocal "No." He declared firmly, convinced that this man was even more cynical than he was.
"Are you absolutely certain? Your resume suggests you're more than capable for the position." Mr. Raglan made one final attempt to persuade, his features softening subtly from their earlier rigidity. However, Mike shook his head once more, resolute in his decision. He muttered briefly about the job being the primary source of his conflict, preventing him from seeing Abby or ensuring she had a decent meal, not to mention avoiding losing custody to his aunt. With determination, he rose from his chair, ready to leave the office. Just as Mike was about to exit, Steve handed him his business card, his demeanor marked by a slight pout, swiftly followed by a confident smile. "Just in case, take this," he suggested. Mike, though hesitating for a moment, accepted the card out of politeness and left the office without a word.
After his meeting with Mr. Raglan, Mike's quest for the ideal job seemed to come to an unfortunate conclusion. None of the places he had contacted before his appointment with the advisor, and none since, had offered him any promising prospects. He was beginning to contemplate that maybe accepting the night shift at this particular place was the most feasible option for now. If nothing else, it would provide him with a source of income, and the busy night hours might keep his mind occupied. What enticed him even more was the prospect of being his own boss, with no co-workers to influence his ever-present paranoia. This thought made him more determined than ever to give it a try.
On that very same day, as Abby engrossed herself in her beloved TV shows, Mike settled in to tackle his usual paperwork. It was a task he wasn't particularly fond of, especially considering how the bills seemed to climb higher with each passing month. Even though they were essentially the same, being currently unemployed gave him the impression that each payment had somehow inflated. Just as he was wrapping up his tax payments, a business card slipped through the paperwork, piquing his curiosity and triggering an unexpected flashback.
He hesitated for a moment, contemplating the significance of the card, and then made an impulsive decision. Michael picked up the card and dialed Mr. Reglan's number.
Silence greeted Mike on the other end of the line, as if Mr. Raglan had anticipated the need to give him some space before speaking. "Hello, Mr. Raglan, it's Mike." He began, slightly perplexed. Oddly enough, he could almost sense the man's smile from the other end of the call. It was a whimsical, knowing smile, as if the company had despaired of finding anyone willing to take on the position. Advising Mr. Raglan to take anyone who had agreed upon the offer. "The man who doesn’t do night shifts..." 
“How may I help you?” 
He hesitated for a moment, taking a deep gulp. Ultimately, if he hoped to secure some much-needed income by the end of the month, Mike felt he had no choice but to go for it. With trepidation, he inquired about the availability of the job position. Mr. Raglan's response was swift and affirmative, exuding a sense of warmth toward the young man's inquiry. Encouraged by this, Mr. Raglan asked, "So, from the seemingly random question, can I assume you are accepting to be the Night Guard? Is that correct?"
“Yes.” Mike firmly agreed. 
“Well!” Mr. Raglan exclaimed with a beam smile written on his features. “Now let me explain you everything you need to know…” 
Mike's first night turned out to be anything but simple, despite his initial expectations. Although he had assumed it would be a straightforward affair, the reality hit him when he arrived at the Pizzeria. Mr. Raglan had painted an enticing picture, but the reality was far from appealing. The exterior of the place was drab, with a sign in disrepair, and an entrance that appeared older than Mike himself. The eerie atmosphere left him questioning the wisdom of his decision to accept the job. However, the need for money was a compelling motivator, so he soldiered on.
As he stepped into the building, he recalled being informed that the technology was outdated yet operational, suggesting that someone had been there before him to maintain it. Regardless, as long as their shifts didn't overlap, it was a situation he could live with. However, as he prepared to settle into his office, a profound sense of isolation crept over him. Or perhaps it was a feeling he had merely convinced himself of.
On that very night, Mr. Raglan had called for a check-in, a practice that you found rather unsettling. It only served to worsen your already fragile sleep schedule as the weeks passed. What made it even more distressing were the persistent, haunting visions of them replaying in your mind – flashbacks of their appearances at the restaurant and even inside your own home. But what set your anxiety spiraling was the presence of an eerie figure intertwined with these visions. This haunting scenario ultimately drove you to seek medical attention at the hospital due to severe sleep deprivation. After that harrowing incident, it's safe to say that your eyes would seldom close.
You had also received a rather cryptic warning to keep an eye on the new night security guard, as if your job wasn't demanding enough on its own. Strangely enough, you had never laid eyes on the big boss, nor had any idea what he even looked like. All you knew was that he had a penchant for privacy and seemed to have great faith in Mr. Raglan's knack for providing these kinds of employment opportunities.
As you cruised through the town, dressed in your security guard uniform, you made a pit stop at the convenience store. There, you grabbed some instant coffee and a few snacks to keep yourself alert during your night shift. It wasn't as if you desperately needed them, but considering the unpredictable behavior of the animatronics, especially on the new security guard’s very first day, you opted to stay on high alert. After all, it had been who knew how long since you'd managed to keep your sanity intact while enduring the trials of this dismal place.
You had casually mentioned to Vanessa that you had a few errands to run. She appeared as exhausted as you, both of you affected by the recent ordeal involving the security guard. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor guy, always caught in the middle of chaos and associated with the color purple. It seemed absurd that something so innocuous could be the root of all these problems, but you quickly dismissed such thoughts. After paying the cashier and expressing your gratitude, you left the store behind.
Mike's night was surprisingly going well, and he mused, "It's not as bad as I thought." Despite his seemingly confident tone, he remained alert and cautious. While you had explicitly advised Vanessa not to come and check on you, yet she did precisely the opposite. Mike suddenly became aware that he was not alone. Could it be a burglar? He had been sternly warned against letting any strangers in, and he was determined to follow that advice. However, Vanessa's impressive familiarity with the Pizzeria allowed her to slip in through an alternate entrance, demonstrating her knowledge of the place. Leading Mike into desperate urgent major. Finding the burglar. 
Meeting Vanessa had caught him off guard, and he was momentarily taken aback by her unexpected presence. Vanessa, however, took the initiative to speak on his behalf. "You must be the new security guard," she observed. Mike, still trying to process who this woman was, offered a hesitant nod, prompting a chuckle from Vanessa at his reaction. "I'm Vanessa," she introduced herself, her tone light. "Security guard by day, and assistant by night."
"Assistant?" Mike scrutinized her, contemplating whether he should call the big boss to confirm her role. However, Vanessa reassured him, saying. "No need to. The big boss called Y/N to fix Foxy's lair."
"Y/N?" Mike inquired, skepticism evident in his voice. "And why should I take your word for it without any proof?" He stayed close to the camera footage and swiftly switched to the next camera, which was focused on Foxy's area. Everything appeared to be in pristine condition, suggesting the entire place had been left deserted. "And who is this... Y/N?"
Vanessa pointed at the screen displaying the main entrance, where you were standing, clearly aware of the camera above. You cheekily flipped your finger at the camera, leaving Mike torn between the belief that Vanessa was indeed present or that the security guard was merely doing his job, and she wasn't there at all.
"I informed them that I wouldn't be around, but they are rather fragile. They are being advised to be checked on during their shift." Vanessa explained. "While I focus on the animatronics to avoid raising any suspicion, I suggest you go and check on them.”
The instructions were unmistakable, and Mike had little choice but to comply. "But... what if the boss finds out I'm not at my station?" He voiced his concern. Vanessa couldn't help but chuckle softly, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. "Don't fret. He's already aware." She reassured him, her expression tinged with a hint of guilt.
"Great," Mike muttered with an eye roll as he returned to monitoring the main entrance. He couldn't help but steal a glance at your figure, noticing how cold you seemed on this early fall night. He could practically see you shouting on the other line, "Hey, jerk! Let me in, it's freezing out here!" Even though he couldn't hear your words, he could tell from the expression on your face. In response, he finally granted you access, and you muttered with relief. "About time..." just before stepping inside.
As you stepped inside, the interior of the place made you acutely aware of your luck, albeit in an eerie way. It was undeniably creepy, yet you had an inexplicable sense of safety and even felt oddly welcomed. Foxy, known to be the most terrifying and historically the meanest of them all, somehow found solace in your presence. You could have sworn that at times, his eyes seemed to lower, watching as you tended to him. It was as though he had a hidden identity, not quite ready to reveal his true nature, you suspected.
As you wandered through the Pizzeria, Mike couldn't help but notice your diminutive figure amidst all the towering animatronics. He found it difficult to fathom how someone so petite could be employed in this establishment. He murmured his thoughts to Vanessa, nudging her gently. "Maybe we—" He began, but she quickly interrupted, saying, "Not now."
As you finished repairing Bonnie, the big boss tasked you with fixing Foxy, who had been acting strangely. It struck you as odd because Foxy typically only reacted to potential intruders. He preferred targeting moving objects over those playing hide and seek until they got too close. You made your way up to his lair, pulled back the curtains, and revealed his silhouette. "Seems like someone's been naughty lately..." Your voice usually provided comfort, but today it had an odd tone. "Have you...met the new guard?" You found it rather absurd to be talking to a robotic entity, particularly one as poorly and cheaply programmed as you had discovered. If there was one thing you wanted to tell the big boss, assuming you ever met them, it was to consider upgrading the gear if they ever thought of opening another Pizzeria. 
On the other end, Mike observed you with a watchful eye. It didn't take long before you began repairing Foxy's arm and his body started to glitch unexpectedly. "Weird... I thought—" Your words were abruptly cut off by a loud and startling BANG. Foxy's eyes were now fixed on you, but they were different from what you were used to. They were red and filled with anger, just like in your recurring nightmares. In that harrowing moment, you froze in place, uncertain of what to do next. "Y/N!" Vanessa's voice came through the walkie-talkie, but you couldn't hear it. Everything around you felt vacant, as if you were about to become Foxy's last meal of the night... or so you feared.
An arm swiftly reached out and pulled you close to its owner. Mike clutched you tightly, and a sense of terror and dread washed over both of you. It was Mike who managed to break free from the grip and make a dash for the monitor room, but just as he got there, Bonnie arrived, blocking his path. "Damn it," he cursed, frantically scanning for an alternate route. You, from your vantage point, weakly directed him, "The first aid room...to the right."
Without uttering a word of thanks, which, given the gravity of the situation, seemed secondary to getting you to safety, Mike finally brought you to the emergency room. It was a room that had seen far too much use, but oddly enough, everything seemed to return to normal once you arrived. The animatronics had moved elsewhere, and for some reason, they couldn't access the area. This brought a sense of relief to Mike. He carefully placed your body on a rather shabby bunk bed and softly murmured, "Here..." You remained in a state of shock, your eyes wide as if your body had been frozen in place. "Hey," He attempted to reassure you, "you're safe now. Vanessa should... Great job, Mike, real smooth." He berated himself inwardly for his awkward choice of words.
Upon hearing Vanessa's presence, you lifted your head abruptly, your eyes brimming with tears you were trying to hold back. Just when you thought of her, she appeared, precisely knowing where to find you. You felt a mixture of relief and concern as she leaned in to inspect you for any wounds or scratches, cupping your face and keeping her gaze locked on you. "Has they had any water?" Mike, who was present to assist, appeared increasingly nervous this time. Being new to this place, he didn't know everything either. "Where... Where is it?" He stammered, quickly searching the room. Vanessa pointed in the direction, her eyes never leaving you. "The first storage room to the left."
"Y/N, look at me." Vanessa implored, his voice filled with unease. "The man doesn't exist. He's not here... He's a fictional—"
Nervously, Mike handed the water bottle to Vanessa, who then offered it to you. This time, you shook your head vigorously, tears streaming down your face. "No! I saw him. Foxy spoke his name to me! It can't just be in my dreams!" You pleaded, desperate to convince them, despite your previous breakdowns being labeled as delusional by past doctors. As you shook your head, you realized that Mike was beside you. You clung to his arm, causing him to gulp nervously, just a little. "You have to believe me... Please..."
Mike found it hard to believe, even though you had clearly experienced a breakdown in that moment. While it was entirely understandable, he tried to do the same thing Vanessa did. "Perhaps you should just take a moment to breathe." He suggested. "Whenever I'm in a state of panic, my doctor advises me to take deep breaths." You observed him closely and countered. "And does your doctor say you're insane?"
As undeniable as the truth was, it struck Mike that perhaps you were right. Everything seemed so peculiar when it came to Abby and Y/N's imaginary friends, especially with Vanessa working so hard to conceal her friend's breakdowns. "You know... now that you mention it..." Mike began, leaning in to discuss it further. Vanessa attempted to nudge him away, but you allowed him to continue. But he stopped. And by locking eyes with each other, you both knew something was wrong with this place. So in response, you leaned in and wrapped yourself in his arm. There was something about him that felt like home. You felt protected and, for once, someone truly understood you.
On the other hand, Mike comforted you with a few soothing rubs on your back. He glanced at Vanessa, who seemed to share the relief but carried a heavy load of guilt inside, which she wasn't ready to disclose to either Mike or you. “Shh… I got you.” He said, with a soothing voice that remembered it as your older brother. Not letting it go he continued. “We are going to get through all of this together… Y/N.” 
In the distance, Abby observed the trio with Foxy's humanoid presence beside her. Foxy, who felt a deep sense of guilt for what he had done to them just hours ago, hesitated to intervene to bring Y/N back to him. However, as he watched Mike and you, he felt a strong urge to protect you, jealousy even you were a mother figure for everyone, but especially Foxy. Abby noticed his face changing into hatred until she halted him with a reassuring smile. "There's no need," Abby whispered. "They have found someone... Someone who truly cares for them. Someone who will love and protect them."
Foxy silently observed the scene unfolding before his eyes, and as he heard Abby's words, he felt a sense of relief welling up within him. Watching it all happen, Foxy came to realize that Abby was indeed right. Y/N had found someone they could genuinely rely on, someone with whom she could openly express their feelings..
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samwinchestersbf · 1 year
{ The Ghost of Beacon }
Chapter 1. "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
A RWBY x reader
warnings: small language, maybe ooc?
small authors note: I just created this idea on a whim, I am open to criticism. The gender neutral reader will be using they/them so anyone is welcomed to read. I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors in advance, I also have a small concept on how tumblr works beware! Please enjoy :) More chapters to come. (This takes place along with the original storyline with a few tweaks. I might toss in some romance when the time comes but who knows.)
Short Summary: The ghost of Beacon was thought to be a legend however with the recent spikes of activity, the school has grown unsure. The students with no idea of the story behind it all have determination to find out...
Reblogs are appreciated!!<3
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At first it was...difficult to come to terms with your death in the first couple of years. It's not like anyone noticed anyways, with all the speculation and lies.
Your days passed by very quick to say the least, you grew bored of it all. You craved to have fun if you were going to be a ghost trapped forever, right? Especially with new fresh students coming in.
Now here you were, amongst them all without their knowledge. These new students definitely piqued your interest, as did the last ones but there was something about them. You couldn't put your finger on it, perhaps it was just their behavior so you brushed it off.
You were too stuck in your thoughts to hear the headmaster's speech, along with his colleague. "Are there any questions?" He asked smoothly before taking another sip from his mug.
"Yeah...uhm sir?" You turned your attention to the timid blonde boy before he was cut off. "Good! Now take your positions." You let out a simple laugh and observed the group of teens ready themselves, the boy not aware of what was about to happen. "Uh sir...I've got a question" He still raised his hand.
Students were being flung into the air and he was still on rambling with his question as Professor Ozpin answered calmly. You walked over to him, "Good luck" You whispered into his ear before he was being launched at full force.
"My bets are on the energetic redhead" You tried to joke before realizing again no one can hear your remarks. You watched the collective group in the air, giggling a bit to yourself.
Professor Oz and Glynda pulling out their scrolls to watch on the surveillance system. "Hey! Let me get a peek" You tried to watch over Glynda's shoulder, she let out a little shiver. "Sorry, just let me see real quick" You attempted to take it before the tablet swung out of her grasp, her eyes widening.
You were able to see the students landing strategies before she scoffed, picking up the tablet from the ground. "Slippery fingers I see." Ozpin let out his own remark. "Oh shush, I don't even know how that happened." Her tone a little irritated. She walked off to go somewhere more private to observe.
You were a little shocked to say the least from your power. You didn't know you could do that? You decided to try again on the headmaster, you swatted at his mug, yet nothing happened. "Maybe if I- aha!" You hit the mug as he was about to take a sip, a majority of the drink spilling on him, before the mug took a tumble to the ground.
Glynda looked over her shoulder as she was walking away, "Now you've got slippery fingers" She mocked him, he seemed amused with his furrowed eyebrows. He glanced down at the mess, "Ignore that please." You bursted out in a laughing fit, feeling satisfied you now have the power over objects.
You recovered from your prank, thinking about it more now. If you were a stereotypical ghost, you could do much more than that. You could possibly try light tricks or even talking to someone finally. You yearned for conversation, sure you loved to be alone but you wished deep down for someone to hear your opinions and jokes.
You just wanted someone to know you were there, you wanted to be noticed.
You stood there, ruminating to yourself. It's not like Ozpin could see you, if anything he thought he was alone.
Soon enough Glynda spoke up again after quite some time, walking up to him. "Our last pair has been formed sir," She continued on swiping the scroll to a different perspective. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren...poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." You peered over her shoulder watching Nora be quite silly.
"They seem alright to me." You muttered, Glynda turned to Ozpin. "What did you say?" He looked up from his scroll, a look of confusion on his face. "I didn't say anything." He cocked an eyebrow before Glynda returned back to watching with a small eye roll following. So you could talk to people, if you really tried of course.
"But still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos." Ozpin replied with a small hum. "I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."
You wondered for a bit, it was possible to forge your way into any academy. You've seen it happen before besides no school is perfect.
Glynda put away her scroll, "I guess we'll find out soon enough" which in this case meant they were going to be finishing soon, you did want to test tricks on the new students. It'll maybe finally give you your own entertainment instead of listening and watching.
The collected woman walked off yet again, "At their current pace they should reach the temple just in a few minutes." She turned a little, she was truly a professional woman. As if you always knew that's who she's always been.
"Speaking of which; what did you use as relics this year?" She turned her full attention to him and called out his name again. He seemed too focused on his scroll, watching the kids from earlier have an argument. You believe he heard her because all he let out was another responsive hum.
He always did this, his little hums. Anyone was lucky if they had a full conversation with him.
All of a sudden you started to feel an intense pain in your stomach and throat, if ghosts could even feel a phantom kind of pain. You fell to your knees, trying to scream for help except not a single word came out. You coughed into your hand, pulling away to see your transparent hand stained with blood.
Get up. Get up. Get up
You blacked out and went dormant before waking up in a new scenery. You were in the academy now? You were still on the ground and quickly returning on your feet. An overwhelming confusion as you finally calmed down, realizing the pain beforehand was completely gone.
You woke up in that secluded spot you would go to clear your mind, a special place to your heart. It was dark outside and you could hear a faint commotion of people down the corridor.
You walked down there, walking through the door as you saw a sea of people surrounding the stage with four new students and Professor Ozpin. Everything must be over now, he's giving the new teams publicly.
"Oh shit, I missed all the fun." You sighed in defeat, still trying to figure out how that could've happened. You listened to Ozpin, making your way through the people to hop on stage.
"Looks like things are shaping out to be an...interesting year" He turned around, walking right through you. "Ow! You know that hurts right?" You hissed holding your stomach but he didn't notice.
He entered off stage as the girls and crowd cheered. You were obviously quick to follow right behind him.
He exited the room, Glynda waiting outside for him to talk to him. "I want to talk about what happened earlier today." He stopped in his tracks, and looked down at her. "Earlier?" He questioned before she took a breath in, "Earlier today, what happened wasn't ordinary. Stuff just doesn't come flying out of our hands and there wasn't any wind if I recall."
He raised an eyebrow before clicking his tounge to speak. "Yes that was quite odd but-" he was going to dismiss it all before a couple of students came to talk to him, surrounding him and Glynda. He politely answered some of their questions.
You saw the new team RWBY come out of the room, they seem to be having fun so you decided to follow them. They were chatting and walking to their brand new dorm.
After a while they finally made it there and you decided it was time to do what you originally wanted to do. Everyone was about to head to bed anyways so it was perfect for you.
The students said their goodnights to each other and were fast to fall asleep, now was the time to strike.
You went to team JNPR's dorm, knocking on their door and frantically shaking the door handle. "I'm coming..." Jaune's tired voice croaked before opening the door to absolutely nothing.
"Oh?" He looked down the halls with no sign of people whatsoever.
You decided to do it again every random hour of the night and you would follow him all day tomorrow to torment him.
The next morning he came off as very tired, explaining what happened and how no one has that much dedication to a joke like that. He believed it was a ghost, he was practically accusing you without knowing your name.
"Jaune cmon, maybe you were just restless all night from homesickness" Nora commented, she definitely had a heavy sleep effortlessly. Her friend Lie Ren was meditating on his bed.
He snapped his eyes open and whipped his head, drawing his teammates attention. He glared down where you were standing specifically, he must be able to tell you're there. He stopped before realizing he couldn't see you and apologized to them, "I thought I could sense something.."
Nora tilted her head and questioned the situation to the two boys "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
Jaune nodded desperately, "If it wasn't a ghost then it was most likely a student" Pyrrha suggested. "No it wasn't, I would've caught them!" Jaune rubbed his eyes, you did feel a little sorry.
"Then you should talk to Professor Ozpin about it later today" Ren replied, he was back to his calm meditation. The rest of the team agreed before you all heard team RWBY speeding out of their dormitory.
The four kids peeked out, falling onto the ground and catching up with the other team.
Hopefully this year would be interesting.
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olayaxnangyaite · 11 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 (II), 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝
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Every morning, Ao’nung or Tsireya would stand outside O’laya’s pod and wait for her to head out. This time it was Ao’nung, who came with his atlatl.
“You sleep with that thing?” She teased, pointing at his weapon. “You carry that around, I’m starting to think you're insane” She pointed while proceeding with him. “And where’s yours?” noticing that she came empty-handed. “I don’t need it” she shrugged. “Remember what your father said-” O’laya stopped in her tracks as soon as that word came out of his mouth.
“Nung, father died long ago so I do not need to hear whatever he said” She acknowledge with sternness. Ao’nung slumped his shoulders and just rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. “Fine. But if you ever get in trouble, don’t come running to me, ” he smirked and nudged her forearm. “Don’t worry, I won’t” he chuckled at her smugness and looked at her so fondly.
It wasn't a secret that Ao’nung had a thing for O’laya, he’s so delicate when it comes to her. It’s not just that he promised that she would take care of her but also how he had already chosen her, without her knowing. In all the time they have spent together, it was difficult for him to avoid this gushing affection.
“Laya, Where are you going?” Ao’nung asked, she passed the area where they usually train. “To the shore” She replied giving a ‘duh’ tone.
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The reef children had taken the first jump and flawlessly drifted along with the water, diving in a moderate speed. Soon after, the Sully siblings followed but with a playful and scattered jump making a loud splash.
O’laya turned her body to face the others and found Neteyam utterly mesmerized by the sea creatures that surrounded them. She grinned at him and was caught by his curious eyes. She went back to swim with Ao’nung, expecting them to follow.
“Come. Swim together with us” Tsireya signed, but they seemed to be enigmatic by this gesture and rather unfamiliar. Instead, she just queued for them to join. They shrugged and went back to the water.
O’laya looked over to Ao’nung, who was just beside her. And was visibly laughing at them, “Such bad divers” He signed to her, only to get a frown and another strike. He winced his eyes from the sting he felt and rolled his eyes at her. She looked back at Neteyam to see if he was managing and accidentally meeting eyes, it appeared that Neteyam was already looking at her before she even did.
She replied with a small smile and motioned for them to follow once more. As the reef children swam further, the Omatikayans could take it anymore and rose to the surface once more. “What’s wrong with them?” Rotxo asked, “They are bad at diving” he jibed at them. “Stop” Tsireya glared at his brother, “They are learning” O’laya shook her head at him and just followed them to the surface to face their exhausted faces. “Are you alright?” She asked.
“You swim too fast, wait for us” Tuk whined, “Just breath” Tsireya replied im empathy for the child as she glimpsed at how tired she looked. “You are not good divers. Maybe better at swinging-”
O’laya strikes again with her hand behind his head, Ao’nung groaned in subtle pain and glared at her. “Tsk! Enough, you two” Tsireya scowled at the two child-like adolescents before another catfight could start.
“C’mon, bro. We don’t speak thing finger talk, guys” Neteyam explained, imitating the movement of their fingers. “ I will teach you”
“ Where’s Kiri?” Roxto spun his head around to look for this, “Who?” O’laya asked.
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“If you want to live here, you must ride” Ao’nung clarified, as his hands glided against the water. Neteyam watched as O’laya called for an Ilu and conducted it in front of him to reach. “Here”
“ You can sit right here” she pointed at the Ilu’s back, Neteyam gladly heeded and lifted himself off the water and onto the creature. She looked up to him to make sure that his stance was steady enough, but she couldn't resist to just staring at his braids and how well done they were, his back and how tha water slowly dripped off, his arms that gripped tightly onto the “Is everything ok? Am i doing something wrong”
Neteyam caught the brief silence and wandered back to her, “Kehe!, you’re doing just fine” She shook her head and woke herself back to reality. She gently grasped into the animal’s que for Neteyam not to access it easily.
“Bond with him gently…” As soon as their floras collide, it was like a gush in his bloodstream. “Feel his heartbeat, feel his strength..” O’laya softly took the boy’s free hand and placed it on the handle for him to hold. HE reopened his eyes and prepared to launch, The Ilu took off with him and O’laya crouched under to get a better view of him.
And by surprise, after a few stumbles, he got a good grip on the creature and just like his father, he had it on only the first try. She scoffed at his success, seeing the surprised and proud look on his face as he faultlessly rode the Ilu.
After a few rounds, he came back to O’laya who was already on her Ilu. “Did you see that?” He sounded like a child who just received a toy, “Most fail at their first time” She stated, “Did you?” He said as he caught his breath, “Of course not” She chuckled at the thought of it. Remembering how her first time went.
"Look at your brother" O'laya pointed at Lo'ak who was struggling to stay on the Ilu. She scoffed at him as she watched Ao'nung and the rest laughed at him.
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The reef children and the Omatikayans sat in a circle as Tsireya organised a session for them to learn how to breathe underwater. But Ao’nung, O’laya and Neteyam sat in a different circle separating them from the others. “Breath…” She exhaled with Ao’nung and Neteyam following her actions. 
“Slow your heartbeat” She muttered, the three of them had their eyes closed to focus. But Neteyam, slightly opened his eyes to look at her in front of him. Legs crossed while her hands rested on her knees, He would scan her whole figure and take note of her every detail. But still obeying her instructions, 
Ao’nung on the other hand, also took a peek at his surroundings as he only opened one eye. He looked over to Neteyam and noticed that he was looking straight at her.
 “You know my ’eylan, looking at her won’t-”
“Fnu! “ She berated Ao’nung, “Kanfpìl (focus), Neteyam” She looked over to him with earnest. Ao’nung rolled his eyes at him and continued the whole session
after the lessons had ended, the rest of the reef children had gone their separate ways.
As Neteyam was wandering around the village giving himself his own tour, he found a small trail that leads to the deeper regions of Awa'atlu.
But his tracks paused when his sight drooped on the most majestic creature he had ever seen, maybe it was her giggling with the children or how they all sat beside her. Maybe it's her hair swaying with the wind, maybe it's the sun that shimmered her skin. He questions himself, admiring her soft laughs. falling for her smile, which slightly shows her fangs from her side view.
Tsireya sat on the other side, but not far for O'laya. The reef children surrounded them, braiding jewellery together. A couple of kids were circling her and decorating her hair with beads.
O'laya noticed eyes from a distance, she looked over to her right and found Neteyam. She beamed at him, making his knees feel entirely weak. He waved awkwardly to avoid embarrassment, and to hide the fact that he had been staring at her for too long.
O'laya gestured her hand and waved for him to come, "Come sit with us, Neteyam" She invited, he only nodded and followed her orders.
"These are the reef children" she introduced, as one girl walked hesitantly near him.
"Can we touch your hair?" She asked, with doe eyes glimmering at him. "Sure" He nodded and waited for the child to reach for his braids.
The little girl, smiled ear-to-ear as she took one of his strands that has bead embedded in it.
"tewti" she whispered, Neteyam chuckled as he watched the child admire his hair. But his gaze soon darted back to O'laya, It was the moment that he knew in his guts that this girl is either going to be the death of him or the one he was going to live for the rest of his life with.
"You look very pretty..." He whispered to himself, not knowing how he was voicing it out loud. Distracted from watching the kids, she only heard a mumble. "Hm?"
" Po san lu nga sevin (he said you are pretty)" One of the children decorating her hair voice for him. The rest of the girls giggle at Neteyam, Including Tsireya. His face suddenly heated up and a tint of pink smeared across his cheeks.
O'laya grinned at his flustered face, as her smile became uncontrollable. As the children became more comfortable with Neteyam, they started to take each one of his strands and started to decorate his hair with shells just like O'laya.
"Here in Awa'atlu, we embellish out nikre (hair) as a sign of friendship. The children will look at you as a ’eylan from now on" She explained, "You are one of us now" He opened her palm and asked for his hand.
He gladly accepted and offered his hand to her, gently placing it on top. Not breaking their gaze, She hitched a string that was covered in assorted shells, beads and even sea glass. "For you" this string serves as a token of love.
The little children had witnessed courtship in front of them, so innocent, so pure. A love affair that Eywa had given them.
His happiness was difficult to hide, looking dearly at the string tied to his wrist. "Irayo, Ma'laya" He looked back at her.
Tsireya was beyond happy to see her friend on the brink of falling deeply in love with Neteyam. It was apparent that their fondness was in their eyes. Interlinked, connected, like their souls were merged/ His yellows and her blues were a match made by Eywa.
"Here, You can make one of these pieces of jewellery with us" She took a strand of string and handed him a container filled with different types of ornaments. "Can you teach me?" He looked up to her again, "Of course" she beamed a warm smile.
"Now twist it this way..." Both concentrated on braiding a bracelet, O'laya guided his hands every step of the way. accidentally intertwining their fingers on occasion, causing sudden fits of flusters.
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hey idk if youve answered this but whats ur writing process like? im think of doing a story like decades challenge but ive never anything outside of gameplay really. also how far in advance do you plan is it like this gen or gens in the future? sorry for rambling
Hello! First, you don't ever have to apologize for rambling to me; I love a good ramble! And second, if you're wanting to do the decades challenge, I suggest going for it! It has really helped me find a medium to channel my love for writing and learn history along the way.
To answer your second question of how far in advance I plan, I do plan multiple generations at once. I have a basic outline from 1890 to the mid 1920's already planned out, and this includes Ozzy, Atticus and future children and most of the side characters as well like Beth, Millie and Valerie.
As for my process, it's a little more in-depth and I use a website called Milanote for note taking and tracking birthdays and Google Docs for a bigger spreadsheet and writing the story.
Sometimes I have the full scene already written out in advance, but most of the time, it will be few sentences to get the juices flowing or something I wrote down at a different time. I write small things all the time, like little pieces of dialogue, or a good prose that I don't want to forget.
I personally need to see what the scene will look like before I write it out. Mostly because if I write something, and then can't find a pose for it, I get frustrated. So I shoot the scene first, edit the photos, put them into a Tumblr draft, and then finish the writing with the photos there for me to look at. Lately, I've been taking a few photos and then the rest of the scene comes to me while I'm shooting, so I stop taking photos and write it down before I forget.
Anyway, once all the photos are taken and the first draft is finished, I copy and paste what I've just written into my Google Docs. From there, I let it do it's grammar / spell check thing (mostly because I have it set to British-English so I want to catch American spellings of things and change them for me), reread it and put it back into the draft on Tumblr.
After that, I read the scene outloud back to myself. This helps me catch any weird grammar errors that the computer missed, or any repetitive use of a word & then I replace them (I have an extension that looks for synonms for me). I also just feel reading it outloud back to yourself, helps you read it like it's a story vs you just like...saying what's happening, if that makes sense? Like if I'm finding myself bored just by saying it outloud, it will probably be boring to read.
I do this multiple times over before I decide I'm satisfied, and I usually do it one more time before I publish the post. After I like what I've written, I copy and paste that back into my Google Doc because I consider this "my hard copy".
There is also a lot more organization that goes into it than just this, so if you want to know how I organize things, I'd be happy to explain that as well. It's a lot of spreadsheets and notetaking, but you don't have to do that if you don't want to.
And, this is just what works for me, I can't stress that enough! Other people write the scene before they shoot, and that's perfectly fine too. My process has changed overtime and it's taken a bit of trial and error, but this is just what feels the most natural for me.
I hope this helps somewhat and isn't too overwhelming. You can always do more gameplay than writing if that's what works for you, or build a story with gameplay. So don't let this scare or intimidate you! Either way, good luck with your decades challenge!
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nonameberry · 2 months
I’ve been doing math all day so I apologize in advance for grammar errors
I like how cigarettes add onto your life in buckshot roulette. I think it solidifies that addiction is the core part of the game. Because cigarettes obviously are bad for you, but for the purpose of addiction it feels like it’s saving your life.
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