#section 8 landlord
vakilkarosblog · 4 months
How do Section 8 companies raise funds?
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In the realm of socially conscious business entities, Section 8 companies play a pivotal role in fostering positive change. Specifically designed for non-profit purposes, Section 8 companies, also known as Section 8 microfinance institutions, focus on activities that promote social welfare and development. One crucial aspect of their operations is fundraising, which ensures their sustainability and ability to make a lasting impact. In this article, we delve into the process of Section 8 microfinance company registration and explore effective strategies for raising funds, How do Section 8 companies raise funds.
Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration:
Before diving into fundraising strategies, let's first understand the essential steps involved in Section 8 microfinance company registration:
Incorporation: The process begins with the incorporation of the company as a Section 8 entity under the Companies Act. This involves submitting the necessary documents, such as the memorandum of association and articles of association, to the Registrar of Companies.
Objective Declaration: A Section 8 company must clearly declare its objectives, emphasizing the promotion of commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of the environment, or any other beneficial purpose.
Board Approval: The proposed company's board must approve the application for Section 8 status, ensuring that the objectives align with the criteria specified in the Companies Act.
Licenses and Approvals: Obtain the necessary licenses and approvals from regulatory bodies, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for microfinance activities.
Fundraising Strategies for Section 8 Microfinance Companies:
Once registered, Section 8 microfinance companies can explore various strategies to raise funds sustainably:
Grants and Donations: Seek grants and donations from government agencies, international organizations, philanthropic foundations, and individuals interested in supporting social causes.
Social Impact Investments: Attract socially responsible investors who are willing to invest in organizations with a dual focus on financial returns and positive social impact.
Partnerships with Financial Institutions: Collaborate with banks and financial institutions to access capital, leverage financial expertise, and expand the reach of microfinance services.
Crowdfunding Campaigns: Harness the power of online platforms to run crowdfunding campaigns, engaging a wider audience to contribute towards the organization's goals.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: Build partnerships with corporate entities looking to fulfill their CSR obligations by supporting initiatives aligned with social welfare and development.
Microfinance Networks and Associations: Join microfinance networks and associations to connect with like-minded organizations, share best practices, and explore opportunities for collective fundraising efforts.
In conclusion, the journey of Section 8 microfinance companies involves not only the meticulous process of registration but also the strategic pursuit of funds to fulfill their noble objectives. By adopting a diverse range of fundraising strategies, these organizations can enhance their financial sustainability and contribute significantly to the betterment of society. Whether through grants, investments, or strategic partnerships, Section 8 microfinance company can pave the way for inclusive development and positive societal impact.
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iero · 26 days
My landlord broke the news to me that he might have a potential buyer on the property I, and my neighbors, live in and that I have a YEAR to find a new place or my rent is gonna increase dramatically (again)…
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postnuclearwar · 3 months
We had advocacy day today for school, where we go see the state senate and house in session, and lemme tell you if you ever want to lose hope for your fellow man that is definitely the place to go
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a-mutual-killing · 2 years
Love the way we bought a house last year, waiving our inspections like the stupid early 20 year olds we are because my we put too much trust in my fiancés stepdad when he said he « knows him, and he’s a great guy. It’s move in ready! He rents it! » just to find out that despite what it says on our sales papers there is lead—a lot of it!—and our floors are falling in, and all of our plumbing needs to be replaced. Sick.
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wolfkat · 24 days
I'm trying to move somewhere cheaper with my cat, boyfriend, and our roommate. Found a place that looked promising until I saw no pets(not an option to give up my cat I've had his whole life, for over a decade) and that they're charging $60 per person for the application fees!
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swagging-back-to · 8 months
tmw section 8 housing is nicer than a 1.5k apartment you know the landlords deserve to all be shot dead
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brokenfoxproductions · 10 months
I've lived in my rental unit since May of last year and whenever we moved in we were told that the display on the oven was broken and that the oven sometimes would just stop working randomly. It finally died the other day and our landlords are now claiming that we purposely broke it and are charging us for the new oven.
They're also charging us for repairs that have needed done since before we moved in on the bathroom that have caused water damage and we've been begging them to fix it for like 6 months to a year because it keeps raining water down into our kitchen and they are now claiming that we broke the tub on purpose despite the fact that it's physically impossible for human being to break a metal tub on purpose and they're charging us for the new tub as well and all of the water damage.
I'm going to sue their asses off because we have photos from the day we moved in proving that these things were broken when we moved in but I am so fucking tired of this because they only started treating us like this after I caught my landlord watching me and my kids get dressed through the front window of our living room while he was standing on our porch. He also likes to show up unannounced and just stare in our living room windows to see if he can catch me without my shirt on.
These people are really lucky that I haven't gone stand your ground law on their asses yet but I am going to fucking fry them in court because I'm tired of being harassed and I'm tired of being scared to just live in the house that my name is on the fucking lease for.
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moodycarcass · 11 months
Body hurt
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homesrentals · 2 years
4305 Mulligan Way
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268
Rent: $1,695/Month
3bed 2bath Immediate Move-in Ready!
Newly Updated Home This might be perfect for you This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has 1,658 square feet of living space. Leases signed in this state may be subject to a 9.99 utility fee, local taxes and processing fees. Home details on Landlord’s website are offered for illustrative purposes only. Actual home details may vary. Applicant should verify all information with the landlord before proceeding . Please contact the landlord for more information. Property: #3893486
Landlord Contact (260) 849-8371
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vakilkarosblog · 4 months
How do Section 8 companies get money?
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Introduction: Section 8 microfinance companies play a crucial role in fostering financial inclusion by providing microloans and financial services to underserved communities. However, the question often arises: How do Section 8 companies get money? In this article, we'll delve into the financial mechanisms that enable Section 8 microfinance company registration to thrive, with a focus on the registration process.
Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration: Before exploring the funding sources, it's essential to understand the initial steps, particularly the registration process for Section 8 microfinance companies. The registration is governed by the Companies Act, and these entities are commonly known as non-profit organizations. The registration ensures that the microfinance company operates with the primary objective of promoting social welfare, including poverty alleviation.
Sources of Funding for Section 8 Microfinance Companies:
Donations and Grants: One of the primary sources of funding for Section 8 microfinance companies is donations and grants from government bodies, philanthropic organizations, and socially responsible corporations. These funds are crucial in initiating and sustaining microfinance operations.
Social Investments: Section 8 microfinance companies often attract social investments from impact investors and individuals who are aligned with the mission of financial inclusion. These investments help in capitalizing the organization and expanding its reach to more beneficiaries.
Bank Loans and Financial Institutions: Section 8 microfinance companies can also secure loans from banks and financial institutions. While the interest rates may be lower or tailored to support their mission, this source of funding allows them to leverage financial instruments to scale their operations.
Self-Help Groups and Community Contributions: In some cases, Section 8 microfinance companies encourage the formation of self-help groups within communities. These groups pool their resources and contribute to a common fund, which the microfinance company can then leverage to provide loans and financial services to group members.
Government Subsidies and Programs: Governments may support Section 8 microfinance companies through subsidies and specific programs aimed at promoting financial inclusion. These financial incentives play a significant role in sustaining the operations of microfinance institutions.
Conclusion: Understanding how Section 8 microfinance company registration get money is crucial for comprehending their sustainability and impact. The combination of donations, grants, social investments, bank loans, community contributions, and government support creates a financial ecosystem that empowers these organizations to fulfill their mission of providing financial services to the underserved and contributing to the overall development of communities. If you're considering venturing into the realm of Section 8 microfinance, ensuring compliance with the registration process is the first step towards unlocking these diverse funding sources.
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carriesthewind · 2 months
"The problem, however, is that the city’s chatbot is telling businesses to break the law....
If you’re a landlord wondering which tenants you have to accept, for example, you might pose a question like, “are buildings required to accept section 8 vouchers?” or “do I have to accept tenants on rental assistance?” In testing by The Markup, the bot said no, landlords do not need to accept these tenants. Except, in New York City, it’s illegal for landlords to discriminate by source of income, with a minor exception for small buildings where the landlord or their family lives...
The NYC bot also appeared clueless about the city’s consumer and worker protections. For example, in 2020, the City Council passed a law requiring businesses to accept cash to prevent discrimination against unbanked customers. But the bot didn’t know about that policy when we asked. “Yes, you can make your restaurant cash-free,” the bot said in one wholly false response. “There are no regulations in New York City that require businesses to accept cash as a form of payment.”
The bot said it was fine to take workers’ tips (wrong, although they sometimes can count tips toward minimum wage requirements) and that there were no regulations on informing staff about scheduling changes (also wrong). It didn’t do better with more specific industries, suggesting it was OK to conceal funeral service prices, for example, which the Federal Trade Commission has outlawed. Similar errors appeared when the questions were asked in other languages, The Markup found."
Kathryn Tewson is stress-testing the bot over on bluesky and has found it will provide some truly horrifying responses:
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Best and Worst of Both worlds (part 8)
tw: like nasty living conditions implied
vote on da poll below ill start writing after 20 votes, next chapter will b focusing on monty
part 9
You can't do it. You can't say no to Yves without going through mental hoops. So you sigh as you let him conquer your room.
You had posters of your favorite artists, but they were all lost in the clutter long ago. It reemerged dusty and damaged, but Yves repaired it the best he could. It looks decent enough to hang.
You watched him cover his mouth in contemplation as he looked around the room, trying to figure out the best place to hang it.
Yves has done more for you than everyone else combined in your life. He cleaned, he cooked, he took care of your sickness, he cleaned you, he fed you, and now he's decorating your room to make it more habitable. All of this and you never said a word, neither protest nor request. You just let him do his thing.
From what you read in the group chat, he also replenished your section of the fridge with groceries.
Your housemate took a picture of the things he bought, all of them were labelled with your name. His handwriting is black marker ink undoubtedly beautiful.
Your housemate did warn him that you're not one for cooking, the perishables could potentially go to waste. He replied that he will be visiting over for the next few days to make your meals. One of them even broke the landlord's rules and gave him a spare key to the front door.
Eventually, Yves found the perfect places to position your posters' forever home. Who knew just the strategic placement of some piece of laminated paper would elevate a room? It looks much better and oddly bigger now... well maybe the latter due to his cleanup.
He clasped his hands and admired his work. As he should.
After that, he turned to you. Which made you jolt out of surprise.
"It's been an hour and a half. Do you still want to eat?" He asked.
You checked the time. He's right, it's now half past eleven. You're not hungry anymore, so you told him that you're full. He nodded and left your room again.
Your housemates blew up the group chat due to another wild Yves sighting around the house. Is this how it's going to be from now on?
This time, you received a picture of him portioning the leftover congee in disposable containers. He has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing his lean forearms. You're surprised to see that they were riddled in old scars. It was captioned: "He's freezing the rest"
You squinted and it looks like he's weighing them on an electronic scale. There's a marker pen in this picture.
You sent a message to the group chat asking if he's using his own items.
"I think so??? Idk i have never seen these containers b4" "well theyre not stained yellow yet, he has gotta have these brand new" "yea n hes using rich people sharpies, like none of us here can afford it, all of us get offbrands"
You wonder if he managed to fit them into his handbag.
Yves came back into your room, explaining that the congee will last up to 3 months in the freezer. He also walked you through the steps on how to reheat them by yourself, using the microwave or otherwise. Yves told you not to worry if you couldn't remember what to do, he wrote it down and attached it to the containers- or you could call him instead.
You nodded and waited to see what he would do. Yves seem to be doing the same thing to you for the next few seconds. Eventually though, he deem that you didn't need anything from him at the moment.
"I have to retrieve something from my car." He informed you, walking towards his bag and fishing out his keys. He checked the contents of his thermos cup, it's empty. The metal straw clanked around the walls as he picked it up and carried it with him.
You paid no mind to your housemates' frantic messages enquiring about his departure. You're too tired to care anymore, and you're too tired to know if you actually wanted him here or gone. It's nice to have company for once, but it's from a questionable source.
So you tucked yourself under your blanket and curled up into a ball. Hiding your head under your pillow so you wouldn't need to see Yves when he comes in.
You heard footsteps. And sure enough, Yves is now breathing the same diseased air as you.
But this time, he says nothing. Yves flicked the switch to your lights off and set whatever he has down on your desk.
There was a long period of silence accompanied by the soft sounds of typing. A dim glow from his computer screen illuminated his face and reflected on his reading glasses. He's logging in all the events, the observations and other pieces of data he collected from you today.
Yet you're not awake to see any of it. Blissfully sleeping and snoring away as Yves kept you company throughout the night.
You woke up the next morning feeling much better. But still not as healthy as usual. You should be fit enough to go to the university today.
Yves is gone and so are his belongings. However, you found a handwritten note addressed to you on your night stand.
"Your breakfast is in the fridge. Look for a mason jar with your name. It is ready to eat. -Yves"
You stretched and yawned, crumpling the paper and shooting it into the trash can.
You peeled the blanket off yourself and set your feet down onto the floor. That was when you realized he left something on the foot of your bed.
Another note resting on top of a set of neatly folded clothes and a bottle of sunscreen.
"The weather today will be reaching 90⁰F/32.2⁰C, take care of yourself and avoid the sun. -Yves"
The clothes he picked for you were the ones you forgot you had. It was breathable and cooling, but in your daily, personal style. He must have found it yesterday when he did your laundry.
You carried it in your arms and walked to your door to see yet another note- this time it was a folded A4 sized paper, attached to your bag, which looked noticeably lighter and... newer.
"I do not recommend leaving yet. But if you do, I packed an umbrella for you. Please wash your water bottle regularly, it is growing mold. Your bag was full of unnecessary paper scraps, wrappers, food crumbs, and other garbage. I had to hand wash it as I found a dried house lizard pressed between a dictionary and a magazine. Some of the notes and textbooks you carry were not even required for this semester or the next, hence I kept it away on your shelf. Your bag had holes at the bottom and was already falling apart at the seams. I sewed the best I could, but replacing and upgrading is the better option. Be mindful of your belongings.-Yves"
Your face became bright red after reading the last line. You never asked him to do this for you! Why is he judging? He chose to stick around! You don't like being told you're pathetic, directly or indirectly!
Did he really have to underline the word "mold" more than thrice? And why did he switch to red ink for that one word?
You took a deep breath and sighed. Exiting your room to pay a visit to the bathroom.
You were taken aback by the cleanliness. It looked like how it was in the listing, shiny and grime free. The shampoo and soap bottles were arranged neatly with no trace of dark sludge coating it.
There is another note stuck to the mirror.
This time, there were crude drawings depicting penises urinating on your name, no doubt vandalized by your housemates. You went ahead to read what Yves had to say.
"To (name), I replaced your toothbrush as that too, was growing mold. Pay attention to your hygiene or else you will be prone to sickness.- Yves"
There were hearts drawn all around his name, no doubt the culprit was your housemate who took a liking to him.
After taking a shower and changing into your new set of clothes, you left the bathroom to eat breakfast in the kitchen.
You opened the now pristine fridge and sure enough, there is a mason jar with a sticker of your name on its side.
You rotated it to see that he has written something else:
"Banana chia pudding: Chia seeds, almond milk, banana slices, vanilla extract, maple syrup, granola. Gluten-free and lactose-free. Do not heat, eat as is."
You're not sure how to feel about the taste, texture and temperature. It is "sick people" food after all. Perhaps you liked it, perhaps you don't. But you are definitely grateful that you have a free meal from Yves.
One of your housemates entered the kitchen, she greeted you as she began preparing her own meal.
You asked her what time Yves left.
"Beats me. His car was already gone when I woke up at 4am to take a piss. He did leave us a note though."
You asked her what she meant by that.
She shoved her hand in her pant pocket and handed a crumpled piece of paper to you.
"I will visit at 6pm, please take care of (name) for me. -Yves"
You asked where did she find this note.
"Next to the light switch in the living room" She cracked open an egg on her skillet.
You looked at the wall clock. It says 12:03pm
You have around 6 hours left before Yves comes back. There is nothing much to do in your house because the Internet runs at a snail's pace and there is no air conditioning. So you would be boiling in your room.
You think you're well enough to move around and you definitely do not want to spend time with your housemates.
You don't have to go to the university, since your exams are over and so are your classes for the semester. But all the study spots, including the library, have air conditioning.
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legislacerator · 7 months
i think i want to be a public defender. after spending my entire law school career thus far swearing it wouldn’t be for me cuz i didn’t think i had what it takes. i have done a few types of legal work during my law school tenure, but i’ve been primarily focused on housing law up until now. it is wonderful and very necessary work; much of what i did this last summer was negotiating with landlords and landlord attorneys on behalf of tenants in eviction cases. sending landlords formal legal demand letters telling them to fuck the hell off felt SOOOOO good let me tell you what! i also worked with section 8 tenants to negotiate with both their landlords and the local housing housing authority. very rewarding as well, section 8 cases are very complex and it is a hard subtype of housing law to dip into. my supervising attorney over the summer was phenomenal and had years of experience working with section 8 cases, so i was really lucky to be introduced to and mentored in that arena of practice.
however, civil legal aid provides far fewer opportunities for oral advocacy. and i really, really want to do that. being a public defender is absolutely backbreaking amounts of work and to be honest i think that not only will i enjoy it but i will be even more enthralled with it. i enjoy being challenged and i’m a far more talented worker than i am academic! what some of my classmates have been dreading (the shift from being a student to being employed) i have been looking forward to… i’ll never be an intense, type-a student, but i have an incredible work ethic and i know it. and idk. i hope it’ll serve me well.
as they say…. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 year
EDIT: forgot to add paypal (@waningmoon1397) and venmo (@symphomyofstars69) and cashapp ($waningstars420)
Hey so uhhh...
Our landlord is trying to kick us out. We've been trying to get them to fix the broken AC unit for over a year and I guess they got tired of us going through the section 8 housing office to force them to uphold their part of the lease
We were never informed that the TV was in violation but have moved it. We have also never prevented access to our apartment, but they changed the original locks that THEY had installed on the doors a few months back claiming the master key wasn't working.
Finally, we have never ONCE been "indecent" or otherwise in even mildly immodest clothing around maintenance. That is a blatant lie. We do however have a trans flag and progress pride flag hanging on the wall, and according to some people we're all sex predators anyway, so I suspect it may be that but obviously have no proof.
Between this, the fact that all other low income housing in the area has a 1-3 year waiting list to even get in, and the increasing attempts at passing laws restricting transition, we want to move out of state.
I've done a cost breakdown for moving to one of the sanctuary states (specifically Minnesota, as they also have amazing tenant protection laws).
Here's the breakdown:
$2200 for a Uhaul big enough to fit our stuff, including daily rental cost and mileage
$800 for gas
$800 for food while traveling, accounting for my severe food restrictions (I have MCAS which causes anaphylactic responses to a wide variety of foods)
$600 for hotels along the way
$750 roughly for first and last month's rent at a new place
$1000 roughly for deposit (we likely won't get ours back from our predatory landlord because they'll claim the damage they did (such as their leaky temporary AC unit causing the carpet to mold) was us.
That's roughly $6250 for all of it.
We also have an emergency option, which is that if we can find a place to couch surf for two to three months, we can put our stuff in a storage unit and fly to Minnesota and move in with nothing but what we can carry in a suitcase, but that still would be roughly $2000-2500.
If we get evicted and cannot find a new place here within 30-60 days, we WILL lose our section 8. I am on SSI and my partner is unable to work and applying for SSI, currently on second appeal and waiting to see a judge. There's nowhere in the area with openings. Even if we don't get evicted this time, our management company clearly wants us gone.
We are absolutely open to alternative solutions to any of the expenses we'd need to move, whether it's like, a nonperishable food basket instead of the food expenses, or if someone is more comfortable paying directly to the landlord/U-Haul/etc rather than sending cash. Or even a temporary couch surf option in whatever month we end up moving out. Anything, really.
I know this is a monumental ask. I'm just desperate and don't know where to turn.
(First names censored in picture because they are out deadnames)
Also worth noting: We are working with our local housing authority and fair housing people. Our landlords have been shady from the get go though and until we get out we will live in constant fear of being evicted.
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anticomedygarden · 8 months
solangelo ficlet based on a duolingo story (yes, i've gotten to the point where i'm taking inspiration from duolingo)
it's on ao3
When Will dragged Nico to the supermarket at 8 p.m. on this fine Tuesday night, the son of Hades was absolutely dead on his feet. See, his day started 17 hours ago when he got up at 5 a.m. to get ready to teach literature to 4 different high school classes. It would have been 7 classes, but he'd taken a half day after his boyfriend called to say their landlord was kicking them out early, and they'd need to move all their stuff out by 4 p.m. which meant that none of their friends were free to help them. Then, they'd spent four hours unpacking all the necessities and putting them away to save some drama come morning. Altogether, Nico had probably sat down for about 5 whole minutes.
So, yeah. It had been a long day.
But Will was pulling him through the aisles of an unfamiliar grocery store, a tired smile on his face, clearly intent on replacing the food they'd had to leave behind in the move. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked as they passed a pyramid of melons in the produce.
That was unfortunate. He did not feel like cooking anything at all. "Can't we just get takeout?"
It seemed Nico's day was not nearly over because Will shook his head, eyeing the meat section. "If we cook tonight, we'll have leftovers for the rest of week." He took Nico over to look at the hamburger. "Do you want some pasta?"
"But I'm tired now," Nico protested, ignoring his boyfriend's suggestion in the hopes it would stall him. "Besides, that sounded so grown up."
"We are grown up."
Instead of answering, Nico shoved his body up against Will's front with his face in the crook of his neck and groaned. Loudly. "I want to go to bed!"
He didn't care that he sounded like a child throwing a tantrum, not even when a woman walked by followed by two actual children with judgemental looks on their small faces. He just burrowed farther into Will's warmth and tried to keep his eyes open.
"I know, baby," Will said, threading his fingers through Nico's hair comfortingly. Nico could feel the bastard checking the dates on the hamburger behind him. "Alright, let's find the spaghetti and spaghetti sauce."
Reluctantly, Nico unburied himself from Will and followed the blond through the store, wondering idly when pasta turned into spaghetti. He was still wondering when Will said, "Where the hell is the pasta stuff?"
Nico finally looked up from Will's back to see that they'd made it all the way back to the front of the store. The automatic doors swooshed open behind them. Will was still holding the raw hamburger.
"Did you try the Italian section?" Nico asked, partially serious. He really was exhausted (and hadn't been paying attention during their impromptu tour of the store).
"Yes," Will bit out. "Did I miss it somehow?"
"Probably." Nico sighed. "Why don't we just get takeout?"
He should've known that would only serve to make Will more determined.
"No," he said, squaring his shoulders. "Let's go."
They walked through the food sections again, and Will checked every aisle up and down. This time, they found the spaghetti noodles, but not the pasta sauce.
("Who doesn't keep the sauce with the noodles?" Will asked in a strained voice.
"Crazy people. Let's go home.")
By the time they made it back to the front, Nico was tripping over his feet. "Babe, can we just go home? I know you're tired, too."
Will, gods bless him, shook his head despite the bags under his eyes. He'd been off that day, but he'd still done a lot of work, and they weren't as in shape as they had been at camp. "No. I'm gonna find it."
Nico didn't try to stop him this time. "Fine, but I'm staying here."
Will nodded and ducked back into the aisles. When he came back 10 minutes later, he was triumphantly holding up two cans of spaghetti sauce.
Nico cheered. "Yay!" He grabbed Will by the arm and steered him toward the doors. "Let's go."
Laughing, Will pulled him back toward the checkout. "We still have to pay."
This time, Nico fell forward onto Will's shoulder with a great huff. "Why?" he whined. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing wrong with shoplifting a little food from a (probably) multimillion dollar chain store.
"Because we are functional members of mortal society." Nico gave him a disbelieving look. "Fine. If we get arrested for shoplifting, we could lose our jobs."
Nico rolled his eyes but didn't stop Will from paying for their food, though he did feel a little smug when the cashier gave them a dirty look. Homophobe or tired, overworked customer service employee, Nico maintained that they should have just left.
Once out of the store, Will turned to Nico and said, "Yay, spaghetti," in a decidedly monotone voice unfit for the joys of the squiggly tomato pasta.
Nico glanced at his watch and raised an eyebrow. "Do you really still wanna do that?"
Will shrugged. "I don't wanna give up after all that."
"It's 9:15."
Will's eyes widened. "To McDonald's!"
This time, Nico cheered for real.
A half an hour and a trip to McDonald's later, the two sat on the floor of their brand new living room surrounded by half empty boxes, Nico's back resting on Will's chest.
Will took a bite of a chicken nugget. "This was a really good idea."
"I know," Nico said, mouth full of his last bite of burger. "Now shush." Finally, he closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Will's right peck, pulling their orange and purple quilt (courtesy of Sally) farther up himself and smiling when he felt Will's hand come up to cup his neck. They hadn't time to set their bed up, so he didn't feel bad about passing out on top of Will on the stiff black carpet.
Of course, when his alarm went off at five the next morning and he felt the awful crick in his neck, he had a different perspective.
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kittenzeke · 23 days
My landlord isn't going to accept section 8.
That means I'll probably only be approved to live at my current location another year- if that. I have to save up as much money as possible for my next apartment. The costs entail movers, a deposit, admin fees, etc. Not to mention I want a book case, reading chair, and comfortable mattress to make the next place a little more liveable.
I really have liked it here. :(
The prospect of moving is stressful, but I trust the agency involved in my care won't let me slip through the cracks and this is somehow for the best. Anyways, does anyone know how I can acquire more money? I can't save anything on simply SSI. As soon as I am used to my CPAP machine, I'm going to apply for part time work and get involved with the department of vocational rehabilitation, though.
I'm reaching towards a goal of $150/month to consistently put in savings until I receive my section 8. $200/month would be more ideal, quite frankly. I can't have more than $2000 in my account at a time and I get $943 a month. That means I need to save up $1000 and hope that's enough for everything.
I have no idea when section 8 will hit but there will be fees involved with ending a lease early, too. It all feels daunting. I need to discuss with someone if there's a way I can save more money for everything without getting in trouble with social security. I heard "ABLE" accounts are a thing in some areas but I don't know if New Mexico is one of them.
Aside from moving fees, eventually I need a new phone, extra $$$ for when I'm healing from surgery, and a car. I want to be able to afford to run my own errands.
On top of working, I'm going to make as much art as possible. I will be happy to sell art to anyone who wants it. This might garner more attention for the Ko-Fi account I'm going to create and then people will be able to tip me if they like my art or the tarot readings I'm going to put on YouTube.
Speaking of tarot, my order from Magick.com that I placed on the 29th still hasn't been sent. I am starting to feel upset. According to what I found on Google, this behavior seems typical of them. If they don't give me an update by next Friday, I'm going to complain and get a refund, maybe. I already sent an email politely asking why it hasn't been sent yet.
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