#shiro (voltron) angst
mothmanavenue · 10 months
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feels like a lifetime just try a get by, while i’m dying inside
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autisticlancemcclain · 5 months
“This your place?” Keith asked, panting.
His host raised his eyebrow, pushing open the door.
“No,” he deadpanned, “this is my annoying neighbour’s house. He’s on holidays. I’m staying here and using all his things to take revenge for hours of small talk.”
“Oh,” Keith replied, impressed. “Cool.” He’ll have to do that next time Lance is on a solo mission. 
“No, I’m – I’m kidding, Paladin.”
“Oh,” Keith repeated, disappointed. “Less cool.”
“Just – get in the house.”
Keith didn’t argue. He followed his host into the small building, nodded as he was pointed to a guest room, and passed out the second his head hit the straw-stuffed pillow.
— — —
When Keith woke, it was dark outside. A scarred face was looming over his, and he bit back a scream, hand flying for his knife on reflex. 
“Peace, Paladin,” said Ares, holding up a hand. “I startled you. I did not mean to. It’s time for the feast. 
Keith slumped. His heart slowed from its jackrabbit pace. “Yeah. Yeah, man, thanks. I’ll be right out.”
His host nodded and left, closing the door behind him. Keith took one minute to calm himself, closing his eyes and counting his breaths. Once sixty seconds passed, he stood, glancing down at his armour. 
That was…fine, right?
They always wore their armour to diplomacy missions. Well, mostly because Keith threw a massive hissy fit the second Coran attempted to force him into the worst, most restrictive suit he’d ever seen. His armour was battered, unpolished, and honestly kind of rank, but it wasn’t like he had many other options. He held out his helmet, inspecting himself in the reflection of his visor.
Shiro would tell him to brush his hair.
Too bad he didn’t have a hairbrush. 
He walked out of his room, shrugging. His host was waiting for him by the small hearth in the middle of the house, standing as Keith approached. 
“Shall we make our leave?”
He followed his host back out of the little house. They walk in silence. Keith’s feet begin to hurt by the five minute mark – he has no idea how long he slept, but it was not long enough, and exhaustion still pulled at his frame. 
Dryope had mentioned food, though. And something like a party, but one lucky thing about Ares – he doesn’t seem to be much of a partier, either, so hopefully Keith could ditch that bright and early and go right back to sleep. 
They walked along the same hills Keith’s host had led them down earlier, only this time they were going up, so it was worse. Thankfully, though, the walk was just barely shorter – they weren’t walking back to the beach, but to the hearth, the big fire pit Keith noticed walking in. All the houses they passed were empty, not even a light by the window.
“Is everyone at the – party, thing, whatever?” Keith panted.
Ares eyed him briefly, not pausing his stride. “Look for yourself.”
They crested the top of the hill, and Keith’s jaw dropped. 
The hearth was blazing. The flame burned so brightly and hugely that Keith was half-convinced it was out of control. Surrounding it in hundreds of chattering groups was every single Aegian, tall and wide and small, smiling and laughing. As he watched, an Aegian called something in a language Keith couldn’t understand, and immediately dozens of the tree-warriors rushed up to join hands in a big ring around the fire, twirling and dancing as the watching Aegians chanted and sang. 
Keith’s first thought was, Aren’t these guys made of wood?
His second thought was, This looks like a hippie commune. Time to ditch.
Unfortunately Ares caught him before he could go right back the way they can, spinning him around and shoving him down the hill.
“Real hospitable,” Keith grumbled.
His host seemed, as much as such a scary person could look, amused. “On you go, Paladin.”
Keith stomped on. He probably could take Ares in a fight, at least normally, but he was exhausted and injured and weak. Plus, if he was the reason behind yet another failed diplomatic mission, Lance would gleefully hold it over his head for weeks, and Shiro would be disappointed if Keith finally killed him. Plus, Allura would be upset with him, and having Allura upset with you kind of feels like taking a kitten that loves and trusts you and drop kicking it into the sun. Very quickly, you realise that you are the scum of the Earth and the worst person alive. It’s generally just something you should avoid.
As he trudged down the hill, he quickly recognised three familiar suits of armour. They were kind of hard to miss – even as scuffed as they were, they glinted in the light of the massive fire, shining like a bunch of precious stones. Pidge, sulking somewhere near a table of desserts; Hunk, chatting with his host; and Shiro, speaking with the Aegian leader like the tryhard little teacher’s pet he was. Coran stuck out, too, in his bright blue Altean uniform that was somehow pristine even though Keith watched him get flung at a wall and shocked by a bare wire from the broken control centre back on the dead castle. 
All the Aegians wore some kind of bedsheet, or their Tinkerbell clothes. Interestingly, the dryads were not the only Aegians present – there were others who looked a little more human, although they had plenty of strange features that reminded Keith they were not. A group of laughing girls looked like they were made from the bottom of a pool in the sunlight, skin shifting with dappled light. Several guys walked around with half a donkey hanging out of their drawers. Keith spotted some honest-to-God centaurs. One girl appeared to be made out of blowing, spinning wind. 
Hundreds of eyes seemed to follow Keith as he joined the crowd, glancing at him and then back at their friends, whispering to themselves. Keith shrunk into himself, letting his hair fall in front of his eyes – no one looked mad, or angry, or cruel, but no one looked exactly welcoming, either. Ares had disappeared at some point, not that he was what Keith would consider a friendly face. 
Keith needed to find someone he knew, stat. 
His first instinct was Pidge – the two of them usually slunked in some corner together whenever they were forced (often at gunpoint, thanks, Lance) to some stupid party. They had a running game called How Many People Can We Convince That Barking Is A Polite Human Greeting Before Shiro Finds Out. So far their score was 135-149, Pidge in the lead. (Keith very much intended to catch up.) But before he could make it over to where she was hiding, a group of water-girls descended upon her like a pack of piranhas, giggling and shouting something about braiding and eye makeup. Keith decided he would rather chew off his right hand than put himself anywhere near that, and did an abrupt 180 in search of Hunk.
Unfortunately, the big guy was still preoccupied. His host – Elijah (or something, Keith would be reminded of his real name eventually) – was showing him some kind of metal box that opened to a bunch of intricately placed gears and bobbles and wires. Hunk was staring at it like the Holy Grail. Not even Keith’s best pleading eyes and sad orphan story would convince him to babysit Keith and glare at anyone who attempted to socialise. Another dead end.
Keith sighed. That really only left –
“Hey, squirt!”
Keith went bright red, cringing with his whole entire body. He loved his brother, he really, truly did, but Shiro was as out of depth as he was at stuff like this and tended to overcompensate by being affectionate. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, except he had a bad case of Foot In Mouth Disease and knew Keith at his most embarrassing early teenage emo. 
“Hey, Shiro,” he said stiffly, trying not to die inside as the man pressed a smacking kiss right in the centre of his forehead.
A tall, handsome guy somewhere to their left raised his eyebrows, smiling with amusement. Keith thought he could die. Sometimes, he thought his brother was secretly a forty-six year old suburban mom of three.
“We missed you!” cried his embarrassing brother. He was so genuine about it, it was hard not to smile back at him. “You took so long getting here!”
“My host’s place is at the farthest corner of the city,” Keith explained. “Had to hike here. Thought I was gonna bite it by mile six.”
Shiro snorted. “Drama queen.”
“Yeah, yeah. You try hiking after getting shaken around like a bobblehead. I bet your place is, like, twenty feet away from here.”
“Pretty much,” Shiro agreed, smile turning into more of a smirk. He attempted to dig his knuckles into Keith’s skull, but Keith was well used to his brand of crap and squirmed away at the last second. “Akeso’s sorta the main healer around here – at least I think? They’re not much of a talker – so they live in this building that’s attached to the infirmary. One of the big buildings in the inner circle.”
He pointed to one of the more rectangular buildings Keith had seen on the way in, with a much smaller, rounder building attached to it like one of those suction fish on a shark. It was hard to make out many details in the dark, fire’s light only able to stretch so far, but it looked pretty infirmary-ish.
“Hunk’s staying near the forges. He loves it, you should talk to him about it. He’s all cute and excited, you know that look he gets. Elatreus is impressed with him, practically made him an assistant.”
Elatreus! That’s the host’s name. And Keith absolutely knew what look Shiro’s talking about – the wide brown eyes, clasped hands, talking a mile a minute. He smiled softly. Nothing better for the soul like watching an ecstatic Hunk. 
“That’s good. Glad he’s happy.” 
“Yep. And Pidge is in a regular house like you, little more in-city. Next to some kind of trap shop? I don’t totally get it. Apparently Dysnomia needs a lot of supplies. Pidge was being all sketch about it.”
“That’s not super reassuring.”
“It is not!” Shiro agreed. He led Keith to one of the many tables laid out, absolutely covered in food. Keith realised he was ravenous, piling up a plate at least a foot high with meats and breads and foods he couldn’t even identify, but that smelt positively godly. At Shiro’s raised eyebrow, he rolled his eyes and selected a single vegetable. 
“Make sure you toss some in the fire,” Shiro advised.
Keith squinted at him. “I’m…not gonna do that, thanks.”
“No, no, you have to.”
He pointed to the edge of the fire, where, sure enough, some Aegians were scraping the edge of their plates into the flames.
Keith wrinkled his nose. “The hell are they burning their food for? What a waste!”
Shiro shrugged, stepping into the line. “Akeso said it’s an old tradition, something that their ancestors felt protected them and gave them good will and peace. No one really wants to mess with that mojo, so. Portion of the food is sacrificed.”
Keith would be less pressed about it if the food didn’t look and smell so good. Scraping perfectly good food into fire felt like spending hours polishing a sword only to scratch it three seconds later – effort for no reason. When it was their turn, though, Keith did as the custom dictated. He’d learned enough about questioning weird traditions. 
He held eye contact with Shiro and flicked his one vegetable into the flames. Delightfully, his brother’s eye twitched, like he was considering shoving Keith into them. Suddenly, this custom was Keith’s favourite he’d ever been forced to partake in. 
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By the time they finally sat somewhere to eat, Keith was so hungry he was ready to eat his fingers along with the food. He inhaled his food for a good five or six minutes, ignoring Shiro’s attempts first at conversation, then at slowing him down. 
“Christ, kid,” he said, voice tinged with either horror or awe. Maybe both. “Eating like I never fed you in your life.”
“You haven’t,” Keith replied around a rib of some kind. “Adam fed me. You made ash of everything you touched.”
Shiro’s expression soured. He poked sullenly at some kind of leaf. (Serves him right for trying to be some kinda health freak now that he’s in charge. Keith once watched him eat an entire Costco sheet cake at three in the morning, and that had been his first and only meal of the day. Keith enjoyed bringing it up every time Shiro preached about the benefits of salad and watching him just start screeching to drown Keith out. Good times.) 
“I didn’t turn everything to ash, you ungrateful brat. I made muffins that one time!”
You microwaved an already cooked muffin, Keith thought, wisely choosing to eat some kind of rice dish instead of bringing it up. And it tasted like erasers afterr. So.
“Sure, Shiro.”
Shiro nodded, satisfied. He picked up the leaf, sprinkled with some…orange thing, maybe, Keith couldn’t tell exactly, and took a delicate bite. He looked less satisfied.
“So,” he said, setting down his plate like he was looking for an excuse not to eat it. He looked at Keith expectantly. “You must want an update on Allura.”
Keith blinked. “Oh, shoot, yeah. I didn’t see her. She good?”
“Yeah, from what we can tell. When we got to the infirmary, Akeso stitched up my knee, then we –”
“You had a knee injury?” Keith interrupted. “You should have said something!”
Shiro smiled gently. “I got it treated, dork.” He bumped their shoulders together, trying to ease Keith’s upset expression. “I’m fine, okay? If Akeso didn’t bring it up, I would have. Promise. It wasn’t too bad, anyway, I swear.”
Keith frowned harder. He had noticed Shiro shifting slightly when they were first confronted by Dryope and her army, but Shiro had walked away without limping, so he’d allowed himself to stop worrying. A stupid mistake, and one he should know better than making. He knows his stupidly self-sacrificial brother. 
“Keith, seriously,” Shiro assured. He leaned down, unlatching his thigh and knee braces, then pulled back the rip in his undersuit. Keith wasn’t comforted by the size of the rip – nor the placement of it – but the wound didn’t look too bad, and was stitched neatly. Some kind of salve was spread all over it, under the clear wound dressing. As he watched, the wound seemed to contract, shrinking ever so slightly.
“Healing magic,” Shiro explained, putting his armour back. He patted Keith’s shoulder. “Akeso is super practiced at it. They stitched me up but warned that overdoing magic healing is as bad as cheating death, so it’ll still take a couple weeks to heal fully. Just won’t hurt so bad and might heal a little faster than with just stitches.”
“That why Allura is still out?” Keith clarified, finally letting go of the tension in his shoulders. Shiro looked relieved. “No speedy magic?”
Shiro nodded. “Exactly. After Akeso stitched me up we went to go visit Rhea, check on Allura. She’s tucked in this massive bed-nest thing, snoring away. She’s fine. Just super drained and needs all the rest she can. She’s in good hands.”
Relief punches out of Keith like a physical force. It’s one thing if his friends are injured, a whole other if they’re unconscious – but with Shiro’s assurance as well as Coran’s confidence earlier, he can relax. The two of them can read people like no one else on the ship – except maybe Lance. She’ll be fine.
“Speaking of Lance,” Keith said.
“No one brought up Lance except your own brain,” Shiro responded patiently. That infernal smirk twitched at the corner of his mouth. 
Keith went red, barrelling right on. “Where is he? This stuff is right up his alley, I figured he’d be out twirling until he passes out in the punch or something.”
Shiro frowned, looking at him funny. “He is? He’s been over –”
Just then, the music that had been playing in the background changed – there was a collective inhale, then all the instruments played something at once. Keith didn’t know much about music, but the something felt intentional, deeply so. A song was beginning, rather than endless background music.
Excited murmuring moved in waves throughout the gathered Aegians. People started shifting. High above everything else, loud and excited, rang a disbelieving laugh – a very familiar laugh.
Keith whipped his head up, roll dropping from his hand and bouncing into the dirt. At the edge of the crowd, lit softly by the orange golden flames, was Lance – but it was no wonder Keith had missed him before. He wasn’t wearing his armour.
He was wearing a dress!
Well, not really a dress. One of those ancient Greek toga things, that looks like a droopy bedsheet. Keith had noticed it on several – almost all, in fact – of the Aegians; a draped, white garment, cinched in the waist, pinned at the shoulders. It hadn’t looked anything special on them. 
Lance, though, wore it like it had been made for him. Maybe it had. Most Aegians wore the toga-thing pinned at both shoulders, but Lance’s was only gathered at one, the rest of it falling artfully on his chest, looking dangerously like it was about to fall off. The cinched golden rope acting as a belt made his waist look downright tiny, like someone could pick him up around his middle and throw him, or something. It wasn’t crazy short, or anything, but Lance surely didn’t wear it down to his toes, like some others did. A pair of simple brown sandals wrapped all the way up his calves. 
There were actual freaking laurels in his hair, along with what Keith could only assume were gold threads, wrapped around a few tiny, careful braids. A golden bracelet wrapped around his bicep, contrasting with his many Earth-made bracelets and anklets, and his plastic blue Moana watch that he never took off. 
“He looks ridiculous!” Keith cried. 
Shiro tried poorly not to laugh. “I think he looks nice!”
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“He looks like a freaking Roman statue!”
The music started to swell, and Lance reached out to grab an offered hand, and suddenly Keith’s blood went cold. 
“What is he doing all over Lance,” he hissed.
Shiro raised his eyebrows. “His…host?” 
“Hosting immoral thoughts, maybe!” Keith protested. Shiro choked on his drink. “Look at his damn hand! Gripping Lance’s waist like there’s a magnet involved! What’s he want, to pick Lance up like a prize and show him around, or something? What a creep!”
But Lance wasn’t scowling, or even using his polite I-hate-you-and-can’t-wait-to-talk-crap-about-you-to-my-friends smile. He was just smiling, and concentrating hard on his feet, wrapping his own hands all over Mr. Creep. As the music got more complicated, they started dancing. 
“What’s your deal with Peithos?” Shiro questioned. “What’s he –”
Keith ignored him. “And they have some kinda dance prepared? He’s supposed to be helping Lance recover, not teaching him a dance! How long have we been here for?”
Shiro finally sighed, giving up on his questioning. He watched the dancing duo, although with significantly less (zero) animosity than Keith. 
“‘Bout ten hours? Give or take.”
“Ten ho – ten hours,” Keith said, stumbling over his words. He tore his eyes away and stared at his brother, alarmed. “We’ve been here ten whole hours? I thought it was, like, three!”
Shiro nodded, taking a long sip out of his cup. “Yep. Surprised the heck outta me, too. Went for a nap after checking on Allura, and boom, sun’s down, Akeso’s waking me up, and my leg hardly hurts anymore. Exhausted sleep is sleep, man, I feel you. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran knocked out, too. Only Lance stayed up. That’s why he’s not in armour. And why he knows this dance, apparently.” He nudged Keith’s shoulder, expression suddenly much more solemn. “You know how he is with sleep.”
Keith softened. He turned back to the blue paladin with a sigh, watching the half-Aegian twirl him around. The music got faster and faster and the man grabbed Lance around the waist and lifted him, twirling them both like it was easy as pie. Lance threw his head back and laughed, cheeks flushed and nose squinted like it does when he’s really laughing. 
“Yeah, I know. Still, though. I don’t trust that guy. Too friendly. And Lance is too comfortable.”
“That’s fair.” Shiro was staring at him, too. “I don’t really trust many people here, actually. I think Rhea is trustworthy. And Elatreus. The other people, I can’t say yet. But Dryope…”
He turned to glance at the leader, who watched the festivities over the rim of an ornate glass. She sat on a carved rock, her father next to her. The rock-seat to her right was left empty. Keith could guess who it was for. 
“There’s something they’re not telling us,” Keith finished, nodding. “Agreed.”
He turned back to look at Lance and Peithos. The song had ended, but they were still standing close to the fire, bent close. Lance was gesturing like crazy, smile lighting up his face. Peithos was intently watching his every move. 
“We’ll keep an eye on them,” Shiro promised. His smile was small and reassuring. Keith glanced at the half-Aegian, then back at his brother, nodding slowly. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I think we should.”
After the weird dance, the party started to die down. People slowly started to head out, first in singles, then in couples, then in large swathes. Pidge was one of the first to make her getaway. Keith looked around for his host, but couldn’t manage to land his eyes on him. He hoped he hadn’t already left – he had no clue how to get back to his guest room in the dark, and wasn’t super pumped about sleeping on the ground if it came to that. 
“You know where the house is?” Keith overheard Peithos murmur, so close to Lance there wasn’t a place they weren’t touching. 
Lance grinned up at him. “Yep! I’ll meet you there, don’t worry about me. Go do what you need to do.”
The half-Aegian smiled gratefully at him, then rushed off.
Some host, Keith thought bitterly.
His glare was apparently pretty pungent, because now that Lance’s distraction was gone, he looked over quickly. He brightened, jogging over.
“Keith! Hey! I haven’t seen you all night.”
“Yeah, wonder why,” muttered Keith sullenly.
“I hope you –” Lance frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Keith repeated, mocking. He rolled his eyes. Unfortunately he still managed to notice the expression on Lance’s face – wounded, not mad. He faltered. 
That wasn’t how their arguments were supposed to go. “You know what it means,” he insisted, but it sounded unconfident even to his own ears.
“I really, really don’t. I looked for you earlier, I couldn’t find you when everyone else –”
“You looked?” Keith asked incredulously. “I couldn’t’ve pried your eyes away from Tall, Dark, and Handsome if I plucked them out of your head!”
Lance’s already-present flush exploded out of control, so bright Keith could see it even in the dying embers of the hearth. “I wasn’t – he’s not – you’re not – what are you talking about!” he finally managed, tripping over his words in a way he usually didn’t. “Peithos and I were just – were just – we were only dancing! He taught me the Spring Dance, earlier, when he was showing – showing – me the wildflower fields, and –”
Keith narrowed his eyes. He realised for the first time that Lance was swaying, slightly, and even as he talked himself out of his embarrassment, the red didn’t totally fade from his face, staying high on his cheeks. 
“– I don’t know what your problem is, I swear, every time I have fun you live to ruin it. Gods, can’t I even have – have – have one thing, I just –”
He kept tripping over his words, like his tongue wasn’t working with him. Keith frowned harder.
“Lance, are you – drunk?”
“What? No!”
That Lance said clearly. He whirled on Keith with a new layer of clarity in his eyes, dark like pits and absolutely flashing in fury. 
“You think,” he seethed, stepping forward, “that I am so freaking irresponsible, so absolutely stupid and idiotic, that I would get intoxi – intoxish – intoxicat –”
He couldn’t even say the words. Keith stared at him in alarm, because he raised a good point – Lance liked to pretend, but he really wasn’t irresponsible like that. Keith had never heard him swear. He went to bed at the same time every night. As far as he knew, he’d never actually touched a drop of alcohol in his life – it would be out of character for him to get wasted at a diplomatic mission, late at night, when they were separated and wary. 
Something was not right.
“Lance, I think you should maybe –”
“Gods, you ruin – you ruin everything.” Lance blinked, hard, then glared at Keith, shoving off the steadying hand Keith had placed on his elbow and stumbling backwards. He held his gaze for several moments, absolutely glowering, and then – to Keith’s great horror – his brown eyes watered. Tears built up faster than he could wipe them away, tracing a line down his cheek. Keith staggered backwards.
“I hate you sometimes,” he said, and ran off. 
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Keith watched him go, aftertaste of the delicious food turning sour in his mouth.
— — —
all art by @jiveyuncle!!
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c0nsp1racysblog · 11 days
some voltron headcanons
(except they’re somewhat based off of my own experiences)
- tried to give himself a stick-and-poke tattoo using black gel-nail polish, and a sewing needle attached to a pen with rubber bands.
- got so scared when hunk and pidge informed him that it would probably poison and kill him.
- he was fine and the ‘tattoo’ faded..
- shiro left a pair of scissors unattended and keith tried cutting his own hair (as he was used to while living with foster families/houses) but, he messed up horrendously by accident.
- had the world’s worst trim for a few months (baby bangs and partially bald) until it grew into the messy mullet and he has kept it that way ever since;; only occasionally trimming the edges if it gets in his eyes or too long on his neck..
- if he’s in a room with someone else, he will sometimes hold his own breathe to hear if the other is breathing… especially if he’s sharing a room with someone during the night, he will try and stay awake for as long as possible to make sure the other person is steadily breathing in a calm and relaxed tempo (war nightmares get everyone at times)
- he falls asleep with matching their breaths at times.
- used to be a really sore loser and couldn’t tolerate matt beating them in anything.
- with matt back, she’s just happy they get to play games together once again and doesn’t mind losing as much if it means they don’t have to lose eachother again.
- btw this doesn’t mean they will accept defeat easily. they just won’t flip the monopoly board and accuse of cheating anymore as much.
- he went no contact with adam for months but never stopped thinking about him. wanting to reach out. he tried everything to cure himself just to try with adam again but it was always futile.
- nothing came from it, and shiro left anyways for the mission and regret still lingers at times. who knew the feeling of phantom limb syndrome could come from more than a stolen limb ? a stolen life ?
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New sketch in progress!! Do I draw too much Voltron?
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uniquecellest · 4 months
Yknow what's really good and angsty?
A flashback Adam could have just before he dies (or gets captured by the Galra) and it goes back to the fight he and Shiro had over Shiro going on Kerberos. Like perhaps days before Sanda approaches Adam and proposes that Adam threatens to end it with Shiro to maybe keep Shiro from going.
Adam refutes this idea because he wants to support Shiro even if it means they don't have long together when he gets back.
Sanda then threatens Adam's rank. Seeing that is being futile, she threatens Shiro's rank as an officer. That gets Adam. Sanda promises to make Shiros life hell once he gets back.
So Adam agrees. Because he knows how much being a pilot means to Shiro and he doesn't want to see what Sanda will do to either of them.
The dreaded day of the argument comes.
Adam doesn't win at all. Shiro is adamant about going and just lost it all because of Sanda.
Then shortly after the launch (because yes Adam went he's going to support Shiro no matter what) Sanda pulls Adam into her office. Adam confirms that he did threaten their relationship yet Shiro was adamant on going.
Sanda is upset by this because she thought losing the love of one's life would make them reconsider. Adam pleads that he can leave the Garrison as long as Shiro can keep his position. Adam pleads that since he did try to keep Shiro from going and Shiro still went Shiro shouldn't pay the price.
Sanda says she will think about it and that infuriates Adam. Before he can do anything Sanda dismisses him.
Adam leaves angry. Outside he sees Keith in the waiting chairs. Because the young teen was curious to see Adam and Sanda together and he overheard everything. While he was mad at Adam for breaking up with Shiro he's even more pissed at Sanda and wants to hit her. Adam stops him. They spend time together but it's not easy. Both grieve privately while trying to be strong for the other in front of people.
Kerberos is then declared a failure and Adam breaks down. He cries in front of Keith for the first time in a long while because he lost Shiro twice. Both blame Sanda thinking that she sent a secret team out to Kerberos to make sure Shiro doesn't come back.
In the following days Keith gets expelled. Sanda says that Adam cannot have any contact with Keith.
They still do via walkie-talkies or private phone calls because Adam buys Keith burner phones. Adam visits Keith at the shack. Sanda tries to make Adam stop but since she can't prove that it is Keith Adam goes out to see or talks to she doesn't have a leg to stand on with Iverson taking Adam's side. Even the entirety of Garrison engineers take Adam's side (because they all know it's Keith and dislike Sanda and loved Shiro, Matt, and Sam) that she has to step down.
Adam comes to whispering "I'm sorry" he means I love you.
Adam is the last person the Garrison hears.
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the-feral-gremlin · 10 months
Cw: mentioned nightmares, death in dream. Also
Sh*ithers DNI
I think Shiro couldn’t look Keith in the eye for the while after the clone fight, even though He knows that it wasn’t him and it wasn’t his fault, but he still blames himself for the scar on his little brothers face and all the hurtful words the clone said.
I think he lies awake at night, replaying the fight over and over again in his mind, wondering if Keith feared him as much as he feared himself. I think he’d dream of his brother’s blood on his hands and the feeling of falling.
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icypantherwrites · 2 months
Fic Update: Missing, Chapter 11 (FINAL)
Shiro slowly approached his bed, pausing at the foot of it. 
Lance didn’t say anything, heart thumping loudly.
“I owe you an apology.”
Shiro’s words cut into the air as the door closed behind him and Lance tried not to tense at the fact he was alone with Shiro.
Nothing, nothing was going to happen.
“I owe you an apology,” Shiro repeated, slightly softer that time and his eyes — charcoal no longer smoldering, not piercing — seeking out Lance’s. “What, what I said to you earlier… it was inexcusable, Lance. I,” he swallowed, “I thought I was making the best decision for Voltron and for your own safety, but… but I didn’t look beyond what facts I thought I had and I refused to listen. And,” he let out an almost bitter laugh, “even if I had my earlier actions towards you would have made it almost impossible for you to speak up. I was out of line, Lance. And I know that this apology can’t make up or erase what I said or what you felt, but… but I hope it can be a step in the right direction.”
Shiro went silent and Lance stayed the same.
His hands were starting to tremble around the mug and he bit his tongue as a bit of hot tea sloshed over the rim onto his fingers. 
Shiro sounded sincere.
He sounded like he’d realized his mistake.
So then…
Why did he still not feel right?
Why did everything still feel so wrong inside?
Read it here
(posted up through chapter 7 on AO3)
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chasinglifeandlove · 8 months
finally finished the first chapter of a klance fic about keith coming back from the blades and finding out lance died… i live for the angst and it’s an issue. anyway, if anyone’s curious here’s the link!
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"Mama mama mama!!!!" Lance ran into the room where his mom was sitting, holding up a piece of paper. "Look what I did!" He held up his math test from the day before, presenting a 90% written in red at the top.
His mom grabbed the paper, looking at the grade and the answers he got wrong. "90 isn't bad. Make sure you review the answer you got wrong and make sure you understand it okay?” 
Lance took the paper back from his mom, "okay mama."
Lance gripped his color pencil tighter, he hated shading colors, it was by far his least favorite lesson in art class. He looked at the picture he was drawing, it was an attempt at a sunset. The yellow and orange were not blending nicely, it was an abrupt change. Not what the teacher wanted. 
“How are you doing Lance?” The older person leaned over him, their eyes scanning his paper. 
Lance sighed, “not good. I can’t get them to blend smoother.” 
His teacher hummed, “don’t be so aggressive when you hold your pencils. Start over if you can’t blend it out. Okay?” 
Lance nodded, dropping the pencil on the desk, “okay.” 
“CONGRATULATIONS VERONICA!!!” Lance pulled on the confetti popper in his hand, noisemakers and other confetti flying into the air. 
The entire family was back in the childhood home, congratulating Veronica on her acceptance to the Garrison. 
Veronica was grinning from ear to ear as she moved around the party, not even making it two steps before she was stopped by somebody to talk. 
“I’m going to get into the Garrison. Just you watch,” Lance held onto his plastic cup tightly as he watched his sister. 
“Get your grades up son, it takes dedication to get into that school.” 
Lance stared down into his cup, “okay papa.” 
“Do I need to remind you that the only reason you’re here is the best fighter pilot in your class got upset and flunked out?” Iverson leaned down in front of Lance, his voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard.  
Lance swallowed around the lump forming in his throat; trying to ignore the sting burning behind his eyes. 
“Get out of my sight. And bond with your team!” 
Lance borderline bolted out of the room. Hiding under a pile of bedsheets on his bed, he wanted to go home. He couldn’t make it here. 
Lance moved through his life with a smile on his face and his shoulders squared back. He made sure to never let his negative emotions be the main focus of his outward appearance. 
He was an over-the-top flirt, shooting his shot whenever he could. He was constantly smiling, cheering people along, and being his happy-go-lucky self. 
He didn’t let people see the small frowns that formed on his face when he was given advice on how to do something better. He didn’t let anyone see the tears that fell in the shower as he tried to rationalize that he had a place in the world and he contributed to things. 
He didn’t let anyone see the side of him that wasn’t his fake confidence or him smiling through everything. 
Being part of Voltron was good for him. They really were a good team. And Lance got complimented, usually by being grouped with the team but it was still nice to hear “good job” from someone that wasn’t Hunk or his age. 
Lance stared down the scope on his rifle, slowly moving it as his target paced back and forth. The entire mission relied on this shot. 
If he missed the entire ship would be alerted and they would be in an all-out battle. If he succeeded, no one would be alerted and Pidge and Keith could slip in undetected. 
He took a deep breath, holding it in his lungs as he double-checked his aim. He quickly released his breath, his finger squeezing the trigger at the same time. 
A muffled shot rang through the air and his target collapsed onto the ground; unmoving. 
Lance took another breath, trying to shake the nerves from his body. “Got him.” 
“Good job Lance, I knew you could do it.” Shiro’s voice crackled through his helmet. “Pidge, you and Keith need to start-” 
Lance tuned his leader out. His portion of the mission was done, he simply needed to wait for Allura or Shiro to come get him when they had a chance. 
He felt the tears on his face before he realized he was crying. It was slight at first. One swipe from the back of his hand and his face was cleared. But the tears kept falling. 
He wasn’t sobbing but no matter what he did he couldn’t stop himself from crying. I finally did something right. He slumped down against the wall he was camped out by, letting his gun rest on the ground beside him. I did something right. 
The black lion landed in front of him a couple of minutes later and Lance picked up his things before entering the lion. 
“How did the mission go?” Lance prayed Shiro didn’t hear how his voice cracked on the words. That he didn’t realize he was crying only a couple of minutes ago. 
“Success.” Shiro began to pilot his lion back towards the castle, Lance sitting on a seat in the back. 
Lance exited the lion, he knew everyone else was waiting on the bridge but before he could make his way up Shiro's hand was on his shoulder. 
“Lance, I just wanted to say again, good job out there today. We seriously could not have done that without you.” 
Lance bit his lip, keeping his eyes trained on the ground and his back to his leader. “Don’t mention it.” 
Shiro's hand loosened slightly, “is everything okay?” 
Lance nodded his head, clearing his throat as he wiped his eyes, “yeah. Just tired.” 
“Lance.” Shiro stepped around him so they were face to face. As soon as he realized his teammate was crying his eyes widened with concern. “Is everything okay? Are you hurt? I can call Coran to ready a pod.” 
Lance shook his head, “no I’m okay. I didn’t get hurt.” 
Shiro’s expression calmed down some, but he still held a certain persona. “I’m here if you need to talk Lance.” 
“It’s fine, I just.” Lance took a deep breath, trying to stop more tears from falling. “Something you said made me emotional.” 
Shiro frowned, “I didn’t mean to hurt you or-” 
“No, you didn’t hurt me.” 
“Okay,” Shiro’s tone was laced with confusion, he clearly didn't understand what was happening. 
“Sorry,” Lance wiped his eyes again, “no adult has ever said I did a good job before so it was weird to hear. Nice but weird.” 
Shiro frowned at him before his face shifted into a smile. “Well, you are a valuable member of our team. And our sharpshooter, I don’t know where we would be without you.” 
More tears formed in Lance’s eyes, “Jesus Shiro stop.” 
Shiro pulled him in for a hug, “you’re doing great.” 
Lance found himself reciprocating the hug, had he hugged Shiro before? Really just Hunk and Pidge. “Thank you.” 
So uhhhh idk if this is good or not but I really needed some Shiro and Lance interaction 
I hope you like it!!
Thank you <3333
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0xy--m0r0n · 10 months
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"We'll find them, Katie. I promise."
ive had this drawing for a while now but the reason i never posted it was because it was for a fic i was writing but never finished, and i didn't wanna get anyone's hopes up 😭
maybe I'll finish it one day but like. do Not expect anything 💀
also if you have a keen eye, you'll notice the stars are my banner image and have been for a while teehee
also this is primarily platonic!!!! please no shipping them here :(
pidge is very much a minor and shiro is dating her brother in my brain 🎉
also can you tell i figured out the coloured text thingy 💀
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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better watch me burn this whole place down
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
fic rec friday 60
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Dream, Seam by @ardett and @maychorian
Lance is the blue paladin. The Galra realize this before he does.
y'all....this au is insane. like genuinely one of the coolest concepts i have seen in this fandom. lance, taken by the galra as an infant and raised by them (altho they treat him like shit, obviously, so fair warning for that), as an asset, because they know he is the blue paladin, because he can See things he should not be able to see? and then he has to get integrated into voltron...yall nothing i can say can do this au justice. there's this almost ethereal feel to the entire fic, there were several moments where my chest was swoopy and my breathing was off bc i was like oh god oh god oh god. the complicated relationships, lance's struggle, and ALSO BONUS!!! das thace!!! i miss dad thace!!! do my fellow voltron geriatrics remember when dad thace was everywhere!! bc i do!! and i miss it!!!
2. five times someone didn't know keith and lance were dating, and one time everyone did by Shorty
Keith shrugs nonchalantly. “I’m still mad about the whole ‘babe’ thing.” ... Or, exactly what the title says.
there is nothing i can say about this fic that isn't in the title 💀 it's exactly what it says it is. and it hits. but some crumbs to intrigue you: 1) one of the tags on this fic is 'hunk is a hunk', 2) it's a 2016 fic, and 3) trust me.
3. Some Secrets Don't Need To Be Kept by @squirenonny
Keith finds out he's part Galra. It's not as big a deal as he expects.
look. sometimes i just want things to be soft. what if keith had it easy? for once in his fucking life? what if people chilled the hell out? for ten minutes? this is seven thousand words of people being like hey keith u know what. take it easy. we got u babes. and i am grateful
4. How to Fake an Interest in Biochemical Engineering by @squirenonny
Shiro has a crush on Matt Holt. But every time he runs into Matt he ends up embarrassing himself. Shiro's best friend Allura is no help. His little brother Keith is even worse. But Shiro is going to make his move before graduation if it kills him. (And it just might kill him.)
SHATT SHATT SHATT SHATT SHATT. shockingly, i didn't just choose this one bc of the recent discourse lol. this is another 2016 fic that i adore. it's just -- disaster shiro, whipped shiro, down bad shiro, sweet matt, cackling keith, shiro who is dying of embarrassment, gay as all fuck shiro, etc etc. it hits. i laughed.
5. Neighbors by starryeyedchar
Lance stood in front of him, but it was a Lance he'd never seen before. Granted, Keith didn't know him well by any means, but he was positive that the regular Lance would be leaning against the doorframe with a smirk, maybe a couple finger-guns. Not this. This Lance had wrapped himself in a blanket, and was still shivering slightly. His skin was much paler than usual, with flushed cheeks and sweat on his brow. He sniffled. “Um.” Or the one where Keith and Lance live in apartments next to each other, and Lance is too sick for Keith to just leave him by himself.
this one is just very dorky and sweet. i love any fic that captures the exact moment in keiths brain when he goes oh no oh shit oh fuck hes HAWT and lance looks like genuine actual shit actually. its so funny to me
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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ao3isthehomogod · 10 months
Multi Fic Friday
Its basically where I pick a random list of tropes and fics to go with them :)
Sick Paladins:
Lance: Drowning With Fever- IcyPanther
Keith: Keith is Dying Again - Immiams
Pidge: I’ll Keep You Safe- Solar_Litost
Hunk: Training Missions Suck- CosmicFlora
Shiro: We Are Still Young (For Now)- sunspot_solarflare
Hypothermia: - Shiro and Hunk cuz I couldnt find any
Lance: Collapsed- Ironic_Swag7782
Keith: “I don’t know how to get us out of this” - T_Hurricane
Pidge: Bad Things Happen To Paladins (Ch. 9) - actress4Him
Poisoned Paladins:
Lance: Dimming Lights- BluePlanetTrash
Keith: Talking In Your Sleep- T_Hurricane
Pidge: Eat Me Up From the Inside- Cocopops1995
Hunk: why are their NO hunk fics?! That’s a crime
Shiro: maybe I’m just really bad at finding them?
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rorimoon9597 · 7 months
Tw for mentions of inhumane experimentation and murder.
They'd been fighting the Galra as they usually did when it happened. They were being overwhelmed and growing tired, so Allura opened a wormhole to get them to a safer galaxy.
Apparently, one of the cruisers they were fighting had a Druid on board, and had corrupted their wormhole. Again.
"Shiro!" Pidge called out, frantic as she lost all control of Green and thrown out of the wormhole. Yellow followed, and all Shiro heard of Hunk before his comms cut out was his screaming.
"What do we do?" Lance said, just as frantically as Pidge. Blue and Red were thrown out as well, so Shiro didn't have time to reply.
Black was also thrown out of the wormhole, right into the atmosphere of a planet that he didn't know anything about. Desperately, he tried to gain control of Black, but she wasn't responding.
They crashed into trees which were, for some reason, blue. Shiro didn't have time to think of the scientific reasons behind it, because he was busy trying not to get a serious injury.
When everything stopped moving, he opened his eyes and started to move his body, bit by bit. Nothing was broken as far as he could tell, so that was good. He'd definitely have bruising and maybe a concussion, but he was rather lucky that nothing was broken.
"Guys? Are you there? Allura? Lance? Keith?" No reply. Sighing, Shiro got out of his seat and climbed out of Black.
The forest was dense, and there were so many sounds. It was spooky, being there alone. Shuddering, Shiro decided to get started on a camp. The others would come soon enough. He just had to wait.
So he walked through the forest, taking note of his surroundings so that he would be able to make it back to Black when he was done doing... Whatever it was he was doing.
Because he didn't know why, but he felt as if something was off. It was so strong, that he had to investigate.
The answer to his question came soon enough when he saw a Galra base hidden under the canopy of trees. The black of the metal and harsh purple of the lights made the place stand out like a sore thumb.
He went in, managing to bypass the guards outside. Carefully, he made his way to what he assumed was the control room. Making sure that no one was there, he went up to the console and put his Galra arm on it, downloading the information for Pidge to look through once he was back at the castle.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" One of the facility personnel asked. Shiro barely thought. He ran at them and pinned them to the wall, hand glowing dangerously.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I won't-"
"Tell me or it's your life," he threatened. He pushed back the memories of the gladiator pit, grounding himself in the present.
"We- we're working on an experiment here."
"Tell me about this experiment," Shiro ordered. The Galra eyed his arm, still glowing purple and dangerous, before replying.
"We're working on a secret experiment that Zarkon doesn't know about. We want to surprise him with a weapon, but unfortunately the weapon has to be grown from a baby for the experiment to work."
"Do you have a baby?" Shiro asked, voice deadly.
"Y-yes. Project Altn-251."
He had enough.
The Galra slid to the floor, neck sliced open.
He allowed for himself to turn off his mind, to go berserk on the Galra scientists. His body acted on instinct born from being forced to fight to survive, hand glowing purple.
He came back to himself, he was covered in blood. He swayed on his feet for a few moments, before going and finding the bathroom. He scrubbed off the blood, scrubbing his Galra arm as if it were the one he was born with.
When he was done, he took some deep breaths and went to find where the test subject, Altn-251, the Galra had called it, lived.
It was fairly easy to. He placed his hand on the scanner and opened the door. He walked into the room, unsurprised when he saw a crib. He walked up to it and looked inside.
"How the fuck-"
Ch 2 Ch3
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Me after finally returning to posting Langst content years after the finale
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Anyway here’s my latest fic, read the fic tags
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starlightvld · 1 year
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The Fire Between Falling Stars
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Relationships: Sheith (Shiro/Keith) Chapters: 4/? * Words: 19,701 * Status: IN PROGRESS
Lion Knight Keith Kogane is not all he seems. And neither is the prophecy that guides him. For seven years, he has quietly served and protected King Takashi Shirogane of Stellan from afar, keeping to the shadows to ensure the safety of the regent he's been tasked to protect. But when Keith's best friend Matt and his father Sam Holt disappear, Keith is forced out of the shadows.
In the midst of betrayals and unexpected alliances, a deeper danger gathers on the horizon, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As Keith's investigations lead him toward the truth - and the disaster to come - he will be forced to decide: Protect his secrets. Or protect his king.
King Shirogane stood and adjusted the ceremonial cape over Keith's shoulder. "You need to relax. You look like you're headed to an execution instead of a ceremony in your honor." "Yes, Your Majesty." "Shiro." "What?" Keith stared at King Shirogane, his mouth gaping in shock. The king didn't meet his stare but instead stepped back to study his work, his gaze traveling slowly up Keith's body. When his eyes reached Keith's chest, he stepped in again to adjust a couple of buckles at his shoulder. Keith's chest burned hotter as Shirogane's voice caressed his ear. "You are now part of the Eight, which earns you the right to call me by my preferred name when we are in private situations."
Read on AO3
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