#section 8 companies act
vakilkarosblog · 4 months
How do Section 8 companies raise funds?
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In the realm of socially conscious business entities, Section 8 companies play a pivotal role in fostering positive change. Specifically designed for non-profit purposes, Section 8 companies, also known as Section 8 microfinance institutions, focus on activities that promote social welfare and development. One crucial aspect of their operations is fundraising, which ensures their sustainability and ability to make a lasting impact. In this article, we delve into the process of Section 8 microfinance company registration and explore effective strategies for raising funds, How do Section 8 companies raise funds.
Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration:
Before diving into fundraising strategies, let's first understand the essential steps involved in Section 8 microfinance company registration:
Incorporation: The process begins with the incorporation of the company as a Section 8 entity under the Companies Act. This involves submitting the necessary documents, such as the memorandum of association and articles of association, to the Registrar of Companies.
Objective Declaration: A Section 8 company must clearly declare its objectives, emphasizing the promotion of commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of the environment, or any other beneficial purpose.
Board Approval: The proposed company's board must approve the application for Section 8 status, ensuring that the objectives align with the criteria specified in the Companies Act.
Licenses and Approvals: Obtain the necessary licenses and approvals from regulatory bodies, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for microfinance activities.
Fundraising Strategies for Section 8 Microfinance Companies:
Once registered, Section 8 microfinance companies can explore various strategies to raise funds sustainably:
Grants and Donations: Seek grants and donations from government agencies, international organizations, philanthropic foundations, and individuals interested in supporting social causes.
Social Impact Investments: Attract socially responsible investors who are willing to invest in organizations with a dual focus on financial returns and positive social impact.
Partnerships with Financial Institutions: Collaborate with banks and financial institutions to access capital, leverage financial expertise, and expand the reach of microfinance services.
Crowdfunding Campaigns: Harness the power of online platforms to run crowdfunding campaigns, engaging a wider audience to contribute towards the organization's goals.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: Build partnerships with corporate entities looking to fulfill their CSR obligations by supporting initiatives aligned with social welfare and development.
Microfinance Networks and Associations: Join microfinance networks and associations to connect with like-minded organizations, share best practices, and explore opportunities for collective fundraising efforts.
In conclusion, the journey of Section 8 microfinance companies involves not only the meticulous process of registration but also the strategic pursuit of funds to fulfill their noble objectives. By adopting a diverse range of fundraising strategies, these organizations can enhance their financial sustainability and contribute significantly to the betterment of society. Whether through grants, investments, or strategic partnerships, Section 8 microfinance company can pave the way for inclusive development and positive societal impact.
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nikitapatels-blog · 10 days
What are the Annual Compliances for Section 8 Companies in India?
Following are the annual compliances for Section 8 Company:
Mandatory Audit Report
Maintenance of Books of Accounts
ITR filing
Conduct a minimum of 2 board meetings in a year
Preparation of Financial Statements
Filing of financial statements in Form AOC-4
An Annual Return is to be filed every year with other e-filing forms like MGT-7
Additional compliance to fulfil the Registration like 12AA, 80G, etc
Penalties for Non-Compliance
As per the Companies Act, if the Company fails to comply with the legal provisions, then the Central Government will cancel the License for Section 8 Company. If the Company’s objectives are conducted fraudulently or in violation of the objectives for which it is established, the license can be canceled. In case a Company fails to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, then the Company will be punishable with a fine not less than Rs. 10 lakhs & may extend to Rs. 1 crore. The Officers & Directors of the Company in default of the provisions will be punishable with a fine not less than Rs. 25,000 which may extend to Rs. 25 lakhs or both.
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growupindia · 1 month
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efiletax · 2 months
Which is Better, Trust or Section 8 Company?
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Deciding between establishing a trust or a Section 8 company (under the Companies Act, 2013) depends on various factors, including the objectives, scope, and operational requirements of the organization. Both structures have their advantages and considerations, so it's essential to evaluate them based on your specific needs. Here's a comparison to help you make an informed decision:
Ease of Establishment: Establishing a trust is relatively straightforward, typically requiring a trust deed that outlines the objectives, trustees, and operational guidelines. It involves fewer regulatory formalities compared to incorporating a Section 8 company.
Operational Flexibility: Trusts offer greater operational flexibility in terms of management and decision-making, as they are governed by the trustees appointed under the trust deed. This can be advantageous for organizations seeking agility and autonomy in decision-making processes.
Tax Benefits: Trusts may be eligible for tax exemptions on income derived from charitable or religious activities, subject to compliance with relevant tax laws and regulations.
Perpetual Succession: Trusts can have perpetual succession, meaning they can continue to exist irrespective of changes in trusteeship or membership, providing long-term stability and continuity.
Section 8 Company:
Legal Structure: Section 8 companies are incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013, as not-for-profit entities with the objective of promoting charitable or social causes. They offer a distinct legal identity separate from their members or trustees.
Limited Liability: Members of Section 8 companies enjoy limited liability, protecting their personal assets from the company's liabilities. This can provide a higher level of risk mitigation compared to trusts, where trustees may have personal liability.
Credibility and Recognition: Section 8 companies often enjoy greater credibility and recognition due to their formal incorporation and compliance with corporate governance norms. This can enhance the organization's reputation and facilitate fundraising efforts.
Regulatory Oversight: Section 8 companies are subject to regulatory oversight by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and are required to comply with various statutory requirements, including filing annual returns, maintaining accounts, and conducting regular audits.
Fundraising Potential: Section 8 companies may find it easier to raise funds from donors, philanthropists, and institutional investors due to their formal structure, legal recognition, and transparency in operations.
Ultimately, the choice between a trust and a Section 8 company depends on factors such as the nature of activities, governance preferences, tax considerations, fundraising goals, and long-term sustainability objectives. It's advisable to consult with legal and financial experts to assess your specific requirements and determine the most suitable legal structure for your organization.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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My former U.S. Track and Field teammate Tori Bowie, who was found dead in her home in Florida on May 2, of complications related to childbirth at 8 months pregnant, was a beautiful runner. She was effortless. At the Rio Olympics, I ran the second leg of the 4 x 100 relay. Tori was the anchor. When she got the baton, I remember thinking, “it’s over.” She just accelerated. When she crossed the finish line, I couldn’t wait to run over to her to celebrate. It was her first, and only, Olympic gold medal.
She also picked up a silver (in the 100-m) and bronze (200-m) in Brazil. The next year, at the 2017 World Championships in London, Tori won the 100-m title, earning the title of “world’s fastest woman.” Tori started out as a long jumper. So seeing her thrive as a sprinter was a huge deal. She was just such a bright light, and people were getting to see that.
Tori grew up in Mississippi and had this huge Southern accent. She didn’t take herself too seriously. You felt this sense of ease when you were around her. I last saw her in early 2021, in San Diego, where she was training. She gave me the biggest hug; something about her spirit was just very, very sweet. I felt her sweetness come over me that day.
Tori was 32 when she died. According to the autopsy, possible complications contributing to Bowie’s death included respiratory distress and eclampsia—seizures brought on by preeclampsia, a high blood pressure disorder that can occur during pregnancy. I developed preeclampsia during my pregnancy with my daughter Camryn, who was born in November 2018. The doctors sent me to the hospital, where I would deliver Camryn during an emergency C-section, at 32 weeks. I was unsure if I was going to make it. If I was ever going to hold my precious daughter.
Like so many Black women, I was unaware of the risks I faced while pregnant. According to the CDC, in 2021 the maternal mortality rate for Black women was 2.6 times the rate for white women. About five days before I gave birth to Camryn, I was having Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I mentioned that my feet were swollen. As we went around the table, the women shared their experiences during pregnancy. My cousin said she also had swollen feet. My mom didn’t. Not once did someone say, ‘oh, well, that’s one of the indicators of preeclampsia.’ None of us knew. When I became pregnant, my doctor didn’t sit me down and tell me, ‘these are things that you should look for in your pregnancy, because you are at a greater risk to experience these complications.’
That needs to change, now, especially in light of Tori’s tragic passing. Awareness is huge. Serena Williams had near-death complications during her pregnancy. Beyoncé developed preeclampsia. I hate that it takes Tori’s situation to put this back on the map and to get people to pay attention to it. But oftentimes, we need that wake-up call.
The medical community must do its part. There are so many stories of women dying who haven’t been heard. Doctors really need to hear the pain of Black women.
Luckily, there’s hope on several fronts. Congress has introduced the Momnibus Act, a package of 13 bills crafted to eliminate racial disparities in maternal health and improve outcomes across the board. California passed Momnibus legislation back in 2021. These laws make critical investments in areas like housing, nutrition, and transportation for underserved communities. Further, several pharmaceutical companies are making advances on early detection and treatment of preeclampsia.
Three gold medalists from that 4 x 100 relay team in Rio set out to become mothers. All three of us—all Black women—had serious complications. Tianna Madison has shared that she went into labor at 26 weeks and entered the hospital “with my medical advance directive AND my will.” Tori passed away. We’re dealing with a Black Maternal Health crisis. Here you have three Olympic champions, and we’re still at risk.
I would love to have another child. That’s something that I know for sure. But will I be here to raise that child? That’s a very real concern. And that’s a terrifying thing. This is America, in 2023, and Black women are dying while giving birth. It’s absurd.
I’m hopeful that things can get better. I’m hopeful that Tori, who stood on the podium at Rio, gold around her neck and sweetness in her soul, won’t die in vain.
—as told to Sean Gregory
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whinlatter · 8 months
Cho Chang for the random character ask: 4, 9, 12, 27, 43
cho! this was actually so fun to think about. cho is an underrated character and a boss bitch and i for one have relished the opportunity to think more deeply about her, so cheers for that anon! (i'm merging the other ask i got about cho with this one for a bumper cho post)
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1. Canon I outright reject
i do not tend to outright reject canon because i am a boring yawn canon compliant girlie but i will say i find it weird to think that cho would be randomly checking/carrying her DA coin on the night that harry just happens to arrive back at hogwarts in DH. it’s not even for plot it’s just for the ensemble vibes. pointless cameo sorry! the whole point of failed high school romances is to never resolve them and just memory block them out for all eternity until you bump into them in the veg section at the big supermarket when you go home for christmas and make awkward small talk then see them again at the checkouts and want to die
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
part of the reason cho was so (understandably) distraught after cedric's death was because of a dynamic in their relationship of cho revering/idolising cedric that only deepened after his death as he became somewhat canonised in popular memory. when they got together, cedric was a seventh year and cho was a fifth year. often when you're 15/16 you definitely look at 17-18 year olds like they're the coolest people on the planet and you're lucky to be in their orbit basking in their great worldly wise glory (lol). and while i’m not doing up age-gap-is-problematic-discourse i am saying that if you're in the last year of school and your mate starts going out with someone two years below who is doing their GCSEs or whatever you do a) obviously take the piss out of them but more importantly b) tend to see a pretty big gap in maturity and life experience that often adds a weird power differential in the relationship. that's not to say that cho didn't really miss cedric's company, but also that the grief was made worse by the fact that she likely saw him as a saint-like figure she was in awe of, a view that only received mass endorsement after dumbledore's eulogy of cedric, so she's not even really able to mourn a real person, but just the idea of someone purely heroic and good who she will never be able to replicate again
4. Favorite line
“He asked me out, you know,” she said in a quiet voice. “A couple of weeks ago. Roger. I turned him down, though.”
in this house we stan 👏 petty 👏 queens 👏
“What about your parents?” asked Harry. “Well, they’ve forbidden me to get on the wrong side of Umbridge too,” said Cho, drawing herself up proudly. “But if they think I’m not going to fight You-Know-Who after what happened to Cedric —”
actually huge props for cho for joining a resistance fight club with no parental support for anti-ministry action. because in canon you have the weasleys whose parents are so politically involved, and whose sense of political right and wrong is (bar percy) so instinctual because it's how they were raised, it can be easy to overlook how significant it is when other characters who don't come from that family background/political lineage get involved in risky acts of open rebellion. like yes her defence of marietta is misguided, but cho is a boss bitch who lets her grief be fuel for a good fightback and i for one applaud it
8. Unpopular opinion about them
ok this is going to sound like me doing up pure ginny defender but for all ginny gets slated for having many a jealous moment (including with cho in DH) i do think it is Interesting that people overlook how insanely jealous cho is of hermione lol. i do like that element of cho's character - or rather, think it lets her be well-rounded and interesting, giving an insight into how the trio are perceived by other members of the student body, but also allows cho have this messy petty teenage side to her (people often tend to write her in fic as this very worldly mature grieving widow figure, instead of like, a girl going thru it and wildly acting out emotionally and developing a whole host of insecure abandonment issues that are mostly to do with her grief). but i love how she like sees red and goes full how many girls are you meeting after me!!! alexa play bust your windows!!! i am going to storm out and YOU are going to pay for these coffees!!! so yeah, my unpopular opinion is cho is petty and messy and obviously harry fucks up more but she does kind of act up and you know what, that's fine! she's still worthy of the world! (you know all i do is ride on my let girls giggle and be messy crusade)
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
i stan the temper tantrum cho has when she loses the quidditch final. go girl have your strop! she’s just like me fr
12. Crack headcanon
cho's gang of girlies wore potter stinks badges in the dormitory after that horrendous date to cheer her up. and she was like yeah you know what! he does!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
ohhh man i am going to have to pass on this because i literally cannot name any smells. she's too prestige and gorgeous to not smell lovely though!
28. How they feel about insert character of your choice from the same fandom
i am kind of obsessed with a cho vs ginny bitter rivalry that doesn't actually have all that much to do with harry lol. cho is two school years older than ginny (given ginny is an end-of-august birthday baby, cho fully could be three years older than her, given hermione is two calendar years older than ginny and is only in the year above). so ginny is a little pipsqueak irrelevance to cho, whereas i expect cho lives in ginny's head rent-free while she's still in the throes of her deep unrequited crush on harry. then ginny goes out with michael, cho's teammate, and is in the DA, so probably is around a lot more, maybe they're semi-friendly, all going fine - until ginny pops up for the quiddich final in ootp and publicly demolishes cho on the quidditch pitch. can you imagine being a (almost or actual) seventeen year old getting the snitch snatched from under your nose by gryffindor's fourteen year old second-rate substitute seeker (especially after a year of playing badly?) i'd be fuming. no wonder cho cries and chucks her broom on the ground. so then ginny chucks michael for being a 'sore loser' (i think this must have also been a bit connected to cho, if all ravenclaw are having a great big public sulk lol), and then michael immediately gets with cho (canon implies that evening lmao). even if ginny didn't care about michael all that much, there is something pretty galling about your ex moving on to your sporting rival an hour after you break up lmao, and something very messy from cho to try and get back at the girl who just beat you by immediately hooking up with her ex lol. you can just imagine michael and cho bitterly slagging off ginny in between snogs at that post-match commiseration party. and then the following year, when ginny beats cho again, in a match cho 100% viewed as a re-match and a chance to finally best the person who humiliated her... i'm just saying, those two hate each other (at least as teenagers) and it doesn't even really involve harry lol. and i for one love it!
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
i am also bad at questions like these i'm so sorry 🫣 literally have no world/character-building capabilities to imagine people's favourite anythings. i do like the idea of cho being thoroughly unimpressed by the quality of the hogwarts cooking though! do i back a fleet of house elves living out their days in a castle in the scottish highlands to know their way around any kind of asian cuisine? no i do not. cho would have every right to fume
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sapphicscholar · 6 months
Hey so remember how I posted yesterday about how it’s not a great idea to be condescending to people assuming the worst about the surveillance state and the role of the internet and tech companies in upholding and enforcing it? Well anyway, here’s an important thread on the House’s Section 702 “reform” bill, scheduled for a floor vote ASAP (as early as Dec. 12), which would be one of the largest expansions of surveillance within the US (accessible text below the images along with links to the linked articles)
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Tweet thread from Elizabeth Goitein:
RED ALERT: Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702 “reform” bill, which is schedule for a floor vote as soon as tomorrow, is the biggest expansion of surveillance inside the United States since the Patriot Act. 1/11
Through a seemingly innocuous change to the definition of “electronic service communications provider,” the bill vastly expands the universe of U.S. businesses that can be conscripted to aid the government in conducting surveillance. 2/11
Under current law, the government can compel companies that have direct access to communications, such as phone, email, and text messaging service providers, to assist in Section 702 surveillance by turning over the communications of Section 702 targets. 3/11
Under Section 504 of the House intelligence committee’s bill, any entity that has access to *equipment* on which communications may be transmitted or stored, such as an ordinary router, is fair game. What does that mean in practice? It’s simple… 4/11
Hotels, libraries, coffee shops, and other places that offer wifi to their customers could be forced to serve as surrogate spies. They could be required to configure their systems to ensure that they can provide the government access to entire streams of communications. 5/11
Even a repair person who comes to fix the wifi in your home would meet the revised definition: that person is an “employee” of a “service provider” who has “access” to “equipment” (your router) on which communications are transmitted. 6/11
The bill’s sponsors deny that Section 504 is intended to sweep so broadly. What *is* the provision intended to do, and how is the government planning to use it? Sorry, that’s classified. 7/11
At the end of the day, though, the government’s claimed intent matters little. What matters is what the provision, on its face, actually allows—because as we all know by now, the government will interpret and apply the law as broadly as it can get away with. 8/11
This isn’t a minor or theoretical concern. One of the FISA Court amici posted a blog to warn Americans about this provision. I can’t overstate how unusual it is for FISA Court amici to take to the airwaves in this manner. We’d be foolish to ignore it. https://www.zwillgen.com/law-enforcement/fisa-reform-bill-702-surveillance/ 9/11
If you don't want to have to worry that the NSA is tapping into communications at the hotel where you're staying, tell your House representative to vote NO on the House intelligence bill this week. More on the many flaws with that bill here: https://t.co/i9PEXmg5r6 10/11
Instead, they should vote for the Protect Liberty & End Warrantless Surveillance Act, a bill passed by the House Judiciary Committee on a 35-2 vote that would reauthorize Sec. 702 with strong reforms to protect Americans’ privacy and civil liberties. https://t.co/CN7ZepGSUu 11/11
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daitoshi · 2 years
Timeline of the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, for clarity:
January 2021: Trump is stepping down as president and is ordered to return all documents to NARA before leaving office.
May 2021: NARA officials contact Trump's team after realizing several important documents were missing.
Fall 2021: NARA has not received the documents. NARA lawyer Gary stern reaches out to Trump attorney to intervene, asking about several boxes of records apparently taken to Mar-a-Lago during Trump's relocation.
It's been nearly 12 full months since he's been ordered to return all documents, and 7 months since NARA told him directly that they know documents are missing. He has not returned the documents in his possession during this time.
January 2022 - After months of discussions, NARA retrieves 15 boxes of Trump white house records. Some of them are torn up, some reconstructed with tape. NARA says in a statement that the boxes contain some SAP documents - Special Access Programs that severely limit who would have access to that information.
February 2022 - NARA asks Justice department to investigate Trump's handling of White House records, and whether he violated laws related to classified information.
April 2022 - NARA publicly acknowledges that the Justice Department is involved, and news outlets report that prosecutors have launched a criminal probe into Trump's mishandling of classified documents. Around this time, FBI agents begin interviewing Trump aides about the handling of records.
May 2022 - News outlets report that investigators subpoenaed NARA for access to the classified documents already obtained from Mar-A-Lago. This indicates that the Justice Department is using a grand jury in its investigation.
June 2022 - Four investigators, including a Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-A-Lago seeking info on the classified information Trump had taken to florida. During this meeting, federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents found on the premises. They take those documents with them when they leave.
Trump's attorneys then receive a letter, from federal investigators, asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. Trump aides add a padlock to the room. Federal Investigators serve a subpoena to the Trump investigation, demanding surveillance video. Trump's company turns over the footage.
August 8, 2022 - FBI executes a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, focused on the club area where Trump's offices and personal quarters were located. Federal agents remove 'about a dozen' boxes of materials from the property after this search.
August 11, yesterday, Attorney General Garland revealed that he personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant.
And today the warrant dropped. You can read it here: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/mar-a-lago-search-warrant-and-inventory/5144e66f50896998/full.pdf
Federal agents who executed the warrant did so to investigate potential crimes associated with violations of the Espionage Act, which outlaws the unauthorized retention of national security information that could harm the United States or aid a foreign adversary; a federal law that makes it a crime to destroy or conceal a document to obstruct a government investigation, and Section 2071, which covers the unlawful removal of government records. None of these laws differentiate information that has been declassified or not.
The Espionage Act in particular, if violated can carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison per offense.
The search this past Monday seized 11 sets of documents in all, including some marked as “classified/TS/SCI” documents — shorthand for “top secret/sensitive compartmented information,” according to the report. SAPs like TS/SCI are created when the sharing of specific information represents a heightened threat of damaging disclosures, or when a “secret” or “top secret” classification is not deemed sufficiently protective. Documents marked thus are meant to be viewed only in secure govt. facilities.
The Washington Post also revealed an anonymous tip from individuals 'familiar with the investigation' that the FBI agents were looking for classified documents relating to nuclear weapons, though did not say if said documents had been recovered.Per the Atomic Energy Act, the president has no authority to declassify documents relating to nuclear power or weapons.
The last folks in the United States who violated both the Espionage Act and the Atomic Energy Act were executed!
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neoaya · 7 months
Hot take!!! (Nuclear tbh)
People are way too shitty to the LW devs, especially Yumeno Rote.
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This guy is responsible for every single piece of non-story card character art in the game, that includes units, costumes, alts, expressions, Music Video CGs, etc. Seeing as a new unit is released per week, along with 2/4 event costumes and 2/3 rebirth costumes at the end of the month, this guy is at MINIMUM drawing 8 fully detailed illustrations and backgrounds per month, for three and a half years straight.
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The only other gacha to my knowledge that has one artist doing all the character art like this is Limbus Company, which even then has a significantly longer period between new art being added to the game. (I'm aware there are likely a lot more, but most to my knowledge have multiple artists)
So when I see a post criticising Lost Word, what do you think is being criticised 90% of the time?
Is it:
The fact it's a gacha game
Genuine criticism of the game itself and its mechanics or story
Hell, even criticism of the questionable work practice of having one guy do all the game's art
If you guessed 4, "near insignificant nitpick of Rote's art, AUs shown, or a VA (in a game where you can pick from 3 for every character) because it doesn't fit within their headcanon in a game about multiple different universes" you'd be correct!
Don't get me wrong, I have seen the first two plenty of times, but they're always either fair critiques or people who just don't want anything to do with gacha games and don't care which is understandable.
But for 4? The sheer amount of hatred and seething vitriol people express for details most people wouldn't think twice about is insane to me. It never seems to come from a sincere place of disappointment but rather fear to fit in, like "Oh this relates to me, I better lay in to it as much as possible since everyone else shits on it, wouldn't want to give people the impression I'm weird for liking it after all". It just seems depressing to me that people feel the need to act miserable out of peer pressure and not wanting to stray from the popular opinion.
As someone's who played the game since launch at this point I feel more than qualified to tell you it's FAR from perfect, hell I wouldn't even call it all that good. Gameplay fluctuates from playing the game for you to forcing you to have a full understanding of the meta, grinding is a chore, drop rates are far too low, the nature of the game forcing normally evil aligned characters to act more reasonably, and I unironically think the lack of representation and downright bad writing for Aya until now is singlehandedly responsible for making her drop by one place 3 years in a row in the THVote popularity poll.
So why do I still play it after all this time? Because I genuinely just want to see what they do next. I like seeing what new takes on characters they come up with, I like seeing where the story goes, what the next event will be and I love Rote's art and all the other art contributed by the JP community, I even think the Hifuu and RoM section of the story is genuinely good. It's nice to have a constant and reliable stream of Touhou media to read through in-between the wait for actual new games.
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Somehow I don't feel that guy in the middle would want to come on livestreams 3 and a half years after launch if he didn't find it fun, same goes for all the artists and doujin circles that have contributed their art and music, especially those with more than one card or song.
If you want anyone to blame, blame GoodSmile for publishing this game and making this the complete extent they're willing to promote it and Touhou as a whole. (Last new character from them was a Reisen nendo from six years ago btw!)
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In conclusion, I think LW has objectively done more good for the series than harm. You can not understate the fact that this game is responsible for introducing Touhou to so many new people and giving the spotlight to characters that are otherwise overlooked. Inaccurate character portrayals are rarely an issue when the series embraces differentiating itself from the source material, that's the nature of doujin culture. That and it seems silly to try and gatekeep people who got into the series through Lost Word, telling them they're experincing it wrong only serves to turn them away and I don't blame newcomers when official touhou media is still hard to come across in the west and the three most popular games in the series still don't have a digital release.
As a tangent, I used to have a problem with how Aya was depicted in a lot of fan media, even from people here, but a friend taught me I shouldn't let those alternate interpretations ruin my enjoyment of her and that I shouldn't fault them for seeing her that way. I feel others should be able to learn from that.
(I definitely forgot some stuff but this is ranty enough as is, I just wanted to get it out of my system)
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vakilkarosblog · 1 month
Does a Section 8 company pay tax?
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In general, Section 8 companies in India, which are formed under the Companies Act, 2013 (previously Section 25 companies under the Companies Act, 1956), are non-profit organizations that are formed for promoting charitable, educational, or other socially beneficial objectives.
Section 8 companies are granted certain tax benefits by the government. They may be eligible for exemptions from income tax under Section 12A and Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, provided they fulfill certain conditions and comply with the relevant regulations.
choose Vakilkaro for Section 8 microfinance company registration?in Lakhimpur Kheri
For swift and reliable Section 8 Microfinance Company registration in Lakhimpur Kheri, choose Vakilkaro. With their expertise in legal procedures and meticulous attention to detail, they streamline the registration process efficiently. Vakilkaro ensures compliance with all regulatory requirements, guiding you through every step seamlessly. Trust Vakilkaro for hassle-free Section 8 Microfinance Company registration in Lakhimpur Kheri. And reach out to Vakilkaro's team today on this number: 9828123489!
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nikitapatels-blog · 16 days
Procedure for Section 8 Company Registration
Following is the step-by-step procedure for Section 8 Company Registration:
Step 1: Obtain DSC & DIN:
First, the applicant needs to obtain a Digital Signature Certificate of the proposed Directors. Once they receive DSC, file Form DIR-3 with ROC for obtaining DIN. The identity & address proof should be attached for getting DSC. Once DIR-3 is approved, the Registrar of Companies will allot a DIN to the proposed Directors.
Step 2: Filing of INC-12 Application Form:
After getting DSC and DIN, the next step is to file Form INC-12 with the Registrar of Companies to apply for a Licence under Section 8 Company along with the attachment of the required documents. Once the form is approved, a Licence under Section 8 Company will be issued in Form INC-16.
Step 3: Filing of SPICe+ Form:
After getting License under Section 8, you need to file SPICe+ Form with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) for the Registration along with the vital documents.
Note: Once the Registrar of Companies is satisfied with the forms submitted, he or she issues a CoI (Certificate of Incorporation) along with a Unique CIN.
What are the Annual Compliances for Section 8 Companies in India?
Following are the annual compliances for Section 8 Company:
Mandatory Audit Report
Maintenance of Books of Accounts
ITR filing
Conduct a minimum of 2 board meetings in a year
Preparation of Financial Statements
Filing of financial statements in Form AOC-4
An Annual Return is to be filed every year with other e-filing forms like MGT-7
Additional compliance to fulfil the Registration like 12AA, 80G, etc
Penalties for Non-Compliance
As per the Companies Act, if the Company fails to comply with the legal provisions, then the Central Government will cancel the License for Section 8 Company. If the Company’s objectives are conducted fraudulently or in violation of the objectives for which it is established, the license can be canceled. In case a Company fails to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, then the Company will be punishable with a fine not less than Rs. 10 lakhs & may extend to Rs. 1 crore. The Officers & Directors of the Company in default of the provisions will be punishable with a fine not less than Rs. 25,000 which may extend to Rs. 25 lakhs or both.
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the-greatwar · 6 months
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Reginald, known as Reggie, was the eldest son of William (Bill) Stenning and his wife Emily
Stenning nee Gander. He was born in late 1891 and baptised here on 01/11/1891. His father was a
gardener and the family lived at Treeps Cottage. He is listed at home on both the 1901 and 1911
censuses when he was a baker’s assistant.
Reggie’s papers have recently been digitised but form part of the ‘burnt documents’ severely
damaged in an incendiary attack on the repository during WW2. Reggie’s papers are missing large
sections. It is possible to work out that he joined the 1/1st Sussex (Fortress) Reserve of the Royal
Engineers as a sapper on 16/11/1914 and was numbered T224, the ‘T’ indicating this was a Territorial
unit. This unit was based in Newhaven and their role was local defence. As the dangers of invasion
receded six engineer units formed the 1/1st Sussex Army Troops Company, RE. With their specialist
knowledge they left England on board the Empress of India arriving at Le Havre on 20/03/1915
joining the British Expeditionary Force at Etaples. At some point Reginald was raised to Lance
Corporal and, although the date cannot be read, it is most likely to have been before he entered
France. The Company was employed building accommodation for the arriving troops and hospitals
and roads around Etaples. They were moved to Vimy Ridge in May of 1916. Here their role was to
extend the deep dugout and tunnel systems under the ridge. One of their innovations was to construct
a ropeway slung from the roof to carry the spoil out to the surface. This system was later adopted by
other units. They also built concrete machine gun positions, and if that were not enough, some of
them, reportedly, helped the local farmers with their harvest.
In late 1916 a reorganisation of troop numbering of the Territorial Forces was undertaken. Six figure
numbers were allocated and the Sussex Fortress men were given numbers starting at 545001 on 01/
02/1917. Reggie was renumbered 545119. Just two days before this Reggie was hit in the leg by a
shell splinter. He was taken to 45 Casualty Clearing Station based at ‘Edgehill’ near Dernancourt but
died the following day. He is buried in the Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension in grave IV.
H. 8. He is remembered on both local war memorials.
Grave B102 in the South Avenue Cemetery holds a member of the Stenning family. In 1920 an Act of
Remembrance laid flowers on the graves of all servicemen who had died. Reginald is mentioned in
the newspaper article and it is possible that flowers were laid here. There is no stone.
Reginald, bekend als Reggie, was de oudste zoon van William (Bill) Stenning en zijn vrouw Emily Stenning - Gander. Hij werd eind 1891 geboren en gedoopt op 01/11/1891. Zijn vader was een tuinman en het gezin woonde in Treeps Cottage. Hij staat vermeld op zowel de 1901 als de 1911 gehouden volkstellingen toen hij bakkersknecht was. Reggie's papieren zijn onlangs gedigitaliseerd, maar zijn ernstig beschadigd bij een brandbomaanval op de opslagplaats tijdens WO2. Van Reggie's papieren ontbreken groot gedeelten. Het is mogelijk om eruit op te maken dat hij zich aansloot bij de 1/1st Sussex (Fortress) Reserve van de Royal Genie als sappeur op 16/11/1914 en was genummerd T224, de 'T' gaf aan dat dit een Territorial eenheid was. Deze eenheid was gestationeerd in Newhaven en hun rol was vooral lokale verdediging. Toen de gevaren van een invasie afnamen werden zes genie-eenheden gevormd in de 1/1st Sussex Army Troops Company, RE. Ze verlieten Engeland aan boord van de Empress of India, waar ze op 20/03/1915 in Le Havre aankwamen en zich aansluiten bij de British Expeditionary Force in Etaples. Op een gegeven moment werd Reginald gepromoveerd tot Lance Korporaal en, hoewel de datum niet kan worden achterhaald, is het zeer waarschijnlijk dat het was voordat hij Frankrijk binnenkwam. De compagnie werd ingezet voor het bouwen van accommodatie voor de aankomende troepen en ziekenhuizen en wegen rond Etaples. Ze werden in mei 1916 verplaatst naar Vimy Ridge. Hier was het hun taak om diepe dug-outs en tunnelsystemen onder de heuveltoppen te graven. Een van hun innovaties was het bouwen van een kabelbaan die vanaf het dak wordt gebruikt om de specie naar de oppervlakte te brengen. Dit systeem werd later overgenomen door andere eenheden. Ze bouwden ook betonnen mitrailleurstellingen, en alsof dat nog niet genoeg was, naar verluidt hielpen ze de lokale boeren met hun oogst. Eind 1916 werd een reorganisatie van de troepennummering van de Territoriale Strijdkrachten ondernomen. Zes nummers werden toegewezen en de mannen van Sussex Fortress kregen nummers vanaf 545001 op 01/ 02/1917. Reggie werd omgenummerd tot 545119. Slechts twee dagen eerder werd Reggie in zijn been geraakt door een granaatsplinter. Hij werd naar 45 Casualty Clearing Station gebracht, gestationeerd in 'Edgehill' bij Dernancourt, maar overleed de volgende dag. Hij ligt begraven op de Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension in graf IV. H. 8. Hij wordt herdacht op beide lokale oorlogsmonumenten. In 1920 werd in het kader van de herdenking bloemen op de graven van alle gesneuvelde militairen gelegd. Reginald wordt genoemd in het krantenartikel, gewijd aan deze herdenking.
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tailschannel · 1 year
Sonic Speed Simulator developer settles labour complaint amid concerns of discriminatory workplace practices
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Major concerns continue to cloud Gamefam Studios, the developer of Sonic Speed Simulator, after it was uncovered that the company reached a settlement in a legal complaint that claimed abusive labour practices.
The legal complaint
Gamefam retaliated against employees who discussed about their conditions of employment, like wages and working hours, alleged former Ultimate Driving programmer Joshua DeBoer in a legal complaint to the United States Board of Labor Relations in January 2023. It claimed that the studio breached section 8 of the nick-named "Wagner Act", a law meant to protect employees from unfair labour practices.
"I took no pleasure in doing this, and I did it because I want what's best for my coworkers - which is a fair rate of compensation for their work, and proper working conditions."
In a thread on Twitter, DeBoer claimed he was met with "immediate hostility when trying to address working conditions", after a discussion about his rank with the company's CEO, Joe Ferencz. As a result, the programmer was suspended with pay for a week, revoked work communications, and barred to exercise stock options.
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Tails' Channel understands that the case reached a settlement in late March 2023, in that Gamefam agreed to reimburse DeBoer $5,000 USD in unpaid quarterly bonuses, and to publish an internal notice about the protected rights under the National Labor Relations Act.
"We will not in any like or related manner restrain, interfere with, or coerce you in the exercise of your above-stated rights guaranteed under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act," read the notice.
The community reaction
After revoking a temporary ban to all Sonic Speed Simulator discussion, the unofficial Sonic the Hedgehog subreddit community again issued a new ban, permanent this time, until "SEGA decides to partner with a different developer."
"Punishing employees for discussing wages is both illegal and unacceptable," the subreddit's head moderator announced late Tuesday.
Speed Sim staff "caught in the crossfire"
When asked about the Sonic the Hedgehog community's reaction to the settlement, DeBoer told Tails' Channel that he "felt really bad" for the present and past staff members of Speed Simulator.
"They put their hard and soul into the Sonic project to make a great first splash into Roblox with Sonic and SEGA - and it showed," said DeBoer. "And now they're getting caught in the crossfire because of the generalized disdain towards Gamefam as a whole."
No response from the studio
The news followed last year's fallout of widespread allegations of discriminatory labour practices at Gamefam Studios. Sonic Prime voice actor Deven Mack were among those who voiced concerns amid the "#SonicSweatshopSimulator" trend on Twitter.
Gamefam initially denied wrongdoing, and claimed that they loved their teammates and community. The studio has yet to respond to Tails' Channel's attempts for comment.
Update: Portions of the story were tipped by a current Tails' Channel team member. We understand that the member was employed by Gamefam Studios as a community moderator for Sonic Speed Simulator. The contents enclosed were solely those of the individual and no other third party. In all cases, the contents did not influence the writer's editorial decision-making. Steps have been taken to separate the individual from participating in editorial decisions related to Tails' Channel News coverage of Speed Simulator.
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iamvegorott · 1 year
Meeting A Magical Man Pt. 8
Part 1: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
“Remind me to use the bathroom at home before going on a stakeout,” Marvin grunted as he sat back in the passenger seat of Chase’s car. He got his hand sanitizer and used it even more since he didn’t think the bottle left outside the porta-potties was good enough. “Those things are disgusting.”
“They’re not that bad.” Chase shrugged. 
“They smell like shit.” Marvin scrunched his nose. 
“Gotta shit somewhere during the work day.” 
“Why don’t you just go home and do it?” 
“I don’t think the boss would approve of a thirty-minute shit break.” Chase checked the time. It was only a few minutes till who they were waiting for were supposed to arrive. He wasn't sure why he agreed to spy on Yancy and Illinois’ with Marvin, but it seemed fun at the moment, better than staying home alone on a Friday night. 
“Thirty-minutes? You only live less than a five-minute drive from here. It’d be like fifteen tops.” Marvin moved the car’s visor down and checked his hair. 
“How fast do you shit?” Chase asked with a laugh.
“How slow do you?” 
“Can we stop talking about shit while I am on the phone with you?” Henrik’s voice came out of the car’s speaker. Chase had connected his phone to the car and used it for the call.
“Sorry, Hen,” Chase said. Marvin rolled his eyes and worked on braiding a section of his hair that was being difficult. 
“I still can not believe Marvin set up a date for those two.” Henrik playfully scoffed. 
“Not a date. I’m setting it up so they at least fuck, and if the two end up dating, that’s not on me.” Marvin clicked his tongue. 
“You told him his ‘love’ would have a yellow rose, not a ‘good fuck’.” Chase pointed out. 
“They both give off that energy of needing some sort of connection before going to town, and I figured I’d give an extra little push since they are both clearly crushing on each other.” Marvin used some magic to create a little plastic band to tie off the end of his braid. 
“For someone who does not like relationships, you are determined to have this one go well.” Henrik teased. 
“Just because I’m not looking for anything like that doesn’t mean I won’t help others if it makes them happy.” Marvin started another braid to match the other side of his head. 
“Since when did you care about making others happy without payment?” Henrik’s voice had a sing-song tone to it.
“I’m a bitch with priorities, not an asshole that never cares.” Marvin huffed. “Acting like I don’t do you favors because I want to.” 
“We have known each other for over a decade. I would hope that you at least somewhat like me.” Henrik chuckled.
“I’d like you more if you grew a pair and sucked Edward’s-”
“Stop it!” 
“You’d be able to get all that stress out if you’d bend over and-”
“I am going to hang up.” 
“There’s Ills.” Chase stopped the argument and pointed out where Illinois’ car was parking across the lot. 
“Of course, he has a convertible.” Marvin giggled a little and was tying off his other braid. 
“He owns several companies. He’s got the money to spare,” Chase said. 
“We’re getting Yancy, a sugar daddy? He owes me for sure now.” Marvin picked up the binoculars from Chase’s lap and peeked through them. “I don’t need one. I have enough to be a sugar daddy on my own, but it still sounds fun to be spoiled.” He watched Illinois get out of his car, dressed up somewhat nicely. “Although, how I like getting spoiled differs from most people’s ideas.”
“You’re talking about sex again, aren’t you?” Henrik asked with an annoyed groan. 
“Yep.” Marvin popped the ‘p’ and kept watching. “There’s Yancy.” He handed Chase the binoculars. 
“That is one yellow flower,” Chase commented when he looked through and saw Yancy making his way down the sidewalk. “What about his curfew? Doesn’t he have to be home by nine? If this does work out how you want it to, won’t that ankle thing go off?” 
“Not unless he has special permission because he’s doing charity work~” Marvin tapped at his cheek to play up a fake innocent act.
“I don’t think…you did something with magic, didn’t you?”
“You’re going to get in trouble.” Chase chuckled.
“He has before,” Henrik commented.
“It’s fine. I know what I’m doing.” Marvin waved a hand. “Now, are they making out yet?” 
“They just saw each other.” Chase passed the binoculars back so Marvin could look again. 
“And Illinois looks flustered as fuck, perfect. Who knew a little twist of faith could get someone to go for it? Oh wait, I did.” Marvin grinned and tried to adjust the binoculars to see better. “I can see Yancy’s blush from here. It’s cute how he gets so worked up with just little things. Reminds me of you.” He teased and lowered the binoculars so he could wink before looking right back through them. 
“Well-I wouldn’t-I wouldn’t say that-uh-” Chase fumbled a bit. 
“And there’s a kiss!” Marvin cheered. “Damn, I’m good at this wingman stuff. Henrik, you’re next.”
“I am not next, do not get me involved in that.” Henrik protested.
“Talk to you later, bye-bye~” Marvin pressed ‘end call’ on the car’s screen. 
“I can’t believe that worked.” Chase chuckled as he turned the car on, hoping they were far enough away that it wouldn’t spook Yancy and Illinois too much. 
“Nice. You just made Yancy nearly jump into Illinois’ arms. It also caused the ‘protective side’ to jump out of Illinois. Oh yeah, they’re definitely fucking tonight. I can place bets on how it’s going to go. Twenty bucks on Yancy having a praise kink.”  
“Having a what?” Chase felt his face going a bit warm. 
“You have it too, big time.” 
“I don’t have that. I don’t have any kinks. I’m just-”
“Bullshit, you don’t. I called you a good boy, and you-”
“Okay, okay, okay, point given.” Chase buckled his seat belt. 
“I can prove the point again tonight~” Marvin purred his offer, getting a kick out of seeing Chase blushing deeply. “All this hard work sure has me thirsty~” 
“You want to get a drink first? We can stop by…you’re talking about the other kind, aren’t you?”
“Yes, darling, I am.” Marvin giggled and playfully tapped the bill of Chase’s hat. “It’s been a few days. Want to play again?” 
“Yes.” Chase cleared his throat, his excitement causing his voice to squeak. 
“You are just too cute. Let’s go to your place this time.” Marvin hummed and gently rubbed at the top of Chase’s back. 
“Okay, buckle up, and we’ll go.” Chase leaned back against Marvin’s touch. 
“Really?” Marvin giggled. 
“The car doesn’t go unless we’re all secured, I’ll turn it off, and we’ll stay here all night.” Chase chuckled his ‘threat’. 
“If your backseat was a little bigger I wouldn’t complain.” Marvin squeezed Chase’s shoulder but did move away to put his seatbelt on. Chase had been the same when he picked him up earlier. He also noticed how careful Chase’s driving was, almost overly cautious. Everyone has something they’re like that with, so Marvin wasn’t one to judge. “Alright, I’m strapped in.” 
“Good.” Chase gave a big smile and started driving off.
Marvin often preferred to go to his own place to play but had another motive for wanting to go to Chase’s. Yes, for the fun night, they would have, but he also wanted a peek around. He’s been dwelling on who in the world Stacy is. He could look it up on the internet, but there were so many results for the name alone, and he wasn’t in the mood to dig like that. He liked getting his hands dirty, and the best way to find out which Stacy was a part of Chase’s life would be to look around where he lived. If she was important, even if it’s been years since whatever caused her to no longer be an emergency contact, there had to be something lingering behind. 
He will find out who Stacy is. 
Tags: @brokentimewatch @bookwormscififan @d-structive @rainymae523
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