#she would take her meals with cullen
nanowatzophina · 5 months
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Some doodles from my current replay of Rosal’s pt.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
The batfam as teacher comment section in report card.
Dick: Mr. Grayson brings a contagious energy to the class and his enthusiasm is well-appreciated. However, he tends to channel that energy very physically and while that may benefit his learning, it's a disruption to other students. This is a frequently recurring issue that I would like to discuss with a parent or guardian.
Translation – Is this kid ADHD because he won't sit the FUCK down
Jason: Mr. Todd has displayed remarkable attention to detail and a love of literature that I can only attribute to positive reinforcement at home, and he's always a pleasure to have in class. As much as I appreciate seeing him apply his lessons outside of school hours, I believe there are more productive avenues of discussing Shakespearean playwriting with his peers than what he has been reportedly doing. 
Translation – Stop biting your thumb at people
Tim: Mr. Drake continues to exceed expectations in his schoolwork, but his attendance and participation may become a detriment to his overall grades if unaddressed. I have caught him sleeping in class on multiple occasions but he has yet to provide me a reason why he is so tired. Additionally, last month one of our monitors caught him loitering in the bathroom with a note that I did not recall writing. 
Translation – Get some sleep and also you can't make your own hall passes
Damian: I have had the privilege of teaching the Wayne family through my decades at this institution and I believe that Damian takes after his father the most in more ways than expected. His grades are stellar and he is well-organized, but I'm noticing familiar and concerning traits in his attitude and social interactions. I am requesting a meeting with his parent to understand the full context so I can devise a plan for out how to best support him. 
Translation – Forget falling, the apple is still on the damn tree
Duke: Mr. Thomas has been a pleasure to have in my chemistry lab and is always willing to help classmates who are struggling. However, after last week's minor combustion reaction mishap, I think it would be worthwhile to review the lab safety packet that all students received at the beginning of the year. 
Translation – How did you set water on fire
Cullen: Mr. Row displays a passion for transformative literature and demonstrates a clear understanding of modern media culture that has helped him synthesize a lot of our complex readings. However, I'm concerned about his laptop being a distraction, especially with numerous incidences of him looking at non-academic material.  
Translation – Quit reading fanfics in class
Stephanie: You should be pleased to know that Miss Brown consistently keeps the well-being of her peers in mind. This semester, she launched a meal initiative for students whose needs could not be met by the school cafeteria. While we value her good intentions, she has been causing hallway obstructions and there are some regulatory concerns that we need to discuss. 
Translation – She sold pancakes in the halls without a permit
Cassandra: Although Miss Cain is relatively quiet in class, she continues to blow me away with her breadth of knowledge not just on class materials, but also interpersonal details. While this is a good skill to cultivate, we ask that she dial it back especially with our faculty. Additionally, please remember that the teacher's lounge is a staff-only space and students should remain in the common areas. 
Translation – She knows too much
Barbara: Miss Gordon is easily one of the best AP Computer Science students I've seen in my twenty years of teaching. She even went above and beyond the scope of our class to apply what we've learned to a greater school context. While that is deserving of credit, I'd also like to remind her that, in the future, certain ideas should be subjected to careful consideration before actions are taken. 
Translation – She hacked the lunch menu to make every day French Fry Friday 
Harper: Miss Row has a remarkable aptitude for the engineering process that exceeds beyond what students her age can typically grasp, and she is very inventive in her own right. That being said, I would appreciate it if she followed our lesson plans more closely and reviewed our guidelines for woodshop safety so everyone can continue to have a positive experience.
Translation – She made a working crossbow out of popsicle sticks
Carrie: Miss Kelley is a bright student who brings positive energy that is very much needed, especially in morning classes. However, she's been falling behind with several missing assignments at this point, and her explanations for why she cannot finish her work don't seem to be sufficient. 
Translation – "Killer Croc ate my homework" Yeah and I'm Batman
Kate: Miss Kane seems to be very eager to move forward to the next stage of her life, as evidenced by her Career Day presentation. While I believe young people should be free to explore their passions, I also think that Kate would benefit from some workshops outlining more feasible options. 
Translation – "Get bitches" isn't a career goal
Alfred: Mr. Pennyworth is easily one of the best students this institution has seen, both in his academic record and extracurricular activities. He recently expressed interest in the sharpshooting team, which I will not discourage him from, seeing how highly accurate he is. As of this year, I will be retiring as the coach for the team, but I wish him all the best.
Translation – I'm not about to get on his bad side
Selina: Miss Kyle's resourcefulness continues to astound me. Earlier in the semester, she forgot her locker combination and quickly improvised a mechanism to safely unlock it using only the materials around her. The speed and accuracy with which she did that will surely benefit her in the future. 
Translation – Did... did she just pick a lock with another lock?
Bruce: No further comments. 
Translation – whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck—
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jogetsobsessed · 4 months
Picture Perfect - Edward Cullen
Standing in the kitchen you glanced through the open sliding glass door, a soft smile gracing your face as little giggles filled the air. 
You were so happy, watching as your little girl bounced around the perfectly trimmed garden, your boyfriend watching her every move, laughing as she squealed when a ladybug landed on her forearm. 
You hadn't realized it, but you had stopped preparing lunch for yourself and your daughter, floating over to the open door, leaning against the frame. Gazing out at your seemingly picture-perfect, all-American family. 
Edward could feel your gaze, looking up and meeting your eyes. Even though you had only been together for a few years you had become experts at all things with each other. Even you would always argue that he had an unfair advantage in knowing everything about you. But you did your best, learning everything about him, being able to read his expressionless face and know his feelings, even though he never wanted to share. 
After sharing a smile you turned and went back to finishing up lunch, eventually calling Edward and your daughter in. She reluctantly left the garden, only coming in after Edward did some major convincing. They sat together at the table, your daughter offering Edward some of her dinosaur-shaped cucumbers, which he as always politely declined. 
Luckily she was still at an age where she didn't pick up on certain aspects of her everyday life, like the fact she had never actually shared a meal with her father. And you were grateful for that, not looking forward to the day that you have to have the dreaded conversation with her. Not only were you going to have to explain that the monsters in fairytales were real, but that her father wasn't hers biologically. 
“Remind me when we go to the grocery store we need more bubble baths, we don't want the princess to freak out next time we promise her a bubble bath”. He laughed from his coveted spot on your shared bed. “We wouldn't want that to happen '', he chimed in, pulling the covers back as you climbed into bed. 
“You know she loves you right”. Your question caught him off guard, the words coming out of your mouth before he could enter your thoughts. 
“Where's this coming from”, Edwards' words were full of concern. 
“I just, I don't know. I guess it's because while we were eating lunch I was thinking about the conversation I'm going to have with her in a few years. About you know, everything. About you and your family and Jeff. 
“Y/N honey, you aren't going to have to go through that alone. I will be there every step of the way with you. Whether you like it or not, I am in your life Y/N”. 
Day had turned to night but you hadn't moved. 
You sat on the damp grass, staring straight ahead. Your body ached from head to toe and your eyes were straining to stay open. The pounding headache causes your ears to ring. 
It had been the worst week of your life. 
You had been woken by someone pounding so hard on your door you thought they were gonna break it down. It was the middle of the night so after grabbing a steak knife from the block in the kitchen you made your way towards the front door. Sleepily you called out, praying that it was just your boyfriend and that he had left his key somewhere. 
“Ma’am we are with the Clallam County Sheriff's Department, we need to speak with you”. It didn't take more convincing as you threw the door open, tears clouding your eyes before they could get a word in. 
The second you heard the infamous, “we regret to inform you” line you collapsed on the ground, your body letting out sobs that could be heard from the next county over. The painted noise drew out the sound of the sheriff's deputies informing you that your boyfriend had been involved in a car accident, and he hadn't made it. 
They had somehow managed to get you up from your spot anchored on the floor and moved you to the couch. One of them sat next to you, offering a comforting hand on your shoulder while the other asked if there was anyone they could call. 
Unfortunately, they were pros at their job, and death notifications came as a part of that package. So they were experts at understanding people through howling sobs. So as you croaked out your best friend's name, the deputy stepped outside, grabbing your phone which lay on the coffee table. 
Rosalie Hale broke just about every traffic law as she made it to your house in record time. She flew up the steps, almost forgetting to act as her human self. Rushing over to where you were still bawling she scooped you in her arms, attempting to comfort you. 
Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme had followed behind the blonde after she sprinted out of their shared residence with no explanation. Then cops approached Carlisle after he stepped out of his vehicle, recognizing him due to their overlapping career paths. 
“I didn't get to tell him”, you croaked out as your sobs turned to hiccups, still clutching onto Rosalie's ice-cold form. 
You thought about that day often.
The day that started off being one of the best days of your life. 
That was the day you found out you were pregnant. You had immediately called Rosalie and she had sat with you while you waited for the test to finish. And when you saw that the second line had appeared you cried happy tears as she brought you in for a sweet embrace. 
Later on, you realized how hard that must have been for her. But everyone would admit, you having your daughter and Rosalie getting to act as her godmother was good for her. In the years since your daughter's birth Rosalie had softened, she had a new purpose in life and she took her role as the favorite aunt very seriously. 
From that day the Cullen family as a whole brought you in. 
You had been friends with Rosalie since they first moved back to Forks, the two of you instantly forming a lifelong friendship. The bond that the two of you shared led to the family sharing their secret with you. While it took a while to get used to the idea that you were friends with a vampire you were able to get ahold of all your emotions because you weren't going to let anything get in the way of your cherished friendship. 
They supported you through your pregnancy, not letting you feel alone a single step of the way. 
You appreciate all the help and support you did. 
But deep down you knew that no love or support would ever begin to heal the aching in your heart. The aching that your child was going to grow up without a father. That your child was going to have to endure the unfair hardships that came with having a single mother. 
That was until a certain someone began making himself present.
It had started as seemingly convenient situations. 
The both of you coincidentally being the only ones in the living room late at night when you couldn't sleep, or running into each other on morning walks around the sleepy town you called home. 
Slowly you opened up to him. Voicing the fears and concerns that plagued your brain. Allowing him to comfort you through your darkest time. 
Honestly, you don't even remember when the friendship had crossed so many boundaries that it became a relationship. But at some point, Edward became stuck to your side like glue. He was there for every ache and pain, every craving. Caring for you unlike he had ever cared for anyone. 
When your daughter eventually came, something in Edward changed. 
He had been there for her birth, holding your hand as you squeezed it as your life depended on it. Sometime after your baby girl finally made her appearance he had slipped out of the room, becoming so overcome with emotions that he needed to be alone. 
He was in love with you, he had been in love with you since the day Rosalie had invited you over. But you were dating Jeff when he first met you. And now you were his. 
After some time the brain fog started to clear and you registered that he was no longer in the room. Asking Esme to go find him you relaxed once you heard his voice coming up the stairs. 
Everyone had cleared out, wanting to give the two of you a moment alone. 
Slowly he lowered himself next to where you lay, and if you weren't so tired you would have made fun of how stiff he was sitting. “There is someone I want you to meet”. 
You had never seen him so scared as you lifted your bundled sleeping daughter from your chest and held her in front of him. 
Carefully he took hold of her, terrified of hurting her. You almost burst into tears at the sight of the man you were falling in love with holding your newborn. He ran a finger over her soft cheek, in absolute awe of the tiny human. Reached down and admired her tiny hands, imagining what it would be like to be holding one of those tiny hands, walking her into her first day of kindergarten, or walking her down the aisle, her hand clutching his for support. 
He was so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed your daughter's hand slowly open and grip his finger that had lingered against her tiny, once-closed fist. “I think she likes you”, you laughed out, Edward letting out a necessary breath that he had been holding in. “I have a feeling she’s gonna have you wrapped around her little finger”. 
Boy were you right. 
From her first day on Earth Edward did everything in his power to make your daughter happy. 
He was one of her favorite people on the planet, and she was one of his. 
Edward had unspokenly assumed the role of “dad”, never having to ask if that was something he was okay with. Most people didn't even question it, you had been so early into your pregnancy when your boyfriend died that most assumed that your daughter was actually Edwards and that you had just moved on quickly. But what they didn't know wasn't going to hurt them. It was no one's business to understand the dynamics of your unique family. 
Waking up to your alarm was easy considering you hadn't fallen asleep. 
Today was a big day in the Cullen household. 
Sitting up you saw that you were the only one in the bed, which was abnormal. Quickly getting ready while trying to keep the tears at bay you got dressed and made the bed. 
Walking through the hallways of the Cullen house you listened to see if your daughter was awake. Because for some reason she had been waking up at the crack of dawn for the past six months. 
Which is when having an immortal father who never slept came in handy. Edward would hear her stir and slip out of bed, meeting her in the hallway as she tiptoed out of her bedroom. Always posing the question, “Why don't we let mommy sleep a little bit longer”. 
Sure enough, you found the pair of them in the kitchen, Edward leaning across the island as your daughter shoveled precut bites of pancake into her mouth. 
“Good morning beautiful”, his hands found their way home to your waist and his lips to yours. The sweet moment didn't last long as a chorus of “Ewwws” that came from your daughter and her uncle Emmett broke you out of your sweet moment. Edward rolled his eyes at his brother while you crossed the kitchen to say good morning to your daughter. 
“Baby girl you need to hurry up and finish your breakfast, today is a big day and you gotta get ready”. Edward smiled at your words as he watched your daughter turn her attention away from the living room where the TV was playing the morning news and back to her pancakes. 
After she had declared that she was all done you scooped her up to go and get her ready, the Cullen/Hale women joining you as they watched their precious girl get ready for such a big day. 
“Ok, I think we’re here”, Edward said to no one in particular as he pulled the car to a stop outside of the old worn-down buildings. His family pulled up in spots next to where you had been parked, none of them wanted to miss out on this monumental day. 
You and Edward stepped out of the car, Edward grabbing your daughter out of the back seat, and helping her smooth out the pretty yellow dress that she had insisted on wearing. 
Your boyfriend met you on the sidewalk, a proud smile on his face, he had been looking forward to this day for forever. “Ok baby, can you stand right here, we all wanna get some pictures of you pretty girl”, you cooed as you ushered her to stand in front of the same sign you stood in front of years and years ago. 
Reluctantly she smiled, eventually getting into the pictures, laughing as her uncles made funny faces behind her aunts. 
But after everyone put away their cameras and phones you saw her face drop. It was suddenly getting very real. A day that you and Edward had been preparing her for almost a year was here. She turned and looked at the front doors of the building before shoving the too-big backpack off her shoulders, shooting herself into her father's legs, wrapping her arms around. 
“I'm scared”, she cried out. You moved to crouch down to her level, but Edward stopped you, his face reading that he had it handled. So you took a step back, joining Alice and Rosalie as Edward crouched down to his daughter's level. 
“You have no reason to be scared honey-bee. We talked about this, it's just like pre-school except you're gonna be here a bit longer. But that means more time to make friends and you get to eat a really yummy lunch that Grandma Esme made”. 
“But Daddy, you and Mommy aren't going to be here. I’m scared”. She clung to your boyfriend, gripping onto his jacket like she was trying to make sure he couldn't get away from her hold. 
“My darling girl, I want you to listen. Take it from someone like me. I've been to a lot of schools``, he emphasized the word lot, which made the rest of you giggle, knowing that his version of a lot of schooling was much different than a normal kindergartener's parents' definition of a lot of schooling. “You are going to do perfectly fine. You are going to have so much fun. After school when Mommy and I pick you up you are going to tell us all about your day and then while you're telling us we can go and get ice cream, and eat it for dinner. 
“Can I get extra pink sprinkles Daddy? '' she sniffled, lifting her head to look her father in the eyes. Your kid didn't play when it came to her sprinkles. 
“Daddy will buy you all the pink sprinkles in the world if you ask him to”. 
Slowly she stood up accepting the comforting hug that you were offering and allowing Edward to slip her backpack on her shoulders. 
“Come on you big kindergartener, we don't want you to be late on your first day”, Edward exclaimed as he took your daughter's hand, you taking the other as the three of you marched into the school. Rosalie snapped a quick picture before they all left, whispering to Alice about how the three of you were the picture-perfect little family. 
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volturissideslut · 1 year
What if the Humans adopt a child just to see what’s so special about humans and why the Cullens like them so much, not knowing how troublesome a 8 year old can be?
strap in because this is going to be one hell of a ride (also I'm assuming asker meant volturi adopt a chaotic human child)
Aro, ever the curious one, cannot even fathom why dear Carlisle cares so much for these... creatures
And it's been like over 3000 years since he was human and he can't really remember much about living
It would also help if it would stop making Marcus be such a miserable slab of stone, and perhaps even Caius could do with a new toy
It just seemed like destiny when an 8 year old child strayed from the feeding group one day, too entertained by chasing a fat tabby cat that had jumped the wall to the garden
Whatever parent or guardian that came with seemingly hadn't noticed - not that they were alive long enough too
And, of course, Felix was the one to deliver the child to Master Aro considering he's the only one with a modium of decorum or respect for life in the castle
Any of the other guards would have eaten you on sight to be honest (they wouldn't in the future but you're just some random human child right now, they don't care about you yet)
Aro takes one look at you're little form, sticky fingers; muddy knees; grazed elbows; a leaf in your hair
They're keeping you
easy, right?
Why is a overexcited yet hysterical human child such a lovable inconvenience, you may ask
1) none of them can fully keep track of you're emotions,why are children so confusing???
2) they can't fully keep track of your whereabout either
3) they know nothing, and I mean nothing, about humans. Expect them to ask the secratery for help next time you're sobbing, only to find out you're hungry because they haven't fed you a proper meal in days thinking you'd forage for it yourself
I swear Marcus is the only one who is knowledgeable, despite how small it is
"the child requires sustinence again" - Jane, fed up of this shit
4) they're used to the traumatic stuff of vampire life, you are not, they don't realise that
poor kid is gonna be so traumatised, by the age of 10 killing someone over cereal seems socially acceptable
At least Caius actually has a soft spot for you, otherwise you'd be dead dead by now
Marcus reads you bedtime stories
Aro wants you to grow up appreciating everything he does, there are many 'daddy/daughter dates' where he takes you to see plays, musicals, concerts, or whatever that he deems suitable
Caius pretends to be impressed with your drawings and fakes excitement at whatever lego monstrosity you've made
Alec shows you the world, taking you around on his days off to Scotland, Brazil, India or wherever you randomly point to on a map
Felix let's you use his cloak as a blanket when he's not using it, you like to play with it and use it for dens and pillow forts (it can also be used as one of those massive fabric parachute tent bubble thingys the class played with in nursery/FS1/kindergarten and hid under (you know what I'm talking about))
Demitri let's you win at hide and seek despite his gift letting him know where you are at all times. He is also not above pretending to play to keep you out the way and quiet for a solid five minutes before you come out giggling saying you won again
Jane will capture butterflies and set them free with you because she knows you love them and you also love to chase them
The queen's are always dressing you up like a doll and doing your hair, they basically get a list from the secratery of everything humans need (food, water, socialising etc) and fulfil those needs for you
The secratery is the only one who actually knows what you want and need most times, being human herself. The kings are seriously considering turning her instead of just killing her you your sake
And God forbid anyone touches their precious baby, you've grown on them and they'd burn the world for you in an instant
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
Carlisle and Esme meeting underweight reader?
❝the doctor knows best❞
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✭ pairing : Carlisle Cullen x reader x Esme Cullen
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) has always been on the underweight side and over time she begin to feel self conscious so she seeks help from her local doctor and even gets a bit of inside help along the way
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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(Y/N) had always struggled with her weight. It seemed like an endless battle she couldn't win, no matter how hard she tried. She had always been on the underweight side, her slender frame a source of both frustration and concern. Her friends would envy her seemingly effortless ability to eat without gaining, but they didn't see the other side of the coin - the constant anxiety, the unhealthy habits, and the feeling of helplessness that came with it.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the small town of Forks, (Y/N) couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in her stomach any longer. She knew she needed help, but admitting it to herself was a struggle in its own right. She'd spent years keeping this hidden from everyone, even her family.
Gathering her courage, she decided it was time to seek professional advice. With a heavy heart and trembling hands, she dialed the number for the local hospital and scheduled an appointment. It was a step into the unknown, but she couldn't continue like this.
The following week, (Y/N) found herself sitting in the sterile waiting room of the Forks Hospital, her anxiety building with each passing second. Her heart raced, and she clutched her purse tightly, feeling more vulnerable than ever.
"Ms. (Y/L/N)?" a soft voice called from the doorway. Startled, she looked up to see a kind, blond-haired man in a white lab coat. "I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Please, come with me."
Carlisle's warm smile immediately put (Y/N) at ease. She followed him down a long corridor to an examination room, where he motioned for her to take a seat on the examination table.
"Tell me, (Y/N), what brings you here today?" Carlisle asked, his blue eyes filled with genuine concern.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, but the pain and frustration she had carried for so long finally spilled out. She confessed her struggles with maintaining a healthy weight, the constant fear of gaining, and the cycle of binging and purging that had dominated her life. Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, and Carlisle listened attentively, never once judging her.
After a thoughtful pause, Carlisle said, "Thank you for sharing this with me, (Y/N). It's essential that you've taken this step to seek help. I'm here to support you in your journey to a healthier life. First, I'd like to run some tests to assess your overall health, and then we can discuss a plan to help you gain weight in a safe and sustainable way."
Relief washed over (Y/N) as she realized that she had found someone who understood her struggle and was willing to help. She nodded, her gratitude shining through her teary eyes.
Carlisle smiled reassuringly. "We'll take this one step at a time, (Y/N). I promise you won't be alone in this. Let's schedule another appointment after your tests, and by then, I should have a personalized meal plan tailored to your needs."
As (Y/N) left the hospital that day, she felt a glimmer of hope she hadn't felt in years. With Dr. Carlisle Cullen's guidance, she was ready to embark on a new journey toward a healthier and happier life, leaving her old burdens behind and embracing the promise of a brighter future.
As Carlisle stepped through the door of their stately home in Forks, the warm embrace of familiarity enveloped him. Esme, his beloved wife, was there to greet him as she always was. Her golden eyes sparkled with affection as she looked at him.
"Look at you, my hard at work doctor," Esme purred, her arms encircling Carlisle as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
Carlisle returned the kiss, savoring the tenderness of their connection. "Work was challenging, but fulfilling, my dear," he replied, his fingers gently caressing her cheek.
Esme's curiosity was piqued. She always enjoyed hearing about Carlisle's day, knowing how dedicated he was to his profession. "Tell me, love, how was work today?"
Carlisle smiled and led Esme to the cozy living room, where they settled on the plush couch. He began recounting his day, sharing the various cases and medical challenges he had encountered at the hospital.
"And then," Carlisle continued, "I met a young woman who's been struggling with being underweight for most of her life. She came seeking help to gain weight in a healthy way."
Esme's interest was instantly piqued. She had always been a nurturing soul, and the idea of helping someone regain their health struck a chord with her. "That sounds like a noble cause," she mused. "Do you have a plan in mind for her?"
Carlisle nodded. "I'll be in my office working on a personalized meal plan for her. It's essential that we help her find a balance and improve her overall well-being."
Esme's eyes sparkled with eagerness. She knew how much Carlisle enjoyed his work, but she also knew how much he valued her assistance in certain matters. "May I be of help, my love?"
Carlisle's gaze softened as he looked at his beautiful wife. He knew how much joy she found in the art of cooking, and her expertise in the kitchen was unparalleled. "Perhaps you can, my love," he said with a gentle smile. "Your culinary skills might be just what she needs to make this journey more enjoyable and successful."
Esme's heart swelled with affection for her husband. She knew that together, they could make a real difference in this young woman's life. "Then let's work together to create a meal plan that will not only nourish her body but also warm her heart."
As the evening unfolded, Carlisle and Esme sat side by side in his office, poring over nutrition guidelines and designing a meal plan that would be both effective and delicious. In their united efforts, they found a deeper connection and a shared sense of purpose, ready to help their new patient on the path to a healthier and happier life.
The next day, as the sun cast its soft morning rays over Forks, Carlisle was filled with a renewed sense of purpose as he prepared for his appointment with (Y/N). He had spent the previous evening with Esme, meticulously crafting a meal plan that would address (Y/N)'s nutritional needs and gradually help her gain the weight she so desperately sought.
As he entered the hospital's examination room, he found (Y/N) sitting there, a mix of apprehension and hope in her eyes. He couldn't help but smile warmly as he greeted her. "Good morning, (Y/N). I hope you're feeling well today."
(Y/N) offered a small but genuine smile in return. "Good morning, Dr. Cullen. Thank you for seeing me again."
Carlisle took a seat across from her, his expression reassuring. "Of course, (Y/N). I've taken some time to put together a meal plan that I believe will help you achieve your goals in a healthy and sustainable way." He slid a neatly printed sheet of paper across the table toward her.
(Y/N) eagerly picked up the meal plan, her eyes scanning the contents. It was clear that Carlisle had put a lot of thought and care into it. Her apprehension began to melt away as she saw the balanced meals and the variety of foods.
"I should mention," Carlisle said with a warm smile, "that my wife, Esme, helped me create this meal plan. She's an exceptional cook and has a real knack for making nutritious food taste delicious. We thought her expertise might make this journey a bit more enjoyable for you."
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up with gratitude. "That's so kind of both of you, Dr. Cullen. Please thank your wife for me. I truly appreciate all the help."
Carlisle nodded, pleased to see (Y/N) looking hopeful. "You're very welcome, (Y/N). Remember, you're not alone in this. We're here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out."
As (Y/N) left the hospital that day, clutching the meal plan in her hand, she felt a newfound sense of optimism. With the guidance of Dr. Carlisle Cullen and the support of his caring wife, Esme, she believed that she could finally overcome the weight struggles that had haunted her for so long. It was a small but significant step on her journey to a healthier and happier life, and for the first time in a long while, (Y/N) had hope.
It had been a month since (Y/N) had started following the meal plan that Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife, Esme, had designed for her. In that short time, she had begun to notice changes in her body. Her clothes fit a little snugger, her energy levels were up, and most importantly, she felt less self-conscious about her weight. It was a promising start to her journey toward a healthier self.
On a sunny afternoon, (Y/N) found herself at the local supermarket, browsing the aisles for the ingredients on her meal plan. She was lost in thought, comparing brands of whole-grain pasta when a familiar voice called out her name.
Startled, (Y/N) turned around to see a friendly woman with caramel-colored hair smiling at her. She was taken aback, not recognizing the person who had addressed her. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" she asked politely.
The woman's smile widened, and her golden eyes sparkled with recognition. "I'm Esme, Doctor Carlilse’s wife," she introduced herself.
It all clicked into place for (Y/N). The face before her was one she had seen in a photograph during her appointment with Dr. Cullen. She had to admit that Esme was even more radiant in person. "Oh, of course! You're Esme," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with realization.
Esme's warm laughter filled the supermarket aisle. "Yes, that's me. It's wonderful to see you outside of the hospital, (Y/N). How have you been?"
"(Y/N)" couldn't help but smile. She was genuinely touched by the chance encounter. "I've been doing better, thanks to the meal plan you and Dr. Cullen created for me. I've put on some weight, and I'm starting to feel more confident."
Esme's eyes shone with happiness. "I'm so glad to hear that! You're making wonderful progress. It's a pleasure to see you thriving."
(Y/N) felt a sense of warmth and connection with Esme. She had always been grateful for the support of Dr. Cullen, but now, meeting his wife in such a casual setting, she realized that she was part of a caring and compassionate team that genuinely cared about her well-being.
As they continued shopping together, Esme offered tips on selecting the freshest produce and shared some of her favorite recipes for healthy meals. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they had known each other for much longer than this chance meeting.
By the time they parted ways in the supermarket parking lot, (Y/N) felt a deep sense of gratitude. She had not only gained weight but also found new friends and support in Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wonderful wife, Esme. This unexpected encounter was a reminder that sometimes, life had a way of bringing people together just when they needed it most.
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 10 months
Wildest dreams, pt. 26
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Summary: Y/N and Paul come to lunch at the Cullen’s house. 
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, talking about death
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Parking in front of the Cullen’s house, Y/N gulps at the sight. The house is three stories tall with a wraparound porch, and large windows reflecting the sunlight. It’s a mansion compared to the houses in La Push; a very well-kept, modern mansion.
“We should probably go”, Paul’s the first one to speak. “They’re likely wondering why we’re sitting here and just staring at the house.”
“You think they’re watching us?”
“And listening”, Paul states before continuing with a smile. “So I want Rosalie to know that I come in peace and to not put any glass into my salad.”
Y/N raises her brows. “Huh?”
“She broke a glass bowl filled with salad when Bella first came to meet the family.”
“By accident?” Y/N asks with a slight frown but her eyes were reflecting the confusion while attempting to hide an inkling of panic her heart rate is betraying.
“Jacob said Bella came over AFTER eating a full course meal, unaware the Cullens spent all day prepping a lunch for her.”
“Is that why you didn’t let me eat anything today?!”
Shrugging, Paul smirks. “Just making sure we don’t have a repeat.”
With a wry smile, Y/N nods before taking a deep breath. 
‘How bad can they be?’ She thought. ‘They don’t feed on humans, only on Bambi. Don’t think about that! Ughhh, now I won’t be able to stop thinking about dead deer moms!’
Walking out, she huffs as Paul steps beside her, offering his hand for her to take. His grin isn’t helping ease her nerves either. When she came to him with news of the brunch invite, she didn’t expect him to accept. In fact, Y/N hoped he’d fight her on it until they both eventually agreed on a polite note declining the invitation. 
“Yes”, Paul answers almost instantly, eagerly even. 
“Mhmm”, he spits out the toothpaste foam, opening the faucet. “Did you expect a different answer or something?” 
Snorting, she shakes her head slowly. “No?”
Washing off the remains of toothpaste from the sink, Paul closes the tap and wipes his mouth with a towel. “Is that a yes or a no?” Flashing his freshly cleaned pearly whites, Paul raises his brows at the way her heart skipped a beat from such a simple, everyday thing. It’s an ego boost to have her heart’s confirmation she truly does love him.
Frowning, she pouts. “I don’t understand. I thought you didn’t like the Cullens?” 
Heading back to the bedroom, Paul runs his fingers through his damp hair. “No. Not really. Their smell is a bit difficult to stand, but we’re good.”
“Since when?!”
“Since the almost battle that never happened”, Paul reminds her.
Swallowing thickly, Y/N sits on the bed, giving Paul a quick look over before setting her gaze back on his shit-eating grin. He knows exactly what he’s doing to her and he’s reveling in it.
“You mean the almost battle in which one of the Cullens said you’d have died? That one?”
Paul’s smile disappears as he nods curtly. “But it didn’t happen and I’m here.”
“Yes, but it makes me anxious, okay? You being around them, especially if the Volturi are setting their sights on them again…just feels dangerous.”
“For you”, Paul reminds her. “I’m not the one we have to worry about.”
“So why are we accepting this invite?”
Sighing, Paul kneels before her, his hands resting on her thighs firmly. “Because if there’s a shit-storm coming our way, it will come with or without their presence. This way we have a powerful ally that can help.”
“Or they’re the catalyst of everything you’ve been so terrified of”, she argues.
“Our lands have always drawn the supernatural. If it’s not them, something else would be a catalyst and I feel safer knowing they’re closer to us.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, she bites her lower lip. “Because if I do get mortally wounded, they’d be there to turn me into one of their own?”
“I didn’t say that”, Paul states firmly. 
“I already told you I don’t want to be a vampire”, Y/N presses her lips in a thin line. 
“And I didn’t say I’d do anything to disrespect your wishes.”
“I can see it in your eyes, Paul. I might not be able to listen to your heartbeat or sense your pheromones or whatever you do to figure me out, but your eyes are incapable of lying.” Rubbing her nose, she looks away. There’s a lump building at the back of her throat and she feels like she’s losing her mind, but she can’t stop thinking turning her into a vampire would be the worst idea Paul’s ever had. 
But Paul doesn’t want to lose her. He doesn’t want to wake up without her by his side nor go to bed knowing she’s not following soon behind. He needs more time, a lifetime. How can she hear him cry when he dreams of her death and not choose to do anything to prevent inflicting that pain on him? 
“Alright, I was considering it,” Paul admits, shamefully lowering his gaze as she turns her eyes onto him once more. “I don’t want to do something you’re against, but I am begging you to at least not be so definitive about it.” 
“I don’t want to hurt you”, she whimpers. “But every cell in my body is quivering with the mere thought of agreeing to it.”
“At least think about it? Ask Bella and the rest of them about how it was for them and then make a choice. I’ll respect it, but only if you do this for me. Please do this for me”, Paul begs, his eyes brimming with tears, crumbling to pieces in front of her and she can’t ignore it.
“Ok”, she swallows the lump at the back of her throat but a new one forms, quickly replacing it.
Nodding, she manages a meek smile for his benefit. “We can go and I’ll talk to them and I won’t hastily disagree anymore.”
Walking across the porch to the front door, Y/N grips Paul’s hand tighter. She doesn’t get a chance to knock as the door swings open and Jacob’s grin meets her. 
“Thought you’d turn around and run”, he cackles before stealing Y/N away from Paul.
Wide-eyed she looks to her imprint as Jacob’s arms wrap around her, half hugging and half carrying her into the house.
Once her feet find the ground once again, she turns around only to find a group of deathly pale people staring at her intently. They’re smiling, but despite the alluring tone their welcoming smiles are meant to set, it sends chills down Y/N’s spine.
Intimidating isn't the right word for how she'd describe the sight before her. While Renesmee possesses an inhuman beauty, it cannot compare to the rest of her family. She only ever saw Edward in passing, once, and that was enough to suspect him of being a genetically engineered specimen, now she knows the truth to be far more sinister. 
Frightening is a better term to use, like standing in front of art come to life, as if the greatest of ancient sculptures have gained consciousness and a thirst for blood.
'They drink animal blood', Y/N reminds herself. 'But nothing stops them from changing their mind at any moment. I certainly can't and Paul would die trying.'
Noticing Edward's eyebrows furrow, she purses her lips. 
'You're the mind reader', she nods curtly. He returns the gesture with a slight smile. 
"Welcome", a petite woman with caramel brown hair and a kind smile greets them, gently shaking Y/N’s hand moments after peeling away from the handsome, very tall blond-haired man standing in the front of the group. 
Gulping, Y/N feels her heart skip a beat with the sudden movement and cold touch. It’s like shaking hands with marble floors, yet the woman’s smile is warmer than her touch. Despite it, Y/N can’t help the way her entire body tenses up, clenching her jaw to stop her lips from trembling in fear.
“I think we should give our guest time to adjust”, the man places his hand on the kind woman’s shoulder and she steps back. 
Esme and Carlisle from what Y/N can remember. No one showed her photos, but Jacob and Paul had an abundance of choice words describing the family to prepare her…Well, they did a shit job. No one prepared her for how stuffy the air is nor how all of her primal instincts are screaming at her to run and hide, indicating danger.
‘Carlisle is a doctor too and Paul said he’s a good man’, she notes as she feels a wave of calm wash over her. Furrowing her brows, she glances at Paul. “I feel weird”, she says quietly, forgetting everyone else can hear her. 
“That’s probably Jasper”, Bella smirks as she looks toward the guy on her left. He’s tall, as well, probably a foot taller than Y/N and his honey-blond hair is longer, neatly pulled back to fully reveal his pale face. Somehow his golden eyes are lighter, and more prominent than others, reminding her of honey in the sunshine. “He can manipulate emotions”, Bella explains.
Pursing her lips, Y/N nods. “Do you do that on purpose or is it like a reflex where certain emotions violently affect you and you’re forced to react to ease it for your own sanity?”
Raising his brows, Jasper’s lopsided smile lights up his face. He’s probably the most handsome of them all when he smiles, Y/N decides while thanking God Paul can’t read her mind. 
“Both, I suppose,” Jasper answers, his voice laced with a subtle Southern accent. “I can stop”, he offers sweetly.
“I actually appreciate it”, Y/N smiles lightly. “Truth be told I’m nervous as hell and perhaps scared to a degree. I’ve gotten used to fur and claws, but this is a whole other thing.”
“I felt the same way”, Jacob reassures her. “But you’re safe here.”
“The only one who didn’t feel that way is Bella, but she’s always been a little out there”, the large man with a Barbie on his arm snickers before giving Y/N a playful wave. “We get it...Just don’t bleed in the house and you’ll probably walk away with a full belly and no incidents.”
“Emmett!” Bella warns, her eyes narrowing at the burly man who simply shrugs before smiling at Y/N, showing his dimples.
‘How does a vampire even have dimples?!’
“I’m being honest, which I’m sure you prefer.” Giving Y/N a pointed look, his smile widens.
Nodding once, Y/N blinks fast. Biting her lip, she looks at Jasper. “I might need to stay closer to you today. Is there a perimeter in which you operate or can you manipulate emotions anywhere in the house?”
Barking out a laugh, Emmett places a hand over his chest. “She thinks you’re an emotional Wi-Fi router!”
Blush adorns Y/N’s cheeks as embarrassment floods her senses only to find it dispersed as quickly as Emmett caused it. “Thank you”, she mouths to Jasper before looking at the only two she hasn’t spoken to.
“You’re Rosalie”, Y/N focuses on the astonishing woman by Emmett. Her wavy blonde hair is fixed up in a bun, revealing her long, elegant neck and her golden eyes are slightly darker than the rest of the family, making Y/N slightly more nervous. 
“And you’re Y/N”, Rosalie forces a smile. “Who hasn’t eaten all day, right?” Raising her perfectly arched eyebrows, Rosalie glances at Paul who nods eagerly.
“As promised, she had nothing to eat. Not even breakfast.” Paul grins, resting his hands on Y/N’s shoulders for support. He’s aware she’s probably freaking out now, but his best chance at convincing her to stay is to let the Cullens do what they do best: schmooze her into loving them as they did with most of the pack. 
Finally, Y/N redirects her gaze to the only one of the bunch who she can feel taller than. “Alice, I presume”, she says with a cautious smile as the vampire’s big eyes widen in excitement. 
“You’d be right”, Alice heads toward her but pauses when Y/N releases a quiet, barely audible gasp. “Sorry, I forgot to slow down”, she giggles. “I do that sometimes, but I’m harmless. Just ask Bella!”
Making eye contact with Bella who chuckles, Y/N sighs. “Friend shaped...got it!” Leaning into Paul, Y/N licks her lips wondering if she should ask outright or wait till they’ve eaten. “So, you can see the future, huh?”
‘Patience was never my stronger suit.’
“Versions of the future”, Alice confirms. “It’s always changing as every decision made affects the outcome.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N looks up over her shoulder to find Paul’s closed his eyes. He’s afraid. No matter what Alice says or what Y/N agrees to, he’s deathly afraid of the future and it pains her to see him so defeated. A man so brave is now brought to his knees and she can’t figure out how to tell him that turning her into a vampire will bring them no good. Isn’t it better to remember her fondly when she’s gone than to watch her become a bloodthirsty creature who won’t yearn for him or enjoy his presence? She won’t be who she was anymore, she won’t be the woman he loves now.
“I’d like to talk more about it once we eat the delicious food you guys prepared.” Y/N forces a somewhat genuine smile, deciding it would be better if Paul isn’t present when she speaks to Alice or any of them. “It smells like heaven and I’m famished thanks to Paul.”
Snorting, Paul pecks her temple. “You love me anyway.”
Cupping his cheek, Y/N’s smile softens. “It’s a burden I have to carry”, she remarks before walking toward Esme.
Esme lights up as she realizes Y/N’s already warming up to her, seeing her as less of a danger. 
“I’m sorry for my apprehension and I would like to thank you and Carlisle for having us over.”
“It’s our pleasure.” Esme gestures toward the kitchen, “We prepared a lot of food. Jacob usually eats most of it, so we had to account for two wolves today.”
Chuckling, Y/N nods, allowing Esme to lead her inside. “It’s such a hassle, I agree. No matter how much food I bring into the house, it’s all gone by the next day! I’m going bankrupt feeding Paul!”
While Y/N walked inside with a much more relaxed and positive attitude, Paul remained in the hall. Jacob and Edward hang back with him, watching as everyone poured into the kitchen to help set up the table. 
“What’s the situation”, Paul asks Edward.
“She’s having a hard time accepting all of this”, he replies. “Y/N strongly believes it would be a mistake if she turns.”
“Can you get more specific?” Jacob raises his brows. “If Paul’s to find a way to convince her, we need specifics.”
“Are you sure you want that to happen”, Edward asks quietly. “This won’t be like Bella. If anything, she might be more of a Jasper.”
“Why would you think that?” Paul frowns.
“Anxiety and depression lurking in her mind make her less emotionally stable, it could make her prone to a lot more mistakes when she turns,” Edward explains.
Paul shakes his head vehemently. “Didn’t you say being a vampire heals everything?”
“Sometimes a fractured mind is just that, a fractured mind”, Edward glances at Y/N carrying a few napkins. “She worries she won’t be the same. That she’ll be lost in her thirst for blood and that if she dies your imprint bond would break.”
“Even if it breaks, I’d still fucking love her”, Paul retorts quickly. “I loved her before the bond, I know I’d love her even if it broke.”
“But would she love you?”
Edward’s question brings chills down Paul’s spine. Truth is, he can’t be certain. She says she cared for him before the imprinting, but most of what he got from her was hate. All his life he believed Y/N Y/L/N hates his guts and would sell him out for a light breeze on a sunny day. Never before had it actually occurred to Paul that maybe the feelings Y/N has for him twisted her memories and feelings in a way that would bind her to him. She might believe she loved him before, but all those confessions came in conversations after imprinting. 
His love for Y/N has always been real, but he can’t be sure it’s the same for her.
Can he risk that?
Will he put their love to the test?
Because even if he doesn’t like the answer, at least she’ll be alive. Y/N will have a chance to find happiness without Paul in the picture. And he’ll watch, cheer for her if necessary. He can’t be selfish with his heart – with his Y/N. 
“I just want her to live”, Paul sighs. “Nothing else matters to me.”
“Paul”, Jacob starts but one look from Paul shuts him up.
“We have to convince her or she’ll die and we will spend whatever time we have left wondering if we did enough to save her life. I can’t live like that. Can you?”
Tags: @the-chaotic-cow​ @xxxjaexxx​ @captainrogers-19​ @bexloxl​ @llovergirlll​ @adaydreamaway08​ @sunsetevergreen​ @volturiwolf​ @twihard08​ @galacticstxrdust​ @sorrow-and-bliss​ @ireadthensuetheauthors​ @missxmarvelous​ @locokoca​ @unstablekay​ @makhaia​ @venusdelaroix​ @avadakadabra93​ @tearsforhan​ @a-marie-a​ @lendeluxe​ @seagulls-corner​ @jdbxws​ @konigslilslut​ @rottenstyx​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @dreamerwasfound​ @convolutings​ @thingfromlove​ @jennyamanda8​ @havecourage-darling​ @luvr-exe​ @alittlejudgemental​ @turningtoclown​ @emptydoorsandpaintedwindows​ @marvelmenarebeautiful​ @bringmethe-world​ @alitaar​ @sugasthreedollarkookie​ @chloe-skywalker​ @heyheyheyggg​ @feral-ratatattat-king​ @queereddie​ @fandomrulesall-blog​ @queenotaku27​ @dcgoddess​ @lilac-crowns-blog​ @small-town-wayward-daughter​ @yourqueentp​ @boreddemigodd​ @chaosgoblinreblogsthings​ @felinegrate​ @lunajay33​ @gtfoana​ @hpboysslut2707​ @tpwk-harry-styles​ @amberpanda99​ @let-love-bleeds-red​ @mo-s-blog​​ @nj01​ @myheadsinanotherworld​ @problematicpastry​ 
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Bella meets cullen reader
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You were sat in the corner of the kitchen while your family fussed over a meal. They were all nervous for how this meeting was going to turn out. The girl Edward was bringing seemed to be of great interest to him and the family knew better than to try and take away a love interest from him after he closed himself off from humanity for years. Lucky him, he got the option to isolate himself while you were stuck isolated.
Carlisle had given you a firm warning that you were not to act out during this dinner and for once, you knew you had to obey. You didn’t know this girl and you didn’t want her killed.
You weren’t the only one unhappy with this meeting. Rosalie had spent most of the morning fussing over you and telling you to stay by her at all times, she had a disgusted look on her face whenever someone brought up Bella.
Your head swung up when you heard a car door slam, they were here. You straightened yourself up and went to Rosalie who held your hand gently and stayed slightly in front of her. This time you’ll accept the affection and protection.
The door opened and your father went to greet them first while esme motioned for Rosalie to grab the salad, she hesitantly let go of your hand and went to grab it while you got a look at Bella.
She was a very pretty girl, if she was born in your time many men would have asked her father for her hand. She was timid though. You understood since it must be intimidating to walk into a house filled with monsters.
The family greeted Bella politely and when it came to your turn Carlisle put his hand on your back as a small warning.
“And this is (y/n)” Edward introduced and Bella held out her hand which you took and shook, she flinched at your cold skin and it served as a reminder for when you met Carlisle and reacted the same
The difference being that this girl knows what you were, you didn’t.
“Hi” you say with a polite smile as you try to go back to your place but Bella speaks suddenly
“I uh… like your necklace” Bella says as she tries to reach for it and you let her “where did you get it-“
Bella is cut off by the sound of glass smashing as Rosalie breaks the glass salad bowl and rushes to you. She grabs you by the shoulders and hisses at Bella while bearing her fangs. Bella backs away and behind Edward, who was now hissing at Rosalie.
“You’ll have to forgive Rosalie” Carlisle says as he drags her back and stops the stare down between the two of his children “she’s just protective of (y/n)”
“It’s fine” Bella reassured but we could all hear her heart thumping in her chest
“Sorry” is all you say as you go with Rosalie to help clean up all while she glared as bella.
The two lovers leave and Carlisle scolds Rosalie while your looking out to the outside the window. You look to esme and she just smiles at you while your longing becomes more apparent.
“Can I go on the balcony?” You ask hopefully and Carlisle looks at you doubtfully “alice will see if I run away, I just want to be outside for a bit”
Carlisle gives into your defeated attitude and gives you a small nod and you go to walk up the stairs.
Once you reach the balcony you stand and smell the air. The smell of grass and the sound of leaves rustling invade your senses. You relax at the feeling of the wind hitting your face.
Before you were turned your brothers used to take you to play outside a lot. They would play make believe with you and you would always play the princess who sent her loyal knights off on quests.
The sound of the wind also brings back the memories of your betrothed, victor. The two of you met three times without your parents knowing before your betrothal was announced, always in the garden at noon. You didn’t love each other but you were friends. Who knows, maybe if you were allowed to marry you could have grown to love victor.
You missed your human life.
The sound of the door opening breaks you from your thoughts. You turn to see Bella with an embarrassed expression as she looks around.
“Sorry” she apologises “I thought that Edward was out here”
“It’s fine” you reassured quietly “I was just enjoying the wind”
“Sorry to disturb” she mumbles out apologetically
“You could wait here if you want, until Edward finds you” you shock yourself at the offer, you were never a social one nowadays. Maybe you just craved someone to talk to
“Oh sure” she says as she walks over to you and stands next to you while you stare into the trees and listen for birds
You hear a small Robin in the trees and seek its comfort as you will it to come closer. It flys and lands on the balcony fence and tweets sweetly while you smile
“Edward told me you could control animals” Bella looks at you with curiosity “can you talk to them as well”
“I can’t understand them precisely” you explain while stroking the robins head gently “if I want to communicate with them I ask them questions and I get a sense of their feelings, so I understand them but I can’t talk to them”
“That’s awesome” Bella says with awe as she moves closer to you “you must love your gift”
“I enjoy some of it, I like being able to calm animals and listen to them but I don’t like controlling them too much if it causes them distress” you explain calmly while letting the bird leave you hand and fly back to the trees.
“What else can you do?” Bella asked like a curious child
“I can cry unlike my family because my eyes are slightly animal like, a deer because of the wideness of them” you say as you lean closer to show your eyes “they can no longer produce tears because tears are made to protect eyes and vampire eyes don’t need the protection, but my eyes are more deer like than vampire in their structure so I can produce tears”
“I didn’t know becoming a vampire could cause mutation” Bella says aloud and you wince at the word ‘mutation’ which she notices “i didn’t mean it like that I promise”
“It’s fine” you reassure “it can cause slight changes to facial and body features but nothing too major, it only comes with gifts and some vampires don’t even own them so you’ll be safe”
She stays quiet at the mention of her turning and you notice a far away expression on her face.
“If you don’t want to turn, you should tell him now” you say quietly while making eye contact with Bella
“It’s not that I don’t want to turn, I’m just scared that’s all” Bella stutters out defensively and you just let out a sigh
“Be glad you have a choice” you say sadly while looking back at the trees “most of us didn’t”
“How were you turned” Bella asks with a hand on your shoulder to comfort
Your about to answer when the door opens again and Edward appears. You immediately straighten up and control your thoughts as best you can.
“I wonder where you got to” Edward says to Bella before looking at you with a suspicious expression “what are you two chatting about”
“She was just explaining her gift to me” Bella says and you thank god that Edward can’t read her thoughts “it’s really cool”
“Well it’s nice to see you two getting along” Edward gives you a grateful smile before turning to Bella “are you ready to go?”
“Yeah” Bella answers and goes to leave before turning to you one more time “it was nice talking to you”
You simply nod and look back at the woods until you hear the door close. You felt fear in your heart. Hopefully she doesn’t tell Edward what you’d said or you’d be in a world of trouble.
You reflect on the conversation as the tears that you previously explained ran down your cheeks. You missed being human so much and you’d handed that girl to Edward. You hoped that she changed her mind
But if she didn’t maybe you’d have an ally in the house after all?
You knew that wasn’t true, you knew she would join the others eventually, and you’d be stuck with another sibling and another captor
You hear someone clear their throat and turn to see Carlisle waiting by the door. He gives a gently smile and nods to the door as a sign for you to go inside
The warden is here to escort the prisoner back to her cell.
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Hope you enjoyed :)
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sivyera · 5 months
i dont know if you take request s but i really need this one i havent found anyone doing it. i really need headcanons with cullen their mate being turkish (like her english is good but like classical turkish things yk being angry at the smallest things, making fun of everything, being very kind and welcoming but looks so serious all the time and please if you can make her pretty as a valpire). its ok if you dont take requests 💗. and im sorry if i couldnt express myself english is not my first language.
hi! i tried my best and i add other islamic countries because i don't know if you wear hijab or not and i also wanted to give some love to my ladies with hijabs so there are some parts with hijab in every character, i hope you like it because i put a lot of work in it!
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
ft. carlise, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, paul, bella
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a/n: guys i'm not from islamic country so i apologize for any mistakes, i don't want to make anyone upset nor angry, it is also not really good because i don't know much about this culture so... i tried my best, hope you like it!
⤷ Carlise Cullen
-Carlise would love your constant switching emotions. at one time you are calm, kind, welcoming to everyone and a lovely wife and then out of the sudden you trip over your dress and you are now yelling over the whole house, then mumbling something in turkish (your native language) underneath your breath that no cullen understands and Carlise is just smiling while looking at you.
he'd want to know about Turkey (or other islamic country) and what is it like, i belive he visited Turkey (or other islamic countries) but just for two weeks max so... he didn't really explored the culture and he wants to hear you speak about your homeland and family and stories, he just loves it.
he'd love to see you cook your favourite food or some traditional meals or snacks from your childhood because he wants to educate himself about your country, but he cannot eat it which makes him kinda mad, about the educating; he'll also search some Turkish (or other islamic country) words and when he's feeling really flirty, he'll tell you something in turkish to impress you
if you're wearing a hijab, he'd be again very respectful and if anyone did you wrong, he'd have your back and be right next to you glaring and "politely" telling the person to fuck off
⤷ Emmett Cullen
-Emmett would love to tease you just to see you being mad. he will poke your belly a bit or (gently) kick your feet so you trip over and when you are being all angry, again mumbling something in your native language probably something how you gonna kill him and all, he's just there laughing on the ground.
sometimes he would get confused because you look so serious at all the time and sometimes you talk with serious, stone hard face without even realizing it, so if you tell him a joke with dead serious face he'd stand there blank look on his face, yk yk.
you can use it against him, because when you are really mad he's scared of you. and you are the only one he listens to.
he'd love to try and eat every single food you have in Turkey (other islamic country) or snacks or drinks, but because he's a vampire he cannot so you are just telling him what each food is like and what's inside etc.,, he can listen for hours to this
if you're wearing a hijab he'd definitely would use it for another teasing, like gently tugging on it or placing bananas on top of your head yk.
⤷ Rosalie Hale/Cullen
-Rosalie have always found islamic women so pretty. she always thought that they are the most beautiful women on earth, just their energy made her feel some kind of way...
so she is considering herself extremely lucky to date you, like really. she even thinks that you are more beautiful than her, which shows how much she actually love you.
she also has bad temper so when you are mad on the smallest thing, she's mad with you just because
sometimes people say you two are siblings because both of you have your serious face all the time, when people say that both of you are mad, you "yelling" on that person and Rosalie growling under her breath ready to attack this person
but when she sees you looking out of window, calmly breathing with sun rays slightly touching your soft features, she smiles to herself while being glad that she has you
if you're wearing a hijab, she'd want you to teach her how to make it and then she will do it for you. she'd find you even more beautiful because she can just look at your pretty clear face without hair in it and admire you.
⤷ Edward Cullen
-Edward reads a lot so i believe he knows a lot about your homeland and culture but he lied to you and told you that he never heard of it so you have to tell him about it, so he can hear you talk.
he didn't realize how many interesting thoughts he'd hear, i mean at one time he can hear you thinking about that pretty nail polish you've bought and after few minutes he hears some turkish (or other islamic language) words without knowing the meaning and then english words where you say you messed up that nail polish.
he'd probably could speak with you in your native language because he hears so many words (thoughts) in your native language so that he remembers them and know the meaning.
he'd play for you on piano some turkish (or other) songs he has found on the internet just to impress you and it was such a romatic gesture.
he'd be really interested in music at your homeland because it would make him feel more close to you.
⤷ Jasper Hale/Cullen
-Jasper is "old" cowboy so you two just somehow clicked. somehow there was a chemistry that just mixed your vibes and made a perfect couple yk.
he'd sneak into your room at night and listen to stories from your homeland and then he would tell you some stories from time when he was a human.
Jasper can feel your emotions so if you are tired of your bad temper just tell him and he will calm you whenever he feels that you are getting angry.
that's why you two are such a perfect couple, because you help him control his thirst and he helps you to control your emotions, so both of you are focusing on different things that doesn't involve you which means you are even calmer
you two agreed on that you are gonna pull out the "in pain face" card whenever one of you is feeling uncomfortable so
if you're wearing a hijab, Jasper would make sure no one makes you uncomfortable even more because people at Forks are not used to seeing women wearing a hijab and some kids at school can be pretty mean...
⤷ Alice Cullen
-Alice knew that her mate will be from Turkey (or other islamic country) so she had some time to get ready. she read something on the internet and she borrowed some books from Carlise or Esme about islamic countries so she could be prepared
she was very opened and VERY interested in your homeland and your traditions, so she would want to know every single detail! because she didn't wanted to disrespect you, not even the smallest
sometimes she could see when you will become angry, so she either wants to see you angry because she thinks you look cute or she will do anything to prevent it, depends on her mood
you two are the definition of sunshine x grumpy, because Alice is always smiling and kind and loving... you on the other hand are also kind and loving but your face looks like a stone so you kinda scare Alice's bullies away
Alice would be really interested in your traditional dresses just because she likes fashion and she likes to talk about it. so you two will lay in bed, you holding a photo of you in you traditional dress in your hands and she pointing at each suture and decoration
if you're wearing a hijab, she would love to style it for you or put cute stickers on it (if you let her)
⤷ Jacob Black
-Jacob would LOVE it! because when you are angry you cringe your nose in such a cute was, he's not scared at all he finds it funny because there is no way you could beat him.
he would be very protective because sometimes you and Paul argue which can lead Paul to shift so Jacob is here to protect you in that case.
but your welcoming and loving side is his favourite. when you treat him like a puppy, yeah really. when you stroke his cheek while saying "good job, baby" when he fixed his bike, his pupils will go bigger and he will follow you around like a puppy.
he'd eat everything you make, like everything. so when you started making you traditional food and snacks (with Emily's help) he ate it all and then say how much he liked it.
he will crave your both initials into a small piece of wood and gave it to you as a good luck charm, and when you asked him what's his lucky charm he answered with simple "you".
if you're wearing a hijab he will make sure that it's clean because there is a lot of wolf hair around the house.
⤷ Seth Clearwater
-Seth will also love when you are angry but because you look so hot! so he will just stare in awe and then take you to his room and kiss you all over
he will also start stare fights, like who can last longer without blinking but he will always lose and laugh at your serious face.
he can become really protective when someone is disrespecting you, and by that i mean he'll go feral if someone slightly disrespects you he'll tear them apart. he maybe looks cute but he's a real monster in his wolf form, to you he's just a big puppy
he will eat every traditional snack that you can offer, some small candy your grandma made when you couldn't sleep or some salty chip your mother fried when you wanted, he will eat it ALL.
when you cuddle with him, he will put his face into your neck and breath in your scent because that calms him down, knowing that you are here with him, safe
if you're wearing hijab he will make sure no one touches it or no one is making you uncomfortable with questions because if yes, oh lord...
⤷ Paul Lahote
-Paul again finds you anger sexy and cute at the same time so it depends if he's in a heat or not, and if you say you get angry at the smallest things well then you two will do a lot of cardio...
Paul, like every other shape-shifter will eat everything! if it's from you then TWICE of everything! he then uses the energy and calories to his wolf body which makes him even stronger than he already is!
he's also very possessive and protective, like a LOT! especially if it's a guy that's bothering you, he will beat him up like crazy i can tell
if you cup his face into your hands and kiss him "hard" on the lips, he will melt into you. he loves when you surprise him with kisses and affection...
he LOVES when you talk to him in your native language, call him baby in your native language and his full attention will be on you, he will come to you as soon as he hears your voice; put his hands on your waist and just stare into your eyes
if you're wearing a hijab he'll ask a lot of questions about it and then growl at everyone who starts talking about it, even at Sam
⤷ Bella Swan
-Bella would be shy from the start so she will just look at you with blank stare without knowing what to do because you were fine few minutes ago, now you are yelling at some ladybug that scared you.
but she will get used to it and then just giggle at you, she will also learn few turkish (other islamic language) words just to impress you but it will take her a bit more time to really say them to you
she will love to hear you stories while you're playing with her hair, she will lay her head on your lap and just close her eyes, listening to your calming voice telling her some fairy tail that you grandma used to tell you while you're stroking her hair
she will try some candy or sweet snacks from your country and some good meal that's not spicy, because i feel like she's not really a fan of spicy food
she often does some movements with her face like with her lips or eyes or eyebrows and she finds it so fascinating that you can stare at the tv with serious face... wow...
if you're wearing hijab she will look at you while you make it and how you tug your hair perfectly inside, gorgeous.
i feel like this is so bad, i really hope you like it!
-love, sivyera
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someonexsomeone · 10 months
Everything I Know About Love
Title: Everything I Know About Love
Author: SomeonexSomeone
Word Count: 3k
Pairing: Bella Swan x Reader
Summary: After a certain vampire left her life, Bella just tries to continue her life...without the expectation of meeting a drunkard at a party and talking about love.
Authors Note: DAY 5 WHOOP WHOOP I cant believe im actually doing it. Lots of reasons of life happening now that in the past ive let dictate my life, I'm actually proud of myself for keeping this going. Make sure to give yourself a pat on the back today. Afterall, you survived another one, against all odds :)
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Though parties weren't really her scene, there was only so much more Charlie could take of her being in her room. Really, she had been feeling better little by little for the last couple of months, though she doubted she would ever feel completely whole again for a really long time, she wasn’t just wasting away like she was when Ed-...like she had been before. Jessica and Angela were being more than understanding, one more than the other though she didn’t want to name names, and the boys were keeping her easily distracted by asking her to tutor them. Jacob, of course, was doing more than enough by being by her side, even going as far as helping her fix up some old dirt bikes and teaching her to ride. Their weekly rides near the beach make the weekends that much sweeter, even if she’s probably spent more on laundry detergent in that time than she has her whole life. 
So, she thought, you would think that all of this progress was good enough for Charlie to finally turn back to the relaxed, non-hovering parent she had come to appreciate, right? Wrong. Though he had gotten much better recently, finally stopping his stupid stop-ins to her room when she was quiet for too long, though it meant she was now doing her homework at the kitchen table rather than in the comfort of her room, he still looked at her like she was going to break apart at the slightest breeze, or even the mention of the Cullens. Cullen was a phrase much easier for her to say, recalling her near-death experience with Jasper and Rosalie’s sour face to cover Alice’s smiling face or Emmet’s welcoming demeanor or Esme’s gentle hands, but some words still caused her to shiver or go stockstill despite her reassurance that she was better, that she was going to be okay. Charlie knew better than to mention the redheaded Cullen if he could avoid it. And, so long as he remembered it, Bella was fine. Even if Charlie’s eyes betrayed his reassuring words, and his typical late nights at the office were instead moved to the house, papers scattered across the coffee table to act like both the crime map and coasters for his beer, she would continue to be. 
She knew he was trying, trying as much as he possibly could for someone who didn’t really raise his daughter until the most hormonal parts, but it was like he didn’t even remember who she was…before. Scrapes and bruises on her arms from general clumsiness earned her a self-harm prevention pamphlet on her bed, missed meals earned her a furrowed brow, and any plans that weren’t outside made his mustache wiggle in an almost amused way. This, though, she almost wanted to scream at.
“Dad, seriously?”
“Listen, I’m just worried, Bells. It feels like you’ve been cooped up in your room for days.” It took all her willpower to not roll her eyes.
“Because it’s midterms? I’m not going to go out when these tests are important.”
“I know, but you even missed your date with Jacob this week!” She huffed.
“It’s not a date, Dad,” she said, exasperated that this was probably the millionth time she’s said the words but they never seemed to stick. “Plus, Jacob’s doing his midterms as well! You know Billy’s not going to let him go on that guy’s trip if he doesn’t get a B on his Math test, and he really wants to go.”
“I just don’t understand why you can’t go over and help-”
“And,” she cut him off, “I went out two weekends ago with the girls to get Prom dresses, per your request.”
“...I just want to make sure you’re feeling alright.” Bella huffed in defeat, swinging her legs over the edge of her bed. It was just supposed to be a peaceful afternoon nap before she got back to studying, a break for her eyes and hands from staring at the index cards thrown across her desk, but apparently, that was too much to ask.
“I’m fine, Dad, really. I just need to study.” Bella stood beside her desk, the picture-perfect student in every way. He still looked skeptical. She sighed. “Jessica is hosting a party this weekend. A get-together, to celebrate the end of exams.” She watched ruefully as he perked up immediately. “Can I go?”
Charlie played up the protective guardian, stroking his mustache in thought, before saying, “Will there be alcohol?” Bella just huffed again, rolling her eyes. “Okay, okay. As long as you promise to be responsible, and call me if anything looks suspicious, you can go.”
And that’s how she found herself sitting on the steps outside of Jessica’s family lakehouse. The perfect environment for debauchery, it was far enough away from Fork to feel like you were in the middle of nowhere without sacrificing any cell service. She could hear people cheering down by the water, jumping in although winter was just letting up across the PNW, and the music playing behind her made her blood thump heavily under her skin. For a long time, she found comfort in the sound of her own heart, the steady thumping she could hear if she paid attention, but now it just made her feel conflicted. The thing that Ed-...he loved about her, dare she say, most, a reminder of him that she couldn’t ever be parted from. It made her heart clench painfully. She took another sip of the drink in her cup, long warmed past the chill it once had.
Introverted to her core, Bella actually found herself thankful for the change in scenery. Although she had come to like Forks, there were a few downsides. Not only did everyone know everyone, which meant that her original plan to hide out in the library when the party was happening was quickly dashed when she remembered the weekend librarian was a frequent customer at Charlie’s favorite diner, but it also meant that midterms were not as much of a distraction as she hoped. Yes, her teachers were good, but the advanced placement curriculum at her old school made this school much easier. Jacob was gone this weekend too, receiving a B- on his Math test that made Billy roll his eyes, so he wasn’t there to shelter her from Charlie’s downcast eyes, and all of her school friends were going to attend this party, even Angela, who convinced her parents this was an important part of her adolescent upbringing. She thought Angela was her best bet to curb boredom and wandering hands, but as soon as she saw her boyfriend, it was game over. 
The evening air was crisp out here, a dewy smell that reminded her of all those summers she was able to take a break from Arizona’s dry heat. The view from the cabin was amazing. The calm lake and the tree-filled skyline listed a little weight from her chest, just for a moment, the closest thing she’s gotten to be around her old vampire boyfriend as she could get. There was that stint in her life where she thought changing everything about herself was a great place to start to get over her first love, but past the shoulder-length haircut and dirt bikes, there wasn’t anything actually fun to her in the more dangerous activities she tried about. A shudder ran through her at the reminder of her attempt at cliff driving. She took one look over the edge before demanding Jacob escort her back to their car. He just laughed at her, waving her over to instead sit on the rocks and look out at the horizon. It was there that she learned gazing out at a body of water, whether ocean or lake, made her feel a peace she had been desperately looking for. Something about the majesty of the water, she reasoned, made her problems seem so insignificant…
“I’m not gonna throw up, you stupid head!” Bella nearly jumped out of her skin as the back door flew open, releasing the stench of sweaty teens and blasting pop music she escaped outside to avoid, There was a rumble of voices in the wake of the person stumbling out before the heavy door swung shut with a bang. Bella jumped up, holding her arms out faster than she could think, though she had no clue why she thought she would be able to catch the obviously drunk teen when she could barely stand on her own two feet most days. The person barely noticed Bella, stumbling past them to throw themselves against the deck’s railing. Bella worried they were gonna hurl, or worse, throw themselves over, but they did neither. Instead, they gasped heavily, like they hadn’t had a good breath of air in who knows how long, before leaning back and basically stumbling onto Bella’s feet. With a bounce, they ended up right next to her, their head snapping up to gape at Bella’s equally wide eyes.
“Holy shit! How long have you been there?!” Bella opened her mouth, but no words escaped. Instead, she stared at this stranger and mimicked a fish. “Oh my god, did I just sit on you? I’m so sorry!”
“No, you’re okay.” Bella hesitated. “Are you…okay? Not gonna hurl or anything, are you?” That earned a laugh, way too loud to be from anyone but a drunk person.
“Yeah! I just needed some fresh air.” Bella smiled at that.
“That’s why I’m out here too. It’s way too loud in there.” That one earned her a blinding smile. Bella let out a small puff of air, only a little uncomfortable around this random stranger, and unsure about what to do next. Does she sit down? No, that would be stupid.
“Why don’t you sit too? We can keep each other company, and become best friends!”
“Best friends?” Bella jumped as her hand was grabbed, and could do nothing against the sudden strong force pulling her down. Her drink went flying as her butt hit the step harshly.
“Yeah! I’m in the market for a new one.” If they noticed her pained expression, they didn’t say anything. Bella rubbed her back as they continued, “I was supposed to hang out here and celebrate with her, but turns out she’s a two-faced skank and hooked up with the guy I liked.” Bella just stared, open-mouthed. “Oh, don’t worry! It stopped hurting about…” The finger counting was near hilarious, but Bella was too worried about them to laugh. “I don’t remember! A while ago.” Then they huffed, nearly doing a 180 in emotion. “Besides, it’s not like I was in love or anything. I mean, I hardly knew the guy. But there was something about him…”
“I know what you mean.” The words were out before Bella could even think about the consequences. 
“You do?” Bella hesitated, before nodding. “Were you in love?”
“Oh no!” Bella jumped back, nearly catching an elbow to the face as the stranger threw their hands in front of their face, “I made you uncomfortable! Oh, I’m so sorry! Me and my big fat mouth…”
“No! No, it’s okay!” Bella reached forward, pulling their hands away from their face, trying to earnestly look into their eyes. “I’m sorry. It’s just…a little fresh.”
“...you’re sure?” Bella nodded once. “Oh! You’re too nice!” Then, arms were thrown around her, pulling her face far too close to a stranger’s. “Woah! And pretty!” The stranger huffed. Bella shivered as their breath puffed against her face. “I bet you get loads of dates.”
“I wouldn’t say that-”
“And you probably know everything about being in love! Tell me about it, please!” Bella blinked. Drunk memory, she figured, or they just had a really bad one. “Please, please! I need to know. What if he was the one, and I never knew because I didn’t know what it felt like!”
“I don’t…” Bella could feel the rejection on the tip of her tongue. Denial would be easy, it’s not like she knew who this person was anyway. Plus, it would probably be easy to lose them in the crowd inside, and a phone had to be somewhere around here to call Charlie to come pick her up, despite the plan to spend the night here to help Jessica clean in the morning. But…there was something sparkling in their eyes that made Bella hesitate. This was a complete stranger, a person that, if they even knew who she was before this night, probably knew nothing of her previous relationship. Especially if they were this drunk. They were looking at Bella with the biggest, most innocent eyes, gleaming with so much unbridled trust and innocence that Bella felt her soft heart waver. “...know how to describe it.”
“Is it like how everyone says it is?” Bella laughed a little at that, gently pushing them away to settle their face back into their own personal bubble. In retaliation, they swung their knees so they knocked against Bellas, making their shoe tips touch for good measure.
“It can be. It was for me.” Their look of awe made Bella giggle lightly.
“In a way.” Bella paused, watching their eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Was that the answer you’re looking for?”
“I don’t know…maybe?”
“Then…tell me what you’ve heard, and I can elaborate for you?” Bella watched as they mouthed the word ‘elaborate’ before the meaning clicked and they nodded their head enthusiastically. 
“Just not too many words, okay? You’re a little…fuzzy?” Bella laughed lightly, nodding. The stranger smiled. “Yeah, that’s perfect! Okay, so, enchanting in every way.” Bella nodded, and their smile bloomed brighter. “It's everlasting every day.” Bella hesitated, before giving a so-so wave with her hand. They frowned in response. “Stomach sick with butterflies?” At Bella’s enthusiastic nod, they smiled again. “Sweet obsession, rose bouquets-”
“Trust me,” Bella said, cutting them off. She felt a little bad, but this was too complicated for a yes or no answer. “From personal experience, obsession is not what you want. Not when it’ll eat you whole.” That caused another bout of eyebrow-wiggling confusion.
After a moment, they said, “Maybe they were just obsessed with being in love? Obsessed with obsession is how things end up…no good.” Bella felt her eyes widen in shock. For a drunk person, someone who could barely remember a conversation from a moment ago and for completely disregarding personal space, that was shockingly coherent. 
In their short months together, Bella couldn’t count the number of times Edw- he talked about falling in love. Their late nights together were spent half in silence, just gazing into each other's eyes, and the other half was spent talking about anything they felt the need to say. For Bella, it was what she was thinking, how she was raised, things she liked. For him, it was how long he had waited for her, for someone who sung for him and made him feel loved as he had seen Esme and Carlisle interact throughout their many years. She remembered the way his eyes shined as he talked about them, about the love they had for one another, the way they fit together better than anyone he had seen in his 100 years. 
“I have that now, with you.” He whispered before kissing her, putting any conviction he had in the statement with the first press against her lips. And she had believed him, wholeheartedly. Looking back on it now, she can see why Charlie and her friends were worried for her. Months of on and off, of not knowing if Bella was gaining his attention in a good or bad way, the way he proclaimed his love to her within a month or two of knowing her. But…she could still feel his insistence, his devotion, and the love that sparkled in his eyes when they were together. There was no way that wasn’t real…was it?
“Maybe you’re right…” Bella whispered, neither convinced nor closed off to the possibility. These last few months have given her a lot of time to think things through. Writing to Alice had helped a little in the beginning, but having Jacob there to talk to, to finally have someone to open up to, especially after learning his own secret, their friendship had never been closer. He was always there for her, especially on the bad days, and cheered her on when she was able to get back on her own feet. After finally asking out the girl of his dreams, he didn’t abandon her, instead introducing them so Bella was always welcome without a hint or suspicion of something else, something unsaid, being there. Bella felt a swell of adoration when she thought of Jacob, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t the way she felt with him. But was that such a bad thing?
“You’re frowning.” Bella started, flinching as a hand gently pressed on the space between her eyebrows. She hadn’t even realized they had pushed together.
“You’ve given me something to think about.” That caused a smile.
“Really?” Bella nodded. “Good! I’m not just a pretty face, you know.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Bella laughed. Their smile brightened even more. In one swift motion, with far too much coordination for someone so drunk, they threw their arms around her, pulling her close and smacking a wet kiss against her cheek. Bella’s face flared bright red.
“And you’re not just a pretty face too! You’re a gorgeous face with a kind heart!” They slumped against her, resting their head against Bella’s shoulder, snuggling as close as they could in their awkward position. “Thank you for explaining things to me. I think it made me fall in love with you.”
“Wha-” Bella stuttered. They laughed loudly, pressing their lips against her cheek again with more teeth than necessary.
“And you’re funny! You have to give me your number now. I’m not gonna let that stank bag get to you before me this time.”
Joke or not, Bella couldn’t help her burning ears or the way her heart beat out of them. She also couldn’t help the way her heart skipped a beat. The first time in a long time.
masterlist  l What is Laufeyfest? l Laufeyfest masterlist
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queenofglassbeliever · 6 months
Though not in the book, I absolutely and throughly enjoy the kitchen scene.
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It's already great, but imo could've been made better if the movie had not ignored/taken out the fact that Bella did the cooking at home.
Since Bella was a child she not only did the cooking for herself and her mom, she was also responsible for the grocery shopping. And when she moves in with Charlie she takes on those responsibilities there. The movie makes no acknowledgement of this. But imagine if it had? It would add a deeper level of emotion to the kitchen.
When was the last time someone had made her a home cooked meal? Years probably. Now vampires are doing it for her? They're teaching themselves to prepare her a dish so that she'll feel welcome. The Cullens put in time and effort to do something special for Bella. It was something simple but it was something that no one had ever really done for her.
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
Can u do headcanon for dating alice cullen?
Dating Alice Cullen
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summary: what it’s like to date the best cullen™️
pairing: alice cullen x reader
warnings: swearing
note: i absolutely can i love alice so much !! i’m doing this right now because i literally just finished watching twilight again
Alice is the cutest girlfriend in the world !!
If you’re a human, she’s constantly worrying about you and checking in on you. She’s so scared that something bad will happen to you and she thinks that you’re so fragile. She has a strong need to protect you.
If you’re a vampire, she’s still pretty protective but she worries less. She knows that you can handle yourself with whatever comes at you.
She’s so supportive !! If you draw, she wants to see everything you draw and compliment the little specific things nobody would usually notice. If you write, she wants to read all of your work. If you play a sport, she’ll be at all your games, dragging her family to cheer you on.
She loves to go shopping with you !! She’ll buy you so many thing. She especially loves clothes shopping with you. Even in her own time, she’ll go shopping for you, picking out little things she thinks you would like and begging you for a fashion show when she gets home.
She loves to dress you up. She wants to do your hair, makeup, and dress you in nice clothes, just to parade you around to her family, forcing all of them to compliment you (and her hard work).
She really has the best intentions in the world with you. She just loves you so much and wants to be there for you through everything.
She’s really glad that you get along so well with her family. Carlisle and Esme are super stoked when Alice brings you home.
Your parents love her. She’s so sweet and charming. She would absolutely win them over right away !!
Alice adores pet names !! She will call you every name under the sun.
“Babe” “Baby” “Sweetheart” “Darling” “Love”
She likes to be called pet names, as well.
She would take you on so many cute dates !! She especially loves picnic dates. Even though she can’t eat, she likes to make a cute little meal for you and just sit outside.
Alice loves stargazing. Her favorite activity is grabbing a couple blankets and laying with you outside, pointing out every constellation she can find.
She loves to kiss your nose and cheeks. Obviously, she likes normal kisses too but she adores the way you get flustered when she kisses your face.
She likes to receive forehead kisses, especially if she’s stressed or anxious. They calm her down so much.
She likes when you read to her while she lays on your chest. It comforts her so much and she really just loves hearing your voice.
She loves compliments !! She puts a lot of effort into the way she presents herself and she loves receiving praise for it.
Alice would also compliment you 24/7.
She wants to make sure that you feel loved and comfortable with her at all times.
She absolutely hates arguing. If you were mad at her for any reason, she would absolutely be in the worst mood.
She’s a big fan of apology gifts. Her love language is gift giving if you can’t tell.
Alice just loves you so much and she’s the softest person in the world I could talk about her for hours.
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vorepred223311 · 20 days
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AI Vore story
Jacob Black had always despised Edward Cullen. He couldn't stand the thought of Bella being with him, believing that there was no way that parasite loved her as much as he did. So, one day, fueled by jealousy and rage, Jacob decided to take matters into his own hands.
He stole Bella's cellphone and sent a text to Edward, pretending to be Bella, asking him to meet her in the woods. Jacob laid in wait, hidden behind a tree, his heart pounding with anticipation. Eventually, Edward arrived, looking confused when he didn't see Bella.
Without warning, Jacob leaped out from his hiding spot and tackled Edward to the ground. Edward struggled, trying to break free, but Jacob was too strong. In a fit of rage, Jacob swallowed Edward whole, feeling a sick sense of satisfaction as he felt the vampire squirming inside his belly.
As Edward fought for his life, Jacob couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of pleasure. He humped his bulging belly, feeling Edward start to melt inside him. He whispered to Edward, promising that Bella would soon join him as fat on his belly.
Despite Edward's desperate struggles, he was eventually digested by Jacob's powerful stomach. Jacob felt no remorse for what he had done. In his mind, he had rid Bella of the vampire that threatened to take her away from him.
Jacob walked away from the scene, his belly still swollen from his gruesome meal. He knew he had gotten away with it, and he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that Bella was now safe from Edward's influence.
As he disappeared into the darkness of the woods, Jacob's mind was consumed with thoughts of Bella. He knew that she would soon be his, and he would do whatever it took to keep her by his side.
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denalilily · 6 months
👼🏼 Twilight Advent Calendar - Day 10 👼🏼
Pick one of the witnesses in Breaking Dawn. What was it like for them to stay at the Cullens' home for those two weeks? Who did they spend time with?
For Tia, this was an opportunity to be free of Amun's confining temple back in Egypt and immerse herself more in the vampire society, which she hadn't known existed before. She mostly stuck with Benjamin, but they spent a lot of time with the Denali sisters and the Irish coven. She befriended Kate, Siobhan and Esme and enjoyed talking to the other vampire women, though she mostly did it when Amun was out hunting. She didn't want him watching over her like he watched over his wife, who didn't say a word the whole time they were there. She enjoyed Jacob and Emmett's jokes, listening to Garrett's stories, and helping Esme make Christmas food for the wolves and Renesmee. She taught Esme how to make the traditional Christmas meal in Egypt called fata, which is a lamb stew with bread and garlic that she loved to eat every Christmas when she was still a human. She found herself almost hoping for it whenever Amun warned Benjamin that the Volturi will want to take him. She thought she would rather live with them than in Amun's coven. She changed her mind at the confrontation, when she saw the Volturi with her own eyes and heard Garrett's speech, but still has hope that she and Benjamin can start a new life together soon as nomads or build their own coven, where her mate wouldn't be seen as just a superpower and she as a liability.
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volturissideslut · 2 years
Can you do the guards meeting their human mate during New Moon when Bella goes to save Edward. Maybe their mate is Bellas sister or friend or something.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
In this you're bellas sister. Also currently listening to Stephen Sanchez's album "what was, not now" and was vibing and a bunch of words came to my mind so enjoy my word vomit
also I keep accidentally clicking post instead of save draft so if its incomplete just wait a minute
Was actually zoned out until he glanced at you and his world came to a crashing halt
his banal daydreams freezing like an idle painting in the background as images of you and him for eternity consume him and in that moment all he knew was you
he was surprisingly content with that too and it's only after that that the situation dawns on him
oh glorious you
trapped between a vicious king and a vicious girl, all to consumed by an eternity of her own, about to trade her sister for her lover
Alec's stomach lurched as he dreamed up a perfect nightmare, one leaving him so inconsolable he was unable to contain himself for the first time in forever
heaving forward with a newfound desperation, he stops the swan girl he hadn't cared enough to learn the name on as a wrathful fire burned within him
they would not end his eternal love before he even got to know them, it would be a tragedy to great to bear
Marcus, gifed with the ability to see these eternal binds between lovers, halts Aro in his actions
reaching out his scarred and shaky hands, Aro grants Alec a favour - no doubt to be returned soon - and allows him to take you to his chaimbers
Jane - just the name sends shivers down the spine of those who know, those who have heard, and those who can guess
not you though
it confounds her that you can look at her with such soft curiosity as she leads your party to the overzealous throne room
surely you cannot feel the connection? human concepts of emotion are pathetically watered down compared to the theatrics of a vampiric spectrum of infatuated devotion to sickening abhorrence
one she has delivered the Cullens back to the king she let's it finally weigh on her - she has met her forever love
casting a glance to her master, she allows him into her mind with a simple touch and he immediately gratifys her allowing her two minutes only to pull yiu to the side eventually but for now she is needed
she has waited for you for forever, she can wait five minutes more; though she is surprisingly chipper, allowing a miniature smile to grace her features
unlike the usually sadistic ones, this one held a worlds worth of impatience as she would only take her eyes off of yiu for a minute at a time
though she could not touch you, she could not feel you, for now it was enough to listen to your heartbeat and know you were alive and had finally arrived
not that she'd ever tell you this, as for now she must remain stoic and not let your sister in on her little secret love
oh she couldn't wait to have you all alone away from that pest you call family
Silence replaced his ever racing thoughts as a wonderous scent made itself prominently known in his mind
the opera of the elevator had left an era of awkwardness around the group bu still he found himself subconsciously inching further from his guard friend and more toward you, the source of his unbridled euphoria
without any hesitation his hand enclosed around your wrist as the elevator chimed and opened
neglecting to realise his meal was arriving at the castle, he practically dragged you to his chambered only interrupting his mission to give a sharp glare to Felix when he called for him
for now he just needs you
he needs to hold you close to his chest, wrapped tightly in your arms while he gently explains anything and everything to you
Felix would have to infer the situation for himself and tell the kings about his whereabouts
surely he his absence would be excused, he was not necessary for this one and the unforseen circumstance of meeting his mate needed to be accounted for. He would not allow her to witness the horrors of a trial before they had even spoken yet
Ignited deep within him, the fire and passion for his infitiy grows the moment he lays his eyes onto you
looking into your eyes was ethereal, a bond worth more that all the gems and treasures in the world growing deeper and deeper and the seconds pass
neither of you had said a word to each other and yet there was some agreement between the two of you that, be it God, the universe or whatever lays dormant behind the story's of the stars had placed you both on this earth for one reason: eachother
it was destiny in his eyes and perhaps even yours that you two would be each others infinities
the light in his eyes and the joy in his heart was rejuvenated the moment your eyes and souls connected and already he dreaded a life with you not by his side
any distance could not be far enough that he would do all withing his power to return to you
He could not care less about the other girl here for her mate- he has met his infinity and that was all that mattered to him now
okay wow this is an edit from about an hour later and I've stopped listening to the music and read it and I hate it
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 33: Harvestfest Happenings
A clear and cold Harvestfest arrived soon after Spooky Day. Denton, Cullen, and Tess were headed out to visit with their families while Luigi and Hunter’s families were coming to britchester (where they still believed both of their kids would be taking classes over the holiday).
Cullen woke up that morning feeling positively awful. He’d been excited about starting HRT recently, but some other strange health malady had been making it impossible to notice changes related to that. He was glad the holiday gave him an excuse to head home and be babied by his parents.
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Cullen passed Denton on the way out, leaving him in sole possession of their shared bedroom. He had the day off work and wished his cousin a speedy recovery while happily brewing a potion in their giant cauldron and basking in the warm glow given off by it’s magical heating stones.
He was pleasantly surprised when Bridget appeared in the doorway a short time later, and absolutely floored by what she had to ask him. As casually as if she was suggesting a quick coffee date Bridget proposed marriage right then and there!
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Denton was so flattered by Bridget’s eagerness to get married that he didn’t care how (Un)romantic her proposal was. Swept up in the moment he also put aside the concerns about her evil tendencies that had left him hesitating to pop the question and eagerly agreed to become her husband.
He knew he loved her; he was ready to settle down, and they’d have the rest of their lives to figure things out. That’s all that really mattered.
His suggestion that they head to the ranch and announce their engagement to his family was angerly refused, but she relented as soon as she saw his hurt look. Making calmer explanations about previous commitments, she promised they’d do a “Family Tour” soon before apologizing with a warm, meaningful kiss. Denton responded eagerly; her angry words of a few short moments ago quickly forgiven, if not completely forgotten.
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Meanwhile, a much less happy Cullen had no sooner reached the farmhouse than he was rushing off to the restroom to throw up, repeatedly.
When Tori came to check on him a few minutes later she found him slumped over the toilet, big fat tears sliding down his cheeks. He told her he hurt all over, and he was just so tired. Worried, Tori helped him to his feet, settling him gently in his old bed temporarily while she went to find Miguel.
She filled her husband in on the situation and set him to making their grand meal as she steered the sleepy and miserable Cullen towards the medical clinic. Something was wrong with her baby and like her Grandy Jasper before her Tori didn’t mess around when it came to her family’s health.
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Upon their arrival a barrage of testing eventually diagnosed Cullen with triple threat. Their provider commended Tori on her quick response, the only treatment for the disease was a life saving surgery, which Cullen needed to have sooner rather than later.
Miguel kept their dinner warm while Tori rushed her son off to the hospital. A couple hours later Cullen was wheeled out of surgery, groggy and in pain, but on the mend. He’d be spending Harvestfest in the hospital, and it didn’t take much for his mom to convince him to stay with them in Henford after he was released, at least until he was fully recovered. He drifted off to sleep unsure when he’d be returning to Britechester.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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Grim Reaper's Apprentice
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Title: Grim Reaper's Apprentice
Pairing/s: Rosalie Hale x GN! Reader (Romantic), Alice Cullen x GN! Reader (Platonic), Bella Swan x GN! Reader (platonic)
Summary: in which two lonely mystical creatures find peace and comfort in each other as fate deemed it to be
Warnings: Not detailed violence but violence nonetheless. My own shitty take on Grim Reapers.
Additional Tags: OOC characters, fluff, I am so sorry I haven't watched twilight in a while vurabhvrbhabvr
Reader Pronouns: I think I didn't put any pronouns for the reader honestly-
Word Count: 3358 words
Author’s Note: It's been sitting on my drafts for too long and I've not written for the twilight fandom in so long so I decided why not?
Grim Reaper. A being that is said to bring nothing but an ill omen.
You didn't really think you'd have the pleasure of meeting the spiritual being and live, but you did. And now they took you in as their apprentice. Which was terrifying at first, but you made it out just fine. And now you also had the ability to gather souls and make their whole life flash before their eyes.
You love your job, you really do, but sometimes it can get lonely. Your guardian was busy, moving from one soul to another and they certainly need your help, which you gladly provide, but you need someone you can talk to, someone who had a mortal life once.
And you found what you were looking for in a blonde girl whose soul was due to travel to the other side of the veil. How? You didn't know, you never knew, you just knew when they'd die and what they did in their life when you watched their memories.
It may be an invasion of privacy, but you have to do it, and over time you were numb to it all. You always ensured that you only showed the happiest memories to those who didn't deserve to die but those who did? You made sure they regret their lifetime of decisions.
This time, a name suddenly wrote itself upon your book, a list of names whose souls need to be retrieved and guided before the end of the day. And while a name suddenly popping up in the middle of a job isn’t unusual, the fact that it’s glowing an elegant shade of gold is. 
You quickly guide the ordinary soul through the veil and once that’s done, you allowed yourself to dematerialize and assemble to where the soul was. 
And there laid the most beautiful creature you have ever laid your eyes on. You, however, didn’t get to stare at her for too long because you felt a crushing pain in your chest. You gritted your teeth as the pain reverberated and spread all throughout your body. Rosalie’s memories start forcing their way inside your head and you are reliving her life just as she is.
“Child. One wished that fate would allow your meeting with your fated half in a pleasant way, but one sees that it is not the case. You must make a choice, one’s dearest apprentice. Would you allow her soul to pass through the veil, or would you allow her to live as a Cold One?” You feel your mentor’s bony hand on your shoulder
You weighed each option carefully, Once a soul passes through the veil, it experiences the best treatment it could wish for. Basically, heaven as most mortals prefer to call that phenomenon. However, you would never be able to see her again. But if she becomes a cold one instead, she would have to live with the pain of having to consume blood. You had a feeling she would consider that a curse instead.
“Ah, it seems you are too slow when it comes to decisions child.” 
Your head shot up at the sound of someone’s footsteps echoing from within the dark alleyway, a cold one. Are they looking for a meal? You scrambled to your feet and attempted to push the blonde man off your fated one, only for you to phase through him. You felt dread quickly filling you up, She doesn’t want this. No one does, she doesn’t deserve to live with the memories that’ll forever haunt her. 
Perhaps he’d just feed on her? Or will he change her?
But isn’t that a good thing? You’d have a chance on getting to know her? After all, you’d be contented with just being in her presence. 
“Child. One understands your turmoil, however, you must not be too reckless and hasty. Gaze into his eyes little one.” Your mentor sighs as if exasperated by your antics
And so you did as they asked, gazing into this man’s golden eyes. Ah. 
“Oh.” you pouted slightly, embarrassment slowly replacing the dread
“As you can see, she’ll be…relatively safe with the Cullens.”
“Do you know him?”
“Why yes, of course. One was supposed to claim his soul but he turned into a cold one before one had the chance to steal his soul.” Your mentor’s cloak shook as if the body under it shrugged
Your mentor’s making your job sound so much more terrifying and evil than it actually is, making you look at them with a scrunched-up face.
They sigh, “She will be safe with the Cullens, you have sifted through his memories so you should know firsthand what he truly is like. One also gives you permission to follow your fated one around when you finished guiding your set amount of souls every day. However, you must remember, child, you are not strong enough to appear in front of those who walk in the mortal plane just yet.”
You know that. You’ve been trying to get past that hurdle for who knows how long. Grim Reapers take souls who have experienced great pain and suffering yet remain neutral, as opposed to the good souls that go up and bad souls that go down, as apprentices. And you were one of the new ones, barely able to force souls through the veil. This is why your mentor always gave you the easy ones.
“Do not worry young one.” Their bony hand petted your hair, “With your work ethic, you’re going to gain that skill in the next few decades” They then turned around, that signature scythe lazily draped over their shoulders.
“Besides, if you manage to capture souls before they turn into cold ones or a creature of the night, you might lessen your sentence.” 
And so you did just that. You gently guided kind souls to their destination, helping them fulfill their last wishes before moving on. You not-so-gently kicked cruel souls into your soul jar and threw them through the veil. Your method made your stoic mentor laugh so hard their jaw fell off… literally. 
You also (creepily) romantically followed Rosalie around as she navigates through her new life as a cold one. She was particularly attractive when she killed those who led her to her death without even spilling a drop of blood. Only the Gods above and below are witnesses to your feral fawnings over your beloved. Well, except maybe for the souls of the very same men your beloved just killed. They were already in your jar so it’s not like they had any say in it. 
So that was how you spent the next few decades, following Rosalie around to make sure she’s safe, doing your job, and practicing how to solidify so that you can finally attend that God-awful school in Forks, where Rosalie and her family are trying to blend in with their God-like looks and their dazzlingly golden eyes. Florescent they say. 
You can’t help but laugh as (your brother-in-law) Rosalie’s brother weakly try to explain and defend himself from his blood singer and fated one. 
“Hmm. Bella Swan huh. I remember a soul whose last wish was to name his granddaughter after his wife Bella… I wonder…” You shrugged it off, maybe it was a coincidence. 
“Woah! So you really are here.” You jumped and screeched when a pixie-like being suddenly appeared beside you. 
“Alice? You can…see me?” You waved your hand back and forth in front of her face
“No. I can’t see you. But I’ve seen this vision so many times that I have memorized it down to every last second.”
“Oh indeed. So tell me, who are you and why do I see you with Rosalie in almost every vision I get. And yes I know the answer I just want to hear you say it.” 
“You can’t even hear me.” You sighed, before trying to materialize and succeeding, but you feel yourself struggling and you knew that your time with her is limited. 
“Hello.” You tested it awkwardly, then laughed slightly when Alice’s eyes lit up as she bounced on the heels of her feet.
“You’re prettier than when I saw you in my vision-” she then grabs your hand, lightly gasping “You’re cold!! Colder than us, at least.” You chuckled, loving the cheerful attitude that was directed toward you. 
“I’m glad that at least one of the Cullen’s like me at least.” You grinned
“I don’t just like you, oh no. We are going to be best friends. And I will be setting you up with Rose sooner or later… Preferably when you can permanently make yourself solid.” She giggled, pointing at your now fading body. 
“Oh.” That was the last word you muttered before running out of time, which made Alice laugh gleefully before turning to return inside where her family was waiting for her. 
You wondered if they heard your conversation whilst floating to them but it turns out that they were quite worried for Alice since her presence suddenly disappeared. You noted that as one of the things you’ll ask your mentor once they come by for their check-up on you every decade or so.
Days pass by as more trouble finds its way toward the Cullen family, the center of it all would be one Bella Swan and you suddenly found yourself swamped with work, so you could only be there when a certain crazy blonde-haired vampire bit Bella Swan. 
“Do I really look like that?” Bella whispers to herself as she gazes down at her convulsing body
“Yes, you do. Now, do you see why Alice insists on taking you out shopping?” You suddenly phased through one of the pillars in her childhood ballet studio. 
You just came from Italy, guiding a huge group of souls with 2 more fellow apprentices after a coven feeding. It was easy but tedious and tiring. When you saw that 2 names suddenly written themselves in your “souls-to-fetch” list, you were baffled to see Bella’s name along with some random white dude named James.
Bella took a ghostly step back as you fixed your clothes, ignoring the fighting of Edward and James in the background. She was clearly startled by you but she composed herself quickly
“Excuse me? Who are you? Are you…like a ghost?” She then glances at your scythe and you see her slowly put things together. 
“Wow, I can see the cogs turning in your brain-” you spin your scythe around for fun then made it vanish, winking at her before floating towards her “-No, I’m not a ghost. Yes, I am a grim reaper, one of many. And No. You’re not going to die… yet. As if Edward will let you die. The guy watches you sleep for fucks sake.” You huffed out, before shutting your mouth, realizing that you’ve done the same every night, granted that Rosalie never slept… only pretended to do so. Perhaps that doesn’t count.
You see Bella’s soul glow bright red in embarrassment, a tell-tale sign that she’s not meant to be taken through the veil just yet, for she still feels emotion and is still attached to her mortal body.
“Ew, he’s going to suck your blood now, so you’d probably feel a vacuum-like feeling, don’t worry, just let it happen. It’s your body dragging your soul back. Nothing to worry about. Now shoo!” You pushed her towards her body, laughing when her ghostly feet tripped and she fell on top of herself, which prompted the process of soul-attaching. It was just a goofy sight of the soul swirling around like a vortex as they get sucked into their mortal body.
“That’s always hilarious.” You wipe the figurative tear off your eye.
“Now what am I going to do with you.” Your eyes turn into slits as flesh slowly melted off you, revealing the classic bony grim reaper look, your scythe slowly materializing in your hand as you slowly turned towards James, who was struggling to keep himself together since he did just get dismembered and burned into ashes.
He tried to speak but you slashed your scythe into the air once, making stitches appear on his mouth, stitching it shut. He then realized his circumstances and with his dwindling attachment to the mortal plane, he ran in fear. You laughed, floating eyeballs flashing red as you began to chase, toy, and play with him. Hunting him down like prey, just like he did with so many other souls. 
Your job comes with such benefits after all. 
You might’ve had too much fun with him since the next thing you knew, it was time for Fork’s Prom Night, the night wherein you planned to reveal yourself to Rosalie. Upon realizing that, you quickly jammed James’ soul into a jar and hurriedly threw it through the veil leaving whoever was on the other side with the responsibility of him as you rushed to phase to Forks. 
Upon stepping on luscious green grass, its blades still moist from the rain as you breathed in the forest-infused air, you knew that you were in the right place. However, the loud music coming from the school indicated that you were late. You sighed and let your bond with Rosalie lead you to her, your feet soon moved by themselves as gold slowly invaded your vision. 
She looked so…ethereal, yet oh so lonely sitting there. The wind pushes her hair back as she sits there, peaceful and alone.  Your hand longs to hold hers while you both gaze up unto the starry sky, just keeping her company throughout eternity. 
“Beautiful.” You whispered, watching as her eyes shot open, slowly looking around as if feeling your presence. 
“You know I can feel you right?” She softly says, her shoulders relaxing as she realizes it’s just you
“I actually didn’t.” You sheepishly say as you materialize, having practiced time and time again, you felt like this time, you’ll be able to last longer than before
“Is that so?” She smirks, before turning to look at you. 
She then blinks slowly as if she can’t believe what she was looking at. You quickly looked down and saw that in your hurry to get here, you forgot that you were still in your grim reaper outfit, with your hood down. Which meant that she saw you in all your boney gloriousness. You quickly made yourself invisible just so you could put some flesh into your bones and quickly reappeared, an embarrassed look painted heavily on your face.
“I am so sorry.” You looked away from her, biting your lip hard as punishment for the unsightly sight that she had to see
You then felt the air shift as she suddenly appeared before you, her hands cradling your face as she pulls your bottom lip to stop you from biting them. You felt your mind short circuit and you were so sure that smoke was escaping from your ears.
“Please let me court you.” You quickly blurted out, your mouth letting the words escape before your brain could fully process them.
Her eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the sudden declaration of adoration before chuckling, her face filled with glee as her eyes look at you fondly.
“Only if you allow me to court you as well.” She replies, hand intertwining with yours as she leads you to sit beside her on the bench that she previously sat at.
You two spoke for hours, basking under the moonlight as you play with each other’s fingers. Telling stories and comparing hand sizes, you also let yourself gush over her as you tell her how attractive she looked every time she struts down the hallway or how hot she looked when she played baseball, especially when she stared Bella down as she slowly got up from sliding. 
She then told you about all the times she felt your presence, which was frequent. She told you about the time she caught your boney hand emerging from nowhere to put a bookmark on the page of the book she was reading the night before while she was showering for school. She also told you about the time she felt coldness hovering over her and the time that she was sure that you punched someone for gazing at her like a piece of meat. You sheepishly admitted to it and you both laughed about it.
Soon enough it was time for her to go home and you were feeling yourself fade away.
“You don’t have to worry. Although you can’t see me, I will always be right there with you.” You reassured her when you saw the panicked look on her face. 
And oh boy did you fulfill that promise.
Your daily life now consists of appearing before Rosalie every morning, inviting her for a walk. It allows her to have time for her to organize her thoughts about the happenings that seem to only happen to her family. It allows her to rant about Bella while you take her hand in yours in silent comfort and support. It allows her to spend time with you as you practice materializing yourself for longer durations. 
Your walks always end with that one tree that you deemed as your tree, your initials, and Rosalie’s carved into the wood. You would always sit down on the cloth that Rosalie always carried with your back against the rough bark. You would then open your arms, inviting Rosalie in your embrace as she slowly melts into you. Her head resting on your chest while you place your chin on her shoulders. She would then start to read a book that you both chose with you enjoying the way her voice sounds. 
She would never admit it but she absolutely loves the way you hum directly on her ears when she reads parts that you particularly like or the way you would grunt in annoyance when a character does something idiotic. 
After perhaps 6 chapters or so, when the sun is fully out, you like to pick her up suddenly, focusing on her as you wave your hand around, your gifts, as she likes to call it, making sure that you put a bookmark on the page you left it, then making sure the blanket was nice and cleanly folded. You would then adorn her with a gorgeous gown from an era of her choice (it really depends on her mood), your black mist wrapping around her before forming into the said dress while you too adorn yourself with the clothing of your choice. 
You would then kneel on one knee, asking permission to kiss the back of her hand before asking her to dance. Her skin would sparkle under the sun, the very same sparkle that she used to loathe with her whole heart, she loves it now. Why? It was all because of your expression each and every time you see it. A child-like wonder, your eyes filled with adoration and love as you twirl her with the rhythm that only the two of you can hear. 
She could do this for all eternity, she would never get sick of it. Not even when you finally put a ring on her finger. 
While there are times that you would miss this morning routine on yours, you would always tell her beforehand, silently cursing your work and only leaving when she tells, or rather, orders you to. She understands how important your work is, no matter how time-consuming it is, she would always wait for you with a cold yet warm embrace as you cuddled the night away. So it doesn’t really bother her when you disappear at random points in time.
Why should it? She knows in her very soul that you would always come back to her, a grin on your face and sometimes you even come home with live animals from wherever you were from for her and her family. 
Being a vampire and having a Grim Reaper as a fated one may be unorthodox, but she would choose it over and over again with no hesitation whatsoever.
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