#she's a celestial being and doesn't care that much
blood-orange-juice · 1 month
Lim found it and I just have to share.
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And as a cherry on top it's very likely the same thing her brother left her for
(alternative: the very same thing that might lead her to her brother eventually. how sad it would be to choose)
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Fucking hell Nightbringer really gave me everything huh god
Henry 1.0 origin story
Cerberus origin story
Satan's cat thing origin story
"Goldie in Freezer" origin story
Levi's Ruri-chan obsession origin story
Mammon being scared of ghosts/horror origin story
More in depth version of Solomon & Asmo's first meeting/pact origin story
A painful reason for why Asmo's room looks like that
What the tsl characters would have been like irl (the absolute worst wtf simeon)
Mammon's issues finally discussed in depth
Mammon being extremely ride or die for Lucifer
Almost instant Mammon & MC friendship
Mammon being just so amazed by MC and also insanely supportive of them
Mammon being willing to do anything for his brothers, being more sure of himself, almost instantly following Lucifer's orders and making the others do so as well
Levi's issues discussed in depth.
Levi straight up saying he was depressed and still is
Levi's friendship with MC!
Levi & Lucifer's relationship!!!!!
Levi being shy and scared and just so 😖
Things being bad in the Celestial Realm even before they left
Asmo's issues being discussed in depth
Asmo very explicitly having body dysmorphia
The brothers being much more supportive and loving of each other
Lucifer being visibly scared of losing another family member and being insanely overprotective because of it
The brothers being slowly overtaken by their sins (something that was always a part of them but also something they could control as angels) and losing control of themselves
The brothers gaining new magic
Satan being a fucking mess
Satan not really fitting in and all of them being really awkward around him
Satan's issues being discussed in depth
Belphie's issues being discussed in depth
Belphie expressing passive suicidal ideation
Belphie talking about how he needs someone to blame for what happened to Lilith so he can process it/make sense of it even if that someone is himself
Lucifer's issues being touched on from from different perspectives/angles
Diavolo's issues being hinted at
Simeon's issues being vaguely discussed
More about Lilith! (remember my post about how lilith definitely wasn't a sweet little angel because there's no way the universe would let lucifer catch a break? I was right!!! She was as much a little shit as the rest of her family!)
More about the demon king! (He wanted to stop the war too🥺 also a whole line of previous demon kings!)
More about god/how angels work (all angels are brothers & sisters but not technically family the way lucifer & his siblings are!)
Solomon & MC's Sorcerer & Apprentice relationship seen in full detail!
MC being absolutely amazing
MC being competent and powerful and dangerous and resourceful and confident and the brothers realising all that but them also being funny and snarky and chaotic and outgoing and homesick and caring
References to present (s1-s4) brothers (& how they'll tear solomon apart if he doesn't bring MC back)
NIGHTBRINGER!? BARBATOS!!!??? but past barbatos doesn't seem to know anything about MC and present barbatos is helping solomon bring MC back....so who...?
References to Noble demons and conservative demons and devildom politics
Angel - Demon prejudice /racism from both sides explicitly shown
The brothers being war criminals and how the devildom sheltering them nearly re-started the war between the two realms
None of them being able to identify MC as a human (it takes Diavolo a long time + Lucifer straight up denies it when MC tells him), Adam & Nightbringer saying MC has the "power of angels", MC's favourite manga being one where the youngest child out of 7 is described as being angelic (*cough*lilith*cough*), Diavolo, even after knowing MC is a human, going "what are you"..... me softly chanting: nephilim!mc nephilim!mc nephilim!mc
The lessons flow better? It doesn't feel like one arc is squished into two lessons and then you must immediately jump into another different arc. It feels like it's all just happening in a connected sequence?
Better pacing in my opinion. It doesn't feel rushed.... like the part where satan discovers cats and then later is seen still sitting next to the cat and watching it? It feels appropriately spaced out
MC's relationships with everyone doesn't feel isolated. Like earlier there'd be a lesson or two dedicated to one character and we won't see much of the other characters during it. Now it feels like everyone is there interacting with everything in a normal, natural way. Yes there are lessons dedicated to getting to know one brother but the others are there, interacting with each other and MC during that time as well
The emotions & relationships are discussed/written in a way that feels very real and believable that it becomes actually really moving (s1-s4 also did this well but in nightbringer because of arcs/scenes/relationships not being isolated, of things flowing better and having a better pacing, of them outright discussing their issues it has a greater impact - yes I cried more than once shut up)
In the end, Nighbringer is darker than og OM! but not in the "grrr gonna kill you" way. It's "darker" because they address more serious topics in depth
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declareqenius · 2 months
all the ashes in my wake
summary: part two of "some would sing and some would scream". wanda and natasha have several heated conversations while they wait for you to wake up. it's been days and both of them miss hearing your voice, and they know the last thing you would want to see is them fighting, but wanda can't help tearing into natasha for everything that happened. natasha's guilt eats away at her.
warnings: mentions of the violence in pt 1, coma
a/n: guys i really just wanted to get this one out. i haven't read through it/edited it so any mistakes are... well, mistakes. but hey! we get wanda in this one! i feel like i could have gone a little darker as far as wandanat are concerned, but we do what we can! i hope you enjoy!
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The infirmary room is cold and sterile and a heaviness settles over the exhausted woman. Wanda keeps hold of your hand as if letting it go means that you'll slip away for good. She's careful of the IV stuck in the back of your hand giving you fluids. In a way, it serves as a reminder that blood still flows through your veins and your heart still beats, and that even though your bright smile and musical laugh don't fill the room, you're still alive.
Wanda brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. She doesn't know how many times she has done that in the past three days, but the gesture comforts her. Tucking your hair behind your ear so she can see your beautiful face better and looking into your sparkling eyes is one of her favorite things to do. Your gaze holds so much love and adoration and it always makes her wish she would never have to live without it.
Your eyes are closed now.
Wanda hates every second of it.
Bruce said that even if you don't respond that you can still hear everything. Wanda trusts that he's telling the truth and it wasn't something he said just to make her feel better.
So she talks to you. About anything and everything she can think of. Your favorite TV show that is on the air right now or the book that you recommended and she finally read. How much she loves you and how she can't wait for you to wake up. How sorry she is that she wasn't there sooner. She makes promises that she intends to uphold. Ones about revenge and torture and everything you would hate and tell her not to worry about were you conscious. Wanda smiles at the thought. She won't listen, though. The Celestials hurt her family. Hurt the love of her life. She can't let that go unanswered for.
Right now, though, you are her priority.
The door handle clicks and Wanda doesn't need to look up. She knows it's Natasha coming back from telling Steve and Yelena what happened. Can feel the exhaustion and guilt dripping from her without having to so much as glance in her direction.
"I don't want to talk to you right now, Natalia. Sit."
Wanda nods to the unoccupied chair on the other side of the bed without taking her eyes off of you. She's being harsh and she knows it. Natasha was there with you. Right by your side. Made to watch as the leader of their enemies hurt you in the most sloppily calculated way. She was powerless against Najma and Wanda knows this, but all rationality left her when she burst into the cell and laid eyes on your bleeding body, slumped over, barely an ounce of life in you, and her anger nearly consumed her.
She almost leveled the entire block.
The only thing that stopped her was Natasha, carrying you in her arms, reminding her that time was scarce.
So yes, perhaps she is being too harsh with her wife, but somehow you had become their entire lives. Their reason for being. Neither of them would know what to do without you, and they came very close to losing you under Natasha's watch.
They will be okay eventually. They survived many fights and many arguments before you came along.
Tears form in Wanda's eyes.
"Yelena is wondering when she'll be able to see Y/N." Natasha's voice breaks the silence. It's rough and scratchy.
"After she wakes up."
Four words and Wanda can feel how they form on her tongue. Her Sokovian accent is thick with her anger and distress despite the words being spoken soft and firm.
"Wanda," Natasha starts to protest but the finality in her wife's tone makes her go quite.
It's then that Wanda decides to look up at Natasha. Decides to let her wife see her and every emotion that makes its way onto her face and every thought that swirls around in her mind.
Natasha pauses for a moment, taken aback by everything she sees her wife going through. The made-up scenarios. The what-ifs. She knows because she went through every last one of them when she was in that cell with you. To see the same thoughts cluttering Wanda's mind, well, it only makes her guilt worse.
She clears her throat, "Yelena is her best friend."
It comes out as more of a fact than an argument.
At that, Wanda turns her attention back to you, "I don't want anyone except for us and Bruce to see her like this. They don't need to."
"They want to know that she's okay, Wands."
"Tell them that she is. That she will be. That's all they need to know for right now. They need to focus on getting the jump on Najma and the Celestials. Our focus is Y/N. I think our family is capable enough to come up with a plan by themselves, don't you?"
Wanda's calmness is starting to make Natasha uncomfortable and she shifts in her chair. She refuses to touch you, though, afraid of what might happen if she did. Would your body crumble under her fingertips? If you were conscious would your body recoil at her touch? For letting you get hurt. For not protecting you like she should have.
Suddenly streams of tears silently make their way down Natasha's cheeks.
"I'm sorry I let this happen."
Wanda's eyes meet hers again and Natasha feels like she can breathe a little easier. It isn't perfect and she guesses it won't be perfect for a long time, but time will help. The fear will linger within both of them because Natasha knows Wanda almost as well as she knows herself, and she knows that neither of them will be letting you out of their sight for a while after you wake up. Until Najma is taken care of, at least.
Wanda tilts her head as she tries to get a better read on Natasha without using her powers. Even if they would help in the moment she has rules for herself: never on Natasha and never on you.
"They caught you off guard. It is a hard position to be in, radnaja."
Darling. The pet name helps Natasha relax a little more, but her hands stay folded in her lap.
"We needed- I needed to protect her better. We promised to keep her safe and I couldn't do that, Wands. I failed her and I disappointed you and... and what if she decides to leave when she wakes up? I would be the reason we came so close to losing her... and then to actually lose her? I don't know if we could survive it."
"Nat... Y/N loves us with everything she is. Just as we love her. I need you to be confident in that."
Natasha wants to scoff but instead she fidgets with her hands, "Confident? In what, Wanda? That she'll wake up and we'll pretend everything is fine and that we're not the reason she almost fucking died?! That the two people she loves most in the world couldn't protect her like they promised they would? I was powerless Wanda! I couldn't stop them! I-" Natasha's tears flow freely and although the tension in the room is building, she feels safe enough to let herself go in the presence of her wife, "I couldn't save her!"
"Natalia Romanova-Maximoff!" Wanda stands for the first time in hours but she does not drop your hand. It's the only thing grounding her right now. "This is not entirely your fault, radnaja. Maybe if you would have kicked and punched more when they took you then we would be in a different position. Maybe if you had given Najma the answers she was looking for then Y/N wouldn't have been injured as badly as she is but these are all what-ifs, Natasha! What if I had been there with her instead? What if I had been with both of you that night? What if I would have gotten to you sooner? What if she had died!"
Finally, the question that has been on both of their minds since Bruce had walked into the meeting room with your blood all over his neatly ironed button up and jeans- he didn't have time to even think about putting his lab coat on- and told them that you would eventually be okay.
"I have been asking myself that question every day for the past three days," Wanda finishes, salt on her tongue, nose red, and her scarlet hoodie stained with tears.
Natasha cannot find it within herself to tell her wife the new information Bruce gave her in the meeting. While he operated and stitched until he could barely stand any longer; you flatlined once. Your heart decided to give up for a minute and Natasha hasn't had the proper amount of time to process something like that, but the time would never come for Wanda to be able to process the reality of such a thing.
Both women stare down at you with puffy eyes and red noses. You are the most precious thing in the world to them. They hate seeing you so lifeless, and the only wave of hope keeping them afloat is your steady breaths.
The fight has left both of them, but an air of tension remains. They are nowhere near finished with their conversation. With taking their frustrations out. Hopefully they'll have everything figured out before you wake up. Natasha knows how much you hate playing peacemaker when they actually have fights and really get going at each other, but she also knows that her wife can hold a grudge.
She doesn't think Wanda will actually hold a grudge after you wake up, but for now her anger and grief towards Natasha are the only things emotionally anchoring her to reality.
"I miss her, Wands," Natasha sniffs and wipes the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
"Me too, Natalia. Me too."
They sit in silence for a minute, taking everything in. There are no windows in the room and during the day that means zero sunlight. You always say that time in the sun is one of the most important parts of your daily routine, and it always helps you cool down when you're stressed out or in a bad mood.
Natasha is the first to break the silence, speaking directly to you.
"You are going to hate this room so much when you wake up, detka," she muses with the smallest smile.
Wanda only glances at her before turning her attention back to you and sitting down in her chair, trapped in her mind just as Natasha is, but not all hope is lost and for that, the older woman is grateful.
"Believe it or not, she was the calm one. During everything."
Her name is said softly although there is still a warning behind it, but she needs this and she believes that Wanda does too. Even if she doesn't know it yet.
"Please, Wanda."
Wanda just sighs and nods, never taking her eyes off of you.
"Najma had me struggling within ten minutes. Begged her to take me instead and to let Y/N go. I don't know why I thought it would work, but I think I just wanted Y/N to know that even if I couldn't get us out of there in that moment... I was trying. I would keep trying."
Natasha's voice is still scratchy as her exhaustion slowly catches up with her.
"Y/N was so firm with me. She said not to tell Najma anything and she meant it. I don't think I've ever heard her be that direct before, but she left no room for argument. She knew what the information would do to the family because she... she sees us as her family, Wands." The redhead sniffs and wipes at her eyes when her tears return, making a prominent trail down her cheeks.
"We are all she has left and she means the world to us! And... and I let her down so much. So, so much, Wanda. She stayed so calm! She did so good! She talked to Najma. She had a conversation with the woman who had a knife to her cheek!" Natasha's laugh is reserved, but her features are shock-ridden and amazed, bordering on flabbergasted and anxiety-filled.
Wanda finally looks up at her wife. Natasha is starting to spiral and there is no way to stop it other than just letting her get it all out, so the Sokovian keeps listening to and watching her wife. The recount of events is told with animated hand gestures and tears gliding down Natasha's cheeks, and Wanda's heart clenches.
"We were doing so well. She was doing so well. Then, Najma stabbed her and my heart dropped. I thought it was over. I thought we had lost her for good." The hand gestures come to an abrupt halt and the tension in the room is once again palpable, but not so much as before.
Natasha looks down at you with pleading eyes, "Please forgive me, malyshka," she drops to both knees and finally takes your hand in hers and whispers, "please."
She kisses the back of your hand delicately and you can feel each tear drop as they land in the exact spot she kissed. There is no need to wonder why your girlfriend is crying. You remember everything.
Your eyes slowly blink open to see Natasha's own eyes closed and Wanda staring at her wife with a thoughtful expression. The love they have for each other makes you want to smile, but the urge to reassure your sobbing mob boss girlfriend wins.
"I..." talking hurts but you need to say the words. Natasha needs to know! "Forgive... you. Always... Natty."
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a-libra-writes · 3 months
can I please request for a Mordecai Heller x female reader? like reader is a showgirl who sings on stage like Mitzi one and tends to attract a lot of attention but backs out when they feel this murdercat plotting their death lmao. thank you 😁
heyo! I decided to do a looot of the cats for this one, since its p similar to my Peaky Blinders Jazz Singer post that I was fond of. GN Reader.
Being a Jazz Singer & Performer!
Rocky - When he was hired and met you for the first time, it was absolutely an "infatuation at first sight" situation. Pros!: He's unfailingly polite and sweet, he seems to play with even more energy when you two share a stage, his grin is very off-putting to creeps who shout up at the stage and harass you. Cons: He can get quite distracted when you two share a stage. Many times Zib has had to pull him back with the rest of the band, because he keeps unintentionally scooting closer to you.
The worst part of the Lackadaisy falling onto hard times is the fact you rarely worked there now - you had to sing at other clubs to make ends meet. One of Rocky's big motivators for getting the club back to its old self is you'd come back! Forever this time! (Probably). Rocky doesn't exactly have the time or money to visit the other clubs you work at, so he wants all of your attention during your infrequent visits to the Lackdaisy.
Freckle - Look, he's a shy kid, and the whole 'sneaking out under cover of night to do bootlegging/torpedo shenanigans' is still new. He doesn't have a lot of experience or frame of reference for what a good club singer is like, but Freckle thinks you've got to be one of the best. You have to be, right? Your voice is wonderful and you look positively celestial under the stage lights - wait, that's weird to think, right? Thank God he didn't say it out loud. ... He didn't, right?
Freckle hasn't the slightest idea of how to approach you, so it's up to Ivy and his cousin to drag him over and attempt conversation. It's... a little pitiable, but he's trying. That said, he's surprisingly outspoken and a little scary if someone tried to mess with you while you performed. You're used to the heckles and catcalls, but it's shocking to see that shy tabby jump up from his seat and raise his voice at them.
Ivy - She liked you from the moment she first saw you perform at the Lackdaisy, and that crush hasn't dulled over the months. She maaaay have kept a few posters that advertised the clubs you sang at, and may or may not have cajoled her way into those clubs so she could watch the show. She could easily sweet talk her way to backstage, too - seems you've got a fan.
When the Lackadaisy goes downhill, it's Ivy who wants to sweet talk you into returning. You'll bring in a crowd! The acoustics are great! Pretty pleeease? Her dad Ivy will pay you and not get in trouble until months later when the family accountant goes over the finances. Obviously she cares about the club's wellbeing, but she also wants to spend time with you! Though she's bold enough to just ask you outright. She's also bold enough to outright shout and fight anyone whose heckling you - throwing a heel is a favorite tactic.
Viktor - You're someone he saw often in the olden days, back when the club could afford to have you perform several times a week rather than once a month. Viktor never cared much for the cacophony the crowd and music made, though he knew objectively you were an excellent performer. Rather than endure the crowd, he'd listen to your voice drift across the caves backstage, rehearsing with the band or just by yourself. It was pleasant to listen to, and he could do so in private, either coming back from a job or about to go on one.
Once things began to fall apart, it's not as though he went around to clubs ... or anywhere, really. So if you stopped performing at the Lackadaisy, you might never see each other again. Choosing to stay (or at least do a few pity gigs) would lead to the surprising sight of the big, morose Slav working behind the bar and watching from there, rather than his previous hideouts. It's a little intense to be under that stare... but not all unpleasant? And given how sparse the crowd is, anyone making trouble and catcalling will get dealt with so promptly, they won't even have time to finish their wolf whistle.
Zib - Well, obviously he's going to be drawn in by an attractive singer. Come on. Zib can be smooth when he wants, chainsmoker-scent and rumpled clothes aside. The band likes to tease him mercilessly about it, but that doesn't stop him from cozying up while you two perform together and shooting his shot backstage after every show. Back when the Lackadaisy was thriving, he could afford to hang out at the other clubs you performed at; nowadays, though, that's not so likely.
Even so, starting up a friendship or even fling wouldn't be difficult. He's attracted to and interested in creative spirits, doubly so if you two had very different taste (so there's more to discuss!) and you got on well with the rest of the band. Late-night debates about this musician or that show over a game of cards and several bottles of wine, either together or with the rest of the boys, and waking up half-dressed and seriously hungover come sunrise. Opportunities for visiting would dwindle as the Lackadaisy's business dried up, though if you stayed on ... No, he wouldn't want that for you. If anything you'd be mentioning to him and the band that there's other places to perform to pay the bills. Well, it'd be food for thought.
Wick - Wick wouldn't call himself a music aficionado, especially what's listened to at these rowdy speakeasies, but he won't deny how hard it was to focus on his business associates when you were on stage. So when he discovered you often performed at his favorite club, it was a pleasant surprise. He really wanted to speak with you at some point, at least compliment the performance, but didn't want to come off as those typical entitled wealthy guys who get too fresh with ""lower"" class performers ... so sometimes you'd find flowers in the dressing room and an anonymous note of appreciation.
He finally gets a conversation when you're a guest at a posh party he's attending, or when you continue to perform at the Lackadaisy in spite of the dwindling crowd. It's a shame your large audience is missing, but at least it's way less awkward for him to strike up conversation when you come to the bar? He probably won't bring up the flowers. Oh god, what if you think that's weird. You probably assumed the flowers were some freak fan. Is he a freak fan? He's not, right? (It will take him like months of dating to finally admit to the flowers thing)
Serafine - A good-looking cat with a nice set of pipes is certainly someone she'd notice, especially if they were a regular performer at the Marigold Room and other places she frequented before that. If it was the former, she'd have plenty of chances to wink when you met eyes, "chancing" across you backstage or just being forward and chatting you up after the show. She certainly isn't shy about expressing her interest, and it could be a fun fling.
You do look adorable swinging your hips and swaying your tail along to the beat, not to mention the different get-ups you have to dress in. Serafine maaaay or may not have wanted to help pick a suit out, or help with make-up, or give you some of her jewelry to wear... It's half marking her territory and half she loves to lounge around your dressing room and be a pest. You'd never kick her out and she knows it. She'll do it in other clubs, too, though you have no idea how she keeps getting past security.
Nico - Like his sister, he has no qualms nor shame about trying to get your attention on stage. Unlike Serafine, though, he'd start doing it immediately and be a general pest after the show. The difference between his attention seeking and the other men's in the audience is he actually has some charisma when you two meet backstage, so you're only slightly inclined to tell him to buzz off. He wasn't much of a music expert, and he still isn't ... But he likes hearing you rehearse and hum to yourself, and it's endearing when he requests songs.
He's pleased when you get gigs at the Marigold Room, as it's easier to hang around before and after the show - and bonus, he gets to be extra aggressive with throwing creeps out to impress you! But if you're performing elsewhere then Nico will stop by. He might be bruised and/or bloody because he just left a job, but don't worry! Sometimes he'll even bring flowers or whatever - though without Serafine knowing, she'd never let him live it down.
Mordecai - He wouldn't approach you any differently from others - he'd still be his usual prickly, anti-social, often awkward self - in fact, he might avoid an avid performer, simply because they often have fans around them or at least people recognizing them. What could get his notice was someone whose real persona is very different from their ostentatious self on stage - more quiet and pensive, perhaps. Like any attempt at friendship, let alone romance, it's slow going with him.
That said, he's the type to admire professionalism in a performance. A well put together outfit, thoughtful musical arrangement (as if he's an expert ...). He wouldn't like a femme presenting singer have to wear skimpy clothes or tolerate a rowdy audience. If there was a questionable manager or creepy fan bothering them, Mordecai can deal with that, at least, not that he'd tell his friend/partner. Mordecai would generally glare down any touchy fans and annoying admirers like a jealous terrier. This amuses Mitzi to no end.
Asa - Simply put, he saw you performing at a ritzy party he was invited to and reached out to your manager so you might perform on a weekly basis at the Marigold Room. Very professional! He'd send flowers with his name to the dressing room afterward, would make sure you're finding everything to your liking and not being bothered by anyone. Requests to continue performing would bypass your manager to being nice, short handwritten notes.
Eventually he'd pay you extra and treat you to a nice dinner afterward, if you were comfortable with it. If you let the older man down, he's not too bothered. He'd continue the friendly business relationship and would still send flowers and so on. He'd rather keep you as a good business associate and continue to enjoy the performances than let his silly feelings get in the way. Alas, he is hopeless at discussions of your music. My guy called a ukelele a tiny guitar.
Wes - He never hung around the Marigold Room after hours - it's his workplace, and not really his vibe - but it's very hard to resist not sitting by for an hour (or three) with a drink while you finish your set. Sometimes you two will meet eyes, or he thinks you are, and he considers dropping backstage to say ... hello? He's an 'employee', so isn't checking up on you a normal thing to do? Make sure you're satisfied with the Marigold Room and all that. Right.
Ironically that's how he's finally able to meet the singer he's been mooning over for months. A drunk patron was getting too cozy on your way out, and Wes happened to be there. His face and ... charming demeanor is good for scaring off upper class wimps. So there's that. He's not so bad, though - clumsy, and prooobably realizes you're out of his league. You get to see more of his earnest side when you two meet outside of the Marigold Room, where his fellow murderous gangsters coworkers aren't watching yalls every move with popcorn in hand.
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You know like how much you wanna touch those non-human characteristics they have or maybe they are similar to an animal
EX; Gorou, Yae, Sucrose, Tignari, Diona, Itto, Ganyu, Kokomi, etc
I can just imagine the reader iseki to genshin and then gathers up everyone in the building that the people made just for them. And then they ask to meet (character with the characteristics of an animal or even an oni) and when they do, they litterally smother that person with all their love. And yes. I'm obsessed with SAGAU
Zhongli 🐉
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1st: Twitter artist: GARDENSVEIL
2nd: ??? You can see in the picture
3rd: Twitter artist: crycry84488
You asked him to transform into his dragon form. At first he politely declined until he saw your sad pitiful face :(
He couldn't resist so he gave in quickly. As you touch his horns, his tail unconsciously wraps around you, bringing you closer. He apologized with a flustered look on his face. But you, of course. Smothered him with more love than he had ever received. It's overwhelming in a good way. He feels comforted and relaxed by your warmth.
You couldn't wait to see his full form
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1st: don't know, but the user is in the picture
2nd: Danbooru artist: hozumi_rino
3rd: Twitter artist: Lontongs_
4th: Danbooru artist: nihellie
Was too lazy to do the images separately for each person. Also I picked 10/10 random.
Yae miko 🦊
She is a bit flirty though and she does tease you but immediately quiets down when you let yourself be within the warmth of her 5 fluffy Tails and ears too. But now to the flirty side. When she flirts with her teasing, one time you accidentally grip her tail too hard, and she yelped. (Definitely not because of the pain 😳)
Yeah, after that day, she made sure to be careful with the flirting and teasing. But she would gladly lets you do it again someday.
He tried to seem calm but inside his mind goes wild, he sat down with both knees on the floor and his knuckles turn white of how hard he was gripping his pants.
After that incident, he always felt the urge to go to you and be smothered by your love as you ruffled his hair, touching the right spots on his ears and tail.
It was truly blissful, he could ascend to the celestials. You told him the chocker on his neck looks nice.
He wonders how you react if he wears a collar around his neck
She's annoyed at first but finds warmth in your petting. She comes for you for comfort when all the drunken people are being mean to her. She hides behind you as you ruffled her hair and glared at the drunk person as they felt a chill upon their spine
Congratulations, you are seen her new parent figure!
At first when you pat his head for his hard work being a forest watcher. He's surprised at least but is happy for such praise from your Grace. He's used to you playing with his ears and hugging his tail. Though he feels embarrassed of how good it feels when you touch them.
If you don't praise or either pat his head for his good work at least once every day, he thought he made you mad and tears fall from his eyes. But you assured him, that you just forgot.
Praise him now
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Twitter artist:_ahblue_
He would only see himself as a tool. You know that, so when he hesitated. You told him he would be your comfort buddy. So he agrees. He would never admit that he liked it when you take care of his wings and stroke it so softly. He uses his wings as a pillow or blanket when you felt sleepy or cold.
His karma debt goes away whenever you come around him.
He feels at peace
Alhaitham & Dottore
I know both of them aren't exactly hybrids of animals but they are similar,
Dottore has a bird-like mask, sometimes when you try to hug his bird mask pokes you in the shoulder. But you just pat his hair and play with it. Sometimes you braid it and he doesn't even bother un-doing it. He even comes to you to braid it again and he will pout frown if you don't. He usually does this when he's stressed from work or when one worker who made him in a bad mood.
With Alhaitham, (alpha) oh come on, have you seen his eyes go red? So it counts...He feels unfamiliar with this feeling, as you let him lay on your lap while he reads a book. Your thighs are an excellent block of hearing and maybe chest tooOf course, he prefers to be it in private. Only you can see him like this.
[Yeah, Alhaitham was a joke though.]
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semisolidmind · 9 months
i dunno if this has been asked before, but i kinda wanted to splurge a little bit.
how and where does azure lion and the other animal celestials play a part in the BEW au? or even TAB AU. my personal idea on it could be that azure uses reader kind of as leverage against wukong, while as in TAB maybe reader is used to cause a rift between the brothers so that azure has an easier time murking wukong.
alright, so. the big bad brotherhood. they mostly just play the part of extra soldiers and sovereigns in wukongs conquests, his own little war council. im gonna go with the idea that the betrayal hasn't happened, since wukong doesn't get recruited by heaven in the base versions of these aus
(ive said before that, at least in bad end, the brotherhood wouldn't bother with reader too much. buuuut i don't think i specified what they're like in TAB and their reaction to their comrades marrying reader.)
peng (the bitch) doesn't much care for reader. they wonder why the all-powerful wukong is bothering with a human. they likely make a snide comment or two when wukong first introduces her to them at a meeting, which wukong (and macaque) immediately shut down with threats of violence. mac especially doesn't tolerate peng being an ass to his wife; his hatred for the winged menace is potent. luckily the bird demon is catty, not stupid; and surprisingly, they learn to keep their beak shut about their leader's wife. this leads to them largely ignoring her. reader doesn't like them much either, but tries to be polite.
yellowtusk feels pity for reader. he knows she didn't exactly become queen of flower fruit mountain willingly, and believes that she would be happier with other humans. but he's not called "wise" for nothing; he won't be lifting a finger to help her. even as strong as he is, he knows he stands no chance against the two simian warlords. regardless, he's polite to reader and will speak with her about the various topics that she's read about. he's a surprisingly good conversationalist.
demon bull king is ambivalent towards reader. he knows what it's like to want someone outside your station, so he doesn't say anything negative to wukong about it. he'll speak to reader if she speaks to him, and is overall polite (seeing as she is technically a queen and he has a lot of respect for wukong), if not very gruff when doing so.
azure lion is the only one who would be actively kind to reader, the only one who would speak with her like a true equal. despite his status as a once-celestial soldier, demonic sovereign, and a general of the infamous monkey kings' demon army...he still has a soft spot for mortal civilians. if a platoon of the monkey king's army is passing through, one would hope that he's leading it. less innocent blood is spilt when the lion general is at the helm.
its because of this that he was concerned when wukong introduced reader to him. what was a human doing on flower fruit mountain? she's married to the monkey king? she seemed...very uncomfortable in the presence of her husband. the lion demon knows that she was likely frightened by the two monkey warlords' use of "demonic courting tactics" and introduced himself gently. the fact that she responded to him (considering his size and appearance) without too much hesitancy, was able to bow politely and look him in the eyes despite all she'd likely been through at the hands of his brothers–he couldn't help but admire her bravery.
azure is aware that his sworn simian brothers are unconventional in many aspects of their life, so the fact that the two of them would marry a human (the same human, no less) isn't too surprising. the two are of one mind, and azure has made a tentative peace with the ruthless way his brothers conduct their business.
...but he can't help but feel sympathy for reader. she didn't choose this life for herself, though he can see the lingering affection she has for wukong and macaque. and once he gets to know her (an occasional talk outside the council room while the warlords are busy discussing strategy, a close seating at a banquet, or during a party on the mountain), azure begins to understand why they chose this woman. a fondness grows in his heart for the quiet human who is kind to him despite knowing what he's done.
he won't say it aloud, but...had it been him who'd been found and tended to by reader, azure couldn't be sure he wouldn't have made the same choice as his brothers.
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tmuse-ac · 6 months
How do rose swap! Y/N and Moon meet? How did Y/N meet sun and Eclipse?
What does Y/N think of the Celestial trio?
OH! What a great question and I was in the middle of drawing something that relates to this question when I got this ask, so it's your lucky day! And lucky for me too: STORY TIME and INFO DUMP!
get your tea ready mates, LONG POST!
Out of the three, you meet Moon first when they get hired as a security guard to help Vanessa take care of the place. She immediately signs up Moon to patrol the daycare section, including the main entrance (even though that's technically not part of the daycare), the Daycare Theater, and under it. Vanessa very much finds you annoying because you would follow and talk to her any chance you got since you get bored of cleaning. Moon's take away from his meeting with you is that you remind him of his friends: excitable but sweet. Vanessa doesn't mind if they keep you company as long as Moon's makes sure that you don't bother her. Moon likes talking to you :)
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Then time flies a tad and you're finally able to meet Sun! He is able to get a job as your assistant as you and Fazbear Entertainment have been getting many complaints about your uncleanliness as well as your creepy appearance and nature, staring into the abyss while thinking about your new favorite human.
You remember being told a lot of Moon's roommate. Mostly rants about how they never sleep properly because they've been trying to get college work done in and then staying up the rest of the night to clean every spot in their apartment. Moon told you that he hopes by Sun getting this job that they can work on getting a proper schedule.
You were very excited to him so when he arrives on his first day, bright and early at 6 am with Vanessa and Moon guiding him in, you are very quick to give a pleasant hello! Unbeknownst to you, Moon also talked to Sun and Eclipse about you too! Sun was very surprised to find that you are much taller than he thought, and he doesn't know what to think about how that makes him feel. He finds many things you both have in common... and some things that you don't. All around he finds you as a pleasant rock to talk to and be friends with much to your happiness for a new friend and another favorite human!
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You're hugger, by the way. You have to make sure Vanessa doesn't catch you since you're technically not allowed to touch staff at all. You were so excited however that you completely forgot Vanessa was one of the people who escorted Sun to meet you and nabbed them up right away. Sun was very surprised but didn't mind too much.
Now onto Eclipse! You meet him much later than the other two as well as during a time when he didn't work for Fazbears. Even though you looked pristine, on the inside you were very messy and ragged. You tried the best you could, but often would forget. Sun and Moon noticed pretty quickly and when trying to bring you to Parts and Service to get fixed, you were quick to decline, run, or hide. They decided to see if you would be up to trust their friend Eclipse, who is a great mechanic and is very close in getting their degree in robotics. You were hesitant but agreed. You were glad you did, because you made another great friend, and they became another one of your favorite humans!
Eclipse definitely finds you interesting because of your AI and all about "human-ness" that Fazbears has been able to create. From a friend standpoint, however, they adore you and took to you much faster than the other two. He also absolutely loves that he can finally look up at someone when talking to them.
Here's something from some point in the nearer future when Fazbears grabs Eclipse up before their rival in the west could.
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I hope you enjoyed this info dump because again, I love giving them :)
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vasquez-rocks · 2 months
in the spirit of "o'brien doesn't actually suffer the most, it's just that all his suffering takes place in special Suffering Episodes": a complete ranking of ds9 characters by how much they suffer
(including recurring guest stars but not villains. i don't care how much gul dukat suffers. he could get hit by a fucking bus for all i care!!) 1. kira nerys. undefeated galactic suffering champion. literally goes back in time to find out if her mom died in a concentration camp when she was a small child like she thought and somehow the answer she gets is, to her, EVEN WORSE THAN THAT. o'brien could never.
2. odo. lab experiment childhood, spends 5 seasons pining tragically for the station’s most eligible terrorist, seeks his family only to find out they're genocidal maniacs, every small innocent being he tries to parent either dies or runs away, he has to return to said family to end a war! odo suffers so much actually??
3. benjamin sisko. loses his wife, becomes an unwilling messiah, forced to leave his family (the most important thing), etc.
4. miles o'brien. ok fine sure he does suffer a lot. not like kira does tho!!
5. garak. most of his suffering is pre-show but that suffering is BAROQUE. and then daddy never tells him he loves him and he indirectly causes his mother’s death
6. nog. after 6 seasons of minimal suffering, our baby boy suffers a LOT
7. jake sisko. not counting "the visitor" (it was a different timeline!). if the show put Jake through any additional suffering, i would wail and cry. His primary sufferings are pre-show (mom's death) and end-of-show (dad is gone and can't say when he'll return), but they are significant. at least he has, and loves, a wonderful stepmom!
8. kassidy yates. SPEAKING OF. her primary suffering is going to jail for the standard federation prison sentence (6 months, which is also what garak got for attempted genocide!!!!!), but then also losing her beloved husband to the celestial temple like almost immediately after, which is kind of a lot
9. keiko o'brien. a lot of miles’ suffering is hers also, and also she gets possessed by a demon after spending the first few seasons trying to find a new fulfilling job despite her husband moving her, a botanist, to a barren space station on which all life withers
10. jadzia dax. happy-go-lucky sex worm who has never experienced a "problem" until gul dukat throws a death basketball at her at age 35, so idk it evens out
11. julian bashir. gets kidnapped a lot and has a backstory so angsty that it's hard to tell whether he's even technically the same person he once was. HOWEVER, he's a goofy lil sexual harasser which makes it very easy to overlook his suffering!
12. worf. virtually all of his suffering is his own fault and he universally responds to it by creating more suffering for his own perverse ends. however, he does get disgraced from his people (his fault), lose his wife (not his fault but also why was she the only person left on the station when she literally FLIES THE SHIP most of the time??), and refuses to ever have fun (his fault)
13. leeta. perky and happy. in a great marriage. loves her stepson! unionized her workplace! however she is not at the bottom of this list because she is (a) a child of the occupation and (b) has to put up with fuckin quark
14. ezri dax. contrary to her frequently expressed beliefs, many things are easy for ezri
15. quark. when he suffers it's hijinks
16. rom. rom's character development is entirely positive. he goes from being the put upon idiot brother to the self-actualized leader of his people who has a son who loves him and a beautiful wife. the worst thing that happens to him specifically is probably when he masturbates so hard he almost dies and even then the result is he becomes a hero to labor in both his world and ours. things go ludicrously well for him at every turn. he is the winner of ds9
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fansids · 27 days
Shadow of the King Au Art Dump
Since I very rarely get past the sketching phase any presentable art is rare, but I managed to find some for ya'll
Warning for some old ass art:
1. The Stalwart Generals
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I spent an ungodly amount of time figuring out the designs, dynamics, and personalities of all of these monkies so I'll be damned if I don't show them first.
The Generals take care of anything SWK is unable to. They are in charge of FFM when he's not present.
Marshal Ma - While technically all the generals are the same rank, Marshal Ma is considered SWK's unofficial second in command. She's calm in every crisis with a very low bs tolerance and is 75% of the reason why the island doesn't fall to chaos every time SWK leaves. She's highly respected by all the inhabitants and can and will break your spine Bane style if the situation calls for it.
Marshal Liu - Mean bisexual. Marshal Ma's sister and the bane of her existence. On duty she takes her role very seriously. Off duty she likes to keep Ma on her toes with her dumbassery. She's easy going, hates clothes, and loves to fight. She has a slightly concerning amount of knives on her person at all times. She is big gay for General Beng.
General Beng - Meaner lesbian. A siamang and the largest and tallest of the generals. She enjoys dressing up, tea (both kinds), and a good party. She has a very short fuse. While her size and strength alone would generally deter anyone from testing her temper, there are always idiots. She can fight, but she knows her Liu would enjoy it more.
General Ba - The youngest of the generals. While she's not shy, she is very quiet. She does not waste her words. But, when she speaks, the others will stop whatever they're doing to listen. She likes to spend her free time in the libraries. Get her in the right mood and she'll argue with you for hours about the most random subjects.
2. Macaque face evolution
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Was trying to get a feel for Macaque's face and how it changes throughout the au. Top right is the youngest, bottom right is the oldest. Bro gets all sorts of messed up from the whole died and resurrection thing and very much looks wrong afterwards.
3. New fit
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Macaque and SWK have the whole cape thing going on, I figured SWK gave Mac one of his own when he was still training under him. I like to think it holds a lot of sentimental value to him since he still wears it in present day but he would rather get his head smashed in again than admit it.
4. I'm sure this won't come back to bite anyone later
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Eeesh. Imagine spending your whole life training to receive and keep the Sun Wukong's attention only for him to casually give it to some random human boy thousands of years later. I mean, Macaque did betray him and everything, but it's the principle.
5. The Tongbi Gibbon Concepts
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One of the four world-wrecking/celestial monkies. My brain was very focused on the whole pulling celestial bodies out of the sky part of her abilities that I made her based around that line.
Don't know if this fit is still canon as she and the Horse Monkey had a large role to play in Shadow of the King, and I'm considering if I should take them out
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I consider the Tongbi gibbon and the Horse Monkey to be older than both Sun Wukong and Macaque in Shadow of the King. The Horse Monkey is the eldest, but the Tongbi's age is nothing to sniff at.
That being said, that does not mean she can't be bought.
Takes place after all the traumatizing shit in SotK
Panel 1
Tongbi: Child, I am an ancient being. I hold the power of gods within me. I was witness to the birth of the Great Sage himself. I have seen nations and empires rise and fall. I have gathered and spent innumerable wealth. Yet you think you can bribe me with 20 yuan?
Panel 2
The host: ...how 'bout 30?
Panel 3
Off-panel (Horse Monkey): TONGBI!!
MK: I thought the nimbus made you airsick
Red Son: Not helping, Noodle Boy
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xjulixred45x · 16 days
succumbing to the Brainrot of Hades (the more Gameplays I see, the more I love the game, both as a fan of Greek mythology and of video games in general) I am going to do a couple of jobs related to the game. Here it would be the first.
Zagreus(Hades) x Leuce! reader
quick context: Leuce was a nymph who was Hades' lover before Persephone, but since she was "mortal" (which doesn't make much sense? since she was the daughter of Oceanus and Thetis?) when Hades died, he immortalized her in the white poplar tree that there are in the Elysian fields.
Taking this as a reference, I imagine this Leuce! reader OBVIOUSLY she would not be a lover of Hades here, she would probably be a nymph native to the Eulisseum and who is especially related to healing (the poplar can be used to cure fever) and in general she tried to go unnoticed, due to the bad luck that usually have nymphs that are related to the celestial commotion.
She is like an Aurora in a way, she has a great connection with the Shades that live near her and follow her (similar to Melinoe) and together with her sisters and Cocito (one of the rivers of the Underworld) they dance and sing old stories .
It is around these times that Zagreus comes into his life. precisely because of his attempts to escape from the Underworld.
When one day Zag arrives at Eulyseo especially hurt and tired, he decides to "rest" (the poor guy gets tired) and when he regains consciousness he only knows that he is suddenly much better. without injuries, with energy, what the hell?
Leuce, although he knows that Zagreus is somewhat infamous in the Underworld, could not simply leave him dying. He swears he won't do it again, but as soon as it happens again (Zag probably had a bad time with Astherius) he does it again.
and after that Zagreus has no doubt, someone is helping him. and being him, he wants to know who he is.
Which wasn't that difficult, but it did take some patience. Zagreus arrived at the Elysium, not that hurt, but he pretended to be unconscious, after he felt he was better, he took a little look and saw Leuce from behind.
a nymph huh.
It's a shame that when Zagreus tried to get up to greet her, thanking her, he scared her and she ran away :,)
On another occasion he decided to take a look at where Leuce had gone and he could just find her singing, dancing or taking care of the poplar trees that were in Elysium.
In general, his interactions at first would be short due to Leuce's fear of the gods or retaliation for her actions, but with time and Zagrues assuring her that he rather wanted to thank her for the help, she relaxes and opens up little by little.
I imagine that Leuce is the only nymph of Elysium that is not scared the most when they see Zagreus 😅 her sisters run and scream when they see him but Leuce stays to greet him 🤣
Leuce's home is a safe place in Elysium, not only because she can heal Zag, but because in general he can forget a little about the outside problems there. hell, sometimes it even seems like he just lets himself get hurt so Leuce can take care of him.
When Leuce is not taking care of him/healing him like I said, she likes to dance and sing, maybe to inspire her a little (similar to what he does with Orpheus) he tells her some of his fights to date and myths about his relatives (Leuce would die laughing when hearing the myth that Dionysus and Zagreus are the same person).
Also even Leuce could offer to teach him how to play instruments! The nymphs were very good at all kinds of arts, so it wouldn't be very difficult. Besides, it would be nice to be the one teaching after all.
Zagreus and Leuce dancing gives me some sleeping beauty vibes. again.
If we talk about terms of relationship in which Leuce lives in the house of Hades, it gets even cuter.
Imagine Leuce and Dusa having a platonic relationship! o Dusa not only having a crush on Zag, but also on Leuce since she helps him clean and feed Cerberus
or Leuce dancing every time Orpheus starts playing and singing, also encouraging some of the nearby shades to do the same😭 it definitely livens up the house quite a bit before Persephone's arrival.
Leuce wearing House of Hades themed clothing!
I don't know which would be more difficult to win, Hades with Leuce or Zagreus with Leuce's sisters😅
At least Hades would accept Leuce because 1- now he has a better relationship with Zagreus and wants to see him happy and 2- he is not going to provoke Persephone's wrath. Who, by the way, is delighted with Leuce. It's like a small parallel of her and Hades if they could have met under other circumstances. so she is very supportive of her relationship with Zagreus and how happy they make each other.
Zagreus will have more problems related to Leuce's sisters because of the above, they are both scared of Zag and convinced that he is planning something horrible with their sister. It will take a lot, a LOT of time and help from Leuce for them to understand that this is not the case.
Even if Leuce tries to help and maintain a certain formal air in the house, Zagreus tries to make her feel as welcome as possible, probably with some help from Hypnos, Cerberus (best boi) even Thanatos. that she lose her shyness and feel that, after all, it is also HER home now.
Did you see that in the Underworld Persephone has a Garden? imagine if Zagreus gets Leuce one of her own🥺
Definitely Zagreus (and in general several other characters like Dusa for being a sweetheart) is not going to tolerate any type of discrimination towards Leuce due to her origin as a nymph (we know that there are gods who took mortals as spouses, but the only nymph who married a god that comes to mind now is Amphitrite) and he would gladly ask Cerberus to go "play" with whoever made any out of place comments :)
They might as well go to the surface together! Of course, neither of them really know how to interact with mortals or how certain things work up there, but I think Zagreus could use some help taking care of his mother's garden while he's there. Who better than a beautiful nymph?
Overall, a pretty endearing pair. and gives some visibility to a very forgotten nymph :,)
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
Question related to my next work: Someone knows how ALBINISM was treated/seen in ancient greece?
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gatitties · 2 months
Hi, I saw your request is back!
I'm not sure, if I have an idea.. but this will be a long request, I'm sorry. 😅
I wonder if the female teen reader used to be a result of an accidental experiment as a child, she gained telepathic abilities, allowing her to read the minds of people. The organization gave her the code name Test Subject (Your number), because of her abilities. The scientists didn’t treat her as an ordinary child as she wasn’t allowed to play or have fun because they wanted her to learn how to use her powers for world peace.
She escaped the research facility of the unknown organization. She found herself moving from one orphanage to another, all while seeking someone to take care of her permanently.
She keeps her telepathic ability hidden because she doesn't want them to think she's weird and freak. If they find out her ability, she feels frozen or quickly runs away to escape from them
Abilities:She utilizes her telepathy to gain significant advantage over others, such as reading the enemy's mind during a fight to predict their next moves. She's . She was already helping her friends without them knowing who helped her. She is a master of martial arts, ini and immune to poison.
Weakness: Due to many people's mind nearby. She's telepathy causes her exhaustion and nosebleed due to her ability to read too many people's thoughts at the same time. She loses her telepathic ability when it's a full moon. When she's trying to read someone with a complicated and genius mind. She is unable to understand what he is thinking due to the massive amount of information. This also branches to her poor grammar skills, when leaving messages to others only leading them to unable to understand what she is writing. As well as not knowing how to write a warning message on a paper to them, but she instead drew things, which still confuses them.
She craved adventure because of her favorite book about pirates or spies, also it would constantly remind her of the hero that saved her.
Her personality is a bubbly and cheerful young girl with a kind-hearted. She appears to be much smarter than she actually is, and while this is true to an extent, this is likely artificially inflated because she can read other people's minds, a fact that nobody aside from her is aware of.
She became violent towards anyone, who was teasing her just like likely remembering that Luffy did the same thing to the Celestial Dragon for shooting Hatchin. She displays a fearsome presence when taking care of her targets where they even tremble in fear upon spotting her.
Unlike most people and children, who are scared of pirates, she thought they were the coolest thing ever and desperately wanted to be a pirate or family. But she's only scared of Nami's angry issue with scolding Luffy and being careful with her but she loves her like a mother figure.
However, she respects the desires of her family figure a lot, and when her mother figure asked her not to punch people who displease her, and instead smile at them, she did as she was told, although with visible discomfort, noting that she feels her mother figure lied when she told her that it would make her feel better and defuse the situation.
She woke up so late in the morning.
Her favourite food is peanuts. She loves animals and making friends.
With Straw hats and other pirates too! (Platonic Pls!!)
─Strawhats x fem!teen!reader (platonic)
─Summary: You never thought you could be part of a crew, much less have friends after you escaped those labs, but you made room in your heart for those who showed you kindness.
─Warnings: none
woah you got a whole story there! some of you have so much amacing ideas, you could really write your own fanfic easily and it would be amazing <3 and I'm sorry this took so long, I needed a break from everything
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You thought that your life was condemned and predestined to follow orders, like a device to be used in favor of other people, created to please and serve, perhaps you were too naive or it was just because you were a simple child lost and confused by the experiments that they made you, but it didn't take long for you to break because of that.
Every step you took became careful, every action had great repercussions, you began to be overly aware of your surroundings, you began to mature when you should be playing with toys or enjoying time outdoors, yet you were kept locked up to develop powers that had been conceived for you by those same people who supposedly raised you.
It was always 'you don't need that' or 'do this to be a good girl', there was always 'you will get a reward if you behave well' or 'there will be a punishment if you don't do what we ask', all those words started to do dented your brain to the point where you couldn't take it anymore, thanks to the development of your power to read minds, you made a perfect escape plan.
And so it was that at a young age you took to the sea to escape those who posed as your caretakers, while most people would avoid conflicts with pirates or thieves, you found yourself turning to them most of the time, as whether they realized it or not, at least you stowed away many times.
Your heart sank as you saw how other children and teenagers were enjoying home life, longingly observing all types of families, you wished more than ever to be able to experience something like that, but you quickly ruled it out, that would make you an easy target for those evil people would find you again, besides, you liked being so free to do what you wanted, not having anyone on top of you telling you to do things was a weight that you took off your shoulders, your personality changed slightly since you felt much better now, taking a much brighter perspective on life.
You allowed yourself the luxury of using your powers without restrictions or efforts, helping some people in trouble in a selfless way, which was what made you meet at least a few pirates ─who usually got into more trouble─ so, you would use this to your advantage so they would let you travel with them to the next island more easily.
Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates and even two people with names as famous as Mihawk and Shanks, you had the opportunity to see them in person, even help them or travel with them for a short period of time, they remembered yourself and the freedom you gained after disobeying 'the order' imposed.
But what you never thought about was that you would end up being part of a crew, something you could call family, Luffy was too insistent that you travel with them and the others were too kind to be able to deny their offer, you didn't promise anything because you claimed to be a stray cat traveling with them for the moment, but your heart had already made too much room for them to abandon them and continue on your own.
A point of no return after seeing how concerned Nami is with you, how you can enjoy playing with Chopper, Usopp and Luffy without worries, a place where your diet is well balanced by Sanji, where you can rest as much as you want as Zoro, where you can go whenever you feel exhausted from not being able to control your power so well, Robin is there to guide you, Brook and Ginbe will calm you down with their music or words and Franky will tell you the worst jokes in his collection to make you laugh.
You cursed your miserable life at the beginning of your adventure when you escaped from those laboratories, looking for so many places to fit in that you never thought you would make it, but against all odds, here you were, traveling alongside a crew that you happily call family without regret it, your old worries have been blown away by the sea wind, now it's your turn to enjoy your youth and freedom, you would defend the crew tooth and nail for protecting you and giving you the warmth that you were looking for from day one.
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starrclown · 1 month
A little headcannon (?) I have for EclispeDuo (Chang'e and Sun Wukong) is that Sun Wukong visits Chang'e whenever he has time. He likes hanging out with her and she appreciates someone that can actually visit her.
Problem is she never wants him to leave. Chang'e has been alone for a long time. She never really got used to being by herself. Yes she has her rabbits but she misses other people, specially celestials.
Chang'e tries her hardest to make sure Wukong doesn't leave. She'll distract him with her rabbits, offer to teach him a new recipe, or have him tell her the drama that she's missed out on.
Wukong doesn't mind spending a while longer with her but he does have to leave eventually. He has to take care if the baby monkies after all.
My headcanon that I would probably make art for is that Chang'e is so desperate for interation that she tries to keep Wukong with her as much as possible. Sometimes he stays, sometimes he leaves.
Both Wukong and Chang'e are lonely so the like to be lonely together.
I just miss Chang'e and I like Eclipse duo and these two are just cool and we need more Chang'e content. ☀🌙
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- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 3 months
Obey Me! Brothers & Thunderstorms:
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! To this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎Caution: Nighbringer Post⚠︎
CW: The Celestial Realm war talk, small amount of like angst PTSD talk, angst but eventual fluff.
Notes: this is supposed to take place soon after the fall, the brothers are in HoL, Mc isn't in this story, id say it's mostly told from Lucifers perspective of third person.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
The Devildom has some crazy weather, weather that can sometimes even scare demons. This story takes place on a particularly stormy night, the storms in the Devildom are a harsh difference to the ones in The Celestial Realm. The storms in the Devildom usually serve as a harsh reminder of the different lives the brothers have lived, a reminder of the actions that lead them to live in such a harsh dark place, that they now forever call home.
Lucifer is in his room, his brothers were getting used to the new house so they weren't causing too much trouble. He planned to listen to a cursed record and just try and enjoy the night, but he could hardly hear the music over the sound of the storm raging outside. The rain is beating against Lucifer's bedroom windows, the wind howling loudly. The lighting flashing through his windows and the loud crackle and booms of the thunder doesn't help ease his mind. Lucifer's been doing the opposite of relaxing ever since the storm started, everything about the storm has been subtly reminding Lucifer of a recent memory that's been haunting him. The loud noises of the storm reminded him of the screams and clashing sounds that he heard during The Celestial Realm War. Trying so hard to protect all his siblings and do what's right for all of them, to keep them all together and safe...but he failed. Yes he knows unlike his brothers that Lilith got a second chance, got reborn as a human..but she still wasn't with them any longer. Lucifer was happy Lilith got a second chance, happy she was getting to live and find someone to love without judgement...but he still feels like he failed as an older sibling...failed to keep them all safe and together...failed to- A knock on his bedroom door snaps Lucifer back to reality, he turns his head to look at the door just in time to spot white floofy hair and blue/yellow eyes peaking into his room. Stormy nights can be hard for Lucifer, but they're also a reminder to him that he's the eldest and has a responsibility to take care of and comfort the siblings he has now...not dwell on the ones he can't protect or care for anymore. With a deep breath Lucifer shoves all his thoughts and feelings to the back of his mind and looks at the second born peaking into his room giving Mammon a soft look, not his usual intimidating look. "Do you need to sleep in here with me tonight?" Lucifer asks calmly, not seeming upset or opposed to the idea. Mammon being Mammon gives this response, "I don't need to, I'm brave enough to sleep in my own room." Despite Mammon's words Mammon slips into his older brother's room shutting the door once he's inside.
Lucifer shakes his head with a slight smile, knowing the second born all too well. Lucifer motions for Mammon to go sit on his bed, but before either can move or do anything another knock is heard on Lucifer's bedroom door. The door creaks open and both Lucifer and Mammon watch as orange eyes and purple hair peak through the crack in the door. The third born panics and goes to scurry away when he sees Mammon in Lucifer's room as well. Lucifer manages to call out right after watching the third born's purple hair disappear from the crack in the door, "Leviathan." Lucifer calls out, figuring Levi would stop since he was being serious and said Levi's full name. "You can come in here as well, you don't have to go be scared on your own. Mammon can't make fun of you, that's why he is in here." Lucifer says, Mammon protesting to Lucifer's comment in the background. Lucifer walks to his bedroom door and swings it all the way open, seeing Levi standing on the other side anxiously fidgeting with his fingers. Levi's eyes go wide as Lucifer swings the door open and for a second Lucifer thinks Levi's going to run again, but a loud crash of thunder causes the third born to scurry into Lucifer's room, hopping straight into Lucifer's bed. Lucifer watches as Mammon follows Levi and sits on Lucifer's bed as well, Mammon teasing Levi for being in the room scared even though Mammon's there for that exact reason, though he refused to say as much. Lucifer shakes his head as he watches the two with a slight smile, seeing two of his brothers on his bed already makes him begin to hope his bed magically expands just in case another one of his brothers shows up. As if on queue, a loud strike of thunder is heard and then Lucifer hears someone dramatically scream his name, he knows it's Asmo before the fifth born even has a chance to burst through Lucifer's bedroom door and latch himself to Lucifer. Asmo dramatically scolds Lucifer for not coming to save him when Lucifer should've known Asmo would be scared of the storm. Lucifer rolls his eyes, shimming Asmo into the room and then going to close his door, though he quickly stops when he hears two sets of footsteps approaching his door. Lucifer swings his bedroom door back open to see the twins approaching, Beel is walking in front and Belphie is clinging to Beel's side hiding a little behind Beel.
Lucifer doesn't even have a chance to say anything to the twins before he spots Satan making his way slowly down the hall seemingly headed towards Lucifer's room as well. Satan's carrying a book with him, and Lucifer sighs, knowing his bed won't be able to fit and hold all of them. Once all 6 of his younger brothers are in his room, Lucifer rounds them up telling them- "We're all going to sleep in the Commons room tonight, just in case the storm does anything to the house, we'll all be together to take care of it." Lucifer makes that his reasoning so he doesn't hear any tsundere complaints or arguments from his brothers. Mostly none of his brothers complain and they all soon begin to make their way towards the commons room, everyone's more huddled together and waiting on Lucifer to walk, the storm still raging outside causing them to be fearful. They get to the commons room with mostly no problems, just some bickering and a small amount of pushing and shoving. Eventually the 7 brothers get to the commons room, Lucifer watches as his 6 younger brothers begin to move furniture and make a large makeshift bed on the floor near the fireplace but not to close that anything will catch fire. While his brothers do this, Lucifer goes and makes some tea and gathers up some snacks, since he knows at least Beel is hungry. Lucifer gets back into the commons room just in time for his brothers to have finished making a place for everyone to sleep. Lucifer planned to give his brothers tea and snacks and put on a movie for them, hoping that the movie is louder than the storm, but his plans are ruined when the storm takes the power out. A few screams happen, a dramatic scream from Asmo, a scream from Mammon, and Lucifer can't tell if the other scream came from Belphie or Levi. When the power goes out Lucifer is almost tackled as three of his brothers cling onto him for safety. Lucifer calms everyone down and uses magic to light the fireplace, then he prys himself free of his brothers's grasps so he can light some candles around the room to provide more light. His brothers seem to calm down once there's more light in the room, all the brothers have their snacks and tea, and then slowly but surely everyone finds themselves a place to lay down on the makeshift bed, closer together then you'll ever catch any of the brothers admitting. Everyone's half tired but not completely ready to fall asleep yet, the warmth of the fireplace is enough to make them drowsy, but not enough to make them fall completely asleep. It's unclear which brother suggests it..but someone suggests that Lucifer reads the book that Satan had been carrying. So Lucifer sits there reading to his younger brothers, making his voice loud enough to be heard over the thunder and wind of the storm outside, but soft and soothing enough to put his brothers to sleep. Lucifer watches as each of his brothers fall asleep one by one as he reads out loud to them, he even reads out loud for a little bit after they all fall asleep, just to make sure they stay asleep. Eventually Lucifer grows tired himself, he lets himself lay down, laying in a position where he can still watch over his brothers. Right before he closes his eyes he quietly mutters to his brothers that he won't fail them, that he'll keep them safe and happy, and he will. He'll do whatever it takes to keep them all safe, happy and together. Some people will say he spoils them, and some people will even say he's too mean or controlling, but ultimately he's just doing whatever it takes to make sure he doesn't fail as the eldest again.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! It's spaced like that because Tumblr hates me, sorry.the end was kinda rushed it was late and I wanted to sleep, but still I hope you enjoyed it. I have other thunderstorm prompts so maybe I'll do them sometime. Anyways more contents coming soon, Stay Tuned. Stay Safe & Stay Spooky! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Celestial Wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P15
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, PTSD, Panic attack and Making out .
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P16 - P17 - P18
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With night starting to fall you, Robin, Chopper and Nami headed out onto the deck, despite the bath and shower being a little stressful you're glad you did it, with clean hair and skin plus some fresh warm clothes you feet so much better. The island was littered with people from different pirate crew while their ships lined up next to the sunny, lanterns light up the island along with several cooking station and a big bonfire, the air was filled with Music, talking and laughter warming your heart and bringing a smile to your face. "There's a lot more people than i thought" you think out loud stopping at the end of the ramp, Nami takes your hand and rubs your arm "Are you gonna be ok? We can go back if you want" her voice sounded concerned but you smile at her and shake your head "No i'm fine, i'm just really thankful" She smiles back at you but as you look around, you realize someone is missing "Has Sabo turned up yet?" you ask looking at the three who shake their heads making your smile drop, you hope Sabo's ok since he stayed behind to do stuff but your confident in that man's skills, he is Luffy's brother after all and a member of the revolutionary army. You start walking again saying hi to people on the way some of them having to be told off by Nami or Chopper for scaring you when they tried to hug you. As much as you love all the support and their help your still not happy with people outside your crew hugging you at the moment, there is one exception to that though and that is the eight girls you saved.
Rin was the first to spot you before you could even call out to them, she gasps before standing almost stumbling over her own feet "Y/N" she yells getting the other girl's attention away from some Tontatta's their sitting with around a lantern and food. The eight girls run over to you with large smiles and slight tears, as much as you want to let them crash into you for a hug you hold your hands out to stop them from doing so, luckily it seemed they had no intention of crashing into since they all stop just short of you before you can raise your arms fully. You can't help but look them over in amazement, their skin has more color in it now and their wearing warm clothes, they also seem to have more energy. "Thank you so much, for everything, we are so grateful to you and your crew" Sakura steps forward, always the leader of the small group and smiles at you before going to bow. You quickly step closer take Sakura's arms and stopping her from bowing, she looks at you in surprise but doesn't flinch at your touch "You bow to no one now, your free so please don't" You sigh hoping you didn't scare her with your sudden action but her eyes soften and a small smile appears on her face "Thank you Y/N, can i hug you?" Sakura asks but instead of answering you pull her into a hug. "I'm glad your all ok" You sigh in relief while gesturing for the others to join the hug, they jump at the opportunity but are careful when wrapping their arms around you, trying not to smother you.
The girls soon let you go and look over at your other crew mates "Thank you, Miss Nami and Miss Robin" Sakura smiles at them walking over to the two and taking their hands "And don't forget the amazing Doctor Chopper" Rin smiles wide while bending down along with Emi and Lina to start fawning over the blushing and smiling reindeer. Nami and Robin nod at the girls while squeezing Sakura's hands "It's no problem, you girls are fun to hang out with" Nami giggles, as the girls talk with your crew you watch them until something tap your shoulder. Turning around you raise your eyebrow at not seeing anyone there, panic starts to from in you hoping your nightmare hasn't followed you into the real world but then there was a small sweet voice "Down here silly" You jump a little at the voice and place your hand over your heart while gasping in surprise at the small blue Tontatta on your shoulder. "Wicca, don't scare me like that" You let out a breath trying to calm yourself down as the tiny woman rubs the back of her head "Sorry" she looks away feeling bad for scaring you but you soon relax. A buzzing sound catches your attention so you look ahead of you to see Bian flapping her wigs while one of her pink bee's fly's next to her holding none other than their Captain Leo "Hay guys, you both look amazing, how's your pirate adventure going?" you ask with a big smile while holding your cupped hands out for the two to rest on "It's going good, we've seen so much but were glad we could help you, at first we didn't think were were gonna make it in time to help" Leo smiles up at you while still sitting on the pink bee laying in your hand.
Bian pats her bee's head with a proud stance "It was quiet the fight but there's nothing my girls can't handle" You nod at them happy to have their help and to see their ok, Wicca walks down your arm to join the two in your hands as you speak "Thank you all so much, i can't tell you how happy i am to have so many people who care, I'm so glad your all ok, your all truly amazing" You tear up a bit as Wicca does the same going to hit your hand but is stopped by Leo holding her back and listing her up "Stop saying things like that, i don't wanna cry" The blue haired girl yells kicking her legs out as she tried to get out of Leo's hold "Calm down, don't hurt Y/N-land" The Captain of their crew yells out dragging her to sit on the pink bee as Bian pinches her nose and sighs "Sorry about her" You shake your head at them and let out a nervous laugh "I'm sorry I'll stop, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'll leave you guys to get back to the feast, have fun" The three nod at you before starting to fly up off your hands, yelling their goodbyes the four fly off to go back to their crew "Hay Y/n, Nami and Robin are going to stay with the girls so I'll help you find Luffy and Zoro" Chopper runs up to you and takes your hand, you can't help but laugh though at his face covered in pink and red kiss marks, bending down you wipe them away for him knowing he'll hate being laughed at by the crew for it. "Ok, Lead the way doctor Chopper" you stand keeping hold of his hand as the reindeer starts to walk.
Chopper smiles while swaying a bit at you calling him doctor but soon managed to calm himself down, it was hard to see through the large groups of people but luckily there was a path through it all so you just followed that. After a while of walking you stated to get tired and nervous, anxiety growing in your stomach making you feel sick, you couldn't find the two you wanted to be with. Chopper notices your panicked breathes and stops walking helping you sit down on a fallen log that no one is sitting on "It's ok Y/n, just breathe, we can head back to the sunny if it's too much" The doctor states in a calm voice but has to yell a little with all the singing, talking and music around you two. "N-no.. I'm sorry.. I-i just want to-" You grip your chest as it starts to hurt, you didn't know anyone around you but chopper, yes they all helped you but you had no idea who they are, you didn't feel safe, you wanted more familiar faces, you wanted Zoro and Luffy. "Y/N... Your up SUPER" Franky walks over before doing his pose making you snap out of your spiraling thoughts, Chopper looks up at Franky with a big smile happy to see the giant cyborg but the man looks down in slight shock at your teary eyes and tense body "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" He raises his hands in surrender but you shake your head starting to calm down now that someone else you know if finally around you, it's not that you didn't feel safe with chopper its just there were to many unfamiliar face compared to the one you know. "Y-you didn't scare me... I just got a bit overwhelmed" You whisper while gripping Chopper's hand that he holds out to you.
The giant cyborg nods before walking closer and kneeling down "You know what can fix everything? some fresh Cola and some loving company" His big smile and words make your eyes widen "You know where Luffy and Zoro are?" You ask scooting closer to him in hopes that he knows, with a chuckle Franky nods "Yep, i just left to go and check on Robin but I'll take you over there" Jumping up you can't help but hug the cyborg wrapping your arms around his neck making him chuckle a little more and pat your head lightly. "Thank you, Franky, thank you for everything you guys have done, I'm so grateful to have you guys in my life" You smile up at him while pulling away to see the robot rub his teary eyes with his arm, he cry's out making you hold back a laugh at his over dramatics "Oh Y/N, there's no need to thank us you brave soul" Franky cry's making Chopper smile up at him patting the robots leg in comfort, the cyborg can be so overly dramatic sometimes but you wouldn't have it any other way. He soon stops with a sniffle while wiping his eyes "How about i carry you two it'll be quicker" He offers, you wanted to say no and walk but your leg were tired and sore so you nod. He stay knelled down so its easier for you to sit on his shoulder, Chopper jumps up and sits on his other shoulder before Franky stands up and starts to walk to where Luffy and Zoro are. "Oh by the way Robin is with Sakura's group close to the Sunny" You inform hoping to make finding the black haired woman easier for your crew mate, Franky nods as his hand rests on your leg helping to keep your balanced while your on his shoulder.
That familiar laughter soon breaks through the crowd making you smile bigger than before knowing that its Luffy but as you get closer to the group your captain isn't there. Zoro, Usopp and Bartolomeo are sitting on a large blanket with pillows and empty plates littered around them but there was a big gap in the middle for some reason. "Hay Guys, Look who i found" Franky calls out with a big smile soon stopping next to the Blanket, Usopp smile at the three of you before standing but almost gets knocked back by Barto who scrambles to get up. Zoro turns to look behind him and up at the giant cyborg, his smile grows at seeing you. "Miss Y/N, i'm so glad your ok.. You just missed Mister Luffy he went to get more food, but he'll be back soon" The rooster shoots up from where he was sitting and runs over to you almost trampling over Zoro who was about to get up. You scoot back a bit on Franky's shoulder as Barto reaches up for you, He's only trying to help and probably impress your crew but your not comfortable with him touching you just yet, he's too eager and hyper, plus he doesn't know where your hurt. "Here let me help you do-" Barto smiles wide at you only for his face to get grabbed by Zoro who shoves him away. "Calm down and back off" The swordsman growls before looking up at you seeing you start to calm down from your slight panic "Do you need help?" Zoro asks as Franky kneels down letting you and Chopper off his shoulders you nod and hold out your hand which the swordsman takes while his other hand goes to your side being careful not touch the bruises he knows are there.
Usopp sighs and gets up walking over to Barto who's rubbing his head after being shoved to the ground "I did warn you" The sniper sighs before turning to Chopper who runs over to check if the roosters ok. "Thanks again Franky" You smile at the cyborg when your fully off his shoulder "It's no problem, Here, like i said before, a good cola fixes everything... I'll see you guys later" The cyborg laughs handing you a bottle of Cola before walking off, Usopp and Chopper waving him goodbye before helping Barto stand up and walk back over to the blanket. After taking the bottle you wave him off before turning to Zoro and wrap your arms around his waist finally feeling safe in his embrace, the swordsman holds you close one arm around your waist and the other running through your hair. The swordsman lightly smiles placing a kiss on your head before breathing in the smell of your freshly cleaned hair "You smell nice" The green haired man whispers making you tense up a bit as you grip onto him, those words bringing back bad memoirs that you try and push away. Zoro rubs your back trying to calm you down while mentally cursing himself for making you like this "Sorry baby.. I-i don't mean to" You relax a little after taking a few deep calming breathes, looking up at him you lean back a bit to place your free hand on his cheek not wanting him to feel the way he is. "No it's ok, you did nothing wrong. I think i'm still a little jumpy from everything thats happened today" You sigh before leaning in and placing a kiss on his cheek.
The swordsman nods as he guides you over to the blanket "Want to talk about it?" You think for a minute as Zoro helps you sit down before sitting next to you and pulling you into his side, so he can hold you "I don't want you to get angry or anything" He takes a breath at your words calming himself down before giving you a nod letting you know he won't get angry or act out. Barto goes to talk to you but Usopp is quick to place a hand over the roosters mouth knowing Zoro needs time to talk with you, Chopper sighs and shakes his head at the rooster before whispering for him to calm down. Telling Zoro lifted a lot of weight off your shoulders, he didn't think you were stupid or weak for getting scared or having a panic attack in fact he soothed you rubbing your arm and kissing your head as you drank the Cola Franky gave you, the cyborg was right a fresh Cola and come loving company fixes everything. It wasn't long until Luffy came running back with a huge plate of food, his eye light up when seeing you and without thinking he yells out your name. It makes you jump slightly but when you turn to see Luffy a big smile forms on your face as you wave at him "Luffy" You yell back seeing the captain pick up his speed while walking over but trying not to drop any of the food stacked high on the large plate. The captain places the plate down in the middle now making you realize why there was a gap in the first place "Wow Luffy, Where did you get all that?" You ask while looking the pile of food up and down now unable to see the others with how wide and tall it is.
Luffy sits down next to you as the others start to dig in "Sanji and the other cooks are making loads of stuff" The captain wraps his arms around you as you turn to him and wrap your arms around him wanting to get a hug in before he's too occupied by food. You sigh in relaxation while resting your head on Luffy's shoulder "Don't get too comfy, you should eat before i eat it all" The captain laughs as you jump in shock pushing away from him knowing he's not messing around, you may be dating but that doesn't stop him from taking your food. "Luffy, You can't eat it all again" Usopp yells peaking his head out from around the pile of food to glare at his friend but Luffy ignores him just digging into the food as you join him, Zoro wraps his arm around your waist pulling you into his side again wanting you close as he drinks. You happily sit between the two feeling a lot calmer and safer while eating. After you've had your fill you sigh in happiness only for Zoro to reach over and use his thumb to remove some food from the corner of your mouth, a small blush forms of your face as his eyes meet yours, The swordsman brings his thumb to his lips and licks the food off of it before giving you a flirty smile. Your cheeks go redder as your mouth moved trying to form words but can't even when Zoro starts to lean closer. "It tasted good... mind if i have some more?" Zoro asks brushing his lips against yours, the pounding in your chest gets louder and louder but you nod letting a small smile form as the swordsman closes the gasp placing his lips on yours.
The two really know how to make you flustered and normally you would complain but you couldn't in this moment, you felt so loved, so safe as his arm sneaks around your waist pulling you into him as his tongue licks your lower lip asking for more. Normally he wouldn't ask, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable after everything thats happened, humming in delight you open your mouth for him letting his tongue in to meet yours as your hands run up his arms to his neck, your thumbs running across his jawline. You didn't want it to end, his touch was gentle on your injured area's but firm in your uninjured areas, its like he's studied your body knowing where he can touch you and where he can't while not even looking. Zoro pulls away first not wanting you to get breathless "My strong girl" He whispers against your lips making you smile and pull him in for a hug your hand running through his hair, thanks to nami you actually believe it now, you are strong and it's nice to know others think of you that way. Zoro holds you close to him while rubbing your back and placing kisses on your head enjoying you being back with him. His eyes soon land on Luffy who had stopped eating a little while ago his eyes fixed on the two of you, the swordsman could tell the captain was a little upset although he tried to hide it. "Lu, you want to join?" The swordsman asks holding out one of his hands managing to snap his lover out of his own head, a small smile forms on Luffy's face as he scoots closer.
Moving away from Zoro you pat the area in between you two seeing a bigger smile form on the Captains face, sitting in between the two of you Luffy wraps his arms around you both letting your heads rest on his shoulder as your arms go around his waist. You know Luffy loves to hold you both close like this, placing a kiss on your captains cheek he smiles down at you before pecking your lips while Zoro lets out a small chuckle kissing Luffy's neck a few times. A hum of satisfaction leaves the captains mouth from the feeling before turning to kiss Zoro's head, the three of you sit there enjoying each others warmth and comfort as music and talking fill the air, once in a while you would move your head into Luffy's neck either kissing it or feeling his pulse against your forehead. Zoro drink the rest of his sake before interlocking his fingers with yours that lies on Luffy's chest while kissing his captains shoulder or jawline. Luffy would lean into who ever was showing him affection at the time but if the two of you were giving him affection at the same time then he would lean his head back a bit while his arms hold you both tighter enjoying the feeling. It wasn't long before you noticed Luffy staring at you, looking up at him your eyes lock with his seeing slight sadness, unhooking your fingers from Zoro you reach up to place your hand on your captains cheek "You ok honey?" You whisper letting your thumb run under his eye, Luffy nods while placing his forehead on yours "i'm glad to have you back" He whispers back while moving his nose against yours, knowing what he wants you lean up placing your lips on his.
Before he can ask you lightly bite his lower lip, with a smile Luffy shoves his tongue into your mouth as your lips move together, letting out a hum your tongues meet moving together as his hand wonders, anxiety wells up in you as his hand gets closer to your thigh but it soon moves away making you relax knowing that he won't touch your injured leg, pulling away Luffy peaks your lips "Don't worry, i won't touch it... I'll just have to find a new favorite spot" He laughs with a small smile making your smile drop, you didn't want him to find a few favorite spot "Lu, It can still be your favorite spot. Just once its healed" Luffy's big smile comes back as he buries his head into you neck giving it loads of kisses making you laugh trying to push him away but his grip is too strong. Zoro laughs along watching as his captain attacks your neck "Thank you, Muffin" Luffy calls out before pulling away from your next letting you get your breath back, lightly hitting his chest you playfully glare at him but his expression didn't change making your eyes soften knowing how happy you've just made him. "Speaking of muffins" The captain stretches his arm out, reaching into the pile of food and pulling out a muffin, ripping it in two he hands half of it to you making your eyes widen, its very rare for him to share food. "I have to share a muffin with my muffin" Luffy laughs before biting into his half, you take the other half while kissing is cheek "I swear your sometimes worse than the cook" Zoro comments while looking away with a slight blush, you couldn't tell if it was because of what just happened or the amount of alcohol he's consumed.
Luffy pulls the swordsman back into him crashing his lips onto his lovers, a shocked hum leaves Zoro's mouth making it easy for Luffy to slip is tongue into the swordsman's mouth. You smile at the two while eating your muffin watching as Zoro starts to relax into it while seeming to try and gain control but Luffy had the upper hand. Pulling away Luffy puts his big smile back on while pressing his forehead against Zoro's "You know.. You only say that kind of thing when you want attention" Luffy's comment seemed accurate since the swordsman's face goes bright red as his eyes widen, you don't know how but your captain always seems to know these things. Unable to form words the swordsman growls before kissing the captain again burring his hand in his black hair keeping his lover close. Rolling your eyes at the flustered and needy swordsman you look over at the food pile now being able to see the other side, Usopp and Chopper are laughing and joking with each other while also messing with some food, Barto on the other hand had wide eyes and blushing cheeks while watching Luffy and Zoro make out, it made you realize that he's never seen the three of you together like this. Everyone knows about your relationship but maybe seeing it is a different some how. When he doesn't stop looking you lean closer and wave your hand in front of his face managing to snap him out of it "It's rude to stare" You giggle while sitting back, he gulps and nods keeping his eyes on you even though the swordsman and captain have now pulled away from each other trying to get their breath back.
Barto clears his throat his blush getting worse, but he scoots closer only stopping when the plate of food between you and him touches his knees "I'm sorry Miss Y/N, i didn't mean to state i-i just wanted to urm..." He takes a breath while rubbing the back of his head seeming nervous about something "I'm sorry about before, i-i didn't mean to scare you, i was out of line" The rooster looks down in shame due to his earlier actions, Luffy raises an eyebrow while looking between you and Barto "What? You ok?" The captain asks putting his arm around your waist but you nod letting him know your fine. Zoro sighs leaning back on his elbows "Yea you should be, Think next time" The swordsman grumbles but you reach over and pat his leg trying to calm the man down. " It's ok, He just tried to help me down off Franky's shoulder" You smile seeing your captain nod now knowing you weren't hurt but he still doesn't understanding why Zoro would get so frustrated over it, you turn back to Barto his eye's meeting yours "I appreciate the help but i'm still a little jumpy and some of my injuries still hurt so... Thanks for the help though" You smile at him getting the Rooster to nod with a big smile happy that you've forgiven him "Mister Zoro's right i should have thought before i acted, Is there anything i can do for you?" Barto asks cupping his hands together hoping to make it up to you and Zoro but the swordsman groans trying to ignore the rooster's attempts to please you. "No i'm good" You raise your hands up getting the man to nod and calm down a bit.
Luffy pouts a little while placing his chin on your shoulder looking up at you with slight puppy dog eyes "You could've asked him to get more meat" You can't help but laugh a little as you turn to look down at your pouting Captain "You have a whole plate of food still" His pout gets worst at your words making Barto spring up from where he was sitting "It's ok Mister Luffy, I'll get you some more" Barto panics before running off Usopp and Chopper yelling at him since he almost kicked the two over. "Bring booze" Zoro yells out after the man who weaves through the crowd of people some yelling at him because he knocked into them. "He's funny" Luffy smiles as he pulls away from your shoulder to watch the man, Usopp rubs the back of his head with a sigh "He's something" The sniper comments while letting out a breath and laying on his back to look up at the sky, Chopper nods agreeing with his friend while laying down next to him also looking up at the sky. You can't help but watch the two for a minute happy that their both ok, you can't believe just a few days ago they were fighting vice admirals and guards to help rescue you. "Thank you" You suddenly say making Usopp and Chopper raise their heads to look over at you "Thank you.. for helping me" You say again giving them a smile, the two shoot up with a big smile while rubbing the back of their heads "There's no need to thank us" Chopper sways a little while Usopp wipes his nose "You can always rely on the great Captain Usopp" You can't help but let out a small giggle at their different reactions, Luffy laughs a little to while wrapping his arm back around your waist.
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orginllazyblog · 4 months
Headcanon #2
AFK Arena: Gavus, Eugene, liberta, lucilla
Add me for a friend: the_lazy_hero
Eugene was "born" before Annih, the God of death and brother of Dura, entered his villain arc. That would probably make sense in both ways as Eugene can't remember his earliest memories, and Annih first started creating Hypogeans. Which is why Eugene carries a diary to write down his adventures as he tends to forget sometimes.
In one of Eugene's travels, he learn about spices and other seasonings. So when he and Gavus were taking care of the twins when they were toddlers, he made sure to add seasoning whenever Gavus is not looking.
Gavus doesn't know that much of the mortals, only heard a few from other celestials. So Eugene was the one who told him about other faction's culture and history.
When it comes to food, Eugene loves spicy food as it has more kick into it. While Gavus could not handle spicy food at all. For the twins, they did try to eat a spicy dish made by Eugene himself, but it didn't last. At that point, Eugene questioned if the two-devils are his children. (That one scene in the Untamed)
"Kids! I'm making dinner."
"Oh no/Papa Gavus, save us."
After the mid-winter festival, the twins started to hang out with Pippa, Rowan, Raku, Mishka, and Daimon. They would often go to small adventures together or visit each other's place for sleepover. Though they would have to remind their dad's of their whereabouts unless they get grounded again.
Lucilla having long hair gets frustrating. Liberta learns how to do hairstyles so that his sister doesn't do a horrible haircut. She'll maybe ask either Eugene or gavus to shorten her hair for the summer. (people with long hair struggles)
If either the twins get into trouble, Eugene told Gavus to ground them both as it wouldn't be fair to ground one of them.
"Okay, you're both grounded."
"Lucilla, for causing the damages."
"And Liberta for being a snitch."
Eugene probably had horns like Lucilla's, but remove them as he tries to blend in with the mortals. Either he removed it with magic or cut it.
One time, Gavus and Eugene heard cries coming from the living room. When they entered, Lucilla was trying to calm down her brother while apologizing.
Gavus: Lucilla, can you explain why Liberta is crying?
Lucilla:... I may have told him he's adopted.
Eugene: Adopted? Lucilla, you're also adopted too. What makes you think like that?
Liberta: S-she s-said that I don't have pointy ears like you dads. (crying noise)
Oh my god 🤣I need to make a fic of this. I have more ideas put I'll put it together.
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monstersdownthepath · 4 months
Empyreal Lord: Andoletta, Grandmother Crow
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CR 28
Lawful Good Medium Outsider
Heaven Unleashed, pg. 16~18
Surprise! A special capstone for this month devoted to all that's good in the world.
Andoletta here has the same unenviable position as Furcas, in that she doesn't exist on the internet beyond some vague numbers on the wiki. No presence in the Archives of Nethys, no copyright-free version on d20pfsrd, nothing. Much like Furcas, the most we have are the stats of her weapon of choice, a +5 Anchoring Ghost Touch Holy Quarterstaff that's often masquerading as simple walking stick, the Artifact known as Helicyon. When I first found her in Heaven Unleashed as I was seeking more information on Divine Heralds, I was gobsmacked to see her at all! What other secrets are hiding in books I've never read?!
Grandmother Crow also has the actual enviable position of being the ONLY Archon Empyreal Lord with stats. Yes, even the shining paladin Ragathiel is an Angel, not an Archon, and Andoletta puts all future potential archons to shame by being one their best. The ultimate grandmother to all beings, Andoletta takes pains to remind her peers that winning a war means nothing if there's nothing left back home worth protecting, and as such, she watches over the most peaceful of Heaven's many kingdoms, caring for the souls within who have no desire or ability to fight in the crusades against Evil and even venturing into the mortal world at the edges of war-torn kingdoms to shepherd the lost, lonely, grieving, and innocent to better lives, masquerading as... Well, nothing. As one of the most human-looking celestials, she really has no need or desire to change herself (though she can take on the shape of a crow, raven, or tengu when needed), so her most common "disguise" is just walking around as herself, a stern old woman with a cloak of crow feathers who seeks those needing her advice.
It should come as no surprise to those even passingly familiar with fantasy stories that you should never question the advice of an elder with an eccentric accessory. When she speaks, it is of the utmost importance that you listen, for what she has to say will always be what you needed to hear, no matter what that may be. If you are grieving, you'll be consoled. If you are hopeless, you'll be encouraged. If you're questioning, she'll have the answer. If you're an idiot, she'll say it to your face, and then give you advice on how to smarten up. For the majority of her existence, Andoletta eschews the idea of conflict and instead focuses on offering little comforts to those in need, especially children; a kind word, needed advice, a basket of food, or even just something as simple as a reassuring hand on the shoulder or a glass of milk on the nightstand to help someone troubled go back to sleep. It's these small acts of kindness that she specializes in, the tiny comforts she feels build people into being better overall, giving them the tiny push they need to keep going.
Of course, that CR 28 isn't just for show. Andoletta is never the first to join a fight, preferring life on the homestead, but any fiend attacking what they believe to be a harmless old woman or threatening the lives of children in her care is in for a hell of a reality check.
Let's begin with her aforementioned weapon of choice: Helicyon. It's said that Grandmother Crow's divine power erupted into existence once she gained an understanding the secrets of an ancient willow tree which whispered the truth of the past to her. It was reduced to a single branch when a jealous archon attempted the same, only to find that pathway to enlightenment allowed only one creature to pass, forcing Andoletta to take that branch and turn it into a walking stick she can call to her hand from across any distance.
she presumably did that after giving the idiotic soldier of Heaven a solid whacking for such an egregious show of short-sighted envy.
Beyond just being a reminder of Andoletta's journey to divinity, Helicyon is her primary whackin' stick, and it's deadly enough to give pause to whatever Balor or Pit Fiend thought it'd be funny to swing on an old lady. This +5 Anchoring Ghost Touch Holy Quarterstaff can be swung up to seven times a round for 1d6+14 (+2d6 vs Evil) damage, with the Anchoring ability giving her the amusing option to slam it down into someone's foot or pushing them against a wall with its end in their chest and pinning them in place while she lectures them on how stupid they are to make her resort to such measures. And her lecture would work, too, because anyone struck by Helicyon must make a DC 25 Will save or be filled with Overwhelming Grief at every tragedy that's occurred in the entirety of creation since their existence started, unable to take any actions for up to 28 rounds unless they succeed the save again at some point during the effect. This crushing remorse is so potent it penetrates all defenses, including Mythic and deific protection, and no creature is immune to it, even if they don't have emotions. The only way to avoid the grief is to succeed the saving throw (any of the saves it offers will do), at which point there's a 24-hour immunity clause to prevent Grandma from stun-locking someone for minutes at a time.
While her melee may not seem intimidating at first, she's got a large pick of spells from the Inquisitor spell list she can invoke as swift actions, including Forceful Strike (+10d4 damage Force damage plus a free Bull Rush on a melee attack), Burst of Speed (+20 movement speed, movement doesn't trigger AoOs, can move through enemy spaces), and perhaps most dangerously for her foes: Litany of Righteousness, which causes the target to take double damage from the attacks of creatures with a Good alignment aura, including herself and her own attacks, for one round. 1d6+14 isn't impressive, but 2d6+28 up to seven times? There's an appropriate trope for this.
She has more than just a handful of Inquisitor spells, of course; among a handful of charming and helpful spells (such as Daylight, Plant Growth, and Calm Emotions), her combat options include a 3/day Dictum and Greater Dispel Magic, and the oxymoronic Quickened Slow to mire her foes with a lengthy stagger, making it much harder for them to harm her in a meaningful way... which is good, because she kind of needs it.
Unlike most demigods, Andoletta has comparatively fewer defenses. Her DR 15 is much harder to pierce than many other Good-aligned demigods, requiring a weapon that's Evil-aligned and Epic, but her low 10 Regeneration is suppressed by ANY exposure to Evil. She's got most of the Demigod Suite of immunities including proof against charm/compulsion, energy drain, ability score damage, poison, death, and petrification... but because grandma needs her naps and has arthritis, she's not immune to sleep or paralysis. In addition, her ONLY elemental resistance is immunity to Electricity when most creatures at her level are swinging around Fire and Cold with incredible ferocity. She doesn't even have Freedom of Movement available to her, leaving her terribly vulnerable to entangling effects, paralysis, or even just difficult terrain, which can prevent her from initiating with her otherwise-intimidating Spring Attack.
Thankfully, her lack of in-built defenses is somewhat mollified by her other unique abilities. She has the Primal Aura of all Empyreal Lords, her unique aura stretching to create a 30ft Circle of Protection From Evil, shielding everything inside from the attacks, spells, and effects of any Evil creature while also preventing any summoned Evil creature from setting a single toe inside. Anyone with 10 or less Hit Dice that's inside the aura is also shielded by an empowered Sanctuary effect that requires a DC 39 Will save to attack through... unless the fight takes place in Heaven, at which point the Sanctuary effect is completely unbreakable, resetting every round even if the protected creature attacks. The primary use of this power is, obviously, shielding civilians, as any attacker quickly finds out they can't bring their weapon against any innocent, costing them their action for the round and often allowing Andoletta to punish them for the attempt.
This isn't her only means of protecting her wards and allies, either; several of her lord and Inquisitor spells are for the benefit of others, like Litany of Escape and Litany of Warding, but she can also cause a mass-Sanctuary by standing tall and using Wing Snap. This 1/day thunderous crack of her hidden crow wings dispels fear effects from any number of creatures of her choosing within 30ft and shields them with Sanctuary, while any Evil creature within the radius must succeed a DC 39 Fortitude save or take 5d6 Sonic damage and be struck deaf for 2d6 rounds. This power can only be used when she has her Crow Feather Cape, but the indestructible artifact returns to her every 24 hours even if she's gifted it to someone, so she more or less always has it on her anyway.
Why would she give her cape away, though? Typically as a test. Anyone bearing her Crow Feather Cape is shielded by the immensely powerful Winds of Vengeance spell for 24 entire hours, a spell that's potent offensively and defensively. A creature shrouded by the cape can thus fly at 60ft/round through any environment and gains immunity to ALL projectile-based ranged attacks, 90% of existing breath weapons, and all gas/vapor-based attacks, spells, and effects. Anything striking a shrouded creature in melee has to make a DC 39 Fortitude save or take 5d6 damage and be knocked prone (or knocked from the sky, if it was flying), potentially ending a Full-Attack and allowing a retaliatory Full-Attack from the wielder with extra accuracy bonuses thanks to the victim being knocked prone.
Any creature that violates a just law while blessed with the cape not only immediately loses its power over winds, but has their voice stolen and replaced with the helpless squawking of a crow until they get the curse broken or until Andoletta removes it with a thought, typically followed by a stern lecture. It's an unbelievably powerful tool she can hand out to someone she thinks may use it correctly... but in my readings of this ability, there seems to be absolutely no restrictions in place which prevent Grandmother Crow from using the ability on herself as a move action, giving her insurmountable defenses against anyone trying to hit her from a range and blasting anyone hitting her in melee off their feet, letting her either lay into them with her staff... or use its Anchoring ability to pin them to the ground so she can advise them against going any further.
In the end, that's all she really wants. She is the least warlike of all the Archons; she's not made to fight, and in fact abhors actually doing so, battling only when innocent lives are on the line and even then only until her wards have fled the fight before she teleports, Time Stops, or Plane Shifts away herself. She's more likely to trip up, disable, debuff, and humiliate her foes than actually kill them, humbling them so that they may listen to her words and, eventually, internalize them. With age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes patience, and Andoletta is patient enough to watch for every minute crack and fracture in even the most staunchly evil soul in the hopes that she can jam it wide enough to plant a seed of good.
And if that fails, she tends to just hold off her attacker long enough for a finisher to come along, because Heaven knows there are plenty of them around, ready to jump to Grandma's defense.
Andoletta's stats are not available via official channels, but I did find them here. The stats for her staff, however, are on the Archives here.
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