#shanna writes
oveliagirlhaditright · 7 months
Summary: In thinking that he and Buffy are probably going to make love soon if they don't go out, instead of staying in (something that Angel's not sure that Buffy's ready for), he wants to make sure that the two of them do go out on a date. But when they end up at an olden time inspired candle making attraction at Sunnydale's one amusement park, Angel once again wonders if his attempts at keeping Buffy out of the darkness will just inevitably pull her into it. As, for one thing, this place reminds him too much of his past, the setting is romantic, etc. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of Angel's scattered thoughts and things going on with him this day. A season two Bangel fic.
Light in the Darkness
"I should leave," Angel bit out, as he stood awkwardly beside Rupert Giles—waiting for Buffy to join the both of them in the library—and resisted with all his might the urge to rip the man's throat out.
In many ways, Angel had never been close to Giles, since it was clear that he was so mistrustful of him and always waiting for him to reveal his true colors when Buffy wasn't around. And this pompous attitude in one so much younger than Angel—and yet not one of the children, so he might forgive and forget--didn't endear him to the Watcher at all.
He'd started to make strides to improve his relationship with the Council's dog for Buffy and Buffy alone. But now in learning that the Watcher's Council was holding his childe captive… and Giles knew this and had done nothing, Angel felt any favor he had gained for Giles quickly fading away.
Giles opened his mouth, Angel saw—no doubt about to tell him to do exactly that—but before he could get the words out, Buffy finally arrived on the scene and hopped up to Angel. And almost at once, he felt some if his bad mood evaporating as he smiled ever so slightly at her.
"Sorry, I'm late, Angel! But are you ready to go to that new candle attraction?" the Slayer beamed.
Angel thought that Buffy herself looked like she was ready to match whatever candles they might make together: and knowing her, that was surely the point of her outfit. She looked very cute, in a short pastel yellow dress with baby purple leggings and clear shoes. He also noted she'd put those baby blue clips in her short hair that seemed to be all the rage with teenagers these days.
"Now, see here, Buffy! Shouldn't you be patrolling first?" Giles argued with his Slayer, while fidgeting with his glasses. And if that didn't give Angel another reason to hate the Watcher right now. He growled low in his throat.
"No, Giles!" Buffy protested, horror clearly written across her face. "If I patrol now, the amusement park will be closed by the time we're done! Angel and I’ll go out now and patrol after our date. Promise!"
She was giving Giles the puppy-dog-pout (something that Angel had been victim to a few times himself, and lost many a battle with Buffy because of), and he knew that the man wouldn't be able to hold out.
Finally, he relented: "Oh, alright! But you'd better be double thorough with your Slaying report to me tomorrow!"
And taking that as the dismissal it clearly was, Buffy grabbed Angel's hand—and he was glad that he was unable to blush as a vampire, as he would surely have been doing just that now with her innocent touch—and escaped with him out of the library.
The candle making event was a new attraction that had just been added to Sunnydale's one amusement park (for the time being, anyway. Angel had the feeling that eventually demons would destroy the entire place. That was just how things worked in this town). And when Angel had suggested that Buffy think of a date night for them, she had been adamant that they try this.
Angel thought that that was probably just because it was one of the few new things that Sunnydale had... But maybe also because the attraction was decorated a lot like the time he had grown up in—though thankfully, Angel could tell Buffy wasn't dreaming of being a princess again—and maybe because she suspected he had used to make candles some. And he most definitely had, back in the day. But it had most definitely been eons since he’d done so, though he didn't mind learning the craft again with Buffy. It would surely be fun.
As for Angel himself, he had most definitely wanted to go out with Buffy lately, and not stay in… because he knew that they were getting too close to making love. Coincidentally, he'd almost taken her virginity at a carnival not that long ago, when he'd been under a lust spell and she'd been under a pride one. And while Angel did think if Buffy was old enough to die for the world, she was certainly old enough to make her own choices… he still found himself wanting to delay the inevitable here, if for a moment longer, to try and make sure she didn't rush into something she wasn't really ready for. And so that when they finally did come together, hopefully it was something really special.
"Angel…" Buffy whispered his name now—pulling him out of his thoughts—as the two of them were already inside said candle store and making said items together, after having been given a lesson by one of the vendors. "Is everything… is everything peachy? I felt like when I came in the library there earlier, that you might have been thinking of clocking Giles a good one."
It took everything Angel had within him not to crush the green candle he had just crafted at Buffy's question. He tried to remind himself that he didn't even really care about this childe of his: they'd never had a bond, and he'd been coursed into the whole thing, anyway. But the sire/childe bond was strong. And really, it was the principle of the matter: that now his childe—his!—was being tortured day in and day out in the Watcher's Council's sick games, instead of being put out of his misery, like he should have been. And he could feel his childe's pain.
"Buffy… I don't know how to tell you this," Angel admitted. Looking at all of the candle samples directly ahead of him, so he didn’t have to see her face as he debated whether he wanted to say any of this or not. "Part of me doesn't even want to tell you, or wants to lie."
"Then that's the exact reason you should tell me, Angel," Buffy said now with an urgency to her voice, as she took one of his hands and looked deeply into his eyes, as she stood on her toes. "What's going on?"
He tried to stroll away from her, to gather his thoughts into words, but Buffy wasn’t having it. The best he could do was run a hand through his hair before he reluctantly settled on, "The Watcher's Council has someone I sired… and instead of just staking them, they're torturing him over and over again—to train up the future Watchers—and I can feel his suffering."
It took Buffy a moment to react, like Angel thought it might. At first, she narrowed her eyes, as if wondering why it was a bad thing at all: since this was a vamp. But in just a second, she empathized with Angel and pulled him into her embrace. "Angel, I'm so sorry," she whispered, as she kissed his chest. "Is there anything we can do?"
"No… no there's not." Not anything that wouldn't get his Slayer killed, anyway, and Angel would never allow that. "I'm just… furious. And I hate that Giles let this happen when he could have stopped it," Angel let slip out before he could stop it.
"Giles did what?!" Buffy demanded. And Angel could literally feel Buffy’s body temperature heat up with her fury.
“It’s nothing, Buffy,” Angel contradicted the words he had just said to her, he knew. But he really didn’t want to get into how he’d created this vampire when he’d gotten trapped in a different dimension. And the only way out was through the person he’d sired... And how the man wouldn’t let him out unless he did sire him.
But even more than all of that… Angel had been desperate to be free because he’d just started to watch Buffy after she’d been called in L.A.—thinking he was protecting her—and even though he hadn’t wanted to add any more blood to his name, he’d rationalized that he’d been doing this newest sin to help Buffy in the long run. “
“Giles… I guess he did what he had to do, so the Watcher’s Council wouldn’t open an investigation into him and everything going on here. And I didn’t really care about this childe of mine that much, anyway,” Angel shrugged.
Angel could tell that Buffy was giving him a good once-over, trying to detect any lie he might have just told. So it was good for him that he was a very good liar, wasn’t it?
Or so he thought, anyway, until Buffy started working on more of the gorgeous white candlesticks she’d created and muttered, “That’s literally the opposite of what you were just saying, and the fury I saw earlier. But I suppose if you want to let it go, it’s fine. Lord knows I’ve had to let go of my own fair share of things as the Slayer.”
Angel couldn’t hold back the smirk that came to his lips as Buffy’s words registered in his ears. He didn’t give his girl enough credit. She was too clever. And possibly knew him too well.
Though it was because she knew him too well, that Angel instantly felt himself sobering. Suddenly, he didn’t know if this date had been the best idea... This darkened room with candles everywhere, even though they were in public, was much too romantic. And he was once again imagining taking Buffy and doing things to her that would make her scream in pleasure and pain. The demon within him absolutely thrilled at the prospect.
Furthermore, though Angel hadn’t intended it, instead of doing the smart thing and postponing this date when things had hit the fan between him and Giles today, he’d instead unwittingly started to drive a wedge between her and her Watcher. And that was something he’d never wanted to do, since no matter what he and Buffy were—or what her destiny was, or how short her life might be—he’d always wanted to give her things, not take them away.
Almost to prove what a poison he was, Angel noted that the two colored candles he had made were green and black—in comparison with the white ones that Buffy had made, painting her like the angel, and definitely not him. Green meant life... But the way he had subconsciously moved to hold the two candles in his hands, it was almost as if he was about to cover the green one with the black, to try and completely snuff out any sight of it. And the vampire couldn’t help feeling like that’s what he was going to do to Buffy’s life in the end. He was a cancer, and he was going to choke her.
Buffy must have realized that he’d become entranced with his candles… Because suddenly leaning over his shoulder, she asked him with a smile in her voice, “You know what your colors are making me think of?”
“Kwanzaa?” Angel ventured, knowing that Buffy would have never gone to the dark place that he had. “If I make a red one, that is?”
“…Definitely a good thought,” Buffy acknowledged then, striding away from Angel with the cutest blush staining her cheeks. “And probably better than my idea. In fact, I feel really stupid now. Forget what I was going to say. Knowing you, you wouldn’t get the reference, anyway.”
Well, color him intrigued… err, no pun intended. Or, then again, maybe it was. He could learn to quip as well as Buffy, after all.
And how amazing it was, that she could always turn his mood around so swiftly. How he loved her… And one day, he would tell her. He would.
“Okay, Buffy. You can’t leave me hanging like that. Now you have to tell me. If you don’t tell me, no more kisses for you for a week,” he named his condition. And then the vampire had to laugh when Buffy glared at him and stomped her feet at the threat, like he knew she would. It was good to know that he was so desirable…
“Fine! But no laughing! And if you don’t get the reference, I warned you you wouldn’t, you oldie, you! The green and black remind me of that Disney movie ‘Pete’s Dragon.’ Because, well, the dragon was green with black scales. It also helps that there’s a song in the movie called ‘Candle on the Water,’ and we’re making candles. And the colors we’re talking about are your candles. Happy?!”
Huh. Angel could see why Buffy would make that connection. He had, actually, seen that movie. Or at least part of it... It was probably one of the few in the last century that he had, because the idea of combining live-action and animation had been so bizarre to him, that he had had to see how Disney might attempt it. The aforementioned song had also been quite pretty, he would admit.
“Buffy, are you saying you’ll be my ‘Candle on the Water?’” Angel couldn’t help teasing his girl more. He couldn’t help it (even if he knew he might end up well dusted for it). The Slayer was just too cute when she was flustered. But even though he’d posed it as a joke, a large part of him was serious in asking her that question. It was, after all, a very romantic song. And it would be nice to know that the girl he’d loved since he saw her would be willing to guide his way if he ever got lost. He did often drown in his guilty thoughts, Angel had to acknowledge.
But Buffy didn’t seem embarrassed in the slightest. Instead, she raised her eyebrow—seeming to ask Angel if he’d finally gotten it—and indicated all of the bright candles she’d made. “What do you think I made all these blinding candles for, cryptic guy?—though I guess in this case, maybe I was being cryptic girl—but do you think I send out smoke signals for just anyone?” Buffy smirked at him. And it was a very welcome thought, for all that it meant.
Interesting. Very interesting. Angel had thought he had partly been planning this date for specific reasons, but it seemed as though Buffy had had her own plans all along, too. What a pair they made...
For the love he felt radiating from her—a love she hadn’t said in so many words yet (except the one time he’d somewhat forced her to say it, when he’d been about to reveal stuff about Dru; he didn’t fully count that), but knew she would when she was good and ready—he could do nothing else but pull her close and kiss her like she’d never been kissed before. A side of Angel did try to keep in mind that they were in public, and not to get too crazy, but it was Buffy, and it was always hard to remember anything when he was with her like this. She always stole his unneeded breath.
He couldn’t help feeling, though (when they pulled away from each other), that where before he’d been worrying about some of their earlier kisses—that spoke of the unfailing lust between them, that he wasn’t ready to completely unleash with her yet—this one was all about love. And how beautiful that was… as well as fitting, with what they’d just been through, and what Buffy had offered him with her promise. How his un-beating heart soared.
Reluctantly, however, he had to remind his girlfriend that it was a school night. “Come on, Buffy. Let’s package up these candles and get you home. We don’t want Joyce calling the police, looking for you. I’ll patrol for you tonight.”
Buffy looked as unwilling to leave him as he was her. But eventually, she gave a world-weary sigh, wrapped up her candles, and then took Angel’s hand, before leading him towards the exit. “You’re right, Angel,” she said. “Let’s get out of here before my mom does do the drastic. But, hey: at least I know that if my mom ever did something like that, to have me unwittingly picked up by the po-po… you’d find me. Right?”
Angel grinned. He knew what Buffy was asking, uncertainly, with her last question (as she nervously played with her fingers, while they checked out): If he’d be her “Candle on the Water”, as she was his.
Dropping a kiss to her temple, he gave her his earnest answer “Always, honey. Always.”
Author’s Note: The ending of this definitely got a lot happier and fluffier than I thought it would.
Originally, the idea for this story (that randomly came to me while I was half-asleep) was for it to be sort of foreboding and hint at the later stuff to come in S2. And it definitely has that, but it doesn’t end with it. And maybe that’s okay. I mean, they’re not there yet. So perhaps it’s alright that there are only hints of it.
But the moment I had Buffy mention “Candle on the Water,” it was all over, in keeping fluff out of here. And I don’t think I really care. LOL. Let’s give these two SOME more moments of happiness before the shit hits the fan: Lord knows they need it, since canon can never give them a break.
The vampire that Angel sired in this is a reference to something that DID happen in one of the classic comics.
Also, Angel having issues with Giles is inspired by that somewhat being true in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer novel “How I Survived My Summer Vacation,” where those two did have some problems working together in the summer between Buffy S1 and Buffy S2 while Buffy was away. Some of that is for reasons I detailed here: Mainly in that Giles kept thinking that without Buffy there, Angel would reveal his “true self” or “true intentions” or whatever, and betray them all. And Angel, in his own words, hated having to defer to someone so much younger than himself, or something like that. LOL. As a whole, Angel in that book kind of felt… a bit wilder? But I feel that kind of makes sense. Because he’d only just decided to try this “being good” thing. And I think the more time he spent with Buffy, and humans in general, the more human he became. And I tried to replicate that here a bit: with the sense that Angel is maybe a tiny bit wilder than in some of my S3 fics, at least.
I also just wanted to try my hand at a S2 Bangel fic, as I realized I haven’t done that yet. S2 is so important for them, of course. And beloved by many (and I definitely get why. It’s even my favorite season of the show). Though I will admit it’s not my favorite season for Bangel, if that makes sense. I do prefer them in S3 and post-S3 as S2 is a bit too sexual for my ace self. Oops. But it was definitely fun trying them out in S2, and trying to see how they’re the same as they are in S3, and how they differ.
Oh. Buffy almost losing her virginity to Angel at a carnival, because he’s infected by the lust Seven Deadly Sin and she’s affected by the Pride one, IS something that happens in the book “Carnival of Souls.”
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kaebedom-me · 1 year
I've been brainrotting about this for a while but like ch//ya having an s/o that's a complete sub that one day wants to try being a dom?? but like overtime they just get v flustered and ch//ya take over,, like they talked it all over before and it's all okay msndm but idk,, I always wanted to try being a dom but I get flustered too easy;; idk maybe I could be v soft dom if kaeya/ childe was also top and we went down on the other nsbdj-
i have a friend who's just like this :)
i think childe and kaeya would adore the fact that you want to try to dom and or top uwu
they're all for spicing things up in the bedroom and exploring kinks mefeels
so when you mention to them one day that you'd like to try something like this they'd be v happy and willing to help you figure out how you'd wanna go about it
ofcccc there's plenty of ways people top and or dom so they'll wanna try their best to understand what you mean uwu
goes thru everything with you; if you want it to be a set time or something more spontaneous, if you want them to initiate a little before you leading or if you want to be the one to decide when and how it happens
also defs the dynamic, if you wanna bottom from the top of if you wanna peg them or if you wanna try bossing them around and tying them up
I've always hc them to be supes experienced so i like to think they'll gently suggest how you can get into the grooves of things if that's what you want
will baby and hand hold you through this because it is your first time trying
so so so proud of you for bringing it up to them!!!! so excited at the prospect too!
with a little discussion and some nudging with them you manage to find the perfect and most comfy way you wanna do
if you get flustered mid way its ok!!!! a ok!!! not a problem!! not even a matter!!!!
will ask if you're still comfy to continue if you'd like them to lead or nudge you a little on what to do
they're both switches so won't be too hard to go with the flow
thinks you're so cute when you're all shy and flustered and have ample patience with you
since kaeya's playing the soft dom/ bottom here he'd mostly just lay back and let childe guide you
gives you so much praise while you're on top of him trying to give him oral
pats your hair and gently guides and teaches you how properly tease + get him off
childe is a very responsible top uwu makes sure you and kaeya are both comfy all the time and that everything is still ok with you
will encourage you a ton and massage your erogenous zones
teases your sensitive spots too but not too much to distract you from your task at hand or mouth because wants kaeya to get his pleasure too uwu
sometimes you get too too flustered and panic like you can't do it or something, they make sure you're 100% ok to continue
and if you've already discussed it before i feel kaeya would coo at you and continue to encourage you uwu
maybe tells you to stay where you are (between his thighs) to watch how childe does it uwu
childe is very enthusiastic about being watched and even more enthusiastic about showing you the ropes
since his mouth is occupied kaeya kinda talks you through the process
his moans and grunts while talking about it
hc he gets off while talking about how he likes being blowed, he's a little bit vain
makes heavy eye contact with you and childe because he wants to make sure you're listening LOL
makes you so much more flustered especially with his husky ass pleasure laced voice mmm
asks you if you still want to lead if not they're ok with switching uwu
if you're supes shy at this point they're happy to flip the dynamic
would shower you with so so soooo much love because!!! you did so well!!!! it's not something easy to do so they're really proud of you for trying!
turns the attention to you also because they know you kinda just want to lie back and forget(tm) about the mess that was HAHAHHAH
if you're ok with going through with it they'd be so hyped!!! more compliments and sooo much praise!!!
childe would lean back to guide you again
kaeya takes more of a back seat this time, no tricks or anything to tease you uwu lays back to really enjoy the moment uwu gets into his bottom mentality HAHAH
childe teaches you when to go harder, when to suck and use a little teeth, praises you for doing what he tells you to
and when kaeya cums, childe is happy to get you (and him) off as a reward you for doing so well
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athenswrites · 6 months
Councilor Shanna Miles
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Piers came to stand beside Councilor Miles... In her bare hands, she held the original copy of the modern Constitution, a thick, leather bound book. She began to recite her lines, voice amplified by the tiny microphone clipped to the collar of her deep blue shirt. (Knight of Dawn, Chapter 1)
Quick Facts
Full Name: Shanna Blaire Miles
Pronouns: she/they
Title: Councilor of the Savannah Zone of Safety (formerly: Mayor of Savannah)
Gender: Demifemale
Sexuality: Lesbian
Birthday (Age at start): November 16th, 2146 (64)
Parents: Ronan Miles, Elisha Miles (deceased)
Siblings: Jonathan Miles, Christina Miles, Sarah Miles (deceased)
Notable physical features: grey hair dyed blonde
Personality: great public speaker but socially awkward, selfless, quiet, intelligent, quick witted, calculating, devoted
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Extended Intro
Councilor Shanna Miles is the longest-serving and Chief Councilor. While she initially presents herself as an enemy to Piers, the two eventually warm up to one another and grow to be close allies. Shanna was born and raised in the Savannah Zone of Safety, and their family traces their roots in the area to pre-Fall times. She grew up relatively comfortable, not rich but her parents made enough to put all four of their children through their higher education. Their mother worked as a biofuel engineer with the Royal Guard Navy, while their father was a speechwriter for several local Savannah politicians. While all of her older siblings joined the Royal Guard Academy, and eventually all became officers of varying rank in the Navy, Shanna shadowed under their father, gaining political experience and eventually becoming an intern/aide to the Mayor at the time. Eventually, Shanna worked her way up, serving as Mayor for five years before being elected to serve in the Council at age 42, and has continued to serve since. Despite being bullied constantly by Adele, Shanna has stood up for her Zone and has earned their respect.... and Shanna has also become the biggest pain in Adele's side. However, now that she's no longer Queen, Shanna finds herself in a complicated position with Piers, unable to tell their true intentions while also trying to prevent them from becoming as much of an asshole as Adele was. Shanna was married for over 20 years and had two children during that time. However, their wife and children disappeared 15 years ago and have not been seen since.
Tag List (reply or dm to be added or removed; I pulled from the old tag list + the call post): @author-a-holmes, @soul-write @flowerprose @ceph-the-ghost-writer @theglitchywriterboi @when-wax-wings-melt @thechaoticflowergarden @lyralit @penspiration-writing @samatedeansbroccoli @charlesjosephwrites @italiangothicwriteblr @thetruearchmagos @pineapple-lover-boy @unilightwrites @sanguine-arena @bardic-tales @joshuaorrizonte @blind-the-winds @circa-specturgia @hymnonlips @aloeverawrites @the-stray-storyteller @writeblrsupport @starlit-skys @kyuponstories @guessillcallitart @magic-is-something-we-create @talesofsorrowandofruin @writingonmymind @imslowlydisintegrating @worldsfromhoney
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nautilus1954 · 2 months
Chapter 2 at a grand total of 12,000 words!
I'm just gonna say it now, this is sorta kind the first edition of "Vincent BA" which is a new series I may or may not be working on. But yeah, huge flash back scene about Vincent's past life and stuff, and his early years of Hell.
There will be characters in here that we've never dived into, and probably won't for a while, they're pretty much just there to make the story work. I may dive into them more once I make a proper backstory, but yeah, until then, you'll have to connect the dots on that one.
I'm not particularly proud of this one since it's a bit experimental for me, trying to distinguish present day to flashbacks, but I think it's enough to tell which setting is which.
Also, side note, we get some origins of David, Melody, and a character we haven't heard from since MFTD: 4, Crovin!
Anyways hope you enjoy =]
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strawberry-metal · 7 months
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~Halloween Event Masterpost~
Content warnings: Blood, language, the occasional upskirt, implied sex (but it's never actually shown), and infidelity
Main characters: Kazeko, Kazuno, Kikumi, Rose, Shanna
Cameo character appearance: Sakura
Takes place: Two years after Stardust Crusaders.
This story takes place in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe. Watching the series is recommended for maximum enjoyment. This is an au. An alternate universe. Characters that have died in canon are alive in this universe.
If you have a problem with oc x canon, please leave this post.
This event lasted a week long and was a collab between @kazekothestrange and @caffeinated-chaos-bean and myself.
Below is the event with links leading to each part of the event from beginning to end. It is listed in chronological order, so there's no need to worry about if you're reading it right or not! Just head down the list and enjoy~
Please keep in mind that we are not professional writers. This was done for fun in the spirit of spooky month, and we only had a week to come up with everything.
Shanna and Rose costume showcase: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/729920834008940544/shanna-as-little-red-riding-wolf-and-rose-as?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kazeko and Kazuno costume showcase: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/729927321362055168/kazs-ocs-in-their-halloween-costumes-for-the?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kikumi costume showcase: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/729932511410618368/alices-oc-in-her-halloween-costume-for-the?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Fullbody comparison of the girls and their costumes: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730012540585836544/halloween-models-side-by-side-to-better-show-the?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Prologue: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730089690025295872/the-girls-have-been-invited-to-a-college-halloween?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Investigation start: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730097347203399680/the-group-of-girls-arrive-at-the-building-the?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Shanna and Rose investigation 1: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730102148796416000/a-vampire-you-say-an-interesting-conclusion?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kazuno and Kazeko investigation 1: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730121395956301824?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kikumi investigation 1: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730124638373511168?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kazuno and Kazeko investigation 2: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730125531978334208?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Shanna and Rose investigation 2: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730126920286601216/please-do-not-worry-about-us-we-appreciate-it?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kazuno's trike: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730172238479884288?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Shanna and Rose investigation 3: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730184181654634496/yes-dio-has-been-in-speedwagon-custody-for-two?source=share&ref=_tumblr
A question from the future: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730189460123336704/italy-why-would-i-be-there-i-cant-afford?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Food for a witch: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730199088538189824/oh-what-youre-seriously-giving-this-to-me-for?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Be careful Kikumi: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730192024518737920/be-careful-kikumi-oo?source=share&ref=_tumblr
A small distraction: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730192130912518144/hey-small-oni-you-need-to-try-the-fruit-punch?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kikumi investigation 2: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730192188456206336/have-you-got-a-theory-kikumi?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Irritable Rose: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730199612247425024/a-sigh-is-released-from-the-young-woman-she-had?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Shanna, Rose, and Sakura investigation: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730201014218653696/sakura-places-a-hand-to-her-cheek-as-she-listens?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kikumi investigation 3: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730204641865973760?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Kazuno and Kazeko investigation 3: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730269136884809728?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Where are the men: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730296049599725568/at-home-shanna-states-bluntly-they-think?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Investigation end: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730297104042442752?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Sakura's ritual: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730298206425153536/sakura-overhears-the-footsteps-all-rushing-towards?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle start: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730301299072090112?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle 1: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730303614716952577/as-the-succubi-readied-herself-for-battle-shanna?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle 2: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730362183177928705?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle 3: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730365988324950016?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle 4: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730376512710295552/the-curly-haired-demons-eyes-glow-a-frown?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle 5: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730395149463633920?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Battle end: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730451160906039296?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Inside the pink space 1: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730463583693062144/after-stepping-through-the-portal-the-succubi?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Lilicia backstory 1: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730477342212915200/strawberrys-note-i-know-this-is-emotional-but?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Lilicia backstory 2: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730483451958083584?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Inside the pink space 2: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730739323129970688/a-gentle-hand-is-placed-on-lilicias-shoulder-it?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Tying up a loose end: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730809514692050944?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Friends: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730811651107045376?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Epilogue: https://www.tumblr.com/strawberry-metal/730837303540498432/none-of-you-came-home-last-night-a-thick?source=share&ref=_tumblr
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cicatrise · 2 years
@backonmybullshit91​​ sent: ‘You had me worried for a moment there.’ (Let’s try John for this one cause dragon. XD) ► from this meme.
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“Spare me the niceties, warlock,” Ryu says, huffing as he leans on his cane and sweat drips down his cheek. “I’m sure you only helped me for a favour.”
John Constantine’s a common name these days among magic folk, after all. Even if Ryu isn’t nearly as powerful as he used to be.
He has to admit, though, he’s grateful for Constantine’s appearance. In his state, what had once been easy work of closing unstable magic rifts has turned nearly unbearable. Mankind doesn’t love him nearly enough for him to have enough power to close it without dying, and much as the next fall of rain would revive him, Ryu doesn’t care much for wasting time as a corpse.
“...but I do owe you.” He licks his lips, then turns his head to face him. “Unfortunate for us both.
“You were a good assist.”
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bratkook · 1 year
Have you read 'love to hate' yet?
sure have!! just finished it last night actually hehe
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k-evans-reads · 1 year
In Living Color
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Chapter 20
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 3,953
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: None.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
April 2022
The soft beep of Chris’ security system echoed through the otherwise quiet home just as he was pulling plates out of a cabinet. With a glance backwards over his shoulder, he watched as Lisa came into the kitchen, her face tired as her hands held a take-out bag from her favorite restaurant in town.  
“You look beat,” he chuckled as he took the food from her, but knew he felt the exact same way as she looked. 
“That’s what all mothers of the brides look like the day after a wedding,” Lisa shook her head as she sat down heavily on a barstool, taking a sip of water from the glass he’d sat out for her. Chris busied himself with putting their food on plates, sliding Lisa hers as he walked around the island to sit down next to her, putting his plate down in front of him. “Did you have a good time last night? I was a little worried about you.” 
“I had a great time. I love to see Shanna this happy,” he honestly replied, knowing how momentous the occasion was for his younger sister. He shook his head as he picked up his sandwich, brushing off her concern by saying, “Don’t worry about me, Ma. I’m fine.” 
Lisa shrugged back, holding a chip in her hand as she pointed out, “You’ve just seemed a little more subdued this weekend.” 
“I’m just tired,” he placated, knowing it was the truth. Between a heavy filming schedule – one where he was almost entirely alone, save for Josh and Dodger, on his off hours – and flying from Atlanta to Boston late Friday, spending all of Saturday with their entire family, then putting everything back in his suitcase and rolling it to where it now rested, next to the front door, waiting until it was time to head out for his flight back to Georgia. 
But Lisa simply raised an eyebrow at her eldest son, looking at him suspiciously as she suggested, “I thought it might have a little more to do with the fact that Nat couldn’t come.” 
His face fell into a small frown, knowing it was the truth. “That too,” he murmured. It’d been worrisome when Nat called – tired, but most of all under the weather and stressed – on Thursday, just as Chris was leaving set for the day. But the other shoe dropped on mid-morning Friday, when Nat called, extremely apologetic as she told Chris she wouldn’t even be able to make it out of bed, not to mention down to LAX to make it onto the cross-country flight to meet him in Boston that evening. 
“How is she doing? The poor thing sounded terrible yesterday morning when you had her on speaker phone,” Lisa asked him, her eyes worried as she recalled Nat’s strained voice. 
“I haven’t talked to her much since then. I tried calling her a few times this morning but she didn’t answer,” Chris informed her, his voice low as he shrugged, but was unable to quell the overwhelming worry that he felt for Nat.
“Hopefully she’s getting some sleep.” 
“God knows she doesn’t get it any other time,” he muttered, sighing as he paused and took another bite of his sandwich. “I’m not really surprised that she’s been sick so much lately, I don’t think she ever stops working.” 
“I’m sure she would have made it if she could,” Lisa tried to assure him, but her efforts fell well short.
“It’s not that,” Chris insisted, wanting her to know he wasn’t upset about the sickness leaving her behind in Los Angeles. It was about what got her to this point. “I know she wanted to come this weekend. She was crying on the phone when she said she couldn’t come and was really upset about it. I’m not frustrated about her getting sick, but just more that she has done nothing but work for the past four months.” 
“Won’t that be over with soon, though? She’s only busy while she has the two movies overlapping, right?” 
“That’s the thing though, Lightyear is completely finished,” Chris said. He knew it finished last month – having been on the email thread of the main crew celebrating, but having also seen Nat’s calendar with the deadline circled in red. He remembered her sky-high stress levels in the week leading up to that hard deadline, but then only got to see a fraction of the stress leave her shoulders as she jumped into the next projects, the next deadline, the task. “Her work load is just insane and she doesn’t ever say no to anything. She keeps saying that it’s a season but I’m not so sure it is.” 
“Do you feel like it’s different than it was last year?” Lisa asked, her brows furrowed as she listened to his words and ate her sandwich.  
“Definitely,” Chris agreed instantly. He remembered how carefree Nat was last year, coupled with them growing closer to each other and beginning their relationship. But now he felt like something had shifted inside of Nat, and he struggled to reconcile this overworking and burn out with anything that he knew Nat to be. “I know earlier this year it was because of the two movies overlapping, but I feel like it’s worse now that I’m working, because she just never shuts down for the day. Even when she visited here in Boston in February and Atalanta in March, she’d work in bed when I was falling asleep.” 
Lisa nodded as she listened to Chris, pointing out, “It’s a hard line because Nat’s job is who she is.” 
“That’s the thing though. Being an artist is who she is and her job was just what she did, but now I feel like her job is her life,” Chris replied, his hands flying in the air as he finished his lunch. “Her job has become her identity and I don’t know why. She never wanted that. Ever.” 
“Why do you think that is?” 
He struggled to answer her simple question, at a true loss for words. Nat to him was always so self-assured, strong, and capable. But now, from what short conversations they’d been able to have before he fell asleep or had to go back to set, or in between her meetings, he just felt as though she was doubting everything she did. She always brushed off his concern, saying she was fine, but his worry only grew larger with every passing day where she didn’t go back to being Nattie. “I honestly don’t know. Nat doesn’t care about doing things in a traditional way or being stuck in societal norms and that’s what I love so much about her. I love that Nat’s her own person in every way but I feel like she just keeps slipping into… I don’t know… what she thinks she should be doing or what she thinks it means to be successful. I don’t really understand.” He finally answered, feeling as though nothing he said would make sense to anyone except his mother. 
“I feel like this is maybe something you should try to talk to her about. Maybe just bring it up in a gentle way and see how she’s feeling,” Lisa suggested, her hand resting comfortingly on the back of his shoulder as she stood up to put their dishes in the dishwasher. 
“Lately when I talk to her it just feels… different,” he admitted, swallowing anxiously as all his fears came to the surface. “Nat’s always been honest. I’ve always loved how she’s just so open and upfront with her feelings but lately it just seems like she isn’t telling me the truth about what’s going on and isn’t open about things. I’m starting to wonder if maybe it’s more about her pulling back from me…” 
“Chris, I don’t want to see you just sit back and let it get to the point where it’s too big to figure out,” Lisa began, her voice more worried than it had been at the beginning of the conversation. 
“I think I just need to talk to her,” he nodded, moving to put the bag and containers from the restaurant in the trash can. His shoulders slouched a little as he added, “But we barely get time to do that anymore.” 
“Well if it’s worth it to you, then you’ll make the time,” Lisa simply – and firmly – replied.
“Nattie’s worth it,” he said, without a moment’s hesitation. “I love her so much Ma and I guess I’m just afraid that when we talk, what she says might be something I don’t want to hear.” 
“There’s only one way to find out,” Lisa smiled, then her look grew wider as she suggested, “Besides, the answer to all of this might be a lot more simple than you’re imagining it to be.” 
With a hopeful grin, Chris went to grab his coat and backpack from the living room before he and Lisa headed out for the airport, with Chris’ departure back to Atlanta rapidly approaching. He’d been looking forward to this weekend for a variety of reasons – celebrating his sister and her new husband, Daniel, getting to sleep in his own bed, see his niece and nephews, and be back home – but most of all, he’d been looking forward to seeing Nattie. It had been a huge disappointment that she couldn’t be there, especially with this uncertainty and worry that had cropped up in their lives, but he found himself counting down the hours until he could somehow get a visit in to see his girl, because he knew that once they were together everything would feel a lot more right. 
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Mark stared at Nat in near-disbelief as she pulled the door to her apartment open, leaning on it for support. “You look like absolute shit,” he decisively told her before brushing past Nat and heading into her apartment, the smell of soup wafting from the bag he held. 
“Thanks for that,” she rolled her eyes as she shut and locked the door behind him then followed him down the hall, arms wrapped around herself as she shuffled down the hallway. 
“I just mean you really are sick, aren’t you?” Mark asked as he eyed Nat carefully, sitting down at her table. She rolled her eyes to herself at Mark’s obvious intentional distance-putting between them, but instead opened the bag that was sitting on the counter and pulled one of the soups out, grabbing a spoon on her way to sit at the island. 
“Well I’m not hunched over the toilet throwing up anymore like I was yesterday. I'd say I'm actually doing pretty good right now,” she shrugged, her eyes shutting as she tasted the chicken noodle soup. 
“Hopefully this soup helps,” her friend chuckled, a fond grin on his face. 
“Thanks for bringing it over, Mark, I really appreciate it,” she told him honestly. 
“Happy to,” he shrugged, brushing off her appreciation. “I knew you felt like shit and I’m sure having to stay home this weekend didn’t help.” 
Nat’s face fell a little at the reminder of what this weekend was. She and Chris were supposed to go to his younger sister’s wedding together back in Boston, spend time with his family, have fun, and let their guard down a little while surrounded by the Evanses’ closest friends. She’d been so excited, not only to be a tiny part of the family’s big day, but to also see him. Life had been…. Hectic, to say the least, over the last three months for them both. With Nat’s work schedule as busy as it’d ever been and with Chris spending his weeks in Atlanta, they were lucky to have gotten two quick visits in with each other, but her schedule and lack of sleep had taken its toll, leaving her with a stomach bug and a canceled flight and having to write an apologetic message to the bride. She was also disappointed, however, because she’d wanted to tell him about the latest news she’d received that Thursday morning. 
“Going to Boston has been the one thing I’ve been looking forward to and I had to get sick this weekend,” she admitted, a deep frown on her lips as she stared down at the still-warm soup. 
Mark sighed, a long and low sound from across the room. She picked her head up to look at him, seeing the concern in his eyes as he confessed, “I can’t say that I’m surprised with how hard you’ve been working. You haven’t really taken great care of yourself lately, Nat.” 
“Well you know how busy it’s been, and then with me taking off last month to go see Chris on set and then this weekend, I’ve had to pack in more,” she shrugged, trying to – not for the first time – brush off someone’s obvious concern and worry for her. 
“And the other day you were in that meeting for nearly half the day,” Mark recalled, the furrow between his brows growing as he tilted his head in curiosity. “What was that about anyway?” 
“Jamie didn’t tell you?” Nat asked, her voice trailing off in surprise. 
“No he was busy in meetings all day yesterday so I didn’t get to talk to him,” Mark informed her, but quickly asked, “So what happened?” 
“They offered me a promotion,” Nat told him, feeling a soft smile crawling across her lips as she looked over at him going on to explain, “They want me to be in charge of the animators for Inside Out.” 
Even from a few feet away, she could see Mark’s eyes nearly bugging out of his head as he exclaimed,“Are you serious, Nat? That’s incredible!” His excitement quickly turned to curiosity as he wondered out loud, “Are you going to take it?” 
“I’m not sure yet,” Nat muttered as her eyes fluttered back down to her soup as she watched the noodles floating as her spoon pushed around in the broth. She took a breath before glancing back to her longtime friend and revealed, “The catch is I have to move to Pixar headquarters.” 
“In San Francisco?” 
“That’s an incredible opportunity though Nat,” Mark couldn’t help but bring up with a soft shake of his head, knowing all that this meant but asked, “What does Chris think?”
“I’m not sure, I haven’t talked to him. With his sister's wedding he’s busy and I kind of wanted to tell him in person,” she stopped momentarily to fish the tissue out of her sweatpants pocket, blowing her nose before telling Mark that, “I talked to my dad and sisters though and they all were excited. My dad kept telling me how proud of me he was.” 
“Your dad is always proud of you, no matter what.” 
Although she knew that Mark’s words were true, her dad being so full of joy and love not only just for her but for her two older sisters as well, there was more to it than just that. In her family, both Heather and Alex were apparently like their mother being more driven and structured whereas she took after her dad and inherited his love to dream. But when her mother had passed away and Eric was left a single dad raising three girls, so many of his own dreams were put on a shelf where they had since gotten covered with dust and forgotten. 
Although Nat knew that he didn’t resent one bit of it, and instead spoke about being so thankful to have his girls, she knew that there was a part of him that took pride in helping Nat achieve her dreams in a way he didn’t get a chance to. She could feel tears in her eyes when she remembered finding out how her dad had taken on extra hours to help scrape the money together to put her through art school and how he’d search through Goodwill every day on his way home from work to find art supplies for her. She held those memories so close to her heart, remembering the sacrifice he’d made for her, and still to this day wanted to make him proud. 
 “You have no idea how hard he worked to put me through art school though. This feels like proof all his hard work paid off,” Nat finally put her emotions into words, but knowing that the depth of what she felt couldn’t be summed up that simply. 
“Well if this is what you want to do, I’m happy for you Nat,” she knew just how true his words were. For the past decade, Mark and Jamie had been her best friends that were more like family. They had been there for her in every step of life and she was there for them in the same way and they all shared in each other’s sorrows and joys and this time was no different. 
“I don’t know that it’s exactly what I want to do but I feel like I have to,” Nat confided in him with a shrug and a brush through her disheveled curls, admitting simply,  “I can’t do this anymore.” 
“What do you mean? Can’t do what?” Mark’s voice was hesitant and his eyes narrowed a bit as he looked at her from across the room. 
“All of this,” Nat gestured vaguely as her shoulders shrugged. Her eyes dropped down to the soup as she felt the anxieties bubble out of her. “I can’t handle this workload that they keep adding more and more to and still have a life. I mean, it was fine when I was willing to dedicate more time to work but I don’t want to anymore, especially once Chris is done filming. With this promotion I’d have more set hours and flexibility, especially once I settle in.” 
“Nat, do you really want to give up being an animator though? You love it,” he recalled, his voice almost prideful. 
“I do but…I guess just more and more I keep seeing how badly I want more than just my career,” she admitted, pausing as she tried to muster the courage to admit, “I want my own family and time to create for myself and I want… Chris. I want a life with him, and this promotion seems like the only way to do it. With this promotion I can have normal hours and take time off and not be exhausted when I go home at night.” 
Mark’s head cocked to the side again as he looked at her, his voice tentative as he reminded her, “What about doing more of your own art and selling it? I was thinking you wanted to do that more.” 
“I do but that seems like something more down the road. I don’t think that’s enough to pay the bills right now,” she sadly confessed. She’d be lucky to scrape together enough to pay for rent, not to mention deal with her own healthcare, her own insurance, and supplies. “Besides, it seems dumb not to take this promotion. I mean, anyone in our department would kill for this job.” 
A single brow rose as Mark chuckled, “Me included.” 
“Should I be worried you put something in this soup?” 
“Maybe,” he shrugged with a smirk, but then the smirk dropped and he turned serious. “But seriously Nat, I’m so happy for you.”
Nat nodded to herself as she stirred her soup absent-mindedly. “I hope Chris will be just as happy as you are,” she spoke. 
“Do you think he won't be?”
“Honestly I'm not sure. It's not a secret that he's not been super happy about my hours,” she muttered through a frown. Although they hadn’t outright argued about her hours in a while, it was an underlying source of tension the past few months. “I know some of it he's just worried about me but the other part of me can't help but wonder if he maybe resents the fact I can't be with him as much as he wants.”
“He hasn't said that has he?” Mark’s eyebrow rose as he leaned his elbows on the table. 
“No but that's a bit of a conflict in the past where he's just used to doing what he wants and having everyone around him be able to go along with him,” Nat knew that there was a big divide in their lifestyles. She had a regular job, used to going in five days a week, having meetings, worrying from time to time about finances, and when to get groceries after a long work day. But on the other side of it, although Chris was down to earth, he was used to having a large bank account and for the most part, a fairly flexible schedule that allowed him to do what he wanted when he wanted and with whom he wanted. His life was much different than hers and that was just a fact that couldn’t be ignored, especially when Nat thought back to the fact she couldn’t seem to make a relationship work even with someone who had a similar lifestyle, noting, “And look what happened with Shane?  He expected me to drop everything for him too.”
“That doesn't mean it'll happen with Chris though,” Mark pointed out, his tone hopeful as he rushed to add, “I mean, if you want to do this then I’m sure he'll support that.”
“I do want to take this promotion. It’s the logical next step, right?” Nat asked, her brow raised as she looked at her close friend, one of the few people she trusted implicitly to guide her in this. 
“It’s a killer job, Nat. I know I wouldn't turn it down,” Mark told her, his hands waving. He looked at her seriously as he sighed and added, “Besides, like you said, it’ll give you more regular hours and flexibility so it’ll let you have time to create the life you want.” 
“I want something different, Mark. I want a family with Chris and I think we’re heading in that direction so I want to make some of these decisions so that we can have it,” she confessed. She knew it was a logical stepping stone to eventually a career where she could – maybe, hopefully – spend her days meeting virtually instead of on Campus, getting to join Chris wherever he was filming next, and getting that flexibility to start a family with the man she loved. “Besides, this job is more of a career. It feels like proof that chaotic, messy, emotional Nattie Marton can make her dreams come true.” 
Mark’s face fell a little at that self-conscious statement, assuring Nat, “You are, Nat. You’ve done what a lot of artists aren’t able to and I think you should take this job.” 
“I’m going to. It’s just too good to turn down,” she admitted with a small grin. 
With Mark’s proud smile and another congratulations thrown at her, Nat stared down at the now-cold soup in front of her, unable to think of anything but proving herself. Proving that she was capable, that she deserved this role, and that her choices in life paid off. For so long her own insecurities in herself and being the black sheep in so many situations left her feeling like the value she offered couldn’t be through her personality that had always been a bit much, but instead what she could contribute through work. She wanted to prove to everyone, most mostly to herself that all this work, all this stress, tears, late nights, and postponed things was worth it, and most of all, that she could do it, and was worthy of it.
A/N: We'll be back in May with the next chapters! Feel free to send us any thoughts between now and then!
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ninja-muse · 26 days
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March was a productive month, and not just because I read a good number of books. I also started writing again after a bit of a slump, and I managed to unhaul 37 books from my home library, though some of them have not actually left the house yet. The used bookstore I went to didn't take everything so I have to decide which one I'm hitting next. Or if I'm dumping the bulk on a thrift store because let's be honest, most used bookstores aren't going to want what's left either.
Can you tell I got rid of that many? Only if you saw the state of things before. My shelves are neat and tidy with no books wedged on top of other books to make things fit.
And I was so, so close to ending the month without buying more books! I really thought I was going to manage it! And then, well, I mentioned the used bookstore, right? I've been meaning to read Delaney but few bookstores stock him, and Lincoln's Dreams is one of the only Connie Willis novels I don't own. (That shop also had stickers, and a cute bookmark I can't show you because whiting out the identifying features would ruin the effect.) Under the Smokestrewn Sky was a rescue, of sorts. Why return it to the publisher when you could just buy it, right?
Anyway, in terms of books read, there were some really good ones! And only one that was not so great. I think I'm done reading and collecting Rat Queens and might need to include those in the next unhaul. And don't get me wrong about the Evie Dunmore. It is a Good Historical Romance Novel. There's just something about it that didn't work for me.
Click through to see everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
I Love Russia - Elena Kostyuchenko, translated by Bela Shayevich and Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse
Portraits and memories of the unsung Russia—the poor, the broken, the marginalized.
🏳️‍🌈 author
warnings: so many, including but not limited to misogyny, homophobia, genocide, violence, sexual violence, drugs and alcohol, abuse, child death, suicide
reading copy
True North - Andrew J. Graff
The Brechts move to Michigan to restart a rafting business. They hope it’ll save their family, but it might do the opposite.
Menominee secondary character
library book
Sociopath - Patric Gagne
As a child, Patric knew something about her was off and kept countering a lack of feeling with dark acts. As a young woman, she learns the definition of “sociopath” and it changes everything. Out in April.
neurodivergent author
To a Darker Shore - Leanne Schwartz
When the invention that should have guaranteed Alesta's future fails, her best friend takes the fall and is sacrificed to the demon besieging their kingdom. To rescue him, Alesta must descend into hell, where she learns truths about her society—and her gods. Out in April.
fat protagonist, autistic main character, major autistic secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, autistic author
warning: classism, strict religion, autism-related ableism
reading copy
The Temple of Fortuna - Elodie Harper
Amara’s living as a courtesan in Rome but misses her lover and daughter in Pompeii. When she returns to the city, her needs and desires are sent into turmoil—and Vesuvius has started to rumble.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (sapphic), Ethiopian secondary characters
warning: misogynist society, sexual violence, slave society
Funny Story - Emily Henry
What do you do when your partners dump you for each other? Move in together, of course! Out in April.
Iranian-American secondary character, Black secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (sapphic)
warning: toxic relationships, mainly in backstory
reading copy
Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop - Hwang Bo-reum, translated by Shanna Tan
Tired of fulling expectations, Yeongju opens a bookshop. She’s not the only one to find happiness there.
Korean cast, Korean author
library ebook
Aftermarket Afterlife - Seanan McGuire
The Covenant has started actively pursuing the Prices and their allies, and all Mary wants to do is protect her family.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, gay, bi man), Korean-American secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: canon-typical violence, bigots
library ebook
Knife Skills for Beginners - Orlando Murrin
Paul Delamare is filling in for a friend at a cooking school when a body is found on the premises.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (gay), Black British secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic)
reading copy
Let Them Tremble - Wolf Epley
The revolution is brewing and both the workers and the government refuse bend. Throw in a destroyed print shop, ghosts, and malfunctioning Shroud devices, and you know things won’t end well.
major disabled character (partial blindness, limp, hand disfigurement), cast largely of non-racialized colour
won/digital reading copy
The Gentleman’s Gambit - Evie Dunmore
Catriona needs to avoid distractions to write her book but is pressed to help her father’s new colleague around Oxford. Elias needs her help if he ever hopes to smuggle antiquities out of the Ashmolean.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (bi woman), Lebanese love interest, Lebanese secondary character
warning: colonial/orientalist characters
library book
Rat Queens, Vol. 5 - Kurtis J. Wiebe with Owen Gieni (illustrator)
Palisade’s problems continue, including hallucinations, a hipster bar, and a sinister wizard.
major Black character, major 🏳️‍🌈 character (lesbian), 🇨🇦
off my TBR shelves
Children’s Books
Penelope Rex and the Problem with Pets - Ryan Higgins
Mittens hogs the bed, eats from the trash, and causes all kinds of trouble—and Penelope didn’t even want them!
Currently reading
I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons - Peter S. Beagle
Robert doesn’t want to be the country’s dragon exterminator on the best of days, but then Princess Cerise meets Prince Reginald. Out in May.
reading copy
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts.
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Victorian detective stories
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 12 Yearly total: 32 Queer books: 4 Authors of colour: 1 Books by women: 8 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 0 Off the TBR shelves: 1 Books hauled: 3 ARCs acquired: 5 ARCs unhauled: 7 DNFs: 0
January February
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Why nothing makes sense part 6.
Ghosted premiere edition 👻
When I woke up and read people talking about her being there, I definitely expected something much worse than it actually was. Don't misunderstand me; I obviously wasn't happy she was there, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be if she were there.
As always, there are things that just don't make any sense to me.
In the past few weeks, we've received no articles about them; the article about Chris didn't include her. However, on the day of the premiere, ET included pictures of the Valentine's Day video, and the Daily Mail also included her. It was like a reminder that, hey, he is supposed to be in a really loving and committed relationship with this Alba girl, remember? He was spotted alone, and we hadn't received any new content since Valentine's Day. The cheating rumor was also posted. I understand why many people think we are getting to the end of this shitshow, because it felt like it.
What's up with Tara and her family? So Tara and her family were in NYC yesterday, on the same day of the premiere, and Gully even met them before the event. Why wasn't she or they at the premiere? The fact that they were there on the same day and even met Gully would be too many coincidences if she or they weren't supposed to be there. But if both Tara and Alba's appearances were planned, then she couldn't have been the reason why she didn't go to the premiere? And they had time for it because, as it turned out, they went to the Broadway Museum before the premiere started. Or was she there? Because I know some people say she was, without any evidence, of course, but if she was there, why didn't we see her? And why wouldn't she arrive with Chris and Alba?
So the one and only time we say Alba was when they got out of the car with Chris, and then when we saw her going in with two people, who are supposedly Chris's friends or whatever. Where was everybody else? Tara was in town. Scott, Steve, Lisa, Shanna, or Carly? Where was everybody? They would've been better company for her, especially since they all adore her. Chris gave something to her; it wasn't his phone, that's for sure. They looked like some kind of tickets, I guess; maybe she got Tara's 😂 People also say they kissed in cars, but there is no evidence of that, and there is no way somebody can tell that from that video. I thought that if she were there, she would walk down the red carpet with him, which didn't happen. I'm not complaining, and I don't believe he was either. But what was the point of her being there? Why wasn't she on the red carpet with him, like his family members and friends usually are? I remember the Lightyear premiere, and I remember seeing Steve on the red carpet, behind Chris, while he was giving an interview. Why wasn't she there too? And please don't say that because of "backlash" or because "they didn't want to get bullied", because I have an easy solution for that: don't bring her to the premiere. He's never had a problem with not bringing his partners to premieres, but he didn't have a problem being at Jenny's premiere, for example, and he didn't seem to care about the backlash then. This whole premier thing was just as half-assed as everything else in this shitshow. You want to come to the premiere? Okay, I will do the bare minimum. You can get out of the same car as me, and we can have a fast chat, and then you can do whatever you want.
I hope those who said this will be the last thing he needs to do and then bye-bye PR contract and Alba are right.
That's my take on everything at this exact moment. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake here and there 😊; I was trying to write down everything until this whole thing was fresh in my mind 😅
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shannadreamgoddess · 2 months
So for absolutely no reason at all I (A trans girl) made a Bluesky Account
You should follow me -- I'll follow back! Gotta try to re-network there. You know. For no reason at al. Honest.
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Home is Where the Hearts Is
Summary: Kairi doesn't like Quadratum. SoKai. A fic written for SoKai Day 2022. KHIV fic. Oneshot.
Home is Where the Heart Is
Sora knew almost instantly upon her arriving there, that Kairi didn’t like Quadratum.
And it was something that the kind Princess of Heart hid pretty well, since Sora told her that they would have to stay in Unreality for a few days, in order for him to wrap things up, before they could go home.
The Keyblade Master knew that Kairi was trying to give this new world the chance that Sora had finally done so in the end… but as Kairi gazed at the monochrome buildings all around her on the days they would explore the city, it was almost like they were stealing the light from her usually so vibrant eyes, Sora couldn’t help noticing.
“What is it about this place that grinds your gears so much?” Sora finally found himself asking Kairi, on day three of their adventure, when he couldn’t bear to see her like this any longer, nor to beat around the bush anymore. They were getting an ice cream in Miyashita Park now, so Sora prayed that it would help take the edge off of what might prove to be a tough conversation.
Kairi was trying. She really was. For instance, she’d taken to skateboarding on some of the railings of this world—even though skateboarding was more difficult in Unreality than back home—like the best of them; and curiously enough, Kairi did enjoy the very modern thing called “virtual reality,” but was afraid of many big screen TVs playing around her all at once. But was Kairi happy in this place that was met to be the Child of Destiny’s kingdom, as well of the Realm of Light was? It was clear that she wasn’t.
“I…” Kairi started. After she was done gaping like a fish, for Sora having guessed what her real feelings were, he guessed.
And the brunet wondered if she was going to say that it was the world selection system here that bothered her so. And if she was, Sora certainly couldn’t begrudge Kairi that. It had taken him forever to figure out how to get to Endor, after all. Give him a gummi ship any day, he thought.
But then Kairi said the simple truth that he should have known all along.
“Well, for one thing, it took you away from us for too long, Sora. And as wrong as it is to blame it for that, I find that I do.”
And at once, Sora felt like the biggest jerk in the world, for not having realized that this was where Kairi’s heart lied.
“Oh, Kairi! It’s okay!” Sora exclaimed, bringing the princess into his embrace now, as the two of them got out of the line and stood beside a bench.
And seeming embarrassed—and was he imagining tears streaming from her eyes and now wetting his shirt?—Kairi buried her face against his chest.
Talking about negative emotions was still sometimes hard for Kairi, since she knew that if she didn’t have a special heart, it would have led to darkness within her. And she almost felt like she was betraying her Princess of Heart status by feeling them at all, so then she hated herself for that betrayal. “I promise that it’s okay. You’re allowed to feel these things. And I want you to tell me when you do, okay?” Sora reassured his girlfriend again, running a hand through her lovely red hair as he did so.
Kairi chuckled at his reassurance—or maybe it was just his hand in her hair, perhaps it had tickled her—and that seemed to sober her up some, so that she could talk about another thing that she didn’t like about Quadratum. “I also don’t like that store that says ‘Loser.’ I know it’s not actually a store. It’s really a charity: and it’s trying to encourage people to come in and willingly ‘lose’ some of their money to help the less fortunate out, but you’d think they could have come up with a better name for it.”
“Yeah, they definitely could’ve!” Sora for sure agreed with that one. He’d felt the same way when he’d first come across the place, and it was for that reason he’d partly hoped that Kairi wouldn’t see it. But she’d just happened to see a banner advertising it, when he’d shown her the building he’d stood atop when he fought Yozora the first time.
“And I’ll tell you a reason that I don’t like Quadratum, Kairi: because it’s not home. And that’s definitely something that counts against it, isn’t it?
“In fact, that’s why Riku’s already packed his bags and gone home, in knowing that I’m safe and in good hands with you,” Sora said, as he slumped down in the pretty grass of Miyashita Park and pulled Kairi down with him. She giggled at that. Especially when a butterfly landed on her nose.
“Too true,” his girl agreed. She gazed into Sora’s eyes then, and Sora thought that she was about to say something about him being her true home, anyway, but then seemed to think better of it, since that would be too cheesy. “But I swear I really don’t hate Quadratum, Sora. I may not have yet come to love it like you have, but if nothing else, the sightly lights in the evening speak to my heart.”
Sora looked at Kairi then. Really looked at her. She was so beautiful and amazing, with her poetic words as always. And he would never regret that he had used the Power of Waking to save her and had ended up here in response to that. He would do so again a million times if he had to for her, in fact.
But wanting to be somewhat poetic like Kairi—if he was her mate, and he was—Sora responded to her with, “Then it’s perfect that we’re going to make a portal to go home tonight. You can look at the ‘sightly lights’ one more time, and then back to the Islands it is!” Just like they’d always wanted to return there and stay!
“Back to the islands it is,” Kairi purred, delicately kissing Sora’s cheek upon snuggling into his lap.
And no words had ever sounded so beautiful.
Author's Note: This story was inspired by me honestly not knowing what we would do in Quadratum after a while—so I guess it’s a good thing that we CAN go to other worlds from there—it honestly doesn’t feel very KH-y to me, and there’s a part of me that’s not that excited about it. So I’m also glad that eventually Sora will be going home, of course, and we’ll also be seeing Realm of Light shenanigans throughout. So I decided to write the idea of Kairi not liking Quadratum (I guess Kairi’s basically my spokesperson here). Because while I don’t think Sora will like it at first either, I think he will eventually. He's Sora. Also, though it’s not a place: there IS a sign that says “loser” that you can see when you fight Yozora in the secret episode of Re:Mind. LOL. For the purposes of this story, I decided to turn it into a location. Happy SoKai Day!
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kaebedom-me · 1 year
AjdjsjakJjsjjaJj its beeen sooo longggg,,, since!! ive requested????!?!? aight aight so!!! i wanna go on a shopping trip with the boys lets go i just got like 4€ i can buy a kids meal with this and a shiny plastic bracelet fuckk yeaaa (and,,, maybe,,, a shiny plastic dinosaur ring for my spouse 🥺🥺💍💍👉👈👉👈💕💗💖💓❤️💕💓💗💓💗💕💓💞💖💓💘💞💘) -⭐
pls childe loves shopping and spoiling his loves so if you ever mention you wanna go shopping he will be the first to get ready very excited very puppy energy
prolly preps waaay too much money because he plans to get you and kaeya anything and everything you set your eyes on
don't even have to say anything, childe's observant enough to Know what sparked yours and kaeya's interest while shopping
kaeya tries to be responsible because you two can be trusted financially
but kaeya also enjoys some of the finer things in life so he will slip up
you offer to buy them things with 4 to your name and they kinda just smile and decline politely, and would rather spoil you instead
mostly its cuz they don't want you to worry too much about your own financial situation not because they think you can't afford what they want
they're so sweet uwu
but if you insist they're the type to really treasure whatever you got them because they love you and how thoughtful you are
if this is modern au, childe's the type to post 23 posts about how you bought him his kids meal lMAO super obnoxious and is just the worst about it
if it's canon divergent then childe when he gets back to work will tell that you bought him a kid meal with your own money to his subordinates HAHAHA
will tell anyone who's listen too
kaeya isn't as boastful but makes up for it by being super appreciative
he will tease you and maybe point out you don't have money anymore but he's the type to slip cash into your bag or pocket when you're not paying attention
prolly has the habit of crinkling up cash to hide in your old clothes or obscure places so you get super happy when you find them
they both find it adorable how excited you get when you happily announce you found like 20 in your old wallet the other day so they made it a habit to leave some around
they'll give you money straight up too ofc but the games are fun uwu
I got carried away because money is my love language KASDFGGD
anyways so shopping right
I think childe and kaeya are defs the type to shop til they drop
will try to remember the stuff that are running low at home? so they can get it while you guys are out too
it's hard to run out though because childe always gets like double of everything so you guys don't have to worry about having no more body wash mid shower
kaeya loves the domesticity of grocery shopping together it makes him all soft inside because wow you guys are still together and getting things together you know sometimes kinda trail behind because he's so caught up in his feels
you and childe would have to pull him back to reality maybe give him a peck on the cheek tell him you love him uwu
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athenswrites · 7 months
Knight of Dawn: Chapter 1 [Not Your Typical Fairytale]
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Content below the cut!
Cheerful elevator music filled the space, although it didn't drown out the pounding of Piers' heart. The glowing red numbers on the screen ticked down, as their anxiety ticked up. The cotton of their gloves was already sticking to their hands, and they prayed the sweat wouldn't turn the white fabric yellow. Looking at themself in the mirrored doors, Piers raked their hair back one last time and let out a sigh. The elevator slowed to a stop, and the doors slid open with a painful whine. The entry hall was empty, save for Grady who stood by the heavy double doors leading to the Great Hall. She ushered them over with an urgent gesture, the worry on her face making her look a little older than she was.
“Hi.” Piers hurried over and hugged her briefly, before stepping back to smooth out their jacket. Grady relaxed a little, cracking a smile. “Good luck, Princess.”
Laughing weakly, Piers shoved Grady slightly, “Won’t be one for much longer, Commander.”
The tease earned them a playful smack on the shoulder, before Grady grew serious again. “You’re going to do great, Piers. Heads up, feet firm on the ground. Don’t let them convince you that you aren’t capable. You know exactly what to do.”
Pushing their shoulders back, Piers titled their head slightly upwards, feeling the ground firm beneath their feet. No tripping on the carpet this time. No missing a step onto the stage.
“I will be right here for you. Always.” Grady pulled one of the elaborate wooden doors open, and an awful creak reverberated through the cavernous hall. Piers’ shoes clicked on the tile as they stepped into the Great Hall, echoing lightly, before being damped by the soft red carpet. The small audience up front turned to watch them, hateful glares boring into their soul. Piers kept their eyes forwards. The murmurs and whispers filled their ears, but Piers refused to listen. They didn’t matter right now.
If Adele could do this, so could they.
Guards, dressed in the same dark gray and green as Grady, stood along the aisle, between the audience and Piers. They snapped to attention as Piers passed, bringing their right first to their chest, holding ceremonial rifles still in their left. Grady stood behind them, guarding the doors and watching their back, like always. Unlike the others, she carried a pistol, hidden but loaded and ready to fire. Unlike the others, she was there to protect them, not for display.
Someone in the audience scoffed as Piers approached the front of the room, daring to speak louder than the others.
Councilor Mason. Piers glanced towards the council, spotting her sitting there with her arms crossed over chest, trying to seem bored out of her mind.
Their foot caught on the carpet. 
Piers stumbled a little, but straightened themself and refocused on the task at hand. Finally, after a deep breath, they met the stare of the Chief Councilor, Shanna Miles, more bitter than the rest. Hundreds of eyes followed them as they stepped up the few stairs onto the stage, back stiff and posture perfect.
Unlike Adele’s coronation, the gilded throne had been put away. It was only them and Councilor Miles, for everyone to see. A royal coronation without a throne, it was a show that Adele’s era of royal opulence and questionable policy had come to an end.
Piers came to stand beside Councilor Miles, before turning stiffly to face the audience head on. In her bare hands, she held the original copy of the modern Constitution, a thick, leather bound book.. She began to recite her lines, voice amplified by the tiny microphone clipped to the collar of her shirt. 
“Princess Jillian Piers Hall, youngest child of Queen Adele Paris Hall, shall be the next Monarch of the State of Georgia, representative to the former Union, as per the birthright clause established in the September Constitution of 2097.”
Piers and Councilor Miles turned inward to face one another, and she continued to speak, this time directly to them.
“I ask you on behalf of all your citizens of the Seven Zones and Rising Settlements, will you enact your birthright and take the crown and all responsibilities which come with her?” Her voice was level and calm, but anger simmered just below the surface. And, that angry twitch in her left eye was back.
Piers hesitated to respond for just a moment. They could deny it, could give it all up. But, Piers had plans. Big ones. Good ones, to fix their mother’s mistakes. They had people relying on them, expecting them to fix everything that was broken.
“I will enact my birthright as the child of Queen Adele Paris Hall, and take the crown and her responsibility.” Piers responded. Fingers twitching anxiously, Piers carefully pulled off their white gloves, slipping them into their pocket. They rested both hands on the book, left on top of right.
“Then, Princess Hall, do you swear to serve the people within the Seven Zones and Rising settlements, to the best of your ability?”
“I do.”
“Do you swear to preserve the security and integrity of the Seven Zones and Rising Settlements, at all costs?”
“I do.”
For several minutes, this call and response went on. Councilor Miles and Piers had put up with each other for a record amount of time to memorize each line. It had been hell on earth but it had to be perfect. Finally, finally, the time came.
“Please kneel on the stage and face the people whom you will serve.”
Following script, Piers turned to face the small crowd, primarily Council members and high Palace staff. Marcie, from the front row, gave them a comforting nod as they kneeled carefully on the stage. 
Bare hands in their lap and their head slightly bowed, they closed their eyes and tried to breathe. Miles’ voice, even though she stood right next to them, wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the pounding of their heart. The modest crown weighed nothing, as she placed it upon their head. Then, Piers lifted their head, opening their eyes. They recited something from memory, something they couldn’t properly understand at the moment. Miles placed a hand on their shoulder, speaking once more, before allowing them to rise to their feet. 
Looking out over the audience, Piers held their breath. There was no clapping, no cheering, just silent stares from both friends and foes alike. They stood in Adele’s shadow, be what that may be for everyone in the audience. People had assumptions about them and Piers knew there was nothing else they could say or do at that moment to change those assumptions.
And with nothing to say, they stepped off the stage, leaving Councilor Miles behind. It was only then the audience reacted, some beginning to taunt, to sneer, to rise to their feet while others tried to defend them. The Royal Guard lining the aisle held in their seats, as Piers tried not to listen. Grady let them slip out of the Grand Hall, before shutting the doors and the voices out behind them with a resounding thud. The sudden silence was deafening.
“We need to go.” With a hand on their shoulder, she pushed them towards the elevator, then punched the button for their shared floor. As the doors slid closed, she bumped her wrist against the scanner, and the elevator began to ascend. Sighing, Piers slid down the wall, pulling the small crown off their head. The silver one had gone missing years ago. They polished Miles’ fingerprints off the dingy metal, before looking to Grady, who looked like she’d seen a ghost.
“Piers, you just walked off the stage! People were expecting you to at least say something! You can’t say people don’t like you when you don’t give them a reason to like you!” She squatted in front of them, brushing the hair out of their eyes.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t think of anything.”
Grady scoffed, “Couldn’t think of anything, my ass! You can run your mouth for hours about military strategy or old-age movies or the political state of fucking Ohio but you couldn’t think of anything to say.”
Piers brought their knees to their chest, trying to hide, “I just…it’s different when it comes to this stuff. I’m not good with people and I didn’t take my meds because Dr. Panya forgot to order them, by the way.” 
The elevator stopped, and the doors opened, revealing their hallway. Sighing, Grady pulled Piers to their feet. “I’ll shut up about it, alright?”
“Please. I thought I was going to die there from a goddamn heart attack. I don’t know how mom ever did it. Plus Miles? She was up my ass before this and she’ll be up my ass afterwards. Plus I gotta fix whatever she broke between Mom’s abdication and today.” They stepped out of the elevator together, and Grady bumped their shoulder.
“Speaking of, you should go visit Adele. She’d appreciate it. You don’t know how much longer she’s going to be around.” Grady held her hand out, “Gloves?”
Piers pulled their white gloves out of their pocket, handing them to Grady, “Knowing her, she’s going to outlive me, even with her spiral. I’m surprised Dr. Panya still hasn’t figured out what’s going on with her.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised. She is the most stubborn person ever. In the whole world.” Folding the gloves, Grady stopped them at their door, “Mask. Lean forward.”
Piers leaned forward, letting her catch her fingertips under the stiff gray material of the half-mask. It made an awful peeling noise as she pried it from their sweaty face, where it stuck to the scars. The string messed up their hair, and they flipped their head over, shaking it out. Grady tried to smooth it back, but they swatted her hand away.
“It matches me. A hot mess.”  Pushing open their door, they spotted the respirator and winter gloves sitting by the window, carefully placed to remind them- “Shit, I promised Lennox I’d visit him today.”
Grady rubbed her temple, taking a deep breath, “You’ve got two hours. Marcie is going to be up here in an hour or so and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep her in the dark about you sneaking out now.”
“You’re the best.” Piers grinned, giving her a hug, “I’ll be back safe before you know it, I promise.”
“You better.”
Tag List (reply or dm to be added or removed; I pulled from the old tag list): @author-a-holmes @soul-write @flowerprose @ceph-the-ghost-writer @theglitchywriterboi @when-wax-wings-melt @thechaoticflowergarden @lyralit @penspiration-writing @samatedeansbroccoli @charlesjosephwrites @italiangothicwriteblr @thetruearchmagos @pineapple-lover-boy @unilightwrites @sanguine-arena @bardic-tales @joshuaorrizonte @blind-the-winds @circa-specturgia @hymnonlips @aloeverawrites
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nautilus1954 · 27 days
18,780 words...
Sometimes a push myself too hard... but then again, what am I good for if I dont?
This shall be the final chapter for story 9 of MFTD, by which point we will go into story 10, which shall be the aftermath of this ordeal, and shall introduce a new character, as well as old ones we haven't seen in a hot second.
In this story, we get to see Vincent, Melody, and Alfred in their beast forms, as well as major battle scenes. This is the first time I've written an action story at this scale, and the fact it's almost 20,000 words long should tell you that there WILL be mistakes. If you find any of these, then please let me know.
I may or may not be taking a break after this story, so just be prepared for that. Anyways, hope you enjoy X]
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Illustration by @bbsundae... follow them now... like RIGHT NOW!!
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magicshopaholic · 1 year
hey, do you read fic at all? i was wondering if you had any recs, i feel like i don't see you interact with fic a lot on here! i love your stories, so wondered what are your favorite authors too :]
Hello! The short answer to this is yes, but it comes with the caveat that I haven’t read much lately, primarily because I have no time but also because now that my characters are getting more and more fleshed out with every fic, reading other fanfic feels like my members are cheating on their OCs 😕 (I read this really good Namjoon fic where he met the reader at a party, and spent a whole week imagining Namjoon cheating on Kaya with that Y/N and it kind of killed me)
Having said that, I still do read fics when I can, definitely those that don’t interfere in my head with my OCs. I’m joining collabs and book clubs as much as I can so that I read more; but in the meantime I’d love to recommend some of my favourite fics and authors to you and any other readers:
(Please read the warnings on each fic before proceeding)
1. Poetry of the Stars by @jjiimin: This is the best fic I have read my entire life (barring one legendary series in the HP fandom - iykyk) and I honestly have nothing else to say about it. Riley has unfortunately deactivated her Tumblr account but I’m so glad I got to tell her how incredible her story was before she did so, so this is my number one. It’s 25K+ words iirc and was one of the first fics I read in the fandom and I just read it all in one go because I couldn’t stop.
(Also a favourite is Irresistible by the same author but I unfortunately don’t have a link to it)
2. @sahmfanficbts: There’s no fic mentioned here because I recommend Sam’s entire masterlist. She’s one of my all time favourite authors in the fandom and I have read and will read every single BTS fic she ever posts. Every fic is so immersive and every character is so deeply developed that they just stay with me and I find myself thinking about them at random times. Just beautiful, fantastic writing.
3. The Rich Man’s Crochet Club series by @kpopfanfictrash: Funny, quippy dialogue is my absolute favourite thing and this series has some of the best combination of humour and heart. Shanna’s works are pretty popular so you may have already checked this one out but I’m gonna recommend it anyway. (I remember coming on anon to gush about it because I was shy af, but I absolutely loved it, Shanna :))
4. Four Seven Eight by @jiminrings: This is the one I’ve read most recently and I’ve had it in my drafts since then so that I don’t forget to write a review because it deserves a great one. So here’s my apology to Hannah for taking so long to do it 🤓 but this is an amazing series, full of angst and hope and has my recommendation for sure.
5. For The Crown by @chimknj: I don’t read mxm fics, particularly mxm smut, but there was no way on earth I was going to pass on this one. Gina and I share an obsession with A Song of Ice and Fire (and I mean OBSESSION - we talk about it 24x7) and the premise of this fic was so compelling and so exciting to discuss that the only thing better than that was actually reading it. The way Gina has written this - I was transported to Westeros instantly. Everything is subtle and nuanced and I found myself connecting with every single character (also Kingsguard!Namjoon was not something I knew I needed). Idk if she’s planning on writing future parts but if she is… fuck, I’m so excited I can’t even talk about it.
6. A Silent Heart Still Beats by @akinnie75: This is another fic I have in my drafts because its review deserves my entire attention. It deals with some difficult topics but is so sad yet hopeful. The OC is such a beautiful character inside and out and this doesn’t usually happen to me with fics, but she actually changed my life and taught me how to rise above, be compassionate and forgive. I won’t give away anymore but this is just a gorgeous, gorgeous fic.
7. Just Practice by @lamourche: I can’t BELIEVE I’ve finally found this fic again!!! I read it once and then lost it (now I realise it’s because the author has seemingly removed their masterlist) but I’d commented on it from my main blog. It is one of my favourite fics of all time: it reads like a college indie movie or like a Sally Rooney novel. I was crying at the end but I couldn’t even put my finger on what it was which just meant that it was the entire vibe of the story rather than a specific scene. It breaks my heart that I’ll never get to read this again but the author has all my appreciation and gratitude for writing it.
These are some recs off the top of my head that have stayed with me and I’ll probably add to this if I think of more. A huge thank you to all these authors for their wonderful work - and thanks to you too, anon, for the question. It felt great to go back to old fics and give a shout out to such talented writers <3
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