#she should get little an attempted murder as a treat
leupagus · 1 month
The degree to which Davos and Brienne are going to become reluctant BFFs, because their lieges keep coming to them complaining about each other, is UNREAL
or, more from this fic that's slowly eating my life
Their journey to the Northern army's camp had revealed a great deal about Lady Stark and her lords and petty chieftains: their patronizing generosity, their gruff suspicion of outsiders, and above all their mind-boggling obstinacy. Ned and Lyanna had been much the same, from what he remembered, and Stannis had seen shades of it in Jon Snow, though couched more gently than he'd expected from a bastard. He'd imagined — insofar as he'd imagined her at all — that Lady Stark would be gentler still, her mother's line warming that chilled Northern blood.
He had been disastrously mistaken. It was a wonder only one Stark had survived, but it was already clear that she had gathered the entire share of Stark mulishness.
"I have conditions, Your Grace," said Lady Stark. "If this alliance is to succeed in retaking Winterfell, I feel it right that you hear them." She placed the parchment in her hand carefully on his table and stepped back, hands folded primly.
She had requested, and been granted, this conference shortly after Stannis's army had made camp alongside the Northern soldiers. Stannis's tent had barely been erected when she came to him with this parchment, her wolf, and a determined expression. He had thought he'd listened to her enough on the journey as she'd prattled away with Shireen, but he was in the mood to be permissive.
Reading through her list of demands, he could feel the headache building along his jaw and up through his skull. "Have you lost your mind?" he said, for the second time in a week to an unreasonable woman.
Melisandre had brushed his question aside, but Lady Stark was not made of such supple stuff; she stiffened and glowered at him. "That is a peculiar way to agree to my terms, Your Grace."
"Your terms are rather more than peculiar, my lady," he said, tossing the parchment back on the table.
In truth, the first one was not so peculiar: it said that should they regain the Keep, he would recognize Sansa Stark as Lady of Winterfell and Warden of the North in her own right. He would not pass her over in favor of some lesser Northern male relative, nor would he obligate her to marry and rule only as companion to her husband. Considering Stannis's own intention to ensure Shireen sat on the Iron Throne after his death, he could hardly begrudge her this.
Considering the other two stipulations, however, he felt very much inclined to begrudge her everything.
"Supposing your younger brothers turn up?" he asked, thrusting his chin at the parchment. "Or Jon Snow is legitimized?"
This question didn't faze her, he suspected because it was a question of logistics and protocol rather than a personal remark. "If Jon is made legitimate, I don't believe he would want Winterfell—"
"Duty is not a question of wanting, Lady Stark," he reminded her. "And the Lord Commander is—"
"The Lord Commander, as you say, is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch," she retorted. "His life has already been pledged to the Wall. If he didn't abandon that cause in aid of my brother Robb, he won't abandon it now."
Stannis observed her. There was bitterness there, certainly, though less than he would have thought. Lady Stark clearly understood the ties that bound men to their duty, even if she did not like them.
"However," she continued, "Should any of my brothers wish to make a claim to Winterfell in my place, I won't stand against them." She paused for a moment, and added, "I have no wish to die at their hands out of misplaced pride."
Stannis clenched his jaw but let that go for the moment — it would be addressed soon enough. "You call me 'Your Grace,'" he said, tapping at the parchment, "Yet your second stipulation says that you will not bend the knee to me, even if I regain Winterfell for you."
"No, it says that I will not bend the knee to any claimant to the throne until they hold the majority of the kingdoms," she shot back. "The Lannisters hold the Crownlands, the Westerlands and the Reach at present. The Riverlands are still in chaos, the Vale has withdrawn from all alliances to sulk in their mountains, and both Dorne and the Iron Islands have declared for themselves, more or less. You can, at best, claim that the Stormlands still support you, though I've seen no evidence for it — they didn't march under your banner at first, did they?"
That was the second time she had brought up Renly, however obliquely. If she were trying to drive him mad, she couldn't go about it any better. "When I hold the North, my lady, I will have more land—"
"Setting aside the notion that it will be you alone who holds the North, you'll have more land and fewer men than any other region. If you wish to win against the Lannisters, you'll need more than mountains and glaciers fighting your battles. And if I wish to be Warden of the North, I can't keep the respect of my lords by swearing fealty to a man who has yet to earn it."
"I could have you burned for such talk," he said, getting to his feet and pouring himself some water, hoping it would ease the throbbing in his head.
"You don't burn nobles, you behead them," she replied cooly. "I should know. I was there when the Lannisters took my own father's head for supporting your claim to the Iron Throne. I have no intention of sharing his fate." She took a deep breath, and only then did he note that her hands had been clenched together, her right covering the balled-up fist of her left. "I won't take arms against you now or in the future, on that I give my word."
"And if I do have you beheaded?" he asked, putting the tin cup down before he crumpled it in his hand.
It seemed to amuse her. "Then my words will mean even less than they do now."
"They mean nothing, because you will not give them!" He pinched his nose and attempted to regain his composure. Surprisingly difficult, with this — child.
She regarded him for a moment. "You call me Lady Stark, Your Grace," she said, "but tell me, have you heard anyone else call me that?"
Stannis, thrown by the question, was forced to consider it. In truth, he had heard only Lady Sansa, though said with more reverence by her men and lords than he could ever recall being addressed himself. "You are Lady Stark."
"Not without Winterfell," she said, shaking her head. "It's more than just the home of the Starks, it is our…place in the world. We belong nowhere else. Just as there must always be a Stark at Winterfell, so too do we need Winterfell to truly be Starks." She gave him a pointed look. "Just as Your Grace needs the Iron Throne, and the fealty of all the Seven Kingdoms, to truly be king."
She was wrong, of course, but Stannis felt the same lurch in his belly whenever his footing slipped during a bout. "Perhaps your reticence has something to do with this last stipulation," he said instead, going back to the table and jabbing his finger at the third line. "Falsely accusing a king is treason."
"Is Lady Brienne falsely accusing you, Your Grace?" she asked, smooth as ice. Her hands were still clenched, he noted.
"I was nowhere near Renly's camp when he died," Stannis said, with perfect truth, even as he felt himself balanced on a knife's edge.
He had been nowhere near. He had woken up just before dawn with the lead weight of certainty in his belly, knowing what had happened — what the Red Woman had said must happen — and lying there, staring up at the tent's canvas, he had wept. Wept for the brothers he had loved and who had never loved him back. He would never know if Renly had had a hand in Robert's death; just as he would never know if he himself had had a hand in Renly's. Had he ordered Melisandre to kill him? Had he believed her when she said she could make such a thing come to pass? Davos had begged to tell him of what had happened in the cave that night, what monstrous thing the Red Woman had done to bring Renly's death about. Stannis had refused to hear it. Perhaps there was a sort of rough justice in facing his accuser now, the only one living who knew the truth.
"Lady Brienne has served me faithfully," said Lady Stark, "and my mother before me, at great cost to herself. I believe her testimony, Your Grace."
"Her testimony that I murdered my own brother."
Lady Stark regarded him steadily. "I will not insult either of you by declaring one more honorable than the other. But when I regain Winterfell, my duty as Warden of the North will be to adjudicate all such matters, and this falls under my purview. Even if you were crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms in the Red Keep itself, the North holds all persons, regardless of title, under its laws while they reside here."
"Renly didn't die in the North," was all he could manage to say.
"He died, Your Grace." Lady Stark looked almost pitying. "And for that, I'm sorry. I know what it is to lose your brothers. But on this point I will not waver."
"Is there any point on which you have?" he asked, curious.
She continued serenely. "Lady Brienne will be permitted to make her accusation publicly; how you respond to it is your affair, but if you prevail, you must give me your word now that she will not be held guilty of treason, nor will she be killed by any member of your party by any means." She put enough emphasis on the last two words to make her meaning plain.
"And if she prevails?" Stannis asked. "Your stipulations do not mention the outcome of the trial, only that it will take place." He smiled grimly. "Your father always said that he who passes the sentence should swing the sword, my lady. Will you behead me yourself?"
"I doubt either of us would find that a pleasant exercise, Your Grace," she said, her lip curling slightly. She didn't blanch, however; young as she was, she had seen worse. Had possibly done worse, if the rumors about the Purple Wedding were true. He'd not asked. "If you are found guilty, then you will ride south. If you win the support of the other kingdoms, the North will bend the knee to you. But you'll never come north of the Neck again. Does that satisfy?"
Stannis glanced down at the parchment again. There it all was, in black and white: the price he must pay for the North. The blasted girl had even provided a space for him to sign at the bottom.
"Not remotely," he said, but reached for his pen.
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Things I think would happen if Jeeves and Wooster were on DS9
Bertie is the only person on the station who has not yet clocked Garak as a spy. He spends a lot of time in Garak's shop either ordering the gaudiest clothes imaginable or asking Garak to back him up in whatever fashion argument he's having with Jeeves (which Garak is only too happy to do).
Jeeves fantasizes about murdering Garak a thousand times a day. This goddamn lizard man is his white whale. Any attempt to find blackmail material on him takes him down a hundred different rabbit holes leading to dead ends. He's met his match. There are flames. Flames on the side of his face.
He can't even take Garak to task for his garbage opinions on Earth literature because he knows full well how that would be taken.
Garak actually quite likes Jeeves, because game recognizes game and he respects a fellow manipulative bastard when he sees one. However, since he is, at the end of the day, a little shit, he takes great pleasure in dressing Bertie in louder and louder outfits just to watch Jeeves grind his teeth.
(He's also admittedly fond of Bertie, who's too nice and trusting to treat him with the same suspicion and contempt that nearly every other person on the station does. And if Bertie vaguely reminds him of a certain doctor, what of it?)
Quark quickly figures out that Bertie is absurdly easy to scam. Jeeves spends so much time foiling him that he's practically an informal member of the station security team. Odo drops by his table at the replimat every morning to swap Quark-related intel.
Jeeves also won't stop winning at the Dabo table, infuriating Quark even further. There's an ongoing arms race between Quark trying to find excuses to ban Jeeves from the bar and Jeeves finding ways to blackmail Quark into letting him back in.
Jadzia is the first person to notice the weird requited-unrequited thing J&W have going on and finds it endlessly entertaining. She makes a game of chatting to Bertie about Jeeves as if they're already an established couple (I hear it's Valentine's Day on Earth, are you and Jeeves doing anything special? Worf and I had an amazing romantic date last week at that new Bolian place, you should try it!) Her amusement gradually fades into astonishment the longer Bertie doesn't get it.
Jeeves sees Jadzia's increasingly unsubtle encouraging glances and wishes he could incinerate her with his mind.
Worf knows Jeeves does illegal shit in the course of protecting Bertie or extricating him from accidental alien wedding rituals. He knows it. He just can't prove it. And Odo is no help, because Jeeves keeps himself too unobtrusive and is too invaluable to the cause of keeping Quark in check for Odo to want to look into him that closely.
In the absence of hard evidence to pin him down, Worf's relationship with Jeeves remains tersely cordial. He grudgingly supposes that nobody who has such an amazing depth of knowledge about Klingon opera and poetry could be that bad.
You can't let Bertie and Morn in a room together. Once they get going they NEVER shut up.
Part 1.5 Part 2
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backupblogforjg · 2 years
We can love the person he has turned out to be without whitewashing the crappy things he has done
Guys, I know Darius is cool, but can we please stop victim-blaming Hunter and acting like the way even the good adults in his life treated him is NBD?
‘Cause I keep seeing a lot of “okay Darius was mean to Hunter at first, but Hunter was a brat who got the job because of nepotism, so...” comments.
And look, I really think people in general are hugely underestimating just how badly Hunter was screwed over not just by Belos but by *ALL* the adults around him.
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1) Let’s start by establishing something first: Hunter was never a brat to anybody in the castle.
Now, to be clear, even IF Hunter had been a brat, people 30 years older than him should still have not made his bad situation worse. If there are two people, and one of them is an adult while the other is a kid, the adult is supposed to keep their cool even if the kid acts out. You can punch up but you can’t punch down.
But that point is moot because all the evidence we have points at Hunter being a little nerd who adored the adults around him and was desperate to please them.
Exhibit #1: Dana’s official art, where Hunter freaks out over being slightly less overworked because it will make Lilith hate him. Even with the mask, you can tell he has a frantic expression.
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Exhibit #2: the Hunter’s Palisman Observation stream, when Hunter has a question and is looking for an answer, he reaches out to the Coven Heads to ask them. He sees them as wise and knowledgeable, and wants to learn from them. That makes it extra hurtful that “Darius ignored me, as per usual. Eberwolf hissed at me, also as per usual.”
Exhibit #3: in ASIAS, we learn that Hunter genuinely loves rules and authority. Does that sound like somebody who’d disrespect an adult in charge?
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Exhibit #4: pretty much the entirety of ASIAS. The whole reason Hunter went to Hexside is because an adult who technically ranks below him gave him an order.
There is a grand total of TWO examples in the series where Hunter talks back to an adult.
The first one is when he sees Kikimora again after she tried to murder him.
Note that he never tells Belos what she did, even though he didn’t realise that she had recognised him by his burnt hair, so he thought that she had actually bought his “travellers found me” story and wouldn’t be able to respond to his accusations with any of her own. He could have easily thrown her under the bus, and actively chose not to, even after she almost killed him.
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The second one is in ASIAS, where an angry Hunter confronts the Coven Heads after they rescheduled the meeting behind his back, right after they physically pushed him aside hard enough to almost make him fall and walked away smirking at his misery.
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Note that, immediately after, he looks like this. Arguing with the Coven Heads makes him miserable. He doesn’t want to fight them. He’d much rather ask “how high” when they say “jump.” But they still casually assault him.
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They all knew that Belos had given him the order to leads the meeting. And they knew that Belos is a control freak who is infamous for his lack of mercy. They knew that Belos would see their decision to reschedule as Hunter’s fault, even though they did it behind his back.
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If you think he was being arrogant or whatever here, I want you to look me straight in the eyes and tell me that if your coworkers screwed you over in front of your infamously vicious boss and walked away smirking while pretending they can’t see you and literally pushing you around, you would totally keep your cool.
2) The nepotism excuse also doesn’t work.
Nepotism is supposed to make your life easier.
Hunter is a child covered in scars with huge eyebags and absolutely no social life whatsoever who rolls over and shows his neck the second an authority figure expresses any displeasure with him.
It’s plain to see that getting Belos’ “special treatment” is harming him.
Hunter eventually does pull out the “Belos’ nephew” card, in an attempt to get Darius to back off.
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But by this point, he:
- knows he has disappointed Belos, something that he fears more than death (as per Eclipse Lake)
- has been assaulted by the other Coven Heads...
- ...who added insult to injury by pretending they couldn’t see him, really rubbing it in that they find him worthless
- and then Darius, a man twice his size and thrice his age, grabbed him, spun him around, and stole his clothes
Tl:dr: Hunter is not acting entitled here, he is acting *cornered*. He is lashing out because he is scared, and like any scared kid he is calling out to his “dad.”
And the moment Darius tells him that he has to earn his position as Golden Guard, Hunter immediately agrees to do anything. There is no entitlement there, only a desperate desire to be good enough.
3) On the Boiling Isles, a half-a-witch is at best a social outcast and at worst a target.
For starters, a half-a-witch can’t get an education. You have to be able to perform spells to be allowed to go to school.
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Granted this is for Amity’s advanced class, but the idea is that you have to get there eventually, even if it takes you much longer than the gifted students. In order to go to Hexside, you must at least have the potential to use magic.
Before Luz came into the scene, glyphs were a forbidden knowledge that had been lost for hundreds of years. Add in that palismen are close to extinction, and there is simply no way for a half-a-witch to do magic.
So, you can’t go to school. But can you at least get a job?
Ah. No.
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Eda gets robbed in public by an officer of the law, in plain view of a huge crowd, and their reaction boils down to “sucks to be powerless.”
A half-a-witch essentially has no rights. They are not treated as citizens. It’s completely legal to ban them from essential functions and to refuse them pay for their labor.
If Eda had not found the Selkiedomus’ treasure, she and her family would have starved.
The discrimination against magicless creatures is so bad that even Hooty, arguably the nicest character in the show, still expresses scorn for them.
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Hunter wasn’t exaggerating in the slightest here.
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Being magicless is basically the BI equivalent of being disabled in a society that actively favours eugenics.
 4) So, what did Darius do that was so bad?
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Now, before anybody takes this post as Darius bashing, I want to bring up why he did it.
- Darius was clearly traumatised by the death of his mentor...
- ...who not only died, but also died in circumstances that must have been highly suspicious at best, so that Darius never even got proper closure and has been living with that open wound for years...
- ...in addition to the fact that Darius is extremely protecting of his loved ones, so that he must have felt the urge to protect the memory and legacy of his mentor...
- ...and that’s made ten times more painful if the replacement, who acts like the antithesis of everything his beloved mentor stood for, looks almost exactly like his mentor.
Can you imagine the grief is somebody you love with all your heart dies, and then some time later they appear to come back as an insult to everything they were?
So, I’m not denying that Darius had his own reasons here, nor am I arguing that he is a terrible person.
In case you don’t know, I like Darius so much I wrote a meta titled “Why Darius is a much better person than Fandom gives him credit for.” I like the guy, okay?
Nevertheless, he almost caused irreparable damage.
One of the reasons Hunter is so desperately loyal to Belos, is that Belos is the only one who never looked down on him for his lack of magic.
Now of course the bitter irony here is that Belos is racist against witches.
But Hunter didn’t know that.
All Hunter knew was that every person he ever met thought he was worthless for the way he was born, *except* for Belos, who said he was special.
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And what does Darius do? He goes and reinforces Hunter’s belief that nobody but Belos will ever accept him.
Now, we know that Darius wasn’t really talking about magic there. We don’t know if all grimwalkers lack magic or just Hunter, but either way, later context clues indicate that he was talking about “strength of heart” or something like that.
Nevertheless, he most definitely came across like he was saying that Hunter has no place in the EC because he has no magic.
And Darius is not stupid. He had to know what he sounded like. And he didn’t bother correcting Hunter’s assumption, let him believe that the problem with him were the circumstances of his birth.
Why did Hunter befriend the Emerald Entrails? Because he accidentally stepped on a griffon’s tail. It was sheer dumb luck. If Hunter had put his foot a couple of inches aside, he never would have met Willow.
If not for a single stroke of extraordinarily unlikely good luck, Hunter would have gone back to the castle more convinced than ever that Belos was the only person in the world who could ever give a damn about him, the only one Hunter could ever love and trust.
Darius’ words would have driven him even further into the grasp of his abuser.
This is on top of the fact that Hunter canonically reaches out many times to Darius and Eberwolf over the years, and they always responded by giving him the silent treatment. Again, “Darius ignored me as per usual, Eberwolf hissed at me also as per usual.” How can they blame him for being an ignorant fanatic, if they have systematically rebuffed any and all of his attempts to talk to the only people in the castle who are not Belos’ stooges?
And on top of the fact that “you always do as you are told” is one hell of a line to give a kid *who gets blades thrown at his face* if he says a single word Belos doesn’t like. Hunter’s devotion to Belos is also his shield from violent beatings. If Hunter ever acted “rebellious” to Belos, Belos wouldn’t just send him to his room without dinner.
5) Has Darius changed?
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6) So what’s the problem?
Remember when people were like “Amity is doing right by Willow now, but she still needs to apologise”?
And when people were like “Alador has finally started walking in the right direction towards eventually becoming a decent father for his kids, but the first step was admitting that he treated them horribly”?
As far as I know, nobody was like “Amity is cool now so there is no need for her to say sorry to Willow, and Willow kind of sucked anyway” or like “Alador is cool now so wtf does Amity have to bitch about and move his hand away, just hug it out and ignore the past”?
What this whole tl;dr essay boils down to, is that S3 needs to have a scene where the good adults in Hunter’s life acknowledge that they did him dirty, without excuses and without victim blaming.
That’s all.
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 1
Hi!!! So...I know I don't usually put out stories until they're a lot further into the story (side-eyes soulmate AU and Boy With a Bat), but this one is begging to escape confinement and I have fallen in love with the story so...
The title is a play on the line from Midsummer's Night's Dream, "Ill met by moonlight, Titania." In which Oberon is not pleased to see her. So I twisted it a bit to make it more romantic.
You can read the world building here!
Also if there are weird tense changes I'm so sorry!!! I tried to find all of them but I'm not sure I caught all of them!!!
Steve ran blindly through the trees, branches and roots raising to slow his progress to safety. He stopped for breath behind a tree, his leg aching and bleeding from the bullet wound.
"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath. He had been hearing the rumblings from the high school and beyond. He had heard that there were certain people in town picking up metaphorical pitch forks and torches against the supernatural community. He should have listened more carefully, but more than one of his pack had dismissed it as baseless rumors.
Steve closed his eyes as he fought back the tears that sprang up in the sheer agony he felt. He bit back a groan through clenched teeth. He couldn’t shift due to the silver and because of that, he couldn't heal either.
He could hear them getting closer, crashing and stumbling through the underbrush like a newborn deer. He scoffed in disdain, at least he was wounded, what was their excuse?
He tried to slow his breathing, this was no time for snarky commentary. For the first time in his life, he felt real fear. Not the jittery nerves of asking a girl out or the thrilling danger of fighting older and stronger wolves for the title of alpha. No this was true fear.
Steve opened his eyes slowly as he weighed his choices. He could either keep going and hope he made it to the pack compound, or he could make a break for the trailer park as it was closer.
He squeezed his eyes shut and ran for the tree line. He was almost there when... SNAP!
He screamed as his wounded leg got caught in a foothold trap. He tried to wrestle the trap off his leg, but the trap like the bullet was silver. A twig snapped to his left and he looked up.
He was surrounded by five men. Even in the dim light he could make out who they were. Jason Carver, Patrick McKinney, Andy Miller, Chance Nelson, and Josh Bentley. All wannabe hunters.
Jason was the worst. He had thought his pretty little girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham was human and she turned out to be a vampire. He was so disgusted he started trying to stir up the town against its supernatural population. And from the looks of it, he was succeeding.
And then his world went black.
When Steve came to, he could feel the pain of silver all over. His head, his neck, his wrists, and ankles. He lifted his head and realized that they were more than just five punk kids with too much free time on their hands. They were sick fuckers.
He was completely naked, his neck, hands, and feet were bound to a cross with thick silver cord and on his head he could feel the sting of silver thorns pressing into his scalp.
Andy whistled and all five of them stood up.
Jason picked up a metal baseball bat and dragged it behind him as he sauntered up to Steve. “Well, looks like the pup is finally awake. Hey little doggy, want a treat?”
The other boys laughed.
“This attempted murder, you assholes!” Steve spat, spitting blood in their faces.
Jason wiped off his face with a grimace. “No, it’s hunting. You’re monsters, all of you. The vampires and the werewolves. It’s time the humans rose up and took our town back. And we’re starting with you.”
Jason readied his bat when suddenly there was a snarling sound.
Steve could hear the flap of giant wings, but his captors could not.
Patrick screamed when something big and dark landed in front of him. In the dim light of their distant fire, they could only make out the shape.
It stood on pair of digitigrade legs, that ended in large cat-like paws. It’s giant, leathery wings were unfurled to its massive fifteen foot span. Its red eyes glittered with malice and rage. From what they could see of the hands, the ended in long claws or talons and the fingers were tipped black.
The beast in front of them roared.
Andy was the first to turn to tail. “You said werewolves! You didn’t say anything about vampires!” he screamed over his shoulder.
“Get back here!” Jason hissed. “We have silver you moron! He can’t hurt us!”
The vampire chuckled darkly and took a a step toward Jason, cocking his head to side, just before he lunged right at him.
Wayne smelled the blood of a wounded werewolf first. He straightened up in his comfy recliner and scented the air. Eddie, who had been preoccupied playing his guitar, stopped.
He tilted his head toward the direction Wayne was scenting.
Wayne made a face. “Silver. I told Sheriff Powell those boys would be trouble.”
Eddie nodded. Even before Wayne changed him into a vampire, he knew that Jason Carver and his ilk were bad news.
“Go!” Wayne growled. “I’ll inform the authorities.”
Eddie grinned. He was finally going to get a little payback for the bullying in high school tonight. He leaped from the trailer and had transformed before he even reached the arc of his jump. His wings extended and with two mighty beats he was airborne.
Now that he was in the air he could smell what Wayne had. The cloying scent of werewolf blood. It was richer and darker then human blood with a kind of spice to it, like clove or cardamon.
And it was absolutely tainted with silver.
Those idiots! Eddie snarled. Not only had the hunted a werewolf just yards away from their compound they had also hunted so close to the trailer park. It was like they were asking for hell to be brought down on their heads.
He ran his tongue over his fangs as he sought out his prey. He swooped down about one yards feet from Forest Hills and caught sight of the trap the hunters had used to capture the werewolf.
A chill ran down his spine. Those types of traps were considered inhumane to animals he couldn’t imagine someone wanting to use it on a sentient being for fuck’s sake.
Eddie quickly dismantled the trap and disposed of the pieces safely. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt on it, human or supe.
After he was done he noticed that some of the blood of the werewolf had gotten on his hands. He brought one finger to his lips for a taste and god it tasted divine.
It also told him he had a much bigger problem on his hands then a wounded werewolf on his hands.
The bastards had taken Steve. The Harrington pack alpha.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Eddie thought as he kicked at the forest floor.
This was bad.
Having tasted the blood, all his senses were filled with the scent of Steve Harrington. Eddie had to stop and narrow in on one sense. His sense of smell. He blocked out everything else.
Eddie launched himself back into the air again. This time he was able to sense were they had taken him.
It led him to a small clearing with a lit fire and the scent of blood was all over the camp site and everywhere else for about one hundred yards in all directions.
Eddie had to begrudgingly give them that one. If Steve hadn’t been the alpha, that would have confused anyone trying to find him. But it seemed like these idiots didn’t realize that being the alpha came with a shit ton of perks.
Being able to change someone into a werewolf, the ability to banish people from the pack, the ability to bond with a mate (other werewolves mated, but it was more like a marriage to humans), and the ability to have the whole pack know where you are based on your scent.
Eddie wasn’t completely sure about the magics on that, but it fascinated him deeply.
And then he saw Steve and a growl was ripped from his throat against his will.
They weren’t leaving anything to chance. Either Steve died from the blood loss and not being able to heal because of all the silver or he would suffocate from being fucking crucified.
And then Eddie folded his wings and dropped to the forest floor in a dive.
Steve watched in utter fascination and admiration as the vampire played with and chased his prey.
He was in too much pain if thought it was sexy as hell. He was lightheaded and nauseous from the blood loss and the silver burning into his skin. He chest hurt and he was starting to struggle to breathe.
He lowered his head to his chest, trying to catch his breath, but he felt it rattle around his chest.
Suddenly there were flashing lights and shouts from men other then the hunters.
Steve must have blacked out again, because in front of him was a terrified Sheriff Powell and very angry Eddie Munson.
“This is the price of your inaction!” Eddie was snarling.
“They are just kids!” the sheriff hissed back.
“Not if they can do that to the alpha of the largest pack in the county,” Eddie snapped. “I will make sure that coven is made aware of this as well as the pack.”
Sheriff Powell gulped. “You wouldn’t!”
Eddie leaned into his space. “You should have thought of that before you did nothing!”
Sheriff Powell hung his head. He looked back up at Steve and then he nodded. He walked back to the other police officers and cars.
Steve suddenly felt cool hands touch his face gently.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. “You awake, babe?”
He lifted his head and Eddie hissed in sympathy. “They beat you good.”
Steve didn’t even feel the pain in his face not when everything else hurt as much if not worse. “I’m dying...”
Eddie cursed. “Let’s get you down from there before that can happen, okay? Just hold on, I’ve got you.”
Steve heard a crack and suddenly he was being lowered gently to the ground, face first.
“Sorry about the dirt in your face, Stevie,” Eddie murmured, “But this is the easiest way to get the silver off of you.”
Steve tuned his head and nodded the best he could.
The wood splintered and he felt the wood and silver band slide off his left arm. He wanted to immediately tuck it under his chest to protect it from further harm, but he was too tired to even so much as twitch his wrist.
Slowly, one by one, Eddie broke the cross around him until Steve was free.
Eddie rolled him over and pulled him into his embrace.
Steve reached up and stroked Eddie’s cheek. “Thank you.”
Eddie blushed. “You’re okay now.”
He reached down and tried to break the chain across Steve’s neck. But it sapped his super-human strength and no matter how hard he tugged, it remained firmly in place.
“Sorry,” he told Steve. “I can’t break it, but I can at least get the crown off, so it doesn’t muss your pretty hair.”
Steve laughed. “It’s okay, this isn’t the first time I’ve had a silver collar and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
Eddie winced at that because who the fuck would do something like that to him.
Eddie tenderly propped Steve up against a tree and tore several ribbons from the bottom of his shirt and gently wrapped Steve’s neck in the soft black cotton. “I hope this will help keep it off your skin so that you can heal enough not to die before I get you to the compound.”
“How are you going to get me home?” Steve asked. “Won’t the silver sap your strength?”
Eddie chuckled. “Only if it touches my skin, but even if that wasn’t the case, I’d still be able to carry you from here to there, no problem.”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “You been bench pressing behind everyone’s back there, Munson?”
Eddie scooped him up without effort and cradled him to his chest. “You aren’t any heavier than a drum kit, sweetheart, and I’ve hauled those plenty of times. Plus I was in stage crew in high school. Those backdrops aren’t lightweights let me tell you.”
“All right, you win,” Steve conceded.
Eddie looked down at Steve and could already tell that even with the bullet in his leg, Steve was looking better.
He walked all the way to the compound, afraid of flying because he hadn’t flown with someone before and was terrified he’d drop Steve. Steve and he murmured to each other whole trip, growing fonder with each step.
Steve felt safe again, wrapped in the arms of this metalhead vampire. When he ran from the hunters he never thought he’d feel that ever again.
In a time that was far too long and not quick enough at the same time, they arrived at the entrance the pack.
“Okay, Stevie,” Eddie said gently placing him on the ground. “If I walk in there, your pack is going to rip me to shreds.”
“I know,” Steve mumbled. “I’m grateful you got me this far. Thank you.”
“I’ll check up on you tomorrow when you’re all healed, though,” Eddie promised.
Steve cupped Eddie’s cheek again. “I look forward to it.”
Eddie blushed a dark red in the moonlight. “Get well, alpha.” And then he took off into the night as three keepers came rushing to the line of trees to help Steve.
He smiled ruefully and then set off for home.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
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Star Patient: Chapter 4 (ONGOING SLOW BURN SERIES)
WARNING: This series will include; possible inaccurate medical procedures and medical setting, gore, toxic relationships that should NOT be replicated in real life, murder, yanderes, cursing, suicide mentions, implications of misandry (male misogyny), and possibly more.
Inaccurate canon-timeline (this is before Ashley and Andrew murdered their parents).
Reader has a small fear of adult men/rape and has a history of suicide attempts.
Incest is not Wincest.
Amnesiac! Obsessive! Patient! Andrew Graves x Yandere! Nurse! Reader:
Wordcount: 11,018 words
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, current chapter, Chapter 5 + 6 (in the works)
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        "Hey Andy, wake up..."
        "Andrew, wake up!" 
        Andrew shot awake, before letting out a hiss, clutching his head as it pounded terribly. He cradled his head, before turning his attention to his bedside, where Ashley stood. 
        "What are you doing here?" Andrew questioned, still holding his head. "You manage to worm your way in here that quickly after getting banned?" 
        "Hospital security sucks." She hummed. "That, or they just hire any idiot off the street."
        "Maybe you can get a job here." Andrew commented sarcastically, earning a half-hearted glare from his sister. "But you still didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" 
        "Well, how are you healing? Are we ready to get out of here?" Ashley questioned, sitting down on his bedside, the uneven distribution of weight on his bed causing his injured legs to shift, making him wince. 
        "I don't know..." he hissed between his teeth as pain shot through his legs and head. "I think it'd be best for me to stay here until I can walk again. We have no where to go when I heal up, and the nurse said I'd have to be bedridden for a few weeks to make sure my legs heal and get strong again." He spoke. "I bet there's probably going to have to be physical therapy too for my legs, so I can walk and crap." 
        "Ugh... healing broken bones takes too long. I feel like a kid watching their grandpa die." She groaned, physically deflating. 
        "What's the rush?" Andrew questioned. "We're out of our old city, and it's not like anyone's following us anymore." 
        Ashley had a look on her face, a flash of hesitancy appeared on her face, gaining Andrew's immediate interest. "I just... I had a dream last night, from the demon, and..." she paused, looking away as she thought what to say.
        "And...? And what?" Andrew questioned, prompting for her to go on.
        "Ah, never mind." She huffed, a little frustrated. "It's not something you can help with, being bedridden and all." 
        "Are you sure?" Andrew questioned, seeming concerned. "You can tell me—" 
        "Don't worry about it, Andy!" Ashley smiled, plastering on a fake smile. "It's nothing too big. So, how are the nurses and doctors treating you?" 
        "Good..." Andrew muttered. 
        He was concerned about Ashley's strange behavior, but he knew that if she didn't want to talk, she sure as hell won't. 
        "They're all fine... Some of the nurses and doctors here are pretty weird, but the one nurse that takes care of me seems pretty nice." Andrew explained. "but, she works in the pediatric branch so I don't see her much." Andrew quickly added, hoping that his lack of time and attention to the nurse would save him from another argument between the siblings.
        "A nurse? Is she pretty?" Ashley questioned, keeping up her innocent smile.
        Andrew knew this trap very well. He opted to look away from her eyes, staring out the window at the daylight outside.
        "No..." he lied. "I wouldn't say that."
        "Really? Even with her pretty (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair?" Ashley questioned.
        When did Ashley meet (Y/N)? Ashley had never been in the hospital during the night, so there's no way she met her inside the hospital.
        "How did you know what she looked like? Did you meet (Y/N)?" Andrew questioned, curious as he turned his gaze back at Ashley.
        "I knew it..." Ashley muttered, a distasteful expression on her face. 
        "What?" Andrew questioned, confused.
        "Don't worry about it." Ashley spoke, standing up from the bed's end, the small movement causing Andrew's legs to hurt a bit. "I'm gonna go grab food. I didn't get any on the way here. I'll see you later, Andrew." Ashley smiled.
        Before Andrew could open his mouth, Ashley walked out of his room, exploring the hospital as she avoided the nurses and security guards who could recognize her. She was able to snatch a scalpel lying in one of the empty doctor offices while a nurse was cleaning the exam table, headphones in her ears as she blasted music. Quite unprofessional really, but it helped Ashley get a weapon that was actually useful rather than an empty handgun. 
        She shoved it in her pocket and waited around the hospital for hours, changing her hiding spot every now and then. She made sure to stay in the pediatric branch, the branch Andrew said that pretty little nurse worked in. In one of her hiding spots, two little boys were rummaging around before they discovered her.
        The two had been looking around for their parents after escaping their hospital rooms, Ashley figured due to them calling out “Mom! Dad!” in the hallways. They got to her hiding spot and opened the white curtain she was hiding behind, looking to see if their parents were behind there (kid logic, it makes no sense).
        Before the two could scream, Ashley quickly covered their mouths with her hands.
        “Don’t be brats now, stay quiet.” She hissed.
        They looked at each other, then her, before nodding. Ashley looked hesitant to let them go, but she didn’t want to be discovered, so she moved her hands from their mouths, wiping her hands on her shirt.
        “Are you a ghost?” one of the kids whispered.
        “No.” She answered, her expression a mix between boredom and displeasure.
        “Are you a nurse?” the other questioned. 
        “No.” Ashley scoffed, her tone almost sounding offended that they had the audacity to say that. “Like I’d work with kids."
        “So, who are you? What are you doing here?” one of the blond boys questioned.
        “I’m playing hide and seek with one of my friends.” She lied. “Leave, you’re gonna give away my hiding spot.” She huffed, grabbing the curtain and closing it to shield her from view.
        Before the kids could ask to play too (having already forgotten their parents), they heard footsteps, followed by a voice.
        “What are you two doing?” a female questioned, her shadow being seen through the curtain. 
        Both of the boys jumped, letting out squeals as they turned to look at her. Ashley grabbed the scalpel she stole out of her pocket, holding it tightly in her hand. Whether it was the she was looking for or not, she’d kill her if she gets discovered.
        “N-nothing! Just… playing!” one of the boys spoke nervously.
        Good… Ashley thought, smirking. 
        “I’m Tom, that’s Jerry.” One introduced themselves.
        “Like the cartoon?” the nurse questioned.
        Funny. Ashley thought sarcastically, rolling her eyes at the joke.
        “Um… yes?” one of them spoke, hesitant in their answer.
        “Well, it sure matches you both, since you sneaked out of your rooms.” The nurse commented. “Who are you talking to?” she questioned.
        Ashley’s grip on the scalpel’s handle tightened, wiggling her shoulders to loosen up a bit in case the nurse got too curious, getting ready to kill her.
        “Come along now.” The nurse spoke.
        Ashley watched the two small shadows walk away from her hiding spot. The nurse stayed for a second, keeping her attention on the curtain, before she guided the two boys away from her. Ashley peeked her head out of the curtain, seeing a nurse with two little boys walking away. The nurse had (h/c) hair, but Ashley couldn’t see the color of her eyes.
        Damn. Ashley thought. I think that was just my target…
        She couldn’t be certain per se, but it was certainly the best description so far. 
        Well, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, it’s probably for the best. If she killed the girl in this hospital, not only could she get medical assistance from others in the hospital if something goes wrong, but it’d be a pain in the ass to hide the body somewhere here too (not to mention the security cameras). If someone died in the hospital, they’d check the security cameras and find Ashley, then Andrew would be in trouble too since Ashley walked in his room and he was left unharmed. 
        If she can’t kill her in the hospital, she’d just kill her at home. She can just hitch a ride in (Y/N)’s car, it’s really not that hard. Ashley can just follow the girl out of the hospital and either threaten her with the empty gun (not like the nurse would know) or she can just unlock her car depending on her car’s model.
        Ashley made sure to follow behind (Y/N) for the rest of the night. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait too long. After rushing out of the staff room, she ran to the elevators. Ashley took the chance to rush down the hallway and slide down the hospital staircase railing, reaching the elevator’s lobby. She followed (Y/N) out of the hospital lobby, following her to her car. 
        (Y/N) unlocked the car and hopped in the driver’s seat, Ashley timing opening and closing the door from her the back passenger side on her right. (Y/N) buckled her seatbelt, turning up the radio to a random jazz station this late at night and sitting in her car, thinking in silence.
        (Y/N) seemed to be muttering to herself, this combined with the radio on allowed Ashley to situate herself onto the car floor, away from (Y/N)’s vision. Maybe if (Y/N) wasn’t so upset, or maybe if she drove in silence without the auditory distraction, she would’ve noticed Ashley behind her; but she didn’t.
        Ashley decided not to kill (Y/N) at the moment. If (Y/N) died, they’d crash and Ashley could potentially die or be hospitalized; which would give her a one-way ticket to jail after they examine (Y/N)’s body and realized she didn’t die from the crash.
        (Y/N) kept muttering as she drove, seemingly annoyed. Ashley was a bit curious of what she was so upset about (Penelope’s potential crush for Andrew, she was upset about) but Ashley stayed quiet; it would be pretty stupid to say “hey, what are you muttering about?” when you snuck into your victim’s car to kill them. 
        The drive wasn’t too long, but to Ashley it felt like an entirety. When the car stopped, (Y/N) turned off the radio and stayed in the car for a few minutes, her hands gripping the steering wheel as she stared into space absentmindedly. She finally let out a sigh, then unlocked her car and hopped out. (Y/N) locked the car and walked to her apartment door on the first floor outside, opening the door and shutting it behind her. 
        Ashley undid the car door lock on the inside, popping up the lock button and carefully exiting the car (after a small heart attack from the inner lights of the car turning on once she opened the door). She made sure there were no people in the parking lot, then she shut the car door behind her and ran up to (Y/N)’s apartment. 
        Ashley walked up to the door, carefully trying the door handle to see if it was unlocked. It was.
        This is almost pathetic how easy it is…
        Either the work day tired her out, or she really has no common sense or street smarts.
        Ashley slinked into the apartment, the house pitch black. (Y/N) didn’t even bother trying to light up the house, now this was starting to get almost sad.
        Ashley crept carefully through the hallway, using her hands to guide her through the dark. Ashley made it to an opening that led into the living room, the only source of light being the window that showed the sun starting to rise.
        (Y/N) was on her back as she laid on her couch, staring up at the ceiling silently, no thoughts seeming to go through her mind.
        Okay, now this is depressing. Very depressing. Ashley almost felt a little sorry taking her life; or, what was left of it really, which wasn’t much it seemed.  
        Ashley carefully walked past the depressed nurse, finding her kitchen. Ashley decided she didn’t want the scalpel anymore and she traded it for a long kitchen knife instead, 8 inches long with a sharp, pointy blade. 
        She held the knife as she explored more of the house, finding (Y/N)’s room. The room was probably the most decorated of the house, with small plotted pants in the window (surprisingly alive, a comparison to their soon-to-be-dead owner). Her room wasn’t decorated much, having a dresser, a closet, a bookshelf of books, a bed, and a desk. Her walls were pretty plain, and she barely had anything on her dresser to hold other than a multimedia center on it.
        Even her bedding was a plain grey, but there were colorful soft plushies that covered the bed to brighten up the room.
        Ashley’s unsure if that’s childish or even more pathetic, needing plushies to replace humans? That’s just depressing.
        Ashley was starting to doubt if it was even worth killing this woman, her life is already pathetic enough as it is. Ashley even contemplated if someone would even miss her. For now, Ashley hid behind the bedroom door and waited for (Y/N) to walk in… whenever she decides to stop sulking on the couch.         .         .
        (Y/N) laid on her couch, staring at the ceiling pathetically. She couldn’t be bothered to think, or even recall her day. Days and week just all just seemed to blur into one now. If one of her patients told her this is how they felt in life, she’d be considered and talk with Doctor Ryan about scheduling an appointment with a therapist; but (Y/N) had been living like this since she was a child. It doesn’t affect her as much as it did when she was a child.
        Being alone doesn’t hurt anymore.
        I need to get up and shower… (Y/N) thought. 
        She turned on her side, staring at her reflection in her TV. She looked pathetic curled up on the couch like that. 
        She wanted to get up and get ready for deal, get rid of all the germs and hazardous matter that was stuck on her clothes and skin, but walking to the bathroom just seemed like a challenge. 
        She groaned, pausing a few seconds, before getting up from her couch and sluggishly walking to her room.
        I just need to shower, eat a meal, then sleep. I should be feeling better tomorrow. She thought, telling herself the same lie she’s told herself for years. 
        She walked down her hallway, a plain hallway. It was nothing but bare wall, just about as empty as she felt here alone. She had no paintings to put up (and deciding what she’d hang up would be too much of a struggle). She didn’t want to hang up any of her awards or accomplishments, they held no meaning if her parents couldn’t see the victory or praise her for it. She had no family pictures, and even if she did, she wouldn’t have felt pride about the woman that would stand in the frame—not herself or her mother.
        She let out a soft sigh, maybe she should get a pet? Sleeping in a bed covered with stuffed animals doesn't really make loneliness any better, just makes sleep more comfortable. Pets are great for depression too! But it'd be so bothersome trying to choose one, yet alone have time for it... maybe she could just get her a reptile, something that can live inside of a habitat and won't need much care; be independent and uncaring to touch, unlike her own needs.
        She opened her bedroom door, flicking on the light switch. She stepped inside, rummaging through her drawers for a comfortable set of pajamas. Ashley stood in the corner, watching (Y/N) from behind the open bedroom door, before she decided to take her chance. 
        She carefully crept behind (Y/N), a kitchen knife in hand, one she stole from (Y/N)'s kitchen since Andrew wasted all the bullets in her gun when he shot that hitman in the park. She was a little nervous, it’d be her first kill without Andrew or the help of her demon friend.
        As much as she’d like to give (Y/N)’s soul to the demon, this felt more like a personal kill. Surely the demon wouldn’t mind too much if Ashley gave them a dead body instead of a living person.
        Ashley raised her knife in the air, planning to hit (Y/N)’s neck. She’d rather make this quick, they’re in an apartment complex so there’s neighbors around; she’d rather not have anyone hear what’s going on.
        Before Ashley could plunge the knife down, (Y/N) turned around, her clothes in hand as she looked at Ashley. Her eyes widened, surprised, before it trailed to the silver blade in her hands.
        “…Hey?” Ashley smiled, feigning an amused smile to hide the nervousness she felt in committing this act alone for the first time.
        “Are you… trying to kill me with my own kitchen knife?” (Y/N) questioned, recognizing the blade almost immediately.
        She even looked a bit annoyed that Ashley had the audacity to kill her with her own knife, her own money and cooking utensil being used against her. That’s indeed a bit frustrating once you push away that fear, recognizing you’re about to die.
        “Uh, yeah?” Ashley confirmed. “Are you gonna fight, or is this gonna be—“ 
        (Y/N) quickly grabbed her bottle of perfume before Ashley could finish her sentence, spraying Ashley in the eyes. 
        Yeah, not easy, it seemed.
        “Fuck!” Ashley hissed, squeezing her eyes shut as she swung her knife rapidly in the air. 
        (Y/N) was trapped between Ashley and the dresser, trying to avoid the knife before it slashed her forearm. (Y/N) took the chance, using her dresser for leverage as she placed her foot on the dresser for a boost, smashing her shoulder into Ashley’s chest, pushing her away. 
        Ashley stumbled on the ground, the knife laying next to her as her eyes stung from the potent citrusy perfume. (Y/N) rushed past Ashley, but Ashley heard her steps and reached out. With luck, she successfully grabbed (Y/N)’s leg and tripped her, resorting in her falling right next to Ashley. 
        “Fucking bitch.” Ashley hissed venomously, feeling for her knife through her blurred vision.
        She felt the cold blade, reaching a bit lower and grabbing the handle, keeping a strong hold of it. She kept ahold of (Y/N)’s leg as she stabbed her calf, hitting bone. 
        A terrible sharp and tingling sensation shot through (Y/N)’s leg, seeing white for a second as the pain caught up. (Y/N) let out a gasp, verging on a scream, before Ashley raised the knife once more, plunging it in a spot near the  first wound.
        (Y/N) reached back and kicked Ashley in the face a few times, resulting in Ashley letting go of (Y/N)’s foot. Ashley groaned, standing up from the ground as (Y/N) clutched her leg, knowing it wouldn’t be wise to try and stand up in case of any tearing or excessive bleeding. It’s not like she could run far now.
        Ashley stood over her, tears in her eyes as she did her best to see through them and fight the stinging. They both glared at each other, needing no words to show their distaste in one another.
        “I wouldn’t have to do this if you would’ve just stayed away from Andrew.” Ashley spoke, glaring down at her.
        “Not my fault he prefers me. Maybe if you weren’t so obsessive and insecure he could somewhat tolerate your sorry ass.” (Y/N) retorted, a pained smile on her face to piss Ashley off.
        “You’re one to talk.” She chuckled. “Must be real nice to come home alone, pathetically lounging around lazily.”
        “I’m lazy because of hard work. What do you do for a living other than blowing heads and giving it?” (Y/N) chuckled at her vulgar comment (one with lack of evidence, but it wasn't supposed to be a fact), a smile on her face as she observed Ashley. “Doesn’t take much to use that mouth of yours, considering how big it is from all that big shit you talk.” 
        If Ashley wasn’t mad now, she was absolutely livid now at (Y/N)’s insult. She bent down and grabbed a fistful of (Y/N)’s hair, grabbing a fistful of it as she dragged (Y/N) up. (Y/N) stood on her one leg, keeping any weight off her injured one as Ashley glared at her.
        “I can’t wait to kill you. I’ll even bring your head to Andrew so he could see how pathetic you look with your eyes rolled back and tongue hanging out. Hell, I think I’ll cut that tongue out after I’m done with you, that way you can’t bother the devil with it.” She hissed. 
        “You gonna eat it after? Have your own tongue-action with me since you’re so jealous?” (Y/N) chuckled. “Or would you rather that with your own brother? That’s pretty disgusting, if you ask me. Mommy and daddy didn’t give you enough attention so you had to resort to your own brother.”
        Yes, because (Y/N) definitely had a healthy relationship with her parents to say that...
        “I would never eat you. You’re too salty, and that’s not just your attitude too.” Ashley smirked. “After I cut your tongue out and take your head to Andrew, I’ll give your soul to that demon for some vision, then I’ll dump your body in some alley for some homeless man to use.” 
        “Demon?” (Y/N) questioned. “Of course you’d have connections with demons.” 
        “What can I say?” Ashley smiled as a stabbing sensation hit (Y/N)’s stomach. “I get around.”
        “Yeah…” (Y/N) groaned, a pained chuckle escaping her. “I can tell…” 
        Ashley took the knife out of (Y/N’s stomach, going to plunging again, but (Y/N) quickly used her nails and smashed them into Ashley’s eyes, kneeing Ashley with her injured leg since she couldn’t use her healthy once because she’d just fall once applying pressure to her injured leg.
        Ashley let out a short scream at the feeling. Ashley tumbled backwards as (Y/N) followed, using her weight to hold Ashley down as Ashley thrashed about. Ashley tried to stab (Y/N) again, but (Y/N) grabbed her wrists, the two of them struggling for the knife.
        “Let go!” Ashley shouted, one of her eyes covered by (Y/N)’s sharp thumb.
        “You first!” (Y/N) retorted, knowing very well the both of them wouldn't give up as she moved her other hand to the knife, now having both of her hands to try and fight for the knife. (Y/N) ignored the stinging in her forearm from earlier’s slashing.
        (Y/N) was able to grab the knife from Ashley’s hands after a bit of a struggle and a few small cuts on the finger. She held onto the blade tightly as Ashley tried to keep (Y/N)’s wrist steady. It was proven fruitless as the first stab hit Ashley’s chest, hitting bone. Ashley let out a choked sob, pain pooling out of her mouth and chest.
        (Y/N) scoffed, a bit annoyed at Ashley's struggle. If Ashley would just keep still, it wouldn’t hurt as bad. She was willing to make it quick, but Ashley’s squirming and thrashing around was only making her miss.
        “Stop moving.” (Y/N) hissed, using her injured hand to hold Ashley still by her neck.
        (Y/N) struck the knife down again, stabbing Ashley’s sternum. And again, she stabbed her chest, over and over as Ashley let out pained groans and small whimpers, doing her best to claw (Y/N)’s hands. Her hands weakened, her protests and strangled breaths shortening as her pulse weakened under (Y/N)’s hold while (Y/N)’s pulse and breaths only quickened, as if Ashley was giving her own life to her.
        She kept stabbing...
        She kept stabbing...
        She kept stabbing.
        It was like she couldn’t control her hand, like she had no thought other than the echo in her ears.
        She didn’t stop until her hand was soaked, too wet to hold the knife right. She realized she had been stabbing all the way down to the hilt, eight inches that was repeatedly stabbing into Ashley’s chest.
        (Y/N) paused, staring down at Ashley’s face, both faces void of emotion and thought. 
        I did that. She realized.
        A sick turning sensation lurked in her stomach, making her realize she was stabbed in an vital point. She dropped her knife, groaning as she hissed. She got up off Ashley’s dead body, crawling her way to her bathroom, making sure not to get any blood on her carpet. It would've been better for her if Ashley just kept the knife in her stomach, keeping the wound plugged in, but unfortunately Lady Luck seems to avoid (Y/N) any chance she can. 
        She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a med-kit. Well, that’s one thing useful about being a nurse, you’re always prepared at home.
        She opened the kit, but paused. She couldn’t just open up her stomach and stitch up the insides, but if she goes to the hospital like this she’d definitely get questioned. (Y/N) groaned, mulling over what she should do. 
        She didn’t mean to kill Ashley. Well, she did in self-defense, but she didn’t mean to do it so cruelly. It was almost like second-nature to harm her.
        But she deserved it, didn’t she? She hurt Andrew, (Y/N) remembers that. Ashley made him jump, she’s the one that broke his legs and gave him internal bleeding in his head. (Y/N) made not know much about Ashley, but she knows how manipulative she is. She remembered hearing Ashley screaming at Andrew the first day she met Andrew. She remembered Ashley accusing Andrew of all the crimes he did; of course, he committed them, but she helped too, so she was still at fault. 
        The Graves siblings, even their name is fitting. Two siblings who put others in their graves, and now one is in their own. 
        (Y/N) couldn’t go to the police, not with this. It was self-defense, maybe with the intent of third-degree murder, a spur of the moment, nevertheless it was to protect herself even if she did get a bit carried away. She surely can’t just blame it all on stress or childhood neglect, she’d be a hypocrite.
        She always refused to let her past get in the way of her future. The love she didn’t receive from her parents, she gave to herself. The support she never received from her parents, she gave to herself. She earned all her awards, her scholarships, her jobs, her money all on her own without any support, encouragement, or financial aid from her parents.
        Her mother didn’t believe she could be a nurse. Her mother never really had any faith in her, but her mother never did stick around her long enough to bother learning who were daughter was.
        “You’re far too apathetic and antisocial for that sort of thing, they'd be scared of you.” Her mother would say. “All you care about is yourself. You’d be fired within the first week for neglecting the kids..”
        Ironic coming from her.
        Her father didn’t want her to be a nurse either, not for pediatrics or adults. 
        “It’s just not a good idea. You’re too sensitive for such things. You couldn’t survive watching kids die everyday, that’s such a depressing job.” Her father would say. “You shouldn’t be a nurse in general. Adult men take advantage of caring nurses, it doesn’t help that you’re so... weak? You're just too innocent and pretty for that kind of work! It’s best you find something else. Do something that makes you happy!” 
        Yeah, she totally refuse to let her past get in her way... Her apartment was as void of color as her. She slept with plushies to cope with her loneliness. On bad days, she has no friends to call or parents who'd listen to her vent, so the stuffed animals listen to her instead. She doesn't ever have energy to eat or shower or clean, the only reason she does all those things is to keep herself somewhat healthy so she wouldn't draw any attention from others. She wouldn't want to be a bother to them over some measly emotions. She's dealt with depression practically her whole life, why suddenly indulge in change if it might worsen her condition. 
        She doesn't want to be happy, that would involve having to put energy into changing herself and her lifestyle, and all she wants to do is spend her energy hopping into bed and sleeping. She wasn't one to care for herself, she liked making other people happy. 
        Kids made her happy. Medicine made her happy. She loved working with kids, caring and nurturing for them like they were her own. She liked being the reason a kid could walk again, or talk, or play, or smile. She liked helping children, giving them the help they needed. She liked being able to change their lives, catch those early signs and prevent them from becoming herself; someone absolutely miserable, depressed, and hating herself. Hell, the only reason she hasn't killed herself was because she doesn't want to be a bother to other people. 
        She liked medicine. She liked studying medical advancements, all the new machines and inventions and vaccines and diseases and all! She liked learning about it all; medical procedures, illnesses and disorders, psychology facts, disorders, injuries, hell sometimes medicine could even dive into philosophy! 
        Medicine and kids made her happy because it was what she lacked as a child. She liked being a pediatric nurse, she liked giving kids the chance to receive help early on so they could be functional adults in life, so they couldn't end up like (Y/N); a mother who couldn't care about her, a misguided father, money being towards bills and education, no relationships or genuine connections or friendships with people, and no joy in life other than sleeping her days away. As a nurse, she could catch onto early symptoms for kids and be able to address the issues before it worsen; whether it'd be physical or mental health, that's why she's studying to be a pediatrician now. 
        But she can't be a pediatrician if she goes to jail. This act of self-defense was far too cruel and grotesque, the judges wouldn't believe that it was for self-defense, far too homicidal and beast-like with how she basically just slashed Ashley's ribcage open. No, she wouldn't win that court case at all. She'd lose her job, and she'd probably never be able to work in medical field ever! She needed to do something.
        She put the med-kit back into her cabinet, instead she took off her shoe and grabbed her sock, plugging up her wound with it. Yes, it was very gross and she felt like gagging at this, but it was to insure she wouldn't bleed out. She had been stabbed in her stomach with an 8-inch knife, so no doubt there would be internal damage she couldn't patch up on her own. She used her other sock to plug in the hole on her right calf, plugging the wound up until it was stuffed despite the pain she felt digging her fingers into the wound. She put back on her shoes without her socks and stood up from the ground
        She quickly got to work, grabbing two large black blankets. She wrapped up Ashley's body in both blankets, ensuring the blood wouldn't drip everywhere, and she dragged the body to her car. She put the body and knife in her trunk and limped back into her house, quickly mopping up the mess using hydrogen peroxide on her floors to completely get rid of all the blood. She put her phone on her charger at home, leaving it so the police couldn't track her location on her phone in case anything happens. She got in her car and drove, going further and further out of the city until a good distance away, going to the woods. She got the dead body and knife out of her car, dragging it a good ways into the dark woods before dropping it. 
        She couldn't leave the body in her apartment, and she couldn't just drop it off somewhere in the city when her DNA was under Ashley's fingernails when Ashley scratched her. She left the knife here too, she didn't want to keep a knife she almost got murdered with, and she didn't want to keep it as a trophy for her crimes either. Here in these woods, this is where the police will least likely find her and the murder weapon, at least for tonight. Tomorrow, (Y/N) will return and dig a grave for her, or maybe she'll luck out a wild animal will feast on her. Even then, nobody will probably miss her other than Andrew.
        Jesus, what is she gonna tell Andrew? She can't just say she killed his sister! Even if he's a runaway criminal, she's one too now! He's probably not against murdering her, even if he doesn't like her better than the other nurses. I mean, she killed his sister, so it's only natural for him to kill her?
        But, his sister was just a runaway, she was a criminal! Maybe there's no police looking for them, but still! (Y/N) was a nurse, she's saved plenty of lives, surely taking one can't be that bad? Especially if she took a wrongdoer's life? 
        Before she could turn around and walk out of the woods, she stopped, pausing. She had this nagging feeling to check Ashley’s pockets. It was like a gut instinct (or perhaps literally being gutted earlier) that told her to check. She got on the ground, undoing the blankets and checking Ashley’s pockets to sate this desire. She first found a gun in her waistband. (Y/N) took the gun, popping out the magazine to check how many rounds there were.
        None, empty. Either Ashley found this gun with no bullets, or she already used them.
        (Y/N) did some more digging and found a scalpel, a hospital scalpel from her work she could only assume. Perhaps Ashley was planning to kill (Y/N) with the small blade, before deciding to steal her kitchen knife instead. The bigger the better, right?
        Finally, she looked in Ashley's pockets once more and found something in one of her pockets. Some black and red occult looking charm.
        She remembered Ashley mentioning how she’d give a demon (Y/N)’s soul in exchange for a vision. Is this their charm that keeps them in contact, or in a contract together? Whatever it was, (Y/N) felt like she should keep it in case it was indeed something to a demon; she didn’t want it going into the wrong hands (as if she could talk). (Y/N) shoved the charm into her pocket, keeping the gun and scalpel now that it had her fingerprints, before turning around.
        Did you see this coming, Ashley? (Y/N) thought, resisting the urge to let a smug smirk form on her face. 
        She limped back out of the woods, hopping into her car and hiding the two weapons under her car seat away from view. She turned the engine on, speeding to the hospital and going ten above the speed limit. It wasn't good for her to be out for so long. She could live with her leg being injured so long as she didn't bleed out, but her stomach could definitely develop to internal bleeding, if not already due to how big that knife was. On her way there, she tried thinking of an alibi. This is a knife wound, so it's mandatory for the hospital staff to report this incident to the police. The police are going to ask her questions about what happened and such. (Y/N) doesn't want to come clean, if she does, her whole life would be ruined! She'd lose the only thing she has in her life that she genuinely cares about; her job. If she loses her job and education, she'd be completely lost in this world with absolutely no passions or interests, she might just develop an interest for putting herself in a grave instead and take her life. 
        She thought about her alibi, before cooking up a shitty one. It's the only one she has for a time like this. She can just say that she was driving to the small local store near her apartment complex after work (thus explaining her hospital scrubs), and when she walked out, she was harassed by a man so she fought him and escaped, then drove to the hospital to get medical assistance. She could say she didn't recognize the man, and that he wore a mask so she couldn't see what he looked like. The store she was thinking about just had their cameras stolen a week ago and they have't bother replacing them yet, so there would be no camera footage to confirm or deny this accusation. Her apartment complex is on a bad side of town too (the rent was cheap there), and their camera footage must not be any higher than a quality of a Nokia, so it most likely didn't catch Ashley sneaking into her apartment, or (Y/N) dragging something out out her apartment. Maybe she can pull this off!
        Sure, it's a bad excuse, but what else does she have? This is the best she can come up with on short notice, especially with no witnesses (which is good), along with no camera footage to protect or challenge her word. They'd just have to believe her because what else can they do? She's obviously injured! People in big cities get stabbed all the time and sometimes the assaulters get away with it, maybe she can do this too! 
        (Y/N) got to the hospital entrance and quickly made sure to do a check in her car to make sure there was no DNA of Ashley's. She hopped out of the car and brushed off any dirt or hair or such on her, making sure her gun and scalpel were hidden under her car seat, before limping into the hospital lobby and getting inside of the ER waiting room. 
        The receptionist sat doing work on her computer before her eyes trailed to (Y/N). 
        “Are you okay?” they questioned as (Y/N) held onto her stomach, applying pressure to the sock.
        “I got stabbed in the stomach and my calf. I’ve been bleeding for quite a while, I reckon I’ll pass out soon.” She explained. 
        The nurse nodded and handed her the paperwork to complete. (Y/N) always thought paperwork in the ER was stupid, but it was to help identify the patient and their insurance and all that important information; even in the brink of death, you need to do work. Pathetic, really. It truly does show something about society, whether it's for your own good or not, even if your writing is alienated due to all of your blood on the paper or your blurred vision making it hard to concentrate. 
        (Y/N) sped through the packets of papers and agreements, doing her best to not bleed onto the paper or the hospital chairs (why are the chairs made of cloth instead of leather anyways? At least leather can be washed easier).
        (Y/N) gave the papers to the receptionist, who accepted it and gave it to one of the doctors at the back room. (Y/N) sat down and waited for a doctor to call her name. Her stomach and leg hurt badly, it hurt to breathe and to walk, and her wounds just kept throbbing, spilling more blood and soaking up her temporary sock-bandages. She’s definitely going to throw away these socks…
        The hospital’s bright LED lights hurt her eyes, giving her a headache. Or maybe the headache was from blood loss? Who knows really, it just hurt to sit here and wait.
        Luckily, she didn’t have to wait too long before a nurse called her name. They helped her stand up from the chair, leading her to their office in quick fashion. They placed her down on the operating table, asking if she could remember her name, age, where she was, who the president was, etc.
        “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), 22 years old. I got stabbed in my stomach by a knife, along with my right calf and a laceration on my right arm.” She informed the nurse as they put on medical gloves.
        A trauma surgeon came in with a tray of alcohol wipes, a medical needle and thread, a medical stapler, and syringe of anesthesia. (Y/N) resisted the urge to groan, she didn’t like needles, but she understood it would make the surgery much easier for her and them.
        (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves hesitantly, feeling self-conscious about the old scars on her wrists despite the more important matters at hand. The surgeon ignored her scars as he gave her the shot. 
        The surgeon pulled up her shirt to show her stomach as the nurse cut a hole on (Y/N)’s pants for her leg, making her remember the make-shift bandages she had.
        “I had to use what I had to stop the bleeding, so I used my socks.” She spoke for her lie. 
        She would’ve said more, but she decided it was best not to in case she accidentally messed up her alibi. She opted to stay quiet, waiting for the anesthesia to take effect so the doctor could begin the quick surgery. 
        When you wake up from surgery or an accident, you’d expect to see bright light, instead she only saw a dim light peeking through. She opened her eyes, waking up and looking around her.
        There was a curtain next to her, the white curtain had a slit and moonlight poured out, barely lighting the room. Her left arm was hooked to a IV, the needle sticking into the crevice of her elbow. The needle was slowing flowing blood into her, causing her to shudder at the thought of a needle stuck inside her.
        Her eyes trailed down to her right arm, seeing her arm covered in bandages. She picked up her sheets, seeing her leg was covered in bandages too. She moved her hospital gown up, seeing her stomach was covered with a medical patch and medical tape to hold it in place.
        This is probably going to take some time to heal. (Y/N) thought, resisting the urge to groan. 
        How fun, she’s going to spend weekend off here in the hospital. Either that, or she’ll stay home bedridden. 
        There was a soft knock on her door, before it opened, showing one of the doctors from the emergency department of the hospital. She had never met any of the doctors or nurses here, they’re always busy and on their feet running around. 
        “Ms. (L/N)?” he questioned, smiling.
        “That’s me.” She nodded. “Hello, sir.” 
        “Hey! Have you just woken up?” he questioned, a clipboard and pen in his hand as he walked over to her bedside, standing over her.
        “Yes.” She confirmed. 
        “Okay.” He commented, then cleared his throat. “So, you’ve been asleep for 18 hours. Usually anesthesia wears off in a few hours and you would wake up from some pain, but you stayed asleep for quite some time.” He spoke, flipping a page threw his papers clamped on his clipboard. “However, you could’ve been exhausted given you hadn’t slept because you were working earlier. Your medical history could’ve also helped contribute to that—hypersomnia and all.”
        Yes, the condition she’s almost positive her mother gave her. Being locked in that small room as a toddler really did affect her sleep patterns and routine. There wasn’t much to do in that dark room other than cry, watch old cartoon re-runs a thousand times, and sleep—she chose the latter. 
        “Yeah, sorry.” She muttered, not sorry at all but still feeling the need to apologize.
        “No worries. So, we did report your case to local authorities since it was a stabbing; you should know, hospital procedure and all.” The doctor spoke as (Y/N) nodding, knowing very well the protocol. “Great. So, there’s actually some officers here to question you about the incident. Are you fine with that?” 
        She nodded, ignoring her nerves that went haywire at the thought of talking to the police. So soon after her crime too! 
        “Okay, so before they come in. Let me explain to you really quick what’s going on.” He spoke, clearing his throat. “So you’re going to stay overnight, well more so over day since it’s 2 A.M. But we’ll look after you. So we stapled up your small intestine, and we stapled the skin of your stomach so that it wouldn’t rip or come undone in a large area like stitches would. Your right calf and right arm were both stitched up too. After two week, you can come back and we’ll remove the staples off your stomach and the sutures. For the next two weeks, you need to eat soft foods and liquids such as soups, breads, puddings, all that."
        “That sounds fine.” She nodded. 
        “Sweet. So, before they come in, is there anything you want or need? Like, do you need to use the bathroom? Or are you hungry or thirsty?” he questioned.
        “No, I’m fine.” she politely denied. 
        She’d rather not drink or eat anything, she felt like throwing up at the moment. She really didn’t feel like getting up and walking to the bathroom with an injured foot at the moment.
        “Okay. I’ll let the officers in.” The doctor nodded, writing a few notes on his clipboard before heading towards the door.
        He opened the door and used his hand to call the officers over. He left the door open as the officer walked in, a female and a male, who walked to (Y/N)’s bedside holding a notepad.
        “Hello, Ms. (L/N), right?” the female smiled. “I’m Officer Jenny and this is my partner, Officer Dixon. We have a few questions for you.” 
        “Nice to meet you.” (Y/N) spoke, flashing the officers a polite smile.
        “So, you’ve been admitted into the hospital for a stabbing, correct?” Officer Jenny questioned.
        “That’s correct, ma’am.” (Y/N) nodded.
        “When and where did you get stabbed?” Officer Jenny questioned.
        “Well, I got stabbed in my stomach by a knife. When I fought them off, they slashed my right arm and they stabbed my right calf.” (Y/N) explained, mentally going over her words carefully as Officer Dixon wrote the information in his notepad.
        “And when did this take place?” Officer Jenny questioned. 
        “Well, it was last night when I got off my shift. I work here at this hospital actually in the pediatric branch.” She added. 
        She was about to go on about her grocery store alibi, but paused. The timeframe won’t match. She took forever to get to the hospital after the stabbing so that she could clean her apartment, dispose of Ashley’s body, and finally get to the hospital. She can’t use the grocery store alibi since not only would be make no sense for her to get stabbed someplace where the cameras are coincidentally shut down, but none of the store employees would mention seeing her when they get questioned by the police, and it wouldn’t help that she decided to drive to the hospital bleeding instead of telling the store to call 911 or herself calling 911. 
        Her alibi is unreliable now, so she needs to quickly act now and change it while acting normal and resist hesitating. The officers’ body-cams would catch their interaction and it would be evaluated by licensed psychiatrists, looking out for any holes in the story, for how her words flow, her vocal patterns, her body language. The alibi is now a death trap.
        “After my shift, I drove back to my apartment and went on a walk in a park. Perhaps 7 P.M, so it was dark because of it being November and all.” She explained. “The park was Pacific North Satellite park.” She added, a park not too far from her apartment complex. 
        “I didn’t bother changing out of my work scrubs because I was just going to shower when I got back to my apartment, and I had left my phone on the charger at home. I was walking down the path listening to nature when I heard footsteps in front of me. Someone came up to me with their hands in their hoodie pocket, a black hoodie.” She explained, lying her way through the story. “They walked past me and quickly slashed my right arm… and… they grabbed my arm and stabbed me in the stomach with their knife… and then when I tried to get away… they knocked me down and stabbed my right calf.” She spoke, pausing her words every now and then to appear distressed as she faked reliving the moment. "I ran back to my apartment, plugged up the most severe wounds with my socks, and drove to the hospital since it wasn't too far and I didn't have my phone to call the police or ambulance. It was late at night, so there wasn't anyone around to ask for help, and I didn't want to be trapped in my apartment in case they decided to follow me...
        “Do you know who they were? Or did you catch what their face looked like?” Officer Jenny questioned as Office Dixon’s blurred, hastily writing down everything he heard.
        “No.” (Y/N) shook her head. “They had a black hoodie with their hood up. They had grey jeans too. They were perhaps around 5’6 tall…” she lied. “I’m unsure of their gender, but I think they were male.” 
        The most common description of a killer, or stereotypical when comparing to Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dahmer. With so little information, it’d be pretty hard to try and identify someone, especially someone who doesn’t exist (but of course, only [Y/N] knows that).
        “Do you think there could’ve been a specific motive or something you provoked?” Officer Jenny questioned, her question almost making (Y/N) scoff.
        Provoke? Provoke? How the hell could I have provoke them? (Y/N) thought, almost forgetting her alibi was still a lie.
        Sometimes she can even lie to herself with how scarily believable her lies are.
        But even if this mysterious murderer she made up didn't have a motive, did Ashley have one? It made her wonder, did Ashley really kill her because she was hated her being Andrew’s nurse? Even then, how the hell did she find out who she was, or even why? Ashley had never seen (Y/N) and Andrew together, at least not without her knowledge. 
        “No, ma’am. I’m unsure why, and I don’t believe I provoked them.” (Y/N) answered.
        “Is there any other information you’d like to tell us?” Officer Jenny questioned.
        “No.” (Y/N) answered.
        Short and sweet, it’s best to leave it all like this.
        “Well, if you ever remember anything or have any questions, make sure to call the department.” Officer Jenny spoke. “If we find any information or such, we’ll give you a call.” 
        “If we find who done it, do you want to press charges?” Officer Dixon questioned, causing (Y/N) to pause and think.
        “No. The process is too time-consuming, besides, I doubt they tried to kill me without a reason.” (Y/N) spoke. 
        Everything happens for a reason, after all. It’s logical to believe so.
        (Y/N) had never believed in fate or destiny, she had always believed everything happens for a reason. She hated the belief of something out of her reach trying to control her or her life. She’d rather choose what she wants to do, not something like fate. (Y/N) believes what she sees, so she doesn’t believe anything that isn’t backed up with facts or evidence. 
        Ashley tried killing (Y/N) for a reason, she said it herself. She'll take the dead woman's word on it since it came from her mouth.
        “I wouldn’t have to do this if you would’ve just stayed away from Andrew.” Her words rang in (Y/N)'s head.
        The audacity of some people, does Ashley truly believe she can control who Andrew sees? It’s not like there was anything wrong with Andrew and (Y/N)’s relationship, they were simply nurse and patient, nothing more and nothing less. Who does Ashley believe she is trying to control Andrew? She doesn’t have his heart, his brain, his body, his thoughts, his mouth, his eyes. He could do whatever he pleases and Ashley shouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
        Well, she can’t now. (Y/N) thought, holding back a chuckle. 
        "Are you sure, miss?” Officer Dixon questioned, surprised.
        “I’m sure. Maybe they had a bad day or something.” (Y/N) shrugged.
        “But you don’t just stab anyone on a bad day, this could be serious.” Officer Jenny spoke, her voice a little harsh compared to her gentle treatment earlier.
        Officer Jenny seems to not like having a killer run around, or have about zero clues.
        “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” (Y/N) sighed. "I'm very tired and I wish to rest.
        “The town next to us, they had a killing in a park too. The victim was a man, he was shot, multiple bullets in his chest.” Officer Jenny spoke quickly, hoping the information could bring some details out of the injured woman. “You happened to be a park too, perhaps this was the same guy! We need as much information as we can. Please miss (L/N), we’re relying on you.”
        “I’m sorry, but I truly don’t know. I don’t have anymore information to give to you.” (Y/N) sighed.
        Officer Jenny’s face hardened as Officer Dixon closed his notepad.
        “Very well. We’ll contact you in case we find any details.” Officer Dixon spoke, nodding his head down in respect and farewell, before telling Officer Jenny with his eyes that it was time to go.
        “Get well soon, miss…” Officer Jenny sighed, walking out of the room with her partner.
        Well, I forgot that part… (Y/N) thought, letting out a breath of relief.
        The park killer from the next door town, right, how could she forget? The victim was a man was found dead on the sidewalk, a clean knife nearby him, no fingerprints. The man had a hood, sunglasses, and gloves; a strange attire to walk around in at night, especially the sunglasses part. He died with six bullet wounds in his chest, the news said. The murder was actually a few days ago, maybe even a week ago. Nevertheless, (Y/N) could bet it was Ashley and Andrew. Ashley had that empty gun on her, which was now under (Y/N)’s car seat. 
        (Y/N) turned her head to the window once the police left. She reached over and opened up the curtains, looking up at the stars, or what she could see. Light pollution in the city is a major pain, you can’t even enjoy nature now thanks to humans.
        (Y/N) looked at the lights outside of the window, it’s the only thing semi-interesting to look at in a hospital bed. She didn’t want to turn on the TV, she knew it was all just re-runs of family-friendly movies like High School Musical or the local news. Unfortunately, hospitals don’t really have any good channels to watch.
        It’s only for one day. (Y/N) thought.
        She just had to deal with this for one day, then she could get back home and sleep. Despite always being so tired, she liked to work. The time she’d take to heal would feel like torture to her. Her depression made her feel a sense of worthlessness doing nothing, so being bedridden is just going to throw her in a depressive state. Usually she’d just get up and work overtime when she feels like this, but she really can’t if she’s injured. 
        Even though she has a reason to be lazing around in bed all day, she's not very happy about it. It's at times like these she wished she had some sort of entertainment in life, or at least friends, people she considered real friends. She had acquaintances growing up, but they just never really did it for her.
        The people she hung around with was only for school, she never bothered hanging out with them outside of school that way she could focus on her studies. Besides, they weren't important people to her, she only talked with them because they had conversed with her first, and it gave her something to pass time with at school. She always did have that closed-off demeanor, it surprised her whole family when she decided she wanted to be a pediatric nurse, and later a pediatrician. 
        (Y/N) stared at the window in deep thought, thinking.
        Maybe she could call her dad. The last time she called him was a month ago, to which she had to leave a voicemail... she never did receive a call back. And after that, she called on her birthday four months... to which she's still waiting for a call back. 
        Well, maybe he's just busy. He has a job and a life outside of his daughter, surely he'll call back eventually. She figured. 
        If she had her phone on her, she'd call and leave another voicemail for him to let him know he's okay.
        Wait, what's the point in calling? She's fine, and she hadn't called him of her condition, so what's the point in calling and telling him that she's still alive? Even if he did answer, what will he say other than a "that's good. I'm glad you're okay. I have to get back to work now." 
        If there's no point calling her dad, then there's certainly no point in calling her mom, for obvious reasons.
        (Y/N) groaned, hitting her head back against the pillow, before letting out a pained whine. Her head pounded terribly, followed by a slight ringing in her ears and a second of her vision blurring. Her right arm shot up to help soothe her head, before she let out a hiss, the movement of her arm causing a sharp pain to shoot up it. 
        "This sucks..." she complained, a pout making way onto her lips. 
        Before she could wallow in her sorrows any further, the door opened, gaining her attention. She turned her head, seeing a familiar man in a wheelchair.
        "Andrew?" she questioned, surprised. 
        "Hey." He greeted, flashing a smile at her.
        (Y/N) internally cringed at the sight of him, not that he was bad-looking or anything, but she wasn't expecting to see him so soon after what she's done. 
        "What are you doing here in the emergency department?" (Y/N) questioned, not bothering if the question sound a bit rude or not; she'll just blame it on the headache if he asks.         
        "I heard from the nurses that you got injured." Andrew explained, rolling his wheelchair up to her bedside.
        "A nurse told you I was here?" (Y/N) questioned, confused.
        Well, that's against hospital policy, giving away patient information like that to just anyone. It made her curious who from the nightshift had the audacity to tell him.
        "Who told you?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "Eh, I don't know. That nurse I had before you." He shrugged his shoulders carelessly, not bothering to remember the name. "It was something something. Started with a P. Maybe it was Pen, or Penny? Or was it Nancy? It doesn't really matter."
        "Penelope?" (Y/N) smiled, almost giggling at his poor attempt to remember the nurse's name. 
        Right, makes sense. Penelope was Andrew's nurse before (Y/N), and Penelope seems to see (Y/N) as a friend, so she probably questioned Doctor Ryan where (Y/N) was. Doctor Ryan must've been informed as soon as he entered the office, considering he wasn't going to be able to teach (Y/N) for a few nights until she got better.
        However, she felt a little happy that he couldn't remember Penelope's name (especially after [Y/N]'s little jealous episode from earlier at the thought of Penelope and Andrew being together. Obviously because she just enjoyed having Andrew as a patient, nothing more).
        "Yeah, maybe that was her name?" he hummed, not bothering to think back if it was actually that nurse or not. 
        Yes, it was Penelope, he might not bother to remember her name, but he remembers her face from earlier when he and (Y/N) had gone to the staff room and Penelope was acting strange. He also remembered how tight and uncomfortable she had done his bandages on his broken ankles, much different compared to (Y/N)'s soft hands and nurturing personality. 
        "She shouldn't be giving away information like that." (Y/N) sighed, chuckling softly. "But thank you for coming."
        It was a little heartwarming to know at least someone cared about her. Even if her parents did, at least her co-worker and close acquaintances did, even reserved patients such as Andrew were worried about her!
        "So, what brought you over here? Did you have a question, or perhaps you need your bandages changed?" (Y/N) questioned, observing his body up and down to see if there was anything out of the ordinary or if he needed any assistance. 
        "No... I just... wanted to see for myself, I guess..." he muttered, looking away from her eyes as he resisted the urge to squirm under her gaze. "I heard you got hurt pretty bad, so I got curious..."
        "You sure you didn't just miss me?" she teased, trying to brightened up or at least lightened the mood into a more comfortable atmosphere. 
        "Don't get ahead of yourself." He chuckled, her words succeeding in her goal as they both smiled at each other.
        His smile softened, his eyes glazing over, seeming to be lost in thought. He seemed unsure of himself, before he just sighed. 
        "So... what happened?" he questioned. "If you don't mind me asking."
        Her own smile faltered, doing her best to remain neutral and not puke her guts out as visions of stabbing Ashley's lifeless body took over her mind, hearing each explicit and disturbing wet splash as her hands slowly started to coat with blood from how violently she was pushing her knife into Ashley's chest, down to the hilt. 
        "I got attacked..." she spoke vaguely, clearing her throat awkwardly as she kept her eyes on him to see if he would believe her. 
        "Do you know by who?" Andrew questioned.
        "No." She spoke quickly, internally cringing at how defensive her tone sounded.
        Andrew's gaze hardened, his intuition not believing her. Of course he wouldn't believe her, living with Ashley basically his whole life had practically made him become a human lie detector. Before he could speak about the matter, she spoke up. 
        "Can you check on Hailey for me please? She was a bit down earlier today, surely you can cheer her up for me? Just don't mention my current condition to her, please." (Y/N) requested, sounding more of a pathetic demand and excuse to get him to leave her alone. 
        Andrew looked hesitant to leave her, before he sighed, nodding his head. "Yeah, sure..." he grumbled. 
        "Thank you." She hummed, giving him a false smile.
        They had a moment to themselves, silently staring at each other, before Andrew turned his wheelchair around and rolled out of the room, closing the door behind him. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief once she was alone, glad to have avoided the tough subject.
        Maybe she'll tell him one day, once she gets to know him better and can be certain he wouldn't kill her for it.
        She ignored the pain as she squirmed into a comfortable position to sleep in. She needed the rest, and sleep is the body's natural way of healing after her. Her eyes trailed to the curtains, watching the cars on the road zoom past the hospitals and watching as some lights started to shut off, night owls getting ready for bed too just like her. 
        She'll call her parents as soon as she gets out of the hospital, even if they've probably not heard the news or care about it, she still wants some sort of closure from her parents. Maybe they'll even take pity on her and stay on the phone for a bit, ask how she's doing, or what she's doing now. 
        Sounds like a plan. (Y/N) thought, closing her eyes as she ignored her body's pain, waiting for sleep to overtake her. 
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I know there hasn't been much of any Andrew and reader moments, but chapter 5 will have plenty, these past chapters have just been plot and character-development and such!
My next series will be a Yandere! Hitoshi Shinso x Yandere! Fem! Reader, so keep watch for that!
To the Ashley fans, I'm sorry for what I've done.
Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is OPEN for requests!
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, current chapter, Chapter 5 + 6 (in the works)
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hellcifrogs · 6 months
I like the idea of orochimaru just sweeping up all three of them and becoming the worst mother hen ever
it starts easy with sasuke bc what??? you want him to Not look after his future vessel??? that boy needs to eat his vegetables and take proper care of his injuries
naruto starts as an attempt at manipulation, the boy grew up hated by the village and with a bare minimum of care, a hair ruffle here and there, the occasional kind word, and tasty snacks should get him onside pretty quick right? but then oro starts doing these things without thinking about future pay off (omg do you think he'd break into konoha to get naruto a bowl of ichiraku ramen when naruto did something he was really pleased with)
sakura is actually the one he spends the most time with, she has brilliant chakra control and can actually understand theory! and science! and has the patience for research! and will sit with him and discuss it while the boys are off in the background hitting each other with sticks or smth! she also craves validation, and you want him to not give it to her after she looks at him with those big green eyes, and adorable pink hair, after finally nailing a tricky jutsu??? ridiculous
maybe he also steals sai for them as a treat after the first time they meet him and subsequently develop the most embarrassing crush on him, he wouldn't be himself if he let a little thing like the law/danzo/konoha stand between his monsters and expanding their polycule
so now orochimaru is mama-bear to three terrible little gremlins, and kabuto is their weird but adored cousin ig
jiraiya and tsunade are stunned the first time they see their still-a-horrible-war-criminal ex-bf fussing over the three kids that he stole
When I say half of this fandom shares a braincell! This is what I made him do in the NaruFox too 🤣😭 deep down we all wanna see good old murderous Orochimaru be turned into a soft parent by team 7 and taka!
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
I talked about my Milgram actors theory earlier, but @amugoffandoms reminded me I also have a little emotional support au version of the idea I’ve been meaning to chat about! It's actually not a typical actors au -- the canon events still happen, but are staged by the in-universe Milgram organization.
(Edit, now with a fic!)
Just like in canon, the organization has a mysterious/supernatural ability to identify and track down ten specific people at their breaking point. In this au, though, it's ten people who could have committed crimes soon. They discreetly reach out to these individuals, requesting for them to be actors in their experiment. They say there will be someone playing a prison guard, and explain the premise. With a bit of coaxing or bribing for a few, they all accept.
Milgram ensures these newfound “prisoners” don’t need to change many details about their lives – the less lies to keep track of, the easier it would be for these ordinary people to pull off such an extensive con. 
Some of them are exactly as they were right before their murders, such as Yuno, Fuuta, Muu, and Kotoko. Haruka, his sister, and Amane did go through traumatic abuse, but it was Milgram that pulled them out of the situation before they resorted to murder. Mikoto is/has been aware of his alters for a while at this point.
Some of the others are taken from their lives after things that could have ended fatally turned out alright: Shidou’s family got into an accident but all recovered; Milgram picked up on his private realization that he would have done anything to save them, were the damage worse. Mahiru and Kazui’s partners attempted/considered suicide, but did not succeed. In Mahiru’s case, they reached a friendship despite breaking up. I still don’t know enough about Kazui’s wife, but I like to think they’re pretty separate now. 
The ten prisoners weren’t allowed to meet beforehand, but they individually collaborated with the Milgram team to write the lyrics for their t1 songs and film their videos. I'll mention more about the other actors later, but the filming process is a lot of fun. Though the topics confront them with some unsavory thoughts about themselves, it's a good time singing and acting and getting the giggles on set and everything.
Milgram pulls Es from wherever they were for whatever reason, wipes their memory, and drops them into the prison. The prisoners are unaware that Es didn't come willingly, as they all did.
Once the experiment begins, everyone’s interactions that we’ve seen to this point are genuine. The prisoners get to know each other, while they come to terms with the fact that themselves and these others all had murderous potential. Their personalities, behaviors, and stories from their lives are all true. In the interrogations, they speak honestly to Es about their values and choices. The only faked things are the actual references to the murders, and the “invisible force” that they pretend to hit when acting in violence. Mikoto is instructed to use a bit of violence during his interrogation, though Kotoko sneaking in wasn’t scripted – she genuinely had her concerns about his character and acted accordingly. 
While Es sleeps after T1, the prisoners are treated the same regardless of verdict. They provide the team with their genuine thoughts about one another to decide what the staged incidents should be. Kotoko doesn’t actually hate the guilty prisoners, but she recognizes she would’ve wanted to take justice into her own hands in a real situation. Amane is very upset but Es' verdict, but the team helps her dramatize her transformation a bit. Haruka and Muu genuinely get that close. Yuno does wish to be left alone.
They film their second trial videos, now allowed to be around the other prisoners as they do so. They also invite people in their life to come in and play their victims. Yes, it’s just as awkward as it sounds. This is where the prisoners do their real reflection – they think about Es’ verdict for them and what they could have been capable of. There’s a bit of relief from both parties knowing that things will turn out alright now that Milgram intervened (ironic, I know, but this is my fix-it hehe). Shidou’s kids are excited to be filmed, not really understanding the context. Haruka once again works with an actor playing his younger self, a bit put off by how similar they look and the memories he bring back. Haruka’s mother, Rei, and Amane’s cult members (if they appear) are some of the only characters played by strangers, though they do look strikingly similar to the real people. Fuuta’s victim is also played by a stranger. Things are still tense with Hinako, but she agrees to appear. 
The team helps the prisoners fake injuries with lots bandages and slings. Then they wake Es. The same is repeated for T2/T3.
Now, I’ve played out a few different paths depending on my angst tolerance at the moment – sometimes Es goes through with the third trial verdicts and is forced to watch the executions (not realizing they're cleverly staged). Sometimes they refuse, finding a way to stop the whole experiment. Sometimes the prisoners realize that Es has been an unwilling participant, and bring the experiment to a stop themselves. Sometimes someone jams a wrench in the mv machine and try to blow it up in order for everything to end before final verdicts.
Because of limited details, the ending can play out however one wants. But my go-to is that Es wake up sometime afterwards in a clean facility filled with scientists. They’re brought to an interrogation room – this time on the other side of the questioning. They’re asked about their motivations, actions, emotions, choices, verdicts (or the reason they rebelled at the very end). A few doors down, the prisoners are being asked similar questions of self-reflection and morality. 
Es demands to know what’s going on, while the team tries to assure them that the prisoners are all fine. Es doesn’t buy this, though. They know what kind of mind games the experiment has tried to pull, and can’t tell what’s truth or lie anymore. Things get heated as they demand to see the prisoners. Meanwhile, the prisoners are getting worked up asking about Es. If they haven't already, this is when they learn that Es was an actual prisoner there the whole time. The last time they were together the situation was very intense, and they’re all incredibly worried about them. 
In the end, they manage to break out of their rooms and reunite in the middle of the facility, and Es is shocked. All ten are alive and well, even those they may have seen die. No eyes or limbs are missing. They’re all laughing and getting along, no matter what kinds of fights they got into between trials. Even more shocking is when the victims join them later – also all alive and happy. 
The ending has a bit of unavoidable angst since Es would be pretty fucked up by the whole experiment. They’d struggle with trust issues and knowing what’s reality. However, it’s still an overwhelmingly happy ending. They get to befriend the prisoners and their families outside of the painful context they met in. Regretting their ignorance of the situation, the prisoners decide to make up for lost time and spend a lot of positive, quality time with Es. The kids are finally allowed to play, and the they finally let the adults act a bit protective over them. This is when the found family completely kicks in lol. Es gets to sleep easy knowing they are all alive and happy, they receive all their memories again, and they get to return home to their own family.
I added it to a reblog but editing with @/qrevo's tags because this is what I was looking for but couldn't quite pin down to make it healing for Es too:
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#milgram#haruka sakurai#yuno kashiki#fuuta kajiyama#muu kusunoki#shidou kirisaki#mahiru shiina#kazui mukuhara#amane momose#mikoto kayano#kotoko yuzuriha#es#its not 'the prisoners leave milgram and get therapy' its 'milgram itself is the therapy for the prisoners'#i know the typical actors au would be more of a fix-it but i liked still having a small taste of the canon drama and interactions#its also nice to relate to es' relief -- after ive gone through the angst of canon its nice to imagine everything is okay#so in the au they also go through the angst of canon only to be relieved finding out it was fake and everyone is okay#it also keeps the prisoners lives/personalities the same!#as fun as it is to see actors aus give them whole new personalities offscreen im incredibly attached to these characters and this let me#keep them exactly the same lmao#on days i need the most fluff i picture the prisoners all together filming the t2 mvs -- getting giggly and silly on set#making bloopers and cheering each other on and interacting happily with their 'victims'#when i want intense but good emotions i love thinking of that reunion scene. es exclaiming that fuutas eye is okay and theyre all alright#lots of hugs and tears#(the only details i cant quite work out is how jackalope can talk in this fairly-realistic setting asdfd#that and the undercover mv wouldnt make any sense because es wouldnt have filmed it but ah well)#anyway if anyone has any thoughts or anything lmk! ive been really vibin with this au#analysis/thoughts#lights camera sing your sins
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bookishfeylin · 5 months
bestie can u elaborate why don’t u like the barbie movie (i also don’t like it but i just love giving people the opportunity to be haters)
I feel like I should preface this response with several things:
I liked PARTS of the Barbie movie. Some of the messages in it were really good, and were delivered in a hilarious way. The pure love for humanity and LIFE was very evident and I loved Barbie’s arc. I also appreciated the underlying “redpill ideology is harmful and misleads men” message.
I knew Greta Gerwig was a white woman so I did not expect much in the way of intersectional feminism or even acknowledgment that white women are often the weakest link and tend to be 'class traitors' more than any other marginalized group, so that was not my issue with the movie
It's pretty! And bright! And colorful! It was FUN!
That being said… it did not sit well with me the more I thought about it.
My main problem with the Barbie movie is that it equates Barbieland with real life patriarchy and argues that both are equally bad, when that is demonstrably not true even as shown in the movie itself. When Barbie enters our world, she is sexually harassed, assaulted, and objectified. This is... not how the Kens are treated in Barbieland. They're just... ignored. That's it. The Barbies don't mistreat the Kens, and when Ken gets hurt in the beginning of the movie while beaching the Barbies all rush around him to get him medical attention and worry over him. The Barbies aren't cruel, and they certainly aren't treating the Kens as objects. They're just... ignoring them most of the time. And before someone brings up the Kens being homeless I'd like to add that, given their attempts to build a wall in the movie, there is certainly nothing STOPPING them from building their own homes. More than that: if it really bothered them so much why didn't they ask the construction Barbies for help with making one? I'm sure they would've said yes. There is literally nothing and no one stopping the Kens from making their own houses or having their own little Ken village because the Barbies DO NOT CARE what they do. At all.
The worst Barbieland offers men is being ignored by women. And that's not nice, sure. Hence why barbie apologized at the end. But the worst patriarchy offers women is being abused, raped, indoctrinated into patriarchal religions, and murdered by men. Those two things are not the same. So not only could this movie not commit to actually making a real matriarchy that is actually as bad as patriarchy (because don't get me wrong, I don't doubt that a matriarchy in actual practice would be bad y'all), it then argues that this fictional watered down version of a matriarchy is somehow the equivalent of the much more violent real world patriarchy as a ~warning~ to women's rights advocates to not get too carried away I guess? AND REACTIONARIES STILL CAME AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE THINKING BARBIELAND WAS JUST AS BAD AS PATRIARCHY AND BEING UPSET THAT BARBIELAND RETURNED UNDER BARBIE CONTROL (despite the movie's message that Kens were still going to get rights in Barbieland and would one day have the same rights women in our world have but I digress--) And then the reactionaries felt this movie was anti-Men???
So no. I don't like this movie. The fact that a lot of normie people walked away from this movie like "Yeah! It critiqued Matriarchy AND Patriarchy! It critiqued feminism and the red pill!" indicates to me that this movie failed. The premise of this movie was inherently flawed: that women ignoring men=matriarchy=just as bad as the violence and dehumanization of patriarchy. But more than that, the fact that so many agree with this premise concerns me, and suggests that misogyny is much more deeply rooted in the human consciousness than I had expected. If women merely ignoring men and living life without centering men is viewed as matriarchy, as misandry, as "just as bad" as patriarchy, then perhaps the advocacy for women's rights was always doomed.
Sorry to end this on such a downer btw
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bonefall · 7 months
GOD THE ERIN'S THING WITH BIO PARENTS I'm rereading the series and I just got to Hollyleaf's death in The Last Hope and it makes me so mad how Leafpool is the only one who comforts her. Jayfeather only gets to shake and Squirrelflight is just fucking vibing in the background in a battle patrol. Fallen Leaves is more upset than her. SO mad so mad so mad
MAN LIKE... Please understand that I'm saying this with Leafpool love in my Leafpool heart. But it frustrates me immensely that the books went in the direction they did with the parentage of the three. There's SO much wrong here
The plot seems to believe, just post-reveal, that Squilf has to pretend like she doesn't love them so that Ashfur won't kill them (the fuck??)
As if Firestar would just ALLOW an attempted fucking murderer to hang out in his Clan???
Like, go back and read it, she says, "Go ahead Ashfur, kill them, you won't hurt me if you do. They are not my kits." LIKE??
Ashfur: "Wow I totally believe you! I just tried to murder 3 people including a medcat in cold fucking blood and all of you are witnesses now, but rats! I've been foiled! Fire scene cancelled!"
I remember reading this as a kid and being like "This scene sucks. Ashfur would never. Squilf loves her children. 1000000000 lionblazes kill this man now" and little Bones was SO correct
Brambleclaw ABANDONING HIS CHILDREN is just never properly addressed. He was willing to cover up murder earlier in the book for Holly but the minute he finds out they didn't come out of Squilf he's like "nevermind"
He throws a tantrum for all of OotS and then, only at the end, when Squilf calls out that he's throwing his whole family away because he's mad at her, does he reconsider any of his actions.
I think he's entitled to being upset and having his negative emotions, but NOT in how he ended up treating all these people who have been nothing but adoring and apologetic towards him. But nope, no deeper reckoning with that, Squilf does a Cosgrove ass "Hey! Cut it out!" and that's it.
And Leafpool gets put through this too. Leafpool is now completely and fully considered their mom, comforting them as their parent post-reveal. She didn't raise them and yet it's just considered normal that she's the one with a bunch of emotionally soothing scenes with her biokits
Like... I love the idea of her finally being able to acknowledge something she's hidden for so long. But, these cats never saw her as a mother. She was their aunt and their whole life has been rearranged, the emotions they're facing towards this reveal are nothing but negative. Their "father" has also disowned them, treating their mother like shit, and Squilf is keeping her distance believing this is all her own fault.
The feelings here should be SUPER complicated, and that's really JUICY!! We were ROBBED of something waaaay more emotional because of this bizarre commitment to treating bioparents as always better than adopted ones.
OotS kills meee mannn
OH and don't even get me started on how they needed to make Squilf pregnant with Bramblestar's kits in the end because they don't believe adopted kids are equal to bio ones, but also couldn't commit to making their precious Bramble into a bad person who remained adamant about cutting off all his old "family." Alder and Spark should have been Jessy kits and I'll die on this hill
(and also jessy should have cat divorced him after. and also commit to bramble being a toxic parent.)
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Dating Ozai’s Angels
Including: What they do when they realise they like you, how you get together, how they act when you start dating, what they’re like as a partner, what others think of your relationship, how they defend you, the L word, family, careers, fights, pets and more! 
Team Avatar version here​
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As we saw in The Beach episode Azula is confident in everything except flirting so she'd be a mess when she realises she has a crush on you
She'd do the typical immature thing of being mean to you to prove just how much she really doesn't care about you. Then one day she'd go too far and really hurt or upset you. She'd feel that annoying snagging feeling of guilt and attempt to apologise to you but she'd struggle and it would come out wrong.
So the two of you would be at an impasse. You didn't understand why Azula was treating you this way and Azula was at a loss of how to explain her actions without confessing her crush on you. 
Enter clueless Zuko.
Zuko would be the one who would accidentally let it all slip. You're venting to Mai one day and he overhears and is so confused. "But you know she likes you right? That's why she's acting this way". Mai would glare at him and your jaw would wide drop open telling Zuko you didn't know that.
Zuko was convinced Azula was going to murder him and the thought did cross her mind but then you told Azula you felt the same way, her happiness overshadowed her rage.
You started dating and immediately Azula puts on a brave front. She acts very dominant and showy. She takes you out to all the fancy restaurants and buys you tons of expensive clothes and jewels to establish her dominance in the relationship. However it's all an obvious act to cover up her insecurity. She's never dated anyone before and nobody can make her feel the way you do. She tenses up when you walk into a room and her name never sounds as beautiful as when you say it. So Azula is fighting a losing battle trying to keep up this stoic facade and it all falls away the day you call her yours.
You were with Mai, Ty lee and Azula and got into a silly competition as usual. You wanted to see who could throw a helmet the furthest and Azula of course won. However you were trying to share in that victory which Mai protested. "Azula won not you y/n!" she cried. "Yeah but Azula is mine so when she wins I win and vice versa". If it was anyone else trying to share in her glory Azula would've set them on fire but hearing you refer to yourself as her and she as yours...that made her feel all giddy like a silly teenager. She couldn't really speak but just nodded her head and passed you the flower crown Ty Lee had given her as a trophy.
Everyone would be sceptical and a little unconvinced when you both started dating, Zuko and Mai included. They'd all wonder how on earth it was going to work and doubt Azula's intentions with you a little...but then they'd see Azula explode when a nobleman insulted you or how she'd even correct her father when he said your name wrongly and they knew they had nothing to fear.
We also know Azula has a little trouble believing she is lovable and a huge problem with saying the L word. So naturally you say it first. You wait until you've been dating for around 6 months to make sure Azula is comfortable and won't get scared. You do it in private so she won't feel flustered or overwhelmed. Azula is smart so she can tell you have something to say and just outright asks what it is. Your plan was to cook her a nice meal and then tell her but instead you just tell her then and there that you love her. You stress how she doesn't have to say it back but that you just thought she should know. A silence follows and you get back to preparing the food. Azula asks a question about the food and you go along with her change in topic as if nothing happened. Then at the end of the night Azula thanks you for the food and for what you said. You tell her it's no problem and that you meant every word. You see her struggling internally with your words but she nods and doesn't try and dispute your claim.
Azula tells you she loves you randomly, a year and a bit after you've been dating. She's in a mood because the council meeting went badly and all the men were disagreeing with her just because of her age. You started acting silly, imitating the councilmen, to cheer her up and while at first she's not amused she soon starts smiling and then laughing at how goofy you look. "You're such a clown, why on earth do I love you?" she asked. You felt her freeze and looked up to see her watching you like a hawk. You smiled and gently kissed her hand "because I'm the luckiest person in the world". She relaxes in relief and wraps her arms around you. You don’t make a big deal of it but later just before you fall asleep Azula whispers "I do you know... love you I mean. I realised I didn't say it properly earlier". You shook your head "earlier was just perfect but thank you. I love you too Azula". You can't see her blush in the dark or the shock in her eyes when she realises it is true. It is possible for someone to love her but you can feel it. You gather her up into your arms and hold her as she softly cries. In the years to come it remains one of the happiest moments of Azula's life. The day she realised she was loved.
Azula is SUPER supportive of you and your career and knows all the drama about your co-workers. You might think Azula wouldn't care enough to listen to all the small talk and rants you give her after a long day but you'd be wrong. When Azula likes someone she's all in and so she remembers everything you say about Amura the nice girl who is kind to you and Mejai the guy totally flirting with you. Then at any company event she makes sure to mess with all the people you don't like and plays them all wonderfully. She's an involved partner.
She literally cannot believe you have any faults, one time you got rejected for a job and you had to physically restrain her from going down there and causing a scene because HOW COULD THEY NOT WANT YOU?
When you and Azula fight it's dramatic just like the Princess of the Fire Nation herself. Azula has a temper and so sometimes after a long day of putting up with Zuko she can snap at you. You're not the type to take this lying down though and so you challenge her behaviour. Cue an hour of loud arguing with Azula packing a bag to move back to the palace. She never gets out the front door though, it's just an empty threat. You always make up the following morning but of course Azula doesn't beg forgiveness or write you a letter about how sorry she is. She does something like making you breakfast or dropping by your work with lunch. She will say sorry when you're alone together and then all is forgiven.
When you get a pet together, Azula is 100% that person who says she wants nothing to do with the pet and then ends up loving it more than you. I can totally see Azula with a dog that she loves to exercise with and train. You better believe your dog is going to be the fittest, smartest, prettiest dog the Fire Nation has ever seen. 
The best thing about dating Azula would be, you feel so loved and protected. Azula is passionate and being with her feels like a whirlwind of emotions and love. She throws absolutely everything into her relationship with you and there’s nobody better suited to be your partner. 
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Mai is a tough cookie. She doesn't reveal her feelings easily and you'd have no idea she had a crush on you. So for you to get together there'd definitely be another unfortunate soul who sticks their foot in it...probably Ty lee
When Mai realised she was developing feelings for you she'd hate it and distance herself from you. You'd go from seeing her multiple times a week to her very obviously avoiding you which made you worry you'd done something wrong. So you go to her house and ask for her which horrifies Mai. Her home is where she hides away from the world so to have her crush show up on her doorstep is terrifying. In her panic she tells the housekeeper to say she's not in, even though she clearly is. Your worry then turns to sadness as you believe Mai hates you when you thought you were friends.
Ty lee notices the mess Mai has created and tries to convince her to come clean to you but Mai's too scared (not that she'd ever admit that of course). So Ty lee recruits Azula and they set up a plan to get you together but it all goes wrong and ends with Ty lee just yelling "Mai has a crush on you!" and then running for her life while Azula laughs.
And that's how you get together!
Mai didn't give anything away on your first date so you had no idea if it went well or not. You were slightly nervous to be dating Mai anyway. She's a super cool stoic knife expert who never seems to get bothered by anything. Not to mention her last partner was the Firelord so big shoes to fill. So when you parted ways you wondered if she'd even want to go out with you again but Ty lee told you she came home and actually blushed when she talked about you! You couldn't stop smiling all-day
The first time you made Mai properly belly laugh was a few weeks after you'd been together. You were talking to Ty lee and casually just imitated Azula's voice. You didn't really think about it but you heard a loud snort and turned to see Mai covering her mouth while her shoulders shook. "Mai?" you asked while she tried to catch her breath "you...just sounded so much like her" she managed before dissolving into giggles again. It was so unexpected and cute, you found yourself laughing too. You did the voice some more and Mai laughed even harder before telling you to stop so she could breathe. Tears were streaming down her face from the laughter and she was holding her side trying to stop. You just stared at her in admiration and your Azula impression became your favourite thing to do.
Everyone would be really curious about your relationship because Mai herself is a woman of mystery. There would be a lot of question about how you got together and what you’re like as a couple etc but not from her best friends. Azula and Ty lee know Mai is picky so if she’s actually giving up her alone time to be with you, you must be worth it. No follow up questions needed
Mai is a very attentive partner. She might seem like she doesn't care or think about the small things but she does. Once you told her how you were always slightly cold and noticed how blankets started showing up more and more around her house for you. Your favourite flowers would suddenly appear in her garden and she'd always make sure to tell you when she thought about you in her day because you'd once said it made you feel special. Dating Mai makes you feel very cared for. 
Mai is quite introverted and can sometimes find socialising with anyone tiring. So sometimes you'll just meet up and sit together without saying a word. Mai will lean or lay against you and just enjoy being with you without having to be "on" at the same time.
Relatedly she loves falling asleep in your arms and has an adorable happy expression on her face when she does. She claims she just likes you warmth but you know she loves the cuddles too.
Mai isn't super loud about your relationship but she won't hesitate to take someone down if she hears them talking rudely or suggestively about you. She's protective and you're hers even if she doesn't shout it from the rooftops.
Mai realises she loves you when she feels you understand her. She realises she feels seen by you without even having to say a word. You don't get confused by her or try and change her. You appreciate her for who she is and that's how she knows she loves you.
With your career Mai is the subtle kind of supportive. She's not threatening to burn down companies like Azula and she doesn't love to hear about your coworkers for more than 10 minutes but she's very attentive and caring. If she gets home before you she'll draw you a hot bath or put your clothes near the fire so they're warm. She is there for you in other ways.
Mai is used to being ignored or not taken seriously so she NEVER does that with you. Even if she doesn't share your passion for things she'd never deny you them and does anything you ask to help get you there. She'll run flashcards with you if you're prepping for an exam or do mock interviews to help you with job searching. She actually really gets into it and she rejected you from a fake job once because your answers weren't good enough but that's Mai. She invented tough love.
Mai would pretend you meeting her family wasn’t a big deal but it was really. While she doesn’t need their validation she does want them to like you together as a couple. You’d notice this in the small nervous behaviours Mai did on the way to her parents. So despite Mai’s words that you don’t have to try hard, you would go all out. You’d bring out all the charm you could muster and be the perfect blend of respectful but funny. You’d compliment her parent’s cooking and even help Tomtom with his homework. When you leave her family is clearly very impressed and Mai is just a tad smug. She’d link arms with you on the walk home and quietly whisper “thank you”. 
Is brutally honest but it's not a bad thing. You know you can always trust her to tell you the truth and she promised you she'll never lie to you. You believe her because when Mai makes a promise, she keeps it.
In fights Mai can become pretty cold...not because she means to (although sometimes she does) but mainly because when she's hurt or confused she goes inwards and struggles to express herself. You usually have to give her a day or two to put together her thoughts and Mai really appreciates how you never try and force her to talk when she's not ready,
Mai is the type of person who says we're not getting a pet and means it. So you respect that and then one day she tells you a cat wouldn't be so bad so of course you drag Mai around town that same day to find one. Mai strikes me as that person who doesn't put in a lot of effort with animals but they like her and have this automatic bond. Sometimes all she has to do is look at your cat and it knows to run to bed or go outside. It's eerie honestly but Mai is just that good.
The best thing about dating Mai is you’d feel so special and privileged to have her love. 
Ty Lee
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When Ty lee realises she likes you she’d be so bashful and obvious. She’d gush over anything you said and would say your name in every other sentence which drives her friends mad. 
However this wouldn’t last long as unlike Mai and Azula, Ty lee would probably tell you she likes you pretty much immediately
This isn't to say Ty lee is naive or reckless, she'd definitely assess her chances of you liking her back and put in a lot of effort in her plan to tell you. She'd take you out for the afternoon to a coffee shop or flower store you really liked and then take you for a picnic in the royal grounds. There she'd confess her feelings to you. She'd assure you she really valued your friendship and if you don't feel the same way that's totally fine.
When you return her feelings Ty lee smiles brighter than you've ever seen which is saying something. She'd squeal and throw her arms around you in a very happy hug.
Similar to Azula, Ty lee would want to tell everyone you were dating but for very different reasons. With Ty lee she never even planned it, just every time she sees you she'd get a burst of joy and blurt out to whoever is near "that's my partner" proudly. Soon pretty much everyone in the Fire Nation knows you're together
Ty lee is the queen of PDA and affection but she'd also listen to what you want and come up with a happy medium if you weren't. You don't like holding hands? How about linking your arms or pinky fingers? Not a fan of cuddling? She suggests her putting an arm around you over the blanket so she knows you're there but you don't feel smothered. You're not very good at expressing yourself in a relationship? No problem, Ty lee communicates what she wants for you clearly and always asks to make you feel secure.
While Ty lee loves affection and PDA she'd also have special moments where it's just the two of you. The first time she tells you she loves you she'd plan for you to be alone and for any significant milestones she always makes sure you have privacy. She wants you to herself in those moments and the only company she needs is yours.
All of Ty lee’s friends can see how smitten she is with you and so Mai is a little worried at first. Ty lee loves first and thinks later so she’s worried you could take advantage of her. So you’d definitely have to prove yourself to Ty lee’s best friends or they will make you disapear. Luckily the way you feel about Ty lee is pretty obvious too so they don’t doubt you for too long. 
While Ty lee is incredibly sweet that doesn't mean she won't stand up for you. One day Azula makes a comment about how there was a crease in your trousers and laughs about it. "I don't think that's funny" Ty lee replies and Azula rolls her eyes "what because they're your partner we can't have a laugh?". "No, we can't have a laugh because it's not funny to comment about anyone's appearance but especially my partner's and if you keep doing it then we're going to have a problem". Azula (and Mai) had never had Ty lee stand up to her before so was thrown and a little unsure how to respond. Azula shrugs it off but she never commented on you in front of Ty lee again.
Ty lee is super nervous and hesitant to introduce you to her family and you don't get why until you arrive at their home. Ty lee's sisters all have a resemblance to her and Ty lee keeps nervously glancing from you to them. You realise Ty lee is feeling insecure and make sure to keep randomly shooting her smiles or taking her hand. When you leave you tell her how much you like her and how wonderful she is. Ty lee bursts into tears right there and then making you wonder if you've done something wrong but she shakes her head. Telling you how relieved she is that you still want and like her. She confesses, through tears, that she loves you and it seems so perfectly spontaneous just like Ty lee. You of course tell her you love her too and Ty lee bursts into tears again.
Regarding your career Ty lee is a certified hype woman. Anything you do she thinks is amazing so she is constantly cheering for you. She'll send you well-done texts while you at work and show up to any events super proud because you're her partner. She loves telling people what your job is because she thinks it is amazing just because it's what you do.
Fights with Ty lee are emotional. Ty lee of course cries because that's just her normal response when she's overwhelmed and doesn't know how to deal with her emotions. This typically makes you cry too so it's just two crying people yelling at each other. You tend to make up pretty quickly because you both dislike being sad and miss one another. Mai insists on being invited to all your fights because she finds it a good social experiment.
Ty lee is the type of partner that would turn up on your doorstep with a box of puppies because "SHE COULDN'T JUST LEAVE THEM THERE!". So your place is full of animals of all kinds and Ty lee is constantly trying to sneak in more. You're the only self-control Ty lee has in this aspect so you have to be the grown-up a lot. "Ty lee we cannot take in another dog, we already have 4". "But look how floppy his ears are! Please y/n?". "Why don't we see if any of our friends want a dog? I bet Sokka would love him". "Okay fine...”. 
The best thing about Ty lee is, you know no matter what, you have a person in your life who will always want what’s best for you. Ty lee would move a mountain for the people she loves and you are very priviledged to be included in that list. 
Request by @darkprince1110​
I know this was SUPEERRRRR long but I had so many ideas and I still do so might make a part 2 :)
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dollygirl808 · 5 months
Spoiled Rotten! (Zombie Yandere)
Half!Zombie/Zombie Hybrid Yandere Simon "Ghost" Riley x Original Female Character (Freya)
Fingering, eating out, use of slut and Princess. One-shot for now (I can't control myself)
Smut under cut
Freya stomped away angrily from masked man, making her footsteps much louder than she should, letting out an exasperated groan.
Ghost followed silently, trying his best to quell the urge to snatch her up and drag her back to the safe house, and lock her up in the attic for safekeeping.
After several minutes of this, she whirled around, pointing an accusatory finger at the man, "Stop! Stop following me!" She whisper yelled, although the pretense of being quiet was long forgotten in their heated yelling match earlier.
It's not as though they hadn't had this same exact fight many times before, it was a complicated issue. She didn't blame or fault the man, he was simply doing what his brain told him he had to do to keep her safe. But when his brain told him to murder a man and his son in broad daylight, then quickly consume their cooling corpses as she sat tied up to a tree, a few feet away and half naked from where the younger boy had stripped her and attempted to rape her, well.
Like she said, it's a complicated issue.
She wasn't wholly mad at him, mostly just pissed off at herself for needing Simon to come to her rescue yet again, as if she hadn't been living and surviving in the zombie apocalypse for the past 8 years perfectly fine on her own before him.
It made her feel weak, incapable of protecting herself or living on her own. And that made her scared.
And sometimes she wanted to blame him and his ever-present helicopter-ing over her life and growling at or shooting down, or simply ripping into like a paper bag, of any human or zombie or hybrid that came her was and he considered a threat.
His constant, obsessive protection was the reason she let her guard down so much more often than she used to, the reason she got to relax at night known Ghost rarely slept and would keep a watch on her from afar, even after they had gotten into another fight and she had 'run away' with a group of survivors, weather it be hours or days or weeks or months, eventually they'd get separated, killed off or ambushed by something or someone, and every time he would be right there, coming to her side with a low hum, or shooing away another undead with a possessive growl.
Sometimes she just wanted to talk to other people! How hard was that to accept?!
Ghost just stood there, one dark brown eye and one glazed over white eye staring at her in turn, hands hanging by his side, not even blinking. Talking to that man was like arguing with a fucking brick wall.
"UGH!" She yelled, turning on her heel again and making her way to the safezone.
He reached out, long limbs overtaking her in just a second as he grabbed her wrist and stopped her from moving, "You're acting like a spoiled brat," He huffed out, half amused and half annoyed as he towered over her and looked down at her, eyes narrowing.
"That's because you treat me like a fucking child!" She snapped, punching him in his arm hard. He didn't flinch or budge. "You're overhearing! Your like a fucking helicopter parent! I can protect myself!"
Simon growled low, eyebrows furrowing as he stepped closer and held up his other, gloved hand, "You got yourself kidnapped," He held up one thick finger, "You let yourself get taken to another location," Another finger, this time his middle, "You were five seconds away from being raped," His ring finger, "And none of that would have happened if you hadn't had another one of your little tantrums." He seethed, then grabbed her by her throat, pulling her nose-to-nose.
"You are making my job harder than it needs to be," He rumbled out low and angry, fingers tightening around her throat as she squirmed under his heated glare, "You're acting like a spoiled brat, so I'm treating-" The man flinched back, his words being interupted as she spat in his face, the saliva landing on the cheek of his skull mask.
"I'm sick of seeing your stupid fucking face!" Freya hissed out, thrashing her body in his hold to no avail.
Ghost went deadly silent, still staring in the direction he had flinched after being spat at. He let go of her arm and wiped it off with the back of his glove, then slowly turned his head to look at her.
Not a single word was spoken, but his hand did squeeze down, now cutting off her blood flow. Her breath hitched, and she had to fight off a giddy, bratty smile as he choked her. She was supposed to be angry at him because he made her feel week, and not horny because of it!
But, fuck- if he'd just squeeze a little hard, choke her a little more, loom over her with that hungry look, and dragged her into one of the empty houses nearby, maybe she could forgive him, if only he'd stuff her poor empty pussy again-
His mask twitched upwards, just a little, around where she suspected his mouth was, "You're getting off on this."
She nodded with a small smile, a flush coming to her cheeks as the angery quickly melted away into *need.* Maybe she wasn't upset with him at all, maybe she was being ridiculous and she was just too sexually frustrated to have remembered to keep her guard up when she was out with that father and son duo on a small raiding party.
He chuckled, a deep and rough sound from low in his throat as he pulled her flush against him now, surely smirking under his stupid mask as he leaned his head down her neck, rubbing the nasal bone of his mask over her skin as he took a deep breath in of her scent.
"What's wrong? Your little human not big enough for you, greedy little thing? Not satisfying my little slut?" He rumbled out, amusement laced in his heady tone.
"No," She sighed out, baring her neck to him as her head leaned back.
"No?" He promted, pulling away now, which had her shaking her head, and gripping at the tactical vest he still wore.
"No, he's not you- nothing like you," Freya affirmed, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She was usually horny for the massive half human, half zombie man, but after spending the past week fucking a boy who knew nothing, she craved the man before her like never before.
He hummed, eyes leaving hers for just a second to scan their surroundings. After determining that it was safe, and picking a house, he started walking towards it, making her stumble and whine as she was forced to walked backwards.
The door wasn't locked, and after opening it and pushing her inside, he locked it behind them.
"If I fuck you, will you be a good girl and behave?" He asked, and she nodded, letting out a drawn out yes in response.
He stalked closer, like a predator on the hunt, and she was his helpless, small prey, "And you're going to listen to me, stop being a misbehaving brat and never set foot in that place again?"
She whined, sitting up on her elbows from where she had fallen. He was rarely this careless with her, only doing so when he was truly and thoroughly done with her shit. "I-I can't, all my stuff is still back in the house," She shook her head, "You'll have to let me go."
Ghost groaned, falling to his knees in front of her, "Don't," He huffed, and shuffled closer, one hand yanking her by her ankle as he cralwed between her legs, "Don't ask me that, Princess. Can't say no to you- don't ask that of me. Please," He begged as he undid the zipper on her jeans.
Freya's breath hitched as her pants were yanked down, "You have to let me go, Simon," She panted, now desperately kicking off her shoes and pants, "After, have to let me go after."
He yanked her pants off the rest of the way, throwing the offending fabric away as his large hands wrapped around her upper thighs and pulled her flush against his cargo pants, pressing his aching cock into her clothes cunt with a mutual moan, "No, I won't," He growled out, grinding down into her.
She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist and letting him hold her up, "You will."
"I can't!" He snarled, slamming his fist into the carpeted ground, shaking the floorboards under them and temporarily pausing their mad dash to fuck like wild animals.
"You *will,*" Freya pressed, "Because I asked you. You will." Her hand slid down to the side of his neck, and her thumb hooked under the edge of his mask. When he didn't stop her, she pushed it up passed his nose, "Kiss me."
He obeyed, surging forward on his forearms as he kissed her hard, dominating her and her mouth. He longed to touch her bare skin, but he couldn't take his lips off her body long enough to pull his gloves off, so he trailed his kisses down her jaw and to her neck instead.
"Don't leave marks, Si," She whined, palm pressing at his forehead as she exposed her neck on instinct.
One gloved hand roughly yanked up both of hers, and pinned them. "Shut up," He growled, pushing her head to the side with his free hand and and bitting down into her flesh, not hard enough to break skin, but enough to make her squirm and moan.
"F-fuck, please Si, don't-" She gasped out, hips pressing up into him. Fully ignoring her, he pressed his hand to her mouth to muffle her as he marked her neck, marked what was his.
He sucked on a new spot until it was blotchy and red, then moved on to a third mark, this time at her shoulder, pushing her shirt collar out of the way with his nose as he sank his teeth into her, letting out a possessive growl into her skin.
She moaned into his palm, nails digging into the hand holding hers as he marks her, warm tounge lapping at his marks when he was done, his breathe which was much cooler than a humans should be, fanning over her face as he pulled away to admire his work. Her neck was now thoroughly marked, and he felt satisfied with his claim over her.
Ghost sat up, his legs spreading hers more as he ooened them wider, exposing her simply grey cotton panties. "You belong to me," He told her, dangerous, low, predator. "Always. You belong to me." His gloved thumb brushed down the center, making the fabric grow darker from her arousal.
"Yeess, Si, I'm yours," Freya promised, hips twitching from the simple touch, "I'm yours, always."
He did that a few more times, watching her squirm and attemt to press down on his hand. His thumb pressed between her folds, pushing the dark grey fabric between them.
"Who do you belong to?" He asked, arrogant smirk on his lips as he touched her through her panties.
"You, I belong to you!"
"Who?" He chuckled darkly, pausing as his finger brushed the edge of her panties.
"Simon! I belong to you, please, stop teasing me Si!" She begged him, panting from anticipation as she lay on the ground.
"That's right." He pulled the fabric down, taking his time as he brushed his gloved hands over her thighs, pulling the panties over her knees then off, sneakily pocketing it in his back pocket.
"You belong to me," He stated, hooking her legs over his hips, "He can't treat you like I can. I bet you haven't cum once all week, have you sweet thing? That's why you're so pent up, huh? He can't make you cum like I can?"
"No, only you Si- need you to help me cum, please," She moaned as he pressed one gloved finger into her, slowly sliding it back and forth.
Freya whined, more pleas slipping out of her mouth as she begged for more, more fingers, more of him. It made his cock ache to fill her, but not yet.
He slid a second finger in, curling them just right to make her gasp and arch up into him. "Oh god, missed your cock so much Si, please just fuck me, need you-"
She blinked her eyes open, panting, "What?"
"I said no. D'you think you deserve my cock, greedy little brat? You run away from me for a week, and you're gonna go back to the camp after I have my way with you, but you want my cock too? I don't think so."
"B-but, Si I-" She stuttered out, face flushed. Sure, she's been a bit of a brat lately, but he didn't want to fuck her?
"If you want my cock you know how to find me." He told her simply, fingers squelching embarrassingly loud inside her.
"Fuck-! Please?" She moaned, lashes fluttering as her head fell back.
He thrust his fingers into her, a deep and slow pace, "No." She let out little whines, upset and begging, but he ignored her as he fingered her pussy.
"Please!" She begged again, her ankles hooking behind his back to pull him closer.
Ghost groaned as he ground his cock into the back her her thigh, making him pause in his ministrations.
He growled out, annoyed, and forced her legs open and over his shoulders. Lowering himself on his stomach, he sucked on his own wet fingers with a moan as he tasted her for the first time in a while. After sucking out as much of her taste from his gloves as he could, he shoved his fingers back inside, and put tongue to clit.
Freya gasped as he lavished his tongue over her needy little pussy, noisy slurping up her arousal as it dripped between his fingers and sucking on her clit, making her moan and shake as he expertly brought her to the edge of orgasm with his thick fingers and broad tongue.
"Simon-! Simon-!" She moaned out, voice high pitched as her back arched off the carpet and her orgasm built up inside her, she was so close, she just needed a little more-!
He stopped suddenly and his head perked up, turned to the side, listening to sounds outside the door that she couldn't possibly catch even if she strained her ears, "Someone's coming," He looked back at her for a few seconds, still listening.
"They're far, but coming. Better cum quick, Princess," Simon teased with a cocky smirk, loving the way her eyes went wide and she shook her head wildly to protest- but it was no use, he was alrady diving back between her legs, doubling his efforts on her pussy to make up for the pause.
"No, no-!" She hissed out, then a moan slipped past her lips and she pressed her hand to her mouth hard.
She couldn't hear them yet, so hopefully they weren't close by, but her blood was also rushing in her head, and her breathing was coming out in harsh pants as she bucked her hips up into his eager face.
Her eyes rolled back as Simon curled his finger just right, his tongue flicking back and forth over her clit at the perfect angle, perfect speed- her thighs clamped down on either side of his face, entire body arching up into him as she came on his fingers, her raw moan only muffled by the fact that she had bit into her own arm to quiet her noises.
He pulled his fingers out with a wet squelch much too soon, but they didn't really have much time. He was already relapsing them with his tongue, moaning openly into her pussy as he tasted her, eating out the rest of her cum as she twitched and gasped from overstimulation, sock-clad foot kicking at his shoulder.
"S-stop!" She gasped wetly, saliva connected to her arm from where she had bit herself, "Oh god-" Her head thunked back onto the carpet with a dull sound as he used his fingers to scoop ar her walls like she was a finicky, poorly designed container.
And he continued to lap up her juices like a starved dog, messily eating her pussy like it was the last time he'd be able to, making his mask damp with her slick from where it had fallen back over his nose.
"Freya?" Knock knock knock, "Are you in there babes?" Jake's voice called from the other side of the door as he knocked.
She froze, then let out a hissed curse as she used Simon's momentary pause to push away from him and kick him away in the same motion, feet planted on his shoulders.
They had both too caught up in her orgasm to have noticed the man's approaching footsteps, and someone had gotten too greedy in eating her out, so she had to rush to yank her pants back up and shove her feet in her shoes.
"Yeah! One sec!" Freya called out, hoping her voice didn't sound as shakey as she felt, zipping and buttoning up her jeans.
Simon watched with an amused tilt to his lips as he licked at his slick-coated fingers, while she searched the floor frantically for her missing panties. After watching her for a few seconds, he led them up for her to see, chuckling when she lunged for them and he only held his hand higher, out of her reach.
"I aught to fucking kill you, you know that? You're fucking unsufferable!" She yelled at him, annoyed, nerves still frayed from her orgasm only a few moments ago.
"You wouldn't," He huffed out, amused as he tucked his little prize back into their hiding spot, safely stuffed in his back pocket.
She grumbled, face feeling far to flushed as she turned her back, quickly unlocking the door to stand face to face with Jake, her 'roommate' who she had been living with for the past two weeks, in the camp.
"Hey, babe- who were talking to?" He asked worridly as he looked past her into the house.
Ghost stepped forward, pushing the door open further as he brushed past them both, making sure to touch her hand with his soaked glove and bump the man's shoulder.
"Just a friend- we traveled together for a while, since I was 22. He doesn't like other people much, but I want to live in a safe zone with others. He wanted to convince me to come traveling with him again, but doesnt understand why I want to stay put," Freya explained, placing a hand on his chest.
Jake nodded, side-eyeing the much taller man nervously as he grabbed her hands. Glancing down, he had to do a double take as he saw her bruised and raw wrists, "Wait, what happened to your wrists?" He asked, thumb rubbing lightly at the rope marks on each wrist.
"Two of your palls though they'd tie her up and have their way- I took care of them both," Ghost grunted, standing off to the side as he watched the pairs reaction.
Jake's slightly suspicious, but greatful glance, and Freya's scoff and eye role. "I told you I was handling it."
"Yea, course you were Princess," Ghost huffed out of his nose, likely smirking under his mask.
"Did you guys kill them?" Jake asked in a low voice, setting his hand on her hip.
"Yeah, obviously." Freya glared at the masked for the tone of his voice when he said it.
"Please ignore him, he's not used to talking to people," She said sweetly, smiling at the man.
"Guess the run was a bust, huh? Do you wanna go back now?" Jake asked.
"Yeah," She nodded, "Let's head back inside the safe zone."
Ghost huffed, unsatisfied with her words but not surprised as he stood close by. "When you're done playin' house, you know how to find me Princess," He told her, brushing his dry glove against her cheek before turning around and stalking away, into the nearby forest.
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Loser Round 1: Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Propaganda below the cut
Damian Wayne:
Damian is a kid who was raised as an assassin and because of that when he first appears he has some really messed up ideas of how to prove himself to his father by being aggressive with the criminals they capture and attacking his brother. Because of this people act like he is the most evil character ever and refuse to give him any grace. They make him out to be this awful irredeemable monster who just wants to kill his brother and hurt people. If the fandom isn’t making his out to be The Worst(tm) then they are ignoring his existence all-together. He is a really interesting character who has done some not so great things but he’s grown and learned a lot through various character arcs (as much of an arc as a comic book character can have) and he deserves to be acknowledged for himself and not just as a villain so that people can woobify his brother.
HES JUST A LITTLE BABY GUY!!!!! Little baby man raised as an assassin and learning how to be a real person <3. But because he was kind of a dick and also a little stabby early-on, especially to the fandom's main "so sad uwu depressed baby" blorbo (and also he's not white), people treat him like he's satan incarnate
Aang is a kid who was thrown into responsibility against his will and when he ran away he woke up to a world where everything and everyone he loved was gone. A lot of the decisions he makes that people attack him for are either a result of his grief and attempts to keep his people beliefs alive or his immaturity because his is literally a child. Also he is constantly getting slandered in ship wars because of the way he interacts with Katara in canon because he is often selfish with her and obviously that makes him such a horrible guy! (No he is just a kid who is stumbling through his relationships like all of us do.) Everything he does makes perfect sense considering his age and circumstances and I’m tired of people saying he should have done things differently. God forbid a traumatized child not act like a perfect reasonable angel with the mental capacity and communication skills of an adult. 
People are really over there saying the 12 year-old boy is a horrible and selfish person for refusing to murder a man !! He's 12 !! He's the last of his culture, which valued life and pacifism, and wants to keep that alive !! HE'S 12 !!!!!!!
People also like to pretend he can't understand another character whose mom was murdered because he believes it's important to Not let yourself be consumed by revenge, and is being self-righteous for asking her to Not go on a revenge quest (often in the name of shipping wars) when
1) His Whole People Were Killed, and
2) homegirl is 14, asking her to not kill someone when she doesn't have to, for her own good is literally the right thing to do
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eddieschains · 7 months
Maximum Security Vol. 2
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credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple for the eddie edit 🫶🏽
Vol. 1
Word Count: 1.5k
TW// mentions of murder, brief use of y/n
The morning after is mostly a blur. You were still wrapping your head around everything that had happened just hours before. Getting out of bed was one of the hardest things you’d had to do in months. Harder than giving birth, you’d say. But you had a child to take care of, and now a husband to bail out of jail.
You got Leila changed and dressed for the day, sitting her in her highchair for breakfast while you made a quick phone call to Joyce. You asked her when Hopper’s shift started so that you could be there as soon as he came in.
Hopper had known both you and Eddie nearly your entire lives. For both good reasons, and some bad ones. But he always treated you both like his own children. Maybe it was because Wayne was one of his best friends in high school, or maybe it was because he just wanted you both to feel like you had someplace or someone to call home, since neither of you had that growing up. But, no matter what the circumstance was, he was always there to help and protect both of you.
Joyce told you he should be at the station in about 30 minutes and that he would be expecting you. She gave you her sympathy and told you if you needed anything you and Leila were always welcome at their home.
You hung up the phone, quickly getting dressed and looking somewhat presentable before loading Leila in the car and practically racing to the police station.
You see Hopper pull into the lot just seconds before you do. He clocks you as soon as he gets out of the van, standing and waiting for you as he lights a cigarette.
Putting the car in park, you load Leila into her stroller before walking to meet with Hopper.
“Hey kid.” He pulls you in for a hug, a little longer than his usual. “How you holding up?” He asks, blowing the smoke from his cigarette to the side.
You shake your head, trying not to let the tears that have been brewing all morning fall. “Been better.”
Hop just nods, stomping the cigarette out and leading you into the building. He greets everyone at the door and tells you to wait in his office as he makes you a cup of coffee. You’re sure he can tell you need it by the dark rings around your puffy eyes.
Sitting in his office for what feels like an eternity, all you can do is stare at your sleeping baby. Thinking about how the love of your life could do this to you, to your daughter, even to himself. He was supposed to be bettering himself. Walking down the right path, the path of a wholesome family man. Not the path of attempted murder.
You’re pulled away from your thoughts as you hear the door open, Hopper walking in with two coffee cups, setting one on the table in front of you before plopping down into his chair.
You both sit in silence for a moment, enjoying your fresh cups of coffee and the morning breeze. The slightest moment of peace you’ve been able to get in the last 12 hours.
“How old is she now?” Hopper asks, smiling at Leila.
“6 months.” You smile, combing her hair with your fingers. “It’s been hard… but I know it’ll be worth it one day.”
“It’s worth it now. You’ve got a beautiful baby.”
“And a husband in jail.” You respond, looking back to him. He sighs, a sympathetic look washing over his face.
“So how much is the bail?” You reach down for your purse, rummaging through your wallet. “I brought my checkbook and I know I don’t have much, but I could at least put somewhat of a down payment down if that would work.”
“Oh, sweetheart…” He breathes.
“Or if it’s too much I could look into a bondsman I guess.”
“I could call my dad. He doesn’t like Eddie but I know he’d rather not have me raise a baby alone.” You continue to ramble, keeping your eyes on your purse as you finally pull out your wallet.
“No, that…” His volume gets a little louder, but you choose to ignore it.
“Or- or Steve! I feel bad asking him for so much but I know he’d help at the drop of a hat and-“
“Y/N!” Hopper shouts, stopping you dead in your tracks. “Eddie’s not getting bailed out.” He softens his voice again.
“Of course he is, that’s why i’m here Hopper.” You scoff.
“He is the prime suspect in a murder, kid.” He softly placed his hand on yours as you shake it away.
“No- no they said- they said he was okay. He got hurt but he was at the hospital and he was going to be okay.” Your chest starts to tighten, as your breathing become shallow.
Hopper takes your hand in his. “Jason died this morning. They tried their best but… he didn’t make it.”
Wait, What? Jason? As in Jason Carver?
“Jason… Jason who?” You ask Hopper, your breathing becoming shallow once again.
“You know which one. Carver.” You scoff, looking away. Sure, they never liked each other but for Eddie to kill him? You would’ve thought it would be the other way around. “What was their… relationship like?” He carefully asks.
You chuckle. Out of all people, Hopper should know the answer to that question. “They hated each other, Hop. You know that. But, I thought we all grew up and moved on…”
“So there wasn’t anything after school? No fights or anything like that?” He questions you further.
“No, no. Nothing like that. Trust me, if Ed would’ve run into him I would’ve been the first person to know.” You respond. “If either of them would’ve gotten hurt, I always thought it would be Eddie. He wouldn’t hurt a fly…”
The only reaction you can let out are a few tears. The information of your husband, the father of your child, being a murderer, becoming all too real at this moment.
“You know… when I first moved into the trailer with him and Wayne, there- there was this stray cat that would roam the park. She didn’t look like she was taken care of very well. But Eddie… Eddie always left food and water out for her. He took her inside when it would rain. He named her Star, cause she would only come out at night. He made her our unofficial child.” You laugh, remembering the way he treated that little kitten, Hopper's eyes soften as he listens to your story. But, you were soon brought back to reality. The tears formed once again as you remembered where Eddie was now. “Where is he? Can I see him?” You ask, wiping the stray tear off of your cheek.
Hopper nods, opening the door and leading you to the few holding cells in the back of the building. He looks at you, silently asking if you’re sure you want to do this, before you send a nod his way. Before he’s able to turn the door handle, you interrupt him.
“Wait.” Hopper stops, looking back at you. “Can I leave Leila with someone out here? I don’t want her to… see him… like that.” He looks back at one of the officers behind you, nodding for him to come over.
“Can you watch the little girl while we go talk to Eddie?” The officer agrees, grabbing hold of the stroller before Hopper ushers you into the holding room.
Walking in, your eyes go straight to Eddie. He’s sitting on the cold metal bench behind the metal bars, his eyes dark and heavy, he’s probably spent most of his time in there crying.
“Baby…” He lifts his head as he hears you walk in. His eyes light up slightly, taking in your presence. “Thank god you’re here baby, i’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for putting you and Leila through this, I- I just wanna go home. Can we go home now?” His voice comes out as a whine, his vocal chords probably tired from all the sobbing he did the previous night.
You fight the tears beginning to form before walking closer to the cell. “What… the fuck. Wha- what the actual fuck is wrong with you, Munson?” Eddie flinches slightly, knowing you only call him by his name when you’re angry. “We were in a good place. Everything was great and then- then you went and- and you… you killed someone, Eddie! And Jason of all people? What were you thinking?” He furrows his brows, and you realize that Hopper hadn’t told him the news yet. “You’re not getting out. Not any time soon. I don't know what the fuck was going through your head but… we can’t help you this time.”
You walk away, heading for the door as you hear Eddie mumble jesus christ, followed by a loud bang from his slapping the metal bars. You turn to look at him. He’s taken a seat on the cold bench, head in his hands as you hear soft cries leave his mouth.
“I love you, Eddie Munson. But you really did it this time.”
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littlerosette · 2 months
Going through 2010s fan fiction is a minefield because half the time I’ll see authors notes where it’s very “ yeah I’m here for Peeta being an angel and Katniss is terrible”. And I’m here like you can’t write their dynamic correctly if you don’t see that Peeta is a little shit and that Katniss literally worships him in her mind and from when she realized he didn’t want to kill her to the hijacking, she was really nice to him and enjoyed being friends with him. She’s just stupid about emotions
My fun fact from rereading the books is that by counting length of time Peeta is the one who acts more moody towards her than she does to him. She’ll get snippy once in a while but he’s the one who initiates being cold and not talking to each other after the games and also the one who goes full Career after the Quell.
people are wayyyyyyy meaner to katniss than they rightly should be because of their sympathy for peeta. for one, i find that the outrage has to be based— in some part— to some level of misogyny because we expect women to treat men better than they treat women, and when they don’t, they’re crucified. think of how people treat skyler white or carmela soprano in comparison to their literal murdering, drug dealing, sociopathic husbands. a woman’s worse crime is to be uncomfortably human, with all of its implied anger and frustrations.
katniss is an uncomfortably human character. she’s moody and fiery and nasty and occasionally selfish. she’s also capable of great kindness and compassion. there were several points when i was reading where i wanted to be mad at her (like when peeta got hijacked) before i reminded myself that. yeah. what peeta is going through sucks. he also just strangled her so maybe she’s entitled to her anger😭 i feel like a lot of our perception of her is tied up in her self-loathing. it’s easier to see katniss as the “meaner” one because she sees herself as the “mean” one. mind you, this was a girl who took time out of her day to teach bonnie and twill how to hunt and gave them all her food because she was worried they wouldn’t survive. katniss is a wonderful person.
i wouldn’t say that peeta is moodier than her. i think peeta was entitled to his frustration after the first games to a certain extent. keep in mind he’s a teenage boy, so it’s inevitable that he’s gonna act like a sadsack after learning katniss’s feelings for him aren’t as clear cut as he wants them to be. but i do think he’s emotionally perceptive enough to have picked up that she was falling for him in the games, which is why he’s so shocked to learn that it was an act. katniss, though, is too emotionally stunted to realize that she was falling for him too which is why everything goes to shit between them for a while. to be fair to peeta, he was the first one to apologize and seek to repair the friendship. he was able to understand that he put an unfair burden on her when she was just trying to keep them both alive.
don’t take this to mean that i think he’s perfect!! peeta is a people-pleaser to the extreme, so i think a Lot of his easy going nature in the first two books has to do with that. peeta in mj (though hijacked) is probably him with his worst flaws bared. he’s violent and insecure and jealous and mean, and for once, he and katniss can see each other more honestly. he obviously would have never hurt her if he wasn’t hijacked, but i do think everything we see of him (minus the attempted killing of katniss) was him, just his ugliest bits.
all in all, people are too mean to katniss. people are too dismissive of peeta’s issues. and they are perfect for each other.
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nerdyjournals · 13 days
Genre: mystery Y/N Notes: they/them, female presenting Ship: REVEALED IN THIS CHAPTER
Two hours ago, police released information regarding the ongoing case of the body found in the Han River earlier today as well as the disappearance of her friend.
The man in question is connected to a fatal shoot out that took place seven years ago that took the lives of three people, including local Detective Kim Jonghyun.
When reaching out to the family of the late detective, they revealed that the suspected identity of the body is their younger cousin. This case is suspected to be treated as a homicide case moving forward.
The autopsy of the body is currently underway and we hope to uncover the identity of the body soon.
If you have any information regarding the suspect, please contact your local authorities.
The TV clicked off as you leaned back in the hospital bed.
"Is this really going to work, Minho?" You looked over at your friend, sighing as he sunk in the uncomfortable hospital chair.
"It has to. The guys have already gotten to the detectives and are plotting what to do next." He looked over at you. "I know that look. Speak."
"Maybe we should call it." Minho shot up and reached for your hand. You flinched but let him take hold. "Too much is happening because of me, and you already got hurt." Your eyes drifted over to the small spattering of belongings, finding the little charm that matched with two others. "I don't want anyone else getting hurt."
"Hey, look at me." He tilted your head towards him, eyes drifting to the charm around his neck. "We already told you that we're in this for the long run. No matter what." His hand gripped yours tight as his phone began to ring. "Are you up for another visitor?"
"Is it him?" Minho nodded. "Go get him please."
Jisung rocked on his heels as he stood in the hospital waiting room. Jinki dropped him off before he went off to help set up the con with the others.
"Jisung," Minho's voice caught his attention, "you have your pass?" The boy nodded. "Come on. She wants to see you."
Minho gently took his hand and took him down the hall. Jisung felt his chest clench at the sight of you on the hospital bed. You held out your arms and he rushed into them, gently holding you and sighing into the crook of your neck.
"I'm okay, baby," you whispered into his ear. "Minho saved me. Our hero, right?"
"I thought you were gone." He slowly began to rock you back and forth. "I thought Minho was gone." The other boy sat on the other side of the bed, laying one hand on your shoulder. "My heart hurt so bad."
"It would take a lot more than a couple bumps and bruises and broken bones to get rid of me." You chuckled. "Besides, we still have to tell the others about us." You pulled back and pressed your lips to his forehead as Minho leaned his head against yours. "I love you both too much to let this go unsaid."
They all pulled away from each other and settled into the silence.
"Why is he after you?" Jisung asked.
"My cousin killed his brother in a shootout months ago. He wants revenge on those who killed him." You started to run your fingers of the back of his hand. "I'm just thankful it's only one and not any of the others."
"What would getting rid of you do?"
"Fulfill his need for revenge? I don't know." You turned to Minho. "How's the case building?"
"We have enough to get him on attempted first degree murder, but with his brother's connection they may be able to dig up more. Possible sentence, life in prison. Best sentence, the death penalty."
The other two looked a bit uneasy at how gleeful Minho looked at the last sentence.
"You're lucky we love you or we'd put you in an asylum," Jisung laughed.
"So what's the next move?" You asked. "Minho mentioned something about a con?"
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Can you do a Queen Chrysalis yandere alphabet please?
I can try, sure!
Yandere Alphabet - Queen Chrysalis
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Isolation, Hypnosis, Murder implied, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Queen Chrysalis is a highly manipulative yandere. She masquerades herself as your lover or friends to feed off your love. After all... your love tastes the sweetest.
It can be quite intense as she's addicted to you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
When it comes to Chrysalis I feel she has the ability to get messy but prefers to stay subtle and secretive to keep the sweetness of your love intact.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Queen Chrysalis treats abduction as a last ditch effort. She wants to play along to keep your love tasting the same. However, if she has to break her disguise, she will use some of her Changelings to abduct you.
She may mock a bit but she prefers not to. She'll treat you well... except if you fight. If you do... then a little hypnosis should do the trick, yeah?
Most likely but not while she's playing her little facade.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Queen Chrysalis is not a very open yandere. She isn't very vulnerable either.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Amused yet a bit irritated. She thought she could do this with no magic needed. Turns out she's wrong...
Oh well... hypnosis can do the job.
Not a game and feels more annoyed than excited about escape attempts.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
I'd say her getting her cover blown. Your lover/friends? Yeah... they're gone.
Long gone.
She got rid of them a long time ago to replace them. Now you realize you've just been feeding a monster. The thought of your true lover and friends being dead disturbs you.
But it only gets worse when she abducts you
Originally she was just going to use you to feed off your love... but now she doesn't mind keeping you all to herself for other reasons.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes she does. After all, she doesn't want to share her primary source of love. She will definitely find a way to isolate/get rid of rivals rather than cope.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Controlling, affectionate, demanding, clingy... she farms you for attention and affection. She is possessive and doesn't let you go anywhere near other ponies. Your life is with the Changelings now.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
At first she replaces your lover and replaces your friends with Changelings for the sake of feeding off you. Just another food source for her. Although... as she's around you playing her role... her thoughts begin to change.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not entirely unless she's playing the role of your lover.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
No need when you can just hypnotize your darling, right?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Depends what part of the obsession she's on. At first, not many. When she has her cover blown, nearly all.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
She has patience... but it wanes rather quickly.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
With time she would, yes. You were unique... but she still hungers.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and no.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Her nature to feed off love.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Amused and waits it out. She isn't the best with comfort.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
There isn't one, unfortunately. Not unless you can call Twilight.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
She could but tries not to.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but may praise you to obtain more love. Will go to great lengths to keep you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A long time. Right up until her cover breaks.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
By the end of her obsession, yes.
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